m. king hubbert and his successors: a half


m. king hubbert and his successors: a half
Chris Kuykendall
March 8, 2006
This docu men t is referred to as a half-bibliography because it is limited d eliberately, with few exceptions,
to entries in support of the thesis of an oil peak form ulated by M . King H ubbert and extend ed by his
successors. Alternatively, it is referred to as a half-bibliography because it is limited principally to entries
relating to the problem and not solutions to the problem. There m ay be cases wh ere the links do not wo rk
directly and have to be cut and pasted to the user's Internet address line, perhaps even to a different Internet
browser than one’s de fault bro wse r. If even a pasted link does not work, try a Google on the author and/or
title. I wo uld app reciate notice of am ended and de ad links.
Inclusion in this docu men t does no t vouch for the accu racy of all the listed items. A s the issue of peak o il
gains increasing currency, more and more comm entaries on the topic have been written by authors w ho are
relatively new to the issue and can sometimes garble matters. More egregious examples of such garbling
have be en omitted from the list.
Kjell A leklett (Sweden)
Steve Andrews (United States/Colorado)
John Attarian (United States/Michigan)
Ali M orteza Sam sam Bak htiari (Iran)
Ugo Bardi (Italy)
Alb ert A. Ba rtlett (United States/Colorado)
Roscoe Bartlett (United States/Maryland)
Roger W. Bentley (Great Britain)
Roger Bezdek (United States/Virginia)
Rog er Bla nch ard (United States/Michigan)
Sheph erd Bliss (United States/Haw aii-California)
Gary Bowden (Canada/New Brunswick)
Tony Boys (Japan)
Colin J. Ca mp bell (Ireland)
Alb ert J. Cavallo (United States/New Jersey)
Frank Clem ents (United States/Pennsylvania)
Cutler J. Cleveland (United States/Massachu setts)
Earl Cook (United States/Texas)
Ronald R. Cooke (United States/California)
Julian Darley (Great Britain => C anada/British C olum bia)
Francis de Winter (United States/California)
Kenneth S. Deffeyes (United States/New Jersey)
David Delaney (Canada/Ontario)
An drew DeW it (Japan)
M urray D uffin (United States/South C arolina)
Jeffrey T. Dukes (United States/Massachu setts)
Richard C. Duncan (United States/Washington)
Dell Erickson (United States/Minn esota)
Jeanette Fitzsimons (New Zealand)
Brian J. Fleay (Australia)
David Fleming (Great Britain)
Marilyn Geewax (United States/Georgia)
John Gever (United States/New Ham pshire)
Jerem y G ilbert (Ireland)
Da vid L. G oodstein (United States/California)
Lindsey Grant (United States/New Mexico)
Henry Groppe (United States/Texas)
Cha rles A.S. H all (United States/New York)
Steph en H am ilton-Bergin (Great Britain)
Jay Hanson (United States/Haw aii)
Craig B ond H atfield (United States/Ohio)
Jamey Hecht (United States/New York)
Rich ard H einb erg (United States/California)
Carter Henderson (United States/New Jersey)
Robert L. Hirsch (United States/Virginia)
John G. Howe (United States/Maine)
Klaus Illum (Denmark)
L.F. "Buzz" Ivanhoe (United States/California)
Caryl Johnston (United States/Pennsylvania)
Robert K. Kaufmann (United States/Massachu setts)
Byron W. King (United States/Pennsylvania)
M ichael T. K lare (United States/Massachu setts)
Remb randt Koppelaar (Netherland s)
Sep po A . Korpela (United States/Ohio)
James Howard K unstler (United States/New York)
Jean H. La herrè re (France)
Jerem y Legg ett (Great Britain)
Jan L undberg (United States/California)
Jame s J. MacK enzie (United States/District of Colum bia)
Les B. Magoon (United States/California)
Tom Ma st (United States/Texas)
Cha rles T. M axw ell (Un ited States/Co nnecticut)
Steve McKinlay (New Zealand)
An drew M cNam ara (Australia)
Marie Plumm er Minniear (United States/Ohio)
Paul Mobbs (Great Britain)
George Monb iot (Great Britain)
Bill M oore (United States/Nebraska)
Glenn R. Morton (United States => Scotland)
Jim M otavalli (Un ited States/Co nnecticut)
Pat Murphy (United States/Ohio)
John M yers (Canada/A lberta)
Richard Nehring (United States/Colorado)
Amos Nur (United States/California)
Geo rge Paz ik (United States/Wisconsin)
Dale Allen Pfeiffer (United States/Michigan)
T. Boone Pickens (United States/Texas)
Dm itry Podb orits (Ukraine => New Yo rk)
Adam Porter (France)
Bill P ow ers (Canada = > Illinois)
Jim Puplava (United States/California)
Megan Quinn (United States/Ohio)
Rudolf Rechsteiner (Switzerland
William E. Rees (Canada/B ritish Colum bia)
Douglas B. Reynolds (United States/Alaska)
Josep h P. Riva, Jr. (United States/Virginia)
Pau l Robe rts (United States/Washington)
David Room (United States/California)
M ichael C. R uppert (United States/California)
Mam douh G. Salameh (Great Britain)
M ark Sa rdella (United States/New Mexico)
Matt Savinar (United States/California)
Jörg Schindler (Germany)
Matthew R. Simmons (United States/Texas-Maine)
Chris Skrebowski (Great Britain)
M ichael R . Smith (Great Britain)
Bengt Söderbergh (Sweden)
Eric Sprott (Canada/Ontario)
Stuart Sta niford (Great Britain => U nited States/California)
Richard A. Startzman (United States/Texas)
Ronald B. Swenson (United States/California)
Gary S . Swin dell (United States/Texas)
Ted Trainer (Australia)
M ark U dall (United States/Colorado)
Ran dy U dall (United States/Colorado)
Stew art Ud all (United States/New Mexico)
Tom Ud all (United States/New Mexico)
Gregson Vaux (United States/Pennsylvania)
Chris Vernon (Great Britain)
John H. W alsh (Canada/Ontario)
Andrew W eissman (United States/District of Colum bia)
Tom W hipp le (United States/Virginia)
Wa lter Youngquist (United States/Oregon)
Jack Zagar (United States => Ireland)
Werner Zittel (Germany)
Am erican Scientific Affiliation (ASA) Archive Index
http://www .calvin.edu/archive/asa/
Association for the Study of Peak Oil (ASPO)
AS PO A ustralia
http://www .aspo-australia.org.au
ASPO Ireland
http://www .peakoil.ie
ASPO New sletter Archive
http://www .peakoil.ie/do wnlo ads/new sletters/
The Community Solution
http://www.comm unitysolution.org/
Cou ntercurrents.org
http://w ww .coun tercurrents.org /peak oil.htm
Crude Aw akening Archive (Cleveland Plain D ealer)
http://www .cleveland.com/energy/plaindealer/?archive
Do wn stream Ven tures/P etroleum and E nergy M arkets
http://p0 88.ezboard .com /fdown stream venturespe troleu mm arkets
Dry Dipstick
Eclipse Now
Energy Bulletin
Energyresources List Archives
http://groups.yaho o.com /group /energyreso urces/
Gas Storage
Glenn Morton’s Oil Crisis Page
http://ho me .entou ch.net/d md /Oilcrisis.htm
Global Pu blic Me dia
Health and Energy /Oil Crisis
http://hea lthand energ y.com /oil_c risis.htm
Hubbert Peak of Oil Production/The Coming Global Oil Crisis (Ron Swenson)
L-B-Sy stemtechnik (with links to A SPO newsletters)
Life A fter the Oil Crash (M att Savinar)
http://w ww .lifeaftertheoilcrash.net/
Links to M ainstream N ews A rticles on Peak O il
Long Emergency Blog
M. King Hubbert Center for Petroleum Supply Studies
Oil De pletion: On e of the M ost Impo rtant Problem s of the W orld (Jacob L und Fisker)
Oil Depletion Analysis Centre (ODAC)
Oildep letion.org
http://w ww .oilde pletio n.org/roge r/inde x.htm
Oil Depletion Resource Page
http://w ww .gullan d.ca/d epletion/d epletion.htm
The Oil Drum
Peak Energy
Peak O il
PeakO il.org
http://www .peakoil.org
Peak O il Paradigm Shift
Peak Oil Premonitions (Gwen A shby)
Post C arbon Institute
Pow er Switch
REN EW W isconsin-The End o f Cheap Oil
Silver Bear Cafe/Peak Oil Links
Sprott's Peak Oil W atch
Surviving P eak Oil
Transition C ulture
Uppsala Hydrocarbon Depletion Study Group (UHDSG)
Wolf at the Door
M . King H ubbert. "Future Ore Supp ly and G eoph ysical Prospec ting." Engineering and Mining Journal 135
(January 1934), pp. 18-21.
M . King Hubbert. "Energy from Fossil Fuels." Presented at the Symposium of Energy , Centennial
Celebration of the American Association for the Advancement of Science, Washington, D.C., September 15,
1948. In A merican A ssoc iation for the A dvancement o f Science, Centennial, pp. 171-177. Washington:
Am erican Association for the Advancement of Science, 1950. Published under sam e title in Science 109
(February 4, 1949), pp. 103-109.
M . King H ubbert, et al. "Our Energy Resou rces." Physics Today 2 (April 1949), pp. 19-22.
L .M . Fanning. "A Case History of Oil-Shortage Scares." In L.M . Fann ing, ed., Ou r Oil Resou rces, Second
Edition, pp. 306-406. New York: McGraw-H ill, 1950.
Wallace E. Pratt. "The Impact of the Peaceful Uses of Atomic Energy on the Petroleum Industry." In U.S.
Department of the Inte rior, Report of the Panel on the Impact of the Peaceful Uses of Atomic Energy, Volume 2, pp.
89-105. Washington: U.S. Department of the Interior, 1956.
Joseph E. Pogu e and K enneth E . Hill. "Future Growth and Financial Requirements of the World Petroleum
Industry ." Presented at the annual meeting of the American Institute of Mining, Metallurgical, and Petroleum
Engineers, New York, February 21, 1956.
M . Kin g H ubbert. Nu clear Energy and the Fossil Fuels. Presented at the spring meeting of the Southern District
Division of Prod uction, A merican Petroleum Institute, Plaza Hotel, San Anto nio, M arch 8, 1956 . Dallas:
Am erican Petroleum Institute, Division of Production, 1956. Preprint subject to correction, March 1956.
Archived, File Folder (18), Box 156, M. King Hubbert Collection, Accession Number 1238, Am erican Heritage
Center, University of Wyoming, Laramie, Wyom ing.
Nanc y He ard. "Oil 'Crisis' Seen Close ." San A ntonio E xpress, March 9, 1956.
"Oilm en To ld A -Pow er to Replace Oil." San Antonio News, March 9, 1956.
M . King Hu bbert. Nu clear Energy and the Fossil Fuels. Presented before the spring m eeting of the So uthern
District Division of Pro duction, A merican Petro leum Institu te, Pla za H otel, San An tonio, M arch 8, 1956.
Publication No. 95. Houston: Shell Development Com pany, Exploration and Production Research Division,
1956. June 1956 revision.
Published and/or revised , “Nucle ar Energy and the Fo ssil Fuels,” in Am erican Petro leum Institu te, Drilling
and Production Practice 1956, pp. 7-25. New York: American Petroleum Institute, 1957.
"Is Oil Nearing a Produ ction Crisis?" Petroleum Week (March 16, 1956), pp. 9-10.
Wallace E. Pr att. Letter to M. King Hubbert, March 28, 1956. Archived, File Folder (17), Box 156, M. King
Hu bbert Collection, Accession Num ber 1238, Am erican Heritage Center, University of Wyoming, Laramie,
Wyom ing.
Ellie Ho pkins. "Oil Pro duction in U.S. M ay Hit Peak in 1965 and Be gin Dec line." Texas Oil Journal 22 (A pril
1956), pp. 15, 17.
M . King Hu bbert. Letter to W allace E. Pratt, April 16, 195 6. Archived , File Folder (17 ), Box 156 (o r possibly
File Folder 13, Box 50), M . Kin g H ubbert C olle ction, A ccession N um ber 1238 , Am erican He ritage Center,
University of Wyoming, Laramie, Wyom ing.
M . King Hubbert. Letter to W allace E . Pratt, December 7, 1956. Archived, File Folder (17), Box 156, M. King
Hu bbert Collection, Accession Num ber 1238, Am erican Heritage Center, University of Wyoming, Laramie,
Wyom ing.
Warren Davis. "A Stud y of the Future Produ ctive Capacity and Probable Reserves of the U .S." Oil & Gas
Journal 56 (February 24, 1958), pp. 105-119.
M . Kin g H ubbert. The M ineral Resources of T exas. Presented to the Conference on T exas, U niversity of Texas,
Austin, Texas, April 11-12, 1958. Publication No. 167. Houston: Shell Development Company, Exploration
and Production Research Division, 1958.
M . Kin g H ubbert. Techniques of Prediction with Application to the Petroleum Industry. Presen tation to the 44th
annual meeting of the American Association of Petroleum Geologists, Dallas, Texas, March 17, 1959. Preprint
No. 204. Houston: Shell Development Com pany, 1959. Bo x 13 7, M. King Hubbert Collection, Accession
Num ber 1238, Am erican Heritage Center, University of Wyoming, Laramie, Wyom ing.
A.D. Zap p. Future P etroleum Produ cing Ca pacity of the Un ited States. U.S. Geological Survey Bulletin 1142-H.
Washington: U.S. Geological Survey, 1962.
M . K in g H ubbert. Energy Resou rces: A Rep ort to the Co mm ittee on Na tural Resources. Publication 1000-D.
Washington: National Academy of Sciences-National Research Council, 1962.
M . King H ubbert. Letter to mem bers of Committee on Resources, National Academy of Sciences, August 23,
1962. Archived , File Folder (5), Bo x 151, M . King H ubbert Co llection, Accessio n Nu mber 1 238, A merican
Heritage Center, University of Wyoming, Laramie, Wyom ing.
"W e've Found Half O ur Oil, Says H ubbert." Oil & Gas Journal 61 (January 21, 1963), pp. 48-49?
H.K. H udso n. "Is the 'Song of Plenty' a Siren So ng?" Oil & Gas Journal 61 (June 17, 1963), pp. 131-136.
"U.S. Reserves P ut at 600 Billion Bbl." Oil & Journal 61 (September 2, 1963), pp. 78-79.
Thom as B. No lan. "USG S Estim ates Not O fficial." Oil & Gas Journal 61 (October 28, 1963), pp. 31-33.
M . King Hu bbert. "Na tion al A cadem y of Scie nce's Rep ort o n Energy R esources: A Re ply." AA PG Bulletin
49 (October 1965), pp. 1720-1727.
M . Kin g H ubbert. History of Petroleum Geology and Its Bearing Upon Present and Future Exploration.
Presentation to the 15th A nnual C onventio n, Gulf Coast A ssociation of G eological S ocieties, Hou ston, Texas,
October 28, 1965. Washington: U.S. Geological Survey, 1965. Reprinted in AA PG Bulletin 50 (December
1966), pp. 2504-2518.
M . King H ubbert. "M. Kin g Hu bbert's Reply to J.M. Ryan ." Journal of Petroleum Technology 18 (M arch 1966 ),
pp. 284-286.
Anibal R. M artinez. "Estimation of P etroleum Resou rces." AA PG Bulletin 50 (September 1966), pp. 2001-2008.
M . King H ubbert. "Degree o f Adv ancem ent of Petroleu m E xploration in the United States." AA PG Bulletin
51 (November 1967), pp. 2207-2227.
M . King Hubbert. "Energy Resources." In National Academy o f Sciences-Natio nal Research C ouncil,
Comm ittee on R esources on M an, Resources and Man: A Study and Recommendations, pp . 157-242 . San
Francisco: W.H. Freeman, 1969.
M . King H ubbert. "Man's Co nquest of E nergy: Its Ecolog ical and H um an Co nsequen ces." Lecture before
the Environ men tal and Ecological Forum, Silver Spring , Maryland , Sep tem ber 2 8, 19 70. In A. B urt K line, ed.,
The Environmental and Ecological Forum, 1970-1971, pp. 1-50. Oak Ridge: U.S. Atomic Energy Comm ission,
Office of Information Services, 1972.
H.R. W arman. “Fu ture Problem s in Petroleum Exploration.” Petroleum Review 25 (March 1971), pp. 96-101.
J.J. Arps. "Relationships Betwe en Prove d Reserve s and Exp loratory Effo rt." Journal of Petroleum Technology
23 (June 1971), pp. 671-675.
M . King Hu bbert. "The Energy Resou rces of the Earth." Scientific Am erican 225 (September 1971), pp. 60-70.
http://www .oilcrisis.com/hubbe rt/energypo wer/
M . King H ubbert. "Estimation o f Oil and G as Resource s." In U.S. Geolo gical Survey , Workshop on Tech niques
of Mineral Resource Appraisal, pp. 16-5 0. Denve r: U.S. Geolo gical Survey, 19 72. From a conference in Denve r,
March 23-24, 1972.
"Texas Interrupts 24-Y ear Tradition o f Oil Ou tput Lid." Wall Street Journal, March 17, 1972.
M . King Hubbert. "Determination of the Numerical Value of the Ratio of Future-to-Past Cru de O il
Discoveries Per Cubic Mile of Sediment." Memorandum to the National Research Council, June 7, 1972.
Archived, File Folde r (8), Box 162, M . King H ubbert Collection , Accession N um ber 1238 , Am erican Heritage
Center, University of Wyoming, Laramie, Wyom ing.
H.R. W arman. "Th e Future o f Oil." Geographical Journal 138 (September 1972), pp. 287-297.
Roger F. Naill. "The Discovery Life Cycle of a Finite R esou rce: A Case Stud y of U .S. Natu ral Gas." In
Don ella H. Meadow s and Dennis L. M ead ow s, eds., Tow ard G lobal Equilibrium : Collected Pap ers, pp. 213-256.
Cambridge, M assachusetts: Wright-Allen Press, 1973. Based on a 1972 master’s thesis of similar title, Alfred
P. Sloan School of Management, Massachusetts Institute of Technology.
M . King Hu bbert. "Survey o f Wo rld Energ y Resou rces." Can adian Mining and Metallurgical Bu lletin 66 (July
1973), pp. 37-53.
M . Kin g H ubbert. U.S. Energy Resources: A Review as of 1972. Background paper prep ared fo r the U .S. Senate
Comm ittee on Interior and Insular Affairs, 93rd Congress, 2nd Session. Serial No. 93-40 (92-75). Washington:
U.S. Government Printing Office, 1974.
Stewart Ud all, et al. The Energy Balloon, pp. 7-12 , 81-1 01. N ew York: M cGraw -Hill, 19 74. [also listed under
Stewart U dall]
Philip H. A belson. "The E nergy C runch." EOS (Transactio ns, A merican Geop hysical Un ion) 55 (Janu ary
1974), pp. 3, 18.
Earl Cook. "Und iscovered U ndevelo ped C rude O il 'Resources' and N ational Energy Strategies." Presented
at a research conference of the American Association of Petroleum Geologists, Stanford University, Palo Alto,
California, April 21-23, 1974. Published in Jo hn D . Haun, e d., Methods of E stimating the Volume of Und iscovered
Oil and G as Reserves, Studies in Geology No. 1, pp. 97-106. Tulsa: American Association of Petroleum
Geologists, 1975. [also listed under Earl Cook]
W . H. van E ek. "Forecasting Fu ture Hy drocarbo n Disco veries Based o n a Relationship Betwe en Past
Production and Reserves." Presentation to Society of Petroleum Engineers, European spring meeting,
Amsterdam, May 29-30, 1974. Archived, File Folder 12, Box 54, M. King Hubbert Collection, Accession
Num ber 1238, Am erican Heritage Center, University of Wyoming, Laramie, Wyom ing.
M . King Hu bbert. Co ngressional testim on y. In National Energy Conservation Policy Act of 1974, hearings
before the Subcommittee on the Environment, U.S. House Committe e on Interior and Insular Affairs,
Subcommittee on th e En viro nm ent, 93rd Co ngress, 2nd Session, June 6, 1974, pp. 51-78. Serial No. 93-55.
W ashing ton: U .S. Go vernm ent Prin ting O ffice, 197 4. Excerpt at:
M . King Hubbert. "Ratio Between Recoverable Oil Per Unit Volume of Sedimen ts for Future Exp loratory
Drilling to That o f the P ast for the C oterm ino us U nited States." M em o to National Research Council, revised
June 8, 197 4. In Natural Research Council, et al., Mineral Resources and the Environm ent, Appendix to Section
II: Report of P anel on E stimation of Mineral Reserves and Resources, pp. 1-9. Washington: National Academy of
Sciences, 197 5. A rchived , File Folder (8), B ox 1 62, M . King Hubbert Collection, Accession Number 1238,
Am erican Heritage Center, University of Wyoming, Laramie, Wyom ing.
Robert Gillette. "Oil and Gas Resources: Did USGS Gush Too High ?" Science 185 (July 12, 1974), pp. 127-130.
Robert G illette. "Academ y Calls U SGS M ath M isleading." Science 187 (February 28, 1975), pp. 723-727.
"A Scram ble for Oil Th at May N ot Be Th ere." Business W eek (March 10, 1975), pp. 76-77.
Michael T. M alloy. "He P redicted the O il Shortage 19 Years A go." Na tional O bserver 14 (M ay 10, 1975 ).
Published in Washington, D.C.
John D. Moody and Robert W. Esser. “An Estimate of the W orld ’s Reco verable Cru de O il Reso urce.” In
Institute of Petro leum, Proceedings of the N inth W orld Petroleum Cong ress, Volume 3, pp. 11-20. London:
Applied Science Publishers, 1975.
M. King Hubbert. "Hubbert Estimates from 1956 to 1 974 o f U.S. Oil and Gas." Presented to the first IIASA
conference on En ergy Reso urces, Laxenbu rg, Austria, M ay 20 -21, 197 5. Pu blished in M iche l Greno n, ed .,
Methods an d M odels for Assessing E nergy R esources, pp. 370-383. New York: Pergamon Press, 1979.
Betty M . M iller, et al. Geological Estim ates of U ndiscovered Recoverable Oil and Gas R esources in the U nited States.
U.S. Geological Survey Circular 725, prepared for the Federal Energy Administration. Reston, Virginia: U.S.
Geological Survey, 1975.
"The O il That's Left." Geotim es 20 (June 1975), pp. 29-30.
Edw ard Cow an. "Expert Do ubts U.S. Can Sub stantially C ut O ut Im ports by 197 5." New York T imes, July 8,
H. P eter M etzger. "G eologist in 1 956 Predicted Energy Crisis." Rocky Mountain News (Denver), September
16, 1975.
Arthur J. Magida. "USGS Plays a 'Num bers Gam e' on Rem aining Oil, G as Resource s." National Journal 7
(September 27, 1975), pp. 1349-1356.
L. David Roper. “Depletion Theory.” 1976.
http://arts.bev.net/rop erldavid/m inerals/D epletTh.htm
Am erican H osp ital A ssoc iation. Health Facilities and the Energy Crisis: A Conversation with M. King Hubbert.
Video, American Hospital Association, 1976.
M . Kin g H ubbert. "Outloo k for Fuel R eserves." In Daniel N . Lapede s, ed., Encyclopedia of Energy, pp. 11-23.
New Yo rk: McGraw-Hill, 1976.
M . King Hubbert. "Exponential Growth as a Transient Phenomenon in Hu man H istory." Presented be fore
a W orld W ildlife Fun d co nference, San Francisco, 197 6. Re prin ted in M argaret A . Stro m, ed., Societal Issues,
Scientific Viewpoints, pp. 75-84. New York: Am erican Institute of Physics, 19 87. Reprinted also in He rman
E. Daly an d K enn eth N . Town send , eds., Valuing the E arth: E cono mics, Ecology, Ethics, pp. 113-126.
Cambridge, Massachusetts: MIT Press, 1993.
M . King H ubbert. "Energy R esources: A Scientific and C ultural Dilem ma." Bulletin of the Association of
Engineering Geologists 13 (Spring 1976), pp. 81-124.
George Pazik. "Our Petroleum Predicam ent." Fishing Facts 10 (November 1976). [also listed under George
W olf von Engelhardt, et al. "Earth Resources, Time, and Man - A Geoscience P erspective." Environmental
Geology 1 (No. 4, 1976), pp. 193-206.
Gladw in Hill. "Scientist Is Hop eful on W orld Re sources." New York T imes, December 2, 1976.
Samuel M . Dix. Energy: A Critical Decision for the United States Economy. Grand Rapids: Energy Education
Publishers, 1977.
Stuart Diam ond. "N obod y Listened in 1956." Newsday (New York), A pril 17, 1 977 . Reprinted as
"Geo ph ysicist's Energy Shortages W arnings Ignore d for 20 Y ears," Midland Reporter-Telegram (Midland,
Texas), April 18, 1977.
M . Kin g H ubbert. "Role of Geolo gy in T ransition to a Matu re Industrial Society." Geologische Rundschau 66
(No. 3, 1977), pp. 654-678.
Joanne O mang . "Oil Proph et Cited: Geo logist Saw Crisis in 1948 ." Washingto n Post, November 15, 1977.
Richard Starn es. “G eologist’s 19 48 F uel Deficit C laim Fell on D eaf E ars - U ntil C risis A rose .” Knox ville New sSentinel, December 5, 1977.
M . King H ubbert.
Maryland, 1978.
Vanishing E nergy R esources.
Video , Charles Co unty Co mm unity Co llege, LaPlata,
Franklin Po llock. "Petroleum Resou rces." Stevens Energy Forum 1 (Spring 1978), pp. 1-6.
M . King H ubbert. "U.S. Petroleum Estimates, 1956 -1978." Presented to the annu al meeting , Am erican
Petroleum Institute, Production Department, Denver, April 2-5, 1978. In American Petroleum Institute,
Production Department, 1978 An nual M eeting Papers, Report N o. 367-0, pp . 0-1 to 0-58. Den ver: Am erican
Petroleum Institute, 1978. Archived in File Fold er (1), Box 123 , M. King Hubb ert Collection , Accession
Num ber 1238, Am erican Heritage Center, University of Wyoming, Laramie, Wyom ing.
Carter He nderso n. The In evitability of Petroleum Rationing in the U nited States. Princeton, New Jersey:
Princeton Center for Alternative Futures, 1979. [also listed under Carter Henderson]
M . King H ubbert. "Measu reme nt of Energ y Resou rces." Journal of Dynamic Systems, Measurement, and Control
101 (March 1979), pp. 16-30.
Noel D. Uri. "Re-Examination of the Estimation of U ndisco vere d O il Re sou rces in the Un ited States." Journal
of Env ironm ental Sciences 22 (May 1979), pp. 13-16.
George Pazik. "Children of the Petroleu m A ge (Part 6)." Fishing Facts 13 (August 1979), pp. 6-7. [also listed
under George Pazik]
"Hu bbert, M. King." In McGraw -Hill M odern Scientists and E ngineers, Volume 2?, pp. 97-99. New York:
McGraw-H ill, 1980.
Lio nel S . Johns, et al. World Petroleum Availability, 1980-2000: A Technical Memorandum. Washington: U.S.
Office of Technology Assessment, 1980.
Earl Coo k. "Charting O ur Energ y Future: Pro gress or Prudence?" The F uturist 14 (April 1980), pp. 64-69.
[also listed under Earl Cook]
M . Kin g H ubbert. "Techniqu es of Pred iction as Applied to the Production of Oil and Gas." Presented to a
symposium of the U.S. Department of Comm erce, Washington, June 18-20, 1980. In Saul I. Gass, ed., Oil and
Gas Supply Modeling, pp. 16-141. National Bureau of Standards special publication 631. Washington:
National Bureau of Standards, 1982.
George Pazik. "Children of the Petroleu m A ge (Part 10)." Fishing Facts 14 (N ovem ber 1980 ), p. 6. [also listed
under George Pazik]
Stephen Goo dw in. "Hubbert's Curve." Country Journal 7 (November 1980), pp. 56-61.
Paul G . Hayes. "Estimate o f US Fu el Reserves Trim med Again ." Milwaukee Journal, November 9, 1980.
Charles A.S. Hall and Cutler J. Cleveland. "Petroleum Drilling and Produ ction in the U nited States: Yield
Per Effort and Net En ergy A nalysis." Science 211 (Febru ary 6, 1981), pp. 576-579. [also listed under Cutler
J. Cleveland and Charles A .S. Hall]
George Pazik. "If Only We H ad Listened." Fishing Facts 15 (September 1981), pp. 6-7. [also listed under
George Pazik]
M . King H ubbert. "Two Intellectual Systems: M atter-Energy and the M onetary C ulture." Presented at the
MIT Energy Laboratory, Cambridge, Massachusetts, September 30, 1981.
M . King H ubbert. "The W orld's Evolving Energy System ." Am erican Journal of Physics 49 (Nove mber 1 981),
pp. 1007-1029. Republished in Richard L. Perrine and W .G. Ernst, eds., Energy: For Ourselves and Our
Posterity, pp. 44-100. Englewood C liffs, New Jersey: Prentice-Hall, 1985.
David D'A rgenio . King Hubbert and the Evolution of the United States Oil Industry. New H aven: Y ale U niversity
Department of Geology and Geophysics, 1982. Located at Yale University, Geology Library, Rare Book
C.B. Raleigh and M . King H ubbert. "The Ve tlesen Prize, to M . King H ubbert." EOS (Transactions, Am erican
Geophysical Union) 63 (April 27, 1982), pp. 249-251.
Gary Bowd en. "Estimating United States Crude Oil Resources: Organizational Interests, Political Economy,
and Historical C hange." Pacific Sociolog ical Review 25 (October 1982), pp. 419-44 8. [also listed under G ary
Richard Neh ring. "Prospects for W orld O il Resource s." Annual Review of Energy 7 (1982), pp . 175-200. [also
listed under Richard Nehring]
Charles D. Masters, et al. Distribution and Q uantitative A ssessment of World Crude-Oil Reserves and R esources.
U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report No. 83-728. Reston, Virginia: U.S. Geological Survey, 1983.
M . King H ubbert. "Accep tance of the 198 1 Vetlesen P rize." Journal of Geological Education 31 (January 198 3),
pp. 42-44.
Robert D ean Clark. "Kin g Hu bbert." The Leading Edge 2 (February 1983), pp. 16-24.
Joseph P. Riva, Jr. Dom estic Crude Oil Production Projected to the Year 2000 on the Basis of Resource Capability.
Con gressional Research Se rvice Report No . 84-129. W ashington: Co ngressional R esearch Service, 19 84. [also
listed und er Jo seph P. R iva, Jr.]
Francis J. Pettijohn. "Chicago: The Athens of the M idwest." Chapter 7, in Memoirs of an Un repentant F ield
Geologist: A Can did Profile of Some Geologists and Their Science, 1921-1981, pp. 14 2-20 3. Chicago : Univ ersity
of Chicago Press, 1984.
Richard A. Kerr. "A nother O il Warn ing." Science 223 (January 27, 1984), p. 382. [also listed under Joseph P.
Riva, Jr.]
Joseph P. Riva, Jr., et al. U.S. Conventional Oil and Gas Production: Prospects to the Year 2000. Bould er:
W estvie w P ress, 1 985 . [also listed und er Jo seph P. R iva, Jr.]
Andrew Crilly an d Jo hn S immons. Oil: Finds for the Futu re. Video, BBC/Open U niversity, 1985. [also listed
under L.F. "Buzz" Ivanhoe]
John D. Sterm an and G eorg e P. Richardson. "A n Exp erim ent to E valuate Methods for Estimating Fossil Fuel
Resou rces." Journal of Forecasting 4 (April-June 1985), pp. 197-226.
Gary B ow den. "The Social Construction of Validity in Estimates of US C rude O il Reserves." Social Stud ies
of Science 15 (May 1985), pp. 207-240. [also listed under Gary Bowden]
Michael Aaron Dennis. "Drilling for Do llars: T he Making of U S Petroleu m R eserve Estim ates, 1921-25." Social
Studies of Science 15 (May 1985), pp. 241-265.
Charles A.S. Hall, et al. "Petroleum." Chapter 7, in Energy and Resource Quality: The Ecology of the E cono mic
Process, pp. 161 -188. New York: Wiley-Interscience, 1986. [also listed under Cutler J. Cleveland, Charles A.S.
Hall, and Robert K. Kaufmann]
John Gever, et al. Beyond Oil: The Threat to Food and Fuel in the Coming D ecades. Cam bridge, M assachusetts:
Ballinger, 1986. [also listed under John Gever and Robert K. Kaufmann]
W illiam R. Catton , Jr. "Hom o C olo ssus and the T echnolog ical T urn-Arou nd." Sociological Spectrum 6 (No.
2, 1986), pp. 121-147.
Steve An drew s. "M. King Hu bbert: Highlights from a Previously Unpublished Interview." March 5, 1988.
AS PO-U SA website, 2005 . [also listed under Steve A ndrew s]
John D. Sterman, et al. "Modeling the Estimation of Petroleu m Resources in the U nited States." Technological
Forecasting and Social Change 33 (May 1988), pp. 219-249.
Ronald E. D oel. Marion King Hubbert: Transcript o f a Tap e-Recorded Interview, January 4-February 6, 1989.
College Park, M aryland: A merican Institute of Physics, Center for H istory of Physics, 1989. Also archived
as Box 83A , M. K ing H ubbert collection, A ccessio n N um ber 12 38, A me rican H eritage C enter, U niversity of
Wyom ing, Laramie, Wyom ing.
"The Le gacy of M . King H ubbert." Petroleum O utlook 10 (October 1989), pp. 3-7.
Bart Barnes. "M arion K. H ubbert Dies; Pred icted Energ y Crisis." Washingto n Post, October 14, 1989.
Alfon so A. Narvaez. "M. King Hubbert, 86, Geologist Who Influenced Oil Production." New York T imes,
October 17, 1989.
http://hubbert.mines.edu/news/Ivanhoe_96-1.pdf (see pdf page 2)
"Tribute to M . King H ubbert." National Aca dem y of Sciences Letter to M embers 19 (A pril 1990).
http://w ww .hubbe rtpeak .com /hubbert/tribute.h tm
David B. Doan. "M emorial to M . King Hu bbert, 1903-1 989." The Geological Society of Am erica, M emorials 24
(1994), pp. 39-46.
The above list includes o nly entries up to Hubbert's death, or entries subsequent to his death w hich are
biograph ical in nature. For add itional items relating to H ubbert's method ology and his analysis of United
States oil and natural gas supply availability, use the Find feature of your software to search on entries with
triple asterisks (***).
Kjell A leklett (Sweden)
Kjell Aleklett and Co lin J. C am pbe ll. "The Peak and D ecline of W orld O il and Gas P rodu ction." Minerals and
Energy (No. 1, 200 3), pp. 5-20. [also listed und er Colin J. Camp bell]
Kjell Aleklett. “Dick Cheney, Peak Oil, and the Final Co unt Do wn.” A ssociation for the Stud y of Peak Oil
website, May 12, 2004.
Katie Benner. "Oil: Is the End at Hand ?: A On ce-Fringe Group Saying We'll Run Out of Oil Is Gaining
Attention, Even within the Oil Industry." CNN/M oney website, November 3, 2004.
http://mone y.cnn.com /2004/11 /02/m arkets/peak_o il/
And rew Janes. "Peak Hour." New Zealand Listener 196 (N ovem ber 13-19, 20 04).
http://www .listener.co.nz/default,2878.sm
Kjell Aleklett. "The Oil Supply Tsunami Alert." April 26, 2005.
Kjell Aleklett. "Review of 'The Truth A bout Glo bal Oil Sup ply.'" Association for the S tudy of P eak Oil and
Gas website, September 6, 2005.
Kjell Aleklett. "Looking from the Outside." Audiotaped presentation to the National Academies Workshop
on Trend s in Oil Sup ply and De man d, and Potential for Peaking of Conventional Oil Production,
Washington, D.C. October 20, 2005.
http://www.globalpublicmedia.com/lectures/542 (scroll down to Aleklett .mp3 file)
Kjell Aleklett. "Kjell Aleklett launches ASPO Australia and Talks About Peak Oil." Lecture, University of
Western Australia, Perth, Australia, November 21, 2005.
http://media.globalp ublicme dia.com /RAM /2005/12 /Aleklett_U W A_0 5.ram
Brian A. Bu cktin. "Mini R eport on the 'Peak O il' Lecture by Kjell A leklett at the University of W A." Post to
the EnergyRoundTable list, November 21, 2005.
Nige l Wilso n. "No T echnolo gical Fix for Falling O il Stocks." The Australian (Sydney), November 22, 2005.
Tony Eastley and An dre w G eog hegan. "O il Prices S urge Overn ight." Australian Broadcasting Corporation
interview with Kjell Aleklett, November 22, 2005.
http://w ww .abc.net.au/am/conten t/2005 /s151 3226.htm
"Scientist Urges World to Get Serious About Oil Crisis." Stuff website, November 30, 2005.
Kjell Aleklett. Testimony before the Subcommittee on Energy and Air Quality, Committee on Energy and
Comm erce, U.S. House of Representatives, Washington, December 7, 2005.
Steve Andrews (United States/Colorado)
Steve A ndrew s. "M . King Hu bbert: H ighlights from a Previously Unpublished Interview." March 5, 1988.
AS PO -US A w ebsite, 20 05. [also listed u nde r M . King Hu bbert]
Randy Udall and Steve A ndrew s. "When W ill the Joy Ride E nd?: A P etroleum Prime r." Hu bbert Center
New sletter #99/1 (January 1999), pp . 1-8. [also listed under Ran dy U dall]
Steve Andrews. "Interview of M.K. Hubbert by Steve Andrews in 1988." Hubbertpeak.com website, Au gust
18, 20 00.***
http://w ww .hubbe rtpeak .com /hubbert/and rew s.htm
Steve Andrews. "Re: When W ill the Energy Crisis Come?" Posted to the energyresources electronic mailing
list, December 29, 2000.
Randy Ud all and Steve An dre ws. "M ethane M adn ess: A Natura l Gas Prim er." Solar Today (July-Au gust
2001), pp . 36-39. [also listed und er Randy Ud all]
Steve Andrews and Randy Ud all. "Oil Prophets: Looking at World Oil Studies Over Time." Paper presented
to the ASPO Second International Workshop on O il Depletion , Paris, France, May 26, 2003. [also listed under
Randy Ud all]
Steve A ndrew s. "When W ill Wo rld Oil Pro duction Peak?" Homebuilder Magazine (Septem ber 2004 ).
http://w ww .builtgreen.org /articles/0409_W orld _O il_Pro duc tion.htm
Jim M organ. "Facing O ur Energ y Predicam ent." Summit Daily News (Breckenrid ge, Colo rado), July 2, 2005.
http://www.summitdaily.com/article/20050702/NEW S/107020027
Reprinted : Jim M organ. "W orld's Runn ing Ou t of Oil, Con sultant Says." Vail Daily, July 9, 2005.
