Jezzaboo, Nettle, and Sasha, eds., Earth First! 29, no. 5 (1 July 2009


Jezzaboo, Nettle, and Sasha, eds., Earth First! 29, no. 5 (1 July 2009
Full citation:
Jezzaboo, Nettle, and Sasha, eds., Earth First! 29, no. 5 (1 July 2009
[wrongly stated as 1 May]). Digitized in cooperation with the
Bayerische Staatsbibliothek.
All rights reserved. The user may download, preserve and print this
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Lughn~sadh July-August 2009
snags. Pampa_s grass and
milkweed grow to huCutten, South Cascadia,
man -height in the trees'
the McKay Tract canopy.
absence, but this area is
The landscape unfolds bedry and getting dryer.
low us as a patchwork quilt
"They planted a few
of war. Looking west, one
baby conifers, redwoods
sees the suburb, progress
and others after they
enacting its will upon t;he
cut..- Those trees are
occupied countryside. More
now ~ three years old,
development is planned,
"meaning they can cut a
but ~t is not yet happencouple more units and
iJ!g. WE1 have primarily met
then start re-zoning the
friendly people. who liv;e
land from timberland to
here, and · enjoy hanging
residentiaL More miniout in the forest. We asked
mansions are planned.
them if they want their subSo it goes ....
urb to grow, to continue to
However our forest
"develop" and they emfriends disagree with
A climber traverses tree-to-tree. Traverse lines are a tool that h . all' d
is uesd to save large groves of trees. P atic Y o not.
these plans. They want
f ·
1\rnong the second- and
to ive, and our solution
Uffi 0.1
third-growth trees to the ·
is to live with them. For
--~... ~·past.several months,
mini-mansion; encroachwe've been occupying ing upon the landscape,
two tree villages in the
with stUmps in their yards
McKay, tying in as many
wider than any of the three..,.
Reclining amongst the redwoods giant trees as possiOle
SUVs in their driveways. The residents .enjoy with traverses to protect them- with our own
a quiet--life unti-l one of them starts running bodies from being cut down. Tr~e-sitting has powertools.
-,. been~ used to defend Jorests in. Humboldt for
_ We look east and see the tgps ofenollllous.old- decades, and traverses enable a few humans to
growth redwoods towering above the hundred- defend a large number of trees without leaving
year-old second growth. Some fri~nds live here, the canopy.
, including spotted owls! ospref"s, turkey vultures,
We chose this grove because -the trees stand
black bears, newts,· voles, flying squirrels and ar~ - directly against the march of Leviathan in the
boreal humans.
form of suburban development, and the neighTo the _north lies a clearcut . .Three years ago, . bors (in house down below) stand with us, and
Gr-een Diamond (GO), formerly Simpson Tim- give us love and support. 'Fhe -other ·grove, (also · ber Company. came in and ~ut _d own every last slated to be clearcut), features an osprey nest,
tree in the unit, leaving a few huge burn~d-out at least one spotted owl nest, flocks of turkey·
Perched between branches on a we? composed of
b ldt ·E arth F • t .
continued on page 11
. climbing-rope
Those who've followed resistance to Interstate69 (1-69) in southern Indiana over the last 20
years are ·familiar wfth the Indiana State Police
(ISP)'s outrageous antjcs and zealous repression
of protesters. On April 24, in an over-the-top
move by the ISP, two activists were arrested in
what is obviously the culmination of years of
surveillance., harassme-nt, and,repression (see EF!J
· September-October) ;Tiga and Hugh, two longtime
Indiana residents, are each being charged with
two counts of in~dation (misdemeanors), two
counts of conversion (i.e. theft, misdemeanors)
and one count of corrupt business influence (i.e.
racketeering, a class C felony). If convicted, they
would each face 12.years in prison.
Tiga was arrested on th·e morning of April 24,following a court dat~ in Evansville, Indiana,
·for a prior anti-I-69 action this last Summer. A
few hours later, the car Hugh was traveling in
pulled off at an ice-cream stand just north of
Indianapolis. Minutes later, he was arrested
by a plainclothes US Miushall, tazer drawn, in
front of families and cliildren enjoying their ice
cream. Both were interrogated by Feds and/or
the ISP, including the -fi'er-do-well Brad Chan~
dler, a recurring character in our saga who's
employed full-tim~ to harass activists.
While felonies and jail time aren't anything
to snicker at, it's hard not ·t o snicker when one
looks into the nature ·of the charges. The main
felony of racketeering stems from an antiquated
mob-era charge; part of Indiana's version of the
federal Rad<eteering Irifluenc~ Corrupt Business
Act. This law: was enacted-to suppress "organized
crime," and the current-cha.rges claim that Tiga
__ and Hugh are known to be "leaders of the criminal
enterprise Roadblock Earth First!, and that they
"conspired to commit eviCtion, treesits,
lockdoWI_ls, threatening blog posfings and meeting disruptions." The misdemeanor charges
are in reference to a
st~ged "eviction" of
two 1-69 planning
offices in July 2Q07.
To recap, furniture
and records from the
planning offices up
and ·walkeg out of
i ·-
-Earth First! ··
·: ·~·---~~fhe to.· Short~l'~t,iliin
,,, '
~~ (e~l li!<;yJ~Yi ~imd~d
"'' ~. .·-__ : .. ~~-;..~~~._
' '
.Ma.y-.1. 2009
· Vol. 29; No: s
w~~:~ -. Woikirtg~;itltthe~F!J~a~ aftlr~ed
-' .
the outside.
. ' ..derf'\,il, ' meaiiingf-41 · place; - w:~~n· ~~ll)y .·sensf . of. com:m.u}1~tY, .tjuotigh . .etplanation
, · . I joined. iq)' with-': the '·~artbr FH;a- our. h'iir_chib;le.~ >P.eopi:e;we kll9w ,are -• .
. .
. -~ JowtlfJ..l, I had .. alteady ·befl{iended ._· b~ing Aiiesteg, :~m:ct' we·~re allrpers.e- ·. return .of N.
_; the,: collective, atte!!ded · ~Y" :first . cuted . .None· or-us can. presume to_· f hope.
EFJ . gathering,~,other:E:E! ~vents in-_.
· a'ny privacy. _,We are Jegul_arly· ray of
--rucson,~'_aifd_)vas>fa~1lfar ·with ae ·.
. . ·._ by a _patrfarchal · c,u lture . When
'few~ of · th_~- /W!f:' procedures: . Af~ -.
hasjiervaded the mas~· ~epia, ,'_
ter sp~nding ·· al;>.o,~t . ~!gp.t ;mdnths.~,.
· Journal has
·' . ·.. ~veryd~y ll.f~ 4 ~. ~,..,~.'><NU:C,,·:.L·._.L\J,V·J"
• '
o tlie tole~ as·
Earth Jfirsi! is ' pup,ished ·by an
-editorial collective :from .Wj.thiJ?.:tlie·Earth First! mov~ment. -Entire
.c~~tents . are· cdpyiigl_ited . 2009.
Please contact us for permission to
·repri:Qt artkles. ArJ, photoiraphs
· and .pqetry are copyrig~te.d by individual a,rtists, anil permission
fpr 'use must be received from ...
y ' ' '
t! is a,forum .for fu:'e
and·. ~r'T"Ii_!J:.~-~-~-~-·~rl_llW~~~~~-;~r
-~.._,_.::ruc:~pli;_ AZ 8570~ ~
. (520) 620-6900 '
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_2.- · :EDITORIAi:,
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Wi~t0tt8S -ill Widlibi-~i_J:~:_<::~~--
bn the mountai~t<;>p., ;.temoval (MTR) plan~.· to·. aqd a :third reac(d; _to·· its·. Lake
front, a bitters,weet victory: was won·,o n:May Anrr<f nticlea{ plant wefe :thW'cirte<;l by a
. . '
In the past several months, three efforts that. 7, when the Army Corps of Engineers, re- ·. lawsuit bto~glit -forth .by :the . Blu~ ~ Rt~ge ··" _-; - · ~?~ ·.
Earth First! (EF!) has contributed action and en- . sponding _to a prompt by the Environmen-- Environmental Defense teag,u e · (BREJ?L.) .
· - · ·
ergytoinVirginiahavegainedsignificantvicto- tal Protection Agency _(EPA), r~sdnded a :til E~bruary. Lawyers for BR~DL, an· orga.· ·
ries. In each of these cases, our involvement has permit for A&G coal's ls_on,RP!?f -II}.ine. Over nization, , sll:pport~g ·enVironnie~tal ,ju.sti~e , ·. · , .~ .. ,. .
been relatively small coifipared to the efforts the past, the Southern Appala- · stiUggl~s throughout tQ.e southeast,· proved_ ;> -~--~¥'"'.." /
of other groups, and a'Il credit is due to them chian Mountain Stewards, a local commu- . in court· tb,~t . operations .at th.e :p~ailt are :;; . ::-:::. ~~1for .doing-the un-sexy, d~manding work of nity gro~p has clogged regulatory processes -raisingAen_lperatures ih La~e Aima to over · --~.·-;~z!' -.
dragging these industries through the courts and spoken out loudly against this_.mine. Ip. lOO q~greesjn the summertime. This is- the·~.:,;'c:.- ;:::;,;_"~:. · -.
and r~gulatory processes where· these v:i.cto- 2004, A&G's failure to con_form to ·th¢ laws same gQwer pl;mt where EF!.,_Rising T>ide an_d'<"',.-::.. ~- ·· -~- ·
ries were ultimately won. While we envision for exactly how a mountain is S\lpposed .to oth~r& stag~d . a sit;in duiing summer~s":-'~··
' "
and work to create a world where de'struc- · be destroyed re~uited in .a-.boulder _rol;li~g -~o!ltheast ~~n:y~rg~Jl,te·I<:>~-~limat:e ·~c!_i~ll?~'~)f'
tive projects_are stopped_by sheer force of off of a MTR mme and !sflhng a three-fear · _In th_e nearty;:twq_years· that"our s~al\ EF!_:,;
grassroots direct action; we_do indeed believe old boy asleep 'in his bed~ promptirig'Kafuah -:~.9lteot_iv~ lfjts' ~xistt:d,~' we'ye made a defiq..:'Y_~:­
in using ev~ry tool in the· toolbox. Here's a Earth First!:to cqa:in; lock and glu~: the-gates -···_er<He '_e{ff>rt,lq ~xecu_t(("diriG'(actions~'"wiijl } ~ '.brief synopsis of some of those tools being · to that mine dosed. In 2007;. thi~: s.~me_.tox:;, . ; a .t!Ii:\.tirg) ind :sensibility tfj:at.:,iy;Q.rl~ ,¢'ori<mi'-~~"' _.":::,, .
put to work over the past two years:
poration was the target of sabotag~- at ope _
of· ·-r~ntly:' ther 'cam,paigri~ -qf.q_ur- friep(t~, ."'-~~ '2-· • · • ,__
The first action taken by the current iil.carrta- . it's Wise County mountain-top removal sites neighbofs-·and;_alli~s wJ:w have th~ sto,w~ch:."; -.~ "~!"-:~ · .1 - '
tion of Blue Ridge Earth First! (BREE!) was by calling:itself the_. "Committee--t9 · toJ<!,Dgle ,u p the. st~te Within,the-p~r~m~ter~. · :.. icj"\- __ ·_· .~
a demonstration at the home of a .devel- Defend the LStnd and Peopl,~." _·. _.-.
-: - bf:fts ~o~--p_re.f~dures.. We do-not' have the : ··...:;:, ,,: ~- ~
oper_driving efforts to build a Wal~Mart · The Ison Rock. Illine -W<?uld; hav.e totaleq .. time, taste';c·e~pert~se oi iesources-tq 'spear-: ·. ·. ·.'f'. ·"~ . -~
in :Blacksb4rg, Virgini~. There was never a 1,300 acres in scope ~d~.w:Ql!ld ha':e l?uried>,,h_ead;,:.tpes~ effgrts o~rselves but .we see·_ho~,:;: · ·.
long-t~rm direct action strategy hashed. out three miles of ~treams. "f!lls .,is~ ~e; ~t~ t!I]le-··:i"tli~y fa_~~e: ~tlliz~g eJf~St!y~lY: -~~e~ptoQ.J£1!-t,· , . ..
to defeat this project. While an emerging that a MTR permit_qas .ev~i':}:>ee!l -r~~c!Jl~ed:~g~e~~."'~ith~~l,iy ·vj;~t.Qi:Y,'-i-V;Qil _YX,yi,r~l,J,.e R~-~j:aJ.e·.~P ~:..._ ·-::·. / ,. __..
community group develop~d .support and to i,nterventiori by a fe,d~i~ regul~t,Qzy·b.t>Qt-~ · _, Pi'.Ov~L i~ .t~~M~ne_~:f~~~ :r.efaif:!s-the_P,QiY>¢.J;-·· ~- · ·
momeptum towards _legislating and lat~~ - eviqence that. the ~ounting ~aiid, incre~~g!y . tq!eY:ers~t,hatJugg~tM;-;IlY.)Y-pg~sJ.~ gr~e... ;' /~:..~:, .f' .
litigating ~heir opposition ~nto ~aw, our ac- · militant opposition to · MT~ .of the. pas_t--~ev< ~~'!8Ila.te~ :fhannE!ls~' tcre~pti!Ss··pu~9jssent ,= · 'i_l ' .,,,
tion .s~rved chiefly as a remip.d~r that civil- e~~l years is. haV:!n_g .a n .e(fect on policy de- and exp-Iil~ying actions-that -direettf;/disrupf..,. ·-~~--~
discourse with those who. would des_ecrate GlSIOiiS;. The EPA..and Army,QQrps reason,~d the operatwns we oppose, we demo~Jstra:te·:a · .( ; ..~ •7• ;::.-_,~ •
our commun_ities for a.bu~k is no virtue~ rhe that .the spra~ilng , : ~ou!d ,~olat~.:th~. : -!:~a~!J-~s's~~Ill.oJ:J.~-tne?&~e!C!l .public:to ,x:~ie<Z~ .f ,·;:.:··;"': ,~f>.
demonstration was _also·tJ:ie ~omihg"gut party Clean Water, Act .i{ jt :d4fu:P~<:fmigizig·:w~ste ~~- tti¢::_iul~s _ofJotir opj>resso-r~"'a~<l ctefe:nd our~.~_:,.. - : ~? ·.-_ .
for ~. ~~w EF! chagter rea.dy to give some teeth into streams; a :practice .that 'alwaxs' :a:c'ci9"rD.~ :f'A:§~lve~~~~~f..iur. naftitaf''rigP,t:~,tf!i~pre~~ilc~-:_c" ~: ~')t:~-< ,_.:, ~­
to the environmental movement in the hills panies MTR operations lmown ~s "valley re'inf0rces~t4~,_tr'uth tl:j.arfavorable govern~ . -~, _ . -~· ·;· :;_ >·
fills.': The bitterness of tnis win comes vyith ment . actipns~~re:fo!~~£1 -,!'!Y !h~.::s:~U~ ' Q.fitl}e:~~~,~~;··~ ~ ~{:. _·-t·
· A§ ,BREF! shifted our focus to other projthe faef that, s4ortly af!:~r Oba~a's EPAte~ . l'eo.ple rather tha:Q ;J?eihg·:J:ja!ld~a ~do:w'h by · ~::-. -.- ~.- -::: "=r.;. \
ects, efforts ~o stop -the Wal~Mart 'through scirtded this and.fiye Rt!],e{ peJ;Illits, i:he.~~<?al,.:_the ,be·p_~Y,~~-~~ce 6Cth~·g' clci#> Ifw~: "--,J :" ···::~; :; ·
(1-Q.Y well-m(!nnered, goverriment~sartctioned
industry applied pressti[e f~r-th:e)tdminis_tra~ _: ~treat.~t4e·se Wins a,s j he-eno ~>'f'a ·stoif_a nd ·- -~~ ,._' c:: _{> : __·"
and truly boring means ·necessary, persisted· · tion to give .word on -42 other. pending.-MTR ·.'· a.Uo~~ :~t}ie.c ··:ha,td"ea~ned _· anq ·,- sJow(y_-bjii}t~ : · · ;~:. _... · '" . .,; ·~
}tii,~t.u\~r.n~t~y }~i~$J ,~l}~P~C!~t ~ -~ay . perm~t~, ~ whicp t;~s~ltetPn tP.e ,~PA:'d{t~lai-~: ~ ~~s~~to~ts, ppwef:t~~f:pi~d.u~~~- th?.sf ~~-~-:- ~~k ~~~"~
]<(~~~fPP~~~n~·-~I~a ~~i!~g, >)s!£l~a~~i~~~{}·~gJ_}1a.~~hey~!~ al~;Ji·~-~J?.l~~~-~~:·'~Y: ~~~~;~~~i-~ ~ t9~~fit~~~; _th¢n t?Js:·£ts ~s- clo~e~ Y?t. -- ·~ ~-:~'- -;";;:.
the way to the Supreme -Court of •Vug1ma,· siX MI'Rtvalley ; fill:.rom~~::-IP ~YI.Rla!i9!!~!£t;ij~.~~~~jii~-*- as~ft :~JJ..I ev:e.~" &~~.l:f,_::IIJStea.ti,:!:Ye ~un. i.. ~- ~,..~ : ,,_ · _. ..
_\Nhile the paraqe of Earth First!ers making clean water act and 42' aren't? Politics. They're · derstand-them as markers in tlie movemen.r ..;< =,-.:-........-.c · -··
·me'r-ry~in ~de_yelo_g~r ]:eann}e Stosser's front· throwing us a bone here. We'll take that bone,. _.toxv~rds achieving all pmver to aliyeogl) , ·.. · -·. -=-~. __
-yard played a smap part in the whole turn and then:we'll beat them_sens·eless with~i~_.,AI,l · ._then- o;nwaro. It is the pr,opagati_on of. this: ~.::.,.-;-:r~ "':.:~ ~- ,..:':
of events, it is np~etheless_a gratifying-vic- MTR buries streams! t}ntil all J\4:1R per_IIJ.~t~ .;: __s~ntifl1e:l)t as well as the specific po~nts· ot ': ·~_.; ~:..i" ~1"
tory for ·our .more: ~ell"beii~'ved allfes and are revoked, we wpn't stop! . : · · _ ·
' impatt."resulting from our actions ·that we;:- .:· "'
a •pleasant reminder that, '~':"hen pressure
In another -ca~e of the. Clean Water ..
·contribute_fo the environmental movemep.t:
· • :';
-d•r·. · ..
_;;':1f: ·
.. ·
,, ;f_u~f:-:1il~-~ 2.-.ixJ?\E~rtli-FiTs_tJ~~ag_~ 3.21
~-~-! ~.. ·
·: ·.''· ·
- ....
••• - - .
. · good ·id~a. Whil~ I sha~e they-niay ·~sk me to work a. Moses and lent my Journal moving to Ash:an antipathy toward ask- .job that is contrary to' my -support to various causes . ville-actUally they are_not
·• ing politicians td do· any- p0litical views. th_e thing I . while advocating fo.r hu-. . mixed at all but pretty
.THiin{. This ,:.represents ·a . mostresentaboutmyforced mari rights ~d re-wilding. point blank. I am not in
.r • concrete way:to show your ..- h~:msin"g ·situation is that
I now ask for support of the communication loop
':'solitlaritY f~£ el!vironmen- th¢y do hot have a vegan · anyone willing to show me on this at all. So · what I
' . t:$il:a~o · animai ::\{berat~on · or.v:egef~rian :diet available· 'solidarity-. I hqve no family . am about to write is alot
-prisoners' and address (the·~. to ·us.' N!other inmate" arid backing or means. I rely ori . of "if's." But if the Journal
·seyei:e ~rowdirrg in -;f~d~ '. I'irecently requested trans- bemg steadfast and stUb" for some reason · cannot
.ercilpris9i:{s." .. .
. fer.~ to the. med~urti security born, lwillpursuethis.issue . make Ashville w9rk I be-'
·'';'-The quii::k update is~that · --Urilt where wecan get'a veg- doggedly. I ask that anyone lieve here in Knoxville we
I am -doiilg ·well~ keeping etarianmeal for religious or ·with a spare moment call have the assets. to keep the
·'busy-with Goirespondence, political reasons.' We never th!s . prisqn ·(Idaho Correc- Journal going. We have
reading; an'cf exerdse. And I : · received an answer·· :from . tlons. Jnstitution Orofino) the cheapest printing on the
::'jusFmt :.In~ -two year }jj~rK.,.~ O}.ll'Uiiitjergeant. .
_ · and speak to Warden~ Carlin East Coast as we are home
'7. tega1 efforts' tq ' '"·--.>-:Today (April !(5, 2009) I · about forctng labor under to. the 3rd larg_est printing
· CMU con"· :put in:·a toriGern form re- the duress:of closed 01stody press on the East Coast .
.... u .. ·a>JL"-l-.n .you c;an-sho:w: · >
questing an answedomy housing and forcing inUnlike Ashville, Knox~-~---:--"-'-;;.....;~-::-~~~=~::-:!.·;;;'
. · - ,.. _ at.. ;Rfe-\i-ious· it(quesC If I- db ··· mates. to eat meat products ville is not a hippy Mecca.f·" the CWll'Lilierties· Defens·e :notreceive an acceptable . orstarveoverthe!rreligious·· tbough it is much larger
· •
· Mter:·not·:.
·. tlie · Center · (wWw.d< fof response byApril24, I feel Qr poiiticcil beliefs. Hop!!~
has a much larger mu.Journa( .t0T. · so.rri~- tJme;. ( ·an. the help th:ey've ·given' my~ori,ly av.iiilable option ·· fully, through, persistence, ·sic scen_e. Our housing
! .
~as_e"icited- -t:o ·find the . . me ·and other prisonerS. _ --' Will be ' to hunger-~trike we can affect a change in is ·cheap---'half what you
~ -..,;_-~.Beltan~ -issue in ~y;:o. pile . · Takl~e and·in Struggfe; · &nd~·reJl'i§e 'to ·partiCipate . the policy of this prison.
pay in Ashvilie. We are
,(>fJ maiLahd" eatclf-4P+<;?n, ~~- ~' '~~:-~·- D~ MGGOwAN~ ~- ].,qr £u wor~ projects · and . . Any letters you wish to also dead center between
. .,
m~v'eiilent hap)?~ntn,gs:_~ .t :'~,±"~· ~~;.-~ _'·,:-"-:"]. - . ~_.·-·.:...;"' programs.
send me personally may,be the North and the South
' J · · ~ . . .: w~. ~; -~si?esi_ally·"glad to >
see · pear. ~o?<s·~; ~ailr, _Planet · · ··'··My- prev. ious ·c_a~te_mpt _addressed to Matt Harrit ~ and ~-~e Mississippi· _an~
.. .
