FALL 2015
FALL 2015
FAL L 2015 FAL L 2015 4 THE BRANDON WESTGATE THE WESTGATE CC THE WESTGATE MID VULC 8 10 12 14 THE REYNOLDS LOW THE REYNOLDS LOW VULC 16 18 20 HERMAN G6 HERMAN G6 VULC 22 24 26 THE FIGUEROA 28 30 THE PROVOST SLIM VULC 32 34 THE ROMERO LACED 36 42 THE REYNOLDS CRUISER LT THE TROUBADOUR LOW THE WESTGATE CRUISER LT WINO CRUISER LT WINO CRUISER WINO CHUKKA CRUISER WINO HI LT 44 46 48 50 52 54 56 APPAREL 62 PANTS64 WOVENS68 FLEECE70 JACKETS78 TEES80 HATS94 ACCESSORIES98 COLLAB 102 SPANKY104 THE SKATEBOARD MAG 106 TOY MACHINE 107 “I’m a part of a family here. I’m part of a brand that really listens to me and the rest of the team. I think that’s super important to stay true to skating. Emerica represents some of the best and sickest skating. ” – Building off of last year’s Westgate G6, we’re excited to add two new additions to the Westgate franchise for 2015: the Westgate CC and the Westgate Mid Vulc. The Westgate CC is a slimmed down version with a more accessible price point. It has a G6 foam midsole for impact protection, while the cup sole construction offers awesome stability. The Westgate Mid Vulc has some added ankle support along with tongue straps to give it a super solid fit. This shoe is the perfect blend of killer board feel and grip. Westgate is looking forward to his new line and said, “My new collection has something for everyone this time around. I’m really proud of it. I’ve got a shoe coming out for every style of skating.” Both new styles stay true the design aesthetic Brandon loves in the original Westgate G6, including the one-piece toe panel to help stop blowouts. MID VULC WESTGATE G6 CC G6 8 THE BRANDON WESTGATE SIZES 5 – 14 STYLE # 61020000087 COLOR UPPER DELIVERY Black/White/Gold 715 Suede Synthetic Mesh June 2015 Emerica G6 is the high-performance foam at the core of Emerica’s six-principles of skate-design LIGHTWEIGHT • SUPPORT • CUSHION • GRIP • BREATHABLE • DURABLE 9 CC G6 CC 10 THE WESTGATE CC SIZES 5 – 14 NEW STYLE! STYLE # 6102000108 COLOR NEW! UPPER DELIVERY Grey/Red 096 Suede June 2015 COLOR NEW! UPPER DELIVERY COLOR NEW! UPPER DELIVERY Burgundy/White 637 Suede June 2015 Dark Blue/White 396 Suede June 2015 COLOR NEW! UPPER DELIVERY Black/White 976 Suede June 2015 Emerica G6 is the high-performance foam at the core of Emerica’s six-principles of skate-design LIGHTWEIGHT • SUPPORT • CUSHION • GRIP • BREATHABLE • DURABLE 11 MID VULC 12 THE WESTGATE MID VULC SIZES 5 – 14 NEW STYLE! STYLE # 6102000107 COLOR NEW! UPPER DELIVERY Brown/White 217 Suede July 2015 COLOR NEW! UPPER DELIVERY COLOR NEW! UPPER DELIVERY Black/White 976 Suede June 2015 Dark Blue/Gum 397 Suede July 2015 13 G6 LOW THE REYNOLDS LOW SIZES 5 – 14 STYLE # 6102000084 COLOR NEW! UPPER DELIVERY Grey/Grey 072 Suede July 2015 COLOR UPPER DELIVERY Black/Gum 964 Suede June 2015 Emerica G6 is the high-performance foam at the core of Emerica’s six-principles of skate-design LIGHTWEIGHT • SUPPORT • CUSHION • GRIP • BREATHABLE • DURABLE 17 LOW VULC THE REYNOLDS LOW VULC SIZES 5 – 14 STYLE # 6102000096 COLOR NEW! UPPER DELIVERY Navy/White/Gum 478 Suede July 2015 COLOR NEW! UPPER DELIVERY COLOR NEW! UPPER DELIVERY Black/Gum 964 Suede July 2015 Black/White/Silver 983 Suede July 2015 COLOR NEW! UPPER DELIVERY COLOR NEW! UPPER DELIVERY Black/Black/Black 004 Synthetic NuBuck July 2015 Tan/White/Gum 269 Suede July 2015 COLLAB COLOR UPPER DELIVERY Black/White 976 Suede Canvas June 2015 COLOR NEW! UPPER DELIVERY White/Gum 104 Suede July 2015 REYNOLDS LOW VULC x THE SKATEBOARD MAG STYLE # 6107000157 19 20 21 G6 HERMAN G6 SIZES 5 – 14 STYLE # 6102000078 COLOR UPPER DELIVERY Black/White/Gold 715 Premium Suede June 2015 COLLAB COLOR NEW! UPPER DELIVERY White 100 Suede July 2015 HERMAN G6 x THE SKATEBOARD MAG STYLE # 6107000156 Emerica G6 is the high-performance foam at the core of Emerica’s six-principles of skate-design LIGHTWEIGHT • SUPPORT • CUSHION • GRIP • BREATHABLE • DURABLE 23 G6 VULC 24 HERMAN G6 VULC SIZES 5 – 14 STYLE # 6102000097 COLOR NEW! UPPER DELIVERY COLOR NEW! UPPER DELIVERY Brown/Black 201 Suede Canvas August 2015 Black/White/Gum 979 Synthetic Leather PU Nubuck July 2015 COLOR NEW! UPPER DELIVERY COLOR NEW! UPPER DELIVERY Dark Grey/Black 022 Suede Canvas July 2015 Navy/Gum 460 Suede Canvas July 2015 COLOR