3 - Ultimo Paradiso


3 - Ultimo Paradiso
Your ultimate lifestyle retreat in paradise
Vol. VIII No. 3, 2013
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photo by sonny tumbelaka
www.ultimoparadiso.com - Indonesia Tourism News
Vol. VIII No. 3, 2013
Dewantoro Umbu Joka
Tonny Wijadjanto
Home for Bali Starling
Tri Wibowo
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Jalak Bali Bird
photo by spc
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photo by spc
est Bali National Park (TNBB) is located in two districts in Bali, Buleleng and
Jembrana, Bali Province. The forest is
composed of gently sloping terrain (mostly flat),
rather steep, and “embraced” by four mountains,
namely Mount Prapat Agung, Mount Banyuwedang, Klatakan Mountain, and the highest is
Mount Sangiang.
TNBB beauty is enhanced by four islands,
namely Menjangan Island which covers about
175 hectare areas, Burung Island, Gadung Island and Kalong Island. Not only surrounded by
mountains and islands, there are also many rivers found in TNBB such as Labuan Lalang River, Teluk Terima River, Trenggulun River, Bajra
or Klatakan River, Melaya River, and Sangiang
Gede River.
The park is located at the western end of the
island of Bali; about 2 Kilometers from Gilimanuk
Crossing Harbour. It can be reached by land
transportation in about 3 hours from Denpasar.
Bali Starling, the Prima Donna
The main attraction of TNBB is the Bali starling
(Leucopsar rothchildi), which is also one of the
endangered birds.
Bali Starling was first discovered by Dr. Baron
Stressmann a British ornithologist on March 24,
1911. On his recommendation, Dr. Baron Victor
Von Plessenn conducted advanced research (in
1925) and found the spread of Bali Starling birds
from Bubunan to Gilimanuk. In 1928 five Bali
starlings were brought to Britain and successfully
bred in 1931. Sandiego Zoo in the United States
bred the Bali Starling in 1962.
Since 1966, the IUCN (International Union for
Conservation of nature and Natural Resources)
have included Bali starling in the Red Data Book,
the book that contains the type of flora and fauna
that are endangered. Also in the CITES (Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of wild fauna and flora) Bali starling is listed
in Appendix I, the group threatened with extinction and are prohibited to be traded.
The gorgeous with local name of Curik Putin is
classified as endemic species of Bali, animal that
can only e found on the island of Bali (currently
only in the West Bali National Park). In wildlife,
it never encountered in any hemisphere in the
world. Thus, the Provincial Government of Bali
makes it an icon (animal symbols) of Bali Province.
The beauty of Bali Starling is drawn from the
majority of white clean feathers it has, except
for the tail feathers and wing tip are black. Then
its eyes are dark brown, with the bare blue skin
around the eyelids. Both male and female Bali
starling has beautiful crest, grey legs with 4 fingers (1 back and 3 forward as well as a long
pointy beak measuring 2-5 cm.
Rather difficult to distinguish between the male
and female of Bali starling, as both are equally
beautiful. It’s just that in general the males slightly larger and has a longer crest.
Breeding season of Bali Starling, which has
bluish-green and oval-shaped eggs with an average diameter of 2-3 cm, is between November
and May.
Recent habitat of Bali Starling in the West Bali
National Park contained is only in Prapat Agung
peninsula (exactly in Brumbun Bay and Kelor
Bay). This is interesting because in the annals of
the spread of Bali Starling, they never get to the
area of Bubunan - Singaraja (about 50 kms east
of TNBB).
TNBB is also home to seven species of mammals, two types of reptilians, 105 species of bird,
120 species of fish, and more. Some of the wildlife we may have never heard, because they are
protected species, endangered or even species
that can only be found in Bali. They include the
ant eater (manis javanicus) which in Balinese
language called Kesih, jelarang or Kapan-kapan
(ratufa bicolor), Kueuk (felis marmorata), deer
(Cervus timorensis), Bos javanicus or bull, rider
turtle (Lepidochelys olivceae) , and so on.
Ecosystem paradise
Based on altitude, the TNBB area is divided
into two ecosystems, namely the Terrestrial Ecosystems and Marine Ecosystems.
Terrestrial Ecosystems include: mangrove forest, beach forest ecosystems, coastal forest ecosystems, seasonal forest ecosystems, lowland
rain forest ecosystem, evergreen ecosystem, savanna ecosystems, and River Rain Forest Ecosystem. While the Marine Ecosystems include
Coral Reef Ecosystems, Sea grass Ecosystems,
sandy beach ecosystems, Shallow Sea waters
ecosystem, and Deep Sea Ecosystems.
Diverse ecosystems that exist in TNBB also allow different types of rare flora to live in peace,
longevity, and protected. The names of these
rare floras are certainly unfamiliar to us as well
as the shapes.
The types of flora protected in TNBB include
bayur (Pterospermum diversifolium), burahol
(steleochocarpus burahol), barnacles (sterculia
feotida), kesambi (schleichera oleosa), Kruing
bunga (diptecocaus hasseltii), mundu (garcinia dulcis), Pulai (Alstonia scolaris), and many
Isn’t it beautiful? So no need to think twice, let’s
visit TNBB! ***
Vol. VIII No. 3, 2013
industry players who want to introduce their
tourism products to the international sphere.
The event featured the best destinations of
Indonesia, including special interest tourism
destinations and the best tourist facilities in
the country.
Padang, West Sumatra chosen as the
venue of TIME 2013 due to the easy connectivity through Minangkabau International
Airport to Kuala Lumpur in Malaysia and
Singapore. The committee of TIME 2013
has also decided that each year, TIME will
be held in different places to promote other
provinces that also have tourism potentials.
TIME 2012 was able to attract 83 buyers
from 28 countries, while 74 brands from Indonesia participated to introduce new products of Indonesia tourism to the international
world. (*)
Angklung Musical Orchestra to Enliven Canberra’s
100th Anniversary
Indonesia Could Be
Jazz Base in Asia
tivated with a number of compositions that
were played softly. The group led by Pakde
Gito, Indonesian humanist who lives in Australia, managed to attract visitors to visit the
Indonesia pavilion.
“Indonesian performance became livelier
when the Ukulele Orchestra of Indonesia
(OUI) presented a number of Indonesian
and foreign songs such as Stambul Chacha, Tanah Air, and I’m Yours. OUI became
more charming when Billy, a student from
Papua amazed the audiences with his golden voice. Even the audience were swaying
and singing along, “he said.
After several musical performances in
Indonesian pavilion, the audiences turned
their attention to the main stage where a
Balinese dance “Baris” was performed by
I Gede Eka Riadi. The dance performance
has exposed the audience to the magical
touch of Bali Island. (*)
Bali’s Businessmen Urge Formulation of Bali Tourism Zoning Area
ity Government of Pekalongan, Central Java will hold
Batik Fashion Night in April, to popularize the batik to
the national and international level.
Regional Secretary of Pekalongan City, Dwi Arie Putranto
said that there will be collaboration between batik fashion
designers and batik entrepreneurs in Batik Fashion Night.
“In order to promote Pekalongan as the ‘City of Batik’,
fashion designers and batik entrepreneurs have expressed
their readiness to hold Batik Fashion Night,” he said.
Batik Fashion Night which will be held at the Jetayu field
is also partly an attempt to enliven the 107th anniversary of
Pekalongan city.
“We will give appreciation to batik fashion designer and
entrepreneur who have been playing an active role in efforts
to enliven the 107th anniversary of Pekalongan,” he said.
ntrepreneurs in Bali asked the
government to formulate zoning
area for tourism industry in the
island given the limited availability of
land and the need for the development of
public facilities.
Dewa Putu Selawa, Chairman of Real
Estate Indonesia (REI) of Bali, said the
issue regarding the limited space for development in Bali has made clear development zoning regulations is demanded
to take effect immediately.
“There should be clear regulations governing in which areas should buildings be
established, and in which area the green
zone is. In addition, a special zone must
also be applied to prepare the construction site of vital places such as hospitals
and colleges, “he said.
Moreover, he said that the government
must ensure and regulate the presence of
the above development. That is the function of the regulator. Related to the presence of foreign investors, Bali still needs
them for partner. Foreign investors are
able to be a contender for local players to
hone the ideal concept for development.
“At least, local entrepreneurs can be
more advanced and human resources
can always make improvement. Even so,
the presence of foreign investors needs
to be bound by strict rules. Do not let foreigners with unclear job living in Bali. The
presence of foreign investors should not
be disadvantageous to the country, “he
He added that, currently the main problem experienced by local entrepreneurs,
is the lack of socialization of the land use
for green zone. There are still many people who do not realize that the land they
bought is green zone. (* / Ant)
photo by spc
ngklung group from Canberra,
Awivadya, presented the song of
Dancing Queen has successfully
received applause and appreciation from
Australian public and the international
community in celebration of the 100th
anniversary of Canberra, the capital of
Director, projecting Indonesia at the 100th
anniversary of the city of Camberra, Yasmi
Adriansyah said the main appearance of Indonesian art and culture was perfected with
the presence of Awivadya that also played
the song of Happy Birthday and Manuk
Dadali. Group angklung Angklung The Angklung performance received many compliments, including from Cole, the main stage
sound engineer.
“In celebration of 100 years of Canberra,
the Indonesia pavilion occupied a prime
spot in the side of Lake Burley Griffin in the
center of Canberra. Led by the Australian
Indonesian – Language School Association
(AILSA) and fully facilitated by the Embassy
in Canberra and supported by the Indonesian diaspora in Australia, Indonesia pavilion featured the beauty traditional batik and
Indonesian culture, “he said.
He added that the performance of the
gamelan ensemble of Indonesian Embassy
in Canberra also makes the audience cap-
photo by spc
inistry of Tourism and Creative
Economy officially announced that
Tourism Indonesia Mart & Expo
2013 (TIME 2013) will be held in Padang,
West Sumatra. The annual event held by the
international tourism sector and supported
by the entire tourism industry in Indonesia
has been successful in becoming media to
attract foreign tourists to Indonesia.
TIME 2013 brings together local tourism
Pekalongan to Hold
Batik Fashion Night
photo by spc
photo by spc
Padang City prepares to host TIME 2013
Lee Ritenour
exagenarian guitarist Lee Ritenour often performs
at Java Jazz Festival. He said that festival has
experienced positive progress from year-to-year and
Indonesia has become one of the bases of jazz musicians of
the world, especially from the United States to perform here.
“I expect this event to be the largest Jazz event in Asia,
and this is also a consideration for me to often appear every
year in Jakarta Java Jazz Festival. I’m optimistic that Indonesia would be a consideration for future world jazz musician to
be able to hold the show here, “he said,
Lee Ritenour has many musical dimensions, it can be
seen from his track record, which consists not only Jazz as
a whole, but also includes the realm of funk, R & B, pop,
rock, blues and fusion. Besides Lee is prolific musician with
more than 40 releases and engages in at least 3000 sessions since first appeared at the age of 16 years old.
This time, the presence of jazz musicians Lee Ritenour accompanied by his band and a musician named Dave Grusin,
have successfully made hundreds of audiences of Java Jazz
2013 amazed.
“My concert should be a surprise for my fans in Indonesia.
Once again thank you for coming to this amazing festival,
“said Lee Ritenour. (*)
Vol. VIII No. 3, 2013
Hospitality Market is still
promising until 2016
photo by spc
Bali Leather Handicrafts
Export Up 14.07%
Head of the Public Relations Bureau of Bali Provincial
Government I Ketut Teneng said that in terms of volume shipments leather product export grew 148.48%
from 4.1 million pieces in 2011 to 10.40 million pieces
in 2012.
“Leather products contribute 3.01% of the total exports of Bali to the US that worth U.S. $ 481.83 million
during 2012, down 3.22% compared to the previous
year at U.S. $ 497.86 million. The leather products of
skilled hands Balinese craftsmen, among others, jackets, shoes, bags, and belts have become one of the 17
types of household crafts that penetrate the export market, “he said.
He also said that various types of leather products
were made to the design in such a way, according to the
taste of foreign consumers. Japanese market absorbs
28.31% leather product exports from Bali, the highest
compared to the 10 shipping destination countries of
Bali’s leather products.
“After Japan, the next position is Singapore by 19.70%,
U.S. 7.03%, Australia 6.37%, Hong Kong 0.43%, and
Thailand2.03%,” he said.
He added that, in addition, the UK market contributes
0.73%, France 3.05%, Germany 2.29%, Netherlands
9.73%, and the remaining 20.34% is absorbed by other
countries. (* Ant)
Kapuas Holds Arts and
Cultural Festival 2013
photo by spc
ali exported leather handicraft worth U.S. $ 9.67
million during 2012, up significantly by 14.07%
compared to the previous year U.S. $ 8.48 mil-
li Tranghanda, Executive Director of
the Indonesia Property Watch (IPW),
said the trend of property projects has
its own cycle, according to the economic
development of the community. The cycle
begins by commercial projects such as the
shop, after 2-3 years, the cycle switches to
apartments and condominiums.
