Alberta Survivor Gives Back - Brain Tumour Foundation of Canada
Alberta Survivor Gives Back - Brain Tumour Foundation of Canada
BrainStorm Newsletter is published three times a year by Brain Tumour Foundation of Canada. Feel free to share your issue with others. We welcome story ideas and comments so please contact with your suggestions. We would also love to hear about your story with a brain tumour. Alberta Survivor Gives Back Deryck was one of the first to realize the benefits of online support on Brain Tumour Foundation of Canada’s website. Today he continues to be one of the most active, enjoying conversations with others all across the country. In fact, in June of 2008, leading up to the Spring Sprint in Montréal, he flew out at his own expense to spend a week with other brain tumour families that he had met through our online services. The day of the Spring Sprint became even more meaningful as he met and helped to remember some of the friends he had chatted with while undergoing treatment. Brain Tumour Foundation of Canada 620 Colborne Street, Suite 301 London, ON N6B 3R9 Tel: Fax: E-Mail: Web Site: 1-800-265-5106 (519) 642-7755 (519) 642-7192 Alberta resident, Deryck Reade is a young man in his twenties Our partners: who has overcome a brain tumour several Vivid Creative Communications Copyright Brain Tumour Foundation of Canada, 2008. times and is now committed wholeheartedly to No part of this publication may be reproduced without prior written permission from Brain helping anyone who has been affected by the Tumour Foundation of Canada. The information same disease. His unlimited and selfless energy contained within this newsletter is subject to change. The reader is advised to obtain has demonstrated itself in organizing fundraising information directly from their physician and events, participating in patient advocacy, that this newsletter does not and cannot purport to address facts and circumstances distributing information and education, and in particular to any patient. Sponsorship of this volunteering with Information Day and Spring newsletter does not imply Brain Tumour Foundation of Canada’s endorsement or Sprint. recommendation of any particular form or forms of therapy, regiment or behaviour. Please visit our website at with regard to our privacy policy. If you wish to update your address or be removed from our mailing list, please contact us directly at 1-800-265-5106. of a large barbeque and walk-a-thon, the “Walk for Life” event has grown steadily in popularity over the last three years. The funds raised at the event are used for patient support programs and other initiatives, like the online forum and chatroom at Although Lacombe may not be the largest city in the province, Deryck has been able to build a large community profile through his annual awareness and fundraising event called, “Walk for Life.” Consisting Ever the optimist, and despite having to undergo further surgery in the winter and spring of 2008, Deryck has continued to be involved by supporting others who have been diagnosed with a brain tumour. Deryck is currently involved at a summer camp as a councilor for children who are living with cancer. Sharing his experience provides strength to others and the understanding that there are still many ways for everyone to give back to their community. Brain Tumour Foundation of Canada is fortunate to have amazing volunteers like Deryck and others across the country to help with our mission to provide hope and support for those who need it while the search for a cause and cure for brain tumours continues. Registered Charitable Number: BN118816339RR0001 BOARD OF DIRECTORS CHAIR Dr. Joseph Megyesi VICE CHAIR Beth Tyndall SECRETARY Shauna MacDougall TREASURER Chantalle Butler EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR Susan Marshall DIRECTORS Ken Arnott Brenda Croucher Chauna Horner Marianne Lee Maryanne MacDonald John Stevenson Sean Taggart Fred Wilder Our mission Golf Book Raises New Hope For some, supporting charitable causes is