Harmonson Farms News - Harmonson Farms Community Portal


Harmonson Farms News - Harmonson Farms Community Portal
Farms News
Edited by Holly Rigdon, Tel (817) 562-4964
email HFnews@surf7.com
Harmonson Farms Committees
7pm on Tuesday July 22nd
At the Keller Police Dept.’s Community Room
The following committees are either existing or going to be created within Harmonson Farms and we need
volunteers that can provide time to make our neighborhood “The Place to Live” in Keller.
An organizational meeting has been set for 7pm on July 22nd at the Keller Police Department’s Community
Room. If you cannot make the meeting but are interested in serving on a committee, please contact any board
member. You can sign up to volunteer for more than one committee and if you are already serving on a committee, it is important that you attend. This meeting is to establish structure, budget, and events for the year
2009, if you want to attend the meeting to see if you want to volunteer, please do so.
include: keeping the community informed of important community events, as well as city, county, state items that may be of
interest to homeowners. Must maintain frequent contact with other committees to report current events in the newsletter on
a monthly basis. Update the web portal with information, and keep the homeowner directory updated and correct.
Dates of Interest
• Jul 4–Independence
• Jul 10– Bunco
• July 20– Newsletter
• July 22– Committee
meeting 7pm
LANDSCAPE – the “eyes” of the community. Advises the Management Company and/or the Board of Directors of any
landscaping needs (broken sprinklers, lights out, etc). Works with the community Landscaping Company, Management
Company and Board of Directors with the selection of plantings. Develop the “Yard of the Month” program to encourage
owners to keep their properties well maintained to increase property values in the community.
ADULT SOCIAL – forms a cohesive community by organizing fun and interesting events for the adults in the community,
that encourages neighbors to meet and socialize together. This committee must brainstorm ideas for the entire year and
the estimated costs for each event. Some events may use HOA funds and some may not, these will be discussed at future
meetings. Examples of events: Bunco, Mother’s Day Out, Poker Night, Pot-Lucks, Summer Picnic, Coffee Meetings, Golfing, etc.
FAMILY SOCIAL – forms a cohesive community by organizing fun and interesting events for the kids as well as the adults
in the community. This committee must brainstorm ideas for the entire year and the estimated cost for each event. Some
events may use HOA funds and some may not, these will be discussed at future meetings. Examples of events: Play
Groups, Caroling, Back to School Party, Ice Cream Social, etc
NEW***SPORTS ACTIVITY – to develop sports teams and other activities in the community such as: soccer, softball,
bowling, golf, etc. Will communicate with the neighborhood, arrange uniforms and schedules if needed.
Inside this issue:
HF Voice
City of Keller on events that our community can be involved in. Work with local community services (Library, Senior Center, etc) to provide volunteers for events. Will also keep the community informed on the gas wells and any changes to the
railroad. The Welcome Committee with provide a welcome gift to all new homeowners in Harmonson Farms. To show
Keller that Harmonson Farms is the best place to live!
Monthly Recipe
Welcome List
Pet Corner
Green Tips
NEW***EDUCATION – to communicate educational information to the community such as early release times, bond elections, new faculty that affects our schools, etc. This committee will also help facilitate carpooling if families are interested.
Board Contact
SAFETY – to enhance safety awareness in the community. Take a leadership role in working with local law enforcement
and organizing a crime prevention network of block captains for every street. Investigate the latest ideas and trends in both
property and personal crimes and communicate prevention measures to the community.
SEASONAL DECORATION – to brainstorm ideas to decorate the community during the Holiday Season. To coordinate
with the themes the city puts in place when needed. Must generate volunteers or “street captains” to help facilitate the
decorating of each street and organize the Annual Luminary Night.
Harmonson Farms News
Jul 2008
Page 2
Harmonson Farms Voice
Blown Away by Recycling
Frustration has been expressed over the recycled materials being blown about the neighborhood because the items
are not secured in the bins. Per the CCRs of our community, it is the homeowners responsibility to provide lids and
containers for all refuse, not just recycling, the text from the CCRs is below.
“Prior to such removal, all such prohibited matter shall be placed in a sanitary refuse container with tight fitting lids…”.
Lids for the recycling containers may be purchased at the City of Keller at a cost of $6 per lid. It is a homeowners
responsibility to have proper garbage containers, so if you have been placing plastic bags out, you need to purchase
a garbage container with a lid and use it on trash pick-up days.
If you would like your voice in the newsletter, please email HFnews@surf7.com
Muscovy Ducks
I must admit, I hated the big ugly black
ducks at our pond. They seemed so
ugly and useless. So I started to research how to get rid of the ducks and
stumbled upon information that totally
reversed my opinion.
First off, they are called Muscovy
ducks. They are a domestic duck that
provides extreme value to us by inhabiting our pond. They have a voracious
appetite for mosquitoes, bugs, algae,
and spiders. These ducks are feral
ducks from domestic farmers, raised for
their strong flavor and leanness compared to mallard breeds. They may
not be as cute as other ducks but they
were created and do serve a purpose in
our ecosystem.
Research on the Internet and draw your
own conclusion, but I for one no longer
see big, ugly ducks and I am glad to
have our lake be their home. That said,
population control and keeping them
from being a nuisance to homeowners
is a great concern. People feeding the
ducks on a regular basis will keep them
from eating the bugs that we want them
to eat.
