July 2006 Motor Pool Messenger - Military Transport Association


July 2006 Motor Pool Messenger - Military Transport Association
June 2006 MTA Meeting Minutes…..………….…...….Page 2
The Great Willy’s Jeep Picnic ……...………………….….Page 3
WWII Weekend at Reading, PA………………...……….Page 5
Classifieds………………...…….………………..………..Page 7
MTA of NJ Newsletter
Page 1
July 2006
ON THE COVER-MTA Member Joe Di Giiovanni drives his WWII
Jeep into action at the WWII Weekend at Reading, PA. (Picture
courtesy of John Dwyer).
MTA 2006 Officers and Staff
President……………….. Fred Schlesinger, 973-228-7257
Vice President…………...…John Sobotka, 973-398-3692
Recording Secretary………..…Bob Rooke, 973-605-8151
Corresponding Secretary….……Dave Ahl, 973-285-0716
Treasurer……………….…Ginnie McDevitt, 845-987-7896
Parade/Events Coord.……..Peter Schindo, 201-444-3198
Newsletter/Membership……Dave Steinert, 973-347-9091
Web Master………………George Wagner, 973-927-7616
Dover Show Committee…….…..Art Swain, 201-387-8961
NOTICE: The July 2006 MTA monthly meeting will be held on
Monday, July 10th at the Whippany American Legion Post,
Legion Place, Whippany, NJ. Refreshments at 7:00 PM, meeting
begins at 8:00 PM.
Minutes for the MTA Meeting on June 12th 2006
Dave also noted that he publishes articles that are
submitted by the members. If you want to see an article on a
topic or era such as M-series trucks, Vietnam or more modern
trucks...write it up and send it to Dave.
Dave also noted that we put a notice in the last issue that
if your dues were not paid that the May issue would be your
last issue and your name would be dropped...which means
you are not receiving this issue.
We had a big round of applause for MTA member Andy
Gamble who was in attendance tonight. Andy recently
returned from his tour of duty in Kuwait. Andy also presented
the MTA with a special US flag that was flown over Camp
Buehring, Kuwait on April 22, 2006…thanks Andy!
Adoptee Report: John Dwyer reported on the many letters
of thanks he has received from recipients of our last round of
packages shipped to the troops, my own Niece 1Lt. Suzanne
Schultz included. John will be looking for volunteers to help
with coordinating another round of box packing and shipping
Fred reports that the Adoptee account has approx $2300
left in the bank. Donations are welcome!
President Fred Schlesinger brought the meeting to order
at 8:01 p.m. After saluting the flag and pausing in silence as
tribute to our comrades-in arms the meeting shifted into high
gear. Last months minutes were approved.
Your regularly scheduled note taker...aka club secretary
Bob Rooke, couldn’t make the meeting tonight. It should be
noted that your newsletter editor Dave Steinert covertly car
jacked me just minutes before the meeting started, locked me
in the back of his car and forced paper and pencil in my hand
and forced me to take notes again!
Events Committee: Peter Schindo reported that the MTA
made approximately $3700 for our parade efforts on the
Memorial Day weekend thanks to all members that supported
these parades and events. Our next big event will be the July
4 parades. Peter noted we are down to 5 parades for the 4
of July as two towns recently dropped out.
The Lake Hopatcong Mayor sent the MTA a nice letter
thanking our members who attended their recent Lake
Hopatcong day event.
Peter noted a few car shows coming up that have invited
MTA members to attend:
* 6 Flags, June 18 car show at Great Adventure.
* Two Kids benefit car show in Whippany on August 6
* The Easy Diggers equipment show (antique trucks, cranes
and earth moving equipment) at the Quarry on Mt. Hope
Road in Rockaway on June 24/25. Free admission!
Newsletter Report: Dave Steinert thanked those that helped
out with the previous issue, especially Dave Young for
helping in the preparation and mailing efforts. Dave noted
that many members agreed to have their Motor Pool
Messenger sent to them via email to help reduce club
expenses. Remember to contact Dave if you would like to
support the club by having your newsletter emailed to you.
The benefits of an emailed newsletter are that you get the
newsletter faster, in full color and you help save a few trees
and club postage.
