Multiple shop owner meets challenges of different markets with


Multiple shop owner meets challenges of different markets with
Modern Shop Management
Powertrain Systems
Online Edition at
Serving Missouri, Kansas, Nebraska & Iowa
Volume 21 Number 8 August 2012
Multiple shop owner meets challenges of
different markets with customized marketing
Pages 15-19 C1-C8
Nixa body shop owner comes out of
retirement, partners for new shop .15
by Matthew Sevart
“Trying to find quality techs is
Business partners Gary
French and Brandon
Overland Park, Kan.—
like needles in a haystack right
Davis are using each
Owning and managing multiple
now. I don’t know where this
other’s strengths to
repair shops can be a real
industry’s going to go, but there is
grow French-Davis
challenge, said Jeff and Julie
not much to pick from.”
Collision, which they opened in 2010.
Ralston, owners of Auto Doctors,
Currently, Ralston said he has
Repairers and dealers speak out on
which opened in Kansas City,
six employees between the two
State Farm’s PartsTrader system . . C-2
Kan., in 2001, and added a second
stores, but he is looking to raise
As State Farm expands testing or roll-out of
its PartsTrader parts ordering system in
location, in Overland Park, in
that number to seven or eight in
several markets around the U.S., repairers
the near future.
and dealers offer their opinions.
It became quickly apparent that
“It always seems to be that you
New options exist for shops seeking
the two shops, while sharing the
have too much work or not
lower-cost refinish materials . . . . . . C-6
same name, were in completely
enough work — can you hire
Parts & People speaks with a number of
different markets, and had to
another guy or can’t you?” Ralston manufacturers to get a perspective on the
Auto Doctors Co-owner Jeff Ralston stands in front of his
current condition of the value segment.
operate accordingly, Julie Ralston Overland Park repair shop. Ralston has a second store in
said. “That’s the kind of the thing
Kansas City, and says managing both can be a challenge,
we have to fight.”
Shops take ‘lean’ to next level with
especially since they are located in two very different
“Someone considering opening markets.
The solution comes in
administrative and marketing smarts .17
While great strides continue to be made in
a second shop needs to be aware
maintaining a higher car count,
shop-floor lean initiatives, the next steps of
of the differences in the area they are
money, whereas at the Kansas City shop,
which Ralston said requires effective
lean are in administration, office, supply
looking to grow,” she said. “We thought a
our customers lost their jobs,” he said, “so marketing, professional management
chain, and marketing.
lot of things would overlap marketingit’s a huge difference.”
skills, and a focus on customer
Collision Repair Training Notes . . . .18
wise, but we found out that they are really
Two shops means two times the staff,
very separate.”
too, which can be a challenge to maintain
Continued on page 20
The Kansas City shop is more repairand grow, Ralston said.
More photos and
based, and the Overland Park shop is
“The biggest struggle is finding help,”
INSIDE Parts & People
articles at
more maintenance-based, Jeff Ralston
he said. “You interview someone and they
More than 14,300 circulated
said, adding that since the recession, their
never show back up. Or they tell you, ‘I
Transmission distributor expands,
Certified ‘green’ shops can receive up
differences became evident.
need a week before I can start,’ or a guy
invests in online ordering system . . . . 3
to $100K in funding assistance . . . . 14
“When the economy hit bottom at our
says, ‘Yeah, I can do this and that,’ but he
From a real-time, online parts
GRC-Pirk Management
new shop our customers lost 401(k)
can’t turn on the test light to use it.
ordering catalog, to a third parts
recently announced it has
warehouse in Sioux Falls, S.D.,
that opened last year, A & Reds
is embracing technology and
expanding its reach.
Mitchell 1 rides cusp of technology
curve with new ProDemand suite . . . . 3
ATRA Powertrain Expo and APRA
Big R Show return to Las Vegas . . . . . 7
Auto Notes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
Parts & People provides the most recent
automotive news from around the globe.
Use of mobile apps will play a pivotal
role in aftermarket future . . . . . . . . . 11
Derek Kaufman, president of C3 Network,
cities examples of companies taking data and
mobile applications to the next level of use
and profitability.
been authorized to qualify
certified green shop owners
for funding assistance.
Cooper’s Keys to Auto Repair Profits . 24
GAAS panel discusses where consumers
will go for service in the future . . . . . . 25
Market researchers
reveal data and
predictions on where
drivers will go for
service in the near
future and why.
Mechanical Repair Training Notes . . 28
People & Places . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29
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Page 2
August 2012
Parts & People
Modern Shop Management / Powertrain Systems Focus Issue
Transmission parts distributor adds new warehouse, invests in ordering system
by Matthew Sevart
kits, 10, 350 kits, and 10, 400
seen the biggest change in this industry,” he
Wichita, Kan.—This year marks 40
kits,’ but now guys don’t know
years in business for A & Reds
what is coming in their shop,
It has moved from a stocking industry to
Transmission Parts, and it has brought
because there are just too many
a service industry, he added. “Most
with it some major changes for the
makes and models.”
customers are ordering parts today that they
full-line distributor of hard and soft
Parts Manager Roger
are going to install the following day, when
parts. From a real-time, online parts
Fredrickson said he has watched
they hope to have the job finished so they
ordering catalog, to a third parts
transmission kit variations
can collect their money and move on.”
warehouse in Sioux Falls, S.D., that
increase from 10 to 250
Therefore, Rasmussen said, A & Reds’
opened in June 2011, Sales Manager
applications since he has been
expertise lies in taking an order by 5 p.m.
Rob Rasmussen said A & Reds is
with the company.
and having it on the shop owners’ doorstep
embracing technology and expanding
“Unless they are really niche
at 8 a.m. the following day.
its reach.
oriented, there is just no way that
“It’s a microwave world.” he said,
By adding a third warehouse,
you can stock everything,” he
“People need things quickly, so we use
From l., Sales Manager Rob Rasmussen, who alongside
Salesman William Sherwood and Parts Manager Roger
Rasmussen said it logistically set the
local courier services and UPS to get our
Fredrickson, is working to be a one-stop shop for their
company up to add next-day delivery
Instead, shops stock the most
parts out and delivered next day.”
to a large number of accounts in the
popular items, said Rasmussen,
With increased transmission applications,
upper Midwest.
Missouri, Oklahoma, most of North
but even then, those
and advancements in the
“It wasn’t because of the population base Dakota, most of Arkansas, and parts of
may only cover 30
technology going into the
“We try to be everything transmissions, Sherwood
of Sioux Falls,” Rasmussen joked, “but it
Wisconsin, Rasmussen said.
percent of the jobs
was because of the next-day circle that
The need for a location in the northern
coming through the
said he is also seeing shops
that a transmission
Sioux Falls goes to.“
part of the Midwest is largely a response to
invest more in training and
shop needs.”
With the addition of the Sioux Falls
parts proliferation and the impact it has
“A good
diagnostic equipment.
location in conjunction with the Kansas
placed on the ability for a typical
transmission shop is
“Shops are spending
City, Mo., and Wichita, Kan., warehouses,
transmission shop to inventory parts, A &
going to have parts in stock for his 12-20
more money than ever before on training
A & Reds is maintaining more than $10
Reds Sales Representative William
most popular units, but unfortunately, there
and scan tools,” he said, “and paying $500 a
million in inventory, and can now offer
Sherwood said.
are nearly 200 other transmissions that
month just for technical information
next-day service to South Dakota,
“It has changed over the years,” he said.
could roll into that shop that he will have to
through Mitchell OnDemand.”
Continued on page 6
Minnesota, Iowa, Nebraska, Kansas,
“Fifteen years ago, it was, ‘Give me 10, 700 order parts for, and that is where we have
Mitchell 1 rides cusp of technology curve with new ProDemand suite
by Daniel Buxbaum
Poway, Calif.—Mitchell
1 has come a long way from
the brown and gold partsestimating guides customers
thumbed through when they
were first introduced more
than 90 years ago.
Now shops can manage
their reputation with online
reviews, follow best
practices, participate in social
media promotions, and
communicate with their
customers via text message
Nick DiVerde, senior director of marketing for Mitchell1,
with the company’s recent
and Debi Garrett, senior manager of events, showcase
ProDemand, Mitchell 1’s newest shop management
product enhancements that
include the all-new
ProDemand repair information system, said
After an initial struggle, DiVerde said
Nick DiVerde, senior director of marketing. OnDemand users’ comfort level improved
Mitchell 1 first went digital in 1989
and so did the technology.
when its CD-ROM-based OnDemand
“With few exceptions, we don’t print any
product line was made available, the largest of our manuals anymore,” he said.
shift in company history away from the
“ProDemand is a leap forward for Webmanuals.
based information products. It’s giving our
“It was a big leap forward for us,” said
customers the quickest access to
DiVerde, who has been with the company
information possible.”
for 22 years. “At that time, we were ahead
Mitchell 1’s shop management system
of the tech curve. In 1989, CD-ROMs
and marketing services assist shops with
were not common on PCs, and PCs
customer retention, as well as with new
themselves were still not all that common.” customer attraction, DiVerde said. They
can also manage their reputation with
Regarding communications with both
online reviews, following best practices,
new and existing shop management clients,
and social media promotions.
DiVerde says he relies heavily on the
One of the newest features, DiVerde
company’s strong partnerships to bring
said, is the ability for shops to
added credibility to the discussion.
communicate with their customers via text
“O’Reilly and CARQUEST have been
message, directly through the product.
instrumental in helping facilitate
He said shops can also set up a system to conversations for us, both in sales efforts
auto-remind customers when they have an
with new clients, as well as upkeep with
appointment, typically 24 hours
our existing clients,” he said. “We find that
when we communicate with a shop, handDebi Garrett, Mitchell 1’s senior event
in-hand with our partners, it brings added
planner, said the company is currently
hosting shop
Despite staying
on the forefront of
“At its core, we help
workshops across the
technology, both
country to assist with
people fix cars ... And if DiVerde and Garrett
the new system’s
said they credit their
anything has been
staff as being the
consistent throughout the keys to Mitchell 1’s
“The purpose is to
help our shop
years, it’s exactly that.” success.
management users
unlock the potential of
Fitzmaurice has
the product,” she said, adding that the next
been our independent sales rep in the San
stop will be in Seattle in October.
Diego area for more than 30 years,”
Additionally, DiVerde said shop owners
DiVerde said. “At its core, we help people
are once again willing to invest in their
fix cars. That’s where we started, with the
idea that people needed information to
“With the miles people are putting on
service their vehicles. And if anything has
cars now, the opportunities are really there
been consistent throughout the years, it’s
for them to seize,” he said.
exactly that.” n
Parts & People
August 2012
Page 3
Publisher’s Statement
Parts & People
The Monthly Regional Publication
For Midwest
Automotive Specialists
Simple truths
Volume 21 / Number 8, August 2012
Publisher: Lance Buchner
Associate Publisher: Michael Anderson
Managing Editor: Rob Merwin
Midwest Regional Manager:
Matthew Sevart
Contributors: John Yoswick,
Dick DeLoach, Jerold B. Smith,
Daniel Buxbaum
Graphic Arts Director: Mario Waller
Printer: Tribune Publishing Co. Inc.
Parts & People is published monthly by
Automotive Counseling & Publishing
Company, Inc., a Colorado corporation.
ISSN 1083-771Z
Midwest Edition offices
1715 1/2 W. 39th St. Suite 201
Kansas City, MO 64111
Phone: 816-960-4511, Toll Free: 888-600-2418
Corporate Office
Automotive Counseling & Publishing Co., Inc.
PO Box 18731, Denver, Colorado 80218-7310
President/Publisher: Lance Buchner
Associate Publisher: Michael Anderson
Director of Sales Development and Marketing: Art Wolfe
Founded by Lance Buchner and Dave Lucia.
Office Manager: Amanda Buchner
Web and Production Manager: James Faust
Circulation: Tracy Buchner,
Subscriptions are free to all automotive-related
Midwest regional business owners and managers;
$36 per year, per edition to all others.
For mail renewals or change of address, please include
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Reproduction of any of the contents of this publication
by any means is prohibited without specific written
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Copyright 2012, Automotive Counseling & Publishing
Company, Inc.
All rights reserved.
For more than 25 years, monthly Parts & People byline
articles are written from interviews conducted with smallbusiness owners in the parts and service industry as well as
industry executives, leaders, managers, trainers, and
spokespersons. Many changes occurred over 25-plus years and
the industry evolved, survived, and thrived through hard work,
determination, and effective management.
Through it all, it is remarkable that in a majority of the
articles, those interviewed would reveal simple business truths
that became guiding paths to the management of their
operations in accordance with company mission statements.
Often, the simple truths regard people — customers and
employees — linked to qualities such as fairness, quality,
honesty, and other bedrock principles. These truths and
principles, amidst changes and challenges often complex,
proved successful as guiding principles and still do.
Time and again, simple truths serve us well. Arguably, they
define the character of the industry and its participants,
individually and collectively. Hold on to yours.
Simple solutions, themes, and perspectives
Often, simple solutions and overriding themes can cut
through complex changes and uncertainty. During the years of
economic downturn, we suggested here to emphasize being
professional and focusing on customer relations management,
however those terms apply to you.
Regardless of how your business or the business
environment changes, if the result is professional and focuses
on the customer, all types of change can be accommodated
while standards are maintained.
Change is challenging and the results can create imbalances
within your organization. Historically, we suggest viewing
change from at least three perspectives: the customers’, the
employees’, and ownerships’. Once all three perspectives are
positive, progress proceeds with reduced risk and shared
Nearly four years after the financial upheaval and economic
downturn, recovery or not, access to capital or not, the need for
small businesses to adapt to a new business environment is
increasing. Many changes are unprecedented and revolutionary
in theory and practice. Some are threatening and disruptive.
How do owners and managers, short on time and resources,
adapt? We conclude, after observation and discussion, that one
key is to realign resources to priorities and opportunities.
As decision-makers identify company priorities and
opportunities, results-oriented action plans will emerge to
replace outdated paradigms. Budgets will reflect reduced
resources for non-essential activities and, instead, emphasize
supporting priorities and new opportunities. Whatever is not
identified will diminish in importance or be assigned to newer,
less experienced personnel.
First we survive, then we drive to thrive. But, we hold onto
our simple truths, simple solutions, and a balanced approach
from the customers’, employees’ and shareholders’
perspectives. Then, we follow the customers’ changing needs
in a profitable and professional manner.
How you define it and where you place your emphasis is up
to you.
Trade shows, associations, and vendors offer many seminars
and avenues for assistance. Attend upcoming trade shows to
see and hear for yourself. n
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NATEF accreditation standards shift to focus on changing industry
NATEF President Trish Serratore says an
update to the NATEF standards used to
accredit automotive training programs at
the secondary and post-secondary school
level reflects changing needs of the
automotive industry for entry-level
Leesburg, Va.—The National
Automotive Technicians Education
Foundation (NATEF) has announced one
of the most significant changes to the
program in the organization’s history. An
update to the NATEF standards used to
accredit automotive training programs at
the secondary and post-secondary school
level reflects changing needs of the
automotive industry for entry-level
“The industry mix of work has
changed,” said Trish Serratore, NATEF
president. “Employers are seeing more
maintenance-related services in their
shops and want entry-level technicians
with more foundational knowledge. The
new standards address these needs and
provide more flexibility for automotive
training programs nationwide.”
The new 2012 Automobile Program
Standards were developed after extensive
review and input by the NATEF
Automobile Standards Review
Committee and have been approved by
both the NATEF Board of Trustees and
ASE Board of Directors.
“The standards were developed in
cooperation with OEMs, employers, and
instructors,” Serratore said. “NATEF
realizes that the new model represents a
major change in program accreditation
and is committed to working with each
state, program, and instructor to ensure a
smooth transition.”
