Oakwood University Magazine Spring 2012


Oakwood University Magazine Spring 2012
Spring 2012
Meet the
1970’s Couples
Share Secrets to
Lasting Love
21st Century
“Hebrew Boys”?
From the publishers
Wherever your platform heels, polyester leisure suits, “Mod Squad”-like afros and 55¢/gallon
of gas found you in 1974, you could not have imagined that 38 years later:
•The White House occupied by the first African American, President Barack Obama, now
running for re-election;
•The (then) California-based “Breath of Life” TV ministry (now) headquartered at Oakwood (now) University Church, (now) led by speaker-director Dr. Carlton P. Byrd – (then) a two year old toddler in 1974; and
•(now) “LNP” (Dr. Leslie Nelson Pollard) and his bride (now, Dr. Prudence LaBeach
Pollard) would serve as (now) the 11th President and First Lady of their alma mater, as it reached its 2,000-student milestone in fall 2011, for the first time!
This special issue of Oakwood Magazine returns primarily to that milestone 1974 school year
– when we reached the 1,000th student mark – and asks the question: in what parallel ways
can we view Oakwood College THEN and Oakwood University NOW?
Admittedly and because of the “special-Issue” nature of this publication, Team PR, the
publishers of this and other Oakwood publications, will veer somewhat from the Oakwood
Magazine to which you’ve been accustomed, traditionally.
To accomplish this initiative, your immediate feedback is so vital. And sought after.
Please complete the surveys in selected articles, for you to feed back to us your responses.
Please enjoy this Oakwood College THEN/Oakwood University NOW special issue, and
Review. Reflect. Revel. Re-commit. Reply. Relish.
And Return. We’re just getting started.
Debbe Millet
Jerry Ross Art Director/Designer
Tim Allston
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Fannie Lou Hamer
returns to OU
A ‘70’s couple
returns to LEAD
Publisher: Tim Allston
Editor: Debbe Millet
Art Director/Designer: Jerry Ross
Leslie N. Pollard
Student Photographers:
Matthew-Lee Morgan, Jyremy Reid,
Donald J. Twitty
Sharon Cluff, Class of 1975
Charles Dudley, Class of 1974
Leslie Pollard, Class of 1978
Ronald Pollard, Class of 1987
Michele Solomon, LEAP Office
J.P. Willis, Class of 1978
Janice Lindsey Willis, Class of 1977
Timothy McDonald
C. Garland Dulan
Sabrina Cotton
David A. Knight
Student Writers:
Ashley Batiste, Dawnette Chambers,
Krysten Copeland, Lee Munro
Standing for Jesus
pays off big!
Oakwood Magazine is
the official journal of
Oakwood University.
7000 Adventist Boulevard, NW
Huntsville, Alabama 35896
annually, © Oakwood University,
7000 Adventist Boulevard, NW,
Huntsville, Alabama 35896.
Address editorial correspondence
to the Office of Public Relations,
7000 Adventist Boulevard, NW,
Huntsville, Alabama 35896.
Spring 2012.
Howard Weems
Questions may be addressed to
the Office of Public Relations at
In 1974, pre-med student Corliss Claibon was selected as
the 1,000th student during that milestone school year. Where are these celebrants now? Find out in the next issue.
Meet Oakwood’s
2,000 Student
by Michele Solomon
When Larry Bush decided to
complete his undergraduate studies through Oakwood’s LEAP
(Leadership Education for the
Adult Professional) program,
little did he know that he would
make history as the 2000th student to enroll at Oakwood University in any single semester.
That happened in the fall of 2011
when the university broke all previous enrollment records set since
its opening in 1896.
Bush was nearing retirement
from the City of Huntsville after
33 years, but he wanted to fulfill
his lifelong dream of earning a
bachelor’s degree. He had begun
studies in Religion and Theology
at Oakwood in 1974 and attended
on-and-off for seven years, while
working full-time. Challenged
with school, the demands of his
job and family responsibilities,
he made the tough decision to put
that dream on hold in 1981.
Several years later, with the encouragement of LEAP director
Dr. Rachel Williams-Smith, he
decided to re-enroll at Oakwood,
and complete his undergraduate
studies. By this time, Bush had
been working diligently in church
evangelism for about 30 years
“... once I became more familiar
with the technology,
I grew to like it.”
and was serving as an elder at
the Pleasant Acres Seventh-day
Adventist Church in Valhermoso
Springs, Alabama, where he and
his wife, Catherine, are members.
He decided to transition into the
field of Organizational Management.
It wasn’t easy, but after raising
all four of their children (now, all
adults), plus helping with their
grandchildren, Bush and his wife
agreed that it was time to finish
his degree. After several years
of being out of the classroom,
he had to buckle down. “I didn’t
welcome the online format at
first,” he said, “but once I became
more familiar with the technology, I grew to like it.” Catherine
helped him over the technological hurdle, and he eventually hit
his stride with LEAP’s blendedonline format that allows adult
learners to attend classes one
night a week while completing
class assignments online.
Bush also has a passion for community service and has volunteered for the past 20 years at
the North Alabama Community
Services Federation. He says that
his pursuit of a degree in Organizational Management better
equipped him for continued service in disaster relief training.
Now that he has retired, he plans
to take his level of involvement
in such projects to another level,
especially in light of the increased
tornado activity that has ravaged
North Alabama over the last several months.
Bush was understandably overjoyed as he crossed the graduation platform in 2011 to receive
his B.A. degree in Organizational
Management. His commitment
to God’s work and to community
service has been a driving force
for this Oakwood milestone student, and the university applauds
his tenacity in pursuing his educational goals.
Fannie Lou Hamer “returns”
to OU, kicks off campus
Voter Registration
by Lee Munro
During Oakwood University’s
Chapel on February 7, 2012, actress/singer Mzuri Moyo presented
“The Fannie Lou Hamer Story,”
depicting the life of an African
American voting rights activist who was integral in the Civil
Rights movement, particularly in
her home state of Mississippi.
In her one-woman performance,
Mzuri depicted the life and
struggles of Hamer through picture and song. Mzuri personified
Hamer as a strong, intelligent,
God-fearing woman, who strived
for enfranchisement for all. The
presentation also featured chilling videos of African American’s
being lynched, as a way to capture
the social atmosphere preceding
the Civil Rights movement.
Mzuri has portrayed Hamer for 11
years. After seeing her on TV, she
became inspired to re-enact her
story. “I heard the name ‘Fannie
Lou Hamer’,” recalled Mzuri.
“I knew she was somehow in-
Foot Soldier for Justice:
The morning Fannie Lou Hamer
marched into Moran Hall
by Sharon Cluff
Three decades after graduating from
Oakwood College, I was especially
interested to learn that Oakwood was
launching a voter registration drive on
campus this past February following
a chapel presentation of “The Fannie
Lou Hamer Story.” That scheduled
event was such welcome news as a
flood of memories prevailed when
recalling the day Mrs. Hamer actually
spoke in Moran Hall for our Lyceum
It was February of 1974. (…) someone began the program with the
requisite Moran Hall song service [an
experience I took for granted back
then but in subsequent years has never
been equaled – even in the grandest
Adventist sanctuary].
Suddenly, the side door swung open
and an unfamiliar group entered the
hall. They were basically all men
except for one elderly woman – she
was walking slow and quite stooped
importance of voting, “Students
should understand that their vote
OU President Leslie Pollard applauded the presentation, “The
actress Mzuri did a superb job
in embodying the passion and
purpose of Mrs. Hamer, and our
campus community benefitted from
her presentation.”
volved in civil rights, but I didn’t
know anything about what she had
She described her experience at
OU as, “amazing. I could tell that
the students were moved by the
Raymond King, an OU alum and
current Student Activities Coordinator, worked with the OU student
NAACP chapter to co-sponsor
over. (…) I was looking for the voter
registration activist in Mississippi, the
powerful singer of freedom songs, the
unseated ‘delegate’ who nearly overtook the 1964 Democratic convention.
No, the ‘animated’ icon of our
struggle was not on display that day in
Moran. Instead, we were privileged to
witness the consummate Foot Soldier
for Justice -- still marching, sharing
her story, by then in a near whisper;
bent over from the persistent beatings
in county jails, yet - by God’s grace
- still standing before us. She mentioned her age and we almost gasped
to realize that Fannie Lou Hamer was
only in her 50s. Years later, I can still
an initial voter registration drive
which immediately followed
Mzuri’s presentation. He wanted
to encourage students to register
beforehand, and to vote during
the upcoming Alabama primary
and general elections. “Mzuri did
a good job of connecting with the
students,” said King. “She brought
her (Hamer) to life. Students
could see the struggle Mrs. Hamer
endured. King also spoke on the
recall how Mrs. Hamer’s quiet dignity
exemplified the heart and soul of The
Movement that morning for me.
We were enchanted (…). As Mrs.
Hamer slowly started to walk away,
she turned and gave Oakwood one
last gift: “Don’t get too comfortable,”
she cautioned, “’cause we still have
unfinished business. God bless you
I strained to watch until she disappeared through the door. Along
the way of the exit route her hands
grasped nearby furniture [the piano, a
chair] for support. We had witnessed
greatness housed in humility – bordering on frailty. I think most of
us in Moran that day suspected we
wouldn’t ever see her again.
Oakwood’s First and Only
National Miss UNCF
by Dawnette Chambers
The story of Brenda Spraggins Scott, Miss UNCF
for Oakwood College 1969, and winner of the
national title for Miss UNCF in 1969, was the cover
story of the March-April 1970 issue of the Message
Magazine. Scott recently shared some memories of
the competition, and insights on her life since that
In 1969, Scott was a
sophomore Education
major at Oakwood, and
remembers faculty members encouraging her
to compete. Scott said
she “didn’t do much”
to raise money for the
competition. Known for
her singing, Scott
this recognition to raise funds. She sent out the official letters, that are given to every student competing for the crown, to people she knew and then they
passed the word on to other friends and family. “The
money just started coming in,” she says.
Since the Coronation was scheduled for a Friday
night, she told the officials that she would not be
able to attend because she was a Seventh-day Adventist. The committee postponed her coronation
until after sundown on Saturday, when she received
the National Miss UNCF Award, a 31” trophy, a gold
wristwatch, and a silver cup.
When asked how it felt to know that she won Miss
UNCF for Oakwood College, and on top of that how
she is the only Miss UNCF Oakwood to win the
National title out of the 36 college and university
queens, jokingly she said, “old.” She then expressed
how overwhelmed she felt.
Scott says the competition opened the doors for her
to develop a better relationship with God. “Oakwood
College was a very small institution at the time, in a
national competition with these huge schools. But
that just goes to show you how good God is, when
He wants to put your school on the map. When
He wants to let the world know Who is in charge,
it happens. It opened up a door that now I can
see how awesome He is and how He can move
Teaching the first and second grade for most of
her 34-year career, from which Scott has recently
retired, she loves seeing the light go on in children’s eyes when they understand a concept. She
wants to encourage everyone that, “no matter
what you do in life, if you follow and trust God
He will lead you always. Just be along for the
ride, God will handle the rest.”
Howell regularly sent letters to family, friends,
pastors, business leaders, and Oakwood employees.
She also sent out post-card reminders to all family
and friends to update everyone on her campaign’s
financial status. She took advantage of television,
sharing her goal with Janet Martin on a local television program.
Howell hosted several fundraising events, including a kick-off educational event (AYS at her home
church, Mt. Calvary SDA in Huntsville), where
commitment cards were distributed. She also hosted two silent auctions, and a concert which showcased the musical talents of Black males using their
gifts for God. All of her events were announced on
Oakwood’s radio station (Praise 90.1 FM WJOU)
and in the local church bulletins.
How Janelle Howell “Obama-cized”
her way to winning the 2012
Miss UNCF Crown
by Barbara Stovall
o borrow a phrase, Miss Janelle Howell
“Obama-cized” her way into the Miss UNCF
Oakwood University 2012 crown by using
“social media” for her campaign. And it worked -she was crowned on December 4, 2011.
Howell took advantage of Facebook as a way to
publicize her efforts, creating a page listing upcoming events and fundraisers, and approaching
contribution deadlines. Her Facebook page (where
she accumulated 855 “friends”) also advertised her
actual website: janellehowelluncf.webs.com, where
she explained why she was running for Miss UNCF,
and linked visitors to her PayPal account, enabling
them to make convenient, online donations to
UNCF. She also utilized email and other electronic
ad media.
Although the over $8,000 brought in by Howell’s
efforts was not the largest amount ever raised, her
efforts did set a standard for future Miss UNCF
contestants. Howell implemented new and strategic ways of raising money, and showed that thinking outside of the box carries no small advantage.
She has learned through this experience that “talk
doesn’t cook rice,” realizing that if you keep praying and don’t stop working, then the results will
work themselves out.
Howell is extremely thankful and humbled to represent Oakwood University and she considers it an
honor to serve her Oakwood University and represent the UNCF.
A Lasting Love
1970’s Oakwood Couples Share Secrets
that Keep the Fire Burning
with Chuck & Debbie Dudley (left) and J.P. & Janice Willis (right)
Did you and your spouse meet at
Oakwood? When? Where?
