N FA D - Furnica


N FA D - Furnica
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(06) MARCH 2010
Furniture Factory Live
– it is worth to see
We expose trends in kitchens
– Charm of Detail
Our commitment
30 million euros of new investments
in technology and know-how
so as to provide the ultimate service
to all our customers Worldwide.
Visit us at
Rimini 20-24.04.10
scmgroup@scmgroup.com www.scmgroup.com
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BUChe palInka nero MarqUIna ManIpUr saTInwooD leTra aTaMI BaMBUs wallIs Z
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Dy JaCaranDa shIno larnaCa Cypress aBerDeen Cherry sylVensTeIn Maple hID
MarMara Maple ManIpUr saTInwooD aTaMI BaMBoo VIrgInIa walnUT leTra FIlo
Vas palInka Tessera VIChy apple DeleMonT pear sTroMBerg Maple IkeBana saM
e MolDaU akaZIe BUChe BaVarIa salZaCh BUChe ThansaU ahorn VanCoUVer aho
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w w w.drema.pl • w w w.furnica.pl • w w w.drema.pl • w w w.furnica.pl
tors who will be showing their products on
an area of nearly 30,000 m2. The fairs in
Poznań will feature a range of innovative
products, many of them exhibited for the
first time, prepared by leading companies
especially for the trade shows which will
take place in April. A foretaste of these inspiring solutions is presented in this magazine.
Hanna Ochnik-Pawłowska
DREMA and FURNICA Project Director
Dear Readers,
It is my pleasure to present to you
DREMA FURNICA NEWS, a magazine dedicated to practitioners
operating in the different sectors of
the wood and furniture industries.
This year’s DREMA International Trade Fair
of Machines and Tools for Wood and Furniture Industries and FURNICA International
Trade Fair of Components for Furniture Production, two trade shows held concurrently
under the honorary auspices of the Minister
of Economy, have attracted over 800 exhibi-
A visit at DREMA and FURNICA is not only
an opportunity to see the offer of the top global companies which supply their products
to the sector, but also a unique opportunity
to get information helpful in making economic decisions. Therefore, together with
our partners we have organized demonstration spaces for technologies of the future.
While visiting DREMA, you should see the
Live Furniture Factory, a special presentation
space where full-scale machinery will produce upholstered furniture that boasts interesting design using cutting-edge technology
and materials. This year’s FURNICA will also
involve a display of components for the production of kitchen furniture and presentations showing kitchen furniture designs. New
trends will be showcased in an area called
Charm of Detail – Kitchen from inside. The
name stands for both an exhibition showing
the world of components and for an interesting program addressed to professionals.
The trade shows scheduled for April also
include an interesting programme of meetings targeted at the wood industry. I particularly recommend the Economic Forum of
the Polish Wood and Furniture Industry
POLWOOD, a meeting of representatives of
leading companies and organizations.
I also recommend participation in seminars
on sawmilling where scientists and practitioners will be presenting their vision of
innovation in this vital sector of the wood
Hoping that this edition of DREMA FURNICA
NEWS will inspire you to come to Poznań and
make your stay at the fairs easier, I wish you
a lot of success in business and hope that you
will find the magazine pleasant to read.
Yours sincerely
Hanna Ochnik-Pawłowska
DREMA and FURNICA Project Director
Join us in Katowice for
the most important industry meeting
in South Poland.
Presentation of woodworking
technologies in theory and practice addressed
to small and medium enterprises.
at: www.dsm.katowice.pl
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DREMA 2010 International Trade Fair of Machines and Tools for Wood and Furniture Industries
FURNICA 2010 International Trade Fair of Components for Furniture Production.
The most high-profile trade fairs
in Central and Eastern Europe
On 13-16 April 2010, the 26th edition of the DREMA
International Trade Fair of Machines and Tools for Wood
and Furniture Industries will be held in Poznań under a slogan
“Technologies of tomorrow”. At the same time, FURNICA
International Trade Fair of Components for Furniture Production will take place. Both prestigious events will give insight
into cutting-edge solutions on the market and the condition
of the industry in Central and Eastern Europe.
DREMA for sawmill industry
The sawmill sector is a crucial part of the woodworking industry, and the DREMA fair will feature events addressed to professionals from this
very sector. These will among others include the
„Cutting-edge technologies for sawmill industry” seminar attended by invited companies
and partners from research milieus and presenting the most interesting solutions to streamline
production in small, medium and large sawmills. The organisers are hoping for high turnout from companies interested in long-term
business development based on economic and
safe production methods.
Island of Associations
The professional format of the DREMA fair will
be confirmed at the Island of Associations. It will
be attended by leading industry organisations,
which will facilitate establishing many interesting contacts and gaining industry insight in
global terms.
Competitions and exhibitions
The most high-profile trade fair in the
For small, medium and large woodworking and
furniture production companies, using stateof-the-art technologies is the way to achieve
competitive advantage as regards operational
costs and the quality of final products. Therefore, the DREMA fair is a much waited-for event
for the industry in Central and Eastern Europe,
and has a commanding position in the calendar of professionals looking for the right development directions for their companies. The recommendation of the European Federation of
Woodworking Machinery Manufacturers EUMABOIS proves this fair is a world-class event.
A visit at the fair in Poznań is a unique chance in
a year to explore the potential of live machinery.
An addition to the interesting and diverse
exhibitors’ exposition is a rich programme of
industry-focused events along with unique
presentation areas. Within the same time frame,
the FURNICA International Trade Fair of Components for Furniture Production will be held
on the fairgrounds of Międzynarodowe Targi
Poznańskie: a very good thematic supplement
for representatives of the furniture industry visiting Poznań. For professionals, the opportunity
to visit DREMA and FURNICA fairs means a direct
contact with about 800 leading global suppliers of technique and technology that will showcase their offer at a total of nearly 30,000 sq m
of exhibition area. Exhibitors will come from 22
countries: Austria, Belgium, China, Columbia,
Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, France, Germany, Hungary, Italy, Luxembourg, Netherlands,
Poland, Russia, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Turkey and USA. According to
the organisers’ expectations, DREMA and FUR-
NICA 2010 will be visited by more than 22,000
professionals from Poland and abroad, actively looking for ways of development in business.
Live production you have never seen
Live Furniture Factory is a special presentation
space that combines the spheres of interest
of visitors of the DREMA fair and the FURNICA
International Trade Fair of Components for Furniture Production held concurrently.
This live, full-scale machinery will produce
upholstered furniture that boasts interesting
design using cutting-edge technology and
materials. The Department of Furniture Design
of the Poznań University of Life Sciences will
supervise this interesting yet logistically difficult undertaking. The Factory will not only provide information about technological nuances,
but also integrate the student community: the
future staff of the furniture industry.
Polwood – European-scale discussion
The upcoming edition of the fair will host
the 4th Economic Forum of the Polish Wood
and Furniture Industry POLWOOD organised
jointly by the Inwestor Publishing House and
Międzynarodowe Targi Poznańskie. Attracting representatives of leading woodworking
companies and industry circles, the forum will
address sawmill and furniture industries, focusing on issues related to chief challenges for the
industry and its development paths. The position of the Polish wood and furniture industry in the European Union will be high on the
agenda, as well. Representatives of main industry organisations from abroad and journalists of
industry media from Poland and abroad will be
invited to this meeting.
The 2010 edition of the fair will also feature interesting competitions and exhibitions
organised by the Inwestor Publishing House,
the editor of Gazeta Przemysłu Drzewnego as well as Meblarstwo and Drewnotechnika monthlies and the Drzewny.pl Web portal,
and Międzynarodowe Targi Poznańskie. The 9th
Polish Championships in Nail Hammering, with
prizes for winners, will stir a lot of emotions.
Students will have their “Conjured from wood”
competition aimed at promoting professions
related to wood processing, whereas stamp
collectors fond of wood will be thrilled to see
an exhibition of a rich collection of stamps from
all over the world held under a slogan “Wood
in stamps”.
Charm of detail – Kitchen from
the inside
Kitchen from the inside – this is a very tricky title
(a wordplay in Polish: Kuchnia od kuchni) of the
next edition of the CHARM OF DETAIL exhibition addressed mainly to kitchen furniture manufacturers, kitchen studios, and in particular to
designers and sales advisors. The area has been
divided into two zones: exhibition zone and
knowledge zone.
Poznań: it is worth to be here
Mutually complementary DREMA and FURNICA fairs are among top international events
addressed to professionals from the woodworking and furniture industries. Thanks to
over 100 new products and international premieres along with interesting conferences
and presentation areas, it is really worth to be
there. The organisers have taken care of high
comfort of your stay: registered visitors will
enjoy free entry, and you can rest and have
free refreshments in Rest&Meet Points at fairgrounds. Międzynarodowe Targi Poznańskie
very much encourages you to register on-line at
www.mtp24.pl or on-site, directly at ticket
offices. For unregistered visitors, tickets will be
priced at 60 PLN (single-entry ticket) and 90
PLN (four-day ticket). Guests who come by car
will be happy to use the attended car park located within 350 m from the fairgrounds (Matejki Street). A convenient location in the vicinity of the railway station and the Ławica airport
is good news for all those who prefer alternative
ways of travel.
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Events | Economic Forum of the Polish Wood and Furniture Industry POLWOOD 2010
Let us talk about Europe
Only once a year, a few hundreds of guests, including managers of the largest enterprises
from the woodworking and furniture industries, directors of organisational units of State
Forests, researchers, economists and politicians, will all meet at the POLWOOD Forum to take
part in the expert discussion supported with the latest research and analyses on the future
of the woodworking and furniture industries.
committed to promoting good business solution models and developing the wood and furniture industries in Poland. With the Polwood
Award, we would like to identify and promote
the highest standards of management and
innovation in enterprises.
The goal behind the competition is to recognise those entrepreneurs operating on the
- Together with invited guests, experts from Poland
and abroad, we will ponder upon whether the
economic success of Polish companies on the
European market translates into the position of
our country in the EU – said Małgorzata Wnorowska, Polwood Project Coordinator. – Can
Polish wood and furniture sector influence the
European legislation in this field? Can we take
advantage of the weak market in Europe and
the collapse of many former leaders to fill the
gaps that have appeared? What joint actions
could be taken by entrepreneurs, researchers,
associations and NGOs in order to improve the
image of the Polish wood and furniture sector
and promote it abroad?
Like every year, the Forum will be enriched with
market research results that have not been
published so far, as well as multimedia presentations and videos presenting development
directions of this sector in the world. There will
also be a premiere viewing of a video presenting the latest investment of the Rettenmeier
sawmill in Germany, producing 500,000 cubic
meters of timber annually.
Photo by P. Piosik
The Forum has the form of a TV debate and its
fourth edition is going to be divided into two
panels: the wood panel and the furniture panel.
The experts on the stage will address questions
of current interest, among others whether this
industry, so successful on international markets,
has a place it deserves in the economic policy
of Poland and the European Community?
Polwood 2010 Award
The Polish woodworking and furniture industry
is perceived worldwide as a major player on the
global market. Not only large enterprises, but
also small family-owned companies contribute to intense growth of this branch of economy. Poland’s accession to the European Union
a couple of years ago and the benefits derived
from the EU membership brought about not
only unified production standards but also
a level playing field on the free Community
market. The Polwood competition emerged
from the initiative of people who were deeply
Polwood Forum is a valuable form of discussion on current issues for the woodworking
and furniture industries.
Polish wood and furniture market who point
out new directions and set industry trends in
management, development and innovation,
serving as an example for others.
The POLWOOD Award goes to companies
that boldly invest in modern technologies
and take business decisions guided by corporate social responsibility. Participation in the
competition enhances the company’s prestige and contributes to building up the company’s reputation.
Prep. by (dfn)
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DREMA 2010 International Trade Fair of Machines and Tools for the Wood and Furniture Industries
Live Furniture Factory – a must-see
The Live Furniture Factory is a unique presentation of furniture production in Europe based
on state-of-the-art technologies supplied by leading world-class manufacturers. Already on
13-16 April in Poznań you will have an opportunity to see for yourself how upholstered
furniture is made.
This year, the Live Furniture Factory will manufacture a set of upholstered furniture (a set of
living room furniture) that can be used in hotel
lobbies, halls in public buildings or any waiting room. An armchair, a pouffe and a table
will be made mainly of quality beech plywood
and finished with solid wood. The idea behind
it is that this furniture should be finished with
the adhesive method, reducing the number
of metal elements to a minimum. Different
elements are quite difficult to process; therefore, modern machinery will have to be used.
This year’s Live Furniture Factory, organised by
Międzynarodowe Targi Poznańskie, will take
place thanks to the involvement of students of
the Poznań University of Life Sciences under
supervision of Professor Jerzy Smardzewski.
The furniture design in made in virtual environment, beginning from the design concept
and construction together with dimensions,
fully integrated with computer environment and in consideration of durability criteria, so important today. Apart from functional
elements, the furniture also has its safety
parameters defined at the design stage, such
as durability or elasticity. Simulating usage
conditions, we can estimate furniture life
– already at the design stage. Owing to this,
intuitive behaviour and the necessity for future
furniture tests are both eliminated.
The production management in the Factory has been based on the ERP (Enterprise
Resource Planning). This system will ensure
balancing production capacities, scheduling production works, planning purchases
of necessary materials, calculating material
usage and registration of work inflow at different workstations through the use of barcode scanning technology. This solution helps
organise the logistics and saves time; what is
more, it provides information about the operations of a given employee at a given workstation as well as information about actual production costs.
In previous years, the Factory manufactured
box furniture made of boards and implemented furniture projects based on solid wood,
thus becoming an exceptionally attractive
event held under the DREMA International
Trade Fair of Machines and Tools for the Wood
and Furniture Industries. The project of this
year’s Live Furniture Factory will be carried out
on the basis of five M.A. theses written by students of the Poznań University of Life Sciences. Each student is responsible for a different
stage of the project:
• Przemysław Myszkowski – development
of parametric construction in CAD environment
• Piotr Podgórniak – concept of a production plant within the constraints of MTP fairgrounds
• Michał Maslej – control of construction
rigidity and durability of manufactured furniture by way of numerical and experimental
Owing to joint involvement of the fair organisers, leading technology suppliers as well as
students and researchers, the Live Furniture
Factory once again confirms its unique educational dimension, being the source of transfer of cutting-edge technologies for the furniture industry.
