September 2012 issue


September 2012 issue
Pradeep Sanjaya
On Winning Sri Lanka’s first ever medal of
the Paralympic Games in the Men’s 400m T46 Event
Page 16
Rizwan Ahmed runs for
Counsellor in Monash
Page 06
Page 10
Sri Lanka set
for tilt at winning T20
World Cup at home
Page 18
lanka times
Editor’s Note
Dear Readers, nothing puts more ‘spring’ in my step
or warmth in my heart than the feeling of waking up to
a sun filled room with the smell of blossoms everywhere.
Welcome Spring!
Spring time. To each it would conjure up different emotions
and feelings of a new approach to the day, as mysteriously,
the endorphins in the body seem to adapt with the change
of season. For me, Spring Time in Sri Lanka, at any time of
the year, reminds me of her vibrant, green surroundings and
her display of lots and lots of flowers, giving the newcomers
a very warm, scintillating, eternal springtime welcome. The
drive from the Bandaranaike International Airport to the
inland, hirling past the yellow or purple-flowered climbers,
taking in the sweet-scented jasmine and meter-high hibiscus
shrubs, whilst marveling at the sturdy amaryllis flower stalks.
The serene-looking lotus ponds, drooping pink fuchsias,
crimson-covered fountain trees, curly banana blossoms,
patches of dainty periwinkle and cosmos, spreading yellow
cassia and striking fish pole heliconias and pompoms of
hydrangeas, are a sight for even the most tired and warn out
eyes and mind.
For those who may not know, a little trivia - Sri Lanka has
fast entered the market of a huge emerging entity in the
floriculture business, with large-scale producers aiming at
foreign buyers, and middle-level growers catering to the
local market. A number of flower cultivators in the villages
sell their produce to the first two big suppliers.
It remains therefore, an obvious choice for those who have
not travelled to Sri Lanka at this time of year, to do so if
nothing more that for its breathtaking floriculture views!
Now, back to the confounds of the office (which to be
honest, is not that bad!) Lanka Times is happy to firstly
announce the arrival of newcomer to the Newspaper,
Journalist Extraordinaire ‘E.C.T. Candappa’.
E.C.T. Candappa, an author of eight books to his credit
also boasts a career spanning since 1952. To add to his
accomplishments, he also is credited with having many of
his articles published, his versatile background covering areas
such as reporter, parliamentary and lobby correspondent,
court reporter and editor. I am sure we will both enjoy being
updated and kept up to date with stories by Candappa, so
we welcome him both personally and professionally. His
story can be found on page 7.
Another notoriety making news this month is Rizwan
Ahmed, running for Counsellor in Monash. Mr Ahmed,
CEO of Universal Institute of Technology, announced his
candidacy for Monash in the 2012 Council Elections for
the Council of Monash. His outspoken nature which puts
the voice of the community first, will surely see that voters
will warm to his honest and dedication to wanting to lead
them to a greater community. His story is on page 6.
From Australian Politics to the American Election - yes it’s
that time of year again. As mentioned in this story on page
10, Lanka Times is dedicated to bringing you more lifestyle
stories of the people of Sril Lanka rather than delve into Politics
– this story, delves more into the ‘person’ rather than the political
arena. We have witnessed time and time again, love him or hate
him, a President who is not afraid to show composure even in the
most toughest of decision making situations. This story, as you
will read, extends to what has been highlighted in the media of
late, and that is the Sri Lankan refugees.
Desmond Kelly
I have written this article based on my own personal take on what
I see is a very serious and abuse of human rights at an epidemic
proportion. For it or against it, we all have our views. What
remains important at the end of the day, surely must be both
the basic and civil rights of the refugees and also what impact it
brings to the already citizens of the countries in which they sail
into. More on this story on page 10. For those of you who would
like to comment to this editors story, please feel free to do so
to and all feedback will be published
keeping in format with the terms of conditions of the paper.
Dr. Harold Gunatillake
Nowell Hanibalsz
Johann Dias Jayasinha
Vernon Tissera
Dimuthu Kushan
Trevine Rodrigo
For entertainment updates and pleasure, Ivan Alvis brings us
another month of what’s going on in Sri Lanka and abroad.
Art Editor
Denver Benjamin (Sri Lanka)
R. Shereen Kariyakarawana (UK)
Trevine Rodrigo is back with another editorial of sports and
the highlights of the cricket not forgetting reports on the
Paralympian of Sri Lanka, Pradeep Sanjaya. Read how Pradeep,
created history for Sri Lanka by winning the first ever medal in
the Men’s 400 meters in the London 2012 Olympics. Well done
to Pradeep and his family!
Maria Fernandez
Special Guest Writer
Ivan Alvis
Other well loved articles that we bring you of course are the
tempting dishes from the kitchen of Chef and writer for LT,
Chef Riza Muthalip. This month’s mouth watering recipes are on
page 33. For those of you who have not done so, tickets selling
fast for the CCC Hope Ball 2012 10th Year Anniversary to be
held 17th November 2012.
Sales Manager & Promotions
James Fernandez
Sales & Accounts
Pradeep Fernando
These and many other stories will delight you in our reading of
this edition of Lanka Times and again, we always encourage the
community to share with us, stories of well achievers and people
who contribute and or go beyond the call of duty. Even have a
Lanka Times
P. O. Box 5191
Hughesdale, Victoria 3166, Australia.
Tel: 0410666506
We remind everyone who has a business, small or large does not
matter, and would like to advertise, please feel free to contact
Lanka Times.
All queries can be forwarded to
Hope you are all enjoying my little humour each month, and
don’t be afraid to share with me some of your own!!
Published by
Now for the more unbashful of you who appreciate a little
The difference between in-laws and outlaws? Outlaws are
And if you still need convincing....
Now that food has replaced sex in my life, I can't even get into
my own pants.
Until next time….enjoy and remain safe
From all of us at Lanka Times!
In this month…
Special Features:
Page 16 - Pradeep Sanjaya - The Greatest Paralympian of Sri lanka
Page 6 - Rizwan Ahmed runs for Counsellor in Monash
Page 13 - A Man and his Music - EPISODE TWENTY NINE
Page 24 - Child abuse in a brutalised society
Page 28 - Sri SumangalaCollege Panadura Dinner Dance
Page 8 - Entertainment - Ivan Alvis
Page 12 - Let's Share, Have your Say
Page 14 - Reflections
Page 18 - Sports
Page 25 - Out N About Melbourne
Page 31 - Good Health
Page 33 - Good Food - Guest Chef, Riza
Page 34 - Classifieds
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About Lanka Times
Lanka Times is a monthly publication designed to keep the
community informed of events both here and abroad. We
look forward to bringing you new and exciting features each
month and always welcome feedback from readers of what
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SEPTEMBER 2012 - Issue 55
lanka times
SEPTEMBER 2012 - Issue 55
lanka times
SEPTEMBER 2012 - Issue 55
lanka times
Rizwan Ahmed runs for
Counsellor in Monash
On August 10, 2012, Rizwan Ahmed declared his
candidacy for the 2012 Council Elections for the City
of Monash in the Mount Waverley ward as a Counsellor.
The campaign launch was held at Grande Forno Bistro
in Ashwood and was attended by a few dozen people.
He is currently the CEO of Universal Institute of
Technology which is a college teaching Business, English
& Multimedia to local & international students. Other
than education he also has other business interests in
Telecommunications, Media & Entertainment and a
non for profit school in India. He is charismatic cool
headed independent-minded leader with a knack
for consensus-building. A graduate of Swinburne
University he is unafraid to speak and hear hard truths
when necessary.
Rizwan Ahmed has proven himself as a successful
businessman with a passion to help and serve the
community. During his speech he mentioned that
“City of Monash should be a leader for other councils.
A great city is measured by the quality of the lives of
the people who live in it. We should be the benchmark for
great government, great community living and great business”.
Creating job opportunities, keeping rates low, safety, security
and crime in the area were some of his concerns.
He also mentioned he will steadfastly represent Monash’s
interests both locally, and at the regional, provincial and
federal levels, remain party neutral and negotiate the best deals
for Monash regarding such issues as Roads, infrastructure
and services and grants, will actively involve with other
councillors to manage the Council finances to reduce any
unnecessary expenses by implementing policies and controls
on spending. Provide strategic leadership to develop relevant
policies that will ensure a strong and vibrant Monash. Support
and encourage the community-based programs, and our
volunteers, so essential to Monash.
A proud family man of Indian origin married to a Korean
girl and a strong believer in multiculturalism says he has what
it takes to make the difference and is passionate about his
commitment to serve the people in a real and proper way. He
was well received by the people in the room with huge cheer
and applause.
SEPTEMBER 2012 - Issue 55
lanka times
As the proud editor of Australia’s “LANKA TIMES”, I have been very proud
indeed to introduce many diverse talents from around the world and, more
especially, from Sri Lanka, my “lovely island home” as I tend to call her, in song.
Now, it is not only with pride and pleasure but also with the greatest of respect
that I introduce ECT Candappa (Manny) to all the good readers of both our
newspaper and, more recently, the Internet.
While the writer does feel certain that ECTC should already be, as the phrase
suggests, “a household word” to thousands of Sri Lankans everywhere, Manny has
always kept a low profile and, I feel has always been, is now, and always will be, the
humblest, nicest “gentle” man that one could ever hope to meet.
Born in Colombo in 1930, a student of St Benedict’s college, with distinct literary
leanings, he often drove his teachers mad when he would write English essays
in rhyming couplets simply because he loved poetry. Then he went on to win
awards for poetry on radio Ceylon’s Catholic Hour (1957) and in the Catholic
Messenger in 1958.
Manny Candappa is now 82 years young and to say that his life so far has been
very hectic would be the understatement of the year. He entered main stream
journalism in 1952 starting right at the bottom of the ladder and worked his
way to become one of the most prolific, well-known journalists in Sri Lanka.
Thousands of his articles have been published. In between times, he has worked
as a reporter, parliamentary and lobby correspondent, courts reporter, editor and if
all this wasn’t enough, he also broadcast occasionally on Radio Ceylon. Six of his
plays were also staged in Colombo. He was once stringer for several international
publications including Time/Life, The New York Times, The London Daily Mirror,
and the Hindustan Times to name just a few.
He has already authored no less than eight books, still keeps writing, dedicating his
latest book “Headlines and Deadlines – Jottings of a Journo” to his beloved wife
Yvonne with his own heart felt words “for walking beside me and holding my hand
through thirty of my fifty years of journalism, sharing the joys and bearing part of
the load when it grew too heavy, making it easier to carry and dispelling the gloom
with the sunshine of your smile. He’s the proud father of two son, two daughter one
grand son and four grand daughters to date.
As I have said earlier, it is not only with pride and pleasure but this writer together
with the rest of the “Lanka Times” team sincerely feel it a privilege to welcome
Manny and excerpts from the writings of this journalist extraordinaire. The excerpts
from Headlines and Deadlines – Jotting of a journo” will be published exclusively in
the Lanka Times and this fine book will be available for $25. Personally I’ve enjoyed
the book. Memories are marvelous, aren’t they?
