Content DSA`s Roleplay Awards Winners!


Content DSA`s Roleplay Awards Winners!
12 THEMES OF X-MAS.........2
MOTM: SIN & COLE.............1
NEW DEVELOPER................6
RU REVIEW: HXH.................1
SEEKING PLAYERS................3
To have your birthday featured post
it in the Birthday Thread.
These awesome members
celebrate their birthdays this
month! Be sure to wish them a
happy birthday.
SIN.......................... JAN. 2ND
ALEXIEL................. FEB. 14TH
Competion #13
U DSA’s Roleplay Awards Winners!
written by ru
All month you have been anticipating, nominating, and voting... finally, the winners are here! Everyone who was nominated will receive a congratulatory nomination prize and those who were active in select, winning roleplays will receive a
particpation award. Needless to say, all winners will be receiving an award for, well, winning. Congratulations, everyone!
Harlan Chase Thorne by Ru
Remi Faye Ambrose by Sin
DSA’s Roleplay Awards
Host: Sin
The winners are finally in! Look
to your right at the main article
to see a list of the winners or
head on over to the designated
thread. Thank you all who particpated and congrats to all of
our lovely winners!
12 Themes of Christmas
Host: Mozaic
The contest is complete! View
featured entries on page 2.
Coming Soon
Let us know if there is something
you’d like to see!
TEC #14......................MARCH
TIH 2016.......................... OCT
POSTING COMP..............TBA
Elements GM’d by Ru & Mozaic
Elements GM’d by Ru & Mozaic
Odsiu & Adira by Ru & Mr. Rope
Open the door to Märchenhaft a
Fairy-Tale GM’d by Mozaic
The Doctor’s Children GM’d by Ru
Tristan & Harlan Thorne by Sin & Ru
Alana Arcelli by Sin
For the full list, visit this topic.
Host: Mozaic
The EVERYTHING Competition
is back! This month the theme
is Heartbeat. Be sure to send in
your entry to Mozaic by 3.6.16.
Elements GM’d by Ru & Mozaic
Skeleton King by Mr. Rope
Alana & Hansel by Sin & Moz
Open the door to Märchenhaft a
Fairy-Tale GM’d by Mozaic
Anastasia Coronis by Mr. Rope
Mozaic & Ru
Happy Birthday!
2016 NE
MotM: Sin & Cole
Ru Review: Hunter x Hunter
written by ru
written by mozaic
Due to this month’s newsletter being a combination of January and February this newsletter
will showcase two Members of the Month. January is Sin and February is Cole.
I would like to start
this off with a thank
you to Sin for taking
the time for this interview. I’m super
excited! Well let’s go
ahead, and throw
the first question out
there. You’re about
to start on a new job
soon I hear. Can you
tell us a little about
sin’s avatar
“Oh, it’s nothing fancy. I’ll be starting at a
rehabilitation center as an STNA. That’s a State
Tested Nursing Assistant. I’ll be helping the elderly
residents do daily activities of living. Be it eating,
drinking, bathing, etc. I’ll be third shift though, so it
won’t be really active. Haha.”
Haha. Well it’s definitely interesting to say the
least. What got you interested in this job change
or did it just happen?
“It just kinda happened. I hadn’t been happy with the dental assisting for a while and I get
bored easily, so I decided it was time for a change
but I didn’t know to what. Soon after I decided I
needed a change, I found out that I would be let
go of at the Doc’s at the end of December due to
cut backs. A family friend is the Director of Nurscontinued on page
This review was originally written on
10/28/14 and has since been edited.
It is rated Mature for the foul language
Unlike the previous reviews, this one
addresses the series as a whole.
If you want an anime that will
send you up and down a roller coast
of feels, then Hunter x Hunter is definitely the series for you! Mind you, I
mean the 2011-2014 one. If you are
watching it on Netflix, then you DEFINITELY need to continue on a different site or torrent it or something;
because Netflix will leave you feeling
hunterxhunter; dsa does not own this.
unfinished and angry.
