NCPG News - MemberSuite
NCPG News - MemberSuite
Volume 17, Issue 2 August 27, 2014 NCPG News Highlights of the 28th National Conference Highlights: The 28th National Conference on Problem Gambling was held July 11-12 at the Hyatt Regency Grand Cypress Resort in Orlando, Florida. A collegial crowd of about 450 attendees were welcomed by the co-host Florida Council on Compulsive Gambling (FCCG) and its Executive Director Pat Fowler (far right) and NCPG Executive Director Keith Whyte (right). Attendees enjoyed several days of education and training for up to 30 CEU’s, professional development, networking opportunities and more, including the Highlight event at SeaWorld. Attendees came from 42 states and 7 other New Membership benefit—Job Bank! Welcome a new staff member to NCPG Exclusive Conference Photos! Announcement of new Members of the NCPG Board of Directors INSIDE THIS ISSUE: From the President and Executive Director 2 New benefit: Job Bank New NCPG Staff 3 National Awards 4 Conference Highlights 8 Board of Directors 9 Sponsors and 10 Exhibitors Organizational Members 12 ACA Brief 13 countries: Australia, Austria, Canada, Japan, Singapore, South Africa, and the United Kingdom. The main conference included 45 presentations with 77 speakers. The Pre-conference Workshops, July 9-10, provided in-depth training with 12 presentations given by 29 speakers. In addition, there was an allday Helpline Symposium during the Pre-Conference Workshops and a Certification Symposium that brought together a small group of representatives from different concerned organizations. 97 per cent of attendees responding rated the conference ‘good’ or ‘excellent.’ Distinguished Speakers On Friday, July 11, John Fontana, FCCG board member, opened the Main Conference by welcoming attendees on behalf of the Seminole Tribe of Florida. Judy DiCenzo, GTECH, introduced Dr. Westley Clark (below), Director of the federal Center for Substance Abuse Treatment (CSAT), who gave the keynote address on The Affordable Care Act, DSM-5 and Gambling Addiction. The Friday lunch plenary was a heartwarming ceremony for NCPG’s annual National Awards (see story, pg. 4). On Saturday, July 12, plenary speaker Dr. Jeffrey Derevensky of McGill University (left) was introduced by Connie Jones of AGEM. He presented on 25 Years of Youth Gambling Research: What Do We Know and Should We Care? The lunch plenary was a moving presentation titled Fighting for My Life from Betty White (left) who survived a loved one’s problem gambling and its horrific consequences. P AGE 2 NCP G NEW S President’s Message—Maureen Greeley IS PROBLEM GAMBLING TOO EDGY FOR PRIME TIME? I wanted to do an episode about Chuck having a gambling problem. I wanted to portray my addiction on the show. But I think it’s a little edgy for Saturday night. --Fisher Stevens on playing Chuck Fishman on Early Edition. If edgy means at the forefront of a trend or daringly innovative, perhaps it’s time (beyond time) to bring gambling addiction to Saturday night television. If edgy means problem gambling is just too hard for people to truly see, then we, as a society, must find a way to take off the blinders and really look at the elephant in the room for what it is. Everyone who works in our field – from treatment providers to prevention specialists; from researchers to administrators and more; works hard to try to help people understand the realities of problem gambling and the real people who experience problems with gambling. We’ve made progress, but problem gambling, even among professionals in the mental and behavioral health fields, often remains in the shadows if it is addressed at all. And, the stigma that surrounds problem gambling often keeps people from seeking treatment. Stigma is a significant barrier to both prevention and treatment efforts. “Stigma is a significant barrier to both prevention and treatment efforts.” As we came together in Orlando for our 28th National Conference on Problem Gambling, I heard talk in sessions, at lunch tables, even around the pool, about how to bring Problem Gambling out of the shadows and into the realm of a true Public Health issue. How do we advocate for this – not just advocating for funding and awareness through legislation (which is crucial), but advocating with our colleagues and peers in mental and behavioral health at the national level? How do we expand on the great work of our National Problem Gambling Awareness Month to make community education, education in schools, awareness campaigns and early interventions