Lives Lived In Service To Others


Lives Lived In Service To Others
From The Heart
Spring 2014
Unconditional, Heartfelt Care – Just Like Home
Since 1993!
Lives Lived In Service To Others
Our Mission
Sister Gretchen Clark and Sister
Sharon Dillon, members of the religious community the Sisters of Saint
Joseph, Third Order of Saint Francis,
founded Chiara Home Inc. in 1993.
Dedicated to the spirit of
Saint Clare of Assisi, who was known
for her care of the outcast by providing both food and hospitality, Chiara
Home strives to provide that same
care to those among us who have
been identified as having a developmental disability or special need.
We strive to undertake those
activities that will promote both
a gentle and home atmosphere, so
all persons in our care may
experience a place of rest and a
time of total acceptance.
John White, Chairman
Cheryl McCaffery, Vice Chair
Kevin Pockrandt, Treasurer
Virginia Pierce, Secretary
Carol Kanney
Daniel Pierce
Pam Proctor
Tom Ross
Andrew Schaefer
Aaron Sheets
Michael Szymanski
Kathy Thies
Patty Tyl
Sr. Gretchen Clark SSJ-TOSF
Co-founder and President
Sr. Sharon Dillon SSJ-TOSF
Co-founder, ex officio
State Senator John Broden,
Contact us if you are interested in
joining our volunteer board.
What started as a modest ministry
for neighbors looking for care for their
special needs children has grown into a
21 year mission known as Chiara Home.
From the very beginning, in 1993,
we have been supported by the very
families we sought to serve. We have
found volunteers who gave of their
precious time, extraordinary talents,
and generous donations.
So it is with gratitude that we
remember the lives of a few of our
Chiara Home family who left this life
this winter.
“ Forgive my grief for one removed,
Thy creature, whom I found so fair.
I trust he lives in Thee, and there
I find him worthier to be loved.”
Alfred Lord Tennyson,
In Memorium AHH
Paul Trippel (July 17, 1936January 21, 2014) worked tirelessly
with his partner and wife of 52 years,
Phyllis, to make Chiara Home a haven
for those with special needs.
Family was very important to
Paul. Together, he and Phyllis raised
their large family in Mishawaka. But
their hearts were always open to
more, so they fostered many children
throughout their marriage. It was
through this ministry that they first
became involved with Chiara Home.
Paul and Phyllis enjoyed gardening and took care of the flowers at
Chiara Home. On West Jefferson, our
large playhouse needed refurbishing.
It was Paul’s tremendous carpentry
skill that made the project possible.
When it came time to move from
West Jefferson to our current location
on Clayton Street, Paul shared his
handyman skills to prepare the house.
Paul loved woodworking. He built
wooden trains, baby doll cribs and
rocking horses (and motorcycles) which
1425 Clayton Drive, South Bend, Indiana 46614
Paul demonstrating his handiwork.
were fequently donated to Chiara
Home for use at fundraisers.
Paul enjoyed baseball, especially
being out in the crowd. He was often
found at South Bend Silver Hawks
games (along with Phyllis and son
Carl), cheering for the home team. In
cooler weather, Paul and Phyllis
worked side-by-side making Christmas
and Easter chocolates, which are sold
to help other families at Chiara Home.
In every way, we are where we are
today because of the stewardship of
Paul and Phyllis Trippel. Our prayers go
out to his beloved wife and family.
Carol McComas
(April 30, 1931February 18, 2014)
served on the Board
of Directors at Chiara
Home from 19992005. She served as
secretary for part of
her term, and supported our various
fundraising events
Carol McComas
Continued next page
Thank for Your Support!
Guests at the 6th Annual Polish Wedding examine the “wedding gifts” they might win.
“It’s A Polish Wedding”
and a real engagement!
More than 200 people braved yet
another snowy Saturday night February
8, to celebrate “It’s A Polish Wedding”
with Chiara Home.
This was our 6th annual Polish
dinner and held again this year at
Holy Family Parish Center. Kenny
Bartkowiak and “Soundsations” provided the polka music. “A Wink and A
Smile” photo booth, operated by
Sheryl Doll Lewis, provided wedding
guests with a special keepsake.
Sponsors, including platinum
sponsor Sweeny Julian PC, made the
evening memorable by providing wonderful gifts which were raffled off. A
Keurig coffee maker donated by board
member Cheryl McCaffery was won by
Mary Duelhmeyer and the iPad Air
donated (and then won) by Andy and
Sharon Schaefer was auctioned off.
Overall, the evening succeeded at
both raising money and fun!
with her presence and financially.
