Villa Voice Summer 2015


Villa Voice Summer 2015
St. Ursula Villa Salutes the Class of 2015
The graduates of the Class of 2015 and the high schools they will attend:
Ryan Timothy Barresi
Catherine McCarthy
Hanna Madigan Hopple
Emma Catherine Murphy
Grace Silvers
St. Xavier High School
St. Ursula Academy
St. Ursula Academy
St. Ursula Academy
Ethan William Bayer
St. Ursula Academy
Palmer Patrick Jones
Jack O’ Grady
Gabrielle Jane Soller
St. Xavier High School
St. Xavier High School
St. Xavier High School
St. Ursula Academy
Kyle Broderick
Ethan Jeffrey
Augustine Fosco
Gaelle Keel
Grace Elizabeth Ratkey
Nicole M. Stettler
St. Xavier High School
St. Xavier High School
Mount Notre Dame High School
Ursuline Academy
Ursuline Academy
Josephine C. Buendia
Nicholas Hosking Frank
Grace L. Kruis
Kristen Roberts
Lily Grace Triona
St. Ursula Academy
St. Xavier High School
St. Ursula Academy
St. Ursula Academy
St. Ursula Academy
Michelle Marie Bult
Assata M. Gingles
Kristina Kuhn
Mitchell Thomas Rueve
Ursuline Academy
Ursuline Academy
St. Ursula Academy
St. Xavier High School
Barath Madhu
Holland Cavanaugh
Macie Grisemer
Ryan Matthew Kump
Natalie C. Sayre
St. Xavier High School
Ursuline Academy
St. Ursula Academy
St. Xavier High School
Ursuline Academy
Michael C. Wampler
Thomas Jon Deere Jr.
Charlie Hall Jr.
Taylor Mills Kuncl
Dylan Jacob Schube
St. Xavier High School
Covington Catholic High School
Archbishop Moeller High School
St. Ursula Academy
St. Xavier High School
Mason W. Woprice
Katherine Detzel
Michael Heller
Julia Lucas
Kara Scullin
St. Xavier High School
St. Ursula Academy
St. Xavier High School
St. Ursula Academy
St. Ursula Academy
Gabrielle Wyenandt
Mae L. Dolbey
Sophie M. Helmicki
Kylie Ann Martin
Cameron K. Shahrooz
St. Ursula Academy
St. Ursula Academy
St. Ursula Academy
Ursuline Academy
St. Xavier High School
Kimberly J. Dryden
Claire Herrington
Emma Kathleen Mock
Michael Patrick Shurmer
St. Ursula Academy
Ursuline Academy
St. Ursula Academy
St. Xavier High School
From the
Principal’s Desk
Dear Friends,
Each spring at St. Ursula Villa we bestow awards upon
our graduates for their measurable academic successes
and also recognize their achievements in non-academic
areas such as leadership, citizenship, kindness, and
demonstrating our Ursuline values. The graduation
ceremony at which the awards are presented is unlike
any I have attended—students’ deep love for their school
and parents’ appreciation for their children’s educational
experiences make for a bittersweet evening of tears and
laughter as they close this chapter of their academic career
and begin a new one.
Our 8th graders’ successful transition into Cincinnati’s
finest high schools is one of many ways we measure the
value of a St. Ursula Villa education, which includes
active participation in service outreach and volunteer
activities, enriching extra-curricular offerings and sports
championships, and exceptional faculty who instill a love of
learning and nurture curiosity in and out of the classroom.
I congratulate the 47 members of our Class of 2015 for
their outstanding accomplishments:
• 6 students scored in the 99th percentile nationally on
the High School Preparation Test (HSPT); an additional
9 students scored in the 96-98th percentile; and an
additional 12 students scored in the 90-95th percentile.
62% of our 8th graders achieved at this level.
• 100% were admitted to first-choice high schools.
• Over $681,000 was received in merit-based scholarships
from 9 high schools.
• More than 75% earned recognition for outstanding
community service.
It is also with great interest that we follow our alumni as
they move from St. Ursula Villa to high school, college, and
beyond. Our Class of 2011—recent high school graduates—
make us extremely proud:
• One student scored a perfect 36 on the ACT.
• 11 students—or 19%—were recognized by the College
Board as National Merit Finalists or Commended
Scholars based on the PSAT; this honor is bestowed
on only the top 5% of students nationally.
• They are heading off to top colleges in locations as
diverse as Texas, Colorado, Minnesota, Georgia, New
York, Ohio, and Paris, France.
• In these college settings—many of which are topranked schools—they will pursue programs and
interests as varied as medical studies, journalism,
business, fashion design, history, nursing, and
Though they went to many high schools and are now
heading to many different colleges, the Class of ‘11 has
one thing in common—they went to the Villa. And the
Villa set each of them on an educational and life journey
full of potential and possibilities. I am very proud of our
students who achieve so much through the guidance and
instruction of our dedicated faculty and who forge new
paths with such drive and enthusiasm. To me, this is what
a St. Ursula Villa education is all about.
In this edition of the Villa Voice, we highlight some of
the many events and accomplishments of the 2014–15
year. As we look toward the upcoming school year, I
anticipate even more success beginning with the August
31st Dedication of our new Junior High wing and Main
School improvements, and launching our new Outdoor
Education Program on the Villa’s extraordinary campus.
I also look forward to working with Steve Ortner, St.
Ursula Villa’s new Board of Trustees Chair, while we
partner in advancing the Villa’s long-standing reputation
as one of Cincinnati’s premier educational institutions.
I invite you to enjoy the Summer Villa Voice and Annual
Report. And I thank you for your continued interest in and
support of St. Ursula Villa.
Polly Duplace Principal
In this Issue:
01 From the Principal’s Desk
03 Graduation Awards
04 Highlights & Happenings
08 Annual Report
14 Alumni News
Some of the
colleges chosen
by the Villa Class
of 2011:
The American University
of Paris
Bellarmine University
DePauw University
Fashion Institute of
Technology (FIT)
George Washington
Georgia Institute of
High Point University
Kenyon College
Macalester College
Miami University
The Ohio State University
Ohio University
Rice University
The Savannah College of
Art & Design (SCAD)
St. Louis University
School of Nursing
United States Naval
University of Cincinnati
UC Lindner’s Honors
PLUS Program
The University of Colorado
University of Kentucky
Williams College
The Villa’s Graduation Memory
Book compiles messages to and
from outgoing parents, students, and
teachers, creating a special keepsake
of their Villa years. The following are
some excerpts:
“Even though we don’t want to say good-bye, we
move on knowing our children are prepared for
high school and beyond thanks to the foundation
they have received here at the Villa.
