Nutritional Sciences - College of Human Sciences


Nutritional Sciences - College of Human Sciences
Curriculum vitae
Name: Arpita Basu
Designation: Assistant Professor (Nutritional Sciences), Oklahoma State University
Educational Qualifications: Ph.D. (Nutrition), RD
Address: 416 Human Environmental Sciences, Oklahoma State University, Stillwater,
OK 74078-6141
Research interests: Dietary bioactive compounds & Functional foods
Clinical nutrition research with emphasis on antioxidant
supplementation on biomarkers of oxidative stress and inflammation
in subjects with Metabolic Syndrome, Type 2 diabetes mellitus
Teaching interests: Critical Issues in Nutrition & Health Care; Laboratory courses in
nutritional status assessment; Introductory courses to Nutrition;
community nutrition and counseling; dietary
Phytochemicals: bioactive components in the prevention of chronic
diseases; wholistic nutrition
Gender: Female
Date of Birth: 23rd March, 1977
Nationality: Asian Indian
Academic Background
Postdoctoral Scholar (NIHK24 Mentoree) - Medical Pathology, Laboratory for
Atherosclerosis and Metabolic Research, UC Davis Medical Center, Sacramento, CA,
Ph.D. Nutrition- Texas Woman’s University, Denton, Texas, USA, 2001-2005 (In
collaboration with UT Southwestern Medical Center, Dallas, TX)
Dietetic Internship- Department of Nutritional Sciences, Oklahoma State University,
M.Sc. Food & Nutrition- Viharilal College of Home and Social Sciences, University
of Calcutta, India, 1998-2000
B.Sc. (Hons) Food & Nutrition- Viharilal College of Home and Social Sciences,
University of Calcutta, India, 1995-1998
Higher Secondary course work (Grades XI-XII)- Shri Shikshayatan, Calcutta, India,
Major- Nutrition, 1993-1995
High School (Grade X)- M.P. Birla Foundation School, Calcutta, India, 1993
TOEFL and GRE qualified- India, 2001
Academic Achievements
Graduate Doctoral degree course work GPA- 4.0 (Texas Woman’s University)
Graduate Master’s degree course work- 1st Class, 1st Rank among the students in the
Department of Home Science (University of Calcutta)
Undergraduate Bachelor’s degree course work- 1st Class, 1st Rank among the students
in the Department of Home science; 1st in the University of Calcutta among all
students of all disciplines graduating in 1998
Higher Secondary course work- Highest grade in Nutrition for the year 1995 in the
exam conducted by the West Bengal Council of Higher Secondary Education
Scholarships, Awards and Recognitions
Certification awarded for OSU Early Career Faculty Development SeriesFourteen Workshops For Teaching Excellence, Institute for Teaching & Learning
Excellence, OSU, 2007
Oklahoma State University Accomplishments: A report to the OSU/A&M
Regents from the Office of the OSU System CEO and President, September 2006Research cited on page 6
Best poster award (2006)- American Society for Nutrition (ASN) Diet and Cancer
RIS, Experimental Biology, San Francisco, 2006
Best poster award (2005)- American Society for Nutritional Sciences (ASNS)
Vitamin and Mineral RIS, Experimental Biology, San Diego, 2005
Best poster award (2005)- American Society for Nutritional Sciences (ASNS)
Nutrient-Gene RIS, Experimental Biology, San Diego, 2005
Best poster award (2005)- American Society for Nutritional Sciences (ASNS)
Diet and Cancer RIS, Experimental Biology, San Diego, 2005
Chancellor’s Student Research Scholar Award- 2005, Texas Womans’ University,
Denton, TX, USA
Award certificate of participation, Student Creative Arts & Research Symposium
Committee, Texas Woman’s University, 2004
TWU General Scholars Award, Texas Woman’s University, 2004-2005 Amount$500
Doris McCarter Brownell Endowed Scholarship, Texas Woman’s University,
2004-2005 Amount- $1,000
Doris Brownell Scholarship, Texas Woman’s University, 2003-2004 Amount$1,000
Florence Langford Scholarship, Texas Woman’s University, 2002-2003 Amount$750
TWU Graduate Student Scholarship, Texas Woman’s University, 2001-2004
Amount- $3,600
Student Travel Fund award, Texas Woman’s University, 2004, Amount- $300
Student Travel Fund award, Texas Woman’s University, 2003, Amount- $400
Student Travel Fund award, Texas Woman’s University, 2002, Amount- $50
Who’s Who Among Students In American Universities and Colleges award,
Texas Woman’s University, 2003
Lalchand Mookerjee Foreign Scholarship, University of Calcutta, 2001-2002,
Amount- Rs. 30,000
National Scholarship, Ministry of Human Resource Development, Government of
India, 1998-1999, Amount- Rs. 3000
Uma Mukherjee Memorial Scholarship, University of Calcutta, 1998-2000,
Amount- Rs. 2000
Meritorious student award, Invitation to witness Republic Day Parade from Prime
Minister’s Box, Department of Education, Ministry of Human Resource
Development, Government of India, 1999
Interview published as a newspaper article in the Indian newspaper, The
Hindustan Times HT City, Calcutta, Sunday 4, June 2000; “She’s not a material
Interview published as a newspaper article in the Texas Woman’s University
(TWU) student newspaper, The Lasso, May 5, 2005; “Doctoral student earns top
position at national conference.”
University-level Teaching Experience
Faculty Instructor for Phytochemicals in Reduction of Chronic Disease, NSCI 5413,
2008-2009, Department of Nutritional Sciences, Oklahoma State University; new
graduate course; lecture and discussion on the basic mechanisms of oxidative stress
and inflammation and the role of phytochemicals as antioxidants and antiinflammatory agents
Faculty Instructor for Critical issues in Nutrition & Health Care, NSCI 4643, 20062007, Department of Nutritional Sciences, Oklahoma State University; discussion,
lectures, & presentations covering all aspects of nutrition & health care; special
emphasis on diabetes, cardiovascular disease, public policy, & health and nutrition
Faculty Instructor for Principles of Human Nutrition, Honors Discussion, NSCI 2114,
2006-2007, Department of Nutritional Sciences, Oklahoma State University;
discussion & assignments on basic nutritional principles like food pyramid, 24-hour
recall, using food processor software, case studies on nutrient needs.
Instructor for the Advanced Nutrition Laboratory, NFS 3101, 2001-2005, Department
of Nutrition & Food Sciences, Texas Woman’s University; basic experiments related
to biochemical and anthropometric assessment of nutritional status; covering all
aspects of teaching, making exams and grading
Instructor for Introduction to Nutrition, NFS 2323, Summer 2002 and Spring 2003,
Department of Nutrition & Food Sciences, Texas Woman’s University; basic
introductory course to Nutrition, the science of nutrients and metabolism; covering all
aspects of teaching, making exams and grading
Teaching assistant for Community Nutrition, NFS 3043, Summer 2004, Department
of Nutrition & Food Sciences, Texas Woman’s University; a distant internet course
on the principles of community nutrition and the nutrition policies; making quizzes,
exams and grading assignments online
Invited lectures & presentations
Invited lecture: Green tea & Oxidative stress in subjects with Metabolic
Syndrome, Texas Woman’s University, Spring 2008 Seminar series
Invited article on tomato polyphenols- Tomato Wellness Council, 2007
Invited article on tea polyphenols- Life Extension magazine, February, 2008
Invited lecture on article review- Graduate Research seminar, NSCI 5870, Fall
2007, Department of Nutritional Sciences, Oklahoma State University
(Instructors: Dr. Nancy Betts & Dr. Stephany Parker).
Invited lecture on Functional Foods for Freshman Research Scholars seminarSeptember 17th, 2007, Oklahoma State University (Instructor: Dr. Christine
Johnson, Associate Dean, College of Human Environmental Sciences, OSU).
Invited to participate as a panelist at Texas Woman’s University Research
Symposium, 2007- “ How to get into graduate school and what do I do when I get
NSCI 5961-Invited presentation on manuscript writing and publication, March
28th, Spring 2007, Department of Nutritional Sciences, Oklahoma State
University (Instructor: Dr. Stephany Parker).
NSCI 2114- Invited lecture on “Cardiovascular disease and Diabetes”, March 10,
Spring 2007, Department of Nutritional Sciences, Oklahoma State University
(Instructor: Dr. Edralin A. Lucas)
NSCI 5123- Invited presentation on “Clinical Research in Nutritional Sciences”,
January 10th, Spring 2007, Department of Nutritional Sciences, Oklahoma State
University (Instructor: Dr. Barbara Stoecker)
Invitation as a guest speaker on “Nutritional value of Vegetarianism” for OSU
campus radio KXZY channel; interviewed by Catarina Arajuo, Fall 2006
Invitation as a guest speaker for the weekly seminar organized jointly by the
departments of Biology, Chemistry, & Nutrition & Food Sciences at Texas
Woman's University, Denton; February 18th, 2005.
Invitation as a Guest Speaker on Tocopherol analysis in serum and tissues using
HPLC machine for the graduate Food Analysis class (NFS 5023, Instructor- Dr.
Clay King, Nutrition & Food Sciences, TWU, Fall 2004)
Services at Oklahoma State University
Judge- 19th Annual Research Symposium, oral presentations, OSU, 2008
Judge- 18th Annual Research Symposium, oral presentations, OSU, 2007
Faculty Reader- The Honors College, 2006-2007
Faculty Spotlight Day- participation in the faculty panel for Nutritional Sciences,
Fall 2006
Graduate faculty committee member
Faculty member- Academic Integrity Panel, OSU- 2006-2007
Mentoring (Nutritional Sciences, Oklahoma State University, ) 2006-2009
Karah Sanchez- PhD student, Research advisor, 2008-2009
Kavitha Penugonda- MS student, Major professor & Advisor, 2007-2008
Angela Brown- Undergraduate Honors paper advisor, Spring 2008
Emily Luebcke- MS Dietetics Program , Member on Thesis committee 20082009
Meredith Mosier- Freshman Scholar Student- Research Advisor- “Effects of
chronic green tea flavonoid supplementation on insulin resistance among subjects
with metabolic syndrome”, Fall 2007
Karah Sanchez- Major Professor & Advisor, MS Dietetics Program; Thesis
Chronic effects of green tea flavonoid supplementation on features of Metabolic
Syndrome (MeS) and body fat composition: a randomized clinical trial”- 20062008
Shalynn Briggs- Major Professor & Advisor, MS Dietetics Program; Thesis“Chronic effects of green tea flavonoid supplementation on safety parameters and
hematological data in subjects with Metabolic Syndrome (MeS): a randomized
clinical trial”- 2006-2008
Megan Schrader- MS Dietetics Program , Member on Thesis committee “A
comparative analysis of dual energy X-ray absorptiometry and skinfold
measurements in determining body composition and minimum wrestling weight in
adolescent wrestlers”- 2007- 2008
Kandice Beverly- Second Faculty Reader for Honors thesis- “Cranberry
anthocyanins and biomarkers of inflammation in RAW macrophage cells”- Spring
Matthew Padgett- Undergraduate Research Advisor- basic laboratory techniques,
in vitro analyses involving effects of green tea on inflammatory markers, patient
data entry for green tea clinical trial- Spring 2007
Afework Mulageta- Graduate Research Advisor, PhD program- HPLC analysis of
plasma flavonoids in subjects with Metabolic Syndrome (MeS) consuming green
tea beverage or supplements for 8 weeks- Spring 2007
Jordan Torrey- Second Faculty Reader for Honors thesis- “Determination of
Chlorogenic Acid in rats fed Dried Plum”- Fall 2006
Graduate scholarships/awards received by students
Karah Sanchez (MS student):
o Laura Savage Fellowship, $500.00 (2007-2008), Oklahoma State
o Winterfeldt Graduate Fund for Research, $400.00 (2007-2008),
Oklahoma State University
o Nominated as the Outstanding Graduate Student in Department of
Nutritional Sciences
Professional Training & Workshops
Institutional Review Board (IRB) 101 conference- Fall 2007, Oklahoma State
9th Annual Diabetes Update, Cox Convention Center, OKC, November 10, 2006
(Invitation to attend the conference by the Program Faculty, Dr. Timothy Lyons)
“Faculty who have succeeded at various places on the continuum (PANEL)”Early Career Faculty Development Series, ITLE, OSU, October 4, 2006
“Instructional Design”- Early Career Faculty Development Series, ITLE, OSU,
October 25th, 2006
ITLE Third Faculty Forum- Effective, Engaged and Efficient Learning, ITLE,
OSU, October 31st, 2006
Classroom Assessment Strategies- Early Career Faculty Development Series,
ITLE, OSU, November 8th, 2006
Managing My Course- ITLE, OSU, November 16, 2006
Situational Instructional Strategies- ITLE, OSU, Jan 17, 2007
Diversity in the classroom- ITLE, OSU, Feb 7, 2007
Intellectual Property-Protecting Myself and OSU- ITLE, OSU, Feb 21, 2007
Faculty Scholars Program: Professional development program for new faculty
members; 2006-2007
o Tips for working with graduate & undergraduate students
o Portfolio development & Annual appraisals
o “Write winning grants” seminar
o Research Compliance
o Trip to Washington DC, Spring 2007, to meet Program Officers at USDA
& NIH; state agencies and government relations concerning the College of
Human Environmental Sciences at OSU
Voluntary Experience in Nutrition Education and Counseling
Nutrition Instructor for TKG Academy, Inc., Dallas TX, 2003-2005. Teaching
high-school students the basic principles of nutrition and meal management in
health and disease.
UC Davis Medical Center, Preventive Cardiology unit, Patient Counseling
sessions (Summer, 2006)- teaching classes on nutritional management of diseases;
Dining with diabetes, Living with less salt, Heart Healthy diets
Dietetic internship experience 2007-2008
General Clinical Research Center, University of Oklahoma Health Sciences
Center- Screening subjects for Metabolic Syndrome; designing, development &
implementation of research studies involving antioxidants; writing progress
Presbyterian Tower, University of Oklahoma Medical Center- writing clinical
dietitian notes
Everett Tower, The New Children’s Hospital- writing clinical dietitian notes
The Cooper Clinic, Dallas- Community Internship experience on preventive
nutrition, designing patient education materials on vitamins and phytochemicals
Stillwater Medical Center- Dietetic Management Internship, Spring 2007
Research Experience
Faculty research interest- Acute and chronic effects of green tea and blueberry
flavonoid supplementation on biomarkers of oxidative stress & inflammation among
subjects with Metabolic Syndrome and Type 2 diabetes; clinical nutrition research in
collaboration with GCRC at Oklahoma Health Sciences Center
Postdoctoral research- clinical nutrition research on the effects of antioxidant
supplementation on biomarkers of oxidative stress and inflammation; processing
Institutional Review Board (IRB) paper work for study approval, conducting subject
recruitment, subject counseling, sample collection and processing, sample analysis
and data processing and statistical analyses for the following studieso A dose-response study on the effect of lycopene supplementation on measures
of oxidative stress
o Effect of supplementation with gamma- and alpha- tocopherol (Vitamin E),
alone and in combination on biomarkers of oxidative stress and inflammation
in patients with the metabolic syndrome
o Effect of supplementation with mixed tocopherols on biomarkers of oxidative
stress and inflammation in patients with the metabolic syndrome
o A randomized crossover trial of 2 different aloe vera preparations compared to
placebo on bioavailability of vitamins C and B12, blood glucose and lipid
profile in healthy human subjects
o Effects of 2 different meals (AHA and McDonald’s) on postprandial lipemia
(in collaboration with UC Davis Graduate Nutrition group)
Postdoctoral research work description- basic cell culture work involving human
aortic endothelial cells and THP-1 cells, monocyte isolation and superoxide assay,
LDL isolation and oxidation, urinary F2-isoprostane analysis, comet assay, 8-OHdG
ELISA assay in urine, plasma lycopene analysis using High Pressure Liquid
Chromatography (HPLC), ORAC, TBARS, LPO assay, measurement of biomarkers
of inflammation – IL-6, IL-1β, TNF-α, MCP-1 using BDTM Cytometric Bead Array;
PKC activity using [32P ATP].
Tocopherol analysis in blood and tissues of rodents fed different dietary oils; corn,
cottonseed, soybean, or almond oil; operating HPLC machine and Millennium
software, version 4.0 for tocopherol separation, identification and quantitation
Lipid analyses involving spectrophotometric procedures in rodents fed different
types and levels of dietary oils
Analysis of cytokine levels in serum and exudates of rodents following intestinal
ischemia reperfusion; using ELISA kits for TNF-α, MCP-1 and nitric oxide
Cell culture human prostate LNCaP cancer cell culture and inoculation of cancer
cells in matrigel in nude mice to observe in vivo growth of the cancer cells; part of
dissertation project at Department of Pathology, UTSouthwestern Medical Center,
Dallas, Texas
Vitamin E Succinate intraperitoneal injections in nude mice following inoculation of
cancer cells to observe effects on tumor growth; part of dissertation project at
Department of Pathology, UTSouthwestern Medical Center, Dallas, Texas
Real-time Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR) to amplify specific gene fragments
affected by Vitamin E Succinate treatment in prostate tumor tissues in nude mice;
operating Opticon monitor analysis software, version 2.02 for PCR programming and
data analysis, total RNA extraction and reverse transcription; part of dissertation
project at Department of Biology, Texas Woman’s University, Denton, Texas
Serum prostate specific antigen (PSA) and total testosterone analysis in nude
mice as an effect of Vitamin E Succinate treatment of prostate tumor growth
Developing healthy menus using cottonseed oil and participation in sensory
evaluation of peanuts as part of Texas Food and Fibers Commission funded
project at Texas Woman’s University
Primary reviewer•
American Journal of Clinical Nutrition (AJCN)
Clinical Medicine: Oncology
Applied Physiology Nutrition Metabolism (APNM)
Abstracts, oral and poster presentations
Basu, A., Sanchez, K., Leyva, M., Aston, C., Lyons, T. (2008) American College
of Nutrition, 49th Annual meeting, Virginia, USA
Sanchez, K., Leyva, M., Aston, C., Lyons, T., & Basu, A. (2008) Green Tea
Flavonoid Supplementation and Features of Metabolic Syndrome (MeS). Program
number 702.22, Experimental Biology, San Diego, CA
Beverly, K., Basu, A., & Lucas, EA. (2008) Anti-inflammatory effects of
cranberry juice in lipopolysaccharide-stimulated RAW 264.7 murine macrophage
cells. Program number 890.8, Experimental Biology, San Diego, CA
Basu, A., Beverly, K., & Lucas, EA. (2007) Inhibitory effects of green tea and a
constituent of green tea, epigallocatechin-3-gallate (EGCG) on nitric oxide
production in macrophages. The FASEB Journal A368, Experimental Biology,
Washington DC
Beverly, K., Basu, A., & Lucas, EA. (2007) Effects of Cranberry Juice on Cell
Viability and Nitric Oxide in LPS-Stimulated RAW264.7 Murine Macrophage
Cells. Oklahoma State University Research Symposium, Stillwater, OK
Basu, A., Devaraj, S., Cross, C.E., Meyer, S., & Jialal, I. (2006) Dose-response
study of purified lycopene on biomarkers of oxidative stress. The FASEB Journal
A549, Experimental Biology, San Francisco, CA
Son, R., Imrhan, V., Basu, A., & Sustaita, P. (2006) Effect of vitamin E succinate
(VES) on hepatic lipids in BALB/c mice injected with LNCaP cells. The FASEB
Journal A132, Experimental Biology, San Francisco, CA
Imrhan, V., Basu, A., Sundaresan, S., Aredo, B., Bennett, M., Radcliffe, John D.,
& Mills, N. (2006) Cottonseed oil diets reduces human prostate LNCaP tumor
growth and modulates gene expression in BALB/c nude mice. The FASEB
Journal A611, Experimental Biology, San Francisco, CA
Basu, A., Bennett, M., Mills, N., & Imrhan, V. (2005) Vitamin E succinate (VES)
modulates LNCaP xenograft growth and gene expression in BALB/c nude mice
fed two levels of dietary fat. The FASEB Journal A1497, Experimental Biology,
San Diego, CA
Basu, A., Bennett, M., Radcliffe, J.D., Mills, N., & Imrhan, V. (2005)
Comparative effects of high-fat cottonseed and soybean oil diets on human
prostate LNCaP tumor growth and VEGF gene expression in BALB/c nude mice.
The FASEB Journal A78, Experimental Biology, San Diego, CA
Basu, A., Rachapalli, M., Aredo, B., Radcliffe, J.D., & Imrhan, V. (2004)
Comparative effects of four dietary oils on tocopherol status in rats. The FASEB
Journal A158, Experimental Biology, Washington, DC
Aredo, B., Basu, A., Radcliffe, J.D., & Imrhan, V. (2004) Influence of type of
dietary oil (soybean, corn, cottonseed, and almond) on serum and hepatic lipids.
The FASEB Journal A860, Experimental Biology, Washington, DC
Basu, A. & Grossie, B. (2003) Intestinal ischemia reperfusion and the cytokines
and nitric oxide response of a subcutaneous inflammatory site to LPS challenge in
rats. The FASEB Journal A305, Experimental Biology, San Diego, California
Basu, A., Imrhan, V., Baker, M., Smith, C., Mills, N., & Radcliffe, J.D. (2003)
Serum and hepatic vitamin E in rats fed two types of dietary oil. The FASEB
Journal A316, Experimental Biology, San Diego, California
Baker, M., Basu, A., & Imrhan, V. (2003) Serum and hepatic lipid concentrations
in testosterone-treated rats fed two types of dietary oils. The FASEB Journal
A752, Experimental Biology, San Diego, California
Basu, A., & Imrhan, V. (2002) Medical Nutrition Therapy for Diabetes Mellituspast, present & future. Conference Proceedings p 237, Texas Dietetic Association
Food and Nutrition Conference and Exhibition, Dallas, Texas
Smith, C.W., Imrhan, V., Basu, A., & Tan, K.B. (2002) The effects of soy nuts on
the serum lipid profile in adults. Annual Biomedical Research Conference for
Minority Students, New Orleans, Louisiana
Rhone, M & Basu, A (2008) Phytochemicals and age-related eye diseases: a brief
synopsis. Nutr Rev. (in press).
Basu, A & Lucas, EA (2007) Mechanisms and effects of green tea on cardiovascular
health. Nutr Rev. 65: 361-375.
Basu, A., Bennett, M., Mills, N. & Imrhan, V. (2007) Gene expressions in human
prostate LNCaP xenografts: effects of alpha-tocopheryl succinate (α-TOS) and
dietary soybean oil. Current Topics in Nutraceutical Research. 5:35-42.
Basu, A., Devaraj, S. & Jialal, I. (2006) Dietary factors that promote or retard
inflammation. Arterioscler. Thromb. Vasc. Biol. 26:995-1001.
Basu, A. & Devaraj, S. (2006) Plant Sterols, Stanols and Cardiovascular Disease.
The Fats of Life, Lipoproteins and Vascular Diseases Division, AACC. Winter
2006, Vol XX: 13-16.
Basu, A., Grossie, B., Bennett, M., Mills, N. & Imrhan, V. (2006) Alpha-tocopheryl
succinate (α-TOS) modulates LNCaP xenograft growth and gene expression in
BALB/c nude mice fed two levels of dietary soybean oil. Eur. J. Nutr. (published
online, 15 December, 2006)
Basu, A. & Imrhan, V. (2006) Tomatoes versus lycopene in oxidative stress and
carcinogenesis: conclusions from clinical trials. Eur. J. Clin. Nutr. Online
publication, 16 August. (Article featured on Europe, by
Stephen Daniells on August 18th, 2006)
Basu, A. & Imrhan, V. (2005) Vitamin E and prostate cancer: is vitamin E succinate
a superior chemopreventive agent? Nutr. Rev. 63: 247-251.
Basu, A., De, J.K. & Datta, S. (2001) Studies on the lipid profile and atherogenic
factors in adult males. The Ind. J. Nutr. Dietet. 38: 441-454.
Manuscript submitted or in preparation:
Green Tea flavonoid supplementation lowers body weight and oxidative stress in
obese subjects with Metabolic Syndrome. Arpita Basu PhD, RD, Karah Sanchez MS,
RD, Misti J. Leyva, MS, RD, Christopher E. Aston, PhD, Timothy J. Lyons MD,
FRCP. American Journal of Clinical Nutrition.
European Journal of Clinical Nutrition- Nuts and fatty acid profile (Basu et al.)
Grant support
Oklahoma State University Faculty start-up
Chronic and acute effects of Green tea and berry flavonoids, and whey protein
supplements on biomarkers of oxidative stress and inflammation in subjects with
Metabolic Syndrome: A randomized trial.
Role: PI
Amount: $150,000 (Funded)
US Highbush Blueberry Council 2007-2009
Chronic effects of freeze-dried whole blueberry drink consumption on biomarkers of
lipid peroxidation and inflammation in subjects with Metabolic Syndrome (MeS).
Role: PI
Amount: $41,747/year for 2 years (Funded)
Cranberry Institute and Wisconsin Cranberry Board, Inc.
Cranberry Flavonoid consumption and biomarkers of lipid peroxidation and inflammation in
subjects with Metabolic Syndrome (MeS).
Role: PI
Amount: $ 35,630
Status: Funded
Professional Organization Membership
American Society for Nutrition (ASN)
American Dietetic Association (ADA)
American College of Nutrition (ACN)
Extracurricular activities
Active member of International Society for Krishna Consciousness (ISKCON);
preaching mantra meditation and principles of bhakti yoga
Computer proficiency
MS Word, Excel, Powerpoint, Statistical software (SPSS), Nutrient analysis
Address for correspondence:
Arpita Basu, PhD, RD
Assistant Professor
Department of Nutritional Sciences
416 Human Environmental Sciences
Oklahoma State University
OK 74078-6141
Timothy Lyons, MD, FRCP
Professor of Medicine
Chief, Section of Diabetes and Endocrinology
Program Director, General Clinical Research Center
Phone: 405-271-3613
Nancy Betts, PhD, RD
Professor& Head
Nutritional Sciences
301 Human Environmental Sciences
Oklahoma State University
Phone: 405-744-5041
Vicky Imrhan, PhD, RD, LD
Associate Professor
Dept Nutrition & Food Sciences
Box 425888
Texas Woman's University
Denton, TX 76204
Ph: 940-898-2650
Fax: 940-898-2634
Nancy DiMarco, PhD, RD
Dept Nutrition & Food Sciences
Box 425888
Texas Woman's University
Denton, TX 76204
Ph: 940-898-2645
Fax: 940-898-2634
Francene M. Steinberg, Ph.D., R.D.
Associate Professor and
Director, Didactic Program in Dietetics
Department of Nutrition
University of California, Davis
3143 Meyer Hall
One Shields Ave.
Davis, CA 95616
Phone: (530) 752-0160
Fax: (530) 752-8966
Michael Bennett, MD
AJ Gill Professorship in Pathology
UTSouthwestern Medical Center at Dallas
5323 Harry Hines Blvd
Dallas, TX 75390-9072
Phone: 214-648-4103
Nancy M Betts, Ph.D., R.D.
301 Human Environmental Sciences
Oklahoma State University
Stillwater, OK 74078
(P) 405-744-5040
(F) 405-744-1357
Professional Education:
Ph.D. The Ohio State University, 1981
Major Area: Human Nutrition
Minor Area: Research Design & Statistics
The Ohio State University, 1980
Human Nutrition & Food Management
The Pennsylvania State University, 1974
Professional Experience:
Professor and Head, Department of Nutritional Sciences, Oklahoma State University, November
2004 to present
Research Liaison and Interim Associate Dean for Research and Graduate Studies, College of
Education and Human, University of Nebraska, July 2002 to June 2004 (.5 FTE).
Interim Associate Dean and Associate Director, Agricultural Research Division, Institute of Agriculture
and Natural Resources, University of Nebraska, July 2003 to June 2004 (.5 FTE)
Professor, Associate Professor, Assistant Professor, Nutrition and Health Sciences, University of
Nebraska, 1997 to 2004, 1986-1997, 1981-1986.
Grants funded:
OSU Facilities Renovation Grant ($21,750)
Founders of Doctor’s Hospital Foundation, Enhancing Research Capacity: An inductively-coupled
plasma mass spectrometer, ($50,000, 2006, Co-PI with B. Stoecker).
Agriculture Sponsored Programs, Oklahoma State University, Team Initiative Program, Childhood
Obesity Prevention/Intervention, ($50,000, 2006-2007, Co-PI with R. Garcia)
UNL/Vice Chancellor for Research, Clusters Grant, Development of a Health Behavior Core Center,
($25,000, 2002-2004, Co-PI with M. Kivienimi, S. Nobel-Walker)
USDA/IFAFS - A Stage-Based Intervention to Increase Fruit & Vegetable Intakes of Young Adults.
($1.2 million, 2001 – 2005, consultant to PI, Susan Nitzke, Univ Wisconsin-Madison)
USDA/NRICGP - Using Stages of Change to increase fruit and vegetable intake. ($400,000, 2001- 06)
USDA/CSREES - Using Stages of Change model to promote consumption of grains, vegetables and
fruits by young adults. ($120,000, 1996 - 2006)
UNL/Office of Academic Affairs. Curriculum development for Comprehensive Education Program.
($1850, 1995)
USDA/CSREES - Behavior and health factors that influence the food intake of young adults.
($40,000, 1990 - 1996)
USDA/HNIS (currently CSREES) - Adapting "Dietary Guidelines and Your Diet" for Use by Adults with
Low Literacy Skills. ($30,700, 1988-1989)
W.K. Kellogg Foundation/NUPAGE, Science Curriculum Development for General Liberal Education.
($16,500, 1988-1989 with James Carr & James Rupnow)
Nebraska Beef Industry Development Board - Dietary Recommendations Given by Physicians for
Lowering Blood Cholesterol. ($7,800, 1990-1995)
International Center for Human Performance, Omaha, NE. ($10,000, 1990-1991)
USDA/CSRS (currently CSREES) - Communication Strategies to Improve Nutritional Practices of
Adolescents. ($10,500, 1987-1989)
Ledoiyt Foundation. Red Meat Consumption Patterns and Indicies. ($10, 000,1987-1997).
Publications: (*graduate student, **technician)
Journal Articles – Refereed (*indicates graduate student, ** indicates technician)
**Ruud JS, Betts NM, Kritsch K, Nitzke S, Lohse B, Boeckner L. Acceptability of Stage-Tailored
Newsletters about Fruits and Vegetables by Young Adults, J Amer Dietet Assoc, 105:1174-8, 2005.
Ganji V, *Hampl JS, Betts NM. Race, gender and age-specific differences in dietary micronutrient
intakes of US children. International Journal of Food Science and Nutrition, 54:485-490, 2003.
*Ma J, Betts NM, Horacek T, Georgiou G, White A. Assessing stages of change for fruit and
vegetable intake in young adults: A combination of traditional staging algorithms and food frequency
questionnaires, Health Education Research, 18:101-113, 2003.
Horacek T, White A, Betts N, Hoerr S, Georgiou C, Nitzke S, Ma J, Greene G. Self-efficacy.
perceived benefits and weight satisfaction discriminate among Stages of Change for fruit and
vegetable intake for young men and women. Journal of the American Dietetic Association, 2002,102,
*Ma J, Betts NM, Horacek T, Georgiou G, White A, Nitzke S. The importance of decisional balance
and self-efficacy in relation to stages of change for fruit and vegetable intakes by young adults.
American Journal of Health Promotion, 2002, 16 (3), 157-166
*Ma J, Betts NM, Horacek T. Measuring stage of change for assessing readiness to increase fruit
and vegetable intake among 18-24-year-olds. American Journal of Health Promotion, 2001,16(2):8897.
Baretta L, Koszewski WM, Betts N, Benes B. Evaluation of food assistance, nutrition education
programs, and physical activity for limited resource families. Journal of the Association of Family and
Consumer Sciences, 2001,93(1):46-49.
*Ma J, Betts NM, Hampl, J. Clustering of lifestyle behaviors: The relationship between cigarette
smoking, alcohol and dietary intake. American Journal of Health Promotion, 2000, 15:107-117.
*Ma J, Betts NM. Zinc and Copper intakes by older adults in the U.S. Journal of Nutrition . 2000,
*Horacek T, Koszewski W, Young L, Miller K, Betts NM, Schnepf M. Development of a peer nutrition
education program applying Precede-Proceed: A program planning model. Topics in Clinical
Nutrition, 2000,15:19-27.
*Ma J, Hampl JS., Betts NM. Antioxidant intakes and smoking status: Data from the CSFII >94->96.
American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 2000, 71(3):774-80.
*Hampl, JS, Betts, NM. Cigarette use during adolescence: Effects on nutritional status. Nutrition
Reviews, 1999, 57(7):215-221.
*Horacek TM, Betts NM. College students dietary quality and intake according to their Myers Briggs
Type Indicator personality preferences. Journal of Nutrition Education and Behavior, 1998, 30(6):387395.
*Horacek TM, Betts NM. Students cluster into four groups according to the factors influencing their
dietary intake. Journal of the American Dietetic Association, 1998, 98(12):1464-1467.
Ganji VJ, *Hampl JS, Betts NM. Macronutrients, cholesterol, sodium and fiber intakes of 1-10 year old
children by age, gender and race. Nutrition Research, 1998,18(3):465-473.
*Hampl JS, Betts NM, Benes BA.. The “Age+5" rule: comparison of dietary fiber among 4-to 10-yearold children. Journal of the American Dietetic Association, 1998, 98(12):1418-23.
Georgiou C, Betts NM, Hoerr SL, Keim K, Peters P, Stewart B, Voichick J. Among young adults,
college students and graduates practiced more healthful habits and made more healthful food choices
than did nonstudents. Journal of the American Dietetic Association, 1997, 97:754-759.
Betts NM, Amos RJ, Keim K, Peters P, Stewart B. Ways young adults view foods. Journal of Nutrition
Education and Behavior, 1997, 29 (2):73-79.
*Hampl J, van Zyl CM, Hamouz F, Betts NM. Visualizing world hunger. J Nutr Ed 1997, 29(2):103-5
Georgiou C, Betts NM, Hoos T, *Glenn M. Young adult exercisers and non-exercisers differ in food
attitudes, perceived diet changes and food choices. Internat'l J Sports Nutr 1996, 6(4):402-13.
*Horacek T, Betts NM, *Rutar J. Peer nutrition education programs on college campuses. J Nutr Educ
1996, 28(6):353-357.
Betts NM, Baranowski T, Hoerr SL. Recommendations for planning and reporting focus group data. J
Nutr Educ 1996, 28:279-281.
Peters PK, Amos RJ, Hoerr SL, Koszewski W, Huang Y, Betts N. Questionable dieting behaviors are
used by young adults regardless of sex or student status. J Am Diet Assoc. 1996, 96:709-711.
*Joo SJ, Kies C, Betts NM. Copper intakes and consumption patterns of chocolate foods as sources
of copper for individuals in the 1987-88 Nationwide Food Consumption Survey. Nutr Research. 1996,
*Stout JR, Housch TJ, *Eckerson JM, Johnson GO, Betts NM. Validity of methods for estimating
percent body fat in young women. J Strength Cond Res. 1996, 10:25-29.
Betts NM, Amos RJ, Georgiou C, Hoerr SL, Ivaturi R, Keim KS, Tinsley A, Voichick J. What young
adults say about factors affecting their food intake. Ecol Food Nutr. 1995,34:59-64.
*Ganji V, Betts N, *Whitehead D. Nutrient intakes of 1-3, 4-6 & 7-10 year age group children: Analysis
of diets reported in 1987-88 Nationwide Food Consumption Survey. Nutrition Research. 1995,15:623631.
*Hampl JS, Betts NM. Comparisons of dietary intake and sources of fat in low- and high-fat diets of
18- to 24-year-olds. J Amer Dietet Assoc. .1995,95:893-897.
*Ganji V, Betts N. Fat, cholesterol, fiber and sodium intakes of US population: evaluation of diets
reported in 1987-88 Nationwide Food Consumption Survey. Euro J Clin Nutr, 1995, 49:915-920.
*Hampl JS, Hampl P, Betts NM. Education, entertainment, and a great snack: A WIC example. J Nutr
Educ 1995, 27:216.
Stewart B, Olson D, Goody C, Tinsley A, Amos R, Betts N, Georgiou C, Hoerr S, Ivaturi R, Voichick J.
Converting focus group data into a quantitative instrument. J Nutr Educ 1994,26:34-36.
*Stout JR, *Eckerson JM, Housh TJ, Johnson GO, Betts NM. Validity of percent body fat estimations
in males. Med Sci Sports Exer 1994, 25:632-636.
**Ruud J, Betts NM, Dirkx J. Developing written nutrition information for adults with low literacy skills.
J Nutr Educ . 1993, 25(1):11-16.
Betts NM, Dirkx J, **Ruud J. Using a critical incident technique to develop nutrition information
materials for adults with low literacy skills. J Nutr Educ 1993, 25(4):208-212.
*O'Keefe C, Hahn DF, Betts NM. Physician perspective on cholesterol and heart disease. J Amer
Dietet Assoc 1991, 91(2):189-192.
Stanek K, *Powell C, Betts N. Nutrition knowledge of nurses in long term health care facilities. J Nutr
Elderly . 1991,10(3):35-48.
Betts NM, Pingree S, Amos RJ, Ashbrook S, Fox HM, Newell K, Ries CP, Terry D, Tinsley A, Voichick
J. The sensemaking approach for audience assessment of adolescents. Adolescence
Amos RJ, Pingree S, Ashbrook S, Betts N, Fox HM, Newell K, Ries CP, Terry RD, Tinsley A, Voichick
J, Athens S*. Developing a strategy for understanding adolescent nutrition concerns. Adol 1989,
Betts N, *Rezek J. Attitudes of rural and urban elderly concerning supplement use. J Nutr Elderly
1989. 8(3/4):67-77.
Betts NM. Nutrition perspectives on aging. Amer Behav Scientist 1988,32:17-30.
*Ip S, Betts NM. Food demonstration as a means of nutrition education for Cambodian refugees. J
Nutr Educ 1986,18:104-106.
Betts NM, *Crase C. Nutrient intake of urban elderly American Indians. J Nutr Elderly. 1986, 5:11-18.
*Hahn D, Betts, NM. A survey of weight control. J Amer Dietet Assoc 1986,86:1046-1047.
Betts NM, *Weidenbenner A. Dietary intakes, iron status and growth status of Southeast Asian
refugee children. Nutrition Research 1986,6:509-515.
Betts NM, Vivian VM.. Factors relating to the dietary intake of the elderly. J Nutr Elderly. 1985,
Betts NM. A method to measure perceptions of food among the elderly. J Nutr Elderly, 1985, 4:15-21.
Betts NM, *Foote D. Nutrient intake and hypertension risk factors among blue collar workers. Nutr
Reports Internatl 1985, 32:1163-1169.
Betts NM, Vivian VM. The dietary intake of noninstitutionalized elderly. J Nutr Elderly 1984,3:3-11.
Van Zandt SL, Trimblay K Jr., Betts NM. Home economics resources for the elderly: An integrative
teaching approach. Il Teacher of Home Economics 1984, 28:11-13.
Chapters in edited books:
*Ma J, Betts N. Hydration. In Antonio J, Stout JR (eds.) Sports Supplements. Philadelphia:Lippincott
Williams & Wilkins, 2001, pgs 209-226.
Betts, N.M. Exercise dependence. In Driskell, J. and Wolinsky, I (eds.) Nutritional applications in
exercise and sport. Boca Raton, FL:CRC Press, 1999, pgs. 229-248.
Published Abstracts
Betts, NM, Nitzke S, Kritsch K, Greene G, Lohse B. Transforming young adult’s perceptions about
eating fruits and vegetables into a stage-tailored intervention. Society for Nutrition Education and
Behavior, 36th Annual Meeting Proceedings, 2003.
Betts NM, Nitzke S, Greene G. Identifying dietary processes of change using qualitative interview
methods. Advances in Qualitative Methods. 4th International Interdisciplinary Conference
Proceedings, Intntl Institute for Qualitative Methodology, S31(Abst):168, 2003.
Betts NM, Ma J*. Using the Transtheoretical Model to examine young adults= food intake. Soc Nutr
educ & Behav, 32nd Annual Meeting Proceedings, O13 (Abst):26. 1999.
Ma J*, Betts, NM. Grain, fruit and vegetable consumption by 18-to-24 year olds. SOC NUTR EDUC &
BEHAV, 32nd Annual Meeting Proceedings, SOC NUTR EDUC & BEHAV, O11 (Abst):25, 1999.
Skinner P*, Betts NM, Ma J*. The influence of body mass index on servings from the food guide
pyramid. SOC NUTR EDUC & BEHAV, 32nd Annual Meeting Proceedings, SOC NUTR EDUC &
BEHAV, O82 (Abst):43, 1999.
Ma J*, Betts NM. Servings of grain products, vegetables and fruits influence nutrient quality of young
adult diets. Journal of the American Dietetic Association, 98(9):A-19 (Abst), 1998.
Hampl J, Ma J*, Betts NM, Edwards RF. Smoking status and antioxidant intakes in today's Americans:
Data from 1994-1995 CSFII. J Amer Dietet Assoc, 98(9):A-19 (Abst), 1998.
Betts NM, Strong J*. Measuring young adults' stages of change. Society for Nutrition Educaton, 31st
Annual Meeting Proceedings, pg 30(Abst O24), 1998
Ganji V, Hampl J*, Betts N. Racial differences in energy, fat, cholesterol and fiber intakes of US
children: Analysis of diets reported in CSFII 1988-91. (Abst) The FASEB Journal, 11(3):A187(1086),
Hampl JS*, Betts NM, Stanek KL Children's anthropometric/biochemical markers of nutrition are not
influenced by parental literacy. (Abst). The FASEB Journal. 11(3):A590(3410), 1997.
Betts NM, Wanetka M*, Brown T*. Exercise dependence: Efforts to develop a valid measurement tool.
(Abst) Soc Nutr Educ & Behav , 56, 1996.
Horacek TM*, Betts NM. Personality and the factors that influence the diet of college students. (Abst)
Soc Nutr Educ & Behav 21:43, 1996
Ganji V, Hampl J*, Betts N. Nutritional adequacy of children: Data from the Continuing Survey of Food
Intake by Individuals (CSFII 1989-1991. (Abst) The FASEB J. 10:A481 (2773), 1996.
Hampl JS*, Betts NM, Benes BA. Food group choices affect dietary fiber intake in 4- to 10-year-old
children. (Abst) The FASEB J. 10:A481 (2777), 1996.
Betts NM, Hampl JS*. Folate and B12 in the diets of young adults as affected by folate enrichment.
(Abst) The FASEB J. 10:A814 (4706), 1996.
Hampl JS*, Betts NM. Food and nutrient intake in pregnant and nonpregnant WIC participants. (Abst)
The FASEB Journal. 9:A479(2775), 1995.
Fernando PD*, Betts NM. Celiac disease: Development of immunological assays. (Abst) The FASEB
Journal. 9:A479(2775), 1995.
Betts NM, Amos RJ, Georgiou C, Hoerr S, Ivaturi R, Keim K, Koszewski W, Peters P, Stewart B,Tinsley
A, Voichick J. Factors influencing food intake by young adults in 10 states. (Abst) Soc Nutr Educ &
Behav, 20:52, 1995
Georgiou C, Hoos T*, Betts N, Glenn M*. Food perceptions and choices of young adult exercisers and
non-exercisers. (Abst) Soc Nutr Educ & Behav, 20:52, 1995.
Horacek TM*, Betts N. Basic college nutrition students' dietary habits and personality. (Abst) Soc Nutr
Educ & Behav, 20:6, 1995.
Ganji V, Whitehead D*, Betts NM. Mineral intakes of adolescent and adult American populations: Data
from the USDA Nationwide Food Consumption Survey 1987-1988. (Abst) The FASEB Journal.
8(4):A184(1063), 1994.
Betts NM, Glenn M*, Timmons P*. Differences in perceptions of foods between young men and women.
(Abst) Soc Nutr Educ & Behav , 19:42, 1994.
Ganji V*, Betts N, Whitehead D*. USDA Nationwide Food Consumption Survey (NFCS) 1987-1988:
Dietary intakes of vitamins of adolescents and adult American populations. (Abst) Federation
Proceedings, 1993.
Betts NM, Miller K*, Whitehead D*. Use of involvement theory to examine older adults= restaurant
dining. (Abst) Soc Nutr Educ & Behav. 18:29, 1993
Ganji V*, Kies C, Whitehead D, Betts N. Fat and fiber consumption patterns in the United States: Data
from the USDA Nationwide Food Consumption Survey '87-'88. (Abst) Federation Proceedings. 6:
A1207 (1567), 1992.
Betts NM.Sources of fat in older adults=diets.(Abst) Fed Proc 6: A1792 (4953), 1992.
Whitehead DL *, Betts N. Predictors of restaurant dining practices of young adults. Proceedings of the
Nebraska Academy of Sciences. (Abst) 102nd Annual Meeting. pg 45, 1992.
Whitehead DL* Betts N. Examination of restaurant dining of young adults. (Abst) Soc Nutr
Betts NM, Whitehead D* Sources of food energy in diets of young adults.(Abst) Soc Nutr Ed17:112,
Betts NM, Ruud J**, Dirkx J. Low literacy material development using qualitative research methods.
(Abst) Soc Nutr Educ & Behav 16:44, 1991.
Whitehead DL*, Betts NM. Comparison of intakes of people purchasing restaurant foods as compared
to those people who do not. (Abst) J Amer Dietet Assoc 91(Suppl): A-66, 1991.
Betts NM, Ruud J**, Dirkx J. A modified critical incident interview technique used with low literate
adults. (Abst) J Amer Dietet Assoc 91:(Suppl): A-75, 1991.
Betts NM, Schenkelberg PJ*. Relationship of serum cholesterol levels to dietary and physical
parameters among blue collar workers. (Abst) Fed Proc. 4: A514 (1434), 1990.
Betts N, Vulk P*.Impact of a nutrition education program for the elderly. (Abst) Soc Nutr Ed 14:21,
Whitehead D*, Betts N. Comparison of attitudes toward red meat and food consumption
frequency between older and younger adult age groups. (Abst) 6th National Forum on Research
in Aging. p 33, 1989.
Betts N, Newell SL*. Comparison of body composition standards used with rural elderly. (Abst)
Federation Proceedings. 3:A1239 (5884), 1989. .
Betts NM. Food supplement use by rural and urban elderly. (Abst) Federation Proc. 2:A1628
(7733), 1988.
Betts N, Whitehead D*. Red meat consumption and indices affecting consumption by
Nebraskans. (Abst) Proceedings of NE Acad. of Sci. 98th Annual Meeting, 1988.
Betts N, Pingree S, Amos R, Newell K, Ries C, Terry D, Tinsley A. Adolescents= approaches to
nutrition concerns. (Abst) Federation Proceedings. 46:1485 (6816), 1987.
Betts NM. Dietary patterns of urban elderly American Indians. (Abst) Third National Forum on
Research in Aging. March 12-14, p. 6, 1986.
Betts N. Growth, diet and iron status of Indochinese refugee children (Abst) Fed Proc 45: 838
Betts NM. Economic, social, health, and perception factors as they relate to dietary adequacy for
the older adult. (Abst) Second National Forum on Research in aging. Pg 10, 1985.
Hahn D*, Betts NM. A survey of weight control methods in Lincoln, Nebraska. (Abst)
Proceedings of NE Acad. of Sci. 95th Annual Meeting ,1985.
Betts NM. Mineral intake as related to blood pressure levels among blue collar workers. (Abst)
Fed Proc 44: 816 (2368), 1985.
Betts NM. Perceptions of food among the elderly. (Abst) Fed Proc 43:1057 (4514), 1984.
Betts NM. The influence of economic, social, and health factors on dietary adequacy among the
elderly. (Abst) Federation Proceedings. 42:553 (1531), 1983
Betts NM. Factors influencing the dietary intake of noninstitutionalized elderly. (Abst)
Proceedings of NE Acad. Sci. 92nd Annual Meeting,1982.
Ph.D. Dissertations directed
Hildebrand, D. Assessment of the stage of change for increasing fruit and vegetable availability
and accessibility in low-income families with preschool age children. PhD Dissertation.
Oklahoma State University, 2007.
Briley, C. A qualitative study on the perceptions of African-American family strengths, health and
childhood obesity. University of Nebraska, Lincoln, 2004
Ma, J. Promoting increased fruit and vegetable intake using an interaction web site intervention
based on the Transtheoretical Model, Ph.D. Dissertation. University of Nebraska, Lincoln, 2002
Horacek, T The effect of nutrition education and the differences in dietary intake and factors
influencing dietary intake according to personality preferences. Ph.D. Dissertation. Univ of
Nebraska, Lincoln. 1996
Hampl, J. The influence of adult literacy on child nutritional status. Ph.D. Dissertation. University
of Nebraska, Lincoln, 1996.
Fernando, P.D. Celiac disease: Development of immunological assays. PhD dissertation.
University of Nebraska, Lincoln, 1995.
MS Theses
Docekal, M. Parental perceptions about child body weight, eating habits, and physical activity,
MS Thesis. Univ of NE, Lincoln, 2004.
Wagner, T. Validation of dietary assessment measurements for the consumption of fruits and
vegetables in young adults. MS Thesis, Univ of NE, 2003.
Ma, J. Nutrition knowledge, attitudes and needs of Blacks, Asians, Hispanics and American
Indians. MS Thesis. Univ of NE, Lincoln, 1995.
Strong, J Identification of college student young adults= stage of change associated with
consumption of fruit, vegetables and grain products. MS Thesis, Univ of NE, Lincoln, 1997.
Berggren, J. Are exercise dependence & sedentary lifestyle related? MS Thesis. Univ of NE,
Lincoln, 1996.
Frauendorfor, M. Relationship between cognitions concerning food and the body image of
restrained eaters. MS Thesis. Univ of NE, Lincoln, 1996
Hofferber, L, The development of a valid and reliable nutrition knowledge questionnaire. MS
Thesis. Univ of NE, Lincoln, 1996.
Kliewer, C. The role of self-efficacy in weight loss. MS Thesis. Univ of NE, Lincoln, 1996.
Muhs, S. Exercise dependence and its relationship to eating disorders and food consumption
patterns of college students. MS Thesis. Univ of NE, Lincoln, 1996.
Brown, T. Exercise dependence and eating disorders. MS Thesis. Univ of NE, Lincoln, 1995.
Wanetka, M. The development of a valid questionnaire to assess exercise dependence. MS
Thesis. Univ of NE, Lincoln, 1995.
Timmons, P. Behavioral and health factors that influence food consumption behavior of young
adults. MS Thesis. Univ of NE, Lincoln, 1994.
Glenn, MJ. Attitudes toward diet and exercise among young adults. M.S. Thesis, Univ of NE,
Lincoln, 1994
DeCamp, J. Involvement in restaurant dining choices of young adults. MS. Thesis .Univ of NE,
Lincoln, 1993.
Lukomski, BL.Nutrition knowledge and attitudes of certified athletic trainers. MS thesis. Univ of
NE, Lincoln, 1993
Johnson, J. Physician recommendations for lowering cholesterol. MS Thesis. Univ of NE, Lincoln.
Miller, KS. Involvement in restaurant dining by older Americans. MS Thesis, Univ of NE, Lincoln,
Cooper, LK. Involvement in restaurant purchases of 25-54 year olds. MS Thesis.Univ of NE,
Lincoln, 1992
DeLoughery, JL. Weight-for-height and body mass index reference tables for elderly individuals.
MS Thesis. Univ of NE, Lincoln, 1990.
Keuten, D.R. State employee health assessment: A comparison of blood values & anthropometric
indices between 1989 and 1990 assessments. MS Thesis. Univ of NE, Lincoln, 1990.
Luther, M. Precompetition meal practices and nutrition attitudes of college athletes. MS Thesis.
Univ of NE, Lincoln, 1990.
Bergum, KJ. The effects of nutrition messages as paycheck inserts on consumption of dietary fat
and cholesterol and on serum cholesterol levels of health adult subjects. MS Thesis, Univ of Ne,
Lincoln. 1989
Powell, C. The nutritional knowledge of nurses in a long term care institution. MS Thesis. Univ of
NE, Lincoln, 1989.
Schenkelberg, PJ. The effect of dietary intake on blood cholesterol in relation to coronary heart
disease. MS Thesis. Univ of NE, Lincoln, 1989.
Newell, SL. Dietary adequacy and percent body fat among rural elderly. MS Thesis, Univ NE,
Lincoln, 1988
O'Keefe, CE. Physician perspectives on cholesterol & heart disease. MS Thesis, Univ of Ne,
Lincoln, 1988.
Sherwood, JL. Nutrition knowledge and attitudes of high school coaches in Iowa, Missouri, and
Nebraska. MS Thesis, Univ of NE, Lincoln, 1988.
Whitehead, D.L. Red meat consumption patterns and indices affecting consumption by
Nebraskans. MS Thesis. Univ of NE, Lincoln, 1988.
O'Neil, C. A survey of hospital outpatients' willingness to accept nutritional counseling. MS Thesis.
Univ of NE, Lincoln, 1988.
Delalat, M. An assessment for determining nutrition education needs in Nebraska public schools.
MS Thesis, Univ of NE, Lincoln, 1987.
Rezek, J. Use of supplements by the elderly: Rural & urban. MS Thesis, Univ Ne, Lincoln, 1987
Vulk, PE. Effects of nutrition education on knowledge, dietary behavior and biochemical indices of
elderly participants in a wellness program. MS Thesis, Univ of NE, Lincoln, 1987.
Lynch, K. Nutrition intake, knowledge, and habits of Lincoln, Nebraska and Barnum, Iowa High
School Students. MS Thesis, Univ of NE, Lincoln, 1986.
Weidenbenner, A. A survey of the access to prenatal care and the incidence of perinatal morbidity
in the state of Nebraska. MS Thesis, Univ of NE, Lincoln, 1986.
Kamerbeek, MGH. Evaluation of the long-range effects of EFNEP training on food and nutrition
related knowledge. MS Thesis, Univ of NE, Lincoln, 1986
Marvin, P. Patient education at Midlands Diabetes Center. MS Thesis, Univ of NE, Lincoln, 1985
Repenning, K. A comparison of two methods of presenting nutrition information to the elderly. MS
Thesis, Univ of NE, Lincoln, 1985.
Crase, C. Dietary intake of the elderly American Indian in Lincoln, Nebraska. MS Thesis, Univ of
NE, Lincoln,
Foote, D. Nutrient relationships with blood pressure. MS Thesis, Univ of NE, Lincoln, 1984.
Hahn, D. Weight control methods in Lincoln, Nebraska. MS Thesis,. Univ of NE, Lincoln, 1984.
Koga, A. A weight control program for the elderly. MS Thesis, Univ of NE, Lincoln, 1984.
Invited Presentations (past 5 years)
“Translating Research to Application in Promoting Dietary Behavior Change.” Department of
Nutrition Colloquium Series, Pennsylvania State University, November 7, 2006. State College,
“Danforth Report: Implications for SAES Researchers.” Fall 2004 Meeting Experiment Station
Section and SAES/ARD Workshop, Agricultural Experiement Station Directors, Oklahoma City,
OK, Sept 27-29, 2004.
“Using Stages of Change Model to Increase Fruit and Vegetable Intake of Young Adults” Obesity
Prevention Planning Workshop, USDA/CSREES, Washington, DC, April 21-23, 2004.
“Using Qualitative and Statistical Data to Tailor and Education Intervention for Young Adults” Bee
Marks Communication Plenary Session – Innovation Communication Strategies: Enhancing Food
Choices, SOC NUTR EDUC & BEHAV, Philadelphia, PA, July 26-30, 2003.
“Factors Influencing Consumers’ Food Choices: Research and Application” Food and Nutrition
Reviewer for:
USDA/CSREES, National Research Initiative Competitive Grants Program
American Journal of Clinical Nutrition
American Journal of Public Health
Journal of the American Dietetic Association
Journal of Nutrition
Journal of Nutrition Education and Behavior
Selected Professional Service Activities:
-Association of Nutrition Departments and Programs, 2004-present, secretary 2007-2008
-USDA/CSREES Review team member, Dept Nutritional Science, University of Arizona, Feb, 2007
-USDA/ARS Panel Manager, non-competitive grants program. Dec 2005 to present.
-Experiment Station Council on Policy, North Central Regional Association representative to the
Partnership Committee, 2003 - 2005
-Experiment Station Council on Policy, North Central Regional Association representative to the
Planning Committee, 2003- 2005
- Member, Congressional Task Force for Research, Education, and Economics (authorized by
Public Law 120), January 2003 2005
-Member, Study Assembly, The National Children’s Study, USDHHS/NIH/CDC/EPA, June 2002 to
-USDA/ARS, Review team member, Community Nutrition Research Group, February, 2002
-USDA/NRI Review team member, Delta NIRI project, April 2000
-USDA/CSREES Review team member, Dept Nutritional Science, University of Arizona, Oct 1998
-USDA/CSREES National Research Initiative Competitive Grants Program, panel member, 1993,
1994, 1996
-NCDC 211, EFNEP Related Research and Outreach, 2006-present.
-North Central Regional Association, Renaming Subcommittee, Chair, 2003-2004
-NC 219R Multistate Technical Committee, 2001 to present.
-NC 219 Technical Regional Research Committee, 1996-2001, Chair, 1996-1997
-NC 200 Technical Regional Research Committee, 1990-1996, Chair, 1990-1995
-NC 173 Technical Regional Research Committee, 1986-1988
Barbara J. Brown, Ph.D., R.D./L.D.
Assistant Professor and Food Specialist
Department of Nutritional Sciences
Oklahoma State University
December 2007
Business Address:
002 Human Environmental Sciences
Department of Nutritional Sciences
Oklahoma State University
Stillwater, OK 74078-0337
Voice: (405) 744-6940
Oklahoma State University, Stillwater, Oklahoma
Degree: Ph.D. in Home Economics, 1988
Major: Food, Nutrition and Institution Administration
Dissertation: Effects of a Satellite Videoconference on Viewer Knowledge,
Attitude and Behavior Toward Beef
Kansas State University, Manhattan, Kansas
Degree: M.S. in Home Economics, 1976
Major: Food and Nutrition
Thesis: Effects of Lipids on the Oxidation of Pigments in Ground Beef
Exposed to Radiant Energy
Kansas State University, Manhattan, Kansas
Degree: B.S. in Home Economics, 1974, with Honors
Major: Food and Nutrition in Business
Graduated Cum Laude, With Honors
March, 1981, to Present
Food Specialist, Assistant Professor, Oklahoma State University, Cooperative
Extension Service. Tenured April 1986. Serve as a resource person for state, district and
county personnel, and the public by disseminating current practical food and nutrition
information through media, programs, and in-service education activities. Programs have
been developed in food safety, preservation and preparation, meal planning, food buying,
food advertising, and nutrition/health programs such as Healthy Living (targeted healthy
adults with instruction on applying good nutrition practices), SNAP (the youth
component of Healthy Living), Healthy Living A-Z (goal was to increase the
consumption of fruits and vegetables and food preparation skills of participants) and
Healthy Oklahoma (targets youth and adults with focus on weight management).
March, 1980, to August, 1980
School Food Service Consultant, Oregon Department of Education, Salem, Oregon.
Provided consultant services to school districts regarding effective management practices,
meal planning and production, personnel management, sanitation, and the interpretation
of state and federal regulations.
September, 1978, to March, 1980
Instructor, part-time, Linn-Benton Community College, Albany, Oregon.
Developed and taught a course on basic nutrition for students majoring in nursing.
Included lecture preparation and presentation, preparation of visual aids and evaluation.
March, 1979, to June, 1979
Instructor, part-time, temporary, Oregon State University, Department of Food and
Nutrition, Corvallis, Oregon. Assisted in teaching courses on food preparation
including lecture and laboratory and a food science laboratory section.
August, 1976, to August, 1978
Instructor, University of Nebraska, Department of Food and Nutrition, Lincoln,
Nebraska. Developed and taught courses on food preparation, food science and
laboratory, meal management laboratory, and food awareness. Served as academic
advisor, acted as Student Dietetic Association advisor and served on college committees.
January, 1975 to July, 1976
Graduate Research Assistant, halftime, Kansas State University, Department of
Food and Nutrition, Manhattan, Kansas. Assisted with data collection and report
writing with respect to the effects of freezing on ground beef color.
June, 1974, to December, 1974
Research assistant, part-time, Kansas State University, Department of Food and
Nutrition, Manhattan, Kansas. Interviewed elderly citizens of Manhattan, Kansas, to
collect data on food habits.
Food Science
Food Preparation
Food Science laboratory
Basic Nutrition
Food Science and laboratory
Food Preparation, by demonstration
Consumers and Food
Oklahoma State University
Oregon State University
Oregon State University
Linn-Benton Community College
University of Nebraska-Lincoln
University of Nebraska-Lincoln
University of Nebraska-Lincoln
Hermann, J., Parker, S., Brown, B., Siewe, Y. Denney, B. &Walker, S. (2006) After
School Gardening Improves Children’s Reported Vegetable Intake and Physical
Activity. Journal of Nutrition Education and Behavior, 38(3):201-202.
Mdziniso, P., Hinds, J., Bellmer, D.D., Brown, B., and Payton, M.E. (2006) Physical
quality and carotene content of solar-dried green leafy and yellow succulent
vegetables, Journal of Plan Foods for Human Nutrition, 61 (1).
Brown, B. & Hermann, J. (2005) Cooking Classes Increase Fruit and Vegetable Intake
and Food Safety Behaviors in Youth and Adults. Journal of Nutrition Education and
Behavior, 37;104-105.
Brown, B. & Hermann, J. (2004) Super Nutrition Activity Program, Journal of
Extension, 42(4).
Smith, B., Brown, B. & Hermann, J. (2003) Impact of a Physical Activity Program
Emphasizing Cardiovascular Fitness, Muscular Strength & Flexibility Among Middleaged Women. Journal of Nutrition Education and Behavior, 35:215-216.
Hermann, J., Brown B. & Heintz, S. (2000) Impact of a nutrition promotion program on
dietary behaviors, dietary intake, and health measures in adults over fifty-five years of
age. Journal of Nutrition for the Elderly, 19:1-14.
Brown, B. (2000) Serving up Oklahoma cooking Schools. Serving Up Oklahoma,
Oklahoma Department of Agriculture, spring/summer issue
Brown, B. (1988) Book review: the California Nutrition Book, Saltman, P., J. Gurin, and
I. Mothner, 1987. Journal of Nutrition Education, vol. 20, no. 3.
Brown, B.J.R. (1978) Ground beef exposed to radiant energy: Effects of fat and BHA on
color. J of Food Science, 43(3), 327-829.
Brown, B., Kong, S. H., and Hermann, J. (2008) Evaluation of the Oklahoma Beef
Cooking School for Youth. Society for Nutrition Education Annual Conference,
Atlanta, Georgia, July 2008.
Powell, L., Parker, S., Hermann, J. and Brown, B. (2008) Formative Assessment of
Preferred Educational Delivery Strategies Among Limited Resource Elderly. Society
for Nutrition Education Annual Conference, Atlanta, Georgia, July 2008.
Hermann, J., Smith, A., Phelps, J., Parker, S. & Brown, B. (2007) School based youth
“Health Day” program. Society for Nutrition Education Annual Conference, Chicago,
Robinson, R., Hermann, J., Brown, B., Speller-Henderson, L., Tucker, E., Greer, B.,
Walters, J., Sigler, P., Rice, L., Roy, H., Stanciu, C., York-Friendship, D., Weese, J.,
Lackey, C., Harrison, J. & Burney, J. (2006). CECP: Your Path to Training. Society
for Nutrition Education Pre-conference, San Francisco, CA, July 2006.
Hermann, J., Parker, S., Brown, B. & Siewe, Y. (2006) Effect of an after school
gardening program on youth daily physical activity. Children, Youth and Families at
Risk Annual Conference, Atlanta, Georgia, May 2006.
Hermann, J., Parker, S., Brown, B., Siewe, Y & Denney, B. (2005) After-School Health
Education Incorporating Gardening Improves Youth Health Behaviors. Children,
Youth and Families at Risk Annual Conference.
Smith, A., Hermann, J., Parker, S., Smith, B., Brown, B. & Siewe, Y. (2004) Circuit
Training and Personal Goal Setting To Improve Personal Health. Children, Youth and
Families at Risk Annual Conference.
Denney, B., Hermann, J., Parker, S., Brown, B., Smith, B., & Siewe, Y. (2004) After
School Gardening Provides Hands-On Education and Partners. Children, Youth and
Families at Risk Annual Conference.
Brown, B. & Hermann, J. (2001) Impact of a combined Oklahoma Cooperative
Extension service nutrition and physical activity programs on dietary behaviors,
dietary intake, and physical activity in women over fifty years of age. Soc. Nutr. Edu.
Brown, B. & Hermann, J. (2000) Oklahoma super nutrition activity program. SNE
Annual Meeting Proceedings
Brown, J. & Hermann, J. (1999) Impact of youth food and nutrition program on dietary
and food safety behaviors, and physical activity in school age children. Soc Nutr Edu.
Heintz, S.L., Hermann, J. & Brown, B.J. (1998) Effects of an education program
utilizing the dietary guidelines and food guide pyramid on diet and health. JADA,
Brown, B. & Hermann, J. (1997) Oklahoma healthy living program. SNE Annual
Meeting Proceedings.
Brown, B. (1992) Evaluation of Oklahoma Cooperative Extension “Focus on Food”
program. Abstract. American Dietetic Association Annual Meeting Abstracts.
Course Taught
HRAD/NSCI 3133, Food Science, Spring Semester, 1999
FNIA 4850, University Extension Workshop: Eating Disorders—The Quiet Tragedy,
team taught with Dr. Krista Hanson, 1985
Elderhostel 1 week short course, Nutrition for the Elderly, 1984
Guest Lectures
NSCI 2111, Careers in Dietetics, 2007
NSCI Community Nutrition class, 2007
VMED 5313, Epidemiology, Food Safety and Public Health, Food Safety and the
Consumer, 2001
FNIA 2111, Dietitians as Educators, 1989
FNIA 2111, Careers in Dietetics, 1986
HEC 1111, Career Exploration in Home Economics: Careers in Food and Nutrition
Dietetic Interns: Food Safety, 1992
Dietetic Interns: Food, Nutrition and the Cooperative Extension Service, 1982, 1983,
FNIA 3543, Food and the Environment: Dietary Guidelines, 1983
FRCD 3333, Adolescent Development: Anorexia nervosa and obesity, 1982
FNIA 4733, Community Nutrition: Role of Food and Nutrition in the Cooperative
Extension Service, 1982
Food, Nutrition and Health Base Programs, Family and Consumer Sciences teachers,
Oklahoma Department of Career and Technology Education, Stillwater, OK, 2007
How to Cook Fresh Vegetables, Oklahoma School Nutrition Association state meeting,
Norman, OK, 2007
Childhood Health, round table facilitator, Ag in the Classroom Conference, MooreNorman Technology Center, OK, 2007
Hale-Halsell Beef College, Hale-Halsell Company (food distribution to independent
grocery stores and small chains) and distribution outlet meat market managers and
employees, Tulsa, OK, 2000
Oklahom*A*Syst poster presentation, Society for Nutrition Education National Meeting,
Albuquerque, NM, 1998
Oklahom*A*Syst, FCE state meeting, Stillwater, OK, 1998
Invited expert, National Watermelon Promotion Board, Orlando, FL, 1998
Safety of Imported Food, Oklahoma Horticulture Industries Association, Tulsa, OK,
Water as a Nutrient, Southern Region Water Quality Workshop, Tulsa, OK, 1997
Oklahom*A*Syst, EPA Regional Workshop, Austin, TX, 1997
Healthy Living in Oklahoma, Society for Nutrition Education National meeting,
Montreal, Canada, 1997
Oklahom*A*Syst, National Water Quality Symposium (poster presentation),
Washington, D.C. 1997
Healthy Living, Wake Up to Wellness conference sponsored by the Oklahoma Division
of the American Cancer Society, Stillwater, 1996
Biotechnology and Our Food, National Association for Family and Community
Education Conference, Tulsa, 1995
Oklahoma Farm & Ranch*A*Syst, preconference workshop, EPA Region VI Nonpoint
Source Conference, Tulsa, 1995
Making Food Choices in the 90’s, National Extension Homemakers Council, Tulsa, OK,
Food Safety, 7th Annual Nutrition Seminar, 100 therapeutic dietitians, Oklahoma City,
The Real Nutrition, Louisiana Farm Bureau, New Orleans, LA, 1989
Update on Diet/Health Issues Regarding Muscle Meats, Oklahoma State Department of
Vo-Tech, State Meeting, Stillwater, 1989
Home Canning, American International Women’s conversation Group, Stillwater, 1989
Nutrition Hot Topics, American Farm Bureau Women’s Southern Regional Meeting,
Tulsa, 1988
Nutrition Hot Topics, Fat and Cholesterol, Oklahoma Farm Bureau Women’s State
Meeting, Oklahoma City, 1988
New Food Products, Baptist Medical Center Registered Dietitians, Oklahoma City, 1984
Success Strategies in Food and Nutrition, Oklahoma CES Home Economists and
Registered Dietitians Conference, 1984
Food and Nutrition Advertising Skit, Nutrition Task Force conference, Oklahoma City,
Nutrition Quackery, Oklahoma Home Economics Association, Oklahoma City, 1984
Role of the Cooperative Extension Service, Making Food Dollars Count 2, Oklahoma
City, 1984
External Grants and Contracts:
USDA Rural Health and Safety Education; $326,000. Empowering Older, Rural
Oklahomans and their Communities: Assessment and Education on Contextual
Barriers to Positive Nutrition and Health, 2007. Brosi, W. (PI), Hermann, J. (Co-PI),
Johnston, J. (Co-PI), Jaco, L (Co-PI), and Brown, B. (Collaborator)
Submitted: Oklahoma Department of Health and Human Services; $2,544,672. Oklahoma
Nutrition Education—Food Stamp Program. 2008. Garrard, D., Hildebrand, D.,
Sheik, B., Hermann, J., and Brown, B.
Oklahoma Department of Health and Human Services; $2,542,849. Oklahoma Nutrition
Education—Food Stamp Program. 2007. Garrard, D., Hildebrand, D., Sheik, B.,
Brown, B., Hermann, J., and Siewe, Y.
FCS Ambassadors: $2,043. Addressing childhood health and wellness through nutrition
education in the school, 2005-2006. Greene-Garrard, D. and Brown, B.
Oklahoma Department of Health and Human Services: $22,160. Oklahoma forums
regarding physical activity, nutrition and obesity, 2006, Brown, B.
Oklahoma Department of Health and Human Services; $2,542,849. (Oklahoma Nutrition
Education –Food Stamp Program, 2006, Greene-Garrard, D., Hildebrand, D.,
Hermann, J., & Brown, B. (Sub-grant: Oklahoma Department of Health and Human
Services; $47,102. Determining Individual, Familial and Community Factors that
Influence Young Adolescent Native American Dietary and Physical Activity Behaviors
2006, Hermann, J., Parker, S., Merten, M., Phelps, J., Montgomery, D.)
USDA CSREES Children Youth Families at Risk: $132,000. Oklahoma New
Communities Project, 2006, Hermann, J., Parker, S., Brown, B., Siewe, B. &
Richardson, D.
Oklahoma Department of Health and Human Services; $2,682,584. Oklahoma Nutrition
Education—Food Stamp Program, 2005, Greene-Garrard, D., Parker, S., Hermann, J.,
Brown, B. & Siewe, Y.
USDA CSREES Children Youth Families at Risk: $133,000. Oklahoma New
Communities Project, 2005, Hermann, J., Parker, S., Brown, B., Siewe, B. &
Richardson, D.
Oklahoma Beef Council: $38,510.86. Oklahoma Beef Cooking School. Brown, B. and
Garrard, D.
Oklahoma Department of Health and Human Services; $2,012,228. Oklahoma Nutrition
Education—Food Stamp Program, 2004, Greene-Garrard, D., Parker, S., Hermann, J.,
Brown, B. & Siewe, Y.
USDA CSREES Children Youth Families at Risk: $123,800. Oklahoma New
Communities Project, 2004, Hermann, J., Parker, S., Brown, B., Siewe, B. & Smith,
FCS Ambassadors: $2,043. Addressing childhood health and wellness through nutrition
education in the school, 2005-2006. Greene-Garrard, D. and Brown, B.
Oklahoma Beef Council: $39,888.57. Oklahoma Beef Cooking Schools, , 2003-2005.
Brown, B. and Greene-Garrard, D.
Oklahoma Department of Health and Human Services; $2,140,648. Oklahoma Nutrition
Education –Food Stamp Program, 2003, Greene-Garrard, D., Parker, S., Hermann, J.,
Brown, B., Keim, K. & Siewe, Y.
USDA CSREES Children Youth Families at Risk: $136,500. Oklahoma New
Communities Project, 2003, Hermann, J., Parker, S., Brown, B., Siewe, Y., Smith, B.
& Williams, G.
USDA, $25,000. Food Safety and Quality Plan of Work Project, 2002. Brown, B.
Oklahoma Department of Health and Human Services; $2,410,800. Oklahoma Nutrition
Education (ONE) Program, 2002, Williams G., Parker, S., Hermann, J, Brown, B.,
Keim, K. & Shiek, B.
USDA CSREES Children Youth Families at Risk: $150,000. Oklahoma New
Communities Project, 2002, Hermann, J., Parker, S., Brown, B., Knoepfli, K., Siewe,
Y., Smith, B. & Williams, G.
Oklahoma Department of Health and Human Services; $1,942,732. Oklahoma Nutrition
Education (ONE) Program, 2001, Williams G., Parker, S., Hermann, J., Brown, B. &
Keim, K.
Oklahoma Department of Health and Human Services; $1,642,154. Oklahoma Nutrition
Education (ONE) Program, 2000, Williams, G., Parker, S., Hermann, J., Brown, B. &
Keim, K.
USDA; $35,000. Food safety and quality plan of work project, 2000, Brown, B.
FCS Ambassadors; $800. Healthy Living Cooking School, 2000, Brown, B., Garrard, D.,
& Jordan, C.
Oklahoma Department of Health and Human Services; $1,595,137. Oklahoma Nutrition
Education (ONE) Program, 1999, Williams, G., Hermann, J., Brown, B., Keim, K. &
Daughtery, R.
Oklahoma Department of Health and Human Services; $1,512,212. Oklahoma Nutrition
Education (ONE) Program, 1998, Williams, G., Hermann, J., Brown, B., Keim, K, &
Daughtery, R.
Oklahoma Beef Industry Council; $17,400. SNAP: Super Nutrition Activity Program.
1997, Hermann, J., Brown, B. & Sellers, A.
OHECE Ambassadors; $1,000. Starting a Food-Product Home Based and MicroBusiness. 1997. Muske, G. and Brown, B.
Teletraining Systems; $19,704.57. Food for Thought segments for the National Child
Care Network (NCCN). Brown, B.
USDA; $25,000. Food Safety at Oklahoma, 1996. Brown, B., Ray, F., Criswell, J.,
Cuperus, G., Forbes, S., Smith, R. and Conry, K.
