2014 UAGI Program Book
2014 UAGI Program Book
United Age Group Track Coaches Association HEAT SHEETS July 18 - 20, 2014 Leslie C. Quick Stadium Widener University Chester, Pennsylvania We Proudly Support the UAGI United Age Group Track Coaches Association 1104 Summit Lane Oreland PA 19075 ‘Youth Athletes Are Our Only Concern’ Ron Jackson—Director UAGTCA July 18, 2014 Dear Friends and Participants, On behalf of the Executive Committee and member organizations of the United Age Group Track Coaches Association I would like to take this opportunity to welcome you to the 9th Annual UAGTCA Youth Invitational (UAGI) Track & Field Meet. In nine years our meet has grown to become one of the premier Youth Track and Field competitions of the summer. Teams have shared how this meet now commands a prominent spot on their summer schedule. What was once a nice way to spend a summer weekend has become an essential part of so many summer schedules. How you fare at the UAGI is a pretty good indicator of your chances at the National Junior Olympic meets. We have said all along that if you can make it here you can make it anywhere. We continue to believe that to be true. The UAGTCA members & staff will continue to strive to make our meet a staple of every youth team’s outdoor summer schedule. Our motto ‘Youth Athletes Are Our Only Concern’ will continue to be our guiding force and your complete satisfaction will be our goal. 2014 promises to be filled with more of the excellent competition that you’ve come to expect. Our schedule has been even more refined to ensure that we don’t waste a minute of your time. It is this type of innovation that keeps the UAGI fresh and a premier destination on everyone’s schedule. We again welcome you to our meet and wish you a competitive and enjoyable stay in our community. Thanks, United Age Group Track Coaches Association 2014 Youth Invitational www.uagtca.org A Message from the UAGTCA Founder George Anderson Thirty seven years and the UAGTCA is s ll serving the youth of our communi es. What a blessing it is to be able to see the athletes from the 70’s, 80’s and 90’s now coaching, officia ng, volunteering and most importantly, paren ng the athletes of today under the same organiza on that nurtured them. George Anderson Thirty seven years is a long me if you are young and a short me if you are old but, in the grand scheme of things, me is rela ve to what is happening. Kudos to all the people who have sacrificed their me, efforts and resources for the sake of our children and young adults. Congratula ons to the thousands of UAGTCA alumni who have gone on to become successful and produc ve ci zens and parents in a very challenging society. These things were not accomplished without much hard work, tears, heartbreak and (the UAG may have invented this term) “CONFLICT RESOLUTION”. This is no me to rest on your laurels. No me to reminisce about “back in the day”. No me to pon ficate about accomplishments. As the season for the “Old Heads” passes and the season for the “Young Bucks” arrives, now, more than ever, the UAGTCA community must con nue to sacrifice, work hard, endure heartbreak, shed tears and “RESOLVE CONFLICT”. In real life 37 years is our prime. We have learned a lot, our resources have mul plied and we are primed to move to higher levels of success. Which, in this case, means more generaons of young people being trained to succeed, not only in track and field, but in life as well. Just as we teach and train our athletes to have the strength, endurance, perseverance and character to nego ate the minefields and obstacles that they will face in this life; we must con nue to stand strong and do all that we can to make sure that the United Age Group Track Coaches Associa on thrives as never before. I pray that none of us will ever look back and say “We shoulda, woulda, coulda but we didn’t” Keep pressing forward and God bless you all. George The United Age Group Track Coaches AssociaƟon, Inc. (UAGTCA) was conceived in the autumn of 1976 a er a mee ng of area track club representa ves held at the Cliveden House, an auxiliary building of the Mallery Recrea on Center in Philadelphia, PA. The outgrowth of that mee ng was the forma on of a rela vely small organiza on, with an ambi ous agenda and a goal, “To provide a quality, organized track and field program for the youth of the area”. The group held its first meet in the Spring of 1977 and for over 30 years this has remained the primary focus of the UAGTCA. The group was formally incorporated as a Pennsylvania not for profit organiza on in October, 1977 and received favorable determina on of its exempt status as a 501C (3) organiza on effec ve February of that same year. Philadelphia area athletes, in order to compete effec vely, had to travel great distances in order to par cipate in compe ons that could very easily be conducted in our local area. Lacking only the organiza on, a concept was born and embraced enthusias cally by a few energe c men and women on behalf of their organiza ons. The ‘Brainchild’ of George Anderson, founder of the Mallery Challengers Track Club and a supervisor at the Mallery Recrea on center, the UAGTCA offered very few benefits to its charter members, only the opportunity to work hard with the knowledge that 'failure was not an opon’. Perspec ve members were asked to make an ini al financial commitment of fi y dollars per team in order to cover ini al startup expenses. This requirement limited the ini al membership greatly. The charter members, the Mallery Challengers Track Club, Oak Lane Youth AssociaƟon, Philadelphia Express Track Club, Morris Estate Track Club, Mt. Carmel BapƟst Church, Gazelle-Striders Track Club and the Mt. Airy Track Club were all Philadelphia based organizaons which unfairly gave the impression that other groups were prohibited from joining. The later addi on of the Wilmington Track Club, Camden City Track Club, the Perkiomen Valley Striders, Delco Stallions, Delaware Diamonds and the Willingboro Track Club helped to resolve the Philadelphia only percep on. The UAGTCA was born. There were not many great facili es available to the group in the beginning but the compleon of ‘Marcus Foster Stadium’ in 1979 would allow our athletes the opportunity to train and compete in a state of the art facility. There would be no stopping us now. The support of the Philadelphia Department of Recrea on and many others, allowed the UAGTCA to flourish through the many difficult mes of those early years. The group sponsored a series of compe ons in the spring of 1977 that was effec ve, organized and quickly became accepted as the best youth developmental series available in the area. The group has been a cons tuent member of USA Track & Field and its predecessor *TAC since its incep on. The numbers, in the beginning, were modest with meets averaging between 200 - 300 athletes. The organiza on con nued to enhance its’ reputa on for staging quality compe ons by hos ng the 1981 TFA/USA Na onal Age-Group Championship and the 1985 TAC Na onal Age Group Championship. The UAGTCA was one of the first youth groups to use a computerized system to score a major compe on, the UAGTCA quickly became a recognized leader in youth meet organiza on. The spring meets have con nued, uninterrupted since that inaugural series and have enjoyed their greatest success in the new millennium. We now draw more than 1,000 athletes to our developmental meets and athletes from Pennsylvania, New Jersey, Delaware, Maryland and New York compete on a weekly basis. The Philadelphia area athletes no longer suffer the expense and inconvenience of exhaus ve travel. They are now the hosts and enjoy the benefits of great local meets with excellent compe on. The UAGTCA has seen the growth and development of many fine athletes and lists, a virtual who’s who, of track and field stars amongst it alumni. We inaugurated our first Youth Invita onal track meet in 2006. The meet was modeled a er the 'East Coast Invita onal' a highly successful youth track meet that had become a na onal model for youth summer track and field meets. The UAGTCA Youth Invita onal is a similar three day celebra on that affords many athletes an opportunity to compete with other high caliber athletes at the peak of their season's condi oning. Many athletes use it as a springboard to Na onal Compe on. We have con nued, undeterred, into the new millennium and it is our hope to provide this very vital service to the youth of Philadelphia and surrounding area for as long as our resources permit. We believe that our goal, though difficult, is achievable as long as we con nue to receive the help and support of our many friends. New members are accepted each year with sponsorship by an exis ng member organiza on. ______________________________________________________________________ * The Athle cs Congress (TAC) was the predecessor of USA Track & Field United Age Group Track Coaches Association 2014 Youth Invitational www.uagtca.org Contact Us Executive Committee Director Ron Jackson 1104 Summit Lane Oreland, PA 19075 215-402-9292 215-913-5716 rjackson11041@verizon.net Vice-President Daryl Murphy 484-904-2387 darylr235@hotmail.com Secretary Teri Russel-Bizzle 267-240-7692 mtairy75@yahoo.com Treasurer Robin Brown-Stovall 215-284-1977 teamstovall@verizon.net Historian & Sta s cian Shawn H. German 267-246-5600 sgerman002@comcast.net United Age Group Track Coaches Association 2014 Youth Invitational www.uagtca.org OPENING CEREMONIES ~P N F A ~I M .G ~ ~ A UAGTCA F ~W M .D M UAGTCA I ~P ~ M D A A ~P ~ ~ Mਠਣਤਫਨਭਤ R. Wਨਫਫਤਲ਼ਲ਼ਤ Sਢਧਮਫਠਲਧਨਯ Aਸ਼ਠਣ M .G A UAGTCA F MRW S M .R M .D M .G ~O M .D UAGTCA I J D C B L M M ~ D United Age Group Track Coaches Association 2014 Youth Invitational www.uagtca.org Meet Staff Meet Administrator Ron Jackson Outstanding Athlete Selection Teri Bizzle Michael Mosley Jeff Scott Mark Thomas Meet Director Daryl Murphy Meet Referees Field - Jesse Jackson Running - Ron Jackson Games Committee Registration Volunteers Field Coordinator Awards Vendors Trainers Security MRW Scholarship Esther Cotton George Anderson Teri Bizzle Robin Stovall Ron Jackson Daryl Murphy Shawn German Diane Jackson Jury of Appeals Teri Bizzle Shawn German Mike Mosley Jeff Scott Robin Stovall Statistician and Records Keeper Shawn German Information & Protest Desk Rhonda Baker Volunteer Coordinator George Anderson Announcers Mark Thomas (Field) Diane Jackson (Press Box) Registration Esther Cotton MyNiqua Cotton MyQuay Cotton Beverly Morris Results and Hy-Tek Operator Tamica Evans Jim Logue Awards Robin Stovall Shanita Kensey Photographer Craig Lewis Support Staff Curtis Witherspoon Dom Gattis Marquis West Marc Logue Debora Harris Stephanie Logan Earl Stovall Michael Cotton Widener Univ. Facility Coordinators Vince Touey Kevin Cunningham *Event Chiefs in Bold United Age Group Track Coaches Association 2014 Youth Invitational www.uagtca.org Meet Staff Lynx Timers Vince Giarrocco Alex Giarrocco Starters Andrea Jennings Jim Cook Jim Lamb Rosalind Mason Recorders David Harris Paul Isaac Sandra Pitts Weights & Measures Joe McGonigle Joe Rycek Clerks of Course Angela Gordon Bernadette Cheaton Leo Cheaton Turquoise Pitts Kisha Vaughn Competition Officials Alexis Anderson - LJ, TJ Teri Bizzle Craig Carter Rogers Glispy Irvin Marable Helmut McIntosh Angela Miller Brandon Shell Monika Caldwell - HJ Carol Harrison Gene Heiler Imani Shell Jonas Harding - SP Peter Harrison Yvette McKoy Harold Watkins Steve Reckefus - LT John “Sean” Kerrisk Coleen Oriente John Oriente Wayne Sadowski Marty Schy Pam Schy Hurdles Melita Johnson - Coordinator Cambria Speed Youth Association Mallery Challengers Track Club Morris Estates Track Club Olney Track Club Philadelphia Express Track Club Willingboro Track Club Security Guards Shawn German Ashley Bolton Andre Grant David Grant Bruce Harmon Jayson Jones Kera Jones Athletic Trainers Denise Avendaer Malvin Carrion Holly Woodman Meal Coordinator Esther Cotton * Event Chiefs in Bold United Age Group Track Coaches Association 2014 Youth Invitational www.uagtca.org Acknowledgements USA Track & Field Foundation *** Ted Curson Owner - ATNT Graphics *** Dan Kesterson Publisher / Editor - Youth Runner Magazine *** First United Methodist Church of Germantown Community Needs Grant *** Leslie M. Stokes Personal ‘Gold’ Benefactor *** Shay Shotton & Edna Brown Hasty Awards *** Wawa Markets *** Thank you to all who have donated to the UAGTCA through United Way workplace campaigns. *** United Age Group Track Coaches Association 2014 Youth Invitational www.uagtca.org Participating Teams YR Team / Club 1 4 2 1 1 9 1 7 2 3 1 4 2 1 1 1 1 1 5 1 2 2 1 1 1 2 3 8 2 2 1 1 9 1 2 2 1 4 9 9 6 5 1 9 6 1 9 7 1 1 2 A Faster You Track Club Ambler Olympic Club Athletes Academy Black Diamonds Track Club Blazing Tornadoes Cambria Speed Y. A. Camden Clock Chasers Capital Area Forerunners Chester Cheetahs Track Club Christian Stronghold Church Club 44 Comets Track Club Cotton Club Possee’ D-H-Y Express Eye Catchers Fairless Hills Falcons Fasst Track & Field Club Future Olympians Track Club Flying Angels Academy Future Olympians Track Club Generation Next Gladiators Track Club Greater Norristown PAL Hamilton Track Club I Holla Track Club Infinity Track Club J-Dawg Field Team Juventus Track Club Kappas Diamond Dashers Keystone Track Club Knights Track Club Legends Mallery Track Club Maveric Track Club Maximum Speed Track Club Mo Bettah Track Club Moores Track Club Morris County Track Club Morris Estate Track Club Mt. Airy Track Club New Haven Age Group T. C. Nittany Track and Field No More Xcuses Track Club Olney Track Club Omega of Winslow Track Club Owings Mills Track Club Phila. Express Track Club Plainfield Tsunami T. C. Princilus Kids Rock City Striders Royalty Track Club City St Country Odenton Ambler Philadelphia West Hempstead Levittown Philadelphia Woodlynne Harrisburg Chester Philadelphia Brooklyn Maplewood Bear Philadelphia Somerset Philadelphia Waldorf Philadelphia Toronto Philadelphia Eagleville Newark Norristown Philadelphia Philadelphia Philadelphia Collegeville Philadelphia Philadelphia Philadelphia Fort Washington Douglassville Philadelphia West Chester Somerset Philadelphia East Haven Parsippany Philadelphia Philadelphia New Haven State College Philadelphia Philadelphia Sicklerville Parkton Philadelphia Plainfield Clayton Nyack Philadelphia MD PA PA NY PA PA NJ PA PA PA NY NJ DE PA NJ PA MD PA ON PA PA NJ PA PA PA PA PA PA PA PA MD PA PA PA NJ PA CT NJ PA PA CT PA PA PA NJ MD PA NJ DE NY PA USA USA USA USA USA USA USA USA USA USA USA USA USA USA USA USA USA USA Can USA USA USA USA USA USA USA USA USA USA USA USA USA USA USA USA USA USA USA USA USA USA USA USA USA USA USA USA USA USA USA USA Coach Vonzell Barker Michael Wallace Ken Wallace Michael Graham Annie Coleman Glenn DeLee Lavar Edwards Rachel-Wilson Johnson Jamie Wharton Darryl Wilson John Alston Donny Bellamy Michael Cotton Gregory Shoemake Inga Ewing Micah Wright Malcolm Drewery Brianna Hawkins Earl Letford BriAna Cropps-Hawkins Crystal Smith Troy Johnson Jermaine Boggs Danielle Grady Mike Crawford Brandon Shell Craig Wagner Jacqui Johnson Ken Pauling Tyeshia Thomas Harry Allen Steph Sievers Daryl Murphy Rohan Grant Johnny Pittman Lynette Matthews Gary Moore Antonio Workman Bob Jackson Teri Russel-Bizzle Marvis Brown Mark Fedkin Keith Garland Ryan Alston Rosalind Tobias Carlos Mason Rhonda Baker Kevin Turner Ilana Princilus Jonathan Marsland Charles Sawyer United Age Group Track Coaches Association 2014 Youth Invitational www.uagtca.org Participating Team’s YR Team / Club City 4 5 1 1 1 1 2 1 5 7 7 4 9 1 9 9 6 1 1 Queens NY Philadelphia PA Salem NJ Philadelphia PA Pedricktown NJ Plymouth MeetingPA Ashton MD Bear DE Philadelphia PA Paterson NJ Sicklerville NJ North Brunswick NJ West Chester PA Tarrytown NY Willingboro NJ Wilmington DE West Atco NJ Clayton DE Wyncote PA Ruff Kutz Track Club Running Rebels Distance Club Salem Track Club Sigma International Track Club South Jersey Rising Stars T.C. Sports Extra SSTC FiNaO Track Lyfe Track RC Transy East Trinity Track Club Unity Express T & F Club West Chester Track Club White Plaines Future Stars Willingboro Track Club Wilmington Track Club Winslow Elite Track Club Wise Youth All-Stars Track Club St Country Coach USA USA USA USA USA USA USA USA USA USA USA USA USA USA USA USA USA USA USA Charles Weekes Deke Rush Dan Stalter Stephen Chapman Benny Liles Cardwell Wootten Rita Williams Martin Haynes Curtis Witherspoon Dwayne Cox Larry Anderson Stacey Field Jr. Eric Horsey Madge Anderson Jeff Scott Sharnette Handy-Hall Shawnika Brown Carby Wise Tanya Langley-Jackson *** A very Special Thank You to all of our 7 Year Participants *** visit us at www.uagtca.org/invitational.htm for instant, daily and full results United Age Group Track Coaches Association 2014 Youth Invitational www.uagtca.org Sponsored Relay Events USA Track & Field Foundation 8 & Under Girls 4X100 Meter Relay 8 & Under Boys 4X100 Meter Relay **** Hasty Awards, Inc. 9-10 Girls 4X400 Meter Relay 9-10 Boys 4X400 Meter Relay **** ATNT Graphics 11-12 Girls 4X800 Meter Relay 11-12 Boys 4X800 Meter Relay **** Leslie M. Stokes - Gold Sponsor 13-14 Girls 4X400 Meter Relay 13-14 Boys 4X400 Meter Relay **** Youth Runner Magazine 15-16 Girls 4X400 Meter Relay 15-16 Boys 4X400 Meter Relay **** Councilman Curtis Jones, Jr. 17-18 Girls 4X100 Meter Relay 17-18 Boys 4X100 Meter Relay United Age Group Track Coaches Association 2014 Youth Invitational www.uagtca.org Order of Friday Events July 18, 2014 Running Events TIME EVENT TYPE 12:00 PM 200 Meter Hurdles Final 12:20 PM 400 Meter Hurdles Final DIVISIONS 13-14 Girls and Boys 15-16 Girls and Boys 17-18 Girls and Boys 9-10 Girls and Boys 11-12 Girls and Boys 13-14 Girls and Boys 15-16 Girls and Boys 17-18 Girls and Boys 12:45 PM 3200 Meter Relay Final 1:00 PM 200 Meter Dash Semi* All Divisions (*Top 8 to Sunday Finals) Final All Divisions 2:30 PM 1500 Meter Run Field Events TIME EVENT TYPE 12:00 PM Long Jump Final 12:00 PM Shot Put Final 12:00 PM High Jump Final 12:00 PM Javelin Throw Final 2:00 PM Discus Throw Final DIVISIONS 9-10 Boys; 11-12 Boys; 13-14 Boys 15-16 Boys; 17-18 Boys 17-18 Girls; 15-16 Girls; 13-14 Girls; 11-12 Girls; 9-10 Girls; 8&U Girls 17-18 Boys; 15-16 Boys; 13-14 Boys; 11-12 Boys; 9-10 Boys 13-14 Girls; 15-16 Girls; 17-18 Girls 11-12 Girls; 13-14 Girls; 15-16 Girls; 17-18 Girls ~ Please note that scheduled events each day may run up to 1 hour ahead ~ Athletes are asked to report on the first call UAGTCA Practice Field - Site License Hy-Tek's MEET MANAGER 2:36 PM 7/13/2014 Page 1 2014 UAGTCA Youth Invitational - 7/18/2014 to 7/20/2014 Leslie C. Quick Stadium Widener University Meet Program - Day 1 Running Event 1 200 Meter Hurdles 5 - 30" 13-14 Girls Friday 7/18/2014 - 12:00 PM Nat'l Youth: UAGTCA Inv: 26.63 7/31/1994 27.49 7/15/2011 Lane Name Section 1 of 2 Finals 3 4 5 6 567 Harriston, Daija 1007 Scotton, Makinze 263 Drewery, Kendal 1000 Key, Kira Char Foster Markeeta Thomas Team Seed Time Mt. Airy Tra Willingboro Fasst Track Willingboro 1052 Ahirakwe, Flora 1063 Hess, Maryn 789 Myers, Phoebe 745 Jones, Lousie 788 McEachern, Victoria 1075 Smalls, Zianni 391 Rodgers, Gabrielle 1071 Morrison, Alexandria Winslow Elit Winslow Elit Ruff Kutz Tr Rock City St Ruff Kutz Tr Winslow Elit Infinity Tra Winslow Elit 23.99 8/3/2003 24.38 7/15/2011 Lane Name Section 1 of 1 Finals 2 3 4 5 6 638 Christie, Michael 649 Spencer, Kevin 1051 Wellman, Tyler 794 Brown, Tai 22 Ryans, Jeremiah Trey Charles Remarco Thompson Team Seed Time New Haven Ag New Haven Ag Wilmington T Ruff Kutz Tr A Faster You Event 3 400 Meter Hurdles 10 - 30" 15-16 Girls Friday 7/18/2014 - 12:00 PM Nat'l Youth: 58.26 7/31/2005 UAGTCA Inv: 1:03.22 7/17/2009 Lane Name Section 1 of 2 Finals 2 3 4 5 6 7 1070 Mckoy, Teasha 365 Obrien, Taylor 1048 Shamlin, Daysha 792 Rowe, Naomi 829 Morgan, Layne 940 Iacobucci, Emma Ebony Collins Steyce McNeil Team Winslow Elit Greater Norr Wilmington T Ruff Kutz Tr Sports Extra West Chester Section 2 of 2 Finals 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 1069 Mckoy, Portia 823 Kendrick, Leah 553 Carter, Cheyenne 784 Dumpson, Mya 555 Coleman, Amira 1008 Shelton, Donyae 52 Sexton, Hannah 1010 Smith, Shanell Winslow Elit Sports Extra Mt. Airy Tra Ruff Kutz Tr Mt. Airy Tra Willingboro Ambler Willingboro Lane Name Section 1 of 2 Finals 41 Jones, Alison 562 Fernandez, Heidy 453 Bolen, Sakinah 32 Becker, Grace 39 Higgins, Jordan 373 Smith, Carlee Turquoise Thompson Faith Dismuke Team Seed Time Ambler Mt. Airy Tra Mallery Chal Ambler Ambler Hamilton Tra Section 2 of 2 Finals Event 2 200 Meter Hurdles 5 - 30" 13-14 Boys Friday 7/18/2014 - 12:00 PM Nat'l Youth: UAGTCA Inv: Nat'l Youth: 57.67 7/27/2008 UAGTCA Inv: 1:01.32 7/13/2012 2 3 4 5 6 7 Section 2 of 2 Finals 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Event 4 400 Meter Hurdles 10 - 30" 17-18 Girls Friday 7/18/2014 - 12:00 PM Seed Time 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 572 Justus, Maria 249 Onuoha, Uchechi 1065 Hines, Daijah 1060 Cooper, Thaila 893 Sullivan, Holly 1072 Rivers, Shayla 786 Hyatt, Amari 463 Smith, Anna-Jane Mt. Airy Tra Fairless Hil Winslow Elit Winslow Elit Unattached Winslow Elit Ruff Kutz Tr Mallery Chal Event 5 400 Meter Hurdles 10 - 36" 15-16 Boys Friday 7/18/2014 - 12:00 PM Nat'l Youth: UAGTCA Inv: 51.56 7/30/2006 57.46 7/16/2006 Lane Name Section 1 of 2 Finals 3 4 5 834 King, Brandon 1078 Adams., Jamil 1093 Watson, Davonte William Wynne Jermaine Lowery Team Seed Time SSTC FiNaO Winslow Elit Winslow Elit Section 2 of 2 Finals 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 63 Bletner, Clarence 1043 Young, Dion 1018 Bell, Zavian 488 Mclemore, Joshua 99 Green, Miles 924 Jenkins, Christopher 910 Wang, Sean 207 Nobles, Prince Ambler Willingboro Willingboro Maveric Trac Athletes Academ Unity Expres Unattached Christian Strong UAGTCA Practice Field - Site License Hy-Tek's MEET MANAGER 2:36 PM 7/13/2014 Page 2 2014 UAGTCA Youth Invitational - 7/18/2014 to 7/20/2014 Leslie C. Quick Stadium Widener University Meet Program - Day 1 Running Event 6 400 Meter Hurdles 10 - 36" 17-18 Boys Friday 7/18/2014 - 12:00 PM Nat'l Youth: UAGTCA Inv: 49.77 7/29/2002 53.25 6/29/2007 Lane Name Section 1 of 2 Finals 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Kerron Clement Jermaine Lowery Team 835 Kyle, Victor 1017 Bakarr, Yunisa 1040 Miller, David 88 Richardson, Cordell 820 Norman, Lexus 111 Kwiete, Josiah 84 Mcfarland, Giulian 114 Smith, Malik Seed Time SSTC FiNaO Willingboro Willingboro Ambler South Jersey Blazing Tornado Ambler Blazing Tornado Section 2 of 2 Finals 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 618 Ortiz, Anthony 302 Thompson, Jordan 600 Harris, Dennis 911 Watson, Josh 356 Dillon, Andrew 150 Bowman Jr., Charles 253 Klah, Kornelius 782 Todd, Colyn Mt. Airy Tra Fasst Track Mt. Airy Tra Unattached Generation N Capital Area Fairless Hil Royalty 1 2 West Chester 1) 953 Conway, Ethan 3) 961 Friel, Xavier Royalty 1) 773 Hong, Brendon 3) 767 Bradley, Julien Seed Time A 2) 954 Conway, Liam 4) 959 Erwin, Robert A 2) 774 Mercure, Evens 4) 768 Dastine, Alvin Event 17 200 Meter Dash 8-U Girls Top 8 Advance by Time Friday 7/18/2014 - 12:00 PM Nat'l Youth: UAGTCA Inv: 32.34 7/16/2010 30.94 7/11/2008 Lane Name Heat 1 of 4 Prelims 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 1062 Handy, Sierra 38 Helmer, Grace 977 Duckett, Madison 353 Webb, Jamiya 266 Garner, Gabrielle 1096 Avent, Kassadi 383 Hafkin, Miriam 889 Middleton, Mia Winslow Elit Ambler White Plains Generation N Fasst Track Youth All St Infinity Tra Unattached Winslow Elit Fasst Track Morris Estat Infinity Tra South Jersey Mallery Chal Winslow Elit Chester Cheetahs 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 933 Davenport, Devyn 706 Mason, Naomi 636 Williams-Monroe, Aya 133 Harley, Nadiah 138 Campbell, Drea 996 Hightower, Anaysia 459 Lomax-Fede, Ashley West Chester Owings Mills New Haven Ag Clock Chasers Capital Area Willingboro Mallery Chal 349 Kindell, Nylah 1015 Thomas, Ameera 1013 Taylor, Jada 245 Rollins, Qiora 228 Cotton, Micholette 1057 Campbell, Azanah 715 Pearson, Laila Generation N Willingboro Willingboro Eye Catchers Cotton Club Winslow Elit Phila. Expre Event 18 200 Meter Dash 8-U Boys Top 8 Advance by Time Friday 7/18/2014 - 12:00 PM Nat'l Youth: UAGTCA Inv: 31.30 7/18/2010 29.63 7/16/2006 Lane Name Heat 1 of 5 Prelims 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 178 Clayton, Zahir 742 Princilus, Christopher 366 Baker, Everet 797 Lawson, Kyaire 449 Long, James 818 Lipsey, Marlum 724 Johnson, Siraj 398 Bland, Isaiah Justin Gibson Daveir Kennedy Team Seed Time Chester Cheetahs Princilus Ki Greater Norr Ruff Kutz Tr Knights Trac South Jersey Phila. Expre Infinity Tra Heat 2 of 5 Prelims Taliyah Furtick Eliza Brooks Team 1059 Coley, Amaia 274 Littlejohn, Morgan 542 Robinson, Morgan 396 Stovall, Quin 813 Harris, Darian 458 Green, Chozen 1055 Bey, Aurora 166 Little, Noelle Heat 3 of 4 Prelims 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Nat'l Youth: 7:41.30 7/25/2007 12 26 Texas Stars Track Club, E Gosset, J Burkley, H Shepard, K Payne UAGTCA Inv: 8:23.03 7/11/2008 Morris Estate T. C. J DiGiacomo, L Ramirez, C Witherspoon, D Colon Relay 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Heat 4 of 4 Prelims Event 14 4x800 Meter Relay 15-16 Boys Friday 7/18/2014 - 12:00 PM Lane Team Section 1 of 1 Finals Heat 2 of 4 Prelims Seed Time 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 182 Freeman, Ivan 206 Nobles, Jeremiah 836 Reece, Akhili 180 Dale, Steven 233 Lassiter, Aaron 898 Christy, Aidan 416 Talley, Mayson 176 Clark-Lane, Wayne Chester Cheetahs Christian Strong SSTC FiNaO Chester Cheetahs D-H-Y Expres Unattached Juventus Tra Chester Cheetahs UAGTCA Practice Field - Site License Hy-Tek's MEET MANAGER 2:36 PM 7/13/2014 Page 3 2014 UAGTCA Youth Invitational - 7/18/2014 to 7/20/2014 Leslie C. Quick Stadium Widener University Meet Program - Day 1 Running Heat 3 of 5 Prelims...