The Gümüşhane pluton (NE Turkey)
The Gümüşhane pluton (NE Turkey)
LITHOS-02179; No of Pages 19 ARTICLE IN PRESS Lithos xxx (2010) xxx–xxx Contents lists available at ScienceDirect Lithos j o u r n a l h o m e p a g e : w w w. e l s ev i e r. c o m / l o c a t e / l i t h o s Carboniferous high-potassium I-type granitoid magmatism in the Eastern Pontides: The Gümüşhane pluton (NE Turkey) Gültekin Topuz a,⁎, Rainer Altherr b, Wolfgang Siebel c, Winfried H. Schwarz b, Thomas Zack d, Altuğ Hasözbek c, Mathias Barth d, Muharrem Satır c, Cüneyt Şen e a İstanbul Teknik Üniversitesi, Avrasya Yerbilimleri Enstitüsü, TR-34469 Maslak, İstanbul, Turkey Institut für Geowissenschaften, Universität Heidelberg, Im Neuenheimer Feld 234-236, D-69120 Heidelberg, Germany Universität Tübingen, Institut für Geowissenschaften (Geochemie), Wilhelmstrasse 56, D-72074 Tübingen, Germany d Institut für Geowissenschaften, Universität Mainz, Johann-Joachim-Becher Weg 21, D-55099 Mainz, Germany e Karadeniz Teknik Üniversitesi, Jeoloji Mühendisliği Bölümü, TR-61080 Trabzon, Turkey b c a r t i c l e i n f o Article history: Received 31 March 2009 Accepted 7 January 2010 Available online xxxx Keywords: High-K granite Sr–Nd isotopy Ar–Ar dating U–Pb zircon dating Variscan orogeny Eastern Pontides Turkey a b s t r a c t The Gümüşhane pluton, a high-K calc-alkaline I-type granodiorite/granite complex, forms an important component of the pre-Liassic basement of the Eastern Pontides (NE Turkey). In its eastern part, the pluton shows a compositional zonation ranging from biotite–hornblende granodiorite in the NW through biotite– hornblende granite to leucogranite/granophyre in the SE. Numerous mafic microgranular enclaves (up to ∼ 40 cm in diameter) suggest the former presence of globules of mafic melt during crystallization. Emplacement of the pluton occurred during the latest Early Carboniferous, as shown by the 320 ± 4 Ma 40Ar– 39 Ar biotite/hornblende and 324 ± 6 Ma LA-ICP-MS U–Pb zircon ages. In Harker diagrams, samples of the different rock types exhibit well-defined data trends. With increasing SiO2, the abundances of TiO2, Al2O3, Fe2Otot 3 , MnO, MgO, CaO, P2O5 and Sc decrease, but those of K2O and Rb increase. However, the variations of Sr, Ba, (La/Yb)cn, Sr/Y and ∑REEs vs. SiO2 form distinctive groupings, which cannot be explained by a simple fractional crystallization. Chondrite-normalized (cn) REE patterns of granodiorite/granite samples show concave-upward shapes with (La/Yb)cn ranging from 5.2 to 12.4 and Eu/Eu* from 0.84 to 0.47, while there is almost no fractionation of the middle REE relative to the heavy REE. In primitive mantle-normalized element concentration diagrams, all rocks display marked negative anomalies in Ba, Nb/Ta, Sr, P and Ti, but positive anomalies in K and Pb. These geochemical features imply a fractionating mineral assemblage of clinopyroxene, amphibole and plagioclase without significant involvement of garnet. The granophyres are, on the other hand, characterized by higher K2O/Na2O and Rb/Sr ratios, lower (La/Yb)cn ratios (1.3 to 4.8) and more pronounced negative anomalies in Ba, Nb/Ta, Sr, Eu, P and Ti. Initial εNd values range from − 3.78 to − 5.30 and Nd model ages from 1.38 to 163 Ga. The magmas of the granite/granodiorite portion were probably generated by partial melting of high-potassic amphibolitic rocks, and those of the granophyres by a relatively felsic micaceous crustal source. The Gümüşhane pluton was emplaced at the wake of the lowpressure–high-temperature metamorphism, and is regarded as a late phase of Hercynian orogeny in the Eastern Pontides. © 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved. 1. Introduction High-K calc-alkaline I-type granitoids form a major constituent of late orogenic to post-collisional settings (e.g. Küster and Harms, 1998; Bonin et al., 1998; Altherr et al., 1999, 2000; Altherr and Siebel, 2002; Bonin, 2004). In these intrusions, the ubiquitous occurrence of mafic rocks as microgranular enclaves in more felsic hosts suggests a direct chemical input from the mantle, since extremely high temperatures in excess of ∼1000 °C must be achieved to generate mafic magmas by ⁎ Corresponding author. Tel.: + 90 212 2856112; fax: + 90 212 2856210. E-mail address: (G. Topuz). H2O-undersaturated partial melting of mafic crustal source rocks (e.g. Rapp, 1995; Rapp and Watson, 1995; Patiño Douce and McCarthy, 1998; Sisson et al., 2005). Underplating and injection of mafic magmas into lower crust are generally regarded as thermal triggers for partial melting of the lower crust (e.g., Hildreth, 1981; Huppert and Sparks, 1988). High-K calc-alkaline I-type granitoids incorporate variable mantle- and crust-derived components, implied by large discrepancies between crystallization and Nd model ages as well as inherited zircon components (e.g. McCulloch and Chappell, 1982; Holden et al., 1987; Paterson et al., 1992; Williams et al., 1992; Roberts and Clemens, 1993; Galán et al., 1996; Altherr et al., 2000; Altherr and Siebel, 2002; Kemp and Hawkesworth, 2005). However, the relative contributions of different end-members, crust vs. mantle, are difficult 0024-4937/$ – see front matter © 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved. doi:10.1016/j.lithos.2010.01.003 Please cite this article as: Topuz, G., et al., Carboniferous high-potassium I-type granitoid magmatism in the Eastern Pontides: The Gümüşhane pluton (NE Turkey), Lithos (2010), doi:10.1016/j.lithos.2010.01.003 ARTICLE IN PRESS 2 G. Topuz et al. / Lithos xxx (2010) xxx–xxx to quantify. The near ubiquity of negative Eu anomalies and relatively flat HREE patterns (chondrite-normalized) indicate that magma generation occurred at relatively shallow depths with plagioclase, rather than garnet, as a major residual or fractionating phase. About 40% of the exposed pre-Liassic basement rocks of the Eastern Pontides (NE Turkey) are made up of granitoids. Despite extensive exposures, these granitoids have received scant attention (e.g. Çoğulu, 1975; Yılmaz, 1974a,b,c). This study deals with the petrogenesis and age of a relatively large (∼ 400 km2) high-K calc-alkaline I-type granitoid, the Gümüşhane pluton. The pluton is composed of biotite– hornblende granodiorite/granite, leucogranite and granophyre, and was produced by the partial melting of high-potassic mafic to relatively felsic rocks during the latest Early Carboniferous, at the wake of the Hercynian low-P–high-T metamorphism. 2. Geological setting The Eastern Pontides, NE Turkey, represent a Late Cretaceous submarine magmatic arc, built on a pre-Liassic composite basement (e.g. Şengör and Yılmaz, 1981; Yılmaz et al., 1997; Okay and Şahintürk, 1997; Okay and Tüysüz, 1999; Topuz et al., 2004a,b, 2007; Fig. 1). The pre-Liassic basement comprises (i) Early Carboniferous low-pressure– high-temperature (low-P–high-T) metamorphic units (Okay, 1996; Topuz and Altherr, 2004; Topuz et al., 2004a, 2007), (ii) Permo-Triassic high-P–low-T metamorphic units (e.g. Okay and Göncüoğlu, 2004; Topuz et al., 2004b), (iii) unmetamorphosed granitoids (Yılmaz 1974a, b,c; Çoğulu, 1975; Bergougnan, 1987; Bozkuş, 1992) and (iv) PermoCarboniferous molassic sedimentary rocks (Okay and Leven, 1996; Çapkınoğlu, 2003). In places, distinct basement units may occur in tectonic contact with each other, and are collectively overlain by Liassic volcanic and volcanoclastic rocks, indicating that the tectonic juxtaposition occurred before the Jurassic. Although the Eastern Pontides were involved in Alpine subduction and collision events, the pre-Liassic basement mostly escaped Alpine regional metamorphism. The transgressive Liassic volcanics and volcanoclastics comprise calc-alkaline to tholeiitic, basaltic to andesitic lavas, pyroclastics and volcanogenic sedimentary rocks. In addition, there are thin discontinuous coal and ammonitico rosso horizons (Bergougnan, 1987; Bektaş et al., 1999; Arslan et al., 1997; Okay and Şahintürk, 1997; Şen, 2007; Kandemir and Yılmaz, 2009). Rapid lateral facies and thickness Fig. 1. Geological map of the Gümüşhane area with main pre-Liassic basement units and Liassic to post-Eocene rocks. Inset shows main tectonic units of Turkey. 27 and 28 refer to the sample locations which lie outside the mapping area, but dated in this study. Please cite this article as: Topuz, G., et al., Carboniferous high-potassium I-type granitoid magmatism in the Eastern Pontides: The Gümüşhane pluton (NE Turkey), Lithos (2010), doi:10.1016/j.lithos.2010.01.003 ARTICLE IN PRESS G. Topuz et al. / Lithos xxx (2010) xxx–xxx changes and the geochemistry of the volcanics suggest formation in an extensional arc environment (Görür et al., 1993; Koçyiğit and Altıner, 2002; Şen, 2007). The Liassic volcanics and volcanoclastics grade into Upper Jurassic to Lower Cretaceous limestones (Fig. 1). During Late Cretaceous time, northvergent subduction of Neotethys along the Izmir–Ankara–Ercinzan (IAE) suture gave rise to submarine magmatic arc activity in the northern part of the Eastern Pontides, represented by a more than 2 km thick volcano-sedimentary sequence with local intrusions of hornblende-biotite granitoids (e.g. Eğin and Hirst, 1979; Manetti et al., 1983; Çamur et al., 1996; Arslan et al., 1997; Okay and Şahintürk, 1997; Boztuğ and Harlavan, 2008; Kaygusuz et al., 2008; Kaygusuz and Aydınçakır, 2009). The southern zone was in a fore-arc position where flyschoid sedimentary rocks with limestone olistoliths were deposited. The magmatic front runs approximately north of Gümüşhane in an E–W direction (Okay and Şahintürk, 1997). Collision between the Eastern Pontides and the Southern Taurides occurred in the Paleocene. Post-Cretaceous magmatic rocks include Paleocene plagioleucitites in the southern zone (Altherr et al., 2008), Early Eocene “adakitic” granitoids (Topuz et al., 2005) and Middle to Late Eocene calc-alkaline to tholeiitic, basaltic to andesitic volcanics as well as crosscutting granitoids exposed throughout the Eastern Pontides (e.g. Tokel, 1977; Arslan et al., 1997; Boztuğ and Harlavan, 2008; Karslı et al., 2007; Temizel and Arslan, 2009). In the Eastern Pontides, the ages of the granitoids range from Carboniferous to the Late Eocene. 