The Barren Bough
I stood beside a pond at dawn
And watched a maiden shyly bring
The hope and promise of the morn
In the sprouting green of spring.
I climbed the summer hills at noon
Observed the pollen laden flowers
Pregnant with a mellow boon,
Fragrant from a thousand showers.
But in the boulevards, the blaze
Of day had turned to sudden cold;
And cherry trees, before my gaze
Their flush of green began to fold.
No fruits were in the market there,
And none upon the wintered bough.
For me the trees were always bare
Of fruit, why am I pining now.
The hope and yearning of the boy
Died with the maiden’s morning face
And left me here bereft of joy,
Dreaming in a draughty place.
From “the First Born” and Other Poems
By ECT Candappa.
SEPTEMBER 2012 - Issue 55
lanka times
With Ivan Alvis
The excitement
Hi! Mates,
Cricket lovely cricket continues to dominate the Sri Lankan scene, and it’s going to be the best of cricket action – till October 7th,
2012, when the finals of the T20 World Cup is worked out at the R. Premadasa Stadium. I’m sure the Sri Lankan contingent from
Australia is already in Colombo, enjoying what their land of birth has to offer them, by way of entertainment. There’s plenty for one
to check out – nightclubs, discos, and lots of other events, specially created for the huge crowd expected for the T20.
An Ultravibes Music Festival is also scheduled to be held during this period – on September 22nd, at the Open Air Arena (opposite
Nelum Pokuna), featuring Liviu Hodor, Mona, Lil B (from India), Mikel Romero (Spain), Tim Tim, and Vanilla (Australia). By the
way, the Open Air Arena is better known as the Viharamahadevi Amphitheatre. We did have a big act in our midst last month – Maxi
Priest, But, unfortunately, his concert, held in Hikkaduwa, didn’t draw the expected crowd: a little over a thousand were present. And
even Maxi Priest couldn’t generate that kind of excitement that sends a crown into frenzy!
The Colombo Music Festival, held in August, wasn’t a success either. There were a few foreign acts but the crowd support wasn’t there.
At some venues, there were more artistes on stage that people in the audience.
Love to hear from my readers. You could contact me at:
Yashan – Game Over
Yashan de Silva
Surprises galore!
Popular rap and hip-hop artiste, Yashan de Silva, who celebrated his birthday on Sunday, August 12th, is working on his third album. He has also released an English song, called
“Game Over,” and has a few more surprises for his fans.
Well, I’m working on my third studio album and I just released a brand new English song, called “Game Over.” I’m also in the process of producing a song for Shanudrie, one of the
youngest actresses in Sri Lanka. I’ve also done a re-make of a song by the late Clarence Wijewardena.
Elaborating on his English song, Yashan went on to say that it’s hip house/dance hop song.
“The song was written by me and it features Salome De Silva, a.k.a Esdee, as a female vocalist. It took us almost two months just to produce the audio of the song. We worked really
hard on this one. My main focus on this song is to get international recognition for my music and for my country as well. I have already proved it by getting my songs featured on
BBC RADIO 1 and BBC WORLD SERVICE” and this time I’m hoping to take it even further.”
As for hip house and dance hop, Yashan explained that hip house, also known as house rap, is a musical genre that mixes elements of house music and hip-hop. It’s very popular in
nightclubs and garnered substantial chart success in recent times.
Dance hop is dance-oriented pop music which is generally up-tempo music intended for clubs with the intention of being danceable but also suitable for contemporary hit radio.
Dance hop music is generally characterized by strong beats with easy, uncomplicated song structures.
Yashan’s most recent Sinhala release was “Kadulu poth” - a R&B love song. “We are shooting the music video for this song. It’s going to be a totally different video - something you
would not expect from me.”
Yashan also said he is very keen to help upcoming artists
“I have been doing this throughout my career. I have my own production label, called “HOT MUSIC RECORDS,” and I have, to date, successfully produced seven artists - Thimo,
Young One, Miss Chey, Rayah, Miss Nyce, Player, Sujan and now Shanudrie.
SEPTEMBER 2012 - Issue 55
lanka times
Swinging Colombo with Ivan Alvis
* NAME: Eranga.
* AGE: 20.
* GENDER: Male.
(Playing rugby)
* NAME: Ruvi.
* AGE: 27.
* GENDER: Male.
(SMS chatting)
* NAME: Rakitha.
* AGE: 21.
* GENDER: Male.
(Composing verses)
* NAME: Gogul.
* AGE: 20.
* GENDER: Male.
(Net browsing,
reading, plating
Hey, why not extend your circle of friends by connecting with the following Sri Lankans,
back home, via SMS chat:
– his forte
side of Sohan
We all know Sohan Weerasinghe as the leader of the very popular band, The
We also know him as a lovely singer, a very entertaining performer, and a nice guy
in every way. But I wonder how many of us are really aware of the charitable side of
On August 3rd, 2012, Sohan, along with two friends, went into action and organized
a lunch at an orphanage for kids.
The money and clothes were donated and the trio did the needful.
Sohan says it was a memorable moment for him and he enjoyed being in the
company of the kids.
“I am trying to create awareness as I
know there are lots of good people in
the world who want to help. All I’m
tying to do is to make it easier for them
to lend a hand, even in a very small way.
Rukshan Perera
The DVD is in aid of the Unity
Mission Trust, an organization
committed to fostering unity,
reconciliation and peace amongst
the children of Sri Lanka, via
Integration Camps.
There are a variety of songs on this
DVD, and the tracks are:
He went on to say that the kids, at this
particular orphanage, would love to
have some clothes, soap, school book,
shoes, slippers, dry rations.
“I never knew these kids could give so
much of affection. It has been a pleasure
and a privilege, and I’ve decided to
devote some time to them, in spite of
my buy schedule.”
Sohan’s charitable side was highlighted
on his Facebook page, and the response
was overwhelming, he says.
Rukshan Perera, the multi-talented,
composer, arranger and music
director, launched his new DVD,
made up of all originals, composed
by Rukshan himself.
Sohan – bringing
smiles to many kids
Kaviya (a simple Pal Kaviya,
arranged with brass instruments
and jazzed up with piano and
guitar solos), Coming Home To
You (about Rukshan’s return to
Sri Lanka), Feel Like A Butterfly,
Amazing Grace/Lord’s Prayer
(a parallel arrangement in a capella),
Nature’s Calling (an environmental
song), Scatting Demo (a demo of scatting
in harmony), Just For You, I’ll Keep
Fighting (a cancer patient’s struggle),
Harmony Whistle Demo, Something
Is Happening, Nursery Rhapsody (a
rhapsody of popular Sri Lankan Nursery
Rhymes arranged in the style of Queen’s
Bohemian Rhapsody), Let’s Make History
(a song of reconciliation), Reality, Acapella
Medley (popular 60s and 70s Sri Lankan
songs in a capella style), Sri Lankan Blues,
DoiDoiDoi, and One Land For All.
Rukshan’s compositions vary from a
capellas (with unusual arrangements and
harmonies), to songs (relating to day-today life), to powerful lyrics that touches
one’s heart, to jazzy arrangements, with Sri
Lankan tunes.
vocalist in the jazz circle and has performed
jazz concerts in the United States.
He was associated with the Super
Golden Chimes (Clarence Wijeywardena
and Annesley Malawana) as a young
keyboardist while still attending school
(Royal) back in the 70s.
Rukshan launched his album of English
originals in January, 2011. He says he now
hopes to do a jazz album, a Sinhala album,
and a Christmas/Gospel album in the near
After returning from the US, Rukshan
launched his debut concert in January,
2011 with all original material, with a
repeat the show on August 28th, 2011, at
Bishops College Auditorium.
Rukshan, by the way, is the brother of
Melamtha )of Mirage fame)
A multi-instrumentalist: While the guitar
is the main instrument, Rukshan also plays
piano, harmonica, and other instruments.
He is also a well known jazz guitarist/
SEPTEMBER 2012 - Issue 55
lanka times
The American Election is now upon us. The “BLURB”
is all around us. We, in Australia have seen the many
candidates for this “TOP JOB” come and go, as they
have done, with monotonous regularity. The simple fact
of the matter is that the “TOP MAN” for the “TOP
JOB” is already in place.
The “LANKA TIMES” steers away from politics in
general, but this is much more a story of the “person”
rather than “politics” and this writer has already made it
quite clear on more than one occasion that, in President
Obama, we now have a man who took the reins of his
great country in both hands, who sat in the driver’s seat
with a confidence that has to be seen to be believed and
“steered” America through many “rough patches” that
would certainly have given most others in his place very
severe nervous breakdowns indeed.
With the unrest prevalent all around our world at the
moment, the financial crises, “local”
problems by the dozen, crime, drugs,
suicide, marriages due to lust alone
(heterosexual, understandable and
permissible), same sex marriages
(say again?!, for crying out loud !),
thuggery, racial tensions, fires, floods,
volcanic eruptions, the list goes
on and on and on, one might well
wonder who, in their right minds
would wish to gather in all this
“crap” and then sort it all out. Well,
President Barak Obama has done just
this unflinchingly. Better, in my own
opinion, than any other president of
the modern era. This man, it seems,
approaches each problem seriously,
but at the same time, with a smile.
He certainly seems to have the knack
of winning over the most cynical
diplomats with an ease that belies the
sheer magnitude issues confronting
A thorough “commonsense factor” is his forte and I
have actually seen him (on television) interrupt an
important meeting with the Russian President in order
to go out together for some “Lunch” when he (Obama)
felt hungry. Now, which other “President” would do
this? I would say none. Oh no, they would much rather
“sit tight” with their problems, feeling their stomachs
shaking hands with their backbones, hunger gnawing
away at their guts, getting increasingly testy and, in the
process, creating a “mountain” of an enigma out of a
“Molehill” of a problem. President Obama however,
seems to understand that, world problems cannot be
solved on an empty stomach. He feels hungry; he gets
himself something to eat! Problem solved. It’s as easy
as that.
O. K., O. K., don’t get your underpants tied in a knot,
dear reader, this is just my example of the obvious
“calmness of the man.” I am certain that the President
of the United States of America must have moments
of uncertainty. However, “World Peace” depends, to a
great extent on him. He has to “transmit” feelings of
confidence to everyone concerned, and not least, to his
beautiful “First Lady” and two daughters who know that they
have someone who can be implicitly trusted to “look after
them” to the best of his ability. Barak Obama is, for his part,
fully conscious of all this.