(Event 18 200 Meter Dash 8-U Boys) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 720 Couser, Christopher 367 Obrien, Joseph 477 Stovall, Hamzah 183 Gibbs, Jordan 296 Hayman, Jayden 525 Cooper, Noah 223 Lake, Xavier 200 Ayers, Ezrah Phila. Expre Greater Norr Mallery Chal Chester Cheetahs Fasst Track Morris Count Comets Christian Strong Heat 4 of 5 Prelims 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 729 Wayns, Tahj 1026 Coleman, Darold 931 Todd, Evan 190 Robertson, Derrick 1107 Ingram, Jonathan 97 Brinkley, Dhakir 474 Moore, Chaz 723 Hampton, Anthony 717 Brown, Kire 368 Talley, Lawson 612 Marable, Elijah 403 Roberts, Jon 294 Green, Riley 286 Ashenafi, Khafre 1095 Wise, Evan 687 Johnson, Temi 26.70 7/31/2004 27.55 7/17/2011 Lane Name Heat 1 of 5 Prelims 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 716 Sowah, Ava 744 Dorvil, Makayla 871 Marshall, Janelle 734 Puryear, Jada Mia 162 Hampton, Janiyah 435 Rowe, Mya 563 Filmore, Tierra 945 Smith, Dinaye 232 Shoemake, Nyla 941 Jennings-Scott, Giovan 42 Keller, Julia 915 Brown, Alexandria 549 Bey, Eyota 522 Simon, Bayliss 265 Freeland, Aanya 341 Brooks, Skyy 888 Lucas, Kimberly 630 Garrett, Sanai 268 Harrod, Alyssa 210 St Louis, Emily 1045 Kinlaw, Jada 984 Washington, Bre 741 Princilus, Ilana Mallery Chal Mallery Chal Club44 Infinity Tra Plainfield T Willingboro Mallery Chal Infinity Tra Unattached New Haven Ag Fasst Track Club44 Wilmington T White Plains Princilus Ki Heat 5 of 5 Prelims 429 Hackett, Amanda 632 McCown, Jada 573 Kelly, Simone 433 Long, Nia 1097 Avent, Kennedi 625 Best, Laila 714 Nicholson, Mya Nat'l Youth: UAGTCA Inv: Seed Time Phila. Expre Rock City St Trinity Trac Plainfield T Chester Cheetahs Knights Trac Mt. Airy Tra West Chester Heat 2 of 5 Prelims 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 461 Minor, Samiya 452 Adams, Gabrielle 211 Wynter, Jada 380 Bryant, Zahra 731 Charles, Aniyah 1003 Muir, Saniah 464 Solomon, Kayla 388 Mills, Iyonnah Knights Trac New Haven Ag Mt. Airy Tra Knights Trac Youth All St New Haven Ag Phila. Expre Event 20 200 Meter Dash 9-10 Boys Top 8 Advance by Time Friday 7/18/2014 - 12:00 PM Robin Reynolds Dajai Barnes Team 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Phila. Expre Greater Norr Mt. Airy Tra Infinity Tra Fasst Track Fasst Track Wise Omega Track Event 19 200 Meter Dash 9-10 Girls Top 8 Advance by Time Friday 7/18/2014 - 12:00 PM Nat'l Youth: UAGTCA Inv: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Heat 4 of 5 Prelims Phila. Expre Willingboro Unity Expres Chester Cheetahs Youth All St Athletes Academ Mallery Chal Phila. Expre Heat 5 of 5 Prelims 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Heat 3 of 5 Prelims D-H-Y Expres West Chester Ambler Unity Expres Mt. Airy Tra Morris Count Fasst Track Future Olymp 23.37 8/1/2009 27.14 7/17/2011 Lane Name Heat 1 of 6 Prelims 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 343 Shinholster, Lamar 80 Major, Amir 662 Welch, Jace 170 Alleyne, Su-Meer 838 Haynes, Yazeed 175 Clark-Lane, Baron 469 Greenwood Jr., Kareem 423 Rogers, Isaih Bryce Love Myles Talley Team Seed Time Future Olymp Ambler Olney Track Chester Cheetahs Track Lyfe Chester Cheetahs Mallery Chal Kappas Diamo Heat 2 of 6 Prelims 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 181 Edwards, Ravone 661 Thompson, Malik 1082 Chavous, Jayson 974 Wright, Isaiah 252 Graves, Jr., Craig 93 Thorpe, Vance 963 Haylock, Julian 188 Powell - Gates, John Chester Cheetahs Olney Track Winslow Elit West Chester Fairless Hil Ambler West Chester Chester Cheetahs UAGTCA Practice Field - Site License Hy-Tek's MEET MANAGER 2:36 PM 7/13/2014 Page 4 2014 UAGTCA Youth Invitational - 7/18/2014 to 7/20/2014 Leslie C. Quick Stadium Widener University Meet Program - Day 1 Running Heat 3 of 6 Prelims...(Event 20 200 Meter Dash 9-10 Boys) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 964 Haylock, Lawson 72 Douglas, Jeremiah 642 Hicks, Dwayne 290 Flowers, Ramono 693 Waters, Nashir 81 Major, Ronald 1108 Jackson, Dedrick West Chester Ambler New Haven Ag Fasst Track Omega Track Ambler Youth All St Heat 4 of 6 Prelims 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 966 Horace, Covenant 655 Lindenberg, Ryan 212 Chatman, Jase 179 Cosby, Quamere 925 Kolaras, Drayton 613 Marable III, Irvin 644 Lasane Jr., Russell West Chester Nittany Trac Club44 Chester Cheetahs Unity Expres Mt. Airy Tra New Haven Ag Heat 5 of 6 Prelims 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 878 Jones, Miles D 370 Walden, Regent 607 Kemp, Khalif 497 Dwyer, Heru 329 Chase, Justin 821 Oshodi, Fazl 822 Wright, Jayden Trinity Trac Greater Norr Mt. Airy Tra Maximum Spee Flying Angel South Jersey South Jersey Heat 6 of 6 Prelims 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 201 Carter, Nafis 641 Gibbs, Matthew 603 Jackson, Cameryn 913 Whittle, Shamali-Kalil 876 Harris, Justin 719 Cobbs, Marc 369 Talley, Levar Christian Strong New Haven Ag Mt. Airy Tra Unattached Trinity Trac Phila. Expre Greater Norr Event 21 200 Meter Dash 11-12 Girls Top 8 Advance by Time Friday 7/18/2014 - 12:00 PM Nat'l Youth: UAGTCA Inv: 24.47 8/1/1992 26.08 7/17/2009 Lane Name Heat 1 of 5 Prelims 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 345 Brown, I Nala 264 Fogle, Eohna 381 Furtick, Taliyah 538 Ingram, Aaliyah 36 Dodoo, Safiya 920 Vanness, Destiny 943 Perez, Najah 196 Bernard, Lael Angela Williams Jenny Bellefleur Team Seed Time Generation N Fasst Track Infinity Tra Morris Estat Ambler Unity Expres West Chester Christian Strong Heat 2 of 5 Prelims 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 231 Shoemake, Nakiyah 314 Jacobs, Brianna 276 Mitchell, Tai 1053 Ash, Jailya 669 Johnson, Toni 1064 Higgs, Shevell 352 Walker, Makiyah 236 Beasley, Amirah D-H-Y Expres Flying Angel Fasst Track Winslow Elit Omega Track Winslow Elit Generation N Eye Catchers Heat 3 of 5 Prelims 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 387 Mcginty, Caitlin 948 Starkey, Iyanna 921 Vanness, Emily 29 Abinusawa, Moforehan 994 Dolo, Mikell 1077 Sydnor, Teaghan 311 Clarke, Kataya 230 Shoemake, Chanelle Infinity Tra West Chester Unity Expres Ambler Willingboro Winslow Elit Flying Angel D-H-Y Expres Heat 4 of 5 Prelims 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 321 Richards, Abigail 273 Lewis, Taylor 159 Clayton, Jiya 430 Hewitt, Felcia 392 Shell, Inara 1073 Robinson, Kya 364 Obrien, Jordan 197 Fenley, Taliah Flying Angel Fasst Track Chester Cheetahs Knights Trac Infinity Tra Winslow Elit Greater Norr Christian Strong Heat 5 of 5 Prelims 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 534 Cooper, Nyashia 712 Christian, Kamiyah 864 Harris, Skylar 313 Gayle, Briana 312 Ekoma-Townsend, An 395 Stovall, Bailie 626 Christie, Nia Morris Estat Phila. Expre Trinity Trac Flying Angel Flying Angel Infinity Tra New Haven Ag Event 22 200 Meter Dash 11-12 Boys Top 8 Advance by Time Friday 7/18/2014 - 12:00 PM Nat'l Youth: UAGTCA Inv: 23.74 7/28/2007 24.69 7/16/2010 Lane Name Heat 1 of 4 Prelims 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 172 Beckwith - Johnson, Ja 96 Warren, John 906 Samuels, Jordan 418 White, Isaac 415 Talley, Julian 447 Johnson-Heyward, Ka 234 Shoemake, Cornelius 968 Maumus, Cannon Xavier Jones Melvin Roy Team Seed Time Chester Cheetahs Ambler Unattached Juventus Tra Juventus Tra Knights Trac D-H-Y Expres West Chester UAGTCA Practice Field - Site License Hy-Tek's MEET MANAGER 2:36 PM 7/13/2014 Page 5 2014 UAGTCA Youth Invitational - 7/18/2014 to 7/20/2014 Leslie C. Quick Stadium Widener University Meet Program - Day 1 Running Heat 2 of 4 Prelims...(Event 22 200 Meter Dash 11-12 Boys) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 903 Middleton, Elijah 950 Alston, Tyler 930 Suero Diaz, Gabriel 922 Blount, Demonte 121 Bailey, Naseem 524 Cooper, Connor 718 Brown, Shamar Unattached West Chester Unity Expres Unity Expres Cambria Speed Morris Count Phila. Expre Heat 3 of 4 Prelims 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 235 Shoemake, Gregory 529 Workman, Rawle 122 Brown, Jordan 960 Folk, Malcolm 339 Richards, Matthew 923 Hunt, Gabriel 76 Helmer, Austin 722 Gibson, David 679 Bond, Jahseir 711 Mason, Devin 285 Antoine-Pompey, Seba 304 Trotz, Kamari 411 Barnes, Ashton 202 Foushee, Zaire 23.81 8/2/2003 24.24 7/16/2006 Lane Name Heat 1 of 7 Prelims 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 397 Truitt, Tahtiana 431 Jones, Nya 104 Jones, Briyanna 485 Worthington, Jordyn 675 Tobias, Tionna 319 Merrick, Sydonni 705 Mason, Ayanna 840 Lilly, Janee 668 Johnson, Tomina 279 Stanley, Nya 31 Barnes, Bria 1052 Ahirakwe, Flora 56 Warren, Christina 269 Howell, Jaelyn 571 Jones, Destiny Capital Area New Haven Ag Willingboro Generation N Trinity Trac Omega Track Mt. Airy Tra 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 342 Sistrunk, India 793 Scatliffe, Telicia 484 Richardson, Siani 350 Peace, Kouri 107 Whyte, Khalia 261 Bullock, Brianna 543 Spaulding, Lauren Future Olymp Ruff Kutz Tr Maveric Trac Generation N Black Diamond Fasst Track Morris Estat Team 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 258 Belgrave, Gabriele 492 Phillips, Nia 1007 Scotton, Makinze 310 Agyemang, Chelsea 317 Kennedy-Swan, Desire 260 Braxton, Jordan 627 Collier, Zherah Fasst Track Maximum Spee Willingboro Flying Angel Flying Angel Fasst Track New Haven Ag Heat 6 of 7 Prelims Bianca Knight, English Gardner English Gardner Seed Time 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 259 Belgrave, Gabrielle 44 Lewis, Brielle 318 Lambert, Nhkeeda 34 Crosby, Alexis 257 Antoine-Pompey, Syd 40 Hsu, Marissa 588 Young, Janiya Fasst Track Ambler Flying Angel Ambler Fasst Track Ambler Mt. Airy Tra Infinity Tra Knights Trac Black Diamond Maveric Trac Omega Track Flying Angel Owings Mills Track R.C. Heat 7 of 7 Prelims Omega Track Fasst Track Ambler Winslow Elit Ambler Fasst Track Mt. Airy Tra Event 24 200 Meter Dash 13-14 Boys Top 8 Advance by Time Friday 7/18/2014 - 12:00 PM Heat 2 of 7 Prelims 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 136 Allen, Marja 624 Ali, Jamilah 1002 Minus-Vincent, Dary 351 Sanders, Siani 866 Harris-Gaskins, Jewel 665 Harrison, Aliya 558 Dennison, Taylor Heat 5 of 7 Prelims Phila. Expre Omega Track Owings Mills Fasst Track Fasst Track Juventus Tra Christian Strong Event 23 200 Meter Dash 13-14 Girls Top 8 Advance by Time Friday 7/18/2014 - 12:00 PM Nat'l Youth: UAGTCA Inv: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Heat 4 of 7 Prelims D-H-Y Expres Morris Count Cambria Speed West Chester Flying Angel Unity Expres Ambler Heat 4 of 4 Prelims 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Heat 3 of 7 Prelims 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 198 Fenley, Taylor 481 Hall, Nakira 635 Washington, Kristen 354 Webb, Jayana 483 Miles, Porsha 316 Jones, Tevianna 935 Dunbar-Jarrett, Jasmin Nat'l Youth: UAGTCA Inv: 21.84 7/28/2000 22.77 7/19/2009 Lane Name Heat 1 of 4 Prelims 2 3 4 5 6 7 769 Dodd, Fitzroy 450 Manley, Ramel 523 Brown, Avery 1081 Cato, Christopher 355 Bailey, Andrew 90 Sullivan, Quentin Christian Strong Maveric Trac New Haven Ag Generation N Maveric Trac Flying Angel West Chester Michael Grant Daryl Worley Team Royalty Knights Trac Morris Count Winslow Elit Generation N Ambler Seed Time UAGTCA Practice Field - Site License Hy-Tek's MEET MANAGER 2:36 PM 7/13/2014 Page 6 2014 UAGTCA Youth Invitational - 7/18/2014 to 7/20/2014 Leslie C. Quick Stadium Widener University Meet Program - Day 1 Running Heat 2 of 4 Prelims...(Event 24 200 Meter Dash 13-14 Boys) 2 3 4 5 6 7 1080 Byrd, Amir 879 Rivera, Xavier 442 Deloatch, David 334 Mccarroll, Joshua 527 Workman, Desmond 619 Smith, Sydney Winslow Elit Trinity Trac Knights Trac Flying Angel Morris Count Mt. Airy Tra 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Heat 3 of 4 Prelims 2 3 4 5 6 7 956 Cooper, Cole 1083 Gayle, Rashad 656 Garland, Kyle 1088 Morton, Dominik 951 Choi, Albert 419 Abston, Chandler West Chester Winslow Elit No More Xcus Winslow Elit West Chester Kappas Diamo Heat 4 of 4 Prelims 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 776 Mercure, Iveniel 965 Haylock, Jr, Alex 288 Cooke, Kyle 308 Wilson, Nicholas 602 Holmes, Frank 501 Muse, Marquist 775 Mercure, Ezekiel Royalty West Chester Fasst Track Fasst Track Mt. Airy Tra Maximum Spee Royalty Event 25 200 Meter Dash 15-16 Girls Top 8 Advance by Time Friday 7/18/2014 - 12:00 PM Nat'l Youth: UAGTCA Inv: 23.06 7/31/2004 24.45 7/17/2011 Lane Name Heat 1 of 5 Prelims 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 482 Jones, Ayanna 1016 Vaughn, Breana 1012 Taylor, Aliyah 1103 Langley-Walker, Mad 980 Pierce, Jinjer 103 Hayes, Nyah 946 Sprague, Kiara Bianca Knight Taylor Williams Team 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 886 Hightower, Johnae 480 Brown, Brittany 246 Boone, Niasia 1046 Lampkin, Daija 5 Lyday, Destiny 137 Brooks, Yasmin 976 Drake, Ashley Unattached Maveric Trac Fairless Hil Wilmington T A Faster You Capital Area White Plains Heat 3 of 5 Prelims 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 570 House, Rynisha 1044 Banks, Arabia 324 Taylor, Renae 6 Meekins, Micah 815 Nichols, Richarrd 147 Thompson, Jada 37 Evans, Rebecca Seed Time Maveric Trac Willingboro Willingboro Youth All St White Plains Black Diamond West Chester Heat 2 of 5 Prelims Mt. Airy Tra Wilmington T Flying Angel A Faster You South Jersey Capital Area Ambler Heat 4 of 5 Prelims 514 Wise, Brooke 1076 Smith-Stroud, Anand 105 Thompson, Christal 1102 Kitchell, Alexandria 758 Grice, Mikayla 998 Jackson, Kayla 631 Mathews, Vera Mo Bettah Tr Winslow Elit Black Diamond Youth All St Royalty Willingboro New Haven Ag Heat 5 of 5 Prelims 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 759 Hill, Martayja 100 Barnes, Adrienne 513 Nero, Tikki 33 Brissett, Chanel 344 Boone, Nya 916 Brown, Jasmine 578 Macon, Maniyan Royalty Black Diamond Mo Bettah Tr Ambler Generation N Unity Expres Mt. Airy Tra Event 26 200 Meter Dash 15-16 Boys Top 8 Advance by Time Friday 7/18/2014 - 12:00 PM Nat'l Youth: UAGTCA Inv: 21.10 7/29/1995 22.19 7/18/2010 Lane Name Heat 1 of 6 Prelims 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 475 Norris, Ryir 611 Lewis, Amir 13 Falwell, Jeremy 74 Gablein, Robert 519 Roundtree, Ade 623 White, Damir 837 Vinson, Darrion 1087 Maturano, Anthony W. Obea Moore Laray Smith Team Seed Time Mallery Chal Mt. Airy Tra A Faster You Ambler Mo Bettah Tr Mt. Airy Tra SSTC FiNaO Winslow Elit Heat 2 of 6 Prelims 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 1084 Jackson, Garry 726 Rembert, Tahj 771 Ghallan, Harmeet 1106 Cunningham, Jasaan 173 Bishop, Braheem 593 Brown, Taufiq 516 Lytle, Richard 185 Little-Watson, Makhi Winslow Elit Phila. Expre Royalty Youth All St Chester Cheetahs Mt. Airy Tra Mo Bettah Tr Chester Cheetahs Heat 3 of 6 Prelims 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 616 Nash, John-El 1079 BettisIII, James 985 Boyd-Postell, Malik 184 Jones, Tamir 905 Reynolds, Nate 500 Kelly, Thomas 113 Rowe, Orron 336 Miller, Jordan Mt. Airy Tra Winslow Elit White Plains Chester Cheetahs Unattached Maximum Spee Blazing Tornado Flying Angel UAGTCA Practice Field - Site License Hy-Tek's MEET MANAGER 2:36 PM 7/13/2014 Page 7 2014 UAGTCA Youth Invitational - 7/18/2014 to 7/20/2014 Leslie C. Quick Stadium Widener University Meet Program - Day 1 Running Heat 4 of 6 Prelims...(Event 26 200 Meter Dash 15-16 Boys) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 819 Norman, Julian 834 King, Brandon 19 Meekins, Christopher 440 Cook, Stedman 378 Crawford, Michael 335 Melbourne, Jaeden 438 Black, Drew 728 Wanser, Stephen South Jersey SSTC FiNaO A Faster You Knights Trac I Holla Trac Flying Angel Knights Trac Phila. Expre 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 1085 Jones, Isaiah 1022 Campbell, Brandon 772 Hall, Ache 778 Sichano, Gianni 149 Amin, Amin 489 Washington, Jayland 739 Roach, Noah 1078 Adams., Jamil 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Winslow Elit Willingboro Royalty Royalty Capital Area Maveric Trac Plainfield T Winslow Elit 340 Soltani, Abtin 1025 Clement, Iverson 895 Barnett, Noah 989 Sandling, Jimmy 526 Gorospe, Jayner 486 Butcher, Kerron 617 Oliver, Richard 358 Clarke, Cameron Flying Angel Willingboro Unattached White Plains Morris Count Maveric Trac Mt. Airy Tra Gladiators O 23.24 7/26/2007 24.33 7/17/2009 Lane Name Heat 1 of 4 Prelims 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 575 Krayee, Decontee 537 Forsythe, Meghan 761 Jackson, Anitra 407 Bellefleur, Jenny 1 Hamilton, Bre Elle 372 Flim, Marissa 975 Campisi, Christine Mt. Airy Tra Morris Estat Royalty Juventus Tra A Faster You Hamilton Tra White Plains Heat 2 of 4 Prelims 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 576 Kurtz, Nicole 4 Jules, Teanna 1060 Cooper, Thaila 142 Leonzo, Nicole 893 Sullivan, Holly 830 Aka, Sandra 843 White, Jada Mt. Airy Tra A Faster You Winslow Elit Capital Area Unattached SSTC FiNaO Track R.C. 20.50 7/25/1987 21.55 7/18/2010 Lane Name Heat 1 of 6 Prelims Victoria Jordan Whitney Fountain Team 533 Clark, Tiara 146 Street, Andrea 1067 Jackson, Sydney 250 Pressley, Dasia 325 Williams, Shanice 579 Mcwhite, Mahendra 248 Edmond, Miyya Nat'l Youth: UAGTCA Inv: Event 27 200 Meter Dash 17-18 Girls Top 8 Advance by Time Friday 7/18/2014 - 12:00 PM Nat'l Youth: UAGTCA Inv: White Plains SSTC FiNaO Willingboro Winslow Elit Flying Angel Willingboro Mo Bettah Tr Morris Estat Capital Area Winslow Elit Fairless Hil Flying Angel Mt. Airy Tra Fairless Hil Event 28 200 Meter Dash 17-18 Boys Top 8 Advance by Time Friday 7/18/2014 - 12:00 PM Heat 6 of 6 Prelims 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 982 Sanchez, Shyanne 833 Mouellet, Danielle 1014 Taylor, Tierra 1065 Hines, Daijah 322 Sabado-Worrell, Tiffan 1006 Russell, Tanaesza 512 Lytle, Dayzah Heat 4 of 4 Prelims Heat 5 of 6 Prelims 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Heat 3 of 4 Prelims Seed Time 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 362 Pierre, Evander 796 Idrahim, Munir 476 Shuman, Derek 153 Malette, Rasheid 253 Klah, Kornelius 82 Martin, Keiko 333 King, Malcolm 604 Joseph, Lance Quincy Watts Ramaan Ansley Team Seed Time Gladiators O Ruff Kutz Tr Mallery Chal Capital Area Fairless Hil Ambler Flying Angel Mt. Airy Tra Heat 2 of 6 Prelims 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 595 Dennis, Calvin 405 Wright, Chrishawn 779 Siefa, Walter 807 Moscoe, Justin 12 Carrington, Dillon 988 Marshall, Casey 518 Pickett, Devonte 359 Grant, Samaj Mt. Airy Tra Infinity Tra Royalty Sigma Intern A Faster You White Plains Mo Bettah Tr Gladiators O Heat 3 of 6 Prelims 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 361 Opher, Lamar 331 Jackson, Kejean 86 Mollick, Alexander 177 Clayton, Jalil 591 Benjamin, Donaldo 907 Simms, Austin 130 Parker, Charles 610 Lane, Cory Gladiators O Flying Angel Ambler Chester Cheetahs Mt. Airy Tra Unattached Cambria Speed Mt. Airy Tra UAGTCA Practice Field - Site License Hy-Tek's MEET MANAGER 2:36 PM 7/13/2014 Page 8 2014 UAGTCA Youth Invitational - 7/18/2014 to 7/20/2014 Leslie C. Quick Stadium Widener University Meet Program - Day 1 Running Heat 4 of 6 Prelims...(Event 28 200 Meter Dash 17-18 Boys) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 987 Fisher, Edward 958 Dean, John-Paul 338 Palomino, Nicholas 357 Leach, Tyrone 487 Mccool, Matthew 909 Vanryn, Cody 70 Dandrea, Christian White Plains West Chester Flying Angel Generation N Maveric Trac Unattached Ambler Nat'l Youth: 5:25.87 7/16/2010 UAGTCA Inv: 5:25.87 7/16/2010 Lane Name Section 1 of 1 Finals 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Heat 5 of 6 Prelims 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 962 Gwoah, Michell 589 Anderson, Elijah 363 Smith, Aziz 18 Marsh, Justin 986 Cartwright, Ricardo 472 Marshall, Edward 599 Harper, Ronald West Chester Mt. Airy Tra Gladiators O A Faster You White Plains Mallery Chal Mt. Airy Tra Heat 6 of 6 Prelims 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 597 Dupree, Djamon 330 Henry-Morrison, Jorda 356 Dillon, Andrew 64 Brissett, Christian 26 Thomas, Eric 817 Iverson, Lamar 84 Mcfarland, Giulian Mt. Airy Tra Flying Angel Generation N Ambler A Faster You South Jersey Ambler Lane Name Section 1 of 1 Finals Nat'l Youth: 4:50.97 7/5/2009 UAGTCA Inv: 5:09.81 7/13/2012 Lane Name Section 1 of 1 Finals 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 814 Muhammad, Laila 54 Walton, Anna 850 Nawajei, Benay 995 Henry-Barnhill, Nakay 1101 Jackson, Dakota 156 Allen, Damira 561 Ervin, Liyah Qadasha Montford Isabel Mobley Team 187 Pleasant-Dorsey, Jaden 443 Frisby, Keenan 444 Grogan, Daden 379 Kelly, Jhameil 439 Cameron, Zachery 1034 Hightower, Michael 1035 Howard, Terrance 857 Lewis, Tahir 862 Ross, Elijah 692 Waters, Bryshawn 721 Flint, Jayden 1030 Fortune, Marcus David Bellefleur David Bellefleur Team Seed Time Chester Cheetahs Knights Trac Knights Trac I Holla Trac Knights Trac Willingboro Willingboro Transy East Transy East Omega Track Phila. Expre Willingboro Event 31 1500 Meter Run 9-10 Girls Friday 7/18/2014 - 12:00 PM Event 29 1500 Meter Run 8-U Girls Friday 7/18/2014 - 12:00 PM Nat'l Youth: 6:21.09 7/16/2010 UAGTCA Inv: 5:48.50 7/14/2006 Event 30 1500 Meter Run 8-U Boys Friday 7/18/2014 - 12:00 PM Seed Time South Jersey Ambler Transy East Willingboro Youth All St Chester Cheetahs Mt. Airy Tra 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 229 Cotton, Mileah 1011 Strong, Semaj 1001 Mendez, Alesia 628 Davis, Donnay 1058 Campbell, Victoria 432 Long, Aniya 462 Sanders, Amber 539 Johnston, Mia Daesha Rogers Athing Mu Team Seed Time Cotton Club Willingboro Willingboro New Haven Ag Winslow Elit Knights Trac Mallery Chal Morris Estat Event 32 1500 Meter Run 9-10 Boys Friday 7/18/2014 - 12:00 PM Nat'l Youth: 4:43.70 7/31/2005 UAGTCA Inv: 5:02.38 7/15/2011 Lane Name Section 1 of 2 Finals 1 2 3 4 640 Drost, Cayden 425 Smallwood, Mekhi 601 Harriston, Dwight 171 Beckwith - Johnson, Ja Robert Amick Stanley St. Fleur Team Seed Time New Haven Ag Kappas Diamo Mt. Airy Tra Chester Cheetahs UAGTCA Practice Field - Site License Hy-Tek's MEET MANAGER 2:36 PM 7/13/2014 Page 9 2014 UAGTCA Youth Invitational - 7/18/2014 to 7/20/2014 Leslie C. Quick Stadium Widener University Meet Program - Day 1 Running Section 2 of 2 Finals...