– Ken and Lori Kuhn
“The most important thing I learned as a Villa
student was that if you believe in yourself, you
can do anything.”
Please join
us for the
of our Junior High wing and
Main School improvements
Monday, August 31, 2015
5:00 pm
• newly-constructed Junior
High Addition
• renovated Kindergarten–
6th grade classrooms
• relocated Library, Music,
Spanish, and French
– Katherine Detzel
“The Villa community has been the perfect place
for you to gently spread your wings and learn
how to fly.”
– Russell and Kerry Mock
Learn more about our
Foundation for a Lifetime
Campaign at
Villa, a codeucational Catholic
elementary school in the Ursuline
tradition, nurtures the whole child,
fosters academic excellence,
and instills a Christ-centered
commitment to society
Matt and Ryan Barresi celebrate Ryan’s graduation.
Class of 2015
Cameron Shahrooz and Jack
O’Grady earned the highest
overall grade point average in
their major subjects during the
7th and 8th grades and delivered
Valedictorian addresses at the
graduation ceremony.
Class of 2015
Graduation Awards
Academic Excellence
Twenty students were recognized for academic excellence by
maintaining an “A” average in their major subjects during both 7th
and 8th grades. These students are (front row, left to right) Hanna
Hopple, Emma Mock, Ethan Bayer, Palmer Jones, Kimi Dryden,
Michelle Bult, Julia Lucas, Mae Dolbey. Center: Kara Scullin,
Catherine Feldkamp, Macie Grisemer, Lily Triona, Cameron
Shahrooz. Rear: TJ Deere, Jack O’Grady, Nicole Stettler, Bree
Wyenandt, Claire Herrington, Josie Buendia, Grace Ratkey.
Sons of the American
Revolution Citizenship
Ten students received the Sons of
the American Revolution Citizenship
Award for demonstrating the
qualities of dependability,
cooperation, leadership, patriotism,
and clean speech and habits. Front
row: Michelle Bult, Emma Mock,
Nicole Stettler. Center: Barath Vrishabhendra, Bree Wyenandt, Hanna
Hopple. Rear: Taylor Kuncl, Ethan Bayer, TJ Deere, Holland Cavanaugh.
Michael Wampler, Josie Buendia,
and Kristen Roberts received
the Frank J. Dorger Award in
recognition of their exceptional
leadership, cooperation, and
school spirit in sports as well
as in the classroom.
Jean Kennevan Writing Award
Louise Helmick Award
The Jean Kennevan Writing Award was
bestowed on Catherine Feldkamp in
recognition of her creative writing efforts
and abilities.
The Louise Helmick Award was given to Nicole
Stettler for demonstrating the Christian virtues that
characterized the life of Louise Helmick – kindness,
patience, understanding, perseverance, and a genuine
caring concern for fellow students and human beings.
Charles J. Sanker Scholarship
Sr. Mary Oliver Award
The Charles J. Sanker Scholarship to
St. Ursula Academy was awarded to Kimi
Dryden because of her exemplary character
and sense of responsibility as a student, as
well as her love for St. Ursula Villa.
Sophie Helmicki received the Sr. Mary Oliver Award
for best exemplifying the personal qualities of
enthusiasm, dedication to work, a sense of humor,
and love of America—all qualities evidenced in the
life of Sr. Mary Oliver.
Sr. Margie Efkeman Ursuline Identity Award
The Sr. Margie Efkeman Ursuline Identity Award was given
to Cameron Shahrooz for demonstrating the Christ-centered
spirit of St. Angela Merici by treating others with respect and
dignity as a child of God.
Frank J. Dorger Award
Ms. Jacquie Berting explored the Villa campus with her 4th grade Science
students last year.
Learning and Growing with St. Ursula Villa’s Outdoor Education Program
St. Ursula Villa’s wooded 22-acre campus provides many
opportunities for discovery, exploration, and physical
activity literally in our own back yard. As a new academic
feature for the 2015-16 school year, our Outdoor Education
program will formalize these experiences into the school
day. Villa students will connect with nature, apply handson science, achieve personal growth, and develop a
commitment to environmental stewardship.
Ms. Jacquie Berting brings both professional experience
and personal passion for nature appreciation to this
new position as Outdoor Education Coordinator. She
earned her MAT (Master of Arts Teaching) from Miami
University focusing on hands-on teaching practices in
active observation and independent learning, developing
student engagement in environmental sustainability and
conservation. Since joining the Villa faculty in 2008, Ms.
Berting has applied this extensive background and passion
to her 6th and 4th grade Science classes, frequently
leading students on walks to observe plants, insects, and
natural elements of the Villa campus.
As Outdoor Education Coordinator, she will work with
students from preschool through 6th grade in crosscurricular lessons such as finding geometric shapes in
nature, strengthening descriptive writing, exploring
water cycle and erosion challenges, and celebrating God’s
creation. “I firmly believe in the benefits of getting children
out of the classroom,” says Ms. Berting, “and having them
realize that not all learning happens there.”
Schematic of proposed Nature Trails.
New Nature Trails will be added to St. Ursula Villa’s
hillside in early August to provide even more learning
opportunities with a kiosk, maps, and rainwater collectors.
Special thanks to everyone who helped fund this initiative
by raising their paddles during 2015 Villabration’s Special
Appeal, demonstrating their belief in the value of offering
Outdoor Education on our school’s extraordinary property.
The LeBlond property, circa 1950.
The Villa’s Place in Cincinnati’s History
This past year, the St. Ursula Villa community learned
a bit more about our unique place in Cincinnati history.
Thanks to the sleuthing of some Villa staff assisted by
volunteer archivists at St. Ursula Academy, we learned
that our property was part of vineyards owned by Nicholas
Longworth, a prominent businessman, philanthropist, and
public servant whose renowned Catawba grapes flourished
in the late 1800’s. Thereafter, Nicholas Longworth III
served as Republican speaker of the U.S. House from 1925
to 1931, one of the most powerful in the chamber’s history.
In the 1920’s, Cincinnati industrialist R.K. LeBlond
built what is now St. Ursula Villa’s Manor House, whose
architectural elements commemorate the Longworth
family’s historic legacy, including grapevine motif both
inside and out. After the property was bequeathed to
the Archdiocese of Cincinnati in 1960, the Ursulines
of Cincinnati took up residence, utilizing these unique
spaces to educate children.
In 2015, the Annie W. and Elizabeth M. Anderson
Foundation, named after sixth-generation Cincinnatians—
the great-great-grandaughters of Nicholas Longworth and
Lt. Colonel Richard Clough Anderson—chose to recognize
this unique history through a $200,000 gift to further the
St. Ursula Villa’s educational programs. This generous
gift will endow an annual Annie and Elizabeth Anderson
Longworth Heritage Award for student excellence in
research and writing; fund an Annie and Elizabeth
Anderson Longworth Faculty Chair; and establish a
Longworth/Anderson Scholarship Fund for financial aid.