MTA of NJ Newsletter
Page 2
Show Committee: Ed Marchese No report ready just yet,
but we are targeting the second week of April 2007 for our
next show which will be held at the Sussex County Fair
Grounds. We have had a site inspection already and we have
rented a large building for the indoor swap meet and two
smaller building for showing the vehicles if the weather gets
bad. More details to come.
ROB Report: Mike Maiello reported that there was no news
to report on yet from the ROB, but Mike is working on setting
up a workday for maintenance on our unit. Details to follow.
Old Business: John Dwyer reported on the recent Fort
Hancock event that took place on the Jersey shore. John
gave us a little history lesson on this WWII gun emplacement.
The group that is working to preserve Fort Hancock and its
guns were very delighted to have MTA members show up in
July 2006
period vehicles and uniforms for their recent event. Not too
many people know that the two rare shore guns at Fort
Hancock are the original guns from the site. They had been
removed many years ago and sent to the Smithsonian. With
the efforts of the group to restore the site, the Smithsonian
returned the guns to the Park and now one of the guns has
been restored enough that it can once again transverse on its
platform. The restoration group is trying to restore Fort
Hancock back to its 1943 condition. They are planning
another event at the site for October and hope that more MTA
members will attend. Sounds like a nice location, which John
reports overlooks the Gunnison “clothing optional” beach!
Nick Caputo mentioned he is looking for a WWII Jeep,
preferably a 1942 model to go with his WWII plane. Anyone
with leads contact Nick.
Meeting closed at 9:25
Submitted under duress by Gary Schultz
(Bob Rooke will be at the next meeting I hope☺)
Treasury Report-As presented by Jack McDevitt
Movie Issue: Discussion continued on how the club should
handle request for vehicles with the movies. There were
some thoughts about setting up a portion of our web site for
members to post pictures of vehicles available for movie
rentals. With no firm direction on how to proceed on this topic,
a motion was passed to table the issue until a future time.
New Business: We confirmed that the club will hold a dinner
at Picatinny on July 20th at 6:30pm. All club members and a
guest are invited. John Dwyer will need a head count by the
next club meeting on July 10 .
Sven’s picnic is coming up. John Sobotka is coordinating
again this year and asked for volunteers to help. The date has
not been set yet, but it is usually an August affair. A motion
was passed to fund the picnic expenses up to $800.
New Members: Vito and Fran Antico have joined our club
and were at their first meeting. Vito and Fran now have his
and her’s matching M-35’s; athough Vito is still waiting to
claim his from Government Liquidators. Welcome!
MTA of NJ Newsletter
Page 3
The Great Willy’s Jeep Picnic
By Gary Schultz
A group of Jeep enthusiasts who have an affinity with early
Jeeps have been meeting for the past few years in the
Pocono's. They call the event the Great Willys Jeep Picnic
and this year’s event (the 4th annual meeting) was held on
June 11th on top of Camel Back Mountain at the
Big Pocono's State Park near Tannersville, PA.
This year, I joined new MTA member Chris VanOrden for
the 65-mile ride on Sunday morning out to the park. What a
great ride out we had on Sunday morning, fantastic weather
and just a fun trip driving along Rt. 46 in NJ and Rt. 611 in
We finally made our way to Tannerville about 11am, and
promptly got lost. But, we knew we were in the general area
when we came across a beautiful custom CJ2A being
trailered, the opposite way, on a side road. We all stopped
and compared notes and then headed off again in the
opposite direction. We finally found the road that heads up
the side of Camel Back Mountain to Big Pocono State Park. It
July 2006
was a slow ride up the side of the mountain with lots of down
shifting, but we finally made it to the top to find about 25 early
and mostly flat fender jeeps already there. The view from the
top was truly impressive.
and I would encourage more MTA members to consider
making the picnic when it is held next year in June.
Here is a link to the event if you are interested in learning
more about the event:
The event was hosted by Walck's Jeep Parts who
presented a nice spread of food and door prizes.
