February 2014 - Friends of Sabeel


February 2014 - Friends of Sabeel
Get Involved!
Pleasant Hill, CA Conference
March 21—22, 2014
Last November many of us from FOSNA joined others
from around the world at the Notre Dame Center of
East Jerusalem, in sight of the beautiful Old City. We
discussed the use of the Bible in the occupation of Palestine and aspects of international law, and we made
excursions to Bedouin villages in the Negev, Bethlehem
and Hebron. We also celebrated 25 years of Sabeel,
with a visit to a baptism site on the Jordan River and a
gala dinner at the International Hotel in Jericho. We
were saddened to hear Sabeel founder Naim Ateek announce his retirement, but he later assured international Friends of Sabeel leaders that he will remain as
titular head and spokesperson as he retires from administrative duties.
Partners in Mission Work Group
May 2-19
Sabeel Colorado Fact-Finding Trip
May 17-31
Abraham’s Children Listening Tour
June 14-28
Details at fosna.org.
Also, see our alternative
travel web page for a comprehensive list of pilgrimage/
witness opportunities.
(503) 653-6625
John Erickson
Portland, OR Conference
April 4-5, 2014
New York, Boston and New England
Conferences—Fall 2014 TBA
PO Box 9186, Portland, Oregon 97207
Report from the Executive Director
Philadelphia, PA Conference
March 28—29, 2014
Vancouver, BC
FOSNA and Canadian FOS
Update on Christian Zionism
Conference and Seminars
October 17-18
Newsletter of Friends of Sabeel—North America
It was at the Jerusalem conference that FOSNA leaders agreed to prioritize the issue of Israel’s policy of breaking the younger generation of Palestinians. Numerous
reports and agencies have highlighted Israel’s systematic abuse of Palestinian children, but our mainstream media and government ignore the issue. FOSNA will be
working with the Tree of Life Foundation to hold a series of conferences in the fall
of 2014 highlighting this threat to Palestinian children and also planning a multifaceted advocacy campaign to address the issue.
On the home front, the FOSNA Board of Trustees is embarking on a
six month long strategic planning process. We want to investigate
and articulate what FOSNA does (and can do) best and build an internal structure and programs to make FOSNA as focused and effective as possible. As we proceed we will be looking to many of you
for your wisdom and guidance.
Finally, I would like to announce FOSNA’s first scholarship award of
the year. We are happy to assist Leandra Lambert, who will be
traveling to Palestine/Israel with the Women’s Witness Trip this
spring. Leandra is a young student at Harvard Divinity School and
we welcome her into the FOSNA family. We believe that supporting
witness trips for young people, pastors and others new to the issue
is extremely important.
Thanks for your support in 2013 and please consider an increased
or additional gift for our scholarship fund and advocacy campaign
on behalf of children this winter. Your thoughts and comments are
always welcome. You can reach me at john.erickson@fosna.org.
Keep your subscription to Cornerstone current
with only one donation per year--any amount.
Looking Ahead: FOSNA in 2014
By Donald Wagner, Program Director
The poster above with the now familiar quote from Nelson Mandela announces to the world that 2014 is the “United
Nations Year of Solidarity with the Palestinian People.” However, for those of us who work for justice in Palestine, there
are ample reasons to be concerned that the forces that support military occupation and “normalizing the conflict” could
have their way in 2014. Clearly Israel, the United States and many of the Arab nations would be content with this state
of affairs, hoping to contain the conflict to the territories, where Palestinians have suffered 47 years of humiliation and
Having recently visited several grass roots organizations in the villages and towns throughout the West Bank, I come back
challenged by the enormity of our task and inspired by the steadfastness of the Palestinian people, young and old, and the
growing number of international movements committed to justice in Palestine. We in FOSNA are dedicated to doing our
part, and, in fact, redoubling our efforts in 2014. Our five program committees have had a year of working together, and
we are excited to share some of the programs that, with your help, we hope to implement in the coming months.
1. CONFERENCES AND WITNESS TRIPS: Conferences and trips are among our primary educational and recruiting
vehicles, and this year we will have five or more conferences and several seminars. Conferences will bring you up-todate on the occupation and the growing world-wide resistance movement. Among the speakers appearing at one or
more conferences will be Rev. Dr. Naim Ateek, Rev. Graylan Scott Hagler, author and activist Omar Barghouti, author
Max Blumenthal, Israeli historian Ilan Pappé, political analysts Josh Ruebner and Phyllis Bennis, Jewish Voice for Peace
strategist Cecilie Suraski, Middle East journalist Rami Khouri, authors Brian McLaren and Mark Braverman, Norwegian
physician Dr. Mads Gilbert (who served in Gaza during “Operation Cast Lead” and later), and many others. Check the
FOSNA website (fosna.org) for full programs and registration details.
Our witness trips are perhaps the best form of education available as we make sure you meet the people (the “living
stones”), witness the effects of the occupation, and visit historic sites. One of our trips—led by Prof. Joy Lapp, a FOSNA
board member, and Rev. Arnie Voigt —will take place from June 2 to 16. Another, titled “Abraham’s Children in Contemporary Israel and Palestine,” will run from June 14 to 28. (This trip will feature communities and leaders in the six religions of the Holy Land: Can you name all six?) Still another trip, the Partners in Mission Work Group trip, will be led by
FOSNA advisory board member Dorothy Jean Weaver May 2-19. Information on all of these trips can be found at
2. THEOLOGY: FOSNA is charged with the task of presenting Palestinian liberation theology, the theology of Sabeel.
For over a year the Theology Committee has been working on a project that will come to fruition in August, with the
publication of a book titled Zionism and the Quest for Justice in the Holy Land. A forerunner to this book, a new study
guide, has already appeared. It is titled Zionism Unsettled and was written and produced by our partners in the Israel
Palestine Mission Network of the Presbyterian Church (USA). These are outstanding resources and contain cutting-edge,
critical studies of political Zionism and various forms of Christian Zionism. See page 4 for information on how to order
3. MEDIA: The FOSNA Media Committee has been working on several media monitoring projects, including reviews of
the New York Times and the Washington Post, with plans for other publications. The group will also be involved
with a project to support a letters-to-the-editor campaign. The committee produced a new and updated
FOSNA brochure that can be ordered in quantity from our
Portland office. Committee members also provided material for the new FOSNA website and continue to work
with our IT committee on this major effort.
4. ADVOCACY: The boycott of the Israeli product SodaStream, which is manufactured in a factory built on
land stolen from Palestinians, continues to be a focus of
the FOSNA Advocacy Committee. FOSNA and several regional groups and partner organizations are involved in
various activities around the Super Bowl on February 2nd.
SodaStream recently named the actress Scarlet Johanssen as their official spokesperson and various appeals are now being made to the actress by FOSNA and
others to withdraw her name or for the humanitarian
organization Oxfam to drop her as a spokesperson. The
SodaStream boycott effort has been picking up in Europe
and the United States with the company’s stock dropping
by over 20 percent in recent months. Executive Director
John Erickson and I have written to 14 businesses that
feature SodaStream, requesting that they drop the product. With the help of our partner organizations, we intend
to keep the pressure on throughout 2014. Finally, we
will be calling upon Pope Francis to insist that Israel stop
the systematic abuse of abuse and detention of Palestinian children and to end the decades of occupation of Palestine’s West Bank and the occupation and cruel blockade of Gaza in which so many children have suffered and
have been killed. The campaign will be an international
effort between early February and the papal visit to the
Holy Land, scheduled for May 2014.
5. LOCAL GROUPS: This committee has been equally
busy, creating and supporting local working groups that
carry out the FOSNA mission in their cities and regions.
The committee has completed a “tool kit” with practical
ideas and organizing strategies for education and advocacy. Anyone interested in started a FOSNA group
should contact the committee chair, Joy Lapp
(lappj@earthlink.net). The committee has developed a
Google group that will enable regional groups to share
successful programs, problems and successes.
The Board of Trustees is preparing a new long range plan
for FOSNA. It will lay out our hopes for FOSNA over the
next three to five years. An important verse in scripture
reminds us “where there is no vision the people will perish.” We want to be a force with an ambitious and
psalm 72: transformation
let the lowly rise up,
let them crash and collide like
tectonic plates, let them burst forth
leaving soaring mountains
in their wake.
let the oppressed, buried deep
within the earth smolder and
shape like pressurized carbon
gliding inevitably upwards
only to emerge like diamonds
in the morning sun.
let the justice that trickled first
from shallow creeks now
roar through the valley and saturate
the dry parched earth, let it flow
relentlessly throughout the land
where life once grew
and will grow again.
let those who cry out in pain
feel your presence growing within
their broken souls like green
stems shooting through cracked pavement,
let them live to see new life spreading
through abandoned streets and
neighborhoods and cities and nations.
let the promise of your transformation beckon
still that we might finally take the first
tentative step into this new day, yes
let it be so.
by Rabbi Brant Rosen
achievable vision for peace with justice in Palestine and
Israel. May God grant us wisdom, courage, and
strength to stay the course, as the Palestinians say, with
“sumud” (steadfastness).
Zionism Unsettled: A Congregational Study
New Critical Study of Zionism and Christian Zionism Now Available
In 2012, the Israel/Palestine Mission Network of the Presbyterian Church (USA) (theIPMN.org) established a working
group to explore the history, doctrine, and various forms of Zionism. Around the same time, FOSNA invited IPMN to collaborate in developing for publication a collection of essays on Jewish and Christian Zionism. The resulting book,
Zionism and the Quest for Justice in the Holy Land, edited by Donald E. Wagner and Walter T. Davis, is scheduled
for publication by Wipf and Stock in 2014. The book contains a foreword by Walter
Brueggemann and essays by Mustafa Abu Sway, Naim Ateek, Gary Burge, Carole
Monica Burnett, Pauline Coffman, Walt Davis, Brant Rosen, Rosemary and Herman
Reuther, and Donald Wagner.
