If you find any discrepancies please send an email
If you find any discrepancies please send an email
Sandtroopers.com Star Wars Checklist Updated 08/25/2008 VERSION HISTORY .........................................................................3 BASIC FIGURES: A NEW HOPE ........................................................4 BASIC FIGURES: THE EMPIRE STRIKES BACK ..................................4 BASIC FIGURES: RETURN OF THE JEDI .............................................4 BASIC FIGURES: POWER OF THE FORCE ..........................................4 BASIC FIGURES: DROIDS CARTOON .................................................4 BASIC FIGURES: EWOKS CARTOON .................................................5 VEHICLES & ACCESSORIES ..............................................................5 12” FIGURES ...................................................................................5 MINI-RIGS........................................................................................5 MICRO COLLECTION ........................................................................6 POTF COINS ...................................................................................6 SIGMA PORCELAIN FIGURINES .........................................................6 CARRYING CASES ............................................................................6 POWER OF THE FORCE 2..............................................................7 BASIC FIGURES: RED CARDS ...........................................................7 BASIC FIGURES: COIN COLLECTION .................................................7 BASIC FIGURES: GREEN CARDS ......................................................7 BASIC FIGURES: GREEN CARDS (CONT’D.) ......................................8 BASIC FIGURES: GREEN CARDS (COMMTECH).................................8 BASIC FIGURES: GREEN CARDS (FLASHBACK).................................8 BASIC FIGURES: GREEN CARDS (FREEZE FRAME) ...........................8 BASIC FIGURES: EXPANDED UNIVERSE ............................................9 BASIC FIGURES: SHADOWS OF THE EMPIRE .....................................9 PRINCESS LEIA COLLECTION ...........................................................9 DELUXE ...........................................................................................9 BEASTS, VEHICLES & ACCESSORIES ...............................................9 CARRYING CASES ............................................................................9 CINEMA SCENES ............................................................................10 12” FIGURES (WITH DARK BLUE INSERT) .......................................10 12” FIGURES (WITH LIGHT BLUE INSERT) .......................................10 EPISODE 1: THE PHANTOM MENACE........................................11 BASIC FIGURES .............................................................................11 DELUXE .........................................................................................11 FOREIGN EXCLUSIVE 2-PACKS .......................................................11 BEASTS, VEHICLES & ACCESSORIES .............................................12 CINEMA SCENES ............................................................................12 EPIC FORCE ..................................................................................12 PALM TALKERS ..............................................................................12 12” FIGURES .................................................................................12 POWER OF THE JEDI....................................................................13 BASIC FIGURES .............................................................................13 DELUXE .........................................................................................13 BASIC FIGURES: EPISODE II SNEAK PREVIEW ................................13 VEHICLES & ACCESSORIES ............................................................13 MEGA ACTION FIGURES .................................................................14 STAR TOURS FIGURES ...................................................................14 PALM TALKERS ..............................................................................14 12” FIGURES .................................................................................14 SAGA 2002-2004 ............................................................................15 BASIC FIGURES: YEAR 2002 (FIRST 16 W/BACKGROUND INSERTS) ......................................................................................................15 BASIC FIGURES: YEAR 2002 (WITHOUT BACKGROUND INSERTS)...15 BASIC FIGURES: YEAR 2003..........................................................15 BASIC FIGURES: YEAR 2003 (CONT’D.)..........................................16 BASIC FIGURES: YEAR 2004..........................................................16 BASIC FIGURES: HALL OF FAME .....................................................16 BASIC FIGURES: STAR TOURS .......................................................16 DELUXE .........................................................................................16 TARGET EXCLUSIVE PACKS ...........................................................16 WAL-MART CANTINA SCENES ........................................................16 TARGET EXCLUSIVE GLASS & FIGURE SETS ..................................16 VEHICLES & ACCESSORIES ............................................................16 MULTI PACKS ................................................................................17 SCREEN SCENES ...........................................................................17 12” FIGURES .................................................................................17 ORIGINAL TRILOGY COLLECTION..............................................18 BASIC FIGURES: VOTC FIGURES ..................................................18 BASIC FIGURES: OTC FIGURES .....................................................18 DVD 3-PACKS ...............................................................................18 VEHICLES & ACCESSORIES ............................................................18 12” FIGURES (VOTC)....................................................................18 Page 1 of 44 TARGET EXCLUSIVE GLASS & FIGURE SETS ................................. 18 MULTI PACKS ................................................................................ 18 SCREEN SCENES .......................................................................... 18 STAR TOURS................................................................................. 18 MISCELLANEOUS ........................................................................... 18 CLONE WARS................................................................................ 19 BASIC FIGURES (A NIMATED) ......................................................... 19 DVD 3-PACKS (A NIMATED)........................................................... 19 BASIC FIGURES (NON-ANIMATED) ................................................. 19 BASIC FIGURE MULTI-PACKS (NON-ANIMATED)............................. 19 DELUXE (NON-ANIMATED)............................................................. 19 VEHICLES...................................................................................... 19 EPISODE III: REVENGE OF THE SITH........................................ 20 BASIC FIGURES: SNEAK PREVIEW ................................................. 20 BASIC FIGURES ............................................................................. 20 DELUXE ........................................................................................ 20 BATTLE ARENA 2-PACKS............................................................... 20 MULTI-PACKS ............................................................................... 20 MISCELLANEOUS ........................................................................... 20 EVOLUTIONS ................................................................................. 20 DVD 3-PACKS .............................................................................. 21 VEHICLES & PLAYSETS ................................................................. 21 SUPER DEFORMED........................................................................ 21 TARGET EXCLUSIVE GLASS & FIGURE SETS ................................. 21 12” FIGURES ................................................................................. 21 SAGA COLLECTION 2006 ............................................................ 22 CARKOON WAVE ........................................................................... 22 HOTH WAVE.................................................................................. 22 GEONOSIS WAVE .......................................................................... 22 CORUSCANT / U TAPAU WAVE ....................................................... 22 MOS EISLEY WAVE ....................................................................... 22 ENDOR WAVE ............................................................................... 22 NABOO WAVE ............................................................................... 22 VTOC........................................................................................... 22 ULTIMATE GALACTIC HUNT (UGH) ................................................ 22 DVD PACKS ............................................................................... 22 ROTS HEROES & VILLAINS .......................................................... 23 ROTS GREATEST BATTLES .......................................................... 23 BATTLE PACKS.............................................................................. 23 VEHICLES................................................................................... 23 COLLECTIBLE TIN PACKS .............................................................. 23 MISCELLANEOUS ........................................................................... 23 th 30 Anniversary Collection 2007 (TAC) ........................................ 24 WAVE #1 REVENGE OF THE SITH .................................................. 24 WAVE #2 YAVIN ............................................................................ 24 WAVE #3 TATOOINE...................................................................... 24 WAVE #4 RETURN OF THE JEDI (JABBA’S PALACE)........................ 24 WAVE #5 ...................................................................................... 24 WAVE #6 ...................................................................................... 24 WAVE #7 ...................................................................................... 24 WAVE #7.5 ................................................................................... 24 WAVE #8 ...................................................................................... 24 GOLD COIN CHASE FIGURES ......................................................... 24 ORDER 66 2 PACKS ...................................................................... 24 SAGA LEGENDS (WAVE #1)........................................................... 24 SAGA LEGENDS (WAVE #2)........................................................... 24 SAGA LEGENDS (WAVE #3)........................................................... 25 SAGA LEGENDS (WAVE #4)........................................................... 25 VINTAGE FIGURES VTOC ............................................................. 25 VEHICLES...................................................................................... 25 BATTLEFRONT 2 PACKS (TOYWIZ.COM)......................................... 25 EXCLUSIVES (SWS.COM).............................................................. 25 EXCLUSIVES (HASBRO & SDCC) .................................................. 25 COMIC PACKS ............................................................................... 25 BATTLEPACKS ............................................................................... 25 CIV EXCLUSIVES .......................................................................... 25 EXCLUSIVES (ENTERTAINMENT EARTH.COM)................................. 26 EXCLUSIVES (DISNEY STAR WARS WEEKENDS 2007) ................... 26 EXCLUSIVES (DISNEY THEME PARKS 2007/2008) ......................... 26 2007COLLECTIBLE TIN PACKS ...................................................... 26 th 30 Anniversary Collection 2008 (TAC) ........................................ 27 WAVE #1 REVENGE OF THE SITH .................................................. 27 If you find any discrepancies please send an email to checklist@sandtroopers.com. Version 2.0.4 Sandtroopers.com Star Wars Checklist Updated 08/25/2008 WAVE #2 FORCE UNLEASHED .......................................................27 SAGA LEGENDS 2008 ....................................................................27 EVOLUTION SETS...........................................................................27 BATTLE PACKS ..............................................................................27 ROLE PLAY ....................................................................................27 ORDER 66 2 PACKS ......................................................................27 DROID FACTORY 2 PACKS (BUILD A C-3PX) ..................................27 MIGHTY MUGGS ............................................................................27 COMIC PACKS................................................................................27 The Clone Wars (Animated Style) 2008.........................................28 The Clone Wars (Animated Style) 2009.........................................28 Saga Legends .................................................................................28 Greatest Hits....................................................................................28 The Legacy Collection (Build a Droid) 2008...................................28 The Legacy Collection (Build a Droid) 2009...................................28 2008/2009 Exclusives .....................................................................29 Toys R Us ........................................................................................29 Wal-Mart ..........................................................................................29 Target...............................................................................................29 K-Mart ..............................................................................................29 Online/Convention Exclusives ........................................................29 Mighty Muggs ..................................................................................29 Evolutions Sets................................................................................29 Vehicles/Beasts...............................................................................29 Battle Packs.....................................................................................29 Role Play .........................................................................................29 Comic Packs....................................................................................29 UNLEASHED...................................................................................30 EXCLUSIVE FIGURES ...................................................................31 FUNKO BOBBLEHEADS ...................................................................31 MISCELLANEOUS ITEMS .............................................................32 ATTACKTIX.....................................................................................32 ATTAKUS .......................................................................................32 CODE 3 COLLECTIBLES..................................................................33 