USDA; $66,150. Farm & Ranch Wellhead & Groundwater Assessment. 1994-1997.
Brown, B., Kizer, M., Smolen, M., Fram, M., Lee, W., Douglas, E., Nowlin, D., and
Shelton, K.
USDA: $39,000. Food Safety and Quality for Elementary School Children. 1991. Brown,
B., Criswell, J., Cuperus, G., Forbes, S., Ray, F., Rice, L., and Sanders, L.
Oklahoma Pork Council; $4,000. Pork Preparation Videotape. 1988. Brown, B.
Kraft, Inc.; $1,000. Snack Foods: Consumer Preferences, Attitudes, Interests and
Opinions from a Diet-Health Perspective. 1987. Brown, B.
Oklahoma Beef Commission; $14,500. Beef Preparation Videoconference. 1987. Brown,
Oklahoma Beef Commisstion; $10,000. Eating Healthy—A Guide for Active Living,
Brown, B. and Ray, F. 1986
Internal Grants:
College of Agricultural Science and Natural Resources, Team Initiative Program (TIP),
$22,198. Wild Game Food Safety Program-Venison, 2008, Brown, B., Cooper, D.,
Garcia, R, Armbruster, K., Bailey, J., Flynn, K., James, C., Quinn, G., Parker, G.,
Willoughby, C.
College of Agricultural Science and Natural Resources, Team Initiative Program (TIP)
$30,000. Oklahoma Cooperative Extension Interactive Farm-to-Table Exhibit, 2007,
Hildebrand, D., Betts, N., Betts, N., Brown, B., Cox, C., Garcia, R., Hermann, J.,
King, G., Muske, G., Nunneley, K.
Oklahoma Agricultural Experiment Station $50,000. Parenting practices for cognitive,
emotional and nutritional health: Effects on child nutrient status, overweight, and
behavior, 2006, Hubbs-Tait, L., Kennedy, T., Richardson, D., Hermann, J., Brown, B.
& Stoecker, B.
College of Agricultural Science and Natural Resources, Team Initiative Program (TIP)
$50,000. Childhood Obesity Prevention/Intervention, 2006, Garcia, R., Betts, N.,
Brown, B., Hermann, J., Siewe, Y, & County FNH Impact Team.
Oklahoma Cooperative Extension Service, Family and Consumer Sciences: $3,815.
Healthy Oklahoma Impact Team, 2005, Hermann, J., Brown, B. & Siewe, Y.
Grace Spivey Professional Development Award: $600. Keynote speaker funding for
FCS/4-H statewide in-service training keynote speaker 2004, Brown, B. as chair of
the FCS/4-H Statewide In-service Committee.
Oklahoma Cooperative Extension Service, $11,340. Healthy Living Program for
curriculum writer to develop Active Living component. 1996. Hermann, J. and
Brown, B.
Oklahoma Cooperative Extension Service, $10,930. Healthy Living Program for blood
work for Healthy Living Program participants. 1996. Hermann, J. and Brown, B.
IPM Steering Committee; $5,000. Food Safety in IPM. Criswell, J., Cuperus, G., Brown,
College of Home Economics, OSU; $250. Demand for Wheat Products and Sugar and
Derivative Products in the Payne County Area: A Pilot Study. Stewart, J., Leong, J.
and Brown, B.
Graduate Student Committees (Major Professor/Research Advisor):
Sarah Owen, M.S., Current student, NSCI.
Swee Hwa Kong, M.S. 2007 Evaluation of the Oklahoma Beef Cooking School for
Youth. (Major Professor), Oklahoma State University
Michelle Brandt, M.S. 2006 Creative component videotape: Cooking for Renal Diets.
(Major Professor), Oklahoma State University
Graduate Student Committees (Committee Member):
Abby Ochel, M.S., Current student, NSCI
Seung Eun Jung, M.S., Current student, NSCI.
Star Edwards, M.S., Current student, NSCI.
Pam Daigle, M.S., Current student, NSCI.
Laura Powell, M.S., 2007. Behaviors and Beliefs About Food Safety and Instructional
Delivery Strategies Among Limited Income Elderly Enrolled in Community Nutrition
Education Programs. (Committee Member), Oklahoma State University
Marlene Buck, M.S., 2004. Teaching Healthy Living A-Z: an examination of Oklahoma
State University Extension Educators Family and Consumer Sciences Nutrition,
Health and Wellness Impact Team members’ techniques, audiences, successes and
challenges. (Committee Member), Oklahoma State University
Phumzile Mdziniso, M.S. Nutritional Sciences, 2002. Effects of solar dried vegetables
and their acceptability in Swazi stews by African-born panelists. (Committee
Member), Oklahoma State University
Melissa Hooper, MS in Nutritional Sciences, 2002. Effects of an education program on
nutrition and physical activity behaviors in school-age children, grades 3-5.
(Committee Member), Oklahoma State University.
Starlette Heintz, M.S., 1997. Effects of an education program utilizing the dietary
guidelines and food guide pyramid on diet and health (Committee Member),
Oklahoma State University.
Deane Phillips, M.S. Candidate, 1996. Degree not completed.
Undergraduate Pre-Professional Experiences Supervised:
Laura Sprehe, 2007, Oklahoma State University
Crystal Short, 2006, Oklahoma State University
Ashley Lambeth, 2006, Oklahoma State University
Programs developed or revised
County Nutrition Education Mini-grant program (2007) (Garrard, D., Brown, B.
Hildebrand, D.)
Project designed to distribute $25,000 to county educators to support nutrition
education programs, either existing or new, at the county level. Developed
proposal guidelines, format, and provided two trainings via the Centra System to
educators on completing proposal for submission.
Gourmet on the Go (2007) (SE District County Educators, Brown, B.)
Revised lessons developed by county educators on dried beans, sauces, beef,
bread, milk, cheese, chicken, pasta, rice and eggs.
Wild Game Meats and Fish (2007) (Brown, B.)
PowerPoint Lesson, 3 Handouts (Canning, Freezing, Jerkying), 2 news releases
Cooking for Diabetics (2007) (Brown, B.)
PowerPoint Lesson, 1 Handout (Recipe Modification)
Sweeteners and Diabetics (2007) (Brown, B.)
PowerPoint Lesson, 1 Handout (Sweeteners and Desserts)
Healthy Oklahoma Parent Curriculum (2007) (Brown, B. & Hermann, J.):
PowerPoint Lesson, Teachers Guide, 3 Handouts (Why Breakfast?, For
Growing Bones…Which Milk?, Which Cereal?)
PowerPoint Lesson, Teachers Guide, 3 Handouts (Why Snacks?, Fats in Foods:
How Much for Kids?, Juice or Fruit Drinks?)
PowerPoint Lesson, Teachers Guide, 1 Handout (Easy Lunch Ideas)
Quick Meals
PowerPoint Lesson, Teachers Guide, 2 Handouts (Offering New Foods, Quick
Meals Activity Recipes)
Fast Food Meals
PowerPoint Lesson, Teachers Guide, 3 Handouts (Let’s Eat Out! Healthy Fast
Foods, Fast Food the Healthy Way, Activity Calorie Calculator)
PowerPoint Lesson, Teachers Guide, 2 Handouts (Celebrate Food and Family
Activity Recipes, Award Certificate)
Evaluation Tool
Salads: Fresh and Safe (2007) (Brown, B.)
PowerPoint Presentation, Demonstration, 1 Handout
Head Start for Health Curriculum (2006) (Brown, B. & Hermann, J.):
Head Start for Health: Breakfast
PowerPoint Lesson, Teachers Guide, 3 Handouts (Why Breakfast?, For
Growing Bones…Which Milk?, Which Cereal?)
Head Start for Health: Snacks
PowerPoint Lesson, Teachers Guide, 3 Handouts (Why Snacks?, Fats in Foods:
How Much for Kids?, Juice or Fruit Drink?)
Head Start for Health: Lunches
PowerPoint Lesson, Teachers Guide, 1 Handout (Easy Lunch Ideas)
Head Start for Health: Quick Meals
PowerPoint Lesson, Teachers Guide, 2 Handouts (Introducing New Foods,
Quick Meals Activity Recipes)
Head Start for Health: Fast Food Meals
PowerPoint Lesson, Teachers Guide, 3 Handouts (Let’s Eat Out! Healthy Fast
Foods, Fast Food the Healthy Way, Activity Calorie Calculator)
Head Start for Health: Celebrate Food and Family
PowerPoint Lesson, Teachers Guide, 1 Handout (Celebrate Food and Family
Activity Recipes)
How to Give A Food Demonstration (2006) (Brown, B.)
Program included videotape and print materials targeting 4H Youth preparing
demonstrations for 4H RoundUp, county and state fairs and other events.
Home Food Preservation—Core Curriculum, (2005 & 2006) (Brown, B.)
In-service training provided to 22 new county educators in 2005 and 18 in 2006.
Educators were provided information on the basic principals of food preservation,
pressure and waterbath canning, pickling, jams and jellies, dehydration and freezing
foods at home. They were trained on testing dial gauges for pressure canners and on
judging home canned foods. Training was done by lecture and laboratory.
Quick, Easy, Economic Meals, (2005) (Brown, B.)
Curriculum materials were developed for CNEP NEA’s on “Quick, Easy, Economic
Meals.” Training was provided during a hands-on workshop in Okmulgee October 28,
Oklahoma Beef Cooking School, Adult and Youth Curriculums (2003-2006) (Brown, B.)
Program provided in-depth training to Extension Educators and included participation in
the Oklahoma Beef Quality Summit, training and curriculum on nutrition contributions of
beef to a healthy diet, demonstration techniques, and presentation tips and food safety.
A cooking school manual was developed for the hands-on schools with a focus on
preparation skills, nutrition, food safety practices and economics of beef in the diet. A
youth curriculum was included in the program. Both the youth and adult programs
included an evaluation component. Training on the Adult program was conducted in
2004 and on the Youth component in 2005.
Pork Cooking School Curriculum, (2001-2002) (Brown, B., Sawatzky, R., and Spalding,
Curriculum development and implementation was funded by Oklahoma Pork Producers
and designed to increase cooking skills of participants. One-day schools took place
across the state for both adults and youth. A pre-/posttest evaluation component was
“Food Safety for Seniors” (2001-2002) (Brown, B.)
The curriculum designed to teach seniors correct food safety practices was developed
using funding provided by a USDA, Food Safety & Quality National Initiative Plan of
Work Project Grant. The project focused on four areas where research has found seniors
fail to use the safest practices: thawing foods safely, storing leftovers safely, storing large
amounts of hot food safely, and grilling meats safely. A series of four short lessons was
developed. Each lesson included: a videotape on the topic, a participant handout which
was made available in a large print and half-sheet envelop size formats (hard copy and on
CD), visuals with script (PowerPoint format) which was distributed to county educators
as both a hard copy and as a computer CD, an evaluation tool for each lesson (hard copy
and on CD). Twenty-three County Educators received training that included education
on why seniors are at greater risk for foodborne illness than younger adults, which
behaviors put them at greater risk, a review of lesson components, and instruction on use
of the evaluation tool. One-hundred-seventy-three evaluations were returned. Of those
only six were for the “Grilling Meat Safely” lesson. This was probably because the
evaluation period was between December and March, not the grilling season. Since the
sample size was so small, no results were discussed. A summary of results showed: most
participants (63.4% of 41) of “Thawing Meat Safely” believed they thawed meat safely
prior to the lesson. Of those that did not (36.6%), 40% indicated they definitely planned
to change and 46.7% probably would to a safer method of thawing. Most participants
(76.9% of 91) of “Storing Leftovers” believed they handled leftovers safely prior to the
lesson. Of those that did not, 52.4% definitely planned to change the way they handled
leftovers to reduce their risk of foodborne illness; 19.0% probably would change; 19.0%
would think about changing their handling of leftovers; and 9.5% planned no changes.
More than half (54.3% of 35) of participants of “Cooling Hot Foods” found the need to
change the way they cool food to reduce the risk of foodborne illness. Of those, 73.7%
definitely planned to change the way they cool food after attending the lesson; 21.1%
indicated they probably would change; and 5.3% would think about making a change.
Healthy Living A-Z Impact Program (2000-2006) (Brown, B. and team)
• The Oklahoma Cooperative Extension Service “Healthy Living A-Z” Impact Program
educated Oklahoman youth and adults on the 5-A-Day message (fruit and vegetable
intake) and safe food handling techniques. The goal of the "Healthy Living A-Z"
Impact Program was to encourage increased fruit and vegetable intake and the
practice of safe food handling techniques thereby reducing the risk of diet related
• The Program reached 2,554 Oklahomans, 988 youth and 1,566 adults. Important
dietary improvements observed among youth and adults who participated in the
included a statistically significant:
o Increase in fruit intake: 24% increase in consuming the recommended 2
fruit servings per day, average number of fruit servings increased from 1.4
to 2.1 servings per day
o Increase in vegetable intake: 18% increase in consuming the
recommended 3 vegetable servings per day, average number of vegetable
servings increased from 1.8 to 2.5 servings per day
• Statistically significant improvements in safe food handling practices were observed
including: 22% increase in "hand washing" behavior score, 17% increase in "washing
fresh fruits and vegetables" behavior score, 19% increase in "using a separate cutting
board for fruits and vegetables to avoid cross contamination" behavior score
• Statistically significant increases in eating new fruits or vegetables and trying new
fruit or vegetable preparation methods were observed including: 25% increase in
“eating a new fruit or vegetable in the last two weeks, 30% increase in “preparing
fruits or vegetables in a new way in the last two weeks.
Food Safety in the Home—Core In-service Training (2002, updated 2007) (Brown, B.)
Educators were provided information on the basic principals of food safety, including an
overview of the situation, common pathogens, and in-depth look at how food safety
impacts the elderly, practices that reduce risk, HACCP, and resources available including
the Fight BAC! program. Training was done by lecture and laboratory.
Food Preservation for Master Consumer Advisors (2002) (Brown, B.)
Program was developed to train volunteers to work in counties on home food
preservation projects. Volunteers were trained in Oklahoma and Tulsa Counties.
Oklahom*A*Syst water quality program (1996-2000) (Brown, B., Kizer, et al)
The program was designed to increase the safety and quality of water for those who rely
on well water as their source of drinking water. It consisted of two tracks, Oklahoma
Farm & Ranch*A*Syst for those with agriculture production on their property and
Home*A*Syst for rural residents without such activity on their land. Presented poster at
the Society for Nutrition Education national meeting in Albuquerque, July, 1998.
Presented information on Oklahom*A*Syst to FCE state meeting, Stillwater, OK, 1998.
Provided leadership for National Drinking Water Week in Oklahoma in May 1999
including one television appearance. Provided information on water during disaster
preparedness in-service to county educators that included a handout on water safety and
lesson materials. Provided Ag. Communications Services information on water safety
following tornado disaster May 3, 1999. Provided in-service to 60 county educators,
Healthy Living Impact Program (1995-1999) (Brown, B. and team)
Participants in the eight session series (each included a teacher’s guide, activities,
handouts and visuals) learned to prepare healthful meals and the importance of exercise
and fitness. Evaluation average blood cholesterol levels were decreased from 218 mg/dl
to 206 mg/dl. Over 70% decreased LDL-cholesterol. About 66% decreased body weight
an average of four pounds even though weight loss was not a goal of the program. Over
50% decreased diastolic blood pressure and about 60% had a decrease in fasting glucose
and in fasting triglycerides. Results indicated a significant decrease in the number of
servings of fats and sweets eaten by participants after the eight session course. L There
was also an increase, though not significant, in the average number of servings from the
breads, cereals, rice and pasta group. An Active Living Component was developed in
1996. It consisted of eight lessons about getting started, aerobic endurance, muscular
strength and endurance, flexibility, weight management, safety issues, finding time and
tips to stick with the program, and a lesson on putting it all together. Home Economists
in 30 counties received in-service on the program. Served on the design team, and the
steering, curriculum and evaluation committees.
National Child Care Network (NCCN) (completed 1998) (Brown, B.)
Completed project in November 1998 when funder discontinued project. Project was
discontinued prior to evaluation. Completed 36 segments ranging in length from 6
minutes, 37 seconds to 20 minutes, 21 seconds. Segments were broadcast directly into 40
daycare centers for use as in-service education for staff and as an educational tool for
those staff to use with parents of children enrolled in their centers. Reference or resource
was developed for each segment. Some were handout sheets on the topic, others were
web sites for viewers to access for more information.
Public Service Announcements 1997-1998 (Brown, B.)
For the “Tasty Safety Hints” television public service announcement campaign two
topics for PSA’s were chosen after completion of market research. The topics for the 30-
second PSA’s were cooking ground meat well done (for summer release) and leaving
food at room temperature no longer than two hours (for November release). PSA’s were
produced by Full Circle Communications who also helped evaluate the reach of the
pieces once released to the media. County educators were notified about the project at inservice trainings in April and May, 1998. Healthy Living team members served at county
contacts for media. A toll free 877 number was established for consumers to call for
additional information (a print piece). Radio scripts based on the television pieces were
recorded by the same actors were developed along with news releases.
Food Safety for School Food Service Employees, 1996 (Brown, B.)
Developed curriculum consisting of 5 lessons with background for trainer, learner
handouts, quiz, posters, evaluation form and information on working with public schools.
Provided in-service training to county educators from 19 counties.
4-H Food Science Project, 1996, (Brown, B. and Forbes, S.)
Revised Kansas 4-H manual to fit Oklahoma 4-H program. Provided in-service training
on new manuals to 55 county educators.
Extension conferences organized:
Promoting Healthy Weight in Oklahoma Children, chair, Metro-Tech, Oklahoma
City, March, 2006
FCS/4H Statewide In-service, 2003
FCS/4H Statewide In-service, 1999
HECE Statewide In-service Committee, chair, 1992
Farm to Table Conference, chair, 1987
Success Strategies in Food and Nutrition Conference, chair, 1984
Payne county Cheese & Sausage Festival, Food Fair Chair, 1981-1984
Southern Regional Home Economics Conference, Tulsa, 1981
In-service training provided:
County Nutrition Education Mini-grant proposal training, Statewide via Centra System,
provided twice, 2007
Whole Grains In-Service Training, Stillwater, 2007
Healthy Oklahoma impact team training, Fall, Stillwater, 2007
Food Safety—Core Training, Stillwater, 2007
CNEP in-service, “Low Fat, Low Sugar Foods, Recipe Conversion and Using Reduced
Sugar and Fat Items, Stillwater, 2007
Healthy Oklahoma impact team Training, Spring, Oklahoma City, 2007
Food Safety Training (in cooperation with FDA-Dallas and Langston University,
Oklahoma City, 2007
Judging Home Preserved and Prepared Food, Norman, 2007
Healthy Oklahoma Impact Team training, Oklahoma City, 2007
Home Food Preservation—Core Training, OSU, 2006
Healthy Oklahoma Impact Team training, Produce Safety, Oklahoma City, 2006 (lesson
was developed by Brown, B but presented by Hermann, J. due to ice storm)
CNEP in-service, “How to Give a Food Demonstration, OSU, 2006
Home Food Preservation—Core Training, OSU, 2005
Oklahoma Beef Cooking School for Youth (twice), 2005
Healthy Oklahoma Impact Team during FCS-4H statewide in-service, 2005
Oklahoma Gardening Kitchen for New Educator Orientation, Stillwater, 2005
Cooking with Herbs & Spices for CENEP Annual In-service, 2005
Healthy Living A-Z Team, 2004
Oklahoma Beef Cooking School, adult curriculum, (twice), 2004
Home Canning for Nutrition Education Assistants, 2004
Cooking for One with an Emphasis on the Elderly, CNEP, 2004
Breads, Cereal, Rice and Pasta—Core Training, OSU, 2004
Healthy Living A-Z Team, Introduction of 6 new lessons, instruction on use of recipe
analysis program, 2003
Add a Little Spice (and Herbs) to Your Life for Nutrition Education Assistants, 2003
Recipe Evaluation and Modification, 2003
Hispanic Culture and Food, 2003
How to Give a Food Demonstration, CNEP, 2003
Basic Food Preparation Skills: Vegetables and Fruits—Core Training, 2003
Healthy Living A-Z Secondary Impact Team--Introduction to Healthy Living A-Z, 2002
Food Policy and Practices, 2002
Holiday Foods, CNEP Southwest District, 2002
Home Food Preservation—Core Training, OSU, 2002
Sugar and Other Sweeteners, OSU, 2001
Food Safety for Seniors, OSU, Oklahoma County, Tulsa County, 2001
Food Safety—Core Training, Oklahoma County, 2001
Healthy Living A-Z: Food and Terrorism, OSU, 2001
Healthy Living A-Z: Evaluating Recipes for Use in County Programs, Guthrie, 2001
Fantastic Food Science, 4-H Project Leader Training, Northwest District, 2001
Biotechnology: The Science and the Issues in Food Safety, Health Benefits of
Biotechnology, Oklahoma City, 2001
4H Judging Food Science Exhibits, Tulsa and Clinton, 2000
Healthy Living in-service, Oklahoma County, 2000
Water Quality for the home, CNEP annual in-service, OSU, 2000
Science of Bread Cookery, OSU, 1999
Food for Profit, Oklahoma City, 1999
Science of Fruit & Vegetable Cookery, OSU, 1999
Science of Meat Cookery, OSU, 1999
Oklahoma Cooking School, SE District, 1999, NW District 2000
Healthy Living annual statewide in-service training, OSU, 1999
Food Marketing Trends, trained 38 educators, April 29, 1999
Disaster Preparedness/Y2K, trained 38 educators, April 29, 1999
Safe Food Gifts, given 2 times, trained 28 educators, July 9, 1998
Oklahom*A*Syst (Water Quality), 1998
Home Food Preservation, 1 day training for EFNEP NEA’s, 1998
Home Food Preservation, 2 day training, offered twice to 16 county educators, 1997
Hot Topics in Food Safety, offered twice for County Educators and twice for EFNEP
NEA’s, 1997
Herbed Vinegars, NE District, 1997
ServSafe Training, coordinated training for 28 County Educators, 1997
Super Nutrition Activity Program (SNAP) introduction in-service, 1997
Vegetarian Diets and Foods, offered twice, 1997
Food Safety for School Food Service Employees, 1996
4-H Food Science Project Manuals training, 55 county educators, 1996
Oklahom*A*Syst training, Oklahoma City and McAlester, 1996
ServSafe, National Restaurant Association Curriculum, organized training taught by
Oklahoma Restaurant Association, 16 county educators, 1995
Water Quality, 1991
Recipe Modification for EFNEP, 1991
Food for Profit, 3 districts, 1991
Water Quality, Annual Conference, 1990
Shape-Up Team Training, May and November, 1990
Label Literacy, Annual Conference, 1989
Shape-Up Team Training, May and November, 1989
Recipe Improvement, EFNEP NEA Conference, 1989
Home Canning Update, Statewide, 1988
Food Safety, SE District, 1988
Shape-Up Impact Team, 1988
Home Canning via Satellite Videoconference, 1987
Shape-Up Impact Team, 1987
Eating Disorders, NE District, 1986
Food Preservation, 4 day training, 1986
Master Food Preserver Update, 1986
Quick, Limited Resource Cookery, EFNEP Aides, 1986
Eating Disorders, the Quiet Tragedy, NW and SW District Home Economists, 1985
Food, Nutrition and Advertising, NE and SW Districts Home Economists, 1984
Low Calorie Jams and Jellies, CES Annual Conference, 1984
Judging Home Preserved Food, SE District Home Economists, 1984
Master Food preserver Program, NE District Home Economists, 1983
Home Food Preservation and Judging, NW District Home Economists, 1983
Food for Today’s Lifestyles, SW District Home Economists, 1982
Food Preservation Update, EFNEP Aides, 1982
Food Preservation Training, new County Home Economists, 1982
Computerized Supermarket Checkout, EFNEP Aides, 1981
County and Consumer lessons and presentations:
The Secrets of Pie, Pie Fair, Oklahoma Home & Community Education, Comanche
County, Lawton, 2008
Step by Step to a Heart Healthy Diet, Beaver and Texas Counties, February, 2008
Holiday Foods and Food Safety, Holly Days at the Garden, Oklahoma Botanical Garden
and Arboretum, Stillwater, 2007
Food Preservation Update, LeFlore County, 2007
Canning Workshop, Kay County, 2007
Food Safety Update, Jackson County, 2007
A Gardening We Will Go: Using Fresh Garden Produce, for Ag in the Classroom,
Stillwater, 2007
Cooking for Diabetics, Dewey County, Major County, Garfield County, 2007
Salads Fresh and Safe, Comanche Co, 2007
Consumer Judging for 4-H Youth, 2005, revised 2006
Homemade Mixes and Convenience Foods, 2006
Cabbage for a New Generation, presented at the Comanche County Festival of Foods,
Lawton, 2006
MyPyramid, presented at the Women’s Health Forum, Grady County, 2006
Home Canning Workshop for 2 counties presented in Grady County, revised 2006
How to Give a Food Demonstration for NEA in-service, 2006
Home Canned Foods and Baked Goods Judging Workshop presented in Coal County,
revised 2006
Home Canning Update presented in Tillman County June 27, 2006 and for 5 county
groups in Madill, 2006
The Oklahoma Gardening Kitchen, Saint’s Grove Camp, 2005
Home Canned Foods Judging Workshop for Texas County, 2005
Home Canning Workshop for Beckham County, 2005
Heart Healthy Foods, presented at the Woods County Health Fair, Alva, 2005
Feeding Children in a Child Care Setting, revised 2005
Beef Cooking School for Youth workshop, 2005
Eating by Color, Oklahoma Gardening Summer Gardenfest 30th Anniversary Celebration,
OSU, 2005
Oklahoma Gardening Kitchen (demonstration), Craig County Home & Garden Show,
Vinita, 2004
Food Safety for Childcare Providers, Childcare Providers Seminar, Seminole State
College, August 7, 2004, and at the Child Care Conference, Vinita, 2004.
Feeding Children in a Child Care Setting, Childcare Providers Seminar, Seminole State
College, 2004
Simple Meals & Snacks, 4-H Roundup Workshop, Stillwater, 2004
How to Give a Food Demonstration, 4-H State Leadership Development Conference,
Stillwater, 2003
Home Canning Workshops, Pauls Valley, Norman, Sallisaw, 2003
Healthy Heart Cooking (demonstration), Major County Health Fair, Fairview, 2003
Food Safety for Seniors, Stillwater, 2003
Home Canning Workshop, Blaine County, 2003
Food Dehydration Leader Training, Stephens and Cotton Counties, 2003
Heart Health Cooking Demonstration, Major & Blaine Counties, 2003-2003
Cooking Tips for Diabetics, Southwest District HCE, 2003
Healthy Cooking Tips, 3 county meeting, Lake Murray Lodge, 2003
Fruit and Vegetable Desserts, Leader Lesson, Beaver County, 2003
Fruit and Vegetable Desserts, Lunch & Learn, Dewey County, 2003
Home Food Preservation and Preparation Judging and Quality Workshop, Pontotoc
County, 2002
Jelly and Salsa Making Workshop, Alfalfa and Grant Counties, 2002
Orientation of New OCES Educators on Oklahoma FoodSafe Program, OSU, 2002
Eating Fish in Land-Locked Oklahoma, Lawton, 2002
Food Preservation, Master Consumer Advisor Training, Tulsa, 2002
Adding Variety to Children’s Meals While Incorporating Food Activities in the
Classroom, Child Care Conference, 3 counties, Pryor, 2002
Judging Prepared and Preserved Foods, Guthrie, 2002
Canning Workshop, Lincoln County, 2002
Grilling Fruits and Vegetables, Oklahoma Gardening Celebration, OSU, 2002
Healthy Cooking Quick, leader training, Duncan and Lawton, 2002
Canning Workshop, Hughes County, 2001
Judging Workshop, Hugo, 2001
Food Safety for Groups at FDA “Honor the Gift of Food by Keeping it Safe Workshop,
Shawnee, 2001
Fantastic Food Science, Will Rogers Elementary School, Stillwater, 2001
Food Safety for Spring, Comanche County Food Festival, Lawton, 2000
Quick Nutritious Meals, Leader Training, Stephens and Cotton Counties, Duncan, 2000
Standards of Baking, Duncan, 2000
Standards of Canning, Duncan, 2000
Pork, the Other White Meat, Leader Training, Garvin and McClain Counties, 2000
Digestion, Will Rogers Elementary School third grade, Stillwater, 2000
Food Safety & Quality: The Consumer’s Perspective, Vet. Med. 5312, OSU, 1999
Portion Size and Proper Nutrition, Seminole County Child Care Givers Meeting, 1999
Food Safety, ONE Program staff, Garfield County, 1999
Safe Food Gifts, One Program staff, Garfield County, 1999
Food Safety for School Food Service Employees, Jefferson County, 1999
Healthy Food Choices, Stillwater Middle School, 1999
Safe Food Gifts, Lawton, March 30, 1999
Flavor and Taste, 2nd grade class, Stillwater, April 22, 1999
Food Safety Workshop, Oklahoma Grocers Association, Tulsa, October 25, 1998
Food Safety in the New Millennium, 4 district meetings, 1999
Kitchen Sanitation, 3 counties, 1999
Sensory Evaluation, for NSCI Nutrition Expo, 1999
Food Safety for Occasional Food Handlers, 5 counties, 1998
Oklahoma Gardening Kitchen, Oklahoma Horticulture Industries Show, 1998
Feeding a Crowd Safely, 4 counties, 1998
Creative Snacks for Children, Payne County, 1998
Nutrition Tips for the Holidays, 3 counties, 1998
Home Food Preservation Workshop, Caddo County, 1998
Eating Ethnic in Oklahoma, 4 counties, 2 elementary school classes, 1998
The Oklahoma Garden, District Leader Training, 4 districts, 1997
Home Food Preservation Workshops, Alfalfa-Grant Counties and Garfield County, 1997
Feeding Children in A Childcare Setting, 3rd Annual Child Care Providers Conference,
Seminole, 1997
Vegetarian Diets and Foods, 1997
Breads from Around the World, 1997
Bryan County Cooking Show demonstration, 1997
Oklahom*A*Syst Water Quality Program, 9 counties, 1997-1998
Children and Food, OSU Child Development Lab, 1997
Sugar and Other Sweeteners, Leader Training, 6 counties, 1996
Taste and Flavor, Will Rogers Elementary, 1996
Food Safety for Food Service Employees, Pawhuska Youth Services, 1996
Food Safety, EFNEP NEAs, Guthrie, 1996
Food Safety for School Food Service Employees, Chickasha, 1996, Muskogee, 1996
Food Safety, Chickasaw Nation, Tulsa, 1996
Food Safety training, Child Care Seminar, Seminole, 1996
Lighten Up, Cooking for health, McCurtain County, 1996
Children and Snacks, Ottawa and Payne Counties, 1996
Home Canning Update, Carter and Love Counties, 1996
Oklahom*A*Syst, Mason and Pottawatomie County, 1996
Nutrition and the Garden, Greater Tulsa Home & Garden Show, 1995
Feeding Children in a Child Care Setting, Child Care Seminar, Seminole, 1995
Nutrition on a Busy Schedule, OSU Library Staff, 1995
Food Labels, NSCI 5230 New Findings in Nutrition, 1995
Pesticides, Food and Nutrition, SW District Extension Homemakers Council, Chickasha,
Food Dehydration, Prague Public Schools, Prague, 1992
Green Eggs and Ham—Color and Food Safety exhibit, Magruder Plot Centennial Field
Day, OSU, 1992
Microwave Cooking, Stillwater Latter Day Saints Church, Stillwater, 1992
Food, Ecology and the Environment, Oklahoma Extension Homemakers Meeting,
Stillwater, 1992
Pesticides, Food and Nutrition, Leader Training, 1992
Food Preservation Update, Leader Training, revised, 1992
Judging Home Baked and Home Canned Foods, Leader Training, revised, 1992
Herbs, Leader Training, 1992
Snacks for Kids, Leader Training, 1992
Breakfast Nutrition, Leader Training, 1992
Heart Smart, Leader Training, 1992
Holiday Foods and Weight Control, Leader Training, revised, 1992
Healthy Shopping, Leader Training, 1992
It Must Have Been Something You Ate, Risk/Benefit Analysis, Leader Training 1991
Meals for 1 or 2, OSU Emeriti, Stillwater, 1991
Healthy Foods, Oklahoma Botanical Garden and Arboretum Ambassadors, Stillwater,
Food Safety, Later Day Saints church, Stillwater, 1991
Nutritious Food Preparation, OSU Deans Tour of Wellness Center, Stillwater, 1991
Cooking Survival Skills, OSU Residence Halls, Stillwater, 1991
Food Safety, Elder Nutrition Sites, 2, 1990
Fat and Fiber, Northwest District Council, 1990
Water Quality, Extension Homemakers State Meeting, 1990
Lighten Up—Cooking for Health, demonstration, Oklahoma State Fair, 1990
Food Labeling Leader Training, 1 county, 1990
Bringing Home Oklahoma Foods Leader Training, 3 counties, 1990
Five-A-Day Leader Training, 5 counties, 1990
Nutrition Quackery Leader Training, 1 county, 1990
Lighten Up—Cooking for Health Leader Training, 2 counties, 1990
Food Safety Leader Training, 1 county, 1990
Cooking for 1 or 2 Leader Training, 1 county, 1990
Healthier Grazing Leader Training, 1 county, 1990
Water Quality Leader Training, 1 county, 1990
Judges Training Leader Training, 1 county, 1990
Meat and the Diet, Stillwater Frontier Rotary Club, 1990
Food Safety, Elderhostel, Stillwater, 1990
The Truth about Oat Bran, Stillwater Morning Kiwanis Club, 1990
Food Safety, FNIA interns, OSU, 1990
Food Safety, Stillwater Sertoma Club, 1990
Low Fat Cooking demonstration for visit of former President Jimmy Carter, Wellness
Center Dedication, 1990
Label Literacy Leader Training, 1989
Eating Light Leader Training, 2 counties, 1989
Food Safety Leader Training, 5 counties, 1989
Fat and Cholesterol lesson, 1989
One Dish Meals Leader Training, 4 counties, 1989
Evaluating New Foods Leader Training, 3 counties, 1989
Cooking for One Leader Training, 1 county, 1989
Food Dehydration Leader Training, 2 counties, 1989
Canning Workshop, Nobel County, 1989
Fat and Cholesterol, SW and NW District Councils, 1989
Diet Foods and Labels, SE and NE District Councils, 1989
Judging 4-H Talks & Demonstrations, 1988
Food Preservation Update, 1 county, 1988
Home Canning Workshop, 2 counties, 1988
Healthy Eating, 1 county, 1988
Meals in Minutes, 1 county, 1988
Food Preservation Update Leader Training, 14 counties, 1988
Eating Disorders, Leader Training, 2 counties, 1988
Cut Back on Sugar, Leader Training, 1 county, 1988
Master Food Preserver Training, 3 counties, 1988
Brown Bag Meals, Stillwater High School Home Economics class, 1988
Farm to Table, 1987
Ag Day Display, State Capital, 1987
Home Canning Update Leader Training, 1987
Cooking with Artificial Sweeteners Leader Training, 4 counties, 1987
Pork Cookery Demonstration, 1987
Nutrition for Women, Business and Professional Women, 1987
Brown Bag Meals, Payne County, 1987
What Today’s consumer Wants, Manford Chamber of Commerce, 1987
Low Calorie Cookery, Muskogee, 1987
The Art of Grocery Buying, SW District Council, 1987
Pork Cookery Demonstration, City Farm Show, Oklahoma City, 1987
Nutrition for Oklahomans, Rural Electric Cooperative, Hugo, 1987
Diet and health Issues, for Attorney General Robert Henry, 1987
Fish Facts, Fall Day with OSU, 1987
Holiday Foods and Weight Control, 3 County Council, Cherokee, 1987
Judges Training Leader Training, 4 counties, 1987
Canning Workshop, Leader Training, 2 counties, 1987
Drying, Leader Training, Kay County, 1987
Canning Update, Leader Training, 2 counties, 1987
Foods Fats, Fad Diets, Leader Training, Haskell County, 1987
Baking, Buffets and Bulges, Leader Training, 2 counties, 1987
Eating Disorders, Leader Training, 1986
Freezing Update, Leader Training, 1986
Poultry-Fish Cookery, Leader Training, 5 counties, 1986
Home Canning Update, Leader Training, 1986
Bag It Up, Leader Training, 1986
Meals for 1 or 2, Leader Training, 3 counties, 1986
Holiday Foods and Weight Control, Leader Training, 7 counties, 1986
Stretching Meat Dollars, Muskogee EFNEP Aides, 1986
Brown Bag Meals, NE Extension Homemakers Council and OSU Personnel
Development Program, 1986
Stretching Fruit and Vegetable Dollars, Muskogee EFNEP Aides, 1986
Food Preservation Workshop, Oklahoma Natural Gas home economists, 1986
Foods that Travel, Stillwater Methodist Church Continuing Education Class, 1986
Home Canning Demonstration, Pontotoc County, 1986
Basic Home Canning, Comanche County, 1986
How to Freeze Foods, Stillwater Methodist Church Continuing Education Class, 1986
Eating Disorders, Jay High School FHA Club, 1986
Managing the Food Dollar, Grant County Extension Homemakers Council Meeting, 1986
Fiber, Grant County Extension Homemakers Council Meeting, 1986
Pizza, Pasta and Pounds, OSU College ALPHA, 1983
Holiday Food Safety Methodist Church Senior Citizen’s Group, Stillwater, 1982
Fast Foods, Stillwater High School, 1982
“Oklahoma Gardening” public television program kitchen segments (Viewing
audience is approximately 350,000 per week. Supporting materials added to website for
each segment at )
2008: 2 new segments (as of April 7, 2008)
2007: 28 new segments
2006: 30 new segments
2005: 25 new segments
2004: 22 new segments
2003: 26 new segments
2002: 27 new segments
2001: 33 new segments
2000: 22 new segments
1999: 24 new segments
1998: 33 new segments
1997: 16 new segments
1996: 11 new segments
1995: 7 new segments
1992: 13 new segments
1991: 15 new segments
1990: 9 new segments
1984: 2 new segments
1983: 5 new segments
1982: 3 new segments
1981: 3 new segments
Other television appearances:
OCES Sunup program, 1 segment, 2004 (program was cancelled in 2004)
OCES Sunup program, 4 segments, 2003
OCES Sunup program, 3 segments, 1999-2000
National Child Care Network nutrition segments, 36, 1997-1998
OCES Sunup program, 1 segment, 1998
OCES Sunup program, 6 segments, 1997
OCES Sunup program, 10 segment series “Why Does Food Do That?” 1997
OCES Sunup program, 3 segments, 1996
OCES Sunup program, 8 segments, 1995
OCES Sunup program, 14 segments, 1992
Other commercial television segments, 9, 1992
OCES Sunup program, 14 segments, 1991
OCES Sunup program, 14 segments, 1990
OCES Sunup program, 6 segments, 1989
OCES Sunup program, 5 segments, 1988
OCES Sunup program, 20 segments, 1987
OCES Sunup program, 30 segments, 1986
KWTV, Oklahoma City CBS affiliate, 4 morning news segments, 1991
KOCO, Oklahoma City ABC affiliate, Good Morning Oklahoma, 9 segments, 1990
TV8, Tulsa ABC affiliate, Good Morning Tulsa, 1 segment, 1990
FNIA Video class, 5 segments, 1990
KOCO, Oklahoma City ABC affiliate, good Morning Oklahoma, 4 segments, 1989
KOCO, Oklahoma City ABC affiliate, Good Morning Oklahoma, 1 segment, 1987
KWTV, Oklahoma City CBS affiliate, 4 morning news segments, 1986
KWTV, Oklahoma City CBS affiliate, 8 morning news segments, 1984
Channel 4, Oklahoma City NBC affiliate, 1 morning news segment, 1984
News features, OSU Ag Communications, 3 segments, 1983
Interviews for evening news stories, 2, 1983
McAlester Cable TV interview, 1, 1983
Daybreak, KOCO TV, Oklahoma City ABC affiliate, 15 segments, 1983
Daybreak, KOCO TV, Oklahoma City ABC affiliate, 13 segments, 1982
HoHo the Clown, KOCO TV, Oklahoma City ABC affiliate, 1 segment, 1982
Evening news story interviews, KWTV, Oklahoma City CBS affiliate, 2 segments,
Channel 2, Tulsa, morning news interview, 1 segment, 1981
“How to Give a Food Demonstration,” 21 minutes run time. Funded by the
Oklahoma Beef Council as part of the Oklahoma Beef Cooking School grant.
Includes handout material on CD, 2006
“Healthy Way” Television Food and Nutrition Education Program Project, 2006:
Taped pilot program on “Eating Out the Healthy Way.” Project included videotape,
print piece and was used during training for Healthy Oklahoma Impact Team and
distributed to Healthy Oklahoma team members on CD for use in adult education
WIC Project: Beans, 2004
WIC Project: Snacks for Children, 2003
Food Safety for the Consumer, 1999
Danger Zone Food Safety Video reproduction with new Oklahoma introduction, in
cooperation with the Oklahoma Beef Industry Council,1999
Public Service Announcements, grilling and leftovers, 1998
Food for Profit, 10 minute run time, 1991
Pork Today, 1990
Food and Nutrition Fallacies, 1988
Maternal and Infant Nutrition, 1988
Home Canning Green Beans, 1986
Satellite Videoconferences:
House Waste Management, Leader Training, 1992
Is it Safe to Eat? Part 1 Plant Foods, 1991
Is it Safe to Eat? Part 2 Animal Foods, 1991
The New American Plate, Wellness Center, New Wave Productions, 1991
Take Five, 1990
Alar and Apple Safety, Staff videoconference, 1989
Nutrition and AIDS, 1988
Beef: The Dinner Solution, 1988
Pork Today, 1987
Nutrition Quackery, 1987
Eating healthy—A Guide for Active Living, 1986
Eating Disorders: The Quiet Tragedy, 1986
Calcium: Osteoporosis and Beyond, 1986
Fighting Fat and All That, 1986
Nutrition for the Elderly, 1986
Diet and Cancer, 1986
Cold Stress, 1986
Uplink to Food and Fitness, state coordination assistant1984
Radio segments and interviews:
Interview on food safety, KSPI AM, Stillwater, 2003
1 segment, 2002
1 interview, KOKL, Okmulgee, 1996
KNTL Radio, Oklahoma City, 1 interview, 1990
KOSU Radio, OSU, 2 interviews, 1990
KTOK Radio, Oklahoma City, 1 interview, 1990
OSU Ag Communication interviews, 2, 1989
KOSU Radio, OSU, 1 interview, 1989
Canning Update, Woodward, 1988
Canning Update, Broken Arrow, 1988
Food Safety, OSU, 1988
Radio tapes, 56, 1987
Radio tapes, 46, 1986
USDA Information Service, 1 interview, 1986
KTOK Radio, Oklahoma City, 1 interview, 1986
Radio tapes, 68, 1984
KOMA Radio, Oklahoma City, 7 interviews, 1984
KXY Radio, Oklahoma City, 1 interview, 1984
Radio tapes, 63, 1983
KTOK Radio, Oklahoma City, 15 interviews (15-30 minutes each)
Radio tapes, 62, 1982
KTOK Radio, Oklahoma City, 12 interviews (10-60 minutes each), 1982
KOMA Radio, Oklahoma City, 5 interviews, 1982
Radio tapes, 48, 1981
KTOK Radio, Oklahoma City, 2 interviews (45 minutes each), 1981
KRMG Radio, Tulsa, 1 interview, 1981
Extension Publications authored:
Eating and Keeping Food Safe During Summer and Winter Storm Emergencies, revised
How to Give a Food Demonstration video and print, 2006
Eating Out the Healthy Way video and print, 2006
How Hot Should it Get: Endpoint Cooking Temperature, 2006
Food Safety and the Dietary Guidelines for Americans 2005
Oklahoma Beef Cooking School manual, 2004
Planning Food for Summer and Winter Storm Emergencies, 2002
Eating and Keeping Food Safe During Summer and Winter Storm Emergencies, 2002
Frozen Foods: When to Save and When to Throw Out, 2002
Refrigerated Foods: When to Save and When to Throw Out, 2002
Food Business Basics: The Owner’s Guide, 2000, Muske, G. and Brown, B.
Evaluation: Food Preservation, revised 2000, Brown, B.
Evaluation: Baked Goods, revised 2000, Brown, B.
Serving Up Oklahoma Cooking School Guide, 2000, Brown, B.
Emergency water supplies, 1999, Beem, M., Fram, M., Brown, B. & Guest., A. OSU
Food Business Basics: The Owner’s Guide, 1999, Brown, B., Byford, L., Clark, M.,
Holcomb, R., and Muske, G.
Label Literacy, Daily Values and Percent Daily Values, Brown, B. 1997
Label Literacy, Fat and Cholesterol, Brown, B., 1997
Red Meat in the Diet, Brown, B. and Hanson, C., 1996
Oklahoma 4-H Food Science Leader Notebook, OCES no. 189, Brown, B. and Forbes, S.
Level I Oklahoma 4-H Food Science Notebook, OCES no. 185, Brown, B. and Forbes,
S. 1996
Level II Oklahoma 4-H Food Science Notebook, OCES no. 186, Brown, B. and Forbes,
S. 1996
Level III Oklahoma 4-H Food Science Notebook, OCES no. 187, Brown, B. and Forbes,
S. 1996
Level IV Oklahoma 4-H Food Science Notebook, OCES no. 188, Brown, B. and Forbes,
S. 1996
Oklahoma Farm & Ranch*A*Syst publications, Brown, B. and Kizer, M. 1995:
• Assessment Planner
• Glossary
• Worksheet 1: Assessing the risk of ground water contamination from
drinking water well condition
• Worksheet 2: Assessing the risk of ground water contamination from
pesticide storage and handling
• Worksheet 3: Assessing the risk of ground water contamination from
fertilizer storage and handling
• Worksheet 4: Assessing the risk of ground water contamination from
petroleum product storage
• Worksheet 5: Assessing the risk of ground water contamination from
hazardous waste management
• Worksheet 6: Assessing the risk of drinking water contamination from
household wastewater treatment
• Worksheet 7: Assessing the risk of ground water contamination from swine,
dairy and beef cattle
• Worksheet 8: Assessing the risk of ground water contamination from poultry
waste management
• Fact Sheet 1: Reducing the risk of ground water contamination by improving
Fact Sheet 2: Reducing the risk of ground water contamination by improving
pesticide storage and handling
• Fact Sheet 3: Reducing the risk of ground water contamination by improving
fertilizer storage and handling
• Fact Sheet 4: Reducing the risk of ground water contamination by improving
petroleum product storage
• Fact Sheet 5: Reducing the risk of ground water contamination by improving
hazardous waste management
• Fact Sheet 6: Reducing the risk of ground water contamination by improving
household wastewater treatment
• Fact Sheet 7: Reducing the risk of ground water contamination by improving
swine, dairy and beef cattle waste management
• Fact Sheet 8: Reducing the risk of ground water contamination by improving
poultry waste management
Pork Today Cookbook, 1990
Revitalize Your Recipes for Better health (T-2302), 1990
Drying Your Own Fruits and Vegetables (T-3403), 1990
Spotlight on Refrigerator Storage (T-3502), revised, 1990
How to Read Food Labels: Basic Training (%36-11), 1990
Fat and Cholesterol on Food Labels (T-3612), 1990
What Does Sugar Mean on Food Labels (T-3613), 1990
The Meaning of Light on Food Labels (T-3614), 1990
How to Plan a Good Meal (T-3114), revised, 1987
Bag It Up (T-3113), reprint, 1987
Food for Health—Fads and Facts (T-3143), revised, 1987
Cooking for One or Two (T-3202), revised, 1987
Spotlight on Freezer Storage (T-3502), reprint, 1987
Eating Disorders part 1 (T-3146), 1986
Eating Disorders part 2 (T-3147), 1986
Sulfites, ALERT fact sheet, 1986
Alar/Daminozide, ALERT fact sheet, 1986
Videoconference Planning Guide, OCES, Brown, B., Barnes, M. and Stewart, J., 1986
Using Blueberries (T-3314), 1984
Nutrition Primer, 1984
Pickles and Sauerkraut, 1984
Home Canning Meat, Poultry and Fish, 1984
How to Plan a Good Meal (T-3114), revised, 1984
Cooking with Less Effort (T-3141), revised, 1984
Food for Health (T-3143), revised, 1984
Snacking—A Way of Life (T-3307), revised, 1984
Home Freezing—An Update, 1984
Home Canning, An Update: Tomatoes, 1984
Home Canning, An Update: Applesauce, Fruit Purees, Pumpkin, Winter
Squash, 1984
Evaluation: Baked Goods, 1984
Evaluation: Food Preservation, 1984
Cheese, 1982
Sausage, 1982
Bag It Up (T-3113), 1983
Cooking for One or Two (T-3202), revised, 1983
One-Dish Meals (T-3312), revised, 1983
Dietetic Jams and Jellies (T-3401), revised, 1983
Drying Your Own Fruits and Vegetables (T-3403), revised, 1983
Is Home Canning Safe? (T-3404), revised, 1983
Feeding a Crowd? Do It Safely (T-3501), revised, 1983
Master Mix Recipes (C-3303), revised, 1983
Pickles and Relishes (C-3304), revised, 1983
Meals in Minutes (C-3306), revised, 1983
Home Freezing (C-3401), revised, 1983
Home Canning (C-3402), revised, 1983
Celebrate the Season (T-3707), 1982
Cost of Canning Food at Home (T-3609), revised, 1982
How to Plan a Good Meal (T-3114), 1981
Spotlight on Freezer Storage (T-3504), 1981
Pickles and Relishes (C-3304), revised, 1981
Research Update articles
Brown, B. Abstract. What Should We Eat to Prevent Obesity, 2007.
Brown, B. Abstract. Older Adults at High Risk for Poor Nutrition, 2007.
Hermann, J. and Brown, B. Abstract. The 2005 Dietary Guidelines for Americans—
USDA Food Guide, 2005.
Brown, B. Abstract. Increasing the portion size of a sandwich increases energy intake,
Brown, B. Abstract. Soft drinks, candy and fast food: what parents and teachers think
about the middle school food environment, 2005.
Brown, B. Abstract. Increasing the portion size of a sandwich increases energy intake,
Brown, B. Abstract. Are portion sizes changing, 2003.
Brown, B. Abstract. Acrylamide, 2002.
Brown, B. Abstract. A cost-analysis of adopting a healthful diet in a family-based obesity
treatment program, 2002.
Brown, B. Abstract. 2000 Home Food Safety Study, 2002.
Brown, B. Abstract. Identification and classification of consumer food-handling
behaviors for food safety education, 2001.
Brown, B. Abstract. Away from home foods increasingly important to quality of
American diet, 1999.
Brown, B. Abstract. Factors influencing nutrition education for patients with low literacy
skills. 1998.
Brown, B. Abstract .Why Americans eat what they do. 1998.
Brown, B., Abstract. Milk Labeling, December 1997
Brown, B., Fruits, Vegetables, & Fish Labeling, December, 1997
Brown, B., Abstract. Overcoming consumers’ fear of technology, March, 1997.
FCS Focus Newsletter
Brown, B. Food Safety, 2002
Brown, B. Food Safety Programs, May 1999
Brown, B. and Hermann, J. Health Styles, 1995
Other Newsletters
Seasoned Citizen Newsletter (HECE), 1 article, 1990
Family and Work Newsletter (HECE), 3 articles, 1990
Shape-Up Newsletter (FNIA CES), 1 article, 1990
Smorgasbord Newsletter (FNIA CES): 4 issues, 1990
Seasoned Citizen Newsletter (HECE), 4 articles, 1989
Employed Homemaker (HECE), 4 articles, 1989
Shape-Up Newsletter (FNIA CES), 3 articles, 1989
Employed Homemaker (HECE), 5 articles, 1988
Seasoned Citizen Newsletter (HECE), 1 article, 1988
Smorgasbord Newsletter (FNIA CES): 3 issues, 1988
Smorgasbord Newsletter (FNIA CES): 3 issues, 1987
Employed Homemaker (HECE), 4 articles, 1987
Seasoned Citizen Newsletter (HECE), 2 articles, 1987
Seasoned Citizen Newsletter (HECE), 3 articles, 1986
Employed Homemaker (HECE), 3 articles, 1986
Smorgasbord Newsletter (FNIA CES), 4 issues, 1986
Seasoned Citizen Newsletter (HECE), 1 article, 1984
Employed Homemaker (HECE), 3 articles, 1984
Smorgasbord Newsletter (FNIA CES), 4 issues, 1984
Seasoned Citizen Newsletter (HECE), 3 articles, 1983
Employed Homemaker (HECE), 5 articles, 1983
Sooner Dietitian, Aloe Vera: Fact or Fiction, 1983
Smorgasbord Newsletter (FNIA CES), 3 issues, 1983
Seasoned Citizen Newsletter (HECE), 2 articles, 1982
Employed Homemaker (HECE), 4 articles, 1982
Employed Homemaker (HECE), 1 article, 1981
Smorgasbord Newsletter (FNIA CES), 2 issues, 1981
New Releases and Print Interviews
Safety Matters—Turkey, November, 2007
Proper Food Handling Helps Ensure a Safe Holiday Meal, FCS Newsline, November,
Wild Game Food Safety, September, 2007
Venison Jerky, September, 2007
Farmer’s Markets Offer Bountiful Selection of Fresh Fruits and Vegetables, FCS
Newsline, August, 2007
September is National Food Safety Month, August, 2007
Fruits, vegetables require proper handling to ensure quality and safety, 2007
Solutions for Common Canning Problems, August, 2007
Remember food safety on Independence Day, July, 2007
Food Recalls: What Consumers Need to Know, 2007
Fresh Spinach Safety, 2006
Lunchbox Safety, August, 2006
Spring Weather Can Leave Oklahomans without Electricity, April 2006
Be Prepared When Severe Weather Strikes, April 2006
New Minimum Internal Temperature Established for Cooked Poultry, April 2006
Fruit Makes and Excellent Summertime Snack, FCS Newsline, May, 2006
Food Safety after a Storm, April, 2005
Breakfast is Still the Most Important Meal of the Day, September, 2005
Keep Food Safety in Mind When Grouping Errands, September, 2005
Food Safety and Conserving Gas, September 2005
Food and Water Safety after a Flood, September, 2005
Turkeys Are Not Only Meat on Holiday Menus, October 2005
Unwrap Home Food Safety This Holiday Season, November, 2005
FCS Newsline article, Fruit Makes Excellent Summertime Snack, 2005
For Oklahoma Beef Cooking School for Youth (to be used by county educators), 2005:
• Grant award release
• Promotion release
• Post school release
• 30 second radio script release
• 60 second radio script release
Food Safety Mobile to Make Appearance at Oklahoma State Fair, 2004
Food Freshness is Key Characteristic of Food Quality, 2004
Safe Cooking without Power Possible, 2004
Smart Summer Snacking, 2004
FCS Newsline article, 2004
What Consumers Need to Know about Hepatitis A, 2003
FCS Newsline article, 2003
Emergency Water Supplies—A Good In-home Precaution, 2003
Food Safety: A Key Part of Post-storm Cooking, 2003
Tornadoes Leave Many Oklahomans without Power, 2003
Make Your Own Bottled Water, 2003
Food Safety is Important during Halloween, 2002
Mailing Holiday Food, 2002
Tailgating, 2002
Canola Oil is Safe, 2001
Irradiation, 2001
Microwave Safety is a Must for Preparing After-School Snacks, 2001
1999—5 releases
1997—11 releases
Fruits, Runners World, May, 1990
Oklahoma Thanksgiving, Oklahoma Rural News (Oklahoma Rural Electric Cooperatives
publication), 1990
1987—20 releases
1986—30 releases
1985—68 releases
1984—63 releases
1983—63 releases
1982—50 releases
1981—49 releases
Oklahoma Living Cooking Contest, recipe evaluation & product judging, OSU FAPC,
4-H Consumer Judging Kits:
Measuring, 2007
Snack Choices, 2006
Dessert Choices, 2005
Cleveland County Fair, 2007
Oklahoma Beef Cook-Off, 1995, 1997, 1999, 2001, 2003, 2005, 2007
Oklahoma State Fair, Adult food preservation exhibits, Oklahoma City, September, 20042007
Oklahoma State Fair, 4-H Youth food and nutrition exhibits, Oklahoma City, annually
Tulsa State Fair, 4-H Youth food and nutrition exhibits, Tulsa, annually
4H RoundUp demonstrations, annually
Cookie Baking Contest, Will Rogers Elementary School, 2000
CNEP “Name That Program” contest, 2000
Garfield County Fair, 1999
Kay County Fair, 1997
National Association of Extension Home Economists Awards, Tulsa, 1995
Oklahoma Beef Ambassador’s Youth Beef Cooking Contest, Stillwater, 1995
Payne County Food Festival, Stillwater, 1989, 1990
A-OK Cook Off, Oklahoma City, 1987, 1988, 1990
State Pecan Show, Shangri La, 1990
District A-OK Cook Off, Stillwater, 1988
St. John’s Church Cook Off, Stillwater, 1982, 1988
Payne County Pecan Show, 1987
Southern Oklahoma Pecan Show, Ardmore, 1986
Christmas Tree Skirt Contest, Alfalfa County, 1984
Payne County Pecan Show, 1981, 1982, 1984
Muskogee County Area Fair, 1984
Oklahoma Broiler Show, Muskogee, 1982, 1983
Oklahoma Pecan Show, 1982
National Committees:
National Watermelon Promotion Board Public Member, 1991-1996
National Watermelon Promotion Board Marketing Committee, 1992-1996, chair,
National Watermelon Promotion Board Strategic Planning Committee, 1991
USDA CES Nutrition Labeling Task Force, 1991-1992
Regional Cooperative Extension Service Committees:
Cooperative Extension Curriculum Project (CECP) Food, Nutrition and Food Safety
(FN&FS) Module Development Team; 2004-2007: Cooperative Extension Service
Southern Region
Southern Region Core Competencies in Food, Nutrition and Food Safety development
committee, member, 2001-2003
Southern Region Water Quality Workshop program committee, 1996
SERA-IEG Food Safety Committee, OSU representative, 1992
Oklahoma State University Committees:
Advisory Committee on Naming University Facilities, 1987-1990
Allied Arts and Entertainment committee, 1985-1987
Women’s Council, Communications and Public Relations Committee, 1984
College of Human Environmental Sciences Committees:
Human Environmental Sciences Dean’s Faculty Advisors, 2005-2008, chair 2007-2008;
Winterfeldt Chair for Nutrition and Health in Aging fundraising committee member,
Faculty Affairs Committee, 1995-1998
Group facilitator, HES winter retreat, 1996
Recruitment and Retention Committee, 1984
Senior Reception Committee, 1982-1984
College Recruitment Committee, 1983
Division of Agricultural Science and Natural Resources Committees:
4-H Curriculum Management Team, 2007
DASNR Search Committee for the host of “Oklahoma Gardening” television program,
DASNR Search Committee for the Director of Agricultural Communications, 2006-2007
DASNR Extension Disaster Education Network, Oklahoma Representative, 2005-2007
DASNR Search Committee for the Associate Director for Oklahoma Cooperative
Extension Service, 2005-2006
Electronic Fact Sheet Review committee member, 2001
Biotechnology Task Force, 2001
DASNR Water Quality Initiative Team member, 1998
Food Safety Team member, 1990-1998
DASNR Search Committee for the host of “Oklahoma Gardening” television program,
DASNR Ag. Faculty Council, 1996-1997, secretary
Food Processing Center Microbiologist Search Committee, 1996
Food Processing Center Endowed Chair, Microbiology, Search Committee, 1996
OCES efforts for National Drinking Water Week, 1995
DASNR Dean’s Faculty Advisory Group, 1990-1991
DASNR International Program Study Committee, 1981-1983
Department of Nutritional Sciences Committees:
NSCI Reappointment, Promotion and Tenure Committee, 2006-2007
RPT committee, assistant professor level, 1988, 1995-1997
FNIA Department Head Search Committee, 1982, 1987-1988,
Omniplex Committee, 1984
Southeast Oklahoma Research Center Committee, 1984
Oklahoma Cooperative Extension Service Committees:
FCS Scholarships Review Committee (Chair), 2006 - 2007
FCS Scholarships Review Committee, 2005 - 2006
FCS Publications & Awards Committee, 1991-1992, 2004-2005
4-H Exhibits Task Force, 2004
HECE Statewide In-service Committee (Chair), 2003
HECE Statewide In-service Committee, 2002-2003
OCES Water Quality Task Force, member, 1988-2002
FCS Recognitions and Awards (Chair) 2001-2002
Web Page Committee, (Chair) 1998-2000
Healthy Living Steering Committee, 1997-2000
Nutrition, Health & Wellness Impact Team Planning Committee, 1999-2000
Curriculum Committee, (Chair), 2000
FCS/4-H & Youth Annual In-service, (Chair), 1999-2000
FCS/4-H & Youth Annual In-service, (Co-chair), 1998-1999
FCS Ambassadors Recruitment Committee, 1998
FCS Web Committee, 1996-1998
FCS Publication Review Committee, 1989, 1990, 1996
FCS Faculty Development Committee, 1996
FCE advisor, Health & Safety Committee, 1996
Food Safety and Quality Team, chair, 1992-1996
4-H Director Search Committee, 1996
Oklahoma cooperative Extension Annual Conference, co-chair, 1994-1995
Oklahoma Association of Family and Community Education, Nutrition and Health
committee advisor, 1995
HECE Health Specialist Search Committee, chair, 1995
HECE Recognition and Awards Committee, chair 1995-1996
HECE Professional Development Committee, 1992
OCES 4-H Review Team, 1991
Nutrition Specialist Search Committee, chair, 1989-1990
Home Based Business Steering Committee, 1990
4 Year Strategic Planning Task Force, 1990
OCES Annual Conference, Water Quality Tract organizer, 1989-1990
Mother’s Choice: Life Styles of Healthy Outcomes, March of Dimes Conference
organizer, 1990
HECE Statewide In-service Planning Committee, 1989
SW District Director Search Committee, 1988
USDA Service Awards Committee, 1987, chair, 1988
OSU Days Committee, chair, 1988
EFNEP halt-time position search committee, 1987
NW District Director Search Committee, 1987
OSU Days for Families Registration Committee, 1984
Food and Nutrition State Specialist Search committee, 1984
OSU Days for Families, Banquet Committee, 1981, 1982, chair, 1983
OSU Days for Families, Exhibits Committee, 1981
Oklahoma Home and Community Educators (OHCE):
Advisor, 1982-1988, 1989-1990, 2000-2003, 2006
Professional Service:
Oklahoma Fit Kids Coalition member, 2004-2007
Cooperative Extension-Family & Consumer Sciences Ambassadors Newsletter
Committee, 2005-2007
Ad Hoc reviewer for Journal of Nutrition Education and Behavior, 2003-2005
OHECE Ambassadors Board member, 2005-2007, 1996-1998
Oklahoma Dietetics Association board member, 1995
Oklahoma Dietetic Association Continuing Education Committee, chair, 1991
Leukemia Society of Oklahoma, Cookbook project committee, 1989
March of Dimes, Maternal Health Project team member, 1989
Diversity Training, OSU, 2007
HES Retreat, OSU, January, 2006
OCES Conference, OSU, January, 2006
Food & Agriculture Processing Center Research Symposium, OSU, February, 2006
Safety Training, NSCI, OSU, March, 2006
Society for Nutrition Education annual conference, attended, San Francisco, CA, July,
Food & Nutrition Extension Educators section of the Society for Nutrition Education
meeting, attended, San Francisco, CA, July, 2006
Fighting fat after 30, Institute for Natural Resources, Tulsa, July, 2006
Fast Food Tips, Institute for Natural Resources, home study course, 2006
Chocolate: food, drug, or preventative medicine, Institute for Natural Resources, home
study course, 2006
HES Retreat, OSU, August, 2006
Certificate of Training in Adult Weight Management Program, American Dietetic
Association, Kansas City, MO, 2006
Preventing Childhood Overweight and Obesity Conference, Orlando, FL, 2005
HES Retreat, OSU, 2005
Sexual Harassment Gender Discrimination Policy Training, OSU, 2005
Beef Quality Summit, OSU Animal Science, 2005
IRB training, OSU, 2005
Triumph Program, Oklahoma City, 2005
CES Southern Region CECP-Online Training, 2003
Bioethics workshop, OSU, 2002
Food and Nutrition Extension Educators section, Society for Nutrition Education,
Oklahoma, CA, 2001
Society for Nutrition Education Annual Conference, Oakland, CA, 2001
Biotechnology: The Science and the Issues in Food Safety, OCES, OSU/OKC, 2001
OCES/FCS Statewide in-service training, OSU, 2001
National Food Polity Conference, Washington, D.C., 2000
Food and Nutrition Extension Educators meeting, Baltimore, MD, 1999
Society for Nutrition Education annual meeting, Baltimore, MD, 1999
American Dietetic Association Annual Meeting, Atlanta, GA, 1999
Southern Region Accountability Workshop, Atlanta, GA, 1999
USDA National Food Safety Conference, Guide to Minimize Microbial Food Safety
Hazards for Fresh Fruits and Vegetables, Orlando, FL, 1999
Promoting a Healthy Head Start, Memphis, TN, 1998
American Dietetic Association Annual Meeting, Kansas City, MO, 1998
Society for Nutrition Education, Albuquerque, NM, including pre-conference for
Cooperative Extension Section, 1998
Ensuring Safe and healthy Food: finding the right Solutions, Public Voice Food Policy
Conference, Washington, D.C., 1998
Lotus Notes, OSU, 1998
Forming Partnerships From Farm-to-Table, National HACCP Education Conference,
Atlanta, 1997
American Dietetic Association Annual Meeting, Boston, MA, 1997
Intermediate PowerPoint, OSU, 1997
Windows 95, OSU, 1997
Beginning PowerPoint, OSU, 1996
Teletraining Institute, Stillwater, 1996
EPA Region VI workshop on Farm*A*Syst, Dallas, TX 1995
Institute of Food Technologists Convention, Anaheim, CA, 1995
Institute of Food Technologists Convention, New Orleans, LA, 1992
American Dietetic Association National Meeting, Washington, D.C., 1992
Children and Nutrition conference, Washington, D.C., 1992
American Dietetic Association National Meeting, Chicago, IL, 1995
Oklahoma Dietetic Association spring meeting, 1991
Oklahoma Dietetic Association Spring and Fall Meetings, 1990
HECE Retreats on Strategic Planning, August and September, 1990
EPA Regional comparative Risk Communication Program, Dallas, TX, 1990
ECOP Risk Communication Workshop, Charlotte NC, 1990
American Dietetic Association National Meeting, Kansas City, MO, 1989
Oklahoma Home Economics Association Spring Convention, Chickasha, 1987
Oklahoma Dietetic Association Spring Convention, Oklahoma City, 1987
Society for Nutrition Education National Convention, San Francisco, 1987
FDA Consumer Exchange, Stillwater, 1987
National Beef Cook-Off, Sun Valley, ID, 1987
Oklahoma Dietetics Association Fall Meeting, 1987
Experimental Food Processing in Oklahoma, Stillwater, 1987
ECOP Food and Nutrition Specialists National Meeting, Atlanta, 1986
Oklahoma Dietetic Association Spring and Fall Meetings, 1986
Calcium-Sodium Connection videoconference, presented by the National Dairy Council,
American Home Economics Association Annual convention, Kansas City, MO, 1986
American Dietetic Association Annual Convention, Las Vegas, NV, 1986
Principles and Practices in Thermal Processing of Foods in the Home, Louisiana State
University Short course, 1984
Oklahoma Nutrition Task Force Conference, Oklahoma City, 1984
Oklahoma Home Economics Association Convention, Oklahoma City, 1984
Uplink to Food and Fitness, Sunkist Video conference, Oklahoma City, 1984
Making Food Dollars count 2, Oklahoma City, 1984
American Dietetic Association National Conference, Houston, TX, 1984
Microcomputer Workshop, OSU, 1983
Evaluation of Extension Programs, 1983
Teaching Methods for Extension Audiences, 1983
Oklahoma Dietetic Association, Spring meeting, Oklahoma City, 1983
Oklahoma Home Economics Association, Spring, Stillwater, 1983
Families and Aging Conference, OSU, 1983
Mid-America Consumer Conference, Oklahoma City, 1983
Hoeflin conference, Manhattan, KS, 1983
Oklahoma Dietetic Association Spring and Fall meetings, 1982
Nutrition Symposium, Oklahoma City, 1982
Third World Symposium, OSU, 1982
Mid-America Consumer Conference, Oklahoma City, 1982
Title IX Workshop, OSU, 1982
Oklahoma Dietetic Association conference, 1981
Southern Regional Home Economics conference, Tulsa, 1981
ECOP Food and Nutrition Specialists National Conference, Chicago, 1981
Oklahoma Dietetic Association Legislative Workshop, 1981
Certificate of Appreciation from Extension Disaster Education Network (EDEN),
October 2005
Certificate of Appreciation from USDA FSIS for efforts in organizing Food Safety
Mobile visit at the Oklahoma State Fair, 2004
Award of Appreciation from the Public Affairs Office, Dallas District Office, U.S. Food
and Drug Administration for collaboration on Food Safety Education Month
programming in 2001 and 2002
Kraft Foods Consumer Center Media Grant Award, National Extension Association of
Family and Consumer Sciences, 2002
Kraft Foods Consumer Center Media Grant Award, Southern Region Finalist, National
Extension Association of Family and Consumer Sciences, 2001
Oklahoma Extension Association of Family & Consumer Sciences,
Award of Excellence, Food Safety Award, October, 2001
Award of Excellence for Educational Curriculum Package, April 2001
Award of Excellence for Educational Technology, April 2001
Healthy Living A-Z Impact Team Curriculum Committee, Kraft Foods Consumer
Center, 2001
Oklahoma Cooperative Extension Service Outstanding State Program Award, for Healthy
Living Group, 1999
Marketing and Visibility Program (MVP) Award for excellence in marketing as part of
the Oklahom*A*Syst team, Honorable Mention, 1998
Outstanding State Specialist, Home Economics Cooperative Extension Service, for
"Outstanding Broadcast Media Use in the Delivery of Food Quality and Food Safety
Education, 1993
Outstanding Faculty Award, Cooperative Extension Oklahoma State University, 1993
OSU Graduate Faculty, Member
American and Oklahoma Dietetic Associations
Oklahoma State Campaign Chairman, 1993-96
Oklahoma Continuing Education Committee Chair, 1990-91
Oklahoma Diet Manual Revision Committee, chair, 1990
Oklahoma Professional Development Committee, chair, 1990
Oklahoma State Treasurer, 1987-1989
Oklahoma Fall Meeting Chairman, 1987
Oklahoma Fall Meeting Vice Chairman, 1986
American and Oklahoma Home Economics Associations
Membership Chair, Oklahoma Extension Section, 1987-89
Chair, Oklahoma Food and Nutrition Section, 1986-88
Society for Nutrition Education and Behavior
Journal Reviewer, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005
Book Reviewer, 1988, 1993
Presented papers, national meeting, Montreal, 1997, Orlando, 2005
National Watermelon Promotion Board, Public Member, 1991-1996
Strategic Planning Committee, chair, 1992-1993
Marketing Committee, chair, 1996, member, 1991-1995
Institute of Food Technologists, member, 1984-1990
American Council on Science and Health, member
National Council Against Health Fraud, member
Oklahoma Home Economics Association
Food and Nutrition Section chair, 1986-88
Extension Section Membership chair, 1988
Omicron Nu
Phi Upsilon Omicron
REVISED April 17, 2008
Department of Nutritional Sciences
Oklahoma State University
Stillwater, OK 74078
(405) 744-2033
University of Wisconsin-Madison
Nutritional Sciences
Madison, WI
August 2004
University of Oklahoma Health Sciences Center
Nutritional Sciences
Oklahoma City, OK
December 1996
University of Oklahoma Health Sciences Center
Nutritional Sciences
Oklahoma City, OK
May 1994
Assistant Professor, Department of Nutritional Sciences, College of Human
Environmental Sciences, Oklahoma State University
NIH Postdoctoral Fellow, Department of Physiology (emphasis in Molecular
Cardiology), University of Texas-Southwestern Medical Center (March 2005-July
Research Assistant, Department of Nutritional Sciences, University of
Wisconsin-Madison (1997-2004)
Role of Phosphorylation on the Fe-S Cluster-Independent Regulation of
Translational Regulation of Mitochondrial Aconitase and Ferroportin
mRNA by Iron Regulatory Proteins.
NIH Pre-doctoral Trainee in Nutrition, UW-Madison, Department of Nutritional
Sciences (1999-2001).
Adjunct Assistant Professor, Department of Nutritional Sciences, University of
Oklahoma (1997) Clinical Nutrition and Nutrition Education.
Research Technician, Department of Immunology, Oklahoma Medical Research
Foundation (1996-1997): Transcriptional Regulation of (1) PPARs by CEBPs
and (2) TNF by PPAR
Research Assistant, Department of Nutritional Science, University of
Oklahoma (1995-1996): Role of Aluminum and Fluoride in Mineral Deposition in
Assistant Professor, Department of Nutritional Sciences, Oklahoma State
University, Stillwater, OK. [NSCI 5732, Experimental Methods in Nutritional
Sciences, and NSCI 5123/6453, Research Developments in Nutritional Sciences]
Adjunct Assistant Professor, Department of Nutritional Sciences, University of
Oklahoma Health Sciences Center, Oklahoma City, OK, 1997. [NS 4126 Lab,
Medical Nutrition Therapy II, and NS 3253 Lab, Principles of Food Science]
Adjunct Instructor, Department of Nutritional Sciences, University of Oklahoma
Health Sciences Center, Oklahoma City, OK, 1996. [AHE 4492, Instructional
Techniques for Allied Health Professionals]
Graduate Assistant, Department of Nutritional Sciences, University of Oklahoma
Health Sciences Center, Oklahoma City, OK 1995. [NS 3246 Lab, Medical
Nutrition Therapy I, and NS 3133 Lab, Principles of Food Preparation]
American Dietetic Association
Oklahoma Dietetic Association
American Society for Nutrition
American Association for the Advancement of Science
2005 NIH Postdoctoral Fellowship in Molecular Cardiology
2003 Goessling Travel Scholarship
2003 WALSSA Travel Award
2001 Special Goessling Graduate Student Travel Scholarship
1999 IGPNS Annual Poster Competition, 2nd place
1999 Goessling/Linksweiler Travel Scholarship
1998 American Dietetic Association Corporate Scholarship
1997 OUHSC Dean’s Award for Distinguished Achievement by a Graduate Student
1997 OUHSC Department of Nutritional Sciences Outstanding Graduate Student
1997 OUHSC College of Allied Health Outstanding Instructor Nomination
1997 Shirley Enders-Smith Scholarship
1996 Oklahoma Dietetic Association Scholarship
1995 OUHSC Graduate Student Association Research Grant
Dioum EM, Clarke SL, Ding K, Repa JJ, Garcia JA. HIF-2{alpha}
haploinsufficient mice have blunted retinal neovascularization due to impaired
expression of a proangiogenic gene battery. Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci. 2008 Feb
15; [Epub ahead of print]
Valasek MA, Clarke SL, and Repa JJ. “Fenofibrate reduces intestinal cholesterol
absorption via PPARalpha -dependent modulation of NPC1L1 expression in
mouse”. J Lipid Research 2007 August 28 [Epub ahead of print].