simply an act of kindness, but for others, like Colin Findlay, there is a deeper meaning in corporate giving. As close colleagues, Colin and Peter Yates struggled with the loss of Jackie Teney when she passed away from a brain tumour four years ago. She was a loving daughter to Peter, an energetic friend to Colin, and a strong advocate who passionately raised brain tumour awareness through an annual golf tournament. Her parents continued the event which raised an impressive $120,000 for Brain Tumour Foundation of Canada. After the tournament concluded, Colin was eager to take a new direction in the golf industry and publishing was an interesting prospect. He launched Golf fore All, a Par Fore Marketing publication, with the help of a few collaborators, namely Peter who lent his sales experience. Over the past two years, $18,000 of partial proceeds from the sale of the coupon book have been shared with five non-profit organizations and Colin does not hesitate to clarify why each of the charities were chosen. “Brain Tumour Foundation of Canada was an obvious choice because of my relationship with Peter and Jackie. She had exuberance for life that would put most of us to shame,” Colin says affectionately. “I was able to make a more significant impact through this larger corporate gift.” is to reach every person in Canada affected by a brain tumour through support, education, information and research. Brain Tumour Foundation of Canada is funded solely through generous contributions from individuals, corporations, organizations, employee groups and fundraising events. As a past member of Brain Tumour Foundation of Canada’s Board of Directors, Peter appreciates Colin’s generous support for an organization that holds great meaning for his family. We commend both men for their outstanding commitment to Brain Tumour Foundation of Canada and the difference they are making for brain tumour patients and their families. The 2009 edition will be available this fall. Please check for details. We offer many services and programs including: • • • • • • • • Patient Resource Handbook Children’s Storybooks Support Groups Information & Support Line 1-800-265-5106 Online Chat Room Information Day Conferences BrainStorm Newsletter BrainWAVE - our kids support program New Support Groups Brain Tumour Foundation of Canada is excited to announce the launch of three new support groups in Regina, Edmonton and the Niagara region. Edmonton Special thanks to the individuals who have assisted with the development Regina of these groups. Meeting schedules and updated information for all our support groups is available at by clicking on “Support” or by calling 1-800-265-5106. TÉL. : 519.642.7755 620, rue Colborne bureau 301 London, ON N6B 3R9 1 [800] 265.5106 TÉLÉC. : 519.642.7192 Niagara Region ISSUE 69 SUMMER 2008 Brain Tumour Foundation of Canada Newsletter INTHISISSUE Supporting Clinical Trials • Hats Tribute • Information Days 2008 • Grants Awarded • Volunteers Making a Difference types. It is essential for these studies to maintain a narrow focus in order to be effective, and so unfortunately, only a small proportion of patients can participate at any one time. Typically, major studies can involve thousands of patients with different cancers from hospitals across the world and take millions of dollars and many years to complete. The range in size and extent of trials is quite diverse and there are even smaller trials with a very specific focus. In all cases, receiving the proper funding and necessary government approval can be a lengthy process. Ron Couture shows where his brain tumour is located. Ron Couture of Edmonton, Alberta was diagnosed with a brain tumour on August 28, 2003 after he had a seizure and collapsed at work and was rushed to hospital. His tumour was located at the back of his head and was deemed to be inoperable due to its proximity to the location of his senses. One day while Ron was watching the news, he saw a feature on an upcoming clinical trial for a drug called DCA. Ron’s