NATIONAL ASSOCIATION SCIENTIFIC MATERIALS F ~ MANAGERS SPRING 2001 Vol 33. NO.2 28TH ANNUAL CON1=: RENe AND TRADESHOW . Grand Rapids, ·chigan J 30 - August 3 2001 NAOSMM 1999-2000 Officers and Committee Chairs EXECUTIVE COMMlnEE President Kevin Maune Vice-President Northeastern University Voice: (617)373-2260 Fax: (617)373-3724 kmautte@lynx.neu.cdu Joanne Sciltitoe Rutgers University 199 Gilbert Drive Morrisville. PA 19067 Treasurer Jeff Your John Carroll University Voice: (216) 397-4244 Fax: (216) 397-1791 jyour@jcu.edu Voice: (215)736-1\906 jls0909@hotmail.com Voice: (660)785-463 I Joe Cha~ Third Wave Technologies Voice: (608)663-7026 Fax: (608)663-7027 Fax: {660l785-7636 cha5e@lwI.com Past President Secretary Elaine Scudder Truman State University escudder@truman.edu COMMI7TEE CHAIRS Membership Prognlm Sherrill Wolf National University ofTennessec Director Da,"e Roberts Florida Slale Univel1iity Voice: (850)644-3004 drobens@chem.fsu.edu Jaque Cranston South Dakota School M&T Site Selection Certification Ed Graham 2001 Site Gerry Rohde Washington Univer;<;ity Vendor Relations Paul Yedlik Univer;<;ity oflowa Voice: (319)335-7927 paul-yedl ik@uiowa.cdu Hospitalilyl Member Intera<:tion Karen Miller Weber State UniversilY Voice: (801)626-7185 kmiJIer3@weber.edu Barbara Neff SI. Joseph's Univer;<;ity Roy Nyman Ferris State University Don Wareham Michigan Tech University Jaque Cranston South Dakota School M&T By-Laws and Constitution Intemel Phil Waite Denison University Voice: (740)587-6650 waile@cc.denison.edu Corporate Publicity Steve Lambert Nalge Nunc Voice: (800)866-2543 ex. 3892 slambert@nalgenune.com Steve Amatangeld Cole Parmer Vnice: (800)323-4340 ex. 5100 sllmalangel@eoleparmer.com Barbara Hom>,; Moss Univel1\ity of Scranton Voice: (570)941-7558 honuB3@uofs.edu 2002 Site Nancy Picker Washington Univer;<;ity 2003 Site Jack Whitney Oregon State University NEWSLINE Co-Editor Jill Rench University of Florida Awards Vickie Tborupson BRI City of Hope NEWSLINE Co-Editor Donna Turner Umversity ofAorida Direl:lory Linda Perez-Saldana New Me~ico State University Auditor Bob Bamelle Aorida Stale University Auditor Amy Aldridge florida Slate Um\'crsl1Y Survey NAOSMM Website hup:/lwwy,dcnhnn.cduINAOS M MI Sue Viglione Youngstown State University Amy Aldridge Florida Stale University. Talahassee Radynne Jefferies Univen<ity of Nebraska Emory University Nominating National Director Mike Cook University of Nebraska Glen Thomley Utah State University Lori Keen Calvin College Voice: (616) 957-6080 keel@calvin.edu Promotion & Publicity Don Wareham Michigan Tech University From the President Kel'in Maune. President Jaque Cranston and Sherrill Wolf began working on this year' program during the North Carolina conference. Their diligence in tbi matter ha created a program that will be pertinent and beneficial to your continued career as scientific materials managers. Start now to let your supervi or know that you should attend the conference, not only for your own personal advancement, but to better erve your entire department and institution. Also, let your upervisor know that you can earn Continuing Education Units for attending the seminars at the conference. Remember to use the NAOSMM website to assi t in influencing your supervisor's decision to let you attend. First time conference attendee and tho e member in need of funds to off: et travel and lodging expense should take advantage of our Training and Travel Awards. You still have time to apply for Travel Funding 2001 (th application can be found in the Winter 200 I ewsline edition). Mail or fax the application to Vickie Thomp on, BRl-City of Hope, Research Storeroom 1450 E. Duarte Rd., Duarte CA 91010. I want to again thank the Executive Board members, Joanne Scillitoe, Jeff Your, Elaine Scudder and Joe Chase for their upport this past year. There are always changes in an organization and challenges to be met. Joanne Jeff, Elaine and Joe have been founts of knowledge that have made my job that much easier. M ake plans for Grand Rapids! You can't afford to miss the 28th annual NAOSMM Conference, a Science Odyssey, in Michigan thjs July 