Several years ago, the trend of office and
industrial sectors started following because
the economic conditions are more favorable.
“It is then followed by hotel development
due to the increased in accommodation
needs. I think in the next 2-3 years the market is still in pretty good condition. However,
it is too late if the developer is going to enter
the hospitality sector this year, as supplies
have been built since 2010 have started to
enter the market in large numbers, “he said.
While Coldwell Banker Indonesia recorded that until 2014, a new supply of budget
hotels in Jabodebek will reach 2,000 rooms,
half of the total new supply. These hotels
usually target businessmen, especially in
the middle level, and students who are on
By the end of 2012, total cumulative sup-
ply of hotel rooms in Jabodebek reached
26,440, of which 39.77% are 4 star, 5 star
is 36.11%, and 24.13% is 3 star. The average occupancy rate for hotels ranges from
Meanwhile, the property research firm
Jones Lang Lasalle Indonesia recorded a
five-star hotel supply in Jakarta is estimated to have additional 2337 to 2014 rooms.
The potential addition of new hotel supply is
mostly located in central Jakarta and South
Jakarta, which serve at the center of business. (*)
epartment of Youth, Sport, Culture and Tourism
Kapuas, Central Kalimantan held Arts and
Cultural Festival of Tingang Menteng Panunjung
Tarung 2013 as a place for local artists to express their
“I on behalf of the Kapuas district government strongly
supports and welcomes the implementation of the festival carried out each year by the Department of Youth,
Sport, Culture and Tourism Kapuas district,” said Assistant I Secretary Kapuas District, Frederik Timbung.
The event was held in line with the series of activities celebrating the anniversary of Kuala Kapuas City
and Kapuas district government. It was attended by
participants from the dance studios and art groups from
schools in Kuala Kapuas. Five contestants participated
in the category of coastal dance festival and 9 contestants in the category of inland dance.
Then for the Festival of Karungut Putra and Putri were
each followed by seven participants performed optional
and compulsory songs.
Frederik said that this activity serves as media for the
participants to have healthy competition, to test as well
as to hone their skills.
In addition it is also expected to encourage interest
and develop the regeneration of talent to get to know
and appreciate the arts and culture as heritage with high
He also said that through this festival, artists are encouraged to produce innovative and creative works of
art in order to achieve progress and quality.
The development of science and technology today,
along with the era of globalization certainly bring positive effects to life as well as negative influence.
“To protect our next generation from moral and cultural
crisis, one of the government’s efforts is through arts and
cultural festival,” said Frederik Timbung. (*)
resident Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono
expects the participation of Indonesia
as a partner country of the German
government in the implementation of the International Tourismus Borse (ITB) in Berlin to
boost the domestic tourism industry.
“I am proud that this year Indonesia became a partner country of this prestigious
tourism exhibition,” SBY said when delivering a speech in the meeting forum of German
businessmen in Berlin.
The President hopes that with the display
of a number of Indonesian tourism potentials
in the exhibition, business community and the
German public will know more about the opportunities and tourism in Indonesia. “In April,
Indonesia will also be a partner country for
the infrastructure and construction exhibition
BAUMA that will be held in Munich,” he said.
President SBY said that the Jakarta Declaration framework of cooperation agreed
upon the Government of Indonesia and Germany some time ago has become basis for
cooperation in various fields between the two
The President explained that the German
entrepreneur has had economic ties with
Indonesia for a long time. For example, Siemens has helped the development of communications in Indonesia since the days
before the independence of Indonesia in the
field of telegraph. “Its first office was opened
in Surabaya in 1909,” he said.
Addicted to Indonesia
Indonesia from Sabang to Merauke consists
of various tourist destinations that make visitors addicted to visit them.
photo by spc
photo by spc
President Yudhoyono Appreciates ITB Berlin
President Yudhoyono at the opening of ITB Berlin
“I remind you that Indonesia can make you
addicted to it,” Yudhoyono said at the opening of the International Tourismus Boerse
(ITB) 2013 at the House of Messe Berlin,
The world’s largest tourism exhibition ITB
Berlin 2013 is used as a moment by Yudhoyono to promote tourism in Indonesia.
According to SBY, as a proof that Indonesia
can make people addicted to it is that tourists
come to Indonesian more than once.
For both Germany and Europe, Yudhoyono
said Indonesia is ready to welcome tourists
from those regions with all ease. EU citizens
with their Schengen system are benefited
from the facility of visa-on-arrival in Indonesia.
“And the warm weather means you can wear
shorts and sandals every day at any time. But
do not wear shorts and sandals to the office or
to a wedding, “Yudhoyono said with a smile.
Yudhoyono said there will be no end if he
talks about Indonesia. Therefore, Yudhoyono
asked tourists not to hesitate to come and receive a warm welcome from Indonesia. “I believe your experience in Indonesia will be full
of memories and valuable,” he explained. (*)
Vol. VIII No. 3, 2013
Lombok to become
cruise destination
nother international-standard hotel,
Swiss-Belinn Kristal Kupang, now
presents in Kupang, East Nusa
Tenggara. The hotel is located off the coast
and in operation since 1996 with the initial
brand Kristal Hotel. In October 2011, along
with the change of management, SwissBelinn Kristal Kupang brings a new brand
that is Swiss-Belinn Kristal Kupang. Various
improvements continue to be adapted
to adjust the standard to Swiss-Belhotel
International, such as the renovation of the
rooms, meeting rooms and a Coffee Shop.
With expectations at the end of January
2013, the Swiss-Belinn Kristal Kupang is
ready for the grand opening.
Amenities of Swiss-Belinn Kristal Kupang
consists of 139 rooms, sea and city view, 6
meeting rooms, including a ballroom with a
capacity of up to 750 people, wi-fi connection in all rooms and meeting space, pool
area can be used for gatherings and weddings with a capacity of up to 350 people,
Coffee Shop, Lounge and Bar, Karaoke and
Live Music, Business Center, Mini mart, Souvenir Shop, Swimming Pool, Fitness Centre
and Spa.
Currently Swiss-Belinn Kristal offers weekend package price starting from Rp. 499.999/
net includes all you can eat at the BBQ Night
for 1 person. Swiss-Belinn Kristal also offers
a hot deal Kupang promo Rp. 499,999/net
including breakfast for one person valid until
March 2013. Meeting packs are also ready
to serve the needs of the hotel guests as well
as the sweet seventeen birthday package
for teenagers. Do not forget the BBQ Night
is available on swimming pool side; every
Saturday night starting at 07:00 pm for only
Rp. 89,000/net per person (all you can eat).
There is also live music and karaoke that will
accompany all guests at the BBQ Night. During February and March 2013, Promo Mam
bo’i that consists of stirred sei, sei fuga, papaya flowers, ala Kupang seafood and Promo traditional drink, in order to support local
food products with prices starting from Rp
60,000 + +, Promo Beer and Se ‘ i only Rp
250,000/net available every Saturday and
Sunday. Promo Asian Buffet Breakfast, buy
2 get one free is available every Saturday
and Sunday
Iin Harun as Assistant Public Relations
Manager Kristal Hotel said “All loyal guests
of Swiss-Belinn Kristal Kupang will get an
unforgettable experience and enjoy the facilities and the best service from us. We will
always give our best to our loyal guests.”
Swiss-Belinn Kristal is a 3-star hotel with
International standard that is located in a
strategic position, only 10 minutes to the
city center and located off the coast. It offers
all the comfort and completeness of an international hotel combined with the warmth
photo by spc
photo by spc
photo by spc
Swiss-Belinn Kristal Kupang, The First
International-Standard Hotel in Kupang
and friendliness of the locals. Swiss-Belinn
Kristal is close to office and entertainment
center, offering a variety of choices for dining
and entertainment. With easy access to the
business and government center, this hotel
is only 20 minutes from the Eltari Airport.
Swiss-Belinn Kristal Kupang has more
than 139 rooms. Each room is equipped with
air conditioning with manual control, IDD
telephone, wi-fi connection, coffee shop and
meeting rooms, storage boxes measuring
15 “laptop-size bed, tea and coffee making
facilities, hairdryer, and TV 28” with satellite.
For relaxation, a spa and massage are also
available at this hotel.
photo by spc
Germany to Add Investment on Indonesia Tourism Sector
Mari Elka Pangestu
ermany is ready to increase
investment in Indonesia, particularly
in tourism hospitality as Indonesia
becomes Official Partner Country at the
Internationale Tourismus-Börse (ITB) Berlin
Minister of Tourism and Creative Economy
(Menparekraf) Mari Elka Pangestu said in a
press release that she has just witnessed the
signing of a cooperation agreement between
Panorama Group and Carlson Rezidor to
invest in tourism sector in Indonesia. This
cooperation is related to German company,
Carlson Rezidor to build a hotel under the
name of Carlson Rezidor in various areas in
“It became evident that the German plan
would increase investment in Indonesia approaching the implementation of the world’s
biggest tourism market ITB Berlin, held on
5-10 March 2013,” he said.
At a business forum attended by President
Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono was delivered
Accor Group plans to increase the number
of their hotel in Indonesia from 56 hotels to
113 hotels by 2015.
“The total investment in the construction of
this hotel is estimated to be worth U.S. $ 723
million. Investment plan confirms the high
interest and the realization to invest on the
tourism sector in Indonesia, which in 2012
amounting to U.S. $ 768.2 million, or 217%
growth over the previous year, “he said.
President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono and
German Chancellor Angela Merkel opened
the world’s largest tourism exhibition ITB
Berlin on March 5, 2013 where Indonesia becomes Official Partner Country 2013. (*)
ourism business players in the region of West Nusa
Tenggara (NTB) claim, Lombok Island has become
one of the leading destinations for cruise ships
carrying hundreds to a thousand tourists.
Director of Lombok Paradise, Herry Nurcahyono, said
Lombok has become prime cruise destination in Indonesia.
This is encouraging and will be able to boost the economic
growth of this region. Lombok Paradise is a tour operator
for passenger of MS Rotterdam Cruise for Lombok destination.
“The plan throughout 2013, as many as 305 cruise ships
will enter the territory of Indonesia. Almost all cruise ships
are scheduled for Lombok because Lombok has become
the main route cruise destinations from around the world,
“he said.
He said that Lombok Paradise has established cooperation with the management of 30 cruise ships of a total of 305
cruise ships that will cruise into the Indonesian territory. Of
the 30 cruise ships, only one ship is carrying relatively small
number of passenger of around 400 people. The remaining
29 ships have the capacity of more than 1,000 people.
“Last January there were four cruise ships, one ship in
February (MS Rotterdam), two in March and three in April.
Almost every month there is up to a total of 30 cruises to
Lombok that we handle, “he said.
Similar thing was conveyed by Director of ERS Tour and
Travel Lombok, Halis, when contacted separately. It is true
that Lombok has become a leading cruise destination, so
it is not surprising if many cruise ships stop in Lombok recently.
“ERS Lombok Tour and Travel is a tour operator for Silversea Cruise, which docked in Lembar Harbour, recently.
The cruise ship was carrying as many as 340 tourists from
various countries in the shipping route from Singapore - Jakarta - Semarang - Bali - Lombok - Komodo - Probolinggo
- Jakarta then back to Singapore, “he explained.
He added that on January 10, 2013, Celebrity Millennium
of Celebrity Cruises Inc., Malta carrying as many as 2217
foreign tourists, anchored in Lembar Harbour.
The cruise ship is capable of carrying 2850 passengers
that departed from Singapore on January 7, 2013. Celebrity
Millennium features golfing arena, casino or yoga practice
during the trip, which is one of the grandest cruise ships
in the world other than the Royal Caribbean International,
Seabourn, Silver Spirit, and Norwegian Jewel.
On the same day, Bahamas flagged cruise ship MS Minerva carrying as many as 326 tourists from Europe, America, and Australia, also stopped in Lembar Harbour. Cruise
ship weighs 12,449 Gross Tons (GT), with a length of 133
meters was heading to Lombok from Tanah Ampo Harbor,
Karangasem regency, Bali.
Furthermore, from Lembar the cruise ship continued its
trip to Komodo Island, East Nusa Tenggara (NTT), then to
Pare-Pare, South Sulawesi, then back to Singapore. (* /
Jakarta Need to Bring Integrated Shopping Centers
Garuda Indonesia to
Open Six New Routes
from Denpasar
akarta is considered to need an
integrated shopping area to become
one of the shopping tourism destinations
in Asia. Stephen Ridwan, Chairman of the
Board of Advisors Indonesian Shopping
Centers Management Association (APPBI),
argues that the integration of shopping center
in one area can increase the attractiveness
of the area and Jakarta as a whole.
