Sreeju - Sreejith Star Matching Result
Sreeju - Sreejith Star Matching Result
Sreeju - Sreejith Star Matching Result Approved by Dr K Balakrishna Warrier, Kerala Government Astrologer and application is developed by his disciples. Rev enue Towers, Ground Floor, No.07, Thiruv alla, Pathanamthitta Dist, Kerala Pin 689 101 PH: 0469 2622990, 0469 3021210, 9847185420 Email : Sri Sakthi Astro Star Matching Result NAME LATTITUDE LONGITUDE PLACE MALE Sreejith 13.0524139 80.2508246 Chennai, Tamil Nadu, India FEMALE Sreeju 19.0759837 72.8776559 Mumbai, Maharashtra, India DATE OF BIRTH Year Month Day Hour Min AM/PM FEMALE 1974 Oct 05 TIME OF BIRTH FEMALE 22 05 PM MALE 1973 Feb 03 MALE 16 52 PM SHISHTA DASA / BALANCE PERIOD FEMALE MALE STAR NAME DASA LORD YEARS MONTH DAY PAADAM Karthika RAVI 0YEARS 4MONTHS 29.4DAYS 4 Thiruvonam CHANDRAN 0YEARS 11MONTHS 17.9DAYS 4 FEMALE RASI FEMALE BHAVA FEMALE NAVAMSA MALE RASI MALE BHAVA MALE NAVAMSA EXPERT RESULT RESULT 1. Raasi Porutham Matching 1 2. Rasyadhipa Porutham Not Matching 0 3. Vasiya Porutham Not Matching 0 7. Mahendra Porutham Not Matching 0 4. Ganam Porutham Not Matching 0 5. Dhinam Porutham Matching 1 6. Yoni Porutham Matching 1 8. Stree Deerga Porutham Matching 1 9. Madhyama Raj j u Porutham Not Matching 0 10. Vedham Porutham Matching 1 TOTAL MATCH VALUE (out of 10) STAR MATCH RESULT POINT 5 Take Care,Rajju found Sreeju - Sreejith Star Matching Result Approved by Dr K Balakrishna Warrier, Kerala Government Astrologer and application is developed by his disciples. Rev enue Towers, Ground Floor, No.07, Thiruv alla, Pathanamthitta Dist, Kerala Pin 689 101 PH: 0469 2622990, 0469 3021210, 9847185420 Email : Sri Sakthi Astro DEERKHA MANGALYA REPORT ( BASED ON BHAVA) ACCORDING TO JYOTHISHA ACHARYA'S COMPATIBILITY CHECK WITH BHAVA IS UNAVOIDABLE AND IT IS TERMED AS VISHESHA. Male Dheerkha Mangalya Points Female Dheerkha Mangalya Points MALE PLANET STATUS Point FEMALE PLANET STATUS Point 1. Sun in Virgo Ascedant and Saturn in Pisces. 0 1. Mars in eight from Ascedant. 0 Malefics in the fourth and eight house from Venus,not 0 1 2. 2. Position and aspection of malefics to seventh house. aspected or conjoined by benefics. 0 3. Venus disposed between malefics and not aspected by 0 3. Seventh lord positioned in the eight aspected by benefics. malefics. Association of Sun and Venus and positioned in 0 0 4. 4. Mars in the seventh house. fifth,seventh or nineth house. 0 5. Seveth lord conjoins malefics and disposed in eight 0 5. Moon in the fifth house and malefics in the first,seventh and twelth from Ascendant. and twelfth house. If moon is associated by venus and aspected by Mars 0 0 6. 6. Seventh lord debilitated. and Saturn from its seventh house. 0 7. Malefics in the second and twelfth of seventh house 0 7. Seventh lord in the fifth house from Ascendant. and aspected by malefics. 0 Malefics in the seventh and ninieth house and eighth 0 8. Fifth lord positioned in the Seventh from Ascendant. 8. house aspected by Mars 0 0 9. Eigth lord positioned in the Seventh from Ascendant. 9. Position of Mars in the second house and aspected by malefics. 10. Scorpio as seventh house and occupied by Venus. 0 10. Saturn in the second aspected by sun or Mars. 0 0 11. Position of debilitated planet in the second house 0 11. Taurus as seventh house and occupied by Mercury. and not aspected by benefics. 