a truly national effort? How do we help bring awareness to the fact that, when gambling has grown to a widely acceptable form of entertainment, then encouraging those who have gambling problems to seek help should not be stigmatized, but applauded and supported? Let’s make “edgy” that innovative forefront of a trend that we’re not afraid to see in our living rooms on a Saturday night. Executive Director’s Letter—Keith Whyte This issue is filled with highlights from the 28th National Conference on Problem Gambling, held in July in Orlando, FL. One of the highlights for NCPG is to review the evaluations. This year, the ‘very good’ and ‘excellent’ combined totaled a 97% approval rating, the highest recorded in over a decade. I have to again express my sincere gratitude to so many who help with the conference. Thanks to our gracious and generous hosts, the Florida Council on Compulsive Gambling, and to NCPG staff for working so hard throughout the year. Thanks to our sponsors who provide essential support. Thanks to the presenters and exhibitors who provide the content. And most of all, thanks to “ is the attendees who the attendees. From the first-timers to the veterans like Steve Block, Dr. Henry Lesieur and make the conference Dr. Rachel Volberg, who remember when everyone could fit in a small meeting room—it is special...” you who make the conference special. People come because problem gambling is an important issue, but they keep coming back for the people in the field. One of the things I hear most often from attendees is the appreciation they have for the opportunity to engage with peers and leaders in the field, and for the willingness of their fellow professionals to share and collaborate. It is a tradition that leaders like Steve, Henry and Rachel inherited from our founders and it is one that we pledge to carry on. So while one conference closes, the next opens. We are already working hard with Maryland’s Council and Center of Excellence to build on the success of Orlando. So - look forward to Berger’s cookies and Chesapeake Bay blue crabs in Baltimore next year! And most importantly, come back to contribute your experience, to share your ideas and insights, and to sustain the conference—your conference—as the most welcoming, challenging, enjoyable and intense event in the problem gambling and responsible gaming field. VO L UME 17, IS S UE 2 P AGE 3 New Membership Benefit: Job Bank NCPG is proud to announce a NEW benefit for our members! You can post a position opening or post your resume in our Job Bank. Find your next new hire from a pool of professionals with exactly the academic training, credentials and hands-on experience that you are looking for, whether in responsible gaming or problem gambling. Looking for the next phase of your life? Post your resume and let the executives come to you, already knowing that you are likely a good fit for a position they may not even have advertised yet. This benefit is available to current members only: Affiliates and their Peer Members; Organizational Members and their co-members; and Individual Members of any of our categories, including students and joint members. You’ll find the link on the bottom menu of our website at Not a member yet? Join online at! Members are invited to submit articles for our next newsletter. Suggested topics include recovery, prevention, counseling and responsible gaming. Limit 500 words, deadline Friday, September 26. Email your article to NCPG reserves the right to edit for length and clarity. Staff Announcements After an intense search process, NCPG has hired a new Program Administrator, Amy Feinberg. Amy Feinberg joined NCPG in August 2014. She previously worked at the Association of State and Territorial Health Officials (ASTHO), TASH (formerly known as The Association for the Severely Handicapped) and the American Association of Health Education (AAHE). She holds a Masters in Public Health from Virginia Commonwealth University and a BS in Health Sciences from James Madison University. Amy is also a Certified Health Education Specialist (CHES). As the Program Administrator at NCPG, Amy oversees major programs including the Helpline Network (800-522-4700), National Problem Gambling Awareness Week, and the Holiday Lottery Campaign. She also administers the National Certified Gambling Counselor (NCGC) program. Amy lives in Woodbridge, VA. Twitter: @NCPGambling #NCPGConf Facebook page: National Council on Problem Gambling LinkedIn professional network: National Council on Problem