Clarke SL, Vasanthakumar A, Anderson SA, Pondarre C, Koh CM, Deck KM,
Pitula JS, Epstein CJ, Fleming MD, and Eisenstein RS. “Iron-responsive
degradation of iron-regulatory protein 1 does not require the Fe-S cluster”.
EMBO J. 2006 Feb 8;25(3):544-53.
Pondarre C, Antiochos BB, Campagna DR, Clarke SL, Greer EL, Deck KM,
McDonald A, Han AP, Medlock A, Kutok JL, Anderson SA, Eisenstein RS, and
Fleming MD. “The mitochondrial ATP-binding cassette transporter Abcb7 is
essential in mice and participates in cytosolic iron-sulfur cluster biogenesis”.
Hum Mol Genet. 2006 Mar 15;15(6):953-64.
Rincker MJ, Clarke SL, Eisenstein RS, Link JE, and Hill GM. “Effects of iron
supplementation on binding activity of iron-regulatory proteins and the
subsequent effect on growth performance and indices of hematological and
mineral status of young pigs”. J Anim Sci. 2005 Sep;83(9):2137-45.
Pitula JS, Deck KM, Clarke SL, Anderson SA, Vasanthakumar A, and Eisenstein
RS. “Selective inhibition of the citrate-to-isocitrate reaction of cytosolic
aconitase by phosphomimetic mutation of serine-711”. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA.
2004 Jul 27:101(30):10907-12
Bradly J, Leibold EA, Harris ZL, Wobken JD, Clarke S, Zumbrennen KB,
Eisenstein RS, and Georgieff MK. “The Influence of Gestational Age and Fetal
Iron Status on Iron Regulatory Protein Activity and Iron Transporter protein
Expression in Third Trimester Human Placenta”. Am J Physiol Regul Integr
Comp Physiol 2004 Oct; 287(4):R894-901.
Hill MR, Clarke SL, Rodgers K, Thornhill B. Peters J, Gonzalez F, and Gimble
JM. “Effect of Peroxisome Proliferator-Activated Receptor Alpha Activators on
Tumor Necrosis Factor Expression in Mice During Endotoxemia”, Infection and
Immunity, 67(7):3488-3493 (1999).
Gimble JM, Robinson CE, Clarke SL, and Hill MR. “Nuclear Hormone
Receptors and Adipogenesis”, Critical Reviews in Eukaryotic Gene Expression,
8(2):141-168 (1998).
Clarke SL, Robinson CE, and Gimble JM. “CAAT/Enhancer Binding Proteins
Directly Modulate Transcription for the Peroxisome Proliferator-Activated
Receptor γ2 Promoter”, Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications,
240:99-103 (1997).
Ross KL*, Clarke SL*, Bruss MD, Vasanthakumar A, Anderson SA, and
Eisenstein RS. “Differential Effect of Iron on Mitochondrial Aconitase and LFerritin Expression In Vivo: Selective Translational Regulation of mRNA with 5’
Iron Responsive Elements”. * These authors contributed equally to this work.
Anderson SA, Clarke, SL.. Vasanthakumar A, and Eisenstein RS. “Loss of
Superoxide Dismutase 1 Leads to Enhanced Activation of IRP1: Role of Iron in
Modulating IRP1 Protein Abundance and Activity Independent of Iron-Sulfur
Clarke SL, Anderson SA, Vasanthakumar A, Ross KL, Deck KM, and Eisenstein
RS. “Tissue Specific Modulation of Iron Regulatory Proteins: Evidence for Two
Modes for IRP1 Regulation in Skeletal Muscle”.
BioIron 2003, The International BioIron Society World Congress on Iron
Metabolism, May 2003.
“Translational Regulation of Ferroportin mRNA by Iron Deficiency and Iron
Overload in Rat Liver”. SL Clarke, KL Ross, A Vasanthakumar, and RS
Eisenstein. (Poster)
“Critical Role of Protein Degradation in the Regulation of Iron Regulatory Protein
1 (IRP1) by Phosphorylation or Oxidative Stress”. RS Eisenstein, SL Clarke, and
SA Anderson. (Poster)
Experimental Biology 2003, April 2003.
“Expression of the Iron Export Protein Ferroportin is Translationally Regulated in
Rat Liver and RAW 264.7 Macrophages”. SL Clarke, KL Ross, A
Vasanthakumar, MD Bruss, and RS Eisenstein. (Oral Presentation)
RNA 2002, Seventh Annual Meeting of the TNA Society, May 2002.
“Iron Regulatory Proteins as Modulators of Mammalian Fuel Metabolism”. SL
Clarke, KL Ross, MD Bruss, and RS Eisenstein. (Poster)
Experimental Biology 2002, April 2002.
“The Role of S138 Phosphorylation in Modulating the Function of Iron
Regulatory Protein 1: Alterations in Iron-Sulfur Cluster Stability”. SL Clarke and
RS Eisenstein. (Oral Presentation)
“Mitochondrial Aconitase is Translationally Regulated in Rats Fed and IronDeficient Diet”. KL Ross, SL Clarke, MD Bruss, and RS Eisenstein. (Oral
FASEB Summer Research Conference, Regulation of Gene Expression by
Dietary Constituents, August 2001.
“The Role of S138 in Modulating the Function of Iron Regulatory Protein:
Implications for Altering Cluster Assembly and RNA-Protein Interactions”. SL
Clarke and RS Eisenstein. (Poster)
Experimental Biology 1999, April 1999
“Phosphomimetic Mutants of Iron Regulatory Protein 1 Preferentially
Accumulate in the RNA Binding Form in Rat Fibroblasts”. SL Clarke and RS
Eisenstein. (Poster)
“Differential Effect of Hypoxia on RNA Binding and Phosphorylation of Iron
Regulatory Proteins”. KP Blemings, SL Clarke, and RS Eisenstein. (Oral
Experimental Biology 1997, April 1997.
“Effects of Exogenous Sex Hormones and a Calcium-Deficient Diet High in
Starch or Fructose on Bone Strength of the Femur in Female Rats”. SL Clarke
and E Koh. (Poster)
“Effects of Fluoride and Aluminum Exposure to Dams Prior to and During
Gestation on Mineral Composition of Bone and Selected Soft Tissues Dams and
Pups”. SL Clarke and E Koh. (Poster)
Experimental Biology 1996, April 1996.
“Comparison of Bone-Related Nutrient Intake by Different Ethnic PostMenopausal Women”. SL Clarke and E Koh. (Poster)
Janice R. Hermann, Ph.D., R.D./L.D.
Associate Department Head
Professor and Nutrition Education Specialist
Department of Nutritional Sciences
Oklahoma State University
February 2007
Business Address:
301 HES, Department of Nutritional Sciences
Oklahoma State University
Stillwater, OK 74078-0337
Tel: (405) 744-4601
Ph.D. (1983) College of Home Economics, Emphasis in Foods and Nutrition, Kansas State University
M.S. (1979) Foods and Nutrition, Department of Foods and Nutrition, Kansas State University
(1977) Foods and Nutrition, Department of Foods and Nutrition, Kansas State University
Nominated for CHES Outstanding Graduate Faculty Mentor 2006
Marguerite Scruggs Award for Meritorious Research in Human Environmental Sciences 2005
Nominated for CHES Outstanding Graduate Faculty Mentor 2005
Oklahoma Cooperative Extension Service Outstanding State Program Award, 1999
Oklahoma Cooperative Extension Service FCS Ambassadors Outstanding Program Award, 1998
OHEA Lela O'Toole Research Award 1990
Nominated for Outstanding Oklahoma Cooperative Extension Service Faculty Award 1988
Nominated for Outstanding Oklahoma Cooperative Extension Service Faculty Award 1987
OSU Graduate Faculty, Member with doctoral privileges
American Dietetic Association (ADA)
Oklahoma Dietetic Association (ODA)
2005 – Present Associate Department Head, Department of Nutritional Sciences, Oklahoma State University,
Stillwater, OK
1996 - 2005
Professor, Department of Nutritional Sciences, Oklahoma State University, Stillwater, OK
1990 - 1996
Associate Professor and Tenured, Department of Nutritional Sciences, Oklahoma State University,
Stillwater, OK
1985 - 1990
Assistant Professor, Department of Nutritional Sciences, Oklahoma State University, Stillwater,
1984 - 1985
Assistant Professor, Department of Foods and Nutrition, Texas Tech University, Lubbock, TX
1982 - 1983
Graduate Teaching Assistant, Department of Foods and Nutrition, Kansas State University,
Manhattan, KS
Summer 1982 Assistant Professor (visiting), College of Home Economics, SE Missouri State University, Cape
Girardeau, MO
Spring 1982
Graduate Teaching Assistant, Department of Foods and Nutrition, Kansas State University,
Manhattan, KS
1980 - 1981
Graduate Teaching Assistant, Department of Statistics, Kansas State University, Manhattan, KS
1979 - 1980
Graduate Research Assistant, Department of Animal Science, Kansas State University, Manhattan,
Principles of Nutrition
Nutrition and Health Issues
Diet and Health - (Graduate)
Diet Therapy - (Graduate)
Nutrition for Majors
Diet Therapy (Nutrition Majors)
Life Cycle Nutrition
Community Nutrition
Food Science
Meal Management
Food Demonstration
Diet Therapy (Nursing Majors)
Nutrition in Aging
Principles of Nutrition
Principles of Nutrition Lab
Business and Economic Statistics
Oklahoma State University
Oklahoma State University
Oklahoma State University
Oklahoma State University
Texas Tech University
Texas Tech University
Texas Tech University
Texas Tech University
Texas Tech University
Texas Tech University
Texas Tech University
SE Missouri State University
SE Missouri State University
SE Missouri State University
Kansas State University (GTA)
Kansas State University (GTA)
PUBLICATIONS: *graduate student or professional supervised
DeVault, N., Kennedy, T., Hermann, J., Mwavita, M., Rask, P. & Jaworsky, A. (Submitted Fall 2007) It’s all
about kids: Preventing overweight in elementary school children in tulsa, oklahoma. Journal of the American
Dietetic Association.
*Quigley, K., Hermann, J. & Warde, W. (In Press 2007) Identifying Problem Areas Among Congregate Meal
Participants. Journal of Nutrition Education and Behavior.
Parker, S., Pinto, V., Kennedy, T., Phelps, J. & Hermann, J. (2007) Food Choices and coping strategies during
periods of perceived food shortage: Perspectives from four racial/ethnic groups. Journal of Extension, 45(5). .
Hermann, J., Parker, S., Brown, B., Siewe, Y. Denney, B. & (2006) After School Gardening Improves Children’s
Reported Vegetable Intake and Physical Activity. Journal of Nutrition Education and Behavior, 38(3):201-202.
*Quigley, K., Hermann, J. & Warde, W. (2006) Factors associated with Oklahoma Older Americans Act Nutrition
Program participants’ ability to shop, cook and feed themselves. Journal of Nutrition for the Elderly, 25(2):6982.
Hermann, J., Carson, A., Muske, G. & Keim, K. (2005) Using a Nutrition Web Site as a Resource for County
Educators: Evaluating Oklahoma Cooperative Extension Service’s Experience. Journal of Extension, 43(4).
Brown, B. & Hermann, J. (2005) Cooking Classes Increase Fruit and Vegetable Intake and Food Safety Behaviors
in Youth and Adults. Journal of Nutrition Education and Behavior, 37;104-105.
Brown, B. & Hermann, J. (2004) Super Nutrition Activity Program, Journal of Extension, 42(4).
*Smith, B., Brown, B. & Hermann, J. (2003) Impact of a Physical Activity Program Emphasizing Cardiovascular
Fitness, Muscular Strength & Flexibility Among Middle-aged Women. Journal of Nutrition Education and
Behavior, 35:215-216.
*Rhee, Y.S., Hermann, J.R., Burnham, K., Arquitt, A.B. & Stoecker, B.J. (2002) The effects of chromium and
copper supplementation on mitogen stimulated T cell proliferation in hypercholesterolemic postmenopausal
women. Clinical and Experimental Immunology, 127:463-469.
*Hunt, D., Stoecker, B.J., Hermann, J.R., Kopel, B., Williams, G.S. & Claypool, P.L. (2002) Effects of nutrition
education programs on anthropometric measurements and pregnancy outcomes of adolescents. Journal of the
American Dietetic Association, 102:S100-S102.
Hermann, J., Williams, G. & Hunt, D. (2001) Effect of nutrition education by paraprofessionals on dietary intake,
maternal weight gain and infant birth weight in pregnant native american and caucasian adolescents. Journal of
Extension, 39(1).
Hermann, J., Brown B. & Heintz, S. (2000) Impact of a nutrition promotion program on dietary behaviors, dietary
intake, and health measures in adults over fifty-five years of age. Journal of Nutrition for the Elderly, 19:1-14.
Hermann, J., Chung, H., Arquitt, A., Goad, C., Burns, M. & Chan, B. (1998) Effect of chromium and copper
supplementation on plasma lipids and glucose in adults age 50 and above. Journal of Nutrition for the Elderly.
Hermann, J., Goad, C., Arquitt, A., Stoecker, R., Porter, Chung, H. & Claypool, P.L. (1998) Effects of chromium,
copper and zinc on plasma lipids in male japanese quail. Nutrition Research, 18:1017-1027.
Hermann, J., Goad, C., Porter, R., Stoecker, B., Adeleye, B., Claypool, P., Arquitt, A. & Brusewitz, G. (1997)
Effects of chromium, copper and zinc on femur fracture force and bone mineral concentrations in male japanese
quail. Nutrition Research, 17:1529-1540.
Hermann, J., Arquitt, A. & Stoecker, B. (1994) Effect of chromium supplementation on plasma lipids,
apolipoproteins and glucose in older adults. Nutrition Research, 14:671-674.
Hermann, J., Arquitt, A. & Hanson, C. (1993) Relationships between dietary minerals and plasma lipids and
glucose among older adults. Journal of Nutrition for the Elderly, 12:1-14.
*Selk, M. & Hermann, J. (1993) Teachable moment with single concept cards. Journal of Extension, 31:29.
Hermann, J., Hanson, C. & Kopel, B. (1992) Fiber intake of older adults: relationship to mineral intakes. Journal
of Nutrition for the Elderly, 11:21-33.
Hermann, J. (1991) Satellite videoconferences for training. Journal of Extension, 29:32.
Hermann, J. & Spallholz, J. (1991) Comparative toxicity of D- and L-seleniomethionine in 344 fisher rats. J. Trace
Elements in Experimental Medicine, 4:69-71.
Arquitt, A., Stoecker, B., Hermann, J. & Winterfeldt, E. (1991) Dehydroepiandrosterone sulfate, cholesterol,
hemoglobin and anthropometric measurements related to growth in adolescent males. American Journal of
Clinical Nutrition, 91:575-579.
Hermann, J., Kopel, B., McCrory, M. & Kulling, F., (1990) Effect of a cooperative extension nutrition and
exercise program for older adults on nutrition knowledge, dietary intake, anthropometric measurements, and
serum lipids. Journal of Nutrition Education, 22:271-271.
Stewart, J., Fryer, B. & Fryer, H. (1987) Effects of fiber, carbohydrates, lipids, and protein levels on serum and
liver lipids in rats. Journal of Nutrition, 117:650-659.
Loney, L., Hutton, J., Stewart, J. & Spallholz, J. (1987) Nutritional concerns for alzheimer's patients. Texas
Medicine, 83:40-43.
Stewart, J. & Soliah, L. (1987) Creating Educational Excellence: Satellite videoconferencing proves effective.
Journal of Extension, 25:34-36.
George, J., Harbers, L. & Reeves, R. (1980) Digestive responses of rats to fiber type, level and particle size.
Nutrition Reports International, 21:313-322.
Harbers, L., George, J. & Reeves, R. (1980) Digestion of lettuce in rats observed by scanning electron microscopy.
Nutrition Reports International, 21:681-688.
Harbers, L., George, J. & Reeves, R. (1980) Surface changes in wheat bran by the rat digestive tract. Nutrition
Reports International, 21:849-854.
Note: Publications listed under married names Hermann and Stewart and maiden name George
Hermann, J. & Spallholz, J. (1996) Nutrition, aging and the alzheimer's patient. In: Caring For The Alzheimer's
Patient. 3rd ed. Promethius Books, Buffalo, NY, pp. 65-81.
Spallholz, J. & Stewart, J. (1989) Advances in the role of minerals in immunology. In: Biological Trace Element
Research. Humana Press, NJ, pp. 129-151.
Stewart, J. & Spallholz, J. (1988) Nutrition, aging and the alzheimer's patient. In: A Practical Guide To The Care
Of Patients With Alzheimer's Disease. Promethius Books, Buffalo, NY, pp. 51-74.
Hermann, J. & Quigley, K. (2005) Factors Affecting Rural Oklahoma Older Americans Act Participants Ability to
Shop, Cook and Eat. Economic Research Service, Food Assistance and Nutrition Research Conference,
Washington D.C., October 2005.
Arquitt, A.B., Hermann, J.R. & Adeleye, B. (1997) Relationships between indicators of mineral status and bone
mineral hormones in adults supplemented with zinc, copper or chromium. Trace Elements in Man and Animals9: Proceedings of the Ninth International Symposium on Trace Elements in Man and Animals. NRC Research
Press, Ottawa, Canada, PP 529-531.
PRESENTATION ABSTRACTS: *graduate student or professional supervised
Powell, L., Parker, S., Hermann, J.& Brown, B. (2008). Formative Assessment of Preferred Educational Delivery
Strategies Among Limited Resource Elderly. Society for Nutrition Education Annual Conference, Atlanta,
Georgia, July 2008.
Hermann, J., Romano, D., Parker, S., Phelps, J., Montogomery, D., Merten, M. & Brown, B. (2008). Differences
in 5th - 8th Grade Children’s Eating Behaviors Between Weekdays and the Weekend, Society for Nutrition
Education Annual Conference, Atlanta, Georgia, July 2008.
Brown, B., Kong, S.H. & Hermann, J. (2008) Evaluation of the Oklahoma Beef Cooking School for Youth.
Society for Nutrition Education Annual Conference, Atlanta, Georgia, July 2008.
Hermann, J., Smith, A., Phelps, J., Parker, S. & Brown, B. (2007) School based youth “Health Day” program.
Society for Nutrition Education Annual Conference, Chicago, Illinois, August 2007.
*Quigley, K. & Hermann, J. (2007) Oklahoma Elderly…Why Are They At Nutritional Risk. Oklahoma Dietetic
Association Annual Conference, Oklahoma City, Oklahoma, March 2007.
Robinson, R., Hermann, J., Brown, B., Speller-Henderson, L., Tucker, E., Greer, B., Walters, J., Sigler, P., Rice,
L., Roy, H., Stanciu, C., York-Friendship, D., Weese, J., Lackey, C., Harrison, J. & Burney, J. (2006). CECP:
Your Path to Training. Society for Nutrition Education Pre-conference, San Francisco, CA, July 2006.
Hermann, J., Parker, S., Brown, B. & Siewe, Y. (2006) Effect of an after school gardening program on youth daily
physical activity. Children, Youth and Families at Risk Annual Conference, Atlanta, Georgia, May 2006.
Hermann, J. & Quigley, K. (2005) Factors Affecting Rural Oklahoma Older Americans Act Participants Ability to
Shop, Cook and Eat. Economic Research Service, Food Assistance and Nutrition Research Conference,
Washington D.C., October 2005.
*Phelps, J., Hermann, J., Smith, A. & Parker, S. (2005) Holistic approach facilitating health improvements in
school age youth. Society for Nutrition Education, Orlando Florida, July 2005.
*Phelps, J., Parker, S. & Hermann, J. (2005) Investigating sustainability and impact of a participatory schoolbased health program using a case study approach.
*Smith, A., Hermann, J. & Parker, S. (2005) Working To Improve Youth Fitness: Circuit Training for School Age
Children. Children, Youth and Families at Risk Annual Conference.
Hermann, J., Parker, S., Brown, B., Siewe, Y & Denney, B. (2005) After-School Health Education Incorporating
Gardening Improves Youth Health Behaviors. Children, Youth and Families at Risk Annual Conference.
*Quigley, K. & Hermann, J. (2004) Evaluating Factors Associated with High Nutritional Risk Among Oklahoma
Title III Elderly Nutrition Program Participants. Association of Gerontology in Higher Education Annual
*Smith, A., Hermann, J., Parker, S., Smith, B., Brown, B. & Siewe, Y. (2004) Circuit Training and Personal Goal
Setting To Improve Personal Health. Children, Youth and Families at Risk Annual Conference.
*Denney, B., Hermann, J., Parker, S., Brown, B., Smith, B., & Siewe, Y. (2004) After School Gardening Provides
Hands-On Education and Partners. Children, Youth and Families at Risk Annual Conference.
Parker, S., Hermann, J., & Kennedy, D. (2004) Participatory Action Research: A Planning and Evaluation Process
for Sustaining Community-Based Programs. Children, Youth and Families at Risk Annual Conference.
Brown, B. & Hermann, J. (2001) Impact of a combined oklahoma cooperative extension service nutrition and
physical activity programs on dietary behaviors, dietary intake, and physical activity in women over fifty years
of age. Soc. Nutr. Edu.
Brown, B. & Hermann, J. (2000) Oklahoma super nutrition activity program. SNE Annual Meeting Proceedings
Hermann, J., Rhee, Y.S., Arquitt, A.B., Kniess, J., Belvin, R., Lucas, E. & El-Osta, M.A. (1999) Effects and
interactions of chromium and copper on serum lipids, glucose and insulin in post menopausal women not using
estrogen replacement therapy. FASEB J. 12:A578.
Brown, J. & Hermann, J. (1999) Impact of youth food and nutrition program on dietary and food safety behaviors,
and physical activity in school age children. Soc Nutr Edu.
*Rhee, Y.S., Burnham, K., Hermann, J., Arquitt, A.B. & Stoecker, B.J. (1999) Effects of chromium, copper or
chromium and copper supplementation on mitogen responses of lymphocytes in postmenopausal women.
FASEB J. 12:A578.
*Heintz, S.L., Hermann, J. & Brown, B.J. (1998) Effects of an education program utilizing the dietary guidelines
and food guide pyramid on diet and health. JADA, 98:A43.
Brown, B. & Hermann, J. (1997) Oklahoma healthy living program. SNE Annual Meeting Proceedings.
Hermann, J., Arquitt, A.B., Stoecker, B.J., Lucas, E. & Dietz, G. (1997) Effect of low chromium or copper intake
on serum lipids in ovariectomized female rats. FASEB J. 11:A405.
Arquitt, A.B., Allen, C., Smith, B., Lucas, E. & Hermann, J. (1997) Effects of ovariectomy and mineral restricted
diets on growth and bone in rats. FASEB J. 11:A409.
Smith, B., Stoecker, B.J., Adeleye, B.O., Arquitt, A.B., Hermann, J., Lucas, E. & Lange, D. (1997) Ovariectomy
and chromium, copper, or magnesium depletion alter bone and clinical parameters in rats. FASEB J. 11:A387.
Adeleye, B.O., Stoecker, B.J., Smith, B., Arquitt, A.B., Hermann, J., Lucas, E., & Lange, D. (1997) Effects of
ovariectomy and chromium supplementation on growth and clinical parameters in rats. FASEB J. 11:A405.
Hermann, J., Chan, B. & Arquitt, A. (1996) Effects of chromium or copper supplementation serum osteocalcin,
parathyroid hormone and alkaline phosphatase in adults over age 50. FASEB J. 10:A785.
*Hunt, D.J., Stoecker, B.J., Hermann, J., Kopel, B.H., Williams, G., & Claypool, P.L. (1996) Beliefs and
knowledge of paraprofessionals teaching nutrition education programs for pregnant adolescents. JADA. 96:A64.
Hunt, D.J., Stoecker, B.J., Hermann, J., Kopel, B., Adeleye, B., Williams, G., Claypool, P. (1995) Effects of a
nutrition education program on dietary intakes, hematocrit, hemoglobin and serum transferrin levels of pregnant
adolescents. JADA 95:A94.
Hunt, D.J., Stoecker, B.J., Claypool, P.L., Hermann, J., Williams, G. (1995) Effects of a nutrition education
program on anthropometric measurements for expanded food and nutrition education program (EFNEP) and
native american pregnant adolescents. Soc. Nutr. Ed.
Hermann, J., Chung, H., Burns, M. & Arquitt, A. (1995) Effects of chromium or copper supplementation on
plasma lipids, glucose and serum insulin in adults over age 50. FASEB J. 9:A577.
Arquitt, A.B., Sudbattula, S., Hermann, J. & Adeleye, B. (1995) Effects of supplementation with zinc, copper or
chromium on indicators of mineral status in adults over age 50. FASEB J. 9:A449.
Hunt, D.J., Stoecker, B., Claypool, P.L., Hermann, J. & Williams, G. (Submitted 1994) Effects of a nutrition
education program on anthropometric measurements for expanded food and nutrition education program
(EFNEP) and native american pregnant adolescents. SNE J.
*Horinek, T.M., Kopel, B.H., & Hermann, J. (1994) Impact of nutrition education on adolescents' sports nutrition
knowledge and use of ergogenic products. JADA 94:A51.
Hermann, J., Nihiser, R.G., Adeleye, B.O., Arquitt, A.B., Stoecker, B.J. & Brusewitz, G.H. (1993) Interactions of
copper, zinc and chromium on bone and tissue minerals in male Japanese quail. FASEB J. 7:A78.
Arquitt, A.B., Savage, L., Adeleye, B.O., Davis, M.L. & Hermann, J. (1993) Zinc supplementation in women:
effects on indicators of copper, iron, manganese and zinc status. FASEB J. 7:A735.
Painter, J.E., Kopel, B., Hermann, J. & Weber, J.A. (1992) The effect of nutrition education on nutrition
knowledge and dietary intake of elderly residents at university village retirement center. JADA. 92:A47.
Spicer, M.T., Hong, G.S., Arquitt, A.B., Hermann, J. & Stoecker, B.J. (1992) A predictive model for health care
use by the elderly. JADA. 92:A59.
Hermann, J., Arquitt, A. & Stoecker, B. (1992) Interactions of chromium, copper and zinc on plasma lipids and
glucose in male Japanese quail. FASEB J. 6:A1951.
Hermann, J., Hanson, C. & Kopel, B. (1991) Evaluation of dietary fiber intake of older adults. JADA. 91:A107.
Hanson, C., Kopel, B. & Hermann, J. (1991) Intakes of trace minerals and fiber by healthy elderly people. JADA.
Hermann, J. & Stoecker, B. (1991) Relationships between diet, plasma lipids and apolipoproteins of older adults.
FASEB J. 5:A1666.
Arquitt, A., Hermann, J. & Stoecker, B. (1991) Relationships between plasma and erythrocyte Zn and maturation
in adolescent males. FASEB J. 5:A953.
Stoecker, B., Seaborn, C., Kiangura, R., & Hermann, J (1991) Effects of tocopherol and selenium supplementation
on vitamin A evaluated by response surface analysis. FASEB J. 5:A952.
Hermann, J., Arquitt, A., & Stoecker, B.(1990) Effect of chromium supplementation on plasma lipids in older
adults. FASEB J. 4:A525.
Hermann, J. & Kopel, B. (1989) Effect of a nutrition program for elderly on nutrition knowledge, dietary intake
and serum lipids. FASEB J. 3:A460.
Arquitt, A., Stoecker, B., Hermann, J. & Winterfeldt, E. (1989) Cholesterol, hemoglobin and plasma
dehydroepiandrosterone sulfate and related measures of growth among adolescent males. FASEB J. 3:A944.
Hermann, J. & Kopel, B. (1989) Effect of a nutrition and fitness program for elderly on exercise patterns, nutrition
knowledge, dietary intake, and serum lipids. JADA. 89:A102.
Keys, J., Hermann, J. & Allen G. (1988) Evaluation of the teaching and cost effectiveness of satellite
videoconferences. Am. Eval. Assoc. 1988.
Stewart, J. & Kopel, B. (1987) Effects of pilot nutrition exercise program on the nutritional status of the elderly.
JADA. 1987.
Stewart J., Spallholz, J., Raftery, A. & Gunasegarum, S. (1986) Comparative toxicity of D- and Lseleniomethionine in 344 Fisher rats. FASEB J. 45:A475.
Stewart J., Fryer, B. & Fryer H. (1986) Effects of fiber, carbohydrate, lipid and protein levels on serum and liver
lipids in rats. FASEB J. 45:A843.
Stewart, J. & Soliah, L. (1986) A comparison of three approaches to nutrition in-service training for cooperative
extension service home economists. JADA. 1986.
Harbers, L., George, J. & Reeves, R. (1979) Digestive responses of rats to fiber type, level and particle size.
FASEB. 1979.
Harbers, L., George, J. & Reeves, R. (1978) Digestion of lettuce and bran in rats as observed by scanning electron
microscopy. FASEB. 1978.
External Grants:
Submitted: Southern Rural Development Center; $8,573. Utilizing and Ecological Perspective as Framework for
Understanding Native American Elders’ Views of Diabetes for the Development of an Indigenous Action Plan,
2008. Parker, S., Miracle, S. & Hermann, J.
USDA Rural Health and Safety Education; $326,000. Empowering Older, Rural Oklahomans and their
Communities: Assessment and Education on Contextual Barriers to Positive Nutrition and Health, 2007. Brosi,
W., Hermann, J., Johnston, J. & Jaco, L.
Oklahoma Department of Health and Human Services; $2,544,672. Oklahoma Nutrition Education –Food Stamp
Program, 2007, Greene-Garrard, D., Hildebrand, D., Hermann, J., & Brown, B. (Sub-grant: Oklahoma
Department of Health and Human Services; $26,727. Determining Barriers and Strategies for Eating Among
Older Adults.)
Oklahoma Department of Health and Human Services; $2,542,849. (Oklahoma Nutrition Education –Food Stamp
Program, 2006, Greene-Garrard, D., Hildebrand, D., Hermann, J., & Brown, B. (Sub-grant: Oklahoma
Department of Health and Human Services; $47,102. Determining Individual, Familial and Community
Factors that Influence Young Adolescent Native American Dietary and Physical Activity Behaviors
2006, Hermann, J., Parker, S., Merten, M., Phelps, J., Montgomery, D.)
USDA CSREES Children Youth Families at Risk: $132,000. Oklahoma New Communities Project, 2006,
Hermann, J., Parker, S., Brown, B., Siewe, B. & Richardson, D.
Administration on Aging; $22,944. Standard Performance Outcomes Measures Project, 2005, Quigley, K. &
Hermann, J.
Oklahoma Department of Health and Human Services; $2,682,584. Oklahoma Nutrition Education –Food Stamp
Program, 2005, Greene-Garrard, D., Parker, S., Hermann, J., Brown, B. & Siewe, Y.
USDA CSREES Children Youth Families at Risk: $133,000. Oklahoma New Communities Project, 2005,
Hermann, J., Parker, S., Brown, B., Siewe, B. & Richardson, D.
Oklahoma Department of Health and Human Services; $2,012,228. Oklahoma Nutrition Education –Food Stamp
Program, 2004, Greene-Garrard, D., Parker, S., Hermann, J., Brown, B. & Siewe, Y.
Southern Rural Development Center: $28,570. Evaluating Factors Which Affect Nutrition Risk of Title III Elderly
Nutrition Program Participants in Rural Oklahoma, 2004. Hermann, J. & Quigley, K.
USDA CSREES Children Youth Families at Risk: $123,800. Oklahoma New Communities Project, 2004,
Hermann, J., Parker, S., Brown, B., Siewe, B. & Smith, B.
Oklahoma Department of Health and Human Services; $2,140,648. Oklahoma Nutrition Education –Food Stamp
Program, 2003, Greene-Garrard, D., Parker, S., Hermann, J., Brown, B., Keim, K. & Siewe, Y.
Amerifit: $2,547. Effects of women’s herbal supplements on the physical and psychological symptoms associated
with menopause, 2003. Arjamandi, B., Smith, B. & Hermann, J.
USDA CSREES Children Youth Families at Risk: $136,500. Oklahoma New Communities Project, 2003,
Hermann, J., Parker, S., Brown, B., Siewe, Y., Smith, B. & Williams, G.
Oklahoma Department of Health and Human Services; $2,410,800. Oklahoma Nutrition Education (ONE)
Program, 2002, Williams G., Parker, S., Hermann, J, Brown, B., Keim, K. & Shiek, B.
USDA CSREES Children Youth Families at Risk: $150,000. Oklahoma New Communities Project, 2002,
Hermann, J., Parker, S., Brown, B., Knoepfli, K., Siewe, Y., Smith, B. & Williams, G.
Oklahoma Department of Health and Human Services; $1,942,732. Oklahoma Nutrition Education (ONE)
Program, 2001, Williams G., Parker, S., Hermann, J., Brown, B. & Keim, K.
Oklahoma Department of Health and Human Services; $1,642,154. Oklahoma Nutrition Education (ONE)
Program, 2000, Williams, G., Parker, S., Hermann, J., Brown, B. & Keim, K.
Ross Products Division of Abbott Laboratories: $300. Diabetes Today…..Partnering For a Better Tomorrow, 2000,
Hermann, J.
Oklahoma Department of Health and Human Services; $1,595,137. Oklahoma Nutrition Education (ONE)
Program, 1999, Williams, G., Hermann, J,, Brown, B., Keim, K. & Daughtery, R.
Oklahoma Department of Health and Human Services; $1,512,212. Oklahoma Nutrition Education (ONE)
Program, 1998, Williams, G., Hermann, J., Brown, B., Keim, K, & Daughtery, R.
Oklahoma Center for the Advancement of Science and Technology (OCAST); $34,980. Trace mineral effects on
lipids in postmenopausal women. 1998, Hermann, J., Arquitt, A. & Stoecker, B.
Oklahoma Department of Health and Human Services; $1,519,790. Oklahoma Nutrition Education (ONE)
Program, 1997, Williams, G., Hermann, J., Keim, K., Park, J. & Daughtery, R.
Oklahoma Beef Industry Council; $17,400. SNAP: Super Nutrition Activity Program. 1997, Hermann, J., Brown,
B. & Sellers, A.
Oklahoma Center for the Advancement of Science and Technology (OCAST); $34,987. Trace mineral effects on
lipids in postmenopausal women. 1997, Hermann, J., Arquitt, A. & Stoecker, B.
Oklahoma Department of Health and Human Services; $716,220. Oklahoma Nutrition Education (ONE) Program,
1996, Williams, G., Hermann, J. & Park, J.
Oklahoma Department of Health and Human Services; $371,742. Oklahoma Nutrition Education (ONE) Program,
1995, Williams, G., Hermann, J. & Park, J.
USDA; $189,312, Year 3:ES/WIC. Effect of intensive nutrition education on nutritional status and pregnancy
outcome of Native American pregnant adolescents, 1995, Williams, G., Hermann, J. & Hunt, D.
USDA; $30,0000. Year 3:Pilot project/WIC Effect of intensive nutrition education on nutritional status and
pregnancy outcome of pregnant adolescents, 1995, Williams, G. & Hermann, J.
USDA; $180,000, Year 2:ES/WIC. Effect of intensive nutrition education on nutritional status and pregnancy
outcome of Native American pregnant adolescents, 1994, Williams, G., Hermann, J. & Hunt, D.
USDA; $35,519. Year 2:Pilot project/WIC Effect of intensive nutrition education on nutritional status and
pregnancy outcome of pregnant adolescents, 1994, Williams, G. & Hermann, J.
USDA; $100,000. Year 1:ES/WIC Effect of intensive nutrition education on nutritional status and pregnancy
outcome of Native American pregnant adolescents, 1993, Williams, G., Hermann, J. & Hunt, D.
USDA; $30,0000. Year 1:Pilot project/WIC Effect of intensive nutrition education on nutritional status and
pregnancy outcome of pregnant adolescents, 1993, Williams, G. & Hermann, J.
American Home Economics Association; $2,500. Poultry and egg consumption, 1989, Leong, G. & Hermann, J.
American Home Economics Association; $1,800. Effects of chromium supplementation on serum cholesterol in
adults over 50, 1988, Hermann, J.
American Home Economics Association; $1,000. Fish and shellfish consumption, 1988, Leong, G. & Hermann, J.
Southeastern Oklahoma Area Health Education Center; $3,500. " Nutrition and Aids" training tape, 1987, Stewart,
Southeastern Oklahoma Area Health Education Center; $490. "Quackery Quiz" training tape, 1987, Stewart, J.
American Home Economics Association; $1,000. Snack Food Consumption in Oklahoma, 1987, Leong, G. &
Stewart, J.
Southeastern Oklahoma Area Health Education Center; $300. "Quackery Quiz" videoconference, 1987, Stewart, J.
Southeastern Oklahoma Area Health Education Center; $1,000. "The Diet & Cancer Link" videoconference, 1986,
Stewart, J.
Southeastern Oklahoma Area Health Education Center; $500. "Healthy Aging" videoconference, 1986, Stewart, J.
American Home Economics Association; $1,000. Healthy Aging: A Nutrition and Fitness Education Program,
1986, Stewart, J.
Association of Milk Producers; $1,000. "Calcium and Osteoporosis" videoconference, 1986, Stewart, J.
American Home Economics Association; $3,000. Sugar and wheat consumption in Payne county, 1986, Leong, G.
& Hermann, J.
Internal Grants:
(Accepted as a pre-proposal) Oklahoma Agricultural Experiment Station. $20,000. Osteoporosis Risk in Oklahoma
Native American Women: The Role of Inflammation and Diabetes, 2007, Smith, B., Hermann, J., Clarke, S.,
Leyva, M., Stephens, L., Aston, C., Zoe, M., Taylor, C.
Donna Cadwalder Research and Development Grant, $2,300. Healthy Aging in Rural Oklahoma: Adaptation and
Resilience to Disparity in Late and Very Late Life, 20007, Bishop, A. & Hermann, J.
College of Agricultural Science and Natural Resources, Team Initiative Program (TIP) $30,000. Oklahoma
Cooperative Extension Interactive Farm-to-Table Exhibit, 2007, Hildebrand, D., Betts, N., Betts, N., Brown, B.,
Cox, C., Garcia, R., Hermann, J., King, G., Muske, G., Nunneley, K.
Oklahoma Agricultural Experiment Station. $79,023. Cross-cultural framing of obesity among African American,
White, Hispanic and Native American limited resource women, 2006, Parker, S., Williams, S. & Hermann, J.
Oklahoma Agricultural Experiment Station. $50,000. Parenting practices for cognitive, emotional and nutritional
health: Effects on child nutrient status, overweight, and behavior, 2006, Hubbs-Tait, L., Kennedy, T.,
Richardson, D., Hermann, J. Brown, B. & Stoecker, B.
College of Agricultural Science and Natural Resources, Team Initiative Program (TIP) $50,000. Childhood Obesity
Prevention/Intervention, 2006, Garcia, R., Betts, N., Brown, B., Hermann, J., Siewe, Y, & County FNH Impact
Oklahoma Cooperative Extension Service, Family and Consumer Sciences: $3,815. Healthy Oklahoma Impact
Team, 2005, Hermann, J., Brown, B. & Siewe, Y.
Oklahoma Agricultural Experiment Station; $19,511. Trace mineral effects on lipids, insulin and glucose
metabolism, 2001, Hermann, J.
Oklahoma Agricultural Experiment Station; $27,968. Trace mineral effects on lipids, insulin and glucose
metabolism, 2000, Hermann, J.
Oklahoma Agricultural Experiment Station; $26,520. Trace mineral effects on lipids, insulin and glucose
metabolism, 1999, Hermann, J.
TRIP: $40,000. Effects of Chromium and Copper Supplementation on Decreasing Risk of Type 2 Diabetes in
Hyperinsulemic Men. 1999, Hermann, J. & Spicer, L.
Oklahoma Agricultural Experiment Station; $20,941. Effect of chromium and copper on plasma lipids and bone
metabolic hormones in older adults, 1998, Hermann, J.
Oklahoma Agricultural Experiment Station; $24,988. Effect of chromium and copper on plasma lipids and bone
metabolic hormones in older adults, 1997, Hermann, J.
Oklahoma Cooperative Extension Service Irma Manning Professional Development Grant; $800. Speaker
Honorarium, 1996, Hermann, J.
Oklahoma Cooperative Extension Service Ambassadors Grant; $560. Active Living Program, 1996, Hermann, J.
Oklahoma Agricultural Experiment Station; $24,988.29. Effect of chromium, copper and zinc on plasma lipids and
bone metabolic hormones in older adults, 1996, Hermann, J.
Oklahoma Agricultural Experiment Station; $16,099. Effect of chromium, copper and zinc on plasma lipids and
bone metabolic hormones in older adults, 1995, Hermann, J.
Oklahoma Agricultural Experiment Station; $22,460. Effect of chromium, copper and zinc on plasma lipids and
bone metabolic hormones in older adults, 1994, Hermann, J.
Oklahoma Cooperative Extension Service Ambassadors Grant; $2,100. Healthy Living Program, 1994, Hermann,
Oklahoma Cooperative Extension Service STEP Grant; $5,000. Single Concept Cards, 1994, Selk M. & Hermann,
Oklahoma Cooperative Extension Service STEP Grant; $5,000, Color Me Healthy, 1994, Storm, L. & Hermann, J.
Oklahoma Agricultural Experiment Station; $22,813. Effect of chromium, copper and zinc on plasma lipids and
bone metabolic hormones in older adults, 1993, Hermann, J.
Oklahoma Extension Homemakers Association; $2,000. Effect of chromium, copper and zinc on indicators of bone
metabolism, 1993, Hermann J. & Arquitt, A.
Oklahoma Agricultural Experiment Station; $22,813. Effect of chromium, copper and zinc on plasma lipids in
Japanese quail, 1992, Hermann, J.
Oklahoma Agricultural Experiment Station; $15,190. Effect of chromium, copper and zinc on plasma lipids in
Japanese quail, 1991, Hermann, J.
College of Home Economics (OSU); $5,957. Effect of chromium and copper supplementation on plasma lipids in
older adults, 1991, Hermann, J.
College of Home Economics (OSU); $6,996. Longitudinal study; Nutrition and health care use of the elderly, 1991,
Stoecker, B., Arquitt, A. & Hermann, J.
Oklahoma Agricultural Experiment Station; $18,500. Pilot research on the effect of chromium, copper and zinc on
plasma lipids in Japanese quail, 1990, Hermann, J.
College of Home Economics (OSU); $2,995. Effect of chromium supplementation on plasma lipid apolipoproteins
in older adults. 1990, Hermann, J.
College of Home Economics (OSU); $1,800. Health care needs of the elderly: A longitudinal study of the effects
of nutrition and health status on health care use, 1990, Stoecker, B., Arquitt, A. & Hermann, J.
Oklahoma Extension Homemakers Association; $1,000. Trace mineral status of the elderly, 1988, Hermann, J.
Oklahoma Extension Homemakers Association; $1,500. Healthy Aging Program, 1986, Stewart, J.
Graduate Student Committees (Major Professor/Research Advisor):
Kiranmayi Korlagunta, PhD. In Progress (Major Professor), Oklahoma State University
Mandy Chan, M.S. In Progress (Major Professor), Oklahoma State University
Kathrin Eliot, Ph.D. In Progress (Major Professor), Oklahoma State University
Josh Phelps, Ph.D. In Progress (Major Professor), Oklahoma State University
Carrie Willson, M.S. In Progress (Major Professor), Oklahoma State University
Diana Romano, M.S. 2008 (Major Professor), Comparison of 5th -8th grade children’s eating behaviors between
weekdays and weekend, Oklahoma State University
Sarah Walker, M.S. 2006 (Major Professor), Effects of an after-school gardening program on nutrition and physical
activity behaviors in school-age youth, grades 3-5, Oklahoma State University
Kim Quigley, Ph.D. 2005 (Major Professor), Factors associated with high nutritional risk among older americans
act nutrition program participants, Oklahoma State University
Kristin Lowe, M.S. 2005 (Major Professor), Effect of an after school gardening program on daily physical activity
in youth, Oklahoma State University
Amber Carson, M.S. 2002 (Major Professor), Evaluation of the oklahoma cooperative extension service nutrition
web site, Oklahoma State University.
Racheal Belvin, M.S. 2002 (Major Professor), Effect of twenty-four weeks chromium supplementation on glucose
intolerance men, Oklahoma State University.
Melissa Hooper, M.S. 2002 (Major Professor), Effects of an education program on nutrition and physical activity in
school-age children, grades 3-5. Oklahoma State University.
Josh Phelps, M.S. 2001 (Major Professor), Effects of chromium supplementation on indicators of type 2 diabetes in
hyperglycemic men, Oklahoma State University.
Jeanette Kneiss, M.S. 1999 (Major Professor), Effect of copper supplementation on serum lipids, glucose and
insulin in hypercholesterolemic postmenopausal women. Oklahoma State University.
Mohammed El-Osta, M.S. 1999 (Major Professor), Effect of chromium supplementation on serum lipids, glucose
and insulin in hypercholesterolemic postmenopausal women. Oklahoma State University.
Yeong Rhee, Ph.D. 1999 (Research Advisor and Committee Member), Effects of chromium and copper depletion
or supplementation on immunity in BHE/cdb rats or in hypercholesterolemic postmenopausal women.
Oklahoma State University.
Starlette Heintz, M.S., 1997 (Major Professor), Effects of an education program utilizing the dietary guidelines and
food guide pyramid on diet and health. Oklahoma State University.
Donna-Jean Hunt, Ph.D., 1996, (Research Advisor and Committee Member), Effects of nutrition education
programs on nutrition knowledge dietary intake, beliefs and selected health parameters of pregnant adolescents.
Oklahoma State University.
Hyunhee Chang, Ph.D., 1994, (Major Professor), Effect of chromium, and copper supplementation on plasma lipids
and apolipoproteins in older adults. Oklahoma State University.
Michelle Burns, M.S., 1994, (Major Professor), Effect of chromium and zinc supplementation on plasma glucose
and serum insulin in older adults. Oklahoma State University.
Theresa Horinek, M.S., 1993, (Research Advisor and Committee Member), Effect of a nutrition misinformation
education program for teen athletes. Oklahoma State University.
Rebecca Nihiser, M.S., 1992, (Major Professor), Effect of chromium, copper and zinc on plasma lipids, bone and
tissue minerals in male Japanese quail. Oklahoma State University.
Graduate Student Committees (Committee Member):
Sara Destefano, M.S., In Progress (Committee Member), Oklahoma State University
Sarah Owen, M.S., In Progress (Committee Member), Oklahoma State University
Teresa Jackson, M.S. In Progress (Committee Member), Oklahoma State University
Seung Eun Jung, M.S., In Progress (Committee Member), Oklahoma State University
Keri Strait, M.S., In Progress (Committee Member), Oklahoma State University
Sunnye McLanahan, M.S., In Progress (Committee Member), Oklahoma State University
Toma Hunter, M.S., In Progress (Committee Member), Oklahoma State University
Dennis Kennedy, Ph.D., 2008 (Committee Member), Environmental Degradation and Disrupted Social Fabric in
the Tar Creek Basin, Oklahoma State University
Elizabeth Cragun, M.S., 2008 (Committee Member), The number of lessons needed to maximize behavior change
among community nutrition education program (CNEP) participants, Oklahoma State University
Cheryl Hull, M.S., 2007 (Committee Member), Increasing Fruit and Vegetable Consumption Among 5-7 year old
children, Oklahoma State University
Laura Powell, M.S., 2007 (Committee Member), Behaviors and Beliefs About Food Safety and Instructional
Delivery Strategies Among Limited Income Elderly Enrolled in Community Nutrition Education Programs,
Oklahoma State University
Debra Schroeder, M.S., 2007 (Data analysis and Committee Member), Relationship of socioeconomic Status and
And Anthropometric Parameters in Boys and Girls 4-6 Years of Ages, Oklahoma State University.
Swee Ha Kong, M.S., 2007 (Data analysis and Committee Member), Evaluation of the Oklahoma Beef Cooking
School for Youth, Oklahoma State University
Norma Devault, M.S., 2006 (Committee Member), It’s All About Kids: Preventing Overweight in Elementary
School Children in Tulsa, Oklahoma. Oklahoma State University
Lenka Humenikova, Ph.D., 2006 (Committee Member), Cross-cultural comparison of factors influencing body
mass index in czech and American school-aged children. Oklahoma State University
Lisa Cherry, M.S. 2003 (Committee Member), Testing Reliability Of A Health Behaviors Questionnaire for
Seventh and Eight Graders. Oklahoma State University.
Latta Devereddy, M.S., 2002 (Committee Member), Dose dependent effects of soy isoflavones on cholesterol
metabolism in hamsters. Oklahoma State University
Stephany Parker, Ph.D., 2002 (Committee Member), Understanding health risk in limited income women.
Oklahoma State University.
Kimberly Daniels, M.S. 2002 (Committee Member), Dietitians as an untapped resource for food and nutrition
expertise in supermarkets. Oklahoma State University.
Tawni Holmes, Ph.D. 2000, (Committee Member), Folate intake in older Oklahoma men: Perceptions and the
effects of an intervention. Oklahoma State University.
Mandy Caid-Jefferson, M.S. 2000, (Committee Member), Services marketing skills, service quality attitudes and
profession development needs of non-traditional dietitians. Oklahoma State University
Dawn Kukuk, M.S. 2000, (Committee Member), Effects of dietary iron on bone in skeletally mature
ovariectomized and sham-ovariectomized sprague-dawley rats. Oklahoma State University.
Farzad Deyhim, Ph.D. 2000 (Committee Member), The effects of prune and isoflavone on bone in ovariectomized
rats, Oklahoma State University.
Christine Sumner-Davis, M.S. 2000 (Committee Member), Self-perceived efficacy of diabetes educators,
Oklahoma State University.
Sonny Brandon Hodges, M.S. 2000 (Committee Member), Effects of soy protein on serum and anthropometric
markers for coronary heart disease in men and women, Oklahoma State University.
Jeannie Blackenship M.S. 2000 (Committee Member), Impact of infant feeding choice on maternal body mass
index six months postpartum, Oklahoma State University.
Melanie Cook, M.S. 2000 (Committee Member), The validation of a food frequency questionnaire for use in
measuring food intake of low-income women, Oklahoma State University.
Laura Savage, M.S. 2000 (Committee Member), The effect of zinc supplementation on iron, copper and zinc status
in premenopausal women, Oklahoma State University.
Brenda Smith, Ph.D. 1999 (Committee Member), Effects of copper depletion on bone metabolism in two models of
osteopenia, Oklahoma State University.
Michael Napels, M.S. 1999 (Committee Member), Knowledge and acceptance of fruits and vegetables by children
in child care settings. Oklahoma State University.
Dania Agha Khalil, Ph.D. 1998 (Committee Member), Effects of dietary calcium and fiber on digestibility of fat
and energy and on health indices of cardiovascular disease. Oklahoma State University.
Jesse Chi Ching Wong, M.S. 1998 (Committee Member), Effects of nutrition education on nutrition beliefs and
knowledge, dietary intake, maternal weight gain and birth outcomes of pregnant teenagers. Oklahoma State
Amani Elomr Soliman, M.S. 1998 (Committee Member), The effect of prune on bone in ovariectomized rats.
Oklahoma State University.
Melissa Davis-Whitenack, Ph.D. 1998, (Committee Member), The effects of aspirin, chromium and iron on
cardiovascular disease risk. Oklahoma State University.
Beth Anne Delucia, M.S., 1997, (Committee Member), Influences of lifestyle patterns on diet. Oklahoma State
Lisa Francoise Olsen Sharp, M.S., 1996, (Committee Member), Eating behavior and nutrition intake of elderly and
young adults. Oklahoma State University.
Gregory Thomas, M.S., 1996, (Committee Member), Identification of nutritional risk factors among the members
of the tulsa senior nutrition program using the nutrition screening initiative. Oklahoma State University.
Danielle Duncan, M.S., 1996, (Committee Member), Faculty’s participation in a university wellness program.
Oklahoma State University.
Sowjanya Sudabattula, M.S., 1995, (Committee Member), Effect of zinc supplementation on trace mineral status in
older adults. Oklahoma State University.
Tracy Chen, M.S., 1994, (Committee Member), The effect of chromium depletion on bone and urinary
hydroxyproline concentration in streptozotocin induced gestational diabetic rats. Oklahoma State University
Shunchun Chan, M.S., 1994, (Committee Member), Effect of protein and fat source on body composition.
Oklahoma State University.
Sharon Bode, M.S., 1993, (Committee Member), Trace mineral status in NIDDN mice. Oklahoma State University.
Sara Thomas, M.S., 1993, (Committee Member), Fitness, dietary patterns, and health perceptions of college
freshmen. Oklahoma State University.
Elizabeth Zachariah, M.S., 1990, (Committee Member), Food groups of dietary fiber by elderly participants in a
congregate meal program. Oklahoma State University.
Jim Painter, M.S., 1990, (Committee Member), Effect of nutrition education on dietary intakes of elderly
Oklahoma’s. Oklahoma State University.
Elizabeth Zachariah, M.S., 1989, (Committee Member), Food Sources of Dietary Fiber by participants in a
congregate meal program. Oklahoma State University.
Chalon Edwards Anderson, Ph.D., 1989, (Committee Member), Life satisfaction and the maturation through the
retirement cycle. Oklahoma State University.
Andrea Arquitt, Ph.D., 1989, (Committee Member), Zinc status in adolescent boys. Oklahoma State University.
Julie Ewing, Ph.D., 1985, (Committee Member), Spouse involvement in a behavioral weight loss program. Texas
Tech University.
Dale Brigham, M.S., 1985, (Committee Member), The effects of dietary selenium, silver and methionine on
glutathione peroxidase activity and cataracts in mice. Texas Tech University.
Min-Min Wang, M.S., 1985, (Committee Member), Chromium and ascorbate deficiency effects on lipids and
glucose tolerance of guinea pigs. Texas Tech University.
Student Scholarships and Awards:
Kim Quigley, Winterfeldt Garduate Research Scholarship, 2005-2006, Oklahoma State University
Carrie Willson, Graduate Scholarship, 2005-2006, Oklahoma Dietetic Association
Kim Quigley, Academic Scholarship, 2005-2006, Oklahoma City District Dietetic Association
Sarah Walker, Academic Scholarship, 2005-2006, Tulsa District Dietetic Association
Kim Quigley, Winterfeldt Graduate Research Scholarship, 2004-2005, Oklahoma State University
Carrie Williams, Wentz Research Scholarship, 2003-2004, Oklahoma State University
Rae Lynn McConnell, Wentz Research Scholarship, 2002-2003, Oklahoma State University
Joshua Phelps, M.B. Seretean Scholarship, 2000-2001, Oklahoma State University
Gregory Dietz, Nutritional Sciences Scholarship, 1997-1998, Oklahoma State University
Theresa Horinek, Oklahoma Dietetic Association Scholarship, 1993, Oklahoma State University
Theresa Horinek, Oklahoma Dietetic Association Scholarship, 1992, Oklahoma Dietetic Association
Rebecca Nihiser, Oklahoma Dietetic Association Scholarship, 1992, Oklahoma Dietetic Association
Theresa Horinek, Frances E Fisher Memorial Scholarship, 1991, American Dietetic Association
Graduate Dietetic Internship Community Experiences Supervised:
Fatima Pina, 2007, Oklahoma University
Ginny Suydam; 2007, Oklahoma State University
Megan Schrader; 2006, Oklahoma State University
Undergraduate Honors Projects Supervised:
Eric Adkins, Healthy Aging in Rural Oklahoma: Resilience to Disparity Among Old and Very Old Survivors; 2008,
Oklahoma State University
Yuka Matsuo: Nutrition and Mental Performance; 2006, Oklahoma State University
Undergraduate Pre-Professional Experiences Supervised:
Rachel Perryman, 2007, Oklahoma State University
Rachel Schneider; 2005-2006, Oklahoma State University
Toma Hunter; 2005-2006, Oklahoma State University
Terri Whalen; 2004-2005, Oklahoma State University
Lacye James; 2004-2005, Oklahoma State University
Megumi Watanabe; 2003-2004, Oklahoma State University
Regional Cooperative Extension Service Committees:
Cooperative Extension Curriculum Project (CECP) Food, Nutrition and Food Safety (FN&FS) Module
Development Team (Co-Chair); 2008: Cooperative Extension Service Southern Region
Cooperative Extension Curriculum Project (CECP) Food, Nutrition and Food Safety (FN&FS) Module
Development Team (Co-Chair); 2007: Cooperative Extension Service Southern Region
Cooperative Extension Curriculum Project (CECP) Food, Nutrition and Food Safety (FN&FS) Module
Development Team (Co-Chair); 2006: Cooperative Extension Service Southern Region
Cooperative Extension Curriculum Project (CECP) Food, Nutrition and Food Safety (FN&FS) Module
Development Team (Co-Chair); 2005-2006: Cooperative Extension Service Southern Region
Cooperative Extension Curriculum Project (CECP) Food, Nutrition and Food Safety (FN&FS) Module
Development Team (Co-Chair); 2004-2005: Cooperative Extension Service Southern Region
Oklahoma State University Committees:
Academic Integrity Facilitator, 2008; OSU
Academic Integrity Facilitator, 2007; OSU
Niblack Research Scholars Program Scholarship Review Committee, 2007; OSU
Academic Integrity Facilitator, 2006; OSU
Niblack Research Scholars Program Scholarship Review Committee, 2006; OSU
Niblack Research Scholars Program Scholarship Review Committee, 2004-2005; OSU
Continuing Evaluation Committee Group I (Biological Sciences) Graduate Faculty; 2003-2004; OSU
Continuing Evaluation Committee Group I (Biological Sciences) Graduate Faculty; 2002-2003; OSU
Continuing Evaluation Committee Group I (Biological Sciences) Graduate Faculty; 2001-2002; OSU
Gerontology Faculty, 1985-1995; OSU.
College of Human Environmental Sciences Committees:
CHES College Faculty Affairs Committee (Chair), 2008; OSU
CHES Dean Search Committee, 2007; OSU
CHES College Faculty Affairs Committee (Chair), 2007; OSU
CHES Dean Search Committee, 2006; OSU
CHES College Faculty Affairs Committee (Chair), 2006; OSU
CHES Graduate Teaching Assistant Orientation Committee, 2006; OSU
CHES College Faculty Affairs Committee (Chair), 2005-2006; OSU
Marguerite Scruggs Award for Meritorious Research HES College Committee, 2005-2006; OSU
HES College Faculty Affairs Committee, 2004-2005; OSU
HES College Faculty Affairs Committee, 2003-2004; OSU
Human Environmental Sciences Dean’s Faculty Advisors, 1998-1999; OSU
HES College Graduate Program Advisory Committee, 1987-1988; OSU
College of Agricultural Science and Natural Resources Committees:
Pearl Web Site Committee, 2000 – 2001; OSU
Committee to Review Academic Rank Descriptions and General Criteria for Appointment, Reappointment, Tenure,
and Promotion, 2000-2001; OSU
Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resources Dean’s Advisory Council, 1998-2000; OSU
Long Distance Learning Committee, 1998-2000; OSU
Long Distance Learning Committee, 1994-1995; OSU
Satellite Teleconference Evaluation Team, 1985-1988; OSU
Department of Nutritional Sciences Committees:
Post Tenure Review, 2008; OSU
NSCI Curriculum Committee, 2008; OSU
NSCI Faculty Facilitator: Reappointment, Promotion, Tenure, 2008; OSU
Post Tenure Review, 2007; OSU
Reappointment, Promotion, Tenure Revision, 2007; OSU
NSCI Curriculum Committee, 2007; OSU
NSCI Faculty Facilitator: Reappointment, Promotion, Tenure, 2007; OSU
Assistant Graduate Coordinator, 2007; OSU
OCES Specialist (Maternal and Child Nutrition) Nutritional Sciences Search Committee Chair, 2007; OSU
Bone and Immunology Nutritional Sciences Search Committee Chair, 2007; OSU
NSCI Undergraduate and Graduate Scholarship Committee, 2007.
Assistant Graduate Coordinator, 2006; OSU
Reappointment, Promotion, Tenure Revision, 2006; OSU
NSCI Curriculum Committee, 2006; OSU
Clinical Faculty Graduate Faculty Facilitator, 2006; OSU
Cooperative Extension Service Maternal and Child Nutrition Search Committee Chair, 2006; OSU
Bone and Immunology Nutritional Sciences Search Committee Chair, 2006; OSU
Bone and Iron Nutritional Sciences Search Committee Chair, 2006; OSU
Phytochemicals and Functional Foods Nutritional Sciences Search Committee Chair, 2006; OSU
4-H Nutrition and Physical Activity Search Committee Chair, 2005-2006; OSU
Cellular and Molecular Nutrition Search Committee Chair, 2005-2006; OSU
Nutrition and Physical Activity Search Committee Chair, 2005-2006; OSU
Community Nutrition Search Committee Chair, 2005-2006; OSU
General Nutrition Search Committee Chair, 2004-2005; OSU
Promotion and Tenure Committee, 2002-2003 (Chair); OSU
Promotion and Tenure Committee, 2001-2002 (Chair); OSU
Promotion and Tenure Committee, 2000-2001 (Chair); OSU
Promotion and Tenure Committee, 1994-1996; OSU
Convocation Committee, 1989-90, 1988-89; OSU
Aggressive Approaches to Obesity Symposium Committee, 1986; OSU
Calcium Connection Symposium Committee, 1986; OSU
Convocation Reception Committee, 1985-1986; OSU
Research Day Planning Committee, 1985-1986; OSU
Oklahoma Cooperative Extension Service Committees:
FCS-CES Unit Web Page Committee, 2008
FCS-CES Unit Web Page Committee, 2007
FCS-CES Unit Web Page Committee, 2006
FCS-CES Unit Web Page Committee, 2005-2006
FCS-CES Unit Web Page Committee (Chair), 2004-2005
FCS-CES Unit Web Page Committee, 2003-2004
FCS CES Unit Awards and Recognition Committee, 2002 - 2003
FCS CES Unit Web Page Committee (Chair), 2001 - 2002
FCS CES Unit Web Page Committee, 2000 - 2001
FCS Scholarships Review Committee, 1999-2000
FCS Scholarships Review Committee, 1998-1999
HECE Statewide In-service Committee (Chair), 1995-1996
HECE Statewide In-service Committee, 1994-1995
Long Distance Learning Committee, 1994-1995
Outstanding Extension Specialist Committee, 1993-1994
Publications Review Committee, (Chair) 1992-1993
Publications Review Committee, 1991-1992
In-Service Training Evaluation Committee, 1990-1991
HECE Hospitality Committee, (Chair) 1987-1988
Citizenship and Community Outreach Committee, 1985-1986
Employed Homemaker and Seasoned Citizen newsletters, 1985-1987
Oklahoma State University Service:
Graduate Student Research Week Presentation Judge, 2007
College of Human Environmental Sciences:
GRITS: Rural Elderly Health Study; Working with Cooperat5ive Extension Service Educators, October 2007
Oklahoma Cooperative Extension Service:
4-H Round-up, “Evaluating Nutrition Information in the Media,” 2007
Oklahoma Home and Community Educator (OHCE) Advisor, 2007
Tulsa State Fair 4-H Food and Nutrition Entry Judge, 2007
Oklahoma Home and Community Educator (OHCE) Advisor, 2006
Oklahoma City State Fair 4-H Food and Nutrition Entry Judge, 2006
Tulsa State Fair 4-H Food and Nutrition Entry Judge, 2006
4-H Round-up Nutrition Presentation Entry Judge, 2006
Professional Service:
Reviewer for North Carolina Cooperative Extension Service Family and Consumer Science Extension Publications,
Reviewer for USDA CSREES Area: Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) Program: Food Science and
Nutrition, 2008
OSU Dietetic Internship Advisory Board, 2008.
Reviewer for Journal of Nutrition Education and Behavior, 2008
Reviewer for USDA CSREES Area: Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) Program: Food Science and
Nutrition, 2007
OSU Dietetic Internship Advisory Board, 2007.
Reviewer for Journal of Nutrition Education and Behavior, 2007
Reviewer for USDA CSREES Area: Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) Program: Food Science and
Nutrition, 2006
Reviewer for Kentucky Science and Engineering Foundation (KSEF-1245-RDE-009), 2006.
Reviewer for Journal of Nutrition Education and Behavior, 2006
OSU Dietetic Internship Advisory Board, 2006.
Reviewer for USDA CSREES Area: Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) Program: Food Science and
Nutrition, 2004-2005
Ad Hoc reviewer for Improving Human Nutrition for Optimal Health Program of the USDA, National Research
Initiative Competitive Grants Program (NRICGP) 2003-2004
Ad Hoc reviewer for Improving Human Nutrition for Optimal Health Program of the USDA, National Research
Initiative Competitive Grants Program (NRICGP) 2002-2003
CE-FCS Ambassadors Project Committee, 2002-2003
CE-FCS Ambassadors Project Committee, 2001-2002
Reviewer “Family Economics and Nutrition Review”, 1997.
Oklahoma Dietetic Association, Council on Practice (Chair), 1994-1995
Oklahoma Dietetic Association, Division of Research and Education, (Chair), 1988-1989
Oklahoma Dietetic Association, Division of Research and Education, (Chair-Elect), 1987-1988
Oklahoma Dietetic Association, Division of Education Preparation, (Co-Chair), 1987-1988
Maintaining Food Intake Among Older Adults. Cooperative Extension Curriculum Project (CECP) Food, Nutrition
and Food Safety (FN&FS) Lifecycle Module; Cooperative Extension Service Southern Region, 2007.
Food Groups to Encourage. Cooperative Extension Curriculum Project (CECP) Food, Nutrition and Food Safety
(FN&FS) Dietary Guidelines Module; Cooperative Extension Service Southern Region, 2005-2006.
Food Groups to Encourage. Cooperative Extension Curriculum Project (CECP) Food, Nutrition and Food Safety
(FN&FS) Dietary Guidelines Module; Cooperative Extension Service Southern Region, 2004-2005.
Nutrition and Diabetes, Example Cooperative Extension Curriculum Project (CECP) Course, 2003.
Oklahoma Cooperative Extension Service Educational Television Spots:
(Television spots listed for 1995 through 2003; 262 television spots prior to 1995)
The New USDA Food Guidance System: MyPyramid, May 2005
Keeping Nutrition and Physical Activity In the Holidays, December 2003
Mixing Nutrition With Halloween, October 2003
How Changing Lifestyles Affect Consumer Nutrition, October 2003
Increasing Rate of Obesity and Type 2 Diabetes in Oklahoma, October 2003.
Nutrition for School Age Children: Promoting Health, Preventing Obesity, August 2003.
Creatine and Athletic Performance, March 2003
New Oils Makes Fast Foods A Little Healthy, March 2003
Can Fast Food Be Healthy, March 2003
Dietary Considerations for Vegetarians, February 2003
Self Care: Physical Activity and Diabetes, November 2002
Self Care: Diet and Diabetes, November 2002
Prevent Diabetes During Pre-Diabetes Stage, November 2002
November is Diabetes Month, November 2002
Women and Diabetes, August 2002
Healthy Lifestyles For Older Americans, July 2002
Summer: A Great Time To Aim For 5-A-Day, May 2002
American Diabetes Association Releases Classification For Pre-Diabetes, May 2002
Summer and Soft Drinks, May 2002
Start Today For A Healthy Tomorrow, March 2002
Internet Nutrition Fraud, February 2002
Weight Management for the New Year, January 2002
Consumer Use of Dietary Supplements, December 2001
Athletes, Fitness and Dietary Supplements, December 2001
FDA Warns Consumers Not to Use Dietary Supplement Lipokinetix, December 2001
Herbal Supplement Use Up, December 2001
Physical Activity and Weight Management, November 2001
Good Habits for Healthy Children, November 2001
Children’s Nutrition and Halloween, October 2001
Sports Nutrition – Carbohydrates, August 2001
Sports Nutrition - Protein, August 2001
Sports Nutrition – Water, August 2001
Produce and Pesticide, July 2001
Produce and Waxes, July 2001
Organic versus Conventionally Grown Produce, July 2001
Cleaning Produce, July 2001
Water: Essential for Life, May 2001
Older Adults at Higher Risk for Dehydration, May 2001
Water And Physical Activity, May 2001
Diabetes Awareness Month, March 2001
Nutrition Month, March 2001
Reduced Fat Intake Safe And Beneficial For Children, February 2001
Canola Oil Safe, February 2001
New Dietary Reference Intakes For Vitamins A and K, Iron, copper and Other Minerals, February 2001
Weight Management Recommendations For The New Year, January 2001
Aim For Fitness, December 2000
Build A Healthy Base, December 2000
Choose Sensibly, December 2000
Interpreting Supplement Claims, October 2000
FDA Authorizes New Heart Disease Health Claim For Plan Sterol and Plant Stanol Esters, September 2000
CDC Reports An Increase In The Incidence Of Diabetes, August 2000
Insulin Resistance And Diabetes, August, 2000
Caffeine In Carbonated Beverages, Is It A Problem?, August 2000
Carbonated Beverages Replacing Milk, Is There A Concern, August 2000
Water, An Essential But Overlooked Nutrient, July 2000
New Dietary Guidelines For Americans, June 2000
Guidelines For Diabetes, May 2000
New Dietary Recommended Intakes For Vitamin C, Vitamin E and Selenium, April 2000
Rezulin Removed From The Market, March 2000
Warning About Prescription Drugs In Herbal Products, March 2000
Dealing With Diabetes, March 2000
Fad Diets: What You May Be Missing, February 2000
FDA Proposes New Rules For Labeling Trans Fatty Acids, December 1999
Fitness For The Holidays, November 1999
High Protein, Low Carbohydrate Diets, October 1999
Fat Facts, September 1999
New Food Guide Pyramid For Children July, 1999
Dieting For Children, July 1999
Serving Sizes For Children, July 1999
New Supplement Facts Label, July 1999
New DRI’s For Calcium, December 1998
New DRI’s For Vitamin D, December 1998
New DRI’s For Vitamin B12, December 1998
New DRI’s For Folate, December 1998
Water Is Crucial During The Summer, July 1998
High Protein Weight Loss Diets: Are They Safe? April 1998
Tolerable Upper Limits For Nutrients: What Do They Mean, April 1998
Moderate Sodium Restriction and Weight Loss Effective For Controlling Blood Pressure Among Older Adults,
April 1998
Sports Drinks: Do You Need Them? April 1998
FDA Issues Restrictions On Claims For Chromium Picolinate, April 1998
Sucralose, New Sweetener Approved By FDA, April 1998
Sports Drinks: Are They Appropriate For Children, April 1998
Could You Have Diabetes And Not Know It? February 1998
Beta Carotene From Food Versus Supplements, January 1998
New Dietary Supplement “Cholestin:” Is It A Supplement Or A Drug, May 1997
FDA Issues A Warning On An Herbal Laxative “Chomper,” May 1997
Vitamin E and Immune Function, May 1997
Fat Soluble Vitamins, Can You Get Too Much, May 1997
Straight Answers About Vitamin and Mineral Supplements, April 1997
Claims Concerning Chromium Picolinate, April 1997
Appetite Suppressants: Who Are They For, April 1997
Recommended Weight Management, April 1997
Lead Contamination In Oyster Shell Calcium Supplements, January 1997
FDA Issues Warning Labels On Iron Supplements, January 1997
Zinc Lozenges And The Common Cold, December 1996
Kid Fitness, December 1996
Nutrition Important In Alzheimer’s Disease, December 1996
Lactose Intolerance, A Manageable Problem, October 1996
Make Fitness Fun, October 1996
Food Allergies And Intolerances, October 1996
Dexfenfluramine Linked To Lung Disease, September 1996
Economics Of Lowering Fat, September 1996
Should Infants Have Cow’s Milk? September 1996
Z-Trim: A New High-Fiber Fat Substitute, September 1996
What And When Kids Are Eating, August 1996
Restricting Calories Lowers Immune System, August 1996
Average American Diet Still High In Fat, August 1996
Average American Diet Gets A “D," July 1996
Allergies And Intolerances, July 1996
Folate In Pregnancy, July 1996
Aspartame In Pregnancy, July 1996
Bottled Water For Infants, June 1996
Food Supplements Containing Mellaluca, June 1996
Colloidal Minerals Generally Not Recognized As Safe, June 1996
What Are Americans Eating: Not Breakfast, June 1996
FDA Issues Warning About Dietary Supplements Containing Ephedrine, May 1996
Ten-Year Study Finds No Link Between Coffee and Heart Disease In Women, May 1996
Vanadyl Sulfate: Is It Safe For Athletes, May 1996
Food Choices For Reducing Disease Risk, May 1996
Fitness And Bone Health, May 1996
Preventing Nursing-Bottle Tooth Decay, April 1996
Choosing Foods With Plenty Of Fiber, April 1996
Muscle Building Myths, April 1996
Quick Energy Myths, April 1996
Avoiding Dehydration, April 1996
Health Fraud Costs An Estimated $44 Billion Dollars Each Year, January 1996
Fruits And Vegetables Good For Your Good Cholesterol, January 1996
Women May Need To Exercise Longer Than Men, January 1996
Pondimin and Phentermin: Read The Package Insert, January 1996
Food and Migraine Headaches, November 1995
Sodium and Healthy Blood Pressure, November 1995
Breakfast: Kids Most Important Meal Of The Day, November 1995
Nutrition Fuels Fitness, November 1995
Facts About Aspartame, November 1995
Aspartame In Pregnancy, November 1995
Dietary Guidelines For Americans Proposed Revisions, November 1995
Meal Planning: The First Step To Diabetes Control, September 1995
How To Keep Nutrition On The Go, September 1995
Keeping Antioxidants In Balance, September 1995
Picking Snacks For Picky Eaters, August 1995
Tips On Introducing New Foods, August 1995
Giving Medicine To Your Children, August 1995
Soy Milk Is Not Soy Infant Formula, August 1995
Do You Need Vitamin/Mineral Supplements, August 1995
Don’t Lose Nutrients When Preparing Vegetables, July 1995
Where Are The Vitamins: Fresh, Frozen or Canned, July 1005
Lactose Intolerance Versus Milk Allergy, July 1995
Looking At Lactose Intolerance, July 1995
When A Products Makes A Health Claim, June 1995
Keep Fluids Up During Summer Sports, June 1995
Do You Need Extra Sodium With The Heat, June 1995
Do Athletes Need Extra Protein, June 1995
Fluids Very Important In The Summer, June 1995
Summer Car Snacks, May 1995
Tips For Spotting Misinformation, May 1995
Freedom Of Speech And Misinformation, May 1995
Weight Loss Fraud, May 1995
Factors Affecting The Fat Content Of School Lunches, April 1995
Lifestyle Changes For Bone Health, April 1995
Sugar Not Linked To Causing Diseases, April 1995
Manchurian Mushroom Tea, March 1995
Rinsing Cooked Ground Beef Can Lower Fat, March 1995
Kids Need Fiber Too, March 1995
Low Fat Diets Can Lower Nutrient Intakes, March 1995
Changes In Nutrient Bioavailability With Age, March 1995
Facts About Chromium Picolinate, February 1995
Vitamin C and Juices, February 1995
Three Qualities To A Healthy Diet, February 1 995
Eating Healthy Can Be Quick And Easy, February 1995
Vitamins And Mineral Misinformation, February 1995
Keeping Vegetable Vitamins, February 1995
A New Year: A New Diet, January 1995
Yo-Yo Diet Theories Unwind, January 1995
Lactose Intolerance Misconceptions, January 1995
Diet and Parkinson’s Disease, January 1995
Oklahoma Cooperative Extension Service Research Updates:
(Research Updates listed for 1995 through 2005; XXX research updates prior to 1995)
2008 Choose Your Foods: Exchange Lists for Diabetes, 6th edition, Research Update-Abstract, May 2008
Sources of Food Group Intakes among the US Population, 2001-2002, Research Update-Abstract, May 2008
Increasing Food Costs for Consumers and Food Programs Straining Pocketbooks, Research Update-Abstract, May
Multivitamin-Multimineral Supplements: Who Uses Them, Research Update-Abstract, February 2008
What is Known about the Safety of Multivitamin-Multimineral Supplements for the Generally Healthy Population,
Research Update-Abstract, February 2008
Multivitamin/Mineral Supplements and Prevention of Chronic Disease: Executive Summary, Research Update-Abstract,
February 2008
Multivitamin-Multimineral Supplements’ Effect on Total Nutrient Intake, Research Update-Abstract, February
Multivitamin-Multimineral Supplements: Definitions, Characterization, Bioavailability, and Drug Interactions,
Research Update-Abstract, February 2008
National Institutes of Health State-of-the-Science Conference Statement: Multivitamin/Mineral Supplements and
Chronic Disease Prevention, Research Update-Abstract, February 2008
How the MyPyramid Compares to Other Population Based Recommendations to Reduce Chronic Disease,
Research Update-Abstract, November 2007
Food Handling Knowledge and Food Handling Behavior of Home-Delivered Meal Program Participants, Research
Update-Abstract, November 2007
Type of Foodservice And Dinning Room Environment Benefits Institutionalized Older Adults, Research UpdateAbstract, November 2007
Benefits of Snacking for Older Adults, Research Update-Abstract, November 2007
Energy Drinks, Resource Update-Educator Update, May 2007
Herbs and Athletics, Resource Update-Educator Update, May 2007
Organic versus Conventionally Grown Foods, Resource Update-Educator Update, March 2007
Oklahoma Cooperative Extension Service Educational News Releases:
(News releases listed for 1995 through 2005; 102 news releases prior to 1995)
Could You Have A Food Allergy? May 2008
Older Adults Are At Increased Risk For Dehydration, News Line Newsletter, May 2008
Strive for a Healthier You! Division of Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resources, April 2008
Do you know how to read fat on the food label? Division of Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resources, April
Small dietary changes can make a big difference, Division of Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resources, April
MyPyramid menu planner: Plan your meals the healthy way, Division of Agricultural Sciences and Natural
Resources, April 2008
Which is best: Foods or supplements, Division of Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resources, March 2008
Fight diseases with fresh produce, Division of Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resources, March 2008
Your body needs fluids for good health, Division of Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resources, March 2008
Many reasons to ‘bone’ up on calcium, Division of Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resources, March 2008
Vegetables are Vital for Good Health, Division of Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resources, March 2008
Eat Healthy and Save Your Bank Account, Division of Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resources, March 2008
Get more milk, Division of Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resources, February 2008
Interesterified fats: What is its health impact? Division of Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resources, February
Eating nutritiously at the office can lead to healthier life, Division of Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resources,
February 2008
Indulge Yourself in Physical Activity, Division of Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resources, February 2008
Does juice fit into a healthy diet?, Division of Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resources, January 2008
Eat Better, Together, Division of Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resources, January 2008
Nutrition for Older Adults, Division of Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resources, January 2008
Food Intake Changes as One Grows Older, Division of Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resources, January 2008
Start the New Year With Realistic Weight Loss Goals, Division of Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resources,
January 2008
How Much Water Should You Drink? Division of Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resources, December 2007
There are two sides to herbal products, Division of Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resources, November 2007
Sack Lunch is a Great Opportunity to Teach Good Nutrition, Division of Agricultural Sciences and Natural
Resources, November 2007
Eat Well to Prevent the Flu, Division of Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resources, November 2007
Which milk is best for growing bones? Division of Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resources, November 2007
Healthy Diets Depend on What Is Included, Division of Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resources, November
Which is better: butter or margarine? Division of Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resources, November 2007
Portion control, Division of Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resources, November 2007
Start with breakfast to help ensure a successful day, Division of Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resources,
October 2007
November is National Diabetes Month, Division of Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resources, October 2007
The Link between Diabetes and Heart Disease, Division of Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resources, October
Now is the time to prevent diabetes, Division of Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resources, October 2007
Students pay academically for poor nutrition and inactivity, Division of Agricultural Sciences and Natural
Resources, October 2007
Incorporate Physical Activity into Your Lifestyle, Division of Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resources,
September 2007
Managing calories should not be confusing, Division of Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resources, September
Bad Mood? Could It Be Your Food? Division of Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resources, September 2007
Stock up on healthy-seasonal fruits, Division of Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resources, September 2007
Make Halloween as Healthy as Possible, News Line Newsletter, September 2007
MyPyramid Tracker: Keep track of your health, Division of Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resources,
September 2007
Nutrients Are Essential For a Child’s Active Live, Division of Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resources, August
Nutrition Plus Physical Activity Equals a Healthy Lifestyle, Division of Agricultural Sciences and Natural
Resources, August 2007
Aim for a Healthier You!, Division of Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resources, August 2007
Diet versus Supplements, Resource Update-News Release, August 2007
Healthy Diets Depend of What’s Included Not Just What’s Excluded, Resource Update-News Release, August
Food or Pharmacy, Resource Update-News Release, August 2007
Nutrition For Athletic Performance, Resource Update-News Release, August 2007
Two Sides to Herbal Products, Resource Update-News Release, August 2007
Evaluating Nutrition Information Is Not Always Easy, Resource Update-News Release, August 2007
Many Dietary Compounds Help Protect Against Oxidative Damage, Resource Update-News Release, August 2007
Eating Disorders Involve Many Aspects, Resource Update-News Release, August 2007
Incoming freshman: Avoid the “15,” Division of Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resources, July 2007
Carbohydrates are good for your diet, Division of Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resources, July 2007
Aging gracefully: Proper nutrition is important, Division of Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resources, June
Evaluating Nutrition Information Can Be Tricky, News Line Newsletter, June 2007
Turn off the TV and turn on a healthier lifestyle, Division of Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resources, April
Energy Drinks: Help or Harm, Resource Update-News Release, May 2007
Herbs and Athletics, Resource Update-News Release, May 2007
Forming a Physically Active Lifestyle, Resource Update-News Release, May 2007
Fruits and Vegetables: A Bounty of Benefits, Resource Update-News Release, May 2007
Good Nutrition Is Important for a Healthy Lifestyle, Division of Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resources,
March 2007
What’s A Mother To Do: Healthy Family Eating Tips, Resource Update-News Release, March 2007
Simplifying The Calorie Confusion, Resource Update-News Release, March 2007
Vitamin and Mineral Supplements – Do You Really Need Them, Division of Agricultural Sciences and Natural
Resources, January 2007
Trans Fat, Resource Update-Educator Update, November 2006
Dietary Supplements More Than vitamins, Resource Update-News Release, November 2006
Healthy Eating and Physical Activity for Older Adults, Resource Update-News Release, November 2006
Healthy Eating and Physical Activity for Adults, Resource Update News-Release, November 2006
Healthy Eating and Physical Activity for Children, Resource Update-News Release, November 2006
Set Realistic Goals in Order to Attain and Maintain Weight Loss, News Line Newsletter, November 2006
Young Children and Breakfast, Resource Update-Educator Update, August 2006
Young Children and Snacks, Resource Update-Educator Update, August 2006
Fruit Juice: A Great Way To Start Your Child’s Day, Resource Update-News Release, August 2006
Smart Ways To Make Breakfast A Success, Resource Update-News Release, August 2006
Which Milk For Growing Bones, Resource Update-News Release, August 2006
Snacks: Don’t Ban Them…Plan Them, Resource Update-News Release, August 2006
Students Calling the Shots When it Comes to Lunch Choices, Division of Agricultural Sciences and Natural
Resources, August 2006
Vitamins are an Essential Part of a Healthy Diet, OCES Family and Consumer Sciences Newsline, August 2006.
