Brands List Jan 2016 - Petersen-Arne
Brands List Jan 2016 - Petersen-Arne Brands List January 2016 BEADWORK • CLAY & MODELING • CANDLE MAKING • CROCHET DRAWING • EMBROIDERY • FABRIC CRAFTS • FLORAL • FRAMING G E N E R A L C R A F T S • H O M E D E C O R • JEWELRY • KNITTING NEEDLEWORK • PAINTING • PAPER CRAFTS • QUILTING SCRAPBOOKING • SEWING • SOAP MAKING • STENCILING WOODWORK • YARN CRAFTS • and more! Petersen-Arne is a full line distributor of a wide variety of crafting, knitting, quilting and scrapbooking essentials. If you would like more information on any of these brands, please contact us: Phone: (800) 547-2509 Monday - Friday 7 a.m. - 5 p.m. PST Email: Fax: (541) 485-3459 Proud member of (800) 547-2509 4310 W. Fifth Ave, Eugene OR 97402 BRANDS 3L 3M 4th Level Indie A A Very Special Collection Abbey Lane Quilts Absolutely Positively Quilt Designs Accent Design Framing Mats Accent Design-Basics Ackfeld Mfg. Company Acme United Action Bag Activa Ad Tech Advantus Corporation Akro-Mils Aleene’s Alison Glass Design All My Memories All Washed Up Allary AMACO American & Efird American Crafts American Girl American Quilter’s Society American School of Needlework Among Brenda’s Quilts Amy Butler Products Animas Quilts & Publishing Anka’s Treasures Annie’s Attic Anything But Boring The Apron Lady Armour Around The Bobbin Art Institute Glitter Art to Heart Art Wire Works ArtBin Atkinson Design Attached Inc Aunt Martha Aunties Two Aurifil Thread Authentique Avery Dennison B Ball Jars Barge BasicGrey Basket Accents Batsford Publishing Bazic Products Beacon Bead Buddy Beadalon Beader’s Paradise Bear Paw Productions Bear Thread Designs Bella BLVD Bendon Publishing Best Creation Beyond The Reef Birch Street Clothing Bird Brain Design Bits & Pieces by Joan Bits ‘n Pieces Black Cat Creations Blue Moon Beads Blueberry Backroads BoBunny Bo-Nash Bondex Bosal Boutiques and More Boye Brazabra Corp. Bright Quilting Notions Bubble Jet Bucilla Bunny Hill Designs Busy Bee Designs Buttermilk Basin Buttons Galore & More ByAnnie C C&D Visionary C&T Publishing C. Jenkins Cabbage Rose Cache Junction Canvas Home Basics Carbona Caron Cello Wrap Chameleon Charles Craft Chase Cheep Trims Chenille-It Chronicle Books Cico Books Cindoco Cindus Clauss ClearBags Clearsnap C-Line The Clothesline Clover Cluck Cluck Sew CM Designs CNT Patterns Coats & Clark Collins Collins & Brown Limited Colonial Needle Colonial Patterns Color Wheel Company Colorbok ColorBox ColorMates Command Adhesive Conrad Jarvis Designer’s Choice Conso Cool Tapes Cosmo Cricket Cotton Ginny’s Country Fabrics & Quilting Country Schoolhouse Cousin Corporation of America Cozy Quilt Designs CPE CQ Products Crabapple Hill Craft Apple Crafter’s Companion Crafter’s Pick The Crafter’s Workshop Crate Paper Crazy Tackz Creative Options The Creative Thimble Crisa by Libby Glass Inc. Crop In Style Cropper Hopper Custom Processing D Dab’N Stic Glue DAP Dara Inc. Darice DAS David & Charles Dazzle-it Decoart Delta Demis Wood Plaques Design Master Design Originals Design Works Crafts Designs to Share DieCuts with a View Dill Buttons of America Dimensions DisaDesigns DMC Domestic Strata Doodlebug Dover Street Booksellers Dritz Notions Duck Glue Duncan Dunroven House Duro Dylon E Eberhard Faber Echo Park Paper Company Eclectic EK Success Electric Quilt Company Elisa’s Backporch Design Elizabeth Craft Designs Elizabeth