Breastfeeding Information Guide
Breastfeeding Information Guide
1907200 W 0610 © 2010 Medela, Inc. (1-800-835-5968) 24 hours a day • 7 days a week or visit Printed in the USA 1-800-TELL YOU 1. Rent a Medela hospital-grade electric breastpump. 2. Rent or purchase Medela breastpumps and accessories. 3. Find a quality baby scale. 4. Find the best nursing bras. 5. Find a breastfeeding specialist in your area. Get additional information on where to: to locate Medela products in your area. Call the Breastfeeding National Network Breastfeeding Information Guide Breastfeeding Tips & Products P.O. Box 660, 1101 Corporate Dr. McHenry, IL 60051-0660 Table of Contents Why is Breastmilk So Important? Why is breastmilk so important? Benefits to baby, mom and family..............................................1-2 Breastfeeding basics Getting started.............................................................................3 Signs breastfeeding is going well.................................................4 How often should you breastfeed?...............................................4 Your baby’s tummy size...............................................................4 Diapers.........................................................................................5 Breastfeeding basics quick reference chart...............................6-7 Your baby’s weight......................................................................8 Growth spurts..............................................................................8 Breastpumping Choosing the right breastpump....................................................9 Breastpumping tips....................................................................10 Collection and storage of breastmilk......................................11 Overcoming challenges – how to find help............................12 Medela congratulates you on your decision to provide your baby the healthy benefits of breastmilk. You play a very important part in giving your baby the food he needs for a bright future. This guide will give you helpful information on breastfeeding, breastmilk, pumping, and breastmilk storage. Your breastmilk is the perfect food for your baby. Breastmilk has important protective antibodies, unavailable in any other source. That is why leading health organizations including the American Academy of Pediatrics, the World Health Organization, and UNICEF recommend breastfeeding for at least the first 12 months of your baby’s life. When you breastfeed, you, your baby and your family benefit. Cleaning.....................................................................................13 Online breastfeeding resources..............................................13 Medela breastpumps & accessories.......................................14 2-Phase Expression® technology.............................................14 BPA-free for the health of mom and baby................................14 Hospital-grade breastpumps for rental.....................................15 Personal-use breastpumps for purchase.............................16-18 Breastpumping accessories................................................19-22 Breastmilk collection, storage and feeding..........................23-25 Specialty feeding.................................................................26-27 Breast care.........................................................................28-31 Baby scales.............................................................................32 Nursing intimate apparel.....................................................33-36 Medela, Inc. P.O. Box 660, 1101 Corporate Dr. McHenry IL 60051-0660 Ph: (800) 435-8316 or (815) 363-1166 Fax: (815) 363-1246 Email: Benefits to Baby Research shows that the protective parts of breastmilk help to greatly reduce the risk of health problems and chronic diseases including: • • • • • • • Allergies Ear infections Upper respiratory infections Gastrointestinal infections Diabetes Hypertension High cholesterol Breastfeeding and Human Lactation / [edited by] Jan Riordan, Kathleen G. Auerbach – 2nd ed. Medela, Freestyle, Pump In Style, 2-Phase Expression, Symphony, and SpecialNeeds are registered trademarks of Medela, Inc. Harmony, PersonalFit, SoftFit, Swing, Pump & Save, Therashells, Supplemental Nursing System, SNS, SoftFeeder, Softshells, Quick Clean, Micro-Steam, Single Deluxe, The Metro Bag, Tender Care, Advanced Nipple Therapy, Breastmilk Feeding Gift Set, Maximum Comfort Vacuum, BabyWeigh and BabyChecker