NEW! UPPER DELIVERY COLOR UPPER DELIVERY Red/White 616 Suede Canvas June 2015 Light Grey 050 Suede Canvas June 2015 COLOR UPPER DELIVERY COLOR UPPER DELIVERY Black/Gum 964 Suede Canvas June 2015 Black/White 976 Suede Canvas June 2015 25 26 27 THE FIGUEROA SIZES 5 – 14 STYLE # 6102000092 COLOR NEW! UPPER DELIVERY Black/Gum 964 Suede June 2015 COLOR NEW! UPPER DELIVERY COLOR NEW! UPPER DELIVERY Grey/White/Gum 380 Suede July 2015 Tan/Brown 289 Suede Corduroy August 2015 COLOR NEW! UPPER DELIVERY COLOR UPPER DELIVERY Black/White/Print 507 Suede Printed Canvas July 2015 Black/White/White 984 Suede June 2015 29 31 SLIM 032 THE PROVOST SLIM VULC SIZES 5 – 14 NEW STYLE! STYLE # 6102000110 COLOR NEW! UPPER DELIVERY Blue/White 442 Suede Canvas July 2015 COLOR NEW! UPPER DELIVERY COLOR NEW! UPPER DELIVERY Black/White 976 Suede Canvas July 2015 Black/Black 003 Suede Canvas July 2015 COLLAB COLOR NEW! UPPER DELIVERY COLOR NEW! UPPER DELIVERY Brown/Tan 213 Suede Corduroy August 2015 Black/Grey 570 Printed Suede Canvas July 2015 THE PROVOST SLIM VULC X TOY MACHINE STYLE # 6107000155 33 LACED THE ROMERO LACED SIZES 5 – 14 STYLE # 6102000089 COLOR NEW! UPPER DELIVERY Dark Blue/Gum 397 Suede July 2015 COLOR NEW! UPPER DELIVERY COLOR NEW! UPPER DELIVERY Dark Brown 919 PU Nubuck July 2015 Dark Grey/Black 022 Suede July 2015 COLOR UPPER DELIVERY COLOR UPPER DELIVERY Black/Black/Gum 544 Denim June 2015 Black/Gum 964 Suede June 2015 COLOR UPPER DELIVERY COLOR UPPER DELIVERY Black/Tan 975 Suede Canvas June 2015 Black/White 976 Suede June 2015 COLLAB COLOR NEW! UPPER DELIVERY Black/Red 595 Printed Suede July 2015 THE ROMERO LACED X TOY MACHINE STYLE # 6107000158 37 JUNE 2015 THE BRANDON WESTGATE THE REYNOLDS LOW HERMAN G6 THE ROMERO LACED SIZES 5 – 14 STYLE # 61020000087 SIZES 5 – 14 SIZES 5 – 14 SIZES 5 – 14 Black/White/Gold 715 Suede/Synthetic/Mesh Black/Gum 964 Suede Black/White/Gold 715 Premium Suede THE REYNOLDS LOW VULC HERMAN G6 VULC SIZES 5 – 14 SIZES 5 – 14 THE WESTGATE CC NEW STYLE! SIZES 5 – 14 STYLE # 6102000108 Grey/Red 096 NEW! Suede STYLE # 6102000084 STYLE # 6102000096 Black/White 976 Suede/Canvas STYLE # 6102000078 STYLE # 6102000097 STYLE # 6102000089 Black/Black/Gum 544 Denim Black/Tan 975 Suede/Canvas Red/White 616 Suede/Canvas Black/Gum 964 Suede THE FIGUEROA SIZES 5 – 14 STYLE # 6102000092 Black/Gum 964 Suede/Canvas Burgundy/White 637 NEW! Suede Black/White 976 Suede Black/Gum 964 NEW! Suede THE LEO DOS SIZES 5 – 14 Black/White 976 NEW! Suede STYLE # 6102000101 Light Grey 050 Suede/Canvas Black/White/White 984 Suede Dark Blue/White 396 NEW! Suede Black/White 976 Suede/Canvas Black/Gum 964 NEW! Suede THE WESTGATE MID VULC NEW STYLE! SIZES 5 – 14 STYLE # 6102000107 Black/White 976 Suede Black/White 976 NEW! Suede 38 JULY 2015 AUGUST 2015 THE WESTGATE MID VULC NEW STYLE! THE REYNOLDS LOW THE PROVOST SLIM VULC NEW STYLE! HERMAN G6 VULC SIZES 5 – 14 SIZES 5 – 14 SIZES 5 – 14 SIZES 5 – 14 STYLE # 6102000107 Brown/White 217 NEW! Suede STYLE # 6102000084 Grey/Grey 072 NEW! Suede STYLE # 6102000110 Black/White 976 NEW! Suede/ Canvas Brown/Black 201 NEW! Suede/Canvas THE FIGUEROA THE REYNOLDS LOW VULC SIZES 5 – 14 SIZES 5 – 14 STYLE # 6102000096 STYLE # 6102000092 Black/Black 003 NEW! Suede/Canvas Dark Blue/Gum 397 NEW! Suede THE PROVOST SLIM VULC x TOY MACHINE SIZES 5 – 14 HERMAN G6 VULC SIZES 5 – 14 STYLE # 6102000097 STYLE # 6102000097 STYLE # 6107000155 Navy/White/Gum 478 NEW! Suede COLLAB Tan/Brown 289 NEW! Suede/Corduroy THE PROVOST SLIM VULC NEW STYLE! SIZES 5 – 14 Black/Gum 964 NEW! Suede Black/White/Gum 979 NEW! Synthetic Leather/PU Nubuck STYLE # 6102000110 Black/Grey 570 NEW! Printed Suede/Canvas THE ROMERO LACED x TOY MACHINE SIZES 5 – 14 STYLE # 6107000158 Brown/Tan 213 NEW! Suede/Corduroy COLLAB Black/Black/Black 004 NEW! Synthetic/NuBuck Navy/Gum 460 NEW! Suede/Canvas Black/Red 595 NEW! Printed Suede Dark Grey/Black 022 NEW! Suede/Canvas Black/White/Silver 983 NEW! Suede THE ROMERO LACED Tan/White/Gum 269 NEW! Suede Dark Blue/Gum 397 NEW! Suede SIZES 5 – 14 STYLE # 6102000089 HERMAN G6 x THE SKATEBOARD MAG SIZES 5 – 14 STYLE # 6107000156 COLLAB THE FIGUEROA SIZES 5 – 14 STYLE # 6102000092 White 100 NEW! Suede Dark Brown 919 NEW! PU Nubuck THE REYNOLDS LOW VULC x TSM SIZES 5 – 14 STYLE # 6107000157 COLLAB