Hotel Website Specialists - Australian Hotels Association (SA)
Hotel Website Specialists - Australian Hotels Association (SA)
The on & off Premise Published Bi-annually Information about availability of liquor products, names of producers and/or distributors, suggested retail prices etc. March 2011 CPI EDITION Hotel Website Specialists • Web Design • Content Management Systems • e-Commerce • Search Engine Optimisation Boylen Media (aha|sa sponsor) Call Tim Boylen on 8233 9433 or email LNA0186 Index Publishing Boylen Media Level 3, 47 South Terrace, Adelaide SA 5000 Ph: (08) 8233 9433 Fax: (08) 8212 6484 On behalf of the AHA SA CEO: Tim Boylen Editor: Vicki Schmerl Database Coordinator: Natalya Schmerl Design: Cindy Ridgwell Advertising Sales: Jon Bush | Subscriptions: Heather McLeod Printing Lane Print Ph: (08) 8179 9900 Published by the Australian Hotels Association (SA Branch) for the Retail Liquor Industry Council of South Australia. Disclaimer The Licensees’ Liquor Guide is intended as a guide only and is not intended in any way as a direction from the Publisher or the AHA|SA to set or fix prices. The Retail prices for liquor as listed in the Licensees’ Liquor Guide are at the levels for the Metropolitan area. They relate to off premises sales of packaged liquor in hotel bottle departments, the premises of liquor merchants and other appropriately licensed premises. Glass prices shown apply to public bars. It is pointed out however, that retail prices are at the discretion of the individual licensee. While retailers may adopt the levels as set out herein, they may interpret the retail price listings as recommendations only. The price set out or referred to herein is a recommended price only and there is no obligation to comply with the recommendation. Wholesale prices shown herein are inserted merely for convenience, checking of invoices and accounts and stocktaking. Prices may have changed since going to press. No liability can be accepted for any error or omission. BEER, STOUT, CIDER, RTD & SOFT DRINK, KEG & GLASS PRICES...............................................................5 BEER – PACKAGED AUSTRALIAN from BREWERS.......................................................................................6 BEER – PACKAGED INTERNATIONAL from BREWERS..................................................................................7 BEER – PACKAGED AUSTRALIAN from MERCHANTS..................................................................................7 BEER – PACKAGED INTERNATIONAL from MERCHANTS.............................................................................7 BITTERS........................................................................................................................................................10 BOURBON......................................................................................................................................................10 BRANDY – AUSTRALIAN.................................................................................................................................10 BRANDY – INTERNATIONAL............................................................................................................................10 COGNAC........................................................................................................................................................10 COOPERS BREWERY.....................................................................................................................................6 Fosters Australia (carlton and united brewery)..........................................................................5 GIN – AUSTRALIAN.........................................................................................................................................9 GIN – INTERNATIONAL...................................................................................................................................9 GRAPPA.........................................................................................................................................................10 LIQUEURS – AUSTRALIAN..............................................................................................................................10 LIQUEURS – INTERNATIONAL.........................................................................................................................10 MERCHANT CODE INDEX................................................................................................................................50 MINERAL & SPRING WATER............................................................................................................................11 MINIATURES .................................................................................................................................................11 OUZO.............................................................................................................................................................12 READY TO DRINK...........................................................................................................................................12 RUM – AUSTRALIAN.......................................................................................................................................12 RUM – INTERNATIONAL.................................................................................................................................13 SCHNAPPS.....................................................................................................................................................13 SOUTH AUSTRALIAN BREWING....................................................................................................................5 TEQUILA........................................................................................................................................................13 VERMOUTH....................................................................................................................................................13 VODKA...........................................................................................................................................................13 WHISKEY.......................................................................................................................................................14 WHISKY – BLENDS.........................................................................................................................................14 WHISKY – SINGLE MALT.................................................................................................................................14 WINE – CHAMPAGNE.....................................................................................................................................15 WINE – CHAMPAGNE - PINK...........................................................................................................................15 WINE – CIDER – AUSTRALIAN........................................................................................................................15 WINE – CIDER – INTERNATIONAL...................................................................................................................15 WINE – CLEAN SKIN.......................................................................................................................................43 WINE – COCKTAIL..........................................................................................................................................15 WINE – DESSERT – AUSTRALIAN...................................................................................................................15 WINE – DESSERT – INTERNATIONAL..............................................................................................................16 WINE – FORTIFIED – AUSTRALIAN..................................................................................................................16 WINE – FORTIFIED – INTERNATIONAL.............................................................................................................17 WINE – MEAD.................................................................................................................................................17 WINE – MISCELLANEOUS...............................................................................................................................17 WINE – RED – AUSTRALIAN...........................................................................................................................17 WINE – RED – INTERNATIONAL......................................................................................................................30 WINE – ROSÉ – AUSTRALIAN.........................................................................................................................31 WINE – ROSÉ – INTERNATIONAL....................................................................................................................32 WINE – SAKE – INTERNATIONAL....................................................................................................................32 WINE – SAKE – AUSTRALIAN..........................................................................................................................32 WINE – SPARKLING – AUSTRALIAN................................................................................................................32 WINE – SPARKLING – INTERNATIONAL...........................................................................................................34 WINE – WHITE – AUSTRALIAN........................................................................................................................35 WINE – WHITE – INTERNATIONAL...................................................................................................................42 The Licensees’ Liquor Guide is now an On and Off Premise Guide which reflects pricing within your industry. The low margin column is equivalent to the old Recommended Retail Price column. The high margin column offers a higher margin alternative for highly serviced areas as reflected by the industry. This serves as a ‘guide only’. FREIGHT Prices will vary for country regions depending on freight and cartage costs. Historically this has been reflected in a five cent surcharge. However this surcharge will vary from region to region. All wholesale prices exclude GST. GST in business purchases is an Input Tax Credit LICENSEES’ LIQUOR GUIDE MARCH 2011 3 Dear Hotelier Licensees’ Liquor Guide – March 2011 This information is provided to you as part of the Licensees’ Liquor Guide, a guide to the hospitality industry pricing of liquor which displays a comprehensive listing of both On and Off premise pricing across a range of margins within the industry. When establishing your own pricing structure, we recommend that you match your pricing according to the standard and level of hospitality services on offer and the gross profit contribution required to profitably run your hotel. We recommend that you take into account the operational costs (such as promotions, discounts, etc), as these impact directly on your gross profit contribution margin. Please note this guide does not tell you what you should charge, as retail prices are set at the discretion of the individual licensee. Rather, the guide informs licensees of a range of prices over a range of gross profit margins on a product by product basis. Prices published in this guide are to be used strictly as a guide only. You should seek professional advice when determining your overall pricing structure. Under the indexation provisions of the Excise Tariff Act 1921, the rates of excise duty on beer and spirits may be increased in February and August each year, in line with movements in the Consumer Price Index. During February 2011 the Australian Government announced the current CPI rate and accordingly has adjusted the excise tax on beer and spirit products. Merchants are quick to pass this increase to retailers and therefore many wholesale prices have been “updated” since the last guide. It is important that each licensee carry out their own detailed calculations when setting their prices. This will include investigation into the changes in delivery and freight being charged by your suppliers. Detailed calculations help to ensure each business operation obtains the gross profit contribution margins they are aiming to achieve. The success of your business relies on the pricing of your services. In your review of this guide note that the calculations are based on prices supplied by all contributing merchants and as such we encourage you to carefully check invoices to confirm equivalent cost bases before applying this guide. Keg and glass Australian and imported beer KEGS MORE THAN 48Lt WILLIAM BUCK Chartered Accountants & Advisors AUST LIGHT 200ml – 285ml 425ml – 1140ml 200ml – 285ml 425ml – 1140ml Price – Low Margin 74.8% 72.9% 77.8% 76.0% 80.8% 79.1% Price – High Margin 77.7% 77.7% 80.7% 80.8% 83.7% 83.9% Kegs 46.9% 48.7% 200ml – 285ml 425ml – 1140ml 50.5% READY TO DRINK Price – Low Margin 69.9% 68.5% Price – High Margin 75.9% 72.4% Kegs KEGS LESS THAN 48Lt 46.4% 200ml – 285ml 425ml – 1140ml Price – Low Margin 72.1% 69.9% Price – High Margin 75.9% 75.9% Kegs SOFT DRINK POST MIX 43.6% 150ml (MIX) 200ml – 1140ml 300ml BOTTLE ON PREMISE Price – Low Margin 79.5% 80.9% 67.5% Price – High Margin PACKAGED BEER, CIDER & RTD’S 81.9% AUST BEER 82.8% AUST MID BEER 69.4% AUST LIGHT BEER 15.0% 15.0% IMPORT BEER CIDER & READY TO COOLERSDRINK OFF PREMISE Carton 15.0% 18.3% Pack (4/6/10/8/12) 28.2% 28.2% 28.2% Single 40.1% 40.1% 40.1% 40.1% 44.1% 48.0% Party Kegs 28.2% 28.2% ON PREMISE Price – Low Margin 71.3% 74.0% 76.6% 71.3% 71.3% Price – High Margin 75.2% 77.8% 80.4% 75.2% 75.2% SPIRITS LIQUEURS APPERTIFFS 15ml – 30ml 50ml – 375ml 500ml 67.8% 71.6% 700ml – 20Lt OFF PREMISE Bottle Yours faithfully Mid strength 40.1% 30.5% 20.8% ON PREMISE 15ml & 30ml NIPS Price – Low Margin 75.0% Price – High Margin 78.8% WINESTABLE WINE FORTIFIED WINEDESSERT WINE BULK WINE OFF PREMISE Bottle 27.7% 31.7% 27.7% 24.8% ON PREMISE Bottle Price – Low Margin 56.0% 56.0% 56.0% Price – High Margin 59.9% 59.9% 59.9% 150ml GLASS John Lampard Director Price – Low Margin 60.8% 71.3% Price – High Margin 64.6% 75.2% 60ml GLASS Price – Low Margin 81.9% 71.3% 80.9% Price – High Margin 85.7% 73.3% 84.7% GPO Box 11050, Adelaide SA 5001 Level 6, 211 Victoria Square, Adelaide SA 5000 Telephone: +61 8 8409 4333 Facsimile: +61 8 8409 4499 William Buck is an association of independent firms, each trading under the name of William Buck across Australia and New Zealand with affiliated office worldwide. Liability limited by a scheme approved under Professional Standards Legislation other than for acts or omissions of financial services licensees. 4 SEE PAGE 50 FOR MERCHANT CODE INDEX GLASS PRICES INCLUDING GST KEG PRICES KEG & GLASS W/SALE INC. EXCISE EXCL. GST SIZE Litres 200 ml 50 Lt ARLTON & UNITED BREWERIES - Formerly FOSTERS C Carlton Black Ale 49.5 190.45 Carlton Draught 49.5 190.45 Carlton Dry 49.5 211.10 Carlton Mid 49.5 158.60 Carlton Sterling 49.5 124.60 Cascade Pale Ale 49.5 207.10 Cascade Pure 49.5 214.10 Cascade Premium Light 49.5 124.60 Fosters Lager 49.5 191.45 Matilda Bay Alpha Pale Ale 49.5 265.10 49.5 249.10 Matilda Bay Beez Neez Matilda Bay Big Helga 49.5 249.10 Matilda Bay Bohemian Pilzner 49.5 249.10 Matilda Bay Dogbolter 49.5 265.10 Matilda Bay Fat Yak Pale Ale 49.5 249.10 Matilda Bay Redback Original 49.5 249.10 Pure Blonde 49.5 211.10 49.5 211.10 Pure Blonde White Victoria Bitter 49.5 190.45 VB Gold 49.5 158.60 COOPERS BREWERY LTD. Coopers Clear 50 185.17 Coopers Dark Ale 50 187.27 50 153.07 Coopers Mild Ale Coopers Pale Ale 50 187.27 Coopers Premium Lager 50 183.03 Coopers Premium Light 50 126.32 Coopers Sparkling Ale 50 204.05 50 211.48 Coopers Stout S OUTH AUSTRALIAN BREWING CO. LTD. Boag’s Draught 49.5 190.52 Hahn Premium Light 49.5 126.85 Hahn Super Dry 49.5 210.60 Hahn Super Dry 3.5 49.5 172.35 Hahn White 49.5 217.85 James Squire Amber Ale 49.5 226.12 James Squire Golden Ale 49.5 226.12 James Squire Pilsener 49.5 226.12 James Squire Porter 49.5 226.12 James Squire Sundown Lager 49.5 223.12 Tooheys Extra Dry 49.5 196.35 Tooheys New 49.5 190.02 Tooheys Old 49.5 190.52 West End Draught 49.5 181.40 XXXX Gold 49.5 158.43 I MPORTED AND BREWED UNDER LICENCE Asahi (CUB) 19 159.10 Becks (SAB) 49.5 257.85 Belhaven Best Ale 3.5% - Scotland (EMP) 50 253.80 20 204.10 Belle-Vue Kriek (CUB) Carlsberg (CUB) 49.5 250.10 Guinness (CUB) 49.5 200.17 Heineken Lager (SAB) 49.5 256.85 Hoegaarden White (CUB) 20 204.10 Hofbrauhaus HB Dark Lager 5.5% - Germany (EMP) 50 294.00 Hofbrauhaus HB Hefeweizen Weissbier 5.1% - Germany (EMP) 50 294.00 Hofbrauhaus HB Maibock 7.2% - Germany (EMP) 30 210.00 Hofbrauhaus HB Oktoberfestbier 6.0% - Germany (EMP) 50 312.00 Hofbrauhaus HB Original Lager 5.1% - Germany (EMP) 50 294.00 49.5 200.42 Kilkenny Ale (CUB) Kirin (SAB) 49.5 271.85 Kronenbourg 1664 (CUB) 49.5 260.10 Leffe Blonde (CUB) 30 302.60 Leffe Dark (CUB) 30 302.60 Old Speckled Hen Ale 5.2% - England (EMP) 50 331.50 Stella Artois - Belgium (CUB) 50 260.10 Tetley’s English Ale 3.6% - England (EMP) 50 276.20 Weihenstephan Hefe 5.4% - Germany (PIM) 50 277.50 50 277.50 Weihenstephan Kristall 5.4% - Germany (PIM) 50 277.50 Weihenstephan Pilsner 5.1% - Germany (PIM) Wexford Irish Cream Ale 5% - Ireland (EMP) 50 291.10 CIDER Draught Aussie Cider (ACC) 50 161.32 Bulmers Original (CUB) 49.5 222.77 Strongbow Original (CUB) 49.5 192.77 TED 5 Seeds (SAB) 49.5 203.63 285 ml 570 ml 425 ml 1140 ml (Jug) LOW MARGIN HIGH MARGIN LOW MARGIN HIGH MARGIN LOW MARGIN 5.40 5.40 5.98 5.20 4.84 5.87 6.07 4.84 5.43 7.51 7.06 7.06 7.06 7.51 7.06 7.06 5.98 5.98 5.40 5.20 6.63 6.63 7.35 6.24 5.63 7.21 7.45 5.63 6.66 9.23 8.67 8.67 8.67 9.23 8.67 8.67 7.35 7.35 6.63 6.24 8.05 8.05 8.92 7.79 7.30 8.75 9.05 7.30 8.09 11.20 10.53 10.53 10.53 11.20 10.53 10.53 8.92 8.92 8.05 7.79 8.89 8.89 9.86 8.36 7.55 9.67 10.00 7.55 8.94 12.38 11.63 11.63 11.63 12.38 11.63 11.63 9.86 9.86 8.89 8.36 10.79 10.79 11.96 10.44 9.78 11.74 12.13 9.78 10.85 15.02 14.12 14.12 14.12 15.02 14.12 14.12 11.96 11.96 10.79 10.44 17.78 17.78 19.71 16.73 15.10 19.34 19.99 15.10 17.88 24.75 23.26 23.26 23.26 24.75 23.26 23.26 19.71 19.71 17.78 16.73 21.59 21.59 23.93 20.88 19.57 23.47 24.27 19.57 21.70 30.05 28.24 28.24 28.24 30.05 28.24 28.24 23.93 23.93 21.59 20.88 4.60 4.66 4.32 4.66 4.55 4.13 5.07 5.26 5.19 5.25 4.97 5.25 5.13 4.85 5.72 5.93 6.38 6.45 5.96 6.45 6.31 5.65 7.03 7.29 7.75 7.83 7.44 7.83 7.66 7.32 8.54 8.85 8.56 8.66 7.99 8.66 8.46 7.58 9.43 9.78 10.39 10.51 9.98 10.51 10.27 9.82 11.45 11.87 17.12 17.31 15.98 17.31 16.92 15.15 18.86 19.55 20.78 21.01 19.95 21.01 20.54 19.64 22.90 23.73 4.78 4.19 5.29 4.33 5.47 5.68 5.68 5.68 5.68 5.60 4.93 4.77 4.78 4.56 4.52 9.39 6.48 7.17 11.45 6.28 5.03 6.45 11.45 7.31 5.40 4.92 5.97 4.88 6.17 6.41 6.41 6.41 6.41 6.32 5.56 5.38 5.40 5.14 5.19 10.88 7.31 8.23 13.26 7.09 5.67 7.28 13.26 8.25 6.63 5.73 7.33 6.00 7.58 7.87 7.87 7.87 7.87 7.77 6.84 6.61 6.63 6.31 6.23 13.02 8.98 9.88 15.87 8.71 6.97 8.94 15.87 10.13 8.05 7.43 8.90 7.28 9.21 9.56 9.56 9.56 9.56 9.43 8.30 8.03 8.05 7.67 7.78 16.23 10.90 12.33 19.78 10.57 8.46 10.85 19.78 12.30 8.90 7.68 9.83 8.05 10.17 10.56 10.56 10.56 10.56 10.42 9.17 8.87 8.90 8.47 8.35 17.47 12.04 13.25 21.29 11.68 9.35 11.99 21.29 13.59 10.80 9.96 11.94 9.77 12.35 12.82 12.82 12.82 12.82 12.65 11.13 10.77 10.80 10.28 10.43 21.77 14.61 16.54 26.53 14.17 11.34 14.56 26.53 16.50 17.79 15.37 19.67 16.09 20.34 21.11 21.11 21.11 21.11 20.83 18.33 17.74 17.79 16.94 16.71 34.93 24.08 26.50 42.57 23.35 18.69 23.98 42.57 27.18 21.60 19.92 23.87 19.54 24.69 25.63 25.63 25.63 25.63 25.29 22.26 21.54 21.60 20.56 20.86 43.53 29.23 33.08 53.06 28.35 22.69 29.11 53.06 32.99 5.79 6.38 6.14 5.79 3.99 5.41 5.17 9.20 9.20 6.53 5.12 6.29 5.46 5.46 5.46 5.73 3.18 4.43 3.83 4.05 7.31 7.85 7.76 7.31 5.03 6.83 6.53 11.31 11.31 8.24 6.47 7.80 6.90 6.90 6.90 7.24 8.25 9.10 8.75 8.25 5.68 7.70 7.37 13.11 13.11 9.30 7.30 8.96 7.78 7.78 7.78 8.17 10.13 10.89 10.75 10.13 6.98 9.46 9.05 15.69 15.69 11.42 8.96 10.75 9.56 9.56 9.56 10.03 12.30 13.57 13.05 12.30 8.47 11.49 10.99 19.55 19.55 13.87 10.88 13.42 11.61 11.61 11.61 12.18 13.59 14.60 14.42 13.59 9.36 12.69 12.14 21.04 21.04 15.32 12.02 14.42 12.83 12.83 12.83 13.46 16.50 18.20 17.51 16.50 11.36 15.41 14.74 26.22 26.22 18.60 14.59 18.00 15.57 15.57 15.57 16.33 27.18 29.20 28.84 27.18 18.71 25.38 24.29 42.08 42.08 30.65 24.04 28.84 25.65 25.65 25.65 26.91 32.99 36.39 35.01 32.99 22.72 30.81 29.48 52.44 52.44 37.20 29.19 36.00 31.14 31.14 31.14 32.67 4.01 5.59 4.84 5.11 4.53 6.31 5.46 5.77 5.56 7.76 6.71 7.09 6.75 9.41 8.15 8.60 7.46 10.40 9.00 9.51 9.05 12.63 10.93 11.54 14.91 20.80 18.00 19.01 18.10 25.25 21.85 23.08 6.88 6.04 7.86 6.91 9.80 8.61 11.20 9.84 12.75 11.20 15.02 13.20 17.10 15.02 30.05 26.40 34.20 30.05 LOW MARGIN REC. RETAIL INC GST LOW MARGIN HIGH MARGIN 398.81 398.81 442.06 343.65 279.69 433.68 448.34 279.69 400.91 555.14 521.63 521.63 521.63 555.14 521.63 521.63 442.06 442.06 398.81 343.65 383.88 388.23 328.35 388.23 379.44 280.71 423.02 438.42 398.96 284.74 441.01 360.91 456.19 473.51 473.51 473.51 473.51 467.23 411.17 397.91 398.96 379.86 343.28 816.15 539.95 544.42 994.64 523.73 419.17 537.86 994.64 609.50 3.36 3.36 3.72 3.18 2.89 3.65 3.77 2.89 3.37 4.67 4.39 4.39 4.39 4.67 4.39 4.39 3.72 3.72 3.36 3.18 3.23 3.27 3.03 3.27 3.19 2.90 3.56 3.69 3.36 2.94 3.71 3.04 3.84 3.98 3.98 3.98 3.98 3.93 3.46 3.35 3.36 3.20 3.17 6.59 4.54 5.03 8.03 4.41 3.53 4.53 8.03 5.13 3.79 3.79 4.20 3.65 3.39 4.12 4.26 3.39 3.81 5.27 4.95 4.95 4.95 5.27 4.95 4.95 4.20 4.20 3.79 3.65 4.78 4.78 5.30 4.52 4.11 5.20 5.38 4.11 4.81 6.66 6.26 6.26 6.26 6.66 6.26 6.26 5.30 5.30 4.78 4.52 3.65 3.69 3.48 3.69 3.60 3.41 4.02 4.16 3.79 3.45 4.19 3.43 4.33 4.50 4.50 4.50 4.50 4.44 3.90 3.78 3.79 3.61 3.64 7.64 5.13 5.78 9.31 4.97 3.98 5.11 9.31 5.79 609.50 682.26 646.81 609.50 419.69 569.27 544.67 983.11 983.11 687.24 539.22 592.47 575.29 575.29 575.29 603.49 334.44 466.49 403.67 426.41 5.13 5.51 5.44 5.13 3.53 4.79 4.58 7.94 7.94 5.78 4.54 5.47 4.84 4.84 4.84 5.08 2.81 3.93 3.40 3.59 781.61 686.79 5.52 4.85 HIGH MARGIN HIGH MARGIN READY TO DRINK KEGS Cougar Bourbon & Cola (CUB) Bundaberg Rum & Cola (CUB) 49.5 49.5 373.25 327.97 SOFT DRINK DISPENSED GLASS PRICES INCLUDING GST BASED ON COKE AT $18.06 PER LT SYRUP PRODUCTION RATIO OF 15Lt SYRUP = 96 Lt BEVERAGE Please note: Only Coke makes 96 litres of finished product. All other flavours makes 90 litres. # Individual outlets should consider their own purchase price and required margins 15 LT. SYRUP W/ SALE EXCL. 284.46 150ml SMALL MIX LOW MARGIN 2.38 HIGH MARGIN 2.70 425ml 390ml 285ml 200ml LARGE MIX 1140ml (Jug) 575ml LOW MARGIN HIGH MARGIN LOW MARGIN HIGH MARGIN LOW MARGIN HIGH MARGIN LOW MARGIN HIGH MARGIN LOW MARGIN HIGH MARGIN LOW MARGIN HIGH MARGIN 3.41 3.79 4.86 5.41 6.66 7.40 7.25 8.06 9.73 10.81 19.45 21.63 PORTER GAFF AND BLACK & TAN The AHA suggests that Porter Gaff, Black & Tan and Shandy prices should be based on the glass price for the stout and beer being used depending on your mix. 0.55 1.65 FILTERED WATER 200ml Glass LICENSEES’ LIQUOR GUIDE MARCH 2011 1 Litre LICENSEES’ LIQUOR GUIDE SEPTEMBER 2010 55. SIZE - ML W/SALE INCL. EXCISE & Bottle DEP. NO. PER CTN. EXCL. GST ON PREMISE BOTTLE INCL. GST OFF PREMISE INCL. GST CARTON BOTTLE LOW MARGIN HIGH MARGIN BEER PACKAGED AUSTRALIAN FROM BREWERS CARLTON & UNITED BREWERIES ( Formerly FOSTERS) Orders:13 23 37 Carlton Black - Bottle 375 24 41.48 53.47 Carlton Cold - Bottle 375 24 33.28 42.86 - Can 375 30 39.42 50.75 Carlton Draught - Bottle 375 24 41.48 53.47 - Bottle 750 12 41.39 53.35 - Bottle (3x4 pack) 750 12 41.39 53.35 - Can 375 24 41.48 53.47 Carlton Dry - Bottle 355 24 38.31 49.37 Carlton Dry Fusion - Black - Bottle 355 24 42.52 54.82 Carlton Dry Fusion - Lemon - Bottle 355 24 42.52 54.82 Carlton Dry Fusion - Lime - Bottle 355 24 42.52 54.82 Carlton Light - Bottle 375 24 33.48 43.12 - Can 375 24 33.48 43.12 Carlton Mid - Bottle 375 24 36.45 46.96 - Bottle 750 12 36.36 46.84 - Bottle (3x4 pack) 750 12 36.36 46.84 - Can 375 24 36.45 46.96 - Can 375 30 43.19 55.63 Carlton Natural - Bottle 355 24 39.43 50.82 Carlton Sterling - Bottle 375 24 32.68 42.08 Cascade Blonde Lager - Bottle 330 24 41.96 54.09 Cascade First Harvest - Bottle 330 24 65.17 84.13 Cascade Pale Ale 54.09 - Bottle 375 24 41.96 54.09 - Can 375 24 41.96 Cascade Premium 59.62 - Bottle 375 24 46.23 Cascade Pure 54.09 - Bottle 375 24 41.96 Cascade Premium Light 38.94 - Bottle 375 24 30.25 38.94 - Can 375 24 30.25 Cascade Stout 60.83 - Bottle 375 24 47.17 Crown Lager 68.09 - Bottle 700 12 52.78 54.87 70.80 - Bottle (2x12 Pack) 375 24 53.87 69.50 - Bottle (Basket Pack) 375 24 Fosters Lager 57.35 - Bottle 355 24 44.48 57.24 - Bottle 750 12 44.39 55.41 - Can 375 24 42.98 Fosters Lightice 36.39 - Bottle 375 24 28.28 36.39 - Can 375 24 28.28 Matilda Bay Alpha Pale Ale 93.23 - Bottles 345 24 72.20 Matilda Bay Beez Neez 66.05 - Bottle 345 24 51.20 Matilda Bay Big Helga - Bottle 345 24 51.20 66.05 Matilda Bay Bohemian Pilzner - Bottle 345 24 51.20 66.05 Matilda Bay Dogbolter - Bottle 345 24 72.20 93.23 Matilda Bay Fat Yak Pale Ale - Bottle 345 24 51.20 66.05 Matilda Bay Redback Original - Bottle 345 24 51.20 66.05 Melbourne Bitter - Bottle 375 24 41.48 53.47 - Bottle 750 12 41.39 53.35 - Can 375 24 41.48 53.47 Pepperjack Pale Ale - Bottle 345 24 51.20 66.05 Pure Blonde - Bottle 355 24 42.52 54.82 - Bottle 700 12 41.43 53.41 - Can 375 24 42.52 54.82 Pure Blonde Naked - Bottle 355 24 35.85 46.18 - Can 375 24 35.85 46.18 Pure Blonde White - Bottle 355 24 42.52 54.82 VB Gold - Bottle 375 24 36.45 46.96 - Bottle 750 12 36.36 46.84 - Bottle (3x4 pack) 750 12 36.36 46.84 - Can 375 30 43.19 55.63 Victoria Bitter - Bottle 250 24 31.08 40.01 - Bottle 375 24 40.68 52.44 - Bottle 750 12 40.59 52.32 - Bottle (2x12 Pack) 375 24 41.68 53.73 - Bottle (3x4 pack) 750 12 40.59 52.32 - Can 375 24 40.68 52.44 - Can 375 30 48.06 61.93 COOPERS BREWERY LTD Orders: 8440 1844 Fax: 8440 1999 Birell Premium 28.44 - Bottles 375 24 22.14 28.44 - Cans 375 24 22.14 6 SIZE - ML W/SALE INCL. EXCISE & Bottle DEP. NO. PER CTN. EXCL. GST OFF PREMISE INCL. GST CARTON BOTTLE ON PREMISE BOTTLE INCL. GST LOW MARGIN HIGH MARGIN BEER PACKAGED AUSTRALIAN FROM BREWERS 3.14 2.51 2.38 3.14 6.27 6.27 3.14 2.90 3.22 3.22 3.22 2.91 2.91 2.95 5.88 5.88 2.95 2.79 2.98 2.84 3.18 4.95 3.18 3.18 3.50 3.18 2.62 2.62 3.58 8.01 4.17 4.09 3.37 6.73 3.26 2.45 2.45 5.49 3.89 3.89 3.89 5.49 3.89 3.89 3.14 6.27 3.14 3.89 3.22 6.27 3.22 2.71 2.71 3.22 2.95 5.88 5.88 2.79 2.35 3.08 6.15 3.16 6.15 3.08 2.91 1.66 1.66 6.51 5.20 4.92 6.51 12.99 12.99 6.51 6.00 6.67 6.67 6.67 6.39 6.39 6.28 12.52 12.52 6.28 5.94 6.18 6.24 6.58 10.30 6.58 6.58 7.27 6.58 5.76 5.76 7.42 16.63 8.65 8.49 6.99 13.95 6.75 5.37 5.37 11.42 8.06 8.06 8.06 11.42 8.06 8.06 6.51 12.99 6.51 8.06 6.67 13.00 6.67 5.61 5.61 6.67 6.28 12.52 12.52 5.94 4.85 6.38 12.73 6.54 12.73 6.38 6.02 3.42 3.42 7.50 5.99 5.67 7.50 14.97 14.97 7.50 6.92 7.70 7.70 7.70 7.64 7.64 7.35 14.67 14.67 7.35 6.96 7.13 7.45 7.59 11.88 7.59 7.59 8.38 7.59 6.88 6.88 8.55 19.18 9.97 9.79 8.06 16.08 7.78 6.42 6.42 13.17 9.30 9.30 9.30 13.17 9.30 9.30 7.50 14.97 7.50 9.30 7.70 14.99 7.70 6.47 6.47 7.70 7.35 14.67 14.67 6.96 5.58 7.36 14.68 7.54 14.68 7.36 6.94 3.94 3.94 Coopers 62 - Bottles 355 24 Coopers Clear - Bottles 355 24 - Cans 355 24 Coopers Dark Ale - Bottles 375 24 Coopers Mild Ale - Bottles 375 24 - Cans 375 24 Coopers Mythos - Bottles 355 24 Coopers Pale Ale - Bottles 375 24 - Bottles 750 12 Coopers Premium Lager - Bottles 375 24 - Cans 375 24 Coopers Premium Light - Bottles 375 24 - Cans 375 24 Coopers Sparkling Ale - Bottles 375 15 - Bottles 375 24 - Bottles 750 12 Coopers Stout - Bottles 375 24 - Bottles 750 12 Coopers Vintage - Bottles 375 12 - Bottles 375 24 Dr Tims Premium Ale - Cans 375 24 SOUTH AUSTRALIAN BREWING CO. LTD Orders: Bare Cove Radler - Stubbie 330 24 Boag’s Draught - Bottle 750 12 - Stubbie 375 24 Boag’s Premium - Stubbie 375 24 Boag’s Premium Light - Stubbie 375 24 Boag’s Pure - Stubbie 330 24 Boag’s St George - Stubbie 330 24 Hahn Premium - Stubbie 330 24 Hahn Premium Light - Cans 375 24 - Cans 375 30 - Stubbie 375 24 Hahn Super Dry - Bottle 700 12 - Cans 355 24 - Stubbie 330 24 Hahn Super Dry 3.5 - Stubbie 330 24 Hahn White - Bottle 735 12 - Stubbie 330 24 James Boag’s Classic Blonde - Stubbie 375 24 James Squire Amber Ale - Stubbie 345 24 James Squire Golden Ale - Stubbie 345 24 James Squire India Pale Ale - Stubbie 345 24 James Squire Pilsener - Stubbie 345 24 James Squire Porter - Stubbie 345 24 James Squire Sundown Lager - Stubbie 345 24 Southwark Bitter - Can 375 24 - Stubbie 375 24 Southwark Stout - Stubbie 375 24 Tooheys Extra Dry - Bottle 696 12 - Stubbie 345 24 Tooheys Extra Dry Platinum - Stubbie 345 24 Tooheys New - Bottle 750 12 - Can 375 30 - Stubbie 375 24 Tooheys New White Stag - Stubbie 375 24 Tooheys Old - Stubbie 375 24 West End Draught - Bottle 750 12 - Can 375 24 - Can 375 30 - Stubbie 375 24 XXXX Gold - Bottle 750 12 - Can 375 24 - Can 375 30 - Stubbie 375 24 XXXX Summer Bright Lager - Stubbie 330 24 45.00 58.03 35.99 46.37 35.99 46.37 37.01 47.69 32.18 41.44 32.18 41.44 45.00 58.03 37.35 48.13 37.03 47.71 36.98 47.65 36.98 47.65 27.92 35.92 27.92 35.92 25.94 33.44 41.45 53.43 41.15 53.04 43.14 55.62 42.84 55.23 28.59 36.89 59.89 77.30 35.82 46.15 8352 2999 39.97 51.52 49.67 38.54 51.36 39.85 67.69 52.47 43.22 33.56 64.29 49.84 62.83 48.71 59.06 45.80 42.35 32.89 49.25 38.26 42.35 32.89 53.42 41.44 54.42 42.21 54.42 42.21 46.53 36.12 72.97 56.55 52.38 40.64 42.13 54.31 51.34 66.23 51.34 66.23 51.34 66.23 51.34 66.23 51.34 66.23 51.34 66.23 40.62 52.36 40.62 52.36 51.65 66.63 42.80 55.18 44.23 57.03 45.43 58.58 38.56 49.69 47.32 60.98 41.43 53.41 39.73 51.21 39.38 50.75 39.16 50.47 40.59 52.32 48.23 62.15 40.59 52.32 35.03 45.12 47.48 36.85 55.36 42.98 47.48 36.85 47.58 36.93 3.41 2.72 2.72 2.80 2.60 2.60 3.41 2.83 5.60 2.80 2.80 2.42 2.42 3.14 3.14 6.23 3.27 6.49 4.34 4.55 2.71 3.03 5.83 3.02 3.98 2.91 3.78 3.69 3.47 2.85 2.65 2.85 6.28 3.20 3.20 2.92 8.59 3.08 3.19 3.90 3.90 3.90 3.90 3.90 3.90 3.08 3.08 3.92 6.48 3.35 3.44 5.84 2.86 3.14 3.01 2.98 5.93 3.07 2.92 3.07 5.66 2.98 2.78 2.98 2.79 7.07 5.63 5.63 5.79 5.52 5.52 7.07 5.85 11.59 5.79 5.79 5.30 5.30 6.51 6.50 12.91 6.77 13.45 9.02 9.45 5.60 6.27 12.08 6.25 8.26 6.41 7.84 7.66 7.20 6.28 5.83 6.28 13.00 6.62 6.62 6.22 17.83 6.37 6.61 8.08 8.08 8.08 8.08 8.08 8.08 6.37 6.37 8.13 13.44 6.95 7.14 12.08 5.93 6.50 6.23 6.17 12.27 6.37 6.05 6.37 12.05 6.35 5.91 6.35 5.78 8.15 6.49 6.49 6.68 6.47 6.47 8.15 6.74 13.37 6.67 6.67 6.34 6.34 7.51 7.50 14.89 7.81 15.51 10.40 10.90 6.46 7.23 13.92 7.20 9.53 7.66 9.05 8.84 8.30 7.50 6.97 7.50 14.99 7.64 7.64 7.28 20.57 7.35 7.62 9.32 9.32 9.32 9.32 9.32 9.32 7.35 7.35 9.38 15.49 8.01 8.23 13.93 6.84 7.49 7.18 7.12 14.15 7.34 6.97 7.34 14.12 7.43 6.93 7.43 6.66 SEE PAGE 50 FOR MERCHANT CODE INDEX SIZE ML NO. PER CTN. W/SALE INCL. EXCISE EXCL. GST PACK BEER PACKAGED INTERNATIONAL FROM BREWERS Asahi - Bottle Carlsberg - Denmark - Bottle Carlsberg Elephant - Denmark - Bottle Corona - Bottle (4 x 6 pack) Hoegaarden White - Belgium - Bottle Kronenburg 1664 - Bottle Leffe Blonde - Belgium - Bottle Leffe Radieuse - Belgium - Bottle Stella Artois - Belgium - Bottle (4 x 6pack) SOUTH AUSTRALIAN BREWING CO. LTD Orders: 8352 2999 Amstel Lager - Bottle Becks - Bottle Budweiser - Bottle Heineken - Bottle (4 x 6 pack) - Can - 5 litres Kirin - Bottle Moretti - Bottle Steinlager Classic - Bottle Steinlager Pure - Bottle 330 330 330 330 330 330 330 330 330 330 330 355 330 5000 330 330 330 330 MERCHANT CODE 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 2 24 24 24 24 SIZE ML 53.07 45.86 55.12 49.17 71.55 49.82 84.05 84.05 51.87 51.62 51.44 46.34 54.00 59.41 54.03 43.72 46.95 47.97 NO. PER CTN. Bluetongue Bluetongue Ginger Beer - Bottles- 6 pack Bluetongue Premium Lager - Stubbies - 6 pack Bluetongue Premium Light - Stubbies - 6 pack Bluetongue Traditional Pils - Stubbies - 6 pack Coopers Brewery (SA Pricing Only) Clear Dark Ale Light Pale Ale Premium Lager Sparkling Ale Stout Guinness Draught (Bottles) 12 Pack Draught (Cans) 4 Pack Ex Strong (Bottles) Kilkenny (Cans) 4 Pack Little Creatures (WA) Bright Ale Bright Ale Pints Pale Ale Pale Ale Pints Pilsner Rogers Lord Nelson Old Admiral Ale Three Sheets Ale Miscellaneous Red Angus Pilsener William’s Pale Ale MooBrew (TAS)American Pale Ale Heferweizen Quality Dark Ale Mountain Goat (Richmond, VIC) Hightail Ale Steam Ale Surefoot Stout White Rabbit (VIC) Dark Ale White Ale LICENSEES’ LIQUOR GUIDE MARCH 2011 4.03 3.48 4.19 3.73 5.44 3.78 6.40 6.40 3.94 3.92 3.90 3.51 4.10 45.53 4.10 3.31 3.56 3.64 LOW MARGIN HIGH MARGIN 8.36 7.21 8.69 7.74 11.32 7.84 13.31 13.31 8.17 8.13 8.10 7.28 8.51 8.51 6.87 7.38 7.55 9.64 8.31 10.02 8.92 13.05 9.04 15.36 15.36 9.42 9.37 9.34 8.40 9.81 9.82 7.92 8.51 8.70 ON PREMISE BOTTLE INCL. GST OFF PREMISE INCL. GST CARTON BOTTLE/CAN LOW MARGIN HIGH MARGIN PAC PAC PAC PAC 330 330 330 330 24 24 24 24 50.00 50.11 33.47 50.06 64.29 64.43 42.89 64.36 3.76 3.77 2.86 3.76 7.75 7.76 6.23 7.76 8.93 8.95 7.43 8.94 SSS SSS SSS SSS SSS SSS SSS 375 375 375 375 375 375 375 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 40.18 41.30 31.42 41.62 41.23 45.98 47.76 51.58 53.03 40.24 53.44 52.94 59.08 61.39 3.01 3.09 2.68 3.12 3.09 3.45 3.59 6.18 6.36 5.83 6.41 6.34 7.10 7.39 7.11 7.32 6.95 7.38 7.31 8.18 8.51 DGO DGO DGO DGO 750 440 375 440 12 24 24 24 48.52 67.08 54.78 67.08 62.58 86.39 70.47 86.39 7.36 5.07 4.13 5.07 15.27 10.48 8.51 10.48 17.61 12.08 9.81 12.08 OPT OPT OPT OPT OPT OPT 330 568 330 568 330 330 24 12 24 12 24 24 53.50 47.00 53.50 47.00 53.50 44.00 68.82 60.61 68.82 60.61 68.82 56.52 4.03 7.13 4.03 7.13 4.03 3.30 8.31 14.78 8.31 14.78 8.31 6.79 9.57 17.04 9.57 17.04 9.57 7.82 SSS SSS 330 330 24 24 62.58 59.30 80.57 76.32 4.72 4.47 9.76 9.23 11.25 10.64 FCW FCW JTW JTW JTW 330 330 330 330 330 24 24 24 24 24 60.00 54.48 89.40 89.40 89.40 77.23 70.08 115.27 115.27 115.27 4.53 4.10 6.78 6.78 6.78 9.35 8.46 14.05 14.05 14.05 10.77 9.75 16.20 16.20 16.20 DEC DEC DEC 330 330 330 24 24 24 70.00 70.00 80.00 90.17 90.17 103.11 5.29 5.29 6.06 10.94 10.94 12.54 12.62 12.62 14.46 OPT OPT 330 330 24 24 57.50 57.50 73.99 73.99 4.33 4.33 8.95 8.95 10.31 10.31 MERCHANT CODE SIZE ML NO. PER CTN. W/SALE INCL. EXCISE & Bottle DEP. EXCL. GST EMP DEC EMP EMP EMP EMP PIM PIM EMP FCW EMP EMP EMP EMP EMP EMP PIM EMP EMP 330 330 330 355 355 500 330 500 330 330 330 750 750 750 330 330 330 330 750 24 24 24 24 24 12 24 16 24 24 12 12 12 12 12 12 24 24 6 60.40 80.00 69.40 71.50 75.70 72.10 70.50 74.10 62.60 52.62 88.40 185.20 206.20 174.50 76.50 83.70 76.10 189.00 253.00 BEER PACKAGED INTERNATIONAL FROM MERCHANTS 333 Premium Export - 5% Vietnam Alhambra Reserva 1925 Ambar 1900 Spanish Pale Ale - 4.8% Spain (Bottles) Belhaven Scottish Ale - 3.9% Scotland (Bottles) Belhaven St Andrews Ale - 4.6% Scotland (Bottles) Belhaven Wee Heavy Ale - 6.5% Scotland (Bottles) Blanche de Namur - 4.5% Belgium (4-pack bottles) Bombardier - 5.2% England (Bottles) Budvar Budejovicky Lager - 5% Czech Republic (Bottles) Castello Chimay Blue Ale - 9% Belgium (Bottles) Chimay Cinq Cents Ale - 8% Belgium (Bottles) Chimay Grande Reserve Ale -9% Belgium (Bottles) Chimay Premiere Ale - 7% Belgium (Bottles) Chimay Red Ale - 7% Belgium (Bottles) Chimay White Ale - 8% Belgium Courage Directors (Bottles) - 4.8% England Delirium Tremens - 9% Belgium (Bottles) Deus Brut de Flandres Ale - 11.3% Belgium (Bottle) BOTTLE/CAN 20.22 17.46 21.00 18.72 27.30 18.97 32.09 32.09 19.76 19.66 19.59 17.64 20.57 20.59 16.64 17.87 18.26 W/SALE INCL. EXCISE & Bottle DEP. EXCL. GST BEER PACKAGED AUSTRALIAN FROM MERCHANTS ON PREMISE BOTTLE INCL. GST OFF PREMISE INCL. GST ON PREMISE BOTTLE INCL. GST OFF PREMISE INCL. GST CARTON 22.91 30.42 26.36 27.16 28.77 55.02 17.85 42.36 23.75 19.93 67.51 141.69 157.79 133.49 58.39 63.91 28.93 72.19 387.53 BOTTLE/CAN 4.56 6.06 5.24 5.41 5.73 10.97 5.33 8.44 4.72 3.96 13.46 28.28 31.49 26.64 11.64 12.74 5.76 14.40 77.38 LOW MARGIN 9.41 12.54 10.85 11.18 11.86 22.81 11.02 17.52 9.76 8.17 28.02 58.97 65.68 55.55 24.21 26.52 11.92 29.97 161.54 HIGH MARGIN 10.85 14.46 12.51 12.89 13.67 26.31 12.71 20.21 11.25 9.41 32.32 68.04 75.79 64.10 27.93 30.59 13.74 34.57 186.43 7 MERCHANT CODE SIZE ML NO. PER CTN. BEER PACKAGED INTERNATIONAL FROM MERCHANTS Dieu du Ciel Aphrodisiaque - 6.5% Quebec (Bottles) Dieu du Ciel Corne du Diable- 6.5% Quebec (Bottles) Dieu du Ciel Derniere Volonte - 7% Quebec (Bottles) Dieu du Ciel Peche Mortel - 9.5% Quebec (Bottles) Dieu du Ciel Rosee d’Hibiscus - 5.9% Quebec (Bottles) Dieu du Ciel Route des Epices - 5.3% Quebec (Bottles) Duvel Ale - 8.5% Belgium (Bottles) Duvel Ale - 8.5% Belgium (Bottles) Cork Seal Estrella Lager - 5.5% Spain (Bottles) Forst Premium Lager Fullers 1845 English Ale - 6.3% England (Bottles) Fullers ESB English Ale - 5.9% England (Bottles) Fullers Honey Dew Organic English Ale - 5% England (Bottles) Fullers London Pride English Ale - 4.7% England (Bottles) Gavroche - 8.5% France (Bottles) George Gale & Co Ltd Prize Old Ale - 9% England (Bottles) Gouden Carolus - 7.5% Belgium (Bottles) Green King Abbot Ale - 5% England (Cans) Green King Strong Suffolk Vintage Ale - 6% England (Bottle) Grolsch Grolsch Gulden Draak - 10.5% Belgium (Bottles) Hitachino Nest Espresso Stout - 7.5% Japan (Bottles) Hitachino Nest Ginger Ale - 7% Japan (Bottles) Hitachino Nest Japanese Classic Ale - 7.5% Japan (Bottles) Hitachino Nest Red Rice Ale - 7% Japan (Bottles) Hitachino Nest White Ale - 5% Japan (Bottles) Hitachino Nest White Ale - 5% Japan (Bottles) Hofbrauhaus HB Dunkles Lager -5.6% Germany (Bottles) Hofbrauhaus HB Hefeweizen - 5.1% Germany (Bottles) Hofbrauhaus HB Oktoberfest Beer - 6% Germany (Bottles) Hofbrauhaus HB Original Lager - 5.1% Germany (Bottles) Karmelite Triple - 8% Belgium (Bottles) Konig Ludwig Weissbier 5.5% - Belgian (Bottles) Kwak - 8% Belgium (Bottles) La Gauloise Ambree Leffe Vieille Cuvee - 8.2% Belgium (Bottles) Lindemans Framboise - 2.5% Belgium (Bottles) Lindemans Kriek - 3.5% Belgium (Bottles) Lowenbrau Lucifer - 8% Belgium (Bottles) Menabrea Italian beer Miller Chill - USA (Bottles) - 4x6 pack Miller Genuine Draft - USA (Bottles) Mythos - Greece Old Speckled Hen Ale - 5.2% England (Bottles) Orval - 6.2% Belgium (Bottles) Paulaner Munich Lager - Germany (Bottles) Paulaner Premium Pils - Germany (Bottles) Paulaner Weiss Bier - Germany (Bottles) Peroni Leggera - Italy (Bottles) Peroni Nastro Azurro - Italy (Bottles) Pilsner Urquell Real Belgian Pils - 5% Belgium (Bottles) Rochefort 10 Trappiste - 11.3% Belgium (Bottles) Rochefort 6 Trappiste - 7.5% Belgium (Bottles) Saison Dupont - 6.5% Belgium (Bottles) Saison Silly - 5.0% Belgium (Bottles) Samuel Adams Boston Lager - 4.8% USA (Bottles) Samuel Smith Imperial Stout - England (Bottles) Samuel Smith Nut Brown Ale - 5% England (Bottles) Samuel Smith Old Brewer Pale Ale - 5% England (Bottles) Samuel Smith Organic Best Ale - England (Bottles) Schlenkerla Marzen - 5.1% Germany (Bottles) Shepherd Neame Bishops Finger Strong Ale - 5.4% England (Bottles) Shepherd Neame Spitfire Strong - 4.5% England (Bottles) Shepherd Neame Whistable Bay Organic Ale - 4.5% England (Bottles) Singha (Bottles) Sinha Stout - 8% Sri Lanka (Bottles) St Ambroise Apricot Wheat - 5% Quebec (Bottles) St Ambroise Oatmeal Stout - 5% Quebec (Bottles) St Ambroise Pale Ale - 5% Quebec (Bottles) Steinlager Stones Premium Green Ginger Beer (6 Pack) Sunner Kolsch - 4.8% Germany (Bottles) Sunner Kolsch - 4.8% Germany (Bottles) Tappeto Volante (Italy) Tetley’s Original Bitter Ale - 3.8% England (Cans) Timmermans Framboise - 4% Belgium (Bottles) Timmermans Kriek - 5% Belgium (Bottles) Timmermans Peche - 4% Belgium (Bottles) Titje 5.0% - Belgium (Bottles) Triple Moine - 7.3% - Belgium (Bottles) Trois Monts - 8.5 % France (Bottles) Cork Seal Trumer Pils (Austria) Unibroue La Fin du Monde - 8% Quebec (Bottles) Unibroue Maudite - 8% Quebec (Bottles) Unibroue Maudite - 8% Quebec (Bottles) Unibroue Terrible - 10.5% Quebec (Bottles) Unibroue Trois Pistoles - 9% Quebec (Bottles) Waggle Dance Honey Ale Weihenstephan Dunkel - 5.3% Germany (Bottles) Weihenstephan Hefe - 5.4% Germany (Bottles) Weihenstephan Korbinian - 7.4% Germany (Bottles) Weihenstephan Kristall - 5.4% Germany (Bottles) Weihenstephan Original - 5.1% Germany (Bottles) Weihenstephan Pilsner - 5.1% Germany (Bottles) Weihenstephan Tradition - 5.2% Germany (Bottles) Weihenstephan Vitus - 7.7% Germany Bottles) Wexford Irish Ale - 5% Ireland (Cans) Yanjing Youngs Bitter - 4.5% England (Bottles) Youngs Double Chocolate Stout - 5.2% England (Bottles) Youngs Special London Ale - 6.4% England (Bottles) 8 CARTON PIM PIM PIM PIM PIM PIM EMP EMP EMP FCW EMP EMP EMP EMP EMP EMP EMP EMP EMP PAC PAC EMP PIM PIM PIM PIM PIM PIM EMP EMP EMP EMP EMP EMP EMP PIM EMP PIM PIM FCW EMP FCW PAC PAC SSS EMP EMP SSS SSS SSS PAC PAC PAC EMP EMP EMP PIM EMP EMP EMP EMP EMP EMP PIM EMP EMP EMP FCW EMP PIM PIM PIM BAC ANG PIM PIM DEC EMP EMP EMP EMP EMP PIM EMP DEC PIM PIM PIM PIM PIM PIM PIM PIM PIM PIM PIM PIM PIM PIM EMP FCW PIM PIM PIM 341 341 341 341 341 341 330 750 330 330 500 500 500 500 330 500 330 500 500 330 450 330 330 330 330 330 330 720 330 330 330 330 330 330 330 330 330 375 375 330 330 330 330 330 330 355 330 330 330 330 330 330 330 330 330 330 750 330 355 330 500 500 550 500 500 500 500 330 330 341 341 341 330 330 330 500 330 440 330 330 330 330 330 750 330 750 355 750 750 750 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 473 330 500 500 500 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 12 24 24 12 12 12 12 24 8 24 24 12 24 12 24 24 24 24 24 24 12 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 12 12 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 12 24 24 24 12 12 12 20 12 12 12 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 20 24 24 12 12 12 24 24 6 24 12 24 12 12 12 16 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 24 24 16 16 16 132.50 123.50 123.50 148.50 115.50 106.50 150.90 188.70 63.80 61.81 70.30 70.30 70.30 70.30 120.20 60.00 148.00 85.90 71.50 53.51 39.22 179.20 75.00 136.50 136.50 136.50 106.50 120.00 60.00 60.00 66.00 60.00 162.30 84.00 153.30 84.50 117.60 69.00 65.50 56.30 148.60 63.29 53.19 53.21 51.02 94.10 155.50 53.13 53.13 57.76 49.93 56.83 59.89 68.00 241.60 127.60 97.00 94.00 93.00 110.00 78.60 78.60 78.60 90.50 74.80 74.80 74.80 70.18 93.00 76.50 76.50 76.50 48.56 50.00 75.00 76.50 70.00 74.20 79.50 79.50 79.50 94.00 98.00 80.10 70.00 140.50 127.50 140.50 186.50 140.50 76.10 77.50 77.50 98.50 77.50 77.50 77.50 77.50 98.50 85.90 52.80 74.10 76.10 82.10 ON PREMISE BOTTLE INCL. GST OFF PREMISE INCL. GST W/SALE INCL. EXCISE & Bottle DEP. EXCL. GST 50.54 47.09 47.09 56.67 44.02 40.57 57.59 144.37 24.21 23.45 53.64 53.64 53.64 53.64 45.82 68.74 56.48 32.68 54.56 20.27 29.82 68.43 28.50 52.07 52.07 52.07 40.57 91.73 22.76 22.76 25.06 22.76 61.95 31.95 58.51 32.14 44.83 54.12 49.96 21.34 56.71 24.02 20.15 20.15 19.32 35.82 59.35 20.12 20.12 21.90 18.90 21.54 22.71 25.82 92.34 48.66 74.10 35.78 35.40 41.91 60.00 60.00 60.00 41.38 57.09 57.09 57.09 26.66 35.40 29.08 29.08 29.08 18.37 18.92 28.50 34.94 26.59 28.20 60.69 60.69 60.69 35.78 37.32 122.53 26.59 107.44 48.62 107.44 142.69 107.44 43.51 35.40 35.40 45.06 35.40 35.40 35.40 35.40 45.06 32.68 20.00 42.36 43.51 46.95 BOTTLE/CAN 10.07 9.39 9.39 11.30 8.77 8.08 11.48 28.82 4.82 4.66 10.69 10.69 10.69 10.69 9.13 13.71 11.26 6.51 10.88 4.03 5.94 13.65 5.67 10.38 10.38 10.38 8.08 18.30 4.53 4.53 4.98 4.53 12.35 6.36 11.67 6.40 8.93 12.08 9.96 4.24 11.31 4.78 4.00 4.01 3.84 7.14 11.83 4.00 4.00 4.35 3.75 4.28 4.52 5.14 18.42 9.70 14.78 7.13 7.05 8.35 11.96 11.96 11.96 8.24 11.38 11.38 11.38 5.30 7.05 5.79 5.79 5.79 3.65 3.76 5.67 6.96 5.29 5.61 12.10 12.10 12.10 7.13 7.43 24.45 5.29 21.44 9.69 21.44 28.48 21.44 8.67 7.05 7.05 8.98 7.05 7.05 7.05 7.05 8.98 6.51 3.97 8.44 8.67 9.36 LOW MARGIN 20.94 19.50 19.50 23.49 18.22 16.78 23.88 60.09 9.95 9.63 22.23 22.23 22.23 22.23 18.97 28.53 23.41 13.49 22.61 8.31 12.29 28.40 11.74 21.58 21.58 21.58 16.78 38.12 9.35 9.35 10.30 9.35 25.70 13.18 24.26 13.26 18.55 26.69 20.70 8.75 23.51 9.87 8.26 8.26 7.91 14.80 24.61 8.25 8.25 8.99 7.74 8.84 9.33 10.62 38.38 20.15 30.77 14.78 14.62 17.34 24.88 24.88 24.88 17.12 23.67 23.67 23.67 10.97 14.62 11.98 11.98 11.98 7.52 7.75 11.74 14.43 10.94 11.62 25.17 25.17 25.17 14.78 15.42 50.97 10.94 44.68 20.14 44.68 59.38 44.68 18.00 14.62 14.62 18.65 14.62 14.62 14.62 14.62 18.65 13.49 8.19 17.52 18.00 19.44 HIGH MARGIN 24.15 22.49 22.49 27.10 21.01 19.35 27.54 69.34 11.47 11.11 25.64 25.64 25.64 25.64 21.88 32.91 27.01 15.55 26.09 9.57 14.17 32.77 13.54 24.89 24.89 24.89 19.35 43.98 10.77 10.77 11.88 10.77 29.65 15.20 27.99 15.29 21.40 31.91 23.87 10.09 27.12 11.38 9.51 9.52 9.11 17.06 28.39 9.50 9.50 10.36 8.91 10.19 10.75 12.25 44.28 23.24I 35.50I 17.04 16.86 20.00 28.71 28.71 28.71 19.74 27.30 27.30 27.30 12.65 16.86 13.82 13.82 13.82 8.66 8.93 13.54 16.64 12.62 13.39 29.04 29.04 29.04 17.04 17.78 58.82 12.62 51.55 23.23 51.55 68.52 51.55 20.76 16.86 16.86 21.51 16.86 16.86 16.86 16.86 21.51 15.55 9.44 20.21 20.76 22.42 SEE PAGE 50 FOR MERCHANT CODE INDEX BITTERS Amaro Averna Amaro Del Capo Amaro Lucano Amaro Montenegro Amaro Ramazotti Braulio Amaro Alpino Cynar Artichoke Fernet Branca Fernet Menta Giori Fernet Radis Amaro d’Erbe Rosso Antico Toro Centerba Forte MERCH. CODE ON PREMISE INCL. GST W/SALE OFF INCL. 15ml 30ml EXCISE premise SIZE - NO. PER DUTY INCL. GST LOW HIGH LOW HIGH ML CTN. EXCL. GST MARGIN MARGIN MARGIN MARGIN FCW FCW FCW FCW FCW FCW FCW FCW FCW FCW FCW FCW FCW 700 700 700 700 700 700 750 700 700 700 750 750 500 6 6 6 6 6 6 12 6 6 6 6 6 12 192.17 236.74 208.28 203.80 238.78 206.92 274.42 271.97 293.76 213.34 220.22 75.15 727.67 44.48 6.03 7.13 54.80 7.43 8.78 48.21 6.54 7.72 47.18 6.40 7.56 55.27 7.50 8.85 47.90 6.50 7.67 31.76 4.02 4.75 62.96 8.54 10.08 68.00 9.23 10.89 49.38 6.70 7.91 50.98 6.45 7.62 17.40 2.20 2.60 95.91 16.00 18.89 3.02 3.72 3.27 3.20 3.75 3.25 2.01 4.27 4.61 3.35 3.23 1.10 8.00 3.56 4.39 3.86 3.78 4.43 3.84 2.37 5.04 5.45 3.96 3.81 1.30 9.44 BGWS 750 6 365.93 84.71 10.73 12.66 5.36 6.33 BGWS 750 6 297.57 68.88 8.72 10.30 4.36 5.15 BGWS 750 6 422.31 97.76 12.38 14.62 6.19 7.31 CUB CUB CUB CUB CUB 700 1000 1125 1125 20000 12 6 6 12 1 332.00 38.43 227.00 52.55 253.00 58.56 506.00 58.56 743.001031.94 5.21 6.16 2.61 3.08 CUB 700 6 203.00 46.99 6.37 7.53 3.19 3.76 BGWS 700 BGWS 1000 BGWS 700 BGWS 700 BGWS 700 BGWS 200 BGWS 375 BGWS 700 BGWS 1125 BGWS 1750 BGWS 2000 BGWS 4500 BGWS 20000 12 6 12 12 6 48 24 12 12 6 6 2 1 413.92 341.34 349.68 349.26 229.72 408.43 359.40 349.04 529.24 402.51 453.01 423.91 692.04 47.91 79.01 40.47 40.42 53.18 15.63 27.50 40.40 61.25 93.17 104.86 294.38 961.17 6.50 5.49 5.48 7.21 5.27 5.48 7.67 6.48 6.48 8.52 6.22 6.47 3.25 2.75 2.74 3.61 2.63 2.74 3.84 BGWS 700 6 236.72 54.80 7.43 8.78 3.72 4.39 BAC BAC 700 1000 6 6 180.84 41.86 258.30 59.79 5.68 6.71 2.84 3.35 BGWS 700 12 274.70 31.79 4.31 5.09 2.16 2.55 DGO DGO DGO 700 1125 20000 12 12 1 316.62 36.65 459.51 53.18 660.66 917.58 4.97 5.87 2.49 2.94 DGO DGO DGO 700 1125 20000 12 12 1 374.59 43.36 541.21 62.64 705.98 980.53 5.88 6.94 2.94 3.47 CUB FWP CWA CWA CWA CWA MCW MCW 700 700 700 1125 700 700 700 700 12 6 12 6 12 4 6 12 283.00 150.00 282.99 228.54 71.06 266.34 352.50 291.50 MCW ANG ANG ANG ANG ANG ANG ANG 750 150 375 700 1125 700 700 700 6 30 12 12 6 6 3 3 Chatelle CUB VSOP Napoleon CUB VSOP Napoleon Dorville (France) PRA VSOP (Gift Box) XO PRA Gonzales Byass Lepanto (Spain) EMP Gran Reserva Oloroso Sherry Viejo EMP Pedro Ximinez EMP 700 15000 700 700 700 700 700 12 1 12 12 3 3 3 BOURBON Bakers Bourbon Basil Hayden Bourbon Booker Bourbon Cougar Bourbon Bourbon Bourbon Bourbon (on-premise dispenser) Bourbon Cougar XS Bourbon Jim Beam Black Label Bourbon Bonded Bourbon Choice Bourbon Rye Bourbon Small Batch White Label Bourbon White Label Bourbon White Label Bourbon 4White Label Bourbon White Label Bourbon White Label Bourbon White Label Bourbon White Label Bourbon Makers Mark Bourbon Whiskey McKenna Bourbon 40% Bourbon 40% Old Crow Bourbon Real McCoy Bourbon Bourbon Bourbon Slate Slate Bourbon Slate Bourbon Slate Bourbon BRANDY - AUSTRALIAN Barossa Barossa Chateau Tanunda Brandy Hardy’s Black Bottle Brandy Black Bottle Brandy Black Bottle Brandy UB Hardy XO McWilliam’s Chairman’s Reserve Brandy Max Brandy Show Reserve Deluxe Liqueur Brandy (in Decanter) St Agnes 3 Star Brandy 3 Star Brandy 3 Star Brandy 3 Star Brandy 5 Star VSOP Brandy Show Brandy 30 yo XO Brandy BRANDY - INTERNATIONAL 32.75 4.44 5.25 34.72 4.71 5.56 32.75 4.44 5.25 52.90 8.22 1.12 1.32 92.48 12.55 14.81 81.60 11.07 13.07 33.74 4.58 5.40 3.24 3.24 4.26 3.11 3.2 2.22 2.36 2.22 0.56 6.27 5.53 2.29 2.62 2.78 2.62 0.66 7.41 6.54 2.70 461.00 193.00 167.00 284.00 226.00 157.00 386.00 196.00 106.71 13.51 15.95 6.76 11.82 25.56 4.89 5.78 2.45 32.87 4.46 5.27 2.23 52.31 36.34 4.93 5.82 2.47 178.70 24.24 28.63 12.12 90.74 12.31 14.54 6.16 7.98 2.89 2.63 2.91 14.31 7.27 328.00 550.00 311.68 459.47 220.00 222.50 222.50 37.96 763.89 36.07 53.18 101.85 103.01 103.01 LICENSEES’ LIQUOR GUIDE MARCH 2011 5.15 6.08 2.58 3.04 7.21 13.82 13.97 13.97 8.52 16.31 16.50 16.50 3.61 6.91 6.99 6.99 4.26 8.16 8.25 8.25 BRANDY - INTERNATIONAL MERCH. CODE ON PREMISE INCL. GST W/SALE OFF INCL. 15ml 30ml EXCISE premise SIZE - NO. PER DUTY INCL. GST LOW HIGH LOW HIGH ML CTN. EXCL. GST MARGIN MARGIN MARGIN MARGIN Metaxa (Greece) Brandy 5 Star SUN 700 6 157.30 36.41 4.94 5.83 2.47 2.92 Brandy 7 Star SUN 700 6 197.40 45.69 6.20 7.32 3.10 3.66 Private Reserve SUN 700 6 603.50 139.70 18.95 22.38 9.48 11.19 St. George FCW 750 12 335.50 38.83 4.92 St. George Brandy 5.81 2.46 2.90 St Remy St Remy VSOP Brandy SUN 350 24 311.69 23.85 4.89 5.78 2.45 2.89 St Remy VSOP Brandy SUN 700 12 291.55 33.74 4.58 5.41 2.29 2.70 SUN 1125 6 236.76 54.81 St Remy VSOP Brandy Vecchia Vecchia Romagna Black Label FCW 700 6 250.31 57.94 7.86 9.28 3.93 4.64 COGNAC Camus Cognac Camus Borderies X.O. Camus Extra Elegance Camus VS Elegance Camus VSOP Elegance Camus XO Elegance Comte Joseph Comte Joseph VS Cognac Comte Joseph VSOP Cognac Courcel Courcel Cognac Courvoisier Cognac Courvoisier Cognac VS Courvoisier Cognac VSOP Courvoisier Cognac XO Delamain Tres Venerable Vesper XO Pale & Dry Hennessy Hennessy Paradis Hennessy Richard Hennessy VS Hennessy VSOP Hennessy XO Martell Martell Cordon Bleu Martell VS Martell VSOP Martell VSOP Martell XO Martell XO Maxime Maxime Trijol VS (Gift Pack) Maxime Trijol VSOP Maxime Trijol XO Remy Martin Remy Martin Louis XIII (Coffret) Remy Martin VS SPE Remy Martin VSOP Remy Martin XO GIN - AUSTRALIAN ASM Liquor Jinn Dry Gin Prince Albert Gin Gin Gin FCW FCW FCW FCW FCW FCW FCW FCW BGWS BGWS BGWS FWP FWP FWP MHA MHA MHA MHA MHA PRA PRA PRA PRA PRA PRA FCW FCW FCW SUN SUN SUN SUN 700 700 700 700 700 750 750 750 700 700 700 700 700 700 700 700 700 700 700 700 700 700 1000 700 1000 750 750 750 700 700 700 700 12 6 12 12 12 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 2 6 6 6 12 12 12 12 12 6 6 6 6 1 6 6 6 2329.03 269.56 36.57 43.18 18.28 21.59 2211.09 511.83 69.44 81.99 34.72 40.99 612.37 70.88 9.62 11.35 4.81 5.68 815.31 94.36 12.80 15.12 6.40 7.56 2498.92 289.23 39.24 46.33 19.62 23.16 212.79 49.26 6.24 7.36 3.12 3.68 242.72 56.19 7.11 8.40 3.56 4.20 185.50 42.94 5.44 6.42 2.72 3.21 350.71 81.18 11.01 13.00 5.51 6.50 431.31 99.84 13.54 15.99 6.77 8.00 1139.31 263.73 35.78 42.25 17.89 21.12 1750.00 405.09 54.96 64.89 27.48 32.44 830.00 192.13 26.06 30.78 13.03 15.39 660.00 152.78 20.73 24.47 10.36 12.24 2655.00 614.58 83.38 98.45 41.69 49.22 4508.003130.56424.70 501.46 212.35 250.73 288.00 66.67 9.04 10.68 4.52 5.34 372.00 86.11 11.68 13.79 5.84 6.90 854.00 197.69 26.82 31.67 13.41 15.83 1862.17 215.53 29.24 34.52 14.62 17.26 665.88 77.07 10.46 12.35 5.23 6.17 807.86 93.50 12.68 14.98 6.34 7.49 1076.61 124.61 2057.21 238.10 32.30 38.14 16.15 19.07 1431.96 331.47 295.80 68.47 483.11 111.83 14.16 16.72 7.08 8.36 671.61 155.47 19.68 23.24 9.84 11.62 1962.502725.69 271.94 62.95 8.54 10.08 4.27 5.04 352.75 81.66 11.08 13.08 5.54 6.54 917.33 212.34 28.81 34.01 14.40 17.01 OPT CUB CUB CUB 700 700 1125 20000 12 12 12 1 327.96 291.00 444.00 651.00 PRA PRA PRA FCW FCW DEC BAC DGO DGO DGO BGWS PRA PRA PRA PRA PRA PRA PRA PRA BAC DGO DGO DEC 700 1000 700 750 1125 750 700 375 700 1000 700 1000 700 700 700 1000 700 1000 2000 700 700 750 700 12 12 6 12 12 6 6 24 12 6 6 6 6 4 12 12 12 12 6 6 6 12 6 353.61 495.40 365.30 319.83 506.98 402.00 244.62 392.99 355.59 244.00 171.83 263.56 192.02 146.23 299.90 407.53 301.00 409.10 412.71 262.74 209.86 775.88 270.00 37.96 5.15 33.68 4.57 51.39 904.17 6.08 5.40 2.57 2.28 3.04 2.70 6.56 13.55 5.53 13.91 9.07 6.80 6.59 6.37 7.12 8.13 5.56 5.58 9.74 7.78 13.43 10.01 2.78 5.74 2.34 5.89 3.84 2.88 2.79 2.70 3.02 3.44 2.35 2.36 4.13 3.30 5.69 4.24 3.28 6.77 2.77 6.96 4.54 3.40 3.30 3.19 3.56 4.07 2.78 2.79 4.87 3.89 6.71 5.01 GIN - INTERNATIONAL Beefeater Beefeater Beefeater Beefeater 24 Big Ben Gin Gin Blue Gin Vintage 2006 Bombay Sapphire Gin Gordons Dry Gin Gin Gin Larios Gin Gin Plymouth Plymouth Gin Plymouth Gin 41% Plymouth Sloe Gin Seagram’s Seagram’s Lime Twist Gin Seagram’s Lime Twist Gin Seagram’s London Dry Gin Seagram’s London Dry Gin Seagram’s London Dry Gin South Gin Gin Tanqueray Gin No.Ten by Tanqueray Gin Xoriguer Gin 40.93 57.34 84.56 37.02 58.68 93.06 56.63 30.08 41.16 56.48 39.78 61.01 44.45 50.77 34.71 47.17 34.84 47.35 95.53 60.82 48.58 89.80 62.50 5.55 11.47 4.69 11.78 7.68 5.76 5.58 5.40 6.03 6.89 4.71 4.73 8.25 6.59 11.37 8.48 GIN - INTERNATIONAL 9 GRAPPA MERCH. CODE Arcobaleno FCW Caravella FCW Fruit Apple FCW Fruit Mirtillo FCW FCW Fruit Peach Fruit Strawberry FCW Giori Antico Chardonnay FCW Giori Antico Muller FCW FCW Giori Antico Still Uvae FCW Giori Antico Stravecchia Giori Grappa Alla Ruta FCW FCW Giori Grappa Ampolline Giori Grappa Radicchio FCW FCW Giori Invecchiata Brandy FCW Giori Invecchiata Grappa Giori Invecchiata Moscato FCW Grappa "La Novella" FCW Grappa "La Novella" (Cased) FCW FCW Grappa Amadeus Grappa Blue Frost Tall FCW Grappa Chardonnay FCW Grappa Moscato FCW Grappa Mozart FCW Grappa Prestigio Cherry FCW Grappa Prestigio Grapes FCW Grappa Prestigio Peach FCW Grappa Prestigio Pear FCW Grappa Schnapps Apricot FCW Grappa Schnapps Melon FCW Grappa Schnapps Mirtillo FCW Grappa Schnapps Peach FCW Grappa Schnapps Strawberry FCW Grappa Schnapps Walnut FCW Grappa Sigillo Chard Tall FCW FCW Grappa Sigillo Marsemino Tall Grappa Sigillo Moscato Tall FCW Grappa Stravecchia Tall FCW Grappa Trentina Alambicco FCW Grappe in Fiore - Apple FCW FCW Grappe in Fiore - Fig Grappe in Fiore - Mirtillo FCW Grappe in Fiore - Peach FCW Grappe in Fiore - Strawberry FCW La Gentile FCW FCW La Preziosa Nardini Aquavite di Vinaccia FCW Ori Cuvee Grappa Trentino FCW Ori Grappa Diamante Moscato FCW Ori Grappa Presige Amarone FCW FCW Ori Signora Cuvee Grappa Rigatina FCW Trentina FCW Venere FCW LIQUEURS - AUSTRALIAN Amarula Amarula Cream BAC Ambra Liqueurs (South Australia) Ambra Agrumello Ambra Agrumello DTA DTA Ambra Agrumello Ambra Chocolatino Ambra Chocolatino DTA Ambra Chocolatino DTA Ambra Cream of Limoncello DTA Ambra Cream of Limoncello Ambra Cream of Limoncello DTA Ambra Fragolino Ambra Fragolino DTA Ambra Fragolino DTA Ambra Gift Packs Ambra Agrumello Gift Pack - Tulipano with Two Frosted Glasses DTA Ambra Chocolatino Gift Pack - Tulipano with Two Frosted Glasses DTA Ambra Cream of Limoncello Gift Pack - Tulipano with Two Frosted Glasses DTA Ambra Fragolino Gift Pack - Tulipano with Two Frosted Glasses DTA Ambra Limoncello Gift Pack - Tulipano with Two Frosted Glasses DTA Ambra Limoncello Ambra Limoncello Gaia DTA Ambra Limoncello Tania DTA Ambra Limoncello Tulipano DTA Advokaat Liqueur FCW Advokaat Liqueur FCW Anice FCW Anice FCW Annisette Liqueur FCW Annisette Liqueur FCW Apricot Brandy FCW Apricot Brandy FCW Blue Curacao FCW FCW Blue Curacao Cherry Advokaat FCW FCW Cherry Advokaat Cherry Brandy FCW Cherry Brandy FCW 10 GRAPPA ON PREMISE INCL. GST W/SALE OFF INCL. 15ml 30ml EXCISE premise SIZE - NO. PER DUTY INCL. GST LOW HIGH LOW HIGH ML CTN. EXCL. GST MARGIN MARGIN MARGIN MARGIN 200 500 500 500 500 500 350 350 350 350 100 100 700 700 700 700 700 