are trademarks of Medela, Inc. NursingStool is a registered trademark of Ortho Stools, Inc. Mother’s Minder is a trademark of D.V. Family, Inc. 1 Why is Breastmilk So Important? Benefits to Mom Mothers who breastfeed also receive many benefits from breastfeeding including: • Developing a strong bond with baby. • Helping the uterus return to pre-pregnancy size more quickly. • Burning more calories. • Producing relaxing hormones. • Reducing the risk of developing premenopausal breast cancer. • Reducing the risk of ovarian and endometrial cancers. • Reducing the risk of developing Type-II diabetes. Breastfeeding and Human Lactation / [edited by] Jan Riordan, Kathleen G. Auerbach – 2nd ed. Benefits to Family Your breasts contain an amazing milk production system that is triggered by your pregnancy hormones. As soon as your baby is born, your breastfeeding hormones start working. The baby nursing at your breast signals your body to start making more milk. • In early weeks of breastfeeding, your baby will need to feed 8-12 times during a 24 hour period. • Try not to breastfeed by the clock, but rather when your baby seems hungry. • • Both the frequency and length of feeding session will continue to change as your baby grows. Depending on the cost of formula and how much your baby needs each day, you could save $43.86 to $194.22 in formula costs in just the first month. • In one year, a family with one infant could save anywhere between $714.42 and $3,163.86 by feeding breastmilk rather than buying formula.1 • Breastfeeding also helps save on health care costs as breastfed infants typically need fewer health care visits, prescriptions and hospitalizations. 1 – Kelly Mom. “Table 1 - Formula costs saved by breastfeeding.” October 22, 2008. <> (November 2005). Getting Started Breastfeeding takes a little practice. Sometimes it takes a while for babies to get used to the new world around them. In the first few days after birth, the initial milk produced is called colostrum. It is thick, yellowish in color and contains large amounts of antioxidants, and protective and growth factors that your baby needs. • The length of a breastfeeding session can vary. Did you know? Your family will also benefit financially when you choose to breastfeed. • By six months, the cost savings from not feeding formula can add up to be $375.34 to $1,662.22. 2 Breastfeeding Basics Colostrum helps your baby’s digestive tract and acts like a first vaccination. Although the amounts of colostrum produced seem small, during the first few days it is all your baby needs. Over the next few weeks, the quantity and consistency of your breastmilk changes as your body adapts to your baby’s needs. If you have concerns regarding your baby getting enough to eat, call your pediatric healthcare provider. 3 Breastfeeding Basics Signs Breastfeeding Is Going Well When breastfeeding is going well, it is convenient and easy. Some mothers find it challenging in the beginning and some worry that they will not make enough milk. Here is a chart (page 6-7) and some tips you may find reassuring and helpful. How Often Should You Breastfeed? Breastfeeding Basics One helpful way to tell if your baby is getting enough milk is to look at his diapers. Wet Diapers •After the first week, your baby should have at least 6 wet diapers every 24 hours.This tells you that the baby is getting enough fluid. • Your baby needs to feed 8 or more times in a 24-hour period. •It’s normal for your baby to want to nurse a lot in the first month. •When you nurse as long and as often as your baby wants, you are telling your breasts how much milk to make. Soiled/Dirty •Your baby’s bowel movements will change in color from very dark and sticky (meconium) to yellow and soft over the first 4-5 days of life.This tells you that your baby is digesting breastmilk. Your Baby’s Tummy Size •By day 5, your baby should have at least 3 large, soft to runny yellow bowel movements every 24 hours. •Your milk supply is made to match the size of your baby’s stomach. •It is normal for some babies to have a bowel movement every time they breastfeed. •Right after birth, your baby’s stomach is small - about the size of a cherry. You will make the right amount of colostrum to meet his early growth needs. •As your baby grows bigger and gains weight, your breasts make more milk to keep up with his needs. 