~ ; . tl;!_~ Jn~ ,dev()ted to - Pub,hsJlii).g,.·, · , · .
· . was blown off, Tliis IS only . · 74357, ICI-0 GVH-A-25-B, the East Coas.t. We a-I"so·
; __.,;i -. f. · _> ---·t ~he.,T~A protests;: de?~:n~- ·;·:':.Thanks sbmuch for .~h~ ~a . .~e~porary · solutiqn to ·a Hospital North Drive #23, have five major-interstates ·
~ - - 1 .P?: oCcle_a n ~oal_ an~ .tlie__ _ booksent'tome·here ·What perrrtanent problem: Un- - orofino ID83544.
which converge ·he re:._all
~li~:f:.~~!r~~~~:th:r~~~~ -:-:w~LTe _B~~-iijd;~byj)egcJ1~.:f1~~nat~ly,::: tJlis : wnr not . _. All s~pport ._is · greatly roads lead to -KnmM lre
' < · · -~- ·_. .. lai-.'Tli:a:rik}ouior -~e .co~- · )e~s;en~ I'm·just startingX9 . mCll(e veg~ti iliets ·availab,le __ appreciat~d: .
. , , . ·which is w.hy so many cia~
· ~r~ge ~tg!itlnti~d An.lfnal ...~e,1id~1t !Uid' _aql., ~njo~ng ~~ _ _here ~_I!~ it ~ay or rh_ay n~t .. •-··
-'-MATI HAluus . jor comm'unlcatio'ii hu,bs
-~- Ent~rprise Terrorism AC.t~~ · a,l<;>t:. 011e of my first eflVI: Ave m~ Situation. M~,goalls
move here. We are also.
7 -, ~ip.spir~d. -!.-:-iepre~~~()If ~
rof_}In,en~a1 ' C!lmp<ii~s~ ~a~ :~,;~ c~.3.ate - ~ per~ane?t P,ol- Dear Shit fer. Bra~ns, ,. . . _ have .the largest pur~haser
; t:
. ·"': Utah· and: for the blUtb .ori.-. ;_to,· biee~._tqe ~<:mSt!Qc.ti0,n·· ' Iq' J:liang!!-~t thiS .pnS<?ll. .. ·. Hey I .a m gettmg nuxetl of coal in North Aineiica
~..;; ':"~
-whe_r~~':I: tuq~~tJY )i~e-'-' ~:-<?f. :a~iras~~-1~et~erato~;~". c~f1.1:;. ~Yruil :Matt Harri~,. ~- have .- 7 si~arfroni all the old tiine
·• ·
"Little · Guantanamo"-or the time, the worlds larg- been known j.Qr~ ~ man.y.,.,_ER! foll<s I knew abouLthe-.
""'·. -..- J ~--~-fueCommunication '1\il~n~~-- estJ~ln!~aip-J?ai'gri' tW~t~~~'"'' -•~", "_:.;r-· T'·l.~-..: ~--~.""' -~~-.r.;c....-~'~7"''-~ """"'~-...
. •• - '. agem~nt Unit -(CMUi ·a{ ofi·for ten-years, with some .
. .,
..._...__ _ _""""""':'- - - - - - -- - Marion Unife!,i States yen- · tempqr~w and some mi- _ ..::· .
. ·< ~
itentiary. Those w~~"want - n()r:~ ~c~ories, t~ol1gh ~iri> "~ ·
.,...:·-.l -.
.· i- ·
·. ,_;·_. \i ·
:, l .. .;.
- - i. ,-.·
'ip _·
,___ :.-_,·_·y! ~- · ~ to:l<~o~
mo!e o~ JOm the the end we ·lost 'to d~spos- , "'· . ·;~f=::~;:~=~~~~~:;::~~E
struggleto~clqse th~· CMt{..,- a~l~ ;:__cu,lt~~~~ tm)~~m_qg. ·. :-..-~ .
. _~-. ·.:~
~- ~
. ·•• y'.
.- should _ch~ck .out_ ~~ ;jorwarg.';S_o/·-~e<lrniiJg ·~<U1'd ·. -~-c
~ ~~~:~J~~:.e~~o~;kc::~;!·-t{~~~!:~~·~ff~t7~~~!~e~. </~ ~-·-:'1'1,_"!"""_o:!-i~
· '·'
;·-.,_ . t
La~yere;~ (thi ~
-~hen l' ·reaq<~-·
Good Time , -al-o/a¥5./ get
. .·£mr w,as~ spoj: on but ·al~, J t nsen's .;writing. ~han-k> -::
·t . ·. } ow to ·zive some <yb1J :againfor-sendjng it.'.<." , ,
,.. · ·>
. . ther background. This bill Thal).k:
.for .
:.. -~ ":- l -, _- _woulci~J5e.ll_efii: :~ 3-:: <if· '!Jle ~~- xo~: qo_ to..·!Jl_ake" ~e6pl_; .
.::, -~- i .;;'-" .. a?d
_a~i!!laJlib~rati~ll pr~s- _ . ·. ~§li~a~i,%' ~ ··
-> . .
oner.s (the
pns- ::· ...
~ ~.
16 current enYironm·ep}a~ ..!htnk! - :'..
--· • •
> .
, .. • -z ~ - ..
_.. 1Tr
(!) •
•• ,._'
. , 'J I "'C(.,_. ,r,.
~ :.·~-
-:-=-M~Jt!E MA~ON
/ ··
roughly_,} O of _th~e-politi_cal,:, - Lette~ to·.th~ people,
~ §r~sq{!~r(?~~e A~a!~~~~t·~ -~ _;·~l_~~~- ·an .Jr:~~fe at t~_e
Bt'1~~:~~r?-~~ -~~ Feder,e_Uofi( .~- I~_a._ h<?:-· Cor_r:c!_}9na! In~.t1~•• : ..
. .·. · ~ "'- · l)etic'l~o'niove):nept li~t a;riQ. . tute"·qrofino·. I h.avebe en·· .
-~ ~~-a .s~gn_i~~_art~~~m~j or!ryr·::of;_ ~·ip~a~er~t$.9i.r1Joa~.?-~~n-~e;;-;::
. : ·. ~ ·
_~he 2Qlt;000 .people in the ., Novem'Qer,-.2~_04.._-R~<;e~:lJIZ,· ~: : ·
llr -·
~ureau of Pri:So?s (people~ . ~I ~'.:"as; inov.~d_,_to ·.t,~i' "Giv- :·. ·:
with lite "sentences ·and ens Hall Work Cainp."This •' ~..... ~~~- ~ ~ ~- ::· -.: th~~~ ·.i~nt~nced . pre )'16~ . . is a-minim~m-s.e"2urit)r ~r:i! -...
• ··J~- ~- ~ •. ~. ·vember )~; 1-987 wouldn't · where -ir.!lll<!tes a_re serit on,~,-,,.",·-~•·'-••···.,.
~nefitr;·~a~·; f i; w . work cre.~s 'J~t "incep.~t~~
1rr ~ · . - ·-~ -bsairjple
.~ .
.... letters, . statistics, _pay," · w):licn: is, mscreuon-...-;;
mthe_oill:c-itself; ' l!nks _a nd . ary, Yv~~ are ..
_ y:our rep,t:esentatn.~e's ·.m fo. under .the..
~,,_ -ill
af:~:~9_odtirpebi1Einfo. _: 1?~_- ttiat·­
,-:: _, -~ :- . · Stu ~ is~:right'. ~ r lie; J5~ll" 'is -:-not .
'-~ -~ · ·.....··. ~ R'!!,! ··o~a :"tr~nd ~toward
- "' ~ ' ~ "' -Iilc:>re"":rational senfences
·~hd-~r~~l!cti9n~ I9_pr~sot:( . · , ·.· __
.,_ "p,~pul~.t_~o~_s: (t~is !n~lj1~es;~_-·ou~-;.?I
_ jtS~Y .
.the. re?gnr:c:r~c~ :sel).t7rt~~ , -.~we'will :l?e. .,uv.'-'""''u
· ing _ guide1i~e ~han?~:!, t~~ ~- · .
• . / ~ - _·
N-ew York's Rock- · ot11er·y:·n1a:l!arrmna: -;,,.-,_,,z:J<
.._., · '
. .·. :i' · :.
·: ·::..:·. r :·.-·
• -
: ·-:
.i' ..
. r· :
;;;· -·· · .·- 1Tr .·.u;.:...
.... :.-..:-:
Pag~ -~:·-E_ait!i£i~tJ~~~gh~~a~ifo.?f!f/9-:_
'*' ,.., •• _.• ·.
••. ·
. •~
r •
. .-._.,.
smack in the middle of the · }tlst a ba~p plcm I Y.Q'I! ·'<;an ~ukcr. is ~ayailable ' Se:f! iS, not radic<ll ·etl.vh:an~tnan}';O( wlifth w~t ori to . fight against mountaintop - l_Van~ed to ::rpe,ntlo'n if _Ash.: " at WWw.goodqtn~l#ll,dnfo/ me~t~isJri.,. J;>~(~atutei:igp~d-:~er ~.GO~~.~Th~~-~-:~
removal for coal....:which~ ville:iloesn't ~ark out~' _ ·• ndvs:html j _"J;.t"'-:' ·;~.·, ·, .· purlk-r(J(;k ~e!i~c~... mct.y~~"'·tli~J:ligoye~en~al orgaru·' :. · .~· • .. - .
is not happening in North' ..
: ~-Cimi:s IR.WiN ; ·.Thanks again.!'>
I h~ye dicul.ged but as:l trx -~-.zatlori's are just as essential . - -~~ ·, ~ .
Carolina. · Also ·we 'have ·
·- ··
· -ALEXANDRA · · · Ff.ET<;:HER; · \~d~fin~ a place for· niy·Oself< as - the -: lobj:>~sts; -EF!; t?e_:-::\:t < . .·
two former.short-term edi~ {)ear Shit Fer Brains, .
BROOKLYN NY .. m>th1s m9vement today, · Earth Liberation.Fr<.>nt, and · • . ·&~· ·
tors <.>fthe Journal that live . Thank you so much for
" :
· 'Joutnal articles and even the. conservative ehvirofu - i .- · ·.. ' •
;in Knoxville.
'covering TJle Good Time Dear SF~, . . . . .. _ . . . slide sho'.V,s <.>f !~e-.road- ~ illc:n!aL · ~o~pf;~ogerh~ · ·:::.:
Just another option- Bill, aka H.R. 1475, in Ask
Hello, hey I tl:!in_~ you. ~ho'~\ seem ; o_he, v~cy, ~x-,:.. tlfey' _m~t ~ · hofi:stic_ eri'1- · ~ · ~ .
choices are beautiful. Like an EF! Lawyer.)t seems in _can. t~e me oft:~t a..: cop-·:· ;~l~~ive, . t~IJ;int·mariy~ W.~t~. ro(im,e,il~~- w.oye_9}ep,t~ij. . · '- ~ , ,.·q_ . .~ ~
I wrote-I am out of the .. aa ideal world that envi- tact for t:Jie [oilfnal.'T wish . tliey are J1Q.(EFl~r~, mchid- · essent'ial/ all .. str<Heg(t, .. - ~ ; 'j -~ -: ~
loop completely on the dis- 'ronmentalism and prison · you ~ll t he best, and ~till .' ' ing' fuyseil: It ~~~~s: U,p}e~.s .. 'al:l _.,h)i~(~~re·' j>~~~f: _" :~:; ':i'./f .::;~r#~~;;
'cussions all I am hearing reform would be entirely c?ns1der myself _an Earth _ y~u are a_ tr
. av~ler. lou:h . ,M~~J?e_op~~;~~tT'a~qg:ss, .• -~. ~Tr.:"_.·
· .
are from the old time EF! separate issues, but recently Fust!er, comrrutted to Without a JOP, you arf! not _ofte~_ between tli~m ...pqt- . ~ -<~_..
folks who have-been active . and unfortunately, the. d~ep ecolo?f~·ahd. b_io<;en" .i-~~1::::~_f.!~r. ( :ttiii_I.i< _tJ:lis :i~' ~'tin(~P.,~~~e..- ~?P~(1_\a( f?r
in AshVille ior a decade. or' .:two. 'are very · connect¢d. -"'t nc anarchl,§.t,n, b.u,H Qave sadderung aJ).<,l s_1lly., . .. -til~ ~~seQt;i.¥ , IJ,l?yem~l)t !?' .·~- . .
so--aothing from the new'- With, the help of federal been ·growing more · and , _ ·I think · EarTh. 'First! "was . ··of .each carn}?aign: Maybe · ~ . ]If ,•
people. We even have aii :. prisoner and activist 'ban- m~re dis<;:ou~age'ft-t5y ' the~:.,.~IP.ost .-stroh g wheh ~ ].t :ix~··· . ehct)U(age -~b!kS _t(l' pick
'f'fl>_"~ .. '
empty trailer at our _dfs1~ iel__ McGowan, we have .. way the'J~urnal is ·handl.ei::I ·"' cepfed ey etyon.e fro!Jl somf! of_flie ~ool<s on EF! '.:
posal on a
set up Www.goodtimeoill. · ·and when' 1 read the· ecti::c·: the .recyclfng. hou~e~e~ t<V out ihete .and ractkal eri- . . ·. ~ ·. · .- .
Consider us a·last option info !O . provide updates tors · coirun~pts,_l f<!ri~t s~y,<li:J.~ ~e~~a;~l,ll~t~s!-to:11le ~~Yirq:riment~lJ~fn,:o·'\ncl.tJ4:: ' ' t~
if you need it. I have been on the bill and provide . I agree witl'l them: mpf.e'.,';~}~~~rrec~o~al~st{primit!v-,~:)ng .sfr~.!~gr. pk~:':t:4Tthfo;c~. , .. c < ;~ :(. ,
going through my . wife's some basic facts· about often than l don't agre·e ist to the anima{ right_s, · Maybe Y2ii :~_!1 n eed ~<? tty · .'·,-~ ."';'· _
complete set of Journals . the federal priso!l : ~ystem ·· .with Jttem~··~! , would not nonviole~ce _ ady!J~~tes, beio.g ~or~e ihclilsive~ ,ilpt
- 1.
and its renewed my deter- and its. dangerous .state of - use if [Journals], :?Jt·;t~e: ,:ey~lil;jhose._foU<s-Withjn~: ,: J r_y . s3? .){ard'.;,t<>·:..sJ!p_~_pite
. : [.' . :("
mination. that the Journal overcrowding. w_e encour- new~.r primer a~;:a?yabJiJ1.g ~. :stream religious ~ewr u· . froin ._ everyptl.~ ..eJs~,_;q~.·, ~ <,
should not stop printing: I . age _anyone -~t~all~~f}t_er- ~ tool, bec~use I doii:.i ~~gree· .· :seems . mo~.:_e .a~~ut .·-_p~~k ·cau~e it - ~\,ye~y -~~~~4li~g
. ,:::
QaVe no doubt that if you ~S~ . 'in J?.~liticcrf -I~for.~-; O('~~.:~th much that is ~P-: lt::: Jp_i . lif~sty_l~ _~<?~ ilfl:d. :be.~g , . _t<?~ ~apy ~a,t are ~~~ :,<? ~ .} . ~ . ~ .
all needed this option that w1th a fnend servmg trme . 1t~ Gy rrent state. I lt . so ~FradiCal" not hgvmg or . do:goc:>d "YQ.rk. ~• _.
: ...,., _}[ < .,_--: _
the community here in to _look clos~!Y at the .Q!S- h~rts the giQbal r~1i~il.e~7 ·~~-·-~!.inerhbering_ ~tr_ro~)t~.- E_~i : ·i· . f w~~h :yoi ;al~ tP'e·,be~t. ·, .-. ·. --;. ·: ~tr ~....,,
Knoxville would have to ·· tory_on
Love and aonuts,. · • -...t
- . - -·"' • ,"' · · &
• the 1ssue . of pnson,
r'f ,
.. , ._
, ..
p t>x frustrated
meet-and would have ove!crowd~ng, and how- <r;nO!e;th~n-it helps.:-:_wh~ty Iooby\sts f_r<?t4.L·, J·{~Q's, · ~~ · ·. · .·~ :~·~ ~G~R9~-f;::: ·,
some .col}ditions. Mainly . many unjus t political fac·
- --. --~ ...y,"
· "~:c -- ·· •
. &
they would be based on tors "hiV:e creat~d a prison, .
. ::..ltr .. '
the sqftware progr·ams we system wher~ a·large -p~r- · --·
; ~.
use to print at our press- centagel' '9f . non-viol¢nt
less of a margin I think on convicts, including some
"·' ·
r. ~
"the edges-tweaky s.tuff of o~r activist frien~s, - are .
' . -_,;_- ~
that comes from switching servmg sentences without
·"· . ..c. < ,. .
.·· ..
a press and a community.
the possibility of parole
..;:,$:";!'-:"~.,.;,~~---. ;r··t
B1 :t no need to get into (while illogically, prison·.~'-"!i yo;, <:';;:·~~'·-~
this if the Ashville thing ers convicted of violent
·,·, ~.§-.:_ m,. ;.,._. ;~~-" ~j:;
is a go. I just wante·d the ctimes in th~ sta!~ . <:tnQ
~~--· - ·~
Journal staff to know there county systems are eligible ...
i ~ ~n9.t~~~r ~7 0~~able , .o p- 'fO.~ ?-~rol~, . ortime off J o!
t mn: Tf the ' subscriptions .·· 'good:
. acnd;;;ip fo ·-W?S·. ..:_~a~i:it@ :Of~ . . wj s;,··.,.''~k~-M~~~~;;A::;:;.,.,.!.l;~~.,;l;,"'"'--"~ii:_;:j~
\oVe infght even be able to ciary Committee review in
~d9 it_-~lthuut <;tHY. ui the March, 2 UO Y. . We urge you . ·
previous Tozfi-nal staff hav~ to ~ontact your iotal. rep:
ing to move to Kno?Cvillt . · r~s~h~ati.ves-e'spectally -~ if- ·:
as w~ are ~:· gruJ?.by).)1ttle •. tney · qre .oil il:le·Ju(:lidary ·.'
intlustriai to'Wn that 1fliglif . Committ~~=-and irisist i:m ··
not b'e as .attr(!ctive as the. the_)mp9rfa4 ce·cif. tJ{iS:..~jll
~PPY· M~cca of Ashville, ~ ·p_C).ssing. Moreinfp ·~n. a<;t'i<?n ·
rip -'•
:.;* .·
·-;- .,
J,_ .'-' .
~"' ,
..; •
-. '<
t ,. ·7 --
, .,
· ll-. ..'.
•. ~.\.~l'o~:-~·
• 7 •. ·
~<~·.#~ ,;>:·:~~-"---~:: - . ' . ' .
,.: · BY '~SJ~1 $:n;~·"
. .0~ ~pril24, ahDpst immediately following< -Qric' ~ushing the passage of the Colombia
. . .- ~ - .
. .. ·:-. .,th~~G~0'SWll11nt; the slightly_-less:-puliJi~~<( and Pariama Free Trade Agreements (FTAs)
· ~ A.s ~e<;onom!c press~re bu~lds, the y~ar . Su~mtt of ~he .An)e:rjc~s (w:!th the ironic _ac:~ 'before the end of tne year. As tije new leftist
· """
_4go9 _lla$ J}.rovt;n)l!~~ ~riythii]g c;~~ ~app~~ --- ron~ of SQA*) - ~onvened in' Po~ of. Spain, government of El Salvador faces a challenge
Ec~logi~al m()veq:i:~P,ti COP.!ill-U~ tQ \dein- Trini dad. To . prepare fc;>r· .t:Q~ .$tiinmit, au- umler the ~entral American Free Trade
·onslr~te..;. 11gam~t ·-the · iii~epi~fiomll power · thorities in,the,. Port of Spain. walled off the · Agreement (CAFTA) from a mining firm
~~~~!)i'n~~r~pt~s~i~J1J~.; ?.~!f'~_}liJ.f4n~ ~g~~~s~; .~,po<#~§t...di.~!IJ~j; .,a~e~})ain ·t;~rd~ns, .from
for · delaying contracts and California faces
'd!~~e:q!~·~d,,.~u~'! :a:ttto!F ~e.· q~tc~m~s ~f-_ t~e <;apttal; evtC~fng- hundr~ds of squatters . an immanent ;North American Fr~e Trade
the..• G20.Summtt,
the Summtt of -the Amen.
,·:_ •
• "('
fa.s(·-~d :~lie )~usin:ess ·s-ummit· on. Cliipate, .
$how that
-··-+. ';;
• ··~
to~moye_ in :tlie-M,'OI'lg .dftection,,. ag~i!l~t. tl;i.~
p'O'p \ilar j).p_tdy. }'- -~ ·· ~-.- .· . · "': :<· .. ·_. ' "' ·'
··One ..c<>Jilq -feel""the spid_t:·of the Gree.k.
revolf sw~eping tb rbugh. Europe like embers
:froll}_~ ~-. ~ti~g- poli'e ._st~tio~,,-drawing- P,ght
. ·t)J.e, te:Jf~!9D- ,through tl!~_· sqeets ,of Lon~on as
.. prote.:;j ers: met the G2o:·sumniit pri Ap riC_L .
Engage~-o~li!nd,- cfosed doors, iepresl ntatives · .
.-. frqm f~~ ?oricn~~1 il~tiQ~·~t(lt_es o!Jhec:~~!~~-.
-- :qm.vened,'to;cqsquss importafit ,FQ.atter~.-: :~ ~
•· -. :.R~g~~-dl~s} ...b.!:.t!ie''e,l.e~tric_ ·s!p rn( \;j sc~~- , .