Hartman Elizabeth Ward Elmer’s Envirotex Erin Underwood Quilts Estes Art Sand Eversand EWC, LLC Beads Excel Hobby Blade Company EZ Notions F F&W Pub Faber-Castell Fabric Cafe Fairfield Fall River Press Fasteners For Retail Faultless Fiber-Lok Fiebings Leathercraft Fimo Fishsticks Designs Fiskars FloraCraft Forster by Loew-Cornell FotoFiles Four Paws Quilting Four Seasons Flowers Fox Chapel Publishing Fox Run Frank A. Edmunds & Co. Fun Stitch Studio FunFusion - Perler Bead Funky Friends Factory iCraft Deco Foil Ideaworks IGI Wax Imagine Crafts Imaginisce IMM Lifestyle Books In The Beginning Indygo Junction Designs Inglis Publications Products Inkadinkado InkWorks It’s Sew Emma Izzy & Ivy Designs G G&K G.E. Designs G.T. Bag General Pencil GHI Inc. Gingham Square Glue Dots GlueArts Gorilla Glue The Grace Company Grafix Grandma’s Secret Spot Remover Graph ‘N Latch Graphic 45 Graphic Impressions Grizzly Gulch Gallery Guild of Master Craftsman Publications Ltd. Gutermann H Hachette Book Publishing Hampton Art Hancy Mfg Company Handeze Handi Quilter, Inc. Handler Textile Corp. Handy Hands Hareline Havel’s Inc. Hazel & Ruby Hearst Books Hearts & Crafts Hearty Clay Heat Press Batting Heather Bailey LLC Heidi Swapp Heiko Hemline Hemma Design Hemming Heritage Crafts Hermafix Hero Arts Hiawatha Green Moss Hobby Holster Hot Off The Press House of White Birches Household Essential Husky Film Products Hygloss I ICE Resin J J.T. Trading Company Jack Dempsey Jacquard Jan Douglas Design Java House Quilts Jelly Belly Candy Jen Mfg Sponge Brush Jennifer Jangles Jerzees Jesse James Buttons John Bead Corporation John James Joseph M. Stern Raffia Joy JudiKins June Tailor Just Sew Studio K K&Company K & S Engineering Kalmbach Books Kansas City Star Kansas Troubles Quilters Karen Foster Designs Kati Cupcake Pattern Co. Kelly’s Kerr Jars Kimberbell Designs Kits By Kalt Klasse Needles Krylon Kunin L Lacis Lake City Crafts Landauer LaPetite Buttons LaPierre Studio Lara’s Lark Books Laundry Basket Quilts Laurence King Publications Lawn Fawn Lazy Girl Design Leather Factory Legacy Patterns Leisure Arts Libbey Glass Lily McGee Liqui-Mark Little B, LLC Little Country Quilts Little Foot, Ltd. Little Quilt Company LockerLookz Loctite Loew-Cornell LoRan Love Jill Lucky Spool Media M M.C.G. Textiles Madeira Thread Mag Eyes Magic Stamp The Magnet Source Maple Island Quilts Marcia Layton Designs Marion Smith Mark Richards Martha Stewart Crafts Mary Ellen Products Mary Maxim Mary’s Productions Maw-Bell Designs Maxant Button & Supply Inc. McKay Manor Musers M-D Building Products Me & My Big Ideas Me and My Sister Designs Melissa & Doug Melissa Frances Metal Complex Metrosene Michell Marketing Midwest Design Imports Midwest Products Company Milestones MJP Designs Molly & Rex Mona Lisa The Monkey Hook Monoject Syringe Moore Morex Ribbons Morgan Quality Products Mother Nature’s Mountain Mist Batting Mountainpeek Creations MultiCraft Mundial My Mind’s Eye My Moments N Nancy Zieman National Nonwovens Need’l Love New Holland Books New Leaf Stitches New Phase Nimble Thimble North Light Books O Oasis Oceanlake Designs Offray O’Keefe’s Olfa O’Lipfa Olive Ann Designs Olive Grace Studios Oliver + S Omnigrid Oregon Mountain Green Moss OttLite P PA Special Assortments Paintworks The Paisley Pincushion Palmer Paints Palmer Pletsch Panacea Paper Accents Vinyl Paper House Paper Pieces Patch Abilities