surgeon, with whom he had maintained open communication, called about a week later to tell him that he was a good candidate for the trial. While Ron was somewhat concerned about possible side effects, he decided to go ahead. “In some cases, clinical trials give patients hope that otherwise wouldn’t exist,” Ron explains. Clinical trials play an important research role in the development of new treatments for patients with brain tumours. At Brain Tumour Foundation of Canada, we often receive requests for information about current clinical trials and what is involved for patients and their families in deciding whether or not to participate in these types of studies. We are able to provide information and resources to aid patients in their decision-making process and help guide them and their caregivers through the sometimes mysterious world of clinical trials. Although many patients are interested in participating in trials that could potentially yield positive results, it is important to note that the requirements to participate in trials can be quite specific to particular demographic groups or tumour Register Now for one of the BRAIN TUMOUR INFORMATION DAY CONFERENCES A great opportunity for patients, caregivers and health care providers to gain knowledge from leading-edge researchers and specialists from across the country. The phase two DCA clinical trial that Ron participated in is focused on malignant multi-forming glioblastomas and is currently ongoing at the University of Alberta. Being conducted by co-investigators, Dr. Evangelos Michelakis and Dr. Kenn Petruk, the trial concentrates on a drug that hopes to “boost” the function of mitochondria, the energy-producing unit within cells that regulate the energy production in the body (ie. the metabolism). The DCA clinical is still accepting patients with glioblastomas or astrocytomas. Information about the trial is available at or at the University of Alberta inquiry line, 780-492-2604. Exact details on the progress will not be available until the findings are published. When asked about his experience and what advice he would provide to other patients, Ron is quick to clarify that clinical trials aren’t for everyone, that there is no magic cure, and that everyone can react to drug treatments differently. “It is important that you ensure that your team of health care professionals are aware that you are thinking about or are going on a particular clinical trial.” For anyone interested in learning about the availability or eligibility of current trials online, there are many websites worth visiting. For instance, patients and their caregivers can visit or to gather more information on what is occurring with clinical trials in North America. Both of these sites include trials occurring in Canada for a variety of cancers, so searching specifically for those that relate to your specific condition is the quickest way to find out about local availability. As always, in investigating whether clinical trials are right for you, be sure to first consult with your health care team. If you have any questions or would like to learn more, please contact Information and Support Services at Brain Tumour Foundation of Canada by telephone at 1-800-265-5106, ext. 34. Please contact us at 1-800-265-5106, ext. 25 or visit our new microsite at for dates,times and other detailed information. Register today! Help Imagine a Cure today! Halifax • London • Calgary Hats Tribute 1. At first glance, an assortment of bike helmets, toques, baseball caps and panama hats likely has no significance. If you take a closer look, however, you will find a collection that is anything but ordinary. These hats represent the faces of brain tumours. Each one belongs to a diagnosed patient who has taken the courageous, often life-changing, journey with the disease. Attached to many of the hats is a photo of the inspirational person who has been affected, along with a story which shares their personal triumphs and challenges. 