“Thus, foreign and domestic tourists have
a new shopping destination, like Orchard
road in Singapore or Bukit Bintang in Malaysia. The existence of an integrated shopping
center or close together can allow visitors
to move from one shopping mall to another,
without having to deal with traffic congestion,
“he said.
Moreover, he said that it would be better
if in the area is also built hotels and business centers. Another thing that should be
aruda Indonesia Airlines is planning to open four
new international routes from Denpasar to several
cities around the world in the mid 2013. Taufik
Hidayat M, General Manager Office Garuda Indonesia to
Bali, said that the company is planning to open new flight
routes from Denpasar to Auckland, Brisbane, Bangkok and
Kuala Lumpur.
“In addition, there will also be one additional flight from
Denpasar to Singapore or vice versa in the morning. It is
to meet and synchronize the demand of the passengers,
“he said.
He also said that Garuda Indonesia not only adds new
international routes, but also domestic routes, which is
Denpasar-Bandung and Denpasar-Balikpapan. Hopefully
the plan will be realized in the middle of this year.
“If the plan goes well, it will increase the number of flights
to as many as 40 times a day from Ngurah Rai International
Airport,” he said.
He added that so far, the number of flights is 34 times per
day, both domestic and to several cities in the world. (*)
Coldwell Banker Indonesia noted there are
at least seven new malls projects in Jakarta
that are ready to enter the market this year.
The existence of the new malls will increase
the supply of retail rent of 289.374m2 in Jakarta. (*)
photo by spc
taken into concern is appropriate pedestrian
facilities for pedestrians. This discourse has
long been discussed and one area which is
planned to be developed as it is Casablanca
or Jl. Prof. Dr. Satrio. Other areas that have
the potential to apply these concepts are Kelapa Gading and Pluit in North Jakarta.
“In the Orchard Road and Bukit Bintang,
there are about 10 shopping malls that become shopping destination. Casablanca
could be like that as long as each mall has
different products to offer so that visitors will
not get bored. Only, it is not likely to be implemented in the near future, given the Jakarta
provincial government is considering to extend the moratorium on the mall, “he said.
He added that there is no need to rush
to apply the concept. Jakarta also needs
urban planning that is more mature. Research companies and property consultants
Vol. VIII No. 3, 2013
30% Increase in Tourist Arrival
through Smargres
photo by spc
THE 1O1 Bandung Dago
Ready to Become New
Icon in Bandung
Developing sandalwood,
NTT to achieve
International Award
nvironment Online (ENO), an international
organization working in the environmental field
headquartered in Sweden pay tribute to East
Nusa Tenggara Governor Frans Lebu Raya for his
commitment to develop sandalwood as a rare plant in
Head of NTT Forestry Bureau Benediktus Polo Main,
in Kupang, said the award was given due to the commitment of NTT Governor to develop and preserve the rare
plants in Indonesia.
“The international award was also given in Palembang recently to five regents in Indonesia for they have
the same commitment to developing environment,” he
He further said that the international award shows that
the policy of NTT Governor Frans Lebu Raya to return
the image of sandalwood on Flobamora, another name
for Flores and East Sumba, is appreciated internationally. As a politician, his determination to develop and preserve sandalwood is unpopular because the program
takes a long time.
“Politically, the effort to restore NTT as sandalwood
province is unpopular in the eyes of the observers or
politicians because this determination can not be measured in the next five to ten years,” he said.
He added that, to be able to see the results of the
effort of sandalwood development he said, it takes 3040 years. The results of the Governor’s determination
to make the NTT as sandalwood province can not be
measured in five-year leadership. It takes 30-40 years
then we can see the results.
“This means that people should give an appreciation
for the courage of NTT Governor Frans Lebu Raya as
a politician to make the development of sandalwood
as a determination within five years of leadership. This
commitment has been moving all elements of society
to begin to grow sandalwood throughout NTT, “he said.
(* / Ant)
photo by spc
HM Hospitality is proud to announce that by the
end of 2013 will operate THE 1O1 Bandung Dago,
which is located in the legendary area of Dago,
THE 1O1 Bandung Dago was formerly a famous
Shopping and Entertainment center called Planet Dago
located at Jalan Ir. H. Juanda, adjacent to Jalan Merdeka, one of the trendiest areas in Bandung as a center
of shopping center, cafes, boutiques, restaurants and
Ground Breaking Ceremony of THE 101 Bandung
Dago recently conducted on February 17, 2013 as a
sign of the start of construction, which is planned to operate by the end of 2013. The ceremony was attended by
the Board of Directors - the owner of THE 101 Bandung
Dago: PT. Guna Cipta Manunggal Selaras (Gucimas),
PHM Hospitality management team, and a team of contractors.
THE 101 Bandung Dago is a Midscale Premium Hotel (3 +) in Bandung with the concept of Smart Stylish
Experience for upper middle-class market. The hotel is
a pioneer of Chic & Trendy lifestyle, perfect for the business travelers and vacation that pay attention to aspects
of the Value for Money. The hotel will have 160 Chic &
Trendy rooms, meeting rooms, coffee shop, swimming
pool and a gym.
Kristian Kuntadi, PHM Hospitality Managing Director
said, we are very proud to have been appointed by PT.
Gucimas to manage THE 101 Bandung Dago. We believe THE 1O1 Bandung Dago will be a new icon in the
legendary area of Dago. This is because the brand THE
101 that we developed has brand position as a MidScale
Premium Hotel which has always been in the business
areas and resorts and become an icon in the area.
“In addition, THE 101 hotel is where lifestyle and trends
are blended without forgetting the local culture. In addition, with its strategic location, THE 101 Bandung Dago
will be the place to stay in the center of Bandung city,
“explained Kristian Kuntadi. (*)
emarang City Government is targeting
tourist arrival, both domestic and
foreign tourists this year to increase
by 30% compared to 2012 through the
implementation of Semarang Great Sales
(Semargres) 2013.
Head of Tourism Industry Development
Department of Culture and Tourism of Semarang, Giarsito Sapto Putratmo said in order to increase tourist arrival and enliven the
466th Anniversary of Semarang City, the city
government will hold Semargres on April 7 to
May 7.
“The event is expected to increase the
number of tourist visits to Semarang City
this year by 30% compared to 2012 which
reached as many as 2.8 million domestic and
foreign tourists. A month of discount party will
be followed by about 500 participants such as
the shopping center, small to medium sized
businesses, retailers, travel agents, airlines,
hotels, restaurants, and street vendors. We
are optimistic that this event will be able to
become a magnet to bring more tourists to
the city of Semarang, “he said.
He also said that the discount given for a
month is varying from 10% to 70% depending
on each company as well as the packaging
like for example; buy one get one free, up to
50% discount on clothing product, souvenir
gift, and many more. By presenting an annual
event that gives a big discount for a full month,
it is confirmed that tourist visits will increase,
as the previous year, because in addition to
highlight the potential attractions for sale to
tourists, other aspects such as culinary tourism and shopping tourism should also be well
“With the increasing number of tourists who
come and spend their money in Semarang, is
expected to boost earnings from lower class
to upper class, as the growth of the economy
is getting better,” he said.
While Assistant II Economic Development
and Social Welfare Division, Ayu Entis said
Semargres 2013 is expected to not only increasing the synergy between the employers
and the government, but also able to boost
the economy of the city of Semarang as ranging from shopping malls to the street vendors
(PKL) are participating in Semargres 2013.
“Participants of Semargres 2013, are expected to immediately confirm their participation to Semarang City Government to be
registered, so that they can get some incentives from the city, government ranging from
promotions, publication, and other,” he said.
Similarly, Chairman of the Association of
the Indonesian Tours and Travel Agencies
(ASITA) Central Java, Joko Suratno said that
Semargres will be promoted through a network of travel agencies, both domestic and
foreign, such as Singapore and Malaysia. (*)
Vol. VIII No. 3, 2013
photo by spc
photo by spc
Heinz ABC introduced ‘Butik Kuliner Nusantara’
to boost Indonesia tourism image
ndonesia with more than 17,000 islands is very rich in cultural
diversity and traditions passed down from generation to
generation by our ancestors. One of them is the different kinds
of traditional dishes that look unique, delicious, and full of flavor,
rich in herbs and natural spices. But this precious cultural heritage
is now starting to be forgotten and displaced by the presence of a
range of foreign food from abroad. If this phenomenon is allowed to
proceed, it will eventually undermine the existence of Indonesian
traditional culinary as one of the cultural identity of the Indonesian
As a form of concern for traditional dishes of Indonesia, PT.
Heinz ABC Indonesia is encouraged to participate in promoting
them. This year, PT. Heinz ABC Indonesia held an event titled “Butik Kuliner Nusantara” (BKN) – Indonesia Culinary Boutique - for
the first time. “We all have an obligation to love Indonesian culinary
that still exists. Through this event we would like to get back the
charm of the typical blend of various traditional dishes from different regions in the country so that they will be known more worldwide. We hope this event will inspire the public in serving tempting
traditional dishes, “said Wishnu Pramuji, Sales Director PT. Heinz
ABC Indonesia.
BKN is one of Heeinz ABC’s missions to help preserve the
wealth of traditional dishes typical of Indonesia, where Heinz ABC
worked together with ICA (Indonesian Chef Association), and the
culinary experts and traditional food vendors from various regions.
. “Through the skilled hands of the chef and creative cooking
champions we hope this event will become a gathering moment
for great chefs so that the charm of Indonesian culinary can be
socialized well both nationally and internationally,” said Vishnu.
“We started BKN on Tuesday (29/1) in Bali and this will be followed by similar event in other cities in Indonesia. We deliberately
chose Bali as the premier event for BKN for it is one of the regions
in Indonesia that most visited by tourists from all over the world,
“said Yanuardi Sobara, Marketing Manager Food Service PT. Heinz ABC Indonesia. BKN was beautifully organized with the commitment and appreciation of Heinz ABC towards the wisdom of Indonesian traditional culinary, and also aims to encourage the public
to get to know more traditional dishes that have not known widely.
BKN expected later can be a media for socializing and enrich the
culinary art and hone culinary creativity around the archipelago. In
the culinary industry, the role of skilled and creative chefs is very
vital. Although the chef is in the top position in the culinary industry
chain, the role of traditional food vendors should not be forgotten. They are the front guard to continue introducing the culinary
delights of the archipelago to the public. Through this event, Heinz
ABC invites chefs and traditional food vendors to work together
to revive the various traditional cuisine of Indonesia that are now
beginning to be forgotten by the people of Indonesia.
The traditional food vendors brought to the event were Betutu Chicken Men Tempeh (Bali), Pindang Bandeng Serani Mpok
Rodemah (Jakarta) and Rungkut Beef Krengsengan (Surabaya).
Men Tempeh is a figure of merit who introduced Betutu Chicken,
so this dish is known by the food lovers throughout Indonesia.
Betutu chicken made by Men Tempeh has excellent flavor with
special spices. Men Tempeh started selling Betutu chicken in Gianyar in 1976. After she passed away, the business is continued
by her children.
In BKN, for the first time a cooking demonstrations were performed by traditional food vendors in front of the hotel and restaurant chefs throughout Indonesia. In addition, the event also presented an interesting discussion about the variety of great dishes
that are still hidden in various corners of the archipelago. During
the event also signed the Declaration of Kuliner Nusantara (Archipelago Culinary), represented among others by the chefs of the
ICA (Indonesian Chef Association), entrepreneurs, as well as the
traditional food vendors, a pledge and oath of the culinary industry
to continue preserving Indonesian traditional culinary.
Meanwhile, president of the Indonesian Chef Association (ICA)
Henry Alexie Bloem expects traditional culinary to be able to lift the
image of tourism in the country. “Indonesia is rich in a variety of
culinary, as it needs to be promoted in the tourism sector. Serving
traditional menu should be promoted along with the rapid development of sector in Indonesia, because each region has a distinctive
menu that can be presented to foreign tourists,” said Henry.
The tourists, especially those visiting Bali, not only want to know
about art and culture, but also want to taste the traditional food
of Indonesia. Therefore the restaurants and hotels should provide
traditional menu, so that tourists can try them. In addition to serving Indonesian art and culture, it will be more complete if hotels or
restaurants are able to provide traditional dishes that served by
always considers hygiene and health aspect.
ali Safari & Marine Park is a home
representing more than 60 species.
Combining Balinese cultural ambience with
African Savannah, Bali Safari & Marine
Park features the following exhibits featuring
Sumatran Elephant, Sumatran Tiger,
Hippo, Rhino, White Tiger, Camel, Leopard,
Komodo Dragon and Cheetah are just some
of the fascinating creatures that can be seen
at the Bali Safari and Marine Park.