David Room. "Introducing ASPO-USA." Global Public Media interview with Steve A ndrew s and Jim
Baldauf, July 22, 2005. [also listed under David Room]
http://media.globalp ublicme dia.com /RAM /2005/07 /And rewsB aldauf.2005 0722.ram
Steve And rews, et al. "New Grou p: AS PO-U SA ." Energy Bu lletin, Augu st 3, 2005. [also listed under Randy
Ud all]
Randy Udall and Steve And rews. "The Illusive B onanza: O il Shale in Colorado: 'Pulling the Sword from the
Stone.'" ASP O-U SA website, Octob er 4, 2005. [also listed un der Rand y Ud all]
Steve Andrews. "One Man's Notes on the NA S Peak O il Wo rkshop ." Outline repo rt on the N ational
Academy of Sciences W orkshop on Trends in Oil Supply and Demand and the Potential for Peaking of
Con ventional Oil Production, Washington, D.C., October 20-21, 2005. ASPO-U SA website, October 31, 2005.
Randy Udall and Steve And rews. "Oil Sh ale M ay Be Fo ol's Gold." Den ver Post, Decem ber 18, 2005 . [also
listed unde r Randy Ud all}
John Attarian (United States/Michigan)
John Attarian. "The Com ing End of Che ap Oil: To Hubb ert's Peak and Bey ond." The Social Contract 12
(Sum me r 200 2), pp. 276-2 86.***
John A ttarian. "A Reply by Jo hn A ttarian." ASP O N ewsletter No. 34 (October 2003), pp. 10-11.
John A ttarian. "Evidence for Peak Oil M ounts." ASP O N ewsletter No. 46 (October 2004), pp. 6-7.
John A ttarian. "Gas Prices Soar as Oil Re serves Near P eak." Detroit News, October 3, 2004.
John Attarian. "Oil Depletion Revisited: W hy the Peak Is Probably N ear." The Social Contract 15 (Winter 20042005), pp. 129-146.
John Attarian. "Entitlem ent, O il Depletion, Fiscal C risis." The Social Contract 15 (Spring 2005), pp. 176-177.
Ali M orteza Sam sam Bak htiari (Iran)
Ali M orteza Samsam Bakhtiari and F ariba Shahbud aghlou. "IEA , OPEC Oil Sup ply Forecasts Ch allen ged ."
Oil & Gas Journal 99 (April 30, 2001), pp. 24-26.
Ali M orteza Samsam Bakhtiari. "Are D epressed N atural Gas Prices H ere to Stay?" Hydrocarbon Processing
80 (September 2001), pp. 21-22.
Ali M orteza Sam sam B akhtiari. "The Price of N atural Gas." OP EC R eview 25 (Dec embe r 2001), pp. 357-368.
Ali M orte za Samsam Bak htiari. "2002 to See Birth of N ew W orld E nergy O rder." Oil & Gas Journal 100
(January 7, 2002), pp. 18-19.
[no lo nger available o n Intern et]
Ali M orteza Sam sam Bakhtiari. "A M iddle E ast View of the Global Oil Situation." Presentation to the
International Workshop on Oil Depletion, Uppsala University, Sweden, May 23-24, 2002.
Ali M orteza Sam sam B akhtiari. "US, Ru ssian Gas Sup ply Vu lnerable if 2002-03 W inter Unu sually Co ld." Oil
& G as Journal 100 (November 11, 2002), pp. 24-26.
Ali M orte za Samsam Bak htiari. "A Realistic V iew of L ong-Term M idd le East Prod uction Cap acity."
Presentation to the ASPO Second International Workshop on Oil Depletion, Paris, France, May 26, 2003.
Ali M orteza Sam sam B akhtiari. "North Sea O il Resource s: Half Full or H alf Emp ty?" Oil & Gas Journal 101
(August 25, 2003), pp. 24-32.
Ali M orteza S amsam Bakh tiari. “The W orld Oil P rod uction Capacity Mod el.” Presentation to Internation al
Conference on O il Dem and, P rod uction, and Co sts - Prospects for the Future, Dan ish Techno logy C ouncil
and Danish Society of Engineers, Copenhagen, December 10, 2003.
[no lo nger available o n Intern et]
Ali M orteza Sam sam B akhtiari. “Wo rld Oil Production Capacity Model Sug gests Ou tput Peak by 200 6-07.”
Oil & Gas Journal 102 (April 26, 2004), pp. 18-20.
M ark Colvin. “Oil Demand W ill Soon Outstrip Supply: Industry Planner.” PM, Australia Broadcasting
Corporation Local Radio program, August 9, 2004.
http://w ww .abc.net.au/p m/conten t/2004 /s117 2404.htm
Ad am Porter. "T he M an W ho Foresaw Sky rocketin g O il Prices." Al Jazeera (Doha, Q atar), September 30, 2004.
[also listed unde r Ad am P orter]
Bruce R obinson . "Peak Oil To pical in Au stralia." ASP O N ewsletter No. 46 (October 2004), pp. 10-11.
Ali Morteza Samsam Bakhtiari. "From 'Peak Oil' to 'Transition One.'" Energy Bulletin, October 25, 2005.
Ugo Bardi (Italy)
Ugo Bardi. “The Mineral Economy: A Mod el for the Shape of Oil Production Curves.” September 2003.
Published in Energy P olicy 33 (January 2 005), pp. 53 -85.***
Ugo Bar di. "Energy Prices and Resource D epletion: Le sson s from the C ase o f W haling in 19th Century."
August 2004, revised August 2005.
Ugo Bardi. "Peak Oil 2004: Run for Your Life or Do Nothing?" ASPO Italy website, November 2004.
Ugo Bardi. "Question on Reserves for Mike Lynch." Post to the energyresources electro nic m ailing list,
December 25, 2004.
Ugo Bardi and Dale Allen Pfeiffer. "No Free Lunch, Part 3 of 3: Proof." From The Wilderness website,
January 28, 20 05. [also listed und er Ugo Bardi]
Ugo Bardi. "The R imini C onference on O il Depletion : A Lo st Oppo rtunity." ASP O Italia website, November
7, 2005.
Alb ert A. Ba rtlett (United States/Colorado)
Albert A. Bartlett. "Forgotten Fundamentals of the Energy Crisis." Am erican Journal of Physics 46 (September
197 8), pp. 87 6-888. E nlarged and republished , Journal of Geological Education 28 (January 1980), pp. 4-35.
http://w ww .npg.o rg/spe cialrep orts/bartlett_index.htm
Albert A. Bartlett. "An Analysis of U.S. and World Oil Production Patterns Using Hubbert-Style Curves."
Mathematical Geology 32 (January 2 000), pp. 1-1 7. Up dated onlin e, M arch 13, 200 0.***
http://w ww .oilcrisis.co m/bartlett/hubbert.htm
Albert A. B artlett. Testimony before the S ubcom mittee o n Energy, C om mittee o n Scienc e, U .S. House of
Representatives, Washington, May 3, 2001.
Albert A. Bartlett. "Thoug hts on Lo ng-Term Energy Supp lies: Scientists and the Silent Lie." Physics Today
57 (July 2004), pp. 53-55.
Julian Da rley . "Prof. Albert Bartlett Talks About Peak Oil During ASPO USA C onference." Transcribed
videotaped interview, Global Public Media, November 11, 2005. [also listed under Julian Darley]
http://media.globalp ublicme dia.com /RAM /2005/11 /DenverInterview s/Bartlett.ram
Roscoe Bartlett (United States/Maryland)
Roscoe Bartlett. Special order speech on peak oil, U.S. H ouse of Representatives, Cong ressional Record 151
(March 14, 2005), pp. H1409-H1414.
David Room. Global Public Media transcribed audio interview with Congressman Roscoe Bartlett, March
27, 2005. {also listed under David Room]
http://media.globalp ublicme dia.com /RAM /2005/04 /GPM .RoscoeB artlett.2005-04-27.ram
Roscoe Bartlett. "Our Dependence on Foreign Oil." Special order speech before the U.S. House of
Representatives, April 20, 2005.
"Congressman Roscoe Bartlett Votes No on Energy Bill." Global Public Media website, April 21, 2005.
Colin Sullivan. Interview with Roscoe Bartlett and Roger Diw an. OnPo int program , E&E TV, A pril 22, 2005.
Roscoe Bartlett. "Peak Oil." Special order speech before the U.S. House of Representatives, May 3, 2005.
Cong ressional Record 151 (May 3, 2005), pp. H2809-H2813.
Jan Lund berg. "Goo dbye to A merican Dream land." Culture Change E -Letter No . 96 (M ay 20, 2005 ). [also
listed under Jan Lundberg]
Roscoe Bartlett. Presentation to Resou rces for the Future E nergy 20 50 Po licy Briefing Se ries, "The Future of
Renewable Energy," Washington, D.C., June 21, 2005.
http://rff.org/Even ts/Energy20 50/Ren ewables.cfm
[Co ngressman Bartle tt video no lo nger d ow nload s from Internet]
"Maryland Con gressman , President Bu sh Discuss 'Peak O il.'" Lone Star Iconoclast (Crawford, Texas), July 15,
http://lon estarico n.com /2005/N ew s/200 5/21-30/2 8new s03.htm
Paul W eyrich. Interview w ith U.S. Rep resentative Rosco e Bartlett, "The Right Hour" program , Rightalk
Radio, archived by Global Public Media, September 12, 2005.
http://media.globalp ublicme dia.com /RAM /2005/08 /Roscoe BartlettRightTalk.ram
Roscoe Bartlett, et al. Transcript of Congressman Bartlett's 2005 Energy Conference, Frederick, Maryland,
September 26, 2005.
http://www.energybulletin.net/9242.html (alternative webpage , first of three parts)
http://www.energybulletin.net/9245.html (alternative webpage , second o f three parts)
http://www.energybulletin.net/9248.html (alternative webpage , third of three parts)
"Reviews of the Bartlett Energy Conference." The Oil Drum website, September 26, 2005.
Paula Hay. "M d. Represe ntative Roscoe B artlett Hosts Public Peak Oil Conference." Adaptation website,
September 27, 2005.
"Petrocollapse Round-Up: Dr. John Darnell." The Oil Drum website, October 6, 2005.
Roscoe Bartlett, et al. "Peak Oil." Special order speech before the U.S. Ho use of Representatives, videotaped
and transcribed, October 17, 2005.
http://media.globalp ublicme dia.com /RAM /2005/10 /bartlett.10-17-05 vid.ram
http://w ww .xecu.ne t/thorn/PO /BartlettP eakO ilOct1 7-20 05.htm
Karen Hann a. "Bartlett Says Co untry Is Ad dicted to O il." Ha gerstown Herald-M ail (Hagerstow n, Mary land),
November 9, 2005.
[available at newspap er website on pay basis]
Roscoe Bartlett. "Peak Oil." Special ord er speech befo re the U.S. House of Representatives, November 16,
200 5. Cong ressional Record 151 (Novem ber 16, 2005), pp. H10476-H10 481, et seq.
Jamey Hecht. "Peak Oil Caucus Formed in U.S. House of Representatives: A New Beginning as the Clock
Run s Do wn ." From The W ildern ess w ebsite, N ovem ber 23 , 2005 . [also listed und er Jam ey H echt]
Michael Kane w ith Jamey H echt. "'Peak Oil Is Not a Theory': Co ngressio nal H earin g Explains P eak Oil."
From The W ilderness website, December 8, 2005. [also listed under Jamey Hecht and Robert L. Hirsch]
Roger W. Bentley (Great Britain)
Roger W . Bentley. "The C onventional Oil Pro duction Peak - 5 or 2 0 Years A way?" Energy World (December
1996), pp. 11-12.
Roger W . Bentley. “Oil Sh ock Im mine nt if Heavies A re Slow or Expensive to Produce.” Energy World (June
1997), pp. 20-22.
Roger W . Ben tley, e t al. "Perspectives on the Future of Oil." Energy Exploration and Exploitation 18 (Nos. 2-3,
April 2000), pp. 147-206.
Roger W . Bentley. "Submission to the Cabinet Office Energ y Rev iew by The Oil Depletion An alysis Centre."
September 9, 2001.
Roger W . Bentley. "Global O il & Gas Depletion: An Overview ." Energy P olicy 30 (March 2002), pp. 189205 .***
Roger W . Bentley. "Ap proach to the Chief Scie ntific Adviso ry to the UK Gove rnme nt." ASPO-ODAC
New sletter No. 16 (April 2002), pp. 7-9.
Roger W . Bentley. "Oil Forec asts, Past and Present." Presentation to the International W orksho p on O il
Depletion, Uppsala, Sweden, May 23-24, 2002.
Geo ff Loram . "Oil Dep letion Deb ate." Report on a debate at the Institute of Energy, London, February 13,
Roger W . Bentley. "Dr. B entley M akes an U rgent Plea for G overnm ents to Study Oil De pletion." ASPO
New sletter No. 30 (June 2003), pp. 4-5.
Roger Bezdek (United States/Virginia)
Robert L. Hirsch, et al. Peaking of World Oil Production: Impacts, M itigation & Risk Manag ement. February 2005.
Report prepared for the U.S. Department of Energy. [also listed under Robert L. Hirsch]
Robert L. Hirsch, et al. "Peaking O il Produ ction: Soon er Rather Than Later?" Issues in Science and Technology
21 (Spring 2005), pp. 25-30. [also listed under Robert L. Hirsch]
Robert L. Hirsch, et al. "Mitigating a Lo ng-Term Shortfall of W orld Oil P rod uction." World O il 226 (M ay
2005), pp. 47-53? [also listed under Robert L. Hirsch]
http://www .worldoil.com /M agazine/M AG AZ INE_DETA IL.asp?ART_ID=2594&M ONT H_YEA R=May-2005
Julian Darley. "Rog er Bezde k Talks A bout Peak Oil During ASPO USA Conference." Transcribed videotaped
interview, Global Public Media, November 11, 2005. [also listed under Julian Darley]
http://media.globalp ublicme dia.com /RAM /2005/11 /DenverInterview s/Bezdek .ram
Rog er Bla nch ard (United States/Michigan)
Roger Blanchard. "The Impact of D eclin ing M ajor No rth Sea O il Fie lds u pon Fu ture No rth Sea Prod uction."
January 2000.
Roger Blanchard. "Norwegian and United Kingdom Oil Production." 2000?
[no lo nger available o n Intern et]
Roger Blanchard. Letter to the Cincinn ati Enqu irer on oil production prospe cts in the Arctic N ational W ildlife
Refuge. Posted as an attachment to the energyresources electronic mailing list, October 16, 2000.
[excep t attachm ent no long er available on Internet]
Roger Blanchard. "Reality Check: Domestic Oil Production." Policy Pete website, 2001?
http://po licypete.com /oldstuff/do me sticoil.htm
Roger Blanchard. "Analysis of the IEO2001 Non-OPEC Supply Projections." April 9, 2001.
Ron Patterson. "Revisiting International Energy Outlook 2001." Energy Bulletin, December 2, 2005.
Roger Blan chard. The F uture of Global Oil Production: Facts, Figures, Trends and Projections, by Region. Jefferson,
North Carolina: McFarland & Com pany, 2005.
Sheph erd Bliss (United States/Haw aii-California)
Sheph erd Bliss. "Today's Prophetic Noahs and Paul Reveres Sound Alarms." Common Dreams website, M ay
11, 2005.
http://w ww .com mo ndre ams.org/vie ws0 5/0511-2 0.htm
Shepherd Bliss. "Volcanoes, Oil, and Prophets." Dissident Voice website, June 24, 2005.
http://w ww .dissidentvo ice.org /June05/B liss062 4.htm
Shepherd Bliss. "Peak Oil at San Francisco's Green Festival." Energy Bulletin, November 9, 2005.
http://www.energybulletin.net/10577.html [also listed under Richard Heinberg]
Sheph erd Bliss. "Clim ate Chang e Expert's New Boo k on O il Depletion ." Dissident Voice website, December
14, 20 05. [also listed u nde r Jerem y Leggett]
http://w ww .dissidentvo ice.org /Dec 05/B liss121 4.htm
Gary Bowden (Canada/New Brunswick)
Gary Bowd en. "Estimating United States Crude Oil Resources: Organizational Interests, Political Economy,
and Historical C hange." Pacific Sociolog ical Review 25 (October 1982), pp. 419-448. [also listed under M. King
Hu bbert]
Gary B ow den. "The S ocial Co nstruction of V alidity in Estimates o f US C rude O il Reserves." Social Stud ies
of Science 15 (M ay 19 85), pp . 207-2 40. [also listed u nde r M . King Hu bbert]
Tony Boys (Japan)
Tony Boys. "Foo d and E nergy in Japan : How W ill Japan Feed Itself in the 21st C entury?" Research Journal
of Ibaraki Christian Junior College 40 (December 2000), pp. 29-132.
Tony Boys. "Japan and the End of Che ap Oil." ni Japan (New Internationalist Japan) No . 24 (July 2001 ).
Colin J. Ca mp bell (Ireland)
Colin J. C amp bell. "Oil Price Leap in the Early N ineties." No roil 17 (December? 1989), pp. 35-38.
Colin J. Cam pbe ll. The G olden Century of Oil 195 0-20 50: Th e Dep letion of a Resource. Dord recht, Holland:
Kluwe r, 1991 .***
Colin J. C amp bell. "The Dep letion of O il." Marine and Petroleum Geology 9 (December 1992), pp. 666-671.
Colin J. Cam pbe ll. "The Im mine nt End o f Cheap Oil-Based Energy ." Sun World 18 (Dec embe r 1994), pp. 17-19.
Colin J. Cam pbe ll and Jean H. L aherrère. The World's Supply of Oil, 1930-2050. Geneva, Switzerland:
Petroconsultants, 1995. [also listed under Jean H. Laherrère]
Colin J. Camp bell. "The Ne xt Oil Price Sho ck: The W orld's Rem aining Oil and Its Depletion." Energy
Exploration and Exploitation 13 (No. 1, January? 1995), pp. 19-46.
Colin J. C amp bell. "Taking Stock." Sun World 19 (March 1995), pp. 16-19.
Colin J. C amp bell. "Proving the U nprovable." Petroleum Economist 62 (May 1995), pp. 27, 30.
Colin J. C amp bell. "The Co ming Crisis." Sun World 19 (June 1995), pp. 16-19.
Jean H. L aherrère, et al. The World's G as Po tential. Geneva, Switzerland: Petroconsultants, 1996. [also listed
under Jean H. Laherrère]
Colin J. Campbell. "The Twenty First Century: The W orld's Endo wm ent of Oil and Its Depletion." January
http://w ww .hubbe rtpeak .com /cam pbell/c en21 .htm
Colin J. Camp bell. "The Status of W orld O il Depletion at the End o f 1995." Energy Exploration and Exploitation
14 (No. 1, January? 1996), pp. 63-81.
Colin J. C amp bell. "Oil Shock." Energy World (June 1996), pp. 7-12.
Co lin J. C am pbe ll. The C oming O il Crisis. Essex, England: Multi-Science Publishing, 1997.
Colin J. Campbell. "A European View of Oil Re serves." Hu bbert Center N ewsletter #97/2 (A pril 1997), pp. 1-4.
Colin J. Cam pbell. "Better Und erstanding U rged for R apidly D epleting Reserves." Oil & Gas Journal 95 (A pril
7, 1997), pp. 51-54.
Colin J. Campbell. "How to Calculate Depletion of Hyd rocarbon Reserves."
(September 1997), pp. 111-112.
Petroleum Economist 64
Colin J. Campbell. "As Depletion Increases, Energy Demand Rises." Petroleum Economist 64 (Septem ber 1997 ),
pp. 113, 116.
Colin J. C amp bell. "Little Left to Be Foun d." Petroleum Economist 64 (October 1997), p. 8.
Colin J. C amp bell. "Egypt's Greater Em phasis on G as." Petroleum Economist 64 (December 1997), p. 33.
Colin J. Campbell. "Depletion Patterns Show Change Due fo r Produ ction of C onventio nal Oil." Oil & Gas
Journal 95 (December 29, 1997), pp. 33-37.
Colin J. C amp bell. "Remo te Areas Re main U nexplore d." Petroleum Economist 65 (January 1998), p. 44.
Colin J. Camp bell and Jean H . Laherrère. "The E nd of C heap O il." Scientific Am erican 278 (March 1998), pp.
78-83.*** [also listed under Jean H. Laherrère]
Alain Perrod on, et al. The Wo rld's Non-Con ventiona l Oil and G as. London: The Petroleum Econom ist, 1998.
[also listed under Jean H. Laherrère]
Colin J. Camp bell. "A Guide to Determining the World's Endowm ent and Depletion of Oil." March 31, 1998.
http://w ww .hubbe rtpeak .com /cam pbell/g uide .htm
Colin J. Camp bell. "Running O ut of Gas: This Tim e the W olf Is Com ing." National Interest 51 (Spring 1998),
pp. 47-55.
Colin J. C amp bell. "The Future o f Oil." Energy Exploration and Exploitation 16 (April 1998), pp. 125-152.
Alain Perrodon, et al. "The W orld's No nconven tional Oil and Gas." Energy Exploration and Exploitation 16
(April 1998), pp. 279-281. [also listed under Jean H. Laherrère]
Colin J. C amp bell. "Major E xporter N earing Peak." Petroleum Economist 65 (April 1998), pp. 7-8.
Colin J. C amp bell. "Russia: A Ne t Impo rter by 2008." Petroleum Economist 65 (May 1998), pp. 31-32.
Colin J. Camp bell. "Explorers Tu rning to the D eep-W ater Atlantic M argin." Petroleum Econom ist 65 (July
1998), pp. 19-20.
Colin J. Camp bell. "Oil Reserves and Dep letion." PESGB New sletter (March 1999), pp. 87-90. Newsletter of
the Petroleum Exploration Society of Great Britain.
Mike Killalea. "Depletion : The Elep hant in the Parlor." Drilling Contractor (May /June 199 9), pp. 10-12. [also
listed unde r Jack Zagar]
Colin J. Cam pbell. "The Im mine nt Peak of W orld O il Produ ction." Presentation to a H ouse o f Com mo ns AllParty Comm ittee, London, July 7, 1999.
http://w ww .hubbe rtpeak .com /cam pbell/c om mo ns.htm
Colin J. Camp bell. "Deepw ater Oil - The E nd of the E nd G ame." Hu bbert Center N ewsletter #99/4 (O ctober
1999), pp. 1-3.
Colin J. Camp bell. Letter to the Editor, com men ting on A my M yers and Robert A. Manning, "The Shocks of
a W orld of C heap O il," Foreign A ffairs 79 (January/February 2000), pp. 16-29. January 8, 2000.
http://w ww .hubbe rtpeak .com /cam pbell/fo reignaffairs20 0001.htm
Colin J. Camp bell. "Myth o f Spare C apacity: Setting the Stage for A nother O il Shock." Oil & Gas Journal 98
(March 20, 2000), pp. 20-21.
http://w ww .oilcrisis.co m/campbell/m ythcap .htm
Colin J. Campbell. "Evolution of Oil Assessments." March 23, 2000.
http://w ww .hubbe rtpeak .com /cam pbell/assessm ents.htm
Colin J. Campbell. “Misleading USGS Report.” March 25, 2000.
Co lin J. C am pbe ll. Letter to the E dito r (apparently unp ublished ), New York T imes. June 16, 2000.
Colin J. Cam pbell. "A N ew E nergy C risis: When W ill We E ver Learn?" Se ptem ber 12, 2000 . Published in
Energy Exploration & Exp loitation 18 (October 2000), pp. 569-571.
"Hubberts Curve." cbc.ca, October 10, 2000.
Colin J. Camp bell. "Depletion an d De nial: The Final Ye ars of Oil Su pplies." USA Today (magazine) 129
(November 2000), pp. 18-20.
Jack Zagar and Colin J. Campbell. "The End of Cheap 'Conventional' Oil." Presentation to the Energy
Efficiency Po licy Sym posium , Hono lulu, No vembe r 9, 2000. [also listed und er Jack Zagar]
http://www .hubbertpeak.com /Zagar/haw aii/
Colin J. Campbell. "Presentation at the Technical University of Clausthal." Videotaped. December 2000.
http://video.tu-clausthal.de/vortraege/p eak-oil/peak-o il.ram
Colin J. Camp bell. "Lynch and Depletion." Posted to the energyresources electronic mailing list, January 28,
Colin J. Cam pbell. "Peak O il: A Turnin g for M ankind." Hu bbert Center N ewsletter #2001/2 (April 2001), pp.
Colin J. Camp bell. "Oil, Gas and M ake-Believe." Energy Exploration and Exploitation 19 (A pril 2001 ), pp. 117133.
Colin J. Camp bell and Jack Zag ar. "Oilfields - Main tenance Exp enses." Hu bbert C en ter N ewsletter #200 1/2
(April 20 01), pp. 5-6. [also listed und er Jack Zagar]
Colin J. Camp bell. "'If Oil Runs O ut - A Re ply from C.J. Cam pbell." CODA-ASPO New sletter No . 5 (May
2001), pp. 8-9.
Colin J. Campbell. "Energy Resources--Cornucopia or Em pty Barrel?: Discu ssion." AA PG Bulletin 85 (June
2001), pp. 1088-1089.
[no lo nger available fre e on Internet]
Colin J. C amp bell. "The Oil Peak : A Turn ing Poin t." Solar Today 15 (July-August 2001), pp. 40-43.
Colin J. Cam pbell. "Cam pbell Rebu ttal of Michael Lynch's Paper." Forwarded post to RunningOnEmpty2
list, September 21, 2001.
Colin J. C amp bell. "Peak Oil: An Outloo k on C rude O il Produ ction." MBendi, revised February 2002.
http://w ww .mbe ndi.co m/in dy/o ilg/p0 070.htm
Colin J. Campbell. "The IEA Fails Again." Letter to the International Energy Agency, Febru ary 16 , 2002 . In
ASP O-O DA C N ewsletter No. 14 (February 2002), pp. 4-9.
Colin J. C amp bell. "Misund erstandings." ASP O-O DA C N ewsletter No. 15 (March 2002), pp. 5-7.
Colin J. C amp bell. "Re: Colin C amp bell Cuts It Fine - International Petroleum Monthly." Forwarded post
to the energyresources electronic mailing list, March 20, 2002.
Colin J. C amp bell. "Explaining the Failure o f the U.S. Geo logical Surve y." ASP O-O DA C N ewsletter No. 16
(April 2002), pp. 5-6.
Colin J. Campbell. "The Fuel That Fires Political Ho tspots." The Times Higher Education Supplement (Lond on),
May 17, 2002.
Colin J. Campbell. "The Assessment and Importance of Oil Depletion." Presentation to the International
Workshop on O il Depletion, U ppsala, Swe den, M ay 23-24, 20 02. Energy Exploration & Exploitation 20
(December 200 2), pp. 40 7-436. S ee also C hap ter 2 in A ndrew W . M cKillop w ith Sheila New man, ed s., The
Final Energy Crisis, pp. 29-55. London: Pluto Press, 2005.
http://www4.tsl.uu.se/isv/IWOOD2002/ppt/UppsalaCC.doc (but withou t accomp anying figures)
Colin J. Cam pbe ll. "An Infinite Number of Wildcats." Forwarded post to energyresources electronic mailing
list, May 30, 2002.
Colin J. Cam pbe ll. "Forecasting G lobal Oil Su pply 20 00-205 0." Hu bbert Center N ewsletter #2002 /3 (July 2002 ),
pp. 1-8.
Colin J. Campbe ll. "Forecasting Global Oil Supply." Submission to H.M. Government Consultation on
Energy Policy. 2002.
Colin J. C amp bell. "Petroleum and Peo ple." Population and Environment 24 (November 2002), pp. 193-207.
Michael O'Callaghan. "The Decline of the Petroleum Age : Interview with C olin Cam pbell." Global Vision
website, November 2002.
Colin J. Campbell. "Country Assessment: The United States of Am erica." ASP O N ewsletter No. 23 (November
200 2), pp. 4-7.***
Colin J. Campbell. "A Reply by C.J. Campbell to 'Global Petroleum Reserves - A View to the Future' by
Thom as S. Ahlbrand t and J. McC abe, United S tates Geolog ical Survey, Published in Geotim es, November
200 2." ASP O N ewsletter No. 24 (December 2002), pp. 10-11. See also Chapter 17 in An drew W . Mc Killo p w ith
She ila N ew man, ed s., The Final Energy Crisis, pp. 233-236. London: Pluto Press, 2005.
Colin J. Camp bell. "What Is the Significance o f 'Peak' Oil? Global P ublic M edia website, video interview
excerpt, Ballydehob, Ireland, December 18, 2002.
http://ram.globalpu blicmed ia.com/R AM /2002/12 /ASP O.Co linCam pbell.1-2.2002 -12-18.ram
Colin J. Campbell. "How D o es Oil Discovery Relate to Depletion?" Global Public Media website, video
interview excerpt, Ballydehob, Ireland, December 18, 2002.
http://ram.globalpu blicmed ia.com/R AM /2002/12 /ASP O.Co linCam pbell.1-3.2002 -12-18.ram
Colin J. Campbell. "Why Don't We Know M ore A bout the C om ing Oil C risis?" Global Public Media website,
video interview excerpt, Ballydehob, Ireland, December 18, 2002.
http://ram.globalpu blicmed ia.com/R AM /2002/12 /ASP O.Co linCam pbell.1-7.2002 -12-18.ram
Colin J. Campbell. "What Does Back-Dating the Reserves Mean, and W hy Is It So Imp ortant?" Global Pu blic
Media website, video interview excerpt, Ballydehob, Ireland, December 18, 2002.
http://ram.globalpu blicmed ia.com/R AM /2002/12 /ASP O.Co linCam pbell.1-8.2002 -12-18.ram
Colin J. Campbell. "How Are the Oil Companies Reacting to Depletion?" Global Public Media website, video
interview excerpt, Ballydehob, Ireland, December 18, 2002.
http://ram.globalpu blicmed ia.com/R AM /2002/12 /ASP O.Co linCam pbell.2-1.2002 -12-18.ram
Colin J. Camp bell. "How Have Governments Reacted?" Global Public Media website, video interview
excerpt, Ballydehob, Ireland, December 18, 2002.
http://ram.globalpu blicmed ia.com/R AM /2002/12 /ASP O.Co linCam pbell.2-3.2002 -12-18.ram
Colin J. Camp bell. "What Is the Role o f Econo mics in H astening Oil D epletion?" G lobal Public M edia
website, video interview excerpt, Ballydehob, Ireland, December 18, 2002.
http://ram.globalpu blicmed ia.com/R AM /2002/12 /ASP O.Co linCam pbell.3-3.2002 -12-18.ram
http://w ww .mnforsustain.org /campbell_ c_eco nom ics_o il_de pletio n_interview .htm
Colin J. Cam pbe ll. The Essen ce of Oil and Gas D epletion. Brentwood, England: Multi Science Publishing
Comp any, 2003.
Kjell Aleklett and Colin J. Campbell. "The Peak and Decline of World Oil and Gas Prod uction." Minerals and
Energy (No . 1, 2003 ), pp. 5-2 0. [also listed und er Kjell Ale klett]
Colin Cam pbell. “C olin C ampbell S peak s with Darley A bout So uth Chin a Seas.” Au dio interview, Glo bal
Public Media, February 27, 2003.
http://media.globalp ublicme dia.com /RAM /2003/02 /ColinC amp bell-01.2003-02-27.ram
Lyn Gerry and Kellia Ramares. “Dwindling Oil and the Human Future.” Unwelcome Guests, radio program
with Colin J. Camp bell, Jeremy R ifkin, and Dale P feiffer, March 16 , 2003. [also listed und er Dale A llen
Colin J. C amp bell. "Industry Urge d to W atch for Regu lar Oil Pro duction Pe aks, D epletion Signals." Oil &
Gas Journal 101 (July 14, 2003), pp. 38-45.
Colin J. Campbell and Anders Sivertsson. "Updating the Depletion Model." September 2003.
Colin J. Campbell. "Oil Depletion - The Heart of the Matter." October 2003.
Colin J. Campbell. “The Need for an Oil Depletion Protocol.” Presentation to International Conference on
Oil Demand, Production, and Costs - Prosp ects for the Future, Dan ish Techno logy C ouncil and Danish
Society of Engineers, Copenhagen, December 10, 2003.
[no lo nger available o n Intern et}
Colin J. Campbell. “The Supply Side: Before It’s Too Late.” Newsweek International website, February 16,
Colin J. Camp bell. “The Pressing Need for an Oil D epletion P rotocol.” Pre sentation to the Sw iss Federal
Office of Energy, Workshop on Oil & Gas Resources, Berne, February 27, 2004.
Colin J. Camp bell. "The Imm inent Peak and Decline of World Oil." Sanders Research Associates website,
March 2004. 0/smartarchive/test.jsp?val=http://1 0.14.1 .11/arch ive/sand ers/op ento public/processed/
Colin J. Campbell. “Saudi Reserves.” ASP O N ewsletter No. 40 (April 2004), pp. 3-4.
Suzan M azur. “Peak Oil: De bate or Ven detta?” Rep ort on a J.P. M organ teleph one co nference call,
presenting the differing view s of Colin J. Campbell and Michael J. Lynch, New York, April 26, 2004. From
The Wilderness website, 2004.
http://w ww .scoop.co.n z/stories/H L04 05/S 00143.htm
Julian Darle y. Vid eotap ed in terview with Colin J. Campbell at the third annual conference of the Association
for the Study of Peak Oil, Berlin, May 27, 2004. [also listed under Julian Darley]
http://media.globalp ublicme dia.com /RAM /2004/05 /ColinC amp bell.interview-jd.2005 -05-27.ram
Julian Darle y. Telepho ne interview with Colin J. Campbell on the subject of BP’s statistical review. June 24,
2004. [also listed under Julian Darley]
http://media.globalp ublicme dia.com /RAM /2004/06 /ColinC amp bell.2004-06-24.ram
Caryl Johnston. “Future of Reason?” June 12, 2004. [also listed under Caryl Johnston]
http://mysite.verizon.net/vze495hz/id30.html (scroll down about halfway)
Colin J. Campbell. "Middle East Oil - Reality and Illusion." August 2004.
Emma M cNam ara. "Oil Prices Close to $50 Pe r Barrel M ark." Aud io interview with C olin J. Cam pbell, Radio
Telefis Éireann (Ireland), August 20, 2004.
http://www .rte.ie/business//2004/0820 /businesstoday/bu sinesstoday2 a.smil
Jeffrey Ball. "Dire Prophe sy: As Prices So ar, Doom sayers Provo ke Deb ate on Oil's Future." Wall Street
Journal, September 21, 2004.
Stephen McDo nell. "Running Out of O il." Au stralian B road casting C orporatio n televise d interview with
Colin C amp bell and M atthew Sim mo ns, Nove mber 2 2, 2004. [also listed un der M atthew R. Sim mo ns]
Colin J. Campbell. "The Status of Oil and Gas Depletion in Russia." Sanders Research Associates, December
December 9, 2004.
E.E. Timm. "Advan cing an 'Oil Depletio n Protoco l': Is Man kind's a Coal-Fired Future?" The Social Contract
15 (Winter 2004-2005), pp. 149-150.
Colin J. Camp bell. "The Caspian Chim era." Chapter 5, in Andrew W. McKillop with Sh eila N ew man, ed s.,
The Final Energy Crisis, pp. 93-98. London: Pluto Press, 2005.
Colin J. Campbell. "Oil and Troubled Waters." Chapter 9, in Andrew W. M cKillop with Sheila Newm an,
eds., The Final Energy Crisis, pp. 133-138. London: Pluto Press, 2005.
Colin J. Camp bell. "Peak Oil: A T urning P oint for M ankind." The Social Contract 15 (Spring 2005), pp. 180-182.
Colin J. Campbell. "The Second Great Dep ression : Causes and Resp onse s." Presen tation to "Peak O il U .K.:
Entering the Age of Oil Depletion" conference, Edinburgh, Scotland, April 25, 2005.
Colin J. Campbell. "Introduction to the Depletion Protocol." May? 2005.
Colin J. Campbell. "The End of the First Half of the Age of Oil." Presentation to the Association for the Study
of Peak Oil and Gas, Lisbon, May 19, 2005.
Colin J. Cam pbell. "Future O il Supp lies." Issues in Science and Technology 21 (Sum mer 2 005), pp. 5-6. [also
listed under Robert L. Hirsch]
James Howard. "New Documentary: Peak Oil - Imposed by Nature." Powerswitch website, July 6, 2005.
http://www.powerswitch.org.uk/portal/index.php?option=content&task=view&id=960& Itemid=2
Diane Rehm. "Peak Oil." Diane Rehm Sho w, W AM U (Am erican University Radio), with comm entary by
Colin J. Campbell, Michael Lynch, and J. Robinson West, July 13, 2005.
http://wam u.org/aud io/dr/05/0 7/r1050 713-80 30.ram
Colin J. Campbell. "Oil and Population." E-mail reply to Caryl Johnston, July 18, 2005.
Jack Zagar and C olin J. Cam pbell. "The Iron G rip of De pletion." Energ y briefing to the A merican
M eteorolo gical Society, W ashington, D .C., July 25, 2005. [also listed un der Jack Zag ar]
Ad am Porter. "Peak O il Principal Savages O il M ajors' 'Profits from S carcity.'" Resou rce Investor we bsite, July
25, 2005 . [also listed under A dam Porter]
The Rimini Protocol, an Oil Depletion Protocol: Heading Off Economic Chaos and Political Conflict During the Second
Ha lf of the A ge of O il. As pro posed at the 2003 Pio Manzu Conference and to be the central theme of the next
Pio Manzu Conference, Rimini, Italy, on October 28-30, 2005. ASPO Ireland website, August 2005.
Adam Fenderson. "Dr. Doom ?" Signature, September 2005. Australian online publication.
Michael Lyn ch. "Camp bell and Brad ley." Po st to the energyresources elec tronic mailing list, from Il Foglio
(Rome), September 8, 2005.
David Room. "Petro-geologist Jack Zagar on Saudi Oil Prod uction and Peak." Global P ublic M edia aud io
interview, Sep tember 30 , 2005. [also listed und er David R oom and Jack Zag ar]
http://media.globalp ublicme dia.com /RAM /2005/09 /JackZagar.2005 0920.ram
David Roo m. "Co lin Cam pbell on the O il Depletion Protoco l." Global Public Media audio interview,
November 19, 2005. [also listed under David Room]
http://media.globalp ublicme dia.com /RAM /2005/11 /Cam pbell.20051 119.ram
"Rimin i Confe rence." ASP O N ewsletter No. 60 (December 2005), p. 4.
Colin J. C amp bell. "In for a Shock." Cultivate (December? 2005). Irish Internet publication.
http://sustain able.ie/cu ltivate/m agazine/in_fo r_a_sh ock.h tm
Graham Strouts. "Wh o Really N eeds a Silver Mercedes?" Post-Carbon Institute website, December 19, 2005.
http://www.postcarbon.org/node/1789 (read beginning and scroll down slightly)
Alb ert J. Cavallo (United States/New Jersey)
Albert J. Cavallo. "Cave at Emp ty." Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists 61 (May/June 2005), pp. 16-18.
http://www .thebulletin.org/article.php?art_ofn= mj05 cavallo
Reprinted as "ExxonM obil Acc epts Peak O il." ASP O N ewsletter No. 55 (July 2005), pp. 3-5.
Alfred J. Cavallo. "Hubbert's M odel: U ses, M eanings, and L imits--1." Oil & Gas Journal 103 (June 6, 2005),
pp. 22-26 .***
Frank Clem ente (United States/Pennsylvania)
Frank Clemente. "Canada Cannot Solve Our Natural Gas Problem." Energy Pulse website, June 17, 2003.
