November 2015 - Temple Sinai
November 2015 - Temple Sinai
November 2015 Cheshvan/Kislev 5776 Social Action Committee - Performing a Mitzvah, One Family At A Time “Deeds of giving are the very foundations of the world.” Pirke Avot 1:2 High Holiday Food Drive: The collection of groceries between Rosh Hashana and Yom Kippur was a great success. Due to the generosity of our congregants, we were able to deliver 850 pounds of food to Jewish Family Services Agency for distribution to families in need. The Temple Sinai Social Action Committee is pleased to announce its 3rd annual Giving Tree Project. This Coat & Blanket Drive: This collaboration between our Social Action committee and Religious School is year our theme is “Toys”. designed to keep families in need warm this winter. To During this important initiative, our congregation accomplish this, we are gathering new and gently used comes together to bring joy to families in need at a time cold weather items including coats, sweaters and when children look forward to receiving gifts for blankets for donation to the Las Vegas Rescue Mission. Chanukah. Jewish Family Services Agency provides us To date we have filled several of the black 55 gallon with a list of needy families and their children along drums you see in the Temple, but we can always use with the wish list each child has. Additionally, gift more. This project will run through November 16th. cards are provided to the parents from Wal-Mart, Target or Smith’s so that they can purchase something Tikkun Olam! for themselves. Each family also receives a grocery gift card. Beginning on November 13, our “Giving Tree” will be set up in the lobby of the Temple with “wish cards” hanging from the branches. Each card represents a child’s list of 3-4 toys, games or DVD’s they would like to receive. Congregants may select any card(s) with which wishes they would like to fulfill. When a card is selected, members will record each one in the book provided. Unwrapped gifts should be returned to the office, with the gift card attached so we can identify which family and child the gift is for. Anonymity is protected. On a designated day, all of the gifts are delivered to JFSA to be distributed to the families. It is a wonderful mitzvah and a feel good project that everyone rallies around. Please contact Eileen Bellsey-Levin at 702-3341444 with any questions regarding donations or gift cards. 2 Table of Contents President’s Message………..3 Events……………………..4 Cantorial Soloist…………...5 Religious School…………...5 Men’s Club………………...9 Sisterhood………………..10 Tzedakah...............................14 Temple News and Notes....15 Life Cycles………….…….19 Life Long Learning……….25 Living in Fear Praying for Peace This month, I wanted to flag up the dizzying violence that has been sweeping Israel. For those of you who have not picked up on it (it hopefully will have died down by the time you read this article), there have been many “lone-wolf” stabbings in different places across Israel. These instances have involved Palestinians suddenly attacking Jewish Israelis at random in various locations, but particularly Jerusalem. It is bewildering how the perpetrators think they are furthering the cause of their people. The Jerusalem mayor, Nir Barkat, has called for anyone who has legal firearms to carry them in case of attack. I cannot imagine the fear that comes from the need to carry weapons just in case during daily life. Maybe it’s a case of being an Englishman abroad. Given the many mass shootings in America in recent years, I assume some of us can empathize. There are a certain proportion of our congregation who carry firearms or at least know how to use them safely. In any case, the idea of our Israeli brothers and sisters living in a state of constant vigilance is stressful. Imagine sending your kids to school while you worry about an attack. If you have family or friends in Israel now would be the time to reach out to them to check on their mental state. You will probably get the reply that you shouldn’t worry and that they are used to it but still, they will appreciate the support. In the meantime, we focus on the words of Psalm 122: Pray for the peace of Jerusalem; may those