Bali Safari & Marine Park receives The
Leading of Amusement Park 2011/2012 from
ITTA(Indonesia Travel & Tourism Award) for
its awareness campaigns and quality of service provided to the travel and tourism industry, especially in the conservation and wildlife
education sector. As an amusement park at
the forefront of Indonesia’s tourism industry,
this recognition has proved Bali Safari & Marine Park to be one of Bali’s most fascinating and world class attractions. Through our
wildlife and Balinese cultural exhibits, Bali
Safari & Marine Park always embark on our
conservation campaigns in fun and exciting
For example, on the 5th of November
2011 Bali Safari & Marine Park opened a
‘Safari Poo Paper Factory’, the first factory
in Indonesia that recycles animal dung into
a unique and odour-free paper. This effort
emphasises the theme of Bali Safari & Marine Park’s ‘Green Safari’, as it substitutes
the dung of animals for wood as the main ingredient of paper. The other awards that Bali
Safari & Marine Park has gratefully received
are ‘The Best Conservation Institution 2011’,
from the Indonesian Minister of Forestry, and
‘The Cleanest Toilet in Tourism Destinations
2011’, from the Indonesian Minister of Travel
and Tourism.
As soon as you arrive the park, we will
take you to Safari Journey. This is an exciting 30 minutes journey through lavish rain
forest and breathtaking view with animals as
they live in their habitat, a man made lake
as the home of our Hippos, swaying Orang
Utan on the rope as if to invite guests to take
more and more pictures. Our more than 60
species of 400 animals bred await you. Don’t
forget to explore our beautiful collection of
fish at our Fresh water Aquarium. As part of
the excitement about our animal, don’t miss
our Animal Educational Show at Hanoman
Stage showing at 11.00am, you will see our
beautiful Birds flying over, Guinea Pigs, Cats,
Dogs, Binturong, Snakes and highlighted by
Orang Utans, along with the keepers these
animals are happy to be with you, and please
see Elephant Bathing at 11.20pm.
Another animal show which too good to
be missed is the Elephant Education Show,
perform at Kampung Gajah at 11.45, this
show describe the conflicts between the elephants and people in Sumatra in long time
ago, from the scene we may learn that we
can live together peacefully.
Bali Agung show is performs at 14.30pm
daily except Monday. Bali Theater Auditorium can accommodate to 1.200 persons with
modern lighting and sound system. The Hidden Tales of Bali Agung, will take you back
into the 12th century legend of King Jaya
Pangus, Chinese Princess Kang ChingWie
and Dewi Danu The Goddess of The Lake,
and romance soon follows which shapes
Bali culture until today.
Your experience will not be complete without enjoying our cuisines, our Food and Beverage team have done their best to satisfy
every guest needs when its comes to dining,
whether be just a Pasta or Asian delight at
Uma Restaurant to fine dining concepts with
lots of choices at our signature and award
winning restaurant, Tsavo Lion Restaurant
offer a dramatic view of The Lions just by the
Our water park is beautifully designed to
attract guest who loves water, slides, water
fountain, bucket water and even a lap swim
will complete your day. Should you wish to
test your adrenalin you may take a look at
our FunZone area for Spinning Coaster, Go
Go Bouncer and Flume Ride.
So why wait to come and visit us? We are
second to none in Bali, for outing destination,
our complete range of activities and points of
interests to see, experiencing its culture and
exploring the cuisine along the way.***
New Position Executive
Assistant Manager, Patra
Jasa Bali Resort and Villas
photo by spc
photo by spc
Bali Safari & Marine Park
e are pleased to welcoming Mrs. Cok Istri Lahriani,
who has been appointed as Executive Assistant
Manager Patra Jasa Bali Resort & Villas as per
2nd February 2013. In her roles as Executive Assistant
Manager, she will be responsible for the day to day operation
of Patra Jasa Bali Resort & Villas, Bali.
With over 23 years of experiences in Patra Jasa Bali
Resort & Villas, she covered positions of responsibility with
departments including: Room Division, Engineering, Quality Assurance. In July 2010 She started her job as Project
Leader of Patra Bandung Hotel Project, the sister company of Patra Jasa Bali Resort & Villas. She was successful
managing the project of new hotel on schedule.
Mrs. Cok Istri Lahriani who is native Payangan – Bali,
began her career as Assistant Chief Engineer – Patra Jasa
Bali Resort & Villas in 1990. She earned her diploma of Engineering Faculty of Udayana University of Bali in 1989. (*)
Vol. VIII No. 3, 2013
Destiny Hotel & Villas now open …
Villa Facilities:
• 4 Air-Conditioned bedrooms (sleeps up to 8 adults)
• Private swimming pool with sundeck and gazebo
• Fully equipped kitchen
• En - suite bathroom
• Living and dining area
• TV with satellite channel
• WIFI internet connection
• DVD player
• Safety deposit box
Villa Services
even luxury villas of contemporary
design - each one built to Western
standards and finished with an eclectic
range of elegant furnitures and fixtures. Each
villa has four bedrooms and its own private
swimming pool with a beautiful garden and
relaxing outdoor atmosphere to complete
your holiday retreat. They are strategically
located at Seminyak, close to famous
businesses, restaurants, up-market cafes,
five stars hotels and just a few minutes to
the beach.
Designed by renowned architect and long
time Bali resident Oliver Gehlen, the estate
is comprised of 7 Villas of contemporary design, each one built to western standards
on up to 250 square meters of land and finished with an eclectic range of elegant furniture and fixtures.
The villa is composed of 2 storeys with 4
stylishly appointed bedrooms, the ground
floor has 1 Double and 1 Twin bedrooms adjacent to one another with sharing bathroom
ensuring in the middle that all guests can
remain connected but yet separated. While
the first floor has 1 double comfortable room
with en - suite bathroom provides a large
bathtub and a unique rain shower and balcony overlooking the swimming pool – just a
perfect relaxing.
The indoor living with a comfortable TV
areas encourage social interaction, ensuring that every guest is entitled to their own
space for those moments when they want
that ultimate privacy and solitude, the integrated kitchen and dining invironment is the
ideal place to entertain. There is also an additional room with separate toilet/shower for
the guests’ convenience.
• Airport Transfers
• Chilled Towel & Welcome Drink
• Tropical Fruit and Flower on Arrival
• Security 24 hours with cctv
• Butler service
Other Services
• Laundry/Dry Cleaning service
• Bicycles Rental
• Doctor on site and pharmacy
• Spa and massage on site
• Car and Motor bike Rental
• Parking
Jl. Raya Kerobokan No. 24, Seminyak - Bali
Phone: 62 - 361 - 9168855 / 62 - 361 - 735585
Email: info@destinyhotel.com
For booking at booking@destinyhotel.com
Archipelago International Opens Its First Hotel NEO
ing rooms and an eclectic all day dining restaurant and cafe.
NEO hotels stand out as Indonesia’s first
and only 100% non smoking select service hotels and through offering guest rooms with a full
set of amenities and up market facilities such as
mini-bars, café makers, vanity mirrors, hairdryers
and top of the line beddings with high knot count
cotton linens and duvets while staying truthful to
the groups credo, that well designed and exciting
photo by spc
photo by spc
management company formerly known as
Aston International, opened its first “Hotel
NEO by Aston” branded property in Indonesia.
Catering for a budget minded yet design conscious international and Indonesian clientele, the
new Hotel NEO Cideng – Jakarta offers a near
perfect location in Central Jakarta on Jalan Cideng Utara near the Tanah Abang Trade Center
and features 103 guest rooms, 2 functional meet-
Hotels do not need to be expensive.
Several more NEOs are scheduled to open
in quick succession in Jakarta’s Blok M and
Mangga Dua areas and on Bali in Kuta, Legian,
Denpasar, and Petitenget. The new hotels will
feature between 90 and 130 rooms, best in class
in room amenities and facilities and as all NEOs
be completely smoke free.
“We have been looking forward to bringing
the brand to life which is next to favehotels our
second select service brand but differs from fave
by being a tad more upscale and sophisticated.
NEO Hotels are best described as budget hotels
for “grown-ups” and serious business travelers;
the NEO Cideng and it’s soon to come sister
hotels in Jakarta and Bali are the start of what
promises to be a rapid expansion in Indonesia
and beyond,” said Norbert Vas, Archipelago International’s VP Sales & Marketing.
Vol. VIII No. 2, 2013
Vol. VIII No. 3, 2013
photo by spc
Powered by Astra Ventura,
PT Rekadaya to Open Felt Factory
Farri Aditya and Dimas Adi Prayudi explained to reporters about the factories felt PT Rekadaya Multi Adiprima.
T Rekadaya Multi Adiprima (RMA), local company and SME
engaged in manufacturing automotive components, opens
the operation of the felt factory. The development of this
factory receives full support from PT Astra Mitra Ventura under the
supervision of PT Astra International Tbk.
“With the felt production as the main material, of course, will in-
crease the business capacity of PT RMA which in turn will give a
fairly positive impact in terms of sales, improving the quality of human resources, the development of materials for other industries
and contributing to the creation of employment opportunities, particularly communities around the factory, “said Farri Aditya, Vice
President Director of PT RMA.
The opening was attended by the President Commissioner of
PT Astra Mitra Ventura and Director of PT Astra International Gunawan Geniusahardja, Commissioner of PT Astra Mitra Ventura
and President Director of PT Astra Daihatsu Motor Sudirman MR,
Commissioner of PT Astra Mitraa Ventura and Director of Astra
Honda Motor Hamdani Dzulkarnaen, and President Director PT
Astra Mitra Ventura Arietta Adrianti.
Farri said that PT RMA from the beginning focuses on the production of metal press for tensioner and guide cam chain famous
motorcycle in Indonesia, as well as a pioneer in producing assy
dush panel insulator, door trim insulator to four-wheeled vehicles
and other manufacturing industries in Indonesia , and is an original
equipment manufacturing / OEM. Over time, PT RMA progress
“With a commitment to provide customer’s satisfaction, the company continues to develop the business. PT RMA now has four
business divisions namely Metal Stamping Press, Non-metal Felt,
Printing and Plastics, “said Business Development PT RMA Dimas
Adi Prayudi.
President PT RMA Rosalina Faried said that currently the company with assets of approximately USD 85 billion employs more
than 200 employees, most of whom are local residents. The grant
from Astra Ventura reaches approximately Rp 7 billion with mild
“We want the existence of this company can provide additional
value and benefits for the local people,” she said.
Meanwhile, Commissioner of PT Astra Mitra Ventura and President Director of PT Astra Daihatsu Motor Sudirman MR, Astra
Group in principle support local production. “We are proud that
a local company, with its own capabilities can grow and become
partners. We support, among others, through a venture fund, “he
According to him, the quality of the products produced by local
companies is able to meet the international standards set by Astra.
Currently, the companies placed on the first tier are as many as
165 companies, of which 75% is a joint venture company and the
remaining 25 percent is local companies. While partners categorized as second tier are as many as 850 companies, of which the
majority are local companies, including the RMA.
“For Astra, the most important is compliant Quality, Cost namely
competitive prices, and the timeliness of Delivery. If one of those
aspects cannot be fulfilled, then a company cannot be our suppliers, “he said. (*)
Island Exp
Vol. VIII No. 3, 2013
“Omed-omedan” – A unique tradition from Bali
photo by sonny tumbelaka
he day after Nyepi, Sesetan people of Denpasar,
Bali held a unique tradition called omed-omedan.
This tradition has existed long before the colonial
era and inherited from generation to generation.
Omed-omedan is carried out by young people. Men
and women lined up in single line and faced each
other. A man and a woman who will perform the ritual
of omed-omedan will be held. The pair is reunited and
then they kissed. They will stop kissing when the traditional elders blow the whistle.
Penglingsir Puri Oka, I Gusti Ngurah Oka Putra
explained that omed-omedan is a unique culture and
tradition that exists in Banjar Kaja Sesetan, Denpasar.
This tradition, he said, existed long before the colonial
era and inherited from generation to generation.
“Besides having the value of togetherness, this ritual
is believed to have sacred values as it is related to sesuhunan (worshiped god) at Banjar Temple,” said Ngurah Oka. This tradition is held annually every penanggal Kaping Siki sasih kedasa or known as Ngembak
Geni (the day after Nyepi).
“Omed-omedan is the expression of happiness of the
youths during Ngembak Geni. Omed-omedan means
pulling each other. We totally disagree if people consider the event identical to kissing,” he explained.
Omed-omedan, continued Ngurah Oka, has several
functions, among other is respect for the ancestors and
fosters a sense of solidarity within the framework of
mutual compassion and care. It also maintains harmonious relations in accordance with the norms in force,
building community solidarity and unity in situations like
grief, and there is an element of entertainment.