Frank Clemente. "The Problem with Natural Gas." Energy Pulse website, July 14, 2005
Cutler J. Cleveland (United States/Massachu setts)
Charles A.S. Hall and Cutler J. Cleveland. "Petroleum Drilling and Produ ction in the U nited States: Yield
Per Effort and Net Energy Analy sis." Science 211 (February 6, 1981), pp. 576-579. [also listed under M. King
Hu bbert and Ch arles A.S. H all]
Cutler J. Cleveland, et al. "Energy and the U.S. Eco nomy: A Bio physical Pe rspe ctive." Science 225 (A ugust
31, 1984), pp. 890-897. [Charles A.S. Hall, and Robert K. Kaufmann]
Ch arles A.S . Hall, et al. Energy and Resource Quality: The Ecology of the Economic Process, pp. 161-219. New
York: John Wiley & Sons, 1986. [also listed under Charles A.S. Hall and Robert K. Kaufmann; Chapter 7 also
listed u nde r M . King Hu bbert]
[no lo nger available o n Intern et]
Cutler J. Cleveland. "Biophysical Econom ics: Historical Perspective and Current Research Trends." Ecological
Modelling 38 (September 1987), pp. 47-73.
Cutler J. Cleveland. "Natural Resource Scarcity and E cono mic Gro wth Revisited: Econ om ic and Bio physical
Perspectives." In Ro bert C ostanza, ed., Ecological Econom ics: The Science and Manag ement of Sustainability, pp.
289-317. New Yo rk: Columbia University Press, 1991.
Robert K. Kaufmann and Cu tler J. Cleveland. "Policies to Increase U .S. Oil Prod uction: Likely to Fail,
Damage the Econ om y, and Dam age the Enviro nme nt." Annual Review of Energy 16 (1991 ), pp. 379-400 . [also
listed under Robert K. Kaufmann]
Cutler J. Cleveland and Robert K . Kau fmann. "Forecasting Ultimate Oil Recovery and Its Rate of Production:
Incorporating Econo mic Fo rces into the M odels o f M. K ing H ubbert." Energy Journal 12 (A pril 1991), pp. 1746. [also listed u nde r Rob ert K. K aufm ann]***
Cutler J. Cle veland. "Phy sical and Eco nomic A spects of Resou rce Q uality: The Cost of Oil Supply in the
Low er 48 U nited States, 1936-19 88." Resource and Energy Econom ics 13 (June 19 91), pp . 163-1 88.***
Cutler J. Cleveland. "Yield P er Effo rt for A dditions to Crud e Oil Rese rves in the Low er 48 U nited States,
1946-1 989." AA PG Bulletin 76 (June 19 92), pp . 948-9 58.***
Cutler J. Cleveland. "Ene rgy Qu ality and Ene rgy Surp lus in the Extraction of Fossil Fuels in the U .S."
Ecological Econom ics 6 (October 1992), pp. 139-162.
Cutler J. Cleveland. "A n Explo ration of Alternative Measures of Natural Resource Scarcity: The Case of
Petroleum Resou rces in the U.S." Ecological Econom ics 7 (A pril 19 93), pp . 123-1 57.***
Cutler J. Cleveland and Robert K. Kau fmann. "Na tural Gas in the U .S.: How Far Can Technology Stretch the
Resou rce Base?" Energy Journal 18 (April 1997), pp. 89-108.*** [also listed under Robert K. Kaufmann]
Cutler J. Cleveland, et al. "Aggreg ation and the R ole of En ergy in the Ec onom y." Ecolog ical Econom ics 32
(February 2000), pp. 301-317. [also listed under Robert K. Kaufmann]
Robert K. Kaufm ann and C utler J. Cleveland. "O il Produ ction in the Lo wer 48 States: Econo mic, Ge ological,
and Institutional Determ inants." Energy Journal 22 (January 2001), pp. 27-49.*** [also listed under Robert K.
Bill Moore. "Is White House Energy Policy a Dry Hole?: An Interview with Professor Cutler J. Cleveland,
Boston University." EV World, March 31, 2001. [also listed under Bill Moo re]
Bill Moo re. "Is Drilling A NWR the Answer?: Part 2 of Interview with Cutler J. Cleveland, Boston
Unive rsity." EV World, April 7, 2001. [also listed under Bill Moo re]
Cutler J. Cleveland. "The Econom ic, Geological and Institutional Determinants of US Oil Production:
Implications for World Oil Supply." Paper presented to IPIECA symposium, Boston, October 15-16, 2001.
Charles A.S. H all, et al. "Hyd rocarbons an d the Evo lution of H um an Cu lture." Nature 426 (November 20,
2003), pp . 318-322. [also listed un der C harles A.S. H all]
Earl Cook (United States/Texas)
Earl Cook. "Undiscovered Undeveloped Crude Oil 'Resources' and National Energy Strategies." Presented
at a research conference of the American Association of Petroleum Geologists, Stanford University, Palo Alto,
California, April 21-23, 197 4. Published in Jo hn D . Haun, e d., Methods of E stimating the Volume of Und iscovered
Oil and G as Reserves, Studies in Geology No. 1, pp. 97-106. Tulsa: American Association of Petroleum
Geo logists, 19 75. [also listed u nde r M . King Hu bbert]
Earl Co ok. Man, Energy, Society. San Francisco: W.H. Freeman, 1976.
Earl Coo k. "Charting Our Energy Future: Progre ss or Prudence?" The F uturist 14 (April 1980), pp. 64-69.
[also listed und er M . King Hu bbert]
Ronald R. Cooke (United States/California)
Ronald R. Coo ke. Oil, Jihad and Destiny: Will Declining Oil Production Plunge Our Planet Into a Depression? ?:
Opportunity Analysis, 2004.
Jim Puplav a. Audio interview with Ronald R. Cooke, Financial Sense Newshour, October 2, 2004. [also listed
unde r Jim Pu plava]
http://www .netcastdaily.com/bro adcast/fsn2004 -1002-2.ram
Ronald R. Cooke. "Oil Depletion?: It's All in the Assumptions." 321energy website, August 1, 2005.
Ronald R. Coo ke. "The Energy Policy Act of 2005: Legislative A chievem ent or M anagem ent Fiasco?" Glo bal
Public Media website, September 5, 2005.
Ronald R. Coo ke. "Oil D epl etio n?: It's All in the Assumptions--Part 2." EnergyPulse website, October 12,
Ronald R. Coo ke. "My M issing Con gressional Te stimony ." EV World (Decem ber 12, 2005 ).
Ronald R. Coo ke. W ill We H ave Eno ugh O il and N atural Gas?" Energy Bulletin website, December 24, 2005.
Julian Darley (Great Britain => C anada/British C olum bia)
Julian Darley. “General Knowledge in the Post-Carbon Era.” Lecture to MENSA , November 10, 2002.
http://www .postcarbon.org/D OC S/2002 /11/Gen eral-Know ledge-in-the-Post-Carbon-Age.delivered-edited
Julian Darley. "The Yawning Heights - Looking Out from the Great Oil Peak." January 1, 2003.
Julian Darley and James Howard Kunstler. “H ow Do You View ‘Peak O il’ and W hy D o Yo u Tak e It
Seriously?” Aud io interview excerpt, Global Pu blic Me dia, M arch 7, 2003 . [also listed under Jam es Ho ward
Kun stler]
http://media.globalp ublicme dia.com /RAM /2003/03 /JamesH ow ardKu nstler-01.2003-0 3-07.ram
Julian Darley and James H ow ard Kunstler. “What Will Be the Impact of the Coming Fossil Fuel Peak on
Small Towns?” Audio interview excerpt, Global Public Media, March 7, 2003. [also listed under James
Ho ward Kunstler]
http://media.globalp ublicme dia.com /RAM /2003/03 /JamesH ow ardKu nstler-07.2003-0 3-07.ram
Julian Darley and James H ow ard Ku nstler. “Will the C urrent N orth A merican Natural G as Difficulties Cause
a Wider Questioning in the US of Hydrocarbon Problems?” Audio interview excerpt, Global Pu blic Me dia,
M arch 7, 2003 . [also listed under Jam es Ho ward Kunstler]
http://media.globalp ublicme dia.com /RAM /2003/03 /JamesH ow ardKu nstler-08.2003-0 3-07.ram
Julian Darley and James H ow ard Kunstler. “W hat Do Y ou Th ink A bout the M edia Response to Oil Peak?”
Au dio interview excerpt, Global Pu blic Me dia, M arch 7, 2003 . [also listed under Jam es Ho ward Kunstler]
Julian Darley and James Howard Ku nstle r. “Is There A ny H idden Blessing in the ‘Oil Pe ak’?” Au dio
interview exce rpt, Global Pu blic Me dia, M arch 7, 2003 . [also listed under Jam es Ho ward Kunstler]
http://media.globalp ublicme dia.com /RAM /2003/03 /JamesH ow ardKu nstler-14.2003-0 3-07.ram
M ark Sardella and Julian Darley. "Statement on Global 'Oil Peak." Citizens Comm ittee on Peak Oil and
Decline, from M innesotans for S ustainability website, M arch 22, 200 3. [also listed under M ark Sardella]
http://w ww .mnforsustain.org /oil_stateme nt_on_global_ peak _oil.htm
Julian Darley. Transcribed videotaped interview with Kenneth S. Deffeyes, April 4, 2003. [also listed under
Kenn eth S. Deffeyes]
http://media.globalp ublicme dia.com /RAM /2003/04 /Kenne thDeffeyes.Interview .2003-04 -04.ram
Julian Darley. “When M arkets Fail - America Leaps Off the Gas Cliff Without a Parachute.” From The
Wilderness, From The W ilderness website, July 12, 2003.
Julian Darley. Matthew R. Simm ons transcribed vid eotaped interview, Ce nter for Strategic and Internation al
Studies, W ashington, D .C., February 24, 200 4. Global Pu blic Me dia website. [also listed under Matthew R.
Simm ons]
http://media.globalp ublicme dia.com /RAM /2004/02 /MattSim mo ns-Interview.CS IS.2004-02 -24.ram
Julian Darley. “A Tale of Two Planets: A Report on the Conference ‘Future of Global Oil Supply--Saudi
Arabia’ Held at Center for Strategic and International Studies, Washington, DC, February 24th, 2004.” From
The W ilderness w ebsite, March 1 7, 2004. [also listed un der M atthew R. Sim mo ns]
Julian Darley. Transcribed audio interview with M atthew R. Sim mo ns on the issue of pe troleu m d ate
transparency. Glo bal Public M edia w ebsite, April 15, 200 4. [also listed under M atthew R. Sim mo ns]
Julian Darley. “Interview with Matt Simmons.” Videotaped following the U.S.-Saudi oil conference, Center
for Strategic and International Studies, Washington, D.C., April 27, 2004. [also listed under Matthew R.
Simm ons]
http://media.globalp ublicme dia.com /RAM /2004/04 /MattSim mo ns.Interview.2004 -04-27.ram
Julian Darley. “Is Saudi Arabia Still the King of Oil?” AlterNet.org, April 29, 2004.
Julian Darley. Transcribed audio in terview, Ch ris Skrebowski, on Saudi Arabian oil issues, May 17, 2004.
[also listed unde r Chris Skre bow ski]
http://media.globalp ublicme dia.com /RAM /2004/05 /ChrisSkre bow ski.InterviewedB yJulianD arley.2004-0 517.ram
Julian Darley. Transcribed audio interview with Matthew R. Simmons on the global natural gas supply.
Global Pu blic med ia website, M ay 19, 2004 . [also listed under M atthew R. Sim mo ns]
http://globalpublicmedia.com/RAM /2004/05/MattSim mons.InterviewedbyJulianDarley.GPM .2004-05-19.ram
Julian Darley. Vid eotaped interview w ith Colin J. Camp bell at the third annual conference of the Association
for the Study of Peak O il, Berlin, May 2 7, 2004. [also listed un der C olin J. Cam pbell]
http://www .globalpublicm edia.com /RAM /2004/05 /ColinC amp bell.interview-jd.2005 -05-27.ram
Julian Darvey. Telephone interview with Colin J. Campbell on the subject of BP’s statistical review. June
2004. [also listed un der C olin J. Cam pbell]
http://media.globalp ublicme dia.com /RAM /2004/06 /ColinC amp bell.2004-06-24.ram
Julian Darley. “Saudi’s Missing Barrels of Oil Production.” From The Wilderness website, June 2, 2004.
Julian Darley. “Post Carbon Dispatch #1: The Raging T orrent.” Glo bal Public M edia website, June 16, 2004.
Julia n D arley . High N oon for Natu ral Gas: Th e New Energy Crisis. White River Junction, Vermont: Chelsea
Green Publishing, 2004.
Julian Darle y. Transcribed audio interview with Chris Skrebowski, August 8, 2004. [also listed under C hris
Skrebow ski]
http://media.globalp ublicme dia.com /RAM /2004/08 /ChrisSkre bow ski.IntByJD.200 4-08-08.ram
Jeff Nachtigal. “What’s That Hissing Sound?” Salon.com, August 10, 2004.
http://m arx.econ.utah.ed u/arch ives/m arxism /2004w 32/m sg00 032.htm
Sue Sup riano. Transcribed audio interview with Julian D arley . Steppin' Out of Babylon radio, August 18,
http://www.suesupriano.com/audio/JulianDarley.mp3 (very difficult download)
Charlie Smith. "A uthor Pred icts Energy C risis."
Vanco uver, British Co lum bia.
Georgia Straight (Septem ber 9, 2004).
Publishe d in
Jim Puplava. Audio interview with Julian Darley, Financial Sense Newshour, September 25, 2004. [also listed
under Julian Darley]
http://media.globalp ublicme dia.com /RAM /2004/09 /JulianDarley.FS N.200 40925 .ram
Julian Darley. "Heading for Peak: Skrebowski's Oilfield Megaprojects Update." Transcribed audio interview
with C hris Skrebow ski, Global Public M edia w ebsite, April 11, 200 5. [also listed under C hris Skrebow ski]
http://media.globalp ublicme dia.com /RAM /2005/04 /GPM .ChrisSkrebo wski.JulianD arley.2005-0 4-11.ram
Julian Darley. "Richard Heinbe rg on M egaproje cts Upd ate." Transcribed aud io interview with Richard
Hein berg, Ap ril 18, 2005. [also listed und er Richard H einberg and Chris Skre bow ski]
http://media.globalp ublicme dia.com /RAM /2005/04 /GPM .RichardH einberg.JulianD arley.2005-0 4-18.ram
Christopher Pad do n. Transcribed audio interview with Julian Darley and Celine Rich, Lifeboat Show,
KM UN (Astoria, Oregon), May 9, 2005.
http://media.globalp ublicme dia.com /RAM /2005/05 /GPM .Lifeboat.Darley.200 5-05-09.ram
Tarik Abdelazim . Au dio interview with Julian D arley, WH RW -FM , Bingham ton, New York, July 28?, 2005.
Global Public Media website, August 26, 2005.
http://media.globalp ublicme dia.com /RAM /2005/07 /Abd elazimD arley.20050 728.ram
Julian Darley. "Henry Groppe Talks About Peak O il Durin g A SPO U SA Co nference." Videotaped interview,
Global Public Media, November 11, 2005. [also listed under Henry Groppe]
http://media.globalp ublicme dia.com /RAM /2005/11 /DenverInterview s/Grop pe.ram
Julian Darley. "Prof. Albert Bar tlett Talks About Peak Oil During ASPO U SA Conference." Transcribed
video taped interview , Glob al Public M edia, N ovem ber 11, 2005 . [also listed und er A lbert A . Bartlett]
http://media.globalp ublicme dia.com /RAM /2005/11 /DenverInterview s/Bartlett.ram
Julian Darley. "Matt Simmons Talks About Peak O il Durin g A SPO U SA Co nference." Videotaped interview,
Global Pu blic Me dia, No vembe r 11, 2005. [also listed un der M atthew R. Sim mo ns]
http://media.globalp ublicme dia.com /RAM /2005/11 /DenverInterview s/Simm ons.ram
Julian Darley. "John Hickenlooper Talks About Peak Oil During ASPO USA Conference." Videotaped
interview with mayor of Denver, Global Public Media, November 11, 2005.
http://media.globalp ublicme dia.com /RAM /2005/11 /DenverInterview s/Hicken loop er.ram
Julian Darley. "Roger Bezdek Talks About Peak Oil During ASPO U SA Conference." Transcribed videotaped
interview, Global Public Media, November 11, 2005. [also listed under Roger Bezdek]
http://media.globalp ublicme dia.com /RAM /2005/11 /DenverInterview s/Bezdek .ram
Julian Darley. "Chris Skrebowski Talks About Peak Oil During ASPO U SA Conference." Videotaped
interview, Glo bal Public M edia, No vembe r 11, 2005. [also listed un der Chris Skrebow ski]
http://media.globalp ublicme dia.com /RAM /2005/11 /DenverInterview s/Skrebow ski.ram
"Julian Darley and the Relocalization Mo vement." The Oil Drum website, November 18, 2005.
Francis de Winter (United States/California)
Ronald B. Swenson and Francis de Winter. "Preparing for End of C heap O il: A Pro posal." Ecosystem s, Inc.,
Santa Cruz, California, February 12, 1996. [also listed under Ronald B. Swenson]
http://w ww .hubbe rtpeak .com /services/pro posal.htm
Francis de Winter. "Political Reserves: Background and Demonstration." Updated February 11, 1997.
http://w ww .oilcrisis.co m/d ebate/p olrsrvs.h tm
Francis de Winter. "Reading Material on the B le ak Fu tu re W e Can Expect in Petroleu m and Natural G as as
Sources of Energy." April 13, 2004.
http://www .hubbertpeak.com /Dew inter/
Kenneth S. Deffeyes (United States/New Jersey)
Steven B. Kurtz. "Hubbert's Peak: The Imp ending W orld O il Shortage." Society an d N atural Resou rces 16
(January 2000), pp. 81-83.
Ken neth S. Deffeyes. Hu bbert's Peak: Th e Imp ending Wo rld Oil Sh ortage. Princeton, New Jerse y: Princeton
Un iversity P ress, 200 1.***
Paul Raebu rn. "The End of O il: Will Gas L ines in th e Co ming Decad e Make T hose of 1973 Lo ok Short?"
Scientific Am erican 285 (October 2001), pp. 91-92.
http://www.sciam.com/article.cfm?articleID=00081C95-DB64-1C6E-84A 9809EC588EF21
Kenn eth S. Deffeyes. "A nother W olf at the Doo r." The Am erican Prospect 18 (October 22, 2001), pp. 31-34.
David S. Isen berg . "Hubbert's Peak: A Guide to Oil Literacy." TrendMacrolytics, January 17, 2002.
http://www .trendmac ro.com /a/isenberg/2002 0117isen berg.asp
Oliver Ludwig. "Top Geologist Foresees End of Petroleum Era." FOXNews.com, January 18, 2002.
Fred G uterl. "Whe n W ells Go D ry." New sweek 139 (April 15, 2002), pp. 32B-32F.
Dan Johnso n. "Runnin g Ou t of Oil: Petroleum Produ ction Co uld Peak in the Next D ecade." The F uturist 36
(May/June 2002), pp. 14-15.
Ken neth S. Deffeyes. "World's Oil Prod uction Peak Recko ned in N ear Future." Oil & Gas Journal 100
(November 11, 2002), pp. 46-48.
Kenneth S. Deffeyes. V ideo taped lecture, Baker Peace Co nferen ce, Energy C onsu mp tion an d the
Environment, Ohio University, Athens, Ohio, April 4, 2003, archived at Global Public Media website.
http://ram.globalpu blicmed ia.com/R AM /2003/04 /Kenne thDeffeyes.Le cture.2003-0 4-04.ram
Julian Darley. Transcribed videotaped interview with Kenneth S. Deffeyes, April 4, 2003. [also listed under
Julian Darley]
http://media.globalp ublicme dia.com /RAM /2003/04 /Kenne thDeffeyes.Interview .2003-04 -04.ram
Joseph Dancy. "H as Wo rld Cru de O il Production Peaked?" Financial Sense Online website, September 10,
http://w ww .financialsense.co m/fsu /edito rials/2003/0910.htm
Ken neth S. Deffeyes. “Join Us as We W atch the Crisis Unfolding,” Current Events column for June 4, 2004.
Haro ld Brubaker. "The Era of C heap O il Is History, Geo logist W arns." Philadelphia Inquirer, August 25, 2004.
Kenne th S. D effeyes. Beyond Oil: The View from H ubbert's Peak. New York: Hill & Wang, 2005.
M ark W illiams. "The En d of O il?" Techn ology R eview 108 (Febru ary 2005 ).
http://www .technology review.co m/articles/05/02 /issue/review_ oil.asp
Kenn eth S. Deffeyes. "W hat Hap pens W hen the O il Runs O ut?" New York T imes, March 25, 2005.
Robert K. Kaufm ann. "Th e De scent o f M oun t Petroleum ." N ature 434 (April 21, 2005), p. 960. [also listed
under Robert K. Kaufmann]
Swam inathan S. Ank lesaria Aiyar. "Challen ge of H ubbert's Peak." The Tim es of Ind ia (New Delhi), May 21,
Jennifer W eeks. "Just a Viscuou s Rum or." Grist, June 7, 2005.
http://www .grist.org/advice/books/2 005/06 /07/we eks-beyon doil/
David Delane y. "Deffeyes's Reprise." Post to energyresources electronic mailing list, July 10, 2005.*** [also
listed under David Delaney]
Brian Stemp eck. "Autho r Kenne th Deffeyes Predicts Oil Production Pe ak o f Thanksgiving Day, 20 05."
Interview, OnPoint, E&ETV website, July 27, 2005.
Kenn eth S. Deffeyes. "It's the End of O il." Time 166 (October 31, 2005), p. 66.
"Claims Oil Production to Peak This Thanksgiving." Spero News, November 24, 2005.
"Oil Expert to Address Theory That Peak Oil Has Arrived." Physorg.com, November 23, 2005.
Ken neth S. Deffeyes. "Join Us as We W atch the Crisis Unfolding," Current Events column for November 28,
Ken neth S. Deffeyes. “The Peak of W orld Oil Production: Thanksgiving Day 2005.” Lauritsen Lecture,
California Institute of Technology, Pasadena, California, December 1, 2005. Recorded by the LA Sound Posse.
http://media.globalp ublicme dia.com /RAM /2005/12 /kendeffey es1201 05.ram
Gary Scott. "Wo rld Oil Production Do om S cientist Decries Ed itors." Inland Valley B ulletin (Ontario,
California), December 4, 2005.
http ://64.233.179 .104/search?q=c ache:hFa-TseS kLEJ:w ww .dailybulletin.com /news/ci_3 27681 5+% 22gary+sc
Jamey Hech t. "Deffeyes at Caltech." From The W ilderness w ebsite, Decem ber 7, 2005. [also listed under
Jamey H echt]
David Delaney (Canada/Ontario)
David M . Delaney. Letter to the Honourable Ralph Goodale, Canadian Minister of Natural Resources,
February 6, 2001, with reply. Posted to the energyresources electronic mailing list, June 30, 2001.
D avid M . Delaney . "Letter Respond ing to 'Don 't Panic! Oil's Well That End s We ll,'" draft letter to Toronto
Globe and Mail, August 25, 2004.
David M. Delaney. "Deffeyes's Reprise." Post to energyresources electronic mailing list, July 10, 2005.***
[also listed unde r Kenne th S. Deffeyes]
David M . Delaney. "W hat To D o in a Failing C ivilization." Canadian Association for the Club of Rome
Proceedings (September 2005), pp. 16-21.
An drew DeW it (Japan)
Andrew D eWit. "Peak Oil and Japan's Food Dependence." JapanFocus.org, September 22, 2005.
Andrew DeW it. "What M e W orry?: Japan Blithely Ignores the Warnings of Peak Oil Analysts." ZNet website,
October 12, 2005.
M urray D uffin (United States/South C arolina)
Murray Duffin. "Gasoline Prices - Oil Crisis?" July 16, 2000.
http://hea lthand energ y.com /gasoline_p rices.htm
M urray Duffin. "Petition for Correction of Information." Presented to the U.S. Geological Survey.
Attachment to a post on the energyresources electronic mailing list, August 1, 2002.
[except attachment no longer available]
Murray Duffin. "The Energy Challenge 2004--Natural Gas." EnergyPulse website, September 23, 2004.
Murray Duffin. "The Energy Challenge 2004--Petroleum." EnergyPulse website, November 17, 2004.
Murray Duffin. "The Energy Challenge--Priorities." EnergyPulse website, December 30, 2004.
Jeffrey S. Dukes (United States/Massachu setts)
Rachel Thomas. “Burning Buried Sunshine.” +Plus Magazine online, October 11, 2003.
http://plus.maths.org/latestnew s/sep-dec03 /fossilfuels/
M ark Ho rstman. “Bu ried Sun shine.” Interview w ith Jeff Dukes. Earthbeat, Radio N ational (Au stralia),
November 1, 2003.
http://w ww .abc.net.au/rn /science/earth/sto ries/s97 9662.htm
Jeffrey S. Duke s. “Burning B uried Su nshine: Hu man C o ns um ption of Ancient Solar Energy.” Clim atic
Change 61 (November 2003), pp. 31-44.
Richard C. Duncan (United States/Washington)
Richard C. Du ncan. "The L ife-Expectancy o f Industrial Civilization: The D ecline to Global Equilibrium."
Population and Environment 14 (March 1993), pp. 325-358.
Richard C. Duncan. "The Olduvai Theory: Sliding Towards a Post-Industrial Stone Age." June 27, 1996.
http://die off.com /page 125.htm
Richard C. Duncan. "Mexico's Petroleum Exports: Safe Collateral for a $50 Billion Loan?"
December 18, 1997.
http://w ww .oilcrisis.co m/d uncan/m exoil.htm
Richard C. Duncan and Walter Youngquist. "The World Petroleum Life-Cycle." Paper presented at the
Petroleum Technology Transfer Council workshop, Petroleum Engineering Pro gram, U niversity of Sou thern
Califo rnia, Lo s An geles, O ctober 22, 19 98. [also listed u nde r W alter Yo ungquist]
http://die off.org /page 133.htm
Richard C. Du ncan and W alter You ngq uist. "Encircling the Peak of World Oil Production." June 1999.
Published in Natural Resources Research (No . 3, 1999 ), pp. 219-23 2. [also listed und er W alter Yo ungquist]
http://w ww .mnforsustain.org /dun can_a nd_ you ngqu ist_enc ircling_oil.htm
Richard C. Duncan. "The Peak of W orld O il Produ ction and the R oad to O lduvai G orge." Pardee Keyno te
Symposia, Geological Society of America, Summ it 2000, Reno, Nevada, November 13, 2000.
http://w ww .oilcrisis.co m/d uncan/old uvai2 000.htm
Richard C. Duncan. "USGS A ssessment 2000." February 20, 2001.
http://w ww .oilcrisis.co m/d uncan/usg s200 0.htm
Richard C. Duncan. "The Olduvai Cliff Event: ca. 2007." March 5, 2001. Posted to the energyresources
electronic mailing list, May 30, 2001.
Richard C. Du ncan. "Re: Blackou ts Prediction." M ay 29, 2001 . Posted to the ene rgyresou rces electronic
mailing list, May 30, 2001.
Richard C. Duncan. "World Energy Production, Population Growth, And the Road to the Old uvai Go rge."
Population and Environment 22 (May-June 2001), pp. 503-522.
Richard C. D unc an. "Energy Resou rces--Cornu copia or E mp ty Barrel?: Discussion ." AA PG Bulletin 85 (June
200 1), pp. 1090 -109 2.***
[no lo nger available fre e on Internet]
Richard C. Duncan. "World Oil Forecast #6." August 30, 2001.
Richard Pelto. "A Visit with D r. Du ncan ." Posted to the RunningOnEmpty 2 (ROE2) mailing list, December
14, 2001.
Richard C. Du ncan. "Respo nse to the N eme sis Report." ASPO-ODAC New sletter No. 16 (April 2002), pp. 4-5.
Richard C. Du ncan. "Per Cap ita Peak." Forward ed po st to energyresources electronic mailing list, September
13, 2002.
Richard C. Du ncan. "Three W orld O il Forecasts Predict Peak Produ ction." Oil & Gas Journal 101 (May 26,
2003), pp. 18-21.
Walter Youn gquist and R ichard C. D uncan. “N orth A me rican N atural G as: Data Sho w S upply Pro blem s.”
Natural Resources Research 12 (D ecem ber 20 03), pp . 229-2 40. [also listed u nde r W alter Yo ungquist]
http://w ww .mnforsustain.org /natural_gas_ supp ly_in _de cline_ you ngqu ist_du ncan_ 1203.htm
Richard C. D unc an. “Big Jump in Ultimate Recovery Would Ease, Not Reverse, Postpeak Production
Decline.” Oil & Gas Journal 102 (July 19, 2004), pp. 18-21.
Richard C. D unc an. "Hubbert's G raphical-H euristic M etho d (1956 )." Letter, Oil & Gas Journal 103 (June 27,
Richard C. D uncan. “Th e Old uvai T heory: Energy, P opu lation, and Industrial Civilization.” The Social
Contract 16 (Winter 2005-2006), pp. 1-12.
Dell Erickson (United States/Minn esota)
Dell Erickson. "M inneso ta's Energ y Futu re? Part II: Energy & Reso urces." M inneso tans for S ustainab ility
website, October 20, 2003.
http://w ww .mnforsustain.org /erickso n_d ell_m inneso tas_energy_ future _part_II.htm
Dell Erickson. "ASPO - Denver World Oil Conference 11/10-11/05." Post to energyresources electronic
mailing list, November 13, 2005.
Jeanette Fitzsimons (New Zealand)
Jeanette Fitzsimon s. “Petrol Price Rise Is an Ill Om en for Cheap O il Ad dictio n.” Green P arty of New Zealand
website, May 6, 2004.
Jeanette Fitzsimons. "Road Report Ignores Reality of Peak Oil." Green Party of Aotearoa New Zealand
website, August 25, 2004.
Jeanette Fitzsimon s. "Energy Report: Right Direction But Hurry Up." Green Party of Aotearoa New Zealand,
October 27, 2004.
Jeanette Fitzsimons. "The State of the Planet." Remarks at the Picnic for the Planet, Waiheke Island, New
Zealand, January 16, 2005.
Jeanette Fitzsimon s. "Exploration W ill Not Provide the Oil to M atch Dem and."
(Auckland), April 20, 2005.
New Z ealand H erald
Jeanette Fitzsimons. "Jeanette Fitzsimons, N Z Gree ns Party, Talks About Peak Oil." Global Pu blic Me dia
website, August 18, 2005.
http://media.globalp ublicme dia.com /RAM /2005/11 /05081 8N ZGre ens.ram
David Room. Global Public Media audio interview with Jeanette Fitzsimons, Nove mber 2 , 200 5. [also listed
under David Room]
http://media.globalp ublicme dia.com /RAM /2005/11 /Fitzsimons.20 05110 2.ram
Jeanette Fitzsimons. "Surely the Time Is Now?" Address to Solar 2005, conference of the Australian and New
Zealand Solar Energy Society, University of Otago, Dunedin, New Zealand, November 28, 2005.
http://w ww .scoop.co.n z/stories/P A0 511/S00 402.htm
Brian J. Fleay (Australia)
Brian J. Fleay . The Decline of th e Ag e of Oil. Annandale, New Sou th Wales: Pluto Press, 1995.
Bran J. Fleay. "C lima xing O il: Ho w W ill Tran sport Adapt?" Paper presented to national symposium,
Chartered Institute of Transport in Australia, Launceston, Tasmania, November 6-7, 1998.
Brian J. Fleay. "Oil Supply: The Crunch Has Arrived!!" March 15, 2000.
http://w ww .hubbe rtpeak .com /fleay/cru nch.htm
Brian J. Fleay. "Oil and A ustralia." Hu bbert Center N ewsletter #2000/3 (July 2000), pp. 1-7.
Brian J. Fleay. "USA 's Triple Energy Whamm y in Electric Power, Natural Gas, and Oil," January 10, 2001.
http://w ww .gullan d.ca/d epletion/fleay.htm
Revised, January 22, 2001.
http://w ww .mnforsustain.org /fleay_bj_usa's_e nergy _w ham my .htm
Brian J. Fleay. "W orld Oil Sup ply Sho rt Fall - The Im portance of W alkin g." In Government of We stern
Au stralia, Departm ent for P lann ing and Infrastruc ture, Austra lia: Walking the 21st C entury (Perth:
Government of Western Australia, 2001), pp. 175-186. Papers from an International Walk ing Conference,
Perth, February 20-22, 2001.
Brian J. Fleay. "Background Paper." For the Electricity Reform Task Force, Gove rnme nt of W estern Au stralia,
November 2001.
Brian J. Fleay. "A Lot of Gas: Visions, Fantasies and Reality." December 2001.
Brian J. Fleay. "Natural Gas: 'Magic Pudding' or Depleting Resource?" November 2002.
Brian J. Fleay. "The C rude T ruth." ASP O N ewsletter No. 31 (July 2003), pp. 3-5.
David Fleming (Great Britain)
David Flemin g. "Decod ing a M essage A bout the M arket for Oil." European Environment 9 (July-Au gust 1999 ),
pp. 125-134.
W illiam Ree s-Mo gg. "Troubled W aters for Oil." The T imes (London), August 30, 1999.
David F leming . "After Oil." Prospect (No vembe r 2000).
David Fleming: "The Great Oil Denial." Submission to the UK Energy Review. September 16, 2001.
[no lo nger available o n Intern et]
David F leming . "The W ages of De nial." The E cologist 33 (April 2003), pp. 36-38.
David Flem ing. "Th e Lea n Eco nom y: A V ision o f Civility for a W orld in Tro uble." E xcerpt from Richard
Do uthw aite and John Jop ling, eds., Growth, the Celtic Cancer: Why the Global Economy Damages Our Health and
Society, pp. 69-82. Dublin, Ireland: Feasta, 2004.
http://w ww .feasta.org/d ocu me nts/review2 /flem ing.htm
David Fleming. Energy and the Common Purpose: Descending the Energy Staircase with Tradable Energy Quotas
(TEQ s). London: The Lean Economy Connection, 2005.
Rob Ho pkins. "Energy and the C om mo n Purp ose - A Bo ok Rev iew." Transition C ulture website, November
28, 2005.
David F leming . "The Last Chan ce Saloo n." Cultivate (December? 2005). Irish Internet publication.
http://sustain able.ie/cu ltivate/m agazine/last_ch ance_ saloo n.htm
Marilyn Geewax (United States/Georgia)
M arilyn Geew ax. "Global Oil C risis Lurking." Arizona Republic (Phoenix), September 5, 2004.
M arilyn Geew ax. "Oil Flow Peaks as De mand Builds." Atlanta Journal-Constitution, September 9, 2004.
Marilyn Geew ax. "University Seekin g High -Tech So lutions for Era o f Scarce Oil." C o x N e w s Service,
November 12, 2004.
Marilyn Geew ax. "Oil Crunch M ay Bring C hanges to an O il-Dependent America." Cox News Service,
November 25, 2004.
Marilyn Gee wax. "Oil Pin ch Th reatens to Bring Chang es." Atlanta Journal-Constitution, November 29, 2004.
John Gever (United States/New Ham pshire)
John Gever, et al. Beyond Oil: The Threat to Food and Fuel in the Com ing D ecades. Cam bridge, M assachusetts:
Ballinger, 1986. [also listed under M. King Hubbert and Robert K. Kaufmann]
Jerem y G ilbert (Ireland)
Jeremy Gilbert . " New Technology and Opening Up ANW R - The Keys to Resolving the US Oil SupplyDemand Imbalance?" Presentation to the International Workshop on O il Depletion , Upp sala, Swed en, M ay
23-24, 2 002 . Energy Exploration & Exp loitation 21 (Fe bruary 2003), pp. 71-78 .***
Jeremy Gilbert. "A Case for a Near-T erm P eak in Glo bal Oil Prod uction." Au diotaped presentation to the
Nation al Acad emies W orksho p on T rends in O il Supp ly and D eman d, and Po tential for Peaking of
Conventional Oil Production, Washington, D.C. October 20, 2005.
Da vid L. G oodstein (United States/California)
David L. Goodstein. "Energy, Technology, and Climate: Running Out of Gas." In Arthur William Galston
and Em ily G . Shu rr, ed s., New D imen sions in Bioeth ics: Science, Eth ics, and the Fo rmulation of Public Policy.
Boston: Kluwer Academic, 2001.
David L . Good stein. "Oil Doesn 't Grow o n Trees." Los Angeles Tim es, March 14, 2002.
David L. Go od stein. Ou t of Gas: All You Need to K now Abo ut the End of the Ag e of Oil. New York: W.W . Norton,
David L. Goodstein. KPC C radio interview (N ational Public Rad io affiliate), Pasadena, California, January
28, 2004.
http://www .scpr.org/play/audio.php?media=/news/sho ws/airtalk/2004 /01/20040 128 _airtalk& start=01:1 8:5
Paul Raeburn. “‘Out of Gas’: They’re Not Making More.” New York T imes, February 8, 2004.
Lee Dye. “ Drie d U p?: A re W e Running Out of Oil? Scientist Warns of Looming Crisis.” ABC New s website,
February 11, 2004.
http://hea lthand energ y.com /are_w e_ru nning_o ut_o f_oil.h tm
David L. G oo dstein. “Beyond Fossilized Thinking: The World Needs Innovative Technology Now to Meet
Energy Needs.” Los Angeles Tim es, February 15, 2004.
Brian Braiker. “Crude Awakening.” Interview with David Goodstein. Newsweek International website,
February 17, 2004.
Tom Ashbro ok. “Out of Gas?” Discussion with guests Robert Ebel and David Goodstein, OnPoint, Boston
public radio, February 25, 2004.
Jonathan Kay. “There Isn’t Enough Oil.” New York P ost, April 4, 2004.
http://om nivore.org/jon/o rwe ll/200 4/O il/Oil.htm
David L. Goo dstein. "The En d of the A ge of O il." Caltech News 38 ( N o. 2, 200 4). From a prese ntation to
Caltech Associates, April 29, 2004.
Eli Sanders. “Two Books Explore the Coming Crisis of a World That’s Running Out of O il.” Seattle Tim es,
May 2, 2004.
M ichio Kak u. Inte rview w ith D avid Go od stein, Exp lora tion pro gram , KPFA rad io, Berkeley , California, M ay
25, 2004, archived on Global Public Media website.
http://media.globalpublicmedia.com/RM/2004/05/explorations.goodstein.2004-05-25.mp3 (includes other)
David L. Goo dstein. "Out of G as: The End of the Ag e of Oil." W atson Lecture, videotaped , California
Institute of Technology, Pasadena, October 13, 2004.
http://today.caltech.edu/theater/560 2_bb.ram
Matthew Chavez. "Phy sics Professor Pred icts Oil Crisis." Daily Lobo (Albuquerque), November 9, 2004.
Daily newspaper of the University of New Mexico.
Lindsey Grant (United States/New Mexico)
Lindsey Grant. "Stormy Seas and Head in the Sand." NPG Footnotes, July 1997.
http://w ww .npg.o rg/foo tnote/h ead_ in_san d.htm
Lindsey Grant. "The End of Fossil Fuels: How Long the Twilight?" NPG Forum (October 2004). Negative
Population Growth website.