What were your first impressions
of each other?
head?!!’ but when I saw him on 2/20/75 all dressed
up, I was very impressed!
Chuck and Debbie: Yes, we met in front of Carter
Hall during the 1972-73 school year. Debbie was a
Junior and I was, at that time, a Senior. I thought,
“What a BREATH of FRESH AIR! A true ‘flower
child.’ Because I didn’t want to lose her, I spent
another year at the Oaks!
How many years have you been
married? When and where did
you marry?
Janice: We saw each other around campus before
we “officially” met on February 20, 1975, at the
Lyceum reception. When I first saw J.P., I wondered
‘Who is that guy with the part in the middle of his
J.P.: She was always a bright light, with a ready
smile and bubbly personality.
Chuck and Debbie: Almost 38 years ago on
September 8, 1974, in Sacramento, Ca., by Chuck’s
father Elder Charles E. Dudley, Sr.
J.P.: 33 years – December 17, 1978, Chicago, Ill.,
Shiloh SDA Church – married by both of our fathers,
Elder Harold A. Lindsey and Elder James P. (“Pop”) Willis.
What has given your marriage its staying
One More
1970’s Couple
Chuck and Debbie: (…) for most of our marriage, I have
been away on assignments. (…) We started our new lives
together in a small town called Stillwater, Oklahoma.
Janice: God first within our midst; Commitment – Passion
– Intimacy – Sense of Humor.
J.P.: We committed from the beginning our love for each
other. Commitment, love, humor, and continuous enjoyment of each other and what God has done in our lives sees
us through.
Any advice
on relationships and/or
Chuck: 1) When
God and you
choose…it’s a
done DEAL. 2)
When you do take
that step (and what
a step it will be!),
MOVE somewhere you both
are not known.
This gives you time to get to know each other. This is a
Janice: Take time to get to know each other before making a long-term commitment. Put God first. After that, be
committed–make the decision to be together as long as
you live, no matter what. Realize that there will be tough
times, and that any meaningful relationship requires effort
to keep it vibrant. Focus on the positive. Don’t have unrealistic expectations, and don’t go in planning to change your
spouse. (…) do something new occasionally. Finally, have
fun – don’t take yourselves too seriously. Have a sense of
humor and laugh often!!!
He saw her first. She was reciting
James Weldon Johnson’s classic “God’s
Trombone” one evening in 1974 during
a program in Peterson Hall.
“Wow,” he thought almost audibly, how
did she just do that – recite that entire
piece verbatim, with a voice flavored
with a hint of Jamaica West Indies?
Fascinated, but too shy to approach this
equally freshman classmate-turnedorator.
But with time -- and a little help from
friends William Taliaferro, Jennifer
Moseley and Linwood Stone -- the New
Orleans lad finally met and befriended
the New York City lass.
Fortunately for Oakwood, the 1974
story was just starting.
And 33 years -- and six post-Oakwood
degrees and two Oakwood-degreed
daughters and numerous leadership
assignments! -- later, this 1974 couple
returned to their alma mater, . . .
Inauguration of
11th President –
Leslie N. Pollard
by Ashley Batiste
Vitality, beauty, vision, optimism—spring. Pablo Neruda
says “You can cut all the flowers,
but you cannot stop the coming
of the spring.”
Like spring after a harsh and
cold winter, Dr. Leslie N. Pollard was welcomed with open
arms by the city of Huntsville,
the world church of Seventh-day
Adventists, and the Oakwood
University community, as he was
inaugurated as the 11th president
of Oakwood University on October 16, 2011.
The inaugural festivities began
with a community luncheon on
Thursday, October 13. Here,
representatives from local higher
education institutions discussed
the roles and responsibilities of
educational institutions in Huntsville and Northern Alabama.
Alabama A &M University, Athens State University, Calhoun
Community College, J.F. Drake
State Technical College, UA
Huntsville, and Virginia College
were represented.
Friday evening vespers was a salute to the First Family. Dynamic
Praise’s “With My Whole Heart”
struck a chord with everyone.
Ella Simmons, Board of Trustees
Vice Chair, and General Conference Vice President gave an
action-packed homily, “A Season
of Spring,” compared Oakwood
to a fig tree that survived winter and, with the coming of the
spring, must now bear fruit.
Divine Worship Service on
Sabbath, October 15, continued to build the momentum of
the weekend. With the sanctuary packed with worshipers,
the Aeolians and University
choir accompanied by the wind
ensemble provided the music,
and Charles E. Bradford, former
President of the North American Division gave the pastoral
The speaker of the hour was
Daniel Jackson, current President of the North American
Division and OU Board of Trustees Chair. His sermon entitled
“Stones” resonated with the
Sabbath afternoon in the Moseley Complex, the President’s
Forum discussed Christian
education. Andrews University,
Atlantic Union College, Florida
Hospital College of Health
Sciences, La Sierra University,
Loma Linda University and
Walla Walla University were all
represented on the panel.
Many questions were asked,
such as “Can we truly afford our
Seventh-day Adventist institutions?” Vespers in the church
followed the discussion with
music from Voices of Triumph
and Charles Drake delivering the
homily “A Name.”
On Sunday, October 16, the
Installation Ceremony started
promptly at 2:00 p.m. at the
Oakwood University Church.
Greetings were given from Ted
N.C. Wilson, General Conference President (via video);
Daniel Jackson, North American
Division President; DeWitt Williams, National Alumni Association President; Laura V. Hall,
Alabama Representative; and
Nelson Pugh, 2011-2012 USM
President. Tommy Battle, Mayor
of Huntsville, charged Dr. Pollard, “As you write those pages
of history, be bold. Write bold
pages of history that talk about
achievement, inclusiveness and
progress.” Remarks from all the
surrounding area College and
University Presidents were also
given, with congratulations and
well wishes to Dr. Pollard, his
wife, and their two daughters.
The powerful operatic voice of
Whitney Morrison moved the
audience to their feet as she sang
“He’s Got the Whole World in
His Hands,” arranged by Margaret Bonds. The Aeolians and
University Choir gave a striking performance of “Someday”
arranged by Nathan Carter, to
another standing ovation.
Michael Lomax, United Negro College Fund President
and CEO, gave the Inaugural
Address entitled “A 21st Century Mission for a 21st Century
University.” He declared: “Dr.
Pollard is the right man, at the
right time for Oakwood, for the
country, and for the community
of historically black colleges and
Lomax praised Oakwood as a
leader among HBCUs, charging
the school to lead other HBCUs
in being true to their heritage,
mission, and also be highly competitive, contemporary institutions. “I challenge you, women
and men of Oakwood–alumni,
faculty and staff, and all those
who love Oakwood–to join us in
this work.”
Pollard responded by sharing
many of his goals for Oakwood,
one being to market the Oakwood experience as “passionately spiritual, communal, rhythmically musical, and parental.”
The uplifting weekend ended
with a beautiful reception in the
newly-renovated Millet Activity
Center on Oakwood’s campus.
A spirit of joy filled the center
as the guests enjoyed great food
and fellowship.
Spring has finally arrived on the
campus of Oakwood University,
and the school looks forward
to bright days ahead as God
leads the institution through the
leadership of Drs. Leslie and
Prudence Pollard.
by Lee Munro
in 1974
Oakwood’s enrollment in the 1970s hovered
in the 800s. President Calvin Rock’s goal was
to build a student body of 1,000. He would
meet with the Public Relations Director, the
Music Department Chairman, and the Director
of the Aeolians, and show them a large map indicating the sections of the country from which
we receive too few students. “It was to those
places that the Aeolians were originally sent,
and the goal of 1,000 students plus was realized
within two years of our concertizing. (…) From
1973 to 1985 the more than 230 concerts they
performed with me succeeded in recruiting students from coast to coast in the United States and
from Canada, Bermuda, the Virgin Islands, and
the Bahamas.
“Their greatest achievement was passing the audition that qualified them to become Friendship
Ambassadors for America. Through their beautiful singing and winning personalities, they
established friendships for our country among
the peoples of Romania, England, Scotland and
Excerpted from “Aeolians: Oakwood’s Musical Emissaries,” by Alma M. Blackmon (director, 1973-1985), The Aeolians: Directors
Recall Precious Memories, by Dr. Roy E.
Malcolm, p. 64.
The 2011-2012 school year represented a very busy
time for Oakwood University’s prestigious Aeolians
Choir. In November 2011, the Aeolians placed first in
the iSing College Choir Scholarship Challenge, a competition held in Glenn Dale, Maryland, for Historically
Black Colleges and Universities. Led by director Jason
Max Ferdinand, the choir successfully defended their
2010 title by outperforming over 100 other HBCUs.
The Aeolians were honored by Huntsville’s Mayor
Tommy Battle on December 1, 2011, for their win at
the iSing Challenge. The Aeolians treated the Mayor, as
well as the City Council members to a “Human Surround Sound” mini-concert preceding the City Council
In January 2012, the Aeolians travelled to Russia to
perform in the Second International Moscow Christmas
Festival of Sacred Music. The choir served as the only
U.S. performers and the first-ever Seventh-day Adventist group to perform at the festival.
“None of the
students could have imagined the kind
of imprint they were capable of leaving on a country already so marked
with history. I don’t think anyone was
prepared for the kind of emotion in
the cathedral that night.”
Student Temar Ellis remarked that
Director Ferdinand was “proud” of the Aeolians, and
of their performance in Moscow. “The power of music
united two different cultures and people. The Aeolians
sang with great passion, precision, pathos and power
when needed. It was a beautiful and blessed night. I’m
grateful for the experience, and that our students could
get such a glimpse of the bigger world.”
In March, 2012, the Aeolians were selected to sing at
the American Choral Directors Association Conference,
in Winston-Salem, North Carolina. This was a first for
the choir. Their performance there was followed by a
whirlwind Spring Break tour, as they travelled to cities
like Charlotte, Chicago and Washington DC.
OU students from the milestone 2011-2012 school year:
To which students from the 1974-75 milestone school year
are you blood-related?
1974-1975 Student Roster
Allen, Daniel G.
Allen, Terri L.
Alexander, Valerie
Amos, Lavator
Bailey, Jenifer
Bailey, Kevin
Batholomer, Samual
Bausby, Cheryl
Bechet, Leonard
Bell, Robyn
Belhomne, Frantz R.
Bennet, Gwen
Bernard, Alvin
Berry, Cranston C.
Blackmon, Rhonda
Bland, Deborah
Bliss, Darlene
Bonner, Angela
Body, Shirley
Bradford, Dwight
Brown, Cynthia
Brown, Mildred
Brown, Vivian
Brumskin, Marquette
Bunyan, Ormond
Burgess, Arthur R.
Butler, Vanessa
Butts, Douglas C.
Butts, Vicki A.
Byrd, Maurice
Campbell, Tera
Carrington, Sharon
Carter, M. Colleen
Carter, Janet D.
Carter, Sandra R.
Chafin, Sheryl
Christian, Gail
Clarke, Pamelgb
Cleveland, Cynthia
Collins, Dorothy
Conner, Andrea
Corbin, Karen
Coston, Priscilla
Cox, Deborah
Crawford, Robert
Creech, Charles
Cue, Priscilla
Daniel, Thomas A.
