2013 Dreamsys Catalog
2013 Dreamsys Catalog
ream D SYS #308 KETI, 1110-11, Oryong-dong, Buk-gu, Gwangju, 500-480, R.O.Korea Tel. +82-62-975-7550 Fax. +82-62-975-7551 E-mail. dreamsys@dreamsys.co.kr ream D SYS #308 KETI, 1110-11, Oryong-dong, Buk-gu, Gwangju, 500-480, R.O.Korea Tel. +82-62-975-7550 Fax. +82-62-975-7551 E-mail. dreamsys@dreamsys.co.kr ream D SYS Company History 2005.01 2012.05 2012.05 2012.06 2012.03 Launched Obtain a patent of Skin care apparatus ISO 9001/2000 certified Became the venture company Patents & Certificates ream D SYS Junith is a Skin massager using the Galvanic Ion, Red color therapy and Vibration. Junith helps your skin to maintain more clear. It uses ultramodern technology that is artificial intelligence controller not only to transit our outer skin, and get rid of effete matter in our inner skin, but also It helps cosmetic to permeate into our skin. What’s the Galvanic Ion? Basically, It makes water-soluble cosmetic to be ionized using the ‘+’ , ‘-’ and after absorbing the water-soluble cosmetic, our skin pores will be contracted. Also, It helps acne skin to be relieved. 1)Cleansing : Because of ‘-” ION, our skin’s Corneous and Sebum will get out of the skin. 2)Massage : As ‘+’ , ‘-’ ION run by turns, these rotation makes our skin cell revived and give elasticity. 3)Nutrition : As this ION, It provides water-soluble of cosmetic to our skin to be able to maintain softly and glossy. 4)Lifting : It helps the damaged, wrinkled skin to be elastic because of ‘+’ , ‘-’ ION. 4steps function of Galvanic Ion Name Portable skin massager Brand Junith Model NP-20012A Size 50 x 19 x 175mm Weight 110G Power consumption 0.4w Battery voltage DC3.6V 700mA Adaptor Input AC100 ~ 230V Adaptor Output DC9V 300mA ream D SYS Beautyworld is a device for Skin care using the Galvanic Ion and Vibration. 2)Massage : As ‘+’ , ‘-’ ION run by turns, these rotation makes our skin cell revived and give elasticity. 3)Nutrition : As this ION, It provides water-soluble of cosmetic to our skin to be able maintain softlyand glossy. 4)Lifting : It helps the damaged, wrinkled skin to be elastic because of ‘+’ , ‘-’ ION. Beautyworld helps your skin to maintain more clear. It uses ultramodern technology that is artificial intelligence controller not 2.Infraredrays only to transit our outer skin, and get rid of effete matter in our inner skin, but also It helps cosmetic to permeate into our skin. The Infrared rays helps skin’s metabolism to be promoted, quicken the circulation of the blood when our skin were hurt by ultraviolet rays. 3.Vibration This physical vibration makes our skin’s muscle relaxed and elastic. 4steps function of Galvanic Ion 1.Galvanic Ion What’s the Galvanic Ion? Basically, It makes water-soluble cosmetic to be ionized using the ‘+’ , ‘-’ and after absorbing the water-soluble cosmetic, our skin pores will be contracted. Also, It helps acne skin to be relieved. 1)Cleansing : Because of ‘-” ION, our skin’s Corneous and Sebum will get out of the skin. ream D SYS 4steps function of Dione What's Dione? Skin is comprised of Epidermis, Dermis and Subcutaneous Tissue. The defensive surface of tissue on the center of epidermis protects the skin from outer environment and harmful ma terials. Despite this defensive surface of tissue is very important for the protection of skin condition, it also has negative effects such as the interruption of absorbing nutritious in gredients that can improve the skin condition. So, Dione, a portable massager, was developed with the function of repetitive vibration and ultrasonic waves which involve 1 million times of delicate vibration and other multi function in order to help develop the skin condition by warming, removing dead skins, and cleansing the pores. Name Portable skin massager Brand DIONE Model BIO-20012 Size 50 X 172 X 40 (mm) Weight 1Kg (Including Box) Ultrasonic Frequency 1 M Hz Rated Capacity 7 VA Adaptor AC220V 60Hz Input Adaptor Output DC15V 500mA Charge jack Adaptor connection part ream D SYS Skin Star is a portable beauty skin care device using galvanic ion, ultrasonic waves and colour therapy. Skin Star is a multi-functional product that helps remove waste in the skin, Specifications Item Description Product composition Body, Adaptor, Charger, Pouch, Manual Adaptor AC input Volt : 90~240V/50~60Hz DC output : 6V/500mA deliver active ingredients of cosmetics up to the dermal layer, maintain the Battery DC 4.8V, 700mA elasticity of the skin with the effects of lifting and massage by the agitation Power Consumption 5W of +/- ions and the washing effect by ultrasonic waves, and maintain healthy Ultrasonic Fequency 1Hz~1.65KHz LED Wavelength 475~628 Nm Operating time Automatically turned off after operation for 4 minuts skin psychologically and physically by colour therapy, through the 4-stage functions of cleansing, nutrition supply, massage and lifting according to 4steps function of Galvanic Ion your skin condition. No. Name Portable skin massager 1 Colour therapy outlet The part where colour therapy works 2 Power indication lamp The red LED light comes on when power is ON. 3 Charge indication lamp The red LED light flashes when discharged and the green LED light comes on when fully charged. 