IN THE OOP - Canada West District


IN THE OOP - Canada West District
Canada West District Church of the Nazarene
In Memory...
On Wednesday Jan. 20th, Devessa
Blair (1925-2016), wife of predeceased Rev. Leonard Blair,
passed away. Devessa was 91
years old. Served with her husband, Leonard Blair, in pastoral
ministries in and around Prince
Albert, SK. They have 2 children,
a son, David, married to Lori, and
they live in Winnipeg and attend
the River of Life Church of the
Nazarene. And one daughter (step
daughter to Devessa) Brenda,
married to Rev. Ken Ardry also a
former pastor of the CWD until
his health gave way. They now
live in Fishkill, NY.
Devessa served the church as
Board Secretary, board member,
SS teacher, and a host of other
positions while able. She was also very involved in Camp Harmattan together with Leonard every
summer until they were unable to
do it any longer due to health issues. They also served at the
seminary in Winnipeg in the
maintenance area until it was
moved. She is survived by her
youngest sister, Rena, and brother, Victor (George).
February 2016
February 16, 2016 Clergy Days 2016:
Church of the Nazarene Canada West District Clergy
Days conference will be held on Tuesday, February 16
beginning at 9am. The resource person for this conference will be Dr. Clair MacMillan, National Director of the
Church of the Nazarene Canada. The theme for Clair’s
presentations will be Marketing our Product, and will
include sessions on Knowing and Affirming our Product,
Identifying and Knowing our Market, and Identifying
and Owning ‘What We are Good At”. Cost is $30 per day
and includes parking, coffee breaks and a sit down
lunch. To register please click here.
February 17 & 18 Ambrose Pastors’ Conference:
Speakers include Dr. Darrell Johnson and Dr. Gordon T.
Smith presenting on gospel in all its height and breadth
and depth, drawing out the implications of Christ’s
cross for our daily lives, worship, work, marriage, parenting, and more. Other presenters include Rev. Terry
Fach, Dr. JoAnn Badley, and Rev. Mark Buchanan. Cost
varies on participation information and registration can
be found here.
February 19-21, 2016 Missions Fest Alberta: Nazarene
Missions International will host an exhibit at Missions
Fest in Edmonton. The theme of this years Missions Fest
is ‘The Road to the Whole World” featuring speakers:
Loren Cunningham- Youth With a Mission, Steve Hawkins - Operation Mobilization: Russell Stendal - Colombia Para Cristo & Kids Travel Company. General Admission is free, but free-will offerings will be taken during
Assemblies through the weekend. Tickets and Registration is required only for the MFA Luncheon & Intensive
Training. If you would like to help ‘man the booth’ for
Nazarene Missions International, please contact Penny
Canada West District Church of the Nazarene
In Memory...
The Lacombe Church bid farewell
to two key members of their
church family in December, Jim
Pratt and January, Harry Williams.
Harry was a long-time member of
the church joining in 1991. Harry
passed away from cancer. He
served many years on the church
board and as head usher. He was
faithful to the Lord right to his
last breath.
Jim Pratt, a more recent member,
joining in 2007, was serving as
Property & Maintenance Committee chairman on the board, and
was a weekly participant on the
worship team. Your church family
misses you both and are looking
forward to the grand reunion in
heaven some day.
January 2016
February 20, 2016 Coldest Night of the Year:
Hope Street CMC is proud to host the second annual
Coldest Night of the Year event in Medicine Hat on February 20, 2016. This event is afantastically fun, familyfriendly walking fundraiser that raises money for the
hungry, homeless and hurting in 100+ communities
across Canada. Hope Street CMC raised $17,720.00 in
2015 and has a goal of $25,000.00 for 2016. Aside from
the money that was raised in Medicine Hat for Hope
Street CMC, community awareness for Hope Street was
raised exponentially. New community volunteers began
to contact us about volunteer opportunities and additional food and clothing resources increased. For more
information about the Second Annual Coldest Night of
the Year event in Medicine Hat, please visit the website.
