Open Spring 2015 Newsletter - Alpha Omega Epsilon


Open Spring 2015 Newsletter - Alpha Omega Epsilon
Alpha Omega Epsilon Sorority
Spring 2015
This Spring at Delta
Spring Sisterhood
The sisters of Alpha Omega Epsilon Delta Chapter are
relieved to have summer finally here! This spring semester, sisters were kept occupied with tons of homework, sisterhood events, and wishing for the long summer months of relaxation.
This semester we took the time to forge stronger sisterly bonds by having a greater focus on sisterhood
events. We started to have sister suppers, where we
would all gather together once every few weeks to talk,
or do a bonding event in a pressure free zone. Since
we decided not to have a candidate class this semester some recruitment events were changed into sister
bonding time, like the cookie decorating event; in the
end we all wound up eating cookies and generally having a good time.
We participated in St. Pat’s events, the school-wide
celebration of the Patron Saint of Engineers; we
reached out to the MSOE community by providing
some exterior excursions and putting on numerous
fundraisers; and we tried to hang out with each other
more in order to not only be better sisters, but better
Take a look at our past couple months; we hope you
enjoy hearing about our semester, and hope that your
chapter’s was just as great!
Lyzzi Brooks
Overall over the course of this semester we greatly
increased our sisterly bonds, and have became better
friends with each other.
Lauren Hutson
Table of Contents
Spring Sisterhood...1
Sister Day Away...2
Fall Candidates...2
Learn To...2
St. Pats3
Student Leadership Dinner...4
DSP and A.O.E. Cookout...4
Holiday Party...4
UWM Planetarium Outing...5
A.O.E.’s Excellent Adventure...5
Where Are We This Summer?......6
Executive Board...6
Delta at the Engineering O’lympics, part of St. Pats Week
This spring quarter our ranks have increased to fourteen amazing sisters.
However, we found out that with fourteen amazing sisters came a wide diversity of interests and hobbies. We
decided that in order to learn more our
sisters, we would start doing Learn-To
presentations at our weekly sister
Rachel’s Learn-To: meeting her horses at Sister Day Away!
Fall Candidate Initiates
This fall term five candidates were initiated into the Delta chapter of Alpha
Omega Epsilon. The five sisters who were initiated were Britney Bembenek, Alexandra (Allie) Delonay, Rachel Fleisner, Kaitlyn Wolf, and Jasmine Wood. These
sisters worked hard, earned their way into the sorority, and they all fit in well with
the original sisters. There was not a spring candidate class due to the need for
building stronger bonds between sisters. However, hopefully next year we will be
able to gain more candidates.
The fall class candidates were fun, intelligent, and had excellent team work skills.
Britney Bembenek is a manager at McDonalds and an Electrical Engineering commuter who joined A.O.E. for the sisterhood, to meet new people, volunteer, and to
have fun. In her free time she likes to play video games, read, watch Netflix, and
listen to music.
Allie Delonay is a Civil Engineering student. Allie joined A.O.E. for the sisterhood
as well. In her free time she likes to draw, read, and play Dungeons and Dragons.
Rachel Fleisner is a BioMolecular Engineering student. She joined A.O.E. because of the sisters who were so welcoming and friendly as well as wanting to
meet new people. Rachel enjoys outdoor activities like camping and biking but her
favorite is horseback riding.
Kaitlyn Wolf is a Biomedical Engineering student. She has a mechanical engineering internship at Smiths Medical for this summer. Kaitlyn joined A.O.E. for the
sisterhood. In her free time she enjoys watching Netflix, reading, and socializing
with friends.
Jasmine Wood is a BioMolecular Engineering student. She works as a receptionist
in RCAS and TRIO, and is also a testing proctor. She joined A.O.E. because the
sorority made her feel welcomed and she just knew she was a good fit. Jasmine
enjoys knitting, going outside, and learning new things in her free time.
These sisters fit in very well and we are happy that they joined. Hopefully in
the future we can continue finding candidates like these five. This way we can
continue growing and still keep the strong bonds of sisterhood that we currently
Rachel Fleisner
A Learn-To is a talk or presentation
given by a sister about a topic that is
important to her. It can be an informational, a tutorial, or just something that
they would truly like to share about
themselves. We have learned about
how to care for horses, Habitat for Humanity, frisbee golf, video game development, and personal connections
involving faith and stuffed animals.
Every presentation that we have received has been amazing and have
given us an insight to a side of a sister’s life that we might not have known
about. It’s a unique opportunity to help
our sisterhood to grow and strengthen
our everlasting bonds.
Erin Heinz
Sister Day Away
For our spring sister day away, we
decided to spend it at our sister
Rachel’s house. In the evening,
sisters had a great time scrapbooking, chatting, eating sweets and
staying up late playing board
In the morning, we packed lunches
and took a trip to Rachel’s farm
where she introduced us to her
A great weekend of sister bonding
was had by all.