(Event 32 1500 Meter Run 9-10 Boys) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 646 Paragas, Parker 467 Drumwright, Aaron 222 Dalgetty, Joshua 659 Alston, Gabriel 468 Drumwright, Andrew 179 Cosby, Quamere 441 Crisp, Michael 740 Smith, Ian 1027 Conyer, Robert 1038 Maxwell, Isaiah 95 Walton, Jonas 448 Lewis, Tariq 648 Perez, Angel 1042 Torres, Devin 859 Martin, Thomas 445 Johnson, Donovan 87 Murgia, Charles New Haven Ag Mallery Chal Comets Olney Track Mallery Chal Chester Cheetahs Knights Trac Plainfield T Willingboro Willingboro Ambler Knights Trac New Haven Ag Willingboro Transy East Knights Trac Ambler Event 33 1500 Meter Run 11-12 Girls Friday 7/18/2014 - 12:00 PM Nat'l Youth: 4:41.62 7/31/2005 UAGTCA Inv: 4:48.16 7/16/2010 Lane Name Section 1 of 1 Finals 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 918 Ojo, Marcia 410 Thomas, Taylor 49 Murgia, Gianna 55 Walton, Leah 587 Williams, Skai 732 Daley, Morgan 428 Hackett, Alexia 870 Manley, Colleen A 569 Holmes, Kyndall 566 Harriston, Aja 427 Cameron, Kennedy 377 Robinson, Atassa 673 Poland, Milan 885 Glasier, Emily 267 Harrod, Aalayah 160 Dorsey, Kayla Claudia Francis Danae Rivers Team Seed Time Unity Expres Juventus Tra Ambler Ambler Mt. Airy Tra Plainfield T Knights Trac Trinity Trac Mt. Airy Tra Mt. Airy Tra Knights Trac I Holla Trac Omega Track Unattached Fasst Track Chester Cheetahs Event 34 1500 Meter Run 11-12 Boys Friday 7/18/2014 - 12:00 PM Nat'l Youth: 4:22.58 1/1/1980 UAGTCA Inv: 4:42.17 7/15/2011 Lane Name Section 1 of 1 Finals 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 412 Bellefleur, David 470 Harrison, Marvin 637 Bolden, Caleb 221 Dalgetty, Caleb 900 Dawkins, Ezekiel 639 Dawson, Azaan 213 Glenn, Kymani 645 Loschiavo, Michael 643 Judd, David 61 Bearce, Mason 1037 Jean-baptiste, Joshua 60 Bearce, Logan 1109 Smith, Cijion 874 Clark, Jurius 1090 Saint-Pierre, Kalven 62 Bearce, Walker 174 Bradley-Chamber, Tae Tony Perex Kamil Jihad Team Seed Time Juventus Tra Mallery Chal New Haven Ag Comets Unattached New Haven Ag Club44 New Haven Ag New Haven Ag Ambler Willingboro Ambler Youth All St Trinity Trac Winslow Elit Ambler Chester Cheetahs Event 35 1500 Meter Run 13-14 Girls Friday 7/18/2014 - 12:00 PM Nat'l Youth: 4:28.61 7/29/2005 UAGTCA Inv: 4:40.15 7/13/2012 Lane Name Section 1 of 1 Finals 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 384 Johnson, Alejae 106 Thybulle, Zhaneia 890 Rogers, Jessica 574 Kensey, Ciani 882 Dawkins, Naomi 887 Lucas, Jasmyn 939 Glasier, Alexandra 932 Coffey, Audrey 532 Brown, Daelin 51 Peng, Christina Jordan Hassay Danae Rivers Team Seed Time Infinity Tra Black Diamond Unattached Mt. Airy Tra Unattached Unattached West Chester West Chester Morris Estat Ambler UAGTCA Practice Field - Site License Hy-Tek's MEET MANAGER 2:36 PM 7/13/2014 Page 10 2014 UAGTCA Youth Invitational - 7/18/2014 to 7/20/2014 Leslie C. Quick Stadium Widener University Meet Program - Day 1 Running Event 36 1500 Meter Run 13-14 Boys Friday 7/18/2014 - 12:00 PM Nat'l Youth: 4:04.72 7/10/1983 UAGTCA Inv: 4:19.03 7/14/2006 Lane Name Section 1 of 1 Finals 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 855 Jordan, Jeron 479 Tripline Jr., Darrell 800 Carson, Christopher 605 Karyea, Junior 546 Thomas, Elijah 194 Williams-Clark, Tylee 873 Clark, Jeremiah 647 Paragas, Spencer 399 Bland, Khalil 656 Garland, Kyle 75 Grosch, Jeremy 650 Troidle, Harry 94 Tilema, Eli 952 Clark, Christian 973 Wilchusky, Connor 83 Martinez, Sebastian Event 39 1500 Meter Run 17-18 Girls Friday 7/18/2014 - 12:00 PM Jason Lienau Salim Corbin Team Seed Time Transy East Mallery Chal Running Rebe Mt. Airy Tra Morris Estat Chester Cheetahs Trinity Trac New Haven Ag Infinity Tra No More Xcus Ambler New Haven Ag Ambler West Chester West Chester Ambler Event 37 1500 Meter Run 15-16 Girls Friday 7/18/2014 - 12:00 PM Nat'l Youth: 4:25.57 7/24/1984 UAGTCA Inv: 4:47.31 7/16/2010 Lane Name Section 1 of 1 Finals 1 2 3 4 552 Carroll, Kyra 1104 Smith, Emily 315 Jones, Leah 371 Delgado, Brittany Suzy Favor Kellie Davis Team Seed Time Mt. Airy Tra Youth All St Flying Angel Hamilton Tra Event 38 1500 Meter Run 15-16 Boys Friday 7/18/2014 - 12:00 PM Nat'l Youth: 3:54.02 7/29/2007 UAGTCA Inv: 4:06.60 7/17/2009 Lane Name Section 1 of 1 Finals 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 1036 Jean-Baptiste, Isaiah 446 Johnson, Jonathan 854 Ibarguen, Alejandro 413 Morris, Aaron 214 Javois, Keshaun 856 Kishen, Epherain 400 Bland, Taj 853 Cosme, Kevin 498 Gordon, Daniel 303 Thompson, Tyreke 961 Friel, Xavier 901 Gordon, Darius Nathan Mathabane Trey Simons Team Seed Time Willingboro Knights Trac Transy East Juventus Tra Club44 Transy East Infinity Tra Transy East Maximum Spee Fasst Track West Chester Unattached Nat'l Youth: 4:26.39 8/2/1981 UAGTCA Inv: 4:31.40 7/17/2009 Lane Name Section 1 of 1 Finals 1 2 3 981 Riley, Elizabeth 564 Groomes, Erica 787 Kirkpatrick, Shaniqua Cecilia Hopp Marielle Hall Team Seed Time White Plains Mt. Airy Tra Ruff Kutz Tr Event 40 1500 Meter Run 17-18 Boys Friday 7/18/2014 - 12:00 PM Nat'l Youth: 3:54.71 7/28/1991 UAGTCA Inv: 4:01.97 7/15/2011 Lane Name Section 1 of 1 Finals 1 2 3 4 495 Colapietro, James 11 Brown, Solomon 808 Ponzo, Ahmere 547 Thomas, Isaiah Paul Kinser Khari Bowen Team Seed Time Maximum Spee A Faster You Sigma Intern Morris Estat UAGTCA Practice Field - Site License Hy-Tek's MEET MANAGER 2:38 PM 7/13/2014 Page 1 2014 UAGTCA Youth Invitational - 7/18/2014 to 7/20/2014 Leslie C. Quick Stadium Widener University Meet Program - Day 1 Field Events Event 56 Long Jump 9-10 Boys Friday 7/18/2014 - 10:00 AM Nat'l Youth: UAGTCA Inv: 4.97m 7/29/2003 4.77m 7/15/2012 Pos Name Flight 1 of 2 Finals 1 2 3 4 Event 138 Long Jump 13-14 Boys Friday 7/18/2014 - 10:00 AM 878 Jones, Miles D 955 Cooper, Bryce 204 Hairston, Donavan 695 Williams, Mark Thomas Johnson Chase Drewery Team Seed Mark Trinity Trac West Chester Christian Strong Omega Track Flight 2 of 2 Finals 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 201 Carter, Nafis 740 Smith, Ian 601 Harriston, Dwight 875 Crawford, Javon 1108 Jackson, Dedrick 608 Kensey, Jeremiah 404 Rodgers, Mekhi 192 Sutton, Dashawn 614 Mcintosh, Deion 876 Harris, Justin 203 Hairston, Darius 725 McArthur, Saleem 613 Marable III, Irvin 719 Cobbs, Marc 497 Dwyer, Heru 326 Anisko, Stefan Christian Strong Plainfield T Mt. Airy Tra Trinity Trac Youth All St Mt. Airy Tra Infinity Tra Chester Cheetahs Mt. Airy Tra Trinity Trac Christian Strong Phila. Expre Mt. Airy Tra Phila. Expre Maximum Spee Flying Angel Event 58 Long Jump 11-12 Boys Friday 7/18/2014 - 10:00 AM Nat'l Youth: UAGTCA Inv: 5.51m 7/30/2005 5.47m 7/14/2006 Pos Name Flight 1 of 2 Finals 1 2 3 679 Bond, Jahseir 968 Maumus, Cannon 68 Christie, Thomas Matthew Green Jalen Strong Team Seed Mark Omega Track West Chester Ambler Flight 2 of 2 Finals 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 96 Warren, John 691 Robinson, Kyle 718 Brown, Shamar 297 Jackson, Justin 524 Cooper, Connor 923 Hunt, Gabriel 529 Workman, Rawle 906 Samuels, Jordan 77 Jackson, Joshua 1105 Burton, Donald 903 Middleton, Elijah 202 Foushee, Zaire 289 Drewery, Chase 609 Kensey, Noah Ambler Omega Track Phila. Expre Fasst Track Morris Count Unity Expres Morris Count Unattached Ambler Youth All St Unattached Christian Strong Fasst Track Mt. Airy Tra Nat'l Youth: UAGTCA Inv: 6.68m 7/29/2007 5.90m 7/11/2008 Pos Name Flight 1 of 1 Finals 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 334 Mccarroll, Joshua 22 Ryans, Jeremiah 14 Gilmore, Nathaniel 638 Christie, Michael 442 Deloatch, David 897 Bridgett, Anan 677 Abdullah, Umar 847 Ritchie, Isaiah 501 Muse, Marquist 98 Cooper, Akeem 649 Spencer, Kevin 956 Cooper, Cole 678 Banks, Devon. 305 Warner, James Javier Rodriguez Lindon Caesar Team Seed Mark Flying Angel A Faster You A Faster You New Haven Ag Knights Trac Unattached Omega Track Track R.C. Maximum Spee Athletes Academ New Haven Ag West Chester Omega Track Fasst Track Event 140 Long Jump 15-16 Boys Friday 7/18/2014 - 10:00 AM Nat'l Youth: UAGTCA Inv: 7.35m 1979 7.33m 7/12/2008 Pos Name Flight 1 of 2 Finals 1 2 3 255 Marks, Michael 151 Clark, Maachi 1079 BettisIII, James Steven Hansley Carlton LaVong Team Seed Mark Fairless Hil Capital Area Winslow Elit Flight 2 of 2 Finals 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 74 Gablein, Robert 440 Cook, Stedman 1025 Clement, Iverson 109 Fleming, Zyaire 819 Norman, Julian 845 Mason, Dontae 739 Roach, Noah 254 Lewis, Matthew 69 Crosby, Andrew 623 White, Damir 149 Amin, Amin 92 Testa, Stephen 1106 Cunningham, Jasaan 901 Gordon, Darius 1022 Campbell, Brandon 19 Meekins, Christopher Ambler Knights Trac Willingboro Blazing Tornado South Jersey Track R.C. Plainfield T Fairless Hil Ambler Mt. Airy Tra Capital Area Ambler Youth All St Unattached Willingboro A Faster You UAGTCA Practice Field - Site License Hy-Tek's MEET MANAGER 2:38 PM 7/13/2014 Page 2 2014 UAGTCA Youth Invitational - 7/18/2014 to 7/20/2014 Leslie C. Quick Stadium Widener University Meet Program - Day 1 Field Events Event 142 Long Jump 17-18 Boys Friday 7/18/2014 - 10:00 AM Nat'l Youth: UAGTCA Inv: 7.60m 7/25/1991 6.94m 7/17/2010 Pos Name Flight 1 of 1 Finals 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 987 Fisher, Edward 911 Watson, Josh 153 Malette, Rasheid 405 Wright, Chrishawn 25 Taylor, Glen 70 Dandrea, Christian 508 Thomson, Kevin 251 Daniels, Jr., Kyle 610 Lane, Cory 680 Bradham, Devin 958 Dean, John-Paul 374 Hardee, Darryl Event 64 Shot Put 4kg 13-14 Girls Friday 7/18/2014 - 12:01 PM Sheddric Fields Lamar Hayes Team Seed Mark White Plains Unattached Capital Area Infinity Tra A Faster You Ambler Maximum Spee Fairless Hil Mt. Airy Tra Omega Track West Chester Hamilton Tra Event 66 Shot Put 4kg 17-18 Girls Friday 7/18/2014 - 12:01 PM Nat'l Youth: 15.82m 7/31/2003 UAGTCA Inv: 12.70m 7/13/2012 Pos Name Flight 1 of 1 Finals 1 2 3 825 Taub, Allison 465 Williams, Kyra 580 Resto, Jelena Michelle Carter Jessica Woodard Team Seed Mark Sports Extra Mallery Chal Mt. Airy Tra Pos Name Flight 1 of 1 Finals 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 849 James, Kaila 894 Vresilovic, Rachel 865 Harris-David, Gabbrei 841 Utsey, Zarria 1070 Mckoy, Teasha 1099 Burson, Traunasha 1068 Johnson, Ciarra 891 Ryan, Jamie 751 Thomas, Yazmine Transy East Unattached Trinity Trac Track R.C. Winslow Elit Youth All St Winslow Elit Unattached Rock City St 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 627 Collier, Zherah 117 Harvey, Moneisha 1098 Burson, Nyasis 557 Davis, Najae 745 Jones, Lousie 633 McCown, Jalynn 713 Cobbs, Cyarra 436 Scott, Kenaya 320 Munroe, Monique 937 Erwin, Hope 283 Williams, Shardae 848 Frimpong, Sasha 852 White, Princae 586 Williams, Dymon 749 Thomas, Nieasia 919 Sherman, Amiyah Seed Mark Teri Steer Ciarra Johnson Team Seed Mark New Haven Ag Cambria Speed Youth All St Mt. Airy Tra Rock City St New Haven Ag Phila. Expre Knights Trac Flying Angel West Chester Fasst Track Transy East Transy East Mt. Airy Tra Rock City St Unity Expres Event 63 Shot Put 6lb 11-12 Girls Friday 7/18/2014 - 12:01 PM Pos Name Flight 1 of 1 Finals Michelle Carter Jessica Woodard Team Pos Name Flight 1 of 1 Finals Nat'l Youth: 13.51m 7/26/2008 UAGTCA Inv: 11.30m 7/17/2009 Event 65 Shot Put 4kg 15-16 Girls Friday 7/18/2014 - 12:01 PM Nat'l Youth: 15.19m 7/27/2001 UAGTCA Inv: 12.21m 7/15/2011 Nat'l Youth: 15.59m 7/29/1989 UAGTCA Inv: 12.42m 7/13/2012 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 196 Bernard, Lael 863 Akande, Kemi 434 Neal, Kaiya 657 Johnson, Dahsia 321 Richards, Abigail 437 Scott, Kenndi 390 Roberts, Ava 868 Jones, Mya 197 Fenley, Taliah 748 Thomas, Brianna 531 Austin, Layla 1100 Burton, Cydney 520 Moore, Leah 538 Ingram, Aaliyah Ashlie Blake DeSha Manago Team Seed Mark Christian Strong Trinity Trac Knights Trac Olney Track Flying Angel Knights Trac Infinity Tra Trinity Trac Christian Strong Rock City St Morris Estat Youth All St Moores Morris Estat UAGTCA Practice Field - Site License Hy-Tek's MEET MANAGER 2:38 PM 7/13/2014 Page 3 2014 UAGTCA Youth Invitational - 7/18/2014 to 7/20/2014 Leslie C. Quick Stadium Widener University Meet Program - Day 1 Field Events Event 62 Shot Put 6lb 9-10 Girls Friday 7/18/2014 - 12:01 PM Nat'l Youth: 10.46m 7/28/1995 UAGTCA Inv: 7.88m 7/16/2010 Pos Name Flight 1 of 1 Finals 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 158 Allen, Taaliyah 632 McCown, Jada 658 Warren, Asia 565 Hall, Iyana 118 Harvey, Moniyah 664 Demarest, Ciara 652 Geduldig, Madeline 750 Thomas, Tyaja 851 Prescott, Olivia 134 Harley, Naomi 115 Brown-Comer, Angel 696 Beaton, Dasha Event 68 High Jump 15-16 Boys Friday 7/18/2014 - 12:01 PM Amber Curtis Jordan Wilson Team Seed Mark Chester Cheetahs New Haven Ag Olney Track Mt. Airy Tra Cambria Speed Omega Track Nittany Trac Rock City St Transy East Clock Chasers Cambria Speed Owings Mills Event 61 Shot Put 2K 8-U Girls Friday 7/18/2014 - 12:01 PM Nat'l Youth: UAGTCA Inv: 4.63m 7/13/2012 7.19m 7/17/2009 Pos Name Flight 1 of 1 Finals 1 2 3 4 5 670 McClendon, Imani 850 Nawajei, Benay 747 Thomas, Ayanie 143 Mosby, Mckenzie 157 Allen, Ruqayyah Dasha Beaton Nadine Coyle Team Seed Mark Omega Track Transy East Rock City St Capital Area Chester Cheetahs Event 70 High Jump 17-18 Boys Friday 7/18/2014 - 12:01 PM Nat'l Youth: UAGTCA Inv: 6-04 7/13/2012 6-04 7/13/2012 Pos Name Flight 1 of 1 Finals 1 2 3 4 5 6 374 Hardee, Darryl 518 Pickett, Devonte 795 Gibbons, Sidney 680 Bradham, Devin 177 Clayton, Jalil 508 Thomson, Kevin Hakiem Horton Hakiem Horton Team Seed Mark Hamilton Tra Mo Bettah Tr Ruff Kutz Tr Omega Track Chester Cheetahs Maximum Spee Nat'l Youth: UAGTCA Inv: 5-10 7/13/2012 5-10 7/13/2012 Pos Name Flight 1 of 1 Finals 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 1084 Jackson, Garry 254 Lewis, Matthew 957 Cooper, Myles 1085 Jones, Isaiah 660 Fountain, Xavier 173 Bishop, Braheem 151 Clark, Maachi Jahmari Sutton Jahmari Sutton Team Seed Mark Winslow Elit Fairless Hil West Chester Winslow Elit Olney Track Chester Cheetahs Capital Area Event 154 High Jump 13-14 Boys Friday 7/18/2014 - 12:01 PM Nat'l Youth: UAGTCA Inv: 1.94m 7/29/1993 1.79m 7/16/2011 Pos Name Flight 1 of 1 Finals 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 897 Bridgett, Anan 656 Garland, Kyle 85 Mcmanness, Ryan 654 Hamilton, Lance 847 Ritchie, Isaiah 794 Brown, Tai 515 Freeman, Kwaali 800 Carson, Christopher 305 Warner, James Grayson Galloway Ayron Monroe Team Seed Mark Unattached No More Xcus Ambler Nittany Trac Track R.C. Ruff Kutz Tr Mo Bettah Tr Running Rebe Fasst Track Event 152 High Jump 11-12 Boys Friday 7/18/2014 - 12:01 PM Nat'l Youth: UAGTCA Inv: 1.75m 1/1/1979 1.48m 7/18/2009 Pos Name Flight 1 of 1 Finals 1 2 3 4 5 6 1110 Walker, Ottangue 131 Rascoe, Aaron 89 Steilen, Jack 1090 Saint-Pierre, Kalven 289 Drewery, Chase 68 Christie, Thomas David Mosley Ayron Monroe Team Seed Mark Youth All St Cambria Speed Ambler Winslow Elit Fasst Track Ambler UAGTCA Practice Field - Site License Hy-Tek's MEET MANAGER 2:38 PM 7/13/2014 Page 4 2014 UAGTCA Youth Invitational - 7/18/2014 to 7/20/2014 Leslie C. Quick Stadium Widener University Meet Program - Day 1 Field Events Event 150 High Jump 9-10 Boys Friday 7/18/2014 - 12:01 PM Nat'l Youth: UAGTCA Inv: 1.55m 1977 1.34m 7/14/2012 Pos Name Flight 1 of 1 Finals 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 404 Rodgers, Mekhi 695 Williams, Mark 681 Cade, Darien 914 Young, Donovan 798 Pottinger, Jordan 875 Crawford, Javon 192 Sutton, Dashawn 1092 Vennie, Zaire 1089 Saint- Pierre, Christo 521 Moore, Gary 838 Haynes, Yazeed 423 Rogers, Isaih Event 155 Javelin Throw 600gr 13-14 Girls Friday 7/18/2014 - 12:00 PM David Mosley Chase Drewery Team Seed Mark Infinity Tra Omega Track Omega Track Unattached Ruff Kutz Tr Trinity Trac Chester Cheetahs Winslow Elit Winslow Elit Moores Track Lyfe Kappas Diamo Event 157 Javelin Throw 800gr 17-18 Girls Friday 7/18/2014 - 12:00 PM Nat'l Youth: 48.35m 7/24/1999 UAGTCA Inv: 39.33m 7/18/2009 Pos Name Flight 1 of 1 Finals 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 826 Taub, Shannon 465 Williams, Kyra 843 White, Jada 35 Deyo, Brittany 881 Brown, Dana Rose 451 Sievers, Stephanie 825 Taub, Allison Sarah Mlone Jenna Wargo Team Seed Mark Sports Extra Mallery Chal Track R.C. Ambler Unattached Legends Sports Extra Pos Name Flight 1 of 1 Finals 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 841 Utsey, Zarria 891 Ryan, Jamie 865 Harris-David, Gabbrei 839 Broadus, Asia 842 Walker, Alexcia 979 Kennedy, Iyanna 1068 Johnson, Ciarra 823 Kendrick, Leah 751 Thomas, Yazmine Track R.C. Unattached Trinity Trac Track R.C. Track R.C. White Plains Winslow Elit Sports Extra Rock City St 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 749 Thomas, Nieasia 283 Williams, Shardae 436 Scott, Kenaya 1074 Sephes, Morgan 557 Davis, Najae 936 Ebersol, Anna 117 Harvey, Moneisha Team Seed Mark Rock City St Fasst Track Knights Trac Winslow Elit Mt. Airy Tra West Chester Cambria Speed Event 158 Discus Throw 1.0gr 11-12 Girls Friday 7/18/2014 - 2:00 PM Nat'l Youth: 37.46m 7/24/1997 UAGTCA Inv: 22.60m 7/17/2009 Pos Name Flight 1 of 1 Finals 1 2 3 4 5 434 Neal, Kaiya 437 Scott, Kenndi 863 Akande, Kemi 520 Moore, Leah 531 Austin, Layla Nat'l Youth: 42.92m 7/26/1990 UAGTCA Inv: 30.30m 7/18/2009 Pos Name Flight 1 of 1 Finals Rachel Walker Amber Troxell Team Pos Name Flight 1 of 1 Finals Hannah Carson Brittany Spoto Amber Curtis Nijera Manuel Team Seed Mark Knights Trac Knights Trac Trinity Trac Moores Morris Estat Event 159 Discus Throw 1.0gr 13-14 Girls Friday 7/18/2014 - 2:00 PM Event 156 Javelin Throw 800gr 15-16 Girls Friday 7/18/2014 - 12:00 PM Nat'l Youth: 46.53m 7/29/2000 UAGTCA Inv: 33.90m 7/15/2006 Nat'l Youth: 52.90m 7/26/2007 UAGTCA Inv: 28.76m 7/18/2009 Seed Mark 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 852 White, Princae 1098 Burson, Nyasis 557 Davis, Najae 283 Williams, Shardae 436 Scott, Kenaya 919 Sherman, Amiyah 633 McCown, Jalynn 848 Frimpong, Sasha 713 Cobbs, Cyarra Suzy Powell Jessica Woodard Team Seed Mark Transy East Youth All St Mt. Airy Tra Fasst Track Knights Trac Unity Expres New Haven Ag Transy East Phila. Expre UAGTCA Practice Field - Site License Hy-Tek's MEET MANAGER 2:38 PM 7/13/2014 Page 5 2014 UAGTCA Youth Invitational - 7/18/2014 to 7/20/2014 Leslie C. Quick Stadium Widener University Meet Program - Day 1 Field Events Event 160 Discus Throw 1.0gr 15-16 Girls Friday 7/18/2014 - 2:00 PM Nat'l Youth: 50.12m 5/12/1997 UAGTCA Inv: 44.08m 7/16/2011 Pos Name Flight 1 of 1 Finals 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 1099 Burson, Traunasha 865 Harris-David, Gabbrei 1070 Mckoy, Teasha 849 James, Kaila 1049 Walker, Tina 894 Vresilovic, Rachel 841 Utsey, Zarria 891 Ryan, Jamie 1068 Johnson, Ciarra 842 Walker, Alexcia Elizabeth Degartolo Jessica Woodard Team Seed Mark Youth All St Trinity Trac Winslow Elit Transy East Wilmington T Unattached Track R.C. Unattached Winslow Elit Track R.C. Event 161 Discus Throw 1.0gr 17-18 Girls Friday 7/18/2014 - 2:00 PM Nat'l Youth: 42.33m 7/14/2012 UAGTCA Inv: 42.33m 7/14/2012 Pos Name Flight 1 of 1 Finals 1 2 825 Taub, Allison 465 Williams, Kyra Jessica Woodard Jessica Woodard Team Sports Extra Mallery Chal Seed Mark United Age Group Track Coaches Association 2014 Youth Invitational www.uagtca.org Order of Saturday Events July 19, 2014 Running Events TIME 9:00 AM 9:45 AM 11:00 AM 11:20 AM EVENT 3000 Meter Run 100 Meter Dash 80 Meter Hurdles 100 Meter Hurdles TYPE Final Semi * Semi * Semi * DIVISIONS 11-12 Girls and Boys 13-14 Girls and Boys 15-16 Girls and Boys 17-18 Girls and Boys All Divisions (*Top 8 to Sunday Finals) 11-12 Girls and Boys (*Top 8 to Sunday Finals) 13-14 Girls and Boys 15-16 Girls 17-18 Girls (*Top 8 to Sunday Finals) 11:45 AM 110 Meter Hurdles Semi * 12:00 PM 400 Meter Dash Semi * 1:45 PM 2:30 PM 2000 Meter Steeplechase 400 Meter Relay 15-16 Boys, 17-18 Boys (*Top 8 to Sunday Finals) All Divisions (*Top 8 to Sunday Finals) Final 15-16 Girls and Boys 17-18 Girls and Boys Final All Divisions Field Events TIME EVENT TYPE DIVISIONS 9:00 AM Long Jump Final 9-10 Girls; 11-12 Girls, 13-14 Girls; 15-16 Girls; 17-18 Girls 9:00 AM Shot Put Final 17-18 Boys; 15-16 Boys; 13-14 Boys; 11-12 Boys; 9-10 Boys; 8&U Boys 9:00 AM High Jump Final 9-10 Girls; 11-12 Girls; 13-14 Girls; 15-16 Girls; 17-18 Girls 9:00 AM Javelin Throw Final 12:00 PM Discus Throw Final 13-14 Boys 15-16 Boys 17-18 Boys 11-12 Boys 13-14 Boys 15-16 Boys 17-18 Boys ~ Please note that scheduled events each day may run up to 1 hour ahead ~ Athletes are asked to report on the first call UAGTCA Practice Field - Site License Hy-Tek's MEET MANAGER 2:40 PM 7/13/2014 Page 1 2014 UAGTCA Youth Invitational - 7/18/2014 to 7/20/2014 Leslie C. Quick Stadium Widener University Meet Program - Day 2 Running Events Event 81 3000 Meter Run 11-12 Girls Saturday 7/19/2014 - 9:00 AM Nat'l Youth: 10:12.47 7/29/2005 UAGTCA Inv: 10:17.49 7/18/2009 Lane Name Section 1 of 1 Finals 1 2 3 410 Thomas, Taylor 732 Daley, Morgan 49 Murgia, Gianna Event 86 3000 Meter Run 15-16 Boys Saturday 7/19/2014 - 9:00 AM Claudia Francis Danae Rivers Team Seed Time Juventus Tra Plainfield T Ambler Lane Name Section 1 of 1 Finals 1 2 3 4 5 6 928 Plummer, Myles Chris 412 Bellefleur, David 639 Dawson, Azaan 221 Dalgetty, Caleb 900 Dawkins, Ezekiel 643 Judd, David Chris Dominic David Hall Team Seed Time Unity Expres Juventus Tra New Haven Ag Comets Unattached New Haven Ag Event 83 3000 Meter Run 13-14 Girls Saturday 7/19/2014 - 9:00 AM Nat'l Youth: 9:35.12 7/30/2005 UAGTCA Inv: 10:17.23 7/14/2012 Lane Name Section 1 of 1 Finals 1 2 3 882 Dawkins, Naomi 651 Carmack, Lindsey 887 Lucas, Jasmyn Seed Time Unattached Nittany Trac Unattached Lane Name Section 1 of 1 Finals 1 2 3 4 5 855 Jordan, Jeron 546 Thomas, Elijah 647 Paragas, Spencer 873 Clark, Jeremiah 75 Grosch, Jeremy Team Seed Time Transy East Maximum Spee Transy East Transy East Event 87 3000 Meter Run 17-18 Girls Saturday 7/19/2014 - 9:00 AM Nat'l Youth: 9:37.24 7/30/1998 UAGTCA Inv: 10:59.66 7/12/2008 Lane Name Section 1 of 1 Finals 1 787 Kirkpatrick, Shaniqua Dana Boyle Britney Kott Team Seed Time Ruff Kutz Tr Event 88 3000 Meter Run 17-18 Boys Saturday 7/19/2014 - 9:00 AM Nat'l Youth: 9:07.11 7/14/2012 UAGTCA Inv: 9:07.11 7/14/2012 1 2 3 4 495 Colapietro, James 620 Sperger, Nicholas 547 Thomas, Isaiah 16 Kazako, Albert Nat'l Youth: UAGTCA Inv: Erik Garcia David Hall Team Billy Harper Darrel. C Gooding Ramon Fantauzzi Ramon Fantauzzi Team Seed Time Maximum Spee Mt. Airy Tra Morris Estat A Faster You Event 89 100 Meter Dash 8-U Girls Top 8 Advance by Time Saturday 7/19/2014 - 10:00 AM Event 84 3000 Meter Run 13-14 Boys Saturday 7/19/2014 - 9:00 AM Nat'l Youth: 9:08.13 8/1/2009 UAGTCA Inv: 9:42.68 7/14/2012 856 Kishen, Epherain 498 Gordon, Daniel 854 Ibarguen, Alejandro 853 Cosme, Kevin Lane Name Section 1 of 1 Finals Jordan Hasay Danae Rivers Team Lane Name Section 1 of 1 Finals 1 2 3 4 Event 82 3000 Meter Run 11-12 Boys Saturday 7/19/2014 - 9:00 AM Nat'l Youth: 9:38.52 8/1/1998 UAGTCA Inv: 10:19.73 7/17/2010 Nat'l Youth: 8:27.00 7/23/1993 UAGTCA Inv: 9:02.18 7/17/2010 Seed Time Transy East Morris Estat New Haven Ag Trinity Trac Ambler 15.02 7/15/2012 14.97 7/12/2008 Lane Name Heat 1 of 5 Prelims 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 1055 Bey, Aurora 459 Lomax-Fede, Ashley 636 Williams-Monroe, Aya 266 Garner, Gabrielle 1013 Taylor, Jada 996 Hightower, Anaysia 715 Pearson, Laila Avery M Lewis Eliza Brooks Team Seed Time Winslow Elit Mallery Chal New Haven Ag Fasst Track Willingboro Willingboro Phila. Expre Heat 2 of 5 Prelims 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 944 Rodriguez, Jaylynn 1062 Handy, Sierra 228 Cotton, Micholette 396 Stovall, Quin 161 Edwards, Rayne 458 Green, Chozen 394 Smith, Brooke-Lynn West Chester Winslow Elit Cotton Club Infinity Tra Chester Cheetahs Mallery Chal Infinity Tra UAGTCA Practice Field - Site License Hy-Tek's MEET MANAGER 2:40 PM 7/13/2014 Page 2 2014 UAGTCA Youth Invitational - 7/18/2014 to 7/20/2014 Leslie C. Quick Stadium Widener University Meet Program - Day 2 Running Events Heat 3 of 5 Prelims...