_.-tioversy . bt~VV.iig _ ou~iqe,~ they pl~!;lged to ~·
__;,i~re~s~ · s.l(im~rUor tlie··1ntefn<hional Mon·:
~-- e~rY' .Fti!tct:aird t)le :W~)fld Bank, a. kind of
~, · globalizeg _bail-out program _fqr interna"' , tiona,l financial ·
-c4ol<eh.old op.
d:e)lel~~PJl[).g ~W9'~lP~t~'r!~~~1'
while, ":' f-ht~11~01T14'1.~
1 • :e~shi~8 h}~:_fc?.~~eo~f_o.~~d ~ Wit~ . orde!ed,. ~~e~~ si,lenced. The go:rernment ·
.. . _ s~~~~ that'~'omlmsoy s~~;m.~d ~11ocked,:<
ev~p~..!?-~9-n(d t he, p.amed
. . .
on • 9:rmate . Change, J qo.k
:. . - _After being helped· w·hi~fe~t ~Q,dtry}ng_ ~<:>i :- tpe~R.e:~pjef . :S ummit, ' fro in taking pl_a f.e place }.fay . 2? ) ri Copenhagen, Denma:r:k.
· · waik:for a_ fuom.ent,3oif!'HlisoiY.-. fairited ~to1 · within~th:e"'CifY: Instea,d,_,act_ivist~ ,conv¢·ned-- ', RoyaLDutch ~:Qell, _the riull)qer
.. th!'! street,, i:iever: ~? te~;~;~'!<~!lj::;:A.~'-:4 ~~~~~~tf'.:- e!Sewher~, 'ilt "'tfi~·'·:f!e,~rby ,Univ~~sity .. bf th~ :, . prQ~~~~r~~ Ga~]?d~ -~fil!~.$1~~2, ' t2pped the list
old,~ he _dte;Q. .oj S~f!Oll~ :rnte~al= bl~~(hng, . West l!_ld:res. ·
. · . ,. ·
of :.Cljg~~t'iQeS_,c:Whtle.~ puke_Ene!gy (number
~le<iY,iJng".o: aw-ifeatid~niri~ €-:tlildt erl.. p~ ,, ·-:· . -;: . Wfth~the - rt}ptessiye pre,paratiohs ·in,-place; I tWelve),-Jfila BP·(unlisled) ··alsc) ·'enjqyed the .
Im~pi1te;c>-•f tfie ,;;sh~eY:clange'I:huk,ing;.behin,tf~·
be.e• iune~:e'
of new technology.
• '
..- ...% . .
- ...
• .,
-.... '
. :
·the ·
shields; protesfs .<;ohtii:iued. · Huri- relations between the._US aiid'La.tiit~erica,-· .. _;1 bout 300 protestors l_ll~trched through the
. dreds- constructed barricades. and took the . ·endipg_ witl:lJ!!e tr!~e- Minister' of Trin idad,-- f ity to peacefu_IJy <temonstrate t.hii~qissent.
street outsiqt} of the ·Carbon Exchange iri _· the ~0sf_' gf tHe eveJ1t, as the only signatory . In .the e~ :contljCt-,...the:::poiice arrested
'order :t!)~S~tage· a. '~limate caln g . .W~tli ffiu::"" of "'t h-e--"sumiriit's . final declaration. Oqa~~i-·' :_7 t~pe5p1e .'~Witli dissenf brutatly repre_ssed,
sic:-woikshops 'al}Ci . f~;t(Wties,"'thercfimate' !usea tactfili.:Sche!lulirig-~p:~~a~;Ji, out'to.: fef.t- ~1the corporate . participants in the · sum~it .
· , _C~inp addt essect·· ··sustainable modeJs .f<?t -~ !~t le~ders )j>i_~Ve:rietiiela arld_. .-~oli~!a; Hugo ,.dedai:e.d a:rU m_m.ediate su~ce'ss for business
\:,. .
,. • .. ~-
·-,•.t.." '
- ~~----:;;
. -....-,,,
n~ss s~m.:rmt ,
• -,•
an·d Evo -
. · rales;' 'but - · -==c
, .re.s torlng· of
~~ as -uSjla)._,r.;~~~:)--~,. ~: .
.- ·. '.J :;·)t ~ =
,~._- · tJ_~1l_erj:i'~til~ ' the . ~iitht poinp and cir-
. tuin~tance, where rhetoric overshadoWs.the
·nP1t<wE•en ""=''J•v•u_- . . tontiil_~ing :d~sj_:(ltegr~tioq of . real,- 'politicc;tl
ofe:w > solutl0ns,~ brea!<tl~wughs : in.. social c;:hange -
dedsions . COJ}tinue to gatilei st~ani. Th~-· prep'oster •.;
o:us.c-g rounqs, ok arrest .in. the ·case•. of. tw:o . :.
Earth,;Fiist!e'fs· ~n ·M:<!.y;indic:ate that the efi~
vi,ronmenlal ,destruction of development ·
,..,_..,,..,.,.,.. . . <;> d...wei NAF:i:'-A .:supe·r:h igp.W,a':}K'i h lndiaria ·'
13>~'",~!J'amng· -~ ~;isi-;afi~~inqeasingly '--~~~siti:Ve _· ~issue: With ..,
~~tQi;;; nteVIr;:f<i,ll~it.gbls ·
. thee, Pan~.!lla FTA 1ootn_iil:g-'_: iii,· the :w;ings, ,
. so-calle d· ~1 Plan
\FJl~:l:>l.G~:i'J~axiatn'9'1·~·~Jq:ti · ~tructure . P!ot ect · _
·J:!,I•I~' f0irn.tJRt::;;P!iLcts)lf<!::>-::~1~q~Jf~Ud~'Sflr~~?
.. ·
·:thro4gh:out. •·· .
~iJ~~~;illl~~Q~1tll,'· "'· N.<nth'tr,tn1er·i ca nas::."'lt>"e.<:otlne., -paramount:" ··,_
: ;t1:f.;~}t~:~}_ :';.
these search terms or clic~;d .. :br~rtd prote~tion:~se~i~~·-;p.rovi\1~- "
1~ ~.-.::.~~ ;:-, .;_
. A couple of us have been working hard on building up the Ev- site, they went to these pages, and New Media Strat~g'~e{,,wl!i~h-, :a~yth~~g,- tb~s~ · rJi ~-~worati§n~ .;,,-·;y< ·_--·: ,
erglades Earth First! websit(!; downloaded these documents, funcf!o.ri t_~ prote(;t : wrpo,~:ati6ns - .<l~:~ ~-thE!<,Slqrig Ol!r -i!).f,o; pur ·artgles~:i·:;;;;t-~~~~.::- . --:- --· ·
. :" _
you know, addi~g th~ o,~lls arid . arid then exited through such . "fro~nt~~- effects ·of ~eg!!~V.~ ~er- - a~~ ar~~e11t~J' _a'il:~:~ ~~J;hiQg~~'~.f,..
whistles and the videos and the and such a portaL Wow! It's cepbons o:t:attacks/ haye_VISited , wit~ :me-<ba ca,mpaign_~!o cour).'t."W"".,t .• ·'!'-';
swamp swi:r;J.ger stories and cam- actually re·ally creep-y· and..; sort o!l ·apretty- re~a:r b~s.iS. -.- >- ,·' 1er_act ~~hem-. ; An;d ·Y9-4 ~1)~\~~~~:;,t:--iJf---~ \ :>
paign zine pdfs. Go to our site of makes you feel like a cop .tb :· ; Ari(fn'ovv-'it,g#s qe_epier. Scripps what .'the ·~op-~ -areAc;>ing aFoui' -. ~- .~I::r:: ·.:,f '_,
.·' Of course . Research, a biotech and vi'Vi,sectipn, .sftel.' 'fhey misspell~& :~4'fC:- .:.~--~~~>
and you'll find out who _we are, .go through the ~listS
what our past actions have been;· actuar names ·aren t given. We coq)oration headquartered in La-- · the weh address--of their..favorife · ~"· -~0 .
whose on our shit list, what we can -see the city ;aird '· co itntry ' Jolia;< Qalifomla; ·h.~s dropJiectby . {JOr~ :s.(te· and .stum~i~d - ~n' as;: .:--L.~:: .·
think folks interested in Florida as well as the web host.- This our: site-~at ·leasf·a,-ha~di:ed times -~ .thQse-_ciefpy,:liiZy sct}nibags >~ · '' ·· · ·~~ ·: ..
ecology, history, · and politics is where it gets intere~ting. it and downloaded all of our· -irifo .. - So should EE:Ek be .paranol.d-? " ·. ·
_. ·...
should be reading, as well as turns out that most of~f cotpo- _ on their-viV-isection labs at a _Flor- · Uh, sure~ ;..rhyfl).O't. -But we can't
links to other campaigns. You .
can even listen to tra,cks from
· .· · -~ _
our EEF! music comp. 'trpe, the
rev wo,n't flow through the in- seeing 'son're .hear -ang· dear ai:'cb .. tt(<3ementage:hd~sih · are :attat ki-ng cus ,: aiL thto~gh - · ·_, , _·___ - -.
. terwebs, and we'd -damn -.sure_· enemies . . Flodda·i:~- Power ana , '('~ (aka -st.ate ter~ -· their attacks :ori ' the wild:-'fne·· : ~·- .
_rather be picking daisies than
lurking around online, but it is - 20 times _o n 7y~~~l1s occ~~io~,s- _ 6n infq~~ftr~nillg;_has;t~~;tfle· , ~oq}o-r,~~!?ns . th~t prpi>~. _i~:: _tit>" ·:.~~~"-., -·
a great way to outreach to lots !~e ·Pal-m Bead! County She~- ~eeps· o~~u~:P~~tty~~eayy.,_l:. ·;_ : , ~~d._ru~- It wll1 ke_ep theu· eye~ :."''' A~
of folks we'd never h~ve the Iff s office, as well as the De!ray , . But who-Is paranOid? It appears · on -us. We ·must conlinge ''t:<;> · · - · --chanc(! to touch base with:-We Be~!;h P.9;lis:e, --~~ve• . i~; . .,.!h;at~each:~?<fevery on,e~9f these.-. hqld th~m, iii .Q~lt--"~c(ipes. 'We
get a good_bit of our legalQ.~­ ~e've - been \6oketl ··in oii .1>:Y ·_. q~l;)iou_s'Vi:$.ifo~s {flte'th~~!9rtg t~~ :: inu·st-:;~bpt!_nue t0_$el:the rec~rd .
fense funds.'through our paypal Fl_6rida Municipal Power,,-_ t~e ~;:_~~attJ!~ :ffel~~" -Pethlps~~~-ipps:i.s-: .~tr~fg!If ' on"'' fl_ie .. · g(OUfl;d .an<;l
Pa-eifih •Ga-s_~ i!nd 'Electrk: Bortr: _. ·se~tth:-iifg -to s~eifcwe've. crossed ' ac:ros~ the web~ · ·' ._ - .... c
•- .~.
link on the site t_o boot.
. -About a month ago, we decided to put a ·web tracker on Penspen Onshore and Of.fshor-e · Animal · Enterprise Terrorism A<;:t . _its _·and .tell us what"yoi:i' think: · .,~"
the site. It was free and it offers Drilling, Phoenix~m~·~waterif).g (f.\E'[A)_J:~~ cteating_.~ thre~tening'!.· ·an'q ~pdate /us · with.-irtfo ;~ni" .-. ·. . . - .·, · '
. lots of weird s~ati~tical analysis: (a·"clean. coal" slurry thick~nip.g , flyefs. ; Perhaps~Penspen 'is>th:ink: - yotg_'di.rp.paigti :thar.yo(l..!d fike_
. this nameles.s. .. user used such- . ·company),_and. v~!i9us _City_ at?-~ .) rW ~boue the ·· fin:ancial _:Us to'_p0~t. Wewant·to··catry:-Hie :
. hc>s-ts F -Tw<;> -. -~ussigns of.
settip.g .up· of:fs-hote
.·.··infol_:ination;wadorward. ' · . - and~sticii -~eb provider; . ~sed county ~go:ve'rrj.rp.ent
- ·- - -- ..· - ·
------:...-.- '. >:._~:in·e
- fl~ce
.: -~~-·s·:·i~~·n 1. ~ ,-·
' 1\.: . ~~ 1. ' .Q '1:\J . - .l "l
·. ·
' ~he -o~<;~S- art:cl 'pl6ppea--:rhemselv~s #own~nd~the sld~walk; ..
:the- o~fice .. doors~ ;Tliis 'fN~s- ··
sponse' to . the··coinni"enc~menkof, ~Vic;ti<:>,Iis-of. huiigreds -:o f.-~aJLlll.t:-1'~· ..., ••- -.~•
.- and·dandowners on' the propQ.sed new fo.ute~0H:.69 : - -~; _, _· . _. _
. ,, ·:: Tlle~e arrests appear .to :b~ :-riothing m' i h'!-n ~n attempt--t o"
1:. .;:;:t! mi9ate ;a~~t heirass tgose·_wh't>:·dare't<?' build.communities
:. t~n~_( and_ oppos~:th_e Nort~ American, Ere~ ., A_gr~~enae11t
,'{.0~-s~,-e ~o(t-tq<lte.d..,la)v~~to: p~Itflies~~ cpa~g~s;<?ubof . na•tev~er,··a
~. .. pla~e .tQ.ey' had beeliJurk-ing-.z.
:--. ·'"'~~'- ·>···/·"~; ·:-~.
•. · :.; ·H<?~ever; ·.
';,.. enet tive .• Thee"~~~-1111 Ul•~tli:'Y. :haiS~i:on:(~~to~~~_tlile~'{s-:th>"iige~i,·:-tf!.a:l(:lite:ye]r~
:~:.and :the :'$.30,009 '•.' ·\:1
JQ:aJa '.wt~l.tkf:;S.i:fp.port
_;:_-~ .-~ ~ ·~._:..\ _
:p~ ;_,:i_ ·,c
~,.,. on:tt~qs~~i>
! ' ~n · eviction~' notice' appea_r~~,:~n
, .p~infUHy obviou·s ;';tQ:~tilt~.e~tctte'JJ,·.dig· aWfuUy
-- · '- -
···-·•:_, ::'·:·.~~<~~~:~t~~;_::h c-~~-~~~',
. . - ..
.,;,; ;;
·- ·
~::.·• ..
-~·-+ ~ _•
As Resistance Blooms .a '~Done
"'~·· -·--~!. :• '~
• •
. '-.,
-n.Y 'GATEWAYSUCKS!QRG,· .·· ., 'he ~ay find that tJ;je J?Iuffs wet~;tth~1J~('Pi,~e's :- are_ ignored. ·'First highway that w0uld expropriat~
-<.o ,· • : ·
' , ~ only a taste o~ -th~ burgeoD.ip.g_· :Nati(,;!ns people are represented
his house for an overpass, and
Shouts .of'!D,bri't -resistance. . . . ' . ~ ':": --, :· ,..- :;.. _:faltin g with early settlers, recent destroy the rare ecosystem he
need it! Dop."t w~t
The _GateV{ay Project p roposes__,. immigrants, farm folk, cit-y has lovingly tended and reforit!- :Won't have ~ ~t!" . a di~cerous· sprawl ofhighways ·. f~Jkl the rich, the poor, elders, - est~d (search YouTube for "SEPR .
rang out fn;>m tne designed to. speedtruc:kl6ads·oh · kids and everyone in between. Parts 1-4" for videos). With
. j\"orking-cl~s( . ·dod{ . to{Cic; <:li~po~able,. pl;ts!ic: ._goods · In ¥arch, res~sters engaged in friends standing by to help, he
. ) ands of Surrey; :near · through .the 'region toward the - a week-long blockade · against is just one of many "regular
· Vancouver, British Col~mbi~; .:- ·Walmarts·=bf:eastern Canada and house demolitic,His in Surrey's folks" now realizing that direct
_, -Ciinaq_a _o n _Coa.s t Salish -t~rt1~- the southern US Facing·destruc- Bridgeview neighbor~ood, which . action may be what is needed to
. . _tory,: as~·a diverse. gro~p of p~o: ·,- :tji:mare Fir_st_ Nations sat~ed si~es, successfully. -resisted government turn the tid~ when all else fails .
' - .- .- : -~ -· - } es,t er: piassed ~t f,Pce iiv_e dront - 'orca .POds,~:_tertile ~' 'farmjimds, - a~e'rnpts at mass relocation for
One Surrey resident, who
- . "~ · ~ ··~n' Janu~ry to:,9ppos_e the G<lte~: s_~l~on stfea.JI!.s, urba~ ~ldlife . a similar project a generation helped spearhead the Bridway proJect: , . - , -·
. _· corndors, .,.=JI!.Ig~atory bud sane- . ago. As~eady stream of supporters geview blockade, sees increasing
-. -., ~~
A _:$10 -billi~n freeway and · tuaries and Burn~ Bpg~tl~e la~g::~. ·trpmriear and far stopped by the direct action against Gateway
· __ "-- ~ . ~JOr_t _~e~pansion I?lan, G,~tev.:ay est domed peat bog in -western -- ~I,ockade,bringingcoff~e, _c:ookies, as the best way to fight the de, · .mcluqes a·. : te!lj'lane .. super- North, America, · known as the .camping gear an.d gaod cheer. ·
struction. "If tbey try to bull~ bridge!.~ tO, re~l~ce Fb.e_five~l~.~e-'~ __"lu~gs low~r. m_ainlc~.nd.'!.
B~rnad~tte Keenan, a B~i~- doze through North Delta a few
t PprJ .Ma,~]) : B!'1!;ige,_tl;l~ regrenal . Env;tronm~~tiil assessm.entshave
geview: smgle mom and CIVIl months from now;· we might
·. ~
· , w~dening.·rP-~..·. t~e~Tr_a!Js,Cana9~ b~e? fas_t ~.'. t.ra~~ed. Public an? sci- .s·ervant, put i.·n many long hour.s . ju,~it hav:e to confront them at
. ·,
l:{lghwa,y, . a .:new·trw_;k fr_e~way,· /entl!J.c ObjeCtiOnS are routmely on the l?loc).<ac,le. _f\ ·new<;omer every house; every stream, every
. dubbed the,~o)lt~fr;t~~:r_l~ri~e- _: c\isregarqed: ._- ... _ -- ,.·, ~ ., · to actiy}sm',~- she has ,assumed sacred site. Squat by squat, the
' ~ - terRoad~. a_:Q~- a ~aj_(;>r-~~_I>apsio]1 :..- ;"As' th~ptiblic- face ofG,ateway, . the moniker B'ernadette "No
atmosphere will grow festive,
- . ~ of the· _Rob~I.~S , _ B~n.~_± Superport' ... ¥;iQ.!ste~ :~al~<?n is 11()tori~4.s _for . TruckiBg Fr:ew~~s" Keena'n ,~nd a c~lebratiori .of life. The .world
I ! If r, . (als~ - ~~o~ a_
s De.lt9,p9rt). -~tJ.~~ , h~. ~;,adm.t+at19n ' ~~au.thpnta~Iap. ::.: pow < will be w;atching in 2010."
Meanwhile, pre~construction is
},..,; proJ~Ctls part. of}ll~- ~A~I- ~P~@fi~,~ ~ethod~ ~gpsefY!ng:_!h!!:t ·Ch!n~ "' tl_i._e freeway,., which IS planned
. . · . ~- <;Jat~waf -::_.C6:rrigor ·:;~ii,itJa!~v~,:: . · ,;·reaily-hjts the-ji1~\e·- Keyiri:~: tc:)be built half a block f~om her · underway. Neighborhoods, forests
<(colossal_{o~~i_l;-fuel , s-~ hem_e to . ,Falcop. go~e~ment stru_Gfure." - · neighborhood school. "I'm. WQ! - . and wetlands ·need defending .
.- ~·' -~.-.. , . sp_r~ad,. global ~rade~vJ;!. tlie,,west ,'
~{They~_ don't have the.:la,bor or ried about my~_d,al_lgl;l.te(s health, · We engage_now in struggle to
' ·
~ coast. · . , :. · , •· · '· ~ . ,, . ·e:hyiron,mental restrict~o:ns, we do~· ·. abput-,alHhe childreh-; about.the , defend our homes and .the· com.,.•
Th7: ch~n,t in -~_u~r':ly wa,!U~<:i ~ It's nbtlike they'hir\te:to -do;<;:O~- :- river," she said a,s the bulldozers . munity of life around U:s .. We
· ' - ·-: -. ,- }:>y,J'~ed]acobs, the ~n:kly-~yed ·II_lunity c_9nsu!tati ns ,~hey just- ro_ared in, ' '~ disobedience is · honor those who went before .
_s,Qn - ~?f-rever~d ·fj:ee,way-figl!teE s_ey, :~w~;~t Q!lilqing -.'l: )?ridge.'' a' last resort, but we may h ave nq , l,ls-like Harriet Nahanee who
····_and-. ur~q~ ~.e-thinke_~ -J.a!le..)a-·_~ and they mpve evecy··,O,!_!~--~u~ ·qf . c_hoice. I never knew how brave I ~died a! the hands of the _Cana-- ~o}2~ .Jn ~0_05, Nedw~s· on~ ,q(24 ·. ~he!e and get· goi:t:l_g _withih · twq,·"w~s unfil !l~W;".. , _.. :. __ , ,, ,
dian state .. We stand with /:r~~d
heroes arre~ted in}al'1do_ff _,;';Vee_!<s._ <;::g ulc;! yo~ ill!aw e if we _ _ . ,D&ys lat~r in nearby Langley, resisters everywhere, but espe~ ·
I"".-' ag&ip.~Uhe S~~-t.();?.J<y :~.·.igfi.w~y . <ig uld buga. li~e t nat-n ,,;f.; .-:o. '~- : . · farmers--..barr}c;~ded the_.gffice ,of ci~lly at Eagleridge Bluffs, Bear
s-J- pn:~Ject aF, Eqgl~ridg~ Bl':lffs :n!=ar- _ ,ro .wa¥"! w~y- fo~ F<,tJg~n's- f;ree7 ...a}ocal politician ~tlYtheJr., trac- · ~ountain and I-69 . .,
i .