If you would like to donate, please click here and select
one of the teams that have registered.
Canada West District Church of the Nazarene
The winter newsletter is now available with the most current information and events. The newsletter
has camp registration dates, upcoming events, and news about
our school ministry and to check
out Harmattan's new logo!
You can view the newsletter on
the camp website or by following
t h e
l i n k
b e l o w : content/uploads/2016/01/Winter2016.pdf
Important Dates:
February 1: Family Camp Registration Opens
February 15: Student Camp Registration Opens
February 27: Frost Festival at
Camp Harmattan please follow the
link to register!
February 2016
February 24, 2016
The Mind of Christ: Neurobiology, Sexual Addiction,
and Grace, Wednesday, February 24th, at 11:00 a.m.
CDT. When it comes to sexual addiction recovery, the
"Romans 7 Principle" is experienced by those who have
not yet discovered healing. Desiring to do good, the struggle feels inescapable, and continued failures compound a
sense of worthlessness, leaving folks in a state of spiritual skepticism, which factors into further relapse. This
webinar will examine the intersection of how the brain
responds to personal relationships and how spiritual disciplines help those who struggle to sustain sobriety. In
short, we will examine the development of the mind of
Christ in overcoming problematic sexual behavior for
those who struggle.
Pastors will receive 1 Lifelong Learning hour for this webinar and if you watch it with one or more lay people and
discuss it afterward, and you will receive 1.5 Life Long
Learning credits.
After the webinar, pastors need to email Darlene Friend at and let her know they attended the
webinar with Dr. Todd Bowman titled, "The Mind of
Christ.” Please include the church name, and what District
you are in and if you watched it with laity.
If you cannot attend at the time of the webinar, you will
receive a link to the recording as long as you register.
Click here to learn more and to register for this webinar.
February 25 & March 22, 2016:
Preview Days! Come tour Ambrose campus, meet professors and students, and learn more about the community
and programs. There is also a travel bursary for out of
town students!
·See for
details and to register for our February Preview
·See for details and to register for our March Preview Day.
Canada West District Church of the Nazarene
February 2016
"Can anything good come out of Steinbach?"
At the end of January 2016 a small delegation from Canada West
attended a Church Renewal Weekend hosted by the Southland Community Church in Steinbach Manitoba. The Renewal weekend included participating in the ministry programs that Southland regular
offers and is designed with pastors and ministry leaders in mind.
The weekend included a 'Set Free' retreat, 'Prayer Summit,' and training in prayer entitled "Hearing God." As a pastor I have personally
not been in a church where over 1000 people enthusiastically gather
together for monthly prayer. It was exciting and encouraging to be a
part of what God is doing in this church and to join with children,
youth, families, people recovering from addictions, pastors, leaders and a host of others in prayer. What is clear is the deep conviction among the leaders and people of this church that God
speaks and desires to see our lives renewed.
In describing his experience over the weekend Ryan Herbert said: "I think that this church simply
takes Jesus at His word and they attempt to do what He says." I could not agree more with his observation as the evidence of God's renewing power was visible in the humble and transformed
lives of the church leaders themselves and the many people we encountered. All who participated
in the weekend felt an overwhelming sense of encouragement and responded positively to the
challenge to return to the priority of spending time in prayer, listening to what God desires for
our lives and our ministries. As a pastor I understand that ministry can be demanding and that
we have many options for personal development and growth. So why attend this event? I encourage all pastors on our district to consider attending a Church renewal weekend for three reasons:
1. It is not another 'how to event' teaching us how to grow our churches through strategy and
skill. Instead, you will find this event a refreshing and transformative experience. You will participate in the ministry practices of the church and leave encouraged and strengthened in your faith.
I left encouraged and strengthened by God's ability to renew me, his church and the world He
loves. Visit the website listed below and read the testimonials of pastors like us for whom this
event was transformative, you will not regret it.