30 -August 3 at the Amway Grand Plaza Hotel, The northcentral region of the Unit d States is one of the prettiest areas of the country to visit in the summertime. Co-hosts Roy Nyman and Don Wareham have worked ililigently to take care of all the detail of the event and Lori Keen has been the number one promoter oftbe conference with her timely e-mails and website links about the hotel and the Grand Rapids area. If you are staying a few days extra in the area for a vacation, plan to visit the Red Bam Playhouse in the charming small twin villages of SaugatuckIDouglas on the shores of Lake Michigan about 35 miles we t of Grand Rapids. Two different plays, Steel Magno1ias and Anything Goes, will be offered before and after our conference. There are wonderful shopping oPPOJtunities, lovely bed & breakfasts, motels, and excellent restaurants in the twin village area. MANAGING EDITORS Jill Rench Voice: (352) 392-0537 Fax: (352) 392-0548 e-mail: Jill@chem.ufl.edu Donna Turner Voice: (352) 392-3694 e-mail: donnat@chem.ufl.edu NEWSLINE STAFF Advertising Manager Joanne Brown Photographer Jack Whitney Seth Ruskin 1 i i id fr n _I - nt 1 nfi ucm n ur I ()/ all \ or Itam apld. ichigall! lh cont. 0/1 f'(/~ , cOllt.from p(/~e 2 _ and exhibits about the 38th President, and the Victorian Voight House as well as Frank Lloyd Wright's Meyer May House add perspective to the area's rich history. Natural wonders delight the senses at tbe Frederik Meijer Gardens, the largest tropical conservatory in Michigan which features the 38 foot Leonardo D'Vinci horse and the Blandford Nature Center. Works of stunning beauty fill the galleries of the Grand Rapids Art Museum. Children have their own museum downtown, devoted to interactive fun. The John Ball Zoo promises a day of exciting viewing and adventures. Within a half hour drive you will find yourself on the sandy beaches and dunes of beautiful Lake Michigan where a relaxing day in the sun or a fishing charter trip await you. SHOPPING: Hundreds of shops, dazzling merchandise, and unique shopping centers. Rivertown Crossings (Grand Rapids newest and largest mall) located in southwest Grand Rapids, Woodland and Eastbrook Malls in southeast Grand Rapids boast major department stores as well as specialty shops. Grand Rapids and surrounding towns offer distinct shopping fun, from quaint Squire Street Square in Rockford to the distinctive boutiques at Gaslight Village in East Grand Rapids, Breton Village Shopping Center and the Amway Grand Plaza in downtown Grand Rapids. RESTAURANTS: Arrive in Grand Rapids at meal time and you will discover an abundance of culinary surprises. Downtown alone has some 37 restaurants featuring hometown favorites and intemationa1 cuisine ranging from Spanish Mediterranean to savory offerings from Tuscany. Enjoy a visual feast as light passes through the stained glass windows of a historic mansion setting a romantic mood. Or try a convivial coffee house complete with folk music, or a busy Irish pub. Downtown Grand Rapids now boasts a tastefully restored red brick warehouse district, the 8.0.B (Big Old Building), providing dozens of dining options. Enjoy a seafood paella or a tasty wet burrito. You'll find mouth-watering ribs, fresh whitefish or perch from Lake Michigan, or crab and yellow fin tuna grilled with perfection. NIGHTLIFE: Yes, there is plenty of that too. Within the Gr~nd Plaza, listen 10 blues and big name bands at Rhythm Kitchen Cafe. Sip and sample at Bistro Bella Vista, which has a martini bar, wine bar, and juice bar. Hit the E.O.8. to play pool, watch a classic flick, hear a comedian, or relax with wine or a micro brew. Then explore the downtown area where you'll fmd drinks, food, music, and laughter every few steps at Taps Sports Bar, The Deuce, J. Gardellas, the Sierra Room, The Cottage Bar, One Trick Pony, TGI Fridays, Z's and a newer dance club, Opus 1894. Within a short driving distance of downtown Grand Rapids you will find a professional baseball team (farm team of the Detroit Tigers) and outdoor concerts atop Cannonsburg Ski Hill (Three Dog Night on Aug. 3). THE HOTEL: In case you missed the article from Lori Keen