that love you prosper. Peace be within your walls, and prosperity within your palaces. For my brethren and companions' sakes, I will now say: 'Peace be within you.' L’shalom/To Peace Rabbi Malcolm Cohen Picture courtesy of Ryan Reisman November 2015 3 Rabbi Malcolm Cohen Heather Klein Cantorial Soloist President’s Message “If you asked me for my New Year Resolution, it would be to find out who I am.” Cyril Cusack As we reflect on the High Holy Days, my hope for all of our Executive Committee congregants is that you were impacted and reenergized in your Julie Littmann, President spirituality and commitment to life long learning within our Judaic Les Sherman, 1st Vice President values and beliefs. Becoming involved and continuing a commitment to religion has recently been found to be healthy, Marty Hagans, 2nd Vice President which brings me to my next point. Ricki Greenspon Treasurer Shel Kolner, Recording Secretary Trustees Isaac Cohen Stephanie Helms Jay Kenyon Mordecai Labovitz Bob Levin Ilana Shapiro Steve Weiner Immediate Past President Rick Hollander Sisterhood Tina Drago, President Men’s Club Sean Lyttle, President Education Director for Temple Sinai and Shenker Academy Dr. Sharon Knafo Temple Office Phil Scully, Executive Director Lori Dougherty, Controller Kim Israel, Executive Assistant Lisa Vitallo, Admin Assistant Sinai Shofar Kim Israel, Editor A recent study completed in London has revealed that worshiping at synagogue, church or a mosque can actually assist in keeping illnesses such as depression at bay, especially in times of stress or physical ailments. The study went on to describe the same benefits from worshiping in a social structure as meditation or mindfulness and that positive chemical changes in the brain have been documented as a result from all of these practices. Additionally, worshiping provides any individual with a centered and grounded foundation and belief in a higher power is very healthy for individuals. Finally, the study also showed there is more sustainability to the benefits of worshiping as compared to involvement in sports or volunteering because there is no conclusion or ending. Worshiping can truly be a lifetimes worth of benefits! For myself, attending services is an opportunity to see everyone and enjoy the social aspect of a group wanting to worship together. I feel blessed to be a part of supporting each other through all the good and bad times that life itself throws at us. My door is always open. Julie Littmann President Temple Sinai Committees & Chairpersons Caring - Laurie Kelman— Education – Sharon Knafo – Fundraising—Jack Klein— Marketing & PR – Stephanie Helms – Membership – Bob Levin – Mens Club – Sean Lyttle – Music – Heather Klein – Retreat – Jackie & Shel Kolner – Ritual – Les Gilbert – Senior Social—Gabi & Howard Silverman—gabiyucapeca@cox.ent Sisterhood – Tina Drago – Social Action – Karyn Silber & Gail Dupre – Tzedakah – Shel Kolner – 4 Events Every Friday Night - Shabbat Worship at 7:30pm Every Saturday Morning Worship - 10am unless there is a Bar/Bar Mitzvah, then Torah service precedes morning worship at 9:00am Every Sunday 9:30am Religious School Wednesday, November 11 2:00pm Finance Committee Meeting 6:30pm Social Action Committee meeting Friday, November 13 6:00pm Congregation Dinner Every Tuesday 4:30pm Hebrew School/ Confirmation Saturday, November 14 9:00am Torah Study 10:00am Shabbat Morning Worship including the Bat Mitzvah of Toni Heilman Every Wednesday 5:30pm Cub Scout Meeting 5:30pm Chair Yoga 7:00pm Boy Scout Meeting Sunday, November 15 10:00am Sisterhood Board Meeting 10:00am Marketing your Events Talk... 11:00am Sisterhood General Meeting Every Thursday 6:30pm Mahjong 6:30pm Choir Rehearsals Tuesday, November 17 7:00pm Adult Education: The Story of the Jews Sunday, November 1 9:30am No Religious School - Nevada Day Weekend 2:00pm JRT Performance Tuesday, November 3 7:00pm Adult Education: The Story of the Jews Wednesday, November 4 6:00pm Shenker CPR Training 6:00pm Festival Meeting Thursday, November 5 1:00pm BNC - The Survival of Ashkenazi Jews, Part III 6:30pm Marketing Meeting Friday, November 6 6:15pm Tots Shabbat Friday, November 20 5:45pm Friday Night Live