Technology suppliers:
• Waldemar Mieszała – development of
virtual Furniture Factory and the production
technology in ERP environment
Component suppliers:
• Artur Majchrzak – concept of production
management and registration of order inflow
in ERP
Professional Partner:
Poznań University of Life Sciences, Department
of Furniture Design
Technical Consultant:
prof. dr Jerzy Smardzewski
Under the Honorary Auspices of:
Polish Chamber of Commerce of Furniture Manufacturers
Media Partners:
MEBLARSTWO – Komponenty i Technologie
DREWNOTECHNIKA – Nowości, Innowacje, Technologie
and Furniture Industry
More information:
www.drema.pl/en | www.furnica.pl/ en
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Międzynarodowe Targi Poznańskie
Poznań International Fair
13-16.04.2010, Poznań, Poland
Technology and component vendors:
Media partner:
Expert partner:
www.drema.pl/en, www.furnica.pl/en
Specialist partner:
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Through-feed CNC machining centre featuring a solid flat table for
processing workpieces using nesting technology. Employing its routing
tool, the machining centre enables cutting individual components of
furniture bodies, upholstered furniture
frames, or furniture fronts – all from
a single raw panel. Nesting is an alternative to sawing. Specifications: 12 kW liquid-cooled routing unit, 35 vertical spindles, 2 horizontal spindles in the X axis,
2 horizontal spindles in the Y axis, grooving saw (tilted 0-90°), 14-piece
tool magazine, 2 CNC controlled Z axes, C axis, efficient vacuum pump:
500 m3/h + additional 500 m3/h, rich software package, WoodDesign
software for 3D furniture design, device for unloading production boards
and workpieces, controlled pressure ring for small workpieces.
DMMS-40/340 SPECIAL Circular Saw manufactured by REMA S.A. Reszel
is a professional saw designed for sizing laminated panels, wood-based
materials and wood. It is an excellent
solution for both large manufacturing
sites operated on a multi-shift basis, and
for small carpentry shops. Characterised
by outstanding parameters and superb
sawing quality, this powerful and robust
machine guarantees long and trouble-free operation. DMMS-40/340
SPECIAL circular saw has been designed and manufactured in Poland.
Optimat BHP 210
Sandya 5-S Wide-Band Sanding Machine
Sandya 5-S wide-belt sander will be applied for calibration, pre-sanding
and finish sanding of furniture elements. The machine intended for operation as part of the Furniture Factory comprises
2 working units: one fitted with a soft rubber
(sanding) roller, as well as a combi unit with
a hard (calibrating) roller and an electronic sectional pad (for finish sanding). The composition
of the sander allows to use the steel roller of
the combi unit for calibrating with one grit
type, and afterwards to perform sanding operation proper, this time with the use of 2 different grit types related with the first soft rubber
roller and the electronic sectional pad. Twospeed main motor and seamless belt speed
adjustment enable the selection of optimum processing conditions
– both for solid wood and natural veneers, as well as lacquered surfaces.
Eventually a set of rotary blowers removes process dust from sanded
components. Abrasive belts used during processing are also cleaned by
compressed air. This function significantly extends belt life and improves
sanding quality. Sandya 5S features an electronically adjustable worktable, making it easier for the operator to reset the working thickness when
switching between product types, without the need to measure the
workpieces each time.
IMA Polska Sprzedaż i Serwis
Sp. z o.o.
BIMA 300
4-axis CNC processing centre with an integrated axis, designed for highcapacity flexible processing as well as one-off and small batch production of furniture components and interior decoration elements. Resulting from
30 years’ experience of IMA experts in
the field of stationary woodworking
solutions, BIMA 300 is a smart machine
concept that offers minimum processing times with maximum operating efficiency.
The machine is built on a massive, stable steel framework. There are
guides mounted on the machine bed, along the X axis, supporting the
movement of the main working extension arm. The machine body features an internal ribbing system to ensure unparalleled stability, rigidity
and vibration resistance. Owing to the special design, a conveyor belt
can be installed inside the machine bed for chip removal.
BIMA 300 offers optimum IMA WOP control system based on tried and
tested software. IMA WOP 6.0 is a Windows-based control solution with
an automatic machine setup and operation programme, real-time tool
action management, and 3D processing simulation. The machine can be
operated via a control panel mounted on the machine, or using a computer placed in a remote office (second licence included in the price).
DMMS-40/340 SPECIAL Circular Saw
Pegasus EXT5214H-55/545K-3x5 KH021,
3/4-thread, 2-needle industrial overlock sewing machine with a differential bottom feed and alternating top feed system, designed for sewing
heavy-weight fabrics; high foot lift;
heavy-duty knife for fabric trimming;
chain cutter; waste collector for fabric
trimmings; electro-pneumatic foot lift.
The EXT overlocks are the most advanced
machines of this type in the market,
offering an independently driven top
feed system. This solution creates the
possibility of keeping top and bottom
feed systems collision-free, which greatly improves overall performance.
Extra high foot lift and the possibility of setting wide stitch lengths make
the EXT sewing machines an ideal solution for upholstery applications.
Designed and manufactured in Japan, the EXT series guarantees
an extremely long and trouble-free product life.
Dürkopp Adler 867-190322
A single-needle lockstitch flat bed machine with alternating bottom
feed, needle feed and walking foot feed. Enlarged clearance under the
arm (335 x 125 mm) allows to handle
voluminous fabrics. The machine features a large vertical hook, overriding
clutch, up to 9 mm adjustable top foot
stroke, and a maximum sewing foot lift
of 20 mm. This model also offers electromagnetic thread trimming, two
stitch lengths, electromagnetic locking, electro-pneumatic foot lift and foot stroke adjustment during sewing (RAP, HP functions), integrated LED lamp. Up to 12 mm stitch length
for standard seams and decorative topstitching; maximum thread size
up to 10 Nm.
Dürkopp Adler 550-12-24
Optimised workstation for reproducible ruffling of upholstery elements,
featuring an edge trimmer; single needle, double chain stitch, differential bottom feed and top foot feed,
electro-pneumatic foot lift, programmable ruffling values – high rationalisation effect due to joining and ruffling of
cover pieces and interfacing materials
with simultaneous trimming of excess
material. Precise trimming results possible even with voluminous padding
material and intense ruffling thanks to
a robust edge trimmer with a high knife
stroke and smooth cutting action. Continuous reinforcement tape feed
– from above or below – with additional tape tensioning to increase ruffling efficiency.
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Spray booth pump
Characterised by the pressure ratio of 36:1 and 100 cm3 volume, this
membrane pump belongs to the Merkur line of
Graco’s pumps. It is a line of lubrication-free, nonfreezing pumps, free from pulsation effects.
Merkur 36:100 can be used with several different
spray guns. Modern design and pulsation-free
operation make it an ideal tool for automatic
spraying applications.
Automatic spray guns
Excellent automatic spray gun. An ideal solution for mobile
spray booth carriages or robot arms. The minimum weight
of 545 g prevents overloads while the extremely short
open time of just 60 ms guarantees optimum spraying
precision. Another advantage of this solution is the possibility of automatic gun washing, including the nozzle,
which helps reduce solvent loss and colour changeover
Thanks to optimising solutions, timber yield is increased as well. Whether
it is length cutting or optimising – you decide how the machine should
be equipped, now or in the future. The machine is extremely versatile,
for example due to the „manual cutting” option. The flexibility of applications is a significant advantage, compared against more efficient
through-feed saws. Whether packets, profiles, single planks or dowels
are to be cut – OptiCut S 90 makes it all possible, with almost no need
for making additional adjustments.
Circular Saw Blade
Low-noise (Anti-Schall) circular saw blade
designed to reduce cutting noise by 10 db(A),
which is subjectively perceived as a reduction
by half. The blade is coated with a special film
to offer the best noise-dampening properties
– compared with all other solutions – at the
same time avoiding increased cutting width.
DIAMASTER Cutting Tools
POWERMAT 1000 – A new definition of standard in fourside planers
With all the advantages of the new generation of moulders and a unique
flexibility of applications, Powermat
1000 offers a solid foundation for your
production needs. The standard version is well equipped and ideally suited for utilising the varied possibilities
created by the new WENIG profiling
technology. The user can choose
between the PowerLock tool system and a conventional solution. With
up to 11 spindles, the machine will satisfy even the most demanding
production expectations. The smart PowerCom control system will help
you launch production in the blink of an eye, while the new Vario dust
extraction hood system will provide a perfect finishing touch in terms of
product quality and machine changeover time.
FlexiRip – The synonym for a flexible rip sawing machine
The genuine Jrion from RAIMANN offers endless possibilities of application in small, medium and large companies. Wherever square timber
blocks, planks or boards are sawn, FlexiRip proves itself to be an effective and
flexible rip sawing machine. What our
customers appreciate the most are
unparalleled flexibility, optimum timber yield and one-man operation. FlexiRip is the best choice when you look
for a universal solution! In addition to solid wood, you can rip such materials as plastics, aluminium or different types of boards. The desired cutting length and width of the FlexiRip is adjusted to the dimensions of the
workpiece. The operation is very simple: just place the workpiece on the
table, align it and use the foot pedal to begin cutting. As the pedal is
released, the saw blade descends and returns to the start position. The
infinitely adjustable cutting feed speed ranges from 1 to 80 m/min.
OptiCut S 90 – All economical cross-cutting options
High cutting precision and simple operation – the OptiCut S 90 with
a pusher offers both, while being
highly productive. Compared with
a manual cross-cut saw, OptiCut S 90
can cut 4 times more material, while
involving half the staff.
Drill Bits
Diamond-coated DIAMASTER end mill cutting
tools are suitable for processing different types
of materials. They are perfectly suited for pretreatment and finishing of all wood-based
materials, especially laminated or veneered
boards (particle boards, MDF, HDF, Multiplex),
as well as HPL, Corian and light metals.
Entirely made of tungsten carbide, the drill bits
allow to use higher rotational speeds (up to
12 000 rpm), which translates into higher
processing quality. Moreover, they are 40 percent more durable than conventional drill bits
made of steel.
End Mill Cutter
The company will supply diamond-coated end mill cutters for nesting
operations performed in the Furniture Factory Live show..
Cutterheads and cutterblocks
They allow to obtain perfect surface quality
and top processing efficiency. Whether applied
for pre-planing or finish planing, using conventional machines, 4-sided planers or high-capacity automatic planing systems, it is a professional industrial solution for all applications.
Cutter /DCS 3600/
DCS 3600 Cutter is
a highly advanced
automatic single-ply
cutting system for
materials and technical textiles, as well
as other materials used both in light industry and in sectors involving
upholstered products. DCS is a brand of professional cutting systems
manufactured by the US-based GERBER TECHNOLOGY, designed specifically to deliver maximum throughput and unparalleled cutting quality,
combined with a minimum operating workload and significant material
savings. The DCS system provides operators and production managers
with data on cutting time, efficiency, waste material, number of internal
cuts, etc.
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druk - offset: PANTONE Proces Blue i Red 032
Thanks to the use of a special inlet
box/inlet component, the speed
of air stream carrying filtered material (chippings) is reduced at
an early stage. The L-category filter
cloth is antistatic, certified by BGIA.
Total filter surface area: 150 m².
BeA 380/16-420 Stapler
Niebieski : R: 0 ; G:145 ; B:201
Czerwony: R:239 ; G: 43 ; B: 45
Designed for typical upholstery applications
– the world’s most popular staple type
(80/380) combined with the stapler regarded
as the true market leader in all continents.
BeA 71/16-421 Profile Stapler
A special stapler with a thin nose for fixing
„Keder” profiles. Made in Germany, it is very
popular and widely appreciated in the US and
Canada. Suitable for a wide variety of upholstery applications – large curved elements,
bends or „Keder” profiles. Because of the narrow ridge and thinner wire, type 71 staples
prove an optimum solution.
BeA 14/50-763 Stapler
Popular with manufacturers of upholstered
furniture frames. They enable fixing spacing
blocks on armchair slats. Type 14 BeA / BIZON
staples with the lengths of: 38, 40 and
45 mm.
BeA 351 – Glue gun
BeA 351 is a high-capacity glue gun recommended for continuous operation and for
application of large adhesive amounts. The
pneumatic feed mechanism and electronic
control system enable precise adhesive dosing in a wide performance range. Due to the
pneumatic nozzle and a special polypropylene-based SP adhesive, the gun also offers a spray application effect.
With a selection of exchangeable nozzles, varying distance from the surface and pressure adjustment, various glue application patterns and
densities can be obtained. The tool allows to fix upholstery elements
during assembly – foam to plywood and fabric to foam – using swirl
application method.
PUR hoses
PUR hoses manufactured by Rondo
2 are made from thermoplastic polyurethane. Depending on the requirements, PUR hoses can be produced
in several types: anti-electrostatic,
electrically conducting, flame retardant, with increased heat resistance,
or approved for use with food products. Regardless of type, all PUR hoses are characterized by high resistance to abrasion. Diameter range: from 20 mm to 600 mm, depending
on hose type. Wall thickness: from 0.5 mm to 5 mm, depending on the
field of application. For the woodworking and furniture sectors, we recommend PUR MB and PUR PL hoses characterised by increased abrasion
Schuko EcoVar 04 Modular Filter
Filtration takes place on the external surface of filter bags – clean air
is released through the internal surface (external blow). Filter bags are
regenerated in the course of a pneumatic and mechanical process. A fan
is placed at the clean-air side in a special soundproof chamber.
VACOMAT Mobile dust extractors
Designed specifically to ensure
mobility in the work area, VACOMAT 250 and VACOMAT 300
mobile dust extractors have been
designed in an identical way, the
only difference between them
being the filter surface and the
fan. As a standard, the intake
chamber is fitted on the right
side, left-side version being available upon request. It should be noted that the control cabinet is not
included in the standard scope of delivery. As different versions of cabinets
are offered, they need to be ordered separately. The equipment comprises:
large capacity expansion chamber, which helps reduce material stress on
the filter medium. Fill level inspection window in the dust collecting bins.
Filter hoses made of antistatic polyester needle felt, particularly advantageous for high dust contents, e.g. during processing of chip boards and
MDF boards. BGIA-certified filter cloth. Automatic triggering of pneumatic
and mechanical filter bag regeneration system. Compressed air impulse
regeneration available upon request (paid extra). Monitoring of air flow
volume (extraction capacity) by a pressure cell with a signal lamp. Automatic fire extinguishing system compliant with GS-HO-07 standard (no
damage caused by water). Possibility of attaching Schuko’s Compacto briquetting press container. Low noise level due to the implementation of
a double wall filter housing – 72 dB(A).