Davis, Gregory
Duff, Beverly
Duncan, Linda
Dyson, Michael
Evans, Wilma
Fatoma, Amos
Felton, Toni
Fullard, Janice
Fuller, Derrick
Gelalcha, Mebonnen
Gentry, Sandra
Gilliam, Curtrel
Godley, David
Graves, Debra
Graves, James
Graves, Michael
Graves, Darlene
Green, Kenneth
Harris, Darrell
Henderson, Carolyn
Henderson, Cheryl
Henderson, Evangeline
Hicks, Michell
Hoard, Renita
Huffman, Latonya
Hulbert, Vanessa
Humphrey, Louis
Ingram, Gloria
Irby, Everett
Jackson, Donald
Jackson, Steven
Jenkins, Edrewnae
Johnson, Anita
Johnson, Columbus
Johnson, Dennis
Johnson, Diane
Johnson, Joel
Johnson, Yvonne
Jones, Darlene
Jones, David
Johnson, Marcia
Jones, Sherry
Kay, Thompson
Kelly, Linda
Kent, Carolyn
Kidding, Antonett
Kortram, Otmar
La Beach, Prudence
Lee, Debra
Lofton, Hazel
Long, David
Martin, Althea
Martin, Irene
Mathis, Gregory
Martin, Allen
Martin, Julius
Martin, Louis
McKinnis, Paula
McPherson, Lorraine
Merodeth, Carole
Middleton, Fred
Millet, Debra
Miller, Deborah
Milligan, Pamela
Moment, Janet
Monk, Cynthia
Montgomery, Shela
Morales, Nicamorn
Moon, Janis
Moore, Timothy
Morant, Samuel
Mosley, Jennifer
Murphy, Anthony
Musson, Paul
Nelson, Valerie
O’neal, Nancy
Parker, Yvonne
Patterson, Russell
Pearce, Morris
Phillips, Tyrone
Phipps, Malcolm
Pitts, Francine
Polite, Cinthia
Pressley, Robin
Price, Lynn
Prince, Christopher
Rachel, Sheryl
Rahming, Wilcott
Ramey, Debra
Rainey, Jeanetta
Reese, Anthony
Riles, Marcellus
Rivers, Theadore
Robinson, Beverly
Robinzine, Gregg
Ross, Jean
Ross, Sandra
Rowe, Donna
Rugless, Janet
Sankey, Ivan
Saunders, Berna
Sellers, George
Sesson, Stanley
Settle, Joel
Sigh, Bettye
Simon, Queen
Simpson, Beatrice
Simmons, Raymond
Simpson, Chita
Smith, Debra
Smith, Dexter
Smith, Donna
Smith, Olie
Smith, Sharon
Smith, Solomon
Smith, Venessa
Sterling, Michael
Stewart, James
Stewart, Patricia
Stone, Linwood
Sutton, Teresa
Taliferro, William
Taylor, Aaron
Taylor, Donna
Thomas, Darlene
Thompson, Marcia
Thuesdee, Mary
Townes, Sharon
Trott, Dollene
Turner, Paul
Tyler, Diane
Tynes, Cynthia
Tynes, Linda
Tyus, Laura
Walden, Karalle
Walker, Ellyne
Wallace, Keith
Walton, Brenda
Watson, Dorla
Watts, Marvin
Weekes, Anthony
Wesley, Randal
Williams, Judy
Willis, David
Willis, Leslie
Willis, Lizette
Wilson, Sharon
Winfrey, Susan
Woods, Larna
Woodson, Leslie
Wright, Jocelyn
Wright, Marcena
Young, Patricia
Alexander, Dennis
Artis, Sudie
Baxter, Julian
Benjamin, Clarence
Blenman, Marlyn
Blevins, Tommie
Bosfield, Nathaniel
Bradley, Leon
Brackens, Deborah
Brown, Marvin
Burford, Marcia
Cain, Juanita
Canson, Linda
Cordell, Cynthia
Crump, Edwin
Cuffie, Nigel
Curry, Edmund
Davis, Yvonne
Dillett, Desrae
Dykes, William
Franklin, Myra
Gillis, Sheryl
Hamying, John
Higgs, Etha
Hill, Jeanier
Holden, Felicia
Holden, Pamela
Holmes, Deborah
Jones, Cynthia
Jones, Lyn
Lewis, Anthony
Lewis, Robert
Long, Richard
Maddox, Angela
Martin, Kathiann
McGriff, James
McIntoch, Ingrid
Morgan, Michael
Mosley, Anthony
Mosley, Jacqueline
Newton, Celia
Nixon, John
Parker, Lennel
Parker, Walter
Parraway, Donna
Pennington, Michael
Prevost, Evelyn
Riles, Loretta
Robinson, Lolita
Tell us at www.facebook.com/Oakwood.Public.Relations,
and we wil feature those results in our next issue.
Robinson, Majorie
Sankey, Marsha
Showers, Miranda
Simms, Kevin
McRae, Debra
Smith, Doctor
Smith, Patricia
Smith, Susie
Sterling, Beverly
Stepney, John
Stirling, Michael
Stovall, Wanda
Terrell, Lynn
Thomas, Authur
Thompson, Renee
Troxler, Garry
Washington, Diane
Whigham, Anthony
Wilcox, Alfalene
Williams, Rogis
Willingham, Edith
Willis, Karen
Winfrey, Edna Lee
Woods, Thomas
Works, Paul
Zimmerman, Cheryl
Johnson, Dianne
Alford, Muriel
Alleyne, Esther
Artis, Keith
Brumskin, Veratta
Cleveland, Paul
Coopwood, Janice
Daniyan, Samuel
Dennis, Eulus
Desmukes, Nadine
Ford, Durandel
Griffith, Henry
Hairston, Angelia
Hicks, Shelleen
Hoard, Yolanda
Hopson, Gwendolyn
Horton, Steve
Hudson, Michale
Hunter, Robin
Johnson, Sarita
Jones, Farrell
Jones, Phillip
Knight, Joyce
LaMar, Donald
Langhorn, Carlyle
Lee, Minnie
Lewis, Anthony
Lodge, Andria
Mack, Robert
McClean, Joan
Poole, Lynne
Reese, Denese
Reed, Errol
Rugless, Keith
Sealey, Elvira
Shipman, Ralph
Smith, Delores
Starks, Deborah
Sterling, Milton
Tunis, Ronald
Tyler, Zirrah
Walls, Amos
Washington, Reginald
White, Esther
White, Marvin
White, Terri
Williams, Donna L.
Williams, Donna M.
Williams, Frank
Webster, Deborah
Wilson, Debra
Okike, Joseph
Anderson, Robeana
Brown-Anderson, Theresa Ann
Armstead, Eugene
Bailey, Yvette Denise
Baker, Claudette Yvonne
Baker, Delbert W.
Ballard, Patricia W.
Banfield, Karren LaVerne
Barnes, Tyrone
Bass, Larry
Bates, Russell W.
Boggess, Sherry LaVonne
Brackens, Deborah Jean
Braithwaite, Van Martel
Briggs, Valda LaVerne
Bryant, Kay F.
Chiles, Michael Joel
Craig, Regina Joyce
Crigler, Ruth Lois Starks
D’Andrade, DeLoris (Warren)
Davis, Barbara
Davis, Le’Verne J.
Davis, Pinkie Bonita
Dawkins, Ruth
Dennie, Evelyn Marie
Eakins, Calvin
Edgecombe, Jason
Edmonds, Ronald L.
Ellis, Gale Elaine
Evans, Lacynda Joan
Felder, Deborah Elaine
Foley, Sylvia Yvonne
Ford, Dollie Beavers
French, Reginald Leslie
Garrett, Beverly Ann
Garrett, Teni Margaret
Galloway, Linda Diane
Gillis, Wanda Faye
Golson, Mark Elliott
Graham, Avice Jean
Green, Gilford Leland
Green, Shirley Ann
Greene, Alfonzo (Jr.)
Guiste, Earlington Winston
Guiste, Evelyn Bernadine
Hamilton, Lawrence
Handy, Brynda Yvonne
Hanna, Margaret Ann
Harris, Ivan Jeffrey (Jr.)
Hill, Roland Jackson
Hughes, Dorothy Janice
Humphrey, Virgil Alexander
Gilbert Hundley, Olivia Dianne
Igbokwe, Daniel
Jackson, Franklin Highter
Jenkins, Larry
Johnson, Albert (Jr.)
Johnson, Mary Fay
Jones, Cynthia Rosalind
Jones, Daniel Lee
Kanion, Neva Jean
King, Deborah Jean
Lang, Marilyn Lorraine Gadson
Lasley, Lynne Denise
Lester, Cecelia Terreathea
Lewis, Camille E.
Lewis, Earl Jennings (Jr.)
Lewis, Myra L.
Mason, Natelkka Esther
McCleary, Linda Maria
McDonald, Charles Egbert
McIntosh, Ingri Carmen
McKinon, Janet Olivia
Mendinghall, Ezra J.
Meyers, Charles Weldon
Meyers, Donna L.
Musson, Celia-Ann Wentworth
Newman, Deborah Jean
Norman, Joy Renee
Olomiye, Eniola Johnson
Onwere, Ephraim Chuks
Parham, James Franklin
Parham, Joan Marie
Patterson, Morris
Pipkins, Timetta Yvette
Plant, Priscilla
Powell, Arthur L.
Rachel, Beverly Jewel
Ratliff, Bessie Louise
Robinson, Terry Phyllis
Smith, Monica Elaine
Smith, Odis Douglas
Smith Vavolyn Diane
Nelson-Spence, Cecelia S.
Stewart, Kathy Lorraine
Thompson, Renee Patrice
Tobias, Dante C.
Todd, Gloria
Trusty, David William
Tucker, Karen Irene
Tull, Yvonne Patricia
Vasciannie, Elizabeth Viola
Wagner, Judy Janice Lorraine
Ward, Beverly Edna Estelle
Ward, Gwendolyn M.
Washington, Stephen Dale
Wells, Toni Delores
White, Clara Annell Wright
White, Lola B.
Williams, Sandra Ann
Williams, Sharon
Wilson, Juanita
Wilson, Randolph
Wilson, Sharon L.
Wilson, Wanda Rochelle
Wimbish, Gary Lynn
Wimbish, Wynona Arlene
Wip, Marcel
Woodard, Esther L.
Wright, Miriam Naomi
Seniors (pictures not available)
Alexis, Gabriel
Allen, Brenda L.
Artis, Relda Louise
Barnes, Ronald Milton
Barnes Vanessa Davis
Bethea, Puretta Denise
Bliss, Alfred Nelson (Jr.)
Brangman, Charles Eugene
Brown, Cheryl Eileen
Buckley, Noel L.
Clark, Patricia Dale
Cluff, Sharon Madalyn
Davis, Barbara Diana
Dixon, Gwendolyn
Galloway, Linda Diane
Hall, William Edward
Hardeman, Cheryl Lee
Hatcher, David
Henderson, Timothy Edwin
Howard, Raymond A.
Jenkins, Anna L.
Kanion, Zavon Francis
Lewis, Aundra Dianna
Long, Arthur William (III)
Martin, Lawrence Edward
Miller, Charles Augustus (Jr.)
Miller, Leon M. (Jr.)
McCalla, Lloyd
McWilliams, Steven
Palmer, Michele deLoris
Perry, Gentry Alfred
Peterson, Ralph Michael
Preston, Calvin Bernard
Rahming, Wayne Anthony
Simmons, Jo Ann
Simons, Carol A.
Smith, Philip Nathaniel
Staplefoote, Harvey Lenard
Starks, Peggy Louise
Summers, Diane E.
Tucker, Evelyn Howard
Wilson, Edgar Oliver Granville
Winslow, Daniel D.
Webster, Gina E.
OC students from the milestone 1974-75 school year:
To which students from the 2011-2012 milestone school year
are you blood-related?
2011-2012 Student Roster
Ababio, Gifty Bema
Abernathy, Aaron M.
Abrigo, Renee A.
Acklin, Rhondalyn M.
Adams, Antoynae A.
Adams, Casey E.
Adams, Charmaine A
Adams, Max O.
Adderley, Matthew Brian
Adedokun, Stephen D.
Adefila, David O.
Adeoye, Sola I.
Adepoju, Samuel Y.
Aguy, Jeffrey
Agyekum, Abia A. A.
Akakulu, Monde Sitali
Akins, Gillis L.
Albertson, Ayanna Yavette
Albino, Abigail D.
Alcius, Marlyn
Alexander, Ariana L.
Alexander, Kelcie
Alexander, Samiah LaNiece
Alexander, Shawn Collins
Alexandre, Samuel B.
Allen, Carol M
Allen, Nancy
Allen, Norman Richard
Allen, Yolande Stallwo
Alleyne-Oliver, Alexandra N.
Allicock, Andre
Allister, Ray A.
Allston, Ivan
Alsume, Esther
Alsume, Rilene
Alusca, Renante
Alyn, Alicia
Amacker, Dominique N.
Ambrose, Abigail N.
Ampey, Wilbur
Ancrum, Nicholas Lehmon
Ancrum, Shelby J
Anderson, Andrew L.
Anderson, Angela E
Anderson, Chante
Anderson, Daryl S.
Anderson, David L.
Anderson, Ebonie Joy
Anderson, Ephraim J.
Anderson, Jasmine M.
Anderson, Jeremy J.
Anderson, Joseph E
Anderson, Robert Noel
Anderson, Ronald F.
Andrew, Akisha T.
Andrews, Joseph N.
Andrews, Markelle Melissa
Andrews, Whitney E.
Anglin, Kassandra A.
Aning, Clifford F.
Anthony, Naomi Jessica
Antonio, Brent I
Anyatonwu, Chibuike E.
Arnold, Alexandra E.
Arnold, Dovie C.
Arnold, Xavian S.
Artis, Andre Kristopher
Aryeetey, Felichia
Asamoa, Joshua J.
Ash, Calesa D.
Ashe-Bollin, Allen Mark
Ashford, Lasonya S
Ashford, Shamekia
Ashley, Marcelis L.
Atengdem, Kezia
Atengdem, Michelle A.
Atie, Dieufront J
Atta-Armah, Hellen Phillip
Augustave, Ethan
Augustave, Nathaniel D.
Augustine, Kirlia Ann
Aurubin, Carlie A.
Austin, Nicollette M.
Awai, Andeh F.
Ayers, Angelia
Bacchus, Lenny Oswald
Baffin-Bazile, Melissa
Bailey, Elizabeth A.
Bailey, Robert A.
Bailey, Xavier D.
Bailiff, Cherelle E.
Baker, Cory A.
Baker, Gwendolyn
Baker, Jonathan J.
Baker, Kara D.
Baker, Nickalos T.
Baldwin, Ashley D.
Balthazar, Carl H.
Baltimore, Ronald W.
Banks, Edison
Banks, Gelani A.
Baptiste, Kevin Lyle
Barbier, Ernst Junior
Barham, Lyndon D.
Barlongo, Milaflor E
Barnaby, Daneal
Barnard, Felicia A.
Barnes, Ayana M.
Barnes, Sherese M.
Barnett, John J.