2. Five years ago, Brain Tumour Foundation of Canada, in collaboration with the affiliated groups in the Canadian Alliance of Brain Tumour Organizations (CABTO), identified a need to honour the community they serve in a unique way. The Hats Tribute was developed as a growing, traveling display that makes many appearances across the country to raise awareness, but is especially highlighted during the Spring Sprint program and at Information Day conferences. The display is also featured prominently at events throughout October which is Brain Tumour Awareness Month. 3. Recently, the Virtual Hats Display has been updated and is available for viewing on Brain Tumour Foundation of Canada’s website at The Hats Tribute is always encouraging new additions and those who did not want to send a sentimental hat can now submit to our collection digitally. You can send the story and photograph of the hat to Erica Hamilton at All hats, whether physically or virtually, will shed light on the prevalence of brain tumours in Canada and the need to advocate for our fight against this devastating disease. These are just three of the nearly 200 hats which have been submitted by patients and loved ones from all across Canada. 1. Cathleen Bridge’s hat 2. Bob Stefanovic’s hat 3. Paige Dillabough’s hat BRAIN TUMOUR INFORMATION DAY CONFERENCES Our annual Information Days are a series of patient conferences that feature the latest developments in the field of brain tumour treatment and research. Medical professionals, researchers and survivors from across the country are able to share information and experiences. HALIFAX Saturday, September 27, 2008 8:45 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Westin Nova Scotian Hotel 1181 Hollis Street Halifax, NS B3H 2P6 Keynote Lecturer: Dr. Peter Forsyth, “Developing Better Therapies for Brain Tumours” Please join us September 26 from 7:30 to 9:00 p.m. for a welcome reception, donor recognition, hors d’oeuvres and cash bar. LONDON CALGARY VANCOUVER Saturday, October 18, 2008 Saturday, November 1, 2008 Presented by BC Cancer Agency 8:45 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. 8:45 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Saturday, October 4, 2008 Four Points Sheraton Hotel Calgary TELUS Convention Centre 8:30 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. 1150 Wellington Road South 120 Ninth Avenue Southeast BC Cancer Research Centre London, ON N6E 1M3 Calgary, AB T2G 0P3 675 West 10th Avenue Michael Bell Memorial Keynote Keynote Lectureship: Dr. David Vancouver, BC V5Z 1L3 Lectureship: Dr. David Eisenstat, Macdonald, “Advances in the “Advances in Biology and Treatment of Brain Tumours” Clinical Treatment of Featuring Kids Konference, “A Day Medulloblastomas in of Fun & Surprises” Children and Adults” Please join us October 31 from 7:30 Featuring special pediatric workto 9:00 p.m. for a welcome recepFree Presentations by oncologists shops and the 7th annual Kids tion, hors d’oeuvres and cash bar. and other health care professionals. Konference, “A Day of Fun & Register at Surprises” Please join us October 17 from 7:30 How Do I Register? to 9:00 p.m. for a welcome recep1. Register online by visiting or tion, hors d’oeuvres and cash bar. and following the links. 2. Register by phone by calling 1-800-265-5106, ext. 25. Please have your credit card information ready. 3. Register by mail by filling out and mailing in the Registration How Much Does It Cost? Form included in your Information Day brochure, along with Registration is $25 per person or a special rate of $50 for payment information to: Brain Tumour Foundation of Canada, Healthcare providers or a family of up to 4 people. Your 620 Colborne Street, Suite 301, London, Ontario N6B 3R9. registration fee includes all program materials, welcome reception, If you require a brochure or did not receive one, please call us at continental breakfast and lunch. Register early as space is limited. the number above and we’ll be happy to send one out immediately. Psychosocial Oncology Award Presented In May, the 2008 Brain