P68 Observer Series
P68 Observer Series
P68 Observer Series THE AIRCRAFT FOR SEA AND LAND MONITORING CONTROLLING AND SURVEILLANCE All reasonable care has been taken by VULCANAIR to ensure the accuracy of the information contained in the present document. However, the material presented is provided to acquaint you with the general characteristics of our products; it is not an offer and does not constitute a commitment, a warranty, or a representation. No liability is accepted for inaccuracies or omissions or any direct, indirect, special or consequential damages, or other damages whatsoever resulting from the use of any information contained in this document. Duplication of such document is authorised for private and informational purposes only, and any other duplication or use thereof is expressly prohibited. The P68 Observer Series Derived from the successful Partenavia P68 Series, the Vulcanair P 68 Observer Series is a six seater, twin engine, high wing, fixed landing gear airplane for observation, light transport and air taxi. The main characteristic of the aircraft is its excellent helicopter-like visibility, obtained by manufacturing the whole front fuselage in plexiglas. This feature enables it to perform patrol and observation roles with high performance and operating costs much lower than those of a helicopter. Extreme structural simplicity, absence of complicated systems, ruggedness, accessibility to servicing points reduce maintenance costs and put the Observer in a position of outstanding advantage with respect to helicopters whenever vertical take-off and landing in the operative area is not necessary. vulcanair aircraft 2 Three View vulcanair aircraft 3 General Layout This view shows the standard 1+5 seat interior layout of the P68 Observer 2 including the arrangement of the cockpit crew, passenger cabin and baggage compartment with the large aft RH Cargo door and the LH Passenger Entrance door. In addition, through the quickly removable seats, the large cabin volume begins available for the carriage of goods of all kinds: 4 Bulky items loaded through the generous Cargo door 4 Stretchers for aerial ambulance duties 4 Systems and other equipment for patrol, observation and surveillance duties. Finally, the aircraft features a standard predisposition a 2.1 x 1.5 ft. hatch (63 x 46 cm.) All these qualities along with its stable flight characteristics make the Observer a very flexible and easily customisable platform for aerial photography, reconnaissance and emergency missions. vulcanair aircraft 4 Interior Configuration An interior configuration with accommodation for 1 pilot and 5 passengers is proposed. Other features of the cabin are the large number of windows, ensuring that passengers have excellent visibility, plus the large amount of baggage space available in the aft baggage compartment or, in the whole cabin through the quick removal of the seats. INTERNAL DIMENSIONS COCKPIT AREA Cabin length 1.451 m 4.760 ft Cabin width 1.160 m 3.806 ft Ave. Cabin height 1.150 m 3.773 ft PASSENGER CABIN Cabin length 1.780 Cabin width 1.160 Ave. Cabin height 1.150 Total Volume 2.374 m m m m3 CARGO COMPARTMENT PAX CONFIGURATION Length 0.816 m Ave. width 1.010 m Ave. height 1.000 m Total Volume 0.824 m3 5.840 3.806 3.937 83.83 2.677 3.300 3.281 28.98 ft ft ft cu. ft ft ft ft cu. ft CARGO CONFIGURATION 2.596 m 8.507 ft 1.100 m 3.609 ft 1.120 m 3.674 ft 3.198 m3 112.9 cu. ft vulcanair aircraft 5 Main Characteristics Weights and Loadings Maximum Ramp Weight Maximum Take-Off Weight Maximum Landing Weight Typical. Std. Empty Weight Maximum Zero-Fuel Weight Typical Max Useful Load Maximum Fuel Load (usable) 2100 kg 2084 kg 1980 kg 1420 kg 1890 kg 680 kg 670 Lt Powerplant Engine Manufacturer 4630 lbs 4594 lbs 4365 lbs 3130 lbs 4167 lbs 1499 lbs 177 US Gal Textron Lycoming Engine Designation: IO-360-A1B6 (normally Aspirated) installed on P68 Observer 2 or TIO-360-C1A6D (turbo-charged) installed on P68 TC Observer Engine Type 4-cylinder, 361 inch, 3 horizontal, direct drive, air cooled, fuel injected. Power 200 shp (Aspirated), 210 shp (Turbo-charged) Propeller Manuf./Design Hartzell, 2 blades FC 7666A model Propeller Type: Constant speed, full feathering, non reversible, hydraulically operated Doors 1. Entrance door wide 0.820 m 2. Cargo door size 0.802 x 0.835 m 3. Emergency escape window 2.690 ft 2.631 x 2.739 ft vulcanair aircraft 6 P68 Observer Series Universally acclaimed as the most cost-effective airplane for observation and patrol roles. Designed to provide an alternate and more economic solution in a field were the helicopter has until now dominated. vulcanair aircraft 7 P68 Observer Series No other aircraft in the light general aviation category offers the same features 4 High Wing 4 Twin Engine 4 Plexiglas Nose 4 Six Passenger Capability 4 Airborne Surveillance Ready vulcanair aircraft 8 A LI A TR S AU A U S B TR EL IA G I B UM D RA A N SIL M A R K FI U N K ET LA H ND IO FR PI A G AN ER C M E A N ZI Z Y SW MB AIR IT AB E ZE W R E L SW AN ED D TU EN N SO IS U S TH P IA A PO AF IN R RIC TU A G H M O OL AL ZA L M AN B D IQ U E U N SA EW IT ZE A A LY N LA O N R D W A O Y TH K ER EN IR YA EL A N D P68 Deliveries More than 460 aircraft all over the world 90 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 vulcanair aircraft 9 Government Entities Currently Operating Our Aircraft 4 Italian State Police 4 12 U.S.A. States for Law Enforcement and Wildlife Conservation Agencies 4 U.S. Department of the Interior 4 International Private and Government Operators 4 Oil companies for pipeline patrol 4 Aerial Survey companies for advanced digital mapping vulcanair aircraft 10 Homeland Security Applications The P68 Series is a proven, effective tool for many homeland security applications: 4 Helicopter-like visibility through the plexiglas cockpit 4 Twin engine redundancy for SAFE low altitude flying 4 Standard provision for camera hatch 4 Low operating costs 4 New Garmin Glass Cockpit vulcanair aircraft 11 Special Missions Airborne Video Surveillance Maritime Patrol : 4 Airborne Surveillance 4 Search And Rescue (SAR) 4 Patrolling 4 Immigration Control 4 Pollution Control 4 4 4 4 4 Airborne Protection Fishing control Water Pollution Control Drug and Illegal Substances Enforcement Flying Control Centre vulcanair aircraft 12 Special Missions Equipment P 68 OBSERVER 2 WITH OPTIONAL SLAR The extreme versatility of the aircraft even allows it to be equipped with a SLAR vulcanair aircraft 13 Airborne Video Surveillance System Allows remote real-time transmission of TV pictures. 4 The camera is installed in the camera hatch, and is electrically controlled by an operator. Images are simultaneously transmitted to the on-board monitor and, via a microwave link or satellite, to the ground station or can be stored on a video recorder. 4 The system is very suitable for surveillance, patrol and reconnaissance tasks or whenever it is necessary to have a complete view of ground anomalies, to ascertain the damage after natural calamities or during dangerous situations to be controlled. vulcanair aircraft 14 Airborne Video Surveillance System L-3 Wescam Certified Installation Wescam MX 15 And more OEMs under certification vulcanair aircraft 15 Airborne Video Surveillance System Easily retracts for asset protection and privacy vulcanair aircraft 16 Airborne video surveillance system L-3 WESCAM FLIR GALILEO and others vulcanair aircraft 17 Aero Photogrammetric Hatch A 63x46 cm hatch is provided in the fuselage bottom and is designed for the installation of the most updated photogrammetric cameras. The hatch is located in the centre right of the fuselage and can be used fr Cameras like Leica, Ultracam, Integraph, Riegl Laser Scanners etc, , or for L-3 Wescam and FLIR equipment. The hatch can also be used during SAR missions to drop emergency equipment for rescue missions. vulcanair aircraft 18 Homeland Security Missions 4 Broadcast to a land station or vehicle. 