Once, this tradition was abolished. Then people saw
the fight of two pigs that their origins are not clear who
the owner was. Having taken a spiritual way and mapinunas (request) during Pujawali in Banjar Kaja, omedomedan is the will of the sesuhunan that should be
held continuously. ***
Lamalera amidst globalization
The shouting of Hilibe is no longer heard
photo by spc
he sun had just appeared. It was still
quite cold on the beach, but people have
started their activities. Some men were
busy carrying cashew on their shoulders to
peledang (Lamalera fishing boat). They greeted
each other, had a chat and sometimes shouted
to invite those whose peledang was not going
to the sea to join their boat.
Peledang was ready to be pushed onto the
shore when all the crew (Matros) was already
standing on the edge of peledang. A moment
of prayer and sprinkle of holy water are ritual
performed before peledang began to move.
Usually peledang do not directly enter the sea
but had to rest for a moment to wait for the formulation of the beams in the sand so that it can
go smoothly through the water.
In the last beam and the front side of peledang was already in the water, all Matros
jumped into the boat and sit on their respective positions. Lamafa (stabbing crew), Lamauri
(skipper) and meing (Matros) were ready with
paddles on hand and yelled “Hilibe ... hilibe ...
hilibe!” Rhythm of rowing movement that hit the
body of the boat seemed to be a new spirit in
the morning that marked the start of the battle
of life that day.
“Hilibe ... hilibe ... hilibe” will only be stopped
when the screen was opened and the wind
became their loyal helpers to make a living in
the middle of the vast ocean, Sawu Sea. It was
morning in Lamalera, what a beautiful harmony.
Mentioning Lamalera, people know it as a
village famous for its traditional whale hunting.
Located on the south coast of Lembata, fishermen in this village directly deal with the vast
stretches of the Sawu Sea.
The tradition of catching whales has been go-
Whale hunting tradition in Lamalera
ing on for centuries and takes place in May to
November every year. People call it Lefa season that begins with a series of traditional rituals and mass of spirits memorizing fisherman
who died at sea. Mass held on Lamalera beach
annually on May 1st together with a blessing
ceremony for peledang.
Throughout this season, every day Lamalera fishermen go to sea. There is no prohibition for catching whale in other months if there
are whales in Lamalera water. Once there is a
shout “Baleo ... Baleo ... Baleo” throughout the
village, spontaneous fishermen will paddle the
boat and catch a whale in sight.
Not all types of whale can be the target of
Lamalera fishermen. Sperm whale or called
koteklema by the locals is type of whale that
is often hunted by the fishermen. Blue whale
(Balaenoptera musculus) which in the local language known as seguni and klaru, is not hunted.
In addition to its weight, is too big to conquer by
Lamalera fishermen, people believed that it is
the reincarnation of their ancestors. Not only
that, pregnant whale and the baby will not be
the hunting target.
The process of whale catching is like a thrilling heroic tale. Once there is a whale in sight,
peledang will approach it. From a distance of a
few feet, the stabbing crew called Lamafa will
jump to the body of the whale while stabbing
tempuling (stabbing tool that comes with a long
string (leo) which is attached to a 4m-long bamboo spear).
Lamafa determines whether the target is lethal or need additional lethal stab so that whale
is really dead. Lamafa is not alone. Standing
tall behind him is breung alep who gives instruction to which direction the boat should be
directed or whether the tempuling straps should
be tightened or loosened when the fight with
the whale began. A wounded whale will fight by
banging its tail to peledang. At times like this,
their safety needs to be maintained. Avoiding
and seeking secured position is the right step
to do by peledang crew, which usually consists
of seven people. If the resistance began to
weaken and the whale is dead, then peledang
will be back.
This process does not always run smoothly. Many tragic events have been recorded
starting from the death of fishermen because
of being hit by whale’s tail or also fishermen
injured due to tempuling cord entanglement.
Damaged peledang or even drowned and lost
in the depths of the sea, had also colored the
days of Lamalera fishermen in fighting for a
That’s their life. Lives of their ancestors can
not be replaced by other jobs for any reason.
Bring home a whale means feed the entire villagers. The widows and orphans shall get a
share of the division of the catch. It is social
value that has rooted in Lamalera society.
Is it possible to main this social value amidst
the current wave of globalization? This is related to the shift from “fishermen power” (rowing)
to motorboat, which is called Johnson by the
locals that can now be found attached on some
peledang during Lefa season. Will this bring
certain impact on the distribution of the catch?
This is not to mention the difference ‘speed’
between Johnson and peledang, which is still
paddled by the fishermen.
If Johnson can facilitate fishermen of Lamalera to earn a living, the current generation is
even more spoiled with facility. Hopefully this
will not replace the social value that has been
inherited from one generation to another for
centuries. Because it is quite possible, there
will be emerging new capitalists who control the
catch and fishermen of Lamalera, who only include themselves from the division of the catch
for a meal, nothing more.
It becomes a homework for Lamalera generation to keep the tradition. (Fince Bataona)
Vol. VIII No. 3, 2013
photo by spc
Seen in the picture (L - R): Mr. Norbert Vas - Vice President Sales & Marketing of Archipelago International & Mr. Firmansyah Rahim - Director
General of Tourism Destination Development from Ministry of Tourism and Creative Economy of Republic Indonesia
International’s well-liked favehotel group
was awarded the prestigious “HIW Best
Economy Hotel Chain 2013 Award”.
The HIW (Hospitality Investments
World), which is supported by the Ministry of Tourism and Creative Economy, is
Indonesia’s foremost annual tourism investment forum bringing together senior
hospitality industry representatives, investors, operators, developers, government
representatives and the banking sector to
analyze and dissect opportunities for infrastructure investments into Indonesia’s
growing tourism industries.
One of this year’s HIW’s highlights was
the annual HIW Economy Hotel awards
ceremony. Amongst many successful
budget hotel groups three finalists, mainly
Pop Harris, Amaris by Santika and Archipalago’s favehotels where nominated to
receive the honors with favehotels making
the final cut as Indonesia’s Best.
A panel of international and Indonesian
judges awarded the honors to favehotels
based on its role on the forefront of the
Anantara Vacation Club team members with children from Bali Kids Charity
nantara Vacation Club Bali Seminyak
is pleased to support Yayasan Anak
Anak Bali (Bali Kids) Charity in their
efforts in enriching the lives of children in
Last week Anantara Vacation Club donated a substantial financial contribution to
Bali Kids Charity. Members of the team at
the Club Resort, along with Harold Derrah,
CEO, Anantara Vacation Club, personally presented the cheque at the Bali Kids
Charity centre. The money donated is being contributed to assist with the running
of the charity’s Mobile Clinic and Education
programmes. In addition, money was do-
nated by Club Owners, guests and Associates at Anantara Vacation Club Bali, which
was collected via a donation box.
The Bali Kids charity provides quality full-time care for children with serious
medical conditions such as HIV, tuberculosis and cancer. Often these children are at
serious risk in their family environment due
to poor hygiene, nutrition and location relative to medical services. The charity also
provides free medicine, supplements, and
vitamins to children.
Harold Derrah, CEO Anantara Vacation
Club commented “It was an emotional day.
The children were very happy to have us
there and seeing the kids and their smiles
was very touching. Bali Kids Charity is one
of our Sustainable Corporate Social Responsibility efforts and they do an amazing job with the children they work with. We
have been encouraging our staff around
Asia to help and support child-focused
foundations in their communities as we believe children deserve a good life, health
care and education”.
Brenton Whittaker, Project Coordinator,
Carry For Kids Inc./Bali Kids added, “Our
most important work remains out in the
field especially to the remote areas. We
have really seen such a positive impact on
the kids due to the mobile clinic and health
education programmes. We are very happy to receive this generous donation from
Owners and Associates of Anantara Vacation Club and look forward to working together in the future to achieve our common
Anantara Vacation Club is a strong supporter of health and education for children.
It is a key pillar of Anantara Vacation Club’s
Corporate Social Responsibility efforts in
photo by spc
Biznet Networks Received
“Excellent” Service
Performance Status from
Contact Center Service
Excellence Award 2013
iznet Networks’ Call Center service received an
“Excellent” Service Performance Award for Internet
Service Provider (ISP) category, from the Contact
Center Service Excellence Award 2013 award. The event
that focuses on giving awards to Indonesia’s service industry
was held on March 7th 2013 at Balai Sarbini, Jakarta. The
annual event was organized by Service Excellence Magazine
(Marketing Magazine Group), in cooperation with Care Center
for Customer and Loyalty (Care-CCSL).
The award was handed by Mr. Suhartono Chandra, Principal Consultant at Frontier Consulting Group, to Mrs. Lenny
Moniaga, Vice President Operation Biznet Networks. “On behalf of Biznet team, I am very proud of the team’s hard work especially Biznet Customer Care & Premiere Care Division, who
always give the best 24 hours service. With this award, we’re
motivated to improve our service to be better,” said Lenny.
Adi Kusma, President Director of Biznet Networks added,
“Thanks to Customer Care & Premiere Care Team hard work
and Biznet’s Team loyalty, we have successfully achieved this
award. We will always maintain this award by giving our best
service to customers.”
Biznet Care can be reached via phone 500988 and max3
care via 500933. Both Biznet Care & max3 care can be
reached 24x7 via other electronic media such as email, Live
Chat and Skype. Six months prior to the event, the organizer
has done random mystery calls to companies’ call center to
evaluate their service performance. This method was aimed to
maintain and build the quality of call center services in companies in Indonesia.***
Indonesian budget hotel sector and its industry standards redefining influence and
John Flood, President & CEO of Archipelago International said: “ Since we
entered the Indonesian market 15 years
ago, we aim to set standards and pride
ourselves on being innovative. While
faves have been extremely well received
by travelers from all walkes of life it is a
special honor for us to also be respected
by hospitality professionals and to receive
such high level recognition from within our
Anantara Vacation Club Bali Seminyak Supports
Bali Kids Charity
photo by spc
photo by spc
FAVEHOTELS Recognized as Indonesia’s
Best Economy Hotel Chain
Hard Rock Hotel Bali’s
60 Minute Effort to
Save The Planet
ard Rock Hotel Bali joined millions across the world
in Earth Hour 2013. Earth Hour is a worldwide event
organized by the World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF)
and held towards the end of March annually, encouraging
households and businesses to turn off their non-essential
lights for one hour to raise awareness about climate change.
Started in 2008, the event has become a global campaign
across countries and communities. The Hotel shut down public
area lights and dimmed down most of its lights from 8.30 until
9.30 pm. Hard Rock Hotel Bali’s VIBE and Entertainment team
hosted an event on Sand Island, invited guests and media
partners to join in the effort and raise event’s awareness.
As Bali’s leading entertainment Hotel that is committed to
consistently delivering authentic experiences that Rock, the
Hotel kept its guests and media is invitees entertained with Fire
Dancers and Indonesian Talent Band goes Acoustic performances. Adiansa Rachman, VIBE and Entertainment Manager
of Hard Rock Hotel Bali explained, “We should be grateful for
the world we are living in today and we should make this world
an even better place for our children and grandchildren. That
is the whole idea for us to actively participate in Earth Hour every year”. Some 100 guests, media and corporate invitees, and
staff participated in the event. Everyone held a candle at the
end of the memorable hour, resembling the number 60. “This
message will not stop here. Save the Planet is one of our Hard
Rock brand values, we will keep making it a better world”, as
added by Andrew Khoo, M.I.H, General Manager of Hard Rock
Hotel Bali. ***
photo by spc
Island Exp
Tradition fight Perisean
Vol. VIII No. 3, 2013
Uniqueness of Bau Nyale Festival
to Promote Lombok Tourism
photo by spc
In the venue of Bau Nyale Festival, the visitors
looked so enthusiastic and eager to follow from
the beginning until the end of the peak event.
Visitors could enjoy a number of songs sang by
some top Indonesian singers. And at the end of
the show, visitors were enjoying thoroughly the
colossal drama of Princess Mandalika. After that,
hundreds of thousands of visitors were also down
to the seafront to catch Princess Mandalika (Princess Nyale) in the form of sea worms.
Legend of Princess Mandalika
photo by spc
here is a unique cultural celebration held in
some of the beaches in the South Lombok,
especially in Kuta beach and Seger, called
Bau Nyale. The festival is held once a year. In
Sasak language, “Bau” means catching, while
“Nyale” is a type of sea worm that appeared in
the sand when the tide is low.
Bau Nyale Festival 2013 was centered in
Seger, Kuta, Central Lombok on 2-3 March
2013. Hundreds of thousands of people from all
over the island of Lombok, even from outside the
region and foreign tourists, crowded the venue
since Saturday afternoon (02/3) to Sunday morning (03/3).
‘’ At the Core Event of Bau Nyale this year, we
also started doing Berantok culture, which is one
of the Sasak culture to launch a big event using
a lesung (rice pestle), conducted after sunset,’’
said Head of Culture and Tourism Office West
Nusa Tenggara (NTB), Lalu Gita Aryadi.