3. The Gümüşhane pluton The Gümüşhane pluton forms an E–W elongated body, 40 km by 10 km in dimensions (Figs. 1 and 2). It is bounded by the pre-Jurassic rhyolitic pyroclastics to the south. Farther west along the southern boundary (outside the mapped area), the leucogranite and granophyres of the Gümüşhane pluton are intrusive into the Carboniferous Kurtoğlu metamorphic complex (Topuz et al., 2007). However, contact metamorphic effects are absent in the metamorphics, probably due to the rather shallow emplacement level of the leucogranites and granophyres. Liassic volcanics and volcanoclastics unconformably overlie the pluton and the rhyolithic pyroclastics, and also form isolated outcrops on the pluton. In the north, the Gümüşhane pluton and its cover are thrust over the Middle Eocene volcanic rocks. Field relationships and geochronological data on the Kurtoğlu metamorphic complex suggest that the emplacement of the Gümüşhane pluton occurred between the amphibolite-facies metamorphism (337–323 Ma; Topuz et al., 2007) and the Liassic transgression (∼200–190 Ma; Kandemir and Yılmaz, 2009). Available geochronological data (K–Ar biotite, Rb–Sr whole-rock, and U–Pb zircon) from the Gümüşhane pluton show a large scatter ranging from 107 to 535 Ma (Çoğulu, 1975; Moore et al., 1980; JICA, 1986; Bergougnan, 1987). In comparison with field relations the K–Ar biotite ages are generally too young (107 to 162 Ma), and Rb–Sr whole-rock ‘ages’ are too old (362 to 535 Ma). Only U–Pb zircon ages (298 to 336 Ma) agree with the field relations. The western part of the pluton is densely covered by vegetation. The best and nearly continuous exposures are found along the road from Gümüşhane to Tekkeköy in the easternmost portion of the pluton (Figs. 1 and 2). The pluton is generally undeformed, but strongly altered and weathered. The rocks often have a brick red to pink color, except for strongly chloritised zones that are greenish. For this study, we mapped the eastern part of the pluton, roughly 180 km2 in area. The pluton shows a NE–SW trending compositional zonation, whereby granodiorite in the NW is followed by granite in the central part, and leucogranite and granophyre in the SE (Fig. 2). No obvious crosscutting relationship between the granodiorite in the NW to granite in the central part was discerned. The boundary between the granite and the leucogranite/ granophyres is marked by a zone (∼100–200 m across) with numerous dikes of leucogranite and granophyres along the road from Gümüşhane 3 to Tekkeköy, and could not be observed elsewhere due to the poor outcrop relations. The leucogranites occur mostly near the border region, while the granophyres predominate towards the SE. The rhyolithic pyroclastics crop out in form of a narrow belt, ∼10 km long and 1–3 km across (Fig. 2), at the border zone between the granophyres and Kurtooğlu metamorphics. Mafic microgranular enclaves, up to 70 cm in diameter, are confined to the granodiorite/granite part, and locally so abundant that the outcrops may be enclave-dominated. The contact between the host granodiorite/granite and the mafic enclaves is mostly sharp and rarely gradual. Aplitic dikes (up to 70 cm thick) are common within the granodiorite/granite part. The leucogranites are characterized by an equigranular medium to coarse-grained texture and pink to white color. The granophyres are, on the other hand, fine-grained. At two locations (marked with 12 and 14 in Fig. 2), the leucogranites/granophyres are heterogeneously intermingled with the fine-grained mafic rocks. Apart from these outcrops, they are devoid of mafic minerals. The clasts in the rhyolitic pyroclastics range from 0.5 mm to 45 cm in length, and are mostly represented by rhyolite to dacite and subordinately by granophyre and micaschist. Fragments of feldspar, quartz and devitrified glass are common. Similar to the leucogranites and granophyres, the rhyolithic pyroclastics are free of any mafic mineral. Presence of the granophyre clasts indicates a relatively late emplacement. The pluton is pierced by a number of intrusive rocks such as (i) hypabyssal dacitic to rhyolitic rocks, (ii) microdioritic to gabbroic stocks, and (iii) numerous 50 cm to 10 m thick dikes of basaltic to rhyolithic composition (Fig. 2). The rhyolithic pyroclastics and the late intrusive rocks within the pluton are outside the scope of this paper. 4. Analytical techniques Whole-rock analyses were performed at Acme Analytical Laboratories Ltd. in Vancouver, Canada. Two hundred milligrams of rock powder were mixed with 1.5 g of LiBO2 flux in a graphite crucible. Subsequently, the crucible was placed in an oven and heated to 1050 °C for 15 min. The molten samples were dissolved in 5% HNO3 (ACS grade nitric acid diluted in demineralized water). International reference samples and reagent blanks were added to the sample sequence. For analyses of major elements and the trace elements Ba, Nb, Ni, Sr, Sc, Y and Zr, sample solutions were aspirated into an ICP emission spectrograph (Jarrel Ash AtomComb 975). For the determination of other trace elements including rare earth elements, the solutions were aspirated into an ICP mass spectrometer (Perkin-Elmer Elan 6000). Accuracy for major elements is better than 2% and for trace elements better than 10% relative. Mineral analyses were carried out at the Institute of Geosciences at Heidelberg with a CAMECA SX51 electron microprobe equipped with five wavelength-dispersive spectrometers. Standard operating conditions were 15 kV accelerating voltage, 20 nA beam current and a beam diameter of ∼1 µm. Counting times were usually 10 s. Feldspars were analyzed with a defocused beam (10 µm) in order to minimize loss of alkalis. Natural and synthetic oxide and silicate standards were used for calibration. The PAP algorithm (Pouchou and Pichoir, 1984, 1985) was applied to raw data. Sr and Nd isotope analyses were performed at the Institute of Geosciences at Tübingen. Rock powders were dissolved in 52% HF for four days at 140 °C on a hot plate. Digested samples were dried and redissolved in 6 N HCl, then dried again and redissolved in 2.5 N HCl. Sr and light rare earth elements were isolated on quartz columns by conventional ion exchange chromatography with a 5 ml resin bed of Bio Rad AG 50W-X12, 200–400 mesh. Nd was separated from other rare earth elements on quartz columns using 1.7 ml Teflon powder coated with HDEHP, di(2-ethylhexyl) orthophosphoric acid, as cation exchange medium. All isotopic measurements were made by thermal ionization mass spectrometry using a Finnigan MAT 262 mass Please cite this article as: Topuz, G., et al., Carboniferous high-potassium I-type granitoid magmatism in the Eastern Pontides: The Gümüşhane pluton (NE Turkey), Lithos (2010), doi:10.1016/j.lithos.2010.01.003 ARTICLE IN PRESS 4 G. Topuz et al. / Lithos xxx (2010) xxx–xxx Fig. 2. Geological map of the eastern part of the Gümüşhane pluton with sample locations and villages. Please cite this article as: Topuz, G., et al., Carboniferous high-potassium I-type granitoid magmatism in the Eastern Pontides: The Gümüşhane pluton (NE Turkey), Lithos (2010), doi:10.1016/j.lithos.2010.01.003 ARTICLE IN PRESS G. Topuz et al. / Lithos xxx (2010) xxx–xxx spectrometer. Sr was loaded with a Ta-HF activator on pre-conditioned W filaments and was measured in single-filament mode. Nd was loaded as phosphate on pre-conditioned Re filaments and measurements were performed in a Re double filament configuration. The 87Sr/86Sr isotope ratios were normalized to 86Sr/88Sr =0.1194 and the 143Nd/144Nd isotope ratios to 146Nd/144Nd =0.7219. The La Jolla Nd-standard yielded a 143Nd/ 144 Nd value of 0.511842 ±0.000008 (reference value=0.511850) and the NBS 987 Sr standard yielded a 87Sr/86Sr value of 0.710257±0.000008 (reference value =0.710248). Total procedural blanks (chemistry and loading) were 134 pg for Nd and 333 pg for Sr. 40 Ar/39Ar dating was performed at the Institute of Geosciences at Heidelberg. Biotite and hornblende separates were obtained by conventional techniques including cracking, sieving, magnetic and heavy liquid separation, hand picking and ultrasonic cleaning. Irradiation of the Al-wrapped samples within an evacuated and Cd-shielded quartz tube with ∼1.5 · 1018 fast neutrons/cm2 was performed in FRG-1 reactor of the Nuclear Research Center Geesthacht, Germany. Age and irradiation gradient monitoring was achieved by an in-house muscovite standard ‘BMus/2’ (328.5 ± 2.2 Ma, 2σ; Schwarz and Trieloff, 2007a). Ar was extracted in a resistance-heated Ta furnace in a double-vacuum system up to 1600 °C. The blank level at 1400 °C was below the mass spectrometer detection limit of c. 10− 6 nl 40Ar. First, H2O and CO2 from the extracted gas were frozen by using an acetone–CO2 mixture. For further cleaning, Zr–Al getters were used. Ar isotope compositions were measured in a MAT GD-150 gas mass spectrometer (0.38 T permanent magnet, 180°, 5 cm radius of curvature) with no detectable argon background. Constants used for age calculations are those recommended by Steiger and Jäger (1977). 