Breakfast…A Great Way To Start Each Day, Division of Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resources, July 2006
Food Fads: Don’t be a victim of health fraud, Diet, Division of Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resources, May
Busting Myths About Food and Children’s Behavior, Resource Update-News Release, May 2006
Are There Foods That Affect Your Mood, Resource Update-News Release, May 2006
Helping Your Overweight Child, Resource Update-News Release, May 2006
Healthy Snacks for Kids, Resource Update-News Release, May 2006
Diet Myths, Resource Update-Educator Update, May 2006
Food Allergies, Resource Update-Educator Update, May 2006
Fruits and Vegetables Are Essential Parts of a Healthy Diet, Division of Agricultural Sciences and Natural
Resources, March 2006
Eating Better Together, Resource Update-News Release, February 2006
Spice Up Your Meals and Lower Your Salt Intake, Resource Update-News, February 2006
Breakfast: The Most Important Meal of the Day, Resource Update-News, February 2006
Water, Water Everywhere But How Much Should Your Drink? Resource Update-News, February 2006
Giving Children the Information They Need To Make Healthy Food Choices, Resource Update-News, February
To Lose or Manage Your Weight: It All Comes Down To Calories In, Calories Out, Resource Update-News,
February 2006
Food Groups To Encourage: Fruits and Vegetables, Resource Update-Educator Update, February 2006
Children Running Higher Risks of Health Issues Due to Weight, Division of Agricultural Sciences and Natural
Resources, January 2006
Healthy Holidays, Division of Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resources, November 2005
Factors Associated with Oklahoma Older Americans Act Nutrition Program Participants Ability to Shop, Cook and
Feed Themselves, Resource Update-Abstract, November 2005
What’s the Difference Between a Portion and a Serving? Resource Update-News Release, November 2005
Controlling Portion Sizes at Home and Eating Out, Resource Update-News Release, November 2005
Cutting Out Sugar Is Not A Diabetic Diet, Division of Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resources, November
What is Diabetes, Division of Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resources, November 2005
New Bills Addressing Nutrition and Physical Activity in Oklahoma Schools, Resource Update-News Release,
August 2005
Beat the Heat with Plenty of Water, Division of Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resources, June 2005
The New USDA Food Guidance System: MyPryamid, Resource Update-News Release, May 2005
Using Factors Associated with High Nutrition Risk Among Oklahoma Older Americans Act Nutrition Program
Participants to Target Nutrition Education, Resource Update-Abstract, May 2005
Deaths Associated with Underweight, Overweight and Obesity, Resource Update-Abstract, May 2005
Nature’s “Fast Snacks” Are Healthy Choices, Division of Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resources, March
Weight Loss and Management is All About Calories, Division of Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resources,
March 2005
Get a Taste for Good Nutrition, Division of Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resources, March 2004
The 2005 Dietary Guidelines for Americans USDA Food Guide, Resource Update-Educator Update, February 2005
Oklahomans Fall Short of Reaching the 2005 Dietary Guidelines Recommendation for Physical Activity, Resource
Update-News Release, February 2005
Oklahomans Fall Short of Reaching the 2005 Dietary Guidelines Recommendation for Fruit and Vegetable Intake,
Resource Update-News Release, February 2005
Tip the Scales in Your Child’s Favor, Division of Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resources, December 2004
2005 Dietary Guidelines for Americans Resource Update-Educator Update, November 2004
Students’ Poor Nutrition and Inactivity Comes With a Heavy Academic Cost, Resource Update-News Release,
November 2004
Eating Healthy Will Help Prevent Sickness, Division of Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resources, November
The Link Between Diabetes and Heart Disease, Division of Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resources, October
Get Moving For Your Health, Resource Update-News Release, August 2004
100 Calories A Day Can Be The Difference Between Weight Maintenance, Gain or Loss, Resource Update-News
Release, August 2004
USDA Calls for Public Comment of Revisions of the Food Guidance System, Resource Update-Educator Update,
August 2004
Beat the Heat with Plenty of Water, Division of Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resources, July 2004
Breakfast a Great Way to Start the Day, Division of Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resources, February 2004
Institute of Medicine Releases New Dietary Reference Intakes for Water, Sodium, Potassium and Chloride;
Resource Update-News Release, February 2004
Important Things To Know About High Protein, Low Carbohydrate Diets; Resource Update-News Release,
February 2004
Food Guide Pyramid Revisions; Resource Update-Educator Update, February 2004
Weight Management: The Healthy Choice, January 2004
Trans Fatty Acids, Resource Update-Research Update, December 2003
When It Comes To Trans Fat Is Butter Better Than Margarine: Resource Update-News Release, December 2003
Give Yourself The Gift Of Good Health, Division of Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resources, November 2003
Holiday Eating Strategies, Division of Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resources, October 2003
Children Becoming More at Risk for Type 2 Diabetes, 4-H Newsletter Cover Story, October/November 2003
November is National Awareness Diabetes Month; Family and Consumer Sciences Newsletter Cover Story,
October/November 2003
Halloween Does Not Mean Nutrition Is Out the Window, Division of Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resources,
September 2003
Children’s Diet and Physical Activity, Focus Newsletter, Fall 2003
The Oklahoma New Communities Project, Focus Newsletter, Fall 2003
Super Nutrition Activity Program (SNAP), Focus Newsletter, Fall 2003
Youth Healthy Living A-Z, Focus Newsletter, Fall 2003
Fruits and Vegetables: The Key To A Healthy Lifestyle. Division of Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resources,
September 2003
Nutrition In Schools Makes the Grade, Division of Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resources, August 2003
Does Folate Food Fortification Pose A Risk of Vitamin B-12 Deficiency in Senior Citizens, Resource Update-News
Release, September 2003
Does Folate Food Fortification Pose A Risk of Vitamin B-12 Deficiency in Senior Citizens, Resource UpdateResearch Update, September 2003
Large Portion Size Linked to Greater Food Consumption In Children, Resource Update-News Release, September
Weight Management, Division of Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resources, August 2003
Growing Older: Eating Better, Resource Update-News Release, June 2003
Nutrition in Later Years, Resource Update, June 2003
Meal Preparation Tips for Arthritis Sufferers, Division of Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resources, March
Prevent Osteoporosis During the Early Years, Division of Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resources, March
No Bones About It, Get Milk!, Division of Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resources, March 2003.
Breast-Feeding Benefits Mother and Baby, Division of Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resources, March 2003.
Meal Preparation Tips for Arthritis Sufferers, Division of Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resources, March
Start the Day Out Right, Division of Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resources, March 2003.
Creatine Does Not Enhance Muscle, Division of Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resources, March 2003.
Physical Fitness Helps Manage Weight, Division of Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resources, March 2003.
New Oils Makes Fast Foods A Little Healthy, Division of Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resources, March
Can Fast Food Be Healthy, Division of Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resources, March 2003.
Antioxidants Are Part of A Healthy Diet, Division of Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resources, February 2003.
Celebrate Nutrition Month in March, Division of Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resources, February 2003.
New Data Shows Obesity Still On The Rise, Resource Update-News Release, March 2003
Obesity and Overweight, Resource Update – Consumer Update, March 2003
Pre-Diabetes Should Not Be Ignored, Family and Consumer Sciences Cover Newsletter, January/February 2003
Dietary Choices Can Help Fight Disease, Division of Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resources, October 2002.
Spanish - Dietary Choices Can Help Fight Disease, Division of Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resources,
October 2002.
Prevent Diabetes During Pre-Diabetes Stage, Division of Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resources, October
Spanish - Prevent Diabetes During Pre-Diabetes Stage, Division of Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resources,
October 2002.
November is Diabetes Month, Division of Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resources, October 2002.
Spanish - November is Diabetes Month, Division of Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resources, October 2002.
Eat a Rainbow of Color for Good Nutrition, Family and Consumer Sciences Cover Newsletter, October/November
School Lunches Can Make The Grade, Division of Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resources, September 2002.
Serve Quick Healthy Meals, Division of Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resources, September 2002.
Women and Diabetes, Research Update, September 2002
Larger Babies Could Be At Higher Risk for Type 2 Diabetes, Research Update, September 2002
Summer: A Great Time To Aim For 5-A-Day, Research Update, June 2002
American Diabetes Association Releases Classification For Pre-Diabetes, Research Update, June 2002
Summer And Soft Drinks, Division of Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resources, May 2002
Do Your Homework When Using Supplements, Division of Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resources, March
March is Nutrition Month, Resource Update, March 2002
Nutrition Misinformation: Position of the American Dietetic Association, Resource Update, March 2002
A Healthy Lifestyle Starts With Listening To Your Body, Family and Consumer Sciences Cover Newsletter,
January 2002
Physical Activity and Weight Management, Resource Update, December 2001
Nutrition Later in Life, OCES Nutrition Web Site, November 2001
Diabetic Meal Plans, OCES Nutrition Web Site, November 2001
What is Diabetes, OCES Nutrition Web Site, November 2001
Fad Diets, OCES Nutrition Web Site, October 2001
Dietary Guidelines for Americans, OCES Nutrition Web Site, October 2001
Food Guide Pyramid, OCES Nutrition Web Site, October 2001
School-Age Children: Nutrition and Sports: Resource Update, September 2001
Eat 5-A Day, Resource Update, September 2001
All The Other Kids Get Candy In Their Sack Lunch, Resource Update, September 2001
Washing Produce, OCES Nutrition Web Site, October 2001
Childhood Obesity, OCES Nutrition Web Site, September 2001
Packing School Lunches, OCES Nutrition Web Site, September 2001
Evaluation Nutrition Information, OCES Nutrition Web Site, September 2001
Eating Out, OCES Nutrition Web Site, September 2001
Herbal Supplements, OCES Nutrition Web Site, August 2001
Dietary Supplements, OCES Nutrition Web Site, August 2001
Eat Your Breakfast, OCES Nutrition Web Site, August 2001
Snacks, OCES Nutrition Web Site, July 2001
The ABC’s of Eating Healthy, Division of Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resources, July 2001
The Case of the Missing Nutrients: Nutrition for School Age Children, Family and Consumer Sciences Cover
Newsletter, July 2001
Protein And Athletic Performance, Division of Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resources, June 2001
Vitamins/Minerals and Athletic Performance, Division of Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resources, June 2001
Ergogenic Aids and Athletic Performance, Division of Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resources, June 2001
Health Benefits of Fruits and Vegetables, Division of Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resources, June 2001
Water Essential For Life, Resource Update, May 2001
Older Adults At Higher Risk For Dehydration, Resource Update, May 2001
Water And Physical Activity, Resource Update, May 2000
Diabetes Awareness Month, Division of Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resources, March 2001
Nutrition Month, Division of Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resources, March 2001
Canola Oil Safe, Resource Update, February 2001
New DRI for Vitamins A and K, Iron, Copper and Other Minerals, Resource Update, February 2001
Childhood Obesity: Division of Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resources Activity and Diet, Family and
Consumer Sciences Cover Newsletter, January 2001
Sticky Foods Can Led To More Cavities, Division of Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resources, December 2000
Is Bigger Better? Division of Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resources, December 2000
Weight Management, Resource Update, November 2000
Increased In Incidence of Diabetes, Resource Update, November 2000
Making The Most Of Family Mealtime, Division of Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resources, October 2000
Healthy Diets Should Include Whole Grains, Division of Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resources, September
Food Diary Can Help Kids Curb Weight, Division of Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resources, July 2000
New Dietary Guidelines, Division of Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resources, July 2000
False Internet Report About Bananas, Resource Update, June 2000
FDA Releases Warning About Supplements Containing GBA, Resource Update, June 2000
Prescription Drugs In Herbal Products, Resource Update, June 2000
Rezulin Removed From The Market, Resource Update, June 2000
Wash Fruits and Vegetables To Ensure Safety, Division of Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resources, April
Serving Fruits and Vegetables Can Be Fun, Division of Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resources, March 2000
Nutrition For Older Adults, Division of Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resources, March 2000
Healthy People 2010, Resource Update, March 2000
Trends In Supplement Sales, Resource Update, March 2000
FDA Allows New Health Claim Related To Whole Grains, Resource Update, March 2000
FDA Proposes Labeling Changes Regarding Trans Fatty Acids, March 2000
USDA Releases Dietary Guidelines For Americans, 2000, Resource Update, March 2000
Red Flags Signal Bad Advice, Division of Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resources, February 2000
Eat Right In 2000, Division of Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resources, January 2000
Eating Disorders Are They Eating Your Happiness, Resource Update, December 1999
Holiday Eating Tips, Resource Update, December 1999
Be Healthy: It’s All About You, Resource Update, December 1999
Fish Frenzy, Division of Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resources, November 1999
High Protein Diets Not All They’re Cracked Up To Be, Division of Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resources,
November 1999
Feeding Toddlers, Division of Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resources, October 1999
Adding Fish To Your Diet May Help Prevent Heart Problems, Division of Agricultural Sciences and Natural
Resources, September 1999
Feeding Young Children: Good Habits Can Last A Lifetime, Resource Update, September 1999
Food And Physical Activity: Keys To Fitness, Resource Update, September 1999
Smart Snacking For Kids: Work With The Pyramid, Resource Update, September 1999
Number of Overweight Children Is On The Rise, Division of Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resources, July
FDA Approves A New Weight Loss Drug: Xenical, Resource Update, May 1999
Vitamin D: Are You Getting Enough, Resource Update, May 1999
Low Carbohydrate Diets: Are They Safe? Resource Update, May 1999
Pasta Can Be Beneficial In Preventing Birth Defects, Division of Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resources,
February 1999
Update On Insulin, Resource Update, December 1998
Meeting The Challenge Of Weight Management With Reduced-Calorie Fats, Division of Agricultural Sciences and
Natural Resources, November 1998
Products Containing Olestra Available At Local Stores, Division of Agricultural Sciences and natural Resources,
September 1998
Folate-Rich Foods Enhance Wellness, Division of Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resources, September 1998
Debate Continues Over Fat and Oils In A Good Diet, Division of Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resources,
August 1998
High Protein, Low Carbohydrate Weight Loss Diets, Resource Update, June 1998
Water Or Sports Drinks, Resource Update, June 1998
FDA Approves New Non-Nutritive Sweetener: Sucralose, Resource Update, June 1998
Olestra Hitting The Stores In Oklahoma Groceries, Division of Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resources,
March 1998
FDA Publishes Dietary Supplement Rules, Resource Update, March 1998
FDA Warns Against Herbal Fen-Phen Products, Resource Update, March 1998
Could You Have Diabetes And Not Know It? Resource Update, March 1998
Learning To Live Healthy, Agriculture At OSU, Winter/Fall 1997/1998
Are Calcium Pills A Health Risk, Division of Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resources, January 1998
Kids Need Fiber Too, Division of Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resources, December 1997
Recommended Dietary Intake Of calcium Has Increased, Division of Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resources,
December 1997
New Dietary Recommended Intakes For Calcium, Division of Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resources,
November 1997
Don’t Worry About Candy Overload On Halloween, Division of Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resources,
October 1997
Wake Your Kids Up To Breakfast, Division of Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resources, October 1997
Healthy Bones Depend On Calcium Intake, Division of Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resources, September
Food Allergies and Intolerances, Resource Update, September 1997
Fruits and Vegetables: The Five-A-Day Challenge, Resource Update, September 1997
New Dietary Reference Intakes Proposed To Replace RDA’s, Resource Update, September 1997
Milk Labels To Get New Look, Division of Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resources, August 1997
Childhood Obesity Becoming A Serious Health Problem, Division of Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resources,
July 1997
Tips For Good Nutrition, Division of Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resources, June 1997
Healthy Living Program: Reduced Health Care Costs, Focus Newsletter, May 1997
Healthy Living Program Highlights, Focus Newsletter, May 1997
Warnings Required On Iron-Containing Drugs and Supplements, resource Update, May 1997
Dextenfluamine and Primary Pulmonary Hypertension, resource Update, May 1997
Vitamins and Minerals Play Role In Maintaining Good Health, April 1997
Good News About Nuts, Division of Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resources, February 1997
Here’s the Skinny On Excess Weight, Division of Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resources, February 1997
Alzheimer’s Patients Need Proper Nutritional Care, Division of Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resources,
January 1997
Legumes Are A Healthy And Versatile Food, Division of Agricultural Sciences and natural Resources, December
Fitness For Kids, Resource Update, December 1996
Loved Ones With Alzheimer’s Disease, Resource Update, December 1996
Lactose Intolerance Is A Manageable Problem, Division of Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resources, December
Make Fitness Fun, Division of Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resources, October 1996
Food Allergies and Intolerances, Resource Update, September 1996
Physical Fitness Plays A Role In Bone Health, Division of Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resources, May 1006
FDA Issues A Warning For Dietary Supplements Containing Ephedrine, Resource Update, June 1996
Lactose Intolerance, Resource Update, June 1996
Choose Calcium Rich Foods For Strong Bones, Division of Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resources, April
Make Lean Meat A Part Of Your Healthy Diet, Division of Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resources, March
FDA Publishes Dietary Supplement Rules, Resource Update; March 1996
American Dietetic Position: Vitamin and Mineral Supplementation, Division of Agricultural Sciences and Natural
Resources, March 1996
Government Releases New Dietary Guidelines, Division of Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resources, January
Breakfast: Still Kids Most Important Meal Of The Day Division of Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resources,
December 1995
Americans Still Overweight Despite Fat Free Food Options, Division of Agricultural Sciences and Natural
Resources, November 1995
Some Dietary Factors May Be A Factor With Colon Cancer. Division of Agricultural Sciences and Natural
Resources, October 1995
Good Nutritional Habits Can Last A Lifetime, Division of Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resources, October
Nutrition Misinformation, Resource Update: Consumer Update, October 1995
Researchers Focus On Living Healthier, Ag At OSU, Fall 1995
Rapid Weight Loss Can Be Unhealthy; Division of Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resources, September 1995
Increasing Calcium Consumption Can Reduce Rate Of Bone Loss, Division of Agricultural Sciences and Natural
Resources, August 1995
There Are No Shortcuts To Weight Management, Division of Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resources, August
Revision Of The US Dietary Guidelines, Resource Update, August 1995
Exercise Program A Good Move For Older Adults, Division of Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resources, July
Results of the 1995 National Child Health and Safety survey, Resource Update, June 1995
Cooking Method Plays Role In Vitamin Retention, Division of Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resources, June
Kids Need Fiber Too, Division of Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resources, May 1995
Factors Which Affect The Fat Content Of School Lunches, Resource Update, April 1995
Healthy Living Program, Home Economics News, March 1995
Reduce The Fat In Baked Goods, Division of Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resources, February 1995
Dietary Not Recommended For Young children, Division of Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resources, February
Reduce The Fat In Baked Goods, Home Economics News, January 1995
All Juices Are Not Created Equal, Home Economics News, January 1995
Oklahoma Cooperative Extension Service Educational Radio News Releases:
(Radio news releases listed for 1995 through 2001; 258 radio news releases prior to 1995)
Feeding Your Family With High Food Prices, April 2008
Keeping Fresh Fruits and Vegetables in Your Family Meals with High Food Prices, April 2008
Diabetes Awareness Month, KSPI, March 2001
Nutrition Month, KSPI, March 2001
Water Is Crucial During The Summer, July 1998
High Protein Weight Loss Diets: Are They Safe?, April 1998
Tolerable Upper Limits For Nutrients: What Do They Mean?, April 1998
Moderate Sodium Restriction and Weight Loss Effect on Controlling Blood Pressure In Older Adults, April 1998
Sports Drinks: Do You Need Them? April 1998
FDA Issues Restrictions On Claims For Chromium Picolinate, April 1998
Sucralose, New Sweetener Approved By FDA, April 1998
Could You Have Diabetes And Not Know It?, February 1998
Beta Carotene From Food Versus Supplements, January 1998
Food And Migraine Headaches, November 1995
Sodium And Healthy Blood Pressure, November 1995
Breakfast – Kids Most Important Meal Of The Day, November 1995
Nutrition Fuels Fitness, November 1995
Facts About Aspartame, November 1995
Aspartame In Pregnancy, November 1995
Meal Planning: The First Step To Diabetes Control, September 1995
How To Keep Nutrition On The Go, September 1995
Keeping Antioxidants In Balance, September 1995
Picking Snacks For Picky Eaters, August 1995
Tips On Introducing New Foods, August 1995
Giving Medicine To Your Children, August 1995
Soy Milk Is Not Soy Infant Formula, August 1995
Do You Need Vitamin/Mineral Supplements, August 1995
Don’t Lose Nutrients When Preparing Vegetables, July 1995
Where Are The Vitamins: Fresh, Frozen or Canned, July 1995
Lactose Intolerance Versus Milk Allergy, July 1995
When a Product Makes A Claim Is It A Drug, June 1995
Keep Fluids Up During Summer Sports, June 1995
Do You Need Extra Sodium With The Heat, June 1995
Do Athletes Need Extra Protein, June 1995
Fluids Very Important In The Summer, June 1995
Summer Car Snacks, May 1995
Tips For Spotting Misinformation, May 1995
Freedom Of Speech And Misinformation, May 1995
Weight Loss Fraud, May 1995
Lifestyle Changes For Bone Health, April 1995
Sugar Not Linked To Causing Diseases, April 1995
New Fad: Manchurian Mushroom Tea, March 1995
Rinsing Cooked Ground Beef Can Lower Fat, March 1995
Kids Need Fiber Too, March 1995
Three Qualities To A Healthy Diet, February 1995
Eating Healthy Can Be Quick And Easy, February 1995
Vitamins and Mineral Misinformation, February 1995
A New Year: A New Diet, January 1995
Yo-Yo Diet Theories Unwind, January 1995
Lactose Intolerance Misconceptions, January 1995
Oklahoma Cooperative Extension Service Reviewed Educational Fact Sheets:
(Referenced and Reviewed Information Articles)
T-3117 Carbohydrates in the Diet (new 2001-02; revised 2005-2006)
T-3120 Drug – Nutrient Interactions (new 1989-90, reprinted 1991-92, revised 1995-96; revised 2002-03; revised
T-3122 Vitamin and Mineral Supplements (revised 1986-87, revised 1989-90, revised 1991-92, revised 1994-95;
revised 2005-2006)
T-3124 Nutrition Misinformation ((new 1986-87, revised 1989-90, revised 1992-93; revised 2005-2006)
T-3132 Nutrition for Physical Activity and Athletics (new 1985-86, revised 1989-90 revised1996-97, revised 200001; revised 2005-2006)
T-3138 Dietary Fiber (revised 1987-88, revised 1989-90, revised 1991-92, revised 98-99; revised 2002-03; revised
T-3142 Dietary Salt and Sodium (new 1988-89, revised 1990-91, revised 98-99; revised 2002-03; revised 20052006)
T-3148 Food Intake in Later Years (new 1986-87, revised 1990-91, revised 1993-94; revised 2005-2006)
T-3149 Nutrition in Later Years (new 1986-87, revised 1989-90, revised 1992-93, revised 2005-2006)
T-3150 Dietary Calcium (new 1986-87, revised 1989-90, revised 1991-92, revised 1998-99; revised 2002-03;
revised 2005-2006)
T-3152 Diet and Osteoporosis (revised 1989-90, revised 1991-92, revised 1999-00; revised 2002-03; revised 20052006)
T-3153 Dietary Fat and Cholesterol (new 1987-88, revised 1989-90, revised 1993-94, revised 98-99; revised 200203; revised 2005-2006)
T-3155 Food and Young Children (new 1987-88, revised 1994-95; revised 2005-2006)
T-3156 Vitamins in the Diet (new 1989-90, revised 1994-95; revised 2005-2006)
T-3157 Dietary Sugar and Alternative Sweeteners (new 1990-91; revised 98-99; revised 2002-03; revised 20052006)
T-3159 Diet and High Blood Pressure (new 1991-92, revised 1999-00; revised 2002-03; revised 2005-2006)
T-3160 Diet and Heart Disease (new 1991-92, revised 1999-00; revised 2002-03; revised 2005-2006)
T-3161 Diet and Diabetes (new 1991-92, revised 1995-96; revised 2002-03; revised 2005-2006)
T-3163 Protein in the Diet (new 1994-95; revised 2005-2006)
T-3164 Minerals in the Diet (new 1989-90, revised 1994-95; revised 2005-2006)
T-3166 Overweight Children (new 1996-97; revised 2005-2006)
T-3167 Weight Management (new 2000-01; revised 2002-03; revised 2005-2006)
T-3171 MyPyramid: Steps to a Healthier You (new 2005-2006)
T-3172 Recommendations for a Healthier You: Dietary Guidelines for Americans (new 2005-2006)
T-3620 Food Allergies and Food Intolerances (new 2003-04; revised 2005-2006
T-2125 Exercise In Later Years (new 1986-87, revised 1989-90, revised 1991-92)
T-3127 Making Work in the Kitchen Less Physically Strenuous (new 1986-87, revised 1990-91)
T-3128 Supermarket Strategies (new 1986-87)
T-3143 Food: Facts and Fallacies (revised 1988-89)
T-3158 Caffeine (new 1990-91)
T-3165 Food Guide Pyramid: A Guide to Daily Food Choices (new 1994-95, reprinted 1996-97)
T-3168 Dietary Guidelines for Good Health (new 2001-02)
T-3130 Overcoming Problems in the Kitchen for People With Special Needs (new 1986-87, revised 1990-91)
T-3139 Food and Fitness: A Winning Combination (new 1986-87, revised 1989-90, revised 1991-92)
T-3144 Questions and Answers About Weight Control (revised 1991-92)
Nutrition and Dental Health (revised 1990-91)
Food What's In It For You (revised 1988-89, revised 1990-91)
Oklahoma Cooperative Extension Service Low Reading Level Educational Fact Sheets:
Healthy Oklahoma: Low Reading Level (2007)
Why Breakfast?
For Growing Bones…Which Milk?
Which Cereal?
Why Snacks?
Fats in Foods: How Much for Kids?
Juice or Fruit Drink?
Head Start on Health Series: Low Reading Level (2006)
Why Breakfast?
For Growing Bones…Which Milk?
Which Cereal?
Why Snacks?
Fats in Foods: How Much for Kids?
Juice or Fruit Drink?
Dietary Guidelines Series: Low Reading Level (2004-2005; revised 2005-2006)
The 2005 Dietary Guidelines
The Dietary Guidelines: Adequate Nutrients Within Calorie Needs
The Dietary Guidelines: Weight Management
The Dietary Guidelines: Physical Activity
The Dietary Guidelines: Food Groups To Encourage
The Dietary Guidelines: Fats
The Dietary Guidelines: Carbohydrates
The Dietary Guidelines: Sodium and Potassium
The Dietary Guidelines: Alcoholic Beverages
The Dietary Guidelines: Food Safety
MyPyramid: Steps To a Healthier You
MyPyramid: Grains
MyPyramid: Vegetables
MyPyramid: Fruits
MyPyramid: Milk
MyPyramid: Meat and Beans
MyPyramid: Oils
MyPyramid: Discretionary Calories
MyPyramid: Physical Activity
Nutrition Nutrients Series: Low Reading Level (2003-2004; revised 2005-2006):
Facts about Trans Fat (Parker, S. & Hermann, J.)
Facts about High Protein Diets (Hermann, J. & Parker, S.)
Facts about Iron
Facts about Zinc
Facts about Vitamin C
Facts about Vitamin A
Facts about Vitamin D
Facts about Vitamin E
Facts about Vitamin K
Facts about Thiamin
Facts about Riboflavin
Facts about Niacin
Facts about Folate
Facts about Vitamin B6
Facts about Vitamin B12
Nutrition Basics Series: Low Reading Level (2002-2003; revised 2005-2006)
Dietary Guidelines
MyPyramid Food Groups
MyPyramid: How Much From Each Food Group
Carbohydrate In the Diet
Fat In the Diet
Protein In the Diet
Vitamins In the Diet
Minerals In the Diet
Sodium In the Diet
Calcium In the Diet
Calcium Food Sources
Fiber In the Diet
Water In the Diet
Dietary Supplements
Weight Management Series: Low Reading Level (2002-2003; revised 2005-2006)
Nutrition for Fitness and Athletics
Weight Management
Healthy Eating and Weight Management
Physical Activity and Weight Management
Special Issues Series: Low Reading Level (2002-2003; revised 2005-2006)
Nutrition Misinformation
Food Allergies
Child Nutrition Series: Low Reading Level (2002-2003; revised 2005-2006)
Nutrition and Young Children
Nutrition and Young Children: Mealtime Tips
Childhood Overweight
Childhood Overweight: Parent Tips
Your Health Series: Low Reading Level/Spanish Translation (2001-2002; revised 2005-2006)
What Is Diabetes
Controlling Diabetes
Eating Healthy With Diabetes
Helpful Tips With Diabetes
Sick Days and Food Care With Diabetes
What Is Heart Disease
Lowering Your Risk For Heart Disease
Eating For A Healthy Heart
What Is High Blood Pressure
Controlling High Blood Pressure
What Is Osteoporosis
Lowering Your Risk For Osteoporosis
Drug-Nutrient Interactions
Lowering Your Risk Of Drug-Nutrient Interactions
Eating Well for Seniors Series: Low Reading Level/Spanish Translation (2000-2001; revised 2005-2006)
MyPyramid: Steps To A Healthier You
Basic Nutrients
Vitamin and Mineral Supplements
Water and Fiber
Factors Affecting Food Intake
Maintaining a Healthy Diet and Increasing Appetite
Tips for Increasing Food Intake
Eating Well for Good Nutrition Series: Low Reading Level/Spanish Translation (2000-2001; revised 2005-2006)
Healthy Selections From the Grains Group
Healthy Selections From the Fruit and Vegetable Groups
Healthy Selections From the Meat and Beans Group
Healthy Selections From the Milk Group
Healthy Selections For Oils
Oklahoma Cooperative Extension Service Educational Teleconferences:
Participant: “Adolescent Nutrition,” State Family and Consumer Science Educators In-Service Training, September
Panelist: "Health Styles: A Family Wellness Program" In-Service, October 1991.
Panelist: "Educational Opportunities with Satellite", Up-link with Texas A&M University Cooperative Extension
Service, November 1990.
Coordinator: "Diet & Health: Heart Disease I", June 1990
Coordinator: "Diet & Health: Heart Disease II", June 1990
Coordinator: "Diet & Health: Hypertension", June 1990
Coordinator: "Diet & Health: Cancer", June 1990
Coordinator: "Diet & Health: Diabetes", June 1990
Coordinator: "Diet & Health: Obesity", June 1990
Coordinator: "Diet & Health: Osteoporosis", July 1990
Coordinator: "Diet & Health: Drug/Nutrient Interactions", July 1990
Coordinator: "Diet & Health: Nutrition Fads and Fallacies", July 1990
Panelist: "Take Five", May 1990.
Panelist: "Home Economics Research Update", February 1990.
Panelist: "Cooperative Extension Update", January 1990.
Panelist: "Beef Preparation and Nutrition", September 1988.
Coordinator: "AIDS: Update", 1988.
Panelist: "Update on Satellite Videoconferencing", Up-link with University of Missouri Cooperative Extension
Service, March 1988.
Panelist: "Nutritional Concerns for Mothers, Infants, and Children", February 1988.
Panelist: "Update on Osteoporosis-Boron and Parathyroid Hormone", January 1988.
Coordinator: "National Nutrition Quackery Quiz", November 1987.
Coordinator: "The Diet and Cancer Link", December 1986.
Coordinator: "Healthy Aging", July 1986.
Panelist: "Fighting Fat", April 1986.
Panelist: "Eating Healthy: A Guide To Active Living", March 1986.
Coordinator: "Calcium, Osteoporosis and Beyond", February 1986.
Oklahoma Cooperative Extension Service Educational Training Tapes:
The Healthy Way: Eating Out (OETA Pilot Television Program), April 2006 (Brown, B. & Hermann, J.)
OETA Food and Nutrition television project; outlined 8 programs, June 2005 tapping 1 program
Nutrition For Older Adults Training Tape, August 1998
Active Living Training Tape, January 1998
Healthy Living Program Promotional Tape, September 1995
Nutrition Misinformation for the Teen Athlete, May 1992
Exercise Spotlight, December 1990
Diet & Health: Heart Disease Part I, December 1990
Diet & Health: Heart Disease Part II, December 1990
Diet & Health: Hypertension, December 1990
Diet & Health: Cancer, December 1990
Diet & Health: Diabetes, December 1990
Diet & Health: Obesity, December 1990
Diet & Health: Osteoporosis, December 1990
Diet & Health: Drug/Nutrient Interactions, December 1990
Diet & & Health: Nutrition Fads and Fallacies, December 1990
Aids and Nutrition What's The Connection, October 1988
Nutrition in Later Years, October 1988
Exercise in Later Years, October 1988
Diet and Cancer Link, January 1988
Calcium, January 1988
Osteoporosis, January 1988
Oklahoma Cooperative Extension Service Nutrition Web Site Developed (Includes Content, Handouts, Fact
Sheets, Power Point Presentations & Related Sites):
Nutrition Basics (2002; revised 2005; revisions 2006; revisions 2007)
What is Nutrition (2005)
Introduction to Nutrition (Content, PowerPoint)
Digestion, Absorption, and Metabolism (Content, PowerPoint)
Dietary Nutrients (2005)
Calories (Content, PowerPoint)
Carbohydrates and Sugars (Content, PowerPoint, Fact Sheet)
Protein (Content, PowerPoint, Fact Sheet)
Fat & Cholesterol (Content, PowerPoint, Fact Sheet)
Vitamins (Content, PowerPoint, Fact Sheet)
Minerals (Content, PowerPoint, Fact Sheet)
Dietary Salt (Content, PowerPoint)
Fiber (Content, PowerPoint, Fact Sheet, Handout)
Water (Content, PowerPoint)
Dietary Supplements (Content, PowerPoint, Fact Sheet) (2007)
Dietary Recommended Intakes (DRI's) (Content, PowerPoint) (2005)
Dietary Guidelines For Americans (Content, PowerPoint, Fact Sheet, Handouts) (2005)
Adequate Nutrients Within Calorie Needs (Content, PowerPoint)
Weight Management (Content, PowerPoint)
Physical Activity (Content)
Food Groups To Encourage (Content)
Fats (Content)
Carbohydrates (Content)
Sodium and Potassium (Content)
Alcoholic Beverages (Content)
Food Safety (Content)
MyPyramid (2005)
MyPyramid (Content, PowerPoint, Fact Sheet, Handouts, News Release) (2005)
Grains (Content, Handout, Fact Sheet)
Vegetables (Content, Handout)
Fruits (Content, Handout)
Milk (Content, Handout, Fact Sheet)
Meat and Beans (Content, Handout, Fact Sheet)
Oils (Content, Handout, Fact Sheet)
Discretionary Calories (Content, Handout, Fact Sheet)
Physical Activity (Content, Handout)
Nutrition Facts Label (Content, PowerPoint) (2005)
Evaluating Nutrition Information (Content, PowerPoint, Fact Sheet, News Release) (2007)
Nutrition Through The Lifecycle (2004; revised 2005)
Pregnancy (Content, PowerPoint) (2005)
Lactation (Content, PowerPoint) (2005)
Infancy (Content, PowerPoint) (2005)
Toddlers (Content, PowerPoint) (2005)
Pre-School Children (Content, PowerPoint, Fact Sheets, News Releases) (2005)
Young School-Age Children (Content, PowerPoint, Fact Sheets, News Releases) (2005)
Adolescent (Content, PowerPoint) (2005)
Older Adults (Content, PowerPoint, Fact Sheets, News Release) (2005)
Nutrition Issues (2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, revised 2005, revised 2007)
Breakfast (Content, News Release) (2005)
Snacking (Content) (2005)
Eating Out (Content, News Release) (2005)
Eating Disorders (Content, PowerPoint) (2007)
Nutrition for Fitness (Content, PowerPoint, News Release, Fact Sheet) (2007)
Vegetarian Diets (Content, PowerPoint) (2007)
Herbal Products (Content, PowerPoint) (2007)
Antioxidants (Content, PowerPoint) (2007)
Phytochemicals (Content, PowerPoint) (2007)
Nutrition And Health Promotion (2002, 2003, revised 2005, revised 2006)
Osteoporosis (Content, PowerPoint, 2 Fact Sheets) (2006)
High Blood Pressure (Content, PowerPoint, 2 Fact Sheets) (2006)
Heart Disease (Content, PowerPoint, 5 Fact Sheets) (2006)
Diabetes (29 Content, 2 PowerPoint, 2 Fact Sheets) (2006)
Could You Have Diabetes
Your Diabetes Health Care Team
Standards of Diabetes Care
What Is Type 1 Diabetes
What Is Type 2 Diabetes
Eating Healthy With Diabetes
Eating Healthy With Diabetic Exchanges
Eating Healthy With Carbohydrate Counting
Using The Nutrition Facts Label
Using Your Favorite Recipes
Modifying Recipes for Diabetes
Eating Healthy With Less Fat
Eating Healthy With Less Sugar
Eating Healthy With Less Salt
Eating Healthy With More Fiber
Eating Healthy When Eating Out
Diabetes and Alcohol
Diabetes and Weight Loss
Diabetes and Physical Activity
Diabetes and Medication
Testing Your Blood Glucose
Diabetes and Eye Care
Diabetes and Foot Care
Diabetes and Skin Care
Diabetes and Mouth Care
Diabetes and Illness
Diabetes and Stress
Diabetes and Travel
Diabetes and Motivation
Cancer (Content, PowerPoint, 2 Fact Sheets) (2006)
Weight Management (Content, PowerPoint, Fact Sheet) (2006)
Food Allergies and Intolerance (Content, PowerPoint, Fact Sheet, 5 Handouts) (2006)
Food/Drug Interactions (Content, PowerPoint, Fact Sheet) (2006)
Oklahoma Cooperative Extension Service Educational Programs Developed:
Healthy Oklahoma Curriculum (Parents of 3-5th Grade Students) (2007) (Brown, B. & Hermann, J.):
Healthy Oklahoma: Breakfast
PowerPoint Lesson, Teachers Guide, 3 Handouts
Why Breakfast?
For Growing Bones…Which Milk?
Which Cereal?
Healthy Oklahoma: Snacks
PowerPoint Lesson, Teachers Guide, 3 Handouts
Why Snacks?
Fats in Foods: How Much for Kids?
Juice or Fruit Drink?
Healthy Oklahoma: Lunches
PowerPoint Lesson, Teachers Guide, 1 Handouts
Easy Lunch Ideas
Healthy Oklahoma: Quick Meals
PowerPoint Lesson, Teachers Guide, 2 Handouts
Introducing New Foods
Quick Meals Activity Recipes
Healthy Oklahoma: Fast Food Meals
PowerPoint Lesson, Teachers Guide, 3 Handouts
Let’s Eat Out! Healthy Fast Foods
Fast Food the Healthy Way
Activity Calorie Calculator
Healthy Oklahoma: Celebrate Food and Family
PowerPoint Lesson, Teachers Guide, 1 Handouts
Celebrate Food and Family Activity Recipes
Head Start for Health Curriculum (2006) (Brown, B. & Hermann, J.):
Head Start for Health: Breakfast
PowerPoint Lesson, Teachers Guide, 3 Handouts
Why Breakfast?
For Growing Bones…Which Milk?
Which Cereal?
Head Start for Health: Snacks
PowerPoint Lesson, Teachers Guide, 3 Handouts
Why Snacks?
Fats in Foods: How Much for Kids?
Juice or Fruit Drink?
Head Start for Health: Lunches
PowerPoint Lesson, Teachers Guide, 1 Handouts
Easy Lunch Ideas
Head Start for Health: Quick Meals
PowerPoint Lesson, Teachers Guide, 2 Handouts
Introducing New Foods
Quick Meals Activity Recipes
Head Start for Health: Fast Food Meals
PowerPoint Lesson, Teachers Guide, 3 Handouts
Let’s Eat Out! Healthy Fast Foods
Fast Food the Healthy Way
Activity Calorie Calculator
Head Start for Health: Celebrate Food and Family
PowerPoint Lesson, Teachers Guide, 1 Handouts
Celebrate Food and Family Activity Recipes
Diabetes Support Group Curriculum (2000):
Forming A Support Group
Opening And Closing Activities
Diabetes Resources
Are You At Risk For Diabetes
What Is Type 1 Diabetes
What Is Type 2 Diabetes
Your Diabetes Health-Care Team
Standards of Diabetes Care
Diabetes And Medication
Testing Your Blood Glucose
Diabetes And Physical Activity
Eating Healthy With Diabetes
Diabetes And Weight Loss
Meal Planning With Diabetic Exchanges
Meal Planning With Carbohydrate Counting
Using A Recipe
Using The Nutrition Facts Panel
Eating Healthy With Diabetes And Less Sugar
Eating Healthy With Diabetes And Less Fat
Eating Healthy With Diabetes And Less Sodium
Eating Healthy With Diabetes And More Fiber
Diabetes And Eating Out
Diabetes And Alcohol
Diabetic Complications
Diabetes And Eye Care
Diabetes And Foot Care
Diabetes And Skin Care
Diabetes And Mouth Care
Diabetes And Illness
Diabetes And Stress
Diabetes And Travel
Diabetes And Motivation
Eat Right Oklahoma: Nutrition For Health (1997):
Dietary Guidelines To Stay Healthy
Dietary Guidelines To Lower the Risk of Heart Disease
Dietary Guidelines To Lower the Risk of High Blood Pressure
Dietary Guidelines to Lower the Risk of Cancer
Dietary Guidelines to Lower The Risk of Diabetes
Dietary Guidelines to Lower the Risk of Osteoporosis
Dietary Guidelines For Weight Management
Dietary Guidelines For Food Allergies and Food Intolerance’s
Guidelines To Lower The Risk Of Drug-Nutrient Interactions
Dietary Fat and Cholesterol
Dietary Salt and Sodium
Dietary Fiber
Dietary Calcium
Dietary Sugar and Alternative Sweeteners
Eat Right Oklahoma: Nutrition Basics (1999):
Nutrition For Life
Nutrients, Functions and Food Sources
Good Sources of Nutrients
Recommended Dietary Allowances
Dietary Reference Intakes
Food Guide Pyramid
Dietary Guidelines
Nutrition Facts Panel
Daily Values
Nutrient Content Claims
Dietary Supplement Labeling
Eat Right Oklahoma: Nutrition Through The Life Cycle (1999):
Toddlers (12-24 months)
Young Children (2-6 years)
Food Guide Pyramid For Young Children
Children (2-11 years)
Adults over 50
Eat Right Oklahoma: Nutrition Issues (1999):
Childhood Obesity
Nutrition For Fitness
Eating Disorders
Vegetarian Diets
Women’s Health and Nutrition
Nutrition Misinformation
Healthy Living Program (1995):
Food Guide Pyramid & Dietary Guidelines For Americans
Quick and Yeast Breads
Rice, Cereal and Pasta
Dairy Products
Meats and Meat Alternatives
Fats and Oils
Recipe Modification
Healthy Living Program Promotional Materials:
Developed Marketing Campaign
Logo Sheets
Promotional Flyer
Promotional Enclosure
Binder Insert
Promotional News Release
29 sec. promotional PSA
2 min. loop promotional tape
Developed Evaluation Component
Developed Visual Component
Fat Models
Sugar Models
Salt and Sodium Models
Serving Size Models
Active Living Program (1996):
Getting Started With Your Fitness Program
Pump It Up! Aerobic Endurance
Muscular Strength and Endurance
Weight Management
Safety Issues With An Active Lifestyle
Finding Time And Sticking With Your Exercise
Putting It All Together
Active Living Program Promotional Materials:
Developed Marketing Campaign
Logo Sheets
Promotional Flyer
Promotional Enclosure
Binder Insert
Promotional News Release
Developed Evaluation Component
SNAP: Super Nutrition Activity Program (1997):
Grain Game
Moove Into Dairy
Fruit and Vegetable Sense-ation
Meat What You Eat
Sugar And Fat And All That
Is The Ground Brown
Supermarket Sleuth
Pyramid Restaurant Place
Manners Make You Super
Super Fit You
Water For Life
SNAP Promotion and Evaluation Materials:
Marketing Brochure
SNAP To Good Health & Stickers
Evaluation Instrument
Healthy Aging Program:
Nutrition In Later Years
Exercise In Later Years
Factors Which Affect Food Intake In Later Years
Vitamin/Mineral Supplements
Nutrition Misinformation
Drug/Nutrient Interactions
Planning A Good Meal
Cooking For One Or Two
Supermarket Strategies For Stretching Your Food $
Food Labels
Making Work In The Kitchen Less Physically Strenuous
Overcoming Problems In The Kitchen For People With Special Needs
Nutrition for Adolescent Athletes Program:
Nutrition for the Athlete
Nutrition Misinformation For The Teen Athlete
Carbohydrates and Sugars
Vitamins and Minerals
Protein and Amino Acids
Pre-game Meal
Diet and Health:
Diet And Anemia
Diet And Heart Disease
Diet And Hypertension
Diet And Osteoporosis
Diet And Diabetes
Diet And Cancer
Meal Planning For Special Diets
Meal Planning For Health
Food Allergies
Food And Fitness: For Adults
Avoiding Legal Pitfalls with Dealing with Misinformation
Dietary Guidelines:
USDA Food Guide Pyramid
You Are What Your Eat: Dietary Guidelines For Good Health
Facts About Fat
Facts About Cholesterol
Dietary Fiber
Sugar And Other Sweeteners
Dietary Salt
Growing Up Healthy: The ABC's of Nutrition For Young Children:
Nutritional Needs of Young Children
Food Groups and Serving Sizes For Young Children
Snack Ideas For Young Children
Mealtime With Young Children
Making Sure Your Child's Heart Stays Healthy
Childhood Obesity: A Family Affair
Dietary Guidelines for Infants
Guidelines For A Healthy Diet Series:
Eat A Variety Of Foods
Maintain A Desirable Weight
Choose A Diet Low In Fat, Saturated Fat And Cholesterol
Choose A Diet With Plenty Of Fiber Increasing Fiber
Use Sodium In Moderation
Use Sugar In Moderation
Choose A Diet With Plenty Of Calcium
Breakfast Nutrition
Heath Styles (Single Concept Cards):
A Variety Of Foods
Weight Control
Exercise And Your Health
Fat In Your Diet
Cholesterol In Your Diet
Fiber In Your Diet
Sodium In Your Diet
Sugar In Your Diet
Calcium In Your Diet
Oklahoma Cooperative Extension Service 4-H Educational Programs Developed:
Busting Myths About Food and Mood (2006)
MyPyramid: Steps to a Healthier You (2005)
The Label Police (2004)
Nutrition for Fitness and Performance (2003)
4-H Judging Kits
Evaluating Sources of Nutrition Information (2007)
Evaluating Product Fat Content (2006)
Sports Drinks (2005)
Buying Groceries for a Picnic (2004)
Snacks (2003)
Breakfasts (2002)
Oklahoma Cooperative Extension Service Educational In-Services and Presentations:
(In-services and presentations listed for 1995 through 2005; 154 prior to 1995)
“Healthful Eating Following the USDA Dietary Guidelines for Americans and MyPyramid,” Payne County, Beta
Theta Pi Fraternity, April 2008
Healthy Oklahoma Impact Team In-Service Training, April 2008
“Barriers and Strategies to Overcoming Problems with Shopping, Cooking and Eating.” Payne County, NSCI 5393
Nutrition for Older Adults, April 2008
“Healthful Eating Following the USDA Dietary Guidelines for Americans and MyPyramid,” Payne County, Kappa
Delta Nu Chapter Sorority, April 2008
“I Have A Diabetic Diet – Now What?” Johnston county, April 2008
“Whole Grains,” OCES-FCS In-Service Training, December 2007
“TBA,” Beaver County, November 2007
“Energy Drinks,” Washita County, August 2007
“Evaluating Nutrition Information in the Media,” 4-H Round-Up, May 2007
“Understanding Obesity,” OSU Payne County, May 2007
“Portion Sizes for Diabetes,” Johnston County, May 2007
“Weight Management for Diabetes,” Johnston County, May 2007
“Role of Nutrition in Diabetes Management,” Johnston County, May 2007
“Standards of Diabetes Management,” LeFlore County, April 2007
“Nutrition for Young Children,” Major County, April 2007
“Diabetes,” OCES FCS In-Service Training, April 2007
“Standards of Diabetes Care,” Comanche County, March 2007
“Phtochemicals.” Kingfisher County, March 2007
“FCS and 4-H Careers with OCES,” NSCI 2111 Professional Careers in Nutritional Sciences, February 2007.
“Factors Affecting Nutritional Status Of Older Adults” NSCI 5961 Seminar, February 2007
“Nutrition for Athletics,” OCES FCS In-Service Training-Centra, February 2007
“Eating Disorders,” OCES FCS In-Service Training-Centra, February 2007
“Vegetarian Diets,” OCES FCS In-Service Training-Centra, February 2007
“Phytochemicals,” OCES FCS In-Service Training-Centra, February 2007
“Antioxidants,” OCES FCS In-Service Training-Centra, January 2007
“Herbal Products,” OCES FCS In-Service Training-Centra, January 2007
“Dietary Supplements,” OCES FCS In-Service Training-Centra, January 2007
“Evaluating Nutrition Information,” OCES FCS In-Service Training-Centra, January 2007
“Evaluating Nutrition Information,” OCES FCS State In-Service Training, November 2006
“Community Programs Targeting Child Nutrition,” NSCI Senior Capstone Course, November 2006
“Drug Nutrient Interactions,” OCES FCS In-Service Training-Centra, November 2006
“Food Allergies and Intolerances,” OCES FCS In-Service Training-Centra, November 2006
“Weight Management,” OCES FCS In-Service Training-Centra, November 2006
“Cancer,” OCES FCS In-Service Training-Centra, November 2006
“Osteoporosis,” OCES FCS In-Service Training-Centra, October 2006
“Diabetes,” OCES FCS In-Service Training-Centra, October 2006
“Hypertension,” OCES FCS In-Service Training-Centra, October 2006
“Heart Disease,” OCES FCS In-Service Training, Centra, October 2006
“Food and Young Children,” Major County, October 2006
“Childhood Obesity,” Nowata County, August 2006
“Food Labels,” CNEP In-Service Training, June 2006
“Nutrition Education: A School Needs Assessment,” CNEP In-Service Training, June 2006
“Busting Myths About Food and Mood,” 4-H Roundup, May 2006
“Childhood Obesity,” Alfalfa County, May 2006
OCES Food, Nutrition and Health Impact Team In-Service Training, April 2006
“Fat and Cholesterol,” Pushmataha County, April 2006
“Diabetes Standards of Care,” Comanche County, March 2006
“Childhood Obesity,” NE District OHCE Conference, March 2006
“Dietary Guidelines for Americans,” State OCES In-Service Training, January 2006
OCES Food, Nutrition and Health Impact Team In-Service Training, November 2005
“MyPyramid,” OCES-FCS/4-H and Youth Development In-Service Training, November 2005
“Carbohydrate Counting,” Johnston County, November 2005
“Modifying Recipes for Diabetes,” Latimer County, September 2005
“Diet and Cancer: MyPyramid and Dietary Guideline Recommendations,” OSU Nutrition and Health Promotion
Class, September 2005
“Diet and Cancer: Lowering Your Risk,” OSU Nutrition and Health Promotion Class, September 2005
“General Nutrition,” OCES-FCS County Educators Core In-Service Training, August 2005
“Standards of Diabetes Care,” OHCE State Leader Lesson, July 2005
“Food Guidance System,” CNEP NEA In-Service Training, June 2005
“Diet and Diabetes,” OCES-FCS County Educators In-Service Training, April 2005
“Circuit Training,” Delaware County, April 2005
“Judging Community Nutrition Education Programs,” OSU 3 Creative Teaching of Nutrition Classes, April 2005
“ONCP Program Orientation: Program Goals, Objectives, Educational Programs, Sustainability and Evaluation”
New ONCP County Coordinator In-Service Training, April 2005
“Healthy Oklahoma Evaluation,” Impact Team In-Service Training, April 2005
“Diabetic Exchanges versus Carbohydrate Counting,” Comanche County, March 2005
“Evaluating Community Education Programs,” OSU Creative Teaching of Nutritional Class, February 2005
“Lifecycle Nutrition,” OCES-FCS Distance In-Service Training, January – April 2005
“Introduction to the 2005-2009 Food, Nutrition and Health Impact Team” Impact Team In-Service Training,
December 2004.
“Community Nutrition Education,” OSU Community Dietetics Class, November 2004
“Physical Activity and Diabetes,” Haskell County, November 2004
“Physical Activity and Diabetes,” Latimer County, November 2004
“Childhood Obesity,” Payne County, November 2004
“Nutrition for Older Adults,” CNEP NEA In-Service Training, September 2004
“Drug/Nutrient Interactions,” Garvin County, September 2004
“Drug/Nutrient Interactions,” McClain County, September 2004
“Factors Affecting Food Choices in Children,” ONCP County Coordinators In-Service Training. July 2004
“Enhancing Food Intake for Older Adults,” State Nursing Home Providers In-Service Training, June 2004
“The Label Police,” 4-H Roundup, Payne County, May 2004
“Healthy Living A-Z Evaluation,” Impact Team In-Service Training, April 2004
“Carbohydrate County,” Haskell County, April 2004
“Carbohydrate County Pittsburg County, April 2004
“Nutrition for Older Adults,” OCES FCS Educators In-Service Training by Distance, April 2004
“Nutrition for Adolescents,” OCES FCS Educators In-Service Training by Distance, April 2004
“Living with Diabetes,” Woods County, March 2004
“Nutrition for School-Age Children,” OCES FCS Educators In-Service Training by Distance, March 2004
“Nutrition for Pre-School Children,” OCES FCS Educators In-Service Training by Distance, March 2004
“Nutrition for Toddlers,” OCES FCS Educators In-Service Training by Distance, March 2004
“Nutrition for Infants,” OCES FCS Educators In-Service Training by Distance, March 2004
“Nutrition for Lactation,” OCES FCS Educators In-Service Training by Distance, January 2004
“Nutrition for Pregnancy,” OCES FCS Educators In-Service Training by Distance, January 2004
“Carbohydrate Counting,” Latimer County, January 2004
“Carbohydrate Counting,” Pittsburg County, January 2004
“ONCP Sustainability,” ONCP In-Service Training, December 2003
“Distance Nutrition Through The Lifecycle,” Distance Training OCES FCS Educators In-Serviced Training,
December 2003
“Healthy Living A-Z Evaluation,” Impact Team In-Service Training, December 2003
“Nutrition For Older Adults,” OCES FCS Educators In-Service Training, December 2003
“Weight Management,” Beaver County, November 2003
“Living With Diabetes,” Payne County, October 2003
“Living With Diabetes,” Major County, October 2003
“Weight Management,” Cotton County, September 2003
“Weight Management,” Stephens County, September 2003
“Childhood Obesity,” DHS Child Care Providers In-Service Training, August 2003
“Food Allergies,” DHS Child Care Providers In-Service Training, August 2003
“Nutrition for Fitness and Performance,” 4-H Leadership Training, Oklahoma State University, July 2003
“ONCP Moving Towards Sustainability,” Tulsa County, ONCP In-Service Training, July 2003
“Weight Management,” Nobel County, May 2003
“Health Living A-Z Evaluation,” Impact Team In-Service Training, April 2003
“Living Healthy Today,” Bryan County, March 2003
“Living Healthy Today,” Carter County, March 2003
“Living Healthy Today,” Johnston County, March 2003
“Living Healthy Today,” Love County, March 2003
“Living Healthy Today,” Marshall County, March 2003
“Diabetes,” Woods County, March 2003
“Weight Management,” Woods County, March 2003
“Basic Nutrition,” ONCP In-Service Training, March 2003
“Diabetes,” Payne County, February 2003
“ONCP Situation, Goals, Objectives, Evaluation, Reporting, Sustainability,” ONCP In-Service Training, December
“Healthy Living A-Z Evaluation,” Impact Team In-Service Training, December 2002
“Health Benefits of Fruits and Vegetables,” Secondary Impact Team In-Service Training, December 2002
“Childhood Obesity,” OCES FCS Educators In-Service Training, November 2002
“Weight Management,” OCES FCS Educators In-Service Training, November 2002
“Nutrition and Health Promotion,” OCES FCS Educators Core In-Service Training, November 2002
“Nutrition In Later Years,” Beaver County, November 2002
“Diabetes Today,” Texas County, November 2002
“Nutrition For Infants,” Texas County, November 2002
“Nutrition For Toddlers,” Texas County, November 2002
“Diabetes Management Through Diet, Physical Activity and Medication,” Greer County, October 2002
“Diabetic Mal Plans,” LeFlore, September 2002
“Carbohydrate Counting,” Johnston County, September 2002
“Adolescent Nutrition,” Sate Family and Consumer Science Teachers In-Service Training, September 2002
“Living With Diabetes,” Langston at OKC, September 2002
“SNAP,” 4-H Leadership Development Conference, July 2002
“Sugar And Other Sweeteners,” OCES FCS Educators In-Service Training, June 2002
“Health Living A-Z Evaluation,” Healthy Living Impact Team In-Service Training, April 2002
“Meal Planning With Diabetic Exchanges, Jackson County, March 2002
“Eating Today For A Health Tomorrow, Comanche County, March 2002
“Living With Diabetes,” LeFlore County, February 2002
“Health Benefits Of Fruits And Vegetables,” Healthy Living A-Z Impact Team In-Service Training, December
“Nutrition Basics,” Northwest and Southwest OCES FCS Educators Core In-Service, November 2001
“Nutrition Basics,” Northeast and Southeast OCES FCS Educators Core In-Service Training, October 2001
“Childhood, Obesity,” Payne County, August 2001
“Nutrition For Preschool Children,” Seminole County, August 2001
“Nutrition For Preschool Children,” Okfuskee County, August 2001
“Nutrition For Preschool Children,” Hughes County, August 2001
“Nutrition For Preschool Children,” Lincoln County, August 2001
“Nutrition For Preschool Children,” Pottawatomie County, August 2001
“What Is A Healthy Meal,” Kingfisher County, July 2001
“Vitamins, Herbs And Prescription Medicines, Lincoln County, July 2001
“Vitamins, Herbs And Prescription Medicines, Okfuskee County, July 2001
“Vitamins, Herbs And Prescription Medicines, Hughes County, July 2001
“Vitamins, Herbs And Prescription Medicines, Lincoln County, July 2001
“Vitamins, Herbs And Prescription Medicines, Pottawatomie County, July 2001
“Dietary Supplements,” Grady County, July 2001
“Dietary Supplements,” State Extension Family and Consumer Educators Leader Lesson, July 2001
“Nutritional Value Of Soybeans,” OCES FCS Educators In-Service Training, June 2001
“Herbs,” State CNEP NEA In-Service Training, June 2001
“Weight Management,” 4-H Round-Up, Payne County, June 2001
“Healthy Living A-Z,” Impact Team In-Service Training, May 2001
“Nutrition for Physical Fitness and Athletics,” Payne County, April 2001
“Lowering Diabetes Risk,” Payne County, March 2001
“The Dietary Guidelines For Americans, Payne County, February 2001
“The Food Guide Pyramid,” Payne County, February 2001
“Managing Multiple Extension Responsibilities,” New OCES Educators In-Service Training, December 2000
“Navigating The Nutrition Web Site,” OCES FCS Educators In-Service Training, December 2000
“Dietary Guidelines For Americans,” OCES FCS Educators In-Service Training, December 2000
“Living With Diabetes,” LeFlore County, October 2000
“Navigating The Nutrition Web Site,” OCES FCS Educators In-Service Training, October 2000
“Evaluating Community Nutrition Program Impact,” Oklahoma State University, July 2000
“Planning For Impact,” New OCES Educators In-Service Training, Oklahoma State University, June 2000
“Diabetes Basics,” State EFNEP/ONE In-Service, June 2000
“Women’s Health And Nutrition, Mayes County, April 2000
“Women’s Health And Nutrition, Craig County, April 2000
“Women’s Health And Nutrition, Nowata County, April 2000
“Women’s Health And Nutrition, Ottawa County, April 2000
“Living With Diabetes: Diabetes Support Group Curriculum,” Southwest District OCES FCS Educators In-Service
Training, April 2000
“Living With Diabetes: Diabetes Support Group Curriculum,” Northwest District OCES FCS Educators In-Service
Training, April 2000
“Living With Diabetes: Diabetes Support Group Curriculum,” Southeast District OCES FCS In-Service Training,
April 2000
“Living With Diabetes: Diabetes Support Group Curriculum,” Northeast District OCES FCS Educators In-Service
Training, April 2000
“Diet, Nutrition & Health,” Impact Team In-Service Training, April 2000
“Herbal Remedies, Comanche County, March 2000
“Preventing Diabetic Complications,” Payne County, March 2000
“Herbal Remedies, Southwest District In-Service Training, March 2000
“Preventing Diabetic Complications,” Otoe-Missouri Tribe, January 2000
“Eating Disorders,” OCES FCS Educators In-Service Training,” December 1999
“Managing Multiple Extension Responsibilities,” New OCES Educators In-Service Training, December 1999
“Nutrition Basics,” District EFNEP/ONE In-Service Training, November 1999
“Nutrition Through The Lifecycle,” District EFNEP/ONE In-Service Training, November 1999
“Diabetic Diets,” Alfalfa County, November 1999
“Living With Diabetes,” Payne County, October 1999
“Nutrition Basics,” State EFNEP/ONE/Healthy Families In-Service, June 1999
“Promoting Health Diets,” Impact Team In-Service, May 1999
“Eat Right Oklahoma: Nutrition Basics, Nutrition Through The Lifecycle, Nutrition Issues,” Northeast District InService Training, April 1999
“Eat Right Oklahoma: Nutrition Basics, Nutrition Through The Lifecycle, Nutrition Issues,” Northwest District InService Training, April 1999
“Eat Right Oklahoma: Nutrition Basics, Nutrition Through The Lifecycle, Nutrition Issues,” Southwest District InService Training, April 1999
“Eat Right Oklahoma: Nutrition Basics, Nutrition Through The Lifecycle, Nutrition Issues,” Southeast District InService Training, April 1999
“Chromium Facts And Fallacies,: Comanche County, March 1999
“Diabetic Exchanges,” Johnston County, March 1999
“Nutrition Expo: Take The Taste Challenge,” Oklahoma State University, February 1999
“Nutrition Education and Physical Activity for Elementary School Age Children,” Health Living Impact Team InService Training, December 1998
“DRI’s and RDA’s,” County Extension Educators In-Service Training, December 1998
“Have A Healthy Heart,” McCurtain County, October 1998
“Eating Out Dilemma,” Seminole County, September 1998
“Eating Out Dilemma,” Hughes County, September 1998
“Eating Out Dilemma,” Potawatomie County, September 1998
“Eating Out Dilemma,” Murry County, September 1998
“Eating Out Dilemma,” Pontotoc County, September 1998
“Nutrition For Children,” Seminole Daycare Providers In-Service Training, August 1998
“Nutrition and Fitness In Later Years, State OAFCE Leader Training, July 1998
“Nutrition For Diabetes, Heart Disease, Hypertension and Osteoporosis In-Service Training,” State EFNEP/ONE
In-Service, June 1998
“Nutrition and Fitness In Later Years,” Ageless Living Programs (ALP’s), May 1998
“Active Living, “ Healthy Living Impact Team In-Service Training, April 1998
“SNAP Water,” Healthy Living Impact Team In-Service Training, April 1998
“Diabetes Alert,” Jackson County, April 1988
“Diet Recommendations For NIDD,” Cherokee Nation Health Providers, April 1988
“Diabetes Alert,” Comanche County, March 1988
“Meal Planning For Children,” Mayes County, March 1988
“Food Allergies And Children,” Mayes County, March 1988
“Developing, Marketing and Evaluating Community Nutrition Programs,” Community Nutrition, Oklahoma State
University, March 1998
“Sugar, Fat and All That,” Stillwater Elementary School, February 1998
“Moo-ve To Dairy Foods,” Stillwater Elementary School, February 1998
“Meat What You Eat,” Stillwater Elementary School, February 1998
“Fruit and Veggie Sense-ations,” Stillwater Elementary School, February 1998
“The Grain Game,” Stillwater Elementary School, February 1998
“SNAP,” Healthy Living Impact Team In-Service Training, November 1997
“Nutrition For Alzheimers Disease,” Tulsa Alzheimers Association, November 1997
“Diet and Health,” Extension Home Economists In-Service Training, Western, OK (Clinton), September 1997
“Diet and Health,” Extension Home Economists In-Service Training, Easter, OK (Okmulgee), September 1997
“Factors Affecting Food Intake In The Elderly, “ Woods County, September 1997
“Healthy Living,” HECE Ambassadors, September 1997
“Community Nutrition Education,” Oklahoma State Health Department, September 1997
“Effect of Chromium or Copper Supplementation on Plasma Lipids,” Seminar Class, Oklahoma State University,
August 1997
“Nutrition Education With High Risk Mother’s,” Maternal and Infant Nutrition, Oklahoma State University,
August 1997
“Eating Well For Seniors,” Agency On Aging, Oklahoma City, May 1997
“Eating Well For Good Nutrition,” Minority Health Summit, Tulsa, May 1997
“Health Living,” Impact Team In-Service Training, Oklahoma City, April 1997
“Putting The Dietary Guidelines Into The Food Guide Pyramid,” Comanche County, March 1997
“Diet And Hypertension,” Okmulgee County, January 1997
“Diet And Hypertension,” Okfuskee County, January 1997
“Diet And Hypertension,” Lincoln County, January 1997
“Active Living Program,” Extension Home Economists In-Service Training, Payne County, November 1996
“Living With The Dietary Guidelines And The Food Guide Pyramid,” Ottawa County, September 1996
“Living With The Dietary Guidelines And The Food Guide Pyramid,” Delaware County, September 1996
“Living With The Dietary Guidelines And The Food Guide Pyramid,” Craig County, September 1996
“Living With The Dietary Guidelines And The Food Guide Pyramid,” Mayes County, September 1996
“Special Diets Manual,:” Extension Home Economists In-Service Training, Oklahoma County, July 1996
“Nutrition Basics,” Extension Home Economists In-Service Training, Oklahoma County, July 1996
“Nutrition for Aging,: In-Service Training EFNEP NEA’s, Payne County, June 1996
“Healthy Living To Lower Cancer Risk,” American Cancer Institute” Wake Up To Wellness Conference, Payne
County, June 1996
“Special Diets Manual,” Extension Home Economists In-Service Training, Oklahoma County, May 1996
“Healthy Aging: Nutrition and Exercise In Aging,” Choctaw County, May 1996
“Healthy Aging: Nutrition and Exercise In Aging,” Pushmataha County, May 1996
“Healthy Living Fitness Component,” Impact Team Home Economists In-Service Training, Oklahoma County,
May 1996
“Dietetics Practice: Dealing With Misinformation,” Food And The Human Environment, Oklahoma State
University, April 1996
“Hidden Fat In Food,” Comanche County, April 1996
“Nutrition, Misinformation,” Northeast District Council, Jenks, OK, February 1996
“Nutrition Misinformation,” Southeast District Council, Poteau, February 1996
“Nutritional Needs For Pregnant Adolescences,” Lifecycle Nutrition, Oklahoma State University, February 1996
“Nutrition Misinformation,” Northwest District Council, Enid, OK, February 1996
“Nutrition Misinformation,” Southwest District Council, Cordell, OK, February 1996
“Diabetes,” Stephens County, February 1996
“Healthy Living Program,” HECE Home Economists In-Service Training, Oklahoma County, November 1995
“Feeding Young Children,” Child Day Care Center Employees, Payne County, October 1995
“Marketing Healthy Living,” HECE Ambassadors, Oklahoma City, October 1995
“Nutrition For Older Adults,” Oklahoma Medicare Conference, Tulsa, OK, September 1995
“Obesity Among Native American Children,” Oklahoma Native American Head Start Program, Tulsa, OK, July
“Amino Acids and Protein,” National Youth Sports Program, Oklahoma State University, June 1995
“Vitamins and Minerals,” National Youth Sports Program, Oklahoma State University, June 1995
“Carbohydrates and Sugars,” National Youth Sports Program, Oklahoma State University, June 1995
“Fluids,” National Youth Sports Program, Oklahoma State University, June 1995
“Balanced Nutrition For The Teen Athlete,” National Youth Sports Program, Oklahoma State University, June
“Pre-Competition Meals,” National Youth Sports Program, Oklahoma State University, June 1995
“Legal Aspects Of Misinformation,” New Findings in Nutrition, Oklahoma State University, June 1995
“Nutrition Misinformation,” Food And The Human Environment, Oklahoma State University, May 1995
“Build A Pyramid,” Food and Culture, Oklahoma State University, May 1995
“Sodium Sense,” Seminole County, May 1995
“Nutrition Misinformation,” Murry County, May 1995
“Nutrition Misinformation,” Pontotoc County, May 1995
“Nutrition Misinformation,” Hughes County, May 1995
“Nutrition Misinformation,” Potowatomie County, May 1995
“Diabetic Meal Planning,” Jackson County, April 1995
“Diabetic Meal Planning,” Greer County, April 1995
“Diabetic Meal Planning,” Harmon County, April 1995
“Diabetic Meal Planning,” Tillman County, April 1995
“Nutritional Assessment,” Northwest District Dietary Managers In-Service Training, March 1995
“Nutrition and Children,” Lifecycle Nutrition, Oklahoma State University, February 1995
Curriculum Vitae
Deana A. Hildebrand, PhD.