Lyzzi Brooks
This semester, the sisters
at the Delta Chapter of
Alpha Omega Epsilon did
a lot of philanthropic
events. We volunteered
at the Ronald McDonald
House serving the residents meals, walked the
MS Walk, volunteered at
the Wisconsin Humane
Society, wrote letters to
women diagnosed with
cancer, and did senior
box packing at the Hunger Task Force.
A really fun and laborious
event that we did was
spreading mulch at the
Wisconsin Humane Society for the dog pens. It
was fun to spend the day
helping out a great organization. We also got to
see the animals at the
Humane Society, which
was fun. Overall, it was a
great experience to volunteer with them and we
hope we can come back
in the future to help out.
Abby Heiller
Spreading mulch at the Wisconsin Humane Society
This year the sisters of the Alpha Omega Epsilon Delta chapter ran multiple fundraising events.
One of the earliest fundraisers this year was the valentine origami kiss boxes!
They were a blast for the sisters to make as well as to sell. Everyone on campus
really enjoyed this fundraiser and the girls sold out multiple times throughout the
day, raising a total of $130!
Another successful fundraiser was the Classy Girl Cupcakes. The sisters would
give Classy Girl $1.25 of each cupcake, and could return whatever cupcakes
weren’t sold. The best part, was that it took place on the Friday before Mother’s
Day. We got nice take home containers that customers could put them in, and
give them to their moms, if they chose. It was a great event! We sold 167 cupcakes. Because it was never done before at MSOE, we think this is something
that we will also continue to do at different points in the year.
This year has been a blast creating the fundraisers and making the items. However, not only did the sisters just do general fundraisers. They also participated in
the first ever (on the MSOE campus) SMASH MS fundraiser! This event was held
in the end of the sister spring quarter and a few sisters were involved in organizing
and running the event. This event is an annual event and the sisters are excited to
participate more in making sure the event runs smoother in the future!
Jasmine Wood and Libby Donohew
St. Pats
We took a trip to Wonderland this year for our St. Pats celebration and had a mad blast. With the theme of Alice O’Wonderland, the sisters came together for a week of celebration
with a scavenger hunt, carnival, Cinna-bonfire, costume contest, and more.
We collected an astonishing 40+ lbs of pop tabs to donate to
the Ronald McDonald house and a bunch of food for MSOE’s
very own food pantry. In the end we danced it off at the annual St. Pats Dance and celebrated our 6th place overall victory. So proud of all the sisters.
Kaitlyn Wolf
St. Pat’s Dance
Student Leadership
On May 6th this year some of the sisters attended
the yearly Student Leadership Dinner. As every
year, the food (but most importantly the bread) was
fantastic. The key note speaker this year talked to
us about starting our own business. It was very educational.
Many sisters were up for an award this year, including Lyzzi Brooks for Student Employee of the Year,
Libby Donohew and Amber Kent for Greek of the
Year, Libby Donohew and Abby Heiller for the Daniel E. Sahs Memorial Award for Service, and Emily Savela and Libby
Donohew for the Thomas W. Davis Student Leadership Award. Elizabeth Donohew was the only one who received an
award, the Award for Service. Congratulations Libby for your award in community service. We hope to see you at many
volunteering events next year.
Ashley Ksioszk
DSP and A.O.E. Chilling
On April 25th, 2015, two Greek organizations decided to come
together in what was to become the coldest cookout event ever. As the girls of Alpha Omega Epsilon traveled back from
their sister day away, tired and exhausted, they thought about
how the cookout was going to go. Many girls feared the cold
wind whipping through the streets of downtown Milwaukee
would freeze them in their stride. Even so, they gathered together on the Athletic Field and awaited the brothers of Delta
Sigma Phi.
As the girls unloaded the chips and dessert, they awaited for
the grill to arrive. Many of the girls formed small huddles to
help block out the chilling wind, and some even huddled under
a blanket that one of the sisters brought.
Finally, the food was announced ready, and all rushed over to
get a hot dog or a burger. Everyone sat huddled on the picnic
table eating their food. What some did not realize, was that the
wind was still strong as ever, as they picked up their hot dog or
burger to eat, their plates, chips and all, would fly away into the
wind and scatter the ground. Some complained and whined out
about their food, some just laughed and grabbed more food.
All in all, the event was chilly and windy, but everyone survived
and even had some laughs along the way. It was a fun event
for the sisters of A.O.E. and the brothers of DSP, and once
over, everyone hurried to pack up and made comments about
how we all thought it was going to be warm at this time of the
year and that is why we planned it for this date. We can all look
back and laugh at how we made stronger Greek bonds between orgs, and between each other as we laughed, shivered,
and huddled the afternoon away together.
