January 19, 2016 EDA Agenda Packet
January 19, 2016 EDA Agenda Packet
Tuesday, January 19, 2016 7:00 p.m. Brooklyn Park City Hall – Council Chambers 5200 ‐ 85th Ave North THE BROOKLYN PARK ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY OF THE CITY OF BROOKLYN PARK ANNUAL EDA MEETING – AGENDA #1 President Jeffrey Lunde, Vice President Peter Crema & Treasurer Terry Parks Commissioners Rich Gates, John Jordan, Bob Mata & Mike Trepanier Executive Director Kim Berggren, Assistant Executive Director Jay Stroebel & Secretary Theresa Freund If due to a disability, you need auxiliary aids or services during an EDA Meeting, please provide the City with 72 hour notice by calling 763‐493‐8012 or FAX 763‐493‐8391. Our Mission: Brooklyn Park, a thriving community inspiring pride where opportunities exist for all. Our Goals: Strong Neighborhoods • Adapting to Changing Demographics • Public Safety Financial Sustainability • Community Image • Focused Redevelopment and Development I. ORGANIZATIONAL BUSINESS 1. CALL TO ORDER/ROLL CALL 2. PUBLIC COMMENT AND RESPONSE This provides an opportunity for the public to address the EDA on items, which are not on the agenda. Open Forum will be limited to 15 minutes (if no one is in attendance for the Open Forum, the Regular Meeting may begin) and it may not be used to make personal attacks, to air personality grievances, to make political endorsements or for political campaign purposes. Commissioners will not enter into a dialogue with citizens. Questions from the EDA will be for clarification only. Open Forum will not be used as a time for problem solving or reacting to the comments made but, rather, for hearing the citizen for informational purposes only. 2A. 2B. RESPONSE TO PRIOR PUBLIC COMMENT PUBLIC COMMENT 3. II. APPROVAL OF AGENDA STATUTORY BUSINESS AND/OR POLICY IMPLEMENTATION 4. CONSENT 4.1 Consider Approving EDA Meeting Minutes. 4.1A December 21, 2015 Meeting Minutes 4.2 Consider Designating US Bank as the Official EDA Depository 4.3 Notice of Administrative Action to Issue Tax‐Increment Financing Pay‐as‐you‐go Note to Wurth Adams Nut & Bolt Company 4.3A Tax Increment Financing Note 4.3B Location Map 4.3C Site Plan The following items relate to the EDA’s long‐range policy‐making responsibilities and are handled individually for appropriate debate and deliberation. (Those persons wishing to speak to any of the items listed in this section should fill out a speaker’s form and give it to the Secretary. Staff will present each item, following in which audience input is invited. Discussion will then be closed to the public and directed to the EDA table for action.) 5. Public Hearings 5.1 Public Hearing Approving Contract for Private Development Between the Brooklyn Park Economic Development Authority and Millennium Pharmaceuticals, Inc. 5.1A Resolution 5.1B Draft Term Sheet 5.2 Public Hearing Authorizing the Submittal of an Application to the Minnesota Department of Employment and Economic Development for a Grant under the Minnesota Investment Fund (MIF) Program 5.2A Resolution 6. General Action Items 6.1 Consider Election of Officers III. DISCUSSION ‐ These items will be discussion items but the EDA may act upon them during the course of the meeting. 7. Discussion Items 7.1 Status Update 7.2 Foreclosure Recovery Update 7.2A List of Foreclosed Homes Recovered 7.3 Metro Blue Line (Bottineau LRT) Update 7.3A Municipal Consent One Page Flyer 7.3B January CAC Presentation IV. ADJOURNMENT Since we do not have time to discuss every point presented, it may seem that decisions are preconceived. However, background information is provided for the EDA on each agenda item in advance from City staff; and decisions are based on this information and past experiences. If you are aware of information that has not been discussed, please raise your hand to be recognized. Please speak from the podium. Comments that are pertinent are appreciated. Items requiring excessive time may be continued to another meeting. The Brooklyn Park Economic Development Authority’s Agenda Packet is posted on the City’s website. To access the agenda packet go to www.brooklynpark.org The Next Scheduled EDA Meeting is February16, 2016 City of Brooklyn Park Request for EDA Action Agenda Item No: 4.1 Meeting Date: January 19, 2016 Agenda Section: Consent Prepared By: Theresa Freund, EDA Secretary Resolution: N/A No. of Attachments: Item: 1 Presented By: Theresa Freund, EDA Secretary Consider Approving EDA Meeting Minutes Executive Director’s Proposed Action: MOTION __________, SECOND __________ TO APPROVE THE DECEMBER 21, 2015 EDA MEETING MINUTES. Overview: N/A Primary Issues/Alternatives to Consider: N/A Budgetary/Fiscal Issues: N/A Attachments: 4.1A DECEMBER 21, 2015 MEETING MINUTES 4.1A DECEMBER 21, 2015 MEETING MINUTES Page 2 THE BROOKLYN PARK ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY OF THE CITY OF BROOKLYN PARK DECEMBER 21, 2015 MEETING MINUTES I. ORGANIZATIONAL BUSINESS: 1. 2. 3. CALL TO ORDER: President Jeffrey Lunde (7:00 p.m.) ROLL CALL PRESENT: President Jeffrey Lunde, Vice President Peter Crema & Treasurer Terry Parks, Commissioners Rich Gates, John Jordan, Bob Mata and Michael Trepanier, Executive Director Kim Berggren and EDA Secretary Theresa Freund. ABSENT/EXCUSED: None. PUBLIC COMMENT AND RESPONSE: 2.A Response to Prior Public Comment: None. 2.B Public Comment: None. APPROVAL OF AGENDA MOTION GATES, SECOND CREMA APPROVING THE AGENDA. MOTION PASSED UNANIMOUSLY. II. STATUTORY BUSINESS: 4. CONSENT: 4.1 Consider Approving the EDA Meeting Minutes. 5. MOTION GATES, SECOND CREMA TO APPROVE THE OCTOBER 19, 2015 AND NOVEMBER 16, 2015 EDA MEETING MINUTES. MOTION PASSED UNANIMOUSLY. PUBLIC HEARINGS: 5.1 None. 4.1A DECEMBER 21, 2015 MEETING MINUTES Page 3 DECEMBER 21, 2015 MEETING MINUTES Page 2 6. GENERAL ACTION ITEMS: 6.1 Consider Approving Moving Available Community Development Block Grant Program Income from the Home Repair Assistance Program to the Homeowner Rehabilitation Assistance Program and Approving a Change to the Brooklyn Park Home Improvement Program Requirements that Increases the Loan to Value Ratio to 110%. MOTION LUNDE, SECOND MATA APPROVING MOVING AVAILABLE COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANT (CDBG) PROGRAM INCOME FROM THE HOME REPAIR ASSISTANCE PROGRAM TO THE HOMEOWNER REHABILITATION ASSISTANCE PROGRAM, SUBJECT TO CITY COUNCIL ACTION. MOTION PASSED UNANIMOUSLY. MOTION LUNDE, SECOND MATA APPROVING A CHANGE TO THE BROOKLYN PARK HOME IMPROVEMENT LOAN PROGRAM REQURIEMENTS THAT INCREASES THE LOAN‐TO‐VALUE RATIO TO 110‐ PERCENT. MOTION PASSED UNANIMOUSLY. III. DISCUSSION: 7. DISCUSSION ITEMS: 7.1 Status Update – Kim Berggren highlighted the following: Brooklyn Avenues Youth Shelter – Staff wanted to thank the Elks Lodge for moving ahead with the construction of a shed that will help with storage at the youth shelter. This was something that was approved as part of the planning process but they didn’t have the funding at the time to pursue the addition to the facility. Staff is winding down Hennepin County Stable Neighborhood Action Plan (SNAP) funds. These are funds that have been available to the city for a number of years. The table highlights the way those funds have been used in the community since 2012. The original amount of the grant from Hennepin County was $4 million. There have been a lot of investments in the community that was able to move forward because of the funding from Hennepin County. 4.1A DECEMBER 21, 2015 MEETING MINUTES Page 4 DECEMBER 21, 2015 MEETING MINUTES Page 3 Staff has been having ongoing conversations with the Minnesota Department of Employment and Economic Development (DEED) as well as some adjacent communities and Hennepin County about workforce development strategies. The EDA has brought up in the past and has initiated the first effort to fund that work with the BrookLynk Program that the Alliance for Youth administers and the EDA has contributed funding towards. That the group is looking at other policy recommendations related to workforce development at the local level. We do have new logo t‐shirts and tote bags available for sale at the city hall front counter. Mugs will be coming soon as another option for purchasing new branded merchandise. Staff continues to see interest from new businesses talking about existing facilities along TH610 and also proposals for new construction. We anticipate making some announcements in the coming months about new businesses. Commissioner Trepanier asked how we are preparing our residents around workforce development. Ms. Berggren responded that this is becoming more of a topic at the local level. Staff is hearing what other cities are doing. They are also looking at the BrookLynk model as an example of cities jointly taking action around helping the community being prepared for jobs and finding ways to connect youth and youth that are coming of the workforce age, get connected with local business opportunities. 