As I have said before, and I’ll say it again, this world is now
in absolute turmoil. Half of it suffers in abject poverty. Also,
on recent television, I watched a documentary in which the
presenter stated that the Island of Sri Lanka takes “in” five
times the amount of refugees that this great Island continent
allows. I was stunned! So, Sri Lanka gets about a hundred
thousand refugees in each year, while Australia is struggling to
cope with twenty thousand. What we do not hear is that quite
possibly, half of the refugees who went to Sri Lanka, in the first
place, were desperately now trying, once again, to “flee” to
other supposedly “first world” countries.
What we also do not hear is that 90% of these refugees
from Sri Lanka happen to be of Tamil origin, and one does
not need to be related to Albert Einstein to figure out that
although the “internal warfare” ended about three years ago,
many thousands of mostly Tamil people still feel uneasy and
unsure about what their futures are going to be. After all, if
trouble has been sporadic (unfortunately) since Kings Elara
and Dutugemunu what is the guarantee that peace will now
reign supreme forevermore?
This “refugee” problem now is a close runner-up to the heartrending “poverty” plague around the world. Every refugee that
I have heard of has been reduced to abject poverty by selling
everything they own, in order to find the passage money to
take them to somewhere, anywhere where they could find a
better life for themselves. I am now writing about Sri Lankan
refugees, only because, it is always better to vent one’s feelings
about the “known devil” rather than the unknown. My
own personal idea is this. Australia should be able to admit
many more processed refugees into this huge land. Whether
processed in Australia or in Timbuctoo, the procedure should
be humanitarian not overly long and “fair” in every respect.
There will undoubtedly be many “rotten apples” in each lot of
would-be entrants.
SEPTEMBER 2012 - Issue 55
These people should be “sent back” post haste to
where they came from, and their “governments” held
responsible for their “return fare.” Other “Dinkum”
refugees should be accepted on condition that they are
prepared to “work” anywhere in this country that has
given them succour, not try to pick and chose their
jobs, prove to be good hard workers and an eventual
boon to the country. Wherever job opportunities occur,
wherever they occur, Australian “citizens” should get
first reference. There are thousands of jobs that are “not
acceptable” to Aussies for one reason or another. I feel
certain that most refugees from Sri Lanka will accept
these “unwanted jobs” with open arms simply to make
a start here.
Give these refugees the jobs. Any excuses and out they
go. Total employment is imperative in any country.
Australia has been luckier than most other countries
in this regard and so, I say again, more refugees should
be welcomed to Australia, but, on
temporary visas only. They should
be prepared to work anywhere there
is work. Not expect to live just in
the major cities, prove, beyond any
doubt, that they are indeed an asset
rather than a liability to this country,
live according to the rules, laws,
and regulations of this country or
“go back to where they came from.”
When and only when any refugee has
proved beyond doubt that he/she is
fully acceptable, then, and only then
should they be granted Permanent
Residence here.
Anyone, already resident in Australia,
and “on the dole” for too long, should
“work for the dole,” accepting any
part-time/casual jobs that they are
offered until a more stable one is
obtained, be prepared to take a “drug
test” to prove that they are not using
dole money for drug use, as many are
doing right now. Tax payers should not be expected to
pay for the illegal drugs, used by people who just do not
wish to work and make an honest living. If you are not
one of the so-called “Druggie Dole Bludgers,” there is
absolutely no reason, as to why you should be afraid to
take a drug test.
To finish where I started, in November, this year we look
forward to another Presidential Election in the U. S. A.
I am hoping that President Obama will win this election,
and thus use his expertise and experience to prevent a
“Third World War” which is undoubtedly looming. If,
for some reason, this does not happen, although my
demise is undoubtedly, also looming, “Armageddon”
out of here even sooner. I really do not know where I
will be going, but as a Dinkum refugee myself, hopefully
“upwards.” This said I am fairly certain that all “people
smugglers” will go “downwards” to hell and they will
bloody well deserve it.
lanka times
Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth the Second had a horrible
year not too long ago as she herself said in public many
times, but her Diamond Jubilee recently could be
described as a complete success. Sixty years “on the
Throne” with an unblemished record as a Monarch, I offer
her the warmest congratulations on behalf of the Lanka
Times, and sincerely hope that she continues to reign for
many years to come. Many would-be Republicans around
the world have now “changed tack” and see us Royalists in
a different light. Look at it any way you like, but I think
that the world without British Royalty would be a dull
place indeed.
The superb organizing of all the Jubilee
celebrations (bar one) was faultless and did justice to her
Majesty. I watched (and taped) most of it simply because
it makes excellent viewing on “the box” which has hardly
anything to boast about nowadays. We have to take the
good with the bad but unfortunately, except for the
coverage above, the “news,” one or two decent “Docos” and
an “old movie” or
two, one might
as well leave the
television switched
off and listen to
some good music
on the A. B. C.
top class music
( Un f o r g e t t a b l e
meaningful lyrics,
tunes are almost
non-existent today.
around Australia,
with the exception of one or two, play absolute rubbish around
the clock. “Presenters,” in general seem to prefer the sound
of their own voices on air and talk about “talk-back” Radio
Programs, not very long ago, I was suitably shocked to hear many
“crow-calls” in an interview which was not restricted to just the
interviewee only. No, folks, it was not around midnight, in fact,
it was around lunch time on a local Melbourne Community
I actually telephoned the station, was put through to
the presenter, put on my best “British Accent” and inquired
as to whether they had not heard of the words “intercourse,”
“penium” (a good English word I coined up at that moment)
etc., the presenter, bless his black soul was taken aback, told me
that the famous Australian four-letter word was easier to say
than intercourse and went on to say that he had never heard of
“penium.” I then explained that it was a combination word for
“penis and cranium.” He told me that he much preferred the
word “dickhead” and further asked me why I had called him. I
told him that I was an English Aristocrat and was not too pleased
to hear all the “crow call filth” (I actually used the great crow call
to prove that I knew what both of us were talking about. He was
very rude, laughed out loud and hung up on me.
Something else that irks me no end nowadays is the fact
that with all the “brains” in show business today there seem to
be not a skerrick (the Aussie word for Iota) of originality among
the lot of them. Every vocalist of television at the moment is
supposed to be “the voice.” To me, most of “these voices” have
to scream their respective lungs off incoherently in order to get
“rave reviews” from the so-called judges. Once again, to me,
there are only one or two “judges” who can sing or perform. The
others are there on pretext.
To summarize, very briefly, screaming at the top of your lungs
is not necessarily singing. Tarzan screamed, but could not sing a
note. The one and only “voice” as far as I am concerned is the
original one, Frank Sinatra. As other great vocalists such as Tony
Bennet would agree, no-one could “phrase” a song like Sinatra
SEPTEMBER 2012 - Issue 55
did. Every pretty girl in his huge audiences imagined that
he was singing “to them.” Each word from “old blue eyes”
was like a caress. The Australian Aboriginal singer who
“sang for the queen” does have a beautiful unusual voice,
but then so do many other original Australians.
This brings me back to the reason for this article.
The only set-back to the Queen’s Diamond celebrations
as far as I was concerned was the fact that, quite publicly,
Lenny Henry insulted the great, unassuming Rolf Harris
at that London “Concert for the Queen.” Lenny, a
Comedian/Compere called on Rolf unexpectedly, it seems
to “fill-in” while Stevie Wonder’s crew were still getting
their “ACT” ready for the cameras. There was no excuse
for this. They are all professional people and should have
been ready to follow-up, but gentleman that he was, Rolf
Harris stepped in to do a number in the mean time. He
was introduced on by Lenny then interrupted halfway
through the song “Two Little Boys” by Lenny again which
not only looked very bad and unprofessional, but angered
me and many thousands who were watching the show.
Rolf Harris is a wonderful multi-talented artiste
and he took this insult like the gentleman he was, in
deference to the Queen, I believe, and Stevie Wonder
ultimately took over with an act that lasted for about ten
minutes. I am sure that he would not have minded if Rolf
had been allowed another two minutes to finish his own
song. There is absolutely no point in making lame excuses,
now Lenny, I am certain that you would not appreciate
being unceremoniously stopped halfway through one of
your own routines, would you? No, it did not look good.
It spoilt the whole show, probably embarrassed Rolf
and Stevie too, and brought you down a notch in my
estimation. You are a good comedian and a mimic, but
that was not funny. It was an “Interruptus Horribulous.”
Desmond Kelly
lanka times
Have your
A married couple were asleep when the phone rang at 2 in the morning. The wife (undoubtedly blonde), picked up
the phone, listened a moment and said 'How should I know, that's 200 miles from here!' and hung up. The husband
said, 'Who was that?' The wife said, 'I don't know, some woman wanting to know if the coast is clear.'
Two blondes are walking down the street. One notices a compact on the sidewalk and leans down to pick it up. She
opens it, looks in the mirror and says, 'Hmm, this person looks familiar.' The second blonde says, 'Here, let me see!'
So the first blonde hands her the compact.
The second one looks in the mirror and says, 'You dummy, it's me!'
Three friends, a Scotsman, an Englishman and a Sri
lankan want to get into the Olympics, but they haven't
got tickets.
The Scotsman picks up a manhole cover, tucks it under
his arm and walks to the gate.
" MacTavish , Scotland ," he says, "Discus Throwing "
and in he walks.
The Englishman picks up a length of scaffolding and
slings it over his shoulder." Waddington-Smith , England " he says, "Pole vault"
and in he walks.
The Sri lankan looks around and picks up a roll of Barbed
Wire and tucks it under his arm
"Saranelis Sumandasa arachige
" he says "Fencing"
A blonde suspects her boyfriend of cheating on her, so she goes out and buys a gun. She goes to his apartment
unexpectedly and when she opens the door she finds him in the arms of a redhead.
Well, the blonde is really angry. She opens her purse to take out the gun, and as she does so, she is overcome with
grief. She takes the gun and puts it to her head.
The boyfriend yells, 'No, honey, don't do it!!!'
The blonde replies, 'Shut up, you're next!'
A blonde was bragging about her knowledge of state capitals. She proudly says, 'Go ahead, ask me, I know all of
A friend says, 'OK, what's the capital of Wisconsin ?'
The blonde replies, 'Oh, that's easy: W.'
What did the blonde ask her doctor when he told her she was pregnant?
'Is it mine?'
Returning home from work, a blonde was shocked to find her house ransacked and burglarized. She telephoned the
police at once and reported the crime.
The police dispatcher broadcast the call on the radio, and a K-9 unit, patrolling nearby was the first to respond. As
the K-9 officer approached the house with his dog on a leash, the blonde ran out on the porch, shuddered at the
sight of the cop and his dog, then sat down on the steps.
Putting her face in her hands, she moaned, 'I come home to find all my possessions stolen. I call the police for help,
and what do they do? They send me a BLIND policeman.'
Sent in by - Bert Thurgood
Sent in by - Bert Thurgood What is 710
Have you heard this one?
What is 710?
A body builder named Ellis takes off his shirt
and the blonde says,
"What a Great chest you have!'
A few days ago I was having some work done at my local garage. A blonde
came in and asked for a seven-hundred-ten.