(Event 89 100 Meter Dash 8-U Girls) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 672 Poland, Micaela 889 Middleton, Mia 706 Mason, Naomi 698 Cooper, Elise 708 Staats, Shania 116 Delee, Dabria 143 Mosby, Mckenzie Omega Track Unattached Owings Mills Owings Mills Owings Mills Cambria Speed Capital Area Heat 4 of 5 Prelims 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 869 Mack, Dacia 38 Helmer, Grace 697 Cooper, Elena 353 Webb, Jamiya 1096 Avent, Kassadi 997 Howard, Milan 1059 Coley, Amaia 933 Davenport, Devyn 238 Beasley, Layla 542 Robinson, Morgan 245 Rollins, Qiora 138 Campbell, Drea 1057 Campbell, Azanah 215 Lake, Olivia 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 West Chester Eye Catchers Morris Estat Eye Catchers Capital Area Winslow Elit Comets 15.15 7/15/2012 14.36 7/17/2011 Lane Name Heat 1 of 5 Prelims 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 178 Clayton, Zahir 416 Talley, Mayson 1107 Ingram, Jonathan 449 Long, James 295 Hayer, Tariq 688 Langston, Christian 742 Princilus, Christopher 723 Hampton, Anthony Jihaad Campbell Julian Talley Team Seed Time Chester Cheetahs Juventus Tra Youth All St Knights Trac Fasst Track Omega Track Princilus Ki Phila. Expre Heat 2 of 5 Prelims 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 182 Freeman, Ivan 223 Lake, Xavier 899 Christy, Brian 1020 Brown, Antoine 931 Todd, Evan 403 Roberts, Jon 717 Brown, Kire 176 Clark-Lane, Wayne 1095 Wise, Evan 219 Bernard, Jordan 612 Marable, Elijah 233 Lassiter, Aaron 287 Ashenafi, Nassor 154 Scott, Gabriel 474 Moore, Chaz 200 Ayers, Ezrah Wise Comets Mt. Airy Tra D-H-Y Expres Fasst Track Capital Area Mallery Chal Christian Strong 208 Thime, Zyayre 724 Johnson, Siraj 525 Cooper, Noah 367 Obrien, Joseph 193 Williams, Tony 1026 Coleman, Darold 720 Couser, Christopher 687 Johnson, Temi Christian Strong Phila. Expre Morris Count Greater Norr Chester Cheetahs Willingboro Phila. Expre Omega Track Heat 5 of 5 Prelims Event 90 100 Meter Dash 8-U Boys Top 8 Advance by Time Saturday 7/19/2014 - 10:00 AM Nat'l Youth: UAGTCA Inv: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Heat 4 of 5 Prelims Trinity Trac Ambler Owings Mills Generation N Youth All St Willingboro Winslow Elit Heat 5 of 5 Prelims 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Heat 3 of 5 Prelims Chester Cheetahs Comets Unattached Willingboro Unity Expres Infinity Tra Phila. Expre Chester Cheetahs 729 Wayns, Tahj 286 Ashenafi, Khafre 294 Green, Riley 797 Lawson, Kyaire 860 Nyenator, Gabrial 898 Christy, Aidan 872 Amos, Ray Phila. Expre Fasst Track Fasst Track Ruff Kutz Tr Transy East Unattached Trinity Trac Event 91 100 Meter Dash 9-10 Girls Top 8 Advance by Time Saturday 7/19/2014 - 10:00 AM Nat'l Youth: UAGTCA Inv: 12.85 7/29/1990 13.69 6/30/2007 Lane Name Heat 1 of 5 Prelims 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 388 Mills, Iyonnah 509 Brown, Asya 984 Washington, Bre 731 Charles, Aniyah 710 Thomas, Adrianna 268 Harrod, Alyssa 510 Freeman, Ashadieyah 429 Hackett, Amanda Angela Williams Morgyn Bennett Team Seed Time Infinity Tra Mo Bettah Tr White Plains Plainfield T Owings Mills Fasst Track Mo Bettah Tr Knights Trac Heat 2 of 5 Prelims 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 158 Allen, Taaliyah 625 Best, Laila 211 Wynter, Jada 162 Hampton, Janiyah 270 Jackson, Jalen 522 Simon, Bayliss 658 Warren, Asia 382 Goldstein, Ijanai Chester Cheetahs New Haven Ag Club44 Chester Cheetahs Fasst Track Morris Count Olney Track Infinity Tra UAGTCA Practice Field - Site License Hy-Tek's MEET MANAGER 2:40 PM 7/13/2014 Page 3 2014 UAGTCA Youth Invitational - 7/18/2014 to 7/20/2014 Leslie C. Quick Stadium Widener University Meet Program - Day 2 Running Events Heat 3 of 5 Prelims...(Event 91 100 Meter Dash 9-10 Girls) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 945 Smith, Dinaye 741 Princilus, Ilana 699 Cooper, Ella 1097 Avent, Kennedi 709 Staats, Shanise 265 Freeland, Aanya 461 Minor, Samiya 714 Nicholson, Mya West Chester Princilus Ki Owings Mills Youth All St Owings Mills Fasst Track Mallery Chal Phila. Expre 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 232 Shoemake, Nyla 666 Holness, Kamryn 134 Harley, Naomi 704 Hinton, Sage 915 Brown, Alexandria 750 Thomas, Tyaja 144 Mosby, Mckylee 716 Sowah, Ava D-H-Y Expres Omega Track Clock Chasers Owings Mills Unity Expres Rock City St Capital Area Phila. Expre Heat 5 of 5 Prelims 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 867 Harrison, Amariah 941 Jennings-Scott, Giovan 47 McDermott, Maya 433 Long, Nia 992 Daniel, Ananda 871 Marshall, Janelle 57 Wiley, Sydney Trinity Trac West Chester Ambler Knights Trac Willingboro Trinity Trac Ambler 11.69 6/5/2008 13.27 7/17/2011 Lane Name Heat 1 of 6 Prelims 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 972 Stocker, Jabari 201 Carter, Nafis 212 Chatman, Jase 913 Whittle, Shamali-Kalil 838 Haynes, Yazeed 925 Kolaras, Drayton 326 Anisko, Stefan 966 Horace, Covenant Darian Trout-Brown Daiyaan Hawkins Team Seed Time West Chester Christian Strong Club44 Unattached Track Lyfe Unity Expres Flying Angel West Chester Heat 2 of 6 Prelims 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 424 Smallwood, Mekel 469 Greenwood Jr., Kareem 1082 Chavous, Jayson 974 Wright, Isaiah 661 Thompson, Malik 798 Pottinger, Jordan 644 Lasane Jr., Russell Omega Track Chester Cheetahs Mt. Airy Tra Olney Track Comets New Haven Ag West Chester 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 204 Hairston, Donavan 81 Major, Ronald 290 Flowers, Ramono 329 Chase, Justin 93 Thorpe, Vance 719 Cobbs, Marc 822 Wright, Jayden Christian Strong Ambler Fasst Track Flying Angel Ambler Phila. Expre South Jersey Heat 5 of 6 Prelims 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 858 Manning, Joshua 1108 Jackson, Dedrick 175 Clark-Lane, Baron 252 Graves, Jr., Craig 170 Alleyne, Su-Meer 736 Jones, Jarvis 614 Mcintosh, Deion Transy East Youth All St Chester Cheetahs Fairless Hil Chester Cheetahs Plainfield T Mt. Airy Tra Heat 6 of 6 Prelims Event 92 100 Meter Dash 9-10 Boys Top 8 Advance by Time Saturday 7/19/2014 - 10:00 AM Nat'l Youth: UAGTCA Inv: 683 David, Chad 181 Edwards, Ravone 607 Kemp, Khalif 662 Welch, Jace 224 St.Fort, Jalen 642 Hicks, Dwayne 964 Haylock, Lawson Heat 4 of 6 Prelims Heat 4 of 5 Prelims 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Heat 3 of 6 Prelims Kappas Diamo Mallery Chal Winslow Elit West Chester Olney Track Ruff Kutz Tr New Haven Ag 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 878 Jones, Miles D 655 Lindenberg, Ryan 914 Young, Donovan 693 Waters, Nashir 603 Jackson, Cameryn 963 Haylock, Julian 80 Major, Amir Trinity Trac Nittany Trac Unattached Omega Track Mt. Airy Tra West Chester Ambler Event 93 100 Meter Dash 11-12 Girls Top 8 Advance by Time Saturday 7/19/2014 - 10:00 AM Nat'l Youth: UAGTCA Inv: 12.10 7/31/1992 12.68 7/19/2009 Lane Name Heat 1 of 4 Prelims 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 231 Shoemake, Nakiyah 1073 Robinson, Kya 921 Vanness, Emily 36 Dodoo, Safiya 864 Harris, Skylar 733 Patterson, Ashleigh 948 Starkey, Iyanna 240 Epps, Sydney Angela Williams Jenny Bellefleur Team Seed Time D-H-Y Expres Winslow Elit Unity Expres Ambler Trinity Trac Plainfield T West Chester Eye Catchers UAGTCA Practice Field - Site License Hy-Tek's MEET MANAGER 2:40 PM 7/13/2014 Page 4 2014 UAGTCA Youth Invitational - 7/18/2014 to 7/20/2014 Leslie C. Quick Stadium Widener University Meet Program - Day 2 Running Events Heat 2 of 4 Prelims...(Event 93 100 Meter Dash 11-12 Girls) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 938 Folk, Taylor 313 Gayle, Briana 216 Williams, Nia 164 Johnson, Mariah 538 Ingram, Aaliyah 735 Roach, Sydney 264 Fogle, Eohna 230 Shoemake, Chanelle West Chester Flying Angel Comets Chester Cheetahs Morris Estat Plainfield T Fasst Track D-H-Y Expres Heat 3 of 4 Prelims 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 949 Starkey, Nia 1064 Higgs, Shevell 168 Poteat, Makyiah 430 Hewitt, Felcia 669 Johnson, Toni 312 Ekoma-Townsend, An 1100 Burton, Cydney 581 Sergeant, Summer 534 Cooper, Nyashia 712 Christian, Kamiyah 1053 Ash, Jailya 29 Abinusawa, Moforehan 311 Clarke, Kataya 920 Vanness, Destiny 352 Walker, Makiyah 943 Perez, Najah 11.64 7/25/2009 12.22 7/15/2012 Lane Name Heat 1 of 4 Prelims 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 202 Foushee, Zaire 89 Steilen, Jack 711 Mason, Devin 960 Folk, Malcolm 256 Turner, Jason 304 Trotz, Kamari 1039 Maxwell-Patterson, R 903 Middleton, Elijah 76 Helmer, Austin 524 Cooper, Connor 125 Delee, Glenn 300 Muhammad, Zahir 121 Bailey, Naseem 297 Jackson, Justin 950 Alston, Tyler 235 Shoemake, Gregory 529 Workman, Rawle 411 Barnes, Ashton 415 Talley, Julian 686 Hart, Quinn 906 Samuels, Jordan 718 Brown, Shamar 971 Stocker, D Angelo 968 Maumus, Cannon 11.74 7/6/1997 11.86 7/16/2006 Lane Name Heat 1 of 6 Prelims Bryce Love Thomas Goshaw Team 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Nat'l Youth: UAGTCA Inv: Seed Time Maximum Spee D-H-Y Expres Ambler Unity Expres Omega Track Omega Track Willingboro Wise Morris Count Juventus Tra Juventus Tra Omega Track Unattached Phila. Expre West Chester West Chester 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 397 Truitt, Tahtiana 484 Richardson, Siani 318 Lambert, Nhkeeda 260 Braxton, Jordan 485 Worthington, Jordyn 40 Hsu, Marissa 481 Hall, Nakira 258 Belgrave, Gabriele Alexis Joyce, English Gardner English Gardner Team Seed Time Infinity Tra Maveric Trac Flying Angel Fasst Track Maveric Trac Ambler Maveric Trac Fasst Track Heat 2 of 6 Prelims Christian Strong Ambler Owings Mills West Chester Fairless Hil Fasst Track Willingboro Unattached Heat 2 of 4 Prelims 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 504 Simmons, Jordan 234 Shoemake, Cornelius 77 Jackson, Joshua 922 Blount, Demonte 691 Robinson, Kyle 685 Hampton, Hassan 1033 Greshan, Naseem 1094 Wise, Carby Event 95 100 Meter Dash 13-14 Girls Top 8 Advance by Time Saturday 7/19/2014 - 10:00 AM Morris Estat Phila. Expre Winslow Elit Ambler Flying Angel Unity Expres Generation N West Chester Event 94 100 Meter Dash 11-12 Boys Top 8 Advance by Time Saturday 7/19/2014 - 10:00 AM Nat'l Youth: UAGTCA Inv: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Heat 4 of 4 Prelims West Chester Winslow Elit Chester Cheetahs Knights Trac Omega Track Flying Angel Youth All St Mt. Airy Tra Heat 4 of 4 Prelims 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Heat 3 of 4 Prelims 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 543 Spaulding, Lauren 558 Dennison, Taylor 866 Harris-Gaskins, Jewel 354 Webb, Jayana 790 Myers, Sophia 624 Ali, Jamilah 586 Williams, Dymon 259 Belgrave, Gabrielle Morris Estat Mt. Airy Tra Trinity Trac Generation N Ruff Kutz Tr New Haven Ag Mt. Airy Tra Fasst Track Heat 3 of 6 Prelims Ambler Morris Count Cambria Speed Fasst Track Cambria Speed Fasst Track West Chester D-H-Y Expres 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 436 Scott, Kenaya 667 Hood, Nicole 241 Ewing, Brianna 310 Agyemang, Chelsea 56 Warren, Christina 1002 Minus-Vincent, Dary 705 Mason, Ayanna 840 Lilly, Janee Knights Trac Omega Track Eye Catchers Flying Angel Ambler Willingboro Owings Mills Track R.C. UAGTCA Practice Field - Site License Hy-Tek's MEET MANAGER 2:40 PM 7/13/2014 Page 5 2014 UAGTCA Youth Invitational - 7/18/2014 to 7/20/2014 Leslie C. Quick Stadium Widener University Meet Program - Day 2 Running Events Heat 4 of 6 Prelims...(Event 95 100 Meter Dash 13-14 Girls) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 136 Allen, Marja 676 Williams, Zaria 675 Tobias, Tionna 350 Peace, Kouri 883 Dorsey, Jenae 261 Bullock, Brianna 492 Phillips, Nia Capital Area Omega Track Omega Track Generation N Unattached Fasst Track Maximum Spee Heat 5 of 6 Prelims 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 30 Baines, Danielle 44 Lewis, Brielle 31 Barnes, Bria 34 Crosby, Alexis 483 Miles, Porsha 793 Scatliffe, Telicia 824 Leister, Victoria 627 Collier, Zherah 665 Harrison, Aliya 316 Jones, Tevianna 102 Harris, Brianna 816 Norman, India 317 Kennedy-Swan, Desire 320 Munroe, Monique 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 New Haven Ag Omega Track Flying Angel Black Diamond South Jersey Flying Angel Flying Angel Event 96 100 Meter Dash 13-14 Boys Top 8 Advance by Time Saturday 7/19/2014 - 10:00 AM Nat'l Youth: UAGTCA Inv: 10.94 7/28/2000 11.31 7/15/2012 Lane Name Heat 1 of 4 Prelims 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 775 Mercure, Ezekiel 879 Rivera, Xavier 499 Jackson, Juwon 288 Cooke, Kyle 327 Ballentine-Campbell, M 98 Cooper, Akeem 496 Cruz, Jaiden 419 Abston, Chandler Michael Grant Anthony Mcfarland Team Seed Time 450 Manley, Ramel 58 Abinusawa, Olatide 328 Buzangu, Etyvick 299 Johnson, Jermaine 689 Poland, Marcellus 420 Cheaton, Jordan 501 Muse, Marquist 619 Smith, Sydney 1088 Morton, Dominik 970 Stocker, Camari 291 Fogle, Ethan 656 Garland, Kyle 421 Fitzgerald, Jeveon 225 Tinsley, Darren 769 Dodd, Fitzroy 14 Gilmore, Nathaniel 1081 Cato, Christopher 442 Deloatch, David 678 Banks, Devon. 965 Haylock, Jr, Alex 90 Sullivan, Quentin Mt. Airy Tra Winslow Elit West Chester Fasst Track No More Xcus Kappas Diamo Comets Royalty A Faster You Winslow Elit Knights Trac Omega Track West Chester Ambler Event 97 100 Meter Dash 15-16 Girls Top 8 Advance by Time Saturday 7/19/2014 - 10:00 AM Nat'l Youth: UAGTCA Inv: 11.34 7/28/1995 11.72 7/1/2007 Lane Name Heat 1 of 4 Prelims 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 759 Hill, Martayja 1016 Vaughn, Breana 976 Drake, Ashley 491 Dey, Morgan 101 Camal, Erykah 758 Grice, Mikayla 1076 Smith-Stroud, Anand 482 Jones, Ayanna Royalty Trinity Trac Maximum Spee Fasst Track Flying Angel Athletes Academ Maximum Spee Kappas Diamo Heat 2 of 4 Prelims Knights Trac Ambler Flying Angel Fasst Track Omega Track Kappas Diamo Maximum Spee Heat 3 of 4 Prelims Heat 2 of 4 Prelims 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Heat 4 of 4 Prelims Ambler Ambler Ambler Ambler Maveric Trac Ruff Kutz Tr Sports Extra Heat 6 of 6 Prelims 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Heat 3 of 4 Prelims 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 514 Wise, Brooke 791 Pottinger, Janelle 753 Baskerville, Cinayyah 1102 Kitchell, Alexandria 324 Taylor, Renae 815 Nichols, Richarrd 578 Macon, Maniyan 570 House, Rynisha 37 Evans, Rebecca 979 Kennedy, Iyanna 1012 Taylor, Aliyah 1046 Lampkin, Daija 243 Negron Morales, Cam 147 Thompson, Jada 946 Sprague, Kiara Angela Will.iams English Gardner Team Seed Time Royalty Willingboro White Plains Maximum Spee Black Diamond Royalty Winslow Elit Maveric Trac Mo Bettah Tr Ruff Kutz Tr Royalty Youth All St Flying Angel South Jersey Mt. Airy Tra Mt. Airy Tra Ambler White Plains Willingboro Wilmington T Eye Catchers Capital Area West Chester UAGTCA Practice Field - Site License Hy-Tek's MEET MANAGER 2:40 PM 7/13/2014 Page 6 2014 UAGTCA Youth Invitational - 7/18/2014 to 7/20/2014 Leslie C. Quick Stadium Widener University Meet Program - Day 2 Running Events Heat 4 of 4 Prelims...(Event 97 100 Meter Dash 15-16 Girls) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 631 Mathews, Vera 480 Brown, Brittany 344 Boone, Nya 33 Brissett, Chanel 100 Barnes, Adrienne 5 Lyday, Destiny 942 Myrie, Naomi New Haven Ag Maveric Trac Generation N Ambler Black Diamond A Faster You West Chester Event 98 100 Meter Dash 15-16 Boys Top 8 Advance by Time Saturday 7/19/2014 - 10:00 AM Nat'l Youth: UAGTCA Inv: 10.51 7/28/2006 11.10 7/16/2006 Lane Name Heat 1 of 5 Prelims 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 358 Clarke, Cameron 611 Lewis, Amir 904 Muhammad, Musaad 989 Sandling, Jimmy 149 Amin, Amin 593 Brown, Taufiq 985 Boyd-Postell, Malik 336 Miller, Jordan Seed Time Gladiators O Mt. Airy Tra Unattached White Plains Capital Area Mt. Airy Tra White Plains Flying Angel Heat 2 of 5 Prelims 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 728 Wanser, Stephen 1031 Gibson, Tayvon 623 White, Damir 74 Gablein, Robert 1106 Cunningham, Jasaan 726 Rembert, Tahj 739 Roach, Noah 1087 Maturano, Anthony Phila. Expre Willingboro Mt. Airy Tra Ambler Youth All St Phila. Expre Plainfield T Winslow Elit Heat 3 of 5 Prelims 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 340 Soltani, Abtin 91 Telemaque, Justin 895 Barnett, Noah 335 Melbourne, Jaeden 526 Gorospe, Jayner 505 St. Fleur, Klyvert 957 Cooper, Myles Flying Angel Ambler Unattached Flying Angel Morris Count Maximum Spee West Chester Heat 4 of 5 Prelims 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 185 Little-Watson, Makhi 1079 BettisIII, James 378 Crawford, Michael 440 Cook, Stedman 905 Reynolds, Nate 489 Washington, Jayland 23 Stokes, Emmanuel 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 1084 Jackson, Garry 113 Rowe, Orron 519 Roundtree, Ade 184 Jones, Tamir 255 Marks, Michael 528 Workman, Marcus 1085 Jones, Isaiah Winslow Elit Blazing Tornado Mo Bettah Tr Chester Cheetahs Fairless Hil Morris Count Winslow Elit Event 99 100 Meter Dash 17-18 Girls Top 8 Advance by Time Saturday 7/19/2014 - 10:00 AM Jeremy Rankin Kashif Smith Team Heat 5 of 5 Prelims Chester Cheetahs Winslow Elit I Holla Trac Knights Trac Unattached Maveric Trac A Faster You Nat'l Youth: UAGTCA Inv: 11.1h 1980 11.88 7/19/2009 Lane Name Heat 1 of 3 Prelims 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 575 Krayee, Decontee 512 Lytle, Dayzah 830 Aka, Sandra 346 Chapman, Taylor 1 Hamilton, Bre Elle 372 Flim, Marissa 3 Jordan, Leah Michelle Glover Whitney Fountain Team Seed Time Mt. Airy Tra Mo Bettah Tr SSTC FiNaO Generation N A Faster You Hamilton Tra A Faster You Heat 2 of 3 Prelims 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 982 Sanchez, Shyanne 978 Kelly, Tara 760 Irving, Gabrielle 493 Smith, Chanel 1014 Taylor, Tierra 325 Williams, Shanice 46 Mayes, Siani White Plains White Plains Royalty Maximum Spee Willingboro Flying Angel Ambler Heat 3 of 3 Prelims 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 580 Resto, Jelena 1006 Russell, Tanaesza 1067 Jackson, Sydney 250 Pressley, Dasia 880 Beltrez, Dominique 248 Edmond, Miyya 983 Tirelli, Brianna Mt. Airy Tra Willingboro Winslow Elit Fairless Hil Unattached Fairless Hil White Plains UAGTCA Practice Field - Site License Hy-Tek's MEET MANAGER 2:40 PM 7/13/2014 Page 7 2014 UAGTCA Youth Invitational - 7/18/2014 to 7/20/2014 Leslie C. Quick Stadium Widener University Meet Program - Day 2 Running Events Heat 2 of 2 Prelims Event 100 100 Meter Dash 17-18 Boys Top 8 Advance by Time Saturday 7/19/2014 - 10:00 AM Nat'l Youth: UAGTCA Inv: 10.08 6/27/2005 10.69 7/17/2010 Lane Name Heat 1 of 4 Prelims 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 361 Opher, Lamar 28 Thomas, Nijel 86 Mollick, Alexander 17 Knauff, Brian 795 Gibbons, Sidney 82 Martin, Keiko 472 Marshall, Edward 333 King, Malcolm J-Mee Samuel Ramaan Ansley Team Seed Time Gladiators O A Faster You Ambler A Faster You Ruff Kutz Tr Ambler Mallery Chal Flying Angel 359 Grant, Samaj 599 Harper, Ronald 988 Marshall, Casey 153 Malette, Rasheid 487 Mccool, Matthew 67 Chew, Trevor 1032 Goins, Christian 595 Dennis, Calvin 3 4 5 6 Gladiators O Mt. Airy Tra White Plains Capital Area Maveric Trac Ambler Willingboro Mt. Airy Tra 73 Fenstermacher, Brett 331 Jackson, Kejean 738 Price, Moneta-Kai 25 Taylor, Glen 374 Hardee, Darryl 338 Palomino, Nicholas 817 Iverson, Lamar 604 Joseph, Lance 962 Gwoah, Michell 251 Daniels, Jr., Kyle 152 Dailey Jr, Sean 64 Brissett, Christian 330 Henry-Morrison, Jorda 363 Smith, Aziz 130 Parker, Charles 3 4 5 6 12.25 7/26/2008 12.98 7/18/2010 Lane Name Heat 1 of 2 Prelims 3 4 5 6 550 Boykin, Jesikah 994 Dolo, Mikell 393 Smith, Brianna 551 Brown, Aaliyah 13.85 7/27/2008 14.65 7/18/2010 Lane Name Heat 1 of 2 Prelims 3 4 5 6 Team Seed Time Chester Cheetahs Youth All St Youth All St Chester Cheetahs Willingboro Fasst Track Fairless Hil Youth All St 530 Adams, Olabisi 241 Ewing, Brianna 263 Drewery, Kendal 1074 Sephes, Morgan Trinity Wilson Torie Robinson Team Seed Time Morris Estat Eye Catchers Fasst Track Winslow Elit Heat 2 of 2 Prelims West Chester Fairless Hil Capital Area Ambler Flying Angel Gladiators O Cambria Speed Dior Hall Tia N. Livingston Mt. Airy Tra Willingboro Infinity Tra Mt. Airy Tra 1033 Greshan, Naseem 289 Drewery, Chase 256 Turner, Jason 1109 Smith, Cijion Nat'l Youth: UAGTCA Inv: Ambler Flying Angel Plainfield T A Faster You Hamilton Tra Flying Angel South Jersey Mt. Airy Tra Team 174 Bradley-Chamber, Tae 1105 Burton, Donald 1110 Walker, Ottangue 172 Beckwith - Johnson, Ja Kenny Lambe Kollin Smith Event 107 100 Meter Hurdles 10 - 30" 13-14 Girls Top 12 Advance by Time Saturday 7/19/2014 - 9:00 AM Event 105 80 Meter Hurdles 8 - 30" 11-12 Girls Top 12 Advance by Time Saturday 7/19/2014 - 9:00 AM Nat'l Youth: UAGTCA Inv: 11.74 7/26/1997 12.74 7/17/2011 Heat 2 of 2 Prelims Heat 4 of 4 Prelims 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Mt. Airy Tra New Haven Ag Infinity Tra Infinity Tra Event 106 80 Meter Hurdles 8 - 30" 11-12 Boys Top 6 Advance by Time Saturday 7/19/2014 - 9:00 AM Lane Name Heat 1 of 2 Prelims Heat 3 of 4 Prelims 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 548 Barkley, Aliyah 626 Christie, Nia 392 Shell, Inara 385 Lee, Sasha Nat'l Youth: UAGTCA Inv: Heat 2 of 4 Prelims 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 3 4 5 6 Seed Time 2 3 4 5 6 788 McEachern, Victoria 567 Harriston, Daija 1075 Smalls, Zianni 790 Myers, Sophia 1000 Key, Kira Ruff Kutz Tr Mt. Airy Tra Winslow Elit Ruff Kutz Tr Willingboro Event 108 100 Meter Hurdles 10 - 33" 13-14 Boys Top 12 Advance by Time Saturday 7/19/2014 - 9:00 AM Nat'l Youth: UAGTCA Inv: 12.94 7/28/1991 14.11 7/19/2009 Lane Name Heat 1 of 2 Prelims 3 4 5 6 654 Hamilton, Lance 305 Warner, James 638 Christie, Michael 656 Garland, Kyle Tyrone Butterfield Marcus Hatchett Team Seed Time Nittany Trac Fasst Track New Haven Ag No More Xcus UAGTCA Practice Field - Site License Hy-Tek's MEET MANAGER 2:40 PM 7/13/2014 Page 8 2014 UAGTCA Youth Invitational - 7/18/2014 to 7/20/2014 Leslie C. Quick Stadium Widener University Meet Program - Day 2 Running Events Heat 2 of 2 Prelims...