: •· ;"~ ._ }'Y~s.~,_y~~co~ve,~,_ th~~ fit~\ ~a)or · _ ways, .d~rriolitiorts ~fWorlGiig ¢ t?r~, demanding the can!=ella- · . .T..p_~ y ateway Project was d'e~,
~ ·:- t ~ --,a~t,. of.~,es~_sta!lce ~OJ?.~est~dwtt-1} homes alongthe ahgnme~ts have tlon oj an overpass ~proposaL dared ': a done deal" f~om the
'/ .:. <·~ /!!""\ · the1' V~n~_?1Jver,·Zq}._o ·o .1yp1pics. r~~entlypeg!ln, while lanq _ban:ms N.(eetin_gs _in th,e nefirby towns moment it was unv~iled half
· __ . .'\-..1'- (!_ed,.at,Eagler{dge,. mak~ millions from propeftY -· qfJ~Jorth Qelta a_nd Tsgwwassen a decade ago, but it will be a
Fi~~t .Nations elg_ei~l!frrie.! Na:, :;v.~l?.P~~~ 'a? d:jrdustti~t_,Ie?;OlJi:ri~~ :flave " <!r~~--~({ge., CF~~~s %who ""; ~iP}f!l~~~'~f - t;-vq_ year~ ' before
. . ., _ ... , . :.~ ha~_ee,- who -d~ed · sfigrtlY:.· a!fer ~--- ln.ctepe,nd~ht,.PC?J,ling sP.oW( tb a( ) rave - da'moted for: direct' a_c- · " concrete can be poured, in part
•,-_ ~': ..,.; .• :·'> _:~_falling~m In jail,~ ana "grand:rha~-:public~opposition ;·has ' growii ·to ,- tion. ·In ·April, :activists dumped . due to the bagginess of the lo, ~- ~ . 0 ~ .o.i the_~oods" Betty__Kravvczyk, _, a very strong 69 ercent, creata~ l_9ad Qf sand fJ()m ~ Gate_:vay cal terrain · (even the · Romans .
~ ,., :""' .'--~ wh~'$'sefVetl hip.~, ~'{n!li~--~f~~..c.,Jng; ~"fil<;_~pt1v~ mg~~Lf~Jc djf~t~ :;~7:: e_ §'ii~-lftuffi~n:l~site -a:~, Mihi:S~ . ·knew better·thap _to ·bujlg roa~s_... -.... ~: ¢ a .- violating the-injunction against' -action. A'::immber of ·small, vi- ter Falcon's office; and-g-uerrilla -on Bogs . .
"' ._-:: '_ ~ the block_ade.) The Bluffs we'r~ ~rat}~ . riverside communities gardeners recently took up a po~ support ~nd th,e }lleltdo~~n o~ _ ,
.· ~
- ·- 11l.tim~tely bulldozed i]1':spit\ o( f. ~~e · oblit~. ration, and__ ~it is in _ ~itio~ on _t?e freeway align~ent. .g.lo.l:lal · capi~. alis. m. .' \.we_ ~~¥e~ th}~':_···>
· -;,- .: Wldesprea<!_ protest from the Fusto- ,·--~~~se ~pl_aces wher~ VancoJ;lye( s- m ~n~geview.
· .' . · .
pqw~r to shift everythmg: i · ·
- Nfitions, ·oy British Cohirribia's history ,. of, .grassroo~s~ freeway - J n a) hady: ~a,vine on 'tne·barik: . ' Now is our titn~· gf greatest op.~
. · megaloma-niac . Transportation _,!j.tigg~i~"'!Jei'ng revi~iteq. ·
- of the- Fraser Rivet in North Delta, . pO!tunity, and~~tlj~ -=-ranks oj .th~ ;,_-_
~-:~:~~- ~ - . , ~~ MiJ!!ster, Ke:v ih -.,
·- '·Tnrp\fg~.p~~: tl1e: r~gi~n!·::P~.p_-: -~-PP?f~:~ siot:al_ .. ~~efig~t_~r: .: _)~r~.~<:f ·: =~ l!l?~e~,er:t IPU,s\,sw~ll to :ffieeC.'."
:~ ;t. -:_/fi/'S , m>w-_,hell-bent pn
who rtev~r saw: themselves·J·-:M~f~.r,. , to_;;defen~ --~~~: _ th~ chalJenge. ]om us S~mt the ·
~*'_-::·. , ,...... behemot)l
outrage ,as · ·home
:of . a Gateway! No pasaran! - __
r ·
.:_ 'r/J .
'.' .-: '. (j)o
and lemon balm. I had· wanted Pounce pn ·tood· items: when . go to ·catch bass,·but your friend
to last a full week, but because they become available-J and·· does. When it comes tb'naruralFor five days at the end of the project took place after !he ·store them.
ist skills, the-re· is--art overwhelmMay, I lived excJusively on wild mushrooms disappeared and
- ·- ,
ing amoUnt· · of· iq.foiination ·.fe
food in Portland, Oregon. There before the berries and nuts come Eat Like.the Fi) st People
. grasp. That's good'·n~ws~·fM~it
.was no dumpster diving, noth- out, there was very little in the
The land in eachJ egioh offers - ·means ~you qon't h avi['t 6- krioW
ing from gardens-instead, I way ot calories . I did not want a liinited selection; quite liplike.
·' ·
· ·
ate weed~ and wild-plants grow- to hunt or fish, so I found a grocery stor"'e: This. me~ps that
ing in parks,. 'wilderness -areas, myself too weak -to continue you've:g<;>t to confo~m - to wh~t__
yards and sidewalks within the on· day five and l).ad tq- stop ~-;.At ,- -i t giye~ you: so ·it is a good idea . ~. city limits. My purpose was to first, I felt disappointed arid· ofs- ·to study :w}:lat. focfds the native
explore questions of sustainabil- couraged by the early epding. people ate in your' region afid
ity and swvival while indulging However it was· a ·fantastic h;trn ·in what propo!tions. Wild veg- -·
my desire to experience what it of events, becat!_se it_gave me an . etariapism is - l!nli~ly 'to ·.we>ik. ·...
feels like to be a wild person in opportunity
refleet Oh-w_qat _I; . _ciu~~,in ·many -places~ tpduding
an urban ·environment i_n,2009 . had l~arned: the importance ;of Cascadia, -ctu·e_, to l~ck ·of- avail·" "
, .- / •. ~
Before this proj'ect ·began, I knowirig,yout local terrain, stor- able calories and ptotei~~Jro~_.,;· ev.erything_..tb su-IVive. 'Y<;m, -- ·.
sometimes fantasized about being ·ing food, ·studying -the native plants-alone.
(I( you can
· · ~eeo:a -group of~peO'pH~
. ·.·
r-· -.
a feral hunter-gatherer. I thought ways and embracing c<;>mmup_f- _me: wrong, aw:esoJile!) · Ant:ll~o- • ·· allin~it -together: '\- --_ :.J ::;: • '· '
of it as a romantic possibility sus- ty. I ~ight not have recognized ·pol~g~eallitera~ute sugg~sts th:Zlt . The_ mote· you ) ea:fn about _. ..
pended in the annals of eras past these-thh;J,gs if I had jnade it-the the na!l~e - peopl~- in~yor#_ajid ancesttal way~; :tli:e ~mqre~,j:>ow: .. _
and perhaps awaiting rpe at sorne whole way through with ease.
ate few ca:diohydrate·s ana relied . c~-~rful ~ yqu .· wfll. _bec6me5 "You. . . ,__ ,
uncertain point in the future,
~ . heaV,ily, on:ffshilclams arid ·deer, ·-Will aY:quire ·the . abilitY to: tec- ' : :' _,
post-collapse. After this experi- Meet Your->(Plant) They ate. an: amiy of ~bert.jes ~nd ognize· h~ddep·- ati_uiidarf<;e, to- :· . .
ence I see that we can create the Neighbors
some .. roots~specially- ·ga.ifj~s:-- see .things;:that cwere·pt:evl.ously _.;·. ·. . .
reality we want to live in right
If you want to be able to s~r- · 'Qulbs;;:.;..buf most- of ·theiT ·V:i.f~'::' -~ ~!!visible t9 ymL ..F<?i 'ins~q_ce;" ~ · · . ·, :·c::.z.' .. :.
now. We are aSo" free as we ever · vive on wild food, pay attentioti min and mineral intake cain~ · -w here 11ohce saw ·a -rib nae>S<:ript :.. -: · . ·~
were. Ouf planf friends -are still to where each plant species grows . from ·plant sources_. .-~ve /rarely' .. green mass ~~ riingcth¢':ri;)adsi4es,
offering themselves as nourish- apd its
for consi~~r ~._a, ting these diiys tsll9h .'1 J?.dw- r~cognize· c0:-fg1t~¥Ie_9-:i~ment and medi~ine, beckoning
as the inner:~. bark:r;Of herrilo. -k ·-:.c-irie, fibed:o. weave' mat~ with;
us to rediscove( our pri_rnal relaal)d cottonwood·h~es)~· ·· :_ C', :~;;:;-~ • a~d .even' em~>r.y DQ'{li:q~-.-. Where.
. . tionship With the~,. ~even in the ·
. -·
- . -: · .,: . _ ·' . i once ·saw ..unkempt- yar.ds; I
city, even with all the concrete
_Commun!JY . .. 'J .. : · ~:-.·
.· how . -see '·salad _green-s. · Tpose
'!nd asp_!l~lt.
_ _ __
-isJ't~n, Y._e_t su__rpri~ingly~ · weeds coming lip '~hro:Uglf the . '!',
_ ~ This f§ nof'to. say t{lat we have
llcrs a.l ow··retufil"'for - w icks ir!,the-sidewa:lk'?. Tea. :Ev- · "· ~ ~ , _ ~:_::,
· · ~ en_pui_li t.vil(fland t ·suf!p<;n;i .;.{o of energy y ou 'f,l~x:>:e ~ e,r..y. single plant .mi·_h<!s a
,... •
aging exclusively on a large scale,
to put into both locating- and gift to offer. Some, are - medici- ·
especially living i~ a city. Still,
gath~ring food. This is -where .nal some are nutritionaL Even
wifCf food can, be a supplemeH.t to· . co_I?mimhy .c~n.he!p,:_ W@i:~ne P?i~o,p. hemlock_fs lip~~opat]].an otherwise-lqcal.c;:liet, and kno'o/.per~o~ .II\ight. spen~:~ f<;>_l!r.. h~u:rs · ic in sm.alF·doses,. :What inig.!J.t
-·· ipg abqutjtcioula"~~~e-y'our;.Hfe in ' fobd -~an wast~ ·~a:luableli_rhe 'in ),!.:and ·gatq~ripg_ b!z.Y ., be _growiijg_in your, batkyara? .
a _crisis .. Besides,· to eat a weeq is · .a crisis. -s0 ; 1 write down what 1 dock :J;oot,_three. others~~c~ri: ·u~~ ..;,''. For , ) nt:onhat.i on _'Of!. · ~atety; ..
to honor it-and your own :wild 'find IIi: ii).y : il'bod .
pinpoint .-t1lat:' s~~ time to go out ·and -<':plant- identificati.oh-cand~. further
nature -in a most intUnate way. the intersections. I -also note get. three oth~r-kinqs of foods ~ri r~s6tirtes on ~ld f(;oct·in-g.ene!al;
It is a'.positive, direct action·that growth patterns that could offer - three other places. Togethe:r, we . ·such as -books, photos and other
reaffirms yotir' place in the -web clues -in unfamiliar habitats. For ·can do so much more than· one: ieip'ling _. opportunities;~·Yi~it my .
'Of the great Gaia.r .
- 'r. .
insta.nce,. pineapple 'weea likes . can ' qC<;O~p_list . aJop.~:. -_ ,wilderness-skills . blog ·~at :~.
./ I lived ' qn stinging .;nett~~s , :sunf!.Y"- places:. and;__ Wild ·ginger · The ·opportunity · t<;> - :Sh~~~~w:~ ~ ,fi:rs:h'(!ll·i~ And'_ c]ie~k : out
- . lrroth, burao·c:l(:': ro ol; thistTe"·:.,p re'fers,fOfesr cover.
know} edge and barter or-,snaje . the' rant'q,stic .·pdmer -called "Feo, ?" 2' , .
and wild · carrot; t};le. !.<'!-W _gfe~s~.
. :·
·. .
· gootls are · also huge benefi~s . .. -ral- Forager: A Guide t 9 · L'iving ·~ . ·-~ .. >~
.~l).i~~weed,. min~!'s ~?.t!E~;-~<_!~n~ ~e:-: ~tQr~_Jy~tt~ the Seasons
. . -:~aybe you 'di_dri't ~ave · ~no~gh .. - Qff. Natuie) 'Bouniy 'in· U~t>jih,~ --::"··:{.~ ·;,. ~ ·_
·deb on and red dover; and. teas · ·¥- WhaF'='g,( o:W,s . ub~quitously . ac<nns las~ ·fall, bt~t your"nt:Igh~ . RuJaJ·. and Wilderness · .Areas/ ' ..
made from rose petals, pine nee- _dti_ring } he }irst wee],< __ oF May .,:~ Q0r- ~J;laLip.qre~ztli~r:F sh_e":-n·eeds: :' ·a'Vi~[ (<;>r download at:·ww:W.
dl~s, · wild: chamomile, cleavers may have -vanisl!ed;!)y_-t-h.e.:;last. ""--~a:ybe .Y~';l,donJ, know "Yhertto . zfrieli!Jf.ary.irifo.
~~ ~~"1-~l'~~~~· :--:;·~---~/-
- cn -
. Additonally, what kind-of out- · through . child care, data entry mean .that there is a hierarchy.
reach will attract new .mem't;lers ·: and cooking -me_als. Sponsor- HaYeing a monopoly on knowlEnsconced in the beautiful -.and retain old ones? He're is what -ing conl.munity building events edge, d0esn~t give you the right
arms ·of the Santa Rita m~un.- _we _came up with:
- such as potlucks, barbeques .or · · to act as ·a boss. H~lping people
tains,' EartQ. FirsVers · -from
· .:
public hikes is also a great way learn the ·ropes and taking on
- ~ .: ·a rpund the country rubbed the. W~rfing With Other
of bringing people tc;>gether. fulfilling exciting roles in your
\..U ·- sleep _out of their eyes, cracked ~ Envuonmental.Qroups . - ' Sharing ~paces with other groups community means giving peaI '
their knuckles - and hun~erea · ·. . ~ttin_g . aside our_t!Jdgyp.e~t~ .. .has been--a fiscally and politically pie the spa~ to make mistakes
-down for an epic strategy ses- . abGut .what ·other·enVironmerifai s\iccessful tactic1 such ·as when and learn on their own. Yeah,
-· sigri at the . 2009 Earth First! · groups use ) lS . cainpaign ' tactic~ .: a~·J:"infbshop /shines a-rental space maybe the banner is ilkgible,
(EF!) · Organizers · Copfe~ence · can help us build rowerfyl ~o~!i:-. >~yith i:l-labor union. By becoming but learning from our mistakes
..(OG) . Thr~mgh ga;nes .and ac~ _ tions.Somet_ime~theyhavemore . 'interested and involved with the is far better than learning from
~iv~t~es s.e.t up~b~- the wo:rk~hop · reso-tlrces t~ . do :res~aJC:.~a~out ' · stiuggles of ot)iers, We can begin a teacher's lecture. Experienced
f~cihta:tors, . h~ated cpnversacurrent envuonmen.tal Clestru<;;- to cross the race, class and ur- activists mtist.learn to walk the
t ions, and.. bre-akotit groups, tion than we do. Often, " main~ barif.rural divides that have giv- thin tightrope between being a
we broke down where ·we ·have stream". environmentalists have · enour movement a bad name resource for others and control_.
been and where we waiit to be td_comprqniise·: thetJ;:_b~liHs·:in: . anq has left us feeling isolated ling the process. Conversely,
going in gur cofltinuing stn:.tg_- · order· ~o ~eta1p. th~,ir~. jops or 'ac- · and alone.
throwing new folks into situations they aren't prepared for
: gle to defeijd the .,etan_et. . · _:· - .... cess t_o tha~ . worhthro)..)-g!i. their
. · We did several ·exetcises; one -non-profits and migh( appreciate Taking Care of Each Other can lead to failure and disem_oLwhich :he1pe-a ~us hnpac;k an . . a_cb~~perat{ve relatio-nship with. in Order to Prev~nt
powerment. New people need
issue that has )?e'e n a' sou rce-of . a group -such as EF! .whoj ::an ap" .Burnqq t_. _ ·". _ .
. to be challenged with important
tension. We were,asked to iden-~ proa.c h. an issue from -a .:O:o com- :.,. -.-A• mov~!Iient':_(·that . continually . roles in -order to feel invested iri
tify -whetbei .W~ ·lif~d--i~ ·uioari~: _·pr"Omise ppsltion_~ ·bast, ~b&~diilg •' lo~es its · el_ders- and experienc~d the work, but this n_eeds to be
or iural spaces, and ?w:h~ther..'~e?--go'&d ·;rel(3:t.ipnsh,ips._with _other meJ;nbers: ))as to reil;l.v~nt the done with compassionate menprior itized Wi~d~_J;.n(!ss:<fdens¢ or _
.. eR':VirOiiJ;IlentaLgroup_s can giv_e . wheel over aFld ov~r. , Providing torship and guidance.
irifra,s~i)lctur~carrip~tgi}~ ~.Whl!tt.\:iihau.·· aJr o(l?~iti~a¢y· i~ tq e -:· .' ~ogi~tical SUPI?~rt:~9r .people, like
most people ,~fu._~.~idef._!.ti~l:~q:; as;., -·pi.tbij~ ey-e _thfi:Jil ~~c&t.i~·~ benefit-?:helpi.ii_g :~n--times'·of financial cr.i~ Back into Wild Spaces. ·
- ur_:baQ: pJiolitize·ct: irrfdstrlJ.dure·· otii:>,c~:mpaigns-, ;, e·specially .- in _. sis -and _p.roviding child care for
Public:' hikes, picnics- and
4~ ' -. camgaigns, 'ii:nd the smaller ru- the' media .
families are ' -:w:ays to . alleviate . cam pouts are a great way to get
~(\1- ~. rah,eontin.gent_ prioritized ~wil_: _
_•. .
. .-.
; _
some. o~. ~1\e .bwd_ens· thiit cause . people connected to the wild.
_ . derness defense, some d,id ':Qpf · Sllakemg o(f our Ra~1st
··people · to drop out. Practicing It's one thing to · pa).iicipate in
Jit_ the fnold .. Sevei:(l.l pe·oi>le -~~w-- and Classist Baggage <: ~ • • 'good. :·COhflicf .,resolution and theoretical discussions . about
,:~IJS. ~ iio · confl.ict~of.p.rJ'Oritiis, : iii'-):1)'1-! ~·:;· I.{we opert!t~ unqei'a ·-model<)f ·· being ; \ :oura:geous enough to biocen trism, it's another . to
V·';i/~- - _ "diyei~!ff." <;>C~c'tic~" ' tr~~itl6[!,_-,. -Dlri~al. aii:l, ~tlien we'·wbnl have . "{ace_up to personality conflicts ·stand on top of a rugged mounsome "p<?i~n(e-9:. o~t 'J_hat' _inany · · to scratch oiir heads in the empty and po~er struggles within our tain 'o~ .:to see a moose 'for the
-irtfr'<t~tnic!t;ire' :..e~m;J?~ign's ~-- ~ie me~ting rpom or at tl].e pporly at- _ workini groups helps retain ._ ~rst time. People_.are m~re likely
- .based-frF tui:a l are:~s; -~n'd:·o~bets . ~'eil'ded a cticin,r wonperirtg ·what OUJ; ~e!;hbers, a:nd that's worth to defend land that they have a
p~int~d "~~~-:-tJ;l~t ~:ild~Qie,s;(_ci~~ . ·.w_ell.t~~r~~f!n<: !li~~~,~nt_~xt- ·pf>. ,taking~ s~rile ti~~ ·ou,t~o( tlle:·r~v . relations_llip with, and it is eas:fense' ~~' a)l _ ·. ?!b~~ IS~~_e{as,.. ~t~ I~ our ·<;:r~~-t:nng .~e~nQmy,. ft 'IS str~-:. to_, pr<:>c:e~s, ' Making su_re people_ iel" f()r others .to understanQ,-o_u t .
tp~ r~<)t(rces of wl11'Lp1a.¢es~ thsrt .. te gically advantageous for us to .: ar~n't talq.iig on t.oo much is im-· · c6:rriinitinerit to the earth i hen
ar.e·~sttipp~a ~-lo~oitilct ~Miu ~~1-~,: lie aware' oi ·.What' issues-reson~t~ ~. portf}nt;·· as .is retognizing where they have opportunittes to coii.
- - ·' -: ~ ·ci~es~~m· #~~-Safr~;)r:~~s-~g~~9 f; ~it~: £~9#i:~.§.?,iijg·J.e:.j· - ~e'iih~~ ~)?~r b_~_qg~~i!~i'":W~''!~ r~_gir~s ·t~ . . ne,ct with -~er..Also, ·p1,1bl~~ hiKes_
t~~talk · a0'6\it JE::·-{lf~er'e~t '{>:~':'~~ ~l): fflo_2tl"' fnee~!?S§:!,.l2_q~~;/'~~~(.~2~~ w?~i?:j~~~-~~ (>!1 }bv:i:~? "'::.a:f)~ ~e~efl~s~ 'ar:..-~~pd~rful wa'fs .
. :. _
sitw~~Jroi_Ip~~~vs:~, ~~ "qo::~R!J ,.,~ hi~~~.~.r.;r:W.P ?.§.e2~a~~~,!9RW.;.~js;;:·:~~fomm.~~~ca~<?e1~,~-~~n~-- '11!~~~1 . t~. ~~I-ld· co~unity,--~s- :w:ell as
_ work, and ~ help those who' fe~l ·. dieaps rrieet1ng new ·people and · - support;_wlietlier that loo~s hke positive media opportumtles .