7.2 Foreclosure Recovery Update – Emily Carr highlighted the following: Six homes are being rehabilitated and remodeled through the program. One home is under contract by a new buyer and will close in the beginning of January. Included in your packets is also an update on the Brooklyn Park housing market. The median sales price has reached $212,000 in November which is a 14% increase from last year. In comparison the median sales price in the region was $239,000, which was an 8.6% increase from 2014. This is good news for our housing market here. 4.1A DECEMBER 21, 2015 MEETING MINUTES Page 5 DECEMBER 21, 2015 MEETING MINUTES Page 4 7.3 Metro Blue Line (Bottineau LRT) Update – Emily Carr reported: What is mostly highlighted in your update this month is a summary of the light rail outreach. Over 3,000 residents have been engaged and informed with the Met Council and Hennepin County resources that have gone towards outreach and engagement so far in 2015. About 1,500 residents have been engaged in the station area planning process. This number includes the community meetings that have been held, the week‐ long design workshop that was held in September with the consultants, on street outreach activities and also the work of the Hennepin County Health Equity and Engagement Cohort. The Met Council has their own outreach staff and they have informed over approximately 1,800 Brooklyn Park residents through their work. That includes the large public meetings, especially the ones last winter on West Broadway, smaller community meetings and they also did quite a few one‐on‐one meetings with property owners and business owners along the line. There are some analytics from the city’s LRT website. The website has been viewed over 5,000 times this year and you can note the spike in viewings around the large community meetings in June and September. The Municipal Consent process has started. Minnesota state law requires Municipal Consent, which means that local governments must review and approve the preliminary engineering plans for the light rail. These plans can be viewed on line at the Met Council’s website at www.bluelineext.org. Staff has also printed copies available at city hall and a printed copy at the Brooklyn Park Library. The Municipal Consent process allows for public input either at public hearings or through written comments. There are two upcoming public hearings. One is for the Met Council and Hennepin County that they are holding jointly on January 19th at the Minneapolis Central Library. There will be an open house at 5:00 pm and a public hearing at 6:00 pm. The Brooklyn Park public hearing will be January 25th here at city hall. There will be an open house at 6:00 pm and the public hearing at 7:00 pm. Also included in the packet as well as on our website are the locations where residents and stakeholders can submit written comment, if they are unable to make it to the public hearings. More information is available on our website: www.brooklynpark.org\lightrail. 4.1A DECEMBER 21, 2015 MEETING MINUTES Page 6 DECEMBER 21, 2015 MEETING MINUTES Page 5 Commissioner Jordan asked if there has been any progress since we last spoke on fencing and right turns lanes. Kim Berggren responded that we have not seen any responses from the Met Council or Hennepin County on those two topics. Last Monday night when the city council discussed right turn lanes we did talk about modified designs so we will continue to have those conversations on what that would look like. As it relates to fencing, that is by the project office’s timeline something that would be discussed later in the process. However we do understand it is a concern of the council and that staff is looking for a way to integrate that conversation into the discussions that are happening right now. President Lunde also expressed concern about fencing and pedestrian safety. Ms. Berggren stated it is her understanding that we are still trying to get clarity from the County and BPO on how the road design impacts the other decision making that is happening over the next few months and at what point of time does the design get approved and set in stone. There are still some questions about the process so she will get more clarity on that and share that with the council at the January work session. Commissioner Crema is concerned about the south side of 85th Avenue North and West Broadway the pedestrian crossing, at the south side of the station. They are going to have two access points to cross the street and that is something he would like to have brought back up again. To him it seems dangerous with right turn lanes or without right turn lanes but crossing 100 feet south of the intersection really creates a dangerous situation and he would like to see that issue discussed with the County. 7.4 Legislative Initiatives Update – Kim Berggren reported that commissioners’ have seen this document in the past. There have been just a few edits to make it relevant to 2016. This is a document that staff uses when they are out having policy conversations with our policy partners, committees and regional groups. There are seven sections to the policy document. She highlighted: The workforce development section is new that ties into some of the comments we heard tonight about a new emphasis on thinking how to connect folks that live here with the jobs that are here and build up skill sets that connect them to good paying jobs. We also have added language about fair housing. That is something the city is taking a stance on wanting to see proactive fair housing work in the region. 4.1A DECEMBER 21, 2015 MEETING MINUTES Page 7 DECEMBER 21, 2015 MEETING MINUTES Page 6 Another edit was the funding for the interchange project that is planned for 169 and 101st or Oak Grove Parkway. Commissioner Jordan reported that when you govern you sometimes make comprises and you don’t always get what you ask for. This is one of those cases. He is not a fan of #6 as far as the Met Council being in the place of combating discrimination. The Met Council has no role as far as he is concerned in that entire area. While he will support the document, he would like it on the record that he does not see the Met Council’s role as having that authority. President Lunde stated that he doesn’t have a specific example where we know that money is allocated to Minneapolis or St. Paul to take care of the issues of poverty but when it comes to suburbs, the rest of us compete for money and yet we have urban problems but we don’t get access to urban money. He has been told that money is not dedicated or directed towards certain things. When you add specific conditions on a grant that only one nonprofit in the state can meet, they do direct money. He would like to know how we can have that conversation. We all have challenges but yet when it comes to money only certain places get a lot of money. The rest of us scrounge. IV. ADJOURNMENT Meeting adjourned at 8:39 p.m. Respectfully Submitted EDA Secretary Theresa Freund City of Brooklyn Park Request for EDA Action Agenda Item No: 4.2 Meeting Date: January 19, 2016 Agenda Section: Consent Prepared By: Theresa Freund, EDA Secretary Resolution: N/A No. of Attachments: Item: 0 Presented By: Theresa Freund, EDA Secretary Consider Designating US Bank as the Official EDA Depository Executive Director’s Proposed Action: MOTION __________, SECOND __________ DESIGNATING US BANK AS THE OFFICIAL EDA DEPOSITORY. Overview: Minnesota Statute 118A.02 states the governing body of each government entity shall designate, as a depository of its funds, one or more financial institutions and the governing body may authorize the treasurer or chief financial officer to: Designate depositories of the funds; Make investments of funds under sections 118A.01 to 118A.06 or other applicable law; or Both designate depositories and make investments as provided in this subdivision. US Bank has been the official depository for both the City and EDA since 2004. On January 4, 2016 the City Council designated US Bank as the official depository for the City of Brooklyn Park for 2016. This action designates US Bank as the official EDA depository. Primary Issues/Alternatives to Consider: N/A Budgetary/Fiscal Issues: N/A Attachments: None City of Brooklyn Park Request for EDA Action Agenda Item No: 4.3 Meeting Date: January 19, 2016 Agenda Section: Consent Prepared By: Alisha Gray, Business Development Coordinator Resolution: N/A No. of Attachments: Item: Alisha Gray, Business 3 Presented By: Development Coordinator Notice of Administrative Action to Issue Tax‐Increment Financing Pay‐as‐you‐go (PAYG) Note to Wurth Adams Nut & Bolt Company Executive Director’s Proposed Action MOTION __________, SECOND __________ TO ACCEPT NOTICE OF ADMINISTRATIVE ACTION TO ISSUE TAX‐ INCREMENT FINANCING PAY‐AS‐YOU‐GO NOTE TO WURTH ADAMS NUT & BOLT COMPANY. Overview: On June 16, 2014, the Economic Development Authority authorized a Contract for Private Development (Contract) with United Properties Investment, LLC (Developer) for development of the property at the southeast quadrant of highways 169 and 610. The proposed project anticipated a headquarters building for Wurth Adams, two speculative buildings for manufacturing and medical/technology tenants and an office or hotel project along Highway 610. The Contract provides financial assistance through pay‐as‐you‐go (PAYG) tax‐increment financing to offset the extraordinary costs associated with relocating the NuStar gas pipeline that bisected the property. The location of the pipeline limited the development potential of the site. The Contract allowed for the Developer to assign the rights to the (PAYG) TIF note to the end user of the facility, Wurth Adams Nut and Bolt (Wurth Adams). The Developer assigned the right to Wurth Adams in October 2015. Per the development contract, the EDA will reimburse Wurth Adams up to $400,000 for costs the Developer incurred related to relocating the NuStar pipeline. The Developer incurred total Qualified Costs of $668,623. The total investment on the Wurth Adams site was $13,971,280. Additional investments were made on the two speculative sites that are now home to Perbix Machining and Nilfisk. In total, the project resulted in over $40 million in total investment and will result in the creation of 550 jobs. Under the terms of the contract the Authority shall issue and deliver the Tax Increment Financing Note upon the Developer delivering written evidence that they have incurred Qualified Costs in an amount at least equal to the principal amount of the Note. The Developer has submitted the evidence of the Qualified Costs necessary for staff to execute the Tax Increment Financing Note. Recommendation: The Executive Director of the Economic Development Authority recommends approval. 4.3 Page 2 Attachments: 4.3A TAX‐INCREMENT FINANCING NOTE 4.3B LOCATION MAP 4.3C SITE PLAN 4.3A TAX-INCREMENT FINANCING NOTE Page 3 UNITED STATE OF AMERICA STATE OF MINNESOTA COUNTY OF HENNEPIN BROOKLYN PARK ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY No. R-1 $400,000 TAX INCREMENT REVENUE NOTE SERIES 2016 Rate 5.50% Date of Original Issue January __, 2016 The Brooklyn Park Economic Development Authority (the “Authority”) for value received, certifies that it is indebted and hereby promises to pay to Wurth Adams Nut & Bolt Co. or registered assigns (the “Owner”), the principal sum of $400,000, with interest thereon at the rate of 5.50% per annum, solely from the sources and to the extent set forth herein. Capitalized terms shall have the meanings provided in the Contract for Private Development between the Authority and United Properties Investment LLC (the “Developer”), dated as of July 24, 2014 (the “Agreement”) and partially assigned to the Owner under that certain Assignment and Assumption of Contract for Private Development by and between the Developer and the Assignee (the “Assignment”), unless the context requires otherwise. 