Zionism Unsettled is a congregational study guide that may be used alone or in
conjunction with the longer book. This congregational study guide consists of two
parts: this booklet and its accompanying free DVD. These companion resources follow the general chapter outline of Zionism and the Quest for Justice in the Holy
Land while introducing additional material that highlights issues of particular interest. Each section in this study guide is followed by a set of questions to help stimulate productive group discussion.
Ordering Information for Zionism Unsettled:
Online: theIPMN.org
Phone: 800-524-2612. Also available from FOSNA.
The book, Zionism and the Quest for Justice in the Holy Land will be available
for purchase online at wipfandstock.com/pickwick_publications, (541-344-1528) or
from Amazon.com/books.
Tweet for Justice
A Message from your FOSNA Advocacy Committee
In FOSNA’s weekly email, we put out a plea for Internet users to learn to Tweet. Sounds silly, doesn’t it? It’s not. It’s
big business. Twitter reaches millions of users daily. A Tweet is a short message of up to 140 characters. Some of us
in FOSNA and other justice organizations are “teaming up” to Tweet before, during, and after the Super Bowl on February 2. Why? Because SodaStream has purchased another ad for the game, and millions will see it. We can’t match
those millions, but we can Tweet to the millions of fans who will be looking up Super Bowl information on Twitter.
We can let them know that the SodaStream factory is built on ground stolen from Palestinian farmers, villagers, and
other ordinary people—yet because of their ethnicity, they are not permitted to live in the settlement built on land
that is legally theirs (yes, theirs). That’s apartheid, and it’s brutally enforced by armed settlers and the Israeli army.
The SodaStream factory is located in one such illegal settlement. We plan to educate as many football fans and players as possible about the occupation, about injustice, and about the boycott of products made in the illegal settlements. Boycott, Divestment, and Sanctions (BDS) worked in South Africa. It will work in Israel/Palestine, too.
LEARN HOW TO TWEET: http://www.ehow.com/how_5064722_tweet-twittercom.html
Here’s a sample of our Tweets:
#superbowl, what’s the penalty for #apartheid? sodastreamboycott.org #BDS
#Superbowl, let’s flag #apartheid. It’s illegal holding sodastreamboycott.org #BDS
Illegal holding at #superbowl. #Fox network, stop supporting apartheid SodaStream #BDS
#Superbowl fans, team up against #apartheid. sodastreamboycott.org #BDS
Hey #Superbowl fans: let’s tackle apartheid. sodastreamboycott.org #BDS
Book Review by Gregory Jenks
Reflections from Palestine
By Samia Nasir Khoury
Samia Nasir Khoury celebrated her eightieth birthday on Sunday, 24 November 2013. This was also the final day of the Ninth International Sabeel
Conference. Following a service at the Lutheran Church of the Ascension
at Augusta Victoria on the Mount of Olives, the 200 delegates renewed our
commitment to justice and peace at Qasr el Yahud, the Baptism site on
the Jordan River before going to the Intercontinental Hotel in Jericho.
There we were joined by an additional 200 Sabeel members for an afternoon of celebrations to mark the twenty-fifth anniversary of Palestinian
Liberation Theology.
As Samia noted in an email to friends shortly after the conference ended,
never had she experienced so many people singing happy birthday to her.
It was especially fitting that this book was available for purchase that afternoon as so much of the story goes to the heart of Sabeel's work in developing and practising Palestinian Liberation Theology.
Together with her long time friends—Cedar Duaybis and Jean Zaru—Samia Khoury was one of the founders of Sabeel. These strong women of Palestine have played a leading role in the organization and their lives radiate with
the virtue of summud, steadfast persistence. In the face of occupation and never-ending harassment, these
women and their millions of anonymous Palestinian compatriots stand firm and refuse to oblige the Zionist dream
by fleeing the land of their ancestors.
This book is both easy to read and hard to read, all at the same time. It is a gentle book as one articulate and passionate woman tells the story of her family through decades of occupation and hardship. It is a confronting book
as the unremitting evil of the occupation is parsed out in the details of everyday life under belligerent military rule.
Yet this is a woman who has raised a family and cared for her grandchildren. I have met one of those grandchildren, and she is every bit as articulate and determined as Samia herself.
In addition to her life as a wife, mother and grandmother, Samia has served as a founding Trustee of Birzeit University, a founder of Sabeel, and the President of the YWCA in East Jerusalem. Her personal circle of contacts
around the world is a testament to her character and stamina, and this book had its genesis in a series of essays
written for the magazine, Witness. I am glad that she wrote those essays and even more pleased that she agreed
to edit them into this collection of reflections. Her personal integrity shines through these pages. I hope this book
is widely read and, more importantly, that it inspires us all to do more to end the occupation that diminishes the
humanity of the Jewish occupiers as much as it harms the Palestinians.
Greg Jenks is an Australian religion scholar and Anglican priest.
Reflections from Palestine is available from Rimal Publications (www.rimalbooks.com)
Watch for our New Website
Launching in 2014
Philadelphia, PA
Current Realities and Creative Responses
Friday and Saturday, March 28-29
Anti-Christian Graffiti
at the Notre Dame Center
in Jerusalem
The rising number of anti-Christian
and anti-Muslim incidents in Israel,
the West Bank and East Jerusalem
is alarming, such as this example
below calling for the "expulsion of
Christians" from Israel. This graffiti was discovered on a wall at the
Notre Dame Center in East Jerusalem on January 10, 2014. We urge
you to write Mr. Eric Barbee, Chief
Political Officer, U.S. Consulate,
Israel (Email: BarbeeEM@state.gov),
noting your alarm about this trend
and insisting that Secretary of
State John Kerry raise this concern
with the government of Israel.
Source of Image:
(January 10, 2014)
Co-sponsored by the American Friends Service Committee, and held at
Friends Center, 1501 Cherry St., Philadelphia, PA. Through plenary sessions
and workshops, this groundbreaking conference will spotlight what is happening in the US with regard to Israel-Palestine and explore how Americans
can effectively advocate for a just peace. The intention, design, and spirit
of this FOSNA Conference is to galvanize advocacy for justice in IsraelPalestine.
Distinguished plenary speakers will address
current realities such as US foreign policy, the media, political discourse, and religion. Plenary speakers include: Conference Overview - Don Wagner, Program
Director, Friends of Sabeel--North America;
US Foreign Policy: A View from the United
States - Phyllis Bennis, Fellow, Institute
for Policy Studies; journalist, political commentator; US Foreign Policy: A View from
the Middle East - Rami Khouri, Director,
Issam Fares Institute for Public Policy and
International Affairs, American University
of Beirut; Role of Religion – Naim Ateek, Founder and Director, Sabeel
Ecumenical Theology Center, Jerusalem; Media and Public Discourse - Ali
Abunimah, Founder, The Electronic Intifada; journalist, author; Political
Messaging and National Advocacy – Cecile Surasky, Deputy Director, Jewish Voice for Peace.
Interactive workshops will engage participants about relevant historical realities, offer timely updates regarding facts on the ground, as well as provide ample time for lively discussions about creative responses - opportunities for involvement in specific areas of advocacy such as campus organizing; US military aid; educating through Steadfast Hope and Kairos USA;
"difficult" conversations; Palestine as a civil rights struggle; and BDS
(Boycott, Divestment, Sanctions). Conference participants can expect to
leave with a wealth of specific avenues for action.
A comprehensive list of speakers and workshop topics can be found
at fosna.org.
 Presbytery of Philadelphia
 Tikkun Olam Havurah
 Philadelphia Jews for a Just Peace
 Church and Society Work Team, Eastern PA Conference
of the United Methodist Church
 The Middle East Study Group of the Episcopal Diocese
of Pennsylvania
 Ecumenical Working Group for Middle East Peace
Program Details and Registration, go to: fosna.org
Portland, OR
Pleasant Hill, CA
Friday and Saturday
March 21-22
Friday and Saturday, April 4-5
First United Methodist Church, downtown Portland
Featured Speakers Include:
Brian McLaren ~ leading Christian pastor in the emerging
church movement and author of Why Did Jesus, Moses, the
Buddha and Mohammed Cross the Road? and many more.
Rev. Dr. Naim Ateek ~ founder and director of SabeelJerusalem and author of A Palestinian Christian Cry for Reconciliation. Max Blumenthal ~ New York Times bestselling author. His new bold and controversial book Goliath:
Life and Loathing in Greater Israel. Dr. Hatem Bazian ~
senior lecturer in the Departments of Near Eastern and Ethnic Studies at the University of California, Berkeley, cofounder and Chair of American Muslims for Palestine and
author of Jerusalem in Islamic Consciousness. Miko Peled
~ author of The General’s Son. Pamela Olson ~ author
of Fast Times in Palestine. Phyllis Bennis ~ author of Understanding The Palestinian-Israeli Conflict: A Primer
Mark Braverman ~ author of A Wall in Jerusalem
Rabbi Lynn Gottlieb ~ author of Trail Guide to the Torah
of Nonviolence. Josh Reubner ~ author of Shattered
Hopes: The Failure of Obama’s Middle East Peace Process
Don Wagner ~ co-founder of FOSNA and of Evangelicals
for Middle East Understanding and author of Dying in the
Land of Promise. Mads Gilbert MD ~ specialist in anesthesiology and emergency medicine at Al-Shifa Hospital in
Gaza. With additional confirmed speakers including:
Mazin Qumsiyeh ~ Ned Rosch ~ Zaha Hassan ~
Steve Niva ~ Cindy and Craig Corrie ~ Janet Lahr
Lewis ~ Claire Anastas
Co-sponsors: Friends of Sabeel Portland Action Group ~
Episcopal Bishop’s Committee for Israel/Palestine-Diocese
of Olympia ~ Episcopal Bishop’s Committee for Israel/
Palestine-Diocese of Oregon ~ Rachel Corrie Foundation for Peace
and Justice ~ Jewish Voice for
Peace-Portland ~ Pax Christi Pacific
Northwest ~ Israeli Committee
Against House Demolitions ~ Voices
of Palestine ~ Palestine Solidarity
Committee ~ Northwest Washington Synod of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America ~
and more.