4 5 Breastfeeding Basics Your Baby’s Age How Often Should You Breastfeed? Per day, on average over 24 hours Breastfeeding Basics 1 Week 1 Day 2 Days 3 Days 4 Days 5 Days 6 Days 7 Days 2 Weeks 3 Weeks At least 8 feeds per day (every 1 to 3 hours). Your baby is sucking strongly, slowly, steadily and swallowing often. Your Baby’s Tummy Size Size of a cherry Wet Diapers: How Many, How Wet Per day, on average over 24 hours Soiled Diapers: Number and Color of Stools Per day, on average over 24 hours Your Baby’s Weight Growth Spurts ✽ At least 1 WET Size of a walnut At least 2 WET At least 3 WET At least 1 to 2 BLACK or DARK GREEN Babies lose an average of 5-7% of their birth weight in the first 3 days after birth. For example, a 7-pound baby will lose about 1/2 a pound. Size of an apricot At least 4 WET At least 3 BROWN, GREEN, or YELLOW Size of an egg At least 6 WET with Pale Yellow or Clear Urine At least 3 soft and seedy YELLOW From day 4 onward your baby should gain 2/3 to 11/3 oz. per day and regain his or her birth weight by 10 to 14 days. Babies often experience a sudden burst in growth - a growth “spurt” - at certain times within their first few weeks. During these growth spurts, your baby may want to nurse more than usual. ✽ “Breastfeeding: Guidelines for Consultant’s - Physician’s Desk Reference,” Page 1, Best Start Resource Center - Breastfeeding, Health Nexus, Revised 9 March 2009, < brstfding_ENG.pdf> Modified with approval of Health Nexus 6 7 Breastfeeding Basics Breastpumping Your Baby’s Weight Your healthcare professional may decide to weigh your baby before and after you breastfeed on a special BabyWeigh™ scale. This scale can correctly measure very small amounts to determine how much breastmilk your baby received during the breastfeed. BabyWeigh scales are also available for rental use by calling 1-800-TELL YOU (1-800-835-5968). Growth Spurts •In the first few weeks, there will be times when your baby seems hungry and wants to nurse more than usual. •Even if your breasts do not feel full, go ahead and let the baby breastfeed. 8 Choosing The Right Breastpump Depending on your lifestyle, there are many breastpumps available to meet your needs. A good breastpump is comfortable, has the latest technology based on research and is easy to operate whether it is electric or manual. All babies start their breastfeeds with fast, short sucks to stimulate the milk flow. Only when the milk starts to flow do they drink more slowly and take deeper sucks. Symphony® Freestyle ® TM Pump In Style® Advanced The Metro Bag Pump In Style® Advanced (backpack or shoulder bag) Breastpumping can help maintain your milk supply when you have to be away from baby (ie: returning to work), and allow you to successfully breastfeed when you are back with your baby again. It is best to establish breastfeeding for 3 to 4 weeks before introducing a bottle. If you are returning to work or school it is a good idea to begin pumping at least 1 to 2 weeks prior to going back. This allows you to develop a routine, build up a stock of breastmilk and get baby used to drinking out of a bottle. Which Medela breastpump is best for you? TM Breastpumping TM TM Swing •Your baby’s healthcare provider will weigh your baby at the first check-up. BabyWeigh Scale Single Deluxe •Around day 4, babies begin to gain weight and should regain their birth weight by 10-14 days. TM After birth, it is normal for babies to lose up to 7% of their birth weight. Harmony (Manual) Medela’s 2-Phase Expression® technology breastpumps are the only pumps that include these phases to mimic your babies’ natural sucking behavior. Type of Use Occasional use (missed feeding, working part-time, etc.) Daily use For double pumping Multiple births Performance Features Rechargeable battery Digital display with memory, timer and backlight Hands-free accessories Adjustable speed & vacuum Ultra-lightweight motor for true pumping mobility 2 piece PersonalFit breastshield TM 2 piece SoftFit breastshield TM 2-Phase Expression® technology Medical Conditions Drawing out flat or inverted nipples Sore nipples or engorgement Latch-on problems or breast infections Low milk supply Premature or hospitalized baby Pumps shown with this symbol feature 2-Phase Expression® technology, which is the only researchbased breastpump technology that mimics a baby's nursing rhythm, delivering more milk in less time (when pumping at Maximum Comfort Vacuum™). Look in the far left column for the circumstances that apply. Any pump marked with a symbol in that row is recommended. You can narrow your choices by considering whether you have daily or occasional pumping needs and whether you want an electric or manual pump. Need help deciding