Honestly? I wouldn’t even trust what Netflix considers “seasons,” since,
much like YuYu Hakusho, Hunter x Hunter is more into sagas than actual seasons.
You have the Hunter Exam, Zoldyck Family, Heavens Arena, Yorknew City
(aka, the black market auction), Greed Island, and Chimera Ant.
The series starts off utterly adorable. The darker aspects more or less removed at this point; since there were some
stuff that occurred in the manga that were
entirely left out.
← Please tell me I’m not the only person who thinks
this is Lambchop the Human.
Before I dive into it, which I’m going
to go over each arc, I am going to say that
hunterxhunter; dsa does not own this.
continued on page 5
Featured: 12 Themes of Christmas
Bathroom Horror Stories from Japan
written by mozaic
A couple months and 12 themes later the featured results of 12 Themes of
Christmas are finally in! Awards have been handed out to all of those who
participated. If you did not receive you award, then please contact Mozaic.
Below are the entries chosen by Mozaic to be featured in DSA’s Newsletter!
Congratulations to trouble and Crimson for your highlighted entries.
“It’s only raining here, but happily I know
That somewhere, not so far, instead it’s snow.
At last! Pick up some lift tickets, wax my board.
This yearning for the mountain can’t be ignored!
I need to feel chill wind whip passed my face
as I zip down the hill in a desperate race.
I never finish first, but the true reward
is seeing this winter wonderland restored.”
—Winter Wonderland by trouble
“Bringing her coat close to her body the woman shivered in the dead of
night, waiting for her friend to return with her drink. she felt some hands
on her shoulder and someone whispered in her ear. “You look cold, take my
coat.” A smile warmed her face as she accepted her coffee and his coat.”
—Baby, It’s Cold Outside by Crimson
Thank you to everyone who partook in this event! We hope you enjoyed it.
Though this contest has reached its end you can still enter The EVERYTHING
Competition, which has returned after many months of disappearing! This
month’s theme is Heartbeat, befitting of the romantic holiday February is
known for.
All entries are to be PMed to her by March 6, 2016. The next day a poll will
be put up that will close on the 14th.
If you ever visit Japan, I recommend not using any bathrooms. None.
Just hold it in until you leave. Another warning, stop reading this article. This
here’s a legend you won’t be able to unread. In fact, this might be my last
article considering I read it before writing this. Well, knowing most of you
are going to ignore me and keep reading., I’ll be sure to let you in on a way
out, ya know, because I’m that generous.
Once you’ve read this story, you have one month before Kashima Reiko
appears to you to do you in.
Her story originates in Hokkaido, Japan. One night she was tormented
in all sorts of ways by a group of men who left her to die. With still some life
left in her she tried making her way through the streets calling out for help.
No one answered.
She proceeded forward, and crawled across a set of train tracks. It was
about as far as she could push herself and she collapsed before she could
make it fully across, passing out.
When a train came it ran over her, cutting her in half from the waist.
Now she wanders the world in search of her second half, attacking people in bathrooms. Her favorite place for victims is in school bathrooms, but
she also doesn’t mind doing a home visit you in your bathroom. Why is she
so obsessed with bathrooms, you ask? Well in some versions of the story
they include that the men attacked her in a bathroom.
continued on page
Elements is Dearly Sweet’s massive world roleplay co-GMed by Ru and Mozaic. Due to the sheer size of it,
they have Character Moderators, Mr. Scarlet and Mr. Rope (known as the Misters) to help approve of the characters that are submitted. All members are welcome to join at any given point in time; it is unlikely for the
campaign to stop accepting players.
The heart of it all takes place in the magical world of Kyon, specifically focused on the five cities surrounding the Forbidden Forest: Lilia, Estermallow, Akelea, Calore, and Inima. In this world every fantasy creature
imaginable coexists, though whether or not is peacefully is questionable. From elves to lamias; dragons to
kitsune; and the list goes on. However, the true focus of this campaign is in a rare mutation more commonly known as: Elemental.