The new accreditation levels allow
programs to more effectively use the
limited number of hours available for
instruction. Secondary programs will now
be able to teach across all systems to help
better prepare students to maintain
today’s vehicles.
Post-secondary programs will have the
ability to provide the complete spectrum
of tasks and hours to allow for more indepth training.
The new NATEF model establishes
previous one and covers all major
three levels of accreditation: Maintenance automotive systems, but to different
and Light Repair
depths of learning.
(MLR); Auto Service
“This new
“This new accreditation
Technology (AST);
model reflects the real-world model reflects the
and Master Auto
Service Technology
real-world needs
needs of employers for
of employers for
entry-level technicians.”
The differences at
each level are
technicians and
reflected in the number of tasks, number
were carefully crafted by subject matter
of instructional hours, and instructor
experts from secondary and postqualifications. Each level builds on the
secondary institutions as well as the
industry. They volunteered their time to
ensure students graduating from
Automotive Career and Technical
Education programs hit the ground
running with the right skills,” Serratore
“We thank these dedicated individuals
for their hard work to provide the serviceready workforce our industry needs today
and tomorrow.”
For more information on the new
NATEF Accreditation Model, contact
Trish Serratore at n
To learn more about the NAPA AutoCare Program contact:
Chad Allen @ 913-522-5157 or Rob Wheeler @ 210-296-9615
Parts & People
August 2012
Page 5
Transmission parts distributor adds new warehouse, invests in ordering system
Continued from page 3
To assist in keeping customers up to date
on the latest technology in the
transmissions, Rasmussen said A & Reds
hosts an annual Automatic Transmission
Service Group (ATSG) seminar. This year’s
event will be Oct. 13, at the Double Tree
Hilton at the Wichita airport.
“This seminar will bring in new
information and new transmissions for the
builders to give them insight into what the
parts look like in the new units,” he said,
adding that on the same day, a large car
show and open house will be at the A &
Reds warehouse in Wichita.
“We try to be everything that a
transmission shop needs,” he said. “We
rebuild torque converters, hard parts, and
supply soft kits and technical support. It’s
necessary with a company. You can’t just be
halfway in.”
Being a full-service operation has been
the philosophy of Founder Leon Autry
since he opened the business, said
Peterson LEDs
customers can view live
inventories of all three stores,
as well as have instant access
to all invoicing information.
Between the three
warehouses, A & Reds
inventories more than $10
million in parts, said
Fredrickson, adding that some
of the primary suppliers
include Transtec, Borg
Warner, Sealed Power,
Amber Heilemann gets an inbound part request before Raybestos, Alto Products,
pulling it from inventory, and shipping with UPS. All
Sonnax, Rostra, Dacco, and
parts are shipped UPS, Federal Express, or via local
many others.
courier services.
Rasmussen said one of his
Rasmussen, adding that Autry, along with
newest suppliers is Central Valve Body, a
his wife, Pam, now reside in North
valve body rebuilder out of Grove, Okla.
Carolina, where they still handle purchasing
“Customers didn’t want to make the
and parts cataloging.
investment in tooling to rebuild valve
bodies for all the kinds of transmissions
New online parts ordering system
that are out there,” he said, “so we are
In May, Sherwood said, A & Reds
working with Central Valve Body. They
launched its real-time, online parts ordering rebuild the valve bodies, pressure test, and
system, available on its website where
make sure it is hydraulically sound. That
has been a big thing for our shops. Prior to
that, there was no way for a shop to know
how it would function hydraulically, unless
you were willing to spend a lot of money
for every type of unit, as well as a time
The rebuilt valve bodies are a prime
example, Rasmussen said, of offering
something that can help keep rebuilders
doing what they do best — rebuilding
“As soon as a transmission shop starts
buying units, they stop learning and they
loose their expertise on how to rebuild and
diagnose,” he said. “They don’t have their
hands in the units anymore, they are not
keeping up with the changes, and it
becomes a brain drain.”
Beyond marginalizing a transmission
shop’s capability, Rasmussen said that
purchasing and installing rebuilt units
defeats the purpose of having a
transmission expert in town.
“It sets a precedent in your community.”
he said, “When your community starts
seeing that you are installing units that
come from outside the community, that any
shop can install, why would they need a
transmission expert?”
“We have the parts to support our
customers, as well as the technical issues
and training,” he said. “We want to be a
one-stop shop for our customers.” n
Midwest recyclers will flock
to Indy for CMARC in September
Indianapolis—Training, training,
training — that’s what Michelle Lechner,
Auto & Truck Recyclers of Illinois and
Indiana executive director/lobbyist, said
recyclers from Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, and
surrounding states can expect at the Central
Midwest Auto Recyclers Convention &
Trade Show (CMARC), Sept. 21-22, at the
Dallara IndyCar Factory in Indianapolis.
Indiana Secretary of State Connie
Lawson will be CMARC’s guest speaker
on Sept. 21, to kick off the event, which
will include two days of training,
networking, trade show, cocktail and
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Page 6
August 2012
Parts & People
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ATRA Powertrain Expo and APRA International Big R Show return to Las Vegas
by Dick DeLoach
Oxnard, Calif.—The Automatic
Transmission Rebuilders Association
(ATRA) will hold its 2012 ATRA
Powertrain Expo at Bally’s Hotel & Casino
in Las Vegas, Oct. 2729, co-hosted by the
Aftermarket Parts
Rebuilders Association
(APRA), said Dennis
Madden, ATRA
executive director and
“Our experience
This year, shop
owners and
with a joint
ATRA staff will
ATRA/APRA show in
present a wide
Las Vegas last year was
range of topics,
from social media beneficial to members
to the nuts and
of both associations,”
bolts of
Madden said. “We are
discovering your
pleased that we are able
to co-locate our
buying habits,
says Dennis
exposition once again
Madden, ATRA
at the same time as the
executive director
APRA International
and CEO.
Big R Show.”
“We’re happy Bally’s Hotel was able to
accommodate the meeting needs of both
associations,” Madden said. “This combined
exposition will be good news for everyone.”
Bill Gager, APRA
president said, “Both of
our associations believe
very strongly that this
will once again provide
each other’s attendees
and suppliers with some
new opportunities and
Before the Expo
opens Saturday
will help them reach
afternoon, APRA
more people.”
will present what
Both associations
Bill Gager, APRA
will offer a broad range president (above),
says should be a
of technical seminars
and workshops prior to life-changing
keynote address
and during the
from worldexposition, Madden
speaker and
bestselling author
“Before the joint
Larry Winget.
trade show opens
Saturday afternoon we will have what
promises to be a life-changing keynote
address from world-renowned speaker and
bestselling author Larry Winget,” Gager
said, “as he presents ‘The Truth Be Told,’
while we enjoy a delicious lunch sponsored
by the great folks at Raybestos powertrain.”
“This year, shop owners and ATRA staff
will present a wide range of topics from
social media to the nuts and bolts of
discovering your customer’s buying habits,”
Madden said.
All topics will have one common trait, he
said. “They are all based on ‘What’s
Working’ in our industry today.”
Rodger Bland, managing editor of
GEARS magazine, will host fast-paced,
engaging sessions that promise to provide
attendees real-world solutions that they can
begin using as soon as they get back in the
shop, Madden said.
“After our joint show in 2011, comments
from exhibitors and attendees from both
associations were very positive,” Gager said,
“and we look forward to working together to
make this year’s event a major milestone in
the remanufacturing industry.”
Madden said ATRA has always rotated
the location of its show between Las Vegas
one year and somewhere in the East the
next. “We’ve had Expos in Washington,
D.C., Nashville, Orlando, and San Antonio.”
ATRA has changed the rotation, Madden
said, so that the Powertrain Expo will be in
Las Vegas for two years in a row, followed
by an Eastern show.
“Las Vegas is always the best-attended
show,” he said. “However, we found that
three years in a row was too much and
people were complaining of lack of variety,
hence the 2-1 schedule.”
“We also look forward to welcoming
Parts & People
other remanufacturers and rebuilders from a
variety of product lines from around the
world to this major event,” Gager said, “We
have been working on involving more
builders and remanufacturers from the diesel
engine market and hope to have a stronger
participation by exhibitors in this market at
the 2012 show.”
For details on the event, contact Jeanie
Magathan, senior vice president of APRA at, 703-968-2772,
ext. 104, or Diane Bland of ATRA at 805389-0353 or n
August 2012
Page 7
Automotive aftermarket possibly experiencing a ‘growth recession’
Research Triangle Park, N.C.—The
automotive aftermarket may be
experiencing a “growth recession,”
according to responses to an “Aftermarket
Supplier Barometer” survey conducted
quarterly by the Automotive Aftermarket
Suppliers Association (AASA).
“Several factors measured in this
quarterly analysis are still showing a
positive trend, with a majority indicating
growth or expansion,” said Steve
Handschuh, AASA president and COO.
“However, when looking at a time series
analysis of the data, we find that this
growth trend is on the decline. Responses
to the Q2 survey indicated conditions
which might be called a ‘growth recession’
– growth is positive but below potential.”
However, although many suppliers
responding to the AASA Barometer survey
say that the industry outlook is negative,
their investments reflect optimism more
than concern, said Paul McCarthy, AASA
vice president, industry analysis, planning
and member services.
“For example, the majority of
respondents said capacity is up and their
companies are hiring,” McCarthy said.
“While a slight majority of suppliers still
saw sales growth in Q2, more than one in
five experienced a decline – a warning
sign. This raises the question whether
supplier investments are too positive for
current market conditions.”
The AASA 2Q Barometer Aftermarket
Supplier Sentiment Index declined in the
second quarter of 2012, after reaching its
highest point since 2010 in 1Q 2012.
However, this decline aligns the index
with other key indicators:
• The NAM/Industry Week Survey of
Manufacturers business outlook
dropped several percentage points from
the first quarter.
• The U.S. Bureau of Economic Analysis
(BEA) reported demand for
manufactured goods dropped in May
for the third straight month.
• The Conference Board Consumer
Confidence Index declined from 64.4 in
May to 62.0 in June, driven mostly by
lower expectations.
“The key question aftermarket suppliers
are facing is whether the soft market seen
in Q2 is an exception due to overhang
from warm weather and slower job
creation, or a signal of weaker future
demand,” McCarthy said. “Strong market
drivers, such as age of vehicles (which
Experian noted has reached 11 years),
lower gas prices, and signs of life in miles
driven all point to continued aftermarket
growth, but the pace of that growth is in
The “AASA Aftermarket Supplier
Barometer” is a quarterly survey of AASA
full service supplier members on key
indicators and market trends. The full
survey report is an exclusive AASA
member benefit and is available only to
member companies that participate in the
survey. n
MERA Remanufacturing Section
at AAPEX 2012 is sold out
Research Triangle Park, N.C.—Thanks
to strong interest from remanufacturer
and supplier members of the Motor &
Equipment Remanufacturers Association
(MERA), the MERA portion of the
Automotive Aftermarket Products
Exposition (AAPEX) 2012
Remanufacturing Section is sold out.
MERA and the Automotive
Aftermarket Industry Association (AAIA)
Engine Rebuilders Council (ERC) will
co-host the 8,000-square-foot
Remanufacturing Section on the main
show floor Oct. 30-Nov. 1.
The following MERA members will
exhibit in the area: Boles Parts Supply,
Electronics Remanufacturing Co., ETE
Reman, Flight Systems Electronics
Group, GB Remanufacturing, Knopf
Automotive, LKQ, MCI Cores, Phoenix
Automotive Cores, Rebuilders
Automotive Supply,
ReMaTec2013/ReMaTecNEWS, Remy
International, Undercar Express, USA
Industries, and Wabco Reman Solutions.
In addition, MERA will host an exhibit
with the support of key members,
highlighting the environmental, economic
and product performance benefits of
Although the physical space is sold out,
sponsorship opportunities are still
“MERA and its members look forward
to promoting the benefits of
remanufacturing before the more than
125,000 aftermarket professionals that
participate in AAPEX and Automotive
Aftermarket Industry Week,” said John
Chalifoux, president and COO of MERA.
“We would also like to extend a special
thank you to the AASA (MERA’s sister
association for the automotive
aftermarket), AAIA, and Remy
International for helping to make the
remanufacturing section a reality.” n
A&A Midwest Recycling introduces
new remanufacturing guide
Las Vegas—A&A Midwest Recycling
introduced a new guide to automotive
remanufacturing. The two-page document
is available as a free download at the
company’s website and explains the
economic and environmental advantages
of using remanufactured automotive
The new guide gives details on why
remanufacturing industry has always been
green and is one of the three “R’s” of
product retirement – recycling,
remanufacturing, and reuse. Each year
remanufacturing accounts for more than
$100 billion in annual sales in the U.S.
and employs close to 500,000 people.
Automotive remanufacturing alone is
estimated to be a $70 billion a year
“Keep it Green with Remanufacturing”
is one of three free educational guides
produced by A&A Midwest Recycling.
Also available are “Guide to Recycling
Page 8
August 2012
Parts & People
New remanufacturing guide explains the
economic and environmental advantages
of remanufactured parts.
Scrap Metal” and “Metal Theft
Prevention Guide.” To download any of
these guides free of charge, visit n
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August 2012
Page 9
compiled by Jerold B. Smith
Auto Notes
Icon passes. Sergio Pininfarina, 85,
one of the world’s most prolific car
designers, died July 2, at his home in
Turin, Italy. He headed Pininfarina S.p.A.,
which was founded by
his father in 1930 and
was responsible for
designing cars for Fiat,
Alfa Romeo, Lancia,
Cadillac, Rolls-Royce,
and Volvo. The
company also
designed most of the
Sergio Pininfarina
Ferrari models since the
1950s and had a long history with
Pininfarina designed the current
Maserati Quattroporte in 2003 and, in
conjunction with his son, Andrea,
contributed to the birth of two other
Italian car icons, the Maserati
GranTurismo and the GranTruismo
New Dodge Dart. With a nameplate
from the past, Chrysler has released the
2013 Dodge Dart, a car much different
from the 1960 to 1976 Dodge Dart model.
“The Dart is a thoroughly modern
vehicle that’s beautifully designed and
crafted, packed with safety and
technology, and is agile and fuel-
efficient,” said Scott
Mazda diesel racers. Mazda
Brown, Chrysler Group
Motorsports announced that it will supply
LLC west region
racing versions of its new SKYACTIV-D
communications. “It is
clean diesel engines to customer teams
the first jointly developed
competing in Grand-Am’s new GX class
product from the alliance
for advanced/clean technologies,
of Fiat and Chrysler, with
beginning with the 2013 racing season.
a chassis derived from
“This opens a new chapter in racing for
the Alfa Romeo Giulietta
us,” said Jay Amestoy, vice president of
and Fiat powertrain
Mazda Motorsports for Mazda North
technology in a vehicle
American Operations (MNAO). “We won
designed and engineered
with rotary technology, and now we’re
by Dodge.”
looking to again put our customers in the
The 2013 Dodge Dart is a true joint venture of Chrysler and
With five trim levels,
winner’s circle with what we believe will
the Fiat group.
the Dart will have three
be the most advanced and cleanest
advanced engine options, a 1.4-L
but powerful 999cc, three-cylinder
production-based power plant the sport
intercooled MultiAir Turbo, a 2.0-L
EcoBoost turbo engine won Ford the
has ever seen.”