which breastpump is right for you? Visit Medela’s online product selector at 9 Breastpumping Collection and Storage of Breastmilk Breastpumping Tips Collection and Storage of Breastmilk When separated from baby, pump your milk at the times you would be breastfeeding. The time required for a pumping session varies: If you are planning to store your breastmilk from a pumping session, you can pump directly into a storage container (i.e. breastmilk bottle or storage bags) that can go directly into the refrigerator or freezer. Be sure that the collection containers you choose to pump and store your milk in are BPA-free. For more information on BPA-free products, please visit •A high performing double electric pump will take less time. Pumping sessions typically last 12 to 15 minutes. •Plan to return to work mid-week so you can ease into your new routine. •A single electric pump will take twice as long draining each breast one at a time. •Manual pumps can often take up to 20 minutes per breast. Helpful Breastpumping Tips •Begin to pump to store milk one to two weeks before returning to work. •Plan to return to work mid-week so you can ease into your new routine. •Pump three times during an eight hour work shift, or every three hours you are away from your baby. If you can’t pump three times, pump as much as you can during each day. •Breastfeeding when you are home with baby helps maintain your milk supply and protects your special bond with your baby. •When you will be away from baby, before you leave, pump enough milk for the time you will be away. While you are away you should pump when your baby would be breatstfeeding. This milk is then available for when you go away again. Below are general guidelines regarding breastmilk storage. Freshly Expressed Breastmilk Storage Guidelines (For Healthy Term Babies) Room Temperature Cooler with 3 Frozen Ice Packs Refrigerator Freezer Thawed Breastmilk 4–6 hours at 66–78 °F (19–26 °C) 24 hours at 59 °F (15 °C) 3–8 days at 39 °F or lower (4 °C) 6–12 months 0–4 °F (-18–-20 °C) Use within 24 hrs If your baby was born prematurely, these guidelines may differ slightly. You should check with your healthcare provider for the recommended storage guidelines for your specific situation. Never microwave breastmilk. Microwaving can cause severe burns to baby’s mouth from hot spots that develop in the milk during microwaving. Microwaving can also change the composition of breastmilk. Hamosh M, Ellis L, Pollock D, Henderson T, and Hamosh P: Pediatrics, Vol. 97, No. 4, April 1996. pp 492-497. (4 hours at 77° F/25° C). The Academy of Breastfeeding Medicine Protocol Committee. ABM Protocol #8: Human milk storage information for home use for healthy full-term infants. 2004. Adeola, K.F., Otufowora, O.A. Effect of Storage Temperature on microbial quality of infant milk. J Tropical Peds 1998 Feb; 44(1): 54-55. Hands, A. Safe Storage of expressed breast milk in the home. MIDIRS Midwifery Digest 2003: 13(3):378-85. Jones, F. and Tully, M.R. Best Practice for Expressing, Storing and Handling Human Milk in Hospitals, Homes and Child Care Settings, Second Edition. The Human Milk Banking Association of North America, 2006. •Exclusively breastpumping: pump each time your baby has had a bottle or would be due to feed. 10 Lawrence, R. and Lawrence, R. Breastfeeding: A Guide for the Medical Profession, Sixth Edition. St. Louis; Mosby, 2005; 1018-20. Martinez-Costa, C., Silvestre, M.D., and Lopez, M.C. et al. Effects of refrigeration on the bactericidal activity of human milk: A preliminary study. J Pediatr Gastroenterol Nutr 2007; 45:275-77. 11 Overcoming Challenges Cleaning Overcoming Challenges Cleaning While breasfeeding is a wonderful and rewarding experience, it is a learning process for you and your baby. You might need some help. If you are having any concerns, it is important that you contact your lactation consultant or healthcare professional as soon as possible. They are there to help you continue to provide breastmilk to your baby. For help in finding a lactation consultant near you, go to Before pumping your milk, be sure to wash your hands well with soap and water. Wash all the collection bottles and breastpump parts that touch your breasts or the milk. Use hot, soapy water or a dishwasher. Always allow bottles and pump parts to dry thoroughly before storing. Online Breastfeeding Resources • For breastfeeding support from the Nursing Mothers Council: •F or free advice from a lactation consultant: /ask-the-lc • For breastfeeding tips & solutions including: • How to breastfeed • Challenges & solutions • Going back to work • Breastpumping •F or help choosing a breastpump: 12 13 Medela Breastpumps & Accessories Hospital-Grade Breastpumps for Rental The #1 choice of hospitals & nursing mothers worldwide. 