Tumour Foundation of Canada Award in support of Psychosocial Oncology Excellence was presented to Dr. Guy Pelletier and Tracey Wornsbecker at the Canadian Association of Psychosocial Oncology national conference. The duo received their award for their research entitled, “Quality of Life of Spousal Caregivers of Primary Malignant Brain Tumour Patients.” The cross-sectional study documented negative outcomes such as emotional distress and relationship adjustment problems experienced by the spouses of patients with primary malignant brain tumours. It also explored the determinants of the problems and the extent to which they correlated with each other. The Canadian Association of Psychosocial Oncology Conference was held in Halifax, Nova Scotia from May 7 – 9, 2008 and our Support Services Manager, Mike Fluit, was proud to present the award on behalf of Brain Tumour Foundation of Canada. Congratulations to Dr. Pelletier and Ms. Wornsbecker. Ask the Expert Canadian Association of Neurosciences Nurses (CANN) Award Brain Tumour Foundation of Canada provides an annual award to members of CANN who have demonstrated excellence in the area of neuro-oncology nursing. This award was established in honour of CANN member, Pamela Del Maestro. As a co-founder of Brain Tumour Foundation of Canada, she has been instrumental in creating and developing many of the programs and services that are offered today. Kerry Hunter, Lisa Pearlman, Janic Goryeb of Brain Tumour Foundation of Canada, and Alison McVittie In 2008, Brain Tumour Foundation of Canada is proud to announce that Lisa Pearlman, Kerry Hunter and Alison McVittie were selected by the Scientific Committee for the Brain Tumour Foundation Award for their case report: “Discharge Management of an Adolescent Female with Medulloblastoma and Posterior Fossa Syndrome.” Their paper will be published in the Canadian Journal of Neuroscience Nurses in the next few months. Congratulations and thank you so much to all the dedicated nurses who do so much in the fight against this devastating disease. The 2008 Canadian Association of Neurosciences Nurses Conference (the 39th Annual Meeting and Scientific Session) was held on June 18 – 20 in Victoria, British Columbia. Janic Gorayeb, Brain Tumour Foundation of Canada’s Health Information Specialist, attended on behalf of the organization and to present the award to this year’s recipients. Question: What is Proton Therapy? Protons, along with neutrons and electrons, make up the structure of atoms. Using special machines, called cyclotrons, protons can be stripped from atoms and concentrated into a particle beam to treat tumours. Protons are different from x-ray beams, also used to treat brain tumours, in that they carry an electrical charge. This charge causes them to interact with matter in a different fashion than uncharged radiation beams like x-rays. Whereas x-ray beams gradually transfer their energy as they travel through tissue, protons transfer their energy at fixed depth in tissue. This unique property of protons provides additional opportunities to spare tissues outside an area being treated, with the potential to reduce side effects and/or to safely increase radiation dose to improve cure rates. Improvements in the technology to deliver x-ray treatments have also increased dramatically over A special thank you to Dr. Glenn Bauman, Radiation Oncologist at the London Regional the last decade and have also improved our ability to Cancer Program for his achieve highly focused radiation treatments to reduce side effects and increase radiation dose safely with x-ray time in answering this important question for treatments. As a result of these improvements, there our readers. Dr. Baumann is considerable controversy as to whether the physical volunteers with Brain characteristics of proton beam therapy provides any Tumour Foundation of meaningful clinical benefit to patients over modern, Canada as a member state of the art photon beam (x-ray) radiotherapy. of our Professional Currently, the facilities