1500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 700 500 500 500 500 500 700 700 700 750 750 750 1500 100 200 500 700 200 500 200 500 200 500 200 500 6 4 6 6 6 6 4 4 4 4 6 8 6 6 6 6 6 1 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 12 6 6 6 6 4 4 4 107.41 235.13 159.12 159.12 159.12 159.12 90.70 90.70 90.70 90.70 182.31 86.90 214.93 534.70 626.44 449.33 253.49 63.96 240.21 152.02 217.50 226.99 237.33 345.35 345.35 345.35 345.35 101.78 101.78 101.78 101.78 101.78 101.78 204.29 177.60 208.51 217.08 198.59 159.12 159.12 159.12 159.12 159.12 235.13 235.13 808.08 236.72 259.67 261.75 478.52 122.03 151.69 241.17 32.88 92.97 41.94 41.94 41.94 41.94 41.65 41.65 41.65 41.65 55.81 19.95 49.75 123.77 145.01 104.01 58.68 88.83 63.32 40.07 57.33 59.83 62.56 91.03 91.03 91.03 91.03 26.83 26.83 26.83 26.83 26.83 26.83 53.85 46.82 54.96 57.22 45.97 41.94 41.94 41.94 41.94 41.94 54.43 54.43 93.53 54.80 60.11 60.59 110.77 56.03 69.65 95.36 6 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 145.74 185.04 344.04 185.04 344.04 185.04 344.04 185.04 344.04 33.74 28.32 45.34 28.32 45.34 28.32 45.34 28.32 45.34 200 12 264.00 40.41 200 12 264.00 40.41 200 12 264.00 40.41 200 12 264.00 40.41 200 720 200 500 500 750 500 750 500 750 500 750 500 750 500 750 500 750 12 12 12 12 6 12 6 12 6 12 6 12 6 12 6 12 6 12 264.00 408.00 185.04 344.04 106.98 313.96 183.05 366.10 106.98 313.96 106.98 313.96 106.98 313.96 106.98 313.96 106.98 313.96 40.41 47.22 28.32 45.34 28.20 36.34 48.25 42.37 28.20 36.34 28.20 36.34 28.20 36.34 28.20 36.34 28.20 36.34 15.51 7.00 7.00 7.00 7.00 8.54 8.54 8.54 8.54 6.75 16.79 19.67 14.11 7.96 10.56 6.68 9.56 9.98 10.43 15.18 15.18 15.18 15.18 4.47 4.47 4.47 4.47 4.47 4.47 8.98 7.81 9.17 9.54 6.24 7.00 7.00 7.00 7.00 7.00 7.38 7.38 12.69 6.94 7.61 7.67 15.90 4.58 7.56 7.56 7.56 7.56 6.23 7.56 4.70 4.60 8.05 5.37 4.70 4.60 4.70 4.60 4.70 4.60 4.70 4.60 4.70 4.60 18.31 8.26 8.26 8.26 8.26 10.09 10.09 10.09 10.09 7.97 19.83 23.23 16.66 9.40 12.47 7.89 11.29 11.78 12.32 17.93 17.93 17.93 17.93 5.28 5.28 5.28 5.28 5.28 5.28 10.60 9.22 10.82 11.27 7.36 8.26 8.26 8.26 8.26 8.26 8.72 8.72 14.98 8.19 8.99 9.06 18.78 7.75 3.50 3.50 3.50 3.50 4.27 4.27 4.27 4.27 3.37 8.40 9.84 7.06 3.98 5.28 3.34 4.78 4.99 5.22 7.59 7.59 7.59 7.59 2.24 2.24 2.24 2.24 2.24 2.24 4.49 3.90 4.58 4.77 3.12 3.50 3.50 3.50 3.50 3.50 3.69 3.69 6.34 3.47 3.81 3.84 7.95 9.15 4.13 4.13 4.13 4.13 5.04 5.04 5.04 5.04 3.98 9.91 11.61 8.33 4.70 6.23 3.95 5.65 5.89 6.16 8.96 8.96 8.96 8.96 2.64 2.64 2.64 2.64 2.64 2.64 5.30 4.61 5.41 5.63 3.68 4.13 4.13 4.13 4.13 4.13 4.36 4.36 7.49 4.10 4.49 4.53 9.39 5.40 8.93 8.93 8.93 8.93 2.29 3.78 3.78 3.78 3.78 2.70 4.46 4.46 4.46 4.46 7.35 8.93 5.55 5.43 9.50 6.33 5.55 5.43 5.55 5.43 5.55 5.43 5.55 5.43 5.55 5.43 3.11 3.78 2.35 2.30 4.02 2.68 2.35 2.30 2.35 2.30 2.35 2.30 2.35 2.30 2.35 2.30 3.68 4.46 2.78 2.72 4.75 3.17 2.78 2.72 2.78 2.72 2.78 2.72 2.78 2.72 2.78 2.72 LIQUEURS - AUSTRALIAN Chocolate Peppermint Chocolate Peppermint Coffee Brazil Coffee Brazil Creme De Banana Creme De Banana Creme De Cacao Creme De Cacao Creme De Cacao White Creme De Cacao White Creme De Cassis Creme De Cassis Creme De Menthe Creme De Menthe Creme De Menthe White Creme De Menthe White Goccia D’oro Gold Wasser Gold Wasser Grenadine Kirsch Kirsch Kirsch Liqueur Kummel Mandarin Maraschino Maraschino Melon Liqueur Melon Liqueur Orange Curacao Orange Curacao Parfait Amour Parfait Amour Peach Brandy Peach Brandy Strawberry Liqueur Strawberry Liqueur White Curacao White Curacao Continental Advocaat Banana Blue Curacao Butterscotch Cassis Cherry Advocaat Cherry Brandy Crème de Cacao Crème de Cacao White Crème de Cafe Crème de Menthe Melon Orange Curacao Peach Strawberry Triple Sec Hellyers Road, Tasmania Hellyers Road Coffee Whisky Cream Hellyers Road Hazelnut Whisky Cream Hellyers Road Original Whisky Cream LIQUEURS - INTERNATIONAL Agwa Agwa Baileys Irish Cream Irish Cream Irish Cream Irish Cream Irish Cream Coffee Flavoured Bols Apricot Brandy Blackberry Liqueur Crème de Cacao White Crème de Cassis Liq NM Dry Orange Curacao Geneva Lychee Liqueur Maraschino Peach Liqueur Pomegranate Raspberry Liqueur Strawberry Liqueur Triple Sec Curacao Chartreuse Chartreuse Green 55% Chartreuse Yellow 40 % Cointreau Cointreau Liqueur Cointreau Liqueur Cointreau Liqueur De Kuyper De Kuyper Blueberry De Kuyper Crème De Cacao De Kuyper Curacao De Kuyper Sour Grapefruit De Kuyper Sour Rhubarb De Kuyper Triple Sec Dom Benedictine Dom Benedictine ON PREMISE INCL. GST W/SALE OFF INCL. 15ml 30ml EXCISE premise SIZE - NO. PER DUTY INCL. GST LOW HIGH LOW HIGH ML CTN. EXCL. GST MARGIN MARGIN MARGIN MARGIN MERCH. CODE FCW FCW FCW FCW FCW FCW FCW FCW FCW FCW FCW FCW FCW FCW FCW FCW FCW FCW FCW FCW FCW FCW FCW FCW FCW FCW FCW FCW FCW FCW FCW FCW FCW FCW FCW FCW FCW FCW FCW CUB CUB CUB CUB CUB CUB CUB CUB CUB CUB CUB CUB CUB CUB CUB CUB FFW FFW FFW 500 750 500 750 500 750 500 750 500 750 500 750 500 750 500 750 750 500 750 700 150 750 500 500 750 500 750 500 750 500 750 500 750 500 750 500 750 500 750 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 700 700 700 6 12 6 12 6 12 6 12 6 12 6 12 6 12 6 12 12 6 12 12 60 12 6 6 12 6 12 6 12 6 12 6 12 6 12 6 12 6 12 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 9 9 9 106.98 313.96 106.98 313.96 106.98 313.96 106.98 313.96 106.98 313.96 106.98 313.96 106.98 313.96 106.98 313.96 297.31 106.98 313.96 67.20 534.89 462.30 151.71 106.98 313.96 106.98 313.96 106.98 313.96 106.98 313.96 106.98 313.96 106.98 313.96 106.98 313.96 106.98 313.96 92.00 92.00 92.00 92.00 92.00 92.00 92.00 92.00 92.00 92.00 92.00 92.00 92.00 92.00 92.00 92.00 216.00 216.00 216.00 28.20 36.34 28.20 36.34 28.20 36.34 28.20 36.34 28.20 36.34 28.20 36.34 28.20 36.34 28.20 36.34 34.41 28.20 36.34 7.78 16.37 53.51 39.99 28.20 36.34 28.20 36.34 28.20 36.34 28.20 36.34 28.20 36.34 28.20 36.34 28.20 36.34 28.20 36.34 24.25 24.25 24.25 24.25 24.25 24.25 24.25 24.25 24.25 24.25 24.25 24.25 24.25 24.25 24.25 24.25 33.33 33.33 33.33 4.70 4.60 4.70 4.60 4.70 4.60 4.70 4.60 4.70 4.60 4.70 4.60 4.70 4.60 4.70 4.60 4.36 4.70 4.60 1.06 6.77 6.67 4.70 4.60 4.70 4.60 4.70 4.60 4.70 4.60 4.70 4.60 4.70 4.60 4.70 4.60 4.70 4.60 4.04 4.04 4.04 4.04 4.04 4.04 4.04 4.04 4.04 4.04 4.04 4.04 4.04 4.04 4.04 4.04 4.52 4.52 4.52 5.55 5.43 5.55 5.43 5.55 5.43 5.55 5.43 5.55 5.43 5.55 5.43 5.55 5.43 5.55 5.43 5.14 5.55 5.43 1.25 8.00 7.88 5.55 5.43 5.55 5.43 5.55 5.43 5.55 5.43 5.55 5.43 5.55 5.43 5.55 5.43 5.55 5.43 4.78 4.78 4.78 4.78 4.78 4.78 4.78 4.78 4.78 4.78 4.78 4.78 4.78 4.78 4.78 4.78 5.34 5.34 5.34 2.35 2.30 2.35 2.30 2.35 2.30 2.35 2.30 2.35 2.30 2.35 2.30 2.35 2.30 2.35 2.30 2.18 2.35 2.30 0.53 3.39 3.33 2.35 2.30 2.35 2.30 2.35 2.30 2.35 2.30 2.35 2.30 2.35 2.30 2.35 2.30 2.35 2.30 2.02 2.02 2.02 2.02 2.02 2.02 2.02 2.02 2.02 2.02 2.02 2.02 2.02 2.02 2.02 2.02 2.26 2.26 2.26 2.78 2.72 2.78 2.72 2.78 2.72 2.78 2.72 2.78 2.72 2.78 2.72 2.78 2.72 2.78 2.72 2.57 2.78 2.72 0.62 4.00 3.94 2.78 2.72 2.78 2.72 2.78 2.72 2.78 2.72 2.78 2.72 2.78 2.72 2.78 2.72 2.78 2.72 2.39 2.39 2.39 2.39 2.39 2.39 2.39 2.39 2.39 2.39 2.39 2.39 2.39 2.39 2.39 2.39 2.67 2.67 2.67 FCW DGO DGO DGO DGO DGO BGWS BGWS BGWS BGWS BGWS BGWS BGWS BGWS BGWS BGWS BGWS BGWS BGWS SUN SUN SUN SUN SUN BAC BAC BAC BAC BAC BAC BAC 700 200 375 700 1000 700 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 700 700 350 700 1000 700 700 700 700 700 700 700 6 24 12 12 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 12 12 12 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 12 317.26 113.80 188.11 276.00 194.30 136.00 107.71 107.71 107.71 107.52 107.71 219.08 107.52 107.71 107.52 107.52 107.52 107.52 140.59 654.21 544.29 245.23 228.04 321.27 164.46 164.46 164.46 164.46 164.46 220.08 563.64 73.44 9.96 11.76 8.71 28.79 5.51 6.51 31.94 4.33 5.12 44.98 31.48 4.27 5.04 28.39 4.74 5.59 28.39 4.74 5.59 28.39 4.74 5.59 28.34 4.73 5.58 28.39 4.74 5.59 57.75 9.63 11.37 28.34 4.73 5.58 28.39 4.74 5.59 28.34 4.73 5.58 28.34 4.73 5.58 28.34 4.73 5.58 28.34 4.73 5.58 37.06 6.18 7.30 75.72 10.27 12.13 63.00 8.55 10.09 37.53 52.79 7.16 8.46 74.37 38.07 5.16 6.10 38.07 5.16 6.10 38.07 5.16 6.10 38.07 5.16 6.10 38.07 5.16 6.10 50.94 6.91 8.16 65.24 8.85 10.45 4.98 2.76 2.17 2.14 2.37 2.37 2.37 2.36 2.37 4.82 2.36 2.37 2.36 2.36 2.36 2.36 3.09 5.14 4.27 3.58 2.58 2.58 2.58 2.58 2.58 3.46 4.43 5.88 3.26 2.56 2.52 2.80 2.80 2.80 2.79 2.80 5.69 2.79 2.80 2.79 2.79 2.79 2.79 3.65 6.06 5.05 4.23 3.05 3.05 3.05 3.05 3.05 4.08 5.22 SEE PAGE 50 FOR MERCHANT CODE INDEX LIQUEURS - INTERNATIONAL MERCH. CODE Drambuie Drambuie MCW Drambuie MCW Drambuie - Gift Boxed MCW Galliano Amaretto BGWS Black Sambuca BGWS Black Sambuca BGWS Black Sambuca BGWS Galliano L’Autentico BGWS Galliano Liquore BGWS Galliano Liquore BGWS BGWS Galliano Liquore Galliano Ristretto BGWS White Sambuca BGWS White Sambuca BGWS White Sambuca BGWS Grand Marnier Grand Marnier CR BAC Grand Marnier CR BAC Jagermeister Jagermeister SUN Jagermeister SUN Kahlua Kahlua PRA Kahlua PRA Kahlua PRA Kahlua Especial PRA Kahlua French Vanilla PRA Kahlua Mocha PRA Lejay Lejay Double Cassis SUN Licor 43 Licor 43 SUN Malibu Malibu PRA Malibu PRA Malibu PRA PRA Malibu RTS Caribbean Cosmo Malibu RTS Island Punch PRA PRA Malibu RTS Tropical Crush Marie Brizard (France) Apricot Brandy FWP Cinnamon FWP Coconut FWP Crème de Cacao (Brown) FWP Crème de Cacao (White) FWP Crème de Cassis (Blackcurrent) FWP FWP Crème de Framboise (Raspberry) Crème de Mure (Blackberry) FWP Curacao Blue FWP Fraise Des Bois (Strawberry) FWP Mango Passion FWP Manzanita (Green Apple) FWP FWP Parfait Amour Peach Liqueur FWP Poire William (Pear) FWP Triple Sec FWP Vanille de Madagasca FWP Watermelon FWP Midori Midori SUN Midori SUN Midori SUN Miscellaneous FCW Amaretto Di Saronno Anice Forte FCW FCW Bottega Fiori di Latte Café Marakesh Amaretto Liqueur - Holland EMP Café Marakesh Coffee Liqueur - Holland EMP Café Marakesh Vanilla Liqueur - Holland EMP FCW Giori Amaretto Giori Amaretto FCW Giori Prugna FCW FCW Giori Tiramisu FCW Limoncello Limoncello Decanter FCW PRA Lochan Ora Liqueur Negroni Prugna FCW Nocello FCW PRA Soho Lychee Spirit Strega FCW Molinari Sambuca FCW Mozart Mozart Black Chocolate Liqueur SUN Mozart Dry SUN Mozart Gold Chocolate Liqueur SUN Mozart White Chocolate Liqueur SUN Opal Opal Bianca SUN Opal Nera SUN Opal Nera SUN Paraiso SUN Paraiso Lychee Liqueur Passoa Passoa Passion Liqueur SUN ON PREMISE INCL. GST W/SALE OFF INCL. 15ml 30ml EXCISE premise SIZE - NO. PER DUTY INCL. GST LOW HIGH LOW HIGH ML CTN. EXCL. GST MARGIN MARGIN MARGIN MARGIN 350 700 700 500 350 500 700 500 350 500 700 500 350 500 700 350 700 350 700 350 700 1000 750 700 700 700 700 350 700 1000 700 700 700 700 700 700 700 700 700 700 700 700 700 700 700 700 700 700 700 700 700 500 700 1000 700 750 500 500 700 500 500 700 700 700 500 700 700 700 700 700 700 700 500 700 500 500 700 500 700 700 700 12 6 6 12 12 12 6 6 12 12 6 6 12 12 6 12 6 6 6 12 12 12 12 12 6 6 12 12 12 12 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 12 12 12 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 12 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 12 12 12 6 6 258.80 250.80 250.80 274.87 227.17 274.87 214.19 180.87 216.17 290.87 206.03 180.87 227.20 312.68 214.18 289.32 274.32 126.66 205.00 152.23 283.82 395.64 377.12 317.29 158.64 191.39 401.84 160.71 298.29 415.73 102.48 102.48 102.48 176.50 176.50 176.50 176.50 176.50 176.50 176.50 176.50 176.50 176.50 176.50 176.50 176.50 176.50 176.50 222.00 176.50 176.50 247.22 347.00 486.85 212.55 185.19 104.47 129.00 147.00 129.00 139.90 124.85 144.74 132.62 146.02 195.11 564.66 260.90 214.20 130.76 267.57 275.16 141.36 268.02 141.36 141.36 426.46 308.38 426.46 183.65 159.48 LICENSEES’ LIQUOR GUIDE MARCH 2011 39.61 58.06 58.06 36.23 34.77 36.23 49.58 47.68 33.09 38.34 47.69 47.68 34.77 41.21 49.58 44.28 63.50 38.77 47.45 23.30 32.85 45.79 43.65 36.72 36.72 44.30 46.51 24.60 34.52 48.12 23.72 23.72 23.72 40.86 40.86 40.86 40.86 40.86 40.86 40.86 40.86 40.86 40.86 40.86 40.86 40.86 40.86 40.86 51.39 40.86 40.86 32.58 40.16 56.35 49.20 42.87 27.54 34.00 34.03 34.00 36.88 28.90 33.50 30.70 38.49 45.16 65.35 60.39 49.58 30.27 61.94 63.69 37.26 62.04 37.26 37.26 49.36 40.64 49.36 42.51 36.92 7.88 9.30 6.04 7.13 6.04 7.13 6.73 7.94 7.95 9.39 6.39 7.55 6.47 7.64 7.95 9.39 6.87 8.12 6.73 7.94 8.61 10.17 6.44 7.60 4.46 5.26 5.53 6.53 4.98 5.88 4.98 5.88 6.01 7.10 6.31 7.45 4.68 5.53 3.22 3.80 3.22 3.80 3.22 3.80 5.54 6.54 5.54 6.54 5.54 6.54 5.54 6.54 5.54 6.54 5.54 6.54 5.54 6.54 5.54 6.54 5.54 6.54 5.54 6.54 5.54 6.54 5.54 6.54 5.54 6.54 5.54 6.54 5.54 6.54 6.97 8.23 5.54 6.54 5.54 6.54 5.43 6.42 5.45 6.43 6.67 7.88 5.43 6.41 4.59 5.42 5.67 6.70 4.62 5.45 5.67 6.70 6.15 7.26 3.92 4.63 4.55 5.37 4.16 4.92 6.42 7.58 6.13 7.23 8.87 10.47 8.19 9.67 6.73 7.94 4.11 4.85 8.40 9.92 8.64 10.20 6.21 7.34 8.42 9.94 6.21 7.34 6.21 7.34 6.70 7.91 6.78 8.00 6.70 7.91 5.77 6.81 5.01 5.91 3.94 3.02 3.02 3.36 3.98 3.20 3.24 3.98 3.44 3.36 4.31 3.22 2.23 2.76 2.49 2.49 3.01 3.15 2.34 1.61 1.61 1.61 2.77 2.77 2.77 2.77 2.77 2.77 2.77 2.77 2.77 2.77 2.77 2.77 2.77 2.77 2.77 3.49 2.77 2.77 2.72 2.72 3.34 2.71 2.30 2.84 2.31 2.84 3.08 1.96 2.27 2.08 3.21 3.06 4.43 4.10 3.36 2.05 4.20 4.32 3.11 4.21 3.11 3.11 3.35 3.39 3.35 2.88 2.50 4.65 3.57 3.57 3.97 4.69 3.77 3.82 4.69 4.06 3.97 5.09 3.80 2.63 3.26 2.94 2.94 3.55 3.73 2.77 1.90 1.90 1.90 3.27 3.27 3.27 3.27 3.27 3.27 3.27 3.27 3.27 3.27 3.27 3.27 3.27 3.27 3.27 4.12 3.27 3.27 3.21 3.22 3.94 3.20 2.71 3.35 2.73 3.35 3.63 2.31 2.68 2.46 3.79 3.62 5.23 4.84 3.97 2.42 4.96 5.10 3.67 4.97 3.67 3.67 3.95 4.00 3.95 3.40 2.96 LIQUEURS - INTERNATIONAL Pernod Pernod Pernod Absinthe Ricard Ricard Sambuca Bianca Black Velvet Caffe Suntory Banana Liqueur Banana Liqueur Mango Liqueur Mango Liqueur Strawberry Liqueur Strawberry Liqueur The Blue Tia Maria Tia Maria Tia Maria Tia Maria Zen Zen Green Tea Liqueur (# Excl. GST in off premise price) MINERAL & SPRING WATER Perrier Mineral Water Mineral Water Mineral Water - Can Mineral Water - Lemon Mineral Water - Lime Pine Springs (Australia) Lightly Sparkling Still # (Glass bottle) Torquay Spring Water Spring Water Voss (Norway) Voss Still PET # Voss Still 375ml # Voss Sparkling 375ml Voss Still 800ml # Voss Sparkling 800ml (# Inc.WET) MINIATURES MERCH. CODE PRA PRA PRA FCW FCW FCW SUN SUN SUN SUN SUN SUN SUN PRA PRA PRA SUN MERCH. CODE CUB CUB CUB CUB CUB FWP FWP CUB CUB FWP FWP FWP FWP FWP MERCH. CODE Brandy ANG St Agnes 3 Star Brandy Hardy’s Black Bottle Brandy CWA Cognac, (France) Hennessy VSOP MHA Gin Beefeater PRA Bombay Sapphire Gin BAC Gordons Dry Gin DGO Grand Marnier Grand Marnier Cordon Rouge BAC Liqueurs - Miniatures Ambra Agrumello DTA Ambra Chocolatino DTA DTA Ambra Cream of Limoncello Ambra Fragolino DTA Ambra Limoncello DTA Ambra Twin Pack DTA Baileys Irish Cream DGO Cointreau Liqueur SUN Drambuie MCW Jagermeister SUN Kahlua PRA Midori SUN Mozart Gold Chocolate Liqueur SUN SUN Mozart White Chocolate Liqueur Opal Nera SUN PRA Tia Maria Rum Bacardi Carta Blanca BAC Bundaberg Rum UP DGO Tequila Sierra Reposade 38% SUN Sierra Silver 38% SUN Vodka Absolut Vodka PRA Absolut Vodka Mixed Flavour 5 PRA Smirnoff Red Vodka DGO Wyborowa Vodka PRA Whisky Ballantines PRA Chivas Regal 12 YO PRA Jameson Whiskey PRA Johnnie Walker Black Label 12 YO Whisky DGO Johnnie Walker Red Label Whisky DGO ON PREMISE INCL. GST W/SALE OFF INCL. 15ml 30ml EXCISE premise SIZE - NO. PER DUTY INCL. GST LOW HIGH LOW HIGH ML CTN. EXCL. GST MARGIN MARGIN MARGIN MARGIN 700 700 700 750 700 700 500 750 500 750 500 750 750 350 700 1000 750 6 6 6 6 6 6 12 6 12 6 12 6 6 12 6 6 12 182.74 355.29 190.33 196.76 182.19 180.48 247.22 173.50 247.22 173.50 247.22 173.50 173.50 171.58 160.02 223.08 366.64 W/SALE SIZE - NO. PER EXCL. GST ML CTN. 330 750 330 750 750 330 330 350 600 330 375 375 800 800 24 12 24 12 12 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 12 12 31.18 26.09 31.18 26.09 26.09 23.00 23.00 17.18 19.68 37.36 41.87 41.87 37.13 37.13 42.30 5.74 6.78 82.24 11.16 13.17 44.06 5.98 7.06 45.55 5.77 6.81 42.17 5.72 6.76 41.78 5.67 6.69 32.58 5.43 6.42 40.16 5.09 6.00 32.58 5.43 6.42 40.16 5.09 6.00 32.58 5.43 6.42 40.16 5.09 6.00 40.16 5.09 6.00 26.26 37.04 5.03 5.93 51.64 42.44 5.37 6.34 144 192 120 120 120 192 120 36 36 36 36 36 12 80 120 120 96 120 96 36 36 120 120 120 192 12 12 120 24 120 120 192 120 192 192 192 348.00 482.60 585.00 328.89 393.20 508.20 473.70 360.00 360.00 360.00 360.00 360.00 223.20 227.47 492.59 405.10 244.89 261.04 297.79 75.74 75.72 400.55 293.94 142.32 462.29 57.75 52.46 312.90 360.65 300.48 274.73 462.29 490.63 483.52 697.30 553.87 3.39 6.59 3.53 3.40 3.38 3.35 3.21 3.00 3.21 3.00 3.21 3.00 3.00 2.97 3.17 OFF premise BOTTLE INCL. GST 2.26 3.77 2.26 3.77 3.77 1.66 1.51 1.13 1.29 2.46 2.75 3.03 4.88 5.37 OFF W/SALE INCL. premise EXCISE BOTTLE SIZE - NO. PER DUTY INCL. ML CTN. EXCL. GST GST 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 100 100 100 100 100 100 50 50 50 40 50 50 20 20 50 50 50 50 40 40 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 2.87 5.58 2.99 2.88 2.86 2.83 2.72 2.54 2.72 2.54 2.72 2.54 2.54 2.51 2.69 4.44 4.62 8.95 5.03 6.02 4.86 7.25 18.37 18.37 18.37 18.37 18.37 34.16 5.22 7.54 6.20 4.69 4.00 5.70 3.86 3.86 6.13 4.50 2.18 4.42 8.84 8.03 4.79 27.60 4.60 4.20 4.42 7.51 4.63 6.67 5.30 MINIATURES 11 OUZO Akropolis Oyzo Oyzo Oyzo Metaxa Ouzo Ouzo Victory Ouzo Ouzo (** Excl. Bottle Deposit) (# Incl. WET) READY TO DRINK MERCH. CODE CUB CUB CUB SUN FCW FCW MERCH. CODE ON PREMISE INCL. GST W/SALE OFF INCL. 15ml 30ml EXCISE premise SIZE - NO. PER DUTY INCL. GST LOW HIGH LOW HIGH ML CTN. EXCL. GST MARGIN MARGIN MARGIN MARGIN 700 700 1125 700 750 1125 SIZE ML 6 12 12 12 12 12 W/SALE INCL. EXCISE NO. PER DUTY CTN. EXCL. GST Bacardi Bacardi & Cola (Cans) (6 Pack) BAC 375 24 Bacardi Breezer Lemon (4 Pack) BAC 275 24 Lime (4 Pack) BAC 275 24 BAC 275 24 Orange (4 Pack) Pineapple (4 Pack) BAC 275 24 BAC 275 24 Pink Grapefruit (4 Pack) Raspberry (4 Pack) BAC 275 24 Watermelon (4 Pack) BAC 275 24 Black Douglas Scotch Whisky & Cola (Cans) (4 x 6 Pack) CUB 375 24 Scotch Whisky & Dry (Cans) (3 x 10 Pack) CUB 375 30 Scotch Whisky & Dry (Cans) (4 x 6 Pack) CUB 375 24 Scotch Whisky & Zero (Cans) (4 x 6 Pack) CUB 375 24 Black Jack American Whiskey & Cola (Cans) (4 x 6 Pack) CUB 440 24 Bundaberg Bare NS & Cola (Cans) (6 Pack) 4.8% DGO 375 24 Dark & Stormy (Bottles) (6 Pack) DGO 345 24 DGO 375 Dark & Stormy (Cans) (6 Pack) 24 Dry & Lime (Bottles) (6 Pack) DGO 345 24 DGO 375 Dry & Lime (Cans) (6 Pack) 24 Mid & Cola (Bottles) (6 Pack) DGO 345 24 Mid & Cola (Cans) (6 Pack) DGO 375 24 Rum & Cola (Bottles) (24 Pack) 4.8% DGO 250 24 Rum & Cola (Bottles) (4 Pack) 4.8% DGO 345 24 DGO 345 Rum & Cola (Bottles) (4 Pack) 6.5% 24 Rum & Cola (Bottles)(12 Pack) 4.8% DGO 640 12 Rum & Cola (Cans) (30 Pack) 4.8% DGO 375 30 Rum & Cola (Cans) (6 Pack) 4.8% DGO 375 24 Rum & Cola (Cans) (4 Pack) 6.5% DGO 375 24 DGO 375 Rum & Cola Cube (24 Pack) 4.8% 24 Rum & Cola Super Dry (Can) (6 Pack) DGO 375 24 Rum OP & Cola (Bottles) (6 Pack) 6.5% DGO 345 24 Rum OP & Cola (Cans) (6 Pack) 6.5% DGO 24 375 Rum Red & Cola (Bottles) (4 Pack) 4.8% DGO 345 24 375 Rum Red & Cola (Cans) (30 Pack) 4.8% DGO 30 375 Rum Red & Cola (Cans) (6 Pack) 4.8% DGO 24 Rum Red & Cola Cube (Cans) (24 Pack) 4.8% DGO 375 24 Canadian Club 24 Canadian Club & Cola (Bottle) 4 Pack BGWS 330 Canadian Club & Cola (Can) 6 Pack BGWS 375 24 Canadian Club & Dry (Bottle) 4 Pack BGWS 330 24 Canadian Club & Dry (Can) 6 Pack 24 BGWS 375 Canadian Club & Ginger Beer (Bottle) BGWS 330 24 Cougar Bourbon & Cola (Cans) (4 x 6 Pack) CUB 375 24 Bourbon & Cola (Cans) (3 x 10 Pack) CUB 375 30 Bourbon & Dry (Cans) (4 x 6 Pack) 24 CUB 375 Cougar XS & Cola (Cans) (8 x 3 Pack) CUB 375 24 Cougar Bourbon & Zero (Cans) (4 x 6 Pack) CUB 375 24 Gordon’s Gordon’s Gin & Tonic (Cans) (6 pack) DGO 375 24 250 Gordon’s Gin & Tonic (Bottles) (4 pack) DGO 24 Inner Circle Rum BAC 375 24 ICR - Cans 5% BAC 375 24 ICR - Cans 6.9% Go-Shu - Sake Tsunami Lichee & Muscat (4 Pack) DTA 300 24 Jim Beam Black Label Bourbon & Cola (Bottles) (4 Pack) BGWS 330 24 Black Label Bourbon & Cola (Cans) (4 Pack) BGWS 375 24 Black Label Long Black & Cola (Bottles) (4 Pack) BGWS 330 24 White & Dry Bourbon (Bottles) (4 Pack) BGWS 330 24 White & Dry Bourbon (Cans) (4 Pack) BGWS 375 24 White Label Bourbon & Cola (Bottles) (4 Pack) BGWS 330 24 White Label Bourbon & Cola (Cans) (10 Pack) BGWS 375 20 White Label Bourbon & Cola BGWS 375 36 (Cans) (18 Pack) White Label Bourbon & Cola (Cans) (6 Pack) BGWS 375 24 White Label Bourbon & Cola (Long Neck Bottle) BGWS 640 12 White Label Bourbon & Ginger (Cans) (6 Pack) BGWS 375 24 White Label Bourbon & Zero BGWS 375 24 (Cans) (6 Pack) Johnnie Walker Johnnie Walker Cube (Cans) (24 Pack) 4.8% DGO 375 24 Johnnie Walker Red & Cola (Bottles) (4 Pack) 4.8% DGO 345 24 12 OUZO 156.00 312.00 476.00 337.25 318.97 505.63 36.11 36.11 55.09 39.03 36.92 58.52 4.90 4.90 5.30 4.67 OFF PREMISE INCL. GST 5.78 5.78 6.25 5.52 2.45 2.45 2.65 2.34 2.89 2.89 3.13 2.76 ON PREMISE BOTTLE INCL. GST Bottle / LOW CAN MARGIN PACK HIGH MARGIN 77.89 70.92 70.92 70.92 70.92 70.92 70.92 70.92 56.77 70.92 56.77 56.77 57.05 81.66 82.22 81.66 82.22 81.66 53.26 52.70 48.68 82.22 92.73 65.69 91.58 81.66 92.17 81.66 52.70 94.06 92.80 82.22 91.58 81.66 29.61 5.89 10.88 12.33 17.96 5.36 9.89 11.21 17.96 5.36 9.89 11.21 17.96 5.36 9.89 11.21 17.96 5.36 9.89 11.21 17.96 5.36 9.89 11.21 17.96 5.36 9.89 11.21 17.96 5.36 9.89 11.21 21.52 4.28 7.87 8.92 35.84 4.28 7.87 8.92 21.52 4.28 7.87 8.92 21.52 4.28 7.87 8.92 21.63 4.30 7.91 8.97 31.06 6.18 11.42 12.94 31.27 6.23 11.50 13.03 31.06 6.18 11.42 12.94 31.27 6.23 11.50 13.03 31.06 6.18 11.42 12.94 20.17 4.01 7.37 8.35 19.96 3.97 7.30 8.26 73.68 3.66 6.72 7.61 20.85 6.23 11.50 13.03 23.53 7.03 12.99 14.73 100.21 9.99 18.50 20.98 139.19 68.72 21.53 13.24 31.06 6.18 11.42 12.94 23.39 6.99 12.91 14.64 124.22 6.18 11.42 12.94 19.96 3.97 7.30 8.26 35.81 7.13 13.18 14.95 35.32 7.04 13.00 14.74 20.85 6.23 11.50 13.03 139.19 68.72 21.53 13.24 31.06 6.18 11.42 12.94 81.66 68.27 68.27 68.27 68.27 68.27 56.77 70.92 56.77 77.69 56.77 73.65 73.42 69.33 84.95 86.16 124.22 17.28 25.93 17.28 25.93 25.93 21.52 35.84 21.52 14.77 14.35 27.99 18.60 17.55 21.54 22.01 6.18 11.42 5.16 9.51 5.16 9.51 5.16 9.51 5.16 9.51 5.16 9.51 4.28 7.87 4.28 7.87 4.28 7.87 5.88 10.85 4.28 7.87 5.57 10.28 5.55 10.25 5.24 9.66 6.43 11.89 6.59 12.27 12.94 10.78 10.78 10.78 10.78 10.78 8.92 8.92 8.92 12.30 8.92 11.65 11.61 10.95 13.47 13.92 88.22 22.38 6.69 12.35 14.00 88.22 22.38 6.69 12.35 14.00 99.43 25.24 73.07 18.51 73.08 18.51 7.54 13.95 15.81 5.53 10.20 11.55 5.53 10.20 11.56 73.07 18.51 5.53 10.20 11.55 60.21 45.75 5.46 10.08 11.42 107.66 81.80 5.43 10.01 11.35 73.08 27.77 5.53 10.20 11.56 64.23 32.66 9.76 18.08 20.50 73.08 27.77 5.53 10.20 11.56 73.08 27.77 81.66 124.22 5.53 10.20 11.56 6.18 11.42 12.94 82.22 20.85 6.23 11.50 13.03 (** Excl. Bottle Deposit) (# Incl. WET) READY TO DRINK SIZE ML MERCH. CODE Johnnie Walker Red & Cola (Bottles) (4 Pack) 6.5% DGO Johnnie Walker Red & Cola (Cans) (30 Pack) 4.8% DGO Johnnie Walker Red & Cola (Cans) (6 Pack) 4.8% DGO Johnnie Walker Red & Cola DGO (Cans) (4 Pack) 6.5% Johnnie Walker Red & Cola Super Dry (Cans) (6 Pack) DGO Johnnie Walker Red & Dry Ginger Ale (Bottles) (6 Pack) DGO Johnnie Walker Red & Dry Ginger Ale (Cans) (6 Pack) DGO Malibu Cola Can PRA McKenna Bourbon & Cola (Bottles) 4.8% BAC BAC Bourbon & Cola (Cans) 4.8% BAC Bourbon & Cola (Cans) 6.9% Midori Illusion (4 Pack) SUN Midori & Lemonade (4 Pack) SUN Paradiso (4 Pack) SUN Splice (4 Pack) SUN Old Crow Bourbon & Cola (Cans) BGWS Passion Pop# Passion Pop (4 Pack) AUV Real McCoy Bourbon & Cola (Cans) (6 Pack) 5% DGO Russian Standard Russian Standard Citrus - 6.5% Bottle (4 Pack) BGWS Russian Standard Citrus - 6.5% Can (4 Pack) BGWS Russian Standard Citrus - 5% Can (Loose) BGWS Slate Slate & Cola (Bottles) (4 Pack) 4.8% DGO DGO Slate & Cola (Cans) ( 6 Pack) 4.8% Smirnoff Ice Smirnoff Double Black (Bottles) (4 Pack) 6.5% DGO Smirnoff Double Black (Cans) (30 Pack) 6.5% DGO Smirnoff Double Black (Cans) (4 Pack) 6.5% DGO DGO Smirnoff Ice (Bottles) (6 Pack) 4.5% DGO Smirnoff Ice (Cans) (4 Pack) 4.5% Smirnoff Ice Black & Gr (Cans) ( 4 Pack) 6.5% DGO Smirnoff Ice Black Raw Berry (Cans) DGO Smirnoff Ice Black Wild Lime (Cans) DGO Smirnoff Mule (Bottles) (6 Pack) 4.8% DGO DGO Smirnoff Mule (Cans) (6 Pack) 4.8% Smirnoff Super Dry (Cans) (6 Pack) 3.5% DGO St Agnes ANG St Agnes & Cola Bottles (4 Pack) Stones ANG Premium Green Ginger Beer (6 Pack) Teachers Teachers & Cola (Cans) (6 Pack) BGWS U.D.L. Gin & Tonic (Cans) (6 Pack) 4.5% DGO Gin & Bitter Lemon (Cans) (6 Pack) 4.5% DGO Ouzo & Cola (Cans) (6 Pack) 4.5% DGO Scotch & Cola (Cans) (6 Pack) 4.5% DGO Sambuca & Cola (Cans) (6 Pack) 4.5% DGO Vodka & Orange (Cans) (6 Pack) 4.5% DGO Vodka & Raspberry (Bottles) (4 Pack) DGO Vodka & Raspberry (Cans) (6 Pack) 4.5% DGO Vodka & Green Apple (Bottles) (4 Pack) DGO Vodka & Green Apple (Cans) (6 Pack) 4.5% DGO Vodka Lime & Soda (Cans) (6 Pack) 4.5% DGO Vodka Lemon Lime & Soda (Bottles) (4 Pack) DGO Vodka Lemon Lime & Soda (Cans) DGO (6 Pack) 4.5% Vodka & Passionfruit (Bottles) (4 Pack) DGO Vodka & Passionfruit (Cans) (6 Pack) 4.5% DGO Vodka & Pineapple (Bottles) (4 Pack) DGO Vodka & Pineapple (Cans) (6 Pack) 4.5% DGO West Coast West Coast PRA RUM - AUSTRALIAN ASM Liquor Kinkylux White Rum Kinkynero Dark Rum Bundaberg Reserve Rum OP Rum OP Rum Red Rum UP Rum UP Rum UP Rum UP Rum UP Rum UP MERCH. CODE OPT OPT DGO DGO DGO DGO DGO DGO DGO DGO DGO DGO W/SALE INCL. EXCISE NO. PER DUTY CTN. EXCL. GST OFF PREMISE INCL. GST PACK ON PREMISE BOTTLE INCL. GST Bottle / LOW CAN MARGIN HIGH MARGIN 345 24 92.17 23.39 6.99 12.91 14.64 375 30 91.58 139.19 5.54 10.22 11.59 375 24 81.66 31.06 6.18 11.42 12.94 375 24 92.17 23.39 6.99 12.91 14.64 375 24 52.70 19.96 3.97 345 24 82.22 31.27 6.23 11.50 13.03 375 375 330 375 375 275 275 275 275 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 81.66 70.92 71.00 71.00 84.23 71.69 71.69 71.69 71.69 31.06 17.96 17.98 17.98 21.36 18.16 18.16 18.16 18.16 6.18 5.36 5.37 5.37 6.38 5.42 5.42 5.42 5.42 440 250 440 24 24 24 61.23 15.49 51.65 13.04 68.42 25.98 4.62 3.89 5.17 300 24 78.08 19.79 5.91 10.91 12.36 300 300 330 375 24 24 24 24 78.08 19.79 70.23 4.45 83.63 21.21 74.41 28.28 5.91 10.91 12.36 5.31 9.79 11.10 6.33 11.70 13.26 5.63 10.39 11.77 335 24 88.84 22.54 6.73 12.44 14.10 375 30 97.94 148.94 5.93 10.95 12.41 375 335 375 24 24 24 90.41 22.94 75.59 28.73 76.79 19.46 6.85 12.66 14.36 5.72 10.55 11.96 5.81 10.73 12.16 250 300 300 335 375 375 375 330 375 375 375 375 375 375 375 275 375 275 375 375 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 84.13 82.67 82.67 82.22 81.66 52.70 65.00 50.00 61.26 62.20 62.20 62.20 62.20 62.20 62.20 50.92 62.20 50.92 62.20 62.20 21.33 31.44 31.44 31.27 31.06 19.96 16.45 18.92 23.24 23.60 23.60 23.60 23.60 23.60 23.60 12.85 23.60 12.85 23.60 23.60 6.37 6.26 6.26 6.23 6.18 3.97 4.91 3.76 4.62 4.69 4.69 4.69 4.69 4.69 4.69 3.83 4.69 3.83 4.69 4.69 11.77 11.56 11.56 11.50 11.42 7.30 9.05 6.91 8.51 8.65 8.65 8.65 8.65 8.65 8.65 7.04 8.65 7.04 8.65 8.65 13.34 13.11 13.11 13.03 12.94 8.26 10.25 7.83 9.65 9.80 9.80 9.80 9.80 9.80 9.80 7.98 9.80 7.98 9.80 9.80 275 24 50.92 12.85 3.83 7.04 7.98 375 275 375 275 375 250 24 24 24 24 24 24 62.20 50.92 62.20 50.92 62.20 36.93 4.69 3.83 4.69 3.83 4.69 2.76 8.65 7.04 8.65 7.04 8.65 5.05 9.80 7.98 9.80 7.98 9.80 5.72 23.60 12.85 23.60 12.85 23.60 9.28 7.30 11.42 9.89 9.90 9.90 11.78 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 8.26 12.94 11.21 11.22 11.22 13.36 11.33 11.33 11.33 11.33 8.51 9.64 7.15 8.09 9.53 10.80 ON PREMISE INCL. GST W/SALE OFF INCL. 15ml 30ml EXCISE premise SIZE - NO. PER DUTY INCL. GST LOW HIGH LOW HIGH ML CTN. EXCL. GST MARGIN MARGIN MARGIN MARGIN 700 700 700 700 1125 700 200 375 700 1000 1125 20000 12 12 12 6 12 12 48 12 12 6 12 1 346.44 40.10 337.44 39.06 215.89 24.99 248.96 57.63 378.68 43.83 349.32 40.43 475.09 18.18 196.47 30.07 345.40 39.98 245.09 56.73 552.00 63.89 797.271107.32 5.44 5.30 3.39 7.82 5.48 5.76 5.42 6.42 6.26 4.00 9.23 6.48 6.80 6.40 2.72 2.65 1.69 3.91 2.74 2.88 2.71 3.21 3.13 2.00 4.62 3.24 3.40 3.20 SEE PAGE 50 FOR MERCHANT CODE INDEX ON PREMISE INCL. GST W/SALE OFF INCL. 15ml 30ml EXCISE premise SIZE - NO. PER DUTY INCL. GST LOW HIGH LOW HIGH ML CTN. EXCL. GST MARGIN MARGIN MARGIN MARGIN RUM - AUSTRALIAN MERCH. CODE Inner Circle Black 75.9% Green 57.2% Red 40% RUM - INTERNATIONAL Bacardi Bacardi 151 Bacardi 8 Bacardi Superior Bacardi Superior Bacardi Superior Bacardi Superior Bacardi Superior Bacardi Limon Bacardi ORO Cruzan Estate Dark 2 YO Rum Single Barr 12 YO Rum Havana Club (Cuba) Anejo 7 Anos Anejo 7 Anos Anejo Blanco Anejo Blanco Anejo Esp Anejo Esp Anejo Reserve Cuban Rum Mt Gay 1703 Old Cask Eclipse Rum Eclipse Rum Extra Old Rum Silver Rum Silver Rum Pampero Pampero Anniversary Pampero Seleccion Zacapa Cent 23YO Zacapa Cent XO 30YO BAC 700 BAC 700 BAC 700 BAC 750 BAC 1000 BAC 375 BAC 700 BAC 1000 BAC 2000 BAC 20000 BAC 700 BAC 700 BGWS 750 BGWS 700 PRA 700 PRA 1000 PRA 700 PRA 1000 PRA 700 PRA 1000 PRA 700 SUN 700 SUN 700 SUN 1000 SUN 700 SUN 700 SUN 1000 DGO 700 DGO 700 DGO 700 DGO 700 6 6 6 320.16 74.11 10.05 11.87 233.70 54.10 7.34 8.67 173.34 40.13 5.44 6.43 12 12 24 12 12 6 1 12 12 12 6 12 12 12 12 6 12 12 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 781.20 90.42 601.08 69.57 423.12 32.38 369.24 42.74 527.28 61.03 527.40 122.08 832.281155.94 378.72 43.83 379.56 43.93 344.37 39.86 220.06 50.94 537.01 62.15 738.81 85.51 362.32 41.94 495.37 57.33 188.25 43.58 521.35 60.34 421.57 48.79 688.82 159.45 180.62 41.81 242.33 56.09 264.71 61.28 180.62 41.81 242.33 56.09 537.11 124.33 289.05 66.91 418.37 96.84 826.43 191.30 SCHNAPPS 11.45 6.20 5.80 5.95 5.96 5.05 6.91 8.43 5.69 5.91 6.62 21.63 5.67 8.31 5.67 16.87 9.08 13.14 25.95 5.03 3.67 2.72 5.94 4.33 3.21 13.52 5.72 7.32 3.10 6.85 2.90 7.02 2.97 7.04 2.98 5.96 2.52 8.16 3.46 9.96 4.22 6.72 2.84 6.98 2.96 7.82 3.31 25.54 10.82 6.70 2.84 9.82 4.16 6.70 2.84 19.92 8.43 10.72 4.54 15.51 6.57 30.64 12.98 6.76 3.66 3.42 3.51 3.52 2.98 4.08 4.98 3.36 3.49 3.91 12.77 3.35 4.91 3.35 9.96 5.36 7.76 15.32 Baron Von Scheuters Butterscotch BGWS 700 12 251.78 29.14 3.95 4.67 1.98 2.33 De Kuyper Apple BAC 700 6 157.74 36.51 4.95 5.85 2.48 2.92 Butterscotch BAC 700 6 157.74 36.51 4.95 5.85 2.48 2.92 Mandarin BAC 700 6 157.74 36.51 4.95 5.85 2.48 2.92 Peach BAC 700 6 157.74 36.51 4.95 5.85 2.48 2.92 Sour Apple Pucker BAC 700 6 157.74 36.51 4.95 5.85 2.48 2.92 Strawberry BAC 700 6 157.74 36.51 4.95 5.85 2.48 2.92 Teichenne Apple FCW 700 12 324.24 37.53 5.09 6.01 2.55 3.01 Butterscotch FCW 700 12 324.24 37.53 5.09 6.01 2.55 3.01 Peach FCW 700 12 324.24 37.53 5.09 6.01 2.55 3.01 Peppermint FCW 700 12 324.24 37.53 5.09 6.01 2.55 3.01 Strawberry FCW 700 12 324.24 37.53 5.09 6.01 2.55 3.01 Vanilla FCW 700 12 324.24 37.53 5.09 6.01 2.55 3.01 TEQUILA ASM Liquor Tequila Blu OPT 700 12 399.36 46.22 6.27 7.40 3.14 3.70 Cazadores Cazadores Anejo BAC 750 6 346.98 80.32 10.17 12.01 5.08 6.00 Cazadores Blanco Tequila 12 527.40 61.04 7.73 9.13 3.86 4.56 BAC 750 Cazadores Reposado BAC 750 12 606.48 70.19 8.89 10.49 4.44 5.25 Coyote Tequila CUB 700 12 370.00 42.82 5.81 6.86 2.90 3.43 Tequila CUB 1125 12 564.00 65.28 Tequila CUB 20000 1 828.001150.00 Don Julio Don Julio 1942 DGO 750 6 740.43 171.40 21.70 25.62 10.85 12.81 DGO 750 6 476.47 110.29 13.97 16.49 6.98 8.24 Don Julio Anejo Don Julio Blanco DGO 750 6 369.32 85.49 10.82 12.78 5.41 6.39 Don Julio Reposado DGO 750 6 415.02 96.07 12.16 14.36 6.08 7.18 Olmeca Olmeca Reposado PRA 700 6 206.23 47.74 6.48 7.65 3.24 3.82 Reeba Reeba Reeba Tequila FCW 700 6 199.63 46.21 6.27 7.40 3.13 3.70 Rio Grande Rio Grande Tequila FCW 700 12 451.29 52.23 7.09 8.37 3.54 4.18 Sauza Sauza 3 Generaciones Anejo BGWS 750 6 376.31 87.11 11.03 13.02 5.51 6.51 BGWS 700 6 177.92 41.19 5.59 6.60 2.79 3.30 Sauza Blanco Tequila Sauza Gold Tequila BGWS 700 12 404.10 46.77 6.35 7.49 3.17 3.75 BGWS 1000 12 555.19 64.26 Sauza Gold Tequila Sauza Hornitos BGWS 700 12 506.58 58.63 7.95 9.39 3.98 4.70 Sierra Antiguo Anjeo SUN 700 6 326.55 75.59 10.25 12.11 5.13 6.05 Milenario Blanco SUN 700 3 182.98 84.71 11.49 13.57 5.75 6.78 Milenario Extra Anjeo SUN 700 3 221.68 102.63 13.92 16.44 6.96 8.22 Milenario Reposado SUN 700 3 200.57 92.86 12.60 14.87 6.30 7.44 Reposado 38% SUN 700 6 212.54 49.20 6.67 7.88 3.34 3.94 Reposado 38% SUN 1000 6 294.30 68.13 Silver 38% SUN 350 12 255.31 39.08 8.02 9.47 4.01 4.73 Silver 38% SUN 700 6 200.94 46.51 6.31 7.45 3.16 3.73 Silver 38% SUN 1000 6 276.23 63.94 U Tres U Tres Ochos Tequilla FCW 700 6 230.05 53.25 7.22 8.53 3.61 4.27 LICENSEES’ LIQUOR GUIDE MARCH 2011 VERMOUTH Martini Bianco Rosarto Rosso Noilly Prat Dry VODKA 42 Below Vodka 42 Below Vodka Feijoa 42 Below Vodka Kiwi 42 Below Vodka Manuka honey 42 Below Vodka Passionfruit 42 Below Vodka Pure Absolut Absolute 100 Absolute 100 Vodka Vodka Vodka Vodka Vodka Apeach Vodka Apeach Vodka Citron Vodka Citron Vodka Kurrant Vodka Mandarin Vodka Mandarin Vodka Mango Vodka Pears Vodka Pears Vodka Raspberri Vodka Raspberri Vodka Ruby Red Vodka Vanilla Vodka Vanilla ASM Liquor Vodka O Belvedere (Poland) Belvedere Intense (50% ABV) Belvedere Vodka Cytrus Belvedere Vodka Orange Belvedere Vodka Pure Ciroc Vodka (France) Ciroc Vodka Eristoff Vodka Eristoff Original Eristoff Original Eristoff Red Giori Banana & Vodka Fruita Di Bosca Lemon & Vodka Melon & Vodka Peach & Vodka Watermelon & Vodka Grey Goose Le Citron Le Poire L’Orange Original Karloff Vodka Vodka Vodka Ketel Ketel One Ketel One Citroen Kirov Kirov Kirov Kirov Kirov Lemon Lime Kirov Rasberry Level Level Vodka Na Zdravye Na Zdravye Vodka Na Zdravye Vodka Petroff Petroff Vodka Smirnoff Black Blue 100 Proof Grand Cosmopolitan Mojito Pomegranate Martini Red Red Red Red Red Signature Serves - Blood Orange Signature Serves - Cranberry Twist Apple Twist Citrus Twist Raspberry Twist Vanilla MERCH. CODE BAC BAC BAC BAC MERCH. CODE BAC BAC BAC BAC BAC PRA PRA PRA PRA PRA PRA PRA PRA PRA PRA PRA PRA PRA PRA PRA PRA PRA PRA PRA PRA PRA OPT MHA MHA MHA MHA DGO BAC BAC BAC FCW FCW FCW FCW FCW FCW BAC BAC BAC BAC CUB CUB CUB DGO DGO CUB CUB CUB CUB CUB PRA FCW FCW FCW DGO DGO DGO DGO DGO DGO DGO DGO DGO DGO DGO DGO DGO DGO DGO DGO ON PREMISE INCL. GST W/SALE OFF INCL. 30ml 60ml WET premise SIZE - NO. PER EXCL. INCL. GST LOW HIGH LOW HIGH ML CTN. GST MARGIN MARGIN MARGIN MARGIN 1000 1000 1000 750 6 6 6 12 66.95 66.95 66.95 292.42 15.50 15.50 15.50 33.84 2.94 3.48 2.94 3.48 2.94 3.48 8.57 10.12 1.47 1.47 1.47 4.29 1.74 1.74 1.74 5.06 ON PREMISE INCL. GST W/SALE OFF INCL. 15ml 30ml EXCISE premise SIZE - NO. PER DUTY INCL. GST LOW HIGH LOW HIGH ML CTN. EXCL. GST MARGIN MARGIN MARGIN MARGIN 700 700 700 700 700 700 1000 200 700 1000 1000 700 1000 700 1000 700 700 1000 1000 700 1000 700 1000 1000 700 1000 700 700 700 700 700 750 700 1000 700 700 700 700 700 700 700 700 700 700 700 700 1125 15000 700 700 700 700 1125 700 700 700 700 1000 1000 700 700 750 750 750 375 700 1000 1125 20000 2000 2000 700 700 700 700 6 6 6 6 6 6 12 24 12 6 12 6 12 6 12 6 6 12 12 6 12 6 12 12 6 12 12 6 6 6 6 6 12 6 6 12 12 12 12 12 12 6 6 6 6 6 6 1 6 6 6 12 12 12 12 6 12 12 12 6 6 12 12 12 24 12 6 12 1 4 4 6 6 6 6 222.36 51.47 222.36 51.47 222.36 51.47 222.36 51.47 222.36 51.47 238.91 55.30 657.40 76.09 223.35 17.09 383.75 44.42 263.64 61.03 527.27 61.03 196.86 45.57 549.76 63.63 196.86 45.57 549.76 63.63 196.86 45.57 196.86 45.57 549.76 63.63 549.76 63.63 196.86 45.57 549.76 63.63 196.86 45.57 549.76 63.63 549.76 63.63 196.86 45.57 549.76 63.63 312.72 36.19 342.00 79.17 300.00 69.44 300.00 69.44 275.00 63.66 339.35 78.55 312.12 36.13 221.22 51.21 153.24 35.47 308.20 35.67 308.20 35.67 308.20 35.67 308.20 35.67 272.46 31.53 288.86 33.43 334.08 77.33 334.08 77.33 334.08 77.33 334.08 77.33 157.00 36.34 239.00 55.32 527.00 731.94 250.92 58.08 250.92 58.08 157.00 36.34 314.00 36.34 479.00 55.44 314.00 36.34 314.00 36.34 327.52 75.81 317.63 36.76 444.68 51.47 479.69 55.52 221.87 51.36 222.00 51.39 107.63 12.46 107.63 12.46 107.63 12.46 400.81 30.67 353.39 40.90 234.68 54.32 506.00 58.56 720.771001.07 83.62 29.03 83.62 29.03 170.37 39.44 170.37 39.44 170.37 39.44 170.37 39.44 6.98 6.98 6.98 6.98 6.98 7.50 6.03 6.18 6.18 6.18 6.18 6.18 6.18 6.18 4.91 10.74 9.42 9.42 8.64 9.95 4.90 4.81 4.84 4.84 4.84 4.84 4.28 4.54 10.49 10.49 10.49 10.49 4.93 7.88 7.88 4.93 4.93 4.93 4.93 10.29 4.99 6.97 6.97 1.58 1.58 1.58 5.87 5.55 5.35 5.35 5.35 5.35 8.24 8.24 8.24 8.24 8.24 8.86 7.11 7.30 7.30 7.30 7.30 7.30 7.30 7.30 5.80 12.68 11.12 11.12 10.20 11.74 5.79 5.68 5.71 5.71 5.71 5.71 5.05 5.36 12.39 12.39 12.39 12.39 5.82 9.30 9.30 5.82 5.82 5.82 5.82 12.14 5.89 8.23 8.23 1.86 1.86 1.86 6.94 6.55 6.32 6.32 6.32 6.32 3.49 3.49 3.49 3.49 3.49 3.75 3.01 3.09 3.09 3.09 3.09 3.09 3.09 3.09 2.46 5.37 4.71 4.71 4.32 4.97 2.45 2.41 2.42 2.42 2.42 2.42 2.14 2.27 5.25 5.25 5.25 5.25 2.47 3.94 3.94 2.47 2.47 2.47 2.47 5.14 2.49 3.48 3.49 0.79 0.79 0.79 2.94 2.77 2.68 2.68 2.68 2.68 4.12 4.12 4.12 4.12 4.12 4.43 3.56 3.65 3.65 3.65 3.65 3.65 3.65 3.65 2.90 6.34 5.56 5.56 5.10 5.87 2.89 2.84 2.86 2.86 2.86 2.86 2.53 2.68 6.19 6.19 6.19 6.19 2.91 4.65 4.65 2.91 2.91 2.91 2.91 6.07 2.94 4.11 4.12 0.93 0.93 0.93 3.47 3.28 3.16 3.16 3.16 3.16 VODKA 13 ON PREMISE INCL. GST W/SALE OFF INCL. 15ml 30ml EXCISE premise SIZE - NO. PER DUTY INCL. GST LOW HIGH LOW HIGH ML CTN. EXCL. GST MARGIN MARGIN MARGIN MARGIN VODKA MERCH. CODE Southern Lights, Tasmania Southern Lights Vodka Stolichnaya Stolichnaya Elit 40% Stolichnaya Ohranj 37.5% Stolichnaya Razberi 37.5% Stolichnaya Red 40% Stolichnaya Red 40% Stolichnaya Vanil 37.5% Suntory L’Ecrin Vodka Vertical Vodka The Tall Blonde Vodka Tsarevitch Russian Standard Russian Standard Russian Standard - Imperia Russian Standard - Platinum Vodka Vodka Vodka Wyborowa Exquisite Exquisite Lemon Vodka Vodka 37.5% Vodka 37.5% Zubrowka Vodka FFW 700 SUN 700 SUN 700 SUN 700 SUN 700 SUN 1000 SUN 700 SUN 700 SUN 700 CUB 1000 BGWS 700 BGWS 1000 BGWS 700 BGWS 700 BGWS 700 BGWS 1125 BGWS 20000 PRA 700 PRA 1000 PRA 700 PRA 200 PRA 700 PRA 1000 PRA 700 9 6 6 6 12 12 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 12 12 1 6 6 12 20 12 12 12 349.29 633.24 186.60 186.60 373.20 530.21 186.60 313.69 215.55 325.00 174.70 245.65 345.83 203.93 274.25 429.61 623.53 313.47 436.43 347.63 177.00 333.39 454.09 387.27 53.90 7.31 8.63 146.58 19.89 23.48 43.19 5.86 6.92 43.19 5.86 6.92 43.19 5.86 6.92 61.37 43.19 5.86 6.92 72.61 9.85 11.63 49.90 6.77 7.99 75.23 40.44 5.49 6.48 56.86 80.05 10.86 12.82 47.21 6.40 7.56 31.74 4.31 5.08 49.72 866.01 72.56 9.84 11.62 101.03 40.23 5.46 6.44 16.25 38.59 5.23 6.18 52.56 44.82 6.08 7.18 3.66 9.94 2.93 2.93 2.93 2.93 4.93 3.38 2.74 5.43 3.20 2.15 4.92 2.73 2.62 3.04 4.32 11.74 3.46 3.46 3.46 3.46 5.82 4.00 3.24 6.41 3.78 2.54 5.81 3.22 3.09 3.59 PRA OPT BGWS BGWS BGWS 700 700 700 1000 1000 12 12 12 6 12 328.75 349.80 331.39 476.79 238.39 38.05 40.49 38.36 110.37 27.59 5.16 5.49 5.20 6.09 6.49 6.14 2.58 2.75 2.60 3.05 3.24 3.07 BGWS 700 6 206.07 47.70 6.47 7.64 3.24 3.82 FFW FFW FFW PRA PRA PRA PRA PRA SUN 700 700 700 700 1000 700 700 4500 750 9 9 9 12 12 6 6 1 12 516.51 516.51 564.21 396.57 543.83 276.13 220.51 494.86 818.34 10.81 10.81 11.81 6.23 8.67 6.92 11.99 12.77 12.77 13.95 7.35 10.24 8.18 14.16 5.41 5.41 5.91 3.11 4.34 3.46 6.00 6.38 6.38 6.97 3.68 5.12 4.09 7.08 PRA PRA PRA PRA CUB CUB CUB CUB CUB FCW PRA PRA PRA PRA PRA PRA PRA BAC BAC BAC BAC BAC BGWS BGWS BGWS BGWS BGWS DGO DGO DGO DGO 700 700 1000 2000 700 1125 1125 700 700 700 375 700 1000 500 750 4500 700 700 700 700 700 1000 700 1125 700 700 700 375 700 200 375 12 503.53 58.28 7.91 9.34 3.95 12 353.15 40.87 5.55 6.55 2.77 12 495.27 57.32 6 495.27 114.65 12 332.00 38.43 5.21 6.16 2.61 6 253.00 58.56 12 506.00 58.56 6 198.00 45.83 6 217.00 50.23 12 529.14 61.24 8.31 9.81 4.15 12 299.71 45.87 8.78 10.37 4.39 12 516.53 59.78 8.11 9.58 4.06 12 730.21 84.52 6 327.50 86.33 14.40 17.00 7.20 6 531.30 122.99 15.57 18.39 7.79 2 527.91 366.60 6 1019.05 235.89 32.00 37.79 16.00 6 237.52 54.98 7.46 8.81 3.73 6 639.85 148.11 20.09 23.73 10.05 6 696.37 161.20 21.87 25.82 10.93 12 328.01 37.96 5.15 6.08 2.58 12 474.36 54.90 12 341.00 39.47 5.35 6.32 2.68 12 551.84 63.87 6 241.12 55.81 7.57 8.94 3.79 3 224.82 104.08 14.12 16.67 7.06 3 639.87 296.24 40.19 47.45 20.09 12 285.42 43.69 8.37 9.88 4.18 12 520.96 60.30 8.18 9.66 4.09 24 252.05 19.29 12 206.40 31.59 6.05 7.14 3.02 4.67 3.27 3.08 4.91 5.19 4.79 8.50 9.19 18.89 4.40 11.86 12.91 3.04 3.16 4.47 8.34 23.73 4.94 4.83 3.57 WHISKEY 100 Pipers 100 Pipers ASM Liquor Naked Scot Canadian Club, Canada Canadian Club Canadian Whiskey Canadian Club Canadian Whiskey Canadian Club Canadian Whiskey Canadian Club Canadian Whiskey Classic - 12 YO Hellyers Road, Tasmania Hellyers Road Original Single Malt Hellyers Road Peated Hellyers Road Pinot Noir Finish Jameson, Ireland Whiskey Whiskey Whiskey 12 YO Whiskey 18 YO Whiskey with cradle Suntory, Japan Suntory Yamazaki 79.71 79.71 87.07 45.90 62.94 63.92 51.04 687.31 94.72 WHISKY - BLENDS Ballantines Blue Label 12YO Finest Whisky Finest Whisky Finest Whisky Black Douglas Scotch Whisky Scotch Whisky Scotch Whisky Scotch Whisky 8 YO Gift Box Scotch Whisky 12 YO Gift Box Castle Pride Castle Pride 12 YO Chivas Regal Chivas Regal 12 YO Chivas Regal 12 YO Chivas Regal 12 YO Chivas Regal 18 YO Chivas Regal 18 YO Chivas Regal Royal Salute Sapphire Dewars Dewars 12 YO Dewars 18 yYO Dewars Signature White Label Scotch White Label Scotch Famous Grouse Scotch Whisky Scotch Whisky Scotch Whisky 12YO Scotch Whisky 18YO Scotch Whisky 30YO Johnnie Walker Black Label 12 YO Whisky Black Label 12 YO Whisky Red Label Whisky Red Label Whisky 14 VODKA WHISKY - BLENDS ON PREMISE INCL. GST W/SALE OFF INCL. 15ml 30ml EXCISE premise SIZE - NO. PER DUTY INCL. GST LOW HIGH LOW HIGH ML CTN. EXCL. GST MARGIN MARGIN MARGIN MARGIN MERCH. CODE Red Label Whisky Red Label Whisky Red Label Whisky Red Label Whisky Red Label Whisky Label 5 Label 5 12 YO Whisky Langs Cutty Sark Scotch Whisky (40%) McCallum’s McCallum’s Perfection McCallum’s Perfection McCallum’s Perfection Miscellaneous Scotch Whisky 10 YO Teachers Scotch BIS Teachers Scotch The Scott The Scott Finest Whisky (Btl in Scotland) The Scott Finest Whisky (Btl in Scotland) White Heather Whisky DGO 700 DGO 1000 DGO 1125 DGO 4500 DGO 20000 FCW 700 SSS 700 DGO 700 DGO 1125 DGO 20000 PRA 700 FWP 700 BGWS 700 FCW 700 FCW 1000 PRA 700 12 6 12 2 1 12 12 12 12 1 6 12 12 12 12 12 386.65 44.75 262.51 60.77 558.00 64.58 422.17 293.17 817.311135.15 528.03 61.11 382.10 44.22 345.57 40.00 486.65 56.33 700.42 972.81 245.58 56.85 365.50 42.30 350.03 40.51 354.96 41.08 516.77 59.81 357.70 41.40 6.07 8.29 6.00 5.43 7.71 5.74 5.50 5.57 5.62 7.17 9.79 7.08 6.41 9.11 6.78 6.49 6.58 6.63 3.04 4.15 3.00 2.71 3.86 2.87 2.75 2.79 2.81 3.58 4.89 3.54 3.20 4.55 3.39 3.24 3.29 3.32 15.16 12.25 9.75 8.45 12.50 11.28 22.25 9.19 11.33 11.36 9.42 11.68 13.19 16.77 21.67 27.70 57.09 62.81 17.52 12.72 10.33 20.73 13.80 11.05 10.39 22.80 35.60 39.94 15.50 10.52 15.96 20.71 15.35 11.88 25.26 115.36 14.73 10.56 11.30 7.55 8.16 16.65 35.37 35.38 56.91 13.24 5.29 17.90 14.46 11.51 9.98 14.75 13.32 26.27 10.85 13.38 13.42 11.12 13.79 15.57 19.80 25.58 32.70 67.41 74.16 20.69 15.01 12.20 24.47 16.29 13.04 12.27 26.92 42.04 47.16 18.30 12.42 18.85 24.45 18.12 14.03 29.83 136.21 17.40 12.47 13.34 8.92 9.64 19.66 41.76 41.78 67.20 15.63 6.25 7.58 6.12 4.88 4.23 6.25 5.64 11.12 4.60 5.66 5.68 4.71 5.84 6.59 8.38 10.83 13.85 28.55 31.40 8.76 6.36 5.17 10.36 6.90 5.52 5.20 11.40 17.80 19.97 7.75 5.26 7.98 10.35 7.67 5.94 12.63 57.68 7.37 5.28 5.65 3.78 4.08 8.32 17.68 17.69 28.46 6.62 2.64 8.95 7.23 5.76 4.99 7.38 6.66 13.14 5.43 6.69 6.71 5.56 6.90 7.79 9.90 12.79 16.35 33.71 37.08 10.35 7.51 6.10 12.24 8.14 6.52 6.13 13.46 21.02 23.58 9.15 6.21 9.42 12.22 9.06 7.01 14.91 68.11 8.70 6.24 6.67 4.46 4.82 9.83 20.88 20.89 33.60 7.82 3.12 WHISKY - SINGLE MALT Aberlour A’Bunadh PRA Ardbeg Ardbeg 10 Yr Old MHA Auchentoshan 12YO SUN Classic SUN Three Wood SUN Bowmore Bowmore 12 YO (Islay) SUN Bowmore 18 YO SUN Bowmore Legend (Islay) SUN Cragganmore Single Malt Scotch Whisky 12 YO DGO Dalwhinnie Single Highland Malt Scotch Whisky 15 YO DGO Glenfarclas Malt Whisky 8 YO ANG Malt Whisky 10 YO ANG Malt Whisky 12 YO ANG Malt Whisky 15 YO ANG Malt Whisky 21 YO ANG Malt Whisky 25 YO ANG Malt Whisky 30 YO ANG Malt Whisky 40 YO ANG Malt Whisky 105 Cask Strength ANG Glenkinchie Single Malt Scotch Whisky 12 YO DGO Glenmorangie Glenmorangie 10 YO MHA Glenmorangie 18 YO MHA Glenrothes Single Speyside Malt Whisky (40%) 1994 SSS Select Reserve SSS SSS Select Reserve Highland Park BGWS Single Malt Whisky 12 YO Single Malt Whisky 18 YO BGWS BGWS Single Malt Whisky 25YO Johnnie Walker DGO Blue Whisky DGO Gold Reserve Green Whisky DGO Lagavulin DGO Single Malt Scotch Whisky Laphroaig BGWS Laphroaig 15 YO Laphroaig Quarter Cask BGWS Macallan, The BGWS Single Malt Whisky 12 YO fine oak BGWS Single Malt Whisky 18 YO fine oak BGWS Single Malt Whisky 30 YO fine oak Oban Oban 14 YO DGO Strathisla PRA Strathisla Whisky 12 YO Talisker Talisker DGO Tamdhu BGWS Tamdhu Single Malt The Glenlivet PRA The Glenlivet 12 YO PRA The Glenlivet 18 YO The Glenlivet 21 YO PRA PRA The Glenlivet 21 YO Archive PRA The Glenlivet 25 YO The Glenlivet French Oak PRA William Grant & Sons William Grant’s WGS 700 700 700 700 700 700 700 700 700 700 700 700 700 700 700 700 700 700 700 700 700 700 700 100 700 700 700 700 700 700 700 700 700 700 700 700 700 700 700 700 700 700 700 700 700 700 700 700 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 24 6 6 3 3 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 3 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 3 3 6 12 482.75 390.00 310.48 269.20 397.92 359.35 708.51 292.73 360.78 361.81 300.00 372.00 420.00 534.00 690.00 882.00 1818.00 2000.00 558.00 404.90 329.00 660.00 439.32 226.36 351.78 330.86 363.03 566.87 1271.94 493.61 335.02 508.33 659.38 488.72 378.26 402.21 3673.52 469.16 336.37 359.89 240.56 259.96 530.09 1126.16 563.37 906.14 421.53 336.90 111.75 90.28 71.87 62.31 92.11 83.18 164.01 67.76 83.51 83.75 69.44 86.11 97.22 123.61 159.72 204.17 420.83 462.96 129.17 93.73 76.16 152.78 101.69 17.32 81.43 76.59 168.07 262.44 294.43 114.26 77.55 117.67 152.63 113.13 87.56 186.21 850.35 108.60 77.86 83.31 55.69 60.18 122.71 260.69 260.82 419.51 97.58 38.99 SEE PAGE 50 FOR MERCHANT CODE INDEX WINE - CHAMPAGNE MERCH. CODE Ayala Champagne Ayala Blanc de Blancs (Grand Cru) FWP Champagne Ayala Perle d’Ayala (Grand Cru) FWP Champagne Ayala Zéro Dosage FWP Bollinger La Grande Année FWP Special Cuée FWP Special Cuvée FWP Special Cuvée FWP R.D FWP V.V.F. FWP SUN BDM 1995 SUN Brut Réserve Brut Réserve Cooler SUN Vintage 2000 SUN Claude Carre Blanc de Blancs NV Premier Cru GSW GSW Blanc de Blancs NV Premier Cru Delamotte (Le Mesnil, France) Delamotte Blanc de Blanc 1999 CHA Delamotte Blanc de Blanc NV CHA CHA Delamotte Brut NV CHA Delamotte Brut NV Delamotte Brut NV CHA Dom Perignon Dom Perignon 2002 MHA Krugg MHA Grande Cuvée Brut - multi vintage Vintage 1998 MHA Henriot Blanc NV MEZ MEZ Brut NV MEZ Cuvée des Enchanteleurs 1996 Brut Blanc de Blancs NV GSW GSW Brut Blanc de Blancs NV Louis Roederer Blanc de Blanc 2004 R+W R+W Brut Premier NV Brut Vintage 2004 R+W R+W Cristal 2002/04 Moet & Chandon MHA Brut Imperial Balthazar NV MHA Brut Imperial Gift Boxed NV MHA Brut Imperial Jéroboam NV MHA Brut Imperial Magnum NV MHA Brut Imperial Nébuchadnezzar NV MHA Brut Imperial NV MHA Brut Imperial NV Half MHA Brut Imperial NV Mini MHA Brut Imperial Salmanazar NV MHA Nectar Imperial Gift Box NV MHA Vintage Gift Boxed 2003 Mumm PRA Cordon Rouge NV PRA Cordon Rouge NV Cordon Rouge NV PRA PRA Cordon Rouge NV Cordon Rouge NV PRA Cordon Rouge Vintage Millésimé Gift Box PRA PRA De Cramant Gift Box ANG Brut Réserve ParticuliËre NV ANG Brut Réserve ParticuliËre NV ANG Brut Réserve ParticuliËre NV ANG Brut Réserve ParticuliËre NV ANG Cuvée Palmes d’Or Vintage PRA Perrier JouetBelle Epoq Blanc Grand Brut - Gift Box PRA Grand Brut NV PRA Piper - Heidsieck Brut Vintage 2000 SUN Piper - Heidsieck Cuvée Brut SUN SUN Cuvée Brut SUN Rare 1979 Rare 1988 SUN Rare 1998 SUN Rare 1999 SUN Pol Roger Brut Chardonnay Vintage 1999 SSS Brut Non Vintage SSS Brut Vintage 2000 SSS Salon (Le Mesnil, France) CHA Salon Cuvée ‘S’ 1997 Taittinger MCW Brut Millésimé MCW Comte de Champagne Blanc de Blancs NV Brut Réserve MCW NV Brut Réserve MCW NV Brut Réserve Gift Box MCW MCW NV Brut Réserve Magnum NV Prélude Grand Crus MCW Veuve Clicquot Demi-Sec Gift Boxed NV MHA MHA Demi-Sec NV La Grande Dame 1998 MHA MHA La Grande Dame Gift Boxed 1998 Rich Réserve 2002 MHA MHA Rich Réserve Gift Box 2002 Vintage Brut Réserve Gift Box 2002 MHA MHA Yellow Label Gift Box NV MHA Yellow Label Gift Box NV MHA Yellow Label Jéroboam NV MHA Yellow Label NV MHA Yellow Label NV MHA Yellow Label NV WINE - CHAMPAGNE - PINK Ayala (Ay, France) Brut Rosé Majeur Cuvée Rosé Nature FWP FWP ON PREMISE INCL. GST W/SALE OFF INCL. premise Glass 150ml Bottle WET SIZE - NO. PER EXCL. GST BOTTLE HIGH LOW LOW HIGH ML CTN. MARGIN MARGIN MARGIN MARGIN 750 750 750 6 6 6 490.20 124.35 204.34 223.84 812.70 206.16 338.78 371.10 348.30 88.36 145.19 159.04 750 375 750 1500 750 750 750 750 750 750 6 990.72 251.32 412.99 452.38 92.69 102.73 12 599.85 76.08 125.03 136.95 56.12 62.20 6 490.20 124.35 204.34 223.84 45.86 50.83 3 625.65 317.43 521.61 571.37 58.54 64.88 3 903.00 458.14 752.84 824.66 168.97 187.27 3 2788.98 1415.012325.21 2547.01 521.88 578.41 6 1438.88 365.01 599.81 657.02 134.62 149.21 6 393.20 99.75 163.91 179.54 36.79 40.77 6 393.20 99.75 163.91 179.54 36.79 40.77 6 546.21 138.56 227.69 249.41 51.10 56.64 358.62 557.28 45.86 76.04 32.59 50.83 84.27 36.12 375 750 12 12 45.49 74.75 81.88 70.68 116.15 127.23 33.55 26.07 37.19 28.89 750 750 375 750 1500 12 1370.99 173.90 285.75 313.01 12 984.24 124.84 205.14 224.71 12 427.67 54.25 89.14 97.64 12 748.20 94.90 155.95 170.82 12 1607.52 203.90 335.05 367.01 64.14 46.04 40.01 35.00 37.60 71.08 51.03 44.35 38.79 41.67 750 6 1210.02 306.96 504.40 552.52 113.21 125.47 750 750 6 6 1408.68 357.35 587.22 643.23 131.80 146.07 2070.45 525.23 863.08 945.41 193.71 214.70 750 750 750 375 750 6 57.95 14.70 24.16 26.46 5.42 6.01 12 393.45 49.90 82.01 89.83 18.41 20.40 6 1528.65 387.79 637.23 698.01 143.02 158.51 12 438.60 55.63 91.42 100.14 41.04 45.48 12 670.80 85.08 139.81 153.15 31.38 34.78 750 750 750 750 6 6 6 6 509.55 129.26 212.41 232.67 47.67 52.84 393.45 99.81 164.01 179.66 36.81 40.80 509.55 129.26 212.41 232.67 47.67 52.84 1399.65 355.06 583.45 639.11 130.95 145.14 12000 750 3000 1500 15000 750 375 200 9000 750 750 1 2096.25 3064.69 100.54 116.04 6 376.68 95.56 1 438.60 641.23 84.14 97.11 3 376.68 191.11 314.04 344.00 35.24 39.06 1 2644.50 3866.23 101.46 117.11 6 376.68 95.56 157.02 172.00 35.24 39.06 12 387.00 49.09 80.66 88.36 36.21 40.13 24 438.60 27.82 45.71 50.07 38.47 42.64 1 1290.00 1885.96 82.49 95.21 6 387.00 98.17 6 380.00 96.40 200 375 750 1500 3000 750 750 200 375 750 1500 750 750 750 750 24 421.91 26.76 43.97 12 387.04 49.09 80.67 6 331.27 84.04 138.09 3 331.27 168.07 276.18 1 293.74 429.44 6 422.66 107.22 6 635.82 161.29 24 366.36 23.23 38.18 12 407.64 51.70 84.96 6 350.88 89.01 146.27 6 718.53 182.28 299.52 6 1282.26 325.28 534.52 6 984.44 249.73 410.37 6 372.47 94.49 6 372.47 94.49 155.27 48.16 37.01 41.02 88.37 36.21 40.13 151.26 30.99 34.35 302.53 30.99 34.35 56.35 65.04 41.82 93.07 38.14 42.27 160.22 32.83 36.38 328.10 33.61 37.25 585.51 119.97 132.96 449.52 92.11 102.08 170.08 34.85 38.62 750 6 430.09 109.10 179.29 196.39 40.24 44.60 750 1500 750 750 750 750 6 3 1 1 1 3 320.27 81.25 133.51 146.24 344.46 174.76 287.18 314.58 1732.11 2636.394332.24 4745.51 560.49 853.111401.86 1535.59 646.77 984.431617.66 1771.97 781.70 396.60 651.71 713.88 29.96 32.23 972.35 314.64 363.08 146.27 33.21 35.72 1077.67 348.72 402.40 162.12 750 750 750 6 6 6 565.02 143.33 235.53 258.00 383.05 97.17 159.68 174.91 502.12 127.38 209.31 229.28 52.86 35.84 46.98 58.59 39.72 52.07 750 6 750 750 375 750 750 1500 750 750 375 750 750 750 750 750 750 1500 3000 375 750 1500 6 528.90 134.17 220.48 241.51 49.48 54.84 6 1419.00 359.97 591.52 647.95 132.76 147.14 12 397.32 50.40 82.81 90.71 37.17 41.20 6 387.00 98.17 161.32 176.71 36.21 40.13 6 387.00 98.17 3 387.00 196.35 322.65 353.42 36.21 40.13 6 503.10 127.63 209.72 229.73 47.07 52.17 6 423.12 107.34 176.38 193.21 12 430.86 54.65 89.80 98.37 40.31 44.68 6 1380.00 350.08 575.26 630.14 129.11 143.10 6 1380.00 350.08 6 549.54 139.41 229.08 250.93 51.42 56.98 6 549.54 139.41 6 536.64 136.13 6 360.80 91.53 3 438.60 222.53 1 516.00 754.39 98.99 114.25 12 454.08 57.60 94.64 103.67 42.48 47.09 6 423.12 107.34 176.38 193.21 39.59 43.88 3 438.60 222.53 365.67 400.55 41.04 45.48 750 750 6 6 WINE - CHAMPAGNE - PINK Bollinger (France) La Grande Année Rosé Rosé Rosé Reserve Rosé Vintage 1999 Delamotte Delamotte Rosé NV Dom Perignon Rosé Gift Box 1998 Henriot Henriot Brut Rosé NV Krug Multi Vintage Rosé Louis Roederer Vintage Rosé 2005 Moet & Chandon Brut Imperial Rosé Gift Box NV Brut Imperial Rosé NV Vintage Rosé Gift Box 2003 Mumm Rosé Rosé Giftbox Nicolas Feuillatte Brut Rosé Cuvée Palmes d’Or Rosé Vintage Perrier Jouet Belle Epoq Rosé Piper - Heidsieck Rosé Sauvage Pol Roger Brut Rosé 2000 Taittinger Comtes de Champagne Rosé NV Brut Prestige Rosé Vintage Brut Réserve Rosé 2002 WINE - CIDER - AUSTRALIAN Australian Cider Company Draught Aussie Cider Premium Aussie Cider Bulmers Original Bulmers Original Bulmers Original Bulmers Pear Little Creatures (WA) Aspall Pipsqueak Mercury Cider Mercury Draught Mercury Draught Mercury Dry Mercury Dry Mercury Sweet Mercury Sweet Strongbow Classic Dry Classic Dry Clear Medium Sweet Medium Sweet Premium Original Premium Original TED 5 Seeds TED 5 Seeds MERCH. CODE FWP FWP SUN SUN 750 750 750 750 6 6 6 6 CHA 750 12 1319.40 167.35 275.00 301.23 MHA 750 6 MEZ 750 6 MHA 750 6 R+W 750 6 509.55 129.26 212.41 232.67 47.67 52.84 MHA MHA MHA 750 750 750 6 6 6 374.00 94.88 374.00 94.88 155.90 170.78 462.00 117.20 34.99 38.78 PRA PRA 750 750 6 6 379.03 379.04 35.46 ANG ANG 750 750 6 6 438.60 111.26 182.83 200.27 41.04 45.48 1444.80 366.51 602.27 659.73 135.18 149.82 1170.49 296.93 487.93 534.47 109.51 121.37 PRA 750 6 SUN 750 6 SSS 750 6 MCW MCW MHA 750 750 750 6 6 6 MERCH. CODE WINE - CIDER - INTERNATIONAL Magners Original Irish Cider Original Irish Cider Pear Irish Cider Pear Irish Cider Escanciador Escanciador ES Sparkling Cider Samuel Smith Organic Cider Organic Cider - England (Bottles) Organic Lager - England (Bottles) 445.05 112.90 185.52 203.22 657.90 166.89 274.25 300.41 LICENSEES’ LIQUOR GUIDE MARCH 2011 41.64 61.55 46.15 68.22 De Bortoli Father O’Leary Butterscotch Cream Father O’Leary Cappuccino Father O’Leary Hazelnut & Rum Father O’Leary Velvet Cream Tropical Rumba WINE - DESSERT - AUSTRALIAN 1586.70 712.08 515.73 851.77 402.51 180.64 130.83 216.08 2967.00 752.66 661.43 296.83 214.99 355.07 724.52 148.45 164.53 325.15 66.62 73.84 235.49 48.25 53.48 388.94 79.69 88.32 528.90 134.17 220.48 241.51 61.72 68.41 49.48 54.84 2206.80 559.82 919.92 1007.67 206.47 228.83 96.15 158.00 173.07 96.15 39.30 430.09 109.10 179.29 196.39 40.24 44.60 515.79 130.84 215.01 235.52 48.26 53.49 1883.40 477.78 785.11 860.00 176.21 195.30 503.10 127.63 209.72 229.73 47.07 52.17 588.24 149.22 245.21 268.60 55.04 61.00 W/SALE OFF PREMISE INCL. WET INCL. GST & Bottle SIZE - NO. PER DEP. 6 PACK BOTTLE ML CTN. EXCL. GST LOW MARGIN ACC ACC 330 330 24 24 50.63 53.52 19.26 20.36 3.84 4.06 7.97 8.43 9.19 9.72 CUB CUB CUB OPT OPT 330 500 500 550 330 24 12 12 12 24 66.99 51.55 51.55 68.50 53.50 25.52 5.09 39.36 7.85 39.36 7.85 52.35 10.45 20.36 4.06 10.58 16.35 16.35 21.77 8.43 12.21 18.87 18.87 25.12 9.72 CUB CUB CUB CUB CUB CUB 375 750 375 750 375 750 24 12 24 12 24 12 41.19 41.07 41.19 41.07 41.19 41.07 15.64 31.33 15.64 31.33 15.64 31.33 3.11 6.25 3.11 6.25 3.11 6.25 6.46 13.00 6.46 13.00 6.46 13.00 7.45 15.00 7.45 15.00 7.45 15.00 CUB CUB CUB CUB CUB CUB CUB SAB 375 750 355 355 750 355 750 24 12 24 24 12 24 12 44.65 44.53 44.65 44.65 44.53 44.65 44.53 16.96 33.98 16.96 16.96 33.98 16.96 33.98 3.38 6.78 3.38 3.38 6.78 3.38 6.78 7.01 14.11 7.01 7.01 14.11 7.01 14.11 8.08 16.28 8.08 8.08 16.28 8.08 16.28 345 24 41.62 15.80 3.15 6.53 7.53 SUN SUN SUN SUN 330 568 330 568 24 12 24 12 61.02 53.15 61.02 53.15 23.24 40.59 23.24 40.59 4.63 8.10 4.63 8.10 9.63 16.87 9.63 16.87 11.10 19.46 11.10 19.46 EMP 330 24 55.00 20.93 4.17 8.66 9.99 EMP EMP EMP 330 550 550 24 12 12 60.90 60.90 78.60 23.19 4.62 46.53 9.28 60.09 