Lin dsey Grant. "W hen W ill the Oil Run O ut?" Lette r to the ed itor, Science 309 (July 1, 2005), 52-54.
Lindsey Grant. The Collapsing Bubble: Growth and Fossil Energy. Seven L ocks Press: Santa A na, California,
Henry Groppe (United States/Texas)
Bill W olfe. "Cheap Oil, Natural G as Gone , Says Forecaster." Louisville Courier-Journal, June 25, 2003.
Am anda Lan g. "There's a Bullish Case to Be M ade for O il." Toronto Globe and Mail, September 22, 2003.
Julie Breaux. “Analyst: Era of $30 Oil Nearing End.” Odessa American, May 17, 2004.
http://w ww .oaoa.com /new s/nw 051404i.htm
Mark Babineck. "Forecasters See No Repeat of 80s Oil Bust." Reuters, November 13, 2004.
Eric Regu ly. "Produc tion Theo ry Co uld M ake $100 Oil a Reality." Toronto Globe and Mail, April 23, 2005.
David J. DesL auriers. "Oil Fo recasting Legend Paints Dire En ergy Picture." Resource Investor website, June
6, 2005.
Gw ynne D yer. "Reality Behind the Oil Gam e." Trinidad & T obago E xpress (Port of Spain), August 13, 2005.
Michael J. DesLauriers. "Oil Forecasting Legend Discusses Peak Oil, Share Prices." Resource Investor
website, October 19, 2005.
Julian Darley. "He nry Gro ppe T alks Abo ut Peak Oil Du ring AS PO U SA Con ference." Videotaped interview,
Global Public Media, November 11, 2005. [also listed under Julian Darley]
http://media.globalp ublicme dia.com /RAM /2005/11 /DenverInterview s/Grop pe.ram
Cha rles A.S. H all (United States/New York)
Charles A.S. Hall and Cutler J. Cleveland. "Petroleum Drilling and Production in the United States: Yield
Per Effort and N et Energy A nalysis." Science 211 (February 6, 1981), pp. 576-579. [also listed under M. King
Hubbert and Cutler J. Cleveland]
Cutler J. Cle veland, et al. "E nergy and the U .S. Ec onom y: A B iophy sical Perspective." Science 225 (A ugust
31, 1984), pp. 890-897. [also listed under Cutler J. Cleveland and Robert K. Kaufmann]
Charles A.S . Hall, et al. Energ y and Resource Q uality: The Ecology of the Ec onom ic Process, pp. 161-219. New
York: John Wiley & Sons, 1986. [also listed under Cutler J. Cleveland and Robert K. Kaufm ann; Chap ter 7
also listed und er M . King Hu bbert]
[no lo ng available on Intern et]
Charles A.S. H all, et al. "Hyd rocarbons an d the Evo lution of H um an Cu lture." Nature 426 (November 20,
2003), pp. 318-322. [also listed under Cutler J. Cleveland]
"The D iminishin g Energ y RO I." EV World, Decem ber 15, 2005 . [also listed under C harles A.S. H all]
Steph en H am ilton-Bergin (Great Britain)
Stephen Hamilton-Bergin. “Fuelling the Fear: The Truth about the War and Oil.” Yen magazine, March
Stephen Hamilton-Bergin. “ASPO Berlin Conference.” Post to the EnergyRoundTable electronic mailing list,
May 29, 2004.
Stephen Hamilton-Bergin. “Berlin ASPO.” Post to the ROE2 electronic mailing list, May 31, 2004.
Jay Hanson (United States/Haw aii)
Jay Hanson. "Titanic Sinks." Dieoff website, June 25, 1998.
http://die off.org /page 143.htm (scroll down slightly)
Jay Hanso n. "Energetic Lim its to Grow th." Energy 24 (Spring 1999), pp. 21-23.
Jay Hanso n. "The Best K ept Secret in W ashington." Brain Food (Third Quarter 1999), pp. 1-12.
Jay Hanson. "Synopsis." Dieoff website, March 8, 2001.
http://www.dieoff.org/synopsis.pdf (scroll down slightly)
Craig B ond H atfield (United States/Ohio)
Craig Bond Hatfield. "A P erman ent Solution to the Fuel-Su pply Problem ." Journal of Geological Education 42
(November 1994), pp. 432-436.
Craig Bo nd H atfield. "Oil Back on the Global A genda." Nature 387 (May 8, 1997), p. 121.
Craig Bond Hatfield. "How Long Can O il Supp ly Grow ?" Hu bbert Center N ewsletter #97/4 (October 1997), pp.
Gw ynne D yer. "Oil's Precarious Fu ture." Vancouver Sun, September 22, 2000.
Jamey Hecht (United States/New York)
Jamey Hecht. "Peak Oil Caucus Formed in U.S. House of Representatives: A New B eginning as the Clock
Run s Do wn ." From The W ildern ess w ebsite, N ovem ber 23 , 2005 . [also listed und er Ro scoe B artlett]
Jamey Hecht. "Deffeyes at Caltech." From The W ilderness website, December 7, 2005. [also listed under
Kenn eth S. Deffeyes]
Michael Kane with Jam ey H echt. "'Peak Oil Is Not a T heo ry': Co ngressio nal H earin g Explains P eak Oil."
From The W ilderness website, December 8, 2005. [also listed under Roscoe Bartlett and Robert L. Hirsch]
Rich ard H einb erg (United States/California)
Richard H einberg. "Un pop ular Science." MuseLetter (June 200 0).
http://w ww .oilcrash .com /articles/scie nce.htm
Richard Heinberg . "Wh at Is Oil Peak?" Glo bal Public M edia w ebsite, telephone interview , Santa Rosa,
California, February 28, 2003.
http://ram.globalpu blicmed ia.com/R AM /2003/02 /RichardH einberg-01.20 03-02-28 .ram
Richard He inbe rg. The Party's Over: Oil, W ar, and the Fate of Indu strial Societies. Gabriola Island, British
Columbia: New Society Publishers, 2003.
Jim Puplav a. "'The Party's Over.'" Interview with Rich ard H einberg. Financial Sen se Online website, March
22, 2003 . (also listed under Jim Puplava]
http://w ww .mnforsustain.org /oil_h einberg_p uplava_inte rview _032203.htm
Richard Heinbe rg. "The Party's Over: Indu strial Nations' Fo ssil-Fue led Jo yride Is About to End...Is Anyone
Prepared?" New C ollege of California website, 2003.
Richard H einberg. "The P etroleum Plateau." MuseLetter (May 2003).
Jim M cN ulty. "The Party's O ver: We're Running Out of Oil and N atural Gas." Vancouv er Province, May 25,
Richard Heinberg. "California's Next Energy Crisis Loo ms." Santa Rosa Press-Democrat (California), June 18,
Richard He inbe rg. "Smoking Gu n: The C IA's Interest in Peak Oil." Special essay . MuseLetter (Aug ust 2003).
Jan Ten Bru gge ncate . "Peak in O il Prod uction M ay Spark Global Crisis." Ho nolulu Adv ertiser, August 4, 2003.
Richard H einberg. "The E nd of the O il Age." Earth Island Journal 18 (Autumn 2003), pp. 24-29.
Luci Yamamoto. “Oil Spill.” The Month ly 34 (Octo ber 2003 ). Published in Em eryville, California.
Laura Flanders. “You r Call” radio interview w ith Richard H einberg, KA LW -FM , San Francisco, Californ ia,
March 23, 2004.
[3.23.0 4 link, but no lo nger active on Internet]
Richard Heinberg. Presentation on peak oil issue, to International Inquiry into 9-11, San Francisco, March
27, 2004. Archived as audio file at Global Public Media website.
David Ross. “Plan War and the Hubbert Oil Curve: An Interview with Richard Heinberg.” ZNet website,
April 17, 2004.
R.V. Scheide. “Oil Gone.” North Bay Bohem ian (Santa Rosa, California), June 10, 2004.
Michael Vickerman. “What Giant Sucking Sound?: Meditations on Richard Heinberg’s Talk at the MREA
Fair.” Petroleum and N atural Gas Watch 3 (July 6, 2004 ).
Richard He inbe rg. "Nine Reasons the Peak N ow Loo ks M ore Im mine nt." Post to energyreso urces electronic
mailing list, July 8, 2004.
Richard He inbe rg. Powerdown: Options and Actions for a Post-Carbon World. Gabriola Island, British C olum bia:
New Society Publishers, 2004.
Jim Pupla va. Aud io interview with Richard Heinbe rg, Financial Sense N ewsho ur, Aug ust 7, 2004. [also
listed unde r Jim Pu plava]
http://www .netcastdaily.com/1 experts/2004 /exp080 704.ram
Mike Ivey. “As Crude Prices Soar, ‘Peak Oil” Looms.” Capital Times (Mad ison, W isconsin), Au gust 10, 2004,
Richard Heinbe rg. "The Peak Is N igh." Santa Rosa Press Democrat (Santa Rosa, California), September 23,
Richard H einberg. "The 'Abio tic Oil' Controversy ." MuseLetter (Aug ust 2004, Part 2).
James Faulk. "Richard H einberg Pred icts Com ing Reso urce Cru nch."
California), October 6, 2004.
Eureka Tim es-Stand ard (Eureka,
Richard Heinberg. Closing address, 2004 U.S. Peak Oil and Commu nity Solutions Conference, Yellow
Springs, Ohio, November 14, 2004.
Els Coo perrider. Interview with Richard Heinberg, KZYX radio, Mendocino County, California, November
22, 2004.
http://media.globalp ublicme dia.com /RAM /2004/11 /kzyx_the_p artys_over_2 004-11 -22.ram
Richard Heinbe rg. Aud iotaped sp eech to the co nference o n Over C onsum ption, Oil Dep letion, and the
Inevitable Road to Sustainability, Santa Barbara, California, November 27, 2004.
http://media.globalp ublicme dia.com /RAM /2004/11 /lasound posse.heinbe rg.11270 4.ram
Sue Supriano. Audio interview with Richard Heinberg. Steppin' Out of Babylon radio, April 6, 2005, in two
http://media.globalp ublicme dia.com /RAM /2004/09 /richardheinbe rg1.ram
http://media.globalp ublicme dia.com /RAM /2004/09 /richardheinbe rg2.ram
Julian Darley. "Richard Heinberg on Meg aprojects U pdate." Transcribed audio in terview w ith Richard
Hein berg, Ap ril 18, 2005. [also listed und er Julian Darley and C hris Skrebow ski]
http://media.globalp ublicme dia.com /RAM /2005/04 /GPM .RichardH einberg.JulianD arley.2005-0 4-18.ram
M elanie Gosling. "'U S In vasion o f Iraq W as a Resource War.'" Cape Tim es (Capetown, South Africa), May 4,
http://w ww .com mo ndre ams.org/h eadlin es05/0504-06 .htm
Peter W illis. "Prepare for the Late, Late Oil Age ." Business Day (Johannesburg, South Africa), May 19, 2005
Richard Heinbe rg. "The Likely Impact o f Global O il Peak on the U nited States."
Association for the Study of Peak Oil and Gas, Lisbon, May 20, 2005.
Presentation to the
Richard Heinberg. "Threats of Peak Oil to the Global Food Supply." Paper presented to the FEASTA
Conference, "What Will We Eat as the Oil Runs Out?", Dublin, Ireland, June 23, 2005.
http://media.globalp ublicme dia.com /RAM /2005/08 /Heinbe rg_Du blin.2005-6-23 .ram
Richard Heinberg. "Where Is the Hirsch R eport?" Glo bal Public M edia w ebsite, July 30, 2005. [also listed
under Robert L. Hirsch]
Richard Heinberg. "How to Avo id Oil W ars, Terrorism, and Econo mic C ollapse." MuseLetter (Aug ust 2005).
Richard Heinberg. "Katrina, New Orleans, and Peak Oil." Global Public Media website, September 5, 2005.
Caren Black and Christopher Paddon. Interview with Richard Heinberg , Lifebo at Sho w, K M UN Co mm unity
Radio, Astoria, Oregon, September 21, 2005.
http://media.globalp ublicme dia.com /RAM /2006/02 /Lifeboat.Hein berg.20050 921.ram
Stuart Staniford. "A C onversation w ith Richard H einberg." The O il Drum website, Septem ber 30, 2005 . [also
listed under Stuart Staniford]
M argaret M orris. "A Peek Beyo nd the Pe ak: Heinberg in Venice." Hop eDance (Septem ber/October 2 005).
Shepherd Bliss. "Peak Oil at San Francisco's Green Festival." Energy Bulletin, November 9, 2005.
http://www.energybulletin.net/10577.html [also listed unde r Sheph erd Bliss]
Richard Heinberg. "Peaking of World Oil Production: We M ust Prepare Now." Energy Bulletin, November
11, 2005.
Richard Heinbe rg. "Sebastopol T ow n Hall M eeting w ith Richard H einberg." Au diotape, Sebastopol,
California, November 11, 2005.
http://media.globalp ublicme dia.com /RAM /2005/11 /Heinbe rgSebastopo lTow nHall.ram
Brittany Reth erfo rd. "A uthor S pea ks on Im pact of 'Pe ak O il': Eve nt W ill O ffer O ptio ns to Relying on Oil."
Grass Valley Union (Grass Valley, California), November 14, 2005.
http://www.theunion.com/article/20051114/NEW S/111140083
"Joanna Macy & Richard Heinberg: Peak Oil, How to Avoid Economic Collapse and Oil Wars, 11/05/05 SF
Greenfestival." Post to RunningOnEmp ty2 list, November 14, 2005.
Carter Henderson (United States/New Jersey)
Carter He nderso n. The Inevitability of Petroleum Rationing in the U nited States. Princeton, New Jersey:
Princeton C enter fo r Alte rnative F uture s, 1979 . [also listed und er M . King Hu bbert]
Robert L. Hirsch (United States/Virginia)
Robert L. Hirsch. "Peaking of World Oil Production: What Are We W illing to Risk?" Presentation to the
Annapolis Center for Science Based Public Policy, Annapolis, Maryland, June 14, 2004.
Robert L. H irsch , et al. Peaking of World Oil Produ ction: Impacts, Mitigation & Risk M anagem ent. February 2005.
Report prepared for the U.S. Department of Energy. [also listed under Roger Bezdek]
Robert L. Hirsch, et al. "Peaking O il Produ ction: Soon er Rather Than Later?" Issues in Science and Technology
21 (Spring 2005), pp. 25-30. [also listed under Roger Bezdek]
Robert L. Hirsch, et al. "Mitigating a Lon g-Term Shortfall of W orld O il Produ ction." World O il 226 (M ay
2005), pp. 47-53? [also listed under Roger Bezdek]
http://www .worldoil.com/M agazine/MAG AZINE_D ETAIL.asp?ART_ID=2594&M ONT H_YEA R=May-2005
Colin J. C amp bell. "Future Oil Su pplies." Issues in Science and Technology 21 (Summer 2005), pp. 5-6. [also
listed unde r Colin J. Cam pbell]
Michael J. DesLauriers. "U S Go vt Sponso red Peak Oil Rep ort Draw s Disturbing Conclusions." Resource
Investor website, July 29, 2005.
Richard Heinbe rg. "Whe re Is the Hirsch Re port?" Glo bal Public M edia w ebsite , July 30, 2 005 . [also listed
under Richard Heinberg]
Robert L. Hirsch. "Peaking of World Oil Production: The Problem, Its Mitigation & A Risk Management
Perspective." Presentation, Robe rtson Program Seminar Series: Energy in Transition, Duke University,
Durham, North Carolina, September 13, 2005.
Robert L. H irsch . "The Inevitable Pe akin g of W orld Oil Pro duction." The Atlantic C ouncil of the U nited States
Bulletin 16 (October 2005), pp. 1-9.
Robert L. Hirsch. "Shaping the Peak of World Oil Production: The Bell Curve has a Sharp Crest, and You
Can't See It Com ing." World O il 226 (O ctober 2005 ).
http://www.worldoil.com/Magazine/MA GAZIN E_DETA IL.asp?ART_ID=2696
Robert L. Hirsch. "Overview of Mitigation Strategies." Audiotaped presentation to the National Academies
Workshop on Trends in Oil Sup ply and Dem and, and P otential for Peaking of Co nventional Oil Production,
Washington, D.C. October 21, 2005.
David Room. "Robert Hirsch on Peak Oil Mitigation." Audio interview, Global Public Media, November 17,
2005. [also listed under David Room]
http://media.globalp ublicme dia.com /RAM /2005/11 /Hirsch.200 51117 .ram
Robert L. Hirsch. Testimony before the Subcommittee on En ergy and Air Quality, Committee on Energy and
Comm erce, U.S. House of Representatives, Washington, December 7, 2005.
Michael Kane with Jam ey H echt. "'Peak Oil Is Not a T heo ry': Co ngressio nal H earin g Explains P eak Oil."
From The W ildern ess w ebsite, D ecem ber 8, 20 05. [also listed u nde r Roscoe B artlett and Jame y H echt]
John G. Howe (United States/Maine)
John G. H ow e. The End of Fossil Energy and a Plan for Sustainability. Waterford, Maine: McIntire Publishing,
John G. Ho we . The E nd of Fossil Energy and the Last Chance for Sustainability. Waterfo rd, M aine: Mc Intire
Publishing, 2005. Second edition of above book.
Klaus Illum (Denmark)
Klaus Illum . "When the Oil Crisis C om es." Information (Copenhagen), April 26, 2001.
Klaus Illum . Oil-Based Techn ology an d Eco nom y: Prospects for the Future. Copenhagen: Danish Board of
Technology and Society of Danish Engineers, 2004.
L.F. "Buzz" Ivanhoe (United States/California)
L.F. Ivanhoe. "W here in the W orld W ill We G et Our O il in the 1980's?" Hardrock 46 (May/June 1980), p. 8.
Published in Rapid City, South D akota.
L.F. Ivanhoe. "W ill There Be Enou gh Oil in the 1 980s?" World O il 192 (October 1980), pp. 175-184.
LaVo nne Zu blin. "Ivanhoe - Oilm an and H istorian." Pacific Oil W orld 75 (October 1982), pp. 43-47.
Erika And erson. "Oil C onsultant Stud ies Future D iscoveries." Goleta Sun (Goleta, California), May 5, 1984.
Bill Rintou l. "Oil Consu ltant Sees Bleak E nergy Fu ture." Bakersfield Californian, May 6, 1984.
Andrew Crilly and Jo hn Sim mo ns. Oil: Finds for the Future. Video, BBC/Open U niversity, 1985. [also listed
und er M . King Hu bbert]
L.F. Ivanhoe. "Scaveng er Oil Pro duction ." Oil & Gas Journal 84 (Mary 19, 1986), pp. 81-84.
Keith D alton. "Oil Expe rt: Next Shortage W ill Be Perm anent." Santa B arbara N ews-P ress, June 15, 1986.
L.F. Ivanhoe. "W e Are S craping the B ottom of the Barrel." Santa B arbara N ews-P ress, June 27, 1986.
L.F. Ivanhoe. "Potential of W orld's Significant Oil Pro vinces." Oil & Gas Journal 84 (November 18, 1986), pp.
L.F. Ivanh oe. "Impen ding Energy C risis?" Letter, Science 236 (May 15, 1987), p. 763.
L.F. Ivanhoe. "Tim e Is No L onger O n Ou r Side." Oil & Gas Journal 85 (September 7, 1987), pp. 70-71.
L.F. Ivanhoe. "Future C rude O il Supp ly and Prices." Oil & Gas Journal 86 (June 30, 1988), pp. 146-148.
L.F. Ivanhoe. "Liquid Fuels Fill Vital Part of U .S. Econo my." Oil & Gas Journal 88 (April 23, 1990), pp. 106109.
L.F. Ivanhoe. "Competition Increases to Obtain O il Impo rts." Oil & Gas Journal 88 (October 29, 1990), pp. 5254.
L.F. Ivanhoe. "Oil, Gas D om inant Sourc es of Energ y in U.S." Oil & Gas Journal 89 (Septem ber 30, 1991 ), pp.
L.F. Ivanhoe and G.G. Leckie. "Global O il, Gas Fields, Sizes Tallied, A nalyzed." Oil & Gas Journal 91
(February 15, 1993), pp. 87-91.
L.F. Ivanhoe. "Future W orld O il Supp lies: There Is a Finite Lim it." World O il 216 (October 1995), pp. 77-88.
http://die off.org /page 85.htm
L.F. Ivanhoe. "Oil Re serves and Se mantics." Hu bbert Center N ewsletter #96/1 (July 1996), pp. 3-7.
L.F. Ivanhoe. "Up dated H ubbert Cu rves Analy ze W orld O il Supp ly." World Oil 217 (N ovem ber 1996 ), pp.
91-94. Republished as "K ing H ubbert - Up dated." Hu bbert Center New sletter #97/1 (January 199 7), pp. 1-6.***
L.F. Ivanhoe. "Get Re ady for A nother O il Shock!" The F uturist 31 (January-February 1997), pp. 20-23.
http://die off.org /page 90.htm
L.F. Ivanhoe. "Petroleum Position of the United States." Hu bbert Center N ewsletter #98/1 (January 1998), pp.
L.F. Ivanhoe. "Petroleum Positions of Canada and M exico." Hu bbert Center N ewsletter #98/1 (January 1998),
pp. 5-7.
L.F. Ivanhoe. "Petroleum Positions of E x-USS R and C hina." Hu bbert Center N ewsletter #98/3 (July 1998), pp.
L.F. Ivanh oe. "P etro leum Positions of Brazil and V ene zuela." Hu bbert Center N ewsletter #99/3 (July 1999), pp.
L.F. Ivanhoe. "World Oil Supply - Produ ction, Reserves, and EO R." Hu bbert Center N ewsletter #200 1/1
(January 2000), pp. 1-5.
L.F. Ivanhoe. "Petroleum Positions of the United Kingdom and No rway - W estern Euro pe." Hu bbert Center
New sletter #2000/2 (April 2000), pp. 1-5.
L.F. Ivanhoe. "Oil Reserve Revisions: Major OPEC and Comm unist Countries, 1979 to 1999." Hu bbert Center
New sletter #2000/2 (April 2000), pp. 6-7.
L.F. Ivanh oe. "Exports - The Critical Part of Glo bal Oil Sup plies." Hu bbert Center New sletter #2000/4 (October
2000), pp. 1-5.
L.F. Ivanhoe. "Petroleum Positions of Saudi Arabia, Iran, Iraq, Kuwait, UAE - Mid dle East Reg ion." Hu bbert
Center N ewsletter #2001/1 (January 2001), pp. 1-9.
L.F. Ivanh oe. "P etro leum Positions of Egypt, Liby a, Algeria, N igeria, A ngo la - A frica Reg ion ." Hu bbert Center
New sletter #2001/3 (July 2001), pp. 1-9.
L.F. Ivanh oe. "P etro leum Positions of Ch ina, In dia, Indonesia, M alaysia, Australia - Far East & O ceania
Region ." Hu bbert Center N ewsletter #2001/4 (October 2001), pp. 1-9.
L.F. Ivanhoe. "Canada's Future Oil Production: Projected 20 00-202 0." Hu bbert Center N ewsletter #2002 /2 (Ap ril
2002), pp. 1-4.
L.F. Ivanhoe. "Petroleum Po sitions of United States (US/48 & A laska), Canada, and M exico - North Am erica
Region ." Hu bbert Center N ewsletter #2002/4 (October 2002), pp. 1-9.
Steve Andrews. "L.F. Ivanhoe Has Come and Gone." Forwarded post to the energyresources electronic
mailing list, October 3, 2003.
Caryl Johnston (United States/Pennsylvania)
Caryl Johnston. “Mod ern Medicine and Fossil Fuel Resources.” 2004.
Caryl Joh nston. “Future o f Reason?” June 12, 200 4. [also listed under C olin J. Cam pbell]
http://mysite.verizon.net/vze495hz/id30.html (scroll down about halfway)
Caryl Johnston. "First Peak-Oil Novel Published in U.S.!" August 2005.
Caryl Jo hnson. After the Crash: An Essay-N ovel of the Post-Hy drocarbon Age. Lulu.com, 2005.
Robert K. Kaufmann (United States/Massachu setts)
Cutler J. Cle veland, et al. "E nergy and the U .S. Ec onom y: A B iophy sical Perspective." Science 225 (A ugust
31, 1984 ), pp. 890-897 . [also listed under C utler J. Cleveland an d Ch arles A.S.H all]
Charles A.S . Hall, et al. Energy and Resource Q uality: The Ecology of the Econom ic Process, pp. 161-219. New
York: John W iley & S ons, 1986. [also listed under Cutler J. Cleveland and Charles A .S. Hall; Chapter 7 also
listed u nde r M . King Hu bbert]
[no lo nger available o n Intern et]
John Gever, et al. Beyond Oil: The Threat to Food and Fuel in the Com ing D ecades. Cam bridge, M assachusetts:
Ballinger, 198 6. [also listed under M . King H ubbert and Joh n Gever]
Robert K. Kaufmann and C utler J. Cleveland. "Policies to Increase U .S. Oil Prod uction: Likely to Fail,
Damage the Econo my, and Dam age the Enviro nme nt." Annual Review of Energy 16 (1991 ), pp. 379-400 . [also
listed under Cutler J. Cleveland]
Cutler J. Cleveland and Robert K. Kaufmann. "Forecasting Oil Recovery and Its Rate of Production:
Incorporating Econo mic Fo rces into the M odels o f M. K ing H ubbert." Energy Journal 12 (April 19 91), pp. 1746. [also listed u nde r Cu tler J. Clev eland ]***
Cutler J. Cleveland and Ro bert K. Kaufm ann. "Natural G as in the U.S.: Ho w Far C an Technology Stretch the
Resou rce Base?" Energy Journal 18 (April 1997), pp. 89-108.*** [also listed under Cutler J. Cleveland]
Cutler J. Cleveland, et al. "Aggre gation and the Role o f Energy in the Econo my." Ecological Econom ics 32
(February 2000), pp. 301-317. [also listed under Cutler J. Cleveland]
Robert K. Kaufmann and Cutler J. Cleveland. "Oil Production in the Low er 48 States: Econ om ic, Geolog ical,
and Institutional Determ inants." Energy Journal 22 (January 2001), pp. 27-49.*** [also listed under Cutler J.
Robert K. Kaufm ann. "The D escent of M ount Pe troleum ." Nature 434 (April 21, 2005), p. 960. [also listed
unde r Kenne th S. Deffeyes]
Byron W. King (United States/Pennsylvania)
Byron W. King. "Geology Is Destiny." Posted to the EnergyRoundTable electronic discussion list, March 17,
2005. Re-posted on Whiskey and Gunpowder website, March 21, 2005.
Byron W. King. "One M ore Oil Boom." Whiskey and Gunpowder website, September 9, 2005.
Byron W. King. "Depletion." HoweStreet.com, September 26, 2005.
http://peakoil.blogspot.com/2005_09_01_peakoil_archive.html (scroll down about a third of the webpage)
Byron W. King. "Bad Mo ney Drives Out the Goo d Science ." Whiskey and Gunpowder website, December
7, 2005.
M ichael T. K lare (United States/Massachu setts)
M ichael T. Klare. "Cru de A wake ning." Nation 279 (November 8, 2004), pp. 35-41.
http://www .thenation.com /doc.m html?i=2 00411 08& s=klare
Michael T. Klare. "Soaring Oil Profits, Declining Discoveries, and Danger Signs." TomDispatch.com website,
March 22, 2005.
Michael T. Klare. "Reaching the Saudi Peak." TomPaine.com, June 27, 2005.
Michael T. Klare. "The Twilight Era of Petroleum." TomDispatch.com, August 5, 2005.
http://w ww .com mo ndre ams.org/vie ws0 5/0805-3 0.htm
M ichael T. Klare. "Katrina and the Com ing W orld O il Crunch ." The Nation online, September 6, 2005.
http://www .thenation.com /doc/20 05091 9/klare
Michael T. Klare. "Energy P olicy: Em phasize C onservation, A lternative Fuels." South Florida N ews-Sen tinel
(Fort Lauderdale), September 8, 2005.
http://w ww .com mo ndre ams.org/vie ws0 5/0908-3 0.htm
Remb randt Koppelaar (Netherland s)
Stuart Staniford. "Rembrandt Koppelaar's Oil Peak." The Oil Drum website, September 10, 2005. [also listed
under Stuart Staniford]
http://www .theoildrum .com/story /2005/9/9 /02536 /09753 #mo re
Rembrandt Ko ppelaar. World Oil Production & Peaking Outlook.
Foundation, 2005.
Amsterdam: Peak Oil Netherlands
Karel Beckman. "Oil Will Be Depleted Sooner Than the IEA E xpects." Het Financieele Dagblad (Am sterdam),
November 15, 2005.
Rembrandt Kop pelaar. "Re: New Study: Worldwide Peak Expected Around 2012."
EnergyRoundTable list, November 15, 2005.
Post to the
Sep po A . Korpela (United States/Ohio)
Seppo A. Ko rpela. "Wh en De pletion Se ts in, Oil Prices W ill Begin to Rise an d W ill Remain High ." Columbus
Dispatch, October 11, 2001.
http://rclsgi.eng.ohio-state.edu/~ko rpela/d ispatch.htm
Sepp o A . Korpela. "On the W orld Pe ak Oil Pro duction ." Carfree Tim es (January 1, 2002 ).
http://www.carfree.com/cft/i023.html (scroll down about two-fifths of the webpage)
Seppo A. Korpela. "Oil Depletion in the United States and the W orld." W orking p aper for a talk to the O hio
Petroleum M arketers Association, Columbus, May 1, 2002.
Seppo A. Korpela. "Prediction of World Pe ak O il Produc tion." C hapter 1, in A ndre w W . Mc Killo p w ith
She ila N ew man, ed s., The Final Energy Crisis, pp. 11-28. London: Pluto Press, 2005.
Seppo A. Korpela. "Oil Reserve Lifetimes." July 4, 2005.
James Howard K unstler (United States/New York)
Julian Darley and Jam es H ow ard Ku nstler. “H ow Do You V iew ‘Peak O il’ and Why D o Yo u Tak e It
Seriously?” Aud io interview excerpt, Global Public Media, March 7, 2003. [also listed under Julian Darley]
http://media.globalp ublicme dia.com /RAM /2003/03 /JamesH ow ardKu nstler-01.2003-0 3-07.ram
Julian Darley and James Howard Kunstler. “What Will Be the Impact of the Coming Fossil Fuel Peak on
Sm all Towns?” Au dio interview excerpt, Global Pu blic Me dia, M arch 7, 2003 . [also listed under Julian
http://media.globalp ublicme dia.com /RAM /2003/03 /JamesH ow ardKu nstler-07.2003-0 3-07.ram
Julian Darley and James H ow ard Ku nstler. “Will the C urrent N orth A merican Natural G as Difficulties Cause
a W ider Qu estioning in the US of Hydrocarbon Problem s?” Au dio interview excerpt, Global Pu blic Me dia,
March 7, 2003. [also listed under Julian Darley]
http://media.globalp ublicme dia.com /RAM /2003/03 /JamesH ow ardKu nstler-08.2003-0 3-07.ram
Julian Darley and James H ow ard Ku nstler. “W hat Do Y ou Th ink A bout the M edia Resp onse to Oil Peak?”
Audio interview excerpt, Global Public Media, March 7, 2003. [also listed under Julian Darley]
Julian Darley and James Howard Kunstler. “Is There Any Hidden Blessing in the ‘Oil Peak’?” Au dio
interview excerpt, Global Public Media, March 7, 2003. [also listed under Julian Darley]
http://media.globalp ublicme dia.com /RAM /2003/03 /JamesH ow ardKu nstler-14.2003-0 3-07.ram
James Ho ward K unstler. "No W ar For Oil?: Forget About It in Sprawl-Dominant Culture." Michigan Land
Use Institute website, July 1, 2003.
James Howard Kunstler. "One of the Last Easy-Motoring Christmases." December 22, 2004.
James Howard Kunstler. "The Long Emergency." Speech in Hudson, New York, January 8, 2005.
http://w ww .kunstle r.com /spch_hu dson.htm
James Ho ward Ku nstler. "T he Lo ng Em ergency: W hat's Going to Hap pen as W e Start Running Out of C heap
Gas to G uzzle?" Rolling Stone (March 24, 2005 ).
James H ow ard Ku nstler. "Global Oil Pro duction Peak." Back Home (March/April 2005), pp. 17-19.
James Howard Kunstler. "No Problemo!: Delusions Run Deep in the Easy-Motoring Eco nomy." Orion
Society website, 2005.
James Ho ward K unstler. The L ong E merg ency: Su rviving th e Conv erging Catastrophes of the Twenty-First Century.
New Yo rk: Atlantic Monthly Press, 2005.
Els Coo perrider. "Ku nstler on the Long Emergency." KZYX/KZYZ (Mendocino County Public Broadcasting)
interview with James How ard Kunstler, March 14, 2005.
http://m edia.glo balp ublicm edia.co m/RA M /2005/03/KZ YX.Jim Ku nstler.Els%20C oo perrider.2005-03-14.ram
Paula Routly. "Glo bal Warn ing." Seven Days (April 13, 2005). Vermont's alternative webweekly, Burlington,
Vermo nt.
Clay E vans. "Oil Peak? U h-Oh." Boulder Daily Cam era, May 8, 2005.
http://w ww .com mo ndre ams.org/vie ws0 5/0508-2 4.htm
Katharine Mieszkowski. "After the Oil Is Gone." Salon.com, May 14, 2005.
http://hea lthand energ y.com /after_the _oil_ is_go ne.htm
Allen Best. "The End of Exurbia: A n Interview w ith James H ow ard Kunstler." High Country News 37 (June
13, 2005), p. 13.
Michael Dumais. Transcribed interview with James Howard Kunstler. Oasis Forum, WKN H Radio, Keene
State College, Keene, New Hampshire, June 19, 2005.
http://media.globalp ublicme dia.com /RAM /2005/06 /Kunstler_2 005-06 -18.ram
Paul K. Haeder. "When the Oil Pan's Empty...Bye-Be Conspicuous Consumption." Dissident Voice website,
August 17, 2005.
http://w ww .dissidentvo ice.org /Au g05/Hae der0 817.htm
Robert Birnbaum. Interview with Jam es Ho ward Kunstler. Glo bal Public M edia w ebsite, Augu st 28, 2005.
M ark Hertsgaard. "Oil Supply Facts, Forecasts Provide Fu el for Tho ught." Fort Way ne Journal Gazette,
Septem ber 11, 2005 . [also listed under M atthew R. Sim mo ns]
James Howard Kunstler. "The Vicious Pincer." September 26, 2005.
Steve Cannan e. "Triple J Radio Au stralia Covers Peak Oil." Se pte m ber 30, 2005. Interviews with James
Ho ward Kunstler, A ndrew M cNam ara, et al. [also listed unde r And rew M cNam ara]
http://media.globalp ublicme dia.com /RAM /2005/09 /abc_peak_ oil.ram
David E hrenfeld. "The End Is N igh." Am erican Scientist 93 (Septem ber-October 2 005).
Jim Puplava. Financial S ense Online interview of James Howard Kunstler, October 1, 2005. [also listed under
Jim Pu plava]
James Howard Kunstler. Speech to the PetroCollapse Conference, New York, October 5, 2005.
Petrocollapse Roundup: Kunstler." The Oil Drum website, October 6, 2005.
Christopher Lyd on. "The End o f the O il Ag e." Op en So urce R adio , Am herst, M assachu setts, Octo ber 18,
http://media.globalp ublicme dia.com /RAM /2005/10 /debate_20 05101 8.ram
James Howard Kunstler. "Remarks by James Howard Kunstler at the Meeting of The Second Vermont
Republic." Lincoln, Vermont, October 28, 2005.
http://w ww .kunstle r.com /spch_Verm ont% 20O ct%2005.htm
Au stin Kilgore. "En ergy Crisis L ecture." The Daily Campus, N ovember 2, 2005. Independent student
new spaper at So uthern M ethodist U niversity. [also listed under M atthew R. Sim mo ns]
http://www .smudailycampus.com /vnews/display.v/ART/2005/11/02/436860fc1ceb7
James Howard Kunstler. "True Blue." November 14, 2005.
James Howard Kunstler. "Season's Greetings." November 28, 2005.
Jean H. La herrè re (France)
Jean H. L aherrère, et al. Undiscovered Petroleum Potential: A New Ap proach Based on D istribution of Ultimate
Resources. Geneva, Switzerland: Petroconsultants, 1994.
Jean H. Laherrère. "Study Charts U S Reserves Y et to Be D iscovered." Am erican O il & Gas Reporter 37
(Sep tember 19 94), pp . 99-10 4.***
Colin J. Cam pbe ll and Jean H. L aherrère. The World's Supply of Oil, 1930-2050. Geneva, Switzerland:
Petrocon sultants, 1995. [also listed unde r Colin J. Cam pbell]
Jean H. Laherrère. "World O il Reserves - Which Nu mber to B elieve?" OP EC Bulletin 26 (February 1995), pp.
Jean H. Laherrère. "Discussion of an Integrated Deterministic/Probabilistic Approach to Reserve
Estimation s." Journal of Petroleum Technology 47 (December 1995), pp. 1082-1083.
Jean H. Laherrère, et al. The World's Gas Potential. Geneva, Switzerland: Petroconsultants, 1996. [also listed
unde r Colin J. Cam pbell]
Jean H. Lah errère. "Discovery and Pro duction Trend s." OP EC Bulletin 27 (February 1996), pp. 7-11.
http://w ww .oilcrisis.co m/laherrere/disc trnd.htm
Jean H. Laherrère. "Future Sou rces of C rude Oil S upp ly and Quality Conside rations." From the DRI/
McGraw-H ill/French Petroleum Institute conference, Rueil-Malmaison, France, June 12-13, 1997.
http://w ww .oilcrisis.co m/laherrere/sup ply.htm
Jean H . Laherrère. "M ulti-H ubbert Modeling." Ju ly 1997.***
http://w ww .hubbe rtpeak .com /laherre re/m ultihu b.htm
Jean H. Laherrère. "Production Decline and Peak Reveal True Reserve Figu res." World O il 238 (December
1997), pp. 77-80.
Alain Perrod on, et al. The W orld's Non -Conv entional O il and Ga s. London: The Petroleum Econom ist, 1998.
[also listed unde r Colin J. Cam pbell]
Jean H. Lah errère. "Develo pm ent Ratio Evo lves as True M easure of E xploitation." World O il 219 (Febru ary
1998), pp. 117-120.
Colin J. Campbell and Jean H. Laherrère. "The End o f Cheap Oil." Scientific Am erican 278 (March 1998), pp.
78-83.*** [also listed unde r Colin J. Cam pbell]
Alain Perrodon, et al. "The W orld's No nconven tional Oil and Gas." Energy Exploration and Exploitation 16
(No s. 2-3, April 199 8), pp. 279-28 1. [also listed under C olin J. Cam pbell]
Jean H. Lahe rrère. "The Evo lution of the W orld's Hyd rocarbon R eserves." Lecture to SP E France, Paris,
August 5, 1998.