Gambling P AGE 4 NCP G NEW S NCPG Salutes Leaders with National Awards NCPG presented its 2014 National Awards at the 28th National Conference on Problem Gambling in Orlando, Florida. Chip Polston (right), Kentucky Council on Problem Gambling, chaired the Awards Committee and served as MC at the plenary awards ceremony. Each year NCPG honors individuals and organizations for their dedicated work on problem gambling and responsible gaming issues in order to spotlight exceptional service, innovative ideas and hard work. We applaud all the nominees and congratulate this year’s worthy recipients. Please visit the Program & Resources page at for more information on how to submit nominations for 2015. 2014 Corporate Social Responsibility Award “[The Seminole Tribe] enabled FCCG to develop and implement a statewide program which provides free treatment for problem gamblers.” The Seminole Tribe of Florida (STF) received this award to recognize their outstanding commitment to social responsibility. For more than a decade, the STF has been the largest voluntary contributor to the Florida Council. In 2010, as part of the compact agreement with the state, the STF voluntarily agreed to Allen D. Huff, Chairman, Seminole Tribal Gaming Commission provide $1.75 million for compulsive gambling treatment and services in Florida. This enabled FCCG to develop and implement a statewide program which provides free treatment for problem gamblers and those adversely affected by gambling. 2014 Joanna Franklin Award for Direct Service In honor of Joanna Franklin’s contributions to our field—and for the tremendous spirit she brought to our organization—the NCPG Board of Directors voted to name the annual award for direct service in her honor. tion and humility, Dr. Chapman is Director of the Gambling Treatment Program and Deputy Director of the Veterans Addiction Recovery Center at the Louis Stokes Veterans AdminThe first recipient of the new award is istration Medical Dr. Heather Chapman, NCGC-II Center in Cleveland, OH. (right). Recognized for her dedica- VO L UME 17, IS S UE 2 P AGE 5 The NCPG Lifetime Awards are bestowed only in exceptional times and circumstances, to individuals who exemplify at least twenty years of service on behalf of problem gamblers. The Dr. Robert Custer Lifetime Award for Direct Service was given posthumously to Joanna Franklin. She truly exemplifies exceptional and longstanding achievement in the direct provision of services to problem gamblers and their families. One nominator wrote: “I cannot think of any one person who has more influenced the field of problem gambling than Joanna Franklin. Through her work in training profesCarol O’Hare, Executive sionals and developing Director of the Nevada Council on Problem Gam- credentialing standards, bling (above), received the consulting with governMonsignor Joseph Dunne ment agencies on the deLifetime Award for Advo- velopment of prevention cacy. This award is given and treatment programs, and direct clinical care, in recognition of career she represented the highdedication to improving the lives of problem gam- est standards of work and blers and their families through advocacy, research, training or the promotion of public awareness. practice as well as unselfish dedication.” The award was accepted by Joanna’s husband, Carl Robertson, granddaughters Kelsey and Nicole Hundt and daughter Katherine Robertson (below left). The Lifetime Research Award was given to Dr. Alex Blaszczynski (below). “…[Joanna Franklin] This award is given to honor exceptional longstanding achievement in the field of research, defined as deliberate scientific study which fosters assistance to problem gamblers, families and the prevention of problem gambling. 2014 Don Hulen Award for Advocacy The Don Hulen Award for Advocacy is given annually to recognize dedication to improving the lives of problem gamblers and their families through advocacy, training, or the promotion of public awareness. Jean Holthaus (right), now with the Veterans Administration in Topeka, won for her courageous efforts to combat a massive cut to the problem gambling budget in Kansas. represented the highest standards of work and practice as well as unselfish dedication.” -nomination for Lifetime Award for Direct Service P AGE 6 NCP G NEW S 2014 Media and Public Awareness Awards Website Award The “A Game Should Remain A Game” website created by Loto-Quebec received the award for an outstanding website that has best raised public awareness of problem or pathological