required for proton beam Advisory Group. He has therapy are considerably more costly than those also spoken at several required for x-ray treatments and there are a limited Information Days, and number of facilities in North America providing these participated at our 2008 treatments. Ultimately, clinical studies are required Research Think Tank. to compare x-ray and proton treatments for different Thank you again for all of situations, including brain tumours, to determine the your continued support. relative cost-benefits of these two technologies. Funding Brain Tumour Research in 2008 Brain Tumour Foundation of Canada continues to support Canadian researchers in the mission to find a cause and cure for brain tumours. This year, we are proud to announce seven new research grants awarded across the country: DR. JAMES R PERRY Head, Division of Neurology, Department of Medicine Associate Professor of Medicine, Neurology and Medical Oncology Tony Crolla Chair in Brain Tumour Research Sunnybrook Health Sciences Centre and Odette Cancer Centre, Toronto, ON Project: Patterns of relapse for patients with glioblastoma treated in the “Stupp” era of chemoradiation. DR. MARK GILES HAMILTON Associate Professor of Neurosurgery, Department of Clinical Neurosciences, University of Calgary Project: Determination of the methylation status of different regions within Glioblastoma multiforme and its relevance to treatment outcome DR. ROLANDO F. DEL MAESTRO William Feindel Chair in Neuro-Oncology Director, Brain Tumour Research Centre Professor, Division of Neurosurgery and Oncology Montreal Neurological Hospital and Institute Project: Molecular and Cellular Characterization of Tumour MGMT from Patients Treated with Temozolomide. DR. PAUL STEINBOK Professor, Medical Director-Neurosciences Program University of British Columbia, Children’s & Women’s Health Centre of BC Project: Thalamic Brain Tumours in Canada in the MRI era DR. JEAN-CLAUDE BERTRAND Associate Professor, Department of Medicine, McGill University Project: Combi-EGFR-, EGFR-vIII-DNA targeting molecules: a novel chemotherapeutic alternative to temodal-based therapy of gliomas. DR. DAVID ROBERGE Associate Professor of Radiation Oncology McGill University Health Centre Project: A phase II study of hair sparing intensity modulated whole brain radiotherapy and topical Tempol in the treatment of brain metastases. DR.THANH BINH NGUYEN Assistant Professor, University of Ottawa Neuroradiologist Department of Diagnostic Imaging, The Ottawa Hospital Project: Evaluation of magnetic resonance T1-weighted perfusion imaging in the diagnosis and therapeutic monitoring of patients presenting with cerebral glioma. SUMMER 2008 ISSUE 69 Brain Tumour Foundation of Canada Insert Brain tumours are more common than people think. It is estimated that there are over 55,000 people in Canada are living with a brain tumour and more than 10,000 people are diagnosed each year. We would like to take this opportunity to thank YOU for helping make a difference in your community and for making this year’s program such a success. 2008 Spring Sprint Results City Participants 2 0 0 8 Funds Raised Belleville 116 $33,000 Brampton 368 $148,500 City Participants Funds Raised Montréal 100 $57,000 Ottawa 260 $52,000 Calgary 500 $249,000 Saskatoon 100 $18,000 Edmonton 375 $103,000 Sudbury 100 $30,500 $222,000 Fredericton 200 $53,000 Toronto 500 Guelph & Wellington 300 $56,000 Vancouver 200 RECENT EVENTS $51,000 Please help us Halifax 225 $40,000 Victoria 200 $31,000 move ahead with Region of Waterloo 125 $25,000 Windsor 200 $45,000 the 2009 Spring London 350 $83,000 Winnipeg 200 $65,000 Sprint program Medicine Hat 100 $20,000 Virtual Run 12 $2,100 by providing feedback through Total 4,531 $1,384,100 our online survey. Visit and click on the survey link to help provide the information we need to make Spring Sprint even better. And if you haven’t already done so, please enjoy the photo galleries from all our Spring Sprint events while you are at our site. Thank you so much. UPCOMING EVENTS The proceeds we receive are used to provide support and information to the thousands of people in Canada who are affected by brain tumours and to fund brain tumour research. It is through generous support like yours that we have been able to do so much for so many since 1982.. 