Saturday, November 21 All day Holiday Bazaar Setup 10:00am Shabbat Morning Worship Sunday, November 22 All day Holiday Bazaar Tuesday, November 24 4:30pm No Hebrew School - Thanksgiving Week 6:00pm Caring Committee Meeting 7:00pm Book Club Wednesday, November 25 2:00pm Finance Committee Meeting 3:00pm Dine Out -Bagel Cafe Sunday, November 8 Friday, November 27 9:30am No Religious School - Veteran's Day Weekend 7:30pm Ensemble Shabbat Worship 10:00am Men’s Club Breakfast 2:00pm "I Know I Came in Here for Something" Musical Sunday, November 29 9:30am No Religious School - Thanksgiving Week Tuesday, November 10 4:30pm No Hebrew School - Veteran's Day Weekend 7:00pm Adult Education: The Story of the Jews November 2015 5 From the Desk of Heather Klein Religious School News Hands-On Learning As we enter the fall season, I want to share with you some wonderful insights from my visit in the religious school classrooms during the last weeks. The first graders were dressed up with a Torah look alike paperbag, decorated with holiday motifs, and full of creativity. In the 2nd and 3rd grades, the students worked on a Hamsah Tile, decorating and painting it with variety of colors. The 4th graders practiced their reading, and in the 5th grade, students were called up to the whiteboard, and used the Mimio Electronic Pen to write With November comes the joy of rehearsals with junior letters and words in Hebrew. In the 6th grade, the students choir, the adult choir and Sinai Songbirds on Shabbat played Hebrew games online using the Mimio Interactive services and songs for the upcoming holiday of Hanukkah. board. In the 7th grade, the students selected their own hero One of my favorite memories happened around this time from their curriculum book “Jewish Heroes Jewish Values” of the year. I was standing under a white tent in one of the as they prepared for their annual prayer service. Summerlin traffic circles where I was part of a choir from The Hebrew Academy (now the Adelson School) holding These classroom learning examples are a true reflection of our Religious School educational philosophy at Temple Sihot chocolate and singing Hanukkah and Shabes songs. As most of you know, Yiddish is near and dear to my nai..We encourage creative learning combined with the use heart. So this month I will be flying back to the Bay Area of technology and arts as essential learning tools to create to teach Yiddish songs and perform for the Jewish joyful learning in and out of the classrooms. community. In addition to classroom experiences, we emphasize the exHowever, I am excited to say that there will be a festival tracurricular activities and projects unique to each class. The right here for our greater Las Vegas community at Temple students have already participated in two Tikkun Olam proSinai. I will be making Eastern European culture and the jects (High Holy Days Food Drive, and winter coat drive). Yiddish language accessible to you! I will be bringing in Both were coordinated by the Temple’s Social Action comexperts to teach masterclasses, Yiddish dancing, and mittee. language. I will teach songs and have other professionals in the area come to lecture and be a part of the learning By creating a holistic educational environment, we gear our and freylekh-making! So, please mark your calendars for programs to meet the 21st century upbeat education, and engage the students in exciting experiences. April 10th! What a great month this has been. Between the new members luncheon and the success of our first Pop-up Shul, I am so happy to be a part of the innovation here at Temple Sinai. It was an honor to take part in “Kol Isha” with my colleagues in the valley performing together at King David. I was so pleased that all the proceeds supported Breast Cancer awareness. Thanks to all of you at Temple Sinai who came to support Kate and me and the other performers. This time of year everything is in full swing. Sometimes I L’ Shalom, find it is hard to have balance and find time for myself. It can be hard to tell someone that you may not have time to Dr. Sharon R. Knafo see them and that you need to find time for yourself, but Education Director remember this: “Be who you are and say