Business Telephone: 405-744-5059
FORMAL EDUCATION________________________________________________________
July 2007
Doctor of Philosophy; Human Environmental Sciences, Nutritional Sciences;
Oklahoma State University.
Research interest: Familial and child nutrition; school nutrition
May 1988
Master of Science; Nutrition and Food Management; University of Central
May 1978
Bachelor of Science; Education, Vocational Home Economics; University of
Central Oklahoma.
PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE________________________________________________
2007 – present
Assistant Professor/Extension Nutrition Specialist, Department of Nutritional
Sciences, College of Human Environmental Sciences, Oklahoma State
University. Responsibilities include providing leadership in developing,
implementing and evaluating comprehensive research-based Cooperative
Extension programs in maternal and child nutrition.
Extension Nutrition Assistant Specialist, Department of Nutritional Sciences,
College of Human Environmental Sciences, Oklahoma State University.
Responsibilities included providing state-wide leadership in Cooperative
Extension for planning, creating, conducting, and evaluating food and
nutrition programs targeted to limited resource youth and families.
Education and Training Coordinator, Supplemental Food Program for
Women, Infants, and Children (WIC), Oklahoma State Department of Health.
Responsibilities included development of nutrition education materials used in
WIC clinics statewide; lead in collaborative planning of plenary and
concurrent sessions for the annual statewide nutrition education conference;
facilitation of quarterly nutrition education advisory group meetings; planning
and coordination of quarterly distance education sessions targeted to WIC
clinic staff; management of on-line training course for WIC paraprofessionals;
administrator of OSDH WIC nutrition education mini-grant project; and
assisting in the annual development of the nutrition education section of the
USDA Operational Administrative Funds budget request.
2002 – 2003
Consultant, National Food Service Management Institute, University of
Mississippi. Provided on site technical assistance to school district Child
Nutrition Programs nation wide on an as requested basis.
1998 – 2006
Child Nutrition Supervisor, Edmond Public Schools, Edmond Oklahoma.
Responsibilities included oversight for all aspects of the Child Nutrition
Program in 21 school sites, including long-term planning, budgeting,
procurement and human resource management.
1988 – 1998
Child Nutrition Area Coordinator and Nutrition Education and Training
Coordinator, Oklahoma State Department of Education. Provided technical
assistance and oversight to National School Lunch Programs, School
Breakfast Programs, Child and Adult Care Food Programs, and Summer Food
Service Programs to school and non-school programs in designated areas
statewide. Conducted needs assessment, developed and coordinated statewide
training programs.
RESOURCE GENERATION____________________________________________________
Oklahoma Cooperative Extension Service Capital Improvement award. Funds
are being applied to the design and purchase of the Farm to You interactive
agriculture/nutrition exhibit. $40,000.
Oklahoma Agriculture Experiment Station Grant. Assessing Determinants of
Fruit and Vegetable Consumption in Low-Income, Minority Pre-School Age
Children In Urban Oklahoma. Humenikova L (PI), Hildebrand D. & Betts N.
(Co-PIs) $39,089.
Irma Manning Professional Development Award. Funds will be utilized to
defray speaker fees and travel for the Community Nutrition Education
Program and Healthy Families Program statewide in-service June, 2007.
Oklahoma State University Division of Agriculture Sciences and Natural
Resources Team Initiative Program Grant. Developed proposal for an
interactive Farm-to-Table exhibit to enhance nutrition education efforts of
Oklahoma Cooperative Extension Family and Consumer Sciences Health
Oklahoma Impact Team and the Community Nutrition Education Program.
Hildebrand DA. The family meal: an educational materials review. Journal of Nutrition
Education and Behavior. January 2007; 39(1):55-56
Quigley KK, Absher AG, Hildebrand DA, Johnson CA. Feeding the generations: a unique
generational feeding program. Journal of Family and Consumer Sciences. November 2006;
Manuscripts under Review
Hildebrand DA, Betts NM. Increasing availability of fruits and vegetables to preschool age
children: How ready are parents? Journal of Nutrition Education and Behavior. Submitted
November 2007
PROFESSIONAL PRESENTATIONS_____________________________________________
Poster Presentations
Increasing availability of fruits and vegetables to preschool age children: How ready are
parents? Society for Nutrition Education, National Conference. July 2007
Child and Adolescent Weight Management Training Certification;
American Dietetic Association
1999 - present
School Food Service and Nutrition Specialist Credential;
School Nutrition Association
1978 – present
Oklahoma Teaching Certificate, Standard; Oklahoma State Department of
Education. Family and Consumer Sciences, Grades 7 – 12.
PROFESSIONAL ACTIVITIES__________________________________________________
2004 - present
American Dietetic Association
2004 - present
Society for Nutrition Education
Division for Nutrition Education for Children, Chair-elect, 2007.
Issues and Resolutions Committee, 2007.
1988 - present
School Nutrition Association, member
PROFESSIONAL SERVICE_____________________________________________________
2007- present
Oklahoma State Department of Health Action Team for Nutrition and
Physical Activity, Where We Learn subcommittee. Evaluation team for
Comprehensive School Health programs, 2007. Assisted with researching and
developing an Action Plan for the Strong and Healthy Oklahoma Governor’s
Initiative, 2005-2006.
Fit Kids Coalition
1998 - 2004
Financial Management Task Force. Sponsored by the National School Food
Service Management Institute for the purpose of developing a financial
management information system for school food service programs.
AWARDS AND HONORS _____________________________________________________
Phi Kappa Phi National Honor Society
March 2006
Oklahoma Dietetic Association Graduate Scholarship.
Kappa Omicron Nu National Honor Society
Tay Seacord Kennedy
312 Human Environmental Sciences
Stillwater, OK 74076
Work Phone: 405-744-5965
Ph. D. Human Nutrition
Iowa State University, Ames IA
Dissertation: Nutritional considerations in the growth and development of
preterm low birth weight infants
M. S. Program Planning and Development
Department of Adult Education, SUNY Albany NY
Dietetic Internship
Peter Bent Brigham Hospital, Boston MA
B. S. with Honors, Food and Nutrition
College of Human Ecology, Cornell University NY
Associate Professor, Oklahoma State University, Stillwater OK
Dietetic Program Director
2000- 2006
Assistant Professor, Oklahoma State University, Stillwater OK
Postdoctoral Fellow, University Affiliated Program, Children’s Seashore
House, Philadelphia PA.
Lecturer, University of Pennsylvania, School of Nursing, Philadelphia, PA
Research Assistant, Iowa State University, Ames IA
Consultant Dietitian, Roche and Associates, Riverside IL
Consultant responsible for nutrition assessment and evaluation at facilities for
the elderly and for developmentally disabled children and adults
Consultant Dietitian, Vorhees Pediatric Facility, Vorhees NJ
Nutrition assessment and evaluation in 100 bed pediatric long term care
Chief Clinical Dietitian - Pediatric Dietitian, ARA Services, Philadelphia PA
Responsible for patient service at St Christopher’s Hospital for Children; a
146 bed pediatric hospital. Opened new account at Children’s Rehabilitation
Hospital; a chronic care pediatric facility. Technical consultant for
development of a video self-directed learning program on counseling for
dietitians. Assisted in writing text and scripts.
Nutrition Consultant, Visiting Nurse Service of New York NY
Provided nutrition education for staff, homebound patients and Meals on
Wheels participants.
WIC Program Nutritionist, Schenectady City Health Department NY
Responsible for nutrition program planning and delivery for 1500 person
program. Received state grant for additional programming.
WIC and Adolescent Health Nutritionist, Hill Health Center, New Haven CT
Nutrition educator for WIC, adolescent and adult patients.
Executive Dietitian, Hebrew Home and Hospital, Hartford CT
Responsible for administrative policy, patient care, menu planning and inservice education in a 350 bed kosher skilled nursing facility. Designed and
installed new tray delivery system.
CHES Outstanding Graduate Advisor
Dannon Leadership Institute Recipient.
Kappa Omicron Nu
Phi Kappa Phi
2000-presant Undergraduate: Community Nutrition, Nutrition Across the Lifespan, Nutrition
Assessment and Counseling Skills
Graduate: Nutrition Assessment, Maternal and Infant Nutrition, Childhood
Teaching Assistant, Iowa State University
Nutrition Assessment Laboratory, Nutrition and Disease
Under Review
Stoecker B, Abebe Y, Hubbs-Tait L, Kennedy TS, Gibson RS, Arbide I, Teshome A, Westcott J,
Krebs NF, Hambidge KM. Zinc Status and Cognitive Function of Pregnant Women in
Southern Ethiopia. Submitted European Journal of Clinical Nutrition, May 2008.
Hubbs-Tait L, Mulugeta A, Bogale A, Kennedy T, Stoecker B. Independent and Interactive
Effects of Iron, Lead, and Parenting on Children’s Cognitive Outcomes. Invited
submission to special edition of Developmental Neuropsychology. Under review.
* DeVault N, Kennedy T, Hermann J, Mwavita M, Rask P, Jaworsky A. It’s All About Kids:
Preventing Overweight in Elementary School Children in Tulsa, Oklahoma. Submitted to
Journal of the American Dietetic Association. Revised February 2008.
Published/In Press
Hubbs-Tait L, Kennedy TS, Page MC, Topham GL, Harrist AW. Authoritative, authoritarian,
and permissive parenting styles: predicted by unique combinations of restriction,
pressure, responsibility, monitoring and modeling feeding behaviors. Journal of the
American Dietetic Association. In press, July 2008.
Kennedy, TS, Thomas D, Woltamo T, Abebe Y, Sykova V, Hubbs-Tait L, Stoecker B,
Hambidge M. Growth and Visual Information Procession in Infants in Southern Ethiopia.
Journal of Applied Developmental Psychology. 2008;29:129-140.
Parker S, Pinto V, Kennedy T, Phelps J, Hermann J. Food Choices and Coping Strategies
During Periods of Perceived Food Shortage: Perspectives from Four Racial/Ethnic
Groups. Journal of Extension, October 2007.
Hubbs-Tait L, Kennedy TS, Droke EA, Belanger DM, Parker J. Zinc, iron, and lead: Relations
to Head Start children’s cognitive scores and teachers’ ratings of behavior. Journal of
American Dietetic Association. 2007;107:128-133.
Droke E, Kennedy T, Hubbs-Tait L. Potential for misclassification of micronutrient status in
children participating in Head Start. Journal of the American Dietetic Association.
Mathule L, Kennedy T, Gates G, Spicer MT. Predictors of Birthweight in Healthy Women
Attending a Rural Antenatal Clinic. African Journal of Food, Agriculture, Nutrition and
Development {On-line} 2005;5(1). Available at:
Kennedy TS, Fung EB, Kawchak DA, Zemel BS, Ohene-Frempong K, Stallings VA. Red blood
cell folate and serum B12 status in children with sickle cell disease. Journal of Pediatric
Hematology/Oncology 2001;23(3):165-169.
Kennedy TS, Oakland MJ, Shaw R. A nutrition intervention with families of low birth weight
infants. Nutrition in Clinical Practice 2000;15:30-35.
Kennedy TS, Oakland MJ, Brotherson MJ. Making feeding decisions for preterm low birth
weight infants: A family systems approach. Topics in Clinical Nutrition 2000;15(2):3848.
Kennedy TS, Oakland MJ, Shaw R. Growth patterns and nutritional factors associated with
increased head circumference at 18 months in normally developing low birth weight
infants. Journal of American Dietetic Association 1999;19:1522-1526.
Hubbs-Tait, L, Kennedy TS, Page MC, Topham GL, Harrist AW. Parenting practices and
nutrition practice. Journal of American Dietetic Association. In press, July 2008
Kennedy TS. Five -year Report on Didactic Dietetics Program to Commission on Accreditation
of Dietetic Education. May 2006
Kennedy TS, Johnson CA, Welch BL, Parker JS. Nutrition Practices and Physical Activity in
Oklahoma Elementary Schools. For the Oklahoma Academy of State Goals. February
Leach K, Kennedy TS. Validation of a Nutrition Assessment Screening Questionnaire to
Identify Children at Risk for Nutritional Deficiencies. For Oklahoma State Health
Department; Sooner Start Program. May 2002.
How parents influence children’s food habits and weight. CNEP and Healthy Families Annual
In-Service at Stillwater, June 2, 2006.
Lead, iron and zinc: How do they affect preschool children? CNEP and Healthy Families
Annual In-Service at Stillwater, June 23, 2005.
Bones, Brains, Blood and Babies. CNEP and Healthy Families Conference. Stillwater, June 12,
More Peas. Please! Growing Successful Kids Professional Development Cooperative. Tulsa
November 11, 2002
Food for Thought: Preparing Students to Understand the Link between Nutrition and Learning.
Midwest Faculty Institute. Kansas City, October 3, 2002.
How to Teach Healthy Eating Habits Annual Family Matters Conference, sponsored by the
Oklahoma Family Resource Coalition and the Oklahoma Department of Health. Tulsa OK,
April 19, 2002.
More Peas. Please! Growing Successful Kids Professional Development Cooperative. Tulsa
April 26, 2001
Smart Start for Infants and Toddlers Need Nutrition Too! Promoting a Healthy Head Start II,
Department of Nutritional Sciences and University Extension and Development, College of
Human Environmental Sciences, Oklahoma State University, Albuquerque, NM, September 14,
Growth Outcomes and Implications for Nutritional Intervention in the Pre-term Low Birth
Weight Infant. Nutrition Seminar Series, Division of GI and Nutrition, The Children's Hospital
of Philadelphia, March 24, 1999.
Growth Outcomes and Implications for Nutritional Intervention in the Pre-term Low Birth
Weight Infant. Pediatric Grand Rounds, Blank Children’s Hospital /Iowa Methodist Medical
Center, Des Moines IA, November 20, 1998.
Meeting the Nutritional Challenges of High Risk Children. Iowa Unified Family and Consumer
Science Conference, Ames IA, August 1998
Nutrition and the Young Child. Southwest Iowa Council for Early Intervention Services.
October 1995.
Rutledge, J. M., Topham, G. L., Kennedy, T. S., Page, M. C., Hubbs-Tait, L., & Harrist, A. W.
(2007, May). Relation between Parenting Style and Child Weight. Paper to be presented
at the annual meeting of the Federated American Societies for Experimental Biology,
Washington, DC.
Kennedy T, Johnson C. Nutrition policies and practices in Oklahoma elementary schools.
FASEB, San Francisco April 2006.
Parker S, Pinto V, Kennedy T. Ethnic differences in Response to Food Shortage. Oral
presentation at Society of Nutrition Education Annual Conference, Salt Lake City, Utah.
July 2004.
Leach K, Kennedy T. Normal Nutrition and Development. Oklahoma Early Childhood Teacher
Association, Edmond Oklahoma. October 2002.
Kennedy TS. Smart Start for Infants. Southern Early Childhood Association 53rd Annual
Conference, Oklahoma City OK, March 2002
Kennedy TS, Oakland MJ. Nutrition Intervention in Low Birth Weight Infants: The Sooner,
The Better. American Association on Mental Retardation, San Diego CA, May 1998.
Thomas D, Aubuchon N, Grant S, Berhanu G, Matsuo Y, Woltamo T, Roba A, Kennedy T,
Abebe Y, Hambidge M. Behavioral responsiveness and anthropometric measures of
nutritional status in rural Ethiopian infants. Poster to be presented at the annual meeting
of the Federated American Societies for Experimental Biology, San Diego CA. April,
Baker E, Kennedy T, Hubbs-Tait L. Relation of parental feeding practices to overweight in 3and 4-year-old children. Poster to be presented at the annual meeting of the Federated
American Societies for Experimental Biology, San Diego CA. April, 2008.
Hubbs-Tait L, Kennedy T, Page M, Topham G, Harrist A. Do parental feeding practices predict
authoritative, authoritarian, and permissive parenting styles? Poster to be presented at the
annual meeting of the Federated American Societies for Experimental Biology, San
Diego CA. April, 2008.
Kennedy T, Shaw G, Grant S, Berhanu G, Woltamo T, Roba A, Thomas D, Abebe Y, Stoecker
B, Hambidge M. Growth of breastfed infants in Southern Ethiopia. Poster to be presented
at the annual meeting of the Federated American Societies for Experimental Biology, San
Diego CA. April, 2008.
Hubbs-Tait L, Mulugeta A, Bogale A, Kennedy T, Stoecker B. Independent and interactive
effects of iron, lead, and parenting on children’s cognitive outcomes. Poster to be
presented at the annual meeting of the Federated American Societies for Experimental
Biology, San Diego CA. April, 2008.
Kennedy T, Felts E, Parker S, Topham G. Relation between lifestyle factors and anti-fat
attitudes in college students. Poster to be presented at the annual meeting of the Federated
American Societies for Experimental Biology, San Diego CA. April, 2008.
Berhanu G, Kennedy T, Woltamo T, Stoecker B, Abebe Y, Hambidge M. Complementary
feeding: Patterns and practices in Sidama, Southern Ethiopia. Poster to be presented at
the annual meeting of the Federated American Societies for Experimental Biology, San
Diego CA. April, 2008.
Sykova V, Kennedy T. Attitudes towards Herbal Supplements: Results from the
“Alternative Health/Complementary and Alternative Medicine” survey. Poster to be
presented at the annual meeting of the Federated American Societies for Experimental
Biology, San Diego CA. April, 2008.
Choate KM, Kennedy TS, Topham GL, Hubbs-Tait L, Page MC, Harrist AW. Dietary pattern of
first-grade children using the Health Eating Index. Poster to be presented at the annual
meeting of the Federated American Societies for Experimental Biology, Washington,
DC. April, 2007.
Herrin J, Kennedy TS, Topham GL, Page MC, Hubbs-Tait L, Harrist AW. School Environment
and Child Weight. Poster to be presented at the annual meeting of the Federated
American Societies for Experimental Biology, Washington, DC. April, 2007.
Harrist AW, Page MC, Kennedy TS, Topham GL, Hubbs-Tait L, Ledoux T, Longoria AQ. A
Multidisciplinary model of childhood obesity: Integrating Developmental, Family, and
Nutrition Science Approaches. Society for Research in Child Development. Boston,
March 2007.
DeVault NJ, Kennedy TS, Rask P, IT’S ALL ABOUT KIDS: Preventing overweight in
elementary school children in Tulsa, Oklahoma. American Dietetic Association FNCE,
Honolulu, Hawaii October 2006.
Sykova, V, Kennedy T, Woltamo T, Abebe Y, Thomas D, Hubbs-Tait L, Stoecker B, Hambidge
M. Relationship Between Maternal Anthropometric Measures and Infant Novelty
Preference in Southern Ethiopia. FASEB San Francisco April 2006.
Yewelsew Abebe, KM Hambidge, BJ Stoecker, L Hubbs-Tait, R Gibson, T Kennedy, I Arbide,
Aklilu Teshome, J Westcott, NF Krebs, Low zinc status and impaired cognition of
pregnant women in southern Ethiopia. Congress of International Nutrition, Durban, South
Africa. September 2005.
Jog M, Parker S, Kennedy T. Factors affecting food stamp participation among the elderly.
Society of Nutrition Education, Orlando FL. July 2005.
Kennedy T, Woltamo T, Abebe, Thomas D, Hubbs-Tait L, Stoecker B, Krebs N, Hambidge M.
Infant growth and brain function in southern Ethiopian villages. FASEB San Diego April
Abebe Y, Hambidge M, Stoecker B, Gibson R, Kennedy T, Arbide I, Teshome A, Westcott J,
Krebs N, Hambidge M. Zinc status and cognitive function of pregnant women in
southern Ethiopia. FASEB San Diego April 2005.
Hubbs-Tait L, Kennedy TS, Belanger D, Parker J, Droke E. Zinc, Iron and Lead: Relations to
Head Start Children’s Cognitive Scores and Teacher Ratings of Behavior. Society for
Research in Child Development. March 2005.
Droke E, Kennedy T, Belenger D, Parker J, Hubbs-Tait L. Correlations Among Indicators of
Iron and Zinc Status in Children Participating in Head Start are Influenced by Infection.
Journal of FASEB 2004;18:A165.
Belenger D, ,Kennedy T, Droke E, Parker J, Hubbs-Tait L. Lead relates to Head Start teacher
ratings of children’s classroom competence. Journal of FASEB 2004;18:A165
Kennedy TS, Hubbs-Tait L, Autrey L Parent and Teacher Perceptions of Overweight Correlate
with Maternal Caregiving. Journal of FASEB 2003;17:A730.
Leach KA, Kennedy TS, McElroy L. Validation of a Nutrition Assessment Screening
Questionnaire to Identify Children at Risk for Nutritional Deficiencies. Journal of the
American Dietetic Association 2002;102(9):A-14.
Kennedy TS, Crowe TL, Bauer A, Oakland MJ. Anthropometric correlates of % body fat in prepubescent children with cerebral palsy. Journal of the American Dietetic Association
Nelson MC, Kennedy TS, Fung EB, Kawchak, DA, Zemel BS, Stallings VA. Calcium Counts:
development of a calcium food frequency for children. Journal of the American Dietetic
Association 2000;100(9):A-77.
Nelson MC, Lester KM, Kennedy TS, Fung EB, Kawchak, DA, Zemel BS, Stallings VA.
Calcium Counts: development of a calcium food frequency for children. Journal of Bone
and Mineral Research. 2000;15 (supplement 1):S533.
Crowe T, Bauer A, Kennedy TS. Total body bone mineral density, bone mineral content and Nteleopeptides in prepubertal children with cerebral palsy. Iowa Physiological Society,
Des Moines IA, April, 2000.
Kennedy TS, Oakland MJ. A Family System Analysis of Nutritional Issues in the Care of
Premature Low Birthweight Infants. YAI/National Institute for People with Disabilities.
Annual International Conference, New York NY, April 1999.
Kennedy TS, Oakland MJ. Dynamics of Catch up Growth in a Group of Premature Infants.
American Dietetic Association Annual Meeting, Boston MA, October 1997.
Funded: External
Thomas, D. (PI), Kennedy T., Hubbs-Tait, L., & Stoecker, B. Maternal dietary nutrients and
neurotoxins in infant cognitive development. (January 2008-December 2010) US Department of
Agriculture. ($370,000).
Hambidge M(PI), Abebe Y, Stoecker B, Krebbs N, Kennedy T, Hubbs-Tait L, Thomas D. Zinc
and Maternal-infant Cognition in S. Ethiopia: Randomized Controlled Trials. Sub-contract from
University of Colorado. National Institutes of Health, approx. $200,000 direct costs year 1. 20072011.
Effectiveness of parenting and nutrition education in obesity prevention and promotion of child
cognition with Laura Hubbs-Tait, Debbie Richardson, Janice Hermann, Barbara Brown and
Barbara Stoecker. Oklahoma Agricultural Experiment Station - $50,000 2006-2008.
Zinc, Iron and Lead: Relations to Head Start Children’s Cognition and Behavior: Principle
Investigator: Elizabeth Droke South Dakota State University with Laura Hubbs-Tait, Tay
Kennedy and Kendra Kettlemann. General Mills - March 2005.
Intervening in Family and Peer Contexts to Decrease Child Obesity: with Amanda Harrist, Glade
Topham, Laura Hubbs-Tait and Melanie Page. US Department of Agriculture $1,000,000, 20052008.
Zinc Nutrition and Brain Function in Southern Ethiopian Children and their Mothers: Principle
investigator: Michael Hambidge, University of Colorado Health Sciences Center. Sub-contract
from University of Colorado with Barbara Stoecker and Laura Hubbs-Tait. National Institutes of
Health $50,000, 2003-2006.
Additional Bridge funding approved: $24,225. 3/2006 to 9/2006.
Improving Nutritional Care for Children with Cerebral Palsy. Massachusetts Avenue Building
Fund. American Association of Consumer and Family Science. $15,000, 1998-1999
Funded: Internal:
Bureau for Social Research Small Projects with Christine Johnson. $4, 847.99, 2003.
More Peas Please! Program development grant for “Growing Successful Kids” Child Care
Training Cooperative. Oklahoma State University $1000, 2000
Families Perceptions of Nutritional Care for the LBW Infant. Dissertation enhancement grant.
College of Consumer and Family Sciences, Iowa State University $250. 1998.
Approved but not funded:
Oral Delays and Nutrition in Infants with Disabilities: Center for Disease Control. Approved but
not funded. $349,974.
Micronutrient status, parenting practices and children’s cognitive functioning: Examination of
independent, moderating and mediating effects. National Science Foundation with Laura Hubbs-
Tait, Elizabeth Droke and Barbara Stoecker. $1,452,659. Recommended for funding January
Ad-Hoc Reviewer: Developmental Neuropsychology
Reviewer for 5th edition of Community Nutrition in Action by Boyle and Holben
HES Assessment Committee: NSCI representative
OSU Assessment Committee: HES representative
Nutrition Education Interest Group Mini-symposia moderator at FASEB, San
Francisco; April 2006,
HES Assessment Committee: NSCI representative
Oklahoma Obesity Prevention Planning Grant: School and health sub-committee
Reviewer for Nutrition Education Interest Group Mini-symposia presentations at
Experimental Biology Meeting; April 2006,
HES Assessment Committee: NSCI representative
Oklahoma Obesity Prevention Planning Grant: School and health sub-committee
Ad-Hoc Reviewer: Brain Research
Action for Healthy OK Kids Committee
Fit Kids Coalition
Ad-Hoc Reviewer, USDA National Research Initiative
Action for Healthy OK Kids Executive Committee
Ad-Hoc Reviewer, USDA National Research Initiative
Professional Development Committee, SoonerStart Interagency Coordinating
Council. State of Oklahoma.
Research Partner Pawnee Tribal Early Head Start and United/CAP Head Start
Action for Healthy OK Kids State Steering Committee
CHES Faculty Advisory Committee, At large member
Ad-Hoc Reviewer, USDA National Research Initiative
Professional Development Committee, SoonerStart Interagency Coordinating
Council. State of Oklahoma.
Reviewer, American Journal of Clinical Nutrition
Pre-publication reviewer for Nutrition Throughout the Life Cycle by Judith Brown,
et al. Wadsworth Group. Projected publication Spring 2002.
Professional Development Committee, SoonerStart Interagency Coordinating
Council. State of Oklahoma.
2000-2001 Tulsa Early Learning Center Development Committe. College of Human
Environmental Sciences
Faculty search committee at Iowa State University; student member
Registered Dietitian
American Dietetic Association
Pediatric Nutrition
Dietetics in Developmental and Psychiatric Disorders
Research Dietitians
Dietetic Educators of Practitioners
American Society of Nutritional Sciences
Nutrition Education Interest Group
Solo Kuvibidila, Ph.D.
Name and Surname:
Associate Professor
Business Address:
Oklahoma State University
College of Human Environmental Sciences
Department of Nutritional Sciences
301 Human Environmental Sciences
Stillwater, OK 74074
Institut Pédagogique Evangélique (IPE); Kimpese, Kongo Central, Democratic Republic of Congo
High School Diploma (Diplôme d'Etat): July 1970.
Major subjects: Biology/Chemistry.
Brandeis University, Waltham MA 02154, USA.
Bachelor of Arts: June 1973.
Major subject: Biology
Massachusetts Institute of Technology; Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.
Master of Sciences (MS): June 1977.
Field of study: Nutritional Biochemistry and Metabolism.
Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.
Ph.D. June 1980.
Ph.D. Thesis Title: Effects of Iron Deficiency on the Immune Response.
Field of study: Nutritional Biochemistry and Metabolism.
Teaching Assistant: Course - Introduction to laboratory methods in microbiology. Nutrition
and Food Science; Mass Institute of Technology, Cambridge MA; 1974, 1975, 1976.
Translator of films on nutritional education in Zaire (Congo RDC) from English and French
to Kikongo: Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge MA. Supervisor: John
Stanbury, M.D. 1976.
Research Assistant: University of South Alabama College of Medicine; Pediatrics,
Mobile AL: - 1978-80.
Postdoctoral Fellow: Fox Chase Cancer Center; (Clinical Division); Philadelphia PA 1980-1983.
Field work: Study of the prevalence of hepatitis B virus infection and evaluation of
nutritional status and iron deficiency in Zairian (Congolese) pregnant women. Hôpital
General de Kinshasa and Cliniques Universitaires; Kinshasa Democratic Republic of
Solo Kuvibidila, Ph.D.
Congo (Zaire). 1983.
Chargée de Recherches: Institut National de la Santé et de la Recherche Médicale.
INSERM Unité-1; Unité de Recherche sur la Nutrition et l'Alimentation; Hôpital Bichat;
Paris, France: 1983-1986.
Lecturer: Université Xavier Bichat; INSERM Unité-1 Hôpital Bichat, Paris, France: 19831985.
Consultant for the French Research Organization (ORSTOM) to assess the feasibility of
opening a research laboratory in Nutrition and Immunology in Africa (Togo & Cameroon):
Field work: Assessment of iron status in women of childbearing age and their 0-5 yr old
Hôpital de Nsundi-Lutete; Kongo Central State; Democratic Republic of Congo (Kinshasa):
Research Associate; Louisiana State University Medical Center; Department of Pediatrics,
New Orleans LA 12/1986-2/1989.
Research Assistant Professor; Louisiana State University Medical Center; Pediatrics,
New Orleans LA; 3/1989-6/1994.
Research Associate Professor: Louisiana State University Medical School, New Orleans;
7/1994 –June 2006
Consultant for the World Bank: 1995.
Coordinator of Pediatrics Research Laboratories: 2000 –
Associate Professor; Oklahoma State University; Department of Nutritional Sciences.
Stillwater, OK: July 2006 Graduate School Committee: Oklahoma State University, Stillwater, OK
Advisor for Ph.D. students, Oklahoma State University, Department of Nutritional Sciences,
Stillwater, OK.
Member of M.S. and Ph.D. theses Committee
Grant Reviewer for NIH May 2007
Member of the OSU Diversity Committee; 2007-
American Society for Nutrition.
International Society for Trace Element Research in Humans.
Malnutrition and Cell-Mediated Immunity. E. Jefferson Hospital, Metairie LA;
New Orleans Dietetic Association, September 1990.
Nutrition problems in children with sickle cell disease. Dayton Ohio. June 1990.
Dean's list: 5 times (Undergraduate school).
Research Development Award for Minority Faculty: NIH: 1995-1999.
Consultant for the World Bank, 1995.
Invited participants at a workshop on Interaction of Micronutrients and Infection;
The Wellcome Trust & USAID, October 1998; Southampton UK.
LSU Medical School, Pfizer Pediatric Research Award for Faculty, 1999.
Invited speaker at the International Society for Trace Element Research in Humans
(ISTERH); Quebec, Canada, September 2002:.
Solo Kuvibidila, Ph.D.
Summer Research Program for Minority Students: 1993
Reviewer of manuscripts related to assessment of iron and nutritional status; iron and
immune response; malnutrition and immune response:
American Journal of Clinical Nutrition
Journal of Nutrition
Journal of National Medical Association (several times/year)
Journal of Clinical and Laboratory Medicine
Clinical and Experimental Immunology
Nutrition: The International Journal of Applied and Basic Nutritional Sciences
Nutrition Research
Journal of Nutritional Biochemistry
Growth and Development
Role of iron in immunity, inflammation, infections, and growth of children.
Assessment of iron status by serum transferrin receptor.
Role of inflammation and iron status on the risk of prostate cancer.
Role of nutrition (antioxidants) on severity of sickle cell disease.
Regulation of defensin production and inflammatory markers associated with innate
immunity by mushrooms.
Effects of mushrooms and mushroom extracts on the functions of neutrophils,
monocytes, and gastrointestinal cells.
Goals: To study the effects (and mechanisms involved) of mushrooms on defensin
production and cytokines associated with innate immunity in human cell lines; to
investigate the effects of mushrooms on defensins production in mice during aging.
Effects of mushrooms on endothelin-1 and α-defensins on (prostate) development
Goals: To investigate the influence of edible mushrooms on the expression of
endothelin-1, endothelin receptors, defensins, and inflammatory cytokines on
(prostate) cancer induction, progression, and bone metastasis in transgenic mice.
Effects of iron on the immune response and inflammation.
Goals: To investigate the effects of iron status on inflammation associated with
aging and the mechanisms involved.
Modulation of collagen-induced arthritis by mushrooms.
Goals: To investigate the effects of various mushrooms on the severity of collageninduced arthritis in a laboratory mouse model (generalized and localized bone
Solo Kuvibidila, Ph.D.
A: Funded and Ended.
Title: Assessment of iron status in Zairïan (Congolese) children <5 years of age and
lactating women. Funding Agency: Nestlé Nutrition Program; 1986-1988. (Principal
Title: Protein-Energy Malnutrition in Hemophiliac Children with and without antibodies to
the Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV).
Funding Agency: Veterans Administration; April 1988 - March 1993. (Co-Investigator).
Title: Usefulness of soluble interleukin-2 receptor, soluble CD8 and protein kinase C activity
in childhood leukemia.
Funding Agency: Ladies Leukemia League; New Orleans LA. May 1991 to April 1992 (CoPrincipal Investigator).
Title: Role of Monocyte Function as studied by neopterin secretion in childhood leukemia.
Funding Agency: LSU Cancer Center. Academic year 1991/1992. (Principal Investigator).
Title: Mechanisms of Reduced Lymphocyte Proliferation (Blastogenesis) in Iron Deficiency.
Funding Agency: NIH; July 1995 to June 1999. (Principal Investigator).
Title: Role of iron on the expression of T cell receptors (CD3 and CD28) and the
implication on signal transduction.
Funding Agency: Research Enhancement Grant; Dean of LSUHSC: 1/2000 to 12/2000.
Title: Modulation of inflammatory markers associated with Innate Immunity by mushrooms;
Funding Agency: The Mushroom Council/NutriCore/USDA; January 2006 -
Pending, under Preparation, or under Revision.
Modulation of tumor Cell growth by mushroom extracts through α-defensins: pending; NIH
Effect of mushrooms on endothelin-1 secretion an inflammatory cytokines on prostate
cancer development in transgenic mice (under preparation for OCAST and/or NIH R21).
Role of Moderate Increase of Body Iron Stores during Aging on Inflammation (PI; NIH; 2 y,
Not funded).
Training in micronutrients at (Congo) Kinshasa School of Public Health (PI, Bill Gates
Foundation; 5 y; Not funded; (may be revised).
Effects of goat and sheep conjugated linoleic acid on THP1 and HL60 cell proliferation and
alpha-defensins 1-3 production. Co-I; USDA (PI: Dr Roger Merkel; Langston University).
(Not funded, to be revised).
Solo Kuvibidila, Ph.D.
Determination of minimum intake of white button mushrooms that modulates blood levels of
inflammation: PI; NutriCore/USDA: ???
Effects of white button mushrooms on gut-associated immunity (α-defensins) during aging.
PI, 4-5 y, NIH, written; requires preliminary data in lab mice before submission.
(Old title: Mushrooms may prevent the decline of, and restore some of the impaired innate
immune responses associated with aging):
D: Recent and/or Current Collaborators:
Surendra B Baliga, Ph.D.: University of South Alabama College of Medicine;
Department of Pediatrics; Mobile, AL.
Johnson Haynes, M.D.: University of South Alabama College of Medicine; Sickle Cell
Comprehensive Center; Mobile AL
Renee Gardner, M.D.: Louisiana State University Health Sciences Center;
Department of Pediatrics; Division of Hematology/Oncology; New Orleans, LA.
Maria Velez, M.D.: Louisiana State University Health Sciences Center;
Department of Pediatrics; Division of Hematology/Oncology; New Orleans, LA.
Raj P, Warrier, M.D.: Louisiana State University Health Sciences Center;
Department of Pediatrics; Division of Hematology/oncology; New Orleans, LA.
Lolie Yu, M.D.: Louisiana State University Health Sciences Center;
Department of Pediatrics; Division of Hematology/Oncology; New Orleans, LA.
Lily Leiva, Ph.D.: Louisiana State University Health Sciences Center;
Department of Pediatrics; Division of Allergy/Immunology; New Orleans, LA.
Walter Rayford, M.D./Ph.D.: Louisiana State University Health Sciences Center;
Department of Urology; New Orleans, LA.
Nancy Betts, Ph.D.; Chair; Department of Nutritional Sciences; Oklahoma State University;
Stillwater, OK.
Arpita Basu, Ph.D.; Assistant Professor; Department of Nutritional Sciences; Oklahoma
State University; Stillwater, OK.
(Courses, Seminars and Grand Rounds).
Fall 1974-1976.
Massachusetts Institute of Technology; Department of Nutrition and Food Sciences;
Cambrige MA.
Introduction to laboratory methods in microbiology. (Supervisor: Dr Charles Kimble).
University of Xavier Bichat; Institut National de la Santé et de la Recherche Médicale
(INSERM) Unité 1; Unité de Recherche sur la Nutrition et l'Alimentation. Hôpital Bichat;
Paris, France. (Supervisor: Dr Daniel Lemonnier).
Louisiana State University Health Sciences Center; Department of Pediatrics; New
Orleans, LA:
Grand rounds, research seminars, and training of fellows.
Solo Kuvibidila, Ph.D.
Introductory course on human nutrition: assessment of nutritional status by
anthropometric and biochemical indicators; iron metabolism;
Assessment and adverse effects of micronutrient imbalances in children, women,
and the elderly;
Nutrition, Immunity and Infection (effects of nutritional disorders [deficits and overnutrition] on various components of immune responses; description of mechanisms
involved in the altered responses). (Taught in Spring 2007, 2008)
A: BOOKS: None
Kuvibidila S, Baliga BS and Suskind RM. Consequences of iron deficiency on infections
and immunity. In "Textbook of Gastroenterology and Nutrition in early Infancy and
Childhood, 2nd Edition; Emmanuel Lebenthal, editor; chapter 34, p. 423-431, 1989
Kuvibidila S and Warrier RP. Nutritional support of Children with sickle cell disease and
thalassemia. Textbook of Pediatric Nutrition; RM Suskind and L Lewinter-Suskind, Editors.
Raven Press, p. 425-436; 1992.
Mawson AR, Warrier RP, Kuvibidila S and Suskind RM. Pediatric AIDS, Nutrition, and
Immunity. Textbook of Pediatric Nutrition; RM Suskind and L Lewinter-Suskind, Editors.
Raven Press; p.447-470; 1992.
Sorensen RU, Leiva L and Kuvibidila S. Malnutrition and the immune response: Textbook
of Pediatric Nutrition; RM Suskind and L Lewinter-Suskind; Raven Press, p. 141-160, 1992.
Sorensen RU, Kuvibidila S, and Suskind RM. Nutritional management of the
immunodepressed children: Textbook of Pediatric Nutrition; RM Suskind and L LewinterSuskind; Raven Press, p. 437-446, 1992.
Kuvibidila S, Yu L, Ode D and Warrier RP. The immune response in protein and energy
malnutrition and single nutrient deficiencies. Human Nutrition: A Comprehensive Treatise;
vol 8: Nutrition and Immunology. DM Klurfeld, Editor. Plenum Press; New York; p. 121-155;
Kuvibidila SR and Baliga BS. Role of iron in immunity and infection. In, Nutrition and
immune function. Phil C Calder, Catherine Field, and Harsham Gill, editors, CABI
Publishing, New York, pp 209-228, 2002.
C: Publications in Referred Journals.
Kuvibidila S, Baliga BS and Suskind RM. Effects of iron deficiency on delayed type
hypersensitivity in mice. American Journal of Clinical Nutrition 34:2635-40, 1981.
Solo Kuvibidila, Ph.D.
Baliga BS, Kuvibidila S, and Suskind RM. Effects of iron deficiency on the immune
response. Indian Journal of Pediatrics 49:431-445, 1981.
Kuvibidila S, Baliga BS and Suskind RM. Generation of plaque-forming cells in iron
deficient anemic mice. Nutrition Reports International 26:861-872, 1982.
Kuvibidila S, Baliga BS, Nauss KM, and Suskind RM. Impairment of blastogenic response
of splenic lymphocytes from iron deficient mice: in vivo repletion. American Journal of
Clinical Nutrition 37:15-25, 1983.
Kuvibidila S, Baliga BS, Nauss KM, and Suskind RM. Impairment of blastogenic response
of splenic lymphocytes from iron deficient mice: in vitro repletion. American Journal of
Clinical Nutrition 37:557-565, 1983.
Kuvibidila S, Baliga BS, and Suskind RM. The effects of iron deficiency on cytolytic activity
of mice spleen and peritoneal cells against allogenic tumor cells. American Journal of Clinical
Nutrition 38:238-244, 1983.
Kuvibidila S, London TW, and Blumberg BS. Nutritional status of patients with end stage
renal diseases: Influence of hepatitis B virus infection. Nutrition Reports International
30:129-144, 1984.
Kuvibidila S. Effects of moderate iron deficiency anemia on mitogenic response of
lymphocytes from mice spleen and lymph nodes. Acta Pharmacologica et Toxicologica 59
(Suppl) 122-125, 1986.
Kuvibidila S. Atteinte de l'immunité à médiation cellulaire par carence en fer dans un
modèle animal (la souris). In: "Les Malnutritions dans les Pays du Tiers Monde". Colloque
INSERM vol 136:319-332; 1986.
Kuvibidila S. Iron deficiency, infections and the immune response: Present knowledge
and controversies. Nutrition Research 7:989-1003, 1987.
Kuvibidila S, and Wade S. Macrophage function as studied by the clearance of 125Ipolyvinyl pyrrolidone in iron deficient and iron supplemented mice. Journal of Nutrition
117:170-176, 1987.
Kuvibidila S, Warrier RP, Sarpong D, Suskind D, Suskind RM, and Andes W. Nutritional
status of children with hemophilia with and without antibodies to the human
immunodeficiency virus (HIV). Nutrition Research 9:1197-1206, 1989.
Kuvibidila S, Dardenne M, Savino W, and Lepol Francoise. Influence of iron deficiency
anemia on selected thymus functions in mice: thymulin biological activity, T-cell subsets,
and thymocyte proliferation. American Journal of Clinical Nutrition 51:228-232, 1990.
Kuvibidila S and Sarpong D. Mitogenic response of lymph nodes and spleen cells from
mice with moderate and severe iron deficiency anemia. Nutrition Research 10:195-210,
Solo Kuvibidila, Ph.D.
Kuvibidila S, Baliga BS, and Murthy KK. Impaired protein kinase C activation as one of the
possible mechanisms of reduced lymphocyte proliferation in iron deficiency. American
Journal of Clinical Nutrition 54:944-950, 1991.
Kuvibidila S, Mbensa M, and Mbendi N. Iron status of Zairian pregnant women with and
without serological markers of hepatitis B virus infection. Journal of Tropical Medicine and
Hygiene 94:104-109, 1991.
Kuvibidila S, Murthy KK, and Suskind RM. Alteration of Interleukin-2 (IL-2) production in
iron deficiency anemia. Journal of Nutritional Immunology 1:81-98, 1992.
Kuvibidila S, Mbele V, Yu L, Ode D, and Warrier RP. An epidemiological study of
hemoglobin levels and prevalence of anemia in young children from Bas-Zaire. Annales de
la Société Belge de Medecine Tropicale 73:227-234,1993.
Yu L, Kuvibidila S, Warrier RP, and Ducos R. Validity of prealbumin in the assessment of
mild and moderate malnutrition in children with cancer. Medical & Ped Oncology, 22:7377,1994.
Warrier RP, Kuvibidila S, Gordon L, and Humbert J. Transport proteins and acute phase
reactant proteins in children with sickle cell disease. Journal of National Medical
Association, 86(1):33-39,1994.
Kuvibidila S, Warrier RP, Yu L, Ode D, and Mbele V. Reference levels of acute phase
reactant proteins in healthy Zairian women of the reproductive age group. Journal of
Tropical Medicine and Hygiene 97:239-243,1994.
Kuvibidila S, Yu L, Warrier RP, Ode D, and Mbele V. Usefulness of serum ferritin levels in
the assessment of iron status in Zairian women of the child-bearing age. Journal of Tropical
Medicine and Hygiene, 97:171-179,1994.
Kuvibidila S, Yu L, Warrier RP, Ode D, and Mbele V. Assessment of iron status of Zairian
women by soluble transferrin receptor. American Journal of Clinical Nutrition 60 (4):603609,1994.
Kuvibidila S. Influence de la carence en fer, réponse immunitaire et résistance aux
infections. Médecine Tropicale, 54:167-174, 1994.
Kuvibidila S, Tshefu KA, Ode D, Yu L, Warrier RP, and James A Mark. Assessment of iron
status in children with malaria by soluble transferrin receptor. Journal of Tropical Medicine
and Hygiene, 98:373-378; 1995.
Kuvibidila S, Warrier RP, Ode D, and Yu L. Serum transferrin receptor concentrations in
women with mild malnutrition. American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 63:596-601; 1996.
Kuvibidila S, Baliga BS, Warrier RP, and Suskind RM. Reduced hydrolysis of cell
membrane phospholipids in murine splenic lymphocytes in iron deficiency: Implication in
impaired blastogenesis. In Ninth International Symposium on Trace Elements in Man and
Solo Kuvibidila, Ph.D.
Animals. Fischer PWE, L'Abbé MR, Cockell KA, Gibson RS; editors. NRC - CNRC, NRC
Research Press, Ottawa, page 429-430;1997.
Kuvibidila, S, Gardner R, Ode D, Yu L, Lane G, Warrier RP. Blood concentrations of tumor
necrosis factor alpha (TNF-alpha ) in sickle cell disease children under stable conditions.
Journal of the National Medical Association; 89(9):609-615;1997.
Nicklas TA, Kuvibidila S, Gatewood LC, Metzinger AB, and Frempong KO. Prevalence
and possible causes of anemia and iron deficiency in urban Haitian children 2-4 years of
age. Journal of Tropical Pediatrics 44:133-138;1998.
Moore C, Ehlayel M, Inostroza J, Leiva LE, Kuvibidila S, Yu L, Gardner R, Ode DL, Warrier
R, Sorensen RU. Increased circulating levels of soluble HLA class I (sHLA-I) heterodimers
in patients with sickle cell disease. Journal of the National Medical Association 90(9):157163;1998.
Kuvibidila S, Sharma R, Warrier RP, and Andes WA. Circulating levels of neopterin and
indicators of nutritional status in hemophiliac patients with and with HIV infection. Nutrition
Research, 18(2):171-181;1998.
Kuvibidila SR, Baliga BS, Raj P Warrier, and Suskind RM. Iron deficiency reduces the
hydrolysis of cell membrane phosphatidyl inositol-4,5-bisphosphate during splenic
lymphocyte activation in C57BL/6 mice. Journal of Nutrition 128:1077-1083;1998.
Kuvibidila SR, Kitchens D, and Baliga BS. In vivo and in vitro iron deficiency reduces
protein kinase C activity and translocation in murine splenic and purified T cells. Journal of
Cellular Biochemistry 74:468-478;1999.
Kuvibidila S, Warrier RP, Ode D, Yu L, and KA Tshefu. Lack of difference in iron status
assessed by soluble transferrin receptor between children with cerebral malaria and those
with non-cerebral malaria. Journal of Tropical Pediatrics, 45:166-167, 1999.
Kuvibidila S, Yu L, Gardner R, Velez M, Ode D, and Warrier RP. Association between
increased levels of tumor necrosis factor-alpha and decreased levels of prealbumin
(transthyretin) and retinol-binding protein in African-American and Caucasian children with
leukemia. Journal of the National Medical Association 92:485-491, 2000.
Kuvibidila S, Porretta C, Baliga BS, and Leiva L. Reduced thymocyte proliferation but
not increased apoptosis as a cause of thymus atrophy in iron-deficient mice. British
Journal of Nutrition, 86:157-162, 2001.
Kuvibidila S, Porretta C, and Baliga BS. Iron deficiency alters the progression of
mitogen-activated murine splenic lymphocytes through the cell cycle. Journal of Nutrition
131:2028-2033, 2001.
Kuvibidila SR, Velez M, Yu L, Warrier RP, and Baliga BS. Differences in iron
requirements by concanavalin A-treated and anti-CD3-treated murine splenic
lymphocytes. British Journal of Nutrition 88:67-72, 2002.
Solo Kuvibidila, Ph.D.
Kuvibidila S and Porretta C. Differential effects of iron deficiency on the expression of
CD80 and CD86 co-stimulatory molecules in mitogen-treated and untreated murine
spleen cells. Journal of Cellular Biochemistry 86:571-582, 2002.
Kuvibidila S and Porretta C. Iron deficiency and in vitro iron chelation reduce the
expression of CD28 but not CD3 receptors on murine thymocytes and spleen cells.
British J Nutrition, 90:179-189, 2003.
Kuvibidila S, BS Baliga, RP Warrier. An overview of role of iron on T cell activation.
Journal Trace Elements in Experimental Medicine, 16:219-225;2003.
Kuvibidila S, Yu L, Ode D, Velez M. Gardner R, Warrier RP. Effects of iron deficiency
on the secretion of interleukin-10 by mitogen-treated and non-treated murine spleen
cells. J Cellular Biochemistry, 90:278-286; 2003.
Kuvibidila S and Warrier RP. Differential effects of iron deficiency and underfeeding on
serum levels of interleukin-10, interleukin-12, and interferon-γ in mice. Cytokine 26:7381; 2004.
Kuvibidila SR, Gauthier T, Rayford W. Serum ferritin and transferrin saturation in men
with prostate cancer. Journal of the National Medical Association 96(5):641-649, 2004.
Kuvibidila SR, Gauthier T, Warrier RP, and Rayford W. Elevated levels of serum transferrin
(sTfR) and sTfR/log serum ferritin ratios in men with prostate cancer and the implication on
body iron stores. Journal Laboratory & Clinical Medecine 144 (4):176-182, 2004.
Kuvibidila S, Baliga BS, Gardner R, Yu L, Warrier RP, Velez M, Ode D, Haynes J.
Differential effects of hydroxyurea and zileuton on interleukin-13 secretion by activated
murine spleen cells: Implication on the expression of vascular cell adhesion molecule-1 and
pain crisis in sickle cell anemia. Cytokines, 30:213-218, 2005.
Kuvibidila S, Rayford W. Correlation between serum levels of alpha-1-antitrypsin and
prostate specific antigen in African-American men and Caucasian men without and with
prostate cancer. Journal of Laboratory and Clinical Medicine 147(4):174-181, 2006;
Kuvibidila S, Sandoval M, Lao J, Velez M, Yu L, Ode D, Gardner R, Lane G, and Warrier
RP. Plasma zinc levels inversely correlate with vascular cell adhesion molecule-1
concentration with sickle cell disease: Possible implication in vasoocclusion. Journal of
National Medical Association, 98(8):1263-1272; 2006.
Manuscripts under Preparation and/or Revision.
Kuvibidila S, Ode D, Yu L, Gardner R, Velez M, Warrier RP. Soluble interleukin-2 receptor
as a prognostic factor for childhood lymphoblastic leukemia.
Kuvibidila S, Gardner R, Yu L, Velez M, Ode D, Warrier RP. Differential effects of iron
deficiency and undernutrition on the secretion of interferon-gamma by activated murine
spleen cells.
Kuvibidila SR, Velez M, Ode D, Yu L, Gardner R, RP Warrier. Iron deficiency reduces in
Solo Kuvibidila, Ph.D.
vivo and in vitro secretion of interleukin-4 by C57BL/6 and DBA mice.
Kuvibidila S, Rayford W. Effects of acute phase proteins (ceruloplasmin, alpha-1antitrypsin, and alpha1-acid glycoprotein) on PC3 cell proliferation.
Kuvibidila S, Baliga BS, Gardner R, Yu L, Warrier RP, Velez M, Ode D, Haynes J. Effects
of hydroxyurea and zileuton on the secretion of interleukin-4 on mitogen-treated and
untreated murine spleen cells.
Kuvibidila S & Korlagunta K. Effects of Four Types of Edible Mushrooms Increase
Intracellular α-Defensins 1-3 Concentration in HL60 cells. (Submitted to J Nutrition).
Kuvibidila S & Mbele Vuvu. Unusual low plasma levels of zinc in non-pregnant Congolese
women. (Submitted Br J Nutrition)
D: ABSTRACTS PRESENTED at Scientific Meetings.
1. Kuvibidila S, Nauss KM, Baliga BS, and Suskind RM. Impairment of mitogenic response by
splenic lymphocytes isolated from iron deficient mice. Fed Proc. 38: 870; 1979.
2. Kuvibidila S, Suskind RM, and Baliga BS. Effects of iron deficiency anemia on delayed type
hypersensitivity. Abstract presented at the National Student Forum; Galveston TX, 1980.
3. Kuvibidila S, Baliga BS, and Suskind RM. Effects of iron deficiency on in vivo cell-mediated
immunity. Abstract presented at the Society for Pediatric Research, 1980.
4. Kuvibidila S, Baliga BS, and Suskind RM. Role of iron on delayed type hypersensitivity.
Abstract presented at the Fourth International Congress of Immunology; (Paris France) 1980.
5. Kuvibidila S, Baliga BS, and Suskind RM. Effect of iron on delayed cutaneous hypersensitivity.
Abstract presented at the Federation Meetings Atlanta, GA; April 1981. Fed Proc 40:918; 1981.
6. Kuvibidila S, Baliga BS, and Suskind RM. The cytotoxicity capacity of spleen and peritoneal
cells from anemic mice. Abstract presented at the Federation Meetings; Atlanta, GA; April 1981.
Fed Proc 40:918; 1981.
7. Baliga BS, Kuvibidila S, Tygart S, and Suskind RM. Effect of iron deficiency on T cell
membrane proteins. Clin Res 29:632A; 1981.
8. Kuvibidila S and Wade S. Effets de la carence martiale et de la réalimentation en fer sur la
cléarance de la polyvinyl pyrrolidone. Congres GERM, Paris France; 1984.
9. Kuvibidila S, Dardenne M, and Savino W. T-cell subpopulations and thymulin levels in iron
deficient mice. Faseb Meetings, Anaheim CA, April 1985. Fed Proc 44:1149 (Abst 4320);
10. Yu L, Kuvibidila S, Warrier RP, and Ducos R. Validity of prealbumin in the assessment of
mild-moderate malnutrition in children with leukemia. Blood 70(5):707, 1987.
Solo Kuvibidila, Ph.D.
11. Warrier RP, Kuvibidila S, Suskind D, and Andes W. Nutritional and metabolic changes in HIV
positive hemophiliacs. American Soc of Hematology, Washington DC, 1987.
12. Warrier RP, Kuvibidila S, Wulff K, Desselle B, Suskind D, and Andes W. Nutritional
evaluation of children with hemophilia. Clin Res 136 (1):62A, 1988.
13. Yu L, Kuvibidila S, Warrier RP, and Ducos R. Anthropometry and plasma proteins in
evaluation of nutritional status in pediatric oncology. Clin Res 136 (1):70A, 1988.
14. Kuvibidila S and Warrier RP. Nutritional status of children with sickle cell disease. Clin Res
37(1):47A, 1989.
15. Kuvibidila S, Warrier RP, Wulff K, Desselle B, Suskind D, Suskind RM, and Andes W.
Anthropometry and plasma protein levels in hemophiliacs with antibodies to the human
deficiency virus. Clin Res 37(1):47A, 1989.
16. Yu L, Kuvibidila S, Ducos R, and Warrier RP. Nutritional assessment of children with cancer.
Clin Res 37(1):48A, 1989.
17. Pethe S, Murthy KK, Bhandaru S, and Kuvibidila S. Acute phase protein mediated
of T cell functions. The Faseb J 1989; 3(4):A1346; Abstract #6508.
18. Kuvibidila S, Murthy KK, and Suskind RM. Iron deficiency and interleukin-2 (IL-2)
production by murine spleen cells. Faseb J 3:A664(2545), 1989.
19. Sirois PA, Hill SD, Kuvibidila S, Warrier RP, and Andes W. HIV exposure and psychological
and nutritional functioning of children with hemophilia. American Psychological Society
Convention, Washington DC, June 1989.
20. Kuvibidila S, Mbela K, and Mbendi N. Iron status of Zairian pregnant women with and without
chronic infection of hepatitis B virus. American Society for Clinical Nutrition/American Institute of
Nutrition. Washington DC; may 1990. Am J Clin Nutr 51:517 (Abstract # 46A), 1990.
21. Kuvibidila S, Mbela K, and Mbendi N. Levels of transport proteins in Zairian pregnant women
with and without serological markers of hepatitis B virus infection. American Society for Clinical
Nutrition/American Institute of Nutrition. Am J Clin Nutr 51:517 (Abstract # 46B), 1990.
22. Yu L, Kuvibidila S, Ducos R, and Warrier RP. Nutritional status of children with cancer. Clin
Res 38(1):Abstract # 46, 1990.
23. Kuvibidila S, Murthy KK, and Baliga BS. Alteration of protein-kinase C activity in iron
deficiency: possible mechanism of impairment of lymphocyte proliferation. Faseb J 4(7):A2205;
Abstract #2951, 1990.
24. Kuvibidila S, Baliga BS, and Suskind RM. Functional consequences of restriction in dietary
iron on immunity. Intern Conference on Biological Effects of Dietary Restriction. Washington
DC, March 1990.
Solo Kuvibidila, Ph.D.
24. Yu L, Kuvibidila S, and Warrier RP. A study of nutritional status of pediatric cancer patients.
Third Annual Meeting of Pediatric Hematology/Oncology; September 13-16, 1990, Chicago IL,
AM J Pediatric Hemat/Oncol 13:108, 1991.
26. Warrier RP, Kuvibidila S, and Humbert J. Transport proteins in children with sickle cell
disease. Third Annual Meeting on Pediatr Hemat/Oncol. September 13-16, 1990, Chicago IL.
27. Kuvibidila S, Yu L, Warrier RP. Tumor necrosis factor, acute phase proteins and transport
proteins in children with cancer. American Society for Clinical Nutrition/American Institute of
Nutrition, Seattle 1990 Washington. Amican J of Clin Nutr 53(3):p22, Abstract # 56, 1991.
28. Kuvibidila S, Mbele V, Yu L, Warrier RP, and Lemonnier D. Usefulness of serum ferritin
levels in assessment of iron status in Zairian women of the reproductive age group.
AmericanSociety for Clinical Nutrition/American Institute of Nutrition, Seattle Washington,
1990. American J Clin Nutr 53(3):p22, Abstract # 57, 1991.
29. Kuvibidila S, Mbele V, Yu L, Warrier RP, and Lemonnier D. Reference levels of certain acute
phase proteins in Zairian women of the reproductive age group. American Society for Clinical
Nutrition/American Institute of Nutrition, Seattle Washington, 1990. Amer J Clin Nutr
53(3):p22, Abstract # 58, 1991.
30. Warier R., Kuvibidila S, Sharma S, Ode D, Yu L. Levels of soluble interleukin-2 receptor in
children with leukemia at diagnosis and during chemotherapy: Relation to nutritional status.
American Pediatric Society/The Society for Pediatric Research, New Orleans, LA (April 1991).
Pediatric Research 1991;29(Suppl):153A, Abstract 904.
31. Kuvibidila S, Warier R., Yu L, and Humbert JA. Levels of correlation between wasting and/or
transport proteins and tumor necrosis (TNF) levels in sickle cell disease (SCD) children. Am
Pediatric Society/The Society for Pediatric Research, New Orleans, LA 1991. Pediatric
Research 1991; 29(Suppl) 144A; Abstract 849.
32. Kuvibidila S, Warier R., Sharma R, and Andes W. Neopterin levels in hemophiliac patients
with and without HIV antibodies. American Society of Pediatric Hematology/Oncology;
Presented Sept 1991, Chicago.
33. Kuvibidila S, Warier R., Sharma R, and Andes W. Circulating levels of soluble interleukin-2
receptor in hemophiliac patients with and without HIV antibodies. American Society of Pediatric
Hematology/Oncology; Presented Sept 1991, Chicago.
34. Kuvibidila S, Warier R., Sharma R, and Andes W. Correlation of nutritional status and in vivo
activation of immune response in HIV(+) hemophiliacs. I: Neopterin. Southern Society for
Pediatric Research, Jan 1992, New Orleans LA. Clin Res 1991;39:802A.
35. Kuvibidila S, Warier R., Sharma R, and Andes W. Correlation of nutritional status and in vivo
activation of immune response in HIV(+) hemophiliacs. II: Soluble interleukin-2 receptor.
Southern Society for Pediatric Research, Jan 1992, New Orleans LA. Clin Res 1991;39:831A.
36. Andes WA, Kuvibidila S, Warier R., Sharma R, Weinberg R, and Ramirez C. Nutrition in
Hemophiliacs: Chronologic effects of HIV infections. Blood 1991;78:499A (Abstract # 1986).
Solo Kuvibidila, Ph.D.
37. Kuvibidila S, Warier R., Yu L, and Gordon L. Nutritional status of children with sickle cell
disease. Am J Ped Hemat/Oncol 1991;13:118.
38. Kuvibidila S, Yu L, Ode D, Warrier RP. Effects of coffee intake on iron status and
anthropometry in Zairian young children. American Society for Clinical Nutrition; Baltimore
MD. May 1992. Am J Clin Nutr 1992;55: Abstract # 71.
39. Kuvibidila S, Mbele V, Yu L, Ode D, Warrier RP. The influence of tea consumption on iron
status and anthropometry in Zairian young children. American Society for Clinical Nutrition;
Baltimore MD, May 1992. Am J Clin Nutr 1992;55: Abstract #72.
40. Kuvibidila S, Yu L, Ode D, and Warrier RP. Plasma levels of reactive nitrogen intermediates
(RNI) in Zairian women of childbearing age: Relation to iron status. American Society for
Clinical Nutrition, Baltimore MD, May 1992. Amer J Clin Nutr 1992;55:Abstract # 73.
41. Kuvibidila S, Warrier RP, Sharma R, and Andes W. Immune status and blood levels of
reactive nitrogen intermediates (RNI) in hemophiliac patients with and without HIV antibodies.
FASEB J 1992; 6(4):A1327 Abstract # 2260.
42. Ode D, Kuvibidila S, Warrier RP, Yu LC. In vivo and in vitro secretion of soluble interleukin-2
receptor (sIL2R) in children with acute lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL) during the first 4 weeks of
treatment. Presented Sept 1992; The American Society of Pediatric Hematology/Oncology.
43. Kuvibidila S, Warrier RP, Ode D, and Yu L. Possible prognostic value of soluble CD8 antigen
in childhood acute lymphoblastic leukemia. Southern Society for Pediatric Research, Jan
1993, New Orleans LA. Clin Res 1992;40(4):789A.
44. Ode D, Kuvibidila S, Warrier RP, and Yu LC. Are soluble interleukin-2 receptors a reliable
prognostic in children with acute lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL)? Southern Society for Pediatric
Research; Jan 1993, New Orleans LA. Clin Res 1992;40(4):790A.
45. Kuvibidila S, Warrier RP, Yu L, and Ode D. Serum transferrin receptor levels in Zairian
pregnant women with and without hepatitis B virus infection. Experimental Biology, New
Orleans; March/April 1993. FASEB J 1993;7(3):1274 Abstract # 1589.
46. Yu L, Kuvibidila S, Warrier RP, Ode D, and Vuvu M. Assessment of iron status of Zairian
women by serum transferrin receptor. Experimental Biology, New Orleans; March/April 1993.
FASEB J 1993;7(3):1274 Abstract # 1588.
47. Kuvibidila S, Tshefu KA. Assessment of iron status by soluble transferrin receptor in children
with malaria. Presented at the 15th International Congress of Nutrition; Adelaide (Australia);
September 1993.
48. Tshefu KA, Kuvibidila S, Warrier RP, Ode O, Yu L, and Mark JA. Effects of cerebral malaria
and inflammation on soluble transferrin receptor in Zairian children. Presented at the 15th
International Congress of Nutrition; Adelaide (Australia) Sep 1993.
49. Warrier RP and Kuvibidila S. Plasma vitamin C levels in hemophiliac patients with and without
Solo Kuvibidila, Ph.D.
HIV infection. Presented at the 15th International Congress of Nutrition; Adelaide (Australia);
September 1993.
50. Kuvibidila S, Yu L, Ode D, and Warrier RP. Plasma neopterin, soluble interleukin-2 receptor
and disease activity in childhood acute lymphoblastic leukemia. Presented at the American
Society for Pediatric Hematology/Oncology; September 1993 Meetings in Chicago ILL.
51. Kuvibidila S, Yu L, Ode D, and Warrier RP. Lack of influence of nutritional status, age, and
influence on soluble transferrin receptor (an index of iron status). The 8th Asian Congress of
52. Kuvibidila S, Ode D, Yu L, and Warrier RP. Plasma neopterin levels as a prognostic factor of
childhood acute phase lymphoblastic leukemia. The 8th Asian Congress of Pediatrics.
53. Warrier RP and Kuvibidila S. Nutritional status and infection with the human immunodeficiency
virus in hemophiliac patients. The 8th Asian Congress of Pediatrics.
54. Kuvibidila S, Ode D, Yu L and Warrier RP. Correlation between soluble transferrin receptor
(sTfR) and soluble interleukin-2 receptor (sIL-2R), but not serum ferritin in children with acute
lymphoblastic leukemia. Am Society of Hematology; Dec 1993.
55. Kuvibidila S, Tshefu KA, Warrier RP, Ode D, Yu L, and James MA. Possible influence of
vitamin A but not protein energy malnutrition on plasma transferrin receptor levels in children
with malaria. Presented at the Southern Society for Pediatric Research. New Orleans LA Jan
1994. Clin Res 1993;41(4):4724A (Abstract).
56. Yu L, Kuvibidila S, Oertling, D Ode, Warrier RP. The correlation of tumor necrosis factor
levels and complications in pediatric bone marrow transplant patients. (southern Society for
Pediatric Research). Clin Res 1993;41(4):734A (Abstract).
57. Kuvibidila S, James MA, Warrier RP, Ode D, Yu L, and Tshefu KA. Plasma ferritin levels in
Zaïrean children with severe, moderate, and/or asymptomatic malaria. (American Pediatric
Society/The Society for Pediatric Research). Ped Res 1994;35:163A (Abstract 965).
58. Kuvibidila S, Ode D, Yu L, and Warrier RP. The influence of mild undernutrition and
inflammation on plasma transferrin receptor levels. (American Pediatric Society/The Society for
Pediatric Research). Ped Res 1994;35:130A (Abstract 765).
59. Penn D, Kuvibidila S, and Bobrowski PJ. Effect of halothane on lymphocyte proliferation in
neonatal pig. (American Pediatric Society/The Society for Pediatric Research). Ped Res
1994;35:167A (Abstract 989).
60. Kuvibidila S, Ode D, Yu L, and Warrier RP. Evaluation of the influence of inflammation,
nutritional status, and age on soluble transferrin receptor (sTfR) levels. Presented at the
Experimental Biology 1994. (Anaheim CA April 1994). Faseb J 1994;8(5):A922.
61. Kuvibidila S, Warrier RP, Gardner R, YU L, and Ode D. Lymphocyte proliferation and
nutritional status in sickle cell disease (SCD) children by hemoglobin phenotype. Southern
Society for Pediatric Research, 1994. J Investigative Med 1995;43 (2):8A.
Solo Kuvibidila, Ph.D.
62. Kuvibidila S, Ode D, Gardner R, Yu L, and Warrier RP. Immune functions, undernutrition, and
inflammation in children with sickle cell disease (SCD) by hemoglobin phenotype. Experimental
Biology; April 1995 (Atlanta, GA). Faseb J 1995; 9 (4):A732; Abstract 4241.
63. Kuvibidila S, Gardner R, Yu L, Ode D, Lane G, and Warrier RP. Tumor necrosis factor levels
in serum samples from children with sickle cell disease in stable conditions. Am. Federation
for Clinical Research (May 1995, San Diego CA). J Invest Med 1995:43(Suppl. 2):366A.
64. Kuvibidila S, Bobrowski P, Zhang L, and Penn D. Impaired iron metabolism and reduced
immunity in piglets receiving total parenteral nutrition (TPN). American Federation for Clinical
Research (May 1995, San Diego CA). Am J Clin Nutr 1995;61(4): 911; Abstract N-NU-6
and J Invest Med 1995;43 (Suppl. 2):242A.
65. Warrier RP, Kuvibidila S, Gardner R, Ode D, Lane Gerald, and Yu L. Evaluation of blood
concentrations of tumor necrosis factor alpha (TNF- alpha) in sickle cell disease (SCD)
Presented at the 20th Meeting of the National Sickle Cell Program (March 18-21,
1995; Boston).
66. Kuvibidila S, Warrier RP, Gardner R, Yu L, Lane G, and Ode D. Further study of nutritional
status of children with sickle cell disease (SCD). Presented at the 20th Meeting of the National
Sickle Cell Program (March 18-21, 1995, Boston MA).
67. Kuvibidila S, Ode D, Yu L, Gardner R, Lane G, and Warrier RP. Correlation between
undernutrition and in vitro immune responses in sickle cell disease (SCD) children. Presented
at the 20th Meeting of the National Sickle Cell Program (March 18-21, 1995, Boston MA).
68. Kuvibidila S, Warrier RP, Ode D, Yu L, Tshefu KA. Severe malnutrition may decrease
soluble transferrin receptor (sTfR) concentration in children. American Society for Clinical
Nutrition (May 4-6, 1995, San Diego CA). Am J Clin Nutr 1995; 61 (4):905; (Abstract 83).
69. Kuvibidila S, Warrier RP, James MA, Ode D, Yu L, and Tshefu KA. Usefulness of serum
ferritin in the assessment of iron status of children with asymptomatic malaria. American
Society for Clinical Nutrition (May 4-6, 1995, San Diego CA). Am J Clin Nutr 1995; 61 (4):
911; Abstract 116. [Also J Invest Med 1995; 43(Suppl. 2):242A.]
70. Penn D, Bobrowski PJ, Zhang L, and Kuvibidila S. Effect of carnitine deprivation on
lymphocyte proliferation in the neonatal pig. Presented at the Experimental Biology 1996;
Washington DC, April 14-17. (also American Pediatric Society/The Society for Pediatric
Research). (Pediatric Research vol 39, (4):page 316A; Abstract 1882; 1996.)
71. Kuvibidila S, Gardner R, Ode D, Yu L, and Warrier RP. In vitro immune responses in sickle cell
disease children as a function of vitamin A status. American Society for Pediatric Research/The
Society for Pediatric Research. Washington DC; May 6-10, 1996. (Pediatric Research vol 39;
page 121A; Abstract 712, 1996.)
Solo Kuvibidila, Ph.D.
72. Kuvibidila S, Ode D, Yu L, Gardner R, Lane G, and Warrier RP. Correlation between plasma
retinol and clinical status in children with sickle cell disease. American Pediatric Society/The
Society for Pediatric Research; Washington DC May 6-10, 1996. (Pediatric Research; vol
page 121A, Abstract 713; 1996).
73. Kuvibidila S. Inefficient hydrolysis of cell membrane phospholipids as a possible cause of
reduced blastogenesis associated with iron deficiency. Experimental Biology 1996;
DC, April 14-17, 1996. Faseb J 10(3); page A250; Abstract 1440; 1996.
74. Kuvibidila S. Reduced hydrolysis of cell membrane phospholipid in lymphocytes from iron
deficient mice: Implication in impaired blastogenesis. TEMA-9; Banff, Canada; May 19-24,
75. Kuvibidila S, D Ode, L Yu, R Gardner, and RP Warrier. Vitamin A status and in vitro immune
responses in children with sickle cell disease. American Society of Pediatric
Hematology/Oncology; October 1996; Chicago IL.
76. Kuvibidila S, L Yu, R Gardner, D Ode, G Lane, and RP Warrier. Clinical observations in sickle
cell disease children with suboptimal vitamin A status. American Society of Pediatric
Hematology/Oncology; October 1996; Chicago IL.
77. Baliga BS, Kuvibidila S. Effects of iron deficiency and iron repletion on protein kinase C
activity Presented at the Experimental Biology 97. Faseb J 11(3); page A651; Abstract # 3756;
78. Kuvibidila S, Baliga BS, Warrier RP, Suskind RM. Role of iron on the early phase of
lymphocyte activation. Experimental Biology 97. Faseb J 11(3); page A651; Abstract # 3757;
79. Kuvibidila S and BS Baliga. The influence of iron deficiency and (in vitro and in vivo) iron
repletion on the early phase of lymphocyte activation. International Symposium on Iron in
Biology and Medicine. Saint Malo, France, June 16-20; 1997.
80. Kuvibidila S and BS Baliga. Role of iron on protein kinase C activation: implication on
impaired lymphocyte proliferation and immune responses associated with iron deficiency.
International Symposium on iron in Biology and Medicine; Saint Malo, France. June 16-20;
81. Kuvibidila S and B.S. Baliga. Altered production of inositol 1,3,5 triphosphate and
diacylglycerol during T cell activation in experimental iron deficiency: Implication on
reduced lymphocyte proliferation. Annual Meeting on Iron, in Medicine and Biology (European
Iron Club), July 1998.
