DUPLeX - Lynn Donaldson
DUPLeX - Lynn Donaldson
SECTION J RECREATION & INVESTMENT PROPERTIES It’s got plenty of Sole — and for the Calgarians who love the BET ON of resor Okanagan lifestyle, it also has affordability. See page J18. EDITO R: BARB PAGE IT Las Vega s has much t comm more unities to offer for seco than gamb nd hom ling and e buye rs. See nightlife. page It also J20. has J18 EC &R INVEST REAT IO MENT PROPE N RT LIVING OTH STON E 403- 235-7339 ER N E WS A BLIVINGST T CA ONE@ LGA CALGARYH RYH ERALD ERA .COM LD.C OM/ HOM ES plenty IES SATUR NEWCONDOS DAY, CALCH030835_1_1 An artis t’s rend ering of Sole by Edge combe Builders in Kelow plenty na has of Sole H Eco-fri endly apar in Kelowna, B.C. The B.C. cit tm y’s Cu ent building ltural District ONLIN E: Online From to our photo galler Recre ies and ties maga ation and detailed Inves storie get starte zine, we have whattment Prop s, d in www.calg vacat you need erion homeyour searc aryherald h for to . 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C O M / H O M E S EDITOR: BARB LIVINGSTONE 403-235-7339 BLIVINGSTONE@CALGARYHERALD.COM SATURDAY, APRIL 2, 2011 Lorraine Hjalte, Calgary Herald Lynn Donaldson, president of Lynn Donaldson and Associates Design and Contracting, stands in front of the duplex the company is building in Mount Pleasant. Duplex boosts A inner-city living MARTY HOPE CALGARY HERALD s an interior designer, Lynn Donaldson approaches each project with the end result in mind. So it made sense that she would do the same when it came to planning her company’s initial foray into housebuilding. Lynn Donaldson and Associates Design and Contracting is about a month away from completing a Project in Mount Pleasant marks designers’ foray into homebuilding side-by-side duplex in the innercity community of Mount Pleasant. “We started designing these homes from the inside, starting with the best use of space and natural light,” she says. On this day, crews are busy on both interiors, cutting trim moulding, laying hardwood flooring and installing cabinets as the seven-month construction period begins to wind down. DUPLEX, PAGE J2 CONDO LISTINGS J4 ■ CONDO OF THE WEEK J8 ONLINE: INSIDE: NEXT WEEK: Finding the condo of your dreams has become a bit easier thanks to our website — which has everything from photo galleries and the latest stories to our Condo Xtra magazine. Check it out at www.calgary herald.com/homes Tony Trutina’s philosophy about developing his company’s townhouses in SkyView Ranch is pretty basic. “What you see is what you get,” says the young presiT dent of Lionsworthe Homes — and what you get is just what you’re looking for. See page J8. When it comes to helping families who need a roof over their heads, Trico Homes and Habitat for Humanity are taking their successful partnership another step further. They’re launching the york29 project. Read about it next Saturday. Inside Buyers rule at Marquis Showhome priced at $269,000 MARTY HOPE CALGARY HERALD ony Trutina’s philosophy about developing his company’s townhouses in SkyView Ranch is pretty basic. Homes. “Anything in our show homes is standard specifications, not upgrades.” Very much a hands-on leader, Trutina was in work clothes as he toured one of the four Marquis BUY LOW. GET HIGH. Next Week 9 REDUCED PRICES • DON’T MISS OUT NOW STARTING FROM $359,900 consider it a life upgrade 2 BEDROOMS • 2 BATHS REMAINING INVENTORY SELL OFF TAkE ADvANTAGE OF THE BEST SUITES WHIlE THEY lAST 1st SE • Located at the centre of Calgary’s new downtown community • 10 ft ceilings • Corner suites with spectacular curtain wall glass • Quartz countertops with glass backsplash • Stainless steel appliances • Air Conditioning • Storage locker included • Blind package included 14th AVE MACLEOD TRAIL SE Online 14th Ave. just East of 1 St. SE - Directly North of Sasso I Phone: 403.234.9894 nueraliving.ca I Sales Centre Hours: Mon.-Thurs. 12-6 pm I Fri.-Sun. 12-5 pm 15th AVE W W W. C O V E P R O P E RT I E S . C O M FOUNDATION I STRENGTH I HISTORY CALCH029709_1_1 J2 NEW CONDOS Saturday, April 2, 2011 Breaking news at calgaryherald.com CLOSE TO DOWNTOWN Mount Pleasant is an inner-city community in northwest Calgary. Annexed in 1910, development began in 1912, making the area one of Calgary’s older communities. Confederation Park runs through the northwest portion of the community. The area also offers convenient access to downtown, which is only four kilometres away via 10th Street. The community hall, a sportsplex and the com- munity swimming pool are all located in the same area, forming a triangle around a popular playground. The community is currently in the process of establishing a community garden on the grounds of the North Mount Pleasant Arts Centre. The population is almost 4,800, with nearly 25 per cent ages 25 to 34. There are about 2,200 homes, with more than half of them detached single-family homes. Calgary Herald Archive Kids play in Mount Pleasant in the ’40s. We have design and construction staff, a millwork shop and real estate professionals in-house, so we can effectively cut out the middle man. Lynn DonaLDson, Lynn DonaLDson anD associates Design anD contracting WHaT YoU NeeD To KNoW Lorraine Hjalte, Calgary Herald Site supervisor Daryl Bailey and Lynn Donaldson of Lynn Donaldson and Associates Design and Contracting in the duplex. From Page J1 PROJECT: Side-byside duplex. The homes each contain about 2,000 square feet on the main and upper levels, and another 1,000 square feet on the basement level. They each have three bedrooms, 2 1/2 baths and ample storage. The homes have been built to high specifications and include sustainable building