It wasn’t until recent centuries that individuals presenting this genetic discovery were deemed Elementals. Prior to the scientific studies commonfolk had deemed it a miracle, gift from the Gods, and even a
curse; but all concluded those bestowed with it were merely mages with an affinity to the elements.
As Lilia’s technology expanded and their prized Grand Laboratories grew to tower over the enormous
city the study was finally conducted. Originally they had intended on merely understanding the powers,
but their goals warped the more the scientists studied this phenomenon. Soon they became obsessed
with harnassing it and finding a means to replicate the gene once they deduce it wasn’t a gift at all. Thus
beginning their morally questionable experiments...
The exploration and founding of Elementals is besides the point for this campaign, but necessary
knowledge to truly grasp an understanding of your role. You are one of these Elemental beings born with
the mutated gene allowing you to use one of the many elements. Whether you are seen as a gift, a curse, a
guinea pig... is up to you.
Do you seek the destruction of non-Elementals? Do you desire to coexist with the rest of the world? Maybe neither. Maybe you have been dragged along with this group of outcasts thanks to the unforeseen forces
tossing you there.
No matter the reasoning you have stumbled into the village of Inima searching for one of Eliei’s Rings — a
legenedary item known to amplify the natural affinity of an Elemental. Are you ready to join the adventure?
Seeking Players
verse the game’s effects?
graphic by hayabusa
For More Information: http://dearsweetaru.
Rating: Mature
In the city of Pedoma, in the midst of the
prohibition era, the battle to be the king of all
crime lords commences. One of the lead players in this is James Rizzo. Unbeknownst to him
he has become no more than a pawn in someone else’s scheme.
Four years ago Mikel Lombardi and Larry
Giordano entered the criminal world following
the murder of a dear friend. Their hope was not
to rid the city of crime, but to take control of
it. With this they would be able to protect the
people they cared for.
Joining James Rizzo they quickly climbed
up in rank earning his favor, and the respect
of fellow comrades. Within just a couple years
they were able to form their own circle of connections both within, and outside of the Rizzo
Family. Although they all have their own motives, they all have the same intentions, power.
In order to carry this out they plan to overthrow
the current don, and take his spot as a lead in
the battle to gain control of the city.
Now they have the attention of the mysterious man who has backed Rizzo for years, Rubin
Madison. He has agreed to be their sponsor. Of
course this does not come without a price.
jumanji; image not owned by dsa.
For More Information: http://dearsweetaru.
Rating: Mature
Forty years have passed since Alan Parish beat Jumanji and threw it into the Atlantic
Ocean. In that time it has traveled south and
washed ashore on a remote beach in Martinique. Despite its exposure to salt water, the
board game does not appear warped or damaged at all. It sits on the sun-bleached sand and
waits for someone to stroll by so that it can attempt to lure them in with an eerie drumming
that can almost never be resisted. In 2009, two
young girls on vacation go for a walk on the
beach and awaken the passion of the game
once more. The quick rhythm of its beating
quickly grabs the girls’ attention, distracting
them from their teenage gossip. They won’t be
the only ones sucked into the deadly game, but
even with help, the twists and terror of Jumanji
can quickly turn lethal. Can these new players
survive long enough to reach the end and re-
graphic by ru
For More Information: http://dearsweetaru.
Rating: Mature
At a scant four years old, the city-state of Ilscaria is the youngest established nation on the
map as well as one of the smallest, yet is one of
the most notable regardless. While a handful of
other countries will accept nonhuman citizens,
Ilscaria is the only to welcome them with open
arms, eager to have as wide of a demographic
as possible within their population. Because
of this, Ilscaria is the only human settlement in
which there are just as many nonhumans walking the streets as there are humans, if not more.
Most Ilscarians took part in the war that led
to its founding, and as such, exhibit ferocious
nationalism and loyalty to their leader, Dagan
Aretino. While disputes between races are not
uncommon, there’s no real feud to be seen, and
they are, for the most part, “in it together”.
What makes Ilscaria significant to other nations, however, is the staggering amount of notable figures who have settled down within its
borders. There are so many famous names, in
fact, that Ilscaria has earned the nickname “City
of Heroes,” and despite their small size, even
the massive Empire exhibits a reluctance to butt
heads with them.