CUSTOM CHOPPERS ......................................................................33 FORCE BATTLERS ..........................................................................33 GALACTIC HEROES VEHICLES ........................................................33 GALACTIC HEROES 2004 ...............................................................34 GALACTIC HEROES 2005 ...............................................................34 GALACTIC HEROES 2006 ...............................................................34 GALACTIC HEROES 2007 ...............................................................34 GALACTIC HEROES 2008 ...............................................................34 VEHICLES & CINEMA SCENES ........................................................34 JEDI FORCE ...................................................................................36 KOTOBUKIYA..................................................................................36 LEGO ...........................................................................................37 MASTER REPLICAS ........................................................................38 MINIATURES ..................................................................................39 PEZ DISPENSERS .........................................................................41 SIDESHOW COLLECTIBLES .............................................................41 TITANIUM VEHICLES .......................................................................41 TITANIUM ULTRA VEHICLES............................................................42 TITANIUM FIGURES ........................................................................43 TRANSFORMERS ............................................................................43 BEND-EMS.....................................................................................43 M&M MPIRE FIGURES ...................................................................43 IMPORTANT INFORMATION ........................................................44 FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS ..................................................44 CREDITS ........................................................................................44 DISCLAIMER ...................................................................................44 Page 2 of 44 If you find any discrepancies please send an email to checklist@sandtroopers.com. Version 2.0.4 Sandtroopers.com Star Wars Checklist Updated 08/25/2008 Basic Figures: A New Hope Below you will see a description of the latest version of this document, as to what was added, edited and/or removed. Each area begins with the version number, date and then description of that change. This is to help you understand what was changed. Boba Fett C-3PO Chewbacca Darth Vader Death Star Commander Death Star Droid Greedo Hammerhead Han Solo Small Head Large Head Jawa (cloth cape) Jawa (plastic cape) Luke Skywalker X-Wing Pilot Luke Skywalker (blonde hair) Luke Skywalker (brown hair) Obi-Wan Kenobi (gray hair) Obi-Wan Kenobi (white hair) Power Droid Princess Leia R2-D2 R5-D4 Sandpeople Snaggletooth (blue) Snaggletooth (red) Stormtrooper Walrusman 1.0.12 – 7/18/2007 3 ! TAC Wave #8, Gold Coin Chase Figures, Entertainment Earth Exclusives, Disney Theme Park Exclusives 1.0.13 - 8/02/2007 Battle Packs, Vehicles, Comic 2 Packs, TAC 2008, Mighty Mugs, Evolution Sets. 1.0.14 - 9/29/2007 TAC 2008, Collectible Tin Packs, Ultimate Battle of Hoth Battle Pack, Saga Legends 2008 1.0.15 - 12/08/2007 Ultimate Battle of Endor Battle Pack, Galactic Heroes, Lego, Titanium Vehicles and Figures 2.0.0 - 01/14/2008 Force Unleashed Figures, Battle Packs, and Vehicles, Variants on 2007 TAC Legends and Lego. 2.0.1- 02/18/2008 Toy Fair Update-Droid Factory 2 Packs, Order 66 2 Packs, Battle Packs, Evolution Sets, Mighty Mugs, Role Play, Galactic Heroes, Comic Packs, The Clone Wars Figures, The Legacy Figures Basic Figures: The Empire Strikes Back 2.0.2- 03/31/2008 Add corrections to theTitanium Line, Saga and POTJ Figures. 2-1B 4-LOM AT-AT Commander AT-AT Driver Bespin Han Solo Bespin Security Guard (black) Bespin Security Guard (white) Boba Fett Bossk C-3PO w/Removable Limbs Cloud Car Pilot Dengar FX-7 Hoth Han Solo Hoth Luke Skywalker Hoth Rebel Soldier IG-88 Imperial Commander Lando Calrissian (teeth) Lando Calrissian (no teeth) Lobot Luke Skywalker Bespin (blonde hair) Luke Skywalker Bespin (brown hair) Princess Leia Bespin (crew neck) Princess Leia Bespin (turtleneck) Princess Leia Hoth R2-D2 w/Sensorscope Rebel Commander Snowtrooper Tie Fighter Pilot Ugnaught Yoda (brown snake) Yoda (orange snake) Zuckuss 2.0.3- 07/10/2008 Updated the Clone Wars Legacy, Animated lines, Mighty Mugs, and Comic Packs. 2.0.4- 08/17/2008 Added 2008/2009 Legacy and Clone Wars Figures, Comic Packs, Evolution Sets, and Galactic Heroes If you find any discrepancies please send an email to checklist@sandtroopers.com. Updated 08/25/2008 VINTAGE VERSION HISTORY Page 3 of 44 Sandtroopers.com Star Wars Checklist Version 2.0.4 Page 4 of 44 Basic Figures: Return of the Jedi 8D8 Admiral Ackbar AT-ST Driver Bib Fortuna Biker Scout B-Wing Pilot Chief Chirpa Emperor Emperor’s Royal Guard Gamorrean Guard General Madine Han Solo w/Trench Coat Jedi Knight Luke (blue lightsaber) Jedi Knight Luke (green lightsaber) Lando Calrissian, Skiff Guard Logray Luke in Stormtrooper Disguise Nien Nunb Nikto Paploo Princess Leia, Boushh Disguise Princess Leia w/Poncho Prune Face Klaatu Klaatu (Skiff Guard) Rancor Keeper Rebel Commando Ree-Yees Squid Head Teebo Weequay Wicket Warrick Basic Figures: Power of the Force A-Wing Pilot Amanaman Anakin Skywalker Barada EV-9D9 Han Solo in Carbonite Imperial Dignitary Imperial Gunner Lando Calrissian, General Luke Skywalker w/Poncho Lumat R2-D2 w/Lightsaber Romba Warok Yak Face Basic Figures: Droids Cartoon A-Wing Pilot Boba Fett C-3PO Jann Tosh Jord Dusat Kea Moll Kez-Iban R2-D2 Sise Fromm Thall Joben Tig Fromm Uncle Gundy Vlix If you find any discrepancies please send an email to checklist@sandtroopers.com. Version 2.0.4 Sandtroopers.com Star Wars Checklist Updated 08/25/2008 Basic Figures: Ewoks Cartoon Dulok Scout Dulok Shaman King Gomeesh Logray Urgah Lady Gomeesh Wicket Vehicles & Accessories 1978 Landspeeder Mail in Action Stand Tie Fighter X-Wing Fighter 1979 Cantina Cantina (Sears Exclusive) Darth Vader's Tie Fighter Death Star Station Dewback Patrol Droid Factory Imperial Transport Jawa Sandcrawler Land of the Jawa's Millennium Falcon Radio Controlled R2-D2 Sonic Control Landspeeder 1980 AT-AT Cloud City Playset (Sears Exclusive) Dagobah Playset Ice Planet Hoth Imperial Attack Base Imperial Cruiser MLC-3 MTV-7 PDT-8 Slave 1 Snowspeeder Star Destroyer Playset Tantaun (open belly) Tauntaun Turret & Probot Twin Pod Cloud Car 1982 Battle Damage X-Wing CAP-2 Hoth Wampa INT-4 Rebel Command Center Rebel Transport Scout Walker Tri-Pod Laser Cannon Vehicle Maintenance Page 5 of 44 Bespin Control Room set Bespin Freeze Chamber set Bespin gantry set Bespin World set Death Star Compactor set Death Star Escape set Death Star World set Hoth Generator Attack set Hoth Ion Cannon set Hoth Turret Defense set Hoth Wampa Cave set Hoth World Action set TIE Fighter X-wing Special Offer TIE Fighter Special Offer X-Wing Snowspeeder (JC Penny) Millennium Falcon (Sears) 1985 Ewok Battle Wagon Imperial Sniper Vehicle Jabba's Dungeon w/Amanaman, EV-9D9, Barada One Man Sand Skimmer Security Scout Vehicle Tatooine Skiff Droids Accessories A-Wing Fighter ATL Inspector Droids Lightsaber Imperial Side Gunner POTF Coins Category I Amanaman Anakin Skywalker A-Wing pilot Barada EV-9D9 Han Carbonite Imperial Dignitary Imperial Gunner Lando General Luke Poncho (Endor) Luke Stormtrooper R2 Pop-Up Lightsaber version Romba Warok Yak-Face 12” Figures Boba Fett C-3PO Chewbacca Darth Vader Han Solo IG-88 Jawa Luke Skywalker Obi-Wan Kenobi Princess Leia Organa R2-D2 Stormtrooper Category II AT-ST Driver Biker Scout B-Wing Pilot C-3PO Chewbacca Darth Vader Emperor Gamorrean Guard Han Solo Rebel (Trenchcoat, Endor) Jawas Luke Jedi Luke X-Wing Lumat Obi-Wan Kenobi Paploo Princess Leia Rebel Leader (Endor Poncho) Stormtrooper Teebo Wicket Yoda Mini-Rigs Empire Strikes Back CAP-2 INT-4 MCL-3 MTV-7 PDT-8 POTF Single Body Transport Vehicles: Imperial Sniper One man Sand Skimmer Security Scout If you find any discrepancies please send an email to checklist@sandtroopers.com. Updated 08/25/2008 Micro Collection 1984 B-Wing Fighter Desert Sail Skiff Endor Forest Ranger Ewok Assault Catapult Ewok Glider Rancor TIE Interceptor Imperial Shuttle Return of the Jedi AST-5 CAP-2 Desert Sail Skiff Endor Forest Ranger INT-4 ISP-6 MLC-3 MTV-7 1983 AST-5 Battle Damage Tie Fighter Ewok Village ISP-4 Jabba's Dungeon w/Nikto, 8D8, Klaatu (Sears) Jabba's Playset Speederbike Y-Wing Fighter Sandtroopers.com Star Wars Checklist Category IV AT-AT Creatures Droids Han Hoth Imperial Commander Lando with Cloud City Luke with Tauntaun Millennium Falcon Star Destroyer Commander Category V 2-1B Bib Fortuna FX-7 Greedo Han Original Hoth Stormtrooper Luke on Dagobah Princess Leia Original Princess Leia, Boushh Sail Skiff Tusken Raider Zuckuss Sigma Porcelain Figurines Bib Fortuna Boba Fett Darth Vader Emperor Gamorrean Guard Han Solo Klaatu Lando Leia Luke R2 & 3PO Wicket Carrying Cases ANH Vinyl Collector’s Case TESB Vinyl Collector’s Case ROTJ Vinyl Collector’s Case Laser Rifle Collector’s Case Chewbacca’s Bandolier Strap Case C-3PO Collector’s Case Darth Vader Collector’s Case Category III (mail-in POPs to Kenner) Chief Chirpa Emperor's Royal Guard Logray Luke original TIE Fighter Pilot Version 2.0.4 Page 6 of 44 If you find any discrepancies please send an email to checklist@sandtroopers.com. Version 2.0.4 Sandtroopers.com Star Wars Checklist Updated 08/25/2008 Boba Fett (full circle, one hand) Boba Fett (full circles, both hands) Boba Fett (half circles, both hands) Boba Fett (no emblem on chest) Boba Fett (no skull on shoulder) C-3PO Chewbacca Darth Vader Darth Vader (long lightsaber) Darth Vader (short lightsaber) Darth Vader (transition tray) Death Star Gunner Han Solo Han Solo (carbonite block) Han Solo (carbonite text) Han Solo Hoth Gear (closed hand) Han Solo Hoth Gear (open hand) Jawas Lando Calrissian Luke Dagobah (long lightsaber) Luke Dagobah (short lightsaber) Luke Dagobah (transition tray) Luke Jedi Knight (black vest, protruding handle) Luke Jedi Knight (brown vest, indented handle) Luke Jedi Knight (brown vest, protruding handle) Luke Skywalker (long lightsaber) Luke Skywalker (short lightsaber) Luke Skywalker (transition tray) Luke X-Wing Pilot (long lightsaber) Luke X-Wing Pilot (short lightsaber) Luke X-Wing Pilot (transition tray) Momaw Nadon (Hammerhead) Obi-Wan Kenobi (full figure photo, long lightsaber) Obi-Wan Kenobi (full figure photo, short lightsaber) Obi-Wan Kenobi (head shot, long lightsaber) Obi-Wan Kenobi (transition tray) Obi-Wan Kenobi (w/out hologram sticker) Princess Leia Organa (three bands on belt) Princess Leia Organa (two bands on belt) R2-D2 R5-D4 (straight latch) Sandtrooper Stormtrooper (hologram sticker) Stormtrooper (w/out hologram sticker) TIE Fighter Pilot (warning printed) TIE Fighter Pilot (warning sticker) Tusken Raider (closed hand) Tusken Raider (open hand) Yoda (hologram sticker) Yoda (w/out hologram sticker) Basic Figures: Coin Collection Bespin Han Solo (w/out text) Bespin Han Solo (text) C-3PO Chewbacca (text) Chewbacca (w/out text) Emperor Palpatine Luke (Endor, .00) Luke (Endor, .01) Leia (Endor, .00) Leia (Endor, .01) Snowtrooper (text) Snowtrooper (w/out text) Page 7 of 44 Updated 08/25/2008 Basic Figures: Green Cards (cont’d.) POWER OF THE FORCE 2 Basic Figures: Red Cards Sandtroopers.com Star Wars Checklist R5-D4 (hooked latch, printed warning) R5-D4 (hooked latch, warning sticker) R5-D4 (straight latch, warning sticker) Rebel Fleet Trooper (collection 1) Rebel Fleet Trooper (collection 2) Saelt Marae (Yak Face) Sandtrooper (collection 1) Sandtrooper (collection 3) Snowtrooper Stormtrooper TIE Fighter Pilot (collection 2) TIE Fighter Pilot (collection 3) Tusken Raider (closed hand) Tusken Raider (open hand) Weequay (collection 2) Weequay (collection 3) Yoda (collection 1) Yoda (collection 2) Basic Figures: Green Cards 2-1B 4-LOM Admiral Ackbar ASP-7 Droid AT-ST Driver (collection 2) AT-ST Driver (collection 3) Bib Fortuna (collection 1) Bib Fortuna (collection 2) Boba Fett (circle on hands) Boba Fett (collection 1) Boba Fett (collection 3) Boba Fett (full circle on one hand) Boba Fett (half circle on hands) Boba Fett (no emblem on chest) Boba Fett (no skull on shoulder) Bossk C-3PO Chewbacca Darth Vader (collection 1) Darth Vader (collection 3) Darth Vader (retooled 2-pack) Death Star Gunner (collection 1) Death Star Gunner (collection 3) Dengar Emperor Palpatine (collection 1) Emperor Palpatine (collection 3) Emperor’s Royal Guard EV-9D9 Gamorrean Guard Garindan (Long Snoot) Grand Moff Tarkin (collection 2) Grand Moff Tarkin (collection 3) Greedo Han Solo Han Solo (Bespin) Han Solo Carbonite (collection 1) Han Solo Carbonite (collection 2) Han Solo Endor (blue pants) Han Solo Endor (brown pants) Hoth Rebel Soldier (collection 1) Hoth Rebel Soldier (collection 2) Jawas Lando Calrissian Luke Ceremonial (collection 1) Luke Ceremonial (collection 2) Luke Hoth (collection 1) Luke Hoth (collection 2) Luke Jedi Knight (collection 1) Luke Jedi Knight (collection 2) Luke Stormtrooper (collection 1) Luke Stormtrooper (collection 2) Luke X-Wing Pilot Malakili (Rancor Keeper) Momaw Nadon (Hammerhead) Nien Nunb Obi-Wan Kenobi Ponda Baba (collection 2, black beard) Ponda Baba (collection 2, gray beard) Ponda Baba (collection 3, black beard) Ponda Baba (collection 3, gray beard) Princess Leia (three bands on belt) Princess Leia (two bands on belt) Princess Leia Boushh Princess Leia Slave R2-D2 If you find any discrepancies please send an email to checklist@sandtroopers.com. Basic Figures: Green Cards (Commtech) Admiral Motti Darth Vader Wuher Han Solo Greedo Jawa w/Gonk Droid (one foot hole) Jawa w/Gonk Droid (no foot holes) Jawa w/Gonk Droid (both foot holes) Luke Skywalker Princess Leia R2-D2 w/Hologram Leia (with foot peg on side) R2-D2 w/Hologram Leia (w/out foot peg on side) Stormtrooper Basic Figures: Green Cards (Flashback) Anakin Skywalker Aunt Beru C-3PO Chewbacca Darth Vader Emperor Palpatine Leia (Gown) Amidala (in make up) Amidala (no make up) Luke Skywalker Obi-Wan Kenobi R2-D2 (shooting lightsaber, left side) R2-D2 (shooting lightsaber, right side) Yoda Basic Figures: Green Cards (Freeze Frame) 8D8 Admiral Ackbar AT-AT Driver AT-ST Driver Biggs Darklighter Boba Fett (full circle, both hands) Boba Fett (full circle, one hand) Boba Fett (half circle, both hands) Boba Fett (no emblem on chest) Boba Fett (no skull on shoulder) C-3PO w/Removable Limbs Captain Piett (baton) Captain Piett (blaster rifle) Chewbacca (Boushh’s Bounty) Darth Vader Version 2.0.4 Page 8 of 44 Darth Vader w/Removable Helmet Death Star Droid w/Mouse Droid Death Star Slide Death Star Trooper Emperor Palpatine Emperor’s Royal Guard Endor Rebel Soldier (.00 "Marie" Endor Rebel Soldier (.01 "Marae" EV-9D9 Gamorrean Guard Garindan (Long Snoot) Grand Moff Tarkin Han Carbonite (.04 "Marie") Han Carbonite (.05 "Marae") Han Solo Han Solo Bespin (.01 "Marie") Han Solo Bespin (.02 "Marae") Han Solo Endor (.01 "Marie") Han Solo Endor (.02 "Marae") Hoth Rebel Soldier (.02 "Marie") Hoth Rebel Soldier (.03 "Marae") Imperial Slide Ishi Tib Lak Sivrak Lando General (.00 "Marie") Lando General (.01 "Marae") Lando Skiff Guard (.01 "Marie") Lando Skiff Guard (.02 "Marae") Lobot Luke Bespin (.00 "Marie") Luke Bespin (.01 "Marae") Luke Ceremonial Luke Stormtrooper (.03 "Marie") Luke Stormtrooper (.04 "Marae") Luke w/Battleshield Malakili (Rancor Keeper) Mon Mothma Nien Nunb Obi-Wan Kenobi (.03 "Marie") Obi-Wan Kenobi (.04 "Marae") Orrimaarko (Prune Face) Pote Snitkin Princess Leia Ewok Celebration (.00 "Marie") Princess Leia Ewok Celebration (.01 "Marae") Princess Leia Hoth Princess Leia Slave (.01 "Marie") Princess Leia Slave (.02 "Marae") Princess Leia w/New Likeness R2-D2 w/Datalink Rebel Fleet Trooper (.01 "Marae" printed) Rebel Fleet Trooper (.01 "Marae" sticker) Rebel Fleet Trooper (.01 "Marie") Ree-Yees Saelt-Marae (Yak Face) Sandtrooper Snowtrooper Stormtrooper TIE Fighter Pilot Ugnaughts Weequay Wicket & Logray Zuckuss If you find any discrepancies please send an email to checklist@sandtroopers.com. Version 2.0.4 Sandtroopers.com Star Wars Checklist Updated 08/25/2008 Basic Figures: Expanded Universe Clone Emperor Darktrooper Grand Admiral Thrawn Imperial Sentinel Leia Organa Solo Luke Skywalker Mara Jade Kyle Katarn Spacetrooper Chewbacca (Snoova) Dash Rendar Luke Skywalker (Imperial Disguise) Prince Xizor Leia Boushh (no collection number) Leia Boushh (.01 collection number) Princess Leia Collection Bespin Leia/Han (.00 card) Bespin Leia/Han (.01 card) Ceremonial Luke/Leia (.00 card) Ceremonial Luke/Leia (.01 card) Celebration Leia/Wicket (.00 card) Celebration Leia/Wicket (.01 card) Princess Leia/R2-D2 (.00 card) Princess Leia/R2-D2 (.01 card) Deluxe Power of the Force 2 Boba Fett (with proton torpedo) Boba Fett (w/out proton torpedo) Boba Fett (either version with one circle on hand) Boba Fett (half circle on hands) Boba Fett (no emblem on chest) Boba Fett (no skull on shoulder) Boba Fett (with proton torpedo) Crowd Control Stormtrooper (no sticker) Crowd Control Stormtrooper (with sticker) Droopy McCool & Barquin D’an Han Solo w/Flight Pack Hoth Rebel Soldier w/Cannon Imperial Probe Droid (green back of card) Imperial Probe Droid (orange back of card) Jabba’s Palace Diorama w/Han Solo Luke w/Desert Sport Skiff Max Rebo & Doda Bodonawieedo Mos Eisley Diorama w/Sandtrooper Snowtrooper w/Tri-Pod Cannon Sy Snootles & Joh Yowza Shadows of the Empire Boba Fett vs. IG-88 (with vehicle of choice) Boba Fett vs. IG-88 (w/out vehicle of choice) Prince Xizor VS Darth Vader FX Series Darth Vader Emperor (.00 card) Emperor (.01 card) Luke Skywalker Obi-Wan R2-D2 Page 9 of 44 3-D Diorama: Cantina w/Sandtrooper & Probe Droid AT-AT w/Commander Veers & AT-AT Driver (photo with legs) AT-AT w/Commander Veers & AT-AT Driver (photo w/out legs) AT-AT w/Commander Veers & AT-AT Driver (sticker with legs) A-Wing Fighter w/Pilot Bantha w/Tusken Raider Cruise Missile Trooper Darth Vader's Tie Fighter Dash Rendar's Outrider (green POTF2 box) Dash Rendar's Outrider (SOTE box) Death Star Escape Playset Detention Block Playset Dewback w/Sandtrooper Endor Attack Playset EU Airspeeder EU Cloudcar EU Speederbike FX X-Wing Fighter (.00 box with Death Star) FX X-Wing Fighter (.01 box with X-Wing only) Hoth Battle Playset Imperial AT-ST Jabba the Hutt w/Han Solo (.01 box) Jabba the Hutt w/Han Solo (.02 box) Landspeeder Luke's T-16 Skyhopper Millennium Falcon Power Racing Speederbike Rancor w/Luke Jedi Knight Rebel Snowspeeder Remote Control Landspeeder Remote Control R2-D2 Remote Control Speederbike w/Biker Scout Remote Control Speederbike w/Luke Ronto w/Jawa Slave I (green POTF2 box) Slave I (SOTE box) Speederbike w/Biker Scout Speederbike w/Luke (no gloves) Speederbike w/Luke (one black glove) Speederbike w/Princess Leia (.00 box) Speederbike w/Princess Leia (.01 box) Swoop Tauntaun w/Hoth Han Solo Tauntaun w/Hoth Luke Skywalker TIE Fighter Wampa w/Luke Skywalker X-Wing Fighter (green box) X-Wing Fighter (orange box) X-Wing Flight Simulator Carrying Cases Talking C-3PO Collector’s Case Power of the Force Collector’s Case Millennium Falcon Case with Wedge Antilles Millennium Falcon Case with Imperial Scanning Crew Trooper If you find any discrepancies please send an email to checklist@sandtroopers.com. Updated 08/25/2008 Cinema Scenes Gunner Station Darth Vader Han Solo (.00 card) Han Solo (.01 card) Luke Skywalker (.00 card) Luke Skywalker (.01 card) Beasts, Vehicles & Accessories Basic Figures: Shadows of the Empire Sandtroopers.com Star Wars Checklist Version 2.0.4 Obi-Wan Kenobi (black/silver lightsaber handle, gold buckle, black/gold foil logo) Obi-Wan Kenobi (black/silver lightsaber handle, gold buckle, gold foil logo) Obi-Wan Kenobi (black/silver lightsaber handle, silver buckle) Ponda Baba Princess Leia Princess Leia (Slave) R2-D2 Sandtrooper w/Droid (white pauldron) Snowtrooper (blue highlights) Snowtrooper (gray highlights) Stormtrooper TIE Fighter Pilot Tusken Raider w/Blaster & Binoculars (printed warning) Tusken Raider w/Blaster & Binoculars (stickered warning) Tusken Raider w/Gaderffi Stick (printed warning) Tusken Raider w/Gaderffi Stick (stickered warning) Yoda Cantina Aliens Cantina Showdown Death Star Escape Final Jedi Duel Jabba’s Dancers Jabba’s Skiff Guards Jedi Spirits Mynock Hunt Purchase of the Droids Rebel Pilots Epic Force Boba Fett C-3PO Darth Vader Han Solo Chewbacca Obi-Wan Kenobi Luke Skywalker (Bespin) Princess Leia (Bespin) Stromtrooper 12” Figures (with Dark Blue Insert) Darth Vader (black lightsaber handle) Han Solo (unpainted pouch) Luke Skywalker w/Yellow Hair (binoculars on belt) Luke Skywalker w/Yellow Hair (binoculars attached to blister) Obi-Wan Kenobi (black lightsaber handle, silver buckle) 12” Figures (with Light Blue Insert) Basic Figures Admiral Ackbar AT-AT Driver Barquin D'an Boba Fett C-3PO Ceremonial Leia (Portrait Edition) Ceremonial Luke Chewbacca Chewbacca "96" Box Chewbacca (Chained) Chewbacca (plastic) Darth Vader (black lightsaber handle) Darth Vader (black/silver lightsaber handle, black/gold foil logo) Darth Vader (black/silver lightsaber handle, gold foil logo) Emperor Palpatine Grand Moff Tarkin Greedo Han Solo (Endor Trench Coat) Han Solo (Hoth Gear) Han Solo (painted pouch, black/gold foil logo) Han Solo (painted pouch, gold foil logo) Han Solo (unpainted pouch) Jawa Lando Calrissian Luke Skywalker (Bespin) Luke Skywalker (Hoth Gear) Luke Skywalker (Jedi Knight) Luke Skywalker (pink hair, black/silver lightsaber handle, black/gold foil logo) Luke Skywalker (pink hair, black/silver lightsaber handle, gold foil logo) Luke Skywalker (pink or yellow hair, black lightsaber handle) Luke Skywalker (X-Wing Pilot) Luke Stormtrooper w/Dianoga Obi-Wan Kenobi w/Helmet Obi-Wan Kenobi (black lightsaber handle, silver buckle) Page 10 of 44 12” Multi-Pack Figures Luke Jedi & Bib Fortuna (Bib w/out gloves) Luke Jedi & Bib Fortuna (Bib with gloves) Wedge & Biggs (FAO) 12” Book Series Anakin Skywalker Aurra Sing C-3PO 12” Cantina Band Members (Wal-Mart) Doikk Na'ts w/Fizz Figrin D'an w/Kloo Horn Ickabel w/Fanfar Nalan w/Bandfill Tech w/Ommni Box Tedn w/Fanfar 12” Figures w/Vehicles or Beasts Dewback w/Sandtrooper Speederbike w/Biker Scout Speederbike w/Endor Leia Speederbike w/Endor Luke 12” Store Exclusives AT-AT Driver (Service Merchandise) Electronic Ben & Vader (JC Penny) Electronic Boba Fett (KB Toys) Electronic C-3PO & R2-D2 (Toys ‘R Us) Electronic Darth Vader (Toys ‘R Us) Electronic Emperor & Royal Guard (Target) ESB 4-Pack (JC Penny) Grand Moff Tarkin & Death Star Gunner (FAO Schwartz) Greedo (JC Penny) Han Solo w/ Taun Taun (Toys ‘R Us) Leia Hoth (Service Merchandise) Leia Prisoner & R2-D2 (FAO Schwartz) Luke & Han in Stormtrooper Disguise (KB Toys) Luke Hoth & Wampa (Target) Luke, Leia & Han 3-Pack (KB Toys) Luke W/Taun Taun (Toys ‘R US) R2-D2 w/Tools (Wal-Mart) R5-D4 (Wal-Mart) Sandtrooper (orange pauldron, Diamond Comics) Wicket (Wal-Mart) If you find any discrepancies please send an email to checklist@sandtroopers.com. Version 2.0.4 Sandtroopers.com Star Wars Checklist Updated 08/25/2008 Basic Figures Page 11 of 44 Queen Amidala (Naboo, .0000 card) Queen Amidala (Naboo, .0100 card) Qui Gon-Jinn (Jedi Master) Qui Gon-Jinn (Jedi, .0000 card) Qui Gon-Jinn (Jedi, .0100 card) Qui Gon-Jinn (Naboo) R2-B1 R2-D2 (blister at an angle) R2-D2 (blister is flat) Ric Olie (.0000 card, closed hand) Ric Olie (.0100 card) Ric Olie (.0100 card, open hand) Rune Haako Senator Palpatine (.0000 card) Senator Palpatine (.0100 card) Sio Bibble TC-14 Watto (.0000 card) Watto (.0100 card) Yoda (.0000 card, w/out EP1 text) Yoda (.0100 card, with EP1 text) Beasts, Vehicles & Accessories Accessory Sets Naboo Sith Tatooine Accessories Comm Tech Reader Flash Cannon Gungan Energy Ball Set Hyperdrive Repair Kit Pod Racer Refuel Station Rappel Line Kit Tatooine Disguise Kit Underwater Set Beasts Battle Bags (sea creatures 1 & 2) Battle Bags (swamp creatures 1 & 2) Famba w/Gungan Warrior (FAO Exclusive) Jabba Glob Jabba w/Fode & Beed Kaadu w/Jar Jar Binks Opee w/Qui-Gon Jinn Deluxe Battle Droid w/Battle Tank Darth Maul Darth Maul w/Sith Infiltrator Holographic Darth Maul (Wal-Mart) Holographic Qui Gon-Jinn (Wal-Mart) Obi-Wan Kenobi Obi-wan Vs Darth Maul (Final Duel) Obi-Wan w/Gungan Sub Qui Gon-Jinn Playsets Theed Hanger Playset w/Qui-Gon Jinn & Battle Droid 12” Figures 12” Basic Figures Anakin Skywalker Battle Droid Boss Nass C-3PO (Electronic) Darth Maul Darth Maul (Electronic) Darth Maul w/Sith Speeder Jar Jar Bink (Electronic) Jar Jar Binks Mace Windu Obi-Wan Kenobi Pit Droid Qui Gon Jinn (Electronic) Qui-Gon Jinn Qui-Gon Jinn (Tatooine, gray poncho) Qui-Gon Jinn (Tatooine, tan poncho) R2-A6 Sebulba TC-14 (Electronic) Watto 12” Multi-Pack Figures Anakin Skywalker w/Droid Chancellor Valorum & Coruscant Guard Qui-Gon Jinn & Queen Amidala 12” Queen Amidala Fashion Dolls Beautiful Braids Black Travel Gown Hidden Majesty Red Senate Gown Return to Naboo Royal Elegance Ultimate Hair Vehicles Ammo Wagon & Falumpaset Amored Scout Tank w/Battle Droid (.0000 box) Amored Scout Tank w/Battle Droid (.0100 box) Battle Tank Flash Speeder Gungan Cannon w/Jar Jar Binks Gungan Sub w/Obi-Wan Naboo Fighter Podracer w/Anakin Podracer w/Sebulba Queen's Royal Starship w/Red R2 Unit Sith Speeder w/Darth Maul STAP w/Battle Droid Trade Federation Droid Fighters Foreign Exclusive 2-packs Battle Droid 2-packs Amidala (Coruscant) Anakin Anakin (Naboo) Battle Droid (Blast) Battle Droid (Clean) Battle Droid (Dirty) Battle Droid (Sliced) C-3PO Captain Panaka Darth Maul Darth Maul (Tatooine) Destroyer Droid Jar Jar Binks Nute Gunray Obi-Wan Obi-Wan (Tatooine) Padme’ Queen Amidala Qui-Gon Qui-Gon(Coruscant) R2-D2 Ric Olie Rune Haako Senator Palpatine Watto Yoda If you find any discrepancies please send an email to checklist@sandtroopers.com. Updated 08/25/2008 Pit Droid 2-packs (each figure below comes with one of three different pit droids) Anakin Skywalker Darth Maul Holographic Emperor Naboo Royal Guard Obi-Wan Kenobi EPISODE 1: THE PHANTOM MENACE Adi Gallia Anakin (Naboo Pilot) Anakin (Naboo) Anakin (Tatooine, .0000 card) Anakin (Tatooine, .0100 card) Battle Droid (Blast Damage, .0000 card) Battle Droid (Blast Damage, .0100 card) Battle Droid (Blast Damage, .0200 card) Battle Droid (Clean, .0000 card) Battle Droid (Clean, .0100 card) Battle Droid (Clean, .0200 card) Battle Droid (Dirty, .0000 card) Battle Droid (Dirty, .0100 card) Battle Droid (Dirty, .0200 card) Battle Droid (Sliced, .0000 card) Battle Droid (Sliced, .0100 card) Battle Droid (Sliced, .0200 card) Boss Nass (.0000 card) Boss Nass (.0100 card) C-3PO (.0000 card) C-3PO (.0100 card) Captain Panaka Captain Tarpals Chancellor Valorum (.0000 card) Chancellor Valorum (.0100 card) Chancellor Valorum (.0200 card) Chancellor Valorum (black sticker over blister) Chancellor Valorum (black sticker under blister) Chancellor Valorum (no black sticker) Darth Maul (Sith Lord, .0100 card, black vest) Darth Maul (Tatooine, black vest) Darth Maul (Tatooine, gray vest) Darth Maul (Jedi Duel) (.0000 card, black vest) Darth Maul (Jedi Duel) (.0000 card, gray vest) Darth Maul (Jedi Duel) (.0100 card, black vest) Darth Sidious (.0000 card) Darth Sidious (.0100 card) Darth Sidious (Hologram) Destroyer Droid Destroyer Droid (Battle Damage) Gasgano & Pit Droid (.0100 card) Gasgano & Pit Droid (.0200 card) Jar Jar Binks (.0000 card, large photo) Jar Jar Binks (.0000 card, small photo) Jar Jar Binks (.0100 card) Jar Jar Binks (.0200 card) Jar Jar Binks (Swimming) Ki-Adi-Mundi (.0000 card) Ki-Adi-Mundi (.0100 card) Mace Windu (Hooded, .0000 card) Mace Windu (Hooded, .0100 card) Naboo Royal Guard Naboo Royal Security Nute Gunray Obi-Wan (Jedi Duel, .0000 card) Obi-Wan (Jedi Duel, .0100 card) Obi-Wan (Jedi) Obi-Wan (Naboo) Ody Mantrell & Pit Droid OOM-9 (binoculars in hand) OOM-9 (binoculars separate) Padme’ Naberrie (.0000 card) Padme’ Naberrie (.0100 card) Pit Droid 2-pack Queen Amidala (Battle) Queen Amidala (Coruscant) Sandtroopers.com Star Wars Checklist Cinema Scenes Mos Espa Encounter Tattoine Showdown Watto’s Box Epic Force Darth Maul Obi-Wan Kenobi Qui-Gon Jinn Palm Talkers Battle Droid Darth Naul Jar Jar Binks R2-D2 Yoda Version 2.0.4 Page 12 of 44 If you find any discrepancies please send an email to checklist@sandtroopers.com. Version 2.0.4 Sandtroopers.com Star Wars Checklist Updated 08/25/2008 Darth Maul Destroyer Droid Obi-Wan Kenobi Basic Figures Page 13 of 44 Updated 08/25/2008 Mega Action Figures Obi-Wan (Old) POWER OF THE JEDI Anakin (Mechanic, .00 card) Anakin (Mechanic, .01 card) Aurra Sing (.03 card) Aurra Sing (.04 card) Battle Droid (Boomer Damage, .01 card) Battle Droid (Boomer Damage, .03 card) Battle Droid (Boomer Damage, .04 card) Battle Droid Security Bespin Guard (.04 card) Biker Scout (.01 card, white) Biker Scout (.03 card, white) Biker Scout (.04 card, dirty) Boshek Boss Nass (Sacred Palace, .00 card) Boss Nass (Sacred Palace, .01 card) Chewbacca (Dejarik Champion, .00 card) Chewbacca (Dejarik Champion, .01 card) Chewbacca (Mechanic, .03 card) Chewbacca (Mechanic, .04 card) Coruscant Guard (.00 card) Coruscant Guard (.01 card) Coruscant Guard (.03 card) Coruscant Guard (.04 card) Darth Maul (Final Duel, .00 card, w/out sticker) Darth Maul (Sith Apprecntice, .03 card) Darth Maul (Sith Apprecntice, .04 card) Darth Vader (Dagobah, .01 card) Darth Vader (Dagobah, .04 card) Darth Vader (Emperor's Wrath) Eeth Koth Ellors Madak Fode & Beed (Podracer Announcers, .01 card) Fode & Beed (Podracer Announcers, .04 card) FX-7 Gungan Warrior (.00 card) Gungan Warrior (.01 card) Gungan Warrior (.04 card) Han Solo (Bespin Capture, .01 card) Han Solo (Bespin Capture, .03 card) Han Solo (Bespin Capture, .04 card) Han Solo (Death Star Escape) IG-88 (.01 card) IG-88 (.03 card) Imperial Officer Jar Jar Binks (.03 card) Jar Jar Binks (.04 card) Jek Porkins (.00 card) Jek Porkins (.01 card) Jek Porkins (.03 card) K-3PO (.01 card) K-3PO (.04 card) Ketwol Lando Calrissian (.03 card) Lando Calrissian (.04 card) Luke Skywalker (X-Wing Pilot) Mas Amedda (.00 card) Mas Amedda (.01 card) Mas Amedda (.03 card) Mas Amedda (.03 card) Mas Amedda (.04 card) Mas Amedda (.04 card) Mon Calimari (.01 card) Obi-Wan (Cold Weather, .03 card) Obi-Wan (Cold Weather, .04 card) Obi-Wan (Jedi, .00 card) Obi-Wan (Jedi, .01 card) Sandtroopers.com Star Wars Checklist Star Tours Figures Obi-Wan (Training Gear, .03 card) Obi-Wan (Training Gear, .04 card) Plo Koon (.01 card) Plo Koon (.03 card) Plo Koon (.04 card) Pricess Leia (General, .00 card) Pricess Leia (General, .01 card) Pricess Leia (General, .04 card) Princess Leia (Bespin Escape, .03 card) Princess Leia (Bespin Escape, .04 card) Queen Amidala (Royal Decoy) Queen Amidala (Theed Invasion, .01 card) Queen Amidala (Theed Invasion, .03 card) Queen Amidala (Theed Invasion, .04 card) Qui Gon-Jinn (Mos Espa, .00 card) Qui Gon-Jinn (Mos Espa, .01 card) Qui Gon-Jinn (Mos Espa, .04 card) Qui Gonn-Jinn (Jedi Training Gear) R2-D2 (Naboo Escape, .00 card) R2-D2 (Naboo Escape, .01 card) R2-Q5 (.03 card) R2-Q5 (.04 card) R4-M9 Rebel Trooper Sabe Saesee Tiin (.03 card) Saesee Tiin (.04 card) Sandtrooper (Tatooine Patrol) Sebulba (Boonta Eve Challenge, .01 card) Sebulba (Boonta Eve Challenge, .04 card) Shmi Skywalker Teebo Tessek (.03 card) Tessek (.04 card) Tusken Raider (Desert Sniper, .00 card) Tusken Raider (Desert Sniper, .01 