FREE TRANSLATION INTO ENGLISH—FOR INFORMATIONAL PURPOSES ONLY PROSPECTUS TENDER OFFER FOR SHARES OF “ADMINISTRADORA DE FONDOS DE PENSIONES HABITAT S.A.” Registration with the Securities Register No. 51 BY Inversiones Previsionales Chile SpA SUBSIDIARY OF Inversiones La Construcción S.A. Inversiones Previsionales Chile SpA hereby offers to purchase up to a maximum of 131,015,503 shares issued by ADMINISTRADORA DE FONDOS DE PENSIONES HABITAT S.A. (hereinafter also referred to as (“A.F.P. HABITAT” or the “Company”), approximately equivalent to 13.10% of the shares issued, subscribed and paid by the Company for a price of CLP$ 899.90 (eight hundred ninety-nine pesos and ninety cents) per share, in accordance with the terms and conditions set forth in this prospectus. If, after reading this prospectus, you have any questions or need more information about the terms and conditions of this offer, please contact Credicorp Capital S.A. Corredores de Bolsa (“Credicorp Capital” or the “Lead Manager of the Offer”), at the telephone numbers 600 450 1600 or +56(2) 2450-1600, visit, write to, or visit our offices located at Avenida Apoquindo N° 3721, 9 th floor, Las Condes, Santiago. Financial Advisor and Lead Manager of the Offer Credicorp Capital S.A. Corredores de Bolsa In Santiago, on January 27, 2016 This Prospectus (which is subsequently defined below) has been prepared by Credicorp Capital S.A. Corredores de Bolsa jointly with Inversiones Previsionales Chile SpA for the purpose of providing general background on the offer, so that each shareholder of A.F.P. HABITAT may, individually and independently, evaluate the advisability of participating therein. This document has been prepared based on the public information disclosed by A.F.P. HABITAT and general public information, which have not been independently verified by Credicorp Capital S.A. Corredores de Bolsa nor Inversiones Previsionales Chile SpA. The public tender offer for these shares was published in the on-line newspapers El Libero and El Mostrador, on January 27, 2016. FREE TRANSLATION INTO ENGLISH—FOR INFORMATIONAL PURPOSES ONLY TABLE OF CONTENTS 1. Summary of the Offer 2. BIDDER’S IDENTIFICATION 5 2.1 Bidder’s Information 5 2.2 Authorization from the Superintendencia de Pensiones 7 2.3. Information about Bidder’s controlling companies 7 3. ECONOMIC AND FINANCIAL BACKGROUND 8 3.1 Main activities and business 8 3.1.1. Industry of pension funds: A.F.P. HABITAT 8 3.1.2. Industry of private health insurance: Isapre Consalud S.A. 9 3.1.3. Industry of private life insurance: Inversiones Confuturo S.A. 9 3.1.4. Industry of medical and hospital assistance services: Empresas Red Salud S.A. 10 3.1.5. Industry of life and employment insurance: Compañía de Seguros de Vida Cámara S.A. 10 3.1.6. Banco Internacional 11 3.1.7. Miscellaneous 11 3.2 Financial Information 13 3.3 Risk Ratings 13 3.4 Stock Exchange Listings 13 4. PRIOR RELATIONSHIPS BETWEEN A.F.P. HABITAT AND THE BIDDER 13 4.1 Percentage of equity interest of A.F.P. HABITAT held by Bidder. 13 4.2 Significant existing relationships with controlling, direct and indirect, shareholders of A.F.P. HABITAT, with its controlling companies or with its related persons 13 4.3 Previous contacts between the controlling shareholders of A.F.P. HABITAT and Prudential International Investments Corporation 14 5. PURPOSE OF THE OFFER 15 5.1 Purpose of the Offer 15 5.2 Agreements with Shareholders 15 6. CHARACTERISTICS OF THE OFFER 16 6.1 Total Amount of the Offer 16 6.2 Shares or securities referred to in the Offer; Pro-rating, Abatement; Markets 16 6.3 Success Conditions of the Offer 17 6.4 Effective Term of the Offer 17 6.5 Outcome of the Offer 17 6.6 Shareholders to whom the Offer is addressed 17 6.7 Offer implementation system 17 7. PRICE AND PAYMENT TERMS AND CONDITIONS 18 7.1 Price 18 7.2 Control Premium 18 7.3 Payment Terms and Conditions 18 7.4 Deadline and place of payment 18 8. OFFER ACCEPTANCE PROCEDURE 19 8.1 Formalities to tender under the Offer and required documentation 19 8.2 Acceptance of the Offer 21 8.3 Surrender of shares if not acquired 21 9. GROUNDS FOR REVOCATION OF OFFER 21 10. WITHDRAWAL RIGHT 22 11. OFFER FINANCING 22 12. GUARANTY 22 13. LEAD MANAGER OF THE OFFER 22 14. INDEPENDENT ADVISORS OF THE BIDDER 23 15. RISK FACTORS 23 16. IMPACT OF THE OFFER ON THE SHARES 23 17. MARKET PRICE AND DIVIDENDS 23 FREE TRANSLATION INTO ENGLISH—FOR INFORMATIONAL PURPOSES ONLY 17.1 17.2 18. Price and stock volumes of A.F.P. HABITAT Dividends paid by A.F.P. HABITAT INFORMATION PLACES 23 25 26 FREE TRANSLATION INTO ENGLISH—FOR INFORMATIONAL PURPOSES ONLY 1. SUMMARY OF THE OFFER Inversiones Previsionales Chile SpA (the "Bidder"), in compliance with the provisions set forth in Section 202 of the Ley de Mercado de Valores (Chilean Securities Market Law) No. ` (the “Securities Market Law”) and the Norma de Carácter General (General Rule) No. 104 of the Superintendencia de Valores de Seguros (Chilean Superintendence of Securities and Insurance) (the "SVS"), has published in the on-line newspapers El Libero and El Mostrador on January 27, 2016, the commencement notice (the "Commencement Notice") of the tender offer for the acquisition of the subscribed and paid up shares issued by the publicly-held company ADMINISTRADORA DE FONDOS DE PENSIONES HABITAT S.A., which is registered in the Register of Securities of the SVS under the number 51. The offer is made to purchase up to a maximum of 131,015,503 issued, subscribed and paid up shares of A.F.P. HABITAT, representing approximately 13.10% of the issued, subscribed and paid up shares of A.F.P. HABITAT (the “Offer”) for a price of CLP$ 899.90 (eight hundred ninety-nine pesos and ninety cents) per share, (the “Price”) payable in Chilean Pesos. The Price will not accrue any interest or adjustments. In the event that the number of shares tendered in the Offer exceeds the number of shares offered to be acquired by the Bidder, then pursuant to the provisions set forth in Section 208 of the Ley de Mercado de Valores (Chilean Securities Market Law) No. 18,045, the Bidder will purchase the tendered shares pro rata from each of the tendering shareholders by applying the apportionment factor obtained by dividing the number of shares to be acquired in the Offer by the total number of shares tendered by all shareholders of A.F.P. HABITAT in the Offer. Therefore, the number of shares acquired from each of the tendering shareholders will be the result obtained by multiplying the number of A.F.P. HABITAT shares tendered by such shareholder by the apportionment factor described above, rounded down to the next whole number if the fraction is lower than 0.5 and rounded up to the next whole number if it is equal to or greater than 0.5. In no event will the number of shares acquired in the Offer be greater than the number indicated in the paragraph above. The Bidder will acquire all shares of A.F.P. HABITAT tendered in the Offer, even if the acceptances of the Offer are less than the total number of shares for which the Offer is made. Consequently, if, upon the expiration of the Offer or upon termination of the Extension (as such term is hereinafter defined) if any, the number of shares tendered is less than 131,015,503, the Offer will be automatically reduced to the number of shares tendered. This document is the prospectus (the "Prospectus") required by Section 203 of Chilean Securities Market Law, which contains the terms and conditions of the Offer and establishes the procedures and mechanisms under which the shareholders of A.F.P. HABITAT may tender their shares to the Bidder. FREE TRANSLATION INTO ENGLISH—FOR INFORMATIONAL PURPOSES ONLY The Offer will be in full force and effect for a term of 30 calendar days starting on January 28, 2016 at the opening time of the stock market where the relevant shares are listed (the “Commencement Date”) and ending on February 26, 2016 at the closing time of such stock market (the “Expiration Date”). According to Circular No. 134, which was issued by the SVS in 1982, the stock markets shall open at 9:00 am and shall close at 5:30 pm. The Bidder reserves the right to extend the Offer’s term, and such right may be exercised at Bidder’s sole discretion. The Offer will be conducted over-the-counter through software developed, maintained and operated by the Santiago Stock Exchange – Securities Market, which will be available at trading terminals from Monday to Friday from 9 a.m. to 5.30 p.m., legal holidays excluded. The Price will be paid, in accordance to the rules set forth in the section named “Price and Offer Conditions” not later than two bank business days after the publication of the Notice of Outcome. A notice of the outcome of the Offer (the “Notice of Outcome”) will be published according to the provisions set forth in Section 212 of the Chilean Securities Market Law on the third day from the expiration of the Offer or the expiration date of the Extension, if any, in the same newspapers in which the Notice of Commencement has been published. The prior section constitutes a summary of the Offer, but it does not contain all of the necessary information in order to decide to sell or not. This summary shall be jointly read with the rest of the information contained in this Prospectus. 