~E:;io3}. ~f-O~I?dJh~:~ .-i~~~~.--l}~- .. ,!Je~f?lJ!ipg,a"tV_q.r:.oft.he)ssJ,J~S _af- -~ ~-i~?ight ~rJ~i~:cap o.': a_l?,~~ !.o, ~ ..- , _
. . . ,.., . .. . . ,
, . '-IJ
dets\~~~~"&f_1p.t,~~g~f!~~~~--"~R~;;; ~~h~;o~~~ i ~ :;~P~~~Ilha. _r~~~~;l- ~ ~~~et t~J~i!t~~~·-~I_o1J~'!;Y~ · ~!l~IJ~. 8~~~~-~)e~~~~e!'t'.:
·· ~· . _
· campaigllS,Q)j> .. P~~s .. .-.•. ~, , _ , ,,-~.~ ,· ~Ipps . ~P~)\\'~.,tO~Jll tu~R~g, _ sucn o eepmg
g mg oge c . . ·
·_ '\ . _
~e(th.~ sfa~qy~fi~s 1 ytehbrokh-~ · n~~pr~1i).g ~uilds· alli)i_~~es that . Menton'ng and·ng
hit hhelps to hdavew:orkinfg ~roup!
up in,_to ~ fbur gro:ups, eac Wit~ - giye:us ~ hroader base.Jo call ~il
w o · ave a ivetsity _'o . appear': " - '
a m~Wr.goaJ ,_fc;>r t~t; Ea~?,, Fi~~~! · . i,n·'th~- eve~t th.aCwe P~t;si .a jail . . Spa<;e to Grow
ances; t!'!~t:\Y'~Y th~ folks whoJ~ol<_
(EF!) p1o_y,emerit. _that, W~ . }10P~ ,, .-sS>lid<irity _de!p-qf1~ti'a~!<?!J:.:-,b_
i il:t_- a
One ·of .the -c:op.c~pt~ discusseg . ('no!ffi,~l_~;. ~an' ~e tb-~ ·~aceN ·t own ·
!<r wor.l\ _toward: bridging the · public ineeti.ri_g; ·when_ } Ve need '!t the OC -t~e 'idea tpat we- , m·eetirigs:a:p~ ~e fo!~ who ha~~
~rbari/ru~al g~p, · in~r:~s~f}g many s~rong voices to <;>ppose ·<l:
n_e ed t{) "train our replqcerii~nts·. ·_th.e blue: '-P,~i-r c-an hang with
membership am;l parti~ipatwn power plant.
· ·~ <:::...~,Jt, we need ~o get better.. punk-s .~t the-teen center. More
in, the movement, shaking off
On the smalL scale, tlys'c:an be · at meh~oring- people whq~copie "' seriou~l'y, th e question of h id~ _.,_ .:;- O}ll:·?Ja_g;ist,. an-fl. c)assistJ:~~gage
done. RY. attegding local suppers, into the EF! ' movement. That ing our identity came ~p Often
0 _.-.
-. .
n '·
-:, l'
·~ :::~~~~-~.ii~,·~f·::?i~I~1~~~~t~~~ rJ;~~~o!~~;_h_~r;;i~~~~l~~ - ~~l}~~~~~c:s:~~-i~~W:!fif:t~p~~
~- ··~:c ·. ~- c;~~~emel)~,:'Fr91.Jl~~-~ , _tlf~~~r¥.- < . ~~~le ,this
can :be done 'thr~ugh .the p~t~ence and cpmpas~_10n to
?;zt~Pp o~g~nizer? s~Ji~:~~:Jnt<;>J~~ · - ~-~ ti,v:~r ~b!~--o! atten~ing : ~a- · _ ::a.l k'folf_s-wh. ?
activseeri ;a~ synonymous
.:. · · :gre,ups,-each Witlt;a -l5rC5a,.derrgoal - tional ~vents ·sponsGred'b:y: s~x~al ,_. I$p:l th~o~gh ... .
. ·.
, Jq
j;~ ·;.-:~~e~~ap~~late 'tl\~<fc;>ur~ge£;11~9 - · ·
··· a pres's'
<:::~~ .~- dfspiss-~d: How d in we<bt0i-Nen
.~-:· an d . dlv~r-sify .
., /
• -
.- .•,
' .
, . I-
chosen to defend the only home we know and the fa, una and flora
who have every rightto live on this beautiful planet free from h4...
man destruction. Our biocentrisin is the core of this.· movement,
and we. shouldn't hide it~ lt_. is a place of strenmh, strat~gi<:a\ly; .. ce~teda\rrpagesoftheEF!J _ to'~;h<J,wcasei>.ic,re~P,o~'l'~l.~P.:[~c~l§
l>ecause it occupies .·a place .in discourse:'-that wo.~ld .be unheard · otitreath .t~l~CHI.d't~·,ffiustrateth:i~ Way;th(~:stt.itel~~l~.:hclv'e'pll!Y~t\i'efut .::+~
otherwise, and most major social issues and struggles of this tl~e ... m~~e~1iijdJ;'Fh-cf·~ Fir.~_tk·Roac_:tsbLO_,w/· ;~1UlE~;iEM.tattWl,gti~J_';QJJltwW'~i
·can ·be traced back to Jh.e lowest co nun on deqominator of ·hu- · afuund' the-:counuy,·~ean ·research what o~
. ier._en'Yitc:>P-tP,~ri~l~ ll~ot:);poits';!,s~~ifS~,
greed and excess/ which iri turn, is. why the .~arth ·and 'her
happening ou~-tliere~aiid·brirlg. ~~ni
.ctiildren are in peril.: Last; ~bile we do.not .wa~(tQ ati~nat~ ne~ · . It :wa.s suggested-that, th~' ,Ropdy . haLve .:~fo,:.stii~dltic; wci'dciht,bs
commu1_1i~i~s by nOt.-'beiilg inchisive; there are ·elements of-this to·
· ~n:mc~m:,-.r.tev'f~~
movement that cari -~ incredibly-inspiring to those who-first see ' . Group, .
it. 1\.~ong . ouonids.~ .:.~e;hav~ arti~ts, ;p()ets,, ap.c;l ~QJ;~ • . · g¢ste4·.tn~l,t~:~m}l'oner orgaipt~ing.r.lvi~n~~::sumt~e:ln~:onidy-,ln<lke~ -arl
:.Some of our tirst)n~meli.t~~ofcoiine(:tiop?t9 :this movement -were . .. extra effort J_o
atound the
. \. h~~[ing .
- .
. st~g.,_ :to· die :event
don't want to alienate folks through insider/outsider dynamics.
':•,:J}~t ·~.~ng prou~tqf ;w.~9. ~W~ a~~~al)d . f)~r· !;- is,J~ss~ntlal :t~· ..
.' .
: .·.1'".;\:.
ing cold, we tucked-our notebooks and note~tilled .card\>Qard ~der
our artn's,, f~ll~-ti~~/'bUt w.i:~q -a~ense:of.-purpose :an~ ~tisfacti~P,f -~ .
c ··
.·. .
•• · ,::
:· ~:
·:,: ·, , _· ;
In'a nice gesture,. Agenda 21 •eft
a shott· n'o te. at the site of the
shiking;: explaijling, ·"We came
. to Henri;ingscaer. We saw the
··-skarbakk: We sarik the bastardAgenda 21."
~ --~-
QraziUail..Landl~ss ~- . . ··. . 1 a· members
Rising Tide
j.n Solidarit)r: ~!P~~~!.l- ,_~- -_ 'Mo.v:ement'Wirts Yittoiy -·. Newcastle ·disrupted a, post- · 69 Camp.~gt! -::-1~~;.: ., .· --~ · -/ The~razilianLaQd).essMovement : budge.t: luncheon televised live
.·. _ -· -.. ·On May -z,-. tti~ <gJght. of t_he· (MST) ' won legalJights: to tens ·from the House of Parliament
-...._ .· arrests . o(J;:itrth·:-Fi{tn~' ~ctiv.-: :· · oqhoq_~<fllcts ·of aC:fe~_q.fuFi4s~d;, in -Austrialia on March 13. Deists· Hugh·an9 Tiga·; activists 'in . land for 700 langless :famUies : ·manding i!lcreased finances f_9r
Milwau!<~~; · Wisct)li~ifi, st_nic~ ,.' Afte_r . sl%~~years_l?f')te~0nstra~ environmental programs, ·two
back ag~ins~:'t·ne'i~~~t~~t~ori of__::: t~on§; ;-th-f M~T-:fl~'ally _ secured · activistsJciudly inte~rupted Trea" developli!en:t/ ' Calling.· :them- ~what ~oi:ii'e consideJ~ to be their · surer Wayn_e Swan's speech to
selves _"tlii "wild.- ones;" these · ~d~t crudal"\rictory'jn_~0 years; .- the·: hfgh-?row lunchers. ·Seven
. anarc~ists, smas~!d_~~:nrie of the - ·_The . fari:ners who -will 'occupy ':VOIIien then stag~d a sit,down
· windows ]tp.d "glu~<r: the tocks·.· :t;his· l~IJ.d wilriikely·utiH~~ .it.fgr , .~prot(!s~ in: the foy~r, arm-iri-arm,
. . _ . oL_four·~ondohJ?. . tli.e rieigl:56r~ ..;susta1ria6I~,c s_u~sistenq~ j:)\llppSf.'~~":-Ghanfliig t We won't walk away
_.... · --~ :.hood-·Qf. .R.t¥~1~e,H2'l.~plaift:(ng - e~,..)t:~.-: ~oP.P:os~'d:·t'i:(tJie . ¢4ca~~LI~fi'C>ffi·cuJDiltt! .change." iwo pro. ".. ;_..,.' . ':··in ·.a comm"u~iqJI~"''pp~ted 'eri.. : tUs-~p.u.lp ;;.:<;orp,Qrations,:· ,:'cij' :c:~t'esfeis . dimbed down the ·front .
· ~ . 1'<~. · : ..• s-oci_ahuiJ't.~'fre .§:l~g s:)z o t;:cJ:> ~·-·t.lJave~~l%II1~ie(i-~·!lf1izil:s . h.at1fra:f " ¢dific~_'of. the historic building
. . ~ :<:':. ·. '. . that ll!b:e·, nr~s.! ~J.e_V.or!!~\eg,~ty -~ _~il~~e:r~~~i.Jf?r,gen~ra,~ons.
-~,. · .:~?a~~f-~yhg ·a·.24~ foot -long banner
-- .. ·.-·=1. • .-"·· fo:qn_of sO"lf~tfiJ;Jo· oe~·p:en : .·-~::-;.>:.y~,"~ .\; -= ~~,?~ ·-r.,:;,--~ 1 --':tea<;ling "carbon budget blow. .,;
th~ - ·conflicf,"~-~-tlfe· "wl i<t 'ones ·· Squa:tter'ZMoverilerit Still ..·. out" just below th~ national coat
_·. -~ r ·, .~_,.·. do not .claim a~y connect~<>,h Blowin' Up
. of arms that ado~ns the peak of
._ ;. .
to ~Hl,lgh,, and ,Tiga,. e~q~ptJng ._ ... ,OnMayDl,ly,thesquattedisland. thefacade.
..;~7 '!_U!2JlR:gi<i>JlS__'!,ftinity ·"'?Jth _th~ , of>;Rc:rvens .Ai.t.wase~~t~d.Qy: wo._
· "):::.· -. ~au~e~.~1: ee9~d-~~~p;s~_:,.."t¥e ~av~ ~ _co~U:JJ<tRdo~..,a~¥m.g~m:47..•b,l!l,ck
- · .· '.·
"~reen ~<?~~{j§:~:(\#~~l<~~
~ ~ "'I;
-~· .
Saboteurs Shock Telemex
saboteurs, ·
under the titles Earth Liberation
Front and the Luddites Against
the Domestication of Wild Nature,
sabotaged thirty telephone lines
by placing smal~ incendiary
devices in_three Telemex control
boxes in different towns around
the ·State. of Mexico. Taking
place in late April, the actions
were deliberate attacks on the
telecom · empire of billionaire .
. Carlo~ Slim, who has cooperated
with governmental authorities
to pollute· the environment and
spy on the:Mexican public .
. ~: ' . '~
ALF Gets Very, ·very Busy
in Latin America . ·
Ori April 17, the Animal Liberation Front (ALF) of Mexico,
better known as the Frente de Liberaci6n Animal (FLA), continued
c. , .·•
. ·.. ,'~'·l~~p.t1f~il+!he,.t~_,~!}}~~ ·, ft~::~:tts1!(·i··.'?0cU'ac. flW~t~blgs:,,~aye;Qs,Aj.ti!S <!-~ -~ _ - -· - ._" :", ~_ th'e:9{)s!~qlan;,_ :t §!!'l~~ffi~-,.gJ,;:~- smjl}l;isl~p<i!JIJ."tlJe;JUyer ~haJDes1
--:: ':'. .. :,:: _ .-. ge -the · CQiltr~<!!~t!on :~l!at ,wAll .Lpn~on,: · Englcrod, _a nd has been
. . ·: /'· dp them W!9~ PP~!l .'~;::e ~-··.<:' :\:(~Qffi<;:j~y~ :lXaband,_o~e9,'1:. ~;'since.
.:: ~.. ~ :-:::t.;;: •.{:t ,;::i ... ~. ~- - -·P~cem'Qer~-_Sgt!~t!~Fs;I::)jad, ~ .cona
.A4~tiOIJts·. In :Apt!~Ip~tion·qf _ :it~ Q'e~:/hot!s~,,: il}stall~d"
·,.., -, · , .: · <,\lp~Jt~yotir~~IC solar panels'; ,aild'~:R~si.stan<~eot:9e~· •: ·were
. .
- ~.
, of buj:ldjng __ a
· arid .oefaced :q.,,JJ::rr:.~~.:;siged :aq· . WP:eir
.that ~xploite? the . bodies·· s>f:~ •c_ommunjcy basedqn sustail}able
': at l!letes-for t}ie.. gains . oJ;capt- ' ec~logicc!l_;.practice~~ _like.. m:b<J.n
tali~~ ,Aavestors _~:.Illotiv_~ted-: . gy::,. ~p·eJ%ac,uH~r~ ··-allq: ·{ree·_J>i<;;y<;:le
_ .,-· "'~,-... "'" ;- .. ~c.:··:·,· ._,
__ ~Q,,~ressu~~ .cosi<.-fig~t~rs,. br~ak­
_proflts to "dev:eiop" the worl~ : ma1nt~nance~'Ver~ ~thwart~<J, bY: -- Gl~~-g~-~- l~ ~~pll ;t:;:ff~cl< _ .; ... r~1g Jh~ . wu~d0w <i>f .a no,to;:t~JIS
thro.ugh industrializatlon .. _ .:.- ~ ' riot•squaqs, '&1io,_ l;>r~~kiQ:g .t~eir- · _•- .Attachmg the;mselves to the breeder.· On, May 6, the FLA sa~
. On the April .19; Santa -. Cruz - ·promises of diplomacy,;·~rutallyA<:. :P,~I).t;ade~, of two_. 20.fopt-t(\ll ·_- J:>atoged 15 Telemex phon·es in
..--anarchists smashed~veWihdows 'evlcteqthe pea·ceful demonstra- tn~ods, tw.o. SheH to Sea·· cam- light of its sponsorship of bull.
In the presence pa.1g~er_s . blocked . .access to fights. A day let!~r, "FL.A folks
the squatterS moved Shells ~llegal Comb Gas com- smashed the windows;of a l;>ank,
>rn>tration. 'outside, · an·d pound m Glenglad, lrela~~- on . and painted":i our words ·.are not
bymor~ f<;>lks-.bef9 r,~ ; Ma~ )4· .Shell _h~.s '-.exteno~d · lies" ~on.+Mc-Donalds-.before
a.~;;;:,.;:~·on,em·ri'_IT.ir_II! anQthei . Quildi:qg,%·th<;Jr ~om_P?UQ.Q._ to _th,~"·R_g_~u: ~P}!!-~~~gJ_t }}i·t~e ground. '•: . _
· · The second . squat 'was:::ev.:iCteu'f ·l;>.eaclv ,_ra!sm-& .t
}.JackleJ "'9L , ~· A-weej, 1~!er,, the ;group, ;Tzerra
ort'·;, M:ay(t'l:~r~ghlnlslj~a , quickly, and the cr~5W;d ffrl.~I ~, .£.f1~i~~~~~!~t-cili ~_Jil ¥ fi~t~~~ -~dil!ai~;(Wild}an,d);_ pa~rtt:ed slo~ disp,erfecl. _. _ :··!~~~~~
a~--,p,fp~eed_-' :_ ·~(ltl~ onyie clo9r_-ofizqu~~r'!_~· un~ _
~iisr:J~atipzr~btt~ak~F;:<I_t:::le:a-sr13---·--L"-~·r:--·--~,- --::-~ -~~~t~
"~ -l~Jl-~~~-:.E:flfrpda-·tHntted·-teft}..,.,headquatters;- ,~~ty-..I}e ·.., ~._,. -~..~009),{-~ · "' · ' reminding Ieftists,_ pf ~h.e:i~ma· ·rusirigj"(ide:Bd.ngs;·i
a!!;itn'~t ' ifiV.I~sfih~1t!~.l!l,;~_:JKucKus'· to the'P~rliame
_17\ .(;iaY:s - later;" 20p. locals nent threat of animal liberation. ·
·u n d .er . . . . _stormeq
Sh~U's CQ_!llpound, · . In -the next two ·days, the aptly
....u.'u"'"' D own
t .. . t d'
. I h
. ..Cells · for .
'"~ 4~~-~;idaL.
~ :,..;c· o._ .. a emp mg. - o . 1smant e t e
: . -In · a .p~rt1q.1larly .Y:pl,ngna_Ilt;.-- '.· . ·. ~ - · ~ .,, '.... ~-. · · .... < ... --, •• named
, -· ·• · .;- • _.
• •
.- d emons
.. ,'·t.ra·t_ton
;- _ T:01-'
·r-S::·· :-. • . ._ --'. ,.whple. tp,mg . .,More tl}._
nonv1o1ence ""-·· "'"' ~ . ·
. •·· ' .... ~a p_
-, . ·60.,·~ Pwr"agatiOn-oftheAntl-authon- t<.
_. . ·
· -..::.... _/ · · ·. o, ~.-,J·""· )< ~":- • .f,';·' J~1: :n~.t.W~~M~l~;agg~.e-~,~~.Ye;; I?.J!,~~~e -~ t-aria;n ~ng::-4Jl.tFspeci~sist ,Offe~. ,; ·_
: . .· • > .\.. :• ~· - , :· ·.: ·. __ppai~$ '~5-';~~,b~F~<;~heiJ;I;l:PJ?~!~~ r ~$iV~,; smasl'lJ!d··;v.~QQO~$ .; at rtwq_
·. . · · · --.
· ·. ~9r.ces, arr~~t_ip~ -;~r lea~~-' fivt; ~, .J~BY.A baQJ~_s;, ~26inpletely ,m.elt_ed
"Jti the:_s~~gg!~·· '5~~uran~~s_ h~ve .; a-~~BV~.ATh-i~!i~tJ:uew red paint' ·
.,;_..: bee_n ,n1ade tli~('{U.~;.thet :actions_.... oirthe .htl>od-of a..Lala-milk truck
. ar~ !l}.tP.e .rv?,r~;;~--.:~ . ·
.·. ;1~<- __...-,~l!:;.tn ~?li.darjty_W!tlJ."hum~n~nd
~ ...... ~
~ . .....
1':-~i. • _,
• ---
,~-...'""' --- 'o~fr :r:ro~~l}.uman.~ctipmal~~·,. ·~,,:r-". c; ~-.
~~"·~ ~~!~)~!j:~ ........,•.., ...... ·
Meanwhii~;the FLA 9f Guada.:
,, ......... _..
lajara redm:ep butcher's shog :.}_
tqe ,clan_qestin~ .to1:a~l!e~, :,L'e~s":, than-;·~9 -w_~:eks .
rt)(.t:uua.. ,:, . - . . -~ l!l<i>f!-'.t< l~J:,~r? ,{h~)FL{\ ::} pljl)ter 'gJ;o:Up;:
it's:;':Y,9!th .~· .r,;ohspfrad6ti.f M.!c,•Yeizgqnza, set .
.s~~t"wa;:: _fire, t? a l~at\1erc expo~ . ef(ibipieJ,
· . -,. dedicat~ng;- t:Q.~ a~tion,~ Cqil-:;
s~~~~tl;;t.!S.t<; · .eflt~.e:~i'Y:!~Iy
· .~-• -~~~ean
; ...
- - ' - ,- Mauricio
. . . '-'-..... ,
-?'-''~''...n ~-~ wJio~,die~L op May,~2 __w]l~~ ·"his_·
. ·., inceiiq.@:.;» _4~YiGe~'±·P~~.matu!ely,
~!~1~~~J.ld,l~pi.Y#~~r·r ~~~fi1J~I ·."-~xpJ.ojl"~~t~th~i':'J\;LA;. ·is,, -~c;xwi~g .
... -., iR Cpilt, <;:lai_iifi!}g;f~.sp<jms.igi~i~ :. r (or.:n~ec; jirso;i;pf: a·;s~Jm0n.Chi!~; ·
rP··'t.t''l•t..,.n~& ,gy~~ ~ t-h~ .,.:l?,4il9f~g::a:Q~tli~H!~sti!i~~f9.U>;ot- .­
. SJWI?h~~~-:. ._ ~ '~: lp£l<~a~. ~4· ~n.ijjlaltm~rk~,t tP,}.·'
,_,N., ...,",.... tn~,i9:96 . • ,,t he)n6nth:9f.May.::·..: · -· /' -· .... --::
.... ~..-
Action "Developing" in
the First Wotld, Too! .
On a dark night in late April,
the ALF liberated several lambs ·
from captivity in an animal breeding farm amidst piles of dead and
rotting lamb bodies and forcibly
inseminated mothers, trapped
in narrow · pens no wider · than
their bodies. On May 6, a young
piglet was liberated from an
intensive farm, and, two . days
later, the ALF totally destroyed
a pheasant pen and a birdcage
belonging to a shooting estate in
· the UK. That same day, Aussie
ALPers glued locks and painted
slogans· on the walls of Ralph's
Meat Exporters in Melbourne,
More recently, ALF activists
left messages . on . the garage
door, sidewalk and street of the
_furrirer, Michel Graina, in Bordeaux, France. The messages
read, Grama=furrier=murderer"
ALF hasn't forgotten you/ ' ,
and Grama,. fur~ier, murderer
at .number 16," re,spectively.
Meanwhile, in. Finlan_d,• during
the months of April and May,
activists attacked two furshops
and two · furQ.iture companies
with. paint bombs and .hammers. (These furniture companies use feathers ripped from
living birds, and have become
subject to attack since a televised expose.)
• I
: t
Californians Get Down
Unfortunately, it wasn't out,
of his·wl:rl.dow, butth~ nusband
of notorious primate vivisector,
Edythe London,. }'Vas ,t~~porar- il;Y:: eVi£tep ;ip-;late A:ei:il _:~~rin~- _ ,...r,,r..-.rn~
"':: an emergetrcy resp<;>ns ~ to -fa e ;ilftiA·nt~er-ika
'' '6ombs delivered by the ALF to
his Los Angeles high-rise building.- London was -exposed for
a!=cepting b:fi!Jes froll)-, -l h.illip
Morris w}lile addicting primates
to. nicotine, ·ainphetamines,'and
other drugs before killing them,
but has not been met with legal
. Not to,be outdone, ALF San
Francisc~ gl~ed th~ · locks 'and/
or smashed the windows of two
·meat ma;kets a~d 10 fasdood
~restaur~ii.t~in~M~y.:- -. .