Jean H. L aherrère. "Wo rld Oil Su pply--W hat Goes U p M ust Com e Do wn, Bu t Whe n W ill It Peak?" Oil & Gas
Journal 97 (February 1, 1999), pp. 57-64.
http://die off.com /page 177.htm (draft version)
Jean H. Laherrère. "Reserve Growth: Technological Progress, or Bad Reporting and Bad A rithmetic?"
Geopolitics of Energy 22 (April 1999), pp. 7-16.
http://die off.com /page 176.htm
Jean H. Laherrère. "Parabolic Fractal Creaming Curve Improves Estimate of US Gulf Re serves." Offshore 59
(M ay 19 99), pp . 113-1 15.***
Jean H. L aherrère. "Gas H ydrates: Unce rtain Resource Size Enigm a." Offshore 59 (August 1999), pp. 140-141.
http://www.energiekrise.de/e/articles/Hydrates_Laherrere.pdf (Part 1, to pdf page 8)
Jean H. Lah errère. "The SO FAR Chann el: What and W hy." Offshore 59 (August 1999), pp. 160-162.
http://www.energiekrise.de/e/articles/Hydrates_Laherrere.pdf (go to Part 3 on pdf page 14)
Jean H. Lahe rrère. "Data Show s Oceanic M ethane H ydrate Reso urce O ver-Estim ated." Offshore 59 (September
1999), pp. 156-158.
http://www.energiekrise.de/e/articles/Hydrates_Laherrere.pdf (go to Part 2 on pdf page 8)
Jean H. L aherrère. "Learn Streng ths, Weakn esses to Un derstand H ubbert Cu rve." Oil & Gas Journal 98 (A pril
17, 20 00), pp . 63-76 .***
Jean H. Laherrère. "Is USGS 2000 Assessment Reliable?" May 2, 2000.
Jean H. Lahe rrère. "Ocean H ydrates: M ore Q uestions Th an An swers." Energy Exploration and Exploitation
18 (August 2000), pp. 349-383.
Jean H. Laherrère. "Jean Laherrère on John Wood's Presentation." December 27, 2000.
http://w ww .oilcrisis.co m/laherrere/usg s200 0/johnw ood .htm
Jean H. Laherrère. "Re: Oil." Posted to the energyresources electronic mailing list, December 30, 2000.
Jean H. Lahe rrère. "Energy Reso urces--Co rnucopia or Em pty Barrel?: Discussion ." AA PG Bulletin 85 (June
2001), pp. 1083-1087.
[no lo nger o n Intern et]
Jean H. Lahe rrère. "Estimates of Oil Reserves." Paper presented at the EMF/IEA/IEW meeting, IIASA,
Laxenburg, Austria, June 19, 2001.
Jean H. Laherrère. “Comments by Jean Laherrère on the Theory of Abiogenic Origin of Oil and Gas
Presented by Vladilen A. Krayushkin.” Paper presented at the EMF/IEA/IEW m eeting, IIASA, Laxenburg,
Austria, June 19, 2001.
Jean H. Lahe rrère. "'The New Old Econ om y: O il, C om pu ters, and the Reinvention of the Earth': Comm ents
by Jean Laherrère." Link posted to the energyresources electronic mailing list in message 9395, July 18, 2001.
http://w ww .hubbe rtpeak .com /laherre re/on Rauch.htm
Jean H. L aherrè re. "Re: O il Sup ply Forecasting." C om me nts on a M ichael L ynch repo rt. Posted to th e
energyresources electronic mailing list, July 25, 2001.
Jean H. Laherrère. "Jean Laherrère Comm ents on ‘Global Natural Gas Perspectives.'" August 2001.
Jean H. L aherrè re. "Co mm ents on the Paper, 'Challenges and Concepts for Long Term Oil and N atural Gas
Supply Mod eling.'" Addressed to Vello A. Kuuskraa. September 20, 2001.
Jean H. Laherrère. "Forecasting Future Production from Past Discovery ." Presentation to OP EC sem inar,
Vienn a, Austria, September 28, 200 1. International Journal of G lobal Energy Issues 18 (N o. 2, 2002), pp. 218-238.
Jean H. Laherrère. "Comm ents on the New Shell Scenarios." October 11, 2001.
Jean H. L aherrè re. "Co mm ents on th e Bo ok: Hubbert's Peak: The Impending World Oil Shortage." January 6,
200 2.***
Jean H. L aherrère. "Re: En ergy D ensity." Posted to the en ergyresou rces electronic mailing list, March 19,
Jean H. Lah errère. "Is FSU O il Grow th Sustainable?" Petroleum Review 56 (April 2002), pp. 29-31, 35.
Jean H. Laherrère. "Will Natural Gas Supply Meet the Dem and in N orth A merica?" Energy Exploration and
Exploitation 20 (February 2002), pp. 153-205; also in International Journal of G lobal Energy Issues 19 (N o. 1, 2003).
http://www.oilcrisis.com/laherrere/IJETP.pdf (draft version)
Michael Hodges and Jean H. Laherrère. "Grandfather Economic Energy Report." Updated May 2002.
http://m wh odges.ho me .att.net/energ y/table.htm
Jean H. Laher rère . "Modelling Future Liquids Production from Extrapolation of the Past and from
Ultim ates." Presentation to the Internation al W orksho p on O il Depletion , Upp sala University, Sw eden, M ay
23, 2 002 . Energy Exploration and Exploitation 20 (December 2002), pp. 457-479.
Jean H. L aherrè re. "Do the Last 6 Years of Production Confirm the USG S Forecast for the Period 1996-2025 ?"
August 2002.
Jean H. L aherrère. "Forecast of Oil and Gas Supply to 2050." Presentation to Petrotech conference, New
Delhi, January 9, 2003.
Jean H. Laherrère. Letter to Jean-Francois G iannesini, com men ting on a pap er presented at Panorama 2003,
Paris, February 6, 2003. February 26, 2003.
Jean H. L aherrère. "Fu ture of O il Su pplies." S em inar pap er, C ente r of E nergy C onversion , Zurich,
Sw itzerland , M ay 7, 2003. Energy Exploration and Exploitation 21 (June 2003), pp. 227-267.
Jean H. Laherrère. "How to Estimate Future Oil Supply and D eman d?" Presentation to International
Con ference on Oil Dem and, Prod uction, and C osts - Prospects for the Fu ture, Danish Techno logy C ouncil
and Danish Society of Engineers, Copenhagen, December 10, 2003.
http://www.hubbertpeak.com/laherrere/Copenhagen2003.pdf (about 12.6 m egabytes)
Jean H. Lah errère. "The Futu re of Oil." International Journal of Vehicle Design 35 (Nos. 1/2, 2004), pp. 9-26.
Jean H. Laherrère. “Shell’s Reserves Decline and SEC Obsolete Rules.” Draft, February 27, 2004.
Jean H. Lahe rrère. “Future o f Natural Gas Supply.” Presentation to the Association for the Study of Peak
Oil, Berlin, May 25, 2004.
"Not If, But Whe n: Oil Prod uction Peak W ill Bring H ard Transition." Eugene Register-G uard, September 27,
Jean H. Laherrère. "No Free Lunch, Part 1: A Critique of Thomas Gold's Claims for Abiotic Oil." From The
Wilderness website, October 21, 2004.
Jean H. Lahe rrère. "Fossil Fuels Future Produ ction." Presentation to the Ro mania O il & G as Con gress,
Bucharest, March 22-24, 2005.
Jean H. Laherrère. "Forecasting Production from Discovery." Presentation to the Association for the Study
of Peak Oil and Gas, Lisbon, May 19, 2005.
http://www.cge.uevora.pt/aspo2005/abscom/ASPO2005_Laherrere.pdf (slow in downloading)
Jean H. Laherrère. "Peak Oil and Other Peaks." Presentation at the CERN m eeting, Geneva, October 3, 2005.
Jean H. Laherrère. "ASPO's Jean Laherrère Takes on Australian Economist Professor Anthony Owen." Letter
submitted to the Syd ney M orning H erald, ASPO-Australia website, December 28, 2005.
Jerem y Legg ett (Great Britain)
Jeremy Leggett. "The Energy Crisis, Global Warming, and the Role o f Renew ables." Renewable Energy World
8? (M arch/Ap ril 2005).
Jeremy Legge tt. "Peak Oil: The Tw ilight Zone." The Independent (London), April 26, 2005.
http://w ww .coun tercurrents.org /po-legge tt2504 05.htm
Jeremy Leggett. "The Fu ture and Ren ew able Energy." Paper preparatory to the Geological Society of London
Conference, "Ch allen ges and Solutio ns: U K E nergy to 205 0," sch eduled O ctober 12-13, 20 05. Geoscientist 15
(Septem ber 2005 ).
Jeremy Legge tt. "Running on E mp ty." The Guardian (London), November 8, 2005.
Jeremy Legge tt and David Jen kins. "Wh en W ill the Oil Run Out?" Prospect (Decem ber 2005 ).
Jeremy Leg gett. The Em pty Tan k: Oil, Gas, H ot Air, and the Com ing G lobal Fin ancial Catastrophe. New York:
Random H ouse, 2005.
David Shuk man. "W hat's It All About?...Tough Titles M ade Sim ple." Review of Half Gone (alternative title
of L egg ett bo ok, as pu blished in G reat B ritain ), Da ily M ail (London), November 18, 2005.
Jonica New by, et al. "Real Oil Crisis." Australian Bro adcasting Co rporation p rogram (video), November 24,
http://www .abc.net.au/science/broadband /catalyst/ram/oilcrisis_hi.ram
http://w ww .abc.net.au/catalyst/storie s/s151 5141.htm
Sheph erd Bliss. "Clima te Change Expert's New Bo ok on Oil Depletion." Dissident Voice website, December
14, 2005 . [also listed under Sh epherd Bliss]
http://w ww .dissidentvo ice.org /Dec 05/B liss121 4.htm
Jan L undberg (United States/California)
Derrick Jensen. "R oad to Ruin: An Interview with Jan Lundberg ." The Sun (February 2001). Published in
Chap el Hill, No rth Carolina.
http://w ww .culture chang e.org/a bout_jan.htm
Jan Lundberg. "And W hen C heap O il Runs O ut...Enter the Age o f Conse rvation." San Francisco C hron icle,
May 6, 2001.
http://w ww .culture chang e.org/p ress_re lease6 .htm
Bill M oore. "The Other Lu ndberg S peaks O ut." EV World (May 26, 2001). [also listed under Bill Moore]
Bill M oore. "Life A fter the Age o f Oil." EV World (June 2, 2001). [also listed under Bill Moo re]
Jan Lund berg. "Wh ere Lies Failure of the W orld Su mm it on Sustainable D evelopm ent." Culture Change ELetter No . 4 (Augu st 2002).
Jan Lu ndbe rg. "Petro leum Culture V ersus E arth Living: The Fallacy of the Techno fix." Culture Change ELetter No . 20 (M ay 15, 2003 ).
Jan Lundberg. "Birth of a Cu lture: Chaos, Co llapse, and Su rvival." Culture C hang e E-Letter No. 34 (September
12, 2003 ).
Jan Lund berg. "Here C om es the Nu tcracker: Peak Oil in a N utshell." Decem ber 2 0, 20 04. Published in Blue
4 (February 1 3, 2005).
Jan Lund berg. "Ten O il Supp ly Basics." The Social Contract 15 (Spring 2005), pp. 177-178.
http://www.thesocialcontract.com/pdf/fifteen-three/xv-3-176.pdf (pdf pages 2-3)
Jan Lund berg. "Goo dbye to A merican Dream land." Culture C hang e E-Letter No . 96 (M ay 20, 2005). [also
listed u nde r Roscoe B artlett]
Jan Lund berg. "End-T ime fo r USA Up on O il Collapse." Culture C hang e Letter No . 100 (June 18 , 2005).
Jan Lund berg. "Term ination of the Fo ssil-Fuels Society." Culture C hang e Letter No . 108 (Au gust 11, 2005 ).
James Lund berg. "Gasoline P rice Reflects Dw indling G lobal Oil Reserve s, Not M erely Oil Price." Culture
Change news release, August 15?, 2005.
Harry Osibin. "Jan Lundberg Talks About Peak Oil & Gas Prices." KITS Live-105 Green Ho ur radio
interview, San Francisco, August 26, 2005.
http://media.globalp ublicme dia.com /RAM /2005/08 /Lund berg.20050 821.ram
Jan Lundberg. "Petrocollapse for Change of Culture." Presentation to the Petrocollapse Conference, New
York, October 5, 2005.
Jan Lundberg . "Reflections on M y A mtrak P eak-Oil To ur." Culture C hang e Letter No. 115 (Decem ber 7, 2005).
Jame s J. MacK enzie (United States/District of Colum bia)
James J. Macken zie and K athleen Co urrier. "Cutting Gas T axes W ill Make Things W orse." Los Angeles Tim es,
May 8, 1996. Reprinted in Hu bbert Center N ewsletter #96-1 (October 1996), p. 8.
http://hubbert.mines.edu/news/Ivanhoe_96-1.pdf (pdf page 8)
James J. MacKenzie. "Heading Off the Perma nent Oil Crisis." Issues in Science and Technology 12 (Summer
1996), pp. 48-54.
James J. M acK enzie. Oil as a Finite Resource: When Is Global Production Likely to Peak? Wash ington: W orld
Resources Institute, 1996. Updated March 2000.
[no lo nger available o n Intern et]
James J. MacKenzie. "Facing the United States' Oil Supply Problems: Would Opening up the Arctic N ational
Wildlife Refuge (ANW R) Coastal Plain Really Make a Difference?" February 15, 2001.
[no lo nger available o n Intern et]
Les B. Magoon (United States/California)
Les B. M agoon . "Are W e Runn ing Ou t of Oil?" Oil & Gas Journal (April 3, 2000), p. 27.
Michael McC ann, et al. "Oil Production Curve Cau se fo r Co ncern." Australian Energy News (Decem ber 2001 ),
pp. 30-31, 49.
Tom Ma st (United States/Texas)
To m Mast. Ov er a Barrel: A Simple Guide to th e Oil Sho rtage. Austin, Texas: Hayden Publishers, 2005.
Tom Mast. "Oil Replacement Becoming a Crisis." Pasadena Star-News (Pasadena, California), March 13, 2005. +m ast
%22+ %22o il+replacement+becoming% 22&hl=en& gl=us&ct=clnk&cd=1 [scroll about two-thirds down page]
Tom M ast. "Why Oil and Its Alternatives Are So Important." PrudentBear.com, April 2, 2005.
http://www .pru dentbear.com/archive_comm _article.asp?category=Guest+Comm entary&content_idx=41803
Nigel Moll. "Over a Barrel: Low Oil Pressure Warning." AIN Online, June 2005.
http://www.ainonline.com/Departments/AIN_hangar_old.html#june05 [scroll down slightly]
Chuck Harde r. "Th is Barrel Is No Polka: C huc k H arder Interview s Engineer and Au thor To m M ast."
Audiotape, Our Media website, August 30, 2005.
Tom M ast. "Reply to Tim Jones." Post to the energyresources electronic mailing list, December 14, 2005.
Cha rles T. M axw ell (Un ited States/Co nnecticut)
Robert Bark er. "The Oil Sp igot M ay Be C losing." Business W eek (November 12, 2001), p. 160.
http://w ww .businesswe ek.com/m agazine/con tent/01 _46/b375 7105.htm
Evan Sim onoff. "The N ext Energy C risis." Financial Advisor (Decem ber 2001 ).
Kathryn M . Welling . "'Just You W ait.' Weed en's C harley M axw ell: W e'll Pay Later fo r To o C heap O il.”
ListeningIn 3 (Decem ber 14, 2001 ). Welling@ W eeden webp ages.
http://www .weed enco.com /welling/archive /li/v03i23lilogo 2.asp
Charles T . Maxw ell. "Investing on the Hu bbert Curve." Oil & Gas Investor 22 (January 2002), pp. 67-69.
Gene M arcial. "If OPEC R eally Can C rank U p Oil Price s..." Business W eek online (D ecem ber 10, 2002 ).
http://w ww .businesswe ek.com/bwd aily/dnflash/d ec20 02/nf200 21210_8327.htm
Kathryn M. W elling. “Energetic Discussion: Charley Maxwell and Bernie Fesh bach Square Off On Oil, Gas
Trends.” ListeningIn 6 (February 27 , 2004). W elling@W eeden webp ages.
http://www .weed enco.com /welling/archive /li/v06i04lilogo .asp
Charles T . Maxw ell. "The Gathering Storm ." Barron's 84 (N ovem ber 15, 2004 ).
Steve McKinlay (New Zealand)
Steve McKinlay. "2005: The Year of Global Production Peak?" Powerless New Zealand, January 24, 2005.
http://w ww .oilcrash .com /articles/p ow r_01 6.htm
Steve McKinlay. "Peak Oil and the Sociology of Knowledge." Powerless New Zealand, February 2, 2005.
http://w ww .oilcrash .com /articles/p ow r_01 7.htm
Steve McKinlay. "The Endless Supply of Oil and Other Fairy Tales." Powerless New Zealand, March 15,
http://w ww .oilcrash .com /articles/p ow r_02 0.htm
An drew M cNam ara (Australia)
Andrew M cNam ara. "Petroleum and O ther Legislation A men dm ent Bill (No . 2)." Speech, Queensland
Parliament, Brisbane, Australia, February 22, 2005.
David Roo m. "A ndrew M cNam ara on Q ueensland 's Oil Vulnerability Task Force ." Transcribed aud io
interview, Global Public Media website, August 24, 2005. [also listed under David Room]
http://media.globalp ublicme dia.com /RAM /2005/08 /Mc Nam ara.200508 24.ram
Steve Cannan e. "Triple J Radio Au stralia Covers Peak Oil." September 30, 2005. Interviews with James
Ho ward Kunstler, A ndrew M cNam ara, et al. [also listed unde r James H ow ard Ku nstler]
http://media.globalp ublicme dia.com /RAM /2005/09 /abc_peak_ oil.ram
Andrew M cNam ara. "And rew M cNam ara Talks About Peak Oil." Audiotape of presentation in Montville,
Queensland, Australia. Global Public Media website, November 25, 2005.
http://media.globalp ublicme dia.com /RAM /2005/11 /Mc Nam ara.Mo ntville.ram
Marie Plumm er Minniear (United States/Ohio)
Vicki L. Kroll. "Glo bal Oil Sup ply Examined by U T G raduate Student." University of Toledo news release,
October 19, 1998.
[no lo nger available o n Intern et]
M arie Plummer M inniear. "Forecasting the Permanent Decline in Global Pe troleum Produ ction." Journal of
Geoscience Education 48 (March 2000), pp. 130-136.
Richard W . Hazlett. "'California L iving Can't Be Su stained.'" Los Angeles Tim es, June 22, 2000.
http://w ww .earthrainbow netw ork.co m/M iscelSu bjects10 .htm (scroll down about three-quarters of page)
Paul Mobbs (Great Britain).
Pau l M obbs. Energy Beyond Oil. Leicester, England: Matador, 2005.
David Room. “Paul Mobbs: Energy Beyond Oil.” Global Public Media audio interview, September 29, 2005.
[also listed under David Room]
http://media.globalp ublicme dia.com /RAM /2005/09 /PaulM obbs.20050 929.ram
George Monb iot (Great Britain)
George Monbiot. "Bottom of the B arrel: Th e W orld Is Runnin g Ou t of Oil - So W hy Do Politicians Refuse
to Talk A bout It?" The Guardian (London), December 2, 2003.
George Monbiot. “Break Out the Bicycles.” The Guardian (London), June 8, 2004.
George M onbio t. "It's Better to Cry W olf N ow Than to W ait Un til the Oil Has Ru n Ou t." The Guardian
(London), September 27, 2005.
http://w ww .com mo ndre ams.org/vie ws0 5/0927-3 0.htm
George Monbiot. "The Struggle Against Ourselves." Speech to the Climate March, London, December 3,
George Monbiot. "The Most Destructive Crop on Earth Is No Solution to the Energy Crisis." The Guardian
(London), December 6, 2005.
Bill M oore (United States/Nebraska)
Bill Moore. "Is White House Energy Policy a Dry Hole?: An Interview with Professor Cutler J. Cleveland,
Boston University." EV World, March 31, 2001. [also listed under Cutler J. Cleveland]
Bill Mo ore. "Is Drilling ANW R the Answer?: Part 2 of Interview with Cutler J. Cleveland, Boston
Unive rsity." EV World, April 7, 2001. [also listed under Cutler J. Cleveland]
Bill M oore. "The Other Lu ndberg S peaks O ut." EV World (May 26, 2001). [also listed under Jan Lundberg]
Bill M oore. "Life A fter the Age o f Oil." EV World (June 2, 2001). [also listed under Jan Lundberg]
Bill Moore. "The Myth of Everlasting Saudi O il." EV World, August 5, 2005. [also listed under Matthew R.
Simm ons]
Bill M oore. "Oil S torm's A ftermath." EV World, November 16, 2005.
"The D iminishin g Energ y RO I." EV World, Decem ber 15, 2005 . [also listed under C harles A.S. H all]
"The Last G reat Energy Illusio n?" EV World, Decem ber 26, 2005 . [also listed under M atthew R. Sim mo ns]
Glenn R. Morton (United States => Scotland)
Glenn R. M orto n. “E nd of C heap O il.” Post to the Am erican Scientific A ffiliation electronic m ailing list, July
14, 2000.
Glenn R. Morton. “The Coming Energy Crisis.” Perspectives on Science and Christian Faith 52 (Dec embe r 2000),
pp. 228-229.
Glenn R. Morton. “USGS Estimate of Oil Supply .” Post to the A merican Scientific Affiliation electron ic
mailing list, September 27, 2001.
Glenn R. Morton. “Deepwater Oil Will Not Bail Us Out.” 2002.
http://ho me .entou ch.net/d md /oand gart.htm
Glenn R. Morton. “More on the Oil Crisis.” November 11, 2002.
http://ho me .entou ch.net/d md /Future_o il_sup ply.htm
Glenn R. Morton. “An Analysis of the UK North Sea Production.” July 1, 2003.
http://ho me .entou ch.net/d md /north sea.htm
Glenn R. Morton. “Saudi Fields.” Post to the Am erican Scientific Affiliation electronic mailing list, April 12,
Glenn R. Morton. “Re: Natio nal Geo graphic Pe ak Oil.” Post to the A merican Scientific Affiliation electron ic
mailing list, May 20, 2004.
Glenn R. M orton. “Re: D angers of Peak Oil.” Post to the American Scientific Affiliation electronic mailing
list, May 21, 2004.
Glenn R. M orton. “Re: D angers of Peak Oil.” Post to the American Scientific Affiliation electronic mailing
list, May 21, 2004.
Glenn R. Morton. “Trouble in the World’s Largest Oil Field--Ghawar.” July 2004.
http://ho me .entou ch.net/d md /ghaw ar.htm
Glenn R. Morton. “Cantarell, the Second Largest Oil Field in the World, Is Dying.” August 2004.
http://ho me .entou ch.net/d md /cantarell.htm
Glenn R. Morton. “Deepwater Oil Will Not Bail Us Out.” August 2004.
http://ho me .entou ch.net/d md /oand gart.htm
Glenn R. Morton. "Laissez les Mal Temps Roulette." August 2004.
http://ho me .entou ch.net/d md /oil20 04.htm
Glenn R. Morton. "Mexico's Brick Wall." October 2004.
http://ho me .entou ch.net/d md /me xbrickw all.htm
Glenn R. Morton. "Re: Matthew Simmons on Oil." Posts to the American Scientific Affiliation (ASA)
electronic mailing list, August 21-24, 2005.
Glenn R. M orton . "Kuw ait and the Future of Oil Production." Post to the American Scientific Affiliation
(ASA) electronic mailing list, November 9, 2005.
Glenn R. M orton . "Kuw ait's Bigge st Field Starts to Run O ut of Oil." Post to the A merican Scientific
Affiliation (ASA) electronic mailing list, November 15, 2005.
Jim M otavalli (Un ited States/Co nnecticut)
Jim M otavalli. "Runaway Train." E Magazine online, January 10?, 2005.
Jim Motavalli and Kai Wu. "Over a Barrel: What Happens When the Cheap Oil R uns Ou t." E magazine
online, June 7, 2005.
Jim M otavalli. "Matthew R. Simm ons: A D iminishe d Future for Saud i Oil." E magazin e online, June 16?,
2005. [also listed un der M atthew R. Sim mo ns]
Jim M otavalli. "Past Its Peak?: Che ap Oil Is Probab ly Gon e Forever." Fairfield County Weekly (Stamford,
Connecticut), July 28, 2005.
Pat Murphy (United States/Ohio)
"Com mu nity Resurge nce and O il Depletion ." New Solutions (January 200 4), pp. 1-6
Pat M urphy . "A Few Com men ts on Oil 'Reserves." New Solutions (January 2004), p. 7.
Pat M urph y. "W hat Is Co mm unity Solutions and W hat Is Its Relation to Peak Oil and Gas?" Glo bal Public
Media video, February 17, 2004.
http://media.globalpublicmedia.com/RAM /2004/1 1/P atM urp hy.In tervi ew -Co m m uni tySo lutio ns.2 004-1115.ram
Pat Murphy and Faith Morgan. “Cuba: Life After Oil.” New Solutions (May 2004), pp. 1-8.
"Repo rt from G erman y: The 3rd International M eeting on P eak Oil and Gas." New Solutions (October 20 04),
pp. 1-4.
Pat Murphy. “Cuba as a Peak Oil Model.” Global Public Media transcribed video and audio, November 15,
http://media.globalp ublicme dia.com /RAM /2004/11 /PatM urphy .Interview-Cu ba.2004-11 -15.ram
David Room. “Pat Murphy on Peak Oil and Cuba.” Videotaped interview, May 21, 2005.
http://media.globalp ublicme dia.com /RAM /2005/05 /murp hy.ram
Pat Murphy. "Opening Talk." From the Proceedings of the 2nd U.S. Co nferen ce on Peak Oil an d C om mu nity
Solutions, Yellow Springs, Ohio, September 23, 2005.
http://www.communitysolution.org/p2conf1.html (see link on right side of the webpage)
John M yers (Canada/A lberta)
John M yers. "Hyd rocarbon M an." The Daily Reckoning, April 23, 2003.
John Myers. “The Crude Awakening.” The Daily Reckoning, June 25, 2004.
Richard Nehring (United States/Colorado)
Richard Ne hrin g. The Discovery of Significant O il and Ga s Fields in the U nited States. Santa Monica: Rand
Corporation, 1981.
Richard Neh ring. "Prospects for W orld O il Resource s." Annual Review of Energy 7 (1982), pp. 175-20 0. [also
listed u nde r M . King Hu bbert]
Richard Nehring. "2000 Deepwater Discoveries: A Contextual Overview." 2001.
http://w ww .oilcrisis.co m/N ehring/Deepw ater2000.htm
Richard Nehring . "Reservoir Tem peratu res, Lo w T herm al Grad ient Limit US Gulf's Deepw ater Gas
Potential." Offshore 61 (January 2001), pp. 38-40, 102.
http://w ww .hubbe rtpeak .com /nehring/gu lfofm exicogas.htm
Richard Ne hring . "As U S Gu lf Disco veries M ove D ow n the Slope , Will Dee pw ater Reserve Additions
Con tinue?" Offshore 61 (June 2001), pp. 32-36.
Amos Nur (United States/California)
Am os Nur. "Oil Future and War Now : A Grim Earth Sciences' Point of View." November 30, 2004.
David Room. Transcribed audiotaped Glo bal Public M edia inte rview w ith A mos N ur, Ju ne 1 2, 20 05. [also
listed under David Room]
http://media.globalp ublicme dia.com /RAM /2005/06 /Am osN ur.2005-0 6-12.ram
Geo rge Paz ik (United States/Wisconsin)
George Pazik. "Our Pe troleum Predicam ent." Fishing Facts 10 (N ovem ber 1976 ). [also listed under M . King
Hu bbert]
George Pazik. "Children of the Petroleum Age (Part 6)." Fishing Facts 13 (August 1979), pp. 6-7. [also listed
und er M . King Hu bbert]
George Pazik. "Children of the Petroleu m A ge (Part 10)." Fishing Facts 14 (N ovem ber 1980 ), p. 6. [also listed
und er M . King Hu bbert]
George Pazik. "If Only W e Had Listened." Fishing Facts 15 (Septem ber 1981 ), pp. 6-7. [also listed under M .
King Hu bbert]
Dale Allen Pfeiffer (United States/Michigan)
Lyn Gerry and Kellia Ramares. “Dwindling Oil and the Hu man Future.” Unw elcom e Gue sts, radio program
with Colin J. Camp bell, Jeremy Rifkin, and D ale Pfeiffer, March 16, 2003 . [also listed under C olin J.
Cam pbell]
Dale Allen Pfeiffer. "Natural Gas Crisis." From The Wilderness website, June 23, 2003.
Dale Allen Pfeiffer. "The End of the Oil Age." Center for Research on Globalisation website, July 30, 2003.
Dale Allen Pfeiffer. "Eating Fossil Fuels." From The W ilderness website, October 3, 2003.
Dale Allen Pfeiffer. “Natural Gas Updates: A Dark and Cold Future.” From The W ilderness w ebsite, January
19, 2004?
Dale Allen Pfeiffer. “Oil Shortages Look Certain by 2007--LNG to the Rescue?” From The W ilderness
website, February 19, 2004.
Dale A llen Pfeiffer. The E nd of the O il Age. Research Triangle Park, North Carolina: Lulu.com, 2004.
Dale Allen P feiffer. "No Free L unch, Part 2: If Abiotic Oil Exists, Where Is It?" From The Wilderness website,
January 12, 2005.
Ugo Bardi and Dale Allen Pfeiffer. "No Free Lunch, Part 3 of 3: Proof." From The Wilderness website,
January 28, 20 05. [also listed und er Ugo Bardi]
Kevin Patrick. WG DR two-part interview with Dale Allen Pfeiffer, Global Public Media website, June 2-3,
http://media.globalp ublicme dia.com /RAM /2005/06 /Pfeiffer_2005 -06-02.ram
http://media.globalp ublicme dia.com /RAM /2005/06 /Pfeiffer_2005 -06-03.ram
Dale Allen Pfeiffer. "The Story of a Hurricane." Online Journal, September 7, 2005.
Dale Allen Pfeiffer. "The Natural Gas Cliff." October 26, 2005.
Dale Allen Pfeiffer. "Oil Peak in 2005?" October 30, 2005.
Dale Allen Pfeiffer. "Peak Oil: A No n-Event?" November 19, 2005.
T. Boone Pickens (United States/Texas)
T. Boo ne Picken s, Julie Rawe, and Jyoti Thottam. “10 Question s for T. Boo ne P icke ns.” Interv iew , Time
magazine website, June 14, 2004.
Steve Inskeep. “Exp erts: Oil Produ ction Peak Inevitable.” National Public Radio (NPR) Morning Show
interview with T. Boone Pickens, Kenneth S. Deffeyes, Paul Roberts, and others. August 25, 2004.
http://www.npr.org/dmg/dmg.php?prgCode=M E& show Date=25 -Aug -2004& segN um =12& NP RM ediaPre
Ad am Wilmoth. "Cheap Oil Gone Foreve r, M agnate Picken s Says." Daily Oklahoman (Oklaho ma C ity),
September 12, 2004.
"Oil to $60 Before $ 40, Boo ne Picken s Says." Dallas Morning News, September 27, 2004.
[no lo nger available o n Intern et]
Joseph N ocera. "On O il Supp ly, Opinio ns Aren 't Scarce." New York T imes, September 10, 2005.
Gerald T. Agnew. "T. Boone Pickens Spe aks on CN BC ." Post to e nergy resou rces electronic mailing list,
November 9, 2005.
Dm itry Podb orits (Ukraine => New Yo rk)
Dm itry Pod borits. "On W hy H igh IQ Fails U s, The Freako nom ics of Peak O il, and Ho rse Breeding,
Manhattan Style." August 29, 2005.
Dm itry Pod borits. "On Dan gers of B eing an Insect w ith W ings and a M yster iou s Instance of M ass M ailing."
Live Journal website, October 9, 2005.
Dm itry Podbo rits. "On the Pro spects of U sing AA A T ype B atteries as Peak Oil Mitigation Devices, and Other
Observations." Live Journal website, November 26, 2005.
Dm itry Podborits. "The End of Exurbia and High Noon in the Desert." Live Journal website, December 20,
Adam Porter (France)
Adam Po rter. “Is the World’s Oil Running Out Fast?” BBC New s, June 7, 2004.
http://new s.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/busine ss/377 7413.stm
Adam Po rter. “The Death of Cheap Crude.” Al Jazeera (Doha, Qatar), August 4, 2004.
Adam Po rter. “First Signs of a Global Decline in Oil?.” Al Jazeera (Doha, Qatar), August 25, 2004.
http://eng lish.aljazeera.net/N R/exeres/56 1306A C-83F7-4FC E-A 7EE -3ED D1B5C 6096.htm
Ad am Porter. "The Man Who Foresaw Skyrock eting Oil Prices." Al Jazeera (Doha, Qatar), September 30, 2004.
[also listed unde r Ali M orteza Sam sam B akhtiari]
Anthony Lappe. "Peak Oil : A Reality Check ." Interview with A dam Porter. Gue rrilla New s Netw ork
website, November 9, 2004.
Ad am Porter. "Expert Says Saudi O il May Have P eaked." Al Jazeera (Do ha, Q atar), Febru ary 2 0, 20 05. [also
listed unde r M atthew R. Sim mo ns]
http://w ww .coun tercurrents.org /peak oil-porter2 10205.htm
Ad am P orter. "Bank Says S audi's Top Field in D ecline." Al Jazeera (Doha, Qatar), April 12, 2005.
http://w ww .freerep ublic.co m/fo cus/f-ne ws/1 382152/posts
Ad am P orter. "Experts Hig hlight Oil Su pply P roblem s." Al Jazeera (Doha, Qatar), April 28, 2005.
Adam Po rter. "'Peak Oil' Enters Mainstream Debate. BBC News, June 10, 2005.
http://new s.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/busine ss/407 7802.stm
Ad am Porter. "Peak O il Principal Savages O il M ajors' 'Profits from S carcity.'" Resou rce Investor we bsite, July
25, 2005 . [also listed under C olin J. Cam pbell]
Ad am Porter. "Hurricane Damage Begins to Add Up for Oil Industry."
September 27, 2005.
Resource Investor website,
Ad am Porter. “International Energy Agency Confronts ‘Peak Oil’: Part I.” Resource Investor website,
October 3, 2005.
Ad am Porter. "International Energy Agency Confronts 'Peak Oil': Part II." Resource Investor website,
October 7, 2005.
Bill P ow ers (Canada = > Illinois)
Bill Powers. "The Natural Gas Production Treadmill." Financial Sense Online, October 30, 2003.
Bill Powe rs. “An Interview with Andrew Weissman.” Financial Sense Online, January 4, 2004. [also listed
under Andrew W eissman]
Bill Powers. “Get Ready for $50US Oil!!!” Financial Sense Online, February 1, 2004.
Bill Powers. “Indonesia and Oman.” Financial Sense Online, August 1, 1004.
Bill Powers. "Arctic Natural Gas." Financial Sense Online, September 1, 2004.
Bill Powers. "$80 Oil, Here We Co me!!!" Financial Sense Online, November 4, 2004.
Bill Powers. "Oil Crisis Down U nder." Financial Sense Online, February 3, 2005.
Jim Puplava (United States/California)
Jim Puplava. "Powershift - Oil, M oney & W ar, Part 1: Hubbert's Peak and the E conom ics of W ar." Financial
Sense Online website, March 16, 2002.
http://w ww .financialsense.co m/se ries3/p art1.htm
Jim Puplava. "'The Party's Over.'" Interview with Richard Heinbe rg. Financial Sense Online website, March
22, 2003. [also listed under Richard Heinberg]
http://w ww .mnforsustain.org /oil_h einberg_p uplava_inte rview _032203.htm
Jim Puplav a. Audio in terview with Richard H einb erg, Financial Sen se N ew sho ur, August 7, 2004. [also
listed under Richard Heinberg]
http://www .netcastdaily.com/1 experts/2004 /exp080 704.ram
Jim Puplava. A udio interview w ith Julian Darley, Financ ial Sense N ewsho ur, Septem ber 25, 2004 . [also listed
under Julian Darley]
http://media.globalp ublicme dia.com /RAM /2004/09 /JulianDarley.FS N.200 40925 .ram
Jim Pup lava. Audio interview with Ronald R. Cooke, Financial Sense Newshour, October 2, 2004. [also listed
under Ronald R. Cooke]
http://www .netcastdaily.com/bro adcast/fsn2004 -1002-2.ram
Jim Puplava. A udio interview w ith Matt Savinar, Financ ial Sense Newshour, October 23, 2004. [also listed
unde r M att Savinar]
http://www .netcastdaily.com/bro adcast/fsn2004 -1023-2.ram
Jim Puplav a, et al. Financial Sense Ne wshour d iscussion of M atthew S immons boo k, Tw ilight in the D esert,
June 18, 20 05. [also listed und er M atthew R. Sim mo ns]
http://www .netcastdaily.com/bro adcast/fsn2005 -0618-3.ram
Jim Puplava. Financial Sense O nline interview of M atthew R. Sim mo ns, Aug ust 6, 2005. [also listed under
M atthew R. Sim mo ns]
http://www .netcastdaily.com/bro adcast/fsn2005 -0806-2.ram
Jim Puplava. Financial Sense Online interview of James Howard Kunstler, October 1, 2005. [also listed under
James H ow ard Ku nstler]
Jim Puplava. "There Is No Plan 'B.'" Financial Sense Online, October 14, 2005.
Megan Quinn (United States/Ohio)
Aric M cBay. "A C om mu nity Solution to Peak O il: An Interview with M egan Q uinn." InTheW ake.com , April
28, 2005.
M egan Quinn . "Peak Oil, Energy , and Loc al Solution s: Reports from Recent C onference s." Energy Bulletin
website, June 11, 2005.
Megan Quinn. "Charting the Journey Home." Energy Bulletin website, October 8, 2005.
Brent Cu nningham . "Work ing the Fringes." Colum bia Journalism Review (Nove mber 2 005).
http://www .cjr.org/issues/2005/6/cun ningham .asp
Excerpted at:
M egan Quinn . "First Meeting of A SPO -USA a Success, Ne xt Stop Bo ston." Global Public Media website,
November 23, 2005.
Rudolf Rechsteiner (Switzerland)
Rud olf Rechsteiner. "Petroleum and Violent Co nflicts: Strategie s for Industrialized C ountrie s." In Christine
Batruch, et al, ed s., Ad ding Fuel to the Fire: The Role of Petroleum in Violent Conflicts, pp. 41-57. Conference
Papers, Swisspeace Annual Conference, October 2003. Bern: Swisspeace, 2004.
Rudolf Rechsteiner. "Ten Steps to a Sustainable Energy Future." July 5, 2004.
Rud olf Rechsteiner. "Parliaments and the En ergy Co nflict: How to Create M ajorities in a Hostile
Enviro nm ent." Speech to the World R enewable Energy A ssembly, Bo nn, G ermany, November 27, 2005.
Updated December 2005.
http://www.rechsteiner-basel.ch/pub/41/wcre%5Fspeech%5Fand%5Fgraphs%5F27% 5FNovember%5F 200
William E. Rees (Canada/B ritish Colum bia)
W illiam E. Ree s. "There's No Fu el Like an O ld Fuel." Toronto Globe and Mail, March 29, 2000.