40Ar/39Ar age uncertainties comprise the errors of the 40Ar/39Ar ratios of irradiation monitors. Age errors of the monitor were included in parentheses. Measured 40Ar/39Ar data were corrected for irradiation interferences. For comparison of 40 Ar/39Ar ages with U/Pb ages the miscalibration of K and U decay series must be taken into account, increasing the Ar–Ar ages by c. 1% (e.g. Schwarz and Trieloff, 2007b). All error assignments of isotope ratios and age given within this paper are within ± 2σ. 5 For U–Pb analyses through TIMS, zircon fractions consisting of 2–3 morphologically identical grains (19–29 µg) were selected for analyses. All fractions were washed in 6 N HCl and 6 N HNO3 prior to dissolution. A mixed 205Pb/235U tracer solution was added to the grains. Dissolution by vapour digestion was performed in PTFE microcapsules in a Parr acid digestion bomb (Parrish, 1987). The bomb was placed in a temperature controlled oven at 210 °C for up to one week in 22 N HF and for one day in 6 N HCl. Separation and purification of U and Pb were carried out on Teflon columns with a 40 µl bed of AG1-X8 (100–200 mesh) anion exchange media and the separation procedure was similar to those described by Krogh (1973) and Roddick et al. (1987). All isotopic measurements were made on a Finnigan MAT 262 mass spectrometer at the Institute of Geosciences at Tübingen. Pb and U were loaded together with a Si-gel onto a single Re filament and measured at ∼ 1250 °C and 1350 °C, respectively. Total procedural blanks were b10 pg for Pb and for U. A factor of 0.9‰ per atomic mass unit for instrumental mass fractionation was applied to all isotope analyses, using NBS SRM 981 as reference material. Initial common Pb remaining after correction for tracer and blank was corrected using values from the Stacey and Kramers (1975) model. The decay constants for U are those given in Jaffey et al. (1971). U–Pb age calculations were done by the PbDat program (Ludwig, 1993) and the data were plotted using Isoplot/Ex (Ludwig, 2003). LA-ICP-MS analyses for this study were performed at the Institute for Geosciences at Mainz utilising a system consisting of a New Wave 213 nm laser coupled to an Agilent 7500ce quadrupole ICP-MS. Directly before U–Pb dating, samples were cleaned by polishing the surface with γ-alumina powder to remove carbon coating, then put in an ultrasonic bath for 5 min with milli-Q water and finally dried with ethanol-soaked kimwipe. Further cleaning was achieved by pre-ablating the analysis spot with 5 single laser shots with a beam diameter of 40 µm. Each analysis consists of background measurement of 40 s followed by 30 s of analysis. U–Pb age data was collected by ablating zircons with laser beam diameters of 30 µm, a beam energy density of ca. 3.5 J/cm2 and a repetition rate of 10 Hz. The Table 1 Selected microprobe analyses of hornblende and biotite from the Gümüşhane I-type granitoid pluton, NE Turkey. Hornblende Biotite Sample 1 1 28 28 93 93 267 267 1E 93E 93E 1 1 28 28 28 28 267 267 Rock type BHG BHG BHG BHG BHG BHG BHGD BHGD ME ME ME BHG BHG BHG BHG BHG BHG BHGD BHGD SiO2 TiO2 Al2O3 Cr2O3 FeOtot MnO MgO CaO Na2O K2O Total 42.43 1.28 8.31 0.01 23.58 0.85 7.58 10.40 1.47 0.94 96.86 43.05 1.46 8.04 0.00 22.80 0.53 8.21 10.48 1.42 0.98 96.96 42.85 1.26 8.11 0.00 26.26 0.72 5.45 10.33 1.76 0.92 97.65 41.89 2.00 8.59 0.03 26.78 0.60 4.60 10.18 2.02 0.77 97.36 44.50 0.96 7.61 0.04 20.45 0.75 9.46 10.94 1.34 0.81 96.87 45.67 1.61 7.26 0.04 18.25 0.55 10.95 11.00 1.38 0.82 97.54 49.87 0.38 4.66 0.06 16.11 0.60 13.29 11.12 0.88 0.32 97.29 47.78 0.90 6.18 0.00 16.65 0.46 12.32 10.95 1.12 0.60 96.95 43.04 1.28 7.91 0.00 24.32 1.12 6.53 10.72 1.68 0.94 97.54 44.50 0.96 7.61 0.04 20.45 0.75 9.46 10.94 1.34 0.81 96.87 45.67 1.61 7.26 0.04 18.25 0.55 10.95 11.00 1.38 0.82 97.54 35.16 3.44 13.31 0.00 26.76 0.34 8.19 0.04 0.11 8.12 95.46 35.38 3.57 13.16 0.01 25.97 0.22 8.20 0.02 0.12 8.78 95.43 34.70 3.74 12.98 0.00 28.45 0.48 5.71 0.00 0.06 9.00 95.12 34.27 4.35 13.72 0.00 28.21 0.45 4.96 0.00 0.06 8.94 94.96 34.90 3.70 13.32 0.02 28.46 0.48 5.39 0.01 0.06 9.02 95.35 33.91 3.25 13.54 0.01 28.67 0.49 5.38 0.02 0.09 8.72 94.08 35.90 3.11 13.40 0.00 21.53 0.30 11.57 0.02 0.10 8.44 94.36 36.59 3.40 13.56 0.02 21.28 0.28 11.26 0.00 0.16 9.16 95.70 Cations on the basis of 23 oxygens and 15 cations excluding Na Si 6.624 6.684 6.751 6.633 6.826 6.895 AlIV 1.376 1.316 1.249 1.367 1.174 1.105 AlVI 0.153 0.156 0.257 0.239 0.202 0.187 Ti 0.150 0.170 0.149 0.239 0.111 0.183 3+ Fe 0.288 0.198 0.000 0.000 0.188 0.000 Cr 0.001 0.000 0.000 0.004 0.005 0.005 Fe2+ 2.790 2.763 3.460 3.554 2.435 2.304 Mn 0.112 0.070 0.096 0.081 0.097 0.070 Mg 1.764 1.900 1.280 1.088 2.163 2.465 Ca 1.740 1.743 1.744 1.731 1.798 1.779 Na 0.445 0.427 0.537 0.621 0.399 0.404 K 0.187 0.194 0.185 0.156 0.159 0.158 Total 15.632 15.622 15.708 15.712 15.557 15.555 XMg 0.364 0.391 0.270 0.234 0.452 0.517 and K for hornblende, and 11 oxygens for biotite 7.377 7.149 6.737 6.826 6.895 2.778 0.623 0.851 1.263 1.174 1.105 1.222 0.189 0.239 0.196 0.202 0.187 0.017 0.042 0.101 0.151 0.111 0.183 0.204 0.029 0.000 0.068 0.188 0.000 0.000 0.007 0.000 0.000 0.005 0.000 0.000 1.964 2.083 3.115 2.435 2.304 1.768 0.075 0.058 0.148 0.097 0.070 0.022 2.931 2.748 1.524 2.163 2.465 0.965 1.762 1.755 1.798 1.798 1.779 0.003 0.252 0.325 0.510 0.399 0.404 0.016 0.060 0.115 0.188 0.159 0.158 0.819 15.313 15.425 15.698 15.557 15.555 7.814 0.595 0.569 0.329 0.470 0.517 0.353 2.795 1.205 0.020 0.212 0.000 0.001 1.716 0.015 0.966 0.002 0.018 0.884 7.834 0.360 2.797 1.203 0.030 0.227 0.000 0.000 1.918 0.033 0.687 0.000 0.010 0.926 7.831 0.264 2.763 1.237 0.066 0.264 0.000 0.000 1.902 0.031 0.596 0.000 0.010 0.920 7.789 0.239 2.802 1.198 0.062 0.223 0.000 0.001 1.911 0.033 0.646 0.001 0.009 0.924 7.810 0.253 2.769 1.231 0.072 0.200 0.000 0.001 1.957 0.034 0.654 0.002 0.014 0.908 7.842 0.250 2.797 1.203 0.028 0.182 0.000 0.000 1.403 0.020 1.344 0.001 0.015 0.839 7.832 0.490 2.813 1.187 0.041 0.197 0.000 0.001 1.368 0.018 1.291 0.000 0.024 0.898 7.838 0.486 Please cite this article as: Topuz, G., et al., Carboniferous high-potassium I-type granitoid magmatism in the Eastern Pontides: The Gümüşhane pluton (NE Turkey), Lithos (2010), doi:10.1016/j.lithos.2010.01.003 ARTICLE IN PRESS 6 G. Topuz et al. / Lithos xxx (2010) xxx–xxx Table 2 Whole-rock analyses of selected samples from the Gümüşhane I-type granitoid pluton. Sample 1 2 3 7 17 19 93 109 181 267 268 307 Rock type BHG BHG BHG BHG BHG BHG BHG BHGD BHGD BHGD BHGD BHGD SiO2 TiO2 Al2O3 Fe2Otot 3 MnO MgO CaO Na2O K2O P2O5 LOI Total Sc Ni Co V Cu Zn Cs Rb Ba U Th Pb Sr Nb Ta Zr Hf Y La Ce Pr Nd Sm Eu Gd Tb Dy Ho Er Tm Yb Lu Mg# ASI (La/Yb)cn Eu/Eu* 71.32 0.28 14.2 2.66 0.03 0.79 1.76 3.39 4.12 0.07 1.30 99.92 5 0.6 3.8 44 0.7 21 2.4 149 706 3.0 16.3 6.4 165 7.1 0.8 144 4.4 19.0 34.6 61.2 5.61 19.3 3.10 0.79 2.91 0.46 2.76 0.57 1.62 0.30 2.00 0.29 37.0 1.07 11.66 0.80 70.59 0.28 14.53 2.62 0.04 0.86 1.61 3.48 4.22 0.07 1.60 99.90 6 0.6 0.9 38 26.2 33 2.0 144 767 2.1 15.5 8.8 166 7.7 0.8 143 4.2 20.0 39.3 70.1 6.57 22.5 3.90 0.88 2.81 0.53 3.06 0.60 1.79 0.33 2.13 0.29 39.4 1.10 12.44 0.81 68.45 0.34 14.67 3.09 0.05 0.71 2.03 3.48 3.62 0.09 3.40 99.92 7 1.2 4.9 43 0.9 35 3.7 147 681 3.3 14.7 5.2 152 8.4 0.8 161 5.0 22.0 30.7 57.3 5.68 20.5 3.80 0.83 3.13 0.60 3.42 0.70 1.99 0.36 2.42 0.32 31.3 1.10 8.55 0.74 72.10 0.20 13.97 2.62 0.05 0.52 1.58 3.48 4.25 0.05 1.10 99.87 5 0.4 3.4 22 1.6 25 2.4 185 617 8.2 32.1 5.0 173 12.2 1.6 165 5.3 31.2 39.0 74.2 7.85 26.6 5.03 0.74 4.56 0.82 4.76 1.02 3.27 0.56 3.82 0.60 28.2 1.06 6.88 0.47 68.67 0.37 15.34 3.70 0.07 1.36 2.91 3.55 3.15 0.07 0.60 99.83 8 2.2 6.2 82 5.8 28 2.6 147 769 3.7 16.1 5.9 298 8.5 1.0 173 5.0 20.4 30.2 56.1 5.96 21.1 3.68 0.97 3.42 0.58 3.26 0.69 2.14 0.36 2.37 0.38 42.1 1.05 8.59 0.84 70.86 0.25 13.25 2.70 0.06 0.65 1.18 4.29 3.42 0.06 3.20 99.93 7 2.3 3.8 19 1.9 29 6.1 116 602 2.6 13.8 2.8 97 7.5 0.8 150 4.8 28.2 32.7 63.3 6.53 26.3 5.50 1.02 4.83 0.68 4.37 0.85 2.28 0.40 2.70 0.35 32.3 1.03 8.17 0.61 67.39 0.33 15.67 3.69 0.06 1.35 2.65 3.60 3.63 0.08 1.40 99.83 9 3.7 8.0 67 3.4 27 2.5 155 764 3.4 13.4 4.8 269 8.0 0.9 140 4.1 21.3 19.4 38.0 4.46 16.5 3.44 0.89 3.26 0.58 3.45 0.70 2.19 0.36 2.34 0.38 42.0 1.07 5.59 0.81 62.90 0.47 15.48 5.44 0.09 3.10 4.78 2.93 3.00 0.08 1.50 99.81 15 11.0 16.4 122 9.6 34 3.9 123 627 3.2 12.9 2.1 234 7.5 0.8 122 3.4 18.9 22.3 44.3 4.87 17.5 3.35 0.83 3.21 0.55 3.18 0.65 2.01 0.31 2.07 0.32 53.0 0.92 7.26 0.77 65.88 0.50 15.16 5.01 0.06 2.94 1.99 3.05 2.91 0.10 2.20 99.80 13 6.4 12.3 100 2.6 52 3.3 116 604 4.2 18.1 2.8 196 8.3 0.9 202 5.7 22.0 26.9 45.3 5.62 20.4 3.89 0.85 3.77 0.63 3.49 0.74 2.13 0.35 2.26 0.36 53.7 1.29 8.02 0.68 64.81 0.47 15.08 4.92 0.08 2.67 3.96 2.87 3.15 0.10 1.70 99.80 15 9.1 13.6 105 4.7 30 4.2 115 547 2.9 11.7 1.9 190 7.4 0.8 101 3.1 19.2 16.6 33.1 4.07 16.4 3.36 0.74 3.30 0.48 3.44 0.69 2.1 0.33 2.16 0.33 51.8 0.98 5.18 0.68 64.01 0.48 15.47 5.26 0.09 2.95 4.28 2.91 3.09 0.10 1.20 99.83 15 10.9 14.5 110 6.5 30 3.2 119 548 3.0 13.0 3.7 218 6.9 0.8 128 3.6 17.3 24.5 45.6 4.81 16.9 3.24 0.76 3.18 0.51 2.89 0.61 1.86 0.30 2.00 0.31 52.6 0.97 8.26 0.72 66.27 0.47 15.1 4.87 0.09 2.13 2.77 3.20 3.42 0.10 1.40 99.85 13 4.4 11.8 88 2.0 30 2.0 113 593 2.2 11.1 5.5 256 7.7 0.8 120 3.3 19.9 20.0 40.0 4.59 17.1 3.42 0.79 3.45 0.58 3.39 0.70 2.17 0.35 2.21 0.34 46.4 1.08 6.10 0.70 Rock types: BHG = biotite–hornblende granite, BHGD = biotite–hornblende granodiorite, ME = mafic enclave, A = aplite, LG = leucogranite, G = granophyre; Mg# = 100 × MgO/ (MgO + FeOtot) in molar porportions; ASI = aluminium saturation index = molar Al2O3/(CaO + Na2O + K2O); (La/Yb)cn = chondrite-normalized La/Yb ratio; oxides are given in wt.