1. Payments. Principal and interest payments (“Payments”) shall be paid on August 1, 2016 and each February 1 and August 1 thereafter to and including February 1, 2025 (“Payment Dates”) in the amounts and from the sources set forth in Section 3 herein. All payments made by the Authority under this Note shall first be applied to accrued interest and then to principal. Payments are payable by mail to the address of the Owner or such other address as the Owner may designate upon 30 days written notice to the Authority. Payments on this Note are payable in any coin or currency of the United States of America which, on the Payment Date, is legal tender for the payment of public and private debts. 2. Interest. The unpaid principal amount hereof shall bear interest from the date of this Note at the rate of five and fifty hundredths percent (5.50%) per annum. Interest accruing from the date of issuance of this Note up to the receipt of the first increment will be compounded semiannually on February 1 and August 1 of each year and added to principal. Interest shall be computed on the basis of a year of 360 days and twelve 30-day months. To the extent that Available Tax Increment is insufficient to pay principal and interest on any Payment Date, unpaid interest will not be added to principal. 3. Available Tax Increment. (a) Payments on this Note are payable on each Payment Date solely from and in the amount of Available Tax Increment, which shall mean 50% of the portion of the real property taxes which is paid with respect to the Authority’s Tax Increment 473936v2 JSB BR275-165 4.3A TAX-INCREMENT FINANCING NOTE Page 4 Financing District No. 1-25 (an economic development district) (the “TIF District”) and which is remitted by Hennepin County to, and retained by, the Authority as tax increment pursuant to the TIF Act in the six months preceding each Payment Date on the Note and which remains on hand on such Payment Date, pursuant to Section 3.3 of the Agreement. (b) The Authority shall have no obligation to pay principal of this Note on each Payment Date from any source other than Available Tax Increment and the failure of the Authority to make Payments on any Payment Date shall not constitute a default hereunder as long as the Authority pays principal hereof to the extent of the Available Tax Increment. If on any Payment Date there is available to the Authority insufficient Available Tax Increment to pay the accrued and unpaid interest on this Note on such date, the amount of such deficiency shall be deferred and paid, without interest thereon, on the next Payment Date on which the Authority has available to it Available Tax Increment in excess of the amount necessary to pay the accrued and unpaid interest on this Note on such subsequent Payment Date. The Authority shall have no obligation to pay any unpaid balance of principal or interest that may remain after the final Payment on February 1, 2025. 4. Default. If on any Payment Date there has occurred and is continuing any Event of Default under the Agreement, the Authority may, notwithstanding any notice and cure provisions in the Agreement, withhold from Payments hereunder all Available Tax Increment. If the Event of Default is thereafter cured in accordance with the Agreement, the Available Tax Increment withheld under this Section shall be deferred and paid, without interest thereon, within 30 days after the Event of Default is cured. If on any date there has occurred and is continuing, after notice and opportunity to cure have been provided in accordance with the Agreement, any Event of Default under the Agreement, the Authority may exercise its remedies under the Agreement, including but not limited to terminating this Note. Reference is hereby made to all of the provisions of the Tax Increment Development Agreement, including without limitation Section 8.2 thereof, for a fuller statement of the rights and obligations of the City to pay the principal of this Note, and said provisions are hereby incorporated into this Note as though set out in full herein. 5. Prepayment. The principal sum payable under this Note is prepayable in whole or in part at any time by the Authority without premium or penalty. 6. Nature of Obligation. This Note is issued to aid in financing certain Qualified Costs of a Development District pursuant to the Agreement and Minnesota Statutes, Sections 469.124 through 469.133, and pursuant to and in full conformity with the Constitution and laws of the State of Minnesota, including Minnesota Statutes, Sections 469.174 to 469.1794, as amended (the “TIF Act”). This Note is a special, limited obligation of the Authority which is payable solely from Available Tax Increment pledged to the payment hereof. This Note shall not be deemed to constitute a general obligation of the State of Minnesota or any political subdivision thereof, including, without limitation, the Authority. Neither the State of Minnesota, nor any political subdivision thereof shall be obligated to pay the principal of this Note or other costs incident hereto except out of Available Tax Increment, and neither the full faith and credit nor the taxing power of the State of Minnesota or any political subdivision thereof is pledged to the payment of the principal of this Note or other costs incident hereto. 7. Estimated Tax Increment Payments. Any estimates of Tax Increment prepared by the Authority or its financial advisors in connection with the TIF District or the Agreement are for 2 473936v2 JSB BR275-165 4.3A TAX-INCREMENT FINANCING NOTE Page 5 the benefit of the Authority, and are not intended as representations on which the Developer may rely. 8. Registration and Transfer. This Note is issuable only as a fully registered note without coupons. This Note is transferable upon the books of the Authority kept for that purpose at the principal office of the Executive Director, by the Owner hereof in person or by such Owner’s attorney duly authorized in writing, upon surrender of this Note together with a written instrument of transfer satisfactory to the Authority, duly executed by the Owner. Upon such transfer or exchange and the payment by the Owner of any tax, fee, or governmental charge required to be paid by the Authority with respect to such transfer or exchange, there will be issued in the name of the transferee a new Note of the same aggregate principal amount, bearing interest at the same rate and maturing on the same dates. Except as otherwise provided in Section 7.1 of the Agreement, this Note shall not be transferred to any person or entity, unless the Authority has provided written consent to such transfer and the Authority has been provided with a certification of the transferee regarding its understanding of the special, limited nature of the Note and limited marketability in a form reasonably acceptable to the Authority. IT IS HEREBY CERTIFIED AND RECITED that all acts, conditions, and things required by the Constitution and laws of the State of Minnesota to be done, to exist, to happen, and to be performed in order to make this Note a valid and binding limited obligation of the Authority according to its terms, have been done, do exist, have happened, and have been performed in due form, time and manner as so required. 3 473936v2 JSB BR275-165 4.3A TAX-INCREMENT FINANCING NOTE Page 6 IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Board of Commissioners of the Brooklyn Park Economic Development Authority has caused this Note to be executed with the manual signatures of its President and Executive Director, all as of the Date of Original Issue specified above. BROOKLYN PARK ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY Executive Director President S-1 473936v2 JSB BR275-165 4.3A TAX-INCREMENT FINANCING NOTE Page 7 REGISTRATION PROVISIONS The ownership of the unpaid balance of the within Note is registered in the bond register of the Executive Director of the Authority, in the name of the person last listed below. Date of Registration ___________, 2016 Registered Owner Wurth Adams Nut & Bolt Co. 9485 Winnetka Avenue North Brooklyn Park, MN 55445 Federal Tax ID No. S-2 473936v2 JSB BR275-165 Signature of Executive Director of the Authority 4.3B LOCATION MAP Page 8 Northcross/United Properties ó ? @ A NuStar Pipeline Winnetka Ave. N. Site Location ¡ + ^ _ « 250 Spring 2012 Air Photo. Feet Map Date: April 9, 2014 4.3C SITE PLAN Page 9 City of Brooklyn Park Request for EDA Action Agenda Item No: Agenda Section: Resolution: No. of Attachments: Item: 5.1 Meeting Date: January 19, 2016 Erik Hansen, Economic Development & Housing Public Hearing Prepared By: Director Erik Hansen, Economic X Development & Housing Presented By: Director 1 Public Hearing Approving Contract for Private Development Between the Brooklyn Park Economic Development Authority and Millennium Pharmaceuticals, Inc. Executive Director’s Proposed Action: MOTION __________, SECOND __________ TO WAIVE THE READING AND ADOPT RESOLUTION #2016‐ APPROVING CONTRACT FOR PRIVATE DEVELOPMENT BETWEEN THE BROOKLYN PARK ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY AND MILLENNIUM PHARMACEUTICALS, INC. Overview: Millennium Pharmaceuticals, Inc. (the company), a wholly‐owned subsidiary of Takeda Pharmaceuticals International Co. (Takeda), purchased the 215,000 square foot production facility at 9450 Winnetka Ave. N. in December 2015. The company plans to invest about $70 million into the facility in addition to the land sale price to prepare the facility to produce two United States Food and Drug Administration (FDA) approved pharmaceuticals. The company reports that the FDA process to certify the facility will take two‐to‐three years. The company requested financial assistance from the Brooklyn Park Economic Development Authority (EDA) to offset extraordinary costs expected during the FDA certification process. The proposed financial assistance is the reimbursement of property tax appreciation for 2017 and 2018 from available EDA‐levy funds. Takeda is the largest Japanese pharmaceutical company and has facilities throughout the world. The Brooklyn Park facility will be the company’s United States manufacturing headquarters. The company will produce Entyvio, a gastroenterology drug, and Adcetris, an oncology drug. The company will create or retain approximately 190 full‐time‐equivalent positions at the facility. The company reports that annual compensation for employees at this facility will range between $90,000 and $220,000‐per‐year. The FDA process to certify the facility will take until 2019. During this time the company plans to rehabilitate the facility, purchase new equipment, and calibrate and validate the production process. The company will have added expenses during this time. To offset the costs it has asked the EDA to “freeze” property taxes for 2017 and 2018 until the facility begins generating revenue in 2019. Staff estimates that the potential difference in property taxes from those paid in 2016 and those paid in 2017 and 2018 ranges from $70,000 to $200,000 total. Staff worked with the Assessing department and the EDA’s financial consultant, Ehlers, to develop these figures. Staff proposes that the EDA reimburse the company using available EDA‐levy funds. 