2-Phase Expression Technology ® 2-Phase Expression is a unique pumping pattern that mimics what a breastfeeding baby knows how to do instinctively – use different types of sucking patterns for maximum milk flow in less time. How do babies nurse? Studies have shown that babies nurse in two phases: Medela hospital-grade breastpumps are available for rental. To locate a rental station in your area, call 1-800-TELL YOU, or visit Symphony® Part of Medela’s exclusive 2-Phase Expression® breastpump line. The only hospital-grade, electric double pump with breakthrough 2-Phase Expression technology, proven to reduce pumping time. •Phase 1 – F ast and light sucking to start the milk flowing. •Stimulation phase simulates baby’s rapid nursing action to initiate faster milk flow. •Phase 2 – W hen the milk starts flowing the baby switches to slower, deeper (stronger) sucks, to get milk as quickly as possible. •Expression phase simulates baby’s slower, deeper nursing for maximum milk flow in less time. 2-Phase Expression technology has been designed to mimic a baby’s natural nursing rhythm. •Most gentle, comfortable breastpump available. •Convenient one-knob adjustable speed and vacuum control. •Stimulation phase (phase 1)-fast and light to start the milk flowing. •Expression phase (phase 2)-slower and with more vacuum to express more milk gently and efficiently. Look for the 2-Phase Expression Logo for breastpumps that work more like nursing babies. BPA-free, for the health of mom and baby. Medela is committed to always doing what is best for moms and babies. All Medela products that come into contact with breastmilk are BPA-free. For more information on BPA and Medela BPAfree products, please visit 14 15 Personal-Use Breastpumps for Purchase Personal-Use Breastpumps for Purchase Freestyle® Pump In Style® Advanced Double pump – rechargeable battery – daily use. Double pump – electric – daily use. The Metro Bag™ •True pumping mobility with hands-free option, rechargeable battery and ultra-lightweight motor. •Easy interaction with digital display, memory, timer and backlight. •Everything you need plus a tote bag for easy transport. •Pump more milk in less time* with 2-Phase Expression® technology. Backpack Shoulder Bag •Three bag styles to choose from – includes everything you need to pump on-the-go. •Pump more milk in less time* with 2-Phase Expression technology. *When pumping at Maximum Comfort Vacuum™. 16 17 Personal-Use Breastpumps for Purchase Breastpumping Accessories Swing™ PersonalFit™ Breastshields Single pump – electric/battery – daily use. Using the right size breastshield can make pumping more comfortable and efficient. •Mobile pumping with tabletop, belt clip and neck/shoulder strap options. •Pump more milk in less time* with 2-Phase Expression® technology. 1. Determine the size you’re currently using. If you’re not sure, look for the size embossed on your breastshield (see picture). 24 mm (M) breastshields are provided with most Medela breastpumps. 2. While pumping, compare your fit to the images below as a sizing guideline. Single Deluxe™ Single pump – electric/battery – occasional use. •Easy-to-use, light and portable. Correct fit Too small Too large Our size range ensures that you’ll find the right fit for you: S M L XL XXL 21 mm 24 mm 27 mm 30 mm 36 mm See a lactation consultant or breastfeeding specialist for assistance in choosing the right size breastshield. Harmony™ Single pump – manual – occasional use. •PersonalFit connectors work with all breastshield sizes and all Medela breastpumps. (except disposable kits) •The newest technology in an easy-to-use manual pump. •Pump more milk in less time* with 2-Phase Expression® technology. PersonalFit 24 mm shown with connector (Sold separately) *When pumping at Maximum Comfort Vacuum™. 