William E. Rees. "Why Should We Pay Mo re for Gas?" Health and Energy website, 2000.
http://hea lthand energ y.com /wh y_w e_sho uld_ pay_ mo re_fo r_gas.htm
Williams E. Rees. "Ho w D id You Becom e Co ncerned about Peak Oil?" Global Public Media transcribed video
interview excerpt, Vancouver, British Columbia, March 7, 2003.
http://ns1.globalpublicm edia.com /RAM /2003/03 /BillRees-01.20 03-03-07 .ram
W illiam E. Ree s. "How Has 'Peak Oil' Affected Your Own W ork?" Global Public Media transcribed video
interview excerpt, Vancouver, British Columbia, March 7, 2003.
http://media.globalp ublicme dia.com /RAM /2003/03 /BillRees-02.20 03-03-07 .ram
W illiam E. Rees. "How A re Official Institutions Such as Governments Handling 'Peak Oil'?" Global Pu blic
Media transcribed video interview excerpt, Vancouver, British Columbia, March 7, 2003.
http://media.globalp ublicme dia.com /RAM /2003/03 /BillRees-02.20 03-03-07 .ram
W illiam E. Rees. “The End of the Fossil-Fuel Era Not Far Off: We N eed an Energy Sup ply and Pricing Policy
That’s Sustainable.” CCPA Monitor 10 (June 2003). Publication of the Canadian Centre for Policy
%2 0O FF.htm
William E. Rees. “Why Gas Should Cost More.” AlterNet.org website, May 24, 2004.
Douglas B. Reynolds (United States/Alaska)
Dou glas B. Rey nolds. Scarcity and Growth Considering Oil and Energy: An Alternative Neo-Classical View.
Lewiston, New Yo rk: Edwin Mellen Press, 2002.
Dou glas B. Reynolds. "Using Non-Time-Series to Determine Supply Elasticity: How Far Do Prices Change
the Hu bbert Curve?" OP EC R eview 26 (June 20 02), pp . 147-1 67.***
Dou glas B. Reyn old s. "Tim e to P repare fo r the C om ing Peak in W orld Oil Pro duction." Fairbanks N ews-M iner,
December 27, 2004.
Bill W hite. "State's Con sultant Says Natio n Is Primed for Using Alaska G as." A n ch ora ge D aily News,
December 18, 2005.
Josep h P. Riva, Jr. (United States/Virginia)
Joseph P. Riva, Jr. Domestic Crude Oil Production Projected to the Year 2000 on the Basis of Resource Capability.
Con gressional Research Service Report No. 84-129. Washington: Congressional Research Service, 1984. [also
listed u nde r M . King Hu bbert]
Richard A . Kerr. "How Fast Is Oil Runnin g Ou t?" Science 226 (October 26, 1984), p. 426.
Joseph P. Riva, Jr., et al. U.S. Conventional Oil and Gas Production: Prospects to the Year 2000. Bould er:
W estview Press, 19 85. [also listed u nde r M . King Hu bbert]
No rman G all. "We A re Living O ff Our C apital." Forbes 138 (September 22, 1986), pp. 62-66.
Joseph R. Riva, Jr. Mexican O il: Less Than Meets th e Eye. Congressional Research Service Report No. 91-535
SPR. Washington: Congressional Research Service, 1991.
Joseph R. Riva, Jr. The Domestic Oil Status and a Projection of Future Production. Congressional Research
Service Report No. 92-826 SPR. Washington: Congressional Research Service, 1992.
Joseph P. Riva, Jr. Domestic O il: Past, Present, and F uture. Congressional Research Service Report No. 94-263
SPR. Washington: Congressional Research Service, 1994.
Joseph P. Riva, Jr. Do mestic Natural Gas: Pa st, Present, and F uture. Congressional Research Service Report No.
94-504 SPR. Washington: Congressional Research Service, 1994.
Joseph P. Riva, Jr. Domestic U.S. Crude Oil: A Declining Asset. Congressional Research Service Report No.
95-479 SPR. Washington: Congressional Research Service, 1995.
Joseph P. Riva, Jr. World O il Produ ction After Year 200 0: Business As U sual or Crises? Con gressional Research
Service Report No. 35-925 SPR. Washington: Congressional Research Service, 1995.
http://www.ncseonline.org/NLE/CRSreports/energy/eng-3.cfm?&CFID=4101117& CFTOK EN=79932683
Joseph P. Riva, Jr.. The Dom estic Natural Gas Status. Con gressional Rese arch Service Re port No. 95-739 SPR.
Washington: Congressional Research Service, 1995.
http://w ww .mnforsustain.org /riva_j_u s_do me stic_natu ral_gas_status.htm
http://www.ncseonline.org/NLE/CRSreports/energy/eng-67.cfm?&CFID=6128847& CFTOK EN=57257694
Joseph P. Riva, Jr. "U.S. Convention al W isdo m and Natural Gas." Hu bbert Center N ewsletter #97/3 (July 19 97),
pp. 1-5.***
Joseph P. Riva, Jr. "Is the World's Oil Barrel Half Full or H alf Emp ty?: It Depends U pon W hether Yo u A re
an Econ om ist or a Geolo gist!" Hu bbert Center N ewsletter #99/2 (April 1999), pp. 1-6.
Joseph P . Riva, Jr. "Petroph obia." Hu bbert Center N ewsletter #2000/4 (October 2000), pp. 6-8.
Joseph P. Riva, Jr. "Canadian Gas, Our A ce in the Ho le?" Hu bbert Center N ewsletter #2002/2 (April 2002), pp.
Pau l Robe rts (United States/Washington)
“5 Questions with...Paul Roberts.” Beatrice.com website, March 1, 2004.
Paul Roberts. “Run ning O ut of Oil--and Tim e: Panic W ill Strik e i f W e ’r e N ot Prepared with New
Technologies.” Los Angeles Tim es, March 6, 2004.
http://w ww .com mo ndre ams.org/vie ws0 4/0307-0 2.htm
Paul Roberts. “Say Bye Bye to Cheap Oil.” Los Angeles Tim es, March 25, 2004.
Pau l Ro berts. The End of Oil: On the Edge of a Perilous New World. Boston: Houghton Mifflin, 2004.
Paul Roberts. “Got Gas?: Oil Isn’t the Only Fossil Fuel That’s in Crisis.” Slate, May 11, 2004.
Paul Ro berts. "Last Stop Gas." Harper's 309 (August 2004), pp. 71-72.
Paul Ro berts. "Over a Barrel." Mother Jones 29 (November/December 2004), pp. 64-69.
Paul Ro berts. "Our Post-O il Future N eeds a Pu sh." Washington Post, July 14, 2005.
David Room (United States/California)
David Room. "Peak Oil Council Forming in Western Massachusetts." Post-Carbon Institute press release,
March 4, 2005.
David Room . Global Pu blic Me dia transcribed audio interview with Congressman R oscoe Bartlett, March
27, 20 05. {also listed u nde r Roscoe B artlett]
http://media.globalp ublicme dia.com /RAM /2005/04 /GPM .RoscoeB artlett.2005-04-27.ram
David Roo m. G lobal P ublic M edia tran scribed audio interview with M att Savinar, May 12, 2005. [also listed
unde r M att Savinar]
http://media.globalp ublicme dia.com /RAM /2005/05 /MattSavinar.20 05-05-12 .ram
David Room. Global Public Media video interview with Manuel Collares-Pereira, May 19, 2005.
http://media.globalp ublicme dia.com /RAM /2005/09 /Pereira.ram
Kris Welch. Interview with David Room and Kirstin Miller, Living Room program, KPFA Radio, Berkeley,
June 11, 2005.
http://media.globalp ublicme dia.com /RAM /2005/06 /20050 611R oom M iller.ram
David Room. Transcribed audiotaped Global Public Media interview with Amos Nur, June 12, 2005. [also
listed unde r Am os N ur]
http://media.globalp ublicme dia.com /RAM /2005/06 /Am osN ur.2005-0 6-12.ram
David Room. "Introducing ASPO-USA." Global Public Me dia interview w ith Steve An drew s and Jim
Baldau f, July 22, 2005. [also listed un der Steve A ndrew s]
http://media.globalp ublicme dia.com /RAM /2005/07 /And rewsB aldauf.2005 0722.ram
Caren Black and Christopher Paddon. Interview with David Room, Lifeboat Show, KMUN Co mm unity
Radio, Astoria, Oregon, August 22, 2005.
http://media.globalp ublicme dia.com /RAM /2005/08 /Room .200508 22.ram
David Room . "Andrew McNamara on Queensland's Oil Vulnerability Task Force." Interview, Global Pu blic
M edia w ebsite, Augu st 24, 2005. [also listed und er An drew M cNam ara]
David Room. Global Public Media interview with Larry Robinso n, mayo r of Sebastopo l, California, Au gust
26, 2005.
David Roo m. “RitaW atch 3: Chris Skrebo wski D iscusses the Hurrican es.” Global Pu blic Me dia audio
interview, Sep tember 22 , 2005. [also listed und er Chris Sk rebow ski]
http://media.globalp ublicme dia.com /RAM /2005/09 /skrebow ski_rita.ram
David Roo m. “Pau l Mo bbs: Energy Beyo nd Oil.” Global Public Media audio interview, September 29, 2005.
[also listed unde r Paul M obbs]
http://media.globalp ublicme dia.com /RAM /2005/09 /PaulM obbs.20050 929.ram
David Roo m. Glo bal Public M edia audio interview with A ndrew W eissm an, Septe mber 2 3, 20 05. [also listed
under Andrew W eissman]
http://media.globalp ublicme dia.com /RAM /2005/09 /And rew_ W eissman.20 05-09-23 .ram
David Roo m. "Petro-ge ologist Jack Zag ar on Sau di Oil Produ ction and P eak." Global Pu blic Me dia audio
interview, Sep tember 30 , 2005. [also listed und er Colin J. Camp bell and Jack Zag ar]
http://media.globalp ublicme dia.com /RAM /2005/09 /JackZagar.2005 0920.ram
Jennifer Bresee and David Roo m. "Pow ering Do wn A merica: Lo cal Go vernm ent's Role in the Transition to
a Post-Petroleum W orld." Global Public Media website, October 20, 2005.
David Sheen. “GPM ’s David Room talkes to DavidSheen.com.” November 2005.
David Roo m. Glo bal Public Media audio interview with Jeanette Fitzsimons, November 2, 2005. [also listed
under David Room]
http://media.globalp ublicme dia.com /RAM /2005/11 /Fitzsimons.20 05110 2.ram
David Room. "U.S. Rep. Sherwood Boehlert on Peak Oil." Audio interview, Global Public Media website,
November 3, 2005.
http://media.globalp ublicme dia.com /RAM /2005/11 /Sherw ood Boeh lert.2005110 5.ram
David Roo m. "Rob ert Hirsch on Peak O il Mitigation." A udio interview, Glo bal Public Media, November 17,
2005. [also listed under Robert L. Hirsch]
http://media.globalp ublicme dia.com /RAM /2005/11 /Hirsch.200 51117 .ram
David Room . "Colin C am pbell on the Oil Depletion Protocol." Global Public Media audio interview,
No vembe r 19, 2005. [also listed un der C olin J. Cam pbell]
http://media.globalp ublicme dia.com /RAM /2005/11 /Cam pbell.20051 119.ram
David Room. "Rep. Tom Udall on Resource Depletion and Climate Change ." Global Pu blic Me dia audio
interview, D ecem ber 9, 2005. [also listed un der To m U dall]
http://media.globalp ublicme dia.com /RAM /2005/12 /Tom Ud all.2005120 9.ram
M ichael C. R uppert (United States/California)
Michael C. Ruppert. "Colin Campbell on Oil: Perhap s the W orld's Forem ost Expert on Oil and the O il
Business Confirms the Ever M ore A pparent Re ality of the Po st-9-11 W orld ." From The W ildern ess w ebsite
interview, October 23, 2002.
Michael C. Rup pert. "Paris Peak Oil C onference Reveals Deepe ning Crisis." From The Wilderness website,
May 30, 2003.
Michael Ruppert. "Behind the Blackout." Interview with Matthew R. Simmons, From the Wilderness website,
Au gust 18, 2003 . [also listed under M atthew R. Sim mo ns]
Michael C. Rup pert. “Peak O il Revisited - The Bill Collector Calls.” From The W ilderness website, June 21,
Michael C. Ruppert. "Rationing." From The W ilderness website, July 18, 2005.
Michael C. Ruppert. "ASPO Conference in Denver - Earth Shattering Revelations."
EnergyRoundTable list, November 12, 2005.
Post to the
Michael C. Ruppert. "Peak Oil - Center Stage: Behaving as if a Major Crisis Looms." Report on the ASPOUSA Conference, Denver, November 10-11, 2005. From The Wilderness website, November 17, 2005.
Mam douh G. Salameh (Great Britain)
Mamdouh G. Salam eh. "Can Re new able and U nconven tional Energ y Sou rces Bridge the Global E nergy G ap
in the 21st Cen tury?" Applied Energy 75 (May/June 2003), pp. 33-42.
Mamdouh G. Salam eh. “Ho w Re alistic Are Opec’s Proven Oil Reserves?” Petroleum Review 58 (A ugust 200 4),
pp. 26-29.
http://www.odac-info.org/welcome/documents/SALAMEH -PETREVIEW.pdf
M ark Sa rdella (United States/New Mexico)
M ark Sardella. "The Oil Endgame." Southwest Energy Institute website, October 15, 2002. Revised June 16,
M ark Sardella and Julian Darley. "Statement on Global 'Oil Peak." Citizens Committee on Peak O il and
Decline, from Minnesotans for Sustainability website, March 22, 2003. [also listed under Julian Darley]
http://w ww .mnforsustain.org /oil_stateme nt_on_global_ peak _oil.htm
M ark Sardella. "The Energy Resource Problem." Powerpoint presentation, Santa Fe Community College
course, Introduction to Energy, Spring 2005.
http://w ww .localen ergy.o rg/pd fs/Do cum ent% 20L ibrary/P art%20I% 20E nergy %2 0Resource% 20D egrad atio
Matt Savinar (United States/California)
M att Savinar. The Oil Age Is Over: W hat to Expect as the W orld Runs Out of Cheap Oil, 2005-2050. Santa Rosa,
California: Savinar, 2004.
Jim Puplava. Audio interview with M att Savinar, Financial Sense N ewsho ur, October 2 3, 2004. [also listed
unde r Jim Pu plava]
http://www .netcastdaily.com/bro adcast/fsn2004 -1023-2.ram
David Roo m. Glo bal Public M edia transcribed au dio interview with M att Savinar, May 12, 2 005 . [also listed
under David Room]
http://media.globalp ublicme dia.com /RAM /2005/05 /MattSavinar.20 05-05-12 .ram
Caren Black and Christop her Padd on. "M att Savinar Presentation on the Lifeboat Rad io Sho w." Lifeboat
Show, KM UN (Astoria, Oregon), July 18, 2005. From a June 2005 Lifeboat conference.
http://media.globalp ublicme dia.com /RAM /2005/07 /Lifeboat.Savinar.2005 0718.ram
M att Savinar. "Peak O il Debun ked?" Life A fter the Oil Crash website, Au gust 30, 2005 . Upd ated as “How
to Handle Your Local Peak Oil ‘Debunker,” September 12, 2005.
Jörg Schindler (Germany)
Jörg Schindle r and W erner Zittel. "For Ho w M uch Lo nger W ill the Cheap Oil Last?" 19 98. [also listed under
W erner Zittel]
Jörg Schindler and Werner Zittel. "Comm ent on the Green Paper of the Euro pean C om mission 'Toward s a
Euro pean Strategy fo r the Security of E nergy Su pply.'" Septem ber 2001 . [also listed under W erner Zittel]
Werner Zittel and Jörg Sch indler. "Future W orld O il Supp ly." Paper presented to International Summer
School on the Politics and Econo mics of Renewable Energy, University of Salzburg, July 15, 2002. [also listed
unde r We rner Zittel]
Werner Zittel and Jörg Schind ler. "The C ountd ow n for the Peak o f Oil Prod uction H as Begun --But W hat Are
the Views of the Most Important International Energy Agencies?" October 12, 2004. [also listed under
W erner Zittel]
Jörg Schindler and Werner Zittel. "Comm ent on the IEA 's World Energy Outloo k 2004 ." ASP O N ewsletter
No . 53 (M ay 2005 ), p. 3. [also listed und er W erner Zittel]
Jörg Schindle r and W erner Zittel. "Review of the IEA W orld E nergy O utlook." ASP O N ewsletter No. 60
(Decem ber 2005 ), pp. 10-11. [also listed und er W erner Zittel]
Matthew R. Simmons (United States/Texas-Maine)
Matthew R. Simmons. "The Oil World: 1973 Compared to 2000." May 1, 2000.
Matthew R. Simmons. "Revisiting The Lim its to Growth: Could the Club of Rome H ave Been Correct, After
All?" October 1, 2000.
Matthew R. Simmons." "Energy in the New Economy: The Limits to Growth." Presentation to the Energy
Institute of the Am ericas, Oklahoma City, October 2, 2000.
Jeremy Cresswell. "Energy Crisis Threatens a W inter of D isco nten t." The Scotsman (Edinbu rgh, Scotland),
November 21, 2000.
Matthew R. Simmons. "Digging O ut of Ou r En ergy M ess: The N eed for an Energy M arshall Plan."
Presentation to the Am erican Association of Petroleum Geologists, Denver, June 5, 2001.
Roger D. Read. "The No rth Sea: Oil Prod uction H as Peaked ! The GO M M odel M ust Co me to th e N orth Sea."
Simmons & Comp any International, October 18, 2001.
Matthew R. Simm ons. "The W orld's Giant O ilfields: How M any Exist? How Much Do They Produce? How
Fast Are T hey D eclining?" Hu bbert Center N ewsletter #2002/1 (January 2002), pp. 1-7.
Matthew R. Simmons. "Depletion & U .S. Energy Policy." Presentation to the International W orksho p on O il
Depletion, Uppsala University, Sweden, May 23, 2002.
M atthew R. Sim mo ns. "The Case fo r a Com ing Gas Sh ortage." World Energy 5 (No. 3, 2002), pp. 58-65
Matthew R. Simmons. "How Do Yo u Introdu ce the Oil Pe ak and D ecline Phen om enon?" G lobal Public
M edia video taped interview excerp t, Houston , Texas, February 10, 20 03.***
http://ram.globalpu blicmed ia.com/R AM /2003/02 /MattSim mo ns.01-1.2003 -02-10.ram
Matthew R. Simmons. "Can You Tell Us About the Growing Problem of Natural Gas in North America and
Is It Particular to the US?" Global Public Media interview excerpt, Houston, Texas, February 10, 2003.
Matthew R. Simmons. "How Did We G et Into the Current Situation?" Global Public Media videotaped
interview excerpt, Houston, Texas, February 10, 2003.
http://ram.globalpu blicmed ia.com/R AM /2003/02 /MattSim mo ns.Q4.01-4.20 03-02-10 .ram
Matthew R. Simmons. "When You Are Interview ed by M ainstream Media, Do You Try to Tell Them About
Oil Peak and Decline?" Global Public Media videotaped interview excerpt, Houston, Texas, February 10,
http://ram.globalpu blicmed ia.com/R AM /2003/02 /MattSim mo ns.Q5.01-5.20 03-02-10 .ram
Matthew R. Sim mo ns. "Ho w D id Yo u Com e to Be an Advocate for Oil Pe ak and D ecline?" Glo bal Public
Media videotaped interview excerpt, Houston, Texas, February 10, 2003.
http://ram.globalpu blicmed ia.com/R AM /2003/02 /MattSim mo ns.Q6.01-6.20 03-02-10 .ram
Matthew R. Simm ons. “The Saudi A rabian Oil M iracle.” Pow erpoint p resentation to the C enter for Strategic
and International Studies, Washington, D.C., February 24, 2003.
M atthew R. Sim mo ns. "The Daw ning of a N ew O il and Gas E ra: Is a Sea Chang e Ah ead?" World Energy 6
(No. 3, 2003), pp. 76-80.
Matthew R. Simmons. "Revealing Statements from a Bush Insider about Peak Oil and N atural Gas
De pletion ." Transcript of teleconference call remarks to ASPO Second Intern ational W orksho p on O il
Depletion, Paris, France, May 26, 2003. From The Wilderness website, June 12, 2003.
Michael Ruppert. "Behind the Blackout." Interview with Matthew R. Simm ons, From the W ilderness website,
Au gust 18 , 2003 . [also listed und er M ichael R upp ert]
David Ign atius. "Check Th at Oil." Washingto n Post, November 14, 2003.
h tt p:/ /www.washingtonpost.com/ac2/wp -dyn?pagename=article&node=&contentId=A38531-2003Nov13
Matthew R. Simmons. “2003's Constant Surprises May Not Be Finished.” World O il 225 (Febru ary 2004 ).
http://www.worldoil.com/magazine/MA GAZINE_D ETA IL.asp?ART_ID=2204&M ONT H_YEA R=Feb-2004
John M. Biers. “Saudi Oil Reserves M ay Lim it Role, an Expe rt Asserts.” Wall Street Journal, February 3, 2004.
Julian Darley. Matthew R. Simmons transcribed videotaped interview, Center for Strategic and International
Studies, Washington, D.C., February 24, 2004. Global Public Media website. [also listed under Julian Darley]
http://media.globalp ublicme dia.com /RAM /2004/02 /MattSim mo ns-Interview.CS IS.2004-02 -24.ram
Barbara Ferguson. "The Sau di A rabian Oil M iracle--Can It Con tinue to Gro w?" Arab News (Jeddeh, Saudi
Arabia), February 26, 2004.
http://www.arabnews.com/?page=6&section=0&article=40151&d=26& m=2& y=2004
Jim Landers. “Oil Supply Gap Debate Rises Again.” Dallas Morning News, February 29, 2004.
[no lo nger available fo r free on Intern et]
“US Critic P redicts End of Saudi Arabia’s ‘Oil Miracle.’” Petro leum Intelligence W eekly 43 (March 1, 2004), p.
Matthew R. Simmons. “C alcu lating O il & Gas Reserve s: An A rt Form or a Science?” Slide presentation to
the Standing Group on the Oil Market, International Energy Agency, Paris, March 16, 2004.
Julian Darle y. “A Tale o f Tw o Planets: A Rep ort on the Conference ‘Future of Global Oil Supply--Saudi
Arabia’ Held at Center for Strategic and Internation al Studies, Washington, DC, February 24th, 2004.” From
The Wilderness website, March 17, 2004. [also listed under Julian Darley]
James Gavin. “Aramco Seeks to Blunt Oil Reserves Concerns.” Petroleum Economist 71 (April 2004), pp. 24-25.
“M att Simm ons and W ind Po wer.” E V W orld com me nts, and audio taped rem arks to the press by Matthew
R. Simmons, Global Windpow er Conference, Chicago, Illinois, April 9, 2004.
Mo nica Perin. “H ouston A nalyst Upsets Saudis in Squabble Over Oil Reservoirs.” Houston Business Journal,
April 12, 2004.
Matthew R. Simmons. “Will the Proved Reserve Scandal Open the Do or to Genuine D ata Reform?”
Powerpoint presentation to the Reserve Reporting Conference, The Energy Forum , Hou ston, Texas, April 14,
Julian Darley. Transcribed audio in terview with M atthew R. Sim mo ns on the issue of pe troleu m d ate
transparency. Global Public Media website, April 15, 2004. [also listed under Julian Darley]
http://m edia.globalp ublicm edia.co m/R AM /2004/04/M attSim mo ns.Interviewed ByJulianDarley.Part-1.2004
Julian Darley. “Interview with Matt Simmons.” Videotaped following the U.S.-Saudi oil conference, Center
for Strategic and International Studies, Washington, D.C., April 27, 2004. [also listed under Julian Darley]
http://media.globalp ublicme dia.com /RAM /2004/04 /MattSim mo ns.Interview.2004 -04-27.ram
Nelso n An tosh. “Oil to Spare, Saud i Claim s: Analyst Doubts Its Supply.” Ho uston Chronicle, May 7, 2004.
[no lo nger available o n Intern et]
Julian Darley. Transcribed audio interview with M atthew R. Simmons on the global natural gas supply.
Global Public media website, May 19, 2004. [also listed under Julian Darley]
http://globalpublicmed ia.com/RAM /2004/05/MattSim mons.InterviewedbyJulianDarley.GPM .2004-05-19.ram
Julian Darley. Interview with Matthew R. Simmons following the ASPO conference, Berlin, May 26, 2004.
Matthew R. Simm ons. “Saud i A r ab ia n O il: A Glass Half Full or Half Empty? Keynote address to the
Hudson Institute conference, “Saudi Arabia in Crisis.” C-SPAN, Washington, D.C., July 9, 2004.
http://www .globalpublicm edia.com /RAM /other/simm ons200 40709 .ram
Ben Prendergast. “An Insider Speaks Out.” Village Soup (Belfast, Maine), July 17, 2004.
Jon D. Markman. “Is Saudi Arabia Running Out of Oil?” MSN M oney website, July 28, 2004.
F. Jay Schempf. “Simmons H opes He’s Wrong.” Petroleum News 9 (August 1, 2004), pp. 1, 18-19.
David Ivanovich. "Matthew Simmons: Outspoken Oil Expert Challenges Common Ideas." Interview,
Ho uston Chronicle, September 6, 2004.
Matthew R. Simmons. "Twilight in the Desert: The Fading of Saudi A rabia's Oil." Presentation to the
Hudson Institute, Washington, D.C., September 9, 2004.
Matthew R. Simm ons. "The Pe ak Oil Debate: Crisis or Comedy?" Presentation to the Society of Petroleum
Engineers Annual Technical Conference, Houston, Texas, September 27, 2004.
Steve Raabe. "A nalyst W arns of Saud i Oil Dro poff." Denver Post, October 12, 2004.
Stephen M cDo nell. "Running Out of O il." Australian Broadcasting C orporatio n televise d interview with
Colin C amp bell and M atthew Sim mo ns, Nove mber 2 2, 2004. [also listed un der C olin J. Cam pbell]
Matthew R. Simmons. “How Do W e Dig O ut of Our Energy Hole?” Videotaped presentation, Robertson
Program Sem inar Series: Energy in Transition, Du ke U niversity, Durham , North C arolina, November 28,
http://www.physics.unc.edu/~cecil/p18videos/Simm onsFlash/
Jacqueline D oherty. "Field T heories." Barron's 84 (N ovem ber 29, 2004 ).
Matthew R. Simmons. Twilight in the Desert: The Coming Saudi Oil Shock and the World Economy. Hoboken,
New Jersey: John Wiley & Sons, 2005.
Philip Thorn ton. "Wh at Will the Re st of the Wo rld Do If Saudi O il Runs Out Early?" Belfast Telegraph (Belfast,
Northern Ireland), February 8, 2005.
Ad am Porter. "Expert Says Saudi Oil May H ave Peaked ." Al Jazeera (Doha, Qatar), February 20 , 2005. [also
listed unde r Ad am P orter]
http://w ww .coun tercurrents.org /peak oil-porter2 10205.htm
Matthew R. Simmons. "The Future Co st of Oil." Presentation to the A ustin Society o f Financial An alysts,
Austin, Texas, February 22, 2005.
Matthew R. Sim mo ns. "200 5 Oil Ou tlook : Is This the Year W hen D eman d Ou tstrips Supply?" World O il 226
(March 2005).
Matthew R. Simmons. "Twilight in the Desert." Presentation to the Boston Com mittee on Foreign R elations,
Boston, Massachusetts, April 12, 2005.
John V idal. "Analyst Fears G lobal Oil C risis in Three Years." The Guardian (London), April 26, 2005.
Jim Jubak. "Is There Fraud in the House of Saud?" MSN Money, April 29, 2005.
http://mone ycentral.msn.com /content/P11 3996.asp
Valerie Darroch. "Out to Shock the World Over Saudi R eserves." Sunday Herald (Glasgow , Scotland), M ay
1, 2005.
Tim Wood. "Oil Doomsday Is Nigh, Tar Sands Not a Substitute." Resource Investor website, May 11, 2005.
Haris A nwar. "Sup ply: Are S audi Re serves Drying Up ?" Toronto Globe and Mail, May 20, 2005.
Timothy Gardner. "Saudi Geologists' Paper Spell Lower Output - Book." Reuters, May 27, 2005.
M atthew R. Sim mo ns. "Twilight in the D esert." World Energy 8 (No . 2, 2005).
Kevin D rum . "Crude A wake ning." Washington Month ly 37 (June 2005), pp. 38-43.
Tom Cahill. "Saudi O utput Peak ed; Du e to Decline ." Gulf Times (Doha, Qatar), June 1, 2005.
http://w ww .mnforsustain.org /oil_saudi_ arabia_h as_pe aked _cahill_sim mo ns.htm
Sean-Paul Kelley. "Peak O il, Saudi A rabia: Part 1." Interview with M atthew R. Sim mo ns. The A gonist
website, June 3, 2005. Republished by Global Politician (June 7, 2005 ).
http://www.globalpolitician.com/articledes.asp?ID=837&cid=1& sid=45
Sean-Paul Kelley. "Peak O il, Part 2: Saudi Arabia Decline Rate and the Po ssibilities o f a Pro duction Collapse."
Interview with M atthew R. Sim mo ns. The Ag onist w ebsite, June 6, 2005. Republished by Global Politician
(June 8, 2005 ).
http://www.globalpolitician.com/articledes.asp?ID=846&cid=1& sid=45
Sean -Paul Kelle y. "Peak Oil 3: No t Sustainable But Insatiable ." Interview with Matthew R. Simmons. The
Agonist website, June 7, 2005. Republished by Global Politician (June 9, 2005 ).
http://www.globalpolitician.com/articledes.asp?ID=849&cid=1& sid=45
Brian Stempeck. "'Twilight in the Desert' Author Simmons Talk s Sau di O il Su pply, Inte rnational Ec onom y."
Interview, OnPoint, EETV website, June 15, 2005.
Jim Motavalli. "Matthew R. Simmon s: A Diminishe d Future for Saud i Oil." E magazine online, June 16?,
2005. [also listed un der Jim M otavalli]
Jim Puplava, et al. Financial Sen se N ew sho ur d iscussion of M atthew S immons boo k, Tw ilight in the D esert,
June 18, 20 05. [also listed und er M atthew R. Sim mo ns]
http://www .netcastdaily.com/bro adcast/fsn2005 -0618-3.ram
John C . Kuehne r. "Has Oil Pro duction Peaked ?" Cleveland Plain D ealer, June 19, 2005.
http://www.cleveland.com/energy/wide/index.ssf?/energy/wide/06oil19.html (accom panying graphs)
Matthew R. Simmons. "Challenges in a World of Oil Scarcity: The Coming Saudi Oil Crisis." Counterpunch,
June 21, 2005.
Heather Stewart. "Are the Desert Kingdom's Foundations Built on S and?" The Guardian (London), July 3,
Heather S tewart. "Oil 'Will H it $100 by W inter/'" Observ er (London), July 3, 2005.
James R idgew ay. "The Saud i Facade." Village Voice (New York), July 5, 2005.
"A Midsum mer Night's Mare." Redstate.org, July 5, 2005.
Lise Ducette. Interview of Matthew R. Simm ons, with rem arks by M ichael Econ om ides and B ob W illiams,
The Current, CBC Radio, Toronto, August 2, 2005.
http://www .cbc.ca/thecurrent/med ia/20050 8/2005 0802the current_sec1 .ram
http://media.globalp ublicme dia.com /RAM /2005/08 /CBC .MS imm ons.2005 -08-02.ram
Matthew R. Simm ons. "Saudi O il and the W orld E conom y." Online q uestions po sed to M atthew R. Sim mo ns,
Washingto n Post website, August 4, 2005.
Bill Moore. "The Myth of Everlasting Saud i Oil." EV World, August 5, 2005. [also listed under Bill Moo re]
Jim Puplava. Financial Sense Online interview of Matthew R. Simmons, August 6, 2005. [also listed under
Jim Pu plava]
http://www .netcastdaily.com/bro adcast/fsn2005 -0806-2.ram
John Tie rney. "The $1 0,000 Q uestion." New York T imes, August 23, 2005.
Lou Dobbs. Interview with Matthew R. Simm ons, Lou Dobbs Tonight show, CNN, August 24, 2005.
Brian Leh rer. "D ry K ingdo m." Interview with Matthew R. Simmons, Brian Lehrer Show , WN YC, N ew Y ork
Public Radio, August 30, 2005.
http://media.globalp ublicme dia.com /RAM /2005/09 /bl08300 5c.ram
"Seven Question s: The Future o f Oil." Interview with M atthew R . Sim mons, Foreign Policy online, September
M ark Hertsgaard . "Oil Supp ly Facts, Forecasts Provide Fuel for T hou ght." Fort Way ne Journal Gazette,
Septem ber 11, 2005 . [also listed under Jam es Ho ward Kunstler]
Rose R agsdale. "Saud i Oil Sho ck Ah ead." Petroleum News 10 (Septem ber 11, 2005 ).
M atthew R. Sim mo ns. "The Real O il Shock." Time online, September 18, 2005.
Jeanne Klobnak-Ball. "Matt Simmons Issues a Wake Up Call." Planet Jackson Hole, September 28, 2005.
Matthew R. Simmons. "Today's Energy Reality: 'We Are in a Deep Hole.'" Presentation to the Petroleum
Club of Houston, Houston, Texas, October 11, 2005.
"Oil Guru Says Crude Could Hit $190 This Winter." Reuters, October 19, 2005.
Matthew R. Simm ons. “Qu estions Regard ing Saud i Arabian Petroleum Supplies.” Audiotaped presentation
to the National Academies Workshop on Trends in Oil Supply and Demand and the Potential for Peaking
of Conventional Oil Production, Washington, D.C., October 20, 2005.
Russell M ay. "Extent of Saud i Reserves De bated." Tulsa W orld, November 1, 2005.
Au stin Kilgore. "En ergy Crisis L ecture." The Daily Campus, November 2, 2005. Independent student
new spaper at So uthern M ethodist U niversity. [also listed under Jam es Ho ward Kunstler)
http://www .smudailycampus.com /vnews/display.v/ART/2005/11/02/436860fc1ceb7
Amanda Griscom Little . "Take a Peak: An Interview with Peak-Oil P rovo cateur M atthew Sim mo ns." Grist,
November 3, 2005.
Julian Darley. "Matt Simmons Talks About Peak O il Durin g A SPO U SA Co nference." Videotaped interview,
Global Public Media, November 11, 2005. [also listed under Julian Darley]
http://media.globalp ublicme dia.com /RAM /2005/11 /DenverInterview s/Simm ons.ram
Stuart Staniford. "A Co nversatio n w ith M att Sim mons." Oil Drum website, November 15, 2005. [also listed
under Stuart Staniford]
Matthew R. Simm ons and Ste w ar t U dall. "Time to D iscard Fifty Years of Energy M yths." Arizona Star
(Tucson ), Novem ber 20, 2005 . [also listed under Stew art Udall]
Matthew R. Simmons. Audiotaped presentation to the Miller Center of Public Affairs, University of Virginia,
Charlottesville, Virginia, November 30, 2005.
http://media.globalp ublicme dia.com /RAM /2005/11 /for_200 5_113 0_sim mo ns.ram
"The Last G reat Energy Illusio n?" EV World, December 26, 2005. [also listed under Bill Moo re]
Chris Skrebowski (Great Britain)
Chris Skrebowski. “The No rth Sea: A Province Heading for Decline?” Petroleum Review 54 (Septem ber 2000 ),
pp. 12-13.
Chris Skrebowski. “Asking the Wrong Question About Oil Reserves.” Petroleum Review 54 (Septem ber 2000 ),
pp. 18-20.
Chris Skrebowski. “North Sea: Entering the End Game.” Petroleum Review 55 (September 2001), pp. 13-17.
"Repo rt: Denm ark to Imp ort Oil." Copenhag en Post, August 8, 2003.
Chris Skrebow ski. “North S ea Oil Reso urces.” Presentation to International Conference on Oil Demand,
Production, and Costs - Prospects for the Future, Danish Technology Council and Danish Society of
Engineers, Copenhagen, December 10, 2003.
[no lo nger available o n Intern et]
Chris Skrebowski. “Oil Field Mega Projects 2004.” Petroleum Review 58 (January 2004), pp. 18-20.
Jim Meyer. “Oil Supply Shortages Likely After 200 7, New Repo rt Show s.” Oil Dep letion Analysis Centre
press release, Environmental Media Services website, January 29, 2004.
http://www.odac-info.org/ (go to News Releases, then click on the link)
Barbara Yaffe. “Catastrophes That Are About to Touch Us.” Vancouver Sun, February 7, 2004.
[no lo nger available o n Intern et]
Chris Skrebowski. “Is Depletion Underpinning High Oil Prices?” Petroleum Review 58 (April 2004), p. 2.
Julian Darley. Transcribed audio in terview, Ch ris Skrebow ski, on Saud i Arabian oil issues, May 17, 2004.
[also listed under Julian Darley]
http://media.globalpublicmedia.com/RAM /2004/05/ChrisSkrebowski.InterviewedByJulianDarley .2004-0517.ram
Chris Skrebowski. “Global Oil Production Now Flat Out.” Petroleum Review 58 (A ugust 200 4).
Chris Skrebo wski. "Depletio n No w Ru nning at Ov er 1m n b/d." Petroleum Review 58 (August 2004), pp. 42-44.
Julian Darley. Transcribed audio in terview w ith Chris Skrebowski, August 8, 2004. [also listed under Ju lian
http://media.globalp ublicme dia.com /RAM /2004/08 /ChrisSkre bow ski.IntByJD.200 4-08-08.ram
Jim Meyer and Chris Skrebowski. "New Oil Projects Cannot Meet World Needs This Decade." Oil Depletion
Analysis Centre news release, November 16, 2004.
Julian Darle y. "He ading for P eak: Sk rebow ski's Oilfie ld M egap rojects Up date." Transcribed audio interview
with Chris Skrebowski, Global Public Media website, April 11, 2005. [also listed under Julian Darley]
http://media.globalp ublicme dia.com /RAM /2005/04 /GPM .ChrisSkrebo wski.JulianD arley.2005-0 4-11.ram
Valerie Darroch . "ODA C W arns of Glo bal Shortage o f Oil After 200 7." Sun day Herald (Glasgow , Scotland),
April 17, 2005.
Chris Skrebow ski. "ODA C: Un derstanding Dep letion." Oil Depletion Analy sis Centre new s release, April
18, 2005.
Julian Darley. "Richard H einberg on M egapro jects Upd ate." Transcribed aud io interview with Richard
Heinberg, April 18, 2005. [also listed under Julian Darley and Richard Heinberg]
http://media.globalp ublicme dia.com /RAM /2005/04 /GPM .RichardH einberg.JulianD arley.2005-0 4-18.ram
Claud ia Cattaneo. "Oil Tapping Out: Crude Shortage Loo ms." National Post (Don Mills, Ontario), April 21,
Dick Gord on. "Ad dicted to O il: Part 2." WB UR Boston rad io prog ram, featuring C hris Skrebow ski and V ijay
Vaitheeswaran, April 26, 2005.
http://realserver.bu.edu:8080/ram gen/w /b/wbur/co nnection/au dio/20 05/04/co n_042 6a.rm
Chris Skrebowski. "Future Oil Supplies." Letter to the edito r, Issues in Science and Technology 21 (Summer
2005), p. 7.