4 Charger Used for charging the body 5 Skin contact area Emitting ultrasonic waves and galvanic Ions 6 Power button Power ON/OFF switch 7 Mode button Selection button of the 4 functions 8 Hand ion chip Normal emission only when the hand ion chip is touched 9 Charge jack Adaptor connection part 5. Skin contact area 1. Colour therapy outletarea 2. Power indication lamp 3. Charge indication lamp 6. Power button 7. Mode button 8. Hand ion chip 9. Charge jack 4. Charger ream D SYS Maxskin is a portable beauty skin care device using galvanic ion and colour therapy. Maxskin is a multi-functional product that helps remove waste in the skin, deliver active ingredients of cosmetics up to the dermal layer, maintain the elasticity of the skin with the effects of lifting and massage by the agitation of +/- ions and maintain healthy skin psychologically and physically by colour therapy, through the 4-stage functions of cleansing, nutrition supply, massage and lifting according to your skin condition Item Portable skin massager Product composition Body, Adaptor, Charger, Pouch, Manual AC input Volt : 90~240V/50~60Hz Adaptor DC output : 6V/500mA Bettery DC 4.8V, 700mA Power Consumption 5W Galvanic Ion Frequency 1Hz ~ 1.65KHz LED Wavelength 475 ~ 628 Nm Operating time Automatically turned off after operation for 4 minutes Charging time about 3 hours 4steps function of Galvanic Ion ream D SYS What is Galvanic Ion? What is Galvanic Ion? Galvanic current orlginates from the name, 'Galvani', the discoverer of Galvanic current. The fact that electricity has a stimulation effect on living organlsms, especially, on their nerves was discovered by Galvani, an italian physician of the University of Bologna in 1786. He discovered that frogs'legs placed beside a crane twitched and took notice of the relationship between animal muscular contraction and electric phenomenon, and has published the treatise, "commentary on the Force of Electricty on Muscular Moton. "Since then, the stimulation effect of such elecric current phenomenon was considered capable of being used in kineslatrics. Galvanic Current and Beauty Treatment Galvanic Current, aminute direct current of 60~80v produces a chemical reaction by positive and negative ions when it passes through the skin containing moisture over 60%. Chemical changes take place when Galvanic current passes between the tissue and cell sap of a human body. The method of using such water-soluble products for skin care by permeating it into the skin is referred to as"lontophoresis." Galvanic Lons in Beauty Treatment Devices This is lons generated from massagers using Galvanic Current, a low frequency direct current. It helps improve red tone from acne and help skin plgmentation fade away. The ions play a role in ionizing water soluble cosmetics using both the positive and negative poles to have it absorbed into the skin and close the pores after skin care. What is Ultrasonic Wave? Ultrasonic Wave is a kind of sound, and is a sound wave our ears cannot catch. More specifically speaking, a sound wave a human eardrum cannot follow because the pitch is too high is called ultrasonic wave, and it means a wave approximately over 20,000Hz. Even among animals,there are several species using ultrasonic waves as a means of survival. The ultrasonic waves of bats were discovered around 1840 by US andDutch sound speciallists. As a result of analyzing a bat's ultrasonic waves using a parabolic reflector for ultrasonic waves, it was confirmed that bats emit ultrasonic waves ranging between 20,000 to 200,000Hz Dolphins can give off and listen to ultrasonic waves ranging around 2,000 to 200,000Hz, and it was identified that rats can also distinguish sound waves ranging from 15,000 to 40,000Hz. Around the 1930s, researches were actively conducted in the field of engineering and medical treatment in Germ ny and Japan. The well-known application of ultrasonic waves is fish finder, and this was applied to submarine detectors during world War II. Furthermore,ultrasonic waves reflect differently according to the material, and ultrasonic diagnosis devices used this very characteristic. This is analyzing the reflective condition by shooting ultrasonic waves into body. In recent times, technology has evolver so that the sight of a fetus moving can be viewed through a monitor.It is harmless to the body compared to an X-ray, and is used for measuring the amount or flow of blood. Beside these applications, there is also an ultrasonic cleaner which is not only used in hospitals but also in the optician's shop for cleansing of glasses. If things such as medical instruments are dipped in a solution and then, ultrasonic waves rae used, it can cleanse even small gaps due to a discharge effect called fast vibration and cavitation. Even scalers used in dental clinics use fast vibration effects of ultrasonic waves,and ultrasonic vibration is also used for the treatment of chronic diseases such as muscle pain, arthralgia, backache, and neuralgia. in addition to this, a device using ultrasonic waves as a sky wave like bats is the rear waring device used in cars. This sends ultrasonic waves and receives the