Chris VanOrden has been a member of the MTA for about
2 years and has an extremely original and early CJ2A. When Chris and I showed up at the appointed field, at
the top of the mountain we were swarmed with inquiring Jeep
nuts. My 1945 GPW Jeep got lots of questions and inquiries
because it was the only WWII Jeep at the event. Remember
these guys are mostly early flat fender civilian jeep guys and
girls. Chris's jeep garnered just as much attention since it was
the first time he ever attended a Jeep show or event, so it
was a new find to many of the early CJ fans at the event. We
had a great ride home and another stop at Johnny's Hot Dog
Stand on RT46 in Knowlton, NJ.
The Great Willys Jeep Picnic is a very casual affair always
held the weekend before Father's Day. We had a great time
MTA of NJ Newsletter
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UPCOMING MTA EVENT –The MTA Dinner at Picatinny
Arsenal will be on July 20th at 6:30pm. All club members
and a guest are invited. John Dwyer will need a head
count at the next club meeting or by July 14 .
July 2006
Mid Atlantic Air Museum World War II Weekend 2006
By John Dwyer
Reading Airport hosts a World War II weekend every June
– it is the largest gathering of WWII reenactors, vehicles, and
aircraft in the United States. More than 1100 uniformed
soldiers, nurses, WAC’s and 1940’s civilians fill the airport
along with 150+ WWII vehicles and 40+ airplanes. It is a step
back in time.
After parking, riding the school bus from a remote lot,
paying the $18 entrance fee, and going through airport-type
security you walk into a 1940’s French village reconstructed
on one side of the airport. Germans occupy the cafes and
bar, and French Gendarmes patrol the streets. It is the setting
for battles throughout the weekend.
Walking from camp to camp you encounter American
Soldiers, Marines, Nurses, Airmen, Seabees, and Philippine
Scouts depicting the War in the Pacific; Soviet Soldiers and
Sailors on the Eastern Russian Front; British Chindits,
Australians, and Indian Army in Southeast Asia; American
Soldiers, Nurses, Air Corps in the Western Europe; British,
Canadian, Scots, and Poles depicting Commonwealth Forces
(and allies) in the European Theater; Germans, and Italians in
the Africa and European areas; and a few Japanese soldiers
in the Pacific Theater. The home front was well represented
with an air-raid warden shelter, recruiting booth, victory
garden, filling station, doctor’s office and a typicae.
This is an airshow, and
vintage airplanes (Warbirds)
fly in from across the
country and are spotted on
the tarmac – ranging from
T-6 trainers and tiny L3
spotter planes to the big
bombers: a B-17, a B-24,
and Avro Lancaster bomber.
There was also a Japanese
“Kate” torpedo bomber, B25 bombers, TBF torpedo
planes, a P51 fighter, a C47 cargo plane, and a few
Piper Cub L-1 birddogs.
There more, but more than I
can name! Most of the
planes flew at scheduled
times during the day,
including low photo passes over the field. Rides were
available in several of the planes – at $450 per ½ hour in the
B-24 or B-17 - but I passed on the opportunity!
In the in tent cities and makeshift huts around the airport
were a complete ground operation for an ETO Army airfield
with briefing tents, ready rooms, clinics, armorers, and a bar.
The RAF had a scramble facility set up for the Battle of
Britain. The US Navy and Marine Corp had a Pacific airfield
setup with Quonsets, anti-aircraft guns, observation towers,
grass thatched huts, and a tropical bar. The Rangers had an
obstacle course and grenade throw for the public, and you
could watch an operation on a wounded soldier in the Army
field Hospital. All of the nations represented depicted soldier
life in the field, complete with tents, cots, field showers,
weapons racks, footlockers and everything you would likely
see in a camp of that time. A few times each day combat
MTA of NJ Newsletter
Page 5
units would fight over the French Village in a narrated public
Civilians and VIPs were also amongst the attendees. 40’s
civilians – representing the Home Front – were in attendance.
General Patton arrived several times a day – escorted by
MTA member Joe DiGiovanni’s halftrack - as did General
Macarthur. President Roosevelt toured the camp and spoke
to the troops as well. Abbott and Costello performed “Who’s
on First” for the troops in a USO show. Show girls mingled
with soldiers in the cafes and canteens – and handed out
donuts at the Red Cross. A real page out of history.
Vehicles of all shapes and sizes – hand carts to armored
cars – were there. Lots of jeeps and weapons carriers.