Presented by Christ the King Catholic Church and
Northern California Friends of Sabeel; to be held at
Christ the King Church, 199 Brandon Rd., Pleasant Hill, CA.
A unique opportunity to hear from and talk with Christian,
Muslim, Jewish and secular leaders, scholars and activists
about the situation in Palestine/Israel. Keynote speaker
will be Rev. Graylan Scott Hagler, Senior Minister of
Plymouth Congregational United Church of Christ , Washington, D.C. and National President of Ministers for Racial,
Social and Economic Justice, with a special message from
Prof. Richard Falk, U.N. Special Rapporteur for the Palestinian Territories. Plenary speakers will be Susan Abulhawa, Palestinian American author and commentator;
Omar Barghouti, Palestinian author and activist; Dr.
Lonnie Bristow, doctor and civil rights activist; Prof.
Clayborne Carson, director of Stanford’s MLK Research
and Education Institute; Prof. Ilan Pappé, Israeli historian; Ambassador Ed Peck, retired diplomat; and Col.
Ann Wright, retired Army colonel and State Department
employee. The conference will also feature many workshops led by scholars, activists and religious leaders.
Topics will include the following:
 Life for Palestinians living under occupation
 Strategies for boycott and divestment campaigns
 How to have effective conversations about Palestine
 The South African anti-apartheid movement and the
Palestinian struggle
 Palestine and the legacy of Martin Luther King, Jr.
 Art and social media in the service of justice
 Inspiring churches to work for justice
There are presently 50 co-sponsors of the conference.
Here are just a few:
Birzeit Society; Buena Vista United Methodist Church; Dominican Sisters; Episcopal Diocese of California; Jewish
Voice for Peace; Maryknoll Fathers and Brothers; Middle
East Children’s Alliance; Palestine American Coalition; Rossmoor Voices for Justice
in Palestine; St. Timothy’s Episcopal Church;
Veterans for Peace; St.
Agnes, St. Bonadventure, St. Columba, St.
Mary Magdalen, St. Perpetua Catholic Churches.
Witness and Discovery
Find details on these witness and discovery trips:
programs, schedules, registration information
at fosna.org
Sabeel Colorado Fact-Finding Trip
Abraham’s Children in Contemporary Israel & Palestine
Partners in Mission Work Group
Comprehensive List of Alternate Travel Opportunities
Welcoming our newest board members:
Tarek, Joyce, and Sam
Our Board of Trustees consists of 15 exceptional volunteers who share a wealth of experience
and knowledge and a depth of commitment to the mission of Sabeel. We would like to introduce
you to our three newest members—Tarek, Joyce, and Sam. Trustees are hard-working members
of internal and program committees. They oversee the daily function of FOSNA, ensuring that
our core values and purposes are reflected in our programs and operation process. Other members of the Board of Trustees (listed with bios on our website) are: Bishop Edmond Browning,
John Erickson, Dick Toll, Ann Hafften, George Khoury, Joy Lapp, Darrel Meyers, Catherine Nichols, Rosemary Ruether, Grace Said, Andrea Whitmore, and Wini Wolff.
Tarek Abuata grew up in Bethlehem, Palestine, and moved to the United States along with his
family at the age of 12, two years after the 1987 Palestinian uprising. After receiving his J.D.
with a focus in international law from the University of Texas Law School in 2002, he spent a
year in Palestine working with the Negotiations Support Unit, a group of advisers to the Palestinian Negotiations. Tarek has been involved in various nonviolence workshops, including trainings led by Dr. Bernard La Fayette, one of the leaders of the civil rights movement in the
United States. Tarek serves as the Palestinian Support Coordinator for the Christian Peacemakers Team, and as the Director of Development for the United Palestinian Appeal. He spends his
time between Palestine and Washington, DC.
Joyce Ibrahim was born in Jerusalem but grew up in Saudi Arabia. She was active as an
undergraduate student in several peace groups, including Students for Middle East Peace and
the Holy Land Christian Ecumenical Foundation. After college, she worked as a camp counselor for Seeds of Peace and was involved in nonviolence trainings with Love Thy Neighbor.
Joyce has been working as a Private Sector Development Specialist with the World Bank since
September 2008. She currently works on the Doing Business report, one of the World Bank’s
flagship reports which assesses business regulations affecting domestic firms worldwide. Joyce
earned a bachelor’s degree in international politics from Georgetown University and a master’s
degree in international relations and economics from Johns Hopkins University – School of
Advanced International Studies (SAIS).
Sam Jones is Associate Director of the Human Rights Program at The Carter Center in Atlanta, GA. In this capacity he manages the Program's efforts to educate and mobilize a range
of U.S. leaders and constituencies in support of Palestinian rights. He also manages The
Carter Center's programs in the Democratic Republic of the Congo. Mr. Jones began his work
in human rights as a Presbyterian Church (USA) peace / justice intern at Sabeel from 1999 2000, where he was responsible for field-based research, reporting, and international advocacy on a range of human rights issues. Mr. Jones earned his master's degree in international
peace and conflict resolution from American University's School of International Service and
his bachelor's degree in political science from the University of North Carolina at Asheville.
Friends of Sabeel Albuquerque was born out of
the very successful National Sabeel Conference
held in our city in September 2012. The conference drew over 300 guests and speakers from
across the country and world. Two of
the organizers had become familiar with Sabeel
during witness trips to Israel/Palestine.
(Photo: L to R: Peggy Wallace, Michelle Trumfio,
Bernadette Garcia, Cindy Mustafa and Rita Erickson)
Some of Sabeel-ABQ meetings have been devoted to viewing videos of the conference presentations, since local volunteers had been too busy to attend sessions. The ABQ-Sabeel
group collaborates closely with the newly formed Jewish Voice for Peace-ABQ. With support from
Stop 30 Billion, the three groups put billboards around town that read, "Support Federal Funding for
Albuquerque, Not Israel's Occupation of Palestine”. The accompanying graphic showed a Palestinian
woman facing a pile of rubble as a bulldozer destroys her home. An illegal Israeli settlement can be
seen on the horizon.
Rita Erickson, a key member of the group organized a viewing of Stones Cry Out, a film by Yasmin
Perni. The event attended by about 120 people was held at Immanuel Presbyterian
Church, where the conference had been held. The room was filled with Christians, Muslims and
Jews. Responses to the film revealed a singular sentiment that the primary problem facing Palestinians is Israel’s violation of
their human rights.
Future actions include responding to a pending resolution at the upcoming session of the legislature. The
resolution commends
and justifies the legitimacy
of the state of Israel based
on Biblical scripture. Our
country is based on separation of church and state and
we are determined to maintain that separation. Sabeel
-ABQ continues to work with
JVP-ABQ on a resolution to
the city council, echoing the
message on the billboards.
We want our tax dollars
spent at home, not for Israel’s occupation.
“Give and gifts will be given to you; a good measure, packed together, shaken down,
and overflowing, will be poured into your lap. For the measure with which you measure will in return be measured out to you.”
Luke 6:38
Greetings from the Development Committee of FOSNA.
We are encouraged by your generosity of spirit in 2013 and ask you to consider ways you can make 2014 an even more
successful year, as we continue our struggle for a just peace in Palestine-Israel and for sane, just U.S. policies that bear
promise for all of the people in that land. If each of us makes a commitment to at least two of the suggestions below,
we will be well on our way to strengthening and expanding our mission and ministry.
All gifts are welcome anytime. Your pledges made early in the year make our planning so much easier. Make
your pledge now, to be paid monthly, quarterly, or semi-annually (by November 15, 2014). As our work is expanding and meeting new challenges, please consider increasing your level of giving this year.
Join or renew your participation in our Circle of Friends (see description below). Our Circle of Friends provides the
level of gifts we need both for our work day by day and for special programs throughout the year.
Support our advocacy programs, including our SodaStream campaign and our year-long focus on the Israeli
abuse of Palestinian children, by contributing financially, becoming involved locally, and responding to FOSNA’s calls
for action.
Help young people use the resources of their faith to meet the stressors in their communities in Palestine-Israel.
Ask your worshiping community for their gift to support Sabeel programs on conflict resolution and non-violence for
youth and young adults throughout Jerusalem, the West Bank, and Israel.
Invite your women’s group to make a gift for Palestinian women’s leadership development programs.
Help bring clergy and lay leaders together across denominations and faiths in Palestine-Israel. Ask you congregation or denomination for a gift to support Sabeel’s ecumenical programs for Christian clergy and lay leaders. Or,
invite them to consider a gift for interfaith clergy retreats in Palestine-Israel.
 Co-sponsor a FOSNA regional conference. Need help? Ask FOSNA staff for help in planning your presentation
and request for co-sponsorship or other financial support to your congregation or civic group. We are ready to assist you in widening the base of support for Sabeel’s people and programs.