Grey/White/Gum 380 NEW! Suede Dark Grey/Black 022 NEW! Suede White/Gum 104 NEW! Suede Black/White/Print 507 NEW! Suede/Printed Canvas 39 THE REYNOLDS CRUISER LT COLOR Brown/WhiteGrey/Red 217 NEW!096 NEW! Black/White/Gum 979 NEW! Black/White 976 UPPER Canvas Wool Blend Suede/Canvas Canvas/Textile DELIVERY July 2015 July 2015 July 2015 July 2015 SIZES 5 – 14 STYLE # 6102000099 44 45 46 THE TROUBADOUR LOW COLOR Dark Blue/White 396 NEW! Grey/White/Gum 380 NEW! Black/White 976 Black/Gum 964 Black/Black 003 UPPER Canvas July 2015 Wool Blend August 2015 Canvas June 2015 Canvas/Suede June 2015 Canvas June 2015 DELIVERY SIZES 5 – 14 STYLE # 6102000090 47 WESTGATE CRUISER LT COLOR Grey/Black/Red 035 NEW! UPPER Mesh July 2015 DELIVERY SIZES 5 – 14 STYLE # 6102000095 48 49 50 WINO CRUISER LT COLOR Black/White/Burgundy 357 NEW! Brown/Brown 208 NEW! Grey/White 370 NEW! Navy/Brown/White 480 NEW! Black/White 976 UPPER Waxed Canvas PU Nubuck July 2015 Suede Nylon Ripstop July 2015 Wool Blend Suede August 2015 Mesh DELIVERY July 2015 June 2015 SIZES 5 – 14 STYLE # 6101000098 51 WINO CRUISER COLOR Black/Black/Print 886 NEW! UPPER DELIVERY Printed Canvas Grey/Black 030 NEW! Canvas Red/Grey/White 608 NEW! Waxed Canvas Wool Blend Dark Grey/White 067 NEW! Canvas Black/White 976 Canvas Black/Gum 964 Canvas Black/Black 003 Canvas Blue 400 NEW! Printed Canvas July 2015 July 2015 August 2015 June 2015 June 2015 June 2015 June 2015 July 2015 SIZES 5 – 14 STYLE # 6101000097 52 53 54 WINO CHUKKA CRUISER NEW STYLE! COLOR Dark Blue/White 396 NEW! Black/White 976 NEW! Light Grey 050 NEW! UPPER Suede Canvas July 2015 Suede Suede Corduroy July 2015 DELIVERY July 2015 Black/Print 358 NEW! Suede Printed Canvas July 2015 SIZES 5 – 14 STYLE # 6101000101 55 WINO HI LT NEW STYLE! COLOR Black/Black 003 NEW! Brown/White 217 NEW! Grey 020 NEW! UPPER Suede Waxed Canvas August 2015 Suede Waxed Canvas August 2015 Suede Wool Blend August 2015 DELIVERY SIZES 5 – 14 STYLE # 6101000099 56 57 JUNE 2015 JULY 2015 THE TROUBADOUR LOW WINO CRUISER THE REYNOLDS CRUISER LT SIZES 5 – 14 STYLE # 6102000090 SIZES 5 – 14 STYLE # 6101000097 SIZES 5 – 14 STYLE # 6102000099 Black/White 976 Canvas Dark Grey/White 067 NEW! Canvas Black/White 979 NEW! Suede/Canvas Black/Gum 964 Canvas/Suede Black/White 976 Canvas Grey/Red 096 NEW! Wool Blend Black/Black 003 Canvas Black/Gum 964 Canvas Brown/White 217 NEW! Canvas Black/Black 003 Canvas Black/White 976 Canvas/Textile WINO CRUISER LT SIZES 5 – 14 STYLE # 6101000098 THE TROUBADOUR LOW SIZES 5 – 14 STYLE # 6102000090 Black/White 976 Mesh Dark Blue/White 396 NEW! Canvas THE WESTGATE CRUISER LT SIZES 5 – 14 STYLE # 6102000095 Grey/Black/Red 035 NEW! Mesh 58 JULY 2015 AUGUST 2015 WINO CRUISER LT WINO CHUKKA CRUISER NEW STYLE! THE TROUBADOUR LOW SIZES 5 – 14 STYLE # 6101000098 SIZES 5 – 14 STYLE # 6101000101 SIZES 5 – 14 STYLE # 6102000090 Black/White/Burgundy 357 NEW! Waxed Canvas/PU Nubuck Black/White 976 NEW! Suede Grey/White/Gum 380 NEW! Wool Blend WINO CRUISER LT SIZES 5 – 14 STYLE # 6101000098 Brown/Brown 208 NEW! Suede Dark Blue/White 396 NEW! Suede/Canvas Navy/Brown/White 480 NEW! Wool Blend/Suede WINO CRUISER SIZES 5 – 14 STYLE # 6101000097 Grey/White 370 NEW! Nylon/Ripstop Light Grey 050 NEW! Suede/Corduroy Red/Grey/White 608 NEW! Waxed Canvas/Wool Blend WINO CRUISER WINO CHUKKA CRUISER x KSL WINO HI LT NEW STYLE! SIZES 5 – 14 STYLE # 6101000097 SIZES 5 – 14 STYLE # 6107000162 SIZES 5 – 14 STYLE # 6101000099 Black/Black/Print 886 NEW! Printed Canvas Black/Print 358 NEW! Suede/Printed Canvas Black/Black 003 NEW! Suede/Waxed Canvas Grey/Black 030 NEW! Canvas WINO CRUISER x KSL Brown/White 217 NEW! Suede/Waxed Canvas SIZES 5 – 14 STYLE # 6107000163 Blue 400 NEW! Printed Canvas Grey 020 NEW! Suede/Wool Blend 59 PURE SLIM DENIM STYLE # 6130002432 PURE STRAIGHT DENIM STYLE # 6130002431 SIZES 28X30, 30X30, 30X32, 32X30, 32X32, 33X32, 34X32, 36X32, 38X32 SIZES 28X30, 30X30, 30X32, 32X30, 32X32, 33X32, 34X32, 36X32, 38X32 FABRIC 98% cotton 2% spandex stretch 11.5 oz. denim. FABRIC 98% cotton 2% spandex stretch 11.5 oz. denim. Zip fly with button closure. Slim fit, standard rise, 14-3/4” leg opening. Zip fly with button closure. Straight fit, standard rise, 15-1/2” leg opening. Med. Vintage 798 Indigo Raw 506 Worn Indigo 503 OD Black 520 