card) Tusken Raider (Desert Sniper, .03 card) Tusken Raider (Desert Sniper, .04 card) Zutton DL-X2 G2-4T G2-9T R3-D3 R4-M9 R5-D2 RX-24 (Captain Rex) SK-Z38 WEG-1618 Palm Talkers Boba Fett C-3PO Chewbacca Darth Vader Stormtrooper 12” Figures 100th Edition Luke 4-LOM Bossk Death Star Droid Death Star Trooper Han (Stormtrooper) IG-88 Luke w/Speederbike (Target) Luke & Yoda (Wal-Mart) Sith Lords 2-Pack (Vader & Maul) Deluxe Amanaman w/Salacious Crumb Darth Maul Sith Training Luke Skywalker in Baccta Tank Slave Leia w/Cannon Basic Figures: Episode II Sneak Preview Clone Trooper Jango Fett R3-T7 Zam Wessell Vehicles & Accessories AT-ST w/Ewok B-Wing Carbonite Freeze Chamber Playset Snow Speeder TIE Bomber TIE Interceptor Y-Wing If you find any discrepancies please send an email to checklist@sandtroopers.com. Version 2.0.4 Page 14 of 44 If you find any discrepancies please send an email to checklist@sandtroopers.com. Version 2.0.4 Sandtroopers.com Star Wars Checklist Updated 08/25/2008 SAGA 2002-2004 Basic Figures: Year 2002 (First 16 w/Background Inserts) 01: Anakin (Outlander) 02: Amidala (Arena) 03: Obi-Wan (Coruscant) 04: C-3P0 05: Kit Fisto 06: Super Battle Droid (with sticker) 06: Super Battle Droid (w/out sticker) 07: Boba Fett 08: Tusken Raider (Female) 09: Captain Typho 10: Shaak Ti 11: Battle Droid 12: Plo Koon 13: Jango Fett (Kamino) 14: R2-D2 15: Geonosian Warrior 16: Dexter Jettster Basic Figures: Year 2002 (Without Background Inserts) 01: Anakin (Outlander) 02: Amidala (Arena, w/out mole) 02: Amidala (Arena, with mole) 03: Ob-Wan (Coruscant) 04: C-3PO 05: Kit Fisto (Force Power Sticker) 05: Kit Fisto (Lightsaber Slashing Sticker) 06: Super Battle Droid (w/out sticker) 06: Super Battle Droid (with sticker) 07: Boba Fett 08: Tusken Raider (Female) 09: Captain Typho 10: Shaak Ti 11: Battle Droid (red) 11: Battle Droid (tan) 12: Plo Koon 13: Jango Fett (Kamino, painted helmet) 13: Jango Fett (Kamino, unpainted helmet) 14: R2-D2 (corrected legs) 14: R2-D2 (w/R3-T7 legs) 15: Geonosian Warrior 16: Dexter Jettster ("Pipe" covered w/sticker) 16: Dexter Jettster ("Pipe" shown) 16: Dexter Jettster (w/out "Pipe") 17: Clone Trooper (red highlights, unpainted visor) 17: Clone Trooper (red highlights, w/three dots) 18: Zam Wessell (pistol drawing sticker) 18: Zam Wessell (race revealing sticker) 19: Royal Guard 20: Saesee Tiin 21: Nikto 22: Anakin (Hanger Duel) 23: Yoda 24: Jar Jar Binks (Senator) 26: Luminara Unduli (“Cloak” text) 26: Luminara Unduli (sticker over text) 26: Luminara Unduli (unpainted necklace) 25: Tuan We 27: Count Dooku 28: Mace Windu (Geonosian) 29: Luke Skywalker (Bespin Duel, bloody stump) 29: Luke Skywalker (Bespin Duel, clean stump, metal) 29: Luke Skywalker (Bespin Duel, clean stump, plastic) 29: Luke Skywalker (Bespin Duel, second arm, straight arm) Page 15 of 44 Sandtroopers.com Star Wars Checklist Updated 08/25/2008 34: Concept Stormtrooper 35: Janus Greejatus (Imperial Dignitary) 36: Padme’' Amidala (Lars Homestead) 30: Darth Vader (Bespin Duel) 31: Jango Fett (Final Battle) 32: Qui Gon-Jinn 33: Endor Rebel Soldier (beard) 33: Endor Rebel Soldier (no beard) 34: Massif 35: Orn Free Taa 36: Obi-Wan (Pilot) 37: Han Solo (Endor Raid) 38: Chewbacca 39: Supreme Chancellor Palpatine 40: Djas Puhr 41: Queen Amidala (Coruscant) 42: Darth Maul (Sith) 43: Anakin (Tatooine) 44: Ki-Adi-Mundi 45: Ephant Mon 46: Teemto Pagilies 47: Jango Fett (Pilot) 48: Arena Battle Destroyer 49: Clone Trooper Pilot 50: Watto 51: Lott Dod 52: Tusken Raider w/Massif 53: Yoda (Jedi Council) 54: Rebel Trooper (Tantive IV) (Blond Hair) 54: Rebel Trooper (Tantive IV) (Brown Hair) 55: Imperial Officer (Blond Hair) 55: Imperial Officer (Brown Hair) 56: Eeth Koth (Jedi Master) 57: Teebo Basic Figures: Year 2003 (cont’d.) 37: Achk Med-Becq 38: Ayy Vida 39: Obi-Wan (Outlander Club) 40: Elan Sleezebaggano 41: Klen Blista-Vanee (Imperial Dignitary) Basic Figures: Year 2004 01: Hoth Trooper 02: R-3PO 03: Luke Skywalker (Hoth Attack) 04: Luke Skywalker (Jabba's Palace) 05: R2-D2 (Jabba's Palace) 06: R1-G4 07: Lando Calrissian (Skiff Guard) 08: Rappertunie 09: J'Quille 10: Tanus Spijek 11: Luke Skywalker (Holographic) 12: General Dodonna 13: Dutch Vandar 14: Tie Fighter Pilot 15: Captain Antillies 16: Admiral Ozzel 17: Dengar 18: Bossk 19: General Madine 20: Han Solo (AT-ST Driver) 21: Lando Calrissian (General) Basic Figures: Year 2003 Clone Trooper w/Speederbike Darth Tyranus Ewok w/Glider General Rieekan Geonosian Warrior Jabba the Hutt Jabba's Palace Court Denizen Jango Fett (Kamino Showdown) Jango Fett (w/out foot holes) Jango Fett (with foot holes) Mace Windu (w/out foot holes) Mace Windu (with foot holes) Nexu Obi-Wan Kenobi Obi-Wan Kenobi (Kamino Showdown) Spider Droid Super Battle Droid Builder Wampa Yoda Target Exclusive Packs Arena Conflict Death Star Endor Victory Hoth Survival Wal-Mart Cantina Scenes Dr. Evazan w/Cantina Bar Section Greedo w/Cantina Bar Section Kitik Keed’Kak w/Cantina Bar Section Momaw Nadon w/Cantina Bar Section Ponda Boba w/Cantina Bar Section Wuher w/Cantina Bar Section * = Available on Blue & Gold Trim Cards 01: Obi-Wan (Acklay Battle) 02: Mace Windu (Arena Confrontation) 03: Darth Tyranus (Geonosian Escape) 04: Queen Amidal (Droid Factory Chase) 05: SP-4 & JN-66 (Library Droids) 06: Tusken Raider (Ambush) 07: Anakin (Secret Ceremony) * 08: Boba Fett (Pitt of Carkoon) * 09: R2-D2 (Droid Factory Chase) 10: Lama Su w/Clone Boy 11: Aayla Secura * 12: Barriss Offee * 13: Han Solo (Hoth, blue coat) * 13: Han Solo (Hoth, brown coat) * 14: Chewbacca (Mynock Hunt) 15: Yoda & Chian * 16: Ashla & Jempa * 17: Luke Skywalker (Throne Room Duel, glove on left hand) 17: Luke Skywalker (Throne Room Duel, glove on right hand) 18: Darth Vader (Throne Room Duel) 19: Snowtrooper 20: Jango Fett 21: C-3PO 22: Queen Amidala (Wedding Dress) 23: Wat Tambor 24: Colman Trembor 25: Darth Maul (Hanger Duel) 26: Princess Leia (Imperial Captive) 27: Han Solo (Flight to Alderan) 28: WA-7 (Waitress Droid) 29: Lt. Daniel Faytonni 30: Emperor(Throne Room Duel) 31: Luke Skywalker (Tatooine Encounter) 32: Darth Vader (Death Star Clash) 33: Bail Organa If you find any discrepancies please send an email to checklist@sandtroopers.com. Version 2.0.4 Basic Figures: Hall of Fame Anakin Skywalker C-3P0 Chewbacca Darth Maul Darth Vader Han Solo Luke Skywalker Obi-Wan Kenobi Princess Leia R2-D2 Stormtrooper Yoda Anakin Skywalker Boba Fett Clone Trooper Darth Maul Darth Vader General Grievous Han Solo Luke Skywalker (X-Wing Pilot) Obi-Wan Obi-Wan Kenobi (Old) Princess Leia Slave Leia Basic Figures: Star Tours 3T-RNE DL-X2 G2-4T G2-9T G3-5LE MSE-1T R3-D3 R4-M9 R5-D4 RX-24 SK-Z38 WEG-1618 Deluxe Anakin Skywalker (Flipping Attack) Anakin Skywalker (Slashing Attack) C-3PO w/Battle Droid C-3PO w/Escape Pod Page 16 of 44 Target Exclusive Glass & Figure Sets Vehicles & Accessories Acklay Anakin w/Swoop Bike Anakin’s Speeder A-Wing (Green) Dagobah X-Wing Darth Tyranus w/Swoop Bike Geonosis Arena Imperial Shuttle Jedi Starfighter Jedi Starfighter w/Obi-Wan Red Leaders X-Wing Reek Republic Gunship Slave 1 TIE Bomber TIE Fighter Zam Wessell w/Speeder If you find any discrepancies please send an email to checklist@sandtroopers.com. Version 2.0.4 Sandtroopers.com Star Wars Checklist Updated 08/25/2008 Sandtroopers.com Star Wars Checklist Updated 08/25/2008 Multi Packs ORIGINAL TRILOGY COLLECTION Imperial Forces (Darth Vader, Stormtrooper, AT-ST Driver, R4I9) Jedi Warriors (Obi-Wan, Saesee Tiin, Plo Koon, Fi-Ek Sirch) Skirmish at Carkoon (Barada, Nikto, Han Solo, Klaatu) Battle of Hoth (Luke, Leia, R3-A2, Chewbacca, Tauntaun) Ultimate Bounty (Boba Fett, Bossk, IG-88, Aurra Sing w/Swoop) Basic Figures: VOTC Figures Boba Fett C-3PO Chewbacca Darth Vader Han Solo Lando Calrissian Luke Skywalker Obi-Wan Princess Leia R2-D2 Stormtrooper Yoda Screen Scenes Trash Compactor (Luke and Han) Trash Compactor (Leia and Chewbacca) Geonosian War Room (Poggle the Lessar, San Hill, Count Dooku) Geonosian War Room (Nute Gunray, Shu Mai, Passel Argente) Jedi Council (Mace Windu, Even Piell, Oppo Rancisis) Jedi Council (Yarael poof, Depa Billaba, Yaddle) 10: Darth Vader 11: Stormtrooper 12: Sandtrooper 13: Scout Trooper 14: Han Solo 15: Chewbacca 16: Yoda DVD 3-Packs A New Hope The Empire Strikes Back Return of the Jedi Basic Figures: OTC Figures Initial Waves 01: Luke Skywalker (Dagobah, handstand) 01: Luke Skywalker (Dagobah, standing) 02: Yoda (Dagobah) 03: Spirit of Obi-Wan 04: R2-D2 (Dagobah) 05: Luke Skywalker (X-Wing) 06: Luke Skywalker (Jedi) 07: Han Solo 08: Chewbacca 09: Princess Leia 10: Darth Vader (Throne Room) 11: Scout Trooper 12: R2-D2 13: C-3P0 14: Boba Fett 15: Obi-Wan Kenobi 16: Stormtrooper 17: Wicket 18: Princess Leia (Bespin) 19: Cloud Car Pilot 20: Lobot 21: Tie Fighter Pilot 22: Greedo 23: Tusken Raider 24: Jawa 25: Snowtrooper 26: Luke Skywalker (Bespin) 27: IG-88 28: Bossk 29: Darth Vader (Hoth) 30: Gamorrean Guard 31: Bib Fortuna 32: Lando Calrissian (Skiff Guard) 33: Princess Leia (Slave Outfit) 34: Darth Vader (A New Hope) 35: Han Solo (AT-ST) 36: General Madine 37: Lando Calrissian (General) 38: Imperial Trooper 12” Figures 12” Basic Figures Anakin Skywalker Anakin w/Robotic Arm AT-ST Driver Biker Scout Clonetrooper Count Dooku Dengar Electronic Jango Fett Electronic Obi-Wan Kenobi Ewok 2-Pack Garidian Geonosian Warrior Han Solo Imperial Officer Jango Fett (Collectors Pack) Luke Skywalker (Jedi) Mace Windu Obi-Wan Kenobi (classic) Obi-Wan Kenobi (Episode II) Padme’ Amidala Skiff Guard Lando Super Battle Droid Yoda Zam Wessell Zuckuss 12” Store Exclusives Clonetrooper (red, KB Toys) Clonetrooper (yellow, KB Toys) Gammorean Guard (KB Toys) Han Carbonite/Leia Boushh (Toys ‘R Us) Ki-Ad-Mundi (Website Exclusive) Leia w/Speederbike (Target) Luke w/Taun Taun (Toys ‘R Us) Plo Koon (Website Exclusive) Year 2005 01: Pablo Jill 02: Yaruna 03: Sly Moore 04: Queen Amidala 05: Rabe’ 06: Feltipern Trevagg 07: Myo 08: Dannik Jerriko 09: Luke Skywalker (Dagobah) Page 17 of 44 If you find any discrepancies please send an email to checklist@sandtroopers.com. Version 2.0.4 Page 18 of 44 Vehicles & Accessories Millennium Falcon Millennium Falcon w/Figures (Sam’s Club) Sandcrawler Slave I (Target) X-Wing Fighter TIE Fighter Y-Wing Fighter 12” Figures (VOTC) Boba Fett (blue outfit) Boba Fett (green outfit) Chewbacca (KB Toys) Luke Skywalker Stormtrooper Target Exclusive Glass & Figure Sets Boba Fett Han Solo Yoda Multi Packs Endor Ambush Naboo Final Conflict Screen Scenes Mos Eisley Cantina (Dr. Evazan, Wuher, Kitik Keed’kak) Mos Eisley Cantina (Obi-Wan, Ponda Baba, Zutton) Jedi Council (Obi-Wan, Plo Koon, Eeth Koth) Jedi Council (Yoda, Qui Gon-Jinn, Ki-Adi-Mundi) Jedi Council (Anakin, Saesee Tiin, Adi Gallia) Jedi Council (Shaak Ti, Agen Kolar, Stass Allie) Star Tours 3T-RNE G3-5LE MSE-1T Miscellaneous Ask Yoda C-3PO Carry Case Darth Vader Carry Case Darth Vader Voice Changer Darth Vader Wrestling Buddy R2-D2 Wrestling Buddy If you find any discrepancies please send an email to checklist@sandtroopers.com. Version 2.0.4 Sandtroopers.com Star Wars Checklist Updated 08/25/2008 CLONE WARS Sandtroopers.com Star Wars Checklist Updated 08/25/2008 EPISODE III: REVENGE OF THE SITH Basic Figures (Animated) Basic Figures: Sneak Preview Anakin Skywalker Asajj Ventress Clone Trooper Clone Trooper (with blue highlights) Clone Trooper (with red highlights) Clone Trooper (with yellow highlights) Count Dooku Durge General Grievous Mace Windu Anakin Skywalker (New w/ ripped shirt) Obi-Wan Kenobi Yoda General Grievous R4-G9 Tion Medon Wookiee Warrior Basic Figures 01: Obi-Wan Kenobi 02: Anakin Skywalker 03: Yoda 04: Super Battle Droid 05: Chewbacca 06: Clone Trooper (white armor) 06: Clone Trooper (white & red armor, Shocktrooper) 07: R2-D2 08: Grievous Body Guard 09: General Grievous 10: Mace Windu 11: Darth Vader 12: Emperor Palpatine 13: Count Dooku 14: Chancellor Palpatine 15: Bail Organa 16: Plo Koon 17: Battle Droid (red) 17: Battle Droid (tan) 18: C-3PO 19: Padme’ Amidala 20: Agen Kolar 21: Shaak Ti 22: Kit Fisto 23: Royal Guard (blue outfit) 23: Royal Guard (red outfit) 24: Mon Mothma 25: Tarrful 26: Yoda 27: Obi-Wan Kenobi 28: Anakin Skywalker 29: Ki-Adi-Mundi 30: Saesee Tiin 31: Luminara Unduli 32: Aayla Secura 33: Clone Commander (green outfit) 33: Clone Commander (red outfit) 34: Clone Pilot (black outfit) 34: Clone Pilot (white outfit) 35: Emperor Palpatine 36: General Grievous 37: Darth Vader’s Medical Droid 38: AT-TE Gunner 39: Polis Massan 40: Mas Amedda 41: Clone Trooper 42: Neimoidian Warrior 43: Wookiee Warrior (dark hair) 43: Wookiee Warrior (light hair) 44: Destroyer Droid 45: Tarkin 46: Ask Aak 47: Meena Tillis 48: R2-D2 49: Commander Baccarra 50: Mustafar Anakin 51: Captain Antillies 52: Zett Jukassa 53: Utapauan Warrior DVD 3-Packs (Animated) Anakin Skywalker, Saesee Tiin, and Clone Trooper Clone Commander Cody, Obi-Wan Kenobi, and General Grievous Basic Figures (Non-Animated) 03/42: Anakin Pilot 03/43: ARC Trooper (blue, blue shoulder) 03/43: ARC Trooper (blue, gray shoulder) 03/43: ARC Trooper (red) 03/44: Yoda 03/45: Obi-Wan Kenobi 03/46: Durge 03/47: Asajj Ventress 03/48: Mace Windu 03/49: Kit Fisto 03/50: Clone Trooper (facing left) 03/50: Clone Trooper (facing right) 03/51: Saesee Tiin Basic Figure Multi-Packs (Non-Animated) Anakin & Clone Lieutenant ARC Trooper & Clone Trooper Clone Trooper (Blue Lieutenant) Clone Trooper (Green Sergeant) Clone Trooper (Red Captain) Clone Trooper (White Army) Clone Trooper (Yellow Commander) Destroyer Droid Launcher Droid Army (Super Battle Droid, Battle Droid, Destroyer Droid) Jedi Knight Yoda & Clone Commander Deluxe (Non-Animated) Clone Trooper w/Speeder Bike Durge w/Swoop Bike Spider Droid Vehicles Anakin’s Starfighter Armored Attack Tank (AAT) Geonosian Fighter Hailfire Droid Republic Gunship Jedi Starfighter Page 19 of 44 If you find any discrepancies please send an email to checklist@sandtroopers.com. Version 2.0.4 Page 20 of 44 54: AT-RT Driver 55: Red Leader Obi-Wan Kenobi 56: Mustafar Sentry 57: Commander Bly 58: Wookiee Commando 59: Commander Gree 60: Grievous Bodyguard 61: Passel Argente 62: Cat Miin 63: Neimoidian Commander 64: Wookie Heavy Gunner 65: Tactical Ops Trooper 66: Holographic Plo Koon 67: Holographic Aalya Secura 68: R4-P17 Deluxe Clone Trooper 3-pack (green) Clone Trooper 3-pack (red) Clone Trooper 3-pack (white) Clone Trooper w/Jet Pack Crab Droid General Grievous Obi-Wan & Super Battle Droid Quick Change Anakin Quick Change Emperor Rebuild Darth Vader Spider Droid Stass Allie w/Swoop Bike Vader w/Operating Table Vulture Droid (gray/blue) Vulture Droid (green) Yoda w/Can Cell Battle Arena 2-Packs Anakin Skywalker & Count Dooku Emperor Palpatine & Mace Windu Obi-Wan Kenobi & Grievous Bodyguard Multi-Packs Battle Packs Clone Attack On Coruscant Empire vs. Rebellion Imperial Throne Room Jedi Temple Assault Jedi vs. Sith Assault on Hoth Jedi vs. Separatists ROTS 9-pack (KB Toys) Miscellaneous Mr. Potato Head-Darth Tater Mr. Potato Head-Spudtrooper Call Upon Yoda Darth Vader Carry Case (Anakin & Clonetrooper) Darth Vader Carry Case (Darth Vader & Obi-Wan Kenobi) Evolutions Anakin to Darth Vader Evolution Clone Trooper Evolution 1st Edition (White) Clone Trooper Evolution 2nd Edition (Gray) Sith Lords Evolution If you find any discrepancies please send an email to checklist@sandtroopers.com. Version 2.0.4 Sandtroopers.com Star Wars Checklist Updated 08/25/2008 Sandtroopers.com Star Wars Checklist Updated 08/25/2008 SAGA COLLECTION 2006 DVD 3-Packs Clone Troopers (three clone troopers) Jedi Knights (Anakin, Obi-Wan, Mace Windu) Sith Lords (Count Dooku, Palpatine, Vader) Carkoon Wave Naboo Wave 01: Princess Leia (Boushh Disguise) 02: Han Solo 03: Bib Fortuna 04: Barada 05: Chewbacca 06: Boba Fett (flames in back) 06: Boba Fett (flames in front) Vehicles & Playsets Anakin’s Jedi Starfighter ARC-170 Fighter AT-RT w/ Driver BARC Trooper w/Swoop Boga w/Obi-Wan