He tells her,
'That's 100 lbs. of dynamite, Baby.'
She replied, 'You know, the little piece in the middle of the engine, I have lost
it and need a new one.'
He takes off his pants and the blonde says,'
"What massive calves you have!'
She replied that she did not know exactly what it was, but this piece had always
been there.
We all looked at each other and another customer asked, 'What is a sevenhundred-ten?'
The mechanic gave her a piece of paper and a pen and asked her to draw what
the piece looked like.
The body builder tells her,
'That's 100 lbs. of dynamite, Baby.'
She drew a circle and in the middle of it wrote 710. He then took her over to a
car just like hers which had its hood up and asked, 'Is there a 710 on this car?'
He then removes his underwear and
the blonde goes running out of the
apartment screaming in fear.
She pointed and said, 'Of course, its right there.' The mechanic fainted.
If you're not sure what a 710 is
The body builder puts his clothes
back on and chases after her.
He catches up to her and asks why
she ran out of the apartment like that.
Look down
The blonde replies,
'I was afraid to be around all that dynamite after seeing how
short the fuse was!'
Sent in by - Chandra David
SEPTEMBER 2012 - Issue 55
lanka times
As a matter of fact, I ended up with
two or three separate Fan Clubs.
Hundreds of members, mostly
young girls would “flock” to the
concerts, stand on their seats, and
applaud with wild abandon.
If my life “B. D. W” (Before Dream World)
was hectic and exciting, “A. D” was triple the fun
because, in addition to my career in the Royal Ceylon
Navy, I was very much in demand for parties, dances,
concerts, and “Floorshows” all around the country. I
also “featured” on many “Radio Shows,” twice or thrice,
featured on a show called “Spotlight” and together with
the “Semi-tones” (my singing group) toured around the
Island, playing in most of the large hotels of Ceylon
(Sri Lanka). I did “floorshow” spots in nearly every
“nightclub” that was a “feature” in these hotels like
the “Mascarilla” in the Galle Face Hotel, the “Little
Hut” at the Mount Lavinia Hotel and many more such
Again, for the second time in my short life
so far, I appeared practically” at every “large hotel”
in and around Sri Lanka. Of course, because I was
still a member of the “Senior Service,” show business
was, even then, only part-time and because of all the
support and encouragement from all the “Officers and
Gentlemen” of the “Force,” I was able to combine my
double-career quite easily. There was no question of
any long-standing “contracts” in my “Showbiz” career;
most of the “singing and entertaining” was done on the
Another reason for all the encouragement that
was given to me was due to the fact that I got “top
billing” at dances and functions, held for not only the
Navy, but also for the Army, and the Air-Force. I can
quite honestly say that hardly a weekend passed by
when I was not “entertaining,” and even though it was
very tiring for me, I loved every minute of it. Because
of the “Radio-Spots” and “Concerts,” because I always
put 110% of effort into everything I did on stage, the
“Fan-Clubs” began to take shape.
Again, I must say that I had no idea, as to how
many persons were involved in these “Fan-Clubs.” I
do know that my old buddy, Bill Forbes had a huge
“Fan-Club” in Ceylon, but after he left for England,
many of these members switched over to the “Desmond Kelly
Fan Club.” As a matter of fact, I ended up with two or three
separate Fan Clubs. Hundreds of members, mostly young
girls would “flock” to the concerts, stand on their seats, and
applaud with wild abandon.
superb guitarist, now resident in Canada, my own
cousin Eardley Demmer, singing groups like the “Crake
Brothers,” the “Four Chords” and of course, my own
group the “Semitones,” top “Baila” exponents like M. S.
Fernando and Wally Bastiensz, the list goes on and on.
I did have many “marriage proposals,” most of them
only runaway flights of fancy on the part of the writers, some
of them quite serious, and I might have ended up as one of the
biggest land-owners in the country. The only drawback was
that I was already married. My wife certainly would not have
taken too kindly to the suggestion that I added “Bigamist” to
the “Entertainer” tag. Anyway, as I have always said, “ONE
I am taking nothing away from some of the
great artistes, bands, and groups that followed us. In
a world that is steadily getting smaller and smaller,
these entertainers have had the good fortune of “going
abroad” to “do their thing.” Although, sadly, quite a
few of the above named had to leave our Motherland
for various reasons; but, “those were the days.” The
“Forties and Fifties” was an “Era apart.” We may have
not been able to “tour abroad” as often, but the talents
we boasted of in our Country were second to none.
In addition to all the “Hoo-Haa” that was going on,
I was also still “working” for Donovan Andree who I have
already described as the biggest entrepreneur that Ceylon
was lucky to have. I would need an entire book to adequately
“cover” everything he did for “Showbiz” in Sri Lanka. Just to
list everyone who he helped in the business would take quite a
few pages in this book. He was a man who was “bigger” than
life, and many entertainers, myself included, would never
have seen the “spotlight” that is so very necessary for people
like us to “tread the boards” (a well known showbiz phrase)
and “strut our stuff.”
Anybody who was anyone in the field of
entertainment in Ceylon, at the time, worked for this great
man at one time or another. During the “fabulous forties
and fifties,” Sri Lanka boasted some of the finest exponents
in the art of Show-business. Again, to list everyone would be
impossible, there were so many.
Names that come immediately to my mind are
talents such as Rukmani Devi, Erin De Selfa, Lyle Godrich,
Bill Forbes, Cliff Foenander, Denis Roberts, Conrad De Silva,
Gerry Crake, bands like the “millionaires,” the Gazali Amit
Quintet,” Christine De Silva (later Gamalathge), Harold
Seneviratne, his saxophone and his band, Melroy (Passe) De
Silva (brother of Christine and a great “jazz” guitarist), pianists
like Dr. Guli (also known as Dr. Jazz), Selvi Perimpanayagam,
a superb pianist, Ronny Bartholameusz, his brother David,
Raife Jansz, another fine pianist, Wadham Dole, Adrian
Ferdinands, both great drummers, Rudi Bernado, drummer
extraordinaire, (he was a Phillipino musician), one of the
flashiest drummers I ever had the fortune of seeing. I would
classify him along with drummers such as Buddy Rich and
Gene Krupa, Elmo Mullholland, one of the finest doublebass players in the Country at the time, Milroy Silva, a
SEPTEMBER 2012 - Issue 55
As time went by, another entrepreneur came
into the limelight in Ceylon. His name was Mubarak
Thaha. While not as colourful as Donovan, he also
did his best to give the Sri Lankans the very best
entertainment possible. He was also a millionaire and
this helped. One of the first “venues” he purchased was
a Night Club called the “Atlanta.” He tried to run this
club on the same lines as the “Silver Fawn” nightclub
which Donavan owned. Mubarak also “booked” a
“stage show” by the name of “Mayombe” for a season in
In my next episode for the LANKA TIMES,
I will give my readers more details of this show
More next month.
lanka times
The Ministering human
Angel of God
"For I was hungry, and you gave me food; I was thirsty,
and you gave me drink; I was a stranger, and you took
me in; I was naked, and clothed me; I was sick, and you
visited me. Assuredly, I say to you, inasmuch you did it
to one of the least of these, you did it to me."(Mathew:
25; Vs: 35, 36 and 40")
abandoned children, disabled, victims of failed abortions and
drug addicts.
Mother Teresa also vehemently opposed abortion, and this
Nobel Prize winner for her humanitarian work had once said,
"The greatest destroyer of peace today is abortion, because it
With the inspiration of the Holy Spirit, and
following the Divine Providence, Gonxha, a twelve
year old Albanian girl, whose Christian name Agnes
decided to sacrifice her entire life for the poor and
the destitutes who suffer without their basic needs
for existence. She joined a Religious Order, and
consecrated herself entirely to God, and in the year
1929, when Gonxha visited Madras, she found herself
surrounded by human misery, which turned her
entire life for their welfare, remembering the God's
call "to be a Missionary of Charity is the hidden
treasure for me". She, having this in mind and despite
many obstacles confronted travelled to Calcutta and
kept on begging to get what were needed for poor and
those unfortunate destitutes suffering with various
incurable diseases.
Mother Teresa's reputation as a humanitarian
sympathizer and a worker spread rapidly beyong India,
and against many opposition she faced, this frail
ministering human angel from heaven dressed in an
ordinary cotton white saree with blue stripes along the
border and a small Cross at the shoulder, visited many
countries in the world with the intention of serving
the unfortunate people who were undergoing pain
and grief, and her motto was to treat everyone alike
irrespective of race, religion and social condition.
This Congregation of Missionaries of Charity founded
by Mother Teresa has over 4000 members spread in
120 countries in the world, and Mother Teresa, who
won the Nobel Prize, the Prestigious Padmashri Prize
in India, the Magsaysay Prize in Philippines and
several other awards for her humanitarian work for the
poor, the sick and those without basic necessaties for
their living, died on 15th September, 1997, at the age
of 87 years and was beatified within six months after
her death,19th October, 2003 by Pope John Paul II.
In the year 1931, Gonxha made her final vows of
poverty, chastity and obedience and chose the name
of Teresa in honor of St.Theresa of Lesieux, to whom
she had a special devotion from her young age. Teresa,
after an attack of Tuberculosis left the Convent in
great sorrow to help the poorest of the poor living in
the slums and suffering with typhoid fever, malaria
and various other deadly infectious deseases and dying
on the Streets of Calcutta, and once again convinced
that she was called by God to dedicate her life to the
rescue of these most unfortunate ones, with great
difficulty this worn out Nun was able to get poorly
maintained building, and she made this home for
is direct killing of the child by mother herself, and I am
a Catholic Nun, and as to my calling I belong to the
world, and my heart entirely to Jesus".
There have been numerous instantaneous and
permanent cures in people through her intercession,
which cannot be scientifically explained, and
in examining these miracles the process for the
Canonization of Mother Teresa is being studied by the
Church and very soon this founder of Missionaries
of Charity and the humaniarian ministering Angel of
God in the 21st century will be "Saint Mother Teresa."
Michael Pieris
SEPTEMBER 2012 - Issue 55
lanka times
As a Tenant or a Landlord you can solve your tenancy problems with Victorian Civil and
Administrative Tribunal (VCAT) without going to the court and sepending a lot of money.
Disputes VCAT we can hear
applications by a landlord or tenant under a retail
premises lease
applications by a specialist retail valuer, seeking
resolution of a retail tenancy dispute.
Application Types
There are two types of applications which may be brought
in the Retail Tenancies List. These are:
• An application for an injunction, usually to prevent a
landlord from taking possession of retail premises or
to regain possession of retail premises.
• An application to damages. For example, a claim for
rent in arrears.
How to apply
The person who makes the application is called the
The person you are claiming against is called the
Complete the appropriate application form. Make sure
you name the parties correctly. Failure to do this may
result in the wrong people attending the hearing or an
order being made but not enforceable.
Lodge the application form and the fee.
You must pay a fee with this application.