Indigo Raw 506 64 Worn Black 537 OD Black 520 Worn Black 537 Med. Vintage 798 Worn Indigo 503 PURE SLIM CHINO SIZES STYLE # 6130002434 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 36, 38 FABRIC SIZES 98% cotton 2% spandex stretch twill chino pant. Zip fly with button closure. Slim fit, standard rise, 14-3/4” leg opening. Black 001 Khaki 255 PURE STRAIGHT CHINO Navy 401 STYLE # 6130002433 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 36, 38 FABRIC 98% cotton 2% spandex stretch twill chino pant. Zip fly with button closure. Straight fit, standard rise, 15-1/2” leg opening. Black 001 Khaki 255 Navy 401 65 PURE SLIM 5 PKT STYLE # 6130002435 SIZES 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 36, 38 98% cotton 2% spandex stretch heavy dobby 5 pocket pant. FABRIC Zip fly with button closure. Slim fit, standard rise, 14-3/4” leg opening. COLOR Brown 200 66 Khaki 255 Black 001 67 HARD LUCK LS FLANNEL STYLE # 6130002436 SIZES S, M , L , XL FABRIC 100% cotton medium weight yarn dyed long sleeve plaid flannel with two chest pockets. COLORS Navy 401 68 Red 600 REUP LS WOVEN STYLE # 6130002437 SIZES S, M , L , XL FABRIC 100% cotton chambray long sleeve woven with stash pocket on sleeve cuff with two chest pockets. COLORS Olive 301 Indigo 501 69 TRIANGLE PO HOOD STYLE # 6130002438 SIZES S, M , L , XL FABRIC 80% cotton 20% poly 300 gsm french terry pull over hooded fleece with Triangle logo art screen print. COLORS Maroon 625 Black 001 Olive 301 Grey/Heather 043 URNST PO HOOD STYLE # 6130002440 SIZES S, M , L , XL FABRIC 80% cotton 20% poly 300 gsm french terry pullover hooded fleece with logo art screenprint and hidden cell phone pocket. COLORS Navy 401 Grey/Heather 043 Maroon 625 71 TRIANGLE ZIP HOOD STYLE # 6130002439 SIZES S, M , L , XL FABRIC 80% cotton 20% poly 300 gsm french terry zipup hooded fleece with Triangle logo art embroidery. COLORS Black 001 Navy 401 Grey/Heather 043 THE A.R. ZIP FLEECE STYLE # 6130002441 SIZES S, M , L , XL FABRIC 80% cotton 20% poly 300 gsm french terry zipup hooded fleece with flocked “E” logo and hidden cell phone pocket. COLORS Olive 301 72 Black 001 WOOLEE ZIP HOOD STYLE # 6130002446 SIZES S, M , L , XL FABRIC 80% cotton 20% poly 300 gsm french terry zipup hooded fleece with sherpa lined body and hood. Pure logo art embroidery. COLORS Olive 301 Grey/Heather 043 73 TRI TRIPP CREW STYLE # 6130002443 SIZES S, M , L , XL FABRIC 100% cotton 300 gsm tie dyed french terry crew neck fleece with Pure logo art screenprint. COLORS Maroon 625 Navy 401 COMMUNITY COLLEGE CREWNECK STYLE # 6130002442 SIZES S, M , L , XL FABRIC 100% cotton 300 gsm french terry crew neck raglan fleece with logo art screen print and surplus label patch. Navy colorway with tie dye. COLORS Navy 401 74 Grey 020 75 76 TRI TRIPP PO HOOD STYLE # 6130002444 SIZES S, M , L , XL FABRIC 100% cotton 300 gsm tie dyed french terry pullover hooded fleece with Triangle logo art screenprint. COLORS White 100 Olive 301 CULIACAN ZIP HOOD STYLE # 6130002445 SIZES S, M , L , XL FABRIC 80% cotton 20% poly 300 gsm french terry zipup hooded fleece with contrast front pouch pockets, hidden cell phone pocket and Triangle logo art embroidery. All over pocket print on the Multi colorway and an all over pocket print designed by Kevin “Spanky” Long on the Black/White colorway. COLORS Black 001 Grey/Heather 043 77 DAWBBER JACKET STYLE # 6130002447 SIZES S, M , L , XL FABRIC 100% nylon coaches jacket with jersey lining, interior chest pocket and Pure logo art screen print. COLORS Maroon 625 78 Black 001 Olive 301 INFANTRY JACKET STYLE # 6130002070 SIZES S, M , L , XL FABRIC 100% nylon parka with resin coating, quilted poly fill liner and faux fur hood. COLORS Black 001 79 COLLAB Tattoo artist, illustrator, and vocalist, Jean-Luc Navette lives in a darker realm than the rest of us. He tells his stories through the music grinding in his brain, transfering it to the harsh embrace of his pen. Music is a major aspect of his drawing; it’s what drives the engine behind his dark creations. “It’s always on when I’m drawing. It’s an easy door get into my own world. Leo had a bunch of songs he shared with me. This helped me create and get into his and the Emerica world.” His dark sagas end badly, just like an unforgiving skate session can. Jean Luc works within the “dust, blood, scars, faith, and passions” that stem from the one that didn’t make it. The one that’s laying on the side of the road you leave behind. NAVETTE HEART TEE STYLE # 6130002451 SIZES S, M , L , XL COLLAB Black 001 (Back View) FABRIC Designed by JeanLuc Navette for Emerica. 