24th Annual WITC-Superior Foundation Golf Tournament
24th Annual WITC-Superior Foundation Golf Tournament
24th Annual WITC-Superior Foundation Golf Tournament Friday, August 5, 2016 Nemadji Golf Course, Superior WI 5 Person, 18-Hole Scramble Registration & Check In starting at 10:30 a.m. Shotgun Start at 11:30 a.m. Dinner & Awards Banquet to follow WITC Golf Tournament 2016 - Contribution/Sponsor/Registration Form Registration Form Sponsorship and Donations To receive recognition in the brochure sponsorships need to be in by 08/01/16! Company/Individual Name: Company/Individual Name: Address: Contact Name: City/State/Zip: Address: Phone or email: $375 team of 5 or $75 individual I qualify for the Season Pass Holder discount GENERAL PRICING: $375 a team; $75 individual NEMADJI SEASON PASS HOLDERS: Receive a $25 discount - Must provide Season Pass Number at the time of registration I would like to reserve an additional cart Golfer 1 Name: green fees, two carts, lunch, dinner, registration packet, prizes and team photo! SPECIAL EVENTS: Tee Board Countdown & Bucket Raffles Drive for a Drive 50/50 A Chance to Win $500 Cash Mulligans And More For more information contact... Jasmin Burt at 715.394.6677x6323 or jasmin.burt@witc.edu To Register... Complete the entry form, detach and return with payment to: WITC-Superior Golf Tournament Attn: Jasmin Burt 600 North 21st St., Superior, WI 54880 Fax: 715.394.3771 MAKE CHECKS PAYABLE TO: WITC Foundation HDCP: Phone or email: Sponsorship Levels: (check all that apply) $550 Donation (Corporate Sponsor) Please email logo to jasmin.burt@witc.edu • Complimentary golf team (5 players) • $250 named scholarship (designated with your input) • Hole sponsorship • Name and logo to appear all over the course Team Information Phone or email: ENTRY FEE INCLUDES: City/State/Zip: Season Pass # (If appl): $125 Donation (Hole/Tee Board Sponsor) To include a logo, please email jasmin.burt@witc.edu • Hole sponsorship • Tee Board sponsorship • Name to appear in program Golfer 2 Name: Phone or email: HDCP: Season Pass # (If appl): Golfer 3 Name: Phone or email: HDCP: Season Pass # (If appl): Golfer 4 Name: $25 Donation (Tee Board Sponsor) • Tee Board sponsorship • Name to appear in program Prize or Monetary Donation • Name to appear in program Prize or Monetary Amount Donated: I will mail/deliver prizes to WITC Phone or email: HDCP: Please call to arrange pick up Season Pass # (If appl): Phone or email: HDCP: Other Dinner & Special Events Only ($15 per person) Reserve additional dinner(s) Golfer 5 Name: Season Pass # (If appl): Total Enclosed: $ Please make checks payable to: WITC Foundation The WITC Foundation is a 501(c)3 tax-exempt organization. Your gifts are deductible as provided by law. Total Enclosed: $