Barrows, Marlon Yanick
Bartley, Chelsea Ayana
Batista, Nicole C.
Batiste, Ashley N.
Batiste, Cierra J.E.
Batiste, Jordan A.
Batson, Dwight M.
Batten, Amber N.
Baxter, Kara M.
Bean, Krystal A.
Bechet, Esther Woodard
Beck, Jason
Becton, Michelle F.
Beddingfield, James Cody
Beecher, Kristelle J.
Belay, Ruth E.
Bell, Eric James Ricardo
Belliot, Faizah N.
Benjamin, Thea S
Bennett, Asia Michelle
Bennett, Ezrica J.
Bennett, Kahryl G.
Bennett, Kenesha R.
Bennett, Michael R.
Bent, Danielle S.
Bernard, Ephriam Waioli
Bernard, Max S.
Berry, Ashley R.
Berry, Kayla R.
Berry, Moriah Natasha
Best, Claudie
Beyde, Adrian E.
Biddy, Matthew E.
Biggs, Byron G.
Biggs, Tamela D
Binns, Leah A.
Birch, Shenell C.P.
Birkett, Richard O.
Bishop, Keith
Bispham, Christopher A.
Black, Stefani L.
Blackburn, Charles
Blackmon, Tonae U.
Blackwood, Camille
Blair, Camille A.
Blake, Basil F
Blake, Kolby Jordan
Blake, Valerie S
Blankenship, Armand A
Blay, Kykinda N
Blissett, Monique S.
Bloomfield, Kevin K.
Blount, Sydney L.
Boddie, Lenesia R.
Boddie, Michael A.
Bolden, Anthony J.
Boles, Parris L.
Bolton, Keyonna L.
Bonaby, JaLyncia A D.
Booker, Ashley Y.
Boone, Shakeli Q.
Borge, Jorge A.
Borge, Oliver M.
Borgella, Sherbert
Boswell, Jermaine U.
Bowen, TatyAna B.
Bowers, Kendra C.
Bowman, Dejoane S.
Bowrey, Athalia A.
Bowrey, Nioly Giovanna
Boyd, Michael L.
Boyd, Patrick D.
Bradford, Dwight L.
Braham, Julaine O.
Braithwaite, Kimora K.
Branch, Joel C.
Brandon, James Michael
Brandon, Leah L.
Brantley, Joshua N.
Brathwaite, Caprice N.
Brathwaite, Chavaughn I.
Brathwaite, Cheon E.
Brathwaite, Olinfra V.
Brice, Kristopher Y.
Brooks, Barry R.
Brooks, Gabriel J.
Brooks, John W
Brooks, Stephen E.
Brown, Abdul S.
Brown, Alexis J.
Brown, Antwain
Brown, Blake Marcellus
Brown, Blayre E.
Brown, Camille H.
Brown, Elana R.
Brown, Evan G.
Brown, Gladstone Don C
Brown, Jayson B.
Brown, Jeromma S.
Brown, Justin
Brown, Kadi-Ann Romona
Brown, Kierron-de’ R.
Brown, Lawrence B.
Brown, Lenox D.
Brown, Linois Samuel
Brown, Lucious O.
Brown, Marsalis C.
Brown, Nicos G.
Brown, Shelby S.
Brown, Tamara T.
Brown, Victoria D.
Browne, Camisha Rochelle
Browne, Chelsea Laurette
Browne, Genise Ursie-Jade
Browne, J’Nnym K.
Brutus, Nyita L.
Bryan, Kadeem A.
Bryant, Lanardo N.
Buchanan, Amber R.
Buchanan, Elise Ashley
Buckholt, Dominique D.
Buffong, Emeka A.
Buford, Paul S.
Bukenya, Enid N.
Bullock, Melanie J.
Bunting, LaToya S.
Burden, Marcus J.
Burden, Marcya C.
Burden, Rashad L.
Burgess, Amanda N.
Burgess, Tiffany Lanae Rauon
Burks, MC
Burns, Wykeeda
Burrell, Kellee A.
Burrowes, Twyla S.
Burrows, Chakara A.
Burt-Miller, Baswick Sr.
Burt-Miller, Brittney V.
Burt-Miller, Shavanna M.
Burton, Christina
Burton, Kaleem Augustus
Burton, Lloydston O.
Burton, Micah A.
Burton, Nicholas T.
Burton, Renee Chantale
Burton, Sheereen A.
Burwell, Jessica L
Busby, Rontae
Bush, Larry J.
Bush, Tamekia M
Bushell, Dale R.
Bushner, Reginald D.
Bushner, Ronald
Butler, Lance Q.
Buxton, Chloe
Byers, Ashlee T.
Byers, Asia K.
Byers, Kamaaya Elizabeth
Byers, Terrence A.
Bynum, Carlos Deonndra
Bynum, Quenton D.
Byrd, Kailah J.
Byrd, Rosieland
Byrd, Sydnee R.
Cadet, Martine
Cadet, Presly
Caesar, Yederle L.
Cagilus, Benny
Cagilus, Michaelange W.
Cagilus, Vladimir P.
Cain, Edwyn A.
Caines, Deshay T.
Cajuste, Greg
Caldwell, Jonathan M.
Callahan, Jade L.
Callender, Melonie F.
Callender, Rachaun Amber
Callies, Chasta J
Callwood, Sherwin R.
Camacho, Danielle K.
Cameron, Israel A.
Cameron, Phillip E.
Campbell, Everton D.
Campbell, James Samuel
Campbell, LeDon E.
Campbell, Roxanne Alexis
Campbell, Stephanie J.
Campbell, Valentino Miguel
Carbon, Jonathan Daniel
Carlisle, Alex C.
Carlisle, David J
Carnes, Claudine
Carpenter, James H.
Carr, Donte A.
Carrington, Alexandria I.
Carrington, Rhyanne L.
Carrol, Gregory
Carroll, James W
Carroll, Traci M.
Carryl, Raymona M.
Carryl, Rolston S.
Carson, Mabel E
Carter, Ammenrah Malik
Carter, Andrea
Carter, Patricia T.
Carter, Rodney
Carter, Vanessa L.
Cartwright, Jessica N.
Casada, Jennifer L
Casimir, Taina A.
Tell us at www.facebook.com/Oakwood.Public.Relations,
and we will feature those results in our next issue.
Catolico, Ian Mark
Cephas, Ryan Oliver
Cesarin, Anne-Laure A.
Cesarin, Cedrick
Chambers, Dawnette K.
Chambers, Natilia D.
Champagne, Samantha
Chanza, Tamanda C.
Charitable, Alice
Charitable, Patricia
Charles, Dwane V.
Charles, Jennifer
Charles, Richella
Charles, Shaina Adrienne
Charles, Sharatia F.
Cheatham, Aaron M.
Cheatham, Amber M
Cheddar, Daynia J.
Cherry, Imani Y.
Chery, Suze M.
Chetram, Joseph C.
Chikwekwe, Joy M.
Chiles, Robert D.
Chipamba, Joellen C.
Chisolm, Britni C.
Christian, Jezree A.
Christian, Kristina E.
Chung-Jones, Alastair X.
Claborn, Mariah Shanice
Clairvil, Cindy
Clare, Che’Vonne Je’Rene
Clark, De’Onna C.
Clark, Janea’ N.
Clark, Kebrina Simone
Clark, Marcus Desmond
Clark, Ronald Jerome
Clarke, Avery Michael
Clarke, Brianna J.
Clarke, Dannia E.
Clarke, Daran Erickson
Clemmons, Jacqueline I.
Clemons, Camilla A.
Clemons, Carmela A.
Clemons, Cody J.
Clinton, Chelsea Leigh
Clowe, Krisanne E.
Cohen, Elysia R.
Cohen, Pamela M.
Coke, Andrew W.
Coke, Christopher J.
Coke, Kristain J.
Cole, Luke A
Coleman, Christine S.
Coleman, Naomi T.
Coleman, Nicole M
Coles, Cassandre
Colin, Jonathan Elietzer
Collie, Nicholas B.
Collie, Nicolette P.
Collier, Ernest L.
Collins, Brandy Rajea
Collins, Janice D
Collins, Michelle A.
Compere, Robins
Conceicao, Wilson Sabino
Conkerite, Tahjai J.
Connor, Kendall L.
Cook, Victor C.
Cooke, Samantha R.
Cooper, Brittany N.
Cooper, Christina D.
Cooper, Lauren Danielle
Coopwood, Therron E
Copeland, Krysten L.
Cort, Lucy A
Courtney, Christopher C.
Cox, Deyana
Craigwell, Sharda’ N.
Crawford, Kyle A.
Crichlow, Ashley B.
Cross, Carmen M.
Crossfield, Alycia Danielle
Crouse, Darcy
Crowe-Obaseki, Idehen C.
Crutcher, Angela
Crutcher, Deione L
Crutcher, Evelyn Grace
Cuffie, Stalon M.
Cuffy, Salina B.
Cummins, Mario Marcellus
Cunningham, Gregory L.
Cunningham, Jacavia L.
Curtis, Meghan E.
Curtis, Tarae Lamon
Cypress, Oneka Kyisha
Dacosta, Keenen J.
DaCosta, Shevel Santanya
Dailey, Edna M
Dalmeida, Albert L.
Dalu, Amelia J
Daly, Dave M.
Daly, Devin M.
Damus, Katiana
Dandy, Gabrielle S.
Daniel, Brian M.
Daniel, Christopher W.
Daniel, Mitchel
Daniel, Shawnee N.
Danielewicz, Agnieszka
Daniels, Shavon Nickie
Danley, Troi A.
Darius, Giselle Drucilla
Darrell, Runelle Y
David, Chaunielle L.
David-Walker, Natasha N
Davis, Ashanti N.
Davis, Brittany L.
Davis, Ceara A.
Davis, Justin T.
Davis, Kyle T.
Davis, Lauren M.
Davis, Marlon B.
Davis, Mitchell
Davis, Nicholas Edward
Davis, Stephanie J.
Dawkins, Timothy A.
Day, Delenzo A.
Dean, Benjamin M.
Dean, David Michael
Debardeleben, Derek E.
Decker, Lacey Meleah
Deguerre, Angelo N.
Del Valle, Gabriel X.
Delva, Cynthia
Denis, Ailiana K.
Denis, Alisha Meredith
Dennis, Wayne A.
DeSha, Briana N.
DeShield, Gari-Lyn Yvonne
DeShields, Mikayla D.
Desinor, Ignace
Desir, Kristina A.
Diallo, Alhassane
Diambois, Vanessa M.
Diaz, Frances Denice
Dickerson, Ja’Nece Jeanne
Dickinson, Deonae D.
Dickinson, Melanie S.
Dill, Cassandra L.
Dismuke, Pecolia M.
Dixon, Barbara C
Dixon, Brandon J.
Docilet, Deliair
Doggette, Austin
Dolcey, Gabrielle R.
Dolcy, Magory C.
Dolcy, Marc
Donovan, Carlton V.
Dorbor, Yiorweh J.
Dorcil, Jean-Rodmy
Doris, Jasmin Shamira
Dorsett, Zabrina A.
Doss, Phillip
DosSantos, Aldavina
Dottin, Jennel J.
Douglas, Clement J.
Douglas, Danielle A.
Douglas, Fiona Zakiya O.
Douglas, Janelle Michelle
Douglas, Jenee M.
Douglas, Joseph N.
Douglas, Khyle B.
Douglas, Phillip E.
Douglas, Raphael P.
Dowell, Phyllis N
Downes, William M.
Doyle, Andrea C
Doyley, Desiree R.
Draper, Juliana P.
Dryden, Akeem E.
Duarte-Gonzalez, Kency
Dublin, Sharon E.
Dublin, Sheryl E.
DuBose, Adrian
Dubose-Smith, Hadiya S.
Dukes, La-Tonya J.
Dulan, Rachelle M.
Dumas, Alex D.
Dumas, Nahendra D.
Dumas, Rosenie
Duncan, Ronnie D.
Duraisin, Erline
Durandisse, Priscilla L.
Durham, Jamaar Y.
Duronville, Ephraim A.
Eakins, D. Denese
Eakins, Justin
Eaton, Charles
Ebanks, Ginger Amanda
Ebanks, Jeidga C.
Ebanks, Vervil
Ebere, Lora C.
Edouard, Fred H.
Edwards, Alexis L.
Edwards, Emanuel A.
Edwards, Kellen Austen
Edwards, Lori L
Edwards, Neffatri Kanini
Edwards, Raven-Symone’ Lillian
Edwards, Taylor R.
Edwards, Teresa A.
Egbunike, Zanetta E.
Ekeh, Benedicta C.
Ellis, Brittany Erika
Ellis, Daniel J.
Ellis, Jamila Tahirah
Ellis, LaShondra A.
Ellis, Temar L.
English, Chinyere D.
English, Raechelle Aleah
Epps, Sarane K.
Ervil, Jim Adler
Ethridge, Stacey Dunn
Etienne, Evenson
Etienne, Kesly J.
Etienne, Lesly J.
Etienne, Shirley J.
Etienne, Vanessa A.
Euell, Monique N.
Eugene, Sansha
Everett, Quentin H.
Ewen, Shanice S.