Ambulances, motorcycles, command cars, halftracks, staff
cars, towed artillery, and deuces filled the motor pools. More
WWII motorcycles than I have ever seen were on the field –
both German and American. Convoys of heavily armed troops
went up and down the field several times a day. For armor
support, Joe DiGiovanni and two other collectors had
halftrack on the field and the
British had a couple of Bren
armored cars. The Red Ball club
had a big vehicle display at one
end of the taxiway with Sven
Johnson’s monster trucks in
attendance. There were even
pretty girls on bicycles!
The vendor & sales area is
one of the largest collection of
WWII uniforms, web gear,
weapons, boots, prop weapons,
equipment, models, insignia,
books, and militaria I have seen.
Prices were pretty steep – but
what WWII stuff is cheap these
days? - But you could find just
about everything you might
need for your WWII scene. You
could leave broke very easily!
For History Channel “Mail Call” fans, R. Lee Ermey was
set up in his tent with his GPW Jeep at Reading. The ‘Gunny’
was giving autographs and
July 2006
selling the DVD of “Mail Call Bloopers.” The line to his tent
was always long!
Like many of our events, the weather did not do them a lot
of favors. It poured Thursday to muddy the setup and driving
areas. It was hot and humid – making uniforms pretty
miserable to wear. A monsoon hit Friday night and blew down
many of the tents and soaked much of the gear. It threatened
rain all weekend and just as folks were packing Sunday it
poured again. You’ve got to be a trooper to camp at Reading!
Reading WWII weekend is always the first weekend in
June. It is worth your time and travel if you are a fan of
history. So – mark your calendars for 2007!
(All Pictures courtesy of John Dwyer)
UPCOMING MTA EVENT –The Annual Sven Johnson
Picnic will be on Saturday, August 12 . All MTA members
and their families are invited. John Sobotka needs a
head count by August 5 . Please call John at (973) 3983692 for details.
MTA of NJ Newsletter
Page 6
July 2006
For Sale: WWII Jeep Radio BC-659. The set includes the receiver and
transmitter, power pack case, mounting bracket, hand microphone and ear
phone receivers, $575. WWII Civil Defense Fire Extinguisher; Consists of
water can with powerful hand pump, painted OD, $15. Call Harold Ratzburg
@ (973) 887-2574. (12/05)
If you miss a meeting and want to post an item in the Classified
Advertising column of the newsletter, please feel free to call
Dave Steinert @ (973) 347-9091 or you can email him at:
For Sale: Full OD canvas top for 5-ton truck, $500 or BO. Call Jack
McDevitt @ (845) 987-7796.
For Sale: 1952 M38A1, good shape, $7500. 1970 John Deere Loader
Tractor, 3-point hitch & attachments, $4500. 1960s CJ5 Jeep, 1000 made w/
factory winch, rare vehicle, $3500. Two M35A2s, call for details. M416 trailer,
$500. Call Jude Meehan @ (732) 528-5422. (5/06)
For Sale: 30- 2 ½ ton and 5 ton trucks in stock- cargo, dumps, wreckers,
bridge trucks, M36 LWB, Pole setter, winches, whistlers, Cummins etc., 1946
CJ2A JEEP, runs well, body good, has a title, brakes ok, tires good $3100,
M38A1 JEEP, 4 wheel drive, converted to 12 volt, plow works well,
engine/belt driven hydraulic pump for plow, chains on rear tires, brakes need
work, runs and drives well, has a title $1200, M886 DODGE AMBULANCE,
1978, 4 wheel drive, excellent tires, spare included, 318 V-8 engine, runs,
drives, stops GREAT. Needs front window, Just cleaned and painted (05-14)
$2775, M274A2 MULE, 4 wheel drive, 4 wheel steer, in excellent shape, runs
and drives great, $6200, M342A2 2 ½ ton dump truck- just in- call, Jeep
Commando, V-6 Gas engine, 4 WHEEL DRIVE, 3 speed on the floor, snow
plow with rubber edge, runs good, brake are ok, tires very good, body is
rusty, $1000, Portable light sets, Onan engines and generators, electric start,
lights are very bright $1275 4 available, Towed Aggregate Spreader, Trailer
mounted $1750, HMMWV Tires, some on rims, all in excellent shape $100
each. Dave Newman @ (215) 598-8227 dave@easternsurplus.net pictures
For Sale: 1969 AMG M35A2, multi-fuel, new canvas, about 2800 hrs, good
condition, $8000. 1953 Checker trailer M105A1, good condition $2000. Both
truck and trailer, $9000. Call Pat Coughlan @ (908) 459-4696.