11.99 9.61 19.34 25.00 11.08 22.32 28.85 FCW FCW FCW FCW FCW MERCH. CODE Alkoomi (Frankland River, WA) JTW Late Harvest Riesling Bethany (Barossa, SA) PWS Late Harvest Cut Cane Riesling 500ml Brown Brothers Milawa Vineyard (Vic) Late Harvest Orange Muscat & Flora 2010 BBM Late Harvest Orange Muscat & Flora 2010 BBM d’Arenberg Wines (McLaren Vale, SA) The Noble Mud Pie Viognier Pinot Gris Marsanne 2008 EMP The Noble Prangster Chardonnay Semillon EMP EMP The Noble Wrinkled Riesling 2008 The Stump Jump Sticky Chardonnay 2008 EMP HIGH MARGIN MERCH. CODE ON PREMISE Bottle INCL. GST 3295.98 836.121373.95 1505.01 308.38 341.78 WINE - COCKTAIL ON PREMISE INCL. GST W/SALE OFF INCL. premise Glass 150ml Bottle WET SIZE - NO. PER EXCL. GST BOTTLE HIGH LOW LOW HIGH ML CTN. MARGIN MARGIN MARGIN MARGIN OFF W/SALE INCL. premise WET SIZE - NO. PER EXCL. GST BOTTLE/ CASK ML CTN. 750 750 750 750 700 6 6 6 6 6 59.08 59.08 59.08 59.08 53.79 14.99 14.99 14.99 14.99 13.65 OFF ON PREMISE INCL. GST W/SALE INCL. premise Glass 60ml Bottle WET SIZE - NO. PER EXCL. GST BOTTLE/ HIGH LOW LOW HIGH CASK ML CTN. MARGIN MARGIN MARGIN MARGIN 750 12 123.84 15.71 25.81 28.27 3.17 3.39 500 12 174.15 22.09 36.30 39.76 6.68 7.16 375 750 12 6 90.18 66.30 11.44 18.80 16.82 27.64 20.59 30.27 4.61 3.39 4.94 3.64 375 375 375 375 6 6 6 12 81.30 81.30 81.30 96.75 20.62 20.62 20.62 12.27 37.12 37.12 37.12 22.09 8.32 8.32 8.32 4.95 8.92 8.92 8.92 5.30 33.89 33.89 33.89 20.17 WINE - DESSERT - AUSTRALIAN 15 WINE - DESSERT - AUSTRALIAN MERCH. CODE De Bortoli Wines FCW Black Noble Deen Debortoli Botrytis Semillon FCW FCW Noble One Noble One FCW Elderton (SA) FCW Estate Riverina Botrytis Semillon Flagships MCW Morning Light Botrytis Semillon Forest Hill Estate Noble Riesling SSS Heggies Vineyard Botrytis Riesling SSS Henschke (Keyneton, SA) Muscat of Tappa Pass FWP Inniskillin CWA Cabernet Franc Icewine Oak Aged Vidal (Gold) Icewine CWA CWA Riesling Icewine Sparkling Icewine CWA Innocent Bystander (VIC) FWP Pink Moscato Lake Breeze (Langhorne Creek, SA) CHA Moscato 2009 Longview Vineyard (Adelaide Hills, SA) Epitome Late Harvest Riesling 2008 CHA Miranda (Riverina, NSW) Golden Botrytis AUV Mitchelton (VIC) FWP Blackwood Park Bortrytis Riesling Mount Horrocks (Clare Valley, SA) OPT Cordon Cut Riesling Orlando (SA) PRA Gramp’s Botrytis Noble Late Harvest Pauletts (Polish Hill, Clare Valley, SA) Late Harvest Riesling 2009 - screwcap EMP Pertaringa Wines (McLaren Vale, SA) Moscato 2010 CHA Peter Lehmann (Barossa, SA) SSS Botrytis Semillon Primo Estate (Virginia, SA) NEG La Magia Botrytis Riesling Ralph Fowler (Mt Benson, SA) Sticky’ Botrytis Viognier Sauvignon Blanc GSW Seppelt Drumborg FOS Drumborg Pinot Gris Tamar Ridge (TAS) FWP Botrytis Riesling Tempus Two AUV Botrytis Semillon T’Gallant (Mornington Peninsula, VIC) FOS Imogen Pinot Gris The Lane (Adelaide Hills, SA) GSW Dessert Wine Trentham Estate (Trentham Cliffs, NSW) EMP Noble Taminga Botrytis 2006 Vasse Felix Estate SSS Cane Cut Semillon Woodstock (McLaren Vale, SA) GSW Botrytis Semillon Yaldara AUV Fine Old Tawny Port AUV Liqueur Port Muscat AUV AUV Sherry - Cream AUV Sherry - Dry AUV Sherry - Medium Dry AUV Sherry - Rich Old Tawny AUV Sherry - Sweet Tawny 15 YO Port AUV Yalumba SSS FSW 8B Botrytis Viognier OFF ON PREMISE INCL. GST W/SALE INCL. premise Glass 60ml Bottle WET SIZE - NO. PER EXCL. GST BOTTLE/ HIGH LOW LOW HIGH CASK ML CTN. MARGIN MARGIN MARGIN MARGIN 375 375 375 750 6 12 12 6 159.29 114.71 283.90 273.92 375 6 93.81 23.80 39.11 375 12 212.85 375 12 206.40 375 12 375 375 375 375 375 375 12 96.75 12.27 20.17 500 12 138.03 375 12 154.80 375 12 375 12 375 40.41 14.55 36.01 69.49 66.40 72.74 23.91 26.19 59.17 64.82 114.19 125.08 16.30 5.87 14.52 14.01 17.47 6.29 15.57 15.02 42.84 9.60 10.29 27.00 44.36 48.60 10.89 11.67 26.18 43.02 47.12 10.56 11.32 206.40 26.18 43.02 47.12 10.56 11.32 12 212.85 27.00 44.36 48.60 10.89 11.67 6 6 6 6 457.95 116.17 190.90 209.11 354.75 89.99 147.88 161.99 419.25 106.35 174.77 191.44 380.55 96.54 158.63 173.77 46.85 36.30 42.90 38.94 50.22 38.90 45.97 41.73 22.09 4.95 5.30 17.51 28.77 31.51 5.30 5.68 19.63 32.26 35.34 7.92 8.49 156.09 19.80 32.53 35.64 7.99 8.56 143.84 18.24 29.98 32.84 7.36 7.89 12 270.90 34.36 56.46 61.85 13.86 14.85 375 12 150.58 19.10 31.39 34.38 7.70 8.26 750 12 162.60 20.62 33.89 37.12 4.16 4.46 750 12 141.90 18.00 29.58 32.40 3.63 3.89 375 12 180.60 22.91 37.64 41.23 9.24 9.90 375 12 238.65 30.27 49.74 54.49 12.21 13.08 375 12 116.10 14.73 24.20 26.51 5.94 6.37 750 6 105.78 26.83 44.10 48.30 5.41 5.80 375 6 104.49 26.51 43.56 47.71 10.69 11.46 375 12 141.90 18.00 29.58 32.40 7.26 7.78 750 12 157.38 19.96 32.80 35.93 4.03 4.31 375 12 174.15 22.09 36.30 39.76 8.91 9.55 375 12 112.20 14.23 23.39 25.62 5.74 6.15 375 12 186.84 23.70 38.94 42.66 9.56 10.24 375 12 163.83 20.78 34.15 37.40 8.38 8.98 750 750 2000 2000 2000 2000 2000 2000 750 12 12 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 73.82 96.88 60.09 60.09 60.09 60.09 60.09 60.09 92.36 9.36 12.29 15.24 15.24 15.24 15.24 15.24 15.24 23.43 15.39 20.19 25.05 25.05 25.05 25.05 25.05 25.05 38.50 16.85 22.12 27.44 27.44 27.44 27.44 27.44 27.44 42.17 1.89 2.48 1.15 1.15 1.15 1.15 1.15 1.15 4.72 2.02 2.66 1.24 1.24 1.24 1.24 1.24 1.24 5.06 375 12 220.59 27.98 45.98 50.36 11.28 12.09 PRA 750 6 82.23 20.86 34.28 37.55 4.21 4.51 EMP 375 12 258.00 32.72 53.77 58.90 13.20 14.15 MEZ 375 6 221.88 56.29 92.49 101.32 22.70 24.33 FWP FWP 375 750 12 12 258.00 470.85 32.72 53.77 58.90 59.72 98.14 107.50 13.20 12.04 14.15 12.91 PRA 750 12 270.88 34.36 56.46 61.84 6.93 7.43 FWP 375 12 368.94 46.80 76.90 84.23 18.87 20.23 375 375 6 12 93.53 116.10 25.10 38.99 15.58 24.20 42.71 26.51 15.12 9.39 19.17 11.90 375 375 6 6 94.20 171.60 25.28 39.27 46.05 71.53 43.01 78.36 15.23 27.75 19.31 35.18 750 750 6 6 98.04 98.04 26.31 40.87 26.31 40.87 44.77 44.77 7.93 7.93 10.05 10.05 3000 3000 3000 4 4 4 58.31 58.31 58.31 21.31 21.31 21.31 1.68 1.68 1.68 2.10 2.10 2.10 3000 4 58.31 21.31 1.68 2.10 750 750 6 6 83.85 83.85 22.50 34.95 22.50 34.95 38.29 38.29 6.78 6.78 8.59 8.59 750 750 12 12 122.55 122.55 16.45 25.54 16.45 25.54 27.98 27.98 4.95 4.95 6.28 6.28 WINE - DESSERT - INTERNATIONAL Dubonnet Rouge (France) Dubonnet Rouge Forrest Estate (Marlborough, NZ) John Forrest Collection Brancott Valley Noble Riesling 2005 Isabel Estate (Marlborough, NZ) Nobel Sauvage 2006 Paul Jaboulet Aine (Rhone, France) Muscat de Beaumes de Venise Muscat de Beaumes de Venise Lillet Blanc (France) Lillet Villa Maria (NZ) Reserve Noble Riesling WINE - FORTIFIED - AUSTRALIAN Alkoomi (Frankland River, WA) Cape Jaffa Botrytis Semillon (bio-dynamic) JTW Liqueur Pedro NV JTW Anvers Wines FFW Fortified Shiraz 2007 FFW 21 Year Old Rare Tawny Bailey’s of Glenrowan Founders Range Founders Series Muscat FOS FOS Founders Tokay Berri Estates CWA Karooma Cream Sherry (Casks) CWA Kyamba Tawny Port (Casks) Sherry - Medium (Casks) CWA Berri Estates CWA Sherry - Sweet (Casks) Bethany (Barossa, SA) PWS Old Quarry Port Blend White Port NV PWS Bleasdale (Langhorne Creek, SA) NEG The Wise One Tawny Port The Wise One Wood Matured Verdelho NEG 16 WINE - DESSERT - AUSTRALIAN WINE - FORTIFIED - AUSTRALIAN MERCH. CODE OFF ON PREMISE INCL. GST W/SALE INCL. premise Glass 60ml Bottle WET SIZE - NO. PER EXCL. GST BOTTLE/ HIGH LOW LOW HIGH CASK ML CTN. MARGIN MARGIN MARGIN MARGIN Bookmark ANG 750 12 Cream Crema All’Uovo ANG 750 12 ANG 750 12 Dry Medium ANG 750 12 ANG 750 12 Sweet Tawny ANG 750 12 Brown Brothers Milawa Vineyard (Vic) BBM 750 Australian Tawny Port 6 Buller Wines (King Valley, Rutherglen, Swan Hill VIC) GSW 750 6 Fine Old Malmsey Fine Old Muscat GSW 750 6 Fine Old Tawny Port GSW 750 6 GSW 750 Fine Old Tokay 6 Victoria Malmsey GSW 750 6 Victoria Muscat GSW 750 6 GSW 750 Victoria Tawny Port 6 Victoria Tokay GSW 750 6 Campbells (Rutherglen, VIC) R+W 500 Classic Tokay/Muscat 6 R+W 375 Isabella Rare Tokay 6 Merchant Prince Rare Muscat R+W 375 6 R+W 375 12 Rutherglen Tokay Muscat d’Arenberg Wines (McLaren Vale, SA) Nostalgia Very Old Tawny Port NV EMP 375 6 375 Vintage Fortified Shiraz Chambourcin 2005 EMP 12 Vintage Fortified Shiraz Chambourcin 2005 EMP 750 6 De Bortoli Wines FCW 2000 6 Bianco Vermouth Flagon FCW 2000 Cream Sherry 6 Dry Sherry FCW 2000 6 FCW 2000 6 Dry Vermouth Flagon Medium Sherry FCW 2000 6 FCW 750 Old Boys 21 YO Port 6 FCW 15000 1 Old Tawny Port Port 8 YO FCW 750 6 Premium Old Port (cask) FCW 2000 6 FCW 4000 4 Premium Old Port (cask) FCW 2000 6 Rosso Vermouth Flagon Sacred Hill Tawny Port 5 YO FCW 750 6 FCW 750 6 Show Liqueur Muscat FCW 2000 Sweet Sherry 6 FCW 2000 6 Tawny Port Flagon Festival Festival FCW 750 12 FCW 2000 6 Festival All’Uovo Marsala FCW 750 12 Festival Coffee Marsala FCW 2000 6 Festival Coffee Marsala Grant Burge (Barossa Valley, SA) Aged Tawny OPT 750 6 OPT 750 Liqueur Muscat - Age unknown 6 Grant Burge (Barossa Valley, SA) Old Tawny - 20 YO OPT 750 6 OPT 750 6 Ten Year Old Muscat Ten Year Old Tawny OPT 750 6 Hanwood Classic MCW 750 6 Classic Amontillado MCW 750 6 Classic Muscat MCW 750 6 Classic Oloroso MCW 750 Classic Tawny 6 Hardys CWA 750 Show Port (Gift Boxed) 6 CWA Tall Ships Tawny Port 750 12 CWA Vintage Port 750 6 CWA 750 Whiskers Blake 6 CWA 750 6 Whiskers Blake (Glass Gift Pack) CWA 3000 Hardys ReserveTawny Port (Casks) 4 Hugh Hamilton (McLaren Vale, SA) JTW 500 12 The ‘Ruffian’ Liqueur Muscat Inheritance MCW 750 Fine Tawny Port 6 375 Massey WinesFortified McLaren Vale Shiraz FFW 6 Maxwell (McLaren Vale, SA) White Port GSW 750 12 McWilliams Hanwood Port Hanwood Tawny Port 10 YO (Tin Canister) MCW 750 6 McWilliams Royal ReserveRR Dry Apera MCW 750 12 RR Dry Apera MCW 2000 6 MCW 750 12 RR Medium Dry Apera MCW 2000 6 RR Medium Dry Apera MCW 750 12 RR Muscat MCW 2000 6 RR Muscat MCW 750 12 RR Semi Sweet Apera MCW 2000 6 RR Semi Sweet Apera RR Sweet Apera MCW 750 12 MCW 2000 6 RR Sweet Apera MCW 750 RR Tawny 12 MCW 2000 R Tawny 6 McWilliams Show Reserve MCW 375 Australian Vintage Port 12 MCW 500 6 Grand Liqueur Muscat MCW 750 6 Rare Vintage Tawny McWilliams Wines Fortified Cream Apera MCW 750 12 Cream Apera MCW 2000 6 MCW 750 Cream Tawny 12 MCW 2000 Cream Tawny 6 MCW 2000 Premium Tawny Port (Casks) 6 MCW 750 12 Tawny Port Morris PRA 750 12 Black Label Liqueur Muscat Black Label Tawny PRA 750 12 PRA 2000 8 Cream (Casks) Liqueur Muscat (Cannister) PRA 500 6 Liqueur Tawny (Cannister) PRA 500 6 PRA 500 6 Liqueur Tokay (Cannister) PRA 500 Old Premium Tawny 6 PRA 500 6 Premium Amontillado PRA 500 6 Premium Liqueur Muscat Premium Liqueur Tokay PRA 500 6 PRA 2000 Tawny (Casks) 8 59.34 59.34 59.34 59.34 59.34 59.34 7.96 7.96 7.96 7.96 7.96 7.96 12.37 12.37 12.37 12.37 12.37 12.37 13.55 13.55 13.55 13.55 13.55 13.55 2.40 2.40 2.40 2.40 2.40 2.40 3.04 3.04 3.04 3.04 3.04 3.04 66.30 96.75 96.75 96.75 96.75 58.05 58.05 58.05 58.05 17.79 25.97 25.97 25.97 25.97 15.58 15.58 15.58 15.58 27.64 40.33 40.33 40.33 40.33 24.20 24.20 24.20 24.20 30.27 44.18 44.18 44.18 44.18 26.51 26.51 26.51 26.51 5.36 7.82 7.82 7.82 7.82 4.69 4.69 4.69 4.69 6.80 9.92 9.92 9.92 9.92 5.95 5.95 5.95 5.95 174.15 46.74 72.60 79.52 514.40 138.06 214.43 234.89 514.40 138.06 214.43 234.89 156.09 20.95 32.53 35.64 21.12 26.77 83.18 105.44 83.18 105.44 12.62 16.00 141.90 170.28 141.90 38.08 59.15 22.85 35.49 38.08 59.15 64.79 38.88 64.79 22.95 13.77 11.47 29.09 17.45 14.54 63.47 56.97 56.97 63.47 56.97 194.89 62.77 104.80 52.63 65.43 63.47 28.25 104.80 56.97 56.97 15.47 13.88 13.88 15.47 13.88 52.31 91.77 28.13 12.82 23.91 15.47 7.58 28.13 13.88 13.88 81.24 43.69 11.78 43.69 88.99 47.85 12.90 47.85 1.83 1.64 1.64 1.83 1.64 15.76 1.45 8.47 1.52 1.41 1.83 2.28 8.47 1.64 1.64 2.29 2.05 2.05 2.29 2.05 19.97 1.81 10.74 1.9 1.77 2.29 2.90 10.74 2.05 2.05 99.85 118.82 99.85 118.82 13.40 20.81 28.95 13.40 20.81 28.95 22.80 22.80 4.04 3.42 4.04 3.42 5.12 4.28 5.12 4.28 70.95 258.00 19.04 29.58 32.40 69.24 107.55 117.81 5.74 20.86 7.27 26.44 258.00 112.23 112.23 69.24 107.55 117.81 30.12 46.78 51.25 30.12 46.78 51.25 20.86 9.07 9.07 26.44 11.50 11.50 5.12 5.12 5.12 5.12 49.99 49.99 49.99 49.99 13.42 13.42 13.42 13.42 20.84 20.84 20.84 20.84 22.83 22.83 22.83 22.83 4.04 4.04 4.04 4.04 237.36 82.56 123.84 77.40 113.52 61.28 63.70 11.08 33.24 20.77 30.47 22.40 98.94 108.38 17.21 18.85 51.62 56.55 32.26 35.34 3.34 10.01 6.26 1.76 206.40 27.70 43.02 47.12 12.52 15.87 29.67 74.16 7.96 12.37 19.90 30.91 13.55 33.86 2.40 11.99 3.04 15.20 187.05 25.10 38.99 42.71 7.56 9.59 106.43 58.70 63.86 58.70 63.86 58.70 63.86 58.70 63.86 58.70 63.86 58.70 63.86 28.56 7.88 15.56 7.88 15.56 7.88 15.56 7.88 15.56 7.88 15.56 7.88 15.56 48.60 13.40 13.40 13.40 13.40 13.40 13.40 8.61 2.37 1.84 2.37 1.84 2.37 1.84 2.37 1.84 2.37 1.84 2.37 1.84 10.91 3.0 2.30 3.01 2.30 3.01 2.30 3.01 2.30 3.01 2.30 3.01 2.30 148.35 277.35 251.55 19.91 30.92 33.87 74.44 115.62 126.64 67.51 104.86 114.86 11.99 33.64 20.34 15.20 42.64 25.78 13.40 13.40 13.40 2.37 1.84 2.37 1.84 1.37 2.37 3.01 2.30 3.01 2.30 1.72 3.01 23.38 25.61 23.38 25.61 31.44 34.44 31.45 34.45 31.45 34.45 90.87 99.54 84.30 92.34 112.28 123.00 112.28 123.00 4.53 4.53 1.85 9.15 9.15 9.15 26.44 24.53 32.67 32.67 1.85 5.75 5.75 2.31 11.60 11.60 11.60 33.52 31.09 41.41 41.41 2.31 58.70 63.86 58.70 63.86 47.73 58.70 112.16 112.16 85.59 75.43 75.44 75.44 218.00 202.22 269.36 269.36 85.59 44.37 12.23 12.23 12.23 12.23 12.23 12.23 7.88 12.23 15.56 7.88 12.23 15.56 11.63 7.88 12.23 15.05 15.05 15.64 20.24 20.25 20.25 58.51 54.27 72.29 72.29 15.64 4.23 12.69 7.93 2.21 SEE PAGE 50 FOR MERCHANT CODE INDEX WINE - FORTIFIED - AUSTRALIAN MERCH. CODE Orlando PRA Orlando Liqueur Tawny Paddle WheelCream (Flagons) ANG Dry (Flagons) ANG Medium (Flagons) ANG ANG Sweet (Flagons) ANG Tawny (Cask) Penfolds (SA) FOS Bluestone10 year old Tawny (Gift Box) Club Reserve Aged Tawny Port (Gift Box) FOS FOS Club Tawny FOS Grandfather Fine Old Liqueur Port Great Grandfather Fine Old Liqueur Port (Gift Box) FOS Pertaringa Wines (McLaren Vale, SA) CHA Full Fronti NV Peter Lehmann (Barossa, SA) The King Vintage Port SSS Premium Fortified ANG Premium Vintage Fortified Shiraz Qunita Do Pego Late Bottled Vintage Port ANG ANG Vintage Port Renmano CWA Aged Tawny Port (Casks) CWA Altar Wine CWA Cromwell Port Saltram (SA) FOS Mr Pickwick’s Tawny Port Seppelt (SA) FOS Vintage Tawny Seppeltsfield (Barossa Valley) NEG NV Cellar No. 7 Tawny NV Clara Bianca Palomino (Amontillado) NEG NV DP90 Rare Tawny NEG NV Flora Palomino (Fino) Extra Dry NEG NEG NV Para Grand - 10 YO Tawny NV Rutherglen Cellar No. 8 Muscat NEG NEG NV Rutherglen Cellar No. 6 Tokay NEG NV Rutherglen Grand Muscat NEG NV Rutherglen Grand Tokay NEG NV Vera Voila (Oloroso) Sevenhill (Clare Valley, SA) Apera Fine Dry GSW GSW Apera Fine Sweet Apera Rich Sweet GSW GSW Liqueur Frontignac Liqueur Tokay GSW GSW Tawny Port Skillogalee (Clare Valley, SA) Muscat PWS Stanley Tawny Port (Casks) CWA Stanley Lambert NV Choc-a-bloc - (Chocolate Australian Tawny)SLW Tscharke (Barossa Valley, SA) Lumberjack Vintage Fortified Touriga NacionalR+W Turkey Flat (Barossa Valley, SA) Pedro Ximinez ANG Tyrrell’s Wines (Hunter Valley, NSW) OPT Special Aged Tawny West Cape Howe (Mt Barker, WA) Old Muscat NV EMP Wolf Blass Gold Label FOS Cellar Door NV Muscat Wolf Blass Red LabelWolf Blass FOS Reserve Tawny Port Woodstock (McLaren Vale, SA) Muscat GSW GSW Fortified Shiraz GSW Very Old’ Fortified Yalumba Museum Release Old Antique Tawny Port 15 YO SSS Museum Release Old Liqueur Muscat 8 YO SSS Yarra Yering (Yarra Valley, VIC) Potsorts’ Dry Port GSW OFF ON PREMISE INCL. GST W/SALE INCL. premise Glass 60ml Bottle WET SIZE - NO. PER EXCL. GST BOTTLE/ HIGH LOW LOW HIGH CASK ML CTN. MARGIN MARGIN MARGIN MARGIN Malmsey 5 YO- Malvasia (Sweet Rich) Malvasia 10 YO - Old Reserve (Dry) Sercial 5 YO (Very Dry) Verdelho 5 YO (Dry) Verdelho 10 YO Reserve (Dry) 750 2000 2000 2000 2000 2000 12 6 6 6 6 6 25.00 4.43 1.56 1.56 1.56 1.56 1.56 5.61 1.95 1.95 1.95 1.95 1.95 750 750 750 750 750 6 98.04 26.31 12 157.38 21.12 12 113.52 15.23 23.66 25.92 6 388.29 104.21 161.86 177.30 6 1355.79 363.87 4.59 31.39 5.82 39.80 500 12 206.40 27.70 43.02 47.12 12.52 15.87 Maxwell (McLaren Vale, SA) Honey Mead Liqueur Mead Spiced Mead 750 6 97.09 26.06 40.47 44.33 7.85 9.95 WINE - MISCELLANEOUS 750 12 103.20 13.85 21.51 23.56 4.17 5.29 750 750 6 6 140.61 317.34 37.74 58.61 64.21 85.17 132.29 144.90 11.37 25.66 14.41 32.52 2000 750 750 6 12 12 47.21 63.21 70.95 14.43 16.20 1.36 2.56 2.87 1.70 3.24 3.64 750 6 279.93 75.13 116.69 127.82 22.63 28.69 750 6 776.58 208.42 323.72 354.60 62.79 79.59 750 500 500 500 750 750 750 500 500 500 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 76.11 113.52 265.74 94.82 128.03 76.11 76.11 128.03 128.03 132.87 20.43 30.47 71.32 25.45 34.36 20.43 20.43 34.36 34.36 35.66 6.15 13.77 32.23 11.50 10.35 6.15 6.15 15.53 15.53 16.11 7.80 17.45 40.85 14.58 13.12 7.80 7.80 19.68 19.68 20.43 750 750 750 500 500 500 12 12 12 12 12 12 96.75 96.75 96.75 144.48 144.48 144.48 12.98 12.98 12.98 19.39 19.39 19.39 20.17 20.17 20.17 30.11 30.11 30.11 22.09 22.09 22.09 32.99 32.99 32.99 3.91 3.91 3.91 8.76 8.76 8.76 4.96 4.96 4.96 11.11 11.11 11.11 750 12 296.70 39.81 61.84 67.74 11.99 15.20 2000 8 70.95 1.53 1.92 750 12 193.50 25.97 40.33 44.18 7.82 9.92 500 6 113.52 30.47 47.32 51.84 13.77 17.45 375 6 138.03 37.05 57.54 63.03 22.32 28.29 750 12 118.68 15.93 24.74 27.10 4.80 6.08 375 12 224.52 30.13 46.80 51.26 18.15 23.01 500 12 196.08 26.31 40.87 44.77 11.89 15.07 750 12 113.52 15.23 23.66 25.92 4.59 5.82 375 375 500 12 12 12 163.83 163.83 341.85 21.98 34.15 21.98 34.15 45.87 71.25 37.40 37.40 78.05 13.25 13.25 20.73 16.79 16.79 26.28 375 375 12 12 157.24 157.24 21.10 32.77 21.10 32.77 35.90 35.90 12.71 12.71 16.12 16.12 750 12 696.60 93.48 145.19 159.04 28.16 35.70 375 750 6 6 183.82 161.89 49.33 76.63 43.45 67.48 83.94 73.92 29.72 13.09 37.68 16.59 750 6 98.81 26.52 41.19 45.12 7.99 10.13 750 750 750 750 375 375 750 750 12 12 12 12 24 24 12 12 193.50 309.60 322.50 206.40 219.30 335.40 309.60 367.65 25.97 41.55 43.28 27.70 14.71 22.50 41.55 49.34 40.33 64.53 67.22 43.02 22.85 34.95 64.53 76.63 44.18 70.68 73.63 47.12 25.03 38.29 70.68 83.94 7.82 12.52 13.04 8.34 8.87 13.56 12.52 14.86 9.92 15.87 16.53 10.58 11.24 17.19 15.87 18.84 750 6 98.81 26.52 41.19 45.12 7.99 10.13 750 750 6 6 180.60 122.55 48.47 75.28 32.89 51.09 82.47 55.96 14.60 9.91 18.51 12.56 750 750 750 750 375 750 12 12 12 6 12 12 146.16 146.16 146.16 171.89 144.74 262.64 19.61 19.61 19.61 46.13 19.42 35.24 30.46 30.46 30.46 71.65 30.17 54.74 33.37 33.37 33.37 78.49 33.05 59.96 5.91 5.91 5.91 13.90 11.70 10.62 7.49 7.49 7.49 17.62 14.83 13.46 187 375 12 12 61.92 131.58 8.31 12.91 17.66 27.42 14.14 30.04 10.04 10.64 12.73 13.49 750 750 6 6 161.25 103.20 43.28 67.22 27.70 43.02 73.63 47.12 13.04 8.34 16.53 10.58 750 12 354.75 47.60 73.94 80.99 14.34 18.18 109.48 54.18 54.18 54.18 54.18 54.18 14.69 22.82 13.20 13.20 13.20 13.20 13.20 11.50 8.48 13.17 9.52 14.79 12.97 31.73 34.75 47.32 51.84 110.78 121.34 39.53 43.30 53.37 58.46 31.73 34.75 31.73 34.75 53.37 58.46 53.37 58.46 55.39 60.67 WINE - FORTIFIED - INTERNATIONAL Bodegas Alvear (Spain) DEC Pedro Ximenez 1927 DEC Pedro Ximenez Solera Cockburns Special (Portugal) BGWS Special Reserve Port Emilio Lustau (Spain) Amontillado Los Arcos Sherry NEG Dry Oloroso Don Nuno Sherry NEG NEG East India Solera Sherry NEG Light Fino Jarana Sherry NEG Light Manzanilla Papirusa Sherry Moscatel Emilin Sherry NEG Moscatel Emilin Sherry NEG Pedro Ximenez San Emilio Sherry NEG Harveys Bristol (Spain) BGWS Bristol Cream Sherry Ramos Pinto (Oporto, Portugal) R+W Late Bottled Vintage Port 2004 R+W Tawny Port Sherries (Spain) EMP Gonzales Byass Elegante - Amontillado EMP Gonzales Byass Elegante - Cream EMP Gonzales Byass Elegante - Fino Gonzales Byass Nectar - Pedro Ximinez SherryEMP EMP Tio Pepe - Fino Dry EMP Tio Pepe - Fino Dry Pedro Romero (Jerez, Spain) EMP Aurora Manzanilla EMP Aurora Manzanilla Valdespino (Spain) Pedro Ximinez El Candado NEG NEG Pedro Ximinez Yellow Label Vinhos Barbieto (Madeira, Portugal) EMP Boal 5 YO (Medium Sweet) OFF ON PREMISE INCL. GST W/SALE INCL. premise Glass 60ml Bottle WET MERCH. SIZE - NO. PER EXCL. GST BOTTLE/ HIGH LOW LOW HIGH WINE - FORTIFIED - INTERNATIONAL CODE CASK ML CTN. MARGIN MARGIN MARGIN MARGIN LICENSEES’ LIQUOR GUIDE MARCH 2011 WINE- MEAD Stones Green Ginger Wine Green Ginger Wine Mac Reserve EMP EMP EMP EMP EMP MERCH. CODE GSW GSW GSW 750 750 750 750 750 12 12 12 12 12 354.75 47.60 73.94 80.99 774.00 103.86 161.32 176.71 354.75 47.60 73.94 80.99 354.75 47.60 73.94 80.99 774.00 103.86 161.32 176.71 14.34 31.29 14.34 14.34 31.29 18.18 39.66 18.18 18.18 39.66 OFF ON PREMISE INCL. GST W/SALE INCL. premise Glass 150ml Bottle WET SIZE - NO. PER EXCL. GST BOTTLE/ HIGH LOW LOW HIGH CASK ML CTN. MARGIN MARGIN MARGIN MARGIN 750 375 750 12 12 12 109.65 109.65 109.65 13.91 22.85 13.91 22.85 13.91 22.85 750 1500 750 750 12 6 6 6 750 750 750 750 750 750 25.03 25.03 25.03 5.13 10.26 5.13 5.69 11.37 5.69 83.85 81.27 61.28 61.28 10.64 20.62 15.55 15.55 17.48 33.88 25.54 25.54 19.14 37.11 27.98 27.98 3.92 3.80 5.73 5.73 4.35 4.21 6.35 6.35 6 12 12 6 12 12 232.20 123.84 180.60 159.96 123.84 180.60 58.90 15.71 22.91 40.58 15.71 22.91 96.79 106.03 25.81 28.27 37.64 41.23 66.68 73.04 25.81 28.27 37.64 41.23 21.72 5.79 8.45 14.97 5.79 8.45 24.08 6.42 9.36 16.59 6.42 9.36 750 12 219.30 27.82 45.71 50.07 10.26 11.37 750 750 750 6 6 6 87.72 199.95 77.40 22.25 36.57 50.72 83.35 19.63 32.26 40.05 91.30 35.34 8.21 18.71 7.24 9.10 20.73 8.03 750 750 6 6 74.18 74.18 18.82 30.92 18.82 30.92 33.87 33.87 6.94 6.94 7.69 7.69 750 6 77.40 19.63 32.26 35.34 7.24 8.03 750 750 6 12 198.53 198.45 50.36 82.76 25.17 41.36 90.65 45.31 18.57 9.28 20.59 10.29 750 750 12 12 90.30 90.30 11.45 18.82 11.45 18.82 20.62 20.62 4.22 4.22 4.68 4.68 750 750 6 6 77.40 77.40 19.63 32.26 19.63 32.26 35.34 35.34 7.24 7.24 8.03 8.03 375 750 12 12 90.30 161.25 11.45 18.82 20.45 33.61 20.62 36.82 8.45 7.54 9.36 8.36 750 750 6 6 82.56 82.56 20.94 34.42 20.94 34.42 37.70 37.70 7.72 7.72 8.56 8.56 750 750 750 6 6 6 210.27 210.27 140.61 53.34 87.65 53.34 87.65 35.67 58.61 96.01 96.01 64.21 19.67 19.67 13.16 21.80 21.80 14.58 750 750 750 750 750 12 12 12 12 6 91.56 152.28 212.88 212.88 179.34 11.61 19.32 27.00 27.00 45.49 19.08 31.74 44.37 44.37 74.76 20.90 34.77 48.60 48.60 81.89 4.28 7.12 9.96 9.96 16.78 4.75 7.90 11.04 11.04 18.60 750 750 12 12 67.08 67.08 8.51 13.98 8.51 13.98 15.32 15.32 3.14 3.14 3.48 3.48 750 750 750 750 750 750 12 12 12 12 6 6 122.52 161.28 174.12 161.28 180.60 116.10 25.54 33.62 36.29 33.62 75.28 48.40 27.97 36.82 39.75 36.82 82.47 53.01 5.73 7.54 8.15 7.54 16.90 10.86 6.35 8.36 9.03 8.36 18.73 12.04 750 12 70.95 9.00 14.79 16.20 3.32 3.68 750 750 750 750 750 750 6 6 6 6 6 6 218.01 132.87 101.91 101.91 101.91 101.91 55.30 33.71 25.85 25.85 25.85 25.85 99.55 60.67 46.53 46.53 46.53 46.53 20.40 12.43 9.53 9.53 9.53 9.53 22.61 13.78 10.57 10.57 10.57 10.57 750 750 750 750 750 12 12 12 12 6 209.04 296.70 208.98 162.54 354.75 26.51 37.63 26.51 20.62 89.99 43.57 47.73 61.84 67.74 43.56 47.71 33.88 37.11 147.88 161.99 9.78 13.88 9.78 7.60 33.19 10.84 15.38 10.84 8.43 36.79 750 750 750 750 750 12 12 12 12 12 193.50 438.60 774.00 309.60 503.10 24.54 55.63 98.17 39.27 63.81 40.33 44.18 91.42 100.14 161.32 176.71 64.53 70.68 104.86 114.86 9.05 20.52 36.21 14.48 23.54 10.03 22.74 40.13 16.05 26.08 750 2000 750 750 2000 750 2000 750 2000 6 8 6 6 8 6 8 6 8 39.99 94.17 39.99 39.99 94.17 39.99 94.17 39.99 94.17 10.14 17.21 10.14 10.14 17.21 10.14 17.21 10.14 17.21 16.67 16.67 16.67 16.67 16.67 18.26 18.26 18.26 18.26 18.26 3.74 3.39 3.74 3.74 3.39 3.74 3.39 3.74 3.39 4.15 3.91 4.15 4.15 3.91 4.15 3.91 4.15 3.91 750 750 6 6 61.92 61.92 15.71 25.81 15.71 25.81 28.27 28.27 5.79 5.79 6.42 6.42 ANG ANG ANG ANG WINE - RED - AUSTRALIAN Alkoomi (Frankland River, WA) JTW Cabernet Merlot Malbec) JTW Cabernet Merlot Cabernet Sauvignon JTW JTW Jarrah Shiraz JTW Shiraz JTW Shiraz Vigonier Alta (Adelaide Hills, SA) Pinot Noir 2007 MEZ All Saints (Rutherglen, VIC) MEZ Durif 2008 MEZ Family Cellar Durif 2006/07 Sangiovese Cabernet 2006/08 MEZ Amberley CWA Merlot Shiraz CWA Amberley Secret Lane Cabernet Merlot CWA Amicus Wines (McLaren Vale, SA) FCW Reserve Shiraz Shiraz Cabernet Malbec FCW Andrew Peace (Swan Hill, VIC) Cabernet Merlot PWS Shiraz PWS Angoves Vineyard Selection Coonawarra Cabernet Sauvignon ANG McLaren Vale Shiraz ANG Angus the Bull (blend of regions) Cabernet Sauvignon OPT OPT Angus the Bull Cabernet Sauvignon Annie’s Lane (Clare Valley, SA) Cabernet Merlot FOS Shiraz FOS Annie’s Lane Copper Trail (Clare Valley, SA) FOS Cabernet Sauvignon Shiraz FOS Shiraz Grenache Mourvedre FOS Anvers Wines Brabo Cabernet Shiraz FFW FFW Razorback Road Shiraz Cabernet FFW Langhorne Creek Cabernet FFW McLaren Vale Shiraz Warrior Shiraz FFW Artist Series ANG Angove Cabernet Sauvignon ANG Angove Merlot B3 Wines - Basedow Bros. (Barossa, SA) Barossa Cabernet Merlot FFW FFW Barossa Cabernet Sauvignon FFW Barossa GSM FFW Barossa Shiraz John Oscar Barossa Shiraz - Wooden Boxed FFW Pauline Barossa Cabernet Shiraz FFW Backlabel CHA Shiraz 2008 Bailey’s of Glenrowan (VIC) FOS Shiraz 1904 FOS Block Shiraz 1920’s FOS Glenrowan Cabernet Sauvignon FOS Glenrowan Shiraz FOS Rutherglen Durif FOS Rutherglen Petite Sirah Balnaves of Coonawarra EMP Cabernet Merlot 2009 EMP Cabernet Sauvignon 2008 EMP Shiraz 2008 EMP The Blend 2009 The Tally Reserve Cabernet Sauvignon 2008 EMP Bannockburn (Geelong, VIC) GSW Douglas Blend - Cabernet Merlot GSW Pinot Noir GSW Serre Pinot Noir Shiraz GSW GSW Stuart Pinot Noir Banrock Station (SA) CWA Cabernet Merlot CWA Cabernet Merlot CWA Crimson Cabernet Shiraz CWA Shiraz CWA CWA Shiraz Cabernet CWA Shiraz Cabernet CWA White Shiraz CWA White Shiraz Banrock Station - Mediterranean Montepulciano CWA Tempranillo CWA 15.54 20.46 22.09 20.46 45.81 29.45 90.88 55.39 42.48 42.48 42.48 42.48 WINE - RED - AUSTRALIAN 17 WINE - RED - AUSTRALIAN MERCH. CODE OFF ON PREMISE INCL. GST W/SALE INCL. premise Glass 150ml Bottle WET SIZE - NO. PER EXCL. GST BOTTLE/ HIGH LOW LOW HIGH CASK ML CTN. MARGIN MARGIN MARGIN MARGIN Banrock Station - No preservatives added Cabernet CWA 750 6 Shiraz CWA 750 6 Baritone One Litre (Limestone Coast, SA) Cabernet Shiraz 2008 KEW 1000 6 Barossa Babe (Barossa Valley, SA) Shiraz 2006 R+W 750 6 Barossa Valley Estate E&E (SA) Black Pepper Shiraz CWA 750 6 Barossa Valley Estate E Bass (SA) Shiraz CWA 750 6 CWA Shiraz Tempranillo 750 6 Barossa Valley Estate E Minor (SA) CWA 750 Cabernet Merlot 6 Shiraz CWA 750 6 Barossa Valley Estate Ebenezer (SA) Cabernet CWA 750 6 Shiraz CWA 750 6 Barossa Valley Estate - ON PREMISE ONLY Shiraz CWA 750 12 Barwang (Hilltops, NSW) MCW 750 Hilltops Cabernet Sauvignon 6 MCW 750 6 Hilltops Shiraz Barwang Café Series (Hilltops, NSW) - ON PREMISE ONLY Cabernet Merlot MCW 750 12 Shiraz MCW 750 12 Battle of Bosworth (McLaren Vale, SA) - ORGANIC CHA 750 12 Cabernet Sauvignon 2009 Battle of Bosworth Preservative Free Shiraz 2010 CHA 750 12 Shiraz 2009 CHA 750 12 Battle of Bosworth CHA 750 12 Shiraz Viognier 2008 White Boar Amarone 2007 CHA 750 12 Bay of FiresPinot Noir CWA 750 6 Berri Estate Dolce Rosso (Lambrusco Red) (Casks) CWA 5000 4 CWA 5000 Soft Dry Red 4 Traditional Dry Red (Claret) (Casks) CWA 5000 4 Berri Estate (5 Litre Casks TWINS) CWA 5000 Dolce Rosso (Lambrusco Red) (Casks) 2 CWA 5000 Soft Dry Red 2 CWA 5000 Traditional Dry Red (Claret) (Casks) 2 Best’s Wines (Great Western Region, VIC) PWS 750 12 Bin 0 Shiraz PWS 750 12 Bin 1 Shiraz PWS 750 12 Cabernet Sauvignon Bethany (Barossa, SA) PWS 750 12 Barossa Shiraz PWS 750 12 Cabernet Merlot Grenache PWS 750 12 PWS 750 6 GR10 Reserve Shiraz PWS 750 12 Shiraz Cabernet Big Blokes RedBig Blokes Red Shiraz ANG 750 6 Blackbilly (McLaren Vale, SA) OPT 750 12 Grenache Shiraz Mourvedre Shiraz OPT 750 12 Tempranillo OPT 750 12 Bleasdale (Langhorne Creek, SA) NEG 750 12 Bremerview Shiraz NEG 750 Frank Potts Cabernet Malbec Merlot 6 NEG 750 6 Generations Shiraz Malbec NEG 750 12 NEG 750 Mulberry Tree Cabernet Sauvignon 12 750 12 The Broadside Shiraz Cabernet Sauvignon NEG Blue Pyrenees (Pyrenees, VIC) Cabernet Sauvignon 2009 R+W 750 6 Merlot 2009 R+W 750 6 R+W 750 6 Reserve Red Blend 2006 R+W 750 6 Shiraz 2008/09 Bowen Estate Wines (Coonawarra, SA) Cabernet Sauvignon FWP 750 12 Shiraz FWP 750 12 Bremerton Wines (Langhorne Creek, SA) JTW 750 6 Cabernet Reserve Cabernet Shiraz Merlot Malbec (Tamblyn) JTW 750 12 12 Coulthard Cabernet Sauvignon JTW 750 Old Adam Shiraz JTW 750 6 Selkirk Shiraz JTW 750 12 Bridgewater Mill (Adelaide Hills, SA) Adelaide Hills Shiraz FWP 750 6 Brightlands Cabernet Merlot ANG 750 6 Brookland Valley Premiums Cabernet Sauvignon Merlot CWA 750 6 Reserve Cabernet Sauvignon CWA 750 6 Brookland Valley Verse 1 CWA 750 6 Cabernet Sauvignon Merlot Merlot CWA 750 6 Shiraz CWA 750 6 Brothers in Arms (Langhorne Creek, SA) No 6 Shiraz 2005 MEZ 750 12 MEZ 750 12 No 6 Shiraz Cabernet 2005 Shiraz 2005 MEZ 750 12 Brown Brothers Milawa Vineyard (Vic) BBM 750 6 Cabernet Sauvignon 2009 BBM 750 6 Cienna 2010 Dolcetto & Syrah 2010 BBM 750 6 BBM 10000 1 Dry Red (Casks) BBM 20000 1 Dry Red (Casks) BBM 750 6 Merlot 2009 BBM 750 Patricia Cabernet Sauvignon 2005 6 BBM 750 6 Patricia Shiraz 2006 BBM 750 6 Shiraz 2008 BBM 750 6 Tarrango 2009 Tempranillo 2009 BBM 750 6 Browns of Padthaway (SA) FWP 750 12 Edward Malbec FWP 750 12 Ernest Shiraz Myra Cabernet Sauvignon FWP 750 12 18 WINE - RED - AUSTRALIAN 63.21 63.21 16.04 26.35 16.04 26.35 28.86 28.86 5.91 5.91 6.55 6.55 54.83 13.91 22.86 25.04 3.85 4.26 154.80 39.27 64.53 70.68 14.48 16.05 393.45 99.81 164.01 179.66 36.81 40.80 86.43 86.43 21.93 36.03 21.93 36.03 39.47 39.47 8.09 8.09 8.96 8.96 63.86 63.86 16.20 26.62 16.20 26.62 29.16 29.16 5.97 5.97 6.62 6.62 149.00 149.00 114.81 37.80 62.11 37.80 62.11 23.93 68.04 68.04 26.21 13.94 13.94 15.45 15.45 5.37 5.95 81.27 81.27 103.20 103.20 20.62 20.62 33.88 33.88 21.51 21.51 37.11 37.11 23.56 23.56 7.60 7.60 4.83 4.83 8.43 8.43 5.35 5.35 187.05 23.73 38.99 42.71 8.75 9.70 148.35 187.05 18.82 30.92 23.73 38.99 33.87 42.71 6.94 8.75 7.69 9.70 187.05 335.40 148.35 23.73 38.99 42.54 69.91 37.63 61.84 42.71 76.58 67.74 8.75 15.69 13.88 9.70 17.39 15.38 53.41 53.41 53.41 19.52 19.52 19.52 1.54 1.54 1.54 1.77 1.77 1.77 26.70 26.70 26.70 19.52 19.52 19.52 1.54 1.54 1.54 1.77 1.77 1.77 490.20 212.85 212.85 62.18 102.17 111.92 27.00 44.36 48.60 27.00 44.36 48.60 22.93 9.96 9.96 25.42 11.04 11.04 225.75 206.40 148.35 316.05 148.35 28.63 26.18 18.82 80.18 18.82 10.56 9.66 6.94 29.57 6.94 11.70 10.70 7.69 32.77 7.69 47.05 51.54 43.02 47.12 30.92 33.87 131.75 144.32 30.92 33.87 51.60 13.09 21.51 23.56 4.83 5.35 161.25 161.25 161.25 20.45 33.61 20.45 33.61 20.45 33.61 36.82 36.82 36.82 7.54 7.54 7.54 8.36 8.36 8.36 152.22 122.55 154.80 152.22 152.22 122.55 19.31 31.09 39.27 19.31 19.31 15.54 31.73 51.09 64.53 31.73 31.73 25.54 34.75 55.96 70.68 34.75 34.75 27.98 7.12 11.47 14.48 7.12 7.12 5.73 7.89 12.71 16.05 7.89 7.89 6.35 80.62 80.62 141.90 80.62 20.45 20.45 36.00 20.45 33.61 33.61 59.15 33.61 36.81 36.81 64.79 36.81 7.54 7.54 13.28 7.54 8.36 8.36 14.71 8.36 245.10 245.10 31.09 51.09 31.09 51.09 55.96 55.96 11.47 11.47 12.71 12.71 180.60 141.90 174.15 180.60 174.15 45.81 18.00 22.09 45.81 22.09 75.28 29.58 36.30 75.28 36.30 82.47 32.40 39.76 82.47 39.76 16.90 6.64 8.15 16.90 8.15 18.73 7.36 9.03 18.73 9.03 92.88 23.56 38.72 42.41 8.69 9.63 54.83 13.91 22.86 25.04 5.13 5.69 45.32 74.48 81.58 62.34 102.44 112.21 16.72 22.99 18.53 25.48 178.67 245.75 82.24 82.24 82.24 20.86 34.28 20.86 34.28 20.86 34.28 37.55 37.55 37.55 7.69 7.69 7.69 8.53 8.53 8.53 180.60 180.60 335.40 22.91 37.64 22.91 37.64 42.54 69.91 41.23 41.23 76.58 8.45 8.45 15.69 9.36 9.36 17.39 71.75 18.20 29.91 32.76 58.18 14.76 24.25 26.57 66.30 16.82 27.64 30.27 47.34 69.21 89.98 131.55 71.75 18.20 29.91 32.76 221.22 56.12 92.22 101.01 221.22 56.12 92.22 101.01 71.75 18.20 29.91 32.76 58.18 14.76 24.25 26.57 71.75 18.20 29.91 32.76 6.71 5.44 6.20 2.72 2.59 6.71 20.70 20.70 6.71 5.44 6.71 7.44 6.03 6.88 3.14 2.99 7.44 22.94 22.94 7.44 6.03 7.44 8.69 8.69 8.69 9.63 9.63 9.63 185.76 185.76 185.76 23.56 38.72 23.56 38.72 23.56 38.72 42.41 42.41 42.41 WINE - RED - AUSTRALIAN MERCH. CODE OFF ON PREMISE INCL. GST W/SALE INCL. premise Glass 150ml Bottle WET SIZE - NO. PER EXCL. GST BOTTLE/ HIGH LOW LOW HIGH CASK ML CTN. MARGIN MARGIN MARGIN MARGIN T-Trellis Shiraz FWP 750 12 FWP 750 The Brigstock Cabernet Shiraz Malbec 6 Bud Naked Shiraz Tempranillo CWA 1500 6 Bullant by Lake Breeze (Langhorne Creek, SA) Cabernet Merlot 2007 CHA 750 12 CHA 750 12 Shiraz 2008 Buller Wines (King Valley, Rutherglen, Swan Hill, VIC) BeverfordDurif GSW 750 12 Beverford Moscato Rosso GSW 750 12 ANG 750 Butterfly RidgeMerlot/Cabernet 12 Shiraz/Cabernet ANG 750 12 By Farr (Geelong, VIC) DEC 750 6 Pinot Noir Farrside 2008 DEC 750 6 Pinot Noir Sangreal 2008 Pinot Noir Tout Pres 2008 DEC 750 6 DEC 750 6 By Farr Shiraz 2008 DEC 750 Farr Rising Geelong Pinot Noir 2008 6 DEC 750 6 Farr Rising Mornington Pinot Noir 2008 Caledonia Australis (South Gippsland, VIC) MEZ 750 12 Pinot Noir 2008 Campbells (Rutherglen, VIC) R+W 750 6 Barkly Durif 2007/08 Bobby Burns Shiraz 2008 R+W 750 12 Campbells (Rutherglen, VIC) R+W 750 12 Shiraz Durif 2008 Cape Barren (McLaren Vale, SA) Native Goose Grenache Shiraz Mourvedre 2008/09 MEZ 750 12 Native Goose Shiraz 2007/08 MEZ 750 12 Reserve Old Vine Shiraz 2007 MEZ 750 12 Cape Jaffa Wines (Mt Benson, SA) Brocks Reef Cabernet Merlot JTW 750 12 JTW 750 Brocks Reef Shiraz Viognier 12 Cabernet Sauvignon JTW 750 12 La Lune Biodynamic Cabernet Sauvignon JTW 750 6 JTW 750 6 La Lune Biodynamic Shiraz JTW 750 12 Shiraz Capel Vale (WA) FWP 750 Debut Series Cabernet Merlot 6 FWP 750 6 Debut Series Merlot FWP 750 6 Debut Series Pinot Noir FWP 750 6 Debut Series Shiraz Margaret River Cabernet Sauvignon FWP 750 6 Regional Series Margaret River Cabernet Merlot FWP 750 6 Regional Series Margaret River Cabernet Sauvignon FWP 750 6 FWP 750 Regional Series Mount Barker Shiraz 6 Whispering Hill Shiraz FWP 750 6 Cape Mentelle (Margaret River, WA) Cabernet Merlot Trinders Vineyard 2007 MHA 750 12 MHA 750 6 Cabernet Sauvignon 2007 Marmaduke 2008 MHA 750 12 MHA 750 6 Shiraz 2007 Zinfandel 2007 MHA 750 6 Carlei Estate (Yarra Valley, VIC) Green Vineyards’ Shiraz GSW 750 12 GSW 750 12 Green Vineyards’ Pinot Noir Tre Rossi’ Shiraz Barbera Nebbiolo GSW 750 6 Casa Freschi (Langhorne Creek, SA) La Signora 2004/05 MEZ 750 6 MEZ 750 6 Profondo 2005 Cascabel (McLaren Vale, SA) El Sendero Tempranillo 2008 DEC 750 12 Grenache Tipico 2007 DEC 750 12 DEC 750 6 Monastrell 2006 DEC 750 6 Shiraz 2006 DEC 750 12 Tempranillo ‘Joven’ 2009 Cascabel (McLaren Vale, SA DEC 750 Tempranillo ‘Graciano’ 2007 6 Ceravolo (Adelaide Plains & Hills) JTW 750 12 Merlot Petit Verdot JTW 750 12 JTW 750 12 Sangiovese Shiraz JTW 750 12 Chalk Hill (McLaren Vale, SA) Barbera OPT 750 12 OPT 750 12 Cabernet Sauvignon Sangiovese OPT 750 12 Shiraz OPT 750 12 750 12 Sidetrack Shiraz Cabernet Sauvignon Grenache OPT The Procrastinator Cabernet Franc OPT 750 12 Cab Sauvignon ANG Chalk Hill BlueShiraz Cabernet 750 12 Chapel Hill (McLaren Vale, SA) OPT 750 12 Bush Vine Grenache OPT 750 12 Cabernet Sauvignon OPT 750 12 House Block Shiraz Il Vescovo Sangiovese OPT 750 12 Il Vescovo Tempranillo OPT 750 12 Mourvedre OPT 750 12 Parson’s Nose OPT 750 12 OPT 750 12 Road Block Shiraz Shiraz OPT 750 12 OPT 750 6 The Vicar Charles Cimicky (Barossa Valley, SA) ANG 750 12 Autograph Shiraz ANG 750 12 Reserve Shiraz ANG 750 12 Trumps Shiraz Claymore (Clare Valley, SA) CMW 750 Darkside of the Moon Shiraz 2009 12 CMW 750 12 Graceland Cabernet Sauvignon 2007 CMW 750 London Calling Merlot 2008 12 750 Walk On The Wild Side Shiraz Viogner 2009CMW 12 You’ll Never Walk Alone Grenache Shiraz 2009 CMW 750 12 Cockatoo Ridge (Barossa Valley, SA) FWP 750 6 Cabernet Merlot Shiraz FWP 750 6 Coldstream Hills Reserve Range (Yarra Valley, VIC) FOS 750 6 Cabernet Sauvignon FOS 750 6 Pinot Noir FOS 750 6 Reserve Shiraz 155.45 196.73 19.72 32.40 49.91 82.01 35.49 89.83 7.27 18.41 8.06 20.40 87.72 118.68 118.68 22.25 36.57 15.05 24.74 15.05 24.74 40.05 27.10 27.10 4.10 5.55 5.55 4.55 6.15 6.15 116.10 116.10 56.76 56.76 14.73 14.73 7.20 7.20 24.20 24.20 11.83 11.83 26.51 26.51 12.96 12.96 5.43 5.43 2.66 2.66 6.02 6.02 2.94 2.94 258.00 267.67 390.22 251.55 165.12 165.12 65.45 67.90 98.99 63.81 41.89 41.89 107.55 111.58 162.67 104.86 68.83 68.83 117.81 122.22 178.18 114.86 75.40 75.40 24.14 25.04 36.51 23.54 15.45 15.45 26.75 27.76 40.46 26.08 17.12 17.12 258.00 32.72 53.77 58.90 12.07 13.38 178.02 190.92 45.16 74.21 24.22 39.79 81.29 43.59 16.66 8.93 18.46 9.90 131.58 16.69 27.42 30.04 6.16 6.82 176.73 176.73 291.54 22.42 36.84 22.42 36.84 36.98 60.77 40.35 40.35 66.56 8.27 8.27 13.64 9.16 9.16 15.12 116.10 116.10 187.05 141.90 141.90 187.05 14.73 14.73 23.73 36.00 36.00 23.73 26.51 26.51 42.71 64.79 64.79 42.71 5.43 5.43 8.75 13.28 13.28 8.75 6.02 6.02 9.70 14.71 14.71 9.70 70.95 70.95 70.95 70.95 270.90 92.24 18.00 18.00 18.00 18.00 68.72 23.40 29.58 32.40 29.58 32.40 29.58 32.40 29.58 32.40 112.93 123.70 38.45 42.12 6.64 6.64 6.64 6.64 25.35 8.63 7.36 7.36 7.36 7.36 28.09 9.56 92.24 92.24 203.82 23.40 38.45 23.40 38.45 51.70 84.96 42.12 42.12 93.07 8.63 8.63 19.07 9.56 9.56 21.14 251.55 348.30 144.48 152.22 206.40 31.91 88.36 18.33 38.61 52.36 52.43 57.43 145.19 159.04 30.11 32.99 63.45 69.51 86.04 94.25 11.77 32.59 6.76 14.24 19.31 13.04 36.12 7.49 15.78 21.40 206.40 206.40 161.25 26.18 43.02 26.18 43.02 40.91 67.22 47.12 47.12 73.63 9.66 9.66 15.09 10.70 10.70 16.72 154.80 237.36 39.27 64.53 70.68 60.21 98.94 108.38 14.48 22.21 16.05 24.61 238.65 193.15 156.73 135.45 167.70 30.27 24.50 39.76 34.36 21.27 49.74 40.26 65.33 56.46 34.95 54.49 44.10 71.57 61.85 38.29 11.16 9.04 14.66 12.67 7.85 12.37 10.01 16.25 14.05 8.69 156.73 154.80 154.80 148.35 154.80 39.76 19.63 19.63 18.82 19.63 65.33 32.26 32.26 30.92 32.26 71.57 35.34 35.34 33.87 35.34 14.66 7.24 7.24 6.94 7.24 16.25 8.03 8.03 7.69 8.03 180.60 154.80 154.80 154.80 129.00 22.91 19.63 19.63 19.63 16.36 37.64 32.26 32.26 32.26 26.89 41.23 35.34 35.34 35.34 29.45 8.45 7.24 7.24 7.24 6.03 9.36 8.03 8.03 8.03 6.69 129.00 51.60 16.36 26.89 6.54 10.75 29.45 11.78 6.03 2.41 6.69 2.68 245.10 245.10 221.88 161.25 167.70 245.10 141.90 221.88 245.10 251.55 31.09 31.09 28.14 20.45 21.27 31.09 18.00 28.14 31.09 63.81 51.09 55.96 51.09 55.96 46.25 50.66 33.61 36.82 34.95 38.29 51.09 55.96 29.58 32.40 46.25 50.66 51.09 55.96 104.86 114.86 11.47 11.47 10.38 7.54 7.85 11.47 6.64 10.38 11.47 23.54 12.71 12.71 11.50 8.36 8.69 12.71 7.36 11.50 12.71 26.08 283.80 425.70 138.03 36.00 59.15 54.00 88.73 17.51 28.77 64.79 97.19 31.51 13.28 19.91 6.46 14.71 22.07 7.16 193.50 180.60 180.60 161.25 154.80 24.54 22.91 22.91 20.45 19.63 40.33 37.64 37.64 33.61 32.26 44.18 41.23 41.23 36.82 35.34 9.05 8.45 8.45 7.54 7.24 10.03 9.36 9.36 8.36 8.03 12.27 20.17 12.27 20.17 22.09 22.09 4.53 4.53 5.02 5.02 55.30 90.88 99.55 83.77 137.66 150.79 39.60 65.07 71.27 20.40 30.90 14.60 22.61 34.24 16.19 48.38 48.38 218.01 330.24 156.09 24.20 24.20 38.99 59.15 59.15 38.99 SEE PAGE 50 FOR MERCHANT CODE INDEX WINE - RED - AUSTRALIAN MERCH. CODE OFF ON PREMISE INCL. GST W/SALE INCL. premise Glass 150ml Bottle WET SIZE - NO. PER EXCL. GST BOTTLE/ HIGH LOW LOW HIGH CASK ML CTN. MARGIN MARGIN MARGIN MARGIN Coldstream Hills Varietals (Yarra Valley, VIC) FOS 750 Cabernet Sauvignon Merlot FOS 750 FOS 750 Pinot Noir Condo Wines Condo Estate Cabernet Sauvignon FCW 750 FCW 750 Condo Estate Chardonnay Condo Estate Merlot FCW 750 FCW 750 Condo Estate Shiraz Coolabah Dolce Rosso PRA 4000 PRA 4000 Dry Red (Casks) Cool Woods (Eden Valley, SA) MEZ 750 Shiraz 2008 Coriole (McLaren Vale, SA) Cabernet Sauvignon FWP 750 FWP 750 Lloyd Reserve Shiraz Mary Kathleen Reserve Cabernet Merlot FWP 750 FWP 750 Nebbiolo Redstone Cabernet FWP 750 Redstone Shiraz FWP 750 Sangiovese FWP 750 Sangiovese Shiraz FWP 750 FWP 750 Shiraz Cowboys & Indians (Clare Valley, SA) The Red 2009 DTA 750 Crabtree Wines (Clare Valley, SA) Hilltop Shiraz 2008 EMP 750 EMP 750 Muscat NV 750 Pomona Cabernet Sauvignon 2008 - Limited EMP Crabtree Wines EMP 750 Three-Sixty Shiraz Cabernet 2006 Watervale Cabernet Sauvignon 2009 EMP 750 EMP 750 Watervale Shiraz 2008 EMP 750 Watervale Tempranillo 2009 Cullen (Margaret River, WA) Diana Madeline Cabernet Sauvignon 2007/08 R+W 750 Mangan 2008/09 R+W 750 R+W 750 Margaret River Red Dalrymple (TAS) Estate Pinot Noir SSS 750 SSS 750 Pinot Noir Dalwhinnie (Pyrenees, VIC) R+W 750 Eagle Shiraz 2004 R+W 750 Moonabel Cabernet Sauvignon 2008 R+W 750 Moonabel Shiraz 2008 R+W 750 Pinnacle Shiraz 2008 R+W 750 South West Rocks Shiraz 2005 R+W 750 The Hut Pinot Noir R+W 750 The Hut Shiraz Dandelion Vineyards (Fleurieu Peninsula, SA) EMP 750 Lionheart of the Barossa Shiraz 2008 EMP 750 Lion’s Tooth Shiraz Riesling 2009 Pride of the Fleurieu Cabernet Sauvignon 2009 EMP 750 d’Arenberg (McLaren Vale, SA) Coppermine Road Cabernet Sauvignon 2007 EMP 750 EMP 750 d’Arrys Original Shiraz/Grenache 2008 EMP 375 Dead Arm 2004 EMP 1500 Dead Arm Shiraz 2006 EMP 1500 Dead Arm Shiraz 2006 - BOXED EMP 750 Dead Arm Shiraz 2007 EMP 750 Ironstone Pressings G.S.M.2007 Sticks & Stones Tempranillo Grenache Shiraz 2005 EMP 750 EMP 750 The Cadenzia GSM 2006 750 The Cenosilicaphobic Cat Sagratino Cinsault 2007 EMP EMP 750 The Custodian Grenache 2007 EMP 750 The Derelict Vineyard Grenache 2006 The Feral Fox Adelaide Hills Pinot Noir 2009 EMP 750 EMP 750 The Footbolt Shiraz 2008 The Galvo Garage Cabernet Blend 2006 EMP 750 The High Trellis Cabernet Sauvignon 2008 EMP 750 1500 The Laughing Magpie Shiraz Viognier 2004 EMP 750 The Laughing Magpie Shiraz Viognier 2008 EMP The Love Grass Shiraz 2008 - ON PREMISE ONLY EMP 750 EMP 750 The Stump Jump Red GSM 2009 750 The Twenty Eight Road Mourvedre 2006 EMP EMP 750 The Wild Pixie Shiraz Rousanne 2008 Deakin Estate (Murray Darling, VIC) Cabernet Sauvignon 2008 R+W 750 Merlot 2007/08 R+W 750 Shiraz 2008/09 R+W 750 De Bortoli Wines FCW 15000 Cabernet Merlot (Cask) Deen Cabernet Sauvignon Vat 9 FCW 750 FCW 750 Deen De Bortoli Durif Vat 1 FCW 750 Deen De Bortoli Petit Verdot Vat 4 FCW 750 Deen De Bortoli Shiraz Vat 8 Gold Seal Claret (Cask) FCW 4000 FCW 4000 Gold Seal Lambrusco (Cask) FCW 750 Gulf Station Cabernet Sauvignon FCW 750 Gulf Station Pinot Noir FCW 750 Gulf Station Merlot FCW 750 Gulf Station Shiraz Viognier FCW 750 Lorimer Cabernet Merlot FCW 750 Montage Cabernet Merlot FCW 2000 Premium Cabernet (Cask) Premium Cabernet Merlot (Cask) FCW 2000 FCW 4000 Premium Cabernet Merlot Premium Merlot (Cask) FCW 2000 FCW 2000 Premium Shiraz (Cask) Premium Shiraz Cabernet (Cask) FCW 4000 FCW 4000 Premium Syrah Dolcetto (Cask) Sacred Hill Cabernet Merlot FCW 750 Sacred Hill Shiraz Cabernet FCW 750 FCW 4000 San Bernadino Dry Red - Claret (Cask) FCW 750 Sero Syrah Dolcetto FCW 750 Sero Merlot Sangiovese Sero Syrah Tempranello FCW 750 FCW 15000 Shiraz Cabernet (cask) FCW 15000 Special Claret (Cask) FCW 750 Willowglen Cabernet Merlot 6 6 6 136.74 136.74 136.74 34.69 57.00 34.69 57.00 34.69 57.00 62.44 62.44 62.44 12.79 12.79 12.79 14.18 14.18 14.18 12 12 12 12 119.20 119.20 119.20 119.20 15.12 15.12 15.12 15.12 24.84 24.84 24.84 24.84 27.21 27.21 27.21 27.21 5.58 5.58 5.58 5.58 6.18 6.18 6.18 6.18 4 4 38.59 38.59 14.10 14.10 1.39 1.39 1.60 1.60 12 103.20 13.09 21.51 23.56 4.83 5.35 6 6 6 6 6 6 12 12 12 119.33 341.85 198.66 144.48 165.12 165.12 187.05 147.06 238.65 30.27 86.72 50.40 36.65 41.89 41.89 23.73 18.65 30.27 49.74 54.49 142.50 156.10 82.81 90.71 60.23 65.97 68.83 75.40 68.83 75.40 38.99 42.71 30.65 33.58 49.74 54.49 11.16 31.98 18.59 13.52 15.45 15.45 8.75 6.88 11.16 12.37 35.45 20.60 14.98 17.12 17.12 9.70 7.62 12.37 12 72.00 9.13 15.01 16.44 3.37 3.73 12 12 12 154.80 180.60 283.80 19.63 32.26 24.24 37.64 36.00 59.15 35.34 41.23 64.79 7.24 7.30 13.28 8.03 9.26 14.71 12 12 12 12 6 12 12 6 6 6 12 6 6 6 12 12 167.70 21.27 34.95 38.29 180.60 22.91 37.64 41.23 180.60 22.91 37.64 41.23 180.60 22.91 37.64 41.23 401.19 101.77 167.24 183.19 170.92 21.68 35.62 39.02 101.91 12.93 21.24 23.27 187.05 47.45 77.97 85.41 119.97 30.43 50.01 54.78 834.63 211.73 347.92 381.11 456.66 57.92 95.18 104.26 271.54 68.88 113.19 123.99 322.50 81.81 134.44 147.26 312.18 79.19 130.13 142.55 193.50 24.54 40.33 44.18 212.85 27.00 44.36 48.60 7.85 8.45 8.45 8.45 37.54 8.00 4.77 17.50 11.22 78.09 21.36 25.41 30.17 29.21 9.05 9.96 8.69 9.36 9.36 9.36 41.60 8.86 5.28 19.40 12.44 86.55 23.68 28.16 33.44 32.37 10.03 11.04 12 12 12 180.60 180.60 180.60 41.23 41.23 41.23 8.45 8.45 8.45 9.36 9.36 9.36 6 12 12 6 6 6 6 251.50 63.80 104.84 114.84 162.54 20.62 33.88 37.11 258.00 32.72 53.77 58.90 612.75 155.44 255.43 279.79 735.30 186.53 306.51 335.75 251.55 63.81 104.86 114.86 251.55 63.81 104.86 114.86 23.53 7.60 24.14 28.66 34.40 23.54 23.54 26.08 8.43 26.75 31.77 38.12 26.08 26.08 6 6 6 12 6 6 12 6 12 6 6 6 12 6 6 118.68 105.78 118.68 162.54 118.68 118.68 162.54 118.68 162.54 258.00 118.68 95.46 96.75 141.90 118.68 11.10 9.90 11.10 7.60 11.10 11.10 7.60 11.10 7.60 12.07 11.10 8.93 4.53 13.28 11.10 12.31 10.97 12.31 8.43 12.31 12.31 8.43 12.31 8.43 13.38 12.31 9.90 5.02 14.71 12.31 12 12 12 83.65 83.65 83.65 1 6 6 6 6 4 4 6 6 6 6 12 6 6 6 4 6 6 4 4 12 12 4 6 6 6 1 1 12 55.11 53.25 53.25 53.25 53.25 40.14 40.14 87.62 87.62 87.62 87.62 176.78 39.78 52.63 52.63 58.41 52.63 52.63 58.41 58.41 56.50 56.50 36.53 60.76 60.76 60.76 55.11 55.11 107.74 LICENSEES’ LIQUOR GUIDE MARCH 2011 22.91 37.64 22.91 37.64 22.91 37.64 30.11 26.83 30.11 20.62 30.11 30.11 20.62 30.11 20.62 65.45 30.11 12.27 36.00 30.11 49.47 54.19 44.10 48.30 49.47 54.19 33.88 37.11 49.47 54.19 49.47 54.19 33.88 37.11 49.47 54.19 33.88 37.11 107.55 117.81 49.47 54.19 39.79 43.59 20.17 22.09 59.15 64.79 49.47 54.19 10.61 17.44 10.61 17.44 10.61 17.44 19.10 19.10 19.10 3.91 3.91 3.91 4.34 4.34 4.34 80.57 13.51 13.51 13.51 13.51 14.67 14.67 22.23 22.23 22.23 22.23 22.42 10.09 12.82 12.82 21.35 12.82 12.82 21.35 21.35 7.17 7.17 13.35 15.41 15.41 15.41 80.57 80.57 13.67 24.32 24.32 24.32 24.32 40.01 40.01 40.01 40.01 40.36 18.16 12.90 12.90 27.74 27.74 27.74 24.60 2.11 4.98 4.98 4.98 4.98 1.44 1.44 8.20 8.20 8.20 8.20 8.27 3.72 2.52 2.52 2.10 2.52 2.52 2.10 2.10 2.64 2.64 1.31 5.68 5.68 5.68 2.11 2.11 5.04 2.44 5.52 5.52 5.52 5.52 1.67 1.67 9.09 9.09 9.09 9.09 9.17 4.13 2.91 2.91 2.42 2.91 2.91 2.42 2.42 2.93 2.93 1.52 6.30 6.30 6.30 2.44 2.44 5.59 22.20 22.20 22.20 22.20 36.52 36.52 36.52 36.52 36.85 16.58 11.78 11.78 25.33 25.33 25.33 22.46 WINE - RED - AUSTRALIAN MERCH. CODE OFF ON PREMISE INCL. GST W/SALE INCL. premise Glass 150ml Bottle WET SIZE - NO. PER EXCL. GST BOTTLE/ HIGH LOW LOW HIGH CASK ML CTN. MARGIN MARGIN MARGIN MARGIN Willowglen Cabernet Shiraz FCW 750 12 107.74 FCW 187 Windy Peak Cabernet Merlot 24 66.87 FCW 750 Windy Peak Cabernet Merlot 6 63.78 FCW 750 6 Windy Peak Pinot Noir 63.78 FCW 750 6 Windy Peak Sangiovese 63.78 Windy Peak Shiraz Viognier FCW 750 6 63.78 FCW 750 Yarra Valley Cabernet Sauvignon 6 142.80 FCW 750 6 Yarra Valley Pinot Noir 154.80 Yarra Valley Pinot Noir Reserve (on allocation) FCW 750 6 227.48 750 Yarra Valley Shiraz Reserve (on allocation) FCW 6 227.48 Yarra Valley Shiraz Viognier FCW 750 6 142.80 FCW 750 Yarra Valley Viognier 6 142.80 Del Diablo Loco FOS 750 6 Angel of the Abyss Shiraz 194.79 Deviation Road (Adelaide Hills, SA) Pinot Noir 2008 DEC 750 12 225.75 DEC 750 12 238.65 Shiraz 2007 Devil’s Lair Estate Range (Margaret River, WA) FOS 750 6 Cabernet Sauvignon Merlot 194.79 FOS 750 Dance Shiraz Tempranillo 6 98.04 Devil’s Lair Fifth Leg (Margaret River, WA) Red FOS 750 6 70.95 Whippersnapper Red FOS 750 6 70.95 Domaine A Stoney Vineyard (Tasmania) OPT 750 Domaine A Cabernet Sauvignon 6 283.80 OPT 750 6 Domaine A Merlot 387.00 OPT 750 6 Domaine A Pinot Noir 283.80 OPT 750 Stoney Vineyard Cabernet Sauvignon 12 238.65 OPT 750 12 238.65 Stoney Vineyard Pinot Noir Dominique Portet (Yarra Valley, VIC) DEC 750 6 Cabernet Sauvignon 2004 161.25 DEC 750 6 Heathcote Shiraz 2004 180.60 DEC 750 6 Merlot 2007 112.23 Dowie Doole (McLaren Vale, SA) OPT 750 12 180.60 Cabernet Sauvignon OPT 750 12 180.60 Merlot OPT 750 6 Reserve Shiraz 180.60 OPT 750 Second Nature Cabernet Shiraz Merlot 12 141.90 Shiraz OPT 750 12 180.60 Tempranillo OPT 750 12 180.60 Edwards Wines (Margaret River, WA) R+W 750 Cabernet Sauvignon 2007/08 12 219.30 R+W 750 12 206.40 Shiraz 2007/08 Eileen Hardy & Thomas Hardy CWA 750 Eileen Hardy Shiraz 6 419.25 CWA Thomas Hardy Cabernet Sauvignon 750 6 419.25 Eldredge Wines (Clare Valley, SA) Eldredge Wines Blue Chip Shiraz 2008 EMP 750 6 112.86 EMP 750 12 193.50 Cabernet Sauvignon 2008 EMP 750 12 193.50 Sangiovese 2006 Elderton Wines FCW 750 Ashmead Cabernet Sauvignon (Limited) 6 359.76 FCW 750 6 Command Shiraz (Limited) 417.73 FCW 750 E’ Series Shiraz Cabernet Sauvignon 12 122.91 FCW 750 12 205.11 Estate Cabernet Sauvignon FCW 750 12 267.18 Estate Merlot FCW 750 12 230.96 Estate Shiraz FCW 750 12 159.13 Friends Cabernet Sauvignon FCW 750 12 159.13 Friends Shiraz Ode to Lorraine Cabernet Sauvignon Shiraz MerlotFCW 750 6 194.58 Evans & Tate Classic Margaret River MCW 750 6 Margaret River Classic Red 80.63 Evans & Tate Gnangara (Margaret River, WA) MCW 760 6 56.12 Gnangara Cabernet Merlot MCW 760 6 56.12 Gnangara Cabernet Sauvignon MCW 760 6 56.12 Gnangara Shiraz Evans & Tate Margaret Redbrook (Margaret River, WA) The Redbrook Cabernet Sauvignon MCW 750 6 148.35 MCW 750 6 The Redbrook Shiraz 148.35 Evans & Tate Margaret River Metricup Road (Margaret River, WA) MCW 750 6 MR Cabernet Sauvignon 87.08 Evans & Tate Margaret River Range (Margaret River, WA) MCW 750 6 87.08 Margaret River Cabernet Merlot Margaret River Merlot MCW 750 6 87.08 MCW 750 6 87.08 Margaret River Shiraz Feathertop Merlot 2008 MEZ 750 12 177.37 MEZ 750 12 177.37 Shiraz 2005 Fireblock (Watervale, Clare, SA) JTW 750 12 162.25 Old Vine Shiraz First Drop Wines (South Australia) 2% Shiraz 2006 CHA 750 6 141.90 CHA 750 6 290.25 Fat of the Land Ebenezer Shiraz 2006 CHA 750 Fat of the Land Greenoak Shiraz 2006 6 290.25 750 Fat of the Land Seppeltsfield Shiraz 2006 CHA 6 290.25 JR Gantos Cabernet Sauvignon Touriga Nacional 2006 CHA 750 6 141.90 CHA 750 Minchia Montepulciano 2007 6 141.90 CHA 750 6 Mothers Milk Shiraz 2009 93.53 CHA 750 6 93.53 Mothers Ruin Cabernet Sauvignon 2008 The Big Blind Nebbiolo Barbera 2008 CHA 750 6 116.10 CHA 750 6 The Cream Shiraz 2006 387.00 CHA 750 The Pintor Tempranillo 2008 6 116.10 CHA 750 Votum Cabernet Sauvignon 2005 6 580.50 Forester Estate (Margaret River, WA) GSW 750 12 154.80 Cabernet Merlot GSW 750 12 232.20 Cabernet Sauvignon Shiraz GSW 750 12 154.80 Yelverton Reserve Cabernet GSW 750 12 361.20 Sauvignon (Limited Stock) Forest Hill (WA) SSS 750 6 Boobook Cabernet Merlot 73.53 SSS 750 Boobook Shiraz Viognier 6 73.53 SSS 750 6 Estate Cabernet Sauvignon 103.20 SSS 750 6 Estate Shiraz 103.20 Formby & Adams Cutting Edge’ Cabernet Shiraz 2006 MEZ 750 6 72.56 750 6 72.56 Leading Horse’ Cabernet Sauvignon 2007 MEZ Four Sisters (South Eastern Australia) Merlot PWS 750 6 61.28 Shiraz PWS 750 6 61.28 13.67 4.24 16.18 16.18 16.18 16.18 36.23 39.27 57.71 57.71 36.23 36.23 22.46 24.60 6.97 7.63 26.59 29.12 26.59 29.12 26.59 29.12 26.59 29.12 59.53 65.21 64.53 70.68 94.83 103.87 94.83 103.87 59.53 65.21 59.53 65.21 5.04 6.27 5.97 5.97 5.97 5.97 13.36 14.48 21.28 21.28 13.36 13.36 5.59 6.95 6.61 6.61 6.61 6.61 14.81 16.05 23.59 23.59 14.81 14.81 49.41 81.20 88.95 18.22 20.20 28.63 30.27 49.41 24.87 47.05 49.74 81.20 40.87 51.54 54.49 88.95 44.77 10.56 11.16 18.22 9.17 11.70 12.37 20.20 10.17 18.00 29.58 18.00 29.58 32.40 32.40 6.64 6.64 7.36 7.36 118.30 129.59 161.32 176.71 118.30 129.59 49.74 54.49 49.74 54.49 26.55 36.21 26.55 11.16 11.16 29.43 40.13 29.43 12.37 12.37 71.99 98.17 71.99 30.27 30.27 40.91 67.22 45.81 75.28 28.47 46.78 73.63 82.47 51.25 15.09 16.90 10.50 16.72 18.73 11.64 22.91 22.91 45.81 18.00 22.91 22.91 37.64 37.64 75.28 29.58 37.64 37.64 41.23 41.23 82.47 32.40 41.23 41.23 8.45 8.45 16.90 6.64 8.45 8.45 9.36 9.36 18.73 7.36 9.36 9.36 27.82 45.71 26.18 43.02 50.07 47.12 10.26 9.66 11.37 10.70 106.35 174.77 191.44 106.35 174.77 191.44 39.23 39.23 43.47 51.53 44.18 44.18 10.56 9.05 9.05 11.70 10.03 10.03 149.97 164.27 174.13 190.74 25.62 28.06 42.75 46.83 55.69 61.00 48.14 52.73 33.17 36.33 33.17 36.33 81.11 88.85 33.66 39.08 5.75 9.60 12.50 10.80 7.44 7.44 18.21 37.31 43.32 6.37 10.63 13.85 11.97 8.25 8.25 20.18 28.63 47.05 24.54 40.33 24.54 40.33 91.26 105.97 15.59 26.02 33.89 29.29 20.18 20.18 49.36 20.45 33.61 36.82 7.54 8.36 14.24 23.39 14.24 23.39 14.24 23.39 25.63 25.63 25.63 5.18 5.18 5.18 5.74 5.74 5.74 37.63 37.63 22.09 22.09 22.09 22.09 61.84 61.84 36.30 36.30 36.30 36.30 67.74 67.74 39.76 39.76 39.76 39.76 13.88 13.88 8.15 8.15 8.15 8.15 15.38 15.38 9.03 9.03 9.03 9.03 22.50 36.97 22.50 36.97 40.50 40.50 8.30 8.30 9.20 9.20 20.58 33.82 37.04 7.59 8.41 36.00 73.63 73.63 73.63 59.15 64.79 120.99 132.53 120.99 132.53 120.99 132.53 13.28 27.16 27.16 27.16 14.71 30.10 30.10 30.10 36.00 36.00 23.73 23.73 29.45 98.17 29.45 147.26 59.15 64.79 59.15 64.79 38.99 42.71 38.99 42.71 48.40 53.01 161.32 176.71 48.40 53.01 241.98 265.07 13.28 13.28 8.75 8.75 10.86 36.21 10.86 54.31 14.71 14.71 9.70 9.70 12.04 40.13 12.04 60.20 19.63 32.26 29.45 48.40 19.63 32.26 35.34 53.01 35.34 7.24 10.86 7.24 8.03 12.04 8.03 45.81 75.28 82.47 16.90 18.73 18.65 18.65 26.18 26.18 30.65 30.65 43.02 43.02 33.58 33.58 47.12 47.12 6.88 6.88 9.66 9.66 7.62 7.62 10.70 10.70 18.41 30.25 18.41 30.25 33.13 33.13 6.79 6.79 7.52 7.52 15.55 25.54 15.55 25.54 27.98 27.98 5.73 5.73 6.35 6.35 WINE - RED - AUSTRALIAN 19 WINE - RED - AUSTRALIAN MERCH. CODE Fox Creek Wines (McLaren Vale, SA) Duet Cabernet Merlot 2008 DEC DEC JSM Shiraz/Cabernet 2007 DEC Red Baron Shiraz 2009 Reserve Cabernet Sauvignon 2006 DEC Reserve Merlot 2005 DEC Reserve Shiraz 2006 DEC DEC Shadows Run Shiraz Cabernet 2009 Shiraz Grenache 2008 DEC DEC Short Row Shiraz 2007 Fox Gordon (Barossa Valley, SA) MEZ Abby Viognier 2008 MEZ By George Cabernet Tempranillo 2006 MEZ Eight Uncle’s Shiraz 2007 Hannah’s Swing Shiraz 2003/06 MEZ King Louis Cabernet Sauvignon 2003 MEZ Freycinet Vineyard (Bicheno, TAS) Cabernet Sauvignon Merlot NEG Louis Pinot Noir NEG NEG Pinot Noir Gemtree (McLaren Vale, SA) Bloodstone Shiraz 2008 MEZ MEZ Luna Roja Tempranillo 2008 MEZ Obsidian Shiraz 2007 The Phantom 2009 MEZ Uncut Shiraz 2008 MEZ Geoff Merrill (McLaren Vale, SA) OPT Cabernet Sauvignon Cabernet Shiraz OPT Merlot OPT Pimpala Cabernet Merlot OPT OPT Reserve Cabernet Sauvignon OPT Reserve Shiraz Sangiovese OPT Shiraz OPT Shiraz Grenache Mourvedre OPT OPT The Henley Shiraz Giant Steps (Yarra Valley, VIC) Gladysdale Vineyard Pinot Noir R+W R+W Harry’s Monster Cabernet Blend FWP Merlot FWP Pinot Noir FWP Sexton Harry’s Monster R+W Sexton Vineyard Merlot R+W Sexton Vineyard Pinot Noir FWP Tarraford Pinot Noir R+W Tarraford Vineyard Pinot Noir Glaetzer (Barossa, SA) DEC Amon Ra’ Shiraz 2009 Glaetzer DEC Anaperenna’ Shiraz Cabernet 2009 DEC Bishop’ Shiraz 2009 DEC Wallace’ Shiraz Grenache 2008 Golden Gate (Riverina, NSW) AUV Medium Dry Red (Casks) Golden Gate Soft Dry Red (Casks) AUV Goundrey G Cabernet Tempranillo CWA CWA Shiraz Viognier Goundrey Homestead CWA Cabernet Merlot Shiraz CWA Goundrey Reserve CWA Cabernet Sauvignon Shiraz CWA Grant Burge (Barossa Valley, SA) OPT Abednego Shiraz Grenache Mourvedre Balthasar Shiraz Viognier OPT OPT Barossa Vines Cabernet Merlot OPT Barossa Vines Shiraz OPT Benchmark Cabernet Shiraz Benchmark Shiraz OPT Cameron Vale Cabernet Sauvignon OPT OPT Corryton Park Cabernet Sauvignon OPT Daly Road Shiraz Viognier Filsell Shiraz OPT Hillcot Merlot OPT Holy Trinity OPT Meshach Shiraz Limited OPT Miamba Shiraz OPT OPT Shadrach Cabernet Sauvignon OPT The Vigneron Grenache Shiraz Viognier OPT The Vigneron Shiraz FCW Hamelin BayCabernet Merlot FCW Rampant Red (Shiraz Cabernet Merlot) Hare’s Chase Wines (Barossa Valley, SA) DTA Shiraz 2006 Tempranillo 2006 DTA The Springer Shiraz Merlot Cabernet Franc 2006 DTA Haselgrove Wines Bella Vigna Cabernet Sauvignon FCW FCW H Cabernet Merlot H Shiraz FCW FCW Primo Taglio Cabernet Sauvignon Primo Taglio Shiraz FCW FCW Reserve Cabernet Reserve Shiraz FCW FCW Reserve Viognier Hardy’s HRB CWA Cabernet Sauvignon CWA Shiraz Hardy’s (No Preservatives Added) CWA Cabernet Sauvignon Shiraz CWA Hardy’s Nottage Hill CWA Cabernet Merlot Cabernet Sauvignon CWA CWA Cabernet Shiraz Cabernet Shiraz CWA OFF ON PREMISE INCL. GST W/SALE INCL. premise Glass 150ml Bottle WET SIZE - NO. PER EXCL. GST BOTTLE/ HIGH LOW LOW HIGH CASK ML CTN. MARGIN MARGIN MARGIN MARGIN 750 750 750 750 750 750 750 750 750 12 12 12 6 6 6 12 12 12 154.80 190.92 136.74 167.70 