(Event 108 100 Meter Hurdles 10 - 33" 3 4 5 6 649 Spencer, Kevin 1051 Wellman, Tyler 22 Ryans, Jeremiah 794 Brown, Tai New Haven Ag Wilmington T A Faster You Ruff Kutz Tr Event 109 100 Meter Hurdles 10 - 33" 15-16 Girls Top 12 Advance by Time Saturday 7/19/2014 - 9:00 AM Nat'l Youth: UAGTCA Inv: 13.87 7/29/1994 14.20 7/12/2008 Lane Name Heat 1 of 2 Prelims 2 3 4 5 6 7 940 Iacobucci, Emma 1066 Hines, Janiyah 1103 Langley-Walker, Mad 556 Dallas, Taylar 946 Sprague, Kiara 832 Hackney, Christin Yolanda Johnson Briana Barlow Team Seed Time 916 Brown, Jasmine 494 Smith, Shaina 33 Brissett, Chanel 137 Brooks, Yasmin 10 Walker, Brooke 13.35 7/29/2006 13.99 7/16/2006 Lane Name Heat 1 of 2 Prelims 2 3 4 5 6 7 562 Fernandez, Heidy 786 Hyatt, Amari 884 Dowe, Faleesha 453 Bolen, Sakinah 881 Brown, Dana Rose 579 Mcwhite, Mahendra 1060 Cooper, Thaila 39 Higgins, Jordan 249 Onuoha, Uchechi 41 Jones, Alison 572 Justus, Maria 463 Smith, Anna-Jane 3 4 5 6 63 Bletner, Clarence 1018 Bell, Zavian 924 Jenkins, Christopher 1093 Watson, Davonte Wayne Davis II Wellington Zaza Team Seed Time Ambler Willingboro Unity Expres Winslow Elit April Williams Nia Ali Team Mt. Airy Tra Ruff Kutz Tr Unattached Mallery Chal Unattached Mt. Airy Tra Winslow Elit Ambler Fairless Hil Ambler Mt. Airy Tra Mallery Chal 91 Telemaque, Justin 783 Weh, Mason 92 Testa, Stephen Ambler Royalty Ambler Event 112 110 Meter Hurdles 10 - 39" 17-18 Boys Top 12 Advance by Time Saturday 7/19/2014 - 9:00 AM Unity Expres Maximum Spee Ambler Capital Area A Faster You Heat 2 of 2 Prelims 2 3 4 5 6 7 13.74 7/29/2007 14.10 7/16/2011 Lane Name Heat 1 of 2 Prelims 3 4 5 Event 110 100 Meter Hurdles 10 - 33" 17-18 Girls Top 12 Advance by Time Saturday 7/19/2014 - 9:00 AM Nat'l Youth: UAGTCA Inv: Nat'l Youth: UAGTCA Inv: Heat 2 of 2 Prelims West Chester Winslow Elit Youth All St Mt. Airy Tra West Chester SSTC FiNaO Heat 2 of 2 Prelims 2 3 4 5 6 Event 111 110 Meter Hurdles 10 - 39" 15-16 Boys Top 12 Advance by Time Saturday 7/19/2014 - 9:00 AM Seed Time Nat'l Youth: UAGTCA Inv: 13.41 7/27/2008 13.78 7/18/2010 Lane Name Heat 1 of 3 Prelims 2 3 4 5 6 7 795 Gibbons, Sidney 302 Thompson, Jordan 782 Todd, Colyn 781 Thomas, Akiem 111 Kwiete, Josiah 618 Ortiz, Anthony Booker Nunley Wallace Spencer Team Seed Time Ruff Kutz Tr Fasst Track Royalty Royalty Blazing Tornado Mt. Airy Tra Heat 2 of 3 Prelims 2 3 4 5 6 7 114 Smith, Malik 738 Price, Moneta-Kai 253 Klah, Kornelius 88 Richardson, Cordell 820 Norman, Lexus 65 Bumpas, Tabriz Blazing Tornado Plainfield T Fairless Hil Ambler South Jersey Ambler Heat 3 of 3 Prelims 2 3 4 5 6 811 West, Anthony 911 Watson, Josh 591 Benjamin, Donaldo 15 Harrison, Ryan 84 Mcfarland, Giulian Sigma Intern Unattached Mt. Airy Tra A Faster You Ambler UAGTCA Practice Field - Site License Hy-Tek's MEET MANAGER 2:40 PM 7/13/2014 Page 9 2014 UAGTCA Youth Invitational - 7/18/2014 to 7/20/2014 Leslie C. Quick Stadium Widener University Meet Program - Day 2 Running Events Heat 2 of 5 Prelims Event 113 400 Meter Dash 8-U Girls Top 8 Advance by Time Saturday 7/19/2014 - 9:00 AM Nat'l Youth: 1:09.81 7/18/2010 UAGTCA Inv: 1:09.81 7/18/2010 Lane Name Heat 1 of 4 Prelims 2 3 4 5 6 7 869 Mack, Dacia 542 Robinson, Morgan 568 Harriston, Keyara 813 Harris, Darian 457 Drumwright, Payton 38 Helmer, Grace Tara Johnson Tara Johnson Team Seed Time Trinity Trac Morris Estat Mt. Airy Tra South Jersey Mallery Chal Ambler 1015 Thomas, Ameera 161 Edwards, Rayne 814 Muhammad, Laila 460 Massey, Rayana 215 Lake, Olivia 394 Smith, Brooke-Lynn Willingboro Chester Cheetahs South Jersey Mallery Chal Comets Infinity Tra Heat 3 of 4 Prelims 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 944 Rodriguez, Jaylynn 561 Ervin, Liyah 156 Allen, Damira 284 Wills, Mikayla 217 Wilson, Tayla 697 Cooper, Elena 138 Campbell, Drea West Chester Mt. Airy Tra Chester Cheetahs Fasst Track Comets Owings Mills Capital Area Heat 4 of 4 Prelims 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 349 Kindell, Nylah 274 Littlejohn, Morgan 244 Rollins, Adriana 133 Harley, Nadiah 228 Cotton, Micholette 977 Duckett, Madison 672 Poland, Micaela Generation N Fasst Track Eye Catchers Clock Chasers Cotton Club White Plains Omega Track Event 114 400 Meter Dash 8-U Boys Top 8 Advance by Time Saturday 7/19/2014 - 9:00 AM Nat'l Youth: 1:09.05 7/18/2010 UAGTCA Inv: 1:07.16 7/17/2011 Lane Name Heat 1 of 5 Prelims 2 3 4 5 6 7 727 Simon, John 596 Dennison, Jabrelle 287 Ashenafi, Nassor 861 Pierce, Micah 477 Stovall, Hamzah 688 Langston, Christian Phila. Expre Mt. Airy Tra Fasst Track Transy East Mallery Chal Omega Track 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 687 Johnson, Temi 402 Ingram, Trai 183 Gibbs, Jordan 797 Lawson, Kyaire 296 Hayman, Jayden 898 Christy, Aidan 286 Ashenafi, Khafre Chester Cheetahs Comets D-H-Y Expres I Holla Trac Mallery Chal Mt. Airy Tra Chester Cheetahs Seed Time Omega Track Infinity Tra Chester Cheetahs Ruff Kutz Tr Fasst Track Unattached Fasst Track Heat 4 of 5 Prelims 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 872 Amos, Ray 219 Bernard, Jordan 366 Baker, Everet 190 Robertson, Derrick 1020 Brown, Antoine 97 Brinkley, Dhakir 368 Talley, Lawson Trinity Trac Comets Greater Norr Chester Cheetahs Willingboro Athletes Academ Greater Norr Heat 5 of 5 Prelims 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 1026 Coleman, Darold 899 Christy, Brian 931 Todd, Evan 187 Pleasant-Dorsey, Jaden 180 Dale, Steven 191 Sabree, Zaheem 205 Jowers, Laben Willingboro Unattached Unity Expres Chester Cheetahs Chester Cheetahs Chester Cheetahs Christian Strong Event 115 400 Meter Dash 9-10 Girls Top 8 Advance by Time Saturday 7/19/2014 - 9:00 AM Nat'l Youth: 59.81 7/30/1993 UAGTCA Inv: 1:01.66 7/17/2011 Lane Name Heat 1 of 5 Prelims Stanley St. Fleur Donovan Brown Team 178 Clayton, Zahir 220 Cunningham, Cameron 233 Lassiter, Aaron 379 Kelly, Jhameil 478 Tripline, Solomon 590 Austin, Jayden 182 Freeman, Ivan Heat 3 of 5 Prelims Heat 2 of 4 Prelims 2 3 4 5 6 7 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 563 Filmore, Tierra 625 Best, Laila 1058 Campbell, Victoria 389 Price, Miracle 730 Berry, Jenai 278 Spriggs, Lnya 731 Charles, Aniyah 199 Johnson, Aniyah Monique Henderson Sydney Gilbert Team Seed Time Mt. Airy Tra New Haven Ag Winslow Elit Infinity Tra Plainfield T Fasst Track Plainfield T Christian Strong UAGTCA Practice Field - Site License Hy-Tek's MEET MANAGER 2:40 PM 7/13/2014 Page 10 2014 UAGTCA Youth Invitational - 7/18/2014 to 7/20/2014 Leslie C. Quick Stadium Widener University Meet Program - Day 2 Running Events Heat 2 of 5 Prelims...(Event 115 400 Meter Dash 9-10 Girls) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 888 Lucas, Kimberly 270 Jackson, Jalen 435 Rowe, Mya 380 Bryant, Zahra 734 Puryear, Jada Mia 432 Long, Aniya 666 Holness, Kamryn 941 Jennings-Scott, Giovan Unattached Fasst Track Knights Trac Infinity Tra Plainfield T Knights Trac Omega Track West Chester 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Heat 3 of 5 Prelims 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 630 Garrett, Sanai 47 McDermott, Maya 573 Kelly, Simone 549 Bey, Eyota 162 Hampton, Janiyah 277 Quinn, Morgan 209 Jackman, Shadea 232 Shoemake, Nyla 632 McCown, Jada 1003 Muir, Saniah 992 Daniel, Ananda 433 Long, Nia 386 Lewis, Avery M 229 Cotton, Mileah 452 Adams, Gabrielle 341 Brooks, Skyy 408 Tavares, Paige 119 Minor, Jazelle 1009 Smarr, Nyjah 210 St Louis, Emily 1045 Kinlaw, Jada 629 Dawson, Assata 464 Solomon, Kayla 663 Castells, Isabella Juventus Tra Cambria Speed Willingboro Club44 Wilmington T New Haven Ag Mallery Chal Omega Track Event 116 400 Meter Dash 9-10 Boys Top 8 Advance by Time Saturday 7/19/2014 - 9:00 AM Nat'l Youth: 58.74 7/25/1997 UAGTCA Inv: 1:01.92 7/17/2011 Lane Name Heat 1 of 6 Prelims 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 343 Shinholster, Lamar 608 Kensey, Jeremiah 1023 Cisse, Andrew 927 Ojo, Elijah 1027 Conyer, Robert 370 Walden, Regent 1089 Saint- Pierre, Christo 964 Haylock, Lawson Chester Cheetahs New Haven Ag Ambler New Haven Ag Comets Willingboro Fairless Hil Chester Cheetahs 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 369 Talley, Levar 445 Johnson, Donovan 448 Lewis, Tariq 179 Cosby, Quamere 641 Gibbs, Matthew 1038 Maxwell, Isaiah 592 Brown, Elijah 683 David, Chad Greater Norr Knights Trac Knights Trac Chester Cheetahs New Haven Ag Willingboro Mt. Airy Tra Omega Track Heat 4 of 6 Prelims New Haven Ag Willingboro Willingboro Knights Trac Infinity Tra Cotton Club Mallery Chal Future Olymp Heat 5 of 5 Prelims 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 181 Edwards, Ravone 648 Perez, Angel 81 Major, Ronald 646 Paragas, Parker 227 Young, Robert 1041 Stoney, Shamir 252 Graves, Jr., Craig 188 Powell - Gates, John Heat 3 of 6 Prelims New Haven Ag Ambler Mt. Airy Tra Mt. Airy Tra Chester Cheetahs Fasst Track Club44 D-H-Y Expres Heat 4 of 5 Prelims 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Heat 2 of 6 Prelims Jules Noel Myles Talley Team Future Olymp Mt. Airy Tra Willingboro Unity Expres Willingboro Greater Norr Winslow Elit West Chester Seed Time 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 203 Hairston, Darius 972 Stocker, Jabari 695 Williams, Mark 642 Hicks, Dwayne 441 Crisp, Michael 955 Cooper, Bryce 655 Lindenberg, Ryan Christian Strong West Chester Omega Track New Haven Ag Knights Trac West Chester Nittany Trac Heat 5 of 6 Prelims 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 171 Beckwith - Johnson, Ja 1042 Torres, Devin 821 Oshodi, Fazl 224 St.Fort, Jalen 404 Rodgers, Mekhi 681 Cade, Darien 80 Major, Amir Chester Cheetahs Willingboro South Jersey Comets Infinity Tra Omega Track Ambler Heat 6 of 6 Prelims 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 1092 Vennie, Zaire 798 Pottinger, Jordan 170 Alleyne, Su-Meer 913 Whittle, Shamali-Kalil 290 Flowers, Ramono 736 Jones, Jarvis 93 Thorpe, Vance Winslow Elit Ruff Kutz Tr Chester Cheetahs Unattached Fasst Track Plainfield T Ambler UAGTCA Practice Field - Site License Hy-Tek's MEET MANAGER 2:40 PM 7/13/2014 Page 11 2014 UAGTCA Youth Invitational - 7/18/2014 to 7/20/2014 Leslie C. Quick Stadium Widener University Meet Program - Day 2 Running Events Event 117 400 Meter Dash 11-12 Girls Top 8 Advance by Time Saturday 7/19/2014 - 9:00 AM Nat'l Youth: UAGTCA Inv: 55.01 7/31/2005 58.20 7/15/2012 Lane Name Heat 1 of 5 Prelims 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 934 Day, Olivia 948 Starkey, Iyanna 1077 Sydnor, Teaghan 168 Poteat, Makyiah 733 Patterson, Ashleigh 159 Clayton, Jiya 577 Lane, Rah Dirah 169 Sabree, Zaheerah Event 118 400 Meter Dash 11-12 Boys Top 8 Advance by Time Saturday 7/19/2014 - 9:00 AM Robin Reynolds Kiemi Brown-Rivers Team Seed Time West Chester West Chester Winslow Elit Chester Cheetahs Plainfield T Chester Cheetahs Mt. Airy Tra Chester Cheetahs Heat 2 of 5 Prelims 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 345 Brown, I Nala 569 Holmes, Kyndall 352 Walker, Makiyah 1005 Nutt, Sheriyah 164 Johnson, Mariah 165 Jones, Cameron 870 Manley, Colleen A 230 Shoemake, Chanelle 275 Meadow, Calista 395 Stovall, Bailie 218 Wilson, Tiara 216 Williams, Nia 735 Roach, Sydney 587 Williams, Skai 314 Jacobs, Brianna 240 Epps, Sydney Fasst Track Infinity Tra Comets Comets Plainfield T Mt. Airy Tra Flying Angel Eye Catchers Heat 4 of 5 Prelims 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 231 Shoemake, Nakiyah 634 Ruiz, Mary 276 Mitchell, Tai 550 Boykin, Jesikah 262 Cunningham, Kaiya 377 Robinson, Atassa 273 Lewis, Taylor 364 Obrien, Jordan D-H-Y Expres New Haven Ag Fasst Track Mt. Airy Tra Fasst Track I Holla Trac Fasst Track Greater Norr Heat 5 of 5 Prelims 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 264 Fogle, Eohna 376 Robinson, Assata 282 Warner, Sophia 430 Hewitt, Felcia 994 Dolo, Mikell 428 Hackett, Alexia 271 Jones, Natalie 50.75 8/2/2009 57.22 7/17/2010 Lane Name Heat 1 of 4 Prelims 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 235 Shoemake, Gregory 645 Loschiavo, Michael 126 Gentry, Eric 285 Antoine-Pompey, Seba 418 White, Isaac 339 Richards, Matthew 96 Warren, John 1091 Smith-Stroud, Isaiah Bryce Love Melvin Roy Team Seed Time D-H-Y Expres New Haven Ag Cambria Speed Fasst Track Juventus Tra Flying Angel Ambler Winslow Elit Heat 2 of 4 Prelims Generation N Mt. Airy Tra Generation N Willingboro Chester Cheetahs Chester Cheetahs Trinity Trac D-H-Y Expres Heat 3 of 5 Prelims 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Nat'l Youth: UAGTCA Inv: Fasst Track I Holla Trac Fasst Track Knights Trac Willingboro Knights Trac Fasst Track 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 76 Helmer, Austin 609 Kensey, Noah 401 Epps, Salim 256 Turner, Jason 711 Mason, Devin 1039 Maxwell-Patterson, R 874 Clark, Jurius Ambler Mt. Airy Tra Infinity Tra Fairless Hil Owings Mills Willingboro Trinity Trac Heat 3 of 4 Prelims 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 172 Beckwith - Johnson, Ja 504 Simmons, Jordan 929 Salaam, Azhane 414 St.Fleur, Stanley 637 Bolden, Caleb 447 Johnson-Heyward, Ka 971 Stocker, D Angelo Chester Cheetahs Maximum Spee Unity Expres Juventus Tra New Haven Ag Knights Trac West Chester Heat 4 of 4 Prelims 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 722 Gibson, David 1028 Daniel Iii, Valdon 930 Suero Diaz, Gabriel 1019 Bembridge, Devon 922 Blount, Demonte 967 Jordan, Cooper 234 Shoemake, Cornelius Phila. Expre Willingboro Unity Expres Willingboro Unity Expres West Chester D-H-Y Expres UAGTCA Practice Field - Site License Hy-Tek's MEET MANAGER 2:40 PM 7/13/2014 Page 12 2014 UAGTCA Youth Invitational - 7/18/2014 to 7/20/2014 Leslie C. Quick Stadium Widener University Meet Program - Day 2 Running Events Heat 6 of 6 Prelims Event 119 400 Meter Dash 13-14 Girls Top 8 Advance by Time Saturday 7/19/2014 - 9:00 AM Nat'l Youth: UAGTCA Inv: 53.10 7/8/2007 53.98 7/16/2006 Lane Name Heat 1 of 6 Prelims 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 342 Sistrunk, India 1002 Minus-Vincent, Dary 932 Coffey, Audrey 347 Guy, Charity 102 Harris, Brianna 1052 Ahirakwe, Flora 990 Baldonado, Destinie 840 Lilly, Janee Robin Reynolds English Gardner Team Seed Time Future Olymp Willingboro West Chester Generation N Black Diamond Winslow Elit Willingboro Track R.C. Heat 2 of 6 Prelims 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 936 Ebersol, Anna 993 Deshield, Alexis 624 Ali, Jamilah 351 Sanders, Siani 281 Walbrook, Sarah 1054 Ash, Jewel 1000 Key, Kira 30 Baines, Danielle West Chester Willingboro New Haven Ag Generation N Fasst Track Winslow Elit Willingboro Ambler Heat 3 of 6 Prelims 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 668 Johnson, Tomina 323 Samuel, Gevonna 107 Whyte, Khalia 354 Webb, Jayana 536 Dorin, Shynera 269 Howell, Jaelyn 571 Jones, Destiny 258 Belgrave, Gabriele Omega Track Flying Angel Black Diamond Generation N Morris Estat Fasst Track Mt. Airy Tra Fasst Track Heat 4 of 6 Prelims 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 279 Stanley, Nya 431 Jones, Nya 272 Jones, Taylor 702 Gilbert, Sydney 544 Wallace, Arianna 43 Kwortnik, Natalie 554 Coleman, Ameena 935 Dunbar-Jarrett, Jasmin Fasst Track Knights Trac Fasst Track Owings Mills Morris Estat Ambler Mt. Airy Tra West Chester Heat 5 of 6 Prelims 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 543 Spaulding, Lauren 676 Williams, Zaria 241 Ewing, Brianna 707 Mcneil, Nyjari 635 Washington, Kristen 991 Butts, London 588 Young, Janiya Morris Estat Omega Track Eye Catchers Owings Mills New Haven Ag Willingboro Mt. Airy Tra 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 1056 Brown, Sydney 671 Muns, Kayla 257 Antoine-Pompey, Syd 703 Hinton, Cameron 1071 Morrison, Alexandria 45 Lewis, Destiny 492 Phillips, Nia Winslow Elit Omega Track Fasst Track Owings Mills Winslow Elit Ambler Maximum Spee Event 120 400 Meter Dash 13-14 Boys Top 8 Advance by Time Saturday 7/19/2014 - 9:00 AM Nat'l Youth: UAGTCA Inv: 47.16 8/1/1993 50.22 7/17/2011 Lane Name Heat 1 of 6 Prelims 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 776 Mercure, Iveniel 496 Cruz, Jaiden 605 Karyea, Junior 656 Garland, Kyle 523 Brown, Avery 288 Cooke, Kyle 527 Workman, Desmond W.Obea Moore Remarco Thompson Team Seed Time Royalty Maximum Spee Mt. Airy Tra No More Xcus Morris Count Fasst Track Morris Count Heat 2 of 6 Prelims 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 83 Martinez, Sebastian 307 Wiggins-Ingram, Ivan 417 Talley, Myles 442 Deloatch, David 355 Bailey, Andrew 292 Garcia, Zachary 225 Tinsley, Darren Ambler Fasst Track Juventus Tra Knights Trac Generation N Fasst Track Comets Heat 3 of 6 Prelims 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 952 Clark, Christian 327 Ballentine-Campbell, M 678 Banks, Devon. 306 Washington, Keith 1029 Duckworth, Juet 515 Freeman, Kwaali 506 Stokes, Shawn West Chester Flying Angel Omega Track Fasst Track Willingboro Mo Bettah Tr Maximum Spee Heat 4 of 6 Prelims 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 1080 Byrd, Amir 970 Stocker, Camari 689 Poland, Marcellus 299 Johnson, Jermaine 226 Young, Peter 473 Marshall, Matthew 677 Abdullah, Umar Winslow Elit West Chester Omega Track Fasst Track Comets Mallery Chal Omega Track UAGTCA Practice Field - Site License Hy-Tek's MEET MANAGER 2:40 PM 7/13/2014 Page 13 2014 UAGTCA Youth Invitational - 7/18/2014 to 7/20/2014 Leslie C. Quick Stadium Widener University Meet Program - Day 2 Running Events Heat 5 of 6 Prelims...(Event 120 400 Meter Dash 13-14 Boys) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 499 Jackson, Juwon 1024 Cisse, Christian 337 Ojo-Ukanah, Odosa 291 Fogle, Ethan 450 Manley, Ramel 694 Whyte, Romario 503 Simmons, Hasjonn Maximum Spee Willingboro Flying Angel Fasst Track Knights Trac Omega Track Maximum Spee Heat 6 of 6 Prelims 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 1083 Gayle, Rashad 602 Holmes, Frank 965 Haylock, Jr, Alex 308 Wilson, Nicholas 1021 Brown, Vincent 502 Ogiste, Marcel 14 Gilmore, Nathaniel Winslow Elit Mt. Airy Tra West Chester Fasst Track Willingboro Maximum Spee A Faster You Event 121 400 Meter Dash 15-16 Girls Top 8 Advance by Time Saturday 7/19/2014 - 9:00 AM Nat'l Youth: UAGTCA Inv: 52.11 7/29/2001 54.62 7/18/2010 Lane Name Heat 1 of 5 Prelims 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 631 Mathews, Vera 242 Lewis, Malika 791 Pottinger, Janelle 6 Meekins, Micah 553 Carter, Cheyenne 243 Negron Morales, Cam 803 Brickle, Britey 239 Epps, Sierra Stephanie Smith Precious Holmes Team Seed Time New Haven Ag Eye Catchers Ruff Kutz Tr A Faster You Mt. Airy Tra Eye Catchers Sigma Intern Eye Catchers Heat 2 of 5 Prelims 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 50 Nixon, Shannon 1016 Vaughn, Breana 1008 Shelton, Donyae 348 Hill-Stewart, Kanitra 555 Coleman, Amira 785 Feurtado, Erika 37 Evans, Rebecca 842 Walker, Alexcia 2 Hill-Chapman, Shanette 805 Truitt, Tyshae 559 Dorsey, Avani 491 Dey, Morgan 1012 Taylor, Aliyah 584 Trotman, Trelsie 999 Jones, Nalani 886 Hightower, Johnae 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 942 Myrie, Naomi 148 Wilkenson, Tiana 139 Evans, Alysha 980 Pierce, Jinjer 456 Douglas, Daja 1010 Smith, Shanell 120 Pitt, Janae 839 Broadus, Asia West Chester Capital Area Capital Area White Plains Mallery Chal Willingboro Cambria Speed Track R.C. Heat 5 of 5 Prelims 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Thames, Maya 8 Sydnor, Jaleah 246 Boone, Niasia 1102 Kitchell, Alexandria 344 Boone, Nya 804 Coleman, Maisha 998 Jackson, Kayla 832 Hackney, Christin A Faster You A Faster You Fairless Hil Youth All St Generation N Sigma Intern Willingboro SSTC FiNaO Event 122 400 Meter Dash 15-16 Boys Top 8 Advance by Time Saturday 7/19/2014 - 9:00 AM Nat'l Youth: UAGTCA Inv: 45.99 7/29/1995 49.33 7/1/2007 Lane Name Heat 1 of 6 Prelims 2 3 4 5 6 7 1025 Clement, Iverson 985 Boyd-Postell, Malik 500 Kelly, Thomas 13 Falwell, Jeremy 332 Joe, Karim 378 Crawford, Michael W. Obea Moore Terry Alston Team Seed Time Willingboro White Plains Maximum Spee A Faster You Flying Angel I Holla Trac Heat 2 of 6 Prelims Ambler Willingboro Willingboro Generation N Mt. Airy Tra Ruff Kutz Tr Ambler Track R.C. Heat 3 of 5 Prelims 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Heat 4 of 5 Prelims A Faster You Sigma Intern Mt. Airy Tra Maximum Spee Willingboro Mt. Airy Tra Willingboro Unattached 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 475 Norris, Ryir 616 Nash, John-El 440 Cook, Stedman 895 Barnett, Noah 623 White, Damir 1050 Phillips, Travis 1022 Campbell, Brandon Mallery Chal Mt. Airy Tra Knights Trac Unattached Mt. Airy Tra Wilmington T Willingboro Heat 3 of 6 Prelims 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 185 Little-Watson, Makhi 901 Gordon, Darius 516 Lytle, Richard 989 Sandling, Jimmy 771 Ghallan, Harmeet 593 Brown, Taufiq 471 Lomax-Osachae, Amir Chester Cheetahs Unattached Mo Bettah Tr White Plains Royalty Mt. Airy Tra Mallery Chal UAGTCA Practice Field - Site License Hy-Tek's MEET MANAGER 2:40 PM 7/13/2014 Page 14 2014 UAGTCA Youth Invitational - 7/18/2014 to 7/20/2014 Leslie C. Quick Stadium Widener University Meet Program - Day 2 Running Events Heat 4 of 6 Prelims...(Event 122 400 Meter Dash 15-16 Boys) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 1093 Watson, Davonte 837 Vinson, Darrion 151 Clark, Maachi 173 Bishop, Braheem 904 Muhammad, Musaad 488 Mclemore, Joshua 59 Baines, Tariq Winslow Elit SSTC FiNaO Capital Area Chester Cheetahs Unattached Maveric Trac Ambler Heat 5 of 6 Prelims 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 545 Frazier, Justin-Mathis 1031 Gibson, Tayvon 110 Hill, Shikeem 184 Jones, Tamir 772 Hall, Ache 486 Butcher, Kerron 207 Nobles, Prince 23 Stokes, Emmanuel 617 Oliver, Richard 149 Amin, Amin 778 Sichano, Gianni 834 King, Brandon 27 Thomas, Jordan 845 Mason, Dontae 51.31 7/27/2000 54.33 7/13/2008 Lane Name Heat 1 of 4 Prelims 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 983 Tirelli, Brianna 512 Lytle, Dayzah 146 Street, Andrea 407 Bellefleur, Jenny 537 Forsythe, Meghan 830 Aka, Sandra 975 Campisi, Christine Team White Plains Mo Bettah Tr Capital Area Juventus Tra Morris Estat SSTC FiNaO White Plains 754 Blackston, Ashna 533 Clark, Tiara 1006 Russell, Tanaesza 249 Onuoha, Uchechi 1061 Edwards, Melanie 1072 Rivers, Shayla 541 Owens, Angel Royalty Morris Estat Willingboro Fairless Hil Winslow Elit Winslow Elit Morris Estat 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 1004 Northern, Nefertiti 764 Natasha, Victoria 576 Kurtz, Nicole 884 Dowe, Faleesha 1067 Jackson, Sydney 833 Mouellet, Danielle 46 Mayes, Siani Nat'l Youth: UAGTCA Inv: 45.58 7/6/1996 46.51 7/15/2012 Lane Name Heat 1 of 5 Prelims Monique Henderson Nijgia Snapp Heat 2 of 4 Prelims 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 35 Deyo, Brittany 4 Jules, Teanna 409 Taylor, Kanae 142 Leonzo, Nicole 322 Sabado-Worrell, Tiffan 831 Falade, Anita 978 Kelly, Tara Ambler A Faster You Juventus Tra Capital Area Flying Angel SSTC FiNaO White Plains Willingboro Royalty Mt. Airy Tra Unattached Winslow Elit SSTC FiNaO Ambler Event 124 400 Meter Dash 17-18 Boys Top 8 Advance by Time Saturday 7/19/2014 - 9:00 AM A Faster You Mt. Airy Tra Capital Area Royalty SSTC FiNaO A Faster You Track R.C. Event 123 400 Meter Dash 17-18 Girls Top 8 Advance by Time Saturday 7/19/2014 - 9:00 AM Nat'l Youth: UAGTCA Inv: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Heat 4 of 4 Prelims Morris Estat Willingboro Blazing Tornado Chester Cheetahs Royalty Maveric Trac Christian Strong Heat 6 of 6 Prelims 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Heat 3 of 4 Prelims Seed Time 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 360 Harlequin, Randy 622 Surratt, Deion 988 Marshall, Casey 26 Thomas, Eric 12 Carrington, Dillon 507 Thomson, Andrew 155 Young, Derrick 362 Pierre, Evander William Obea Moore Michael Cherry Team Seed Time Gladiators O Mt. Airy Tra White Plains A Faster You A Faster You Maximum Spee Capital Area Gladiators O Heat 2 of 5 Prelims 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 987 Fisher, Edward 1017 Bakarr, Yunisa 375 Noncent, Deonte 357 Leach, Tyrone 807 Moscoe, Justin 618 Ortiz, Anthony 518 Pickett, Devonte 604 Joseph, Lance White Plains Willingboro Hamilton Tra Generation N Sigma Intern Mt. Airy Tra Mo Bettah Tr Mt. Airy Tra Heat 3 of 5 Prelims 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 958 Dean, John-Paul 108 Barlow, Shiquan 302 Thompson, Jordan 780 St. Louis, Donovan 517 Maddox, Tyrell 909 Vanryn, Cody 796 Idrahim, Munir West Chester Blazing Tornado Fasst Track Royalty Mo Bettah Tr Unattached Ruff Kutz Tr UAGTCA Practice Field - Site License Hy-Tek's MEET MANAGER 2:40 PM 7/13/2014 Page 15 2014 UAGTCA Youth Invitational - 7/18/2014 to 7/20/2014 Leslie C. Quick Stadium Widener University Meet Program - Day 2 Running Events Heat 4 of 5 Prelims...