gambling. Holiday Responsible Gaming Campaign Award This award is for the best material prepared by a lottery in support of the holiday lottery campaign, “...the [Harry Esteve] series led to numerous statewide changes…” a grassroots campaign offered and coordinated by NCPG each year in December. The 2014 winner was the Illinois Lottery. Media Award Harry Esteve, of The Oregonian, won the annual Media Award for outstanding news reporting in the past year that has best covered problem gambling issues. One nominator said the series led to numerous statewide changes, including “…the passing of two problem gambling bills in the state’s legislature and a marked spike in calls to the state’s problem gambling helpline.” Avis Lavelle and Tammi Barlow accepted for Illinois Lottery; with Dr. Jeff Derevensky. 2014 Jim Wuelfing Award for Prevention This award was given to Carl Robertson (right). One nomination noted “…his dedication to learning the discipline of prevention, and applying that knowledge and skill to providing well-designed and re- searched prevention programs.” The award recognizes outstanding annual achievement in advocacy, development, integration, outreach, research or training in the area of prevention of problem gambling. Prevention Showcase Awards Prevention Showcase ‘Best in Show’ Award: Amanda Burke, Problem Gambling Prevention Specialist, Kent State University, Ohio. Prevention Showcase ‘People’s Choice’ Award: Kelly Chau, Asian Americans for Community Involvement (AACI), San Jose, California. VO L UME 17, IS S UE 2 P AGE 7 2014 Media and Public Awareness Awards Newsletter Award The Connecticut Lottery Corporation received the Newsletter Award for Chatter That Matters, which highlights their responsible gaming and corporate social responsibility initiatives. Chelsea Turner (below) accepted. People’s Choice Award The most popular print public awareness message as voted on by the attendees at the National Council on Problem Gambling conference was Know When To Fold ‘Em, developed by the West Virginia Problem Gamblers Helpline Network. Left to right, below: Ludwig Balbuena, Steven L. Burton, Jennifer DavisWalton, Sheila Moran, Kay Goff, Jane Reynolds, Patty Deutsch with Keith Whyte. Public Awareness Award For the second time in two years, the Evergreen Council on Problem Gambling, in partnership with the Washington Division of Behavioral Health and Recovery, won this award for the outstanding TV or radio public awareness message in the past year. This was the most heavily contested category this year. Maureen Greeley, Executive Director (below) accepted. “ on the relationship of decision-making to ‘chasing’ behavior…” 2014 Dr. Durand Jacobs Dissertation Award This award for the outstanding graduate doctoral dissertation in the area of problem gambling went to Dr. Jamey Lister (right) for his work on the relationship of decision-making to ‘chasing’ behavior. The award is given to the applicant judged to have the best potential to contribute to our scientific knowledge and clinical understanding of gambling addiction. Dr. Lister is currently a post-doctoral fellow at Wayne State University, Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Neuroscience. P AGE 8 NCP G NEW S Fun and Networking at the Conference Networking is always a valuable benefit and a popular reason to attend the National Conference. This year included 13 events — more than ever! There was a Welcome Reception sponsored by the Seminole Tribe of Florida; Highlight event at SeaWorld Orlando featuring dinner, access to the park, and Shamu Show; and two plenary lunches with guided regional networking. The first-ever Fun Run gave about 50 participants some exercise too. And the morning and afternoon coffee breaks help continue conversations! It’s a great way to see old friends and make new connections with whom to exchange ideas and help all year long! “...I like meeting people “...I love getting ideas to from across the country work with back in my who care…” community…” “...I like meeting leaders in the field …” Top reason to attend: CEU’s/Training 44% Networking 31% Speakers Location 21% 4% Self-defined occupation: Counselor 54% Administrator 26% Government Research 11% 5% Gaming & Other 4% Above top row, left to right: Angel Funk and Heidy Farajallah. Jim Pappas and Josh Ercole. Rose Gruber, Sylvia Huntley and Cheri Cuny. Middle row: Marsha Devlin, Dorothy Loggins, Kathryn ElliottHudson, Annette Turner, Jamesetta Jackson, Debra Neal. Karen Bogart, Henry Lesieur and Lori Rugle. Bottom row: Finale of