167.70 251.55 116.10 136.74 234.78 19.63 24.22 17.34 42.54 42.54 63.81 14.73 17.34 29.78 32.26 35.34 39.79 43.59 28.50 31.22 69.91 76.58 69.91 76.58 104.86 114.86 24.20 26.51 28.50 31.22 48.93 53.60 7.24 8.93 6.40 15.69 15.69 23.54 5.43 6.40 10.98 8.03 9.90 7.09 17.39 17.39 26.08 6.02 7.09 12.17 750 750 750 750 750 6 6 6 6 6 83.85 83.85 83.85 180.60 285.60 21.27 21.27 21.27 45.81 72.45 34.95 38.29 34.95 38.29 34.95 38.29 75.28 82.47 119.05 130.41 7.85 7.85 7.85 16.90 26.72 8.69 8.69 8.69 18.73 29.62 750 750 750 12 12 12 283.80 283.80 535.35 36.00 59.15 64.79 36.00 59.15 64.79 67.90 111.58 122.23 13.28 13.28 25.04 14.71 14.71 27.76 750 750 750 750 750 12 12 6 12 12 141.90 193.50 196.72 187.05 187.05 18.00 24.54 49.90 23.73 23.73 32.40 44.18 89.83 42.71 42.71 6.64 9.05 18.41 8.75 8.75 7.36 10.03 20.40 9.70 9.70 750 750 750 750 750 750 750 750 750 750 12 12 12 12 6 6 12 12 12 3 193.50 24.54 148.35 18.82 193.50 24.54 258.00 32.72 141.90 36.00 193.50 49.09 193.50 24.54 193.50 24.54 148.35 18.82 290.25 147.26 40.33 44.18 30.92 33.87 40.33 44.18 53.77 58.90 59.15 64.79 80.66 88.36 40.33 44.18 40.33 44.18 30.92 33.87 241.98 265.07 9.05 6.94 9.05 12.07 13.28 18.10 9.05 9.05 6.94 54.31 10.03 7.69 10.03 13.38 14.71 20.07 10.03 10.03 7.69 60.20 750 750 750 750 750 750 750 750 750 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 174.80 174.80 131.58 155.45 174.80 131.58 155.45 174.80 174.80 44.34 44.34 33.38 39.43 44.34 33.38 39.43 44.34 44.34 79.82 79.82 60.08 70.98 79.82 60.08 70.98 79.82 79.82 16.35 16.35 12.31 14.54 16.35 12.31 14.54 16.35 16.35 18.13 18.13 13.64 16.12 18.13 13.64 16.12 18.13 18.13 750 6 350.88 89.01 146.27 160.22 32.83 36.38 750 750 750 6 6 6 199.95 132.87 85.14 50.72 83.35 33.71 55.39 21.60 35.49 91.30 60.67 38.88 18.71 12.43 7.97 20.73 13.78 8.83 4000 4 40.32 14.74 1.45 1.67 4000 4 40.32 14.74 1.45 1.67 750 750 6 6 83.21 83.21 21.11 34.69 21.11 34.69 38.00 38.00 7.79 7.79 8.63 8.63 750 750 6 6 70.95 70.95 18.00 29.58 18.00 29.58 32.40 32.40 6.64 6.64 7.36 7.36 750 750 6 6 141.90 141.90 36.00 59.15 36.00 59.15 64.79 64.79 13.28 13.28 14.71 14.71 750 750 750 750 750 750 750 750 750 750 750 750 750 750 750 750 750 750 750 6 6 12 12 12 12 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 12 12 258.00 65.45 107.55 117.81 152.22 38.61 63.45 69.51 134.16 17.02 27.96 30.63 134.16 17.02 27.96 30.63 101.90 12.92 21.24 23.26 101.90 12.92 21.24 23.26 95.46 24.22 39.79 43.59 152.22 38.61 63.45 69.51 82.56 20.94 34.42 37.70 152.22 38.61 63.45 69.51 82.56 20.94 34.42 37.70 152.22 38.61 63.45 69.51 580.50 147.26 241.98 265.07 95.46 24.22 39.79 43.59 303.15 76.90 126.37 138.42 90.30 22.91 37.64 41.23 90.30 22.91 37.64 41.23 208.98 26.51 43.56 47.71 164.09 20.81 34.20 37.46 24.14 14.24 6.28 6.28 4.77 4.77 8.93 14.24 7.72 14.24 7.72 14.24 54.31 8.93 28.36 8.45 8.45 9.78 7.68 26.75 15.78 6.96 6.96 5.28 5.28 9.90 15.78 8.56 15.78 8.56 15.78 60.20 9.90 31.44 9.36 9.36 10.84 8.51 750 750 12 12 145.80 145.80 18.49 30.39 18.49 30.39 33.29 33.29 6.82 6.82 7.56 7.56 750 12 100.08 12.69 20.86 22.85 4.68 5.19 750 750 750 750 750 750 750 750 6 12 12 12 12 6 6 6 90.25 96.75 96.75 141.80 141.80 90.25 90.25 90.25 22.89 12.27 12.27 17.99 17.99 22.89 22.89 22.89 37.62 20.17 20.17 29.56 29.56 37.62 37.62 37.62 41.21 22.09 22.09 32.37 32.37 41.21 41.21 41.21 8.44 4.53 4.53 6.63 6.63 8.44 8.44 8.44 9.36 5.02 5.02 7.35 7.35 9.36 9.36 9.36 750 750 6 6 154.80 154.80 39.27 64.53 39.27 64.53 70.68 70.68 14.48 14.48 16.05 16.05 750 750 12 12 73.53 73.53 9.33 15.33 9.33 15.33 16.79 16.79 3.44 3.44 3.81 3.81 750 750 187 750 6 6 24 6 44.51 44.51 66.44 44.51 11.29 18.55 11.29 18.55 4.21 6.92 11.29 18.55 20.32 20.32 7.58 20.32 4.16 4.16 4.16 4.62 4.62 20 WINE - RED - AUSTRALIAN 29.58 40.33 82.00 38.99 38.99 72.87 72.87 54.85 64.80 72.87 54.85 64.80 72.87 72.87 4.62 WINE - RED - AUSTRALIAN MERCH. CODE OFF ON PREMISE INCL. GST W/SALE INCL. premise Glass 150ml Bottle WET SIZE - NO. PER EXCL. GST BOTTLE/ HIGH LOW LOW HIGH CASK ML CTN. MARGIN MARGIN MARGIN MARGIN Merlot CWA 750 CWA 750 Pinot Noir Shiraz CWA 750 CWA Shiraz Viognier 750 Hardy’s Oomoo CWA 750 Coonawarra Cabernet CWA Grenache Shiraz Mourvedre (GSM) 750 CWA 750 McLaren Vale Shiraz Hardy’s Persuit - ON PREMISE ONLY CWA 750 Cabernet Sauvignon CWA 750 Shiraz Hardy’s R&R CWA 750 Cabernet Sauvignon Merlot CWA 750 CWA 750 Shiraz TDR Hardys Reserve Casks CWA 3000 Cabernet Sauvignon CWA 10000 Cabernet Sauvignon Merlot CWA 3000 Merlot CWA 10000 Shiraz CWA 3000 Shiraz CWA 10000 Hardy’s Shuttles Shiraz CWA 187 Hardy’s The Chronicles CWA Butchers Gold Shiraz Sangiovese 750 Hardy’s The Riddle - ON PREMISE ONLY CWA 750 Cabernet Merlot CWA 750 Shiraz Cabernet Hardy’s Tintara Grenache CWA 750 Shiraz CWA 750 McLaren Vale (SA) CWA 750 Cabernet Sauvignon Shiraz CWA 750 Hay Shed Hill (Margaret River, WA) EMP 750 Block 2 Cabernet Sauvignon 2007 EMP 750 Cabernet Sauvignon 2008 Shiraz Tempranillo 2008 EMP 750 Hart Of The Barossa FFW 375 Fortified McLaren Vale Shiraz Heartland (Langhorne Creek & Limestone, SA) DEC 750 Cabernet Sauvignon 2008 DEC 750 Directors Cut Shiraz 2008 DEC 750 Dolcetto Lagrein 2008 DEC 750 Shiraz 2008 Stickleback Red 2008 DEC 750 Heathcote Estate (Heathcote, VIC) R+W 750 Grenache Noir 2006 R+W 750 Shiraz 2007/08 Heathcote (Heathcote, VIC) NEG 750 Cravens Shiraz NEG 750 Curagee Shiraz NEG 750 Mail Coach Shiraz Heggies Vineyard Merlot SSS 750 Henry’s Drive (Limestone Coast) DEC 750 Dead Letter Office Shiraz 2007 DEC 750 Henry’s Drive Reserve Shiraz 2006 DEC 750 Henry’s Drive Shiraz 2006 DEC 750 Parson’s Flat Shiraz Cabernet 2006 DEC 750 Pillar Box Red 2008 750 Pillar Box Reserve Cabernet Sauvignon 2008 DEC DEC 750 Pillar Box Reserve Shiraz 2008 The Trial of John Montford Cabernet 2006 DEC 750 Henschke (Keyneton, SA) FWP 750 Cyril Henschke Cabernet Sauvignon FWP Henry’s Seven Shiraz Grenache Viognier 750 FWP 750 Hill of Grace Johanns Garden Grenache Shiraz FWP 750 Keyneton Estate FWP 375 FWP 750 Keyneton Estate Mount Edelstone FWP 750 FWP 750 Tappa Pass Shiraz Henschke (Lenswood, SA) FWP 750 Lenswood Abbotts Prayer FWP 750 Lenswood Giles Pinot Noir Hesketh Wines Thirsty Dog Cabernet Sauvignon 2008 EMP 750 EMP 750 Usual Suspects 2008 EMP 750 The Protagonists 2008 Hewitson (Barossa Valley, SA) OPT 750 Baby Bush Mourvedre Miss Harry Grenache Shiraz Mourvedre OPT 750 OPT 750 Ned & Henry’s Shiraz OPT 750 Old Garden Mourvedre The Mad Hatter Shiraz OPT 750 Highbank Wines (Coonawarra, SA) DTA 750 Cabernet 2004 Merlot 2005 DTA 750 Hollick (Coonawarra, SA) R+W 750 Cabernet Sauvignon 2008 R+W 375 Cabernet Sauvignon Merlot 2008 R+W 750 Hollaia Sangiovese Cabernet Ravenswood 2006 R+W 750 R+W 750 Shiraz Cabernet Sauvignon 2008 R+W 750 Tempranillo 2008 R+W 750 Wilgha Shiraz 2006 R+W 750 Wrattonbully Shiraz 2008 Houghton Gladstones Margaret River Cabernet CWA 750 Houghton Stripe CWA 750 Cabernet Sauvignon Cabernet Shiraz Merlot CWA 750 Shiraz CWA 750 Houghton The Bandit Shiraz Tempranillo CWA 750 Houghton Wisdom CWA Cabernet Sauvignon 750 Shiraz CWA 750 6 6 6 6 44.51 44.51 44.51 44.51 11.29 11.29 11.29 11.29 18.55 18.55 18.55 18.55 20.32 20.32 20.32 20.32 4.16 4.16 4.16 4.16 4.62 4.62 4.62 4.62 6 6 6 76.11 76.11 76.11 19.31 31.73 19.31 31.73 19.31 31.73 34.75 34.75 34.75 7.12 7.12 7.12 7.89 7.89 7.89 12 12 103.20 103.20 21.51 21.51 23.56 23.56 4.83 4.83 5.35 5.35 6 6 6 34.19 34.19 34.19 8.67 14.25 8.67 14.25 8.67 14.25 15.61 15.61 15.61 3.20 3.20 3.20 3.55 3.55 3.55 4 1 4 1 4 1 61.28 43.86 61.28 43.86 61.28 43.86 2.94 2.52 2.94 2.52 2.94 2.52 3.39 2.91 3.39 2.91 3.39 2.91 24 71.08 6 64.50 12 12 55.47 55.47 12 12 22.40 64.12 22.40 64.12 22.40 64.12 4.51 7.41 8.11 16.36 26.89 29.45 6.03 6.69 11.56 11.56 12.66 12.66 2.59 2.59 2.88 2.88 206.40 206.40 26.18 43.02 26.18 43.02 47.12 47.12 9.66 9.66 10.70 10.70 6 6 105.14 105.14 26.67 43.83 26.67 43.83 48.01 48.01 9.84 9.84 10.90 10.90 6 6 6 193.50 96.75 77.40 49.09 80.66 24.54 40.33 19.63 32.26 88.36 44.18 35.34 18.10 9.05 7.24 20.07 10.03 8.03 6 6 6 6 6 6 90.00 74.82 132.87 85.14 74.82 109.65 22.83 18.98 33.71 21.60 18.98 27.82 37.52 31.19 55.39 35.49 31.19 45.71 41.10 34.16 60.67 38.88 34.16 50.07 16.84 7.00 12.43 7.97 7.00 10.26 18.67 7.76 13.78 8.83 7.76 11.37 6 6 116.10 189.63 29.45 48.40 48.11 79.05 53.01 86.59 10.86 17.74 12.04 19.66 12 6 12 167.70 258.00 264.45 21.27 34.95 38.29 65.45 107.55 117.81 33.54 55.12 60.38 7.85 24.14 12.37 8.69 26.75 13.71 6 105.14 26.67 43.83 48.01 9.84 10.90 12 6 12 6 12 6 6 6 180.60 206.40 258.00 135.45 116.10 141.90 141.90 116.10 22.91 52.36 32.72 34.36 14.73 36.00 36.00 29.45 41.23 94.25 58.90 61.85 26.51 64.79 64.79 53.01 8.45 19.31 12.07 12.67 5.43 13.28 13.28 10.86 9.36 21.40 13.38 14.05 6.02 14.71 14.71 12.04 37.64 86.04 53.77 56.46 24.20 59.15 59.15 48.40 6 548.25 139.08 228.54 250.34 51.29 56.85 6 132.87 33.71 55.39 60.67 12.43 13.78 3 1122.30 569.41 935.68 1024.93 210.01 232.75 6 159.32 40.42 66.41 72.75 14.91 16.52 12 210.92 26.75 43.96 48.16 19.73 21.87 6 203.82 51.70 84.96 93.07 19.07 21.14 6 468.27 118.79 195.20 213.82 43.81 48.56 6 310.25 78.70 129.33 141.67 29.03 32.17 6 6 320.57 212.85 81.32 133.63 146.38 54.00 88.73 97.19 12 12 6 161.28 161.28 97.38 20.46 33.62 20.46 33.62 24.70 40.59 12 12 12 12 12 232.20 174.15 202.53 536.64 536.64 29.45 22.09 25.69 68.07 68.07 12 12 330.00 335.00 41.86 68.78 42.49 69.82 12 6 12 6 6 12 6 12 212.85 187.08 167.70 238.80 154.80 167.70 193.50 187.05 27.00 47.46 21.27 60.58 39.27 21.27 49.09 23.73 6 277.35 6 6 6 56.12 56.12 56.12 14.24 23.39 14.24 23.39 14.24 23.39 25.63 25.63 25.63 6 73.53 18.65 30.65 6 6 123.84 123.84 31.42 51.62 31.42 51.62 29.99 19.91 33.24 22.07 36.82 36.82 44.47 7.54 7.54 9.11 8.36 8.36 10.10 48.40 53.01 36.30 39.76 42.21 46.24 111.85 122.52 111.85 122.52 10.86 8.15 9.47 25.10 25.10 12.04 9.03 10.50 27.82 27.82 75.34 76.48 15.44 15.67 17.11 17.37 44.36 48.60 77.99 85.42 34.95 38.29 99.55 109.04 64.53 70.68 34.95 38.29 80.66 88.36 38.99 42.71 9.96 35.01 7.85 22.34 14.48 7.85 18.10 8.75 11.04 38.80 8.69 24.76 16.05 8.69 20.07 9.70 70.36 115.62 126.64 25.95 28.76 5.25 5.25 5.25 5.82 5.82 5.82 33.58 6.88 7.62 56.55 56.55 11.59 11.59 12.84 12.84 SEE PAGE 50 FOR MERCHANT CODE INDEX WINE - RED - AUSTRALIAN MERCH. CODE OFF ON PREMISE INCL. GST W/SALE INCL. premise Glass 150ml Bottle WET SIZE - NO. PER EXCL. GST BOTTLE/ HIGH LOW LOW HIGH CASK ML CTN. MARGIN MARGIN MARGIN MARGIN Howard Park (WA) Cabernet Sauvignon Merlot NEG 750 NEG 750 Leston Cabernet Sauvignon NEG 750 Leston Shiraz Scotsdale Cabernet NEG 750 Scotsdale Shiraz NEG 750 Howling Wolves (Margaret River, WA) OPT 750 Cabernet Sauvignon Shiraz OPT 750 OPT 750 Small Batch Cabernet Merlot Hugh Hamilton (McLaren Vale, SA) JTW 750 The Mongrel Sangiovese JTW 750 The Rascal Shiraz JTW 750 The Ratbag Merlot The Villain Cabernet Sauvignon JTW 750 Hugo WinesCabernet Sauvignon FCW 750 Reserve Shiraz FCW 750 Shiraz FCW 750 Shiraz Grenache FCW 750 Hungerford Hill (Hunter Valley, NSW) Fishcage Cabernet Merlot GSW 750 GSW 750 Fishcage Shiraz GSW 750 Tumbarumba Pinot Noir Ingoldby Wines (McLaren Vale, SA) Cabernet Sauvignon FOS 750 Reserve Shiraz FOS 750 Shiraz FOS 750 Innocent Bystander (Yarra Valley, VIC) Pinot Noir FWP 750 Sangiovese Merlot FWP 750 Shiraz Viognier FWP 750 Jack Mann CWA Cabernet Sauvignon Shiraz 750 Jacobs Creek Jacob’s Creek Cabernet Merlot PRA 750 Jacob’s Creek Cabernet Sauvignon PRA 750 PRA 750 Jacob’s Creek Centenary Hill PRA 750 Jacob’s Creek Grenache Shiraz Jacob’s Creek Merlot PRA 187 PRA 750 Jacob’s Creek Merlot PRA 750 Jacob’s Creek Pinot Noir PRA 750 Jacob’s Creek Shiraz PRA Jacob’s Creek Shiraz Cabernet 187 PRA Jacob’s Creek Shiraz Cabernet 375 PRA Jacob’s Creek Shiraz Cabernet 750 PRA 750 Jacob’s Creek St Hugo PRA 750 Jacob’s Creek Tempranillo PRA 750 Johann Shiraz Cabernet PRA 750 Reserve Cabernet Sauvignon PRA 750 Reserve Pinot Noir PRA 750 Reserve Shiraz PRA Three Vines Shiraz Cabernet Tempranillo 750 PRA 750 Three Vines Shiraz Grenache Sangiovese Jamiesons Run (Coonawarra, SA) FOS 750 Coonawarra Cabernet Sauvignon FOS 750 Coonawarra Cabernet Shiraz Merlot FOS 750 Coonawarra Merlot Limestone Coast Shiraz FOS 750 Winemaker Reserve Red FOS 750 Jasper Hill (Heathcote, Vic) DEC 750 Cornella Vineyard Grenache 2007 DEC 750 Emily’s Paddock Shiraz 2009 DEC 750 Georgia’s Paddock Nebbiolo 2008 DEC 750 Georgia’s Paddock Shiraz 2009 Jeanneret Wines (Sevenhill, SA) DTA 750 Curley Red Cabernets 2006 Dilly Dally Merlot 2007 DTA 750 DTA 750 Grace & Favour Grenache Shiraz 2006 Rank & File Shiraz 2008 DTA 750 Jeanneret Reserve Range (Sevenhill, SA) DTA 750 Denis Shiraz 2006 DTA 750 Hummer Merlot 2006 Jim Barry (Clare, SA) Clare Red SSS 750 SSS 750 Cover Drive Cabernet Sauvignon SSS 750 First Eleven Cabernet Sauvignon Lodge Hill Shiraz SSS 750 McCrae Wood Shiraz SSS 750 The Armagh SSS 750 The Benbournie Cabernet Sauvignon SSS 750 Three Little Pigs Shiraz Cabernet Malbec SSS 750 Jip Jip Rocks (Limestone Coast, SA) Shiraz OPT 750 OPT 750 Shiraz Cabernet John Duval Wines (Barossa Valley, SA) Egilo Shiraz NEG 750 Plexus Shiraz Grenache Mourvedre NEG 750 NEG 750 The Entity Shiraz Johnston Wines (Oakbank, SA) PWS 750 Cabernet Sauvignon Pinot Noir PWS 750 Shiraz PWS 750 K1 Wines by Geoff Hardy (Adelaide Hills, SA) CHA 750 Cabernet Sauvignon 2007 Merlot 2006 CHA 750 CHA 750 Pinot Noir 2007 Shiraz 2006 CHA 750 CHA 750 Silver Label Cabernet Tempranillo 2008 Silver Label Shiraz Viognier 2007 CHA 750 Kalleske (Barossa Valley, SA) 750 Clarry’s Barossa Red (Grenache/Shiraz) JTW Eduard JTW 750 JTW 750 Greenock Shiraz JTW 375 JMK VP Fortified Shiraz JTW 750 Johann Georg Shiraz JTW 750 Old Vine Grenache Pirathon Shiraz JTW 750 Katnook Estate (Coonawarra, SA) FWP 750 Cabernet Sauvignon Merlot FWP 750 Odyssey Cabernet FWP 750 6 6 6 6 6 390.23 153.51 153.51 153.51 153.51 98.99 38.94 38.94 38.94 38.94 162.67 178.19 63.99 70.10 63.99 70.10 63.99 70.10 63.99 70.10 36.51 14.36 14.36 14.36 14.36 40.47 15.92 15.92 15.92 15.92 12 12 6 132.87 132.87 129.00 16.85 27.69 16.85 27.69 32.72 53.77 30.34 30.34 58.90 6.22 6.22 12.07 6.89 6.89 13.38 12 12 12 12 12 6 12 12 140.61 187.05 157.38 187.05 183.13 153.95 191.64 145.98 17.83 23.73 19.96 23.73 23.23 39.05 24.31 18.52 29.31 38.99 32.80 38.99 38.17 64.18 39.94 30.43 32.10 42.71 35.93 42.71 41.81 70.30 43.75 33.33 6.58 8.75 7.36 8.75 8.57 14.40 8.97 6.83 7.29 9.70 8.16 9.70 9.49 15.96 9.94 7.57 12 12 12 138.03 138.03 219.30 17.51 28.77 17.51 28.77 27.82 45.71 31.51 31.51 50.07 6.46 6.46 10.26 7.16 7.16 11.37 6 6 6 78.69 167.70 78.69 19.96 32.80 42.54 69.91 19.96 32.80 35.93 76.58 35.93 7.36 15.69 7.36 8.16 17.39 8.16 6 6 6 85.79 85.79 85.79 21.76 35.76 21.76 35.76 21.76 35.76 39.17 39.17 39.17 8.03 8.03 8.03 8.90 8.90 8.90 6 406.35 103.08 169.39 185.55 38.02 42.14 12 12 6 12 24 12 12 12 24 12 12 6 12 6 6 6 6 6 6 81.75 81.75 223.30 81.75 45.85 81.75 81.75 81.75 45.85 45.85 81.75 186.14 81.75 269.71 69.34 69.34 69.34 54.50 54.50 10.37 10.37 56.65 10.37 2.91 10.37 10.37 10.37 2.91 5.82 10.37 47.22 10.37 68.42 17.59 17.59 17.59 13.83 13.83 17.04 18.66 17.04 18.66 93.08 101.96 17.04 18.66 4.78 5.23 17.04 18.66 17.04 18.66 17.04 18.66 4.78 5.23 9.56 10.47 17.04 18.66 77.59 85.00 17.04 18.66 112.43 123.16 28.90 31.66 28.90 31.66 28.90 31.66 22.72 24.89 22.72 24.89 3.82 3.82 20.89 3.82 4.2 4.24 23.16 4.24 3.82 3.82 3.82 4.29 3.82 17.42 3.82 25.23 6.49 6.49 6.49 5.10 5.10 4.24 4.24 4.24 4.7 4.24 19.30 4.24 27.97 7.19 7.19 7.19 5.65 5.65 6 6 6 6 6 66.44 66.44 66.44 66.44 221.88 16.85 16.85 16.85 16.85 56.29 27.70 30.34 27.70 30.34 27.70 30.34 27.70 30.34 92.49 101.32 6.22 6.22 6.22 6.22 20.76 6.89 6.89 6.89 6.89 23.01 12 6 6 6 415.38 52.69 86.58 94.84 417.96 106.03 174.23 190.85 258.00 65.45 107.55 117.81 313.50 79.53 130.68 143.15 19.43 39.10 24.14 29.33 21.54 43.34 26.75 32.51 12 12 12 12 135.00 125.40 125.40 150.00 17.12 15.91 15.91 19.03 28.14 26.14 26.14 31.26 30.82 28.63 28.63 34.25 6.32 5.87 5.87 7.02 7.00 6.50 6.50 7.78 12 12 252.00 252.00 31.96 52.52 31.96 52.52 57.53 57.53 11.79 11.79 13.07 13.07 12 151.41 19.20 31.56 34.57 12 179.25 22.74 37.36 40.92 6 245.10 62.18 102.17 111.92 12 179.25 22.74 37.36 40.92 198.66 50.40 82.81 90.71 6 6 1006.20 255.25 419.44 459.45 6 397.32 100.79 165.63 181.42 12 171.09 21.70 35.66 39.06 12 12 135.45 135.45 17.18 28.23 17.18 28.23 30.92 30.92 6 6 6 374.10 141.90 174.15 94.90 155.95 170.82 36.00 59.15 64.79 44.18 72.60 79.52 12 12 12 167.70 167.70 167.70 21.27 34.95 21.27 34.95 21.27 34.95 6 6 6 6 6 6 135.45 135.45 135.45 135.45 70.95 70.95 34.36 34.36 34.36 34.36 18.00 18.00 12 6 12 12 3 6 12 154.80 348.30 309.60 193.50 193.50 193.50 193.50 19.63 88.36 39.27 24.54 98.17 49.09 24.54 12 12 6 7.08 7.85 8.39 9.29 22.93 25.42 8.39 9.29 18.59 20.60 94.14 104.34 37.17 41.20 8.00 8.87 6.34 6.34 7.02 7.02 35.00 13.28 16.29 38.79 14.71 18.06 38.29 38.29 38.29 7.85 7.85 7.85 8.69 8.69 8.69 61.85 61.85 61.85 61.85 32.40 32.40 12.67 12.67 12.67 12.67 6.64 6.64 14.05 14.05 14.05 14.05 7.36 7.36 32.26 35.34 145.19 159.04 64.53 70.68 40.33 44.18 161.32 176.71 80.66 88.36 40.33 44.18 7.24 32.59 14.48 18.10 36.21 18.10 9.05 8.03 36.12 16.0 20.07 40.13 20.07 10.03 341.85 43.36 71.25 78.05 341.85 43.36 71.25 78.05 419.25 106.35 174.77 191.44 15.99 15.99 39.23 17.72 17.72 43.47 LICENSEES’ LIQUOR GUIDE MARCH 2011 56.46 56.46 56.46 56.46 29.58 29.58 WINE - RED - AUSTRALIAN MERCH. CODE OFF ON PREMISE INCL. GST W/SALE INCL. premise Glass 150ml Bottle WET SIZE - NO. PER EXCL. GST BOTTLE/ HIGH LOW LOW HIGH CASK ML CTN. MARGIN MARGIN MARGIN MARGIN Prodigy Shiraz FWP 750 Shiraz FWP 750 Katnook Founders Block (Coonawarra) FWP 375 Cabernet Sauvignon FWP 750 Cabernet Sauvignon Merlot FWP 750 Shiraz FWP 750 Kay Brothers (McLaren Vale, SA) Amery Cabernet Merlot PWS 750 PWS 750 Amery Shiraz PWS 750 Block 6 Shiraz Grenache PWS 750 PWS 750 Hillside Shiraz Kilikanoon Wines (Clare Valley, SA) DEC 750 Attunga 1865 Shiraz 2005 DEC 750 Blocks Road Cabernet Sauvignon 2006 DEC 750 Covenant Shiraz 2007 750 Killermans Run Cabernet Sauvignon 2008 DEC Killermans Run Shiraz 2008 DEC 750 DEC 750 Killermans Run Shiraz Grenache 2008 DEC 750 M Reserve Shiraz 2005 750 Medley Grenache Shiraz Mourvedre 2007 DEC DEC 750 Oracle Shiraz 2006 DEC 750 Prodigal Grenache 2006 DEC 750 The Duke Grenache 2005 Kingston Echelon (SA) KEW 750 Cabernet Sauvignon 2005 KEW 750 Petit Verdot 2007 KEW 750 Shiraz 2007 Kingston Estate (SA) KEW 750 Cabernet Sauvignon 2009 KEW 750 Merlot 2009 KEW 750 Petit Verdot 2009 KEW 750 Shiraz 2009 Kingston Wines EMP 1000 Baritone Cabernet shiraz EMP 750 Echelon Petit Verdot EMP 750 Echelon Shiraz Estate Cabernet Sauvignon EMP 750 EMP 750 Estate Merlot EMP 750 Estate Petit Verdot EMP 750 Estate Shiraz 2006 EMP 750 Sarantos Merlot Kirrihill Wines (Clare Valley, SA) CHA 750 Clare Valley Cabernet 2008 CHA 750 Clare Valley Shiraz 2008 SVS Cabernet 2008 CHA 750 CHA 750 SVS Shiraz 2009 Knappstein Wines (Clare Valley, SA) FWP 750 Cabernet Merlot FWP 750 Enterprise Cabernet Sauvignon Shiraz FWP 750 Kooyong (VIC) NEG 750 Ferrous Pinot Noir NEG 750 Haven Pinot Noir NEG 750 Massale Pinot Noir Meres Pinot Noir NEG 750 NEG 750 Pinot Noir Lake Breeze (Langhorne Creek, SA) 750 Arthur’s Reserve Cabernet/Petit/Verdot 2005CHA CHA 750 Bernoota Shiraz Cabernet 2007 CHA 750 Cabernet Sauvignon 2007 CHA 750 Grenache 2009 CHA 750 Winemakers Selection Shiraz 2005 Langmeil Wines (SA) NEG 750 1843 Freedom Shiraz NEG 750 Blacksmith Cabernet Sauvignon NEG Hanging Snakes Shiraz Voigner 750 NEG 750 Jackaman’s Cabernet Sauvignon The Fifth Wave Grenache NEG 750 750 Three Gardens Shiraz Grenache Mourvedre NEG Valley Floor Shiraz NEG 750 OPT 750 Laughing JackGreenock Shiraz OPT 750 Jack’s Shiraz Leasingham Bin Range CWA 375 Bin 56 Cabernet Malbec CWA 750 Bin 56 Cabernet Malbec Bin 61 Shiraz CWA 750 Leasingham Classic (Clare, SA) CWA 750 Cabernet Sauvignon Shiraz CWA 750 Leasingham Individual Vineyard Release CWA 750 Provis Shiraz Leasingham Jam Shed (Clare, SA) CWA 750 Cabernet Sauvignon Shiraz CWA 750 Leconfield (Coonawarra/McLaren Vale SA) OPT 375 Cabernet Sauvignon OPT 750 Cabernet Sauvignon Cabernet Sauvignon Merlot OPT 750 Merlot OPT 750 Shiraz OPT 750 Lenton Brae (Margaret River, WA) GSW 750 Cabernet Merlot Lindemans (Cawarra) FOS 750 Cabernet Sauvignon Merlot FOS 750 Merlot FOS 750 Shiraz Cabernet Lindemans (Porphyry) Rouge FOS 750 Lindemans Bin Range FOS 750 Bin 40 Merlot FOS 750 Bin 45 Cabernet Sauvignon FOS 187 Bin 50 Shiraz FOS 375 Bin 50 Shiraz FOS 750 Bin 50 Shiraz Lindemans Coonawarra Trio (Coonawarra, SA) Limestone Ridge Vineyard Shiraz Cabernet FOS 750 Pyrus Cabernet Sauvignon Blend FOS 750 FOS 750 St George Vineyard Cabernet Sauvignon 6 12 419.25 106.35 174.77 191.44 341.85 43.36 71.25 78.05 39.23 15.99 43.47 17.72 12 12 12 12 99.98 161.25 161.25 161.25 12.68 20.45 20.45 20.45 22.83 36.82 36.82 36.82 9.35 7.54 7.54 7.54 10.37 8.36 8.36 8.36 12 12 6 12 6 199.95 199.95 290.25 199.95 170.93 25.36 25.36 73.63 25.36 43.36 41.68 45.65 41.68 45.65 120.99 132.53 41.68 45.65 71.25 78.05 9.35 9.35 27.16 9.35 15.99 10.37 10.37 30.10 10.37 17.72 6 12 12 12 12 12 6 12 6 12 12 967.50 245.43 403.31 441.78 238.65 30.27 49.74 54.49 328.95 41.72 68.56 75.10 154.80 19.63 32.26 35.34 154.80 19.63 32.26 35.34 154.80 19.63 32.26 35.34 300.57 76.25 125.29 137.25 203.82 25.85 42.48 46.53 300.57 76.25 125.29 137.25 225.75 28.63 47.05 51.54 561.15 71.18 116.96 128.12 12 12 12 180.60 180.60 180.60 22.91 37.64 22.91 37.64 22.91 37.64 41.23 41.23 41.23 8.45 8.45 8.45 9.36 9.36 9.36 12 12 12 12 106.43 106.43 106.43 106.43 13.50 13.50 13.50 13.50 22.18 22.18 22.18 22.18 24.30 24.30 24.30 24.30 4.98 4.98 4.98 4.98 5.52 5.52 5.52 5.52 6 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 54.84 187.08 187.08 107.76 107.76 107.76 107.76 117.36 13.91 23.73 23.73 13.67 13.67 13.67 13.67 14.89 22.86 38.99 38.99 22.46 22.46 22.46 22.46 24.46 25.04 42.71 42.71 24.60 24.60 24.60 24.60 26.79 3.85 8.75 8.75 5.04 5.04 5.04 5.04 5.49 4.26 9.70 9.70 5.59 5.59 5.59 5.59 6.08 12 12 12 12 118.68 118.68 157.38 157.38 15.05 15.05 19.96 19.96 24.74 24.74 32.80 32.80 27.10 27.10 35.93 35.93 5.55 5.55 7.36 7.36 6.15 6.15 8.16 8.16 6 6 6 90.95 193.50 90.95 23.07 37.91 49.09 80.66 23.07 37.91 41.53 88.36 41.53 8.51 18.10 8.51 9.43 20.07 9.43 6 6 6 6 6 258.00 225.75 122.55 258.00 180.60 65.45 57.27 31.09 65.45 45.81 107.55 117.81 94.11 103.08 51.09 55.96 107.55 117.81 75.28 82.47 24.14 21.12 11.47 24.14 16.90 26.75 23.41 12.71 26.75 18.73 12 12 12 12 12 337.98 170.28 183.18 196.08 337.98 42.87 21.60 23.23 24.87 42.87 77.16 38.88 41.82 44.77 77.16 15.81 7.97 8.57 9.17 15.81 17.52 8.83 9.50 10.10 17.52 6 12 12 6 6 12 12 12 12 403.13 102.27 168.05 184.08 232.20 29.45 48.40 53.01 174.15 22.09 36.30 39.76 193.00 48.96 80.45 88.13 116.10 29.45 48.40 53.01 174.15 22.09 36.30 39.76 232.20 29.45 48.40 53.01 304.44 38.61 63.45 69.51 165.12 20.94 34.42 37.70 37.72 10.86 8.15 18.06 10.86 8.15 10.86 14.24 7.72 41.80 12.04 9.03 20.01 12.04 9.03 12.04 15.78 8.56 22.68 45.36 45.36 9.29 9.29 9.29 10.30 10.30 10.30 20.84 33.61 33.61 33.61 70.44 35.49 38.18 40.87 70.44 12.60 20.70 25.20 41.41 25.20 41.41 90.52 100.33 11.16 12.37 15.39 17.06 7.24 8.03 7.24 8.03 7.24 8.03 28.12 31.17 9.53 10.57 28.12 31.17 10.56 11.70 26.25 29.09 12 6 6 99.33 99.33 99.33 6 6 222.53 222.53 56.45 92.76 101.61 56.45 92.76 101.61 20.82 20.82 23.08 23.08 6 445.05 112.90 185.52 203.22 41.64 46.15 17.34 28.50 17.34 28.50 31.22 31.22 6.40 6.40 7.09 7.09 148.35 270.90 193.50 193.50 193.50 18.82 34.36 24.54 24.54 24.54 30.92 56.46 40.33 40.33 40.33 33.87 61.85 44.18 44.18 44.18 13.88 12.67 9.05 9.05 9.05 15.38 14.00 10.03 10.03 10.03 12 187.05 23.73 38.99 42.71 8.75 9.70 6 6 6 29.03 29.03 29.03 7.36 12.10 7.36 12.10 7.36 12.10 13.26 13.26 13.26 2.72 2.72 2.72 3.01 3.01 3.01 6 29.03 7.36 12.10 13.26 2.72 3.01 6 6 24 12 6 39.99 39.99 51.60 58.05 39.99 16.67 16.67 5.38 12.10 16.67 18.26 18.26 5.89 13.25 18.26 3.74 3.74 5.43 3.74 4.15 4.15 6 6 6 214.14 214.14 214.14 54.32 89.27 54.32 89.27 54.32 89.27 97.78 97.78 97.78 20.04 20.04 20.04 22.20 22.21 22.21 6 6 68.37 68.37 12 12 12 12 12 10.14 10.14 3.27 7.36 10.14 6.02 4.15 WINE - RED - AUSTRALIAN 21 WINE - RED - AUSTRALIAN MERCH. CODE OFF ON PREMISE INCL. GST W/SALE INCL. premise Glass 150ml Bottle WET SIZE - NO. PER EXCL. GST BOTTLE/ HIGH LOW LOW HIGH CASK ML CTN. MARGIN MARGIN MARGIN MARGIN Lindemans Early Harvest Shiraz FOS 750 6 Lindemans Premier Selection FOS 750 12 Shiraz Cabernet Sauvignon Lindemans Regional Range Hunter Valley Shiraz Bin 0403 FOS 750 6 Lindemans Reserve Label FOS 750 6 Cabernet Merlot Cabernet Sauvignon FOS 750 6 Merlot FOS 750 6 Shiraz FOS 750 6 Lindemans Sweet Seasons Dulciana FOS 750 6 Longhop (Adelaide Plains, SA) Shiraz PWS 750 12 Long Row (Riverland, SA) Cabernet Sauvignon ANG 187 24 Cabernet Sauvignon ANG 750 6 Merlot ANG 750 6 Shiraz ANG 750 6 Longview (Adelaide Hills, SA) CHA 750 6 Block 3 Shiraz 2005 CHA 750 Devils Elbow Cabernet Sauvignon 2007 12 CHA 750 Red Bucket Shiraz Cabernet 2008 12 Riserva Nebbiolo 2006 CHA 750 6 Yakka Shiraz 2007 CHA 750 12 Madfish (WA) Madfish Gold Turtle Shiraz Viognier NEG 750 6 Gold Turtle Tempranillo NEG 750 6 Premium Red NEG 750 6 Shiraz NEG 750 12 NEG 750 Sideways Cabernet Sauvignon Merlot 12 Sideways Shiraz NEG 750 12 Marlborough Park (Adelaide Hills, SA) Cabernet Merlot FCW 750 12 Massena (Barossa Valley, SA) Barbera GSW 750 12 GSW 750 12 Primitivo (Zinfandel) The Eleventh Hour Shiraz GSW 750 12 GSW 750 The Howling Dog Petite Sirah (Durif) 12 GSW 750 12 The Looting Duke Shiraz The Moonlight Run - Grenache Shiraz Mataro Cinsaut GSW 750 12 Massey Wines FFW 750 Bambino McLaren Vale Shiraz 12 FFW 750 Huey’s Patch Sellick’s Hill Shiraz 6 Mawsons (Coonawarra, SA) SSS 750 12 Cabernet Sauvignon Maxwell (McLaren Vale, SA) GSW 750 12 Ellen Street Shiraz GSW 750 Four Roads Shiraz Grenache Viognier 12 GSW 750 Lime Cave Cabernet Sauvignon 12 GSW 750 Little Demon Cabernet Merlot 12 GSW 750 12 Minotaur Reserve Shiraz GSW 750 12 Silver Hammer Shiraz Mayhem and Co. (Adelaide Hills) JTW 750 12 Bells & Whistles 750 Big Barrels Small Berries Sauvignon Blanc JTW 12 JTW 750 Homegrown Sauvignon Blanc 12 JTW 750 12 Littel Bubbles JTW 750 12 Newcomer Pinot Noir JTW 750 12 Newcomer Shiraz JTW 750 12 Old School Riesling JTW 750 12 Very Viognier Wicked Chardonnay JTW 750 12 McGuigan Wines Bin 2000 Shiraz AUV 750 6 Bin 3000 Merlot AUV 750 6 Bin 4000 Cabernet Sauvignon AUV 750 6 Black Label Cabernet Merlot AUV 750 6 Black Label Merlot AUV 187 24 Black Label Merlot AUV 750 6 Black Label Red AUV 187 24 Black Label Red AUV 750 6 AUV 750 Discover Shiraz Viognier 6 AUV 750 Hand Made Langhorne Creek Shiraz 6 Shortlist Barossa GSM AUV 750 6 AUV 750 6 Shortlist Barossa Shiraz AUV Shortlist Coonawarra Cabernet 750 6 McWilliam’s Balance The Lakes Cabernet Merlot - ON PREMISE ONLY AUV 750 12 McWilliam’s Balance (Coonawarra, SA) McWilliam’s Balance Shiraz - lower alcohol/calories MCW 750 6 McWilliam’s Brands Flagship Range MCW 750 (Coonawarra, SA)Eric’s Blend 6 McWilliam’s Icons MCW 750 6 Maurice O’Shea Shiraz McWilliam’s 1877 Cabernet Sauvignon Shiraz MCW 750 6 McWilliam’s Brands Flagship Range MCW 750 Stentiford’s Reserve Old Vines Shiraz 6 McWilliam’s Brands Flagship Range MCW 750 The Patron Cabernet Sauvignon 6 McWilliam’s Brands Flagship Range MCW 750 6 Vintage No 40 McWilliam’s Brands Foundation Range (Coonawarra, SA) MCW 750 6 Cabernet Merlot MCW 750 6 Shiraz McWilliam’s Brands Hero Range (Coonawarra, SA) MCW 750 Blockers Cabernet Sauvignon 6 Two Row Merlot MCW 750 6 McWilliam’s Catching Thieves Cabernet Merlot MCW 750 6 Dolce MCW 750 6 McWilliam’s Hanwood Range MCW 750 6 Cabernet Merlot Cabernet Sauvignon MCW 187 24 MCW 750 McWilliam’s Cabernet Sauvignon 6 Merlot MCW 750 6 MCW 750 6 Shiraz 22 WINE - RED - AUSTRALIAN 56.76 14.40 23.66 25.92 5.31 5.89 52.89 6.71 11.02 12.08 2.47 2.74 98.04 24.87 40.87 44.77 9.17 10.17 56.76 56.76 56.76 56.76 14.40 14.40 14.40 14.40 23.66 23.66 23.66 23.66 25.92 25.92 25.92 25.92 5.31 5.31 5.31 5.31 5.89 5.89 5.89 5.89 56.76 14.40 23.66 25.92 5.31 5.89 141.90 18.00 29.58 32.40 6.64 7.36 45.15 45.15 45.15 45.15 2.86 4.71 11.45 18.82 11.45 18.82 11.45 18.82 5.15 20.62 20.62 20.62 4.22 4.22 4.22 4.68 4.68 4.68 107.55 117.81 41.68 45.65 24.20 26.51 118.30 129.59 41.68 45.65 24.14 9.35 5.43 26.55 9.35 26.75 10.37 6.02 29.43 10.37 258.00 199.95 116.10 283.80 199.95 65.45 25.36 14.73 71.99 25.36 98.32 98.32 73.85 147.71 166.08 166.08 24.94 24.94 18.73 18.74 21.07 21.07 40.99 40.99 30.78 30.79 34.62 34.62 44.89 44.89 33.72 33.72 37.92 37.92 9.20 9.20 6.91 6.91 7.77 7.77 10.20 10.20 7.66 7.66 8.61 8.61 119.82 15.20 24.97 27.36 5.61 6.21 180.60 180.60 309.60 309.60 464.40 22.91 22.91 39.27 39.27 58.90 37.64 41.23 37.64 41.23 64.53 70.68 64.53 70.68 96.79 106.03 8.45 8.45 14.48 14.48 21.72 9.36 9.36 16.05 16.05 24.08 206.40 26.18 43.02 47.12 9.66 10.70 180.60 148.35 22.91 37.64 37.63 61.84 41.23 67.74 8.45 13.88 9.36 15.38 121.26 15.38 25.27 27.68 5.67 6.29 251.55 154.80 251.55 129.00 619.20 154.80 251.55 251.55 148.35 103.20 181.80 148.35 116.10 116.10 148.35 49.02 49.02 49.02 42.57 59.60 42.57 59.60 42.57 60.63 161.25 96.75 96.75 96.75 31.91 19.63 31.91 16.36 78.54 19.63 31.91 31.91 18.82 13.09 23.06 18.82 14.73 14.73 18.82 12.44 12.44 12.44 10.80 3.78 10.80 3.78 10.80 15.38 40.91 24.54 24.54 24.54 52.43 57.43 32.26 35.34 52.43 57.43 26.89 29.45 129.06 141.37 32.26 35.34 52.43 57.43 52.43 57.43 30.92 33.87 21.51 23.56 37.89 41.51 30.92 33.87 24.20 26.51 24.20 26.51 30.92 33.87 20.43 22.38 20.43 22.38 20.43 22.38 17.75 19.44 6.21 6.80 17.75 19.44 6.21 6.80 17.75 19.44 25.27 27.68 67.22 73.63 40.33 44.18 40.33 44.18 40.33 44.18 11.77 7.24 11.77 6.03 28.97 7.24 11.77 11.77 6.94 4.83 8.50 6.94 5.43 5.43 6.94 4.59 4.59 4.59 3.98 5.59 3.98 5.59 3.98 5.67 15.09 9.05 9.05 9.05 13.04 8.03 13.04 6.69 32.10 8.03 13.04 13.04 7.69 5.35 9.43 7.69 6.02 6.02 7.69 5.08 5.08 5.08 4.41 6.20 4.41 6.20 4.41 6.29 16.72 10.03 10.03 10.03 3.29 3.65 70.43 8.93 14.68 16.08 69.02 17.51 28.77 31.52 6.46 7.16 283.80 71.99 118.30 129.59 26.55 29.43 245.10 62.18 102.17 111.92 22.93 25.42 367.65 93.26 153.26 167.88 34.40 38.12 283.80 71.99 118.30 129.59 26.55 29.43 283.80 71.99 118.30 129.59 26.55 29.43 167.70 83.85 83.85 103.20 103.20 42.54 21.27 21.27 26.18 26.18 69.91 34.95 34.95 43.02 43.02 76.58 38.29 38.29 47.12 47.12 15.69 7.85 7.85 9.66 9.66 17.39 8.69 8.69 10.70 10.70 69.66 69.66 17.67 29.04 17.67 29.04 31.81 31.81 6.52 6.52 7.22 7.22 49.99 56.12 49.99 49.99 49.99 12.68 3.56 12.68 12.68 12.68 22.83 6.41 22.83 22.83 22.83 4.68 5.18 4.68 4.68 4.68 5.18 5.18 5.18 20.84 5.85 20.84 20.84 20.84 WINE - RED - AUSTRALIAN MERCH. CODE OFF ON PREMISE INCL. GST W/SALE INCL. premise Glass 150ml Bottle WET SIZE - NO. PER EXCL. GST BOTTLE/ HIGH LOW LOW HIGH CASK ML CTN. MARGIN MARGIN MARGIN MARGIN McWilliam’s Inheritance Range Cabernet Merlot MCW 750 12 59.34 7.53 Fruitwood Red MCW 750 6 29.67 7.53 Shiraz Cabernet MCW 750 6 29.67 7.53 Shiraz Cabernet MCW 750 12 59.34 7.53 Shiraz Merlot MCW 750 12 59.34 7.53 McWilliam’s Lillydale Vineyards (Yarra Valley, VIC) MCW 750 12 206.40 26.18 Pinot Noir Shiraz MCW 750 12 206.40 26.18 McWilliam’s Premium Range Jack Cabernet Sauvignon MCW 750 6 72.24 18.33 Philip Shiraz MCW 750 6 72.24 18.33 McWilliam’s Select Series - ON PREMISE ONLY Cabernet Merlot MCW 750 12 59.34 Shiraz Cabernet MCW 750 12 59.34 Shiraz Merlot MCW 750 12 59.34 McWilliam’s Sunstone Range MCW 750 6 Luscious Fruity Red 42.57 10.80 McWilliam’s 15l Cask Dry Red (Casks) MCW 15000 1 41.28 60.35 McWilliam’s Mount Pleasant Heritage Collection (Mount Pleasant, NSW) Old Paddock & Old Hill Shiraz MCW 750 6 154.80 39.27 Rosehill Shiraz MCW 750 6 129.00 32.72 McWilliam’s Wines Clarsac (Sachet) MCW 250 24 45.15 2.86 Metala Range (Langhorne Creek, SA) Metala Range FOS 750 6 Black Label Shiraz 225.75 57.27 Mildara (Coonawarra, SA) Cabernet Sauvignon - ON PREMISE ONLY FOS 750 6 117.39 FOS 750 6 Cabernet Sauvignon Merlot 117.39 29.78 FOS 750 6 Cabernet Sauvignon Shiraz 117.39 29.78 Rothwell Cabernet Sauvignon FOS 750 6 206.40 52.36 Mitchell (Clare Valley, SA) Cabernet Sauvignon Sevenhill 2005 R+W 750 12 225.75 28.63 750 12 180.60 22.91 G.S.M. Grenache Sangiovese Mourvedre 2006 R+W McNicol Shiraz 2002 R+W 750 6 193.50 49.09 Shiraz Peppertree 2007 R+W 750 12 219.30 27.82 Mitchelton (Goulburn Valley, VIC) FWP 750 Crescent Shiraz Mourvedre Grenache 6 110.94 28.14 Shiraz FWP 750 6 85.14 21.60 Mitolo (McLaren Vale, SA) MHA 750 G.A.M. McLaren Vale Shiraz 2007 6 218.00 55.30 MHA 750 Jester McLaren Vale Shiraz 2008 12 214.14 27.16 750 Mitolo Serpico Cabernet Sauvignon 2007 MHA 6 290.25 73.63 MHA 750 Reiver Barossa Shiraz 2007 6 218.00 55.30 MHA 750 Savitar McLaren Vale Shiraz 2007 6 290.25 73.63 Mojo (SA) R+W 750 12 141.90 18.00 Shiraz 2008/09 Monkey Bay - ON PREMISE ONLY Merlot CWA 750 6 61.92 Moondah Brook CWA 750 Cabernet Sauvignon 6 67.08 17.02 Shiraz CWA 750 6 67.08 17.02 Moorilla Estate (Derwent & Tamar Valleys, TAS) JTW 750 12 237.36 30.11 Muse Cabernet Merlot JTW 750 12 341.85 43.36 Muse Pinot Noir Moorooduc Estate (Mornington Peninsula, VIC) MEZ 750 Devil Blend Creek Pinot Noir 2008 12 193.50 24.54 Estate Pinot Noir 2008 MEZ 750 12 270.90 34.36 MEZ 750 12 238.65 30.27 Estate Shiraz 2006 The Moorooduc Pinot Noir 2008 MEZ 750 6 225.75 57.27 Morambro Creek (Padthaway/Limestone Coast, SA) OPT 750 12 206.40 26.18 Cabernet Sauvignon OPT 750 Mt Monster Cabernet Sauvignon 12 112.23 14.24 Mt Monster Shiraz OPT 750 12 112.23 14.24 Shiraz OPT 750 12 206.40 26.18 Morgan’s Bay - ON PREMISE ONLY FOS 750 6 30.32 Cabernet Merlot FOS 750 Shiraz Cabernet 6 30.32 PRA 750 6 Blue Imperial 86.51 21.95 Cabernet Sauvignon PRA 750 6 65.86 16.71 Dry Red (Cask) PRA 4000 4 40.36 14.75 PRA 15000 1 Dry Red (Catering Cask) 42.63 62.32 Durif PRA 750 6 99.68 25.29 PRA 4000 4 Pressings Dry Red (Cask) 62.08 22.69 Shiraz PRA 750 6 65.86 16.71 Varietal Reserve Cabernet Sauvignon (Cask) PRA 4000 4 62.08 22.69 PRA 4000 Varietal Reserve Merlot (Cask) 4 62.08 22.69 Varietal Reserve Shiraz (Cask) PRA 4000 4 62.08 22.69 Moss Brothers (Margaret River, WA) Cabernet ANG 750 12 264.45 33.54 ANG 750 12 148.35 18.82 Jane Moss Cabernet Merlot ANG Moses Rock Shiraz Cabernet 750 12 110.94 14.07 Shiraz ANG 750 12 264.45 33.54 ANG 750 Wilyabrup Cabernet Sauvignon Merlot 12 264.45 33.54 Mount Adam (Eden & Barossa Valleys, SA) MEZ 750 6 141.90 36.00 Patriarch Shiraz 2007 MEZ 750 6 The Red 2007 148.35 37.63 MEZ 750 Eden Valley Shiraz Viognier 2007 6 96.75 24.54 MEZ 750 Barossa Valley Cabernet Merlot 2007 6 74.82 18.98 MEZ 750 6 74.82 18.98 Barossa Valley Shiraz 2007 Moss Wood (Margaret River, WA) PWS 750 Amy’s Vineyard Cabernet Sauvignon 12 283.80 36.00 PWS 750 Mornington Peninsula Pinot Noir 12 387.00 49.09 PWS 750 12 451.50 57.27 Pinot Noir PWS 750 12 864.30 109.63 Reserve Cabernet Sauvignon Ribbon Vale Cabernet Merlot PWS 750 12 387.00 49.09 PWS 750 12 387.00 49.09 Ribbon Vale Merlot Mount Horrocks (Clare Valley, SA) OPT 750 12 270.90 34.36 Cabernet Sauvignon Shiraz OPT 750 12 270.90 34.36 Mr Riggs (McLaren Vale, SA) MHA 750 6 Shiraz 2007 180.60 45.81 MHA 750 12 212.85 27.00 Shiraz Voignier 2008 MHA 750 12 212.85 27.00 Tempranillo 2008 MHA 750 12 174.15 22.09 The Gaffer Shiraz 2008 Naked Run Wines (Barossa, SA) FFW 750 12 193.56 24.55 Greenock Creek Shiraz FFW 750 12 167.70 21.27 Hill 5 Clare Valley Shiraz/Cabernet The Aldo Greenock Creek Grenache Shiraz FFW 750 12 154.80 19.63 12.37 12.37 12.37 12.37 12.37 43.02 43.02 13.55 13.55 13.55 13.55 13.55 47.12 47.12 2.78 2.78 2.78 2.78 2.78 9.66 9.66 3.08 3.08 3.08 3.08 3.08 10.70 10.70 30.11 30.11 32.99 32.99 6.76 6.76 7.49 7.49 12.37 12.37 12.37 13.55 13.55 13.55 2.78 2.78 2.78 3.08 3.08 3.08 17.75 64.53 53.77 19.44 70.68 58.90 3.98 1.58 14.48 12.07 4.41 1.83 16.05 13.38 4.71 5.15 3.17 3.51 94.11 103.08 21.12 23.41 48.93 48.93 48.93 86.04 53.60 53.60 53.60 94.25 10.98 10.98 10.98 19.31 12.17 12.17 12.17 21.40 47.05 37.64 80.66 45.71 51.54 41.23 88.36 50.07 10.56 8.45 18.10 10.26 11.70 9.36 20.07 11.37 46.25 35.49 50.66 38.88 10.38 7.97 11.50 8.83 90.87 99.54 44.63 48.89 120.99 132.53 90.87 99.54 120.99 132.53 20.40 10.02 27.16 20.40 27.16 22.61 11.10 30.10 22.61 30.10 29.58 32.40 6.64 7.36 25.81 28.27 5.79 6.42 27.96 30.63 27.96 30.63 49.47 54.19 71.25 78.05 40.33 44.18 56.46 61.85 49.74 54.49 94.11 103.08 43.02 47.12 23.39 25.62 23.39 25.62 43.02 47.12 6.28 6.28 11.10 15.99 9.05 12.67 11.16 21.12 9.66 5.25 5.25 9.66 6.96 6.96 12.31 17.72 10.03 14.05 12.37 23.41 10.70 5.82 5.82 10.70 12.64 12.64 36.06 27.45 41.55 27.45 13.84 13.84 39.50 30.07 45.52 30.07 2.84 2.84 8.09 6.16 1.45 1.64 9.33 2.23 6.16 2.23 2.23 2.23 3.14 3.14 8.97 6.83 1.68 1.89 10.34 2.58 6.83 2.58 2.58 2.58 55.12 30.92 23.12 55.12 55.12 60.38 33.87 25.33 60.38 60.38 12.37 6.94 5.19 12.37 12.37 13.71 7.69 5.75 13.71 13.71 59.15 61.84 40.33 31.19 31.19 64.79 67.74 44.18 34.16 34.16 13.28 13.88 9.05 7.00 7.00 14.71 15.38 10.03 7.76 7.76 59.15 64.79 80.66 88.36 94.11 103.08 180.14 197.33 80.66 88.36 80.66 88.36 13.28 18.10 21.12 40.43 18.10 18.10 14.71 20.07 23.41 44.81 20.07 20.07 56.46 56.46 61.85 61.85 12.67 12.67 14.05 14.05 75.28 44.36 44.36 36.30 82.47 48.60 48.60 39.76 16.90 9.96 9.96 8.15 18.73 11.04 11.04 9.03 40.34 34.95 32.26 44.19 38.29 35.34 9.05 7.85 7.24 10.04 8.69 8.03 SEE PAGE 50 FOR MERCHANT CODE INDEX WINE - RED - AUSTRALIAN MERCH. CODE OFF ON PREMISE INCL. GST W/SALE INCL. premise Glass 150ml Bottle WET SIZE - NO. PER EXCL. GST BOTTLE/ HIGH LOW LOW HIGH CASK ML CTN. MARGIN MARGIN MARGIN MARGIN Nepenthe (Lenswood, SA) Pinot Noir 2008 CHA 750 6 CHA 750 6 Gate Block Shiraz 2007 CHA 750 6 Tempranillo 2008 The Good Doctor Pinot Noir 2008 CHA 750 6 The Rogue 2007 CHA 750 6 Tryst Red 2008 CHA 750 6 CHA 750 6 Zinfandel 2007 Nine Below - LOW GI Shiraz AUV 750 6 Nine Vines ANG 750 Shiraz Voignier 12 ANG 750 12 Tempranillo Shiraz Ninth Island (Tamar Valley, TAS) Pinot Noir 2009 R+W 750 12 Nobilo Drylands Pinot Noir CWA 750 6 Nobilo Regional Collection Merlot CWA 750 6 Norfolk Rise (Mt Benson, SA) Cabernet Sauvignon 2007 R+W 750 12 Merlot R+W 750 6 R+W 750 12 Shiraz 2007 Oakridge (Yarra Valley, VIC) 2005 864 Cabernet Sauvignon CHA 750 6 2006 Oakridge Shiraz CHA 750 6 2008 864 Pinot Noir CHA 750 6 CHA 750 6 2008 864 Syrah 2008 Oakridge Pinot Noir CHA 750 6 2008 OTS Oakridge Shiraz Viognier CHA 750 12 2009 OTS Oakridge Cabernet Merlot CHA 750 12 CHA 750 2009 OTS Oakridge Pinot Noir 12 Occam’s Razor (Heathcote, VIC) Shiraz 2008 DEC 750 6 O’Leary Walker Wines (Clare Valley & Adelaide Hills, SA) Adelaide Hills Pinot Noir NEG 750 12 NEG 750 12 Blue Cutting Road Cabernet Merlot NEG 750 Clare Valley Cabernet Sauvignon 12 Clare Valley / McLaren Vale Shiraz NEG 750 12 NEG 750 6 The Clare Shiraz Oliver’s Taranga (McLaren Vale, SA) CHA 750 12 Cadenzia Grenache 2007 CHA 750 Corrina’s Cabernet Shiraz 2005 12 CHA 750 12 HJ Reserve Shiraz 2005 CHA 750 12 McLaren Vale Shiraz 2006 CHA 750 12 Tempranillo 2008 One Planet (Adelaide Hills, McLaren Vale, SA) R+W 750 6 McLaren Vale Shiraz 2008 Organic ANG 750 6 Cabernet Merlot Orlando (SA) PRA 750 6 Gramp’s Cabernet Merlot PRA 750 6 Gramp’s Grenache PRA 750 6 Gramp’s Shiraz PRA 750 Jacaranda Ridge Cabernet Sauvignon 6 PRA 750 6 Lawson’s Padthaway Shiraz Padthaway Estate (Padthaway, SA) GSW 750 12 Cabernet Sauvignon Paracombe Creek FCW 750 12 Cabernet Sauvignon Shiraz FCW 750 12 Pauletts (Polish Hill, Clare Valley, SA) EMP 750 12 Polish Hill River Cabernet Merlot 2006 EMP 750 Polish Hill River Shiraz 2006 12 EMP 750 12 Stone Cutting Red 2006 EMP 750 6 The Andreas Shiraz 2006 Penfolds Bin FOS 750 6 Bin 128 Coonawarra Shiraz Bin 138 Barossa Valley Grenache Mourvedre Shiraz FOS 750 6 FOS 750 6 Bin 23 Pinot Noir FOS 375 12 Bin 28 Kalimna Shiraz FOS 750 6 Bin 28 Kalimna Shiraz FOS 1500 6 Bin 28 Kalimna Shiraz Bin 389 Cabernet Shiraz FOS 750 6 Bin 389 Cabernet Shiraz FOS 1500 6 Bin 407 Cabernet Sauvignon FOS 750 6 Penfolds Cellar Reserve FOS 750 6 Cabernet Sauvignon FOS 750 6 Cabernet Sauvignon Shiraz FOS Pinot Noir - ON PREMISE ONLY 750 6 Sangiovese - ON PREMISE ONLY FOS 750 6 Penfolds Koonunga Hill (SA) FOS 750 6 Cabernet Merlot Cabernet Sauvignon FOS 750 6 FOS 750 6 Shiraz FOS 375 Shiraz Cabernet 12 FOS 750 Shiraz Cabernet 6 Penfolds Koonunga Hill Seventy Six (SA) Shiraz Cabernet Sauvignon - ON PREMISE ONLY FOS 750 6 Penfolds Luxury & Icon Wines FOS 750 6 Bin 707 Cabernet Sauvigon FOS 1500 6 Bin 707 Cabernet Sauvigon Grange FOS 750 6 Grange FOS 1500 6 FOS 750 6 RWT Barossa Valley Shiraz FOS 1500 6 RWT Barossa Valley Shiraz FOS 375 24 St Henri Shiraz FOS 750 6 St Henri Shiraz FOS 1500 6 St Henri Shiraz Penfolds Private Release Shiraz Cabernet Sauvignon - ON PREMISE ONLY FOS 750 6 Penfolds Rawson’s Retreat Cabernet Sauvignon FOS 750 6 Merlot FOS 750 6 FOS 750 6 Shiraz Cabernet Sauvignon Penfolds Thomas Hyland FOS 750 6 Thomas Hyland Cabernet Sauvignon FOS 750 6 Thomas Hyland Shiraz Penley Estate (Coonawarra, SA) 750 Chertsey Cabernet Merlot Cabernet Franc GSW 6 Condor Shiraz Cabernet GSW 750 6 Gryphon Merlot GSW 750 6 92.88 141.90 99.98 141.90 92.88 65.79 129.00 23.56 36.00 25.36 36.00 23.56 16.69 32.72 38.72 59.15 41.68 59.15 38.72 27.42 53.77 42.41 64.79 45.65 64.79 42.41 30.04 58.90 8.69 13.28 9.35 13.28 8.69 6.16 12.07 9.63 14.71 10.37 14.71 9.63 6.82 13.38 60.63 15.38 25.27 27.68 5.67 6.29 109.65 109.65 13.91 22.85 13.91 22.85 25.03 25.03 5.13 5.13 5.69 5.69 180.60 22.91 37.64 41.23 8.45 9.36 96.11 24.38 40.06 43.89 8.99 9.97 66.44 16.85 27.70 30.34 6.22 6.89 129.00 64.50 129.00 16.36 26.89 16.36 26.89 16.36 26.89 29.45 29.45 29.45 6.03 6.03 6.03 6.69 6.69 6.69 232.20 116.10 232.20 232.20 116.10 161.25 161.25 161.25 170.28 180.60 122.56 180.60 174.15 361.20 243.81 243.81 412.80 243.81 243.81 64.50 54.83 75.29 75.29 75.29 254.46 239.35 167.70 142.88 142.88 162.54 162.54 119.97 183.83 132.87 58.90 29.45 58.90 58.90 29.45 20.45 20.45 20.45 43.20 22.91 15.55 22.91 22.09 91.63 30.92 30.92 52.36 30.92 30.92 16.36 13.91 19.10 19.10 19.10 64.55 60.72 21.27 18.12 18.12 20.62 20.62 15.22 46.63 33.71 106.03 53.01 106.03 106.03 53.01 36.82 36.82 36.82 77.75 41.23 27.98 41.23 39.76 164.93 55.66 55.66 94.25 55.66 55.66 29.45 25.04 34.38 34.38 34.38 116.19 109.29 38.29 32.62 32.62 37.11 37.11 27.39 83.94 60.67 21.72 10.86 21.72 21.72 10.86 7.54 7.54 7.54 15.93 8.45 5.73 8.45 8.15 33.79 11.41 11.41 19.31 11.41 11.41 6.03 5.13 7.04 7.04 7.04 23.81 22.39 7.85 6.68 6.68 7.60 7.60 5.61 17.20 12.43 24.08 12.04 24.08 24.08 12.04 8.36 8.36 8.36 17.66 9.36 6.35 9.36 9.03 37.45 12.64 12.64 21.40 12.64 12.64 96.79 48.40 96.79 96.79 48.40 33.61 33.61 33.61 70.98 37.64 25.54 37.64 36.30 150.57 50.82 50.82 86.04 50.82 50.82 26.89 22.86 31.39 31.39 31.39 106.07 99.77 34.95 29.78 29.78 33.88 33.88 25.01 76.63 55.39 6.69 5.69 7.81 7.81 7.81 26.39 24.82 8.69 7.41 7.41 8.43 8.43 6.22 19.06 13.78 117.39 29.78 48.93 53.60 10.98 12.17 156.09 39.60 65.07 71.27 14.60 16.19 134.16 17.02 27.96 30.63 12.55 13.91 132.87 33.71 55.39 60.67 12.43 13.78 272.19 69.05 113.46 124.29 12.73 14.11 252.84 64.14 105.40 115.45 23.66 26.22 581.79 147.59 242.52 265.66 27.22 30.16 214.14 54.32 89.27 97.78 20.04 22.21 775.29 196.67 323.18 354.01 72.54 80.39 775.29 196.67 323.18 354.01 72.54 80.39 194.79 81.20 88.95 18.22 20.20 194.79 81.20 88.95 18.22 20.20 66.44 16.85 27.70 30.34 6.22 6.89 66.44 16.85 27.70 30.34 6.22 6.89 66.44 16.85 27.70 30.34 6.22 6.89 74.82 9.49 15.59 17.08 7.00 7.76 66.44 16.85 27.70 30.34 6.22 6.89 74.82 31.19 34.16 7.00 7.76 736.59 186.86 307.05 336.34 68.92 76.38 1665.39 422.47 694.23 760.45 77.91 86.35 2451.00 621.771021.71 1119.18 229.32 254.16 7869.00 1996.193280.24 3593.15 368.12 407.99 678.54 172.13 282.85 309.84 63.49 70.36 1549.29 393.02 645.83 707.44 72.48 80.33 701.76 44.51 73.13 80.11 32.83 36.38 349.59 88.68 145.73 159.63 32.71 36.25 697.89 177.04 290.92 318.67 32.65 36.18 56.76 23.66 25.92 5.31 5.89 47.73 12.11 19.90 21.79 4.47 4.95 47.73 12.11 19.90 21.79 4.47 4.95 47.73 12.11 19.90 21.79 4.47 4.95 86.43 21.93 36.03 39.47 8.09 8.96 83.43 21.16 34.78 38.10 7.81 8.65 193.50 49.09 80.66 88.36 18.10 20.07 91.59 23.23 38.18 41.82 8.57 9.50 91.59 23.23 38.18 41.82 8.57 9.50 LICENSEES’ LIQUOR GUIDE MARCH 2011 WINE - RED - AUSTRALIAN MERCH. CODE OFF ON PREMISE INCL. GST W/SALE INCL. premise Glass 150ml Bottle WET SIZE - NO. PER EXCL. GST BOTTLE/ HIGH LOW LOW HIGH CASK ML CTN. MARGIN MARGIN MARGIN MARGIN Hyland Shiraz GSW 750 6 Phoenix Cabernet Sauvignon GSW 750 6 Pinot Noir GSW 750 12 Reserve Cabernet Sauvignon GSW 750 6 Special Select Shiraz GSW 750 6 Pepperjack (Barossa Valley, SA) Cabernet Sauvignon FOS 750 6 Shiraz FOS 750 6 Petaluma (Coonawarra, SA) Coonawarra (Cabernet Merlot) FWP 750 6 Merlot FWP 750 6 Mount Barker Shiraz FWP 750 6 Pertaringa Wines (McLaren Vale, SA) Over the Top Shiraz 2007 CHA 750 12 Rifle & Hunt Cabernet Sauvignon 2007 CHA 750 12 Two Gentlemans Grenache 2007 CHA 750 12 Undercover Shiraz 2007 CHA 750 12 CHA 750 Understudy Cabernet Petit Verdot 2007 12 Peter Lehmann (SA) Cabernet Merlot SSS 750 6 Cabernet Sauvignon SSS 750 6 SSS 750 6 Clancy’s Classic Dry Red SSS 750 6 Eight Songs Shiraz SSS 750 6 Futures Shiraz SSS 750 6 Layers Red Mentor SSS 750 6 SSS 750 6 Mudflat Shiraz Shiraz SSS 750 6 SSS 750 6 Shiraz Grenache SSS 750 6 Stonewell Shiraz Pierro (Margaret River, WA) PWS 750 12 Fire Gully Cabernet Merlot PWS 750 12 Fire Gully Shiraz LTCf Cabernet Merlot PWS 750 12 Pike & Joyce (Adelaide Hills, SA) FWP 750 12 Pinot Noir Pikes (Clare Valley, SA) FWP 750 12 Eastside Shiraz EWP Reserve Shiraz FWP 750 6 Luccio Sangiovese Red Blend FWP 750 12 Red Mullet Shiraz Sangiovese Merlot Tempranillo FWP 750 6 FWP 750 The Dogwalk Cabernet Merlot 12 Pipers Brook (Pipers Brook,TAS) R+W 375 6 Estate Pinot Noir 2008 Reserve Pinot Noir 2005 R+W 750 6 Pirie (TAS) NEG 750 6 Estate Pinot Noir NEG 750 12 South Pinot Noir Pitchfork Wines by Hayshed Hill (Margaret River, W.A.) EMP 750 6 Cabernet Merlot 2006 Pizzini (King Valley) DEC 750 12 Il Barone 2004 Nebbiolo 2005 DEC 750 12 DEC 750 12 Sangiovese 2008 DEC 750 12 Sangiovese Shiraz 2009 Plantagenet Wines (Mt Barker, WA) R+W 750 6 Cabernet Sauvignon 2008 Hazard Hill Shiraz 2008 R+W 750 12 R+W 750 Omrah Cabernet Merlot 2007 6 R+W 750 6 Omrah Shiraz 2007 R+W 750 6 Shiraz 2007 Poets Corner Poet’s Corner Merlot PRA 750 6 750 Poet’s Corner Shiraz Cabernet Sauvignon PRA 6 Pondalowie Vineyards (Bridgewater on Loddon, VIC) MEZ 750 Heathcote Tempranillo 2008 12 MEZ 750 12 MT Tempranillo 2008 MEZ 750 12 Shiraz 2006 Shiraz Viognier 2006 MEZ 750 12 Vineyard Blend 2006 MEZ 750 12 Preece (Central Victoria) FWP 750 6 Cabernet Sauvignon Merlot FWP 750 6 Shiraz FWP 750 6 Primo Estate (Virginia, SA) NEG 750 Il Briccone Shiraz Sangiovese 12 NEG 750 12 Joseph Angel Gully Shiraz NEG 750 Joseph Moda Cabernet Merlot 12 NEG 750 12 Merlesco Merlot 750 Zamberlan Cabernet Sauvignon Sangiovese NEG 6 Provenance (Geelong, VIC) MEZ 750 12 Pinot Noir 2007/08 MEZ 750 12 Shiraz 2005/06 Punters Corner FCW 750 12 Cabernet Sauvignon Shiraz FCW 750 12 750 Sovereign Cabernet Sauvignon (limited) FCW 6 FCW 750 6 Spartacus Shiraz (limited) FCW 750 12 Triple Crown CSM Radford and Roennfeldt (Barossa Valley, SA) CHA 750 12 Grenache 2006 CHA 750 12 Shiraz 2006 Ralph Fowler (Mt Benson, SA) GSW 750 12 Cabernet Sauvignon Merlot GSW 750 12 Shiraz GSW 750 12 GSW 750 Shiraz Viognier 12 Redbank NEG 750 6 Anvil Shiraz NEG 750 6 Fighting Flat Shiraz NEG 750 12 Long Paddock Merlot NEG 750 12 Long Paddock Shiraz Red Belly Black ANG 750 12 Red Belly Black Shiraz Red Claw (Mornington Peninsula, VIC) R+W 750 6 Heathcote Shiraz 2007 R+W 750 6 Pinot Noir 2009 Redman CWA 750 Cabernet Merlot 6 CWA 750 Cabernet Sauvignon 6 CWA 750 Coonawarra Shiraz 6 CWA 750 The Redman LR 6 91.59 91.59 129.00 193.50 193.50 105.78 105.78 316.05 277.35 205.11 273.48 232.20 206.40 174.15 154.80 52.97 81.48 61.11 161.25 116.10 67.73 161.25 109.65 81.48 52.97 338.63 206.40 206.40 328.95 219.30 219.30 286.38 152.87 23.23 23.23 16.36 49.09 49.09 26.83 26.83 80.18 70.36 52.03 34.69 29.45 26.18 22.09 19.63 13.44 20.67 15.50 40.91 29.45 17.18 40.91 27.82 20.67 13.44 85.90 26.18 26.18 41.72 27.82 27.82 72.65 19.39 38.18 38.18 26.89 80.66 80.66 44.10 44.10 131.75 115.62 85.50 57.00 48.40 43.02 36.30 32.26 22.08 33.97 25.47 67.22 48.40 28.23 67.22 45.71 33.97 22.08 141.16 43.02 43.02 68.56 45.71 45.71 119.38 31.86 41.82 41.82 29.45 88.36 88.36 48.30 48.30 144.32 126.64 93.66 62.44 53.01 47.12 39.76 35.34 24.19 37.21 27.90 73.63 53.01 30.93 73.63 50.07 37.21 24.19 154.63 47.12 47.12 75.10 50.07 50.07 130.77 34.90 8.57 8.57 6.03 18.10 18.10 9.90 9.90 29.57 25.95 19.19 12.79 10.86 9.66 8.15 7.24 4.96 7.62 5.72 15.09 10.86 6.34 15.09 10.26 7.62 4.96 31.68 9.66 9.66 15.39 10.26 10.26 26.79 7.15 9.50 9.50 6.69 20.07 20.07 10.97 10.97 32.77 28.76 21.27 14.18 12.04 10.70 9.03 8.03 5.49 8.45 6.34 16.72 12.04 7.02 16.72 11.37 8.45 5.49 35.11 10.70 10.70 17.06 11.37 11.37 29.70 7.93 65.79 165.12 161.25 258.00 148.35 187.05 65.79 322.50 457.95 215.43 141.90 167.70 113.52 74.82 74.82 167.70 37.65 37.65 193.50 212.85 212.85 270.90 167.70 65.15 65.15 65.15 187.05 516.00 516.00 144.48 135.45 232.20 232.20 259.60 180.50 357.20 357.20 238.08 192.21 216.72 174.15 154.80 174.15 174.15 193.50 81.27 107.72 107.72 99.33 122.55 122.55 140.61 130.29 90.30 270.90 16.69 20.94 40.91 65.45 37.63 23.73 16.69 40.91 58.09 27.32 18.00 42.54 14.40 18.98 18.98 42.54 9.55 9.55 24.54 27.00 27.00 34.36 21.27 16.53 16.53 16.53 23.73 65.45 65.45 18.33 34.36 29.45 29.45 32.93 22.89 90.61 90.61 30.20 24.38 27.49 22.09 19.63 22.09 22.09 49.09 20.62 13.66 13.66 12.60 31.09 31.09 35.67 33.05 22.91 68.72 27.42 34.42 67.22 107.55 61.84 38.99 27.42 67.22 95.45 44.90 29.58 69.91 23.66 31.19 31.19 69.91 15.69 15.69 40.33 44.36 44.36 56.46 34.95 27.16 27.16 27.16 38.99 107.55 107.55 30.11 56.46 48.40 48.40 54.11 37.62 148.90 148.90 49.62 40.06 45.17 36.30 32.26 36.30 36.30 80.66 33.88 22.45 22.45 20.70 51.09 51.09 58.61 54.31 37.64 112.93 30.04 37.70 73.63 117.81 67.74 42.71 30.04 73.63 104.55 49.18 32.40 76.58 25.92 34.16 34.16 76.58 17.19 17.19 44.18 48.60 48.60 61.85 38.29 29.75 29.75 29.75 42.71 117.81 117.81 32.99 61.85 53.01 53.01 59.27 41.21 163.11 163.11 54.36 43.88 49.48 39.76 35.34 39.76 39.76 88.36 37.11 24.59 24.59 22.68 55.96 55.96 64.21 59.49 41.23 123.70 6.16 7.72 30.17 24.14 13.88 8.75 6.16 15.09 21.42 10.08 6.64 15.69 5.31 7.00 7.00 15.69 3.52 3.52 9.05 9.96 9.96 12.67 7.85 6.10 6.10 6.10 8.75 24.14 24.14 6.76 12.67 10.86 10.86 12.14 8.44 33.42 33.42 11.14 8.99 10.14 8.15 7.24 8.15 8.15 18.10 7.60 5.04 5.04 4.65 11.47 11.47 13.16 12.19 8.45 25.35 6.82 8.56 33.44 26.75 15.38 9.70 6.82 16.72 23.74 11.17 7.36 17.39 5.89 7.76 7.76 17.39 3.90 3.90 10.03 11.04 11.04 14.05 8.69 6.76 6.76 6.76 9.70 26.75 26.75 7.49 14.05 12.04 12.04 13.46 9.36 37.04 37.04 12.34 9.97 11.24 9.03 8.03 9.03 9.03 20.07 8.43 5.59 5.59 5.15 12.71 12.71 14.58 13.51 9.36 28.09 WINE - RED - AUSTRALIAN 23 WINE - RED - AUSTRALIAN MERCH. CODE OFF ON PREMISE INCL. GST W/SALE INCL. premise Glass 150ml Bottle WET SIZE - NO. PER EXCL. GST BOTTLE/ HIGH LOW LOW HIGH CASK ML CTN. MARGIN MARGIN MARGIN MARGIN Renmano Cabernet Merlot (Casks) CWA 2000 CWA 2000 Shiraz (Casks) CWA 2000 Shiraz Cabernet (Casks) Renmano Premium Varietal Cabernet Merlot (Casks) CWA 4000 Shiraz Cabernet Merlot (Casks) CWA 4000 CWA 4000 The Pressings Shiraz Cabernet (Casks) Renmano Riverbreeze CWA Cabernet Ruby Cabernet 750 Cabernet Sauvignon CWA 750 CWA Red Lambrusco 750 CWA 750 Shiraz Mataro Reynell Cabernet Sauvignon CWA 750 Shiraz CWA 750 Richard Hamilton (Coonawarra/McLaren Vale, SA) Burton’s Grenache Shiraz OPT 750 Centurion Shiraz OPT 750 OPT 750 Gumprs Block Shiraz Hut Block Cabernet Sauvignon OPT 750 OPT 750 Lot 148 Merlot Richmond Grove (SA) PRA 750 Adelaide Hills Pinot noir Black Cat Shiraz PRA 750 Limited Release Barossa Shiraz PRA 750 Limited Release Coonawarra Cabernet Sauvignon PRA 750 PRA 750 Mount Lofty Sangiovese Weathervane Cabernet Merlot PRA 750 Ringbolt (Margaret River, WA) Cabernet Sauvignon SSS 750 Riposte (Adelaide Hills, SA) OPT 750 The Cutlass Shiraz The Dagger Pinot Noir OPT 750 The Sabre Pinot Noir OPT 750 Rockbare (McLaren Vale, SA) Grenache Shiraz Mourvedre 2006 R+W 750 R+W 750 Shiraz 2009 Rosemount Diamond Cellars FOS 750 Cabernet Merlot FOS 750 Grenache Shiraz FOS 750 Shiraz Cabernet Sauvignon Rosemount Diamond Label FOS 750 Cabernet Sauvignon FOS 750 Cabernet Sauvignon Merlot FOS 750 Merlot FOS 750 Pinot Noir Sangiovese FOS 750 FOS 750 Shiraz Rosemount District Release FOS 750 Coonawarra Cabernet Sauvignon FOS 750 McLaren Vale Shiraz Rosemount Flagship Wines FOS 750 Balmoral Syrah (McLaren Vale, SA) Mountain Blue Shiraz Cabernet Sauvignon (Mudgee, NSW) FOS 750 Rosemount Road FOS 750 Classic Dry Red - ON PREMISE ONLY Rosemount Ryecroft Shiraz FOS 750 Rosemount Twilight Harvest Grenache Shiraz Viognier- ON PREMISE ONLY FOS 750 Running with Bulls (Barossa Valley, SA) Tempranillo SSS 750 Rymill (Coonawarra, SA) NEG 750 Cabernet Sauvignon 2005 Maturation Release Cabernet Sauvignon NEG 750 NEG 750 MC2 Merlot Cabernets Shiraz NEG 750 NEG 750 Yearling Cabernet Sauvignon NEG 750 Yearling Shiraz Salitage (Pemberton, WA) Cabernet Merlot JTW 750 Pinot Noir JTW 750 Saltram Barossa (Barossa Valley, SA) FOS 750 Shiraz Cabernet Sauvignon Saltram Makers Table (Barossa Valley, SA) Maker’s Table Cabernet Sauvignon FOS 750 Maker’s Table Shiraz FOS 750 Saltram Mamre Brook (Barossa Valley, SA) Mamre Brook Cabernet Sauvignon FOS 750 FOS 750 Mamre Brook Shiraz Saltram No. 1 (Barossa Valley, SA) FOS 750 Saltram No. 1 Saltram The Journal (Barossa Valley, SA) FOS 750 Shiraz 150th Anniversary Gift Box Saltram Winemaker Selection (Barossa Valley, SA) FOS 750 Cabernet Sauvignon Shiraz Tempranillo FOS 750 Samuel’s Gorge (McLaren Vale, SA) Grenache 2008 CHA 750 CHA 750 Shiraz 2008 Tempranillo 2009 CHA 750 San Bernadino Dry Red (Merlot) FCW 4000 Sandalford (WA) FWP 750 Cabernet Sauvignon FWP 750 Element Cabernet Element Cabernet Merlot FWP 750 FWP 750 Element Merlot FWP 750 Element Shiraz Cabernet FWP 750 Margaret River Cabernet Merlot FWP 750 Margaret River Shiraz FWP 750 Prendiville Cabernet Sauvignon FWP 750 Shiraz Sarantos Soft Press (South Australia) KEW 750 Merlot 2008 Scarpantoni Estates FCW 750 Cabernet Sauvignon Brothers Block FCW 750 Pedlers Creek Cabernet Pedlers Creek Merlot FCW 750 24 WINE - RED - AUSTRALIAN 6 6 6 4 4 4 12 12 12 12 6 6 6 6 12 12 12 6 6 6 6 6 6 12 12 12 12 12 12 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 47.21 47.21 47.21 54.18 54.18 54.18 54.18 54.18 54.18 54.18 208.98 208.98 154.80 232.20 148.35 148.35 148.35 88.57 51.82 84.84 84.84 84.84 51.82 213.79 180.60 154.80 225.75 167.70 180.60 51.60 51.60 51.60 66.44 66.44 66.44 66.44 66.44 66.44 78.69 78.69 11.50 11.50 11.50 19.80 19.80 19.80 6.87 6.87 6.87 6.87 53.01 53.01 39.27 58.90 18.82 18.82 18.82 22.47 13.15 21.52 21.52 21.52 13.15 27.12 22.91 19.63 28.63 21.27 22.91 13.09 13.09 13.09 16.85 16.85 16.85 16.85 16.85 16.85 19.96 19.96 11.29 12.37 11.29 12.37 11.29 12.37 11.29 12.37 87.11 95.42 87.11 95.42 64.53 70.68 96.79 106.03 30.92 33.87 30.92 33.87 30.92 33.87 36.92 40.44 21.60 23.66 35.37 38.74 35.37 38.74 35.37 38.74 21.60 23.66 44.56 48.81 37.64 41.23 32.26 35.34 47.05 51.54 34.95 38.29 37.64 41.23 21.51 23.56 21.51 23.56 21.51 23.56 27.70 30.34 27.70 30.34 27.70 30.34 27.70 30.34 27.70 30.34 27.70 30.34 32.80 35.93 32.80 35.93 2.26 2.26 2.26 1.95 1.95 1.95 2.53 2.53 2.53 2.53 19.55 19.55 14.48 21.72 6.94 6.94 6.94 8.29 4.85 7.94 7.94 7.94 4.85 10.00 8.45 7.24 10.56 7.85 8.45 4.83 4.83 4.83 6.22 6.22 6.22 6.22 6.22 6.22 7.36 7.36 2.61 2.61 2.61 2.25 2.25 2.25 2.81 2.81 2.81 2.81 21.67 21.67 16.05 24.08 7.69 7.69 7.69 9.18 5.37 8.80 8.80 8.80 5.37 11.08 9.36 8.03 11.70 8.69 9.36 5.35 5.35 5.35 6.89 6.89 6.89 6.89 6.89 6.89 8.16 8.16 6 291.54 73.96 121.53 133.12 27.28 30.23 6 6 6 6 6 12 6 12 12 12 12 12 12 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 4 6 12 12 12 12 6 6 6 6 12 12 12 12 214.14 54.32 89.27 97.78 34.83 14.52 15.90 39.99 10.14 16.67 18.26 61.28 25.54 27.98 80.62 20.45 33.61 36.81 227.04 28.80 47.32 51.84 159.96 40.58 66.68 73.04 143.19 18.16 29.84 32.69 202.53 25.69 42.21 46.24 116.75 14.81 24.33 26.66 116.75 14.81 24.33 26.66 277.32 35.18 57.80 63.32 316.05 40.09 65.87 72.16 78.69 19.96 32.80 35.93 39.99 10.14 16.67 18.26 39.99 10.14 16.67 18.26 136.74 34.69 57.00 62.44 136.74 34.69 57.00 62.44 303.15 76.90 126.37 138.42 483.75 122.72 201.65 220.89 194.79 49.41 81.20 88.95 194.79 49.41 81.20 88.95 168.99 42.87 70.44 77.16 168.99 42.87 70.44 77.16 168.99 42.87 70.44 77.16 36.53 13.35 175.44 44.51 73.13 80.11 111.59 14.15 23.26 25.48 111.59 14.15 23.26 25.48 111.59 14.15 23.26 25.48 111.59 14.15 23.26 25.48 77.40 19.63 32.26 35.34 77.40 19.63 32.26 35.34 323.15 81.98 134.71 147.56 126.42 32.07 52.70 57.73 117.39 14.89 24.47 26.80 307.59 39.01 64.11 70.23 129.10 16.37 26.91 29.47 129.10 16.37 26.91 29.47 20.04 3.26 3.74 5.73 7.54 10.62 14.97 6.70 9.47 5.46 5.46 12.97 14.79 7.36 3.74 3.74 