Life Letter 2016 Summer


Life Letter 2016 Summer
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 179 total visits
 54 new clients
 52 pregnancy tests
 15 ultrasounds
 7 professions of faith
 1 turned from
 12 births
 109 Earn While You
Learn lessons
Save the Date…
Celebrate Life
Baby Bottle
October 6, 2016
Summer 2016
1st Qtr. 2016
Return Service Requested
Pregnancy Center
451 S Wayne Street
PO Box 223
Milledgeville, GA 31059
Mother’s Day Father’s Day
Mission Statement: The Crossroads Pregnancy Center exists to glorify God by encouraging women to
choose eternal life through Jesus Christ for themselves and physical life for their unborn child.
Hours of Operation:
From Monica’s Desk
Once a year for six years golfers have
been coming together to spend a day
playing golf and meeting and making new
friends while doing something really
great: helping women to choose life.
These women come from all walks of life
and may range in age from 14 to 43, but
they all have two things in common:
1. A challenging pregnancy
2. Crossroads Pregnancy Center
There is so much that goes into planning
and implementing a golf tournament – far
more than any one person can do alone.
Russell Thompson is a member of our
Board of Directors and this year he was
the coordinator of the Golf Fore Life. We
are thankful for Russell and his labor in
this; however, Russell would be the first
to say that he didn’t do it alone. There
were far too many people involved to list
them all here and I know that not one of
them participated in order to see their
Tribute Gifts
Honor the life of your friend or loved
one with a gift that helps to save lives.
In Memory of…
 David Miller
by Irma Murch
 Lucy Shipman
by Monica & Mike Leftwich
names in this little newsletter. Their
reward is in Heaven and it is far greater
than any thanks we could give. We have
listed the businesses that sponsored the
event and provided prizes to be given to
top teams and raffle winners. We hope
that you will make note of these
supporting businesses and in turn support
them as you have need. And, please,
when you visit one of these businesses,
thank them for helping to grow a culture
of life in Milledgeville, Baldwin County,
and beyond.
In Honor of...
 “Bobby” Chambers on Father’s Day
by Lisa Chambers Berry
 Louise Fowler Chambers on Mother’s
by Lisa Chambers Berry
 Mother’s Day
by Lakeside Baptist Church
 Colby Pennington, RN
by Vivian Andrews
Sign Up for Our eNewsletter
Email us:
Golf Fore Life 2016
Thank you…
Emmanuel Baptist Church and Hardwick Baptist Church
for hosting baby showers to benefit CPC!
Grand Sponsors
Five Star Toyota
Stribling Law Firm, PC
Northridge Christian Church
Platinum Sponsors
Agee Construction
Better Cut Lawn Service
Bracewell Pest Control
Century Bank & Trust
Craig Massee Real Estate
Freedom Church
Hogg Insurance
Howington & Burrell
Lefco Irrigation
Merritt Massey State Farm Insurance
Oconee CoolMax
Parham’s Dairy
ServPro of Baldwin, Putnam & Jones
Southside Tire & Brake
TCH Watersports
Car Seat Safety Instruction
May 2015 marked one year of partnering with law
enforcement to provide car seat safety instruction to
Earn While You Learn clients.
May 2015 - February 2016
18 clients received instruction from Certified Car Seat
Safety Instructors Deputy Carroll Smith and Sergeant Thomas Smith.
Ministry Needs
First Aid Kits:
 bandages
 a roll of gauze
 bandage tape
 bandage scissors
 tweezers
 suction bulb
 antibiotic ointment
 a thermometer
These kits are used for our clients when they do an Earn While You
Learn lesson called, “Emergency First Aid: Accidents”. The items can be
placed in a zip lock bag so we can give them to clients after the lesson.
Bayne’s Army Store
Becky Holton, Mary Kay Consultant & Board of
Coralie King, Board of Directors
Georgia College & State University
Golf Cart City
Heaven’s Gate Christian Store
Little Fishing Creek Golf Course
Mae Moore, Board of Directors
Reynolds Plantation
Southside Tire & Brake
Tiphanie Ford, Board of Directors
Client Quotes
Baby Booties
Baby Lotions
Baby Shampoo
Baby Wash
Volunteer Nurse
Please Note:
According to policy, we cannot accept the following items as donations:
used car seats, cribs, bumper pads
When you renew your license plate…
Choose Life!
CPC received $40.30
from the sell of 3 Tags sold in Baldwin County,
1st Quarter 2016
What did you like best
about this center?...
“I think that communication
was a problem for me
before but I feel so
comfortable here. Now I feel
better about being
pregnant. I don’t regret my
decision to come here.
“The friendliness of the staff.
The concerns of the staff.
Everything is always great
when I come here. The staff
are very sweet. Keep up the
good work!”
“I love how nice the nurse
and volunteer was. They
both made me feel
comfortable and welcome. I
also love how they bring out
more info with the
“I had the chance to get
something for my baby that I
did not have.”
“The faculty here puts God
first and have your best
interest at heart.”
“I felt very welcome and I
felt safe enough to be open
and honest about things in
my life.”
“Great experience; the staff
was nice and very
“The staff is really caring and
eager to help you make the
best decisions going