Droid Tri Fighter Millennium Falcon Mustafar Final Duel Playset w/Anakin and Obi-Wan Obi-Wan’s Jedi Starfighter Plo Koon’s Jedi Starfighter Republic Gunship Starfighter w/Anakin Starfighter w/Obi-Wan Starfighter w/Plo Koon TIE Fighter w/Large Scale Wings Wheel Bike w/Grievous Wookiee Flyer w/Wookiee Wave 7 Hoth Wave 53: Darth Maul (Sith Training) 54: Chewbacca 55: Kit Fisto 56: Holographic Commander Cody 57: Clonetrooper (442 Siege Battalion) 58: R5-J2 59: Clonetrooper (Fifth Fleet Security) 60: Clonetrooper Sergeant 61: Super Battle Droid 62: Battle Droid 07: General Veers 08: Major Bren Derlin 09: AT-AT Driver 10: R2-D2 11: Snowtrooper 12: General Rieekan 13: Darth Vader 14: Power Droid Geonosis Wave Wave 8 15: Sora Bulq 16: Sun Fac 17: C-3PO w/Battle Droid Head 17: Battle Droid w/C-3PO Head 18: Poggle the Lesser 19: Yoda 20: Jango Fett 21: Scorch (Republic Commando) Super Deformed Boba Fett C-3PO Chewbacca Darth Maul Darth Vader R2-D2 Stormtrooper Yoda Coruscant / Utapau Wave 22: Firespeeder Pilot 23: Lushros Dofine 24: Commander Cody 25: Anakin Skywalker 26: Utapau Clonetrooper 27: Holographic Ki-Adi-Mundi 28: Obi-Wan Kenobi 29: Foul Moudama 30: General Greivous Target Exclusive Glass & Figure Sets Boba Fett Clonetrooper Darth Vader General Greivous Han Solo Ob-Wan Kenobi Princess Leia Stormtrooper Yoda Mos Eisley Wave 31: Momaw Nadon 32: R5-D4 33: Hem Dazon 34: Garidian 35: Han Solo 36: Luke Skywalker 37: Sandtrooper 38: Darth Vader 12” Figures Barriss Offee Clone Trooper Emperor Palpatine General Grievous Shaak Ti Ultimate Villain Darth Vader Chewbacca (KB Toys) If you find any discrepancies please send an email to checklist@sandtroopers.com. Endor Wave Version 2.0.4 Page 22 of 44 63: Holographic Obi-Wan Kenobi 64: Commander Appo st 65: Clonetrooper (41 Elite Corps) 66: R4-K5 67: Padme’ Amidala 68: Combat Engineer Clonetrooper 69: Yarael Wave 9 70: Aurra Sing 71: Kitik Keed’kak 72: Kabe & Nabrun Leids 73: Labria 74: R4-M6 VTOC Tusken Raider Greedo Han Solo (Endor) Luke Skywalker (X-Wing) Biker Scout George Lucas (Stormtrooper)-(Mail Away) Ultimate Galactic Hunt (UGH) 39: Chief Chirpa 40: Moff Jerjerrod 41: Death Star Gunner 42: C-3PO 43: Emperor Palpatine 44: Luke Skywalker (Battle Poncho) 45: Darth Vader (Endor Capture) 46: Endor Rebel Soldier (Version I.) 46: Endor Rebel Soldier (Version II.) Page 21 of 44 47: Obi-Wan Kenobi 48: Holograpghic Darth Maul 49: Rep Been 50: Naboo Soldier 51: Dud Bolt & Mars Guo 52: Gragra AT-AT Driver Anakin Skywalker Boba Fett Commander Cody Darth Vader General Greivous Han Solo (Carbonite) Obi-Wan Kenobi Scorch Snowtrooper DVD PACKS ANH-Luke Skywalker, Obi-Wan, Darth Vader TESB-Han Solo, Chewbacca, Stormtrooper ROTJ-C-3PO, R2-D2, Luke Skywalker, Emperor Palpatine If you find any discrepancies please send an email to checklist@sandtroopers.com. Version 2.0.4 Sandtroopers.com Star Wars Checklist Updated 08/25/2008 ROTS Heroes & Villains 1 of 12 Darth Vader 2 of 12 Anakin Skywalker 3 of 12 Yoda 4 of 12 Commander Bacara 5 of 12 Clonetrooper 6 of 12 Clone Piolt 7 of 12 Chewbacca 8 of 12 Obi-Wan Kenobi 9 of 12 General Grievous 10 of 12 Mace Windu 11 of 12 R2-D2 12 of 12 Destroyer Droid ROTS Greatest Battles st 1 of 14 501 Legion Trooper 2 of 14 AT-TE Tank Gunner 3 of 14 C-3PO 4 of 14 Count Dooku 5 of 14 Royal Guard (Blue) 6 of 14 Padme’ 7 of 14 R4-G9 8 of 14 Kit Fisto 9 of 14 Wookie Warrior 10 of 14 R2-D2 (Electronic) 11 of 14 Shocktrooper 12 of 14 Obi-Wan Kenobi 13 of 14 Emperor Palpatine 14 of 14 Clone Commander Battle Packs Demise of Boba Fett (TRU) The Hunt for Greivous (TRU) Jedi vs Emperor Palpatine (TRU) Jedi vs Sith (TRU) Skirmish in the Senate (Target) Mace Windu’s Sqaudron (Target) Collectible Tin Packs Updated 08/25/2008 30th Anniversary Collection 2007 (TAC) Episode I Collectible Tin 4 Pack • Darth Maul / Obi-Wan Kenobi • Qui-Gon Jinn / R2-R9 Wave #1 Revenge of the Sith Episode II Collectible Tin 4 pack • Clonetrooper / Anakin Skywalker • Jango fett / Count Dooku 01: Coin Album w/Darth Vader 02: Galactic Marine 03: Mustafar Lava Miner 04: R2-D2 05: Obi-Wan Kenobi 06: Mace Windu 07: Airborne Trooper 08: Super Battle Droid 09: McQuarrie Concept Stormtrooper Episode III Collectible Tin 4 Pack • Anakin Skywalker / AT-RT Driver • Mace Windu / Yoda Episode IV • • • Sandtroopers.com Star Wars Checklist Collectible Tin 4 Pack Sandtrooper / Princess Leia Darth vader / C-3PO Cantina Band 5 pack (Wal-Mart) Wave #2 Yavin Episode V Collectible Tin 4 Pack • Snowtrooper / Han Solo (Hoth) • Chewbacca / Luke Skywalker (Hoth) Episode VI Collectible tin 4 Pack • Princess Leia (Endor) / Endor Rebel Soldier • Bikerscout / Darth Vader Mr. Potato Head Collector’s Tin 2 Pack w/Darth Tater & Spudtrooper (Wal-Mart) Miscellaneous Mr. Potato Head-Artoo Potatoo 10: Rebel Honor Guard 11: Han Solo (Millenium Falcon Gunner) 12: Luke Skywalker (Ceremonial) 13: Death Star Trooper 14; Biggs Darklighter 15: McQuarrie Concept Boba Fett Wave #3 Tatooine 16: Darth Vader (Death Star Duel) 17: Biggs Darklighter (Academy) 18: Luke Skywalker (Tatooine) 19: Jawa & LIN Droid 20: Stormtrooper 21: McQuarrie Concept Chewbacca 22: Miyoom Onith (Cantina Alien) 23: Elis Helrot (Cantina Alien) Wave #4 Return of the Jedi (Jabba’s Palace) 24: Boba Fett (Animated) 25: Luke Skywalker 26: CZ-4 27: Umpass- Stay 28: McQuarrie Concept Darth Vader 29: Hermi Odle 30: C-3PO w/Salacious Crumb VEHICLES Anakin’s Jedi Starfighter AT-AT (Endor) Clone Wars Gunship Dagobah X-Wing (TRU) Darth Vader’s Advanced Tie Fighter Darth Vader’s Sith Starfighter Droid Tri-Fighter General Grevious’ Wheel Bike Halifire Droid Kit Fisto Jedi Starfighter (Target) Mace Windu’s Starfighter Obi-Wan’s Jedi Starfighter Rouge 2 Snowspeeder (Zev Senesca) Tie Fighter w/Larger Wings Trade Federation AAT Wave #5 31: Roron Corobb 32: Yoda & Kybuck 33: Anakin Skywalker 34: Darth Revan 35: Darth Malak 36: General Grievous (pre cyborg) 37: McQuarrie Concept Starkiller Hero Wave #6 38: Han Solo w/Torture Chamber 39: Lando Calrissian (Smuggler Outfit) 40: General McQuarrie 41: 4-Lom 42: McQuarrie Concept Snowtrooper Wave #7.5 48: Holographic Darth Vader 49: Clone Trooper (Episode III) 50: Clone Trooper (Clone Wars) 51: R2-B1 52: Naboo Trooper 53: McQuarrie Concept Rebel Vanguard Trooper 54: Pax Bonkik Wave #8 55: Clonetrooper (Training Gear) 56: Padme’ Amidala (Fireside Gown) 57: Jango Fett w/Poncho 58: Voolvif Monn 59: Destroyer Droid w/Shield 60: McQuarrie Concept Rebel Trooper Gold Coin Chase Figures McQuarrie Concept Boba Fett McQuarrie Concept Chewbacca McQuarrie Concept Stormtrooper R2-D2 Mace Windu Airborne Trooper Biggs Darklighter (X-Wing Pilot) Boba Fett (Animated) Darth Vader (Sith Lord) Galactic Marine Han Solo (Smuggler) Luke Skywalker (Yavin Ceremony) Order 66 2 Packs Yoda / Kashyyk Trooper Obi-Wan Kenobi / Utapau Clone Emperor Palpatine / Shock Commander Mace Windu / Galactic Marine Darth Vader / Commander Bow Anakin Skywalker / Airborne Trooper Saga Legends (Wave #1) Darth Vader Darth Maul Yoda R2-D2 General Grievous C-3PO Clone Trooper (ROTS) Shock Trooper Battle Droids (Tan w/Commander) Battle Droids (Maroon w/Battle Damage) Battle Droids (Tan w/Battle Damage) Battle Droids (1 Dirty, 1 Clean) Clone Trooper (Clone Wars) Saga Legends (Wave #2) Wave #7 43: Ewok 2 Pack 44: A-Wing Pilot 45: Spirit of Anakin Skywalker 46: R2-D2 w/Cargo Net 47: McQuarrie Concept Han Solo Page 23 of 44 If you find any discrepancies please send an email to checklist@sandtroopers.com. Version 2.0.4 Page 24 of 44 Boba Fett Obi-Wan Kenobi Chewbacca Anakin Skywalker Saesee Tinn Destroyer Droid st 501 Clone Trooper If you find any discrepancies please send an email to checklist@sandtroopers.com. Version 2.0.4 Sandtroopers.com Star Wars Checklist Updated 08/25/2008 st 501 Clone Trooper (Super Articulated) Princess Leia (Boushh Disguise) Sandtrooper (Dirty w/white shoulder pad) Sandtrooper (Dirty w/orange shoulder pad) Sandtrooper (Clean w/black shoulder pad) Sandtrooper (Clean w/white shoulder pad) Sandtrooper (Dirty w/orange shoulder pad and Rifle) Sandtrooper (Super Dirty w/dirty shoulder pad) Saga Legends (Wave #3) Pit Droids (White w/Silver Box) Pit Droids (Red/Brown w/Silver Box) Pit Droids (Orange w/Silver Box) Pit Droids (White w/Tan Box) Pit Droids (Red/Brown w/Tan Box) Pit Droids (Orange w/Tan Box) Imperial Officer (Blonde Hair) Imperial Officer (Brown Hair) Imperial Officer (Light Brown Hair) Dark Trooper Clone Commander Clone Trooper Captain (Red) Clone Trooper Commander (Yellow) Clone Trooper Lieutenant (Blue) Clone Trooper Sargeant (Green) Saga Legends (Wave #4) Biker Scout TC-14 RA-7 R4-I9 Vintage Figures VTOC Bossk IG-88 Han Solo (Hoth) Luke Skywalker (Bespin) Princess Leia (Endor) Imperial Snowtrooper Mail Away NY Toy Fair Coin Vehicles Tie Fighter Saesee Tiin’s Jedi Starfighter Imperial Shuttle (Target) Darth Vader’s Sith Starfighter Tie Fighter (White) Halifire Droid Droid Federation AAT Saesee Tiin’s Jedi Starfighter V-Wing Fighter Darth Maul’s Sith Infiltrator General Grievous’ Starfighter AT-TP Y-Wing w/Lt. Lepira & Astromech Droid (TRU) st 181 Tie Interceptor w/ Pilot (TRU) Obi-Wan Kenobi’s Jedi Starfighter w/ Hyperspace Ring (TRU) ARC-170 Clone Wars Deco (Target) Darth Vader’s Advance Tie Fighter V-Wing Tie Bomber AT-AP Battlefront 2 Packs (Toywiz.com) Battlefront Clones- Clone Sharpshooter, Heavy Trooper, Clone Trooper, Clone Engineer, Galactic Marine, Jet Trooper. Page 25 of 44 Sandtroopers.com Star Wars Checklist Updated 08/25/2008 Battlefront Droids- Destroyer Droid, 3 Battle Droids, Grievous Bodyguard, Super Battle Droid, Ammunitions Droid Exclusives (Wal-Mart) Exclusives (SWS.com) Exclusives (Entertainment Earth.com) Imperial Breifing Room 7 Pack (Darth Vader, Grand Moff Tarkin, Admiral Motti, General Tagge, Chief Bast, Officer Cast, and Colonel Wulff Yularen) Republic Commando + Lucas Family 2 Pack (11 Figures) Omega Squad & Manalorians SetOmega Squad Sniper, Omega Squad Sergeant, Llats Ward, B'arin Apma, Rav Bralor, Omega Squad Communications, Omega Squad Demolition Clonetrooper & Mandalorians SetClone Trooper(x2), Mij Gilamar, Isabet Reau, Dred Priest, ARC Trooper (x2) Exclusives (Hasbro & SDCC) Battle Stand Pack (40 stands w/200 pre-printed name labels McQuarrie Concept Obi-wan Kenobi & Yoda 2 Pack Shadow Scout Trooper w/ Speeder Bike Concept General Grievous R2-KT (In memory of Katie Johnson) I Am Your Father’s Day Pack (Darth Vader & Luke Skywalker) Exclusives (Disney Star Wars Weekends 2007) 5 Cantina Band Members w/ Lights and Sound Base Exclusives (Disney Theme Parks 2007/2008) Comic Packs Comic w/Darth Vader and Rebel Officer Comic w/Govenor Tarkin and Stormtrooper Comic w/Chewbacca and Han Solo (Stormtrooper Disguise) Comic w/Luke Skywalker and R2-D2 Comic w/Quinlan Vos and Vilmarh Grahrk Comic w/Obi-Wan Kenobi and Arc Trooper Comic w/Darth Vader and Princess Leia Comic w/Luke Skywalker and Mara Jade Comic w/Dark Woman and A’Sharad Comic w/Anakin Skywalker and Assassin Droid Comic w/Derek “Hobbie” Kilvian and Baron Fel Comic w/Bultar Swan and Koffi Arana Battlepacks Battle at Geonosis- (Super Battle Droid, Ayyla Secura, Count Dooku, Jango Fett, Obi-Wan Kenobi) Jedi Training on Dagobah- (Yoa, R2-d2, Obi-Wan Kenobi, Luke Skywalker, Darth Vader) Capture of Tantive IV-(2 Stormtroopers, 2 Rebel Soldiers, Darth Vader) Ambush on Ilum-(C-3PO, R2-D2, Snowbunny Padme, 2 Chameleon Droids) Bantha w/Tusken Raider Treachery at Saleucami Jedi vs Sith (re-release) Jedi vs Darth Sidious (re-release) Clone Attack on Coruscant (re-release) Hunt for Grievous (re-release) Stap Attack-(2 Battle Droids, 2 Staps, Super Battle Droid) Hoth Patrol-(Luke Skywalker, Tauntaun, Wampa) Capture at the Droid Factory-(C-3P0 w/Battle Droid Head, Destroyer Droid, Jango Fett, R2-D2, Anakin Skywalker Betrayal on Bespin-(Darth Vader, Proncess Leia, Han Solo, Chewbacca, Boba Fett) ARC-170 Elite Squad Arena Encounter AT-RT Assault Squad Jabba Band Pack #1 Jabba Band Pack #2 Ultimate Battle of Hoth- Laser Turret, AT-ST, Bren Derlin, ATST Driver, 3 Snowtroopers, Rebel Trooper, X-Wing Luke Skywalker, Hoth Han Solo Ulitimate Battle of Endor- AT-ST, 2 Speeder Bikes, AT-ST Driver, 2 Biker Scouts, Stormtrooper, Han Solo, Chewbacca, 2 Ewoks (Oochie + Widdle), 2 logs. Muppet Gift Set- Beaker as C-3P0, Fozzie as Chewbacca, Miss Piggy as Princess Leia, Kermit as Luke Skywalker, Gonzo as Darth Vader, Rizzo the Rat as Yoda Action Figures (Series #1) Mickie Mouse as Luke Skywalker Minnie Mouse as Princess Leia Donald Duck as Han Solo Goofy as Darth Vader Stitch as The Emperor Action Figures (Series #2) Donald Duck as Darth Maul Goofy as Jar Jar Binks Minnie Mouse as Queen Amidala Mr Potato Heads Spuda Fett Yam Solo Princess Tater Darth Mash Luke Frywalker 2007Collectible Tin Packs Episode II Collectible Tin 4 pack • Mace Windu / Sora Bulq • Oppo Rancisis / Zam Wessell Episode III Collectible Tin 4 Pack • Commander Cody / Anakin Skywalker • General Grievous / Clone Shadow Pilot Episode VI Collectible tin 4 Pack • Darth Vader / Bikerscout • R5-J2 / Death Star Gunner CIV Exclusives McQuarrie Concept C-3P0 and R2-D2 McQuarrie Concept Luke Skywalker If you find any discrepancies please send an email to checklist@sandtroopers.com. Version 2.0.4 Page 26 of 44 If you find any discrepancies please send an email to checklist@sandtroopers.com. Version 2.0.4 Sandtroopers.com Star Wars Checklist Updated 08/25/2008 30th Anniversary Collection 2008 (TAC) Wave #1 Revenge of the Sith 01: Obi-Wan Kenobi 02: Anakin / Darth Vader 03: Clone Commander Gree 04: Kashyyk Trooper 05: Tri-Droid 06: 2-1B Surgical Droid 07: Po Nudo 08: Mustafar Panning Droid Wave #2 Force Unleashed 09: Imperial EVO Trooper 10: Imperial Jumper Trooper 11: Maris Brood 12: Darth Vader 13: General Rahm Kota 14: Shadow Guard 15: Juno Eclipse Saga Legends 2008 Shadow Stormtrooper Commander Neyo Covert Ops Clone Trooper Utapau Shadow Trooper Zev Senesca Evolution Sets Sith Lords (re-release) Anakin to Darth Vader (re-release) Clonetrooper (re-release) Jedi-Qui Gon-Jinn, Bultar Swan, NJO Luke Skywalker Sith Lords #2- Darth Bane, Darth Maul, Darth Nihilus Fetts- Mandalore, Jango, Boba Force Unleashed-Sith Lord, Secret Apprentice, Jedi Knight Rebel Pilots-Dorovio Bold, Wes Janson, Ten Numb Padme’ Amidala- Episode1, Episode2, Episode3 (w/gown) Battle on Mygeeto Hoth Speeder Bike Patrol STAP Attack (2 Battle Droids with STAP, Super Battle Droid) Hoth Attack (Luke w/Taun Taun, Wampa) Battle at B'Omarr Monastery Obi-Wan & 212th Attack Battalion Yoda & Coruscant Guard Assault on the Shield Generator Disturbance at the Lars Homestead Updated 08/25/2008 The Clone Wars (Animated Style) 2008 Wave #1 Order 66 2 Packs Luminara Unduli & AT-RT Driver Darth Sidious & Commander Vill Master Sev & ARC Trooper (Yellow) Anakin Skywalker & ARC Trooper (Blue) Obi-Wan Kenobi & ARC Trooper Commander (Red) Tsui Choi & BARC Trooper 01: Anakin Skywalker 02: Obi-Wan Kenobi 03: Yoda 04: Captain Rex 05: Clonetrooper 06: General Grievous 07: Federation Battle Droid 08: R2-D2 st All above available with or without 1 Day Foil Sticker Wave #2 09: Ahsoka Tano 10: Clone Commander Cody 11: Clone Pilot Oddball 12: Super Battle Droid Droid Factory 2 Packs (Build a C-3PX) Plo Koon & R4-F5 Luke Skywalker & R2-D2 (Blast Damage) Darth Vader & K-3PX Kit Fisto & R4-H5 Watto & R2-T0 Han Solo Hoth (Hood Up) & R-3P0 Wave #3 13: Count Dooku 14: Plo Koon 15: Assaj Ventress 16: C-3PO 17: Destroyer Droid 18: IG-86 Assassin Droid Mighty Muggs Chewbacca Darth Maul Darth Vader Stormtrooper Boba Fett Han Solo Obi-Wan Kenobi Mace Windu Luke Skywalker C-3P0 Princess Leia Jango Fett Commander Cody Lando Calrissian Yoda Darth Sidious/Palpatine General Grievous Luke Skywalker (Bespin) The Clone Wars (Animated Style) 2009 Wave #1 Saga Legends Obi Wan Kenobi and Bail Organa w/twins (Wal-Mart) Boba Fett and Death Star Droid (Wal-Mart) Commander Keller and Galactic Marine (Wal-Mart) Lt. Jundland and Lt. Shan Mouse and Able in Stormtrooper Disguise Republic