For Sale: Trailer, 1/4 ton, M-415, (with the square fenders) Pretty decent
condition, needs WD-40, sand blasting, and some work on the Floor which is
rusted in places, but holds water. Price is $250. Shop Trailer, 3/4 ton, suitable
for M-37 Truck. It has a metal, domed, lockable, watertight cover and the
inside is compartmented to hold tools. Needs sandblasting and some TLC.
Price is $300. The trailers may be seen at the Sterling Hill Mining Museum in
Ogdensburg, NJ. Call Bob Hauck @ (973) 875-9444 after 6 PM.
For Sale: Original WWII Manuals. TM 9-726-Light Tank M3 (Stuart), 252
pages, dated July 15, 1942, VG Cond.-$45. TM 9-1727B-Engine Cooling,
electrical and fuel systems for Light Tank M5 and 75 MM Howitzer Motor
Carriage M8 (Stuart), 251 pages, dated Jan. 4, 1943, VG cond.-$45. TM 9775-Landing Vehicle Tracked, MK MK II, 406 pages, and I dated Feb. 5,
1944, VG cond.-$60. Call Harold Ratzburg @ (973) 887-2574.
For Sale: M416 ¼-ton trailer sandblasted and ready for your custom paint.
Located near Quakertown, PA., $850. or best offer. Please call Ron @ (267)
377-0069. (3/06)
For Sale: 1963 Dodge M37B1 3/4 ton 4X4 weapons/troop carrier. $8500. or
best reasonable offer. Call Bill Peaslee @ (732) 489-1012 anytime or
bpeaslee@aol.com. See photos and details at the following website:
www.dodgepowerwagon.com/classifieds/peaslee63m37.php. (3/06)
For Sale: M151 Engine with 20,000 miles, $225. M151-A2 engine and
transmission, $325. Call Andrew @ (201) 206-6450. (12/05)
For Sale: 2-1984 CUCV, M1009s (Blazers), camo color, 69,000 miles, green
color, 88,000 miles. Both trucks just tuned up, filters changed and road tested
with good rubber...ready for everyday use or with a few details ready for
parades or display; 6,000 each. Will talk. Call Steve Vidam @ (973) 948-6170
evenings and weekends.
For Sale: 1987 Humvee loaded with options. NJ title AMG87xxxxx 20k miles,
4 door fiberglass hardtop, radials, high back buckets, winch, luverne brush
guard, airdrop bumper, swingaway spare tire & dual fuel can mounts, VIC1
intercom, new glow plugs/controller, manuals, spares, pioneer rack/tools, 3
radio antennas, radio mount, (sorry radios sold) sunvisors, wc mirrors, trans/
park/led marker/fording kits need to be installed $35,000 free delivery within
100 miles. Pictures can be seen @
Jeff Ciccone @ (609) 641-2594 email humveejeff@yahoo.com
For Sale: ½ ton trailer racks- fronts or rears $25.00 each. Military Fuel Cans$10.00, Allice belt clips- $0.50 each, P/S magazines $1.00 each, Hummer
Jack & Handle-$20.00, Complete set of bows & canvas for a M1101 trailer
(new in box) $300.00, Keith Boda @ (732) 297-1751.
For Sale: 1955 Dodge M-152, OD paint, new fuel pump & carb., front & rear
heaters, body and glass good, correct lights, 29K miles. Located in West
Virginia, price $2500. M105 trailer, good tires, racks & covers, $150. Also the
following original army manuals for $15 each: 1944-ORD 7-8-SNL-G-630
Truck, 2-1/2 Ton, 6X6 Studebaker & Reo, 1943-TM-9-807-US 6 and US 6X4;
(973) TM9-2300-M113, M577, M106 and M132; 1971-TM-9-2320-M151 and
M151A1. Call Tom Virden @ (304) 269-4215 (3/06).