More Than 2,000 March - -·
Agati)st Yivi~~ctiQn . . . .
- ~
The streets of -.London reso·../ ·natect"'w ith the ~h~-~ts-arid -cries
. -~~of ~~re. tha:nrZ,QQQ -'ma~chers: n:l~s.e;arcn '\1\ntllO~tt·,rnul:::fl',mrnu.ui)
-<;dui:ing:tl){{ ;Worlct-b.ay~fo.r-,An·i.-•·
inals./ iri---. 'Labori}tories
· p.ri:
··~. . .- April
.: · zs:. For
-15, y~ats, · ~.nti-YIYISec- .
~ionists· )av~ . --~,_9 :{Il!_P.enJ~:>ra~e·? , {pJ:o~es 5;;·~ t'l""n••o-n
._this day, ,.attqtcfirl,g,.:a.. gr.snvi_9-g _
crowd .for· the ..-an:ruxal ip.arch
. . tpro~gt{.(on_doQ..J~ fltt~n~~lke,
· of com:sei were -members df the · "..,·,,._ ..,.,""'
-~ ~F, st~p tJ:untiilgdon · A~iinal ·,·,-· ~,n-~c,... ,. . :el~~.iti!em:s~7,Jo
~n!elty anq var~ovs ~ ,pt.!soner
.',_. s~pp_on_ groups: , ~ '
.. _,
•. • • ,.J
<, ~ ~ ~
_;~ ·,
.. . High :coun~r-y EFf Gets ,~
Crackin' ~- .; ., c::,.---- . · - · .. ~- .. High·countcy EF! in ·the Rocky
. ·Mountains decl_ared..the stacy of
. the· ahti-1-70 campaign:' The ex~
.; pansion:'of i-70 ~n-.]_)eriv~r~ ':Vould ·
· destro'y 'over _-<300 acz:es· of-'hapi- .
tat to mule . deeir white-tail dee_r,: bald eagl~;:~rritering;c gt~unds, ·
, <.prairie· dog horn,es, and ~much
- . _green: space. 'fq'>pr(jte~t, . activists~.
..hting ·a bann:;et evet::: :th~ Q(jlo~9,~ ;.
·"do River .ovell{>a~s;reaclingf)!:stop ·
· : J.:7o· Expahsiori,!/-:o·riMay,2~-dur-'. · irig ·rlishol:u traffic.·; . ·· ·
- ..
. :?' :_
. ,_
such as the dangers of excessive
consumption, or in terms of corruption and collusion between
the government and the industry.
To successfully use ~pectacles
to com:r;nunicate our message,
we required the media·to getour
message across. Sections ot the
anti-roads movement and the alter-globalization movement in
the UK had their fingers burnt
by the mainstream media's neg- .
ative portrayal of their activities
that undermined those move'ments over fu:rie. As a result, excellent alternative media has
been developed ·as a necessary
way of breaking the control of
. the ·mainstream media. In addi. tlori, the.movement often chose
·fo ·-ignore the ma,iristream :r;ne,c .
dia, ar&Ying that to .do otlterwise
·· :
would only strengthen its corpo. rate grip.
~- ••-<--' f ·:· rl::: l!~tep.ed-:-,to:,th~-:: s~rv,:iee;'by_er
-~- .. - ·~. ·. '~ - d Ule. roar-"0f-':jet
. . .
However, just because we ig-} "- ··-' .:~. ~ - -to~ahaJtJ~tth; aopolfce .helicopnored thei-media did not mean
. -,. '
_·,- .· -- ter" overhead> .
. secuthat they woili<;t ignore ·us. If ~~­
didn't want them to write that
we.;were_v!q}ent extre:rhists, :we
we would have to use~ the
mairistr~kili . me'dia: rather
b'e . used. by.them. -We ·had t6
und(;!rstand ho.w it worked and
'how we ::i::pJ.Ild·-~manage it:--JJ-1)derstan'dlng·t he -iris 'and outs of
plans to treble the size of the
iock-down to keep the plane down! how the media industry works
. "nd1;1S,.tr¥,.;;.b~ .2030.-<Ihi
olitis;al is_sueJha! C.OJ,!1d ..d- b¥_, _m~king_,. i! .:ec?.nomi~3l11Y un- . has en~bled to navig~e a ·
~---~-i"c~:~.~-_~,rf,-~-~--;QJ.eaFi t{!a't _- sometim~~
- pf ~tlteir-·m:-or~sp_e€i~ ~- ~ttr-~~~v~f:{p:t );N~est~rff,·_ ~1\1 iJa!f .' F!a:t:Q: ti]:at ,l),<is, t; ,
:;'<_";" '
-~2030."arrd-2Q50;· iviah6rrw~:?u
made possible by preventing -~ eommuhicat"e1:1 t~essages we
~- use up the UK's 'entire carbon
construction of new infrastruc- want rather than the messages
. budget by itself. ~That is--before
ture. Yet we wanted to win the the industry would want} Fher·e _,.'
W:e'd-·pieduced any food 'lq· eat,
.campaign before .construction is a need to build. relationships
·-powered -out trains -and, bJ.Ises, 'kf-ront was/esse!).fial·ta avoid be- -.b_egan on_ ~ost expansion. pla~s with sympatheti< journalists,
> " or. switched ~.qjl).e lights our.,;;.;thg:-:l~heiteqJ :Nci.t- My :J?a~·k so we had to u~e direct act,ion .unqe_rstanp the-internal politics. ·
f~ ' '- '·SChool~ :q.nd.ho's~pitals . . ~ ~ '2 ' ' ·: "';.~i:'JY'a~&__De·spi~e tliis, A~rpq;t_t \tygtch A o make itpoliticallycimpos_sfl?le oF various ·. medfa institutions
-- Since we .$at~-on ~tha~ta_ __ :', ~ was~rro(g-:ett!:Q.g tli'e-~att~nti'6n it-~""to::supi>ort -ai~port ~xpansicm·i'o. - · an_d, know what day of the week
:"'~- .;:: -~ · · ~ .. _· -!he·a~at!~!i indllstry.!;la,~ beco-~e /~ need~:td~: for -succ~ss; was ·. general· aiid--plaii's jor;tJ;ie Hea~n- · · your action is likely to get th~
-·· ~
• ,_··:·, ope _gf th~ If1ator:""target~;.-_g_f- the ·;:~missing . the vital -· ingredient row third runway in particular.
best cover_age-. In any action _ UK- eco-justice ,movement :and:' ·,;that ]lao /made·· the -·anti-roads - In -orderJo do this, we resort to planned, We would -oJteh spend
" .(ili1!~5f tlfe~· main: ~rrvirbnmenta{·,:t:>campaign. S0 ..successful -Dfrec(L . direct action tb cultivate specta- . jl,!s_t as much ifme on dur media
-pa~i~hs -iJi)~_e- ~y~s~ttB~Brift,shf;~ actio~~-rft~- J:~~~s:~~~tf~twork'sv. cl~s,,th~t W()pld both C?rilll}Unj· .strategy as our lock-on strategy.
• ·pt1blit:.·Polls sho"Y: an .,inqe<J_siB-g' , o:lik_e Eattl;i~! ,~:q_(j Recl~im ~: ;.,cate_tlJ~ -issues aJid-insp1re Qthers
the result .qas
, r~cogniti_oi1 , of tlie neeel to ·col". the Streets kept the issue
·<''; ~'-- · ., _
7 . ., :··trettiv_~iyTestric_phe: .amountiJe . ~t_qp o(f!ie pol_ftlcal aglen<1a;:"·in:"J'';::r.
.;: . ·;-; .>· ,':fly'- iff order to ,,avoid ..iunaw~y. : ':.,creased the' sost
;.o;:-- -'X(,;- -, clifuate·'charige:~There is -an.
. .
·. · ::.·,, ·, pie~:£dentedt"brqad_ -:o··QP.ID~ItlOP,Ji;:;:jfatt,E;c;tltofit~\~ v.-s ,u~ - '-"'·'"'·"'"
·_..,.~- =· ..;..--,··,~· ;.::to - tlie . key :, f.e-ati{~e of
. - _·'-' ' -~e.?(p~nsiqn;'=the- ._.,~......,...6 ,"r-r
' :-
all the arguments and fire as it attacked the industry
· B_::.,-.B.~RRY WILTON
. . . ' ' _ , ,.t ;ullqing , support years beforE;- 'and the government, the rest -of
· ·- :c -· .. 'On·,· Sepfembe_r-. ·~24, · .2006, . I
Plime .·StUpid blocked any air:: · the coalition could quietly slip
"·. .i. - found·niyseff with 24: friends; lis~ , .·p-orts. · t:hese ·grbups coalesced . int9 the radical space that we'd
-- telling, to,a· Baptist minister,give· .wide:r .. the · -bann~r of Airport :mpved from.
.., · ,. a memorial seiivice for the vic- Watch and included a number .. By using direct action from
_ tills o.f £:llm~t~cl1~I?-ge ii1. 2005. of ,!o~~~::airpott~r~s{dents ·.grol}ps the outset, we gave the tactic a
,_· -~·I'm -~ota".reUgious· man;_ bU:t.that }vogied:-.~abeut:. rtpise, local air legitimacy that other, more-tra., w~sri~t~whhl:_)n~de~tHe- s!fuati9n- -: quality, : ti~ffic 'and community d~tional campaigns ·could begin
.:., u:ritisuaC Wh~t was' umisuaFwas -,_~ destruction;· some co:rl'servative to use. We supported local-resi' r _ 50 yards away }:Vis ~a ·huge~~non:governinental organizadents groups and others with
-· ___..
aeropl<!-nes'o/aiting:t~ take of{Jhat Jions< ~<;J:.0s) concerned with_ advice and t.r aining that they reh<(d :st6pped~on..: thE; .t~Way ' be- , ·'the plight>of birds and the ru.raf · queste&· One of our aims was to
-qms"e '9ilL~lftemb:¢a1 'serVile was _~ Jandscape; ~nd a haridfu.Lof enVi~ c create a direct-action movement
,r "',blS;>ddiig ~jts: path.' 1'his :was ir)y- -r~nmeg~C!l N4.Qs .~orried aJ?o~t • capab_le of stopping airport ex-- intr<;>du¢o:o, to taking dir_ect ac>~~ cliinat~ ,"'chartg¢/: These :..gro:up_s_,_. pansjon eve]) 9nce outline plans
..,. - tie:r~_')~r~th PI~eStupJdr~d~it fel~ ,.~h~d~:-~~~fized tl,lat :~tlieii-,~~tump, .)lad.beep. approved. We were in?··great: Ne,~Qte ~';Vmil<n\te :PQlite}y / Card wa~ ~h~.- dimate-:ch~nge ar-. . -spired·by the way that the 1990s
~:· m~~hJro:rhA-toWaski'n,g:qkely ; 8'1Jmeftt'thaf ·was·falb emergirig-: anti-roads .movement did this
. !_f-peihap~Jh~·gov~l]lmerit -mignt: _: · · ·
. """ _ ~ _,~want to. not selh?ur~tw;~_ to ~e ·
"' __"- '·r .• _-- _,.; hig/h~st -l:>i<Jd~t::.<;?ur~- futpie i.)'v~~ ~
-"'defuijtelynot fon hle.
:J .-·"- -:- "". .-- :-1
,.· ·- .>
· ...
. . . .. -. - . . ' . . . '. •
• -
• • . ..-; •
· -~-' . _, 'o("-a,: !hJid -riuiway~at_
· . ·-- ·AfrP~Ft -lfest
wingi p~>~busin~[~~Egn~~~J~v~e~~~~'ha,nge~~
" .:·.
TJi.;_; ..-.,
. . )._, .. , ::-,u·.': ;; ... . .
. , . ..
• :,J.' ~~-• ~:. : " - :·
Often~ geopl~.- say, "What would I"write. to someone · in, prison? I
·_ .. :.o:. . ....._ .
-. wolil.dp~t .~i:J\j>whaf t_oj ay.":It'$. Sirh:ple. Rememqer: "They are rieeds
inter!'lsts like anyone OJ;! tli~: OJ,ltside". Share .
While originally printed in the Earth First! JOumql (EF!J) Yule 2001;·--·. sorilethir}g abQU,t your life ,with therri, Ask abput what Jife is:like on not a whole-lot has changed about how to supporf -prisoners. Per~·
tlie inside and, what they plan to ~o when they get out: Offei~~ome
haps the only thing that has changed is the immenst!' amount of . · assistance . .An \ mexpected letter from a supporter can ~ a wekm,n e .
support due to prisoners currently. With hopes of aiding in the propreak fiom. tfie-·daily ~onptQt;tY of prison life. Pon,'tc(eel i!t.fu?Jstat~p ·
cess qf supporting our prisoners better the EF!J collective has cbosen
by the person you are writing t:o-:;tliey·are nof~. sup·e!h.ere;;j#.Sf sbme- .·
to re-run this story.
. ·
one that l;lad the cour~ge to .act fQ.r ~h~t th.ey:beUevefn . .t·?· ~- ·. > ··
Leafing through· the EF!J, most readers have probably seen the
Cohs.ist7n·~~;f~-parar.nq?.:~~ ftli_~~ -~omrr·lf~iCati~g_:vft~.-prlsqri.ers: ·: . -''::
page devoted to Earth .ahd animal liberation prisoners._The' page -, - Gom:mit ~o ,~I_P,ng t~ onepns9IJ.er_al)d_ do tt well;:-they_WiU-appre" -. ·"' ""· _.
contains names, address~s and short descriptions of indiyiduaJs beciate itc~ore t!Jan,: ~ short,J:~astily wtitten- lettetJTlJ.~ e*arirpies (;>f '";,.. · ·
·. ·-ing held c~p~ive by the sta~e fo~ ~c!s of Earth and a,nim~.f_li?e~ati~~_. -. pe~pl~~~~?WVI1gvali~:n#J!to:l5~~1,l~r'.Vit~ wr!~ng:!<i ~2~J?Fi~o\e~s o;~; ,·
The questiOn t.hat may _be.asked Is: _Why does the J.ournql__]j. st _P,o_hti- _. and_tpen havmg to .scale <!oWilt o oneo! twa ~remnumer;~hle~9<? prisoners, and why shoul-d I do anything more than gtv:e ashort ~ ' sistep t s_9ppottj s always bett~r thansh<rrt-liV;ed "flash:in:."t heiJari" - .
. _
glance to its content~?
· _
_ · · ·,
-- support:''That' being ·sa~t:t; people sh()uld hotfeel the respi:msibili!_Y ·~ • .· -. .: · . · .
As t~~ EF! _and l~rger ecological defense movements have grown, · tp .(:Oq1Qlit .t ? ~wr~ting. .t_o pri~oners for:t}re length oHh__~ir sentence._R~voluttO~lan
more militant and dii:ect _acti~bs have .occurred, particu,l_~t}y in-the " _Pns_,O ll~f~;:\Vill generally~appre:Cfatea:Je_!iei wi~h: ~oclekiird1:hQugl_its
last four years. The introduc~iqnof genetically_erigip_eeJ:eg.crops, the>'--; aP,d-tfi;_ay~~ot; ~y~n -have ~he.-tiriie:to . J<eep ii st~{rdy.i <;:6rresppilq¢riG~' ., ._ ·
aU• y~ -:_~continued _decimatiort br t~e ~~st~?ld-igrowthfofests; artd !Pe: ~xpaif;, -· - ~th,'-~i~~?~~(wpo wp.t~~f,th~,in;~'. ":.~:: ·. ·:; ~-- ';..~..·-;~;:. ·;;t!~-~' . .· .. - ·aitil,ction
. sionof dev~loJ?~n:en~ proj~cts)~to:th~ last wildpl_~~~s have sp~wned_,,:_:. !·· ~~~P~~pc_.-mr~d~~t~~~t£-,~!~i§:<(Y.,e.~Y;;_:g~~j <rh~~~.):~~t ~~Jiat;,~o~
· -- . ~ ··-~a ':
a new. ~enerat10n ?f warnors ~~re lrkely, to phJI~.l~~}fA~$~r?~--~~~- -~:-~t~-JWH'J~~};e~O.--!?.t":"~P:~8T.:~:~9:-tl~~"a~qv~,~:.\)l'J~~D:,~<¥4~,::-~~r- _ . - ~~~e: _
' opposition's machmes and bmldmgs than _to _h old SI~S~_Oft:P.~tiH9%);p:,,.q~~~)~n~~pe_r~ : r~~"£9~~S;~~'!P..~d~),--t}J_e;!l~"o/ ?.£Y~:::~fP9IJ_e- . In -S9hd:~pt~
the govem~ent. for chang~.
. . -~ • ~ ·-~.
!~~-~§~ct!~~~ ~9t¥.: s-~~pl~:-~ss?~~ t~a!..: o. /Jiat r.o.u1~~e5~\l~~s~d '
•thc < : :__.--:
The proh~erati~n of ~cti~n__s .taken ~d1,1~tp.'~ ~C!a!.:O.J~d by · ..a~fll~s,t t~~-.~pr1;.~ner, ,_yopf,s,~(,ap_~" yq~r. f~·m W'"l_3~ty;- ; ,<?> <Jb~ ~;t~f\11 ._ W~ ·> a :~:~, · ·
~he Earth LiberatiOn Front) Am~~~ Liberation - F~ont ?~_ unc~au~~d)
and h~v~ d~s__cretipn._:
_ ·_· : _. _- ·: \ : ::··· ,_:- '. ,, ~ :;·,.:-r::.c'·."'.> .. - ~ pnso:n~J;"'
Is enough_t~ warm th~ h~art, .e~p~qally af!er t~e r~ac_tiQn(!.ry stallc~s . , .. .1'1ARY pnsone~s are targ~ted~ by .PEISq?qats .fo(!;>em~: pphVJlll, .
· · -· ·
tak~n by many radical~ ppst :septembe~~..ll. -A_s ·W"~ ~ hay_~_s.eeli in ·the,.
re~~~y_iJ1g_ la:rge~a_mourit~~ of P;Igii~pr:·for: tlle. '; sUQYersiV~!~~ c.PBtent 1
_ _·•
--~ .
_, . ._.
· .• ..- ..
>- ; ·_·_ . _/ :
;,~t~·~~;\¥~~i~;t~:;·-~ ·
ronsts" wherever they rear theiL heads. ,The 'FBI/ATF buagee is.:eX!- :· '"'-:
have a-fauly good -1dea;of'what.
...; -
-"- • .;._..,_,
cerv:e. Usuall~..,they
- ;.,.;"!,
• .)."''il,.._'
p9nding exponentialJy,:a!ld we -have to come to termS.,with the-fact · is .apprgptiate .{o ' send..;: ~f10:1:.\\"h~t-":-w:tll ·.n0e:w.a'ke;-it:--P<I:~tJhe ~enthat this '"war ~being fought against industry will .yield~pr~son~rs
~~re .'knh;p.- fdf"J{aYJn.g s_t'-r- -icf .regulatj<ms
._for~what a~:' 7 ~
_:t?Jr~.r~...... '-~'- • ..--.. - "'.......-~~·:!;-, . . . . .-, r . . ! .. ..;:
- . -:. .
.,. -~.-~f>-t.:. 'S- --: •
war. It would behoove us to do more than JUSt cheer wb.e.n we hear -. pns_on~_r~ .<;,a.
-~e.ceive, I.~;~:P~w-Bpols:qmly, first-clas_
nail.If--~,--~hat .
·:'> ..;.. ·-·
~ ~ ::.':1;..-·::-:..:-- - ~ ·' ' ~
of wild horses being fr.eed by elves in the night, McDOI;lald's burning
does J10t.WQr]:<,_wr(te-tq t he,Watden of -the' piison requesting~aJist
down or a beheaded Columbt!s~st<ttUe. . _ _, ,~· ··'' ~l
pf-regu!ati_o ns·.: ·_ · :·.>-·: ~--::~-~. .· ..:_ ~- · _· - ~:- -"'·.; ·_- ~ · ;..;:",
__ · T}!e p_oin! ,~s. ~~~ple: _N? B~Itt~l ·s~W~&.f~~W}~i~_.~,:D~:.1F~~
-.A£W.~f$ri~?"'nly•.l!}eq~~~~iiiu'>1J?~ij:??-er -pj]l~?if, J~S-li~'';Maj~.- ~
chance::of attammg revolufiona'Fy'potential -can afford't e !!:Igrrore 'Its '· V:IOla~IOn~ No I'ce,J.' Tljey can -(and· sometimes . ao, ' reJect ~m<p'l fer"£+ ..
prisoner~. To turn our c6llectiye backs OJ;l prisoners is to ..en~ure
,. ~ny.r~~son _theywant;
}e.serwe-": o__f~~
" i~ali&': .Om"'a
'. '"- .
_,. . .....,.'£:;-.._
· 9.W .rriove~e~t' Wi~Lst~y ~.w~Jl';c ~~aJ.ive!y. tl].ild ~atJ,; · ~eV.e! ·:oe:·a_ " _z ihe o~JQ:~_,t!(se p._J th~ w~Iifi.1f~·narcfiy~~ in a ·lefte-r. E>on fB~discour- - ·
th~ea~ to. biOCidal Itldustry. Wlio would wann o ta
ction if they
aged by these tncks-either file an appeal (wh_ich you have little
knew their suppor:would ,be mi~imal ~fthey_got ni~k~d? ____ -. . _, ~h~n<:e~?~ ·~nni1_1g), ~~dify,ttie I?~c.!<3-~eJo_ctP?~-as~ -t~e~~=(~~~~~t
_ : ~eJo~ a.~ - so.!ll~ :_qea.t<;>_Il_~~~,m~I)y :WJYS_we_ caD:_.stip:p~ft}h~_,pns~. _ ~nd mo~tJ~kely to_worR} or send It agam (tiopmg a-different ~aU
.,-. on~rs~_tliat·
~th<f fotirrla.l prisoner page; as welt -as--some
_censorse~s- it). Whateyer r.ou dQ, do not give up arrd-allow them
- .. .
- . .
:- ·.' ......· ·_:;,.,...
"cl·' : .....
. - • _;...._. ::-.-;:
gmdehnes fo):' domg ~upport ~ork~ \-_ ;::-< -~ ,--.. ~·, : --~-~_;_
_:·--<:::...- -~,...- -· _.;. ':·.... • . tp}tirJ:h~r",aJ~E;nat~
- -:~- ,. ,- ~- r.