2. BIDDER’S IDENTIFICATION 2.1 Bidder’s Information Inversiones Previsionales Chile SpA, R.U.T. (Taxpayer’s ID) No. 76.438.033-9, is a sociedad por acciones (joint-stock company) incorporated and existing according to the laws in force in the Republic of Chile, having its principal place of business located for legal purposes at Marchant Pereira N° 10, 17th floor, Providencia, city of Santiago, Metropolitana Region. The Bidder was incorporated by public deed dated March 6, 2015 executed at the Notarial Office of Iván Torrealba Acevedo located in the City of Santiago. An excerpt of the corporate bylaws was registered in page 19,037, No. 11,462, of the Registro de Comercio (Trade Register) of the Conservador de Bienes Raíces (Real Estate Registry Office) of the City of Santiago corresponding to 2015, and was published in the Official Gazette N° 41,102 on March 9, 2015. The Bidder’s bylaws were amended (i) by public deed granted on August 24, 2015 at the Notarial Office of Iván Torrealba Acevedo FREE TRANSLATION INTO ENGLISH—FOR INFORMATIONAL PURPOSES ONLY located in the City of Santiago. Its excerpt was recorded on page 65,237 N° 38,160 of the Commercial Registry of 2015, which is held by the Real Estate Registry Office of Santiago, and it was also published on the Official Gazette N° 41,251 on September 5, 2015; and (ii) by public deed granted on November 30, 2015, granted at the Notarial Office of Iván Torrealba Acevedo located in the City of Santiago. Its excerpt was recorded on page 93,817 N° 54,862 of the Commercial Registry of 2015, which is held by the Real Estate Registry Office of Santiago, and it was also published on the Official Gazette N° 41,331 on December 14, 2015. The corporate purpose of the Bidder is to directly or indirectly manage investments in pension fund managers, or in other legal entities whose corporate purpose corresponds to the pensions business, including, but not limited to, participating in the ownership and management and/or control of any legal entity, which, in turn, owns directly or indirectly investments in the foregoing entities. Moreover, the Bidder will be entitled to acquire and transfer all types of securities, and to execute directly or through its subsidiaries, all types of acts and contracts related to the abovementioned activities, which are necessary for the fulfillment of its purpose or the development of its business. The Bidder’s shareholders are: (a) Administradora de Inversiones Previsionales SpA (“AIP”), the owner of 100% of the Class A shares of the Bidder (100 shares), and 100% of the Class C shares of the Bidder (100 shares), which is in turn, controlled by Inversiones La Construccion S.A. (“ILC”), which owns 100% of its shares; and (b) ILC, which owns 100% of the Class B shares of the Bidder (1,000 shares). The Bidder’s capital is CLP$366,104,079,188 (three hundred sixty-six billion one hundred four million seventy-nine thousand one hundred and eighty-eight pesos) divided into 1,200 shares, consisting of 100 Class A shares, 1,000 Class B shares, and 100 Class C shares, all of which are registered shares without par value and have been completely subscribed and paid. The Bidder is exclusively managed by AIP as its sole shareholder with management authority. AIP acts through its sole shareholder ILC and its legal representatives and attorneys that have been granted general or special authorizations. As of this date the company has not appointed any managers or executive officers. The Bidder is not a legal entity subject to the SVS’s supervision. The Bidder is the owner of 272,551,058 shares of the Company, which corresponds to an equity interest of approximately 27.26% in such issuer. Such shares were acquired through a purchase by the Bidder on January 15, 2016 from Inversiones La Construcción Limitada (“Invesco Ltda.”), which is, in turn, under the control and management of ILC, on the Santiago Stock Exchange for a price of CLP$899.90 (eight hundred ninety-nine pesos and ninety cents) per share. In addition, the Bidder owns 100 Class A shares of FREE TRANSLATION INTO ENGLISH—FOR INFORMATIONAL PURPOSES ONLY Inversiones Previsionales Dos SpA (“Inpresa 2”), which is in turn, owner of 402,290,958 shares in the Company (equivalent to approximately 40.23% of its equity). Such Class A shares of Inpresa 2 give the Bidder 90% of the voting rights and only 1% of the economic rights. The Bidder does hold any equity interests in any other companies. The Bidder’s related persons are, among others: (a) Inversiones La Construcción S.A., which directly and indirectly controls the Bidder and its subsidiaries: (i) Empresas Red Salud S.A. and its subsidiaries listed in section 3.1.5 of this Prospectus; (ii) Isapre Consalud S.A.; (iii) Compañía de Seguros de Vida Cámara S.A., and its subsidiary Compañía de Seguros de Cámara S.A. (Perú); (iv) Inversiones La Construcción Limitada; (v) Administradora de Fondos de Pensiones HABITAT S.A.; (vi) Habitat Andina S.A.; (vii) Administradora de Fondos de Pensiones Habitat S.A. Perú; (viii) Inpresa 2; (ix) Inversiones Internacionales La Construcción S.A.; (x) Desarrollos Educacionales S.A. and its subsidiaries; (xi) Inversiones Marchant Pereira Limitada and its subsidiary Sociedad Educacional Machalí S.A.; (xii) Iconstruye S.A.; (xiii) Inversiones Confuturo S.A., and its subsidiaries Compañía de Seguros Confuturo S.A. and Compañía de Seguros CorpSeguros S.A.; (xiv) Inmobiliaria ILC SpA; (xv) Banco Internacional; (xvi) Factoring Baninter S.A.; (xvii) Baninter Corredores de Seguros Limitada; (xviii) Administradora de Inversiones Previsionales SpA; and (b) the controller of ILC, Cámara Chilena de la Construcción A.G., its non-profit prívate legal entities, foundations and all other entities who are members of its network (“Red Social de la CChC”). 2.2 Authorization from the Superintendencia de Pensiones (Chilean Pension Fund Superintendence) By Resolution N° E-226/2016 dated January 25, 2016, the Superintendencia de Pensiones approved –in the context of the authorization granted to Prudential to enter directly or indirectly in the ownership of Habitat, as described in section 4.3 of this Prospectus– the association agreed between ILC and Prudential International Investments Corporation (“Prudential”) in form and contained in the information submitted by both companies to the Superintendencia de Pensiones and referred to in subsection 4.3 of this Prospectus and authorized the Bidder to purchase the shares underlying this Offer. 2.3 Information about Bidder’s controlling companies As stated above, ILC is the owner of 100% of the Class B shares of the Bidder and 100% of the shares of AIP, the sole shareholder of Class A and Class C shares of the Bidder; therefore, ILC directly and indirectly controls the Bidder. ILC’s RUT (Taxpayer ID) Number is 94.139.000-5 and its principal place of business is located at Marchant Pereira No. 10, 17th floor, in Providencia, Santiago. Its corporate purpose is the investment in all types of real estate and shares, rights, bonds and other securities, particularly those issued by social security institutions, insurance companies, private clinics or hospitals, educational entities and entities providing electronic services. FREE TRANSLATION INTO ENGLISH—FOR INFORMATIONAL PURPOSES ONLY ILC was incorporated as a sociedad anónima cerrada (closed stock corporation) under the name of “Sociedad de Inversiones y Rentas La Construcción S.A.” as part of the splitup of the insurance company “Compañía de Seguros La Construcción S.A.”, approved at the Extraordinary Shareholders' Meeting of the latter held on April 29, 1980. The minutes of such meeting were recorded in a public deed on October 22, 1980 at the Notarial Office of Enrique Morgan Torres in Santiago; such transaction was approved