%, 1E elements in 17E 93E 268E 307E 310E 3B 10B H2 10C 11C 328 335 trace ppm. ME ME ME ME ME ME A aerosol produced during ablation was carried to the ICP-MS in a mixed Ar–He carrier gas at a flow rate of 1.3 l/minute. Isotopes were measured in time-resolved mode. For U–Pb dating, dwell times for each isotope for each mass scan are 10 ms for 232Th and 238U, 30 ms for 201Hg, 204Hg + Pb and 206Pb and 50 ms for 207Pb and 208Pb. Th and U concentrations, 206Pb/204Pb ratios, as well as 207Pb/235U, 206Pb/238U and 208Pb/232Th ages are calculated offline from time-resolved raw counts provided by the ICP-MS. Here, the zircon standard PL (Plesovice; Sláma et al., 2008) was used as a primary standard to correct for laser-induced as well as ICP-induced fractionation by integrating the exact same time segments for each sample and standard zircon (Jackson et al., 2004). Accuracy of 207Pb/235U, 206Pb/ 238 U and 208Pb/232Th ages is currently given as 1.5%, based on regular analysis of the zircon standards GJ-1 (Jackson et al., 2004; also used to calculate U and Th concentrations), 91,500 (Wiedenbeck et al., 1995) and Mud Tank (Black and Gulson, 1978). LG G G G G G 5. Petrography and mineral compositions The granodiorite/granite is medium to coarse-grained and consists of plagioclase, orthoclase, quartz, biotite, hornblende, allanite, magnetite, zircon and apatite. Plagioclase (An35-10) is subhedral to euhedral and normally zoned. In many samples it is transformed to sericite, partly also to epidote. Orthoclase [XK = K/(K + Na + Ca) = 0.96–0.82] is generally xenomorphic and rarely microperthitic. Quartz locally forms large grains but also fills the interstitial spaces left behind from the early crystallizing plagioclase and mafic minerals. Biotite is characterized by small intra-sample compositional variations with XMg [=MgO/(MgO + FeOtot)] varying by no more than about 0.05, while inter-sample variations are much larger (XMg = 0.23 to 0.50; Table 1). Ti contents are relatively low (0.18 to 0.30 cations per 11 oxygens). In most samples, biotite is strongly chloritised and/or may be partially replaced by prehnite and/or pumpellyite. Quite often, the Please cite this article as: Topuz, G., et al., Carboniferous high-potassium I-type granitoid magmatism in the Eastern Pontides: The Gümüşhane pluton (NE Turkey), Lithos (2010), doi:10.1016/j.lithos.2010.01.003 ARTICLE IN PRESS G. Topuz et al. / Lithos xxx (2010) xxx–xxx 7 Table 2 (continued) 1E 17E 93E 268E 307E 310E 3B 10B H2 10C 11C 328 335 ME ME ME ME ME ME A LG G G G G G 54.30 1.01 16.92 10.96 0.17 3.11 3.41 4.98 2.40 0.17 2.50 99.93 28 2.2 15.3 180 1.8 85 4.6 163 560 7.0 14.1 5.7 147 43.3 4.1 256 8.5 98.6 10.5 27.7 4.26 22.4 8.20 0.79 10.31 2.09 13.51 2.87 8.86 1.60 10.63 1.55 36.0 1.00 0.67 0.26 57.60 0.76 16.81 8.04 0.18 3.68 4.93 4.53 1.76 0.15 1.40 99.83 25 7.0 14.1 180 7.4 49 2.9 115 301 5.0 16.4 7.5 200 11.7 1.3 154 4.9 36.3 20.8 48.5 6.42 26.3 5.61 0.97 5.55 1.01 5.89 1.31 4.04 0.66 4.31 0.70 47.5 0.92 3.25 0.53 52.90 0.71 16.39 9.07 0.28 5.08 6.70 4.44 1.98 0.09 2.10 99.78 31 3.6 20.3 208 10.3 34 2.9 104 392 6.0 8.3 9.2 158 10.0 1.3 100 3.5 44.1 25.4 64.8 8.34 31.2 6.95 1.25 6.56 1.21 7.39 1.56 4.88 0.83 5.63 0.91 52.6 0.76 3.04 0.57 54.91 0.68 16.64 8.17 0.15 5.06 6.05 3.36 2.54 0.11 2.10 99.78 28 12.0 24.6 206 44.2 34 6.0 127 427 3.5 12.9 8.4 229 7.6 0.9 95 2.8 20.7 17.9 38.4 4.54 16.8 3.68 0.84 3.59 0.64 3.69 0.81 2.34 0.38 2.48 0.39 55.1 0.86 4.87 0.71 53.92 0.64 17.31 8.24 0.22 4.6 6.66 3.89 2.14 0.10 2.10 99.8 26 6.5 22.5 184 7.5 29 2.8 87 376 1.9 8.4 7.4 253 7.6 0.7 90 2.6 27.8 19.9 49.2 6.26 24.0 4.89 1.27 4.62 0.83 4.8 1.02 3.04 0.50 3.31 0.53 52.5 0.83 4.05 0.82 59.37 0.51 15.34 6.67 0.13 4.85 5.42 2.98 2.82 0.08 1.60 99.8 23 24.6 22.0 144 20.6 28 3.0 97 546 2.3 10.5 3.1 211 6.4 0.6 121 3.3 23.8 19.4 40.9 4.95 18.6 3.94 0.93 3.93 0.71 3.99 0.87 2.64 0.41 2.65 0.41 59.0 0.86 4.94 0.72 77.24 0.02 12.50 0.69 0.01 0.04 0.40 3.48 4.85 0.01 0.80 100.04 1 0.2 b 0.5 6 1.8 11 2.4 226 104 9.2 36.8 17.9 20 13.7 4.8 80 5.4 57.5 10.7 25.4 3.11 12.7 4.10 0.12 5.12 1.08 7.16 1.67 5.16 0.95 7.42 1.07 10.3 1.07 0.97 0.08 76.17 0.09 13.06 0.88 0.02 0.04 0.33 3.41 5.21 0.01 0.80 100.02 7 0.3 0.6 b5 1.7 14 1.1 124 60 1.8 9.6 2.9 18 9.7 0.6 208 6.4 18.6 37.7 83.2 9.01 32.5 5.90 0.20 3.67 0.56 2.87 0.56 1.60 0.27 1.87 0.25 8.3 1.10 13.58 0.13 78.57 0.03 12.04 0.66 0.02 0.06 0.18 3.36 4.31 0.01 0.70 99.95 4 1.2 1.1 b8 1.1 19 2.5 146 413 2.8 10.2 24.4 43 7.3 0.8 75 2.9 27.8 17.5 38.7 5.16 20.8 5.16 0.48 4.95 0.83 4.44 0.92 2.77 0.35 2.50 0.36 15.2 1.14 4.71 0.29 78.31 0.05 12.19 0.28 0.01 0.12 0.48 2.98 4.25 0.01 1.20 99.88 4 0.4 b 0.5 b5 1.8 3 1.2 147 308 3.6 6.9 10.1 19 10.3 1.2 87 4.4 45.2 19.6 43.1 5.04 20.4 5.30 0.36 5.18 0.93 5.8 1.40 4.09 0.68 4.80 0.62 45.9 1.17 2.75 0.21 77.31 0.06 12.35 1.14 0.02 0.16 0.46 3.19 4.20 0.01 1.10 100.00 5 2.1 b 0.5 b5 4.4 28 1.3 150 309 3.1 8.3 12.2 26 12.0 1.2 93 4.0 47.7 19.2 42.2 5.00 22.6 5.80 0.40 6.24 1.19 7.02 1.45 4.13 0.71 4.59 0.59 21.7 1.16 2.82 0.20 77.02 0.07 13.07 0.31 0.01 0.04 0.26 2.96 4.77 b0.01 1.40 99.96 4 1.4 0.6 b5 0.5 21 3.3 207 338 2.1 16.6 5.1 39 14.4 1.4 92 3.7 28.7 12.8 26.7 4.21 19.8 4.77 0.32 5.18 0.98 5.88 1.19 3.46 0.57 3.74 0.53 20.3 1.24 2.30 0.20 76.56 b0.01 12.39 0.90 0.01 0.03 0.36 3.55 4.91 b0.01 1.30 99.95 1 b0.1 b0.5 11 2.0 27 1.2 191 254 4.4 15.9 4.3 18 14.1 1.1 94 5.3 45.8 8.3 26.8 3.96 16.4 5.08 0.30 6.22 1.00 7.34 1.52 4.46 0.69 4.40 0.66 6.2 1.05 1.27 0.16 host biotite sheets are deformed around secondary prehnite/pumpellyite grains. Primary inclusions in biotite are magnetite, apatite and zircon. Clinopyroxene is only present in some samples of the granodiorite and in some mafic enclaves. It has the composition Wo39-47En44-40Fs13-17. Hornblende frequently contains inclusions of biotite (chlorite), apatite, magnetite, zircon and clinopyroxene (the latter only in granodiorite). Representative hornblende analyses are given in Table 1. Overall, the contents of Al2O3 and K2O vary from 5.4 to 8.7 wt.% and from 0.3 to 1.5 wt.%, respectively. Individual hornblende crystals are often zoned, whereby the brownish cores show higher Ti, Al, Na and K contents than the greenish rims. Hornblende may also be chloritised. Mafic microgranular enclaves consist of hornblende (sometimes overgrowing earlier clinopyroxene), biotite, magnetite, plagioclase, zircon and apatite. In some enclaves, small amounts of quartz and/or orthoclase are also present. Alteration products are similar to those of the granite. Aplitic dikes are characterized by a fine-grained equigranular texture. The leucogranite is relatively coarse-grained. The K-feldspars display XK values of 0.87–0.97, and the plagioclases An24-0. Sporadic biotite grains are totally altered. Secondary phases include sericite, chlorite, calcite and Fe-oxides. Granophyres show micrographic and/ or spherulitic textures (intergrowth of K-feldspar + quartz), suggesting rapid cooling. Phenocrysts of quartz and plagioclase have subidiomorphic corroded outlines, and locally form strained crystals. Plagioclase in the granophyres is represented by albitic composition (An0-3), and K-feldspar by XK of 0.94–0.99. 6. Bulk-rock chemistry Selected chemical analyses of representative samples from the Gümüşhane pluton are given in Table 2 and Harker plots are Please cite this article as: Topuz, G., et al., Carboniferous high-potassium I-type granitoid magmatism in the Eastern Pontides: The Gümüşhane pluton (NE Turkey), Lithos (2010), doi:10.1016/j.lithos.2010.01.003 ARTICLE IN PRESS 8 G. Topuz et al. / Lithos xxx (2010) xxx–xxx presented in Fig. 3. SiO2 contents vary from about 62 to 72 wt.% in the granodiorite/granite and from 76 to 79 wt.% in the leucogranite, granophyre and aplite. The microgranular mafic enclaves have SiO2 contents between 53 and 60 wt.%. The aluminium saturation index [ASI = molar Al2O3/(CaO + Na2O + K2O)] increases with SiO2 from about 0.76 to 1.10 in the granodiorite/granite, and from 1.05 to 1.24 in the leucogranite, granophyre and aplite (Fig. 3). Elevated ASI values are shown by the altered samples. The rocks belong to the high-K series (Peccerillo and Taylor 1976; Fig. 3). With increasing SiO2, the abundances of TiO2, Al2O3, Fe2Otot 3 , MnO, MgO, CaO, P2O5 and Sc decrease, but those of K2O and Rb increase (Fig. 3). Sr and Ba first increase and then decrease. Among the microgranular mafic enclaves, sample 1E is an exception in having higher ASI, TiO2, Fe2Otot 3 , Rb, Y and lower Eu/Eu* than the other enclaves (Fig. 3). The K2O/Na2O ratios range from 0.39 to 0.95 in mafic microgranular enclave, from 0.80 to 1.22 in the granodiorite/granite, and from 1.28 to 1.61 in the leucogranite, granophyre and aplite. Total rare earth element contents range from 80 to 180 ppm. On primitive mantle-normalized element concentration diagrams (Fig. 4), all rock types display marked negative anomalies in Ba, Nb/Ta, Sr, P and Ti, but positive anomalies in K and Pb, indicating fractionation of plagioclase, hornblende, biotite, pyroxene, apatite and magnetite. The magnitude of the negative anomalies is more pronounced in the leucogranite, granophyre and aplite. Chondrite-normalized (cn) rare earth element (REE) patterns of the granite and granodiorite samples (Fig. 5) are generally characterized by concave-upward shapes [(La/Yb)cn = 5.2–12.4] and variable negative Eu anomalies [Eu/Eu* = Eucn/(Smcn · Gdcn)0.5] of 0.47–0.84 (Table 2). There is almost no fractionation of the middle relative to the heavy REE. Most microgranular mafic enclaves have low (La/Yb)cn (3.04–4.94) and significant negative Eu anomalies (Eu/Eu* = 0.82–0.53). Sample 1E is an exception with (La/Yb)cn = 0.67 and Eu/Eu*= 0.26 (Table 2; Fig. 5). This sample is also characterized by relatively high contents of Nb and Ta, Zr and Hf as well as of HREE (Figs. 4 and 5). The leucogranite shows LREE/ HREE enrichment similar to the granodiorite/granite, but has more pronounced negative Eu anomaly (Fig. 5). The aplitic dike (sample 3B) Fig. 3. Selected Harker variation diagrams for the different rock types from the Gümüşhane pluton. 