1 Malefics in ascendant, second ,seventh, eighth 0 12. Debilitated Jupiter in the Seventh house. 12. house. 13. Pisces as seventh house and occupied by Saturn. 0 13. Seventh lord in the fifth house. 1 14. Mars in the seventh from Ascendant. 0 14. Fifth lord in the seventh house. 0 15. Seventh lord debiliated. 0 15. Eight lord in the seventh house. 0 Disposition of malefics in the second and seventh 0 Seventh lord, venus and jupiter debilitated from 0 16. 16. house and aspected by malefics. ascendant. Disposition of malefics in the eigth house and 0 17. aspected by malefics. 18. Saturn and moon in the seventh house. 0 Seventh lord debilitated and Venus positioned in 0 19. eighth from ascendant. 0 20. Seventh lord in the eighth house and twelfth lord in seventh house. Eight lord positioned in saturn houses and Venus in 0 21. eighth house from Ascendant. 0 22. Second lord in the eighth and lord of ascendant debilitated. Male Total points 1 Female Total points 2 Sreeju - Sreejith Star Matching Result Approved by Dr K Balakrishna Warrier, Kerala Government Astrologer and application is developed by his disciples. Rev enue Towers, Ground Floor, No.07, Thiruv alla, Pathanamthitta Dist, Kerala Pin 689 101 PH: 0469 2622990, 0469 3021210, 9847185420 Email : Sri Sakthi Astro Shodasamsa Koshtakam Analysis Based on Bhava for 7th house of male and 7,8 th house of female ACCORDING TO JYOTHISHA ACHARYA'S COMPATIBILITY CHECK WITH BHAVA IS UNAVOIDABLE AND IT IS TERMED AS VISHESHA. Sun Mars Saturn Rahu Kethu PLANET STATUS HOUSES La Cha Ve La Cha Ve La Cha Ve La Cha Ve La Cha Ve M 7 F 7,8 M 7 F 7,8 M 7 F 7,8 M 7 F 7,8 M 7 F 7,8 M 7 F 7,8 M 7 F 7,8 M 7 F 7,8 M 7 F 7,8 Neecha 128 60 64 128 30 64 120 30 3.75 Ati- satru Satru Uccha Moola Kshethra Sw a kshethra Mitra 4 2.25 Ati Mitra 64 16 Sama Male Female Male Female Total Points Grand Total La - Lagna | Cha - Chandra | Ve - Venus 16 8 24 16 93.75 4 2.25 24 8 16 24 350 / 128 =2.734375 436 / 128 =3.40625 88 192 150 192 Sreeju - Sreejith Star Matching Result Approved by Dr K Balakrishna Warrier, Kerala Government Astrologer and application is developed by his disciples. Rev enue Towers, Ground Floor, No.07, Thiruv alla, Pathanamthitta Dist, Kerala Pin 689 101 PH: 0469 2622990, 0469 3021210, 9847185420 Email : Sri Sakthi Astro Shodasamsa Koshtakam Analysis Based on Bhava for 1,7,8,2,4,12 th house of Male and Female. ACCORDING TO JYOTHISHA ACHARYA'S COMPATIBILITY CHECK WITH BHAVA IS UNAVOIDABLE AND IT IS TERMED AS VISHESHA. Sun Mars Saturn Rahu Kethu PLANET STATUS HOUSES La Cha Ve La Cha Ve La Cha Ve La Cha Ve La Cha Ve M 1,7,8,2,4,12 F 1,7,8,2,4,12 M 1,7,8,2,4,12 F 1,7,8,2,4,12 M 1,7,8,2,4,12 F 1,7,8,2,4,12 M 1,7,8,2,4,12 F 1,7,8,2,4,12 M 1,7,8,2,4,12 F 1,7,8,2,4,12 M 1,7,8,2,4,12 F 1,7,8,2,4,12 M 1,7,8,2,4,12 F 1,7,8,2,4,12 M 1,7,8,2,4,12 F 1,7,8,2,4,12 M 1,7,8,2,4,12 F 1,7,8,2,4,12 Neecha Ati- satru 128 64 32 16 60 30 15 15 7.5 3.75 128 64 32 16 120 30 Satru Uccha Moola Kshethra Sw a kshethra Mitra 4 1 2.25 Ati Mitra Sama Total Points Male Female Male Female Grand Total La - Lagna | Cha - Chandra | Ve - Venus 131.25 5 64 64 32 16 16 16 8 4 24 64 32 6 16 8 2.25 80 140 30 120 240 541 / 128 =4.2265625 635 / 128 =4.9609375 187.5 240 30 7.5 Sreeju - Sreejith Star Matching Result Approved by Dr K Balakrishna Warrier, Kerala Government Astrologer and application is developed by his disciples. Rev enue Towers, Ground Floor, No.07, Thiruv