2. It is happening in Steinbach Manitoba! The truth be told, I have not even heard of Steinbach
until a few months ago. Since then I learned that its one of the coldest places to visit and that you
can purchase cars cheaper there than in most places within Canada. What drew my interest to
attending this event as opposed to others was the fact that it was taking place in Canada within a
local Canadian church context. Over the course of the weekend I had the opportunity to converse
with various Canadian pastors and ministry leaders from different denominational affiliations,
backgrounds and context.
The Canada West District will assist pastors interested in attending with a financial scholarship.
For more information please contact the district office.
The next Church Renewal Weekend will take place at the end of May 2016. If you are interested in
learning more concerning Church Renewal Ministry please visit
or contact Pastor Stuart Williams at 403 250 8844 or by email
Canada West District Church of the Nazarene
February 2016
Upcoming Events
Home Assignment tour with Dee Sudnick
March 1 - 16, 2016
The Lord has been gracious to allow Dee Sudnick to serve in
the Philippines for the past 17 years. Her primary ministry is at
Faith Academy, where she serves the children of those involved
in ministry. She is the middle school guidance counselor, but
also helps where needed. In the past, she has coached, taught
various subjects at the middle school level, aided in curriculum
development, and chaired the accreditation committee. The
Lord has called her there to aid in building the church of tomorrow, so she loves to lead students into ministry situations,
as well as taking some of her breaks to do ministries of her
own. Most recently, she led the grade 8 students in an art and sports ministry to a school established for urban poor. She, herself, went to Tacloban to work with those still affect by the Typhoon Yolanda.
Faith Academy was founded in 1957, and exists only with the support of missionary staff who are
not paid for their position. The heart of Faith Academy is to partner with families for the education and spiritual nourishment of their children. The staff consists of more than 160 people representing more than 50 mission agencies, including the Church of the Nazarene. The school, aptly
named, is truly one that operates by faith from year to year.
Tues. Mar. 1 - Calgary East
Thurs. Mar. 10 - Rimbey
Wed. Mar. 2 - Claresholm
Fri. Mar. 11 - Lacombe
Thurs. Mar. 3 - rest
Sat. Mar. 12 - rest / travel
Fri. Mar. 4 - Medicine Hat - gym night
Sat. Mar. 5 - rest / travel
Sun. Mar. 6 - AM - Calgary Skyview
- PM - Drumheller
- PM - Sherwood Park
Mon. Mar. 14 - Sedgewick
Tues. Mar. 15 - Innisfail
Mon. Mar. 7 - Olds
Tues. Mar. 8 - Sylvan Lake
Wed. Mar. 9 - rest
Sun. Mar. 13 - AM - Edmonton Southside
Wed. Mar. 16 - noon - Olds Mtn. View Christian School
- PM - Sundre
You are encouraged to attend a service near you.
Contact the local church to confirm service times.
Canada West District Church of the Nazarene
Family Camp will be held this
year July 31- August 7, 2016 with
speakers Stan Toler and Doug
Hardy. Registration for Family
Camp began Feb. 1, 2016. If you
have not yet registered please do
so at the camp website,, or
request a form from the District
Long term site holders must register and pay by May 1 to retain
their site. If you are a long term
site holder and you cannot attend this year, or if you will be
subletting your site this year,
please complete the applicable
form available from the District
Office and return to Rose Graham as soon as possible. This is
helpful so that others can be assigned a spot for this year.
If you do not have a long term
site, still register as soon as possible as sites will be assigned on
a first come first served basis.
You will notice the price has
been increased to $250.00 to
help offset rising costs.
If your address or phone number
has changed, please let the District Office know.
For those waiting for a long term
site, you will be contacted as options become available.
Looking forward to seeing you
this summer!
February 2016
Calgary First...
February 26 & 27, 2016: Christian Pastoral Caregivers
Association is proud to offer Love at Last Breath: Companioning the Dying on Friday, February 26, 2016 – 6:30
pm to 9:30 pm and Saturday, February 27, 2016 – 9:00
am to 3:30 pm at First Church of the Nazarene, 65 Richard Way S.W.