1the J:ier~~~ i~~ig~. > _--
_ ,_ ...
. .- ,
. .-
· -
\-;· ·~
~ $t
. conespondiilgWith.~~~::
• " - ' · -;:.·'· - .fi-· · J ....
'~S'~j.,_.-1p- _ _ ·
"l; ... -;.
- ~.. -·~;'~~:--~'":::~~-~~-
~ ... ...-... -~----
_ :_
:.;~;. ,_
-~~~-¥i , ,-~_-~>·.:~?.c"·~~frt~-£~;~-~~·-'·-,,:j
.;.~-,._· _- - ~
L'etters quite simply h~lp bridge the gap betweert .the ~'1n_sjd_e!' ana:· ·- IUJ:)e~,:e' is one thil)g,_thati all'p~rt&6ners-t~rrq
. ..
. "outsid~" worlds. They help J11form the prisoner of whaqs goJrig on . is a large ~mpunt
firianc,ial asslstance1
·. ar1e7~~Qirl}J'taiJll
. · in:their movements, the world and even their comm:unity. -Tbe pe: · ~d many
indi~dil;,tls· · · 1:-Lot--recell-ve..•rut\ r-1,~.,..u:o:; .,.v~.~""-'~-·~·"
nal sys.te~ ,exer_ts a mas~hrestraiil gn prisoners to brea~.ti~s ,With th_e .._these~.fees ga:sedl ,6J[lJ.Q.~iir~I~Ij,l'rcjR_l!~5o~lt;;_t~-e"<!f:!ji;i\li'
outs~de world~ Comqntili(a_!ing, o~th prison~is "'helps~ work~·agafnst
that •str;;tin and-ensures-iha:hfi~ya<?-:hotfeel_
·. ' -: ,-,!:
~ :;.~-
r. !
. - •· •
. •
• ..
.. ~ •
~ -~;
• :. .
.. - •.
.. .
.. ,
. .··
.~llew,~Pf!_Q.iel ~uppoq~d .Fr_~~ - aild _~~w: t~t~'".."W!-tP ,~J:ll!t igea! ~l;>l!,tJ:VIml5- o f-the-best
in tum,
inost important thing we could
things we've done have b_een a result of that
.-,;:do .fo!.s1_2&I.i~l\ ~nd . th~.-niovements to ~}1iCJi::'· 'kb::la' of/a~!!uo'E:;a!1~~PJ:>iQ.aeWto.Jhe work.
.-'",.,rn ~- . hewa;s '¢6J!:q.ected-was t~- q1,1ickly org(,lniie .
<,· <
also · simpW:·p~sse_~ ._o_u~
tons ·pf fly-
·tJo,!iti~::at~tJnisoJ'ier- sutwlirt . {uppQi:t·fot:P,iii!~( :~·-~~ '\= . •~-' . ·:·
eis and ·s~iekers/s_pbwe;d~.i';lp ';io~ _~o.uP._tleS..s
_,... · EF![: .'Sfnce .the ."Green'" Sci£re, prisoner support events and had · thousan·ds of conve·rsao(c
: · . grqups. - Jj~cQll1~ tn.freasii:tgly.:'- gppar:.e'!Hn< tion~ with peopJ~.
. .
. ..
Brenclaif;and Andrew1• both, our,_mol!~riuiit })'ha.t ;were::- yo.ur exp(!riences
A: Again, a lot of this comes rrom Danmembers·· of' PAM provided ·: with gdining · .
._to reSO~J.mes.(or starting-a ielknowing so many people and-known as,
· · · ..
a principled and· dedicated ·.pe~son. Not to
·· bf :us . 'Y~rg,_,, the . s_heer~y()lJ,ime of'.Iabor poured · .
· -·····~·"'"· ·~;;~:~}~'~1i~h:t+i.~ p'eginntJl·n·_;g _W;ben h~s :;- into liissupport, b~t.wifh)?~t!he. -"Yo~k Daniel
· ha~ put into stipp'ort!ng- other prlsqners, we .·
~~!f:.{([~l1~1jp.~Jlifi~al.-pitJsi)1Jt~D;:trp~poi:ft ... would.have been.· treading watei' for a: while.
';;The fa_ct Dariiel ·and his co.!def¢ndants
....m~,::,,::f:''-'1-<';Ff"'"·'9f'· fi;i~p~~"aild'.:·<::.~n!ll~~; . wer~ _
amonK the firsh·va~e'of-t'Be:c-;reen Scare
. roundups also pla:ye(rto
advantage. -~
EF!J:: From Daniel's 'initial arrest in 2005 up
· ·
to currently supporting him in a-Communication
(CMU) Danfel's specific needs
have shifted· flow does yo71r group
Identify Daniels n~e.ds_ throug~out all these different paths~speeially at times where i~ may
be a complete~y new task at h[l,nd for pnsoner
support groups:
.. ..
Managemen~ Unit
..'~ · tffy} he }O:~k, ~ff~~i!it1£tj1Jg: 'gr9f!P.<i~ (l pn~q_ue_role mo~tpeople .haven't fi~led.
, , ".' fJ.·_p'olit:ical-prjso.~er;~s))f,:~, ..Ife!J_ !i~iit js ·g~srto have _a_.rQugh idea as to
~ _ _"' __ ,4 ~ _ -f,!J!t; ¥,JJJ.lf!: \:~-,. ::-.. ~~.. ,<:.;;,:k.-'.hCJW4~;s~ -trP,-~s . of groups -~or~, but ho~ does
·,. •. ;~; r-·"·" - :_: ;:. . j_ .-../. , ,:,.,,; ,_-;;;-T.e?,~a ~-FlJ--:-~}(;C!_lfr;~'fi'Jl!"!'I!P~P.~af._tually-operate?. Is Jt more
· . ; ·:~. -"' ~ ~ .. --~ ~- ..,__ ,' ·: · .-,1 · _,~;Ji ;_-:._L:.:..,.:~.:_:J;:J.o~{~f.tfr,e!Y.~"!!~?3J_o:ypuJe~{- ~..f~C?~g~. ljtork is
B_: Despi!e.the ~ritep~e limiting and·man_' ·: . . _. ~< ·· , . ~ -¥ttlf.F.~r~f!:~.R~i:f!a.l£:9,~-~ld. t:,oJ!,~~v~·~~~[!l(l~'. _
< • _,
~g~meQ.rof Dartie~~~ commu_niqtti~n in that
.- .~~ ;:.;;.;/ ,, .~ }~J.Ek?'.f! gT_~jlJ?,..~~~~tf§ -~~~-~- ~--; :_!~:· ~~~- __u~! an~~y;~L !h.i'~1:c..It would:· b'e ~rut, h~ Is al_m~st ahyay~ abl~ t?. ~-ll so~~one
·. . ~ , .: : :,~ , i-. ~ . -. -!t..ongr'-!.~~d !ln'f ~fly?~,; . , >>-:' c' ~~ :ii~~',:~...~~. _:., ~-IJ!l~-<?.~~~lt~t;-~!g 1.~!~tnb'qte ta,skS: ~~ally. _ reowh:at_he ne~s. Supporting I)ame~ has.always
.._: · .. ·-:::-':-_;;_ · · .. ·;~~"ar~p~~ F~y?~~~. E?-~IJ~:~~~-~~JeJ:_ ~p~~Jj.~ye ~!f~~~nt s~k~~e!s,:...,· ~~t~n~s·~~~ Ipe.a~.t:~iting_letters, visitin~, raising ~6ney
~--~ · . ~-~.:~'~. ·-': ·-:<-~~t~9<?:~~' ?~.~<l:~~~;?-~ ~~'e~~r 8i~q9~~-'0~~~~~~~ 1!!~ ~-9:~~ti~l\d~
...t~~Q!o!nts, · ·<m~~~ett~ng the word o~t. It ~~E7-~ -~o. ~ -~e'd'
.:,:; -:.-~·=_'~:.~ · · _· :_: ~-·-- t;R~,fl~Y.,~~~ -~1je .pt!~~t~~-:'VI\~.?:.P~P£fe,~~~\·.e.f::P.J.Pe"'~o, 4~yo~~ -to t~u.s 'N?t ._for, e~~P.l~,;:: ~~ .W?J~~g qllo:.srmet~~}r~?-fally, we:d
<!' ~cJ ·-."'· .,.. · : , - ~ -~""' nad ·come to ·his bailheaiing.went.aoro-ss tne: .. som-e.people work full::.time:and otli~s-dpn't; make-It hap~n;~ and then·we~could take a-ht~. ~, :.. . :':-' -. : ~ .· ,~ ~~;i!!.i~(t21&A~r .!9~$.s!,.9Ift~~';ai!i~'P.!S.t-~P1Pt.:,,·~9~!:!t~~~Y~!b~~eiJ~d : ~~hJ~.ers6?~ tom- ·. tie ,b:~~~~ · ~o* ,tpi~g~ a_r~ in ill th;e reaim
. ... ·>.: :
"- _ ~hat we.were d~mg. Th-e ·s uppdtt-gr'Qup png~~-:- rmtm~n~~.. or .poll~cal,. or;.com~un1ty work, of-organw!lg in tl;ie'!ong hauL Now they've
· r<L ,~ ..":-~, ·!~~Jgj~ID~i~~-!~~~$~s-~~~~f.~om:e~~~~:!~:~~,:~~i:ts~ffi~-~~~QQ~:. A!p.~n&:-~pt~_~V:~~~: we ar,~.:<J~~tJ:ii~ #i ap ,~ncp~stihitio~aLa~d smi- :_ou,r ·ttrentl:whg·:was.·(ap.d.Is)
.g¢ttmg-~argeteq ; .v~ry- ~olle~ve and demdtr:afic,.andcwe make
somewhat-mysterious· CMU, _and ·his,·needs
.• ;:;.,•;J;r .·::: _If"',_-..=· . •f:..--....
~ .
.: ·.. o~ ~~!- $t~~~!g!: ~~_lieJi2~- ~~.a:;_~~tt~r · :1q..;.;:~~~~~~~9.~- ~cit,.~ay.~~~~~;~ec~i~!l~J~e. ~P.:to, . ,. ar~~·bo~n~" 'W:even ·m ore· th~~.. b~for~ with ··
-.~',f."; r, ~ . .
. .. ,~~~ul!l.ige~t~$?~~·?!.8F~~:~MP,.P-?.rt~~ ·
toUE·t?~s_p~,et· -~?le_tune~, D~~~t:l , o!h~~. t.~8~!s _pf-th_e · ~o~~~me.n~"s ove!,z¢al- ·
~! r...,.. .,, ~- _· -.. • · :-!±~~fiFe~:-~W,eP!·w,Pl~1l~t2,_W~2..~::
, P0-;~ .
· certalp..,p~rs~n \t<? do som_e~h1p.g ously ~Is_81.lide~l"Yf',cr! ·ort~ !ef!or": other f~~~
;11·~·. -· ·-_ ·-.. ".v. .;~: ;:,<~~1~~-~d- ~rie;rf~ ·- of:;Da~iel~~.C_.-""
· .r;
. ·;ll:.;c_ol,le~v~:t~~IJY!? -~.cifl l>_~,- _ e~~: pris~>Iie~~s and: oth~r-p_oliti<;al ptiso~ei~.
;"'.:,_: ~ ~ ~!· · _~.:- :·~~- >::~~~~-- qJJ:.:P,e~e~,'?;,~-~,<~t;-,~QO? _;; tll~f·d..~}[::: ,. ~·- -,:--~!J,- -~· __ _:/ -, ~?:-ac~~~J~~~~~~l~: ~af!I~f~ "his ~~,~~I<!e.s 't~~ usual .Darnel ,support and keep-- -· · ..• 5 7: ,} : :" :::.({ ~~~w?~~cn:,es_tt:ct_ I : ~~ :~~ ~()~~ ~¥~:.t~s_e1'~~~!\ P!t®~~~ . ~d,}i1s _-fam~ly. · "f"~
-~o"wh~! "'fe_~ -' IJ1gJ.lp "?th our.frie~~; the tasks at hana,~re.
·-~ , all fiom]enny: (With;.w fiom : ·can; when we ean} ~.and that-means -under;·_-f', toorgamze.and·spread·tbe·-word,so,..en=.,
,:._; -----c.,I.---.;"
..... .......,:.- .. -."' .....-:·.:.;_l"...
..... _
.<-- :~, _, ,. · ~ _~. _ _ ""· _ • ~--~}:It ~~'t,'~-~eJ?~:tR;!.e~!?:;~: f!)~~ p~~-~.:, ~~<!i!H~f~B:~t- ~<?rk-nee?~f~.aiw~Y,~:;be-~is:: ·,. courage legal and.~eoia·"ihvestigation ·oft.he
:~.;;~\.-;;:-:)•':'-"l_ c :-.• · :-'}~~ -~as , :fi~t _ m)flll fer:·som~tl1mg·,P~!.fY. · 1pe ·:~:~ t~9ute.d equally as - long-~s _ our ~ela~wnsh1ps CMUs (supportdamel.o~g/cmu), to orga~tze
~ ~. ~~ · ·. .:_ .-cc""· _}iJ~_ Ws~~~, ~Wfr~! ~~~N. . :t?:co~e Failll1Y. ~t~ _ea~p. oth~~ are <;anng, prmctpled and t~ward Corrgr~s~ passn~g_ the <Jood Ttme
~·.::. · ~~, ~- ' -. ~_",1'.''·1.;;~"11~ r~eJta~:'oM)._~~~t;~~~-~~- _ _ _ J.
· . ··.!9: _a qmer,. ~~ros_s from the court ouse
A: Pa'rt o ·
. " 1:o:~15~;;:r,e.I~a~ed~'~ad,IeO{gootltJmebilJ·.fnfo)! ~'
· ·:t>ani'0::w~~ -~ :::< ·. ·
J~h~:w~<:tr s~ -. diversi!X,.,P(!_!le inv~lved folks' backgrounds. aild .to generally push forward the struggle
. .- : _.,!~rred to the.'N1-etl"<? _. _. . , ,~.~tel!:tiell'€ent~r. -.~cin~, ~~u~;¥~aj).~~~~kSO~,$ -<lf;e_:~~~~"Y~ :~,. ~r;f!~~l"P.-~W~c_a~ pris<?p ers, ~~_pris<?ners- of
· · I.n Brooklyn, ~~wyork, New York
have,.been really good at playmg·cto our re-:. -"' war, and·bmld;;a'J:)'ette.r;Wq~ld.~.( +·'-:'_.. ::~::;; :.
spective ,s~engtb~so~e . are . ''A: This support campaign--.::nat"b'een :loiig
. better at design. work, SOI_Il.e and emotionally dtairiing; .primatiJ.Y. for
·at talking
strangers, some Daniel, but certainly.~r those closest 'h ijn.
·,it. fuhdral~ing: . Regardless, One of;!}l~ . ~n}y- ways we have been able .to
. we qave built enough .trust a~ap(tq' Daniel's ever-charigip.g ne~t is by
iA ~acl!-. other~ ~at JI1alry de: .' - ~'!king car~~ of hurselves ·im:d each other/ and
..cisions. colrie, easily. F<;!'r the _ ·JcikiQ.-g .direi:tioi_l: frQ~ DaJ!iel; trusting that
most p~, we mak~ ~ecisipns .' -~~ _p~rj~ctive·. from the inside provides a
based on consensus and '<;oii: .· 1ehs~li1it'We-are-othe.iwise-norpnv}'t4). "-'
sult/ed DaJiieLas_ ·m uch ans
EFiJ: What has /:le.en your main tpo? for d_is·1-'U':t:tlluu:: and lalVful. -·
aboilt:these'nee(is? ·
--:<.·. ;- ·;"-._·'/ :.· .' . ..
. :·
~-, ·_
_ .... ~
-~-; ~-,i::'J•¥".,J.·1:
i.~ ~~P...'h
· - ~··
'· ··
-~~'~ - ~-':\'
~~--..,.~ < ..:-~ .
- .. -
e~e~~n.e." ·whO. :~a~ .· ·
, · . .........·.. ..,..............
.b~giiJning1s ~rou:ijd· now..we.,. pens to~snitches : .
c~n't ~et .t~~;:~~~):>f atte~ti?~~ of ·raise tl)e . EF!J: It_~GarPd~fiftitely be hlJrt!._~o. U.)~>e'.)~··•UI'-ll
kind of money we could m "·tl?.~· early ·d11ys. effects .on•
Doing~primary suppo!t for .years t~~es a toll·. - Yet, • tnnkil'l!9'·'~l·f·-: ntlT-.\41()1'/(' diti.c~(l!i!y..::i'S):Ie€c~~s.~ry~·~~~~isti. Iig~Jil!J;'i(~<!~~Qfoum:·.OU.t:: :!fa\jlig-.a ._fiiend in :pr.fs()nl.foJ;. yea,:s _ " ~v·· ._ ,.._,.,, Ji~il•'P.stroirigtT;Xtiii!im1:t1:ljtie.~~··.c;-ipi<!l!l~i-:9JG;~~-%E.El'R,.t~i,ViSitin~~;h~IW~P:I:
taRes a .t oWon jfou/ rb keep-U:g9ing;~we have
to rem·e niber:to' show each ·ofherd'ots of ·love .
to tQ~coptinuailf i~i~v,erttour~aPr- ,:; · ~:i~ii~~~;~~~~~;~~~!~~~~~~~~~~~
:~uppo!tJhg Danie!~·~W~.I)~Y-~.· i~r!I'& ,
not·fo{st~@ate .and '·drag··o1J):Jf~eLKeepjl)g:
the: momenrum:going :ts: defiii:ltely , a.'cHlU::
. lenge.. I have-a deep ·respe~t~for~ ~e~pe:gple ·
...~;..r.;'-,'j-..-..!!.-. ..,....,~, ....,,~· ,..o~~:who have been supporting~-a,loyed ·one and/. Of, C()Inrade iQ prison for decad~s, especially
the·ones With life·sentences..
.and in us as
- . A: $peaking only for myself, Hhink:some ·
A: I !h~ I'~ w:~y' t9o' close .....I · J<:J·cu~.• .,• .
of it has been building· a ~ettain routine ..We · his :support to l;>e eyen remotely ebiieC1:iVE!:iri
know that twice a ·year w~·: big ansWering this question .. '
. :. . ·'
.. -New York City<i{NJ.€)~:-}ust ·~s; we_ . -- EE.Jl;;,'Fra,m "q. - differentarigle,~·.Wha( contrt:..·
forg~t{l;low much woxk w~nuritq the prevrt3~b'ritz1ms.'do)'ou think rl!ur group htlS·adde~ to
· ous!-drie, it's tifue to:: start on the iiext~<ra~ · ~~thirf1iovement?>?t•· :...::_-:···" . . :t'::f>: :,. .Y · c·. ; .< / . .work ce·lat~!~&c~~>.-11!\d' foJ.k§,;Wl!~"li:~Ye!Jj~~i!:jl)
.bling, more · conventional. events, like the·•. -·.B: l thinlt~it's~ great we ;wer¢'~able~ · · hei.P.'
NYC Earth Fair, really helps also, as •the at..: " mlike 'it_~-p6s~i~le;~foi ]iis layvyers':tQ·
sq ·••·" ~<'-'-·y·· titude.t oward Darii'el's C,ase ;afl<J . i-_ad~fal -en- ate .that"810b.!ll·plea .
vironmentalism "in: ·ge]leta_l:·~li~t ~n:oticeab!:¥.
n_~1~iS'i'~a~e··w.1r0' ·~·ras:n;t':t'clopl~~itJ.i~K
, ·changed in-the three ye.ars :. we·:have tabled..
· t hat ¢vent; I jti$t got·: lettei
-.. Daniel .
,., Whi£,t:l: 'lle'1tofd)::nie,o '! S:teit¥itof1::a·.~let1:er;
' at large:played;:in
- yar.i feel ·as :though you :have. bet~~ •iitt.e·qulat(!l'y;~ :t}troJ;rps:;"'AJisoi· "r't)o):f~
· ~upported· f&.:th~movement? ·-"=· ~·­
<~::B:..-'ft 'S · ~;:~eiij~~ated :f!ues!i·o n. :~On· ;on-e:··. at,·:mR~nt·
~: }\and) .the r adical enVir(>nmehtcd·.movement_·'""
· ,..,.,•., .•.,
·. .~~Uis§.t&:really~ be:- st!ppo~ijg,.its-· pn.soner~ :. .
' an·<f ~~¢\pri~oner.'sUppnit:. a~ ~ ·tions~ir~
.: Vart·olwh;~.'tJt.meails-to b.e~in the[moveni~nt. -be· . r•t\rre•dTJeJ:LI:>etfint<t';:
. · }it{:iul~t~Say .the SaUlf .()f,' all:Of -th~<mo_V,~m.eflt~:: c fOl\O:Of.tP•n
, or:fendeneies· with--whr<:li;:i~ve ...worked: ·nrac : ·
.:_:s.u~~:;in~:-oit)~~iioiz~:P,pt~:,vwiiif~~ ~ ··,·
-~,:c~~sistentlypresent; sqpp.O.m ye_.a.!ld '. .."'.·H'""''
' -· l S'Still a :small~nutp~l'.. J:;:tliiilk"?th( c_c)Ull!Jlq;"~:~. the:s(ll)fjlJ:rt
".:.:Qitf·. i~_j:>etter: ~~h- ~hQ!J-!.~rin~kSUP~tl:.; ~ . .
€rew--~rtre.ctii1vc'JurJives?:<Hiis:;iHead nra1w.:clCW"c
;dt~is ·!n;the:toiig -!e'rm_:?Ag~n,· thougb-;rTtah .T-:>1ro-ztav
<"·~recdly,:.eoiriplclin~ :-- I-'-t~ink/t:tifs:<.piovelJr~n ., . B.:·~.l.~.tsbllelt sl.ltt!PQrt
,,, lia~· beeri ,pne oi::Hie be'~t. movements~ jn - -of'Jny
ac1iV:ils irfi :l'llo1w:,'it's pe~lyf:~;g.~t7<Dani4:~1'···~Rnier~- , ,,..,u..,'<:1-·".u .......'"""<'"''•"'
.--i~cent>qi~fory in teiriis ·ofp~SQner:Suppoit;-'~- . everythip.g:to _irie cl:_
laV..e,f1[i.~ilC(J~;•H:!ic;lrt;t~.R~I\7e-'' . ~~~~~~~e~~~~~~r;~~~i:~~~j~~f£~t~~1
:7 and' Hhink Daniel h"cls·.benefite(bis!J:nuch. as :·:before, ·and<they!re •so'iiie.