what you feel, because those who mind don’t matter and those who matter don’t mind.” Dr. Seuss. Heather 6 Bat Mitzvah of Toni Heilman Antonia (Toni) Danielle Heilman will be called to the Torah as a Bat Mitzvah at Temple Sinai on Saturday, November 14, 2015. Toni has lived in Las Vegas her entire life, although she has traveled pretty extensively for a 12 1/2 year old. Her favorite destinations have been Mexico, Alaska, the Caribbean, the Pacific Northwest, and the New England area. In fact, Toni fell so in love with the lush green of both Maine and Oregon, she often talks about moving to one of them someday. At this point in her life, Toni intends to focus on her love of history and possibly become a historian or a teacher. Toni has participated in multiple extracurricular activities that include singing in various choirs since the age of six, a comedy improvisation group, hip hop dance, and swimming. In addition, she has donated her time to several charity projects. She spearheaded a fundraiser at her elementary school where she raised over $3000 for Pennies for Patients. Also, she packed boxes of food and other goodies for the troops through Munchies for the Military. Finally, as part of her Bat Mitzvah project, she collected over 1500 books for the West Care Women and Children's Shelter as well as attended book cleanings at Spread the Word Nevada, an organization that disseminates books to at-risk children. Toni’s parents, Dale and Daron, as well as her sister Sha are very proud of Toni. Toni has accomplished quite a bit thus far in her life, and her family can't wait to see what other amazing things she will do in the future. 7 November 2015 8 9 From Your Men’s Club Giving Thanks “Serve the Lord with gladness… E nte r i nto G -d’ s g ate s with thanksgiving, and into G-d’s courts with praise. Give thanks unto the Lord… for the Lord is good. G-d’s mercy and faithfulness endure forever, unto all generations.” – Psalm 100. November is here, and that means it is almost time for Thanksgiving! I have always loved Thanksgiving, and many of my fondest memories involve celebrating this uniquely American autumnal tradition. This year, I have had the month of November circled on the calendar for another reason, and I am certain that many precious new memories will be made. As most of you know, my wife Apryl and I will have something new and particularly special to celebrate and for which to give thanks this year: our daughter Harper is due to be born November 18, and many of our relatives from Tennessee will be meeting her for the first time when they arrive here in town on Thanksgiving Day. Apryl and I have many blessings and much to be thankful for in our lives, first and foremost our daughter Anabella. While Apryl and I have been praying for a second child for quite some time, Bella has been fervently – and specifically – praying for a baby sister for as long as we can remember. This month, all our prayers are answered with Harper’s arrival, and we will certainly be entering into G-d’s gates with great thanksgiving. I look forward to introducing her, a new member of Am Yisrael, to our Temple Sinai congregational family, and to raising her alongside Big Sister Bella to be strong Jewish women. The Men’s Club of Temple Sinai, and Apryl and I personally wish all of you a Happy Thanksgiving. And we take this opportunity to express our thanks to all the men and women of our congregation who have supported us and made us feel like family here at Temple Sinai. G-d’s faithfulness does indeed endure unto all generations. May you have a blessed and joyous Thanksgiving holiday! Kol tuv, Sean Lyttle November 2015 10 From Your Sisterhood As the days get shorter and the nights longer I find myself seeking out the sun each morning and looking for the light in people I interact with each day. I am a glass is half full person and try to be conscious of negative thoughts and actions. Sisterhood is so important to me as I have been adverse to groups that don’t support a beneficial agenda! We have a group of strong, independent thinking women who only want the best for Temple Sinai. Sometimes they are rough on me because I have to pick and choose my battles at Temple