Help a new pilgrim see the occupation for him or herself —and promote diversity in our movement. Make a gift to
the scholarship fund for a Sabeel witness trip or summer Youth Festival.
Discuss a planned gift with your financial advisor. Consider a gift from your IRA. Put FOSNA in your will. (We will
send you information on this, upon request. Your gift may be structured to provide income for Sabeel or FOSNA
while providing tax advantages for your loved ones.)
Your pledge or gift now for our general fund will support the mission of Sabeel-Jerusalem, US conferences and
programs, scholarships, advocacy programs and the far-reaching work of FOSNA’s volunteer Board and Committees,
and our hard working staff. Also, an additional gift this year for one special fund we highlight above will further expand and strengthen our mission.
THANK YOU! to our 2013 Circle of Friends
The Board of Trustees of Friends of Sabeel—North America established the Sabeel Circle of Friends at Pentecost 2005
to help provide the level of financial support and encouragement we need to continue to carry a message of hope to
the Palestinian community. Members of the Circle are people who give $500 or more in a given year. You have made
Circle of Friends a success. After the first year we had 122 members. Now, as we begin the 9th year, COF membership
has grown to 482 individuals, churches, and organizations. Please consider making a leadership gift in 2014 at one of
the following membership levels: JERUSALEM—Donors of $50,000 or more; BETHLEHEM—
Donors of $20,000 or more; NAZARETH—Donors of $10,000 or more; GALILEE—Donors of
$5,000 or more; JERICHO—Donors of $2,500 or more; GAZA—Donors of $500 or more.
2013 Circle of Friends Donors
Nazareth Donors ($10,000 or more)
Rt. Rev. Edmond and Patti Browning
Rev. Brian T. Joyce
Robert E. Maynard
Galilee Donors ($5,000--$9,999)
Saleem Ateek
John and Ann Collier
Ray and Rosemary Hershberger
Gwen King and Kintronic Investment Co.
Amelie Porter
Randa and Bill Veach
Theodore and Diane Von der Ahe
Jericho Donors ($2,500--$4,999)
Susan Bell
John and Barbara Erickson
Hassan and Margaret Fouda
Rev. Darrel Meyers
Dr. Leila Richards
Rev. Robert and Maurine Tobin
Rev. Richard and Elaine Toll
Nablus Donors ($1,000—$2,499)
Albuquerque Mennonite Church (Albuquerque, NM)
All Saints Church (Pasadena, CA)
The Branscomb Family Foundation (La Jolla, CA)
Central Presbyterian Church (Atlanta, GA)
Presbytery of Philadelphia (Philadelphia, PA)
Dorothy C. Allison
Donna Lorraine Barlett
Elizabeth D. Barlow
Rt. Rev. Allen and Jerriette Bartlett
Karen Batroukh
William and Margaret Bitar
Mitchel Bollag
Rev. Sarah Sarchet Butter
Walter and Aleta Chossek
Trudie Coker
Mr. and Mrs. R. Brock Compton
Beverly Davis-Amjadi
Peter Doris
Sharon Duggan
Rev. Diane Dulin and Thomas Bielman
Barbara Fauth
Cotton Fite
Hassan Fouda, Hope and Justice Education Foundation
William and Elizabeth Galtney
George Graves
John and Jennifer Grosvenor
Brice and Carolyn Harris
Richard and Angelica Harter
Donna J. Hicks
Lucy Janjigian
Diane Josephy
Rev. Charles A. Kennedy
Rick Kidd
Rev. John Langfeldt
Ann E. Larimore
Anthony J. Litwinko
Nablus Donors ($1,000—$2,499) continued
Donald and Nancy Maclay
Sally Mackey
Maury K. Moore
Khaled A. Nasr
David and Judith Neunuebel
Lewis and Winifred Pinch
David M. Ralston
Grace Said
Rev. Donald L. Smith
Mary Lou Leiser Smith
Richard and Mary Jo Stanley
E. Lorraine and David Stuart
J. Kent Sweezey
Norman A. Tanber
Ed and Marilyn Thompson
Melinda Thompson
G. Tuma
Randolph Urmston and M. Eliza Davidson
Gaza Donors ($500—$999)
American Friends Service Committee (Philadelphia, PA)
Rt. Rev. Gregory Rickel, Episcopal Diocese of Olympia (WA)
North Decatur Presbyterian Church (Decatur, GA)
Rev. Barnabus Hunt, Society of St. Paul (San Diego, CA)
Khaled Abdulrahman and Sawson Deeb
Patricia Ann Abraham
Rev. Fahed Abu-Akel and Mary Zumot
Kent Acord
Roger and Mary Allen
Marzouq Alnusf
Christine and Mel Andersen
David Anderson
Mary Ballantyne
Thomas and Mary Louise Bartlett
Alice Beasley
Phillip and Cynthia Benson
Robert A. Bethem
Bradley and Julia Bitar
Richard and Arlee Blackburn
Rev. Whitney S. Bodman
Bill and Verna Boland
Landrum Bolling
Beverly Brewster
Lisa Buck
Barbara Burns
Kathleen M. Christison
Rev. Ann S. Coburn
Rob and Pauline Coffman
Areta Crowell and Russ Smith
Rev. Geoffrey B. Curtiss
Robert and Tanis Diedrichs
Carol Dolezal-Ng
Paul R. Dooling and Sandra A. Danussi
Susan L. Dravis
Kenneth P. Dutter
Diane M. Dwyer
Rev. William G. Edwards
Andrea English and Thomas Whiteman
Nick and Mary Eoloff
Leroy Fassett
Noushin Framke
Rev. Ann Franklin
Larry and Barbara Greenfield
Rev. Daphne Grimes
Gaza Donors ($500—$999) contined
Thanks for a Good Year
FOSNA is on the move.
Our Board has been strengthened. Our goals are
being sharpened. Our staff is stronger. Our
structure is being revised to reflect our mission
more clearly. All this is possible because of
the enthusiastic response of our FOSNA
community and your generosity.
Our work together is more important than
ever. The churches are a vital part of the worldwide efforts to bring an end to the illegal occupation of Palestine and the oppression of the struggling Palestinians. FOSNA has become a major
prophetic voice to the churches and in the
churches, as knowledge of the occupation expands in the U.S. Your part of this effort is
reflected in your responses to and support
of our growing programs.
We are very pleased that our friends and income
have increased this past year allowing us to expand our work in several ways. 1200 of you
made gifts of over $240,000 to support Sabeel-Jerusalem and the mission and ministry of Friends of Sabeel--North America.
FOSNA is your organization. We are blessed
by your local efforts and your splendid financial
FOSNA on the move means that our opportunities for support are even greater in the
coming year. Encouraged by your generosity
and regional activity we have set an ambitious
goal of $280,000 for our annual fund in
2014. We trust with your help we will experience
a even better year ahead.
Bob Tobin and Ann Franklin
Co-Chairs, FOSNA Development Committee
Kenneth and Mary Gutierrez
Marina and Andrew Gutierrez
Ramez Habash
Yvonne Haddad
Erica Hahn
Rt. Rev. Michael Joseph Hanley
Marilyn Henrichs
Randy and Doni Heyn-Lamb
Rev. Lynn and Elizabeth Holmes
Brigitte Jaensch
Lucy Janjigian
Mr. and Mrs. Christopher T. Jones
Sam Jones
Naaim E. Karkabi
Linda Kateeb
Preston and Virginia Kelsey
Nasim and Amy Khoury
Ann M. Kohl
Henry and Suzanne Kraus
Dr. Joy Lapp
Lorraine LeBlanc
Rt. Rev. Edward and Kathryn Lee
Dr. John I. Makhoul
Edward M. Marks, Jr.
Nabil Matar
Florence Mattar
Marita Mayer
Robert R. McCormick Foundation
Mary Ann McPherson
J. Maxwell and Julene Miller
Doug Miller
Janice L. Miller
Rev. Ronald and Mary Miller
Rev. James Moiso and Lea Lawrence
John Monson
Clare Morris
Obed and Susanne Nelson
Susan T. Nicholson and Charlotte J. Andrews
Leila D. Nijim
Polly Parks
Constance H. Pfeiffer
William and Maryann Picard
Fred and Mary Pneuman
John R. Poole
Paul Rehm and Katja Sander-Rehm
Manford and Mary Ryan-Hotchkiss
Saba and Shirley Saba
Anthony Salameh
Franklin Smith and Helen Isabelle Hill
Mae and Jared Tinklenberg
Genevieve Velasquez
Paul H. Verduin
Daniel and Cynthia Vrooman
Don and Connie Wadkins
Rev. Donald E. Wagner
Dr. Dorothy Jean Weaver
DarEll Weist and Diane Kenney
Rev. Lee N. and Caroline Welkley
Dan and Elizabeth Whittemore
Rev. Tony and Karen Wolfe
Wini Wolff and Tony Medwid
Sustaining Members (Up to $499)
American Muslims for Palestine (Palos Hills, IL)
Arab Jewish Partnership for Peace in Justice (Chicago, IL)
Bartimaeus Cooperative Ministries (Oak View, CA)
Birzeit Society-Washington DC Chapter
Canaan Fair Trade USA (Camas, WA)
Catholic Peace Fellowship (Wynnewood, PA)
Central Lutheran Church (Portland, OR)
Coalition for Peace With Justice (Chapel Hill, NC)
Committee for a Just Peace in Israel and Palestine
(Oak Park, IL)
The Community Foundation for Greater Atlanta (GA)
Congregation of the Blessed Sacrament (Russell, OH)
Council on American-Islamic Relations (Anaheim, CA)
Countryside Church (Palatine, IL)
The Downtown United Presbyterian Church, Christians
Witnessing for Palestine (Rochester, NY)
East Bay Peace Action for a SANE World (Albany, CA)
Episcopal Peace Fellowship-Northern Illinois
Episcopal Peace Fellowship (Ithica, NY)
Rt. Rev. Mark Andrus, Episcopal Diocese of Calif.