(Event 124 400 Meter Dash 17-18 Boys) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 1032 Goins, Christian 1040 Miller, David 986 Cartwright, Ricardo 79 Lewis, John 177 Clayton, Jalil 907 Simms, Austin 597 Dupree, Djamon Willingboro Willingboro White Plains Ambler Chester Cheetahs Unattached Mt. Airy Tra Heat 5 of 5 Prelims 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 817 Iverson, Lamar 595 Dennis, Calvin 150 Bowman Jr., Charles 18 Marsh, Justin 779 Siefa, Walter 476 Shuman, Derek 806 James, Desmond South Jersey Mt. Airy Tra Capital Area A Faster You Royalty Mallery Chal Sigma Intern Lane Name Section 1 of 1 Finals 1 2 583 Stovall, Sydni 785 Feurtado, Erika Lane Name Section 1 of 1 Finals 1 2 801 Rush, Malik 446 Johnson, Jonathan Louis-Carlos Vargas Louis-Carlos Vargas Seed Time Running Rebe Knights Trac Event 206 2000 Meter Steeplechase 17-18 Boys Saturday 7/19/2014 - 9:00 AM Nat'l Youth: 6:29.44 7/14/2012 UAGTCA Inv: 6:29.44 7/14/2012 Lane Name Section 1 of 1 Finals 1 2 3 4 5 6 912 Watson, Moses 902 Knox, Kevin 621 Stovall, Sean 846 Moore, Daquan 835 Kyle, Victor 620 Sperger, Nicholas Darrel. C Gooding Darrel. C Gooding Team Unattached Unattached Mt. Airy Tra Track R.C. SSTC FiNaO Mt. Airy Tra 5 6 Knights Track Club Mt. Airy Track Club Relay Chester Cheetahs 1) 167 Nickerson, Morgan 3) 156 Allen, Damira Eye Catchers 1) 238 Beasley, Layla 3) 244 Rollins, Adriana Winslow Elit 1) 1059 Coley, Amaia 3) 1055 Bey, Aurora Owings Mills 1) 700 Creary, Jalaia 3) 697 Cooper, Elena Willingboro 1) 995 Henry-Barnhill, Nakayla 3) 1015 Thomas, Ameera Seed Time A 2) 157 Allen, Ruqayyah 4) 161 Edwards, Rayne A 2) 237 Beasley, Dahlia 4) 245 Rollins, Qiora A 2) 1057 Campbell, Azanah 4) 1062 Handy, Sierra A 2) 708 Staats, Shania 4) 698 Cooper, Elise A 2) 997 Howard, Milan 4) 1013 Taylor, Jada Event 126 4x100 Meter Relay 8-U Boys Saturday 7/19/2014 - 9:00 AM Mt. Airy Tra Ruff Kutz Tr Team 2 Seed Time Event 204 2000 Meter Steeplechase 15-16 Boys Saturday 7/19/2014 - 9:00 AM Nat'l Youth: 6:37.22 7/14/2012 UAGTCA Inv: 6:37.22 7/14/2012 Lane Team Section 1 of 1 Finals 4 Sade Lavallias Taylor Creagh Team Nat'l Youth: 1:06.41 7/14/2012 A Long, V Melvin, I Barnes, N Long UAGTCA Inv: 1:05.08 7/17/2011 3 Event 203 2000 Meter Steeplechase 15-16 Girls Saturday 7/19/2014 - 9:00 AM Nat'l Youth: 8:34.16 7/14/2012 UAGTCA Inv: 8:17.09 7/16/2011 Event 125 4x100 Meter Relay 8-U Girls Saturday 7/19/2014 - 9:00 AM Seed Time Nat'l Youth: 1:02.64 7/18/2010 UAGTCA Inv: 1:00.45 7/17/2011 Lane Team Section 1 of 1 Finals 3 4 5 6 Fasst Track 1) 287 Ashenafi, Nassor 3) 296 Hayman, Jayden Chester Cheetahs 1) 176 Clark-Lane, Wayne 3) 191 Sabree, Zaheem Chester Cheetahs 1) 180 Dale, Steven 3) 195 Womack, Ronald Christian Strong 1) 200 Ayers, Ezrah 3) 208 Thime, Zyayre Cambria Youth Association Morris Estate Track Club Relay Seed Time A 2) 294 Green, Riley 4) 295 Hayer, Tariq B 2) 183 Gibbs, Jordan 4) 193 Williams, Tony A 2) 187 Pleasant-Dorsey, Jaden 4) 190 Robertson, Derrick A 2) 205 Jowers, Laben 4) 206 Nobles, Jeremiah UAGTCA Practice Field - Site License Hy-Tek's MEET MANAGER 2:40 PM 7/13/2014 Page 16 2014 UAGTCA Youth Invitational - 7/18/2014 to 7/20/2014 Leslie C. Quick Stadium Widener University Meet Program - Day 2 Running Events Event 127 4x100 Meter Relay 9-10 Girls Saturday 7/19/2014 - 9:00 AM Event 129 4x100 Meter Relay 11-12 Girls Saturday 7/19/2014 - 9:00 AM Nat'l Youth: 53.62 7/31/2005 15-Los Angeles Jets M George, T Robertson, T Bellows, J Billoups UAGTCA Inv: 55.83 7/17/2011 Norristown Pal Track Nat'l Youth: 49.17 7/28/1996 Texas Heat Chauntae Bayne, Genece Glover, Donette Chambers UAGTCA Inv: 51.12 7/17/2011 Firebirds Track Club Lane Team Section 1 of 1 Finals Lane Team Section 1 of 1 Finals 4 5 Owings Mills 1) 699 Cooper, Ella 3) 709 Staats, Shanise Infinity Tra 1) 382 Goldstein, Ijanai 3) 389 Price, Miracle Relay Seed Time A 2 2) 710 Thomas, Adrianna 4) 704 Hinton, Sage 3 A 2) 380 Bryant, Zahra 4) 386 Lewis, Avery M 4 Event 128 4x100 Meter Relay 9-10 Boys Saturday 7/19/2014 - 9:00 AM Nat'l Youth: 51.63 8/3/2003 Miamia Metro-Dade Leo Simmons, Darryl Brown, Shaquille Kearse, Ranne UAGTCA Inv: 55.41 7/16/2006 Willingboro T. C. M. Ellis, A. Gardner, D. Josephs, R. Richards Lane Team Section 1 of 1 Finals 3 4 5 6 West Chester 1) 974 Wright, Isaiah 3) 972 Stocker, Jabari Mt. Airy Tra 1) 613 Marable III, Irvin 3) 601 Harriston, Dwight Chester Cheetahs 1) 189 Richardson, Taneir 3) 175 Clark-Lane, Baron Kappas Diamo 1) 422 Pauling, Quincy 3) 424 Smallwood, Mekel Relay 5 6 Seed Time A 2) 955 Cooper, Bryce 4) 963 Haylock, Julian A 2) 603 Jackson, Cameryn 4) 607 Kemp, Khalif A 2) 179 Cosby, Quamere 4) 170 Alleyne, Su-Meer Seed Time A 2) 314 Jacobs, Brianna 4) 312 Ekoma-Townsend, Ange A 2) 1064 Higgs, Shevell 4) 1053 Ash, Jailya A 2) 949 Starkey, Nia 4) 943 Perez, Najah A 2) 168 Poteat, Makyiah 4) 164 Johnson, Mariah A 2) 55 Walton, Leah 4) 29 Abinusawa, Moforehan Event 130 4x100 Meter Relay 11-12 Boys Saturday 7/19/2014 - 9:00 AM Nat'l Youth: 47.54 7/15/2004 Dallas Blade UAGTCA Inv: 51.49 7/14/2012 Fasst Track & Field Club R Walbrook, J Johnson, H Timite, E Fogle Lane Team Section 1 of 1 Finals 3 A 2) 423 Rogers, Isaih 4) 425 Smallwood, Mekhi Flying Angel 1) 313 Gayle, Briana 3) 311 Clarke, Kataya Winslow Elit 1) 1077 Sydnor, Teaghan 3) 1073 Robinson, Kya West Chester 1) 934 Day, Olivia 3) 948 Starkey, Iyanna Chester Cheetahs 1) 160 Dorsey, Kayla 3) 159 Clayton, Jiya Ambler 1) 36 Dodoo, Safiya 3) 53 Stewart, Janae Relay 4 5 Omega Track 1) 679 Bond, Jahseir 3) 685 Hampton, Hassan West Chester 1) 960 Folk, Malcolm 3) 967 Jordan, Cooper Cambria Speed 1) 131 Rascoe, Aaron 3) 125 Delee, Glenn Relay Seed Time A 2) 691 Robinson, Kyle 4) 686 Hart, Quinn A 2) 950 Alston, Tyler 4) 971 Stocker, D Angelo A 2) 122 Brown, Jordan 4) 121 Bailey, Naseem UAGTCA Practice Field - Site License Hy-Tek's MEET MANAGER 2:40 PM 7/13/2014 Page 17 2014 UAGTCA Youth Invitational - 7/18/2014 to 7/20/2014 Leslie C. Quick Stadium Widener University Meet Program - Day 2 Running Events Event 131 4x100 Meter Relay 13-14 Girls Saturday 7/19/2014 - 9:00 AM Event 133 4x100 Meter Relay 15-16 Girls Saturday 7/19/2014 - 9:00 AM Nat'l Youth: 46.58 7/29/2003 Quiet Fire UAGTCA Inv: 49.29 7/14/2012 Mt. Airy Track Club R Clark, T McKoy, J Muhammad, A Kitchell Nat'l Youth: 45.45 7/30/2006 Quiet Fire UAGTCA Inv: 47.39 7/1/2007 Willingboro T. C. A. Johnson, T. Gillion, A. Goode, E. Gardner Lane Team Section 1 of 1 Finals Lane Team Section 1 of 1 Finals 2 3 4 5 6 7 Relay Fasst Track 1) 261 Bullock, Brianna 3) 269 Howell, Jaelyn Omega Track 1) 667 Hood, Nicole 3) 676 Williams, Zaria Ambler 1) 44 Lewis, Brielle 3) 31 Barnes, Bria Black Diamond 1) 104 Jones, Briyanna 3) 106 Thybulle, Zhaneia Maveric Trac 1) 483 Miles, Porsha 3) 484 Richardson, Siani Flying Angel 1) 317 Kennedy-Swan, Desiree 3) 310 Agyemang, Chelsea Seed Time A 1 2) 260 Braxton, Jordan 4) 281 Walbrook, Sarah A 2 2) 665 Harrison, Aliya 4) 675 Tobias, Tionna A 3 2) 56 Warren, Christina 4) 34 Crosby, Alexis A 4 2) 102 Harris, Brianna 4) 107 Whyte, Khalia A 5 2) 481 Hall, Nakira 4) 485 Worthington, Jordyn A 6 2) 316 Jones, Tevianna 4) 318 Lambert, Nhkeeda 7 Event 132 4x100 Meter Relay 13-14 Boys Saturday 7/19/2014 - 9:00 AM Nat'l Youth: 43.25 8/3/2003 Florida Elite TC Walter Dix, Michael Dowdell, Joshua Wimbley, David UAGTCA Inv: 45.33 7/14/2012 Fasst Track & Field Club B Watson, A Mcfarland, T Terry, C Murray Lane Team Section 1 of 1 Finals 3 4 5 6 Relay Winslow Elit 1) 1080 Byrd, Amir 3) 1083 Gayle, Rashad Fasst Track 1) 288 Cooke, Kyle 3) 299 Johnson, Jermaine Flying Angel 1) 334 Mccarroll, Joshua 3) 327 Ballentine-Campbell, Ma West Chester 1) 956 Cooper, Cole 3) 970 Stocker, Camari Seed Time A 2) 1081 Cato, Christopher 4) 1088 Morton, Dominik Lane Team Section 1 of 1 Finals 3 4 5 A 2) 965 Haylock, Jr, Alex 4) 952 Clark, Christian A 2) 6 Meekins, Micah 4) 9 Thames, Maya A 2) 137 Brooks, Yasmin 4) 147 Thompson, Jada A 2) 757 Graham, Tishun 4) 766 Trotter, Jessica A 2) 101 Camal, Erykah 4) 103 Hayes, Nyah B 2) 757 Graham, Tishun 4) 766 Trotter, Jessica A 2) 556 Dallas, Taylar 4) 578 Macon, Maniyan A 2) 1047 Neal, Myia 4) 1048 Shamlin, Daysha Nat'l Youth: 40.90 7/27/1997 Los Angeles Jets Daniel Mentuhotep, Warren Rogers, Dashaun McCullou UAGTCA Inv: 44.02 7/17/2011 Royalty Track Club A 2) 328 Buzangu, Etyvick 4) 337 Ojo-Ukanah, Odosa Seed Time Event 134 4x100 Meter Relay 15-16 Boys Saturday 7/19/2014 - 9:00 AM A 2) 291 Fogle, Ethan 4) 306 Washington, Keith A Faster You 1) 5 Lyday, Destiny 3) 2 Hill-Chapman, Shanette Capital Area 1) 139 Evans, Alysha 3) 140 Gaines, Myah Royalty 1) 758 Grice, Mikayla 3) 755 Caldwell, Maya Black Diamond 1) 105 Thompson, Christal 3) 100 Barnes, Adrienne Royalty 1) 758 Grice, Mikayla 3) 755 Caldwell, Maya Mt. Airy Tra 1) 555 Coleman, Amira 3) 559 Dorsey, Avani Wilmington T 1) 1046 Lampkin, Daija 3) 1044 Banks, Arabia Relay 6 Ambler 1) 92 Testa, Stephen 3) 74 Gablein, Robert Winslow Elit 1) 1079 BettisIII, James 3) 1085 Jones, Isaiah Royalty 1) 778 Sichano, Gianni 3) 777 Outland, Romeo A Faster You 1) 19 Meekins, Christopher 3) 27 Thomas, Jordan Relay Seed Time A 2) 91 Telemaque, Justin 4) 69 Crosby, Andrew A 2) 1087 Maturano, Anthony 4) 1084 Jackson, Garry A 2) 771 Ghallan, Harmeet 4) 767 Bradley, Julien A 2) 13 Falwell, Jeremy 4) 23 Stokes, Emmanuel UAGTCA Practice Field - Site License Hy-Tek's MEET MANAGER 2:40 PM 7/13/2014 Page 18 2014 UAGTCA Youth Invitational - 7/18/2014 to 7/20/2014 Leslie C. Quick Stadium Widener University Meet Program - Day 2 Running Events Event 135 4x100 Meter Relay 17-18 Girls Saturday 7/19/2014 - 9:00 AM Nat'l Youth: 44.43 7/28/2007 12 26 Dallas Gold TC L Stewart, A Pegram, B Carr, V Jordan UAGTCA Inv: 46.73 7/14/2012 Just Do It Track Club C Brown, A Nesmith, K Woodall, C Williams Lane Team Section 1 of 1 Finals 3 4 5 A Faster You 1) 1 Hamilton, Bre Elle 3) 3 Jordan, Leah Royalty 1) 760 Irving, Gabrielle 3) 762 Jones, Keenesha Capital Area 1) 135 Alberici, Katy 3) 146 Street, Andrea Relay Seed Time A 2) 4 Jules, Teanna 4) 7 Price, Isabelle A 2) 761 Jackson, Anitra 4) 754 Blackston, Ashna A 2) 142 Leonzo, Nicole 4) 141 Johnson, Christina Event 136 4x100 Meter Relay 17-18 Boys Saturday 7/19/2014 - 9:00 AM Nat'l Youth: 39.73 8/1/1998 Track Houston R. Beard, B. Gay, J. Harris, T. Williams UAGTCA Inv: 41.70 7/13/2008 Mt. Airy T. C. K. Smith, T. Hopkins, D. David, S. David Lane Team Section 1 of 1 Finals 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Capital Area 1) 152 Dailey Jr, Sean 3) 155 Young, Derrick Royalty 1) 779 Siefa, Walter 3) 781 Thomas, Akiem Cambria Speed 1) 124 Davis, Samuel 3) 127 Mcnair, Karon A Faster You 1) 25 Taylor, Glen 3) 17 Knauff, Brian Flying Angel 1) 338 Palomino, Nicholas 3) 331 Jackson, Kejean Ambler 1) 88 Richardson, Cordell 3) 86 Mollick, Alexander A Faster You 1) 11 Brown, Solomon 3) 12 Carrington, Dillon Relay Seed Time A 2) 150 Bowman Jr., Charles 4) 153 Malette, Rasheid A 2) 780 St. Louis, Donovan 4) 782 Todd, Colyn A 2) 130 Parker, Charles 4) 129 Muhammad, Abdullah A 2) 18 Marsh, Justin 4) 26 Thomas, Eric A 2) 333 King, Malcolm 4) 330 Henry-Morrison, Jordayn A 2) 67 Chew, Trevor 4) 64 Brissett, Christian B 2) 20 Oyewole, Oluwatosin 4) 24 Stokes, Isaiah UAGTCA Practice Field - Site License Hy-Tek's MEET MANAGER 3:30 PM 7/12/2014 Page 1 2014 UAGTCA Youth Invitational - 7/18/2014 to 7/20/2014 Leslie C. Quick Stadium Widener University Meet Program - Day 2 Field Events Event 55 Long Jump 9-10 Girls Nat'l Youth: UAGTCA Inv: Pos Name Flight 1 of 2 Finals 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Event 67 High Jump 15-16 Girls 4.66m 7/28/2007 4.49m 7/17/2011 Lucas, Kimberly Adams, Gabrielle Wiley, Sydney Johnson, Aniyah Keller, Julia Washington, Bre Mills, Iyonnah Brown, Asya Ramona Carryl Sydney Gilbert Team Nat'l Youth: UAGTCA Inv: Seed Mark Unattached Mallery Chal Ambler Christian Strong Ambler White Plains Infinity Tra Mo Bettah Tr ND 2.51m ND 2.35m ND ND ND 2.45m Omega Track Mallery Chal Youth All St Rock City St Wilmington T Rock City St Princilus Ki Ambler Morris Count New Haven Ag Infinity Tra Owings Mills Unity Expres Mt. Airy Tra New Haven Ag Capital Area 2.80m 2.77m 4.19m 3.77m 3.78m 3.21m 3.39m 3.83m 3.68m 2.87m 4.31m 3.17m 3.35m 3.00m 2.97m 2.90m Flight 2 of 2 Finals 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 Holness, Kamryn Solomon, Kayla Avent, Kennedi Barnette, Sierra Kinlaw, Jada Dorvil, Makayla Princilus, Ilana McDermott, Maya Simon, Bayliss Dawson, Assata Lewis, Avery M Beaton, Dasha Brown, Alexandria Hall, Iyana Davis, Donnay Mosby, Mckylee Event 57 Long Jump 11-12 Girls Nat'l Youth: UAGTCA Inv: 5.58m 6/20/1998 4.81m 7/13/2012 Pos Name Flight 1 of 1 Finals 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 Cooper, Nyashia Vanness, Emily Brown, Aaliyah Day, Olivia Lane, Rah Dirah Shell, Inara Furtick, Taliyah Barkley, Aliyah Harris, Skylar Lee, Sasha Christie, Nia Beasley, Amirah Starkey, Nia Nutt, Sheriyah Gayle Hunter Kendal Drewery Team Seed Mark Morris Estat Unity Expres Mt. Airy Tra West Chester Mt. Airy Tra Infinity Tra Infinity Tra Mt. Airy Tra Trinity Trac Infinity Tra New Haven Ag Eye Catchers West Chester Willingboro 4.00m 5.23m 3.82m 3.09m ND 4.45m 4.37m 4.02m 4.19m 4.37m 4.34m 3.35m 2.23m 4.19m 4-08 7/13/2012 4-08 7/13/2012 Pos Name Flight 1 of 1 Finals 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Obrien, Taylor Lawrence, Dior Broadus, Asia Pottinger, Janelle Mckoy, Portia Gilbert, Nala Rowe, Naomi Rachael Romain Rachael Romain Team Seed Mark Greater Norr Royalty Track R.C. Ruff Kutz Tr Winslow Elit Owings Mills Ruff Kutz Tr 6-00.00 NH NH 4-11.75 4-06.00 5-01.75 4-11.75 Event 69 High Jump 17-18 Women Nat'l Youth: UAGTCA Inv: 5-04 7/13/2012 5-04 7/13/2012 Pos Name Flight 1 of 1 Finals 1 2 Brown, Dana Rose Taub, Shannon Paige Brown Paige Brown Team Seed Mark Unattached Sports Extra 4-07.75 5-06.00 Event 137 Long Jump 13-14 Girls Nat'l Youth: UAGTCA Inv: 6.07m 6/20/1998 5.37m 6/29/2007 Pos Name Flight 1 of 2 Finals 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Fenley, Taylor Allen, Marja Mason, Ayanna Smart, Ameyah Worthington, Jordyn Brown, Sydney Williams, Dymon Sephes, Morgan Smalls, Zianni Hall, Nakira Jones, Destiny Sprague, Kion Tracee Thomas Shaya Wilkerson Team Seed Mark Christian Strong Capital Area Owings Mills Omega Track Maveric Trac Winslow Elit Mt. Airy Tra Winslow Elit Winslow Elit Maveric Trac Mt. Airy Tra West Chester ND ND ND 3.41m ND ND ND 2.88m ND ND ND ND Fasst Track Mt. Airy Tra Ruff Kutz Tr Ambler Ambler Ruff Kutz Tr Unity Expres Infinity Tra Morris Estat New Haven Ag Trinity Trac Mt. Airy Tra Sports Extra Ambler Omega Track Ruff Kutz Tr 5.16m 4.14m 5.13m 3.51m 4.39m 4.17m 4.57m 4.52m 4.28m 4.62m 4.25m 3.99m 4.32m 3.92m 5.13m 5.05m Flight 2 of 2 Finals 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 Drewery, Kendal Dennison, Taylor Myers, Phoebe Warren, Christina Kwortnik, Natalie Scatliffe, Telicia Hunt, Isabella Rodgers, Gabrielle Adams, Olabisi Washington, Kristen Harris-Gaskins, Jewel Coleman, Ameena Leister, Victoria Hsu, Marissa Tobias, Tionna Myers, Sophia UAGTCA Practice Field - Site License Hy-Tek's MEET MANAGER 3:30 PM 7/12/2014 Page 2 2014 UAGTCA Youth Invitational - 7/18/2014 to 7/20/2014 Leslie C. Quick Stadium Widener University Meet Program - Day 2 Field Events Event 139 Long Jump 15-16 Girls Nat'l Youth: UAGTCA Inv: 6.16m 7/10/1999 5.53m 6/30/2007 Pos Name Flight 1 of 2 Finals 1 2 3 Dorsey, Avani Nero, Tikki Hightower, Johnae Event 144 Shot Put 6lb 9-10 Boys Jill Bell Nikko Brady Team Nat'l Youth: 12.44m 8/2/2003 UAGTCA Inv: 8.51m 7/16/2011 Seed Mark Mt. Airy Tra Mo Bettah Tr Unattached ND ND ND Ambler Ruff Kutz Tr Winslow Elit Eye Catchers A Faster You A Faster You Ambler SSTC FiNaO Ruff Kutz Tr Mt. Airy Tra South Jersey Sports Extra Youth All St Wilmington T Winslow Elit Unity Expres 3.53m 4.88m 4.58m 4.32m 4.95m 5.26m 4.82m 4.88m 4.72m 4.45m 4.33m 4.88m 5.36m 4.98m 4.89m 5.18m Flight 2 of 2 Finals 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 Mitchell, Nina Rowe, Naomi Smith-Stroud, Ananda Epps, Sierra Meekins, Micah Lyday, Destiny Sexton, Hannah Hackney, Christin Dumpson, Mya Smith, Laiana Nichols, Richarrd Kendrick, Leah Langley-Walker, Madison Neal, Myia Hines, Janiyah Brown, Jasmine Event 141 Long Jump 17-18 Women Nat'l Youth: UAGTCA Inv: 6.36m 7/23/1994 5.97m 7/12/2008 Pos Name Flight 1 of 1 Finals 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Mouellet, Danielle Price, Isabelle Bussey, Kiana Alberici, Katy Karpenko, Veronika Edwards, Tanise Hamilton, Bre Elle Jones, Alison Hyatt, Amari Angela Henry Krystina Muhammad Team Seed Mark SSTC FiNaO A Faster You Fairless Hil Capital Area Nittany Trac Mt. Airy Tra A Faster You Ambler Ruff Kutz Tr 4.00m 4.70m ND 5.34m 5.33m 4.73m 5.26m ND 4.57m Event 143 Shot Put 2K 8-U Boys Nat'l Youth: UAGTCA Inv: 7.08m 7/14/2012 7.08m 7/14/2012 Pos Name Flight 1 of 1 Finals 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Austin, Jayden Dennison, Jabrelle Williams, Tony Reece, Akhili Muhammad, Hakim Nyenator, Gabrial Tripline, Solomon Khalif Kemp Khalif Kemp Team Seed Mark Mt. Airy Tra Mt. Airy Tra Chester Cheetahs SSTC FiNaO Chester Cheetahs Transy East Mallery Chal ND 5.26m 1.98m ND 3.23m ND 7.37m Pos Name Flight 1 of 1 Finals 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 Kemp, Khalif Moore, Gary Chavous, Jayson St Paul, Detton Thompson, Rayshon Jones, Jarvis McArthur, Saleem Cade, Darien Talley, Levar Mcintosh, Deion Rodriguez, Julian Davis, A. J. Manning, Joshua Bolger, Wahid Jon Allen Nicholas Malley Team Seed Mark Mt. Airy Tra Moores Winslow Elit Rock City St Cambria Speed Plainfield T Phila. Expre Omega Track Greater Norr Mt. Airy Tra West Chester Omega Track Transy East Mallery Chal 7.79m 8.08m 6.71m 5.50m 7.27m 6.10m 7.15m ND 5.93m 2.88m 5.76m 5.22m ND 4.93m Event 145 Shot Put 6lb 11-12 Boys Nat'l Youth: 14.70m 7/28/2006 UAGTCA Inv: 11.62m 7/16/2011 Pos Name Flight 1 of 1 Finals 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Rascoe, Aaron Garnett, Aaron Munroe, Cory Jamison, Chaun Comer, Anthony Wise, Carby Kemp, Carnell Jackson, Joshua Smith-Stroud, Isaiah Ashton Henderson Markus Valdez Team Seed Mark Cambria Speed Fasst Track Mt. Airy Tra Fasst Track Cambria Speed Wise Mt. Airy Tra Ambler Winslow Elit 7.86m 10.54m 6.88m 7.77m 6.73m 23.00m 11.46m 8.73m ND Event 146 Shot Put 4kg 13-14 Men Nat'l Youth: 19.29m 7/28/1996 UAGTCA Inv: 15.01m 6/30/2007 Pos Name Flight 1 of 1 Finals 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Garland, Kyle Cheaton, Jordan Wellman, Tyler Barry, Mccormac Wagner, Jason Holmes, Frank Morgan, Gavin Patterson, Brandon Abinusawa, Olatide Chris Sprague Terrence Edwards Team Seed Mark No More Xcus Kappas Diamo Wilmington T Unattached J-Dawg Field Mt. Airy Tra Unity Expres Plainfield T Ambler 11.39m 9.24m 9.14m ND 10.33m 9.90m 12.19m 15.21m ND UAGTCA Practice Field - Site License Hy-Tek's MEET MANAGER 3:30 PM 7/12/2014 Page 3 2014 UAGTCA Youth Invitational - 7/18/2014 to 7/20/2014 Leslie C. Quick Stadium Widener University Meet Program - Day 2 Field Events Flight 2 of 2 Finals Event 147 Shot Put 12lb 15-16 Boys Nat'l Youth: 19.29m 7/26/1996 UAGTCA Inv: 14.39m 7/18/2009 Pos Name Flight 1 of 1 Finals 1 2 3 4 Wanser, Stephen Harris-Davis, Gabriel Thompson, Tyreke Stanley, Kyle Chris Sprague Chazz Wilks Team Seed Mark Phila. Expre Trinity Trac Fasst Track Fasst Track ND 9.31m 10.85m 10.16m Event 148 Shot Put 12lb 17-18 Men Nat'l Youth: 20.43m 7/24/1987 UAGTCA Inv: 15.60m 6/30/2007 Pos Name Flight 1 of 1 Finals 1 2 3 4 Jean-Louis, Christian Childs, Naquise Stalter, Dan Palmer, Jordan Dwight Johnson Sean Wilks Team ND 9.39m 10.51m 11.13m Event 149 High Jump 9-10 Girls Nat'l Youth: UAGTCA Inv: 1.45m 7/29/2009 1.25m 6/30/2007 Pos Name Flight 1 of 1 Finals 1 2 3 Barnette, Sierra Freeman, Ashadieyah Beaton, Dasha Carlie Queen Deja Bell Team Seed Mark Rock City St Mo Bettah Tr Owings Mills 1.11m NH 1.04m Event 151 High Jump 11-12 Girls Nat'l Youth: UAGTCA Inv: 1.69m 7/24/2008 1.43m 7/16/2011 Pos Name Flight 1 of 1 Finals 1 2 3 4 5 Lee, Sasha Smith, Brianna Mcginty, Caitlin Jones, Cameron Brown, Aaliyah Stacey Destin Camrin Ford Team Seed Mark Infinity Tra Infinity Tra Infinity Tra Chester Cheetahs Mt. Airy Tra 1.15m 1.40m NH NH 1.22m 1.71m 7/27/1990 1.52m 7/12/2008 Pos Name Flight 1 of 2 Finals 1 2 3 Sprague, Kion Brown, Sydney Bolen, Sierra Sondra Biere Paige Brown Team West Chester Winslow Elit Mallery Chal Nat'l Youth: 38.62m 7/28/1994 UAGTCA Inv: 28.93m 7/17/2011 Pos Name Flight 1 of 1 Finals 1 2 3 4 5 Kemp, Carnell Garnett, Aaron Munroe, Cory Wise, Carby Jamison, Chaun Unattached Ruff Kutz Tr Owings Mills Morris Estat West Chester Omega Track Infinity Tra Ruff Kutz Tr Winslow Elit Owings Mills 1.27m 1.52m 1.42m 1.20m 1.44m 1.35m 1.25m 1.63m 2.40m 1.37m Seed Mark NH NH NH Phillip Tabor Markus Valdez Team Seed Mark Mt. Airy Tra Fasst Track Mt. Airy Tra Wise Fasst Track 22.86m 21.34m 18.29m 29.02m 15.24m Event 191 Discus Throw 1.6gr 13-14 Boys Nat'l Youth: 61.52m 6/3/1995 UAGTCA Inv: 44.76m 7/13/2008 Pos Name Flight 1 of 1 Finals 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Morgan, Gavin Wagner, Jason Hamilton, Lance Bridgett, Anan Abston, Chandler Garcia, Zachary Patterson, Brandon Cheaton, Jordan Joel Armitage Charles Wilks Team Seed Mark Unity Expres J-Dawg Field Nittany Trac Unattached Kappas Diamo Fasst Track Plainfield T Kappas Diamo 37.19m 30.18m 18.87m 28.35m ND 21.34m 38.10m 54.90m Event 192 Discus Throw 1.6gr 15-16 Boys Nat'l Youth: 54.58m 7/26/2007 UAGTCA Inv: 45.95m 7/19/2009 Pos Name Flight 1 of 1 Finals Event 153 High Jump 13-14 Girls Nat'l Youth: UAGTCA Inv: Dorsey, Jenae Myers, Phoebe Gilbert, Sydney Adams, Olabisi Ebersol, Anna Smart, Ameyah Rodgers, Gabrielle McEachern, Victoria Hess, Maryn Hinton, Cameron Event 190 Discus Throw 1.0gr 11-12 Boys Seed Mark Ambler Track R.C. Salem A Faster You 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 1 2 3 4 5 Harris-Davis, Gabriel Rush, Malik Fountain, Xavier Thompson, Tyreke Stanley, Kyle Daniel Block Chazz Wilks Team Seed Mark Trinity Trac Running Rebe Olney Track Fasst Track Fasst Track 69.50m 92.60m 23.00m 26.95m 23.29m UAGTCA Practice Field - Site License Hy-Tek's MEET MANAGER 3:30 PM 7/12/2014 Page 4 2014 UAGTCA Youth Invitational - 7/18/2014 to 7/20/2014 Leslie C. Quick Stadium Widener University Meet Program - Day 2 Field Events Event 193 Discus Throw 1.6gr 17-18 Men Nat'l Youth: 63.20m 1979 UAGTCA Inv: 49.04m 7/1/2007 Pos Name Flight 1 of 1 Finals 1 2 3 4 5 Jean-Louis, Christian Traboulsi, Hani Stalter, Dan Childs, Naquise Knox, Kevin Clint Johnson Alex Holcombe Team Seed Mark Ambler Unattached Salem Track R.C. Unattached ND ND ND 7.90m 24.38m Event 194 Javelin Throw 600gr 13-14 Boys Nat'l Youth: 59.73m 6/5/2008 UAGTCA Inv: 40.67m 7/1/2007 Pos Name Flight 1 of 1 Finals 1 2 3 Troidle, Harry Wagner, Jason Garcia, Zachary Adam Sparks Brandon McCleese Team Seed Mark New Haven Ag J-Dawg Field Fasst Track 19.81m 33.22m 22.86m Event 195 Javelin Throw 800gr 15-16 Boys Nat'l Youth: 60.96m 7/26/2007 UAGTCA Inv: 58.45m 7/16/2006 Pos Name Flight 1 of 1 Finals 1 2 3 4 Wootten, Tyler Fountain, Xavier Stanley, Kyle Cavallucci, Max Alex Cartwright Jason Flanagan Team Seed Mark Sports Extra Olney Track Fasst Track Ambler 24.38m 37.25m 23.57m ND Event 196 Javelin Throw 800gr 17-18 Men Nat'l Youth: 66.94m 7/26/1994 UAGTCA Inv: 46.66m 7/1/2007 Pos Name Flight 1 of 1 Finals 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Knox, Kevin Childs, Naquise Jean-Louis, Christian Stalter, Dan Watson, Moses Moore, Daquan Palmer, Jordan Patrick Ramsey Alex Holcombe Team Unattached Track R.C. Ambler Salem Unattached Track R.C. A Faster You Seed Mark 44.89m 22.18m ND ND 50.20m 28.91m 