5.1 Page 2 Primary Issues/Alternatives to Consider: What are the financing options available to the EDA? Jason Aarsvold at Ehlers and Jenny Boulton at Kennedy & Graven assisted staff in identifying a preferred method to accommodate the company’ request. The preferred approach is to reimburse Takeda using available EDA funds for taxes paid over a set “freeze” level. The base projection is approximately $35,000‐per‐ year for 2017 and 2018. A likely top‐end projection is around $90,000‐per‐year for 2017 and 2018. Other approaches such as tax‐abatement would be unduly complicated and would require other taxing jurisdictions to opt‐in. What are the public benefits to the community? The request for EDA‐funded financial assistance is reasonable compared to the projected public benefits the City will receive. The projected costs to freeze property taxes range from $72,000 to $180,000 for tax‐payable 2017 and 2018 respectively. This amount equates to $360‐to‐$900‐per‐job (40 retained and 150 created) for high‐quality job (salaries between $90,000 and $220,000). The project activates a facility that the EDA as previously supported, establishes another manufacturing facility and headquarters in Brooklyn Park, and will be the state’s only larger scale bio‐pharma manufacturing facility. The Minnesota Department of Employment and Economic Development (DEED) also committed financial support to this project and Governor Dayton recently met with company leaders to welcome them to Minnesota. What are the terms of the commitment? The attached Draft Term Sheet outlines the main terms of the commitment. In summary, Takeda will be reimbursed for property taxes in 2017 and 2018. It commits to rehabilitating the facility and submitting approval documents to the FDA for certification prior to the release of the certificate of completion. It commits to creating or retaining 190 jobs at wage levels consistent with its Minnesota Investment Fund (MIF) application (at least $31‐per‐hour). The company will pay all EDA out‐of‐pocket costs associated with the project. What are the next steps? Staff is preparing a report for City Council approval to submit an application to the State of Minnesota’s MIF program. The City Council will consider this request on January 25th. The company will proceed with its rehabilitation plans immediately after the application to MIF with engineering and planning for process and facility changes. Budgetary/Fiscal Issues: The proposed action appropriates up to $200,000, total, in available EDA‐levy funds for property tax payments in 2017 and 2018 that exceed the base of 2016. The company will reimburse EDA out‐of‐pocket costs associated with this project. 5.1 Page 3 Recommendation: The Executive Director of the Economic Development Authority recommends approval. Attachments: 5.1A RESOLUTION 5.2B DRAFT TERM SHEET 5.1A RESOLUTION Page 4 THE BROOKLYN PARK ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY OF THE CITY OF BROOKLYN PARK RESOLUTION #2016‐ APPROVING CONTRACT FOR PRIVATE DEVELOPMENT BETWEEN THE BROOKLYN PARK ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY AND MILLENNIUM PHARMACEUTICALS, INC. WHEREAS, the Brooklyn Park Economic Development Authority, a public body corporate and politic (the “EDA”) has reviewed a proposal by Millennium Pharmaceuticals, Inc. (the “Developer”) to renovate and equip an existing facility located at 9450 Winnetka Ave. N. in Brooklyn Park (the “Development Property”) for use as a pharmaceutical manufacturing facility (the “Facility”); WHEREAS, the EDA and City Brooklyn Park, Minnesota (the “City”) have undertaken a program to promote economic development and job opportunities, promote the development and redevelopment of land which is underutilized within the City, and in this connection created a development district known as Development District No. 1 (the “Development District”) in the City, pursuant to Minnesota Statutes, Sections 469.124 to 469.133 (the “Development District Act”); and WHEREAS, the EDA has also determined that it is reasonable and necessary to provide certain financial assistance to the Developer in order to facilitate Developer’s plans for the Facility and the Development Property; WHEREAS, parties will enter into a Contract for Private Development between the EDA and Developer (the “Contract”) which substantially conforms to the terms set forth in the term sheet, between the EDA and the Developer (the “Term Sheet”), pursuant to which the EDA proposes to provide certain property tax assistance to the Developer from general EDA funds (the “Property Tax Assistance”); WHEREAS, the Property Tax Assistance constitutes a business subsidy within the meaning of Minnesota Statutes, Section 116J.993 to 116J.995 (the “Business Subsidy Act”), and the Contract includes a “business subsidy agreement” as required under the Business Subsidy Act; WHEREAS, on this same date this Board opened a duly noticed public hearing regarding the business subsidy agreement incorporated in the Contract, all in accordance with the Business Subsidy Act; 473742v1 JSB BR275-174 5.1A RESOLUTION Page 5 WHEREAS, the Board has reviewed the Term Sheet, and has determined that it in the best interests of the EDA to enter into and execute the Contract in accordance with the terms set forth in the Term Sheet and to grant a business subsidy to the Developer; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY the Brooklyn Park Economic Development Authority Board of Commissioners that: 1. The Board hereby approves the Term Sheet and entering into the Contract and the execution thereof, together with any related documents necessary in connection therewith, including without limitation all documents or certifications referenced in or attached to the Contract (collectively, the “Documents”) and the President and Executive Director are hereby authorized and directed to execute the Documents on behalf of the EDA and to carry out, on behalf of the EDA, the EDA’s obligations thereunder; 2. The approval hereby given to the Documents includes approval of such additional details therein as may be necessary and appropriate and such modifications thereof, deletions therefrom and additions thereto as may be necessary and appropriate and approved by legal counsel to the EDA and by the officers authorized herein to execute said documents prior to their execution; and said officers are hereby authorized to approve said changes on behalf of the EDA. The execution of any instrument by the appropriate officers of the EDA herein authorized shall be conclusive evidence of the approval of such document in accordance with the terms hereof. In the event of absence or disability of the officers, any of the documents authorized by this Resolution to be executed may be executed without further act or authorization of the Board by any duly designated acting official, or by such other officer or officers of the EDA as, in the opinion of the City Attorney, may act in their behalf. 3. The authority to approve, execute and deliver future amendments to the Documents is hereby delegated to the Executive Director, subject to the following conditions: (a) such amendments or consents to not materially adversely affect the interests of the EDA; (b) such amendments or consents do not contravene or violate any policy of the EDA or applicable provision of law, and (c) such amendments or consents are acceptable in form and substance to the counsel retained by the EDA to review such amendments. The authorization hereby given shall be further construed as authorization for the execution and delivery of such certificates and related items as may be required to demonstrate compliance with the agreements being amended and the terms of this Resolution. The execution of any instrument by the Executive Director shall be conclusive evidence of the approval of such instruments in accordance with the terms hereof. In the absence of the Executive Director any instrument authorized by this paragraph to be executed and delivered may be executed by the officer of the EDA authorized to act in his or her place and stead. 473742v1 JSB BR275-174 5.1B DRAFT TERM SHEET Page 6 DRAFT Term Sheet This Term Sheet is executed as of this ____ day of __________, 2016 by and between Developer and EDA (as those terms are defined below) and is intended to set forth the general terms upon which the parties hereto may be willing to enter into a Contract for Private Development (the “Development Agreement”). Term Sheet shall not be deemed conclusive or legally binding upon either party and neither party shall have any obligations regarding the property defined below unless and until a definitive Development Agreement is approved by the EDA board and executed by both parties. 1. Developer: Millennium Pharmaceuticals, Inc, a Delaware corporation. 2. EDA: Brooklyn Park Economic Development Authority, a public body corporate and politic and political subdivision of the State of Minnesota. 3. Property: 9450 Winnetka Ave N (PID 08‐119‐21‐32‐0004). 4. Developer Conditions, as determined to date: a. Execution of Development Agreement; and b. Site Control. 5. EDA Conditions, as determined to date: a. City Council approval of Planning Application; b. EDA approval of Construction Plans; c. Execution of a Development Agreement; and d. Approval of financial assistance after public hearing. 6. Minimum Improvements: Improvements to the Property will include rehabilitation of existing biologics facility to a quality that receives approval for commercial manufacturing from the United States Food and Drug Administration (“FDA”). 