by the Superintendencia de Compañías de Seguros Sociedades Anónimas y Bolsas de Comercio de Chile (Chilean Superintendent of Insurance Companies, Sociedades Anónimas (Stock Corporations) and Stock Exchanges) through Resolution No. 642-S issued on December 2, 1980. Such resolution was recorded in page 18,638, under number 9,551, in the Trade Register Book of the Conservador de Bienes Raíces de Santiago corresponding to 1980, and published in the Official Gazette on December 17th, 1980. On June 19, 2012 ILC registered its shares with the SVS under number 1081. The majority shareholder and controlling company of ILC and, consequently, the final controlling company of the Bidder is the Cámara Chilena de la Construcción A.G. (the "CChC"), which owns 67% of ILC’s subscribed and paid-up shares. CChC is a trade association, incorporated and subject to the legislation applicable to such type of organization (D.L. No. 2757/1979 and D.L. N° 3163/1989). Its R.U.T. (Taxpayer ID) Number is 81.458.500 5 and its principal place of business is located at Marchant Pereira Nº 10, 3rd floor, in the commune of Providencia, Santiago. The purpose of this trade association is to promote the rationalization, protection, improvement, betterment, development and promotion of construction, its activities and inputs, as well as to strive for the generalization and promotion of the private enterprise system in the production of goods and services of an economic and social nature, in accordance with the principle of subsidiarity of the State and the demands of justice and the common welfare. La Cámara Chilena de la Construcción A.G. was incorporated as a Private Law nonprofit Corporation in compliance with the provisions set forth in Title XXXIII of Book I of the Civil Code, under the name of “Cámara Chilena de la Construcción” (Chilean Construction Chamber), as evidenced in the public deed executed on June 25, 1951 before the Notary Public of Santiago, Herman Chadwick Valdes. Subsequently, as a consequence of the entry into force of D.L. No. 2757/1979, it amended its bylaws and became a Trade Association doing business under the name of Cámara Chilena de la Construcción A.G., all of which is evidenced in the public deed executed on July 8, 1980 before the Notary Public of Santiago, Enrique Morgan Torres, an excerpt of which was published in the Official Gazette on July 19, 1980 and in its supplement in the Official Gazette on July 22, 1980. The CChC is registered under number 166 in the Registro de Asociaciones Gremiales (Trade Associations Registry) governed by D.L. No. 2757/1979. Given its legal nature, there are no natural persons or legal entities or any other persons who acting either individually or jointly, are controlling shareholders of the CChC under the terms set forth in the Law No. 18,045 regarding the Securities Market. FREE TRANSLATION INTO ENGLISH—FOR INFORMATIONAL PURPOSES ONLY ILC and, through itself, the CChC, control the legal entities mentioned in the last paragraph of section 2.1, including, amongst others, Compañía de Seguros de Vida Cámara S.A. (99.9%), Empresas Red Salud S.A. (89.99%), Inversiones Confuturo S.A. (75.48%) and Administradora de Fondos de Pensiones Habitat S.A. (67.49%), all of which are supervised by the SVS; and Banco Internacional (51.01%), which is supervised by the Chilean Superintendence of Banks and Financial Institutions. 3. ECONOMIC AND FINANCIAL BACKGROUND The Bidder is a newly formed company, currently holding as its only assets 272,551,058 shares in A.F.P. HABITAT and 100 Class A shares in Inpresa 2, plus CLP$ 117,904,414,260 (One hundred seventeen billion, nine hundred four million, four hundred fourteen thousand, two hundred and sixty pesos). Currently, the Bidder has no liabilities. Since the Bidder has no other economic or financial background, for the reasons stated above, the background of ILC, a company which directly or indirectly owns 100% of the shares of the Bidder, is hereinafter included. 3.1 Main activities and business ILC is the holding company through which the CChC makes its investments in the industries of pension funds, private health insurance, medical and hospital assistance services, life and employment insurance and banking, among others. 3.1.1 Industry of pension funds: A.F.P. HABITAT Administradora de Fondos de Pensiones Habitat S.A. is an open corporation which was constituted by public deed on January 26, 1981, granted at the Notarial Office of José Valdivieso M. Its bylaws were approved by the Superintendence of Pension Funds Managers by Resolution N° E-002/81, which was issued on January 27, 1981. A.F.P. HABITAT is only engaged in: (i) managing the Multifondos de Pensiones known as Pension Funds Type A, Type B, Type C, Type D and Type E, (ii) granting and managing the services and benefits established in Decree Law No. 3500 as subsequently amended, and (iii) performing any other activities expressly authorized by the law, in particular, to incorporate, in addition to its business, subsidiary companies (sociedades anónimas filiales) under the terms set forth in section 23 of D.L. 3.500, and invest in sociedades anónimas (stock companies) incorporated as companies engaged in the deposit of securities referred to in Law No. 18,876. ILC has an equity interest of 67.49% of A.F.P. HABITAT through its subsidiaries, Inversiones Previsionales Dos SpA and Inversiones Previsionales Chile SpA. As of September 30, 2015, A.F.P. HABITAT had a total 2015 year-to-date profit as controller of 60,968,148 thousand pesos (M$), and a total equity of M$ 267,215,926. It is worth FREE TRANSLATION INTO ENGLISH—FOR INFORMATIONAL PURPOSES ONLY stating that in 2015, the Company distributed a dividend of M$ 65,000, of which M$ 45,000 corresponds to profits earned in the fiscal year 2014. 3.1.2 Industry of private health insurance: Isapre Consalud S.A. Isapre Consalud S.A. is a sociedad anónima cerrada (closed stock company) incorporated as evidenced by public deed executed on February 17, 1998, granted at the Notarial Office of René Benavente Cash in the city of Santiago. It was registered with the Superintendencia de Instituciones de Salud Previsional under No. 107. It was mainly engaged in granting health services and benefits, either directly or through financing, as well as any other activities related or supplementary to such purpose, in compliance with the provisions set forth in Law No. 18.933 and any supplementary amendments. ILC has an equity interest of 99.9% in Isapre Consalud S.A. As of September 30, 2015 this company had a 2015 year-to-date profit of M$ 1,435,356, and a total shareholders’ equity of M$ 23,575,722 as of such date. 3.1.3 Industry of private life insurance: Inversiones Confuturo S.A. Inversiones Confuturo S.A. (formerly known as Corp Group Vida Chile S.A.) is a sociedad anónima cerrada (closed stock company) incorporated as evidenced in public deed executed on April 28, 1995, granted at the Notarial Office of Kamel Saquel Zaror in the city of Santiago. It was registered with the Superintendencia de Valores y Seguros (SVS) under No. 1044 corresponding to 2009. Inversiones Confuturo S.A. is an insurance holding company, which directly controls 99.9% of Compañía de Seguros CorpSeguros S.A. and Compañía de Seguros Confuturo S.A. ILC has an equity interest of 75.48 % in Inversiones Confuturo S.A. As of September 30, 2015 this company had a 2015 year-to-date profit as controller of M$ 15,330,557, and a total shareholders’ equity of M$ 205,004,115 as of such date. 3.1.4 Industry of life and employment insurance: Compañía de Seguros de Vida Cámara S.A. Compañía de Seguros Cámara S.A. (“Vida Cámara”) is a special corporation. Its constitution was approved by Resolution N° 231, which was issued by the Superintendence of Securities and Insurance on May 4, 2009. On the same resolution, the SVS approved the amendments agreed by the extraordinary shareholders’ meeting held on April 9, 2009, which minutes are evidenced by public deed executed on April 20, 2009, granted at the Notarial Office of Patricio Raby Benavente in the city of Santiago. The purpose of ILC’s investment in Vida Cámara is focused in the gradual development of businesses in the life insurance industry, taking advantage of the experience accrued by Cámara Chilena de la Construcción AG in the insurance industry as controller of Compañía de Seguros de Vida La Construcción S.A. FREE TRANSLATION INTO ENGLISH—FOR INFORMATIONAL PURPOSES ONLY Please note that before ILC acquired Vida Cámara in 2009, the latter