You can pay the fee by:
Mail: If mailing the application you can pay by
credit card, cheque or money order made out to the
Victorian Civil and Administrative Tribunal.
Fax: If faxing the application you can only pay
by credit card. You will also need to complete a
‘Payment by Credit Card’ form available from the
miscellaneous forms page on the VCAT website or
by calling VCAT.
In person: If paying in person at the Ground Floor,
55 King Street, Melbourne you can pay over the
counter by credit card, cheque, money order, cash
or eftpos.
You can find current fees in VCAT web site.
You may be able to have the fee waived - that is, not pay
a fee.
Can you have a lawyer or someone to help?
NOTE: VCAT must decide according to the law even if
no lawyers are allowed at the final hearing.
Parties may be represented (subject to permission or the
legislation) as there is an advantage in hearing informally
what is going to be said about the facts and the law at a
Knowledge and authority of those attending:
Even if represented you must attend with:
• someone who has personal knowledge of the issues
in dispute; AND
proof of that person’s ability to participate in the settlement
process; AND
proof of that person’s ability to bind you to any settlement.
Compulsory Conferences
The functions of a compulsory conference are:
• to identify and clarify the nature of the issues in dispute in
the proceeding;
• to promote a settlement of the proceeding;
• to identify the questions of fact and law to be decided by
VCAT; and
• to allow the VCAT Member to give directions concerning
the conduct of the proceeding.
Attendance Is Compulsory
You must attend – if you do not the case may go against you at
the compulsory conference.
How to prepare for a compulsory conference
It is best to bring as much as you can with you to the compulsory
conference – treat it as a rehearsal for the hearing. You may also
bring persons that will be at the hearing to give evidence, but
they may not be allowed in to the compulsory conference all
the time.
Hearings that decide your case
VCAT hearings are legal and affect the rights of all parties to the
Hearings are open to the public except if VCAT orders them
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VCAT website Daily Hearings page.
If you want your hearing to be closed to the public, you must
make that request at the commencement of the hearing.
What happens at a hearing
The person hearing the case (the Member - or in some cases the
President or Vice President) may spend some time seeing if the
parties can agree to resolve the dispute without a full hearing.
If the parties cannot agree, the Member will start the hearing.
Behaviour: everyone must be polite.
When your case is called move into the hearing room and make
sure you are ready to present your case.
Stand (unless it is difficult for you to do so) when the VCAT
Member enters the room and remain standing until invited by
the Member to sit.
The usual way to address the VCAT Member is as “Sir” or
“Madam” or as Ms or Mr and the Member’s surname. The
President is addressed as "Your Honour" and Vice Presidents are
addressed as "Judge".
Witnesses and Witness statements
Verbal evidence from witnesses is much more valuable
than written statements or letters. If witnesses can’t give
evidence in person they may provide written evidence in
an affidavit or statutory declaration.
VCAT makes its decision after it has heard all the evidence
and submissions.
VCAT must give reasons for its decision. It may decide to
give oral or written reasons for its final order.
If VCAT gives oral reasons, a party may request the
Tribunal to give written reasons. Such a request must be
made within 14 days from the date upon which the oral
reasons were given.
VCAT grants the decision within six weeks of the final
Review or appeal a VCAT decision
Decisions of VCAT can be appealed only on a question
of law.
A party may seek leave to appeal a decision to the Supreme
Court of Victoria. If you want to appeal you should seek
legal advice immediately after VCAT has made an order.
Time limits apply.
If a Member of VCAT who is a Judge of the Supreme
Court or County Court makes the decision, leave to
appeal must be given by the Court of Appeal.
If other Members of VCAT make the decision, leave to
appeal must be given by the Supreme Court.
Contact Information
VCAT - Retail Tenancies List ,55 King St,Melbourne
VIC 3000Australia
Postal Address: GPO Box 5408 ,Melbourne VIC
Ausdoc DX 210576 Melbourne
Telephone: (03) 9628 9960
Facsimilie: (03) 9628 9988
Office Hours: 9.00 a.m. to 4.30 p.m.
SOURCE - Victorian Civil and Administrative Tribunal
Oath or Affirmation: Each party and any witnesses are asked to
make an oath or affirmation. This is a formal promise to tell the
truth in the hearing.
The case is decided on the evidence given at the hearing. You
have to prove that you are entitled to what you are claiming or
what you are providing in defence to a claim against you.
SEPTEMBER 2012 - Issue 55
lanka times
SEPTEMBER 2012 - Issue 55
lanka times
SEPTEMBER 2012 - Issue 55
lanka times
Sri Lanka set
for tilt at winning T20
World Cup at home
With Trevine Rodrigo
Sri Lanka will launch out an all out assault on winning the T20 World
Cup at home desperately attempting to break the drought of being unable
to win any of the three World Cup finals they have entered in the past five
Daunting as the task may be it is the Islanders strongest hope yet of getting
past that elusive last step which has seen them stumble at the post in the
last two World Cups and the 2008 T20 World Cup where they were
beaten by Pakistan in the final.
Mahela Jayawardene has stressed that the team is ready to go but it will be
imperative that they execute their game plans to perfection if his side is to
grab the glory of the shortest and most exciting format of the game.
But to win, the Lankans will be challenged to be consistent, a factor that
has been their bugbear in the recent past.
Defending champions England arrived with an air of confidence that they
can defend their crown and go back-to-back. But the West Indies have
suddenly sprung into calculations as a pre-tournament favourite while you
can never write off the Australians who made the last final, the Indians,
Pakistanis and the South Africans who are unbeatable on their day.
After a year since the World Cup which was held in India, Pakistan, Sri
Lanka and Bangladesh, the spotlight shifts back once more to Sri Lanka
who will showcase what a great host they are in the sporting world.
The beautiful Indian Ocean Island have been lavish in their preparation of
the prestigious tournament and every team is assured of some of the finest
hospitality you could ever wish for during tours there.
Cricket World Cup fever has blanketed the nation once more and tourists
are pouring in from all round the globe to witness the spectacular shorter
version of the game which suffice to say, is quickly spreading like wildfire
among the cricket loving countries in the world.
Sri Lanka Cricket named two uncapped players in the final 15-man squad
for the upcoming World T20 to be played next month.
Munaweera and 18 year-old
spinner Akila Dananjaya were
included in the squad that does not
include repeated failure Chamara
Kapugedera, who was tipped to get a
place in the squad despite his recent
poor form.
Wicket-keeper Kumar Sangakkara
and pace-bowler Nuwan Kulasekera
have been included in the squad
subject to their recovery from injury.
The nature of T20 cricket makes the
task of predicting a winner almost
impossible and with the world
rankings in all formats of the game
so close these days it makes for a
cracking scenario of a fantastic three
weeks of cricket which is bound to
be pulsating through its entirety.
Whoever comes away with the spoils
in the end enhances their reputation
on the World stage but the ultimate
winners will be the thousands of
spectators who get the opportunity
of enjoying the thrill of the T20
style of the game while being able to
enjoy the delights of one of the best
tourist destinations in the world.
SEPTEMBER 2012 - Issue 55
Nawroz Mangal (captain), Dawlat Zadran, Gulbadin
Naib, Hamid Hassan, Izzatullah Dawlatzai, Karim
Sadeq, Mohammad Jawed Ahmadi, Mohd Nasim Baras,
Mohammad Nabi, Mohammad Shahzad, Mohammad
Asghar Stanikzai, , Najibullah Zadran, Samiullah Shinwari,
Shafiqullah Shafaq, Shapur Zadran.
George Bailey (capt), Travis Birt, Dan Christian, Pat
Cummins, Xavier Doherty, James Faulkner, Aaron
Finch, Ryan Harris, Ben Hilfenhaus, Brad Hogg, David
Hussey, Mike Hussey, Mitchell Johnson, Ben Laughlin,
Mitchell Marsh, Shaun Marsh, Glenn Maxwell, Andrew
McDonald, Clint McKay, Dirk Nannes, Stephen O'Keefe,
Tim Paine (wk), Rob Quiney, Steven Smith, Mitchell
Starc, Adam Voges, Matthew Wade (wk), David Warner,
Shane Watson, Cameron White.
Abdur Razzak, Abul Hasan, Al-Amin Hossain, Alauddin
Babu, Alok Kapali, Anamul Haque, Elias Sunny, Enamul
Haque Jnr, Farhad Reza, Imrul Kayes, Jahurul Islam,
Junaid Siddique, Kazi Kamrul Islam, Mahmudullah,
Mashrafe Mortaza, Mohammad Ashraful, Mominul
Haque, Mushfiqur Rahim (capt & wk), Naeem Islam,
Nasir Hossain, Nazmul Hossain, Raqibul Hasan, Sabbir
Rahman, Shafiul Islam, Shahadat Hossain, Shakib Al
Hasan, Shuvagata Hom, Sohag Gazi, Tamim Iqbal, Ziaur
Stuart Broad (capt), Jonny Bairstow, Ravi Bopara, Tim
Bresnan, Danny Briggs, Jos Butler, Jade Dembach, Steven
Finn, Alex Hales, Craig Kieswetter (wkt), Michael Lumb,
Eoin Morgan, Samit Patel, Graeme Swann, Luke Wright.
Ravichandran Ashwin, Lakshmipathy Balaji, Piyush
Chawla, Mahendra Dhoni (capt & wk), Ashok Dinda,
Gautam Gambhir, Zaheer Khan, Virat Kohli, Irfan Pathan,
Suresh Raina, Virender Sehwag, Rohit Sharma, Harbhajan
Singh, Yuvraj Singh, Manoj Tiwary.
Alex Cusack, George Dockrell, Trent Johnston, Nigel
Jones, Ed Joyce, Tim Murtagh, Kevin O'Brien, Niall
O'Brien (wk), William Porterfield (capt), Boyd Rankin,
Max Sorensen, Paul Stirling, Stuart Thompson, Andrew
White, Gary Wilson (wk).
New Zealand
Martin Guptill, Rob Nicol, Brendon McCullum, Ross
Taylor (capt), Kane Williamson, BJ Watling, James
Franklin, Jacob Oram, Nathan McCullum, Daniel Vettori,
Kyle Mills, Doug Bracewell, Tim Southee, Ronnie Hira,
Adam Milne.
Abdul Razzaq, Asad Shafiq, Imran Nazir, Kamran Akmal
(wk), Mohammad Hafeez (capt), Mohammad Sami, Nasir
Jamshed, Raza Hasan, Saeed Ajmal, Shahid Afridi, Shoaib
Malik, Sohail Tanvir, Umar Akmal, Umar Gul, Yasir Arafat.
Continued on Next Page
lanka times
Hashim Amla, Farhaan Behardien,
Johan Botha, AB de Villiers (capt &
wk), JP Duminy, Faf du Plessis, Jacques
Kallis, Richard Levi, Albie Morkel,
Morne Morkel, Justin Ontong,
Wayne Parnell, Robin Peterson, Dale
Steyn, Lonwabo Tsotsobe.