Word spread quickly of Ilscaria’s appearance,
and rumors of a truly safe haven for all manner
of creatures managed to attract no shortage of
immigrants to their walls. Perhaps you are one
of them, or perhaps you have been an Ilscarian
from the beginning. Whatever the case may be,
and whatever path you have chosen, you are
here now, and it is in the humble streets of this
great nation where our story begins.
he was a child, with nothing more than his imagination. And trust me, it is real. He told me that
if a person wills it enough they can make their
thoughts come to life by believing. In doing this
he opened the door to his own world. At the
same time he became responsible for life, and
instead of growing out of it like most of us do,
he kept his duties, and stayed believing. He also
created a way to save all those forgotten imaginations. This is when we had to say goodbye.
Every time the door to Märchenhaft opens,
it takes in a bit of our own. There are good
thoughts, and there are bad thoughts, the
things we fear, and the nightmares we create.
In order to save the good, the bad must come
in too, then they must be separated. The bad
never goes away, instead it must be contained.
My grandfather had to stay to make sure the job
was done. I wanted to stay with him, but he told
me that he needed me to stay behind so that he
could always remember. I didn’t figure out what
he meant until much later.
I grew up, and I saw Märchenhaft as something I used to dream of. Reality was the only
thing I believed in, it was something I could never escape from. One night, after coming down to
my last go round with life, I began going through
my grandfather’s things. I needed to know that
he at least existed, that there was once a part
of my life that was good. I discovered my grandfather’s journal, inside he had written the way
to get to Märchenhaft. I tested it to make sure I
wasn’t crazy, and of course it was there.
Some time later my friends, and I were discussing how we needed to get out of this place. I
came out with it, and got mocked until I showed
them. That was it. We would gather what we
needed, and meet in the forest where no one
could find us, then we would embark on an
adventure like no other. We didn’t realize the
consequences of our actions, and we certainly
didn’t know that we were harvesting evil among
graphic by ru
For More Information: http://dearsweetaru.
graphic by hayabusa
For More Information: http://dearsweetaru.
When you’re a teenager, and something
goes wrong, it’s the end of the world. Instead of
going out to face your fears, you do your very
best to hide from them. I was sadly one of those
As a small child my grandfather would take
me to this amazing world called Märchenhaft. A
world that he had created all on his own when
graphic by sin
For More Information: http://dearsweetaru.
MotM: Sin & Cole Con.
continued from page 1
ing at the facility I’m employed at now, and said
if I went through the STNA program and took the
State Exam that she would hire me.
So, that’s what I did.”
Oh. Wow. So do you plan on sticking in this field
or moving towards something else eventually?
“I plan to go to school for Nursing eventually,
just not sure when exactly at the moment. It falls
within my 10 year plan though.
I also want to enroll in a dog training program
to do something on the side.”
Seems like you have a lot of busy times ahead.
Sounds exciting. Ok. Going off of the dog training
bit I remember you have some pets of your own.
Any dogs in that bunch?
“Yes, actually. I have two shih tzus. Rocky and
Rachel. Rocky is my little shithead, Rachel is more
so my mother’s. I also have two beta fish. Though,
I’ve yet to name either and I’ve had them since August. ;x I’m horrible lol.”
The names Flotsam, and Jetsam suddenly come
to mind. How old are Rocky and Rachel?
“Those are very interesting names. I’ll have to
keep that in mind. Rocky is 8 and Rachel is 10.”
Haha. Awesome, and aw. Do they get along well?
Is there a story behind you getting both of them?
“They do occasionally. Rachel typically runs
away when Rocky gets excited. The story behind them is that my mother had baby fever and
couldn’t have kids anymore.”
Sounds cute. Kind of reminds me of my landlord’s dog, and neighbor’s dog. I believe you
mentioned having a younger brother before,
he’s your only sibling?
“I consider him my only sibling. He’s 18 and
about to move out of state for college.”
Oh. Nice. What’s he studying?
“Right now it’s going to be Sports Medicine.”