Aryadi Gita said that Core Event of Bau Nyale
was carried out at 17 points along the coast in
the Loteng Beach. The points are Torok, Torok
Bango, Torok Aik Beleq, Selong Belanak, Lancing, Tampah, Mawun, Are Guling, Tebuak, Kuta,
Seger, Serenting, Benjon, Gropok, Awang, Bumbung, and Takar-akar.
‘’These 17 points are all located in three districts, namely Pujut, West Praya and Southwest
Praya. But the center is on Seger Beach,’’ he
Gita hopes that through this event, the public
can learn more about Lombok and Sumbawa and
become closer to the uniqueness of the island.
There were a variety of activities held during
Bau Nyale Festival such as the selection of Miss
Mandalika 2013, horse racing, flea market, Miss
Mandalika cultural parade, and beach cleaning.
This event was also enlivened with folk games
“perisean” (hitting each other with the cane
M. Faried (left) and Ni Putu Gayatri, Sub Director of Tourism Promotion Bali, NTB and NTT with
committee Bau Nyale Festival.
equipped with shield made of buffalo skin). Although the performance looked violent and cruel,
the players really respect sportsmanship.
Director of Domestic Tourism Promotion, Ministry of Tourism and Creative Economy, M Faried
added that Bau Nyale is a folk event that could attract thousands of people to come, this is a great
event for the promotion of tourism in the area.
“Next year, we need more intensive assistance
so that this event can be well promoted and provide a significant impact to the development of
tourism in Lombok area, “said Faried.
In the Core Event of Bau Nyale, was an-
nounced the winner of the election of Miss Mandalika 2013. Miss Mandalika 2013 was chosen
by Miss Mandalika 2012 at random from the selection of the top five contestants. Miss Mandalika 2013 is Ayu Lestari.
Loteng Regent, HM Suhaili FT while giving a
speech said that Bau Nyale is an annual event.
Because, in addition to the event gathering, it
also serves as an effort to appreciate the beauty
of Kuta beach, Mandalika Resot, in preserving
the legend of our ancestors with the Princess
Mandalika that only exists in the Loteng, and not
in other areas.
During Bau Nyale, people of Lombok started
the catching of the sea worms early in the morning with a small net or bucket. Some people even
decided to stay overnight on the beach to get the
This sea worm is usually caught and distributed
to the field and is used as a bulking soil. People
believe that this worm could bring fertility when
harvest time arrives. Some process the worms
into food. Nyale or sea worms have long thin
shape and green or blue color. The search ends
when the sun goes high, because the worms get
into coral reefs.
The origin of Bau Nyale began from folklore
about Princess Mandalika. Princess Mandalika
told to be very pretty. Her beauty had made the
kings throughout Lombok fought to win her heart.
The competition to get Princess Mandalika had
created turmoil in Lombok so that the princess
decided to jump into the sea because she did not
want any war in her native island.
Shortly after Princess Mandalika jumped
into the sea, she changed into a tiny worm that
emerged from the sea, so that the worms can be
a blessing for everyone. You should consider to
include Bau Nyale Festival into your holiday destination. (*)
Vol. VIII No. 3, 2013
photo by spc
ADI Prepares to Hold Miss Coffee Indonesia 2013
ndonesia has a reputation
as one of the best coffee
producing country in the
world. Indonesia currently ranks
third in the world coffee producer
after Brazil and Vietnam.
In order to further promote
the Indonesia coffee, Indonesian Ambassador Association (ADI) prepares to hold
the 2nd Miss Coffee Indonesia on May 10 to 18 2013 at
Bidakara Hotel Jakarta.
This activity aims to build
public’s higher awareness
towards the importance of
coffee commodity and coffee products for the economy, culture and tourism
in Indonesia.
Chairwoman of ADI who is also
Chief Organizer of Miss Coffee
Indonesia 2013, Kuntari Nirwandar said the target of
the event is to make
Indonesia as the
producing country in the world. Winner of
Miss Coffee will continue to introduce the
pleasures of coffee in the country and in
other countries, as well as
cultural and tourist attractions of Indonesia.
“The contest is open to
every women aged 17-24
with minimum height of
165 cm, single, insightful,
both general and knowledge about coffee and
tourism and master one
foreign language. Currently there are 38 participants
and registration will close
at the end of March 2013,
“she said.
It was explained that all
participants will attend a
series of activities such as
explanation on the knowledge and the development
of coffee as a commodity
in the world from a number of experts. As well as
description on the coffee
industry opportunities and
other coffee products, the
health benefits of coffee,
coffee agro-tourism, and
“All participants will also attend a series
of activities that provide insight into coffee
and coffee products, a visit to the coffee
plantation, city tour, photo sessions, workshops, coffee processing, and other activities,” said Kuntari.
The second election of Miss Coffee
Indonesia will be followed by representatives from all over Indonesia, the producing provinces and the coffee consumers.
Participants selected will represent the
region of origin at the final night, May 17,
2013 in Jakarta.
“The largest coffee producing area such
as Lampung, Central Java and East Java
certainly do not want to be embarrassed.
They are going all out to support Miss Coffee representative from the area. The winner will be the representative of Indonesia
in the Miss Coffee International in 2013,
which will be held in Yogyakarta in October, “said Kuntari.
She said that the event is supported by
the government, through the Ministry of
Tourism and Creative Economy, Ministry
of Agriculture, Ministry of Industry, Ministry
of Commerce and the private sector, and
a number of Indonesian coffee associations.
Miss Coffee Indonesia 2012 Bianca Beatrice, said to be proud to promote Indonesia’s coffee over the years, both in the
country and in other countries. Indonesia
coffee is varied and needs to be promoted
to the public.
“For the future, I myself is very proud to
take part in promoting Indonesian coffee in
a world class event like the Miss Coffee International. This event has the potential to
be promotional media for coffee and tourism in Indonesia to be more known world
wide, including contributing to the welfare
of coffee farmers themselves, “said Beatrice. (*)
Chairman of ADI, Kuntari Sapta Nirwandar (center) with expert coffee and Miss Coffee Indonesia 2012 during a
press conference.
(front) Esthy Reko Astuti Director General of Tourism Marketing, Sapta Nirwandar Deputy Minister of
Tourism and Creative Economy with Governor of Bengkulu, Junaidi Hamsyah.
engkulu province makes Rafflesia flower
that grows in the tropical rain forest of
the region as a tourist attraction as well
as using the flower as the official branding
provincial tourism, “Discover Bengkulu the
Land of Rafflesia”.
Deputy Minister of Tourism and Creative
Economy Sapta Nirwandar said Bengkulu has
natural attractions such as the tropical rain forest, habitat of Rafflesia flower, and can be visited directly by tourists all the time.
“So it is feasible if Bengkulu claim the province as ‘Land of Rafflesia’ and then used the
flower as its tourism branding,” he said during
the launching of “Discover Bengkulu the Land
of Rafflesia” in Sapta Pesona Building, Jakarta,
on Thursday (14 / 3/2013) night.
Ministry of Tourism and Creative Economy
is also determined to make Bengkulu Province
as one of the leading destinations in Indonesia.
With the new tourist attraction it is hoped to add
to the repertoire of a national tourist attraction.
Meanwhile the Governor of Bengkulu, Junaidi Hamsyah said that the provincial government
of Bengkulu puts hopes on the tourism sector
in order to overcome the backwardness and
boost the economic growth based on creative
“We expect the three major events can be
defined and included in the national tourism calendar of events of the Ministry of Tourism and
Creative Economy. We expect support from the
ministry to promote Begkulu under the branding
of ‘Discover Bengkulu the Land of Rafflesia’ as
well as an attempt to portray the Rafflesia as
the rare national flower, “said Junaidi.
Junaidi added, Bengkulu also save a lot of
traces of British colonial history, before finally
taken over by the Dutch. In Bengkulu, Fatmawati, the woman who accompanied President
Sukarno, had lived. Historical value is going to
be used as a potential to attract tourist to visit
the province.
Ministry of Tourism and Creative Economy
is facilitating the implementation of the Calendar of Tourism Events “Semarak Pesona Bumi
Rafflesia Provinsi Bengkulu” that will consist of
national and international events such as Rafflesia Earth Festival, Rafflesia Beach Festival,
and Tabot Festival as the main tourism agenda
of Bengkulu.
Rafflesia Earth Festival activities will take
place in Bengkulu province on 27-30 June
2013. The festival will feature natural tourist attraction (eco tourism) with the background of
the historical fact that the world’s largest flower
Rafflesia Arnoldi was first discovered in Bengkulu on May 20, 1818 by the Governor General
of British Raffles and botanist, Arnoldi.
A series of events will enliven the festival
such as national batik colossal, national triathlon, 10 km running race, national off road, cultural performances, local songwriting contest,
Miss Tourism contest, fairs and bazaars.
Rafflesia Beach Festival is planned to take
place in the city of Bengkulu on 27-31 September 2013. The festival is based on the marine
potential of Bengkulu waters with small islands
and white sand beaches and evergreen veg-
photo by spc
photo by spc
Bengkulu Launches “Discover Bengkulu the Land of Rafflesia”
etation with exotic marine atmosphere.
This festival will have several events such
as national surfing competition, national beach
volleyball, national cross-country bikes, sea
culinary, Bengkulu expo, Bujang Gadis Pageant, cultural performances, and exhibitions of
creative economy, woven products, crops, livestock and horticultural products .
Meanwhile Tabot Festival will take place on
November 4 to 14, 2013. Tabot Festival is a
cultural tourism event that began from the tradition of ritual of some Bengkulu people (Tabot
family), which is packaged in a festival by adding supporting activities based on local wisdom
and creative industries.
The festival which takes place every year is
enlivened with exhibition and bazaar products
of the regions, souvenir, art craft and traditional
culinary from the region. (*)
Island Exp
Vol. VIII No. 3, 2013
Indonesia’s Stunnin Performance at ITB Berlin 2013
Indonesian art attractions at the opening of ITB Berlin 2013.
photo by spc
opened the 2013 ITB Berlin. The event was
attended by Indonesian Minister of Tourism and
Creative Economy Mari Elka Pangestu, Mayor of
Berlin Klaus Wowereit, and 4500 other honorable
n March 5, 2013, the President of
Indonesia, Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono
with German Chancellor Angela Merkel
guests. At the launch, Indonesia stood out as the
official partner country of the event, the largest
tourism event in the world.
The exhibition lasted from 6 to 10 March 2013
and visitors could see the natural and cultural diversity of Indonesia in Indonesia Stand Hall 26a.
Sixteen areas of KSPN (National Tourism Strategic Areas) in Indonesia were chosen to perform
at the ITB Berlin 2013.
In her speech, Mari Pangestu said Indonesia’s
natural and cultural diversity should be more
accessible to tourists. “The known” should be
connected with “What is less known” to show to
tourists the other side of Indonesia as the largest
archipelagic country in the world and to make the
Indonesian traditional hospitality closer to tourists.
Mari also said, “The real point of attraction of
Indonesia is the people who live harmoniously
with different culture and traditions. Harmony
with oneself, nature and other aspects are very
beautiful and embedded in the hearts of the
people of Indonesia. Therefore our main slogan is WONDERFUL INDONESIA, The Heart of
World’s Beauty “.
Indonesia rich cultural, natural and tourism
potentials that consists of eight World Heritage
Sites recognized by UNESCO, the world’s second largest biodiversity, Borobudur as the largest
Buddhist temple in the world, as well as natural
wonders such as Komodo. Not only that, Indonesia also offers diversity of traditional clothing,
food, unique traditions, and traditional sailboats
of Pinisi which is still made in Sulawesi.
During the exhibition, visitors could inquire
anything about Indonesia, including trade and a
plan to visit Indonesia. Hotels and restaurants,
private travel and government operators, as
well as local government as representatives of
ministry will also help introduce the “Heart of the
World’s beauty.”
Traditional dance and music performances
from various regions presented the picture of
700 languages and cultures of the 300 ethnic
groups in Indonesia. Pakarena for example, a
ritual dance from Makassar (South Sulawesi),
which tells the story of the rhythm of life and relationship with God was performed in the event.
On this occasion, Bali and Kalimantan were each
represented by Kecak Dance and Dayak Dance.
Combined with exhibitors and Government program, Ministry of Culture and Creative Economy
was focusing on the diversity of archipelago with
more than 17,000 islands, 300 ethnic groups and
nature potentials. In the future, Indonesia wants
to strengthen the areas having high tourism potential but have not been known as major tourist
Last year, investment in tourism sector rose
about 200 percent to about US$ 900 million. In
addition, Indonesia also recorded 8.04 million international tourist arrivals in 2012, an increase of
5.16 percent to the previous year. The number of
German tourists increased 7.62% or by 152,000
tourists than a year earlier. (*)
Java Jazz Festival to globalizing Indonesia
he biggest Jazz Event in Indonesia, Java
Jazz Festival 2013 is able to present world
jazz musicians in Indonesia. Indonesia is
in the spotlight in the world of jazz fans, the
name Indonesia is increasingly recognized
During the three-day performance since Friday (1/3) to Sunday (3/3), a number of world
musicians performed in Jakarta, at the Arena
Pekan Raya Jakarta, Kemayoran. Singer from
Southampton, England, Craig David received
great applause when appearing on the last
day. The winner of two Grammy Awards nominations and BET Awards was able to amaze
his fans in Indonesia.