Exon, Natalie Anne
Farhadian, Shireen
Farreau, Laurie Kenia
Farrell, Leslie T.
Farrington, Bryana N.
Farrington-Beasley, Brittany N.
Favors, Kashiri G.
Fender, Kaydiann Nicola
Ferguson, Alyssa S.
Ferguson, Brandon C.
Fernandez, Cindy
Fernelis, Kevin
Ferris, Delvin A.
Fielder, Denae A.
Fields, Alyson E
Fields, Jelani N
Fields, Johnathan B.
Fields, LaTiyfa D.
Figeroux, Briana R.
Fikru, Mark Y.
Firrissa, Abdi M.
Fisher, Mika D.
Fitts, Marcus D.
Fitzgerald, Clifton Charles
Flanagan, Kimberly P
Flemming, Floyd G.
Flemming, Veeron Alyson
Fletcher, Yoshae S.
Flowers, Kenneth L
Flynn, Sara Y
Folkes, David R
Folkes, Sean G.
Follette, Jonathan L.
Forbes, Gregory W.
Forbes, Ian I.
Ford, Marea I
Forde-Tuckett, Victoria F.
Fore, Anita
Forsythe, Joniel
Fortune, Junie P.
Foster, Chris-Ann C.
Foster, G.Paul
Foster, Julian C.
Foster, Lauren A.
Fouche’, Kimberly J.
Fowler-Gentry, Tatum V.
Frais, Ashley Rollin
Frais, Herbert M.
Francis, Donovan G.
Francis, Jason J.
Francis, Jodi R.
Francis, Kimberley A.
Francis, Troy E.
Francis, Veronica I.
Francis, Wesley A.
Francisque, Estepha
Francisque, Firma L.
Francois, Jacques S
Francois, Smith J.
Franklin-Scott, Nadya
Fraser, Akeisha Leanna
Fraser, David E.
Fraser, Malik A.
Frazer, DeWaine Lawrence
Frazer, Stacey-Ann Angeleth
Frazier, Ashley E
Frazier, Nya Elise
Frazier, Rebecca J.
Frederick, Jenica N.
Frederick, Natalie D.
Fredericq, Sara S.
Freeman, Garin A
Freeman, Robert H.
Freeman, Shanna M.
Frett, Shanelle P.
Fubler, Katiya
Fullard, Larry
Fuqua, Ingrid L.
Furman, Evan F.
Gabriel, Erica L.
Gadikoyya, Ramani
Gaines, Zipporah Riann
Gaiter, Paul E.
Gaiter, Roy E.
Gaitor, Alexus Porsha
Galbraith, Danneille V.
Galbraith, DaVonia K.
Gallimore, Veneshia Shanna
2011-2012 Student Roster
Galloway, Tangee E
Galumette, Gesner M.
Garcia, Michel A.
Garnett, Dara M.
Garnett, Jason F.
Garvey, Maxine
Gates, Donovan J.
Gatling, Elizabeth S.
Gatson, Justin
Gayle, Toni-Ann
Gbolahan, Talia Z.
George, Jewell
George, Lonnie Lisa
Georges, Francia
Georges, Jacky
Germana, Jennifer Marie
Gertman, Linda
Getfield, Joseph B.
Gholston, Tamara N.
Gibson, Soliel A.
Gibson, Solomon A.
Gibson-Green, Di-Shon J.
Gilgeous, Tanisha S.
Gill, Ariana E.
Gill, Gladys M.
Ginn, Christopher L.
Giscombe, Danielle Renee
Giscombe, Stephon R.
Glover, Jovon P.
Golding, Ariel A.
Gomes, Kristian F.
Gonzalez, Luis R.
Goodloe, Erika M.
Goodluck, Shaunett C.
Goodson, Christopher N.
Goodson, Stephen
Goodwin, Alexander Quadre’
Gordon, Darnell Donald
Gordon, Howard N.
Gordon, LeeAnn M.
Gordon, Maurice H
Gordon, Rochelle D.
Gordon, Tamala M
Gordon, Wayne A.
Goudy-Bermudez, Yvonne I.
Gouldbourne, Megan Elise
Goulding, Courtney A.
Goulding, Sandra-Dee
Goulding, Sarina D.
Graham, Bobby R.
Graham, Coisha G.
Graham, Taeisha J.
Graham, TaShauna Akesha
Granger, Reyhahn R.
Grant, Ashley S.
Grant, Deidre Veloria
Grant, Kadi-Ann A.
Grant, Oneil E.
Grant, Sable V.
Grant, Samantha D.
Grant, Travene A.
Graves, Larry
Graves, Melinda
Graves, Michael V.
Graves, Tonia Rena
Gray, Ashley La’Shay
Gray, Britni A.
Gray, Javan James
Grays, Kondra Nicole
Greaves, Latonya Alyssa
Green, Adrienne J.
Green, Danielle A.
Green, Jorgette B.
Green, Lindsi J.
Green, Michael T
Green, NeQuecia Arraylia
Greenidge, Ariane
Greenidge, Neelah A.
Groce, Matthew C.
Groce, Racheal D.
Gross, Aarion I.
Grosvenor, Laurent S.
Guerrier, Jennifer L.
Guiness, Ruth J.
Gullo, Arfassa B.
Gurmu, Habtamu C.
Gustave, Jonathan S.
Gutu, Sharon R.
Guy, Lawrence M.
Haggins, Erin C.
Hairston, Christine R.
Hall, Courtney Janelle
Hall, Daniel Cedrick
Hall, Donald O.
Hall, Edward
Hall, Marcus A.
Hall, Randel P.
Hamilton, Dominique C.
Hamilton, Kino Rashad
Hamilton, Kishnique A.
Hamlin, Capri Danielle
Hammond, Matt
Hammond, Sierra L.
Handy, Davion Darren
Hanna, Brittany Anthonique
Hanna, Dominic Leroy
Hanna, Gabrielle A.
Hanna, Janay A.
Hanna, Justin Emanuel
Hanna, Silvaris Donavan
Hardcastle, Claude B
Hardcastle, Martina L
Hardy, Lauren A.
Hardy, Shannon L.
Harewood, Andrew C.
Harewood, Jason A.
Hargrove, Antonio D.
Hargrove, Domonique S.
Harrell, Marc L.
Harris, Anthony L.
Harris, Brittany V.
Harris, Cheryl E.
Harris, Diamond Jasper
Harris, Jordan M.
Harris, Kelita N.
Harris, Kelley B.
Harris, Leslie L.
Harris, Mahaley M
Harris, O’Brian M.
Harris, Samuel L.
Harris, Shawn L
Harris, Stephanie G.
Harris, Timothy B.
Harris-Hughes, Jenna M.
Harrison, Alexander C.
Harrison, Eve J.
Harrow, Shawn H.
Hart, Aaron A.
Hart, Tiffany D
Harvey, Krishelle
Hatch, Shannin R.
Hawkins, Ashley L.
Hawkins, JaQuese S.
Hawley, Tirzah N.
Hayes, Danielle A.
Hayes, Earl M.
Haywood, Davis C.
Haywood, Tracy A.
Hazelwood, Reanne O.
Heath, Jerome
Henderson, Gwendolyn Shantel
Henderson, Lauren C.
Hendricks, Amanda A.
Hendrickson, Ashlea A.
Hendrickson, Harifah
Henry, Akeyla C.
Henry, Antinette E.
Henry, Fatricia C.
Henry, Rajiv M.
Henry, Ruthaney V.
Henry, Wilson J
Hernandez, Johnny
Herring, Shanita, D.
Herron, Ashley N.
Hester, Peter J.
Hewitt, Natalie Angela
Hewlett, Brittani A.
Hibbler, Kinah Z.
Hicks, Erin L.
Hicks, Kristopher Darnell
Hicks, Quinesha D.
Hill, Ariel L.
Hill, Dehron
Hill, Nia
Hinds, Danielle Garnet
Hinds, Jonathan A.
Hinds, Liana K.
Hinds, Marcia A.
Hinds, Stephanie A.
Hines, Courtney N.
Hines, Keon L.
Hinson, Kyna
Hird, Sanna-Gay Angela
Hoagland, Ashleigh R.
Hobdy, Chanesse A.
Holland, Larry R.
Holland, Ryan A.
Holliman, Aleece Marie
Holloway, Christopher K.
Holloway, Gregory M.
Holmes, Ryland L
Holness, Jamoni B.
Hooker, Jadisee D.
Ho-Sang, DonTay Anthony
Hoskins, Troy L.
Howard, Darryl A.
Howard, Paul
Howard, Samantha N.
Howell, Janelle C.
Hoyte, Brent L.
Hubbard, Jamaal
Hucks, Whitney E.
Hudgens, Kaylie Me’An
Hudson, Daniel H.
Hudson, Kristen L
Hudson, Taylour J.
Hudson, Vanessa M.
Huggins, Gabrielle A.
Hughes, Brittany J.
Hughes, Jarniqua C
Hughes, Kaywanna M.
Humphreys, Austin J.
Hunt, Aisha S.
Hunt, Darian Xavier
Hunt, Morgan J.
Hunter, Alanna M.
Hunter, Jonte’ Maurice
Hunter, Joshua O.
Hunter, Tedean K.
Hurst, Charde J.
Husbands, Shayne J.
Hutchinson, Douglas Javier
Hutton, Imani D.
Hylton, Hughton R.
Hyppolite, Manoah R.
Imakando, Ardith N.
Ince, Yazmin E.
Innocent, Nadege
Isaac, Nathaniel B.
Isreal, Torisha M.
Izean, Celene C.
Jack, Jewel M.
Jackson, Candace M.
Jackson, Jane Ann
Jackson, Jonathan Givet
Jackson, Kayla W.
Jackson, Louis Clyde
Jackson, Marcus A
Jackson, Micah
Jackson, Michael A
Jackson, Natasha B.
Jackson, Nichole D.
Jackson, Oswald A.
Jackson, Shirriah Shemeica
Jackson, Siera L.
Jackson, Tandana Shawn
Jackson, Tumani
Jacob, Brianna M.
Jacob, Simon J.
Jacobs, Adenike M.
Jacobs, Monisha M.
Jalloh, Ahmed T.
Jalloh, Alfred B.
James, Michael J.
James, Shawna R.
Jean, Clenol
Jean, Loane
Jean, Marvin P.
Jean, Melourne Ebern-yse
Jean, Risler
Jean-Joseph, Stona
Jean-Pierre, Christine
Jefferson, Michelle
Jegede, Nayeka A.
Jele, Arnold R.
Jemison, Stuart L.
Jenkins, Allegra Haddassah
Jenkins, Jayson A.
Jenkins, Jolyn Bernardette
Jenkins, London Alexis
Jennings, Shania Dashelle
Jerome, Leonel A.
Jessup, Donovan M.
Jessup, Malcolm D.
Jessup, Tomisha R.
Jesucat, Bernude
Jeune, Junior Louis
Jewell, Rose R.
Jewell, Ruby R.
Jewell, Tu’Sond
Jimmerson, Jamond A.
John, Brieanna
John, Kyran M
John, Rachel A.
Johnson Shankle, Takisha R.
Johnson, Alesha E.
Johnson, Allison Rene
Johnson, Andre E.
Johnson, Atonya F
Johnson, Auldwin M.
Johnson, Brian E.
Johnson, Brian Michael
Johnson, Charles S.
Johnson, Corey M.
Johnson, Dominic A.
Johnson, Franklin L.
Johnson, Gerald A.
Johnson, Jaquane J.
Johnson, Jessica C.
Johnson, Jonathan L.
Johnson, Khiante J.
Johnson, Kyra D.
Johnson, Lindsay K
Johnson, Marcus T.
Johnson, Mercedes Lynn
Johnson, Michael J.
Johnson, Monique O.
Johnson, Monique-Jolicia
Johnson, Nathencia I.
Johnson, Nia M.
Johnson, Niqueda M.
Johnson, Raven M.
Johnson, Ryan
Joiner, Murray E.
Jolivette, Shalonta D.
Jolly, David O.
Jones, Ashley J.
Jones, Brian McCawly
Jones, Camille C.
Jones, Dasia Alicia
Jones, Domonique N.
Jones, Howard J.
Jones, Jenelle J.
Jones, Jonathan A.
Jones, Michelle N.
Jones, Rachel J.
Jones, Ruthie L.
Jones, Ryan L.
Jones, Shavonne D.
Jones, Tiffany R
Jordan, Jeremy S.
Jordan, Justin S.
Jordier, Urhiel H.
Joseph, Anne
Joseph, Dave
Joseph, Deniqua D.
Joseph, Jalissa V.
Joseph, JaVaun M.
Joseph, Kohren C.
Joseph, Leandra Lynnae
Joseph, Lemont
Joseph, Lynsay Daina
Joseph, Nyola K.
Joseph, Rachael G.
Joseph, Shantel Y.
Joseph, Steven C.
Joseph, Telisa Shikia
Josiah, Jamisha S.
Jouissance, Hanz E.
Jules, Gail
Julien, Rushelle
Jumper, Michael P.
Justin, Pharel S.
Juzang, Deshon M.
Juzang, Guielle
Juzang, Patria
Kachornmongkolchai, Prapasri
Kakwi, Kutelleugo B.