was subject to a proceeding to terminate its operations. Such circumstance radically changed since Vida Cámara was acquired by ILC, which decided that Vida Cámara would participate in bids for Disability and Survivorship Insurances (“SIS”) with regard to the portfolio of Pension Funds Managers. ILC has an equity interest of 99.9% in Compañía de Seguros de Vida Cámara S.A. As of September 30th, 2015 the latter had negative 2015 year-to-date profit of M$ 4,971,441, and a shareholders’ equity of M$ 24,119,321 as of such date. 3.1.5 Industry of medical and hospital assistance services: Empresas Red Salud S.A. Empresas Red Salud S.A. (“Red Salud”) is a closed corporation, which was constituted by public deed granted on April 18, 2008 at the Notarial Office of Iván Torrealba Acevedo in the city of Santiago in order to consolidate the ownership of all health service providers controlled by ILC. The Subsidiaries of Red Salud in which it is the owner of an equity interest of 99.99% are as follows: Servicios Médicos Tabancura SpA; Clínica Bicentenario SpA; Megasalud S.A.; Clínica Avansalud SpA; and Inmobiliaria Clínica SpA. Moreover, it has an equity interest of 100% in Oncored SpA and 52.2% in the Clínica Iquique S.A. Red Salud also has an equity interest of 100% of Administradora de Clínicas Regionales Seis SpA, and through it, 52.92% in Inversalud del Elqui S.A., 62.6% in Inmobiliaria e Inversiones Clínica Rancagua S.A., 98.62% in Inversalud Valparaíso SpA, 68.33% in Inversalud Magallanes S.A. and 74.6% in Inversalud Temuco S.A. Through Administradora de Clínicas Regionales Dos S.A., 50 % of which is owned by Red Salud, it also participates in Inmobiliaria e Inversiones Curicó SpA and Clínica Chillán S.A. ILC has an equity interest of 89.99% in the shares of capital stock of Empresas Red Salud S.A. As of September 30, 2015 this company had a 2015 year-to-date profit as controller of M$ 1,445,186 and a total shareholders’ equity of 123,297,924 as of such date. 3.1.6 Banco Internacional Banco Internacional is a special corporation. Its constitution was approved by Supreme Decree N° 314, which was issued on January 14, 1944 by the Ministry of Finance, and authorized for the commencement of its activities by the Superintendence of Banks and Financial Institutions on July 17, 1944. The purpose of ILC’s investment in Banco Internacional is focused in complementing the financial products and services that are currently offered by its affiliates and complying with all the laws and regulations regarding such industries. FREE TRANSLATION INTO ENGLISH—FOR INFORMATIONAL PURPOSES ONLY ILC has an equity interest of 51.01% in Banco Internacional. As of September 30, 2015 the latter had a 2015 year-to-date profit of M$ 1,650 million, and a shareholders’ equity of M$ 72,630 million, as of such date. 3.1.7 Miscellaneous ILC has investments in the education industry through Educacional Machalí S.A., in which it has an equity interest of 99.9%, and through Desarrollos Educacionales S.A., in which it has an equity interest of 49%. Additionally, ILC holds an equity interest of 32.9% in Iconstruye S.A., a company that became the first Chilean e-commerce platform created to facilitate relationships between buyer and supplier in the construction industry. Furthermore, ILC participates in the real estate industry by holding an equity interest of 100% in Inmobiliaria ILC SpA. 3.2 Financial Information The following is a summary of the financial information of ILC as of December 31, 2013 and 2014; and September 30, 2014 and 2015. This information is prepared based on the balance sheet and statement of profits and losses for each period and is stated in thousands of pesos: Balance resumido 31-dic-2013 31-dic-2014 30-sep-2014 30-sep-2015 Actividad no aseguradora Efectivo y equivalentes al efectivo Activos corrientes Propiedades, planta y equipo Activos no corrientes Total activos actividad no aseguradora 125.781.629 75.224.233 71.518.494 70.166.625 227.948.184 220.763.632 212.874.347 248.304.356 205.929.411 221.913.036 223.008.312 290.393.214 711.866.837 767.546.900 759.985.633 844.491.789 939.815.021 988.310.532 972.859.980 1.092.796.145 4.333.650.167 4.852.844.465 4.745.771.325 5.281.899.083 5.273.465.188 5.841.154.997 5.718.631.305 6.374.695.228 Actividad aseguradora Total activos actividad aseguradora Total activos no asegurador y asegurador Actividad no aseguradora Otros pasivos financieros, corrientes 42.796.787 65.082.293 51.102.950 150.065.683 173.280.074 214.447.808 201.558.994 328.012.392 353.751.623 370.933.943 367.538.852 341.489.779 393.081.152 430.148.626 426.518.869 402.919.953 566.361.226 644.596.434 628.077.863 730.932.345 3.989.207.263 4.508.435.343 4.406.705.042 4.943.774.080 4.555.568.489 5.034.782.905 5.674.706.425 Patrimonio atribuibles a los propietarios de la controladora 476.576.877 491.128.759 488.321.098 487.709.812 Participaciones no controladoras 241.319.822 196.994.461 195.527.302 212.278.991 Pasivos corrientes Otros pasivos financieros, no corrientes Pasivos no corrientes Total pasivos actividad no aseguradora Actividad aseguradora Total pasivos actividad aseguradora Total pasivos no asegurador y asegurador Total patrimonio Total pasivos y patrimonio 717.896.699 688.123.220 683.848.400 699.988.803 5.273.465.188 5.841.154.997 5.718.631.305 6.374.695.228 FREE TRANSLATION INTO ENGLISH—FOR INFORMATIONAL PURPOSES ONLY Estado de Resultados Resumido 31-dic-2013 31-dic-2014 30-sep-2014 30-sep-2015 Resultados actividad no aseguradora Ingresos de actividades ordinarias Costo de ventas Ganancia bruta Gastos de administración Ingresos financieros Costos financieros Otros Ganancia antes de impuesto Gasto por impuestos a las ganancias 645.993.221 700.049.973 519.440.641 592.560.752 -421.705.877 -460.334.026 -337.260.202 -399.127.577 224.287.344 239.715.947 182.180.439 193.433.175 -134.327.040 -144.481.087 -104.390.741 -124.119.620 25.877.154 43.297.869 36.811.647 18.099.542 -13.473.877 -21.713.005 -15.908.029 -18.968.011 27.487.979 -6.021.511 -6.683.527 5.103.556 129.851.560 110.798.213 92.009.789 73.548.642 -20.870.183 -20.741.399 -26.673.809 -18.792.803 108.981.377 90.056.814 65.335.980 54.755.839 Ingresos por intereses y reajustes 38.151.296 237.161.255 179.123.201 189.494.150 Gastos por intereses y reajustes 9.785.803 -16.209.488 -10.663.118 -13.642.167 47.937.099 220.951.767 168.460.083 175.851.983 Ganancia actividades no aseguradoras Resultados actividad aseguradora Ingresos netos por intereses y reajustes Total ingreso explotación actividad aseguradora Total costo explotación actividad aseguradora Total gastos operacionales actividad aseguradora Resultado operacional actividad aseguradora Resultado otros ingresos y costos Resultado antes de impuesto a las ganancias Impuesto a las ganancias Ganancia (pérdida) de actividad aseguradora Ganancia del año 81.268.130 365.838.194 265.482.987 410.286.876 -110.605.848 -554.838.679 -410.220.320 -551.604.750 -18.755.045 -23.646.462 -17.167.815 -21.504.144 -155.664 8.304.820 6.554.935 13.029.965 1.365.809 1.991.023 3.343.553 7.787.576 1.210.145 10.295.843 9.898.488 20.817.541 1.579.812 1.151.548 724.739 -3.733.394 2.789.957 11.447.391 10.623.227 17.084.147 111.771.334 101.504.205 75.959.207 71.839.986 Ganancia atribuible a los propietarios de la controladora 84.404.721 69.217.722 53.158.134 47.050.248 Ganancia atribuible a participaciones no controladoras 27.366.613 32.286.483 22.801.073 24.789.738 3.3 Risk Ratings The Bidder does not have any risk ratings. For its part, ILC maintains risk ratings for debt notes and solvency at the local level: Agent Feller Rate ICR Chile 3.4 Date April 2015 October 2015 Rating AA+ AA+ Stock Exchange Listings Shares of the Bidder are not traded on any stock exchange. On the other hand, shares of ILC, its controlling company, are traded on the Bolsa de Comercio de Santiago (Santiago Stock Exchange), Bolsa de Valores (Securities Market), Bolsa Electrónica de Chile (Electronic Stock Exchange of Chile), Bolsa de Valores (Securities Market) and on the Bolsa de Corredores-Bolsa de Valores (Stock Exchange of Securities Dealers - Securities Market) of Valparaíso, under the acronym “ILC”. FREE TRANSLATION INTO ENGLISH—FOR INFORMATIONAL PURPOSES ONLY 4. PRIOR RELATIONSHIPS BETWEEN A.F.P. HABITAT AND BIDDER 4.1 Percentage of equity interest in A.F.P. HABITAT held by Bidder The Bidder is the direct owner of 272,551,058 shares in the Company, which corresponds to an equity interest of approximately 27.26% in A.F.P. HABITAT. Such shares were acquired on January 15, 2016, by purchasing them for a total price of $899.90 (eight hundred ninety-nine pesos and ninety cents) per share on the Santiago Stock Exchange, Securities Market from Inversiones La Construcción Limitada, which in turn, is controlled and managed by ILC. In addition, the Bidder owns 100 Class A shares of Inpresa 2, which is, in turn, the owner of 402,290,958 shares of the Company. The Class A shares of Inpresa 2 give the Bidder 90% of the voting rights and 1% of the economic rights in Inpresa 2. The Bidder has the power to elect directly 2 directors of A.F.P. HABITAT and 3 directors indirectly through Inpresa 2. 