in the last Newsline, our hotel the Amway Grand Plaza (HYPERLINK http:// www.amwaygrand.com) is ranked in the Top 100 Hotels in the World. It has been ranked 82 out of the 100 best urban hotels in the world. It was ranked 12th out of25 premier hotels in the U.S. putting the AGP in the same company as the Beverly Wiltshire in Beverly Hills, the Mansion on Turtle Creek in Dallas, and many Ritz-Carlton hotels. II features 682 designer-decorated guest rooms and suites, 9 award-winning restaurants and lounges, unique shops and boutiques. Also an indoor pool, whirlpool, weights, treadmills, racquetball, and tennis are all available within the hotel. MARK YOUR CALENDAR' The education you receive, the people you meet, the friendships you develop, and the overall experience of attending a NAOSMM Conference are hard to duplicate. Make your plans today to join us in Grand Rapids for 2001 a Science Odyssey, the week of mLY 28 - AUGUST 3. As the saying goes, "tbere'sjust no good reason not to." 3 a ce picture". an reno ati n Board. ra deals on Find IkN sell equipment and surplus lab equlpnleOC And suppl ers ... Fa. NAOSMM Conference 2001 . Grand Rapids, Michigan Tentative Schedule Saturday, July 28 8:00 8:00 1:00 5:30 to to to to 4:00 12:00 5:00 7:00 "Safety in the Laboratory" ~ Dr. Jim Kaufman, LSI Executive Board Meeting Executive Board Meeting Registration Sunday, July 29 8:00 to 9:00 to 1:00 to I :00 to 5:00 to 7:00 to 12:00 12:00 5:00 5:00 7:30 9:00 Safety Training Executive Board Meeting Safety Training Tour Registration Welcome Reception hosted by Fisher Scientific Monday, July 30 7:30 to 9:00 8:00 to 8:50 9:00 to 9:50 10:00 to 10:50 11 :00 to 11 :50 12:00 to 1:30 I :30 to 3:00 3:15 to 4:30 6:00 to 9:00 Registration Opening Session New Member Jnteraction Seminar/ Seminar Seminar/ Seminar Lunch - New Member (No host lunch or lunch on your own) Special Guest Speaker - Doug Aldrich, Dow Coming Seminar/ workshop NAOSMM reception Tuesday, JUly 31 8:30 to 9:15 9:25 to 10:10 10:15 to 11:30 II :30 to 1:00 I:OOto 1:50 I:00 to 5:00 2:00 to 2:50 3:00 to 4:30 5:30 to 10:00 Seminarl Seminar Seminarl Seminar Panel Discussion Lunch on your own! Executive Board Lunch Seminar! Seminar Exhibitor Registration Seminar/ Seminar Roundtable [nteraction Discussion Sponsored Night Out con!. 5 011 page 6 nUlI. ./ra", page 5 _ Wednesday, Aug 1 7:30 to 9:30 9:00 to 12:00 12:00 to 1:30 1:30t03:10 3: 10 to 5:00 5:30 to 10:00 Exhibitor Registration Trade Show Lunch with Exhibitors Trade Show Vendor Interaction Panel Sponsored Night Out Thursday, Aug 2 8:00 to 11:30 I J :30 to 1:00 I:00 to 2:50 3:00 to 5:00 6:00 to 7:00 7:00 to 10:00 Trade Show (breakfast with exhibitors) Lunch On Your Own Panel Discussion NAOSMM Business Meeting Social Hour NAOSMM Banquet Friday, Aug 3 All Day Educational Tour Pre-Conference Safety Seminar Safety In The Laboratory JOC/lU' CnJIl.\/01i The safety seminar will provide valuable infonnation needed to develop or improve lab safely programs and comply with OSHA's laboratory standard. The seminar will be held at the Amway Grand Plaza on Saturday, July 28, 200 I. The fee for this all-day workshop is $225. Look in your registration packets for the registration foml. r. James Kaufman. founder and President of The Laboratory Safety Institute, will otTer a pre-conferencc, all-day seminar entitled "Safety in the Laboratory." Dr. Kaufman has been called "the nation's foremost authority on safety instruction in academia" and is the author! narrator of the American Chemical Society's aud.io course "Laboratory Safety and Health." D 6 riot; nnation on ertifi ati 0 0 th ar plea e refl r to th int r an r(( fltl I S • I I rom A /Ii 'on Ko into ffi ct Jul 1 reqwr m e anag r of lin e 1« I want d to say hey' t all my NAG MM friend, and to let you kn w that thing continu to go well for m h r in theatre grad ch I at the Uni ersity f Idah. a t month at ur regi nul American 011 ge Th atr Fe ti a1 held in An h fa' • I n th ni de ign mpetiti n nd tim in 0 ars! nd ill n omp t again t the other v n r gi l1al winn r at th K nncdy enter in Wa hington D.. Wish me lu k! Thi summ r I will b a Prop Artisan at I rad bake pear e ti al in Boulder - pi a k m up if you're in th ar a. Me-mail addr i k t ral ov. m (and y . ometirn I d han ut in the chemi building h re!. I The 2000 01 NEB C talog & Technical Reference. Products you tru t. Technical information you need. 0DQt8S n 'Of" ynur storeroom com or call 229. smarty pants. where science ;s the priority 7 NAOSMM Welcomes New Members Jerry Dunn Purchasing Manager Pierce Chemical Company Rockford, IL Martis Elhott Purcha iog Manager Cell Genesys, lne. 342 Lakes.de Om e Foster i.y. CA 94404 Phone 650-425-4500 Fa!