Paula Jean Creations Pebbles Inc Pellon Pepperell Braiding Co. Perler Beads Petal Play Petaloo Petersen-Arne Essentials Petersen-Arne Sewing Notions Phillips Fiber Art Pieced Tree Patterns Piecemakers Pilgrim Peddler Pink Paislee Pink Sand Beach Design Pioneer National Latex Pioneer Photo Albums, Inc. Plaid Plum Tree Quilts PlumEasy Patterns Plus Polaroid Batteries Polyform Poorhouse Quilt Designs Post-it Prang Precious Impressions Premo Pres-On Printed Treasures Prism ProMag Magnetics Provo Punch Studio Purse Strings Q Quake Hold Quality Growers Quarry Books Queen & Company Quilled Creations The Quilt Company Quilt Country Originals Quilt Doodle Designs Quilt Gallery Grippers Quilt in a Day Quilt Moments Quilt Quilter By Night Quilters Hangup Quilters Paradise, Inc. Quilter’s Rule Quilter’s Touch LLC Quilting Creations R RAMCO Ranger Rebecca Ruth Designs Red Brolly Red Heel Sock Retro Clean Rhode Island Ribbon Candy Quilt Company Riley and Company Rit Dye Rosecrest Farm Roxanne Royal RS Industries Adhesives Ryland Peters & Small S Saint Jane Sakura SandyLion Sassafras Lane Designs Scanfil Schmetz Scor-Pal Products Scotch Scotchgard ScraPerfect Scribbles Sculpey Sculpey Premo Seam-Fix Seams Like Fun Quilt Designs Search Press SEI Serendipity Studio Sew Baby Inc Sew Easy from Tacony Sew Kind Of Wonderful Sew Liberated Sew Many Creations Sew Very Smooth Sewn Into The Fabric SewUnique Shabby Fabrics Shades Textiles Shawshank LEDz Sierra Pacific Crafts Signature Crafts Signature Thread Silver Creek Leather Co. Simple Stories Simplicity Singer Sisters’ Common Thread Sixth & Spring Books Sizzix Slimline Smartek Smoothfoam Snapsource Snapware Specialty Distributors Spectrum Noir Speedball Spellbinders Sports Solution SRM Stickers Stampendous Staple Star Thread Starform Stash Books An Imprint of C & T Publishing Steam-A-Seam StenSource International Sterling Publishing Stewart Superior Stewart Tabor & Chang Stitcher’s Revolution Stitchin’ Post Stitchin’ Sisters Storage Solutions Storage Studios Storey Books Straight Stitch Society Streamline Stretch Magic Studio Calico Studio G Sue Pelland Designs Sugar and Cream Sulky Sullivans Sunguard Super Tuff Supermoss Products Co. Surebonder SureHold Susan Bates Susie C Shore Designs Suzn Quilts Patterns Sweet Beads Sweet Janes Quilting Designs Sweet Tea Girls Sweetwater SweetWorks Swirly Girls Design T Tacony Taunton Press Taylor Made Designs Taylor Seville The Teacher’s Pet That Patchwork Place The Beadsmith The Fat Quarter Gypsy The Tin Box Company Therm O Web Thimbleberries This & That Thompson Merchandise Thread Heaven Tiger Lily Press Patterns Tim Holtz Timber Lane Press Tombow Toner Tonic ToolTron Totally-Tiffany TQM Products Trafalgar Square Transfer Magic Trends International LLC Triangle Frenzy Trisha Jane Patterns Triumph Tsukineko Tulip Turnberry Lane Turning Twenty U Uchida UHU Glue Un-Du Unique Industries USA Sharpeners V Val-A Chicago Vanilla House Velcro Villa Rosa Designs Violet Craft Violette Field Threads W Walnut Hollow Warm and Natural Webster’s Pages Wendt Quilting Westcott Whimsicals Whistlepig Widget Products Inc Wilton Wonder Woman Quilts The Wooden Bear Wooden Spool Designs Wool & Novelty Company Workman Publishing Wrights X Xacto Xyron Y Y&C Yaley Yesterday’s Charm YKK YLI Z Zebra Patterns Zig Zucker Feathers (800) 547-2509
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