12.79 12.79 28.36 18.22 18.22 15.81 15.81 15.81 1.31 16.41 5.22 5.22 5.22 5.22 7.24 7.24 30.23 11.83 5.49 14.39 6.04 6.04 22.21 3.61 4.15 6.35 8.36 11.77 16.59 7.42 10.50 6.05 6.05 14.38 16.39 8.16 4.15 4.15 14.18 14.18 31.44 20.20 20.20 17.52 17.52 17.52 1.52 18.19 5.79 5.79 5.79 5.79 8.03 8.03 33.51 13.11 6.09 15.95 6.69 6.69 WINE - RED - AUSTRALIAN MERCH. CODE OFF ON PREMISE INCL. GST W/SALE INCL. premise Glass 150ml Bottle WET SIZE - NO. PER EXCL. GST BOTTLE/ HIGH LOW LOW HIGH CASK ML CTN. MARGIN MARGIN MARGIN MARGIN Pedlers Creek Shiraz FCW 750 FCW Reserve Estate Shiraz Cabernet 750 FCW School Block - Cabernet/Shiraz/Merlot 750 FCW 750 Shiraz Block 3 Scorpo (Mornington Peninsula, VIC) DEC 750 Noirien Pinot Noir 2009 DEC 750 Pinot Noir 2008 DEC 750 Shiraz 2006 S.C. Pannell (Adelaide Hills/McLaren Vale, SA) DEC 750 Nebbiolo 2007 DEC 750 Pronto Tinto 2008 DEC 750 Shiraz 2006 DEC 750 Shiraz Grenache 2006 Seppelt Aerin’s FOS 750 Heathcote GSM FOS 750 Heathcote Shiraz Seppelt Drumborg FOS 750 Pinot Noir Seppelt Regional Range (VIC) FOS 750 Chalambard Shiraz FOS 1500 Chalambard Shiraz FOS 750 Moyston Cabernet Sauvignon FOS 750 Silverband Grampians Shiraz Seppelt Stony Peak Shiraz Cabernet Sauvignon - ON PREMISE ONLY FOS 750 Seppelt Victorian Range (VIC) Shiraz FOS 750 Seppelt Vineyard Range (VIC) FOS 750 Benno Bendigo Shiraz (Bendigo, VIC) FOS 750 Mt Ida Shiraz (Heathcote, VIC) St Peters Grampians Shiraz (Grampians, VIC) FOS 750 Serafino FCW 750 Dry Grown Bush Vine Grenache 750 Goose Island Cabernet Sauvignon Merlot FCW FCW 750 Goose Island Shiraz FCW 750 Serafino Cabernet Sauvignon FCW 750 Serafino Grenache Tempranillo Shiraz FCW 750 Serafino Merlot Serafino Nebbiolo FCW 750 FCW 750 Serafino Shiraz FCW 750 Serafino Tempranillo FCW 750 Sharktooth Shiraz FCW 750 Sorrento Cabernet Franc Merlot FCW 750 Sorrento Dry Grown Grenache FCW 750 Sorrento Sangiovese FCW 750 Sorrento Shiraz Sorrento Tempranillo FCW 750 Sevenhill (Clare Valley, SA) 750 Brother John May Reserve Release Shiraz GSW College Red Cabernet Franc Barbera GSW 750 Cabernet Malbec GSW 750 Inigo Cabernet Sauvignon GSW 750 Inigo Shiraz Merlot GSW 750 GSW 750 Sacramental Pedro Ximenez Grenache St Ignatius Cabernet Sauvignon Merlot Malbec Cab Franc GSW 750 Shadowfax (VIC) GSW 750 One Eye Shiraz Shiraz GSW 750 Shaw and Smith (Adelaide Hills, SA) R+W 750 Pinot Noir 2008 R+W 750 Shiraz 2008 Shelmerdine (Yarra Valley + Heathcote VIC) H Cabernet Sauvignon 2006/07 MEZ 750 MEZ 750 H Merlot 2006 MEZ 750 H Shiraz 2006/07 MEZ 750 YV Pinot Noir 2008 Shingleback (McLaren Vale, SA) D Block Single Vineyard Cabernet ANG 750 D Block Single Vineyard Shiraz ANG 750 ANG 750 Red Knot Cabernet Red Knot Shiraz ANG 750 ANG 750 Shingleback Cabernet ANG 750 Shingleback Shiraz ANG 750 The Gate Reserve Shiraz Shottesbrooke (McLaren Vale, SA) PWS 750 Cabernet Sauvignon PWS 750 Eliza Reserve Shiraz Merlot PWS 750 Punch Cabernet Sauvignon PWS 750 Shiraz PWS 750 Simon Hackett (McLaren Vale, SA) CHA 750 Anthony’s Reserve Shiraz 2002 CHA 375 Cabernet Sauvignon 2002 Cabernet Sauvignon 2006 CHA 750 CHA 750 Foggo Road Cabernet Sauvignon 2004 CHA 750 Grenache 2005 CHA 375 Shiraz 2004 Shiraz 2006 CHA 750 S. Kidman Wines (Coonawarra, SA) DTA 750 Cabernet Sauvignon 2006 Shiraz 2006 DTA 750 Skillogalee (Clare Valley, SA) Cabernet PWS 750 Shiraz PWS 750 Take Two Shiraz Cabernet PWS 750 Smithbrook (Pemberton, WA) FWP 750 Cabernet Sauvignon Merlot FWP 750 The Yilgarn - Merlot Petit Verdot Cabernet FWP 750 Smith & Hooper (Wrattonbully, SA) SSS 750 Cabernet Sauvignon Merlot Reserve Merlot SSS 750 Merlot SSS 750 Somerton (Riverina/Riverland, NSW) AUV 750 Cabernet Sauvignon Merlot AUV 750 AUV 750 Shiraz Cabernet Merlot Spring Seed Wine Co. (McLaren Vale, SA) 750 Scarlet Runner Shiraz 2008 - Organically Grown CHA 12 6 12 12 12 12 12 6 12 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 12 6 6 6 6 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 6 12 12 12 12 12 6 129.10 235.76 150.78 307.59 225.75 335.40 283.80 193.50 206.40 225.75 193.50 67.08 67.08 206.40 105.78 234.14 105.78 144.48 60.63 74.82 218.01 218.01 272.19 202.48 119.04 119.04 208.36 196.44 158.82 188.55 208.36 202.48 188.55 142.88 142.88 142.88 142.88 142.88 270.90 16.37 59.81 19.12 39.01 28.63 42.54 36.00 49.09 26.18 57.27 49.09 17.02 17.02 52.36 26.83 59.40 26.83 36.65 18.98 55.30 55.30 69.05 25.68 15.10 15.10 26.43 24.92 20.14 23.92 26.43 25.68 47.83 18.12 18.12 18.12 18.12 18.12 68.72 26.91 98.28 31.43 64.11 47.05 69.91 59.15 80.66 43.02 94.11 80.66 27.96 27.96 86.04 44.10 97.60 44.10 60.23 12.64 31.19 90.88 90.88 113.46 42.20 24.81 24.81 43.43 40.94 33.10 39.30 43.43 42.20 78.60 29.78 29.78 29.78 29.78 29.78 112.93 29.47 107.65 34.42 70.23 51.54 76.58 64.79 88.36 47.12 103.08 88.36 30.63 30.63 94.25 48.30 106.91 48.30 65.97 13.84 34.16 99.55 99.55 124.29 46.23 27.18 27.18 47.57 44.85 36.26 43.05 47.57 46.23 86.10 32.62 32.62 32.62 32.62 32.62 123.70 6.04 22.06 7.05 14.39 10.56 15.69 13.28 18.10 9.66 21.12 18.10 6.28 6.28 19.31 9.90 10.95 9.90 13.52 2.84 7.00 20.40 20.40 25.47 9.47 5.57 5.57 9.75 9.19 7.43 8.82 9.75 9.47 17.64 6.68 6.68 6.68 6.68 6.68 25.35 6.69 24.45 7.82 15.95 11.70 17.39 14.71 20.07 10.70 23.41 20.07 6.96 6.96 21.40 10.97 12.14 10.97 14.98 3.14 7.76 22.61 22.61 28.22 10.50 6.17 6.17 10.80 10.18 8.23 9.78 10.80 10.50 19.55 7.41 7.41 7.41 7.41 7.41 28.09 12 12 12 12 12 96.75 170.28 170.28 170.28 96.75 12.27 21.60 21.60 21.60 12.27 20.17 35.49 35.49 35.49 20.17 22.09 38.88 38.88 38.88 22.09 4.53 7.97 7.97 7.97 4.53 5.02 8.83 8.83 8.83 5.02 12 6 12 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 12 12 12 12 6 12 6 12 6 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 6 6 6 12 6 12 12 12 12 12 258.00 193.50 161.25 181.89 161.25 109.65 99.97 109.65 122.55 219.30 219.30 122.55 122.55 206.40 206.40 141.90 154.80 138.03 154.80 138.03 154.80 208.98 78.69 138.03 208.98 138.03 78.69 138.03 135.00 135.00 238.65 238.65 167.70 83.21 97.40 142.55 161.42 135.45 161.42 45.27 45.27 45.27 148.35 32.72 49.09 20.45 46.14 40.91 27.82 25.36 27.82 31.09 55.63 55.63 15.54 15.54 26.18 26.18 36.00 19.63 35.02 19.63 35.02 19.63 26.51 9.98 17.51 26.51 17.51 9.98 17.51 17.12 17.12 30.27 30.27 21.27 21.11 24.71 36.16 20.47 34.36 20.47 5.74 5.74 5.74 18.82 53.77 58.90 80.66 88.36 33.61 36.82 75.82 83.05 67.22 73.63 45.71 50.07 41.67 45.65 45.71 50.07 51.09 55.96 91.42 100.14 91.42 100.14 25.54 27.98 25.54 27.98 43.02 47.12 43.02 47.12 59.15 64.79 32.26 35.34 57.54 63.03 32.26 35.34 57.54 63.03 32.26 35.34 43.56 47.71 16.40 17.97 28.77 31.51 43.56 47.71 28.77 31.51 16.40 17.97 28.77 31.51 28.14 30.82 28.14 30.82 49.74 54.49 49.74 54.49 34.95 38.29 34.69 38.00 40.60 44.47 59.42 65.09 33.64 36.85 56.46 61.85 33.64 36.85 9.44 10.34 9.44 10.34 9.44 10.34 30.92 33.87 12.07 18.10 7.54 17.02 15.09 10.26 9.35 10.26 11.47 20.52 20.52 5.73 5.73 9.66 9.66 13.28 7.24 12.91 7.24 12.91 7.24 9.78 7.36 6.46 9.78 6.46 7.36 6.46 6.32 6.32 11.16 11.16 7.85 7.79 9.11 13.34 7.55 12.67 7.55 2.12 2.12 2.12 6.94 13.38 20.07 8.36 18.86 16.72 11.37 10.37 11.37 12.71 22.74 22.74 6.35 6.35 10.70 10.70 14.71 8.03 14.31 8.03 14.31 8.03 10.84 8.16 7.16 10.84 7.16 8.16 7.16 7.00 7.00 12.37 12.37 8.69 8.63 10.10 14.78 8.37 14.05 8.37 2.35 2.35 2.35 7.69 SEE PAGE 50 FOR MERCHANT CODE INDEX SMOKING IS ADDICTIVE Health Authority Warning Intended for the tobacco trade only MOVING FORWARD FOR MORE INFORMATION CONTACT YOUR ITA REPRESENTATIVE OR CALL OUR CUSTOMER SERVICE: 1300 308 208 WINE - RED - AUSTRALIAN MERCH. CODE OFF ON PREMISE INCL. GST W/SALE INCL. premise Glass 150ml Bottle WET SIZE - NO. PER EXCL. GST BOTTLE/ HIGH LOW LOW HIGH CASK ML CTN. MARGIN MARGIN MARGIN MARGIN Spring Vale (Freycinet Coast, TAS) Melrose Pinot Noir GSW 750 GSW 750 Pinot Noir Stanley Cabernet Merlot (Casks) CWA 4000 Cabernet Sauvignon (Casks) CWA 4000 Dolce Rosso (Red Lambrusco) (Casks) CWA 4000 CWA 4000 Shiraz (Casks) Shiraz Cabernet (Casks) CWA 4000 CWA 15000 Shiraz Cabernet (Casks) Smooth Dry Red (Red Burgundy) (Casks) CWA 4000 CWA 4000 Traditional Dry Red Claret (Casks) Stanley Lambert (Barossa Valley, SA) SLW 750 August Shiraz 2007 Black Sheep - Red Blend 2006 SLW 750 Forgive Me Zinfandel 2008 SLW 750 Mustang Sally Shiraz 2006 SLW 750 Silent Partner Cabernet 2006 SLW 750 Tempt Me Tempranillo 2008 SLW 750 SLW The Family Tree Shiraz 2006 750 Thoroughbred Cabernet 2007 SLW 750 SLW Three’s Company GSM 2007 750 Starvedog Lane CWA 750 Cabernet Merlot Ibrido CWA 750 Pinot Noir CWA 750 Shiraz Viognier CWA 750 Stefano Lubiana (Granton, TAS) Estate Pinot Noir 2008 DEC 750 Merlot 2005 DEC 750 Primavera Pinot Noir 2009 DEC 750 DEC 750 Sassa Pinot Noir 2005 Step Rd (Langhorne Creek/Adelaide Hills, SA) Beacon Hill Shiraz OPT 750 Beresford 100% McLaren Vale Cabernet OPT 750 Beresford 100% McLaren Vale Shiraz OPT 750 OPT 750 Highwood Merlot OPT 750 Highwood Shiraz Step Rd Cabernet Sauvignon OPT 750 OPT 750 Step Rd Sangiovese OPT 750 Step Rd Shiraz St Hallett (Barossa, SA) FWP 375 Blackwell Shiraz FWP 750 Blackwell Shiraz FWP 750 Cabernet Sauvignon FWP 750 Faith Shiraz FWP 750 Gamekeeper’s Reserve Shiraz FWP Gamekeeper’s Reserve Shiraz Cabernet 750 FWP 750 Gamekeeper’s Reserve Shiraz Grenache FWP GST - Grenache Shiraz Touriga 750 FWP 750 Old Block Shiraz St Huberts (Yarra Valley, VIC) FOS 750 Cabernet Sauvignon Merlot Cabernet Sauvignon - ON PREMISE ONLY FOS 750 FOS 750 Pinot Noir FOS 750 The Stag Pinot Noir Sticks (Yarra Valley, VIC) R+W 750 Cabernet Sauvignon 2009 No 29 Cabernet Sauvignon 2008 R+W 750 R+W 750 No 29 Cabernet Shiraz 2007 R+W 750 No 29 Shiraz 2008 R+W 750 Pinot Noir 2009/10 Stonehaven Stepping Stone CWA 750 Cabernet Sauvignon Merlot CWA 750 Shiraz CWA 750 Stonier (Mornington Peninsula, VIC) Pinot Noir FWP 750 Reserve Pinot Noir FWP 750 Sunnyvale (Riverina, NSW) AUV 4000 Medium Dry Red AUV 4000 Red Lambrusco Swings & Roundabouts (Margaret River, WA) Cabernet Merlot 2008 MEZ 750 MEZ 750 Kiss Chasey Premium Red 2007/08 MEZ 750 Shiraz 2008 Tahbik (VIC) 1860 Vines Shiraz 2004/05 R+W 750 Tahbik Cabernet Sauvignon 2006/07 R+W 750 Tahbik Shiraz 2006/07 R+W 750 Taltarni (Pyrenees, VIC) FWP 750 3 Monks Cabernet Merlot FWP 750 Cabernet Sauvignon FWP 750 Heathcote Shiraz FWP 750 Pyrenees Shiraz FWP 750 Reserve Shiraz Cabernet T Series Shiraz FWP 750 Tamar Ridge (Tamar Valley, TAS) Batman Reserve Point FWP 750 FWP 750 Devil’s Corner Pinot Noir Pinot Noir FWP 750 Tar & Roses (Heathcote & Strathbogie) Miro 2006 MEZ 750 MEZ 750 Nebiolo 2006 Sangiovese 2007 MEZ 750 MEZ 750 Shiraz 2008/09 Tempranillo 2008 MEZ 750 Tarrawara Estate (Yarra Valley, VIC) NEG 750 Pinot Noir NEG 750 Tin Cows Pinot Noir Tatachilla Wines (McLaren Vale, SA) FWP 750 Foundation Shiraz FWP 750 McLaren Vale Cabernet Sauvignon FWP 750 McLaren Vale Merlot FWP 750 McLaren Vale Shiraz FWP 750 Partners Cabernet Shiraz Taylors Wines (Clare Valley, SA) Eighty Acres Cabernet Merlot Shiraz TAY 750 Eighty Acres Shiraz Viognier TAY 750 TAY Estate Cabernet Sauvignon 750 Estate Merlot TAY 750 26 WINE - RED - AUSTRALIAN 12 12 4 4 4 4 4 1 4 4 12 12 12 12 6 12 6 12 12 6 6 6 6 6 12 12 6 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 12 12 12 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 12 6 4 4 12 6 12 6 12 12 12 12 6 12 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 12 12 6 6 6 6 6 6 174.15 22.09 36.30 39.76 332.88 42.22 69.38 76.00 43.60 15.94 43.60 15.94 43.60 15.94 43.60 15.94 43.60 15.94 36.38 53.19 43.60 15.94 43.60 15.94 201.24 25.53 41.94 45.95 117.39 14.89 24.47 26.80 185.76 23.56 38.72 42.41 100.62 12.76 20.97 22.97 247.68 62.83 103.25 113.10 170.28 21.60 35.49 38.88 247.68 62.83 103.25 113.10 201.24 25.53 41.94 45.95 129.00 16.36 26.89 29.45 102.56 26.02 42.75 46.83 115.46 29.29 48.13 52.72 125.78 31.91 52.43 57.43 115.46 29.29 48.13 52.72 203.82 51.70 84.96 93.07 238.65 30.27 49.74 54.49 225.75 28.63 47.05 51.54 328.95 83.45 137.12 150.21 83.85 10.64 17.48 19.14 154.80 19.63 32.26 35.34 154.80 19.63 32.26 35.34 116.10 14.73 24.20 26.51 116.10 14.73 24.20 26.51 174.15 22.09 36.30 39.76 174.15 22.09 36.30 39.76 174.15 22.09 36.30 39.76 176.09 22.34 36.70 40.20 167.70 42.54 69.91 76.58 84.50 21.44 35.22 38.58 91.59 23.23 38.18 41.82 65.79 16.69 27.42 30.04 65.79 16.69 27.42 30.04 65.79 16.69 27.42 30.04 125.13 31.74 52.16 57.14 354.75 89.99 147.88 161.99 211.56 26.83 44.10 48.30 258.00 53.77 58.90 258.00 32.72 53.77 58.90 94.17 23.89 39.26 43.00 60.00 15.22 25.01 27.40 141.90 36.00 59.15 64.79 129.00 32.72 53.77 58.90 161.25 40.91 67.22 73.63 65.00 16.49 27.10 29.68 65.15 16.53 27.16 29.75 65.15 16.53 27.16 29.75 65.15 16.53 27.16 29.75 121.26 15.38 25.27 27.68 209.63 53.18 87.39 95.72 38.83 14.19 38.83 14.19 148.35 18.82 30.92 33.87 54.83 13.91 22.86 25.04 148.35 18.82 30.92 33.87 609.53 154.62 254.09 278.32 180.60 22.91 37.64 41.23 180.60 22.91 37.64 41.23 177.38 22.50 36.97 40.50 285.09 36.16 59.42 65.09 142.55 36.16 59.42 65.09 285.09 36.16 59.42 65.09 232.85 59.07 97.06 106.32 67.73 17.18 28.23 30.93 213.50 54.16 89.00 97.49 71.60 18.16 29.85 32.69 114.17 28.96 47.59 52.13 187.05 47.45 77.97 85.41 167.70 42.54 69.91 76.58 90.30 22.91 37.64 41.23 135.45 34.36 56.46 61.85 90.30 22.91 37.64 41.23 203.18 51.54 84.70 92.78 90.30 22.91 37.64 41.23 219.95 55.80 91.69 100.43 182.54 23.15 38.05 41.68 183.18 23.23 38.18 41.82 91.59 23.23 38.18 41.82 52.89 13.42 22.05 24.15 67.73 17.18 28.23 30.93 67.73 17.18 28.23 30.93 85.14 21.60 35.49 38.88 85.14 21.60 35.49 38.88 8.15 15.57 1.57 1.57 1.57 1.57 1.57 1.40 1.57 1.57 9.41 5.49 8.69 4.71 23.17 7.97 23.17 9.41 6.03 9.60 10.80 11.77 10.80 19.07 11.16 10.56 30.78 3.92 7.24 7.24 5.43 5.43 8.15 8.15 8.15 16.48 15.69 7.91 8.57 6.16 6.16 6.16 11.71 33.19 9.90 12.07 12.07 8.81 5.61 13.28 12.07 15.09 6.08 6.10 6.10 6.10 5.67 19.61 1.40 1.40 6.94 5.13 6.94 57.03 8.45 8.45 8.30 13.34 13.34 13.34 21.79 6.34 19.98 6.70 10.68 17.50 15.69 8.45 12.67 8.45 19.01 8.45 20.58 8.54 8.57 8.57 4.95 6.34 6.34 7.97 7.97 9.03 17.26 1.81 1.81 1.81 1.81 1.81 1.61 1.81 1.81 10.43 6.09 9.63 5.22 25.68 8.83 25.68 10.43 6.69 10.63 11.97 13.04 11.97 21.14 12.37 11.70 34.11 4.35 8.03 8.03 6.02 6.02 9.03 9.03 9.03 18.26 17.39 8.76 9.50 6.82 6.82 6.82 12.98 36.79 10.97 13.38 13.38 9.76 6.22 14.71 13.38 16.72 6.74 6.76 6.76 6.76 6.29 21.74 1.61 1.61 7.69 5.69 7.69 63.21 9.36 9.36 9.20 14.78 14.78 14.78 24.15 7.02 22.14 7.42 11.84 19.40 17.39 9.36 14.05 9.36 21.07 9.36 22.81 9.46 9.50 9.50 5.48 7.02 7.02 8.83 8.83 WINE - RED - AUSTRALIAN MERCH. CODE OFF ON PREMISE INCL. GST W/SALE INCL. premise Glass 150ml Bottle WET SIZE - NO. PER EXCL. GST BOTTLE/ HIGH LOW LOW HIGH CASK ML CTN. MARGIN MARGIN MARGIN MARGIN Estate Pinot Noir TAY 750 TAY Estate Shiraz 750 TAY Estate Temperanillo 750 TAY Jaraman Cabernet Sauvignon 750 TAY Jaraman Pinot Noir 750 TAY Jaraman Shiraz 750 TAY Promised Land Cabernet 750 TAY Promised Land Cabernet Merlot 750 Promised Land Merlot TAY 750 TAY Promised Land Shiraz 750 TAY Promised Land Shiraz Cabernet 750 TAY Promised Land White Cabernet 750 TAY 750 St Andrews Cabernet Sauvignon TAY St Andrews Shiraz 750 Temple Bruer (Langhorne Creek, SA) ANG 750 Cabernet Merlot ANG 750 Cabernet Merlot (Preservative Free) ANG 750 Grenache Shiraz Viognier Shiraz Malbec ANG 750 ANG 750 Shiraz Malbec (Preservative Free) ANG 750 Shiraz (Preservative Free) Tempus Two Wines - Copper Range AUV 750 Cabernet Sauvignon Merlot GSM AUV 750 Tempranillo AUV 750 Tempus Two Wines - Pewter Range AUV 750 Coonawarra Cabernet Sauvignon AUV 750 Mayday Hill Sangiovese AUV 750 Mundulah Merlot AUV 750 Vine Vale Shiraz Zinfandel AUV 750 Tempus Two Wines - Varietals AUV 750 Cabernet Merlot Merlot AUV 750 Shiraz AUV 750 Teusner (Barossa Valley, SA) GSW 750 Albert Shiraz GSW 750 Avatar Grenache Mataro Shiraz Independent Shiraz Mataro GSW 750 GSW 750 Joshua Grenache Mataro Shiraz GSW 750 Riebke Shiraz T’Gallant (Mornington Peninsula, VIC) FOS 750 Cyrano Pinot Noir FOS 750 Romeo Red Blend FOS 750 Tribute Pinot Noir T’Gallant Juliet (Mornington Peninsula, VIC) FOS 750 Pinot Noir The 8 Immortals EMP 750 8 Immortals Shiraz 2002 The Islander (Kangaroo Island, SA) 750 Bark Hut Road Cabernet Shiraz Viognier JTW JTW 750 Majestic Plough Malbec JTW 750 Old Rowley Grenache JTW 750 Yakka Jack Cabernet Franc Sangiovese The Lane (Adelaide Hills, SA) GSW 750 19th Meeting Cabernet Sauvignon Block 14 Shiraz GSW 750 GSW 750 Reunion Shiraz GSW 750 Shiraz Viognier The Nebb (McLaren Vale, SA) OPT 750 The Nebb Nebbiolo Cabernet The Rothbury Estate Series ON PREMISE ONLY FOS 750 Cabernet Sauvignon Merlot FOS 750 Shiraz Cabernet Sauvignon The Willows (Barossa Valley, SA) Bonesetter Shiraz 2006 CHA 750 CHA 750 Cabernet Sauvignon 2006 CHA 750 G7 Grenache Shiraz 2008 CHA 750 Shiraz 2006 Thorn-Clarke (Barossa & Eden Valley, SA) Morrello Nebbiolo 2006 MEZ 750 MEZ 750 Sandpiper Cabernet Sauvignon 2008 Sandpiper Merlot 2007/08 MEZ 750 MEZ 750 Sandpiper Shiraz 2008 MEZ 750 Shotfire Quartage 2007/08 MEZ 750 Shotfire Shiraz 2008 MEZ 750 The Blend 06 MEZ 750 William Randall Shiraz 2006 Three Drops (Mount Barker, WA) MEZ 750 Cabernet 2007/08 MEZ 750 Merlot 2008/09 Shiraz 2007 MEZ 750 Tigers Tail (Margaret River, WA) R+W 750 Cabernet Sauvignon Merlot 2008 Tim Gramp Wines (Clare Valley, SA) Cabernet 2008 CHA 750 CHA 750 Grenache 2008 CHA 750 Shiraz 2005 Tin Shed Wines (Barossa Valley, SA) NEG 750 Melting Pot Shiraz NEG 750 Single Wire Shiraz (6 pack) NEG 750 Three Vines MSG Tintara Grenache CWA 750 Shiraz CWA 750 Tintara Horseshoe Road Cabernet Merlot CWA 750 Shiraz CWA 750 Tintara McLaren Vale CWA 750 Cabernet Sauvignon Sangiovese CWA 750 Shiraz CWA 750 Tempranillo CWA 750 Tintara Single Vineyard Release CWA 750 Blewitt Springs Shiraz Clarendon Shiraz CWA 750 CWA 750 McLaren Flat Shiraz Upper Tintara Shiraz CWA 750 Tollana Bendigo TR568 Shiraz FOS 750 FOS 750 Mornington Peninsula TR474 Pinot Noir 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 12 12 12 12 12 12 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 12 12 12 12 12 6 6 6 6 8 6 6 6 6 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 6 12 12 12 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 85.14 85.14 85.14 125.78 125.78 125.78 61.92 61.92 61.92 61.92 61.92 61.92 238.65 238.65 139.32 149.64 139.32 139.32 149.64 149.64 77.40 77.40 77.40 116.10 116.10 116.10 116.10 116.10 56.76 56.76 56.76 374.10 239.94 170.28 212.85 170.28 109.65 90.30 312.18 78.69 87.72 145.13 145.13 145.13 238.65 490.20 309.60 490.20 193.50 258.00 107.72 107.72 225.75 212.85 183.18 212.85 80.62 67.08 67.08 67.08 94.17 94.17 67.08 222.52 174.15 193.50 193.50 154.80 157.38 141.90 167.70 172.86 205.11 255.42 206.40 206.40 74.82 74.82 105.14 105.14 105.14 105.14 290.25 290.25 290.25 290.25 156.09 156.09 21.60 21.60 21.60 31.91 31.91 31.91 15.71 15.71 15.71 15.71 15.71 15.71 60.54 60.54 17.67 18.98 17.67 17.67 18.98 18.98 19.63 19.63 19.63 29.45 29.45 29.45 29.45 29.45 14.40 14.40 14.40 47.45 30.43 21.60 27.00 21.60 27.82 22.91 79.19 19.96 16.69 36.82 36.82 36.82 60.54 62.18 39.27 62.18 24.54 32.72 57.27 27.00 23.23 27.00 20.45 17.02 17.02 17.02 23.89 23.89 17.02 56.45 22.09 24.54 24.54 19.63 19.96 18.00 21.27 21.93 52.03 64.79 52.36 52.36 18.98 18.98 26.67 26.67 26.67 26.67 73.63 73.63 73.63 73.63 39.60 39.60 35.49 35.49 35.49 52.43 52.43 52.43 25.81 25.81 25.81 25.81 25.81 25.81 99.48 99.48 29.04 31.19 29.04 29.04 31.19 31.19 32.26 32.26 32.26 48.40 48.40 48.40 48.40 48.40 23.66 23.66 23.66 77.97 50.01 35.49 44.36 35.49 45.71 37.64 130.13 32.80 27.42 60.50 60.50 60.50 99.48 102.17 64.53 102.17 40.33 53.77 22.45 22.45 94.11 44.36 38.18 44.36 33.61 27.96 27.96 27.96 39.26 39.26 27.96 92.76 36.30 40.33 40.33 32.26 32.80 29.58 34.95 36.03 85.50 106.47 86.04 86.04 31.19 31.19 43.83 43.83 43.83 43.83 120.99 120.99 120.99 120.99 65.07 65.07 38.88 38.88 38.88 57.43 57.43 57.43 28.27 28.27 28.27 28.27 28.27 28.27 108.97 108.97 31.81 34.16 31.81 31.81 34.16 34.16 35.34 35.34 35.34 53.01 53.01 53.01 53.01 53.01 25.92 25.92 25.92 85.41 54.78 38.88 48.60 38.88 50.07 41.23 142.55 35.93 30.04 66.27 66.27 66.27 108.97 111.92 70.68 111.92 44.18 58.90 24.59 24.59 103.08 48.60 41.82 48.60 36.81 30.63 30.63 30.63 43.00 43.00 30.63 101.61 39.76 44.18 44.18 35.34 35.93 32.40 38.29 39.47 93.66 116.63 94.25 94.25 34.16 34.16 48.01 48.01 48.01 48.01 132.53 132.53 132.53 132.53 71.27 71.27 7.97 7.97 7.97 11.77 11.77 11.77 5.79 5.79 5.79 5.79 5.79 5.79 22.33 22.33 6.52 7.00 6.52 6.52 7.00 7.00 7.24 7.24 7.24 10.86 10.86 10.86 10.86 10.86 5.31 5.31 5.31 17.50 11.22 7.97 9.96 7.97 10.26 8.45 29.21 7.36 6.16 13.58 13.58 13.58 22.33 22.93 14.48 22.93 9.05 12.07 5.04 5.04 21.12 9.96 8.57 9.96 7.54 6.28 6.28 6.28 8.81 8.81 6.28 20.82 8.15 9.05 9.05 7.24 7.36 6.64 7.85 8.09 19.19 23.90 19.31 19.31 7.00 7.00 9.84 9.84 9.84 9.84 27.16 27.16 27.16 27.16 14.60 14.60 8.83 8.83 8.83 13.04 13.04 13.04 6.42 6.42 6.42 6.42 6.42 6.42 24.75 24.75 7.22 7.76 7.22 7.22 7.76 7.76 8.03 8.03 8.03 12.04 12.04 12.04 12.04 12.04 5.89 5.89 5.89 19.40 12.44 8.83 11.04 8.83 11.37 9.36 32.37 8.16 6.82 15.05 15.05 15.05 24.75 25.42 16.05 25.42 10.03 13.38 5.59 5.59 23.41 11.04 9.50 11.04 8.36 6.96 6.96 6.96 9.76 9.76 6.96 23.07 9.03 10.03 10.03 8.03 8.16 7.36 8.69 8.96 21.27 26.49 21.40 21.40 7.76 7.76 10.90 10.90 10.90 10.90 30.10 30.10 30.10 30.10 16.19 16.19 SEE PAGE 50 FOR MERCHANT CODE INDEX WINE - RED - AUSTRALIAN MERCH. CODE OFF ON PREMISE INCL. GST W/SALE INCL. premise Glass 150ml Bottle WET SIZE - NO. PER EXCL. GST BOTTLE/ HIGH LOW LOW HIGH CASK ML CTN. MARGIN MARGIN MARGIN MARGIN Tomich Hill FCW 750 Pinot Noir Syrah (Shiraz) FCW 750 Torzi Matthews (Eden Valley, SA) Frost Dodger Shiraz PWS 750 Sangiovese PWS 750 PWS 750 Schist Rock Shiraz Totino FCW 750 Cabernet Sauvignon Sangiovese FCW 750 Shiraz FCW 750 Trentham Estate (Trentham Cliffs, NSW) Cabernet Merlot 2006 EMP 750 La Famigla Nebbiolo 2005 EMP 750 EMP 750 Merlot 2007 Mornington Peninsula Pinot Noir 2005 EMP 750 EMP 750 Murphy’s Lore Autumn Red 2008 Murphy’s Lore Shiraz Cabernet 2007 EMP 750 EMP 750 Petit Verdot 2006 EMP 750 Pinot Noir 2008 Shiraz 2006 EMP 750 Trust (Central Victoria) MEZ 750 Shiraz 2005/06 Tscharke (Barossa Valley, SA) R+W 750 Only Son Tempranillo Graciano 2008 R+W 750 The Curse Zinfandel 2007/08 The Master Montepulciano 2008/09 R+W 750 R+W 750 The Potter Garnacha 2008 Tulloch (NSW) ANG 750 Cabernet Pokolbin Dry Red ANG 750 Turkey Flat (Barossa Valley, SA) Butchers Block Red ANG 750 Cabernet Sauvignon ANG 750 Grenache ANG 750 Mourvedre ANG 750 Shiraz ANG 375 Shiraz ANG 750 Turners Crossing (Bendigo, VIC) GSW 750 Cabernet Sauvignon GSW 750 Shiraz Viognier GSW 750 The Cut Shiraz Two Hands (SA) Angels Share McLaren Vale Shiraz 2008/09 R+W 750 Bad Impersonator Barossa Valley Shiraz 2008 R+W 750 Bella’s Garden Barossa Valley Shiraz 2008 R+W 750 Brave Faces Shiraz Grenache 2008/09 R+W 750 Gnarly Dudes Barossa Valley Shiraz 2008/09 R+W 750 Harry & Edward’s Garden Langhorne Creek 07 R+W 750 Lilly’s Garden McLaren Vale Shiraz 2008/09 R+W 750 Max’s Garden Heathcote Shiraz 2008 R+W 750 Samantha’s Garden Clare Valley Shiraz 2008 R+W 750 Sexy Beast McLaren Vale Cabernet Sauvignon R+W 750 Sophie’s Garden Padthaway Shiraz 2008/09 R+W 750 Tyrrell’s Wines (Hunter Valley, NSW) Brokenback Shiraz OPT 750 Lost Block Cabernet Sauvignon OPT 500 OPT 750 Lost Block Merlot OPT 750 Lost Block Shiraz Viognier OPT 750 Old Winery Cabernet Merlot OPT 750 Old Winery Pinot Noir OPT 750 Old Winery Shiraz OPT 750 Rufus Stone Heathcote Shiraz OPT 750 Rufus Stone McLaren Vale Shiraz Single Vineyard Stevens Shiraz OPT 750 OPT 750 Vat 8 Shiraz Umamu (Margaret River, WA) CHA 750 Cabernet Merlot 2005 CHA 750 Shiraz 2005 Valley Of The Giants FOS 750 Classic Dry Red Vasse Felix (WA) SSS 750 Cabernet Merlot SSS 750 Cabernet Sauvignon SSS 750 Classic Dry Red SSS 750 Heytesbury Red (Limited) Shiraz SSS 750 Vinaceous Wines (Various) EMP 750 Raconteur Cabernet Sauvignon 2007 750 Red Right Hand Shiraz Grenache Tempranillo 2007EMP Snake Charmer Shiraz 2007 EMP 750 Voyager Estate (Margaret River, WA) OPT 750 Cabernet Sauvignon Merlot OPT 750 Girt By Sea Cabernet Sauvignon Merlot OPT 750 Shiraz Water Wheel Wines (Bendigo, VIC) ANG 750 Cabernet Sauvignon ANG 750 Memsie Red ANG 750 Petit Verdot Shiraz ANG 750 West Cape Howe (Denmark, WA) EMP 750 Book Ends Cabernet Sauvignon 2008 EMP 750 Cabernet Merlot 2008 EMP 750 Shiraz 2008 EMP 750 Tempranillo 2008 EMP 750 Two Steps Shiraz Viognier 2008 Wicks Estate (Adelaide Hills, SA) ANG 750 Cabernet Sauvignon ANG 750 Eminence Shiraz Shiraz ANG 750 Wignalls (Albany, WA) CHA 750 Pinot Noir 2009 Wilkie Estate (Organic) (Adelaide Plains, SA) OPT 750 Cabernet Merlot Wilson (Polish Hill River, SA) JTW 750 Handplunge Shiraz JTW 750 Pepperstone Shiraz RX Shiraz Cabernet JTW 750 JTW 750 Stonecraft Cabernet Sauvignon Wirra Wirra Wines (SA) NEG 750 Catapult Shiraz Viognier 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 12 6 12 12 6 12 12 6 12 12 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 12 12 6 12 12 12 6 12 12 12 12 6 6 6 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 6 12 12 12 12 12 214.40 238.08 258.00 167.70 148.35 157.28 157.28 157.28 144.48 143.19 144.48 90.30 52.25 52.25 72.24 61.92 61.92 145.12 109.65 141.90 141.90 109.65 61.92 90.30 83.85 163.83 99.98 148.35 167.70 167.70 180.60 180.60 303.15 219.30 322.50 225.75 219.30 219.30 225.75 225.75 225.75 225.75 219.30 225.75 72.24 65.79 65.79 65.79 59.34 59.34 59.34 99.98 99.98 135.45 322.50 196.08 196.08 39.99 190.77 311.56 167.78 334.50 279.93 193.50 193.50 193.50 224.46 92.88 130.55 136.74 79.98 136.74 136.74 193.50 139.32 139.32 154.80 193.50 162.54 216.72 162.54 280.05 74.82 270.90 178.02 148.35 178.02 193.50 LICENSEES’ LIQUOR GUIDE MARCH 2011 27.19 30.20 32.72 21.27 18.82 19.95 19.95 19.95 18.33 18.16 18.33 22.91 13.25 13.25 18.33 15.71 15.71 36.81 27.82 36.00 36.00 27.82 15.71 22.91 21.27 41.56 25.36 37.63 21.27 42.54 22.91 22.91 76.90 27.82 40.91 57.27 27.82 27.82 57.27 57.27 57.27 57.27 55.63 57.27 18.33 16.69 16.69 16.69 15.05 15.05 15.05 25.36 25.36 34.36 81.81 24.87 24.87 10.14 24.20 39.52 21.28 84.86 35.51 24.54 24.54 24.54 56.94 23.56 33.12 17.34 10.14 17.34 17.34 24.54 17.67 17.67 19.63 24.54 20.62 27.49 20.62 35.52 18.98 34.36 22.58 18.82 22.58 24.54 44.69 49.62 53.77 34.95 30.92 32.78 32.78 32.78 30.11 29.84 30.11 37.64 21.78 21.78 30.11 25.81 25.81 60.49 45.71 59.15 59.15 45.71 25.81 37.64 34.95 68.29 41.68 61.84 34.95 69.91 37.64 37.64 126.37 45.71 67.22 94.11 45.71 45.71 94.11 94.11 94.11 94.11 91.42 94.11 30.11 27.42 27.42 27.42 24.74 24.74 24.74 41.68 41.68 56.46 134.44 40.87 40.87 16.67 39.76 64.94 34.97 139.44 58.35 40.33 40.33 40.33 93.57 38.72 54.42 28.50 16.67 28.50 28.50 40.33 29.04 29.04 32.26 40.33 33.88 45.17 33.88 58.37 31.19 56.46 37.10 30.92 37.10 40.33 48.95 54.36 58.90 38.29 33.87 35.91 35.91 35.91 32.99 32.69 32.99 41.23 23.86 23.86 32.99 28.27 28.27 66.26 50.07 64.79 64.79 50.07 28.27 41.23 38.29 74.81 45.65 67.74 38.29 76.58 41.23 41.23 138.42 50.07 73.63 103.08 50.07 50.07 103.08 103.08 103.08 103.08 100.14 103.08 32.99 30.04 30.04 30.04 27.10 27.10 27.10 45.65 45.65 61.85 147.26 44.77 44.77 18.26 43.55 71.13 38.31 152.74 63.91 44.18 44.18 44.18 102.49 42.41 59.61 31.22 18.26 31.22 31.22 44.18 31.81 31.81 35.34 44.18 37.11 49.48 37.11 63.94 34.16 61.85 40.64 33.87 40.64 44.18 10.03 11.14 12.07 7.85 6.94 7.36 7.36 7.36 6.76 6.70 6.76 8.45 4.89 4.89 6.76 5.79 5.79 13.58 10.26 13.28 13.28 10.26 5.79 8.45 7.85 15.33 9.35 13.88 15.69 15.69 8.45 8.45 28.36 10.26 15.09 21.12 10.26 10.26 21.12 21.12 21.12 21.12 20.52 21.12 6.76 9.23 6.16 6.16 5.55 5.55 5.55 9.35 9.35 12.67 30.17 9.17 9.17 3.74 8.92 14.57 7.85 31.30 13.10 9.05 9.05 9.05 21.00 8.69 12.21 6.40 3.74 6.40 6.40 9.05 6.52 6.52 7.24 9.05 7.60 10.14 7.60 13.10 7.00 12.67 8.33 6.94 8.33 9.05 11.12 12.34 13.38 8.69 7.69 8.15 8.15 8.15 7.49 7.42 7.49 9.36 5.42 5.42 7.49 6.42 6.42 15.05 11.37 14.71 14.71 11.37 6.42 9.36 8.69 16.99 10.37 15.38 17.39 17.39 9.36 9.36 31.44 11.37 16.72 23.41 11.37 11.37 23.41 23.41 23.41 23.41 22.74 23.41 7.49 10.23 6.82 6.82 6.15 6.15 6.15 10.37 10.37 14.05 33.44 10.17 10.17 4.15 9.89 16.15 8.70 34.69 14.51 10.03 10.03 10.03 23.28 9.63 13.54 7.09 4.15 7.09 7.09 10.03 7.22 7.22 8.03 10.03 8.43 11.24 8.43 14.52 7.76 14.05 9.23 7.69 9.23 10.03 WINE - RED - AUSTRALIAN MERCH. CODE OFF ON PREMISE INCL. GST W/SALE INCL. premise Glass 150ml Bottle WET SIZE - NO. PER EXCL. GST BOTTLE/ HIGH LOW LOW HIGH CASK ML CTN. MARGIN MARGIN MARGIN MARGIN NEG 375 Church Block NEG 750 Church Block NEG 750 RSW Shiraz Scrubby Rise Shiraz Cabernet Petit Verdot NEG 750 The Angelus NEG 750 NEG 750 Woodhenge McLaren Vale Shiraz Wolf Blass Bilyara (SA) FOS Bilyara Shiraz - ON PREMISE ONLY 750 Wolf Blass Black Label (SA) Shiraz Cabernet Sauvignon Malbec (Giftbox) FOS 750 Shiraz Cabernet Sauvignon Malbec (Laydown) FOS 750 Wolf Blass Eaglehawk (SA) FOS 750 Cabernet Sauvignon FOS 750 Merlot Shiraz FOS 750 FOS 750 Shiraz Merlot Cabernet Sauvignon Wolf Blass Gold Label (SA) FOS Adelaide Hills Shiraz Viognier 750 FOS 750 Barossa Shiraz FOS 750 Coonawarra Cabernet Sauvignon Wolf Blass Grey Label (SA) FOS 750 Langhorne Creek Cabernet Sauvignon FOS 750 McLaren Vale Shiraz Wolf Blass Platinum Label (SA) FOS 750 Barossa Shiraz FOS 750 Barossa Shiraz - Gift Box Wolf Blass Red Label (SA) FOS 750 Cabernet Sauvignon Merlot FOS 187 Shiraz Cabernet Sauvignon FOS 750 Shiraz Cabernet Sauvignon FOS 750 Shiraz Grenache Wolf Blass Verae (SA) Chilled Refreshing Red FOS 750 Wolf Blass Yellow Label (SA) FOS 375 Cabernet Sauvignon FOS 750 Cabernet Sauvignon Merlot FOS 750 Pinot Noir FOS 750 Shiraz FOS 750 Woodstock (McLaren Vale, SA) Cabernet Sauvignon GSW 750 Grenache GSW 750 Shiraz GSW 750 GSW 750 Shiraz Cabernet GSW 750 The Stocks Shiraz Wyndham Estate Wines PRA 750 1828 Merlot PRA 750 Bin 333 Pinot Noir PRA 187 Bin 444 Cabernet Sauvignon Bin 444 Cabernet Sauvignon PRA 750 PRA 750 Bin 515 Shiraz Voignier PRA 187 Bin 555 Shiraz PRA 750 Bin 555 Shiraz PRA 750 Bin 888 Cabernet Merlot Bin 999 Cabernet Merlot PRA 750 PRA 750 Black Cluster Shiraz PRA 750 George Wyndham Cabernet Merlot PRA 750 George Wyndham Shiraz PRA George Wyndham Shiraz Cabernet 750 George Wyndham Shiraz Grenache PRA 750 PRA George Wyndham Shiraz Tempranillo 750 PRA 750 TR2 Select Red Wynns Coonawarra Estate (Coonawarra, SA) FOS 750 Black Label Cabernet Sauvignon FOS 1500 Cabernet Sauvignon FOS 750 Cabernet Shiraz Merlot 750 Coonawarra The Siding Cabernet Sauvignon FOS FOS 750 Glengyle Cabernet Sauvignon FOS 750 John Riddoch Cabernet Sauvignon FOS 1500 John Riddoch Cabernet Sauvignon FOS 750 Michael Shiraz FOS 1500 Michael Shiraz Shiraz FOS 750 The Gables Coonawarra Cabernet FOS Sauvignon Shiraz ON PREMISE ONLY 750 FOS 750 V & A Lane Cabernet Sauvignon Shiraz FOS 750 V & A Lane Shiraz X & Y (Margaret River, WA) MCW 750 X&Y Cabernet Merlot MCW 750 X&Y Shiraz Yabby Lake (Mornington Peninsula, VIC) R+W 750 Pinot Noir 2008 Yaldara AUV 750 The Farms Barossa Shiraz Yalumba (SA) SSS 750 Barossa Bush Vine Grenache SSS 750 Barossa Patchwork Shiraz Barossa Shiraz & Viognier SSS 750 SSS 750 FDR 1A Cabernet Shiraz SSS 750 Galway Vintage Shiraz SSS 750 Hand picked Shiraz Viognier SSS 750 Organic Shiraz - Riverland Oxford Landing Cabernet Shiraz SSS 750 SSS 750 Oxford Landing Merlot SSS 750 Oxford Landing Shiraz SSS 2000 Premium Selection - Cabernet (Casks) Premium Selection - Cabernet Merlot (Casks) SSS 2000 SSS 2000 Premium Selection - Merlot (Casks) SSS 2000 Premium Selection - Shiraz (Casks) Premium Selection - Trio Shiraz Cabernet Tempranillo (Casks) SSS 2000 SSS 750 Signature Cabernet Shiraz SSS 750 The Cigar Menzies Cabernet Sauvignon The Menzies Coonawarra Cabernet Sauvignon SSS 750 SSS 750 The Octavius IV SSS 750 The Reserve Cabernet Shiraz SSS 750 The Scribbler Cabernet Shiraz 2000 Traditional Range Classic Dry Red (Casks) SSS SSS 750 Y Cabernet Sauvignon SSS 750 Y Merlot SSS 750 Y Shiraz SSS 750 Y Shiraz Viognier 12 12 6 12 6 6 12 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 24 6 6 6 12 6 6 6 6 12 12 12 12 12 6 6 24 6 6 24 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 102.56 193.50 258.00 130.29 232.20 126.42 83.21 504.39 504.39 42.57 42.57 42.57 42.57 98.04 98.04 98.04 167.70 167.70 659.19 659.19 56.76 69.66 56.76 56.76 67.08 79.98 70.95 70.95 70.95 70.95 183.18 163.83 183.18 138.03 469.56 33.87 57.14 56.37 57.14 57.14 56.37 57.14 57.14 57.14 253.12 77.79 77.79 77.79 77.79 77.79 29.09 136.74 337.98 86.43 86.43 194.79 388.29 968.79 388.29 968.79 86.43 13.01 24.54 65.45 16.53 58.90 32.07 127.95 127.95 10.80 10.80 10.80 10.80 24.87 24.87 24.87 42.54 42.54 167.22 167.22 14.40 4.42 14.40 14.40 17.02 10.14 18.00 18.00 18.00 18.00 23.23 20.78 23.23 17.51 59.56 8.59 14.50 3.57 14.50 14.50 3.57 14.50 14.50 14.50 64.21 19.73 19.73 19.73 19.73 19.73 7.38 34.69 85.74 21.93 21.93 49.41 98.50 245.76 98.50 245.76 21.93 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 12 12 12 6 12 6 6 12 12 12 6 6 6 6 82.56 194.79 194.79 135.45 135.45 233.49 232.20 160.53 164.73 164.73 160.51 121.26 135.37 67.73 81.27 81.27 81.27 72.89 72.89 72.89 72.89 49.41 49.41 34.36 34.36 59.23 58.90 20.36 20.89 20.89 40.72 15.38 34.34 17.18 10.31 10.31 10.31 17.76 17.76 17.76 17.76 6 6 12 6 6 6 12 6 12 12 12 12 21.38 40.33 107.55 27.16 96.79 52.70 17.34 210.26 210.26 17.75 17.75 17.75 17.75 40.87 40.87 40.87 69.91 69.91 274.79 274.79 23.66 7.26 23.66 23.66 27.96 16.67 29.58 29.58 29.58 29.58 38.18 34.15 38.18 28.77 97.87 14.12 23.82 5.87 23.82 23.82 5.87 23.82 23.82 23.82 105.51 32.43 32.43 32.43 32.43 32.43 12.13 57.00 140.89 36.03 36.03 81.20 161.86 403.85 161.86 403.85 36.03 23.42 44.18 117.81 29.75 106.03 57.73 19.00 230.32 230.32 19.44 19.44 19.44 19.44 44.77 44.77 44.77 76.58 76.58 301.00 301.00 25.92 7.95 25.92 25.92 30.63 18.26 32.40 32.40 32.40 32.40 41.82 37.40 41.82 31.51 107.21 15.47 26.09 6.43 26.09 26.09 6.43 26.09 26.09 26.09 115.58 35.52 35.52 35.52 35.52 35.52 13.28 62.44 154.33 39.47 39.47 88.95 177.30 442.37 177.30 442.37 39.47 9.60 9.05 24.14 6.10 21.72 11.83 3.89 47.19 3.98 3.98 3.98 3.98 9.17 9.17 9.17 15.69 15.69 61.67 5.31 5.31 5.31 6.28 7.48 6.64 6.64 6.64 6.64 8.57 7.66 8.57 6.46 21.97 3.17 5.35 5.35 5.35 5.35 5.35 5.35 23.68 7.28 7.28 7.28 7.28 7.28 2.72 12.79 15.81 8.09 8.09 18.22 36.33 45.32 36.33 45.32 8.09 10.63 10.03 26.75 6.76 24.08 13.11 4.31 52.30 4.41 4.41 4.41 4.41 10.17 10.17 10.17 17.39 17.39 68.35 5.89 5.89 5.89 6.96 8.29 7.36 7.36 7.36 7.36 9.50 8.49 9.50 7.16 24.35 3.51 5.93 5.93 5.93 5.93 5.93 5.93 26.25 8.07 8.07 8.07 8.07 8.07 3.02 14.18 17.52 8.96 8.96 20.20 40.26 50.23 40.26 50.23 8.96 34.42 37.70 81.20 88.95 81.20 88.95 56.46 61.85 56.46 61.85 97.33 106.62 96.79 106.03 33.46 36.65 34.33 37.61 34.33 37.61 66.91 73.29 25.27 27.68 56.43 61.81 28.23 30.93 16.94 18.55 16.94 18.55 16.94 18.55 7.72 18.22 18.22 12.67 12.67 21.85 21.72 7.51 7.71 7.71 15.02 5.67 12.67 6.34 3.80 3.80 3.80 3.50 3.50 3.50 3.50 8.56 20.20 20.20 14.05 14.05 24.21 24.08 8.32 8.54 8.54 16.64 6.29 14.04 7.02 4.21 4.21 4.21 4.03 4.03 4.03 4.03 72.89 17.76 191.45 48.57 79.81 87.42 212.85 27.00 44.36 48.60 191.45 48.57 79.81 87.42 401.32 101.81 167.29 183.25 516.00 130.90 215.10 235.62 174.15 22.09 36.30 39.76 59.99 14.62 126.42 16.04 26.35 28.86 126.42 16.04 26.35 28.86 126.42 16.04 26.35 28.86 126.42 16.04 26.35 28.86 3.50 17.91 9.96 17.91 37.55 48.28 8.15 2.88 5.91 5.91 5.91 5.91 4.03 19.85 11.04 19.85 41.62 53.51 9.03 3.32 6.55 6.55 6.55 6.55 WINE - RED - AUSTRALIAN 29 WINE - RED - AUSTRALIAN MERCH. CODE Yarra Burn Cabernet Sauvignon CWA CWA Pinot Noir CWA Shiraz Viognier Yarra Valley Estate Yarra Valley Estate Grown Shiraz Viognier FCW Yarra Yering (Yarra Valley, VIC) GSW Agincourt Dry Red #1 Cabernet Merlot Dry Red #1 Cabernet Malbec Merlot Petit Verdot GSW GSW Dry Red #2 Shiraz Viognier Marsanne Dry Red #3 - Portuguese Varieties GSW GSW Gruyere Shiraz GSW Pinot Noir GSW Underhill Shiraz Yellow Tail Cabernet Merlot CAS Cabernet Sauvignon CAS Merlot CAS Merlot CAS CAS Pinot Noir Reserve Merlot CAS CAS Reserve Shiraz Shiraz CAS Shiraz CAS Zema Estate (Coonawarra, SA) Cabernet Sauvignon PWS Cluny PWS PWS Family Selection Cabernet Sauvignon Family Selection Shiraz PWS Merlot PWS Shiraz PWS Zilzie (Murray Darling, VIC) OPT btw Cabernet Merlot btw Shiraz OPT Estate Shiraz Viognier OPT Regional Collection Barossa Shiraz OPT Regional Collection Coonawarra Cabernet Sauvignon OPT Regional Collection Wrattonbully Merlot OPT OPT Selection 23 Cabernet Merlot OPT Selection 23 Shiraz Zonte’s Footstep (Langhorne Creek) EMP Avalon Tree Cabernet 2009 EMP Baron von Nemesis Shiraz 2008 Canto di Lago Sangiovese Barbera 2009 EMP EMP The Lake Doctor Shiraz Viognier 2008 EMP Violet Bearegard Malbec 2009 OFF ON PREMISE INCL. GST W/SALE INCL. premise Glass 150ml Bottle WET SIZE - NO. PER EXCL. GST BOTTLE/ HIGH LOW LOW HIGH CASK ML CTN. MARGIN MARGIN MARGIN MARGIN 750 750 750 750 750 750 750 750 750 750 750 750 750 187 750 750 750 750 187 750 750 750 750 750 750 750 750 750 750 750 6 6 6 6 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 24 12 12 6 6 24 12 12 12 6 6 12 12 12 12 6 6 118.04 122.55 99.98 142.80 696.60 696.60 696.60 696.60 335.40 696.60 696.60 82.56 82.56 51.60 82.56 82.56 58.05 58.05 51.60 82.56 206.40 193.50 190.27 190.27 212.85 199.95 83.20 83.20 59.01 59.01 29.94 31.09 25.36 36.23 88.36 88.36 88.36 88.36 42.54 88.36 88.36 10.47 10.47 3.27 10.47 10.47 14.73 14.73 3.27 10.47 26.18 24.54 48.27 48.27 27.00 25.36 10.55 10.55 14.97 14.97 49.21 51.09 41.68 59.53 145.19 145.19 145.19 145.19 69.91 145.19 145.19 17.21 17.21 5.38 17.21 17.21 24.20 24.20 5.38 17.21 43.02 40.33 79.32 79.32 44.36 41.68 17.34 17.34 24.60 24.60 53.90 55.96 45.65 65.21 159.04 159.04 159.04 159.04 76.58 159.04 159.04 18.85 18.85 5.89 18.85 18.85 26.51 26.51 5.89 18.85 47.12 44.18 86.88 86.88 48.60 45.65 19.00 19.00 26.95 26.95 11.04 11.47 9.35 13.36 32.59 32.59 32.59 32.59 15.69 32.59 32.59 3.86 3.86 3.86 3.86 5.43 5.43 3.86 9.66 9.05 17.80 17.80 9.96 9.35 3.89 3.89 5.52 5.52 12.24 12.71 10.37 14.81 36.12 36.12 36.12 36.12 17.39 36.12 36.12 4.28 4.28 4.28 4.28 6.02 6.02 4.28 10.70 10.03 19.73 19.73 11.04 10.37 4.31 4.31 6.12 6.12 750 750 750 750 750 750 750 750 750 6 6 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 59.01 59.01 83.20 83.20 154.80 154.80 154.80 154.80 154.80 14.97 14.97 10.55 10.55 19.63 19.63 19.63 19.63 19.63 24.60 24.60 17.34 17.34 32.26 32.26 32.26 32.26 32.26 26.95 26.95 19.00 19.00 35.34 35.34 35.34 35.34 35.34 5.52 5.52 3.89 3.89 7.24 7.24 7.24 7.24 7.24 6.12 6.12 4.31 4.31 8.03 8.03 8.03 8.03 8.03 750 750 750 750 750 750 750 750 750 750 750 750 750 187 750 750 750 750 750 750 750 750 750 750 750 750 750 750 750 750 6 12 6 12 12 12 12 12 12 6 12 6 6 24 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 12 12 12 6 6 6 12 129.00 32.72 53.77 58.90 154.80 19.63 32.26 35.34 464.40 117.81 193.59 212.05 251.55 31.91 52.43 57.43 230.66 29.26 48.08 52.66 180.60 22.91 37.64 41.23 464.40 58.90 96.79 106.03 258.00 32.72 53.77 58.90 232.20 29.45 48.40 53.01 123.84 31.42 51.62 56.55 188.34 23.89 39.26 43.00 97.40 24.71 40.60 44.47 71.98 18.26 30.01 32.87 70.66 4.48 7.36 8.07 71.98 18.26 30.01 32.87 199.95 50.72 83.35 91.30 113.36 28.76 47.25 51.76 194.79 81.20 88.95 194.79 81.20 88.95 101.91 25.85 42.48 46.53 61.28 15.55 25.54 27.98 140.61 58.61 64.21 61.28 15.55 25.54 27.98 225.75 28.63 47.05 51.54 387.00 49.09 80.66 88.36 283.80 36.00 59.15 64.79 258.00 65.45 107.55 117.81 258.00 65.45 107.55 117.81 643.71 163.30 268.33 293.93 387.00 49.09 80.66 88.36 12.07 7.24 43.45 11.77 10.79 8.45 21.72 12.07 10.86 11.59 8.81 9.11 6.73 6.73 18.71 10.61 18.22 18.22 9.53 5.73 13.16 5.73 10.56 18.10 13.28 24.14 24.14 60.23 18.10 13.38 8.03 48.16 13.04 11.96 9.36 24.08 13.38 12.04 12.84 9.76 10.10 7.46 7.46 20.73 11.75 20.20 20.20 10.57 6.35 14.58 6.35 11.70 20.07 14.71 26.75 26.75 66.75 20.07 750 750 750 750 750 750 750 750 750 750 750 6 6 12 6 6 6 12 12 6 12 12 238.65 103.20 312.18 380.55 209.98 203.82 180.60 162.54 100.62 341.85 174.15 22.33 9.66 14.60 35.60 19.65 19.07 8.45 7.60 9.41 15.99 8.15 24.75 10.70 16.19 39.46 21.77 21.14 9.36 8.43 10.43 17.72 9.03 WINE - RED - INTERNATIONAL Antinori (Tuscany, Italy) NEG Peppoli Chianti Classico 2006 NEG Santa Cristina Sangiovese 2007 NEG Tignanello 2007 NEG Villa Antinori Toscana IGT Argyle (Oregon, USA) Willamette Valley Pinot Noir FWP Babich (Marlborough, NZ) Marlborough Pinot Noir GSW GSW Patriarch Cabernet Blend GSW Wine Maker’s Reserve Pinot Noir GSW Wine Maker’s Reserve Syrah Bodegas Patrocinio (La Roja, Spain) MEZ Zino Cranza Tempranillo 2005 MEZ Zino Tempranillo Graciano Blend 2006 Brancott Letter Series T Pinot Noir PRA PRA Merlot Cabernet Sauvignon Pinot Noir PRA PRA Pinot Noir Casa Gran del Siurano (Priorat, Spain) MEZ Cruor Garnacha Cabernet Merlot 2005 GR174 Garnacha Carinyena Cabernet 2007 MEZ Castello Di Gabbiano (Tuscany, Italy) FOS Alleanza - ON PREMISE ONLY FOS Belleza - ON PREMISE ONLY Chianti Classico FOS Chianti DOCG FOS Chianti Riserva - ON PREMISE ONLY FOS Pinot Grigio FOS Catalina Sounds (Marlborough, NZ) R+W Pinot Noir 2007/08 Chard Farm (Central Otago, NZ) OPT Mata-Au Pinot Noir OPT River Run Pinot Noir OPT The Tiger Pinot Noir The Viper Pinot Noir OPT Château de Beaucastel (France) Châteauneuf du Pape 2006 SSS SSS Cru de Coudoulet, Cotes du Rhone Château La Lagune (France) Moulin de la Lagune - Cabernet Merlot Petit Verdot FWP Château Signac (France) Cotes du Rhone Cuvee Tradition Rouge 205 MEZ Château St Jean (France) Sonoma Cabernet Sauvignon FOS FOS Sonoma Cinq Cepages Clos Henri (Marlborough, NZ) OPT Pinot Noir Cloudy Bay (Marlborough, NZ) MHA Pinot Noir 2007 Crowded House (Marlborough, NZ) R+W Pinot Noir 2009 Danzante (Italy) Chianti FWP FWP Primitivo della Puglia Dog Point (Marlborough, NZ) R+W Pinot Noir 2008 Drift (Marlborough, NZ) Pinot Noir OPT 30 WINE - RED - AUSTRALIAN 60.54 26.18 39.60 96.54 53.27 51.70 22.91 20.62 25.53 43.36 22.09 99.48 108.97 43.02 47.12 65.07 71.27 158.63 173.77 87.53 95.88 84.96 93.07 37.64 41.23 33.88 37.11 41.94 45.95 71.25 78.05 36.30 39.76 WINE - RED - INTERNATIONAL MERCH. CODE OFF ON PREMISE INCL. GST W/SALE INCL. premise Glass 150ml Bottle WET SIZE - NO. PER EXCL. GST BOTTLE/ HIGH LOW LOW HIGH CASK ML CTN. MARGIN MARGIN MARGIN MARGIN Escarpment Vineyard (Martinborough, NZ) R+W 750 Pinot Noir 2008 Falernia (Chile) FCW 750 Carmene Syrah FCW 750 Carmene Reserve FCW 750 Syrah Reserve Farnese (Italy) FCW 750 Casale Vecchio Montepulciano Edizione Cinque FCW 750 FCW 750 Negroamaro Salento FCW Opi Montepulciano d’Abbruzzo 750 FCW 750 Primitivo Sessantanni FCW 750 Vesevo Beneventano Aglianico Fattoria Zerbina (Emilia Romagna, Italy) R+W 750 Ceregio Sangiovese DOC 2008 Felton Road (Central Otago, NZ) R+W 750 Pinot Noir Bannockburn 2009 R+W 750 Pinot Noir Block 3 2009 Forrest Estate (Marlborough, NZ) John Forrest Collection Gimblett Gravels Cabernet Sauvignon 2004 EMP 750 John Forrest Collection Gimblett Gravels Syrah 2004 EMP 750 John Forrest Collection Waitaki Valley Pinot Noir 2004 EMP 750 EMP 750 Pinot Noir 2006 EMP 750 Tatty Bogler Otago Pinot Noir 2006 Georges Duboeuf (Beaujolais, France) NEG 750 Beaujolias Villages Chiroubles NEG 750 Fleurie NEG 750 Merlot NEG 750 NEG 750 Moulin ‚ Vent Gibbston Valley (NZ) ANG 750 Gold River Pinot Noir ANG 750 Pinot Noir ANG 750 Reserve Pinot Noir Giesen (Canterbury, NZ) Marlborough Pinot Noir 2008 NEG 750 Guigal (Rhone, France) NEG 750 Châteauneuf du Pape 2005 NEG 750 Cote Rotie 2003 NEG 750 Cotes du Rhone Rouge 2006 NEG 750 Croze Hermitage 2005 NEG 750 Hermitage 2003 NEG 750 St Joseph Rouge 2004 Hunter’s (Marlborough, NZ) MEZ 750 Pinot Noir 2008 Isabel Estate (Marlborough, NZ) MEZ 750 Pinot Noir 2006 Italian 750 Bolgheri Tassinaia Cabernet Merlot Sangiovese FCW FCW 750 Cecchi Brunello di Montalcino FCW 750 Cecchi Chianti DOCG FCW 750 Cecchi Chianti (raffia) FCW 750 Cecchi Sagrantino di Montefalco DOCG Cecchi Teuzzo Chianti Classico FCW 750 FCW 750 Corvo Rosso Nero d’Avola Duca di Salaparuta Calanica Nero d’Avola Merlot FCW 750 FCW 750 Donelli Red Lambrusco FCW 750 Feudo d’Elimi Nero d’Avola Shiraz FCW 750 Melini Chianti Fiasco Pasqua Casterna Amarone di Valpolicella FCW 750 FCW 750 Spargolo Sangiovese Tommasi Amarone Valpolicella FCW 750 FCW 750 Tommasi Valpolicella Classico Jed Wines (Uco Valley, Argentina) Malbec GSW 750 Joseph Drouhin (Burgundy, France) Beaujolais Morgon FWP 750 Beaujolais Villages FWP 750 FWP 750 Laforet Bourgogne Pinot Noir Rully Rouge FWP 750 Kapuka (Malborough, NZ) FWP 750 Pinot Noir Kim Crawford (Marlborough, NZ) CWA 750 Marlborough Pinot Noir La Vieille Ferme (France) SSS 750 Cotes du Ventoux Rouge Masi (Italy) Bonacosta Valpolicella Classico SSS 750 Campofiorin SSS 750 SSS 750 Costasera Amerone Valpolicella Classico Main Divide (by Pegasus Bay, NZ) PWS 750 Pinot Noir Maison De Grand Espirit (France) FOS La Belle Voisine Cote de Nuits Villages 750 750 La Belle Voisine Premier Cru Nuits St Georges FOS 750 Les Petites Vignettes Pinot Noir (Burgundy) FOS Les Petites Vignettes Pinot Noir Chardonnay (Burgundy) NV FOS 750 FOS 750 Les Seize Galets Châteauneuf Du Pape Les Seize Galets Crozes Hermitage FOS 750 Martinborough Vineyard (Martinborough, NZ) FWP 750 Pinot Noir FWP 750 Te Tera Pinot Noir Matua Valley Estate Series (NZ) Marlborough Pinot Noir - ON PREMISE ONLY FOS 750 Matua Valley Regional Series (NZ) FOS Hawkes Bay Merlot - ON PREMISE ONLY 750 FOS 750 Marlborough Pinot Noir McWilliam’s Wines - All Hallow’s Eve (NZ) MCW 750 All Hallow’s Eve Hawkes Bay Merlot McWilliam’s Wines Essenze (NZ) Flagship Tier Central Otago Pinot Noir - The Dam Keeper MCW 750 MCW 750 Pinot Noir Central Otago Michele Chiarlo (Piedmont, Italy) FWP 750 Barbera a’Asti Dolcetto d’Alba FWP 750 FWP 750 La Court Barbera 6 12 12 12 6 6 6 6 6 6 12 12 6 199.95 50.72 116.10 14.73 116.10 14.73 149.38 18.95 76.24 19.34 178.41 45.26 181.12 45.95 151.32 38.39 178.41 45.26 64.24 16.30 193.50 24.54 528.90 67.09 410.22 104.06 83.35 91.30 24.20 26.51 24.20 26.51 31.13 34.11 31.78 34.81 74.37 81.47 75.50 82.70 63.08 69.10 74.37 81.47 26.78 29.33 40.33 44.18 110.24 120.75 171.00 187.32 12 387.00 49.09 80.66 12 387.00 49.09 80.66 18.71 5.43 5.43 6.99 7.13 16.69 16.95 14.16 16.69 6.01 9.05 24.74 38.38 20.73 6.02 6.02 7.75 7.91 18.50 18.78 15.69 18.50 6.66 10.03 27.42 42.54 88.36 18.10 20.07 88.36 18.10 20.07 12 387.00 49.09 80.66 88.36 12 237.36 30.11 49.47 54.19 12 255.42 32.40 53.24 58.32 12 135.45 17.18 28.23 30.92 12 180.60 22.91 37.64 41.23 12 232.20 29.45 48.40 53.01 12 109.65 13.91 22.85 25.03 12 219.30 27.82 45.71 50.07 6 129.00 32.72 53.77 58.90 6 181.89 46.14 75.82 83.05 6 516.00 130.90 215.10 235.62 12 193.50 24.54 40.33 44.18 12 761.10 96.54 158.63 173.77 12 1057.80 134.17 220.48 241.51 12 199.95 25.36 41.68 45.65 12 328.95 41.72 68.56 75.10 12 1161.00 147.26 241.98 265.07 12 554.70 70.36 115.62 126.64 12 214.14 27.16 44.63 48.89 6 181.89 46.14 75.82 83.05 6 398.30 101.04 166.03 181.87 6 441.10 111.90 183.88 201.42 6 84.99 21.56 35.43 38.81 12 236.22 29.96 49.23 53.93 6 212.08 53.80 88.41 96.84 6 190.40 48.30 79.37 86.94 6 68.89 17.48 28.72 31.46 6 84.37 21.40 35.17 38.53 12 89.32 11.33 18.62 20.39 12 127.71 16.20 26.62 29.16 12 205.26 26.04 42.78 46.86 6 284.29 72.12 118.51 129.81 6 257.74 65.38 107.44 117.69 6 537.85 136.44 224.21 245.59 6 185.76 47.12 77.44 84.82 12 161.25 20.45 33.61 36.82 6 98.04 24.87 40.87 44.77 6 85.14 21.60 35.49 38.88 12 219.30 27.82 45.71 50.07 12 283.80 36.00 59.15 64.79 12 122.55 15.54 25.54 27.98 6 96.11 24.38 40.06 43.89 12 129.00 16.36 26.89 29.45 12 207.69 26.34 43.29 47.42 12 225.75 28.63 47.05 51.54 6 374.10 94.90 155.95 170.82 12 245.10 31.09 51.09 55.96 6 229.62 58.25 95.72 104.85 6 670.80 170.17 279.63 306.30 6 99.98 25.36 41.68 45.65 18.10 11.10 11.95 6.34 8.45 10.86 5.13 10.26 12.07 17.02 48.28 9.05 35.60 49.48 9.35 15.39 54.31 25.95 10.02 17.02 37.27 41.27 7.95 11.05 19.84 17.81 6.45 7.89 4.18 5.97 9.60 26.60 24.11 50.32 17.38 7.54 9.17 7.97 10.26 13.28 5.73 8.99 6.03 9.72 10.56 35.00 11.47 21.48 62.76 9.35 20.07 12.31 13.24 7.02 9.36 12.04 5.69 11.37 13.38 18.86 53.51 10.03 39.46 54.84 10.37 17.06 60.20 28.76 11.10 18.86 41.30 45.74 8.81 12.25 21.99 19.74 7.14 8.75 4.63 6.62 10.64 29.48 26.73 55.77 19.26 8.36 10.17 8.83 11.37 14.71 6.35 9.97 6.69 10.77 11.70 38.79 12.71 23.81 69.56 10.37 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 99.98 25.36 41.68 45.65 457.95 116.17 190.90 209.11 156.09 39.60 65.07 71.27 323.15 81.98 134.71 147.56 137.39 34.85 57.27 62.74 136.74 57.00 62.44 70.95 29.58 32.40 82.56 20.94 34.42 37.70 75.47 19.15 31.46 34.46 9.35 42.85 14.60 30.23 12.85 12.79 6.64 7.72 7.06 10.37 47.49 16.19 33.51 14.25 14.18 7.36 8.56 7.83 6 6 12 12 6 167.70 75.79 285.09 278.00 387.00 15.69 7.09 13.34 13.01 36.21 17.39 7.86 14.78 14.41 40.13 42.54 19.23 36.16 35.26 98.17 69.91 76.58 31.59 34.61 59.42 65.09 57.94 63.47 161.32 176.71 SEE PAGE 50 FOR MERCHANT CODE INDEX WINE - RED - INTERNATIONAL MERCH. CODE Miscellaneous Ch Cos d’Estournel NEG Ch Grand Puy Lacoste NEG Ch Haut Brion NEG Ch Latour NEG Ch Leoville las Cases NEG NEG Ch Lynch Bages Ch Margaux NEG NEG Ch Mouton Rothschild NEG Ch Petrus NEG Ch Pichon Lalande NEG Dom Andre Ramonet NEG Dom Champy NEG Dom Comtes Lafon NEG Dom de la Romanee Conti NEG Dom Dujac NEG Dom Faiveley Dom Georges Roumier NEG NEG Dom Meo - Camuzet NEG Dom Robert Arnoux Domaines Rothschild NEG Momo (NZ) Momo Pinot Noir PWS Mount Difficulty (Central Otago, NZ) Roaring Meg Pinot Noir FWP Pinot Noir FWP Pipeclay Terrace Pinot Noir FWP Mount Riley (NZ) ANG Mt. Riley Pinot Noir ANG Seventeen Valley Pinot Noir Mud House (Marlborough, NZ) OPT Pinot Noir OPT Swan Pinot Noir Nanny Goat (Central Otago, NZ) MEZ Pinot Noir 2008 Nautilus (Marlborough, NZ) Pinot Noir SSS Newton Forrest (Hawkes Bay, NZ) Cornerstone Cabernet Merlot Malbec 2000 EMP Cornerstone Cabernet Merlot Malbec 2002 EMP Opawa (Marlborough, NZ) Pinot Noir SSS Palliser (NZ) Pencarrow Pinot Noir NEG NEG Pinot Noir Paul Jaboulet Aine (Rhone, France) Cotes du Rhone ‘Parallele 45’ FWP FWP Cotes du Ventoux Crozes Hermitage ‘Domaine de Thalabert’ FWP FWP Crozes Hermitage ‘Les Jalets’ FWP La Chapelle Pegasus Bay (Canterbury, NZ) PWS Pinot Noir Perrin et Fils (France) SSS Cotes du Rhone Rouge Poggio al Tesoro (Italy) SSS Mediterra IGT Toscana SSS Sondraia IGT Toscana Quartz Reef (Central Otago, NZ) MEZ Bendigo Pinot Noir 2006 MEZ Pinot Noir 2008 Rabbit Ranch (Marlborough, NZ) Pinot Noir OPT Roberto Voerzio (Piedmont, Italy) R+W Langhe Nebbiolo 2007 Saint Clair (Marlborough, NZ) NEG Marlborough Pinot Noir Pioneer Block 14 Doctor’s Creek Pinot Noir NEG NEG Pioneer Block 16 Awatere Pinot Noir Secret Stone (Marlborough, NZ) FOS Marlborough Vineyards Pinot Noir Sella & Mosca (Sardinia) FWP Cannonau di Sardegna Riserva FWP Raim Isole dei Nuraghi Tanca Farra’ Alghero FWP Terrerare Riserva Carignano sel Sulcis FWP Serego Alighieri (Italy) Possessioni Rosso SSS Vaio Armeron Amerone d Valpolicella Classico SSS Seresin Estate (Marlborough, NZ) PWS Leah Pinot Noir Spy Valley (Marlborough, NZ) DEC Pinot Noir 2008 Stags Leap FOS Napa Valley Cabernet Sauvignon FOS Napa Valley Ne Cede Mails FOS Napa Valley Petite Syrah FOS Napa Valley Viognier Stoneleigh (NZ) PRA Stoneleigh Marlborough Pinot Noir PRA Stoneleigh Rapaura Pinot Noir Te Kairanga (Nelson, NZ) JTW Esate Pinot Noir JTW Rundholder Pinot Noir Te Mania (Nelson, NZ) JTW Pinot Noir Reserve Pinot Noir JTW Te Mata Estate (Hawkes Bay, NZ) Awatea Cabernet Merlot 2008 R+W Bullnose Syrah 2009 R+W R+W Coleraine Cabernet Merlot 2008 R+W Woodthorpe Gamay Noir 2009/10 R+W Woodthorpe Merlot Cabernet 2007/08 R+W Woodthorpe Syrah 2008/09 The Edge (Martinborough, NZ) R+W Pinot Noir 2009 Thelema (South Africa) SSS Cabernet Sauvignon The Ned (Marlborough, NZ) FWP Pinot Noir OFF ON PREMISE INCL. GST W/SALE INCL. premise Glass 150ml Bottle WET SIZE - NO. PER EXCL. GST BOTTLE/ HIGH LOW LOW HIGH CASK ML CTN. MARGIN MARGIN MARGIN MARGIN 750 750 750 750 750 750 750 750 750 750 750 750 750 750 750 750 750 750 750 750 750 750 750 750 750 750 750 750 750 750 750 750 750 750 750 750 750 750 750 750 750 750 750 750 750 750 750 750 750 750 750 750 750 750 750 750 750 750 750 750 750 750 750 750 750 750 750 750 750 750 750 750 750 750 750 750 750 750 750 P.O.A. P.O.A. P.O.A. P.O.A. P.O.A. P.O.A. P.O.A. P.O.A. P.O.A. P.O.A. P.O.A. P.O.A. P.O.A. P.O.A. P.O.A. P.O.A. P.O.A. P.O.A. P.O.A. P.O.A. 12 219.30 27.82 45.71 50.07 10.26 11.37 6 135.45 34.36 56.46 61.85 12.67 14.05 12 426.99 54.16 89.00 97.49 19.97 22.14 12 403.77 51.21 84.16 92.18 18.89 20.93 12 162.54 20.62 33.88 37.11 7.60 8.43 6 159.96 40.58 66.68 73.04 14.97 16.59 6 167.70 42.54 69.91 76.58 15.69 17.39 12 296.70 37.63 61.84 67.74 13.88 15.38 6 157.38 39.92 65.60 71.86 14.72 16.32 12 335.40 42.54 69.91 76.58 15.69 17.39 12 232.20 29.45 48.40 53.01 10.86 12.04 12 232.20 29.45 48.40 53.01 10.86 12.04 12 193.50 24.54 40.33 44.18 9.05 10.03 12 180.60 22.91 37.64 41.23 8.45 9.36 12 335.40 42.54 69.91 76.58 15.69 17.39 12 180.60 22.91 37.64 41.23 8.45 9.36 12 154.80 19.63 32.26 35.34 7.24 8.03 6 258.00 65.45 107.55 117.81 24.14 26.75 6 129.00 32.72 53.77 58.90 12.07 13.38 6 1548.00 392.69 645.29 706.85 144.83 160.52 12 503.10 63.81 104.86 114.86 23.54 26.08 12 193.50 24.54 40.33 44.18 9.05 10.03 6 116.10 29.45 48.40 53.01 10.86 12.04 6 252.84 64.14 105.40 115.45 23.66 26.22 6 368.94 93.59 153.79 168.47 34.52 38.26 6 206.40 52.36 86.04 94.25 19.31 21.40 12 206.40 26.18 43.02 47.12 9.66 10.70 12 541.80 68.72 112.93 123.70 25.35 28.09 12 174.15 22.09 36.30 39.76 8.15 9.03 12 258.00 32.72 53.77 58.90 12.07 13.38 12 258.00 32.72 53.77 58.90 12.07 13.38 12 82.56 10.47 17.21 18.85 3.86 4.28 6 109.65 27.82 45.71 50.07 10.26 11.37 6 107.07 27.16 44.63 48.89 10.02 11.10 6 162.54 41.23 67.76 74.22 15.21 16.85 6 123.84 31.42 51.62 56.55 11.59 12.84 6 104.88 26.61 43.72 47.89 9.81 10.88 6 425.70 107.99 177.46 194.38 39.83 44.14 12 348.30 44.18 72.60 79.52 16.29 18.06 12 219.30 27.82 45.71 50.07 10.26 11.37 12 457.85 58.07 95.43 104.53 21.42 23.74 6 528.90 134.17 220.48 241.51 49.48 54.84 6 384.42 97.52 160.25 175.53 35.97 39.86 6 229.62 58.25 95.72 104.85 21.48 23.81 6 92.34 23.42 38.49 42.16 8.64 9.58 6 113.75 28.86 47.42 51.94 10.64 11.80 6 90.30 22.91 37.64 41.23 8.45 9.36 6 122.55 31.09 51.09 55.96 11.47 12.71 12 180.60 22.91 37.64 41.23 8.45 9.36 12 303.15 38.45 63.18 69.21 14.18 15.72 12 341.85 43.36 71.25 78.05 15.99 17.72 12 399.90 50.72 83.35 91.30 18.71 20.73 12 683.70 86.72 142.50 156.10 31.98 35.45 12 180.60 22.91 37.64 41.23 8.45 9.36 12 193.50 24.54 40.33 44.18 9.05 10.03 12 193.50 24.54 40.33 44.18 9.05 10.03 12 212.85 27.00 44.36 48.60 9.96 11.04 12 361.20 45.81 75.28 82.47 16.90 18.73 12 98.69 12.52 20.57 22.53 4.62 5.12 LICENSEES’ LIQUOR GUIDE MARCH 2011 WINE - RED - INTERNATIONAL MERCH. CODE OFF ON PREMISE INCL. GST W/SALE INCL. premise Glass 150ml Bottle WET SIZE - NO. PER EXCL. GST BOTTLE/ HIGH LOW LOW HIGH CASK ML CTN. MARGIN MARGIN MARGIN MARGIN Torres (Spain) NEG 750 Atrium Merlot 2006 NEG 750 Coronas 2006 Gran Coronas 2004 NEG 750 NEG 750 Sangre de Toro 2007 Totara (Marlborough, NZ) MEZ 750 Pinot Noir 2008 Trinity Hill (Hawke’s Bay, NZ) Gimblett Gravels Pinot Noir FWP 750 FWP 750 Gimblett Gravels Syrah FWP 750 Homage Syrah FWP 750 Merlot Cabernet Syrah Two Tracks (NZ) Pinot Noir FWP 750 URLAR FWP 750 Pinot Noir Villa Maria (NZ) FWP 750 Merlot - Private Bin Pinot Noir - Cellar Selection FWP 750 FWP 750 Pinot Noir - Private Bin Pinot Noir - Single Vineyard Rutherford FWP 750 FWP 750 Syrah - Private Bin Vinum (Stellenbosch, South Africa) Cabernet Sauvignon SSS 750 Winery of Good Hope (Stellenbosch, South Africa) Pinotage SSS 750 Wither Hills (Marlborough, NZ) Pinot Noir FWP 750 Yealands Marlborough, NZ 2009 Yealands Estate Pinot Noir CHA 750 CHA 750 2009 Yealands Way Pinot Noir 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 6 12 6 6 6 6 6 12 12 6 12 12 161.25 129.00 199.95 135.45 141.90 313.47 313.47 580.50 107.93 79.98 283.80 85.79 168.99 113.52 267.68 113.52 165.12 116.10 116.10 206.40 165.12 20.45 16.36 25.36 17.18 18.00 39.76 39.76 73.63 13.69 20.29 36.00 21.76 42.87 28.80 67.90 28.80 20.94 14.73 29.45 26.18 20.94 33.61 36.82 26.89 29.45 41.68 45.65 28.23 30.92 29.58 32.40 65.34 71.57 65.34 71.57 120.99 132.53 22.50 24.64 33.34 36.52 59.15 64.79 35.76 39.17 70.44 77.16 47.32 51.84 111.58 122.23 47.32 51.84 34.42 37.70 24.20 26.51 48.40 53.01 43.02 47.12 34.42 37.70 7.54 6.03 9.35 6.34 6.64 14.66 14.66 27.16 5.05 7.48 13.28 8.03 15.81 10.62 25.04 10.62 7.72 5.43 10.86 9.66 7.72 8.36 6.69 10.37 7.02 7.36 16.25 16.25 30.10 5.60 8.29 14.71 8.90 17.52 11.77 27.76 11.77 8.56 6.02 12.04 10.70 8.56 WINE - ROSÉ - AUSTRALIAN Alta (Adelaide Hills, SA) MEZ 750 12 154.80 19.63 32.26 35.34 7.24 Rosé 2010 8.03 Andrew Peace (Swan Hill, VIC) Rosé PWS 750 12 90.30 11.45 18.82 20.62 4.22 4.68 Anvers Wines Adelaide Hills Rosé FFW 750 12 113.52 14.40 23.66 25.92 5.31 5.89 Annie’s Lane Clare Valley (SA) Rosé