Sinai so as not to step-on others or waste my energy on a campaign that will not flourish, but all-in-all I know the Sisterhood of Temple Sinai is a POSITIVE force in our community. When I speak to women who are not members of Sisterhood I try to seek-out why they wouldn’t want to join a positive diverse group of women not shy about speaking their minds and fierce about supporting their Temple and families. I hear: 1) I don’t have enough time to participate– if you don’t take a little time for yourself you will not be the best you can be for others, plus the Sisterhood support network is phenomenal and who couldn’t use a little support! or 2) I had a negative experience with a different Sisterhood– we all have had negative experiences, but if you can’t put that behind you and seek a positive experience with wonderful women, I truly feel sorry for you and wish you all the love you are willing to accept. I am thankful for Sisterhood, the friends I have made and the family I am proud to be a member of. So this Thanksgiving remember all the good and let go of the negative! The Sisterhood’s Gift Shop is OPEN during Temple Hours of Operation. Please contact the office to peruse the goods! The Gift Shop has weekly shipments for Chanukah gift giving and will special order (allow 6 weeks) and as always they OFFER INVITATIONS for any celebration and SPECIAL ORDERS! Sisterhood is always looking for fun-loving conscientious ladies to join the fun, contact Marge Nordell for more information at Shalom, Tina Drago Tot Shabbat Friday, November 6th 6:15 PM to 6:45 PM Bring your little ones, ages 1-5 for a lovely service just for kids (and their parents)! 11 November 2015 November 2015 13 What’s ahead in our Torah? November 6-7 Chaye Sara Sarah dies and is buried in Hebron in the Machpelah caves. Isaac weds Rebecca. Abraham take a new wife, Keturah. At age 175, he dies and is buried by Isaac and Ishmael next to Sarah in Hebron. November 13-14 Toledot Rebecca gives birth to the twins – Esau and Jacob. Jacob steals the birthright and the blessing of the first born. Jacob flees to Haran to escape Esau’s wrath. November 20-21 Vayeitze Jacob’s famous dream of Angels ascending and descending a ladder. Jacob makes ‘a deal’ with God. Jacob works for Rachel’s hand in marriage but is deceived by Laban. In all, Jacob works for twenty-one years and leaves with two wives, twelve children and great wealth. Vayishlach Jacob’s name is changed to Israel as he prepares to reunite with Esau. His daughter, Dinah, is raped in Shechem and her brothers wreak revenge. Rachel dies giving birth to Benjamin. She is buried in Efrat/Bethlehem. Jacob dies and is buried in Hebron. November 27-28 Save the Date Retreat VI June 3-5, 2016 14 Tzedakah The Eitz Tzedakah…the Tree of Donations which delineates all the opportunities for making donations to the Temple. Please call the office to receive help or the alternative person listed. You can always contact the Tzedakah chairperson if you have any questions or suggestions. (Shel Kolner 702.334.8914). Minimum Donation $8.00 $18.00 Various-no minimum $15.00 + $18.00 $18.00 $10.00 $36.00 $100.00 $180.00 $118.00 $200.00 $400.00 $500.00 Add $60.00 $400.00 Various, no minimum Various The Tree of Donations Tributes Tributes Listed in the Shofar Birthday/Anniversary/Yahrzeits Monthly ad in Shofar Shabbat Flyer Sponsorship E-blast Monthly Sponsorship Honey Sales (Rosh Hashanah) Note Card Bundle of 7 Tree of Life Leaves Tree of Life Pebbles Pavers Bima Flowers Memorial Plaque - Member Memorial Plaque - Non-member Reserved Memorial Plaque Oneg Shabbat Sponsorship Sustainability Campaign Yizkor Booklet (Yom Kippur) Alternative Contact Shel Kolner Shel Kolner Shel Kolner Dorothy Cohen/ Phyllis Feigenson Sisterhood Gift Shop (GS) Julie Littmann Shel Kolner Contact Numbers Office/Sisterhood GS Dorothy Cohen 702.254.5110 ext. 1 702.228.7040 Julie Littmann Phyllis Feigenson 702.254.5110 ext 1. 