Commando and Super Battle Droid Lando Calrissian and Stormtrooper Kashyyk Trooper and Wookie Trooper Count Dooku and Anakin Skywalker Role Play Ultimate Build a Lightsaber 2.0 Clone Trooper Voice Changer Clone Trooper Voice Changer (Red) Clone Trooper Voice Changer (Blue) Clone Trooper Voice Changer (Battle Damage) Lightsabers The Legacy Collection (Build a Droid) 2008 Wave #1 01: Han Solo 02: Luke Skywalker 03: Chewbacca 04: Ewoks Leektar & Nippet 05: Ak-Rev 06: Yarna Dal Gargan 07: Bane Malor 08: Darth Vader (Removable Helmet) R4-D6 (Build a Droid) R7-Z0 (Build a Droid) st All above available with or without 1 Day Foil Sticker Wave #2 09: Obi-Wan Kenobi (General Armour) 10: Clone Scuba Trooper 11: General saesee Tiin 12: Padme’ Amidala (Illum) 13: IG-Series Lancer Droid 14: Mon Calamari Warrior 15: Quarren Soldier 16: Clonetrooper (Quad Cannon) R7-T1 (Build a Droid) R4-J1 (Build a Droid) Wave #3 17: Clonetrooper (Coruscant) 18: Jodo Kast 19: Yaddle & Evan Piell 20: Clonetrooper (Saleucami) 21: Holographic Count Dooku 22: Imperial Engineer (Battle Front II) 5D6-RA-7 (Build a Droid) Padme’ Amidala Magnaguard R3-S6 Clone Spacetrooper Comic Packs Battle Packs Sandtroopers.com Star Wars Checklist Wave #1 Wave #4 01: R2-D2 02: Yoda with Kybuk 03: Anakin Skywalker 04: Obi-Wan Kenobi 05: Clonetrooper 06: C-3PO 07: General Grievous 08: Mace Windu 09: Plo Koon 10: Super Battle Droid 11: Droidekka st All above available with or without 1 Day Foil Sticker The Legacy Collection (Build a Droid) 2009 General grievous Stass Allie Commander Faie FX-6 Bail Organa Breha Organa MB-RA-7 (Build a Droid) Wave #1 Wave #2 12: Clonetrooper (Officer with Red Deco) 13: Darth Vader 14: Darth Maul 15: Jango Fett st 16: 501 Trooper 17: Shock Trooper 18: Barq Trooper 19: ARC Trooper 20: Battle Droid 2-Pack Luke Skywalker (Stormtrooper Disguise) Han Solo (Stormtrooper Disguise) Obi-Wan Kenobi Space Trooper Jawa with WED Droid Brianiac Wioslea Trinto Duaba with Dice Ibegon R2-N6 (Build a Droid) R5-A2 (Build a Droid) Greatest Hits 01: Commander Gree 02: Kashyyk Scout Trooper 03: The Force Unleashed Darth Vader 04: The Force Unleashed EVO Trooper st All above available with or without 1 Day Foil Sticker Page 27 of 44 If you find any discrepancies please send an email to checklist@sandtroopers.com. Version 2.0.4 Page 28 of 44 If you find any discrepancies please send an email to checklist@sandtroopers.com. Version 2.0.4 Sandtroopers.com Star Wars Checklist Updated 08/25/2008 2008/2009 Exclusives B-Wing-Dagger Squadron w/Netrem Pollard Disturbance at Lars’ Homestead Battle Pack Clone Wars ARC 170 (Wampa Nose Art) Holographic General Grievous Tie Fighter (Large White Wings) Wal-Mart Darth Vader with 2 Incinerator Troopers (TFU) Emperor Palpatine with 2 Shadow Troopers (TFU) st 501 Legion Clonetrooper st 501 Clontrooper Voice Changer Helmet (Blue) Clone Wars Gunship (Lucky Lekku Nose Art) Green Leader A-Wing w/Arvel Crynd Target Commander Fox Clonetrooper Voice Changer Helmet (Red) Sarlaac Pit Ultimate Battle Pack Jabba’s Rancor w/Luke Skywalker Yoda & Coruscant Guards Battle Pack) th Obi-Wan Kenobi & 212 Attack Battalion Clonetroopers Darth Vader Voice Changer K-Mart EP3 Tin (Obi-Wan, R2-D2, Shock Trooper, General Grievous) EP4 Tin (Luke, Biggs, Stormtrooper, Death Star Trooper) EP5 Tin (Chewbacca, Yoda, Darth Vader, IG-88) Online/Convention Exclusives Senate Security Clone Trooper (SWShop.com) Disturbance in the Force Emperor and Vader (SDCC) Commander Thire (SDCC) Rouge Squadron Tie Fighter w/Hobbie Klivian Joker Squadron Pack (Entertainment Earth) Crimson Empire/The Crucible Pack Captain Rex (Mailaway) Mighty Muggs Commander Gree (SDCC Exclusive) Anakin Skywalker Count Dooku Asajj Ventress Captain Rex Darth Vader Hoth Han Solo Plo koon General Tarkin Darth Maul Darth Revan Admiral Ackbar (Diamond Comics) Shadow Trooper (Diamond Comics) Updated 08/25/2008 UNLEASHED Unleashed 2002 Anakin Skywalker (Rage) Darth Maul (Fury) Darth Tyranus (Dissention) Darth Vader (Power) Darth Vader (Redemption) Jango and Boba Fett (Intensity) Mace Windu (Honor) Padme Amidala (Courage) Princess Leia (Sultry) Vehicles/Beasts Toys R Us Sandtroopers.com Star Wars Checklist Battle Jungle Rancor V-19 Clone Shuttle Federation Spider Droid AT-TE AT-AP Republic Walker Obi-Wan Kenobi Blue Starfighter Anakin's Starfighter General Grievous' Starfighter Hailfire Droid Homing Spider Droid Darth Vader Tie Advance V-Wing Starfighter (repaint) Trade Federation Armored Assault Tank (AAT) Big Millenium Falcon Aayla Secura’s Jedi Starfighter Unleashed 2003 Boba Fett Darth Sidious Han Solo Luke Skywalker Obi-Wan Kenobi Yoda Battle Packs Role Play Clonetrooper Voice Changer (White) Clonetrooper Blaster Stormtrooper Blaster General Grievous Blaster Ultimate Lightsaber Unleashed 2005 Anakin Skywalker (Mustafar) Assaj Ventress Aurra Sing Darth Vader Darth Vader (Best Buy Exclusive) General Grievous IG-88 Obi-Wan Kenobi (Mustafar) Palpatine vs. Yoda Stormtrooper Comic Packs Asajj Ventress & Tol Skorr Anakin Skywalker & Durge Anakin Skywalker & Assasin Droid (Repack) Cade Skywalker & Darth Talon Antares Draco & Ganner Kieg Dengar & Fenn Shysha Princess Leia & Tobi Dala Grand Admiral Thrawn & Talon Karrde Princess Leia & Prince Xizor Darth Vader & Admiral Trachta Darth Vader & Princess Leia Clone Emperor & Luke Skywalker Quinlan Vos & Commander Faie Ewoks Keoulkeech Machook, Keetch (Wal-Mart) X-Wing Squadron Nrin Vakil & Ibtisam (Wal-Mart) Amanin & Lt. Sunber (Wal-Mart) Unleashed Battle Packs, Wave 2 th Aayla Secura’s 327 Star Corps Kashyyyk & Felucia Heroes Wookiee Warriors Yoda’s Elite Clone Troopers Unleashed Battle Packs, Wave 3 Imperial Snowtroopers Rebel Alliance Troopers Scouting the Sith Unleashed 2004 Aayla Secura Bossk Chewbacca Clone Trooper Clone Trooper Captain Luke Skywalker (Snowspeeder Pilot) Tusken Raider Hoth Speeder Patrol Recon Patrol on Hoth Clone Wars Speeder Bike Recon Assault on the Shield Generator Scramble on Yavin Unleashed Battle Packs, Wave 1 Battle Droids Clone Troopers Attack Battalion Utapau Commanders Utapaun Warriors Unleashed 2006 Chewbacca (Kashyyyk) Han Solo (Stormtrooper) Shocktrooper Unleashed Re-Packs (Tube Packaging) ARC Trooper Darth Vader (Wal-Mart) Jedi Luke Skywalker (Wal-Mart) General Greivous (Target) Boba Fett (Target) Unleashed Battle Packs, Wave 4 Imperial Invasion Snowtrooper Battalion Wampa Assault Evacuation of Echo Base (Deluxe) Snowspeeder Assault (Deluxe) Unleashed Battle Packs, Wave 5 Jedi Masters New Empire st Vader’s 501 Legion Shock Trooper Battalion Unleashed Battle Packs 2007 Wave 1 Battle for Tantive IV: Commanders Battle for Tantive IV: Rebel Blockade Troopers Battle for Tantive IV: Stormtrooper Boarding Party Trouble on Tatooine: The Streets of Mos Eisley Unleashed Battle Packs 2007 Wave 2 Trouble on Tatooine: Cantina Encounter Trouble on Tatooine: Sandtroopers Trouble on Tatooine: Tusken Raiders Trouble on Tatooine: Jawas & Droids Unleashed Battle Packs 2007 Wave 3 Imperial Troops (Death Star Encounter Imperial and Rebel Commanders Imperial and Rebel Pilots Unleashed Battle Packs 2007 Wave 4 Battle Droid Factory Mygeeto Clone Battalion th 187 Legion Troopers Unleashed 2007 (TAC) Obi-Wan Kenobi Anakin Skywalker Shadow trooper ARC Heavy Gunner Evolutions Sets Sith Lords #2- Darth Bane, Darth Maul, Darth Nihilus (Repack) Fetts- Mandalore, Jango, Boba (Repack) Rebel Pilots1-Dorovio Bold, Wes Janson, Ten Numb Padme’ Amidala- Episode1, Episode2, Episode3 (w/gown) Rebel Pilots2-Cesi Eirriss, Keyan Farlander, Kesin Ommis) Imperial Pilots-Clone Wars Clone Pilot, EP3 Clone Pilot, Biggs) Page 29 of 44 If you find any discrepancies please send an email to checklist@sandtroopers.com. Version 2.0.4 Page 30 of 44 If you find any discrepancies please send an email to checklist@sandtroopers.com. Version 2.0.4 Sandtroopers.com Star Wars Checklist Updated 08/25/2008 EXCLUSIVE FIGURES Army Builder 4-packs Clone Troopers (colored) Clone Troopers (colored, battle damage) Clone Troopers (white) Clone Troopers (white, battle damage) Endor Soldiers Rebel Troopers Sandtroopers Stormtroopers th 25 Annivesary 2 Packs Han Solo & Chewbacca Luke Skywalker & Princess Leia Darth Vader & Obi-Wan Kenobi Conventions Celebration 2: Jorge Sacul (gray beard) Celebration 2: Jorge Sacul (white beard) Celebration 3: Talking Darth Vader SDCC 2005: Holographic Princess Leia st SDCC 2006: 501 Stormtrooper Toy Fair 2002: Darth Vader (silver) Toy Fair 2005: Star Wars Press Kit (Anakin/Darth Vader) Toy Fair 2007: TAC Exclusive Coin Wizard World 2003: Boba Fett (silver) Holiday Sets 2003 Holiday R2-D2 & C-3PO 2004 Holiday Jawas 2005 Holiday Darth Vader Mail Away B'Omarr Monk Cantina Band 5 Pack Han Solo Stormtrooper Disguise Kabe & Muftak Oola & Salacious Crumb Spirit of Obi-Wan Mace Windu Sneak Preview Sandtroopers.com Star Wars Checklist Updated 08/25/2008 MISCELLANEOUS ITEMS Miscellaneous Exclusives 300th Boba Fett (.01 card) 300th Boba Fett (.02 card) 500th Darth Vader Black Hole Trooper (SWS.com) Classic Edition 4-pack (Luke, Han, Chewbacca, Darth Vader) Clone Trooper (Target, w/Clone symbol) Clone Trooper (Target, w/Empire symbol) Covert Ops Clone Trooper (SWS.com) Darth Vader-Duel at Mustafar (Target) Early Bird Set (Wal-Mart, figures only) Early Bird Set (Wal-Mart, with certificate) Entertainment Earth Astromech Droid Pack #1 Entertainment Earth Astromech Droid Pack #2 Entertainment Earth Kir Kanos / Carnor Jax Holographic Emperor (SWS.com) Holographic Emperor (Toys ‘R Us) Holographic Yoda (Toys ‘R Us) Lava Darth Vader (Target) Masters of the Darkside 2-pack (Darth Vader & Darth Maul) Obi-Wan Kenobi-Duel at Mustafar (Target) Republic Commando 7 Pack (SWS.com) Rorworr (Wookie Scout) Scout Trooper (Star Wars-Battlefront I) Separation of the Twins (Bail Organa w/Leia) Separation of the Twins (Obi-Wan w/Luke) Silver Clone Trooper Silver Darth Vader (2nd Edition) Silver R2-D2 Silver Sandtrooper Theater Edition Luke Utapau Shadow Trooper (Target) Wedge Antillies (SWS.com) Wuher (Fan Club Exclusive) Funko Bobbleheads Darth Vader Obi-Wan Kenobi Yoda Han Solo Boba Fett Greedo Clone Trooper Gamorrean Guard Stromtrooper Attacktix Series 1 Starter Set Booster Pack Battle Case Quick Start Guide Booster Packs SW-01 Battle Droid SW-02 Super Battle Droid SW-03 Wookiee Scout SW-04 Clone Trooper SW-05 Clone Trooper SW-06 Padme Amidala SW-07 Plo Koon SW-08 Bail Organa SW-09 Wookiee Commando SW-10 V-Wing Pilot SW-11 Count Dooku SW-12 Clone Lieutenant SW-13 Grievous Bodyguard SW-14 Neimoidian Guard SW-15 Commander Bly SW-16 Darth Vader SW-17 Palpatine SW-18 Ki-Adi-Mundi SW-19 Mace Windu SW-20 Shaak Ti SW-21 Commander Gree SW-22 Chewbacca SW-23 Agen Kolar SW-24 Emperor SW-25 Nute Gunray SW-26 Anakin Skywalker SW-27 Obi-Wan Kenobi SW-28 General Grievous SW-29 Tarfful SW-30 Yoda Starter Set SW-31 Obi-Wan Kenobi SW-32 Darth Vader SW-33 Wookiee Commando SW-34 Clone Commander Battle Case: SW-35 Clone Sergeant Battle Masters: SW-36 Boga SW-37 AT-RT Series 2 SW-35 Basic Jedi Soldier SW-36 Utapau Warrior SW-37 Clone Trooper SW-38 Scout Trooper SW-39 ARC Pilot SW-40 Grievous Bodyguard SW-41 Royal Guard SW-42 Clone Commander SW-43 Clone Captain SW-44 Neimoidian Captain SW-45 Wookiee Captain SW-46 Battle Droid Commander SW-47 Bossk SW-48 Princess Leia SW-49 Jango Fett SW-50 Mace Windu Page 31 of 44 If you find any discrepancies please send an email to checklist@sandtroopers.com. Version 2.0.4 Page 32 of 44 SW-51 Darth Vader SW-52 Obi-Wan Kenobi SW-53 Destroyer Droid SW-54 Medic Droid SW-55 R2-D2 SW-56 Tion Medon SW-57 Chewbacca SW-58 General Grievous SW-59 Darth Sidious SW-60 Darth Maul SW-61 Kit Fisto SW-62 Han Solo SW-63 Luke Skywalker SW-64 Boba Fett SW-65 Republic Gunship Attakus Statues Bib Fortuna Boba Fett C-3PO Chewbacca Clone Trooper Darth Maul Darth Vader I Darth Vader II Emperor Palpatine Gamorrean Guard General Grievous Han Solo Han Solo in Carbonite Jabba the Hutt Jango Fett Jawa Luke Skywalker (Jedi Knight) Luke Skywalker (Snowspeeder Pilot) Obi-Wan Kenobi Oola Padme Amidala Princess Leia (Jabba's Slave) Probe Droid R2-D2 Royal Guard Salacious Crumb with Hookah Pipe Sandtrooper Stormtrooper TIE Fighter Pilot Tusken Raider Wicket W. Warrick Yoda (Dagobah) Yoda (Geonosis) Metal Collection C-3PO Clone Wars Diorama Dagobah Diorama Darth Vader Death Star Diorama Episode III Diorama Obi-Wan Kenobi R2-D2 Stormtrooper Commander Stormtrooper Marksman Stormtrooper Sentry Stormtrooper Vanguard If you find any discrepancies please send an email to checklist@sandtroopers.com. Version 2.0.4 Sandtroopers.com Star Wars Checklist Updated 08/25/2008 Sandtroopers.com Star Wars Checklist Updated 08/25/2008 Galactic Heroes 2004 Code 3 Collectibles Vehicles AT-ST Darth Vader's TIE Fighter Millennium Falcon Republic Gunship Skywalker Ranch Fire Brigade Slave I X-Wing Fighter GH Battle Packs Battle of Geonosis (Obi Wan, Anakin, Padme’, 2 Clonetroopers, Super Battle Droid Jango Fett, C-3PO, Geonosis Warrior, Battle Droid) Death Star Escape (Stormtrooper, Princess Leia, R2-D2, C-3PO, Luke, Han, Chewbacca, Darth Vader, Obi-Wan) Legendary Casts Episode III: Revenge of the Sith Mini (Poster Art) Episode III: Revenge of the Sith Mini (Best Buy Exclusive) Episode IV: A New Hope Style A Episode IV: A New Hope Style D Episode V: The Empire Strikes Back Style A Episode V: The Empire Strikes Back Teaser (Celebration III Exclusive) Episode VI: Return of the Jedi Style A Episode VI: Return of the Jedi Mini Episode VI: Revenge of the Jedi Mini Jedi Vs. Sith (Grievous, 2 Shocktroopers, Yoda, Emperor Palpatine, Anakin, Obi-Wan, Mace Windu, Kit Fisto, Count Dooku) Other Collectibles Millennium Falcon Crystal Battle of Hoth (Wampa, Taun Taun, Darth Vader, General Veers, Hoth Trooper, Han Solo, Princess Leia, Luke Skywalker, Snowtrooper) Lightsaber Replicas Darth Vader ANH Lightsaber Darth Vader ANH Lightsaber (Signature Edition) Luke Skywalker ROTJ Lightsaber (Prototyped only, never produced) Obi-Wan Kenobi ANH Lightsaber Skywalker ANH Lightsaber Skywalker ANH Lightsaber - Gold (Only 10 numbered pieces made plus Artist's Proof(s) Skywalker ANH Lightsaber (Signature Edition) Other Replicas Han Solo Blaster TIE Fighter X-Wing Fighter Vader’s Bounty Hunters (2 Stormtroopers, Dengar, Boba Fett, Zuckuss, 4-Lom Bossk, Ig-88, Darth Vader, Tie Fighter Pilot) Assault on the Death Star (X-Wing Fighter, Luke Skywalker, Biggs, X-Wing Pilot, R2-D2, Princess Leia) Battle of Naboo (Naboo Fighter, Anakin Skywalker, Darth Maul, Battle Droid, Obi-Wan Kenobi, QuiGon-Jinn, Jar Jar Binks) Cantina Band (4 Cantina Band members, Momaw Nadon, Duros, Ponda Baba, Obi-Wan Kenobi, Luke Skywalker) Cantina Encounter (Wuher, Snaggletooth, R2-D2. Sandtrooper, C-3P0, Chewbacca, Han Solo, Greedo, Garindan) Jabba’s Palace (Jabba the Hutt, Bib Fortuna, Gammorean Guard, C-3P0, Han Solo, Skiff Guard Lando, Boushh, Jedi Luke Skywalker, Nikto) Custom Choppers Boba Fett's Outlaw Chopper Darth Vader's Imperial Chopper Luke Skywalker's Rebel Chopper Force Battlers Galactic Heroes 2008 Princess Leia & Han Solo Obi-Wan Kenobi & Darth Vader Chewbacca & C-3PO Luke Skywalker & R2-D2 Yoda & Clonetrooper Padme’’ Amidala & Anakin Skywalker Jango Fett & Obi Wan Kenobi Stormtrooper & Stormtrooper IG-88 & Zuckuss Boba Fett & Dengar 4-LOM & Bossk Luke Skywalker & Gamorrean Guard Skiff Guard Lando & Nikto Jawa & Tusken Raider Galactic Heroes 2005 Anakin Skywalker & Count Dooku Obi-Wan Kenobi & General Grievous Emperor Palpatine & Yoda Super Battle Droid & R2-D2 Kit Fisto & Mace Windu Chewbacca & Clonetrooper Yoda & Kashyyyk Trooper Obi-Wan Kenobi & Clonetrooper Dark Side Anakin & Clonetrooper Darth Vader & Holo Emperor Palpatine Galactic Heroes 2006 Luke Skywalker Hoth & Han Solo Hoth Scout Trooper with Speeder Bike Shock Trooper & Emperor Palpatine Battle Droid & Clonetrooper Darth Maul & Obi-wan Kenobi Endor Luke with Speeder Bike Wedge Antillies & Tie Fighter Pilot Greedo & Han Solo Luke & Han Stormtrooper Disguise Obi-Wan Kenobi & Sandtrooper Dagobah Luke with Obi-Wan and Yoda Spirit Barada & Weequay Endor Princess Leia & Endor Soldier Grand Moff Tarkin & Imperial Officer Ki-Adi-Mundi & Commander Bacara Aayla Secura & Commander Bly Tarfful &Commander Gree Saesee Tiin & Agen Kolar Destroyer Droid & Jar Jar Binks Sail Barge R2-D2 & Slave Princess Leia Grievous Body Guard & Shaak Ti Plo Koon & Clone Pilot (Captain Jag) Clone Coomnder Cody & General Obi-Wan Anakin Skywalker & STAP Ahsoka Tano & Captain Rex Asaaj Ventress & Count Dooku Vehicles & Cinema Scenes Darth Vader’s Advance Tie Fighter w/Darth Vader Jedi Starfighter w/Obi-Wan Kenobi & R4-P17 Millenium Falcon Dewback Patrol Reek & Nexu Set (AOTC) Battle on Mustafar Speeder Bike Chase Rancor Set AT-RT Set Escape from Mos Eisley Geonosis Arena Encounter #2 Pit of Carkoon Dagobah X-Wing X-Wing Assault on Death Star #2 Snowspeeder Galactic Heroes 2007 Bespin Luke & Lando Calrissian Bespin Leia & Darth Vader Snowtrooper & Rebel Trooper Chewbacca & C-3PO (Torn Apart) Clone Wars Obi-Wan & Durge Hammerhead & Figrin D’an AT-AT Driver & General Veers Garindan & Duros Endor Han Solo & Logray Imperial Officer & Death Star Trooper Anakin Skywalker & Clonetrooper Darth Maul with Sith Speeder Luke Skywalker & Darth Vader Death Star Gunner & Royal Guard Ponda Baba & Snaggletooth Han Solo & Boushh Galactic Heroes Vehicles Luke Skywalker w/Speederbike Millennium Falcon Scout Trooper w/Speederbike X-Wing Year 2005 Anakin Skywalker (Lightsaber Attack!) Chewbacca (Water Firing Blaster) Clone Trooper (Quick Draw Blasting Action!) Darth Vader (Missile-Launching Glider Cape!) Darth Vader (Slashing Attack!) Emperor Palpatine (Quick-Change Action!) General Grievous (Multiple Lightsaber Attack!) Han Solo (Quick-Draw Action!) Luke Skywalker (Lightsaber Attack!) Mace Windu (Firing Jedi Gauntlet!) Obi-Wan Kenobi (Lightsaber Attack!) Yoda (Whirling Lightsaber Attack!) Year 2006 Chewbacca (Boulder-Launching Backpack!) Darth Vader (Missile-Launching Glider Cape!) Emperor Palpatine (Quick-Change Action!) General Grievous (Ballistic Buzz-Disk Attack!) Jango Fett (Clamping Claw Action!) Obi-Wan Kenobi (Slashing Lightsaber Attack!) Page 33 of 44 If you find any discrepancies please send an email to checklist@sandtroopers.com. Version 2.0.4 Page 34 of 44 If you find any discrepancies please send an email to checklist@sandtroopers.com. Version 2.0.4 Sandtroopers.com Star Wars Checklist Updated 08/25/2008 Gentle Giant Basic Busts Anakin Skywalker (AOTC) Biker Scout Boba Fett Bossk C-3PO Chewbacca (2006) Clone Trooper (AOTC, white) Clone Trooper (ROTS, 501st blue) Clone Trooper (ROTS, Utapau orange) Clone Trooper (ROTS, white) Clone Trooper Captain (AOTC, red) Clone Trooper Commander (AOTC, yellow) Clone Trooper Lieutenant (AOTC, 2003 Summer Con Exclusive) Clone Trooper Pilot (2004 WWLA) Clone Trooper Sgt. (SWS.com Exclusive) Count Dooku Darth Maul (Hooded, 2006) Darth Vader Darth Vader (MasterCard LE) Darth Vader (ROTS) Emperor Palpatine Gamorrean Guard General Grievous (2006) Grand Moff Tarkin Greedo Han Solo Han Solo, Stormtrooper Disguise IG-88 Jango Fett Jango Fett (MasterCard LE, chrome) Lando Calrissian in Skiff Guard Disguise Luke Skywalker in X-Wing Outfit Luke Skywalker, Stormtrooper Disguise (2004 Summer Con Excl) Mace Windu Mara Jade (Gen Con Excl, 2006) Obi-Wan Kenobi (AOTC) Padme Amidala (Arena, AOTC) Princess Leia in Boushh Disguise Qui-Gon Jinn (holographic, 2006) Salacious Crumb (GG Holiday Giveaway 2005, not open to public) Sandtrooper (2004 GG Holiday Giveaway, not open to public, chrome/gold) Sandtrooper Corporal (black pauldron) Sandtrooper Sergeant (gray pauldron) Sandtrooper Squad Leader (orange pauldron) Stormtrooper Stormtrooper (LE, chrome) Yoda (AOTC) Yoda (ESB) Zam Wessel Statues Biker Scout on Speeder Bike Boba Fett C-3PO Chewbacca Darth Maul Darth Vader Luke Skywalker on Taun Taun Obi-Wan Kenobi, Clone Wars Armor (2006) Rancor with Malakili (2006) Royal Guard (2006) Sandtrooper on Dewback Yoda Monument, Clone Wars Page 35 of 44 Clone Wars Maquettes Anakin Skywalker ARC Trooper Captain (red) Asajj Ventress Bariss Offee & Luminara Unduli General Grievous Obi-Wan Kenobi in Clone Armor Padme Amidala Illum outfit (2006) Roron Corobb (Ithorian Jedi, fan made, 2006) Resin Bookends Han Solo and Greedo (2006) Cartoon Statues Boba Fett Darth Vader Princess Leia with R2-D2 Bust-Ups, Series 1 C-3PO Ceremonial Han Solo Ceremonial Luke Skywalker Chewbacca Princess Leia Yoda Updated 08/25/2008 Bust-Ups, Series 6 (Mos Eisley Cantina) Bith Greedo Han Solo Obi-Wan Kenobi Ponda Baba Snaggletooth Jedi Force Bust-Ups, Series 7 (Bounty Hunter Boxed Set with all new sculpts) 4-LOM Boba Fett Bossk Darth Vader Dengar IG-88 Jango Fett Zuckuss Year 2005 Anakin Skywalker with Rescue Glider Anakin Skywalker with Jedi Jet Pack Chewbacca with Wookiee Scout Flyer Han Solo with Jet Bike Luke Skywalker with Speed Board Luke Skywalker with Speederbike Mace Windu with Jedi Grappling Hook Yoda with Swamp Stomper Bust-Ups (ROTS Clone Trooper Builder, second set available in battle damaged look) 501st (blue) Clone Trooper (white) Commander Gree (chase variant) Coruscant Trooper (gray) Second set available in Battle Damaged Utapau Clone Trooper (orange) Bust-Ups, Series 2 (Masters of the Dark Side Count Dooku Darth Maul Darth Maul (open mouth/clenched teeth variant) Darth Sidious Darth Vader Darth Vader (fist variant) Emperor Palpatine (prototype) Royal Guard Stormtrooper Stormtrooper (Black Hole variant) Stormtrooper (both hands on gun variant) Stormtrooper (rifle, variant) Bust-Ups, Exclusives Boba Fett (2005 Toy Fair) Clone Trooper Lt. (2004 Toy Fair) Copper Tinted Chewbacca (Borders/Waldenbooks Excl) Darth Vader in Ring of Flames (2006 Summer Con Exclusive, Toy Fair Exclusive) Hologram Sith Lords, Vader/Maul (Action Figure Express) Luke Skywalker/Han Solo, Stormtrooper Disguise Silver Jango Fett (SDCC 2005) Spirit of the Rebellion (2004 Con Exclusive, Luke, Han, Leia, C-3PO from Series 1) Spirit of Yoda (2004Entertainment Earth Exclusive) Bust-Ups, Series 3 (Bounty Hunters) 4-LOM Boba Fett Boba Fett (silver variant) Bossk Dengar Jango Fett Zuckuss Bust-Ups, Other Exclusives Gen Con Indianapolis 8/10-13 Mara Jade mini-bust San Diego Comic Con 7/19-23 Shocktrooper mini-bust and bust-up WW East, 6/2-4 2006 Tour Excl Vader (flame ring) bust-up Bust-Ups, Clone Wars Animated General Grievous Obi-Wan Kenobi (clone trooper armor) Padme Amidala (Ilum) Yoda Bust-Ups, Series 3 (ROTS) Anakin Skywalker Anakin Skywalker (Sith eyes variant) Clone Trooper (rifle variant) Clone Trooper (white) Emperor Palpatine General Grievous Obi-Wan Kenobi Yoda Tomy Helmets AT-AT Commander AT-AT Driver Biker Scout Boba Fett Boushh Clone Trooper Darth Vader Death Star Gunner Death Star Trooper Emperor's Royal Guard Jango Fett Lando Calrissian (Skiff Guard Disguise) Snowtrooper Stormtrooper TIE Fighter Pilot X-Wing Pilot X-Wing Pilot (Luke Skywalker) X-Wing Pilot (Wedge Antilles) Bust-Ups, Series 5 (Hoth) AT-AT Driver AT-AT Driver (ice variant) Darth Vader Darth Vader (ice variant) Han Solo in Hoth gear Han Solo in Hoth gear (ice variant) Luke Skywalker in Hoth gear Luke Skywalker in Hoth gear (ice variant) Snowtrooper Snowtrooper (ice Variant) Wampa Wampa (ice variant) If you find any discrepancies please send an email to checklist@sandtroopers.com. Sandtroopers.com Star Wars Checklist Version 2.0.4 Page 36 of 44 Year 2004 C-3PO and R2-D2 Chewbacca with Wookiee Action Tool Darth Vader with Imperial Claw Droid Luke Skywalker with Jedi Jet Pack Vehicles Luke Skywalker with Speeder Bike Luke's X-Wing Obi-Wan Kenobi with Boga Soft Lightsabers Blue Blade Lightsaber Green Blade Lightsaber Red Blade Lightsaber Kotobukiya Anakin Skywalker (AOTC) Boba Fett Chewbacca Clone Trooper (AOTC) Clone Trooper (AOTC, Blue) Commander Bly Darth Maul Darth Vader Han Solo Jango Fett Luke Skywalker as Stormtrooper Obi-Wan Kenobi (AOTC) ROTS Anakin Skywalker st ROTS Clone Trooper (501 ) ROTS Clone Trooper (Shocktrooper) ROTS Darth Vader Sandtrooper (Black Pauldron) Sandtrooper (Orange Pauldron) Sandtrooper (White Pauldron, Japanese) Scout Trooper Snowtrooper Stormtrooper Yoda Yoda and Mace Windu If you find any discrepancies please send an email to checklist@sandtroopers.com. Version 2.0.4 Sandtroopers.com Star Wars Checklist Updated 08/25/2008 Episode II: Attack of the Clones AT-TE (4482) Anakin’s Starfighter (7669) NEW FOR 2008 Bounty Hunter Pursuit (7133) Geonosian Fighter (4478) Hailfire Droid (4481) Hailfire and Spider Droids (7670) NEW FOR 2008 Jango Fett’s Slave I (7153) Jango Fett’s Slave I w/Bonus Cargo Case (65153) Jedi Duel (7103) Jedi Starfighter (7143) Republic Gunship (7163) Tusken Raid Encounter (7113) Episode III: Revenge of the Sith ARC-170 Starfighter (7259) AT-AP Walker (7671) NEW FOR 2008 Clone Scout Walker (7250) Clonetrooper Pack (7655) Clone Turbo Tank (7261) Darth Vader Transformation (7251) Droid Tri-Fighter (7252) Droid Battle Pack (7654) General Grievous Chase (7255) General Grievous Starfighter (7656) Jedi Starfighter w Hyper Ring (7661) Jedi Starfighter & Vulture Droid (7256) Ultimate Lightsaber Duel (7257) V-Wing Fighter (6205) Wookie Attack (7258) Page 37 of 44 Episode IV: A New Hope Droid Escape (7106) Imperial Landing Craft (7659) Imperial Star Destroyer (6211) Landspeeder (7110) Millennium Falcon (7190) Mos Eisley Cantina (4501) T-16 Skyhopper (4477) TIE Bomber (4479) TIE Fighter (7146) TIE Fighter & Y-Wing (7152, re-released in 2002) TIE Fighter (7263) X-Wing Fighter (7140) X-Wing Fighter (re-released in 2002) Y-Wing Fighter (7658) Mace Windu AOTC Force FX Lightsaber Obi-Wan Kenobi ANH Force FX Lightsaber Helmets 327th Star Corps Trooper Clone Trooper Darth Vader ROTS (Dual Signature Edition) Darth Vader ROTS (Limited Edition) Darth Vader ROTS (Signature Edition) Imperial Shock Trooper Special Ops Trooper Ultimate Collector Series AT-ST (10174) Cloud City (10123) Darth Maul (10018) Death Star (10143) Imperial Star Destroyer (10030) Imperial Star Destroyer Naboo Starfighter (10026) Rebel Snowspeeder (10129) Sandcrawler (10144) Tantive IV / Blockade Runner (10019) TIE Collection (10131) TIE Interceptor (7181) Vader’s Tie Advanced (10175) X-Wing Fighter (7191) Y-Wing Attack Starfighter (10134) Yoda (7194) Episode V: The Empire Strikes Back AT-AT (4483) AT-ST (7657) Boba Fett’s Slave I (6209) Cloud Car (7119) Hoth Rebel Base (7666) NEW FOR 2008 Millennium Falcon (4504) Rebel Snowspeeder (4500) Slave I (7144) Snowspeeder (7130) X-Wing Fighter (4502) Mini-Building Sets Anakin's Podracer and Sebulba's Podracer (4485) AT-ST and Snowspeeder (4486) AT-AT (4489) AT-TE (4495) Imperial Shuttle (4494) Imperial Star Destroyer (4492) Jedi Starfighter & Slave 1 (4487) Millennium Falcon (4488) MTT (4491) Republic Gunship (4490) Sith Infiltrator (4493) Star Wars Mini Models II Collection (K4488) TIE Fighter (3219) X-Wing Fighter and TIE Advanced (4484) Episode VI: Return of the Jedi A-Wing Fighter (6207) A-Wing Fighter (7134) B-Wing Fighter (6208) B-Wing Fighter (7180) Desert Skiff (7104) Ewok Attack (7139) Final Duel I (7200) Final Duel II (7201) Imperial AT-ST (7127) Imperial Inspection (7264) Imperial Shuttle (7166) Jabba's Message (4475) Jabba's Palace (4480) Jabba's Prize (4476) Jabba’s Sail Barge (6210) Speeder Bikes (7128) TIE Interceptor (6206) Key Chains C-3PO Chewbacca (3809) Darth Maul (3922) Darth Vader (3805) Darth Vader (3913) Luke Skywalker (3914) R2-D2 (3808) Snowtrooper Stormtrooper (3948) Yoda (3804) Master Replicas Expanded Universe Imperial Dropship (7667) NEW FOR 2008 Rebel Scout Speeder (7668) NEW FOR 2008 Rouge Shadow (7672) NEW FOR 2008 TIE Crawler (7664) NEW FOR 2008 If you find any discrepancies please send an email to checklist@sandtroopers.com. Updated 08/25/2008 Technic Battle Droid (8001) C-3PO (8007) Darth Vader (8010) Destroyer Droid (8002) Hailfire Droid (4481) Jango Fett (8011) Pit Droid (8000) R2-D2 (8009) Stormtrooper (8008) Super Battle Droid (8012) LEGO Episode I: The Phantom Menace Anakin’s Podracers (7131) Battle Droid Carrier (7126) Droid Fighter (7111) Flash Speeder (7124) Gungan Patrol (7115) Gungan Sub (7161) Jedi Defense I (7203) Jedi Defense II (7204) Lightsaber Duel (7101) Mos Espa Podrace (7171) MTT (7662) Naboo Fighter (7141) Naboo Fighter & Vulture Droid (7660) Naboo Swamp (7121) Pod Race Bucket (7159) Republic Cruiser (7665) NEW FOR 2008 Sith Infiltrator (7151) Sith Infiltrator (7663) NEW FOR 2008 Trade Federation AAT (7155) Trade Federation MTT (7184) Watto’s Junkyard (7186) Sandtroopers.com Star Wars Checklist Force FX Lightsabers Anakin Skywalker AOTC Force FX Lightsaber Anakin Skywalker ROTS Force FX Lightsaber Darth Maul TPM Battle Damaged Force FX Lightsaber Darth Maul TPM Dual Force FX Lightsaber Darth Vader ANH Force FX Lightsaber Darth Vader ESB Force FX Lightsaber Force FX Display Stand Luke Skywalker ESB Force FX Lightsaber Luke Skywalker ROTJ Force FX Lightsaber (1st Gen) Luke Skywalker ROTJ Force FX Lightsaber (2nd Gen) Version 2.0.4 Page 38 of 44 Miscellaneous Replicas Emperor Palpatine Cane and Cloak Clasp from ROTJ Jedi Training Remote from ANH Medal of Yavin from ANH Thermal Detonator from ROTJ (As First Built) Thermal Detonator from ROTJ (Limited Edition) Thermal Detonator from ROTJ (Signature Edition) Replica Blasters Han Solo ANH Blaster Han Solo ESB Blaster Jango Fett AOTC Blasters Princess Leia ANH Blaster (Signature Edition) Rebel Trooper ANH Blaster Stormtrooper ANH Blaster Replica Lightsabers Anakin Skywalker AOTC Lightsaber (LE) Anakin Skywalker AOTC Lightsaber (Signature Edition) Anakin Skywalker ROTS Lightsaber (LE) Count Dooku AOTC Lightsaber (LE) Count Dooku AOTC Lightsaber (Signature Edition) Darth Maul TPM Battle Damaged Lightsaber (LE) Darth Maul TPM Lightsaber (LE) Darth Maul TPM Lightsaber (Signature Edition) Darth Sidious ROTS Lightsaber (LE) Darth Vader ANH Lightsaber (Dual Signature Edition) Darth Vader ANH Lightsaber (LE) Darth Vader ESB Lightsaber (LE) Darth Vader ESB Lightsaber (Signature Edition) Darth Vader ROTS Lightsaber (LE) Luke Skywalker ANH Lightsaber (Elite Edition) Luke Skywalker ANH Lightsaber (LE) Luke Skywalker ANH Lightsaber (Signature Edition) Luke Skywalker ESB Lightsaber (LE) Luke Skywalker ESB Lightsaber (Signature Edition) Luke Skywalker ROTJ Lightsaber (Elite Edition) Luke Skywalker ROTJ Lightsaber (LE) Mace Windu AOTC Lightsaber (LE) Mace Windu AOTC Lightsaber (Signature Edition) Obi-Wan Kenobi ANH Lightsaber Weathered (LE) Obi-Wan Kenobi ANH Lightsaber, As First Built (LE) Obi-Wan Kenobi AOTC Lightsaber (LE) Obi-Wan Kenobi ROTS Lightsaber (LE) Obi-Wan Kenobi TPM Lightsaber (Elite Edition) Yoda AOTC Lightsaber (LE) Yoda ROTS Lightsaber (LE) Jedi Collection 2004, .45 Scale Luke Skywalker ROTJ Lightsaber Luke Skywalker ROTJ Lightsaber Gold Chase Mace Windu AOTC Lightsaber Mace Windu AOTC Lightsaber Gold Chase Obi-Wan Kenobi AOTC Lightsaber Obi-Wan Kenobi AOTC Lightsaber Gold Chase Sith Collection 2004, .45 Scale Count Dooku AOTC Lightsaber Count Dooku AOTC Lightsaber Gold Chase Darth Maul TPM Lightsaber If you find any discrepancies please send an email to checklist@sandtroopers.com. Version 2.0.4 Sandtroopers.com Star Wars Checklist Updated 08/25/2008 Darth Maul TPM Lightsaber Gold Chase Darth Vader ANH Lightsaber Darth Vader ANH Lightsaber Gold Chase Collection 2005, .45 Scale Darth Sidious ROTS Lightsaber Darth Sidious ROTS Lightsaber Gold Chase Darth Tyranus ROTS Lightsaber Darth Tyranus ROTS Lightsaber Gold Chase Darth Vader ROTS Lightsaber Darth Vader ROTS Lightsaber Gold Chase Yoda ROTS Lightsaber Yoda ROTS Lightsaber Gold Chase Collection 2006, .45 Scale Anakin Skywalker AOTC Lightsaber Anakin Skywalker AOTC Lightsaber Gold Chase Darth Vader ESB Lightsaber Darth Vader ESB Lightsaber Gold Chase Luke Skywalker ANH Lightsaber Luke Skywalker ANH Lightsaber Gold Chase Luke Skywalker ESB Lightsaber Luke Skywalker ESB Lightsaber Gold Chase Obi-Wan Kenobi Weathered ANH Lightsaber (re-release) Obi-Wan Kenobi