In addition, the senior singer Basia gave a
captivating performance. “Singing here is very
special,” said Basia.
A series of musicians such as David Garfield, Marcus Miller, New York Voice, and
Wouler Hamel also presented their special performance in Java Jazz 2013. Hamel, a Dutch
musician, presented Dutch jazz with a unique
Java Jazz Festival has shown that Indonesia
has become the destination of world musicians.
Not surprisingly, the sound echoes around the
world due to the presence of international musicians.
Java Jazz Festival founder, Peter Frans
Gontha, said it is the support from public that
makes it a success. He also hoped that the
annual event is still being done in the coming
years. “A lot of young world musicians present.
Glen Fredly appearance at Java Jazz 2013
Local musicians are also amazing. Hopefully
through jazz, Indonesia is more recognized internationally, “explained Peter.
The event was held in JIExpo Kemayoran
Jakarta and featured more than 1,500 musicians and 187 performances on 17 stages.
“The Ministry of Tourism and Creative Economy fully supports the festival and hopefully
events like this can continue to be implemented in the future,” said Deputy Minister of Tourism and Creative Economy Sapta Nirwandar
on separate occasions.
Rows of world musicians who have achieved
greatness in the music industry, such as Joss
Stone, Lisa Stansfield, Basia, and Craig David
presented charming entertainment. Some local
musicians like Maliq and D’Essentials, Oddie
Agam, and Dwiki Dharmawan also enlivened
the event. Young musician d’Masiv with their
jazz project and Raisa have added more vibrant to Java Jazz 2013.
In Java Jazz 2013, there was a special moment, the “Tribute to Utha Likumahuwa”, “Tribute to Elfa Secioria”, “Tribute to Ismail Marzuki”,
and “The Groove featuring Monday Michiru”.
The largest annual musical feast in Southeast Asia was held the first time in 2005, and
always takes place in early March. There have
been many famous musicians who have felt
the sensation of Java Jazz, such as Incognito,
Santana, Earth, Wind & Fire, Eric Benet, Bubi
Chen, Angie Stone, Sergio Mendes, Chaka
Khan, Lisa Ono, Jamie Cullum, and many
more. (*)
Joss Stone
Vol. VIII No. 3, 2013
Kunjungan Wisman Januari
2013 Turun 5,88%
photo by spc
Tahun Politik Bakal
Untungkan Sektor
ebanyak 30 ikon kuliner Indonesia mulai dipromosikan
dan dijadikan bahan diplomasi Indonesia dalam
pertemuan dan perjamuan resmi tingkat internasional.
“Sebanyak 30 ikon kuliner ini akan menjadi bahan diplomasi
kita dan ini sudah mulai dilakukan sejak akhir tahun lalu,” kata
Direktur Pengembangan Wisata Minat Khusus dan Konvensi
Incentive Event Kementerian Pariwisata dan Ekonomi Kreatif
(Kemenparekraf) Achyarudin.
Dalam waktu dekat, pihaknya bersama kelompok kerja kuliner yang telah dibentuk akan menyusun story line dan ingredient
untuk 30 ikon kuliner tersebut dalam sebuah buku yang terintegrasi. Buku tersebut nantinya akan selalu disertakan dalam setiap promosi pariwisata termasuk acara perjamuan makan internasional yang diselenggarakan untuk kepentingan diplomasi.
“Indonesia sendiri sudah membuktikan diplomasi melalui 30
ikon kuliner ini terbukti sangat efektif dan mengena dalam event
pameran pariwisata terbesar awal Maret 2013, International
Tourismus Bourse atau ITB di Berlin, Jerman,” katanya.
Pada kesempatan itu, sebanyak 30 ikon kuliner disajikan dalam acara pembukaan yang dituanrumahi oleh Indonesia sebagai official partner country ITB Berlin 2013. “Sambutan mereka
luar biasa, kita di sana juga membagikan buku resep kuliner
itu dalam Bahasa Inggris dan Bahasa Jerman. Panitia penyelenggara bahkan menyebut ini acara pembukaan paling meriah
dalam 12 tahun terakhir acara ITB Berlin,” katanya.
Pada akhir 2013, sebanyak 30 produk kuliner dipilih kelompok kerja beranggotakan pakar dan praktisi kuliner terbaik di
Indonesia di bawah koordinasi Kemenparekraf.
Proses penentuan 30 ikon kuliner tradisional itu diawali dengan mendaftar kekayaan budaya kuliner tradisional yang diwariskan secara turun-menurun hingga mencapai keberadaannya
di masa kini. Tahapan seleksi dengan melalui beberapa kriteria,
yakni bahan baku mudah diperoleh baik di dalam maupun luar
negeri, dikenal oleh masyarakat luas secara nasional (populer),
dan ada pelaku secara profesional.
Pemilihan 30 ikon kuliner tradisional Indonesia itu merupakan langkah awal dalam mengembangkan dan memfokuskan
pengembangan kuliner Indonesia agar maju bersama, dikenal,
mendapat pengakuan, dan mampu bersaing di level internasional. Sebanyak 30 ikon tersebut akan dilengkapi dengan resep
yang dibakukan, disertai penjelasan videografis tentang proses
pembuatannya untuk tujuan replikasi maupun dokumentasi.
Sebanyak 30 ikon kuliner tradisional terpilih itu, Nasi Tumpeng,
Ayam Panggang Bumbu Rujak Yogyakarta, Gado-Gado Jakarta, Nasi Goreng Kampung, Serabi Bandung, Sarikayo Minangkabau, Es Dawet Ayu Banjarnegara, Urap Sayuran Yogyakarta,
Sayur Nangka Kapau, Lunpia Semarang, Nagasari Yogyakarta,
Kue Lumpur Jakarta, Soto Ayam Lamongan, Rawon Surabaya,
Asinan Jakarta, dan Sate Ayam Madura.
Selain itu, Sate Maranggi Purwakarta, Klappertaart Manado,
Tahu Telur Surabaya, Sate Lilit Bali, Rendang Padang, OrakArik Buncis Solo, Pindang Patin Palembang, Nasi Liwet Solo,
Es Bir Pletok Jakarta, Kolak Pisang Ubi Bandung, Ayam Goreng
Lengkuas Bandung, Laksa Bogor, Kunyit Asam Solo, dan Asam
Padeh Tongkol Padang. (*)
pola perjalanan
wisatawan mancanegara (wisman)
yang ingin menikmati liburan hari
raya Imlek di Indonesia, yang tahun lalu
berlangsung Januari kemudian bergeser
ke bulan Februari pada tahun ini, cukup
besar pengaruhnya terhadap capaian
kunjungan wisman pada Januari 2013.
Data Badan Pusat Statitik (BPS) dan
Pusat Data dan Informasi (Pusdatin) Kementerian Pariwisata dan Ekonomi Kreatif
(Kemenparekraf) menyebutkan, jumlah
kunjungan wisman yang masuk melalui
seluruh pintu di Indonesia pada Januari
2013 sebanyak 614.328 wisman atau
mengalami penurunan sebesar -5,88%
dibandingkan periode Januari 2012 sebesar 652.692 wisman.
Penurunan kunjungan wisman pada
Januari 2013 sebagian besar terjadi pada
pasar China sebesar -37,19%, Singapura
-15,52%, dan Taiwan -28,83%. Pada
Januari 2012 lalu, bertepatan musim
liburan hari raya Imlek, kunjungan wisman
dari ketiga pasar utama melonjak, sedangkan kunjungan wisman dari Australia pada
Januari 2013 yang mengalami penurunan
-1,92%, banyak dipengaruhi karena faktor
buruknya cuaca yang terjadi di sana sehingga menurunkan minat wisman untuk
melakukan perjalanan.
Sementara itu kunjungan wisman dari
Jepang dan Korea Selatan mengalami
peningkatan sebesar 14,65% dan 6,55%.
Ini menjadi kabar baik bahwa pasar short
haul ini telah mengalami recovery. Pascamusibah tsunami pasar Jepang perlahanlahan mulai pulih kembali. Kenaikan wisman dari Jepang dan Korea ini berdampak
positif dalam “menutupi” pasar China dan
Taiwan yang menurun dibulan Januari ini.
Hal serupa juga terjadi untuk kunjungan
wisman dari Malaysia yang pada Januari
2013 meningkat sebesar 8,23%, sehingga
diharapkan dapat menutupi menurunnya
pasar Singapura.
Sementara itu kunjungan wisman dari
India dan Timur Tengah mengalami pertumbuhan positif masing-masing sebesar
3,58% dan 7,99%. Pasar India sebagai
emerging market dalam beberapa tahun
ini mengalami peningkatan dan mulai
mengimbangi pasar Timur Tengah.
BPS dan Pusdatin melaporkan kunjugan wisman dari Eropa pada Januari
2013 mengalami peningkatan antara lain
Inggris sebesar 0,27%, Jerman 6,64%,
Perancis 3,27%, dan Rusia sebesar
1,72%, sedangkan Belanda turun sebesar
-11,84%. Menurunnya wisman dari Belanda ini terjadi mulai pertengahan tahun
lalu, yang antara lain karena dampak krisis
ekonomi Eropa sehingga wisman Belanda
lebih memilih berlibur ke destinasi negara
Keikutsertaan Indonesia sebagai perwakilan resmi dalam penyelenggaraan pameran pariwisata terbesar dunia ITB Berlin
2013 yang berlangsung pada 5-10 Maret
2013mendatang diharapkan akan meningkatkan kunjungan wisman dari pasar
Eropa. Keikutsertaan Indonesia di ITB Berlin kali ini sebagai bagian dari upaya meningkatkan kunjungan wisman terutama
Eropa ke Indonesia dalam rangka pencapaian target kunjungan wisman 2013 yang
ditetapkan sebesar 9 juta wisman. (*)
10 Hotel Keluarga Terbaik di Indonesia dan Asia
ripAdvisor mengumumkan
Choice Awards 2013 untuk
Hotel Keluarga. Penghargaan
tahun ini diberikan kepada 231
properti yang sesuai untuk
keluarga dan akomodasi teratas
ada di 26 wilayah dan negaranegara di dunia.
Termasuk daftar khusus untuk
Indonesia, Asia, Afrika, Australia,
Kanada, Karibia, Cina, Eropa,
Jepang, Meksiko, Timur Tengah,
Amerika Selatan, Pasifik Selatan
dan Amerika Serikat.
Pemenang penghargaan didasarkan pada hotel-hotel yang
mendapatkan penilaian tertinggi
oleh mereka yang bepergian
dengan keluarga. Tidak seperti
penghargaan untuk hotel lainnya, para pemenang TripAdvisor
Travellers’ Choice diberikan berdasarkan jutaan review bernilai
dan opini yang dikumpulkan dalam satu tahun dari wisatawan di
seluruh dunia.
“Untuk mereka yang merencanakan perjalanan keluarga
tahun ini, daftar-daftar ini berisi
hotel-hotel di seluruh dunia yang
paling diminati wisatawan keluarga,” kata Barbara Messing,
chief marketing officer TripAdvisor.
photo by spc
30 Ikon Kuliner Jadi Bahan
Diplomasi Indonesia
photo by spc
ementerian Pariwisata dan Ekonomi Kreatif (Kemparekraf)
menyatakan sektor pariwisata cenderung diuntungkan
pada tahun-tahun politik menjelang pemilihan umum. Hal
tersebut dikarenakan, menjelang pemilihan umum biasanya
semakin banyak yang memanfaatkan fasilitas wisata Meeting
Incentive Conference and Exhibition (MICE).
“Ini bisa menjadi semacam wisata politik yang justru potensial
menggerakkan mobilisasi wisatawan,” kata M. Faried, Direktur
Promosi Pariwisata Dalam Negeri Kemparekraf.
Faried memperkirakan, wisata MICE akan lebih semarak
dengan tingkat permintaan yang tumbuh positif. Hal itu, kata
dia, akan memberikan keseimbangan aktivitas bisnis manakala
dilaksanakan saat low season.
“Gelombang perjalanan wisnus saat peak season (liburan)
nampaknya tetap ramai bahkan akan naik dibanding tahun
lalu,” katanya.
Apalagi kini semakin banyak bermunculan artis yang terjun
ke dunia politik, semakin mendorong lebih banyak keuntungan
bagi sektor pariwisata. Pihaknya sendiri meyakini target-target
pergerakan wisatawan nusantara (wisnus) yakni 250 juta perjalanan akan tercapai.