18 19 Breastpumping Accessories Breastpumping Accessories SoftFit™ Breastshields Extra Breastpump Parts •Soft, comfortable breastshields massage while you pump. Medela breastpumps come with everything you need to pump, but you might find it convenient to have a few extra parts on-hand so you always have a clean set ready to go. •Available in one standard size 24 mm (M). Valves & Membranes • For all Medela breastpumps except Freestyle. Quick Clean™ Designed especially for cleaning breastpumps, breastshields and breastmilk feeding accessories. •Unique Quick Clean wipes allow cleaning without soap and water. •Quick Clean Micro-Steam™ Bags eliminate 99.9% of most common bacteria and germs and require just water and a microwave. Ice Pack •For Pump In Style® Advanced and Freestyle breastpump cooler bags. Freestyle® Spare Parts Kit •An extra set of breastshield connectors for use with the Freestyle breastpump. Quick-Clean Micro-Steam bags 20 Quick-Clean wipes 21 Breastpumping Accessories Vehicle Lighter Adapters Breastmilk Collection, Storage & Feeding Breastmilk Collection, Storage and Feeding A convenient alternative power option. •12 volt for the Freestyle® breastpump and Pump In Style® breastpumps purchased prior to 2008. •9 volt for Pump In Style breastpumps purchased in January 2008 or later. • Made from safe, BPA-free materials. •Compatible with Medela breastpumps* to pump, store and feed with the same container. NursingStool® •Designed for long-term breastmilk storage and for retaining breastmilk’s beneficial properties. •Helps you maintain a comfortable position for breastfeeding or breastpumping. Breastmilk Bottles •BPA-free polypropylene and glass. White Natural Oak •Polypropylene bottles feature colorful, easy-to-read volume marks. •Glass bottles feature embossed volume marks. •Conveniently sized 5 oz & 8 oz polypropylene bottles and 4 oz & 8 oz glass bottles. *2.7 oz/80 mL and 8 oz glass breastmilk bottles not for use with the Single Deluxe™ breastpump. 8 oz glass bottles and Pump & Save™ bags not for use with the Freestyle® breastpump. Make sure breastfeeding is well established before introducing a nipple. 22 23 Breastmilk Collection, Storage & Feeding Breastmilk Collection, Storage & Feeding Wide Base Nipples Breastmilk Freezing & Storage Bulk Pack •Compatible with all Medela breastmilk bottles.* •2.7 oz bottles are the perfect size for newborns and smaller amounts of pumped breastmilk. •Available in slow and medium flow for feeding newborns and infants. Pump & Save™ Breastmilk Bags Breastmilk Bottle Spare Parts •Double-layered to minimize oxygen exposure and protect breastmilk for long-term storage. •Three sets of travel caps, collars, lids and discs plus a drawstring mesh bag to keep everything together in the dishwasher. •Unique design attaches directly to breastshield* for pumping directly into the bag for fast, easy breastmilk storage. (Breastshield not included) Breastmilk Feeding Gift Set ™ •Use with Medela 5 oz & 8 oz polypropylene breastmilk bottles and Medela 4 oz & 8 oz glass breastmilk bottles and Medela wide base nipples. •Value pack of breastmilk bottles and Pump & Save breastmilk bags. * Requires wide base collar. Call Medela at 1-800-435-8316 if you need a wide base collar. Make sure breastfeeding is well established before introducing a nipple. * Pump & Save bags not for use with the Freestyle® breastpump. 2.7 oz bottles not for use with the Single Deluxe™ breastpump. Make sure breastfeeding is well established before introducing a nipple. 24 25 Specialty Feeding Specialty Feeding Specialty Breastfeeding Products SpecialNeeds® Feeders Although most moms and babies can breastfeed without problems, special assistance is occasionally needed. The following products are designed to help you overcome special circumstances when used with the recommendation and guidance of a breastfeeding specialist. •Designed for babies with facial or oral problems that hamper their ability to maintain adequate suction for feeding. Mini-SpecialNeeds® Feeder also available for smaller babies. Baby Cup Feeder •A smooth-lipped cup for when cup feeding is recommended or for oral medication. Supplemental Nursing System™ (SNS™ ) SoftFeeder™ •A feeding tube device to provide babies long-term supplemental feedings at the breast. •A soft silicone “spoon” for when cup feeding is recommended. 26 27 Breast Care Tender Care™ Lanolin Advanced Nipple Therapy™ • Soothing relief. • For dry, sore and tender nipples. • Safe for mom and baby. Breast Care Nipple Shields and Contact™ Nipple Shields •For latch-on difficulties or flat/inverted nipples. •Contact nipple shields have a special design for closer contact with your baby. •Available in different sizes – consult a lactation professional for assistance. •Preferred by moms over other formulas. Nipple Shields Tender Care Hydrogel Pads Advanced Nipple Therapy • Instant relief. •Cools on contact. •Contoured for a comfortable fit. Contact Nipple Shields Breast Care Gift Set For new breastfeeding moms. Includes: Tender Care Advanced Nipple Therapy lanolin (2 oz tube), Tender Care Hydrogel pads (2), disposable bra pads (12), Mother’s Minder® Bracelet, Information, Resources & Breastfeeding Log and twill bag. •Reusable for up to 24 hours. 