keta topuria


keta topuria
Title 1: By The Black Sea
Title 2: “Objects in this mirror may be closer than they appear”
by Levan Kakabadze
Images of things
by Peter Brüstle
Drawings on pieces of note pad paper.
Actual size: ca. 8 x 8 cm.
by: Sandro Asatiani
The “objects” of these books, that means the painted things inside
the books, have been a part of an exhibition at the book store “LIBRILIBERI” – Florence (Italy). The main Idea was that this object on
the exhibition began to tell stories about itself. The recounted stories where short and ironic, sad and exhilarating. Here’s one of them:
“This is the most expansive shoe in the world. The shoe with it another pair appears in Van Gogh’s paintings. The price of Van Gogh’s
work today is worth millions, so probably the shoe that appears inside
that painting is an important figure and the price of it is also very high.
But unfortunately, this shoe was lost“. There was performance based
on this book: Teatrino del Gallo – Florence (Italy).
Gli occhiali più intelligenti del mondo
appartenevano a Newton. Se li era
fabbricati lui stesso. Aveva avuto bisogno di metterli dopo alcuni sfortunati
esperimenti di alchimia. Fino ad oggi non
ci è giunta alcuna immagine di Newton
con gli occhiali perché egli si vergognava a portarli. Oggi questi occhiali sono
conservati in un museo.
Una volta un musicista si sentì molto
molto male, era molto depresso. Stava
anche pensando al suicidio. Allora decise
di suonare la trombetta, forse per l’ultima volta. La trombetta si accorse
subito che qualcosa non andava e provò
ad aiutare il proprietario con la sua musica. Il musicista decise di non togliersi
più la vita. Oggi questa trombetta è
nelle mani dei grati discendenti.
In questa scatola ci sono le 28 zanzare
più belle. La scatola apparteneva a un
entomologo che per lungo tempo aveva viaggiato per il mondo studiando gli
insetti. Fra tutti gli insetti le zanzare
erano quelle che gli piacevano di più. Con
estrema cura conservava gli esemplari
più belli nella sua scatola che si portava
sempre dietro. Oggi la scatola è nella
soffitta di una vecchia grande casa
della città di Vienna, insieme al retino
dello stesso professore.
Bottiglia di veleno
Difficile da credere, ma un tempo questa piccola bottiglia conteneva in sé la
morte di una persona. Un uomo di nome
Nagel aveva portato sempre con sé
la bottiglia... e un giorno aveva bevuto
il liquido. Ma giorni prima un suo amico
aveva cambiato il veleno con l’acqua. È
chiaro che il veleno non ebbe effetto.
Oggi la bottiglia è inoffensiva e persino
i bambini ci giocano.
La lettera più entusiasta del mondo è
stata scritta da una signorina spagnola
ed era diretta al suo amante. Per colpa
di un postino poco attento la lettera
cadde dietro uno degli armadi di legno
di un ufficio. Così non è mai arrivata al
destinatario. E la signorina è rimasta
tale fino alla morte. La lettera si trova ancora oggi dietro l’armadio dello
stesso ufficio della città di Madrid.
Questa penna è appartenuta a un giudice. Lui ha firmato con essa moltissime
delle più spietate sentenze, tanto che
oggi la penna viene considerata come la
più spietata nel mondo. Oggi la penna è
sepolta insieme al suo padrone.
Lampada a cherosene
Questa lampada a cherosene ha illuminato non solo le stanze, ma anche le menti. Apparteneva a un filosofo tedesco.
Egli spesso rimaneva di notte seduto
alla sua scrivania, scriveva saggi e di
tanto in tanto guardava dalla finestra
meravigliandosi del cielo stellato. Oggi la
lampada è sparita senza lasciare traccia. Forse è per questo che non ci sono
più filosofi con le menti così illuminate.