Darren Sammy (captain), Dwayne Bravo
(vice captain), Samuel Badree, Darren
Bravo, Johnson Charles, Fidel Edwards,
Chris Gayle, Kieron Pollard, Sunil
Narine, Denesh Ramdin, Ravi Rampaul,
Andre Russell, Marlon Samuels, Lendl
Simmons, Dwayne Smith.
Sri Lanka
Mahela Jayawardene (capt), Angelo
Thirimanne, Jeevan Mendis, Dilshan
Munaweera, Thisara Perera, Lasith
Malinga, Nuwan Kulasekara, Rangana
Herath, Ajantha Mendis, Dinesh
Chandimal, Shaminda Eranga, Akhila
Brendan Taylor (capt), Vusi Sibanda,
Matsikenyeri, Malcolm Waller, Elton
Chigumbura, Craig Ervine, Graeme
Cremer, Ray Price, Kyle Jarvis, Chris
Mpofu, Richard Muzhange, Brian Vitori,
Prosper Utseya, Forster Mutizwa.
Note: The following teams are not ranked as fewer than eight T20I matches played
since August 2010. Afghanistan; Netherlands; Scotland; Canada & Kenya.
Sri Lanka’s cricket future looks bleak
Pathetic performance by under -19 squad
Sri Lanka’s cricketing stocks appear bare if the
performance of the under-19 squad at the current junior
World Cup here in Australia is anything to go by.
The lacklustre Sri Lankans hardly raised an eyebrow
as the other leading cricketing nations bolstered their
image on the world stage with enough evidence of some
fine cricketers coming through to the elite level in the
years to come.
Not so Sri Lanka whose team lacked consistency and
enough firepower to even worry the top teams in the
This was probably the worst performance by a Sri Lankan
under-19 side ever and it begs the question as to what is
happening with their development, or lack of it, at grassroots
Quite in contrast, India showed that their cricketing future is
in good hands when they successfully defended their World
Cup championship status comprehensively beating host
nation Australia to underline their dominance at junior level.
Australia made 225-8 after being sent in to bat, with Captain
Champs again. India celebrates back to back World Cup wins.
William Bosisto scoring
87 not out. India started
strongly, then collapsed to
97-4 before Chand guided
the winners to 227-4 in the
48th over
Chand, who hit seven fours
and six sixes, shared in a
130-run partnership with
Smit Patel (62 not out),
who hit the winning runs
with eight balls remaining.
Australia, which also has
three under-19 World Cup
titles, had never lost a final
in the tournament.
Sri Lanka’s
African pace
Sri Lankan
Captains of participating teams with ICC World Cup
Pakistani centurion
Babar Azam
Australia’s Kurtis Patterson
makes a century against Nepal
Indian batsman Hanuma Vihari
ducks under a West Indian bouncer
SEPTEMBER 2012 - Issue 55
lanka times
Birds of a feather soar
together but Hawks fly
high above the rest
Business end of season will be fierce and unrelenting
disappointing 10th while
costing their favourite son Brett
Ratten his job in the process. It
certainly was not Ratten’s fault
that the team did not deliver
the pre-season promise and
some serious soul searching
must be done to unravel their
After 22 rounds of gruelling footy the cream of
the 2012 AFL season has risen to the top and it
must be said that there has been no season like it
in the history of the game, the intensity and close
competition was like never before.
Emerging from the pack after
timing their run to perfection are
Hawthorn, the touted pre-season
favourites, who initially looked
destined to fail much like Carlton,
but unlike the Blues, the Hawks
rallied to surge ahead and claim
the minor premiership in grand
Then to prove that their feat was
no flash-in-the-pan, the Hawks
went on to demolish the highly
rated Magpies to book themselves
a place a step away from the Grand Final.
Arriving stealthily from below the radar were Sydney
Swans who have shocked the competition by placing
themselves in a similar position to the Hawks by pulling
off a stunning win over Adelaide at the Crows home
Collingwood now battle West Coast and Adelaide will
match wits with Fremantle for the right to meet the
Hawks and Swans and with the season being what it
has been, there is no prizes for guessing who will make
it through particularly after the Dockers astonishing
demolition of defending champions Geelong.
Alistair Clarkson’s team have been a model for the other
teams in the competition showing the rest that hard
work and refusal to buckle when the heat is on are key
ingredients to resurrecting what seemed like a good plan
gone wrong initially. Hawthorn are nicely placed at the
top of the points table and only a major catastrophe will
see them tipped off their perch.
feathered variety, Adelaide
Crows, Sydney Swans,
and West Coast Eagles
made up the top five while
lurking in their shadows
and ready to pounce are
Melbourne Kangaroos and
the Freemantle Dockers all
capable of great things but
only if they turn up to play
on the day.
Perhaps my team the
Bombers were the worst
hit team of the competition
hampered by 19 players from the elite list struck down by soft
tissue injuries which saw them plummet from second on the
ladder nearing the half way mark to 11th in the end after a
shocking sequence of seven consecutive losses which effectively
ended their campaign.
Essendon coach James Hird was at a loss
to explain his team’s dismal
fall except for the heavy injury
toll, and many disillusioned
Bomber fans blamed bad
training techniques for the
debacle. Essendon did show
that with a full list they were
capable of matching it with
anyone but the loss of key
players threw them into
disarray and that is a worrying
factor for the future of the
young Bombers and their diehard fans.
All indications clearly show a
Hawthorn Premiership, their
last being in 2008, as they
are currently the best team by
far, but who they meet in the
Grand final will be the heated
debate around the country
as fans rally at their regular
watering holes to dissect the
plusses and minuses of their
teams as they march towards
glory and the ultimate prize of
a gruelling season.
It has been a topsy turvy season
for most clubs with upsets,
injuries and lack of depth
among lists being the major
contributor to the teams that
fell by the wayside in their
attempts to see September
Of the other teams of the
Ratten’s departure has the
club chasing legendary Mick
Malthouse the former successful
Collingwood coach but the
hefty price tag of 3 million
dollars does not necessarily
guarantee that they can soar to
win a premiership unless they
are committed enough. But
Malthouse may yet be able to
whip them into shape to play
finals next year.
Another team that promised
much but delivered little was
Richmond who have shown
though that they will be in
the reckoning for finals action
next year. They were brilliant
in patched but faded when the
expectation was there to win
against the easy beats of the
competition. It would have
been a steep learning curve for
the boys from Punt Road and
they may be better next year for
the experience.
Western Bulldogs Melbourne,
and new entrants Gold Coast and Greater Western
Sydney have much to do to gain notice at the top. Their
form suggests that much remedial action is needed off
season to get them to the top and Port in particular
paid the ultimate price for their indifferent form losing
coach and favourite son Matthew Primus for their lack
of application.
Carlton was by far the
disappointment of the season
showing glimpses of a side
capable of knocking off anyone
in the top eight but conceding
defeat to the lesser known’s
and ending their season a
SEPTEMBER 2012 - Issue 55
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SEPTEMBER 2012 - Issue 55
lanka times
Singapore beat Sri Lanka
in nerve-tingling finale
The Singapore netball team after their come-from-behind victory at the 8th Asian
Championship final against hosts and favourites Sri Lanka.
(Pic by Jude Pathiraja)
by Reemus Fernando
occasions proved to be too costly.
Sri Lanka solely depended on Tharjini for goal shooting
yesterday. The goal attackers, namely, experienced
campaigner Shashika Samarasinghe
and her replacement Semini Alwis
(she played during the last three
quarters), did not make a single
scoring attempt. Instead, they
kept relying on Tharjini to do the
Co-captain Gayathri Lankathilake,
who changed positions from the
center to wing attacker, later on
lost the control of the ball on a
couple of occasions, while the
wingers were beaten by their speedy
counterparts. Yet, Sri Lanka did
lead at some points of the game.
Singapore proved that height was not a
major factor which decides a champion
outfit, as they beat defending champions
Sri Lanka 48-47, in a nerve-tingling final,
to be crowned the new Asian champions,
at the 8th Asian Netball Championship,
concluded at the Sugathadasa Stadium in
Singapore got the better of Sri Lanka in
speed, made accurate passes more often
than not and forced the hosts to err closer
to the ring and also adopted shrewd tactics
at the start of the match, to change the momentum of
the game.
Sri Lanka had a terrific start, scoring five points to none
in to the third minute of the first quarter and were
changing gears for a faster game, when Singapore took
what looked like a fake injury time-out.
The tactic seemed to pay dividends as the momentum
started to drift towards Singapore, who closed the first
quarter with a one point lead (13-12). They took another
one point lead to end the second quarter 26-25, before
the hosts bounced back to tie the third quarter.
While admitting that the hosts made some silly mistakes
towards the end, Sue Gandion, Sri Lanka’s consultant
According to Gandion, it was the
experience of the Singaporeans
(who had been playing against top
ranked teams for the last 8 years),
which stood them in good stead.
From then on, it was time consuming tactics by the visitors, as
they kept passing the ball inside the first third of the court. It
was too late for Sri Lanka to make any amends for the missed
passes and for their unforced errors, as the whistle blew for the
Singaporeans to start celebrations.
Sri Lanka had the height advantage, with Asia’s tallest shooter
Tharjini Sivalingam, also the skipper, towering above the
rest near the goal post. But her lack of agility on a couple of
Despite the loss, Sri Lanka has positives to take as the
young netballers gained exposure, playing with their
senior members.
It was Singapore’s second title in the eight-editions-old
championship, and they denied Sri Lanka their fifth
When netball
dwarfs cricket
Asia’s tallest netball player Tharjani Sivalingam poses
with Sri Lanka cricketer Kumar Sangakkara after the
latter placed his signature on a huge replica netball
which traveled around the country to collect signatures
of well wishers for the 8th Asian Netball Championship
which commences in Colombo on Saturday. Sivalingam
who hails from Jaffna has been a part of country’s
national netball team for nearly a decade now and will
be co captaining the Sri Lankan team with Gayathri
Lankathilake. Pic by Kamal Bogoda
coach from Australia, termed the final encounter as a
fantastic game of netball. "It would have been anybody’s
game," she said. True. The scores were level going into
the last 60 seconds when Singapore sank the decider to
the utter disappointment of the thousands who almost
filled the stadium.
SEPTEMBER 2012 - Issue 55
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SEPTEMBER 2012 - Issue 55
lanka times
Havies break decade
long Kandy dominance
to emerge the new rugby
Havelocks broke the Kandy stranglehold to win the Rugby Union league title ending a
dominance by the hill capital which has spanned a decade.
Lee Keegel and William Hakalo with Keegel crossing the Navy line a minute after the
kick off.
Havelocks SC underlined their champion status by annihilating Navy SC 22-13 at
Navy grounds, Welisara .