100% cotton 30 singles short sleeve tshirt with screenprint and aged wash. NAVETTE LEO TEE STYLE # 6130002452 SIZES S, M , L , XL COLLAB White 100 (Back View) FABRIC Designed by JeanLuc Navette for Emerica. 100% cotton 30 singles short sleeve tshirt with screenprint and aged wash. 81 COMBO 10 TEE STYLE # 6130001595 EMERICA TRIANGLE 7.1 TEE SIZES S, M , L , XL STYLE # 6130002203 Navy 401 S, M , L , XL Grey/Yellow 360 COLORS Black/Green 985 SIZES COLORS Maroon 625 Green/White 311 White/Yellow 141 Black 001 Maroon 625 Olive 301 White/Navy 145 FABRIC FABRIC 100% cotton 30 singles short sleeve tshirt with screenprint. 100% cotton 30 singles short sleeve tshirt with screenprint. PURE EMERICA 12.1 TEE STIMULOUS TEE STYLE # 6130002204 SIZES S, M , L , XL STYLE # 6130002371 Black 001 S, M , L , XL White 100 COLORS Maroon 625 SIZES COLORS Olive 301 White 100 Black 001 Navy 401 Grey/Heather 043 FABRIC FABRIC 100% cotton 30 singles short sleeve tshirt with screenprint. 100% cotton 30 singles short sleeve tshirt with screenprint. 82 URNST TEE STYLE # WE HUNT ALONE TEE 6130002372 SIZES S, M , L , XL STYLE # 6130002373 Maroon 625 S, M , L , XL Olive 301 COLORS Grey/Heather 043 SIZES COLORS Black 001 Black 001 White 100 FABRIC FABRIC 100% cotton 30 singles short sleeve tshirt with screenprint. 100% cotton 30 singles short sleeve tshirt with screenprint. SLIMED LOGO TEE DRINK BEER AND SKATE TEE STYLE # 6130002374 SIZES S, M , L , XL STYLE # 6130002375 Grey/Heather 043 COLORS Black 001 Black 001 SIZES S, M , L , XL (Back View) COLORS White 100 FABRIC FABRIC 100% cotton 30 singles short sleeve tshirt with screenprint. 100% cotton 30 singles short sleeve tshirt with screenprint. 83 LOST HIGHWAY TEE STYLE # 6130002376 SIZES A CAT CONTEMPLATING DEATH TEE S, M , L , XL STYLE # 6130002377 Navy 401 SIZES S, M , L , XL White 100 COLORS COLORS Black 001 Black 001 FABRIC FABRIC 100% cotton 30 singles short sleeve tshirt with screenprint. 100% cotton 30 singles short sleeve tshirt with photo print. OLDEN TOWNE TEE SKETCH SNAKE TEE STYLE # 6130002378 SIZES S, M , L , XL STYLE # 6130002379 Navy 401 COLORS White 100 SIZES S, M , L , XL Olive 301 COLORS White 100 Black 001 FABRIC FABRIC 100% cotton 30 singles short sleeve tshirt with screenprint. 100% cotton 30 singles short sleeve tshirt with screenprint. 84 COPPERS N ROBBERS TEE STYLE # 6130002380 SIZES Maroon 625 S, M , L , XL LIVING AFTER MIDNIGHT TEE STYLE # 6130002381 (Back View) COLORS SIZES S, M , L , XL White 100 COLORS Black 001 Black 001 FABRIC FABRIC 100% cotton 30 singles short sleeve tshirt with screenprint. 100% cotton 30 singles short sleeve tshirt with screenprint. WORKING CLASS HUSTLE TEE COMMUNITY COLLEGE TEE STYLE # 6130002382 SIZES S, M , L , XL STYLE # 6130002383 Black 001 COLORS White 100 SIZES S, M , L , XL Grey/Heather 043 COLORS Navy 401 FABRIC FABRIC 100% cotton 30 singles short sleeve tshirt with screenprint. 100% cotton 30 singles short sleeve tshirt with screenprint. 85 VIDA ORO TEE STYLE # 6130002384 DONT TALK TO COPS TEE SIZES White 100 S, M , L , XL STYLE # 6130002395 (Back View) COLORS SIZES S, M , L , XL Grey/Heather 043 COLORS Black 001 White 100 FABRIC FABRIC 100% cotton 30 singles short sleeve tshirt with screenprint. 100% cotton 30 singles short sleeve tshirt with screenprint. EMERICA WESTGATE DISTRESSED TEE SEA ROPE TEE STYLE # 6130002453 SIZES S, M , L , XL STYLE # 6130002387 Black 001 Navy 401 SIZES S, M , L , XL (Back View) COLORS White 100 FABRIC FABRIC 100% cotton 30 singles short sleeve tshirt with screenprint. Designed by Kevin “Spanky” Long for Emerica. 100% cotton 30 singles short sleeve tshirt with screenprint. 86 DEMON CAT TEE EMERICA X TOY MACHINE STYLE # 6130002385 SIZES Grey/Heather 043 S, M , L , XL STYLE # 6130002386 (Back View) COLORS White 100 FISTS TEE EMERICA X TOY MACHINE SIZES White 100 S, M , L , XL (Back View) COLORS Black 001 Grey/Heather 043 Black 001 FABRIC FABRIC Designed by Toy Machine for Emerica. 