the Shamu Show at SeaWorld Orlando. Fun Run participants. VO L UME 17, IS S UE 2 P AGE 9 NCPG Board of Directors Election In June, the Members of NCPG held the annual election for the Board of Directors. Each year, a minimum of five seats are open; nominees must be current NCPG members. sponsible gaming committee for eight years and sits on the World Lottery Association responsible gaming work-group, a sixmember panel that addresses responsible gambling practices for the global community. Maureen Greeley is Judge Mark Executive Director of 2014-2015 NCPG Board of Directors Farrell, Nan the Evergreen Council Left to right: Wiley Harwell, Ty Lostutter, Rose Gruber, Marc Potenza, Nan Horner, Horner and Chip on Problem Gambling Jeff Beck, Chip Polston, Mark Farrell, Jerry Bauerkemper, Pat Fowler, Maureen Greeley, Ray Pineault, Don Feeney, Marlene Warner. Not pictured: Cathie Perrault. (WA) and was previPolston were elected to serve ously the Communicathree-year terms on the NCPG tions Director and Problem GamNannette (Nan) Horner is Chief Board of Directors. Maureen bling Program Manager for the Counsel/Chief Compliance Officer/ Greeley was re-elected to a secWashington Lottery. She served as Board Secretary for Empire Reond term and Cathie Perrault was NCPG’s President for 2013-2014. sorts, Inc. (NY). She was Deputy appointed to fill a resigned seat. Chief Counsel for the Pennsylvania Cathie Perrault is the Executive These terms are 2014 to 2017 and Gaming Control Board and was Director of the Northstar Problem the seats are respectively Individunamed the PGCB’s first Director of Gambling Alliance, the NCPG Affilials, Organizations, and three Affilithe Office of Compulsive & Probate in Minnesota. She has over 20 ate seats, corresponding to the lem Gambling. She chairs NCPG's years experience in nonprofit mancategories of NCPG members. Membership Committee, and is a agement and communications, Judge Farrell served as the Senior member of the International Mas- including executive positions at Justice in the Amherst NY Criminal ters of Gaming Law and its Respon- Hazelden as well as Crisis Connecand Civil Court for 20 years, retir- sible Gaming Committee. tion. She has served on NCPG’s ing in December 2013. Judge FarNominations & Elections ComChip Polston serves as the Kenrell implemented the first suburmittee. tucky Council on Problem Gamban Drug Treatment Court in the bling’s representative to NCPG, as The Board selected their officers country in 1996, the only Gambling chair of NCPG’s Awards comfor 2014-2015 while meeting in Treatment Court in the world in mittee, and previously served on Orlando in July: Maureen Greeley, 2001 and the first suburban VeterNCPG’s Communications subcom- Wiley Harwell, Rose Gruber and ans Treatment Court in the nation mittee. He first joined the KenRay Pineault were re-elected as in 2009. Farrell served as a JAG in tucky Lottery as a host of the President, Vice President, Secrethe USAF during the Vietnam era nightly drawing show 21 years ago, tary and Treasurer, respectively. and was an Area General Courts and assumed his current position Martial Defense Counsel for the NCPG also wishes to thank retiring as Vice President of Communicasoutheastern United States. He tions, Government and Public Rela- Board members Paul Ashe, Mary has served on NCPG’s Military Drexler, Connie Jones and Renee tions eleven years ago. Chip has Committee. Siegel. been a member of the NASPL re- P AGE 10 NCP G NEW S Exhibitors and Attendees Energize the Conference Many thanks to all of you who brought your information and engagement to the conference! Your enthusiasm and genuine concern for the issue of problem gambling bring energy and life to the NCPG National Conference on Problem Gambling. If you are looking for information and services in problem gambling, please take a moment to explore the Exhibitors who provided such a great presence at the conference. Contact information can be found at BreakPoint Books (Florida) C.A.R.E. Treatment Center (Florida) Compulsive Gambling: What’s It All About, Dr. Valerie Lorenz (Maryland) Florida Council on Compulsive Gambling Gamblers Anonymous / GamAnon Gambling Addiction Client Workbook, Dr. Robert Perkinson (South Dakota) Gambling Treatment Services (Arizona) Health Management Systems of America (Michigan) Know When to Hold 'Em, Dr. Damon Dye (Florida) Louisiana Association on Compulsive Gambling Maryland Council on Problem Gambling Maryland Center of Excellence on Problem Gambling Mobly Media (Florida) Nebraska Council