4.2 Significant existing relationships with controlling (direct and indirect) shareholders of A.F.P. HABITAT, with its controlling companies or with its related persons ILC, which is the controlling shareholder of the Bidder, is the current controller of A.F.P. HABITAT through the ownership of Company shares by the Bidder and Inpresa 2. ILC directly owns 100% of the Class B shares of the Bidder and, indirectly through AIP, 100% of the Bidder’s Class A and Class C shares. The Class B shares of the Bidder give ILC 10% of the voting rights and 99% of the economic rights in the Bidder. The Class A shares give AIP 90% of the voting rights and 1% of the economic rights in the Bidder, while Class C shares give AIP the economic rights attributable to the Bidder’s ownership of Inpresa 2. In turn, ILC directly owns 100% of the Class B shares in Inpresa 2 and indirectly through the Bidder 100% of its Class A shares. The Class B shares in Inpresa 2 give ILC 10% of the voting rights and 99% of the economic rights in Inpresa 2, while the Class A shares give the Bidder 90% of the voting rights and 1% of the economic rights in Inpresa 2. Inpresa 2 owns 40.23% of the shares of A.F.P. HABITAT and the Bidder owns 27.26% of the shares of A.F.P. HABITAT; thus ILC through Inpresa 2 and the Bidder indirectly owns 67.49% of the shares issued by A.F.P. HABITAT. ILC is also entitled through Inpresa 2 and the Bidder to elect the majority of A.F.P. HABITAT’s board of directors. Except for those agreements referred to in Section 4.3 below, neither ILC nor the Bidder has executed any agreements with the shareholders of A.F.P. HABITAT relating to the Offer. FREE TRANSLATION INTO ENGLISH—FOR INFORMATIONAL PURPOSES ONLY 4.3 Previous contacts between the controlling shareholders of A.F.P. HABITAT and Prudential International Investments Corporation On March 25, 2015, ILC, Invesco Ltda., Inpresa 2, AIP, the Bidder, Prudential Chile SpA and Prudential International Investments Corporation (“Prudential”) entered into an agreement (the "Agreement") to associate, by Prudential acquiring an equity interest in A.F.P Habitat, in which they will participate in equal parts through AIP, the Bidder and Inpresa 2, and subject to a shareholders' agreement to be executed upon consummation of the transaction. The Agreement was amended on November 20, 2015. The transactions contemplated by the Agreement include, among other things, the following: (i) the purchase by the Bidder of 272,551,058 shares in A.F.P. HABITAT from Invesco Ltda., representing approximately 27.26% of the total shares of A.F.P. HABITAT, for a price of CLP$899.90 (eight hundred ninety-nine pesos and ninety cents) per share in a purchase completed over the Santiago Stock, which was completed on January 15, 2016; (ii) the launching by the Bidder, a subsidiary of ILC, of this Offer (the "OPA") to purchase up to 131,015,503 shares of A.F.P. HABITAT, representing approximately 13.10% of the subscribed and paid up shares issued by the Company, upon the terms stated in this Prospectus; and (iii) following the completion of the Offer, ILC will sell to Prudential all of the Class Y shares of AIP (representing 50% of the total voting and economic interests in AIP) and all of the Class B shares of the Bidder, so that Prudential Chile SpA will indirectly acquire 50% of the total shares of A.F.P Habitat owned by ILC and its subsidiaries after the Offer. As a result of the transaction, ILC and Prudential Chile SpA will own indirectly the same amount of shares of A.F.P. HABITAT (i.e., between 33.74% and 40.29% of the total shares in A.F.P. HABITAT, depending on the number of shares tendered in the Offer). In this Offer, Inpresa 2 will sell to the Bidder the necessary amount of shares so that, together with the shares tendered by the other shareholders´ in this Offer, the Bidder and Inpresa 2 will have the same amount of shares in A.F.P. HABITAT. Moreover, on January 8, 2016, ILC (as borrower), the Bidder (as guarantor), AIP (as guarantor), Invesco Ltda. (as guarantor), Prudential (as administrative agent) and Prudential Chile SpA (as lender) entered into a Credit Agreement whereby ILC was granted a loan in the amount of CLP $363,173,111,354 (three hundred sixty-three billion, one hundred seventy-three million, one hundred eleven thousand, three hundred and fifty-four pesos) pesos, which was utilized by ILC to capitalize AIP and the Bidder. Following consummation of the above-described transactions, ILC, Prudential, Prudential Chile SpA, Prudential Chile II SpA, Inpresa 2, AIP and the Bidder will enter into a shareholders’ agreement which will include, among other provisions typical of typical of agreements of this type, an equal participation in the management of the companies FREE TRANSLATION INTO ENGLISH—FOR INFORMATIONAL PURPOSES ONLY in which ILC and Prudential are direct or indirect shareholders, including A.F.P. HABITAT, so that they will designate an equal number of directors in the board of directors of AIP, the Bidder, Inpresa 2 and A.F.P. HABITAT, and that certain relevant matters usually dealt with at the meetings of such board of directors or the shareholders of such entities are to be approved by the greatest quorum involving the participation of both shareholders or directors designated by them in the adoption of such resolutions; the prohibition to transfer the shares for a period of three years from the closing of the transaction; the exercise of, except under certain limited circumstances, rights of first offer to purchase shares in A.F.P. HABITAT; and an agreement not to compete in the pension fund business in Chile and Peru. Except for the agreements specified above, neither ILC, nor the Bidder, nor Prudential, nor Prudential Chile II SpA, nor Prudential Chile SpA have entered into any agreement, or had contact, with A.F.P. HABITAT’s shareholders regarding this Offer. 5. PURPOSE OF THE OFFER 5.1 Purpose of the Offer Bidder wishes to acquire a maximum of 131,015,503 shares of A.F.P. HABITAT, representing approximately 13.10% of the issued, subscribed and paid shares of the latter. 5.2 Agreements with Shareholders There is no agreement other than those described in paragraphs 4.2 and 4.3 of this Prospectus. 6. CHARACTERISTICS OF THE OFFER 6.1 Total Amount of the Offer The total amount of the Offer is CLP$117,900,851,150 (one hundred seventeen billion nine hundred million eight hundred fifty-one thousand one hundred and fifty pesos)5 to purchase 131,015,503 shares of A.F.P. HABITAT, approximately representing 13.10% of the issued, subscribed and paid up shares of the Company. Such amount has been calculated at the price of CLP$899.90 (eight hundred ninety-nine pesos and ninety cents) per share. The price will be paid in Chilean pesos, national legal tender in Chile, after consummation of the transaction, and will not be subject to any interest or adjustment whatsoever. 6.2 Markets Shares or securities referred to in the Offer; Pro-rating, Abatement; FREE TRANSLATION INTO ENGLISH—FOR INFORMATIONAL PURPOSES ONLY The Offer is made for the purchase of a maximum of 131,015,503 shares of A.F.P. HABITAT, approximately representing 13.10% of the issued, subscribed and paid up shares of the Company, and is addressed to all shareholders of the Company. In the event that the number of shares tendered in the Offer exceeds the number of shares offered to be acquired by the Bidder, then pursuant to the provisions set forth in Section 208 of the Ley de Mercado de Valores (Chilean Securities Market Law), the Bidder will purchase the tendered shares pro rata from each of the tendering shareholders by applying the apportionment factor obtained by dividing the number of shares to be acquired in the Offer (As specified above) by the total number of shares tendered by all shareholders of A.F.P. HABITAT in the Offer. The number of shares acquired from each of the tendering shareholders will be the result obtained by multiplying the number of A.F.P. HABITAT shares tendered by such shareholder by the apportionment factor described above, rounded down to the previous whole number if the fraction is lower than 0.5, and rounded up to the next whole number if it is equal to or greater than 0.5. Subject to the limit of shares to be acquired, as stated in the paragraph above , the Bidder will acquire all of the shares in A.F.P. HABITAT tendered in the Offer, even if the acceptances of the Offer are less than the total number of shares offered to be acquired. Consequently, if, upon the expiration of the Offer or upon termination of the Extension (as such term is hereinafter defined) if any, the number of shares tendered is less than the total number of shares offered to be acquired, the Offer will be automatically reduced to the number of shares tendered. The shares of A.F.P. HABITAT are only traded in the Chilean exchange market. 