The endowed funds will connect this shared legacy and
expand St. Ursula Villa’s cross-curricular educational
programs relating to the influence and heritage of
Nicholas Longworth and the Longworth family’s historic
connection with St. Ursula Villa and Cincinnati. Principal
Polly Duplace remarks, “St. Ursula Villa students learn,
grow, and thrive on the Villa’s 22-acre urban neighborhood
campus, formerly owned by Nicholas Longworth. They are
taught, through word and action, to respect our shared
heritage and take these formative experiences throughout
their lives as they become productive community leaders.
We are pleased to receive the Foundation’s support as
we preserve and build upon our extraordinary history
for the benefit of our students, families, and the city
of Cincinnati.”
thinking, collaboration, creativity, and communication;
defining community issues and needs; and fostering
interpersonal skills and civic responsibility.
Kindergarteners display a poster
from “Hope for Kabingo” of Uganda.
Commitment to Christian Service
Commitment to Christian Service is a characteristic of an
Ursuline education which St. Ursula Villa incorporates
into our students’ school experiences. We recently earned
our fourth consecutive year of recognition as a “School
of Contribution” through an effective partnership with
Children, Inc. Mayerson Service Learning Initiative.
Through Service Learning initiatives, students investigate
an issue, design a response or solution, monitor their work
through reflection, carry out the service, and culminate
the unit through a demonstration of knowledge and skills.
Service Learning benefits students by boosting academic
scores; developing 21st Century skills such as critical
7th grade Drama Club donated ticket sales from their one-act plays to
Childhood Food Solutions.
This past academic year, Villa students participated in Service
Learning projects both in and out of the classroom, combining
learning experiences with social outreach benefiting causes
ranging from animals in need to cancer research. The village
of Kabingo, Uganda was the focus of Service Learning
projects in several grades. Kindergarteners learned about
nutrition and, with the help of their 6th grade buddies,
organized a “hop-a-thon” to raise funds toward providing
food and other basic items needed by the Kabingo villagers
and students at St. Josephine Bakhita school. Fourth
and fifth graders studied Africa’s history and culture and
learned about Kabingo’s economic and social challenges
when a representative of “Hope for Kabingo” visited their
classrooms. Students helped purchase medical supplies,
school desks and playground equipment through sales of
Burger Farm gift cards. St. Ursula Villa donated more
than $1,300 to “Hope for Kabingo” and received a letter of
deep gratitude for their efforts on behalf of the villagers.
This and other Service Learning projects involved
classroom applications and learning opportunities while
nurturing students’ spiritual growth and a lifestyle
of Christian service to others.
3rd graders served as “blanketeers” through Project Linus to create blankets
for sick and needy children.
“4-30” Celebration!
On April 30th, hundreds of attendees raised a toast to
four dedicated and beloved St. Ursula Villa teachers:
Meg Coogan, Kathy Finkbeiner, Beth Hake, and Jill
Moormann. The “4-30 Celebration” was inspired by each
of them achieving milestones of teaching at the Villa for
30 years or more – and since they are not retiring, the
tally continues! The event created an opportunity to
recognize and honor the teachers and to provide a forum
to express our community’s appreciation. A highlight
of the evening was the “Video Booth” where attendees
shared their memories and anecdotes about Ms. Coogan,
Ms. Hake, Ms. Finkbeiner, and Ms. Moormann.
Alumni, past parents, and friends raised their glasses with a champagne toast.
During the toast Principal Polly Duplace noted that
“these four women have been tireless in their dedication
and passion for St. Ursula Villa, our students, and our
families. They have collectively touched the lives of
literally thousands of students and their families. And
they have helped make St. Ursula Villa an outstanding
educational institution and better community.”
In addition to hosting an outstanding party, we were
hoping to raise $30,000 for a day of giving in their
honor to St. Ursula Villa’s Foundation for a Lifetime
campaign. By the end of the evening, an unprecedented
number of alumni—along with parents, faculty and
friends—contributed over $84,000 thanks to some very
generous matching funds! In recognition of this amazing
outpouring of support, our newly-relocated library will
be named “Room 430,” and will include a listing of all
individuals and families who contributed in honor of
these four special teachers. We also proudly list their
names in the enclosed Annual Report.
Meg Coogan, Kathy Finkbeiner, Beth Hake, and Jill Moormann were touched
by comments.
New Parent Orientation
St. Ursula Villa welcomed more than 60 parents to our
New Parent Orientation on June 4th. Attendees enjoyed
meeting St. Ursula Villa leaders and administrators,
learning about the Villa’s strong academic programs and
Ursuline heritage, and socializing with other Villa parents.
The Villa’s Ambassador Program pairs parents new to our
school with current Villa parents to help navigate aspects
such as carpool procedures, uniform guidelines, and other
school routines. New parents and Ambassadors connected
at the Orientation and shared a fun evening together.
Jodi Mahon, Jeanne Shurmer, Karen Frank, and Val Schube enjoyed
reconnecting at the event.
View the video and see additional photos on our
alumni page at
New parents Bimal and Nirvana Patel learned about the Villa through
Ambassadors Nadia and Bain Butcher.
From the Board of
Trustees Chair
Dear Villa Family and Friends,
It’s a great time to be part of the St.
Ursula Villa community. As a parent
of three Villa alumni (classes of ‘99, ‘01,
and ‘05), I am honored to now serve as
Chair of the Board of Trustees. Over
the years, I have witnessed many
changes at the Villa, including building
the Primary wing and Gym in 1999,
the Villa Way in 2009, the new Early
Childhood facility and Manor House
Chapel in 2014, and Main School
construction currently underway.
But many things have not changed. As
my wife Cindy and I did 25 years ago,
families continue to choose St. Ursula
Villa because it is the best Catholic
elementary school in Cincinnati. Our
teachers, steeped in values bestowed
by the Ursulines of Cincinnati, are
unrivaled in their passion and care for
each individual child. Villa families
are extraordinarily engaged and
collaborative. And Villa graduates
continue to achieve at the
highest academic level city-wide while
displaying leadership and care for
others less fortunate than themselves.
It’s a palpable, qualitative difference
from other schools. The Villa provides
the academic, emotional, and spiritual
foundation upon which our graduates
build a meaningful life. I see it in my
own adult children and I see it every
time I come to campus and witness the
students in action as they engage with
each other, teachers, and parents with
respect and confidence.
Our Foundation for a Lifetime
campaign, now in its final stages, is
continuing to build that foundation
by providing classroom environments
which help our teachers to teach and
our students to learn in spaces which
go far beyond simply desks in rows.