TopSolid Wood Software
TopSolid Wood software
is integrated with a fully
solution developed for
the purpose of 3D environment design. TopSolid
endures full integration of
CAD (design, 2D documentation, cost calculation) and CAM environments (CNC machine control, nesting, cutting
optimisation), which guarantees that the entire product development
process will be trouble-free. With this combination, any alterations in the
3D model are followed by an automatic update of the 2D documentation in the CNC software (associativity).
TopSolid Wood is a kind of software dedicated for the woodworking
industry, delivering all the tools needed for furniture design, e.g.: databases of furniture hardware, mouldings, veneers, materials, etc. Focusing on distribution and implementation of TopSolid and Ardis systems,
TopSolution employs experts in the field of furniture production to
make software integration in factories fast and trouble-free, which is evidenced by our continually expanding list of references. Detailed software description is available at: www.topsolution.pl
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Sp. z o.o.
TopTec Endless Abrasive Belts
A new generation of 1919 siawood TopTec
endless abrasive belts, designed for mechanical treatment of workpieces on edge sanders as well as wide and narrow belt sanders.
Belts made according to the TopTec technology remain under constant top coat control
during production to ensure perfect joint finishing and dust-free sanding process. Wide
grit range (from P036 to P800) and optimum
structure make this material suitable for
a broad variety of sanding operations and for
various types of wood, paint and varnish
Expert Z 20 Sanding Table
Pre-coating surface treatment as well as sanding between coating
cycles can now be made easier thanks to our Expert Z 20/Z 30 sanding
tables. They can be optionally fitted with a height adjustment system,
and a vacuum suction table designed for holding the workpiece firmly
in place. With this kind of equipment at a manual sanding workstation,
sanding tasks are no longer burdensome or harmful for the operator.
Paint Star 22-7000 Dry coating wall
Product surface finishing quality is the trademark of
your company. Using our extraction solutions dedicated for coating systems you can save energy,
reduce costs and protect the environment.
BO5030 Orbit sander
UAL-130/4-OFP Automatic coating system
This automatic coating system is designed for throughfeed coating of flat workpieces such as doors, furniture
fronts and other elements of
door joinery (door frames,
door casings) and furniture
joinery (furniture body components, etc.) with heights
up to 80 mm.
The sander is fitted with a powerful motor for
heavy-duty applications. Quick-change hookand-loop abrasive paper mounting system.
Ergonomically profiled grip is ideally suited to
the operator’s hands, ensuring maximum comfort and control, while minimising hand fatigue
and pain. It also features a sanding pad protection limiter. The bearing system is characterised by increased durability.
Efficient through-the-pad dust collection system. Connection to
an external dust extractor is possible without an adapter.
BDF444RFE Mobile Driver Drill
2-speed driver drill with a Li-ion battery. Single
sleeve keyless chuck enables fast and simple single-handed bit replacement. The tool is powered by a lightweight and compact 4-pole DC
motor. 16-step torque settings + drilling. Ergonomic anti-slip grip, aluminium gear housing.
Twin LED light with afterglow for illuminating
the workspace. The device is supplied with
a spare battery and a charger.
UKS-300/240/240/2IR Drying chamber
The chamber helps reduce the drying time of spray coatings. The drying
process uses thermal energy generated by gas-powered IR driers. Proper
air circulation is ensured by blow fans.
Drying chamber
We are pleased to present
one of the solutions manufactured by Aeroterm – the
hot air drying chamber
designed for drying water
and solvent-based coatings.
The stationary hot air chamber is used for drying waterbased coatings. The chamber is ready for loading
processed workpieces placed
on a rack trolley (or any other
trolley). Water-soluble coatings are dried as the drying
cycle is launched, after which the system stops automatically. The drying
process proceeds as hot air circulates inside the chamber. Air temperature is controlled by the operator. Both fresh and recirculated air is filtered to provide maximum protection of the dried surfaces against dust.
The system features a moist air exhaust discharge. It is a reliable, silent,
efficient and safe solution, designed and manufactured in compliance
with EU standards and regulations. In order to enable drying of solventbased paints and lacquers, the machine can be produced in an explosion-proof version (upon request). The system is supplied in several modules, ready for simple assembly in-house. The drying chamber must not
be installed in locations subject to risk of explosion. It is available in two
standard sizes, but can also be custom-made to meet individual customer needs. Try it yourself. Water-based lacquer drying process takes just
12 minutes.
SE WRAPPER Semi-automatic pallet wrapper
A modern semi-automatic wrapper for securing palletised goods using
stretch and pre-stretch films. Entirely Polish design. Various wrapping
modes available. A functional and reliable solution. Very easy to operate.
Well equipped in the standard version.
DORUS MD041/1 Fast-bonding
installation adhesive
The adhesive is characterised by a very short bonding time and medium
viscosity. It provides durable and flexible bonds that are suitable for further treatment. Unparalleled bond durability when applied on furniture
and wood-based products. High moisture resistance; meets the requirements of D2 class according to the EN 204 standard. The adhesive can be
used for solid wood, glued laminated timber components, solid wood
boards, furniture body assembly, dowel insertion, tenon joint assembly,
application of laminates on chipboards and solid wood boards, etc. as
well as edgebanding operations using natural veneers, HPL laminates, or
solid wood strips in cold or hot pressing machines.
Multibond 5005 Adhesive
A one-component, crosslinking, PVAC-based dispersion adhesive. Recommended for cold or hot pressing, assembly bonding, or HF technology applications. Meets the requirements of D4 class acc. EN-204 standard, and WATT 91 (IFT Rosenheim certified). The product has a neutral
pH value. It contains special additives to prevent staining during edgebanding processes.
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Jowacoll 104.20 Adhesive
D – all defects acceptable: knots, heartwood, irregular colouration,
patching possible with customer consent.
A/A class beechwood boards manufactured of steamed sawn beechwood with 8% (+/-1%) moisture content. During the first stage of
processing – after steaming and drying to 8% moisture content – wood
is sawn into slats that are further conditioned in order to ensure uniform
moisture content. Then the slats are stacked and graded on the basis of
wood structure and colour. After gluing in a high-pressure press, sanding (using 120 grit sandpaper), and performing another moisture check,
the boards are ready for dispatch.
Universal adhesive suitable for various wood species,
characterised by a long open time (up to 11 minutes),
relatively low minimum film-forming temperature (ca.
5°C) and high resistance to dynamic loads. Filler-free
product. Recommended especially for gluing support
Waterborne Spray Lacquer
This year Becker Acroma presents a new single-component waterborne
lacquer, recommended for surface finishing by spray application. During
Drema fair, the product will be used for coating furniture elements in the
special Furniture Factory Live demonstration space. The lacquer in question is characterised by excellent clarity, good sanding characteristics,
and a very short drying time (when force dried). Coated surfaces have
good aesthetic and decorative qualities and optimum usability in terms
of resistance to chemical and mechanical influences.
Glued and Moulded Furniture Elements
Shaped plywood made of high-grade hardwood cross veneers.
The process of gluing laminated mouldings takes place in high temperature, in special moulds placed in hydraulic presses. Gluing process
parameters, specific pressure, gluing time and temperature are controlled by an automatic control unit. The quality of bonds and the shape
of elements are verified directly after the workpiece is released from
the mould. The models on offer reflect the latest design trends.
ADAMIK company offers dust control
devices in several categories, for different
fields of application. The basic FT xxx SF
line comprises standard bag dust collectors designed and applied for removing
sawdust and chips in joinery shops. Our
dust collectors are unique for their excellent quality to price ratio. The dust collector
portfolio also comprises special solutions
for CNC machines, edgebanders as well as
special fine dust collectors. For the purposes of Furniture Factory show ADAMIK has
provided the following machines: FT502HSF (400 W) with a 3,75 kW
motor, 1900Pa pressure at inlet, 300 mm hose connection, and 13,2 m2
filter area, as well as FT630 (400 W) with a 3 kW motor, 3000 Pa pressure
at inlet, 280 mm hose connection, and 30 m2 filter area.
Beechwood Boards
They are manufactured in 4 classes, each board side possibly belonging to a different class: A – uniform wood colour and structure, defects
unacceptable; B – varied wood colour, no constraints on structure, up
to 4 knots allowed (diameter 4 mm/m2); C – board surface comprising
at least 40% heartwood strips, the whole surface must give an impression of being made of heartwood, smooth transitions between heartwood and sapwood;
Kleiberit Flächenleim 332.0
A single-component PVAC dispersion characterised by a long open time
up to 25 minutes. Trouble-free application (both mechanical and manual), long term durability, formaldehyde-free product, pH value 5. Fields
of application: bonding solid wood, natural veneers, chipboards, MDF
boards, HPL boards, resin-paper films, as well as paper laminates.
Register for the trade fair
and receive freebies!
A new visitor registration system for Poznań trade fair visitors available at www.mtp24.pl
enjoys growing popularity among professionals. For DREMA and FURNICA visitors, registration means free admission and additional privileges that facilitate your stay at the trade fair.
On-line registration for a trade fair is a great
help for professional visitors because it helps
save time on-site and involves bonuses
from organisers. Apart from free admission,
you receive a free exhibitors’ catalogue in
electronic version and free access to catering outlets at Rest&Meet Points. Organisers
ensure a supply of up-to-date information
about trade fairs, new products, events and
shows directly to your e-mail address. Thus,
you can prepare for your stay in Poznań
through planning your meeting agenda.
Complete a form with your personal details
to register at mtp24.pl. Upon correct submission of all data, you will be automatically sent an e-mail with a link. Accept it to
log into the system. You can view the history of your transactions and print document
duplicates in the system. Retain your admission ticket throughout your entire stay at
the fair because you will need it at the exit,
as well. The new visitor registration system
is based on barcodes present on all docu-
ments admitting to the fairgrounds (tickets, invitations, exhibitors’ cards, press cards,
vehicle entry passes); in order to enter the
fairgrounds, you will have to scan the barcode in a reader installed in a turnstile.
On all trade fair days assistance will be
offered to visitors by the Client Assistant in the Eastern Lobby (entrance from
ul. Głogowska) and WTC Lobby (entrance
from ul. Bukowska).
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11 am-12 noon Prospects for exports of Polish furniture to the Chinese market and the potential of the Pavilion 8A,
Polish furniture sector
Stand 38
Organisers: Polish Chamber of Commerce for Furniture Manufacturers, Międzynarodowe Targi Poznańskie
12 noon-3 pm Seminar: “Modern methods of timber quality assessment for sawmill purposes”
Eastern Lobby,
12 noon-12.30 pm Quality of coniferous timber sorted according to strength and logged in different Green Room
regions of Poland
12.30 pm-1 pm Machine sorting of timber according to strength
1 pm-1.15 pm Coffee break
1.15 pm-1.45 pm Progress in standardisation of timber quality identification
1.45 pm-2.30 pm Modern methods for non-destructive round timber research
2.30 pm-3 pm Devices for industrial quality control of round timber
Organisers: Warsaw University of Life Sciences, Międzynarodowe Targi Poznańskie
Media partners: Kurier Drzewny, Drewno.pl, Drema Furnica News
10 am-3.30 pm Designing kitchen furniture. Furniture function.
Organisers: Fakt Katarzyna Laskowska, Międzynarodowe Targi Poznańskie
Media partners: Meble Plus, Produkcja Mebli, Meblarstwo.com.pl, Meble.pl, Drema Furnica News
4.30 pm Gold Medal and Acanthus Aureus Award Ceremony
7 pm Exhibitors’ Evening
Organiser: Międzynarodowe Targi Poznańskie
Please note: Admission by invitation only
Charm of Details –
Knowledge Zone,
Pavilion 7, Stand 25
Pavilion 10
Stary Browar,
Piano Bar
10.30 am-4 pm Economic Forum of the Polish Wood and Furniture Industry Polwood 2010
10.30am-12noon Wood panel
Pavilion 11
The Polish market as a source of exports or a selling market for wood products? Beyond
Europe – getting rid of European intermediaries in trading in Polish wood products
beyond Europe? The EU law: presumption of guilt in trading in timber from illegal logging, CO2 emission trading. European standards in trading in timber and wood products. The European sawmill industry model – should we treat gigantism? Directions of
technological development in European sawmills.
12 noon Nominations to Polwood 2010 Award in the category: “Investment of
the year in wood industry”. Presentation and announcement of results.
1 pm-3 pm
The beginning of an exodus of furniture investors to the East? The case of Ikea in Belarus. What else is there to do to promote the image of Polish furniture in Europe? Can
we afford industrial lobbying in the EP?
The market of wood-based boards: Polish prices – European prices? Is the furniture
industry closer to the euro or to the zloty?
3 pm-4 pm Nominations to Polwood 2010 Award in the category: “Investment of the
year in furniture industry”. Presentation and announcement of results.
Organisers: Inwestor Publishing House, Międzynarodowe Targi Poznańskie
Partners: Institute of Wood Technology, Polish Economic Chamber of Wood Industry, Polish Chamber of
Commerce for Furniture Manufacturers
Media partners: Gazeta Przemysłu Drzewnego, Drzewny.pl, Meble.pl, Drema Furnica News
10 am-3.30 pm “A kitchen furniture studio that sells” Dr Marek Borowiński
Organisers: Fakt Katarzyna Laskowska, Międzynarodowe Targi Poznańskie
Media partners: Meble Plus, Produkcja Mebli, Meblarstwo.com.pl, Meble.pl, Drema Furnica News
Charm of Details –
Knowledge Zone,
Pavilion 7, Stand 25
Program wydarzeń
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10 am-3.30 pm Designing kitchen furniture. Furniture function.