Kalume Kitua, Fenysa M.
Kaluwe, Lynne M.
Kanion, Nicholas William
Kelly, Alexys F.
Kelly, James B.
Kelly, Kimberly E.
Kelly, Mary
Kenea, Kulule H.
Kenyanya, Yucabeth B.
Kessio, Brenda C.
Kessio, Hellen C.
Kidd, Patrick Micheal
Kimani, Brenda W.
Kimani, Elton Kinyanjui
Kimani, Kelvin Mutura
King, Alescia M.
King, Amos J.
King, Daja Latwand
King, Dwight L.
King, Eric L
King, Katisha A.
King, LaVerne Ashley
Kingoina, Nancy Kemunto
Kipp, Khadijha S.
Kirby, Alvin
Kirkwood, Michael-Orion Robert
Kitchell-Bush, Eleejah P.
Kitching, Nakwan K.
Knight, Aftyn S.
Knight, Jameya M.
Knight, Michael J.
Knight, Toson Antwan
Kolleh, Pailah-meg E.
Kungu, Alex Mugo
La Touche, Dionne J.
LaBorde, Jamie Q.
LaBorde, LaFranche Cheri
LaForte, DeMaria M.
LaForte’, DeMeatria N.
Lahens, Estilus Junior
Laloi, Feldini
Lamb, Jenae Dallacile
Lamb, Samantha Christine
Langley Orie, Victoria LaWana
Langley, Nia Alexandria D.
Lankford, Cynthia Delois
Large, Devin Dishon
Larivaux, Marcus I.
Larivaux, Stephen A.
LaRoche, ChiAnna May
Lathon, Michael T
Lawrence, Boris Rae O.
Lawrence, Jillian M.
Lawrence, Richard W.
Laws, Brandon I.
Leavell, Leeland Preston
Ledbetter, Monae L.
LeDuff, JaNelda J.
Lee, Nikki R.
Lee, Shatika Karina
Lee, Sherina Nicole
Lee, Storm A.
Lee, Tiffany J.
Lee, Timothy T.
Leftridge, Essence C.
Leger, Rachelle
Leggett, Brandon Jordan
Lehmann, Taniesha N
Lester, Cierra Victoria
LeSure, Phelisa K.
Leverette, Ashley P.
Lewin, Matthew M.
Lewin, Samuel E
Lewis, Alexis K.
Lewis, Ashley Amanda
Lewis, Brandon A.
Lewis, Briana T.
Lewis, Cherillee E.
Lewis, Coetta M.
Lewis, Danielle M.
Lewis, Daphne M.
Lewis, Dionne A.
Lewis, Florence J.
Lewis, Renelle A.
Lewis, Simone
Lewis, Tianna R.
Lightbourne, Lauren T.
Limerick, Jeremy K.
Lindor, Jefferson Claude
Lindsay, Donielle Y.
Lindsay, Everon
Lindsey, Shobana
Link, Phillip R.
Lister, Russell B.
Little, Tamara
Llewellyn, Ashley Nicole V.
Lobbins, Jordan Edward
Lockett, Sherresa N.
Lodrick, O’Keffe B.
Logan, Damali Arika
London, Kendall O.
Long, Anthony J
Longsworth, Deborah M
Lopez, Vilmary L
Louis, J’Aimee A.
Love, Frank W.
Love, Morgan Elise
Loveday, Tanya C.
Lovett, Cynthia A.
Lowe, Jevon D.
Lubin, Rebecca N.
Lucas, Kitrell A.
Lucas, Tatiana Alexis
Lucas, Tiffany Alexandra
Lucien, Schelomith
Luckett, Nadia E.
Lucombe, Ashante’ N.
Luevano De La Torre, Eunice
Lugo, Teresa Covarrubias
Lumbard, Britney D.
Lumbard, Donald Joseph
Mabry, Lydia K.
Macedo, Sandra
Madden, Daniel J.
Madere, Patrice E.
Maduagu, Smart B
Maforah, Mandisa A.
Mageka, Christine Kerubo
Maggio, Carl P
Magloire, Julian D.
Magloire, Victoria S.
Magny, Alan M.
Mahoney-Williams, Lisa Camille
Majo, Chenai
Major, Lloyd A.
Mak, Pak Hei
Makapela, Themba
Malcolm, Jessica A.
Malcolm, Tara R.
Malone, Donna O
Malone-Hollins, Clifford D.
Manders, Stephen C.
Mangena, Jennifer C.
Mann, Calvin S
Mann, Kyra Alexandria
Mann, Sasha
Manson, Alexandria L.
Manswell, Aaron T.
Marbury, Angelica M.
Marc, Loica C.
Marion, Lisa R
Marks, Andre Anthony
Marks, Este Ginelle
Marrett, Ashley A.
Marr-Walker, Shannon E.
Marr-Walker, Tyler A.
Marshall, Kayla D.
Marshall, Ron J.
Martin, Amanda F.
Martin, Djuvane Anthony
Martin, Floyd O.
Martin, Richard D.
Martineau, Shaon M.
Martinez, Molly T.
Mason, Shariece N.
Mathieu, Rothschild D.
Mathis, Christopher L.
Mathis, Jasmine D.
Mathis, Whitney L.
Mattison, Regina Alia
Mattison, Reginald V.
Mauia, Meshach P.
Maupin, Lianne M.
Mavable, Quintina A
Maxwell, Dajanae L.
Maxwell, Miguel Treveon
Mayaka, Robert R.
Mayfield, Deanna A.
Mayfield, Tamika A
Mazzarini, Susan Michelle
Mbongue, Jacques C.
Mbyirukira, Olivia M.
Mc Dermott, Marsha Mercedes
McAlpin, Kahmya C.
McBee, Clarrissa
McBride, Kadarius L.
McBride, Kegan
McCalla, Derek J.
McCarthy, Lanniel S.
McCleary, Michelle F.
McConico, Altheris Allyne
McConico, Caryn A.
McCrary, Crystal P.
McCullough, Monique N.
McDaniel, Brian S.
McDaniel, Patricia C.
McDowell, Dimitri A.
McDowell, Scitina J.
McFadden, Antonio Toran
McFadzean, Danielle D.
McFarlane, Monique T.
McInnes, Antonio J.
McInnes, Loreal A.
McIntosh, Leroy J.
McIntyre, Marcus R.
McIntyre, Raquel D.
McIntyre, Reuel T.
Mckay, Tiffany Tameka
McKenzie, Apollo J.
McKenzie, Paul J.
McKenzie, Tiffany A.
McKenzie, Wesley S.
McLaughlin, Rosworth H.
McLawrence, Maria
McLean, Brittani K.
Mclean, Collin Orlando
McLean, Erica T.
McLean, Karla A.
McLean, Racquel Melissa
McLean, Shaveda Sherrell
McLeary, Samuel A.
McMickle, Bryant N.
McMickle, Bryant N.
McMillan, Jasmine A.
McMorris, Alyssa Rheonda
McMorris, Ariel Shannon
McNair, David E.
McNair, Melony Yvonne
McNeal, Ryan D.
McNeil Easton, Lauren C.
McNeil, Scott Christian
McPherson, Gramond S.
McWilliams, Christine M.
Medley, Anthony A.
Medlock, Karan B
Meikle, Brie A.
Meikle, Cara A.
Meikle, Danielia P.
Meikle, Danika Danielle
Moses, Terrell J.
Moss, Divaz D.
Moss, Michael A.
Moss, Paulette S.
Moss, T’Nee’ L.
Moyo, David
Mulberry, Meaghin E.
Mulzac, Breanda L.
Munford, Anthony D.
Munro, Lee
Murphy, Stephen M.
Murphy, Veronica A.
Murray, Brianna Chante
Murray, T’Eoria V.
Musson, Jotessa Zari
Mwongozi, Akila D.
Nappier, Simona S.
Navarro, Emilio J.
Nayoan, Dennis S
Ncube, Carol N.
Ncube, Culo R.
Neal, Devonna Latrice
Neal, Peggy R.
Nedd, Ginelle T.
Nedd, Kristen
Nelson, Benjamin K.
Nelson, Denrod A.
Nelson, Louise Erica
Nembhard, Jode-Leigh R.
Nembhard, Roshane Joel
Newby, Eric S
Newsome, Brittney N.
Newsome, Van’Tashu S.
Newton, Dylan D.
Newton, Krystel C.
Ngigi, Beatrice Njoki
Nguyen, Quang
Ngwenya, Darlene N.
Nicholas, Chalcia C.
Nicholas, Zawadi L.
Nichols, Maxine Janelle
Nisbeth, Stefan Ray-Edwards
Nixon, Courtney L.
Noel, Edsen C.
Noisette, Kennedy
Nore, Jethro
Norman, Joy D.
Norris, Amlyv O.
Norris, Breana Gabrielle
Norris, Monique M.
Norris, Steven H.
Novack, Laurel Pritchard
Nthubu, Monkgogi Coxson
Nurse, Jeanette V.
Nwade, Ndubuisi C.
Nwadike, Isaac N.
Nwosu, Joshua C.
Nzabalinda, Lillaurie A.
O’Balles, Joshua D.
O’Bannon, Wayne D.
O’Brien, Masen L.
O’Connor, Akeel Donnet
O’Connor, Shian W.
Odhiambo, Damaris A.
Oga, Donald
Ogboenyiya, Anisa A.
Ogboenyiya, Erica N.
Ogburn, Marsha J.
Oglesby, Tonie Y.
Ogwu, Sidney Chiemele
Okumu-Camerra, Carl D.
Okumu-Camerra, Kedeen V.
Olive, Javonte L.
Oliver, Joyce
O’Neal, Lawrence Q.
Meikle, India A.
Meikle, Janel S.
Melbourne, Hopal K.
Melidor, Farrah
Merelus, Alex
Merritt, Arron D.
Michel, Esther
Michel, Michelet
Mighty, Candace M.
Migombo, Betty C.
Miles, Caleb N.
Miles, Keila N.
Milfort, Mical E.
Miller, Aiesha M.
Miller, Alfred D.
Miller, Ayana D.
Miller, Cherie Y.
Miller, Damarrus L.
Miller, Jennifer C.
Miller, Jo Anne
Miller, Tanesha G.
Millington, Grethel
Millington, Suzette
Mills, Arion T.
Mims, Carrie C.
Minisee, Jeffrey Alan
Mitchell, Alfred W.
Mitchell, Camille R.
Mitchell, Chantill M.
Mitchell, Colee Michelle
Mitchell, Kahlee N.
Mitchell, Lanay Miyah
Mkorombindo, Vongai T.
Mlemba, Mashambo Geoffrey
Mobley, Andrew E
Mobley, Danacia S
Moise, David
Moise, Iditagar
Moise, Louis-Francois Ralph
Moktan, Lilymit
Moncur, Briana M.
Monette, Melynne G.
Montaque, Kerry-Ann R.
Montaque, Terry-Ann V.
Montoute, Khalia D.
Moore, Alexis C.
Moore, Alfred B
Moore, April Monique
Moore, David L.
Moore, Jason N.
Moore, Kimiko J.
Moore, Raiven Lynn
Moore, Raquel D
Moore, Robert A.
Moore, Ryan A.
Moore, Samantha M.
Moore, Terry O.
Morataya, Dina R.
Moreno, Carla
Morgan, Janeen Arielle
Morgan, Matthew-Lee J.
Moriasi, Finlay Mosioma
Morris, Daniel McCarthy
Morris, Dennika A.
Morris, Jonathan
Morris, Ngaynia L.
Morrison, Brandon A.
Morrison, Daquarius D.
Morrison, Devin Joshua
Morrison, Nicole J.
Morrison, Seanequa A.
Morrison, Whitney A.
Morton-Monk, Calvin E.
Mosby, Chelsea D.
Moses, John A.
2011-2012 Student Roster
Onyango, Joshua
Orange, Kenneth
O’Reggio, Elena Maria
Osbourne, Leslie A.
Osbourne, Theodore S.
Ottley, Dionne A
Owens, Kemari A.
Owens, Shakira D.
Owolabi, Christopher A.
Owolabi, Temitope Biatress
Packwood, Demetria Brittney
Page, Jessica K.
Page, William Radio
Paige, Devroux Marcel
Palmer, Cameron G. L.
Palmer, Cara A.
Palmer, Kuirie L.
Pantophlet, Talya Q.
Paramore, Desmond K.
Parchment, Xiomara Melva
Parham, Michael B.
Paris, Jolnice Corliet
Paris, Simone R.
Parjohn, Allana K.L
Parker, Mauria D.
Parker, Michonne D.
Parker, Nicholas David
Parker, Shana Carole
Parkinson, Blossom P.
Parrish, Brandon D.
Parrish, Brina S.
Partlow, James R.
Pascal, Jeffery H.
Pascall, Tamra M.
Pascall, Teckla M.
Paschal, Josette H.
Paschal, Shaun M.
Patterson, Alexander Christian
Patterson, Nia Cimone
Patterson, Robert
Paul, Eric Oliver
Paulicin, Henoc
Paulsaint, Ed R.
Payne-Battle, Sandy P.