< 650-577-1521 Clan.sse IlclOharst 1anager ienee lores of Oregon Eugene. OR 91403 Phone 541-346-4600 Fa!< 541-346-4643 UnJ\'CfSlty Laune A. Smith Laboratory Manager \: orccster Polytechnic In UlUte Worcester. MA marhsc((l cellgenesys.com Jaruce M. Titlle Laura Giede Laboratory Manager Laboratory ~. Techme.an nJ"er5IlY ofWi.sconsm - tout pclman College RIMI Program ScIence BuildIng. Rm. 149 350 pclman Lane W Allanta. GA 303 I 4 Phone 404-22 I -2048 Fax 40-1-223-1554 Jl1tllc/Q spelman.cdu Chemistry Department 3 11 \ Janis Hall "'enamonia. \\ I 54 75 I Phone 115-232-2151 Fa!< 115-232-1452 ~iedelra uwstoul,cdu Lmwood Gillette cnior Procurement Analyst Howard !lughes McdicullnslilulC 4000 Jones Bridge Rd. Chevy hase, MD 20815 Phone 301-215-8818 gillencl((IJhhmi.org Ann Wargo Associate Manager of Chemistry Labs UnivcrsilY of emoton Dept. of Chemistry 223 Monroe Ave. Loyola Hall, Room 320 Scrnnton,PA 18510 Phone 510-941-1586 Fa!< 510-941-1510 wargoa2@scranton.edu Dave Roben~ Membersbip Chair (regular members) Phone 50-6-14-3004 Fa!< 50-644- 2 I Email droberts!achem.fsu.edu If you Mw a change in &ddIess. email. phone, etc., please be sure to let Da¥8 Roberts J'8CBIVe updated informaIiOn. Debb. Pusa.en (corpor1l.e members) Phone 504-599-0094 Fa!< 504-56 -3 82 Email dpusalla Isumc.cdu 8 To· 0: to '.il 'n Toro on m B lated congratuJati pub! i h d in Cb mical Health and afety eptemb r/ t b r 2 00 (V7.N5). he c -authored an arti Ie (with onja Ringen) entiU d," eep the Momentum: Annual Maintenance for P Huti n Prevention". In the bio, Eileen i id ntifi d as a member of the nal 0 iatioo of i outi Material anag ngratulations to on of ur m mb , Je our. J ff am d hi Ma ter in Bu in cimini tration tbi p t January. a result of hi h la ti a hievement in the program, he will be inducted into Beta Gamma igma, the honor ociety for th b t tuden in bu ine programs accredited by B - The Jnt mati nal ociation fi r Mana m nl Edu ation. ~.ff i (If. Oll 0 M ! Thanks for the pill jor our mo 'f capable Trea 'ur r... 1 aJ' to go Jeff! hav rec ived or kn w 'om ~Oll who has recei\' d all award or honor, leI cJl all congrarulal lIr m mh r. .J dir 1'. knnw, a thal we an ccrcdilHtion 1M P cISl•• lllllel I ••., ." Besl Prices On art flU', ,/ Pans and cc sorl ,/ Plastic In- I'or &0, and Sctrn Balances II Mill; & Model ,/ Calibration "'.......LIll1rItC T hmcaJ Quality Control Services, Inc. PO Bo 14831 P rtlan.d. OR 97293 f l : (503)2 -253 Heather Hall Takes New Position I is with sadness, yet great anticipation, thai I announce that I have accepted the position of Director of Purchasing for the county of Montgomery, VA. J began my duties on February 12, 2001, and thus will no longer be able to attend the annual conferences or continue on as the Cenification Chair. I have thoroughly enjoyed the lime that I have spent with you and have come 10 know many ofyoll as a second family. I hope to still pay dues for a while and keep up to dale on your progress through the Newsline. Thanks to all who have made my experience in AOSMM since 1993 such a great lime! I am going to miss you. My new address is 215 Roanoke Street, Christiansburg, VA 24073, phone number (540) 382-5784. My email is hhaJl@naxs.net. Please keep in louch! I TEMPORARY CO·CHAIRS FOR CERTIFICATION COMMITTEE ED GRAHAM AND LORI KEEN have agreed to act as co-<:hairs for the Certification Committee. Please send applications for Certification to: LORI KEEN CALVIN COLLEGE, BIOLOGY DEPARTMENT 3201 BURTON STREET SE GRAND RAPIDS, MI 49546 Introducing Our New Co-chair _ flarbam Hom: \fn\\ lo·c/w;r of IIU' IfmpitalilY Commiu£'t.' i! My