Organisers: Fakt Katarzyna Laskowska, Międzynarodowe Targi Poznańskie
Charm of Details –
Knowledge Zone,
Pavilion 7, Stand 25
Media partners: Meble Plus, Produkcja Mebli, Meblarstwo.com.pl, Meble.pl, Drema Furnica News
11 am-12 noon Supply potential of the Polish furniture sector with focus on upholstered furniture
Pavilion 8A,
Organisers: Polish Chamber of Commerce for Furniture Manufacturers, Międzynarodowe Targi Stand 38
1.30 pm-3.30 pm International Symposium of Polish Sawmill Sector
Eastern Lobby,
Organisers: Polish Economic Chamber of Wood Industry, Institute of Wood Technology, Międzynarodowe Green Room
Targi Poznańskie
Media partners: Rynek Drzewny, Gazeta Przemysłu Drzewnego, Drewno.pl, Drema Furnica News
1.30 pm Results of the Polish Championship in Nail Hammering
Organiser: Inwestor Publishing House, Międzynarodowe Targi Poznańskie
Pavilion 5,
Stand 31
Media partners: Gazeta Przemysłu Drzewnego, Drzewny.pl, Drema Furnica News
2 pm “Conjured from wood” Competition results
Organiser: Inwestor Publishing House, Międzynarodowe Targi Poznańskie
Pavilion 5,
Stand 31
Under the auspices of: Katarzyna Hall - Minister of National Education
Media partners: Gazeta Przemysłu Drzewnego, Drzewny.pl, Drema Furnica News
YOU CAN’T AFFORD TO MISS IT! – 13 – 16 April 2010
10 am - 6 pm Live Furniture Factory – production of upholstered furniture
Pavilion 3A,
Stand 41
Organiser: Międzynarodowe Targi Poznańskie
Professional partner: Poznań University of Life Sciences, Department of Furniture Design
Technical consultant: Prof. dr hab. Jerzy Smardzewski
Project coordination: Michał Różański
Under the honorary auspices of: Polish Chamber of Commerce for Furniture Manufacturers
Media partners: Drema Furnica News, Gazeta Przemysłu Drzewnego, Meblarstwo, Drewnotechnika
Charm of Details – Kitchen from the inside
Pavilion 7,
Stand 25
Polish Furniture Factory
Pavilion 5,
9th Polish Championship in Nail Hammering
Pavilion 5,
Stand 31
DREMA Skills Boot Camp
Pavilion 4,
Stand 48
Organisers: Fakt Katarzyna Laskowska, Międzynarodowe Targi Poznańskie
Media partners: Meble Plus, Produkcja Mebli, Meblarstwo.com.pl, Meble.pl, Drema Furnica News
stand 56
Organizers: Stowarzyszenie DROMA, Międzynarodowe Targi Poznańskie
Media patronage: Kurier Drzewny
Organiser: Inwestor Publishing House, Międzynarodowe Targi Poznańskie
Media partners: Gazeta Przemysłu Drzewnego, Drzewny.pl, Drema Furnica News
Organiser: Goldman Publishing House, Międzynarodowe Targi Poznańskie
Media partners: Lakiernictwo Przemysłowe, FAKTOR Publishing House: Meble, Materiały i Akcesoria, Drema Furnica News
Exhibition of award-winning works in the “Conjured from Wood” Competition
Under the honorary auspices of: Katarzyna Hall - Minister of National Education
Media partners: Gazeta Przemysłu Drzewnego, Drzewny.pl, Drema Furnica News
Parquet Floor Laying Workshop… live
Organiser: Association of Polish Parquet Floor Layers
Island of Associations
Pavilion 5,
Stand 31
Pavilion 3,
Stand 16
Pavilion 3,
Stand 16
Last update: 23.03.2010. The organiser reserves the right to change the programme. The latest version is available at www.drema.pl and www.furnica.pl
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Competition | Polish Championships in Nail Hammering
Who will beat the champion?
Is there a daredevil who can dethrone the winner of the last
year’s edition of the Polish Championships in Nail Hammering? An opportunity for it will present itself at the Drema and
Furnica fairs in Poznań.
over the disobedient nail. In other words: anyone stands a chance. All you have to do is come
to the stand of the Inwestor Publishing House
during Drema and Furnica, and show not only
your strength and precision, but also nerves of
steel. It is worth it, because as usual, winners will
receive valuable prizes worth a total of 10,000
The final and the award ceremony of the 9th
Polish Championships in Nail Hammering will
take place on 16 April 2010 at 1.30 pm at the
stand of the Inwestor Publishing House (pavilion 5, stand 31) during DREMA 2010.
Prep. by (dfn)
Photo by Inwestor Publishing House.
Grzegorz Piskorski, student of the Department of
Wood Technology, has held the title of Champion of Poland in Nail Hammering since April last
year. Yet, he will soon have to face those who
have been working on their physical condition
for months in order to defeat him. In this industry sports discipline, because to hammer a 3.5
inch nail in square timber is clearly a sports discipline, a genuine leading edge of professionals has emerged throughout the eight editions
of championships so far. They include not only
persons who work with a hammer on a daily
basis, but also company owners or students. In
the history of championships, there were some
quite successful women’s attempts to triumph
What you need in the competition is not
only a good eye and a strong hand, but
also nerves of steel.
DREMA 2010 International Trade Fair of Machines and Tools for the Wood and Furniture Industries
Polish Furniture Factory
During the upcoming edition of the International Trade Fair of Machines and Tools for the
Wood and Furniture Industries „DREMA 2010”, members of the DROMA Association of
Manufacturers of Woodworking Machinery, Devices and Tools will once again present a furniture factory live.
Members of the DROMA Association of Manufacturers of Woodworking Machinery, Devices and Tools are natural persons working in the
sector of woodworking machines and tools as
well as a majority of Polish manufacturers of
woodworking machinery and tools.
The range of machines and devices produced
by the supporting members of the DROMA
Association can be divided into a few groups
according to their technological purpose. These
are devices:
– for the sawmill industry,
– for the furniture industry,
– for joinery production plants,
– for general-purpose woodworking departments,
– for wood waste management.
Owing to joint action of members, the offer
of Polish manufacturers who are members of
the Associations includes design and supply
of comprehensive equipment for woodworking plants.
In line with project assumptions, the Polish Furniture Factory is supposed to present the poten16 NEWS DREMA • FURNICA
tial of Polish manufacturers of woodworking
machinery and tools as regards comprehensive
solutions for technological equipment for small
and medium companies of the woodworking
and furniture sectors. Owing to joint action of
Polish manufacturers - members of the DROMA
Association, there are offers of different devices
and technological lines that meet the expectations of different target groups.
The project is not only aimed at presenting the
potential of the Polish industry of woodworking machinery, devices and tools, but also the
cooperation possibilities between many entities in such an undertaking, i.e. machinery manufacturers and suppliers of materials or components: timber, adhesives or wooden plugs.
Therefore, next to Association members, Meblopol from Poznań will be among others involved
in the project, as well. Visitors of this year’s Drema
will have a chance to see live Polish machinery
and devices offered by Polish manufacturers
and creating a closed process line. The project
will not only present live machinery, but also
the technology of manufacturing a given product. This year, the final product of the Live Furniture Factory will be a set of bathroom furniture
made of pine wood and wood-based materi-
als. The Polish Furniture Factory will present the
production process from the moment of timber
sawing to the assembly of a ready-made piece
of furniture in all technology nodes.
The Polish Furniture Factory will be located in
pavilion 5 on a separate exhibition area next to
the joint presentation of the DROMA Association members. The trade fair furniture factory
will occupy about 500 sq m of exhibition area.
The following companies-members of the DROMA Association will be among others involved
Organiser: DROMA Association, Międzynarodowe Targi
Project Partners – technology suppliers:
Media Partner: Kurier Drzewny
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With changes in the black
For SCM Group, the year 2009 was a time of profound changes and re-organisation. Consequently, this world’s leading manufacturer of woodworking and furniture production machinery
can offer its customers new products within a shorter time frame and of better quality.
Last year, SCM allocated 30 million euro to transform its former structure into one of the largest
industrial areas in Italy.
- All these changes were completed in 2010 and
will result in better and faster service for our customers. We will be able to offer new models of
machinery within a shorter time frame and at
more attractive prices. A uniform SCM brand
will become an even stronger market leader
globally with its very wide range of machinery
for woodworking and furniture industries– said
Teresa Hauser, proxy of SCM Group Polska.
Until recently, all production plants of all brands
offered within the SCM group had their own
organisational structures managed by the SCM
Headquarters in Rimini. Most of them were
located in the Rimini and Villa Verucchio region.
Therefore, it was chosen the site of a huge single woodworking machinery plant located in
Villa Verucchio. The entire production process is
now carried out within a single area. It begins
with a new, already the second iron foundry,
where workbenches to all machines in the
entire group are made of iron, and a steelworks,
where all main bodies and frames are then cut
out of steel. One huge hall houses all numerically-controlled machines for metal cutting
that perform machining of cast machine bases. There is over ten of those, and more than
800,000 euro was spent just to prepare the hall
for all metal centres. The next building houses a huge spraying line, where all main bodies,
from service machinery to over ten meters long
industrial machine tools, are all automatically
sprayed. Then, all machine elements are assembled together, and the machine as a whole is
being finished in different plants for different
types of machine. For example, all machining
centres are assembled in one plant regardless
of their brand. A separate hall was designed
for electrospindle production and manufacturing aluminium profiles; it is also the seat of the
Quality Control Department and R&D Department.
The Purchase and Logistics Department has
also been restructured, thus enabling central
and more effective management of materials
and machinery. A single Service Department
was established, divided according to machinery type, so all professionals were brought in
one place, thus ensuring a more effective service and better information flow. The spare parts
inventory has undergone a complete re-organisation, and as a result three large logistics cen-
tres were created in different parts of the world,
which will reduce both the lead time for spare
parts and costs related to supplies and technical service.
All these organisational changes were supported by image changes of the entire SCM group,
which today presents a new logo of the entire
group and new, uniform logotypes of all brands
under the SCM Group, clearly indicating single
and shared production of SCM.
More than 500,000 euro was allocated to a yet
another project, namely a professional exhibition centre with floor space of over 3,000 sq m,
equipped with conference facilities, meeting
rooms and rooms for business talks. Located in
the home town of SCM Group, Rimini, it offers
new opportunities for presenting machinery to
any client, both service companies and furniture production plants.
In the spirit of changes in the entire group, SCM
Group Polska has re-organised its company, as
well, introducing changes in the Sales Department. At present, sale takes place in a twofold
manner: through a network of authorised distributors selling machinery to service companies and small production plants and through
direct sales representatives who play the role of
technical advisors for large production companies and furniture factories. They are supported by the back-office of the remodeled Sales
Department and, like before, our Service and
Spare Parts Department.
w w w.drema.pl • w w w.furnica.pl • w w w.drema.pl • w w w.furnica.pl
Competition | Under the auspices of the Minister of National Education
Conjured from Wood
Wood is a perfect material: participants of a competition organised by the Inwestor Publishing
House and Międzynarodowe Targi Poznańskie who conjure amazing objects from this beautiful
substance prove this statement to be true.
„Conjured from Wood” competition inspires students of woodworking schools
You can see the exhibition of award-winning works
at the stand of the Inwestor Publishing House during
DREMA 2010.
will be equipped in TI 115 NOVA tilting spindle
shaper worth 36,600 PLN, funded by the SCM
company, and other students from the winner’s
class together with their teacher will come to
the Drema and Furnica fairs (all expenses covered by MTP, the competition organiser).
ska) Sp. z o.o. company, a representative of the
Festool company. A free annual subscription
of the following magazines: Gazeta Przemysłu
Drzewnego, Meblarstwo Komponenty i Technologie and Drewno Technika will be the consolation prize for all schools participating in the
Authors of works recognised by the competition jury will also receive gifts worth 500 PLN
each, funded by the ToolTechnic System (Pol-
Photo by P. Piosik
Participants of all six editions of the competition
we have had so far prove each and every time
that wood is a perfect material from which you
can make basically any object while keeping all
its user values. Thus, we have had a motorcycle
and a sewing machine made of wood, a wooden schoolbag and a few hundreds of other
objects that defy stereotypical thinking reveal
creativity of young authors and allow them to
show the skills they have learnt at school in the
field of selection of raw materials and production technology. In recognition of their inventiveness, skill and technological knowledge on
wood processing, students are presented with
an award, i.e. a Festool power tool worth 2,000
PLN. Additionally, the winner’s school workshop
Photo by P. Piosik
„Conjured from Wood” is a competition
addressed to students of secondary schools
with woodworking specialisation. The task for
competitors is to produce an original object,
either from wood or wood derivatives, that has
never ever been commonly made from this
material. With every year, the number of competition works and their performance quality
are higher and higher. The competition is even
more prestigious owing to the fact that it is held
under the auspices of Katarzyna Hall, Minister of
National Education.
The Conjured from Wood competition has
a long-standing tradition and has secured itself
a strong position in the calendar of the most
high-profile industry fair event, i.e. Drema and
Furnica in Poznań. For students of woodworking
classes – to whom the competition is addressed
– it is a wonderful opportunity to present themselves among professionals visiting the fairs. All
works sent by students and meeting competition criteria (original, made from wood or wood
derivatives and being objects that have not
been commonly made from this raw material
yet) will be presented at the exhibition at the
stand of the Inwestor Publishing House that
can be visited during all fair days from 13 to 16
April. The competition final and the award ceremony of its seventh edition will take place on
16 April at 2.00 pm at the stand of the Inwestor
Publishing House (pavilion 5, stand 31).
Prep. by (dfn)
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FURNICA 2010 International Trade Fair of Components for Furniture Production
With outstanding collections of kitchen
furniture in mind
Kitchen from the inside – this is a very tricky title (a wordplay in Polish: Kuchnia od kuchni)
of the upcoming edition of the CHARM OF DETAIL exhibition, which is addressed mainly
to kitchen furniture manufacturers, kitchen studios, and in particular to designers and sales
advisors. The area has been divided into two zones: Exhibition Zone and Knowledge Zone.
The CHARM OF DETAIL accompanies the FURNICA International Trade Fair of Components
for Furniture Production to be held on 13-16
April in Poznań. The fair will provide a lot of useful information on newly launched products
showcased by leading companies – suppliers of different sectors of furniture production:
the event is held under the auspices of editorial boards of Produkcja mebli and Meble
Plus industry magazines and Meble.com vertical portal, as well as the editor of Meble.pl vertical portal.
At the upcoming edition of the CHARM OF
DETAIL exhibition we will plumb the mysteries
of kitchen furniture. The design of fitted kitchens in the exhibition area has been developed
so as to present effectively the best solutions in
components available on the market. The exhibition organisers very much want to showcase
a couple of functional areas with fitted kitchens
with focus on today’s opportunities created by
components available on the market.