The event is open to everyone especially those who provide pastoral care in congregations, hospitals, care facilities, hospice and other contexts of ministry.
The instructor, Rev. Kenn Balzer, is chaplain at Carewest
Sarcee Hospice and Col. Belcher.
Refreshments and lunch will be provided. The facility is
wheelchair accessible.
The fee is $40.00 (CPCA members),
members). Deadline Feb. 19th 2016
To register contact Heather at 403-270-8184 or e-mail
February 27, 2016 - Men’s Breakfast with guest speaker
Prison Chaplain, Brian Harder. The breakfast will begin
at 8:00 am and will be at Calgary First, 65 Richard Way
SW. The cost is $15/person. If you plan to attend please
register by February 24th.
For more information or to register please call 403-2421718 or Pastor Blain’s cell: 403-471-7921 or email:
March 24, 2016 - A Service of Tenebrae on Maundy
Thursday at 7:00 pm at Calgary First Church of the Nazarene.
April 8-10, 2016 All lay leaders and clergy are invited to
receive training in the apostolic ministry of starting new
faith communities. Training location is in Airdrie, cost is
$30 and includes meals and materials. For more information or to register, contact Dave Skidmore or check
out the website at
Canada West District Church of the Nazarene
Fort Saskatchewan is pleased to
announce they are welcoming
Pastor Reg and Ria Lartec as their
new Senior Pastor & wife. Their
first Sunday will be March 13,
2016. Reg is currently serving
the Filipino congregation at Calgary First Church.
Calgary First Church
Simon, a member of the Sudanese congregation at Calgary
First Church, could use a laptop
in preparation for school. If you
or someone you know has a new
or used one that you would be
willing to donate, please contact
Kathy at the Church office.
February 2016
Celebrating God’s Faithfulness over the last 100 years!
Come join us July 15, 16 and 17, 2016.
Details For this memory filled weekend to follow.
RSVP by email to: or by April 20, 2016.
As you may or may not be aware, I have been pursuing a Bachelor degree for the last few years through
Ambrose University. Recently an employment opportunity became available that would enable me to
work at Ambrose full time, as well as complete two
classes per semester, which would significantly
speed up my graduation date.
And so it is with mixed feelings that I have officially
resigned my position at the District Office as Administrative Assistant. My last day will be today, Friday
February 12th.
It has been a pleasure to help keep the District connected through the Loop each month, and it has
been a wonderful blessing to meet some of you at
various district events. I have been delighted to
serve the members of this District in various ways
over the years and I am excited to see the things
that God will do here in the years to come.
Thank you,
Ruthanne Williams
Canada West District Church of the Nazarene
February 2016
Rose Knows…
Free Webinar on Managing Restricted Funds
Many charities set up restricted funds to honour a donor's restriction request or to provide a way
for donors to direct their gifts to a specific project or longer-term purpose outside of the General
But what are the implications of setting up restricted funds?
CCCC is hosting a FREE live webinar on Managing Restricted Funds.
Join Gilbert Langerak as he answers the most frequently asked questions about restricted funds:
Should my charity set up restricted funds?
What are the rules and implications of saying "yes" to setting up a special purpose charitable
trust via a restricted fund?
What is the importance of proper policies (e.g., a Donor-Restricted Gift Policy)?
What is the difference between externally and internally restricted funds?
How can control be exerted through proper accounting and financial presentation for restricted funds?
Gil will present for about 20 minutes, and the rest of the time will be devoted to your questions.
We will be offering the webinar at two different times:
Wednesday, February 24 at 12:00 PM (EST)
Wednesday, February 24 at 2:00 PM (EST)
Please register by clicking on the time that suits you best!
CCCC Members will receive complimentary access to the webinar recording.
Canada West District
If you would like to submit anything for inclusion in the loop, please email