(San Francisco, CA)
Evanston Meeting of Friends (Evanston, IL)
First Presbyterian Church (San Anselmo, CA)
First Presbyterian Church (Muscatine, IA)
First Presbyterian Church, Mission and Social Justice
Committee (Santa Fe, NM)
Holy Trinity Lutheran Church, Peace With Justice
Committee (Minneapolis, MN)
Islamic Shura Council of Southern California
Jewish Voice for Peace (Toluca Lake, CA)
Jewish Voice for Peace (Chicago, IL)
Leisure World Community Church (Seal Beach, CA)
Minnesota Annual Conference, United Methodist Church
(Minneapolis, MN)
Muslim Public Affairs Council (Los Angeles, CA)
Nicolas Studio (San Francisco, CA)
Old Cambridge Baptist Church/Social Action Team
(Cambridge, MA)
Peachtree Presbyterian Church (Atlanta, GA)
Pilgrims of Ibillin (Oakland, CA)
Southern California Ecumenical Council (Pasadena, CA)
The Spanish Table (Berkeley, CA)
Ted's Market and Delicatessen (San Francisco, CA)
St. James Cathedral (Chicago, IL)
St. James Church (Petaluma, CA)
St. John's of Lattingtown Episcopal Church
(Locust Valley, NY)
St. Mark's Episcopal Church (Glen Ellyn, IL)
St. Mark's Lutheran Church (San Francisco, CA)
St. Marks Presbyterian Church (Van Nuys, CA)
Thrivent Financial for Lutherans Fndn (Princeton, NJ)
United Methodist Church (Jefferson, OR)
University Church/Social Justice Ministry (Chicago, IL)
US-OMEN LA Chapter (Santa Fe Springs, CA)
Vital Visions (Oak Ridge, TN)
Women's Fellowship, New Hampshire Conference UCC
Kathryn Aanestad
Revs. Robert and Eleanor Abarno
Naziha Abdelmuti and Angela Odeh
Richard and Joan Abdoo
Sami W. Abed
Sr. Jeannette Abi-Nader
Ali Abunimah
Mohammed A. Aburmishan
Mary Bentley Abu-Saba
Rizek and Alice AbuSharr
Said and Jehad Abuzahra
Frederick and Mary Jane Adair
William and Naomi Adix
Diane Adkin
Lena Barghouti-Afranji
G. Marie Agnew-Marcelli
Rev. Dr. Said Ailabouni
Isa and Hala Ajluni
Abed and Heidi Ajrami
Thoraya Al Essahki
Hesham Alalusi
Margaret Alandt, IHM
Sami and Linah AlBanna
Catherine Alifrangis
Wayne Aller
Margaret B. Allison
Paul and Joan Almond
Aesha and Youseff Al-Saeed
Sue S. Althouse
Jiryis Alyateem
Frank and Joan Andersen
Michael Anderson
Gina M. Anderson
James A. Anderson
William Gwynn Anderson
Gary M. Anderson
Eleanor and William Andrews
Mary and Jerry Andrlik
Karen Keathing Ansara
Rev. William and Sandra Arbaugh
Maha Armaly
Vicki Armstrong
Albert and Carol Asfour
Roxane Assaf
Barbara and Adnan Aswad
Robert and Marie-Louise Audi
Mary Ruth Aull
Amy Austin
Patricia and Nicola Awad
George Awais
Jesse and Maria Aweida
Issa and May Azar
Fouad and Nancy Azzam
Fr. James Babcock
Esther Bahlmann
Rev. Marjean Bailey
James and Judith Bailey
Martin and Betty Bailey
Barbara B. Bair
Robert and Sharon Baker
Connie and Mark Baker
Joyce and Philip Balderston
Katherine S. Bang
Nidal Barakat
Paul Sydny Barron
Ruth D. Bartling
James and Vaughn Barton
Keith D. Barton
Thomas and Jill Bashore
Carl and Joan Basore
Barbara Battin
Sister Molly Bauer
Arnadene Welton Bean, SNJM
A. L. Beardsley
Jim Beasley and Carla Belker
Martha C. Beattie
Julie and Michael Beatty
Rev. John and Linda Beaty
Revs. John and Joan Beck
Rev. Judith T. Beck
Robert Beggs
Cathy Behm
William J. Beigel
Phyllis Bekemeyer
Barbara Bell
David and Elaine Benedict
John and Kay Bengston
M. Faye Bennett
Sheldon W. Bennett
Mary Bercovitz
John Berg
JoAnn and William Bergesen
Laurie and Thomas Berkedal
Lisa Berndt
Bill and Virginia Berney
Keith and Marcia Berry
John and Patricia Bertsche
Ladies of Bethany (Pittsburgh, PA)
Jim and Nadia Bettendorf
Megan Bibbo
William L. Bigelow
Mary J. Bigelow
Mimi Carey Bini
Eugene Bird
Don and Diane Bitsberger
Barbara and Paul Bjornstad
Judy Black
Bess T. Black
Barbara Blackstone
Mary Lenore Blair
Susan Blair
Collette Blan and Dr. K.A. Blan
James S. Blankenbaker
Gail Blattenberger
Lavina F. Block
Beverly and Paul Bodine
Clayton and Shirley Bond
Rt. Rev. Frederick Borsch
Marilyn and Mark Borst
Charles and Kathryn Boss
Kris Bossard
John and Karen Bossard
Roger and Donna Bourassa
Leland and Sally Bowie
Rt. Rev. David and Nancy Bowman
Eregina Bradford
Faith Bradley
Joseph and Mary Ellen Bradley
Kathryn and Michael Brady
Kenneth and Margaret Bragg
Rosemary G. Brennan
Dennis Bricker
Mary Breed Brink
Ulrika Brissman
Robert and Carol Ann Broker
Jack and Elaine Brouillard
Rebecca Brown
Edwin Brown
Drs. Wesley and Cheryl Brown
D. Emily Brown
Rosamond S. Brown
Rev. Donald and Carol Anne Brown
Patricia S. Brown
Tina and Bill Brown
Rhonda and Gordon Brubacher
Marilyn Brunger
Willa K. Brunkhorst
Barry Bryant
Judy Buettner
Deborah Buffton
Rev. Richard and Ruthanne Bullock
Michael and Marjorie Buncak
Mary Catherine Bunting
Susan and Brian Burchfield
Galen and Birch Burghardt
Helen K. Burke
Terry Burke
Elizabeth Burr
Ken and Carla Burres
Clara and Charles Burrows
Linda D. Busek
Fred and Bernice Bush
Edward and Phyllis Campbell
Ellen Cantarow
James Crawfoot and Ruth Carey
David Carlson
David and Bonita Carlson
Bernadine Carpenter
Arlene Carroll
Rev. James Carstensen
Tom and Anne Caruso
John and Joyce Cassel
Laura Castleberry
William and Janice Cate
Mary V. T. Cattan
Lois Cecsarini
Ouahib and Gail Chalbi
Rev. Stephen Chinlund
Thomas Chisholm
Elaine and James Chorley
Jennifer Ciok
Mary B. Clark
Karen Clarke
Barbara Clawson
Randie Clawson
Cleary-Kumm Foundation, Inc.
Paul and Aedin Clements
Betty Cobb-Colgan
Dr. James and Janet Cobey
Sara Cochran
Lawrence and Diane Cochran
Elizabeth Code
Don and Gladys Colburn
Donald and Ann Marie Coleman
Tim Collins and Donna Cullman
Susan Colten
Randall Commissaris
and Mary Webster
Robert D. Conger
Sr. M. Joanna Connolly, S.H.F.
Nan and Richard Conser
Kathleen and Don Cooney
Diane and Larry Cooper
Paula M. Copeland
David and Barbara Corcoran
Charles B. Cormany
Don and JoAnn Cornell
Craig and Cynthia Corrie
Joseph M. Corson
Carolyn and Gordon Corzine
Ronald and Robin Cosby
Peggy and John Cowan
Anne G. Cowan
Christine Cowan
Darlene Cox
Jim and Keni Cox
Caroline Cracraft
Rev. Barbara Crafton
and Richard Quaintance
Elizabeth B. Crafts
Susan K. Craig
Rev. Peyton Craighill
John and Katherine Crawford
Connie Creel
Samuel Cross, Jr.