1E and 181 are sample numbers. BHG: biotite–hornblende granite; BHGD: biotite– hornblende granodiorite; ME: mafic enclave, A: aplite, LG: leucogranite, G: granophyre. Please cite this article as: Topuz, G., et al., Carboniferous high-potassium I-type granitoid magmatism in the Eastern Pontides: The Gümüşhane pluton (NE Turkey), Lithos (2010), doi:10.1016/j.lithos.2010.01.003 ARTICLE IN PRESS G. Topuz et al. / Lithos xxx (2010) xxx–xxx 9 Fig. 3 (continued). Fig. 4. Primitive mantle-normalized element abundance patterns of granitoid rocks from the Gümüşhane pluton. For normalizing values and sequence of elements, see Sun and McDonough (1989). All samples are characterized by negative anomalies of Ba, Nb–Ta, Sr, P and Ti, and positive anomalies of K and Pb. Please cite this article as: Topuz, G., et al., Carboniferous high-potassium I-type granitoid magmatism in the Eastern Pontides: The Gümüşhane pluton (NE Turkey), Lithos (2010), doi:10.1016/j.lithos.2010.01.003 ARTICLE IN PRESS 10 G. Topuz et al. / Lithos xxx (2010) xxx–xxx Fig. 5. Chondrite-normalized rare earth element diagrams. Normalizing values were taken from Palme and Jones (2005). has nearly flat REE pattern with pronounced Eu anomaly (Fig. 5). REE patterns of the granophyres vary between that of the leucogranite and the aplitic dike. 7. Radiometric dating To constrain the emplacement age of the Gümüşhane pluton, stepwise 40Ar/39Ar dating on biotite and hornblende separates from four samples (7, 17, 27, and 28) as well as conventional and in-situ LA-ICP-MS U–Pb dating on zircons from samples 7 and 28 were carried out. Samples 7 and 17 are from the eastern end and samples 27 and 28 from the central part of the pluton (Figs. 1 and 2). The samples 7 and 17 are medium-grained granite to granodiorite, comprising K-feldspar, plagioclase, quartz, biotite, hornblende, and minor magnetite, zircon and apatite. Biotite is locally chloritised and replaced by pumpellyite, albite and hematite. Hornblende contains primary inclusions of magnetite, zircon and apatite, and is replaced by epidote, prehnite, ±pumpellyite and chlorite along the fractures. The samples 27 and 28 contain the same mineral assemblage as samples 7 and 17 but are less altered. 7.1. 40 Ar/39Ar dating The samples (7 and 17) yielded inconsistent and highly divergening biotite and hornblende ages, ranging from 73 to 304 Ma. The inconsistency in biotite and hornblende ages is ascribed to a partial or total resetting due to a later hydrothermal overprint. The relatively fresh samples (27 and 28), on the other hand, gave consistent biotite and hornblende ages within the range of error (∼317 Ma). For the sake of brevity only the age spectra of the latter samples (27 and 28) are discussed below, and given in Table 3 and Fig. 6. Biotites from samples 27 and 28 yielded integrated age values of 316.8 ± 3.6 and 316.0 ± 3.9 Ma, respectively. The spectra are slightly hump-shaped (Fig. 6a and c), probably a feature of Ar redistribution during irradiation, when 39Ar produced from 39 K is recoiled into a less retentive K-poor phase (such as chlorite). This leads to younger apparent ages at the beginning of step heating, when the recoiled 39Ar is released. During the degassing of the main phase (biotite), the same amount of 39Ar which was released at lower temperatures is missing at higher temperatures, leading to higher apparent ages. In principle, the integrated ages of those biotites are the geological significant cooling ages. The Ca/K ratios increase at the last incremental steps, most probably caused by Ca-rich inclusions (apatite and/or hornblende) in the biotites. The spectra of 27-Hbl and 28-Hbl are relatively flat, while the Ca/K spectra show increasing values with temperature (Fig. 6b and d). Both spectra are slightly hump-shaped (27-Hbl more than 28-Hbl) at the beginning of the gas release, which can be explained by the presence of a small portion of biotite in the dated separate. At lower temperatures, biotite would degas first, leading to the lower Ca/K ratios. The Ca/K ratios will increase at higher temperatures when biotite is nearly degassed and hornblende is the main degassing phase. In any case, the total ages of 316.5 ± 4.3 Ma for 28-Hbl and of 316.0 ± 3.9 Ma (2σ) for 28-Bt are identical. Thus, even a small contamination of biotite in the hornblende separate would not change the apparent age. The spectrum of 27-Hbl is partially degassed, yielding a total gas age of 309.2 ± 5.3 Ma (Fig. 6b). In principle, this may be due to partial thermal degassing of the hornblende. However, this is unlikely Please cite this article as: Topuz, G., et al., Carboniferous high-potassium I-type granitoid magmatism in the Eastern Pontides: The Gümüşhane pluton (NE Turkey), Lithos (2010), doi:10.1016/j.lithos.2010.01.003 ARTICLE IN PRESS G. Topuz et al. / Lithos xxx (2010) xxx–xxx 11 Table 3 Ar–Ar data for biotite and hornblende separates from the Gümüşhane pluton. 40 Ar* (%) 37 27 Bt (J = 52.93 ± 0.12 (0.41)) * 10− 4) 1 400 0.037 ± 0.081 2 500 1.342 ± 0.081 3 580 4.668 ± 0.078 4 640 9.723 ± 0.079 5 680 9.571 ± 0.063 6 720 8.066 ± 0.037 7 770 10.007 ± 0.058 8 810 8.105 ± 0.079 9 850 5.471 ± 0.084 10 900 8.871 ± 0.046 11 950 15.186 ± 0.078 12 990 22.74 ± 0.14 13 1030 15.141 ± 0.086 14 1060 3.119 ± 0.060 15 1150 1.27 ± 0.11 16 1400 0.503 ± 0.075 Total 123.83 ± 0.33 0.44 ± 0.96 24.2 ± 1.5 74.4 ± 1.2 94.11 ± 0.78 97.11 ± 0.64 98.10 ± 0.54 91.63 ± 0.56 82.85 ± 0.82 97.2 ± 1.5 97.11 ± 0.54 99.14 ± 0.64 99.54 ± 0.82 98.85 ± 0.60 92.0 ± 2.0 72.3 ± 6.0 68 ± 10 86.28 ± 0.24 0.162 ± 0.051 0.147 ± 0.006 0.029 ± 0.002 0.032 ± 0.007 0.013 ± 0.001 0.006 ± 0.001 0.014 ± 0.001 0.057 ± 0.002 0.034 ± 0.002 0.034 ± 0.001 0.032 ± 0.001 0.028 ± 0.001 0.066 ± 0.003 0.323 ± 0.013 1.103 ± 0.044 1.265 ± 0.070 0.061 ± 0.003 27 Hbl (J = 53.12 ± 0.34 (0.51)) * 10− 4) 1 600 0.061 ± 0.037 2 700 0.283 ± 0.027 3 800 0.277 ± 0.031 4 900 4.095 ± 0.059 5 950 3.149 ± 0.021 6 1000 1.230 ± 0.035 7 1070 6.096 ± 0.058 8 1300 0.015 ± 0.032 Total 15.20 ± 0.12 1.39 ± 0.84 12.5 ± 1.2 37.2 ± 4.2 90.6 ± 1.3 94.71 ± 0.66 88.2 ± 2.3 92.18 ± 0.90 11 ± 23 64.85 ± 0.50 28 Bt (J = 53.13 ± 0.26 (0.47)) * 10− 4) 1 400 0.093 ± 0.067 2 500 1.491 ± 0.016 3 580 6.203 ± 0.091 4 640 8.695 ± 0.060 5 680 8.27 ± 0.11 6 720 12.011 ± 0.066 7 760 7.893 ± 0.059 8 820 10.247 ± 0.092 9 870 7.401 ± 0.030 10 920 23.37 ± 0.10 11 950 18.668 ± 0.066 12 980 12.181 ± 0.083 13 1010 4.721 ± 0.055 14 1150 1.289 ± 0.042 15 1400 0.950 ± 0.064 Total 123.48 ± 0.28 28 Hbl (J = 53.41 ± 0.23 (0.46)) * 10− 4) 1 600 0.137 ± 0.018 2 700 0.5320 ± 0.0050 3 780 0.356 ± 0.011 4 840 0.8009 ± 0.0065 5 880 2.346 ± 0.014 6 920 3.924 ± 0.011 7 960 1.189 ± 0.013 8 1000 1.567 ± 0.015 9 1030 3.301 ± 0.020 10 1060 1.581 ± 0.022 11 1100 0.0627 ± 0.0092 12 1400 0.0319 ± 0.0068 Total 15.837 ± 0.053 Step T (°C) 40 Ar* (10− 6 cm3 STP/g) Ar/39Ar 40 Ar*/39Ar 39 Ar (%) Age (Ma) 10 ± 21 9.48 ± 0.57 35.53 ± 0.60 36.84 ± 0.30 36.89 ± 0.27 37.27 ± 0.23 37.36 ± 0.22 40.15 ± 0.42 39.98 ± 0.62 38.62 ± 0.26 37.70 ± 0.22 37.15 ± 0.32 36.86 ± 0.23 36.74 ± 0.75 36.6 ± 3.1 32.2 ± 4.9 36.27 ± 0.35 0.11 4.15 3.85 7.73 7.60 6.34 7.85 5.91 4.01 6.73 11.80 17.93 12.03 2.49 1.02 0.46 100.00 89 ± 188 (188) 88.3 ± 5.2 (5.2) 310.9 ± 4.8 (5.3) 321.4 ± 2.5 (3.3) 321.8 ± 2.3 (3.1) 324.9 ± 2.0 (2.9) 325.5 ± 1.9 (2.9) 347.6 ± 4.9 (5.4) 346.3 ± 4.9 (5.4) 335.6 ± 2.2 (3.1) 328.2 ± 1.9 (2.9) 323.9 ± 2.6 (3.4) 321.6 ± 1.9 (2.9) 320.6 ± 6.0 (6.4) 319 ± 25 (25) 284 ± 40 (40) 316.8 ± 2.9 (3.6) 2.16 ± 0.14 1.217 ± 0.069 3.13 ± 0.18 4.74 ± 0.19 4.33 ± 0.17 4.47 ± 0.18 5.08 ± 0.20 0±0 4.62 ± 0.22 13.2 ± 8.1 27.9 ± 2.8 30.2 ± 3.6 35.37 ± 0.51 35.74 ± 0.27 34.22 ± 0.97 36.32 ± 0.36 28 ± 61 35.20 ± 0.62 1.06 2.34 2.12 26.80 20.39 8.32 38.85 0.12 100.00 123 ± 72 (72) 250 ± 24 (24) 269 ± 30 (30) 310.7 ± 4.5 (5.0) 313.6 ± 2.8 (3.5) 301.3 ± 8.1 (8.3) 318.3 ± 3.4 (4.0) 254 ± 512 (512) 309.2 ± 5.3 (5.7) 1.7 ± 1.2 38.92 ± 0.42 86.2 ± 1.3 95.86 ± 0.68 99.1 ± 1.4 98.21 ± 0.62 94.37 ± 0.72 93.69 ± 0.86 98.72 ± 0.44 99.57 ± 0.52 99.58 ± 0.36 99.81 ± 0.76 97.5 ± 1.1 88.6 ± 2.9 63.7 ± 4.3 91.34 ± 0.22 0.241 ± 0.028 0.109 ± 0.005 0.031 ± 0.002 0.009 ± 0.001 0.000 ± 0.000 0.014 ± 0.001 0.033 ± 0.001 0.058 ± 0.003 0.025 ± 0.001 0.026 ± 0.001 0.036 ± 0.001 0.043 ± 0.002 0.133 ± 0.005 1.235 ± 0.050 0.668 ± 0.032 0.054 ± 0.002 15 ± 11 12.35 ± 0.16 34.92 ± 0.54 36.16 ± 0.25 36.85 ± 0.52 36.76 ± 0.22 37.10 ± 0.31 38.31 ± 0.36 38.11 ± 0.19 37.21 ± 0.19 36.86 ± 0.14 37.01 ± 0.32 36.81 ± 0.43 35.8 ± 1.2 33.3 ± 2.3 36.03 ± 0.36 0.18 3.52 5.18 7.02 6.55 9.54 6.21 7.81 5.67 18.33 14.78 9.61 3.74 1.05 0.83 100.00 142 ± 99 (99) 114.7 ± 1.5 (1.7) 307.1 ± 4.6 (5.0) 317.1 ± 2.5 (3.3) 322.6 ± 4.4 (4.9) 321.8 ± 2.3 (3.2) 324.6 ± 2.9 (3.6) 334.2 ± 3.3 (4.0) 332.6 ± 2.2 (3.1) 325.5 ± 2.2 (3.1) 322.7 ± 1.9 (2.9) 323.8 ± 3.0 (3.7) 322.3 ± 3.8 (4.4) 314 ± 10 (10) 294 ± 18 (18) 316.0 ± 2.3 (3.9) 5.84 ± 0.76 41.83 ± 0.40 73.7 ± 2.2 90.51 ± 0.90 96.26 ± 0.60 98.42 ± 0.34 96.3 ± 1.1 99.35 ± 0.98 98.01 ± 0.60 95.2 ± 1.4 70 ± 10 14.9 ± 3.2 80.97 ± 0.28 2.557 ± 0.102 1.571 ± 0.062 1.919 ± 0.076 3.02 ± 0.12 3.93 ± 0.16 4.03 ± 0.16 4.09 ± 0.16 4.40 ± 0.17 4.67 ± 0.19 4.63 ± 0.18 5.91 ± 0.26 6.46 ± 0.58 4.04 ± 0.18 19.6 ± 2.6 30.80 ± 0.31 34.4 ± 1.0 37.38 ± 0.41 36.82 ± 0.23 36.34 ± 0.12 35.88 ± 0.48 36.58 ± 0.36 36.40 ± 0.24 36.25 ± 0.52 32.3 ± 4.8 35.2 ± 8.1 35.90 ± 0.44 1.58 3.92 2.35 4.86 14.44 24.48 7.51 9.77 20.56 9.89 0.44 0.21 100.00 179 ± 22 (22) 274.8 ± 2.8 (3.3) 304.4 ± 8.5 (8.7) 328.4 ± 3.6 (4.2) 323.9 ± 2.3 (3.1) 320.0 ± 1.6 (2.7) 316.3 ± 4.1 (4.6) 322.0 ± 3.2 (3.9) 320.5 ± 2.3 (3.1) 319.3 ± 4.4 (4.9) 287 ± 39 (39) 311 ± 65 (65) 316.5 ± 3.8 (4.3) Uncertainties are ±2σ. Errors in parentheses comprise age error and uncertainty of standard. The in-house standard ‘Bmus/2’ (Bärhalde muscovite) was used; age is 328.5 ± 2.2 Ma (2σ). because biotite separate from the same sample yielded a thermally undegassed spectrum. Partial alteration of hornblende (e.g. chloritization) leading to Ar degassing is more probable. The seventh step of the degassing spectrum of 27-Hbl corresponds to an age value of 318.3 ± 4.0 Ma, which agrees well with the total age of 27-Bt (316.8 ± 3.6 Ma). Summarizing, two pairs of biotite and hornblende (samples 27 and 28) yield the same age of ∼317 Ma. This age could be regarded as the cooling age of the Gümüşhane pluton below ∼570–470 °C, corresponding to the closure temperature for Ar diffusion in hornblende (Harrison et al., 1985; Grove and Harrison, 1996; Dahl, 1996, and references therein). Please cite this article as: Topuz, G., et al., Carboniferous high-potassium I-type granitoid magmatism in the Eastern Pontides: The Gümüşhane pluton (NE Turkey), Lithos (2010), doi:10.1016/j.lithos.2010.01.003 ARTICLE IN PRESS 12 G. Topuz et al. / Lithos xxx (2010) xxx–xxx Fig. 6. 