name is Barbara Hontz Moss and I have been a member of NAOSMM since 1997. I went to my first conference in Colorado Springs,CO, and met so many wonderful people! The listserv. networkJng and seminars available through AOSMM have been very important 10 my success. I have worked at !.he University of Scranton since 1997, and I am quite familiar with the school since J earned my B.S. in Biology and M.S. in Biochemistry from here. J am currently pursuing a Master's in Secondary Education and enjoying the change of pace. In other H areas. I am involved with the Take OUT Daughter's 10 Work Day Committee, I am president of OUT local Water Company. I judge for the Pennsylvania Junior Academy of Science, I enjoy scrapbooking, reading and crafting, and most important, I am a newlywed! My husband's name is Ken, and he is a high school science teacher at a local high school. I became involved with the HOSpl[aJity Commiuee last year, and I am excited to be Co·Chair of the Committee Ihis year. We an; looking forward to a great Conference in Grand Rapids, MI! 10 • I 9 I e a hi will probabl b m 13 t ommunicati n r a while, since am retiring fr m bbott n April 30th. of no i d not look lik I will b attending th i hi an onfi ren e. •• each and e eryon -D fl. mmnt e Chair - 111 7 n@ h. r II Outstanding Manager of the Year Applications _ Vickie ThompsoII, A \I'w'ds Chair A Note that a letter explaining the award (which you can give to your supervisor) is located on page 22 orthe Winter NEWSLINE. You can also request me to send you or your supervisor an information packet. By having these resources available, we hope it will be easier to get an application submitted to the Awards Committee. See the Winter NEWSLlNE (or contact me) for more details. Iso, don't forget to get your nomination in for THE OUTSTANDING MANAGER OF THE YEAR AWARD-the deadline for applications is May 25. This very special award goes to a NAOStv1JV1 member, who in the eyes of bis/ber supervisor and colleagues has done/ is doing outstanding work. The specifications are listed on pages 18 & 19 of the Winter NEWSLINE. The biggest thing to remember is the fact that any nomination will be good for 2 years. Please don't hesitate to get in touch with me if you have any questions. Vickie Thompson, Awards Committee Chair Phone: (626) 359-8111 x62370 Fax: (626)301-8887 SRI-City of Hope Research Storeroom E-mail: vthompson@coh.org 1450 E. Duarte Rd. Duarte, CA 91010 REMINDERS Please take time to look at the NAOSMM Web Site. Phil Waite, Jack Witney and Seth Ruskin have contributed lots oftime and photos to allow everyone to see how grand a NAOSMM conference is. Treasurer's Report _ $84,018.21 $99,183.31 $98,912.99 December 31, 1999 balance + Income - Expenses $84,288.53 December 31, 2000 balance $270.32 PROFIT (LOSS) ON THE YEAR Respectfully submitted, Jeffrey A. Your, CSMM Treasurer 12 From the 2000 NAOSMM Meeting The New Direction of E-Commerce _ Me/l'O Coil/, University oIS" ThomoJ The Application Service Provider will host the application, including all payment functions, will update regularly, and will bear all costs and all responsibility for updating and maintaining the software. OrderZone.com is a web site that allows one to purchase from several companies (five at this time) simultaneously with one order. It is not the cheapest, but it is the most convenient. The customer deals with only one sales person in order to purchase from several different vendors (e.g., YWR Scientific, Lab Safety, Grainger). The added value comes in the fonn of time saved. One call look at lots of data in one place instead of searching through a catalog for each company. Ordering can be done much more quickly because there is no paperwork to fill out and you can order almost everything at one site. Security is one of the big issues for those who have concerns about ordering online. Security, access, and bandwidth have made exponential progress in the last few years. The encryption technology, now 32 bit, is safer than giving a credit card to a cashier or phoning in an order. No one can copy and reuse the information. I would like to add some personal comments. I