Harmonson Farms Football Club ended their season number one in
their division and are playing in the playoffs. The final regular season
game was a 15-3 win with several different players scoring goals. It
was fun to watch and we encourage more players of all levels to
come out and join the team.
For information about joining contact Rick Sleeper at 817-337-5804
or via email fstmx5@gmail.com
Big sister Maren welcomed
her baby brother Drake Joseph
Staley born on May 28, 2008
weighing 8 lbs. 4oz. and
measuring 20 inches long.
Social Hour begins at 6:30pm
Game Time starts at 7:30pm
Congratulations to the Staley
This month the group will be playing
Bunco. Bring $5 cash.
Thursday, July 10th
Calling all women— please join us!
No experience necessary!
Please RSVP! Tobi McDonald @
817-337-5768 or
Page 3
Harmonson Farms News
Jul 2008
Pet Corner
Seven Steps to Stop your Dog from Excessive Barking
Step 1 Consider what's making your dog bark. Does he
need yard access? Is a cat taunting him through the window?
Does he just like the sound of his bark?
Step 2 Check your pet's basic needs: hunger, thirst or elimination. Your pup might be trying to tell you something.
Step 3 Remove your dog's motivation for barking. For example, make a dog door for easy outdoor access or close the
Step 4 Invest in a citronella no-bark collar, which is effective
The Nichols Family
1108 Bourland Rd.
The Miller Family
200 Foxcroft Ct.
and not cruel; if your dog barks, the collar sprays a small
amount of citronella, which dogs dislike.
Step 5 Use positive reinforcement to train your dog to bark
on command; this will help him learn how to be quieted on
command as well.
Step 6 Say "Good" at the exact instant your pet exhibits
good behavior, followed by a reward and plenty of praise.
Step 7 Consult a board-certified veterinary behaviorist or a
pet behaviorist for additional suggestions if all else fails.
Recipe of the Month
Slushy Watermelon Mojitos
5 cups cubed seeded watermelon
1 cup sparkling water, chilled
3/4 cup white rum
1/4 cup chopped fresh mint
1 (6-ounce) can frozen limeade concentrate, undiluted
Mint sprigs (optional)
Lime slices (optional)
Arrange watermelon in a single layer
on a baking sheet; freeze 2 hours or
until completely frozen.
Combine frozen watermelon, sparkling water, rum, mint, and limeade in
a blender; process until smooth. Garnish with mint sprigs and lime slices, if
desired. Serve immediately.
Printed from southernliving.com
heavy ones. An extra 100 pounds in your vehicle could
reduce your MPG by up to 2%. The reduction is based on the
percentage of extra weight relative to the vehicle's weight and
Aggressive driving (speeding, rapid acceleration and braking) affects smaller vehicles more than larger ones.
wastes gas. It can lower your gas mileage by 33 percent at
Fuel Economy Benefit: 1-2%/100 lbs
highway speeds and by 5 percent around town. Sensible
Equivalent Gasoline Savings: $0.04-$0.08/gallon
driving is also safer for you and others, so you may save
more than gas money.
Avoid Excessive Idling
Fuel Economy Benefit: 5-33%
Idling gets 0 miles per gallon. Cars with larger engines
Equivalent Gasoline Savings: $0.20-$1.35/gallon
typically waste more gas at idle than do cars with smaller
Observe the Speed Limit
While each vehicle reaches its optimal fuel economy at a
Use Cruise Control
different speed (or range of speeds), gas mileage usually
Using cruise control on the highway helps you maintain a
decreases rapidly at speeds above 60 mph.
constant speed and, in most cases, will save gas.
You can assume that each 5 mph you drive over 60 mph is
Use Overdrive Gears
like paying an additional $0.30 per gallon for gas.
When you use overdrive gearing, your car's engine speed
Observing the speed limit is also safer.
goes down. This saves gas and reduces engine wear.
Fuel Economy Benefit: 7-23%
Equivalent Gasoline Savings: $0.29-$0.94/gallon
Note: Cost savings are based on an assumed fuel price of
Remove Excess Weight
Avoid keeping unnecessary items in your vehicle, especially
‘Green’ your Driving
Harmonson Farms News
Jul 2008
Page 4
Harmonson Farms Board
Contact Information
President- Holly Rigdon
"Freedom is not
worth having if it
does not include the
freedom to make
Vice President- TJ Perreira
Secretary- Rachelle Hearrell
Treasurer- TJ Stack
Member-At-Large- Laura Knowlton
Please contact any member
with neighborhood comments
Harmonson Farms
Rachel Beard (1994)
Laura Cross (1993)
Morgan Hearrell (1995)
Grace Kam (1993)
Sarah Lutz (1992)
Catie Perreira (1991)
Kaitlin Philips (1988)
Jared Phillips (1991)
Paige Rogers (1995)
In the State of Texas, any residential
street, unless otherwise posted, has a
speed limit of 30 mph.
Therefore, every street in our subdivision
has a 30 mph speed limit.
As a courtesy, we ask that you drive slower
than 30 mph when you see children.
Please be a friendly neighbor by being cautious around our children.
Any Noise, dust or
landscape complaints from the gas
wells’ operation
should be reported
to the Keller nonemergency dispatch
phone number.
Welcome to Harmonson Farms
and our neighborhood newsletter!
Contact the editor by the 20th of the
month prior to be included in the next
newsletter issue if you have:
articles to share
recommended services
Interested in starting a
club (book, etc)

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