Robert W. Crowe
Katherine Cunningham
Rev. Edward W. Curtis
Ralph and Anne Dada
Rima and George Dada
Anton and Bonnie Dahbura
Ronald and Sigrid Dale
Amy L. Damashek
Caroline Damerell
Ronald Damholt
Fadia Damon
Martha and Nathan Dane
Hanna and Haneen Danfoura
Jean Jaques D'Aoust
Joan B. Darby
Deborah Araj Davis
Nancy L. Davis
Walt and Libby Davis
Shevlin De La Roza
Bert and Sara De Vries
Alan E. Dean
Scott Deasey
Rev. Rod and Jeannette Debs
Rev. Dr. John R. Deckenback
Rev. Joan Deming
Lisa M. Desmond
Daniel P. Devlin
Jesse Dewitt
David and Lois Dickason
Rachel Diem
Judy and Russell Dieter
Carolyn R. Dixon
Revs. Margaret and Richard Dodds
Rev. Paul O. Doering
Charlotte Donovan
Rev. Elizabeth M. Downie
Alice Downs
Joseph and Rose Driessen
Roberta Du Teil
Edwin A. Dudley
Ron Dudum
Louise Dunham
Tom and Darlene Dunham
David B. Dunning
Sharyn DuPuy
Rudolph Dyck
Edwin and Janet Dykstra
Grace Dyrness
James and Mary Eby
Erma M. Edwards
Rev. O.C. and Jane Edwards
Dennis and Marcia Elchesen
Nuzmeya Elder
John and Carolyn Ellingson
Lulu Emery
Marla Engbloom
Rodney D. Engebretson
Barbara Engel
Mary A. Engen
Barbara English
and Rowland Bonadie
Dr. and Mrs. John C. English
Lowell and Carol Erdahl
Peter and Jessica Erickson
Amanda Erickson
Daniel and Karen Erlander
George Evalt
Richard and Patty Evans
Michael Evans
Norman and Susan Ewers
E-Z Stop Deli
Hossam Fadel and Ayman Fadel
Donald and Martha Jean Fado
John G. Farah
Karen Faria
Myrna K. Farraj
Clyde and Rebecca Farris
Majed T. Faruki
John and Ruth Fassett
John Felago
Ruth M. Finkelstein
Julie and Robert Fischer
W. Elaine Fisher
Gray Fitzgerald
Eugene Fitzpatrick
George W. Fleming
Malcolm and Ruth Fleming
John and Harriett Flowers
Charlotte Flynn
Mary and Walter Fobes
Ralph and Carol Folcarelli
Abbot Russell Foote
Ronald and Mary Forthofer
John and Helen Foster
Garnett E. Foster
Nancy Fowler
Rev. Stanley and Jeanne Fowler
Melissa C. Fox
Claudia and Jim Frahm
Stephen France
Molly Faye Franck
Joanne E. Franklin
Ann and Jerry Frazier
Jacqueline Freeman
Beverly and Don Freeman
Jean French
Lillian R. Frey
Laurie and Barry Fried
Valerie Friedell
Elmer Frimoth
Brian and Donna Fry
Leatrice and Lawrence Fung
John T. Fussell
Edward Gaffney
Marilyn Gamblin
John W. Gamwell
Janet and Harold Garman
Sherry K. Garman
Sallyann Garner
Rev. Jane N. Garrett
Ronn and Dotti Garton
Bruce and Laurie Gascoine
Gordon Geesaman
Inez Dawn George
Larry and Lynn George
William and Barbara Gepford
Agnes S. Gerard
Dorothy L. Gerner
Richard and Karen Gertson
Mohamed M. Ghoneim
Edward E. Gibbs
Kathleen and Michael Giese
Rev. Gerald and Pauline Gifford
Jean Gilles
Michael Gillespie
Richard and Anne Gillett
Donald and Diane Gillies
Marcia Gilliland
William and Barbara Gilmour
Kathleen J. Glatz
Walter Gleason, Jr.
Judy and Bob Glick
Gertrude Goetting
Judith E. Goldberger
Dell Goldsmith
Nahida Gordon
William Gorman
Michael S. Gorton
Rev. Jennie Gould
Deidra Goulding
Gary and Gloria Graber
Edith and Keith Grafing
Douglas and Dorothy Graham
Janice and Jim Graves
David M. Graybeal
Rev. Lowell Greathouse
Gordon Green
Jack Gregersen
Kenneth and Jeanette Grenz
Rev. Brian Grieves
Lorren Griffin
Margaret O. Griffiths
Donald Griggs
Philip and Barbara Groelz
Mary Groesbeck
Linda K. Groth
Diana Taylor Grubbs
Dorien and Judith Grunbaum
Joyce F. Guinn
Katherine and Karl Gustafson
Charles and Carmen Gustafson
Alan Haber and Odile Hugonot
Dwight Haberman and Debra Ricci
Richard B. Hacker
Minerva Haddad and S. Lammam
Raymond and Patricia Haddad
Peter and Judith Haddad
Marjorie Haddad
Robert and Judith Hadley
Ann E. Hafften
Alice L. Hageman
Kathy L. Hageseth
Dr. Elaine C. Hagopian
Richard and Arnelle Hall
John and Charlotte Hall
Felicity A. Hallanan
Lawerence R. Hamilton
Rev. Constance Hammond
Connie Hammond
Rev. and Mrs. Robert Hamner
Megan Hampson
James W. Hanna
Linda M. Hanna
Tom and Debby Hanna
Tobi Hanna-Davies
Rev. Larry and Mary Hansen
Grace and Ernest Hanson
Barbara Mann Hanst
Gloria J. Harb
Nancy Harber
Elsie Harber
Hugh and Shirley Harcourt
Tom and Lois Harder
Rev Robert and Susan Hardman
Roberta and James Hargleroad
Donna and Charles Harmon
Helen and Robert Harold
Nile and Judith Harper
Jack and Lois Harr
Ernie and Dottie Harrelson
John F. Harriman
A. Hendrika Harris
Daniel Harston
Ruth Hart
Mary and Jon Hart
Natalie J. Hartigan
Toni L. Hartman
Ed and Karen Hartwell
Diane and Suhail Hawit
Peter E. Hawley
John W. Hayden
Rosemary Hayes
Mario and Marcelle Hazboun
Madeleine A. Hazboun
Daniel or Samia Hazim
Joan and Joseph Heckel
Philip and Marie Heft
Paul and Margaret Heidger
Graham Heikes
John W. Heister
N. Pierre Helou, M.D.
Carla W. Henebry
Walter S. Henrion/The Waldon Co.
Charles Henry Herder
Nicholas Herman
Rev. David Herndon
Nancy Hersey
Patricia Hewett
Elaine Hickman
Theodore and Paula Hiebert
Howard and Janet Hill
Martin and Nancy Hillila
Mares and Charles Hirchert
Mildred Hirschle
Rev. Anne Marie Hislop
Lewis and Barbee Hodgkins
Beverly M. Hoeffer
Revs. Harry and Judith Hoehler
William and Peggy Hoff
Ann Hoffman
Patricia Heras Hofmann
Reed and Linda Holder
Samuel and Mary Holland
Jo Hollingsworth
Julie and Paul Holman
Marsha Holmquist
Melanie Holt and Tim Bostock
Jamieson and Marilyn Holway
Jeffrey and Sarah Hon
William F. Honaman
Ruth F. Hooke
Jean B. Hopson
Nancy Horman
Peter M. Horn
Genevieve and Gene Hornof
Marion and Gary Hosey
Robert and Nancy Hostetter
Michael and Barbara Houlik
Rogene Howe
Lorraine H. Hoyt
Alvin Huie
Sarah Humphrey
Mary E. Hunt
William and Margaret Hunt
Roberta Hupprich
Emily Hush
Zafer and Juhayna Husseini
Sanaa Hussien
Benneth Husted and John McSwigan
Chaille Hutcheson
Bennett and Carol Hylkema
Joyce Ibrahim
Sami Ibrahim
Steve Iliff
Arthur and Gloria Imagire
Ed and Diane Irvin
Candy Irvine
Sister Marion Irvine
Mousa Ishaq
and Kristin Peterson-Ishaq
Sara Ishikawa
John and Monika Ives
Valerie Ann Ivey
Maria Iwasyk
Isabel B. Jackson
Madelon Jacoba
Nora Jacquez
Revs. Jill James and Brian Brandt
Claire and Dennis Jandt
Mary C. Jansen
Colleen Jersild
Revs Lucretia and Walter Phelps
Munir and Naila Jirmanus
Robert and Joycelyn Johnson
Carl and Sue Johnson
Thomas M. Johnson
Clara B. Johnson
Beth Johnson
Kenneth W. Johnson
Florence L. Johnson
Debra Jeanne Johnson
Richard R. Johnson
Gwen and James Johnson
Anders and Marcia Johnson
Rev. Kent and Lee Johnson
Carol G. Johnson
Rev. Thalia Johnson
Margaret Johnston
Stewart and Jeanne Johnston
Rosemary L. Johnston
Lindsey Jones
Earl and Wilma Jones
Rev. Vern Jones
Ann Beran Jones
and David Bebb Jones
Rt Rev Robert and Mary Page Jones
Janet Boeth Jones
Catharine Jones
Very Rev Ross and Gwin Jones
William J. Joyce
Hani Kaileh
Salwa and Theodore Kaleel
Brian and Julie Kanable
Sally A. Kandah
John Kane and Jean Demmler
Diane J. Karpinski
Stawry and Hanan Kary
Robin Kash
Samir and Nadia Kassissieh
Rev. John L. Kater, Jr.
