Lodging Guide - Fredericksburg
Lodging Guide - Fredericksburg
Lodging Guide V i s i tF re d e r icksb u rg T X .co m RESERVATION SERVICES lst Class B&B Reservation Service www.fredericksburg–lodging.com 909 E. Main St. (888) 991-6749 or (830) 997-0443 Mon–Thurs 8:30AM to 6PM; Fri 8:30AM to 7PM; Sat 10AM to 5PM Absolute Charm Luxury Bed & Breakfasts www.absolutecharm.com 709 W. Main St. (866) 244-7897 or (830) 997-2749 Mon–Sat 10AM to 6PM; Sun Noon to 5PM Fredericksburg Guest House Reservations www.cccottage.com (830) 997-5839 Gastehaus Schmidt Reservation Service www.fbglodging.com 231 W. Main St. (866) 427-8374 or (830) 997-5612 Mon–Fri 9AM to 6PM; Sat 10AM to 5PM; Sun 10AM to 4PM Main Street B&B Reservation Service www.travelmainstreet.com 337 E. Main St. (888) 559-8555 or (830) 997-0153 Open 7 days 9AM to 6PM The All Seasons Collection www.allseasonsfredericksburg.com 417 E. Main St. (830) 998-1981 or (800) 775-3197 Mon–Sat 10AM to 6PM There are over 400 bed & breakfasts, guesthouses, inns and guest ranches in Fredericksburg and Gillespie County. Reservations for a majority of them can be made with the above reservation services. For a complete list of all local accommodations, including properties that book independently, search online at VisitFredericksburgTX.com. You can search by location, price, accessibility, kid and petfriendly properties, amenities and number of guests that can be accommodated. Visitor Information: 888 997 3600 Fredericksburg & Gillespie County Fredericksburg & Gillespie County 10618 E. US Hwy 290 / (830) 990-2267 / www.twcjellystone.com ™ TEXAS WINE COUNTRY JELLYSTONE PARK CAMP-RESORT 14780 Hwy. 290 E. / (830) 644-2233, (877) 379-4515 / www.peachcountryrv.com PEACH COUNTRY RV PARK (STONEWALL) 78 FM 2093 / (800) 366-9396, (830) 997-9817 / www.oakwoodrvresort.com OAKWOOD RV RESORT 432 Lady Bird Dr. / (830) 997-4202 / www.fbgtx.org/other/rvpark.htm LADY BIRD JOHNSON MUNICIPAL PARK 1589 E. Main St. / (830) 997-5365 / www.hillcountryrvpark.com HILL COUNTRY RV PARK 1704 Hwy. 290 W. / (830) 997-4389 / www.frontier-inn.com FRONTIER INN & RV PARK 305 E. Highway St. / (866) 324-7275, (830) 990-9582 / www.fbgrvpark.com FREDERICKSBURG RV PARK 5681 Hwy. 290 E. / (800) 562-0796, (830) 997-4796 / www.fredericksburgkoatexas.com FREDERICKSBURG KOA 16710 RR 965 / (830) 685-3636 / www.tpwd.state.tx.us/spdest/findadest/parks/enchanted_rock ENCHANTED ROCK STATE NATURAL AREA 4950 RR 1376 / (830) 997-5371 / www.armadillofarmcampground.com ARMADILLO FARM CAMPGROUND/RV PARK (LUCKENBACH) RV PARKS/CAMPGROUNDS 908 S. Adams / (830) 997-9811 / www.windcrestinnandsuites.com WINDCREST INN & SUITES 514 E. Main St. / (830) 997-6568, (877) 776-7283 / www.super8hotels/texas/fredericksburg/super-8-fredericksburg/hotel-overview SUPER 8 900 S. Adams / (830) 997-9581, (800) 880-9581 / www.sunset-inn.com SUNSET INN 501 E. Main St. / (800) 274-3762, (830) 997-4484 / www.sundayhouseinn.com SUNDAY HOUSE INN & SUITES 14818 Hwy. 290 E. / (830) 644-2661 / www.stonewallmotel.com STONEWALL MOTEL (STONEWALL) 401 S. Washington St. / (830) 997-2117, (800) 843-4666 / www.thepeachtreeinn.com PEACH TREE INN & SUITES 705 S. Washington St. / (830) 990-1300 / www.motel6.com MOTEL 6 910 E. Main St. / (830) 997-2244 / www.millerinntx.com MILLER INN 1465 E. Main St. / (877) 990-2899, (830) 990-2899 / www.laquinta.com LA QUINTA INN & SUITES 308 S. Washington St. / (866) 990-0202, (830) 990-9202 / www.innonbaronscreek.com INN ON BARONS CREEK SPA & CONFERENCE CENTER 500 South Washington / (830) 997-3377 / www.fredericksburgholidayinn.com HOLIDAY INN EXPRESS HOTEL & SUITES 155 Airport Rd. / (830) 997-9990 / www.hangarhotel.com HANGAR HOTEL 515 E. Main St. / (830) 997-9696 / www.fredericksburghamptoninn.com HAMPTON INN & SUITES 1704 Hwy. 290 W. / (830) 997-4389 / www.frontier-inn.com FRONTIER INN & RV PARK 201 S. Washington St. / (800) 446-0202, (830) 997-0202 / www.fredericksburg-inn.com FREDERICKSBURG INN & SUITES 1220 Hwy. 87 N. / (888) 656-2892 / (830) 715-0088 / www.hotelhillcountry.com FREDERICKSBURG HILL COUNTRY HOTEL 810 S. Adams / (888) 919-3437, (830) 997-3437 / www.fredericksburgeconolodge.com FREDERICKSBURG ECONO LODGE 1308 E. Main St. / (800) 996-6050, (830) 997-6050 / www.frederick-motel.com FREDERICK MOTEL 513 Friendship Lane / (830) 955-8070 / www.marriott.com/ervfi FAIRFIELD INN & SUITES 1141 Hwy. 290 W. / (830) 997-3330 / www.dietzelmotel.com DIETZEL MOTEL 808 S. Adams / (830) 997-1086, (800) 320-1430 / www.difbg.com DAYS INN SUITES 1644 Hwy. 290 W. / (830) 997-2185 / www.mycountryinn.com COUNTRY INN AND COTTAGES 723 S. Washington St. / (830) 990-2552 / www.choicehotels.com COMFORT INN & SUITES 314 E. Highway St. / (830) 992-2929, (888) 908-2929 / www.bestwestern.com BEST WESTERN HOTELS & MOTELS 1-888-997-3600 VisitFredericksburgTX.com 3 smoking rooms only X X X X X 3 smoking rooms only X X X X X X X X X 4 smoking rooms only 1 smoking room only X X 1 smoking room only X X X NonSmoking $$+ $+ $ $$+ $ $+ $+ $+ $$$+ $$$$ $$$+ $$$+ $$$+ $+ $$+ $$+ $+ $+ $$$$+ $+ $$+ $+ $$+ $$+ Price Range C C N C N C N N C F C C F N C F C C/W F N C C F C Breakfast Type X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X Extend Stay X X X X X X X some rooms only X X X X X X Pets X X X X X 54 52 126 113 65 14 99 82 21 25 52 60 90 20 7 45 35 10 15 32 40 65 3 99 70 2 30 100 9 46 28 100 3 60 60 Location Number Number Number of Number Number of X=in town of Full- of Shaded Pull Thru of Tent Primitive Sites Sites Hookups Sites Campsites 46 60 24 121 12 43 50 17 55 90 76 50 55 11 103 53 36 14 78 20 30 21 57 56 Total Rooms X X X X X Rally Hall X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X Pool X X X X Internet Access X X X X X X X X X X X X X Phone Access X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X Cable TV X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X Pool Internet Access 30–50 AMPs Kitchenette Handicap Interior Available Accessible Hallways for Guests Rooms BREAKFAST: X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X Laundry Showers X X X X X X X X X X X Meeting Space $ = $40-$80 / $$ = $80-$110 / $$$ = $110 - $140 / $$$$ = $140 & above F = Full / C = Continental / N = None “+” means prices start in this range and go up W = Weekend Only SYMBOL EXPLANATION: LODGING INFO—24/7! www.VisitFredericksburgTX.com For a complete listing — and searchable database — of all Fredericksburg and Gillespie County bed & breakfasts, guesthouses, inns, guest ranches, hotels, motels, campgrounds and RV parks, visit us at www.VisitFredericksburgTX.com. You can also find restaurants, wineries, events, live entertainment, attractions and more. It’s mobile friendly, too! Fredericksburg Johnson City 290 290 87 Austin Comfort San Marcos 281 10 35 Boerne Travel Distances to Fredericksburg Austin — 75 miles Corpus Christi — 215 miles DFW — 250 miles El Paso — 500 miles Houston — 240 miles Laredo — 225 miles Lubbock — 325 miles San Antonio — 70 miles South Padre Island — 360 Miles 10 San Antonio Ad am s 90 Follow us on Facebook at Facebook.com/FredericksburgTX N Follow us on Twitter at Twitter.com/VisitFredTX co ln St . gt on An to n Downtown Fredericksburg io 87 Elk n ain Wa sh in Sa tin Lin M 16 Visitor Information Center & Parking Au s Lla 290 no 16 Visitor Information Center 302 E. Austin St. Fredericksburg, Texas 78624 1-888-997-3600 (830) 997-6523 visitorinfo@fbgtx.org Rev 5.2015 w w w. V i s i t F re d e r i c k s b u r g T X . c o m
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