42.67m United Age Group Track Coaches Association 2014 Youth Invitational www.uagtca.org Order of Sunday Events July 20, 2014 Running Events TIME 9:00 AM EVENT TYPE Final 800 Meter Run DIVISIONS All Divisions 10:30 AM * * * Opening Ceremonies * * * 11:00 AM 11:00 AM 80 Meter Hurdles Final 11-12 Girls and Boys 11:20 AM 100 Meter Hurdles Final 13-14 Girls and Boys 15-16 Girls 17-18 Girls 12:00 PM 110 Meter Hurdles Final 15-16 Boys, 17-18 Boys 12:20 PM 100 Meter Dash Final All Divisions 12:50 PM 400 Meter Dash Final All Divisions 1:20 PM 1500 Meter Race Walk Final 1:35 PM 3000 Meter Race Walk Final 9-10 Girls and Boys 11-12 Girls and Boys 13-14 Girls and Boys 15-16 Girls and Boys 17-18 Girls and Boys 2:00 PM 200 Meter Dash Final All Divisions 2:30 PM 1600 Meter Relay Final All Divisions ~ Outstanding Athlete and Team Award Presentations ~ 3:45 PM ~ Special 400 Meter Relay ~ Final Mothers, Fathers, Coaches, Mixed Field Events TIME EVENT TYPE DIVISIONS 9:00 AM Triple Jump Final 13-14 Girls and Boys 15-16 Girls and Boys 17-18 Girls and Boys 9:00 AM Hammer Throw Final 15-16 Girls and Boys 17-18 Girls and Boys 10:00 AM Pole Vault Final 13-14 Girls and Boys 15-16 Girls and Boys 17-18 Girls and Boys 12:00 PM Turbo Javelin Throw Final 8&U Girls and Boys 9-10 Girls and Boys 11-12 Girls and Boys Long Jump Final 8&U Girls and Boys 1:00 PM UAGTCA Practice Field - Site License Hy-Tek's MEET MANAGER 2:45 PM 7/13/2014 Page 1 2014 UAGTCA Youth Invitational - 7/18/2014 to 7/20/2014 Leslie C. Quick Stadium Widener University Meet Program - Day 3 Running Events Event 101 800 Meter Run 8-U Girls Sunday 7/20/2014 - 9:00 AM Nat'l Youth: 2:48.08 7/17/2010 UAGTCA Inv: 2:48.08 7/17/2010 Lane Name Section 1 of 1 Finals 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 133 Harley, Nadiah 814 Muhammad, Laila 237 Beasley, Dahlia 284 Wills, Mikayla 568 Harriston, Keyara 460 Massey, Rayana 217 Wilson, Tayla 54 Walton, Anna 156 Allen, Damira 457 Drumwright, Payton 995 Henry-Barnhill, Nakay 1101 Jackson, Dakota 455 Cage, Jalynn 561 Ervin, Liyah 166 Little, Noelle Event 103 800 Meter Run 9-10 Girls Sunday 7/20/2014 - 9:00 AM Tara Johnson Tara Johnson Team Seed Time Clock Chasers South Jersey Eye Catchers Fasst Track Mt. Airy Tra Mallery Chal Comets Ambler Chester Cheetahs Mallery Chal Willingboro Youth All St Mallery Chal Mt. Airy Tra Chester Cheetahs Event 102 800 Meter Run 8-U Boys Sunday 7/20/2014 - 9:00 AM Nat'l Youth: 2:40.42 7/17/2010 UAGTCA Inv: 2:40.42 7/17/2010 Lane Name Section 1 of 2 Finals 1 2 3 402 Ingram, Trai 721 Flint, Jayden 727 Simon, John Stanley St. Fleur Stanley St. Fleur Team Seed Time Infinity Tra Phila. Expre Phila. Expre Section 2 of 2 Finals 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 187 Pleasant-Dorsey, Jaden 379 Kelly, Jhameil 190 Robertson, Derrick 443 Frisby, Keenan 1034 Hightower, Michael 444 Grogan, Daden 1035 Howard, Terrance 439 Cameron, Zachery 857 Lewis, Tahir 862 Ross, Elijah 366 Baker, Everet 191 Sabree, Zaheem 596 Dennison, Jabrelle 590 Austin, Jayden 1030 Fortune, Marcus 692 Waters, Bryshawn Chester Cheetahs I Holla Trac Chester Cheetahs Knights Trac Willingboro Knights Trac Willingboro Knights Trac Transy East Transy East Greater Norr Chester Cheetahs Mt. Airy Tra Mt. Airy Tra Willingboro Omega Track Nat'l Youth: 2:22.78 7/4/2009 UAGTCA Inv: 2:29.18 7/12/2008 Lane Name Section 1 of 2 Finals 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 628 Davis, Donnay 630 Garrett, Sanai 408 Tavares, Paige 539 Johnston, Mia 119 Minor, Jazelle 199 Johnson, Aniyah 663 Castells, Isabella Daesha Rogers Brooklynn Broadwater Team Seed Time New Haven Ag New Haven Ag Juventus Tra Morris Estat Cambria Speed Christian Strong Omega Track Section 2 of 2 Finals 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 210 St Louis, Emily 389 Price, Miracle 1001 Mendez, Alesia 1011 Strong, Semaj 730 Berry, Jenai 229 Cotton, Mileah 1009 Smarr, Nyjah 734 Puryear, Jada Mia 432 Long, Aniya 1058 Campbell, Victoria 435 Rowe, Mya 209 Jackman, Shadea 277 Quinn, Morgan 278 Spriggs, Lnya 462 Sanders, Amber 629 Dawson, Assata Club44 Infinity Tra Willingboro Willingboro Plainfield T Cotton Club Willingboro Plainfield T Knights Trac Winslow Elit Knights Trac Club44 Fasst Track Fasst Track Mallery Chal New Haven Ag Event 104 800 Meter Run 9-10 Boys Sunday 7/20/2014 - 9:00 AM Nat'l Youth: 2:19.74 7/30/2005 UAGTCA Inv: 2:27.22 7/14/2012 Lane Name Section 1 of 3 Finals 1 2 3 4 5 6 1089 Saint- Pierre, Christo 203 Hairston, Darius 188 Powell - Gates, John 343 Shinholster, Lamar 192 Sutton, Dashawn 171 Beckwith - Johnson, Ja Robert Amick Stanley St.Fleur Team Seed Time Winslow Elit Christian Strong Chester Cheetahs Future Olymp Chester Cheetahs Chester Cheetahs UAGTCA Practice Field - Site License Hy-Tek's MEET MANAGER 2:45 PM 7/13/2014 Page 2 2014 UAGTCA Youth Invitational - 7/18/2014 to 7/20/2014 Leslie C. Quick Stadium Widener University Meet Program - Day 3 Running Events Section 2 of 3 Finals...(Event 104 800 Meter Run 9-10 Boys) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 95 Walton, Jonas 876 Harris, Justin 740 Smith, Ian 1023 Cisse, Andrew 648 Perez, Angel 601 Harriston, Dwight 445 Johnson, Donovan 608 Kensey, Jeremiah 370 Walden, Regent 1041 Stoney, Shamir 592 Brown, Elijah 640 Drost, Cayden Ambler Trinity Trac Plainfield T Willingboro New Haven Ag Mt. Airy Tra Knights Trac Mt. Airy Tra Greater Norr Willingboro Mt. Airy Tra New Haven Ag Section 3 of 3 Finals 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 467 Drumwright, Aaron 646 Paragas, Parker 1027 Conyer, Robert 641 Gibbs, Matthew 441 Crisp, Michael 468 Drumwright, Andrew 659 Alston, Gabriel 927 Ojo, Elijah 821 Oshodi, Fazl 227 Young, Robert 222 Dalgetty, Joshua 448 Lewis, Tariq Mallery Chal New Haven Ag Willingboro New Haven Ag Knights Trac Mallery Chal Olney Track Unity Expres South Jersey Comets Comets Knights Trac Event 162 800 Meter Run 11-12 Girls Sunday 7/20/2014 - 9:00 AM Nat'l Youth: 2:13.12 7/26/2008 UAGTCA Inv: 2:14.50 7/18/2010 Lane Name Section 1 of 2 Finals 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 377 Robinson, Atassa 732 Daley, Morgan 427 Cameron, Kennedy 376 Robinson, Assata 165 Jones, Cameron 282 Warner, Sophia 271 Jones, Natalie 938 Folk, Taylor 275 Meadow, Calista 673 Poland, Milan 169 Sabree, Zaheerah 160 Dorsey, Kayla Raevyn Rogers Danae Rivers Team Seed Time I Holla Trac Plainfield T Knights Trac I Holla Trac Chester Cheetahs Fasst Track Fasst Track West Chester Fasst Track Omega Track Chester Cheetahs Chester Cheetahs Section 2 of 2 Finals 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 918 Ojo, Marcia 735 Roach, Sydney 393 Smith, Brianna 1005 Nutt, Sheriyah 733 Patterson, Ashleigh 634 Ruiz, Mary 870 Manley, Colleen A 262 Cunningham, Kaiya 218 Wilson, Tiara 566 Harriston, Aja 428 Hackett, Alexia 267 Harrod, Aalayah 55 Walton, Leah Unity Expres Plainfield T Infinity Tra Willingboro Plainfield T New Haven Ag Trinity Trac Fasst Track Comets Mt. Airy Tra Knights Trac Fasst Track Ambler Event 163 800 Meter Run 11-12 Boys Sunday 7/20/2014 - 9:00 AM Nat'l Youth: 2:07.21 7/29/2001 UAGTCA Inv: 2:16.43 7/17/2011 Lane Name Section 1 of 2 Finals 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 645 Loschiavo, Michael 1037 Jean-baptiste, Joshua 643 Judd, David 447 Johnson-Heyward, Ka 1109 Smith, Cijion 609 Kensey, Noah 1028 Daniel Iii, Valdon 61 Bearce, Mason 60 Bearce, Logan 62 Bearce, Walker 1090 Saint-Pierre, Kalven 174 Bradley-Chamber, Tae Reginald Warren Gregory Gibbs Team Seed Time New Haven Ag Willingboro New Haven Ag Knights Trac Youth All St Mt. Airy Tra Willingboro Ambler Ambler Ambler Winslow Elit Chester Cheetahs Section 2 of 2 Finals 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 1019 Bembridge, Devon 470 Harrison, Marvin 414 St.Fleur, Stanley 928 Plummer, Myles Chris 221 Dalgetty, Caleb 639 Dawson, Azaan 637 Bolden, Caleb 900 Dawkins, Ezekiel 213 Glenn, Kymani 929 Salaam, Azhane 128 Minor, Jordan 967 Jordan, Cooper Willingboro Mallery Chal Juventus Tra Unity Expres Comets New Haven Ag New Haven Ag Unattached Club44 Unity Expres Cambria Speed West Chester UAGTCA Practice Field - Site License Hy-Tek's MEET MANAGER 2:45 PM 7/13/2014 Page 3 2014 UAGTCA Youth Invitational - 7/18/2014 to 7/20/2014 Leslie C. Quick Stadium Widener University Meet Program - Day 3 Running Events Section 2 of 2 Finals Event 164 800 Meter Run 13-14 Girls Sunday 7/20/2014 - 9:00 AM Nat'l Youth: 2:09.00 8/1/1998 UAGTCA Inv: 2:10.04 7/17/2011 Lane Name Section 1 of 2 Finals 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 887 Lucas, Jasmyn 272 Jones, Taylor 384 Johnson, Alejae 651 Carmack, Lindsey 993 Deshield, Alexis 991 Butts, London 45 Lewis, Destiny 431 Jones, Nya 990 Baldonado, Destinie Treani Swain Danae Rivers Team Seed Time Unattached Fasst Track Infinity Tra Nittany Trac Willingboro Willingboro Ambler Knights Trac Willingboro Section 2 of 2 Finals 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 707 Mcneil, Nyjari 544 Wallace, Arianna 106 Thybulle, Zhaneia 574 Kensey, Ciani 890 Rogers, Jessica 932 Coffey, Audrey 540 Mosley, Mikaela 281 Walbrook, Sarah 347 Guy, Charity 1071 Morrison, Alexandria 532 Brown, Daelin 882 Dawkins, Naomi Owings Mills Morris Estat Black Diamond Mt. Airy Tra Unattached West Chester Morris Estat Fasst Track Generation N Winslow Elit Morris Estat Unattached Event 165 800 Meter Run 13-14 Boys Sunday 7/20/2014 - 9:00 AM Nat'l Youth: 1:56.36 7/1/2001 UAGTCA Inv: 2:06.27 7/17/2011 Lane Name Section 1 of 2 Finals 1 2 3 4 5 399 Bland, Khalil 650 Troidle, Harry 502 Ogiste, Marcel 83 Martinez, Sebastian 973 Wilchusky, Connor Cody Harper Saleem Little Team Seed Time Infinity Tra New Haven Ag Maximum Spee Ambler West Chester 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 337 Ojo-Ukanah, Odosa 306 Washington, Keith 855 Jordan, Jeron 305 Warner, James 479 Tripline Jr., Darrell 1021 Brown, Vincent 1029 Duckworth, Juet 1024 Cisse, Christian 605 Karyea, Junior 226 Young, Peter 473 Marshall, Matthew 307 Wiggins-Ingram, Ivan 546 Thomas, Elijah 194 Williams-Clark, Tylee 94 Tilema, Eli 647 Paragas, Spencer Flying Angel Fasst Track Transy East Fasst Track Mallery Chal Willingboro Willingboro Willingboro Mt. Airy Tra Comets Mallery Chal Fasst Track Morris Estat Chester Cheetahs Ambler New Haven Ag Event 166 800 Meter Run 15-16 Girls Sunday 7/20/2014 - 9:00 AM Nat'l Youth: 2:04.83 7/26/2008 UAGTCA Inv: 2:14.30 7/17/2011 Lane Name Section 1 of 1 Finals 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 585 Wilkinson, Gabrielle 583 Stovall, Sydni 120 Pitt, Janae 365 Obrien, Taylor 456 Douglas, Daja 1047 Neal, Myia 584 Trotman, Trelsie 784 Dumpson, Mya 348 Hill-Stewart, Kanitra 785 Feurtado, Erika 8 Sydnor, Jaleah 999 Jones, Nalani 1104 Smith, Emily 242 Lewis, Malika 371 Delgado, Brittany 148 Wilkenson, Tiana Phillis Francis Kali Kendall Team Seed Time Mt. Airy Tra Mt. Airy Tra Cambria Speed Greater Norr Mallery Chal Wilmington T Mt. Airy Tra Ruff Kutz Tr Generation N Ruff Kutz Tr A Faster You Willingboro Youth All St Eye Catchers Hamilton Tra Capital Area UAGTCA Practice Field - Site License Hy-Tek's MEET MANAGER 2:45 PM 7/13/2014 Page 4 2014 UAGTCA Youth Invitational - 7/18/2014 to 7/20/2014 Leslie C. Quick Stadium Widener University Meet Program - Day 3 Running Events Event 167 800 Meter Run 15-16 Boys Sunday 7/20/2014 - 9:00 AM Nat'l Youth: 1:50.51 7/28/2007 UAGTCA Inv: 1:56.50 7/17/2011 Lane Name Section 1 of 2 Finals 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 214 Javois, Keshaun 853 Cosme, Kevin 516 Lytle, Richard 59 Baines, Tariq 1043 Young, Dion 471 Lomax-Osachae, Amir 901 Gordon, Darius 801 Rush, Malik 799 Austin, Joshua 545 Frazier, Justin-Mathis 837 Vinson, Darrion Event 169 800 Meter Run 17-18 Boys Sunday 7/20/2014 - 9:00 AM Howard Shepard Marcus Hatchett Team Seed Time Club44 Transy East Mo Bettah Tr Ambler Willingboro Mallery Chal Unattached Running Rebe Running Rebe Morris Estat SSTC FiNaO Section 2 of 2 Finals 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 332 Joe, Karim 1036 Jean-Baptiste, Isaiah 413 Morris, Aaron 446 Johnson, Jonathan 99 Green, Miles 953 Conway, Ethan 954 Conway, Liam 809 Smith, Jahi 27 Thomas, Jordan 854 Ibarguen, Alejandro 303 Thompson, Tyreke 69 Crosby, Andrew 856 Kishen, Epherain 774 Mercure, Evens 400 Bland, Taj 770 Doumbia, Dama Flying Angel Willingboro Juventus Tra Knights Trac Athletes Academ West Chester West Chester Sigma Intern A Faster You Transy East Fasst Track Ambler Transy East Royalty Infinity Tra Royalty Event 168 800 Meter Run 17-18 Girls Sunday 7/20/2014 - 9:00 AM Nat'l Youth: 2:05.27 7/30/2005 UAGTCA Inv: 2:11.35 7/18/2010 Lane Name Section 1 of 1 Finals 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 564 Groomes, Erica 409 Taylor, Kanae 787 Kirkpatrick, Shaniqua 535 Dorin, Shante 831 Falade, Anita 1061 Edwards, Melanie 981 Riley, Elizabeth 1072 Rivers, Shayla 541 Owens, Angel 490 Bailey, Shanelle 1004 Northern, Nefertiti 35 Deyo, Brittany 511 Lewis, Autumm Sarah Bowman Marielle Hall Team Seed Time Mt. Airy Tra Juventus Tra Ruff Kutz Tr Morris Estat SSTC FiNaO Winslow Elit White Plains Winslow Elit Morris Estat Maximum Spee Willingboro Ambler Mo Bettah Tr Nat'l Youth: 1:49.49 7/27/1999 UAGTCA Inv: 1:54.49 7/13/2008 Lane Name Section 1 of 2 Finals 1 2 3 4 5 6 835 Kyle, Victor 796 Idrahim, Munir 1017 Bakarr, Yunisa 547 Thomas, Isaiah 594 Collins, Dwayne 360 Harlequin, Randy Nick Davenport Sadiki White Team Seed Time SSTC FiNaO Ruff Kutz Tr Willingboro Morris Estat Mt. Airy Tra Gladiators O Section 2 of 2 Finals 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 986 Cartwright, Ricardo 79 Lewis, John 11 Brown, Solomon 517 Maddox, Tyrell 598 Ellis-Foster, Morgan 71 Davis, Kyle 621 Stovall, Sean 780 St. Louis, Donovan 426 Fields, Dayne 1040 Miller, David 622 Surratt, Deion 16 Kazako, Albert White Plains Ambler A Faster You Mo Bettah Tr Mt. Airy Tra Ambler Mt. Airy Tra Royalty Keystone Tra Willingboro Mt. Airy Tra A Faster You Event 170 1500 Meter Race Walk 9-10 Girls Sunday 7/20/2014 - 9:00 AM Nat'l Youth: 7:30.80 7/18/1993 UAGTCA Inv: 10:15.28 7/19/2009 Lane Name Section 1 of 1 Finals 1 429 Hackett, Amanda Elizabeth Paxton Jonaya Mack Team Seed Time Knights Trac Event 172 1500 Meter Race Walk 11-12 Girls Sunday 7/20/2014 - 9:00 AM Nat'l Youth: 6:53.70 7/26/1990 UAGTCA Inv: 8:59.01 7/19/2009 Lane Name Section 1 of 1 Finals 1 2 3 4 160 Dorsey, Kayla 427 Cameron, Kennedy 169 Sabree, Zaheerah 280 Umanzor, Jessica Danielle Safran Candice Bowlding Team Seed Time Chester Cheetahs Knights Trac Chester Cheetahs Fasst Track Event 179 3000 Meter Race Walk 17-18 Boys Sunday 7/20/2014 - 9:00 AM Nat'l Youth: 12:54.88 7/31/1994 Lane Name Section 1 of 1 Finals 1 912 Watson, Moses Kevin Eastler Team Unattached Seed Time UAGTCA Practice Field - Site License Hy-Tek's MEET MANAGER 2:45 PM 7/13/2014 Page 5 2014 UAGTCA Youth Invitational - 7/18/2014 to 7/20/2014 Leslie C. Quick Stadium Widener University Meet Program - Day 3 Running Events Event 42 4x400 Meter Relay 8-U Boys Sunday 7/20/2014 - 9:00 AM Event 46 4x400 Meter Relay 11-12 Boys Sunday 7/20/2014 - 9:00 AM Nat'l Youth: 5:09.43 7/15/2012 Comets Track Club J Dalgetty, D Johnson, J St.Fort, R Young UAGTCA Inv: 5:09.43 7/15/2012 Comets Track Club J Dalgetty, D Johnson, J St.Fort, R Young Nat'l Youth: 3:47.50 7/31/1994 Glenarden TC B Haigler, K Lewis, H Jefferson, A Washington UAGTCA Inv: 4:05.52 7/15/2012 Fasst Track & Field Club E Fogle, M Henderson, H Timite, J Johnson Lane Team Section 1 of 1 Finals Lane Team Section 1 of 1 Finals 3 4 5 Transy East 1) 857 Lewis, Tahir 3) 860 Nyenator, Gabrial Knights Trac 1) 449 Long, James 3) 439 Cameron, Zachery Willingboro 1) 1035 Howard, Terrance 3) 1030 Fortune, Marcus Relay Seed Time A 2 2) 862 Ross, Elijah 4) 861 Pierce, Micah A 3 2) 444 Grogan, Daden 4) 443 Frisby, Keenan A 4 2) 1020 Brown, Antoine 4) 1034 Hightower, Michael 5 Event 44 4x400 Meter Relay 9-10 Boys Sunday 7/20/2014 - 9:00 AM Nat'l Youth: 4:11.54 7/30/2000 Speed City TC Kwame Morgan, Anthony Williams, Tariq Adams, Misha UAGTCA Inv: 4:26.13 7/15/2012 Juventus Track Club I White, D Bellefleur, P Tavares, S St.Fleur Lane Team Section 1 of 1 Finals 4 Willingboro 1) 1041 Stoney, Shamir 3) 1042 Torres, Devin Relay Seed Time A 2) 1023 Cisse, Andrew 4) 1038 Maxwell, Isaiah Event 45 4x400 Meter Relay 11-12 Girls Sunday 7/20/2014 - 9:00 AM 3 4 5 6 Chester Cheetahs 1) 164 Johnson, Mariah 3) 165 Jones, Cameron Mt. Airy Tra 1) 550 Boykin, Jesikah 3) 581 Sergeant, Summer Fasst Track 1) 273 Lewis, Taylor 3) 282 Warner, Sophia Infinity Tra 1) 395 Stovall, Bailie 3) 390 Roberts, Ava Relay Seed Time Willingboro A 1) 1039 Maxwell-Patterson, Rah 3) 1037 Jean-baptiste, Joshua Unity Expres A 1) 923 Hunt, Gabriel 3) 930 Suero Diaz, Gabriel Juventus Tra A 1) 418 White, Isaac 3) 412 Bellefleur, David Fasst Track A 1) 285 Antoine-Pompey, Sebast 3) 304 Trotz, Kamari Cambria Speed A 1) 126 Gentry, Eric 3) 125 Delee, Glenn Seed Time 2) 1028 Daniel Iii, Valdon 4) 1019 Bembridge, Devon 2) 929 Salaam, Azhane 4) 928 Plummer, Myles Christo 2) 415 Talley, Julian 4) 414 St.Fleur, Stanley 2) 300 Muhammad, Zahir 4) 297 Jackson, Justin 2) 128 Minor, Jordan 4) 122 Brown, Jordan Event 47 4x400 Meter Relay 13-14 Girls Sunday 7/20/2014 - 9:00 AM Nat'l Youth: 3:45.90 8/1/1993 Southern California SC Myleik Teele, Regine Caruthers, Malika Edmunson, R UAGTCA Inv: 4:01.07 7/17/2011 Supersonics T. C. Lane Team Section 1 of 1 Finals 1 Nat'l Youth: 3:57.26 7/28/1996 United Stars TC Tiffany Abney, Alyce Williams, Evelyn Dwyer UAGTCA Inv: 4:12.46 7/13/2008 Mt. Airy T. C. C. Moore, A. Peartree, E. Allen, J. Bellefleur Lane Team Section 1 of 1 Finals 6 Relay 2 3 A 2) 159 Clayton, Jiya 4) 168 Poteat, Makyiah 4 2) 569 Holmes, Kyndall 4) 587 Williams, Skai 5 2) 276 Mitchell, Tai 4) 262 Cunningham, Kaiya 6 2) 381 Furtick, Taliyah 4) 387 Mcginty, Caitlin 7 A A A Willingboro 1) 991 Butts, London 3) 1007 Scotton, Makinze Omega Track 1) 671 Muns, Kayla 3) 676 Williams, Zaria Morris Estat 1) 530 Adams, Olabisi 3) 540 Mosley, Mikaela Flying Angel 1) 323 Samuel, Gevonna 3) 318 Lambert, Nhkeeda Winslow Elit 1) 1071 Morrison, Alexandria 3) 1063 Hess, Maryn Ambler 1) 44 Lewis, Brielle 3) 45 Lewis, Destiny Fasst Track 1) 281 Walbrook, Sarah 3) 260 Braxton, Jordan Relay Seed Time A 2) 1002 Minus-Vincent, Darynn 4) 993 Deshield, Alexis A 2) 667 Hood, Nicole 4) 674 Smart, Ameyah A 2) 536 Dorin, Shynera 4) 544 Wallace, Arianna A 2) 317 Kennedy-Swan, Desiree 4) 309 Abule, Esther A 2) 1054 Ash, Jewel 4) 1052 Ahirakwe, Flora A 2) 43 Kwortnik, Natalie 4) 34 Crosby, Alexis A 2) 272 Jones, Taylor 4) 269 Howell, Jaelyn UAGTCA Practice Field - Site License Hy-Tek's MEET MANAGER 2:45 PM 7/13/2014 Page 6 2014 UAGTCA Youth Invitational - 7/18/2014 to 7/20/2014 Leslie C. Quick Stadium Widener University Meet Program - Day 3 Running Events Event 48 4x400 Meter Relay 13-14 Boys Sunday 7/20/2014 - 9:00 AM Event 50 4x400 Meter Relay 15-16 Boys Sunday 7/20/2014 - 9:00 AM Nat'l Youth: 3:23.96 8/1/1993 Los Angeles Jets Lonie Cruel, Aaron Dean, Patrick McCall,Obea Moore UAGTCA Inv: 3:37.44 7/15/2012 Fasst Track & Field Club C Murray, B Watson, A Mcfarland, T Terry Nat'l Youth: 3:13.40 7/29/2001 New Horizon "A" Lawrence Jackson, Cedric Goodman, Reginald Withers UAGTCA Inv: 3:25.76 7/13/2008 Morris Estate T. C. Lane Team Section 1 of 1 Finals 3 4 5 6 Relay Seed Time 4 Omega Track 1) 678 Banks, Devon. 3) 677 Abdullah, Umar Fasst Track 1) 291 Fogle, Ethan 3) 308 Wilson, Nicholas Flying Angel 1) 334 Mccarroll, Joshua 3) 327 Ballentine-Campbell, Ma Maximum Spee 1) 496 Cruz, Jaiden 3) 506 Stokes, Shawn A 2) 694 Whyte, Romario 4) 689 Poland, Marcellus 2) 299 Johnson, Jermaine 4) 306 Washington, Keith A 2) 328 Buzangu, Etyvick 4) 337 Ojo-Ukanah, Odosa A 2) 503 Simmons, Hasjonn 4) 502 Ogiste, Marcel Nat'l Youth: 3:38.37 7/30/2000 United Stars Christina Smith, Tiffany Abney, Tiffany Bradley, UAGTCA Inv: 3:53.02 7/13/2008 Mt. Airy T. C. C Moore, S Lawrence, T Cooper, T Cooper 2 3 4 5 6 Royalty 1) 758 Grice, Mikayla 3) 757 Graham, Tishun Mt. Airy Tra 1) 555 Coleman, Amira 3) 559 Dorsey, Avani Mt. Airy Tra 1) 552 Carroll, Kyra 3) 585 Wilkinson, Gabrielle Willingboro 1) 1012 Taylor, Aliyah 3) 1010 Smith, Shanell Capital Area 1) 139 Evans, Alysha 3) 148 Wilkenson, Tiana 5 A Event 49 4x400 Meter Relay 15-16 Girls Sunday 7/20/2014 - 9:00 AM Lane Team Section 1 of 1 Finals Lane Team Section 1 of 1 Finals Relay Lane Team Section 1 of 1 Finals 2 3 4 5 B A 2) 583 Stovall, Sydni 4) 553 Carter, Cheyenne A 2) 998 Jackson, Kayla 4) 1008 Shelton, Donyae A 2) 147 Thompson, Jada 4) 137 Brooks, Yasmin A 2) 771 Ghallan, Harmeet 4) 768 Dastine, Alvin A 2) 1043 Young, Dion 4) 1031 Gibson, Tayvon Nat'l Youth: 3:35.51 7/29/2001 "United Stars "A" Evelyn Dwyer,Dominique Darden,Danielle Rogers,Tiff UAGTCA Inv: 3:46.42 7/15/2012 Just Do It Track Club C Brown, C Williams, S Wilson, K Woodall A 2) 556 Dallas, Taylar 4) 584 Trotman, Trelsie Seed Time Event 51 4x400 Meter Relay 17-18 Girls Sunday 7/20/2014 - 9:00 AM Seed Time 2) 755 Caldwell, Maya 4) 766 Trotter, Jessica Royalty 1) 778 Sichano, Gianni 3) 777 Outland, Romeo Willingboro 1) 1036 Jean-Baptiste, Isaiah 3) 1018 Bell, Zavian Relay 6 White Plains 1) 983 Tirelli, Brianna 3) 978 Kelly, Tara Morris Estat 1) 533 Clark, Tiara 3) 541 Owens, Angel Winslow Elit 1) 1065 Hines, Daijah 3) 1061 Edwards, Melanie Capital Area 1) 146 Street, Andrea 3) 135 Alberici, Katy Royalty 1) 756 Clements, Victoria 3) 754 Blackston, Ashna Relay Seed Time A 2) 981 Riley, Elizabeth 4) 975 Campisi, Christine A 2) 535 Dorin, Shante 4) 537 Forsythe, Meghan A 2) 1067 Jackson, Sydney 4) 1060 Cooper, Thaila A 2) 141 Johnson, Christina 4) 142 Leonzo, Nicole A 2) 760 Irving, Gabrielle 4) 761 Jackson, Anitra UAGTCA Practice Field - Site License Hy-Tek's MEET MANAGER 2:45 PM 7/13/2014 Page 7 2014 UAGTCA Youth Invitational - 7/18/2014 to 7/20/2014 Leslie C. Quick Stadium Widener University Meet Program - Day 3 Running Events Event 52 4x400 Meter Relay 17-18 Boys Sunday 7/20/2014 - 9:00 AM Nat'l Youth: 3:06.22 7/29/2007 16 33 So Cal Running Cougars R Wyatt, J Hughes, N Gutteriez, J Anderson UAGTCA Inv: 3:13.92 7/13/2008 Mt. Airy T. C. Lane Team Section 1 of 1 Finals 2 3 4 5 6 Ambler 1) 86 Mollick, Alexander 3) 71 Davis, Kyle Sigma Intern 1) 808 Ponzo, Ahmere 3) 812 Wilkenson, Jalen A Faster You 1) 26 Thomas, Eric 3) 11 Brown, Solomon Mt. Airy Tra 1) 598 Ellis-Foster, Morgan 3) 589 Anderson, Elijah Royalty 1) 782 Todd, Colyn 3) 781 Thomas, Akiem Relay Seed Time A 2) 88 Richardson, Cordell 4) 79 Lewis, John A 2) 807 Moscoe, Justin 4) 810 Wells, Charlie A 2) 12 Carrington, Dillon 4) 18 Marsh, Justin A 2) 600 Harris, Dennis 4) 621 Stovall, Sean A 2) 779 Siefa, Walter 4) 780 St. Louis, Donovan UAGTCA Practice Field - Site License Hy-Tek's MEET MANAGER 2:47 PM 7/13/2014 Page 1 2014 UAGTCA Youth Invitational - 7/18/2014 to 7/20/2014 Leslie C. Quick Stadium Widener University Meet Program - Day 3 Field Events Event 71 Javelin Throw Turbo 300gr 8-U Girls Sunday 7/20/2014 - 12:00 PM Nat'l Youth: 11.85m 7/13/2012 UAGTCA Inv: 14.98m 7/15/2011 Pos Name Flight 1 of 1 Finals 1 2 3 4 997 Howard, Milan 157 Allen, Ruqayyah 747 Thomas, Ayanie 869 Mack, Dacia Makayla Gatlin Jazzlyn Pegram Team Seed Mark Willingboro Chester Cheetahs Rock City St Trinity Trac Event 72 Javelin Throw Turbo 300gr 8-U Boys Sunday 7/20/2014 - 12:00 PM Nat'l Youth: 18.22m 7/13/2012 UAGTCA Inv: 18.33m 6/29/2007 Pos Name Flight 1 of 1 Finals 1 2 3 4 724 Johnson, Siraj 478 Tripline, Solomon 186 Muhammad, Hakim 721 Flint, Jayden Omar Leggett Malcolm Brown Team Seed Mark Phila. Expre Mallery Chal Chester Cheetahs Phila. Expre Event 73 Javelin Throw Turbo 300gr 9-10 Girls Sunday 7/20/2014 - 12:00 PM Nat'l Youth: 37.15m 7/29/2007 UAGTCA Inv: 17.20m 7/11/2008 Pos Name Flight 1 of 1 Finals 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 115 Brown-Comer, Angel 867 Harrison, Amariah 