The concept of the architectural and artistic layout of the exhibition, developed by a designer
who collaborates with the organisers, is aimed
at providing insight and inspiration for professional visitors.
Visiting the Charm of Detail will also be
an opportunity to take part in seminars held
in the Knowledge Zone. This year, every day of
exhibition events will be dedicated to a different target group. Each and every participant of
seminars will receive a copy of a unique guide
with information on solutions presented at the
For kitchen furniture manufacturers (including
kitchen studios), the organisers have prepared
a series of lectures and seminars devoted to
design and technology aspects of kitchen furniture design and production. At the end of the
day, there will be a panel discussion (attended
by media) on the topic: design versus functionality. The discussion will be attended by companies – exhibition partners.
The following day will include events devoted
to issues of concern for designers and interior
architects. Series of presentations held mainly
by exhibition sponsors will give listeners insight
into the latest technological solutions in
the field of fittings for
kitchen furniture.
The series of events
will end with a workshop on kitchen furniture sales techniques.
This professionally prepared panel will be
attended by people
professionally involved
in advisory and sales,
and they will receive
a certificate of participation at the end.
Media patronage:
More information:
www.drema.pl/en | www.furnica.pl/ en
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Międzynarodowe Targi Poznańskie
Poznań International Fair
Media partners:
International Trade Fair of Components
for Furniture Production
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w w. d r e m a . p l
Schattdecor at Furnica 2010:
nature as the designers’ focus
During Furnica 2010 scheduled for 13.-16.04.2010 in Poznań, Schattdecor will present many
new designs and exceptional foil products at its stand in hall 8.
For many years, Schattdecor has set trends and introduced
bestselling designs to the market that help its customers
land a top-notch position. Such decors as Bavaria Beech,
Red Alder, Oxford Cherry, Sutter Oak, Twist, Virginia Walnut, Wallis Plum or Coimbra, the latest blockbuster, are just
a few examples of the company’s market success. They are
characterised by continuity and guaranteed quality. For
over 10 years, Schattdecor has described trends in furniture and floor industry, providing its recipients with advisory on developing future-oriented foil-finished surfaces.
This year’s Schattdecor trends show three directions in interior decoration. However, they all have one theme in common: they focus on nature,
being the source of inspiration and a model for developing new design
In the FOR ALL trend, natural elements contrast with industrial materials.
In FOR US, hand-made objects are combined with modern design that
reproduces natural structures, whereas FOR ME offers a unique dialogue
between nature and artistic objects made by human hands..
This style in furniture offers simplicity and a light feel. Carefully chosen
furnishings, materials and colours add up to a look of elegant simplicity.
Kitchen, a very creative space, conducive to
communication and workshop-like, is becoming the centre of family life. Large worktops
actually recall workbenches. The most popular decors are untreated limed oaks. They are
combined with stone, stainless steel, glass
and innovative materials, which gives interior
a modern look. White, concrete and metal colours dominate, as well as pale wood, from delicate browns to greys. Untreated natural-looking
wood contrasts with smooth industrial surfaces. The result is a light new feel to the interior.
This trend is wonderful for living rooms, being
a place for relaxation and a venue for social
meetings. Furniture forms are light and angular. Hand-made and eco-friendly objects are
styled with modern and light design. This style
involves an interplay of different forms that create a well-though-out and harmonious whole.
Natural materials such as wool, wicker or leather
are combined with pale, natural-coloured wood,
while furniture items with a solid, artisan-crafted look give the final touch to the interior. The
range of woodgrain decors includes patterns
that reproduce conifers and such hardwood
as birch, maple, ash or beech as well as natural oak, creating a very warm and homely feel.
This trend emphasises individual character of its
user and appears first and foremost in bedrooms
and bathrooms. It is elegant and subtle. An individual look is obtained through creativity and
classic charm, as opposed to opulent chic. The
interior feel is created by appropriate surfaces
and objects, such as hand-made unique items.
Dominating in this trend are walnuts and tropical hardwoods with delicate structure, in light
to dark-brown hues, offset with gold or olive.
Dąb Canterbury
Orzech Montreux
Wenge Arusha
At Schattdecor stand, you will also find new technologies, in particular in
finish foils. New, innovative pre- and post-impregnated foils, i.e. Smartfoil
Real, Postfoil 3D and Smartfoil 3D, are perfect for modern furniture and
door surfaces.
Smartfoil Real, Smartfoil- and Postfoil 3D foils mean a genuine revolution
for foil-finished surfaces. Decors capture the look of real veneer and they
feel like it, too!! And they do so from job to job, keeping their perfect looks
from first day on.
Recognition of design trends and a guarantee of top quality: this is a prerequisite for success! Any furniture manufacturer who wants to provide
their customer with a perfect product is aware of that.
See it, touch it, feel it – Schattdecor helps do that!
Schattdecor Sp. z o.o., ul. Sowia 10, PL 62-080 Tarnowo Podgórne, Phone +48 61 81 66 600, Fax + 48 61 81 66 700
Plant in Głuchołazy, ul. gen. Andersa 1, PL 48-340 Głuchołazy, Phone + 48 77 40 85 500, Fax + 48 77 40 85 505
w w w.drema.pl • w w w.furnica.pl • w w w.drema.pl • w w w.furnica.pl
Events | DREMA 2010 for sawmill industry
Presentation of modern methods
of timber quality assessment
DREMA International Trade Fair of Machines and Tools for
Wood and Furniture Industries, scheduled for 13-16 April and
held under the slogan of „Technologies of tomorrow”, involves
not only an arresting offer from key suppliers but also an interesting industry-oriented programme.
The Poznań-based DREMA is the most high-profile trade fair for the woodworking and furniture
industries in this part of Europe. FURNICA International Trade Fair of Components for Furniture
Production, held concurrently, is by all means
a complement to the thematic scope of this
popular event focused on cutting-edge processing technologies. Both prestigious events provide invaluable insight into the latest solutions
on the market and the condition of this indus-
tion and modern methods for non-destructive
round timber research.
For small, medium and large woodworking and
furniture production companies, using state-ofthe-art technologies is the way to achieve competitive advantage as regards operational costs
and the quality of final products. Therefore, the
DREMA fair is a much waited-for event for the
industry in Central and Eastern Europe, and has
try in Central and Eastern Europe.
This year, an interesting fair exposition will be
provided by over 800 top global companies on
the area of more than 30,000 sq m. Exhibitors
come from 22 countries: Austria, Belgium, China, Columbia, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, France, Germany, Hungary, Italy, Luxembourg, Netherlands, Poland, Russia, Slovakia,
Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Turkey
and USA. Organisers expect DREMA and FURNICA 2010 will attract 22,000 professionals from
Poland and abroad, all actively looking for business development paths. New products from
exhibitors are not the only reason for visiting
Poznań. The organisers want to inspire professional visitors, encouraging them to visit special
working and furniture industries. Owing to over
100 new products and international premieres
along with interesting conferences and presentation areas, it is really worth to be there. The
organisers have ensured highly comfortable
conditions of your stay on-site: for registered
visitors, there is free admission and Rest&Meet
Points at the fairgrounds, where you can unwind
and enjoy free refreshments. Międzynarodowe
Targi Poznańskie cordially invites you to register
on-line at www.mtp24.pl and on-site, directly at ticket offices. For non-registered visitors,
tickets are available at a price of 60 PLN (single
ticket) and 90 PLN (four-day ticket). If you come
by car, you will be happy to find a supervised
car-park (ul. Matejki) just 350 m away from the
fairgrounds. A convenient trade fair location in
the direct vicinity of the railway station and the
Ławica airport is good news for all those who
prefer alternative ways of travel.
presentation areas and take part in industryfocused seminars. One of such meetings that
a commanding position in the calendar of pro-
More details about the seminar at:
fessionals looking for the best development
Opening hours:
directions for their companies. The recommen-
tion panel held under the auspices of the edi-
dation from EUMABOIS European Federation of
Tuesday – Thursday: 9.00-17.00
Friday: 9.00-16.00
torial board of Kurier Drzewny and Drewno.pl
Woodworking Machinery Manufacturers proves
Fair Entrance:
vertical portal is being prepared together with
this trade fair is a top-notch event. A visit at the
the Warsaw University of Life Sciences. Seminar
fair in Poznań is a unique chance in a year to
participants will focus on the quality of conif-
explore the potential of live machinery.
Eastern Entrance – ul. Głogowska
Western Entrance – ul. Śniadeckich
Northern Entrance – ul. Bukowska
should be particularly recommended to representatives of the sawmill industry is a seminar entitled „Modern methods of timber quality
assessment for sawmill purposes”. A presenta-
erous timber sorted according to strength and
logged in different regions of Poland. Machine
Poznań – it is worth being here
sorting of timber according to strength is also
Complementary DREMA and FURNICA trade
an interesting topic. Experts will discuss progress
fairs are among the top world-class events
in standardisation of timber quality identifica-
addressed to professionals from the wood-
DREMA Pavilions:
3, 3A, 4, 5, 9, open area
FURNICA Pavilions:
7, 7A, 8, 8A w w w. d r e m a . p l • w w w. f u r n i c a . p l • w w w. d r e m a . p l • w w w. f u r n i c a . p l • w wNOVELTIES
w. d r e m a . p l
Pavilion 4, stand 27
Manual electrostatic gun
A.D. SYSTEM Sp. z o.o.
AKE Polska Sp. z o.o.
Pavilion 4, stand 22
Pavilion 5, stand 19
Duocoll 1014
PLT Ultra wood shavings grinder
PVAC dispersion adhesive for bonding paper
foils, laminates and natural veneer to wide surfaces of wood-base materials.
Single application: 30-50 g/m2. Excellent surface quality after veneering. The adhesive does
not contain formaldehyde. It fulfils the requirements stated in IOS MAT 0003 and 0069.
Pavilion 3, stand 43
Airtec® EasyLine
Airtec® EasyLine
high-pressure air
system is targeted
at the small and
middle size company. Optimized
energy consumption and minimized operational
cost ensures the
correct air humidity. The system is
an integrated frequency controlled
pump system, PLC
control, touch screen display, Service Monitoring system and Flow Control. Airtec® EasyLine
supplies from 12-600 litre of atomised water per
hour in up to 3 different zones.
Airtec® HydroLine
Airtec® HydroLine
high-pressure air
system is targeted
at the large and
medium size company. Optimized
energy consumption and minimized operational
cost ensures the
correct air humidity. The system is
an integrated frequency controlled
pump system, PLC control, touch screen display, Service Monitoring system and Flow Control. Airtec® HydroLine supplies from 24-700
litre of atomised water per hour in up to 8 different zones
The newest compact PLT Ultra
grinder for wood
shavings ensures
smooth cut edges
while cross cutting chipboards
covered with soft
coatings such as
plastic film, paper,
etc. The constant
kerf width is maintained till the last
sharpening operation. The design of the
machine has been upgraded. The division into
rough and fine working sections combined
with reduced vibration level have resulted in
excellent cutting quality.
The world unique design of a gun for spraying
of water-base paint in
the electrostatic field. It
eliminates the necessity of system insulation.
The electrostatic field is
generated outside the
gun. Individual paint
drops are charged and
do not lose their charges. The additional advantage is much lower field
intensity that keeps the paint spray away from
auxiliary elements such as hangers, covers,
structural components of paint booths, etc.
Graco Merkur paint pumps
Merkur pump family
includes over 300 pump
units. This is a technological and structural leap
into a new world of quality and functionality. Their
advantages: smooth running, lack of pulsation,
automatic stop when
material shortage occurs,
paint consumption monitoring, lack of freezing
effect, ten times longer
motor life, easy cleaning.
Soft-Cut circular saws for chipless
Latest generation of saws for material cutting
eliminate chips and dust generation while
maintaining long service life. They are suitable
for cutting insulating materials: mineral, cellulose materials, glass and stone wool, paper,
cardboard, chipboards, cement
boards and foam
Pavilion 3, stand 10
Digistart IS - Digital starting system
for three phase motors
Graco Husky 1050 membrane pump
Husky 1050 membrane pumps are the
1 inch pump family. A new membrane
the pump delivery
increased by 30%
and five times longer durability. The
pulsation effect has
been reduced. Structural materials: stainless steel, aluminum, polypropylene, PVDF, Hastelloy. The DataTrak system has been applied to
count the pumped material and stop the pump
automatically when material shortage occurs.
ARTEX Artur Makiola
Pavilion 3, stand 20
It replaces old star-delta switches. Thanks to
controllable current limiting it eliminates current surge during direct starting of engines.
Available in the execution of up to 1600 A, 208690 V three-phase power systems. The system
has a built-in by-pass contactor. Independently from the smooth start system the drive has
an internal star-delta motor switching system.
Vacuum press for coating panels with PVC film
and natural veneer.
ATMO Sp. z o.o.
Pavilion 3, stand 28
The hand-held pneumatic hammer designed
for operation without a nail magazine. Suitable
for any size of nails.
w w w.drema.pl • w w w.furnica.pl • w w w.drema.pl • w w w.furnica.pl
BECKER Polska Sp. z o.o.
Pavlion 3, stand 5
The stand for connecting Georgian
bars for doors and windows
VTLF 2.250 vacuum pump
ture components. Transport tape with patented
system of backward rollers guarantees paint
recovery. It is possible to install a maximum of
four paint circulations. The JIT system makes it
possible to paint short series of elements and to
change colors quickly. The machine is strongly
recommended for the application of waterbased paints and water-based UV products.
Pavilion 5, stand 4
Automatic BRYKO edgebander
A new VTLF 2.250 vacuum pump. Pump delivery: 250 m3/h, pressure: 200 mbar (Abs), power: 5.5/6.4 kW, 50/60 Hz. Increased filter area:
22,000 cm2, red filter and transparent housing as standard equipment. Noise reduction:
77 db(A) at 50 Hz / 79 db(A) 60Hz. Optimum
location of lubrication pipes and a non-return
valve. The transparent housing as standard
equipment. Less components, compact shape,
lower risk of leakage.
BIZEA Sp. z o.o.
Pavilion 3A, stand 15
BeA 901 DC pneumatic nailer
The stand for connecting wooden or plastic
Georgian bars for doors and windows. A movable pneumatic head is installed over the working table to force V stitches into the bar connection points. The laser indicator shows the
connection point.