28 29 Breast Care Breast Care SoftShells™ Disposable Bra Pads •Available for sore nipples and for flat/ inverted nipples. •Absorb more so you use less. •Individually wrapped for convenience. •Superior comfort with soft, flexible backs. •Consult a lactation professional for assistance. •Available in boxes of 30 and 60. For Inverted Nipples (Small Opening) 100% Cotton Washable Bra Pads •Natural fibers promote air flow for healthy skin. For Sore Nipples (Large Opening) •Includes laundry bag for easy washing. TheraShells™ •Two solutions in one – for sore nipples and flat/ inverted nipples. •Consult a lactation professional for assistance. 30 31 Baby Scales Nursing Intimate Apparel Baby Scales Seamless Nursing Bras Medela’s baby scales offer you extra assurance that your baby is getting enough breastmilk and gaining weight at a healthy rate. Both scales are available for rental. To locate a rental station in your area, call 1-800-TELL YOU, or visit Optimal everyday support. BabyWeigh Scale • Easy nursing with one-hand release clasp. ™ Effectively measures your baby’s breastmilk intake. •Weigh your baby before and after breastfeeding. •Accurate to 2 grams. •For babies weighing less than 12 lbs. BabyChecker™ Scale Designed so you can monitor your baby’s or toddler’s weight gain. •Accurate to 0.5 ounces. •Removable tray for use from infancy into toddlerhood. • Available in soft cup and underwire styles. • Smooth, natural appearance with seamless stretch lace cups. • Exclusive lace design conforms to different stages of breast fullness throughout the day. • Drop cups enhance skin-to-skin contact with baby. • Cup sizes D - H feature cushioned, wider straps to help prevent strap “dig-in”. • Cup sizes F, G & H feature a hidden side lift panel for extra support. Seamless Soft Cup Nursing Bra Sizes 32B – 42DD white, nude Seamless Underwire Nursing Bra Sizes 34B – 42H, 44F white, nude (Cup sizes F, G & H available in nude only) 32 33 Nursing Intimate Apparel Nursing Intimate Apparel Comfort Bra Nursing Camisole Moderate support for day or night. Moderate everyday support. •The perfect “take to hospital” bra is designed to be comfortable throughout mom’s breastfeeding experience. •Luxurious fabric and no-tag design ensure comfort and breathability with fast moisture absorption. •Drop cup nursing bra with no-tag design offers moderate support and optimal comfort. •Extra layer of fabric between bra shelf and outer layer for modesty and elevated support. •Soft, silky microfiber blend gently hugs the body and conforms to fluctuating breast size. •Lace trim adds style and a feminine touch. • Sizes S-XL; white and nude. •Comfortable hip length will not ride up. • Drop-cup design for easy access when breastfeeding. Sleep Bra • Sizes S-XL; white and black. Light support for nighttime nursing. •Luxurious combed cotton and no-tag design ensure comfort against mom’s skin. •Keeps nursing pads in place to avoid leaks. •Drawback design for convenient nursing. • Sizes S-XL; white and nude. 34 35 Nursing Intimate Apparel Maternity Support •Helps ease back pain by gently lifting and supporting stomach. •Super light, breathable spandex is comfortable against the skin. • Won’t roll or bind. •Easy to wear, adjust and remove. • Machine washable. Postpartum Support For abdominal support and control after delivery. •Helps mom return to regular activities and wardrobe sooner. •Super light, breathable spandex is comfortable against the skin. • Easy to wear, adjust and remove. • Machine washable. Medela provides superior-quality breastpumps and breastfeeding accessories to nursing mothers around the world. Founded in 1961 in Zug, Switzerland by Olle Larsson, Medela continues to grow under the ownership of the Larsson family today. The Swiss’ high standards for both product and production were brought to the United States over 20 years ago. Through the years, Medela’s commitment to quality products and supportive programs has made the company the major supplier of breastpumps to hospitals and moms in the United States. Visit for additional breastfeeding and product information, or to find a professional lactation consultant or Medela dealer near you. You can also obtain this information by calling Medela’s 24-hour, toll-free Breastfeeding National Network (BNN) at 1-800-TELL YOU. 36 37