82. Kuvibidila S and B.S. Baliga. The influence of iron deficiency in mice on the production of
diacylglcerol and thymocyte proliferation. Presented at the Vth Conference of the International
Society for Trace Element Research in Humans, Lyon, France, September 1998.
83. Kuvibidila S. The role of iron status on susceptibility to infection. Presented at the workshop on
Interaction of Mincronutrients and Infection. Southampton (England), October 1998.
Solo Kuvibidila, Ph.D.
84. Kuvibidila S and Baliga BS. In vivo iron-deficiency and in vitro iron chelation reduce the
production of diacylglycerol in activated T cells. Presented at Experimental Biology 1999,
Washington DC. Faseb J 13(5); page A872; Abstract # 659.3; 1999.
85. Kuvibidila S et al. Blood concentration of zinc and adhesion molecule-1 in children with sickle
cell disease. Presented at Experimental Biology 1999, Washington DC. Late breaking abstract.
Program Addendum. Also presented at the LSU Health Sciences Center Pediatric Research
April 1999; New Orleans, LA.
86. Kuvibidila S and Leiva L. Altered Con A-binding as a possible mechanism of reduced
lymphocyte proliferation in iron-deficient mice. Presented at the LSU Medical School Pediatric
Research Day; April 1999; New Orleans, LA.
87. Kuvibidila S, Leiva L, Velez M, Yu L, Ode D, Warrier RP, and Baliga SB. Increased mitogen
binding and reduced proliferation of splenic lymphocytes from iron-deficient mice with
splenomegaly. Presented at Experimental Biology 2000. Faseb J 14(4); page A239; Abstract
88. Kuvibidila S, et al. The myth about iron requirement by activated lymphocytes. Presented at
Experimental Biology 2000. Faseb J 14(4); page A753; Abstract 522.9. Also presented at the
LSU Health Sciences Center Pediatric Research Day; May 2000; New Orleans, LA.
89. Kuvibidila S, Leiva L. Reduced thymocyte proliferation in vivo as a cause of thymus atrophy in
iron-deficient mice. Late Breaking Abstract. Experimental Biology 2000. Program Addendum;
Abstract LB206. Also presented at the Pediatric Research Day; May 2000; LSU Health
Center, New Orleans, LA.
90. Kuvibidila S, Porretta C, and Baliga BS. Iron deficiency alters the progression of mitogentreated and untreated murine splenic lymphocytes through the cell cycle. Presented at the
Experimental Biology Meetings; April 2001; (Orlando, FL). Faseb Journal
Abstract 749.5.
91. Kuvibidila S and Porretta C. Effects of iron deficiency on the expression of CD3 and CD28
receptors on murine spleen T cells and thymocytes. Presented at the 2001 Experimental
Meetings; April 2001. (Orlando, FL). Also presented at the LSU Health Sciences Center
Pediatric Research Day; May 2001. Faseb Journal 2001;15(5):A295; Abstract # 251.
92. Kuvibidila SR and Porretta C. Increased CD3 but decreased CD28 receptors expression on
murine thymocytes during iron deficiency. Presented at the 17th International Congress of
Nutrition in August 2001 in Vienna (Australia).
93. Kuvibidila SR and Rayford W. Iron status and risk of prostate cancer. Presented at the 17th
International Congress of Nutrition in August 2001 in Vienna (Austria).
94. Kuvibidila S. Role of iron on T cell function. Presented by invitation at the International Society
for Trace Elements Research in Humans. Quebec City, Canada, September 2002.
Solo Kuvibidila, Ph.D.
95. Kuvibidila SR and Porretta C. Differential effects of iron deficiency on the expression of CD80
and CD86 co-stimulatory molecules in murine spleen cells. Presented at EB 2002 April 2002,
New Orleans, LA.
96. Kuvibidila SR, Gauthier T, Warrier RP, and Rayford W. Increased serum transferrin receptor
but decreased serum ferritin concentration in men with prostate cancer. Presented at EB 2002
April 2002, New Orleans, LA.
97. Kuvibidila S and Porretta C. Iron deficiency and the expression of CD80 (B7.1) and CD86
(B7.2) molecules in murine spleen cells: Possible implication on autoimmunity. Presented at
May 2002 Pediatric Research day in New Orleans, LA.
98. Kuvibidila S, Velez M, Gardner R, Yu L, D Ode & Warrier RP. Differential effects of iron
deficiency and underfeeding on interleukin-12 and interferon-gamma secretion by spleen cells.
Presented at the Experimental Biology 2003 Meetings held in San Diego CA (April 2003).
99. Kuvibidila S, Gardner R, Ode D, Yu L, Velez M & Warrier RP. Effects of iron deficiency on
interleukin-10 secretion by murine spleen cells. Presented at the Experimental Biology 2003 in
San Diego, CA (April 2003) and the Pediatric Society Meetings held in Seattle (WA) in May
100. Kuvibidila S. Differential effects of iron deficiency and underfeeding on serum levels of
interleukin-10, interleukin-12, and interferon-gamma in mice. Faseb 2003 Summer Meetings
held in Vermont (July 2003).
101. Kuvibidila S, Yu L, Gardner G, Ode D, Velez M, and Warrier RP. The effect of iron deficiency
in DBA mice on in vivo and in vitro secretion of interleukin-12p70. Presented at the Society for
Pediatric Research; May 2004 (San Francisco, CA).
102. Kuvibidila S, Velez M, Gardner R, Yu L, Ode D, and Warrier RP. Iron deficiency reduces in
vivo and in vitro secretion of interleukin-4 in DBA mice. Presented at EB 2004 & Ped
Societies Meetings 2004.
103. Kuvibidila S, Baliga BS, Haynes J. Zieluton down regulates interleukin-13 secretion by
murine spleen cells: Implication on the expression of vascular cell adhesion molecule-1 and
pain crisis in sickle cell anemia. Pediatric Research Day 2004.
104. Kuvibidila S, Baliga BS, Warrier RP, Yu L, Gardner R, Ode D, Velez M, Haynes J.
Differential effects of hydroxyurea and zileuton on the secretion of interleukin-2 by activated
murine spleen cells. Pediatric Research Day 2004.
105. Kuvibidila S & Walter Rayford. Elevated levels of alpha-1-antitrypsin in African-American
men without and with prostate cancer and the possible role on the risk of prostate cancer.
Pediatric Research Day, LSU Health Sciences (New Orleans) 2005.
106. Kuvibidila S Regulation of interleukin-13 secretion by hydroxyurea in lipopolysaccharidestreated and untreated mice; and the possible implication on vasoocclusion in sickle cell
anemia. Pediatric Research Day; LSU Health Sciences (New Orleans) 2005.
Solo Kuvibidila, Ph.D.
107. Kuvibidila S, et al. Zinc status, but not iron stores are inversely associated with vascular cell
adhesion molecule-1 in sickle cell disease children: possible implication in vasoocclusion.
Faseb J 2006;20:A629 (Abstract)
108. Kuvibidila S, Kiranmayi Korlagunta. White button mushroom extracts up-regulate tumor
necrosis factor alpha by lipopolysaccharides-treated THP1 cells. Faseb J 2007;21:7202.17
109. Kuvibidila S, Kiranmayi Korlagunta. White button and maitake mushroom extracts increase
intracellular levels of α-defensins 1-3 in HL60 Cells. Faseb J 2007;21:lb187 (meeting
110. Solo Kuvibidila & Mbele Vuvu. Unusual low levels of plasma levels of zinc in non-pregnant
Congolese women. Faseb J 2008;22:lb735 (Meeting Abstract)
111. Solo Kuvibidila & Kiranmayi Korlagunta. White button mushroom (WBM) extracts downregulate in vitro secretion of interleukin-6 (IL-6) secretion by non-activated THP1 cells:
Implication on cardiovascular diseases. Faseb J 2008;22:lb700 (Meeting Abstract)
Other Workshops or Scientific Meetings Attended.
1. Symposium on Biological aspects of metals and metal related diseases. (International Society
for Trace Element Research in Humans). The Hospital for Sickle Children; Toronto Canada;
October 1981.
2. 13th International Congress of Nutrition. Brighton England. August 1985.
3. Journées de l'Hôpital Claude Bernard sur les hépatites virales (Conference on hepatitis B virus
in tropical countries organized by the Claude Bernard Hospital; Paris France; 1985.
Malnutrition, milk intolerance, and diarrheal diseases in children. Versailles, France, 1985.
5. Functional significance of iron deficiency in blacks and other minorities. Meharry Medical
College; Nashville TN; October 1989.
Neonatal Sickle Cell Screening: State of the art. The Sickle Cell Center of Southern
Louisiana: Pediatric Department & Tulane Univ. Med .Center. New Orleans LA. Sep 1990.
Diet, nutrition and cancer. Meharry Medical College; Nashville TN; October 1990.
16th Annual Meeting of the National Sickle Cell Disease Program. Mobile AL; March 1991.
Cytokines and cytokine receptors in health and diseases. NIH; National Heart, Lung and
Blood Institute. Baltimore MD. December 1992.
10. First Annual Children's Hospital Research Day: September 1995.
11. Nutrition and Cancer. Washington DC July 2002.
Solo Kuvibidila, Ph.D.
12. International Nutritional Anemia Consultant Group Symposium; Lima, Peru; November 2004
XXII International Vitamin A Consultant Group Meeting; Lima Peru; November 2004.
Experimental Biology 2005. San Diego, CA (April 2005).
15. Nutrition and Cancer. Washington DC. July 2005.
Department of Nutritional Sciences
422 Human Environmental Sciences
Oklahoma State University
Stillwater, OK 74078-6141
Phone: (405) 744-3132; Fax: (405) 744-1357
Email address:
Postdoctoral Fellow
Department of Chemistry, Oklahoma State University
Stillwater, OK
Department of Chemistry, Oklahoma State University
Stillwater, OK
University of Santo Tomas, Manila, Philippines
September 2005Assistant Professor, Nutritional Sciences Department, Oklahoma State
University, Stillwater, OK
Full Member, Graduate Faculty, Oklahoma State University, Stillwater, OK
Adjunct Assistant Professor, Nutritional Sciences Department, Oklahoma State
University, Stillwater, OK
Associate Member, Graduate Faculty, Oklahoma State University, Stillwater, OK
Senior Research Analyst, Nutritional Sciences Department, Oklahoma State
University, Stillwater, OK
Research Specialist, Nutritional Sciences Department, Oklahoma State
University, Stillwater, OK
Postdoctoral Research Associate, Chemistry Department, Oklahoma State
University, Stillwater, OK
Teaching/Research Assistant, Chemistry Department, Oklahoma State
University, Stillwater, OK
Assistant Researcher, United Laboratories, Inc., Manila, Philippines
Research Trainee, Food and Nutrition Research Institute, Manila, Philippines
Marguerite Scruggs Award for Early Career Meritorious Research, April 2008
Nominated for CHES Outstanding Graduate Faculty Mentor Award, 2006, 2007
Summer Institute on Aging Research Selection, National Institute on Aging, NIH, 2006
American Society of Nutritional Sciences, member
Sigma Xi Honor Society, member
American Society of Bone and Mineral Research, member
American Chemical Society, member
Phi Lambda Upsilon Honor Society, member
Johnson Fellowship, Oklahoma State University, Stillwater, OK, 1993
Lucas EA CV, Page 1 of 15
Graduate courses
Advanced Human Nutrition (NSCI 5463, 3 credit hours)-Fall 2006, 9 students; Fall 2007, 32 students
Experimental Methods in Nutritional Sciences (NSCI 5743, 3 credit hours) Spring 1999, 5 students; Fall
2001, 3 students; Fall 2003, 5 students; Fall 2004, 10 students; Fall 2005, 8 students
Undergraduate courses
Principles of Human Nutrition (NSCI 2114, 4 credit hours: 3 credit hours lecture and 1 hour discussion)
Fall 2005, honor’s discussion, 30 students; Spring 2006, 215 students for main lecture and 40
students for honor’s discussion; Spring 2007, 215 students for main lecture; Spring 2008, honor’s
discussion, 34 students
Careers in Nutritional Sciences (NSCI 2111, 1 credit hour) Spring 2006, 46 students; Spring 2007, 47
students; Spring 2008, 68 students
Guest Speaker
“Cardiovascular health benefits of grapes” (Seminar in Nutrition, NSCI 5961/6961), Spring 2008
“Effects of combining bioactive components on reversing bone loss in the ovariectomized rat” (Seminar
in Nutrition, NSCI 5961/6961), Spring 2007
Seminar evaluation (Critical Issues in Nutrition and Healthcare, NSCI 4643) Fall 2006, Spring 2007
“Functional food and cardiovascular health”, Seminar, Oklahoma Christian University, September 13,
“Phytoestrogens and cardiovascular health” (Research Developments in Nutritional Sciences, NSCI
5123), Spring 2006
“Nutrition and immunology” (Nutrition and Health Issues, NSCI 4023), Fall 2004, Fall 2005
“Research opportunities in nutritional sciences” (Professional Careers in Nutritional Sciences, NSCI
2111), Spring 2004, Spring 2005
“Laboratory orientation, introduction to hematology and clinical chemistry” (Special Units in
Nutritional Sciences, NSCI 4850), Summer 2004
“Phytoestrogens and cardiovascular disease in postmenopausal women” (Seminar in Nutrition, NSCI
5961/6961), Spring 2004
“New directions in aging research” (Nutrition and Aging, NSCI 5393), Spring 2004
“Managing obesity through diet and lifestyle management” (Nutrition and Health Issues, NSCI 4023),
Fall 2002
“Osteoporosis: what is it all about?” (Nutrition and Health Issues, NSCI 4023), Fall 2001
“Analytical methods/tools in research” (Research Developments in Nutritional Sciences, NSCI 5123),
Summer 2000
Teaching Assistant
General Chemistry (Chem 1314; 5 credit hours), Fall 1989, 1992, 1997
General Chemistry (Chem 1515; 5 credit hours), Spring 1990, 1992, 1998
General Chemistry (Chem 1215; 5 credit hours), Fall 1991
Principles of Analytical Chemistry (Chem 2122; 3 credit hours), Fall 1990
Lucas EA CV, Page 2 of 15
Graduate Students
Committee chair
Fatima Pina, MS student; Thesis Title: Effect of Momordica charantia on inflammatory markers in
diet-induced obesity; Thesis Defense: Pending; Spring 2008- Present. Recipient: Carter Foundation
grant (2007); Nominated as one of the Outstanding Senior of Oklahoma State University (20062007)
Emily Luebcke, MS student; Thesis Title: The effects of grape juice extracts on cell cycle arrest and
apoptosis of MCF-7 human breast cancer cells; Thesis Defense: Pending; Fall 2007- Present;
Scholarship Recipient: Sloan Foundation (Fall 2007-present)
Kevin G. Bell, MS student; Thesis Title: Can moderate exercise decrease the ratio of omega 3/omega-6
polyunsaturated fatty acids in college aged subjects?; Thesis Defense: Pending; Fall 2007- Present.
Wenjia Li, MS student; Thesis Title: Effect of mango on glucose and lipid metabolism in diet-induced
obesity; Thesis Defense: Pending; Fall 2007- Present.
Sandy K. Peterson, MS student; Thesis Title: Evaluation of in vitro anti-inflammatory properties of
grape juice varieties grown in Oklahoma; Thesis Defense: Pending; Spring 2007- Present.
Christina S. Evans, MS student; Thesis Title: Effect of dried blueberry on lipid metabolism and
atherosclerotic lesion in ovariectomized rats; Thesis Defense: April 2008; Spring 2006- Present.
Lacey B. Wissen, MS student (Creative Component); Creative Component Proposal: Building
wellability quotient with adolescents: a study of program implementation for healthy balance;
Proposal Defense: December 2007; Spring 2006- Fall 2007.
Ryan J. Howard, MS student; Thesis Title: Comparison of the anti-inflammatory properties of
cranberry, apple and grape juices in vitro; Thesis Defense: Pending; Fall 2005- Present. Scholarship
Recipient: Jean Shipman, Human Environmental Sciences Graduate Scholarship (2006-2007)
Deborah B. Schroeder, MS student; Thesis Title: Differences in anthropometric parameters of 4-6 year
old children seen in a northeastern Oklahoma pediatric clinic; Thesis Defense: April 2007; Fall
2006-Spring 2007. Nominated to Phi Kappa Phi Honor Society; Scholarship Recipient: Winterfeldt
Graduate Research Scholarship, Human Environmental Sciences Graduate Scholarship (20062007)
Sachin Mahajan, MS student; Thesis Title: Hypocholesterolemic effect of flaxseed and its oil in the
ovariectomized Golden Syrian hamsters; Thesis Defense: March 2006; Fall 2004- Spring 2006.
Committee member
PhD student
Kiranmayi Korlagunta, Thesis Title:To be decide . Thesis Defense: Pending; Summer 2008-Present.
Gerard Dumancas, Chemistry Department; Thesis Title: To be decided; Thesis Defense: Pending;
Summer 2008- Present.
Mary Muriuki, Chemistry Department; Thesis Title: To be decided; Thesis Defense: Pending; Summer
2008- Present.
Afework Besabih, Thesis Title: Multiple micronutrient deficiencies in adolescent girls from Tigray,
Northern Ethiopia; Thesis Defense: Pending; Fall 2006- Present.
Matt Stone, Zoology Department; Thesis Title: To be decided; Thesis Defense: Pending; Fall 2006Present.
Maya L. Joray, Thesis Title: Assessment of zinc and cortisol concentrations of young Ethiopian women
in a double-blind placebo-controlled zinc supplementation trial; Thesis Defense: Pending; Spring
2006- Present
Amani Soliman, Thesis Title: Effects of bioactive dietary components on cadmium-induced bone loss
and concomitant osteoporosis; Thesis Defense: Pending; Spring 2006- Present
Lucas EA CV, Page 3 of 15
Latha Devareddy, Thesis Title: The role of soy isoflavones in the reversal of bone loss in an
ovariectomized rat model of postmenopausal osteoporosis. Thesis Defense: September 2005;
Summer 2002-Fall 2004.
MS Student – Thesis Titles & Dates ADD THIS SECTION
Kavitha Penogunda, Thesis Title: Effects of chronic green tea flavonoid supplementation on plasma
catechin and nitric oxide levels in subjects with metabolic syndrome (MeS); Thesis Defense:
Pending; Spring 2008- Present
Beth Rendina, Thesis Title: Reversal of inflammation-induced bone loss and vascular pathology by
dried plum’s polyphenols; Thesis Defense: Pending; Fall 2007- Present
Yin Foong Lim, Thesis Title: To be decided; Thesis Defense: Pending; Fall 2007- Present
Sunnye Mclanahan, Creative Component Title: Therapeutic diet education material for Hispanic
patients at INTEGRIS Health; Thesis Defense: May 2008; Fall 2007- Spring 2008.
Natalie Briggs, Thesis Title: To be decided; Thesis Defense: Pending; Fall 2007- Present
Diana Romano, Thesis Title: Comparison of 5th-8th grade children’s eating behaviors between
weekdays and weekends; Thesis Defense: March 2008; Fall 2007- Spring 2008.
Mandy Chan, Creative Component Title: Development of a 4-H judging kit for youth, evaluating the
sodium content of snacks; Thesis Defense: Pending; Summer 2007- Present
Pam Daigle, Thesis Title: To be decided; Thesis Defense: Pending; Summer 2007- Present
Kara Sanchez, Thesis Title: The effects of green tea supplementation on subjects with metabolic
syndrome in Oklahoma; Thesis Defense: April 2008; Spring 2007- Spring 2008.
Pau Wei Yeap, Animal Science Department; Thesis Title: To be decided; Thesis Defense: Pending; Fall
2006- Present
Keri Strait, Thesis Title: To be decided; Thesis Defense: Pending; Fall 2006- Present
Carrie Willson, Thesis Title: To be decided; Thesis Defense: Pending; Fall 2005- Present.
Meredith L. Reilly, Thesis Title: Vitamin A status of lactating women in Southern Ethiopia; Thesis
Defense: November 2006; Spring 2005-Fall 2006.
Rori Morrow, Thesis Title: Feeding orange pulp improves bone microarchitecture in orchidectomized
rats; Thesis Defense: July 2006; Summer 2005- Summer 2006.
Meenu Pandey, Thesis Title: Effect of copper depletion on bone microarchitecture of mice; Thesis
Defense: June 2006; Fall 2004- Summer 2006.
Leila Lily Kamkar, Thesis Title: Evidence for bone forming ability of dried plum polyphenol extract;
Thesis Defense: March 2006; Fall 2004- Spring 2006.
Shirin Hooshmand, Thesis Title: Genestein reduces production of proinflammatory molecules in
human chondrocytes; Thesis Defense: March 2006; Fall 2004- Spring 2006.
Kelly Alayne Hager, Thesis Title: Effects of isoflavones on bone in mice with chronic inflammation;
Thesis Defense: December 2005; Fall 2004- Fall 2005.
Suneetee Vinay Archis, Thesis Title: Metabolic profile of a cohort of Native American and African
American children in Oklahoma; Thesis Defense: September 2006; Fall 2004- Present.
Anagha Patade, Thesis Title: Effects of flaxseed on lipid profiles in Native American postmenopausal
women. Thesis Defense: May 2005; Fall 2003- Spring 2005.
Kiranmayi Korlagunta, Thesis Title: Effects of flaxseed on improving glucose tolerance in Native
American postmenopausal women. Thesis Defense: March 2006; Fall 2003-Summer 2006.
Emily A. Lancaster, Thesis Title: Can select components of dried plum reverse bone loss induced by
hind limb unloading? Thesis Defense: April 2005; Fall 2003- Spring 2005.
Ashley Ethriedge, Thesis Title: Bone loss reversal by prune in an animal model of osteoporosis. Thesis
Defense: November 2006; Summer 2002-Fall 2006.
Lucas EA CV, Page 4 of 15
Undergraduate Students
Angela Brown, Department of Nutritional Sciences
Honor’s thesis adviser, Fall 2007-Spring 2008
Thesis title: The effects of mango on bone parameters in mice fed high fat diet
Thesis defense: April 30, 2008
Emily Lehenbauer, NSCI 3443 Honor’s Contract; “Obesity Epidemic”, Fall 2006
Yin-Foong Lim, Department of Nutritional Sciences
Nutritional Sciences Professional Experience (NSCI 3440), Summer 2006
Katherine Flint, NSCI 2114 Honor’s Contract; “Prader Willi Syndrome”, Spring 2006
Laura Schley, NSCI 4850 Special Unit Studies, Spring 2006
Whitney D. Watkins, NSCI 2114 Honor’s Contract; “Healthy Fast Food- Is That Possible?”, Fall 2005
Katie Whiteneck - Niblack Scholarship- Fall 2005- 2006
Fatima Pina, Department of Nutritional Sciences
NSCI 4850 Special Unit Studies, Spring 2006
Nutritional Sciences Professional Experience (NSCI 3440), Summer 2005
Niblack Scholarship- Fall 2005- present
Honor’s thesis adviser, Fall 2005- Fall 2006
Thesis title: The effects of enterodiol (END) and enterolactone (ENL) on adhesion and
inflammatory molecules
Thesis defense: December 2006
Jordan Torrey, Department of Nutritional Sciences
NSCI 4850 Special Unit Studies, Spring 2006
Honor’s thesis adviser, Fall 2005- Fall 2006
Thesis title: Determination of chlorogenic acid in rats fed dried plum
Thesis defense: December 2006
Amy Sewald, Department of Nutritional Sciences
Wentz Scholarship research adviser, Spring 2006- Spring 2007
M.B. Seretean Scholarship research adviser, Spring 2006- Spring 2007
Honor’s thesis adviser, Spring 2006- Spring 2007
Thesis title: Effect of bitter melon on inflammatory molecules induced by lipopolysaccharides on
murine macrophages
Thesis defense: May 2007
Steven Castleberry, Engineering Department
Wentz Scholarship research adviser, Spring 2006- Spring 2007
Research title: Effects of blueberry in preventing bone loss in an animal model of
postmenopausal osteoporosis
Kandice Beverly, Department of Nutritional Sciences
M.B. Seretean Scholarship research adviser, Spring 2006-Spring 2007
Honor’s thesis adviser, Spring 2006- Spring 2007
Thesis title: Anti-inflammatory effects of cranberry juice in lipopolysaccharide (LPS)-stimulated
RAW 264.7 murine macrophage cells
Thesis defense: May 2007
Jennifer Powell, exchange student from University of Hertfordshire, England, UK, Fall 2004- Spring
Vladimira Sykova, Department of Nutritional Sciences
Nutritional Sciences Professional Experience (NSCI 3440), Summer 2004
Autumn Ferris, Human Environmental Sciences, Jan 2002 – May 2003
Lucas EA CV, Page 5 of 15
Jennifer Johnston, College of Arts and Sciences, Aug 2002 – Summer 2003
Kimberlee Campbell, Department of Nutritional Sciences, 2003
Undergraduate Course Advisees
Fall 2005
A total of twenty nine advisees
Spring 2006
A total of twenty eight advisees
Summer 2006
A total of twenty seven advisees
Fall 2006
A total of twenty six advisees
Spring 2007
A total of twenty four advisees
Summer 2007
A total of fifteen advisees
Fall 2007
A total of fifteen advisees
Spring 2008
A total of twelve advisees
Smith BJ, Lucas EA, Kuvibidila S, Clarke S, Drevets D. Alterations in immune function with dietary
supplementation of dried plums: implications in obesity and type II diabetes. Funding agency: The
California Dried Plum Board. amount: $14,782; duration: June 2008- June 2009.
Stafne ET, Clark JR, Lucas EA, McGlynn WG. Establishment of a blackberry cultivar trial to assess
important attributes of fresh fruit, juice, and wine for promotion of name recognition in the
marketplace. Funding agency: The North American Bramble Growers Research Foundation
(NABGRF) Inc. amount: $3,000; duration: July 2007- December 2008.
Lucas EA, Perkins-Veazie P, Smith BJ, Lightfoot SA. Mango modulates glucose and lipid parameters
in high fat diet-induced obesity. Funding agency: Mango Board; amount: $49,981.74; duration:
September 2007- December 2008.
Lucas EA, Smith BJ, Hill M, Lightfoot SA, Payton M. Mammordica charantia modulates glucose and
lipid parameters in high fat diet-induced obesity. Funding agency: USDA-NRI; amount: $306,740;
duration: 2007-2009.
Lucas EA, Stafne ET, Parker SP, Brown B. Evaluation of the anti-inflammatory properties of juice from
grape varieties grown in Oklahoma. Funding agency: Oklahoma Agriculture Experiment Station;
amount: $81,798; duration: 2007-2009
Smith BJ, Brackett DJ, Lerner MR, Lightfoot SA, Lucas EA, Cullen D, Bronze M. Anti-inflammatory
properties of compounds in dried plum. Funding agency: Oklahoma Center for the Advancement of
Science and Technology; amount: $135,000; duration: 2006-2009.
Smith BJ, Lightfoot SA, Lucas EA, Arjmandi BH, Cullen D. How does dried plum reverse bone loss?
Funding agency: United States Department of Agriculture; amount: $468,079; duration: 2006-2009.
Stoecker BJ, Lucas EA. Enhancing research capacity: an inductively –coupled mass spectrometer.
United States Department of Agriculture; amount: $50,000; duration: 2006-2007.
Lucas EA. HES Dean’s Incentive Fund, College of Human Environmental Sciences (CHES) at OSU;
amount $5,3950; duration: 2005-2006, 2006-2007, 2007-2008
Lucas EA. HES Start-up Support, College of Human Environmental Sciences (CHES) at OSU; amount
$165,000; duration: 2005-2008
Arjmandi BH, Devareddy L, Soung DY, Lucas EA. Effects of combining bone bioactive agents on bone
loss using ovariectomized rat model. Funding agency: Abbott Laboratories, Ross Products Division;
amount: $91,000; duration: 2005-2006.
Arjmandi BH, Smith BJ, Wild RA, Lucas EA, Arquitt AB. Dried plum reverse bone loss in
postmenopausal women. Funding agency: United States Department of Agriculture; amount $654,938;
duration 2005-2008.
Lucas EA CV, Page 6 of 15
Lucas EA, Arjmandi BH, Keim KK. Flaxseed reduces the risk of CVD in Native American women.
Funding agency: Oklahoma Center for the Advancement of Science and Technology; amount:
$90,000; duration: 2003-2005.
Arjmandi BH, Smith BJ, Lucas EA, Arquitt AB. Soy isoflavones in combination with alendronate, an
anti-resorptive agent, reverse bone loss in a rat model of male osteoporosis. Funding agency:
Oklahoma State University Presidential Challenge Grant; amount: $75,000; duration: 2003-2006.
Lucas EA, Arjmandi BH. Hypocholesterolemic mode of action of whole flaxseed. Funding agency:
United States Department of Agriculture (USDA); amount: $75,000; duration: 2003-2004.
Arjmandi BH, Smith BJ, Herman J, Lucas EA. A study to demonstrate the effects of women’s herbal
supplements on the physical and psychological symptoms associated with menopause. Funding
agency: Amerifit, Inc.; amount: $266,101; duration: 2003-2004.
Smith BJ, Lucas EA. Can dried plum prevent bone loss in a male model of osteoporosis? Funding
agency: United States Department of Agriculture (USDA); amount: $75,000; duration: 2003-2004.
Droke EA, Lucas EA. Soy isoflavones dose-dependently attenuate the acute-phase response in LPSchallenged mice. Funding agency: United States Department of Agriculture (USDA); amount:
$75,000; duration: 2003-2004.
Arjmandi BH, Lucas EA. The effect of daidzein-rich isoflavones on the prevention of bone loss in
ovarian hormone deficiency. Funding agency: Cargill Incorporation; amount: $55,000; duration:
Arjmandi BH, Lucas EA. Analysis of bone specimens. Funding agency: Abbott Laboratories, Ross
Products Division; amount: $11,408; duration: 2003-2004.
Arjmandi BH, Lucas EA. Effect of combining bone bioactive agents on bone loss using ovariectomized
rat model. Funding agency: Abbott Laboratories, Ross Products Division; amount: $54,915;
duration: 2000-2003.
Arjmandi BH, Lucas EA. Effect of multiple ingredients on bone metabolism in the ovariectomized rat.
Funding agency: Abbott Laboratories, Ross Products Division; amount: $78,985; duration: 20022003.
Spicer MT, Lucas EA. Contract for clinical analyses of seleno-methionine content and glutathione
peroxidase activity in feed additives. Funding agency: Industry (Agtech Inc.); amount: $2,800;
duration: 2002.
Lucas EA, Arjmandi BH. Effect of ovariectomy and isoflavones on cholesterol. Funding agency:
Oklahoma Center for Advancement of Science and Technology; amount: $68,936; duration: 19982000
Gates G, Keim K, Weber J, Lucas EA. Influences of folate intake on elderly Oklahoma men. Funding
agency: Oklahoma Agricultural Experiment Station, Targeted Research Initiative Program; amount:
$26,000; duration: 1998-2000
Lucas EA, Mahajan SS, Soung DY, Lightfoot SA, Smith BJ, Arjmandi BH. Ground flaxseed and
flaxseed oil modulates circulating cholesterol in the ovariectomized golden Syrian hamsters.
Submitted to J Nutr Biochem, May 2008
Patade A, Devareddy L, Lucas EA, Korlagunta K, Daggy BP, Arjmandi, BH. Flaxseed reduces totaland LDL-cholesterol concentrations in Native American postmenopausal women. J Women’s Health
2008, 7(3):1-12.
Devareddy L, Hooshmand S; Collins JK, Lucas EA, Chai SC. Blueberry prevents bone loss in
ovariectomized rat model of postmenopausal osteoporosis. J Nutr Biochem (in press), 2007.
Lucas EA CV, Page 7 of 15
Basu A, Lucas EA. Mechanisms and effects of green tea on cardiovascular health. Nutrition Reviews
2007; 65(8): 361-375.
Hooshmand S, Soung DY, Lucas EA, Madihally SV, Levenson C, BH Arjmandi BH. Genistein reduces
the production of proinflammatory molecules in human chondrocytes. J Nutr Bioch 2007; (in press)
Bu SY, Lucas EA, Franklin M, Marlow D, Brackett DJ, Boldrin EA, Devareddy L, Arjmandi BH, Smith
BJ. Comparison of dried plum supplementation and intermittent PTH in restoring bone in osteopenic
orchidectomized rats. Osteoporosis Int 2007; 18(7):931-42.
Franklin M, Bu SY, Lerner MR, Lancaster EA, Bellmer D, Marlow D, Arjmandi BH, Brackett DJ,
Lucas EA, Smith BJ; Dried plum down-regulates RANKL and OPG and prevents bone loss in a
male model of osteoporosis. Bone 2006; 39(6):1331-42.
Soung DY, Devareddy L, Khalil DA, Hooshmand S, Patade A, Lucas EA, Arjmandi BH. Soy affects
trabecular microarchitecture and favorably alters select bone-specific gene expressions in a male rat
model of osteoporosis. Calcif Tissue Int 2006;78(6):385-91.
Soung DY, Patade A, Khalil DA, Lucas EA, Devareddy L, Greaves KA, Arjmandi BH. Soy protein
supplementation does not cause lymphocytopenia in postmenopausal women. Nutr J. 2006;11:12
Smith BJ, Lerner MR, Bu SY, Lucas EA, Hanas JS, Lightfoot SA, Postier RG, Bronze MS, Brackett DJ.
Systemic bone loss and induction of coronary vessel disease in a rat model of chronic inflammation.
Bone 2006;38:378-86.
Lucas EA, Chen TY, Chai SC, Devareddy L, Juma S, Wei CI, Tripathi YB, Daggy BP, Hwang DF,
Arjmandi BH. Effect of vitamin E on lipid parameters in ovariectomized rats. J Med Food. 2006;9
Devareddy L, Khalil DA, Smith BJ, Lucas EA, Soung DY, Marlow DD, Arjmandi BH. Soy moderately
improves microstructural properties without affecting bone mass in an ovariectomized rat model of
osteoporosis. Bone 2006;38(5):686-93.
Arjmandi BH, Lucas EA, Khalil DA, Devareddy L, Smith BJ, McDonald J, Arquitt AB, Payton ME,
Mason C. One year soy protein supplementation has positive effects on bone formation markers but
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Vitamin E provides protection for bone in mature hind limb unloaded male rats. Calcif Tissue Int
2005; 76(4):272-9
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ME, Tivis RD, Svanborg A. Soy protein may alleviate osteoarthritis symptoms. Phytomed
Lucas EA, Hammond LJ, Mocanu V, Arquitt AB, Trolinger A, Khalil DA, Smith BJ, Soung DY,
Daggy BP, Arjmandi BH. Daily consumption of dried plum by postmenopausal women does not
cause undesirable changes in bowel function. Journal of Applied Res 2004;4(1):37-43.
Lucas EA, Lightfoot SA, Hammond LJ, Devareddy L, Khalil DA, Daggy BP, Smith BJ, Westcott N,
Mocanu V, and Arjmandi BH. Flaxseed reduces plasma cholesterol and atherosclerotic lesion
formation in ovariectomized Golden Syrian hamsters. Atherosclerosis 2004; 173:223-229.
Soung DY, Khalil DA, Arquitt AB, Smith BJ, Hammond LJ, Droke DE, Lucas EA, Devareddy L,
Arjmandi BH. Soy isoflavones prevent the ovarian hormone deficiency-associated rise in leukocytes
in rats. Phytomed 2004;11(4):303-308.
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reactivity to mitogens in diabetes-prone BHE/cdb rats. Nutrition 2004;20(3):274-279.
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Soy isoflavones prevent ovariectomy-induced hypercholesterolemia and atherosclerotic lesions in
Golden Syrian hamsters. Menopause: The J of the North American Menopause Society 2003; 10(4):
Toure F, Lucas E, Stoecker B. Fish and shrimp add bioavailable iodine to cassava and millet-based
diets in rats. Ecology of Food and Nutrition 2003;42:237-253.
Arjmandi BH, Khalil DA, Smith BJ, Lucas E, Juma S, Payton ME, Wild RD. Soy protein has a greater
effect on bone in postmenopausal women not on hormone replacement therapy as evidenced by
reducing bone resorption and urinary calcium excretion. J Clin Endocrinol Metab 2003;88(3):10481054.
Khalil DA, Lucas EA, Juma S, Smith BJ, Payton ME, Arjmandi BH. Soy protein supplementation
increases serum insulin-like growth factor-I in young and old men but does not affect markers of
bone metabolism. J Nutr 2002;132(9):2605-2608.
Lucas EA, Wild RD, Hammond LJ, Khalil DA, Juma S, Daggy BP, Stoecker BJ, Arjmandi BH. Flaxseed
improves lipid profile without altering biomarkers of bone metabolism in postmenopausal women. J
Clin Endocrinol Metab 2002;87(4):1527-1532.
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plums improve indices of bone formation in postmenopausal women. J Womens Health Gend Based
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Smith BJ, King JB, Lucas EA, Akhter MP, Arjmandi BH, Stoecker BJ. Skeletal unloading and dietary
copper depletion are detrimental to bone quality of mature rats. J Nutr 2002;132(2):190-196.
Arjmandi BH, Lucas EA, Juma S, Soliman A, Stoecker BJ, Khalil DA, Smith BJ, Wang C. Prune
pevents ovariectomy-induced bone loss in rats. J American Nutraceutical Association 2001;4(1):5056.
Lucas EA, Khalil DA, Daggy BP, Arjmandi BH. Ethanol-extracted soy protein isolate does not
modulate serum cholesterol in Golden Syrian hamsters: a model of postmenopausal
hypercholesterolemia. J Nutr 2001;131:211-214.
Lucas EA, Juma S, Stoecker BJ, Arjmandi BH. Prune dose-dependently suppresses ovariectomyinduced hypercholesterolemia in rats. J Nutr Biochem 2000;11:255-259.
Arjmandi BH, Juma S, Lucas EA, Wei LL, Venkatesh S, Khan DA. Flaxseed supplementation
positively influences bone metabolism in postmenopausal women. J American Nutraceutical
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Arjmandi BH, Juma S, Lucas EA, Wei LL, Venkatesh S, Khan DA. Effects of flaxseed supplementation
on bone metabolism in postmenopausal women. Proc Flax Inst N Am 1998;57:65-74.
Engle AR, Lucas EA, Purdie N. Determination of enantiomers in ephedrine mixtures by polarimetry.
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Purdie N, Lucas EA, Talley MB. Direct measure of total cholesterol and its distribution among major
serum lipoproteins. Clin Chem 1992;38:1645-1646.
Seewald A, Pina F, Beverly K, Smith BJ, Lucas EA. Effects of bitter melon on inflammatory molecules
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Beverly K, Basu A, Lucas EA. Anti-inflammatory effects of cranberry juice in lipopolysaccharide
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Hooshmand S, Soung DY, Chai SC, Lucas EA, Devareddy L, Arjmandi BH. Addition of phosphorous
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Pina F, Mahajan S, Hooshmand S, Smith BJ, Arjmandi BH, Lucas EA. Enterolactone is more effective
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with lipopolysaccharides (LPS). FASEB J 2007, 21: 701.25
Basu A, Beverly K, Lucas EA. Inhibitory effects of green tea or a constituent of green tea,
epigallocatechin-3-gallate (EGCG) on inducible nitric oxide in macrophages. FASEB J 2007, 21:
Korlagunta K, Devareddy L, Soung DY, Kamkar LL, Lucas EA, Arjmandi BH. The effect of cadmium
(Cd) and dried plum on bone and body composition in ovariectomised rats. J Bone Min Res 2006,
SC Chai, EA Lucas, Smith BJ, Lerner MR, Brackett DJ, Lightfoot SA, Wei C, Devareddy L, Arjmandi
BH. Vitamin E did not reverse bone loss but improves lipid profile and atherosclerotic lesion
formation in orchidectomized rats. J Bone Min Res 2006, 21:SU278.
Kamkar LL, Yazdi SH, Lucas EA, Madihally SV, Arjmandi BH. Influence of dried plum polyphenol
extract on bone formation and inflammation. J Bone Min Res 2006, 21:M199.
Bu SY, Lerner MR, Stoecker BJ, Boldrin EA, Lucas EA, Brackett DJ, Smith BJ. Dried plum
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Powell JA, Mahajan S, Hooshmand S, Smith BJ, Arjmandi BH, Lucas EA. Pomegranate juice downregulates nitric oxide production in RAW 264.7 macrophages challenged with lipopolysaccharides.
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Johnson CD, Lucas EA, Devareddy L, Arjmandi BH. Effect of multiple ingredients on bone metabolism
in the ovariectomized rat. FASEB 2006, 20:670.4.
Lancaster EA, Lucas EA, Collins J, L Howard, Maness NO, Arjmandi BH, Smith BJ. Polyphenolic
compounds in dried plum enhance bone recovery following skeletal unloading. J Bone Min Res
2005, 20:SU430.
Soung DY, Khalil DA, Patade A, Lucas EA, Smith BJ, Devareddy L, Arquitt, B.H. Arjmandi. Does soy
protein supplementation modulate hematological parameters in postmenopausal women? J Bone Min Res
2005, 20:M335.
Hooshmand S, Soung DY, Madihally SV, Devareddy L, Lucas EA, Arjmandi BH. Naturally occurring
selective estrogen receptor modulators, genistein, may reduce the production of proinflammatory
molecules in human chondrocytes. J Bone Min Res 2005, 20:SU044.
Kamkar L, Hooshmand S, Soliman A, Soung DY, CollinsJK, Lucas EA, Madihally SV, Arjmandi BH.
Polyphenol extract from dried plum dose-dependently increases nodule formation in MC3T3-E1
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Devareddy L, Khalil DA, Soung DY, Lucas EA, Chai SC, Korlagunta K, Mahajan S, Arjmandi B.
Additive bone protective effects of fuctooligosaccharide and soy isoflavones. J Bone Min Res 2005,
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Devareddy L, Patade A, Korlagunta K, Chai S, Lucas EA, Smith BJ, Arjmandi BH. The effects of
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Smith BJ, Franklin M, Lancaster EA, Lucas EA, Bu SY, Devareddy L, Arjmandi BH. Dried plum
restores bone mass and microarchitecture in osteopenic orchidectomized rats. FASEB J
Soung DY, Devareddy L, Khalil DA, Lucas EA, Smith BJ, Juma SJ, Arjmandi BH. Alterations in
osteoblast-specific gene products by isoflavones in the context of soy- and casein-based protein in a
rat model of male osteoporosis. J Bone Min Res 2004,19:SA064.
Devareddy L, Soung DY, Khalil DA, Lucas EA, Smith BJ, Arquitt AB, Arjmandi BH. Soy isoflavones
may increase bone formation as seen by enhanced osteoblast-specific gene products in
ovariectomized rat model of postmenopausal osteoporosis. J Bone Min Res 2004,19:SU058.
Chai S, Lucas EA, Smith BJ, Patade A, Devareddy L, Soung DY, Korlagunta K, Wei C, Marlow DD,
Arjmandi BH. Dose-dependent effects of vitamin E on bone in an orchidectomized rat model of
osteoporosis. J Bone Min Res 2004,19:M444.
Lucas EA, Khalil DA, Smith BJ, Devareddy L, Soung DY, Peddireddy V, Juma S, Akhter MP,
Chakkalakal D, Stoecker BJ, Arjmandi BH. Does vitamin E affect microarchitectural properties of
osteopenic female rats? J Bone Min Res 2004,19:M445.
Smith BJ, Franklin M, Lucas EA, Lancaster EA, Soung DY, Devareddy L, Bellmer DD, Marlow DD,
Arjmandi BH. Dried plum prevents bone loss in animal model of male osteoporosis. J Bone Min Res
Smith BJ, Lerner MR, Lucas EA, Hanas JS, Lightfoot SA, Postier RG, Bronze MS, Brackett DJ.
Alterations in bone mass and micro-architecture as a result of chronic endotoxemia. Shock
2004;21(Suppl 2):57.
Soung DY, Khalil DA, Devareddy L, Hammond LJ, Lucas EA, Smith BJ, Marlow DD, Akhter MP,
Arjmandi BH. Effects of soy isoflavones on bone biomechanical and micro-architectural properties
in an aged orchidectomized rat model of male osteoporosis. J Bone Min Res 2003;18:SU366.
Devareddy L, Khalil DA, Hammond LJ, Soung DY, Lucas EA, Smith BJ, Juma S, Chai SC, Galloway
DS, Arjmandi BH. Combination of soy and a sub-optimal dose of 17β-estradiol may reverse bone
loss in a rat model of postmenopausal osteoporosis. J Bone Min Res 2003;18:M372
Hammond LJ, Khalil DA, Devareddy L, Soung DY, Lucas EA, Smith BJ, Juma S, Johnston J,
Arjmandi BH. Effects of soy, fructooligosaccharide, and their combination on reversal of bone
loss in ovariectomized osteopenic rats. J Bone Min Res 2003;18:SU364.
Arjmandi BH, Khalil DA, Hardin C, Hammond LJ, Devareddy L, Lucas EA, Smith BJ, McDonald J,
Arquitt AB, Payton ME, Babaknia A. Effects of soy supplementation on bone in postmenopausal
women. J Bone Min Res 2003;18:SU365.
Brittain JA, Ethriedge A, Lucas EA, Bellmer D, Arjmandi BH, Smith BJ. Skeletal response to hind
limb unloading in mature female rats. J Bone Min Res 2003;18:M161.
Smith BJ, Ethriedge A, Lucas EA, Bellmer D, Stoecker BJ, Arjmandi BH. Dried plum promotes
bone recovery comparable to parathyroid hormone in osteopenic rats following hind limb
unloading. J Bone Min Res 2003;18:SU404.
Stoecker BJ, Toure F, Lucas EA, King JB, Arjmandi BH. Differential effects of selenium and iodine
on micro-architecture of bone in male and female rats. J Bone Min Res 2003;18:SU065.
Ethriedge A, Lucas EA, Stoecker BJ, Wei CI, Arjmandi BH, Smith BJ. Alterations in vertebral bone
with hind limb unloading and the effects of dried plum and parathyroid hormone during recovery.
J Bone Min Res 2003;18:SU405.
Toure F, Lucas EA, King JB, Arjmandi BH, Stoecker BJ. Selenium and iodine depletion affect growth
and bone density and microarchitecture in rats. FASEB J 2003;17:A1130.
Khalil DA, Akhter MP, Juma S, Lucas EA, Galloway DS, Hammond LJ, Soung D, Smith BJ, Recker R,
Arjmandi BH. The combination of vitamin E and soy protein exerts added skeletal benefits in an
aged rat model of male osteoporosis. J Bone Min Res 2002;17:SU358.
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Hammond LJ, Lucas EA, Khalil DA, Arquitt AB, Payton M, Smith BJ, Arjmandi BH. Dried plum is
beneficial to bone health without gastrointestinal side effects. J Bone Min Res 2002;17:SU357.
Akhter MP, Khalil DA, Lucas EA, Galloway DS, Hammond LJ, Smith BJ, Recker R, Arjmandi BH.
Soy isoflavones may enhance bone formation in an aged rat model of male osteoporosis. J Bone Min
Res 2002;17:M366.
Khalil DA, Jumas S, Lucas EA, Galloway DS, Hammond LJ, Arjmandi BH. Protein source: soy vs.
casein effects on bone in male rat model of osteoporosis. FASEB J 2002;16(4):A231.
Khalil DA, Jumas S, Lucas EA, Galloway DS, Hammond LJ, Soung DY, Arjmandi BH. Dose
dependent effects of soy isoflavones in conjunction with soy protein or casein as a protein source on
bone in an aged rat model of male osteoporosis. FASEB J 2002;16(4):A231.
Smith BJ, Lerner MR, Do SV, Lucas EA, Stoecker BJ, Brackett DJ. Alterations in hepatic gene
expression associated with low and high dietary vitamin E intake. FASEB J 2002;16(5):A990.
Lucas EA, Lightfoot SA, Hammond LJ, Devareddy LJ, Khalil DA, Daggy BP, Arjmandi BH. Soy
isoflavones reduce the ovariectomy-induced rise in plasma cholesterol and the development of
atherosclerotic lesions in Golden Syrian hamsters. FASEB J 2002;16(5):A1106.
Lucas EA, Hammond LJ, Wild RA, Chandler L, Khalil DA, Daggy BP, Stoecker BJ, Arjmandi BH.
Flaxseed has no effect on bone markers of postmenopausal women but improves lipid profiles. J
Bone Min Res 2001;16:M424.
Arjmandi BH, Khalil DA, Lucas EA, Juma S, Munson ME, Svanborg A, Arquitt AB, Tivis R, Wild RA.
Soy protein relieves symptoms of osteoarthritis and increases circulating levels of insulin-like
growth factor-I. J Bone Min Res 2001;16:M189.
Khalil DA, Lucas EA, Georgis A, Stoecker BJ, Hardin C, Payton ME, Wild RA, Arjmandi BH. Dried
plums improve indices of bone formation in postmenopausal women. J Bone Min Res 2001;16
Chakkalakal D, Novak JR, Fritz ED, Akhter MP, Lucas EA, Khalil DA, Juma S, El-Osta M, Stoecker
BJ, Arjmandi BH.Vitamin E improves bone repair in ovariectomized rats in a dose-dependent
manner. J Bone Min Res 2001;16:M428.
Juma S, Akhter MP, Chakkalakal D, Novak JR, Khalil DA, Lucas EA, El-Osta M, Stoecker BJ, Fritz
ED, Arjmandi BH. Trauma due to fracture reduces biomechanical properties of non-fractured bone
in the aged rat model. J Bone Min Res 2001;16:SA345.
Arjmandi BH, Akhter MP, Chakkalakal D, Khalil DA, Lucas EA, Juma S, El-Osta M, Devareddy L,
Stoecker BJ.Effects of isoflavones, vitamin E, and their combination on bone in an aged rat model of
osteopenia. J Bone Min Res 2001;16:M427.
Arjmandi BH, Khalil DA, Lucas EA, Juma S, Payton ME, Munson ME, Arquitt AB, Wild RA. Soy
protein with its isoflavones improves bone markers in women particularly those with low estrogen
status. J Bone Min Res 2001;16: M426.
Lucas EA, Devareddy L, Khalil DA, Juma S, Hammond L, Hodges BS, Sinichi N, Daggy BP, Arjmandi
BH. Ipriflavone prevents the ovariectomy-induced hypercholesterolemia in hamsters. FASEB J
2001; 15:A991.
Devareddy L, Lucas EA, Khalil DA, Juma S, Hammond L, Hodges BS, Sinichi N, Daggy BP, Arjmandi
BH. Soy isoflavones dose-dependently lower plasma cholesterol in ovariectomized hamsters.
FASEB J 2001;15:A991.
Arjmandi BH, Lucas EA, Khalil DA, Devareddy L, Juma S, Hammond L, Hodges BS, Sinichi N,
Daggy BP, Westcott N. Effects of ovariectomy, estrogen, and flaxseed on lipid metabolism in
hamsters. FASEB J 2001;15:A397.
Arjmandi BH, Khalil DA, Lucas EA, Juma S, Sinichi N, Hodges SB, Payton M, Hammond L, Munson
ME, Wild R. Soy protein with its isoflavones improves bone markers in middle-aged and elderly
women. FASEB J 2001;15:A728.
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Khalil DA, Lucas EA, Juma S, Sinichi N, Hodges SB, Payton M, Hammond L, Munson ME, Arjmandi
BH. Soy protein supplementation may exert beneficial effects on bone in men. FASEB J 2001;15:
Hammond L, Wild RA, Chandler L, Khalil DA, Lucas EA, Daggy BP, Stoecker BJ, Arjmandi BH.
Flaxseed improves the lipid profile of postmenopausal women. FASEB J 2001;15:A397.
Toure F, Stoecker BJ, Lucas E. Fish and shrimp provided bioavailable iodine for rats fed
cassava/millet-based diets. FASEB J 2001;15:A635.
Smith BJ, Stoecker BJ, Turner RT, Evans G, Lucas E, Martin S, Riggs T, Arjmandi BH. Effects of
skeletal unloading and vitamin E on bone in aged rats. FASEB J 2001;15:A979.
Stoecker BJ, Porter CV, Lucas E, Spicer MT. Chromium depletion decreases femur density of lactating
rats. FASEB J 2001;15:A969.
Arjmandi BH, Akhter MP, Lucas E, Stoecker BJ, Juma S, Khalil DA. Prune: its influence on quality of
bone in ovarian hormone deficiency. J Bone Min Res. 2000;15:S555.
Lucas EA, Khalil DA, Arjmandi BH. Ovariectomized hamster: a model of postmenopausal
hypercholesterolemia. FASEB J 2000;14:A763.
Smith BJ, King JB, Lucas EA, Akhter M, Arjmandi BH, Stoecker, BJ. Alterations in vertebral bone
quality related to skeletal unloading and copper depletion in mature rats. FASEB J 2000;14: A224.
McDonald LM, Kukuk DT, Arquitt AB, Lucas EA, Fisher MJ. Effects of dietary iron on bone in
growing female rats. FASEB J 2000;14:A763.
Kukuk DT, McDonald LM, Arquitt AB, Lucas EA, Fisher MJ. Effects of dietary iron on bone in
skeletally mature ovariectomized and sham-ovariectomized rats. FASEB J 2000;14:A763.
Lucas EA, Khalil DA, Juma S, Soliman A, Lange D, Arjmandi BH. Ovariectomized hamster: a model
for hypercholesterolemia but not osteopenia. J Bone Min Res 1999;14:S390.
Deyhim F, Lucas EA, Brusewitz G, Stoecker BJ, Arjmandi BH. Prune dose-dependently reverses bone
loss in ovarian hormone deficient rats. J Bone Min Res 1999;14:S394.
Arjmandi BH, Wang C, Zhang Y, Lucas EA, Soliman A, Juma S, Stoecker BJ. Prune: its efficacy in
prevention of ovarian hormone deficiency-induced bone loss. J Bone Min Res 1999;14:S515.
Khalil DA, Shotton AD, Droke EA, Arquitt AB, Soliman A, Sinichi N, Hodges SB, Lucas EA, Juma S,
Arjmandi BH. Assessment of iron requirements for growth and bone and mineral density in rapidly
growing male rats. J Bone Min Res 1999;14:S514.
Smith BJ, King J, Lucas E, Arjmandi BH, Brusewitz G, Stoecker BJ. The effect of dietary copper
depletion on bone metabolism in mature tail-suspended rats. J Bone Min Res 1999;14:S391.
Arjmandi BH, Lucas E, Soliman A, Juma S, Stoecker BJ. Effects of dietary supplementation of prune
on ovariectomy-induced bone loss and hyper-cholesterolemia in rats. J Bone Min Res 1998;23:S292.
Lucas E, Stoecker BJ, Arjmandi BH. Effects of ovariectomy and prune on lipid metabolism in rats. 7th
Annual Functional Foods for Health Conference, Monticello, Illinois, May 11-13, 1998 (Abstract #
Arjmandi BH, Soliman A, Juma S, Lucas E, Stoecker BJ. Prune prevents ovariectomy-induced bone
loss. 7th Annual Functional Foods for Health Conference, Monticello, Illinois, May 11-13, 1998
(Abstract # 1).
Spicer MT, Lucas EA, Han HC, Rhee YS, Stoecker BJ. Comparison of ferric reducing ability (FRA)
and thiobarbituric acid reactive substances (TBARS) in the determination of the antioxidant capacity
of rat serum and testes. FASEB J 1998;12(5):3238.
Mandali S, de Rodas B, Lucas E, Spicer LJ, Arquitt AB, Carter S, Maxwell C. Dose and time effects of
endotoxin on plasma IGF-1 in weanling pigs. FASEB J 1998; 2(5):1448.
Smith B, Stoecker BJ, Lucas EA, Hermann JR, Arquitt AB. Ovariectomy and trace element depletion
alter clinical parameters and bone density in rats. 16th International Congress of Nutrition,
Montreal, Canada, July 27, 1997 (Page 281).
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Smith B, Stoecker BJ, Adeleye, BO, Arquitt AB, Hermann JR, Lucas EA, Lange D. Ovariectomy and
chromium, copper, or magnesium depletion alter bone and clinical parameters in rats. FASEB J
Hermann JR, Arquitt AB, Stoecker BJ, Lucas EA, Dietz G. Effect of low chromium or copper intake on
serum lipids in ovariectomized female rats. FASEB J 1997;11(3):2345.
Arquitt AB, Allen C, Smith B, Lucas EA, Hermann JR. Effect of ovariectomy and mineral restricted
diets on growth and bone in rats. FASEB J 1997;11(3):2369.
Adeleye BO, Stoecker BJ, Smith B, Arquitt AB, Hermann JR, Lucas EA, Lange D. Effects of
ovariectomy and chromium supplementation on growth and clinical parameters in rats. FASEB J
1997;11(3): 2348.
Lucas EA, Williams DS, Purdie N. Monitoring patient response to plasma lipid modification strategies.
69th Annual Scientific Session of the AHA, New Orleans, LA, 1996.
Lucas EA, Purdie N. Single step method to profile plasma cholesterol. 68th Annual Scientific Session of
the AHA, Anaheim, CA, 1995.
Lucas EA, Purdie N. Spectrophotometric determination of serum cholesterol lipid profiles.
International Conference on HDL-Cholesterol and Triglycerides: Role in Coronary Heart Disease
and Laboratory Management, Washington, D.C., April 1993.
Purdie N, Lucas EA, Talley MB. A direct measure of total cholesterol and its distribution among the
major serum lipoproteins, 24th Annual Oak Ridge Conference on Advanced Analytical Concepts for
the Clinical Laboratory, San Diego, California, 1992.
Purdie N, Lucas EA, Talley MB. A direct measure of total cholesterol and its distribution among the
major serum lipoproteins. 44th National AACC Meeting, Chicago, Illinois, 1992.
Lucas EA, Purdie N, Talley MB. A direct measure of total cholesterol and its distribution among the
major serum lipoproteins. 38th Annual American Chemical Society Pentasectional Meeting,
Bartlesville, Oklahoma, February 29,1992 (Abstract #4).
Aguinaldo EC, Smith G, Geno P. Liquid chromatography plasmaspray mass spectrometry of
benzophenone-polycarboxylic acids. 36th Annual American Chemical Society Pentasectional
Meeting, Lawton, Oklahoma, April 6,1991 (Abstract #16).
2006, Ad hoc reviewer, NP 107 Human Nutrition Ad Hoc Panel. Reviewer (1 grant proposal for general
2005, Ad hoc panel, NP 107 Human Nutrition Ad Hoc Panel. Reviewer (2 grant proposals for primary
review, 2 grant proposals for secondary review and 4 grant proposals for general review)
2004, Ad hoc reviewer, USDA National Research Initiative Competitive Grants; Improving Nutrition
for Optimal Health. Reviewer (1grant proposal)
2003, Ad hoc reviewer, USDA National Research Initiative Competitive Grants; Improving Nutrition
for Optimal Health. Reviewer (3 grant proposals)
May 2008
October 2007
August 2007
January 2007
Internationa Journal of Cancer (“Green tea consumption and risk of stomach
cancer: a meta-analysis of epidemiologic studies’)
Journal of Medicinal Food (“Grapefruit juice modulates bone quality in rats”resubmission)
Journal of Medicinal Food (“Grapefruit juice modulates bone quality in rats”)
Journal of Nutritional Biochemistry (“High fat diets promote insulin resistance
through cytokine gene expression in growing female rats”)
Lucas EA CV, Page 14 of 15
September 2006
Book Review
Spring 2007
Journal of Agricultural & Food Chemistry (“Supplementation of test meals with
fat-free phytosterol products reduces cholesterol micellarization during simulated
digestion and inhibits cholesterol uptake by Caco-2 cells”)
Nutrition for Non-Majors by Madeiros and Rowlings
HES Strategic Planning, April 13-14, 2008
OSU Gerontology Institute Strategic Planning, March 25, 2008
HES 3112, Transfer Student Orientation, “Major Link” Event, Fall 2007
HES 1112, Freshman Orientation, “Reading Program-The Art of Possibility”, Fall 2007
HES 1112, Freshman Orientation, “Old Central Experience”, Fall 2006
HES 1112, Freshman Orientation, “Reading Program-Velveteen Principles”, Fall 2006
Member, OSU Wentz Scholarship selection committee, Spring 2008
Member, OSU Clicker Committee, Spring 2007
Judge, OSU Research Symposium Judge
oral presentation- Spring 2007
poster session- Spring 2006
Guest Speaker, “Functional foods”, OSU Family Resource Center, Stillwater, OK, May 1, 2008
Speaker, “Cardiovascular Health Benefits of Grapes”, 27th Annual Horticulture and Industries Show,
Tulsa, OK, January 5, 2008,
Guest Speaker, “Philippines”, Sangre Ridge Elementary School, Stillwater, OK, October 15, 2007
Volunteer, 2007 Sangre Ridge Elementary School Walkathon, September 28, 2007
Participant, Relay for Life, Stillwater, OK August 23, 2007
Auditor, Sangre Ridge Elementary School, Stillwater, OK2007-2008
Judge, Holiday Recipe Contest judge, Oklahoma Living Magazine (a publication for Oklahoma’s Rural
Electric Cooperatives, Stillwater, OK, December 2006, 2007
Judge, 4 H round-up, Stillwater, OK, May 2006
Married: James Michael Lucas (1990)
Child: James Austin Lucas (1999)
English and Tagalog
Lucas EA CV, Page 15 of 15
Stephany Parker, PhD
Stephany Parker, PhD
Assistant Professor
Department of Nutritional Sciences
Oklahoma State University
February 2008
PhD Human Environmental Sciences, specialization in Nutritional Sciences, Oklahoma
State University, Stillwater, OK 2002
MS Masters Internationalist Program in Nutritional Sciences, Oklahoma State
University, Stillwater, OK 1997
AB Anthropology, University of Georgia, Athens, GA 1992
Assistant Professor, Department of Nutritional Sciences, Oklahoma State University,
Stillwater, OK, 9/05 to present.
Community Nutrition Education Programs (CNEP), Nutrition Education Specialist
and Assistant Professor, Oklahoma State Cooperative Extension Services, Oklahoma
State University, Stillwater, OK, 07/05- 09/05.
Adjunct Assistant Professor, Department of Nutritional Sciences, Oklahoma State
University, Stillwater, OK, Fall/02 to 7/05
Community Nutrition Education Programs Nutrition Education Programs (CNEP)
Assistant Specialist, Oklahoma State Cooperative Extension Services, Oklahoma
State University, Stillwater, OK, 01/00- present
Research Assistant for Dean Patricia Knaub; “Oklahoma Women: Footloose and Fancy
Free”, Oklahoma State University, Stillwater, OK, 10/99-12/99
Research Assistant for Dr. Kathy Keim, “An Ethnography of Heart Disease Risk
Factors in Limited Income Women”, Oklahoma State University, Stillwater, OK,
Research Assistant for Dr. Gail Gates; “Factors Affecting Women’s Perceptions of
Folate Containing Foods”, Oklahoma State University, Stillwater, OK, 10/98-6/99
Research Assistant for Dr. Kathy Keim; “Fruit, Vegetable and Grain Intake of Low
Income Education Participants”, Oklahoma State University, Stillwater, OK, 8/9710/98
Teaching Assistant, Food Experiences for Children NSCI, Oklahoma State University,
Stillwater, OK, Fall 96
Stephany Parker, PhD
Teaching Assistant, Basic Principles of Human Nutrition NSCI 2114, Oklahoma State
University, Stillwater, OK, 8/96-12/99
Committee Member, Women in Development Program, Kingston, Jamaica, 9/94-7/96
Nutrition Researcher, Peace Corps Volunteer, Medical Research Council Laboratories
Sickle Cell Unit, The University of the West Indies, Kingston, Jamaica, 3/95-7/96
Nutrition Assistant, Peace Corps Volunteer, The Ministry of Health, St. Elizabeth,
Jamaica, 9/94-3/95
Ethnographic field school training, St. Eustatius, Netherland Antilles, Administered by
the College of William and Mary, June-July 1991.
Krueger focus group training, University of Minnesota, March 17-18, 2008.
Outstanding Professors’ Academy 2006-2007 University of Central Oklahoma, Edmond,
Nominated Outstanding Graduate Student Advisor, Spring 2007 and Spring 2008.
Honorable Mention OKDHS 2002 Quality and Employee Recognition Award
Website recognized as “Among the Best” in 2002-2004 by Tufts Nutrition Navigator
Recipient of 2002 Oklahoma Cooperative Extension Service Irma Manning Professional
Development Award
Recipient of 2001 Oklahoma Cooperative Extension Service Irma Manning Professional
Development Award
Nominee for the 1997 Oklahoma State Graduate Research Excellence Award
10/07-9/08: Formative evaluation for the development of a social marketing campaign
with Chickasaw Native Americans receiving food stamp or commodity benefits.
$191,012.00 Parker, S, Briley, C., and Van Delinder J.
External research funding continued
10/06-9/07: Formative evaluation for the development of a social marketing campaign
with Chickasaw Native Americans receiving food stamp or commodity benefits.
$175,536.00 Parker, S, Briley, C., and Van Delinder J.
10/06-9/07: Determining Individual, Familial and Community Factors that Influence
Young Adolescent Native American Dietary and Physical Activity Behaviors.
Stephany Parker, PhD
Oklahoma Department of Human Services and Southwest Regional Office; USDA
$47,102.00 Hermann, J., Parker, S., Merten, M., Phelps, J., Montgomery, D.
5/06-5/07: USDA CSREES Children Youth Families at Risk: $132,000. Oklahoma New
Communities Project, 2006, Hermann, J., Parker, S., Brown, B., Siewe, B. &
Richardson, D.
5/06-9/06: Development of a Social Marketing Campaign for the Chickasaw Nation Get
Fresh Program. Oklahoma Department of Human Services and Southwest Regional
Office; USDA. Chickasaw Nation. $67, 837.00 Parker, S, Briley, C., and Van
Delinder J.
10/05-9/30/06: “Evaluation of CNEP Elderly Participants’ Learning Preferences “.Food
Stamp Nutrition Education Program Grant. Oklahoma Department of Human
Services and Southwest Regional Office; USDA, $28,368.00. Parker, S., Brown, B.,
and Hermann, J.
5/05-4/30/06: Oklahoma New Communities Project. Children, Youth and Families at
Risk, Cooperative State Research Education and Extension Serviced, USDA,
$133,000.00. Hermann, J., Parker, S., Brown, B.
10/04-9/05: Food Stamp Nutrition Education Program Grant. Oklahoma Department of
Human Services and Southwest Regional Office; USDA, $2,012,228.00. Garrard, D.,
Parker, S., Brown, B., Siewe, Y., Hermann, J.
5/04-4/30/05: Oklahoma New Communities Project. Children, Youth and Families at
Risk, Cooperative State Research Education and Extension Serviced, USDA,
$123,800.00. Hermann, J., Parker, S., Brown, B., Siewe, Y., Kennedy, T.
10/03-9/04: Food Stamp Nutrition Education Program Grant. Oklahoma Department of
Human Services and Southwest Regional Office; USDA, $2,140,648.00. Garrard, D.,
Parker, S., Brown, B., Siewe, Y., Hermann, J., Keim, K.
10/02-9/03: Food Stamp Nutrition Education Program Grant. Oklahoma Department of
Human Services and Southwest Regional Office; USDA, $2,409,836.00. Williams, G.,
Parker, S., Brown, B., Hermann, J., Keim, K.
5/03-4/30/04: Oklahoma New Communities Project. Children, Youth and Families at
Risk, Cooperative State Research Education and Extension Serviced, USDA,
$136,500.00. Hermann, J., Parker, S., Brown, B., Siewe, Y., Smith, B., Williams, G.
5/02-4/30/03: Oklahoma New Communities Project. Children, Youth and Families at
Risk, Cooperative State Research Education and Extension Serviced, USDA,
$150,000.00. Hermann, J., Parker, S., Brown, B., Siewe, Y., Smith, B.
10/01-9/02: Food Stamp Nutrition Education Program Grant. Oklahoma Department of
Human Services and Southwest Regional Office; USDA, $1,695,279.00. Williams, G.,
Parker, S., Brown, B., Hermann, J., Keim, K.
10/00-8/02: “Diabetes Risk Factors in Native American Women”. Funded by Oklahoma
Center for Science and Technology. $88,522.00. Keim K., and Parker, S.
10/99-9/00: “An Ethnography of Heart Disease Risk Factors in Low Income
EFNEP/ONE Women: A Needs Assessment for Development of Educational
Stephany Parker, PhD
Materials.” Funded by Oklahoma Department of Human Services and Southwest
Regional Office; USDA, $16,727.00. Keim , K. and Parker, S.
10/97-9/98: “Fruit, Vegetable, and Grain Intake of Low Income Women Nutrition
Education Participants.” Funded by Oklahoma Department of Human Services and
Southwest Regional Office; USDA, $7,576.00. Keim, K., and Parker, S.
9/00-9/01: “Diabetes Mellitus Concerns of Community Nutrition Education Programs
Participants”. Funded by Oklahoma Association of Family and Community
Education Research and Development Grant Program, $2390.00. Parker, S. and
Keim, K.
08/06-07/08: “Framing Obesity Utilizing a Sociocultural Perspective.” Agriculture
Experiment Station, Oklahoma State University, $79,000.00. Parker, S., Williams,
S., and Hermann, J.
08/07-07/09: “Evaluation of the Anti-inflammatory Properties of Juice from Grape
Varieties Grown in Oklahoma”. Agriculture Experiment Station, Oklahoma State
University,$81,798.00. Lucas, E., Brown, B., Stafne, E., and Parker, P.
09/05: “Perceptions of Body Size among culturally and socioeconomically diverse
groups”. Oklahoma Social Indicator Survey, $6570.00. Parker, S.
Fatima Pina, Nutritional Sciences senior, received the Carter Academic-Service
Entrepreneur Award to continue her volunteer work with the Stillwater Senior
Citizen's Center. Grant funds of $1500 will be used to purchase items needed by the
center to enhance the nutrition programs developed by Pina in coordination with
Valerie Zayat-Bloodgood, senior citizen director, and Stephany Parker, Nutritional
Sciences Assistant Professor.
Fatima Pina, Nutritional Sciences Senior, and Stephany Parker. On-line nutrition
intervention to improve the health and nutritional status of homeless shelter
participants. Stillwater Chamber of Commerce. $2500.00.
Renee Daugherty, Sue Williams and Stephany Parker (2006). Public Deliberation:
Engaging Community Members in Setting a Course for Obesity Policy. SNE 39th
Annual Conference Global Issues, Local Impact, July 15-18, San Francisco, Ca.
Joshua Phelps, Stephany Parker, Janice Hermann, and Amanda Smith (2005). Holistic
approach facilitating health improvements in school age youth. Abstract accepted as
an oral presentation at the Society for Nutrition Education’s 38th annual conference
in Orlando, FL, July 21-25.
Stephany Parker, Dennis Kennedy, and Janice Hermann (2004). Participatory Action
Research: A Process for Sustaining Community Programs. Abstract accepted as a
Stephany Parker, PhD
workshop at the CYFAR conference in Minneapolis, MN.
Barbara Denney, Janice Hermann, Stephany Parker, Barbara Brown, Brenda Smith, &
Youmasu Siewe (2004). After School Gardening Provides Hands-on Education and
Partners. Abstract accepted as a share fair presentation at the CYFAR conference in
Minneapolis, MN.
Amanda Smith, Janice Hermann, Stephany Parker, Barbara Brown, Brenda Smith, &
Youmasu Siewe (2004). Circuit Training and Personal Goal Setting to Improve
Personal Health. Abstract accepted for a share fair presentation at CYFAR
conference in Minneapolis, MN.
Stephany Parker, Vlasta Pinto, and Tay Kennedy. (2004) Ethnic differences in response
to food shortage. Abstract accepted for an oral presentation at the annual SNE
meeting, Salt Lake City, Utah.
Stephany Parker, Kathryn Keim, Staci Smith (2004). Experiences living with diabetes
in a limited resource sample. Abstract accepted for an oral presentation at the annual
SNE meeting, Salt Lake City, Utah.
Jean Van Delinder, Kathryn S. Keim, Stephany Parker, Christopher Taylor and Alicia
Sparrer. (2001) Body Image Discourses and the Cultural Definition of Obesity Among
Oklahoma Native American Women. Abstract Accepted for Midwest Sociological
Annual Meeting.
Janice Hermann, Amanda Smith, Joshua Phelps, Stephany Parker, Barbara Brown
(2007). School Based Youth “Healthy Day” Program. Society for Nutrition
Education’s 2007 Annual Conference Exploring Nutritional Bio-optimism, July 28 August 1, 2007. Chicago, IL.
Mugdha Jog, Stephany Parker, and Tay Kennedy (2005). Factors affecting food stamp
participation among elderly. Abstract accepted as a poster presentation at the
Society for Nutrition Education’s 38th annual conference in Orlando, FL, June 21-25.
Joshua Phelps, Stephany Parker, Janice Hermann (2005). Investigating sustainability
and impact of a participatory school-based health program using a case study
approach. Abstract accepted as a poster presentation at the CYFAR conference in
Boston, Massachusetts, May 25-27.
Stephany Parker and Kathryn S. Keim. (2002) Understanding Obesity in Limited
Income Women. Abstract accepted for a poster presentation at the National Rural
Women's Health Conference-Linking Mental, Behavioral, and Physical Health:
Quality of Life Issues, Outcomes, and Strategies for Health Promotion, Washington,
Stephany Parker and Kathryn S. Keim. (2002) Ethnography of Heart Disease Risk
Factors in Limited Income Women. Abstract accepted for a poster presentation at
the Society for Nutrition Education Annual Meeting, St. Paul, Minnesota.
Stephany Parker, Kathryn S. Keim, Melanie Cook, Glenna Williams. (2001) Ethnic
differences in food patterns of low income women. Abstract accepted for a poster
presentation at the Society for Nutrition Education Annual Meeting, Oakland,
Stephany Parker, PhD
Stephany Parker, Christy Haggard, and Gail Gates. (2000) Understanding Folate
Intake in Low Income Women. Abstract accepted for a poster presentation at the
Society for Nutrition Education Annual Meeting, Charleston, South Carolina.
Stephany Parker, Atul Singhal, Graham Serjeant, and Gail Gates. (2000) A
Comparison of Dietary Assessment Methods in Jamaican Children. Fourth
International Dietary Assessment Conference, Tucson, Arizona.
Stephany Parker, Glenna Williams, Kathryn Keim. (2000) Educational Needs of
Community Education Program Participants with Diabetes. Abstract accepted for a
21st Century Families Challenges and Opportunities Conference, Little Rock,
Atul Singhal, Stephany Parker, Louise Linsell, Graham Serjeant. (2002) Energy Intake
and Resting Metabolic Rate in Pre-school Jamaican Children with Homozygous
Sickle Cell Disease. American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 75, 1093-7.
Christopher Taylor, Kathryn Keim, Alicia Sparrer, Jean Van Delinder, Stephany
Parker. 2004. Social and Cultural Barriers to Diabetes Prevention in Oklahoma
American Indian Women. Preventing Chronic Disease. 1(2), [serial online]
Stephany Parker and Kathryn Keim. 2004. Emic perspectives of body weight in
overweight and obese white women with limited income. Journal of Nutrition
Education and Behavior. 36. 282-9.