Ah. So he’s also going towards a medical field. Is
that just coincidence or did you guys both have
an influence there?
“I think it’s just coincidence. Unless deep down,
on a psychological level, I could have leaned towards the medical field because of him. Though,
that’s something my therapist could answer and
would probably suggest that it’s so we have something in common. Lol.”
Haha. Well it’s neat either way. Ok. So DSA just
had its first Secret Santa. How has this experience I guess you could say been for you?
Hahaha. Well I’ve totally been caught. I’m glad
you liked it though. It was a must from the moment I saw it. Though, curious, what else do
you have lining that BatB (Beauty and the Beast)
shrine of yours?
“I have a Belle and Beast salt and pepper shaker set, a metal lunch box, a glass, a chip mug, and
a Belle pop.”
Awesome. Are you excited about the new Beauty and the Beast movie?
“I am to an extent. I don’t want to work myself
up to how awesome it’s going to be, only to get disappointed. Because regardless, I know I’ll be disappointed with at least one or two things.”
That is a possibility. Do you care for any of the actors that will be starring in it? Any that you would
rather see?
“I’m particularly excited that Ewan McGregor
was casted as Lumiere. That right there is probably
going to be the best part about the movie.
Though Emma Watson doesn’t strike me as
a Belle, I’ve always enjoyed whatever role she’s
played. Especially in Harry Potter, This Is the End
and The Perks of Being a Wallflower.
I’m stoked as well, for Ian McKellen to be playing Cogsworth. For those who might not know, Ian
played Gandalf in both the The Hobbit and LoTR
series, and Magneto in a handful of X-Men movies.
To say I’m just a fan is an understatement.
I’m not sure who the guy is that will be playing Beast. I haven’t seen any of his work, but the
woman playing Mrs. Potts, Emma Thompson, she
played Sybil on HP and it’ll be interesting to see
both her and Emma Watson in the same movie
You’re making me a little excited. Especially for
McGregor and McKellen. Now I’ve heard a little
bit about the inspiration behind your most recently created role-play Solstice, but I’m sure it
be pretty interesting for others to hear it to. So
what lead up to the creation of Solstice?
“Lol. It was really out of boredom and harassment from Ru about more members creating RP’s.
xD. Nothing too special.”
Well, that we definitely needed. Haha. Ok. You’re
a fan of Charmed right?
“Yes, I most certainly am.”
Who is your favorite character and set of
Charmed ones?
“My favorite character is Piper. Though, grown
up Chris kinda takes the cake when he arrives to
help save Wyatt. (he’s just so handsomeeee). My
favorite set is with Paige. I never really [liked] Prue.”
Grown up Chris was adorable. Definitely agree
with you on the Prue thing. Doesn’t help that
out of the sister’s Paige was my favorite. Well, to
wrap this up what has been some favorite moments for you here at DSA? Events, rps, etc.?
“I think my favorite RP thus far has been Doc’s
Children. Though, I’m sure Steal My Heart is about
to get knocked to first due to Syran finally getting
an intro. xD. I loved the Posting Competition and
TiH has always been fun to help create and participate in.”
All very good things. Thanks again for taking the
time for this interview. You’ve been an awesome
written by ru
”Some people are
worth melting for. Just...
maybe not right this
— Olaf Frozen
February is known
for many different
themes solely influcole’s avatar
enced by the perspective of the individual thanks
to one Hallmark card holiday that happens to oc-
cur during it. Some may call it Singles Awareness
Day, while others take it upon themselves to make
it extremely romantic for their partner. Personally,
most years I thought of it as Alexiel’s birthday, but
not this member.
The member we will be honoring this month
very much befits the romantic portion and I cannot wait to see what series of Fakebook photographs I will see on my feed as they pamper their
partner — not that they need a holiday to do that!
Become friends with them on this social network
and you will see them being lovey dovey goofballs
all year round.
Many of you will not relate to this due to this
particular individual performing tasks in the background rather than indulging in social interactions
on the forum. Much like how they are with their
partner, they put themselves fully into their work.