100% cotton 30 singles short sleeve tshirt with screenprint. Designed by Toy Machine for Emerica. 100% cotton 30 singles short sleeve tshirt with screenprint. EMERICA X THE SKATEBOARD MAG X REYNOLDS TEE EMERICA X THE SKATEBOARD MAG X HERMAN TEE STYLE # 6130002449 White 100 SIZES S, M , L , XL STYLE # (Back View) 6130002450 White 100 SIZES S, M , L , XL (Back View) FABRIC FABRIC Designed by The Skateboard Mag and Andrew Reynolds for Emerica. 100% cotton 30 singles short sleeve tshirt with screenprint and tea stain wash. Designed by The Skateboard Mag and Bryan Herman for Emerica. 100% cotton 30 singles short sleeve tshirt with screenprint and tea stain wash. 87 SKETCH SNAKE RAGLAN STYLE # 6130002388 SIZES S, M , L , XL FABRIC 100% cotton raglan tshirt with threequarter length sleeves and screenprint. Black/White 876 COMBO ROUGH RAGLAN STYLE # 6130002389 SIZES S, M , L , XL COLOR Red/White 616 FABRIC 100% cotton raglan tshirt with threequarter length sleeves and screenprint. Black/Olive 592 88 THIRD BASE RAGLAN STYLE # 6130002390 SIZES S, M , L , XL COLORS Black/Heather 002 FABRIC 100% cotton raglan tshirt with threequarter length sleeves and screenprint. Navy/White 472 SIGNAL 2 TEE STYLE # 6130002391 SIZES S, M , L , XL COLORS Grey/Heather 043 FABRIC 100% cotton three button Henley tshirt with pocket and screenprint. Black 001 89 TOYNBEE TEE STYLE # 6130002392 SIZES S, M , L , XL COLORS Blue/Green 495 Red/White 616 FABRIC 100% cotton two button Henley tshirt with screenprint. Black/Heather 002 PEYOTE FLOWER POCKET TEE STYLE # 6130002393 SIZES S, M , L , XL COLORS White 100 Black 001 FABRIC 100% cotton 30 singles short sleeve tshirt with sublimated pocket print. Navy 401 90 SANDED POCKET TEE STYLE # 6130002355 SIZES S, M , L , XL FABRIC 100% cotton 30 singles short sleeve tshirt with custom wash. Maroon 625 PEYOTE FLOWER TANK STYLE # 6130002396 SIZES S, M , L , XL FABRIC 100% cotton 30 singles tank top shirt with sublimated all over print. Multi 999 91 WHEEL OF DEATH TEE STYLE # 6130002394 SIZES S, M , L , XL COLOR Olive 301 FABRIC 100% cotton 30 singles short sleeve tshirt with custom tiedye. White 100 PURE EMERICA 12 BURST TIE DYE STYLE # 6130002454 SIZES S, M , L , XL COLOR Maroon 625 FABRIC 100% cotton 30 singles short sleeve tshirt with custom tiedye and screenprint. Navy 401 92 93 TRIANGLE SNAPBACK CAP STYLE # 6140001007 SIZES One Size FABRIC 100% cotton twill snapback snapback hat with embroidered Triangle logo. COLORS Black 001, Navy 401, Maroon 625, Charcoal/Heather 011 PURE SNAPBACK CAP STYLE # 6140001008 SIZES One Size FABRIC 80% acrylic 20% wool snapback snapback hat with embroidered Pure logo. COLORS Sand 251, Black 001, Olive 301, Maroon 625 STANDARD ISSUE SNAPBACK STYLE # 6140001009 SIZES One Size FABRIC 100% cotton peached oxford snapback hat with surplus label patch. COLORS Maroon 625, Navy 401, Smoke 042, Olive 301 94 GENERAL ISSUE CAMP HAT STYLE # 6140001013 SIZES One Size FABRIC 100% cotton canvas 4 panel camp hat with logo art screenprint. COLORS Yellow 700, Sand 251, Black 001 BELLEVUE CAMP HAT STYLE # 6140001014 SIZES One Size FABRIC 100% cotton twill 5 panel camp hat with embroidered logo art patch. COLORS Olive 301, Black 001 THE A. R. CAP STYLE # 6140001015 SIZES One Size FABRIC Wool / Acrylic blend strap back ball cap with felt “E” applique. COLORS Charcoal/Heather 011, Maroon 625, Black 001 95 CULIACAN SNAPBACK STYLE # 6140001016 SIZES One Size FABRIC 100% light weight poly snapback hat with woven triangle logo patch and sublimated all over print on the Multi colorway. COLORS Multi 999, Black 001 REGLA TRUCKER HAT STYLE # 6140001017 SIZES One Size FABRIC 100% cotton and mesh trucker snapback hat with logo art screenprint. COLORS Navy 401, Olive 301 STANDARD ISSUE BEANIE STYLE # 6140001018 SIZES One Size FABRIC 95% acrylic 5% spandex 9g foldover beanie with surplus patch label. COLORS Olive 301, Maroon 625, Black 001, Grey/Heather 043, Navy 401, Yellow 700 96 BRANDOE BEANIE STYLE # 6140001031 SIZES One Size FABRIC 100% acrylic 9g fold up beanie with triangle logo clamp label. COLORS Navy 401, Grey 020, Black/Black 003, Olive 301, Grey/Heather 043, Maroon 625 YUCCA BEANIE STYLE # 6140001019 SIZES One Size FABRIC 55% cotton 45% acrylic fold up beanie with acid wash and embroidered logo art patch. COLORS