Christopher Taylor, Kathryn Keim, Alicia Sparrer, Stephany Parker and Jean Van
Delinder. Most commonly consumed foods and food perceptions in Native American
women. American Journal Health Behavior, 30, 613-25.
Janice Hermann, Stephany Parker, Barbara Brown, Youmasu Siewe, and Sarah
Walker. 2006 After School Gardening Improves Children’s Reported Vegetable Intake
and Physical Activity. Journal of Nutrition Education and Behavior, 38, 201-202.
Stephany Parker and Joshua A. Phelps. 2006. MyActivity Resources-Materials Review
Journal of Nutrition Education and Behavior, 39, 242-243.
Stephany Parker, Vlasta Pinto, Tay Kennedy, Joshua Phelps, and Janice Hermann.
2007. Food Choices and Coping Strategies during Periods of Perceived Food Shortage:
Perspectives from Four Racial/Ethnic Groups. Journal of Extension [On-line],
Volume 45 Number 5. Article Number 5FEA6. This article is online at:
Parker, S., Phelps, J.A., & Briley, C. (in press). Economic Development and
Redevelopment: A Toolkit on Land Use and Health. From California Department of
Health Services. Materials Review. Journal of Nutrition Education and Behavior.
Jean Van Delinder, Stephany Parker, Christopher Taylor and Kathryn S. Keim 2006
Body Image Discourses Among Oklahoma Native American Women.. Submitted to
Gender & Society. In Review.
Stephany Parker, PhD
NSCI 5961/6961, Graduate Student Seminar, Fall 06, Spring 07, and Fall 07.
NSCI 5870-Problems in Nutritional Sciences, Fall 2007
NSCI 5713, Advanced Community Nutrition, Fall 05 and Fall 06.
NSCI 5000-Research in Nutritional Sciences, Spring 2007 to present.
NSCI 4850-Special Unit Studies in Nutrition, Fall 2007 to present
NSCI 4373, Creative Teaching of Nutrition. Spring 04 and Spring 05.
NSCI 4373, Princliples of Nutrition Education, Spring 06, Spring 07, and Spring 08.
NSCI 2114, Basic Principles of Human Nutrition Discussion Lab, Fall 96-Fall 99
NSCI 2114, Basic Principles of Human Nutrition Honors Discussion Lab, Fall 2007.
NSCI 2114, Basic Principles of Human Nutrition, Summer 98, Summer 99, and Fall
NSCI 2850, Food Experiences for Children, Fall 96
NSCI 2111, Professional Careers in Nutritional Sciences. Spring 01 & 02.
NSCI 5363, Maternal and Infant Nutrition. Fall 2001
NSCI 5713, Community Nutrition Class. Fall 2001
NSCI 3543, Food and the Human Environment. Summer 99.
Toma Hunter, MS. In progress (Major Advisor), Understanding Health and Nutrition
Perspectives of Native American Women Living Within the Chickasaw Nation
Boundaries Using a Social Marketing Model.
Keri Strait, MS. In progress (Major Advisor), Framing Obesity among Limited Resource
Populations Utilizing a Sociocultural Perspective.
Teresa Jackson, MS. In progress (Major Advisor), Understanding Perspectives of
Diabetes among Native American Women Living Within the Chickasaw Nation
Boundaries Using a Social Marketing Model.
Seung Eun, MS. In progress (Major Advisor), Delineating reasons for the disparate
occurrence of overweight and obesity among food stamp recipients.
Diana Romano, MS. In progress (Committee Member). Evaluation of factors
influencing dietary choices among limited resource youth.
Debra Rummel, MS-Creative Component. In progress (Committee Member), Novel
approaches to Nutrition Education in American Indian Youth, an after-school
Sandra Peterson, MS. In progress (Committee Member), Evaluation of the Antiinflammatory Properties of Juice from Grape Varieties Grown in Oklahoma
Mandy Chan, MS-Creative Component. In progress (Committee Member). Development
of 4-H Judging kits to promote healthful eating habits in youth.
Stephany Parker, PhD
Sunnye McLanahan, MS-Creative Component. In progress (Committee Member).
Therapeutic Diet Education Material for Hispanic Patients at INTEGRIS Health.
Sarah Owen, MS. In progress (Committee Member). Evaluation of the Effectiveness of
Participatory Learning among Adult Participants of Oklahoma Beef Cooking Classes.
Lacey Wissen, MS-Creative Component. Graduated Fall 2007 (Committee Member),
Building Wellability Quotient with Adolescents: A study of an intervention for
healthy balance
Cheryl Hull, MS-Creative Component. Graduated Fall 2007(Major Advisor),
Development of nutrition lessons using the social marketing model and social
cognitive theory to decrease obesity among Oklahoma youth.
Emily Felts, MS. Graduated Fall 2007. Predictors of relation between lifestyle and antifat attitudes in college students, ages 18-24 yoa.
Swee Kong, MS. Graduated Spring 2007 (Committee Member), Evaluation of the
Effectiveness of Participatory Learning among Youth Participants of Oklahoma Beef
Cooking Classes.
Laura Powell, MS. Graduated Summer 2007 (Major Advisor), Preferred Instructional
Methods among Elderly CNEP participants with Limited Income.
Deanna Hildebrand, PhD. Graduated May 2007 (Committee Member), Factors
Influencing Fruit and Vegetable Intake among WIC Participants.
Lenka Humeneka, PhD. Graduated August 2006 (Committee Member), A Cross
Cultural Comparison of Youth Nutrition and Physical Activity Behaviors.
Meredith Riley, MS. Graduated Fall 2006 (Committee Member), Vitamin A Status of
breast-feeding women in Ethiopia.
Sarah Van, MS. Graduated Fall 2005. (Committee Member), Evaluating the
Effectiveness of a Nutrition Program for 3rd and 4th Grade Children.
Jill Parker, MS. Graduated Fall 05 (Committee Member), Are Oklahoma Hospitals
Vlasta Pinto, MS-Creative Component. Graduated Fall 05 (Committee Member), Ethnic
Effects of Food Choices during Food Crises.
Nicole Dill, MS. Graduated Summer 04 (Committee Member), Food Security Status of
CNEP Participants.
Ritha Saidi, MS. Graduated Summer 04 (Committee Member), Strategic Choices in
Dietary Acculturation.
Embrey Kriley, Recipient of Seretean Research Scholarship. Fall 2007-Spring 2008.
Fatima Pina, Recipient of the Carter Academic-Service Entrepreneur Award. Spring
Stephany Parker, PhD
American Anthropological Association
The Society for Nutrition Education
Action for Healthy Oklahoma Kids, Curriculum and executive committee member, 9/03
to 9/05.
Oklahoma Diabetes Coalition, 1/00 to 6/02.
Oklahoma Diabetes Solution Group member, 1/01-present.
Oklahoma Nutrition Network member, 1/00-9/05.
Southern Region Extension Preventing Childhood Overweight and Obesity Conference.
February 15-18, 2005. Lake Buena Vista, Orlando, Florida.
Society for Nutrition Education Annual Conference abstract reviewer. 2004-2007.
Southern Region Extension Preventing Childhood Overweight and Obesity Conference.
February 15-18, 2005. Lake Buena Vista, Orlando, Florida.
Journal of Nutrition Education and Behavior.
HRSA Office of Rural Health Policy (ORHP). Targeted Rural Health Research Grant
Program. 2007
Food Guidance System Update
Understanding Psychosocial Aspects of Overweight and Obesity
Phytochemical Update
Communicating Nutrition Education to Diverse Audiences
24- hour Food Recall Training
Hispanic Food and Culture
Dietary Guidelines
Introduction to the Food Guide Pyramid CD Lesson
Trans Fatty Acid Update
Stephany Parker, PhD
Maternal Nutrition
Nutrition for the Pregnant Teen
Eating on the Run
Vitamin and Mineral Basics
Nutrition during Childhood
Fad Diets
Osteoporosis Update
Motivational Interviewing
Logic Model
How to Conduct a Focus Group
Childhood Overweight: What can we do?
Body Image in the 21st Century
Fresh Start, Food Guide Pyramid Lessons: five lesson CD and manual covering each of
the food guide pyramid groups. The CD incorporates facilitated and experiential
learning concepts within the lessons to reinforce learning. Parker, S. and O’hara U.
Tiny Bites Total Big Calories: A handout developed for paraprofessionals use. Parker,
Teaching Nutrition to Third and Fourth Graders: a video learning package designed to
help paraprofessionals improve their skills in teaching third and fourth grade
children. Sheik, B., Parker, S., O’hara, U., and Phelps, J.
Learning Journey: a video package designed to help paraprofessionals understand a
variety of learning styles. Sheik, B., and Parker, S.
CNEP webpage ( a website developed to provide CNEP
paraprofessionals and professionals with current nutrition information. Parker, S.
and O’hara, U.
Nutrition Basics: five lesson CD developed for use by CNEP paraprofessionals. The
lessons include: Food Safety, Label Reading, Managing your Food Dollars, Meal
Planning and Kitchen Basics. The CD incorporates facilitated and experiential
learning concepts within the lessons to reinforce learning. Food Safety and Label
Reading lessons are being piloted. The other lessons are not yet complete. Parker, S.
and O’hara, U.
The Truth About series: One page fact sheets addressing consumer concerns about
trans fats and high protein low carbohydrate diets. Parker, S. and Hermann, J
Snacktivities and Quick and Easy Meals: educational videos developed in coordination
with WIC to convey ideas for how to make healthy meals and snacks utilizing WIC
foods. Hildebrand, D., Brown, B., and Parker, S.
4-H Consumer Judging Kits. Lunch (2002) and Healthy shopping for $10 (2003).
Parker, S. and Hermann, J.
4-H Consumer Judging Kits. Breakfast (2002) and Snacks (2003). Hermann, J., and
Parker, S.
Stephany Parker, PhD
News Releases
Turn Off TV Week. News Release 04/04
National Nutrition Month. News Release 03/04.
The Awesome Impact of School Breakfast. News Release 12/03
Prepare Holiday Meals on a Smaller Budget. News Release. 11/03.
Physical Activity, Good Eating Habits Keeps Families Healthy. News Release. 9/03.
Focus on a Positive Body Image. News Release. 3/03.
Extension publications continued
Eating to Reduce Stress is Not a Healthy Alternative. News Release. 03/03.
Managing Weight for the New Year. News Release.1/03.
Get Moving and Get Healthy. News Release. 12/02
Eat for your Heart. News Release. 03/02
Healthier Fast Food Choices. News Release. 12/01
Food Guide Pyramid Controversy. News Release. 9/01.
Bone Up on Calcium. News Release. 6/01
Eat your fruits and Veggies. News Release 03/01.
Get Moving Oklahoma. News Release. 12/00
Resource Updates. The aim of this publication is to strengthen the professional and personal
competence of Family and Consumer Sciences Extension Educators by providing abstracts and updates
on current research.
Focus Groups on Cardiovascular Health in Rural Women: Implications for practice.
Resource Update. 12/03
Understanding Weight Stigmatization: A Focus Group Study. Resource Update
Abstract. 03/03.
The Surgeon General’s Call To Action To Prevent and Decrease Overweight and
Obesity. Resource Update. 12/02
American Children’s Diets Not Making the Grade. Resource Update Abstract. 12/01.
Familial Approach to the Treatment of Childhood Obesity: Conceptual Model. Resource
Update Abstract. 6/01
Dietary Guidelines for Americans. Resource Update. 9/00.
Nutrition Therapy Addition to Medicare Wellness Act of 2000. Resource Update. 6/00.
Fact Sheets
Janice Hermann and Stephany Parker. MyPyramid: Steps to a Healthier You.
Oklahoma Cooperative Extension Fact Sheet (T3172). 2005.
Stephany Parker, PhD
Janice Hermann and Stephany Parker. Key Recommendations for a Healthier You:
Dietary Guidelines for Americans. Oklahoma Cooperative Extension Fact Sheet
(T3171). 2005.
Curriculum Vitae
Office Address:
311 HES Building
Phone: (405) 744-8285
Department of Nutritional Sciences
Oklahoma State University
Stillwater, OK 74078
Ph.D. in Human Environmental Sciences (emphasis in Nutritional Sciences)
Dissertation Title: “Cross-Cultural Comparison of Factors Influencing Body Mass Index in
Czech and American School-aged Children.”
M.S. Nutritional Sciences, Oklahoma State University
Thesis Title: “Western Influence on Dietary Habits in the Post-Communist Czech Republic.”
B.S. Foods and Nutrition, Oklahoma State University
Assistant Professor, Department of Nutritional Sciences, Oklahoma State University, 2006-present
Lecturer, Department of Nutritional Sciences, Oklahoma State University, 2005-2006
Statistical Analyst, Graduate Research Assistant, College of Human Environmental Sciences, Oklahoma
State University, August 2004-2005
Adjunct Instructor, Department of Human Environmental Sciences, University of Central
Oklahoma, Edmond, August 2004-May 2005;
Graduate Teaching Assistant, Department of Nutritional Sciences, Oklahoma State University, 2001
Child Nutrition
Nutrition and Obesity
Nutrition in Exercise and Sport
General Nutrition
Curriculum Vitae
Lenka Humenikova
Humenikova L, Gates G. Social and Physical Environmental Factors and Child Overweight in a Sample
of American and Czech School-aged Children: A Pilot Study. Journal of the Nutrition Education and
Behavior. In press.
Humenikova L, Gates G. Body Image Perceptions in Western and Post-communist Countries: A Crosscultural Pilot Study of Children and Parents. Maternal and Child Nutrition. In press.
Vignerova J, Humenikova L, Paulova M, Blaha P. Prevalence of overweight, obesity and low weight in
Czech child population up to 18 years of age in last 50 years. Journal of Public Health. In press.
Humenikova L, Gates G. Dietary Intakes, Physical Activity, and Predictors of Child Obesity among 46th Graders in the Czech Republic. Central European Journal of Public Health. 2007; 15(1):23-28.
Vignerova J, Humenikova L, Brabec M, Riedlova J, Blaha P. Long-term Changes in Body Weight,
BMI, and Adiposity Rebound among Children and Adolescents in the Czech Republic. Economics and
Human Biology. 2007; 5(3): 409-425.
Humenikova L, Gates G. Relation between C-reactive Protein and Serum and Dietary Antioxidants in
Older Adults at Increased Risk for Cardiovascular Disease. Journal of Nutrition for the Elderly.
2005;24(4): 23-37.
Humenikova L, Gates G. A Cross-cultural Comparison of Dietary Intakes and Physical Activity
between American and Czech School-aged Children. Public Health Nutrition.
Humenikova L, Betts N, Payton M. Changes in Body Weight, Body Composition, and Eating Attitudes
in a Sample of High-School Wrestlers.
Humenikova L, Hildebrand D, Vogt H. Determinants of Fruit and Vegetables Availability in
Low-income Minority Families with Pre-school Age Children.
Humenikova L, Gates G. Perceived and Ideal Body Image Perceptions among American and Czech
Children and Parents. The FASEB Journal. 2007; 21: 828.13.
Humenikova L, Gates G. Differences in Dietary Intake and Physical Activity between U.S. and
Czech Children. Journal of Nutrition Education and Behavior. 2006;38(4):S48.
Curriculum Vitae
Lenka Humenikova
Humenikova L, Gates GE. Factors Influencing Dietary Intake and Body Mass Index among Czech
School-aged Children. Journal of the American Dietetic Association. 2005;105(8):S66.
Humenikova L, Gates GE. Relation between C-reactive Protein and Serum and Dietary Antioxidants in
Individuals at Increased Risk for Cardiovascular Disease. Journal of the American Dietetic Association.
Oklahoma Center for the Advancement of Science & Technology (OCAST). Project title: “Families and
Schools for Health: Follow-up, Follow-Forward.” August 2007-July 2008. Project #: HR07-044
Role: Co-PI. $45,000.
Oklahoma Agricultural Experiment Station (OAES). Project title: Assessing Determinants of Fruit and
Vegetable Consumption in Low-Income, Minority Pre-School Age Children in Urban Oklahoma.”
August 2007-July 2008. Project #: OKL02652. Role: PI. $39,089.
United States Department of Agriculture. Cooperative State Research, Education, and Extension Service
(CSREES). “Intervening in Family and Peer Contexts to Decrease Child Overweight: Follow-up and
Follow-Forward into 5th Grade.” Role: Co-PI. $1.5 million. Not funded.
Oklahoma Home and Community Education, Inc., Donna Cadwalader Research & Development
Grant2007-2008. “Association between Family Meal Attitudes and Practices and Fruit and Vegetable
Availability and Accessibility in Ethnically Diverse Low-income Households with Preschool Age
Children.” Role: PI. $2,292. Not funded.
Principles of Human Nutrition (Assistant Professor, Fall 2006-present)
Department of Nutritional Sciences, Oklahoma State University, Stillwater, OK
Class enrollment: approximately 200 students per section
Nutrition in Exercise and Sports (Lecturer, Spring 2006; Assistant Professor, Spring 2007 & 2008)
Department of Nutritional Sciences, Oklahoma State University, Stillwater, OK
Class enrollment: 25-30 students
Principles of Human Nutrition (Lecturer, Fall 2005)
Department of Nutritional Sciences, Oklahoma State University, Stillwater, OK
Class enrollment: 375 students
Curriculum Vitae
Lenka Humenikova
Introduction to Nutrition (Adjunct Instructor, Fall 2004-Spring 2005)
Department of Human Environmental Sciences, University of Central Oklahoma, Edmond OK
Class Enrollment:
Principles of Human Nutrition (Graduate Teaching Assistant, Spring 2003-2004)
Department of Nutritional Sciences, Oklahoma State University, Stillwater, OK
Human Nutrition and Metabolism (Graduate Teaching Assistant, Fall 2001)
Department of Nutritional Sciences, Oklahoma State University, Stillwater, OK
American Society for Nutrition, Experimental Biology, poster presentation: “Perceived and Ideal
Body Image Perceptions among American and Czech Children and Parents.” Washington, DC.
Society for Nutrition Education and Behavior, poster presentation: “Differences in Dietary
Intake and Physical Activity between U.S. and Czech Children,” San Francisco, CA.
American Dietetic Association 2005 Food and Nutrition Conference and Expo, poster
presentation: “Factors Influencing Dietary Intake and Body Mass Index among Czech Schoolaged Children,” St. Louis, MO
American Dietetic Association 2004 Food and Nutrition Conference and Expo, poster
presentation: “Relation between C-reactive Protein and Serum and Dietary Antioxidants in
Individuals at Increased Risk for Cardiovascular Disease,” Anaheim, CA
Graduate Research Symposium, March 2004, oral presentation: “Relation between C-reactive
Protein and Serum and Dietary Antioxidants in Individuals at Increased Risk for Cardiovascular
Disease” Oklahoma State University, Stillwater OK
2003 Oklahoma Dietetic Association 2003 Spring Convention, oral presentation: “Western Influence
on Dietary Habits in the Post-Communist Czech Republic,” University of Central Oklahoma, Edmond,
Graduate Research Symposium, April 2003, poster presentation: “Western Influence on Dietary
Habits in the Post-Communist Czech Republic,” Oklahoma State University, Stillwater OK
Reviewer for a peer-reviewed journal “Journal of the American Dietetic Association”
Reviewer for a peer-reviewed journal “Journal of Nutrition Education and Behavior,”
Active member of the “Choose Orange” Committee; Oklahoma State University
Curriculum Vitae
Lenka Humenikova
University-wide committee established to promote healthy dietary habits among
students on OSU campus
Member of the Technology Committee of the College of Human Environmental
Sciences, Oklahoma State University
Reviewer for a peer-reviewed journal “Expert Opinion on Investigational Drugs,”
Ashley Publications, London, Great Britain
The College of Human Environmental Sciences Freshmen Summer Reading Program;
Leader of the book club discussion group
A Reciprocal Exchange Interviewer for the Study Abroad Program at Oklahoma State
Team & Club Nutritionist; Tulsa Wheelmen Cycling Team
Provide individual and group nutrition consulting for the Tulsa Wheelman
Cycling Team and Club. Organize presentations and workshops that focus on the
role of nutrition in athletic performance. Contribute to the team’s monthly
newsletter and website by writing sports nutrition articles.
The American Society for Nutrition (ASN)
Society for Nutrition Education (SNE)
Dual Energy X-ray Absorptiometry (DEXA), Hologic, May 2006
Vmax Encore Metabolic Cart, Viasys, July 2006
Marguerite Scruggs Academic Scholarship, Celebration of Excellence, CHES, OSU, 2004-2005
J. Shipman Graduate Scholarship, Celebration of Excellence, CHES, OSU, 2004-2005
Recipient of the American Dietetic Association Foundation Stipend, 2004
Graduate College Tuition Waiver, OSU 2004-2006
Member of Kappa Omicron Nu Honor Society, 2004
Member of Phi Kappa Phi National Honor Society, 2003-present
National Dean's List, Oklahoma State University, 2000-2001
Curriculum Vitae
Lenka Humenikova
Dean’s Honor Roll, Oklahoma State University, 1999-2001
President's Honor Roll, Oklahoma State University, 2000, 2001
Department of Nutritional Sciences Academic Scholarship, OSU 2000
Athletic Academic Award, Oklahoma State University, 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001
Big 12 Commissioner's Honor Roll, 1999
B.J. Smith, Page 1 of 22
Brenda J. Smith, Ph.D.
Associate Professor/Graduate Program Coordinator
Department of Nutritional Sciences
Human Environmental Sciences 420
Stillwater, OK 74078
Phone: (405) 744-3866; Fax: (405) 744-1357
E-mail address:
Oklahoma State University, Stillwater, OK
Oklahoma State University, Stillwater, OK
Human Environmental Sciences: Human Nutrition
Research: The role of trace minerals and bone loss
in the ovariectomized and hindlimb
suspended animal models.
The University of Texas at Tyler, Tyler, TX
Major: Clinical Exercise Physiology
Research: Estimating maximal oxygen consumption
from submaximal treadmill tests.
Oklahoma Baptist University, Shawnee, OK
Major: Health and Physical Education/Exercise
Associate Professor & Coordinator of Graduate Program of
Nutritional Sciences, College of Human Environmental
Sciences, Oklahoma State University, Stillwater, OK
Adjunct Associate Professor Department of Medicine,
Endocrinology Section, University of Oklahoma Health
Sciences Center, Oklahoma City, OK
Associate Professor & Assistant Director of Surgery
Research, Department of Surgery, College of Medicine,
University of Oklahoma Health Sciences Center, Oklahoma
City, OK
B.J. Smith, Page 2 of 22
Collaborating Faculty, Section of Infectious Disease,
Department of Medicine, College of Medicine, University of
Oklahoma Health Sciences Center, Oklahoma City, OK
Adjunct Faculty, Department of Nutritional Sciences, College
of Human Environmental Sciences, Oklahoma State
University, Stillwater, OK
Assistant Professor of Nutritional Sciences, College of
Human Environmental Sciences, Oklahoma State University,
Stillwater, OK
Adjunct Assistant Professor, Department of Surgery, College
of Medicine, University of Oklahoma Health Sciences
Center, Oklahoma City, OK
1999 – 2001
Postdoctoral Research Fellow in Nutritional Sciences,
Oklahoma State University, Stillwater, OK
1994 – 2001
Assistant Professor/Wellness Program Director of Health,
Physical Education & Recreation, College of Arts and
Sciences, Oklahoma Baptist University, Shawnee, OK
1988 – 1994
Instructor in HPER/Women’s Basketball Coach, Department
of Health, Physical Education & Recreation/ Department of
Athletics, Oklahoma Baptist University, Shawnee, OK
1987 – 1988
Instructor in HPER/Assistant Basketball Coach, Department
of Health, Physical Education & Recreation/Department of
Athletics, Oklahoma Baptist University, Shawnee, OK
1985 – 1987
Exercise Physiologist, Exercise Department at Tyler Health
Sciences Center, University of Texas, Tyler, TX
Elected Basic Science Counselor, the American Shock Society of Injury,
Inflammation and Sepsis
President’s Service Award, Outstanding Advisor Award; Oklahoma State
University, Stillwater, OK
Outstanding Graduate Student Mentor Award, College of Human
Environmental Sciences; Oklahoma State University, Stillwater, OK
Outstanding Undergraduate Academic Advisor Award Nominee, College
of Human Environmental Sciences; Oklahoma State University, Stillwater,
Plenary Poster Presentation, Alterations in Gene Expression Induced by
Chronic Exposure to Mechanical Unloading In Vivo. American Society of
Bone and Mineral Research 22nd Annual Meeting
B.J. Smith, Page 3 of 22
OSU Graduate Research Excellence Award, Biological Sciences
Graduate College
Graduate Research Fellowship, NASA Oklahoma Space Consortium,
Oklahoma State University
Phoenix Graduate Student Award, Nutritional Sciences Department
Nominee, Oklahoma State University
Graduate Research Fellowship, NASA Oklahoma Space Consortium,
Oklahoma State University
Seretean Scholar, Academic Achievement Human Environmental
Sciences, Oklahoma State University
Seretean Scholar, Academic Achievement Human Environmental
Sciences, Oklahoma State University
1996 –
Kappa Omicron Nu, National Honor Society, Human Environmental
Sciences, Oklahoma State University
Hunt Fund Faculty Award, Faculty Development Grant at Oklahoma
Baptist University
Oklahoma Baptist University Faculty Award “Seven Who Care” Awarded
by Student Government Association
1985 &
Academic Scholar, Graduate College at University of Texas at Tyler
Academic All-American, National Association of Intercollegiate Athletics,
Oklahoma Baptist University, Women’s Basketball.
Mortar Board National Honor Society, Oklahoma Baptist University
Current Funding:
Smith BJ, Lucas EA, Brackett DJ, Lerner MR, Lightfoot S, Cullen Diane. Funding
Agency: United States Department of Agriculture. How does dried plum reverse
bone loss? Amount: $469,205; Duration: 2006-2009
Smith BJ, Brackett DJ, Lerner MR, Lightfoot S, Bronze M, Lucas EA. Funding Agency:
Oklahoma Center for the Advancement of Science & Technology. Antiinflammatory properties of components of dried Plum. Amount: $135,000;
Duration: 2006-2009.
Droke EA, Smith BJ, Brackett DJ, Lerner MR, Lightfoot SA. Funding Agency: United
States Department of Agriculture. The Protective Role of Soy Isoflavones against
Complications Associated with Obesity and Chronic Inflammation. Amount:
$142,500; Duration: 2006-2009.
B.J. Smith, Page 4 of 22
Lucas EA, Smith BJ, Peyton M, Lightfoot S, Hill MR. Funding Agency: United States
Department of Agriculture. Momordica charantia modulates glucose and lipid
parameters in high fat diet-induced obesity. Amount: $311,275; Duration: 20072009.
Lucas EA, Perkins-Veazie P, Smith BJ, Lightfoot SA. Funding: Mango Board. Mango
modulates glucose and lipid parameters in high fat diet-induced obesity. Amount:
$49,981; Duration: 2007-2008
Brackett DJ, Smith BJ, Wright J, Ertl WJJ, Tomkins JF, Bemben D. Funding Agency:
Department of Veterans Affairs. “Bone Physiology & Mechanics in
Osteomyoplasty Amputation Rehabilitation.” Amount: $748,917; Duration: 20062009.
Smith BJ, Lucas EA, Clarke SL, Kuvibidila S “Alterations in Immune Function with
Dietary Supplementation of Dried Plums: Implications in Obesity and Type II
Diabetes” Amount $14,782; Duration: 2008.
Pending Proposals:
Smith BJ, Hermann J, Clarke S, Leyva M, Stephens L, Aston C, Baker MZ, Taylor C.
Funding Source: Oklahoma Agricultural Experiment Station. Osteoporosis Risk
in Oklahoma Native American Women: The Role of Inflammation and Diabetes.
Amount: $91,697. Duration: 2080-2010.
Lucas EA, Stafne ET, Smith BJ, Clarke SL, Perkins-Veazie P, Lightfoot S, Payton M,
Cardiovascular Health Benefits of Oklahoma Grapes. Amount: $135,000;
Duration: 2008-2011.
Clarke SL, Smith BJ, Lucas EA. Molecular Coordination of Iron Homeostasis by Micro
RNAs. Amount: $135,000; Duration: 2008-2011.
Kuvibidila S, Smith BJ Effect of mushrooms on endothelin1 secretion and cancer.
Amount: $135,000; Duration: 2008-2011.
Gimble JM and Smith BJ. Funding Source: Johnson & Johnson. Comparison of the
effects on bone health and biology of the insulin sensitizer and PPARγ2 ligand,
rosiglitazone, to a lead insulin sensitizer compound. Amount: $100,000;
Duration: 2008-2010.
Previously Funded Proposals:
Hill M and Smith BJ. Time course and dose response of low dose LPS administration
on bone loss and cardiovascular disease in C57BL/6 mice. Oklahoma IDeA
Network for Biomedical Research Excellence, NIH; Amount $10,000; Duration:
Smith BJ, Brackett DJ, Lerner MR, Ligthtfoot S, Bronze MS. The Role of RANKL in the
Pathogenesis of Osteoporosis and Atherosclerosis in Chronic Inflammation.
College of Medicine Alumni Association; Amount $24,997; Duration: 2005-2006.
Smith BJ, Arjmandi BH, Stoecker BJ. Bone loss reversal loss with dried plum in rat
osteoporosis model. Oklahoma Center for the Advancement of Science and
Technology (OCAST); Amount: $135,000; Duration: 2002-2005.
B.J. Smith, Page 5 of 22
Hill M and Smith BJ. The Role of PPAR-α in the Pathogenesis of Osteoporosis and
Atherosclerotic Calcification in a Mouse Model of Chronic Inflammation.
Oklahoma IDeA Network for Biomedical Research Excellence, NIH; Amount
$10,000; Duration: 6/1/05-6/9/05.
Smith BJ, Lucas EA. Can dried plum prevent bone loss in a male model of
osteoporosis? United States Department of Agriculture (USDA); Amount:
$74,376; Duration: 2003-2005.
Arjmandi BH, Hermann J, Lucas EA, Smith BJ. A study to demonstrate the effects of
women’s herbal supplements on the physical and psychological symptoms
associated with menopause. Industry; Amount: $237,998; Duration: 2003-2005
Hermann J, Brown B, Parker S, Smith BJ, Williams G. New Communities Project.
United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) Children, Youth, and Families at
Risk; Amount: $138,800; Duration: 2003-2004.
Martin E, Smith BJ, Winterfeldt E. Assessment of and recommended changes to
delivery of Medicare diabetes prevention and self-maintenance programs for
affected elderly, low income, uneducated black women. Borchard Foundation,
Amount: $15,000; Duration: 2003-2004.
Hermann J, Williams G, Brown B, Parker S, Smith BJ. United States Department of
Agriculture (USDA) Children, Youth, and Families at Risk. New Communities
Project. Amount: $150,000; Duration: 2002-2003.
Smith BJ. Oklahoma State University Foundation Women’s Giving Circle. Can the
polyphenolic compounds protect your bones? Amount: $700; Duration: 20022003.
Smith BJ and Globus R. National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA)
EPSCoR Mechanisms of action of vitamin E supplementation in the prevention of
bone loss associated with spaceflight. Amount: $21,000; Duration: 2002.
Smith BJ. National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) EPSCoR Travel
Grant Mechanisms of action of vitamin E supplementation in the prevention of
bone loss associated with spaceflight. Amount: $1,500; Duration: 1999-2000.
Stoecker BJ, Arjmandi BH, Smith BJ. National Aeronautics and Space Administration
(NASA) Life Sciences. The role of vitamin E in preventing oxidative damage to
bone in near weightlessness and its effects on bone quality during recovery.
Amount: $206,000; Duration: 1999–2000
Stoecker BJ and Smith BJ. National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA)
EPSCoR Travel Grant. Calcium kinetics related to bone formation and resorption.
Amount: $1,500; Duration: 1999-2000.
Proposals Submitted: (Examples from last 2 years)
Smith BJ, Lerner MR, Brackett DJ, Lightfoot SA, Lucas EA. Funding Agency:
American Heart Association—Heartland Affiliate. Vitamin D’s Role in the
Pathophysiology of Concurrent Cardiovascular Disease and Osteoporosis in
Chronic Inflammation. Amount: $143,000; Duration: 2007-2008.
Smith BJ, Brackett DJ, Drevets D, Lerner MR, Lightfoot SA, Hill M. Funding Agency:
National Osteoporosis Foundation. The Role of Chronic Inflammation in the
B.J. Smith, Page 6 of 22
Pathogenesis of Concurrent Osteopenia and Atherosclerosis. Amount: $50,000;
Duration: 2006-2007.
Smith BJ, Lightfoot SA, Brackett DJ, Lerner MR, Hill M, Lucas EA, Stoecker BJ,
Drevets D. Funding Agency: National Honey Board. Amount: $60,000;
Duration: 2006-2007.
Lucas EA, Arjmandi BH, Smith BJ, Lightfoot SA, Lerner MR, Peyton M. Funding
Agency: United States Department of Agriculture Amount: Duration: 20062008.
Lucas EA, Arjmandi BH, Smith BJ, Lightfoot SA, Peyton M. Funding Agency: National
Institutes of Health. Flaxseed and its Components in Preventing Atherosclerosis
Amount: $275,000; Duration: 2007-2009.
Smith BJ, Lucas EA, Brackett DJ, Lerner MR, Lightfoot S, Bronze MS.
Funding Agency: National Institutes of Health. “Inflammation Model of Bone
Loss and Atherosclerosis.” Amount: $414,481; Duration 2006-2007.
Smith BJ, Brackett DJ, Lerner MR, Lightfoot S, Postier RG, Bronze MS. Funding
Agency: Presbyterian Health Foundation (Bridge Funding Grant). “The Role of
Chronic Inflammation in the Pathogenesis of Concurrent Osteopenia and
Atherosclerosis” Amount: $60,000; Duration 2005-2006.
Smith BJ, Brackett DJ, Lerner MR, Lightfoot S, Bronze MS, Arjmandi BH, Lucas EA,
Cullen DM, Akhter MP. Funding Agency: United States Department of Defense.
“Osteoprotective effects of antioxidants: the role of TNF-α” Amount: $795,729;
Duration 2004-2007.
Arjmandi BH, Lucas EA, Smith BJ. National Institutes of Health (NIH). Isoflavones with
alendronate may reverse bone loss. Amount: $225,887; Duration 2004-2005
(funding decision pending).
Smith BJ, Brackett DJ, Lerner MR, Lightfoot S, Bronze MS, Arjmandi BH, Lucas EA,
Cullen DM. Funding Agency: United States Department of Defense.
“Osteoprotective Effects of Antioxidants: The Role of TNF-alpha.” Amount:
$795,729; Duration 2005-2008.
Smith BJ, Brackett DJ, Lerner MR, Lightfoot S, Bronze MS, Arjmandi BH, Lucas EA,
Cullen DM, Akhter MP. Funding Agency: United States Department of Defense.
“Chronic Inflammation and bone loss: Osteoprotective role of COX-2 inhibitors.”
Amount: $857,511; Duration 2004-2007.
Refereed Publications
Smith BJ, Dried Plum Improves Bone Density and Microarchitecture by Up-regulating
Osteoblast Activity and Down-regulating Osteoclast Differentiation. Acta
Horticulturae (in press) 2008.
Bu SY, Lerner M, Stoecker BJ, Boldrin E, Brackett DJ, Lucas EA, Smith BJ. Dried Plum
Polyphenols Inhibit Osteoclastogenesis by Downregulating NFATc1 and
Inflammatory Mediators. Calcif Tissue Int. 2008 May 29. [Epub ahead of print]
B.J. Smith, Page 7 of 22
Hanas JS, Hocker JR, Cheung JY, Larabee JL, Lerner MR, Lightfoot SA, Morgan DL,
Denson KD, Prejeant KC, Gusev Y, Smith BJ, Hanas RJ, Postier RG, Brackett
DJ. Biomarker identification in human pancreatic cancer sera. Pancreas. 2008
Smith BJ, Lightfoot SA, Lerner MR, Denson KD, Morgan DL, Hanas JS, Bronze MS,
Postier RG, Brackett DJ. Induction of cardiovascular pathology in an in vivo
model of low-grade chronic inflammation. Cardiovasc Pathol. 2007 Oct 24. [Epub
ahead of print].
Bu SY, Hunt TS, Smith BJ. Dried plum polyphenols attenuate the detrimental effects of
TNF-α on osteoblast function coincident with up-regulation of Runx2, Osterix and
IGF-I. J Nutr Biochem J Nutr Biochem. 2008 May 19. [Epub ahead of print].
Denson KD, Morgan D, Cunningham R, Nigliazzo A, Brackett DJ, Lane M, Smith BJ,
Albrecht R. Incidence of venous thromboembolism in patients with traumatic
brain injury. Am J of Surgery (in press) 2007.
Droke EA, Hager KA, Lerner MR, Lightfoot SA, Stoecker BJ, Brackett DJ, Smith BJ.
Soy Isoflavones Avert Chronic Inflammation-induced Bone Loss and Vascular
Disease. J of Inflammation 2007;4(17).
Bu SY, Lucas EA, Franklin M, Marlow D, Brackett DJ, Boldrin EA, Devareddy L,
Arjmandi BH, Smith BJ. Restoration of bone mass and microarchitecture by
dietary dried plum is comparable to PTH in osteopenic orchidectomized rats.
Osteoporosis Int 2007;18(7):931-42.
Franklin M, Bu SY, Lerner MR, Lancaster EA, Bellmer D, Marlow D, Arjmandi BH,
Brackett DJ, Lucas EA, and Smith BJ; Dried plum down-regulates RANKL and
OPG and prevents bone loss in a male model of osteoporosis. Bone 2006
Juma S, Madihally SV, Soung DY, Munson ME, Khalil DA, Smith BJ, Arjmandi BH. Link
between estrogen, its receptors, and osteoarthritis. Steroids 2005 (in press).
Devareddy L, Marlow D, Khalil D, Smith BJ, Lucas EA, Soung DY, Arjmandi BH. Soy
moderately improves bone mass and microstructural properties in an
ovariectomized rat model of osteoporosis. Bone 2006, May;38(5):686-93.
Smith BJ, Lerner MR, Bu SY, Lucas EA, Hanas JS, Lightfoot SA, Bronze MS, Postier
RG, Brackett, DJ. Systemic bone loss and induction of coronary vessel disease
in a rat model of chronic inflammation. Bone 2006 Mar;38(3):378-86.
Boros LG, Lerner MR, Morgan D, Taylor S, Smith BJ, Postier RG, Brackett DJ.
Differential positional accumulation of [1,2-13] glucose into RNA ribose of DMBAinduced pancreatic tumors, pancreas, and liver. Pancreas 2005;31(4):337-343.
Smith BJ, Lucas EA, Turner RT, Evans GL, Lerner MR, Brackett DJ, Stoecker BJ,
Arjmandi BH. Vitamin E provides protection for bone in mature hindlimb unloaded
male rats. Calcified Tissue Int 2005 Apr;76(4):272-279.
Deyhim F, Smith BJ, Soung do Y, Juma S, Devareddy L, Arjmandi BH. Ipriflavone
modulates IGF-I but is unable to restore bone in rats. Phytother Res. 2005
Arjmandi BH, Lucas EA, Khalil DA, Devareddy L, Smith BJ, McDonald J, Arquitt A,
Payton ME, Mason C. One year soy protein supplementation has positive effects
on bone formation markers but not bone density in postmenopausal women.
Nutr J. 2005 Feb 23;4(1):8.
B.J. Smith, Page 8 of 22
Khalil DA, Lucas EA, Smith BJ, Soung DY, Akhter MP, Recker R, Arjmandi BH. Soy
isoflavones ameliorate bone loss in aged orchidectomized male rats. Calcif Tiss
Int. 2005;76(1):56-62.
Soung, DY, Khalil, A, Arquitt, AB, Smith, BJ, Hammond, LJ, Droke, EE, Lucas, EA,
Devareddy, L, Arjmandi, BH. Soy isoflavones prevent the ovarian hormone
deficiency-associated rise in leukocytes in rats. Phytomed 2004;11(4):303-8.
Arjmandi, BH, Khalil, DA, Lucas, EA, Smith, BJ, Juma, S, Munson, ME, Payton, ME,
Tivis, RD, Svanborg, A. Soy protein may alleviate osteoarthritis symptoms.
Phytomed. 2004;11(7-8):567-575.
Lucas, EA, Hammond, LJ, Mucano, V, Arquitt, AB, Trolinger, A, Smith, BJ, Khalil, DA,
Soung, DY, Daggy BP, Arjmandi, BH. Daily consumption of dried plum by
postmenopausal women does not cause undesirable changes in bowel function.
J Appl Res 2004;4(1):37-43.
Lucas, EA, Lightfoot, SA, Hammond, LJ, Devareddy, L, Khalil, DA, Daggy, BP, Smith,
BJ, Westcott, N, Mocanu, V, and Arjmandi, BH. Flaxseed reduces plasma
cholesterol and atherosclerotic lesion formation in ovariectomized Golden Syrian
hamsters. Atherosclerosis 2004;173:223-229.
Brackett, DJ, Smith, BJ, Lerner, MR, Hanas, J, Postier, RG. Gene activity associated
with cancers treated by surgical oncologists. J Okla State Med Assoc.
Smith, BJ, Hermann, J, Brown, B. Impact of a physical activity program emphasizing
cardiovascular fitness, muscle strength and flexibility among middle-aged
women. J Nutr Ed and Behav 2003;35(4):215-216.
Arjmandi, BH, Khalil, DA, Smith, BJ, Lucas, EA, Juma, S, Payton, ME, Wild, RA. Soy
protein has a greater effect on bone in postmenopausal women not on hormone
replacement therapy as evidenced by reducing bone resorption and urinary
calcium excretion. J Clin Endocrinol Metab 2003;88(3):1048-1054.
Khalil, DA, Lucas, EA, Smith, BJ, Payton, ME, Arjmandi, BH. Soy Protein
Supplementation Increases Serum Insulin-Like Growth Factor-I In Young and Old
Men but Does Not Affect Markers of Bone Metabolism. J. Nutr. 2002;132(9):
Smith, BJ, King, JB, Lucas, EA, Brusewitz, G, Akhter, M, Arjmandi, BH,
Stoecker, BJ. Detrimental effects of skeletal unloading and dietary copper
depletion on bone quality in mature rats. J Nutr 2002;132(2):190-196.
Arjmandi, BH & Smith, BJ. Soy isoflavones’ osteoprotective role in postmenopausal
women: mechanism of action J. Nutritional Biochem. 2002;13(3):130-137.
Arjmandi, BH, Lucas, EA, Juma, S, Soliman, A, Stoecker, BJ, Khalil, DA, Smith, BJ,
Wang C. Dried plums prevent ovariectomy-induced bone loss in rats. JANA
Invited Book Chapters:
Arjmandi BH and Smith BJ. Skeletal Effectsof Phytoestrogens: Rodent Models;
Diet in Phytoestrogens and Health, AOCS Press, Champaign, IL pp 354-370,
B.J. Smith, Page 9 of 22
Refereed Publications, Under Review/In Progress
Lucas EA, Mahajan SS, Soung DY, Lightfoot SA, Smith BJ, Arjmandi BH. Ground
flaxseed and flaxseed oil modulates circulating cholesterol in the ovariectomized
golden Syrian hamsters. J Cardiovasc Pharmacol Ther, (under review) 2007
Bu SY, Lerner MR, Stoecker BJ, Boldrin EA, Brackett DJ, Lucas EA, Smith BJ, Dried
plum polyphenols inhibit osteoclastogenesis by down-regulating NFATc1 and
inflammatory mediators. Osteoporosis Int (under review) 2007.
Chai S C, Devareddy L, Lucas EA, Smith BJ, Wei C, Brummel-Smith K, Arjmandi BH.
Vitamin E supplementation may not be beneficial in the reversal of bone loss in
an orchidectomized rat model of osteoporosis. Bone (under review) November
Brackett DJ, Lerner MR, Lightfoot SA, Smith BJ, Moyer P, Pitha JV, Bronze MS,
Hanas, JS, Postier RG. Animal model for the study of carcinogen-induced
pancreatic cancer. Surgery (under review) 2007.
Smith BJ, , Denson KD, Bu SY, Prejeant K, Johnson MJ, Lerner MR, Stoecker BJ, Hill
MR. LPS-mediated Chronic Inflammation Increases Circulating RANKL
Coincident with Bone Loss in C57BL/6 Mice
Smith BJ, Ethriedge A, Bellmer D, Devareddy L, Stoecker BJ, L, Arjmandi BH, Lucas,
EA. Dried Plum Enhances Vertebral Bone Recovery Comparable to Parathyroid
Hormone Following Hindlimb Unloading. (in progress)
Presentations at Professional Meetings
Droke EA, Chapper J, Knudsen D, Smith BJ. Bioactive Food Components, Obesity and
Chronic Inflammation. South Dakota State University Research Day, February
Smith BJ. Dietary Supplementation with Dried Plum Restores Bone Density and
Microarchitecture by Up-regulating Osteoblast Activity and down-regulating
Osteoclast Differentiation. 2nd International Symposium on the Health Effects of
Fruits and Vegetables, Houston TX, October 13-19, 2007.
Bu SY, Hunt TS, Smith BJ. Dried Plum Polyphenols Stimulate Osteoblast Activity and
Attenuate Detrimental Effects of TNF-α on Runx2, Osterix and IGF-I in MC3T3E1 cells JBMR 2007.
Smith BJ, Lightfoot SA, Lucas EA, Cullen DM, Bu SY. How does dried plum reverse
bone loss? USDA Project Directors Meeting, Washington DC, June 2007.
Shepherd D, Lerner MR, Lightfoot SA, Bronze M, Postier RG, Smith BJ, Brackett DJ.
Hepatic Steatosis in a Model of Chronic Inflammation. Shock 2007.
Pina F, Mahajan S, Hooshmand S, Smith BJ, Arjmandi BH, Lucas EA. Enterolactone is
more effective than enterodiol in down-regulating nitric oxide production in RAW
264.7 macrophages challenged with lipopolysaccharides. FASEB J 2007.
Smith BJ, Denson KD, Prejeant K, Evans AE, Bu SY, Brackett DJ, Hill MR, Drevets D.
Alterations in Myeloid Populations Associated with a Model of Chronic
Inflammation-induced Osteopenia. JBMR 2006:21(Supp1);S284.
Hill MR, Denson KD, Bu SY, Prejeant K, Johnson MJ, Lerner MR, Stoecker BJ, Smith
BJ. LPS-mediated Chronic Inflammation Increases Circulating RANKL
Coincident with Bone Loss in C57BL/6 Mice. JBMR 2006: (Supp1);S410.
B.J. Smith, Page 10 of 22
Bu SY, Lerner MR, Stoecker BJ, Boldrin EA, Lucas EA, Brackett DJ, Smith BJ. Dried
Plum Polyphenols Down-regulate the Production of Inflammatory Mediators in
Osteoclast Precursor Cells under Oxidative Stress and Inflammatory Condition.
JBMR 2006:(Supp1);S412.
Chai SC, Lucas EA, Smith BJ, Lerner MR, Brackett DJ, Lightfoot SA, Wei C,
Devareddy L, Arjmandi BH. Vitamin E Did Not Reverse Bone Loss but Improved
Lipid Profile and Atherosclerotic Lesion Formation in Orchidectomized Rats.
JBMR 2006:(Supp1);S276.
Brackett D, Droke E, Lerner M, Gusev Y, Lightfoot S, Postier R, Bronze M, Smith B.
Gene expression profile alterations & hepatic steatosis induced by chronic
inflammation are prevented by soy isoflavones. Shock 2006;(Supp1);P64.
Gusev Y, Lerner M, Hanas J, Do S, Lightfoot S, Bronze M, Postier R, Smith B, Brackett
D. Transcriptional analysis of the innate immune response using systems biology
methodology. Shock 2006;(Supp1);P166.
Droke E, Hager K, Lerner M, Lightfoot S, Stoecker B, Brackett D, Smith B. Soy
Isoflavones Prevent Chronic Inflammation-induced Bone Loss and Coronary
Vascular Disease (CVD). FASEB J 2006
Powell JA, Mahajan S, Hooshmand S, Smith BJ, Arjmandi BH, Lucas EA.
Pomegranate juice down-regulates nitric oxide production in RAW 264.7
macrophages challenged with lipopolysaccharides. FASEB J 2006
Bu SY, Lerner MR, Morgan D, Denson K, Bronze MS, Lightfoot SA, Brackett DJ, Smith
BJ. Chronic Inflammation Induced Bone Loss and Coronary Artery Disease in
Aged Rat Model. J Bone Min Res 2005;20(Suppl 1):S277.
Lancaster EA, Lucas EA, Collins J, Howard L, Maness NO, Arjmandi BH, Smith BJ.
Polyphenolic Compounds in Dried Plum Enhance Bone Recovery Following
Skeletal Unloading. J Bone Min Res 2005;20(Suppl 1):S289.
Soung DY, Khalil DA, Patade A, Lucas EA, Smith BJ, Devareddy L, Arquitt AB,
Arjmandi BH. Does Soy Protein Supplementation Modulate Hematological
Parameters in Postmenopausal Women? J Bone Min Res 2005;20(Suppl
Denson K, Lerner MR, Morgan D, Hanas J, Lightfoot S, Peyton M, Bronze MS, Brackett
DJ, Smith BJ. Induction of Cardiovascular Changes in Chronic Inflammation
Model. Shock 2005;23(Suppl 3):55.
Morgan DL, Denson KD, Lerner MR, Gusev Y, Varughesekutty E, Hanas JS, Postier
RG, Smith BJ, Brackett DJ. Analysis of hepatic transcriptional activity after
endotoxin exposure. Shock 2005;23(Suppl 3):
Smith BJ, Franklin M, Lancaster EA, Lucas EA, Bu SY, Devareddy L, Arjmandi BH.
Dried plum restores bone mass and microarchitecture in osteopenic
orchidectomized rats. FASEB J 2005;19(4):A56.
Lucas EA, Soung DY, Archis SV, Devareddy L, Kamkar LL, Korlagunta K, Smith BJ,
Arjmandi BH. Flaxseed and its oil lowers cholesterol in ovariectomized Golden
Syrian hamster. FASEB J 2005;19(4):A46.
Devareddy L, Patade A, Korlagunta K, Lucas E, Smith BJ, Arjmandi BH. The effects of
flaxseed on cholesterol and glucose in Native American postmenopausal women.
FASEB J 2005;19(4):A46.
B.J. Smith, Page 11 of 22
Toure Fanta, Stoecker BJ, Smith BJ, Bellmer D. Iodine and selenium depletion affects
bone growth and biomechanical properties in growing rats. FASEB J
Devareddy L, Patade A, Korlagunta K, Lucas EA, Smith BJ, Arjmandi BH. The effects
of flaxseed on cholesterol and glucose in Native American postmenopausal
women. FASEB J 2005;19(4):A46
Franklin M, Lucas EA, Lancaster EA, Soung DY, Devareddy L, Bellmer DD, Marlow DD,
Arjmandi BH, Smith BJ. Dried plum prevents bone loss in animal model of male
osteoporosis. J Bone Min Res 2004;19:M447.
Soung DY, Devareddy L, Khalil DA, Lucas EA, Smith BJ, Juma SJ, Arjmandi BH.
Alterations in osteoblast-specific gene products by isoflavones in the context of
soy- and casein-based protein in a rat model of male osteoporosis. J Bone Min
Res 2004;19:SA064.
Devareddy L, Soung DY, Khalil DA, Lucas EA, Smith BJ, Arquitt AB, Arjmandi BH. Soy
isoflavones may increase bone formation as seen by enhanced osteoblastspecific gene products in ovariectomized rat model of postmenopausal
osteoporosis. J Bone Min Res 2004,19:SU058.
Chai S, Lucas EA, Smith BJ, Patade A, Devareddy L, Soung DY, Korlagunta K, Wei C,
Marlow DD, Arjmandi BH. Dose-dependent effects of vitamin E on bone in an
orchidectomized rat model of osteoporosis. J Bone Min Res 2004,19:M444.
Lucas EA, Khalil DA, Smith BJ, Devareddy L, Soung DY, Peddireddy V, Juma S,
Akhter MP, Chakkalakal D, Stoecker BJ, Arjmandi BH. Does vitamin E affect
microarchitectural properties of osteopenic female rats? J Bone Min Res
Smith BJ, Lerner MR, Lucas EA, Hanas JS, Lightfoot SA, Postier RG, Bronze MS,
Brackett DJ. Alterations in bone mass and micro-architecture as a result of
chronic endotoxemia. Shock 2004;21(Suppl 2):57.
Smith A, Hermann J, Parker S, Smith BJ, Brown B, Siewe Y. Circuit Training and
Personal Goal Setting To Improve Personal Health. Children, Youth and Families
at Risk Annual Conference (2004).
Denney B, Hermann J, Parker S, Brown B, Smith BJ, Siewe Y. After School Gardening
Provides Hands-On Education and Partners. Children, Youth and Families at
Risk Annual Conference (2004).
Smith BJ, Ethriedge A, Lucas EA, Bellmer D, Stoecker BJ, Arjmandi BH. Dried plum
promotes bone recovery comparable to parathyroid hormone in osteopenic rats
following hind limb unloading. J Bone Min Res 2003;18(Suppl 2):S277.
A Ethriedge, EA Lucas, BJ Stoecker, CI Wei, BH Arjmandi, BJ Smith. Alterations in
vertebral bone with hind limb unloading and the effects of dried plum and
parathyroid hormone during recovery. J Bone Min Res 2003;18(Suppl 2):S277.
Brittain JA, Ethriedge A, Lucas EA, Bellmer D, Arjmandi BH, Smith BJ. Skeletal
response to hind limb unloading in mature female rats. J Bone Min Res
2003;18(Suppl 2):S334.
Arjmandi BH, Khalil DA, Hardin C, Hammond LJ, Devareddy L, Lucas EA, Smith BJ,
McDonald J, Arquitt AB, Payton ME, Babaknia A. Effects of soy supplementation
on bone in postmenopausal women. J Bone Min Res 2003;18(Suppl 2):S268.
Devareddy L, Khalil DA, Hammond LJ, Soung DY, Lucas EA, Smith BJ, Juma S, Chai
B.J. Smith, Page 12 of 22
SC, Galloway DS, Arjmandi BH. Combination of soy and a sub-optimal dose of
17β−estradiol may reverse bone loss in a rat model of postmenopausal
osteoporosis. J Bone Min Res 2003;18(Suppl 2):S384.
Soung DY, Khalil DA, Devareddy L, Hammond LJ, Lucas EA, Smith BJ, Marlow DD,
Akhter MP, Arjmandi BH. Effects of soy isoflavones on bone biomechanical and
micro-architectural properties in an aged orchidectomized rat model of male
osteoporosis. J Bone Min Res 2003;18(Suppl 2):S268.
Hammond LJ, Khalil, DA, Devareddy L, Soung DY, Lucas EA, Smith BJ, Juma S,
Johnston J, Arjmandi BH. Effects of soy, fructooligosaccharide, and their
combination on reversal of bone loss in ovariectomized osteopenic rats. J Bone
Min Res 2003;18(Suppl 2):S267.
Lucas EA, Hammond LJ, Khalil DA, Smith BJ, Devareddy L, Soung DY, Chai SC, Wei
C, Arjmandi BH. Dose-dependent effect of isoflavone and vitamin E on lipid
parameters in rats. J Bone Min Res 2003;18(Suppl 2):S294.
Akter, MP, Khalil, DA, Lucas, EA, Galloway, DS, Hammond, LJ, Smith, BJ, Recker, R,
Arjmandi, BH. Soy isoflavones enhance bone formation in an aged rat model of
male osteoporosis. J Bone Min Res 2002;17(Suppl 1):S477.
Khalil, D.A., Akter, M.P., Lucas, E.A., Galloway, D.S., Hammond, L.J., Soung, D.,
Smith, B.J., Recker, R., Arjmandi, B.H. The combination of vitamin E and soy
protein exerts added skeletal benefits in an aged rat model of male osteoporosis.
J Bone Min Res 2002;17(Suppl 1):S373.
Hammond, LJ, Lucas, EA, Khalil, DA, Arquitt, AB, Payton, ME, Smith, BJ, Arjmandi,
BH. Dried plum is beneficial to bone health without gastrointestinal side effects.
J Bone Min Res 2002;17(Suppl 1):S373.
Smith BJ, Lerner MR, Do SV, Brackett DJ, Arjmandi BH, Stoecker, BJ.
Molecular mechanisms of vitamin E in protecting against bone loss in mature rats
exposed to chronic skeletal unloading. FASEB J. 2002;16(4):A990.
Smith BJ, Lerner MR, Do SV, Lucas EA, Stoecker BJ, Brackett DJ. Alterations in
hepatic gene expression associated with dose response to vitamin E. FASEB J.
Soung DY, Droke EA, Khalil DA, Arquitt AB, Hammond LJ, Smith BJ, Arjmandi BH. Soy
isoflavones and vitamin E reduce precursors of osteoclasts. FASEB J.
Smith BJ, Stoecker BJ, Turner RT, Evans G, Lucas E, Martin S, RiggsT, Arjmandi BH.
Effects of skeletal unloading and vitamin E on bone in aged rats. FASEB J
Taylor CA, Contreras M, Gates G, Droke EA, Smith, BJ Zinc intake and bone mineral
density in runners vs nonrunners. FASEB J 2001;15(4):A270.
Smith BJ, Lerner MR, Brackett DJ, Wronski TJ, Stoecker BJ. Alterations in
gene expression induced by chronic exposure to mechanical unloading in vivo. J
Bone Min Res 2000;15(Suppl 1):S6.
Smith BJ, King JB, Lucas EA, Akter M, Arjmandi BH, Stoecker BJ. Alterations in
vertebral bone quality related to skeletal unloading and copper depletion in
mature rats. FASEB J 2000;14(4):A224.
B.J. Smith, Page 13 of 22
Smith BJ, King J, Lucas E, Brusewitz G, Arjmandi BH, Stoecker BJ. The effect of
dietary copper depletion on bone metabolism in mature tail-suspended rats. J
Bone Min Res 1999;14(Suppl 1):S391.
Smith BJ, King J, Lucas E, Stoecker BJ. Tail suspension and copper depletion affect
bone in mature male rats. FASEB J. 1999;13:A578.
Smith BJ, Stoecker BJ, Adeleye BO, Arquitt AB, Hermann JR, Lucas E, Lange D.
Ovariectomy and chromium, copper, or magnesium depletion alter bone and
clinical parameters in rats. FASEB J. 1997;11:A387.
Adeleye BO, Stoecker BJ, Smith BJ, Arquitt AB, Hermann JR, Lucas EA, Lange D
Effects of ovariectomy and chromium and supplements on growth and clinical
parameters in rats. FASEB J. 1997;11:A405.
Arquitt AB, Allen C, Smith B, Lucas E, Hermann JR. Effects of ovariectomy and
mineral restricted diets on growth and bone in rats. FASEB J. 1997;11:A409.
Department of Nutritional Sciences, Oklahoma State University, Stillwater, OK
Principles of Human Nutrition
Principles of Human Nutrition Honors Discussion
Professional Careers in Foods and Nutrition
Nutrition for Exercise and Sport
Research Developments in Nutritional Sciences
Research in Nutrition
Nutrition and Health Issues
Nutrition Seminar
Nutrition and Aging
Department of Kinesiology and Leisure Studies, Oklahoma Baptist University,
Shawnee, OK
Nutrition for Exercise and Sport
Exercise Physiology I
Exercise Physiology II
Exercise Prescription for Normal and Special Populations
Exercise Testing Techniques
Personal Health Issues
Topics: Weight Management
Teaching and Designing Individual Fitness Activities
Basic Nutrition
Concepts in Physical Fitness
Guest Lecturer/Presentations:
OSU HHP 3233 General Medical Concepts: “Sports Nutrition for Athletic Trainers”
(October 2007)
OSU NSCI 5870 Orientation in NSCI: “The Nitty Gritty of Graduate Work” (September
B.J. Smith, Page 14 of 22
(Guest Lecturer/Presentations continued)
OUHSC NUTR Medical Nutrition Therapy: “Cardiac Rehab” (March 2007)
OSU NSCI 5463 Advanced Nutrition: (October 2006)
“Fat-soluble Vitamins: Traditional Roles of Vitamin A and D and Their
Emergence as Major Players in Immune Function”
“Vitamins E and K: Current Knowledge and New Horizons”
OUHSC NUTR Medical Nutrition Therapy: “Cardiac Rehab” (March 2006)
OUHSC RADI 5403 Introduction to Clinical Biomedical Informatics
Lecture 1: “Energy, Catalysis, and Biosynthesis” (August 2005)
Lecture 2: “How Cells Obtain Energy” (September 2005)
Lecture 3: “Cell Communication” (October 2005)
OSU HHP 3233 General Medical Concepts: “Sports Nutrition for Athletic Trainers” (Fall
OSU NSCI 5393 Nutrition and Aging Course: “Exercise and the Elderly” (Spring 2003 &
OSU NSCI 4643 Critical Issues in Nutrition and Healthcare: “Nutrition for Athletes” (Fall
2002, 2003, and 2004)
OSU HHP 2603 Total Wellness: “Basic Nutrition for Wellness” (Fall 2001)
Graduate Students:
Current Graduate Students—MS Committee Chair
Yin Lim
Elizabeth Rendina
Jennifer Brittain
Current Graduate Students—MS Thesis Committee
McKale Davis
Ryan Howard
Sandy Peterson
Wenjia Li
Dustin Weaver
Current Graduate Students—PhD Advisor
Anne Marie Flannigan
Misti Leyva
Current Graduate Students—PhD Dissertation Committee
Emily Boldrin
Jay Dawes
B.J. Smith, Page 15 of 22
(Graduate Students—continued)
Clinical and Translational Scholars, Summer Program
Karah Sanchez—Bone architecture and interacting risk factors for osteoporosis
Former Ph.D. Graduate Students—Dissertation Completed
So Young Bu—“Bone protective effects of dried plum and its polyphenols under
inflammatory and oxidative stress conditions” (Ph.D. Research Advisor)—
completed 2007
Wendy Williamson—Effect of Supervised and Directed Exercise on Low Back Pain and
Functional Activity” (Ph.D. committee member)—completed 2007
Kim Quigley—“Factors Associated with High Nutrition Risk Among Oklahoma Older
Americans Act Nutrition Program Participants” (Ph.D. committee member)—
completed 2005
Latha Devereddy—“Soy Isoflavones may Reverse Bone Loss in an Ovariectomized
Rat Model of Postmenopausal Osteoporosis” (Ph.D. committee member)—
completed 2005
Do Yu Soung—“Soy Isoflavones Prevent Bone Loss in Orchidectomized Male Rat
Model of Osteoporosis” (Ph.D. committee member)—completed 2005
Fanta Toure—“Effects of Iodine and Selenium Status on Growth and Bone Quality of
Growing Rats” (Ph.D. committee member)—completed 2004
Elizabeth Stewart—“The Effects of Two Motivational Strategies on Exercise Adherence
and Exercise Self-Efficacy In College Females” (Ph.D. committee member)—
completed 2004
Former M.S. Graduate Students—Thesis Completed
Ryan Campbell—“Analysis of Nutritional Attitudes, Exercise Attitudes, and Stress
Levels of Female College Cheerleaders and Pom Dancers (M.S. committee
member)—completed 2007
Ashley Ethriedge—“Dried Plum Enhances Recovery of Bone Following Hindlimb
Unloading in Female Rats (M.S. committee chair)—completed 2006
Kiranmayi Korlagunta—“The Effects of Flaxseed on Glucose Profile in Native American
Postmenopausal Women”—(M.S. committee member)—completed 2006
Sarah Walker—“Effect of an After School Education and Gardening Program on
Nutrition and Physical Activity Behaviors in School Age Youth, Grades 3 – 8”
(M.S. committee member)—completed 2006
Kelly Hager—Effects of Soy Isoflavones on Bone in Mice with Chronic Inflammation
(M.S. committee member)—completed 2005
Emily Lancaster—“Select Components of Dried Plum and Their Effects on Bone Loss
Induced by Hindlimb Unloading in the Female Rat” (M.S. committee chair)—
completed 2005
Kavitha Sankavaram—“Effects of Dietary Iron and Life Span Stage on Bone Microarchitecture in Female Rats” (M.S. committee member)—completed 2005
Sheau-Ching Chai—“ Dose-dependent Effects of Vitamin E on Bone in an
Orchidectomized Rat Model of Osteoporosis” (M.S. committee member)—2005
Rachel Bell—“The Influence of Supplemental Vitamin E and Zinc on the Response of
Mouse Macrophages to Lipopolysaccharide” (M.S. committee member)—2005
B.J. Smith, Page 16 of 22
Melissa Franklin—“Dried Plum Prevents Bone Loss in Male Model of Osteoporosis”
(M.S. Committee Chair)—completed 2004
Anagha Patada—“The Effects of Flaxseed on Lipid Profile in Native American
Postmenopausal Women” (M.S. Committee member)
(Former M.S. Graduate Students—Thesis Completed continued)
Karen Rogers (M.S. committee member)—completed 2004
Lisa Cherry--“Testing the Stability of a Health Behavior Questionnaire in Seventh and
Eighth Grade Students”— (M.S. committee chair) completed 2003
Tracy Riggs—“Effects Of Skeletal Unloading and Vitamin E on Bone in Aged Rats”
(M.S. ad hoc committee member)—completed 2000
Sloan Martin (M.S. ad hoc committee member)—completed 2001
Undergraduate Students:
Completed Undergraduate Student Research Projects
Wentz Research Project: Adam Makin—“Nurses attitudes, beliefs, and knowledge
regarding herbal and nutritional supplements” (Co-research advisor with Dr.
Kathy Keim)
Honors Thesis Research Project: Amanda Jensen—Oklahoma State University
Honors College; Project Title: “Polyphenolic compounds effects on osteoblast
cells” (Completed Summer 2003)
NASA Student Fellowship: Andrea Beaver—NASA EPSCoR: “Vitamin E’s ability
to suppress COX-2 activity in osteoblasts; Award: $7,333; (Research Advisor)—
Completed Summer 2002
Undergraduate Student Advising
Oklahoma State University
2007 10 advisees
2004 36 advisees
2003 33 advisees
2002 24 advisees
2001 15 advisees
Undergraduate Student Advising (continued)
Oklahoma Baptist University
Undergraduate Student Advisees—averaged 30 per year
Honors Students: Carrie Moss (2001)
Julie Womack Ray (2001)
Leann Sanders (2000)
B.J. Smith, Page 17 of 22
Oklahoma Health Research Conference, “Anti-inflammatory properties of components
of dried Plum” (April 2008)
College of Human and Environmental Sciences Graduate Student Association, “Turning
Presentations into Manuscripts” (February 2008).
B.J. Smith, Page 18 of 22
(Invited Presentations continued)
Oklahoma State University Wellness Center, “The Orange Power of Fruits and
Vegetables” (November 2007)
Oklahoma Baptist University, “Career Opportunities and Graduate Programs in Nutrition
and Exercise” (October 2007)
Pawnee Indian Health Advisory Board, “Oklahoma Native American Women
Osteoporosis Study” (July 2007)
Oklahoma City Area Intertribal Health Board, “Oklahoma Native American Women's
Osteoporosis Study”, (April 2007)
University of Oklahoma, College of Allied Health, “Osteoporosis in American Indians:
Development of a Research Protocol and a Translational Research Program”
(March 2007).
University of Oklahoma, College of Medicine, Department of Surgery Grand Rounds:
“Fat So?” (April 2006)
State Conference on Promoting Healthy Weight in Oklahoma Children, “How do we
prevent the perfect storm” (March 2006).
University of Oklahoma College of Allied Health, “Inflammatory Conditions: A Role for
Plant-based Foods and Compounds?” (February 2006).
University of Oklahoma Department of Medicine Infectious Disease Group Grand
Rounds, “The Role of the Immune Response in the Pathogenesis of Concurrent
Atherosclerosis and Osteoporosis” (August 2005).
University of Oklahoma Department of Medicine Infectious Disease Group Grand
Rounds, “Chronic Inflammation and Bone Loss” (August 2004).
Oklahoma Christian University Biological Sciences Seminar. “Naturally-occurring
Products in the Treatment and Prevention of Osteoporosis” (March 2004).
Iowa Tribe Women’s Health Symposium. “Skeletal Health and Hormone Replacement”
at Iowa Tribal Center (March 2004).
OSU Nutrition Exposition: “Nutrition for Exercise and Sport” (February 2004)
University of Oklahoma Department of Endocrinology Grand Rounds. “Plant-based
Products in the Treatment and Prevention of Diseases Associated with Chronic
Inflammation” at OUHSC (January 2004)
Healthy Women 2003: “Osteoporosis and Hormone Replacement” at White Eagle
Clinic, Ponca City, OK (May 2003)
Stillwater Running Club: Nutrition for Runners—What’s new? (March 2003)
OSU Nutrition Exposition: “Nutrition for Exercise and Sport” (March 2003) Oklahoma
Strength and Conditioning Association: “Sports Nutrition: Where are we
now?” (February 2003)
OSU Cooperative Extension In-Service: New Findings in Nutrition and Exercise
(December 2002)
OSU Nutritional Sciences Club Presentation—“Sports Nutrition in 2003” (February
OSU Cooperative Extension: EFNEP Paraprofessional In-service—“Benefits of
Exercise” (June 2002)
OSU Nutritional Sciences Club Presentation—“Career Opportunities in Nutrition in
Exercise” (February 2002)
B.J. Smith, Page 19 of 22
(Invited Presentations continued)
Cashion High School—Girls Basketball Team, “Nutrition for Optimizing Sports
Performance” December 2001
Shawnee Trails Running Club: “Nutrition and Exercise Performance” (March 1999)
OSU Nutritional Sciences Club: “Careers in Nutrition and Exercise” (February 1999)
OSU Nutrition Exposition: “Nutrition in Exercise and Sport” (February1999)
Canadian Valley Electric Cooperative Inc. Wellness Program “Eating Your Way to
Better Health” (October 1998)
OSU Nutrition Exposition: “Eating to Win” (February 1998)
OSU Men’s Basketball Team: “Nutrition and Training” (November 1997)
OSU Nutrition Exposition: “Nutrition and the Athlete” (February 1997)
Shawnee Kiwanis Club: “Nutrition with a Grain of Salt” (October 1995)
Oklahoma State Cooperative Extension Service Activities:
Authored Curriculum: “Active Living Program” (January – May 1996)
In-service “Active Living Program” Training for State Cooperative Extension
Professionals (November 1996)
Instructional video developed “Active Living Program” (September 1997)
Oklahoma Baptist University Wellness Program:
Developed Marketing Campaign to Faculty/Staff/Students included promotional
brochures, calendar of events, promotional flyers, news releases in university
Program Design and Incentives--Health promotion program
Plan and Design Workout Facilities—New equipment funding $50,000 (July 1998)
Educational Programs through the OBU Wellness Program
Seminar: “Herbs and Health” (May 1998)
Seminar: “Osteoporosis—Treatment and Prevention” (May 1997)
Seminar: “What’s Hot in Nutrition” (March 1997)
Program Evaluation
Panel member for the NASA’s Bone Panel: Combined panel of
NASA & National Space Biomedical Research Institute (January)
Nominated for National Basic Scientist Counselor, Council for the
Shock Society for Injury, Inflammation, and Sepsis
Panel member for the NASA’s National Space Biomedical
Research Institute Bone Panel (May)
President-appointed Mentoring Committee, Shock Society
B.J. Smith, Page 20 of 22
(National service continued)
2006-2007 Member of the Awards and Honors Committee, Shock Society—
review all new investigator and travel award abstracts and review
10 Novo Nordisk Fellowship grant applications in Hemorrhagic
Shock and Hemostasis for Early Career Investigators
Member of the Rules Committee, Shock Society
Reviewer for various journals with the addition of Journal of Bone
and Mineral Research
Reviewer for various journals including: Journal of Applied
Physiology and Journal of Experimental Biology and Medicine.
National Medical Research Council in Singapore, Ad hoc reviewer
Wadsworth/Thomas Learning Publishing, “Understanding Nutrition”
Whitney and Rolfes 10th ed.; Reviewer
Oklahoma Strength and Conditioning Association: “Sports
Nutrition: Where are we now?”
OSU Nutritional Sciences Club Presentation—“Sports Nutrition in
United States Department of Agriculture, Improving Human
Nutrition for Optimal Health, Ad hoc reviewer
OSU Cooperative Extension In-Service: “New Findings in Nutrition
and Exercise”
OSU Cooperative Extension: EFNEP Paraprofessional Inservice—“Benefits of Exercise”
OSU Nutritional Sciences Club Presentation—“Career
Opportunities in Nutrition in Exercise”
United States Department of Agriculture, Improving Human
Nutrition for Optimal Health, Ad hoc reviewer
People Connected by Cancer organizer of the nutrition education
Human Environmental Sciences Graduate Council
R & D Committee: Veterans Affairs Medical Center
2003–2004 Human Environmental Sciences Academic Affairs Committee
NSCI Department Graduate Committee
B.J. Smith, Page 21 of 22
(University/College service continued)
Search Committee Member for department head, Department of
Nutritional Sciences
Oklahoma State University, College of Human Environmental
Sciences, Nutrition Exposition.
Reviewed OK Agricultural Experiment Station Proposal
Oklahoma State University, College of Human Environmental
Sciences, Nutrition Exposition.
2001 –2002 Nutritional Sciences Club Advisor
Oklahoma State University, College of Human Environmental
Sciences, Nutrition Exposition.
Oklahoma Baptist University
1993- 2000 Wellness Program Task Force
University Admissions Committee
University Scholars Program: Scholarship Committee
University Search Committee
Human Subjects Research Committee
Athletics Council
Traffic Appeals Committee
American Society of Bone and Mineral Research
American Society for Nutritional Sciences
American Dietetic Association
ADA Research Practice Group
B.J. Smith, Page 22 of 22
Sports Cardiovascular and Wellness Nutritionist Practice Group
Shock Society, Injury, Inflammation and Sepsis: Member of the Rules Committee
(2005-2006); Member of the Awards and Honors Committee (2006-2007); Cochair of the Mentoring Committee (2007-present); Nominee for Basic Scientist
Councilor (2008)
American College of Sports Medicine
National Strength and Conditioning Association
American College of Sports Medicine
Oklahoma Dietetic Association
Oklahoma Strength and Conditioning Association
NAME: Barbara J. Stoecker
Major Field
Iowa State University
Iowa State University
Home Economics
Kansas State University
Regents Professor, Department of Nutritional Sciences, Oklahoma State University, 2002-present.
Professor and Head, Department of Nutritional Sciences, 1993-1996 Interim, 1996-2001, 2002-2003; Interim
Associate Dean for Research Services, College of Human Environmental Sciences, Oklahoma State
University, 2001-2002.
Professor, Department of Nutritional Sciences, Oklahoma State University, 1990-1993
Associate Professor, Department of Food, Nutrition & Institution Administration, Oklahoma State University,
1987 - 1990
Coordinator of Academic Affairs, International Center for Arid and Semi-Arid Land Studies, Texas Tech
University, 1984-87
Associate Professor, Department of Food and Nutrition, Texas Tech University, 1982-87. Tenured - 1985.