6.3 Success Condition of the Offer. The Offer is not subject to any success conditions, notwithstanding the conditions for revocation of the Offer set forth in Section 9 of this Prospectus (“Grounds for Revocation of the Offer”). 6.4 Effective Term of the Offer The Offer will be in full force and effect for a term of 30 calendar days starting on January 28, 2016 at the opening time of the stock market where the relevant shares are listed (the “Commencement Date”) and ending on February 26, 2016 at the closing time of such stock market (the “Expiration Date”). According to Circular N° 134, which was issued by the SVS in 1982, the stock markets shall open at 9:00 am and shall close at 5:30 pm. FREE TRANSLATION INTO ENGLISH—FOR INFORMATIONAL PURPOSES ONLY The Bidder reserves the right to extend the Offer’s term, and such right may be exercised at Bidder’s sole discretion. Should the Bidder decide to extend the original term of the Offer (the "Extension"), the Bidder will give written notice thereof as well as of the length of such Extension by publishing it during the original effective term of the Offer in the same newspapers in which the Notice of Commencement was published, i.e., in the on-line newspapers El Libero and El Mostrador. 6.5 Offer Outcome The Bidder will report the outcome of the Offer by publishing the Notice of Outcome in the on-line newspapers El Libero and El Mostrador on the third day from the Expiration Date or the expiration date of the Extension, if any. 6.6 Shareholders to whom the Offer is addressed The Offer is addressed to all shareholders of A.F.P. HABITAT. 6.7 Offer implementation system The Offer will be conducted over-the-counter through software developed, maintained and operated by the Santiago Stock Exchange – Securities Market, which will be available at trading terminals from Monday to Friday from 9 a.m. to 5.30 p.m., excluding legal holidays. Persons wishing to tender their shares to Bidder under the Offer must submit their acceptances during the effective term of the Offer in the manner set forth in paragraph 8 below. Once the documentation set forth in the “Offer Acceptance Procedure” Section of this Commencement Notice with respect to the shares of each shareholder has been received and reviewed, the Bidder or Credicorp Capital, as appropriate, will request the registration of the tendered shares in the name of the Lead Manager of the Offer or other securities dealers in the Registry Book of Shareholders Registry of A.F.P. HABITAT (the “Shareholders Registry”). The foregoing shall be without prejudice to the right to withdraw of each of the shareholders contemplated in the “Withdrawal Right” Section of this Prospectus. The date of transfer of the shares for all purposes will be the publication date of the Notice of Outcome. In compliance with the provisions set forth in Section 212 of the Ley de Mercado de Valores (Chilean Securities Market Law) No. 18,045 (The “Securities Market Law”), the date of acceptance by shareholders and formalization of each sale of securities will be the day on which the Notice of Outcome is published. FREE TRANSLATION INTO ENGLISH—FOR INFORMATIONAL PURPOSES ONLY 7. PRICE AND PAYMENT TERMS AND CONDITIONS 7.1 Price The single, total and final price per share to be purchased is CLP $899.90 (eight hundred ninety-nine pesos and ninety cents) per share (the “Price”). 7.2 Control Premium The Price represents a premium of 0.43% over the current market price of each share in A.F.P. HABITAT, which according to the legal definition is CLP$ 896,05. For the purposes of determining the existence or non-existence of a control premium, the market price is calculated according to the provisions set forth in Section 199 of the Ley de Mercado de Valores (Chilean Securities Market Law), assuming for such purpose that the shares in A.F.P. HABITAT would be acquired on February 29, 2016. Notwithstanding the foregoing, the Price represents a 9.21% control premium, considering the market price of the shares in A.F.P. HABITAT determined in compliance with Section 199 of the Ley de Mercado de Valores, but not co nsidering the shares in A.F.P. HABITAT acquired by the Bidder on January 15, 2016 at a price of CLP$ 899.90 per share, as described in subsection 4.1 of this Prospectus. A.F.P. HABITAT distributed dividends in 2015 amounting to CLP$ 65 (sixty-five pesos) per share. 7.3 Payment Terms and Conditions The Price will be paid in pesos, currency of legal tender in Chile, by check or electronic transfer, at the tendering shareholder’s option. The Price will not accrue any interest or adjustments. 7.4 Deadline of payment The Price will be paid as described in the preceding paragraph no later than the second bank business day following the date of publication of the Notice of Outcome. The Bidder will pay the Price in any of the following ways: (a) To the shareholders who have sold their shares by virtue of the acceptances given to Credicorp Capital, as Lead Manager of the Offer, the Price will be paid by: (i) check in the name of the relevant shareholder, which will be at the disposal of the shareholder at the offices of Credicorp Capital, located at Avenida Apoquindo N° 3721, 9th floor, Las Condes, Santiago; or (ii) in the case that the relevant shareholder so requires it, through electronic transfer to the account which the shareholder has indicated by written notice on or before the Expiration date; and FREE TRANSLATION INTO ENGLISH—FOR INFORMATIONAL PURPOSES ONLY (b) To the shareholders who have sold their shares by means of acceptances given to securities dealers other than Credicorp Capital, the Price will be paid by electronic transfer to the account of such securities dealers. 8. OFFER ACCEPTANCE PROCEDURE 8.1 Formalities to tender under the Offer and required documentation Shareholders who wish to tender shares in the Offer shall do so only during the effective term thereof, by means of a written order to tender their shares, subject to the terms and conditions of the Offer. Upon the shareholder’s tender into the Offer, the shares tendered to the Bidder must be duly registered in the name of the selling shareholder in the Shareholders Registry of A.F.P. HABITAT, fully subscribed and paid, free of any liens, encumbrances, prohibitions, attachments, litigations, preliminary injunctions, conditions precedent and “resolutory conditions” (condiciones resolutorias), third parties’ preemptive rights or rights of first refusal, rights in rem or rights in personam of third parties or enforceable against the Bidder and, in general free of any other circumstance that may prevent or restrict the free assignment or transfer of the shares (the “Liens”). Shareholders wishing to tender their shares shall deliver the following documents to those individuals listed in Section 8.2 of this Prospectus: (i) the original stock certificate(s) held by it and/or a certificate issued to such effect by the department of shares in A.F.P. HABITAT, which is managed by DCV Registros S.A. (“DCVR”) , located at Huérfanos N° 770, 22nd floor, in Santiago, evidencing that the stock certificate(s) held by the tendering shareholder is/are deposited with the Company; (ii) a certificate to be issued to such effect by the department of shares in de A.F.P. HABITAT (kept by the DCVR ) within 10 (ten) days prior to the date of delivery to Credicorp Capital or to the other intervening securities dealer, evidencing that there is no proof in the corporate records that the tendered shares are subject to any Liens, so that they may be registered in the name of Credicorp