Carol had no personal connection
with guests at Chiara Home prior to
joining our board. She came to us to
She is remembered by Sister
Gretchen and Sister Sharon as a lovely
and kind woman. Former board members recalled her enthusiasm for our
cause and the generosity with her
time. According to former board
member Bill Przybysz, Carol “... was
the ideal person to support and represent Chiara Home.”
She is survived by her loving
husband of 58 years, Stuart, 2 children
and 3 grandsons.
We have hosted innumerable
guests in 21 years at Chiara Home.
Some are with us regularly and long
term, and others are visit us intermittently, for short visits. Each is loved
Chiara Home Director of Development
Beth Mengel thanking Mike Leep Jr of
Gurley Leep Automotive Family.
She said yes!
But the most memorable part of
the evening was a real surprise when
our “groom” Dann Gizewski got down
on one knee to propose to our “bride”
Heather Harvey.
Maybe February 7, 2015, we will
have a real ceremony at our 7th annual
Polish Wedding!
and appreciated for their unique personalities. But every once in a while,
we meet a guest who just makes everyone’s day!
One such guest
was Dominick “DJ”
Milliken (May 26,
1979-Feb. 1, 2014).
He was a joy to
us, and very popular
among all our
guests. DJ entertained us imitating
the sound of roaring
NASCAR engines. He
was always a good
DJ Milliken
sport and would often celebrate New Year’s Eve with us,
making the holiday brighter with his
big smile.
Our condolences go out to his
mother Kathleen Gaines, his father
Kenneth Milliken Jr, his 3 sisters and
all his family and friends.
Gurley Leep Automotive Family is
“Driven To Give” this year, and they
asked for help from their customers
and neighbors to choose which organizations they would support this year.
In January, Gurley Leep announced a Facebook contest where
you voted for your favorite among a
number of deserving causes. The top
ten vote getters would split a portion
of the new car sales for the month.
Gurley Leep pledged to give $50
for every car purchased in January,
and their sales staff worked hard to
sell as many as possible. As you remember, several snow emergencies
prevented most of us from driving in
January, let alone go out shopping for
a new car!
During the Super Bowl February 2,
the winners were announced. We
were so excited to see Chiara Home
listed among the other nine winners.
On February 21, Mike Leep Jr
hosted all the winning organizations
and his sales managers for lunch at
Houlihan’s Restaurant. He spoke personally about why each organization
was special to him and his family.
When he introduced Chiara
Home, he noted that he and his wife
were planning a spring break getaway
to someplace warm. He recognized
that such a trip would be impossible
for families with special needs if it
weren’t for Sister Gretchen and
Chiara Home.
You helped us make this happen!
It was your votes on Facebook and
your support every day of the year
that helped to put Chiara Home
across the goal line and win the Super
Bowl in 2014!
In Honor of Brett Keating
Susan Kazanchi & Keith Hummel
Mr & Mrs Larry Sniadecki
In Honor of Lucas Reineke’s birthday
Dr & Mrs Dick and Mary Reineke
In Honor of Stephanie Steinke
Mr & Mrs Larry Sniadecki
In Honor of Jim Zwierucha
Ms Mary Jo Zawierucha
In Memory of Katie Mangus
Ms Judith Kleiner
In Memory of Donald Mark
Mr & Mrs Daniel Chodzinski
Ms Kathleen Hollinshead
Mr & Mrs Jack Spice
In Memory of Dominick “DJ” Milliken
Behavior Services & Therapy Inc
Mr & Mrs Michael Bella
Ms Carla Hunter
Mr & Mrs Jeffrey Miller
Mr Jeremiah Miller
Ms Christi Milliken
Mr & Mrs Bruce Mull
Mr & Mrs Lester Nelson
Mr & Mrs William Nixon
Mr & Mrs Jeffrey Polanskey
Samlind of Indiana Inc
Ms Jill Scherpereel
South Bend Medical Foundation
South Bend Police Department
Records Office
Ms Jane Stearns
Ms Bernadette Sutton
Mrs Phyllis Trippel
Mr & Mrs Frederick Ulbright
In Memory of Carol McComas
Mr George Bramer
Mr & Mrs Joseph Compagni
Mr & Mrs Joseph Emmerth
Mr & Mrs William Frasch
Mr & Mrs Eugene Henry
Dr & Mrs G R Hershberger
Dr & Mrs John Hill
Mr & Mrs Nihad Hussain
Ms Margaret Kline
Mr John Lucey
Josephine Lucey and David Puziol
Mr Stuart McComas
Mr & Mrs Thomas Mueller
Mr & Mrs Robert Nelson
Mr & Mrs Thomas Nowak
Office of the Provost,
University of Notre Dame
Mr & Mrs James Taylor
In Memory of Kathryn Nixon
Sally, Roger & Joel Hamburg
Mr & Mrs William Nixon
In Memory of Lois A Steinke
Mr Edward Steinke
Dates to Remember :
Call us at 574 287-5435 to place
your order.