40 Ar–39Ar incremental spectra of biotites and hornblendes from the Gümüşhane pluton. 7.2. Conventional U–Pb zircon dating Conventional U–Pb zircon dating was performed on samples 7 and 28. Zircon grains from both samples are mostly fine-grained (63–125 µm), subhedral to euhedral and have aspect ratios of about 1 to 3 (Fig. 7). Inclusions of apatite and internal fractures are common. SEM imaging revealed prism-parallel oscillatory and occasionally sector zoning, suggesting magmatic growth. No inherited cores are identified. Many Fig. 7. Back-scattered electron images of typical zircons from the Gümüşhane pluton. Please cite this article as: Topuz, G., et al., Carboniferous high-potassium I-type granitoid magmatism in the Eastern Pontides: The Gümüşhane pluton (NE Turkey), Lithos (2010), doi:10.1016/j.lithos.2010.01.003 ARTICLE IN PRESS G. Topuz et al. / Lithos xxx (2010) xxx–xxx 13 grains are corroded and may display altered domains. Six and five zircon fractions were analyzed from samples 7 and 28, respectively. Analytical results are listed in Table 4 and plotted on concordia diagrams (Fig. 8a and b). All the fractions gave discordant U–Pb ages, indicating Pb loss. The zircon fractions from sample 7 define a discordia (Fig. 8a) with intercept ages of 313 ± 24 Ma and 135 ± 72 Ma (2σ). If a forced regression through 0 Ma is regarded, the discordia yields an upperintercept of 301 ± 15 Ma (MSWD = 2.3). Likewise, zircon fractions from sample 28 gave discordant U–Pb ages and have 207Pb/206Pb ages of 340 to 342 Ma (Fig. 8b). A forced regression through 0 Ma leads to 341 ± 5 Ma (2σ). All these data suggest that the U–Pb system in zircon has been opened after igneous crystallization. As cited above, both samples were overprinted by a late subgreenschist-facies hydrothermal metamorphism. Most probably, this metamorphic event was responsible for the corrosion of zircon grains. In general, zircon has a high U–Pb isotopic closure temperature and is regarded as resistant against Pb loss even during hightemperature metamorphism (Lee et al., 1997; Cherniak and Watson, 2000). However, several studies have shown that zircons may yield discordant U–Pb ages from low-grade metamorphic and/or weathered rocks (e.g. Gebauer and Grünenfelder, 1976; Hann et al., 2003). Pb loss at low temperatures is ascribed to radiation damage mediated by fluid access (Mattinson, 2000). Hence, we consider that the Pb loss occurred by the interplay of radiation damage and fluid access during the subgreenschist-facies hydrothermal event, rather than by volume diffusion. In the view of the inferred magmatic origin of sub- to euhedral zircons with oscillatory and sector zoning, the upper-intercept model ages should be regarded as times approximating roughly the time of the granite emplacement. Fig. 8. Conventional U–Pb data on zircons from the Gümüşhane pluton. 7.3. LA-ICP-MS U–Pb zircon dating Zircon grains from samples 7 and 28 were analyzed for their U–Pb isotope compositions by LA-ICP-MS, whereby only the uncorroded inner parts of the grains were analyzed (see Table 5). 27 zircons of sample 7 and 15 zircons of sample 28 were analyzed, of which only 5 analysis were excluded from age calculation (marked by an asterisk in Table 5) due to irregular behavior of the ablation signal (e.g., sudden change of 207 Pb/206Pb ratios). These samples are also characterized by their elevated 204Pb signal, suggesting that Pb-rich phases (e.g., apatite) or epoxy was ablated. The grains have a wide range of U contents (113–3160 ppm) and relatively high Th/U ratios between 0.26 and 0.78, typical for magmatic zircons (Teipel et al., 2004). Unlike the conventional whole-grain U–Pb zircon data, all analyzed zircon cores were nearly concordant, yielding a weighted mean age of 329 ± 6 Ma for sample 28 and of 319 ± 5 Ma (2σ) for sample 7 (Fig. 9). These results suggest that the discordancy of conventional U–Pb dates is most probably due to the altered zircon domains which were not analyzed by LA-ICP-MS. The ages for the samples 7 and 28 determined by LA-ICP-MS are not resolvable within Table 4 U–Pb isotope dilution data for zircons (samples 7 and 28) from the Gümüşhane pluton. # Weight (mg)a 206 Pb/204Pbb Ua (ppm) Pba (ppm) 206 Pb*/208Pb* Isotopic ratiosc 206 Pb*/238U Model ages (Ma) 207 Pb*/235U 207 Pb*/206Pb* 206 Pb/238U 207 Pb*/235U 207 Pb/206Pb Sample 7 1 0.021 2 0.026 3 0.010 4 0.020 5 0.013 6 0.008 888 2190 467 2747 1724 336 297 292 1040 760 494 1017 14 14 39 37 21 42 7.91 7.53 8.04 9.69 7.04 6.39 0.04720 ± 31 0.04696 ± 34 0.03784 ± 34 0.04947 ± 32 0.04102 ± 21 0.03080 ± 30 0.34152 ± 47 0.33831 ± 40 0.27340 ± 87 0.35990 ± 37 0.29423 ± 19 0.28538 ± 71 0.05247 ± 62 0.05224 ± 49 0.05239 ± 16 0.05275 ± 41 0.05201 ± 19 0.05199 ± 12 297 295 239 311 259 251 298 295 245 312 261 254 305 296 302 318 285 285 Sample 28 1 0.019 2 0.020 3 0.029 4 0.029 5 0.027 1148 1157 1375 1590 1456 579 1098 851 638 740 23 43 31 30 32 7.41 7.53 7.24 6.67 7.25 0.03741 ± 23 0.03602 ± 21 0.03360 ± 19 0.04320 ± 25 0.04110 ± 22 0.2748 ± 28 0.2645 ± 25 0.2469 ± 19 0.3175 ± 32 0.3020 ± 20 0.05328 ± 45 0.05325 ± 42 0.05329 ± 29 0.05329 ± 29 0.05330 ± 21 237 228 213 273 260 247 238 224 280 268 341 340 341 341 342 * = radiogenic lead, errors are 2σm. a Weight and concentration error better than 20%. b Measured ratio corrected for mass discrimination and spike contribution. c Corrected for blank Pb, U and initial Pb (model of Stacey and Kramers, 1975). Please cite this article as: Topuz, G., et al., Carboniferous high-potassium I-type granitoid magmatism in the Eastern Pontides: The Gümüşhane pluton (NE Turkey), Lithos (2010), doi:10.1016/j.lithos.2010.01.003 ARTICLE IN PRESS 14 G. Topuz et al. / Lithos xxx (2010) xxx–xxx Table 5 LA-ICP-MS U–Th–Pb isotopic data and calculated ages for zircons from the Gümüşhane pluton. Analysis Th U Th/U 206 Pb/204Pb 207 Pb/235U Sample 7 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 145 146 147 148 149* 150* 151* 152 153 154 155 156 157 158* 159 160 161 586 306 243 417 386 173 337 843 368 150 715 385 273 925 113 291 222 407 387 604 361 907 469 1264 370 353 389 1066 898 757 1159 1031 579 882 2588 1033 570 1764 883 819 3160 340 729 541 1062 782 1218 968 2057 1047 2529 991 1020 1498 0.55 0.34 0.32 0.36 0.37 0.30 0.38 0.33 0.36 0.26 0.41 0.44 0.33 0.29 0.33 0.40 0.41 0.38 0.50 0.50 0.37 0.44 0.45 0.50 0.37 0.35 0.26 N 2045 2399 N 1377 N 2284 N 1952 639 N 1806 4001 N 1876 N 1153 N 3314 N 1782 N 1455 2895 38 71 108 N 2105 1079 N 2315 N 1817 N 3617 N 1927 190 N 1708 N 2103 N 2844 0.353(19) 0.363(18) 0.371(17) 0.380(18) 0.356(17) 0.362(25) 0.368(19) 0.349(17) 0.356(18) 0.343(22) 0.375(18) 0.385(29) 0.357(20) 0.378(17) 5.792(614) 2.909(261) 1.585(155) 0.364(19) 0.371(19) 0.392(19) 0.360(19) 0.374(17) 0.367(19) 0.923(116) 0.371(20) 0.373(19) 0.373(20) Sample 28 231 232 233 234 235 236* 237 238 239 240* 241 242 243 244 245 1095 885 791 566 524 181 205 474 239 655 229 506 377 229 425 1406 1171 1198 774 842 491 381 1669 571 973 491 1011 678 500 777 0.78 0.76 0.66 0.73 0.62 0.37 0.54 0.28 0.42 0.67 0.47 0.50 0.56 0.46 0.55 N 3054 1163 3841 875 N 1783 228 N 788 N 3772 N 1020 678 N 1048 N 2395 N 1459 N 1154 N 1678 0.416(18) 0.477(29) 0.391(19) 0.372(16) 0.386(16) 0.926(132) 0.383(19) 0.380(35) 0.356(59) 0.664(40) 0.374(18) 0.381(20) 0.380(17) 0.378(22) 0.366(22) 206 Pb/238U Rho 207 Pb/206Pb 208 Pb/232Th 208 Pb/232Th 207 Pb/235U 206 Pb/238U 0.0495(21) 0.0509(20) 0.0519(17) 0.0511(16) 0.0508(18) 0.0507(26) 0.0505(20) 0.0446(16) 0.0502(19) 0.0494(26) 0.0506(18) 0.0507(34) 0.0511(22) 0.0523(18) 0.0944(85) 0.0730(34) 0.0601(35) 0.0512(20) 0.0519(20) 0.0517(18) 0.0505(20) 0.0510(18) 0.0501(22) 0.0506(52) 0.0509(21) 0.0499(21) 0.0506(23) 0.35 0.27 0.21 0.25 0.26 0.29 0.25 0.31 0.29 0.31 0.26 0.38 0.27 0.26 0.76 0.26 0.39 0.34 0.23 0.19 0.27 0.31 0.28 0.38 0.30 0.30 0.37 0.0517(28) 0.0517(28) 0.0519(27) 0.0539(27) 0.0507(26) 0.0518(38) 0.0528(30) 0.0567(29) 0.0514(27) 0.0504(34) 0.0538(28) 0.0550(44) 0.0506(31) 0.0524(26) 0.4447(309) 0.2892(259) 0.1911(177) 0.0516(28) 0.0519(30) 0.0550(30) 0.0517(29) 0.0532(26) 0.0531(30) 0.1323(170) 0.0529(30) 0.0542(30) 0.0535(30) 0.0152(09) 0.0153(08) 0.0154(08) 0.0159(08) 0.0156(08) 0.0159(11) 0.0156(08) 0.0144(10) 0.0156(08) 0.0159(10) 0.0157(08) 0.0160(11) 0.0166(10) 0.0167(09) 0.2731(301) 0.1179(107) 0.0639(62) 0.0156(08) 0.0162(10) 0.0162(10) 0.0158(09) 0.0159(08) 0.0154(09) 0.0338(44) 0.0158(09) 0.0154(09) 0.0158(09) 304 ± 18 307 ± 16 309 ± 15 318 ± 15 313 ± 16 318 ± 22 313 ± 17 288 ± 20 314 ± 16 319 ± 21 314 ± 16 321 ± 22 332 ± 19 335 ± 17 4881 ± 483 