Amber Kent
As the food had begun to cook, some of the girls decided to
join in on the elaborate game of Bocce Ball that was beginning.
As some girls joined together in forces with some of the DSP
brothers, the battle began. Between shivers and teeth chattering, the balls were tossed, thrown, and lobbed in the various
Holiday Party
During the beginning of the spring semester, we held a
holiday party in the APC. Sisters and alumni, new and old,
gathered together for food, fun, and conversation. The
new sisters got to know some of the alumni and everyone was able to participate in a holiday gift exchange. Overall, the
event was an extremely fun time and everyone got to celebrate the holiday season together while growing in sisterhood.
Brittney Bembenek
UWM Planetarium Outing
This year, MSOE Student Life
started the “Raiders of the Weekend” initiative. The idea is that
there would be something going
on every day of every weekend.
The events that student organizations put on would be the focus,
or “main event” of the weekend.
For our event, we decided to
sponsor a trip to the UWM Planetarium. We had signups for a bus
outside of Student Life, and had it
free for students. There were
about 50 people that signed up.
On the day of, 36 people came
with us. It was a great event! We
learned about constellations, and
got to view the night sky from
Milwaukee. We also got to learn
about the Northern Lights. It was
a very cool experience, and everyone that went was extremely
excited to have gone with us.
This is most definitely an event
that we would love to sponsor
Libby Donohew
A.O.E.’s Excellent Adventure
To truly understand the fabulousness of these badly taken selfies pictured above, you must travel back to the time and place in
which they were born.
It was nearing the end of Winter Quarter, with the hope of some possible light in the distance, when the sisters of A.O.E. decided
that it would be a wonderful idea to hold St. Pats workdays during Tenth Week. Tenth Week is a time where the exceptionally
sleep-deprived and borderline insane should not meet together lest the ridiculous ensue. Nevertheless, a few sisters were able
to show up to the St. Pat’s workdays for Alice O’Wonderland. We did some painting, some lobbying for the continued existence
of an orca whale, some organizing of ideas, some planning of games, and a whole lot of being ridiculous and having fun together as sisters should. We also learned that Abby does not like cake or oreos or lots of things, which shall one day be listed in an
illustrated children’s book, but that is a tale for another day.
The tale of today is what happened after these fabulously productive workdays. To set the scene further, it was mid-February, a
time in Milwaukee where the wind is particularly brutal and the air chilling to the bone, so the walk from the CC to our residences
was not an inviting prospect. Thus, a brilliant idea was born: we should ride the shuttle bus and take advantage of the newly
extended hours. After a few failed calls, we finally reached the dispatcher who tried to hide her annoyance at our laughing request to ride the shuttle from the CC to RWJ. The shuttle arrived out front promptly and thus began our fabulous ride. We seriously could not stop laughing the whole time and took some really bad selfies, but the memories made that day were irreplaceable. Also, the shuttle driver was a good sport and we are pretty sure he was glad to have something to do. Now you understand
the background of these photos and can enjoy them as informed viewers.
Never forget to make the most of the moment because even mundane things can be made fantastic by the people you share
them with. <3
Heather Dotson
Where Are We This Summer?
This summer, every sister is off working somewhere , whether it be at an internship or a job. On top of that, over a third of the Delta Chapter is working out of
Executive Board
Introducing next year’s
Executive Board! Next year,
Delta Chapter will have a brand
new Executive Board, with new
sisters in every position. Officer
transitions have begun, and
these lovely ladies are excited
to be leaders of the sorority!
Current: Abby Heiller
Incoming: Amanda Stoecker
Vice President
Current: Lyzzi Brooks
Incoming: Jasmine Wood
Current: Amanda Stoecker
Incoming: Brittney Bembenek
Sisters will be experiencing great opportunities at companies such as:
Blue Springs Farm
Smiths Medical Rockwell Automation
3D Molecular Designs
MSOE Graduate Center
RokkinCat, LLC
Direct Supply
MSOE Student Life
Hersolf Opticians
GE Healthcare
Management at McDonalds .
REU at University of Lincoln Nebraska
Current: Erin Heinz
Incoming: Ashley Ksioszk
Membership Educator
Current: Amber Kent
Incoming: Rachel Fleisner
A.O.E. and PDC Playdough recruitment event
This year, the website team significantly improved the
chapter’s website. Now, viewers can find information
about the Delta chapter like past newsletters, philanthropy pictures, and recruitment events.
and passive sister, and the number of alumnae pages
are growing! In the future, we hope to add full sister
trees that link to sister’s pages.
Take a look at our website at
If you have any suggestions, send them to
Our favorite additions are the sister and alumni feature!
pages, where we have quick facts about every active
Have a great summer, see you at Convention! Love from Delta Chapter