2008 Spring Sprint Results With the 2008 Spring Sprint program now complete, we are pleased to announce our best year yet! We have surpassed our goal of $1.03 million, raising $1.38 million. Over 4,500 participants from 19 cities across Canada joined together to walk 16,300 km. Money raised will go to support Brain Tumour Foundation of Canada’s mission to reach every Canadian affected by a brain tumour through support, education, information and research. DATE May 1, 2008 May 1, 2008 May 1, 2008 May 2, 2008 May 2, 2008 May 5, 2008 May 6, 2008 May 9, 2008 May 10, 2008 May 21, 2008 May 21, 2008 May 24, 2008 June 1, 2008 June 1, 2008 June 1, 2008 June 2008 June 1, 2008 June 2, 2008 June 3, 2008 June 7, 2008 June 7, 2008 June 8, 2008 June 10, 2008 June 13, 2008 June 15, 2008 June 16, 2008 July 25-27, 2008 EVENT COORDINATOR in Memory of Harry Stekler Hak-Elliott Memorial Golf Donna Elliott Ecole Secondaire Catholique Toronto Sprint Team Blue Jean Day Tamara Bowlby Bake Sale Ronald Homm Health Fair Sherry Gillespie Two Hearts in Motion Mary Speck Ranchman’s Fundraiser Calgary Sprint Team June Knowler Walk-a-thon Renee Lee Bake Sale Rachel Homm Home & Health Fair Display Pat Hanham Academie Catholique Mere-Teresa Toronto Sprint Team Deloitte Jean Dress Down Calgary Sprint Team Palmer Anniversary Elaine Palmer Banff Jasper Relay Blair Shunk Badmonton Tournament County Day School in Memory of Melissa Bardell Sale of Flowers Calgary Sprint Team Awareness Booth Jana Roose Todd Bake Sale Patricia Todd Dragon Boat Races Helena Wood Fleetway Country Cruizin’ Show Steve Plunkett Acchione Anniversary Evening Calgary Sprint Team Direct Line Golf Event Lil Zych Brampton Casual Days Brampton Sprint Team Computalog Drilling Services Social Club Craig Samil London Life Information Display Mary June Clancy 4th Annual Strike Zone Slo Pitch Tourney Cynthia Yetts CITY Winnipeg, MB Arkona, ON Toronto, ON Calgary, AB London, ON New Glasgow, NS Niagara Falls, ON Calgary, AB Chatham, ON London, ON Alban, ON Toronto, ON Calgary, AB Whitby, ON Banff-Jasper, AB King, ON DATE Aug. 23, 2008 Aug. 23, 2008 Sept. 11, 2008 Oct. 24, 2008 EVENT 50’s/60’s Revival Event Hamilton General Hospital Event Imagine a Cure Golf Tourney Back to School Cancer Education CITY Sudbury, ON Hamilton, ON Sarnia, ON Vancouver, BC COORDINATOR Pat Hanham Susan McDonald Karen Coyne Sharon Paulse Calgary, AB Medicine Hat, AB Manitoba Moncton, NB London, ON Calgary, AB Pickering, ON Brampton, ON Edmonton, AB London, ON Nepean, ON Thank You to our Sponsors Thank you, Deloitte, for your national sponsorship of the Spring Sprint program. We salute the Deloitte representatives who joined us at many of the walks and look forward to your team participation next year. Deloitte Windsor Deloitt e Toronto Deloitte Calgary We congratulate our major Spring Sprint fundraiser Richard Motyka who was responsible for two very generous donations totaling $113,570. Special thanks to Alison and Darrell Jones and the Crone family for their wonderful gifts. g IMRIS Winnipe The Motykas (Calgary) A salute to IMRIS Inc. in Winnipeg, MB for their Bronze National Sponsorship. Team IMRIS, led by Susan McLeod, raised $2,341 in their first year with Spring Sprint. Individual Sprint Sprint City Sponsors Brampton: The Reynolds Family, TD Securities, Global Industries, RBC Foundation, Aluma Systems Ltd., Brampton Guardian, City of Brampton, Dale, Streiman, Kurz LLP, DaSilva Catering, Mantha Med, Deborah Thomson School of Dance, Evans Roofing, Duke of Connaught Public School, Logomotion Graphics, Employees of Taro Pharmaceuticals, Rotary Club of Bramalea, Newquest Corporate Solutions, Saverio Di Mondo, Second Cup (Steeles Avenue), The Running Room, Accurate Fasteners Ltd., A & D