2253 ± 194 1252 ± 119 313 ± 16 325 ± 19 326 ± 20 318 ± 18 318 ± 16 310 ± 17 672 ± 86 317 ± 18 309 ± 17 318 ± 17 307 ± 14 314 ± 14 321 ± 13 327 ± 13 309 ± 13 314 ± 19 318 ± 14 304 ± 13 310 ± 14 300 ± 16 323 ± 13 331 ± 21 310 ± 15 326 ± 13 1945 ± 96 1384 ± 70 964 ± 63 316 ± 14 321 ± 15 336 ± 14 312 ± 14 323 ± 13 318 ± 14 664 ± 63 321 ± 15 322 ± 14 322 ± 15 311 ± 13 320 ± 12 326 ± 11 321 ± 10 320 ± 11 319 ± 16 318 ± 12 281 ± 10 316 ± 12 311 ± 16 318 ± 11 319 ± 21 322 ± 13 328 ± 11 582 ± 50 454 ± 20 376 ± 22 322 ± 13 326 ± 12 325 ± 11 318 ± 12 321 ± 11 315 ± 13 318 ± 32 320 ± 13 314 ± 13 318 ± 14 0.0524(17) 0.0534(17) 0.0528(22) 0.0518(17) 0.0534(16) 0.0539(44) 0.0521(15) 0.0522(45) 0.0456(71) 0.0554(20) 0.0519(18) 0.0529(24) 0.0519(18) 0.0519(23) 0.0516(26) 0.61 0.49 0.55 0.63 0.64 0.30 0.54 0.49 0.55 0.52 0.52 0.55 0.68 0.54 0.52 0.0575(20) 0.0647(34) 0.0537(24) 0.0521(18) 0.0525(17) 0.1247(177) 0.0534(23) 0.0528(47) 0.0566(86) 0.0869(45) 0.0522(22) 0.0523(24) 0.0530(17) 0.0529(27) 0.0515(28) 0.0172(06) 0.0191(08) 0.0171(07) 0.0168(06) 0.0171(06) 0.0428(57) 0.0167(06) 0.0167(14) 0.0157(26) 0.0247(12) 0.0167(07) 0.0169(07) 0.0161(06) 0.0161(07) 0.0166(09) 344 ± 11 382 ± 15 342 ± 14 336 ± 12 343 ± 12 847 ± 110 335 ± 12 336 ± 29 315 ± 52 494 ± 24 335 ± 13 339 ± 13 324 ± 12 322 ± 14 332 ± 17 353 ± 13 396 ± 20 335 ± 14 321 ± 12 332 ± 12 666 ± 72 330 ± 14 327 ± 26 309 ± 45 517 ± 25 322 ± 13 328 ± 15 327 ± 13 326 ± 16 317 ± 16 329 ± 11 335 ± 11 332 ± 14 326 ± 10 335 ± 10 338 ± 27 328 ± 9 328 ± 28 288 ± 44 348 ± 12 326 ± 11 332 ± 14 326 ± 11 326 ± 14 324 ± 16 U and Th concentrations are estimated from sensitivity factors calculated from GJ zircon (the Mainz crystal has 322 ppm U and 10.7 ppm Th). 204Hg interferences on 204Pb are subtracted using a 201Hg/204Hg ratio of 1.918. 235U is calculated from 238U using a 238U/235U ratio of 137.88. * = Analysis not used for age calculation. Rho = error correlation defined as the quotient of the propagated errors of the 206Pb/238U, 207Pb/235U and 207Pb/206Pb ratios. Uncertainties in parantheses are given for the last two digits and correspond to 1σ. the given accuracy and we therefore conclude that the emplacement age for the Gümüşhane pluton can be given as 324 ± 6 Ma. 9. Discussion 9.1. Intrusion age of the Gümüşhane pluton 8. Nd–Sr isotopes 40 Bulk-rock Nd and Sr isotope data are listed in Table 6. Initial Sr and Nd isotope compositions are based on 324 Ma. Initial εNd values [εNd(I)] of the granodiorite/granite and of the mafic microgranular enclaves range from − 3.78 to −5.30 and initial 87Sr/86Sr isotope ratios [87Sr/86Sr(I)] vary from 0.70212 to 0.70726 (Fig. 10). There is no correlation between εNd(I) and 87Sr/86Sr(I). Leucogranites, granophyres and aplites display wide-ranging 87Sr/86Sr(I) values (0.68878– 0.70956). Extremely low 87Sr/86Sr(I) values (e.g. 0.68878–0.70212) are shown by the highly altered samples. These relationships suggest that the Sr isotopic budget was more severely influenced by hydrothermal events than that of Nd. The Nd model ages, calculated relative to depleted-mantle after the model of Liew and Hofmann (1988), range from 1.38 to 1.63 Ga. The granophyres tend to have slightly lower εNd(I) values (−5.15 to −6.84) and higher Nd model ages (1.50–1.63 Ga). Ar–39Ar ages of hornblende and biotite from samples 27 and 28 indicate a minimum intrusion age of ∼320 ± 4 Ma (adjusted for the K decay constant miscalibration, see Analytical techniques) for the Gümüşhane pluton. This minimum age constraint is indistinguishable from the LA-ICP-MS U–Pb zircon data of 324 ± 6 Ma (2σ) within the range of analytical uncertainty. Thus, we infer that the Gümüşhane pluton was emplaced during the latest Early Carboniferous (Serpukhovian, Davydov et al., 2004). Identical hornblende and biotite 40Ar–39Ar ages (318–322 Ma) and rock types were reported for the Köse granitoid, located 5 km to the SE of the Gümüşhane pluton (Fig. 1; Dokuz et al., 2009). Both the Gümüşhane and Köse plutons can be regarded as part of the same large intrusion. The 40Ar–39Ar cooling ages of biotites and muscovites from mica schists of the Kurtoğlu metamorphic complex into which the Gümüşhane pluton intruded are ∼ 323 Ma (∼326 Ma given K decay miscalibration; Topuz et al., 2007), slightly older than the 40Ar–39Ar biotite and hornblende ages Please cite this article as: Topuz, G., et al., Carboniferous high-potassium I-type granitoid magmatism in the Eastern Pontides: The Gümüşhane pluton (NE Turkey), Lithos (2010), doi:10.1016/j.lithos.2010.01.003 ARTICLE IN PRESS G. Topuz et al. / Lithos xxx (2010) xxx–xxx Fig. 10. Variation of initial 15 87 Sr/86Sr and εNd values in the Gümüşhane pluton. from the Gümüşhane pluton. This implies that the cooling of the Gümüşhane pluton and Kurtoğlu metamorphics occurred diachronously, and intrusion of the granite pluton postdates the peak of lowP–high-T metamorphism. One question is the timing of the hydrothermal event which led to a partial, sometimes nearly complete resetting of 40Ar–39Ar biotite and hornblende ages, a disturbance of Sr isotopic system and Pb loss in the marginal domains of zircon grains. As a general approximation, this hydrothermal event is either as old as the youngest Ar–Ar age (74 Ma, Late Cretaceous) or even younger. The 40Ar–39Ar spectra of the biotite separate from the sample 17 (not shown in Fig. 6) yielded a well-defined plateau age, ∼ 74.4 ± 1.3 Ma with more than 85% 39Ar released. Hence, we suggest that the later thermal event occurred at ∼74.4 Ma before present, and are most probably related to Late Cretaceous igneous activity. 9.2. Magma genesis and intra-pluton evolution Fig. 9. Concordia diagrams of LA-ICP-MS U–Pb zircon ages from the Gümüşhane pluton. Error ellipses are given at the 2σ level. Stippled data point from sample 7 has not been considered in concordia age calculation. Concordia ages calculated by Isoplot 3.50 (Ludwig, 2003). Based on the linear variation of TiO2, Al2O3, Fe2Otot 3 , MgO, CaO, K2O, P2O5, Sc, ASI vs. SiO2 (Fig. 3), the felsic rock types (leucogranite and Table 6 Sr–Nd isotopic data for whole-rock samples from the Gümüşhane I-type granitoid pluton. Sample Rb (ppm) Sr (ppm) Sm (ppm) Biotite–hornblende granite/granodiorite (BHG, 1 BHG 143.0 152.3 3.51 2 BHG 139.4 155.1 3.63 3 BHG 148.1 138.9 4.61 7 BHG 189.0 88.2 5.70 19 BHG 117.5 95.8 5.73 93 BHG 154.8 269.2 3.44 307 BHGD 113.2 255.8 3.42 Nd (ppm) 87 Rb/86Sr 87 Sr/86Sr 87 Sr/86Sr(I) 147 Sm/144Nd 143 Nd/144Nd 143 Nd/144Nd(I) εNd(I) TDM (Ga) BHGD) 22.9 24.0 30.2 42.5 31.1 16.5 17.1 2.7194 2.6030 3.0889 6.2124 3.5543 1.6650 1.2810 0.718344 0.717824 0.720940 0.730772 0.721924 0.715278 0.713172 (10) (08) (10) (09) (10) (10) (09) 0.70580 0.70582 0.70670 0.70212 0.70553 0.70760 0.70726 0.0933 0.0917 0.0927 0.0815 0.1120 0.1266 0.1214 0.512189 0.512198 0.512224 0.512196 0.512187 0.512260 0.512251 (10) (08) (10) (10) (08) (07) (07) 0.511991 0.512003 0.512027 0.512023 0.511949 0.511991 0.511993 − 4.48 − 4.24 − 3.78 − 3.86 − 5.30 − 4.48 − 4.44 1.43 1.41 1.38 1.38 1.50 1.43 1.43 Mafic microgranular enclave (MME) 1E 161.7 142.2 8.03 93E 104.1 157.6 6.95 307E 86.6 252.6 4.89 21.8 31.2 24.0 3.2941 1.9126 0.9923 0.720499 (07) 0.715728 (10) 0.711622 (10) 0.70531 0.70691 0.70705 0.2235 0.1353 0.1237 0.512447 (11) 0.512303 (05) 0.512271 (10) 0.511973 0.512016 0.512009 − 4.84 − 4.00 − 4.14 1.46 1.39 1.41 Aplite (A) 3B 231.6 Granophyre (G) H2 146.3 10C 153.1 11C 143.3 335 190.6 18.82 4.97 15.42 36.1118 0.855340 (18) 0.68878 0.1957 0.512403 (12) 0.511988 − 4.55 1.44 42.8 20.5 23.5 18.2 5.16 5.67 5.73 5.08 20.8 25.4 19.8 16.4 9.9359 21.7495 17.7467 30.7064 0.755381 0.794839 0.781072 0.844916 0.70956 0.69454 0.69923 0.70332 0.1506 0.1357 0.1757 0.1881 0.512190 0.512245 0.512267 0.512351 0.511870 0.511957 0.511894 0.511952 − 6.84 − 5.15 − 6.37 − 5.25 1.63 1.49 1.59 1.50 (10) (10) (10) (10) (07) (07) (08) (07) Uncertainties for the 87Sr/86Sr and 143Nd/144Nd ratios are 2σm errors in the last two digits (in parantheses). εNd(I) values (at 324 Ma) are calculated relative to CHUR with presentday values of 143Nd/144Nd = 0.512638 and 147Sm/144Nd = 0.1967 (Jacobsen and Wasserburg, 1980). Nd model ages (TDM) are calculated with a depleted-mantle reservoir and present-day values of 143Nd/144Nd = 0.513151 and 147Sm/144Nd = 0.219 (Liew and Hofmann, 1988). Please cite this article as: Topuz, G., et al., Carboniferous high-potassium I-type granitoid magmatism in the Eastern Pontides: The Gümüşhane pluton (NE Turkey), Lithos (2010), doi:10.1016/j.lithos.2010.01.003 ARTICLE IN PRESS 16 G. Topuz et al. / Lithos xxx (2010) xxx–xxx granophyre) can be interpreted as fractionation product of more mafic rock types. Nonetheless, the distinct rock types of the Gümüşhane pluton (granite/granodiorite, mafic enclave and granophyre) form distinctive groupings on the bi-variate plots of Sr, Ba, (La/Yb)cn, Sr/Y and ∑REEs vs. SiO2 (Figs. 3 and 11), which can be best accounted for by the partial melting of distinct sources, rather than a simple fractionation history. Below we discuss the role of the fractional crystallization for each rock suite separately. The chemical variation within the granite and granodiorite suggests fractionation of plagioclase and hornblende, accompanied by accessory phases, such as magnetite and apatite. Plagioclase fractionation causes negative anomalies in Sr and Eu, fractionation of hornblende and magnetite may be responsible for the negative anomaly in Ti, and the negative anomaly in P is most probably the result of apatite fractionation (Fig. 4a–b). Such a fractionation trend is also suggested by the variation in REE patterns (Fig. 5). In particular, fractionation of hornblende should increase La/Yb values of the residual melts, and in more evolved systems