Tigershark four-cylinder, and a 2.4-L
International Engine of the Year Award
The SKYACTIV-D 2.2-L diesel is a
Tigershark MultiAir II four-cylinder. A
presented at the Engine Expo 2012 in
four-cylinder, dual-stage turbo-charged
six-speed manual transmission is standard. June in Stuttgart, Germany. A global jury
engine with a 14:1 low compression ratio,
The Dart is available in 14 colors, has
of respected automotive journalists named new two-stage turbocharger, and a redline
class-leading safety and security features
the Ford Focus engine the overall winner
(including 10 airbags), integrated dual
during the 14th annual International
exhaust, Racetrack LED headlamps,
Engine of the Year Award ceremonies.
electronic stability control, an available
“This was a dominant win by the Ford
8.4-inch touchscreen, rear-view camera,
engine, and it is important to remember
and all-speed traction control.
that the overall Engine of the Year Award
The new Dart can get up to 39
is not linked to capacity or any other
MPG/highway. Base prices range from
criteria beyond the excellence of its
$15,995 to $22,495.
engineering and the degree to which it
Ford engine a winner. The small
delivers its capabilities in a vehicle,”
said Dean Slavnich, editor of Engine
Technology International and cochairman of the awards program. “That
the small-capacity engines continue to
impress the most in overall terms, even Mazda’s new SKYACTIV-D diesel engine will
be used next year in Grand-Am racing
against larger, higher-performance
engines, says a great deal about how the
automotive industry has developed in
at 5,200 RPM. The new engines are being
recent years.”
developed by Mazda Motor Corp.,
Ford also garnered the Best New
MNAO, and SpeedSource Engineering.
Engine and the Best Sub 1-Liter Engine
“As a motorsports engineering firm, we
awards at the Expo. General Motors won
love a challenge, and starting this new
the Best Green Engine 2012 Award for its
program gives us a wonderful
1.4-L range extender found in the
opportunity,” said Sylvain Tremblay of
Chevrolet Volt and Opel Ampera. Best
SpeedSource. “The ultra-low compression
performance engine, a 4.5-L V-8, was won ratio stock engine has fantastic torque and
by Ferrari.
fuel economy.” n
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Page 10
August 2012
Parts & People
Use of mobile apps expected to play a pivotal role in aftermarket future
that will make mobile apps meaningful in
the future of the automotive aftermarket,
including catalog evolution, augmented
reality (AR) and near-eye technology,
sensors, actionable data, and cash flow.
Catalog evolution
During the recent 2012 Global Automotive
Aftermarket Symposium (GAAS), Derek
Kaufman, president of C3 Network, says
the ability to seamlessly move data back
and forth and how you interact with it is a
key example of how mobile will become
increasingly meaningful.
by Matthew Sevart
Chicago—New technology and its
application to the automotive aftermarket
was a hot topic at the recent 2012 Global
Automotive Aftermarket Symposium
(GAAS) in Chicago, where Derek
Kaufman, president of C3 Network,
outlined how the utility of mobile apps
will accelerate in the coming years.
Kaufman addressed five developments
The days of printing catalogs may soon
be something of the past. The evolution
of cataloging data is apparent in
companies such as Vertical Development,
Kaufman said. They have moved catalogs
online and beyond by connecting it to a
mobile app,,
which, Kaufman said, makes searching
for parts easier.
“It goes another step further and ties
you to the location of those parts that you
want to look up,” he said. “Vertical
Development is taking the catalog and
making it a more usable tool in my hand
as I’m on the service floor.”
The Gates Corp. is another example of
a company providing the information that
users need, made available anytime,
anywhere, and on any device, said
Kaufman, citing, specifically, the
NaviGates website and app, which allows
users to search Gates OE aftermarket
parts, belt routing diagrams, and store
“The NaviGates site and the mobile
app represent that next step away from a
catalog, making the actions that you’re
doing with the data more in your hand,”
he said. “Just looking at the Gates
website gives you an idea of where we’re
going as an industry. It looks more like
Facebook than it does a Gates application
website because of the social media in it
and Flickr videos.”
Just as Gates is offering technical and
application information through its app,
Kaufman said, SKF is also providing data
for bearing applications in the automotive
Augmented reality
and near-eye technology
Google recently released a
demonstration of its Google Glasses,
which will project digital information
right in front of a user’s eyes, making the
computer more personal than ever before,
Kaufman said. “In the next two years, I
think we’ll see this on a pretty regular
Kaufman said one way the glasses will
be applicable is in combination with a
mobile app where components on a
vehicle can appear in a threedimensional, hologram form. A
technician could verify specific parts,
including part numbers, and order parts
from the app, he said.
Sensor technology will also play a key
role as the industry moves forward,
Kaufman said. Companies such as
International Telematics, which applies
sensors in tractors and trailers, has created
an Enterprise Resource Plan (ERP) for a
fleet of refrigerated trucks.
Through the sensors, information such
as refrigeration temperature, fuel levels,
and electronic logs is retrieved from the
vehicle and aggregated into a central
location, Kaufman said.
Another company, Syntelligence, is
using sensors to revolutionize the future
of oil changes, Kaufman said. By placing
a sensor in the oil reservoir, Syntelligence
can analyze the quality of the oil,
checking it for metallic content and other
materials, instead of relying on the
amount of time or miles driven between
oil changes, he said.
“The ability to seamlessly move data
back and forth and how you interact with
it is a key example of how mobile will
become increasingly meaningful.”
Continued on page 12
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Parts & People
August 2012
Page 11
Number of older vehicles increased
by more than 17 million since 2009
Use of mobile apps expected to play
a pivotal role in aftermarket future
Schaumburg, Ill.—Experian Automotive
announced that there were 17.3 million more
light-duty vehicles seven years and older on
the road in the U.S. than there were three
years ago. According to its Q1 2012
Vehicles in Operation (VIO) market
analysis, Experian Automotive also found
that there were more than 245 million
vehicles on U.S. roads, and that the age of
vehicles increased when compared to Q1
2011, up 1.9 percent to an average age of 11
“An increase of later-model vehicles on
the road is a positive sign for the industry
because it creates growth opportunities in
the important aftermarket sector,” said
Jeffrey Anderson, director of consulting and
analytics for Experian Automotive. “With
lower scrappage rates, historically large sales
of older-model vehicles and an increase in
incentives for maintaining vehicle
ownership, aftermarket part manufacturers
and retailers will see an influx of shoppers
looking to extend the life of their vehicle.”
Additional data from the report showed
Continued from page 11
Ford as the most prevalent make on the road
in Q1, followed by Chevrolet, Toyota, and
Honda for both Canada and the U.S. At the
model level, the U.S. analysis showed that
the Ford F-150 had the largest volume on
the road, followed by the Honda Accord,
Toyota Camry, and Chevrolet Silverado.
Other findings from the analysis showed
that light trucks in the U.S. continue to grow
and maintain a higher percentage of the total
VIO than passenger cars. Light trucks made
up 50.8 percent of the total U.S. VIO in Q1
2012, compared with 49.2 percent of
passenger cars. Full-sized pickups make up
the greatest percentage of VIO, at 14.6
percent overall, with General Motors, Ford,
Chrysler, and Toyota making up the greatest
majority (98.7 percent) of those vehicles.
Additional Q1 2012 findings for the
U.S. include:
• 78.5 percent of all light-duty vehicles in
the U.S. are 15 years old or newer
• The top five vehicle segments in the
U.S. make up 50.1 percent of the VIO
market n
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Actionable data
Kaufman said data and databases can be
valuable if made available and used
As an example, Kaufman said Smith
System, a provider of collision avoidance
driver training, uses data to teach fleets of
commercial drivers strategies to reduce
collision probability.
The process starts with a general
education on commercial driving from an
experienced instructor and then uses GPS
data to gauge and verify the effectiveness
of the training, he said.
A module plugs into the vehicle’s
OBD II port and measures the GPS
location of the vehicle, the speed of the
vehicle, pitch, yaw, acceleration, and
deceleration, so the driving habits of a
driver can be analyzed, Kaufman said.
Smith System can pinpoint problem
drivers and measure the effectiveness of
training as well, he said.
Cash flow
These developments come back to cash
flow and relevance, said Kaufman.
“We need to think about all these ideas
coming together and think about the cash
flow represented in this, so cash equals
relevance. It is not just our growth, but
our oxygen as companies.” n
Bosch releases part-finder app that
can be used with iPhone or iPad
Broadview, Ill.—Use
an iPhone or iPad and
looking for a Bosch part
for a vehicle? Bosch has
just released a new, free
app that enables anyone
with one of these devices
to find the correct Bosch
part number for spark
plugs, wiper blades,
oxygen sensors, fuel
pumps, or battery chargers
and accessories for
virtually any vehicle
operating in the U.S. and
Bosch released a new, free app that enables anyone with
“Easy to install and use, an iPhone or iPad to find the correct Bosch part number
for spark plugs, wiper blades, oxygen sensors, fuel
the Bosch Part Finder can pumps, or battery chargers and accessories for virtually
be downloaded from the
any vehicle.
iTunes App Store and
works on any Apple iPhone or iPad,” said or simply by entering the Bosch part
Otto Stefaner, project manager for Bosch. number if they already know it.”
“It offers browse and search functions so
The browse results may return one or
users can find part information by
more part numbers per product line. In the
entering vehicle year, make, and model,
case of spark plugs and wiper blades, if
multiple part numbers are returned, they
will be listed beginning with the top-ofthe-line product.
Selecting a part number from the
browse results brings the user to a product
information page that includes an image
and features. For most parts, technical
attributes are also listed. For more
information, a link to the website is offered,
along with a usage option that displays all
vehicle applications using that part.
The search option allows the user to
enter a known Bosch part number from
any of the specified product lines and be
taken directly to the product information
page for that part. n
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Page 12
August 2012
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Parts & People
August 2012
Page 13
Certified ‘green’ shops can receive up to $100K in funding assistance
by Rob Merwin
to $100,000 from utility companies and
Reno, Nev.—GRC-Pirk Management, an
financial institutions that participate in paidindependent engineering and registered
from-savings funding, Schillinger said.
environmental assessment firm for the
“Funding assistance is important for
automotive sector, recently announced it
shops so they can obtain energy-rate and
has been authorized to qualify certified
insurance-rate reductions,” he said. Also,
green shop owners for funding
once a shop achieves specified
goals, it can be rewarded
The EPA-recognized firm is
through performance and tax
the registrar for
incentives. “The tax credits, a
available have banks jumping
public service verification
out of their seats. There are a
resource promoting energy
lot of reasons for being listed
efficiency and pollution
on the website
prevention in the automotive
industry, and continually
Schillinger said many
verifies that shops listed on the GRC-Pirk President
owners don’t pursue goingSteven Schillinger
site remain in good standing
green opportunities because of
with their respective programs:
first-cost barriers. “By being
state and local climate and energy
qualified green, it will help shops overcome
programs, or clean and green city
those barriers by making it easier to acquire
qualification databases, GRC-Pirk President up-front capital.” Shop owners can finance
Steven Schillinger said.
green investments with installments on
“We verify that shops listed as green
monthly utility bills or through
through EPA green programs are still
conventional leasing.
green,” he said. “For shops, attracting
“It’s like a homeowner receiving an
customers with evidence of green
insurance reduction for being a noninvestments through endorsed certification
smoking household,” he said. “Similarly, a
programs confirms shop credibility.”
shop can have reductions for better
GRC-Pirk’s validation qualifies
practices and green initiatives, not to
automotive service and repair centers for up mention the value of being a good steward
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August 2012
pollution prevention, energy savings and
greenhouse gas reduction. It’s a method for
tracking and reporting the usage of air
emissions, chemical and spray coatings
usage, and energy and power savings for
various resources. Measurement resources
that are typically tracked include gas, water,
electrical usage and hazardous waste
disposal. Among the investments eligible
for certification are lighting fixtures and
controls, solar panels, insulation, preapproved equipment, and water
Schillinger said GRC-Pirk’s website,, offers
shops online tools to calculate its carbon
footprint and determine how much money
can be saved by becoming a green-certified
shop, as well as calculate available
government funding.
Shops interested in becoming green
certified can search official federal, state
and local certification programs on, he said. GRCPirk also confirms, state by state, that all
available rebates and incentives remain
intact and available to shops every year.
Schillinger added that shops interested in
viewing those opportunities can perform a
search on, a database of
state incentives for renewables and
efficiency. n
Shared savings
Est. retrofit
Shop max
investment savings
Tax credits
and rebates
Five-year option 3:
Three-year option 2:
Three-year option 1:
The above numbers are based on a 10,000-square-foot body shop and an existing
utility cost of $36,000 per year. Returns are based on a benchmark for owners who
have been in business for more than one year, where it is important to establish a
baseline to determine month-to-month savings. An equipment supplier, financial
institution, and shop owner participate in a funding process based on projected
savings, with each party agreeing on the baseline. All parties want to make sure that the
aspects of the investment demonstrate positive cash flow.
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Page 14
of the environment.”
Vehicle service and repair facilities
registered under EPA green programs that
have a three-year, clean payment history
with their utility companies are eligible for
funding assistance. “These include repair
shops, car washes, collision repair shops,
new car dealers — anything automotive
related,” Schillinger said. “They need to
have a proven track record of successful
green initiatives.”
The funding, he said, is based on an
engineering assessment to determine that
payments would be less than the utility cost
savings and result in a positive cash flow
for the owner.
Schillinger said GRC-Pirk can conduct
an assessment, though if a shop has been
certified by another engineering firm, it will
use that data.
“We need to have a baseline,” he said.
“The minimum commitment under EPA
guidelines is 10-percent energy savings.”
Building owners must submit evidence of
energy savings or pollution prevention
measures that result in lasting impacts for a
facility to qualify. A full credit and
insurance review is also performed before a
funding application is considered, he added.
GRC-Pirk’s website states that
specialized software is used to verify the
EPA Mandatory Reporting Rule (MMR) for
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Collision Repair
Nixa body shop owner comes out of retirement, partners for new shop
decided on French-Davis
Collision. People still call
and ask, ‘Is this the same
Gary that had Body
Crafters? Now we know
where to bring our cars.’”
Partnering with and
sponsoring Nixa high
school and youth events
has also been a successful
means of getting the name
After selling his previous body shop and
retiring, Gary French (r.) is back in
business as of 2010, with a partner,
Brandon Davis.
by Matthew Sevart
Nixa, Mo.—After owning a successful
body shop in Nixa for nearly 20 years,
Gary French said he decided in 2007 to
sell his collision repair business, Body
Crafters, and retire.
Little did he know that in just three
years, he would be back in the business,
but this time with a young business
partner, Brandon Davis, who started
working for French in 2002, when he was
17, as a helper, he said.
out again, he said.
“We do a lot with the school system.
We sponsor a Little League team in the
summer and events at the high school,” he
said. “We have banners in the gym, and
we started a shoot-out event during halftime to give kids an opportunity to make a
shot for $100.”
Much of the transition back into the
business has been second nature, French
said, but one major change was a switch
from DuPont to PPG, and a partnership
with ColorVision, his Springfield PBE
“Actually, when we opened we started
with waterborne,” Davis said. “The color
match is better and you use less product.
We’ve been really happy with it.”
New equipment purchases were also
made upon opening the new shop, Davis
said, including a Col-Met Spray Booth
Continued on page 16
Competitive Pricing
On Fast Moving Parts.
“Keystone is where most
of my aftermarket parts
come from, and to be honest,
I think the aftermarket
industry has stepped
up the quality … ”
They opened French-Davis Collision in
2010, French said, adding that Davis is
now his lead painter and 50/50 partner.
“Brandon called and we visited about
opening a shop together,” French said.
“He was seeking a change and wanted to
go into business for himself, and I decided
it would be best to partner with him.”
Davis said he needed some guidance, to
which French added, “We use each other’s
“I often say that if he makes half as
good an owner as he is a painter, he’ll do
just fine,” French said.
The biggest challenge in reopening,
French said, was getting his name back
out again, which is why this time, he put
his last name in the business name.
“We felt like in this business we needed
to let people know as quick as we could
that we were back in business,” he said.