7. Construction Schedule: Commence construction by September 30, 2016, and substantially complete construction by March 31, 2018. For the purpose hereof, “Commence” shall mean beginning of physical rehabilitation to the Property; and “Completed” shall mean that the Minimum Improvements to the facility are sufficiently complete for Developer to begin testing and technology transfer in anticipation of a formal request to the FDA to approve Takeda’s operation of the facility. Developer currently intends to submit the necessary regulatory approval requests to the FDA in calendar year 2019. Upon Completion the EDA shall issue, in recordable form, a “Certificate of Completion.” 8. Public Assistance: Subject to all terms and conditions of the Development Agreement and to the extent authorized by applicable law, the EDA will reimburse Developer for increases in property taxes paid in 2017 and 2018 above property taxes paid in 2016. 5.1B DRAFT TERM SHEET Page 7 9. Jobs: In accordance with Developer’s Minnesota Investment Fund application, Developer shall create or retain 190 jobs at the Property within two years upon completion of Minimum Improvements. 10. Fees: Within three (3) days of approval of this Letter of Intent by the EDA Board of Commissioners, Developer shall deposit to the EDA the sum of Ten Thousand Dollars ($10,000.00) to pay for the reasonable out‐of‐pocket legal, financial consultant and administrative fees associated with this transaction. Unexpended funds will be returned to the Developer. 11. Miscellaneous: a. No transfer of any portion of the Property or of the Development Agreement without EDA notice prior to the issuance of the Certificate of Completion, except for: mortgage financing and transfers to the company to be identified in the Development Agreement as operating the building. b. Developer covenants to pay property taxes and maintain customary insurance. c. Additional conditions of assistance remain under consideration. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have executed this Agreement as of the date first set forth above. MILLENNIUM PHARMACEUTICALS, INC. By: _________________________ Its: _________________________ By: _________________________ Its: _________________________ BROOKLYN PARK ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY By: ________________________ Its: Executive Director City of Brooklyn Park Request for EDA Action Agenda Item: Agenda Section: Resolution: Ordinance: Attachments: Item: 5.2 Public Hearings Meeting Date: Originating Department: January 19, 2016 Community Development X Alisha Gray, Business N/A Prepared By: Development Coordinator Alisha Gray, Business 1 Presented By: Development Coordinator Public Hearing Authorizing the Submittal of an Application to the Minnesota Department of Employment and Economic Development for a Grant under the Minnesota Investment Fund (MIF) Program City Manager’s Proposed Action: MOTION __________, SECOND __________, TO WAIVE THE READING AND ADOPT RESOLUTION #2016‐__ AUTHORIZING THE SUBMITTAL OF AN APPLICATION TO THE MINNESOTA DEPARTMENT OF EMPLOYMENT AND ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT FOR A GRANT UNDER THE MINNESOTA INVESTMENT FUND (MIF) PROGRAM. Overview: Star Exhibits (Star), a Brooklyn Park‐based point‐of‐sale merchandising and tradeshow fixture manufacturer, plans to expand within the city in a newly‐constructed building at the corner of 93rd and Hampshire avenues. Star requested Brooklyn Park Economic Development Authority (EDA) assistance to apply to the Minnesota Department of Employment and Economic Development (DEED) for funding through the Minnesota Investment Fund (MIF) program. The proposed MIF funds will assist in retaining 78 jobs and adding an additional 11 jobs in Brooklyn Park. The proposed resolution authorizes the EDA to make application to the MIF program. MIF provides dollars to local units of governments who then provide low interest or forgivable loans to help businesses add new workers and retain high‐quality jobs with a focus on industrial, manufacturing and technology‐related industries. In this application, DEED’s preliminary approval indicates the award will be structured as a forgivable loan. The proposed project is the construction of a 200,800 square foot building dedicated to the design, manufacturing and implementation of strategic tradeshow, retail, corporate interiors and live event marketing solutions. The facility will contain office and administrative space for sales, management, design and human resources. A portion of the space will be dedicated to the fabrication of these exhibits and contain carpentry equipment, CNC machinery, painting equipment, etc. Additionally, the facility will contain warehouse space with pallet racking for storage of client exhibits and displays. Ryan Companies will construct the facility for Star’s use and continue to own the new facility long term. Ryan Companies has submitted a planning application for the project in early January and site work is anticipated to begin this year. 5.2 Page 2 Primary Issues/Alternatives to Consider: How much money is being requested from DEED? The application requests up to $1,000,000. What will the funds be used for? The loan funds will be used by Star to purchase equipment within the new facility. Total project investment will include site work, construction and tenant improvements totaling approximately $18,637,098. Machinery and equipment investment is estimated at another $1,500,000. How many jobs will be created? Star is committing to establish at least 11 new jobs within two years of beginning operations at its new facility. These jobs are in addition to the 78 workers currently employed at its existing facility. Of those 11 new jobs, the lowest hourly wage paid will be $20.16. The average wage is anticipated to be $27.80, plus benefits with an hourly value of $4.74. Budgetary/Fiscal Issues: The administration of this action will use budgeted staff time. Recommendation: The Executive Director of the Economic Development Authority recommends approval. Attachments: 5.2A RESOLUTION 5.2A RESOLUTION Page 3 THE BROOKLYN PARK ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY OF THE CITY OF BROOKLYN PARK RESOLUTION #2016‐ AUTHORIZING THE SUBMITTAL OF AN APPLICATION TO THE MINNESOTA DEPARTMENT OF EMPLOYMENT AND ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT FOR A GRANT UNDER THE MINNESOTA INVESTMENT FUND (MIF) PROGRAM (STAR EXHIBITS & ENVIRONMENTS, INC) BE IT RESOLVED that Brooklyn Park Economic Development Authority (the "EDA") act as the legal sponsor for the project contained in the Minnesota Investment Fund Application to be submitted on or about (February 5, 2016) and that President Jeffrey Lunde and Executive Director Kim Berggren are hereby authorized to apply to the Department of Employment and Economic Development for funding of this project on behalf of the Brooklyn Park EDA. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that Brooklyn Park EDA has the legal authority to apply for financial assistance, and the institutional, managerial, and financial capability to administer the proposed project. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that Brooklyn Park EDA has not violated any Federal, State, or local laws pertaining to fraud, bribery, kickbacks, collusion, conflict of interest or other unlawful or corrupt practice. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that upon approval of its application by the State, Brooklyn Park EDA may enter into a Grant Contract with the State of Minnesota for the approved project, and that Brooklyn Park EDA certifies that it will comply with all applicable laws, statutes, regulations and rules as stated in the Grant Contract and described in the Project Compliance Certification of the Application. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that Brooklyn Park EDA will obtain credit reports and credit information on Star Exhibits & Environments, Inc. (dba as Star) and Mark Johnson, CEO and President. Upon review by the Brooklyn Park EDA and the Brooklyn Park EDA Legal Counsel will determine if there are any adverse findings or concerns regarding, but not limited to, tax liens, judgments, court actions, and filings with state, federal and other regulatory agencies were identified. Failure to disclose any such adverse information could result in revocation or other legal action. NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that President Jeffrey Lunde and Executive Director Kim Berggren, or their successors in office, are hereby authorized to execute the Grant Contract and amendments, thereto, as are necessary to implement the project on behalf of the Brooklyn Park EDA. I CERTIFY THAT the above resolution was adopted by the Economic Development Authority (the “EDA”) of Brooklyn Park on January 19, 2016. City of Brooklyn Park Request for EDA Action Agenda Item No: Agenda Section: Resolution: No. of Attachments: Item: 6.1 Meeting Date: January 19, 2016 General Action Items Prepared By: Theresa Freund, EDA Secretary Presented By: Jeff Lunde, President N/A 0 Consider Election of Officers Executive Director’s Proposed Action: MOTION __________, SECOND __________ TO ELECT __________ AS PRESIDENT OF THE BROOKLYN PARK ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY. MOTION __________, SECOND __________ TO ELECT __________ AS VICE PRESIDENT OF THE BROOKLYN PARK ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY.. MOTION __________, SECOND __________ TO ELECT __________ AS TREASURER OF THE BROOKLYN PARK ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY. MOTION __________, SECOND __________ TO ELECT __________ AS SECRETARY OF THE BROOKLYN PARK ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY. Overview: The officers of the Authority shall consist of a President, a Vice President, a Secretary, a Treasurer and an Assistant Treasurer. The President, the Vice President and the Treasurer shall be members of the Board and shall be elected annually. No Commissioner may serve as President and Vice President at the same time. The offices of Secretary and Assistant Treasurer need not be held by a Commissioner. The President shall preside at all meetings of the Board. The Vice President shall preside at any meeting of the Board in the absence of the President and may exercise all powers and perform all responsibilities of the President if the President cannot exercise or perform the same due to absence or other inability. The Treasurer shall receive and be responsible for Authority money, shall disburse authority money by check only, keep an account of all Authority receipts and disbursements and the nature and purpose relating thereto, shall file the Authority's financial statement with its secretary at least once a year as set by the Authority, and be responsible for the acts of the assistant treasurer. The Assistant Treasurer shall be the City Finance Director and shall have all the powers and duties of the Treasurer if the Treasurer is absent or disabled. 