Grey 020, Olive/Black 302, Maroon 625 13TH GRADE BEANIE STYLE # 6140001020 SIZES One Size FABRIC 95% acrylic 5% elastane fold up beanie with logo art embroidery. COLORS Black 001, Grey/Heather 043, Navy 401 97 CULIACAN BUCKET HAT STYLE # 6140001021 SIZES One Size FABRIC 100% cotton canvas bucket hat with adjustable chin strap and surplus label patch. All over print designed by Kevin “Spanky” Long on the Black/White colorway. COLORS Black/White 976, Olive 301 LUCI BOTTLE OPENER STYLE # 6140001026 FABRIC Custom 3D sculpted bottle opener keychain with logo art engraving. COLORS Gold 710 KEMPER BELT STYLE # 6140001024 SIZES S/M, L/XL FABRIC 100% poly web belt with metal enamel bottle opener buckle. Logo screen print on buckle. All over print on the Multi colorway and an all over print designed by Kevin “Spanky” Long on the Grey colorway. COLORS Grey 020, Maroon 625, Multi 999, Black 001 98 VENCILL BELT STYLE # 6140001025 SIZES S/M, L/XL FABRIC 100% cotton web belt with surplus patch, heavy gauge contrast thread and twopronged belt buckle. COLORS Olive 301, Black 001 VENCILL WALLET STYLE # 6140001023 SIZES No Size FABRIC 100% heavyweight cotton canvas ziparound pouch wallet with surplus patch. COLORS Olive 301, Black 001 VENCILL CHAIN STYLE # 6140001027 FABRIC 100% aluminum carabiner keychain with logo art screenprint on poly webbing. All over print on the Multi colorway and an all over print designed by Kevin “Spanky” Long on the Grey colorway. COLORS Multi 999, Grey 020, Olive 301, Black 001 99 PURE SLIM DENIM STYLE # 6130002432 Med. Vintage 798, Indigo Raw 506, Worn Indigo 503, Worn Black 537, OD Black 520 PURE STRAIGHT DENIM STYLE # 6130002431 OD Black 520, Indigo Raw 506, Worn Indigo 503, Worn Black 537, Med. Vintage 798 PURE SLIM CHINO STYLE # 6130002434 Med. Vintage 798, Khaki 255, Navy 401 PURE STRAIGHT CHINO STYLE # 6130002433 Black 001, Khaki 255,, Navy 401 PURE SLIM 5 PKT STYLE # 6130002435 Brown 200, Khaki 255, Black 001 HARD LUCK LS FLANNEL REUP LS WOVEN TRIANGLE PO HOOD URNST PO HOOD TRIANGLE ZIP HOOD THE A.R. ZIP FLEECE WOOLEE ZIP HOOD TRI TRIPP CREW STYLE # 6130002436 Navy 401, Red 600 STYLE # 6130002439 Black 001, Navy 401, Grey/Heather 043 STYLE # 6130002437 Olive 301, Indigo 501 STYLE # 6130002441 Olive 301, Black 001 COMMUNITY COLLEGE CREWNECK STYLE # 6130002442 Navy 401, Grey 020 100 STYLE # 6130002438 Maroon 625, Black 001, Olive 301, Grey/Heather 043 STYLE # 6130002446 Olive 301, Grey/Heather 043 TRI TRIPP PO HOOD STYLE # 6130002444 White 100, Olive 301 STYLE # 6130002440 Navy 401, Grey/Heather 043, Maroon 625 STYLE # 6130002443 Maroon 625, Navy 401 CULIACAN ZIP HOOD STYLE # 6130002445 Black 001, Grey/Heather 043 DAWBBER JACKET INFANTRY JACKET SKETCH SNAKE RAGLAN THIRD BASE RAGLAN COMBO ROUGH RAGLAN SIGNAL 2 TEE TOYNBEE TEE SANDED POCKET TEE PEYOTE FLOWER POCKET TEE PEYOTE FLOWER TANK WHEEL OF DEATH TEE PURE EMERICA 12 BURST TIE DYE STYLE # 6130002447 Maroon 625, Black 001, Olive 301 STYLE # 6130002070 Black 001 STYLE # 6130002389 Black/Olive 592, Red/White 616 STYLE # 6130002393 Navy 401, White 100, Black 001 STYLE # 6130002391 Black 001, Grey/Heather 043 STYLE # Multi 999 6130002396 STYLE # 6130002388 Black/White 876 STYLE # 6130002392 Black/Heather 002, Blue/Green 495, Red/White 616 STYLE # 6130002394 White 100, Olive 301 STYLE # 6130002390 Navy/White 472, Black/Heather 002 STYLE # 6130002355 Maroon 625 STYLE # 6130002454 Navy 401, Maroon 625 TRIANGLE SNAPBACK CAP GENERAL ISSUE CAMP HAT CULIACAN SNAPBACK PURE SNAPBACK CAP BELLEVUE CAMP HAT REGLA TRUCKER HAT 6140001007 Black 001, Navy 401, Maroon 625, Charcoal/Heather 011 6140001013 Yellow 700, Sand 251, Black 001 STYLE # 6140001016 Multi 999, Black 001 STYLE # 6140001008 Sand 251, Black 001, Olive 301, Maroon 625 STYLE # 6140001014 Olive 301, Black 001 6140001017 Navy 401, Olive 301 STANDARD ISSUE SNAPBACK 6140001009 Maroon 625, Navy 401, Smoke 042, Olive 301 STYLE # STYLE # STYLE # THE A. R. CAP STANDARD ISSUE BEANIE BRANDOE BEANIE YUCCA BEANIE 13TH GRADE BEANIE STYLE # 6140001015 Charcoal/Heather 011, Maroon 625, Black 001 6140001018 Olive 301, Maroon 625, Black 001, Grey/Heather 043, Navy 401, Yellow 700 6140001031 Navy 401, Grey 020, Black/ Black 003, Olive 301, Grey/ Heather 043, Maroon 625 6140001019 Grey 020, Olive/Black 302, Maroon 