“Most people who knew Body Crafters
knew Gary French and that’s why we
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Parts & People
August 2012
Page 15
Nixa body shop owner comes out of retirement, partners for new shop
Reliable Imports, and others in
town. What is nice is GM,
and Chief Chassis Liner Frame
Ford, and Chrysler will priceRack with Vector
Computerized Laser
While French said he
Measuring System, both
prefers OEM parts, he has
purchased through
seen huge improvements in the
“The more you update, the
“Keystone is where most of
better it works,” he said. “If
my aftermarket parts come
you’re going to be successful
from, and to be honest, I think
you have to have good
the aftermarket industry has
stepped up the quality and I
French said his five
don’t cringe when I see that an
French-Davis Technician Jesse Webb tapes off a
technicians work on 15-18 cars quarter-panel in preparation for PPG waterborne
insurance agency has figured
French-Davis Technician Kyle Langford sands down a
per week, and are currently just paint in a Col-Met paint booth. Both the booth and
aftermarket parts into the
hood that suffered hail damage while customers were
paint were provided by ColorVision in Springfield.
working with one DRP.
estimate. It’s not such a bad
on vacation in Texas.
“We thought we wanted to
thing, especially with
make it without them, but we had USAA
with and understanding the capabilities of
always been a difficult industry to
certifications such as CAPA,” he said.
approach us, and they are easy to work
his technicians, French said.
schedule, but just knowing your
French said he and Davis will continue
with and have been very clear about how
“I don’t know that a lot has changed
technicians will go a long way.”
working closely to grow the business and
they want things done,” French said. “A
since I’ve been in the industry as far as
Having good relationships with parts
stand out in the Nixa community.
lot of the major carriers want you to put
moving work through,” he said. “You’ll
suppliers and using quality parts are also
“We have fallen right back into the
their work first, and if you are working
have different techs, at different levels, so
integral to the operation, and French said
same groove, and a lot of the customers
with multiple DRPs, you can’t give them
it’s important to understand your
he has a number of great suppliers.
that we have established over the last 20
all top priority.”
employees. When you know your
“We try hard to shop locally,” he said.
years have come back to us. For a lot of
The key to workflow, and fast
technicians’ strengths and weaknesses,
“We partner with Friendly Ford,
them, we are fixing their kids’ and
turnaround times, is having a relationship
you can schedule accordingly. This has
Thompson Pontiac, Central Dodge,
grandkids’ cars now.” n
Continued from page 15
Audatex Smart Phone app tracks and monitors collision repairs
San Diego—Audatex North America
Inc., a provider of software and services to
the U.S. automobile insurance claims
processing and collision repair industries,
launched a new Android app for
AutoWatch, its web-powered repair
tracking solution. The complimentary app
is available now and can be downloaded at
Audatex AutoWatch gives collision
repair facilities a way to enhance customer
service and improve customer
communication by allowing vehicle
owners to view the progress of their
repairs online. Repairers use the solution
daily to upload and post digital photos
along with the latest vehicle repair status
information, keeping customers up to date
through completion of the job.
Now, with the new Android app, repair
facilities can make these same updates via
the convenience of their mobile phones —
whether they’re away from the office or
working on the shop floor.
“With mobile access becoming
increasingly important in today’s
connected world, the new app empowers
collision repair shops with an easy way to
update and access AutoWatch data from
anywhere at any time, and supports our
mission to connect and support repairers,
vehicle owners, and insurers through
technology,” said Patrick Schmidlin, vice
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Page 16
August 2012
Parts & People
president of Product Management for
Audatex North America.
With AutoWatch, vehicle owners can
choose to receive vehicle status updates on
the web and via e-mail or text message. By
providing shops with a communication
channel to issue instant repair updates
from their desktops and mobile phones,
AutoWatch substantially reduces incoming
customer phone calls, compresses cycle
times and, ultimately, increases customer
satisfaction. Through improved customer
satisfaction, collision repair facilities can
generate more referral business and
strengthen their direct repair relationships.
According to Gordon Henderson,
director of AutoWatch for Audatex North
America, more than 70 shops are already
using the Android app.
Mark Veldhuizen, general manager of
Marv’s Body Shop in Sioux Falls, S.D., is
an AutoWatch customer that has already
made use of the Android App. “We like
having the added flexibility to update
AutoWatch from our mobile phones,” said
Veldhuizen. “Before we began using the
app, we would issue repair updates only
once daily, at the end of the work day.
Now, with easier remote access to
AutoWatch, we are adding photos and
other updates at least twice a day, which
means we’re communicating with our
customers more frequently, and that makes
for better customer service.” n
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a crush too.
©2012 PPG Industries All rights reserved.
Parts & People
August 2012
Page C-1
Repairers and dealers speak out on State Farm’s new PartsTrader system
by John Yoswick
As State Farm expands testing or roll-out
of its PartsTrader parts ordering system in
several markets around the U.S., the
potential ramifications of the system for
Select Service shops and parts vendors are
beginning to become known.
The Society of Collision Repair
Specialists (SCRS) is among those saying
PartsTrader looks to offer State Farm
plenty in the way of potential savings on
parts. But, SCRS says, the system offers
little for shops or parts vendors, other
than further inefficiencies coupled with
lower parts profits.
Does SCRS’ view reflect those of most
shops? How are dealership parts
departments viewing the new system? A
Parts & People article in July explained
how the PartsTrader system works, but
what kind of response is it receiving in the
Repairer response
SCRS Executive Director Aaron
Schulenburg questioned State Farm’s
contention that the system improves
SCRS Executive Director Aaron
Schulenburg has been among the most
outspoken critics of State Farm’s required
use of PartsTrader.
“Having an outside entity tell you what
processes you’re required to do, and who
you must do them through and how, is the
furthest thing from ‘lean,’” Schulenburg
said, during a recent board meeting. “A
process that requires you to review your
vendors, especially ones you’ve built very
strong relationships with and that provide
excellent service, is far from lean as well.”
The Automotive Service Association
(ASA) has also questioned State Farm’s
assertion that PartsTrader is more about
efficiency than lower parts prices. ASA
reported this summer that shops in the fourcity pilot of PartsTrader are experiencing an
estimated 30 minutes a day of increased
administrative costs.
“PartsTrader states this is true with any
new system, but that over time, it will be
more efficient and save time,” ASA officials
stated. “PartsTrader intends to contract an
independent study to validate this.”
But shops have additional concerns about
“The biggest thing that frustrates me
about this is I’ve worked for 35 years to
build relationships with suppliers,” Randy
Chevrier, business manager of Paintmaster
Collision Center in Tulsa, Okla., told State
Farm’s George Avery. “My father and I
have both used our negotiating skills to get
the best prices we can to help us stay in
business, because we have to continue to
increase our profits on parts to stay in
business. This is going to undo that. It’s
going to unfairly affect those businesses
that are efficient. And those are probably
the businesses that are treating our mutual
customers the best as well.”
Chevrier isn’t alone in his resistance to
PartsTrader. ASA says that 17 of the four
dozen Select Service shops in the
Birmingham, Ala., market dropped the
State Farm program rather than use the
PartsTrader system when it launched there
in May. While acknowledging they had not
tried the system, several Birmingham shops
said they felt it would add enough
inefficiencies that they would have to add
personnel, and they felt it would
Continued on page C-4
In a video to Select Service shops, State
Farm’s George Avery challenged those
criticizing the insurer’s testing of
PartsTrader, saying his company’s
“reputation was built on fairness and
Page C-2
August 2012
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Parts & People
August 2012
Page C-3
Repairers and dealers speak out on State Farm’s new PartsTrader system
from PartsTrader “was terrible” and that
questions he posed (via live chat) during the
online training went unanswered.
He also said that, unlike OEConnection’s
online parts ordering system, PartsTrader
does no scrubbing of the order against the
VIN, so there’s nothing that prevents a shop
from placing parts up for bid that aren’t
applicable to the vehicle the shop is
“I can tell you this: If I had State Farm
insurance, I’d go to my agent and tell him
I’m bailing,” the parts manager said. “And
if I owned the dealership, I’d sure be
making all my employees aware of what’s
going on and what State Farm is doing.”
While parts managers may see potential
downsides of PartsTrader for their
departments or their shop customers,
dealership principals may not be happy
about their employees talking down
something that may impact the dealership’s
own body shop. Indeed, an Iowa dealership
fired its parts manager this summer after the
manager’s critical statements about
PartsTrader were published.
Continued from page C-2
significantly impact their overall
Dealer response
Speaking only on the condition of
anonymity, a few dealership parts managers
voiced their opinions on the issue.
A dealership parts manager in the
Birmingham market said he chose not to
participate in the program partly because
two of his largest shop customers told him
they would no longer purchase parts from
the dealership.
“One of those shops is on the Select
Service program, and is using the system
but requiring PartsTrader to fax his orders
through the system to us, since we don’t
participate,” the parts manager said.
A parts manager at a Chrysler dealership
in South Carolina said he thinks fear is what
has prevented any of the three dozen Select
Service shops in the Charlotte market from
dropping out of the program when
PartsTrader launched there in late April. He
said he is reluctantly participating in the
program but is not pricing parts below the
manufacturer’s suggested retail price.
He said the training that vendors received
Our regional
editions serve:
State Farm and
PartsTrader respond
PartsTrader CEO Rob Cooper has tried to
More than just
• Washington
• Oregon
• Idaho
• Montana
• Alaska
• Colorado
• Wyoming
• W. Kansas
• W. Nebraska
• New Mexico
• Missouri
• Kansas
• Nebraska
• Iowa
• Missouri
• Illinois
• S. Indiana
• W. Kentucky
Our six regional editions are viewable in three digital formats.
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Page C-4
August 2012
Parts & People
allay some concerns in an open letter
posted to the company’s website
“Repairers are in control of the process,
as they should be,” Cooper said, in his
In June the company also told its
investors in New Zealand (where it is
based and where the largest auto insurer
also requires its shops to use the system)
that it has a five-year contract with “a
large U.S. insurer.”
State Farm in mid-May issued a video
to its Select Service shops nationwide,
decrying the less-than-positive reaction
by “a few in the industry” and saying that
its “reputation was built on fairness and
square-dealing and we take issue with the
way some in the industry have portrayed
our organization.”
In the video, State Farm’s Avery
reiterates that the PartsTrader system
allows Select Service shops to maintain
the choice of parts and vendors, and
maintain the relationships and negotiated
deals they have with vendors – though he
doesn’t mention the impact such choices
could have on a shop’s Select Service
“With the exception of recycled parts,
the application does not provide State
Farm with access to your buy price or
part margins,” Avery says in the video.
But repairers around the country clearly
aren’t convinced that State Farm’s
implementation of PartsTrader doesn’t
mark a sea change in terms of insurer
involvement in shop profit centers.
Arizona shop owner and SCRS board
member Paul Val voiced a concern shared
by many.
“Now it’s parts. What’s it going to be
next? Paint? Where does it end?” Val
said. n
PartsTrader creates advisory council
Chicago—PartsTrader LLC, a Webbased parts sourcing, quoting, and ordering
platform supporting the automobile
collision repair industry, announced it has
created an industry advisory council.
The intent of the PartsTrader Advisory
Council is to ensure that each of the core
market segments using the PartsTrader
platform has a regular, structured
opportunity to provide direct input on the
“Creating an industry advisory council is
both necessary and appropriate,” said Rob
Cooper, PartsTrader CEO. “While we
spoke with many collision repairers and
parts suppliers during our first two years of
research and initial building of our U.S.
product offering, it is only through an
ongoing, open engagement with our
primary customer groups that we can
ensure our product truly meets the needs of
those using it.”
The PartsTrader Advisory Council’s
primary function is to provide its two
primary user groups — the collision repair
industry and all segments of the automobile
collision parts industry (OEM, aftermarket,
recycled, and remanufactured) — with an
opportunity to provide timely and critical
feedback on the platform in order to
maximize the value created by the platform
for each group.
The PartsTrader Advisory Council will
consist of representatives from each user
community. It will be large enough to
represent the interests of both large and
small businesses in each of these industry
segments, but small enough to be an
effective working group. The initial group
will include four to five repair facility
advocates, with both multi-shop operators
and single-location operators being
represented. Likewise, the group will
include five to six supplier advocates, with
OEM, aftermarket and recycled each being
The inaugural group will include
Michael Quinn, Collision Industry
Conference (CIC) chairman (Tucson,
Ariz.); Steve Tomaszewski of Alpine
Collision Centre (Grand Rapids, Mich.);
Michael LeVasseur of Keenan Autobody
(Clifton Heights, Pa); Lou DiLisio of
Automotive Industry Consulting (Mt.
Kisco, N.Y.); Amber Elenbaas of Pete’s
Auto Parts (Jenison, Mich.); and
Christopher Northup of General
Distribution Consultants (Glendora, Calif.).
All of these individuals are active in
various industry associations and advocacy
groups. Additional council members will be
named in the upcoming weeks.
“We were very careful in choosing who
to invite to participate in this initial group,”
said Dale Sailer, PartsTrader vice president
of Business Development. “It was critical
that we assemble a group of individuals
who will not be shy about expressing their
opinions and are willing to hold us
accountable for our stated commitments to
the industry, while also being forwardthinking and business-savvy. We think
we’ve put together a group that will be very
demanding of PartsTrader on behalf of their
peers, to the ultimate benefit of both user
groups.” n
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Parts & People
August 2012
Page C-5
Many new options exist for shops seeking lower-cost refinish materials
by Jay Sicht
There has been a dramatic change in the
landscape of refinish materials in the past
five to 10 years, with a number of new
company and brand names appearing in the
marketplace, many of which promise cost
Parts & People spoke with a number of
manufacturers to get a perspective on the
current condition of the value segment.
Although it is impossible to draw direct
“apples-to-apples” comparisons between
all products and brands, each brand
featured herein promises to give a shop the
quality benefits while saving money.
“Shops need to evaluate the quality of
the product, not just the cost,” said Gina
Mahan, North America marketing manager
for Valspar Refinish, which sells products
under the Valspar and DeBeer brand
names. “It’s important for the shops to
demo the products as they have been
developed in order to accurately measure
the quality and application properties versus
just the brand or price.”
New products promise
quality at a lower cost
There is good reason for the appearance
of new players in the market — there is
great demand for a product that can still
deliver quality results while adding to the
shop’s bottom line, paint representatives
Akzo Nobel’s Wanda simple system
“A lot of things have changed about
value refinish products over the past 10
years,” said Mark Rapson, business
manager for Trade Brands North America
at Akzo Nobel, who noted that the
marketplace has evolved to include more
sales of products in both the premium and
value segments and fewer sales of midlevel “standard” products. AkzoNobel’s
Wanda brand has experienced
“exponential” growth since it was first
distributed in North America in 2007, he
Ken Papich, director of sales for Matrix
System Automotive Finishes, agreed.
“We believe the refinish market
discovered that a lot of value-branded
products perform as well as the premium
brands, but cost a whole lot less,” he said.
“Because of this, the market is shifting
Page C-6
August 2012
Chemspec USA’s Metalux swatch collection
toward lower-priced goods. Matrix has
enjoyed nearly 30 years in the market, but
we haven’t seen such growth like we are
experiencing today. In the past four years,
Matrix has doubled in volume.”
Pete Mahoney, technical consultant and
national trainer for ChemSpec USA’s
Metalux and Hydrolux brands, said
“blendable color match, coverage, and
durability” are the main features of the
systems, while the use of universal
hardeners and solvents keeps inventory
requirements to a minimum.
“Metalux is a premium product,”
Mahoney said. “Similar in quality to all of
the major brands, it is superior to the lessexpensive brands, but with a comparable
pricing structure. It’s a system one should
take a strong look at if they want to save
money and not have to sacrifice the quality
that they desire.”
Valspar’s Mahan said current offerings in
the marketplace mean shops can often save
money while getting the results they are
used to.
“Our products are tested to perform as
well as — if not better than — some of the
leading brands out there,” she said. “When
it comes to color match, we have one of the
best global color-matching capabilities out
inventory needed at the shop, Rapson said,
adding that there is only one clear and one
primer/surfacer in the solvent line.