Capital or of the relevant securities dealer; (iii) a copy authenticated by a Notary Public, on both sides, of the individual shareholder’s identity card, or his/her representative, if applicable, or that of the representative of the corporate shareholder, the original of which shall be shown upon subscription of the acceptance. The fact that such a copy of the identity card is a true copy of the original one shall be authenticated by a Notary Public or verified by the relevant securities dealer; FREE TRANSLATION INTO ENGLISH—FOR INFORMATIONAL PURPOSES ONLY (iv) the original or an authenticated copy of the power of attorney in force which shall contain sufficient powers to act as representative, and the effective term certificate issued within 30 (thirty) days prior to its presentation, granted or authenticated before a Notary Public; and (v) an authenticated copy of the legal background of any shareholder that is a corporation, along with its good standing certificate. Furthermore, the tendering shareholder must fill out and sign the customer’s card and the custodian agreement executed with Credicorp Capital or the securities dealer participating in the transaction, as appropriate, or the rendering services agreements or the required documents by General Regulation N° 380, issued by the SVS. Should a transfer of shares be objected to for any legal reason by the department of shares of A.F.P. HABITAT, and it is not shown that such objection has been cured during the effective term of the Offer, the relevant tender will be automatically cancelled, and deemed to all effects as never made, and Credicorp Capital or the appropriate securities dealer participating in the transaction will return to the shareholder the stock certificate and other materials submitted by it, in accordance with the provisions set forth in subsection 8.3 of this Prospectus, the relevant shareholders shall have no right to any indemnification, payment or refund, nor will such cancellation imply or result in any liability o responsibility for the Bidder, its attorneys-in-fact, agents, advisors or representatives. Securities dealers others than Credicorp Capital participating in the Offer, shall gather into custody the admitted shares so as for the owned shares, and, as appropriate, formulate one or more acceptances to Credicorp Capital, which must be delivered jointly with the other documents in this Section. Each securities dealer participating in the Offer shall be responsible for verifying the existence and veracity of the documents referred to in this Section in relation to their clients. The administradoras de fondos mutuos (mutual fund managing companies) and, in general, all managing companies of third parties’ funds as well as other institutional investors who are required to have their investments in their own name until the sale thereof, and who decide to participate in the Offer, shall be governed by those regulatory procedures set forth in the legislation in force, and shall deliver their tenders exclusively to Credicorp Capital within the effective term of the Offer, without any transfer of shares or stock certificates thereof being required. In any case, both the transfer of shares duly signed as well as the original stock certificates shall be delivered to Credicorp Capital, together with the payment made to the respective institutional investor, of the price of their shares sold in such process. Together with the acceptance, FREE TRANSLATION INTO ENGLISH—FOR INFORMATIONAL PURPOSES ONLY the institutional investors shall also deliver to Credicorp Capital the documents listed in paragraphs (iii) to (v) in the third paragraph of this subsection 8.1. 8.2 Acceptances of the Offer The acceptance of the Offer as well as of the documents mentioned in subsection 8.1 of this Prospectus shall be directly delivered to Credicorp Capital, at the offices located at Avenida N° Apoquindo 3721, 9th floor, Las Condes, Santiago orat the offices of any other securities dealer, who shall deliver them at the offices of Credicorp Capital on the terms of this Offer. Acceptance shall be delivered from Monday to Friday (excluding holidays) from 9:00 am to 05:30 pm. Together with the delivery of the acceptance, the shareholders must execute a transfer of its shares to Credicorp Capital or the appropriate securities dealer participating in the transaction to whom the shareholder may resort, if appropriate, consisting of 100% of the shares to be tendered. 8.3 Surrender of shares if not acquired. With regard to those shares not acquired by the Bidder because they do not conform with the terms and conditions of this Offer, or because shares have been tendered in excess, or because the Offer has been revoked in accordance with the provisions set forth in section 9 hereof, the relevant stock certificates, along with any other documents submitted by the applicable shareholders, will be made available to the relevant shareholder or participating securities dealer(s) representing them, at the offices of Credicorp Capital located at Apoquindo N° 3721, 9th floor, Las Condes, Santiago from the second business day immediately following the publication date of the Notice of Outcome, without the shareholders being entitled to any compensation, payment or reimbursement as a consequence thereof, nor shall it imply any obligation or responsibility for the Bidder, its attorneys-in-fact, agents, advisors or representatives. 9. GROUNDS FOR REVOCATION OF THE OFFER The Offer will expire upon the occurrence of any of the following events between the date of this notice and the Expiration Date, both of them inclusive: (i) if any of the necessary authorizations for the Bidder and/or Prudential to acquire the shares in A.F.P. HABITAT shall become null and void; (ii) if, by virtue of any law or any act of competent authority, the acquisition of the shares in A.F.P. HABITAT underlying this Offer is forbidden or becomes illegal, whether to the Bidder or to Prudential; or (iii) Upon the filing of any legal action against this Offer or which restricts, avoids or forbids the consummation of this Offer or the acquisition of shares of A.F.P. HABITAT by Prudential. FREE TRANSLATION INTO ENGLISH—FOR INFORMATIONAL PURPOSES ONLY 10. WITHDRAWAL RIGHT Those shareholders who have tendered in the Offer may withdraw all or part of their acceptances, up to the Expiration Date of the Offer or any Extension thereof, if any, by a written notice delivered to Credicorp Capital (if the shareholder accepted the Offer via Credicorp Capital) or the securities dealer who has received the shareholder’s acceptance until 05:30 pm of the Expiration Date or the last day of the Extension, if any, subject to the condition that Credicorp Capital receives such withdrawal on or before the date and time indicated above. Once the notice of withdrawal referred to above has been given in a timely manner to the Lead Manager of the Offer, the acceptance letter, any documents annexed thereto and the share transfer documents delivered by the shareholder upon acceptance of the Offer will be returned to the shareholder or the participating securities dealer, as appropriate. Furthermore, in accordance with Article 212 of the Chilean Securities Market Law, shareholders who have accepted the Offer may withdraw acceptance thereof if the Bidder fails to publish the Notice of Outcome within the term of 3 (three) days referred to in the first paragraph of the abovementioned article. The withdrawal will only be effective if made prior to the publication of the Notice of Outcome, in compliance with subsection 4 of such Article 212. In the event that any shareholder withdraws its acceptance as indicated in this section, the tendered shares will be returned to it promptly after it gives written notice of such withdrawal. 11. OFFER FINANCING The Bidder will finance the total amount of the Offer out of its own resources provided, directly and indirectly, by its shareholder Inversiones La Construcción S.A. as a capital contribution. The Offer is not conditional upon obtaining any financing whatsoever. 12. GUARANTEE The Offer does not contemplate the existence of any security interests (pledges or mortgages) or personal guarantees or suretyships according to the provisions set forth in section 204 of the Ley de Mercado de Valores (Chilean Securities Market Law). 