4 Riot and Crowd Control 4 COIN operations vulcanair aircraft 19 Auxiliary Equipments The P68 Observer 2 can be fitted with two 14" under wing standard NATO pylons able to hold up to 200 Lbs (90.7 Kg.) each vulcanair aircraft 20 Special Missions 4 Electrical utilities line patrol 4 Pipeline patrol Long range Patrol Day and Night.. The P68 Observer can help in keeping them safe with prevention… vulcanair 21 aircraft Special Missions Fish Spotting/ Fishing Activities Control and Enforcement Thanks to its twin engine safe for flying over the water, exceptional range and helicopter-like visibility, the P68 Observer Series has been operated for years in many different countries for fish spotting, more particularly in the tuna fishing greatly improving the fishing efficiency of professional fishing boats by locating fish populated areas. The aircraft is also used to spot illegal fishing and to enforce fishing Licenses and permits in various countries. Open Water Pollution Control and Environmental Protection Thanks to its twin engine safe for flying over the water, exceptional range and helicopter-like visibility, the P68 Observer Series can be operated for pollution early detection and to coordinate emergency vessels in the interested areas, therefore reducing reaction times and overall operational efficiency. vulcanair aircraft 22 Cloud Seeding Missions The P68 Observer Series also has a cloud seeding variant Whereby the aircraft installs special sprayers under the wing for Silver iodide spraying in the air. Cloud seeding introduces silver iodide and other agents that mimic the structure of ice and serve as a template or nucleus for crystal formation. 4 4 4 Operator Console (SRCU System) Plume Generator (for silver iodide mixture or hydrogenate salts) Flare Dispenser vulcanair aircraft 23 Equipments The aircraft basic equipment can be completed adding other systems which increase the operational capability and extends the range of possible roles. Some of the further equipments are listed below: Microwave Radiometer (MVR) 4 The MWR is used to establish the amount of oil dispersed by measuring its area extension and thickness. It is quite common, in case of larger oil spills, that more than 90 percent of the oil is confined in a compact region comprising less than 10 percent of the visible slick area. The MVR can therefore be an useful tool in assisting oil combating vessels in the clean-up operation by pointing out the biggest oil concentration within the spill area. Data Down Link (DDL) 4 The data acquired by the various sensors can be transmitted to surface receiving station. At receiving stations, data are collected by a directional antenna, stored on magnetic tape and converted into images in near real-time. The DDL is a VHF system which requires "line of sight". however, if the aircraft and receiving unit (s) are not within line of sight during data acquisition, it is possible to transmit data from the tape recorder at the next opportunity. vulcanair aircraft 24 Observer or Helicopter ? 4 4 The P68 Observer has been specifically designed to reduce airborne surveillance costs. Very often Airborne Surveillance is done with Helicopters even when their specific characteristics are unnecessary (vertical take-off and landing). 4 Below a comparison with entry level helicopters available today which in any case cost more than the P68 Observer 2 • Slower than • Noisier and less sturdy •Single engine • Much shorter range vulcanair aircraft 25 Operating Considerations The P68 Observer operating costs are approximately 1/5 of a single turbine helicopter. The speed of the P68 Observer is 25% higher relative to an helicopter allowing a faster coverage of the search area. 4 Fuel consumption = 60 Litres /16.6 USG /Hour @ 55% power. 4 Thanks to uncomplicated systems and the general sturdiness of the aircraft the aircraft requires less than 0.35 hours of maintenance per flight hour. 4 The maximum range of the aircraft is of 10 hours without refuelling. 