on Compulsive Gambling Project Turnabout (Minnesota) Recovery Road (Florida) Windmoor Healthcare of Clearwater (Florida) Clockwise from above left: Aimee and Mitch Wallick, C.A.R.E. Treatment Center (FL). Melissa Thornburg, Gambling Treatment Services (AZ). Donna Gaspar, Maryland Center of Excellence on Problem Gambling. Cookie Padilla, Florida Council on Compulsive Gambling. Mary Ellen Connolly, Project Turnabout (MN). Breakpoint Books (FL). Angela Kaufman, Gambling Addiction Client Workbook (SD). VO L UME 17, IS S UE 2 P AGE 1 1 Sponsors Make the Difference Major thanks go to our sponsors, whose support makes the conference possible and helps keep registration fees affordable. Sponsors receive visibility among their peers in a cost-effective way, along with public acknowledgement of the organization’s support and engagement in responsible gaming and problem gambling. Thank you! PRESENTING PARTNER Seminole Tribe of Florida Star Spangled Banner Sponsors Four Winds Casino Resort GTECH* San Manuel Band of Mission Indians* Wind Creek Hospitality* Eagle Sponsors Association of Gaming Equipment Manufacturers (AGEM)* International Game Technology (IGT)* Mohegan Sun* Sunland Park Racetrack & Casino* Wi-Fi Sponsor The Rational Group* Capitol Sponsors Caesars Entertainment* Magic City Casino Mescalero Responsible Gaming Program Minnesota Lottery* Palm Beach Kennel Club United Community & Family Service 50 States Sponsors Daytona Beach Kennel Club Hoosier Lottery* Maryland Lottery and Gaming Control Agency* Northstar Lottery Group* Northstar New Jersey Ohio Lottery Commission Project Turnabout* We the People Sponsors Gaming Laboratories International LLC Georgia Lottery Corporation* Mid-western Connecticut Council on Alcoholism (MCCA) North Carolina Education Lottery Penn National Gaming Foundation, Inc.* Training Sponsors Association of Problem Gambling State Administrators (APGSA) C.A.R.E. Treatment Center Connecticut Council on Problem Gambling^ The Connection, Inc. Maryland Center of Excellence on Problem Gambling* Maryland Council on Problem Gambling^ SAMHSA Sponsors as of 8/1/14 *Corporate/Organizational Member, NCPG ^Affiliate Member, NCPG To become a sponsor for the 2015 National Conference, contact Barbara Rollins at 202-547-9204x25 or Clockwise from above left: Charlie Tiger (Seminole Tribe) with Diane Henry (Tulalip Tribes). Andy Buster (Seminole Tribe) with Renee Siegel. Lori Sawyer and Magi Williams (Wind Creek Hospitality). NCPG Board members: Ray Pineault (Mohegan Sun), Marc Potenza, Don Feeney (MN Lottery). GTECH group: Judy DiCenzo (GTECH), Avis Lavelle (Northstar Lottery Group), Jade Luchauer (GTECH Indiana), Robert Kersey (Northstar New Jersey), Tracy McNutt (GTECH Indiana), Tammi Barlow (Northstar Lottery Group), Katie Carlson (GTECH Indiana). NASPL reception attendees. Chrissy Menicucci (IGT). Connie Jones (AGEM). P AGE 12 NCP G NEW S Organizational Members Organizational Membership is for corporations and other businesses, nonprofit organizations, and government agencies, including Tribal entities. There are three levels. Nonprofits and government agencies may participate using substantially discounted rates. Depending on the level chosen, a number of staff or Board members are entitled to Individual Memberships as part of the benefits of the Organizational Membership. For details, visit Organizational members play an important role in supporting NCPG — thank you! PLATINUM MEMBERS Georgia Lottery Corporation Global Cash Access GTECH Las Vegas Sands Corporation The Rational Group Sunland Park Racetrack and Casino Wind Creek Hospitality GOLD MEMBERS AGEM Caesars Entertainment Delaware North Companies eBet Online, Inc IGT Minnesota Lottery Mohegan Sun National Football League NeoPollard Interactive LLC New York Gaming Association Penn National Gaming Pinnacle Entertainment Potawatomi Bingo Casino The Racing Channel, Inc. San Manuel Band of Mission Indians Scientific Games Sightline Payments LLC Stronach Group Twin River Casino SILVER MEMBERS Casino City Press Empire Resorts FanDuel First Choice Health Systems Kentucky Lottery Linq3 Technologies Maine Office of Substance Abuse, DHHS Maryland Center of Excellence on Problem Gambling Maryland Lottery Northstar Lottery Group, LLC Pennsylvania Lottery Project Turnabout Responsible Gaming Association of NM Secure Trading, Inc. Southland Gaming of the Virgin Islands Texas Lottery Commission United Way of Rhode Island Virgin Islands Casino Control Commission Virginia Lottery ND Dept. of Human Services: Div. of