Hal serupa juga diprediksikan pada kunjungan wisatawan
mancanegara (wisman) yang ditargetkan 9 juta orang hingga
tutup tahun ini. (*)
10 Top Hotel untuk Keluarga
di Indonesia:
1. Club Med Bali, Nusa Dua
2. Club Med Bintan Island, Bintan
3. Bali Dynasty Resort, Kuta
4. Novotel Bali Nusa Dua Hotel & Residences, Nusa Dua
5. Sanur Paradise Plaza Suites, Sanur
6. The Trans Luxury Hotel Bandung, Bandung
7. Hard Rock Hotel Bali, Kuta
8. Novotel Bandung, Bandung
9. Life in Amed Boutique Hotel, Amed
10. Mara River Safari Lodge, Gianyar
10 Top Hotel untuk Keluarga
di Asia:
1. Club Med Bali, Nusa Dua, Indonesia
2. Hong Kong Disneyland Hotel, Hong Kong,
3. Club Med Bintan Island, Bintan, Indonesia
4. Four Seasons Resort Maldives at KudaHuraa, North Male Atoll, Maldives
5. Bali Dynasty Resort, Kuta, Indonesia
6. Sherwood Residence, Ho Chi Minh City,
7. Disney’s Hollywood Hotel, Hong Kong, Cina
8. Novotel Bali Nusa Dua Hotel & Residences,
Nusa Dua, Indonesia
9. Goverdhan Greens Resort, Dwarka, India
10. Club Med Cherating Beach, Kuantan, Malaysia
Vol. VIII No. 3, 2013
photo by spc
Layanan Terpadu Kargo Udara
Diterapkan di Lima Bandara
enteri Perhubungan EE Mangindaan
menargetkan pelayanan National
Single Window Airportnet dapat juga
diterapkan di empat bandara utama lainnya
setelah Bandara Soekarno-Hatta. Bandara
pertama yang menerapkan National Single
Window (NSW) Airportnet.
“Apabila sudah berjalan lancar maka
akan diikuti dengan membuka di bandarabandara lainnya di Indonesia khususnya di
lima bandara besar di Tanah Air. Ada lima
bandara besar yang utama, Soekarno-Hatta
(Jakarta), Juanda (Surabaya), Polonia (Medan), Hasanuddin (Makasar), dan Ngurah
Rai (Denpasar),” ujar Mangindaan.
Dikatakan NSW Airpotnet ini merupakan
layanan terpadu yang terintegrasi antar 15
instansi terkait dengan satu satu sistem
layanan. Untuk membangun NSW Airportnet di Bandara Soekarno-Hatta ini, anggarannya Rp7 miliar dari Dipa Kementerian
Sementara Kepala Sub Bagian Humas
dan KSLN Ditjen Perhubungan Udara Kementerian Perhubungan Yannesi Rosita
mengatakan implementasi dari sistem ini
akan melibatkan beberapa unit kerja terkait
di luar Ditjen Perhubungan Udara. Termasuk
komunitas bandara serta stakeholder warehousing yakni PT Unex, PT Gapura Kargo,
PT Garuda Kargo, PT JAS Kargo.
“Sistem pelayanan secara elektronik yang
terintegrasi untuk arus barang ekspor-impor
di Bandara Soekarno-Hatta ini dikenal dengan nasional single windows (NSW) Bandar
Udara (airportnet). Sistem ini menghasilkan
pengelolaan data dan informasi berupa cargo tracking dan status, daftar timbun, flight
information system (FIS), rute penerbangan
dan flight approval (FA).
Ditambahkannya, perwujudan sistem ini
merupakan tindak lanjut komitmen para
pemimpin negara-negara ASEAN dalam
Decleration of ASEAN Concord II (Bali Concord II) tentang visi integrasi ekonomi dalam
membentuk ASEAN Economic Community.
Diprediksi, Hotel dan
Kondotel di Bali Bakal
Kelebihan Pasokan
iprediksi jumlah hotel dan kondominium hotel (kondotel), dan villa di Bali dikhawatirkan akan kelebihan
pasokan pada 2015 akibat banyaknya pengembang
yang tertarik mengembangkan bisnis properti di Pulau Dewata itu.
Pakar Properti Panangian Simanungkalit mengatakan banyaknya pasokan hotel dan kondotel tersebut untuk menyambut agenda Asia Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) pada 2013. Namun, melihat jumlah arus
wisatawan yang berkunjung ke Bali dikhawatirkan akan
oversupply pada 2015.
“Jika sudah oversupply, harga sewa akan turun 10%15%. Pengembang yang meminjam uang ke bank untuk
pembangunan juga akan bermasalah. Itu tidak akan bermasalah jika arus wisatawan terus naik,” ujarnya.
Dikatakan, pemodal lebih aman berinvestasi di kondotel dibandingkan dengan hotel karena kondotel dijalankan
oleh operator hotel yang dapat mengurangi risiko kerugian,
meskipun tidak menjamin tidak akan rugi.
“Yang harus diperhatikan investor dalam membeli kondotel di Bali yakni lokasinya harus strategis, lihat pengembangnya, dan siapa operator hotelnya untuk meminimalkan risiko. Saya sarankan investor membeli semester I
tahun depan atau paling lambat 2014, lewat dari tahun itu
pasar tidak bagus,” katanya.
Sementara Fakky Hidayat, Senior Associate Director Knight Frank, mengatakan dalam beberapa tahun ini
banyak investor dan pengembang lokal beramai-ramai
merambah bisnis properti di Bali khususnya mengembangkan hotel, kondotel, dan villa.
“Menariknya, dengan peluang dan hasil keuntungan bisnis properti yang menggiurkan, banyak pengembang yang
bisnis intinya bukan properti ikut tertarik mengembangkannya.Hingga 2014 diperkirakan akan ada tambahan pasokan hotel baru sebanyak 10.466 kamar dari total 60 proyek
yang saat ini sedang dibangun, 3.922 kamar atau 37% dari
total pasokan baru tersebut akan beroperasi pada semester II/2012,” ungkapnya. (*/bisnis.com)
Jokowi Akan Keluarkan
PerGub Industri Berbasis
Seni Budaya
photo by spc
rovinsi Nusa Tenggara Barat (NTB)
berupaya membangkitkan kekayaan
lokal di antaranya memperkuat sentra perajin tenun khas Lombok. Dewi Rasyid, Ketua Dekranasda NTB mengatakan
melalui Dewan Kerajinan Nasional Daerah
(Dekranasda), Pemprov NTB terus berupaya memberi pelatihan dan pengetahuan
baru seputar tenun dan cara pembuatannya
kepada para perajinnya yang kini berjumlah
sekitar 15.000 orang.
“Kami memiliki 10 kabupaten/kota di NTB,
yang masing-masing daerah memiliki ciri
khas motif tenun sendiri. Dan ribuan perajin tersebut tersebar di seluruh wilayah NTB.
Produk tenun khas Lombok yang diberi
nama Reneo. Brand nasional Reneo tersebut untuk kali ini dijadikan sebagai karya untuk busana Muslim,” ujarnya.
Dikatakan dengan makin dikenalnya tenun
NTB baik oleh masyarakat Indonesia, dan
pecinta kain di luar negeri, juga berdampak
pada meningkatnya penghasilan masyarakat
perajin di daerah tersebut. Syukur karya te-
nun NTB selalu mendapatkan perhatian dari
masyarakat. Apalagi kini bahan tenun yang
kaku, dan berat, sudah bisa diaplikasikan
menjadi bahan yang ringan dan lembut, sehingga bisa dibuat lebih fashionable.
“Untuk itu, Dekranasda NTB selalu bekerja
sama dengan sejumlah desainer, yang bisa
membawa angin segar dan cara baru dalam
mengerjakan tenun yang lebih ringan. Saat
ini, pemakaian warna pada tenun sebagian
sudah memakai warna dari alam, bukan lagi
dari warna zat kimia,” katatanya.
Ditambahkannya, ada peningkatan sekitar
30% untuk order tenun dari bahan pewarna
alam ini, dan saya bercita-cita ingin membawa tenun Lombok go international, dengan
mengadakan pameran dan fashion show di
negara lain.
“Untuk dalam negeri sudah mulai dilakukan dengan mengadakan show di Jakarta
beberapa waktu lalu. Permintaan produk
kami sudah ada dari Eropa seperti Spanyol,”
ungkapnya. (*)
Dua Maskapai Indonesia Kini Bersaing di Thailand
murah Asia Tenggara, termasuk
dua dari Indonesia, membidik pasar
Thailand menjelang dua tahun pemberlakuan
komunitas ekonomi Perhimpunan Bangsa
Asia Tenggara (AEC-ASEAN).
Mandala Airlines dan Lion Air bersaing
dengan setidaknya 22 maskapai penerbangan murah dari Thailand, Malaysia, dan Filipina dalam meraup pasar pariwisata Negeri
Gajah Putih itu. Di antara para pesaing dua
maskapai penerbangan Indonesia itu adalah
Thai AirAsia, Nok Air, Orient Thai, Solar Air,
Tiger Airways, Jetstar Asia Airways, South
East Asia Airlines (SEAir) dan Cebu Pacific
Ketua Dewan Penasehat Orient Thai,
Udom Tantiprasongchai mengatakan ketika Komunitas Ekonomi ASEAN itu terbuka,
tidak hanya maskapai penerbangan murah
yang terbang ke Thailand tetapi juga maskapai-maskapai penerbangan komersial biasa.
“Thailand menjadi pusat industri penerbangan di kawasan Asia Tenggara dan
pasarnya dibidik banyak maskapai asing
karena posisi geografisnya yang strategis,
namun akibatnya maskapai penerbangan
negeri itu harus menghadapi persaingan
yang ketat,” ujarnya.
Dikatakan, pasar Thailand mulai sekarang
“akan lebih dinamis” dan “para operator akan
semakin sulit bertahan di bisnis penerban-
gan ini terutama mereka yang tidak memiliki
dana yang cukup dan pemikiran strategis
guna mengimbangi lingkungan bisnis yang
berubah cepat.
Komunitas Ekonomi ASEAN merupakan bagian dari keputusan penting para
pemimpin ASEAN pada 7 Oktober 2003
dengan lahirnya Bali Concord II. Dokumen
tersebut mendasari komitmen kolektif ASEAN membangun komunitas yang didasarkan pada tiga pilar kerja sama, yakni pilar
politik dan keamanan, ekonomi, dan sosial
budaya. ASEAN beranggotakan Indonesia, Brunei Darussalam, Malaysia, Filipina,
Singapura,Thailand, Kamboja, Myanmar,
Laos, dan Vietnam. (*)
photo by spc
Pemprov NTB Perkuat Lagi Sentra Perajin Tenun Lombok
(kika) Putri K Wardhani, Gubernur Joko Widodo dan
Dwiki Dharmawan.
ubernur DKI Jakarta Joko Widodo berjanji akan
bergerak cepat dan responsif untuk segera
meneluarkan Peraturan Gubernur yang pro Industri
berbasis Budaya. Ia berjanji paling lambat 2 minggu
kedepan akan mengeluarkan PerGub tersebut.
Anggota Komtap Kadin Industri berbasis Budaya, komposer dan pemilik Lembaga Pendidikan Musik Farabi Dwiki Dharmawan menyampaikan harapan agar pada PerGub
tersebut mengatur Hote-hotel berbintang di DKI Jakarta
menampilkan seni musik dan tarian tradisional sehingga
lebih menghidupkan dan mengangkat kembali kehidupan
seniman musik tradisional dimulai dari wilayah DKI Jakarta
sebagai pilot project.
Sedangkan Wakil Ketua Umum Kamar Dagang Indonesia (Kadin) Putri K Wardhani mengatakan Industri berbasis
budaya seperti jamu dan minuman tradisional, kerajinan
tangan, kain tradisional, makanan dan kuliner khas daerah,
cara pengobatan tradisional, serta seni musik dan tari khas
daerah, memiliki potensi untuk bersaing secara ekonomi,
dengan melibatkan banyak pelaku usaha.
“Sayang ini industri berbasis budaya belum terlalu dianggap dan digarap serius, baik oleh pemerintah dan swasta
sehingga, para wisatawan belum maksimal menikmati kekayaan budaya Tanah Air,” ujar Putri.
Kadin Bidang Industri berbasis budaya mengharap Gubernur DKI Jakarta Joko Widodo dapat memberikan dukungan dengan membuat suatu ketetapan, yang mengharuskan para pelaku usaha pariwisata seperti hotel, mal,
dan rumah makan, mengadopsi produk industri berbasis
budaya sebagai bentuk keberpihakan pemerintah yang
akan menjadi titik tolak meningkatnya kecintaan terhadap
produk dalam negeri, dan akhirnya mengacu pada pendapatan negara dari sektor industri berbasis budaya. (*)
Vol. VII No. 11, 2012