CLOSED: April 18-20
CLOSED: May 30-June 1
CLOSED: July 27-30
In Memory of Paul E Trippel
Rabbi & Mrs David Abraham
Mr & Mrs David Adamson
Mr & Mrs Craig Belting
Mr & Mrs James Bickett
Ms Mary Bowerman
Mr & Mrs John Brady
Bricklayers Local #4
Mr Steven Brickley
Mr & Mrs Thomas Burmeister
Mr & Mrs John Callan
Mr & Mrs Robert Carrico
Mr Mark DeVliegher
Mr & Mrs James Doherty
Mr & Mrs Joseph Emmerth
Florida Newspaper Advertising
Marketing Executives
Mary Kay Foster
Ms Esther Frick
Ms Ellis Gery
Mr Joseph Gordon
Mr & Mrs Wayne Grove
Sally, Roger & Joel Hamburg
Mr Don Katona
Mr & Mrs Paul Leazenby
Mr & Mrs David Kelly Lewis
Mr & Mrs Glenn Miemiec
Ms Alma McClelland
Mr & Mrs Kenneth Murawski
Mr & Mrs Don Myers
Mr Arthur Newhouse
Mr & Mrs William Nixon
Ms Mae Nowacki
Mr & Mrs Larry Olson
Mr & Mrs Richard Opperman
Mr & Mrs Phillip Pietraszewski
Mr & Mrs Brian Reid
Mr & Mrs Ken Reising
Rita Ann Redman Sterrett
Ms Barbara A Trippel
Mr & Mrs Charles Trippel
Mr & Mrs David Trippel
Mr & Mrs Edward Trippel
Mr Greg Trippel
Mr Louis Trippel
Mr & Mrs Raymond Trippel
Mr & Mrs Richard Van Avermaete
Ms Adelita Velasquez
Ms Emily Veldman
Ms Florence Veldman
Ms Mary Velleman
Rev Teunisje Velthuizen
Ms Diann Walker
Mr & Mrs John Wegh
Ms Mary Jo Zawierucha
Ms Mary Zeiger
Mr & Mrs Darrell Zellers
In Memory of Paul and Carl Trippel
Mrs Phyllis Trippel
Your Generous
Support Enables
Our Mission
It costs $500 a day to keep Chiara
Home open for all those who seek our
hospitality and care.
We are grateful to the many
generous supporters who help make our
work possible.
Stanley A and Flora P Clark
Memorial Trust Foundation
Mr & Mrs William Cushwa
Mr Peter & Dr Mary Graber
Gurley Leep Automotive Family
Mr Keith Hummel
Mrs Gretchen Hunt
Mr Stuart McComas
The Pokagon Fund
Mr & Mrs Charles Trippel
Mr & Mrs David Trippel
Mrs Mary Ann Chrustowski
Ms Deborah Commons
The Cressy Foundation
Mr & Mrs Edward Hardig
Mr Walter Johnson
Mr & Mrs Tom Kroll
The Leep Foundation Inc
Attorney & Mrs Theodore Noell
Mr & Mrs Joseph Pondelicek
Mr & Mrs William Small
Mrs Phyllis Trippel
United Way of Central Maryland
Partners (this quarter)
Evie Alwine
Helga & Bob Babcock
Joe Bauters
Kathy & Bernard Black
Center for Social Concerns
Bob & Mary Duehlmeyer
Kathy & Mike Dvorak
BPO Elks South Bend Lodge #235
Sandi & Stephen Horvath
Jennifer & Ryan Hunsberger
Rosemary & Denny Inch
Rosalee Janicki
Marva & Edward Johnson
Greta & Jay Lewis
Liberty Diversified International
Bruce G and Mary A Robert Family
Roberta & Gerald Rohan
Mary & Brown Sanders
Caroline Smorin
South Bend Firefighters Federal
Credit Union
Maureen Sullivan
Patricia Turner
Thomas Walz
Chubb & Son
Honeywell International Charity
United Way of Elkhart County Inc
“It’s A Polish Wedding”
Platinum Sponsor
Sweeney-Julian PC
Golf Sponsor
Edible Arrangements
Silver Sponsors
Doubletree by Hilton Hotel
Dr & Mrs Alan and Michelle Engel
Hilton Garden Inn South Bend
Christopher and Lori Horan
Rosemary Inch
JNK Inc/Susan & Dave Nufer
Al and Sherry Lewis
Pat & Cheryl McCaffery
Theodore and Annette Noell
Radiology Inc