625 STYLE # CULIACAN BUCKET HAT LUCI BOTTLE OPENER KEMPER BELT VENCILL BELT VENCILL WALLET VENCILL CHAIN 6140001021 Black/White 976, Olive 301 6140001026 Gold 710 6140001024 Grey 020, Maroon 625, Multi 999, Black 001 6140001025 Olive 301, Black 001 6140001023 Olive 301, Black 001 STYLE # 6140001027 Multi 999, Grey 020, Olive 301, Black 001 STYLE # STYLE # STYLE # STYLE # STYLE # STYLE # STYLE # STYLE # STYLE # 6140001020 Black 001, Grey/Heather 043, Navy 401 101 What have you been up to lately? I’ve been skating a bunch and trying to get footage with Miner. You know, getting in the van, going up north, and going on missions. What motivated you to start on art projects? I’ve done art since I was a little kid, but its changed form and become more convenient to work in with skateboarding, especially with more opportunities that have come up. How was the design process on working on your shoe collab? Really great and painless. I’d been working on a lot of pattern oriented stuff to clear my head in the last year. It helps me stay meditative, like an exercise to help me unwind. So, I starting making tons of different patterns and kept in touch with August with them. We narrowed it down for the shoe that’s coming out together. Working with August and Brett really was a pleasure. What style shoe is your go to: mid or high and cup or vulc? I’m more of a low profiler. I skate in the G6 religiously, but I’m down to give mid tops a go to help out my battered ankles. I like the vulcs for cruising, too. I’ve got some old feet, so that G6 cupsole comes in handy. What music are you listening to? I like a lot of instrumental stuff and not to sound cliché, but I love listening to some Coltrane and Miles Davis. I haven’t been actively seeking music lately the way I use to, but I’ve made a point to start that up again because music’s such a huge part of my life. What’s your favorite Emerica shoe ever? I bought the first Jamie Thomas shoe over and over again. I was really into the Reynolds 2. I really liked the Spanky shoe, too (laughs). Yeah, it was my own shoe, but I loved it. COLLAB COLLAB WINO CHUKKA CRUISER x KSL WINO CRUISER X KSL Available in sizes: 5-14 / 6107000162 Black/Print 358 / Suede/Printed Canvas / July 2015 Available in sizes: 5-14 / 6107000163 Blue 400 / Printed Canvas / July 2015 The Emerica x Spanky Wino Cruiser Chukka and Wino Cruiser add some Spanky spice to the line with artwork Kevin created specifically for this collaboration. Spanky’s been a part of the Emerica family for over a decade and these two shoes highlight the mutual respect between Emerica and Spanky, perfectly. CULIACAN BUCKET HAT KEMPER BELT VENCILL CHAIN One Size / 6140001021 Sizes: S/M, L/XL / 6140001024 One Size / 6140001027 105 COLLAB COLLAB HERMAN G6 x THE SKATEBOARD MAG REYNOLDS LOW VULC x THE SKATEBOARD MAG Available in sizes: 5-14 / 6107000156 White 100 / Suede / July 2015 Available in sizes: 5-14 / 6107000157 White/Gum 104 / Suede / July 2015 The Emerica x The Skateboard Mag “White Balance Pack” consists of the Reynolds Low Vulc and Herman G6, giving due respect to one of the truest mags in the biz. The Reynolds Low Vulc and Herman G6 come equipped with TSM logo and dual insole color photos in both left and right shoes. Core supports core. 106 EMERICA X THE SKATEBOARD MAG X HERMAN TEE STYLE # 6130002450 SIZES S, M , L , XL EMERICA X THE SKATEBOARD MAG X REYNOLDS TEE STYLE # 6130002449 SIZES S, M , L , XL COLLAB COLLAB THE PROVOST SLIM VULC X TOY MACHINE Available in sizes: 5-14 / 6107000155 Black/Grey 570 / Printed Suede/Canvas / July 2015 THE ROMERO LACED X TOY MACHINE Available in sizes: 5-14 / 6107000158 Black/Red 595 / Printed Suede / July 2015 With Emerica vet and legend, Ed Templeton, and fellow Toy Machine minions, Leo Romero and Collin Provost, it was a no brainer to dress up their new Emerica shoe models with some OG Toy logos and colorways. COLORS COLORS White 100 Grey/Heather 043 Black 001 Black 001 DEMON CAT TEE STYLE # 6130002385 SIZES S, M , L , XL FISTS TEE STYLE # 6130002386 SIZES S, M , L , XL 107 CHAPTER TWO VIDEO COMING SOON 108 109 EMERICA.COM / FACEBOOK.COM/EMERICA / TWITTER @EMERICA / SOLE TECHNOLOGY : 26921 FUERTE DRIVE LAKE FOREST CA 92630 INSTA @EMERICA
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