“Color matches for the Wanda platforms
are developed in the same labs, following
the same quality standards as all AkzoNobel
refinish brands,” he said. “We believe this
gives Wanda a competitive advantage and
segment-leading color-match.
“The expectation of having the color
match is the most important thing, for sure.
Along with our superior color retrieval
system, ColorPro, we have a comprehensive
variant deck system and the ColorMap for
hard-to-identify colors. The Wanda color
platforms are leading in this segment.
VOC-compliance and ease-of-use
Wanda Waterbase was introduced for
shops needing to be compliant with lowVOC requirements, Rapson said, noting that
the company looked at offering a low-VOC
solvent product but had problems with
color-matching being consistent across a
wide range of environmental conditions.
“We developed Waterbase from the
ground up to be a Wanda compliant
offering,” he said. “Generally speaking,
water can be sensitive to the environment
it’s being sprayed in and drying. But, we
did extensive testing in less-than-optimum
shops for quite some time developing the
product to be more forgiving in less-thanperfect conditions. It dries better than
typical waterborne products.”
Matrix’s Papich agreed that userfriendliness is a hallmark of products in this
New technology one aspect of
segment not common before
AkzoNobel’s Rapson said investing in
applying new technology to the value
segment is a fairly recent phenomenon.
Previously, he said, a major paint company
may have used “trickle-down” technology
that had been proven and the development
mostly paid for over the years with its
premium line. It was perhaps relabeled with
a slight tweak to its chemistry to make the
product more user-friendly.
“We put a lot of effort into developing
products specific to the value segment,”
Rapson said. “And our value proposition is
simplicity, color, and value. Everything we
do focuses on those three pieces.”
Wanda products feature simple mixing
ratios, hardeners, and reducers common to
many products to reduce the amount of
Parts & People
Matrix System’s MP-1000 DTM Primer
“We offer a complete line — both
National Rule and VOC-compliant — to
the refinish market,” he said. “Our
products are simple to use and don’t
require as much training as others. Matrix
has engineered our products to work with
simple mix ratios, utilizing the wide
range of equipment shops already have.”
Valspar has a number of VOCcompliant offerings, Mahan said,
including the premium European
technology DeBeer 900+ waterborne
solution and a high-quality low-VOC
solventborne Valspar Refinish solution.
Each solution offers a selection of VOC
compliant primers and clears to ensure a
perfect finish that meets
regulatory needs. One
other solution not often
seen previously in the
value segment, Mahan
noted, was the availability
of colored primers, a
feature praised for its
DTM 2035
ability to aid in hiding and
improve color matching.
Transtar Autobody
Technologies came to the
market in 2005 with its “No Mix”
offering, with a low-VOC version
appearing in 2009. The system does not
require mechanical agitation via stir lids.
The secret to that feature is the balancers
and binders Transtar uses, said Marcus
Malnar, technical representative for
Transtar’s No Mix Low-VOC basecoat
“It keeps everything uniform in the
mix,” he said. “You can grab a brandnew silver toner, take off the cap, and
notice that the metallic flake is evenly
distributed throughout the toner.”
Rather than having to stir a mixing
machine three times a day, as
recommended by most manufacturers,
Malnar said a painter needs only to shake
the toner before using it. As the balancer
and binder are already mixed in the toner,
any toner can be used off of the bank asis after reducing, he said.
Shops of all sizes have converted to
Transtar, Malnar said, adding that the
latest products include Hydrobase DTM
Primer — a waterborne, high-build
direct-to-metal primer/surfacer — and a
“speed clear” that requires no flash time;
two coats can be applied back to back.
Although one usually equates water
and steel with rust, Malnar said the resins
and chemicals used have anti-corrosive
properties that “bite in” to the metal after
the water evaporates, preventing rust.
Because it’s a waterborne, it can be used
on sensitive substrates such as waterborne
primers, lacquers, and enamels, he said.
“If you use those two products together,
you can get a car in and out before lunch,”
Malnar said. n
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August 2012
Parts & People
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Shops take ‘lean’ to next level with
administrative and marketing smarts
by Rob Merwin
than 1,200 hours of administrative work
While great strides continue to be made for a shop every year,” he said.
in shop-floor lean initiatives, the next
Digital marketing
steps of lean are in administration, office,
and communications
supply chain, and marketing, said Frank
Terlep, CEO and lead sherpa of Summit
If shops are going to succeed with local
Software and Marketing Solutions, who
consumers they have no choice but to
has worked with shops throughout North
enter the digital world of marketing and
America to improve touch times and
increase sales and
“Any shop that is
profits using a
going to market its
combination of Summit
business to consumers
software and lean
is going to have to
market digitally,” Terlep
“Most lean initiatives
have focused on the
E-mail, text, social
shop floor, but shops
media, mobile, and
also need to get lean in
several other tools,
their administrative
technologies, and
processes — major
techniques must become
areas of opportunity —
integrated into a shop’s
to maintain and
daily marketing,
increase profits,” he
Frank Terlep, CEO and lead
customer retention
sherpa of Summit Software and
Marketing Solutions, says a large
If a shop were to
strategies and activities.
examine the cycle time portion of cycle time is
The best way for a
administrative-, office-, and
of a repair, the time
to determine the
supply chain-related.
needed to actually
optimal digital
repair the vehicle is not the issue — most
marketing and communication tools, he
of the issues are in administration, Terlep
said, is to look at the consumers in its
said. He explained that a typical repair
market — and even look at its own
with 45 hours of estimated repair time
normally takes 25 actual labor hours to
“We know that 18- to 34-year-olds are
complete. The remaining time is spent on
the most likely consumer group to have an
administrative-, office-,
accident. We also know
and supply chainthese consumers love
“If a shop’s existing their smartphones,
related concerns.
website is not
So Summit has
tablets, social media,
implemented lean
optimized for mobile etc.,” he said. “So a shop
processes and
that is going to market to
devices, the consumer these consumers needs
technology to automate
or eliminate non-valueto use the same tools
will have a bad
add administrative
they use.”
processes, Terlep said.
That means a shop
Automation of payroll,
must consider the
customer communication, production, and following digital marketing and
scheduling processes are all potential
communication tools:
targets for improvement.
Performing website: A shop’s website
“When it comes to the supply chain, all needs to be developed in Wordpress or
you have to do is look at the parts
with the latest technology, Terlep said,
procurement process,” he said.
adding that Summit prefers Wordpress
Most shops have a parts manager with a because it is a blogging platform “and
salary between $40,000 and $50,000, and
search engines love blogs.” The site
much of what they do is order and receive should also include videos, live-chat
parts and, in most cases, post invoices to
capabilities, calls to action, customer
their management system, Terlep said,
reviews and ratings, e-coupons, the ability
adding that this last step takes up 5-6
to request an appointment, and a sign-up
hours per day.
area for a company newsletter.
“The biggest opportunity for a shop
Mobile website: More than 50 percent
would be the ability of a vendor invoice
of search is now performed via mobile
to auto-post to the shop management
devices, Terlep said. “If a shop’s existing
system. This alone could eliminate more
website is not optimized for mobile
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Overland Park, KS 66502
Fax: 913-384-0036
Continued on page 18
Parts & People
August 2012
Page 17
Shops take ‘lean’ to next level with administrative and marketing smarts
Continued from page 17
devices, the consumer will have a bad
E-mail and text-message marketing
and communications: Shops should use
e-mail and text messages to communicate
repair status, post-repair thank-you notes,
CSI surveys, car-care tip newsletters,
special promotions, and more, he said.
“The Collision Solutions Network in
Canada, with 115 shops, was able to move
all of their CSI efforts to e-mail and start
to implement e-mail and text-based
vehicle status updates with our eMarketPlace platform,” Terlep said.
E-mail and text are also useful for
ongoing branding and customer retention.
“Since it is 7-10 years between accidents,
e-mail and text messaging are great ways
for a shop to keep its brand in front of
previous customers and to ask for
referrals,” Terlep said.
Social media: “We believe a shop needs
to consider positions on Facebook, Twitter,
YouTube, LinkedIn and Google+. Each of
these social media platforms caters to a
different constituency, so if a shop wants
to connect with and service those
consumers, it needs to be there,” he said.
Apps: Smartphones and tablets will
soon be the way most people will
communicate, access information, request
appointments, and more, Terlep said.
“Shops need to own a piece of real
estate on these devices, and they can do
that with their own apps.”
Reputation management: If a shop is
not listening to what is being said about
its business, employees or competition, its
reputation could be getting damaged and
it doesn’t even know it. Shops need to
invest in tools and software that can
“listen to the online world,” he said.
Hiring the weaknesses
As shops grow their revenue, so will
their need for added business, finance,
marketing, and management expertise.
More shops, especially those with annual
revenues starting at $2 million and above,
will outsource key business processes
such as marketing and sales, Terlep said.
Lack of knowledge and experience, as
well as the cost of hiring a full-time
marketing person, will lead to outsourcing
so management teams can focus on the
business while marketing and sales
experts can “deliver the goods,” he said.
Being part of something bigger
Terlep said the consolidation trend will
continue and those businesses that don’t
want to be acquired will end up becoming
a member of a network, franchise, buying
group, marketing group, or other
organization to help them deliver better
service, enhance purchasing power, and
share performance numbers with the rest
of the group. “Shops can benefit and learn
from a group instead of trying to do it on
their own,” he said. n
Collision Repair Training Notes
For more information on registration
and class times, call 800-422-7872 or
• Aug. 8-Steel Unitized Structures
Technologies and Repair
• Aug. 24-Lighting, Starting, and
Charging Systems
State Farm InsuranceLaVista, Neb.
Manhattan Area Technical CollegeManhattan, Kan.
I-CAR Training
• Aug. 8-Overview of Cycle Time
Improvements for the Collision Repair
• Aug. 8-Automotive Foams
• Aug. 14-Collision Repair for Toyota,
Lexus, and Scion Vehicles
Sometimes things that
share the same name are
not the same at all.
Trust the Real Deal:
OEM Honda & Acura Parts
• Aug. 16-Movable Glass
• Aug. 23-Restraint Systems Damage
• Aug. 30-Steel Structures Damage
• Sept. 5-Damage Analysis of Advanced
Automotive Systems
• Sept. 12-Electronically Controlled
Steering and Suspension Systems
• Sept. 19-Inspecting Repairs for
Quality Control
• Sept. 26-Steering and Suspension
Damage Analysis
Hampton Inn-Lawrence, Kan.
• Aug. 14-Corrosion Protection
• Aug. 30-Cosmetic Straightening Steel
• Sept. 13-Structural Straightening Steel
• Sept. 18-Overview of Cycle Time
Improvements for the Collision Repair
• Sept. 27-Electric and Electric Hybrid
Parts & People
Kansas City Business Development
Center-North Kansas City, Mo.
• Aug. 8-9-PPG CertificationEnvirobase HP
• Aug. 13-14-Delfleet Training
• Aug. 22-23-PPG Amercoat Product and
• Sept. 18-19-Solution-Based Commercial
Selling Process
Location TBDMaryland Heights, Mo.
• Aug. 21-22-MVP Accelerated Sales &
Marketing Systems
Chief University Training
• Aug. 21-Automotive Foams
• Sept. 11-Steering and Suspension
Damage Analysis
• Sept. 15-Air Conditioning
• Sept. 20-Damage Analysis of Advanced
Automotive Systems
For more information, call 800-445-9262
or visit
Des Moines Area Community
College-Ankeny, Iowa
• Aug. 13-Color Theory, Application,
Tinting, and Blending
• Aug. 20-Bolted-On Part Replacement
• Sept. 11-Stationary Glass
• Aug. 15-Frontal Impact Analysis
• Aug. 15-Restraints, Interior, Glass,
Side and Rear Impact Analysis
August 2012
For more information and registration,
contact your local PPG or Nexa
Autocolor distributor or Territory
Manager Rhonda Shipers at 816-474-0600
or visit
Washburn Tech-Topeka, Kan.
Holiday Inn-Springfield, Mo.
Page 18
PPG Training
Des Moines Area Community
College-Ankeny, Iowa
• Aug. 14-15-Computerized Measuring
• Aug. 14-15-Full Frame Analysis &
Repair Planning
Des Moines Area Community
College-Ankeny, Iowa
• Aug. 14-15-Structural Damage
• Aug. 14-15-Advanced Frame
• Aug. 14-15-Advanced Steering &
Suspension Analysis
• Aug. 14-15-Design Based Repair n
3M celebrates 10 years of positive
environmental impact with 3M PPS
St. Paul, Minn.—Since its U.S.
introduction in 2002, the 3M PPS (Paint
Preparation System) has exceeded its
original intention of improving efficiency
within automotive paint shops, company
officials said. It has also become an
environmental success story, lowering the
associated use of harsh cleanup solvents by
70 percent per application, said Steve
Joseph, 3M division scientist for the
Automotive Aftermarket Division.
Ross McLean, 3M Global Business
manager for the Automotive Aftermarket
Division, estimates that by using the 3M
PPS System, paint shops worldwide may
have saved more than 46 million gallons of
solvent. Imagine 70 Olympic-sized
swimming pools, each with a volume of
660,430 gallons. That is how much solvent
has been potentially eliminated in shops
around the world with the 3M PPS System
since 2002.
“The creation of 3M’s PPS addressed
several articulated and unarticulated needs
throughout auto body shops globally,”
Joseph said. “It revolutionized the process
by which the painter mixes and filters paint,
basically eliminating the traditional spray
gun reservoir. With the PPS System, we
were able to combine several of the mixing
and paint transfer steps, thereby measurably
reducing paint waste.”
Also, because paint does not come into
contact with the PPS cup and collar, only
the spray gun channel and the PPS adapter
require cleaning.
“With the 3M PPS System, the auto body
painter is able to mix the paint in the same
cup that gets put on the spray gun,” Joseph
said. “Not only is the elimination of the
transfer step a huge benefit, but as the paint
enters the spray gun, it is filtered just prior
to spraying. This eliminates many of the
contaminants that otherwise may end up on
the vehicle during spraying.”
The PPS System also provides the ability
to stay 90 degrees to the panel from any
angle, even upside down, which optimizes
material transfer and helps to reduce
material waste.
At a time in which the global auto repair
industry aims to diminish its use of VOCs
and improve their environmentally friendly
repair practices, governments around the
world are increasingly mandating the use of
waterborne paint systems. The PPS System
plays a critical role in creating a cleaner
shop environment.
As with most waterborne systems, the
water component of the paint interacts
negatively with the traditional metal cup,
which can lead to corrosion and a source for
potential contamination. Since the 3M PPS
System is made up of plastic (cup, collar,
disposable lid, and liner), it is ideal for
waterborne systems.
The 3M PPS System helps body shops
meet the requirements of EPA Rule 40 CFR
Part 63 – Subpart 6H, which went into
effect in 2011. n
I-CAR enhances delivery of spot
welding course, includes live demos
Hoffman Estates, Ill.—I-CAR premiered
an enhanced delivery method for its
instructor-led Squeeze-Type Resistance
Spot Welding course. Students can now
benefit from live demonstrations
throughout the course, including
demonstrations on how to properly set up
machines, align and maintain electrode tips,
make spot welds, identify and correct weld
defects, understand how to visually inspect
spot welds, and how to destructively test
welds for quality.
The course will provide students with
information that will enable them to
perform successful welds and, ultimately,
provide customers with safe and complete
repairs. Spot welding has many benefits
and can be considered a quick and efficient
way to join metals as well as an effective
solution for decreasing the heat-affect zone
on vehicles manufactured with highstrength steel and ultra high-strength steel.
In addition, spot welding decreases damage
to corrosion protection and replication of
production weld appearance.