4 Extra safety is insured by the twin engine configuration insuring the safe return of the crew from any mission including night missions, over water missions and low flying missions. vulcanair aircraft 26 S P O T S U R V E I L L A N C E MISSION 4 Pollution reconnaissance 4 Search and rescue 4 Illegal trafficking enforcement 4 Border patrol 4 Scientific platform for data acquisition 4 Fire detection 4 Aero-photogrammetry PERFORMANCE 4 Speed 150 KTS 4 RECCE Speed 100 KTS 4 Altitude 5000 Ft 4 Fuel reserves 45 min. 4 Flight time 10 Hr 24 m MISSION Visual reconnaissance Area monitoring Border patrol Flying intelligence unit Fire surveillance Crowd or riot control 4 4 4 4 4 4 PERFORMANCE 4 Speed 4 Altitude 4 Fuel reserves 4 Flight time CREW 4 1 Pilot, 1 Operator RANGE 4 100 Km (54NM) Transit Base - Area 135 KTS Sea Level 45 min. 10 Hr 24 m TYPICAL MISSIONS CREW 4 1 Pilot, 1 Operator Distance from airport to operation area: 100 Km (54NM) PATTERN 4 Width 10 NM 4 Fingers 0.5 NM 4 Length 110 NM R E C C E O N A R E A vulcanair aircraft 27 Area Reconnaissance 4 Crew : 1 Pilot And 1 Operator 4 Distance from airport to operation area : 4 4 4 4 4 4 100 Km - 54 nm. Cruise Speed : 150 Kts RECCE Speed : 100 Kts RECCE Altitude : Sea Level Reserve : 45' Total Flight Time : 10 Hrs 24 Min Covered Area : 5.4 nm. X 47 nm. vulcanair aircraft 28 Spot Surveillance Crew: 1 Pilot and 1 Operator Kind of Mission 4 Ship- Wreck 4 Visual reconnaissance 4 Area monitoring 4 Border patrol 4 Flying intelligence unit 4 Fire surveillance 4 Crowd or riot control Speed : 135 Kts Distance from airport to operation area: 100 Km (54 N.M.) Altitude : S.L. Reserve: 45’ Total Flight Time: 4 Without aux tanks: 7 Hrs 24 Min 4 With aux tanks : 10 Hrs 24 Min vulcanair aircraft 29 Performance Aspirated engine Turbo-charged engine Max Range Cruise Speed (@ 75% & 7500 ft) 301 km/h 160 Kts 315 km/h 170 Kts Rate of Climb (2 Engines S.L. @ MTOW) Rate of Climb (1 Engine S.L. @ MTOW) 6.0 m/s 1.0 m/s 1100 fpm 200 fpm 7.6 m/s 1.1 m/s 1500 fpm 220 fpm Stall Speed (full flaps) Service Ceiling (2 engines) Service Ceiling (1 engine) Max Range (best economy @ 7000 ft) T.O. Distance Over 50 ft (*) T.O. Distance (*) Landing Dist. Over 50 ft (*) Landing Distance (*) 106 km/h 5490 m 1520 m 2960 km 400 240 600 200 m m m m 57 Kts 18000 ft 5000 ft 1598 nm 1312 ft 787 ft 1969 ft 656 ft 106 km/h 6100 m 3350 m 2280 km 390 230 520 200 m m m m 57 Kts 20000 ft 11000 ft 1230 nm 1279 ft 755 ft 1706 ft 656 ft (*) ISA, S.L, MLW, no wind Load Factor + 3,74g - 1,50 g + 3,80g - 1,52 g vulcanair aircraft 30 Hi-Visibility State-Of-The-Art Cockpit vulcanair aircraft 31 Hi-Visibility State-Of-The-Art Cockpit vulcanair aircraft 32 Heavy Duty Performance Easy Take Off & Landing on Unprepared Strips The Vulcanair P68 Observer Series has been designed to fulfil missions previously only possible with an helicopter and can take-off and land in extremely rough and short runways without problems. vulcanair aircraft 33 Conclusion P68 Observer Series aircraft features several outstanding advantages over its competitors thanks to its clever design and construction simplicity: Among others we note: 4 Low maintenance 4 Excellent performance 4 Ease of operation in terms of flying characteristics resulting in low training/transition time for pilots. 4 Low Direct Operating Costs 4 High durability and repairability in time thanks to its corrosion proof aluminium construction Moreover, with its helicopter-like visibility, thanks to the high wing configuration and other important features like the floor hatch that permit the quick installation of a variety of equipment and to perform special operations as the dropping of survival goods the Observer results in a unique machine ready to be adapted to every kind of mission, from patrol, observation, surveillance and emergency, to simply passenger or freight transport duties. vulcanair aircraft 34 Pennsylvania Office of the Attorney General vulcanair aircraft 35 Pennsylvania Office of the Attorney General vulcanair aircraft 36 Contact Information Vulcanair S.p.A. Via G. Pascoli 7 Casoria (NA) Italy 80026 Tel. +390815918111 Fax. +390815918172 Internet: www.vulcanair.com E-mail aircraft sales: sales@vulcanair.com E-mail general inquiries: marketing@vulcanair.com vulcanair aircraft 37
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