alla, Pathanamthitta Dist, Kerala Pin 689 101 PH: 0469 2622990, 0469 3021210, 9847185420 Email : Sri Sakthi Astro DASA SANDHI MATCHING REPORT FEMALE BORN AT 1974-10-5 ON RAVI BALANCE 0 YEARS 4 MONTHS 29 DAYS BRIDE FROM TO MALE BORN AT 1973-2-3 ON CHANDRAN BALANCE 0 YEARS 11 MONTHS 18 DAYS GROOM FROM TO ravi 1974-10-5 1975-03-06 chandran 1973-2-3 1974-01-21 chandran 1975-03-06 1985-03-06 kuja 1974-01-21 1981-01-21 kuja 1985-03-06 1992-03-06 rahu 1981-01-21 1999-01-21 rahu 1992-03-06 2010-03-06 guru 1999-01-21 2015-01-21 guru 2010-03-06 2026-03-06 shani 2015-01-21 2034-01-21 shani 2026-03-06 2045-03-06 budha 2034-01-21 2051-01-21 budha 2045-03-06 2062-03-06 kethu 2051-01-21 2058-01-21 kethu 2062-03-06 2069-03-06 shukra 2058-01-21 2078-01-21 shukra 2069-03-06 2089-03-06 ravi 2078-01-21 2084-01-21 Dasa Sandhi Matching Sama Dasa Matching Result : GOOD : Take Care : AVERAGE We Checked Manglik,Shani, Rahu and Ketu Doshas ; Is This Horoscope Pappa and verified Paapa Madhya Stithi of Planets from Lagna and Bhava following Lahiri Ayanamsa astrology calculation MALE MANGLIK DOSH SHANI DOSH RAHU DOSH IS PAAPA HORO PAAPA Madhya Stithi RASI : NO NO NO Yes , Sun in [7] House NO BHAVA : NO NO Yes Yes , Rahu in [7] House NO RAHU DOSH IS PAAPA HORO PAAPA Madhya Stithi FEMALE MANGLIK DOSH SHANI DOSH RASI : NO NO Yes Yes , Rahu in [7]th House NO BHAVA : NO NO Yes Yes , Rahu in [7]th House NO Sreeju - Sreejith Star Matching Result Approved by Dr K Balakrishna Warrier, Kerala Government Astrologer and application is developed by his disciples. Rev enue Towers, Ground Floor, No.07, Thiruv alla, Pathanamthitta Dist, Kerala Pin 689 101 PH: 0469 2622990, 0469 3021210, 9847185420 Email : Sri Sakthi Astro Expert Marriage Analysis Report Of Sreejith And Sreeju Expert Marriage Analysis Report Expert Analysis(We recommend EXPERT ANALYSIS than NUMERIC) Male Female Common Result(if any) Final Opinion - - (Out of 10) - 5 Take Care,Rajju found 1 2 - Take Care Checked Shodasamsaka Koshtakam Method for Status of Malefics Planets namely Sun,Saturn,Mars,Rahu and Ketu and its status namely Neecha,Ati Satru,Uccha,Moola Kshethra,Swakshethra,Mitra,Ati Mitra,Ati Mitra and Sama from 3. Seventh House (Kalathra Position) of Male Horoscope and from Seventh and Eighth House (Mangalya Position) of Female Horoscope. 2.734375 3.40625 - Take Care Checked Shodasamsaka Koshtakam Method for Status of Malefics Planets namely Sun,Saturn,Mars,Rahu and Ketu and its status 4. namely Neecha,Ati Satru,Uccha,Moola Kshethra,Swakshethra,Mitra,Ati Mitra,Ati Mitra and Sama ,from First,Second, Fourth,Seventh ,Eighth and Twelveth House 4.2265625 4.9609375 - Take Care 1. Star Matching Checked 10 Conditions Dheerkha Mangalya (Kalathra Dosha of Male checked 22 2. Conditions and Mangalya Dosha of Female checked 16 Conditions ) 5. Dasa Sandhi Matching Report (Checked Dasa Sandhi and Sama Dasa) - - a. Dasa Sandhi Matching - - GOOD b.Sama Dasa Matching - - Take Care - - - a) From Rasi NO NO - Good b) From Bhava NO NO - Good - - - a) From Rasi Yes Yes - Good b) From Bhava Yes Yes - Good 6. Manglik Dosha 7 IS PAAPA HORO AVERAGE Our Final Opinion » Not Recommended To Proceed, because 1. The Star match is bad as it falls in madhyam rajju and does not fit in the exceptions available for considering marriage within Madhyama Rajju stars. 2. Dasa Sandhi Matching is Bad .
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