As the renovations wrap up, we turn
our focus to a dynamic strategic
planning process to ensure that our
mission is being realized, our faculty
is supported and nurtured, our
Financial Report
Fundraising: 8%
Misc: 0%
Physical Plant: 10%
communications are open and effective,
and our enrollment is robust. This plan,
with input from educators, parents,
students, and administration, will
ensure that St. Ursula Villa continues
at the forefront of education now and
into the future.
On behalf of the Board of Trustees
and the Administration, faculty, and
students, I thank each of you who have
contributed to our school’s success.
We proudly list names of contributors
during this fiscal year in our Annual
Report Honor Roll of Donors. These
financial contributors help make the
Villa an outstanding educational
community and one of which I am
proud to be a member.
I hope to see you all at the dedication
of our Junior High addition and Main
School renovations on August 31.
Steve Ortner Board Chair
St. Ursula Villa
Board of Trustees
Academic Year
Service: 5%
Fees: 5%
Expenses: 8%
Government: 8%
Expenses: 5%
Net Tuition: 80%
Salaries: 43%
Taxes: 17%
Salaries: 12%
Operating Revenue
Tuition Allowances
Operating Expenses
Instructional Salaries
Non-instructional Salaries $610,727.02
$4,225,712.00 Benefits/Taxes$843,187.67
Administrative Expenses $241,541.58
$230,900.00 Instructional Expenses
Physical Plant
$13,055.06 Debt Service
$377,473.42 $4,985,348.46
Steve Ortner, Chair
Kathy Blum
Chip Gerhardt
Matt Iacobucci
Beth Jones
Paul Loechle
Ralph Nardini
Judy O’Donnell
Dick Paulsen
Dan Scullin
Jody Sedler
Shannon Stautberg
Linnell Sullivan
Madhu Vrishabhendra
Kevin Jones, Emeritus
Honor Roll of Donors
St. Ursula Villa’s success is due to the deep dedication and investment by many in our community, including our donors who
support St. Ursula Villa’s educational mission. We proudly publish the names of the following donors who made financial
contributions during the 2014-15 academic year (fiscal year ending June 30, 2015) to our Annual Fund, Foundation for a
Lifetime campaign, Villabration, Gino DiMario Fine Arts Fund, and other initiatives.
St. Angela Merici Society
The St. Angela Merici Society recognizes and honors leadership donors who make substantial gifts to St. Ursula
Villa. We are extremely grateful to the following St. Angela Merici Society donors:
Major Benefactors
$5,000 & above
Brian and Ann Albach
Annie W. & Elizabeth M. Anderson
Kevin and Sharon Birkett
Eric and Ellen Breissinger
Rob and Kara Bult
Manuel and Cynthia Chavez
Trent and Shannon Compton
John and Lisa Connelly
Bill and Paige DeBuys
John and Kathy Desmond
Al and Lauren Early
Jeff and Jeanne Feldkamp
Government Strategies
Group, LLC
Michael and Kara Graham
Mary Dean Grote
Joel and Kathy Handorf
Dan and Courtney Hass
Joe and Tracy Heller
Home City Ice
Huntington National Bank
Matt and Val Iacobucci
Chris and Rita Jacobs
John and Angela Jarczyk
JC Foundation
Scott and Lisa Jennings
Casey and Beth Jones
Kevin and Michelle Jones
Kip and Susan Kerr
Ken and Emily Kreider
Ryan and Gina Kyte
Steve and Jodi Mahon
Bill and Jen Martin
Russell and Kerry Grote
Mock ‘81
Ortner Family Foundation
Jack and Kit Overbeck
Dick and Joanie Paulsen
Charlie and Connie Perme
Tom and Colleen Plaut
Jim and Melanie Poston
Michael and Shaune Rueve
Michael and Christine Ryan
Johnathan and Susan Salyer
Chris and Nancy Sayre
Greg and Val Schube
Dan and Becky Kohlhepp Scullin
Ted and Jody Sedler
Tom and Genny Sedler
Terry Sedler
Jim and Anne Shanahan
Mark and Jane Silvers
Matt Stautberg ‘91 and Shannon
Chuck and Kathi Stevens
Rob and Rebecca Schoolhouse
Strub ‘87
Paul and Linnell Sullivan
Ursulines of Cincinnati
Brian and Jessica Vaughan
Jeff and Tiffany Vollmer
Madhu and Leela Vrishabhendra
Todd and Mary Rita Washburn
Williams Foundation
Chip and Abby Workman
Leadership Level
$2,500 - $4,999
Todd and Elsa Abruzzo
Dean Anderson
Todd and Lesley Bayer
Jeff Bentle and Sarah Ronan
Brian and Nancy Carley
Michael and Elizabeth Caudill
Chang and Mindy Cho
Jody Detzel ’81 and
Diane Detzel
Chris and Dee Dirksing
Dualite Sales & Service, Inc.
Dylan and Elise Fager
David and Deb Fletcher
Nick and Adrienne Fucito
Sean and Colleen Fullen
Bryan and Claudia Garnett
Chip and Jane Gerhardt
George and Shasta Haddad
Scott and Jami Hefren
John and Diane Hopper
Chris and Meg Hopple
Alexis and Isabelle
P.J. and Kelly Katien
Brian and Amber Kincaid
Kevin and Emma Kirwin
Emerson and Peggy Knowles
Ken and Lori Kuhn
Geoff and Tessa Kuzio
Larry and Margie Kyte
Steve and Kelly Lower
Jim and Christy McCarthy
Bill and Morgan Mulvihill
Jim and Barb Neyer
Brian and Sheila Oeder
John Paquette ’82 and
Dawn Paquette
Thad and Lisa Becker
Reinhard ‘86
Paul and Ann Roepke
Doug Rohs ’83 and Ellen Rohs
Michael Roney and Courtney
Trey Savage ’78 and
Lisa Savage
Dan and Isla Vogelpohl
Jane Welling
Dave and Holly Woprice
Honor Level
$1,000 - $2,499
Ted and Becky Altenau
Stephen and Amanda Baldwin
Sabino and Nina Baluyot
Tim and Wendy Bankes
Matt and Laine Barresi
Chris and Kelly Beatty
Bill and Kendra Broderick
Flo and Chris Buendia
Nate and Anne Carlson
John and Heather Chamberlain
Ian and Cindy Collins
Doug and Molly Heskamp
Compton ‘79
Tom and Cheryl Compton
Brian and Melissa Cowles
Bill and Julia Creviston
Michael and Karen Cronan
Charles and Mary Anne Cronan
Paul and Misti DeNicolo
Chris and Fran Santangelo
DiBattista ‘92
John and Rolanda Dolbey
Suzy Dorward
Mike and Sue Dubrul
Bobby and Fran Emami
Joe and Amy Feldkamp
Dan and Stephanie Ferris
Leigh and Julia Fox
Kathleen Galligan
Peri and Cheri Georgiades
Tom and Lucille Gerdes
Ben and Anne Grisemer
Great care was taken in the preparation of these lists. We apologize for any error and ask that you please contact our Advancement Office at
(513) 871-7218 ext. 1118 so that we may correct our records. We thank you for your involvement and generosity.