Navy fought hard in a surprisingly intense match defying the obsolete nature of the
match as the outcome had no effect on the title. Dev Anand struck two penalties and
Setafano Cakau went over for the only Navy try in the first half which incidentally
handed them the lead after Keegel’s early opener.
Havies who had already won title last week led 12-10 at half time and completed their
total through three tries, two conversions and a penalty. The three tries were planted by
Ann Abayasekara
– A journalist of
repute and much
Child abuse in a
brutalised society
It is a news item on your front page yesteday (19th
ABUSE CASES", that prompts this letter. That,
plus a telephone call I had this morning from a
friend who was very concerned by the constant
cases of rape and child abuse reported by the
media. "It’s sickening!" was his comment as he
added: "Does nobody care? Are there no civil
society groups to take up this matter?"
I have with me a clipping from The Island of
22nd May, 2010, which states: "CHILD ABUSE:
I first came to know Anne Abayasekara in 1959 as the organiser
of the ‘Flag Day’ in support of the National Council for the
Welfare of the Deaf and the Blind, Sri Lanka. I helped her in
our area and I still preserve the letter she sent me which reads-“I
would like to say ‘thank you very much’ for all the hard work you
and your helpers have put in to make Flag Day a success in your
area. The cause is worth the effort”. Then again in 1983 when my
mother reached 100 years she very kindly published an article I
sent her in the ‘Lanka Women’.
Anne is an accomplished Journalist who commenced working at
Lake House and edited the women’s pages of the Ceylon Daily
News. She is now a freelance journalist contributing to many
Other than occasionally reading her articles over the years I had
no personal contact with her. In 2009 at the thanksgiving service
to commemorate the 75th Anniversary of the Dematagoda
Christian Guild she graced the occasion with her presence. This
was the first time I met her after 50 years and was happy to renew
a friendship.
I followed up with a visit to her home when she presented me
with her book “Hurrah! For Large Families” which provides
interesting reading about herself and her family. We now keep
in touch by email.
A Sunday paper of 24th June, 2012, carried a bold
headline which said: ‘RAPE OF YOUNG GIRLS
ON THE RISE", giving the available statistics for
the years from 2006 to 2011, showing a steadily
increasing number of rape cases of girls under 16
years of age. The highest number - 1,169, - was in
2011. On March 8th this year, the same Sunday
paper published a feature article giving the gist
of an interview its reporter had with activists and
professionals, prior to International Women’s Day
(March 8th), on which mothers and daughters are
honoured. She said the `strong message’ that came
through from everyone with whom she talked, was
given in the headline: ‘SPEAK OUT!
Rape of little girls who are often murdered after the
horrible deed is done, is not uncommon and rape
of minors is rife, while, unbelievably, sometimes
even middle-aged women are the prey of these
She is also a great campaigner for Justice and having read the
article below that appeared in “The Island” of 27.7.12 I thought
it is a matter of concern that needs to be given publicity.
We constantly read of grisly murders, often within
families and generally over a dispute concerning
land or property. Our society has been shockingly
Charles Schokman
Whatever our boast concerning our glorious past,
SEPTEMBER 2012 - Issue 55
today the veneer of our civilisation is very thin
indeed. It’s quite evident that there’s something
rotten in the state of Sri Lanka - we see it all around
Yet, the establishment keeps silent, except that
the Defence Secretary burst out, charging that
journalists high-lighted the sensational and claimed
that crime was on the decrease. He also pulled
out that hoary old chestnut about a hidden hand,
inimical to Sri Lanka, trying to tarnish our image.
This is laughable in view of the fact that we are doing
a good job of tarnishing the image of our once-fair
isle ourselves and no outside help is needed. There’s
no concern shown by religious leaders, both clergy
and lay, about a situation that should perturb them
profoundly. Even the Mahanayakes keep silent.
The Island has come out with two very relevant
editorials, one on the 9th July and the other on
the 11th. To quote from your editorial of the 9th:
"During the past six months alone, 975 cases of
sexual violence have been reported; of the victims,
700 are children. These shocking statistics however,
do not tell the whole story, for many an incident
of rape and other forms of sexual violence goes
Sri Lanka’s reaction to this sorry situation is
appalling, to say the least. The government has,
true to form, adopted its favourite ostrich-like
posture." This is a problem that cannot be swept
under the carpet. I would conclude with a quote
from your editorial of the 11th instant: "WHAT IS
WITH THE GOVERNMENT". And so say all of
Anne Abayasekara
(Published with permission)
lanka times
Out N About
Colombo Soul Funk City
steps up another notch
Rap-So-D, In 2 Groove and Desmond de Silva sizzle at Villa Adriana
They flocked in their hundreds to enjoy a weekend’s relaxation well earned, and their foray
on a wind chilled Melbourne winter night did nothing to deter the diehard revellers at
Colombo Soul Funk City’s fourth episode.
Strangely, even the Footy finals blockbuster between Hawthorn and Collingwood did not
keep them at home, such is the infectious nature of Melbourne’s new trend for Sri Lankan
expatriates at Italian Reception Centre Villa Adriana in Dandenong South which throws up
a monthly treat for revellers looking for a cool way to relax and enjoy a few drinks, cheap
and tasty food served up by Sri Lankan caterer Curry Grove from Hampton Park rounded
off with some fine music.
bands of mostly Sri Lankan heritage and they had the dance floor on fire with a
fantastic selection of music that destroyed the myth of this being a concept designed
for those who may or may not want to dance. The floor was packed for most of the
The openness of the Colombo Soul Funk City set up masterminded by Jeremy
Ekanayake and Fitzroy Pereira saw the magical appearance of musical maestro
Desmond de Silva from out of the blue to rev up proceedings as he hopped on stage
to sing a couple of his favourites driving the crowd to raptures.
Still in its infancy, Colombo Soul Funk City appears on track to maintain its
popularity. And if the first four episodes is anything to go by, the upcoming Summer
season promises to draw packed crowds to this popular venue.
Churning it up this time round were Rap-So-D and In 2 Groove, two top notch musical
SEPTEMBER 2012 - Issue 55
lanka times
SEPTEMBER 2012 - Issue 55
lanka times
This is to inform the Sri Lankan community that I HAVE
NEVER HAD ANY ASSOCIATION what so ever, with
“Sahan Enterprises Pty Ltd”, which was recently issued
with a pecuniary penalty by Federal Magistrate Court for
breaching Subclass 457 Sponsorship Obligations.
I decided to place this notice as some people had assumed
that this was myself as I have the same name. This company
is not known to me or has had no association with me in
If anyone is interested in knowing detailed information
about “Sahan Enterprises” incident should contact
Department of Immigration or Federal Magistrate court.
Sahan Mawanane Hewa
Registered Migration Agent
MARN 0965044
Mobile: 0401 261 666
SEPTEMBER 2012 - Issue 55
lanka times
Sri Sumangala
College Panadura
Dinner Dance
SEPTEMBER 2012 - Issue 55
lanka times
SEPTEMBER 2012 - Issue 55
lanka times
Mahanama College C
OBA Australia Proudly pres
Golden Vibes
SEPTEMBER 2012 - Issue 55
lanka times
SEPTEMBER 2012 - Issue 55
lanka times
How Did Coconut Oil Reverse
Alzheimer’s Disease? Where Did It All Start?
By Dr Harold Gunatillake
Health Writer
Two of my regular readers wanted to know: The first asked
me whether two of her friends having Alzheimer’s should
take coconut oil? And the second reader indicated that
coconut oil consumed daily reversed Alzheimer’s.
I would like to have your comments on this article that
drinking coconut oil will reverse Alzheimer’s disease. What
kind of coconut oil should be prescribed? I have two friends
who are showing signs of dementia, and I was wondering
whether I should recommend that they take coconut oil.
Should it be virgin or plain coconut oil? Sent by Suta
from Colombo Seven teaspoonful’s of coconut oil per day
helps the Alzheimer’s person to improve memory. The
document is from an American doctor. Coconut oil (none
hydrogenated) contains no cholesterol, etc. Comments?
Sent by Wilfred, Colombo Much research is being done
presently to investigate to find out what causes AD and a cure
for the disease. Alzheimer’s is a progressive and debilitating
brain disorder, which afflicts millions of elderly people,
both men and women. It destroys the person’s memory,
and also obliterates the person’s ability to communicate
with others, make judgments, reason out and also perform
daily activities. Health experts and researchers stress that at
present, there is no known cure for Alzheimer’s despite the
rising numbers of the afflicted. However, the good thing
is that a number of treatments and testing methods are
being tried to help in slowing down the progression of the
disease, as well as in considerably easing the symptoms, and
is hopeful in the future to find a way to arrest the progress.
Scientists believe that for most people, Alzheimer’s disease
results from a combination of genetic, lifestyle and
environmental factors that affect the brain over time. Less
than 5 percent of the time, Alzheimer’s is caused by specific
genetic changes that guarantee a person will develop the
It was published in Petersburg Times on October 29,
2008, that after two weeks of taking coconut oil, Steve
Newport’s results in an early onset Alzheimer’s test (Mini
Mental Status Exam-MMSR, and Alzheimer’s gene test
was positive), gradually improved, says his wife, Dr Mary
Newport. Before treatment, Steve could barely remember
how to draw a clock. Two weeks after adding coconut oil
to his diet, his drawing improved. After 37 days, Steve’s
drawing gained even more clarity. The oil seemed to “lift
the fog,” his wife says.
She began vigorously researching online and uncovered
the new medication’s patent application (MCT oil). She
found an in-depth discussion of its primary ingredient,
oil composed of medium chain triglycerides known as
MCT oil (MCT oil is not coconut oil, though some
dealers try to make out)) Now, without continuing giving
coconut oil which proved slight improvement on her
husband’s symptoms clinically, according to Dr Newport’s
observations, she talks of MCT oil. This is where the subtle
advertising system emerges, the American way.
MCT oil is medium chained triglycerides, sold in small
bottles at a price like US $ 25. Those who sell MCT oil
claims that coconut oil is predominantly composed of
MCT oil. Then, why pay so much for MCT oil when
coconut oil would be cheaper?
Triglycerides vs Mono-glycerides
The predominately fatty acids in coconut oil are ‘medium chain’
fatty acids. These fatty acids are composed of mainly monoglycerides, harmless, unlike triglycerides. There are three medium
chain fatty acids (MCFAs): lauric acid, capricacid, and caprylic
acid in coconut oil. There are also three monoglycerides formed
during digestion: monolaurin, monocaprin, and monocaprylin.
All three of the medium chain fatty acids and medium chain
monoglycerides possess antimicrobial properties; triglycerides and
di-glycerides do not.
There are longer chained carbon atom fatty acids in other
fatty foods.The proponents of MCT oil claim that coconut
oil is predominantly composed of MCT (medium chained
I repeat – Truthfully, coconut oil is predominantly composed of
monoglycerides and not triglycerides. Body fat is a triglyceride
which can cause harm in various ways, especially when high levels
are found in your blood and in obesity. Contrary, mono-glycerides
are harmless and stable, and in coconut oil these respective fatty
acids are mainly composed of Lauric acid, Myristic acid and
Capric acid as mentioned before Lauric acid forms about 55%
of the fatty acids. This is one reason that coconut oil does not
generate cholesterol, though it’s a saturated fat, and also it has
therapeutic benefits.