products. BUILDER/DESIGNER: Lynn Donaldson and Associates Design and Contracting. AREA: Mount Pleasant, in the inner-city area of northwest Calgary, at 434 and 436 26th Avenue N.W. PRICE: The homes will be priced at $725,000 when completed in about one month. INFORMATION: Call 403-6511500, or e-mail to johnriseborough@ gmail.com DUPLeX: Flex area With almost a quarter of a century spent in the renovation, design and contracting sectors, Donaldson says the decision to try new construction was a natural evolution for her team. “We have design and construction staff, a millwork shop and real estate professionals in-house, so we can effectively cut out the middle man,” she says. The two homes in the duplex each have almost 2,000 square feet of space on the main and upper floors, with about another 1,000 square feet on the basement level. Each has three bedrooms, 2 1/2 baths, a great room and a flex area that could be used as a dining room or office. There is also a second-floor laundry. “The homes were created to ensure the space will work in real life,” says Donaldson. See SPaCe, Page J3 T W O Calgary Herald Archive As an established area dating back to 1910, Mount Pleasant has numerous amenities for residents to enjoy. F A B U L O U S L O C A T I O N S SHOW5 SUI OPEN TES THE TOWN HOMES OF DALLAIRE AVENUE Minutes to downtown & the new WEST LRT! The final townhom project in Garrison Green is nearing completion, and this is your last chance to own one of the few remaining homes. LAST 4 UNITS Continuing the architectural elegance and exciting streetscapes of Garrison Green, the Townhomes of Dallaire feature Victorian and Colonial exteriors. Choose from 2200 - 2400 sq ft, double detached garages, hardwood flooring, granite kitchens, luxury LG appliances and many other sought-after details 665 TO 2900 sq. ft. All Concrete Building Immediate possessions available Starting at LIMITED TIME OFFER! LIMITED TIME OFFER! 20,000 $ in furnishings included in purchase* Starting ti at 599,000 $ HOURS: 12 - 6 Mon. - Wed. Weekends & Holidays 12 - 5 Showsuite - 2833 Dallaire Avenue SW 403.249.9958 Sandlewood Developments Ltd. www.sandlewood.com 2nd parking stall included in price. 247,400 $ Sandlewood Developments Ltd residential excellence Since 1977 HOURS: 12 - 6 Mon.- Wed. Fridays, Weekends & Holidays 12 - 5 3115 - 24 Hemlock Cres. SW Phone: 403~802~6773 www.sandlewood.com *See Presentation Suite for details. Some restrictions apply. CALCH032232_1_1 NEW CONDOS Breaking news at calgaryherald.com Saturday, April 2, 2011 J3 ALL IN ONE Lynn Donaldson and Associates is a 23-year-old company that specializes in custom residential renovations and interior design services. The company employs designers, project managers, administrators, site supervisors and carpenters, as well as operating an in- house custom millwork shop. The corporate goal is to make the renovation and construction process as easy as possible by resourcing and managing the entire project from conception, through construction to final completion. — Marty Hope FROM PAGE J2 SPACE: Natural light “They have been thoroughly thought out to allow for comfortable furniture arrangements, as well as practical and generous storage.” The design also maximizes natural light, he says. It was about four years ago that Donaldson bought a 850-square-foot, Second World War-era home and lot, which she had been renting out. Just as she had decided to knock the house down to make way for the duplex, the market slowed dramatically, putting the brakes on her plans for a new project on the site. With construction where it is currently, Donaldson is optimistic the innercity marketplace will have strengthened enough that selling the homes will be successful. “We’re hoping to bring them to the market in about a month and are asking $725,000,” she says, adding that a few people have visited the duplex while it is being built. While there are less expensive homes for sale in the neighbourhood, she says the duplex is larger and has been designed with higher specifications. These include white mahogany hardwood, wool carpet, quartz countertops, ebilling marble tile backsplashes and ensuites with a tiled shower, double vanities and a soaker tub. Being a certified member of the BuiltGreen Society of Canada, Donaldson has also included ICF foundations (insulated concrete forms) to better insulate the homes. Other features include staggered stud construction to reduce noise, along with low-E argon-filled windows, and low-flush toilets. E stands for emissivity, a measure of heat loss. “Our design team created the plans and collaborated to come up with an ideal space that is space-efficient, attractive, and functional,” says Donaldson. Originally, the thought was that a professional couple would be the likely buyers of the homes. But with community amenities close at hand — two schools, a sports centre, arts centre, parks and shopping — the buyers could well be a professional couple with children. With just a couple of weeks of construction left, Donaldson is asked if she’d do it all again. “Sure we would, but not until after we’ve sold these two,” she says. MHOPE@CALGARYHERALD.COM fast. easy. convenient. Lorraine Hjalte, Calgary Herald Call (403) 235-7323 to enroll today! Lynn Donaldson stands on the stairway of one of the homes in the duplex. 7 AVE NE 4 ST NE 5 AVE NE ON M ED TO 4 AVE NE N TR AI L 2 AVE NE N 8a ST NE E 1 AVE NE 7a ST NE LD RIV wR ive 6a ST NE eB o EDMONTON TRAIL N MO RIA Th 4 ST NE ME E to Downtown Calgary presentation centre CENTRE AVE NE r CHBA - Calgary Region 2008 CALCH032199_1_1
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