Honor Level, cont’d
Andrew and Kristin Guest
Pat and Francie Gunning
Kent and Christie Halaby
Keith and Jessica Hall
Ted and Ali Heffernan
Mark and Renee Heidrich
Martin and Mary Herrington
Drew and Sarah Hicks
Craig and Janice Hilsinger
Ryan and Holly Holte
Rick and Ginger Ittenbach
John and Sophie Jennewein
Jim and Diane Jones
Bob and Tanya Jones
John and Michelle Keating
Nick and Margarita Keithley
David and Mary Kelley
Monica Kindt and Rob Goering
Jeff and Erin Klein
Zorya and Lauren Kluska
Ryan and JJ Knight
Eric and Alexis Krulcik
Drew and Lea Lachey
LaRosa’s, Inc.
Will and Patricia Leder
Drew and Carrie Lichter
Chris and Ann Linck
Paul and Susan Loechle
Scottie and Dana Maier
Ermano and Joanie Manzo
Patrick and Molly Marburger
Brad McPeek ’87 and
Steve and Cindy Ortner
Steve and Kit Perez
Kelly Ann Perry
Chris and Beth Pollock
Bryan and Michelle Preston
Steve and Cathy Rabe
Terry and Kate Rath
Clark and Dina Reinhard
Ken and Barb Rinehart
Chris and Amy Roberts
Rick and Marta Runnels
Bob and Kathy Ryan
Mike and Kristen Schlotman
Bob and Nancy Stautberg
Jay and Judi Stautberg
Joe and Lisa Stegbauer
Michael and Kathleen Stenger
Keith and Rossana Stettler
Mike and Gina Strickland
Phil and Eileen Tan
Coby and Jenn Sweeney
Steve and Michelle Tebeau
Jim and Mary Thacker
Raymond and Rita Foos Family
Charitable Foundation
David and Margie Tondow
Monica McPeek
John Meisenhelder
Toby and Jen Merchant
Adam and Rachel Miller
Bill and Ann Winstel Moran ‘79
Mark and Lisa Morse
Matt and Cathy Murphy
Mike and Kate O’Grady
Drew and Edwige Seery
Mike and Michele Sherman
Todd and Karen Ryan
Shaffer ‘84
Bahram and Irene Shahrooz
Matthew and Natalie Kerlakian
Selker ‘98
Don Stahl
Jim and Julie Triona
Jason and Annie Bolan
Wittekind ‘90
Pete and Miranda Wong
David Workman
Zaring Family Foundation
Annual Fund donors contributed a total of
$202,059, with an unprecedented participation
rate from our current Villa families, including
100% of our own faculty and staff. The Annual
Fund helps bridge the gap between tuition and
the actual cost to educate each student, enabling
St. Ursula Villa to maintain outstanding faculty
and programs, and providing critical funds for
operations. Special thanks to Lisa Connelly and
John Desmond for their leadership as Annual
Fund Co-Chairs, and for the many volunteers
who helped make the Annual Fund a success.
St. Ursula Villa’s Foundation for a Lifetime
campaign supports our campus improvement
project including the new Early Childhood wing,
Manor House Chapel, new Junior High wing,
and Main School classroom relocations and
renovations currently underway. We appreciate
the many donors who have contributed or pledged
their support. Special thanks to the leadership
of Paul and Linnell Sullivan, our campaign
Co-Chairs, and for our campaign volunteers.
What impact do you
want to have?
“We spent over 14 years
at St. Ursula Villa and
every time we return to
the school for a visit it
seems that we have never
left our SUV “family.” We
believe that our children
excelled in high school
and college due to the
outstanding education
they received at the Villa.
Debbie and Dan Motz
Christina – Class of 2000
The nurturing faculty set
Courtney – Class of 2006
very high standards and
made the school even more special. We sincerely hope that
including a gift to the Villa in our estate plan will continue
to impact the lives of children and future generations.”
Learn more about making St. Ursula Villa a part
of your estate planning strategy. Contact Diane
Hopper in the Advancement Office at (513) 871-7218
ext. 1118 or for a
confidential conversation.
$500 - $999
Acura Columbus
The Albach, Wells and Dauer
Group at Morgan Stanley
Eric and Shanon Anderle
The Asset Advisory Group
R. J. Beischel Building Co.
Pete and Chris Bernhard
John and Cynthia Bismayer
Mary Lyn Blase
Brian Bolan ’84 and
Gretchen Bolan
Jeremy and Laura Borsky
Bain and Nadia Butcher
Chris and Toye Cavanaugh
Randy and Linda Chavez
Scott and Nicole Chimento
Jim and Kim Ciesick
Cooney Faulkner &
Stevens, LLC
Mike and Katie Cousino
David and Kristina Crowley
William and Emily Davis
Joe and Sue Detzel
Jeff and Kim Dietz
Debbie Dorward
Bill Dorward
Polly Duplace
Ian and Mary Lee Edwards
Todd and Vanessa Egle
George and Mary Felix
Michael and Karen Forgus
Brian and Karen Frank
Rodney and Vallie Geier
Rich and Nancy Graeter
Charlie and Janie Hall
Mark and Sue Hardenbergh
Andy and Melanie Head
Holte Eyewear
Jim and Brenda Holte
Mark and Nadine Huffman
Hyde Park Wealth
Blaise and Jennifer Jones
David and Pam Joyce
Paul and Lori Jurgensen
Keating, Muething & Klekamp
Paul and Deepa Keel
Ken Neyer Plumbing, Inc.
Nick and Emilie Schmidt
LaRosa ‘91
LaRosa’s Beechmont,
Anderson & Amelia
Ty and Anita Martin
Ed and Ann McBrien
Midland Atlantic
Lee and Katie Morgan
Dan and Debbie Motz
Ralph and Sandra Nardini
Doug and Amanda Nienaber
Ohio Valley Electrical Services
Susan Olberding
Bryan and Karina Osterday
Andrew and Alandra Parchman
John and Marsha Payton
Ryan and Kelly Postlewaite
Pure Concept Salon, Inc.