FOS 750 6 82.56 20.94 34.42 37.70 7.72 8.56 Banrock Station CWA 750 White Shiraz 6 39.99 10.14 16.67 18.26 3.74 4.15 CWA 2000 White Shiraz 8 94.17 17.21 3.39 3.91 Barossa Valley Estate - ON PREMISE ONLY Rosé CWA 750 12 114.81 23.93 26.21 5.37 5.95 Battle of Bosworth (McLaren Vale, SA) CHA 750 12 129.00 16.36 26.89 29.45 6.03 Rosé 2008- ORGANIC 6.69 Berri Estate CWA 5000 Rosé (Casks) 4 53.41 19.52 1.54 1.77 Berrri Estate (5 Litre Casks TWINS) CWA 5000 2 26.70 19.52 1.54 1.77 Rosé (Casks) Bird in the Hand (Woodside, Adelaide Hills, SA) JTW 750 12 116.10 14.73 24.20 26.51 5.43 Ceravalo Sangiovese Rosé 6.02 Bremerton (Langhorne Creek, SA) JTW 750 12 116.10 14.73 24.20 26.51 5.43 Racy Rosé 6.02 Bridgewater Mill (Adelaide Hills, SA) Rosé FWP 750 6 90.95 23.07 37.91 41.53 8.51 9.43 Brookland Valley Verse 1 Rosé CWA 750 12 164.48 20.86 34.28 37.55 7.69 8.53 Brown Brothers Milawa Vineyard (Vic) BBM 750 Crouchen Riesling Rosé 2010 6 58.18 14.76 24.25 26.57 5.44 6.03 BBM 750 6 Moscato Rosa 2010 66.30 16.82 27.64 30.27 6.20 6.88 Capel Vale (WA) FWP 750 6 70.95 18.00 29.58 32.40 6.64 7.36 Debut Shiraz Rosé Chalk Hill (McLaren Vale, SA) Rosé OPT 750 12 154.80 19.63 32.26 35.34 7.24 8.03 Chapel Hill (McLaren Vale, SA) OPT 750 12 136.74 17.34 28.50 31.22 6.40 7.09 Il Vesocovo Rosé Claymore (Clare Valley, SA) CMW 750 12 154.80 19.63 32.26 35.34 7.24 8.03 Whole Lotta Love Rosé 2010 Condo Wines Condo Wines Rosé FCW 750 12 119.20 15.12 24.84 27.21 5.58 6.18 Coolabah Coolabah Rosé (Cask) PRA 4000 4 38.59 14.10 1.39 1.60 Coriole (McLaren Vale, SA) FWP 750 12 174.80 22.17 36.43 39.91 8.18 9.06 Nebbiolo Rosé Crabtree (Watervale) EMP 750 12 141.90 18.00 29.58 32.40 6.64 Bay of Biscay Rosé 2010 7.36 Croser FWP 750 6 172.86 43.85 72.06 78.93 16.17 17.92 Sparkling Rosé Dalwhinnie (Pyrenees, VIC) R+W 750 12 161.25 20.45 33.61 36.82 7.54 8.36 The Hut Rosé De Bortoli Wines FCW 750 12 Sacred Hill Rosé 56.50 7.17 11.78 12.90 2.64 2.93 FCW 750 6 63.78 16.18 26.59 29.12 5.97 6.61 Windy Peak Cabernet Rosé Yarra Valley Pinot Noir Rosé FCW 750 6 92.88 23.56 38.72 42.41 8.69 9.63 Deakin Estate (Murray Darling, VIC) R+W 750 6 41.91 10.63 17.47 19.14 3.92 4.35 Rosé 2009 Devil’s Lair FOS 750 6 70.95 18.00 29.58 32.40 6.64 7.36 Fifth Leg Rosé Dominique Portet (Yarra Valley, VIC) DEC 750 12 180.60 22.91 37.64 41.23 8.45 9.36 Fontaine’ Rosé 2009 Eldredge Wines (Clare Valley, SA) EMP 750 12 154.80 19.63 32.26 35.34 7.24 Rosé 2010 8.03 First Drop Wines (South Australia) CHA 750 6 80.63 20.45 33.61 36.82 7.54 8.36 Lush Trincadeira Rosé 2009 Geoff Merrill (McLaren Vale, SA) OPT 750 12 148.35 18.82 30.92 33.87 6.94 Bush Vine Grenache Rosé 7.69 Hardys R&R Rosé CWA 750 6 34.19 8.67 14.25 15.61 3.20 3.55 Hardys The Chronicles - ON PREMISE ONLY CWA 750 6 64.50 26.89 29.45 6.03 6.69 Twice Lost Rosé Hart Of The Barossa FFW 750 6 Barossa Shiraz Rosé 66.00 16.74 27.51 30.14 6.18 6.84 Howling Wolves (Margaret River, WA) OPT 750 12 132.87 16.85 27.69 30.34 6.22 6.89 White Shiraz Hugo Wines Cabernet Rosé FCW 750 12 125.08 15.87 26.07 28.56 5.85 6.49 WINE - ROSÉ - AUSTRALIAN 31 WINE - ROSÉ - AUSTRALIAN MERCH. CODE OFF ON PREMISE INCL. GST W/SALE INCL. premise Glass 150ml Bottle WET SIZE - NO. PER EXCL. GST BOTTLE/ HIGH LOW LOW HIGH CASK ML CTN. MARGIN MARGIN MARGIN MARGIN Innocent Bystander (Yarra Valley, VIC) Pinot Rosé FWP 750 6 83.85 21.27 34.95 38.29 7.85 8.69 K1 Wines by Geoff Hardy (Adelaide Hills, SA) CHA 750 Silver Label Cabernet Rosé 2009 6 70.95 18.00 29.58 32.40 6.64 7.36 Kilikanoon Wines (Clare Valley, SA) Second Fiddle Rosé 2009 DEC 750 12 161.28 20.46 33.62 36.82 7.54 8.36 Langmeil Wines (SA) NEG 750 Bella Rouge Cabernet Sauvignon Rosé 12 141.90 18.00 29.58 32.40 6.64 7.36 Lindemans Bin Range FOS 750 6 Bin 35 Rosé 39.99 10.14 16.67 18.26 3.74 4.15 Lindemans Early Harvest Rosé FOS 750 6 56.76 14.40 23.66 25.92 5.31 5.89 Longview Vineyard (Adelaide Hills, SA) CHA 750 Boat Shed Nebbiolo Rosé 2010 12 154.80 19.63 32.26 35.34 7.24 8.03 Maxwell (McLaren Vale, SA) Where’s Molly Rosé GSW 750 12 129.00 16.36 26.89 29.45 6.03 6.69 McGuigan Wines (Hunter Valley, NSW) Black Label Vin Rosé AUV 750 6 42.57 10.80 17.75 19.44 3.98 4.41 Discover Rosé AUV 750 6 60.63 15.38 25.27 27.68 5.67 6.29 McWilliam’s Inheritance Range Fruitwood Pink MCW 750 6 29.67 7.53 12.37 13.55 2.78 3.08 McWilliam’s Lillydale Range MCW 750 12 161.25 20.45 33.61 36.82 7.54 Rosé 8.36 Mitolo (McLaren Vale, SA) Jester Rosé 2009 MHA 750 12 188.34 23.89 39.26 43.00 8.81 9.76 Monkey Bay - ON PREMISE ONLY Rosé CWA 750 6 61.92 25.81 28.27 5.79 6.42 Nine Below LOW GI Rosé AUV 750 6 60.63 15.38 25.27 27.68 5.67 6.29 Nine Vines Rosé ANG 750 12 109.65 13.91 22.85 25.03 5.13 5.69 Orlando (SA) PRA 187 24 45.85 2.91 4.78 5.23 Jacob’s Creek Shiraz Rosé Jacob’s Creek Shiraz Rosé PRA 750 12 81.75 10.37 17.04 18.66 3.82 4.24 Moscato Rosé PRA 750 6 53.86 13.66 22.45 24.59 5.04 5.59 Paracombe Creek FCW 750 12 142.88 18.12 29.78 32.62 6.68 7.41 Sangiovese Rosé Penley Estate (Coonawarra, SA) Over The Moon Rosé GSW 750 6 64.50 16.36 26.89 29.45 6.03 6.69 Pepperjack (Barossa, SA) Grenache Rosé FOS 750 6 105.78 26.83 44.10 48.30 9.90 10.97 Peter Lehmann (SA) Rosé SSS 750 6 52.97 13.44 22.08 24.19 4.96 5.49 Pike & Joyce (Adelaide Hills, SA) FWP 750 12 190.28 24.13 39.66 43.44 8.90 Pinot Noir Rosé 9.87 Pitchfork Wines by Hayshed Hill (Margaret River, WA) EMP 750 6 Pink 2010 65.79 16.69 27.42 30.04 6.16 6.82 Pizzini (King Valley) DEC 750 12 141.90 18.00 29.58 32.40 6.64 Rosetta 2010 7.36 Richard Hamilton (Coonawarra/McLaren Vale, SA) OPT 750 12 122.55 15.54 25.54 27.98 5.73 Gida’s Rosé 6.35 Rogers & Rufus (Barossa Valley, SA) SSS 750 6 Grenache Rosé 74.82 18.98 31.19 34.16 7.00 7.76 Sandalford (WA) FWP 750 6 77.40 19.63 32.26 35.34 7.24 8.03 Margaret River Rosé Scarpantoni Estates Ceres Rosé Gamay FCW 750 12 129.10 16.37 26.91 29.47 6.04 6.69 S.C. Pannell (Adelaide Hills/McLaren Vale, SA) Grenache Rosé Arido 2009 DEC 750 12 199.95 25.36 41.68 45.65 9.35 10.37 Serafino FCW 750 12 119.04 15.10 24.81 27.18 5.57 Goose Island Rosé 6.17 Shelmerdine (Yarra Valley/ Heathcote VIC) MEZ 750 6 YV Rosé 2008/09 87.07 22.09 36.30 39.76 8.15 9.03 Shottesbrooke (McLaren Vale, SA) PWS 750 12 116.10 14.73 24.20 26.51 5.43 Merlette Rosé 6.02 Skillogalee PWS 750 12 148.35 18.82 30.92 33.87 6.94 Rosé Cabernet Malbec 7.69 St Hallett (Barossa, SA) Rosé FWP 750 6 65.79 16.69 27.42 30.04 6.16 6.82 Swings & Roundabouts (Margaret River, WA) MEZ 750 6 Kiss Chasey Rosé 2009 54.82 13.91 22.85 25.03 5.13 5.68 Teusner (Barossa Valley, SA) Salsa Rosé GSW 750 12 154.80 19.63 32.26 35.34 7.24 8.03 Tin Shed Wines Rosé NEG 750 12 153.51 19.47 32.00 35.05 7.18 7.96 Tomich Hill FCW 750 12 239.63 30.39 49.95 54.71 11.21 12.42 Block E Vin Gris Rosé Totino Estate Sangiovese Rosé FCW 750 12 157.28 19.95 32.78 35.91 7.36 8.15 Trentham Estate (Trentham Cliffs, NSW) La Famiglia Sangiovese Rosé 2010 EMP 750 12 108.36 13.74 22.59 24.74 5.07 5.62 Turkey Flat (Barossa Valley, SA) Rosé ANG 750 6 83.85 21.27 34.95 38.29 7.85 8.69 Tyrrell’s Wines (Hunter Valley) Old Winery Rosé OPT 750 6 59.34 15.05 24.74 27.10 5.55 6.15 West Cape Howe (Denmark, WA) Rosé 2010 EMP 750 12 135.45 17.18 28.23 30.92 6.34 7.02 Wirra Wirra Wines (SA) Mrs Wigley Rosé NEG 750 12 144.48 18.33 30.11 32.99 6.76 7.49 Wolf Blass Eaglehawk Rosé FOS 750 6 42.57 10.80 17.75 19.44 3.98 4.41 Woodstock (McLaren Vale, SA) Grenache Rosé GSW 750 12 138.03 17.51 28.77 31.51 6.46 7.16 Wyndham Estate PRA 750 6 Bin 505 Shiraz Rosé 57.14 14.50 23.82 26.09 5.35 5.93 Yalumba Y Sangiovese Rosé SSS 750 12 126.42 16.04 26.35 28.86 5.91 6.55 Yering Station (Yarra Valley, VIC) ED Pinot Noir Rosé PWS 750 6 83.85 21.27 34.95 38.29 7.85 8.69 WINE - ROSÉ - INTERNATIONAL Ferrari (Italy) Rosé NV Gibbston Valley (NZ) Blanc de Pinot Noir Grandin (Loire, France) Grandin Brut Rosé Henkell (Germany) Rosé La Vieille Ferme (France) Cotes du Ventoux Rosé FCW ANG FWP MCW SSS 750 750 750 750 750 6 6 12 6 12 32 WINE - ROSÉ - AUSTRALIAN 298.30 108.36 154.80 74.82 129.00 75.67 27.49 19.63 18.98 16.36 124.35 136.21 45.17 49.48 32.26 35.34 31.19 34.16 26.89 29.45 27.91 10.14 7.24 7.00 6.03 30.93 11.24 8.03 7.76 6.69 WINE - ROSÉ - INTERNATIONAL MERCH. CODE OFF ON PREMISE INCL. GST W/SALE INCL. premise Glass 150ml Bottle WET SIZE - NO. PER EXCL. GST BOTTLE/ HIGH LOW LOW HIGH CASK ML CTN. MARGIN MARGIN MARGIN MARGIN Mateus (Portugal) Rosé MCW 750 6 52.57 13.34 21.91 24.00 4.92 5.45 MCW 750 Rosé Kanga Pack - 750 + 187 ml 6 52.57 13.34 21.91 24.00 4.92 5.45 Paul Jaboulet Aine (Rhone, France) FWP 750 Cotes du Rhone Parallele 45 Rosé 12 161.25 20.45 33.61 36.82 7.54 8.36 Torres (Spain) NEG 750 12 129.00 16.36 26.89 29.45 6.03 Rosé De Casta 2009 6.69 WINE - SAKE - AUSTRALIAN Go-Shu Blue (Junmai-Ginjo) Blue (Junmai-Ginjo) Daiginjo Dry Sake Juku Nama Junmai Junmai WINE - SAKE - INTERNATIONAL Kikusakari Junmai Taruzake Vintage Gekkakow Kiuchi Ume Shu - Plum Wine DTA DTA DTA DTA DTA DTA DTA 300 720 740 18000 740 360 740 12 12 6 1 6 12 12 91.56 11.61 19.08 180.00 22.83 37.52 129.60 32.88 54.02 100.00 146.20 129.60 32.88 54.02 67.08 8.51 13.98 125.64 15.94 26.19 20.90 41.10 59.18 59.18 10.71 8.77 12.29 3.20 12.29 11.87 9.72 13.62 3.69 13.62 15.32 28.68 6.54 5.96 7.25 6.60 PIM PIM PIM 720 720 500 12 6 12 247.68 31.42 51.62 56.55 562.44 142.68 234.46 256.82 251.55 31.91 52.43 57.43 12.07 54.82 17.65 13.38 60.75 19.56 WINE - SPARKLING - AUSTRALIAN All Saints (Rutherglen, VIC) MEZ 750 6 Moscato 2009 69.85 17.72 29.12 31.89 6.54 7.24 St Leonards Muscadello 2009 MEZ 750 12 116.10 14.73 24.20 26.51 5.43 6.02 Andrew Peace (Swan Hill, VIC) NV Sparkling PWS 750 12 90.30 11.45 18.82 20.62 4.22 4.68 Angas Brut SSS 750 6 Premium Cuvée 40.20 10.20 16.76 18.36 3.76 4.17 SSS 750 6 Premium Moscato 40.20 10.20 16.76 18.36 3.76 4.17 Premium Rosé SSS 750 6 40.20 10.20 16.76 18.36 3.76 4.17 Angoves ANG 750 6 Stone’s Gold 41.93 10.64 17.48 19.15 3.92 4.35 Zibibbo ANG 750 6 45.15 11.45 18.82 20.62 4.22 4.68 Annie’s Lane (Clare Valley, SA) FOS 750 6 Sparkling Shiraz NV 113.52 28.80 47.32 51.84 10.62 11.77 Arras CWA Arras Grand Vintage 750 6 270.90 68.72 112.93 123.70 25.35 28.09 Balance McWilliam’s Balance NV Brut Cuvee MCW 750 Sparkling - lower alcohol/calories 6 69.02 17.51 28.77 31.52 6.46 7.16 Balnaves (Coonawarra, SA) 750 Sparkling Cabernet Sauvignon 2009 Release EMP 6 116.10 29.45 48.40 53.01 10.86 12.04 Banrock Station CWA 750 Sparkling Pinot Chardonnay 6 39.99 10.14 16.67 18.26 3.74 4.15 CWA 750 Sparkling White Shiraz 6 39.99 10.14 16.67 18.26 3.74 4.15 Banrock Station Premium CWA 750 Premium Sparkling Shiraz 6 54.18 13.74 22.59 24.74 5.07 5.62 Barossa Valley Estate CWA 750 6 248.33 63.00 103.52 113.39 23.23 25.75 E & E Sparkling Shiraz Barwang Café Series MCW 750 6 Pinot Noir Chardonnay 51.60 13.09 21.51 23.56 4.83 5.35 Bay of Fires CWA 750 Tasmanian Cuvée Sparkling 6 122.55 31.09 51.09 55.96 11.47 12.71 CWA 750 6 122.55 31.09 51.09 55.96 11.47 12.71 Tasmanian Cuvée Sparkling Rosé Bennetts Lane (Blend of Areas, SA) R+W 750 NV Brut 12 98.04 12.44 20.43 22.38 4.59 5.08 Black Label AUV 750 6 42.57 10.80 17.75 19.44 3.98 4.41 Sparkling Chardonnay AUV 750 6 Sparkling Shiraz 42.57 10.80 17.75 19.44 3.98 4.41 Blackbilly (McLaren Vale, SA) OPT 750 12 141.90 18.00 29.58 32.40 6.64 7.36 Sparkling Pinot Noir Chardonnay OPT 750 12 141.90 18.00 29.58 32.40 6.64 Sparkling Shiraz 7.36 Bleasdale (Langhorne Creek, SA) NEG 750 6 Cuvée Shiraz 90.30 22.91 37.64 41.23 8.45 9.36 Blue Pyrenees (Pyrenees, VIC) R+W 750 6 Midnight Cuvée 2003/04 125.78 31.91 52.43 57.43 11.77 13.04 R+W 750 6 90.30 22.91 37.64 41.23 8.45 9.36 NV Luna Chardonnay Pinot Noir R+W 750 6 112.88 28.64 47.05 51.54 10.56 11.71 Vintage Brut 2007 Bridgewater Mill (SA) FWP 750 6 97.40 24.71 40.60 44.47 9.11 10.10 Sparkling Pinot Noir Chardonnay Brown Brothers Milawa Vineyard (VIC) BBM 750 6 66.30 16.82 27.64 30.27 6.20 6.88 Cienna Rosso BBM 750 6 92.97 23.58 38.76 42.45 8.70 9.64 Pinot Noir & Chardonnay NV BBM 750 Patricia Pinot Chardonnay Brut 2005 6 177.50 45.03 73.99 81.05 16.61 18.41 BBM 750 6 Prosecco NV 71.75 18.20 29.91 32.76 6.71 7.44 BBM 750 6 66.30 16.82 27.64 30.27 6.20 6.88 Zibibbo NV BBM 750 6 66.30 16.82 27.64 30.27 6.20 6.88 Zibibbo Rosa NV Catching Thieves MCW 750 6 Sparkling Sauvignon Blanc 69.66 17.67 29.04 31.81 6.52 7.22 Ceravalo (Adelaide Hills, SA) 750 Ceravolo NV Cuvee Chardonnay/Pinot Noir JTW 12 161.25 20.45 33.61 36.82 7.54 8.36 JTW 750 12 178.02 22.58 37.10 40.64 8.33 9.23 Sparkling Shiraz Chalk Hill (McLaren Vale, SA) Moscato OPT 500 12 135.45 17.18 28.23 30.92 9.50 10.53 Chalk Hill Blue Bubbles ANG 750 12 51.60 6.54 10.75 11.78 2.41 2.68 Chandon (Yarra Valley, VIC) Brut NV MHA 750 6 123.84 31.42 51.62 56.55 11.59 12.84 MHA 750 6 Cuvée Riche NV 162.54 41.23 67.76 74.22 15.21 16.85 MHA 750 6 123.84 31.42 51.62 56.55 11.59 12.84 Sparkling Pinot Shiraz NV MHA 750 Vintage Blanc de Blancs 2005 6 162.54 41.23 67.76 74.22 15.21 16.85 MHA 750 6 162.54 41.23 67.76 74.22 15.21 16.85 Vintage Brut 2006 MHA 750 6 162.54 41.23 67.76 74.22 15.21 16.85 Vintage Brut Rosé 2005 Clover Hill (Piper’s River, TAS) Sparkling Wine FWP 750 6 185.76 47.12 77.44 84.82 17.38 19.26 Cockatoo Ridge (Reynella, SA) FWP 750 6 48.38 12.27 20.17 22.09 4.53 5.02 Brut NV FWP 750 6 Low Calorie Brut NV 48.38 12.27 20.17 22.09 4.53 5.02 FWP 750 6 Sparkling Black 48.38 12.27 20.17 22.09 4.53 5.02 SEE PAGE 50 FOR MERCHANT CODE INDEX WINE - SPARKLING - AUSTRALIAN OFF ON PREMISE INCL. GST W/SALE INCL. premise Glass 150ml Bottle WET MERCH. SIZE - NO. PER EXCL. GST BOTTLE/ HIGH LOW LOW HIGH CASK CODE ML CTN. MARGIN MARGIN MARGIN MARGIN Coldstream Hills Varietals (Yarra Valley VIC) Pinot Noir Chardonnay (Sparkling) FOS 750 Cool Woods (SA) NV Sparkling MEZ 750 Croser (Adelaide Hills, SA) Croser Proprietors Reserve FWP 750 Croser Sparkling Vintage FWP 750 Sparkling Non Vintage FWP 750 Sparkling Rosé FWP 750 d’Arenberg Wines (McLaren Vale, SA) The Peppermint Paddock Sparkling Red EMP 750 De Bortoli Wines Emeri Pink Moscato FCW 200 Emeri Pink Moscato FCW 750 Emeri Sauvignon Blanc FCW 200 Emeri Sauvignon Blanc FCW 750 Emeri Sparkling Pinot Grigio FCW 750 Emeri Sparkling Shiraz FCW 750 Jean Pierre Brut FCW 750 FCW 750 Jean Pierre Classic Jean Pierre Rosé FCW 750 Rococo Yarra Valley Blanc de Blanc FCW 750 Rococo Yarra Valley Rosé Sparkling FCW 750 Sacred Hill Sparkling Brut Cuvée FCW 750 FCW 750 Trevi Spumante Passion Willowglen Brut FCW 750 Windy Peak Pinot Chardonnay FCW 750 Deakin Estate (Murray Darling, VIC) Brut NV R+W 200 R+W 750 Brut NV Deviation Road (Adelaide Hills, SA) Pinot Chardonnay NV DEC 750 Devil’s Corner (TAS) Sparkling Cuvée FWP 750 Dominique Portet (Yarra Valley, VIC) Sparkling Rosé NV DEC 750 Elderton Elderton Estate NV Sparkling Shiraz FCW 750 Evans & Tate Classic Margaret River MCW 750 Margaret River Classic Pink Moscato Zamphire MCW 750 Four Sisters (Ararat, VIC) PWS 750 Pinot Chardonnay Brut PWS 750 Sparkling Pink Moscato PWS 750 Sparkling Sauvignon Blanc Fox Creek Wines (McLaren Vale, SA) DEC 750 Vixen Sparkling Burgundy NV Golden Gate (Riverina, NSW) AUV 750 Crackling Moselle AUV 750 Crackling Peach AUV Passion Pop Mixed Berry 750 AUV 750 Passion Pop Original AUV 750 Passion Pop Pink AUV 750 Pink Spumante Spumante AUV 750 Grant Burge (Barossa Valley, SA) OPT 750 Blanc de Noirs Moscato OPT 750 OPT 750 Moscato Rosa OPT 750 Pinot Chardonnay OPT 200 Pinot Chardonnay Piccolo OPT 750 Sparkling Shiraz Cabernet Hardy’s Nottage Hill (SA) CWA Sparkling Pinot Noir Chardonnay 750 Hardy’s Oomoo (Clare Valley, SA) CWA Clare Valley Sparkling Shiraz 750 Hardy’s Persuit - ON PREMISE ONLY CWA Sparkling Pinot Noir Chardonnay NV 750 Hardy’s R&R CWA 750 Classic Cuvée CWA Sparkling Classic Cuvée Pink 750 Hardy’s The Riddle - ON PREMISE ONLY CWA 750 Sparkling Brut NV Henry’s Drive (Padthaway, SA) Postmistress’ Blanc de Blanc DEC 750 DEC 750 Scarlet Letter Sparkling Shiraz Heritage Road - ON PREMISE ONLY AUV 750 Heritage Road Sparkling Hesketh (Various) Perfect Stranger Kremstal Gruner Veltliner 2009 EMP 750 Hollick (Coonawarra, SA) R+W 750 Sparkling Merlot 2008 Houghton Wisdom CWA 750 Vintage Chardonnay Pinot Howling Wolves (Margaret River, WA) Moscato OPT 750 OPT 750 Sparkling White Shiraz Hugh Hamilton (McLaren Vale, SA) JTW 750 The Madam Sparkling Merlot NV Hungerford Hill (Hunter Valley, NSW) GSW 750 Brut Cuvée Jacob’s Creek (SA) PRA 750 Jacob’s Creek Blanc de Blanc Jacob’s Creek Chardonnay Pinot Noir PRA 200 Jacob’s Creek Chardonnay Pinot Noir PRA 750 Jacob’s Creek Chardonnay Pinot Noir (3 Bottle Pack) PRA 200 PRA 200 Jacob’s Creek Moscato Rosé Jacob’s Creek Moscato Rosé PRA 750 PRA 200 Jacob’s Creek Moscato Rosé Pack PRA 200 Jacob’s Creek Moscato White PRA 750 Jacob’s Creek Moscato White PRA 200 Jacob’s Creek Moscato White Pack 750 Jacob’s Creek Reserve Chardonnay Pinot Noir PRA PRA 200 Jacob’s Creek Sparkling Rosé PRA 750 Jacob’s Creek Sparkling Rosé 200 Jacob’s Creek Sparkling Rosé (3 Bottle Pack) PRA Jansz (TAS) SSS 750 Late Disgorged Premium Cuvée SSS 750 Non Vintage SSS 750 Non Vintage Rosé SSS 750 Vintage Cuvée 6 12 6 6 6 6 6 24 6 24 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 24 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 12 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 24 6 6 6 12 6 6 12 12 12 12 6 6 6 12 12 12 12 6 24 6 125.13 103.20 221.88 172.86 114.81 172.86 116.10 87.93 54.64 87.93 54.64 54.64 54.64 30.42 30.42 30.42 95.82 95.82 28.25 23.07 53.87 63.78 73.53 41.93 116.10 80.63 106.44 287.77 80.63 81.92 61.28 61.28 61.28 180.60 24.03 24.03 24.03 24.03 24.03 24.03 24.03 134.16 67.08 67.08 127.07 148.35 127.07 44.51 92.24 103.20 34.19 34.19 55.47 141.90 141.90 58.05 69.66 116.10 123.84 135.45 161.25 157.38 138.03 51.46 66.34 51.46 31.74 13.09 56.29 43.85 29.12 43.85 29.45 5.58 13.86 5.58 13.86 13.86 13.86 7.72 7.72 7.72 24.31 24.31 7.17 5.85 13.67 16.18 4.66 10.64 29.45 20.45 27.00 73.00 20.45 20.78 15.55 15.55 15.55 22.91 6.10 6.10 6.10 6.10 6.10 6.10 6.10 34.03 17.02 17.02 32.23 9.41 32.23 11.29 23.40 8.67 8.67 18.00 18.00 17.67 29.45 31.42 17.18 20.45 19.96 17.51 13.05 4.21 13.05 24 24 6 24 24 6 24 6 24 6 24 6 6 6 6 66.34 66.34 51.46 66.34 66.34 51.46 66.34 73.33 66.34 51.46 64.41 188.16 112.89 112.89 174.51 4.21 4.21 13.05 4.21 4.21 13.05 4.21 18.60 4.21 13.05 4.08 47.73 28.64 28.64 44.27 LICENSEES’ LIQUOR GUIDE MARCH 2011 52.16 57.14 21.51 23.56 92.49 101.32 72.06 78.93 47.86 52.42 72.06 78.93 48.40 53.01 9.16 10.04 22.78 24.95 9.16 10.04 22.78 24.95 22.78 24.95 22.78 24.95 12.68 13.89 12.68 13.89 12.68 13.89 39.94 43.75 39.94 43.75 11.78 12.90 9.62 10.53 22.46 24.60 26.59 29.12 7.66 8.39 17.48 19.15 48.40 53.01 33.61 36.82 44.37 48.60 119.96 131.40 33.61 36.82 34.15 37.41 25.54 27.98 25.54 27.98 25.54 27.98 37.64 41.23 10.02 10.97 10.02 10.97 10.02 10.97 10.02 10.97 10.02 10.97 10.02 10.97 10.02 10.97 55.93 61.26 27.96 30.63 27.96 30.63 52.97 58.02 15.46 16.93 52.97 58.02 18.55 20.32 38.45 42.12 21.51 23.56 14.25 15.61 14.25 15.61 11.56 12.66 29.58 32.40 29.58 32.40 12.10 13.25 29.04 31.81 48.40 53.01 51.62 56.55 28.23 30.92 33.61 36.82 32.80 35.93 28.77 31.51 21.45 23.50 6.91 7.57 21.45 23.50 6.91 6.91 21.45 6.91 6.91 21.45 6.91 30.57 6.91 21.45 6.71 78.44 47.06 47.06 72.75 7.57 7.57 23.50 7.57 7.57 23.50 7.57 33.48 7.57 23.50 7.35 85.92 51.55 51.55 79.68 11.71 4.83 20.76 16.17 10.74 16.17 10.86 5.11 5.11 5.11 5.11 2.85 2.85 2.85 8.97 8.97 2.64 2.16 5.04 5.97 3.92 10.86 7.54 9.96 26.92 7.54 7.66 5.73 5.73 5.73 8.45 2.25 2.25 2.25 2.25 2.25 2.25 2.25 12.55 6.28 6.28 11.89 11.89 4.16 8.63 4.83 3.20 3.20 2.59 6.64 6.64 2.72 6.52 10.86 11.59 6.34 7.54 7.36 6.46 4.81 4.81 12.98 5.35 23.01 17.92 11.91 17.92 12.04 5.67 5.67 5.67 5.67 3.15 3.15 3.15 9.94 9.94 2.93 2.39 5.59 6.61 4.35 12.04 8.36 11.04 29.84 8.36 8.49 6.35 6.35 6.35 9.36 2.49 2.49 2.49 2.49 2.49 2.49 2.49 13.91 6.96 6.96 13.18 13.18 4.62 9.56 5.35 3.55 3.55 2.88 7.36 7.36 3.01 7.22 12.04 12.84 7.02 8.36 8.16 7.16 5.34 5.34 4.81 4.81 6.86 4.81 17.60 10.56 10.56 16.33 5.34 5.34 7.60 5.34 19.51 11.71 11.71 18.10 WINE - SPARKLING - AUSTRALIAN OFF ON PREMISE INCL. GST W/SALE INCL. premise Glass 150ml Bottle WET MERCH. SIZE - NO. PER EXCL. GST BOTTLE/ HIGH LOW LOW HIGH CASK CODE ML CTN. MARGIN MARGIN MARGIN MARGIN Jeanneret Wines (Clare Valley, SA) DTA 750 Sparking Grenache 2006 12 165.00 Jip Jip Rocks (Padthaway, SA) OPT 750 12 141.90 Sparkling Cuvée Sparkling Shiraz OPT 750 12 141.90 Johnston (Adelaide Hills, SA) Christina Pinot Noir Chardonnay PWS 750 6 99.98 PWS 750 6 Sparkling Shiraz Merlot 83.85 Katnook Estate (Coonawarra, SA) FWP 750 Chardonnay Brut 6 116.10 Katnook Founders Block (Coonawarra, SA) FWP 750 Chardonnay Pinot Brut 6 87.08 FWP 750 6 Sparkling Shiraz 87.08 Kay Brothers (McLaren Vale, SA) Moscato PWS 750 12 167.70 Kilikanoon Wines (Clare Valley, SA) DEC 750 6 116.10 Sparkling Vouvray 2006 Killawarra Berry FOS 750 6 47.73 FOS 750 6 Brut 47.73 Dusk Strawberry (4 cluster pack) FOS 200 24 69.66 FOS 200 24 Klassic Brut 69.66 FOS 200 24 Lush Berry (4 cluster pack) 69.66 Passionfruit FOS 750 6 47.73 Peach FOS 750 6 47.73 Strawberry FOS 750 6 47.73 FOS 200 24 69.66 Velvet Peach (4 cluster pack) K1 Wines by Geoff Hardy(Adelaide Hills, SA) CHA 750 Hand Crafted Sparkling Red NV 12 167.70 CHA 750 Hand Crafted Sparkling Salmon NV 12 167.70 Knappstein Wines (Clare Valley, SA) FWP 750 6 Sparkling Shiraz 90.95 Kreglinger Estate (Pipers Brook, TAS) R+W 750 6 Vintage Brut 2004/05 180.60 R+W 750 6 225.75 Vintage Brut de Blancs 2003 Leasingham Classic (Clare, SA) CWA 750 Sparkling Shiraz 6 222.53 Leconfield (Coonawarra/McLaren Vale, SA) Synergy Syn Cuvée Blanc OPT 750 12 135.45 OPT 750 12 135.45 Synergy Syn Rouge Lindemans Bin Range FOS 750 6 Bin 25 Brut Cuvée 39.99 Lindemans Early Harvest FOS 200 Rosé Sparkles (4 cluster pack) 24 69.66 FOS 200 24 Sparkles (4 cluster pack) 69.66 Sparkling FOS 750 6 56.76 FOS 750 6 Sparkling Rosé 56.76 Lindemans Regional FOS 750 6 Sparkling Shiraz 159.96 Lindemans Reserve Label 750 6 56.76 Pinot Noir Chardonnay Pinot Meunier Sparkling FOS Lindemans Sweet Seasons FOS 750 6 Zibibbo NV 56.76 Lumina FOS 750 6 70.95 Marlborough Sauvignon Blanc Sparkles Madfish (WA) Moscato NEG 750 6 88.37 Maxwell (McLaren Vale, SA) GSW 750 12 141.90 Sparkling Rosé McGuigan Wines (Hunter Valley, NSW) - ON PREMISE ONLY AUV 750 Heritage Road Cabernet Sauvignon 12 58.05 AUV 750 12 Lakes Reserve Brut 70.43 McWilliam’s Hanwood Range MCW 750 6 Pinot Noir Chardonnay NV 49.99 McWilliam’s Inheritance Range MCW 750 12 Brut Reserve NV 59.34 McWilliam’s Select Series - ON PREMISE ONLY MCW 750 12 59.34 Brut Reserve Mitchell (Clare Valley, SA) Sparkling Peppertree Shiraz R+W 750 6 126.42 Mojo (Adelaide Hills, SA) Mojo Fizz NV R+W 750 6 77.40 Morgan’s Bay - ON PREMISE ONLY Sparkling Cuvée FOS 750 6 30.32 Morris 74.01 PRA 750 6 Sparkling Shiraz Durif Nepenthe (Lenswood, SA) Tryst Sparkling NV CHA 750 6 65.79 Ninth Island (Tamar Valley, TAS) R+W 750 6 NV Sparkling 105.78 O’Leary Walker Wines (Clare Valley, SA) The Hurtle Walker Pinot Noir Chardonnay NEG 750 6 113.52 Omni CWA 200 Omni Blue 24 67.08 CWA 750 Omni Blue 6 49.92 CWA 750 6 49.92 Omni Cranberry (Seasonal Flavour) Omni Light CWA 750 6 49.92 CWA 750 6 49.92 Omni Light Pink Omni NV CWA 200 24 67.08 Omni NV CWA 750 6 49.92 CWA 200 Omni Pink 24 67.08 CWA 750 Omni Pink 6 49.92 Orlando (SA) PRA 750 6 Carrington Blush 27.98 PRA 750 Carrington Brut Reserve 6 27.98 PRA 200 24 44.92 Carrington Vintage Brut PRA 750 Carrington Vintage Brut 6 27.98 PRA 750 6 61.22 Trilogy Cuvée Brut PRA 750 6 Trilogy Sparkling Rosé 61.22 Padthaway Estate (Padthaway, SA) GSW 750 12 232.20 Eliza Blanc de Blanc ‘08 Eliza Cuvée Pinot Noir Chardonnay GSW 750 12 212.85 GSW 750 12 212.85 Eliza Sparkling Rosé GSW 750 12 232.20 Eliza Sparkling Shiraz GSW 750 Eliza Late Tirage Pinot Noir Chardonnay 12 270.90 GSW 750 12 123.84 Izzie NV Cuvée Pinot Noir Chardonnay Pauletts (Polish Hill River, Clare Valley, SA) Trillians Sparkling Red 2006 EMP 750 12 139.32 Trillians Sparkling Red 2006 - Piccolos EMP 200 24 87.72 Trillians Sparkling Riesling 2008 EMP 750 12 139.32 Trillians Sparkling Riesling 2008 - Piccolos EMP 200 24 87.72 20.93 18.00 18.00 25.36 21.27 29.45 22.09 22.09 21.27 29.45 12.11 12.11 4.42 4.42 4.42 12.11 12.11 12.11 4.42 21.27 21.27 23.07 45.81 57.27 56.45 17.18 17.18 10.14 4.42 4.42 14.40 14.40 40.58 14.40 14.40 18.00 22.42 18.00 12.68 7.53 32.07 19.63 18.77 16.69 26.83 28.80 4.25 12.66 12.66 12.66 12.66 4.25 12.66 4.25 12.66 7.10 7.10 2.85 7.10 15.53 15.53 29.45 27.00 27.00 29.45 34.36 15.71 17.67 5.56 17.67 5.56 34.39 37.67 29.58 32.40 29.58 32.40 41.68 45.65 34.95 38.29 48.40 53.01 36.30 39.76 36.30 39.76 34.95 38.29 48.40 53.01 19.90 21.79 19.90 21.79 7.26 7.95 7.26 7.95 7.26 7.95 19.90 21.79 19.90 21.79 19.90 21.79 7.26 7.95 34.95 38.29 34.95 38.29 37.91 41.53 75.28 82.47 94.11 103.08 92.76 101.61 28.23 30.92 28.23 30.92 16.67 18.26 7.26 7.95 7.26 7.95 23.66 25.92 23.66 25.92 66.68 73.04 23.66 25.92 23.66 25.92 29.58 32.40 36.84 40.35 29.58 32.40 12.10 13.25 14.68 16.08 20.84 22.83 12.37 13.55 12.37 13.55 52.70 57.73 32.26 35.34 12.64 13.84 30.85 33.79 27.42 30.04 44.10 48.30 47.32 51.84 6.99 7.66 20.81 22.79 20.81 22.79 20.81 22.79 20.81 22.79 6.99 7.66 20.81 22.79 6.99 7.66 20.81 22.79 11.66 12.78 11.66 12.78 4.68 5.13 11.66 12.78 25.52 27.95 25.52 27.95 48.40 53.01 44.36 48.60 44.36 48.60 48.40 53.01 56.46 61.85 25.81 28.27 29.04 31.81 9.14 10.01 29.04 31.81 9.14 10.01 7.72 6.64 6.64 9.35 7.85 10.86 8.15 8.15 7.85 10.86 4.47 4.47 4.47 4.47 4.47 7.85 7.85 8.51 16.90 21.12 20.82 6.34 6.34 3.74 5.31 5.31 14.97 5.31 5.31 6.64 8.27 6.64 2.72 3.29 4.68 2.78 2.78 11.83 7.24 2.84 6.92 6.16 9.90 10.62 4.67 4.67 4.67 4.67 4.67 4.67 2.62 2.62 2.62 5.73 5.73 10.86 9.96 9.96 10.86 12.67 5.79 6.52 6.52 8.55 7.36 7.36 10.37 8.69 12.04 9.03 9.03 8.69 12.04 4.95 4.95 4.95 4.95 4.95 8.69 8.69 9.43 18.73 23.41 23.08 7.02 7.02 4.15 5.89 5.89 16.59 5.89 5.89 7.36 9.16 7.36 3.01 3.65 5.18 3.08 3.08 13.11 8.03 3.14 7.67 6.82 10.97 11.77 5.18 5.18 5.18 5.18 5.18 5.18 2.90 2.90 2.90 6.35 6.35 12.04 11.04 11.04 12.04 14.05 6.42 7.22 7.22 WINE - SPARKLING - AUSTRALIAN 33 WINE - SPARKLING - AUSTRALIAN OFF ON PREMISE INCL. GST W/SALE INCL. premise Glass 150ml Bottle WET MERCH. SIZE - NO. PER EXCL. GST BOTTLE/ HIGH LOW LOW HIGH CASK CODE ML CTN. MARGIN MARGIN MARGIN MARGIN Penley Estate (Coonawarra, SA) Sparkling Pinot Noir Red GSW 750 6 Pirie Estate (TAS) NEG 750 6 Sparkling NV Pizzini (King Valley) II Soffio NV DEC 750 6 Preece (Vic) FWP 750 6 Lighter in Alcohol Sparkling Moscato FWP 750 6 FWP 750 Sparkling Pinot Noir Chardonnay 6 Primo Estate (Virginia, WA) NEG 750 6 Joseph Sparkling Red Redbank NEG 750 6 Emily Moscato Emily Pinot Noir Chardonnay Brut Cuvée NV NEG 750 12 Renmano Riverbreeze Sparkling Cuvée CWA 750 12 Richmond Grove (SA) Chardonnay Pinot PRA 750 6 Rosemount ‘O’ O FOS 750 6 FOS 200 24 O Piccolos (4 cluster pack) Rumball (SA) FWP 750 6 Sparkling Merlot Sparkling Shiraz NV FWP 750 6 Vintage Sparkling Shiraz FWP 750 6 Rymill (Coonawarra, SA) NEG 750 The Bees Knees Sparkling Red 6 Scarpantoni Estates Black Tempest Sparkling Burgundy FCW 750 12 Fleurieu Sparkling FCW 750 12 Seaview Non Vintage Range Sparkling FOS 200 24 Brut Brut FOS 750 6 Brut (4x6 Pack) FOS 200 24 Brut de Brut FOS 750 6 FOS 750 6 Grande Cuvée FOS 750 6 Sparkling Shiraz Seppelt Premium Sparkling Wine FOS 750 Fleur De Lys Pinot Noir Chardonnay 6 FOS 750 6 Salinger Sparkling 750 Fleur De Lys Vintage Pinot Noir Chardonnay FOS 6 Seppelt Regional Range (VIC) FOS 750 12 Original Sparkling Shiraz FOS 750 Silverband Grampians Sparkling Shiraz 6 Seppelt Stony Peak FOS 750 12 Brut Serafino FCW 750 Goose Island Sparkling Brut Cuvée NV 12 FCW 750 Goose Island Sparkling Shiraz 12 Shingleback (McLaren Vale, SA) ANG 750 6 Shingleback Black Bubbles Sir James Sparkling Wines CWA Brut de Brut 750 6 CWA 200 24 Cuvée Brut CWA Cuvée Brut 750 6 CWA 750 6 Sir James Vintage Tumbaruma CWA 750 6 Skillogalee (Clare Valley, SA) PWS 750 12 Sparkling Riesling NV Stanley Lambert (Barossa Valley, SA) Block 8 Sparkling - Chardonnay Viognier 2009 SLW 750 12 Starvedog Lane CWA Chardonnay Pinot Noir Pinot Meunier 750 6 Stefano Lubiana (Granton, TAS) DEC 750 NV Sparkling Brut 6 Vintage Brut 2003 DEC 750 6 Step Rd (Langhorne Creek/Adelaide Hills, SA) Beacon Hill Sparkling Brut Cuvée OPT 750 12 OPT 750 Beresford Chardonnay Pinot Noir 12 OPT 750 12 Step Rd Sparkling Stonier (Mornington Peninsula, VIC) Sparkling Chardonnay Pinot Noir FWP 750 6 Swings & Roundabouts (Margaret River, WA) MEZ 750 6 Sparkling Pink Taltarni (Pyrenees, VIC) Brut FWP 750 6 Brut Tache FWP 750 6 T Series Brut FWP 750 6 Temple Bruer (Langhorne Creek, SA) Sparkling Pure White ANG 750 12 Tempus Two 750 Tempus Two Pewter Sparkling Chardonnay AUV 6 Teusner (Barossa Valley, SA) GSW 750 12 MC Sparkling Shiraz The Lane Vineyard (Adelaide Hills, SA) Lois’ Blanc de Blancs GSW 750 12 The Rothbury Estate Series (NSW) - ON PREMISE ONLY FOS 750 12 Sparkling Cuvée Thorn-Clarke (Barossa & Eden Valley, SA) MEZ 750 6 Sparkling Pinot Chardonnay Tomich Hill FCW 750 12 Sparkling Pinot Chardonnay Trentham Estate (Trentham Cliffs, NSW) Mount Macedon Pinot Chardonnay Sparkling NV EMP 750 6 EMP 750 Murphy’s Lore Brut Reserve 6 Tulloch (NSW) ANG 750 Cuvée Brut 6 Turkey Flat (Barossa Valley, SA) Sparkling Shiraz ANG 750 6 Two Hands (Barossa Valley, SA) 500 12 Brilliant Disguise Barossa Valley Moscato 2010 R+W Tyrrell’s Wines (Hunter Valley, NSW) Ashmans Sparkling Brut OPT 750 6 OPT 750 6 Old Winery Sparkling OPT 750 6 Pinot Noir Chardonnay Vasse Felix (WA) Silver Knight Extra Brut SSS 750 6 Wicks Estate (Adelaide Hills, SA) ANG 750 6 Sparkling Chardonnay Pinot Noir 64.50 129.00 77.40 65.15 65.15 65.15 277.35 72.24 107.72 54.18 51.82 70.95 77.40 92.88 92.88 187.70 96.75 297.68 106.81 58.05 39.99 58.05 39.99 39.99 39.99 61.28 117.39 94.17 196.08 144.48 60.63 119.04 119.04 90.30 67.73 82.56 67.73 109.65 180.60 106.43 165.12 115.46 135.45 212.85 83.85 154.80 174.15 121.26 67.08 107.07 107.07 67.73 119.97 116.10 374.10 161.25 107.72 73.53 175.08 104.49 52.25 61.92 174.15 141.90 59.34 59.34 99.97 133.58 103.20 34 WINE - SPARKLING - AUSTRALIAN 16.36 32.72 19.63 16.53 16.53 16.53 70.36 18.33 13.66 6.87 13.15 18.00 4.91 23.56 23.56 47.62 24.54 37.76 13.55 3.68 10.14 3.68 10.14 10.14 10.14 15.55 29.78 23.89 24.87 36.65 7.69 15.10 15.10 22.91 17.18 5.24 17.18 27.82 45.81 13.50 20.94 29.29 34.36 54.00 10.64 19.63 22.09 30.76 17.02 27.16 27.16 17.18 15.22 29.45 47.45 20.45 18.65 22.21 26.51 13.25 15.71 44.18 18.00 15.05 15.05 25.36 33.89 26.18 26.89 29.45 53.77 58.90 32.26 35.34 27.16 29.75 27.16 29.75 27.16 29.75 115.62 126.64 30.11 32.99 22.45 24.59 11.29 12.37 21.60 23.66 29.58 32.40 8.07 8.84 38.72 42.41 38.72 42.41 78.24 85.71 40.33 44.18 62.04 67.96 22.26 24.39 6.05 6.63 16.67 18.26 6.05 6.63 16.67 18.26 16.67 18.26 16.67 18.26 25.54 27.98 48.93 53.60 39.26 43.00 40.87 44.77 60.23 65.97 12.64 13.84 24.81 27.18 24.81 27.18 37.64 41.23 28.23 30.93 8.60 9.42 28.23 30.93 45.71 50.07 75.28 82.47 22.18 24.30 34.42 37.70 48.13 52.72 56.46 61.85 88.73 97.19 17.48 19.14 32.26 35.34 36.30 39.76 50.55 55.37 27.96 30.63 44.63 48.89 44.63 48.89 28.23 30.93 25.01 27.39 48.40 53.01 77.97 85.41 33.61 36.82 22.45 24.59 30.65 33.58 36.49 39.97 43.56 47.71 21.78 23.86 25.81 28.27 72.60 79.52 29.58 32.40 24.74 27.10 24.74 27.10 41.67 45.65 55.68 61.00 43.02 47.12 6.03 12.07 7.24 6.10 6.10 6.10 25.95 6.76 5.04 2.53 4.85 6.64 8.69 8.69 17.56 9.05 13.93 5.00 3.74 3.74 3.74 3.74 5.73 10.98 8.81 9.17 13.52 2.84 5.57 5.57 8.45 6.34 6.34 10.26 16.90 4.98 7.72 10.80 12.67 19.91 3.92 7.24 8.15 11.35 6.28 10.02 10.02 6.34 5.61 10.86 17.50 7.54 5.04 6.88 8.19 9.78 4.89 5.79 16.29 9.96 5.55 5.55 9.35 12.50 9.66 6.69 13.38 8.03 6.76 6.76 6.76 28.76 7.49 5.59 2.81 5.37 7.36 9.63 9.63 19.46 10.03 15.43 5.54 4.15 4.15 4.15 4.15 6.35 12.17 9.76 10.17 14.98 3.14 6.17 6.17 9.36 7.02 7.02 11.37 18.73 5.52 8.56 11.97 14.05 22.07 4.35 8.03 9.03 12.57 6.96 11.10 11.10 7.02 6.22 12.04 19.40 8.36 5.59 7.62 9.08 10.84 5.42 6.42 18.06 11.04 6.15 6.15 10.37 13.85 10.70 WINE - SPARKLING - AUSTRALIAN OFF ON PREMISE INCL. GST W/SALE INCL. premise Glass 150ml Bottle WET MERCH. SIZE - NO. PER EXCL. GST BOTTLE/ HIGH LOW LOW HIGH CASK CODE ML CTN. MARGIN MARGIN MARGIN MARGIN Wirra Wirra Wines (SA) Mrs Wigley Moscato NEG 750 Wolf Blass Bilyara (SA) - ON PREMISE ONLY Sparkling Brut FOS 750 Wolf Blass Eaglehawk (SA) FOS 750 Sparkling Cuvée Brut Wolf Blass Gold Label (SA) Adelaide Hills Vintage Pinot Noir Chardonnay FOS 750 Wolf Blass Red Label (SA) Sparkling Chardonnay Pinot Noir FOS 750 Wyndham Estate 1828 Vintage Brut PRA 750 Bin 555 Sparkling Shiraz PRA 750 Yalumba (SA) Hightides Dunes Pinot Noir Chardonnay SSS 750 Yarra Burn Sparkling Premium Cuvée CWA 200 Sparkling Premium Cuvée CWA 750 Sparkling Premium Cuvée Rosé 200 CWA Sparkling Premium Cuvée Rosé CWA 750 Vintage Blanc de Blancs CWA 750 Vintage Pinot Noir Chardonnay Pinot MeunierCWA 750 Vintage Pinot Noir Chardonnay Rosé CWA 750 Yellowglen Pink Jewel FOS 750 FOS 200 Pink Jewel Piccolos (4 cluster pack) Pink Sparkling FOS 750 Pink Sparkling Piccolos FOS 200 Pink Sparkling Piccolos (4 cluster pack) FOS 200 Red Sparkling FOS 750 Vintage Bella FOS 750 Vintage Bella Bianco FOS 750 Vintage Cremant FOS 750 Vintage Leila FOS 750 Vintage Perle FOS 750 Vintage Perle Crown Seal - ON PREMISE ONLYFOS 750 Vintage Perle Rosé FOS 750 Vintage Pinot Noir Chardonnay FOS 750 White FOS 750 Yellow Jewel FOS 750 FOS 200 Yellow Jewel Piccolos (4 cluster pack) FOS 750 Yellow Sparkling FOS 750 Yellow Sparkling PET Bottles FOS 200 Yellow Sparkling Piccolos 200 Yellow Sparkling Piccolos (4 cluster pack) FOS Yellow Tail Bubbles CAS 750 CAS 750 Bubbles Rosé Zilzie (Murray Darling, VIC) OPT 750 btw Sparkling Selection 23 Moscato OPT 750 OPT 750 Selection 23 Sparkling WINE - SPARKLING - INTERNATIONAL Bosca (Italy) FCW Asti Spumante FCW Verdi Rosso Spumante FCW Verdi Spumante Raspberry ‘Sparkletini’ Verdi Spumante Raspberry ‘Sparkletini’ FCW Verdi Spumante White FCW Verdi Spumante White FCW Bottega (Italy) FCW Petalo Wine Of Love Moscato Prosecco Vino Dei Poeti FCW FCW Prosecco Vino Dei Poeti Reserve Gold Carpene Malvolti (Italy) Prosecco FCW FCW Rosé Cuvée Castello di Gabbiano (Tuscany, Italy) FOS DOCG Asti Cloudy Bay (Marlborough, NZ) Pelorus 2004 MHA Pelorus NV MHA Deutz (Marlborough, NZ) PRA Deutz Marlborough Blanc de Blanc PRA Deutz Marlborough Cuvée Deutz Marlborough Cuvée PRA PRA Deutz Marlborough Cuvée 3Btl Pack Ferrari (Italy) FCW Brut NV FCW Giulio Riserva NV Freixenet (Spain) BAC Cordon Negro BAC Cordon Negro Piccolo BAC Martini Asti BAC Rosé BAC Rosé Grandin (Loire, France) FWP Grandin Classique Brut NV FWP Grandin Classique Brut NV FWP Grandin Cremant de Loire AOC Henkell (Germany) MCW NV Trocken Piccolo MCW Jed Wines (Uco Valley, Argentina) Blanc De Blanc Sparkling NV GSW Katlenburger (Germany) EMP Sparkling Tropical Fruit Punch EMP Sparkling Strawberry Lindauer (NZ) FWP Brut Fraise FWP FWP Sparkling Sauvignon Blanc FWP Special Reserve Brut Louis Bouillot (Burgundy, France) NEG NV Perle de Vigne Grand Reserve NV Perle d’Aurore Rosé de Presse NEG NEG NV Perle d’Ivoire Blanc de Blanc NEG Perle Bourgogne Mousseux Rouge 750 750 187 750 187 750 750 750 750 750 750 750 750 750 750 200 750 200 750 750 750 200 750 200 750 200 750 750 750 200 750 750 750 750 750 750 750 750 750 750 750 6 12 6 6 6 6 6 6 24 6 24 6 6 6 6 6 24 6 24 24 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 24 6 12 24 24 6 6 12 12 12 72.24 83.21 42.57 98.04 56.76 35.13 58.20 61.40 96.75 77.40 96.75 77.40 180.60 114.17 114.17 61.28 69.66 61.28 69.66 69.66 61.28 83.85 83.85 83.85 83.85 117.39 101.91 117.39 83.85 61.28 61.28 69.66 61.28 122.55 69.66 69.66 41.28 41.28 83.20 83.20 83.20 18.33 10.80 24.87 14.40 8.91 14.76 15.58 6.14 19.63 6.14 19.63 45.81 28.96 28.96 15.55 4.42 15.55 4.42 4.42 15.55 21.27 21.27 21.27 21.27 29.78 29.78 21.27 15.55 15.55 4.42 15.55 15.54 4.42 4.42 10.47 10.47 10.55 10.55 10.55 30.11 17.34 17.75 40.87 23.66 14.64 24.26 25.59 10.08 32.26 10.08 32.26 75.28 47.59 47.59 25.54 7.26 25.54 7.26 7.26 25.54 34.95 34.95 34.95 34.95 48.93 42.48 48.93 34.95 25.54 25.54 7.26 25.54 25.54 7.26 7.26 17.21 17.21 17.34 17.34 17.34 32.99 19.00 19.44 44.77 25.92 16.04 26.58 28.04 11.04 35.34 11.04 35.34 82.47 52.13 52.13 27.98 7.95 27.98 7.95 7.95 27.98 38.29 38.29 38.29 38.29 53.60 46.53 53.60 38.29 27.98 27.98 7.95 27.98 27.98 7.95 7.95 18.85 18.85 19.00 19.00 19.00 6.76 3.89 3.98 9.17 5.31 3.29 5.45 5.74 7.24 7.24 16.90 10.68 10.68 5.73 5.73 6.11 5.73 7.85 7.85 7.85 7.85 10.98 9.53 10.98 7.85 5.73 5.73 5.73 5.73 3.86 3.86 3.89 3.89 3.89 7.49 4.31 4.41 10.17 5.89 3.64 6.04 6.37 8.03 8.03 18.73 11.84 11.84 6.35 6.35 6.77 6.35 8.69 8.69 8.69 8.69 12.17 10.57 12.17 8.69 6.35 6.35 6.35 6.35 4.28 4.28 4.31 4.31 4.31 6.69 12 129.10 16.37 26.91 29.47 6.04 6 42.88 10.88 17.87 19.58 4.01 4.45 24 72.24 4.58 7.53 8.25 6 42.88 10.88 17.87 19.58 4.01 4.45 24 72.24 4.58 7.53 8.25 6 42.88 10.88 17.87 19.58 4.01 4.45 12 232.20 29.45 48.40 53.01 10.86 12.04 12 232.20 29.45 48.40 53.01 10.86 12.04 6 201.24 51.05 83.89 91.89 18.83 20.87 12 265.64 33.69 55.37 60.65 12.43 13.77 12 201.24 25.53 41.94 45.95 9.41 10.43 6 45.15 11.45 18.82 20.62 4.22 4.68 6 199.95 50.72 83.35 91.30 18.71 20.73 6 148.35 37.63 61.84 67.74 13.88 15.38 6 137.15 34.79 57.17 62.63 12.83 14.22 24 82.40 5.23 8.59 9.41 6 101.47 25.74 42.30 46.33 9.49 10.52 24 82.40 5.23 8.59 9.41 6 264.79 67.17 110.38 120.91 24.77 27.46 6 1096.14 278.07 456.93 500.52 102.56 113.66 12 157.43 19.97 32.81 35.94 7.36 8.16 24 77.18 4.89 8.04 8.81 12 138.54 17.57 28.88 31.63 6.48 7.18 24 77.18 4.89 8.04 8.81 12 157.43 19.97 32.81 35.94 7.36 8.16 24 100.62 6.38 10.49 11.49 6 77.40 19.63 32.26 35.34 7.24 8.03 6 100.62 25.53 41.94 45.95 9.41 10.43 6 74.82 18.98 31.19 34.16 7.00 7.76 24 78.69 4.99 8.20 8.98 12 179.31 22.74 37.37 40.94 8.39 9.30 6 44.51 11.29 18.55 20.32 4.16 4.62 6 44.51 11.29 18.55 20.32 4.16 4.62 6 64.50 16.36 26.89 29.45 6.03 6.69 6 64.50 16.36 26.89 29.45 6.03 6.69 6 64.50 16.36 26.89 29.45 6.03 6.69 6 81.27 20.62 33.88 37.11 7.60 8.43 12 206.40 26.18 43.02 47.12 9.66 10.70 6 109.65 27.82 45.71 50.07 10.26 11.37 6 109.65 27.82 45.71 50.07 10.26 11.37 12 232.20 29.45 48.40 53.01 10.86 12.04 SEE PAGE 50 FOR MERCHANT CODE INDEX WINE - SPARKLING - INTL. OFF ON PREMISE INCL. GST W/SALE INCL. premise Glass 150ml Bottle WET MERCH. SIZE - NO. PER EXCL. GST BOTTLE/ HIGH LOW LOW HIGH CASK CODE ML CTN. MARGIN MARGIN MARGIN MARGIN Matua Valley Regional Series (NZ) Sauvignon Blanc Sparkles Mount Riley (NZ) Savee Sparkling Sauvignon Blanc Nautilus (NZ) Cuvée Marlborough Quartz Reef (Central Otago, NZ) Methode Traditionelle N/V Methode Traditionelle Vintage 2003 Ruggeri (Italy) Prosecco di Valdobbiandene Quartese Brut DOC Secret Stone (Marlborough, NZ) Sauvignon Blanc Sparkles Villa Jolanda (Italy) Prosecco FOS ANG SSS MEZ MEZ FWP FOS ANG 750 750 750 750 750 750 750 750 6 6 6 6 6 12 6 6 82.56 98.04 120.18 141.90 193.50 268.97 82.56 77.40 20.94 24.87 30.49 36.00 49.09 34.12 20.94 19.63 Alkoomi (Frankland River, WA) JTW 750 12 Chardonnay Riesling JTW 750 12 JTW 750 12 Sauvignon Blanc JTW 750 12 Sauvignon Blanc/Semillon JTW 750 6 Wandoo Semillon Alta (SA) Sauvignon Blanc 2009 MEZ 750 12 Andrew Peace (Swan Hill, VIC) Chardonnay PWS 750 12 Pinot Grigio PWS 750 12 Sauvignon Blanc PWS 750 12 Amberley Chimney Brush Chardonnay CWA 750 6 CWA 750 Chenin Blanc 6 Amberley First Selection Semillon CWA 750 6 Amberley Secret Lane Sauvignon Blanc CWA 750 6 CWA 750 Semillon Sauvignon Blanc 6 Angoves Vineyard Selection ANG 750 Adelaide Hills Sauvignon Blanc 6 ANG 750 6 Clare Valley Riesling ANG 750 Limestone Coast Chardonnay 6 Annie’s Lane (Clare Valley, SA) Chardonnay FOS 750 6 FOS 750 6 Moscato Riesling FOS 750 6 FOS 750 6 Semillon Sauvignon Blanc Annie’s Lane Copper Trail (Clare Valley SA) FOS 750 6 Copper Trail Riesling Anvers Wines FFW 750 12 Adelaide Hills Chardonnay FFW 750 Adelaide Hills Sauvignon Blanc 12 FFW 750 12 Adelaide Hills Viognier FFW 750 Brabo Sauv/Blanc Semillion 12 FFW 750 12 Pink Moscato Artist Series Chardonnay ANG 750 12 ANG 750 12 Sauvignon Blanc B3 - Basedow Bros Adelaide Hills Sauvignon Blanc FFW 750 12 Barossa Chardonnay FFW 750 12 FFW 750 12 Barossa Semillon FFW 750 12 Eden Valley Riesling Backlabel Chardonnay 2008 CHA 750 12 CHA 750 12 Viognier 2010 Balnaves (Coonawarra, SA) EMP 750 12 Chardonnay 2007 Bannockburn (Geelong, VIC) Chardonnay GSW 750 12 Riesling GSW 750 12 GSW 750 12 SRH Chardonnay Banrock Station (SA) Chardonnay CWA 750 6 CWA 2000 8 Chardonnay (casks) Moscato CWA 750 6 CWA 750 6 Sauvignon Blanc CWA 2000 8 Sauvignon Blanc (casks) CWA 750 Semillon Chardonnay 6 CWA 2000 Semillon Chardonnay (casks) 8 Banrock Station Mediterranean Range (SA) Savagnin CWA 750 6 CWA 750 6 Pinot Grigio Banrock Station (No preservatives added) Chardonnay CWA 750 6 Baritone One Litre KEW 1000 6 Semillon Sauvignon Blanc Barossa Valley Estate E Minor Chardonnay CWA 750 6 Barossa Valley Estate Entourage - ON PREMISE ONLY Chardonnay CWA 750 12 Semillon CWA 750 12 Barwang MCW 750 6 Granite Track Riesling 750 Limited Release Reserve 842 Chardonnay MCW 6 MCW 750 6 Tumbarumba Pinot Gris MCW 750 6 Tumbarumba Hilltops Chardonnay MCW 750 Tumbarumba Sauvignon Blanc 6 Barwang Café Series - ON PREMISE ONLY MCW 750 12 Crisp Chardonnay MCW 750 12 Pinot Grigio MCW 750 12 Semillon Sauvignon Blanc Battle of Bosworth (McLaren Vale, SA) ORGANIC CHA 750 12 Chardonnay Viognier 2008 ORGANIC CHA 750 12 Sauvignon Blanc 2009 ORGANIC Bay of Fires Chardonnay CWA 750 6 CWA 750 6 Pinot Gris Riesling CWA 750 6 CWA 750 Sauvignon Blanc 6 174.15 158.67 123.84 158.67 122.50 154.80 90.30 90.30 90.30 74.18 74.18 147.06 77.40 77.40 77.40 77.40 77.40 82.56 82.56 82.56 82.56 140.61 183.24 152.28 152.28 91.56 152.28 67.08 67.08 161.28 122.52 122.52 161.28 70.95 70.95 232.20 412.80 206.40 645.00 39.99 94.17 39.99 39.99 94.17 39.99 94.17 61.92 61.92 63.21 54.83 63.86 114.81 114.81 96.75 132.87 81.27 81.27 81.27 103.20 103.20 103.20 129.00 148.35 148.35 122.55 122.55 122.55 22.09 20.13 15.71 20.13 31.08 19.63 11.45 11.45 11.45 18.82 18.82 37.31 19.63 19.63 19.63 19.63 19.63 20.94 20.94 20.94 20.94 35.67 23.24 19.32 19.32 11.61 19.32 8.51 8.51 20.46 15.54 15.54 20.46 9.00 9.00 29.45 52.36 26.18 81.81 10.14 17.21 10.14 10.14 17.21 10.14 17.21 15.71 15.71 16.04 13.91 16.20 24.54 33.71 20.62 20.62 20.62 16.36 18.82 37.63 31.09 31.09 31.09 34.42 40.87 50.10 59.15 80.66 56.06 34.42 32.26 37.70 44.77 54.88 64.79 88.36 61.41 37.70 35.34 7.72 9.17 11.24 13.28 18.10 12.58 7.72 7.24 8.56 10.17 12.46 14.71 20.07 13.95 8.56 8.03 36.30 39.76 33.07 36.23 25.81 28.27 33.07 36.23 51.06 55.94 32.26 35.34 18.82 20.62 18.82 20.62 18.82 20.62 30.92 33.87 30.92 33.87 61.30 67.15 32.26 35.34 32.26 35.34 32.26 35.34 32.26 35.34 32.26 35.34 34.42 37.70 34.42 37.70 34.42 37.70 34.42 37.70 58.61 64.21 38.19 41.84 31.74 34.77 31.74 34.77 19.08 20.90 31.74 34.77 13.98 15.32 13.98 15.32 33.62 36.82 25.54 27.97 25.54 27.97 33.62 36.82 14.79 16.20 14.79 16.20 48.40 53.01 86.04 94.25 43.02 47.12 134.44 147.26 16.67 18.26 16.67 18.26 16.67 18.26 16.67 18.26 25.81 28.27 25.81 28.27 26.35 28.86 22.86 25.04 26.62 29.16 23.93 26.21 23.93 26.21 40.33 44.18 55.39 60.67 33.88 37.11 33.88 37.11 33.88 37.11 21.51 23.56 21.51 23.56 21.51 23.56 26.89 29.45 30.92 33.87 61.84 67.74 51.09 55.96 51.09 55.96 51.09 55.96 8.15 7.42 5.79 7.42 11.46 7.24 4.22 4.22 4.22 6.94 6.94 13.76 7.24 7.24 7.24 7.24 7.24 7.72 7.72 7.72 7.72 13.16 8.57 7.12 7.12 4.28 7.12 3.14 3.14 7.54 5.73 5.73 7.54 3.32 3.32 10.86 19.31 9.66 30.17 3.74 3.39 3.74 3.74 3.39 3.74 3.39 5.79 5.79 5.91 3.85 5.97 5.37 5.37 9.05 12.43 7.60 7.60 7.60 4.83 4.83 4.83 6.03 6.94 13.88 11.47 11.47 11.47 9.03 8.23 6.42 8.23 12.70 8.03 4.68 4.68 4.68 7.69 7.69 15.25 8.03 8.03 8.03 8.03 8.03 8.56 8.56 8.56 8.56 14.58 9.50 7.90 7.90 4.75 7.90 3.48 3.48 8.36 6.35 6.35 8.36 3.68 3.68 12.04 21.40 10.70 33.44 4.15 3.91 4.15 4.15 3.91 4.15 3.91 6.42 6.42 6.55 4.26 6.62 5.95 5.95 10.03 13.78 8.43 8.43 8.43 5.35 5.35 5.35 6.69 7.69 15.38 12.71 12.71 12.71 WINE - WHITE - AUSTRALIAN LICENSEES’ LIQUOR GUIDE MARCH 2011 WINE - WHITE - AUSTRALIAN MERCH. CODE OFF ON PREMISE INCL. GST W/SALE INCL. premise Glass 150ml Bottle WET SIZE - NO. PER EXCL. GST BOTTLE/ HIGH LOW LOW HIGH CASK ML CTN. MARGIN MARGIN MARGIN MARGIN Berri Estates CWA 5000 Classic Dry White (Casks) 4 Crisp Dry White (Chablis) (Casks) CWA 5000 4 Dolce Bianco (White Lambrusco) (Casks) CWA 5000 4 CWA 5000 Fresh Dry White (Casks) 4 Fruity Gordo Moselle (Casks) CWA 5000 4 Lite Fruity Lexia (Casks) CWA 5000 4 Smooth Dry White (White Burgundy) (Casks)CWA 5000 4 Berri Estates (5 Litre Casks TWINS) CWA 5000 Classic Dry White (Casks) 2 Crisp Dry White (Chablis) (Casks) CWA 5000 2 Dolce Bianco (White Lambrusco) (Casks) CWA 5000 2 CWA 5000 Fresh Dry White 2 CWA 5000 Fruity Gordo Moselle (Casks) 2 CWA 5000 2 Lite Fruity Lexia (Casks) Smooth Dry White (White Burgundy) (Casks)CWA 5000 2 Best’s Wines (Great Western Region, VIC) Late Harvest Muscat PWS 750 12 Riesling PWS 750 12 Bethany (Barossa, SA) Chardonnay PWS 750 12 PWS 750 12 Eden Valley Riesling Semillon PWS 750 12 PWS 750 12 Semillon Sauvignon Blanc Steinbruch PWS 750 12 Blackbilly (McLaren Vale, SA) OPT 750 12 Pinot Gris Sauvignon Blanc OPT 750 12 Bleasdale (Langhorne Creek, SA) NEG 750 12 Chardonnay (Screw top) Verdelho (Screw top) NEG 750 12 Blue Pyrenees (Pyrenees, VIC) R+W 750 6 Chardonnay 2009 R+W 750 6 Sauvignon Blanc 2009/10 Bowen Estate (Coonawarra, SA) Chardonnay FWP 750 12 Bremerton Wines (Langhorne Creek, SA) JTW 750 12 Sauvignon Blanc Verdelho JTW 750 12 Bridgewater Mill (SA) FWP 750 6 Adelaide Hills Chardonnay FWP 750 6 Adelaide Hills Pinot Gris FWP 750 Adelaide Hills Sauvignon Blanc 6 Brightlands ANG 750 6 Sauvignon Blanc Semillon Brookland Valley Premiums Chardonnay CWA 750 6 CWA 750 Reserve Chardonnay 6 CWA 750 Sauvignon Blanc 6 Brookland Valley Verse 1 Chardonnay CWA 750 6 CWA 750 Semillon Sauvignon Blanc 6 Brown Brothers Milawa Vineyard (Vic) BBM 750 6 Chardonnay 2010 BBM 750 6 Chenin Blanc 2010 BBM 750 6 Crouchen & Riesling 2010 BBM 750 Crouchen Sauvignon Blanc 2011 6 BBM 10000 1 Dry White (Casks) BBM 20000 1 Dry White (Casks) BBM 10000 1 Fruity White (Casks) BBM 20000 1 Fruity White (Casks) BBM 750 6 Lexia 2010 BBM 750 6 Moscato 2010 BBM 750 6 Pinot Grigio 2010 BBM 750 6 Sauvignon Blanc 2010 Browns of Padthaway (Padthaway, SA) Chardonnay - Melba Family Reserve FWP 750 12 Riesling FWP 750 12 Unwooded Chardonnay FWP 750 12 Verdelho FWP 750 12 Bud Naked Sauvignon Blanc CWA 1500 6 Bullant by Lake Breeze (Langhorne Creek, SA) CHA 750 12 Chardonnay 2008 Semillon Sauvignon Blanc 2008 CHA 750 12 Buller Wines (King Valley, Rutherglen,Swan Hill, VIC) Beverford Moscato GSW 750 12 Butterfly Ridge Chardonnay ANG 750 12 Colombard Chardonnay ANG 750 12 Riesling Traminer ANG 750 12 By Farr (Geelong, VIC) By Farr Chardonnay 2008 DEC 750 6 Farr Rising Chardonnay 2008 DEC 750 6 Caledonia Australis (South Gippsland, VIC) Chardonnay 2008 MEZ 750 12 Reserve Chardonnay 2007 MEZ 750 6 Cape Barren (McLaren Vale, SA) Silly Goose Sauvignon Blanc Semillon 2010 MEZ 750 12 Cape Jaffa Wines (Mt Benson, SA) La Lune Biodynamic Semillon Sauvignon Blanc JTW 750 6 JTW 750 12 Sauvignon Blanc JTW 750 12 Semillon Sauvignon Blanc JTW 750 12 Unwooded Chardonnay Capel Vale (WA) FWP 750 Debut Series Sauvignon Blanc Semillion 6 FWP 750 Debut Series Unwooded Chardonnay 6 FWP 750 Debut Series Verdelho 6 750 Regional Series Margaret River Chardonnay FWP 6 750 Regional Series Pemberton Sauvignon Blanc FWP 6 Regional Series Pemberton Semillion FWP 750 6 Sauvignon Blanc FWP 750 Whispering Hill Mt Barker Riesling 6 Cape Mentelle (Margaret River, WA) MHA 750 6 Chardonnay 2008 MHA 750 12 Georgiana 2009 MHA 750 12 Sauvignon Semillon 2009 Carlei Estate (Yarra Valley, VIC) GSW 750 Green Vineyards Pinot Gris 12 Casa Freschi (Adelaide Hills/Langhorne Creek, SA) MEZ 750 6 Altezza 2007 La Signorina 2009 MEZ 750 6 53.41 19.52 53.41 19.52 53.41 19.52 53.41 19.52 53.41 19.52 53.41 19.52 53.41 19.52 26.70 19.52 26.70 19.52 26.70 19.52 26.70 19.52 26.70 19.52 26.70 19.52 26.70 19.52 122.55 15.54 25.54 27.98 193.50 24.54 40.33 44.18 161.25 20.45 33.61 36.82 141.90 18.00 29.58 32.40 141.90 18.00 29.58 32.40 148.35 18.82 30.92 33.87 122.55 15.54 25.54 27.98 141.90 18.00 29.58 32.40 116.10 14.73 24.20 26.51 122.55 15.54 25.54 27.98 122.55 15.54 25.54 27.98 74.17 18.82 30.92 33.87 74.17 18.82 30.92 33.87 178.67 22.66 37.24 40.79 141.90 18.00 29.58 32.40 141.90 18.00 29.58 32.40 92.88 23.56 38.72 42.41 92.88 23.56 38.72 42.41 92.88 23.56 38.72 42.41 54.83 13.91 22.86 25.04 151.58 38.45 63.19 69.21 245.75 62.34 102.44 112.21 120.62 30.60 50.28 55.08 82.24 20.86 34.28 37.55 82.24 20.86 34.28 37.55 71.75 18.20 29.91 32.76 58.18 14.76 24.25 26.57 58.18 14.76 24.25 26.57 58.18 14.76 24.25 26.57 40.64 59.42 77.40 113.16 40.64 59.42 77.40 113.16 58.18 14.76 24.25 26.57 66.30 16.82 27.64 30.27 71.75 18.20 29.91 32.76 71.75 18.20 29.91 32.76 183.83 23.32 38.32 41.97 138.68 17.59 28.90 31.66 138.68 17.59 28.90 31.66 138.68 17.59 28.90 31.66 87.72 22.25 36.57 40.05 118.68 15.05 24.74 27.10 118.68 15.05 24.74 27.10 116.10 14.73 24.20 26.51 56.76 7.20 11.83 12.96 56.76 7.20 11.83 12.96 56.76 7.20 11.83 12.96 251.55 63.81 104.86 114.86 145.77 36.98 60.77 66.56 245.10 31.09 51.09 55.96 168.95 42.86 70.43 77.15 148.35 18.82 30.92 33.87 93.53 23.73 38.99 42.71 148.35 18.82 30.92 33.87 148.35 18.82 30.92 33.87 148.35 18.82 30.92 33.87 70.95 18.00 29.58 32.40 70.95 18.00 29.58 32.40 70.95 18.00 29.58 32.40 92.24 23.40 38.45 42.12 92.24 23.40 38.45 42.12 1.54 1.54 1.54 1.54 1.54 1.54 1.54 1.54 1.54 1.54 1.54 1.54 1.54 1.54 5.73 9.05 7.54 6.64 6.64 6.94 5.73 6.64 5.43 5.73 5.73 6.94 6.94 8.36 6.64 6.64 8.69 8.69 8.69 5.13 14.18 22.99 11.29 7.69 7.69 6.71 5.44 5.44 5.44 2.34 2.23 2.34 2.23 5.44 6.20 6.71 6.71 8.60 6.49 6.49 6.49 4.10 5.55 5.55 5.43 2.66 2.66 2.66 23.54 13.64 11.47 15.81 6.94 8.75 6.94 6.94 6.94 6.64 6.64 6.64 8.63 8.63 1.77 1.77 1.77 1.77 1.77 1.77 1.77 1.77 1.77 1.77 1.77 1.77 1.77 1.77 6.35 10.03 8.36 7.36 7.36 7.69 6.35 7.36 6.02 6.35 6.35 7.69 7.69 9.26 7.36 7.36 9.63 9.63 9.63 5.69 15.72 25.48 12.51 8.53 8.53 7.44 6.03 6.03 6.03 2.70 2.57 2.70 2.57 6.03 6.88 7.44 7.44 9.53 7.19 7.19 7.19 4.55 6.15 6.15 6.02 2.94 2.94 2.94 26.08 15.12 12.71 17.52 7.69 9.70 7.69 7.69 7.69 7.36 7.36 7.36 9.56 9.56 92.24 103.20 174.15 144.48 208.98 206.40 174.15 109.65 8.63 9.66 16.29 6.76 9.78 9.66 16.29 10.26 9.56 10.70 18.06 7.49 10.84 10.70 18.06 11.37 23.40 26.18 44.18 18.33 26.51 26.18 44.18 27.82 38.45 43.02 72.60 30.11 43.56 43.02 72.60 45.71 42.12 47.12 79.52 32.99 47.71 47.12 79.52 50.07 WINE - WHITE - AUSTRALIAN 35 WINE - WHITE - AUSTRALIAN MERCH. CODE OFF ON PREMISE INCL. GST W/SALE INCL. premise Glass 150ml Bottle WET SIZE - NO. PER EXCL. GST BOTTLE/ HIGH LOW LOW HIGH CASK ML CTN. MARGIN MARGIN MARGIN MARGIN Cascabel (McLaren Vale, SA) Riesling 2009 DEC 750 DEC 750 Roussanne Viognier 2008 Ceravalo (Adelaide Hills & Plains, SA) Pinot Grigio JTW 750 Unwooded Chardonnay JTW 750 Chalk Hill Blue Chardonnay ANG 750 Semillon Chardonnay ANG 750 Chapel Hill (McLaren Vale, SA) Il Vescovo Pinot Grigio OPT 750 OPT 750 Il Vescovo Savagnin OPT 750 Unwooded Chardonnay Verdelho OPT 750 Claymore (Clare Valley, SA) Joshua Tree Riesling 2010 CMW 750 Purple Rain Sauvignon Blanc 2010 CMW 750 Cockatoo Ridge (Barossa, SA) Chardonnay FWP 750 FWP 750 Pinot Grigio Semillion Sauvignon Blanc FWP 750 Coldstream Hills Reserve Range (Yarra Valley VIC) Chardonnay FOS 750 Coldstream Hills Varietals (Yarra Valley VIC) Chardonnay FOS 750 Deer Farm Chardonnay FOS 750 Rising Chardonnay FOS 750 FOS 750 Sauvignon Blanc Condo Wines Condo Estate Chardonnay FCW 750 Coolabah PRA 4000 Crisp Dry White (Casks) PRA 4000 Dolce Bianco White Fresh Dry White PRA 4000 Fruity Lexia (Casks) PRA 4000 Soft Dry White (Casks) PRA 4000 PRA 4000 Soft Fruity White (Casks) PRA 4000 Steinwein (Casks) Cool Woods (Eden Valley, SA) MEZ 750 Pinot Gris 2008/09 MEZ 750 Sauvignon Blanc 2009 Coriole (McLaren Vale, SA) FWP 750 Chenin Blanc Fiano FWP 750 FWP 375 Racked Semillon FWP 750 Semillon Sauvignon Blanc Cowboys & Indians (Clare Valley, SA) DTA 750 The White 2009 Crabtree (Watervale, SA) EMP 750 Arriviste Chardonnay Viognier 2009 EMP 750 Estate Watervale Riesling 2010 EMP 750 Hilltop Riesling 2010 EMP 750 Pomona Riesling 2008 750 Zibibbo 2009 - slightly sweet crisp white EMP Cullen (Margaret River, WA) R+W 750 Kevin John Chardonnay 2008 R+W 750 Margaret River White 2010 Semillon Sauvignon Blanc 2009 R+W 750 Dalrymple (TAS) SSS 750 Sauvignon Blanc Dalwhinnie (Pyrenees, VIC) R+W 750 Chardonnay 2007/08 R+W 750 The Hut Chardonnay Dandelion Vineyards (Fleurieu Peninsula, SA) 750 Wonderland of the Eden Valley Riesling 2010EMP Wishing Clock of the Adelaide Hills Sauvignon Blanc 2010 EMP 750 750 Twilight of the Adelaide Hills Chardonnay 2010 EMP d’Arenberg Wines (McLaren Vale, SA) EMP 750 Dry Dam Riesling 2010 EMP 750 Olive Grove Chardonnay 2008 750 The Broken Fishplate Sauvignon Blanc 2010 EMP The Hermit Crab Viognier Marsanne 2008 EMP 750 The Last Ditch Viognier 2008 EMP 750 The Lucky Lizard Adelaide Hills Chardonnay 2008 EMP 750 EMP 750 The Money Spider Rousanne 2008 The Stump Jump Lightly Wooded Chardonnay 2009 EMP 750 The Stump Jump Riesling 2009 EMP 750 The Stump Jump Sauvignon Blanc 2010 EMP 750 The Stump Jump White 2009 EMP 750 Deakin Estate (Murray Darling, VIC) R+W 750 Chardonnay 2009 R+W 750 Sauvignon Blanc 2009/10 De Bortoli Wines FCW 4000 Colombard Chardonnay (cask) Deen Chardonnay Vat 7 FCW 750 FCW 750 Deen Sauvignon Blanc Vat 2 Deen Vat 6 Verdelho FCW 750 FCW 4000 Gold Seal Moselle (cask) Gulf Station Chardonnay FCW 750 FCW 750 Gulf Station Pinot Grigio Gulf Station Riesling FCW 750 FCW 750 Gulf Station Sauvignon Blanc Lorimer Chardonnay FCW 750 FCW 750 Lorimer Semillion Sauvignon Blanc Montage Chardonnay Semillon FCW 750 FCW 750 Montage Semillon Sauvignon Blanc Moselle (cask) FCW 15000 FCW 2000 Premium Chardonnay (cask) FCW 2000 Premium Pinot Grigio (cask) FCW 2000 Premium Semillion Chardonnay (cask) FCW 2000 Premium Verhelho (cask) FCW 4000 Premium Verhelho (cask) FCW 750 Sacred Hill Chardonnay 750 Sacred Hill Colombard Chardonnay (unwooded) FCW Sacred Hill Riesling FCW 750 FCW 750 Sacred Hill Semillon Chardonnay Sacred Hill Semillon Sauvignon Blanc FCW 750 FCW 750 Sacred Hill Traminer Riesling San Bernadino Fruity Lexia (cask) FCW 4000 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 12 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 12 12 12 6 12 6 12 12 12 12 12 12 6 6 6 6 12 12 12 165.12 175.44 154.80 116.10 51.60 51.60 161.25 161.25 141.90 141.90 154.80 154.80 48.38 48.38 48.38 218.01 113.52 136.74 136.74 113.52 119.20 38.59 38.59 38.59 38.59 38.59 38.59 38.59 103.20 103.20 142.55 97.40 145.13 81.27 72.00 141.90 180.60 154.80 206.40 141.90 296.70 85.78 130.93 101.85 343.14 193.50 180.60 20.94 22.25 19.63 14.73 6.54 6.54 20.45 20.45 18.00 18.00 19.63 19.63 12.27 12.27 12.27 55.30 28.80 34.69 34.69 28.80 15.12 14.10 14.10 14.10 14.10 14.10 14.10 14.10 13.09 13.09 18.08 24.71 18.41 20.62 9.13 18.00 22.91 19.63 26.18 18.00 75.27 21.76 33.21 25.84 43.52 24.54 22.91 12 12 12 12 12 12 6 6 6 180.60 180.60 135.45 135.45 162.54 135.45 81.27 105.78 105.78 22.91 22.91 17.18 17.18 20.62 17.18 20.62 26.83 26.83 37.64 37.64 28.23 28.23 33.88 28.23 33.88 44.10 44.10 12 12 12 12 12 12 4 6 6 6 4 6 6 6 6 12 12 6 6 1 6 6 6 6 4 12 12 12 12 12 12 4 96.75 96.75 96.75 96.75 83.85 83.85 58.41 53.25 53.25 53.25 40.14 87.62 87.62 87.62 87.62 176.78 176.78 39.78 39.78 40.14 52.63 52.63 52.63 52.63 58.41 56.50 56.50 56.50 56.50 56.50 56.50 36.53 12.27 12.27 12.27 12.27 10.64 10.64 21.35 13.51 13.51 13.51 14.67 22.23 22.23 22.23 22.23 22.42 22.42 10.09 10.09 58.68 12.82 12.82 12.82 12.82 21.35 7.17 7.17 7.17 7.17 7.17 7.17 13.35 20.17 20.17 20.17 20.17 17.48 17.48 22.20 22.20 22.20 36.52 36.52 36.52 36.52 36.85 36.85 16.58 16.58 11.78 11.78 11.78 11.78 11.78 11.78 36 WINE - WHITE - AUSTRALIAN 34.42 37.70 36.57 40.05 32.26 35.34 24.20 26.51 10.75 11.78 10.75 11.78 33.61 36.82 33.61 36.82 29.58 32.40 29.58 32.40 32.26 35.34 32.26 35.34 20.17 22.09 20.17 22.09 20.17 22.09 90.88 99.55 47.32 51.84 57.00 62.44 57.00 62.44 47.32 51.84 24.84 27.21 21.51 23.56 21.51 23.56 29.71 32.55 40.60 44.47 30.25 33.13 33.88 37.11 15.01 16.44 29.58 32.40 37.64 41.23 32.26 35.34 43.02 47.12 29.58 32.40 123.68 135.48 35.76 39.17 54.58 59.79 42.46 46.51 71.52 78.34 40.33 44.18 37.64 41.23 7.72 8.21 7.24 5.43 2.41 2.41 7.54 7.54 6.64 6.64 7.24 7.24 4.53 4.53 4.53 20.40 10.62 12.79 12.79 10.62 5.58 1.39 1.39 1.39 1.39 1.39 1.39 1.39 4.83 4.83 6.67 9.11 13.58 7.60 3.37 6.64 8.45 7.24 9.66 6.64 27.76 8.03 12.25 9.53 16.05 9.05 8.45 8.56 9.10 8.03 6.02 2.68 2.68 8.36 8.36 7.36 7.36 8.03 8.03 5.02 5.02 5.02 22.61 11.77 14.18 14.18 11.77 6.18 1.60 1.60 1.60 