973.525.7799 Chanukah Greetings How would you like to join 22 other Temple members wishing your Temple Sinai family of friends a Happy Chanukah. For $18 you can do this. Your name(s) will be listed wishing all your friends a happy holiday. Questions? Call Shel Kolner 702.334.8914. It is really very simple and very nice! I want to wish the Temple Sinai family members a: ___ Happy Chanukah $18 Please mark it from _________________________________ Phone ______________________________ ____ Enclosed is a check for $_______ ___Please charge to my account on file. ______________________________ Signature Send to Temple Sinai office 9901 Hillpointe Rd., Las Vegas, NV 89134 or handle it over the phone by calling the Temple 702.254.5110 ext.1. 15 November 2015 Temple News and Notes Personal Tribute Cards Have you seen the personal tribute cards? If not, they are available in our Sisterhood gift shop. Please stop and take a look. These cards match our standard tribute cards but are used to send personal notes. They allow you to convey your personal sentiments to family and friends while still indicating to them that a donation was made in their honor to the Temple Sinai general fund. The cards are available in 7-packs for $36.00. They are also available by calling Dorothy Cohen (702.228.7040) or Phyllis Feigenson (973.525.7799). Talk to the ladies or stop in at the gift shop. You will be happy you did. GET THAT w/TUTORING by DUPRE’ Reading, Eng., Soc. St., & Studying Skills 757-375-0732/ $25.00/hr. Please ask for Gail Dupre' (M.S.Ed.) Announcing Dedication Pavers Pavers are customized bricks used to honor your friends and family whose names will be placed in the decorative walkway in our courtyard next to the Hebrew School classrooms. Note, they are not intended as memorials since people will be walking on them. Pavers are 7 1/8” by 3 1/4 inch and may contain up to 3 lines of engraving, with 16 characters per line including spaces. A donation of $118 for each custom paver is required. Please call the office or Shel Kolner at 702.334.8914 to order and arrange payment. Examples: Steve & Susie Goldbergstein 16 17 November 2015 Fun at Simcha Torah On Sunday, October 4th, we had a wonderful celebration of Simcha Torah as we marked the conclusion of annual Torah readings and got set to begin again. 18 Advertising and Sponsorship An easy and important way you can help support your Temple is by utilizing our advertising and sponsorship programs. We need your help in finding advertisers. The programs are: Shofar advertising - starting at $15 is a really good deal for businesses in the area. They get to 350 families in print or online. All we need to contact them are a person’s name and their e-mail address. We take care of the rest. Please volunteer some names and addresses. See below. E-blast Sponsorship - The weekly e-blast can contain addon advertising. The advertiser gets 5 weekly e-blasts for $18, a very easy but effective way to get to the 600 members on our e-mail list. All we need is the person’s name and their e-mail address. We take care of the rest. Shabbat Flyer Sponsorship - Personal messages may be displayed in the flyer. e.g. Sponsor in honor of your anniversary or birthday. An easy way to support your Temple and it is only $18. This may be coordinated with Oneg Shabbat sponsorships. To do any of the above or to supply information requested above, contact Shel Kolner (702.228.4744 or 702.334.8914) or send an e-mail to November 2015 19 Yahrzeits Birthdays Cassondra Joshua Lisa Alyne Zachariah Mark George Marilyn Remy Laura Jocelyn Mark Tal Jennifer Karen Jeffrey Jon Andrew Danielle Tina Joshua Jillian Elaine Gabriela Jake Mervyn Rachel Dylan Matthiew Marsha Sara Denise Sherry Lauren Samuels Weinberger Cohler Safdeye Rahaman Greenberg Rivers Landers Schlossberg Coleman Goldman Kosowsky Minuskin Tenby Leader Ballin Taffer Feigenson Branton Yan Knox Potashnick Berger Silverman Friedlander Fleisher GewelberWilliams Schwartz De Castro Seiden Bagwin Lynn Friend Ritter 11/1 11/1 11/1 11/1 11/1 11/1 11/2 11/2 11/3 11/4 11/4 11/5 11/5 11/5 11/7 11/7 11/7 11/7 11/8 11/8 11/8 11/9 11/10 11/10 11/10 11/12 11/12 11/12 11/13 11/13 11/13 11/14 11/14 11/14 Joseph Phyllis Francine Benjamin Marjorie Talia Gizella Scott EJ Steve Eric Abbigail Fay Samantha Talia Joel Ann Michael Richard Marge Sarah Mordecai Sydney Debra Irving Nate Joseph Karen Julia Elyse Max Les Dina Vivian Barishman Feinberg Scott Koppe Abelson Krumkop Dascalu Harris