BeA 145/32-178 pneumatic stapler to
secure T-nuts
The BeA 145/32-178 stapler has been provided
with an attachment to allow quick and precise
forcing of two 140/15 BIZON stitches to secure
the T-nut inserted in chipboard or ply-board.
BORAN s.c.
Pavilion 3A, stand 17
SONPg-640a tool grinder
The previous version of the SONPg-640 grinder
has been equipped with devices to work in
an automatic cycle. The tool grinder operates in
such a way that the grinding head automatically comes in contact with the sharpened knife.
A Teflon coated glue tank and a digital thermostat to maintain working and resting temperature. The automatic feeding unit for edge banding in strips and rolls 2 mm thick. The motor
pressure roll and one extra roll with a numerical
counter to measure the edge banding thickness. The double saw unit for precise edge trimming has been equipped with a high-speed
motor. The top and bottom milling unit has
got vertical and horizontal tracers controlled by
numerical counters.
COMPACT 7.2. automatic edgebander
equipped with the panel pre-milling unit
SONP-CHa tool grinder
A new pneumatic BeA 901 Dc nailer is designed
for nailing wooden elements with the use of
wire coil nails. Nails: 2.5 to 3.3 mm in diameter
and 50 to 90 mm long.
Pneumatic BIZON tools for C-rings
A new group
of BIZON pneumatic C-ring tools
intended for the
manufacturers of
upholstered furniture, mattresses and car seats.
We present three models of tools for CL20x18
type clips that vary in the nose length (45, 61, 87
mm) as well as the tool for CL20x16 type clips.
The previous version of the SONP-CH grinder
has been equipped with devices to work in
an automatic cycle. The tool grinder operates in
such a way that the grinding head automatically comes in contact with the sharpened knife.
SOG-125/Pa tool grinder
The previous version of the SOG-125/P grinder
has been equipped with devices to work in
an automatic cycle. The tool grinder operates in
such a way that the grinding head automatically comes in contact with the sharpened knife.
CEFLA Polska Sp. z o.o.
Pavilion 9, stand 1
‘MITO’ automatic spray painting
‘MITO’ automatic spray painting machine is used
for applying stains and paints on profiled furni-
A panel pre-milling unit with two diamond
cutters. A Teflon coated glue tank and a digital thermostat to maintain working and resting temperature. An automatic feeding unit for
edge banding in strips and rolls 2 mm thick.
A motor pressure roll and two extra rolls with
a numerical counter to measure the edge
banding thickness. A double saw unit for precise edge trimming equipped with a highspeed motor. The top and bottom milling unit
with vertical and horizontal tracers, controlled
by numerical counters. The R2 edge scraping
station controlled by numerical counters. The
edge polishing station.
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SYSTEM 5P automatic edgebander
equipped with the panel pre-milling unit
A panel pre-milling unit with two diamond
cutters. A Teflon coated glue tank and a digital thermostat to maintain working and resting temperature. An automatic feeding unit
for edge banding in strips and rolls 2 mm thick.
A motor pressure roll and two extra rolls with
a numerical counter to measure the edge
banding thickness. A double saw unit for precise edge trimming, equipped with two highspeed motors. The top and bottom milling unit
with vertical and horizontal tracers, controlled
by numerical counters. The edge polishing station. LCD control panel.
CEHPOL Sp. z o.o.
Pavilion 5, stand 1
THEMA 3800 panel sawing machine
elements, i.e. a brush and abrasive paper, were
placed in one lamella.
A new system makes it possible to replace only
used working elements, i.e. single strip of brush
or abrasive paper, with no need to change the
The Cosma head allows using various thicknesses of abrasive paper placed in the same
DEERFOS Europe Sp. z o.o.
Pavilion 4, stand 14
SA331 Coated Abrasive Discs on PE
Abrasive discs on PE film offer excellent abrasive properties along with optimum durability of the backing material – better than other
abrasive materials.
Special open top coat prevents clogging and
improves abrasive performance.
Compared with conventional solutions, the
thermally enhanced top coat ensures longer
product life.
Unlike paper backing, PE film is water-resistant
and non-breakable.
Available grits: P40 to P2000.
Fabryka Maszyn do Drewna „GOMAD”
Sp. z o.o.
Pavilion 5, stand 55
FD-2/2 Bottom Spindle Moulder
FDW-2/2 Tilting Bottom Spindle
Drawing on the past experience of moulder
production and responding to our customers’
expectations, we have introduced 6 spindle
speeds: 3000; 4000; 5000; 6000; 8000 and 10000
rpm. This modification offers a wider possibility of optimising processing parameters, which
will result in improved quality and precision of
moulding operations.
FELDER Group Polska Sp. z o.o.
Pavilion 5, stand 61; 62; 65
Plan 51L Planer-Surfacer from
DIMEN s.c.
Open fairgrounds, sector 03 stand 16
Gas Heating Systems for Wood
Drying Plants
A robust steel frame made up of profiles used
in CNC machines to obtain the highest working accuracy. The pressure beam moved by two
pneumatic cylinders ensures adequate pressure on the panel pack at both sides of the cutting line. The saw carriage travels on two linear
guide ways to ensure the best weight distribution and lowest friction. The rate of travel of the
sawing unit is controllable for the best selection
of the required cutting speed. The position of
the undercutting unit towards the main saw
is easily adjustable. The pusher is moved by
means of a rack-and-pinion mounted at the top
of the side beam. The pusher moving motor is
the central part of the pusher so that the rack
gears are connected by two equal shafts to
guarantee high accuracy and repeatability. Seven pneumatic grips have been placed at a regular distance to hold the panel pack perfectly.
COSMA – Borstelfabriek Holland
Pavilion 5, stand 21
Sanding head with replaceable working elements
Cosma – Borstelfabriek Holland has launched
a newly designed brush system for wood sanding machines. In the earlier systems working
The first time on the Polish exhibition will be
presented the newest technology of wood drying and pallets treatment. The heating system
is natural or liquid gas fired. Gas heating systems
are new on the Polish market due to low investment cost, high efficiency, low operating costs
and significantly shorten the drying time.
Pavilion 5, stand 6
ELCON 215 D Vertical Panel Saw
Designed for cutting chipboards, MDF, plywood,
solid wood and plastics, the saw enables cutting workpieces in both vertical and horizontal
alignment. The robust structure of the machine
allows to process several boards simultaneously, also handling particularly heavy workpieces.
The saw features a precision scale to facilitate
cutting in both vertical and horizontal position,
as well as a steel bar guide which helps cut narrow pieces in the horizontal position.
Plan 51L offers surface planing width of 510 mm
and a planer table with a total length of 3000
mm. The 4-knife cutterblock of the FORMAT-4
system enables fast replacement of knives
without the need for additional adjustments.
High operating comfort is ensured by a professional planer fence with an aligning fence,
planer adjustment system with lateral prismatic
guide rails, as well as optional electric system
for infeed table height adjustment.
Perfect 710 e-motion Edgebander
from FORMAT-4
Perfect 710
process 8-60
mm thick
using coiled
and strip material with thicknesses ranging
from 0.4 to 10 mm. The machine is operated via
a control panel with a 10.4” colour touch screen.
Processing units are positioned and controlled
electronically. As a standard, the machine is fitted with 7 processing units, including a cornerrounding unit, while 4 slots are left free for additional tools.
Profit H30 CNC Machining Centre
from FORMAT-4
Profit H30 is a CNC drilling and moulding centre
designed for large-scale production of furniDREMA • FURNICA NEWS 25
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ture, doors and windows. With a working field
of 4800 mm (X-axis) by 1360 mm (Y) by 130 (Z),
and up to 50
slots for tools,
cycles can be
effectively optimised. The solution is supported by the state-of-the-art userfriendly WoodFlash software.
Firma Konsultingowo Handlowa TILIA
Tomasz Harajda
Pavilion 5, stand 10
Olsen & Stroh AS Automatic Coating Machine / Robopaint Compact
A robust Danish automatic machine fitted with
cutting-edge components. User-friendly 10’’
touch-screen control panel. The machine is also
equipped with a work area scanner, which automatically detects the workpiece, thus ensuring
reduced coating consumption.
GASSTECH Przedsiębiorstwo
Produkcyjne Sp. z o.o.
Pavilion 3, stand 28
Automatic work cycle. Can sharpen band saw
and circular saw blades and set band saw blades
only. Can sharpen all triangular profiles. Its vertical design was studied to require little space
and bear high workloads. Solid and reliable.
Anlagenbau zur Holzbearbeitung
Pavilion 3, stand 69
Cross – cut lines for long logs
with synchro-roller technology
and stopper table
Advantages of technology: safe log feeding
to cross-cut saw, centring of log before cutting saw, high acceleration and braking performance due to spike rollers, sensing of log
diameter with cutting recommendation, exact
positioning of logs to saw = up to 30 % higher
positioning speed.
IMA Polska Sprzedaż i Serwis Sp. z o.o.
Pavilion 5, stand 16
BIMA CUT 310 V 4-Axis CNC
Machining Centre
EKOMULTIKS Saw for Material-Saving
Lengthwise Cutting of Wood
EKOMULTIKS saw for lengthwise cutting of
wood, featuring a special solution that has never been applied before. Next to each tooth
there are additional sweeping knives mounted
on the blade body, which effectively prevents
wood chips from getting between the blade
and the workpiece, thus increasing overall cutting efficiency. Moreover, this structure allows
to decrease tooth width, ensuring significant
material savings during wood cutting.
HEDER – Viscat Fulgor SRL
Pavilion 3, stand 78
Bandsaw flash welding machine, type
FW-505Py NEW. 10-60 mm
Flash butt welding machine. Totally electronically controlled it carries out automatic welding.
The annealing cycle is controlled by an optical
pyrometric sensor with a laser pointer allowing
a high-precision measurement of the annealing
temperature and to optimize this cycle. Greatly
renewed, especially in its clamping group, it can
bear high workloads. Shear included.
The Advantage 300 line of edgebanders is IMA’s
new addition to the family of compact standard
edgebanding machines, suitable for using thin
edging materials (from 0,3 to 3 mm thickness),
fitted with a corner copying unit. Advantage
300 is a machine with a compact body length
ranging from 4200 mm to 5200 mm, depending
on the equipment version. Importantly, this line
of edgebanding machines is characterised by
high feed speeds (from 20 m/min), a top pressure track to keep the workpiece firmly on the
table, and a possibility of rounding the corners
of workpieces with up to 60 mm thickness.
Pavilion 5, stand 5
IMA CUT V is a universal CNC machining centre
with an automatic in-feed table for panel loading. Designed for unattended production of furniture elements, with automatic units carrying
out such operations as: routing furniture form
pieces in full-size boards, moulding straight-line
and curved profiles, vertical and horizontal drilling, straight and curved-line edgebanding, as
well as automatic feeding of furniture elements
onto the unloading conveyor. The machine is
supplied with IMA WIN CAD software. Production capacity ca. 300-350 elements per shift.
Advantage 200 Single-Sided
Edgebanding Machine
Intorex MV-3
Automatic machine
for boring and
and screws. MV-3 is
fitted with a rotary
table with 3 work
cycles: manual loading and unloading,
boring, bush/screw
inserting. Automatic loading of bushes
or M6, M8 and M10
screws (the vibrator is not included in standard
price; maximum loading capacity is ca. 40 bushes or 15 screws). Capacity ca. 900 pcs/hour. Possibility of using the boring unit exclusively.
Pavilion 5, stand 60
Automatic work cycle. Possibility to choose the
type of setting: left-right or left-right-straight.
Adjustment of the feed pitch of the setting
high and the tooth bending degree. High-yield
in very little work space.
Sharpening machine with setting machine.
Advantage 300 Single-Sided Edgebanding Machine
Automatic setting machine for bandsaw blades, type SV-250.40-250 mm
Sharpening machine with setting
machine, type AM 70 N.
lifting covers, which improves working safety
and significantly reduces the noise of the running edgebander. Advantage 200 is a machine
with a compact body length ranging from 3700
mm to 6200 mm, depending on the equipment
version. Importantly, this line of edgebanding
machines is characterised by high feed speeds
– from 20 to 30 m/min – and a top pressure
track to keep the workpiece firmly on the table.
CROSS-3800 Panel Saw
Developed for small and medium-sized furniture production companies running two or
three shifts. All processing units are shielded by
This panel saw guarantees excellent performance
and high cutting precision. It features a touchscreen control panel with a cutting optimisation system. Variable carriage feed speed – from
5 to 35 m/min. Working table dimensions: 3800
x 2100 mm. Cutting height: 55 mm. Pusher feed
speed: 1-40 m/min. 6 grippers and a pneumatic
feed table supplied as a standard.
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WG-410 Basic Planer-Thicknesser
Combined machining centre performing both
planing and thicknessing functions. Fast and
simple changeover. Cast iron tables, tilting
guide fence, and a 4-knife cutterblock guarantee high quality processing. Working width:
410 mm.
COMPACT DNW+ Edgebanding
The best equipped representative of the Compact line of edgebanders, designed specifically to carry out complex technological processes in a limited space. Functions available as
a standard: panel pre-routing, excess material
trimming, veneer moulding, through-feed corner rounding, as well as scraping and polishing.
Touch-screen control panel.
DSVC-40 Basic Planer-Surfacer
Budget version of the long-established surfacer.
Cast iron tables, tilting guide fence, and a 4-knife
cutterblock guarantee top quality processing.
Drilling attachment available as an option.
DMUB-NX Circular Saw
workpieces with high resin content using belt
grinders. Antistatic properties of the paper backing combined with resin as the bonding agent
both prevent clogging and help extend product life. For the furniture sector we recommend
PS 15F endless paper abrasive belts with the
most popular dimensions: 1350 mm x 2620 mm.
The basic component in the system is our
developed laser gauge PreciCura. It uses the
latest digital and optical laser technology with
advanced build in microprocessor (DSD Digital
Sygnal Processor) and high resolution CCS-array
optical receiver.
KREMLIN REXSON Polska Sp. z o.o.
Pavilion 3, stand 35
Pavilion 4, stand 34
LUKA XS 700 Control Processor for
Wood Drying Plants
Xcite Gun
The new design of the lightweight Xcite™ gun
ensures greater operating comfort. Thanks to
the standard swivel fitting, the gun is extremely ergonomic when items with complex shapes
are sprayed. Ultra-light trigger ensures effortless operation, helping increase efficiency. The
Xcite gun is made of the highest quality components, guaranteeing reliable performance.