Joe and Ashley Syphard
Rozier ‘94
Jason and Becky Shields
Jake and Gina Sieving
Stagnaro Distributors
James Thacker DDS, LLC
U.S. Bank
Michael and Moira Veech
Mike and Melissa Veith
Jeff and Elvira Wampler
Chris and Rita Wedzikowski
Jim and Karen Wendel
Chris and Anne Marie Wessel
Wientzen Family Charitable
Joe Wolfer ‘95 and Lisa Wolfer
Jake and Amy Wolfer
Todd Wright
Bo and Dee Dee Wyenandt
John and Peggy Zink
Up to $499
Mark and Debbie Albert
Alpine Valley Water Co., Inc.
Kent and Susan Arnold
Arthur J. Gallagher & Co.
Ed and Maureen Babbitt
Norman and Janice Baker
Charles and Cynthia Baylis
Michael and Clara Beatty
Marty Beaver
Ed and Catherine Beckman
Jacquie Berting
Rich and Emily Bevis
Denny and Kate Beyer
Jeffrey Bismayer ‘04
Jeannine Blatt
Charlie and Joan Brady
David and Kathy Briggs
Brighton Capital Partners
Jay and Beth Brown
Joe and Kerry Butkovich
Ron and Janet Canning
David and Margarita Carrillo
Charlie and Katie Carullo
Dan and Jessie Cassady
Betsy Caudill
Dan Cayse
Carlos and Carla Cheng
Timothy and Clara Chlon
Cincinnati Museum Center
Monica Clark
Matt and Natalie Geier
Cohen ‘97
Jim and Bonnie Coleman
Douglas Compton ‘10
Emma Compton ‘10
Percy and Sheila Conley
Ruth Connor
Meg Coogan
DeWitt and Jane Cook
Alison Stewart Copley ‘95
Lauren Geiger Corbin ‘04
Gabriela Costantini
Kevin Cross
Jessica Cross
Chip and Niki Cutter
Vito and Jen Damiano
Joe and Suzanne Davidoski
Stephanie Davis
Bob and Holly deBuys
Thomas and Karen Deere
Jonathan and Martha Gerdsen
Dever ‘92
Pam Dillion
Michael and Sharron DiMario
Paul and Amy DiMario
Joseph and Debbie DiMario
B’Nai Storms Dobbina ‘93
John and Jane Domaschko
John and Sarah Domaschko
Diane Dorr
Jamie and Julie Doxsey
Cathy Doyle
Debbie Dryden
Ryan and Lauren Dullea
Darrel and Jackie Dunker
Bill and Debbie Ellis
Drew and Marianne Emmert
Jason and Theresa Tran
Kathy Finkbeiner
Brielle Finkbeiner Maynor ‘90
Tammy Fisher
Steve and Ruth Fleming
Todd Foley and Kate Durso
Mackenzie Fraser ‘05
Nancy Frazier
Mark and Susan Friedman
Greg and Shari Fry
Andrew Gaffney ‘02
Johnathan Gaffney ‘04
Paul and Nancy Gaffney
Maria Gagliardo
Kathy Gallagher
Maureen Galligan
Brian and Jenny Gardner
Karen Geiger
Mark and Leslie Gerome
Susan Gibler
Shawn and Fran Gilreath
Amy Giniewski
Eric and Marilyn Goettsch
Andy Goettsch and Lisa
Bradford Goettsch ‘83
Kelly Ortner Grant ‘90
Todd Gries ‘03
Andrew and Missy Gruber
Eric and Karen Haberthier
Thomas and Mary Hagedorn
Beth Hake
Jan Hall
Susan Hall
Jessica Harding
Becky Hardy
Holly Heekin
Gary and Dana Heflin
Julie Hein ‘96
Art and Shawn Helmicki
Todd and Mary Heskett
Doug and Diana Horst
Jen Howland
Paul and Julie Hudepohl
Michael Humbert
John and Sabina Hutchinson
Holly Jackson
Sara Jeck
Tim and Jacki Jenkins
Abby Johnson
Alex Jones ‘04
Mark and Jitka Kegelman
Warren and Cathy Keith
Michael and Patty Kimutis
Dan and Maurie Kirwin
Joshua and Meredith Koch
Billy Kopp ‘04
Contributor, cont’d
Juliet Krassenstein
Kathy Krieger
Elizabeth Kuck ‘95
Dick and Margaret Kuck
Jon and Lily Kukulski
Dave and Marilyn Kump
Tom and Kimberly Kuncl
Todd Lafkas ‘85 and Jen
Heather Langer
Andrew and Lindy Laurence
Dick and Sally LeBlond
Dan and Julie Lincoln
Lintech Electronics
Robert and Patty Livermore
Charlotte Loflin
Zach and Becca Logan
Lauri Lyte
Mike MacConnell ‘94 and
Cameron MacConnell
Mike and Joeliene Magoto
Sarah Mahon ‘10
Tori Mahon ‘08
Ted and Ruth Martin
David and Tracey Martin
Don and Courtney Matarazzo
Brenda McCann
Bill and Jane McCarthy
Michael and Lynn McClellan
Robert and Deneen McGarvey
Sean and Tricia McManiman
Miranda Meek
Jamie Meisenhelder
Angie Meisman
Donna Messerle
Michael Middleton
Midwest Ad Specialties
Charlie and Amy Mills
Andrea Moeder
Jill Moormann
Rebecca Morena
Bart Motz ‘87 and Angie Motz
Tony and Anne Nyktas
Hugh and Cyndi O’Donnell
Chris Orr
Rob and Nancy Ortner
Tim and Jeni Ortner
Andrea Patton-Hull
John and Amy Paul
Berthold and Dawn Pembaur
Sara Rabe Peterson ‘94
Maureen Phillips
John and Rita Picton
Joel and Dianne Pieper
Lawren Pieper ‘10
Greg and Deepa Pinter
Sean and Cathy Plummer
Kim Polark
Barbie Powell ‘91
Kami Prendergast
Maripat Price
Max and Jennifer MacLeid
Qotb ‘88
Ashley Rabe ‘96
Mary Rabe-Austin ‘99
Liam and Katie Randall
Randy and Kris Ratkey
Caroline Renneker
Marty Rethlake
Layne Richardson
Maeve Rochford ‘94
Tim Rogers and Jennifer Smith
Tony and Julie Rojas
John and Beau Rootring
Maggie Rosch
Jessica Rostron
Joe and Nicole Rouse
Craig and Lisa Rowitz
John and Peg Ruppert
Maggie Sahms
Dan and Ann Salcido
Caitlin Sanders
Jim and Lois Sanitato
Andy and Kristian Scarpitti
Ralph and Linda Scherer
Anne Scherer ‘01
Tricia Scherer
Edward and Kendahl Schloss
Frank and Marlene Schube
Eileen Schumaker
Gayle Schwartz
Rosemary Scott
Marc and Beth Sebens
Mark Sexton and Associates
Ted and Marian Scherpenberg
Patrick and Carrie Shiels
Elizabeth Shirey ‘02
Rich and Jeannie Bolan
Shurmer ‘80
Scott and Sarah Emery
Simon ‘96
Greg and Michelle Simpson
Ken and Kathy Skau
Steve and Melissa Skavlem
J.J. Slaboch ‘88
Jerod and Catherine Smith
Ebony Smith ‘93
Dodd Smith
Kelly Soller
Rich Soller
Jim and Mary Carol Sowar
Julia Spohr
Tim and Michele Stamper
Peter and Lee Stautberg
Dinsmore & Shohl
Kathy Steinmetz
Bob Stoops
Ryan and Lisa Stover
Bill and Gail Strietmann
Sarah Strietmann ‘06
Greg and Kristine Sturgeon
Ashley and Emily Supinger
David and Carol Taylor
David and Kristy Mooibroek
Thomas ‘84
Matt and Jennifer Thomas
David and Ann Marie Thornton
Stephanie Trautman
Karen and David Turner
Olivier Tylka
Allison Vaughn
Patrick and Sarah Veith
Fr. Bill Verbryke
Ginny Kilfoil Verdin ‘82
Victorian Society in America
VSWC Architects
Jill Wahlbrink ‘04
Vince and Megan Ward
Sammy Washburn ‘03
Doug and Michele Watts
Rich and Linda Weaver
Kent Wellington
Shawn and Jessica Wetzel
Adam and Amanda Wilson
Maureen Wilson
Yogi and Leah Yagodich
Allen and Donna Zaring IV
Gifts-in-kind save St. Ursula
Villa expenses of materials,
services, and labor in achieving
our mission. We appreciate the
following in-kind donors of
goods and services.