Without them This is Halloween! would not
have been possible. Each time the forum shut
down they were there to fix it immediately, preventing it from remaining closed. Any time Dearly
Sweet has had a horrendous error beyond what
I am capable of fixing they swooped right in to
patch it up.
Sadly, they are no longer available to be there
for us as often as they once were. Still lurking in the
shadows, ready to pounce if I contact them with a
DOING!” Life is too busy what with school, work,
and his loving companion to tend to.
Many staffers know who I am talking about
without mentioning their name and it shocked us
we had yet to give a proper thank you to them for
the sheer amount of times they saved our asses.
Join me in congratulating cheat117, better
known to me as Cole. Thank you so much, Cole!
We wish you the best in your endeavors. Also, tell
Emily I say hello ;) Hopefully I can visit you guys
next year!
Bathroom Horror Con.
continued from page 2
She will ask you a series of question when
she appears to you. Answer wrong, and you lose
your lower half. Yeah. It’s far worse than any F
you might have gotten especially since there is
no one wrong answer.
Her first question will be, “Where are my
legs?” You must answer, “On the Meishin Expressway.”
Her next question will be,, “Who told you
that?” To which you answer, “Kashima Reiko.”
Now she apparently may throw in a trick
question just to be mean. She’ll ask you, “Do
you know my name?” Don’t answer Kashima
Reiko. Instead answer with “Mask Death Demon.” That’s because the characters for Kashima can be broken down as this:
Ka: mask; Shi: death; and Ma: demon.
Well, good luck remembering that. Personally, I’d recommend carrying around a thing of
salt, and maybe something iron. If you end up
surviving that, plan a trip out to Japan to burn
that sucker and all she left behind.
Alright, if one warning wasn’t enough, here’s
From what I’ve read there’s no saving yourself from this one. It wouldn’t hurt carrying
around some salt though, or a little bit of iron.
continued on page 5
Bathroom Horror Con.
continued from page 4
Lurking in the last stall of the girl’s bathroom
is Red Cloak who is also known as Manto, along
with an assortment of other names.
Like his name suggests Manto goes around
in a red cloak. He also wears a white mask and
for whatever reason girls find him irresistible.
I’m pretty sure he also gets his name for the
way he kills too.
“Which do you prefer, red cloak or blue
cloak?” he’ll ask you when you enter. I warn
you now, there are no wrong answers; just preferences on how you want to die.
First, we have the red cloak. That comes
with a severed head or simply a slit throat. Either way you’ll be looking like you’re wearing a
red cloak of your own.
Then we have the choice of a blue cloak.
That’ll be death by strangulation. You won’t
look like you’re wearing a blue cloak, but you’ll
end up being awfully blue by the time you leave
this world.
Any other color choice will guarantee you a
trip to hell. Choosing another color means the
floors will open up beneath you and pale white
hands will help you make your way down.
And that would be the better of stories
about this guy.
Most of them involve blood, and one makes
me really not want to be caught by this guy.
Well, you know all deaths considering. I’ll
let you in on a couple. You’re on your own for
the rest.
In one of these stories he is referred to as
red mantle. In this version he asks simply if you
want a red cape. Honestly, you should say no,
or, ya know, throw salt in his face and run like
hell. Just saying. Answering yes means he’ll rip
off your shirt, and tear off the skin on your back.
Now, here’s the one that really grosses me
out. Don’t ever answer yellow. If you do he will
force your head into a piss filled toilet. Yum.
hunterxhunter; dsa does not own this.
lose what it was originally about. You watch the
characters gradually grow with each obstacle
they face. People die. Not just side characters.
People just straight up die and it’s not in a predictable fashion.
It constantly keeps you on your toes and
leaves you wanting more. Even the last episode
I very rarely cry, at least when it comes to TV
shows, movies, and the like. It is not common
for me to feel emotionally invested. Without an
ample amount of character development I really won’t give two shits.
But Hunter x Hunter?
I cried.
There were a shit ton of moments where I
was bawling my eyes out and going, “nonononononononononono.” So, if you are one of those
weirdos who trusts my judgment... Don’t even
bother with the review. Just go fuckin’ watch it.