Pavilion 3A, stand 32
Panel Profiler
Descendant of the well-known DMUB Atut
model, priding itself on richer equipment.
Motorised raising/lowering and tilting of the
main saw available as a standard. Optional functions include: electro-motorised guide fence,
scoring saw “parking” option, and programming
of cutting parameters. Cutting height up to 118
mm, tool speed adjustment carried out at the
working table.
Newly developed and released for production
in 2010, the control processor for wood drying
plants comprises the multi-output XS 700 programmer and a measurement block for analysing two temperature values, air humidity and
wood moisture – at 5 different points. The product draws on LUKA’s 15 years experience. Different data characteristics for each wood species
are stored in the processor’s internal memory.
Using RS 485 data transmission network and
SUSZMON 2 software, the system supports
two-way data transfer with the central PC and
the Internet, also being capable of connecting
with mobile phones thanks to the GSM module.
Pavilion 3, stand 72
SPEED WFN Edgebanding Machine
Gold medallist of the previous edition of
DREMA, now offering a fast-changing glue container, and a rotational speed of the moulding
unit increased to 18000 rpm. Workpiece height
up to 80 mm. Feed speed: 10 and 15 m/min.
Wide range of additional accessories.
KLINGSPOR Sp. z o.o.
Pavilion 4, stand 28
PS 73 WK Self-Fastening Abrasive
Discs for Power Tools
Designed for processing
paint, varnish, filler and
plastics with the use of
power tools, especially in
the automotive sector, as
well as in the woodworking and furniture industry. Special corundum grit guarantees high
grinding efficiency while maintaining consistent depth of roughness across the surface. The
additional stearate coating minimises clogging.
PS 15 F Wide
Endless Abrasive
A highly efficient
product applied for
processing wooden
Limab PanelProfiler is the market leader in noncontact thickness measuring of all types of panels. Soft, thin or with rough surfaces, like Plywood, where traditional contact measuring
systems will not work properly, are measured
with high accuracy. The system works nearly
maintenance free (no rollers cleaning, no frequent calibrations needed), even placed directly after presses and sanders. Easy to use system
software with recipes, graphical display, logging and alarms. PanelProfiler comes in different versions with a freely selectable number of
measuring positions.
Board Profiler
Single Point and/or Multi Point System for
wane and deformation measurement of boards
and planks. Optimisation of cutting for trimmers. Reject/turning before edgers. Deformation measurement. Thickness and width measurement, multiple tracks. Because the system
is modular it can be adapted to every specific
demand, which gives optimum performance
and at the same time a cost effective solution.
The system can easily be installed without any
costly mechanical rebuilding of existing line.
Internal communication in the system is by
CAN-bus, which minimizes cable connections
and simplifies installation. Externally the system
as standard communicates via serial interface
RS232 and TCP/IP is also possible.
Lightweight (0.9 kg), compact and extremely handy. Ideal for finishing works, e.g. cabinet
work. Magazine capacity: up to 100 pins with
lengths between 12 and 25 mm, and diameter
of 0.6 mm. Operating pressure range: 3.9 – 6.8
bar; recommended compressor: AC640.
magazine ensures
smooth loading
and feeding of
staples. Magazine
capacity: 98 staples with lengths
of 10/13/16/19/22
mm, 0.6 – 1.2mm thickness and 10mm width.
The device offers depth control adjustment
depending on staple width (thickness), and
optional serial staple release. Ergonomic rubDREMA • FURNICA NEWS 27
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berised grip handle ensures increased control
and comfort. Supplied in a case with a charger
and a spare 18 V/3.0 Ah battery.
3-speed impact driver with a 18V/ 3.0Ah Liion battery. With a maximum torque of 160
Nm, it handles machine screws with diameters
between 4 and 8 mm, 5-14 mm standard bolts,
and 5-12 mm high tensile bolts. The device
is powered by a brushless DC motor, which
helped extend run time on a single battery
charge. The work is additionally facilitated by
a perfectly-shaped, ergonomic grip. This model
also features a LED light with afterglow, and LED
battery charge indicator. The device is supplied
in a case with a charger and a spare battery.
MEBEL ART Sp. z o.o.
Pavilion 5, stand 11 ; Pavilion 3A, stand 21
FRE 317S Corian Router
DXT (Deep and eXact Cutting) technology:
3-stage reduction gear and retractable rear
blade guard guarantee more effective cutting
of crown mouldings and skirting boards. This
compound mitre saw features a high-precision
blade with a dual angle adjustment mechanism, and a mitre range of 60 degrees right and
52 degrees left. Operation is comfortable thanks
to the easy-to-read bevel angle scale with large
graduations. Bevel range of 45 degrees right and
left with positive stops at 22.5, 33.9, 45 degrees
(left and right), complemented by a quick and
accurate mitre angle lock with positive stops at
0, 15, 22.5, 31.6, and 45 degrees. Extremely long
cuts in one pass – up to 310 mm.
A router designed for levelling out joints formed
in the corners as sections of Corian worktops
are connected. 1800 W motor guarantees perfect performance.
EB 40 Automatic Hot Melt Edgebander
Pavilion 5, stand 42
Shark Quattroline
The new edgebander. Shark Quattroline is fast
and highly efficient. The machine is equipped
with: Premilling, Magazine for 4 coils + one
exchange edge, CombiMelt-Glueing System,
4 trimming stations (rough, fine, fine+corner
rounding), profile scraper with 4 tools (selection via control panel), flat scraper. Shark Quattroline offers a very high grade of automatisation for professional use.
Pavilion 5, stand 2
SR-Xpress CNC Drilling Machine
SR-Xpress is a high quality CNC drilling centre designed specifically to ensure flexibility
and speed for manufacturers representing the
woodworking sector, as well as plastics industry
and similar companies. It has been developed
in such a way so as to make it easy to use for
operators without high professional qualifications – SR-Xpress is simple to program and configure, and extremely user-friendly. The machine
is also characterised by effortless maintenance
and high durability, remaining fully functional throughout its operating life. It is equipped
with robust electronic positioning system
– easy to use and program, with electronic control in three axes (X-Y-Z).
Main features
this device
powerful operation, precise plunge
d e p t h
in 0.1 mm
at 3 different depths,
increased safety ensured by an electronic brake,
and longer tool life thanks to ball bearing construction at the drive section, accompanied by
air maze filters and fans. Twin LED light with
afterglow function helps reduce the shadow
cast on the workpiece by tool heads. Ergonomically shaped, rounded handles are ideally suited to the operator’s hands.
Edgebander for edging materials up to 3 mm
thick. It features such functions as: temperature
control, routing, trimming. The edgebander
also has an automatic feeder for edge tape rolls
with a pneumatic trimming system.
OPPOLD Polska Sp. z o.o.
Pavilion 3, stand 32
QuickWood Sanding System
The device is programmed directly via a colour
touch-screen panel mounted on the machine,
offering enough internal memory to store different user programmes and settings.
Pavilion 5, stand 37
CNC spindles
QuickWood sanding system uses patented
oscillating discs as well as a combination of
abrasive material and replaceable brushes. The
system can be used for preliminary, intermediate and finish sanding tasks. We offer portable
sanders and fully automatic solutions designed
for sanding wood, MDF and other wood-based
XLERATOR series spindles with manual and
automatic tool change and S1 efficiency. The
spindles of rigid and compact structure are
cooled with a fan, compressed air or liquid. They
are also equipped with a bearing temperature
thermocouple, a single control connector, a single compressed air inlet, Rebo type tool holder.
Power range: 5 to 16 kW.
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EVO Wood Moisture Meter
Pavilion, stand 37
Moisture meter designed for wood products.
Application: floors, furniture, sawn timber.
Wood groups: 1-21.
Material density: 1751075 kg/m³. As the
against the material to
be measured, its display immediately shows
current moisture content.
SMPA 500.1-E Automated Pallet Nailing Machine – STÖRI MANTEL CZ
SMPA 500.1-E is the world’s first machine to
feature a system of maintenance-free rounded screws of the pressure bar. The screws are
powered by two servo-electric motors, which
helped reduce undesired dynamic jerks, and in
effect decreased overall noise level. By applying
servo-electric motors in the drive system of the
nail driving bar and the template, more accurate positioning and higher operating speed
have been obtained. The nailing process is carried out by simultaneous driving of an entire
row of nails in a single cycle.
HEDGEHOG Moulder for Finger Joints
– Benmet CZ
A revolutionary solution – moulder for finger
joints with individual replaceable blades. Fast
assembly and disassembly of individual knives;
single screw; no additional equipment required
for setup. Lower resistance thanks to the spiral
alignment of knives, and increased durability of
machine components. Versatility – possibility of
installing different knife sizes (10/11, 15/16.5)
and thicknesses, depending on the connection
type (concurrent or linear, type A and B). Head
life up to 5 years; knives can be sharpened up to
90 times. Sharpening can be carried out directly
on the head, or on a special device.
AOP Automatic Edging System
– Dřevostroj Čkynĕ CZ
Timber sorting before edging. Upward direction
of timber wane. Cutting off any faults on timber
ends. Measuring timber width, data processing, optimisation. Edge saw control – optimisation of cutting width to ensure maximum
efficiency. Timber edging on the OP 850/65
edger. Removal of edgings. Maximum capacity:
20 planks per minute.
IQ Compressed Air Humidification
System – possibility of adjusting the
direction of fogging nozzles
The system comprises adjustable nozzles connected to the supply of water
and compressed air (ca. 5 bar).
Under the influence of pressure,
required amount of water is carried to the nozzle, and atomised
into a fine aerosol mist. It is
an optimum solution for small
production plants and warehouses. Relative
humidity control from 30% up to 100% (thanks
to a hygrostat integrated with the system).
No water pre-treatment required. Easy to install
and expand. Favourable price-to-performance
ratio. Capacity: 4-16 l/h. Relative humidity control in the range of 30% to 100%.
PH Kontra Technologie
Pavilion 3, stand 55
CAPE nailing machine model CP-110
POLPACK Sp. z o.o.
Pavilion 3, stand 107
Wrapper SE
Machine designed for pre-stretch wrapping
of doors, windows, panels, parquets, skirting
boards, furniture, and windowsills.
Wrapper VO
Machine designed for securing doors and windows with stretch film.
PRINZ Polska Sp. z o.o.
Pavilion 3, stand 76
Saw Chains: LOGMAX, MULTICUT and
One of the latest results of our continuous
research is the new, chromium plated LOGMAX 15/3 chipper saw chain with improved
tooth geometry for optimum removal of wood
chips. Two other new solutions are scraper
chains offering world-class durability and cutting quality: MULTICUT with high quality protective coating (guaranteeing up to 50% longer life) and DURACUT with long carbide-tipped
teeth (offering up to 1000 cutting cycles without sharpening).
Pavilion 5, stand 69
DMMS-40/340 Special Digital Dimension Circular Saw
DMMS-40 Special Digital is a modern dimension
saw designed for longitudinal and cross cutting
of laminated boards and wood-based materials.
As a new addition to the well-known SPECIAL
line of sawing machines, it offers digital control
of the longitudinal fence, as well as height and
tilt adjustment of the main saw blade. All featured solutions ensure high cutting accuracy
and quality.
RO-MA Zakłady Narzędzi
Skrawających Sp. z o.o.
Pavilion 3, stand 3
Gold Wide Band-Saw Blade
Pavilion 5, stand 18
ZM-18 Line Laser
New models of ZM-18 laser modules emitting
red and green laser wavelengths, now also with
a blue output. The new products are IP67 rated,
ensuring unparalleled precision and accurate
laser projection. All models offer manual focusing and a choice of optics to fine-tune laser
projection. Line, dot, circle, multiple lines and
a cross are some of the basic optics available.
Similarly to other laser modules in our portfolio,
the new models are resistant to water, dust and
machine-induced vibration. In the case of the
red wavelength, diode power range has been
increased from 1-80 mW to 1-200 mW, which
translates into more than 40 m projection. Supply voltage range: 5-30 VDC.
Machine with continues cycle with chains.
Automatic boards and blocs squaring system.
Touch colour screen to programmation
machine, visualizing the pallet and move all the
mechanical parts manually.
Program with visual view in real time of the
inputs/outputs of the PLC and analyze work
and working diagnostic of the machine with
explanations and solutions in case the machine
Gold wide band-saw blade is manufactured
from alloy steel with a characteristic golden colour. Ro-Ma has expanded its portfolio of wide saw blades with yet another (fifth)
grade of steel, thus offering our Customers
an even greater chance of optimal tool selection. This offer is addressed to Customers seeking high quality solutions. The saw blade is sold
ready for use. What the Customer purchases is
a finished product submitted to a professional
service package.
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SCHUKO Polska Sp. z o.o.
Pavilion 5, stand 28
with a semi-automatic feed table, and a vacuum unloading table. The heating medium is oil,
electrically heated in an independent system.
Cascade ventilation system - savings
of energy
SEMPRE Maszyny i Urządzenia
Pavilion 5, stand 12
The CNC machine for the production of doors
and windows. The centre, equipped with a vertical electro-spindle that can rotate around the
fourth C-axis for comprehensive machining,
combined with up-to-date real-time software
provides an unlimited machining potential. The
machine of very stable structure is suitable for
industrial applications.
Energy savings, system reliability, easy maintenance and operation. A few smaller-individual fans have been used that can be switched
on and off, if necessary. Optimum energy utilization: exhaust fans always reach optimum
efficiency and maximum compression. The
amount of supplied air is adjusted to the actual
demand. There is no need for an inverter.
SCM Group Polska Sp. z o.o.
Pavilion 5, stand 26
Olimpic K 130 Edgebanding Machine
Manufactured by the SCM Group, Italy, the
standard version of this machine offers a feed
speed of 9 m/min, and features: glue tank,
cross-cut mitre saw, and a lengthwise moulding unit.
Optionally: second motor for the cross-cut mitre
saw, radial scraping unit, buffing unit.
Working height: 8-50 mm. Minimum workpiece
width: 60 mm. ORION ONE electronic control
EUROSAND L 1350 RK Wide-Belt
Sanding Machine
Manufactured by DMC, this machine with
a working width of 1350 mm has been fitted
with units enabling calibrating and sanding of
solid-material workpieces. First working unit:
steel roller with a diameter of 200 mm. Second
combi unit: rubber coated roller (65˚ Sh) with
a diameter of 175 mm, and a rigid sanding
pad. Each of the working units is powered by
an independent 11 kW motor. The device also
features a brush cleaning unit, and an electronic worktable height adjustment system.