Weathered ANH Lightsaber Gold Chase Exclusives, .45 Scale Anakin Skywalker ROTS Dark Chrome Lightsaber (2005 SWShop Exclusive) Anakin Skywalker ROTS Dark Chrome Lightsaber, Gold Chase (2005 SW Shop Exclusive) Darth Maul TPM (2005 Collectors Society Exclusive) Darth Sidious ROTS Dark Chrome Lightsaber (Best Buy Exclusive) Darth Sidious ROTS Dark Chrome Lightsaber Gold Chase (Best Buy Exclusive) Darth Sidious ROTS Bright Chrome Lightsaber (European Exclusive) Luke Skywalker ROTJ Bright Chrome Lightsaber (2004 eBay Exclusive) Mace Windu AOTC Matte-Finish Lightsaber (2006 Collectors Society Exclusive) Obi-Wan Kenobi ANH "As First Built" Lightsaber (2004 Convention Exclusive) Obi-Wan Kenobi ANH "As First Built" Gold Lightsaber (2004 Collector's Society Exclusive) Obi-Wan Kenobi ANH Weathered Lightsaber (2004 Shared Exclusive) Obi-Wan Kenobi ROTS Dark Chrome Lightsaber (2005 Celebration III Convention Exclusive) Obi-Wan Kenobi ROTS Dark Chrome Lightsaber Gold Chase (2005 Celebration III Convention Exclusive) Yoda ROTS Dark Chrome Lightsaber (2005 SDCC Exclusive) Yoda ROTS Dark Chrome Lightsaber Gold Chase (2005 SDCC Exclusive) Yoda ROTS Bright Chrome Lightsaber Chase (European Exclusive) Display Cases, .45 Scale Jedi Trio Display Case Sith Trio Display Case Star Wars Trio Display Case Collectors Society Artist Proof Example Collectors Society Membership Collectors Society Membership Card Collectors Society Pins Han Solo Blaster Developmental Prototype Set Auction Mace Windu Lightsaber Pre-Production Artist Proof Auction Yoda Lightsaber Developmental Prototype Set Auction Page 39 of 44 Updated 08/25/2008 51 Jawa 52 Lando Calrissian 53 Mon Calamari Mercenary 54 Quarren Assassin 55 Greedo 56 Bossk 57 Tusken Raider 58 Twi'lek Bodyguard 59 Twi'lek Scoundrel 60 Wampa Promotional Mon Calamari Mercenary Tusken Raider Elite Stormtrooper Wookiee Soldier Twi'lek Bodyguard (Unleashed pack-in) Promotional Flyer Insert Collectible Prints Count Dooku AOTC Lightsaber Blueprint Darth Maul TPM Lightsaber Blueprint Darth Vader ANH Lightsaber Blueprint Han Solo ANH Blaster Blueprint Luke Skywalker ROTJ Lightsaber Blueprint Obi-Wan Kenobi AOTC Lightsaber Blueprint Vehicle Replicas AT-AT ESB Limited Edition AT-AT ESB Signature Edition Rebel Snowspeeder ESB Limited Edition Miniatures Rebel Storm REBEL Mini-Figures: 01 Bothan Spy 02 C-3PO 03 Chewbacca 04 Commando On Speeder Bike 05 Elite Hoth Trooper 06 Elite Rebel Trooper 07 Han Solo 08 Hoth Trooper 09 Luke Skywalker, Jedi Knight 10 Luke Skywalker, Rebel 11 Obi-Wan Kenobi 12 Princess Leia, Captive 13 Princess Leia, Senator 14 R2-D2 15 Rebel Commando 16 Rebel Officer 17 Rebel Pilot 18 Rebel Trooper 19 Rebel Trooper 20 Wookiee Soldier 21 Darth Vader, Dark Jedi Clone Strike REPUBLIC Mini-Figures: 01 Aayla Secura 02 Aerial Clone Trooper Captain 03 Anakin Skywalker 04 ARC Trooper 05 Captain Typho 06 Clone Trooper 07 Clone Trooper 08 Clone Trooper Commander 09 Clone Trooper Grenadier 10 Clone Trooper Sergeant 11 Agen Kolar 12 General Kenobi 13 Gungan Calvary on Kaadu 14 Gungan Infantry 15 Jedi Guardian 16 Ki-Adi-Mundi 17 Kit Fisto 18 Luminara Unduli 19 Mace Windu 20 Naboo Soldier 21 Padme Amidala 22 Plo Koon 23 Qui-Gon Jinn 24 Quinlan Vos 25 Saesee Tiin 26 Yoda IMPERIAL Mini-Figures: 22 Darth Vader, Sith Lord 23 Elite Snowtrooper 24 Elite Stormtrooper 25 Emperor Palpatine 26 General Veers 27 Grand Moff Tarkin 28 Heavy Stormtrooper 29 Imperial Officer 30 Mara Jade, Emperor's Hand 31 Probe Droid 32 Royal Guard 33 Scout Trooper 34 Scout Trooper on Speeder Bike 35 Snowtrooper 36 Stormtrooper 37 Stormtrooper 38 Stormtrooper 39 Stormtrooper Officer 40 Sandtrooper on Dewback SEPARATIST Mini-Figures: 27 Asajj Ventress 28 Battle Droid 29 Battle Droid 30 Battle Droid 31 Battle Droid Officer 32 Battle Droid on Stap 33 Count Dooku 34 Darth Side Acolyte 35 Darth Maul 36 Darth Sidious 37 Destroyer Droid 38 Durge 39 Dwarf Spider Droid 40 General Grievous 41 Geonosian Drone 42 Geonosian Overseer 43 Geonosian Picador on Orray 44 Geonosian Soldier 45 Jango Fett 46 Security Battle Droid 47 Super Battle Droid 48 Super Battle Droid FRINGE Mini-Figures: 41 Bespin Guard 42 Boba Fett 43 Dengar 44 Duros Mercenary 45 Ewok 46 4-LOM 47 Gamorrean Guard 48 IG-88 49 Ithorian Scout 50 Jabba the Hutt If you find any discrepancies please send an email to checklist@sandtroopers.com. Sandtroopers.com Star Wars Checklist FRINGE Mini-Figures: Version 2.0.4 Page 40 of 44 49 Aqualish Spy 50 Aurra Sing 51 Devaronian Bounty Hunter 52 Gran Raider 53 Ishi Tib Scout 54 Klatooinian Enforcer 55 Nikto Soldier 56 Quarren Raider 57 Rodian Mercenary 58 Weequay Mercenary 59 Wookie Commando 60 Zam Wesell Promotional Dark Side Acolyte Revenge of the Sith REPUBLIC Mini-Figures: 01 Agen Kolar, Jedi Master 02 Alderaan Trooper 03 Anakin Skywalker, Jedi Knight 04 AT-RT 05 Bail Organa 06 Captain Antilles 07 Chewbacca of Kashyyyk 08 Clone Trooper 09 Clone Trooper 10 Clone Trooper Commander 11 Clone Trooper Gunner 12 Jedi Knight 13 Mace Windu, Jedi Master 14 Mon Mothma 15 obi-Wan Kenobi, Jedi Master 16 Polis Massa Medic 17 R2-D2, Astromech Droid 18 Senate Guard 19 Shaak Ti 20 Stass Allie 21 Tarfful 22 Wookiee Berserker 23 Wookiee Scout 24 Yoda, Jedi Master SEPARATIST Mini-Figures: 25 Battle Droid 26 Battle Droid 27 Bodyguard Droid 28 Bodyguard Droid 29 Darth Tyranus 30 Destroyer Droid 31 General Grievous, Jedi Hunter 32 General Grievous, Supreme Commander 33 Grievous's Wheel Bike 34 Muun Guard 35 Neimoidian Soldier 36 Neimoidian Soldier 37 San Hill 38 Separatist Commando 39 Super Battle Droid 40 Super Battle Droid 41 Wat Tambor FRINGE Mini-Figures: 42 Boba Fett, Young Mercenary 43 Chagrian Mercenary Commander 44 Devaronian Soldier 45 Gotal Fringer 46 Human mercenary 47 Iktotchi Tech Specialist 48 Medical Droid 49 Nautolan Soldier 50 Sly Moore 51 Tion Medon If you find any discrepancies please send an email to checklist@sandtroopers.com. Version 2.0.4 Sandtroopers.com Star Wars Checklist Updated 08/25/2008 52 Utapaun Soldier 53 Utapaun Soldier 54 Yuzzem 55 Zabrak Fringer 48 Luke Skywalker on Tauntaun 49 Nien Nunb 50 Princess Leia, Rebel Hero 51 Wedge Antilles IMPERIAL Mini-Figures: 56 Anakin Skywalker, Sith Apprentice 57 Dark Side Adept 58 Darth Vader 59 Emperor Palpatine, Sith Lord 60 Royal Guard Promotional Clone Trooper Nautolan Soldier Universe REPUBLIC Mini-Figures: 01 Clone Trooper 02 Clone Trooper on BARC Speeder 03 Elite Clone Trooper 04 Flash Speeder 05 Obi-Wan Kenobi on Boga SEPARATIST Mini-Figures: 06 Battle Droid 07 Darth Maul on Speeder 08 Hailfire Droid 09 Nute Gunray 10 Super Battle Droid 11 Super Battle Droid Commander FRINGE Mini-Figures: 12 Abyssin Black Sun Thug 13 Acklay 14 ASP-7 15 B'omarr Monk 16 Dash Rendar 17 Dr. Evazan 18 Gonk Power Droid 19 Guri 20 Kaminoan Ascetic 21 Lando Calrissian, Hero of Taanab 22 Lobot 23 Nexu 24 Ponda Baba 25 Prince Xizor 26 Rancor 27 Reek 28 Rodian Black Sun Vigo 29 Shistavanen Pilot 30 Tusken Raider on Bantha 31 Vornskr 32 X-1 Viper Droid IMPERIAL Mini-Figures: 33 AT-ST 34 Baron Fel 35 Dark Side Marauder 36 Dark Trooper Phase III 37 Darth Vader, Jedi Hunter 38 Grand Admiral Thrawn 39 Nightsister Sith Witch 40 Noghri 41 Stormtrooper 42 Stormtrooper Commander REBEL Mini-Figures: 43 Admiral Ackbar 44 Bith Rebel 45 Chewbacca, Rebel Hero 46 Dressellian Commando 47 Han Solo, Rebel Hero Page 41 of 44 Updated 08/25/2008 TIE Bomber Tie Fighter X-Wing Y-Wing (yellow) NEW REPUBLIC Mini-Figures: 52 Kyle Katarn 53 Luke Skywalker, Jedi Master 54 New Republic Commander 55 New Republic Trooper 56 Young Jedi Knight 2006 Amidala’s Star Skiff ARC-170 (Animated CW) AT-AT (Endor) (Brown / Green Base) AT-AT (Hoth) (White Base) AT-ST (Endor) (Dirty, Tan Base) A-Wing Fighter (Blue) Battle Ravaged Millennium Falcon Boba Fett Slave 1 (Silver) B-Wing Fighter (Gray / Blue) Clone Turbo Tank Darth Maul’s Sith Infiltrator Darth Vader’s Sith Starfighter Darth Vader’s TIE Advanced (Gold) Darth Vader’s TIE Advanced Death Star Droid Tri-Fighter (Dirty) Executor Super Star Destroyer General Grievous Starfighter Imperial Shuttle (Facing Front) Imperial Shuttle (Facing Left) Jedi Starfighter (Obi-Wan) (red) w/Ring Jedi Starfighter (Anakin’s / CW) (AOTC Blue / White) Jedi Starfighter (Anakin’s / Yellow) Jedi Starfighter (Anakin’s / Green) Jedi Starfighter (Obi-Wan / Blue) Jedi Starfighter (Mace Windu / Purple) Millenium Falcon (E-III) Naboo Patrol Fighter (Blue) Naboo Royal Starship Obi-Wan’s Jedi Starfighter (Blue) Rebel Blockade Runner Republic Attack Cruiser Republic Gunship (Clone Wars Deco) Republic Gunship (Command Gunship) Sandcrawler Slave 1 (Jango Fett) Slave 1 (Jango Fett, Battle Damage) Sith Speeder w/Darth Maul Snowspeeder (Battle Damage) Speeder Bike with Scout Trooper Speeder Bike with Princess Leia Speederbike with Luke Skywalker Speederbike with Paploo Star Destroyer (Gray / Dark Gray Swamp Speeder (Dirty / Green) Tie Bomber (Dirty) TIE Fighter (White) Tie Fighter (Dirty) Tie Interceptor Trade Federation AAT (Light Brown) Slave 1 (LE, raw metal) Vulture Droid Wookiee Flyer X-Wing Fighter (Wedge) Y-Wing Fighter (Red) YUUZHAN VONG Mini-Figures: 57 Nom Anor 58 Warmaster Tsavong Lah 59 Yuuzhan Vong Subaltern 60 Yuuzhan Vong Warrior PEZ Dispensers Boba Fett C-3PO Chewbacca Darth Vader Clone Trooper Jango Fett Luke Skywalker (X-Wing Pilot) Princess Leia R2-D2 Stormtrooper Wicket Yoda Sideshow Collectibles 12” Figures Anakin Skywalker Kit Fisto Luke Skywalker Obi-Wan Kenobi Mace Windu ! Scale Figures Darth Vader General Grievous Han Solo Han Solo (Exclusive Edition) Luke Skywalker Luke Skywalker (2005 Comic-Con Exclusive) Obi-Wan Kenobi Princess Leia Organa Busts Darth Maul Greedo Titanium Vehicles 2005 AT-RT (Gray) A-Wing (red) Anakin’s Jedi Starfighter (yellow) ARC-170 Fighter Droid Tri-Fighter Landspeeder Millennium Falcon Naboo Fighter Republic Gunship (red) Slave 1 (Boba Fett) Snowspeeder Star Destroyer Swamspeeder (Red) If you find any discrepancies please send an email to checklist@sandtroopers.com. Sandtroopers.com Star Wars Checklist 2007 A-Wing Fighter (Green / Gray) ARC 170 Fighter (Green / Black) AT-AP AT-AT (Shadow) AT-RT (Camo) AT-ST (White Base) AT-TE B-Wing Fighter (Orange / Gray) Clone Turbo Tank (White) Version 2.0.4 Page 42 of 44 Darth Vader’s Tie Fighter (White) Dewback w/ Stormtrooper Firespray Interceptor General Grievous Invisible Hand Imperial Attack Cruiser Jabba’s Sailbarge Jedi Starfighter (Green) w/Ring (Kit Fisto) Jedi Starfighter (Purple) w/Ring (Plo Koon) Jedi Starfighter (Red) Damaged (Obi-Wan) Royal Guard Tie Interceptor Snowspeeder (Luke’s) Speederbike w/ Snowtrooper Taintive IV Trade Federation AAT (Dark Brown) Trade Federation Droid Control Ship V-Wing Fighter (Red) V-Wing Fighter (Gray) X-Wing Fighter (Dagobah) Wal-Mart Gift Pack #1 Anakin’s Jedi Starfighter (yellow) AT-RT (raw metal) Droid Tri-Fighter Obi-Wan’s Jedi Starfighter (blue) Republic Gunship (green) Wal-Mart Gift Pack #2 ARC-170 (blue) Raw Metal TIE Bomber Slave 1 (Boba Fett) Swamp Speeder (green) X-Wing (Biggs) Wal-Mart Gift Pack #3 Landspeeder Raw Metal Millennium Falcon TIE Fighter X-Wing (Luke’s, Dirty) Y-Wing (blue) Wal-Mart Gift Pack #4 Darth Vader’s Tie Fighter (Dirty) Death Star (Raw Metal) Star Destroyer (Dirty) Exclusives X-Wing (Celebration III, gold) Titanium Ultra Vehicles Anakin’s Jedi Starfighter (Yellow) ARC-170 Starfighter AT-AT Darth Vader’s Tie Fighter Droid TRI-Fighter Millenium Falcon Republic Gunship Republic Gunship CW Slave 1 Snowspeeder Tie Fighter X-wing Fighter If you find any discrepancies please send an email to checklist@sandtroopers.com. Version 2.0.4 Sandtroopers.com Star Wars Checklist Updated 08/25/2008 Titanium Figures Boba Fett Boba Fett (Silver Finish) Bossk Bossk (Silver Finish) C-3P0 Clone Trooper Darth Maul Darth Vader Darth Vader (Silver Finish) Darth Vader (Bronze Finish) General Grievous IG-88 Jango Fett Luke Skywalker Sandtrooper Sandtrooper (Silver Finish) Updated 08/25/2008 TESB Set- Han Solo, Yoda, Darth Vader, Lando Tusken Raider Wicket Yoda M&M Mpire Figures Chewbacca & Mace Windu Clone Trooper & Darth Vader Count Dooku & Darth Maul Emperor Palpatine & Anakin Skywalker General Grievous & Obi-Wan Kenobi Han Solo & Boba Fett Luke Skywalker & Princess Leia Queen Amidala & C-3PO IMPORTANT INFORMATION Frequently Asked Questions If there is something that is not included in this document, how can I help contribute by adding the content to it? Well, that is simple, as all you have to do is send an email to checklist@sandtroopers.com. We will add that content if it seems necessary. Transformers Can I see pictures of these items? Well, to answer your question, yes and no. We do have a large amount of images in our Images section on our website, but unfortunately it would be almost impossible to have images of every single thing that relates to Star Wars. We also have a Review section that is run by Chris Spice (Darth Spice) that you may find interesting as well. Anakin Skywalker / Jedi Starfighter AT-AT / AT-AT Driver Boba Fett / Slave 1 Clone Trooper / ARC-170 Fighter Clone Trooper / ARC-170 Fighter (Cartoon Network Design) Clonetrooper / Clone Gunship (TAC) Commander Cody / Turbo Tank Darth Maul / Sith Infiltrator Darth Vader / Death Star Darth Vader / Death Star (TAC) Darth Vader / TIE Fighter Darth Vader / Tie Fighter and Obi Wan / Jedi Starfighter (TAC) Emperor Palpatine / Imperial Shuttle General Grievous / Wheel Bike Han Solo - Chewbacca / Millennium Falcon Jango Fett / Slave 1 Luke Skywalker / X-Wing Fighter Mace Windu / Jedi Starfighter (TAC) Obi-Wan Kenobi / Jedi Starfighter Saesee Tiin / Jedi Starfighter (TAC) Snowspeeder / Luke X-Wing (TAC) Snowspeeder / Luke X-Wing Pilot What are the current prices on these items? This would be an impossible task for anyone to keep up-to-date, as prices change on a regular basis. Of course items that are still selling on the shelves in stores would be going for “retail” pricing, but items that haven’t been sold in stores for a while will be of different value. Most people use eBay to see what the “going rate” is for something they’re in pursuit of. How up-to-date is this document? You can find out when this document was last revised, as the date is visible in the upper righthand portion of each page. We try our hardest to keep this document as current as possible, but if you happen to see anything that may be missing please let us know about it. Check our Checklist page (http://www.sandtroopers.com/checklist/) to make sure you have the most updated version. Credits Bend-Ems Staff Members: • Jim Lazounis (Jimsjedi) • Chris Rhoads (dustrho) 4 Piece Gift Set- Chewbacca, Yoda, Stormtrooper, Wicket 6 Piece Gift Set- Admiral Ackbar, Lando Calrissian, Royal Guard, Chewbacca, Darth Vader, Stormtrooper, 8 Piece Gift Set- Darth Vader, Stormtrooper, Luke Skywalker, R2-D2, Princess Liea, Emperor Palpatine, Wicket, C-3P0 Admiral Ackbar ANH Set- Luke, Tusken Raider, Chewbacca, R2-D2 Bib Fortuna Boba Fett C-3P0 Chewbacca Darth Vader Darth Vader Carry Case Emperor Palpatine Gamorrean Guard Han Solo Lando Calrissian Luke Skywalker Luke Skywalker X-Wing Obi-Wan Kenobi Princess Leia R2-D2 ROTJ Set- Boba Fett, Wicket, Bib Fortuna, Admiral Ackbar Royal Guard Stormtrooper Page 43 of 44 Sandtroopers.com Star Wars Checklist If you find any discrepancies please send an email to checklist@sandtroopers.com. Disclaimer The information included in this document was made for the sole purpose to help Star Wars collectors keep track of all the different items and variations that have been made by Kenner and Hasbro over the years. This checklist is the sole property of Sandtroopers.com, and cannot be reproduced without the express written permissions of Sandtroopers.com. If you have any questions regarding this please send an email to checklist@sandtroopers.com. Version 2.0.4 Page 44 of 44 If you find any discrepancies please send an email to checklist@sandtroopers.com. Version 2.0.4
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