For Sale: Carpenter’s Shop Trailer with lift gate on M105 1-1/2 ton trailer. 15”
radial Delta arm saw. Great condition must see $3500. Art Swain @ (201)
387-8961 E-mail: aws@mtaofnj.us (8/05)
For Sale: Military Vehicle Magazines, only 27 issues left (out of 106), so
order soon before most of them run out. Have several new manuals too.
Check’em out at www.swapmeetdave.com or call Dave Ahl @ (973) 2850716. (7/05)
For Sale: Prices Reduced-1952 GMC M211 2-1/2 ton Cargo truck with 50
cal. MG.-$2500, 1958 M54 5-ton Cargo truck with gas Continental engine$3000, 1969 M54A1 Mack diesel 5-ton Cargo truck with 50 cal. MG-$4000.
1975 Chevrolet Automatic C60 Air Force Tanker; $3000. M151 Jeep curtains$50 a set. Complete M151 Jeep engine-$250. Heavy-duty tow bar -$200.
1964 American La France Fire Truck, Class A Spartan Pumper (1000 gals
per minute). Repowered in 1980 with a Detroit Diesel Engine 6-71N, new
power steering, new clutch, new air brakes, kept inside, good condition
$5000. 3 heavy duty snatch hooks-$200. Qty 1, 8-foot pickup cap, $100, 2
Water Buffalos, good condition $750 each. 1-1/2-ton trailers $300 each. Call
Wally Carter after 7 PM @ (973) 366-5140. (6/04)
For Sale: 24-volt portable Twiney Generator. Call Brian @ (973) 209-0454.
Wanted: M38 rearview mirror, arm and mounting bracket. NOS or Used/take
off OK. Also looking for M38 doorframe kits (both sides) and side curtainmounting rods for both sides. Call Ed @ (973) 779-6283 (evenings/wknds).
Wanted: Vietnam militaria for re-enactment. We want to educate people on
what life was like for soldiers in Vietnam. Items are not for resale. Ed Pavlick,
@ (973) 347-3866, leave message
Wanted: Need front or back panel or both for a M416 trailer, need to repair a
trailer. Contact BIG LOU @ (732) 761 9317 or
Wanted: Complete front winch for Ford GTB…call Mark @ (973) 263-1923.
MTA of NJ Newsletter
Page 7
July 2006
Military Transport Association
Of North Jersey
P.O. Box 393
Budd Lake, NJ 07828
Military Transport Association of North Jersey
A Chapter of the Military Vehicle Preservation Association
The Military Transport Association of North Jersey is a nonprofit organization for people interested in collecting,
restoring, displaying, and operating historic military vehicles.
Members of the club participate in 15 to 20 parades every year
as well as educational events, militaria and truck shows,
rallies, trail rides and visits to veteran’s homes.
Members also participate in projects such as restoring a
jeep for the National Guard Museum, the National Night Out,
USMC Toys for Tots campaign, fund raising for the National
WWII and Korean War Memorials, Boy Scout projects, and
National Guard recruiting campaigns.
Meetings are held on the second Monday of every month at
the Whippany American Legion Hall, Legion Place, Whippany,
NJ. You can come between 7:00 and 7:30 p.m. to eat pizza,
sandwiches and enjoy other refreshments. Beer and wine is
available from the Legion Hall. The meeting starts at 8:00 p.m.
and is normally over by 9:00 p.m.
Join the MTA now and receive:
12 issues of the Motor Pool Messenger newsletter.
FREE classified sales and want ads in the newsletter.
Notices of parades and events in which you can
FREE annual picnic and FREE annual pizza party.
FREE MTA embroidered patch (when you attend an
MTA of NJ Newsletter
Page 8
To join the Military Transport Association, send this form (or
the same information on a blank sheet of paper) with $20.00
annual membership dues ($25.00 for Family Membership) to
the address below. Dues are for the calendar year.
City, State, Zip_______________________________________
Telephone (________)________________________________
Military vehicle(s) owned_____________________________
Mail completed application with $20.00 annual dues to:
Military Transport Ass’n of North Jersey
P.O. Box 393
Budd Lake, NJ 07828
July 2006

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