Borsa piena di soldi
Una borsa piena di soldi scintilla nei sogni di tutti gli umani. Compare quando
meno te lo aspetti: ti lasciano un’eredità, la trovi alla stazione, da qualche
parte ti cade in testa… Ma sfortunatamente una borsa piena di soldi di
questo tipo non esiste. Certamente ce
ne sono, però tutte quante hanno dei
proprietari molto gelosi.
Macchina da cucire
Con questa macchina da cucire una sarta di un piccolo paesino vicino a Napoli
cuciva il dolore umano. A volte il dolore
arrivava alla disperazione. Altre volte si
trattava di un dolore falso, solo da mostrare agli altri. Non si sa molto bene
come sia successo, ma è andata a finire
che a questa sarta ordinavano solamente abiti da funerali. Forse per questo
ella non faceva mai giocare i suoi nipoti
con la macchina da cucire. Oggi questa
macchina si trova sempre nello stesso
paesino, ma gli ordini dei vestiti neri
sono sempre meno frequenti.
Semplicemente un lucchetto con la chiave.
+1.5 without eyeglasses
by Guram Tsibakhashvili
by Salome Sikharulidze
by Elene Damenia
Locked Locks
by Otar Karalashvili
photos by David Brodsky
by: Nata Sopromadze
by team of new map of Tbilisi
It was a hot summer day when I had my day off early
and decided to go with my family to swim. We love
swimming in nature.
We drove first to Tutrtle, I worship its beautiful and its
relaxing landscape, but we discovered that the beach
turned into a country club. We didn’t have a membership card, too expensive for us. We have decided to
continue to Sea. There, we have encounter a huge
private resort full with foreigners, we felt outsiders. We
also got a little bit scared from this gigantic fountain
in the middle of the lake…We’ve continued to Lisi.
There we have discovered that the waterfront is not
accessible at all. Lines of private villas blocked it.
My family and myself returned all dried-out home.
We didn’t find a place to swim in this hot summer day.
Tbilisi’s waterfront is privatized. Foreign companies are transforming
the lakes into luxury resorts, country
clubs and exclusive housing areas.
I was writing since I remember myself, describing what
I see. For years, I kept all my stories in a locked drawers,
scared to be prosecuted by the Soviets and then the
perestroika hit like a dream, freed my talent and me. I
love and cherish my freedom -of speech!
However, recently some incidents around the city
reminded me of some old dark times. I cannot understand why a foreign real estate development company, Rakeen, is buying a TV channel. I also don’t comprehend why such a big, panopticon like, police station
is being built in front of my office window.
March 10 (Bloomberg) -- Georgian
Mikheil Saakashvili used Rakeen, a
developer owned by the Gulf emirate of Ras al-Khaimah, to take over a
television station known for news
coverage critical of his government,
a former prime minister said.
The nature lovers
We fell in love in nature, we celebrate this love in every
opportunity we have. For us the botanic gardens, the
aroma, its density and intensity makes us appreciate
our city and the beauty it offers us, -so much. We have
a special place, on the upper parts of the garden, away
from the city noise. It is such a pastoral flash.
Nowadays, we have discovered that our spot is going
to be ruined by a view of a huge construction site. A
densely populated, mainly by foreign people, gated
community, is being built here.
We are afraid that the botanic garden will never be the
same, at least not for us: the construction site, the dust,
the noise and smells – exactly what we’ve tried to
escape from…
Parts of the century old Tbilisi’s botanical gardens have been sold, and
will be transformed into a gated
We are old friends, coming from old farmers families.
We used to always compete, who had better nuts and
who had the best spot in town to sale them. He used to
have a large stand on colmeurneoba bazaar and I had
one in the desertir bazaar.
We use to be proud; my nuts are bigger and testier.
Once, we argued the whole day –with whose nuts you
get a better sacivi or baje beter… we were so arrogant.
Now, look at us, our stands and pride have been
replaced by ICI PARIS and other chic shops and malls,
while we are standing in the middle of a traffic-jam,
these dam HUV’s… selling our products in the middle
of the road.