Medical Lifesource, CTH Industrial Controls Ltd., Custom Wood Fabricating Co., Dr. A. Balogh and Associates, Global Total Office, Heart Lake IDA, Heart Lake Art and Picture Frame, Justine Blainey Wellness Centre, Harry & Esther Lebovic, Madeleine’s Cherry Pie & Ice Cream, Maritz Canada Inc., St. Simon Stock Catholic School, Newman & Sversky LLP Accountants, St. Ursula Catholic School, Students of Mayfield Secondary School, Willow Printing Group, Wilson Chartered Accountants, Yum Yum Snack Foods Calgary: 96.9 Jack FM, Allan H. Graas Professional Corporation, Autonomy Systems Canada, CriticalControl Energy Services, Deloitte, FirstEnergy Capital Corp., Kanovsky Family Foundation, ScotiaBank (Lakeview), Suncor Energy, TransCanada Pipelines Edmonton: Tesoro Caffé Bar, CriticalControl Solutions, EZ Rock 104.9 FM Fredericton: SkillSoft, PQA, GEMTEC, 105.3 The Fox, BrewBakers, Algonquin Hotel, The Blue Door, Crowne Plaza Guelph & Wellington: Maxxam Analytics, Fischer Canada Inc., Hematite Manufacturing, Quatic Industries Inc., Foxdent Inc., Guelph Mercury, Fusion Homes, 1460 CJOY, Magic 106.1, Pillers, Culligan, Shriners of Guelph Halifax: Nubodys, The Chronicle Herald, Vintage Hardwood Flooring, Pinky’s Region of Waterloo: Philthy McNastys, Studio T, Domino’s Pizza, Olympic Sound, David Karaiskos London: Sang Kim - Td Waterhouse, Kingsmill’s, Elexco, Highstreet Asset Management, Club Auto/CAA, Via Rail, Tempur Canada, Karin KingCarpenter, Cross Current Divers, The Only on King, Delta Armouries Hotel, Fairmont Royal York, Kellogg’s, Dominos Pizza Medicine Hat: TÉL. : 519.642.7755 620, rue Colborne 1 [800] 265.5106 bureau 301 Construction, Prairie Mountain TÉLÉC. : 519.642.7192 London, ON Classic Communities, Fern Kornelson N6B 3R9 BeautiControl, Margaret Wooding School, Medicine Hat Mavericks Baseball, Panago Pizza, Elicia Brisby, The Rob and Troy Acoustic Duo, Sundre Flower Shoppe, Mary Kay - Debbie Ryan King, Gourmet Weenies Montreal: Sanofi-Aventis, Mantha Med, Jarell Development, Purolator, L.S. Financial Services, Bernstein & Bernstein, Ivanhoe Cambridge, Axcan Pharma, Presentoirs Alliance P.O.P., Dorfin Distributing, CJAD 800 AM, Via Rail, Fairmont Royal York Hotel, Aeroplan Ottawa: GSI Group, Majic 100, Ottawa Citizen, Rideau Carleton Raceway, Band 2 Saskatoon: Clauricane Pub, Magic 98.3, College Park Sobeys, Ens Lexus Toyota, Prairie Meats, College Drive Dairy Queen Sudbury: Vale Inco, Big Daddy 103.9, Collège Boréal, Centre sportif, J.S. Redpath Ltd., Dr. Elizabeth A. Schneider, Desjardins’ Food Basics, MalletteGoring Inc., Mr. & Mrs. Phil Sawyer, Topper’s Pizza, Valerie Letford, La famille Carrière, Hanmer Home Hardware, Greater Sudbury Utilities, Napa Auto Parts, Sudbury Vacuum Sales, The Sudbury Star, Quality Inn & Bridge Bistro, Sudbury Wolves Community Club, Mr. Gaston Bélanger, Groom-Callaghan Supply, Macdonald’s Restaurant Toronto: All Star Pitchers Inc., Davies Ward Phillips & Vineberg LLP, Bell Temple LLP, Dominion, Oakville, Fairmont Hotels and Resorts, Fitton Hunter Communications, Kenny V., Markville Fitness, Neilson Dairy, Pizza Pizza, Sam’s Club, The Real Canadian Superstore Vancouver: Cobs Bread, Schering-Plough Canada Inc., Save-On Foods, The Syndicate Victoria: Cathy Duncan & Associates, Jack FM, Running Room, GA McIntosh, Island Farms, Island Blue Printing, Meijer & Associates, Thrifty Foods, Vantreight Farms Windsor: A Channel, Casino Windsor, AM 800 CKLW, TV Cogeco, Riverside Sportsmen Club, Tim Hortons, Big Tony’s, M.R. Meat Market, The Gourmet Emporium, Walkerville Chiropractic, Imaginative Imaging Winnipeg: Hot 103 FM, D.M. Krenkevich Inc., Four Mile Road, Tony’s Master of Pizza, Image Inn Digital Design, Husky Energy Inc., Globe Cinema, Zappia Group Realty, Chip In - Frito Lay Canada, Winnipeg Goldeyes, Minuteman Press, TanFX Sun Tanning Studio, Therapeutic Wave, Monteris Medical, Urban Autobody & Chrome, Southwynn Homes Ltd., Pembina Chrysler Dodge Jeep, Sensational Sound, Sobeys, Winder Woodworks
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