David Roo m. “RitaW atch 3: Chris Skrebo wski D iscusses the Hu rricanes.” Global Pu blic Me dia audio
interview, September 22, 2005. [also listed under David Room]
http://media.globalp ublicme dia.com /RAM /2005/09 /skrebow ski_rita.ram
Chris Skre bow ski. "An Eleg ant Dou ble Bluff." Petroleum Review 59 (October 2005), p. 2.
Chris Skrebow ski. "Prices Set Firm , Despite M assive New Capacity." Petroleum Review 59 (October 2005), pp.
Julian Darley. "Chris Skrebowski Talks About Peak Oil During ASPO U SA Conference." Videotaped
interview, Global Public Media, November 11, 2005. [also listed under Julian Darley]
http://media.globalp ublicme dia.com /RAM /2005/11 /DenverInterview s/Skrebow ski.ram
M ichael R . Smith (Great Britain)
Michael R. Smith and John W estw oo d. The World Oil Supply Report 2002-2050. London: Douglas-Westwood,
Ltd., 2002.
M ichael R. Sm ith. "Oil Energy S ecurity in the A sia-Pacific Region." Petro Min 28 (April 2002), pp. 22-25.
[no lo nger available o n Intern et]
M ichael R. Sm ith. "US Oil S upply Vulne rability Grow ing." Offshore 62 (A ugu st 2002 ), pp. 90 , 92, 94.***
M ichael R. Sm ith. "Energy Secu rity in Europ e." Petroleum Review 56 (August 2002), pp. 24-26.
"Analysts C laim Early Peak in W orld O il Produ ction." Oil & Gas Journal 100 (August 26, 2002), pp. 33, 36.
[no lo nger available o n Intern et]
Michael R. Smith. "World Oil Resources & Pe ak Oil Pro duction ." Powe rpoint prese ntation to the Californ ia
Energy Comm ission, Sacramento, April 28, 2003.
Michael R. Smith. “Middle East Oil and Long Term Global Supply.” October 2003.
[no lo nger o n Intern et]
“Study: Wo rld Oil Forecast Beset with Reserves Shortfalls.” Oil & Gas Journal 102 (A pril 12, 2004), pp. 28,
Michael R. Sm ith. "Putting Paid to Un realistic D em and Pro jectio ns." Petroleum Review 59 (October 2005), pp.
Bengt Söderbergh (Sweden)
Bengt Söderbergh. Canada's Oil Sands Resources and Its Future Impact on Global Oil Supply. Uppsala University,
Uppsala, Sweden, 2005.
Eric Sprott (Canada/Ontario)
Eric Sprott. "Slipping and Sliding Down H ubbert's Peak." Sprott Asset Management, April 5, 2004.
Eric Sprott. "Markets at a Glance: Hubbert's Peak Revisited." 321Energy.com w ebsite, March 1, 2005.
Eric Sprott. "Markets at a Glance: Oil Painting by Numbers." 321Energy.com website, July 5, 2005.
Eric Sprott. "Markets at a Glance: A Crude A wakening." Sprott Asset Management, August 22, 2005.
Kevin Bambrough. "The End of Cheap Energy." Sprott Asset Managment, Inc., September 2005.
Eric Sprott and Sash a So lunac. "Energy P olic y or Disaster." National Post (Don Mills, Ontario), November
2, 2005.
http://www .canada.com/national/nationalpost/financialpost/story.html?id=ddafd7d0-8763-4943-9dc8-c6a
Stuart Sta niford (Great Britain => U nited States/California)
Stuart Staniford. "4%, 11%, Who the Hell Cares?" The Oil Drum website, September 6, 2005.
Stuart Staniford. "Rembrandt Koppelaar's Oil Peak." The Oil Drum website, September 10, 2005. [also listed
unde r Rem brandt Ko ppelaar]
http://www .theoildrum .com/story /2005/9/9 /02536 /09753 #mo re
Stuart Staniford. "Peak O il and Co mm unity Solu tions Co nference (Frid ay)."
September 26, 2005.
The Oil D rum website,
Stuart Staniford. "Peak Oil and Community Solutions Conference (Saturday)." The Oil Drum website,
September 27, 2005.
Stuart Stan ifor d. "Peak Oil and Com munity Solutions Conference (Sunday)." The Oil Drum website,
September 28, 2005.
Stuart Staniford. "W hen D oes H ubbert Linearization W ork?" The Oil Dru m w ebsite, Septem ber 29 , 2005 .***
Stuart Staniford. "A C onversation w ith Richard H einberg." The O il Drum website, Septem ber 30, 2005 . [also
listed under Richard Heinberg]
Stuart S taniford . "A N ice C oun terexam ple." Th e Oil Dru m w ebsite, O ctober 1, 200 5.***
Stuart Staniford. "We're in Deep Water." The Oil Drum website, October 7, 2005.
Stuart Staniford. "AS PO-U SA Denve r Con ference Rep ort (Thursd ay)." The Oil Drum website, November
11, 2005.
http://www .theoildrum .com/story /2005/11 /10/2335 44/36#m ore
Stuart Staniford. "ASPO-USA Denver Conference Report (Friday)." The Oil Drum website, November 12,
Stuart Staniford. "A Conversation with Matt Simmons." The Oil Drum website, No vembe r 15, 2005. [also
listed unde r M atthew R. Sim mo ns]
Stuart Staniford. "The Swift-Boating of Peak Oil." The Oil Drum website, November 15, 2005.
Stuart Staniford. "Exxon, and the Implications of 8%." The Oil Drum website, November 17, 2005.
Stuart Staniford. "Saudi Arabia from the Bottom U p." The Oil Drum w ebsite, November 22, 2005.
Stuart Staniford. "Who W ill Save Us from 2005 Peak?" The Oil Drum website, November 28, 2005.
Stuart Staniford. "Hubbert Theory Says Peak Is Slow Squeeze." The Oil Drum website, December 5, 2005.
Jacob Bradford. “WEL L Meets TheOilDrum.” Audio interview with Stuart Staniford, December 5, 2005.
http://media.globalp ublicme dia.com /RAM /2005/12 /Bradford Staniford2 00512 05.ram
Richard A. Startzman (United States/Texas)
Saud M oham med Al-Fattah and R ichard A . Startzman. "Forecasting W orld Natural G as Supp ly." Journal of
Petroleum Technology 52 (May 2000), pp. 62-72.
Asher Imam, et al. "M ulticyclic H ubbert M od el Sh ow s Global Co nventio nal G as Output Peaking in 20 19."
Oil & Gas Journal 102 (August 16, 2004), pp. 20-28.
Ronald B. Swenson (United States/California)
Ronald B. Sw enso n and Francis de W inter . "Pre paring for E nd of C heap O il: A Pro posal." Eco systems, Inc.,
Santa Cru z, California, February 12 , 1996. [also listed und er Francis de W inter]
http://w ww .hubbe rtpeak .com /services/pro posal.htm
Ronald B. Swe nson. "The D ecline of the O il Age." Auto An alyst (Sum mer 1 997).
http://w ww .hubbe rtpeak .com /debate/autoanal.htm
Gary S . Swin dell (United States/Texas)
Gary S. Swind ell. "U.S. Ho rizontal W ells Show Varied P rodu ction Perform ance." Oil & Gas Journal 94 (March
25, 19 96), pp . 66-69 . Abbre viated version on the Internet at:
http://oil.se rver4.co m/h orizo gj.htm
Gary S. Swind ell. "Texas Produ ction Data Sh ow Rapid G as Depletio n." Oil & Gas Journal 97 (June 21, 199 9),
p. 51. M odified ve rsion o n the Inte rnet at:
http://oil.se rver4.co m/tx-d epl.htm
Ted Trainer (Australia)
Ted T rainer. "The De ath of the Oil Ec onom y." Earth Island Journal 12 (Spring 1997), pp. 34-37.
http://die off.com /page 116.htm
Ted Trainer. "Reserve Growth Issues." Posted to the energyresources electronic mailing list, March 15, 2001.
Ted T rainer. "USG S Figures E xplained?" ASP O-O DA C N ewsletter No. 7 (July 2001), pp. 5-6.
Robyn W illiam s and Ted Trainer. "W hat Is Our B iggest Problem ?" Ockham 's Razor program , Radio
National, Australian Broadcasting Corporation, November 27, 2005.
http://w ww .abc.net.au/rn /science/ock ham /stories/s1 515951.htm
M ark U dall (United States/Colorado)
Milton Ariail. "Rep. M ark Ud all talks About Peak Oil During ASPO U SA Conference." Videotaped
interview, Global Public Media, November 11, 2005.
http://media.globalp ublicme dia.com /RAM /2005/11 /DenverInterview s/Udall.ram
Ran dy U dall (United States/Colorado)
Randy Udall and Steve Andrews. "W hen W ill the Joy Ride E nd?: A P etroleum Prime r." Hu bbert Center
New sletter #99/1 (January 1999), pp . 1-8. [also listed under Steve A ndrew s]
Randy Udall. “We Are the Oil Tribe.” High Country News 33 (N ovem ber 19, 2001 ).
Randy Udall and Steve An drew s. "Methane M adness: A N atural Gas Prim er." Solar Today (July-Au gust
2001), pp . 36-39. [also listed und er Steve A ndrew s]
Randy Udall. "Curve vs Pyramid." Posted to the energyresources electronic mailing list, April 1, 2002.
Steve Andrews and Randy Udall. "Oil Prophets: Looking at World Oil Studies Over Time." Paper presented
to the ASPO Second International Workshop on Oil Depletion, Paris, France, May 26, 2003. [also listed under
Steve A ndrew s]
Randy Ud all. "From C leopatra to C olum bia." Home P ower (April/May 2004), pp. 41-44.
Steve And rews, et al. "New Grou p: AS PO-U SA ." Energy Bu lletin, Augu st 3, 20 05. [also listed under Steve
And rews]
Randy Ud all and Steve A ndrew s. "The Illusive Bonan za: Oil Shale in Colorado: 'Pulling the Sword from the
Stone.'" ASP O-U SA website, Octob er 4, 2005. [also listed un der Steve A ndrew s]
Randy Ud all and Steve A ndrew s. "Oil Shale M ay Be Fo ol's Gold." Den ver Post, Decem ber 1 8, 2005. [also
listed unde r Steve An drew s]
Stew art Ud all (United States/New Mexico)
Stewart Ud all, et al. The Energy Balloon, pp. 7-12, 81-101. New York: M cGraw -Hill, 1974. [also listed under
M . King Hu bbert]
Matthew R. Simmons and Stew art U dall. "Tim e to D iscard Fifty Y ears o f Energy M yths." Arizona Star
(Tucson ), Novem ber 20, 2005 . [also listed under M atthew R. Sim mo ns]
Tom Ud all (United States/New Mexico)
Tom Udall. Testimony before the Subcomm ittee on Energy and Air Quality, Comm ittee on Energy and
Comm erce, U.S. House of Representatives, Washington, December 7, 2005.
David Room. "Rep. Tom Udall on Resource Depletion and Clim ate Chang e." Global Public M edia aud io
interview, December 9, 2005. [also listed under David Room]
http://media.globalp ublicme dia.com /RAM /2005/12 /Tom Ud all.2005120 9.ram
"Peak-O il Issue Overdu e for A iring." New M exican (Santa Fe), December 30, 2005.
Gregson Vaux (United States/Pennsylvania)
Gregson Vaux. “The Peak in U.S. Coal Production.” From The W ilderness website, May 25, 2004.
Gregson Vaux. "A Projection of Future Coal Demand Given Diminishing Oil Supplies." Chapter 2 1, in
Andrew W . M cKillop w ith Sheila New man, ed s., The Final Energy Crisis, pp. 274-27 8. Lond on: Pluto P ress,
Chris Vernon (Great Britain)
Chris Vernon. "Peak Oil: Two Approaches, One Answer. Vital Trivia website, June 28, 2005.
Chris Vernon. "OPEC Reveal Global Light Sweet Crude Peaked." Vital Trivia website, August 26, 2005.
Chris Vernon. "UK Gas and Electricity Crisis Looming." Vital Trivia website, August 27, 2005.
Chris Vernon. "Word from M exico." Vital Trivia website, December 3, 2005.
John H. W alsh (Canada/Ontario)
John H. Walsh. "Two W orld Oil Production Parabolas Staged at 1988." Canadian Association for the Club of
Rome Proceedings (Win ter/1998-19 99).
http://www.cacor.ca/walsJanuary 9, 2006h99.html
John H. W alsh. "The Future fo r the Fossil Fuels." Cana dian A ssociation for the Clu b of Rom e Proceedings
(Autu mn 1 999).
John H. W alsh. "Parabolic Pro jection of Conventional Natural Gas Production from the Western Canada
Sedimentary Basin." August 2000.
John H . Walsh. "Parabolic P rojection of W orld Con ventional O il Production Based on Y ear 2000 Resource
Assessment of the U.S. G eological S urvey." Canadian Association for the Club of Rome Proceedings
(Spring/Summ er 2001)
John H. Walsh. "The Decline in World Oil Reserves Predicted by the Parabolic Projection of Future
Production and Discoveries. July 2001.
John H. Walsh. "Note on the Delay in the Peak of Supply of Liquid F uel for Transportation Applications
Derived from Co nventional Oil by Greater Allocation to This Sector." December 2001.
John H. Walsh. "The World Energy Situation After the Peak in Conventional Oil Production Has Passed."
Canadian Association for the Club of Rome Proceedings (March 2002), pp. 3-14.
John H. Walsh. "Comparison of the Deffeyes Plot with the Staged Parabolic Technique for the Prediction of
the Peak in World Production of Conventional Oil." July 2002.
John H. Walsh. "The Coming Three Peaks in the World Energy System and Their Relationship to Climate
Change and Poverty." March 2003.
John H. W alsh. "Parabolic Projection of Four Assessments of C anad ian C onvention al N atural Gas Re sou rces."
August 2003.
John H. Walsh. "Conventional Natural Gas Production Decline Patterns." November 2003.
John H. W alsh. "Procedu re for the Parabolic Projection of Geological Assessments of Conventional Oil and
Gas Resources with Examples." Revised January 2004.
John H. Walsh. "Trends in World Oil Production, 1974-2004." June 2004.
John H. Walsh. "World Per Capita Oil Production, 1965-2004." June 2004.
John H. W alsh. "Note on Testing the A dequac y of Disco very Rates of C onventional Oil to Avoid the
Formation of a Plateau Peak in World Production." August 2004.
John H. W alsh. "Parabolic Prediction of the Tim ing of Sp ecified Peak s for W orld C onventio nal Oil
Production." September 2004.
John H. Walsh. "The Impending Tw in Crises - On e Set of So lutions?" Canadian Association for the Club of Rome
Proceedings (September 2005), pp. 6-15.
Andrew W eissman (United States/District of Colum bia)
Bill Powers. “An Interview with Andrew W eissman.” Financial Sense O nline, January 4, 2004. [also listed
unde r Bill Pow ers]
Andrew Weissman. "The Critical Need to Examine More Carefully the Role of Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG)
in Meeting Future U.S. Energy Needs - Part 1." Energy Pulse website, May 17, 2005.
Andrew W eissman. "The Critical Nee d to Exam ine M ore Carefully the Role of Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG)
in Meeting Future U.S. Energy Needs - Part 2." Energy Pulse website, May 18, 2005.
Andrew W eissman. "The Critical Need to Examine More Carefully the Role of Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG)
in Meeting Future U.S. Energy Needs - Part 3." Energy Pulse website, May 19, 2005.
David Room. Global Public Media audio interview with Andrew W eissman, September 23, 2005. [also listed
under David Room]
http://media.globalp ublicme dia.com /RAM /2005/09 /And rew_ W eissman.20 05-09-23 .ram
Andrew Weissman. "The Emer gi ng N atural Gas & Electricity Crisis - How You Can Help." Videotaped
presentation, Robertson Program Seminar Series: Energy in Transition, Duke University, Durham, North
Carolina, September 28, 2005.
http://www .physics.unc.edu /~cecil/p18vid eos/Weissm anW in/H TM L/frame.html (starts at 3:05 of the video)
Tom W hipp le (United States/Virginia)
Nicho las F. Benton. "The 'Peak Oil' Crisis." Falls Chu rch N ews-P ress (Falls Church, Virginia), April 18, 2005.
Tom Whipple. "W hy the W orld W ill Never be the S ame." Falls Chu rch N ews-P ress, April 28, 2005.
http://w ww .fcnp.co m/5 08/sto ry3.htm
Tom Whipple. "A Sobering Road Ahe ad." Falls Chu rch N ews-P ress, May 5, 2005.
http://w ww .fcnp.co m/5 09/sto ry3.htm
Tom Whipple. "The Peak O il Crisis Part 4: A Su dden Shortage." Falls Chu rch N ews-P ress, May 19, 2005.
http://w ww .fcnp.co m/5 11/sto ry3.htm
Tom Whipple. "The Peak Oil Crisis Part 6: W ill 2005 B e the Peak Y ear?" Falls Chu rch N ews-P ress, June 9, 2005.
http://w ww .fcnp.co m/5 14/sto ry1.htm
"The Peak Oil Crisis: Part 7--The G overnm ent Intervenes." Falls Church Press-News, June 16, 2005.
http://w ww .fcnp.co m/5 15/p eako il.htm
Tom Whipple. "The Peak O il Crisis Part 8: Has It Started?" Falls Church Press-News, June 23, 2005.
http://w ww .fcnp.co m/5 16/p eako il.htm
"The Peak Oil Crisis: M id-Year 20 05." Falls Chu rch N ews-P ress (Falls Church, Virginia), July 8?, 2005.
http://w ww .fcnp.co m/5 18/p eako il.htm
Tom Whipple. "The Peak Oil Crisis: Rationing." Falls Church N ews-P ress (Falls Church, Virginia), July 14,
http://w ww .fcnp.co m/5 19/p eako il.htm
Tom Whipple. "The Peak O il Crisis: A M id-Sum mer R eview." Falls Chu rch N ews-P ress, July 28, 2005.
"The Peak Oil Crisis: The R eal Energy Bill." Falls Chu rch N ews-P ress, August 8, 2005.
http://w ww .fcnp.co m/5 22/p eako il.htm
"Peak O il Crisis: Eco-Driving ." Falls Chu rch N ews-P ress, August 25, 2005.
http://w ww .fcnp.co m/5 25/p eako il.htm
Tom Whipple. "The Peak O il Crisis: The Storm s of Au gust." Falls Church N ews-P ress, September 8, 2005.
http://w ww .fcnp.co m/5 27/p eako il.htm
Tom Whipple. "The Peak O il Crisis: The First Casualty." Falls Chu rch N ews-P ress, September 22, 2005.
http://w ww .fcnp.co m/5 29/p eako il.htm
Tom Whipple. "The Peak Oil Crisis: Co ngressm an Bartlett's Conference." Falls Chu rch N ews-P ress, September
29, 2005.
http://w ww .fcnp.co m/5 30/p eako il.htm
Tom Whipple. "The Peak O il Crisis: COG & Pe ak Oil." Falls Chu rch N ews-P ress, October 6, 2005.
http://w ww .fcnp.co m/5 31/p eako il.htm
Tom Whipple. "The Peak Oil Crisis: W hen W ill Peak Oil A rrive?" Falls Chu rch N ews-P ress, October 13, 2005.
http://w ww .fcnp.co m/5 32/p eako il.htm
Tom Whipple. "The Peak O il Crisis: The N orth A tlantic Oscillation." Falls Chu rch N ews-P ress, October 20,
http://w ww .fcnp.co m/5 33/p eako il.htm
Tom Whipple. "The Peak O il Crisis: Waiting for W inter." Falls Chu rch N ews-P ress, October 27, 2005.
http://w ww .fcnp.co m/5 34/p eako il.htm
Tom Whipple. "The Peak O il Crisis: Importing Energy ." Falls Chu rch N ews-P ress, November 3, 2005.
http://w ww .fcnp.co m/5 35/p eako il.htm
Tom Whipple. "The Peak O il Crisis: Synthesizing the Po wer P oints." Falls Church New s-Press, November 17,
http://w ww .fcnp.co m/5 37/p eako il.htm
Tom Whipp le. "The Peak Oil C risis: The Co ngress M eets Peak Oil." Falls Chu rch N ews-P ress, December 15,
http://w ww .fcnp.co m/5 41/p eako il.htm
Tom Whipple. "The Peak O il Crisis: Sliding D ow n the Flagpo le." Falls Chu rch N ews-P ress, December 22, 2005.
http://w ww .fcnp.co m/5 42/p eako il.htm
Wa lter Youngquist (United States/Oregon)
Walter Young quist. GeoD estinies: The Inevitable Control of Earth Resources O ver N ations and Individu als.
Portland, Oregon: National Book Com pany, 1997.
W alter Young quist. "Spendin g Ou r Great Inheritance - Th en W hat?" Geotim es 43 (July 1998), pp. 24-26.
http://w ww .oilcrisis.co m/y oun gquist/geotime s.htm
Walter Youn gquist. "Shale Oil - Th e Elusive E nergy." Hu bbert Center N ewsletter #98/4 (October 1998), pp. 1-7.
Richard C. Duncan and Walter Youngquist. "The World Petroleum Life-Cycle." Paper presented at the
Petroleum Technology Transfer Cou ncil wo rkshop , Petroleum Engine ering Prog ram, U niversity of Sou thern
California, Los Angeles, October 22, 1998. [also listed under Richard C. Duncan]
http://die off.org /page 133.htm
Walter You ngquist. "Alternative Energy Resou rces--My ths and Realities." Electronic Green Journal (December
Walter Youngquist. "The Post-Petroleum Paradigm --And Popu lation." Population and Environment 20 (March
1999), pp. 297-315.
http://die off.org /page 171.htm
Richard C. D unc an an d W alter Young quist. "Encircling the Peak of W orld O il Produ ction." June 199 9. [also
listed under Richard C. Duncan]
http://w ww .mnforsustain.org /dun can_a nd_ you ngqu ist_enc ircling_oil.htm
Walter Youngquist. "Alternative Energy Sources." October 2000.
http://w ww .oilcrisis.co m/y oun gquist/altenerg y.htm
Walter Youngquist. Letter to Governor Gray Davis, California.
energyresources electronic mailing list, January 27, 2001.
January 6, 2001.
Posted on the
Walter Youn gquist and R ichard C . Duncan. “N orth A merican Natural Gas: Data Sho w S upply Pro blem s.”
Natural Resources Research 12 (December 2003), pp. 229-240. [also listed under Richard C. Duncan]
http://w ww .mnforsustain.org /natural_gas_ supp ly_in _de cline_ you ngqu ist_du ncan_ 1203.htm
Walter Young quist. "Letter W riting as a Persuasive To ol." The Social Contract 15 (Spring 2005), pp. 158-162.
Walter Youngquist. "The Ultimate Transition: Getting Ready for the N ew E nergy Fram ewo rk." The Social
Contract 15 (Spring 2005), p. 179.
Jack Zagar (United States => Ireland)
Mike Killalea. "Depletion: The Elephant in the Parlor." Drilling Contractor (May /June 199 9), pp. 10-12. [also
listed unde r Colin J. Cam pbell]
Jack Zagar and Colin J. Campbell. "The End of Cheap 'Conventional' Oil." Presentation to the Energy
Efficiency Po licy Sym posium , Hono lulu, No vembe r 9, 2000. [also listed und er Colin J. Camp bell]
http://www .hubbertpeak.com /Zagar/haw aii/
Colin J. Campbell and Jack Z ag ar . " Oilfields - Main tenance Exp enses." Hu bbert Center N ewsletter #200 1/2
(April 20 01), pp. 5-6. [also listed und er Colin J. Camp bell]
Jack Zagar and Colin J. Campbell. "The Iron Grip of Depletion." Energy briefing to the Am erican
M eteorolo gical Society, W ashington, D .C., July 25, 2005. [also listed un der C olin J. Cam pbell]
David Roo m. "Petro-ge ologist Jack Zag ar on Sau di Oil Produ ction and P eak." Global Pu blic Me dia audio
interview, September 30, 2005. [also listed under Colin J. Campbell and David Room]
http://media.globalp ublicme dia.com /RAM /2005/09 /JackZagar.2005 0920.ram
Werner Zittel (Germany)
Jörg Schindler and W erner Zittel. "For Ho w M uch Lo nger W ill the Cheap Oil Last?" 199 8. [also listed under
Jörg Schin dler]
Werner Zittel. "Analysis of the UK Oil Production: A C ontribution to ASPO (Association for the Study of
Peak Oil)." October 22, 2001.
Jörg Schindler and W erner Zittel. "Com men t on the Gree n Paper o f the Europ ean Co mm ission 'Tow ards a
European Strategy for the Security of Energy Supply.'" September 2001. [also listed un der Jörg S chindler]
W erner Zittel and Jörg Schindler. "Future World Oil Supply." Paper presented to International Su m m er
School on the Politics and E conom ics of Renew able Energy , University of Salzbu rg, July 15, 2002. [also listed
unde r Jörg Schind ler]
Werner Zittel and Jörg Schindler. "The Countdown for the Peak o f Oil Produ ction H as Begun --But W hat Are
the View s of the M ost Important International Energ y Ag encies?" Octo ber 12, 2004 . [also listed under Jörg
Schind ler]
Jörg Schindler and W erner Zittel. "Com men t on the IEA 's World Energy Outloo k 2004 ." ASP O N ewsletter
No . 53 (M ay 2005 ), p. 3. [also listed und er Jörg Schin dler]
Jörg Schindler and Werner Zittel. "Review of the IEA World Energy Outlook." ASP O N ewsletter No. 60
(Decem ber 2005 ), pp. 10-11. [also listed und er Jörg Schin dler]
John F. Bo okou t. "Two C enturies of Fo ssil Fuel Energ y." Episod es 12 (December 1989), pp. 257-262.
Pal I. Davidsen, et al. "A Petroleum Life Cycle Mod el for the United States with Endogenous Technology,
Exploratio n, Recovery , and Dem and." System Dy nam ics Review 6 (Sp ring 1990), pp. 66-93.***
Ian Nalder. "Oil--An Unlimited Resou rce?" Proceedings of the Canadian Association for the Club of Rome, Series
1, No . 2 (March 1992).
Diana Davids Olien and Roger M. Olien. "Running Out of Oil: Discourse and Public Policy, 1909-192 9."
Business an d Eco nom ic History 22 (W inter 19 93), pp . 36-66 .***
A.L. Smith an d B.J. Lidsky . "King Hu bbert's Analysis Rev isited : Up date of the Lo wer 48 Oil and G as
Resou rce Base." The Leading Edge 12 (N ovem ber 19 93), pp . 1082 -108 6.***
Crispin Tickw ell. "The Futur e and Its Co nseq uen ces." In Geolo gical So ciety of L ondo n, The B ritish Association
Lectures 1993, pp. 20-24. Bath, England: Geological Society of London, 1994.
John M acleay. "Running on Em pty." The Australian (Sydney), October 24, 1996.
http://w ww .hubbe rtpeak .com /au/runem pty.htm
Jim M inter. "Joy Ride to G lobal Co llapse." E Design News (Decem ber 5, 1996).
http://fcn.state.fl.us/fdi/ed esign/n ew s/961 2/joyride.htm
Michael J. Radzicki. "System D ynam ics and Ene rgy M odeling ." From Chapter 1, in Introdu ction to Sy stem
Dy nam ics: A Sy stems A pproach to U nderstanding C omplex Po licy Issues, Version 1.0. Washington: U.S.
Dep artment of E nergy , 1997 .***
http://w ww .system dyn amics.org/D L-Intro SysD yn/start.htm
Karl Hiller. "Future World Oil Supplies - Possibilities and C onstraints." Energy Exploration & Exp loitation 15
(No. 2, 1997), pp. 127-135.
Richard Reese. "Oil and the Future." Eco-action.org website, May 31, 1997.
Bill K ovarik . "Hen ry Fo rd, Charles K ettering, and the 'Fuel of the Fu ture.'" 199 8.***
Ho ward Banks. "Che ap Oil: Enjo y It While It Lasts." Forbes 161 (June 15, 1998), pp. 84+.
http://w ww .oilcrash .com /articles/ch eap.htm
Peter Beaumont and John H oop er. "Energy A pocalyp se Loo ms as the W orld Ru ns Out o f Oil!" Observ er
(London), July 26, 1998.
http://die off.com /page 144.htm
Thom Hartmann. "We're Made Out of Sunlight." In The L ast Hours of Ancient Sunlight: Waking Up to Personal
and Global Transformation, pp. 9-22. New York: Harmony Books, 1999.
E.D. Attanasi, et al. "Oil, Gas Field Gro wth Pro jections: Wishfu l Thinking or Reality?" Oil & Gas Journal 97
(April 5, 1999), pp. 79-81.
Richard B . And erson. "Gas Prices Fit for C hicken L ittle." Los Angeles Tim es, April 8, 1999.
http://w ww .hubbe rtpeak .com /debate/and erson .htm
Steven Dutch. "Geologic Resources." Updated April 14, 1999.
http://w ww .uwgb.edu/du tchs/EarthSC 202No tes/reso urce.h tm
Vincent Ramirez. "Oil Crises Delay--A Wo rld Oil Price Forecast." July 1, 1999.
http://m em bers.aol.co m/vrex/oil/p rice_fo recast.htm
M ike Fitts. "Small-Car O wne rs Get Their R evenge." The State (Columbia, South Carolina), April 11, 2000.
http://72 .14.207.104 /search?q=cache:m lo6n 6ePmtcJ:www.thehollandsentinel.net/stories/041100/opi_smco.
David Brow n. "Has Prod uction Peak ed?: Bulls and Bears Du el O ver S upply." AA PG Exp lorer 21 (M ay 2000 ).
http://www .aapg.org/explo rer/2000/0 5m ay/cassandras.cfm
Mike Neligh. "The End of the Road." Posted to the energyresources electronic mailing list, June 20, 2000.
http://w ww .gullan d.ca/d epletion/E ndo froad .htm
"The Last Oil Shock." BBC New s website, November 8, 2000.
http://new s.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/events/th e_m oney_p rogra mm e/101 4236.stm
Charlie Richardson. "Where Do We Stand in Relation to Oil Supply?" Ecotransit website, undated, 2000?
Eugene M arner. "We M ust Chang e Our O il-Use H abits." Oneonta Daily Star (Oneonta, New York), November
18, 2000.
Revised and expand ed as: "The End o f Cheap and A bundan t Oil," Organic Farms, Folks & Foods 20 (MidSpring 2 002), pp. 21 -22; and "D ealing w ith the Com ing Oil C risis," Online Journal, April 19, 2002.
Tom McCarthy. "The C om ing W onde r: Foresight and E arly Con cerns about the A utom obile." Environmental
History 6 (Janu ary 20 01), pp . 46-74 .***
W orld Resources Institute. "WRI Study Reveals Oil fro m A rctic N ational Wildlife R efuge W ill No t Alleviate
Increasing U.S. Dependence on Foreign Sources." Press release, February 15, 2001.
Charlotte Denn y. "How the US Con sum er Is Pum ping the W orld D ry." The Guardian (London), November
20, 2000.
Dana Visali. "The Rising Price of Energy and the Future of the Methow." Draft opinion piece subm itted to
the Methow Valley News (Twisp , Washing ton), posted o n the energy resources electro nic mailing list, January
28, 2001.
http://groups.yahoo.com/group/energyresources/message/5100 (see also replies)
Alistair W . McC rone. "On the Impe nding D ecline of W orldw ide O il Produ ction." San Francisco Chronicle,
March 4, 2001.
Jeremiah Creed on. "Life A fter Oil." Utn e Reader (March-April 2001), p. 52.
http://w ww .augu stana.ab.ca/rd x/eng/a ctivism /lifeaftero il.htm
Bruce T hom son. "The O il Crash and Y ou." Auto-Free Tim es (Spring 2001), pp. 24-27.
Kerm it Schlansker. "Ed itorial." Unpublishe d subm ission to the Ann Arbor News.
energyresources electronic mailing list, May 31, 2001.
Posted on the
Lucy Care. "Oil and Gas: Ho w Finite A re These R esources?" EarthQu aker, Issue 36 (Yearly M eeting 200 1),
pp. 6-7. Newsletter of Quaker Green Concern.
"A L and W ithout M aps." ASP O-O DA C N ewsletter No. 8 (August 2001), pp. 2-4.
"View from the Future." ASP O-O DA C N ewsletter No. 9 (September 2001), pp. 6-8.
Andrew Oswald. "Oil Price Puts Skids Under Growth." Sund ay Tim es (London), September 2, 2001.
Reprinted in Waves N ewsletter, September 5, 2001.
[no lo nger o n Intern et}
Johnny Ang el. "It's the Oil: Neve r M ind the Pu ndits, The Ro ot Cause Rem ains the Sam e." LA Weekly,
September 21-27, 2001.
Jim D iPeso. "Am erica, It's Time for a New M anhattan Project!" Green Elephant (Fall 2001).
http://w ww .rep.org/new s/ge5_ M anhattan Proje ct.htm
"Yet Even the E conom ists Are Rational." ASP O-O DA C N ewsletter No. 10 (October 2001), pp. 7-8.
Keith M iller. “Are We in Danger of Running Out of Oil?” History News Network website, October 1, 2001.
Chip Haynes. "Ghawar Is Dying." New Colonist website, August 2001.
Gerald L each. "The C om ing Dec line of Oil." Tiempo (Decem ber 2001 ).
http://w ww .cru.uea.ac.uk/tiem po/floor0/rece nt/issue42/t42 a2.htm
Robert G regory. "Ene rgy and P olitics Alw ays M ix." G eo lo gy at SM U (De cem ber 2 001 ), p. 2
Bruce Robinson. "'The Big Ro llover': World Oil Prod uction D ecline Pred ictions." CSIRO Sustainability
Netw ork Upd ate (December 17, 2001), pp. 10-13.
Andrew Pickering. "The Discovery Decline Phenomenon:
Con tinental Shelf." Energy Journal 23 (No. 1, 2002), pp. 57-71.
Microeconometric Evidence from the UK
Lisa Rayner. "Pipe-Dreams and Oil Schemes: Petroleum G eologists W arn That O il Will Be Gon e Before
Econ om ists Know It." Flagstaff Tea Party 3 (February 20 02).
http://www .flagteaparty.org/Publications/H eadlines/Pages/2002/Jan_Feb2002/Pipedreamsandoilschemes.html
"The Neme sis Rep ort: The Im pact of Falling D iscovery on Peak Pro duction ." ASP O-O DA C N ewsletter No.
15 (March 2002), pp. 7-11.
John Akehurst. "Wo rld O il M arkets and the C halleng e for Australia." W oo dsid e En ergy, Ltd ., March 6, 2002.
[no lo nger available o n Intern et]
Bruce S tanley. "Debate: W hen W ill Oil Peak?" Houston Chronicle, May 25, 2002.
[no lo nger o n Intern et]
Bruce Robinson. "Global Oil Vulnerability and the Au stralian Situation." Backgrou nd pap er for the W estern
Australia state sustainability strategy, June 30, 2002.
Olav Hanssens. "How Long W ill the Oil Last?" Norwegian Petroleum Directorate website, July 4, 2002.
http://w ww .npd .no/E nglish /Em ner/R essursfo rvaltning /Ressu rsregn skap_ og_ -analyse /oljen-v arer.htm
Dan Whipple. "Blue Planet: The End Is Near." UPI Environment News, September 27, 2002.
Karl Davies. "The End of Oil and Natural Gas Exploration in North America." Independent Media Center
website, November 26, 2002.
[no lo nger available o n Intern et]
Tefel Hall. “The Big Rollover: Are We Facing Another Oil Crisis?” Bill Totten's Weblog, December 19, 2002.
Richard J. Douthw aite, ed. Before the Wells Run Dry: Ireland’s Transition to Renewable Energy. Dublin:
FEASTA , 2003.
"End of Cheap Oil Poses Serious Threat to World Economy, Experts Say." Environmental Media Services
webpage, updated January 6, 2003.
[no lo nger available o n Intern et}
Steve M orn ingthunder. "Supply-Exh austion." Posted to the energyreso urces electronic m ailing list, January
17, 2003.
Michael Vickerm an. “Natural G as: The Incredible Shrinking Energy Resource.” Wisconsin Ren ewable
Qu arterly 8 (Winter 2003), pp. 2, 5.
Richard H . Sibson. "Falling Off H ubbert's Peak." New Zealand Listener (March 8-14, 2003 ).
http://w ww .oilcrash .com /articles/fall_ off.htm
Bloo mberg Business N ews. "N atural Gas Still Dep leted." Ho uston Chronicle, April 21, 2003.
Dina O'Meara. "Canada Natural Gas Production Deteriorating." Dow Jones Newsw ires, April 27, 2003.
Jack Duckworth. "Recogn izing Expe rts of Me rit Am ongst Idiots 10 2." Energy P ulse we bsite, May 16, 2003.
Lise Maring. "World Without Oil." New Colonist website, June 5, 2003.
W alt Contreras Sheasby. "The Coming Panic Over the E nd of O il." Post to the energyreso urces electronic
mailing list, July 5, 2003.
Stephen James Kerr. "The End?" ZNet website, August 6, 2003.
http://w ww .zmag .org/w eblink s/kerr_ end ofoil.htm
And rew M ain. "Oil and the H um an Factor." Austra lian Financial Review, August 30, 2003.
Sergey Boro vik. "Hubbert's Peak Reso urces: A B rief Introduction to W orld O il Depletion ." August 30, 2003.
Updated May 2, 2004.
http://w ww .bigw ig.net/sergey/h ubbert.htm
[no lo nger available o n Intern et]
Patrick Eytchison . "The Caspian Oil M yth." Synthesis/Regeneration No . 32 (Fall 2003).
Keith B radsher . High and Mighty: The Dangerous Rise of the SUV. New York: Public Affairs, 2003.
Graham Jones. "World Oil and Gas 'Running Out.'" CNN.com, October 2, 2003.
http://edition.cnn.com/2003/WORLD /europe/10/02/global.warming/
Andy Coghlan. "'Too Little' Oil for Global Warming." NewScientist.com, October 5, 2003.
Jose ph Georg e Caldwe ll. "It's the Oil, Stup id! (Hubbert's Curve and World War III)." Revised, November
8, 2003.
http://w ww .foundationw ebsite.org/ItsThe Oil.htm
Robert Bryce. "Bush Is Wasting His Energy and Ours o n Old Ideas." Los Angeles Tim es, November 13, 2003.
Gunnar Lindgren. “Impending World Oil Shortage.” November 18, 2003.
Peter Calam ai. "Energy C risis Loom s, Experts W arn." Toronto Star, November 26, 2003.
Monte Paulsen. "The Age of Oil Is Over." AfterNet.org, December 4, 2003.
F. William Engdahl. “Iraq and the Problem of Peak Oil.” Current Concerns (January 200 4).
Michael Meacher. “Plan Now for a World Without Oil.” Financial Times (London), January 5, 2004.
Bill Butler. “The Oil Crunch and The End of Growth.” January 17, 2004.