6.1 Page 2 The Secretary shall keep or cause to be kept minutes of all meetings of the Board and shall maintain or cause to be maintained all records of the Authority. Traditionally this position has been held by the Executive Director’s Assistant. ITEM M 7.1 MEMORANDU UM DATE: January 14, 2016 TO: EDA C Commissione ers FROM: Kim Berggren, Exe ecutive Direcctor SUBJECT: Statuss Update Businesss Developme ent The Business Forwarrd Advisory Board met in January tto discuss itts strategic p plan for thee year and prep pare for a presentation tto the Econo omic Develoopment Auth hority in Feb bruary. The b board also discu ussed workfforce development, a top priority, w with staff and d outdoor reetail displayss on a recomme endation fro om the City C Council. Alisha Gray G and Errik Hansen met with representattives of Meetro Mold aand the Citty of Minneap polis to discu uss the possiible use of th he Commonn Bond progrram as a finaancing sourcce for its plann ned expansion. The Co ommon Bon nd program m is a Hennepin Countyy‐wide indu ustrial revenue bonding pro ogram that is available to manufactuurers in Broo oklyn Park. Metro Mold d is in the proccess of evaluating options to exp pand within its currentt location in n the North hland neighborrhood. Staff met with Codyy Wiltgen, Hy‐Vee’s H recruiter. Hy‐V Vee plans to hire 700 fu ull and part time Brooklyn Parrk store thatt is set to oppen in summ mer 2016. W While most o of the employees for the B Hy‐Vee plans to hire ab out a dozen n people in llate Januaryy who hiring will occur in laate spring, H i the New Hope locattion before moving to Brooklyn P Park. Comm munity can begiin training in Developm ment staff will work with w Hy‐Vee to promoote hiring opportunitiees to the City’s residentss. Hy‐Vee plans p to ope en a hiring center about a month h or two beefore the sttore’s opening. City staff is assisting witth finding a location for this center in Brooklyn Park. Alisha Gray is coorrdinating an n employee welcome eevent for D Design Read dy Controls.. The purpose of the even nt is to welco ome employyees to the community and providee informatio on on Brooklyn n Park amenities. The evvent will takke place in JJanuary. Thee company plans to havve an open hou use this sprin ng. Fitness equipment e maker m Nautilus purchased Brooklynn Park based d Octane Fittness in Jan nuary. The fitne ess maker is known for brands such h as Bowflexx, Schwinn aand Universsal. The com mpany plans to remain in Brrooklyn Parkk and retain the 80 empployees that are currentlly employed d with F Alish ha Gray reacched out to o co‐owner TTim Porth to o congratulaate the com mpany Octane Fitness. and offerr assistance. 7.1 Page 2 Takeda Pharmaceuti P ical, the larggest pharmaaceutical coompany in Jaapan, purch hased the fo ormer Baxter faacility at 9450 Winnetkka Ave N in December 2015. The Brooklyn Paark facility is the companyy’s first U.S. manufacturing operatio on. At the faccility, Takedaa will produce FDA apprroved biologic m medicationss for treatingg cancer, gasstrointestinaal disorders,, and other health problems. The com mpany planss to employy approxim mately 190 ffull time employees aand plans tto be operational in 2019. Housing oklyn Avenues facility went through h its annual iinspection aafter 12 mon nths of operration The Broo on December 18, 20 015. During the inspecttion, Brooklyyn Park, Aveenues, LHB Engineeringg and Ebert Co onstruction staff walked d through the propertyy to identifyy any issuess that may have arisen du uring the firrst year of operation. o The T inspectiion was smo ooth as no major strucctural issues were w identified other th han minor construction c n settling isssues. Ebertt Construction is presentlyy working to o correct the e issues prio or to the onne‐year anniiversary of tthe Certificaate of Occupancy. John Kinaara and Erika Byrd atten nded the Ho ousing Collabborative Insttitute meeting on Januaary 11 in St. Lou uis Park. Du uring the me eeting officials from sevveral cities iin Metro area discussed d the policy gu uidelines on n Creative Financing fo or Mixed Inncome and Senior Affordable Housing Projects. The Houssing and Com mmunity En ngagement sstaff held a H Home Owneers Associatiion Worksho op on January 1 14 in the Council Chamb bers. Amongg the topics that were ccovered during the workkshop included; Rules and Regulations governing H HOAs, Financcial Manageement Practiices and Wo orking with Contractors. The T key no ote speakerss included CEOs and Lawyers frrom metro area organizattions. Counccil member Gates was in attenda nce. Over 770 Homeow wners Association memberss attended. Marketin ng and Comm municationss Angelica Klebsch an nd Emily Caarr collaborrated on thhe design an nd messagin ng for a flyer about the open housees and publlic hearings set for the m municipal co onsent phasse of the LRT project. The conten nt was writtten in widelly accessible language and includ des live linkks to severaal resources for public participation n. 7.1 Page 3 Workforce Development Angelica Klebsch met with Community Development staff at the City of Oakdale to discuss its “Oakdale First” policy. The policy requires that a business that receives financial assistance from the City and intends to add new jobs must use the Washington County Workforce Center Services. The business must give hiring priority to qualified Oakdale residents first, followed by qualified Washington County residents, before hiring from another city or county. Specific usage of the workforce center is also included in the policy, which was followed by Hy‐Vee during their Oakdale location hiring process. Staff will be examining the policy closely in consideration of local needs. Branding Angelica Klebsch met with the Code Enforcement & Public Health Division to begin the next phase of internal branding implementation. After a short presentation on the principles of branding and our own initiative, staff spent time discussing how the brand stems from the work staff do every day, and how understanding the brand can guide ongoing work as well. These department and division discussions on branding will be taking place city‐wide through February. Other The first Shingle Creek Aeration Art Project Committee Meeting took place on January 7. In 2015, the Shingle Creek Watershed Management Commission (SCWMC) received a federal grant to install artistic aeration systems at three locations in Shingle Creek to help improve dissolved oxygen conditions. Two of these sites are located in Brooklyn Center and one site is located in Brooklyn Park (near Park Center High School). SCWMC hired Wenck Associates to commission artists to design artwork that can also serve as the aeration systems. A representative from Wenck is coordinating this project. Alisha Gray, Business Development Coordinator, and Jesse Struve, City Engineer, are participating on the artist selection committee. ITEM M 7.2 MEMORANDU UM DATE: January 14, 2016 TO: EDA C Commissione ers FROM: Emily Carr, Develo opment Projject Coordinnator Erika Byrd, Economic Develop pment Speci alist 1 SUBJECT: Foreclosure Recovvery Update e EDA Reco overed Hom mes Update A summaary of curren nt foreclosurre recovery aactivity is as follows: 180 recovered homes are e owner‐occcupied; 1 property (vacant land) is land‐bankked; 6 homes are being rehabilitated; 1 home is beiing marketed for resale; 1 home is und der contractt for resale; aand 2 vacant and foreclosed p properties are under conntract for accquisition. ed and Vaca ant Propertie es Update Foreclose Hennepin n County released the llatest foreclosure data for Novemb ber, 2015. In n the first eleven months of 2015 the ere were 15 54 foreclosu ures in Broooklyn Park. If current trends conttinue, n Park is on pace for 168 foreclosurres by year eend, a 6.9% % percent deecline from 2 2014. Brooklyn Vacancie es have also o decreased d slightly; there are cuurrently 2344 known vaacant resideential propertie es in the cityy according tto the Code Enforcemennt and Publicc Health division. Foreclosed an nd Vacan nt Propeerties 20005‐2016 6 12 200 Number of units 10 000 N New Foreclosures K Known Vacants 874 732 800 8 593 600 6 735 633599 583 479 4110 480 315 3 400 4 200 2 Brooklyn Park 964 *fo oreclosures are pro ojected for 2015 4996 328 157 288 261 185 168 234 0 2005 2006 2 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 Year 2012 20133 2014 2015 5 * 2016 7.2 Page 2 1409 84th Way North h Last month, Robertt Engstrom Capital Management,, LLC comp pleted rehab bilitation off the th nd foreclose ed house att 1409 84 Way North h. Approximately $62,000 in previously vacant an improvem ments were e made to the t house including thhe constructtion of a gaarage; new roof, drivewayy, flooring, kkitchen and baths; and updated eleectrical, plum mbing, HVAC, insulation n and landscap ping. The hou use is curren ntly being maarketed for ssale. Before and After Reh habilitation – 1409 84th Way N 7.2 Page 3 Before R Rehabilitation Continued d Attachments: 7.2A LIIST OF FORECLOSED HOMES RECOVERED Status Desccription 'First Look' PPrice Accepted The devveloper has acceepted the adjustted price offeredd by the bank Initial PA Siggned Purchaase agreement beetween bank andd EDA or bank annd Developer haas been signed Acquisition CClosing ‐ DATE Closingg date for initial acquisition Rehabilitatioon/Demolition The rehhabilitation or ddemolition proceess is underway For Sale Rehabi litation complete, home being m marketed for re‐ssale Resale PA siggned ‐ DATE Purchaase agreement beetween a new hoomebuyer and thhe Developer hass been signed Resale closinng ‐ DATE Closingg date for re‐sal e to homebuyer Reoccupied ‐‐ DATE Acquis ition, rehab andd re‐sale compleete or acquisition, demo and lannd bank complette 7.2A LIST OF FORECLOSED HOMES RECOVERED Page 4 Foreclosed Homes Recovered with