MHSA Members since January 1, 2013 VO L UME 17, IS S UE 2 P AGE 1 3 ACA Brief Affordable Care Act Mainstreams Help for Gambling Addiction The report identifies seventeen recommendations in four broad advocacy areas that problem gambling advocates should pursue, according to Maureen Greeley, NCPG President. The National Council on Problem Gambling “Both the ACA and other legislative actions provides advocates with a road map to ensure that expand behavioral health coverage will gambling addiction is incorporated into the have major implications for problem gamevolving national healthcare system. bling treatment. NCPG will continue to lead the way in bringing together individuals and In July, the National Council on Problem Gam- organizations who want to ensure that intebling (NCPG) released a new report: gration is not simply a buzz word in the public Problem Gambling in the 21st Century health lexicon.” Healthcare System: Implications of the DSM5, ACA and Parity for Problem Gambling Greeley continued, “Gambling disorder clearTreatment and Advocacy to provide policy ly falls within the ACA’s behavioral health makers, counselors, problem gamblers and benefit and, equally important, the significant their families with essential information to relationship between problem gambling and help shape how gambling addiction is includ- other behavioral health conditions simply reed in healthcare reform. With the behavioral quires that treating individuals with cohealth landscape shifting under the Afforda- occurring conditions becomes a standard ble Care Act (ACA) and the reclassification of practice. But it will take strong advocacy problem gambling within the American Psyefforts, particularly at the state level, to dechiatric Association’s (APA) new Diagnostic mand that crucial details and practical appliand Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders cations are addressed in order to guarantee (DSM), the changing environment offers an that covered benefits don’t remain vague or opportunity to further embed help for prob- open to vast differences in interpretation.” lem gambling within mainstream healthcare. This report examines the opportunities under Authors: Raanan Kagan of Carnevale & Associates; Keith Whyte of NCPG; Joshua Esrick and John Carnevale of Carnevale & Assothese new laws and offers recommendations ciates. for effective problem gambling advocacy in the 21st century healthcare system. “NCPG will lead the way by harnessing the power of determined individuals and organizations who demand change. For too long, the concerns of problem gamblers, their families and the treatment community have been met with indifference at the state and national level,” said Keith Whyte, Executive Director of NCPG. “With an annual social cost of approximately $7 billion, coverage for the prevention and treatment of gambling addiction is clearly the most ethical and economical way to minimize harm.” A free copy of the complete report is available at: NCPG Members may request to have a printed copy mailed to you by contacting us at Be sure to provide your name and mailing address. The vision of the National Council on Problem Gambling is to improve health and wellness by reducing the personal, social and economic costs of problem gambling. Our mission is to lead state and national stakeholders in the development of comprehensive policy and programs for all those affected by problem gambling. 730 11th Street, NW Suite 601 Washington, DC 20001 Phone: 202-547-9204 Fax: 202-547-9206 E-mail: NCPG is neither for nor against legalized gambling. Our primary concern is to help problem gamblers and their families. Advocacy, professional development, and networking in responsible gaming and problem gambling. Help and hope for all affected by problem gambling. National Helpline 1-800-522-4700 NCPG is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization. Contributions are tax -deductible in accordance with the law. Tax ID #51-0141872. If you or someone you know has a gambling problem, call the National Problem Gambling Helpline at 1-800-522-4700 for confidential help, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, from anywhere in the United States. 29th National Conference on Problem Gambling New Challenges — Creative Solutions Save the Date! July 10-11, 2015 Baltimore Hosted by the Maryland Council on Problem Gambling and The Maryland Center of Excellence on Problem Gambling (University of Maryland School of Medicine)
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