Peart, Andre Anthony
Pedersen-Buck, Shayla
Peeler, Alisha Lene’
Peifer, Masika-Joy
Peifer, Michaela Jean Elise
Pelote, Edward W.
Pelote, Erica L.
Pemberton, Jamaal O.
Pembleton, Jamara A
Penn, Brianna Alyssa
Pereira, Tanecia Avril Ruth
Pericles, Marc E.
Pericles, Thamar Amuel
Perkins, Aeress Fre-Tilia
Perkins, Alesia C.
Perkins, Phillip A.
Perry, Brittney Alyse
Perry, Kiera S.
Perry, Yashira E
Peter, Deeana M.
Peters, Dawn A.
Peterson, Albert B.
Phaeton, Emmanuel
Phillips, Brandon D.
Phillips, Britni Polly
Phillips, Davida Zenobia
Phillips, Latasha Tokia
Phillips, Roscille Angela
Phillips, Wyatt D.
Phipps, Jeniese M.
Phipps, Julia I.
Phipps, Wade A.
Picard, Medgine
Pierre, Andrew M.
Pierre, Carl G.
Pierre, Fred J.
Pierre, Jean-Richard
Pierre, Lex
Pierre, Stephane O.
Pierre, Varilus
Pierre-Louis, Gabrielle S.
Pinckney, Alan E.
Pinder, Khadijah M.
Pitman, Alvin B.
Pittman, Foster D.
Plummer, Dominic Anthony
Pointer, Kimberly H.
Polite, Michael A
Pollard, Cidny M.
Pompey, Lyneve
Poole, Allen Michael
Poole, Ryan E.
Porter, Lauren N.
Porter, Marcus D.
Porter, Michael C.
Porterfield, Jalen Thomas
Poston, Derrick Duane
Poulis, Geneira S.
Pounal, Caroline E.
Powell, Vonasha P.
Powell-Hicks, Kyndall R.
Powell-Revan, Tabia R.
Preval, Robest
Pridgett, Brandon Joel
Pridgett, Jerryl D.
Prigg, Brandon Webster
Primus, Antonia J.
Prince, Paul A.
Pringle, Brianna J.
Pringle, SherryDon Christina
Proctor, Emmanuel Emile
Provost, Rayne’ Andrea
Pruitt, Qunesha Taylor
Pruitt, Ralph Elliott
Pugh, Nelson N.
Pugh, Russel E.
Pyles, Matthew Cheaney
Ragland, Jasmine J.
Ralph, Ruth M.
Ramey, Brandon M.
Ramey, Brian A.
Ramsay, Aniska
Ramsey, Dayna S.
Randall, Christian A.
Randall, Jourdan Michele
Randall, Marshall Antonio
Rankin, Tonita A.
Raphael, Marc S.
Raphael, Maya Angel
Raphael, Patric J.
Ravariere, Cleo B.
Ray, Alphonzo J.
Readus, Christopher L.
Reedus, Jasmine L.
Reese, Octavius J.
Reid, Andrew E.
Reid, Anton C.
Reid, Jamila F.
Reid, Jonai Sansheray
Reid, Jyremy LeMarc
Reid, Kasey K.
Reid, Kevron O.
Reid, Mark A.
Reid, Noelle E.
Reid, Ro-Jay R.
Revelle, Justine A.
Reyes, Corpus A.
Reynolds, Everton
Reynolds, Paige Monique
Reynolds, Sydney N.
Rhamie, Kevin J.
Rhamie, Kristin J.
Rice, Alandus Lamont
Rice, Christopher Wayne
Rich, Loreanna Monae’
Richards, Anthony C.
Richards, Avry A.
Richards, Kalila M.
Richards, Latina M.
Richards, Marie M.
Richards, Paul N
Richards, Tamara L.
Richardson, Brianna K.
Richardson, Christian Devon
Richardson, John E.
Richardson, Marquita E.
Richardson, Samantha L.
Richardson, Shelbourne A. L.
Richardson, Shelton A.
Riley, Christian Demario
Riley, Jordan David
Rivers-Lang, Evangeline D.
Roberts, Adenike
Roberts, Christopher T.
Roberts, Jennifer N.
Roberts, Peter A.
Roberts-Davis, Antonette Angelica
Robin, Darnell R.
Robinson, Brandon A.
Robinson, Celestine J
Robinson, Marissa B.
Robinson, Meygan A.
Robinson, Sandy C
Robinson, Trudy R.
Robinson, Wendy S.
Robinzine, Aisha M.
Robley-Spencer, Melaine J.
Rochez, Denia K.
Rodgers, Iesha N.
Rodriguez, Adnel
Rodriguez, James C.
Rodriguez, Maria Esther
Rodriguez, Yarimel N.
Rogers, Calvin L.
Rogers, Chad A
Rojas-Bautista, Vanessa J.
Roker-Duncanson, Cheriese M.
Roland, Sother
Rolle, Adrian A.
Rolle, Justin Leon
Rolle, Kadian A
Rolle, Louis Terrance
Rolle-Nelson, R. L’Tanya
Rollo, Elizabeth Melanie
Rooks, Greta P
Roper, Gregory Isaac
Ross, Christopher William
Ross, Edward Thomas
Ross, Michael R.
Ross-Abram, Tasharee M.
Ross-Damon, Qianna A.
Rostamkolaei, Negin
Rowe, Airesse Patrice
Rowe, Kayla E.
Rowe, Lauren Evena
Royer, Amor J.
Royer, Haba E.
Ruff, Jenna Elaine
Rush, Kristina Amanda
Russell, Darrell I.
Russell, Deidra D.
Russell, Lavile J.
Russell, Raymond C
Saimphar, Miclisse
Saintange, Kadmiel C.
Saint-Clair, Junie
Saint-Elie, Kevin G.
Sajous, Fara L.
Salinas, Hannah N.
Salmon, Meleik L
Sam, Schenelle L.
Sampson, Kristen A.
Sampson, Michael D.
Sampson-Dodd, Sasihana M.
Samson, Eric D.
Samuel, Raphael
Samuel, Shera J.
Sanders, Markia D.
Sankey, Saundra R.
Sargeant, Amanda Rashanna
Satterwhite, Marvin T
Sauls, Rebecca D.
Sauls, Talysha Anne-Doris
Saunders, Lawrence
Sauvie, Krysta M.
Sawyer, Jonathan A.
Scarborough, Jalisa A,
Scarborough, Jamesha A.
Scarlett, Greg E.
Scavella, Paul Adlai
Schultz, Jessica Clair
Scott, Britney R.
Scott, Cassandra E.
Scott, Ciara K.
Scott, Karl-O’Niel S.
Scott, Kevin-Lee J.
Scott, Pearlalice D.
Scott-Beaumont, Perleshajonia L.
Sealey, Joshua Imani
Sebeh, Brian Kirk
Sebeh, Conrad Jason
Sellers, Brandon M.
Sellers, Jason D.
Selman, Leonardo
Selman, Renier P.
Sepolen, Jeremiah S.
Serrant, Miguel S.
Servedio, Christina M.
Severe, Linda
Seymour, Keith W.
Shand, Ashley E.
Shaw, Kedon
Shearwood, Dimetri Jamal
Shelton, Klorinda Grant
Shelton, Michael A.
Shepherd, Junior Ricardo
Sheppard, Erin
Sherman, Jamaal A.
Sherrod, Chase DeVaughn
Shorter, Antonio D.
Shyaka, Eric
Sidney, Jeremiah B.
Sidney, Jonathan R.
Simeon, Alexandria D.
Simeon, Bog Kandy
Simmons, Brian J.
Simmons, LaTya A.
Simmons, Quran I.
Simmons, Sinead K.
Simms, Lovey D
Simon, Arems
Simon, Juliette
Simons, John Douglas
Simpson, Ashley S.
Simpson, Latasha M.
Sims, Spencer O.
Singleton, Victor M.
Sinkfield, Jasmine B.
Skinner, Jazmine L.
Skinner, Joshua B.
Skinner, Melody
Sledge, Kalicia M
Smalley, Hannah-Leen
Smalley, Raschelle B.
Smile, Chad Daniel
Smiley, Dontae S.
Smith, Andre L.
Smith, Antonio J.
Smith, Barrington B.
Smith, Chante’l Emili
Smith, David Corey
Smith, Deja L.
Smith, Dominique Allen
Smith, Eva S.
Smith, Evelyn A.
Smith, Heloise L.
Smith, Iris J
Smith, Jarvis F.
Smith, Jeremy Daniel S.
Smith, Jeremy Deandrew
Smith, John A.
Smith, Joshua J.
Smith, Julian M.
Smith, Justin C.
Smith, Justin H.
Smith, Kartez M.
Smith, Lanai E.
Smith, Lauren Ashley
Smith, Lauretta A.
Smith, Princess M.
Smith, RaSean C.
Smith, Rashai D.
Smith, Rodney
Smith, Shadrach Benjam
Smith, Sheldon L.
Smith, Tabatha J.
Smith, Takiyah C.
Smith, Tearsa M.
Smith, Urian Mullings
Smith, Victor L.
Smith, Wayne A.
Smithen, Danielle I.
Smith-Tweed, Tairik Vincente
Snyder, JoAnna Miranda
Soljour, Eunice-Rose
Solomon, Michele A.
Southern, Antoine A.
Sovyanhadi, Marta
Spellman, Vincent M.
Spence, Tevin Michael
Spencer, Alvin J.
Spencer, Annette D.
Spencer, Gabriel E.
Spencer, Monica E.
Ssemanda, Julia N.
St Louis, Eric J.
St. Juste, Bijan T.
St. Luc, Chrislee B.
St. Luc, Riter D.
Stagg, Samara Kamilah
Stallworth, Kimberly C.
Stamps, Cay P
Stanford, Mario D
Stanislaus, Everett G.
Staple, Andrew M.
Stargell, Quinta N
Starks, Jacqueline J.
Starks, Megan E.
Staten, Donice L.
Stephenson, Marie A.
Stepp, Justyn
Sterlin, Stella
Sterling, Alyssa Denae
Sterling, Louella L.
Stevenson, Natasha L.
Stewart, Bryant
Stewart, Cassandralee O.
Stewart, David W.
Stewart, Stephen A.
Stewart, Terre Donyeal
Stewart, Zulekia U.
Stockling, Joshua A.
Stoddart, Iska Allaemarc
Stoll, Shawndel Nakesha
Stoute, Olivia A.J.
Stovall, Mariana F.
Stowe, Brittany N.
Straker, Mashale K.
Strange, Trehanna C.
Strayhorn, Alisha L.
Strayhorn, Lisa V
Strayhorn, Michael J.
Streeter, Shanae C.
Strickland, Sydney M.
Stubbs, Keisha A.
Suggs, Anthony H.
Sullivan, Bertha S.
Sullivan, Kia M.
Sullivan, Mallory Breanna
Sullivan, Mychel Daverne
Sulton, Aaron C.
Sumpter, Stefan C.
Sutton, Brionna A.
Swales, Jonathan Tyrone
Sweeney, Orland
Sweet, Karen A.
Syeh, Hawanicole P.
Sylvester, Stephen A.
Talbert, James T
Tapp, Victoria A.
Taylor, Aaron M.
Taylor, Angela Danielle
Taylor, Annette V.
Taylor, April N.
Taylor, Ariel G.
Taylor, Christian S.
Taylor, Jasmine B.
Taylor, Rashane A.
Taylor, Zarneilia A.
Teague, DeShondra N
Terrell, Esperanza G.
Terrelonge, Feonia M.
Terry, Jeffrey S
Thaw, Christopher P.
Thedford, Clarke A.
Theodor, Eunice
Theodor, Milcah
Thermidor, Alinx
Theuri, Wanjiku K.
Thomas, Ainsworth A.
Thomas, Anthony
Thomas, Ashley M.
Thomas, Bakari
Thomas, Benjamin
Thomas, Bridget R.
Thomas, Chanice J.
Thomas, Christine E.
Thomas, Darnisha M.
Thomas, Derrick S.
Thomas, Janice L.
Thomas, Jewell L.
Thomas, Lashawn Shavaaz
Thomas, Olivia O.
Thomas, Samuel E.
Thomas, Tyrel E.
Thomas, Whitney M.
Thompson, Ariel Nikita
Thompson, Cynthia
Thompson, Jasper Warren
Thompson, Niketa A.
Thompson, Tiara M.
Thorn, Sheri M.
Thorne, Gabriel O.
Thornton, Kecha M.
Tiggs, Candace D.
Tingue, Frantzcesca J.
Tinker, Brittany D’kel
Tinker, Jason Cordell
Tirogene, Koohafsen
Tobias, Keith A.
Tolbert, Erin D.
Tolera, Candace Eyoela
Tolera, Presila E.
Toles, Takisha C.
Tomlin, Nicholas W.
Tomlinson, Matthew
Toney, Brenda F.
Tonge, Janelle N.
Traughber, Cynthia A.
Trimmins, Howard K.
Trimmins, Maralah M.
Trimmins, Miranda Y.
Trimmins, Myeshia R.
Tross, Erica M.
Trott, Gilbert L.
Turner, Anner L.
Turner, Jacinta A.