13. LEAD MANAGER OF THE OFFER The Bidder will act with respect to the through Credicorp Capital S.A. Corredores de Bolsa, doing business as such, R.U.T. (Taxpayer’s ID) No. 96.489.000-5, domiciled / with principal place of business at Avenida Apoquindo 3721, 9th floor, Las Condes, Santiago (the “Lead Manager of the Offer”). For this purpose, Credicorp Capital is vested with the following powers: acting as agent for the Bidder under the Offer, receiving acceptances and withdrawals from FREE TRANSLATION INTO ENGLISH—FOR INFORMATIONAL PURPOSES ONLY shareholders, answering all inquiries that may arise regarding the Offer mechanisms and conditions; making transfers to the custody of A.F.P. HABITAT, or to other persons appointed by Bidder; rejecting acceptances that fail to comply with the requirements set forth in the Offer and, in general, performing all those activities that are necessary to implement the transaction. 14. INDEPENDENT ADVISORS OF THE BIDDER The following individuals have advised the Bidder on the preparation of this Offer: i) Credicorp Capital S.A. Corredores de Bolsa, doing business as such, R.U.T. (Taxpayer’s ID) No. 96,489,000-5, domiciled/ with principal place at Apoquindo N° 3721, 9th floor, Las Condes, Santiago to the attention of Mr. Hernán Arellano Salas, telephone number 600 450 1600 or +56(2) 2450-1600. ii) Prieto y Cía. Ltda., lawyers, R.U.T. (Taxpayer’s ID) No. 77,506,160-K, domiciled/ with principal place of business at Avenida El Golf 40, to the attention of Mr. Jaime Ríos Gómez-Lobo, telephone number +56(2) 2280-5000. 15. RISK FACTORS In the Bidder’s opinion, there are no risks related to the Offer. 16. IMPACT OF THE OFFER ON THE SHARES Should the Offer be consummated, and depending on the number of shares tendered, the number of shares in A.F.P. HABITAT that continue to be freely traded on the stock exchange may be significantly reduced, which could adversely affect the liquidity of the remaining outstanding shares of A.F.P. HABITAT. 17. MARKET PRICE AND DIVIDENDS 17.1 Price and exchange volumes of A.F.P. HABITAT Shares in A.F.P. HABITAT are listed on the Bolsa de Comercio de Santiago (Santiago Stock Exchange), Bolsa de Valores (Securities Market), Bolsa Electrónica de Chile (Electronic Stock Exchange of Chile), Bolsa de Valores (Securities Market) and on the Bolsa de Corredores-Bolsa de Valores (Stock Exchange of Securities Dealers - Securities Market) of Valparaíso. The stock exchange information on prices and number of shares of A.F.P. HABITAT traded on the stock exchange (in the currency of each date) over the past two years is listed in detail below. FREE TRANSLATION INTO ENGLISH—FOR INFORMATIONAL PURPOSES ONLY Transactions on the Bolsa de Comercio de Santiago (Santiago Stock Exchange), Bolsa de Valores (Securities Market) Month January 2014 February 2014 March 2014 April 2014 May 2014 June 2014 July 2014 August 2014 September 2014 October 2014 November 2014 December 2014 January 2015 February 2015 March 2015 April 2015 May 2015 June 2015 July 2015 August 2015 September 2015 October 2015 November 2015 December 2015 Traded volume (# shares) 6.606.782 2.828.809 5.496.422 13.009.417 11.207.279 8.114.880 6.402.694 14.022.615 23.260.057 17.779.009 12.219.948 6.948.598 3.405.644 4.330.936 5.741.995 3.318.498 4.869.221 6.497.873 1.264.127 4.285.363 5.853.176 10.552.624 3.877.607 2.508.938 Traded amount (CLP) 4.771.260.438 3.899.704.119 9.945.784.712 5.936.512.356 4.717.658.302 11.261.721.849 20.369.071.520 16.973.308.544 10.981.937.616 6.359.379.928 3.030.579.532 3.850.349.172 5.294.927.850 4.336.366.364 5.685.211.980 1.090.436.076 3.559.167.829 4.827.721.426 8.599.968.032 2.046.467.035 Average price (CLP) 722,18 740,69 709,50 764,51 724,91 731,56 736,82 803,11 875,71 954,68 898,69 915,20 889,87 889,03 922,14 933,25 890,57 874,93 862,60 830,54 824,80 814,96 830,19 815,67 Transactions on the Bolsa Electrónica de Chile (Electronic Stock Exchange of Chile), Bolsa de Valores (Securities Market) Month January 2014 February 2014 March 2014 April 2014 May 2014 Traded volume (# shares) 394.227 0 880.960 4.921.244 584.772 Traded amount (CLP) 288.456.840 0 631.953.869 3.757.396.108 434.204.802 Average price (CLP) 731,70 717,35 763,51 742,52 FREE TRANSLATION INTO ENGLISH—FOR INFORMATIONAL PURPOSES ONLY Traded volume (# shares) Month June 2014 July 2014 August 2014 September 2014 October 2014 November 2014 December 2014 January 2015 February 2015 March 2015 April 2015 May 2015 June 2015 July 2015 August 2015 September 2015 October 2015 November 2015 December 2015 3.219.203 1.010.022 7.701.993 10.578.557 14.777.795 5.529.831 2.807.036 386.774 637.987 1.771.728 577.749 253.761 1.304.117 656.887 36.935 122.245 97.318 15.162 286.022 Traded amount (CLP) Average price (CLP) 2.365.531.215 744.852.160 6.268.349.444 4.959.683.924 2.560.326.720 346.302.513 566.294.531 1.648.962.222 539.425.342 226.835.546 1.137.312.649 573.833.888 30.473.405 102.182.931 78.869.487 12.456.690 227.521.023 734,82 737,46 813,86 869,97 957,74 896,90 912,11 895,36 887,63 930,71 933,67 893,89 872,09 873,57 825,05 835,89 810,43 821,57 795,47 Transactions on the Bolsa de Corredores-Bolsa de Valores (Stock Exchange of Securities Dealers - Securities Market) of Valparaíso There has not been any transactions of shares of A.F.P. HABITAT on the Bolsa de CorredoresBolsa de Valores (Stock Exchange of Securities Dealers - Securities Market) of Valparaíso over the last two years. 17.2 Dividends paid by A.F.P. HABITAT Dividends distributed by A.F.P. HABITAT over the last two years are as follows: Type Amount (CLP) Payment Date Interim Dividend $ 10 per share December 9, 2015 Interim Dividend $ 10 per share October 9, 2015 Definitive Dividend $ 35 per share May 8, 2015 Interim Dividend $ 10 per share January 9, 2015 Interim Dividend $ 10 per share October 3, 2014 Definitive Dividend $ 59 per share May 9, 2014 Definitive Dividend $ 6 per share May 9, 2014 FREE TRANSLATION INTO ENGLISH—FOR INFORMATIONAL PURPOSES ONLY The information contained in this section has been taken from public documents and reports, which have not been independently audited or verified by the Bidder or by the Lead Manager of the Offer, so that none the Bidder nor the Lead Manager of the Offer will assume any responsibility in relation to the veracity of such information, nor for the omission of A.F.P. HABITAT or stock exchanges to disclose facts or background that affect or influence the interpretation of such information. 18. INFORMATION PLACES Copies of this prospectus are available to those interested parties in the following places: (i) At the offices of Inversiones La Construcción S.A., located at Marchant Pereira N° 10, 17th floor, Providencia, Santiago, from Monday to Friday (excluding legal holidays) from 09:00 am to 05:30 pm. (ii) At the offices of Credicorp Capital S.A. Corredores de Bolsa, located at Avenida Apoquindo N° 3721, 9th floor, Las Condes, Santiago, from Monday to Friday (excluding legal holidays) from 09:00 am to 05:30 pm and on the website (iii) At the Superintendencia de Valores y Seguros, whose offices are located at Avenida Libertador Bernardo O’Higgins N° 1449, Santiago, from Monday to Friday (excluding legal holidays) from 09:00 am to 01:30 pm and on the website (iv) At the Santiago Stock Exchange - Securities Market, whose offices are located at La Bolsa N° 64, in Santiago, from Monday to Friday (excluding legal holidays) from 09:00 am to 05:30 pm. (v) At the Chilean Electronic Stock Exchange – Stock Exchange, whose offices are located at Huérfanos N° 770, 14th floor, Santiago, from Monday to Friday (excluding holidays), between 09:00am and 05:30pm. (vi) At Stock-Dealers Stock Exchange- Stock Exchange, whose offices are located at Calle Prat N° 790, 3rd floor, Valparaíso, from Monday to Friday (excluding holidays), between 09:00am and 05:30pm (vii) At the Administradora de Fondo de Pensiones Habitat S.A., whose offices are located at Marchant Pereira N° 10, 10th floor, Providencia in Santiago, from Monday to Friday (excluding legal holidays) from 09:00 am to 05:30 pm. Those individuals who wish to receive additional information may appear at the offices of Credicorp Capital S.A. Corredores de Bolsa located at Apoquindo N° 3721, 9 th floor, Las Condes, Santiago, or call at the telephone numbers 600 450 1600+56(2) 2450-1600, from Monday through Friday (excluding holidays) from 9:00 am to 05:30 pm or write to The information concerning A.F.P. HABITAT has been taken from public documents and reports that have not been independently verified. FREE TRANSLATION INTO ENGLISH—FOR INFORMATIONAL PURPOSES ONLY Any additional information about the Offer will be published in the on-line newspapers El Libero and El Mostrador.