Dr & Mrs Richard Reineke
Andy and Sharon Schaefer
Zahoran Funeral Home
Bouquet Sponsors
Richard and Karen Clark
Mickey and BJ Franco
Andrea and Donnie Rogers
William and Sharon Przybysz
In Kind Donations
A Cut Above Hair Salon
AngLes Bar & Grill
Aunt Linda’s Embroidery
Blarney Stone Wine & Spirits
Café Navarre
CJ’s Pub
Ciao’s Lounge
Corby’s Irish Pub
Fernwood Botanical Gardens
Le Peep Restaurant
McCormick & Company Inc
Meijer Inc
Potawatomi Zoo
Pam Proctor
Kevin Pockrandt
South Bend Civic Theatre
South Bend Symphony Orchestra
St Joseph County Retired Teachers
Robert and Kathy Theis
Patty Tyl
John White
Marjorie White
Janis & Dennis Allsop
Patti & Steve Banet
Kenny & Barb Bartkowiak
Laurie Bauer
Sandy Beers & Robert Pinter
Doug Branson & Josh Chaney
Barb Brockhoff
Candace Campbell
Linda & Tim Cichos
Pat Clark
Joe Clark
Skip Coleman
Juanita Creswell & Virginia Pierce
Colleen & Mike Dabler
Stephanie & Sean Daugherty
April & Jim Dawson
Pam & Vic DeCola
Sonya & Dave Delinski
Laura & Brent Dennison
Mary Ellen & Dave Diroll
Doris Doyle
Mary & Bob Duehlmeyer
Denise & Ed Evans
Mary Fisher
Mr & Mrs Lawrence Foldenhauer
Kathy & Brian Fulnecky
Janet Futa
Kathy & Paul Futa
Connie & Norm Gavazzoni
Lisa & John Gavazzoni
Judy & John Gish
Dann Giszewski & Heather Harvey
Patty & Tom Gryp
Tracey & Pat Hahn
Mary & Robert Harvey
Ken Hesseling
Liz & Bryan Hochschild
Wendy Hollars
Christen & Steve Hopkins
Sandi Horvath
Rosemary Inch
Carol & Marge Janiak
Andrew Jones
Jody & Frank Julian
Mr & Mrs John Kaminski
Carol Kanney
Alicia & Shaun Kolacz
Lori & Michael Kowalewski
Tom Kroll
Sharon & James Lawler
Gina & Todd Lehmann
Marie & Dave Lucas
Robin & Kurt Macer
Angie & Dave Majewski
Anita & John Manuszak
Brent Marriott
Agnes McCaffery
Paul McMahon & Tiffany Grey
Marie Mengel
Nancy Mersich
Cheryl & Jim Meyer
Melanie Meyer
Barb Mickow
Kurt Mikel
Rosanne & Pat Molenda
Elizabeth Muellner
Amy Noble
Lori & Pat Nowak
Barb & Joe Odynski
Diane Orlowski & David Newhouse
Alberta Owens-Johnson
Bernie Panting
Lisa & Jeff Pethick
Julie & Ray Plagens
Elizabeth & Kevin Pockrandt
Lori & Tim Price
Pam Proctor
Jacquelyn Reddy
Wade Reygaert
Jan & Dick Rhodes
Paul Rice
Rich Rzeszewski
Deb & Mike Sandsmark
Samantha & Andy Savely
Kurt Schultz
Rachael & Keith Schweizer
JoAnne Scigliano
Jerry Shaffer
Molly & Scott Sheel
Hailey & Aaron Sheets
Rob Shriver
Dana Simon & Teresa Simon
Anna, Chris & Joanne Slomski
Evelyn Smead
Jenn & Joe Sosinski
Francis & John Soyka
Chuck Steele
Dr Brian & Holly Sucharetza
Mary Szekendi
Ann Marie & Ralph Szymanski
Mike Szymanski
Kim & Chris Tordi
Marcia & John Tordi
Jackie & Steve Troeger
Stephanie & Jayson Trost
Sarah & Nate Troyer
Patty Tyl
Ann & Patrick Veine
Darryl Vergonet
Julie & David Voor
Mary Ellen & Larry Wall
Travis Whelan
John White
Marjorie White & Dick Cook
Tina & Richard White
Phil Wieczorek
Kathy & Joe Wisniewski
Jackie Woltman
Jaimi & Dave Wood
Joy Worrell & Joe Staybeck
Anita & Eric Youts and Toni Youts
Diane, Sharon & Theresa Zakowski
Christine & Dennis Zmyslo
Consider joining the Friends of Chiara Home Society !