Jason Bartanen, I-CAR Technical
director, said, “The success of the weld and
the ability to achieve a safe and complete
repair can be improved by the technician’s
knowledge of proper methodology,
equipment usage, and identification and
inspection techniques. If a spot weld is not
performed correctly, the risk of a weak or
deformed weld will compromise the
integrity of the repair. The new live
demonstration portions in this course will
be very relevant to technicians who apply
spot welding techniques in their day-to-day
The overall course content will remain
the same and will fulfill the Spot Welded
Panel Replacement Knowledge Area in
I-CAR ProLevel 1 for Steel Structural
Technicians and the Squeeze-Type
Resistance Spot Welding Knowledge Area
in I-CAR ProLevel 2 for Non-Structural
Technicians. Registration is open and
classes are continually being added to the
schedule. Visit the to
search for area training. n
SEPTEMBER 7-9 • 2012
Mike Anderson of Collision Advice brings his informative and entertaining
style to the AASP-MO EXCEL Trade Show and Training Conference. Mike
will teach two collision management courses: How to Inspire, Delegate
and Coach Your Team and Managing by Process, NOT by Luck.
Choose from 6 different I-CAR classes that will be
taught over two days. Earn up to three I-CAR points in
areas ranging from High Strength Steel to Electric and
Hybrid Vehicles.
5:00-9:00 P.M.
(Drinks, hot dogs, snacks and BG Pizza Party available in Trade Show area)
6:30 A.M.
6:30 - 8 A.M.
7:15 A.M.
7:35 - 8 A.M.
THE TELEPHONE DOCTOR – “7 Keys to Success.”
8:15 - 11:30 A.M.
(9:45-10 A.M. Refreshment Break)
Waterborne Products, Systems and Application / Instructor: Larry Schmidt
Electric and Electric Hybrid Vehicles / Instructor: Walt Rundell
CM1: Leadership Best Practices—How to Inspire, Delegate and Coach Your Team
Instructor: Mike Anderson, Collision Advice
10 A.M.- 3 P.M.
CASH PRIZE DRAWINGS & 50/50 Must Be Present To Win!
11:30 A.M.- 1 P.M. LUNCH BUFFET
2:45 - 6 P.M.
(4:45-5 P.M. Refreshment Break)
Best Practices for High-Strength Steel Repairs / Instructor: Mike Croker
Inspecting Repairs for Quality Control / Instructor: John Helterbrand
CM2: Managing by Process NOT by Luck / Instructor: Mike Anderson, Collision Advice
10:00 -10:15 A.M. Refreshment Break
Restraint Systems Damage Analysis / Instructor: Mike Croker
Steel Structures Damage Analysis / Instructor: John Helterbrand
Request your registration form today at
or by calling the AASP-MO office at
636-949-5990 or 800-288-3863
Parts & People
August 2012
Page 19
Shop owner meets market challenges of managing two stores
Continued from page 1
To assist with bringing the business to
the next level, Ralston said he is working
with the Automotive Training Institute
(ATI), which assists him with strategies for
reaching his goals.
“We do weekly tracking, and when my
instructor, Eric Twiggs calls me each week,
he holds me to it,” he said. “We make a
checklist of what’s going to get done
through a return and report system. He’s
been real good about holding my feet to the
“As shop owners and managers, we need
to be held accountable, too,” Julie Ralston
Training is always available for ATI
members, Jeff Ralston said, and with ATI’s
management software program, he can see
how much profit he makes on every job.
“They have a portal that you enter repair
order information into each week and it
outputs results so you can quickly see if
you came out ahead that week,” he said.
Another area in which ATI provided help
was handling negative Google Reviews,
justified or not, which is something that
many shop owners are encountering in the
digital age, Ralston said.
“Instinctively, we want to respond in a
fashion that is pretty combative and really
defensive,” he said. “That’s not the way to
go about it. It should be, ‘I’m sorry, we are
LKQ’s Promise of Protection expands
to all auto and light truck parts
Chicago—LKQ Corp. announced the
expansion of its Promise of Protection.
LKQ will indemnify licensed auto repair
shops against injury or damage caused by
any defective auto or light truck LKQ
product, in accordance with the terms set
forth in the Promise of Protection.
The expanded product liability
protection supersedes LKQ’s previous
Promise of Protection which recently
raised the bar in the auto parts industry
with the strongest quality assurance
protection in the aftermarket automotive
replacement parts category.
The LKQ Promise of Protection has
transformed the way the auto parts
industry defines customer care by stating
definitively that LKQ products aftermarket and recycled - are safe, highquality replacement parts. LKQ is the first
Page 20
August 2012
and only company in the industry to back
up product claims this strongly.
“We set a new industry standard with
the introduction of our Promise of
Protection program a few months ago,”
said Rob Wagman, president and CEO of
LKQ. “Now our expanded Promise of
Protection goes to a completely new level
by offering product liability
indemnification on a much broader range
of our parts, including OEM recycled.
Without question, this expansion of our
Promise of Protection program reinforces
our commitment to leading the industry in
quality assurance on these parts. We are
committed to providing only safe, quality
products that are cost-effective,
environmentally conscious, and which
now come with full protection for our
customers.” n
Parts & People
going to get to the bottom
of this. Let’s figure out
what went wrong.’ It’s
your last chance to at least
attempt to contact the
person and keep their
Keeping up with the
evolution of the Internet,
and addressing issues
such as Google Reviews,
is an ongoing process, but
so is keeping up with
constant changes in the
automotive repair
Auto Doctors’ Technician Mike Jones finishes removing an
industry, Ralston said.
engine on a Dodge Caravan in preparation for installing a
“The equipment has
used engine.
changed quite a bit since
we opened,” he said. “We’ve moved to
who orders most of his parts through
putting laptops in the bays so the
NAPA, which he is partnered with as a
technicians can have instant access to
NAPA AutoCare Center.
Mitchell OnDemand, Identifix, and our
“Both our shops have been NAPA
Mitchell Management system.”
AutoCare Centers since they opened,” he
While Ralston’s technicians do not write
said, “and we have really built some great
the estimates or order parts, they are
relationships from working with Sales
responsible for using the
Manager Robert Curtright
management software to
District Manager
“Someone considering and
look up labor rates, as
Keith Finley to our
opening a second
well as check previous
Outside Sales
vehicle history when
Representative Steve
shop needs to be
Kaunley, who is the best
aware of the
Making the technician
rep we’ve had. He is way
differences in the
responsible for the labor
above and beyond
rates alleviates the
area they are looking anything I would have
potential for a “lost in
asked for.”
to grow.”
translation” scenario to
The Overland Park
arise between the
Auto Doctors location is
technician and service advisor, he added.
also an AAA-approved facility, Ralston
In the same vein, technicians are also
said, and a member of ASA. He has
responsible for writing out every part
received both the ASA-MO/KAN Green
necessary to complete the job, said Ralston, Star facility and Humanitarian award. n
Parts & People
August 2012
Page 21
House subcommittee preserves
service advisors overtime exemption
Washington, D.C.—A House
appropriations subcommittee voted to
reinforce that service advisors, the
frontline employee-salespersons in the
service department, remain exempt from
overtime pay requirements. In 2011, the
Department of Labor (DOL) attempted to
reverse its own 1978 opinion and roll back
the longstanding exemption. DOL is
currently prevented from enforcing any
change due to an identical restriction in
the department’s current funding law.
“House appropriators clearly recognize
that it is counterproductive to alter
existing overtime requirements for service
advisors and then expect dealers to create
more employment opportunities,”
National Automobile Dealers Association
(NADA) chairman Bill Underriner said.
“Reversing years of existing practice
could force dealers to make potentially
costly compensation and staffing
Last year, Underriner and NADA met
Page 22
August 2012
numerous times with DOL to deter efforts
to overturn the exemption. Underriner
argued that these changes would be
disruptive, would expose auto retailers to
unnecessary litigation, and were not
properly justified by the department.
After exhausting all regulatory
remedies, Underriner contacted his
representative in Congress, Rep. Denny
Rehberg, R-Mont. Rep. Rehberg,
chairman of the subcommittee that
oversees DOL funding, included language
to prevent the department from changing
the service advisor exemption. The
committee’s action continues to ensure
that the law remains consistent with
numerous federal court decisions and
DOL’s 1978 opinion.
“Dealers across the country applaud
Rep. Rehberg’s leadership. His focus on
controlling regulatory costs and
eliminating red tape helps give dealers the
resources to expand their businesses and
hire additional staff,” Underriner said. n
Parts & People
Hendrick Automotive Group to rename
all its Kansas City area dealerships
Hendrick Toyota Merriam/Hendrick Scion Merriam, formerly Superior Toyota/Scion,
moved to a new location at 9505 West 67th St. in Merriam on June 18. The new
location has 68,000 square feet of retail space, doubled the existing service capacity,
and hired 30 new employees.
Charlotte, N.C.—The eight Kansas
City-area auto dealerships owned by
Hendrick Automotive Group will transition
from the “Superior” name to the
“Hendrick” name during the next 10
months. The changes are set to coincide
with dealership upgrades and openings in
several new locations.
“Hendrick Automotive Group is proud of
the presence we’ve established in the
Kansas City area since we acquired our
first dealership there in 1992,” said Kirk
Heppler, executive vice president and COO
at Hendrick Automotive Group. “As all of
our dealerships in the area undergo
improvements, we felt the timing was right
to transition to the Hendrick name that has
become so well-known in the automotive
industry and NASCAR (with sister
company Hendrick Motorsports). We’re
proud of our long history in Kansas City
and look forward to offering our customers
the same friendly faces, expertise, and great
service that they’ve come to expect from
The name changes will coincide with
renovations and openings of new locations
for the dealerships. Hendrick Toyota
Merriam/Hendrick Scion Merriam
(formerly Superior Toyota/Superior Scion)
moved to its new location at 9505 West
67th Street in Merriam on June 18. The
location has 68,000 square feet of retail
space and offers more than 400 new and
pre-owned cars. The move doubled the
existing service capacity and increased the
number of employees by 30.
Formerly Superior Nissan, the new
Hendrick Nissan Kansas City, currently
located at 7951 West Shawnee Mission
Parkway in Merriam, will move to the
vacated Toyota dealership in late
September once renovations are completed.
The new Hendrick Chevrolet Shawnee
Mission, at 8300 West Shawnee Mission
Parkway in Merriam, is in the process of a
nearly $5 million renovation scheduled to
be completed by the beginning of August.
“Most of our dealerships in the Kansas
City market have undergone renovations in
the past 10 years, but some of them still
had begun to show their age,” Heppler
said. “Each of our dealerships in this
market will have either a new facility or
some type of customer convenience
renovations during the next 18 months.
“The Kansas City area continues to
grow and has been incredibly good to us.
This nearly $45 million investment in the
region will help us to continue to serve
them and meet their future needs.”
Hendrick Acura Overland Park
(formerly Superior Acura), located at 7727
Frontage Road in Overland Park, was the
first area Hendrick Automotive Group
dealership to officially change to its new
name in April.
Superior Volvo at 907 West 104th Street
in Kansas City will be renamed Hendrick
Volvo of Kansas City later this year.
Superior Buick Cadillac will become
Hendrick Buick Cadillac. Superior Lexus
and Superior Lexus North will transfer to
Hendrick names in early 2013.
Hendrick Automotive Group’s eight
Kansas City dealerships sell vehicles from
nine different manufacturers. The company
also offers a stand-alone collision center,
Hendrick Automotive Center, located at
9400 Troost Avenue in Kansas City, and a
second collision center at Superior Lexus
Hendrick Automotive Group currently
employs 780 people in the Kansas City
area and foresees a significant growth
following the area renovations. n
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Olathe Subaru
Parts & People
August 2012
Page 23
Cooper’s Keys to Auto Repair Profits
A shop owner’s guide to turning service advisors into superstars
Far too many shop owners hire service
on your team. When it comes to service
advisors who they feel are good at what
advisors, as with all of your employees,
they do, and then prefer to get out of their you need to look for attitude, aptitude,
way and let them do their thing.
and ethics. If they are missing any of the
Unfortunately, that’s a mistake. Now, I
three, you and your company are going to
am not suggesting that you
struggle. You also need to make
need to micromanage your
sure that they have the natural talent
advisors, or any of your
to sell. Please don’t confuse talent
employees. However, over
with skill, which is a learned
the years I have employed
behavior. Talent is the natural
many of the top advisors in
ability to do things exceptionally
America, and through our
well. The talents I look for in
service advisor training
service advisors are the ability to
Bob Cooper
courses I have had the
engage people in a conversation,
opportunity to meet hundreds of the
quick-wittedness, and a natural smile.
industry superstars, so I can tell you from Provide people who have these talents
first-hand experience that if you want to
with the training and guidance they need
turn your advisors into superstars, it’s no
to develop the necessary skills, and they
different from grooming world-class
can take you and your business right to
racehorses. They unquestionably need
the top.
proper care and attention. So here are
2. Set clear expectations. Obviously,
some tips to help you turn your advisors
you need to have clearly defined monthly
into superstars.
performance goals, but beyond that, you
1. Make sure you have the right people
need to break those goals down into
Genuine Mazda Parts
are made from the
same blueprint as the
original parts and
guarantees the same
fit, performance, and
durability as the day
the vehicle was built.
Contact one of these local dealers
for assistance and delivery of your
Genuine Mazda Parts.
weekly and daily sales and car- count
goals. That way, your service advisors
will know exactly what they need to
accomplish by the end of the day in order
to view their performance as a success.
As with managing any employee, you
also need to have clearly defined
minimum levels of acceptable
“As is true of all
professionals, advisors need
ongoing training. To stay at
the top of their game, they
should be sharpening their
skills with a sales course at
least once a year.”
performance in place, with deadlines.
3. For advisors to excel, they need to
work in an environment that has clearly
defined inspection processes in place.
Those processes should include vehicle
inspection procedures and the
documentation of all discoveries. Your
advisors should also be required to
accurately estimate all of the discovered
services, and fully disclose all discoveries
to customers. Any failure in this regard
will cost you in lost sales, vehicle
failures, and ultimately, in damage to the
reputation of your business. This is why
clearly defined inspection processes are
an absolute must.
4. Make sure that you are providing
your advisors with the right tools. They
need a robust shop management software
program, feature-rich warranties that they
can use as sales tools, point-of-sale items
they can use to get customers visually
involved (such as fluid samples), and
third-party financing options. They also
need techs who can produce, daily goal
Northtowne Mazda
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Page 24
August 2012
sheets to track their performance
throughout the day, and digital voice
recorders so they can critique their own
sales presentations. In addition, they need
to have quick-reference guides that list
the benefits of your most common
services. That way, your advisors can
review the guide prior to presenting their
recommendations to customers. For
example, under the “maintenance”
heading you would list: protects the
vehicle warranty, prevents costly
breakdowns, maximizes fuel economy,
maximizes the resale value of the
vehicle, etc.
5. Service advisors need to have their
performance monitored and measured,
and they need consistent feedback. At
Elite, we recommend that owners (or
managers) perform a repair order review
with their advisors at least once a week.
The purpose of the review should be to
analyze the declined sales, and have a
dialogue about what could have been
done differently to close the sales. As a
manager, you should also use this time as
an opportunity to reinforce your
commitment to ethics and customer
6. As is true of all professionals,
advisors need ongoing training. To stay at
the top of their game, they should be
sharpening their skills with a sales course
at least once a year.
Since 1990 Bob Cooper has been the
president of Elite Worldwide Inc., an
ethics-based company that offers shop
owners sales, marketing, and
management solutions in the form of
downloadable audio training courses,
seminars, and webinars, coaching
services, and service advisor training.
You can contact Cooper at, or at
800-204-3548. n
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GAAS panel discusses where consumers will go for service in the future
based on previous
experience and trust.
However, Langer said
he expects to see a loss of
share from independent
repair shops in the coming
years, driven largely by
advancement and new
vehicle demand.
