1754 MILLERIDGE INN N. BROADWAY, JERICHO, NY ACRES: 9 WEB LINK: PARKING SPACES: 566 DEMOGRAPHICS 2015 ESTIMATES LEASING REPRESENTATIVE TOTAL POPULATION TOTAL HOUSEHOLDS AVG. HH INCOME MED. HH INCOME ($) PER CAPITA INCOME 1 MILE 10,095 3,456 $199,578 $141,230 $68,601 3 MILE 96,848 29,853 $151,317 $114,539 $47,007 5 MILE 243,975 78,297 $145,753 $109,651 $47,480 10 MILE 1,152,230 379,117 $130,610 $99,087 $43,525 Trade Area Systems, Updates of 2010 Census Data by Synergos BRETT COOPER 3333 New Hyde Park Road Suite 100 New Hyde Park, NY (516) 869-7274 1754 MILLERIDGE INN N. BROADWAY, JERICHO, NY TENANT SQFT 2 Milleridge 3 Milleridge Cottage 4 Milleridge Village 20,466 10,975 16,643 Non-Controlled LEASING REPRESENTATIVE BRETT COOPER 3333 New Hyde Park Road Suite 100, New Hyde Park, NY | (516) 869-7274 | Disclaimer: This site plan shows the approximate location, square footage, and configuration of the shopping center and adjacent areas, and is only illustrative of the size and relationship of the stores and common areas generally, all of which are subject to change. The showing of any names of tenants, parking spaces, square footage, curb-cuts or traffic controls shall not be deemed to be a representation or warranty that any tenants will be at the shopping center, the square footage is accurate, or that any parking spaces, curb-cuts or traffic controls do or will continue to exist. Moreover, any demographics set forth in this flyer are for illustrative purposed only and shall not be deemed a representation by Landlord or their accuracy. 1754 MILLERIDGE INN N. BROADWAY, JERICHO, NY 1754 MILLERIDGE INN N. BROADWAY, JERICHO, NY DEMOGRAPHICS 2015 ESTIMATES 1-MILE 3-MILE 5-MILE TOTAL POPULATION 10,095 96,848 243,975 TOTAL HOUSEHOLDS 3,456 29,853 78,297 AVERAGE HH INCOME MEDIAN HH INCOME $199,578 $151,317 $145,753 $141,230 $114,539 $109,651 Trade Area Systems, Updates of 2010 Census Data by Synergos