Right now. NOW.
the end of the Chimera Ant arc. Overall, the protagonist is Gon Freecs with his best friend Killua
Gon is on a search for his father, Ging, whom
left the island they are from around the same
age Gon is at the start of the series (which is
like... 12?) [Ging later returned to the island as
an adult. No, he did not have a child at the age
of 12]. Ging is a very well known hunter and the
entirety of the show is dedicated to Gon seeking him out. Ging is mudda fuckin’ Yusuke from
YuYu Hakusho.
This arc is extremely fun. There are a little
bit of dark aspects, but nothing you would go,
“Woah, wow? Really? I CAN’T BELIEVE IT!” at.
This saga has the most humor of all of the arcs,
since this is prior to Gon realizing the harsh reality of life. At this point he is still an innocent
flower. He has no opinion concerning what is
good or bad, but he does have a sense of pride
and honor.
I thoroughly loved this arc as they introduced the various kinds of hunters. At first you
are wondering, “What is a hunter? What do
they do? Do they just kill things?” only to find
out there is a lot more to it. Sure, there are hunters that specialize in killing, but then you have
your Gourmet Hunter who hunts around for
the best, most rare ingredients to make luxurious meals.
I have never grown tired of this arc. I read it
in the manga and watched it in both versions of
the anime. It really gives you a feel for who Gon
and Killua are; and establishes the beginning of
their adorable friendship.
The Hunter Exam is when you get to meet
everyone! Well, pretty much everyone.
You meet the main characters Gon and Killua. You also meet Leorio and Kurapika who you
swear would end up mains... but they don’t.
Kurapika kinda disappears entirely after awhile.
Leorio does as well, but comes back towards
hunterxhunter; dsa does not own this.
This is when Gon, for reasons I’m not revealing, runs off to Killua’s property to get him
back and make him realize Gon considered him
a friend all along. He has to go through a variety
of trials to get there, all while gaining the favor
of the help. There is just something really likable
about Gon that they can’t quite understand.
The family and servants are baffled, since
Killua has never had friends before. Not that Killua didn’t want friends, but his family ensured
Review: H x H Con.
continued from page 1
this is definitely one of my favorite anime if not
my absolute favorite. You get a feel for all of the
characters present before you. At some points
you even hate yourself for feeling sorry for the
bad guy. It plays with your emotions and you
really do end up attached to so many characters
There isn’t necessary a character which
lacks development. Side characters aren’t left
out, even if they aren’t to thoroughly delved
into. It’s an extremely fun show that doesn’t
hunterxhunter; dsa does not own this.
hunterxhunter; dsa does not own this.
continued on page 6
Review: H x H Con.
animals of characters from it, as well as the creator himself. Yoshihiro Togashi likes to draw himself as a dog with glasses when he’s talking to his
readers in the manga and you can see this dog
in a lot of places. It made me squee.
continued from page 5
he never would. You learn more about Killua’s
past, why he is the way he is,and how fucked up
his family is.
This arc solidifies their enduring friendship
and is when the group splits their ways. You
don’t see Leorio and Kurapika again until they
are in Yorknew City.
Seeing Killua cry breaks my heart
This is another fun arc! This is where they
get to learn Nen and start getting bad ass SUPER
POWAHS! They are trying to save money to possibly buy a game called Greed Island (ooo foreshadowing to another arc), which costs a lot.
In the arena you have to beat people up to
get up in the ranks. Each level gets you more
money when you win. You can make it all the
way up to the floor masters whose asses you
can kick to get a perma-suite (you can only lose
it if someone kicks your ass) and a bunch of luxuries. However, Gon and Killua don’t give two
shits about this which I find so hilarious.
You get to watch them get more powerful,
yadayada. You also get to be introduced to Nen,
which is pretty damned fun. You meet Wing,
which is the first master the boys have. Hisoka
comes back, because, ya know, that dick just
can’t ever go away.