do most of my buying online using a procurement credit card. Being able to do this has put me back in control of the procurement process. I am no longer at the mercy of the Purchasing Department. J can place an order online and, usually within an hour, I will receive a confirmation by Email telling me the status of each item. I often receive orders within 24 hours without paying extra shipping costs. I can usually get what J need when I nced it with a minimum of effort on my part. I love E-conUllerce! ! "The New Direction of E-Commerce" was presented by James Magel, account manager for OrderZone.com, me., a wholly owned subsidiary of W. W. Grainger, Inc., a distributor of industrial equipment and supplies. What is E-commerce? It is electronic procurement with increased efficiency and lower transaction costs. The long-range goal is to establish a paperless system where transactions are entered on the general ledger of the buyer, funds are transferred electronically, no checks are written, and the inventory is adjusted automatically. Businesses are trying to cut costs and improve efficiency through the use of technology. Ordering manually is expensive (total cost to process one purchase order is about $100) and slow (the cycle time is about two weeks). The cost to order online is only abollt $50 and the goods are generally received by the customer in one to five days. Reducing the number of steps in the process also greatly reduces the numbers of errors. Customers are looking for (1) a complete purchasing solution without having to deal with softwarc integration; (2) a reduction in purchasing and accounts payable costs; (3) a variety of products, ease of purchasing, a way to get the goods faster; (4) the ability to provide for approval by the budget manager; and (5) relationships with people in purchasing, finance, and customer service, to name a few. The services in place or coming soon include the ability to check the status of an order and track the shipping; tracking who bought what, when, and what account has been charged; support tools such as MSDS and instruction manuals available online; order history; customer defined reports; and electronic invoicing and online payment. From the Nominations Committee s we begin to make plans for the 28th Annual Conference, it is time to give serious thought 10 the upcoming election or new Board members. As NAOSMM has grown in stature, being a Board member has become a very prestigious position. It can open doors for yOll, enhance your career, and introduce you to Illany new people. _ Becoming a Board Member is also a way of giving back to NAOSMM some of what you have learned and the benefits you have received through the interactions provided by your NAOSMM activities. Please consider running for an office and becoming a serious participant. If you don't want to run for office personally, perhaps you know someone that you feci would make a good candidate. If A com. 13 011 page 14 ("(111/.lrom page IJ _ so, e-mail the name to me and tbe Nominations Commince will contact thai person to see ifhe or she is interested. The offices up for elections are President. Barbara Neff Nominations Chair bnelT@sju.edu Vice-President, Secretary, and Treasurer. Please help NAOSiviM elect the best Board possible. Janet Chrisman janetch@Princeton.EDU (Please note Janet's correct e-mail address) Hospitality Committee liar" Mos.\ lind Karen Miller ello everyone! Here we are, close to an other exciting conference. and the hospitality committee would like to extend an invitation to anyone who would like 10 become a member of this fun committee. If you are interested, please feel free to contact either one of us: there is always room for one more! We would like to welcome Kathy Fenozzi as our newest committee member. As the conference approaches, we would like to remind everyone that we are still carrying on the room-share program if anyone is interested. This is a great way to decrease the overall cost of the conference as well as a brrcat way to get to know a fellow member a little better. If you arc interested, please feel free to contact Karen MiUer at H