Monica Perin. “Ru nning O ut of Gas: Soaring D eman d Ou tpaces Production.” Houston Business Journal 34
(January 19, 200 4).
Richard Gwyn. “Demand for Oil Outstripping Supply.” Toronto Star, January 28, 2004.
http://w ww .com mo ndre ams.org/vie ws0 4/0128-1 0.htm
David R. Francis. “The Escaping Price of Natural Gas.” Christian Science Monitor, February 19, 2004.
Jeff Gerth. “Forecast of Rising Oil Demand Challenges Tired Saudi Fields.” New York T imes, February 24,
http://w ww .coun tercurrents.org /peak oil-ge rth250204.htm
Stewart Kirkpatrick. “Oiling the Wheels of the Internet.” The Scotsman (Edinburgh, Scotland), February 26,
Robert Freem an. “W ill the End o f Oil M ean the End of America?” Comm on Dreams website, March 1, 2004.
http://w ww .com mo ndre ams.org/vie ws0 4/0301-1 2.htm
Charley Reese. “Bad Times Coming.” March 3, 2004.
Steven Poruban. “Industry Panel Warns of Imm inent US Natural Gas Supply Crisis.” Oil & Gas Journal 102
(March 8?, 2004), pp. 32-33?
Stella Farrington. “O il Ove r a Barre l: Goo d-Bye to Cheap O il from 2010?” Do w Jones N ewsw ires, March
8, 2004.
Gun nar Lindg ren. “W hat Happens When the Oil Runs Out?” Goteborgs-Posten (Gotebo rg, Swed en), March
14, 2004.
Jacqueline Doherty. “Half Emp ty?: World Oil Supplies, While Not Running Out Now, May Plateau Sooner
than Thought.” Barron’s 84 (M arch 15, 200 4).
Verne Ko pytoff. "Peering Into Oil's Future: Experts Try to Predict When the World Will Start Running Low
on the N atural Resource That Kee ps All the E ngines Ru nning." San Francisco C hron icle, March 21, 2004.
Jeffrey Rubin. “Why Sky-High Oil Prices Are No Blip on the Radar.” Toronto Globe and Mail, March 22, 2004.
Cheyenne Fahrno w. “ Ah ! The Vo ices! S hut Up ! Shut Up!” Post to the ROE2 (Running on Empty 2)
electronic mailing list, March 24, 2004, followed by sequel, “Hypothetical Gas Price Increase Protest,” March
28, 2004.
Robert Bryce. “Bush’s Greatest Failure.” Texas Observer 96 (March 26, 2004), pp. 8-9.
Yves Cochet. “Towards the Petro-Apocalypse.” Le Monde (Paris, France), March 31, 2004. Reprinted in The
Social Contract 15 (Spring 2005), pp. 183-184.
“Tales of the Arabian Nights.” ASP O N ewsletter No. 39 (March 2004), pp. 9-12.
Joseph Dancy. “North Am erican Natural Gas Markets: Summ er Surprise Ahead?" Energy Pulse website,
April 5, 2004.
Jeff Gerth and Stephen Labaton. “Oman’s Oil Yield Long in Decline, Shell Data Show.” New York T imes,
April 8, 2004.
http://www .peaceredd ing.org/O man's% 20O il%20 Yield%20Long% 20in%20Decline,%20S hell%20Data%20
Sho w.htm
Bill Butler. “The Great Rollover Juggernaut: World Oil Depletion and the Inevitable Crisis.” April 12, 2004.
Updated March 2, 2005.
Brad Clark. “How Low is the Flow? ” CB C N ational Radio New s, April 12, 20 04. Arch ived at Global P ublic
Media website.
Derek Reiber. “Pain at the Pump.” Tidepool website, April 13, 2004.
Jason Mark. “Lights Out!: The End of the Oil Age.” AlterNet.org website, April 14, 2004.
Lars Bevanger. “Norway Prepares for Dry North Sea.” BBC New s, April 14, 2004.
http://new s.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/busine ss/362 2129.stm
Grego ry Gre ene , dire ctor. The End of Su burbia: Oil D epletion and the Collapse of the Am erican Dream. DVD
video , Electric W allpap er, To ronto , prem iered Ap ril 16, 20 04. Fo r purchase at:
Alex Kirby. “When the Last Oil Well Runs Dry.” BBC New s Online, April 19, 2004.
http://new s.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/science/nature/3623549.stm
John Schneider. “Oil Production in Decline.” Cincinn ati Post, April 21, 2004.
Hum berto Márquez. “Adios, Cheap Oil.” Inter Press Service News Agency, April 27, 2004.
Michael Tusiani. “Running On Emp ty: Higher Prices Show That Our Insatiable D em and fo r Gaso line Is
Catching Up with the Willingness to Produce It.” Washingto n Post, April 28, 2004.
John Mawdsle y. “H ubbert’s C urve: W hy th e W orld Is Approachin g Pe ak O il Prod uction.” Raymond James
& Associates website, May 3, 2004.
[no longer on Internet free of subscription]
Danny Hakim. “Average U.S. Car Is Tipping Scales at 4,000 Pounds.” New York T imes, May 5, 2004.
Paul Erdman. “The Looming Oil Crisis Will Dwarf 1973.” CBS M arketWatch, May 5, 2004.
http://cbs.marketwatch.com/news/story.asp?guid=%7B8A89E36 B-0E79-44B0-A790-DFFCDBE4BA 21%7D
&siteid= goog le&d ist=google
Paul Krugman. “The Oil Crunch.” New York T imes, May 7, 2004.
http://w ww .coun tercurrents.org /peak oil-kru gm an07 0504.htm
Mathew Ingram. “Crude Oil Price Surge Sends Shivers Down Investors’ Spines.” Toronto Globe and Mail, M ay
8, 2004
Richard Gilbert. “Peeved at the Pump?” Toronto Globe and Mail, May 11, 2004.
Paul Erdman. “Hubbert’s Peak Goes Global.” CBS MarketWatch, May 13, 2004.
http://cbs.marketwatch.com /news/story.asp?g uid=% 7B7E DEF 541-A A0B -4C69-8FAE-1592F08D7D82% 7D
&siteid= goog le&d ist=google
Richard Friebe, translated by David Crist. “Is the Party Over?” Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung (Frank furt,
Germany), May 23, 2004.
http://w ww .odac -info.o rg/articles/Frank furterA llgem eine2 30504.htm
Daniel Caton. “Fill ‘er Up!: We Need to Move Past Oil Anyway.” Charlotte Observer, May 14, 2004.
http://w ww .dancaton.ph ysics.appstate.ed u/C olum ns/FillE rUp .htm
David Langworthy. “Needed: Exit Strategy from Oil Addiction.” Ho uston Chronicle, May 16, 2004.
http://20 9.157 .64.200/focus/f-news/1 136879/posts
Alan Ko hler. “So W hy W ouldn ’t Oil Prices Rocket?” Syd ney M orning H erald (Sydney, Australia), May 19,
“Addicted to Oil.” Florida Today (Melbourne, Florida), May 21, 2004.
[no longer available on Internet free of charge]
Mike Davis. “The View from Hubbert’s Peak.” Znet website, May 26, 2004.
Llewellyn King. “This World Is Running on Empty.” Ho uston Chronicle, May 29, 2004.
Roger Herrera. “Impressions from Berlin.” Petroleum News 9 (May 30, 2004), p. 4.
Tim App enzeller. “The End of Cheap Oil.” Na tional Geograp hic 205 (June 2004), pp. 80-109.
Imaginary Boy L orenzo . "Peak Oil: 'Is It the End of the W orld as W e Kno w It...?'" Three Im aginary Girls
website, June 2004.
http://www .threeimaginary girls.com/p eakoil04 June.asp
Gun nar Hen rioulle. “Pro posal for U S and G lobal Transpo rt Policy.” ASP O N ewsletter No . 42 (June 200 4),
p. 9.
Aaron Naparstek. “The Coming Energy Crunch: A $2 Gallon of Gas Is Just the Beginning.” New York P ress,
June 1, 2004.
David Ignatius. “Why Gas Prices Are Too Low.” Washingto n Post, June 1, 2004.
And rea R. Hihailescu . "Will Oil Pro duction Ever Reach Its Peak?" Washingto n Tim es, June 4, 2004.
http://w ww .wash ingtontim es.com /upi-breakin g/20040527-051 725-252 4r.htm
James Jordan and James R. Powell. “After the Oil Runs Out.” Washingto n Post, June 6, 2004.
Heather Timmons. “Got Oil?: Now Try to Find Tankers to Carry It.” New York T imes, June 9, 2004.
Renato Guseo and Alessandra Dalla Valle. "Oil and Gas Depletion: Diffusion Models and Forecasting Under
Strategic Intervention." Presentation to XLII Riunione Scientifica, Società Italiana di Statistica, Bari, Italy, June
9-11, 2004.
Simon English. “Take an Oil Price Over $40 - Then Quadruple It.” London Telegraph, June 12, 2004.
http://www.telegraph.co.uk/money/main.jhtm l?xml=/money/2004/06/12/cclife12.xml&sSheet=/money/200
Jason Roberson. “What Comes After Oil?: Experts Discuss Next Phase.” Da yton Da ily News, June 12, 2004.
Bruce H ight. “W hat Will W e Do W hen the O il Wells Run Dry?: End of Petroleum-Based Energy Is Closer
Than Thought, Authors Argue.” Austin American-Statesman, June 27, 2004.
Jocelyn Parker. “Mee ting the Nation’s Energy Need s: Little Incentive to Ease Heavy Burden.” Detroit Free
Press, June 28, 2004.
[no lo nger available o n Intern et]
Elizabeth Sullivan. “Skids Are Greased for Oil Crisis.” Cleveland Plain D ealer, July 8, 2004.
http://w ww .com mo ndre ams.org/vie ws0 4/0708-0 7.htm
Marshall Auerback. “No Pleasant Surprises in the New O il Order.” Asia Times Online, July 10, 2004.
Llewellyn King. “Days Are Num bered for Plentiful Oil Supply.” Bloomington-Normal Pantagraph (Illinois),
July 11, 2004.
[no lo nger o n Intern et]
Keith Miller. “Why 20 04 W ill Be Remem bered as the Year World Oil Produ ction Peaked.” History News
Network website, July 12, 2004.
Colin Hines. “Oil Drought Could Be Our Saviour.” The Guardian (London), July 19, 2004.
Ivan Sandrea. “Deepwater Oil Discovery Rate M ay Have Peaked ; Produc tion Peak M ay Follow in 10 Y ears.”
Oil & Gas Journal 102 (July 26, 2004), pp. 18-23.
Roberta Gray. “Will the End of This...Spell an End to This?” Dublin Tribune (Ireland), July 28, 2004?
"Fossil Fuels and H um an Civilisation." M auritius Institute for Environm ental and Le gal Studies w ebsite, July
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http://w ww .aljazeerah .info/O pinio n% 20ed itorials/2 005%2 0O pinio n% 20E ditorials/February/23% 20o/M ark
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David Lazarus. "C hevro nT exaco's CEO Banking on Peak Oil Situation." San Francisco C hron icle, April 8, 2005.
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http://w ww .businesswe ekasia.co m/m agazine/con tent/05 _18/b393 1044_m z011 .htm
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M ichael Ven tura. "$4 a Gallon." Au stin Chron icle 24 (April 29, 2005), p. 36.
Gary Chapman. "The 'Peak O il' Problem: It Shou ld Con cern U s All." Austin American-Statesman, April 29,
[no lo nger available o n Intern et]
Joe Bage ant. "Back to the Ancient Future: Chewing Raw Grubs with the 'Nutcracker Man.'" Dissident Voice
website, April 29, 2005.
http://w ww .dissidentvo ice.org /Ap r05/B agean t0429 .htm
W arren Brow n. "Explod ing Ove rseas Dem and En ds Era of C heap O il." Washingto n Post, May 1, 2005.
Dan P iller. "Oil Fields in Texas Sh ow ing Their A ge." Fort Worth Star-Telegram, May 1, 2005.
Bob B urnett. "Peak Oil L oom s, While U .S. Remains G luttonou s." Berkeley D aily Planet, May 3, 2005.
Tariana Turia. "The Maori Party in New Zealand Officially Recognizes Peak Oil." Global P ublic M edia
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David Chege. "Peak Oil: A Global Economy in Crisis." Left Hook website, May 5, 2005.
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Gretchen Schuld t. "Com ing Ene rgy Cru nch Fighting fo r Attention from Pols." W isPolitics.com, M ay 9, 2005.
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http://www.sfgate.com/cgi-bin/article.cgi?file=/c/a/2005/05/22/MNG46CM UPL60.DTL
Dan M cM enam in. "Peak Oil C oncep t Stresses Urgenc y of Dw indling O il Supp ly." Californ ia Ag gie, May 25,
2005 (stud ent new spaper o f the University o f California at Davis).
Jake Gordon. "ASPO International Workshop 2005 Experience." ASPO Ireland website, May 29, 2005.
Robin Palme r. "Oil Prices to Jum p 30 Pe rcent Next Ye ar: Need iest Verm onters W ill Take th e Bigge st Hit."
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http://www.timesargus.com/apps/pbcs.dll/article?AID=/20050529/NEW S/505290370/1003/NEW S02
Israel Rod riguez. "Decline in Produ ction in Can tarell Starts Earlier Than Pred icted." La Jornada (Me xico City),
M ay 29, 2005. Tran slation forward ed by Ro ger Baker, ene rgyresou rces electronic mailing list, May 30, 2005.
Dan Crawford. "Oil Depletion Protocol Needed." Power Struggle website, May? 2005.
http://dan.kootenaygreen.ca/?Articles:%235% 3A_Oil_Depletion_Protocol_Needed
Dan McM enamin. "Peak Oil History 1 01: Cause s of the Situation." Californ ia Ag gie, June 1, 2005 (student
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Dm itry Orlov. "Post-Soviet Lessons for a Post-American Century." From The W ilderness website, June 1,
"A Picture of Depletion." The Oil Drum w ebsite, June 1, 2005.
Joe Duarte. "Peak Oil: Russian Style." Rigzone website, June 3, 2005.
Ron F orthofer. "Oil's Imm inent Declin e W ill Impact U s All." Rocky Mountain News (Denver), June 4, 2005.
Alfred J. C ava llo . "H ubbert's M odel: U ses, Mean ings, and Lim its--1." Oil & Gas Journal 103 (June 6, 2005),
pp. 22-26 .***
Gun tis M oritis. "US Prod uction Re lies Greatly on S trippers." Oil & Gas Journal 103 (June 6, 2005), pp. 43-48.
Chris Seper and John Funk. "Era of Cheap Oil Is Over: Scramble Is On to Avert a Crisis." Cleveland Plain
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Roland Watson. "Every Little Bit Counts." New Era Investor website, June 7, 2005.
Dan McM enamin. "The Future A fter Oil Reso urces Run Out Is U ncertain." Californ ia Ag gie, June 8, 2005
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Craig D . Rose and D ean Calbreath. "A Crud e Aw akening." Peoria Journal Star, June 12, 2005.
http://w ww .gasand oil.com/g oc/ne ws/n tn527 75.htm
Robert G elfand. "Peak O il and the Future of Ou r Civilization." The A merican Reporter 11 (June 12 , 2005). /search?q=cache :FjgwTQ TQm OgJ:w ww .american-reporter.com/2,681/75.html+%22rob
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Robert Gelfand. “Demand for Oil, Population Growth Stir Fears.” Am erican Reporter 11 (July 15, 20 05). EJ:www.american-reporter.com/2,680/60.html+%22rob
Roland Watson. "Peak Oil 2005?" New Era Investor website, July 15, 2005.
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Dana C alvo. "Squeezing Oil from Deserted W ells." Los Angeles Tim es, July 24, 2005.
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Ben Geman. "'Peak Oil Advocates Call for Energy Marshall Plan." Greenwire, July 26, 2005.
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James B reiner. "Get Read y for Return of the Bad '70s." Washington Business Journal, July 29, 2005.
John B usby. "Air M iles." ASP O N ewsletter No. 56 (August 2005), pp. 7-9.
Kurt Cobb. "Oil Supp lies and the 'Infallible' Goddess o f the Mark etplace." Resource Insights website, Au gust
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Sean Brodrick. "Oil Shock." 321energy website, August 2, 2005.
Kevin Kerr. "Don't Ask the 'Experts.'" MarketWatch website, August 5, 2005.
"Depletion and Advanced Extraction Technologies." The Oil Drum website, August 11, 2005.
Daniel M ottola. "Is the World Head ed for a C rude A wake ning?" Au stin Chron icle 24 (A ugust 12, 20 05).
Steve Yetiv. "W ill Am erica Be Read y W hen O il Supp ly Peaks?" Baltimore Sun, August 12, 2005.
Shepherd Bliss. "Peak Oil--Beyond Fear." Energy Bulletin, August 13, 2005.
Jad M ouaw ad. "The O il Price to Be Scare d Of." New York T imes, August 14, 2005.
(no lo nger available fre e on the Intern et)
Cathy Pro ctor. "'Peak Oil' Issue Piques Interest." Denver Business Journal (Aug ust 14, 2005 ).
Thom as Daw son. "Ho w Se rious Is Peak O il?" Am erican Chronicle, August 16, 2005.
W illiam Tu cke r. "The C ost of Oil and Hubb ert's Peak." Bergen Coun ty Record (Hacken sack, New Jersey),
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http://www .northjersey.com/page.php?qstr=eXJpcnk3ZjcxN2Y3dnFlZUV FeXkxNCZm Z2JlbDdm N3 ZxZ
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Scoop Independent News, August 17, 2005.
http://w ww .scoop.co.n z/stories/P O0 508/S00 184.htm
Tim Ho lt. "After the Oil Runs O ut." The Oregonian (Portland), August 21, 2005
Terry Gro ss. "Peter M aass on 'The B reakin g Po int' for Gas Demand." Interview, WHYY Fresh Air program,
August 22, 2005.
http://media.globalp ublicme dia.com /RAM /2005/08 /Maass.20 05220 8.ram
Dan P iller. "Barnett Shale's Rise Can't Offset Declines." Fort Worth Star-Telegram, August 22, 2005.
Alice Friedemann. "Peak Oil and the Preservation of Knowledge." August 24, 2005.
(available from energyskeptic@yahoo.com)
Bill Koenig. "GM, Ford Motor Debt Ratings Cut to Junk by M ood y's (Update4 )." Bloom berg.com , Augu st
24, 2005.
Jad M ouaw ad. "Energy Prices Vex A merican s on A ll Fronts." New York T imes, August 26, 2005.
"When Did the Era of Cheap Oil End?" New Era Investor website, August 29, 2005.
"M arkets Can't Create O il: U.S. Need s a Real Energ y Policy." Eug ene Register-G uard, August 30, 2005.
"CAFE, Gas Taxes, the SPR, and Rationing." The Oil Drum website, August 31, 2005.
Shepherd Bliss. "Peak Oil - Scientific Concept and/or Metaphor?" Energy Bulletin, September 1, 2005.
Roger Arnold. "Will GTL Nail the Coffin Lid on Cheap NG?" Energy Pulse website, September 1, 2005.
Chip Giller and D avid Ro berts. "A Fit of (Oil) Peak." Boston Globe, September 1, 2005.
http://www .boston.com /news/glo be/editorial_o pinion/o ped/articles/200 5/09/01/a_ fit_of_oil_p eak/
"Ideas About the Future of Energy in the US (from Our Industry Insider and Prof. Goose." The Oil Drum
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H.D .S. Greenw ay. "The End of Oil." Boston Globe, September 6, 2005.
http://w ww .com mo ndre ams.org/vie ws0 5/0906-2 2.htm
M ella M cEw en. "Som e Say Katrina's Afterm ath Is Glimp se of W orld's Energy F uture." Midland R eporterTelegram (Midland, Texas), September 11, 2005.
David S harp, et al. "Heating Oil P rices Expected to Surge." New York T imes, September 12, 2005.
H. Jose f Hebert. "Officials in G ulf o f M exico A rea S ay T hey're W orried about W inter Natural Gas Shortages."
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Trevor Shaw. "The End o f the Tunne l." Raise the Ham mer w ebsite (Ham ilton, Ontario), September 15, 2005.
M artin Dyckm an. "We N eed W hite-M arket Gas Ration ing." St. Petersburg Tim es, September 18, 2005.
Nate Jenk ins. "High Prices N ot Only at the Pum p." Lincoln Journal Star, September 18, 2005.
http://www .journalstar.com/articles/2005 /09/18/local/d oc432 ca4b6ba91 b79306 0122.txt
Simon de Burxelles. "Co st of Fuel Co uld Sink Deep -Sea Fishing Flee t." Times of London, September 20, 2005.
J. Robinson West. "Energy Insecurity." Testimony before the U.S. Senate Committee on Comm erce, Science,
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Cynthia Tucker. "A Nation of 'Oiloholics' Needs Intervention." Yahoo! News, September 23, 2005.
http://w ww .com mo ndre ams.org/vie ws0 5/0926-2 5.htm
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David Bacon. "The End of Cheap Oil: Rising Prices at the Pump Are Only the Beginning." Working For
Change, September 26, 2005.
James Hannah. "Talk of Oil Decline Moving into Mainstream." Ohio News N ow, September 26, 2005.
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"Debating to the Numbers (Or More on Saudi Production." The Oil Drum website, September 28, 2005.
Chris Kuyk endall. "Co mm ents: Review s of th e Ba rtlett E nergy C onference." Oil Drum website, September
28, 20 05.***
http://www.theoildrum.com/story/2005/9/26/213716/427 (19th co mm ent)
Eric T. Olson. "Peak Oil: Are Energy Crises, More W ars, and Breakdow n of Capitalism Com ing Soon?"
Socialist and Marxist Studies Lecture Series, University of Maine, Orono, Maine, September 29, 2005.
http://media.globalp ublicme dia.com /RAM /2005/11 /20050 929E ricOlson.ram
Diane Chiddister. "Hundreds Come to Village for 2 nd Peak Oil Co nference." Yellow Springs News (Yellow
Springs, Ohio, September 29, 2005.
Clyde Simk ins. "Open L etter to Daniel Ye rgin on O ptimism and Addressing Peak Oil Seriously." Energy
Bulletin, September 29, 2005
M ichael Ven tura. "Things to Co me: Part I." Au stin Chron icle 25 (Septem ber 30, 2005 ).
Dan B ox. "The En d of C heap O il." The E cologist 35 (October 2005), pp. 36-44.
Dan B ox, et al. "The End o f Cheap Oil the Co nsequen ces." The E cologist 35 (Octo ber 2005 )?
Richard Vodra. "The Next Energy Crisis." Financial-Planning.com, October 1, 2005.
Paul Phillips. "Peak Oil a nd the E nd of G lobalization." CCPA Monitor (October 2005). Publication of the
Canad ian Centre fo r Policy A lternatives.
http://www.policyalternatives.ca/index.cfm?act=news&do=Article&call=1164&pA=BB 736455
Tim Ho lt. "Chard on the G reen?: S.F. In a Post-Oil future--Im agine She lves Bare Becau se of Gas Prices." San
Fran cisco C hron icle, October 2, 2005.
Ruth Cam pbell. "Roundtable on Energy, National Security Brings Out Experts." Midland Reporter Telegram
(Midland, Texas), October 5, 2005.
http://ww w.m yw esttexas.com/site/news.cfm?newsid=15330154&BRD=2288& PAG=461& dept_id=475626&
Ron Schuler. "M. King Hubbert." Ron Schuler's Parlour Tricks blog, October 5, 2005.
"Will Oil Supplies Dry Up?" TheTrumpet.com, October 6, 2005.
Chand ra Huston. "High Fuel Costs Rem ind Resid ent of Gas R ationing." Bax ter Bu lletin (Mountain Home,
Arkansas), October 6, 2005.
[no lo nger available o n Intern et]
Charlie Sm ith. "Running on Em pty." Georgia Straight (October 6, 20 05). Published in Vanco uver, British
Colu mbia.
Trevor Shaw . "U nrave lin g th e G as 'C on spiracy.'" Raise the Hamm er website (Hamilton, Ontario), October
7, 2005.
Brad Fo ss. "Is the U .S. on the Verg e of a Natu ral Gas Crisis?" Pittsburgh Post-Gazette, October 8, 2005.
http://w ww .post-gazette.com/p g/05281/582534.stm
Jim Gillespie. "Energy Tsunami On the Way." Realty Times website, October 10, 2005.
http://realty time s.com /rtapage s/200 51010_tsunam i.htm
Pam Belluck an d Sarah K ershaw. "Fearing Heat C osts, Many Take Prev entive Actio n." New York Tim es,
October 11, 2005.
G. Jeffrey M acDo nald. "High er Gas Prices H it Rural Am ericans Hard ." Christian Science Monitor, October 11,
Stan Cox. "Hunger for Natural Gas." AlterNet website, October 12, 2005.
Greg Pah l. "The Pe ak Oil Pro blem: W e M ay Be Ru nning O ut Soo ner Than W e Think." Rutland Herald
(Rutland, Vermont), October 13, 2005.
"Storm s Take U .S. Oil Prod uction to L ow est Since W W II." Ho uston Chronicle, October 13, 2005.
M ichael S. Abrah am. "A merican s Expect 'M iracle' Oil Reserves." Roan oke Tim es, October 14, 2005.
[no lo nger available o n Intern et]
M atthew Stein. "W aiting for the Lights to G o Ou t." Sunday Times Magazine (London), October 16, 2005.
"Peak O il Confere nce Co ming to Denve r." Cherry Creek News (Denver), October 18, 2005.
Aarti Betigeri. "Does Peak Oil Signal the End?" SBS World News A ustralia, October 19, 2005.
John V idal and Ian Sam ple. "The Pressu re M ounts." The Guardian (London), October 19, 2005.
Tim Barton. "End o f Oil Co nference: Lo ndon , October 11th, 20 05." Blue Green Earth website, October 2005.
"The End of Oil - Co nference o n Peak O il, Food, and the Econ om y: The C II Hall, London, UK, Tuesday, 11
October 2005." Green Living website, October 2005.
M artha Elson. "Reside nts Bracing for an O il Crisis." Louisville Courier-Journal, October 20, 2005.
Scott Redding. "When A ll the Oil Is Gone." Rabble News, October 21, 2005.
http://www.rabble.ca/news_full_story.shtml?x=42992%3D42992& cid=0
Chris Kuyk endall. "Where 'Peak' Comes From." Post to the EnergyRoundTable mailing list, October 23, 2005.
Patrick Barta. "After Years of P erks, Bruneian s Wo rry Abo ut Oil W ealth." Pittsburgh Post-Gazette, October
25, 2005.
http://w ww .post-gazette.com/p g/05298/594627.stm
Tux Tu rkel. "State: Power S hortage Po ssible." Portland Press H erald (Portland, Maine), October 26, 2005.
[no lo nger available fre e on Internet]
Jeff Gerth. "Dou bts Raised on S audi V ow for M ore O il." New York T imes, October 27, 2005.
http://w ww .petroleum wo rld.co m/sto ry05 102812.htm
Joe Duarte. "Report: Saudi Arabia Oil Production Tapped Out." Rigzone.com, October 27, 2005.
Aaron Naparstek. "Peak Freaks." Freezer Box website, October 28, 2005.
Eric Regu ly. "The Real G as Crisis." Toronto Globe and Mail, October 28, 2005.
http://www .theglobeand mail.com /servlet/sto ry/R TG AM .20050930.wrob10reguly/BNStory/specialROBma
Robert Pace . "What's Peak O il? It's Time to Learn." Portland Tribune (Portland, Oregon), October 28, 2005.
Joe Bake r. "Wou ld You Rather Drive o r Eat?" Rock R iver Tim es (Rockford, Illinois), November 2, 2005.
M ichael Testerm an. "Building R oads W on't Fix Transportation W oes." Roan oke Tim es, November 3, 2005.
[no lo nger available o n Intern et]
Katherine Reynolds Lewis. "Coming to Grips with the End of Cheap Energy." Newhouse New s Service,
November 3, 2005.
"How C an W e Learn to Sto p W orrying and Love H igh Oil Prices." Newsday (New York), November 6, 2005.
Allison A. B ailes III. “W hat Eve ryon e N eeds to Kn ow Abo ut Energy Supplies.” Ab3energy.com w ebsite,
updated November 6, 2005.
Bill McKibben. "Optimism for a Post-Peak Oil Society." AlterNet website, November 8, 2005.
Brian Czech. "Peak Oil and Economic Growth: A 200-Pound M onkey and the 800-Pound Gorilla." Center
for the Advancement of the Steady State Economy website, November 9, 2005.
Jerome a Paris. "Will Canadian Oil Sands Save the USA?" Daily Kos, November 10, 2005.
James Co rdahl an d A nd y C ritchlow. "Kuw ait's Burgan O il Field, W orld's 2nd Largest, Is 'Exhausted .'"
Bloomberg.com, November 10, 2005.
"First Morning of the Conference." The Oil Drum website, November 10, 2005.
Steve Raabe. "A nalyst Sees End to Oil's Heyd ay." Den ver Post, November 11, 2005.
Shepherd Bliss. "The Prince and the Peak." Energy Bulletin, November 11, 2005.
Peter J. Cooper. "Kuwait's Biggest Field Starts to Run Out of Oil." AME Info website, November 12, 2005.
Michael M cGow en. "Are O il Su pp lies Declin ing o r the W orld's Best Kept Secret." AXcess News, November
12, 2005.
Diane C arman. "O il Prices Fuel Pu sh for Altern atives." Den ver Post, November 12, 2005.
ts/print_article.jsp%3Farticle%3D3207731+%22d iane+carm an% 22+% 22prices+ fuel+push%22&hl=en&gl=u
Tod d N eff. "Association Say s Oil Solu tions Hazy ." Boulder Daily Cam era, November 12, 2005.
Fred Elbel. "ASPO Conference in Denver - Earth Shattering Revelatio ns." Post to the En ergyR oun dTable list,
November 13, 2005.
Dell Erickson. "A SPO - Den ver W orld Oil C onference 11/10-11/05." Post to energ yresource s electronic
mailing list, November 13, 2005.
"What the Hell Are Oil Reserves Anyhow?" The Oil Drum website, November 13, 2005.
Simo n Rom ero. "Natural G as: Big W orry Th is Winter." New York T imes, November 15, 2005.
Tim Scord ato. "Oil on the C urve: A ssoc iation H opes Research W ill Lead to Better U se of Fossil Fuels."
Northern Star, Novem ber 15, 2005 . Camp us new spaper at N orthern Illinois U niversity, DeKalb, Illinois.
http://www .star.niu.edu/articles/?id=1274 0&o verride=stand ard/printerfriend ly
Alek sandrs Rosens and Dee-A nn Durbin. "GM Bankru ptcy Fears Rising o n W all Street." New York T imes,
November 15, 2005.
James Schlesinger. Statement before the Committee on Foreign Relations, United States Senate, November
16, 2005.
Justice Litle. "God Is, or He Is Not." HoweStreet.com, November 16, 2005.
http://www.the-rude-awakening.com/RAissues/2005/Nov/RA111605.html (scroll down slightly)
Sherry M ayo. "No Silver Bullet for O il in Crisis." On Line Opinion (Australia), November 16, 2005.
Chris Shaw . "Peak Oil - Kee p Yo ur Eye o n the Do nut and N ot the Ho le." On Line Opinion (Australia),
November 16, 2005.
Larry C hin. "Wo rld at Tippin g Point; Oil P eak A rrives." Online Journal, November 17, 2005.
Jack Santa Barbara. "Peak O il, Energy Fu tures, and Vio lent Con flict." Peace Jou rnalism (Nove mber 2 005).
Brent Cun ningham . "Work ing the Fringes." Colu mbia Journalism Review (November 2005). [also listed under
Megan Quinn, referencing her father Tom Quinn]
http://www .cjr.org/issues/2005/6/cun ningham .asp
Excerpted at:
R.A. Dillon. "Sem inar to Ad dress De clining Oil P rodu ction." Fairbanks D aily New s-Miner, November 18, 2005.
"Gas Fields Also Deplete, But Faster." The Oil Drum website, November 19, 2005.
Michael G. Richard. "Peak Natural Gas." Treehugger website, November 19, 2005.
"New s Analysis: W inter Fuel C risis." The Independent (London), November 20, 2005.
Kelpie Wilson. "Thanksgiving Day 2005." Truthout website, November 21, 2005.
"Fidel Castro L ead s Cu ba to Energy Conservation." AIN (National News Agency, Cuba), November 23, 2005.
http://w ww .ahora.cu /english/SE CT ION S/spe cial/20 05/noviem bre/24 -11-0 5.htm
"Peak Oil Has Arrived." Azom.com (AZo Journal of Materials Online), November 24, 2005.
John Funk an d Ch ris Seper. "Chasing Efficiency - Clo ck Is Ticking o n Prod uction Peak ." Cleveland Plain
Dealer, November 27, 2005.
Jessica L. Aberle. "Tim e Runn ing Ou t for Oil, Gas Reserve s." Peoria Journal Star, November 27, 2005.
Kurt Cobb. "'Risk' and 'Probability': MIA in the Peak Oil Debate." Resource Insights, November 27, 2005.
"Peak Oil and Pensions." New Era Investor website, November 28, 2005.
Sarah Grillo. "Peak Oil Is Hap pening No w." Verm ont C ynic (Burlington, Vermont), November 29, 2005.
Cam pus n ew spap er of the Un iversity o f Verm ont.
http://www.vermontcynic.com/med ia/paper30 8/new s/2005/11 /29/Op inion/Peak -Oil.Is.Happe ning.No w-1
Tom To morrow. "America: A Brief Parable." This Modern World cartoon, November 29, 2005.
Dani Go mez. "Pemex Exclusive: 'We Are in the Middle of Hubbert's Curve." Summary of interview with
senior engineer from M exican state oil company. Oilcast.com, November 30, 2005.
(begins about halfway into the audio program)
(note restrictions on re-publication)
"Algeria, Land of Opportunity?" The Oil Drum website, November 30, 2005.
Katie Elizabeth Renz. "Diet for a Peak-Oil America: Weaning the Food System from Fossil Fuels One
Com mu nity at a Time." Hop eDance (Nove mber/D ecem ber 2005 ).
Daniel Leeming. "Energy: Th e En d of Ch eap Oil." Ontario Planning Journal 20 (N ovem ber/Decem ber 2005 ).
John Gowdy and Roxana Julia. "Technolog y and Petro leum Exh austion: Evid ence fro m Tw o M ega-Oilfield s."
Renesselaer W orking Papers in Eco nom ics, No. 051 2. Departm ent of Eco nom ics, Rensselaer Polytech nic
Institute, December 2005.
John Ikerd. "Meeting the Challenge of Peak Oil with Sustainable A griculture." Un iversity of M issouri
website, December 2005.
http://w ww .ssu.missouri.edu /faculty/Jikerd /papers/SF T-Pe ak% 20O il.htm
Julie M akarew icz. "Coup le Take Re ins in W orld O il Crisis." Gran d Rap ids Press, December 1, 2005.
James Howard. "The Fusion of Peak Oil & Climate Change." Powerswitch website, December 2, 2005.
Jessica Aberle. "Are a Teachers Fo rm O utpost to Exam ine Peak O il." Peoria Journal Star, December 4, 2005.
Claud ia Reed. "Congressman Backs Post-Oil Planning: Thompson Says W illits C an Set N ational E xam ple."
Willits News (Willits, California), December 5, 2005.
Andrea R. Mihailescu. "Analysis: Flow of Oil Assured?" United Press International, December 7, 2005.
Nick Sno w. "Lawmakers: US Should Prepare for Global O il Flow P eak." Oil & Gas Journal online, December
7, 2005.
Katie Benner. "Lawmakers: Will We Run Out of Oil?" CNN Money, December 7, 2005.
http://mone y.cnn.com /2005/12 /07/m arkets/peak_o il/
Jacqueline Ruttiman. "Rep. Offers 'Man on the Moon' Problem -Solv ing to Combat Oil Shortage." Fox News
online, December 7, 2005.
Sheila Ne wm an. "The Fin al En ergy Crisis." Post to the energyresources electronic mailing list, December 7,
"Natural Gas Prices Jump to New High as Cold Weather in U.S. Sparks Rally."
December 8, 2005.
CBC Bu siness New s,
Dorothy Kosich. "Beaty: Copper May Be Approaching Hubbert's Peak." Mineweb, December 9, 2005.
http://w ww .min ew eb.net/sec tions/base_m etals/67 5068.htm
James R obinson . "A Car D river's Guide to O il Crash." Salient (Issue 23, 2005). New Zealand publication.
Kate Riley. "Plannin g for a Future N ot Dep enden t on Oil." Seattle Tim es, December 12, 2005.
M att Jenkins. "The Final Ene rgy Fron tier." High Country News 37 (December 12, 2005), p. 7.
Dana M ilbank. "Arctic Oil G ets an Ad ministration G usher." Washingto n Post, December 13, 2005.
Oliver Ry an. "The Rainw ater Prophe cy." Fortune online, December 13, 2005.
Tarek El-Tablaw y. "Falling Alaskan O il Field Ou tput Spo tlights Energy C onun drum ." Associated Pre ss,
December 14, 2005.
[no lo nger available o n Intern et]
"Weyburn, CO 2 Injection, and Carbon Sequestration." The Oil Drum w ebsite, December 14, 2005.
Chris Neld er. "One M an's Notes on the AS PO-U SA First Wo rld Oil C onference ." Post-Carbon Institute
website, December 17, 2005.
Claud ia H. Deu tsch. "Natural Gas, the Stealth Ene rgy Crisis." New York T imes, December 17, 2005.
markets.showM essage%3FtopicID%3D15825.topic+claudia+deutsch+stealth+%22natural+gas%22& hl=en&
Denis Devine. "Peak Oil Piques En ergy Co ncern." North Cou nty T imes (Escondido, California), December 17,
http://www .nctimes.com /articles/2005/12/18 /opinio n/devine/2 0_54_ 0812_ 17_05 .txt
Richard Mial. "Is the U.S. Read y for Real E nergy C onservation E fforts?" LaCrosse Tribune, December 18, 2005.
http://www .lacrossetribune.com /articles/2005/12/18 /opinio n/edit18.txt
Marianne Lavelle. "The Big Chill: A Winter Fuel Crisis of High Prices and Shortages Could Darken Hom es
and Facto ries. U.S. New s & W orld Report (Decem ber 19, 2005 ).
http://w ww .usnew s.com /usnews/biztech/articles/05 1219/19energ y.htm
"The IHS Energy View of Peak Oil." The Oil Drum website, December 19, 2005.
Joe Bak er. "W e A re Fa cing a Severe Sur vival Test." Rock R iver Tim es (Rockford, Illinois), December 21, 2005.
Colin W right. "The W arning of Pe ak Oil." Eat the State! 10 (Dec embe r 22, 2005).
http://eatthe state.org/1 0-08 /W arning Peak Oil.htm
Dan C rawford . "Interview with the R t. Hon. Ed ward R. Schreyer." Power Struggle website, December 24,
"Oil Analysts, Wrong Since 2001, End Forecasts of Price Drop." Bloomberg.com, December 28, 2005.
Hu mberto Marquez. "Oil Market Analysts Issue Dire Warnings." Comm on Dreams website, December 30,
http://w ww .com mo ndre ams.org/h eadlin es05/1230-04 .htm