Friends of Chiara Home Society began in 2004. It is a group of people who
wish to help families continue to care for their disabled loved one at home as
much as possible, for as long as possible, but need a respite from time to time.
Members commit to donating at least $1,200 over the course of the year,
payable annually, bi-annually, monthly, etc. Through their contributions, members of FOCH ensure care is available to so many deserving families.
As a Friend, you are entitled to:
Recognition as such in Chiara Home publications; and,
Complimentary ticket to fundraiser events, the Polish Wedding & Golf Classic
Friends of Chiara Home Society 2014
• Debbie Commons
• Peter and Mary Graber
• Gurley Leep
• Ed Hardig
• Gretchen Hunt
Dennis and Rosemary Inch
Tom and Sharon Kroll
Stuart (and Carol) McComas
Ted and Annette Noell
The Roseland Rotary
in support of Chiara Home
Monday, May 12 at Knollwood Country Club
Rain or Shine • 16333 Baywood Lane, Granger, Indiana
Registration and Lunch at 11:00 am • Shotgun Start at Noon • Awards & Dinner to follow golf
Name (Team Captain): ___________________________________________________________________________________________
BUSINESS/ORGANIZATION: ____________________________________________________________________________________
ADDRESS: _____________________________________________________________________________________________________
CITY: ___________________________________________
STATE: ____________
ZIP: ______________________________
EMAIL: _________________________________________
Phone: ____________________________________________________
Please indicate your support here. (See descriptions of benefits below.)
___ $2250 Platinum Sponsorship
___ $600 Golf Foursome
___ $1250 Gold Sponsorship
___ $150 Single Golfer
___ $750 Silver Sponsorship
___ $100 On-Course Games Pack* (in advance)
___ $125 Golf Hole Sponsor
___ $50 Add advertising material to goodie bag
___ $250 Two Golf Holes Sponsor +
(add a tangible good at no charge)
advertising material in goodie bag
Joining us…
of Big Ten
& formerly
with Fox 28
Sign should read: _______________________________________________________________________________________________
(If using a logo, please submit hi-resolution one-color logo to prior to May 1 to allow for production.)
Payment Options: Check, Invoice, Visa or MasterCard
Registration must be received by May 1
Check enclosed (mail to CHIARA HOME, 1425 Clayton Drive, South Bend, Indiana 46614)
Please call me for credit card payment
___ Invoice me (PO # _____________________________________ )
Total: $ _____________________
TEAM MEMBERS: All players must dress in appropriate golf attire, i.e., no denim, cargo shorts, cut-offs, etc.
PHONE OR EMAIL: ________________________________________
PHONE OR EMAIL: ________________________________________
PHONE OR EMAIL: ________________________________________
On-Course Games Pack includes:
Team Mulligans
Inside the Circle
Use the Pro’s Drive
Hit from the Senior Tee
$100 if purchased in advance.
$30 per game if purchased May 12.
For your convenience, you can also
register online at
Call Andy Schaefer at 574 276-1615
or Beth Mengel at 574 287-5435
Platinum Sponsorship—$2250
Banner with name/logo at the clubhouse
Two golfing foursomes
Two hole sponsor signs
Two on-course games packs (one/team)
Recognition in event program
Acknowledgment in Chiara Home’s
Saluted at lunch and awards dinner
Add promotional material to players’
goodie bags — FREE
Golf Hole Sponsor — $125/hole
Personal or corporate names welcomed.
Become a Two Hole Sponsor ($250) and
we’ll include your promotional materials
(coupons or ads you provide) to players’
goodie bags for FREE!
Gold Sponsorship — $1250
One golfing foursome
One hole sponsor sign
One on-course games packs
Recognition in event program
Acknowledgment in newsletter
Saluted at lunch and awards dinner
Add promotional material to players’
goodie bags — FREE
Silver Sponsorship — $750
One golfing foursome
One hole sponsor sign
One on-course games packs
In support of Chiara Home • Monday, May 12 at Knollwood Country Club, Granger
Join us Rain or Shine to help a small non-profit at an outing that is BIG on fun!
Raffles • On-Course Games
Lunch and Dinner at the Clubhouse
Snacks & Beverages all day!
Put together a winning team
and become a sponsor!
Chiara Home, Inc.
1425 Clayton Drive
South Bend, IN 46614