Ken Kreider
Christos Kritikos
Marley Molkentin
Ken Neyer Plumbing
Ohio Valley Electrical Services
Peerless Printing
Print Management
Jennifer Qotb
Joe Rigotti
Tracy Sagester
David Schottelkotte
Ryan Spalazzi
Mahdu Vrishabhendra
Dan Whittelsey
Abby Workman
Matching Gifts
We appreciate the following
companies who contributed
employer matching funds,
greatly increasing the impact
of their employee’s donations.
This tremendous benefit has
resulted in doubling or even
tripling the impact of a donor’s
Anthem – Dollars for Doers
Bank of America
Duke Energy Foundation
Express Scripts Foundation
Fidelity Foundation
General Electric Foundation
Macy’s Foundation
Merck Foundation
Microsoft Matching Gifts
Morgan Stanley
Pfizer, Inc.
Takeda Pharmaceuticals USA
US Bank Foundation
Michael and Sharron DiMario
Dualite Sales & Service, Inc.
Polly Duplace
Funky’s Catering
Home City Ice
Tim Hue
Michelle Jones
Keating Muething & Klekamp
Villabration 2015:
A Wicked Good Time
St. Ursula Villa is grateful to the following donors to Villabration 2015: A Wicked Good Time. These contributors donated auction
items, contributed to class projects, hosted parties, or brought in other resources to guarantee a successful event. Villabration
grossed over $220,000 to enhance educational offerings at the Villa, including a Special Appeal to fund wooded trails for outdoor
education programming. Special thanks to Honorary Chairs Lori Kuhn, Michelle Jones, and Val Schube, and to Event Sponsor
Huntington Bank.
45/46 Fine Men’s Apparel
Aglamesis Bros
All Occasions Event Rental
Jeffrey R. Anderson Real Estate
Appearance Plus Cleaners
Arnold’s Bar & Grill
Stephen & Amanda Baldwin
Baldwin Music Education Center
Charles & Cynthia Baylis
Martin Beaver
Beechmont Players, Inc
Jeff & Sarah Ronan Bentle
Jeff Berding
Pete & Christine Bernhard
Boi Na Braza
Bona Decorative Hardware
Jeremy & Laura Borsky
Eric & Ellen Breissinger
Bruegger’s Bagels
Bain & Nadia Butcher
Charles & Katherine Carullo
Chris & Toye Cavanaugh
John & Heather Chamberlain
Cherry Grove Lanes
Children’s Theatre of Cincinnati
chistophermarcus salon
Timothy & Clara Chlon
Chang & Mindy Cho
Cincinnati Art Museum
Cincinnati Bearcats
Cincinnati Bengals
Cincinnati Facial Plastic Surgery
Cincinnati Museum Center
Cincinnati Nature Center
Cincinnati Sand Volleyball
Cincinnati Sports Club
Cincinnati Zoo
Cleveland Cavaliers
Ian & Cindy Collins
Trent & Shannon Compton
John & Lisa Connelly
Meg Coogan
Courtyard Marriott
Bill & Julia Creviston
Michael & Karen Cronan
Chip & Niki Cutter
Cyclebar Hyde Park
Noreen Czaszwicz
Dairy Queen
Stephanie Davis
Bill & Paige deBuys
Paul & Misti DeNicolo
John & Kathy Desmond
Jody & Diane Detzel
Jonathan & Martha Dever
Dewey’s Pizza
Jeff & Kim Dietz
Chris & Dee Dirksing
Debbie Dorward
Suzy Dorward
Dream Dinners Anderson
Debbie Dryden
Polly Duplace
Dutch’s Larder
Al & Lauren Early
Eddie Lane’s Diamond
Ian & Mary Lee Edwards
Debbie Ellis
Dylan & Elise Fager
Jeff & Jeanne Feldkamp
Dan & Stephanie Ferris
Fifth Third Bank
David & Deb Fletcher
Brian & Karen Frank
Florence Freedom
Friend of the Villa
Nick & Adrienne Fucito
Funky’s Catering
Maria Gagliardo
Kathleen Galligan
Chip Gerhardt
Gold Star Chili
Graeters of Anderson Twp.