KMJLLER3@webeLcduor801-626-7185. To date, we have sent welcome letters tQ 21 new members and we are looking forward to meeting all of you in Grand Rapids in July! Our current commiltee members are Joanne Brown, Jean Marie FQrd, Darr Oney, and Kathy FeriQzzi. Hope all is well, and we all look forward tQ seeing you in Grand Rapids, Michigan, in July! Publicity Committee Sue I iglirme Jaqlle Crallstoll Iml· Aldridge T his year the committee has been working to increase NAOSMM exposure on the Internet. We are happy 10 announce that besides being linked with several publishers of trade magazines, NAOSMM is now listed 00 an association directory at www.associatiQocentral.com.ltis 3 website "where the world checks out the world of associatiQns," Our proftie includes general infQrma- tion (description. membership levels, and fees) and a link to our website. An Events page announces and lists details of our Annual National Conference. As Steve and Steve (Corporate Publicity) have already mentioned. Qur suppliers are very willing to help this organization grQW. Many of them have agreed to establish a link tQ our website. So the next time you visit a supplier site look for the NAOSMM COllI. OIIIJa~( 14 15 COllI. jim I f''' (' J..I _ r ximately 3, indi idu.al ho are pfi Dtl Ii nt four supp1i bu.t n 1 t 0 mb rs. e . h t take i p rtunity to thank all f th pplie and their fi Id repre eotati e . ar In I ed in thi pr ~ 1. a link an r an ann uneemenl ur ational onand rad ho in Gran Rapid thi summ r. In an effort to mere m mb hip and ational ur eOIIlIlll art ndan at lh t h joined for e ith th e rp rat e mmittee n \! ill pr du ing a mailin mal will be ent t fer 0 r I'rlll! l'f'tllik rved for the rad e Thi year trad how. Anyon hich e hibitor ar can for your fr c 1-8DO-PURITY-1 I. 10: NEWSLINE Deadline The next deadline for material to be published in the July is ue of NEWSLfNE i May 16. It is essential that material to be included for that issue is in our hand by that date. .1rticles arriving after that date will not appear in the July issue. We will be grateful for any article ubmitted to us in MS Word or WordPerfect on a diskette. " I forgot to make a bac:k-up c;opy of my brain, so e1Ierything I learned last semester was lost." Did you know: The San Francisco Cable cars are the only mobile National Monuments. Each king in a deck of playing card repre ents a great king from hi tory: Spades - King David, Clubs - Alexander the Great Hearts - Charlemagne, and Diamonds - Julius Cae ar Half of all Americans live within 50 miles of their birthplace. There are mor collect phone call made on Father' Day than on any other. We Repair Lab Balances and Scales Nationwide It's easy to get a free, no-obligation quote of the cost of repairs. We have boxes specially made for analytical balances, and we'll send them to you on our UPS account. Return your instrument to us on the same account. We never charge for quotes, whether you decide to repair or not. Call or e-mail doug@iescorp.com to make arrangements. IES Corporation Call us at (800) 541-0852 Or Vist Our Website at www.labbalancerepair.com e-mail atdoug@iescorp.com 16 pq 0 20-80 250 00 iiOO 800 000 DOO-5O 8N OOIHOO llOlHSO 20-1 0 25-200 000-250 ll1llO-4llO 25-325 50-750 000-600 tooo-8OO 50- 000 IlJOO-1l 50-500 5488C BD 54BBH 548Bl S48BO S4BBP S48BE 28.00 29.00 28. 28. n. 20.0 28. 39.00 "-g D H 54CKV S4CKG S4CKJ 54CKM S4CKP S4CKS 60 x 15 100 X 10 '00 15 100 20 NALGENECI Laboralory 01 books Caver Calor Overall DIm. II. grid 811. x 11 11/ '12' forest green 3 lines/in. 811." x 11'// 1/7, burgundy Eacll PagB Dim. Halgene No. Ca13Jog 8'/~' 6301-1000 97CNO 14.90 6301-2000 97CNR 15.50 al/ • xl' ,. d. 150 15 150 20 U EX S 'ely Eye Overall DIm (mm) In. PagB Dim. mm)ln (83 x 152 x 16 (83 x 143) 3'1. lC 55/, 31/. 6 518 pqrU 6370-0250 32.00 ar Eleh 5.50 Vapor Blue Catalog Mo. 30GlC ft111l Colar CltllOll N • Each 81 30USC 4.60 Framl NALGE 52.00 42.00 42.00 42.00 125.00 135.00 Co 01 eml MD. Eacb 3Il1VH .95 30GCY .25 c. . f. Pnces Ju 31 2001 s~m Spectrum Laboratory Products ., .. '~.,.~ . ,.. '",. call for your FREE catalog 800-772-8786 w w w . s pee t rum c hem I• c a I . com