EDA Assistance # 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 Address 7701 Noble Ave N 1601 Meadowwood Dr N 7309 Beard Ave N 8308 Morgan Ave N 3700 83rd Ave N 8033 Xenia Ave N 5517 84th Ave N 7724 Arlington Ave N 7717 Unity Ave N 5024 81st Ln N 7356 Beard Ave N 6709 75th Ave N 7957 Louisiana Ave N 3616 80th Ave N 5527 84 1/2 Ave N 7917 Irving Ave N 8415 Adair Ave N 6909 Hartkopf Ln N 7432 Noble Ave N 6601 76th Ave N 7748 Beard Ave N 6908 Dutton Ave N 3441 75th Ave N 1009 74th Ave N 4609 Brookdale Dr N 7832 Shingle Creek Dr N 2016 Sugarloaf Tr N 2660 77th Blvd N 3309 84th Ave N 6901 65th Ave N 2649 78th Ave N 8132 Hampshire Ct N 3140 Pearson Pkwy N 3600 80th Ave N 7325 James Ave N 7324 Douglas Dr N 7724 Chowen Ave N 7472 Abbott Ave N 7916 Louisiana Ave N 1709 84th Ave N 5208 82nd Ave N 6624 Flag Ave N Who? Engstrom Engstrom Engstrom Engstrom Engstrom Engstrom Engstrom Engstrom Engstrom Engstrom Engstrom Engstrom Engstrom Engstrom Engstrom Engstrom Engstrom Engstrom Engstrom Engstrom Engstrom Engstrom Engstrom Engstrom Engstrom Engstrom Engstrom Engstrom Engstrom Engstrom Engstrom Engstrom Engstrom Engstrom Engstrom Engstrom Engstrom Engstrom Engstrom Engstrom Engstrom Engstrom What? Rehab Rehab Rehab Rehab Rehab Rehab Rehab Rehab Rehab Rehab Rehab Rehab Rehab Rehab Rehab Rehab Rehab Rehab Rehab Rehab Rehab Rehab Rehab Rehab Rehab Rehab Rehab Rehab Rehab Rehab Rehab Rehab Rehab Rehab Rehab Rehab Rehab Rehab Rehab Rehab Rehab Rehab Status Reoccupied 8/28/09 Reoccupied 7/30/09 Reoccupied 8/28/09 Reoccupied 10/7/09 Reoccupied 10/30/09 Reoccupied 12/16/09 Reoccupied 11/16/09 Reoccupied 11/29/09 Reoccupied 1/29/10 Reoccupied 1/29/10 Reoccupied 4/30/10 Reoccupied 12/21/09 Reoccupied 5/12/10 Reoccupied 5/24/10 Reoccupied 3/11/10 Reoccupied 3/15/10 Reoccupied 4/30/10 Reoccupied 5/24/10 Reoccupied 11/22/10 Reoccupied 5/26/11 Reoccupied 9/30/10 Reoccupied 2/28/11 Reoccupied 12/3/10 Reoccupied 11/18/10 Reoccupied 6/19/12 Reoccupied 11/23/10 Reoccupied 11/7/11 Reoccupied 3/29/11 Reoccupied 3/25/11 Reoccupied 5/26/11 Reoccupied 11/11/11 Reoccupied 11/3/11 Reoccupied 8/31/11 Reoccupied 3/26/12 Reoccupied 9/28/11 Reoccupied 1/10/12 Reoccupied 11/1/11 Reoccupied 4/13/12 Reoccupied 3/16/12 Reoccupied 3/16/12 Reoccupied 5/8/12 Reoccupied 4/4/12 Funding Mn Housing Mn Housing Mn Housing Mn Housing Mn Housing Mn Housing Mn Housing Mn Housing Mn Housing Mn Housing Mn Housing Mn Housing Mn Housing Mn Housing Mn Housing Mn Housing Mn Housing Mn Housing Mn Housing Mn Housing Mn Housing Mn Housing Mn Housing Mn Housing Mn Housing Mn Housing Mn Housing Mn Housing Mn Housing Mn Housing Mn Housing Mn Housing Mn Housing Mn Housing Mn Housing Mn Housing Mn Housing Mn Housing TIF TIF TIF TIF 7.2A LIST OF FORECLOSED HOMES RECOVERED Page 5 # 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 Address 8216 Sunkist Blvd N 7709 Sugarloaf Tr N 6717 Bethia Ln N 9009 66th Ave N 7741 Hampshire Ave N 7908 Sierra Pkwy N 8200 Morgan Ave N 2117 Gunflint Tr N 9125 Georgia Ct N 8325 Dupont Ave N 7924 Irving Ave N 8317 Rhode Island Dr 8409 Rhode Island Dr 7741 Arlington Ave N 7697 Newton Ave N 6309 76th Ave N 8324 Hampshire Ave N 210 75th Ave N 7725 Scott Ave N 6633 Sumter Ave N 9540 Knox Ave N 3316 83rd Ave N 4216 78th Ave N 4401 Brookdale Dr N 1409 84th Way N 7507 N College Park Drive 8031 Dupont Court N 4001‐05 83rd Ave N 7816 Shingle Creek Dr N 8217 Kentucky Ave N 7916 Orchard Ave N 2917 83rd Ave N 7517 N Meadowwood Ct 8032 Georgia Ave N 7834 Xerxes Ct N 7549 Major Ave N 7708 Dupont Ave N 7316 74th Ave N 7933 Irving Ave N 2800 78th Ave N 3026 82nd Cir N 7948 Orchard Ave N Who? Engstrom Engstrom Engstrom Engstrom Engstrom Engstrom Engstrom Engstrom Engstrom Engstrom Engstrom Engstrom Engstrom Engstrom Engstrom Engstrom Engstrom Engstrom Engstrom Engstrom Engstrom Engstrom Engstrom Engstrom Engstrom Engstrom Engstrom EDA EDA Habitat Habitat Habitat Habitat Habitat Habitat Habitat Habitat Habitat Habitat Habitat Habitat Habitat What? Rehab Rehab Rehab Rehab Rehab Rehab Rehab Rehab Rehab Rehab Rehab Rehab Rehab Rehab Rehab Rehab Rehab Rehab Rehab Rehab Rehab Rehab Rehab Rehab Rehab Rehab Rehab Demo Redev Rehab Rehab Rehab Rehab Rehab Rehab Rehab Rehab Rehab Rehab Rehab Rehab Rehab Status Reoccupied 7/13/12 Reoccupied 8/30/12 Reoccupied 11/2/12 Reoccupied 9/21/12 Reoccupied 8/30/12 Reoccupied 10/4/12 Reoccupied 1/17/13 Reoccupied 3/29/13 Reoccupied 1/23/13 Reoccupied 4/23/13 Reoccupied 7/15/13 Reoccupied 6/20/13 Reoccupied 5/31/13 Reoccupied 12/06/13 Reoccupied 3/27/14 Reoccupied 6/30/14 Reoccupied 12/1/14 Reoccupied 7/15/14 Reoccupied 5/7/15 Reoccupied 5/22/15 Reoccupied 6/30/15 Reoccupied 6/30/15 Reoccupied 8/14/15 Reoccupied 11/20/15 For Sale Rehabilitation Rehabilitation Landbanked Reoccupied 9/4/12 Reoccupied 6/14/11 Reoccupied 6/28/11 Reoccupied 5/31/11 Reoccupied 6/28/11 Reoccupied 2/23/12 Reoccupied 5/29/12 Reoccupied 9/28/12 Reoccupied 10/30/12 Reoccupied 6/24/13 Reoccupied 1/31/14 Reoccupied 5/28/14 Reoccupied 11/25/2014 Reoccupied 11/20/2015 Funding TIF TIF TIF TIF TIF TIF TIF TIF TIF TIF TIF/MN Housing TIF TIF TIF/MN Housing TIF/ECRV TIF TIF TIF/ECRV TIF/ECRV TIF/ECRV TIF TIF TIF/CRV TIF/CRV TIF TIF TIF CDBG NSP NSP NSP NSP NSP NSP2 NSP2 NSP2 NSP3 NSP3 NSP3 NSP NSP2 NSP2 7.2A LIST OF FORECLOSED HOMES RECOVERED Page 6 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 Address 8001 Ewing Ave N 8256 Newton Ave N 8186 James Ave N 2725 79th Ct N 3500 82nd Ave N 8108 Sierra Pkwy N 7824 Colorado Ave N 7364 Logan Ct N 4416 82nd Ave N 8032 France Ave N 8008 Hampshire Ave N 8216 Logan Ave N 7532 Imperial Dr N 8117 Brandywine Pkwy N 3332 75th Ave N 7915 Lad Pkwy N 8116 Douglas Ct N 7434 Irving Ave N 8349 Kentucky Ave N 8008 Georgia Ave N 2657 78th Ave N 1524 84th Ave N 6701 Brunswick Ave N 8017 Zane Ave N 7500 N Meadowwood Ct 4324 82nd Ave N 7824 Shingle Creek Dr N 8325 Jersey Ave N 7372 Logan Ct N 6708 Edgewood Ave N 7740 Kentucky Ave N 8400 Rhode Island Dr N 8257 Irving Ave N 8348 Newton Ave N 8225 Hampshire Ct N 8125 College Park Dr 7426 Aldrich Ct N 7508 Dupont Ave N 1809 Meadowwood Ct 2636 77th Blvd N 7301 Candlewood Dr N 2025 Laramie Tr N 8125 Wyoming Ave N Who? PRG PRG PRG PRG PRG PRG PRG PRG PRG PRG PRG PRG PRG PRG PRG PRG PRG PRG PRG PRG PRG Rains Rains Rains Rains Rains Rains Rains Rains Rains MHS MHS MHS MHS MHS MHS MHS MHS MHS MHS MHS MHS MHS What? Rehab Rehab Rehab Rehab Rehab Rehab Rehab Rehab Rehab Rehab Rehab Rehab Rehab Rehab Rehab Rehab Rehab Rehab Rehab Rehab Rehab Rehab Rehab Redev Rehab Rehab Rehab Rehab Rehab Rehab Rehab Rehab Rehab Rehab Rehab Rehab Rehab Rehab Rehab Rehab Rehab Rehab Rehab Status Reoccupied 12/22/09 Reoccupied 1/22/10 Reoccupied 5/7/10 Reoccupied 9/28/10 Reoccupied 7/22/10 Reoccupied 9/3/10 Reoccupied 10/1/10 Reoccupied 4/26/12 Reoccupied 12/30/11 Reoccupied 7/15/11 Reoccupied 8/31/11 Reoccupied 7/13/12 Reoccupied 5/25/12 Reoccupied 3/7/12 Reoccupied 5/31/12 Reoccupied 6/20/13 Reoccupied 6/26/13 Reoccupied 3/27/14 Reoccupied 12/19/13 Reoccupied 12/17/14 Acquisition Closing 1/8/16 Reoccupied 5/5/10 Reoccupied 11/19/10 Reoccupied 9/8/11 Reoccupied 5/31/11 Reoccupied 9/16/11 Reoccupied 5/13/11 Reoccupied 9/16/11 Reoccupied 9/9/11 Reoccupied 4/26/12 Reoccupied 8/19/11 Reoccupied 7/29/11 Reoccupied 6/30/11 Reoccupied 8/3/11 Reoccupied 4/6/12 Reoccupied 2/10/12 Reoccupied 3/15/12 Reoccupied 10/31/11 Reoccupied 2/23/12 Reoccupied 4/6/12 Reoccupied 5/1/12 Reoccupied 7/31/12 Reoccupied 7/27/12 Funding NSP NSP NSP NSP NSP NSP NSP CDBG/NSP NSP NSP EDA/NSP EDA/NSP EDA/NSP NSP EDA/NSP EDA/NSP EDA/NSP EDA/NSP EDA/NSP EDA/NSP EDA/NSP1 NSP CDBG/NSP NSP NSP NSP NSP NSP EDA/NSP NSP NSP2 NSP2 NSP2 NSP2 EDA/NSP2 EDA/NSP3 EDA/NSP3 NSP2 NSP2 NSP2 NSP2 NSP3 NSP3 7.2A LIST OF FORECLOSED HOMES RECOVERED Page 7 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 169 170 Address 6256 Rhode Island Ave N 8291 Brunswick Ave N 2408 80th Ave N 3016 80th Ave N 8049 Zane Ave N 8241 Newton Ave N 6901 75th Ave N 2016 Laramie Tr N 7101 79th Ave N 8472 Adair Ave N 7440 Fremont Ct N 2016 Whitewater Tr N 6100 71st Ave N 3733 80th Ave N 8309 York Ave N 7548 Dupont Ave N 7408 Noble Ave N 7501 82nd Ave N 6231 Zealand Ave N 224 River Lane Court N 7009 75th Avenue N 8218 Brandywine Parkway 7824 Dupont Ave N 7416 Lee Ave N 6101 Bethia Lane N 7519 Brunswick Ave N 7001 Edgewood Ave N 8033 Noble Ave N 8405 Brunswick Ave N 8017 Noble Ave N 8117 Scott Ave N 7341 Beard Ave N 8217 Scott Ave N 2101 82nd Ave N 6900 Candlewood Cir N 7733 Unity Ave N 7133 Jersey Ave N 8300 Upton Ave N *2900 81st Ave N 8109 Lad Pkwy N 7533 Dupont Ave N 6540 Cherokee Ln N 8248 Hampshire Ave N Who? MHS MHS MHS MHS MHS MHS MHS MHS MHS MHS MHS MHS MHS MHS MHS MHS MHS MHS MHS MHS MHS MHS MHS MHS MHS MHS MHS MHS MHS MHS MHS MHS MHS MHS MHS MHS MHS MHS MHS United Dev United Dev United Dev United Dev What? Rehab Rehab Rehab Rehab Rehab Rehab Rehab Rehab Rehab Rehab Rehab Rehab Rehab Rehab Rehab Rehab Rehab Rehab Rehab Rehab Rehab Rehab Rehab Rehab Rehab Rehab Rehab Rehab Rehab Rehab Rehab Rehab Rehab Rehab Rehab Rehab Rehab Rehab Rehab Rehab Rehab Rehab Rehab Status Reoccupied 7/19/12 Reoccupied 9/12/12 Reoccupied 9/19/12 Reoccupied 6/29/12 Reoccupied 10/12/12 Reoccupied 12/12/12 Reoccupied 4/11/13 Reoccupied 2/20/13 Reoccupied 4/5/13 Reoccupied 12/28/12 Reoccupied 4/19/13 Reoccupied 6/14/13 Reoccupied 8/30/13 Reoccupied 3/29/13 Reoccupied 8/19/13 Reoccupied 8/23/13 Reoccupied 7/31/14 Reoccupied 12/10/13 Reoccupied 2/27/14 Reoccupied 1/30/15 Reoccupied 5/13/14 Reoccupied 4/30/14 Reoccupied 4/25/14 Reoccupied 2/20/14 Reoccupied 8/15/14 Reoccupied 8/29/14 Reoccupied 9/5/14 Reoccupied 5/28/15 Reoccupied 3/30/15 Reoccupied 7/30/15 Reoccupied 1/6/16 Reoccupied 6/8/15 Reoccupied 5/7/15 Reoccupied 9/25/15 Reoccupied 11/30/15 Rehabilitation Rehabilitation Rehabilitation Acquisition Closing 1/20/16 Reoccupied 6/29/11 Reoccupied 7/5/11 Reoccupied 8/31/11 Reoccupied 1/12/12 Funding NSP2 EDA/NSP3 NSP2 NSP2 EDA/NSP3 CDBG/NSP3 EDA/NSP3 NSP2 EDA/NSP2 EDA/NSP3 EDA/NSP3 NSP2 EDA/NSP3 EDA/NSP3 EDA/NSP3 EDA/NSP3 NSP2 EDA/NSP2 EDA/NSP2 EDA/NSP2 CDBG/NSP3 EDA/NSP EDA/NSP3 EDA/NSP CDBG/NSP EDA/NSP2 EDA/NSP2 EDA/NSP EDA/NSP3 EDA/CDBG CDBG CDBG EDA/NSP3 EDA/NSP EDA/NSP EDA/CDBG EDA/NSP EDA/NSP EDA/NSP NSP2 NSP2 NSP2 NSP2 7.2A LIST OF FORECLOSED HOMES RECOVERED Page 8 171 172 173 174 175 176 177 178 179 180 181 182 183 184 185 186 187 188 189 190 191 Address 8309 Abbott Ave N 1109 81st Ave N 8217 Brandywine Pkwy N 7348 Douglas Dr N 1909 Meadowwood Ct N 7725 Vincent Ave N 8055 Dupont