Grandparents of the Villa
Todd Gries
Andrew & Kristin Guest
George & Shasta Haddad
Beth Hake
Kent & Christie Halaby
Charlie Hall
Handcrafted Portraits
Mark & Susan Hardenbergh
Andy & Melanie Head
Ted & Alison Heffernan
Gary & Dana Heflin
Mark & Renee Heidrich
Drew & Sarah Hicks
Home City Ice
John & Diane Hopper
Chris & Meg Hopple
House of France
Matthew & Jen Howland
Huntington Bank
John & Sabina Hutchinson
Indian Hill Winter Club
It’s Working Out - TRX Studio
Jason’s Deli
Jazzercise Anderson Fitness
Sara Jeck
John & Sophie Jennewein
Scott & Lisa Jennings
Casey & Elizabeth Jones
Kevin & Michelle Jones
P.J. & Kelly Katien
David & Mary Kelley
Brian & Amber Kincaid
Sierra Kincaid
Monica Kindt & Rob Goering
Keating Muething & Klekamp
Dr. Kevin Kirwin
Knickers of Hyde Park
Ryan & JJ Knight
Ken & Emily Kreider
Kuhl’s Hot Sportspot
Ryan & Gina Kyte
Drew & Lea Lachey
Land’s End School Uniform
Heather Langer
LaRosa’s Amelia, Anderson &
Mt. Washington
Andrew & Lindy Laurence
Chris & Ann Linck
Charlotte Loflin
Steve & Kelly Lower
Macy’s Parade & Entertainment
Scottie & Dana Maier
Mama Mimi’s
Ty & Anita Martin
Joe & Lorraine Mayernik
Miranda Meek
Jamie Meisenhelder
John Meisenhelder
Mercy Health Plex
Morgan’s Canoe
Lee & Katie Morgan
Bill & Morgan Mulvihill
Newport Aquarium
Jim & Barb Neyer
Doug & Amanda Nienaber
Norlyn Manor
Michael & Kate O’Grady
John & Dawn Paquette
Peek of Chic
Steve & Kit Perez
Perfect North Slopes
Pete Delois Recreations Outlet
Maureen Phillips
Tom & Colleen Plaut
Bryan & Michelle Preston
Maripat Price
Max & Jennifer Qotb
Terry & Kate Rath
Thad & Lisa Reinhard
Rejuve Cosmetic & Wellness
Peri & Cheri Rekow
Richter & Phillips
Ken & Barb Rinehart
Riverbend Music Center
Chris & Amy Roberts
Ann Roepke
Tim Rogers & Jennifer Smith
Maggie Rosch
Jessica Rostron
Nicole Rouse
Joe & Ashley Rozier
Michael & Shaune Rueve
Marta Runnels
Mike & Caitlin Sanders
Trey & Lisa Savage
Tricia Scherer
Greg & Val Schube
Dan & Becky Scullin
Marc & Beth Sebens
Ted & Jody Sedler
Matthew & Natalie Selker
Jim & Anne Shanahan
Rich & Jean Shurmer
Mark & Jane Silvers
St. Ursula Academy
St. Xavier High School
Michael Roney & Courtney
Matt & Shannon Stautberg
Sterling Cut Glass
Rob & Rebecca Strub
Coby & Jenn Sweeney
Steve & Michelle Tebeau
The BonBonerie
The Pet Spot
The Plastic Surgery Group
Kristy Thomas
Thomas Fallon Photography
Three French Hens
Top Flight Gymnastics
TriHealth Fitness & Health
United Dairy Farmers
Ursuline Academy
Valenti Salon & Spa
Michael & Moira Veech
Mike & Melissa Veith
Fr. William Verbryke S.J.
St. Ursula Villa Boosters
Vine Hill Farm, LLC
Dan & Isla Vogelpohl
Jeff & Tiffany Vollmer
Madhu & Leela Vrishabhendra
Walt Disney World Co
Jeff & Elvira Wampler
Doug & Michele Watts
Jane Welling
Wendy Williams Show
Chris Wessel & Anne Marie
Deye Wessel
Western and Southern Open
Shawn & Jessica Wetzel
Widmer’s Cleaners
Wine Merchant
Jason & Annie Wittekind
Jake & Amy Wolfer
Joe & Lisa Wolfer
Pete & Miranda Wong
David & Holly Woprice
Abby Workman
Zip’s Cafe
Drew Lachey entertained and
auctioneered during the Live
Auction, guaranteeing that a
good time was had by all and
paddles were raised
with enthusiasm.
Alumni News
Patrick Bannon graduated from University of Notre
Dame, attended Georgetown University Medical School
and is currently a cardiologist in Erie, PA. Patrick shares,
“I took a bus from E. McMillan and was in the Villa’s first
class. Bet it’s changed!”
Benjamin Martin lives in New Albany OH with his wife
and three children. He is director of the Advanced Prostate
Cancer Program and practicing urologist in a large private
group. Ben says, “In the last few years I have become obsessed with bicycles, so I try to ride when I can. My
parents still live in Cincinnati, but I don’t get down as
often as I would like.”
Franklin Gaw is working as a designer for Facebook HQ
in San Francisco, CA.
Many members of the Class of ‘11 attended the May Gino
DiMario Birthday Benefit to honor their classmate Gino
and celebrate a mini-reunion before heading off to college.
We welcomed (front, left to right) Liam Moran, Angeline
Wellington, Lily Hummel, Ellie Ciesick, Collette Hue,
Maddie Michel, Sylvia Wampler, Mary Claire Lithen,
Sharron DiMario, Michael DiMario. Center: De Cook,
Harrison Jones, Abbie Dirksing, Francie Ruppert,
Cecily Clark, Abby Anderson. Rear: Jake Larmann,
George Gunning, Ben Keating, John Heskett, Ben
Shurmer, Scottie Emmert, Stuart Edwards, Allison
Brady, Clair Hopper, Nikki Weaver, Kate Gibler,
Stephen Dunker. Also attending but not pictured were
Jake Altenau, Barry Dillion, Forest Howland, David
Hummel, and Ian Jeffries.
Bizzie Shanahan celebrated her June wedding with
several of her Villa alumni classmates. Pictured above
are: Mike Frank, Sarah Strietmann, Bizzie Shanahan
Jatho, Anna Schmidt, and Erin Kelly.
Gina Sanitato graduated from Furman University with
a Bachelors of Science in Health Sciences and is currently
pursuing her Masters in Physician Assistant Studies at
the Medical University of South Carolina in Charleston.
James Rootring won the vocal music category of the
Cincinnati Arts Association Overture Awards for the
second consecutive year, receiving a $4000 scholarship
for post-secondary education from the CAA. James was
named a 2015 National Young Arts Foundation Winner,
chosen as one of 600 winners from a pool of over 11,000
national applicants. This summer, James will be making
his professional debut in the chorus of Cincinnati Opera’s
Julia Moran received the Ursuline Academy Scholar
Athlete Award presented to a two-sport varsity athlete
with the highest GPA. Julia was a member of UA’s golf
team and varsity swim team.
Like us on Facebook! Stay in touch with St. Ursula Villa through our Facebook page—StUrsulaVillaSchool—
and connect with the Villa past and present. And we always welcome alumni updates at!
3660 Vineyard Place | Cincinnati, OH 45226
(513) 871-7218
Villa Faces from
Spring Events