Martha H. Katz
Ray and Tina Kauffman
Paula Kauffman
Afaf Kawar
R. David Kaylor
Mujid and Nazik Kazimi
James H. Keaten
Steve and Jennifer Keep
Norma Jean Kehrberg
Sister Elaine Kelley
John and Sharon Kemp
Lesley and Jim Kempsell
Jack and Mary Kennedy
Mary Baldwin Kennedy
Mairin Kenny
Patricia and Tom Kepler
Bernard and Carol Kern
Richard and Virginia Kerner
Ann Z. Kerr
Ted M. Kerr
Dima S. Khalidi
Hassan Kheradmandan
Eugene Khorey
Laila Adib Khoury
Nabeel and Victoria Khoury
George and Ruth Khoury
Sajida Y. Khudairi
Omar Khudari
Randa Khuri
David and Alice Kidder
Shirley E. Kiefer
Margaret Kiekhaefer
Rev. Ray and Martha Kiely
Suzanne Kifer
Elizabeth A. Kilgore
Tom Kimmel
Amy Kimura
Kevin and Kathleen Robertson King
Cyrus and Carolyn King
Sally L. King
Carol Kingston
June Kjome
Daniel Klein and Alice Rothchild
William and Phyllis Klein
Pilar and Thomas Klyce
Mary Ann and Peter Knerr
Rev. Elizabeth Knott
and Connie DePond
Patricia Kolon
Leta and Dennis Kopp
Huda and Jochen Kraske
Frank Krasnowsky
Linda Malila Krauskopf
Alan and Eleanor Kreider
Rev. Richard Kremer
Judith Butterworth-Kremer
Kurt and Frances Kremlick
Jane Kristof
Donna Kroeger
Marian Kromkowski
Betty and James Krug
Anita Charles Krumenacker
Doreen Doshen Krut
Carol Kuczora
Irene Kuoni
Wayne and Kathleen Kurtz
Nader Kury and Sandra Nasser
Dr. Kwok Pui Lan
Ed LaMonte
Ruth Bradbury LaMonte
Bud and Nancy Lane
Very Rev. William B. Lane
Eugene A. Langbehn
Frederick Lansill
Samuel and Helen Lapp
Nancy Lapp
John and Barbara Larson
Marjorie and Neil Larson
Allen Lassiter
Vincent and Kathleen Laubach
Van S. Lawrence
Barbara LeClerq
Rev. Daniel C. Lee
Zelda LeFrak
Tim and Polly Lehman
Marcia L. Lehman
Charlie and Lorraine Lehman
Frances J. Lentz
Jeannette L. Lesko
Michael Levin
Rev. James and Judith Lewis
Elizabeth and George Likis
Fran Lilleness
Bill and Joyce Lindner
Mary Caroline Lindsay
Nancy Brewer Livermore
Florence R. Lloyd
Ernest and Evelyn Lobb
Ann Hume and John Loikow
Leslie Lomas
Marilyn Sutton Loos
John G. Lorimer
Carolyn and David Love
Rev. Raymond A. Low
Rev. J. Fletcher Lowe, Jr.
Barbara Lubin
Jo Ann Lucas
Lissa Lucht
David and Karen Lull
Chuck and Hertha Lutz
Susan Lyke and Joseph Bock
Joan and Harold Lynde
Rev. Robert J. MacFarlane
Rev. Jeanne E. MacKenzie
Nicholas and Linda MacNeil
Alice F. Macondray
Elizabeth J. Madler
Zandra Maffett
Cathy Maginn
Alice L. Mairs
Phyllis Rose Maisel
Teena Maki
Katherine Malhas
Jan Mallery
Cliff Malm
Erick Manard
Anthony Manousos
Samir and Aida Mansour
Barbara and James Marshall
Judith Martin, SSJ
Mary-Alice Wallach Martines
Jeanne and Michael Martinez
Laila and James Mashy
Judith W. Mathews
Theodore / Gloria Mathewson
James H. Matlack
George Matsoukas
Kathleen and Aki Matsushima
Margery Mauck
Natalie Maxson
Michael and Mary Aiken-May
Thomas and Sara Mayer
Rev. Rob and Sylvia McCann
J. Ramon McCarus
Rev. George D. McClain
Frank McClanahan
Joan L. McClellan
Velma M. Duell McConnell
James and Marilyn McCormick
Peter McCorquodale
Elizabeth and James McCutcheon
John and Jane McDonald
John E. McDonough
Juliane H. McGarry
Rev. Marla McGarry-Lawrence
Don and Jeanette McInnes
Sally L. McIntyre
Philip F. McKean
David S. McKell
Tom McMahon
Bishop Charlie and Alice McNutt
Donald and Sandra McPherson
Kathleen McQuillen
Carol J. McWhinney
Barbara Medina
Donald H. Melby
Marie Melrose
John and Sylvia Melrose
James J. Melton
George E. Mendenhall
Thomas and Judith Menk
Ruth Merz
Rev. Duane Mevis
Eleanor J. Meyer
Rt. Rev. Rodney R. Michel
Evalee Mickey
Paula Jo Mihalow
Carole C. Millam
Rev. Dr. Lyle G. Miller
Rev. William and Ruth Miller
Peter Miller and Lee Knightly
Rev. Carl and Nancy Miller
Curtis Miller
Rev. Richard K. Miller
Howard and Nancy Mills
Don and Ione Minore
Paul M. Minus
Linda C. Miranda
Kathleen Mirante
John and Judith Mistkawi
Darrell Mitchell
Rev. Dr. Katherine Mitchell
Glenn and Sharon Moeller
Steve and Kathie Moen
Jalal and Diane Mogannam
Judith A. Mohling
Paul and Judy Mokhiber
Oliver and Patricia Moles
Siamak Mombeni
Barbara J. Monda
Michelle Monson
Thomas and Lisa Monson
Thomas and Ann Monson
Stanley and Beryl Moore
Cornelius Moore
Rev. Michael and Joan Moore
Marilouise Morgan
Edward Morin
Mary Morris and Jim Brentlinger
Helen Morrison
Robert and Kathleen Moyer
Nabil Muallem and Najla Bathish
Rev. Heather Mueller
Mike Muffin/Arizmendi Bakery
Elizabeth Mulford
Mary Bahnsen Mullen
Timothy Murphy
Margaret Anne Murphy
William Murphy
Ann P. Murphy
Charles Musselman
Ched Myers and Elaine Enns
Ted and Julia Nace
Peter J. Nagle
Lynn C. Naibert
Orayb Najjar
Jacob and Lesley Nammar
Very Rev. Diane Nancekivell
and Tom Baskett
Joyce Naumann
Dianne and Dennis Naumann
Carmen Mary Neafsey
Samuel and Ruth Neff
Esther Nelson
Tom Nelson
Perry and Susan Neubauer
Roger and Susan Newell
Mary Neznek
Catherine Ann Nichols
James and Mary Nichols
Emily A. Nietering
Germana Nijim
Kathy M. Nitsan
John and Helen Nixon
Scott Norberg
Carol Nordgaard
William and Patricia Nottingham
Frieda and Ronald Nowland
Susan E. Nye
Eric and Mary Odendahl
Leigh and Marsha Ogden
Teresa O'Herron
Rev. Dr. Gary Olin
Marian Oliver
Monroe and Donna Olson
Guido and Elizabeth Ordonez
Julianna Overland
Rev. Aahmes and Marilyn Overton
Sleiman Owayda
Sonja Page
Joseph F. Palen
Paul Palmer
TVR Rubye-Lew-Huey Pang
Timothea Papas
William and Karen Pardoe
Eugenia K. Park
Rod and Mary Anne Parrott
Gennaro Pasquale
Kathleen B. Paterson
Jean Pauline
Adele Paxson
Marian Peacock
Carlene Peal-Sconce
Edward Peck
Shirlee Perkins
Mary Elizabeth Perry
Allie Perry
Elizabeth Courtney Petersen
Karen K. Peterson
John and Joyce Petro
Rev. Thomas J. Philipp
Rev. William Pickard
Nancy Pitt
Christine Plantz
Richard Platkin
Karen J. Platt
Elizabeth Plowman
Joseph and Kathryn Poehling
Ann C. Polivka
Lynn Pollack
M. Helene Pollock
Judith Polson
Nancy and Michael Ponstein
Aida Porteneuve
Laura S. Poston
Chip Poston
Dee Poujade
Rev. Peter and Barbara Powell
Janet M. Powers
Rev. Roger Scott Powers
June Prange
Deborah Pratt
Arthur Preisinger
Presbytery of San Gabriel
Wayne Pressler
Thomas and Theresa Pretlow
John and Bonnie Priebe
Clarence E. Prince, Jr.
Denise Provost
Joe and Doris Pummill
Susan and Paul Qaqundah
Catherine Quigley
Carol E. Quinn
Suhail and Dima Qumri
Margaret A. Rafferty
Maha and John Ragazzo
Janath W. Ramage
Susan Randerson
Sr. Therese Randolph, RSM
Judy Rantala
Hilary Rantisi and Paul Beran
Fraser and Lynn Rasmussen
Rick and Jeri Rauh
Priscilla Read
Jayne and Donald Reck
L. David Redmon
Rev. George and Mary Regas
Joan B. Rehnborg
Charles and Marta Reilly
Anne and Fred Remley
Eileen Rence
Paul and Arlene Renshaw
Richard C. Rew
Neil and Lois Richardson
Dorothy Ann Richardson
Eileen Riesinger
Rev. Dr. Bruce and Mary Rigdon
Rev. Lynne Rigg
Esther Riley
Jane W. Rinaldi
James and Karen Ringstrom
Revs. Barbara Grace Ripple
and Samuel Cox
Phyllis and Tom Robb
Merilie Robertson
Douglas and Sheila Robinson
Willard and Joyce Robinson
Edouard and Francoise Rocher
Marcia J. Rogers
Erv and Andrea Roorda
Carol H. Rose
John and Dorothy Rose
Alma R. Rose
Arnold Rots/Betty Rots-Wisman
Wyatt and Carolyn Rousseau
Patricia Royer
Kali J. Rubaii
Joyce M. Ruhaak
Barbara H. Ryan
Jeffrey and Heather Ryan
John Saah
Bryan Saario
Robert and Mona Saba
Barbara and Richard Sadler
Janet and Ramzy Salem
Solomon S. Salim
Paul C. Sampson
Betsy Ross Sandford
Francis and Dumarina Sarguis
Ruth Burgos-Sasscer
Walter and Gay Schenck
Richard and Phyllis Schlobohm
Deborah R. Schlueter
Raymond and Beverly Schmidt
Joe and Becky Schmitt
Loretta and Dennis Schmitz
Michael and Kathryn Schnitzius
Rodney and Sharon Schofield
Aleatha M. Scholer
Emily Schornstein
Paul and Carolynn Schrading
Rev. Edward R. Schreiber
Daniele Sara and Harvey Schuck
Don and Laurena Schuemann
Hannah L. Schuller
Dieter and Diane Schulte
Barbara Schulze
Deb Schwab
Christoph E. Schweitzer
Bonne D. Scott
Kelly F. Scott
Mauricio and Esteban Segovia
May Seikaly
Sam and Lois Seikaly
Linda H. Sekiguchi
Peter and Lynne Sethre
Ted and Jane Settle
Rev. Martha Cross Sexton
Hythem and Beth Shadid
Rabia and Farouq Shafie
Rupa M. Shah, M.D.