Turner, Neil
Turner, Renise R
Tuten, Kenyetta Iesha
Twitty, Donald C.
Twumasi, Kwadwo K.
Tyrell, Patricia M.
Tyson, Justin R.
Ugochukwu, Monica Ifeoma
Umbles, Christopher A.
Underwood, Sheronica R.
Usher, Erick A.
Usher, John
Vacciana, Kevin C.
Valcin, Kimberly A.
Valcy-Pech, Shanna J.
Valentin, Roberto Luis
Valentine, Maucus R.
Valentine, Rueben R.
Valliere, Berlanda
Vanhorne, Krystal D.
Vetiaque, Joanne
Victor, Woody
Vilfranc, Chrystelle L.
Vincent, Edouard A.
Waack, Amy Luise
Waite, Astian J.
Waldon, Andre M.
Waldron, Earleen A.
Walker, Alina Nichelle
Walker, Andrew N.
Walker, Camille L.
Walker, Darryl
Walker, Emillio M.
Walker, Jerrell A.
Walker, Kevin J.
Walker, Krystal Simone
Walker, Lilena M.
Walker, Quinn Dominique
Walker, Victor K.
Wall, Rahshan D.
Wallace, Daniel D.
Wallace, Diamyne M.
Wallace, Kahlil C.
Waller, Travarus D.
Walton, Alexandria N.
Ward, Margaret M.
Ward, Nicholas A.
Waring, Nicoise B.G.
Warner, Kaneil P.
Warner, Ross A.
Warren, Aajee R.
Washington, Charmaine M.R.
Washington, Clifford K.
Washington, Jessica A.
Washington, Kenron D.
Waters, Jhavonne K.
Waters, Yeaulonne K.
Watkins, Kharmen A.
Watson, Joshua M.
Watson, Shari L.
Ways, Jourdan S.
Webb, Arthur
Webb, Jarrod D.
Webb, Sabrina A.
Webb, Shianne A.
Webster, Kayla M.
Weems, Zachary H.
Wells, Shatisse T.
Wells, Shoniece
Wescom, Dwayne S.
Wesley, Timothy James
West, Dalton E.
West, Denae G.
Westney, Aren Morrison
Whaley, Steven Michael
Whalon, Morgan O.
Whatley, Connor S.
White, Brandon Kenute
White, Courtney L.
White, Dakota Danielle
White, Earl D.
White, Kornelia J.
White, Malcolm R.
White, Sharice C.
White, Steven A.
White, Victoria Alyce
Whitehead, Jehnessa Asabi
Whitfield, Detron L.
Whiting, Brittany M.
Whiting, ReJena’ M.
Whittaker, Christine M.
Whittaker, Christyanna
Wilkinson, Christopher W.
Williams, Amber Nicole
Williams, Anthony M.
Williams, Arthur Olaf
Williams, Ashlie N.
Williams, Autumn N.
Williams, Bacur M.
Williams, Brittany J.
Williams, Catherine J.
Williams, Chrishel D.
Williams, Christopher A.
Williams, Corbin A.
Williams, Daryl X.
Williams, Gaillynn Nicole
Williams, Gregory L
Williams, Hosea L
Williams, James P.
Williams, Jennifer M.
Williams, Jonathan E.
Williams, Jonathan M.
Williams, Kimberlee Bevolyn
Williams, LaQuisha C.
Williams, Lisa
Williams, Monique M.
Williams, Natalie E.
Williams, Nikia Christine
Williams, Norman D.
Williams, Phillip G.
Williams, Rachel Marie
Williams, Rhys A.
Williams, Royal Z.
Williams, Samuel L.
Williams, Selena L.
Williams, Tanesha S.
Williams, Taylor A.
Williams, VaShon R.
Williamson, Janeen E.
Williams-Rawlinson, Kayla J.
Willis, Carnell E.
Willis, Jacqueline R.
Willis, John W.
Willis, Khori-Ann L.
Willis, Ruth E.
Wilson, Brandon A.
Wilson, Cara J.
Wilson, Chloe
Wilson, Cynthia C.
Wilson, Daniel Stephen
Wilson, Jusiel M.
Wilson, Najee L.
Wilson, Naya M.
Wilson, Samara Aletha
Wilson, Shanique J.
Wimbley, Johnny
Winston, Christopher D.
Winston, Jared Antoine
Wint, Ryan G.
Wint, Venroy Locksley
Wisdom, Ryan F.
Witherspoon, Lillie Mae
Wolf, Ashley J.
Wongk, Titus J.
Woodard, Joshua A.
Woods, Jalayne
Woods, Kristin M.
Woodson, Alan B.
Woodson, Levi A.
Woodson, Marie A.
Woodson, Meloni Y.
Wooten, Jonathan V.
Wooten, Joseph D.
Works, Brittany S.
Wortham, Nia Ashley
Worthey, Antonio
Wright, Bradley T.
Wright, Donald M.
Wright, Joshua W.
Wright, Kimberlee A.
Wright, Marsha K.
Wright, Michal J.
Wright, Timmy Ray
Wright, Travis M.
Wright, Willicia
Wynn, Jonathan L.
Wynter, Oshaine A.
Yanez, Aaron Joseph
Yeboah, Stephen K.
Yokum, Diontrey
Young, Victor J.
Young-Leacock, Adrianna
Youte, Emiliane N.
Zephir, Benta D.
Zonicle, William A.
TheAeolians Live in Russia
Thanks to gifts from friends like you, the Aeolians have been blessed to share their gift with audiences as
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As “21st Century Hebrew Boys,”
OU Men’s Basketball Team Upholds
Beliefs, Wins National Championship
by Dawnette Chambers
Oakwood University Ambasaadors men’s basketball team, the
United States Collegiate Athletic
Association (USCAA) 2012 Division 1 Champions, returned to
its Huntsville, Alabama, campus
on Sunday, March 11, 2012, welcomed enthusiastically by boosters chanting, “O-U, O-U!”
Similarly, Andrews University
men’s team won its USCAA Division 2 championship contest,
during the same tournament.
Fans gathered inside the OU’s
Ashby Auditorium – a smallerthan-usual group, due to Spring
Break’s ending – awaiting the
team’s arrival, during which time
OU President Leslie N. Pollard
and Dean David Knight, Vice
President of Student Activities,
shot hoops with students.
More than just winning the championship, these men stood up for
their faith, according to Cedric
Francois, producer and play-byplay announcer for Ambassador
Radio Network. “This is the first
time in the USCAA’s history the
Championship games for both
Men’s Division 1 and 2 were rescheduled to respect the religious
convictions of Oakwood and Andrews Universities, respectively.”
Athletic Director James Roddy
shared how out of the other associations he talked to (including
NCAA, NAIA and NCCAA), the
USCAA was the only organization that would respect OU’s Sabbath observance.
this is the first year in Oakwood’s
history that the Ambassadors won
(with a season record) 20-12, in
the year 2012, coincidently.”
Senior Austin Doggette, AllAmerican and Tournament MVP,
has followed in footsteps of his
brother James Doggette, Jr., who
was 2008 Tournament MVP when
the Ambassadors won their first
national championship.
Team members got off the bus at
Ashby, adorned with yellow and
blue leis, symbols of welcome
and congratulations. Senior Nardo Bryant thanked the crowd, declaring, “Let the record reflect that
Who all would you pick to play on your All-1970s Decade
Oakwood College Intramural Sports Teams (men’s and
women’s basketball, men’s and women’s tag football
and mixed softball squads)?
Submit your favorite players, coaches, cheerleaders, etc. at
by Saturday, June 30, 2012.
Your combined All-Star voting results will be featured in the
next issue of the Oakwood Magazine.
The following article was published in The Huntsville Times on 2/17/2012. Reprinted with permission of The Huntsville Times.
Prof pursues unity
among varied faiths
Center seeks better Adventist-Muslim relations, respect
By Kay Campbell
Dr. Keith Augustus Burton, a mild-mannered religious
history professor who speaks in Jamaican-flavored cadences, has been assigned to set up camp in the minefield between Christians and Muslims.
As director of Oakwood University’s new Center
for Adventist-Muslim Relations, specifically, he is
charged with helping Seventh-day Adventists understand and respect Muslims. He hopes also, when he
can, to help Muslims understand and respect Adventists and Christians.
“We’re just trying to diminish some of the negative
thoughts and myths about Islam - and Christianity,”
Burton said. “There are myths on both sides that need
to be dispelled.”
To that end, the center has developed an online certification program for pastors and church leaders that
will begin at the end of February. The instructors will
include Adventist leaders and professors from Oakwood, the church’s world headquarters near Washington, D.C., and from other Adventists universities
around the world.
Professors could include scholars, such as Dr. Tarsee Li, professor of ancient Middle East languages at
Oakwood University, who keeps his Arabic sharp by
reading the Quran daily. Teachers for the course will
also include pastors and missionaries who have built
relationships with Muslim leaders in countries where
Muslims are in the majority.
The course is designed to help ministers develop joint
community programs with Muslims and build relationships.
The following article was published in The Huntsville Times on 2/27/2012. Reprinted with permission of The Huntsville Times.
Oakwood ‘pioneer’ with ISO certification
By Budd McLaughlin
It won’t be long before there’s a new flag joinng the
others at the entrance to Oakwood University.
Only this flag will be unlike any that will fly at any
other university in the state.
Or any other Historically Black College or University anywhere.
To those in the local business community, though, it
will be familiar.
You see, the Seventh-day Adventist school has received ISO 9001 certification.
“This kind of makes us a pioneer,” said Tim Allston,
Oakwood’s director of public relations.
Indeed it does.
In spite of all the government contracts won by the
likes of UAH, Alabama A&M, Auburn and Alabama,
Oakwood University is the first college or university in
the state ISO registered.
Ironically, Auburn’s Technical Center and Alabama
A&M help companies gain ISO certification, but they
don’t have the certification themselves.
“This is exciting for us,” said Marcia Burnette, Oakwood’s assistant vice president for development. “We
were the first HBCU accepted into NASA’s mentor-protege program.
“At that time, our objective was to get ISO 9001 certified.”
Oakwood is also in the mentor-protege program with
SAIC, and she said leading the move to certification was
program consultant Dr. Jay Billings.
“He helped us get through this,” she said. “He
brought this up years ago and worked with us off an on
for it.”
Burton hopes that Oakwood’s center also will become
a meeting place for the Adventist church between
Christians and American Muslims, many of whom are
African-American. Oakwood is a historically black
“There are things ministers can do that help break
down walls,” Burton said. “For instance, in many
places in the Muslim world, the term ‘Christian’ conjures the memories of the Crusades. Just calling yourself a ‘follower of Christ’ can keep doors from being
One of the aspects of the faiths he hopes to educate
people about are the beliefs and history they both have
in common. The Quran mentions the Bible and people
who are also in the Bible in hundreds of places. And
Jesus himself, next to Muhammad, is regarded as a
prophet to be revered.
A documentary the center will sponsor, to be directed
by Dave Person, host of WEUP Talk and a former editorial writer for The Huntsville Times and USA Today,
will be putting together some of those commonalities.
In addition to the sacred histories, Adventists and
Muslims, even more than most Christians, have many
social aspects in common because of Adventist dietary restrictions and modesty guidelines.
So, what exactly is ISO 9001?
It is an internationally recognized standard for the quality
management of businesses.
“It makes us eligible to become a prime contractor for
grants, not a sub,” Burnette said. “We can actually go and
bid ourselves.”
She said it also provides an enhanced corporate imaging and marketing, assures better documentation and is a
proven program for corrective and preventive actions.
And, according to Allston, it’s no coincidence the school
pursued the certification under school president Dr. Leslie
Pollard, who has a master’s in business administration.
“He is our first president with an MBA and understands
and leads us to pursue such business-world benchmarks
,” he said. “His wife, Dr. Prudence Pollard, is a professor
of management in our business department and an examiner in the Alabama Productivity Center at the University
of Alabama.”
The center never will dismiss the foundational differences, Burton said. While he considers Muhammad to
have written prophetic things, he himself would not
class Muhammad as a prophet. And while the Quran
mentions Jesus, Burton understands that Muslims
could not agree with the Christian view that Jesus is
one with God.
said, shouldn’t get in the way of celebrating ways that
members of both faiths can build stronger communities and a more peaceful world.
“It’s our hope that those who are members of the
Abrahamic faiths will come to see that they have more
in common than things that separate us,” Burton said.
And with the designation, also comes added pressure,
Allston said.
“It puts a healthy pressure on us to keep up the registration,” he said. “We can take it and apply it to other
areas of campus, to let our students and faculty know we
can be academic and spiritual and navigate those worlds
“ISO designation is for what we’ve done and, to keep
the honor, we have to continue to work.”
In the meantime, Burnette will be keeping her eye out
for the flag to arrive.
“I just got an email that said, ‘Please have certificate
(and flag) expedited immediately,’ “ she said. “We’re excited about the flag.
“Send us the (certificate and flag), and we can blast it
all over the place.”
Budd McLaughlin can be reached at
budd.mclaughlin@htimes.com and 256-532-4527.
Oakwood College Church Ashby Gym (Campus)
Oakwood University Church/Breath of Life
Television Ministry (Worldwide)
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