Shulman Minkoff Littmann Klein Fisher Schwartz Perez Shinder Kaplan Rosenblum Hollander Nordell Stevens Arin Israel Spero Berliner White GewelberWilliams Mairs Dreitzer Kraft Berman Gilbert Rudaizky Yager 11/14 11/14 11/14 11/14 11/15 11/15 11/15 11/15 11/18 11/21 11/21 11/21 11/21 11/22 11/22 11/23 11/23 11/23 11/23 11/23 11/23 11/24 11/24 11/25 11/25 11/26 11/27 11/28 11/29 11/29 11/29 11/29 11/30 11/30 Alexander Fred Edna Max Sheldon Rochelle Harriet Herb Bernice Leonard Howard Morie Charles Marc Ben Jacki Nathan Hannah Ruth Martin Frances Rachel Irving Gary Ben Louis Ruth Bearice Parilee James Roz Mark Joseph Nathan Nile Leo Jenner Kesselman Lipman Narby Factor Goldstein Lyons Silverman Barstack Copeland Silber Belgorod Seiden Barstack Bliman Marcus Ort Pfeiffer Kamensky Parness Shinder Stenzel Medoff Branton Fishel Hirsch Kosser Taylor Crum Deutschkron Greenberg Isaacs Mann Joseph Patterson Braverman 11/1 11/1 11/2 11/2 11/3 11/3 11/3 11/3 11/4 11/4 11/4 11/5 11/5 11/6 11/6 11/6 11/6 11/6 11/7 11/7 11/7 11/7 11/8 11/10 11/10 11/10 11/11 11/13 11/14 11/15 11/15 11/15 11/15 11/16 11/16 11/17 Louis Jerome Miriam Dorothy Beth Maurice Helen Abraham Irving Patricia Rebecca Cecelia Richard Ralph Sheldon Pearl Sidney Mildred Helen Maurice Sol Sol Nanci Jerome Stewart George Pearl Carolyn Renee Albert Florence Francine Joseph Melissa Jacob Frederick Vinocur Karp Lipstein Rosen Berman Erlich Levenberg Rudnick Kublin Twining Glazerman Mitchel Pandukht Schucker Wiener Stenzel Kantor Pullman Seiden Berg Eisenberg Feinberg Hartenstein Finnerman Metzger Snyder Berman Brown Jaffe Karbal Podolny Fessler Bloom Warholy Cohen Glick 11/17 11/18 11/18 11/18 11/19 11/19 11/19 11/19 11/20 11/20 11/21 11/22 11/22 11/22 11/22 11/23 11/24 11/24 11/24 11/25 11/25 11/25 11/25 11/26 11/26 11/26 11/27 11/27 11/27 11/27 11/27 11/28 11/29 11/29 11/30 11/30 Anniversaries Andrew & Suzanne Gregory & Nancy Mark & Kristin Edward & Ann Eric & Julie Irv & Nancy Mickey & Laura Richard & Donna Ivan & Marcia Elaine & Shel Burt & Sheila Feigenson Koppe Rich Jenner Littmann Weinberger Coleman Hollander Lambert Schaffer Galper 2-Nov 2-Nov 2-Nov 7-Nov 7-Nov 8-Nov 9-Nov 9-Nov 11-Nov 13-Nov 15-Nov 12th Anniversary 13th Anniversary 1st Anniversary 61st Anniversary 22nd Anniversary 23rd Anniversary 55th Anniversary 32nd Anniversary 48th Anniversary 60th Anniversary 57th Anniversary Janice & Steven Nancy & Robert Avi & Devra Adam & Ryan Leslie & Karyn Leonard & Bonnie Stephen & Susan Eliah & Eileen Victor & Karly Marla Rudnick & Mitch & Debra Hoffman Sherman Weiss Reisman Silber Samuels Joseph Atlas Perez Lawrence Kublin Altman 15-Nov 16-Nov 16-Nov 21-Nov 21-Nov 23-Nov 25-Nov 27-Nov 27-Nov 28-Nov 29-Nov 51st Anniversary 7th Anniversary 11th Anniversary 19th Anniversary 33rd Anniversary 49th Anniversary 37th Anniversary 39th Anniversary 11th Anniversary 9th Anniversary 7th Anniversary 20 November 2015 21 Donations General Donations Building Fund Mr. and Mrs. Sid Blum IHO Sidney's Birthday Dante Ciochetto & Rachel Smith Mr. and Mrs. Denny Deutschkron IMO Aracelis & Denny's Parents Ms. Ruth Kaplow IMO Ed Katz Mr. and Mrs. Harry Kelman IMO Hermanne Schere Ms. Dorothy Klegerman IMO Irving Klegerman Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey Klein IMO Ruth Katz Greenstein Mr. Irwin Levine Mr. and Mrs. Asher Rogow IMO Sam Klein Mr. Stephen Weiner IMO Jack Weiner Ms. Sara Bagwin Mr. and Mrs. Irvin Berger Mr. and Mrs. Philip Fiol Mr. and Mrs. Les Gilbert Mr. and Mrs. Stanford Heller Mr. and Mrs. Jeff Kelemen Mr. and Mrs. Scott Lachman Mr. and Mrs. Robert Levin Mr. Michael Schilling Cantorial Soloist Discretionary Fund Richard Greenberg Memorial Fund Mr. and Mrs. Myron Bernstein Mr. and Mrs. Sheldon Kolner Ms. Cheryl Bame Mr. And Mrs. Myron Bernstein Mr. and Mrs Arthur Greenberg IMO Sara Greenberg Mr. & Mrs. Arthur Greenberg IHO Ben Ballin, Chloe Cohen Rabbi’s Discretionary Fund Mr. And Mrs. Myron Bernstein Ms. Holly Calkin Mr. David Friedland Marsha Genard and Vera Ginsburg Zena Glazerman IMO Gensa Katchky Ms. Lynn Hunsinger Mr. and Mrs. Minao Kamegai Mr. and Mrs. Sheldon Kolner Endowment Fund Ms. Myrna Brown Mr. and Mrs. Isaac Cohen Mr. and Mrs. Paul Drago Marsha Genard and Vera