Ct N 7716 Noble Ave N 8433 Kentucky Ct N 7433 Xerxes Ave N 6817 66th Ave N 4201 78th Ave N 7508 Edgewood Ave N 8148 Douglas Ct N 2909 84th Ave N 719 79th Ave N 7424 Douglas Dr N 8201 Georgia Ave N 8708 62nd Ave N 2000 Laramie Tr N 5332 81st Ave N Who? United Dev United Dev United Dev United Dev United Dev United Dev United Dev United Dev United Dev United Dev United Dev United Dev United Dev United Dev United Dev United Dev United Dev United Dev United Dev United Dev United Dev What? Rehab Rehab Rehab Rehab Rehab Rehab Rehab Rehab Rehab Rehab Rehab Rehab Rehab Rehab Rehab Rehab Rehab Rehab Rehab Rehab Rehab Status Reoccupied 1/25/12 Reoccupied 4/24/12 Reoccupied 4/27/12 Reoccupied 8/31/12 Reoccupied 6/5/12 Reoccupied 2/13/13 Reoccupied 3/25/13 Reoccupied 5/17/13 Reoccupied 3/29/13 Reoccupied 6/6/13 Reoccupied 9/30/13 Reoccupied 9/27/13 Reoccupied 9/6/13 Reoccupied 4/28/14 Reoccupied 8/29/14 Reoccupied 6/12/14 Reoccupied 7/17/14 Reoccupied 7/11/14 Reoccupied 1/2/15 Resale PA signed Rehabilitation Funding EDA/NSP2 EDA/NSP3 NSP2 NSP2 EDA/NSP3 NSP2 EDA/NSP3 CDBG/NSP2 EDA/NSP3 EDA/NSP3 EDA/NSP3 EDA/NSP EDA/NSP2 EDA/NSP3 EDA/NSP EDA/NSP3 EDA/NSP2 EDA/NSP2 EDA/NSP2 EDA/NSP CDBG/NSP2 58 additional foreclosed homes were acquired by homebuyers who received NSP funds Last updated: December 10, 2015 * Indicates recent addition to list ITEM M 7.3 MEMORANDU UM DATE: TO: FROM: SUBJECT: January 14, 2016 EDA C Commissione ers Emily Carr, Develo opment Projject Coordinnator METR RO Blue Line Extension (B Bottineau LR RT) Update Station A Area Plannin ng Update A draft of the A e Bottineau Station Area Plan report will be avvailable for sstaff to revieew in early Februarry. Througho out 2015 a tteam of desiigners, plann ners, and illu ustrators wo orked with the com w mmunity to e explore ideaas about whhat the statio on areas could look likee and what types o w of development and con nnections caan occur witthin a 10‐minute walk o of the Liight Rail Traansit (LRT) area. These ideas will bbe incorporated in the B Bottineau Sttation Area A Plan re eport develo oped by the e consultantt, Urban Deesign Associiates (UDA). The Planning Com mmission an nd the Citize en Long‐Rannge Improveement Committee will have opportunitiess to review the draft re eport and prrovide comm ments. This planning wo ork is fu unded by He ennepin County. Groups (CWG Gs) will meeet on Februaary 17 The station area planningg Communitty Working G o review the e draft Bottin neau Station n Area Plan rreport and p provide input and comm ments. to The three CW WGs met sevveral times in n 2015 to exxplore ideass and provide input on ttopics su uch as land use alternattives, transportation, an d circulation n around thee five LRT sttation areas. al Consent P Process Municipa ate law (473 Minnesota st M 3.3994) requ uires municippal consent,, which means local app proval of a LRT systtem’s physiccal design components c including tthe tracks, b bridges, stattions, ro oads and su upport structures. The e Metro Bluue Line exteension project entered d the municipal con m nsent process on Decem mber 9, wheen the Met C Council apprroved the reevised project scope e and cost e estimate. The e municipal consent pro ocess allowss for public input on the plans which can come at publlic hearings hosted by th he Met Coun ncil and Brooklyn Park or by em mail and wriitten comme ents. Attachhed is a flyerr that outlines the upco oming public hearing and publicc comment o opportunitiees. The municipaal consent plans are avaiilable for revview at: http://metrocouncil.org//Transportattion/Projectss/Current‐Prrojects/METTRO‐Blue‐Lin ne‐ Exxtension/Mu unicipal‐Con nsent.aspx. P Printed referrence copiess of the plans are also avvailable at B Brooklyn Park City Hall an nd the Broo klyn Park Lib brary. 7.3 Page 2 Written comments on plans can be submitted to the Met Council, Hennepin County and the City of Brooklyn Park: Metropolitan Council ‐ Written comments accepted until January 29 Bottineau LRT Project Office ATTN: David Davies 5514 West Broadway Avenue, Suite 200 Crystal, MN 55428 bluelineext@metrotransit.org Or online at: www.bluelineext.org Hennepin County Brent Rusco, Senior Project Manager Hennepin County Community Works Blue Line Extension Project Office 5514 West Broadway Avenue, Suite 200 Crystal, MN 55428 brent.rusco@hennepin.us City of Brooklyn Park – Written comments accepted until February 15 Emily Carr, Development Project Coordinator 5200 85th Avenue North Brooklyn Park, MN 55443 lrt@brooklynpark.org Municipal Consent Schedule: o January 19, 2016 ‐ Met Council Open House and Public Hearing Open House – 5:00pm Public Hearing – 6:00pm Minneapolis Central Library 300 Nicollet Mall, Minneapolis, MN 55401 o January 25, 2016 – Brooklyn Park Open House and Public Hearing Open House – 6:00pm Public Hearing – 7:00pm Brooklyn Park City Hall 5200 85th Avenue North, Brooklyn Park, MN 55443 o January 29, 2016 ‐ Met Council public comment period closes o February 15, 2016 – Hennepin County and Brooklyn Park public comment period closes o February 22, 2016 ‐ City Council action on municipal consent plans 7.3 Page 3 On January 5, the Maplebrook Townhome Association board hosted a neighborhood LRT meeting to review and discuss the municipal consent plans. Approximately 20 community members attended the meeting. Several city staff and City Council members also attended. LRT Preliminary Design Update The Corridor Management Committee (CMC) met on January 14. Agenda items included an overview of the regional METRO system, a 2016 project overview including the municipal consent and Design Resolution schedules, and an overview of the FEIS Noise Analysis. All CMC meeting agendas, minutes and presentations can be found at: http://www.metrocouncil.org/Transportation/Projects/Current‐Projects/METRO‐Blue‐ Line‐Extension/Committees.aspx The METRO Blue Line Extension Community Advisory Committee (Blue Line Extension CAC) met on January 11. Agenda items included an overview of the regional METRO system, a 2016 project overview, and an update from Hennepin County Community Works staff. All CAC meeting agendas, minutes and presentations can be found at: http://www.metrocouncil.org/Transportation/Projects/Current‐Projects/METRO‐Blue‐ Line‐Extension/Committees/Community‐Advisory‐Committee‐(CAC).aspx?source=child The METRO Blue Line Extension Business Advisory Committee (BAC) met on January 12. BAC meeting agenda items included an overview of the regional METRO system, a 2016 project overview, and an update from Hennepin County Community Works staff. All BAC meeting agendas, minutes and presentations can be found at: http://www.metrocouncil.org/Transportation/Projects/Current‐Projects/METRO‐Blue‐ Line‐Extension/Committees/Business‐Advisory‐Committee‐(BAC).aspx?source=child Staff members attended two Resolution Team (IRT) meetings along with representatives from Met Council, Metro Transit, Hennepin County, MNDOT and Kimley‐Horn and Associates. Recently Juan Rangel, the Metropolitan Council Community Outreach Coordinator, met with several Brooklyn Park stakeholders including: o Business owner at 8924 West Broadway Avenue o Property owner at 7509 73rd Avenue North Field Activity Update Current field activities include: o Collecting survey information for various critical design requirements along West Broadway from 101st Avenue to TH 610 on Target Corporation property; West Broadway at 85th Avenue, and Brooklyn Boulevard. 7.3 Page 4 Important Resources Staff established an lrt@brooklynpark.org email address that is also on the City website. Community members who would like updates on the LRT project can email their contact information here to get on the distribution list. To date, over 200 people have been added to the information distribution list. To receive updates directly from Hennepin County, community members can sign up for project updates on the Bottineau LRT community works website. Hennepin County Bottineau Corridor Community Works website – has information related to station area planning and how to be involved. Hennepin County West Broadway Road Reconstruction website Met Council ‐ Metro Blue Line Extension website – is focused on LRT design and includes the project documents. Metro Blue Line Extension Twitter feed. Virtual Tour of the Metro Blue Line Extension – provides detailed information on the route. Attachments: 7.3A MUNICIPAL CONSENT ONE‐PAGE FLYER 7.3B JANUARY CAC PRESENTATION 7.3A MUNICIPAL CONSENT ONE-PAGE FLYER Page 5 Light Rail Transit Open Houses & Public Hearings The Met Council will be asking the Brooklyn Park City Council to sign off on the LRT project on February 22 as part of a process called “municipal consent,” which Minnesota law requires from all communities affected by the proposed LRT project. Municipal consent includes you! You are invited to open houses where you can view current design plans and ask questions. You are also invited to public hearings where you can give formal comments that will be entered into the public record. Municipal consent design plans include: • LRT track alignment within the approved route • Locations of the station platforms, bridges, and retaining walls How to Comment Open Houses & Public Hearings Mail, email, or comment online January 19, 2016 Until January 29 Met Council & Hennepin County Minneapolis Central Library— Pohlad Hall 300 Nicollet Mall, Minneapolis, MN 5:00 pm Open House 6:00 pm Public Hearing January 25, 2016 City of Brooklyn Park City Hall— Council Chambers 5200 85th Avenue North, Brooklyn Park, MN 6:00 pm Open House 7:00 pm Public Hearing Bottineau LRT Project Office ATTN: David Davies 5514 West Broadway Avenue, Suite 200 Crystal, MN 55428 bluelineext@metrotransit.org www.BlueLineExt.org Until February 15 City of Brooklyn Park Emily Carr, Development Project Coordinator 5200 85th Avenue North Brooklyn Park, MN 55443 lrt@brooklynpark.org For more information, please visit www.BlueLineExt.org Questions? Contact Emily at lrt@brooklynpark.org or 763.493.8053 7.3B JANUARY CAC PRESENTATION Page 6 7.3B JANUARY CAC PRESENTATION Page 7 7.3B JANUARY CAC PRESENTATION Page 8 7.3B JANUARY CAC PRESENTATION Page 9 7.3B JANUARY CAC PRESENTATION Page 10 7.3B JANUARY CAC PRESENTATION Page 11 7.3B JANUARY CAC PRESENTATION Page 12 7.3B JANUARY CAC PRESENTATION Page 13 7.3B JANUARY CAC PRESENTATION Page 14 7.3B JANUARY CAC PRESENTATION Page 15 7.3B JANUARY CAC PRESENTATION Page 16 7.3B JANUARY CAC PRESENTATION Page 17