We don’t care who’s nuts are bigger and better, but just
surviving this crazy traffic and see the end of the day...
fff…these dame HUV’s…
Traditional markets are being
replaced by shopping malls, all over
the city. Farmers are forced to sale
their products on roads and sidewalks.
A Zoo Worker
I work at the zoo for couple of years now. Taking care of
the Elephants, such a sweet animal. I do my best, like
the other workers, to keep the animals happy under
captivity and I think we are doing a good job. After all,
our Zoo is our pride. Every important city in the West
owns a Zoo and this one is ours.
Recently, I heard disturbing news, not just for me, but
mainly for these poor animals. Our Zoo is going to be
replaced by a new highway (this dam HUV’s – see
object 4). Poor animals, where would they go? The
transition will be devastating and traumatic for all of
They displace now animals as they displace
people (see all objects)…I hope we will go closer to the
botanic gardens (see object 3).
The Tbilisi Zoo is going to be removed
due to the construction of a new highway.
Concerned IDP
Is that true that USAID money ,which was given to our
government to help us, the displaced population, has
been given to the HYATT hotel chain?
After the armed conflict with Russia in
August 2008, $176 million of US aid
money was earmarked for loans to
businesses - including $30 million to
the Park Hyatt
A Taxi Driver
I am working as a taxi driver for more than 10 years.
This year was the worst! Except, of all these dam
I woke up one morning and discovered that
the direction of the traffic was changed. Its like asking
me, a proud Georgian driver, to start talking Korean…I
don’t know how to drive anymore… a central triangle,
what does it means? And its not even necessary.
Tbilisi officials spent $15,000 to create
the Traffic Triangle, new rules of traffic
movement in Tbilisi. However, they
started discussing the faults of the
project just two weeks after it went
into effect.
A city architect
I have been working in this department since the first
days of this administration. We do our best, want our
city to look western, attract investment.
However, after this couple of years with the real estate
boom, I have a bad feeling.
The city looks less and less like Paris and more and
more like a fake business hub in the desert.
I see it especially now, since I actually have the means
to travel abroad and see Europe. The new buildings
don’t look as pretty as we dreamed. The traffic is disastrous. The unemployment rate is depressing.
What have we done? How we sold out our heritage,
our authenticity…but please, my deep thoughts are
not for quote…
Today 10,000 m2
2010 100,000 m2
Today 120,400 m2 (including small shops)
2011 450,000 m2 shopping malls
One plan to create 15,000 jobs by TAV (Tbilisi airport)
2007 2,500,000 m2
Sale prices start at $450- $500 per m2, rising to over $1,500 per m2
For a bank loan or a mortgage a person needs to have min. $500 in income
a month
Average salary is $91 a month, average house hold income $357
Today 800 rooms (standard 4-5 star rooms) rate $165-$215 a night
2010 2,000 rooms (standard 4-5 star rooms)
Since 2004, 490 land-plots, or
22,596,443.74 m2, were privatized
for the price of $972,468,182.82
I work in an office around the corner here. I used to come
here by train every day.
Now, the railroad moved away and the station transformed into another big shopping mall. I don’t understand why there is a shopping mall in every street corner.
How the hell I suppose to spent money, if I can not access
my work anymore.
As inevitable result of a lost train station, plans are now drawn up to reroute the railways around the city.
How the millions of workers, who
are needed to fill the offices
planned for this area, are to ever
reach their workplaces remains an
open question.
Brad Pitt Ex-Fan
For years, I have been a loyal fan of Angelina Jolie and
all her humanitarian work, and recently, I also joined
the Brad Pitt fan club. It gave me hope and a glimpse of
I am an IDP from Abkhazia and my family used to live
in the Iberia hotel in Tbilisi. It was a small room, but
very cozy and we kind of got used to it.
However, I have discovered that Brad’s good friendchitects, graftlab, are designing the Radisson’s hotels in
I resigned the fan club.