“Independent repair
garages are forced into
working on new vehicles,
A panel of automotive market researchers
discussed “Who will win the battle for the
vehicles owners’ business?” during the
Global Automotive Aftermarket
Symposium (GAAS). The discussion was
moderated by Immediate Past Chairman
of GAAS David Caracci (l.) and included,
from l., Bill Thompson, CEO of IMR; Tom
Langer, president of TLG Research; and
Dennis DesRosiers, president of
DesRosiers Automotive Consultants.
by Matthew Sevart
Chicago—Where will people take their
vehicles for repair and service work in the
next two to five years? And what driving
factors will influence those decisions?
These questions were analyzed during a
panel discussion of market researchers at
the Global Automotive Aftermarket
Symposium (GAAS) recently in Chicago.
“Who will win the battle for the vehicles
owners’ business?” was moderated by
Immediate Past Chairman of GAAS David
Caracci, and included researchers Dennis
DesRosiers, president of DesRosiers
Automotive Consultants; Tom Langer,
president of TLG Research; and Bill
Thompson, CEO of IMR. The researchers
shared data, including trends on service
and repair work at independent repair
shops, dealership service centers, and
specialty chain store repair shops.
Independent repair shops
Independent repair shops maintain a 3040 percent share of the market, said
DesRosiers, and although they do not tend
to have the best locations, or money for
elaborate advertising campaigns, they
thrive when it comes to the personal
relationship with the customer.
“Everybody is looking for ‘Joe,’ so if
you can build relationships, it will help to
hold the share,” he said. “It drives a lot of
corporations nuts, because they are very
good at hard variables, such as programs
and systems, but soft variables are specific
to each shop, and it is hard to control. You
can’t just push a button or spend some
money and obtain that.”
Thompson added that 85 percent of
consumers turn to independent repairers
and this requires more investment in
training and technology,” Langer said.
“Secondly, with the aging vehicle fleet,
there will be pent-up demand coming back
on the OE side for new vehicles.”
When it comes to attitudes and values,
though, Langer said many vehicle owners
still want to call and talk to “Joe,” and that
consumer is not going away.
“Good independents are going to be
stronger than ever,” he said, “but average
independents, with a revenue of about
$500,000 each year, are going to struggle.”
“Only about 7 percent of independent
shops bring in more than $1 million, and a
lot in between,” Langer added. “Unless a
shop is in a rural location, I don’t know
how long it can survive with less than
$500,000 in revenue.”
In regard to vehicle technological
advancements, DesRosiers also said ongoing training is important.
“There is always a lot of training out
there, but getting technicians to do it is
another thing,” he said. “The dealers and
Continued on page 26
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Parts & People
August 2012
Page 25
GAAS panel discusses where consumers will go for service in the future
Continued from page 25
chains make it mandatory. It is not an
option. The long-term decline of
independents will be the result of not
keeping up with the training.”
Dealership service centers
The dealership closings in 2009 were
significant, and Thompson said the result
was a split in service and repair business
between the independent and new-car
“It got rid of the lowest facilities, and
since then, dealerships have bounced
back,” he said.
As a dealership is the first touch point
following a new-car purchase, Thompson
said it tries to maintain the business for as
long as it can, which is typically five to
seven years, before a vehicle owner
migrates to the aftermarket, oftentimes
when the car is paid off.
“Dealerships understand what they are
doing, and they are faring well when it
comes to maintenance and light repair, but
they are not getting tremendous heavy-duty
repair,” he said.
As far as demographics go, drivers 60
years of age and older represent 33 percent
of the dealer business, while those 30 and
under account for only 18 percent, said
Thompson, which leaves 80 percent of the
30-and-under market for the aftermarket.
Specialty chain store repair shops
As chain stores like Midas and Meineke
expand service options, Langer said, they
will also continue to gain more market
share, primarily from independent repair
The chain store’s biggest influence,
however, is its proven, well-structured
business model, he said.
“Franchisers have a very strong business
model,” he said. “McDonalds deals with
300- to 400-percent employee turnover, but
they put together strong management, and
Midas and Meineke are typically the same.
While turnover is high, strong management
is in place, and they know how to make
Whereas independent repair shops are
typically owned by ex-technicians, Langer
said chain stores may be owned by a
certified public accountant (CPA), giving
them an advantage when it comes to
remaining profitable.
Emerging trends in the
automotive repair industry
Overall, DesRosiers said he sees new-car
dealers picking up a couple shares of the
service business, as competition between
the chains and independents increases.
“The independent doesn’t disappear, but
the dealer is going to pick up some shares,
as will the chains, so I think independents
will experience a decline,” said
DesRosiers, adding, however, that the shift
will not be major.
Thompson agreed with DesRosiers that
massive shifts have not occurred yet, but he
predicts it will continue to be gradual, and
he said he potentially sees specialty car
repair chains, with expanded service
offerings, taking more shares from the
independents than dealerships.
Another variable in play is the aging
work force, which will lead to a significant
decline of technicians from the industry,
Langer said.
“The impact is profound for the simple
reason that we will see a shortage of
40,000 to 60,000 technicians,” he said.
That does not bode well for independent
shops, Langer said.
“I am not predicting the demise of the
independent garage, but if they are not
making investment in technology and
employees, they are going to lose out on a
lot of the market,” he said.
It is not doom and gloom, DesRosiers
said, adding that independent shop owners
have time to catch up if they are behind,
but, “don’t sit on your hands for long,
though.” n
New Kumho Tires geared for
on-road speed and environment
Rancho Cucamonga, Calif.—Kumho
any on-off-highway application where
Tire U.S.A. Inc. announced the release of
high drive traction is required,” said Ron
its all-new KMD41 tire to its medium
Gilbert, Kumho Tire U.S.A.’s
truck and bus radial tire
Commercial Truck Tire Sales
line-up. Along with
manager. “The KMD41 is also
recent introductions of
easier on the environment,
Smartway-approved line
built with environmentally
haul steer, drive and
friendly processing oils.”
trailer products, Kumho
Utilizing all-new Kumho
has focused its efforts on
rubber compounding
the on-off-highway tire
technology, the KMD41 also
segment. The KMD41 is
provides increased on-road
designed for use in ontraction and greater resistance
and off-road applications
to cutting and chipping in offsuch as refuse,
road conditions. Using
construction and mining,
Kumho’s proprietary casing
The all-new KMD41 is
and logging use. Along
technology, the Integrated
designed for use in onwith added traction, the
Component Optimization
and off-road applications
KMD41 removes the 55- such as refuse,
System (ICOS), casing
durability, and retreadability
construction, mining, and
restriction of the
have also been improved.
previous product,
The KMD41 joins a lineup
increasing the speed certification to 65
of truck and bus radial tires built
miles per hour for normal highway
especially for use on- and off-road for
maximum versatility in mixed-use
“The KMD41 is the ideal drive tire for
conditions, including low-profile and
wide-base products.
Kumho Tires produced the KMD41,
along with its entire line of consumer and
commercial tires, in accordance with
strict environmental standards. The
The Most Advanced Wheel
KMD41 was designed without the use of
Alignment System Available
high-aromatic oil (vacuum-distilled crude
oil), which is used heavily in the auto
industry. The KMD41 utilizes higharomatic oil-free technology in an effort
to reduce unnecessary hazardous
materials from entering the ecosystem.
The KMD41 can also be retreaded when
it gets to a worn state so instead of
throwing the tire away, it can be reused
and given another life on the job. n
For all your
service and
training needs
Call 877-542-5656
Page 26
August 2012
Parts & People
The right choice in lubricants
Parts & People
August 2012
Page 27
TIA releases survey results on basic Automotive Tire Service training
Bowie, Md.—The Tire Industry
Association (TIA) announced survey results
from TIA’s Basic ATS (Automotive Tire
Service) Program. The Basic ATS course is
designed to provide minimum skills training
for technicians working in the passenger and
light truck tire service industry. As of 2012,
TIA has trained more than 70,000
technicians, instructors, and advanced
After participating in the survey following
the training, students provided comments
that emphasize the success of the program.
One veteran tire technician said, “Very
informative, the materials were great. I have
been in this type of business for 35 years”;
another ATS graduate said, “The videos and
ATS Technician Information Survey
information in this course were very
revealed that 77 percent of the participants
informative, detailed and descriptive, with
reported the skills and concepts they learned
information step-by-step.”
in the program were valuable for their
Basic ATS
occupation. It also
provides training and “The videos and information showed that 88
education for new
percent of the
in this course were very
hires, as well as
participants rated the
informative, detailed and length of the TIA
technicians. It also
Automotive Tire
descriptive, with information Basic
provides the
Service Training
employer with
Program as ideal, and
documented proof of
70 percent of the
training, which is essential for liability
students also described the videos as being
protection in the event of an accident.
“very informative.”
Taken from 300 survey results, the Basic
Roy Littlefield, executive vice president
of the Tire Industry Association, said that he
is “delighted to see that so many positive
comments were accompanied by a
quantifiable 300 survey results. TIA’s
emphasis on professionally trained tire
technicians makes a difference in both
protecting the motoring public and
improving the image of our industry.”
TIA offers this Basic ATS program, as
well as other 200 Level Basic programs
online and in DVD and workbook format.
For more information on TIA’s training
opportunities, contact Director of Training
Chris Marnett at n
Mechanical Repair Training Notes
Federal Mogul Training
For more information, call 888-771-6005
or visit
Federal Mogul Technical
Education Center—St. Louis
• Aug. 6-8-Complete Fuel System
• Aug. 8-10-Engine Performance and
Driveability II
• Aug. 13-14-Advanced Steering &
Suspension Diagnostics
Our regional
editions serve:
& NW Nevada
• Aug. 15-17-ABS/Stability and Traction
Control Diagnostics
• Aug. 20-21-Automotive Electronics
• Aug. 22-24-Engine Performance and
Driveability I
• Sept. 10-11-ABS/Stability and
Traction Control Diagnostics
• Sept. 12-13-Advanced Steering &
Suspension Diagnostics
• Sept. 17-19-Steering & Suspension
Also available
Location TBDSioux Falls, S.D.
CARQUEST Technical
For more information and to register,
visit, e-mail All times are EDT.
To register, contact your local
CARQUEST store or visit
CARQUEST Distribution CenterShawnee/Overland Park, Kan.
• Aug. 6-7-Body Control System
Diagnosis: Lighting Systems
Location TBD-Wichita, Kan.
• Aug. 27-28-DSL-500 Ford 6.0 & 6.4
Power Stroke Diagnosis
• Sept. 12-13-Body Control System
Diagnosis: Lighting Systems
Automotive Research
and Design
• Aug. 22-Automotive Hybrid and Electric
Vehicle High Voltage Safety: A little
isolution never hurts 7-8 p.m.
• Sept. 10-Part One: Automotive 3-Phase
Electric Machine Power Inverter
Systems-Its time to Convert to Invert.
• Sept. 24-Part One: Automotive 3-Phase
Electric Machine Power Inverter
Systems-Its time to Convert to Invert.
NAPA AutoTech Training
Washburn Institute of TechnologyTopeka, Kan.
• Washington
• Oregon
• Idaho
• Montana
• Alaska
• Sept. 24-25-Vehicle Data Network
Location TBD-Independence/
Raytown, Mo.
• Colorado
• Wyoming
• W. Kansas
• W. Nebraska
• New Mexico
This edition serves the
• Aug. 8-9-Body Control System
Diagnosis: Lighting Systems
including Western Missouri,
Kansas, Nebraska &Iowa
Location TBD-Jefferson City/
Columbia, Mo.
• Aug. 27-28-Diagnostic Secrets of a
Mobile Diagnostic Technician
• W. Missouri
• Kansas
• Nebraska
• Iowa
• E. Missouri
• W. & S. Cent. IL
• S. Indiana
• W. Kentucky
Each of our six regional editions is viewable online
in our turn-page format.
Visit us at
August 2012
Parts & People
For more information or to register,
Ft. Osage VotechIndependence, Mo.
• Sept. 4-Scan Tool Dynamics GM
Best Western-Kansas City, Kan.
• Sept. 5-Scan Tool Dynamics GM
CTE-Sioux Falls, S.D.
• Sept. 13-Scan Tool Dynamics GM
Location TBD-St. Joseph, Mo.
• Sept. 26-27-Vehicle Data Network
Location TBD-Des Moines, Iowa
Page 28
• Sept. 19-21-Brake Diagnostics & Intro
to ABS
• Sept. 24-26-Steering & Suspension
• Sept. 26-28-Brake Diagnostics & Intro
to ABS
Ramada Inn-Omaha, Neb.
• Sept. 17-Misfire Enhanced Diagnostics
• Sept. 10-11-Modern Misfire Diagnosis
The Cornhusker MarriottLincoln, Neb.
Location TBD-Omaha, Neb.
• Sept. 18-Misfire Enhanced
Diagnostics n
• Sept. 11-Vehicle Valvetrains:
Operation and Diagnosis
compiled by Matthew Sevart
People & Places
Parts & People is pleased to announce
Jay Sicht, of Columbia, Mo., has rejoined
the staff as feature writer and special
assistant to the publisher. Sicht — who has
a bachelor’s degree in journalism from the
University of Central Missouri — has 17
years of experience
in the automotive
including an eightyear tenure with
Parts & People as
regional manager in
the Midwest and
River Valley
Jay Sicht rejoins the
editions beginning
staff at Parts &
in 1999. Much of
People as feature
Sicht’s aftermarket
writer and special
assistant to the
career has been in
the paint, body, and publisher.
equipment (PBE) segment, including field
sales and technical representation.
Much of the responsibility for Parts &
People’s collision repair industry
supplement - which reaches more than
23,000 collision-industry readers
throughout its six regions across the
country - will be assumed by Sicht, who is
the lead contact for the publication
regarding NACE and SEMA.
“I look forward to strengthening
relationships I’ve formed over the years, as
well as forming new ones,” Sicht said. “I
have a great fondness for the collision
repair and restoration industry and am
excited to add a new perspective to Parts &
People’s collision-repair industry
Sicht can be contacted at, and 573303-2106.
The National Truck Equipment
Association (NTEA) Member
Verification Program (MVP) recognizes
distributors, manufacturers, and upfitters
for implementing quality business practices
and for taking steps to comply with
applicable government regulations. More
than 250 companies are currently qualified
for MVP status, and most recently, Stella
Industries in Garner renewed its MVP
status. Criteria to meet the MVP standards
can involve liability insurance, warranty
programs, vehicle and employee
certification, safety policies, and quality
International Core Exchange
(ICE), a Cedar Rapids-based core
procurement company, recently announced
the completion of
website. John
Doughty, IT
manager, said the
company’s site
offers the
opportunity to buy
or sell cores,
International Core
primarily engine
Exchange IT
and transmission.
Manager, John
The site offers a
Doughty, recently
announced the
separate segment
dedicated to the sale completion of its
web-based core
or purchase of used procurement site.
and new tools,
mostly specific to the professional
rebuilder/remanufacturer. The company
also announced that discounts are available
to members of APRA, ATRA, or ATSG,
domestic and international. Customers
may provide a watch list of parts desired,
be notified by email when that core or tool
is available, and be automatically
positioned to bid on the desired item.
The National Truck Equipment
Association (NTEA) Member
Verification Program (MVP) recognizes
distributors, manufacturers, and upfitters
for implementing quality business practices
and for taking steps to comply with
applicable government regulations. More
than 250 companies are currently qualified
for MVP status, and most recently,
Kansas Truck Equipment in Wichita
renewed its MVP status. Criteria to meet
the MVP standards can involve liability
insurance, warranty programs, vehicle and
employee certification, safety policies, and
quality assurance.