This arc gets pretty sad. The gang all meets
up again and it’s evident Kurapika has changed
a lot. He’s so obsessed with killing the spiders
(crazy killer people; you can find out more
about them if you watch it... SERIOUSLY WHY
ARE YOU READING THIS SHIT) and getting his
clan’s eyes back that he loses sight of what life
is all about. So, a lot of doom and gloom. Killua
and Gon kind of keep the mood up, but it’s hard
when Kurapika is such a huge emo kid. Major
downer, man.
They all try to help him out and Gon even
tries to convince him to stop killing the spiders;
and instead focus on getting the eyes back.
However, this is hard for Kurapika to ignore.
This season it starts to delve into darker
elements. It’s gradual and doesn’t necessarily catch you off guard, but definitely not what
you’d expect after season 1.
Gon and Killua do end up obtaining Greed
Island, though I’m not going to say how. Come
to find out it’s a game you have to possess Nen
to play. They enter the game and head onto the
next arc, leaving Leorio and Kurapika.
This is one of my favorite arcs! But, maybe
it’s just the gamer in me.They get to explore
what they believe is a gaming world. You have
to collect all 100 reserved slot cards to win the
game, in which you get to bring any 3 reserved
slot cards with you into the real world.
A lot of people choose to live in the game
instead of bothering trying to go home. Not
Gon and Killua though! In this arc they meet
Bisky, their second master who helps them get
bad ass with their Nen. It’s really neat watching
them grow, learn, and get stronger throughout
this saga. They find unique ways to use the cards
and use strategic measures to their advantage.
hunterxhunter; dsa does not own this.
This is where the series reaches its darkest
point to where my jaw was dropped. I could not
believe what was going on.
At first the saga is really boring and I was
disappointed. Like, ants? Really? That’s the big
baddie? But then you learn more about the Chimera Ants and how they work and then you’re
like, “Shit, those are some scary mother fuckers.”
In this one they do a very good job at making you hate the big baddies. Sure, you understand where the ants are coming from, but how
they are doing it is dickish. At first I thought they
were trying to pull some bullshit of how humans treat other animals, but realistically it is
how the ants would work in that scenario. Anyway, eventually the big baddies are introduced
who are absolute dicks. Seriously. I hated myself
when I felt sorry for the worst one towards the
end, but it was so hard not to.
People die out of nowhere left and right;
and rather brutally. Eaten alive, lobotomy, the
works. I was floored. I could not believe all the
shit that was happening at all.
Meanwhile you watch some serious transformations with Gon and Killua. Like... I don’t
wanna ruin it, but it was heartbreaking. I cried
so much during this saga.
In case you were wondering, I am presently
rewatching the show as of 2016 and I still love it
just as much as I did when I originally made this
review. If you haven’t seen it, then you definitely need to.
Discuss Hunter x Hunter here!
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We have a new developer on board! Iris will
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Creepily adorable, no?
Not... technically a saga, but it felt weird to
put it with Chimera Ants. After everything they
have some special elections I’m not gonna get
too into. During this there a lot of heart-wrenching things and it is when you see Leorio again.
Not gonna lie, I bawled my eyes out wen he was
reunited with Gon. You’ll understand why if you
make it to that point.
It’s all really sad and sweet for the characters
involved. Killua faces some very hard decisions.
In the end Killua and Gon split up. Not that
they aren’t friends anymore, by any means, but
they decide to go their separate ways. Of all of
the things in this series this broke my heart the
most, especially knowing how much they mean
to each other. I know it’s realistic to life, since
eventually friends do split up... but it still made
me cry.
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If you can’t tell... I cried a lot. Much feelz.
My summaries are all very lame, but I really don’t wanna ruin it for anyone who wants
to watch this awesome series. I would rewatch
this, which is saying a lot coming from me. I rarely rewatch shows, ever. YuYu Hakusho I have,
but not much else.
Much like Pixar, Hunter x Hunter has a SHIT
TON of Easter eggs in it, but you will only notice
them if you have watched YuYu Hakusho. In the
background you can find charms and stuffed
charm by ru. check out our etsy for new items that help
support the website.