Adjunct - 1987 -1992
Associate Professor (part-time), Department of Food and Nutrition, Texas Tech University, 1979-82
Postdoctoral Associate, Department of Food and Nutrition, Iowa State University, 1977-78 (1/2 time)
Faculty Member, Nutrition Research Center, Dept. of Pediatrics, Ramathibodi Hospital, Mahidol University,
Bangkok, Thailand (1/2 time) 1973-77
Consultant, Rural Family Research Project, Ames, Iowa, 1972-73
Instructor, Department of Food and Nutrition, Iowa State University (1/3 time position) 1970-73
Research Associate, Lipid Project, Iowa State University (2/3 time position) 1970-71
JOURNAL ARTICLES (*indicates student)
Hunt, CD, Stoecker BJ, Idso JP, *Smiley SA. Adequate dietary calcium after sexual maturity restores bone
microarchitecture and strength in calcium depleted female rat. (Submitted to Journal of Nutrition).
Nielsen FH, Stoecker BJ. Dietary boron and fish oil have different but synergistic effects beneficial to strength
and trabecular microarchitecture of bone. (Submitted to Bone).
Stoecker BJ, Abebe Y, Hubbs-Tait L, Kennedy TS, Gibson RS, Krebs NF, Hambidge MK. Zinc status and
cognitive function of pregnant women in southern Ethiopia. (Submitted to European Journal of Clinical
*Soliman AF, Stoecker BJ, Soung DY, Arjmandi BH. Effects of dietary components on cadmium-induced
bone loss in an ovariectomized rat model of osteoporosis. (Submitted to Calcified Tissue International)
*Morrow R, Deyhim F, Patil BS, Stoecker BJ. Feeding orange pulp improved bone quality in a rat model of
male osteoporosis. (Submitted to Journal of Medicinal Food)
Hubbs-Tait L, *Mulugeta A, *Bogale A, Kennedy TS, Stoecker BJ. Main and interaction effects of iron, zinc,
lead and parenting on children’s cognitive outcomes. (Developmental Neuropsychology, In Press)
*Mulugeta A, Hagos F, Kruseman G, Linderhof V, Stoecker BJ, Abraha Z, Yohannes M, Samuel GG. Factors
contributing to child malnutrition in Tigray, Northern Ethiopia. (Submitted to East African Medical
Bu SY, Lerner M, Stoecker BJ, Boldrin E, Brackett DJ, Lucas EA, Smith, BJ. Dried plum polyphenols inhibit
osteoclastogenesis by down-regulating NFATc1 and inflammatory mediators. (Calcified Tissue
International, In Press)
Kennedy TS, Thomas DG, Wogene T, Abebe Y, Hubbs-Tait L, Stoecker BJ, Hambidge KM. (2008) Growth
and visual information processing in infants in southern Ethiopia. J Applied Develop Psych 28: (In
Gibson RS, Abebe Y, Stabler S, Allen RH, Westcott JE, Stoecker BJ, Krebs NF, Hambidge KM. (2008) Zinc,
gravida, infection, and iron, but not vitamin B-12 or folate status predict hemoglobin during pregnancy
in southern Ethiopia. J Nutrition 138:581-586.
Droke EA, *Hager KA, Lerner MR, Lightfoot SA, Stoecker BJ, Brackett DJ, Smith BJ. (2007) Soy
isoflavones avert chronic inflammation-induced bone loss and vascular disease. J Inflammation (Lond)
Abebe Y, Bogale A, Hambidge KM, Stoecker BJ, Arbide I, Teshome A, Krebs NF, Westcott JE, Bailey KB,
Gibson RS. (2007) Inadequate intakes of dietary zinc among pregnant women from subsistence
households in Sidama, Southern Ethiopia. Public Health Nutr July 5; 1-8 (E Pub ahead of print).
Villarreal A, Stoecker BJ, Garcia C, Garcia K, Rios R, Gonzales C, Mandadi K, Faraji B, Patil BS, Deyhim F.
(2007) Cranberry juice improved antioxidant status without affecting bone quality in orchidectomized
male rats. Phytomedicine 14:815-20.
Abebe Y, Bogale A, Hambidge M, Stoecker BJ, Bailey K, Gibson RS. (2007) Phytate, zinc, iron and calcium
content of selected raw and prepared foods consumed in rural Sidama, Southern Ethiopia, and
implications for bioavailability. J Food Comp Anal 20:161-168.
Abebe Y, Stoecker BJ, Hinds MJ, Gates, GE. (2006) Corn and kocho-based fortified foods for early
childhood feeding in southern Ethiopia. African J Food, Agric, Nutr Develop 6:1-19.
Hambidge KM, Abebe Y, Gibson RS, Westcott JE, Miller LV, Lei S, Stoecker BJ, Arbide I, Teshome A,
Bailey KB, Krebs NF. (2006) Zinc absorption during late pregnancy in rural southern Ethiopia. Amer
J Clin Nutr 84:1102-1106.
Parelman M, Stoecker B, Baker A, Medeiros DM. (2006) Iron restriction negatively affects bone in female
rats and mineralization of hFOB osteoblast cells. Exp Biol Med 231:378-386.
Deyhim F, Stoecker BJ, Brusewitz GH, Devareddy L, Arjmandi BH. (2005) Dried plum reverses bone loss in
an osteopenic rat model of osteoporosis. Menopause 12:755-762.
Smith BJ, Lucas EA, Turner RT, Evans GL, Lerner MR, Brackett DJ, Stoecker BJ, Arjmandi BH. (2005)
Vitamin E provides protection for bone in mature hindlimb unloaded male rats. Calcified Tissue Int
Medeiros DM, Stoecker B, Plattner A, Jennings D, Haub M. (2004) Iron deficiency negatively affects
vertebrae and femurs of rats independent of energy intake and body weight. J Nutr 134:3061-3067.
*Rhee YS, Burnham K, Stoecker BJ, Lucas, E. (2004) . Effects of chromium and copper depletion on
lymphocyte reactivity to mitogens in diabetes-prone BHE/cdb rats Nutrition 20:274-279.
*Toure F, Lucas E, Stoecker BJ. (2003) Fish and shrimp added bioavailable iodine to cassava and milletbased diets. Ecol Food Nutr 42:223-239.
*Deyhim F, Stoecker BJ, Brusewitz GH, Arjmandi BH. (2003) The effects of estrogen depletion and
isoflavones on bone metabolism in rats. Nutr Res 23:123-130.
Medeiros, DM, Plattner A, Jennings D, Stoecker B. (2002) Bone morphology, strength and density are
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PRESENTATIONS: (*indicates student supervised)
Shen C, Yeh JK, Stoecker BJ, Samathanam C, Graham S, Dunn DM, Tatum T, Dagda R, Chyu M, Liu X, Tubb
C, Wang X, Wang J. Green tea polyphenols protects bone microarchitecture in female rats with chronic
inflammation-induced bone loss. (Submitted for ASBMR, 2008).
*Berhanu G, Kennedy T, *Woltamo T, Stoecker B, Abebe Y, Hambidge M. (2008) Complemetary feeding:
Patterns and practices in Sidama, Southern Ethiopia. (Accepted for Experimental Biology ‘08).
Hubbs-Tait L, *Mulugeta A, *Bogale A, Kennedy TS, Stoecker B. (2008) Independent and interactive effects
of iron, lead, and parenting on children’s cognitive outcomes. (Accepted for Experimental Biology ’08).
*Lanfair D, Deyhim F, Patil BS, Stoecker BJ. (2008) Bone microarchitecture and strength are not enhanced
by onion in an ovariectomized rat model. (Accepted for Experimental Biology ’08).
*Soliman AF, Stoecker BJ, Soung DY, Arjmandi BH. (2008) Effects of dietary components on cadmiuminduced bone loss in an ovariectomized rat model of osteoporosis. (Accepted for Experimental Biology
*Gharaibeh MA, Stoecker BJ. (2008) High prevalence of low serum 25-OH vitamin D concentrations in
women of child-bearing age in Jordan during summer. (Accepted for Experimental Biology ’08).
Shen C-L, Yeh JK, Liu X-Q, Dunn DM, Stoecker BJ, Wang P, Tang Y, Wang J-S. (2008) Effect of green tea
polyphenols on chronic inflammation-induced bone loss in female rats. (Accepted for Experimental
Biology ’08).
*Bogale A, Stoecker BJ, Abebe Y, Abuye C, Gurmu Kassu, Hambidge KM. (2008) Iodine deficiency in
mothers and children in a rural community of Wondogenet in southern Ethiopia. (Accepted for
Experimental Biology ’08).
Kennedy T, Shaw G, Grant S, *Berhanu G, *Woltamo T, *Roba A, Thomas D, Abebe Y, Stoecker B,
Hambidge M. (2008) Growth of breastfed infants in Southern Ethiopia (Accepted for Experimental
Biology ’08).
Hunt CD, Stoecker BJ. (2008) Adequate dietary calcium restores vertebral trabecular bone microarchitecture
and strength and improves femur calcium concentration following calcium depletion in young female
rats. (Accepted for Experimental Biology ’08).
Stoecker B, Soliman A, Soung DY, Devareddy L, Arjmandi B. Effects of dietary components on cadmiuminduced bone loss in an ovariectomized rat model of osteoporosis. Cell Biol Toxicol 10.P02. 2008.
Shen C, Wang P, Guerrieri J, Hoefler J, Yeh JK, Stoecker BJ, Wang J. (2007) Protective role of green tea
polyphenols in bone microarchitecture in aged female rats. J Bone Min Res 22:W313
*Soliman AF, L’Abbe MR, Gilani S, Trick K, Stoecker BJ. (2007) Effects of dietary protein source and
isoflavones on bone quality in Dahl salt-sensitive and salt-resistant rats. FASEB J 21:lb204.
*Pandey M, Deyhim F, Mandadi KK, Patil BS, Stoecker BJ. (2007) Grapefruit juice improves trabecular
microarchitecture and biomechanical properties in orchidectomized and control rats. FASEB J
*Mulugeta A, Hagos F, Kruseman G, Linderhof V, Stoecker B, Abraha Z, Yohannes M, Samuel GG. (2007)
Factors contributing to malnutrition of rural adolescent girls in Tigray, Northern Ethiopia. FASEB J
*Soliman AF, Soung DY, *Devareddy L, Stoecker BJ, Arjmandi BH. (2006) Cadmium-Induced bone loss in
ovariectomized rats was exacerbated by potassium phosphate and moderated at some levels by dried
plum. .
Hill MR, Denson KD, *Bu SY, Prejeant K, Johnson MJ, Lerner MR, Stoecker BJ, Smith BJ. (2006) LPSmediated chronic inflammation increases circulating RANKL coincident with bone loss in C57BL/6
Mice. J Bone Min Res 21:M325.
*Bu SY, Lerner MR, Stoecker BJ, Boldrin EA, Lucas EA, Brackett DJ, Smith BJ. (2006) Dried plum
polyphenols down-regulate the production of inflammatory mediators in osteoclast precursor cells under
oxidative stress and inflammatory condition. J Bone Min Res 21:M334.
Abebe Y, Stoecker BJ, Gibson RS, Krebs NF, Hambidge KM. (2006) Intake of breastmilk and transitional
foods by infants aged 7 months from the Sidama region in Southern Ethiopia. FASEB J 20:A613.
Sykova V, Kennedy T, Wogene T, Thomas D, Abebe Y, Hubbs-Tait L, Stoecker BJ, Krebs N, Hambidge M.
(2006) Relationship between infant visual recognition memory and maternal anthropometry. FASEB J
*Reilly M, G/Egziabher T, Abebe Y, *Pruitt A, Challa A, Stoecker BJ. (2006) Indicators of vitamin A status
in rural villages in Southern Ethiopia. FASEB J 20:LB99.
*Pruitt A, Gurmu K, Abebe Y, *Mulugeta A, G/Egziabher T, Challa A, *Reilly M, Stoecker BJ. (2006)
Vitamin D status of lactating women in two rural communities in southern Ethiopia. .
Nielsen FH, Stoecker BJ. (2006) Dietary boron and fish oil have desirable effects on vertebral
microarchitecture and strength. FASEB J 20:A561.
*Morrow R, Deyhim F, Patil BS, Stoecker BJ. (2006) Feeding orange pulp improves bone microarchitecture
in orchidectomized rats. FASEB J 20:A573.
*Lessley J, Stoecker BJ, Globus RK, Baer L, Tash J. (2006) Increasing mechanical load to 2G in a 1G
environment has a negative effect on bone quality of mature male rats. FASEB J 20:LB103.
Krebs NF, Stoecker BJ, Abebe Y, Gibson RS, Westcott JE, Hambidge KM. (2006) Intake of zinc from human
milk and complementary foods by 7 month old infants from the Sidama Zone in Southern Ethiopia.
FASEB J 20:A985.
*Bezabih AM, Hagos F, Kruseman G, Linderhof V, Stoecker BJ, Abraha Z, Yohanes M, G/Samuel G. (2006)
Levels and determinants of child malnutrition in Tigray, Northern Ethiopia. FASEB J 20:LB90.
Hambidge KM, Gibson RS, Cooper JC, Abebe Y, Westcott JE, Stoecker BJ, Bailey K, Krebs NF. (2006)
Zinc (Zn) absorption during the third trimester in pregnant rural Southern Ethiopian women. FASEB J
*Bailey B, Deyhim F, Bhimanagouda SP, Stoecker BJ. (2006) Effects of vitamin E supplementation on bone
quality. FASEB J 20:LB80.
Droke EA, *Hager K, Lerner M, Lightfoot S, Stoecker B, Brackett D, Smith B. Soy isoflavones prevent
chronic inflammation-induced bone loss and coronary vascular disease. FASEB J 20:A989.
*Bogale A, Abebe Y, Hambidge KM, Stoecker BJ, Krebs N, Bailey K, Gibson. (2005) Low energy intakes
and poor quality characterize diets of rural pregnant women in southern Ethiopia. 18th International
Congress of Nutrition – Durban, South Africa.
Stoecker BJ, *Toure F, Lucas E, Arjmandi B. (2005) Selenium and iodine depletion differentially affect
growth, microarchitecture and bone quality in growing male and female rats. .
Abebe Y, Hambidge KM, Stoecker BJ, Hubbs-Tait L, Gibson RS, Kennedy T, Arbide I, Teshome A, Westcott
J, Krebs NF. (2005) Low zinc status and impaired cognition of pregnant women in southern Ethiopia.
18th International Congress of Nutrition – Durban, South Africa.
Kennedy T, Woltamo T, Abebe Y, Thomas D, Hubbs-Tait L, Stoecker BJ, Krebs NF, Hambidge M. (2005)
Infant growth and brain function in southern Ethiopian villages. FASEB J 19:274.13.
Abebe Y, Hambidge M, Stoecker B, Hubbs-Tait L, Gibson R, Kennedy T, Arbide I, Teshome A, Westcott J,
Krebs NF, Abebe G. (2005) Zinc status and cognitive function of pregnant women in southern
Ethiopia. FASEB J 19:A431.
Stoecker BJ, Nielsen FH. Dietary fatty acid composition, dietary boron, and ovariectomy affect bone strength
and microarchitecture. FASEB J 19:61.7.
*Toure F, Stoecker BJ, Smith BJ, Bellmer D. (2005) Iodine and selenium depletion affects bone growth and
biomechanical properties in growing rats. FASEB J 19:79.3.
*Parelman M, Baker A, Stoecker B, Medeiros DM. (2005) Marginal iron deficiency negatively impacts bone.
FASEB J 19:745.8.
Abebe Y, Beyene F, Gates GE, Stoecker BJ. (2004) Variation in diet diversity and consumption of animal
source foods based on wealth classifications in rural households in southern Ethiopia. FASEB J
Nielsen FH, Stoecker BJ. (2004) Nutritional intakes of silicon affect vertebral trabecular microarchitecture
and strength, but not femur or vertebra strength changes induced by ovariectomy, in rats. FASEB J
Medeiros DM, Stoecker BJ, Plattner A, Jennings D, Haub MD. (2004) Vertebrae from calcium and iron
restricted rats exhibit significant compromise in traceular bone. FASEB J 18:573.4.
*Rhee Y, Burnham K, Stoecker BJ, Lucas E. (2004) Effects of chromium and copper depletion on
lymphocyte reactivity to mitogens in diabetes prone BHE/cdb rats. FASEB J 18:351.6.
Smith BJ, *Ethriedge A, Lucas EA, Bellmer D, Stoecker BJ, Arjmandi BH. (2003) Dried plum promotes bone
recovery comparable to parathyroid hormone in osteopenic rats following hind limb unloading. J Bone
Min Res 18:(Supp 2):S277.
*Ethriedge A, Lucas E, Stoecker BJ, Wei CI, Arjmandi BH, Smith BJ. (2003) Alterations in vertebral bone
with hind limb unloading and the effects of dried plum and parathyroid hormone during recovery. J
Bone Min Res 18: (Supp 2):S277.
Stoecker BJ, *Toure F, Lucas EA, King JB, Arjmandi BH. (2003) Differential effects of selenium and iodine
on micro-architecture of bone in male and female rats. J Bone Min Res 18:(Supp 2):S196.
*Deyhim F, Stoecker BJ, Arjmandi, BH. (2003) Dried plum improves micro-structural properties of
trabecular bone following ovarian hormone deficiency.
Abebe Y, Gates GE, Stoecker BJ. (2003) Legume-fortified cereal and root crop complementary food
development in Ethiopia. FASEB J 17:A714.
*Toure F, Lucas EA, King JB, Arjmandi BH, Stoecker BJ. (2003) Selenium and iodine depletion affect
growth and bone density and microarchitecture in rats. FASEB J 17:A1130.
Plattner AJ, Parcells S, Jennings D, Stoecker B and Medeiros DM. (2002) Decreased bone density and
cortical area as a function of iron and/or calcium deficiency. FASEB J 16:A273.
Smith BJ, Lerner MR, *Do SV, Arjmandi BH, Brackett DJ, Stoecker BJ. (2002) Molecular mechanisms of
vitamin E in protecting against bone loss in mature rats exposed to chronic skeletal unloading.
Smith BJ, Lerner MR, *Do SV, Lucas EA, Stoecker BJ, Brackett DJ. (2002) Alterations in hepatic gene
expression associated with dose response to vitamin E. FASEB J 16:A990.
Cheng N, Cheng N, Zhang X, Chen Y-DI, Stoecker BJ and Anderson RA. (2002) Hypoglycemic effects of
cinnamon, heshouwu and mushroom extracts in type 2 diabetes mellitus. FASEB J 16:A647.
Lucas EA, *Hammond L, Wild RA, Chandler L, Khalil DA, Daggy BP, Stoecker BJ, Arjmandi BH. (2001)
Flaxseed has no effect on bone markers of postmenopausal women but does improve lipid profiles. J
Bone Min Res 16:S533.
Khalil DA, Lucas EA, *Georgis A, Stoecker BJ, Hardin C, Payton ME, Wild RA, Arjmandi BH. (2001) Dried
plums improve indices of bone formation in postmenopausal women. J Bone Min Res 16:S533.
Arjmandi BH, Akhter MP, Chakkalakal D, Khalil DA, Lucas EA, *Juma S, *El-Osta M, *Devareddy L,
Stoecker BJ. (2001) Effects of isoflavones, vitamin E, and their combination on bone in an aged rat
model of osteopenia. J Bone Min Res 16:S533.
*Juma S, Akhter MP, Chakkalakal D, Novak JR, Khalil DA, Lucas EA, *El-Osta M, Stoecker BJ, Fritz ED,
Arjmandi BH. (2001) Trauma due to fracture reduces biomechanical properties of non-fractured bone in
the aged rat model. J Bone Min Res 16:S284.
Chakkalakal D, Novak JR, Fritz ED, Akhter MP, Lucas EA, Khalil DA, *Juma S, *El-Osta M, Stoecker BJ,
Arjmandi BH. (2001) Vitamin E improves bone repair in ovariectomized rats in a dose-dependent
manner. J Bone Min Res 16:S533.
*Hammond L, Wild RA, Chandler L, Khalil DA, Lucas EA, Daggy BP, Stoecker BJ, Arjmandi BH. (2001)
Flaxseed improves the lipid profile of postmenopausal women. FASEB J 15:A397.
*Mandali SL, Arquitt AB, Carter SD, Stoecker BJ, Droke EA, Spicer LJ, *Rinker MJ. (2001) Dietary
chromium and endotoxin affect hormone and clinical chemistry profiles in weanling pigs. FASEB J
*Toure F, Stoecker BJ, Lucas E. (2001) Fish and shrimp provided bioavailable iodine for rats fed cassava/
millet-based diets. FASEB J 15:A635.
Smith BJ, Stoecker BJ, Turner RT, Evans G, Lucas E, *Martin S, *Riggs T, Arjmandi BH. (2001) Effects of
skeletal unloading and vitamin E on bone in aged rats. FASEB J 15:A979.
Stoecker BJ, *Porter CV, Lucas E, Spicer MT. (2001) Chromium depletion decreases femur density of
lactating rats. FASEB J 15:A969.
*Mandali S, Carter SD, Arquitt AB, Droke EA, Stoecker BJ, Spicer LJ, *Rincker MJ. (2001) Effects of
dietary zinc and endotoxin challenge on the acute phase response in weanling pigs. Amer Soc Anim Sci
Midwest Meeting Abstracts.
Arjmandi BH, Akhter MP, Lucas EA, Stoecker BJ, *Juma S, Khalil DA. (2000) Prune: its influence on
quality of bone in ovarian hormone deficiency. J Bone Min Res 15:S555.
*Smith BJ, **King JB, **Lucas EA, Akhter M, Arjmandi BH, Stoecker, BJ. (2000) Alterations in vertebral
bone quality related to skeletal unloading and copper depletion in mature rats. FASEB J 14:A224.
*Mandali S, Arquitt AB, Carter S, Droke E, Stoecker BJ, Spicer L, *Rinker, M. (2000) Effects of dietary zinc
and endotoxin on immune function and clinical parameters in weanling pigs fed milk-based formula.
FASEB J 14:A239.
*Deyhim F, **Lucas EA, Brusewitz G, Stoecker BJ, Arjmandi BH. (1999) Prune dose-dependently reverses
bone loss in ovarian hormone deficient rats. J Bone Min Res 14: S394.
Arjmandi BH, Wang C, Zhang Y, **Lucas EA, *Soliman A, *Juma S, Stoecker BJ. (1999) Prune: its efficacy
in prevention of ovarian hormone deficiency-induced bone loss. J Bone Min Res 14:S515.
Lucas EA, Khalil DA, *Juma S, *Soliman A, Lange D, Stoecker BJ, Arjmandi BH. (1999) Ovariectomized
hamster: A model for hypercholesterolemia but not osteopenia. J Bone Min Res 14:S390.
*Smith BJ, **King J, **Lucas E, Arjmandi BH, Brusewitz G, Stoecker BJ. (1999) The effect of dietary
copper depletion on bone metabolism in mature tail-suspended rats. J Bone Min Res 14:S391.
Rhee YS, Burnham K, Hermann JR, Arquitt AB, Stoecker BJ. (1999) Effects of chromium, copper, or
chromium and copper supplementation on mitogen responses of lymphocytes in postmenopausal
women. FASEB J 13:A578.
Smith BJ, King J, Lucas E, Stoecker BJ. (1999) Tail suspension and copper depletion affect bone in mature
male rats. FASEB J 13:A578.
*Mandali S, deRodas B, Lucas E, Spicer LJ, Arquitt AB, Stoecker BJ, Carter S, Maxwell C. (1998) Dose and
time effects of endotoxin on plasma IGF-1 in weanling pigs. FASEB J 12:A248.
*Mandali S, de Rodas BZ, Maxwell CV, Arquitt AB, Stoecker BJ. (1997) Effect of endotoxin on trace
minerals and immunological parameters in weanling pigs. J Anim Sci 75(Suppl. 1):192.
*Smith BJ, Stoecker BJ, **Lucas E, Hermann J, Arquitt AB. (1997) Ovariectomy and trace element depletion
alter clinical parameters and bone density in rats. Abstracts of the 16th International Congress of
Nutrition, p. 281.
Koh ET, Kwon SH, *Clark SL, Stoecker B. (1997) Effects of gestation and lactation on aluminum
concentrations of brain and bone of female mice dams. Abstracts of the 16th International Congress of
Nutrition, p. 129.
*Smith BJ, Stoecker BJ, **Adeleye BO, Arquitt AB, Hermann JR, **Lucas E, Lange D. (1997) Ovariectomy
and chromium, copper, or magnesium depletion alter bone and clinical parameters in rats. FASEB J
Glore SR, Hornbrook KR, Stoecker BJ, *Tahiri M, *Tilignac T. (1997) Iron status during protein-energy
malnutrition. FASEB J 11:A606.
*Mandali SL, Arquitt AB, Stoecker BJ, Maxwell C, **de Rodas B, Morgan G. (1997) Endotoxin affects the
absorption and retention of 51Cr from 51CrCl3 in weaning pigs. FASEB J 11:A406.
Hermann JR, Arquitt AB, Stoecker BJ, **Lucas E, *Dietz G. (1997) Effect of low chromium or copper intake
on serum lipids in ovariectomized female rats. FASEB J 11:A405.
*Spicer MT, Stoecker BJ. (1997) The effect of chromium depletion and streptozotocin (STZ)-induced diabetes
on reproductive performance, carbohydrate and lipid metabolism and trace element interactions during
pregnancy. FASEB J 11:A405.
**Adeleye BO, Stoecker BJ, *Smith B, Arquitt AB, Hermann JR, **Lucas E, Lange D. (1997) Effects of
ovariectomy and chromium supplementation on growth and clinical parameters in rats. FASEB J
*Hunt DJ, Stoecker B, Hermann J, Kopel B, Williams G, Claypool PL. (1996) Beliefs and knowledge of
paraprofessionals teaching nutrition education programs for pregnant adolescents. J Amer Dietet Assoc
*Hunt DJ, Stoecker B, Hermann J, Kopel B, Williams G, Claypool PL. (1996) Effects of nutrition education
programs on nutrition knowledge, dietary intake, beliefs and selected health parameters of pregnant
adolescents. Annual Meeting of the American Association of Family and Consumer Sciences.
Wolgemuth JC, *de la Cruz-Ibert D, Stoecker B, Kopel B. (1996) Nutritional status of preschool children in
the Dominican Republic and the impact of intestinal parastic infections. Amer J Pub Health.
*Spicer MT, Stoecker BJ, Spicer LJ. (1996) The effect of chromium depletion and streptozotocin (STZ)induced diabetes on maternal and fetal insulin and insulin-like growth factor-I (IGF-I) and IGF-II
concentrations and fetal growth in rats. Diabetes 45:335A.
Stoecker BJ, *Davis-Whitenack ML, **Adeleye BO. (1996) Effects of aspirin, chromium and iron
supplementation on uric acid in obese mice. FASEB J 10:A784.
Wolgemuth JC, *de la Cruz-Ibert D, Stoecker B, Kopel B. (1996) Impact of intestinal parasitic infections on
the nutritional status of preschool children in the Dominican Republic(DR). FASEB J 10:A246.
*Spicer MT, Spicer LJ, Stoecker BJ. (1995) Effect of chromium depletion and diabetes on maternal and fetal
insulin-like growth factor-I (IGF-I) and IGF-II during pregnancy. American Society of Animal Science
Annual Meeting Abstracts.
*Hunt DJ, Stoecker B, Hermann J, Kopel B, **Adeleye B, Williams G, Claypool PL. (1995) Effects of a
nutrition education program on dietary intakes, hematocrit, hemoglobin and serum transferrin levels of
pregnant adolescents. J Amer Dietet Assoc 95:A-94.
*Sparks KD, *Whitenack ML, Stoecker BJ, **Adeleye BO, Sangiah S. (1995) Aspirin and buffering
compounds affect the absorption and retention of 51chromium. J Amer Dietet Assoc 95:A18.
*Adeleye BO, *Davis-Whitenack ML, Stoecker BJ. (1995) Interleukin-1 alters the absorption of 51chromium.
J Amer Dietet Assoc 95:A:19.
*Hunt DJ, Stoecker B, Claypool PL, Hermann J, Williams G. (1995) Effects of a nutrition education program
on anthropometric measurements for expanded food and nutrition education program (EFNEP) and
Native American pregnant adolescents. Society of Nutrition Education Annual Meeting.
Glore SR, *Tripp CL, Stoecker BJ. (1995) Cardiac muscle mineral status during a very-low-calorie diet.
FASEB J 9:A451.
*Kamath SM, Stoecker BJ, *Whitenack M, *Smith M, **Adeleye BO, Sangiah S. (1995) Indomethacin and
prostaglandin E2 analogue effects on absorption, retention and urinary excretion of 51chromium. FASEB
J 9:A577.
*Spicer MT, Stoecker BJ. (1994) The effect of chromium depletion on streptozotocin induced diabetic
pregnant rats. J. Amer Dietet Assoc 94:A-27.
Stoecker BJ, *Whitenack ML, **Adeleye BO, Sangiah S. (1994) Effects of aspirin and iron supplementation
on hemoglobin and tissue minerals in rats. FASEB J 8:A713.
*Davis ML, Rolf LL, **Adeleye BO, Stoecker BJ. (1993) 51Chromium excretion in bile-duct cannulated
rats. FASEB J 7:A77.
Stoecker BJ, *Spicer MT, Adeleye BO. (1993) Effects of dietary manganese and diabetes in rats. FASEB J
Payne D, *Adeleye BO, *Hunt DJ, Stoecker BJ. (1993) Chromium bioavailability from infant formulas and
human milk in rats. FASEB J 7:A77.
*Adeleye BO, Stoecker BJ. (1993) Effects of heat stress and dietary manganese in rats. FASEB J 7:A79.
Hermann JR, *Nihiser RG, **Adeleye BO, Arquitt AB, Stoecker BJ, Brusewitz GH. (1993) Interactions of
copper, zinc and chromium on bone and tissue minerals in male Japanese quail. FASEB J 7:A78.
*Adeleye BO, Stoecker BJ. (1992) Gastrointestinal transit time and tissue retetion of 51chromium in diabetic
and control rats. J Amer Dietet Assoc 92(Suppl):A76.
*Spicer MT, Hong GS, Arquitt AB, Hermann J, Stoecker BJ. (1992) A predictive model for health care use
by the elderly. J Amer Dietet Assoc 92(Suppl):A59
Knight SB, Stoecker BJ. (1992) Pasta sodium as affected by egg and boiling treatment. Seventeenth National
Nutrient Databank Conference, Baltimore, Maryland.
Glore SR, Stoecker BJ. (1992) Mineral status during protein-energy malnutrition. FASEB J 6:A1378.
*Davis ML, *Spicer MT, Stoecker BJ, Sangiah S. (1992) Alteration of 51Cr absorption and retention by
drugs that affect prostaglandins. FASEB J 6:A1951.
*Spicer MT, Stoecker BJ, Orina M, Sangiah S. (1992) Effects of antiulcer drugs on 51Cr absorption,
retention and urinary excretion in rats. FASEB J 6:A1590.
Hermann JR, Arquitt AB, Stoecker BJ. (1992) Interactions of chromium, copper and zinc on plasma lipids
and glucose in male Japanese quail. FASEB J 6:A1951.
*Seaborn CD, *Kiangura RK, Brusewitz GH, Stoecker BJ. (1991) Effects of copper and selenium on betacarotene conversion and bone strength in rats. FASEB J 5:A1313.
Stoecker BJ, *Seaborn CD, *Kiangura RK, Hermann JR. (1991) Effects of tocopherol and selenium
supplementation on vitamin A evaluated by response surface analysis. FASEB J 5:A952.
*Cheng NZ, Stoecker BJ. (1991) Effects of a Chinese medicine on lipid metabolism in mice fed a
hypercholesterolemic diet. FASEB J 5:A934.
Hermann JR, Arquitt AB, Stoecker BJ. (1991) Relationships between diet, plasma lipids and apolipoproteins
of older adults. FASEB J 5:A1666.
Arquitt AB, Hermann JR, Stoecker BJ. (1991) Relationships between plasma and erythrocyte Zn and
maturation in adolescent males. FASEB J 5:A953.
*Davis ML, *Jarrett CR, Adeleye BO, Stoecker BJ. (1991) Chromium and manganese interactions in
streptozocin-diabetic rats. FASEB J 5:A1310.
*Kanyangwa J, Harden M, Stoecker A, Stoecker B. (1991) Food consumption, nutritional status and
agricultural productivity in Zambia. Southern Association of Agricultural Scientists, Abstracts.
*Seaborn CD, *Cheng NZ, Arquitt AB, Mitchell ED, Stoecker BJ. (1991) Vanadium and ascorbate effects on
3-hydroxy-3-methylglutaryl coenzyme A reductase, cholesterol, and tissue minerals in guinea pigs.
Southern Association of Agricultural Scientists, Abstracts.
*Hoskins JA, Kopel BH, Stoecker BJ, Jorgenson DE. (1990) Breastfeeding opinions of medical students at
the Oklahoma State University College of Osteopathic Medicine. J Amer Dietet Assoc 9 (Suppl):A-93.
*Seaborn CD, Stoecker BJ, Brusewitz GH. (1990) Chromium and ascorbate effects on wound healing and
bone strength in guinea pigs. J Amer Dietet Assoc 9 (Suppl):A-123.
*Hunt DJ, Kopel B, Stoecker B, Claypool PL. (1990) A residential weight control program for female
adolescents. J Amer Dietet Assoc 9 (Suppl):A-123.
*Adeleye BO, *Seaborn CD, *Cheng NZ, Stoecker BJ. (1990) Chromium and ascorbate effects on tissue
minerals of guinea pigs. FASEB J 4:A526.
*Cheng NZ, *Seaborn CD, Stoecker BJ. (1990) Effects of chromium depletion on hepatic nucleic acids in
guinea pigs. FASEB J 4:A525.
Stoecker BJ, *Seaborn CD, *Cheng NZ, Mitchell ED. (1990) Vanadate and ascorbate effects on 3-hydroxy-3methylglutaryl coenzyme A reductase and plasma cholesterol and glucose in guinea pigs. FASEB J
Hermann JR, Arquitt AB, Stoecker BJ. (1990) Effect of chromium supplementation on plasma lipids in older
adults. FASEB J 4:A525.
*Davis ML, *Seaborn CD, Stoecker BJ. (1990) Effects of over-the-counter drugs on chromium absorption in
rats. FASEB J 4:A525.
*Seaborn CD, *Cheng NZ, Stoecker BJ, Owens FN. (1990) Chromium and ascorbate effects on 14Cascorbate in tissues of guinea pigs. FASEB J 4:A777.
Arquitt A, Stoecker B, Hermann J, Winterfeldt EA. (1989) Nutrition intake, growth, plasma cholesterol and
maturation in an adolescent male population. J Amer Dietet Assoc 89:A14.
*Seaborn CD, *Cheng NZ, *Campbell LM, Stoecker BJ. (1989) Chromium and ascorbate effects on tissue
ascorbic acid and trace minerals in guinea pigs. J Amer Dietet Assoc 89:A84.
Arquitt A, Stoecker B, Hermann J, Winterfeldt E. (1989) Cholesterol, hemoglobin and plasma
dehydroepiandrosterone sulfate and related measures of growth among adolescent males. FASEB J
*Seaborn CD, *Cheng NZ, *Campbell LM, Stoecker BJ. (1989) Chromium and ascorbate depletion effects on
urinary excretion of hydroxyproline and creatinine in male guinea pigs. FASEB J 3:A761.
*Seaborn CD, Stoecker BJ. (1988) Effects of an antacid and vitamin C on chromium absorption and retention.
Abstracts, The American Dietetic Association 71st Annual Meeting, p. 125.
*Kuratko CN, Stoecker BJ. (1988) Dietary habits, zinc protoporphyrin and hematocrit in infants and young
children. Abstracts, The American Dietetic Association 71st Annual Meeting, p. 42.
Stoecker BJ, *Seaborn CD, *Lin HC, *Xu XX, *Li YC. (1988) Effects of chromium and ascorbate depletion
on 51chromium absorption and urinary excretion in guinea pigs. FASEB J 2:A840.
*Cheng NZ, Stoecker BJ, Anderson RA, Mertz W. (1988) Effects of a traditional Chinese medicine on lipid
metabolism of mice. FASEB J 2:A1103.
*Xu XX, *Lin HC, *Li YC, Stoecker BJ. (1988) Effect of chromium supplementation on serum cholesterol
and on tissue chromium concentrations of ascorbate-depleted guinea pigs. FASEB J 2:A1103.
*Seaborn CD, Stoecker BJ. (1988) Effects of starch, sucrose, fructose, and glucose on chromium absorption
and tissue concentrations in obese and lean mice. FASEB J 2:A423.
*Lin HC, *Seaborn CD, Stoecker BJ. (1988) Effects of vitamin C status on serum retinol concentrations of
guinea pigs. FASEB J 2:A1093.
*Seaborn CD, Stoecker BJ. (1987) Effects of starch, sucrose, fructose and glucose on uptake of 51chromium
in obese and lean mice. Abstracts The American Dietetic Association 70th Annual Meeting, p.59.
*Weems MK, Harden ML, Stoecker BJ. (1987) The effectiveness of integrated instruction on college
students' knowledge of and attitudes toward nutrition and physical fitness. Presented at the AHEA
Annual Meeting.
*Keim KS, *Henley SA, Stoecker BJ. (1987) Effect of diets containing sodium phytate and/or CrCl3 on 51Cr
absorption in the rat. Fed Proc 46:904.
Oberleas D, *Li YC, Stoecker BJ. (1987) Intestinal transit of 51Cr in the rat. Fed Proc 64:904.
Stoecker BJ. (1987) Effects of chromium and vanadate supplementation on serum cholesterol, triacylglycerol,
glucose and I/G ratio of C57BL/KsJ db +/db + and db +/+m mice. Fed Proc 46:1007.
*Mistry AN, Brittin HC, Stoecker BJ. (1987) Availability of iron from food cooked in iron utensils. Fed
Proc 46:1160.
*Oladut WK, *Lin HC, *Hu MY, Stoecker BJ. Tissue ascorbate and hemotological evaluation of cholesterolfed guinea pigs deprived of vanadium or ascorbate. Fed Proc 45:309.
*Oladut WK, *Wang MM, *Li YC, Stoecker BJ. (1985) Chromium and vanadium effects on adrenal
ascorbate of guinea pigs. Fed Proc 44:751.
*Li YC, *Wang MM, *O'ladut WK, Stoecker BJ. Effects of chromium and vanadium on serum triglycerides,
HDL-and LDL-cholesterol of guinea pigs. Fed Proc 44:1848.
*Wang MM, *Li YC, *O'ladut WK, Stoecker BJ. (1985) Chromium and ascorbate deficiency effects on
serum cholesterol, triglycerides and glucose of guinea pigs. Fed Proc 44:751.
Stoecker BJ, *Nitta R, Luo XM, Wei HJ. (1985) Hepatic vitamin A as affected by dietary selenium and tin in
rats. Fed Proc 44:774.
*Pate CA, Stoecker B, *Keim KS, Fischer JL. (1984) Attitudes toward nutrition and dietary compliance of
insulin-dependent diabetics. Abstracts, The American Dietetic Association, 67th Annual Meeting, p.
Stoecker BJ, *Li YC. (1984) Chromium and yeast effects on plasma glucose, cholesterol and insulin of obese
mice. Fed Proc 43:680.
*Wang MC, Fox EA, Stoecker BJ, Menendez CE. (1984) Chromium supplementation and serum cholesterol
levels in adults. Fed Proc 43:471.
*Li YC, Stoecker BJ. (1984) Effects of chromium and yogurt on liver weights and insulin/glucose ratios in
obese mice. Fed Proc 43:472.
Luo XM, Yang CL, Wei HJ, Liu X, Xing J, Liu J, Qiao CH, Feng YM, Liu YX, Wu Q, Guo JS, Stoecker BJ,
Spallholz JE, Yang SP. (1984) Selenium intake and metabolic balance in 10 men consuming selfselected diets in a selenium-deficient area of Hebei Province, People's Republic of China. Fed Proc
Wei HJ, Luo XM, Yang CL, Xing J, Liu X, Liu J, Qiao CH, Feng YM, Liu YX, Wu Q, Guo JS, Stoecker BJ,
Spallholz JE, Yang SP. (1984) Effect of selenium supplements on the selenium levels and glutathione
peroxidase activity of residents in a selenium-deficient area of Hebei Province, People's Republic of
China. Fed Proc 43:473.
*Oladut WK, Stoecker BJ. (1983) Chromium and ascorbic acid deficiency effects on cholesterol and glucose
tolerance of guinea pigs. Fed Proc 42:924.
*Keim KS, Stoecker BJ, Hopkins LL. (1983) Glucose removal rate, plasma insulin and lipase activity as
affected by chromium. Fed Proc 42:925.
Menendez CE, Stoecker BJ. (1982) Brewer's yeast normalizes the hyperinsulinemia of the genetically obese
mouse. Clinical Research 30:781A.
Arthur VA, Keller JA, Stoecker BJ, Arnrich L. (1980) Inhibition of vitamin A synthesis by excess tocopherol
in young rats. Fed Proc 39:340.
Stoecker B, Chaiyaratana W, Kittikool J, Dhanamitta S. (1979) Serum vitamin A, retinol-binding protein and
vitamin A status tests in Thai children. Fed Proc 38:874.
Arthur V, Arnrich L, Stoecker B. (1979) Conversion of beta-carotene to retinol as affected by excess dietary
tocopherol in rats. Fed Proc 38:875.
Varavithya W, Stoecker B, Chaiyaratana W, Kittikool J, Fongprasert P, Singhavanich C. (1978) Vitamin A
status in measles and diarrhea. Mahidol University Research Abstracts, p. 94.
Stoecker B, Dhanamitta S, Chaiyaratana W, Niyomthrong N. (1978) Evaluation of protein-calorie
malnutrition in Thai children from Ubol province by the use of height, weight and arm circumference
measurements. Mahidol University Research Abstracts, p. 95.
Stoecker B, Chaiyaratana W, Srianujata S. (1978) Serum zinc levels of Thai rural children from Ubol
province. Mahidol University Research Abstracts, p. 97.
Stoecker B, Chaiyaratana W, Dhanamitta S, Niyomthrong N, Kittikool J. (1978) Evaluation of vitamin A
status in rural Thai school children by use of the lissamine green stain, measurement of dark adaptation
time and by serum vitamin A level. Mahidol University Research Abstracts, p. 96.
Stoecker B, Dhanamitta S, Chaiyaratana W, Kittikool J. (1978) Seasonal variation in the lissamine green stain
test and serum vitamin A levels of preschool children from Nong Baw village, Ubol. Mahidol
University Research Abstracts, p. 98.
Dhanamitta S, Kusin JA, Stoecker B, Valyasevi A, Chaiyaratana W. (1978) Critical evaluation of the
lissamine green stain for use in screening for vitamin A deficiency. Mahidol University Research
Abstracts, p. 108.
Chaiyaratana W, Dhanamitta S, Stoecker B, Vironjsailee S. (1978) Vitamin A status of children with
hookworm, Giardia lambria and other parasitic infections from Ubol. Mahidol University Research
Abstracts, p. 110.
Dhanamitta S, Kittikool J, Stoecker B. (1975) Serum retinol-binding protein in Thai children and adults.
Mahidol University Research Abstracts, p. 246.
Stoecker B, Dhanamitta S, Valyasevi, A. (1974) Vitamin A status of children in two villages in Ubol
province. Mahidol University Research Abstracts, p. 217.
Stoecker BS, Arnrich L. (1971) Biosynthesis of retinol from beta-carotene as affected by pattern of protein
feeding in rats. Fed Proc 30:584.
B. Stoecker, Survey of Nutritional and Socioeconomic Status of Children in Thailand, World
Food Institute, Iowa State University, $10,000.
B. Stoecker and L. L. Hopkins, The Bioavailability of Trace Minerals in Foods, Research
Institute for Food Science and Nutrition, Texas Tech University, $4,500.
B. Stoecker, Vitamin A Status Assessment, Research Institute for Food Science and Nutrition,
Texas Tech University, $5,000.
B. Stoecker and L. L. Hopkins, Interactions and Bioavailability in Rats of Chromium from Meat
and TVP Sources, U.S.D.A., $65,000.
B. Stoecker, Effects of Dietary Chromium and Ascorbic Acid on Cholesterol Metabolism and
Glucose Tolerance of Guinea Pigs, Biomedical Research Grant, $2,400.
S. P. Yang, L. L. Hopkins, J. Spallholz and B. Stoecker, Influence of Chemical Form on the
Selenium RDA for Humans, U.S.D.A., $40,000.
B. Stoecker and L. L. Hopkins, Bioavailability of Chromium from Milk and Milk Products and
Its Effects on Serum Lipids, National Dairy Council, $18,100.
B. Stoecker, Iron in Fluids of Dialysis Patients, South Plains Dialysis Center, $1,463.
B. Stoecker and C. Menendez, Bioavailability of Chromium from Yogurt and Its Effect of
Hyperglycemia, Serum Lipids and Lipoproteins in Adults, National Dairy Council, $38,200.
B. Stoecker, Chromium and Ascorbic Acid Deficiency and Repletion Effects on Cholesterol
Metabolism of Guinea Pigs, Institute for Nutritional Sciences, Texas Tech University, $6,000.
B. Stoecker, Vitamin A Toxicity in an Animal Model for Human Diabetes Mellitus, Home
Economics Research Institute, Texas Tech University, $4,700.
B. Stoecker, Chromium and Ascorbate Effects on Cholesterol Metabolism in Guinea Pigs,
Institute for Nutritional Sciences, Texas Tech University, $6,500.
B. Stoecker, Vanadium and Chromium Effects on Serum Glucose, Insulin and Cholesterol in the
Obese Mouse, Home Economics Research Institute, Texas Tech University, $4,000.
B. Stoecker, Effects of Vanadium and Chromium on Lipid Metabolism in Diabetic Animals,
Institute for Nutritional Sciences, Texas Tech University, $4,777.
B. Stoecker, Effects of Selenium on Conversion of Beta-Carotene to Vitamin A, Institute for
Nutritional Sciences, Texas Tech University, $5,000.
B. Stoecker, Interactions of Chromium and Ascorbate in Absorption and Metabolism, U.S.D.A.
Competitive Research Grant, $130,000.
J. Hermann and B. Stoecker, Effect of Chromium Supplementation on Serum Cholesterol Levels
in the Elderly, American Home Economics Association, $1,800.
B. Stoecker and C. Seaborn, Effect of Two Over-The-Counter Drugs on Chromium Absorption
and Excretion, American Home Economics Association, $1,000.
B. Stoecker, Chromium Status: Effects of Drugs and Pregnancy, Oklahoma Agricultural
Experiment Station, and College of Home Economics, Oklahoma State University, $46,194.40 to
B. Stoecker, Chromium Effects on Collagen and Wound Healing, Oklahoma Center for the
Advancement of Science and Technology (OCAST), $58,514.
B. Stoecker and N.Z. Cheng, Purification of Extracts from Chinese Medicine and Their Effects
on Hyperglycemia and Hypercholesterolemia in Animal Models, Conrel Laboratories, Inc.,
B. Stoecker and C.D. Seaborn, Response of Beta-carotene to Dietary Selenium and Alphatocopherol, American Institute for Cancer Research, $11,000.
B. Stoecker, Chromium Status: Effects of Drugs, Stress and Pregnancy, Oklahoma Agricultural
Experiment Station, Oklahoma State University,
B. Stoecker and S. Sangiah. Aspirin Effects on Trace Minerals and Heart Disease Risk,
Oklahoma Center for the Advancement of Science and Technology (OCAST), $60,000.
B.J. Stoecker. Chinese student support. Consortium of Churches represented by the North
Sparta Church of God, $9,494.
S. Keith and B. Stoecker. Ross Nutrition Study BH15. Abbott Laboratories, Ross Products
Division, $13,800.
B.J. Stoecker. Human Nutrition Laboratory, Founders and Associates and Oklahoma Regents
for Higher Education, $250,000.
A.B. Arquitt and B.J. Stoecker. Enhanced Capacity for Assessing micronutrient interactions and
immunity. USDA and Oklahoma Regents for Higher Education, $65,000.
J.H. Hermann, A.B. Arquitt and B.J. Stoecker. Trace Mineral Effects on Lipids in
Postmenopausal Women. OCAST, $69,987.
L.L. Ebro and B.J. Stoecker. Enhancing curriculum and increasing student participation in the
dietetic internship/graduate program: Langston University, USDA, $24,000
B.J. Stoecker. Human Nutrition Assessment Laboratory. Founders and Associates, Inc. and
Oklahoma Regents for Higher Education, $300,000.
B.H. Arjmandi and B.J. Stoecker. Enhanced Capacity for Expanding Research in Osteoporosis.
USDA and Oklahoma Regents for Higher Education, $100,000.
A.B. Arquitt, S. Carter, E.A. Droke, L.J. Spicer, and B.J. Stoecker. Effects of Endotoxin and
Trace Minerals on Immune Function and Lean Body Mass in Weanling Pigs. Targeted Research
Initiative Proposal/OSU. $36,600.
B.J. Stoecker. Effects of Metabolic Stress and Trace Mineral Interactions on Chromium
Metabolism. Oklahoma Agricultural Experiment Station, Oklahoma State University, $175,000.
A.B. Arquitt, S. Carter, E.A. Droke, L. Spicer, and B. Stoecker. Effects of Endotoxin and Trace
Minerals on Immune Function and Lean Body Mass in Weanling Pigs. Oklahoma Targeted
Research Initiative Program, $36,600.
B.H. Arjmandi, B.J. Stoecker, and R. Wild. Flaxseed Phytoestrogens May Positively Affect
Bone. National Institute of Aging $72,496.
B.H. Arjmandi and B.J. Stoecker. Effect of Prune on Indices of Bone Status in Postmenopausal
Women. California Prune Board, $76,840.
B.J. Stoecker, B.H. Arjmandi, and Smith, B.J. The Role of Vitamin E in Preventing Oxidative
Damage to Bone in Near Weightlessness and Its Effects on Bone Quality during Recovery.
NASA, $206,262.
B.H. Arjmandi, D. Chakkalakal, B.J. Stoecker et al. Soy Isoflavones and Vitamin E DoseDependently Improve Fracture healing. USDA, NRI, $240,000.
B.H. Arjmandi and B. Stoecker. Improving and Evaluating the Bone Protective Efficacy of Soy
Products, OCAST and Enhance Naturally, $255,216.
B.J. Stoecker and Y. Abebe. Parent-focused Nutrition Intervention for Weaning Food
Development in Rural Households of Ethiopia, Oklahoma Agricultural Experiment Station,
B.J. Stoecker A New Tool to Approach an Age-Old Problem: Assessing Bone Quality for
Reduction of Osteoporosis, Founders and Associates, Inc., $100,000.
B.J. Stoecker, C.G. Neumann. Combating Micronutrient Malnutrition: Assessment of
Constraints to Including Animal Source Foods in Children’s Diets in Rural Ethiopia and Kenya.
Global Livestock Collaborative Research Support Program. $50,000.
B.J. Stoecker. Bone Histology and Imaging System to Assess Nutrient and Phytochemical
Effects on Skeletal Health. USDA/NRI. $42,465.
B. Smith, B. Stoecker, B. Arjmandi. Bone loss reversal with prune in a rat osteoporosis model.
OCAST, $90,000.
B.J. Stoecker, T. Kennedy, L. Hubbs-Tait and D. Thomas. Zinc Nutrition and Brain
Development in Southern Ethiopia. NIH, (Subcontract to UCHSC, KM Hambidge PI),
B.J. Stoecker. Field Assessment and Training for Iraqi Pediatricians – Children’s Nutritional
Status. OU/USAID. $234,008
B.J. Stoecker. Vitamin A Status of Breasfeeding Mothers in Southern Ethiopia. Micronutrient
Initiative of Canada, $9,500.
B.J. Stoecker and E. Lucas. Enhancing research capacity: An inductively-coupled plasma mass
spectrometer, USDA, $50,000.
B.J.Stoecker, T Kennedy, L. Hubbs-Tait and D. Thomas. (Subcontract with K.M. Hambidge).
Zn and maternal-infant brain function in S. Ethiopia: Randomized Controlled Trials, NIH,
D.G. Thomas, T. Kennedy, L. Hubbs-Tait and B.J. Stoecker. Maternal Dietary Nutrients &
Neurotoxins in Infant Cognitive Development. USDA/NRI, $369,991.
B.J. Stoecker. Student Support for Sengal through Institute de Technologie Alimentaire. World
Bank, $25,310.
Major Professor: Master of Science
Major Professor: Doctor of Philosophy
Sigma Xi
Admissions Committee
1970 - date
American Dietetic Association (ADA)
1973 - date
ADA Dietetic Educators Group
1982 - 2004
ADA Research Practice Group
Treasurer 1991-1993
Chair-Elect 1994-95
Chair 1995-97
Past-Chair 1997-98
1985 - date
American Society for Nutritional Sciences
Graduate Nutrition Education Committee
1986 – date
2001 - 2004
Oklahoma Dietetic Association
Education Co-Chair 1992-1993
Education Chair 1993-1994
Nominating Committee 1993-95
Fall Convention Co-Chair 1997
1987 - date
Oklahoma State University
Animal Care and Use Committee – 1997-2000
Wentz Project Panel – 2000-2002
Regents Professor Committee – 2002-2005
Vice President for Research Search Committee – 2002
Search Committee Chair – Environmental Sciences Institute Director - 2002
General Education Committee – 2003-2006
Biological Sciences (Group I) Graduate Faculty – Vice-Chair 2007-2008
Institutional Review Board – 2007-present
Pre-Med Advisory Committee – 2005 - present
Reviewer for Journal of Nutrition, Nutrition Research, Journal of Applied Physiology, Home Economics
Research, Journal of the American Dietetic Association, Cereal Chemistry, Magnesium and Trace Elements,
Journal of Nutritional Biochemistry, Proceedings of the Society for Experimental Biology and Medicine,
Journal of Biological Inorganic Chemistry, Metabolism, and American Journal of Clinical Nutrition
Reviewer for U.S.D.A. Competitive Research Grants - 1988, 1989, 1992, 1993, 1994, 1996, 2000, 2001
Reviewer for Louisiana State Regents Grants Program
Invited Speaker - Federation of American Societies for Experimental Biology - 1988, 1991, 1993, 1996, 2001.
Invited Speaker – Changing Times Conference – “Herbs in the Market Today” - 2001
Workshop Co-Chair for “Boron, Chromium and Fluoride Session” at “New Approaches, Endpoints, and
Paradigms for RDAs of Mineral Elements”, Grand Forks, North Dakota, September 10-12, 1995.
Counsultant to National Institutes of Health, Office of Dietary Supplements for a workshop on “Chromium and
Diabetes: Formulating a Research Agenda - 1999
Micronutrient Panel, Food and Nutrition Board, Institute of Medicine, National Academy of Sciences, 19992000.
Invited Speaker – Korean Food Science Society – Seoul, Korea, 2002.
Invited Guest of the University of Giessen for the International Curriculum Workshop for M.S. Program in
Applied Human Nutrition at Hawassa University, Awassa, Ethiopia.
Oklahoma State University
Advisor for Ph.D. Graduate Research Excellence Award (Biological Sciences) 1989, 1999
Advisor for M.S. Graduate Research Excellence Award – Honorable Mention (Biological Sci) - 1989
Phoenix Graduate Teaching Award Finalist - 1990
Burlington Northern Award Finalist - 1990, 199l
Lela O'Toole Outstanding Research Award - 1992
CHES Outstanding Academic Advisor – 1996
Margueritte Scruggs Outstanding Research Award – 2000
Oklahoma Distinguished Dietitian – 2000
Regents Professor – 2002 – present
OSU Faculty/Staff Appreciation Award – 2007
Phoenix Graduate Faculty Award Nominee - 2007
Fulbright Senior Specialists Roster – 2007 - present
Iowa State University
NDEA Graduate Fellowship
Sigma Xi
Iota Sigma Pi
Kansas State University
Phi Kappa Phi
Mortar Board
Omicron Nu, President
Phi Upsilon Omicron, Vice-President
Student Senate
College of Human Ecology Distinguished Service Award - 2001
Graduate Student Supervision:
Theses and Dissertations Completed Under My Direction:
O'ladut, W.K. Dietary chromium and ascorbic acid deficiency effects on plasma cholesterol and
glucose tolerance in guinea pigs. M.S. Thesis. Texas Tech University. 1982.
Keim, K.S. Glucose, insulin and lipase activity of rats fed chromium from beef and soy. Ph.D.
Dissertation. Texas Tech University. 1983.
Henley, S.A. Phytate and zinc effects on the chromium nutritional status of the growing rat.
M.S. Thesis. Texas Tech University. 1983.
Pate, C.W. Attitudes toward nutrition and dietary compliance of insulin-dependent diabetics.
M.S. Thesis. Texas Tech University. 1983.
Trodahl, S.E. Factors influencing dietary compliance in a study examining marital interaction
and diet change in insulin-dependent diabetics. M.S. Thesis. Texas Tech University.
Li, Y.-C. Chromium and yogurt effects on glucose, insulin and hepatic lipid in obese mice.
M.S. Thesis. Texas Tech University. 1984.
Liu, S-B. The effect of chromium and yogurt on human serum glucose and lipids. M.S. Thesis.
Texas Tech University, 1984.
Wang, M.-M. Chromium and ascorbate deficiency effects on lipids and glucose tolerance of
guinea pigs. M.S. Thesis. Texas Tech University, 1985.
Su, N.C. The effects of diabetes and hypervitaminosis A in genetically diabetic mice. M.S.
Thesis. Texas Tech University, 1985.
Lin, H.-C. Chromium and ascorbate deprivation effects on tissue lipids of cholesterol-fed guinea
pigs. M.S. Thesis. Texas Tech University, 1986.
Hu, M.-Y. Glucose and tissue chromium of cholesterol-fed guinea pigs deprived of chromium
and ascorbate. M.S. Thesis. Texas Tech University, 1986.
Oladut, W.K. Chromium, vanadium and ascorbate effects on lipids, cortisol, glucose and tissue
ascorbate of guinea pigs. Ph.D. dissertation. Texas Tech University, 1986.
Kuratko, C.N. Relationship of dietary habits to iron status as measured by zinc protoporphyrin
and hematocrit in infants and young children. M.S. Thesis. Texas Tech University,
Li, Y.-C. Chromium and vanadium effects on glucose and lipid metabolism of guinea pigs and
obese and diabetic mice. Ph.D. dissertation. Texas Tech University, 1987.
Xu, X.X., Effects of chromium supplementation on serum cholesterol and tissue chromium
concentrations of ascorbate-depleted guinea pigs. M.S. Thesis. Texas Tech University,
Arquitt, A. Dehydroepiandrosterone sulfate, growth and plasma zinc in adolescent males. Ph.D.
dissertation. Oklahoma State University, 1989.
Davis, M.L. The effects of over-the-counter drugs on chromium absorption in rats. M.S. thesis.
Oklahoma State University, 1990.
Seaborn, C.D. Chromium nutrient interactions affecting tissue chromium, vitamin C
metabolism, and cholesterol synthesis. Ph.D. dissertation. Oklahoma State University,
Kanyangwa, J. Food consumption, nutritional status, and agricultural productivity of small-scale
farmers in Eastern Zambia. Ph.D. dissertation, Texas Tech University, 1992.
Cheng, N.-Z. Effects of chromium and a Chinese herb on glucose, cholesterol and nucleic acids.
Ph.D. dissertation, Oklahoma State University, 1993.
Bode, S. Chromium and manganese: Depletion effects in genetically obese (ob/ob) mice. M.S.
thesis, Oklahoma State University, 1993.
Chen, T. The effect of chromium depletion on bone and urinary hydroxyproline concentration in
streptozotocin induced gestational diabetic rats. M.S. thesis, Oklahoma State University,
Aredo, B. An analysis of existing nutrition, health, and economic indicators and implications for
the development of food and nutrition policy in Ethiopia. M.S. thesis, Oklahoma State
University, 1994.
Jarrett, C.R. Effects and interactions of dietary chromium and manganese in streptozotocininjected rats. M.S. thesis, Oklahoma State University, 1995.
Kamath, S.M. Indomethacin and prostaglandin effects on absorption, retention and urinary
excretion of 51chromium. M.S. thesis, Oklahoma State University, 1995.
Hunt, D.J. Effects of nutrition education programs on nutrition knowledge, dietary intake,
beliefs and selected health parameters of pregnant adolescents. Ph.D. dissertation.
Oklahoma State University, 1996.
Mathis-Shildt, K. Cisplatin chemotherapy effects on trace element excretion and serum
concentration. M.S. thesis, Oklahoma State University, 1996.
Spicer, M.T.T. The effects of chromium depletion and streptozotocin (STZ)-induced diabetes in
pregnancy. Ph.D. dissertation, Oklahoma State University, 1996.
Givens, R.A. Dietary chromium and copper effects on parameters related to cardiovascular
disease risk in the BHE/cdb rat. M.S. thesis, Oklahoma State University, 1997.
Parker, Stephany. Energy intake and expenditure in Jamaican children 3 to 6 years of age with
homozygous sickle cell disease. M.S. thesis, Oklahoma State University, 1997.
Adair, M. Mungbean paste substitution for butter in peanut butter cookies. M.S. thesis,
Oklahoma State University, 1999.
Rhee, Y.S. Effects of chromium and copper depletion or supplementation on immunity in
BHE/cdb rats or in hypercholesterolemic postmenopausal women. Ph.D. dissertation,
Oklahoma State University, 1999.
Smith, B.J. The effects of dietary copper depletion on bone metabolism in two animal models of
osteopenia. Ph.D. dissertation, Oklahoma State University, 1999.
Deyhim, F. Effects of diets rich in phenolic compounds on bone in ovariectomized rats. Ph.D.
dissertation, Oklahoma State University, 2000.
Toure, F. Effect of fish and shrimp on iodine bioavailability in a cassava and millet-based staple
food in Guinea. M.S. thesis, Oklahoma State University, 2000.
Porter, C.P. Glucose tolerance as affected by pregnancy, lactation, and dietary chromium. M.S.
thesis. Oklahoma State University, 2001.
Riggs, Tracy L. Effects of vitamin E and hindlimb unloading on bone composition in aged rats.
M.S. thesis. Oklahoma State University, 2001.
Martin, Sloan D. Effects of vitamin E and hindlimb unloading on biomechanical properties of
bone in mature male rats. M.S. thesis. Oklahoma State University. 2001.
Traore, Djibril. Analysis of Fonio and Three Selected Botanicals Used for Diabetes Care. M.S.
thesis. Oklahoma State University. 2004.
Toure, Fanta. Effects of Iodine and Selenium Depletion on Growth and Bone Quality of Rats.
Ph.D. Dissertation, 2005.
Morrow, Rori. Feeding Orange Pulp Improved Bone Quality in a Rat Model of Male
Osteoporosis. M.S. Thesis. Oklahoma State University, 2006.
Pandey, Meenu. Effect of Feeding Grapefruit Pulp on Bone Microarchitecture and Strength in
Orchidecomized Rats. M.S. Thesis. Oklahoma State University, 2006.
Reilly, Meredith L. Vitamin A Status of Lactating Women in Southern Ethiopia. Oklahoma
State University. M.S. Thesis. Oklahoma State University. 2006.
Pruitt, Amy S. Vitamin D Status in Breastfeeding Ethiopian Women Living in Two Rural
Villages. M.S. Thesis. Oklahoma State University. 2007.
Okwori, Esther. Relation of Dietary and Socioeconomic Characteristics of Mothers to Child
Growth in Sabon Gari Local Government Area, Zaria, Nigeria. M.S. Thesis. Oklahoma
State University, 2008.
Non-thesis M.S. Reports Completed Under My Direction:
Hausenbauer, Teresa. Nutritional anemias in the elderly. M.S. Report, Food and Nutrition,
Texas Tech University, 1986.
Diouf, Marie Anne Ndiaye. Nutritional Assessment in Senegal. M.S. Report. International
Development, Texas Tech University, 1987.
Honors Thesis Advisor
Morrow, Rori - 2004
Smiley, Sara – 2007
Yuka Matsuo - 2008
Niblack Scholar Advisor
Bailey, Rebecca
Lessley, Jenny
Lanfair, Deborah
Graduate Students Currently Supervised:
Alemtsehay Bogale, M.S. Candidate
Afework Mulugeta, Ph.D. Candidate
Maya Joray, Ph.D. Candidate
Muna Al-Gharaibeh, Ph.D. Candidate
Amani Soliman, Ph.D. Candidate
Alemzewed Challa, M.S. Candidate
Tafere Belay, M.S. Candidate
Graduate Committee Membership:
Wannee Rojanapo, Biochemistry, Ph.D., Mahidol Univesity (Thailand), 1977
Gail Gates, Food and Nutrition, M.S., Texas Tech University, 1981
Paula Holland, Food and Nutrition, M.S., Texas Tech University, 1982
Eugene Iorgov, Food and Nutrition, M.S., Texas Tech University, 1982
Bonnie Yankura, Food and Nutrition, M.S., Texas Tech University, 1983
Louise Clement, Food and Nutrition, M.S., Texas Tech University, 1984
Minching Wang, Food and Nutrition, M.S., Texas Tech University, 1984
Cheryl Nossaman, Food and Nutrition, M.S., Texas Tech University, 1984
Carol Seaborn, Food and Nutrition, M.S., Texas Tech University, 1984
Rosemary West, Home Economics Education, M.S., Texas Tech University, 1984
Reza Zolfagari, Home Economics (Food and Nutrition), Ph.D., Texas Tech University, 1984
John Lasekan, Home Economics (Food and Nutrition), Ph.D., Texas Tech University, 1985
Ann Thompson, Home Economics (Food and Nutrition), Ph.D., Texas Tech University, 1985
Cha Chung, Home Economics (Food and Nutrition), Ph.D., Texas Tech University, 1985
Margarette Harden, Agriculture (Plant and Soil Science), Ph.D., Texas Tech University, 1985
Chang-An Wen, Food and Nutrition, M.S., Texas Tech University, 1985
Jan Fritz, Food and Nutrition, M.S., Texas Tech University, 1985
Evelyn Davis, Food and Nutrition, M.S., Texas Tech University, 1985
Wei-Lin Vikyl Chao, Food and Nutrition, M.S., Texas Tech University, 1986
Kate Weems, Home Economics (Food and Nutrition), Ph.D., Texas Tech University, 1986
Tommy Wheeler, Animal Science, M.S., Texas Tech University, 1986
Yi-Wen Pan, Food and Nutrition, M.S., Texas Tech University, 1986
Eugenia Barr, Home Economics (Human Development and Family Studies), Ph.D., Texas Tech
University, 1987
Lee Ann Loney, Food and Nutrition, M.S., Texas Tech University, 1987
Karen D'Ann Fisher, Food and Nutrition, M.S., Texas Tech University, 1987
Yi-Lun Liu, Food and Nutrition, M.S., Texas Tech University, 1987
Danelle Frank, Food and Nutrition, M.S., Texas Tech University, 1987
Leanna Johnson, Food and Nutrition, M.S., Texas Tech University, 1987
Elizabeth Spraggins, Food and Nutrition, M.S., Texas Tech University, 1987
Toni Zemmer, Nutrition, M.S., Oklahoma State University, 1989
Keith Nehls, Food Service Management, M.S., Oklahoma State University, 1989
L. Marie Campbell, Nutrition, M.S., Oklahoma State University, 1990
Dania A.Khalil, Nutrition, M.S., Oklahoma State University, 1990
Julie Hoskins, Nutrition, M.S., Oklahoma State University, 1990
Sowjanya Sudabattula, M.S., Oklahoma State University, 1990
Rebecca Nihiser, Nutritional Sciences, M.S., Oklahoma State University, 1992
Jane Dennis, Human Environmental Sciences (Nutritional Sciences), Ph.D., Oklahoma State
University, 1993
Jamal Bizri, Human Environmental Sciences (Nutritional Sciences), Ph.D., Oklahoma State
University, 1993
Brett Kuhn, Psychology, Ph.D., Oklahoma State University, 1993
Mark Trail, Human Environmental Sciences (Nutritional Sciences), Ph.D., Oklahoma State
University, 1993
Kimberly Dunlavy, Animal Science, M.S., Oklahoma State University, 1993
David Bishop, Animal Science, Ph.D., Oklahoma State University, 1994
Susan Duckett, Animal Science, Ph.D., Oklahoma State University, 1994
Hyun-Hee Chung, Human Environmental Sciences (Nutritional Sciences),
Oklahoma State University, 1994
Lance Baker, Animal Science, Ph.D., Oklahoma State University, 1994
Digna de la Cruz-Ibert, Nutritional Sciences, M.S. Oklahoma State University, 1994
Sowjanya Sudabattula, Nutritional Sciences, M.S., Oklahoma State University, 1995
Jami Rieker, Animal Science, M.S., 1995
Ying Shen, Physiological Sciences, Ph.D., Oklahoma State University, 1995.
Parinitha Dambekodi. Animal Science (Food Science), Ph.D., Oklahoma State University, 1996.
Debessu Tideg, Human Environmental Sciences (Nutritional Sciences), Ph.D., Oklahoma State
University, 1996.
Siobhan Reilly, Food Science, (Animal Science), Ph.D., Oklahoma State University, 1997.
Terra Smith, Food Science (Nutritional Sciences), Ph.D., Oklahoma State University, 1997.
Mindy Brashears, Food Science (Animal Science), Ph.D., Oklahoma State University, 1997.
Amani Soliman, Nutritional Sciences, M.S., Oklahoma State University, 1998.
Anupama Srireddy, Food Science (Nutritional Sciences), M.S., Oklahoma State University,
Sharon Bode, Human Environmental Sciences (Nutritional Sciences), Ph.D., Oklahoma State
University, 1999.
Jen-Chieh Huang, Food Science (Nutritional Sciences), Ph.D., Oklahoma State University, 1999.
Brandon Hodges, Nutritional Sciences, M.S., Oklahoma State University, 2000.
Laura Savage, Nutritional Sciences, M.S., Oklahoma State University, 2000.
Dianne Polley-Fugitt, Human Environmental Sciences (Nutritional Sciences), Ph.D., Oklahoma
State University, 2001.
Michelle Diamond, Nutritional Sciences, M.S., Oklahoma State University, 2001
Swarna Mandali, Human Environmental Sciences (Nutritional Sciences), Ph.D. Oklahoma State
University, 2001.
Mike Rincker, Animal Science, M.S., Oklahoma State University, 2001.
Bhagyalakshmi Chinta, Food Science (Nutritional Sciences), Ph.D., Oklahoma State University,
Jackie Brown, Nutritional Sciences, M.S., Oklahoma State University, 2002.
Yewelsew Abebe, Human Environmental Sciences (Nutritional Sciences), Ph.D., Oklahoma
State University, 2003.
Shanil Juma, Human Environmental Sciences (Nutritional Sciences), Ph.D., Oklahoma State
University, 2003.
Julie Collins, Human Environmental Sciences (Nutritional Sciences), Ph.D., Oklahoma State
University, 2003.
Mary Jo Fisher, Nutritional Sciences, M.S., Oklahoma State University, 2004.
Chris Taylor, Human Environmental Sciences (Nutritional Sciences), Ph.D., Oklahoma State
University, 2004.
Ritha Saidi, Nutritional Sciences, M.S., Oklahoma State University, 2004.
Melissa Franklin, Nutritional Sciences, M.S., Oklahoma State University, 2005.
Lynn Early, Food Science, M.S., Oklahoma State University, 2006.
Norma DeVault, Nutritional Sciences, M.S., Oklahoma State University, 2006.
Ashley Ethridge, Nutritional Sciences, M.S., Oklahoma State University, 2006.
Lacey Smith, Food Science, M.S., Oklahoma State University, 2006.
Vladi Sykova, Nutritional Sciences, M.S. Oklahoma State University, 2006.
Chulaluck Wongsunsern, Human Environmental Sciences (Nutritional Sciences), M.S.,
Oklahoma State University, 2006.
So Young Bu, Human Environmental Sciences (Nutritional Sciences), Ph.D., Oklahoma State
University, 2007.
Lacey Brown Wissen, Human Environmental Sciences (Nutritional Sciences), M.S., Oklahoma
State University, 2007.
Getenesh Berhanu, Nutritional Sciences, M.S. Candidate.
Christie Evans, Nutritional Sciences, M.S. Candidate.
Eric Baker, Nutritional Sciences, M.S. Candidate.
Lauren Whinston, Food Science, M.S. Candidate
McCale Davis, Nutritional Sciences, M.S. Candidate
Ryan Howard, Nutritional Sciences, M.S. Candidate
Lacey Guillen, Food Science, Ph.D. Candidate
Denise Alvarez, International Studies, M.S. Candidate
International Experience
2006-Present – Support for development of M.Sc. degree program in Applied Human
Nutrition at Hawassa University, Awassa, Ethiopia. Contributor to the
International Curriculum Development Workshop and graduate instructor for
AHuN 513 – Nutrition and Metabolism.
2004 - Present - Research work funded by NIH in Ethiopia, “Zinc and Maternal-Child
Brain Function in Southern Ethiopia” and “Zn and Maternal-Infant Brain Function
in S. Ethiopia: Randomized Controlled Trials”.
2004 – 2005 Child Nutrition Workshop presented in Jordan for 14 participants from Iraq
under the auspices of the Al Sharaka Program for Higher Education in Iraq.
Funded by USAID
2003 Project funded by Global Livestock – Collaborative Research Support Program
(GL-CRSP) in Ethiopia and Kenya – “Combating Micronutrient Malnutrition:
Assessment Constraints to Including Animal Source Foods (ASF) in Children’s
Diets in Rural Ethiopia and Kenya”
2002 OSU proposal development team in Amhara Region of Ethiopia
2001 Curriculum development at Awassa College of Agriculture, Debub University and
research project supervision in the Sidamo region of Ethiopia.
2000 Supervised Ph.D. project on supplemental infant food development in rural
communities in the Sidamo region of Ethiopia.
1983 Consulted with and assisted scientists in the National Cancer Institute on
cooperative research projects to assess the nutritional status of people in selenium
deficient areas of the People's Republic of China.
1981 Member of 12-person Agricultural Production and Nutrition Delegation hosted by
the State Scientific and Technological Commission of the People's Republic of
China (Visited several provinces primarily in semi-arid regions. Discussed
problems of agriculture and nutrition, gave seminars, and made program
1978 Survey of Nutritional and Socioeconomic Status of Children in Thailand
(Worked 2 months with team of 6-8 to assess nutritional status of children in North
and South Thailand. Developed procedures to incorporate selected indicators of
food consumption and nutritional status into Thailand's general farm survey.)
1973-77 Nutrition Research Center, Faculty of Medicine, Ramathibodi Hospital,
Mahidol University, Bangkok, Thailand
(Extensive work with nutritional assessment of rural children in Northeast
1965-66 International Farm Youth Exchangee (IFYE) to Jamaica, West Indies
(Lived with rural families and worked with the families and extension agents.)