The antiviral properties of lauric acid was first discovered when
researchers were investigating the anti-infective properties of
human breast milk. Human and mammalian breast milk are
rich in lauric. These fatty acids and mono-glycerides provide
protection against infections to babies, whose immune systems
are still developing. When nursing mothers include coconut oil in
their diet, the level of these fatty acids in their breast milk can triple
Those having commercial interests on MCT oils are attempting to
flog their oil stating that it is coconut oil. Today, in US anything
with coconut sells fast. Presently, they advertise coconut weight
reducing diets, coconut foods, and so on.
Mrs Newport was happy giving the cheap non-hydrogenated
coconut oil from the local stores which proved that it worked
to improve her husband’s illness, and suddenly she is made to
promote MCT oils. In her article she says, “On the drive home,
she stopped at a health food store and bought a jar of nonhydrogenated, extra-virgin coconut oil. The next morning she
stirred two tablespoons of coconut oil into her husband’s oatmeal,
and she tried it in hers, too.
“I prayed harder than I’d ever prayed in my life,” she said, her
prayers were answered. Steve scored an 18 on the exam, the
highest he’d scored for more than a year and four points higher
than the previous day.
“It was like the oil kicked in and he could think clearly again,” Dr
Newport said. “We were ecstatic.”
Next Dr Mary Newport talks about the positive results with
ketones. Extract from my article already circulated on “Ketone
Bodies”- Ketosis is a normal process where excessive ketone bodies
formed, a crucial organic compound- acetoacetate, when human
body is starved of carbohydrates for energy requirements. The
body under such strained situations would be to use fatty acids
stored in the body as triglycerides to burn its own fat for fuel, for
energy requirements in the liver, heart and kidneys, due to the
restriction of energy from carbohydrates. The process of ketones
production in humans is called ketogenesis. In the brain, they are
a vital source of energy during fasting when the body is deprived
of carbohydrates. Brain cells would prefer energy from sugars,
being much more physiological. So, we have to understand that
ketone body formation is a natural event under carbohydrate
deprived situation.
In 2005, Dr VanItallie studied the ketogenic diet’s effect
on Parkinson’s disease. In his study, five patients stuck
to the diet for one month, and all of the participants’
tremors, stiffness and ability to walk improved, on
average, by as much as 43 percent. “Our study was very
successful for our patients,” Dr VanItallie said, explaining
that the one drawback is that the ketogenic diet mimics
starvation. It is low carb, low protein and nearly 90
percent fat, he explained. “People can’t really stay on this
diet for long, it’s too restrictive.”
SEPTEMBER 2012 - Issue 55
Now, who introduced Dr Newport to recommend
“Ketones” to be given to her husband, who was fairing
reasonably well on coconut oil?
Since starting the coconut oil regimen with her husband, Dr
Newport has become somewhat of an expert on the subject.
Though not a neurologist, her background as a medical
doctor and her biochemistry classes in medical school have
helped her understand the way MCT oil is converted into
ketones, and how beneficial this dietary supplement can be
for those unable to process glucose.
She began vigorously researching online and uncovered
the new medication’s patent application. She found an indepth discussion of its primary ingredient, oil composed
of medium chain triglycerides known as MCT oil. Dr
Newport believes that when you take MCT oils orally, the
liver converts MCT oil into ketones. She also talks about
non-hydrogenated coconut oil is more than 60% MCT oil,
and this medication derived its MCT oil from this readily
available tropical tree. Once again, I reiterate that MCT oil
is not coconut oil though some are made to believe.
We believe that the triglycerides from food, transported as
chilo-microns or liposomes are converted by the liver into
various lipoprotein forms (not ketone bodies) such as VLDL
and LDL. This provides the mechanism for absorption
of LDL into the cell and for its conversion into free fatty
acids, cholesterol and other components of LDL. Ketones
are produced from body fat stored as triglycerides, as an
intermediary product. Dr Newport discovered that with
Alzheimer’s disease, certain brain cellsmay have difficulty
utilizing glucose (made from the carbohydrates we eat),
the brain’s principal source of energy. Without fuel, these
precious neurons may begin to die. There is an alternative
energy source for brain cells-fats known as ketones. If
deprived of Carbohydrates, the body produces ketones
naturally. But this is the hard way to do it.
Another way to produce ketones is by consuming oils
that have medium-chain Triglycerides, and when MCT
oil is digested, the liver converts it into ketones, says Dr
Newport. A very open declaration of advertising MCT oils
which is not coconut oil. As claimed, triglycerides in MCT
oil or any food containing triglycerides are not converted to
ketones in the liver
It is the overproduction of ketones from the breakdown of
stored triglycerides within the human body that worries the
medical profession. Ketones, though, is crucial for human
body, its excessive production is much noxious as it triggers
many new health complications suddenly depleting the
reserve of glycogen in the liver extensively. Glycogen is the
stored form of glucose in the liver which is utilized in times
of deprivation.
Effect of insulin for the treatment of AD (New finding)
Insulin is critical for normal brain function, and abnormal
insulin metabolism has been shown to contribute to the
development of Alzheimer’s disease. Because patients with
Alzheimer’s disease also exhibit decreased levels of insulin
in the central nervous system, it has been hypothesized that
raising these levels to normal might help maintain cognitive
ability. Studies involving animals have suggested that insulin
deficiency in the brain may possibly be a key factor in the
progression of Alzheimer’s.
Promoting MCT oils and ketones as substitutes to improve
utilizing glucose to provide energy to the brain is a far fledged
idea. Alzheimer’s patients do not show any signs of lack of
oxygen (hypoxic state) in any part of the body, including
the brain. The pathology in the brain is the deposition of
substances called beta-amyloid may damage and destroy
brain cells in several ways, including interfering with cell-tocell communication. Although the ultimate cause of braincell death in Alzheimer’s isn’t known, abnormal processing
of beta-amyloid is a prime suspect. Bottom line:
I am of opinion that the whole article circulating through
emails by Dr Mrs Mary Newport, and others is an
advertising gimmick for MCT oil manufacturers, bringing
forward a hypothesis that ketones produced from that oil in
the liver assists in providing energy to the brain.
lanka times
With Chef Riza Muthaliph
How to Grow Onions - Soil Details
If you are sowing maincrop onion seed then prepare
your onion bed on an open sunny site that has good
drainage. Most exhibitors grow onions from seed and
understand that good soil preparation is essential before
planting their onions. They prefer to grow them in a
permanent bed in order to build up the soil fertility knowing how to grow onions is second nature to these
guys... but they had to learn first!
But for folk like you and me who want to know how to
grow onions so we can just eat the stuff - then planting
onions in this way is not necessary... it can even be
harmful! There is the danger
of building up diseases as
well as soil fertility. Let the
onion bed rotate with the
rest of the vegetable garden.
So where were we... oh
yes, planting maincrop
onion seed. Dig the bed in
autumn to let the ground
settle and allow the frosts
to break down the soil clods - onion seeds will require a fine
tilth to be sown into and the frosts will do a great job of this.
Dig in plenty of well rotted manure or, add lime if soil is acid,
onions like a pH of between 6 and 7... don't become too
obsessed by these values, it is helpful in knowing how to grow
onions but needs to be included with all the other necessary
info - a soil that is pretty neutral (6 - 7.5) will serve you fine.
It is a good idea though to know the approximate pH value of
you soil by purchasing a testing kit.
A good tip when learning how to grow onions is to pick a dry
day a few weeks before sowing time and rake down the soil
to a fine tilth, at the same time rake in a general fertiliser like
Onions like a firm bed so tread over the area you have just
raked... remember if the soil starts sticking to your footwear in
large sticky lumps then it is still too wet, wait for another day.
Once you have trodden over the bed where the onions are
going to grow rake it over again into a fine even tilth.
Well that's your bed prepared... but you have no time to lay on
it, let's get on with the planting.
Guest Chef
Riza Muthaliph
How to Grow Onions - Sowing Maincrop Onion Seeds
Sow maincrop onion seeds as soon as your soil allows you to - late February to early April for an August or
September crop. Sow the onion seeds very thinly into drills 13mm(1/2") deep, in rows 23cm(9") apart. Carefully
cover the onion seed with soil and gently water in. Germination will take approximately 21 days.
Thin out your onion seedlings when they have pushed through the soil and are standing vertical to about
25mm(1")-50mm(2") apart and then again later to 10cm(4") apart. Lift the thinnings carefully... make sure the
soil is moist. It's important to clear the thinnings away from the onion bed so not to attract the onion fly.
Gardening experts have learnt from experience how to grow onions for the big competition bulbs which win
shows. Maincrop onion seed are sown under glass in January for an earlier crop and for growing those exhibition
Transplant them in rows 10cm(4") apart and rows 23cm(9") apart. Transplant the onion
seedling firmly - ensuring the root falls into the bottom of the hole and is not gathered up
around the onion bulb area... the base of the onion should be 13mm(1/2") deep.
Sri Lankan style Spring Onion fry
Spring onion is a very tasty dish when it use with rice.
This is the method we use in Sri Lanka when we cook spring onion.
About 250g Spring onion
1 tsp chilly pieces
2 dried chilly-cut into pieces
1/4 tsp turmeric powder
1 tsp mustard seeds
1 piece cinnamon
Few curry leaves
Rampe/Pandan leaf 1-2 inch
2 tbs oil
1 tbs Maldive fish (optional)
Salt to taste
Wash, clean & cut spring onion into 1inch size pieces
Heat the pan
Add oil to it
When oil is hot, add mustard seeds & when mustard seeds are popping up, add
cinnamon, dried chilly pieces.
Mix well
Then add curry leaves, pandan leaf and finally spring onion
Add chilly pieces & maldives fish if you use.
Mix well
Add salt to taste.
Cook for 4-5 minutes. Switch off the flame.
Serve with rice
500 g small Shrimp
1 Pickled Lime, thinly sliced (see recipe for Lime Pickle)
2 Onions, sliced
1 large Green or Red Pepper, sliced
3 cloves Garlic
2 pieces Ginger
1 tsp black ground Mustard seed
1 tsp Sugar
2 tsps Chili Powder
1/2 cup Vinegar
salt to taste
Fried Hot Shrimp
Deep fry the shrimp and drain the oil.
Blend the mustard, garlic and ginger
with vinegar.
Add sugar, chili powder and enough
Mix well to form a thick mixture.
Add thinly sliced pickled lime.
Add the fried shrimp and green (or red)
Mix well.
Serve with rice & curry.
SEPTEMBER 2012 - Issue 55
lanka times
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SEPTEMBER 2012 - Issue 55