1.60 1.60 1.60 1.60 5.35 5.35 7.39 10.10 15.05 8.43 3.73 7.36 9.36 8.03 10.70 7.36 30.77 8.89 13.58 10.56 17.79 10.03 9.36 41.23 41.23 30.92 30.92 37.11 30.92 37.11 48.30 48.30 8.45 8.45 6.34 6.34 7.60 6.34 7.60 9.90 9.90 9.36 9.36 7.02 7.02 8.43 7.02 8.43 10.97 10.97 22.09 22.09 22.09 22.09 19.14 19.14 24.32 24.32 24.32 40.01 40.01 40.01 40.01 40.36 40.36 18.16 18.16 12.90 12.90 12.90 12.90 12.90 12.90 4.53 4.53 4.53 4.53 3.92 3.92 2.10 4.98 4.98 4.98 1.44 8.20 8.20 8.20 8.20 8.27 8.27 3.72 3.72 1.54 2.52 2.52 2.52 2.52 2.10 2.64 2.64 2.64 2.64 2.64 2.64 1.31 5.02 5.02 5.02 5.02 4.35 4.35 2.42 5.52 5.52 5.52 1.67 9.09 9.09 9.09 9.09 9.17 9.17 4.13 4.13 1.78 2.91 2.91 2.91 2.91 2.42 2.93 2.93 2.93 2.93 2.93 2.93 1.52 WINE - WHITE - AUSTRALIAN MERCH. CODE OFF ON PREMISE INCL. GST W/SALE INCL. premise Glass 150ml Bottle WET SIZE - NO. PER EXCL. GST BOTTLE/ HIGH LOW LOW HIGH CASK ML CTN. MARGIN MARGIN MARGIN MARGIN San Bernadino Riesling Moselle (cask) FCW 4000 4 FCW 4000 San Bernadino Soft Fruity White(cask) 4 FCW 4000 Semillon Sauvignon Blanc (cask) 4 FCW 4000 Semillon Treb Chardonnay (cask) 4 FCW 15000 Semillon Treb Chardonnay (cask) 1 FCW 750 Sero Chardonnay Pinot Grigio 6 FCW 750 6 Sero Moscato FCW 750 Sero Unwooded Chardonnay 6 Traminer Riesling (cask) FCW 4000 4 FCW 750 12 Willowglen Chardonnay FCW 750 12 Willowglen Riesling FCW 750 Willowglen Semillon Chardonnay 12 FCW 750 12 Willowglen Semillon Sauvignon Blanc FCW 187 24 Windy Peak Chardonnay FCW 750 6 Windy Peak Chardonnay FCW 750 6 Windy Peak Pinot Grigio FCW 750 6 Windy Peak Riesling FCW 750 Windy Peak Sauvignon Blanc Semillion 6 Windy Peak Viognier FCW 750 6 FCW 750 6 Yarra Valley Chardonnay FCW Yarra Valley Chardonnay Reserve 750 6 FCW 750 Yarra Valley Sauvignon Blanc 6 Deviation Road (Adelaide Hills, SA) DEC 750 12 Chardonnay 2008 DEC 750 12 Pinot Gris 2009 DEC 750 12 Sauvignon Blanc 2009 Devil’s Lair Estate Range (Margaret River, WA) FOS 750 6 Chardonnay FOS 750 6 Dance Sauvignon Blanc Chenin Blanc Devil’s Lair Fifth Leg (WA) FOS 750 6 Chardonnay FOS 750 6 Fifth Leg White FOS 750 6 Whippersnapper White Domaine A Stoney Vineyard (TAS) OPT 750 Domaine A Lady A Sauvignon Blanc 6 OPT 750 Stoney Vineyard Sauvignon Blanc 6 Dominique Portet (Yarra Valley, VIC) DEC 750 12 Sauvignon Blanc 2008 Dowie Doole (McLaren Vale, SA) OPT 750 12 Chenin Blanc 750 Second Nature Adelaide Hills Sauvignon BlancOPT 12 OPT 750 6 Tintookie Chenin Blanc Dunsborough Hills (Margaret River, WA) JTW 750 12 Chardonnay JTW 750 12 Sauvignon Blanc/Semillon Edwards Wines (Margaret River, WA) R+W 750 12 Chardonnay 2008 R+W 750 12 Semillon Sauvignon Blanc 2009 Eileen Hardy & Thomas Hardy CWA 750 Eileen Hardy Chardonnay 6 Elderton (Barossa Valley SA) FCW 750 E Series Unwooded Chardonnay 12 FCW 750 12 Friends Eden Valley Riesling FCW 750 Friends Sauvignon Blanc Semillon 12 Eldredge Wines (Clare Valley, SA) Riesling 2010 EMP 750 12 Semillon Sauvignon Blanc 2010 EMP 750 12 Evans & Tate Classic Margaret River (Margaret River, WA) MCW 750 Margaret River Classic Crisp Chardonnay 6 MCW 750 Margaret River Classic White 6 Evans & Tate Gnangara (Margaret River, WA) MCW 750 6 Gnangara Sauvignon Blanc MCW 750 Gnangara Unwooded Chardonnay 6 Evans & Tate MR Redbrook MCW 750 6 Margaret River Chardonnay Evans & Tate Margaret River (Margaret River, WA) MCW 750 6 Margaret River Chardonnay MCW 750 Margaret River Sauvignon Blanc 6 750 6 Margaret River Semillon Sauvignon Blanc MCW MCW 750 6 Margaret River Verdelho Evans & Tate Single Vineyards MCW 750 6 Stellar Ridge Chardonnay Feathertop (Alpine Valley, VIC) Pinot Gris 2009 MEZ 750 12 MEZ 750 12 Sauvignon Blanc 2009 Fireblock Watervale (Clare Valley, SA) JTW 750 12 Watervale Riesling First Drop Wines (South Australia) CHA 750 6 Bella Coppia Arneis 2009 Flagships MCW 750 6 Lovedale Semillon Forester Estate (Margaret River, WA) Chardonnay GSW 750 12 GSW 750 12 Sauvignon Blanc GSW 750 12 Semillon Sauvignon Blanc Forest Hill (WA) SSS 750 6 Boobook Sauvignon Blanc Semillion SSS 750 6 Boobook Unwooded Chardonnay SSS 750 6 Estate Chardonnay SSS 750 6 Estate Riesling SSS 750 6 Estate Sauvignon Blanc Four Sisters (South Eastern Australia) Chardonnay PWS 750 6 PWS 750 6 Pinot Grigio PWS 750 6 Sauvignon Blanc Semillon Fox Creek Wines (McLaren Vale, SA) DEC 750 12 Chardonnay 2008 DEC 750 12 Sauvignon Blanc 2010 Shadow’s Run Sauvignon Blanc 2009 DEC 750 12 Verdelho 2008 DEC 750 12 Fox Gordon (Barossa Valley, SA) MEZ 750 6 Abby Viognier 2008 MEZ 750 6 Princess Fiano 2010 Freycinet Vineyard Chardonnay NEG 750 12 NEG 750 12 Louis Chardonnay Riesling NEG 750 12 Gemtree (McLaren Vale, SA) MEZ 750 Moonstone Savagnin 2009/10 12 36.53 36.53 58.41 58.41 55.11 60.76 60.76 60.76 58.41 107.74 107.74 107.74 107.74 66.87 63.78 63.78 63.78 63.78 63.78 123.84 198.38 92.88 264.45 180.60 161.25 179.31 98.04 70.95 70.95 70.95 258.00 238.65 218.01 135.45 141.90 122.55 119.97 119.97 212.85 174.15 290.25 147.21 173.07 159.13 154.80 154.80 80.63 80.63 56.12 56.12 116.10 87.08 87.08 87.08 87.08 174.15 177.38 177.38 154.80 93.53 232.20 221.88 174.15 154.80 73.53 73.53 103.20 87.08 87.08 61.28 61.28 61.28 136.74 136.74 116.10 136.74 83.85 83.85 296.70 187.05 221.88 141.90 13.35 13.35 21.35 21.35 80.57 15.41 15.41 15.41 21.35 13.67 13.67 13.67 13.67 4.24 16.18 16.18 16.18 16.18 16.18 31.42 50.32 23.56 33.54 22.91 20.45 45.49 24.87 18.00 18.00 18.00 65.45 60.54 27.65 17.18 18.00 31.09 15.22 15.22 27.00 22.09 73.63 18.67 21.95 20.18 19.63 19.63 20.45 20.45 14.24 14.24 29.45 22.09 22.09 22.09 22.09 44.18 22.50 22.50 19.63 23.73 58.90 28.14 22.09 19.63 18.65 18.65 26.18 22.09 22.09 15.55 15.55 15.55 17.34 17.34 14.73 17.34 21.27 21.27 37.63 23.73 28.14 18.00 25.33 25.33 25.33 22.46 22.46 22.46 22.46 6.97 26.59 26.59 26.59 26.59 26.59 51.62 82.70 38.72 55.12 37.64 33.61 74.75 40.87 29.58 29.58 29.58 107.55 99.48 45.44 28.23 29.58 51.09 25.01 25.01 44.36 36.30 120.99 30.68 36.07 33.17 32.26 32.26 33.61 33.61 23.39 23.39 48.40 36.30 36.30 36.30 36.30 72.60 36.97 36.97 32.26 38.99 96.79 46.25 36.30 32.26 30.65 30.65 43.02 36.30 36.30 25.54 25.54 25.54 28.50 28.50 24.20 28.50 34.95 34.95 61.84 38.99 46.25 29.58 27.74 27.74 27.74 24.60 24.60 24.60 24.60 7.63 29.12 29.12 29.12 29.12 29.12 56.55 90.58 42.41 60.38 41.23 36.82 81.88 44.77 32.40 32.40 32.40 117.81 108.97 49.77 30.92 32.40 55.96 27.39 27.39 48.60 39.76 132.53 33.61 39.51 36.33 35.34 35.34 36.82 36.82 25.63 25.63 53.01 39.76 39.76 39.76 39.76 79.52 40.50 40.50 35.34 42.71 106.03 50.66 39.76 35.34 33.58 33.58 47.12 39.76 39.76 27.98 27.98 27.98 31.22 31.22 26.51 31.22 38.29 38.29 67.74 42.71 50.66 32.40 1.31 1.31 2.10 2.10 2.11 5.68 5.68 5.68 2.10 5.04 5.04 5.04 5.04 5.97 5.97 5.97 5.97 5.97 11.59 18.56 8.69 12.37 8.45 7.54 16.78 9.17 6.64 6.64 6.64 24.14 22.33 10.20 6.34 6.64 11.47 5.61 5.61 9.96 8.15 27.16 6.89 8.10 7.44 7.24 7.24 7.54 7.54 5.25 5.25 10.86 8.15 8.15 8.15 8.15 16.29 8.30 8.30 7.24 8.75 21.72 10.38 8.15 7.24 6.88 6.88 9.66 8.15 8.15 5.73 5.73 5.73 6.40 6.40 5.43 6.40 7.85 7.85 13.88 8.75 10.38 6.64 1.52 1.52 2.42 2.42 2.44 6.30 6.30 6.30 2.42 5.59 5.59 5.59 5.59 6.61 6.61 6.61 6.61 6.61 12.84 20.57 9.63 13.71 9.36 8.36 18.59 10.17 7.36 7.36 7.36 26.75 24.75 11.30 7.02 7.36 12.71 6.22 6.22 11.04 9.03 30.10 7.63 8.97 8.25 8.03 8.03 8.36 8.36 5.82 5.82 12.04 9.03 9.03 9.03 9.03 18.06 9.20 9.20 8.03 9.70 24.08 11.50 9.03 8.03 7.62 7.62 10.70 9.03 9.03 6.35 6.35 6.35 7.09 7.09 6.02 7.09 8.69 8.69 15.38 9.70 11.50 7.36 SEE PAGE 50 FOR MERCHANT CODE INDEX WINE - WHITE - AUSTRALIAN MERCH. CODE OFF ON PREMISE INCL. GST W/SALE INCL. premise Glass 150ml Bottle WET SIZE - NO. PER EXCL. GST BOTTLE/ HIGH LOW LOW HIGH CASK ML CTN. MARGIN MARGIN MARGIN MARGIN Geoff Merrill (McLaren Vale, SA) Reserve Chardonnay OPT 750 OPT 750 Wickham Park Chardonnay OPT 750 Wickham Park Sauvignon Blanc Giant Steps (Yarra Valley, VIC) Arthurs Creek Vineyard Chardonnay R+W 750 Chardonnay FWP 750 R+W 750 Sexton Vineyard Chardonnay Tarraford Vineyard Chardonnay R+W 750 FWP 750 Terraford Chardonnay Golden Gate (Riverina, NSW) AUV 4000 Fresh Dry White (Casks) AUV 4000 Fruity Lexia (Casks) AUV 4000 Moselle (Casks) Goundrey G Sauvignon Blanc Semillon CWA 750 Goundrey Homestead Sauvignon Blanc CWA 750 Unwooded Chardonnay CWA 750 Goundrey Reserve Chardonnay CWA 750 Riesling CWA 750 Grant Burge (Barossa Valley, SA) OPT 750 Barossa Vines Chardonnay Barossa Vines Semillon Sauvignon Blanc OPT 750 Benchmark Semillon Sauvignon Blanc OPT 750 Benchmark Unoaked Chardonnay OPT 750 OPT 750 Chaff Mill Viognier East Argyle Pinot Gris OPT 750 Kraft Sauvignon Blanc OPT 750 Lily Farm Barossa Frontignac OPT 750 OPT 750 Summers Eden Valley Chardonnay OPT 750 The Vigneron Pinot Gris Thorn Eden Riesling OPT 750 Zerk Semillon OPT 750 Hamelin Bay Rampant White Sauvignon Blanc Chardonnay Semillon FCW 750 Sauvignon Blanc FCW 750 FCW 750 Semillon Sauvignon Blanc Hardy’s HRB Chardonnay CWA 750 Riesling CWA 750 Hardy’s No Preservatives Added Chardonnay CWA 750 Hardy’s Nottage Hill Chardonnay CWA 187 Chardonnay CWA 750 CWA 750 Pinot Grigio Riesling CWA 750 CWA 750 Sauvignon Blanc CWA 750 Semillon Sauvignon Blanc Hardy’s Oomoo CWA Adelaide Hills Sauvignon Blanc 750 Hardy’s Persuit - ON PREMISE ONLY Chardonnay CWA 750 Sauvignon Blanc CWA 750 Hardys R&R Chardonnay CWA 750 CWA Colombard Chardonnay CDW 750 CWA 750 Riesling Traminer MDW Hardy’s Reserve Casks Chardonnay CWA 3000 Chardonnay CWA 10000 CWA 3000 Sauvignon Blanc Hardy’s Shuttles Chardonnay CWA 187 Hardy’s The Chronicles - ON PREMISE ONLY The Gamble Chardonnay Pinot Gris CWA 750 Hardy’s The Riddle - ON PREMISE ONLY Chardonnay CWA 750 CWA 750 Fruity White Riesling CWA 750 Sauvignon Blanc CWA 750 Haselgrove Wines FCW 750 Bella Vigna Sauvignon Blanc H Chardonnay FCW 750 H Semillon Sauvignon Blanc FCW 750 Haselgrove H Reserve Chardonnay FCW 750 Primo Taglio Chardonnay FCW 750 Primo Taglio Semillon Sauvignon Blanc FCW 750 Hay Shed Hill (Margaret River. WA) 750 Block 1 Semillion Sauvignon Blanc 2009 EMP EMP 750 Block 6 Chardonnay 2007 EMP 750 Chardonnay 2009 Sauvignon Blanc Semillon 2009 EMP 750 Hart Of The Barossa (Certified Organic) FFW 750 Barossa Semillion Heartland (Langhorne Creek/Limestone Coast, SA) DEC 750 Pinot Grigio 2009 Heemskirk - ON PREMISE ONLY Chardonnay FOS 750 FOS 750 Pinot Noir FOS 750 Riesling Tamar Valley Pinot Noir FOS 750 Heggies Vineyard Chardonnay SSS 750 SSS 750 Museum Reserve Riesling Riesling SSS 750 Henry’s Drive (Limestone Coast, SA) DEC 750 Pillar Box White 2009 Henschke (Keyneton, SA) FWP 750 Cranes Chardonnay Eleanor’s Cottage Sauvignon Blanc Semillon FWP 750 FWP 750 Joseph Eden Valley Gewurztraminer FWP 750 Julius Eden Valley Riesling FWP 750 Louis Eden Valley Semillon Peggy’s Hill Riesling FWP 750 FWP 375 Tilly’s Vineyard Dry White Tilly’s Vineyard Dry White FWP 750 6 12 12 6 6 6 6 6 4 4 4 6 6 6 6 6 12 12 12 12 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 96.75 148.35 148.35 174.80 131.58 131.58 155.45 155.45 40.32 40.32 40.32 83.21 70.95 70.95 141.90 109.65 134.16 134.16 101.91 101.91 95.46 82.56 82.56 67.08 95.46 90.30 82.56 82.56 24.54 18.82 18.82 44.34 33.38 33.38 39.43 39.43 14.74 14.74 14.74 21.11 18.00 18.00 36.00 27.82 17.02 17.02 12.93 12.93 24.22 20.94 20.94 17.02 24.22 22.91 20.94 20.94 40.33 30.92 30.92 72.87 54.85 54.85 64.80 64.80 34.69 29.58 29.58 59.15 45.71 27.96 27.96 21.24 21.24 39.79 34.42 34.42 27.96 39.79 37.64 34.42 34.42 44.18 33.87 33.87 79.82 60.08 60.08 70.98 70.98 38.00 32.40 32.40 64.79 50.07 30.63 30.63 23.27 23.27 43.59 37.70 37.70 30.63 43.59 41.23 37.70 37.70 9.05 6.94 6.94 16.35 12.31 12.31 14.54 14.54 1.45 1.45 1.45 7.79 6.64 6.64 13.28 10.26 6.28 6.28 4.77 4.77 8.93 7.72 7.72 6.28 8.93 8.45 7.72 7.72 10.03 7.69 7.69 18.13 13.64 13.64 16.12 16.12 1.67 1.67 1.67 8.63 7.36 7.36 14.71 11.37 6.96 6.96 5.28 5.28 9.90 8.56 8.56 6.96 9.90 9.36 8.56 8.56 12 12 12 6 6 6 24 6 6 6 6 6 6 12 12 6 6 6 4 1 4 24 6 12 12 12 12 6 12 12 6 12 12 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 12 6 6 6 6 6 6 12 6 160.22 166.72 166.72 122.55 122.55 73.53 66.44 44.51 44.51 44.51 44.51 44.51 76.11 103.20 103.20 34.19 34.19 34.19 61.28 43.86 61.28 71.08 64.50 55.47 55.47 55.47 55.47 77.40 96.75 96.75 89.78 141.80 141.80 106.43 138.68 96.75 77.40 66.00 85.14 194.79 233.49 175.44 233.49 110.67 105.14 84.87 116.10 130.94 90.95 130.94 125.78 107.72 83.21 81.92 71.60 20.32 21.15 21.15 31.09 31.09 18.65 4.21 11.29 11.29 11.29 11.29 11.29 19.31 8.67 8.67 8.67 22.40 64.12 22.40 4.51 19.63 12.27 12.27 22.78 17.99 17.99 27.00 35.18 24.54 19.63 16.74 21.60 28.07 26.67 21.53 14.73 33.22 23.07 33.22 31.91 27.33 21.11 10.39 18.16 33.39 36.58 34.75 38.06 34.75 38.06 51.09 55.96 51.09 55.96 30.65 33.58 6.92 7.58 18.55 20.32 18.55 20.32 18.55 20.32 18.55 20.32 18.55 20.32 31.73 34.75 21.51 23.56 21.51 23.56 14.25 15.61 14.25 15.61 14.25 15.61 7.41 8.11 26.89 29.45 11.56 12.66 11.56 12.66 11.56 12.66 11.56 12.66 32.26 35.34 20.17 22.09 20.17 22.09 37.43 41.00 29.56 32.37 29.56 32.37 44.37 48.60 57.81 63.32 40.33 44.18 32.26 35.34 27.51 30.14 35.49 38.88 81.20 88.95 97.33 106.62 73.13 80.11 97.33 106.62 46.13 50.53 43.83 48.01 35.38 38.75 24.20 26.51 54.58 59.79 37.91 41.53 54.58 59.79 52.43 57.43 44.90 49.19 34.69 38.00 17.07 18.70 29.85 32.69 7.50 7.80 7.80 11.47 11.47 6.88 4.16 4.16 4.16 4.16 4.16 7.12 4.83 4.83 3.20 3.20 3.20 2.94 2.52 2.94 6.03 2.59 2.59 2.59 2.59 7.24 4.53 4.53 8.40 6.63 6.63 9.96 12.98 9.05 7.24 6.18 7.97 18.22 21.85 16.41 21.85 10.35 9.84 7.94 5.43 12.25 8.51 12.25 11.77 10.08 7.79 7.66 6.70 8.31 8.64 8.64 12.71 12.71 7.62 4.62 4.62 4.62 4.62 4.62 7.89 5.35 5.35 3.55 3.55 3.55 3.39 2.91 3.39 6.69 2.88 2.88 2.88 2.88 8.03 5.02 5.02 9.31 7.35 7.35 11.04 14.38 10.03 8.03 6.84 8.83 20.20 24.21 18.19 24.21 11.48 10.90 8.80 6.02 13.58 9.43 13.58 13.04 11.17 8.63 8.49 7.42 LICENSEES’ LIQUOR GUIDE MARCH 2011 WINE - WHITE - AUSTRALIAN MERCH. CODE OFF ON PREMISE INCL. GST W/SALE INCL. premise Glass 150ml Bottle WET SIZE - NO. PER EXCL. GST BOTTLE/ HIGH LOW LOW HIGH CASK ML CTN. MARGIN MARGIN MARGIN MARGIN Henschke (Lenswood, SA) Coralinga Sauvignon Blanc FWP 750 Croft Chardonnay FWP 750 Green’s Hill Riesling FWP 750 Littlehampton Innes Pinot Gris FWP 750 Heritage Collection Anne Semillion MCW 750 MCW 750 Cellar Aged Elizabeth Semillion Hesketh (Various) Bright Young Things Adelaide Hills Sauvignon Blanc 2010 EMP 750 Perfect Stranger Kremstal Gruner Veltliner 2009 EMP 750 Scissor Hands Clare Valley Riesling 2009 EMP 750 Hewitson (Barossa Valley, SA) Lulu Sauvignon Blanc OPT 750 OPT 750 Riesling Eden Valley Hill Smith Estate (Eden Valley, SA) SSS 750 Sauvignon Blanc Hollick (Coonawarra, SA) R+W 750 Hollick Bond Road Chardonnay 2008 Sauvignon Blanc Semillon 2009 R+W 750 The Nectar 2010 R+W 375 Houghton Limited Release Museum Release White Burgundy CWA 750 Houghton Stripe Range Chardonnay CWA 750 Chardonnay Verdelho CWA 750 CWA Late Picked Verdelho 750 CWA 750 Semillon Sauvignon Blanc CWA 750 White Classic Houghton The Bandit Chardonnay Viognier CWA 750 Sauvignon Blanc Pinot Gris CWA 750 Houghton Wisdom Chardonnay CWA 750 Riesling CWA 750 CWA 750 Sauvignon Blanc Howard Park (Margaret River, WA) Chardonnay NEG 750 Riesling NEG 750 Howling Wolves Chardonnay OPT 750 OPT 750 Semillon Sauvignon Blanc Hugh Hamilton (McLaren Vale, SA) JTW 750 The Loose Cannon Viognier JTW 750 The Scallywag Unwooded Chardonnay JTW 750 The Trickster Verdelho Hugo Wines (McLaren Vale, SA) Chardonnay FCW 750 FCW 750 Sauvignon Blanc FCW 750 Unwooded Chardonnay Hungerford Hill (Hunter Valley, NSW) GSW 750 Fishcage Chardonnay GSW 750 Fishcage Sauvignon Blanc Semillon GSW 750 Hunter Valley Semillon GSW 750 Tumbarumba Chardonnay Ingoldby Wines (McLaren Vale, SA) FOS 750 Chardonnay FOS 750 Semillon Sauvignon Blanc Innocent Bystander (Yarra Valley, VIC) FWP 750 Chardonnay Pinot Gris FWP 750 Jacobs Creek Jacob’s Creek Chardonnay PRA 187 PRA 375 Jacob’s Creek Chardonnay Jacob’s Creek Chardonnay PRA 750 PRA 750 Jacob’s Creek Pinot Grigio PRA 187 Jacob’s Creek Riesling PRA 750 Jacob’s Creek Riesling Jacob’s Creek Sauvignon Blanc PRA 187 PRA 750 Jacob’s Creek Sauvignon Blanc PRA 750 Jacob’s Creek Semillon Chardonnay Jacob’s Creek Semillon Sauvignon Blanc PRA 750 Jacob’s Creek Steingarten PRA 750 Moscato White PRA 750 Reeves Point Chardonnay PRA 750 Reserve Chardonnay PRA 750 Reserve Riesling PRA 750 Reserve Sauvignon Blanc PRA 750 Three Vines Semillon Sauvignon Blanc Viognier PRA 750 Jamiesons Run (Coonawarra, SA) FOS 750 Limestone Coast Chardonnay Limestone Coast Sauvignon Blanc Semillion FOS 750 Jeanneret Wines (Sevenhill, SA) DTA 750 Riesling - Clare Valley 2010 Semillion Sauvignon Blanc 2008 DTA 750 DTA 750 Watervale Riesling 2010 Jeanneret Reserve Range (Sevenhill, SA) DTA Doozie Reserve Riesling 2009 750 Jip Jip Rocks (Limestone Coast, SA) Chardonnay OPT 750 OPT 750 Sauvignon Blanc Johnston (Adelaide Hills, SA) PWS 750 Sauvignon Blanc PWS 750 Unwooded Chardonnay K1 Wines by Geoff Hardy (Adelaide Hills, SA) CHA 750 Arnies 2009 CHA 750 Chardonnay 2007 CHA 750 Sauvignon Blanc 2009 CHA 750 Silver Label Semillon Viognier 2008 CHA 750 Tzimmukin 2005 Kalleske (Barossa Valley, SA) JTW 750 Florentine Chenin Blanc Katnook Estate (Coonawarra, SA) FWP 750 Chardonnay Sauvignon Blanc FWP 750 Katnook Founders Block (Coonawarra, SA) Chardonnay FWP 375 Chardonnay FWP 750 Sauvignon Blanc FWP 750 FWP 750 Riesling 6 6 6 6 6 6 96.75 169.64 97.40 129.65 95.46 87.72 24.54 43.03 24.71 32.89 24.22 22.25 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 6 6 6 6 24 12 12 12 24 12 24 12 12 12 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 6 6 6 6 6 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 161.28 199.92 161.28 174.15 174.15 171.78 187.05 148.35 187.05 122.55 56.12 56.12 56.12 56.12 56.12 73.53 73.53 123.84 110.94 110.94 350.88 225.62 132.87 132.87 157.38 140.61 140.61 173.38 150.31 125.08 138.03 138.03 174.15 219.30 78.69 78.69 85.79 83.85 45.85 45.85 81.75 81.75 45.85 81.75 45.85 81.75 81.75 81.75 115.16 53.86 111.80 69.34 69.34 69.34 54.50 66.44 66.44 125.40 125.40 160.08 252.00 135.45 135.45 154.80 154.80 83.85 135.45 83.85 70.95 294.12 154.80 245.10 206.40 99.98 161.25 161.25 161.25 20.46 25.36 20.46 22.09 22.09 21.79 23.73 18.82 23.73 31.09 14.24 14.24 14.24 14.24 14.24 18.65 18.65 31.42 28.14 28.14 44.51 28.62 16.85 16.85 19.96 17.83 17.83 21.99 19.07 15.87 17.51 17.51 22.09 27.82 19.96 19.96 21.76 21.27 2.91 5.82 10.37 10.37 2.91 10.37 2.91 10.37 10.37 10.37 29.21 13.66 28.36 17.59 17.59 17.59 13.83 16.85 16.85 15.91 15.91 20.30 31.96 17.18 17.18 19.63 19.63 21.27 34.36 21.27 18.00 74.61 19.63 31.09 26.18 12.68 20.45 20.45 20.45 40.33 70.72 40.60 54.05 39.79 36.57 44.18 77.46 44.47 59.20 43.59 40.05 9.05 15.87 9.11 12.13 8.93 8.21 10.03 17.59 10.10 13.44 9.90 9.10 33.62 36.82 41.67 45.64 33.62 36.82 36.30 39.76 36.30 39.76 35.80 39.22 38.99 42.71 30.92 33.87 38.99 42.71 51.09 55.96 23.39 25.63 23.39 25.63 23.39 25.63 23.39 25.63 23.39 25.63 30.65 33.58 30.65 33.58 51.62 56.55 46.25 50.66 46.25 50.66 73.13 80.11 47.03 51.51 27.69 30.34 27.69 30.34 32.80 35.93 29.31 32.10 29.31 32.10 36.14 39.58 31.33 34.32 26.07 28.56 28.77 31.51 28.77 31.51 36.30 39.76 45.71 50.07 32.80 35.93 32.80 35.93 35.76 39.17 34.95 38.29 4.78 5.23 9.56 10.47 17.04 18.66 17.04 18.66 4.78 5.23 17.04 18.66 4.78 5.23 17.04 18.66 17.04 18.66 17.04 18.66 48.01 52.58 22.45 24.59 46.60 51.05 28.90 31.66 28.90 31.66 28.90 31.66 22.72 24.89 27.70 30.34 27.70 30.34 26.14 28.63 26.14 28.63 33.37 36.55 52.52 57.53 28.23 30.92 28.23 30.92 32.26 35.34 32.26 35.34 34.95 38.29 56.46 61.85 34.95 38.29 29.58 32.40 122.61 134.30 32.26 35.34 51.09 55.96 43.02 47.12 20.84 22.83 33.61 36.82 33.61 36.82 33.61 36.82 7.54 9.35 7.54 8.15 8.15 8.04 8.75 6.94 17.50 11.47 5.25 5.25 5.25 5.25 5.25 6.88 6.88 11.59 10.38 10.38 16.41 10.55 6.22 6.22 7.36 6.58 6.58 8.11 7.03 5.85 6.46 6.46 8.15 10.26 7.36 7.36 8.03 7.85 4.29 3.82 3.82 3.82 3.82 3.82 3.82 10.77 5.04 10.46 6.49 6.49 6.49 5.10 6.22 6.22 5.87 5.87 7.49 11.79 6.34 6.34 7.24 7.24 7.85 12.67 7.85 6.64 27.52 7.24 11.47 9.66 9.35 7.54 7.54 7.54 8.36 10.37 8.36 9.03 9.03 8.91 9.70 7.69 19.40 12.71 5.82 5.82 5.82 5.82 5.82 7.62 7.62 12.84 11.50 11.50 18.19 11.70 6.89 6.89 8.16 7.29 7.29 8.99 7.79 6.49 7.16 7.16 9.03 11.37 8.16 8.16 8.90 8.69 4.75 4.24 4.24 4.24 4.24 4.24 4.24 11.94 5.59 11.59 7.19 7.19 7.19 5.65 6.89 6.89 6.50 6.50 8.30 13.07 7.02 7.02 8.03 8.03 8.69 14.05 8.69 7.36 30.50 8.03 12.71 10.70 10.37 8.36 8.36 8.36 WINE - WHITE - AUSTRALIAN 37 WINE - WHITE - AUSTRALIAN MERCH. CODE Kay Brothers (McLaren Vale, SA) Viognier PWS Kilikanoon Wines (Clare Valley, SA) DEC Morts Block Riesling 2010 Morts Reserve Riesling 2009 DEC Kingston Echelon (SA) Chardonnay 2005 KEW Kingston Estate (SA) Chardonnay 2010 KEW KEW Pinot Gris 2010 Sauvignon Blanc 2010 KEW Kirrihill Wines (Clare Valley, SA) CHA SVS Adelaide Hills Pinot Grigio 2009 SVS Adelaide Hills Sauvignon Blanc 2009 CHA SVS Riesling 2009 CHA Knappstein Wines (Clare Valley, SA) Ackland Vineyard Watervale Riesling FWP Chardonnay FWP Hand Picked Riesling FWP FWP Semillon Sauvignon Blanc Three -Gew¸rztraminer, Riesling, Pinot Gris FWP Kooyong (VIC) NEG Beurrot Pinot Gris NEG Chardonnay Clonale Chardonnay NEG Faultine Chardonnay NEG Lake Breeze (Langhorne Creek, SA) CHA Chardonnay 2008 Langmeil Wines (SA) GWH Viognier NEG Live Wire Riesling NEG Leasingham Bin Range CWA Bin 7 Riesling (Stelvin cap) Bin 8 K S Riesling CWA Leasingham Classic Clare Riesling CWA Leasingham Individual Vineyard Release CWA Watervale Riesling Leasingham Jam Shed Riesling CWA Leconfield (Coonawarra/McLaren Vale, SA) Chardonnay OPT OPT Old Vines Riesling Lenton Brae (Margaret River, WA) GSW Semillon Sauvignon Blanc Leo Buring FOS Clare Valley Dry Riesling FOS Eden Valley Medium Dry Riesling Eden Valley Medium Sweet Riesling FOS (On Premise Only) FOS Leonay High Eden Valley Riesling FOS Leopold Riesling FOS Leonay Watervale Riesling FOS Mount Barker Riesling Lindemans (Cawarra) Chardonnay FOS Classic Dry White FOS Semillon Chardonnay FOS Lindemans (Porphyry) FOS Sweet White Lindemans Bin Range FOS Bin 65 Chardonnay FOS Bin 65 Chardonnay FOS Bin 65 Chardonnay FOS Bin 75 Riesling FOS Bin 85 Pinot Grigio Bin 95 Sauvignon Blanc FOS Lindemans Early Harvest Crisp Dry White FOS FOS Semillon Sauvignon Blanc Lindemans Premier Selection FOS Brut Cuvee Chardonnay FOS Riesling FOS FOS Semillon Chardonnay Lindemans Regional Range Hunter Valley Chardonnay FOS Hunter Valley Semillon Bin 0455 FOS Lindemans Reserve Label FOS Chardonnay Verdelho FOS Lindemans Sweet Seasons Blancello FOS Long Row (Riverland, SA) Chardonnay ANG Chardonnay ANG ANG Sauvignon Blanc ANG Sauvignon Blanc Riesling ANG Verdelho ANG Longview Vineyard (Adelaide Hills, SA) CHA Blue Cow Chardonnay 2009 CHA Iron Knob Riesling 2009 Red Bucket Semillon Sauvignon Blanc 2009 CHA Whippet Sauvignon Blanc 2010 CHA Lumina FOS Marlborough Sauvignon Blanc Madfish (WA) Chardonnay NEG NEG Gold Turtle Chardonnay NEG Premium White Riesling NEG NEG Sauvignon Blanc Semillon NEG Sideways Chardonnay Sideways Sauvignon Blanc Semillon NEG Marlborough Park FCW Unwooded Chardonnay Riesling FCW FCW Sauvignon Blanc FCW Traminer Riesling OFF ON PREMISE INCL. GST W/SALE INCL. premise Glass 150ml Bottle WET SIZE - NO. PER EXCL. GST BOTTLE/ HIGH LOW LOW HIGH CASK ML CTN. MARGIN MARGIN MARGIN MARGIN 750 750 750 750 750 750 750 750 750 750 750 750 750 750 750 750 750 750 750 750 750 750 750 750 750 750 750 750 750 750 750 750 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 12 12 12 6 6 6 6 6 12 12 12 6 6 193.50 167.74 258.00 180.60 106.43 106.43 106.43 157.38 157.38 157.38 144.48 81.27 81.27 81.27 90.95 116.10 154.80 109.65 225.75 150.93 161.25 161.25 87.72 87.72 154.16 183.18 68.37 193.50 193.50 187.05 78.69 78.69 24.54 21.28 32.72 22.91 13.50 13.50 13.50 19.96 19.96 19.96 36.65 20.62 20.62 20.62 23.07 29.45 39.27 27.82 57.27 19.14 20.45 20.45 22.25 22.25 39.11 46.47 17.34 24.54 24.54 23.73 19.96 19.96 40.33 44.18 34.96 38.30 53.77 58.90 37.64 41.23 22.18 24.30 22.18 24.30 22.18 24.30 32.80 35.93 32.80 35.93 32.80 35.93 60.23 65.97 33.88 37.11 33.88 37.11 33.88 37.11 37.91 41.53 48.40 53.01 64.53 70.68 45.71 50.07 94.11 103.08 31.46 34.46 33.61 36.82 33.61 36.82 36.57 40.05 36.57 40.05 64.26 70.39 76.36 83.64 28.50 31.22 40.33 44.18 40.33 44.18 38.99 42.71 32.80 35.93 32.80 35.93 9.05 7.85 12.07 8.45 4.98 4.98 4.98 7.36 7.36 7.36 13.52 7.60 7.60 7.60 8.51 10.86 14.48 10.26 21.12 7.06 7.54 7.54 8.21 8.21 14.42 17.14 6.40 9.05 9.05 8.75 7.36 7.36 10.03 8.70 13.38 9.36 5.52 5.52 5.52 8.16 8.16 8.16 14.98 8.43 8.43 8.43 9.43 12.04 16.05 11.37 23.41 7.83 8.36 8.36 9.10 9.10 15.99 18.99 7.09 10.03 10.03 9.70 8.16 8.16 750 750 750 750 750 750 750 750 750 187 375 750 750 750 750 750 750 750 750 750 750 750 750 750 750 750 187 750 187 750 750 750 750 750 750 750 750 750 750 750 750 750 750 750 750 750 750 750 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 24 12 6 6 6 6 6 6 12 12 12 12 6 6 6 6 6 24 6 24 6 6 6 12 12 12 12 6 12 6 6 12 6 12 12 12 12 12 12 78.69 156.09 156.09 156.09 125.13 29.03 29.03 29.03 29.03 51.60 58.05 39.99 39.99 39.99 39.99 56.76 56.76 52.89 52.89 52.89 52.89 78.69 78.69 56.76 56.76 56.76 45.15 45.15 45.15 45.15 45.15 45.15 154.80 154.80 116.10 154.80 70.95 190.92 98.32 73.85 147.71 73.85 166.08 166.08 119.82 119.82 119.82 119.82 19.96 39.60 39.60 39.60 31.74 7.36 7.36 7.36 7.36 3.27 7.36 10.14 10.14 10.14 10.14 14.40 14.40 6.71 6.71 6.71 6.71 19.96 19.96 14.40 14.40 14.40 2.86 11.45 2.86 11.45 11.45 11.45 19.63 19.63 14.73 19.63 18.00 24.22 24.94 18.73 18.74 18.73 21.07 21.07 15.20 15.20 15.20 15.20 32.80 65.07 65.07 65.07 52.16 12.10 12.10 12.10 12.10 5.38 12.10 16.67 16.67 16.67 16.67 23.66 23.66 11.02 11.02 11.02 11.02 32.80 32.80 23.66 23.66 23.66 4.71 18.82 4.71 18.82 18.82 18.82 32.26 32.26 24.20 32.26 29.58 39.79 40.99 30.78 30.79 30.78 34.62 34.62 24.97 24.97 24.97 24.97 7.36 14.60 14.60 14.60 11.71 2.72 2.72 2.72 2.72 5.43 3.74 3.74 3.74 3.74 5.31 5.31 2.47 2.47 2.47 2.47 7.36 7.36 5.31 5.31 5.31 4.22 4.22 4.22 4.22 7.24 7.24 5.43 7.24 6.64 8.93 9.20 6.91 6.91 6.91 7.77 7.77 5.61 5.61 5.61 5.61 8.16 16.19 16.19 16.19 12.98 3.01 3.01 3.01 3.01 6.02 4.15 4.15 4.15 4.15 5.89 5.89 2.74 2.74 2.74 2.74 8.16 8.16 5.89 5.89 5.89 4.68 4.68 4.68 4.68 8.03 8.03 6.02 8.03 7.36 9.90 10.20 7.66 7.66 7.66 8.61 8.61 6.21 6.21 6.21 6.21 38 WINE - WHITE - AUSTRALIAN 35.93 71.27 71.27 71.27 57.14 13.26 13.26 13.26 13.26 5.89 13.25 18.26 18.26 18.26 18.26 25.92 25.92 12.08 12.08 12.08 12.08 35.93 35.93 25.92 25.92 25.92 5.15 20.62 5.15 20.62 20.62 20.62 35.34 35.34 26.51 35.34 32.40 43.59 44.89 33.72 33.72 33.72 37.92 37.92 27.36 27.36 27.36 27.36 WINE - WHITE - AUSTRALIAN MERCH. CODE OFF ON PREMISE INCL. GST W/SALE INCL. premise Glass 150ml Bottle WET SIZE - NO. PER EXCL. GST BOTTLE/ HIGH LOW LOW HIGH CASK ML CTN. MARGIN MARGIN MARGIN MARGIN Massena (Barossa Valley, SA) The Surly Muse Viognier GSW 750 12 Massey Wines La Collina Adelaide Hills Viognier FFW 750 6 Mawsons (Coonawarra, SA) SSS 750 12 Sauvignon Blanc Maxwell (McLaren Vale, SA) Adelaide Hills Chardonnay GSW 750 12 GSW 750 Little Demon Verdelho 12 GSW 750 Mount Bold Frontignac Spatlese 12 McGuigan Wines (Hunter Valley, NSW) AUV 750 Bin 6000 Verdelho 6 AUV 750 6 Bin 7000 Chardonnay AUV 750 6 Bin 8000 Sauvignon Blanc AUV 750 6 Bin 9000 Semillon AUV 187 24 Black Label Chardonnay AUV 750 6 Black Label Chardonnay AUV 750 Black Label Classic Dry White 6 AUV 750 6 Black Label Moscato AUV 750 6 Black Label Sauvignon Blanc Black Label Traminer Riesling AUV 750 6 AUV 750 6 Discover Moscato AUV 750 6 Discover Pinot Grigio AUV 750 6 Discover Sauvignon Blanc Heritage Road Sauvignon Blanc - ON PREMISE ONLY AUV 750 12 AUV 750 6 Shortlist Chardonnay AUV 750 Shortlist Eden Valley Riesling 6 The Lakes Semillon Chardonnay - ON PREMISE ONLY AUV 750 12 McWilliam’s Balance McWilliam’s Balance Semillon Sauvignon Blanc - low alcohol/calories MCW 750 6 McWilliam’s Brands Foundation Range (Coonawarra, SA) MCW 750 6 Chardonnay McWilliam’s Catching Thieves Chardonnay MCW 750 6 MCW 750 6 Semillon Sauvignon Blanc McWilliam’s Hanwood Range MCW 187 24 Chardonnay MCW 750 6 Chardonnay Crisp Chardonnay MCW 750 6 MCW 750 6 Pinot Grigio MCW 750 6 Sauvignon Blanc MCW 750 6 Semillon Sauvignon Blanc MCW 750 6 Verdelho MCW 750 6 White Moscato McWilliam’s Inheritance Range MCW 750 12 Chardonnay MCW 750 12 Fruitwood NV MCW 750 6 Riesling MCW 750 6 Semillon Sauvignon Blanc MCW 750 12 Semillon Sauvignon Blanc McWilliam’s Lillydale Vineyards (Yarra Valley, VIC) MCW 750 12 Chardonnay MCW 750 12 Gewurztraminer McWilliam’s Premium Range MCW 750 6 Elizabeth Semillon MCW 750 6 Florence Adelaide Hills Sauvignon Blanc McWilliam’s Select Series - ON PREMISE ONLY Chardonnay MCW 750 6 MCW 750 6 Luscious Fruity White Riesling MCW 750 6 MCW 750 6 Semillon Sauvignon Blanc McWilliam’s Sunstone MCW 750 6 Luscious Fruity White McWilliam’s 15l Cask MCW 15000 1 Fresh Dry White Cask Fruity White (Sweet) Cask MCW 15000 1 McWilliam’s Wines MCW 250 24 Mossac (Sachet) Valsac (Sachet) MCW 250 24 Mesh (Eden Valley, SA) Riesling NEG 750 6 Mitchell (Clare Valley, SA) McNicol Riesling 2006 R+W 750 6 Noble Semillon 2006 R+W 375 12 R+W 750 12 Riesling Watervale 2009 R+W 750 12 Semillon 2007 Mojo (SA) R+W 750 12 Sauvignon Blanc 2010 Monkey Bay - ON PREMISE ONLY Chardonnay CWA 750 6 CWA 750 Sauvignon Blanc 6 Moondah Brook Classic Dry White CWA 750 6 Verdelho CWA 750 6 Moorilla Estate (Derwent & Tamar Valleys, TAS) JTW 750 12 Muse Riesling JTW 750 12 Muse Sauvignon Blanc Moorooduc Estate (Mornington Peninsula, VIC) MEZ 750 12 Devil Blend Creek Chardonnay 2007 Estate Pinot Gris 2008 MEZ 750 12 MEZ 750 6 The Moorooduc Chardonnay 2006/07 Morambro Creek (Padthaway/Limestone Coast, SA) Mt Monster Chardonnay OPT 750 12 OPT 750 12 Mt Monster Highland White Morgan’s Bay Chardonnay FOS 750 6 Sauvignon Blanc FOS 750 6 FOS 750 6 Semillon Sauvignon Blanc Morris PRA 4000 4 Blanc Superior (Cask) Chardonnay PRA 750 6 PRA 4000 4 Chardonnay Varietal Reserve Cask Dry White Catering Cask PRA 15000 1 PRA 4000 4 Fresh Dry White (Cask) PRA 4000 4 Moselle (Cask) PRA 4000 4 Premium Dry White Cask 154.80 109.65 121.26 167.70 129.00 109.65 49.02 49.02 49.02 49.02 59.59 42.57 42.57 42.57 42.57 42.57 60.63 60.63 60.63 32.26 45.71 25.27 34.95 26.89 22.85 20.43 20.43 20.43 20.43 6.21 17.75 17.75 17.75 17.75 17.75 25.27 25.27 25.27 35.34 50.07 27.68 38.29 29.45 25.03 22.38 22.38 22.38 22.38 6.80 19.44 19.44 19.44 19.44 19.44 27.68 27.68 27.68 7.24 10.26 5.67 7.85 6.03 5.13 4.59 4.59 4.59 4.59 5.59 3.98 3.98 3.98 3.98 3.98 5.67 5.67 5.67 8.03 11.37 6.29 8.69 6.69 5.69 5.08 5.08 5.08 5.08 6.20 4.41 4.41 4.41 4.41 4.41 6.29 6.29 6.29 58.05 96.75 96.75 7.36 12.10 24.54 40.33 24.54 40.33 13.25 44.18 44.18 2.72 9.05 9.05 3.01 10.03 10.03 70.43 8.93 14.68 16.08 3.29 3.65 28.77 31.52 34.95 38.29 29.04 31.81 29.04 31.81 5.85 6.41 20.84 22.83 20.84 22.83 20.84 22.83 20.84 22.83 20.84 22.83 20.84 22.83 20.84 22.83 12.37 13.55 12.37 13.55 12.37 13.55 12.37 13.55 12.37 13.55 43.02 47.12 33.61 36.82 30.11 32.99 30.11 32.99 24.74 27.10 24.74 27.10 24.74 27.10 24.74 27.10 17.75 19.44 4.71 5.15 4.71 5.15 46.38 50.80 77.97 85.41 29.58 32.40 37.64 41.23 37.64 41.23 29.58 32.40 25.81 28.27 25.81 28.27 27.96 30.63 27.96 30.63 49.47 54.19 45.17 49.48 40.33 44.18 49.74 54.49 94.11 103.08 23.39 25.62 23.39 25.62 12.64 13.84 12.64 13.84 12.64 13.84 22.26 24.38 6.46 7.85 6.52 6.52 4.68 4.68 4.68 4.68 4.68 4.68 4.68 2.78 2.78 2.78 2.78 2.78 9.66 7.54 6.76 6.76 5.55 5.55 5.55 5.55 3.98 1.26 1.26 10.41 17.50 13.28 8.45 8.45 6.64 5.79 5.79 6.28 6.28 11.10 10.14 9.05 11.16 21.12 5.25 5.25 2.84 2.84 2.84 1.45 5.00 2.23 1.64 1.45 1.45 2.23 7.16 8.69 7.22 7.22 5.18 5.18 5.18 5.18 5.18 5.18 5.18 3.08 3.08 3.08 3.08 3.08 10.70 8.36 7.49 7.49 6.15 6.15 6.15 6.15 4.41 1.46 1.46 11.54 19.40 14.71 9.36 9.36 7.36 6.42 6.42 6.96 6.96 12.31 11.24 10.03 12.37 23.41 5.82 5.82 3.14 3.14 3.14 1.68 5.54 2.58 1.89 1.68 1.68 2.58 69.02 83.85 69.66 69.66 56.12 49.99 49.99 49.99 49.99 49.99 49.99 49.99 59.34 59.34 29.67 29.67 59.34 206.40 161.25 72.24 72.24 59.34 59.34 59.34 59.34 42.57 32.90 32.90 45.15 45.15 111.26 187.05 141.90 180.60 180.60 141.90 61.92 61.92 67.08 67.08 237.36 216.72 193.50 238.65 225.75 112.23 112.23 30.32 30.32 30.32 40.36 53.39 62.08 42.63 40.36 40.36 62.08 19.63 27.82 15.38 21.27 16.36 13.91 12.44 12.44 12.44 12.44 3.78 10.80 10.80 10.80 10.80 10.80 15.38 15.38 15.38 17.51 21.27 17.67 17.67 3.56 12.68 12.68 12.68 12.68 12.68 12.68 12.68 7.53 7.53 7.53 7.53 7.53 26.18 20.45 18.33 18.33 10.80 48.10 48.10 2.86 2.86 28.22 47.45 18.00 22.91 22.91 18.00 17.02 17.02 30.11 27.49 24.54 30.27 57.27 14.24 14.24 7.69 7.69 7.69 14.75 13.54 22.69 62.32 14.75 14.75 22.69 SEE PAGE 50 FOR MERCHANT CODE INDEX WINE - WHITE - AUSTRALIAN MERCH. CODE OFF ON PREMISE INCL. GST W/SALE INCL. premise Glass 150ml Bottle WET SIZE - NO. PER EXCL. GST BOTTLE/ HIGH LOW LOW HIGH CASK ML CTN. MARGIN MARGIN MARGIN MARGIN Moss Brothers (Margaret River, WA) Jane Moss Semillon Sauvignon Blanc ANG 750 12 ANG 750 Moses Rock Sauvignon Blanc Semillon 12 ANG 750 12 Sauvignon Blanc Single Vineyard Chardonnay ANG 750 12 Moss Wood Wines (Margaret River, WA) Chardonnay PWS 750 12 PWS 750 Ribbon Vale Semillon Sauvignon Blanc 12 Semillon PWS 750 12 Mount Adam (Eden & Barossa Valleys, SA) Barossa Valley Chardonnay 2008 MEZ 750 6 MEZ 750 Eden Valley Pinot Gris 2009 6 MEZ 750 6 Eden Valley Riesling 2009 MEZ 750 High Eden Estate Chardonnay 2008 6 High Eden Marble Hill Chardonnay 2008 MEZ 750 3 Mount Horrocks (Clare Valley, SA) Riesling OPT 750 12 Semillon OPT 750 12 Mr Riggs (McLaren Vale, SA) MHA 750 Adelaide Hills Riesling 2009 12 Viognier 2008 MHA 750 12 MHA 750 12 Watervale Riesling 2009 Naked Run Wines (Clare, SA) FFW 750 12 Sweet Kiss Riesling The First Riesling FFW 750 12 Nautico (SA) Sauvignon Blanc Semillon 2009 KEW 750 12 KEW 750 Unwooded Chardonnay 2008 12 Nepenthe (Adelaide Hills, SA) Chardonnay 2010 CHA 750 6 Ithaca Chardonnay 2008 CHA 750 6 CHA 750 6 Pinot Gris 2009 CHA 750 12 Riesling 2004 Sauvignon Blanc 2010 CHA 750 12 Sauvignon Blanc 2009 CHA 750 12 Tryst White 2009 CHA 750 6 Nine Below Low GI Chardonnay AUV 750 6 Nine Vines Moscato ANG 750 12 ANG 750 12 Pinot Grigio ANG 750 12 Sauvignon Blanc Viognier ANG 750 12 Ninth Island (Tamar Valley, TAS) R+W 750 12 Chardonnay 2008/09 R+W 750 12 Pinot Grigio 2009/10 R+W 750 12 Sauvignon Blanc 2009 Nobilo CWA 750 Drylands Sauvignon Blanc 6 Nobilo Icon CWA 750 Sauvignon Blanc 12 Nobilo Regional Collection Chardonnay CWA 750 6 CWA 750 Sauvignon Blanc 6 Norfolk Rise (Mt Benson, SA) R+W 750 12 Pinot Grigio 2009 R+W 750 12 Sauvignon Blanc 2009 O’Leary Walker (Clare Valley and Adelaide Hills, SA) Adelaide Hills Chardonnay NEG 750 12 NEG 750 Adelaide Hills Sauvignon Blanc 12 750 Blue Cutting Road Semillon Sauvignon Blanc NEG 12 NEG 750 12 Polish Hill River Riesling NEG 750 12 Watervale Riesling Oakridge (Yarra Valley, VIC) CHA 750 6 2008 Oakridge Chardonnay CHA 750 6 2008 Oakridge Pinot Noir CHA 750 2008 OTS Oakridge Chardonnay 12 750 6 2009 864 Lusatia Park Vineyard ChardonnayCHA 2009 864 Mackay Vineyard Chardonnay CHA 750 6 750 6 2009 864 Van der Meulen Vineyard Chardonnay CHA 2009 OTS Oakridge Pinot Grigio CHA 750 12 Oliver’s Taranga (McLaren Vale, SA) CHA 750 12 Fiano 2009 Viognier 2008 CHA 750 12 One Planet (Adelaide Hills, McLaren Vale, SA) 750 12 Adelaide Hills Sauvignon Blanc 2009/10 R+W Organic Chardonnay ANG 750 6 Orlando (SA) PRA 750 6 Gramp’s Barossa Chardonnay PRA 750 6 St. Helga Eden Valley Riesling PRA 750 St. Hilary Padthaway Chardonnay 6 Padthaway Estate (Padthaway, SA) GSW 750 12 Unwooded Chardonnay Paracombe Creek (Adelaide Hills, SA) FCW 750 12 Sauvignon Blanc FCW 750 12 Pinot Gris FCW 750 12 Unwooded Chardonnay Pauletts (Polish Hill River, Clare Valley, SA) EMP 750 Aged Release Riesling 2003 12 750 6 Antonina Premium Polish Hill River Riesling 2009 EMP EMP 750 Polish Hill Riesling 2009 - Screw cap 12 Polish Hill River Lightly Wooded Chardonnay 2008 EMP 750 12 750 12 Stone Cutting Unwooded Chardonnay 2009 EMP Penfolds Bin Bin 311 Tumbarumba Chardonnay FOS 750 6 FOS 750 6 Bin 51 Eden Valley Riesling Reserve Bin Aged Release Riesling FOS 750 6 Penfolds Cellar Reserve - ON PREMISE ONLY FOS 750 6 Chardonnay Gewurztraminer FOS 750 6 FOS 750 6 Pinot Gris Viognier FOS 750 6 Penfolds Koonunga Hill (SA) FOS 375 12 Koonunga Hill Chardonnay FOS 750 6 Koonunga Hill Chardonnay Koonunga Hill Semillon Sauvignon Blanc FOS 750 6 Penfolds Koonunga Hill Seventy Six (SA) FOS Autumn Riesling - ON PREMISE ONLY 750 6 148.35 110.94 148.35 264.45 503.10 219.30 290.25 74.82 96.75 96.75 141.90 141.90 232.20 212.85 167.70 212.85 167.70 116.68 154.80 109.65 109.65 81.27 116.10 87.72 175.44 175.44 199.95 65.79 60.63 109.65 109.65 109.65 109.65 174.15 167.70 167.70 87.08 203.82 66.44 66.44 129.00 129.00 180.60 167.70 122.56 180.60 174.15 132.22 132.22 161.25 148.35 148.35 251.55 161.25 202.53 202.53 64.50 54.83 75.29 71.40 77.60 129.00 142.88 142.88 142.88 229.62 183.83 162.54 18.82 14.07 18.82 33.54 63.81 27.82 36.82 18.98 24.54 24.54 36.00 71.99 29.45 27.00 21.27 27.00 21.27 14.80 19.63 13.91 13.91 20.62 29.45 22.25 22.25 22.25 25.36 16.69 15.38 13.91 13.91 13.91 13.91 22.09 21.27 21.27 22.09 25.85 16.85 16.85 16.36 16.36 22.91 21.27 15.55 22.91 22.09 33.54 33.54 20.45 37.63 37.63 63.81 20.45 25.69 25.69 8.18 13.91 19.10 18.11 19.69 16.36 18.12 18.12 18.12 29.12 46.63 20.62 119.97 119.97 156.09 117.39 156.09 132.87 132.87 132.87 196.08 74.82 66.44 66.44 74.82 15.22 15.22 39.60 29.78 39.60 9.49 16.85 16.85 LICENSEES’ LIQUOR GUIDE MARCH 2011 30.92 33.87 23.12 25.33 30.92 33.87 55.12 60.38 104.86 114.86 45.71 50.07 60.50 66.27 31.19 34.16 40.33 44.18 40.33 44.18 59.15 64.79 118.30 129.59 48.40 53.01 44.36 48.60 34.95 38.29 44.36 48.60 34.95 38.29 24.32 26.64 32.26 35.34 22.85 25.03 22.85 25.03 33.88 37.11 48.40 53.01 36.57 40.05 36.57 40.05 36.57 40.05 41.68 45.65 27.42 30.04 25.27 27.68 22.85 25.03 22.85 25.03 22.85 25.03 22.85 25.03 36.30 39.76 34.95 38.29 34.95 38.29 36.30 39.76 42.48 46.53 27.70 30.34 27.70 30.34 26.89 29.45 26.89 29.45 37.64 41.23 34.95 38.29 25.54 27.98 37.64 41.23 36.30 39.76 55.12 60.37 55.12 60.37 33.61 36.82 61.84 67.74 61.84 67.74 104.86 114.86 33.61 36.82 42.21 46.24 42.21 46.24 13.44 14.73 22.86 25.04 31.39 34.38 29.76 32.60 32.35 35.43 26.89 29.45 29.78 32.62 29.78 32.62 29.78 32.62 47.86 52.42 76.63 83.94 33.88 37.11 25.01 25.01 65.07 48.93 65.07 55.39 55.39 55.39 81.74 15.59 27.70 27.70 31.19 27.39 27.39 71.27 53.60 71.27 60.67 60.67 60.67 89.53 17.08 30.34 30.34 34.16 6.94 5.19 6.94 12.37 23.54 10.26 13.58 7.00 9.05 9.05 13.28 26.55 10.86 9.96 7.85 9.96 7.85 5.46 7.24 5.13 5.13 7.60 10.86 8.21 8.21 8.21 9.35 6.16 5.67 5.13 5.13 5.13 5.13 8.15 7.85 7.85 8.15 9.53 6.22 6.22 6.03 6.03 8.45 7.85 5.73 8.45 8.15 12.37 12.37 7.54 13.88 13.88 23.54 7.54 9.47 9.47 3.02 5.13 7.04 6.68 7.26 6.03 6.68 6.68 6.68 10.74 17.20 7.60 7.69 5.75 7.69 13.71 26.08 11.37 15.05 7.76 10.03 10.03 14.71 29.43 12.04 11.04 8.69 11.04 8.69 6.05 8.03 5.69 5.69 8.43 12.04 9.10 9.10 9.10 10.37 6.82 6.29 5.69 5.69 5.69 5.69 9.03 8.69 8.69 9.03 10.57 6.89 6.89 6.69 6.69 9.36 8.69 6.35 9.36 9.03 13.71 13.71 8.36 15.38 15.38 26.08 8.36 10.50 10.50 3.34 5.69 7.81 7.40 8.05 6.69 7.41 7.41 7.41 11.91 19.06 8.43 5.61 5.61 14.60 10.98 14.60 12.43 12.43 12.43 18.35 7.00 6.22 6.22 7.00 6.22 6.22 16.19 12.17 16.19 13.78 13.78 13.78 20.33 7.76 6.89 6.89 7.76 WINE - WHITE - AUSTRALIAN MERCH. CODE OFF ON PREMISE INCL. GST W/SALE INCL. premise Glass 150ml Bottle WET SIZE - NO. PER EXCL. GST BOTTLE/ HIGH LOW LOW HIGH CASK ML CTN. MARGIN MARGIN MARGIN MARGIN Penfolds Luxury & Icon Wines FOS 750 6 Reserve Bin A Chardonnay Penfolds Private Release (SA) Private Release Chardonnay - ON PREMISE ONLYFOS 750 6 Penfolds Rawsons Retreat FOS 750 Rawsons Retreat Chardonnay 6 FOS 750 Rawsons Retreat Semillon Chardonnay 6 Penfolds Thomas Hyland (SA) Thomas Hyland Chardonnay FOS 375 12 FOS 750 6 Thomas Hyland Chardonnay Penley Estate (Coonawarra, SA) GSW 750 12 Aradia Chardonnay Pertaringa Wines (McLaren Vale, SA) CHA 750 Bonfire Block Semillon 2008 12 CHA 750 Scarecrow Sauvignon Blanc 2010 12 Petaluma (Coonawarra, SA) FWP 750 Chardonnay - Piccadilly Valley 6 FWP 750 Chardonnay - Tiers Vineyard 6 Hanlin Hill Riesling FWP 750 6 Viognier FWP 750 6 Peter Lehmann (Barossa, SA) Chardonnay SSS 750 6 SSS 750 6 Classic Riesling Eden Valley Riesling SSS 750 6 SSS 750 6 Layers White Margaret Semillion 2005 SSS 750 6 SSS 500 12 Princess Moscato Semillon SSS 750 6 Semillon/Chardonnay SSS 750 6 SSS 750 6 Wigan Riesling 2004 Pewsey Vale Gewurztraminer SSS 750 6 SSS 750 6 Pinot Gris Prima Riesling SSS 750 6 Riesling SSS 750 12 SSS 750 The Contours Riesling (Stelvin) 6 Pierro (Margaret River, WA) PWS 750 12 Chardonnay PWS Semillon Sauvignon Blanc ‘LTC’ 750 12 Pike & Joyce (Adelaide Hills, SA) Chardonnay FWP 750 12 FWP 750 12 Pinot Gris FWP 750 12 Sauvignon Blanc Pikes (Clare Valley, SA) FWP 750 Luccio Pinot Grigio White Blend 12 FWP 750 6 The Merle Reserve Riesling FWP 750 6 The White Mullet Blend FWP 750 6 Traditionale’ Riesling FWP 750 Valley’s End Sauvignon Blanc Semillon 12 Pipers Brook (Pipers Brook, TAS) R+W 750 6 Estate Chardonnay 2008 R+W 750 6 Gewurztraminer 2009 R+W 750 6 Estate Pinot Gris 2009 R+W 750 6 Reserve Chardonnay 2005 R+W 750 6 Riesling 2009/10 Pirie (TAS) NEG 750 6 Estate Chardonnay NEG 750 12 South Chardonnay South Estelle - Riesling Gewurztraminer Pinot Gris NEG 750 12 NEG 750 12 South Pinot Gris NEG 750 12 South Riesling NEG 750 12 South Sauvignon Blanc Pitchfork Wines by Hay Shed Hill (Margaret River, WA) EMP 750 Semillon Sauvignon Blanc 2010 6 Pizzini (King Valley) DEC 750 12 Arneis 2010 DEC 750 12 Pinot Grigio 2010 Plantagenet Wines (Mt Barker, WA) R+W 750 6 Chardonnay 2008 Hazard Hill Sauvignon Blanc 2009/10 R+W 750 12 Omrah Sauvignon Blanc 2009 R+W 750 6 R+W 750 Omrah Unwooded Chardonnay 2009 6 R+W 750 6 Riesling 2009 Poet’s Corner Poet’s Corner Semillon Sauvignon Blanc Chardonnay PRA 750 6 PRA 187 Poet’s Corner Unwooded Chardonnay 24 PRA 750 Poet’s Corner Unwooded Chardonnay 6 Preece (Golden Valley, VIC) Chardonnay FWP 750 6 FWP 750 Lighter in Alcohol’ Sauvignon Blanc 6 FWP 750 6 Sauvignon Blanc Primo Estate (Virginia, SA) NEG 750 12 Joseph Pinot Grigio La Biondina Colombard NEG 750 12 Provenance (Geelong, VIC) MEZ 750 12 Chardonnay 2006 MEZ 750 12 Pinot Gris 2008/09 Ralph Fowler (Mt Benson, SA) Viognier GSW 750 12 Red Belly Black Red Belly Black Chardonnay ANG 750 12 Redbank NEG 750 12 Long Paddock Chardonnay Long Paddock Sauvignon Blanc NEG 750 12 Sunday Morning Pinot Gris NEG 750 6 Renmano Chardonnay (Cask) CWA 2000 6 CWA 2000 Colombard Semillon Chardonnay (Cask) 6 CWA 2000 Frontignac Chenin Blanc (Cask) 6 Riesling (Cask) CWA 2000 6 Renmano Premium Varietal Chardonnay (Cask) CWA 4000 4 Semillon Sauvignon Blanc Chardonnay (Cask)CWA 4000 4 Renmano Riverbreeze Chenin Semillon Chardonnay CWA 750 12 Riesling CWA 750 12 Soft Sweet White CWA 750 12 Richard Hamilton (Coonawarra/McLaren Vale, SA) Almond Grove Chardonnay OPT 750 12 OPT 750 Jettes Viognier 12 Sauvignon Blanc Semillon OPT 750 12 Slate Quarry Riesling OPT 750 12 349.59 88.68 145.73 159.63 56.76 23.66 25.92 47.73 12.11 19.90 21.79 47.73 12.11 19.90 21.79 86.43 10.96 18.01 19.73 86.43 21.93 36.03 39.47 183.18 23.23 38.18 41.82 154.80 19.63 32.26 35.34 141.90 18.00 29.58 32.40 205.11 52.03 85.50 93.66 516.65 131.06 215.37 235.91 131.58 33.38 54.85 60.08 183.18 46.47 76.36 83.64 52.97 13.44 22.08 24.19 52.97 13.44 22.08 24.19 81.48 20.67 33.97 37.21 67.73 17.18 28.23 30.93 116.10 29.45 48.40 53.01 162.95 20.67 33.96 37.20 52.97 13.44 22.08 24.19 52.97 13.44 22.08 24.19 116.10 29.45 48.40 53.01 98.69 25.04 41.14 45.06 98.69 25.04 41.14 45.06 98.69 25.04 41.14 45.06 171.11 21.70 35.66 39.07 108.55 27.54 45.25 49.57 638.55 80.99 133.09 145.79 251.55 31.91 52.43 57.43 219.30 27.82 45.71 50.07 190.28 24.13 39.66 43.44 190.28 24.13 39.66 43.44 152.87 19.39 31.86 34.90 163.83 41.56 68.29 74.81 65.79 16.69 27.42 30.04 101.27 25.69 42.22 46.24 82.56 10.47 17.21 18.85 132.22 33.54 55.12 60.37 106.43 27.00 44.37 48.60 106.43 27.00 44.37 48.60 174.15 44.18 72.60 79.52 106.43 27.00 44.37 48.60 148.35 37.63 61.84 67.74 180.60 22.91 37.64 41.23 154.80 19.63 32.26 35.34 180.60 22.91 37.64 41.23 167.70 21.27 34.95 38.29 180.60 22.91 37.64 41.23 65.79 16.69 27.42 30.04 188.34 23.89 39.26 43.00 154.80 19.63 32.26 35.34 122.55 31.09 51.09 55.96 113.52 14.40 23.66 25.92 74.82 18.98 31.19 34.16 74.82 18.98 31.19 34.16 87.07 22.09 36.30 39.76 32.71 5.31 4.47 4.47 8.09 8.09 8.57 7.24 6.64 19.19 48.34 12.31 17.14 4.96 4.96 7.62 6.34 10.86 11.43 4.96 4.96 10.86 9.23 9.23 9.23 8.00 10.16 29.87 11.77 10.26 8.90 8.90 7.15 15.33 6.16 9.47 3.86 12.37 9.96 9.96 16.29 9.96 13.88 8.45 7.24 8.45 7.85 8.45 6.16 8.81 7.24 11.47 5.31 7.00 7.00 8.15 36.25 5.89 4.95 4.95 8.96 8.96 9.50 8.03 7.36 21.27 53.57 13.64 18.99 5.49 5.49 8.45 7.02 12.04 12.67 5.49 5.49 12.04 10.23 10.23 10.23 8.87 11.26 33.11 13.04 11.37 9.87 9.87 7.93 16.99 6.82 10.50 4.28 13.71 11.04 11.04 18.06 11.04 15.38 9.36 8.03 9.36 8.69 9.36 6.82 9.76 8.03 12.71 5.89 7.76 7.76 9.03 37.65 44.14 37.65 65.15 65.15 65.15 245.10 144.48 219.30 219.30 174.15 99.33 105.78 105.78 81.27 47.21 47.21 47.21 47.21 54.18 54.18 54.18 54.18 54.18 122.55 122.55 122.55 122.55 3.52 3.52 6.10 6.10 6.10 11.47 6.76 10.26 10.26 8.15 4.65 4.95 4.95 7.60 2.26 2.26 2.26 2.26 1.95 1.95 2.53 2.53 2.53 5.73 5.73 5.73 5.73 3.90 3.90 6.76 6.76 6.76 12.71 7.49 11.37 11.37 9.03 5.15 5.48 5.48 8.43 2.61 2.61 2.61 2.61 2.25 2.25 2.81 2.81 2.81 6.35 6.35 6.35 6.35 9.55 2.80 9.55 16.53 16.53 16.53 31.09 18.33 27.82 27.82 22.09 12.60 13.42 13.42 20.62 11.50 11.50 11.50 11.50 19.80 19.80 6.87 6.87 6.87 15.54 15.54 15.54 15.54 15.69 4.60 15.69 27.16 27.16 27.16 51.09 30.11 45.71 45.71 36.30 20.70 22.05 22.05 33.88 11.29 11.29 11.29 25.54 25.54 25.54 25.54 17.19 5.04 17.19 29.75 29.75 29.75 55.96 32.99 50.07 50.07 39.76 22.68 24.15 24.15 37.11 12.37 12.37 12.37 27.98 27.98 27.98 27.98 WINE - WHITE - AUSTRALIAN 39 WINE - WHITE - AUSTRALIAN MERCH. CODE OFF ON PREMISE INCL. GST W/SALE INCL. premise Glass 150ml Bottle WET SIZE - NO. PER EXCL. GST BOTTLE/ HIGH LOW LOW HIGH CASK ML CTN. MARGIN MARGIN MARGIN MARGIN Richmond Grove (SA) Adelaide Hills Chardonnay PRA 750 PRA 750 Chardonnay French Cask PRA 750 Footbridge Riesling Limited Release Watervale Riesling PRA 750 Riposte (Adelaide Hills, SA) The Foil Sauvignon Blanc OPT 750 OPT 750 The Rapier Traminer The Stiletto Pinot Gris OPT 750 Rockbare (McLaren Vale, SA) Chardonnay 2009 R+W 750 Rosemount Botanical FOS 750 Crisp Chardonnay FOS 750 Pinot Grigio Sauvignon Blanc FOS 750 Rosemount Diamond Cellars Semillion Chardonnay FOS 750 Semillon Sauvignon Blanc FOS 750 Traminer Riesling FOS 750 Rosemount Diamond Label Chardonnay FOS 750 FOS 750 Pinot Grigio Riesling FOS 750 FOS 750 Sauvignon Blanc Unoaked Chardonnay FOS 750 Rosemount Flagship Wines Roxburgh Chardonnay (Hunter Valley, NSW) FOS 750 Rosemount Road Classic Dry White - ON PREMISE ONLY FOS 750 Rosemount District Release Robe Chardonnay FOS 750 Rosemount Twilight Harvest Unoaked Chardonnay - ON PREMISE ONLY FOS 750 Running with Bulls (Barossa) Vermentino SSS 750 Rymill (Coonawarra, SA) NEG 750 The Yearling Sauvignon Blanc Salitage (Pemberton, WA) Chardonnay JTW 750 JTW 750 Sauvignon Blanc (Screw cap) JTW 750 Unwooded Chardonnay Saltram Makers Table Chardonnay FOS 750 FOS 750 Sauvignon Blanc FOS 750 Unwooded Chardonnay Saltram Mamre Brook (Barossa, SA) Riesling FOS 750 Riesling FOS 750 Sandalford (WA) FWP 750 Chardonnay FWP 750 Element Chardonnay FWP 750 Element Classic White FWP 750 Element Late Harvest FWP 750 Margaret River Classic Dry White (SSB) FWP 750 Margaret River Unoaked Chardonnay FWP 750 Semillon Sauvignon Blanc FWP 750 Verdelho Sarantos Soft Press (SA) Chardonnay 2010 KEW 750 KEW 750 Moscato 2010 KEW 750 Pinot Gris 2010 KEW 750 Sauvignon Blanc 2010 Scarpantoni Estates FCW 750 Fiori Moselle style FCW 750 Pedler Creek Sauvignon Blanc FCW 750 Sauvignon Blanc Unwooded Chardonnay FCW 750 Scorpo (Mornington Peninsula, VIC) Aubaine Chardonnay 2008 DEC 750 DEC 750 Chardonnay 2007 DEC 750 Pinot Gris 2009 S.C. Pannell (Adelaide Hills/McLaren Vale, SA) Pronto Bianco 2008 DEC 750 Sauvignon Blanc 2010 DEC 750 Seppelt Drumborg Chardonnay FOS 750 Riesling (Henty, VIC) FOS 750 Seppelt Regional Range Jaluka Chardonnay FOS 750 Seppelt Stony Peak Chardonnay FOS 750 FOS 750 Semillon Sauvignon Blanc Serafino FCW 750 Goose Island Chardonnay 750 Goose Island Semillion Sauvignon Blanc FCW FCW 750 Reserve Chardonnay FCW 750 Serafino Semillon Sauvignon Blanc Sharktooth Chardonnay FCW 750 Sorrento Sauvignon Blanc FCW 750 FCW 750 Sorrento Unwooded Chardonnay Sevenhill (Clare Valley, SA) GSW 750 College White Riesling White Frontignac Gewurztraminer GSW 750 Riesling GSW 750 Semillon GSW 750 GSW 750 St Aloysius Riesling Verdelho GSW 750 Shadowfax (VIC) GSW 750 Sauvignon Blanc GSW 750 Shadowfax Chardonnay Shaw and Smith (Adelaide Hills, SA) R+W 750 M3 Vineyard Chardonnay 2008/09 R+W 750 Sauvignon Blanc 2010 Shelmerdine (Yarra Valley/ Heathcote VIC) MEZ 750 Chardonnay 2008 MEZ 750 H Viognier 2009 MEZ 750 Sauvignon Blanc 2009 Shingleback (McLaren Vale, SA) ANG 750 Red Knot Chardonnay Shingleback Chardonnay ANG 750 6 6 6 6 12 12 12 12 6 6 6 6 6 8 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 12 12 12 12 6 6 6 6 12 6 12 12 12 6 6 6 6 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 6 6 6 12 12 12 12 12 12 6 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 6 12 6 6 6 12 12 40 WINE - WHITE - AUSTRALIAN 88.57 51.82 51.82 84.84 154.80 154.80 154.60 141.90 70.95 70.95 70.95 51.60 51.60 51.60 66.44 66.44 66.44 66.44 66.44 175.44 34.83 78.69 61.28 64.50 116.75 283.80 174.15 161.25 39.99 39.99 39.99 90.30 180.60 101.27 111.59 111.59 111.59 77.40 77.40 87.72 87.72 117.39 117.39 117.39 117.39 129.10 129.10 162.69 129.10 225.75 309.60 258.00 206.40 206.40 171.57 136.74 105.78 60.63 60.63 119.04 119.04 158.82 158.82 188.55 142.88 142.88 96.75 144.48 154.80 116.10 322.50 144.48 161.25 238.65 161.25 212.85 103.20 103.20 87.07 122.55 154.80 22.47 13.15 13.15 21.52 19.63 19.63 19.61 18.00 18.00 18.00 18.00 13.09 13.09 9.82 16.85 16.85 16.85 16.85 16.85 44.51 19.96 16.36 14.81 36.00 22.09 20.45 10.14 10.14 10.14 22.91 22.91 25.69 14.15 14.15 14.15 19.63 19.63 22.25 22.25 14.89 14.89 14.89 14.89 16.37 16.37 20.64 16.37 28.63 39.27 32.72 26.18 26.18 43.52 34.69 26.83 7.69 7.69 15.10 15.10 20.14 20.14 47.83 18.12 18.12 12.27 18.33 19.63 14.73 40.91 18.33 20.45 30.27 40.91 27.00 26.18 26.18 22.09 15.54 19.63 36.92 21.60 21.60 35.37 32.26 32.26 32.22 29.58 29.58 29.58 29.58 21.51 21.51 16.13 27.70 27.70 27.70 27.70 27.70 73.13 14.52 32.80 25.54 26.89 24.33 59.15 36.30 33.61 16.67 16.67 16.67 37.64 37.64 42.22 23.26 23.26 23.26 32.26 32.26 36.57 36.57 24.47 24.47 24.47 24.47 26.91 26.91 33.91 26.91 47.05 64.53 53.77 43.02 43.02 71.52 57.00 44.10 12.64 12.64 24.81 24.81 33.10 33.10 78.60 29.78 29.78 20.17 30.11 32.26 24.20 67.22 30.11 33.61 49.74 67.22 44.36 43.02 43.02 36.30 25.54 32.26 40.44 23.66 23.66 38.74 35.34 35.34 35.30 32.40 32.40 32.40 32.40 23.56 23.56 17.67 30.34 30.34 30.34 30.34 30.34 80.11 15.90 35.93 27.98 29.45 26.66 64.79 39.76 36.82 18.26 18.26 18.26 41.23 41.23 46.24 25.48 25.48 25.48 35.34 35.34 40.05 40.05 26.80 26.80 26.80 26.80 29.47 29.47 37.14 29.47 51.54 70.68 58.90 47.12 47.12 78.34 62.44 48.30 13.84 13.84 27.18 27.18 36.26 36.26 86.10 32.62 32.62 22.09 32.99 35.34 26.51 73.63 32.99 36.82 54.49 73.63 48.60 47.12 47.12 39.76 27.98 35.34 8.29 4.85 4.85 7.94 7.24 7.24 7.23 6.64 6.64 6.64 6.64 4.83 4.83 3.62 6.22 6.22 6.22 6.22 6.22 16.41 3.26 7.36 5.73 6.03 5.46 13.28 8.15 7.54 3.74 3.74 3.74 8.45 8.45 9.47 5.22 5.22 5.22 7.24 7.24 8.21 8.21 5.49 5.49 5.49 5.49 6.04 6.04 7.61 6.04 10.56 14.48 12.07 9.66 9.66 16.05 12.79 9.90 2.84 2.84 5.57 5.57 7.43 7.43 17.64 6.68 6.68 4.53 6.76 7.24 5.43 15.09 6.76 7.54 11.16 15.09 9.96 9.66 9.66 8.15 5.73 7.24 9.18 5.37 5.37 8.80 8.03 8.03 8.02 7.36 7.36 7.36 7.36 5.35 5.35 4.01 6.89 6.89 6.89 6.89 6.89 18.19 3.61 8.16 6.35 6.69 6.05 14.71 9.03 8.36 4.15 4.15 4.15 9.36 9.36 10.50 5.79 5.79 5.79 8.03 8.03 9.10 9.10 6.09 6.09 6.09 6.09 6.69 6.69 8.44 6.69 11.70 16.05 13.38 10.70 10.70 17.79 14.18 10.97 3.14 3.14 6.17 6.17 8.23 8.23 19.55 7.41 7.41 5.02 7.49 8.03 6.02 16.72 7.49 8.36 12.37 16.72 11.04 10.70 10.70 9.03 6.35 8.03 WINE - WHITE - AUSTRALIAN MERCH. CODE OFF ON PREMISE INCL. GST W/SALE INCL. premise Glass 150ml Bottle WET SIZE - NO. PER EXCL. GST BOTTLE/ HIGH LOW LOW HIGH CASK ML CTN. MARGIN MARGIN MARGIN MARGIN Shottesbrooke (Fleurieu/McLaren Vale, SA) Chardonnay PWS 750 12 154.80 19.63 32.26 35.34 7.24 8.03 8.03 Sauvignon Blanc PWS 750 12 154.80 19.63 32.26 35.34 7.24 Simon Hackett (Barossa Valley, SA) Chardonnay 2004 CHA 375 12 78.69 9.98 16.40 17.97 7.36 8.16 Chardonnay 2009 7.29 CHA 750 12 140.61 17.83 29.31 32.10 6.58 Sauvignon Blanc 2008 CHA 750 12 161.25 20.45 33.61 36.82 7.54 8.36 Semillon Sauvignon Blanc 2006 12 138.03 17.51 28.77 31.51 6.46 7.16 CHA 750 S. Kidman Wines (Coonawarra, SA) Riesling 2010 DTA 750 12 100.08 12.69 20.86 22.85 4.68 5.19 Sauvignon Blanc 2010 12 100.08 12.69 20.86 22.85 4.68 5.19 DTA 750 Skillogalee (Clare Valley, SA) Chardonnay PWS 750 12 187.05 23.73 38.99 42.71 8.75 9.70 Gewurztraminer PWS 750 12 187.05 23.73 38.99 42.71 8.75 9.70 Riesling PWS 750 12 180.60 22.91 37.64 41.23 8.45 9.36 Trevarrick Riesling 167.70 42.54 69.91 76.58 15.69 17.39 PWS 750 6 Smith & Hooper (Wrattonbully, SA) 6.69 Semillion Sauvignon Blanc SSS 750 12 129.00 16.36 26.89 29.45 6.03 Smithbrook (Pemberton, WA) Sauvignon Blanc FWP 750 6 83.21 21.11 34.69 38.00 7.79 8.63 Somerton (Riverina/Riverland, NSW) Chardonnay (Unoaked) AUV 750 12 45.27 5.74 9.44 10.34 2.12 2.35 Classic White 45.27 5.74 9.44 10.34 2.12 2.35 AUV 750 12 Sauvignon Blanc AUV 750 12 45.27 5.74 9.44 10.34 2.12 2.35 Semillon Chardonnay 45.27 5.74 9.44 10.34 2.12 2.35 AUV 750 12 Semillon Sauvignon Blanc 45.27 5.74 9.44 10.34 2.12 2.35 AUV 750 12 Spring Seed Wine Co. (McLaren Vale, SA) Forget-me-not Sauvignon Blanc Semillon CHA 750 12 122.55 15.54 25.54 27.98 5.73 6.35 2010 - Organically Grown Four O’Clock Chardonnay 2008 - 6.35 Organically Grown CHA 750 12 122.55 15.54 25.54 27.98 5.73 Spring Vale (Freycinet Coast, TAS) Chardonnay GSW 750 12 174.15 22.09 36.30 39.76 8.15 9.03 Gewurztraminer GSW 750 12 232.20 29.45 48.40 53.01 10.86 12.04 Pinot Gris GSW 750 12 232.20 29.45 48.40 53.01 10.86 12.04 Reserve Chardonnay GSW 750 12 247.68 31.42 51.62 56.55 11.59 12.84 Sauvignon Blanc GSW 750 12 189.63 24.05 39.52 43.29 8.87 9.83 St Hallett (Barossa, SA) Eden Valley Riesling FWP 750 6 91.59 23.23 38.18 41.82 8.57 9.50 Poachers Blend - Semillon Sauvignon Blanc FWP 750 6 65.79 16.69 27.42 30.04 6.16 6.82 Semillon FWP 750 6 90.95 23.07 37.91 41.53 8.51 9.43 St Huberts (Yarra Valley, VIC) FOS 750 12 211.56 26.83 44.10 48.30 9.90 10.97 Chardonnay FOS 750 12 211.56 26.83 44.10 48.30 9.90 10.97 Sauvignon Blanc Stanley CWA 4000 Chardonnay (Casks) 4 43.60 15.94 1.57 1.81 CWA 4000 Classic Dry White (Casks) 4 43.60 15.94 1.57 1.81 CWA 4000 4 43.60 15.94 1.57 1.81 Colombard Chardonnay (Casks) Crisp Dry White (Chablis) (Casks) CWA 4000 4 43.60 15.94 1.57 1.81 Dolce Bianco (White Lambrusco) (Casks) CWA 4000 4 43.60 15.94 1.57 1.81 CWA 4000 Fresh Dry White (Casks) 4 43.60 15.94 1.57 1.81 CWA 15000 Fresh Dry White (Casks) 1 36.38 53.19 1.40 1.61 CWA 4000 Fruity Lexia (Casks) 4 43.60 15.94 1.57 1.81 CWA 4000 4 43.60 15.94 1.57 1.81 Soft Fruity White (Moselle) (Casks) CWA 15000 Soft Fruity White (Moselle) (Casks) 1 36.38 53.19 1.40 1.61 Stanley Lambert (Barossa Valley, SA) SLW A Thousand Words Chardonnay 2008 750 12 154.80 19.63 32.26 35.34 7.24 8.03 SLW 750 12 108.36 13.74 22.59 24.74 5.07 5.62 Full Sister Semillon 2006 SLW Nordic Frost Dry Riesling 2009 750 12 141.90 18.00 29.58 32.40 6.64 7.36 SLW 750 Pristine Chardonnay 2008 12 100.62 12.76 20.97 22.97 4.71 5.22 Starvedog Lane Chardonnay CWA 750 6 115.46 29.29 48.13 52.72 10.80 11.97 CWA 750 6 102.56 26.02 42.75 46.83 9.60 10.63 Pinot Grigio CWA 750 Sauvignon Blanc 6 102.56 26.02 42.75 46.83 9.60 10.63 Stefano Lubiana (Granton, TAS) DEC 750 12 212.85 27.00 44.36 48.60 9.96 11.04 Alfresco Riesling 2008 DEC 750 6 Estate Chardonnay 2004 187.05 47.45 77.97 85.41 17.50 19.40 DEC 750 12 238.65 30.27 49.74 54.49 11.16 12.37 Pinot Grigio 2009 Primavera Chardonnay 2009 DEC 750 12 212.85 27.00 44.36 48.60 9.96 11.04 Riesling 2009 DEC 750 12 212.85 27.00 44.36 48.60 9.96 11.04 Sauvignon Blanc 2010 DEC 750 12 212.85 27.00 44.36 48.60 9.96 11.04 Step Rd (Langhorne Creek/Adelaide Hills, SA) Beacon Hill Semillon Sauvignon Blanc OPT 750 12 83.85 10.64 17.48 19.14 3.92 4.35 OPT 750 12 116.10 14.73 24.20 26.51 5.43 Highwood Chardonnay 6.02 Highwood Pinot Grigio OPT 750 12 116.10 