158 Allen, Taaliyah 118 Harvey, Moniyah 750 Thomas, Tyaja 145 Scott, Skye 871 Marshall, Janelle 565 Hall, Iyana 509 Brown, Asya 652 Geduldig, Madeline 658 Warren, Asia Mystasia Alexander Deanna Kerr Team Seed Mark Cambria Speed Trinity Trac Chester Cheetahs Cambria Speed Rock City St Capital Area Trinity Trac Mt. Airy Tra Mo Bettah Tr Nittany Trac Olney Track Event 74 Javelin Throw Turbo 300gr 9-10 Boys Sunday 7/20/2014 - 12:00 PM Nat'l Youth: 41.16m 6/10/2007 UAGTCA Inv: 35.13m 7/13/2012 Pos Name Flight 1 of 1 Finals 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 752 St Paul, Detton 132 Thompson, Rayshon 662 Welch, Jace 725 McArthur, Saleem 684 Davis, A. J. 659 Alston, Gabriel 644 Lasane Jr., Russell 969 Rodriguez, Julian 466 Bolger, Wahid 1092 Vennie, Zaire 661 Thompson, Malik 640 Drost, Cayden 468 Drumwright, Andrew Armand Shyne Damon Winston Team Seed Mark Rock City St Cambria Speed Olney Track Phila. Expre Omega Track Olney Track New Haven Ag West Chester Mallery Chal Winslow Elit Olney Track New Haven Ag Mallery Chal Event 75 Javelin Throw Turbo 300gr 11-12 Girls Sunday 7/20/2014 - 12:00 PM Nat'l Youth: 42.88m 7/28/2005 UAGTCA Inv: 25.85m 7/13/2012 Pos Name Flight 1 of 1 Finals 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 868 Jones, Mya 280 Umanzor, Jessica 746 Schonenberg, Gillian 531 Austin, Layla 437 Scott, Kenndi 634 Ruiz, Mary 657 Johnson, Dahsia 863 Akande, Kemi 390 Roberts, Ava 748 Thomas, Brianna 434 Neal, Kaiya Hannah Carson Precious Battle Team Seed Mark Trinity Trac Fasst Track Rock City St Morris Estat Knights Trac New Haven Ag Olney Track Trinity Trac Infinity Tra Rock City St Knights Trac Event 76 Javelin Throw Turbo 300gr 11-12 Boys Sunday 7/20/2014 - 12:00 PM Nat'l Youth: 54.53m 7/21/2006 UAGTCA Inv: 30.92m 7/16/2010 Pos Name Flight 1 of 1 Finals 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 606 Kemp, Carnell 1110 Walker, Ottangue 615 Munroe, Cory 298 Jamison, Chaun 1091 Smith-Stroud, Isaiah 293 Garnett, Aaron 470 Harrison, Marvin 123 Comer, Anthony Aaron Potter Tyrone Flemmings Team Seed Mark Mt. Airy Tra Youth All St Mt. Airy Tra Fasst Track Winslow Elit Fasst Track Mallery Chal Cambria Speed UAGTCA Practice Field - Site License Hy-Tek's MEET MANAGER 2:47 PM 7/13/2014 Page 2 2014 UAGTCA Youth Invitational - 7/18/2014 to 7/20/2014 Leslie C. Quick Stadium Widener University Meet Program - Day 3 Field Events Event 77 Hammer Throw 4kg 15-16 Girls Sunday 7/20/2014 - 9:00 AM Nat'l Youth: 46.84m 7/29/2007 UAGTCA Inv: 46.02m 7/16/2010 Pos Name Flight 1 of 1 Finals 1 892 Seifert, Olivia Event 186 Triple Jump 15-16 Girls Sunday 7/20/2014 - 9:00 AM Lauren Chambers Ashlen Veatch Team Seed Mark Unattached Event 78 Hammer Throw 12lb 15-16 Boys Sunday 7/20/2014 - 9:00 AM Nat'l Youth: 20.00m 7/13/2012 UAGTCA Inv: 20.00m 7/13/2012 Pos Name Flight 1 of 1 Finals 1 2 799 Austin, Joshua 801 Rush, Malik Joseph Castaldo Joseph Castaldo Team Seed Mark Running Rebe Running Rebe Event 184 Triple Jump 13-14 Girls Sunday 7/20/2014 - 9:00 AM Nat'l Youth: 11.92m 4/24/1999 UAGTCA Inv: 11.01m 7/19/2009 Pos Name Flight 1 of 1 Finals 1 2 3 4 936 Ebersol, Anna 1063 Hess, Maryn 454 Bolen, Sierra 554 Coleman, Ameena Nicole Duhart Diamond Hodge Team Seed Mark Pos Name Flight 1 of 1 Finals 1 2 3 328 Buzangu, Etyvick 98 Cooper, Akeem 654 Hamilton, Lance Michael Martin Justin Donawa Team Pos Name Flight 1 of 1 Finals 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 1049 Walker, Tina 556 Dallas, Taylar 50 Nixon, Shannon 52 Sexton, Hannah 1103 Langley-Walker, Mad 829 Morgan, Layne 1048 Shamlin, Daysha 494 Smith, Shaina 1069 Mckoy, Portia 839 Broadus, Asia 1066 Hines, Janiyah Seed Mark Flying Angel Athletes Academ Nittany Trac Deanna Simmons Krystina Muhammad Team Seed Mark Wilmington T Mt. Airy Tra Ambler Ambler Youth All St Sports Extra Wilmington T Maximum Spee Winslow Elit Track R.C. Winslow Elit Event 187 Triple Jump 15-16 Boys Sunday 7/20/2014 - 9:00 AM Nat'l Youth: 15.08m 7/29/1995 UAGTCA Inv: 13.46m 7/13/2008 Pos Name Flight 1 of 1 Finals West Chester Winslow Elit Mallery Chal Mt. Airy Tra Event 185 Triple Jump 13-14 Boys Sunday 7/20/2014 - 9:00 AM Nat'l Youth: 13.41m 1980 UAGTCA Inv: 12.53m 7/18/2010 Nat'l Youth: 12.53m 7/30/1983 UAGTCA Inv: 11.65m 7/16/2006 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 957 Cooper, Myles 151 Clark, Maachi 92 Testa, Stephen 845 Mason, Dontae 69 Crosby, Andrew 768 Dastine, Alvin 19 Meekins, Christopher 254 Lewis, Matthew 255 Marks, Michael 207 Nobles, Prince Chris Hercules Marquis Dendy Team Seed Mark West Chester Capital Area Ambler Track R.C. Ambler Royalty A Faster You Fairless Hil Fairless Hil Christian Strong Event 188 Triple Jump 17-18 Girls Sunday 7/20/2014 - 9:00 AM Nat'l Youth: 13.01m 7/28/1996 UAGTCA Inv: 12.04m 7/13/2008 Pos Name Flight 1 of 1 Finals 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 843 White, Jada 560 Edwards, Tanise 7 Price, Isabelle 373 Smith, Carlee 32 Becker, Grace 827 Timoney, Jaclyn 653 Karpenko, Veronika 135 Alberici, Katy 247 Bussey, Kiana Alicia Broussard Krystina Muhammad Team Track R.C. Mt. Airy Tra A Faster You Hamilton Tra Ambler Sports Extra Nittany Trac Capital Area Fairless Hil Seed Mark UAGTCA Practice Field - Site License Hy-Tek's MEET MANAGER 2:47 PM 7/13/2014 Page 3 2014 UAGTCA Youth Invitational - 7/18/2014 to 7/20/2014 Leslie C. Quick Stadium Widener University Meet Program - Day 3 Field Events Event 189 Triple Jump 17-18 Boys Sunday 7/20/2014 - 9:00 AM Event 54 Long Jump 8-U Boys Sunday 7/20/2014 - 12:00 PM Nat'l Youth: 16.72m 7/29/2004 UAGTCA Inv: 14.06m 7/13/2008 Pos Name Flight 1 of 1 Finals 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 912 Watson, Moses 508 Thomson, Kevin 70 Dandrea, Christian 65 Bumpas, Tabriz 374 Hardee, Darryl 112 Mcrae, Rayshawn 73 Fenstermacher, Brett 507 Thomson, Andrew 28 Thomas, Nijel 405 Wright, Chrishawn Kenneth Hall Rolston Braithwaite Team Seed Mark Unattached Maximum Spee Ambler Ambler Hamilton Tra Blazing Tornado Ambler Maximum Spee A Faster You Infinity Tra Event 202 Pole Vault 17-18 Boys Sunday 7/20/2014 - 10:00 AM Nat'l Youth: UAGTCA Inv: 5.31m 7/30/2006 4.05m 7/19/2009 Pos Name Flight 1 of 1 Finals 1 690 Richman, Andrew Casey Roche Michael Maira Team Seed Mark Omega Track Event 53 Long Jump 8-U Girls Sunday 7/20/2014 - 12:00 PM Nat'l Youth: UAGTCA Inv: 3.54m 7/15/2012 4.00m 7/13/2008 Pos Name Flight 1 of 1 Finals 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 889 Middleton, Mia 353 Webb, Jamiya 394 Smith, Brooke-Lynn 636 Williams-Monroe, Aya 708 Staats, Shania 237 Beasley, Dahlia 455 Cage, Jalynn 813 Harris, Darian 396 Stovall, Quin 383 Hafkin, Miriam 1096 Avent, Kassadi 349 Kindell, Nylah 460 Massey, Rayana 1101 Jackson, Dakota Kennedi Avent Sydni Townsend Team Seed Mark Unattached Generation N Infinity Tra New Haven Ag Owings Mills Eye Catchers Mallery Chal South Jersey Infinity Tra Infinity Tra Youth All St Generation N Mallery Chal Youth All St Nat'l Youth: UAGTCA Inv: 3.56m 7/15/2012 3.91m 7/13/2008 Pos Name Flight 1 of 2 Finals 1 2 3 367 Obrien, Joseph 368 Talley, Lawson 154 Scott, Gabriel Mekhi Rodgers Akeem Cooper Team Seed Mark Greater Norr Greater Norr Capital Area Flight 2 of 2 Finals 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 398 Bland, Isaiah 295 Hayer, Tariq 742 Princilus, Christopher 818 Lipsey, Marlum 206 Nobles, Jeremiah 208 Thime, Zyayre 688 Langston, Christian 403 Roberts, Jon 205 Jowers, Laben 612 Marable, Elijah 1107 Ingram, Jonathan 836 Reece, Akhili 402 Ingram, Trai 1095 Wise, Evan 525 Cooper, Noah Infinity Tra Fasst Track Princilus Ki South Jersey Christian Strong Christian Strong Omega Track Infinity Tra Christian Strong Mt. Airy Tra Youth All St SSTC FiNaO Infinity Tra Wise Morris Count United Age Group Track Coaches Association 2014 Youth Invitational www.uagtca.org 2013 Outstanding Athlete Award Winners Division Athlete Affiliation 8 & Under Girls Avery Lewis Infinity Track Club 8 & Under Boys Robert Conyer Willingboro Track Club 9-10 Girls Tia Taylor Mt. Airy Track Club 9-10 Boys Isaac White Juventus Track Club 11-12 Girls Athing Mu Trenton Track Club 11-12 Boys David Bellefleur Juventus Track Club 13-14 Girls Chanel Brissette Ambler Olympic Club 13-14 Boys D’Andre Swift The Athletes Academy 15-16 Girls Emily Stauffer Unattached 15-16 Boys Christian Brissette Ambler Olympic Club 15-16 Boys John Lewis Ambler Olympic Club 17-18 Girls Tory Roberson Winslow Elite Track Club 17-18 Boys Zyair Clemens Trenton Track Club United Age Group Track Coaches Association 2014 Youth Invitational www.uagtca.org Proudly Presents the 2014 Madeline Regina Willette Memorial Scholarship Award This scholarship award was established in 2009 in honor of Madeline R. Wille e who was a charter member and integral part of the United Age Group Track Coaches Associa on. Madeline’s reless efforts on behalf of the UAGTCA, the children she coached in the Philadelphia Express Track Club, as well as those she taught in the Philadelphia Archdiocesan School system, will never be forgo en or replaced. This Award in her name reflects our con nued commitment to the ideals she stood for in life. - 2014 MRW Scholarship Award Committee - Rhonda Baker - Diane Jackson - Gaynelle Lewis United Age Group Track Coaches Association 2014 Youth Invitational www.uagtca.org The Madeline Regina Willette Scholarship Award Committee Congratulates Sarena Shuman 2014 Female MRW Award Recipient T he United Age Group Track Coaches AssociaƟon (UAGTCA) is proud to present its 2014 Madeline R. Wille e Memorial Scholarship Award to Ms. Sarena Shuman. Sarena is a member of the Mallery Challengers Track Club, coached for 12 years by Daryl Murphy. Daryl says “Sarena is a coaches dream athlete: intelligent, ar culate, talented, hard-working, focus and dedicated, - the Total Package!” Serena graduated from Science Leadership Academy with a 3.82 GPA and will a end Hampton University in the Fall. She has been accepted and welcomed into Hampton’s Nursing Program. In Serena’s own words: “Running track has shaped me into who I am today. Track requires hard work, dedica on, leadership, discipline, and self perseverance. I gained all of those quali es over the years I have run. These quali es were learned and applied to my outside ac vi es as well. I was able to join and become captain of my high school Track & Field, Cross Country and Basketball teams. I also became President of the Mayor’s Youth Commission Health Commi ee and started a Girl’s Up Club chapter at my High School while maintaining a 3.82 GPA. Being involved in these ac vi es help me become more than an athlete. I was taught by my parents and track coach that being an athlete is not enough. So, I found myself working hard towards my academics and community service. In order to run for Mallery Challengers you are required to show your report card every marking period. If you do not want to hear Coach Daryl’s loud mouth you need to maintain good grades. I believe being a student athlete shapes you into being a hardworking individual. True athletes are hard workers and they are dedicated to do anything they do. I honestly believe without Mallery Challengers Track Club and UAGTCA I wouldn’t be where I am today.” Sarena is obviously an excellent example of the blend between academics and athle cs that exemplifies every winner of the MRW Scholarship award and the UAGTCA proudly congratulates her! United Age Group Track Coaches Association 2014 Youth Invitational www.uagtca.org The Madeline Regina Willette Scholarship Award Committee Congratulates Walter L. Pegues, Jr. 2014 Male MRW Award Recipient The United Age Group Track Coaches AssociaƟon (UAGTCA) is proud to present its 2014 Madeline R. WilleƩe Memorial Scholarship Award to Mr. Walter L. Pegues, Jr. Walt was a member of the Cambria Youth AssociaƟon from 2003‐2010, coached by his dad, Walt Pegues, Sr. He was the UAGTCA Outstanding Athlete runner‐up in 2008. In addi on to track and field, Walt’s athle c ac vi es included football and basketball. During his high school years at Central High School, Walt par cipated in the 100, 200, 400, 800, 1500, Long Jump, Triple Jump, High Jump and related relays. His personal record was in the 100 meter dash with a me of 10.77. Walt earned Public League Championship tles for the 100 meter dash, Triple Jump and Long Jump. He a ributes of lot of his drive and determina on to the sport of Track & Field. He says, “many of the obstacles I had to overcome, and the lessons I learned from the sport, shaped me into the young man I am today. I learned that hard work and determinaƟon trumps just about anything.” Walt’s academic record is as impressive as his athle c record. He graduated from Central H. S., one of the most pres gious schools in the state, with a 3.82 GPA. His high school track and field coach, Fred McCray, says that Walt has displayed nothing less than a professional demeanor as an excellent student and phenomenal athlete throughout his educa onal career at Central. He further states that Walt is an extremely hard worker with a fierce determina on and will stop at nothing to improve and a ain his goals. His high school football coach, Rich Drayton, says Walt is a gi ed athlete who scored 1500 plus on the SAT and 24 on the ACT. Rich expresses that Walt is a leader on and off the field, a level‐headed young man that will be a produc ve ci zen in our society. Walt has been accepted to the Robert E. Cook Honors College at Indiana University of Pennsylvania! He will en‐ ter in the Fall 2014 term as a Communica ons Media major in the College of Educa on and Educa onal Technol‐ ogy. Walt is obviously an excellent example of the blend between academics and athle cs that exemplifies every win‐ ner of the MRW Scholarship award and the UAGTCA proudly congratulates him! United Age Group Track Coaches Association 2014 Youth Invitational www.uagtca.org ~ Photography ~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Official UAGTCA Meet Photographer Craig Lewis 610-659-5862 For UAGTCA Meet pictures, visit my gallery at http://www.pbase.com/craiglewis/uagtca Established in 2005, Portrait in Motion is a sports photography company that takes memorable portraits of athletes in action. We specialize in providing high quality, customized pictures that capture the accomplishments of our athletes and bring smiles to faces, young and old. Portrait in Motion also provides Customized Photos for all occasions including Sporting Events, Weddings, Proms, and Birthday Celebrations. At Portrait in Motions, We Shoot for the Stars… Gregory Wilkinson / James Jones Email: 24PIMphotography@gmail.com *** Visit our photo booth in the vending area *** United Age Group Track Coaches Association 2014 Youth Invitational www.uagtca.org UAGI Featured Athlete Bio Markeeta S. Thomas Name: Team: Markeeta S. Thomas Age: 16 Cambria Speed Youth AssociaƟon , Philadelphia PA Coach: Glenn DeLee Favorite Events and Personal Bests: Event: 100m Hurdles Mark: 14:13 Event: 300m Hurdles Mark: 43.32 Event: 200m Mark: 25.06 Event: High Jump Mark: 5’ 4” Event Goals for this year: 1. To go under 14 seconds in the 100m hurdles. 2. Run 41 seconds in the 300 hurdles 3. High Jump 5’ 7”. Honors, Awards and RecogniƟons: Set the PIAA AA State record in the 100m hurdles at 14.13. All-State honors in the 100m hurdles. All-State honors in the 300m hurdles. PIAA AA State Champion in the 100m hurdles and 300m hurdles. Member of the PIAA AA State Champion 4x400 relay team at Paul Robeson High School, Philadelphia PA PIAA District XII AA Champion: High Jump, 4x100m relay, 100m hurdles and 300m hurdles. Philadelphia Public League Champion in the High Jump, 4x400 relay, 100m hurdles and 300m hurdles Pre- Event Ritual: None. Just goes with the flow. When I’m not compeƟng I like to: Relax at home with family and friends. What I enjoy most about track and field is: Mee ng new people at the various track meets that we par cipate in around the country. United Age Group Track Coaches Association 2014 Youth Invitational www.uagtca.org Cambria Speed Youth Association Founder: Walter Pegues * Head Coach: Glenn DeLee Assistant Coaches - Mark Thomas and Tamika Samuels-Richardson Secretary / Treasurer - Lynn DeLee Our Mission To use athletics as an alternative to crime, drugs and violence. To provide an atmosphere that promotes respect for self and others. To help foster discipline and responsible behavior. To cooperate with other community organizations that provides services to children and youth. To motivate children and youth to learn and to encourage them to attend college or technical training schools. The Staff of Cambria Speed Youth Association United Age Group Track Coaches Association 2014 Youth Invitational www.uagtca.org Mallery Challengers Track Club Founded 1971 Head Coach : Daryl R. Murphy (484-904-2387) Assistants: Oliver Williams, Melita Johnson, Cheron Walker The Mallery Challengers Track Club was founded in April 1971 at the Mallery Recreation Center by George Anderson an assistant recreation leader at the center. The Mallery Track Club is a co-ed program organized to promote the development of youth through the sport of track and field. We train our participants according to their abilities and we stress using track as a vehicle to further their education. Over the years many members of the Mallery Track Club have won college scholarships and countless others are established as solid citizens and family leaders in their communities. United Age Group Track Coaches Association 2014 Youth Invitational www.uagtca.org Morris Estate Track Club Head Coach Bob Jackson Administrative Assistant Diane Vaughn Girls Coach Mike Mosley ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Morris Estate Track Club is one of the longest continually run youth track and field programs in America. Founded in 1970 at the Morris Estate Recreation Center in the West Oak Lane neighborhood of Philadelphia, PA by Bob Jackson, the program has been home to hundreds of athletes who have represented themselves, their families, and their communities with distinction while wearing the distinguished red and white colors. Morris Estate Track Club is a brand that is known nationally. The club is always competitive in local, regional, and national meets. At its origins, and for much of its history, the club was known as a strictly boys team. However, over the past decade girls were welcomed into the mix and have enhanced and followed in the traditions and standards of excellence established by the club. Our scholar athletes have proven their capabilities at the highest levels of competition over the past few seasons while earning high finishes at AAU and USATF Junior Olympics. While the name Morris Estate is prominently displayed in many record books across the country, the program is most proud of the many youth who have gone on to college on track and academic scholarships who now serve as integral parts of their villages. As a loyal and charter member of the UAGTCA, the Morris Estate family eagerly looks forward to competing in the UAG Invitational! The meet has proven itself to be a top notch championship meet with superb competition that prepares all its participants for the national championship meets that conclude the season. For more information concerning Morris Estate Track Club feel free to email us at morrisestate1@gmail.com United Age Group Track Coaches Association 2014 Youth Invitational www.uagtca.org Mt. Airy Track Club Head Coach Teri Russel-Bizzle Asst. Coach - Lloyd Sharpe Asst. Coach - Keyan Harris Asst. Coach - Alexis Anderson Asst. Coach - Kadedra Best Asst. Coach - Gina Harris Asst. Coach - Helmut McIntosh Mt. Airy Track Club (MATC), founded by Sydney Russel (Coach Teri’s father) in 1975, is a 501(c)(3) IRS designated non-profit and membership based United Way Organization consisting of youth athletes ages 6 – 18, parents, and volunteer coaching staff. MATC provides training programs and competitive events in the disciplines of track and field training and cross-country. MATC is a member of the Amateur Athletic Union (AAU), USA Track and Field (USATF) and United Age Group Track Coaches Association (UATCA), and competes in AAU and USATF sanctioned events. The Club's mission is to support the overall growth and development of its participant athletes by developing physical and athletic skills while instilling leadership, building character, and sportsmanship Thirty-nine (39) years and still Strong!! “M.A. All Day” United Age Group Track Coaches Association 2014 Youth Invitational www.uagtca.org Olney Eagles Track Club Olney Eagles Where Champions Are Made!!!! Founder—Shawn German Head Coach - David Harris Asst. Coach - Ryan Alston Asst. Coach — Jermaine Broadus Our Mission is to provide opportunities for the youth in our neighborhood to train and compete while in a safe environment while building strong character to help them realize their full potential. Olney Recreation Center A & Champlost St. Philadelphia PA 19120 United Age Group Track Coaches Association 2014 Youth Invitational www.uagtca.org Philadelphia Express Track Club President / Head Coach Rhonda Baker Vice President / Coach Debora Harris Coaching Staff: Lauren Deas Stacy Downer Stephanie Logan Shawn Burrell Marc Cobbs Kenny Couser Nigel Green Mark Johnson Stewart Wanser The goal of the Philadelphia Express Track Club is to encourage our athletes to show good sportsmanship, proper respect for community property, individual team and community pride, juvenile decency and sound moral character. One of the exciting features of our program is the travel that is involved. Travel is a wonderful learning experience that allows our athletes to compete against regional and national competition while meeting other athletes from different areas and backgrounds. We are a year round program with three distinct seasons. Our outdoor season last from April to July, our Cross Country season runs from September to November and our indoor season covers the months of January through February. United Age Group Track Coaches Association 2014 Youth Invitational www.uagtca.org Willingboro Track Club Striving to Be the Best we can Be in Life, Academics and Athletics Organized: 1968 Incorporated: 1988 Jeff Scott Sr. President / Co-Head Coach / Training / College Guidance Lenore Scott Vice President / Treasurer / Coach Visit us at: E-Mail: wscott5@hotmail.com A.T.N.T.GRAPHICS SCREEN PRINTING Philadelphia, PA 19124 We print on Mouse Pads, Towels, Tee Shirts, Sweat Shirts, Sweat Pants, Shorts, Bags, Hats, Warm-ups, and Jackets. No job too big or small. Call for sizes and availability. MOST JOBS DONE IN TWO WEEKS OR LESS!!! “We have spoiled every customer since 1992" CUSTOM PRINTED APPAREL Schools Businesses Organizations Church Events Sport Teams Graduations Family Reunions Birthdays TEE SHIRTS AS LOW AS $5.00 ART DEPARTMENT Full art department on premises. Four color process, index and spot color separation. If you have a design that you want on a shirt we can do it. If you have an idea, we can produce it. W 250 600,000 Phone: 267-231-ATNT Email: atntgraphix@yahoo.com . TheUAGITraditionContinues….. UAGTCA M EMBER C LUBS THANKS OUR SPONSORS Head Coach Club Cambria Speed Youth Association Enon Track Ministry Tori Reese Mallery Challengers Track Club Morris Estate Track Club Daryl Murphy Bob Jackson / Mike Mosley Mt. Airy Track Club Teri Bizzle Olney Track Club Shawn German Philadelphia Express Track Club Willingboro Track Club Glenn DeLee Rhonda Baker Jeff Scott The UAGTCA is a United Way agency. We ask you to consider us as your Donor Choice agency during your Fall open season workplace campaign by using our code #48881. Please help keep our program strong by making your TAX FREE donation in support of the UAGTCA.. Leslie M. Stokes ~ Gold Benefactor
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