How can it be that the architects of my favorite
humanitarian family in the world are working with the
cruelest, ruthless company around here. They kicked us
out by force, humiliated us and even brought a cousin
of mine to put himself on fire in front of the city hall
(not in Tbilisi). They killed what has left from his dignity,
his pride…
In the Iveria hotel, the deadline to
evacuate the rooms was set for
August 20st. Each family got in return
a compensation of 7,000 dollars. But
some families chose to break the
silence and to denounce it as second
Abkhazia with regards to the imposed conditions of their moving.
by: Maka Kukulava & Tina Chkheidze
Russians have a dall called “matrioshka”.
Several little dalls up to the tinest one sit
into the dall’s belly.It’s almost impossible
to distinguish one puppet-dall from another
except of their size and shape.
“Matrioshka”is a very popular dall.It is even
symbolized with Russia.Soviet Union is constructed according to the same principles.
rusebs erTi Tojina aqvT, `matrioSkas~ eZaxian. misi
Tavisebureba is aris, rom erTi didi Tojinis mucelSi ramdenime patara tikina zis. tikinebi bevria, magram
garda zomisa, isini erTmaneTisagan arafriT gansxvavdebian. yvelaferi erTnairi aqvT da zedmiwevniT
hgvanan erTmaneTs. `matrioSka~ Zalian popularulia da ucxoelebi ruseTis simbolodac ki aRiqvamen.
swored am Tojinis principiT aris mowyobili ssrk.
Russia is the “grand Matrioshka”, where,
inside of its abdomen, are settled down
all these republics, from the Ukrain
up to Armenia(not mention smaller autonomy republics and disrticts).
ruseTi yvelaze didi `matrioSkaa~, romelsac
mucelSi uzis 14 sxvadasxva zomis tikina-respublika: ukrainiT dawyebuli, somxeTiT damTavrebuli (arafers vambobT ufro patara avtonomiur respublikebsa da olqebze.)
The USSR utterly tends to similarize
every different nation of these allied republics with Russia(despite of
their ethnic origin,language,religio,
culture,customs and traditions)tries
to extinguish any difference between
Russians and others, otherwise, to
make things go so, that if any intends
to take out from the USSR stomach so
called “union republic”,it will remain
tiny Russia like tiny “Matrioshka”
“What is Georgia’s tomorrow?”
Akaki Bakradze
1979 year
ssrk yovelgvarad cdilobs, yvela Rones xmarobs, rom sxvadasxva eTnikuri warmomavlobis,
sarwmunoebis, enis, istoriis, kulturis, zneCveulebebis erebi ruseTsa da rusebs daamsgavsos, mospos maT Soris gansxvaveba, anda
saqme iqamde miiyvanos, rom Tu vinme ssrk-is
muclidan romelime e.w. mokavSire respublikas amoiRebs, pawia `matrioSkas~ msgavsad,
xelT patara ruseTi SerCes.
`ra elis saqarTvelos?~
akaki baqraZe
1979 weli
Bare Objects
by Nata Sopromadze
XX Century Objects
by: Nata Sopromadze
A rt ef
by: Tamara Kalkhidashvili
Photos by; Erik Ekedahl
Paper Souls
by Daduna Ghlonti & Maka kukulava
By George Nebieridze
beat Jewelry And Accessories
Mirror Box
by Maka Kukulava
Mirror box: Nika Topuria, Keta Lomidze, Maka Kukulava
Lighting: Vaxo Javrishvili
T-shirts: Nika Topuria
Make-up: Daduna Ghlonti
Girls: Nata & Niki
Objects on canvas
by Sandro Antadze
ia &
o N
Elene Damenia
Tako Nodia
Tako Nodia & Maka Kukulava
Sandro Asatiani & Tamara Kalkhidashvili
Sandro Antadze
Tako Nodia
Tiko Chkhikvishvili
Maka Kukulava
Keti Davlianidze
by AnberNika