the residual melts should develop chondrite-normalized REE patterns with a concave-upward shape (e.g. Romick et al., 1992), as shown by the Gümüşhane granodiorite/granite samples (Fig. 5). The Sr/Y ratios of the granite/ granodiorites are correlated with the SiO2 (Fig. 11), suggesting that the ratio is modified by the fractionation. Since chondrite-normalized REE patterns show almost no fractionation of the middle to heavy REE and Sr/Y ratios in the least fractionated granodiorite sample are low (≤15), garnet was not involved in the genesis of the magmas (Figs. 5 and 11). Low Rb/Sr ratios (0.44–1.20) rule out an origin from a mafic magma by extensive fractional crystallization. On the other hand, relatively high MgO contents preclude metasedimentary or felsic igneous rocks as source. Partial melting of mafic sources seems necessary to explain the major and trace element features. Experimental works have shown that high-K calc-alkaline granitic magmas Fig. 11. (a) Sr/Y vs. Y (b) Sr/Y vs. SiO2. can only derive from the melting of high-K calc-alkaline mafic metamorphic rocks in the crust (e.g. Helz, 1976; Sisson et al., 2005). The round microgranular mafic enclaves prove the coexistence of dispersed basaltic to andesitic magma from the mantle. Such a rock association is common to almost all I-type plutons world-wide, in particular to the composite plutons, and is often explained by a complex process involving mafic mantle-derived melts and granitic crustal melts generated by partial melting of mafic crustal rocks (e.g. Altherr et al., 1999, 2000; Kemp and Hawkesworth, 2005; Sisson et al., 2005; Ratajeski et al., 2005). In case of the Gümüşhane pluton, mafic microgranular enclaves display REE patterns and enriched Nd–Sr isotopic signatures similar to those of the host granite and granodiorite. Intensive mass transfer between mafic globules and felsic host magma seems to be the rule rather than the exception (e.g. Holden et al., 1991; Elburg, 1996; Galán et al., 1996; Petford et al., 1996) and this is also suggested by experimental evidence (van der Laan and Wyllie, 1993; Lesher, 1994). The leucogranite (sample 10B) displays an evolved composition, most probably by fractionation of K-feldspar and plagioclase leading to significantly lower contents of Rb, Sr and Ba and lower Eu/Eu* (0.13). It represents either a later magma batch or the most differentiated products of the granite/granodiorite. The granophyres have geochemical features distinct from the granite/ granodiorite (higher SiO2, K2O/Na2O and Rb/Sr ratios, and more pronounced negative anomalies in Ba, Nb–Ta, Sr–Eu and Ti). Besides, they display slightly more negative εNd values (−5.15 to −6.84), and higher Nd model ages (1.49–1.63 Ga). In log–log diagrams of Ba and Rb vs. Sr, the granophyres define linear trends (Fig. 12). This linear trend can be explained by the combined fractionation of plagioclase + biotite (in ratio of 4 to 1) or plagioclase-K-feldspar (in ratio of 2 to 1). As the Kfeldspar is a late crystallizing phase, fractionation of plagioclase + biotite Fig. 12. Variation of (a) Rb vs. Sr, and (b) Ba vs. Sr. Fractionation vectors were calculated according to the partition coefficients listed in Rollinson (1993). Tick marks in the vectors indicate the percentage of the fractionating mineral in 10% intervals. Please cite this article as: Topuz, G., et al., Carboniferous high-potassium I-type granitoid magmatism in the Eastern Pontides: The Gümüşhane pluton (NE Turkey), Lithos (2010), doi:10.1016/j.lithos.2010.01.003 ARTICLE IN PRESS G. Topuz et al. / Lithos xxx (2010) xxx–xxx seems probable. The Sr/Y ratios are not correlated to SiO2 (Fig. 11), suggesting that the ratio is not modified by fractionation. Systematic decrease of (La/Yb)cn ratios in the REE patterns (Fig. 5) require separation of minerals such allanite or monazite, which preferentially incorporate light rare earth elements relative to the heavier ones. The geochemical features (high Rb/Sr ratios and contents of K2O and SiO2) are consistent with derivation from a felsic micaceous crustal source (cf. van de Flierdt et al., 2003; Jung et al., 2009). 9.3. Geodynamic implications Late Paleozoic paleogeographic reconstructions consistently indicate a large westerly narrowing oceanic embayment between the two supercontinents, the Gondwana in the south and the Laurussia in the north, in the present-day Eastern Mediterranean realm (e.g. Smith et al., 1981; Scotese, 1984; Stampfli and Borel, 2002). The oceanic domain between these supercontinents is known as Paleotethys. The location of the Eastern Pontides during late Paleozoic time is contentious: (i) Şengör and Yılmaz (1981) and Şengör (1990) maintain that the Eastern Pontides formed part of the active northern margin of the southern continent (Gondwana). (ii) Okay et al. (2006) and Moix et al. (2007), on the other hand, suggest that the Eastern Pontides were located at the southern margin of Laurussia. Carboniferous low-P–high-T metamorphism and I- and S-type granitoid magmatism are widespread throughout the Sakarya zone and in the Caucasus, which forms the eastward extension of the Eastern Pontides (e.g. Hanel et al., 1992; Okay et al., 2002; Somin et al., 2006; Nzegge et al., 2006; Dokuz et al., 2009; Treloar et al., 2009). So far, no Carboniferous metamorphism and magmatism as well as Permo-Triassic accretionary complexes have been documented from the south of the Izmir–Ankara–Erzincan suture (e.g. in the Anatolide– Tauride block). The Anatolide–Tauride block has a Neo-Proterozoic crystalline basement overlain by different sedimentary successions ranging from Mid-Cambrian to Miocene in age. The basement and parts of the overlying successions were strongly deformed and partly metamorphosed during the Alpine Orogeny (Okay et al., 2006, and the references therein). Striking differences in the stratigraphy and in the type and age of the basement rock associations suggest that the Sakarya Zone and Anatolide–Tauride block formed distinct entities during the Late Paleozoic–Early Mesozoic (Carboniferous to Late Triassic). Hence, the Eastern Pontides along with the Caucasus were probably part of the Laurusssia during the Carboniferous. Latest Early to Late Carboniferous accretionary complexes and high pressure metamorphics (blueschists and low-T eclogites) are not known in the Eastern Pontides and Caucasus which would indicate the presence of a coeval subduction zone during the emplacement of the Gümüşhane pluton. Therefore, low-P–high-T metamorphism (i.e. in the Kurtoğlu and Pulur regions; Topuz et al., 2004a, 2007) and granitic plutons such as those of Gümüşhane and Köse in the Eastern Pontides can be regarded as a late phase of this orogeny, similar to the Hercynian chain in Central Europe (e.g. Finger et al. 1997). The large amount of Early Carboniferous granitoids in the Eastern Pontides (Gümüşhane pluton ∼400 km2, Köse pluton ∼250 km2) is probably a reflection of the special thermal circumstances in concert with the presence of fertile lithologies in the lower crust. In a postcollisional setting, delamination of the sub-continental lithosphere might have occurred, leading to underplating of mafic rocks. These underplated magmas may have provided the heat necessary for melting of the existent mafic to relatively felsic lower crustal rocks. 10. Conclusions The latest Early Carboniferous Gümüşhane I-type pluton forms a significant constituent of the pre-Liassic basement of the Eastern Pontides. This composite intrusion comprises high-K granodiorite, granite, leucogranite and granophyre. The emplacement age of the 17 pluton is constrained to ∼324 ± 6 Ma by LA-ICP-MS U–Pb dating of core domains of zircon grains. In addition, 40Ar–39Ar dating of hornblende and biotite from the least overprinted samples yielded ages around ∼320 Ma within error limits of the U–Pb age. The Gümüşhane pluton was emplaced a few million years after the low-P–high-T metamorphism of the surrounding rocks. The granite/granodiorite members of the high-K Gümüşhane pluton were probably generated by melting of mafic crustal rocks, induced by the injection of basaltic magmas from the upper mantle, as suggested by numerous mafic microgranular enclaves. However, the granophyres probably represent partial melts of a relatively felsic micaceous source. Overall, the chemical compositions of the pluton portions suggest melting at relatively shallow crustal levels, leaving a plagioclase–hornblende-bearing restite without significant amounts of garnet. The Gümüşhane pluton together with the other Early to Late Carboniferous plutonic rocks in the Sakarya Zone and Caucasus represent a late phase of the Hercynian orogeny in the Eastern Mediterranean. Acknowledgements This research was supported by the grant no. 104Y284 from the Turkish Research Foundation (TÜBİTAK) and the TÜBA GEBIP program. Ilona Fin and Oliver Wienand are thanked for preparing hundreds of high-quality (polished) thin sections. Assistance of HansPeter Meyer during the EMPA and SEM work, of Gürsel Sunal and Taylan Sancar during mineral separation and of Şener Ceryan during field work are gratefully acknowledged. We also thank Aral I. Okay, Kent Ratajeski, Yücel Yılmaz and Nelson Eby for their constructive comments which considerably improved the quality of the manuscript. References Altherr, R., Siebel, W., 2002. I-type plutonism in a continental back-arc setting: Miocene granitoids and monzonites from the central Aegean Sea, Greece. 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Please cite this article as: Topuz, G., et al., Carboniferous high-potassium I-type granitoid magmatism in the Eastern Pontides: The Gümüşhane pluton (NE Turkey), Lithos (2010), doi:10.1016/j.lithos.2010.01.003