healthcare management as a profession
healthcare management as a profession
Core competencies in Healthcare management Eric de Roodenbeke 1 of 21 Healthcare services: Trained managers are lacking • Few studies on healthcare management teams profile • Most of the countries have : • High turn over of top management • Limited consistency between demonstrated achievements and position • In many cases little/no management education and dedicated career Office of Health Management Research Tehran, Iran Phone 021 66917142 Slide 2 16 Countries Selected for the CAHME study 3 Office of Health Management Research Tehran, Iran Phone 021 66917142 3 Alignment (Education versus Recognized Health management Careerist Credentialing is not very high) High alignment between HME and Recognized Credentialing for appointment or promotion in health delivery organizations Israel US Factors: Socio-economical/Political/Urban/Rural Australia UK France Spain Sweden Chile Singapore Brazil Mexico Low alignment between HME and Recognized Credentialing for appointment or promotion in health delivery organizations India Philippines Saudi Arabia China Turkey South Africa 4 Office of Health Management Research Tehran, Iran Phone 021 66917142 Slide 4 There are shortcomings in skills for existing managers: Human Resource Management Source: Office of Health Management Research Tehran, Iran Phone 021 66917142 Source: Slide 5 Why professionalize healthcare management? • Enhancing efficiency and quality while assuring the best use of limited resources….. This is what management does. • As healthcare management is recognized as a profession, more people will be attracted to the profession • The profession of healthcare management will have a greater voice in society and decision making, and be increasingly relevant in achieving improved patient and population health outcomes Office of Health Management Research Tehran, Iran Phone 021 66917142 6 What steps for professionalization? • Professionalization means having a career path based on credentials and experience • Professionalization relies on a common body of knowledge and skills • Importance of professional association to raise the profile and provide a voice for media and political arena • In a globalized world importance of having similar common ground to increase credibility and impact • Importance to show results linked to effectiveness of healthcare management. This requires pooled resources to back up research. • Making a place in a context of fight for power and conflict of interest with other key healthcare professions. Office of Health Management Research Tehran, Iran Phone 021 66917142 7 The Global competency initiative • Need for a contemporary model that connects with the health needs of society • Help focus developmental needs of individuals • Agreement on fundamental competencies (knowledge, skill and attitudes) for healthcare managers • Defining healthcare management as a profession in countries where it has not been recognized • Promoting the formation and acceptance of Health Management Associations within countries & regions Office of Health Management Research Tehran, Iran Phone 021 66917142 8 Organizations Involved in this Work IHF established a consortium to lead this work ̶ Pan American Health Organization − Jamaican Association of Health ̶ American College of Healthcare − Health Management Institute of Ireland Executives − Sociedad Chilena de ̶ European Association of Health Administradores en Atención Managers Medica y Hospitalaria ̶ Australasian College of Health − Federación Andina y Amazónica Service Management de Hospitales ̶ Canadian College of Health Leaders − Federacion Latinoamericana de Hospitales ̶ Taiwan College of Healthcare −Hong Kong College of Healthcare Managers ̶ Management Sciences for Health Executives ̶THET Partnership for Health ̶ Federacao Brasileira de ̶ International Health Services Group Administradores Hospitalares ̶ University of the West Indies Office of Health Management Research Tehran, Iran Phone 021 66917142 9 Slide 9 Timeline for this International Initiative Jan. 2013 Jan. 2014 Jan. 2015 Ongoing Research, Collaborations, Edits and Updates to Working Documents 1st Global Competencies Meeting at PAHO 3rd Global Competencies Meeting at PAHO 2nd Global Competencies Meeting at PAHO IHF 38th World Hospital Congress Presentation (Nov. 2013) Office of Health Management Research Tehran, Iran Phone 021 66917142 IHF leadership Summit Presentation (Nov. 2014) IHF 39th World Hospital Congress Adoption of GCD (Oct. 2015) 10 Why a Competency directory? Existing frameworks Ownership and no one wants to give them up. Good News : they have same core content… the difference is in articulating it into categories and outcomes. Office of Health Management Research Tehran, Iran Phone 021 66917142 11 11 Global Healthcare Management Competency Directory • Achieved after 3 years work • Crosswalk and consolidation of content from existing competency frameworks throughout the world • Validated through field review and expert feed-back Agreed on five key domains • Leadership • Communication and Relationship Management • Professional and Social Responsibility • Health and Healthcare Environment • Business Office of Health Management Research Tehran, Iran Phone 021 66917142 12 Domains and Subdomains 1. Leadership A. B. C. D. Leadership Skills and Behaviors Engaging Culture and Environment Leading Change Driving Innovation 2. Communications and Relationship Management A. Relationship Management B. Communication Skills and Engagement C. Facilitation and Negotiation …./… 5. Business …./…. Total: 27 Subdomains including 11 in business Office of Health Management Research Tehran, Iran Phone 021 66917142 13 For each Subdomain, definition of competencies Leadership Skills and Behavior (3 statements) • Articulate and communicate the mission, objectives and priorities of the organization to internal and external entities. • Incorporate management techniques & theories into leadership activities • Analyze problems, promote solutions and encourage decision-making Financial Management (3 statements) • Effectively use key accounting principles and financial management tools such as financial plans and measures of performance (e.g. performance indicators) • Use principles of project, operating and capital budgeting • Plan, organize, execute and monitor the resources of the Organization to ensure optimal health outcomes, effective quality & cost controls TOTAL: 81 competencies Office of Health Management Research Tehran, Iran Phone 021 66917142 14 Possible use of Directory • Instrument for assessment of leadership and management capabilities • Guiding tool for curriculum adaptation and development • Tool for continuing professional education programs • Assisting governments and organizations in identifying gaps in management and leadership • Planning and development of long-term career pathways • Template for credentialing healthcare managers • Demonstrated competencies verified by independent evaluation • Continuous Professional Development translated into a plan • Professional achievements supported by evidences & testimonies Office of Health Management Research Tehran, Iran Phone 021 66917142 15 Backing up an international Call to action • Adoption of the Global Healthcare Management Competency Directory that informs and aligns Healthcare Management development programs at all levels of undergraduate, postgraduate and ongoing professional development and education. • Customization of each of the competency requirements incorporating them into formal credentialing systems, which should be based on independent evaluation and evidence of demonstrated competencies • Formal recognition at the national level of Healthcare Management as a profession • Implementation of merit based career advancement along with a career path for healthcare managers and leaders • Recognition of health care managers’ professional associations as key stakeholders for policy dialogue related to leadership and management and for the advancement of the profession Office of Health Management Research Tehran, Iran Phone 021 66917142 16 Next Steps for this Global initiative • Get stronger buy-in in regions where professionalization is still low by developing training activities based on the directory: Latin America, East Mediterranean, Asia-Pacific • Advocacy at government level for increased professionalization (WHO as a key partner) Work with major professional associations on international standards for credentialization Enhance networking between association : share tools and resources (website for competency assessment) Develop common and coordinated actions: research and media through pooling or combining efforts Support the development of professional associations in countries where they are weak or non-existing • • • • Office of Health Management Research Tehran, Iran Phone 021 66917142 17 _for_Healthcare_Services_Managers.pdf Office of Health Management Research Tehran, Iran Phone 021 66917142 18 Contact Website E-Mail Phone +41228509420 Address Route de Loex 151 1233 Bernex Switzerland Office of Health Management Research Tehran, Iran Phone 021 66917142 19 of 21 Competencies and professionalization in IR IRAN • How much are competencies approach implemented in IRR…what can be their value in the context of the country ? • How are curriculum in healthcare management graduating education preparing for actual management positions in healthcare ? • Is there any organization for coordination and collaboration between academia ? • Continuous Personal Development: status, role and perspective for the future • Reflecting on career paths and possibilities to enhance opportunities? • What is the status and operation of management associations? • Where does IRI stand on professionalization of healthcare management ? • Would it be possible to develop a credentialization of managers?? • What can be the perspective of collaboration between academia and professional associations, and with research institutes (if not included in Academia) Office of Health Management Research Tehran, Iran Phone 021 66917142 20 Thanks For Listening 25 May 2015 21 of 21