The nation’s first E15 (15-percent
ethanol/85-percent gasoline) gallons are
being sold at the Zarco 66 “Oasis” station
in Lawrence at 1500 E. 23rd St. Plans to
offer E15 at the nation’s second retail
station, the Zarco 66 at 2518 E. Logan
(intersection of I-35 & Highway 68) in
Ottawa, are nearly complete, with an
announcement coming soon. Given present
market conditions, E15 will sell for less
than E10 and gasoline not containing
ethanol. More broadly, a recent study from
the Center for Agriculture and Rural
Development found the use of 13.9 billion
gallons of ethanol in 2011 lowered average
gasoline prices by $1.09 per gallon
nationally and by $1.69 per gallon in
Midwestern states such as Kansas.
Michael Annis, a postsecondary
student at Washburn Tech in Topeka,
received the silver medal in the collision
repair technology competition at the 48th
annual SkillsUSA National Leadership and
Skills Conference June 23-27. In the
collision repair competition, students were
tasked with straightening, welding, and
repairing a plastic bumper and conducting
a structural analysis. There also was a
written test on estimating and structural
analysis plus an ASE exam. Each
SkillsUSA Championships contestant is a
state-level gold medalist.
Charley Hutton, one of the custom
car world’s most popular painters, will
appear at the PPG Show Truck display at
two major Goodguys Rod & Custom
Association shows this summer. Hutton
will meet show visitors and sign
autographs at the 11th Mid-Western
Nationals in Kansas City Aug. 31-Sept.
2. Visitors are invited to talk to Hutton
about his experience with PPG’s
Envirobase High Performance waterborne
products. Scheduled appearances are: Aug.
Continued on page 30
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Parts & People
August 2012
Page 29
People & Places
Continued from page 29
31, 1:30-2:30 p.m.; Sept. 1, 10-11 a.m. and
2-3 p.m.; and Sept. 2, 9-10 a.m.
Dan Freeman, president and CEO of
Automotive Parts Associates
(APA), headquartered in Lenexa,
announced his retirement. Freeman served
as CEO and president since May 1999.
While no date has been set for the
appointment of a successor, APA’s Board
of Directors has established a search
committee, which will be headed by APA
Chairman Robert Duxler.
Elite Worldwide announced that Doug
Stoll has joined the Elite team as its newest
business development coach. Stoll has more
than 25 years of industry experience, has
owned and operated two successful shops in
the Kansas City area, and is a former
NAPA/ASE technician of the year.
The Kansas City regional technical
training center for Toyota Motor Sales
recently achieved Leadership in Energy and
Environmental Design (LEED) Gold
certification. The center offers classrooms,
offices, and training bays for Toyota dealer
technicians. To achieve Gold certification,
the Kansas City technical center integrated
LEED elements into its construction,
including extensive native vegetation rain
gardens, roof storm water runoff, automatic
lighting controls that reduce 24.5 percent of
electrical demand, high-efficiency HVAC
system, Forest Stewardship Council (FSC)
certified wood, and dual flush toilets that
offer 66-percent reduction of water
Caliber Collision Centers
announced the acquisition of three new
centers in the Oklahoma City area,
including a 7,000-square-foot collision
repair facility in northwest Oklahoma City,
a 10,500-square-foot facility in Midwest
City, and an Edmond location currently
being renovated. “Our new Oklahoma
locations represent our continued growth
into important markets like Oklahoma to
meet the needs of our clients and their
customers,” said Mark Sanders, COO for
Caliber Collision Centers. “This brings the
total number Caliber Collision Centers to
110 locations across California, Texas,
Nevada, Arizona, and now Oklahoma.”
General Parts International Inc.
President and CEO Temple Sloan III has
announced that David McCartney,
executive vice president/CIO for GPI
Technologies LLC since February 2011,
Page 30
August 2012
has been named president of CARQUEST
U.S. McCartney will report directly to,
Sloan III. McCartney
previously served as
senior vice president,
supply chain and
logistics; divisional
vice president, central
region; divisional vice
president, western
David McCartney
region; and senior vice has been named
president of DC
president of
operations. Todd
Bolon, senior vice
president of GPI Technologies, will lead
the technologies organization and report
directly to McCartney.
Direct mail provider
The National Automotive Service
Task Force (NASTF) announced the
appointment of
William “Skip”
Potter as the
executive director.
Potter will assume the
management of
The National
NASTF. “After an
extensive search
Service Task
Force has
process, the NASTF
announced the
board selected Potter
appointment of
from an impressive list
William “Skip”
of candidates,” NASTF
Potter as the
Chairman Ron Pyle
said. “His background,
Mudlick Mail
knowledge, and
appointed Lynch
experience make him the ideal choice to
Allison to the position take NASTF to the next level.”
of creative director.
PartsTrader LLC has announced that
Allison brings 25 years it has hired industry professionals Dale
of advertising and
Sailer, David Merrell, and Troy Holm
graphic design
to lead the company's efforts in
implementing the PartsTrader system in the
Mudlick Mail has experience to Mudlick
appointed Lynch Mail. Allison will
collision repair and collision parts markets.
Allison to the
manage the company’s Sailer will serve as the company's vice
position of
president of business
creative director. art department and
oversee the design
development. Merrell
process between the sales staff and design
joins the company as
team. He will also help develop new
its national account
materials and manage creative changes to
director, with primary
Mudlick Mail’s website.
responsibility for the
The Association of Diesel
relationships with
Specialists (ADS) announced that Tony
Dale Sailer is one
and national
Salas is its new director of training. Salas
of three industry
has 20 years of automotive and diesel
hired to join the
instructor experience as well as more than
organizations, as well
team at
seven years of working with ADS and its
as regional and
PartsTrader LLC.
members on a contract basis. Salas also
national parts
Sailer will serve
provided contract training for General
as the company's suppliers. Holm joins
vice president of PartsTrader as its first
Motors Fleet and Commercial as well as
ACDelco. His training experience includes business
field relations manager.
the entire range of Ford Power Stroke, GM
He is responsible for
Duramax, and Dodge/Cummins, as well as developing relationships with repair
other topics such as electrical/electronics,
facilities and suppliers and ensuring that
DT466, automatic transmissions, and body their experience with the PartsTrader
control features.
platform delivers tangible benefits to their
At its biannual board of directors
respective businesses. Sailer and Merrell
meeting June 25-27,
are based in PartsTrader's corporate office
the Tire Industry
in Chicago, while Holm will be based in
Association (TIA)
elected Freda PrattService Solutions LLC has
announced a new alliance with custom car
Boyer, senior auditor
of Purcell Tire &
and bike builder Bryan Fuller. The new
Rubber Co., as its new
partnership brings together two respected
board secretary.
names in the aftermarket automotive
The Tire Industry
Beginning Nov. 1,
industry and was officially launched at the
Association (TIA)
Pratt-Boyer will begin has elected Freda Integrated Supply Network (ISN) Tool
Pratt-Boyer as its Dealer Expo in Orlando, Fla., June 28-30.
her one-year term as
new board
secretary. After that,
As part of this strategic partnership, Fuller
she will proceed to
will use Service Solutions products in his
one-year terms as vice president, president, Atlanta-based automotive shop and will
and then past president.
continue to be featured in product videos.
Parts & People
Service Solutions LLC has announced a
major new alliance with custom car and
bike builder Bryan Fuller.
Fuller will also make personal appearances
for the brand and consult with the design
teams in the fabrication and production of
new tools and improvements to existing
GE Capital’s Retail Finance
business, the consumer lending unit of
General Electric Co., has announced that
Orlando Zayas will serve as vice
president, emerging markets automotive
aftermarket. He will be responsible for
driving growth and innovation of the
consumer credit portfolio for the
automotive aftermarket industry, in which
the company has provided financing for
more than 30 years.
Two new members were recently elected
and three members re-elected to the 2012
SEMA Board of Directors. The newest
members are Russell Stephens,
president of MSD Performance,
representing the manufacturer category,
and Nick Gramelspacher, national
sales manager for Meyer Distributing,
representing the distributor/retailer
category. The three incumbent board
members re-elected to a three-year term are
John Hotchkis, president of Hotchkis
Performance LLC, in the manufacturer
category; Jim Bingham, president and
CEO of Winner’s Circle Speed & Custom
Inc., in the distributor/retailer category; and
Luanne Brown, president and CEO of
eTool Developers, in the services category.
Bosch’s interactive traveling road tour,
Continued on page 31
Accepting the Best Displayed
Performance Marketplace Exhibitor Award
are, from l., David Ramsey of Cameo
Marketing, Pam Krebs of Bosch, Jennifer
Lukes of Bosch, Kevin Arnoux of Bosch,
Deep Patel of Bosch, Phat Luu of Bosch,
and Catriona Sumner of Cameo
Continued from page 30
“Driving Innovation,” has won the award
for being the Best Displayed
Performance Marketplace
Exhibitor at the O’Reilly Auto Parts Hot
Rod Super Nationals. The award was given
to the exhibitor whose display showed the
most cleanliness, had the greatest consumer
appeal, and whose staff and display
provided the best crowd interaction. The
33rd annual Super Nationals was held at
the Lancaster Event Center in Lincoln,
Neb., May 26-27. This is the only exhibitor
award presented at this annual event.
Bosch’s traveling exhibit is a colorful, funfilled, attention-grabbing 40-foot trailer
carrying the message of Bosch products to
hundreds of thousands of motorists at
events across the nation. The exhibit
featured hands-on demonstrations and
product-oriented games that involved
visitors. The “Driving Innovation” road
tour is scheduled to visit a variety of
NASCAR races and other recreational
events across the country. The tour
schedule can be found at
DealerMine Corp.
( has announced its
purchase of, the
online forum devoted exclusively to Ford
and Lincoln-Mercury dealership personnel.
The private message board was created 10
years ago as a place for Ford and LincolnMercury dealership personnel to discuss
parts and service issues, ask questions, and
share ideas. The community of parts
managers, service managers, and warranty
managers has close to 4,000 registered
members in the U.S. and Canada. Vernon
Swords, administrator for, will remain in his position and
maintain the same membership and posting
policies. No major changes are planned and
the password-protected site will remain
confidential and free.
The 10th annual Fix Auto National
Conference is coming to New
Orleans. The national conference, which
NCMA recognizes excellence
in automotive catalogs
Bethesda, Md.—The National Catalog
Managers Association (NCMA) recognized
winning submissions in several catalog
media with the President’s Award for
Catalog Excellence at the 39th Annual
Knowledge Exchange conference, recently
held in Las Vegas.
NCMA recognized the best examples of
paper, Web, and, new this year, mobile
cataloging in the automotive aftermarket.
The submissions were evaluated on criteria
such as design, navigation, content, physical
specifications, and overall impression.
Winners chosen from among 20 entries
for paper catalogs include:
• Bronze Level Award – Walker Products
for their 2012 Domestic Oxygen Sensor
• Silver Level Award – Gates Corp. for the
Gates Water Pump catalog of 2012
• Gold Level Award – Cardone Industries
for Cardone Automotive Motors
Winners chosen from among 25 entries
for Web catalog include:
• Bronze Level Award – Standard Motor
• Silver Level Award – Denso Sales of
• Gold Level Awards goes to – K&N
Winners chosen for mobile catalog
applications include:
• Bronze Level Award – Gates Corp.
• Silver Level Award – Cardone Industries
• Gold Level Award – Denso Sales of
Electronic Data Excellence Awards were
also presented by the leading data
receivers to the most deserving suppliers
who consistently outperform and provide
the highest quality electronic applications
data and product content:
• Advance Auto Parts presented Best in
Class for Data Excellence to Perfection
• presented Best in Class for
Data Excellence to Dorman Products
• AutoZone presented Best in Class for
Data Excellence to Compressor Works
• CARQUEST presented Best in Class for
Data Excellence to Affinia Group,
Raybestos Division
• Epicor Software presented Best in Class
for Data Excellence to Beck/Arnley
• NAPA Auto Parts presented Best in
Class for Data Excellence to NAPA
Belts & Hose/Gates Corp.
• O’Reilly Auto Parts presented Best in
Class for Data Excellence to Gates
• U.S. Auto Parts presented Best in Class
for Data Excellence to Beck/Arnley
• WHI Solutions presented Best in Class
for Data Excellence to Continental
Corporation – VDO
Electronic Data Excellence and the
NCMA awards are presented annually as
part of the association’s Knowledge
Exchange conference. NCMA is a
membership segment of the Automotive
Aftermarket Industry Association
(AAIA). n
will take place Oct. 7–9 at the W New
Orleans Hotel, is being held in conjunction
with the International Autobody Congress
and Exposition (NACE). This year’s
conference theme, “The Power of Now,”
will be infused into the mix of programs,
panels, breakouts, and networking
opportunities. Attendees will benefit from
hearing some of the collision industry’s
most knowledgeable and connected leaders,
who will share their domestic and global
perspectives on the state of the industry and
other trends. More than 150 attendees are
expected at the conference, including Fix
Auto franchisees, members of Fix Auto’s
affiliate network, collision repair experts,
and a number of strategic partners and other
industry guests. For more information or for
sponsorship inquiries, contact Fix Auto
Communications Specialist Kimberly
Ainge at
In the Federated “Let it Ride”
Sweepstakes, a Federated Car Care
Center member will win a trip to Las Vegas
for AAPEX 2012 and a Chevy SSR. In
addition, hundreds of other prizes will be
awarded to Federated Car Care Center
members throughout the country. The
Federated “Let it Ride” Sweepstakes is
open to any fully enrolled Federated Car
Care Center member. Current members are
automatically eligible. New members must
be enrolled by Aug. 31 to be eligible. To
learn more about the Federated Car Care
Center program and the “Let it Ride”
sweepstakes, visit
In memoriam: Donald G. Bethune,
former president of the Dayco Automotive
Aftermarket Division, died June 12. Born in
Berwick, Nova Scotia, Bethune started his
career at the Royal Bank of Canada but
soon joined the automotive industry, where
his leadership abilities earned him positions
as president of AP Parts Canadian division,
Exide Canada Inc., and eventually Dayco
Canada. In 1979, Bethune relocated to
Dayton, Ohio, to take over as president of
Dayco Automotive Aftermarket Co. When
Don Ross retired in 1989, Bethune was
promoted to president of Dayco’s entire
business. He retired in 1993 at the age of
56. During his career, Bethune held the
position of chairman of the Automotive
Industries Association (AIA), was involved
with the Automotive Warehouse
Distributors Association (AWDA), and
received multiple accolades for his
distinguished service and contributions to
the automotive industry. Dayco is donating
$5,000 to GAAS to be used for student
scholarships given in Bethune’s name. n
To report local announcements,
new hires, training events, or any
appropriate news, e-mail
Advertisers’ Index
A-1 Transmissions & Parts Co........................22
AAPEX .............................................................13
Allied Exhaust Systems ..................................20
BG Products distributors................................11
CEMB USA........................................................4
Chrysler LLC ...................................................15
Community Wholesale Tire ............................10
Electra Tech Inc...............................................10
Elite Worldwide ...............................................26
Exedy Globalparts Corp. ..................................7
Heartland Automotive Equipment..................26
Hendrick Chevrolet .........................................32
Jasper Engines & Transmissions......................8
Jobbers Automotive Warehouse....................14
Jones Automotive Inc. ....................................14
Kansas City Parts Connection .......................21
Kia Motors America ........................................17
Mazda dealers MW.........................................24
Midwest Parts Group........................................9
Mudlick Mail ....................................................25
Myers Brothers................................................29
NAPA Auto Parts...............................................5
New Century Dodge .........................................2
Peterson Manufacturing, Inc. ...........................6
Scholfield Pontiac GMC .................................29
Scholfield Hyundai..........................................24
Sea Foam Products ..........................................4
Subaru of America dealerships ......................23
Superior Honda...............................................18
Total Lubricants USA Inc. ...............................27
Van Chevrolet..................................................16
Wholesale Batteries, Inc. ..................................6
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August 2012
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