14.73 24.20 26.51 5.43 6.02 Highwood Sauvignon Blanc OPT 750 12 116.10 14.73 24.20 26.51 5.43 6.02 Step Rd Adelaide Hills Pinot Gris OPT 750 12 174.15 22.09 36.30 39.76 8.15 9.03 Step Rd Adelaide Hills Sauvignon Blanc OPT 750 12 174.15 22.09 36.30 39.76 8.15 9.03 Step Rd Chardonnay OPT 750 12 174.15 22.09 36.30 39.76 8.15 9.03 Sticks (Yarra Valley, VIC) Chardonnay 2008/09 R+W 750 6 77.40 19.63 32.26 35.34 7.24 8.03 Pinot Grigio 2008 R+W 750 6 77.40 19.63 32.26 35.34 7.24 8.03 R+W 750 6 Sauvignon Blanc 2009/10 77.40 19.63 32.26 35.34 7.24 8.03 Stonehaven Stepping Stone Chardonnay CWA 750 6 65.15 16.53 27.16 29.75 6.10 6.76 Stonier (Mornington Peninsula, VIC) Chardonnay FWP 750 6 110.94 28.14 46.25 50.66 10.38 11.50 Reserve Chardonnay FWP 750 6 183.83 46.63 76.63 83.94 17.20 19.06 Sunnyvale (Riverina, NSW) Dry White (Casks) AUV 4000 4 38.83 14.19 1.40 1.61 AUV 4000 4 Fruity Lexia (Casks) 38.83 14.19 1.40 1.61 AUV 4000 4 Medium Dry White (Casks) 38.83 14.19 1.40 1.61 Swings & Roundabouts (Margaret River, WA) MEZ 750 12 122.55 15.54 25.54 27.98 5.73 Chenin Blanc 2009 6.35 MEZ 750 6 Premium White 2009/10 54.82 13.91 22.85 25.03 5.13 5.68 MEZ 750 Semillion Sauvignon Blanc 2009/10 12 148.35 18.82 30.92 33.87 6.94 7.69 Tahbik (VIC) R+W 750 Tahbik Chardonnay 2008/09 12 129.00 16.36 26.89 29.45 6.03 6.69 Tahbik Marsanne 2009 R+W 750 12 122.55 15.54 25.54 27.98 5.73 6.35 Tahbik Riesling 2009/10 R+W 750 12 129.00 16.36 26.89 29.45 6.03 6.69 Tahbik Voignier 2009/10 R+W 750 12 130.80 16.59 27.26 29.86 6.12 6.78 Taltarni (Pyrenees, VIC) Sauvignon Blanc FWP 750 12 154.16 19.55 32.13 35.20 7.21 7.99 T Series Sauvignon Blanc Semillion FWP 750 6 67.73 17.18 28.23 30.93 6.34 7.02 Three Monks Fume Blanc FWP 750 6 89.01 22.58 37.10 40.64 8.33 9.23 Tamar Ridge (TAS) Chardonnay FWP 750 6 98.69 25.04 41.14 45.06 9.23 10.23 Devil’s Corner Sauvignon Blanc FWP 750 6 71.60 18.16 29.85 32.69 6.70 7.42 Devil’s Corner Unwooded Chardonnay FWP 750 6 71.60 18.16 29.85 32.69 6.70 7.42 Gewurztraminer FWP 750 6 85.79 21.76 35.76 39.17 8.03 8.90 Pinot Gris FWP 750 6 101.91 25.85 42.48 46.53 9.53 10.57 Riesling FWP 750 6 85.79 21.76 35.76 39.17 8.03 8.90 Sauvignon Blanc FWP 750 6 85.79 21.76 35.76 39.17 8.03 8.90 SEE PAGE 50 FOR MERCHANT CODE INDEX WINE - WHITE - AUSTRALIAN MERCH. CODE OFF ON PREMISE INCL. GST W/SALE INCL. premise Glass 150ml Bottle WET SIZE - NO. PER EXCL. GST BOTTLE/ HIGH LOW LOW HIGH CASK ML CTN. MARGIN MARGIN MARGIN MARGIN Tar & Roses (Heathcote & Strathbogie, VIC) Pinot Grigio 2008/09 MEZ 750 Tarrawara Estate (Yarra Valley, VIC) Chardonnay NEG 750 Tin Cows Chardonnay NEG 750 Tatachilla Wines (McLaren Vale, SA) Grower’s Sauvignon Blanc Semillon FWP 750 FWP 750 McLaren Chardonnay FWP 750 Pinot Grigio Taylors Wines (Clare Valley, SA) Eighty Acres Chardonnay TAY 750 Eighty Acres Classic Dry White TAY 750 TAY Estate Chardonnay 750 TAY Estate Gewurztraminer 750 Estate Pinot Gris TAY 750 Estate Riesling TAY 750 Estate Sauvignon Blanc TAY 750 TAY Jaraman Chardonnay 750 TAY Jaraman Riesling 750 Jaraman Sauvignon Blanc TAY 750 Promised Land Moscato TAY 750 Promised Land Pinot Grigio TAY 750 TAY Promised Land Riesling 750 Promised Land Semillon Sauvignon Blanc TAY 750 Promised Land Unwooded Chardonnay TAY 750 St Andrews Chardonnay TAY 750 St Andrews Riesling TAY 750 Temple Bruer (Langhorne Creek, SA) ANG 750 Chenin Blanc Riesling ANG 750 ANG 750 Verdelho (Preservative Free) Tempus Two Wines - Copper Range Aranel AUV 750 Arnais AUV 750 AUV 750 Melange a Trois AUV 750 Moscato AUV 750 Wilde Chardonnay Tempus Two Wines - Pewter Range AUV 750 Pewter Pinot Gris Tempus Two Wines - Varietals AUV 750 Cowra Chardonnay AUV 750 Semillon Sauvignon Blanc Verdelho AUV 750 T’Gallant (Cape Schank) FOS 750 Pionot Grigio T’Gallant (Mornington Peninsula, VIC) Chardonnay FOS 750 750 Claudius White Blend - ON PREMISE ONLY FOS FOS 750 Grace Pinot Grigio FOS 750 Lot 2 Chardonnay Moscato FOS 750 FOS 750 Tribute Pinot Gris FOS 750 Volante White Blend T’Gallant Juliet (Mornington Peninsula, VIC) Moscato FOS 750 FOS 750 Pinot Grigio FOS 750 Sauvignon Blanc/Chenin Blanc The Islander (Kangaroo Island, SA) JTW 750 Whally White Semillon Viognier The Lane (Adelaide Hills, SA) GSW 750 Beginning Chardonnay GSW 750 Block 10 Sauvignon Blanc GSW 750 Block 2 Pinot Gris GSW 750 Block 3 Chardonnay Gathering Sauvignon Semillon GSW 750 GSW 750 Pinot Grigio GSW 750 Unwooded Chardonnay Viognier GSW 750 The Rothbury Estate Series - ON PREMISE ONLY Chardonnay FOS 750 FOS 750 Sauvignon Blanc FOS 750 Semillon Sauvignon Blanc The Willows Vineyard (Barossa Valley, SA) CHA 750 Riesling 2009 Semillon 2006 CHA 750 Thorn-Clarke (Barossa & Eden Valley, SA) MEZ 750 Sandpiper Chardonnay 2009 MEZ 750 Sandpiper Pinot Gris 2008/09 Sandpiper Riesling 2009 MEZ 750 MEZ 750 Shotfire Chardonnay 2007 MEZ 750 Shotfire Pinot Gris 2007 Three Drops (Mount Barker, WA) MEZ 750 Chardonnay 2008 MEZ 750 Riesling 2009/10 MEZ 750 Sauvignon Blanc 2009 Tigers Tail (Margaret River, WA) R+W 750 Semillon Sauvignon Blanc 2009 Tim Gramp Wines (Clare Valley, SA) CHA 750 Riesling 2008 Tin Shed Wines (Barossa Valley, SA) NEG 750 Wild Bunch Riesling Tomich Hill 750 Block B Wooded Chardonnay (Burgundian) FCW FCW 750 Late Harvest Gewurztraminer Pinot Grigio FCW 750 FCW 750 Pinot Gris FCW 750 Reserve Gewurztraminer Riesling FCW 750 FCW 750 Sauvignon Blanc FCW 750 Unwooded Chardonnay Torzi Matthews (Eden Valley, SA) PWS 750 Frost Dodger’ Riesling Totino FCW 750 Pinot Grigio FCW 750 Sauvignon Blanc FCW 750 Unwooded Chardonnay 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 12 12 12 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 12 12 12 6 6 6 6 6 12 6 12 12 12 12 12 12 6 12 12 12 12 12 6 6 6 6 6 12 12 12 6 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 6 12 12 12 67.72 203.18 85.14 52.89 81.27 52.89 67.73 67.73 85.14 85.14 85.14 85.14 85.14 106.43 106.43 106.43 61.92 61.92 61.92 61.92 61.92 135.45 135.45 119.97 119.97 149.64 77.40 77.40 77.40 77.40 77.40 116.10 56.76 56.76 56.76 61.28 90.30 175.44 196.08 234.78 180.60 265.74 90.30 78.69 78.69 78.69 339.27 154.80 193.50 193.50 193.50 270.90 270.90 161.25 116.10 107.72 107.72 107.72 109.65 129.00 67.08 67.08 67.08 94.17 94.17 193.50 174.15 174.15 154.80 157.38 167.70 298.61 166.72 214.40 166.72 248.14 166.72 166.72 166.72 180.60 157.28 157.28 157.28 LICENSEES’ LIQUOR GUIDE MARCH 2011 17.18 51.54 21.60 13.42 20.62 13.42 17.18 17.18 21.60 21.60 21.60 21.60 21.60 27.00 27.00 27.00 15.71 15.71 15.71 15.71 15.71 34.36 34.36 15.22 15.22 18.98 19.63 19.63 19.63 19.63 19.63 29.45 14.40 14.40 14.40 15.55 22.91 24.87 29.78 22.91 67.41 22.91 19.96 19.96 19.96 43.03 39.27 24.54 24.54 24.54 34.36 34.36 20.45 29.45 13.91 16.36 17.02 17.02 17.02 23.89 23.89 24.54 22.09 22.09 39.27 19.96 21.27 37.88 21.15 27.19 21.15 31.47 21.15 21.15 21.15 45.81 19.95 19.95 19.95 28.23 30.92 84.70 92.78 35.49 38.88 22.05 24.15 33.88 37.11 22.05 24.15 28.23 30.93 28.23 30.93 35.49 38.88 35.49 38.88 35.49 38.88 35.49 38.88 35.49 38.88 44.37 48.60 44.37 48.60 44.37 48.60 25.81 28.27 25.81 28.27 25.81 28.27 25.81 28.27 25.81 28.27 56.46 61.85 56.46 61.85 25.01 27.39 25.01 27.39 31.19 34.16 32.26 35.34 32.26 35.34 32.26 35.34 32.26 35.34 32.26 35.34 48.40 53.01 23.66 25.92 23.66 25.92 23.66 25.92 25.54 27.98 37.64 41.23 73.13 80.11 40.87 44.77 48.93 53.60 37.64 41.23 110.78 121.34 37.64 41.23 32.80 35.93 32.80 35.93 32.80 35.93 70.71 77.46 64.53 70.68 40.33 44.18 40.33 44.18 40.33 44.18 56.46 61.85 56.46 61.85 33.61 36.82 48.40 53.01 22.45 24.59 22.45 24.59 22.45 24.59 22.85 25.03 26.89 29.45 27.96 30.63 27.96 30.63 27.96 30.63 39.26 43.00 39.26 43.00 40.33 44.18 36.30 39.76 36.30 39.76 64.53 70.68 32.80 35.93 34.95 38.29 62.24 68.18 34.75 38.06 44.69 48.95 34.75 38.06 51.72 56.65 34.75 38.06 34.75 38.06 34.75 38.06 75.28 82.47 32.78 35.91 32.78 35.91 32.78 35.91 6.34 19.01 7.97 4.95 7.60 4.95 6.34 6.34 7.97 7.97 7.97 7.97 7.97 9.96 9.96 9.96 5.79 5.79 5.79 5.79 5.79 12.67 12.67 5.61 5.61 7.00 7.24 7.24 7.24 7.24 7.24 10.86 5.31 5.31 5.31 5.73 8.45 16.41 9.17 10.98 8.45 24.86 8.45 7.36 7.36 7.36 15.87 14.48 9.05 9.05 9.05 12.67 12.67 7.54 10.86 5.04 5.04 5.04 5.13 6.03 6.28 6.28 6.28 8.81 8.81 9.05 8.15 8.15 14.48 7.36 7.85 13.97 7.80 10.03 7.80 11.61 7.80 7.80 7.80 16.90 7.36 7.36 7.36 7.02 21.07 8.83 5.48 8.43 5.48 7.02 7.02 8.83 8.83 8.83 8.83 8.83 11.04 11.04 11.04 6.42 6.42 6.42 6.42 6.42 14.05 14.05 6.22 6.22 7.76 8.03 8.03 8.03 8.03 8.03 12.04 5.89 5.89 5.89 6.35 9.36 18.19 10.17 12.17 9.36 27.56 9.36 8.16 8.16 8.16 17.59 16.05 10.03 10.03 10.03 14.05 14.05 8.36 12.04 5.59 5.59 5.59 5.69 6.69 6.96 6.96 6.96 9.76 9.76 10.03 9.03 9.03 16.05 8.16 8.69 15.48 8.64 11.12 8.64 12.87 8.64 8.64 8.64 18.73 8.15 8.15 8.15 WINE - WHITE - AUSTRALIAN MERCH. CODE Trentham Estate (Trentham Cliffs, NSW) Chardonnay 2008 EMP La Famiglia Moscato 2010 EMP La Famiglia Pinot Grigio 2010 EMP EMP La Famiglia Vermentino 2008 Murphy’s Lore Chardonnay 2008 EMP Sauvignon Blanc 2009 EMP Two Thirds Semillon Sauvignon Blanc 2009 EMP Tscharke (Barossa Valley, SA) R+W Girl Talk 2009/10 Tulloch (NSW) Chardonnay ANG Semillon ANG Semillon Sauvignon Blanc ANG Verdelho ANG Verscato ANG Turkey Flat (Barossa Valley, SA) ANG Butchers Block White Tyrrell’s Wines (Hunter Valley, NSW) OPT Lost Block Sauvignon Blanc Lost Block Semillon OPT OPT Moon Mountain Chardonnay OPT Old Winery Chardonnay OPT Old Winery Pinot Grigio OPT Old Winery Sauvignon Blanc Old Winery Semillon OPT OPT Old Winery Semillon Sauvignon Blanc OPT Old Winery Verdelho OPT Single Vineyard HVD Semillon Single Vineyard Stevens Semillon OPT Vat 1 Hunter Semillion OPT Vat 47 Chardonnay OPT Umamu (Margaret River, WA) Semillion Sauvignon Blanc 2006 CHA Valley Of The Giants Classic Dry White FOS Vasse Felix (WA) Chardonnay SSS Classic Dry White SSS SSS Heytesbury Chardonnay (Limited) SSS Sauvignon Blanc Semillon Semillon SSS Vinaceous Wines (Various) Devine Light Verdelho 2010 EMP EMP Sirenya Pinot Grigio 2010 Voyager Estate (Margaret River, WA) Chardonnay OPT OPT Chenin Blanc Sauvignon Blanc Semillon OPT Water Wheel Wines (Bendigo, VIC) Chardonnay ANG Memsie White ANG ANG Sauvignon Blanc West Cape Howe (Mt Barker, WA) EMP Riesling 2009 EMP Sauvignon Blanc 2010 Semillon Sauvignon Blanc 2010 EMP EMP Styx Gully Chardonnay 2006 Unwooded Chardonnay 2010 EMP Wicks Estate (Adelaide Hills, SA) Chardonnay ANG Riesling ANG ANG Sauvignon Blanc Wilkie Estate (Adelaide Plains, SA) Verdelho OPT Wilson (Polish Hill River, SA) JTW Riesling (Screw cap) Riesling DJW (Screw cap) JTW Wirra Wirra Wines (SA) 12th Man Adelaide Hills Chardonnay NEG NEG Hiding Champion Sauvignon Blanc NEG Lost Watch Riesling (Screwcap) NEG Scrubby Rise Unwooded Chardonnay NEG Scrubby Rise White Wolf Blass Bilyara - ON PREMISE ONLY FOS Chardonnay Sauvignon Blanc FOS Wolf Blass Eaglehawk Chardonnay FOS Riesling FOS FOS Sauvignon Blanc FOS Semillon Chardonnay Wolf Blass Gold Label FOS Adelaide Hills Chardonnay Cellar Door Coonawarra Late Harvest FOS Riesling - on premise only Wolf Blass Red Label Chardonnay FOS Chardonnay FOS FOS Classic Dry White FOS Semillon Sauvignon Blanc FOS Traminer Riesling FOS Unwooded Chardonnay Wolf Blass White Label FOS Adelaide Hills Chardonnay Wolf Blass Yellow Label Chardonnay FOS Chardonnay FOS Moscato FOS Riesling FOS Riesling FOS FOS Sauvignon Blanc Woodstock (McLaren Vale, SA) Chardonnay GSW Riesling GSW GSW Semillon Sauvignon Blanc OFF ON PREMISE INCL. GST W/SALE INCL. premise Glass 150ml Bottle WET SIZE - NO. PER EXCL. GST BOTTLE/ HIGH LOW LOW HIGH CASK ML CTN. MARGIN MARGIN MARGIN MARGIN 750 750 750 750 750 750 750 750 750 750 750 750 750 750 750 750 750 750 750 750 750 750 750 750 750 750 750 750 750 750 750 750 375 750 750 750 750 750 750 750 750 750 750 750 750 750 750 750 750 750 750 750 750 750 750 750 750 750 750 750 750 750 750 750 750 6 12 12 12 6 6 12 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 12 6 12 12 6 12 12 12 12 6 6 6 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 6 12 12 6 6 12 12 12 12 12 6 6 6 6 6 72.24 108.36 143.19 143.19 52.25 61.92 123.84 86.43 61.92 61.92 61.92 61.92 61.92 83.85 65.79 65.79 72.24 59.34 59.34 59.34 59.34 59.34 59.34 122.55 122.55 245.10 245.10 164.35 39.99 206.06 167.78 209.06 190.77 190.77 154.80 154.80 162.54 77.40 92.88 136.74 79.98 100.62 154.80 154.80 139.32 193.50 139.32 144.48 144.48 144.48 70.95 163.80 161.25 119.33 89.01 154.80 130.29 130.29 83.21 83.21 42.57 42.57 42.57 42.57 98.04 18.33 13.74 18.16 18.16 13.25 15.71 15.71 21.93 15.71 15.71 15.71 15.71 15.71 21.27 16.69 16.69 18.33 15.05 15.05 15.05 15.05 15.05 15.05 31.09 31.09 62.18 62.18 20.85 10.14 26.14 21.28 53.03 24.20 24.20 19.63 19.63 41.23 19.63 23.56 17.34 10.14 12.76 19.63 19.63 17.67 24.54 17.67 18.33 18.33 18.33 18.00 20.78 20.45 30.27 22.58 19.63 16.53 16.53 10.80 10.80 10.80 10.80 24.87 750 187 750 750 750 750 750 750 375 750 750 750 750 750 750 750 750 12 24 6 6 6 6 6 6 12 6 6 6 12 6 12 12 12 196.08 69.66 56.76 56.76 56.76 56.76 56.76 167.70 79.98 70.95 70.95 70.95 141.90 70.95 163.83 163.83 138.03 4.42 14.40 14.40 14.40 14.40 14.40 42.54 10.14 18.00 18.00 18.00 18.00 18.00 20.78 20.78 17.51 30.11 32.99 22.59 24.74 29.84 32.69 29.84 32.69 21.78 23.86 25.81 28.27 25.81 28.27 36.03 39.47 25.81 28.27 25.81 28.27 25.81 28.27 25.81 28.27 25.81 28.27 34.95 38.29 27.42 30.04 27.42 30.04 30.11 32.99 24.74 27.10 24.74 27.10 24.74 27.10 24.74 27.10 24.74 27.10 24.74 27.10 51.09 55.96 51.09 55.96 102.17 111.92 102.17 111.92 34.26 37.52 16.67 18.26 42.95 47.05 34.97 38.31 87.15 95.46 39.76 43.55 39.76 43.55 32.26 35.34 32.26 35.34 67.76 74.22 32.26 35.34 38.72 42.41 28.50 31.22 16.67 18.26 20.97 22.97 32.26 35.34 32.26 35.34 29.04 31.81 40.33 44.18 29.04 31.81 30.11 32.99 30.11 32.99 30.11 32.99 29.58 32.40 34.14 37.40 33.61 36.82 49.74 54.49 37.10 40.64 32.26 35.34 27.16 29.75 27.16 29.75 17.34 19.00 17.34 19.00 17.75 19.44 17.75 19.44 17.75 19.44 17.75 19.44 40.87 44.77 40.87 7.26 23.66 23.66 23.66 23.66 23.66 69.91 16.67 29.58 29.58 29.58 29.58 29.58 34.15 34.15 28.77 44.77 7.95 25.92 25.92 25.92 25.92 25.92 76.58 18.26 32.40 32.40 32.40 32.40 32.40 37.40 37.40 31.51 6.76 5.07 6.70 6.70 4.89 5.79 5.79 8.09 5.79 5.79 5.79 5.79 5.79 7.85 6.16 6.16 6.76 5.55 5.55 5.55 5.55 5.55 5.55 11.47 11.47 22.93 22.93 7.69 3.74 9.64 7.85 19.56 17.85 8.92 7.24 7.24 15.21 7.24 8.69 6.40 3.74 4.71 7.24 7.24 6.52 9.05 6.52 6.76 6.76 6.76 6.64 7.66 7.54 11.16 8.33 7.24 6.10 6.10 3.89 3.89 3.98 3.98 3.98 3.98 9.17 7.49 5.62 7.42 7.42 5.42 6.42 6.42 8.96 6.42 6.42 6.42 6.42 6.42 8.69 6.82 6.82 7.49 6.15 6.15 6.15 6.15 6.15 6.15 12.71 12.71 25.42 25.42 8.52 4.15 10.68 8.70 21.68 19.78 9.89 8.03 8.03 16.85 8.03 9.63 7.09 4.15 5.22 8.03 8.03 7.22 10.03 7.22 7.49 7.49 7.49 7.36 8.49 8.36 12.37 9.23 8.03 6.76 6.76 4.31 4.31 4.41 4.41 4.41 4.41 10.17 9.17 5.31 5.31 5.31 5.31 5.31 15.69 7.48 6.64 6.64 6.64 6.64 6.64 7.66 7.66 6.46 10.17 5.89 5.89 5.89 5.89 5.89 17.39 8.29 7.36 7.36 7.36 7.36 7.36 8.49 8.49 7.16 WINE - WHITE - AUSTRALIAN 41 WINE - WHITE - AUSTRALIAN MERCH. CODE OFF ON PREMISE INCL. GST W/SALE INCL. premise Glass 150ml Bottle WET SIZE - NO. PER EXCL. GST BOTTLE/ HIGH LOW LOW HIGH CASK ML CTN. MARGIN MARGIN MARGIN MARGIN Wyndham Estate Wines 1828 Unwooded Chardonnay PRA 750 Bin 222 Chardonnay PRA 187 PRA 750 Bin 222 Chardonnay Bin 777 Semillon Sauvignon Blanc PRA 750 George Wyndham Semillon Sauvignon Blanc PRA 750 TR2 Select White PRA 750 Wynns Coonawarra Estate (Coonawarra, SA) Chardonnay FOS 750 Riesling FOS 750 X & Y Margaret River (Margaret River, WA) X & Y Chardonnay MCW 750 MCW 750 X & Y Sauvignon Blanc Yabby Lake (Mornington Peninsula, VIC) Chardonnay 2008 R+W 750 Pinot Gris 2008 R+W 750 Yalumba SSS 750 Christobel’s Classic Dry White SSS Eden Valley Chardonnay-Wild Ferment 750 Eden Valley Viognier SSS 750 FDW Chardonnay (Adelaide Hills, SA) SSS 750 Organic Viognier (Riverland, SA) SSS 750 SSS 750 Oxford Landing Chardonnay SSS 750 Oxford Landing Sauvignon Blanc Premium Selection Chardonnay (Casks) SSS 2000 Premium Selection Riesling (Casks) SSS 2000 Premium Selection Sauvignon Blanc (Casks) SSS 2000 Premium Selection Sauvignon Blanc Semillon (Casks) SSS 2000 Premium Selection Trio - Pinot Gris, Tram, SSS 2000 Riesling Blend (Casks) Premium Selection Unwooded SSS 2000 Chardonnay (Casks) SSS 2000 Traditional Classic Dry White (Casks) Traditional Colombard Chardonnay (Casks) SSS 2000 SSS 2000 Traditional Spatlese Riesling (Casks) SSS 750 Y Pinot Grigio SSS 750 Y Riesling SSS 750 Y Sauvignon Blanc SSS 750 Y Unwooded Chardonnay SSS 750 Y Viognier SSS 750 Yalumba The Virgilius SSS Yalumba Vermentino 750 Yarra Burn Chardonnay CWA 750 CWA 750 Sauvignon Blanc Semillon (Screw cap) Viognier CWA 750 Yarra Yering (Yarra Valley, VIC) Chardonnay GSW 750 Yellow Tail Chardonnay CAS 187 CAS 750 Chardonnay Moscato CAS 750 CAS 187 Pinot Grigio CAS 750 Pinot Grigio CAS 750 Reserve Chardonnay CAS 750 Reserve Pinot Grigio CAS 750 Sauvignon Blanc CAS 187 Semillon Sauvignon Blanc CAS 750 Semillon Sauvignon Blanc Yendah CAS 750 Yendah Pinot Grigo Zilzie (Murray Darling, VIC) OPT 750 btw Chardonnay btw Sauvignon Blanc OPT 750 750 Regional Collection Adelaide Hills Pinot Gris OPT 750 Regional Collection Murray Darling ChardonnayOPT OPT Regional Collection Victoria Viognier 750 Selection 23 Chardonnay OPT 750 Selection 23 Sauvignon Blanc OPT 750 WINE - WHITE - INTERNATIONAL Alasia (Piedmont, Italy) NEG Moscato d’Asti Allan Scott (NZ) OPT Sauvignon Blanc Angel Cove (Marlborough NZ) Marlborough Sauvignon Blanc FOS Antinori (Tuscany, Italy) NEG Villa Antinori Bianco Toscana 2006 Villa Antinori ‘Campogrande’ Orvieto Secco 2006 NEG Babich (Marlborough, NZ) GSW Gimblett Gravels Chardonnay Gimblett Gravels Gewurztraminer GSW GSW Iron Gate Chardonnay GSW Marlborough Pinot Gris GSW Marlborough Sauvignon Blanc Organic Sauvignon Blanc GSW GSW Wine Maker’s Reserve Sauvignon Blanc Bellbird Spring (Waipara Valley, NZ) OPT Home Block White Brancott PRA Letter Series B Sauvignon Blanc Letter Series O Chardonnay PRA PRA Pinot Grigio PRA Pinot Grigio PRA Sauvignon Blanc PRA Sauvignon Blanc PRA Unoaked Chardonnay Catalina Sounds ( NZ) Pinot Gris 2008/09 R+W R+W Sauvignon Blanc 2010 Chateau de Sancerre (Sancerre, France) FWP Chateau de Sancerre Chateau St Jean (France) FOS Sonoma Chardonnay 750 750 750 750 750 750 750 750 750 750 750 750 750 750 750 187 750 187 750 750 750 750 750 750 6 24 6 6 6 6 6 6 12 12 6 6 12 12 12 6 6 12 12 6 6 6 33.87 56.37 57.14 57.14 77.79 29.09 86.43 86.43 135.45 135.45 135.15 125.77 121.26 160.53 185.53 115.13 67.73 81.27 81.27 72.89 72.89 72.89 8.59 3.57 14.50 14.50 19.73 7.38 21.93 21.93 17.18 17.18 34.28 31.91 15.38 20.36 23.53 29.21 17.18 10.31 10.31 17.76 17.76 17.76 14.12 5.87 23.82 23.82 32.43 12.13 36.03 36.03 28.23 28.23 56.34 52.43 25.27 33.46 38.67 47.99 28.23 16.94 16.94 15.47 6.43 26.09 26.09 35.52 13.28 39.47 39.47 30.92 30.92 61.71 57.43 27.68 36.65 42.36 52.57 30.93 18.55 18.55 3.17 5.35 5.35 7.28 2.72 8.09 8.09 6.34 6.34 12.64 11.77 5.67 7.51 8.68 10.77 6.34 3.80 3.80 3.50 3.50 3.50 3.51 5.93 5.93 8.07 3.02 8.96 8.96 7.02 7.02 14.01 13.04 6.29 8.32 9.62 11.94 7.02 4.21 4.21 4.03 4.03 4.03 6 72.89 17.76 3.50 4.03 6 72.89 17.76 3.50 4.03 6 6 6 6 12 12 12 12 12 6 6 6 6 6 12 24 12 12 24 12 6 12 12 24 12 6 12 12 6 6 6 12 12 72.89 59.99 59.99 59.99 126.42 126.42 126.42 126.42 126.42 176.32 123.03 101.91 99.98 104.49 696.60 51.60 82.56 82.56 51.60 82.56 58.05 116.10 82.56 51.60 82.56 68.37 83.21 83.21 59.01 59.01 59.01 83.20 83.20 17.76 14.62 14.62 14.62 16.04 16.04 16.04 16.04 16.04 44.73 31.21 25.85 25.36 26.51 88.36 3.27 10.47 10.47 3.27 10.47 14.73 14.73 10.47 3.27 10.47 17.34 10.55 10.55 14.97 14.97 14.97 10.55 10.55 3.50 2.88 2.88 2.88 5.91 5.91 5.91 5.91 5.91 16.50 11.51 9.53 9.35 9.78 32.59 3.86 3.86 3.86 5.43 5.43 3.86 3.86 6.40 3.89 3.89 5.52 5.52 5.52 3.89 3.89 4.03 3.32 3.32 3.32 6.55 6.55 6.55 6.55 6.55 18.28 12.76 10.57 10.37 10.84 36.12 4.28 4.28 4.28 6.02 6.02 4.28 4.28 7.09 4.31 4.31 6.12 6.12 6.12 4.31 4.31 6 12 6 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 6 6 6 24 6 24 6 6 6 12 12 12 90.30 154.80 56.76 154.80 122.55 165.12 180.60 258.00 180.60 165.12 180.60 232.20 118.20 97.40 97.40 70.66 71.98 70.66 71.98 71.98 106.43 193.50 307.02 196.08 22.91 19.63 14.40 19.63 15.54 20.94 22.91 32.72 22.91 20.94 22.91 29.45 29.98 24.71 24.71 4.48 18.26 4.48 18.26 18.26 27.00 24.54 38.94 24.87 8.45 7.24 5.31 7.24 5.73 7.72 8.45 12.07 8.45 7.72 8.45 10.86 11.06 9.11 9.11 6.63 6.73 6.63 6.73 6.73 9.96 9.05 14.36 9.17 9.36 8.03 5.89 8.03 6.35 8.56 9.36 13.38 9.36 8.56 9.36 12.04 12.26 10.10 10.10 7.35 7.46 7.35 7.46 7.46 11.04 10.03 15.92 10.17 42 WINE - WHITE - AUSTRALIAN 26.35 28.86 26.35 28.86 26.35 28.86 26.35 28.86 26.35 28.86 73.50 80.51 51.29 56.18 42.48 46.53 41.68 45.65 43.56 47.71 145.19 159.04 5.38 5.89 17.21 18.85 17.21 18.85 5.38 5.89 17.21 18.85 24.20 26.51 24.20 26.51 17.21 18.85 5.38 5.89 17.21 18.85 28.50 31.22 17.34 19.00 17.34 19.00 24.60 26.95 24.60 26.95 24.60 26.95 17.34 19.00 17.34 19.00 37.64 32.26 23.66 32.26 25.54 34.42 37.64 53.77 37.64 34.42 37.64 48.40 49.27 40.60 40.60 7.36 30.01 7.36 30.01 30.01 44.37 40.33 63.99 40.87 41.23 35.34 25.92 35.34 27.98 37.70 41.23 58.90 41.23 37.70 41.23 53.01 53.97 44.47 44.47 8.07 32.87 8.07 32.87 32.87 48.60 44.18 70.10 44.77 WINE - WHITE - INTERNATIONAL OFF ON PREMISE INCL. GST W/SALE INCL. premise Glass 150ml Bottle WET MERCH. SIZE - NO. PER EXCL. GST BOTTLE/ HIGH LOW LOW HIGH CASK CODE ML CTN. MARGIN MARGIN MARGIN MARGIN Clayfork Vineyard (Marlborough, NZ) MEZ Steely Dan Sauvignon Blanc 2009 Clos Henri (Marlborough, NZ) Sauvignon Blanc OPT Cloudy Bay (Marlborough, NZ) Gewurztraminer 2006 MHA Sauvignon Blanc 2010 MHA Crowded House (Marlbourgh, NZ) Sauvignon Blanc 2009/10 R+W Danzante (Italy) FWP Pinot Grigio De Bortoli Wines (Marlborough, NZ) 3 Tales Sauvignon Blanc FCW Dog Point (Marlborough, NZ) R+W Chardonnay 2008 R+W Sauvignon Blanc 2009/10 Section 94 Oaked Sauvignon Blanc 2008 R+W Domaines Schulumberger Les Princes Abbés Gewurtztraminer 2005 MEZ MEZ Les Princes Abbés Pinot Blanc 2007 MEZ Les Princes Abbés Pinot Gris 2007 Les Princes Abbés Riesling 2006 MEZ Drift (Marlborough, NZ) Pinot Gris OPT OPT Sauvignon Blanc Escarpment (Martinborough, NZ) Chardonnay 2007/08 R+W Pinot Gris 2008/09 R+W Falernia (Chile) FCW Sauvignon Blanc Farnese (Italy) Casale Vecchio Pecorino FCW Vesevo Fiano di Avellino FCW Vesevo Greco di Tufo FCW Felton Road (Central Otago, NZ) R+W Chardonnay Bannockburn 2008/09 Dry Riesling 2010 R+W R+W Medium Riesling 2010 Finca del Arantei (Rias Baixas, Spain) MEZ Finca de Arantei Albarino 2008 Forrest Estate (Marlborough, NZ) EMP Botrytis Riesling 2004 EMP Gewurztraminer 2006 John Forrest Collection The White 2006 EMP John Forrest Collection Wairau Valley Reisling 2005EMP EMP Pinot Gris 2009 EMP Riesling 2007 EMP Sauvignon Blanc 2009 Tatty Bogler Otago Pinot Gris EMP EMP The Doctor’s Riesling Georges Duboeuf (Beaujolais, France) NEG Sauvignon Blanc Jardin Viognier NEG Gibbston Valley (NZ) ANG Pinot Gris Giesen (Canterbury, NZ) NEG Sauvignon Blanc Single Vineyard The Brothers Sauvignon BlancNEG Growers Garden (Marlborough, NZ) SSS Sauvignon Blanc Guigal (Rhone, France) NEG Condrieu 2009 NEG Cotes du Rhone Blanc 2009 NEG St Joseph Blanc 2006 Heart of Stone (Marlborough, NZ) Sauvignon Blanc 2009 EMP Hugel et Fils (Alsace, France) NEG Gentil 2008 Gewurztraminer 2008 NEG Gewurztraminer Jubilee 2004 NEG Pinot Blanc 2007 NEG Riesling 2008 NEG Hunter’s (Marlborough, NZ) Chardonnay 2008 MEZ Gewurztraminer 2009 MEZ Riesling 2007 MEZ Sauvignon Blanc 2009 MEZ Isabel Estate (Marlborough, NZ) Chardonnay 2006 MEZ MEZ Pinot Gris 2009 MEZ Riesling 2008 MEZ Sauvignon Blanc 2009 Jackson Estate (Marlborough, NZ) OPT Sauvignon Blanc Jed (Uco Valley, Argentina) Pinot Grigio GSW Sauvignon Blanc GSW Joseph Drouhin (Burgundy, France) Chablis FWP Rully Blanc FWP FWP Saint Veran Kim Crawford (Marlborough, NZ) Marlborough Dry Riesling CWA Marlborough Pinot Gris CWA CWA Marlborough Sauvignon Blanc CWA Marlborough Unoaked Chardonnay Laurenz V (Kamptal, Austria) Charming Single Region Kamptal Gruner Veltliner 2007/08 R+W Friendly Gruner 2009 R+W R+W Singing Gruner Veltliner 2009 Le Meridiane (Italy) Trentino Gewurztraminer FCW FCW Trentino Pinot Grigio Main Divide (By Pegasus Bay, NZ) Sauvignon Blanc PWS 750 750 750 750 750 750 750 750 750 750 750 750 750 750 750 750 750 750 750 750 750 750 750 750 750 750 750 750 750 750 750 750 750 750 750 750 750 750 750 750 2000 750 750 750 750 750 750 750 750 750 750 750 750 750 750 750 750 750 750 750 750 750 750 750 750 750 750 750 12 6 6 6 12 6 6 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 6 6 12 6 6 6 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 6 12 12 12 6 12 6 6 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 6 12 12 6 6 6 6 193.50 150.00 157.38 143.19 154.80 81.27 76.16 270.90 215.43 270.90 412.80 206.40 270.90 307.02 154.80 110.94 154.80 154.80 116.10 76.24 95.20 95.20 399.90 277.35 277.35 290.25 237.36 175.44 290.25 258.00 167.70 167.70 167.70 127.71 167.70 109.65 141.90 129.00 163.19 99.97 78.12 722.40 199.95 457.95 149.64 174.15 290.25 387.00 193.50 277.35 190.92 208.98 199.95 183.18 258.00 212.85 224.46 212.85 183.18 161.25 161.25 158.03 296.70 232.20 93.53 93.53 93.53 93.53 24.54 38.05 39.92 36.32 19.63 20.62 19.32 34.36 27.32 34.36 52.36 26.18 34.36 38.94 19.63 14.07 39.27 39.27 14.73 19.34 24.15 24.15 50.72 35.18 35.18 36.82 30.11 22.25 36.82 32.72 21.27 21.27 21.27 32.40 21.27 13.91 18.00 32.72 20.70 25.36 19.04 91.63 25.36 58.09 18.98 22.09 36.82 49.09 24.54 35.18 24.22 26.51 25.36 23.23 32.72 27.00 28.47 27.00 23.23 20.45 20.45 40.09 37.63 29.45 23.73 23.73 23.73 23.73 750 750 750 750 750 750 6 6 6 12 12 12 180.60 116.10 103.20 154.80 154.80 154.80 45.81 29.45 26.18 19.63 19.63 19.63 40.33 44.18 62.53 68.49 65.60 71.86 59.69 65.38 32.26 35.34 33.88 37.11 31.75 34.78 56.46 61.85 44.90 49.18 56.46 61.85 86.04 94.25 43.02 47.12 56.46 61.85 63.99 70.10 32.26 35.34 23.12 25.33 64.53 70.68 64.53 70.68 24.20 26.51 31.78 34.81 39.68 43.47 39.68 43.47 83.35 91.30 57.81 63.32 57.81 63.32 60.50 66.27 49.47 54.19 36.57 40.05 60.50 66.27 53.77 58.90 34.95 38.29 34.95 38.29 34.95 38.29 53.24 58.32 34.95 38.29 22.85 25.03 29.58 32.40 53.77 58.90 34.01 37.26 41.67 45.65 150.57 164.93 41.68 45.65 95.45 104.55 31.19 34.16 36.30 39.76 60.50 66.27 80.66 88.36 40.33 44.18 57.81 63.32 39.79 43.59 43.56 47.71 41.68 45.65 38.18 41.82 53.77 58.90 44.36 48.60 46.78 51.25 44.36 48.60 38.18 41.82 33.61 36.82 33.61 36.82 65.88 72.16 61.84 67.74 48.40 53.01 38.99 42.71 38.99 42.71 38.99 42.71 38.99 42.71 75.28 48.40 43.02 32.26 32.26 32.26 9.05 14.03 14.72 13.40 7.24 7.60 7.13 12.67 10.08 12.67 19.31 9.66 12.67 14.36 7.24 5.19 14.48 14.48 5.43 7.13 8.91 8.91 18.71 12.97 12.97 13.58 11.10 8.21 13.58 12.07 7.85 7.85 7.85 11.95 7.85 5.13 6.64 12.07 7.63 9.35 3.75 33.79 9.35 21.42 7.00 8.15 13.58 18.10 9.05 12.97 8.93 9.78 9.35 8.57 12.07 9.96 10.50 9.96 8.57 7.54 7.54 14.79 13.88 10.86 8.75 8.75 8.75 8.75 10.03 15.55 16.32 14.85 8.03 8.43 7.90 14.05 11.17 14.05 21.40 10.70 14.05 15.92 8.03 5.75 16.05 16.05 6.02 7.91 9.87 9.87 20.73 14.38 14.38 15.05 12.31 9.10 15.05 13.38 8.69 8.69 8.69 13.24 8.69 5.69 7.36 13.38 8.46 10.37 4.32 37.45 10.37 23.74 7.76 9.03 15.05 20.07 10.03 14.38 9.90 10.84 10.37 9.50 13.38 11.04 11.64 11.04 9.50 8.36 8.36 16.39 15.38 12.04 9.70 9.70 9.70 9.70 82.47 53.01 47.12 35.34 35.34 16.90 10.86 9.66 7.24 7.24 18.73 12.04 10.70 8.03 8.03 35.34 7.24 8.03 SEE PAGE 50 FOR MERCHANT CODE INDEX WINE - WHITE - INTERNATIONAL OFF ON PREMISE INCL. GST W/SALE INCL. premise Glass 150ml Bottle WET MERCH. SIZE - NO. PER EXCL. GST BOTTLE/ HIGH LOW LOW HIGH CASK CODE ML CTN. MARGIN MARGIN MARGIN MARGIN Maison De Grand Espirit (France) La Belle Voisine Chass Montrachet - ON PREMISE ONLY FOS 750 La Belle Voisine Pouilly Fuisse - ON PREMISE ONLYFOS 750 Les Petites Vignettes Alsace Pinot Blanc FOS 750 Les Petites Vignettes Alsace Pinot Gris FOS 375 Les Petites Vignettes Loire Valley Sauvignon Blanc FOS 750 Maison Louis Jardot (Burgundy, France) R+W 750 Bourgogne Blanc Chardonnay 2008 Macon Blanc Villages 2008 R+W 750 Mansion House Bay (NZ) Sauvignon Blanc FCW 750 Masi (Italy) SSS 750 Levarie Soave Classico 2008 Masianco SSS 750 Matua Valley Estate Series (NZ) Paretai Marlborough Sauvignon Blanc ON PREMISE ONLY FOS 750 Matua Valley Regional Series (North Island, NZ) First Frost Sauvignon Blanc FOS 750 Hawkes Bay Sauvignon Blanc - ON PREMISE ONLYFOS 750 Marlborough Chardonnay FOS 750 FOS 750 Marlborough Sauvignon Blanc McWilliam’s Wines - Essenze (NZ) Regional Range Marlborough Sauvignon BlancMCW 750 Regional Range Waipara Pinot Gris MCW 750 Miscellaneous NEG 750 Bonneau du Martray - France 750 Ch Du Pavilion St. Croix du Mont - France NEG Ch D’Yquem Sauternes - France NEG 750 NEG 750 Ch Rieussec Sauternes - France NEG 750 Dom Andre Ramonet - France NEG 750 Dom Coche Dury - France NEG 750 Dom Comtes Lafon - France Dom de Ladoucette - France NEG 750 NEG 750 Dom Faiveley - France NEG 750 Dom Guy Roulot - France NEG 750 Dom Leflaive- France NEG 750 Olivier Leflaive - France NEG 750 Pascal Jolivet - France NEG 750 William Fevre (Chablis) - France Momo (Marlborough, NZ) PWS 750 Momo Sauvignon Blanc Mount Difficulty (Central Otago, NZ) Chardonnay FWP 750 FWP 750 Pinot Gris FWP 750 Roaring Meg Pinot Gris Sauvignon Blanc FWP 750 FWP 750 Target Gully Riesling Mount Riley (NZ) Pinot Gris ANG 750 ANG 750 Sauvignon Blanc ANG 750 Seventeen Valley Sauvignon Blanc Mud House (Marlborough, NZ) OPT 750 Pinot Gris OPT 750 Sauvignon Blanc Nautilus (NZ) Chardonnay SSS 750 SSS 750 Pinot Gris SSS 750 Sauvignon Blanc Negri (Italy) FCW 750 Monteporzio Frascati Superiore Opawa ( Marlborough, NZ) SSS 750 Pinot Gris SSS 750 Sauvignon Blanc Palliser (NZ) NEG 750 Pencarrow Chardonnay Pencarrow Sauvignon Blanc NEG 750 Riesling NEG 750 NEG 750 Sauvignon Blanc Paul Jaboulet Aine (Rhone, France) FWP 750 Hermitage ‘Le Chevalier de Sterimberg’ Pegasus Bay (Canterbury, NZ) PWS 750 Sauvignon Semillon Blanc Quartz Reef (Central Otago, NZ) MEZ 750 Pinot Gris 2009 Ra Nui (Marlborough, NZ) Sauvignon Blanc OPT 750 Rabbit Ranch (Marlborough, NZ) OPT 750 Pinot Gris Saint Clair (Marlborough, NZ) NEG 750 Marlborough Pinot Gris NEG 750 Marlborough Sauvignon Blanc 750 Pioneer Block 3 43 Degrees Sauvignon BlancNEG 750 Pioneer Block 6 Oh! Block Sauvignon Blanc NEG Secret Stone (Marlborough, NZ) Marlborough Vineyards Chardonnay FOS 750 FOS 750 Marlborough Vineyards Pinot Gris FOS 750 Marlborough Vineyards Sauvignon Blanc Sella & Mosca (Sardinia) 750 Monteoro Vermentino di Gallura Superiore FWP FWP 750 Terre Bianche Alghero Sepp Moser (Rohrendorf & Apetlon, Austria) MEZ 750 Sepp Gruner Veltliner 2007 MEZ 750 Wolfsgraben Gruner Veltliner 2007 Serego Alighieri (Italy) SSS 750 Possessioni Bianco Seresin Estate (Marlborough, NZ) PWS 750 Marama Sauvignon Blanc PWS 750 Pinot Gris PWS 750 Sauvignon Blanc Spy Valley (Marlborough, NZ) DEC 750 Pinot Gris 2009 DEC 750 Riesling 2008 DEC 750 Sauvignon Blanc 2009 Squealing Pig (Marlborough, NZ) FOS 750 Marlborough Sauvignon Blanc 6 6 6 12 6 12 12 12 12 6 670.80 251.55 80.63 234.78 80.63 296.70 264.45 175.54 169.74 103.20 20.45 29.78 20.45 37.63 33.54 22.27 21.53 26.18 279.63 306.30 104.86 114.86 33.61 36.82 48.93 53.60 33.61 36.82 61.84 67.74 55.12 60.38 36.59 40.08 35.38 38.75 43.02 47.12 62.76 23.54 7.54 21.97 7.54 69.56 26.08 8.36 24.35 8.36 13.88 12.37 15.38 13.71 8.21 9.10 7.94 9.66 8.80 10.70 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 12 12 12 12 12 12 6 12 6 12 12 12 6 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 6 12 6 12 12 12 12 12 12 6 6 6 6 6 12 12 6 12 12 12 12 12 12 6 136.74 82.56 20.94 70.95 82.56 20.94 82.56 20.94 75.79 19.23 75.79 19.23 P.O.A. P.O.A. P.O.A. P.O.A. P.O.A. P.O.A. P.O.A. P.O.A. P.O.A. P.O.A. P.O.A. P.O.A. P.O.A. P.O.A. 167.70 21.27 270.90 34.36 241.23 30.60 187.05 23.73 241.23 30.60 241.23 30.60 135.45 34.36 135.45 17.18 95.46 24.22 167.70 21.27 167.70 21.27 240.35 30.49 132.87 33.71 207.08 26.27 132.04 16.75 167.70 21.27 167.70 21.27 161.25 20.45 167.70 21.27 154.80 19.63 187.05 23.73 545.67 138.42 296.70 37.63 125.77 31.91 196.08 24.87 206.40 26.18 167.70 21.27 167.70 21.27 225.75 28.63 225.75 28.63 82.56 20.94 82.56 20.94 82.56 20.94 118.68 30.11 113.52 28.80 180.60 22.91 223.17 28.31 99.12 25.14 348.30 44.18 316.05 40.09 212.85 27.00 193.50 24.54 159.96 20.29 159.96 20.29 78.69 19.96 57.00 62.44 34.42 37.70 29.58 32.40 34.42 37.70 34.42 37.70 31.59 34.61 31.59 34.61 34.95 38.29 56.46 61.85 50.28 55.08 38.99 42.71 50.28 55.08 50.28 55.08 56.46 61.85 28.23 30.92 39.79 43.59 34.95 38.29 34.95 38.29 50.10 54.87 55.39 60.67 43.16 47.28 27.52 30.15 34.95 38.29 34.95 38.29 33.61 36.82 34.95 38.29 32.26 35.34 38.99 42.71 227.47 249.16 61.84 67.74 52.43 57.43 40.87 44.77 43.02 47.12 34.95 38.29 34.95 38.29 47.05 51.54 47.05 51.54 34.42 37.70 34.42 37.70 34.42 37.70 49.47 54.19 47.32 51.84 37.64 41.23 46.51 50.95 41.32 45.26 72.60 79.52 65.87 72.16 44.36 48.60 40.33 44.18 33.34 36.52 33.34 36.52 32.80 35.93 12.79 7.72 6.64 7.72 7.72 14.18 8.56 7.36 8.56 8.56 7.09 7.09 7.86 7.86 LICENSEES’ LIQUOR GUIDE MARCH 2011 7.85 8.69 12.67 11.28 8.75 11.28 11.28 14.05 12.51 9.70 12.51 12.51 12.67 6.34 8.93 14.05 7.02 9.90 7.85 7.85 8.69 8.69 11.24 12.43 9.69 12.46 13.78 10.74 6.18 6.85 7.85 7.85 8.69 8.69 7.54 7.85 7.24 8.75 8.36 8.69 8.03 9.70 51.05 56.58 13.88 15.38 11.77 13.04 9.17 9.66 7.85 7.85 10.56 10.56 7.72 7.72 7.72 11.10 10.62 8.45 10.44 10.17 10.70 8.69 8.69 11.70 11.70 8.56 8.56 8.56 12.31 11.77 9.36 11.57 9.27 10.28 16.29 14.79 9.96 18.06 16.39 11.04 9.05 7.48 7.48 10.03 8.29 8.29 7.36 8.16 WINE - WHITE - INTERNATIONAL OFF ON PREMISE INCL. GST W/SALE INCL. premise Glass 150ml Bottle WET MERCH. SIZE - NO. PER EXCL. GST BOTTLE/ HIGH LOW LOW HIGH CASK CODE ML CTN. MARGIN MARGIN MARGIN MARGIN Stoneleigh (Marlborough, NZ) Stoneleigh Malrborough Chardonnay PRA 750 Stoneleigh Marlborough Pinot Gris PRA 750 Stoneleigh Marlborough Sauvignon Blanc PRA 750 Stoneleigh Rapaura Pinot Gris PRA 750 Stoneleigh Rapaura Sauvignon Blanc PRA 750 Ta_Ku Kiwi (NZ) Pinot Gris CWA 750 Sauvignon Blanc CWA 750 Te Kairanga (Martinborough/ Marlborough NZ) Martinborough Estate Sauvignon Blanc JTW 750 Te Mania (Nelson, NZ) Pinot Gris JTW 750 Sauvignon Blanc JTW 750 Te Mata Estate (Hawkes Bay, NZ) Cape Crest Sauvignon Blanc 2009 R+W 750 R+W 750 Elston Chardonnay 2009 Woodthorpe Chardonnay 2008/09 R+W 750 Woodthorpe Sauvignon Blanc 2009/10 R+W 750 Zara Viognier 2009 R+W 750 The Edge (Martinborough, NZ) R+W 750 Pinot Gris 2008 Thelema (South Africa) Chardonnay SSS 750 Sauvignon Blanc SSS 750 The Ned (Marlborough, NZ) FWP 750 Pinot Gris Sauvignon Blanc FWP 750 Torres (Spain) 750 Gran Vina Sol Chardonnay Parellada 2008 NEG NEG 750 Vina Esmerelda 2009 NEG 750 Vina Sol Parellada 2009 Totara (Marlborough, NZ) Sauvignon Blanc 2009 MEZ 750 Trimbach (Ribeauville, Alsace, France) Gewurztraminer PWS 750 PWS 750 Pinot Gris Riesling PWS 750 Trinity Hill (Hawke’s Bay, NZ) Chardonnay FWP 750 FWP 750 Pinot Gris FWP 750 Sauvignon Blanc Trout Valley (Marlborough, NZ) OPT 750 Sauvignon Blanc Twin Islands (NZ) Chardonnay SSS 750 SSS 750 Sauvignon Blanc Two Tracks by Wither Hills (Marlborough, NZ) Chardonnay FWP 750 FWP 750 Pinot Gris Sauvignon Blanc FWP 750 Tyler’s Stream PRA 750 Sauvignon Blanc URLAR (NZ) FWP 750 Pinot Gris Riesling FWP 750 FWP 750 Sauvignon Blanc Villa Maria (NZ) FWP 750 Chardonnay - Private Bin FWP 750 Chardonnay - Reserve Marlborough FWP 750 Gewurztraminer - Cellar Selection Pinot Gris - Private Bin FWP 750 Sauvignon Blanc - Cellar Selection FWP 750 FWP 750 Sauvignon Blanc - Private Bin 750 Sauvignon Blanc - Reserve Wairau Valley FWP Seddon Pinot Gris FWP 750 750 Single Vineyard Taylors Pass Chardonnay FWP Vinum (Stellenbosch, South Africa) Chenin Blanc SSS 750 Whitehaven (NZ) Sauvignon Blanc FCW 750 William Fevre (Chablis, France) Petit Chablis NEG 750 Wither Hills (Marlborough, NZ) Chardonnay FWP 750 FWP 750 Limited Release Pinot Gris FWP 375 Sauvignon Blanc FWP 750 Sauvignon Blanc Yealands Marlborough, NZ CHA 750 2009 Yealands Way Riesling CHA 750 2009 Yealands Way Sauvignon Blanc CHA 750 2009 Yealands Way Pinot Gris CHA 750 2009 Yealands Estate Sauvignon Blanc CHA 750 2009 Yealands Estate Pinot Gris 2009 Yealands Estate Gewurtztraminer CHA 750 2009 Yealands Estate Reserve Sauvignon Blanc CHA 750 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 6 6 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 6 6 6 6 12 12 12 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 82.72 82.72 82.72 104.68 104.68 63.21 63.21 90.30 180.60 174.15 283.30 387.00 193.50 180.60 183.80 212.85 206.40 167.70 78.05 78.05 161.25 129.00 122.55 116.10 341.85 509.55 406.35 171.57 171.57 171.57 154.80 161.25 161.25 74.82 74.82 74.82 66.50 232.20 190.92 190.92 85.79 198.66 130.29 85.79 100.62 85.79 158.03 172.22 188.34 20.98 20.98 20.98 26.56 26.56 16.04 16.04 22.91 22.91 22.09 35.93 49.09 24.54 22.91 23.31 27.00 26.18 21.27 19.80 19.80 20.45 16.36 15.54 14.73 43.36 64.63 51.54 21.76 21.76 21.76 19.63 20.45 20.45 18.98 18.98 18.98 16.87 29.45 24.22 24.22 21.76 50.40 33.05 21.76 25.53 21.76 40.09 43.69 47.78 12 165.12 20.94 34.42 12 225.85 12 238.65 6 6 12 6 12 12 12 6 6 6 6 GSW Brut Cuvée (Blend Of Regions) Cabernet Sauvignon (South East Australia) GSW GSW Chardonnay (South East Australia) Dry White OPT OPT Cleanskin Chardonnay Cleanskin Premium Clare Valley Shiraz 2006 EMP Cleanskin Sparkling Shiraz NV EMP Cleanskin Sparkling White NV EMP EMP Eden Valley Riesling 2008 GSW Riesling (Clare Valley) Semillon Sauvignon Blanc (Adelaide Hills) GSW OPT Shiraz GSW Shiraz (South East Australia) Sparkling Red OPT Sparkling Red (Mt. Benson) GSW JTW Sparkling Shiraz NV OPT Sparkling White Sparkling White NV JTW 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 WINE - CLEAN SKINS 750 750 750 750 750 750 750 750 750 750 750 750 750 750 750 750 750 750 34.48 37.77 34.48 37.77 34.48 37.77 43.64 47.80 43.64 47.80 26.35 28.86 26.35 28.86 37.64 41.23 37.64 41.23 36.30 39.76 59.05 64.68 80.66 88.36 40.33 44.18 37.64 41.23 38.31 41.96 44.36 48.60 43.02 47.12 34.95 38.29 32.54 35.64 32.54 35.64 33.61 36.82 26.89 29.45 25.54 27.98 24.20 26.51 71.25 78.05 106.20 116.34 84.69 92.77 35.76 39.17 35.76 39.17 35.76 39.17 32.26 35.34 33.61 36.82 33.61 36.82 31.19 34.16 31.19 34.16 31.19 34.16 27.72 30.37 48.40 53.01 39.79 43.59 39.79 43.59 35.76 39.17 82.81 90.71 54.31 59.49 35.76 39.17 41.94 45.95 35.76 39.17 65.88 72.16 71.79 78.64 78.51 86.00 7.74 7.74 7.74 9.79 9.79 8.58 8.58 8.58 10.85 10.85 5.91 5.91 8.45 6.55 6.55 9.36 8.45 8.15 9.36 9.03 13.25 18.10 9.05 8.45 8.60 14.69 20.07 10.03 9.36 9.53 9.96 11.04 9.66 7.85 10.70 8.69 7.30 7.30 8.09 8.09 7.54 6.03 5.73 8.36 6.69 6.35 5.43 6.02 15.99 23.84 19.01 17.72 26.42 21.07 8.03 8.03 8.03 8.90 8.90 8.90 7.24 8.03 7.54 7.54 8.36 8.36 7.00 7.00 7.00 7.76 7.76 7.76 6.22 6.90 10.86 8.93 8.93 12.04 9.90 9.90 8.03 18.59 12.19 8.03 9.41 8.03 14.79 16.11 17.62 8.90 20.60 13.51 8.90 10.43 8.90 16.39 17.86 19.53 37.70 7.72 8.56 28.65 47.07 51.56 10.57 11.71 30.27 49.74 54.49 11.16 12.37 96.11 96.11 96.11 96.11 139.32 139.32 139.32 82.56 82.56 82.56 116.10 24.38 24.38 12.19 24.38 17.67 17.67 17.67 20.94 20.94 20.94 29.45 40.06 40.06 20.03 40.06 29.04 29.04 29.04 34.42 34.42 34.42 48.40 43.89 43.89 21.94 43.89 31.81 31.81 31.81 37.70 37.70 37.70 53.01 8.99 8.99 8.99 8.99 9.97 9.97 9.97 9.97 6.52 6.52 6.52 7.72 7.72 7.72 10.86 7.22 7.22 7.22 8.56 8.56 8.56 12.04 68.37 83.85 83.85 74.82 74.82 116.10 87.72 69.66 92.88 94.17 83.85 74.82 83.85 90.30 83.85 76.11 74.82 58.05 8.67 10.64 10.64 9.49 9.49 14.73 11.13 8.84 11.78 11.94 10.64 9.49 10.64 11.45 10.64 9.65 9.49 7.36 14.25 17.48 17.48 15.59 15.59 24.20 18.28 14.52 19.36 19.63 17.48 15.59 17.48 18.82 17.48 15.86 15.59 12.10 15.61 19.14 19.14 17.08 17.08 26.51 20.03 15.90 21.21 21.50 19.14 17.08 19.14 20.62 19.14 17.38 17.08 13.25 3.20 3.92 3.92 3.50 3.50 5.43 4.10 3.26 4.34 4.41 3.92 3.50 3.92 4.22 3.92 3.56 3.50 2.72 3.54 4.35 4.35 3.88 3.88 6.02 4.55 3.61 4.82 4.88 4.35 3.88 4.35 4.68 4.35 3.95 3.88 3.01 WINE - CLEAN SKINS 43 AHA Sponsors Platinum 10/11 Gold 10/11 Silver 10/11 • Amtek • Angelakis Bros • Aristocrat Technologies Australia • Austar for Business/ Foxsports • Australian Liquor Marketers Pty Ltd • BOC Limited • Boylen Media • Bytecraft Systems • Cashcard Australia Limited • Commonwealth Bank • Customers ATM • Employers Mutual • First Degree Commercial Refrigeration • HT Construction Services • IGT • James Richardson Corporation • Jasol Australia • SA Lotteries • SA TAB • Samuel Smith & Son • Sky Racing • Solstice Media • Steele & Associates Hotel Brokers • Talbot Olivier • Vectron Systems • Wallmans Lawyers • Kelly & Co. Lawyers • Konami Australia Pty Ltd • Liquor Marketing Group (SA Liquor Distributors & Sip’n Save) • Moore Stephens Adelaide • My ATM • NAI Harcourts Brock Commercial • PFD Foodservice • SA Liquor Distributors Bronze 44 10/11 • Access Hotels & Commercial • Donaldson Walsh Lawyers • Island 2 Island Beverage Company • Support Staff • Ainsworth Game Technology • Duncan Basheer Hannon • Jaquillard Minns • TJ Board & Sons Pty Ltd • ALSCO • Energy Action • Knight Frank • TJ’s Cleaning Services • Andale Hotel Services • Hill Equipment • Macmont Gaming Supplies • Total Control Security Services • Angove Family Winemakers • Hoshizaki Lancer • Meat & Livestock Australia • Trans Tasman Energy Group • BankSA • Hospitality Group Training • Nestle Professional • Trusonic • Birnie Sanders Hotel Brokers • Hospitality Industry Training • Options Wine Merchants • Brown-Forman Australia • Independent Distillers • Shuffle Master AHA CORPORATE supporters INDUSTRY SUPPORTERS • British American Tobacco Australia (Gold) • ABnote • Clelands Lawyers • Goodalls Refrigeration • John Reuther Cabinet Makers • • Imperial Tobacco Australia Ltd (Silver) • Nightlife Music Video • Novatech Productions • Perks Integrated Business Services • Vintek SEE PAGE 50 FOR MERCHANT CODE INDEX Directory Listing of AHA Sponsors ACCOUNTANCY SERVICES BankWest Jaquillard Minns T: 08 8334 3714 Level 5, 151 Pirie Street ADELAIDE SA 5000 T: 08 8221 6551 GPO Box 1215 ADELAIDE SA 5001 Moore Stephens Adelaide T: 08 8205 6200 81 Flinders Street ADELAIDE SA 5000 Perks Integrated Business Services T: 08 8273 9300 247 Fullarton Road EASTWOOD SA 5063 AIR CONDITIONING First Degree Commercial Refrigeration T: 1300 734 463 PO Box 53 HINDMARSH SA 5007 T: 08 8234 1082 20 Philip Street THEBARTON SA 5031 Brown-Forman Australia T: 08 8418 7111 Level 1/14 Ebenezer Place ADELAIDE SA 5000 Customers ATM T: 1300 305 600 79 Asling Street BRIGHTON VIC 3186 AUDIO VISUAL Coca-Cola Amatil (Aust) Pty Ltd Nightlife Music Video T: 1800 679 748 PO Box 2135 MILTON QLD 4064 Novatech Creative Event Technology T: 08 8352 0300 153 Holbrooks Road Underdale SA 5032 T: 1800 664 653 BANKING Bank SA T: 08 8424 4081 GPO Box 399 ADELAIDE SA 5001 LICENSEES’ LIQUOR GUIDE MARCH 2011 BEVERAGES T: 08 8152 8700 GPO Box 1970 ADELAIDE SA 5001 T: 08 8353 6957 PO Box 7155 West Lakes SA 5021 Trusonic BOC Limited T: 08 8300 5668 Cnr Ashwin Parade & Jervois Street TORRENSVILLE SA 5031 Australian Liquor Marketers My ATM BACKGROUND MUSIC BEVERAGE GASES T: 08 8264 2366 555 The Parade MAGILL SA 5072 Cashcard Australia Limited T: 08 8150 8000 20 William Street MILE END SA 5031 T: 08 8206 4274 Level 3/100 King William Street ADELAIDE SA 5000 Angove Family Winemakers ATMs Harvey Norman Commercial Commonwealth Bank T: 132 653 33-43 Port Road THEBARTON SA 5031 Constellation Wines T: 08 8392 2222 PO Box 437 OAKLANDS PARK SA 5046 Coopers Brewery T: 08 8440 1800 PO Box 46 REGENCY PARK SA 5942 Diageo Australia T: 08 8245 9300 2/2-4 Adam Street HINDMARSH SA 5007 Fosters Group T: 08 8301 5400 8 Penfold Road MAGILL SA 5072 Orders T: 13 23 37 AHA SPONSORS 45 Directory Listing of AHA Sponsors BEVERAGES continued COOKING SUPPLIES Independent Distillers T: 0409 750 370 283-287 Sir Donald Bradman Drive BROOKLYN PK SA 5032 Bidvest Hospitality Supplies Island 2 Island Beverage Company First Degree Commercial Refrigeration T: 08 8244 2212 Suite 3/80 West Lakes Boulevard SEATON 5023 T: 1300 734 463 PO Box 53 HINDMARSH SA 5007 Lion Nathan Hill Equipment T: 08 8245 6200 41-55 Holden Street HINDMARSH SA 5007 T: 08 8354 8888 GPO Box 1472 ADELAIDE SA 5000 T: 08 8368 2300 26 Cavan Road DRY CREEK SA 5094 Liquor Marketing Group (Sip'n Save) ENERGY BROKERS/CONSULTANTS T: 08 8416 7570 SA Liquor Distributors & Sip’n Save) PO Box 293 TORRENSVILLE PLAZA SA 5031 Energy Action Pernod Ricard Australia Trans Tasman Energy Group T: 08 8208 2444, 1300 363 153 (Orders) Level 3, 167 Fullarton Road, DULWICH SA 5065 T: 08 8377 7133 Level 1, 20 Greenhill Rd WAYVILLE SA 5034 T: 03 9418 3911 33 Miller Grove KEW VIC 3101 SA Liquor Distributors FIRST AID SUPPLIES T: 08 8416 7500 PO Box 293 TORRENSVILLE PLAZA SA 5031 ALSCO Samuel Smith & Son Pty Ltd T: 08 8112 4200 205 Grote Street ADELAIDE SA 5000 Schweppes Australia T: 08 8366 9103 382 Payneham Road PAYNEHAM SA 5070 BUILDERS/BUILDING SERVICES HT Construction Services T: 08 8364 0699 Unit 1, 12 Emauel Court MELROSE PARK SA 5039 CABINET MAKERS John Reuther Cabinet Makers Pty Ltd T: 08 8234 9600 1 Ronald Street THEBARTON SA 5031 CLEANING SERVICES TJ’s Cleaning Services T: 08 8271 1911 Suite 4, 95 King William Rd UNLEY SA 5061 46 T: 08 8346 1391 PO Box 186 HINDMARSH SA 5007 FOOD SERVICES Angelakis Bros. T: 08 8400 1300 30 Field Street ADELAIDE SA 5000 Holco Fine Meat Suppliers T: 08 8162 8400 PO Box 87 DRY CREEK SA 5094 Meat & Livestock Australia T: 08 8227 1811 Level 1, 16 Vardon Avenue ADELAIDE SA 5000 Nestle Professional T: 08 7071 4735 U7/1 London Rd MILE END SA 5031 PFD Foodservice T: 08 8114 2300 46-58 Ashwin Parade TORRENSVILLE SA 5031 SEE PAGE 50 FOR MERCHANT CODE INDEX Directory Listing of AHA Sponsors FURNISHINGS Shuffle Master James Richardson Corporation Pty Ltd T: 0408 997 131 T: 08 8211 8966 89-109 Gray Street ADELAIDE SA 5000 GAMBLING SERVICES SA Lotteries T: 08 8208 4100 24-25 Greenhill Road WAYVILLE SA 5034 SA TAB T: 08 8354 7300 PO Box 36 MARLESTON SA 5033 GAMING MACHINE SERVICES Ainsworth Game Technology T: 0413 728 766 Amtek Services Pty Ltd T: 1300 765 082 32 Holland Street Thebarton SA 5031 Aristocrat Technologies Australia HOTEL BROKERS Access Hotels & Commercial T: 08 8212 0080 Suite 3, Level 1, 141a Gilbert Street ADELAIDE SA 5000 Birnie Sanders Hotel Brokers T: 08 8338 7381 3 Wood Grove HAZELWOOD PARK SA 5066 NAI Harcourts Brock Commercial T: 08 8203 1399 GPO Box 2955 ADELAIDE SA 5001 Steele & Associates Hotel Brokers T: 08 8232 1566 243 Carrington Street ADELAIDE SA 5000 TJ Board & Sons Pty Ltd T: 08 8376 5022 PO Box 2144 MORPHETTVILLE SA 5043 HOTEL KITCHEN & BAR EQUIPMENT T: 08 8352 0000 75 Henley Beach Road MILE END SA 5031 Bidvest Hospitality Supplies Bytecraft Systems T: 1300 130 500 19-21 William Street MILE END SA 5031 First Degree Commercial Refrigeration International Game Technology T: 08 8231 8430 223 Waymouth Street ADELAIDE SA 5000 Konami Australia Pty Ltd T: David 0409 047 899 Macmont Gaming Supplies T: 08 8340 1322 41-55 Holden Street HINDMARSH SA 5007 Maximum T: 08 8375 9000 809-811 South Road CLARENCE GARDENS SA 5039 LICENSEES’ LIQUOR GUIDE MARCH 2011 T: 08 8245 6200 41-55 Holden Street HINDMARSH SA 5007 T: 1300 734 463 PO Box 53 HINDMARSH SA 5007 Hill Equipment T: 08 8368 2300 26 Cavan Road DRY CREEK SA 5094 HOTEL MANAGEMENT H&L Australia T: 08 8291 9555 55 Belair Road KINGSWOOD SA 5062 HOTEL SUPPLIES Andale Hotel Services T: 08 8234 0388 379 South Road MILE END SOUTH SA 5031 AHA SPONSORS 47 Directory Listing of AHA Sponsors Bidvest Hospitality Supplies Kelly & Co Lawyers T: 08 8245 6200 41-55 Holden Street HINDMARSH SA 5007 HOTEL SUPPLIES continued T: 08 8205 0800 Level 17, Santos House, 91 King William Street ADELAIDE SA 5000 First Degree Commercial Refrigeration Talbot Olivier T: 1300 734 463 PO Box 53 HINDMARSH SA 5007 Hill Equipment T: 0421 595 815 Wallmans Lawyers T: 08 8368 2300 26 Cavan Road DRY CREEK SA 5094 T: 08 8235 3000 Level 5, 400 King William Street, ADELAIDE SA 5000 Hoshizaki Lancer MEDIA T: 08 8268 1388 PO Box 331 WELLAND SA 5007 Boylen Media Jasol Australia T: 08 8346 4322 483-485 South Road REGENCY PARK SA 5010 INFORMATION SYSTEMS/SITE PREPARATION Bytecraft Systems T: 1300 130 500 19-21 William Street MILE END SA 5031 INSURANCE AON Risk Services Australia Ltd T: 08 8301 1111 Level 9, 63 Pirie Sreet ADELAIDE SA 5000 IT PRODUCTS & SERVICES Vintek T: 1300 001 337 PO Box 312 GAWLER SA 5118 LEGAL SERVICES Clelands Lawyers T: 08 8232 1700 GPO Box 627 ADELAIDE SA 5000 Donaldson Walsh Lawyers T: 08 8229 0999 320 King William Street ADELAIDE SA 5000 Duncan Basheer Hannon T: 08 8231 3668 66 Wright Street ADELAIDE SA 5000 48 T: 08 8233 9433 Level 3, 47 South Terrace ADELAIDE SA 5000 FIVEaa and Nova T: 08 8419 1395 Level 4, 75 Hindmarsh Square ADELAIDE SA 5000 Solstice Media T: 08 8224 1600 3 Cinema Place ADELAIDE SA 5000 MEMBERSHIP CARDS & LOYALTY SYSTEMS ABnote T: 08 8374 3677 31-35 Conmurra Avenue EDWARDSTOWN SA 5039 Money Safes Maximum T: 08 8375 9000 809-811 South Road CLARENCE GARDENS SA 5039 MUSIC LICENSING Australasian Performing Right Association – APRA T: 08 8239 2222 55 Melbourne Street NORTH ADELAIDE SA 5066 ONHOLD AND INHOUSE MUSIC & MESSAGING Trusonic T: 1800 664 653 SEE PAGE 50 FOR MERCHANT CODE INDEX Directory Listing of AHA Sponsors POINT OF SALE SYSTEMS H&L Australia T: 08 8291 9555 55 Belair Road KINGSWOOD SA 5062 Vectron Systems T: 1300 789 366 PROPERTY VALUATIONS STAFF TRAINING & RECRUITMENT Hospitality Group Training T: 08 8223 6766 Ground Floor, 99 Frome Street ADELAIDE SA 5000 Hospitality Industry Training T: 08 8267 3000 1st Floor, 107 O’Connell Street NORTH ADELAIDE SA 5006 Knight Frank Valuations T: 08 8233 5212 Level 25, Santos House 91 King William Street ADELAIDE SA 5000 Support Staff T: 1300 768 707 79 Fullarton Road KENT TOWN SA 5067 REFRIGERATION SUPERANNUATION Bidvest Hospitality Supplies T: 08 8245 6200 41-55 Holden Street HINDMARSH SA 5007 First Degree Commercial Refrigeration T: 1300 734 463 PO Box 53 HINDMARSH SA 5007 Goodall Refrigeration T: 08 8338 3866 PO Box 11 HIGHGATE SA 5063 Hill Equipment T: 08 8368 2300 26 Cavan Road DRY CREEK SA 5094 SECURITY SERVICES Total Control Security Services T: 08 8369 1174 PO Box 85 HOLDEN HILL SA 5088 SPORTS & ENTERTAINMENT Austar for Business T: 1300 720 630 PO Box 110 HINDMARSH SA 5007 Fox Sports T: 1300 301 415 Level 2, 55 Piermont Bridge Road PIERMONT NSW 2009 Sky Racing T: 1800 251 710 495 Harris Street ULTIMO NSW 2007 LICENSEES’ LIQUOR GUIDE MARCH 2011 Host Plus Pty Ltd T: 08 8205 4965 Level 1, 104 Frome Street ADELAIDE SA 5000 TABLE LINEN ALSCO T: 08 8346 1391 PO Box 186 HINDMARSH SA 5007 TOBACCO SUPPLIERS British American Tobacco T: 08 8300 8888 PO Box 56 HINDMARSH SA 5007 Imperial Tobacco T: 08 8412 7400 Orders: 1300 308 208 164 Angas Street ADELAIDE SA 5000 TRAVEL Phil Hoffmann Travel T: 1800 632 372 Corner Jetty & Brighton Roads, GLENELG SA 5045 WEBSITES Boylen Media T: 08 8233 9433 Level 3, 47 South Terrace ADELAIDE SA 5000 WORKERS COMPENSATION Employers Mutual T: 08 8127 1100 GPO Box 2575 ADELAIDE SA 5001 AHA SPONSORS 49 Merchant Code INDEX Merchant Code Merchant ANGOVES ANG Ph: (08) 8264 2366 Fax: (08) 8369 0596 Contact: Leanne Kosir, Sandy Soppitt Email: leanne.kosir@angoves sandy.soppitt@angoves AUSTRALIAN CIDER COMPANY ACC Ph: (08) 8349 9977 Fax: (08) 8349 9977 Website: Contact: Christine Scrivens Email: AUSTRALIAN VINTAGE AUV Ph: (08) 8172 8320 Fax: (08) 8357 3759 Website: Contact: Jo Arezina 0418 829 101 Email: BACARDI LIONBAC Ph: (08) 8354 8645 Fax: (08) 8354 8648 Website: Contact: Kelli Crouch Email: BEAM GLOBAL WINE & SPIRITSBGWS Ph: 13 2653 (13 COKE) (08) 8354 0033 Fax: Sales 13 2653 Website: Contact: Theo Karamanis Email: Code CONSTELLATION WINES AUSTRALIA (formerly Hardys) CWA Ph: (08) 8392 2100 Fax: (08) 8392 2101 Website: Contact: Andrea Dubieniecki 0407 973 684 Email: COOPERS BREWERY LTD COO Ph: (08) 8440 1800 Fax: (08) 8440 1888 Website: Contact: Leanne Fraser Email: DAVID TURNER AGENCIES DTA Ph: (08) 8358 4455 Fax: (08) 8358 5953 Contact: David Turner 0419 476 543 Email: DECANT WINES PTY LTD DEC Ph: (08) 7127 7545 Fax: (08) 8362 3411 Email: Contacts: Nigel Thomas 0412 250 700 Tom Grant 0423 555 750 DIAGEO AUSTRALIA LIMITED DGO (08) 8245 9300 Ph: Fax: (03) 9429 2535 Website: Contact: Andrew Grenville Email: EMP EMPIRE LIQUOR Ph: (08) 8371 0088 Fax: (08) 8371 0388 Website: Contact: Brenton Quirini 0419 808 770 Email: BROWN BROTHERS MILAWA VINEYARDBBM (08) 8361 8301 Ph: Fax: (08) 8361 8632 Website: Contact: Damon Dungey - 0418 762 805 FFW FERGUSON FINE WINES Email: Ph: 0418 802 508 Fax: (08) 8344 4865 CARLTON & UNITED BREWERIES CUB Website: Orders - Ph:13 23 37 Contact: Stewart Ferguson Orders - Fax: 13 22 82 Email: Website: Contact: Stuart Carruthers FESTIVAL CITY WINES & SPIRITS FCW Email: Ph: (08) 8349 1200 (08) 8349 1277 Fax: CASELLA WINES CAS Website: Ph: 0427 696 103 Contacts: Joe Carbone Website: Email: Contact: Miranda Sargant Email: miranda.sargant@casellawines. FINE WINE PARTNERS FWP Ph: (08) 8333 9400 Fax: (08) 8333 9401 CHACE AGENCIES CHA Orders Phone: 1300 668 712. Orders Fax: 1300 668 512 (08) 8363 7881 Ph: Website: Fax: (08) 8363 7882 Website: Contact: Danny Young Contact: Chris Carew Email: danny.young@finewinepartners. Email: CLAYMORE WINES PTY LTD CMW Ph: (08) 8843 0200 Fax: (08) 8843 0200 Website: Contact: Carissa Major - 0419 184 419 Email: 50 FOSTERS AUSTRALIA FOS Orders - Ph:13 23 37 Orders - Fax: 13 22 82 Website: Contact: Diana Gavillucci Email: Merchant Code GEORGE STREET WINESGSW Ph: (08) 8351 7116 Fax: (08) 8351 7226 Contact: Darren Erbsland Website: Email: JONATHAN TOLLEY WINE MERCHANTJTW Ph: (08) 8352 1222 Fax: (08) 8352 1444 Website: Contact: Jon Tolley 0419 816 803 Email: KINGSTON ESTATE WINES KEW Ph: (08) 8243 3700 Fax: (08) 8243 3777 Website: Contact: Lynda Schenk 0400 811 002 Email: MCWILLIAMS WINES GROUP PTY LTD MCW Ph: (08) 8234 6010 Fax: (08) 8234 60153 Website: Contacts: State Sales Manager SA/NT: Sam Brand 0439 434 591 Email: Account Manager: Peter Meuret 0419 224 309 Account Manager: Wayne Pryor 0407 076 591 MEZZANINE MEZZ Ph: (08) 8124 9021 Fax: (08) 8232 9466 Website: Contact: Zoe McDonald Email: MOET-HENNESSY AUSTRALIA MHA 1300 305 378 Ph: Fax: 1300 136 591 Website: under construction Contact 1: Jude Furst: Account Manager 0402 105 702 Email: Contact 2: Stephen Dundon - State Manager 0409 669 231 Email: NEGOCIANTS AUSTRALIANEG Ph: (08) 8112 4200 Fax: (08) 8112 4280 Website: Contact: Liz Uren Email: OPTION WINE MERCHANTS PTY LTD OPT Ph: (08) 8346 9111 (08) 8346 8666 Fax: Website: Contact : Marie Kingsbury Email: PACIFIC BEVERAGES PAC + BGWS Ph: 13 2653 (13 COKE) Fax: (08) 8354 0033 Sales 13 2653 Website: Contact: Theo Karamanis Email: Merchant Code PALAIS IMPORTS PIM Ph: (08) 8464 0322 Fax: (08) 8325 3532 Website: Contact: Craig Jessup Email: PERNOD RICARD AUSTRALIA PRA (08) 8208 2541 Ph: Fax: (08) 8208 2536 Orders Ph: 1300 363 153 Orders Fax: 1300 363 103 Website: Contact: Shelley Gardiner Email: PORTER & CO. WINE & SPIRIT MERCHANTS PTY LTD PWS Ph: (08) 8373 3010 Fax: (08) 8373 3384 Website: Contact: Nikki, Kate Email: RED & WHITE R+W Ph: (08) 8232 9455 Fax: (08) 8232 9466 Website: Contact: Zoe McDonald Email: SAMUEL SMITH & SON PTY LTDSSS Ph: (08) 8112 4200 Fax: (08) 8112 4280 Website: Contacts: Linda Dinan Email: SOUTH AUSTRALIAN BREWING SAB COMPANY Ph: (08) 8354 8724 (08) 8443 7756 Fax: Website: Email: Contact: Darcy Bates 08 8354 8888 Email: STANLEY LAMBERT WINESSLW Ph: (08) 8563 3375 (08) 8563 3758 Fax: Website: Contact: Kirk Lambert 0411 986 807 Email: SUNTORY PTY LTDSUN Ph: (08) 8352 0400 Fax: (08) 8352 0411 Website: Contact 1: John Moros Email: Contact 2: Rebecca Hayes Email: TAYLORS WINES OF CLARE VALLEY TAY Ph: 1 300 655 691 (Free Call) (02) 8585 3555 Ph: (02) 8585 3599 Fax: Website: Contact: Christophe Forel 0404 456 249 Email: WILLIAM GRANT & SONS WGS Ph: (02) 9409 5100 (02) 9409 5128 Fax: Contact: Nathan Fisher Email: SEE PAGE 50 FOR MERCHANT MERCHANT CODE CODE INDEX INDEX Creative Services Logos Corporate identity Brochures Annual reports Advertisements Newsletters Catalogues Language translations Websites CMS SEO Email marketing E-newsletters E-commerce Programming Interactive CDs & DVDs Editorial Riverside Creative Services Posters Signage Banners Invitations Prospectus Photography Packaging Copywriting H O T E L Advertising Sales Magazines Superscreens - AAMI Stadium - Hindmarsh Stadium - Adelaide Oval Legal Practitioners Conduct Board BSeen BHeard CutLunch Boylen Media - Level 3, 47 South Terrace, Adelaide T 08 8233 9433 E he Catering Professionals The origin ale. Nothing beats the original. kwp!CPR11049
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