Ginsburg Mr. and Mrs. Les Gilbert Mrs. Zena Glazerman Mr. and Mrs. Richard Hollander Mr. Ronald Israel Mr. Robert Levin and Mrs. Bellsey-Levin Mr. and Mrs. Eric Littmann Mr. and Mrs. Martin Myers Mr. and Mrs. Mark Sample Mr. and Mrs. Howard Silverman and Max Berman who read from the Torah Kol Nidre Appeal Mr. and Mrs. Robert Addis Ms. Phyllis Feinberg Mr. and Mrs. Philip Fiol Mr. & Mrs. Daron Heilman Mr. Robert Houston & Ms. Jamie Newberry Mr. & Mrs. Elvin Kranen Mr. & Mrs. Scott Leader Mr. Irwin Levine Mr. E. Brett Rubin Dr. & Mrs. Steven Sanders Ms. Jeanne Schomaker Mr. & Mrs. Lawrence Schwartz Mr. & Mrs. Howard Silverman Mr. Erik Steinman Ms. Anita Lewy Mr. Emanuel Lyons The Frankenberg Family Trust All donations received after the tenth of the month will be included in next month's publication 22 Youth Group is Happening! By now, if you’ve been around Temple Sinai at all over the past few months, you’ve seen a lot of our “teenage” youth gathered. We’ve had some very successful and well attended youth activities recently such as our overnight “Teen Temple Lock In” in September and laser tag with pizza party in October where 21 of our youth from the 7th through 11th grades participated. This month’s youth group social event is paintball on Sunday, November 22nd at 1:00pm. Look for details in our weekly Temple Sinai emails or contact me directly. Looking ahead, save the date for our Winter Youth Retreat at Mt. Potosi the weekend of February 12, 2016. Please encourage your teens and 7th graders to join in our monthly youth group activities. It is wonderful to experience our young Jewish members and guests connecting inside and outside the walls of our Temple. Shalom, Brian Williams Youth Group Director 23 Please Welcome our New Members Connie Dalesandro Marjorie & Gary Abelson Jessica & Brad Grunwald Shawn Donley & Ginger Lanier Sally & Rich Niederman Ellen Fuller Sanford & Ellery Armstrong and Stewart Armstrong Diana Karol Lisa Martin Irving Novack Eric Gladstone and Elena Gladstone Danielle Branton and Amara Branton Charlene & Geoffrey Sher Karina & Eric Blank Pamela Ring and Rhoda Ring November 2015 24 Upcoming Adult Education 25 November 2015 Lifelong Learning At Temple Sinai Temple Sinai is a warm and welcoming Reform Jewish community engaged in lifelong learning, social justice, and soulful worship. Lifelong Learning (Torah) – Wherever you find yourself, we want to help you get to the next stage of your Jewish journey. We offer formal and informal opportunities for learners to find genuine meaning and answers to keenly felt moral questions and personal issues within the Jewish tradition. You will notice that we have a wonderful range of events from stand-alone events to three-session mini-courses to a two-year in- depth study. For this congregation, the social experience of learning is extremely important alongside the content of our study. We hope that you will deepen your connections to our heritage and each other as you move to the next stage of your journey. L’shalom/To Peace Rabbi Malcolm Cohen Conversion Class Contact Rabbi Cohen at or (702) 254-5110 if you are considering converting to Judaism. Sisterhood & Men’s Club Both of these groups work within the synagogue to provide fascinating speakers and educational events. Senior Committee This committee will connect you with learning opportunities around the valley. Look for their events through our communications. Religious School and Youth Group Our Religious school offers formal and informal learning opportunities for young people from pre-kindergarten age through High School. For more information, please contact the Temple office. Tuition $575 K - 2nd Grade $720 3rd - 7th Grade $460 8th - 12th Grade Discount for Each Additional Child (after the first) $50. Saturday Morning Torah Study Sessions Saturdays, 10:00 am - 11:30 am in the small shul. Shabbat Morning services enhanced by a stimulating Torah study session held during the service. All are welcome. No RSVP required. If there is a Bar or Bat Mitzvah, then Torah Study begins at 9:00am. Social Media Follow us on Facebook, Twitter & Instagram @templesinailv 26 27 November 2015 28
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