wave patterns coming back after being reflected from an object. And then, the reflected waves are amplified and unnecessary signals are filtered, and necessary signals set off an alarm to the driver and prevent safety accidents beforehand. ream D SYS What is Color Therapy? What is Color Therapy? Color therapy is a replacement therapy basedon the theory that the unique wavelength and natural frequencyof colors influences the human body in the form of energy, and thus, it apples this to the promotion of health and treatment. Eachcolor emits its own unique energy, and using the principle of each color giving a sense of change such as comfort, excitement, warmth and coldness, it pursues the improvement of symptoms and stabllity of the mind and body. This is a safetreatment using the natural healing power of the human body withdot using medicine or surgical procedures. The unique effect of colors is known as follows. Red It's warm and stimulating color associated with blood, life,power, vitality, excitement, and love. On the contrary, this color is also associated with strong desire, excessive anger, and violence, which affects the promotion of movement and decision and causes stimulating behavior. Those who favor pure red have great fluctuations of mood, and those who favor impure red are docile and timid. The red is helpful in treating the depression and it reduces the pain by making the body warm. It is also a strong remedy for the disease related to blood circulation. But the red color is not used for the patients with hypertension or anxiety. They can be very angry or aggressive when exposed to red color for a long time. Orange It is a mixed color of red and yellow, its heating effect is stronger than the red or yellow alone. The orange color stimulates the thyroid gland function and reduces parathyroid function. It also expands the lung and calms down the musclespasms. It helps the metabolism of calcium and calms down the vomit but never has an effect on blood pressure. Particularly,the orange color is known to be helpful to secretion of mother's milk when the mother wears orange clothes after the birth of a her bady. It is good for menstrual problems, apileptic attack, clod, benign and negativetumor, uterine prolapse, gallstone. Hyperthyroidism, rheumatism, and arthritis. Yellow Yellowcolor activates the motornervesand generatesthe energywhich can be used for musccles. Onany part of the body, the intervention of yellowwave can cause malfunction of body induding partial or general paralysis. Exposure of digestiveorgans purgative. It also stimulatesthe flowof bile by removingthe parasites and insects. Generally,it plays the roles of stimulating, purifying, and evacuating the liver, internal organs, and skin. It is good fordigestivedisorder, diabetes, eczema, exhaustion, flatulence(Swollenbellywith gas), hemiplegia, liver disease,depression, paralysis, limb paralysis, but prohibitedto acuteinflammation, diarrhea, fever, neuralgia, excessive excitement, and palpitation. Green It is the color which reduces the stress and relieves the tension.It is also the color which human beings always want instinctively, because it is the forest where they originally lived.It is always good to have decorative plants,green curtain, and green cushions around you. But even in the same green color, the color of billiard table can make your stomach weak, so people in constant contact with the billiard table should take care. It is effective in laryngitis, malaria, malignant tumor, mental disorder, spinal disorder, hay fever, excessive stimulation, syphilis, hemorrhoids, insomnia, and ulcer. Blue It is the color which reduces the mental strain,and it is also the color of the truth and tranquility.It has the nerve-stabilizing effect and great strain-reducing effect.It si also ideal for the children with insomnia and hyperactivity. Blue color is helpful in reducing the nervous stimulation but excessive blue can make you cold,depressed and sad. The walls painted in blue can have calming effect in the first place but it can make you a little depressed with the lapse of time. The blue color reduces the number of pulse and function as nutrient to the nerves.Blue color can taste bitter,so it is said to be helpful to use the blue bowls during the diet. Relationship between Color Therapy and the Skin When shooting a specific color to the skin,the human skin reacts in an amazing way. Green is known to calm the nerves and skin,and blue is known to show anti-celluloid effects by stimulating the subcutaneous fat. red has been introduced as have an excellent effect in regenerating the skin through recent experiments conducted by NASA. Our skin care devices alm to be more effective skin care devices by applying this unlque function of colors to skin care. ream D SYS Company History 2005.01 2012.05 2012.05 2012.06 2012.03 Launched Obtain a patent of Skin care apparatus ISO 9001/2000 certified Became the venture company Patents & Certificates ream D SYS #308 KETI, 1110-11, Oryong-dong, Buk-gu, Gwangju, 500-480, R.O.Korea Tel. +82-62-975-7550 Fax. +82-62-975-7551 E-mail. dreamsys@dreamsys.co.kr
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