Ahed and Hala Shakhsheer
Sandra Lee Shartzer
Susan Shawl
George and Jane Sheffer
Patricia Shehabi
Ann M. Sherman
Dorothy D. Sherwood
Lynn and Timothy Shetzer
Bishop Harry W. Shipps
Augusta Shipsey
Martin and Shadra Shoffner
Hallam and Yasuko Shorrock
Lana and James Short
Barbara and Elmer Shuck
Dorah and Geoff Shuey
Grace J. Shuga
Gordon and Betty Shull
Anne Shumway
Zac Sidawi
Awad and Rhoda Sifri
Jean H. Siftar
Merrill and Claudia Siler
J. Silverstein
Henriet Nasser Simpkins
James and LoErna Palmer Simpson
Sr. Marcia Sims, SSS
Dorothy and Douglas Sinclair
John and Maxine Sinclair
Mary Singaus
Kathleen Sinnott
Rev. Robert and Martha Sipe
Cathryn and Willliam Sisson
Michael and Bella Skweir
Scott A. Sloan
William and Carole Smalley
Anne Taliaferro Smith
Donald L. Smith
Harold Albert Smith
Michael and Charlene Smith
Fred Smith and Mary Martin
Elizabeth A. Smith
Barbara and Kenneth Smith
Matilda S. Smith
Robert Smith and Adriana
Eugene and Ingrid Smith
Newland and Martha Smith
Sandy and Susan Smock
Jean Snyder
Bill and Carol SomplatskyJarman
Margaret Sorensen
Claude and Susan Soudah
Dale and Elisabeth Southorn
Donald H. Sparks
Susan and John Spring
Donna Mae Spring
Barbara St. Michaels
Robert and Cynthia Stadel
Betsy and Dennis Stannard
Stephen Steadman and Brigitte
Richard and Marie Steege
Florence Steichen, CSJ
Richard Sterling
Una and Archie Stevenson
Dorothy B. Stevenson
Charles and Pamela Stewart
Roberta and John Stewart
Julianne R. Stokstad
Pablo Stone
Diane Stone
Jim and Jean Strathdee
Faye M. Straus
Vincent and Evelyn Stravino
Alice Strickland
Rev. Nancy M. Stroh
Jerome Stromberg
Loraine S. Stuart
John and Drew Stull
Rev. Monica Styron
Mubadda and Aida Suidan
Dr. Michel and Catherine Sultan
Karen A. Summers
Esther W. Sunderland
Douglas and Rita Swan
Jon C. Swanson
Alice Swensen
Ronald and Mary Lou Swenson
Carlyn Syvanen
David and Lee Takagi
Ayoub and Ghada Talhami
Elias A. Tamari
Philip P. Tamoush
Sandra Tarrant
Francesca Tate
Esther Tatley
Rev. Leigh and Marlene Taylor
Margaret and Ed Tengenfeldt
Rt. Rev. Cabell and Hyde Tennis
Gene and Jacqueline Terpstra
Janet Thébaud Gillmar
Lisa Ross Thedans
Nancy and Athan Theoharis
Linda Theophilus and Dennis Orsen
Eric and Kathryn Thomas
George and Patricia Thomas
Ann L. Thomas
Rev J Walter and Elizabeth Thomas
Alice Thompson
Tara E. Thompson
Marjorie Thompson
Susan A. Thompson
Norman and Anna Thoms
Susan Thon
Doug Thorpe
Kathy and Roy Ticknor
Alvin Toda
James and Sharon Tomten
R.S. and Marina Totah
Stanley and Ruth Touryan
Sibley and Jane Towner
The Rev. Dr. Fran Toy
Judy G. Tracy
Donn and Barbara Trautman
Nancy A. Travers
Mark and Mary Trolan
Rev. Barbara Troxell
Thomas Trueblood
Royce Truex
Edward Truslow
Randa and Sabah Tumeh
Yvonne Turner
Jeni and Art Umble
Brenda Vail
Peter and Mary Van Der Veen
John and Phyllis Van Hagen
Mathias and Cornelia van Thiel
John Van Wagoner
Rev. Norman Van Walterop
Deborah Vande Zande
Richard and Cathy Vaught
Valdo and Frances Viglielmo
Jim and Jeni Vitarello
Jane Voigt
Arnold Voigt
Jo Ann Wacker-Farrand
Benjamin Wade
Herman C. Waetjen
Sara Ann Wagner
Nabil Wahbeh and Emily Wheeler
Debra Wakeen
Jean Waldemer
Carolyn S. Walden
Rev. Edward and Barbara Walker
Georgia Walkup
James M. Wall
Phil and Val Wallace
Jim Wallis and Joy Carroll
Rt. Rev. and Mrs. Arthur Walmsley
David Walrath and Thérèse
Mughannan Walrath
Lidwine May Walters
Barbara Boles Walton
Jack W. Ware
Diana and Steven Warner
Jeffrey and Patricia Warner
Doris Warrell
Jane E. Wasson
Ina F. Way
WCF Development, LLC
Robert and Karen Weaver
R. Michael and Sheri Weaver
Wallace or Alma Webb
Robert and Ann Webber
John and Elsa Weber
George and Bettle Weber
Frieda Weeks
Carl and Wanda Wehner
Alan Weirick
Anne Weissenborn
Rev. Dr. Donald A. Wells
Ronald C. Wenzler
Mark and Loretta Werner
Maureen Wesolowski
Rev. Michael O. West
Elizabeth Westarp
Mary Ann Weston
Rev. Philip E. Wheaton
Douglas Wheeler
Maurla and Willis White
Peter and Susan White
Barbara Whitmore
Doug and Andrea Whitmore
Helena Wiebe
Anne M. Wiehe
Patricia Ann and Dean Wilder
Sustaining Members
(up to $499)
. . . continued
Rev. Susan and Timothy Wilder
John and Johanna Will
Don and and Leonora Will
Doug and Sue Willbanks
Gretchen Williams
J.D. and Roberta Williamson
Gretchen and Sterling Williver
Jean Willson
Rev. E. Philip Wilson
Thomas R. Wilson
Rev. Joyce Wilson
Leonard Wilson
Sharon Wilson and Van Bobbitt
Teresa F. Wilson
Nancy and Tom Winberg
Thomas J. Windberg
Douglas and Carol Wingeier
Ronald S. Winkler
Newell and Mary Witherspoon
Barbara A. Wojtas
Kathleen Wold
Donald and Anita Wolf
Edward R. Wolfe
Dorothy P. Wonder
Rebecca I. Wong
Francis Q. F. Wong
Lorie and Wilbur Wood
Elizabeth Woolever
Jeff and Janet Wright
Ethel Wright
Betty and Clinton Wruck
Katherine Wurfel
Wanda Wynne
Dorothy Wysham
Eleanor and John Yackel
Catherine M. Yamoor
Robert T. Yeager
Sue and Darrell Yeaney
Rev. David and Grace Yeaworth
Robert and Louisa Young
Brian Young
K.C. Young, OP
Sarah P. Young
Bernice Youtz
Munir and Hilda Zacharia
Nadia Zarour
Mario and Vivian Zelaya
H. Berrien Zettler
Tom and Kathy Ziegler
L.M. Zoerb
Eleanor Zue
If your name is missing in error
from this 2013 Donor List,
please contact our office so we
can make the correction in our
records and thank you belatedly.
From the FOSNA Media Committee
Read about New York Times coverage of Palestine-Israel at my blog,
www.TimesWarp.org. It comes out
about twice a week. TimesWarp has
exposed the Times’ failure to cover
Israel’s abuse of child prisoners and
its effort to whitewash the Prawer
Plan, which would displace tens of
thousands of Bedouin. You can follow TimesWarp by email, Twitter or
Facebook. I would appreciate your
help getting it out to non-activist
readers of the Times. Many thanks!
Barbara Erickson
New Project coming soon: WRITE! Alert will promote and support letters-to-theeditor by sending out alerts to lists of contributors and supplying them with background material.
Marwan Barghouti: The Palestinian Mandela
Marwan Barghouti, known as the “Palestinian Mandela”, has been in an Israeli jail
since 2002. The Ahmed Kathrada Foundation of South Africa and the Popular Campaign for the Release of Marwan Barghouti are partnering for Barghouti’s release. They
gathered on Robben Island in October, where Nelson Mandela and Ahmed Kathrada
both spent over two decades imprisoned for resistance to Apartheid to launch a new
international campaign to Free Marwan Barghouti.
“Hundreds of thousands of Palestinians have experienced imprisonment at a certain
point in their lives, in one of the most striking examples of mass detention in recent
history,” Kathrada said. The gathering on Robben Island culminated in the appointment of a high-level international committee, which includes five Nobel Peace Prize
Laureates. For more information:
PO Box 9186
Portland, OR 97207