GS LA 30-13 PA BO Hydraulic Edge
Gluing Press
Manufactured by SERGIANI, this through-feed
hydraulic press for edge glued panels (10-80
mm thick) offers a 3000 x 1300 mm worktable
and optimised travel of the upper plate. Drilled
steel plates are plated with INOX stainless steel.
The back fence of the machine enables continuous gluing operation. The press is equipped
Innowacyjno – Wdrożeniowa Sp. z o.o.
Pavilion 4, stand 37
New Line of Water and Solvent Based
New line of water and solvent based ageing stains
for adding an antique look to wooden surfaces.
Our product portfolio also includes patinas
helping achieve a „decape” effect, as well as
gold and silver metallic patinas.
TANEL Elektronika i Informatyka
Sp. Jawna
Pavilion 5, stand 70
HGR-9 Wood Moisture Meter
HGR-9 is an inexpensive, versatile, cutting-edge
electronic device designed for measuring moisture content in wood and concrete. It is especially useful during parquet and wooden floor
laying. Despite compact dimensions, it guarantees excellent accuracy thanks to a specialised
microprocessor. The device is extremely userfriendly. Wood species and temperature are
taken into account during the measurement.
logs of deciduous wood. It is fully automatic,
i.e. all major processing and material handling
operations are mechanised, and automatically
controlled. The log sawing process is controlled by a computer system, which suggests the
most effective sawing method, depending on
log dimensions.
Towarzystwo Gospodarcze
MEBLOPOL Sp. z o.o.
Pavilion 4, stand 15
EVA-Based Hot Melt Adhesive
The Germany-based Follman company has
launched a line of hot melt edgebanding adhesives (with and without fillers), as well as softforming and profile sheathing adhesives (also
in two versions – with and without fillers).
FOLCO-LIT D4W91 – D4 rated POW
D4 rated, single-component dispersion adhesive
without fillers. WATT’91 certified – 7.6 N/mm2.
It is suitable for gluing: laminated wood for
window production (joints exposed to atmospheric conditions must be properly protected);
interior elements exposed to frequent contact
with condensing water; window frames; hard
and soft wood species; structural wood; HPL/
CPL laminated products. It also complies with
requirements for II cycles of conditioning, e.g.
PN EN 205.
Pavilion 3, stand 38
Ducting hoses connectors and reducers
HIT-4 Wood Moisture Meter
HIT-4 is a cutting-edge electronic wood moisture meter. The design of this device enables
using long measuring needles, and taking moisture measurements from large wood pieces. The
electrodes are inserted into (and taken out of )
wood by sliding the handle along the vertical
guide bar. As a result, the needles always travel
perpendicularly to the wood surface, being protected against bending or breaking. The moisture meter features a temperature compensation circuit. HIT-4 has been designed for use in
the woodworking sector, forestry, and production of wood-based items.
TEKNIKA Sp. z o.o.
Pavilion 9
Innovative Timber Sawing Line
The line has been designed for efficient and
innovative sawing of up to 4.5 m long round
Quick and effective assembly of ducting hoses with the help of connectors and worm drive
type hose clamps.
Available: straight connectors – for connecting,
extending and fastening of hoses, hose reducers - for connecting, extending and fastening
of hoses with different ID, angle joints, tees.
Material: zinc plated galvanized steel (different
materials available on request). Wide range of
sizes: from 100 mm up to 800 mm (different
sizes available on request). Custom made connectors (according to customers requirements)
available on request.
Practical application: ventilation system, ducting of fumes and dust, ventilators, granulate
transfer, etc.
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WEISS Sp. z o.o.
Pavilion 3, stand 110
Biomass Gasifiers
Biomass is converted into gas (gasification),
which is used in gas engines to produce electricity and heat. In the two-stage gasification
process, there is gas production and oxidation
of tar. The tar in the gas is around 3%, which
is necessary for correct operation of the gas
engine. 38% electrical efficiency. Tar free gas.
Pavilion 5, stand 11
This thin-cutting band saw makes a perfectly
effective solution for countless applications in
high-quality thin-cutting. DSB Singlehead combines absolute precision with extraordinary efficiency in the production of high-quality lamellas for: parquets, multi-layer boards, doors,
glued laminates, doors, furniture, windows, ski/
snowboard components, musical instruments,
as well as non-timber products such as: composite materials, polystyrene, cardboard, cork,
foamed materials, polycarbonate materials,
graphite, plastics, light metals, and many more.
ZEMAT Technology Group Sp. z o.o.
Pavilion 5, stand 67
Maszyna do produkcji pudeł
klapowych z tektury falistej BOXMAT
Machine for manufacturing flap boxes from
corrugated cardboard, designed for producing short batches as well as for mass production. Notching, folding (lengthwise and crosswise), and trimming excess material – all in
a single production cycle. Fast and simple operation. Swift adjustment of parameters thanks to
servo drives. Automatic cardboard feeder with
a reliable loading system. All functions operated
via a touch-screen panel. Pressure and folding
parameters adjusted from a control desk. Antislip guide rolls preventing cardboard „floating”.
FIXMAT 2600 Gluing Machine for Flap
Designed for gluing corrugated cardboard boxes with a maximum format exceeding 2.6 m,
Fixmat 2600 is an excellent complement to every production line. Simple operation, application of easily available water-based adhesives,
adjustable unloading table, as well as fast setup
of other parameters are undeniable advantages
of this machine.
AMI Polska Sp. z o.o.
Pavilion 7A, stand 12
New bracket for low-hanging cabinets from Camar
A revolutionary solution for mounting lowhanging cabinets. This state-of-the-art product is characterised by a certified load capacity of up to 600 kg, while remaining adjustable
in both vertical and horizontal planes. No additional supports or angle brackets are required.
The Aurea line of handles from the Italian market leader – Bosetti Marella – draws on the best
traditions of Italian design. The new handles are
individually hand-finished using jewellery technique, and plated with 24-carat gold. In effect,
each product is unique, giving furniture exclusive charm and elegance. The entire production
process – from design to finishing – is carried
out in Italy.
BLUM Polska Sp. z o.o.
Pavilion 7A, stand 4
New bracket for hanging panels from
The only solution of this type in the market,
allowing to use not just the front but also the
top of the panel, ensuring its versatile installation and easy removal. In effect, the panel
remains adjustable at any time.
Gas springs for furniture fronts, cabinets and chests from Vapsint
The Italian manufacturer of top quality gas
springs presents a broad selection of solutions
for opening furniture fronts, as well as soft-close
systems for cabinet doors and chest lids, the latter being the only products of this type in the
market. Our gas springs are available in all colours.
Smove Silentia – New universal door
damper system from Arturo Salice
The new universal soft-close damper is available in two versions: damper mounted under the
mounting plate’s screw, and a cross-type damper. Compatible with: regular and clip-on hinges; 26, 35 and 40 hinge cup diameters; regular
and clip mounting plates. Various and adjustable damping rates. One damper is enough for
one door.
SERVO-DRIVE for AVENTOS is an electric opening support system for upper cabinet fronts.
A light touch of a hand is enough to make
the system lift the front automatically. Closing
action is enabled by a switch placed on the side
of the cabinet, which helps lower the front gently and silently thanks to the BLUMOTION feature. SERVO-DRIVE System is available for AVENTOS HF, HL and HS lift systems.
ARTE METAL STYLE Polska Sp. z o.o.
Pavilion 7A, stand 29
AUREA Line of Furniture Handles
CLIP top BLUMOTION is a hinge type with the
BLUMOTION feature integrated in the hinge
cup, thus offering an additional functionality
– silent and gentle closing action. It also works
with small doors, in which BLUMOTION can be
easily disabled in one hinge by sliding a switch
in the hinge cup. The hinge is available for doors
with a wooden frame, wide and narrow aluminium frames, as well as angular solutions.
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Pavilion 8A, stand 31
Modified Veneer – Lux Line
A long period of research and experimentation
allowed our company to achieve fantastic results in the field of modified veneer production.
Having minimised the colour fading effect caused
by UV exposure, we have developed the Lux line.
cal effect has been achieved by pressing natural elements – natural fibres of leaves, flowers,
grass or rice paper – in between paper layers.
Thanks to this state-of-the-art technology, the
plants can actually be touched and sensed. No
two laminate sheets have identical patterns.
Fire-resistant boards
DREW-ZET Sp. z o.o.
able alignment of gaps between front panels.
The Soft Close damping system guarantees
silent and effortless closing action.
Moreover, full slide synchronisation mechanism
offers unparalleled operating comfort, without unnecessary noise or resistance. Manufactured in two versions – for loads up to 40 kg and
60 kg respectively, in lengths from 250 mm to
550 mm.
Compatible with Grass’ handle-free drawer
opening systems, such as the mechanical Tipmatic Plus, and the electro-mechanical Sensomatic.
Pavilion 7, stand 14
Shaped Plywood
New pattern of shaped plywood – chair legs
and armrests are obtained after cutting.
HETTICH Polska Sp. z o.o.
FORNER Sp. z o.o
Design Side
Pavilion 7A, stand 19
Pavilion 8, stand 13
TSS CLEAF Furniture Panels
SMART, SURF and PENELOPE are cutting-edge
products developed by Italian design masters.
They are characterised by deep and distinct
surface structures. FORNER is the only company
to offer this innovative solution in Poland and
neighbouring countries. Ideal fields of application of TSS CLEAF panels include sliding door
in-fills, kitchen furniture fronts, as well as office
furniture fronts and main bodies.
Fire-resistant chipboards make an excellent
solution wherever construction or furniture
materials must satisfy extremely high requirements. Characterised by high density and polished surface, our fire-resistant boards comply
with the strictest EU standards – Euroclass B
– which is confirmed by a relevant certificate.
Being s1/d0 rated, this product also prides itself
on class-leading performance in additional
safety standards (no emission of smoke or flaming droplets/particles).
Antonio & Nardin Giorgio
Pavilion 7, stand 20
Extraflex venner edges
P.P.U.H. ANIMAR Marian Szczęsny
Pavilion 7, stand 23
Zoned Pocket Springs
HPL Decorative Laminates
Special veneer edges top lacquered which permit to curve very narrow radius from 1mm. The
use of this material gives the possibility to realize finished product with no further lacquering
passages. Advantages for customers: no expensive and bulky lacquering machineries and possibility to realize Just In Time sales with no discomforts.
Botanic is a collection of HPL decorative laminates combining design refinement with the
beauty of nature. The amazing visual and opti-
The new DesignSide extension adapter for
InnoTech drawers creates unlimited possibilities for applying customised designs behind
the drawer front. DesignSide allows to use such
materials as glass, wood or stone, without the
need for providing side railings. DesignSide for
InnoTech drawers redefines kitchen aesthetics
at a new, high level.
Traditionally, at least two different wire thicknesses are applied to achieve the zone effect,
whereas our production process involves only
one spring thickness. Each spring is manufactured to comply with a predefined elasticity parameter, thus guaranteeing better adjustment of individual firmness zones.
PROFORM Sp. z o.o.
Pavilion 8, stand 15
Pavilion 7A, stand 18
Moduloform - New Openwork Patterns
DYNAPRO Drawer Runner
Moduloform is a standard product from Proform
– the manufacturer of furniture components.
The MDF-based decorative panel is a part of
a concept involving the continuity of patterns
on furniture fronts, wardrobes, built-ins with
sliding doors, wall panels or other interior finish-
The first runner for wooden drawers with a 3D
adjustment option. This solution ensures comprehensible tool-free adjustment of drawers in
three dimensions. The system enables materialefficient production of drawers, and a comfort-
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ing elements. The new patterns can be applied
as radiator covers, folding screens, bedroom
furniture components, etc.
operation; high finishing quality and outstanding aesthetics reflected in the finest details of
the product.
Przedsiębiorstwo Zaopatrzenia
Budownictwa PZ-BUD Sp. z o.o.
Pavilion 7, stand 46
Kerrock LUMINO
Kerrock LUMINO offers five semi-transparent
colours: white, pastel blue, yellow, pink and
green. The improved formula and modified
technology allow to produce acrylic composite material characterised by high light transmittance, which makes Kerrock applicable for
designing illuminated furniture and other decorative elements. LUMINO panels are manufactured in 3600x760 mm sheets, with thicknesses
of 6, 8 and 12 mm.
REJS Sp. z o.o.
Pavilion 7A, stand 1
Drawer Runners – MAXIMA Line
The basic features of this solution include: comfortable
to stored items
due to the fullextension system;
structure guaranteeing front opening with minimum
effort; 200 kg
dynamic load capacity, with full stability maintained even under maximum load; soft-close
system with dampers to ensure silent and safe
obtain the 200 cm long sleeping position. The
structure is stable and durable. The assembly
method allows using foams thick enough to
ensure high seating and sleeping comfort. The
BC 14-00 sofa bed is very simple and easy to
lThe basic features of this solution include: comfortable access to
stored items due
to the 180-degree
– the rack can
swivel left or right;
structure guaranteeing front opening with minimum
special insert setting the rack in a safe position as the cabinet is
closed; 100 kg dynamic load capacity, with full
stability maintained even under maximum load;
soft-close system with dampers to ensure silent
and safe operation; high finishing quality and
outstanding aesthetics reflected in the finest
details of the product.
Headrest fittings from Lusch GmbH are used in
upholstered furniture. They can be unfolded up
vertically to change
the low back-rest into
high back-rest. The
multi-step structure
makes it possible to
hide excessive material
which is a problem frequently occurring in
this type of systems.
After unfolding the
headrest we obtain
a visually attractive and
stable support for the
head and the back.
Z.H.P. KOBAX Krzysztof Pająk
CA 27–03
Pavilion 8A, stand 3
Pavilion 7A, stand 23
Furniture Doors – Moulding Technique
BC 14–00
Sofa functional fittings from Lusch GmbH are
used in multiseaters with fixed seat and back.
Cutting-edge innovative moulding solution for furniture fronts. Our special tool can
carry out extremely complex moulding designs
– it needs just 1 pass to complete what a standard CNC would in 20 passes or more. As a result,
we can obtain patterns which are beyond the
reach of vertical moulding machines.
The frame depth (76 cm) makes it possible to
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Międzynarodowe Targi Poznańskie
Poznań International Fair
We invite to the next edition!
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