:;~~yo~e fioin:-tn-at: s1,1pport. 1- just aisot~iiiidt : l've.gQK~·:: · .··~,,-:i: ~- ·: d,~ ;' :~: ~ _ · --·c, ·=. -j.: · -·~ ·:. <:otild' be:a .tpt .b'etter. l thfuk there could be ·>· A:'l f:Jias"'certafrily ,brQUght me d qs_et tb
::!ll~re_ ~upJiort, ·ll!~fre: wi~,t~_g!ie~S to' <!dapn:o . t:he '~0lk~, Wl10. hay!! StUCk it"QUt j pd ·i!:.~ in,;. ·. uu. o,;y~'~H.I>V'U•JI.>U~l;•
. new~situations,,apd-moJ;e WilUngnes~ to wprk . trQduced ·me-to. some-Urat.I might not.otn -·
With ·different .Kinds o(peQple aild tn<> < erwise ha:Ve inet :~ ~rid_:W.h}H!- ( kpew; ;tbt>ut
: _ooen_ts.~ ·f\fid tfich go~s fo! ev~ryone, ' radiCal : 'other- pQJiti<?ai:'. p:risone~:s :· fu~-tfie . -lJnJt! il
- .· States,::-I 'didh'f fuake~the · direcJ~ co,e:: ·
. A:
, .
. · o:n-u ~.,:~n
·:._ "
...~·· _, - ., .--~
·· ~- · -~ ·. ~~--< ¥-: i ~-~ -. ·', ':i.~' . ', ··>~c \ · ·i--<::
~ ~·
~~> ~-
~ ':-:-~1~· ~~t ri ~"' ~; •:.:~-~"-
-': ·. ·..
.- -
::: ... ~·: .
. •
• "
. .
:--.- _·. · - ~!, ~c~n~n~ed~om-fiai~·15:'9:s~~Jlitis:one-.r: Support. Guidelines, ·
·.· -·· When.-aJ)..~~~iist~~isone; Nik9s M~i>fi~;:Was·~~nt~nce~t~H~ ¥-~ars ·.--. -.~stip~oiFptiSonets - anq people facing imprisonment (and their
:.. :~--·for the ·atterti'pt~d·-boml:>irig· of the,Greek-Miriistry of Develpp-iften,tf,. <;:hoiees) unc;.9nditionally.
' --,.. multitUctes· qfattion~wer~:coip.mitjed-in solidarity with hini.
- .. Bahing~a£in_ajor ·transgression such as-snitching on· a co-defen- .
Siffi!larly;';whetr 'Kdd Cot<'>~a~a-_was :sente~ce.q , f6r action relat- - qant
otlier"-~lviduals, those faCing heavysentences need to be
'·'r :._, - • -~-~~- h ,c -:- ing ; tg_the _
ALF's o Operat~tin ' B'~t~:·.~acl<,:)n~ny f~lt-_that- his )ailing - fully supported:· a~d ~ith_out the "carrot and stick" approach.- For
..·..; . ~_,\':_~ .;., --,,_. ~<;>~l~)tifl~,a.ct~?I1~ t~k~.~}o,t anim'tl~~nct-E~Fth .libe_r~!!?i:l: The :~R - e~~~ple,: Sa)_dhat,~' -~~!!;~o~"'n ' ac.tivist gets~busted for a humber of
"'"' ~ ·. · ·>"-e.'·. · responded wxtl:i ;r_ serr~~'l?.f·{¥r;Jar~Jxberatlons:?detlxcated to htm. dtfferent actions: and xs:·approa_c:Qet'U_?.y supporters who want to help
; , · _ , ~- :. ~: f.;brmer if>rls0J.llers.. .,h-w:a;v,ei"<;oii)¢ented
. · .herJegal
s1tuatiGn:·-When tlle act~is_t~. decides
:th_a t she,knows
· .........- ,. . ,t hat ~b~~qnly 'thing,.thaUreed
:-. ·:·;~ them wa~_tlie ~pie§.sure:;;ol( tli~ s'tt~~~s· an<:l the fhreats-,Qt ccfp.tinlle~L . whans ~~st for herself and wants to take a plea bargain, she is at~ action: A former Black Pall;tliefcci:nci "political :prison~{ had this-to:\.::- tacked as not being righteous enough an_d u~worthy of suppoit. This
- ~" S.ID'~·ahollt this :Pr~mi~_e ; /'BuJ 1-tlear!}ed ,tlJ:at .the xpove~ent in the . dyri<pnic, aJbeit slightly ~xaggerated, has played itself out before be--· ·- . - ":··streets.-determln~d:wJ.::ietliier !f~U. ~an~ls~~- W~~op:~t~a,- !~le~~ea{ ~ -~~~lf~?~1~:oe~g flel': ~ ·~,~l~~n~:.~the~s.;w)lo-~l~iU: t~f~~I}t~9)~pd .. _
~it~~~~~-~->5-,~ ~· ..l)Ot ~he .stat~. lf It b.ecomes strong enough, It -can COmpel a favor=- -- <fSStstance. P-eople neea SlSfalilCe WJtllilegat opti'ons·btit do.- not need ~
?..~!\~~~..;-grg: .
l€0~, . · ~-- · ~ tfie:ofiitial§.~wearthat!:¥o~m be.exe.cut~d to be told what to do or how revolutionary their choice is. When it
or ~ie in prisop.::''K-' ~- . _ -._;: :.~ _ . ~~ ~': 1:· <:: --(~ , ~ · '··_. :. -_-·
.- ·~~- : -~~_§-q.~es ~0~ ttrit:th~¥ pa~er~PA~a~with. t;>_eifl:.g .'! cage,/not you. _
I:Iere comes the.tncky part: There really ts no way to. know the · ···-. ~- -·· ·•. ~ . .:;- ~c.~
~->y.tJ ~;:.7_,.._ •
effect that -an action or a coininti:Qique can': have on -a i>risoner's : Dli9P Yom·Life$1ty1¢ lss11es;
' ·,: '~ ,:_ :-- 'c
_:. s~se.c For example, ·three. days prior.,to}effreY'"Free"- Luer's trial -last·: · ;·One tlimg.\ve need to ·ge't'past is the focus on issues relating to a pris=.-_ - -_ sprfng, :36-SU\[s 'wer_e. torc-hed ~t tl!ecsame car , o~a1ership .that---he '- .(mer's lifestyle whether before their arrest, on the run or while m jail.
. .
··_·, · - .too~ action -ag~inst ·a Y-ear~pr,idi. ~T-he -.e 0in.muntgti(thaccaine out·: :-For example, .the ALF Support Group l; a policy of only recognizing a
; _-~> ~: _-. ::r stated ~th.-~~-adioU::w~s' ~~nie iii _splJ®tity__; W,ith.Jree~~n.d:;Critter --:prisoner as ~ Ailimal Lib~ratiqn-:-Fron~ me~berLpris0nex:- if,they tulfill
~-~:f:i;;~~g~a_g~iJ;lst ,~hii.r- ·tirii~t i_ffip_ri~oii}~~(r-T_herei!~:-~~J· w~)7:· ~f-knQ~~~ -~,clause _three,,:' Olle~mJJs:~- pe v~~¥1 ,or~vegetciri¥J;~':,Th,is -ar~hai~ ,cliiuse , · ', ,.·,.t ~K1::' :;,~. ~ ~- ~i:9g,1he ' impa~t- oLthis' sf~teiil~!lhPj~ot :t:~::f.ree's:1:ria.l,~~(~:t:Ji~~~~re :~:__.._6wr:!jjtep.~ pres~a_!;>ly ·b¥~-the :peopl~';\V~o ~t<\rt~ ..the. ~F iii England)
.: ·, ~- ,_,- =- ~ :"; >~fgr_~~~~ ?;vation~ .(qom'Break the G;IJains ~?~: ~My~~iitiqtieJ~ this~:- :-'.-~ttea!eS.a"tt;eaJJ¥:!1tspd basis of.s~pport. ~ What if a person eats meat but
t · _,
- ·< ·--- • _ ~l.:Ji~s:~ct'would h,aY.e-been ~just as signifj;c~nt arid more ,b_enefi.eial to ·= ~eci!ies:that theycare gojng-te aestroydZ vxvxsecrton laos,_ liberafe·s~®O -. ·,
·· ';m~;it @r#~mt~as n~!·m:~ti_?P,ed,.-in~h~'!=OJ;:giPl:lni~~~~·rh~t:iaid~>'~~ inifl:k;~ spike: a·f~w ·timber sales and sab hunt~? If they. g~t ~ckeq; ~ho - .'l>.woalg :--li\{e~<t<'> .e~t~P,q_ ~J.1-Ievoluti0nary..:thanksl'~o-tnesefpersqns-o:-·· . _.will
be lifestylist
enough to tell
. sofiy.: Y6J.(a,f~·m6st definite....
' • '
~-~- --. ~-::?. ~-· .• ,.:. ~fi~of.~~1~:-!hqse:~e~p,.,.?'~~~!?!~,f9.f_~~!t~~~!lctig~s;_;p!e~s.e.Ia1o~ my _ ,J}wot a-member of.1Pt!_,ALF ~~ -WU not~t~e!v~~ALE-pps,o~er:: s»PI?<'>rt. :- .
..--~i:~ra~xtuge;'~~: />t:i: ~.~f..-:Lr'""~:.~,;·.-_.:;! -:· f_'-ry].,-:__..;.. ·' :. ~-~ : ·:-:'": · -·~'i:; ··: ~-· •> Pleas~ refer.;to_'Ela~~e ,~~e." u;ps~s.oUBds exagger_aJ~~;,but Jt really,tsn't;.
~-~'f~i_s·.i~J16t meant to 1J¢~a-cdtieism o hthis actip:t:l-::--j'4st::a re~irtder·.. tp:o far £tom ~. a,<]tp~~~pl~~<;t co~l~l 4<\PP~n -agaip. .i~Lt;be·,~~e_: _.
: to -R~ogle~tnat- we .all ·ne~<L~e_;_prec;eed -~t-h caution-when · it~ is other' '-"«- lf_~e ~r~ <:-goiri~f-lb~n~w- i nt€uelatjqJlSJij_ps wi!h,]:irisoners, we pe~pie'~:~~~5}om that we=ar~od~~~~goW:i~.~-. :- · ,. ~ . :;. ,';-:~c-._.___:- - -~--~~~~~~0J.liti€fe~st~fi4_~t¥if;they,-~~~~~~w;g0ijig:::to: l)e. carb?~;.cop}es ..
.:- ·.- ~ · --_ ~~~-1oll-~: . ·: ·;:z_
·.D5 f . .;..¢>'·~-:,1'.-~': •
:-7 ·:::!. ::~ct-· r~~~~l-%4L;-,~l-'' ?U~~el¥~S·: ;:~he;y .w;x:U--~at..thJ.q:g~ ..we _d0.n~~--hke, .· dQ-~tl~.m~s.::1"e ·
lMQt~_a ,~Qje..~ , _ ,<_ ~:}!JL
·: ~~: ::· · _,·:!'ll -~~"~· ~ rc!o.V:}!J!~~- a~~t ~e may e_v.en have .~eno~gh:. time__ to~-sp~n<;1 sxtfmg ,
·< The y;tbst:sti~tces·srul~p.Ji.~.oh_e.{;slip,p_:erh ·, ;,. . ts'*'~r.e.:.th6s~:t.hiit"~a.r.o}I•nd : en<:l1'e-ssly ·dfss_ecting the, merits oL tl'tefi -; att_i0it::-Those ·, ...;:;-;:. ''.~(e:e~hf~~- Q{;ilrf!!~d!r,fu~~Jiy t:h_e_:_pri~o~n..e_r~,fl!~tilsgl~es :.Tw~ ·dtems.:a5~._jH~liv~n_t ,w.heh it ~orrie_s t(.)j:>roy.fdi~g. principled ,~nd_:,_.
~- , ~ .; ,>·.··e:xample_s X>f;su<;l! ~Prl:>.je'ctS:.'arJ!·,_ th~..,. \!'ic,tor_y ? arlH~hs ·Pto)ecf .in ,-~Jtong s,~ppoiJ . :fg!~Prfs~Q.:e.r~,;;~GI;i,;that ·.not~·,, we wo~ld,.-s.ttongly ·
~::. ~ '.· -·. : ~. -M~:i·n·e;;~-~taitect ~Y!Ji9'.Y.;t ':'.poliy1c_ah R~ts~:m~erst-~.ra:-the A~arc;:J;l~st , ·. sug?~s~ that i:~e i~CF. ~q~p\)i\(gn:mp _(in 'ey~~tcounfry,i-t·.ex:ists _i~). _ ,_ . > -'.:~ Legal·Atd·Ne-two:t:k (APL-\\.N..,..,....,s:tatted-J5y <.marchist.p:r-ts: c;lrop t!tat c;:t~use>as a basis· of ,the_ir- .suppsr~.t-:' . · '., _ ·
. ::; , . ,
~ · · .- :.. ··: . . ·~oner ~?b :Thaxto~).' ~hJ~Y::-:qre s.'!lc¢~~sful ar:.d _lon.g-_te,r-riJ. -~Jec;auS.e ,.._ · for:I,ll~·!<:H-~ati_ofl. ~I:l )lo~ !,8!~t1PP<i(t Ear~~ -and ~nfm~l-::\tb~ · .- ·
,. -. _, :~ ·__ ·~ ·. ·-t)}e, f>J~S.QIJ:er,s;J~~m_selves; .a re J eading :th~~- ;m,<!.~~<'>r-k~:q_g jn con-.. ,eiation•prisohers, fot-~'a.:G()PY ()f~!3_tf! news-l'etter Spiri,t ~q_f:Eree,don:ztor _
. - :Z.-c ·"' . :. ,~ ~ j_unct~o,p.~ \V·l't}v .otitsid~ -.suppd'rt t9-~,achiev;e~.tpe!r. ,_ai~s. ~Anot~eri ~f. y9u ,k~o.w ~bout_ an, Earttx _arid .;mir,nallitteratiQn .~ptispper.that
~;·;• .---:--;"" '2:: -·:: :Pd~orie.~- d1rected- .project .is the -publishing- of .pri~ojl ets' "'~Jit~ (l#~d_s -<help ;-centac't the-:N~ith'Amei!can~:Ejitth!c~i15.eration>I?.1'ison..:. <'
-- i~gs ana_artwork thr~ugh zines. This_cot~ld~ _ind:ucte receiving·. · ,~rs~SupportN~;twdrk, -P_OB·'l)33-1, Eugene,'<s?.Jt',~.§4il0; F!aelpsh@tao.
·the cletters,,
distribution and .
c~; wWw.spit{!0f{re~~orthorg. uk For).d~itiorial' pri'son~_r_..tesGJ.Irces· :
.... •
• ~~
1- :-1
:t-_ -
__ .,
• • ••
· '-'
·; r-··J, ·--:· ·- ,,
.·..... ~ · {~ ,.,.._
.......... ':""'~
. '
............ '""'
.- . -
·~ ·- '::::'
. '-:- ·" :.'9; -.:
'J~!~$~~~~~! -~~;~::;;--._::7/ --~~:. :~
,.,. .,~...-,_, . ,· Anti~coj?p,filght 2001- ·
ij_:~·,i.~:k?~f~~~f:.· ·~~- . .~~>-.-t~;:~
· , :- ·";t.o:: ~"': · ·: ,..,._ '.-.· ~-·,. .
·'·.·i~~~~ ~ ,, ~-- . ~
, ,_•..::;:-.'
'· "··1i~~;~~.;~~~··· .· '::?'~~.~;,f~~~~~*~~t~:· · ·
$l1Ylltl · Wl~B VlSlOMS
- -
as clear ·as cut
just as dangerous
res~rved to the
.ta a-·tt-· r a L -iT~?~:,·
next time a_way.·.
the small eooler anymore
three days
~.rr-:--,c--o · mama spider
:,....... .,.~., webs
. w~_.,:a.-,l
The farmers'-mirk~t'is_br~aking d.o~;
fringed sagging canopie's fold inw'!rd .
_lik'e the Renaissance. Wrestlers & j
enter the 'park; slightly soggy
- ar~ b'e ing fla~~ned .as ·pineapple
. finally relax &:: a chill comes
the waist of autunl.n..From
· Boy Organic Farms:c!>me -
all night
almon'd~~ piles
tUbs of hot dal.
of la,vender~R-r -1' 1.n,ri'-·"'
tables of~ig' Paw 0live
~ viol~t grapes; gj.rls with yo-yos,
: __ domg Tai ~hi, beneath smart,
~ -iool<i,n'g ~e:~;l5~ ~~-~itbi~s sh~.ped-in
- expen~ive stro))._ers-:;.w hile
. caro b•coate~ pretzel~ §i. their -fat heis. eat' '
floppy articli_Qke pizza slices"·the insjde- ·
of a dream is itself;-the world
and go
-~ is·ways _
t9 hav~? ·cons~d_!red it• ..
Down-goes- Berkeley W'!ter under jars · . _- · t:Wo ~yellowj ..... .,."'"'~'
. of.tWke-born tan~oak .&.Sierra wildflower ' . from newly created .
· so 1-have to use the. old outhouse up the hill'
,. .hon~y;trays o_f porci~lin_:ushroo~s; cal~
. _-.. ·
.--- . ..,. ..... .. _
- ~-
__,_ , ,-,- .· -x ,
- on
July 8th, 2008
~Karen Coulter
· ·
- -- -
- ----.
.tN.. a-1-~.~
;,::,.)!;~:uollrJacK•ets, ~pider_s, -..
,;.,........... .,, -deer, rabbits, ~oodrats -and owls. ·
..:. -
. You'.~:e walking _dh'Y~ _t~~ ~tieet
- Arid t11e'peop!e tltatyou pieet . .
Have tltit aeithetic look of_ to~l
. Well the zy_blares artd t_h eir poo:o:i!jn~s freak
·- '. _
-can·~ any~m~-f~ere~th p~i;e·b~nea~h tlie:.\tJeet--
.- .
. :.
>: ·.- ·, .. .
4 ,. .
· _·<_\_:.5f·s~m -f~ela car_wiilidra~n
'fr~m mas;"'u~tu:J~-r~-:ras?
chase bad or s9riie dialing for
__ .•:.- _ .
-Yom mil).a i~nrurlgT --:-~- ·. ·: :..;~-- · -:: : ;: - ~Forestsf~ll -: ~ : .. ··- · ~ :"'·. ·,-"· · .. ·.··--..· · . _\yell th_ere's"adventur_e to b_e_had. ___ .,· ,
Puli th~ p!~g ~- :· .,'·' · • -"·.. , ~ -_i::' · :_..-~ > -·_.. :Riversdamd\ed:c--'-·
. : -" ·- · . '·:·:_ ·- ,_,__:"=_-'--::'fhat's:wild,_a little bad :.:· -"i --. •
Go cold tutkeffi.o;n_ that ..- · ·- ·
· ·' ~ v
- it's :lik~- sqine·petfe.C:t evil plan · - - _·
· .. t An ·;n;_erging acti~istcUiture - - Evil
~-~Corp.oration distracti9ns- fill your head - ·: }-., '' · T his airi't,no.shott_lived.fad .. .
· ··
·· '
.. ·:~ ._, 'X_oli·more and the e~rth gets dead yeah ·· ""'We fight .th~ go<)·d fi.ght
_ .· · . · ,'
The Jand:is~aliv.e
'· ···•
· •· . Fo~ w:hafs left.'that's ~~d and fre~--.
.-- Us_passio_ps ~ts ep:tbers . , · .
Yotri- mtuky· ,
, . ... · We Pc!rtY every :itight:ahd get)!' primal-as can be
· - Warm a }?ig·c~ty f:\ight ·.
. Pulrthe plug · : ·
.. _~ · '
With ~ mossy kind·ol_splendor
'· · • . Go ~ol~ hi!~ey~froill,that
;. Yeah .
lJut the corporate state
·. -.Ev:~ drllg. ,
·,:. ·Your mind is murky.
Has the means and wilL
.. . _ ·r,·, ·
Pullthe'plug ·. ·
To suck upJif_e and vomit swill. · : · _ - . .
(;o c~ld turkey from that
·. · They cl~af y~ll0g K(!-L -~~~~~ KILL ~ · - ~~'j__;,-;;..
·: Eyil drug -·
drug :.
~ --~
~' :-'-~ ~-1~:., __-: ·;
Yo fir mm«:l·~ ~'!J:'ky :; . __;' "' .,:. ""
Pullth~. plug ~
,· ... :.c.~
Go cold turk~y fro~ tl]at. "<"· • • .
Evil drug , · ·?. .- ,_ : ·:·
' •- . · ""'-~. 'f.
·" " - -· . ,
·::~ "f..-:,. ---" _,,
-- _., •·
. ·.,'
.,:' ·: ..
--~- ,
.> -~. :' ~AndreW:' Rodm{l;n .,-, .· ,·. _l<l ·
··_- ··
-:_~:· _
·· - .,;.: ____
Revol .t-ttlo:~- · i~· . f?.~ ~,vice of the
-and!' Revolution
iri Service -of the
Marv_elous . His
One of . the
dedication to qU:of US counter
.man emancipaculture, Franktionrivaledonly
lin Rosemont,
his - devotion ·
passed .away on
;;l to_. the Earth,
April 12, leaving
3 a nd he proved
us a breadth of
~ it by particibrilliant work.
~ pating in and
With Paul Garon
~ writing about EF!
and wife, PenelThe Rosemonts
ope, he Jounded
~- participated iri
the Chicago SurF kl. R
t . .
t lk~ EF! struggles to
Sc h oo1,
ran m osemon giVmga a
· ·save wo1ves, to
in solidarity with the Industrial stop the Shedd Aqua.i ium ih
Workers of the World (IWW) tra- cago from imprisoning
ditions and synchronized with ' and .·t o . protect . Siskiyou
the liberationist currents of the using their notoriety to ·
1960s. Making contributions to - defend direcfaction tactics
a variety of movements-n9.t .least t~e~ spiking.
of which being Earth First!(EF!)- · ·
Rosemont shared his·
talent for. writing with folks
all walks of life, deepening the
struggles for ecstatic emancipation in keeping with the surrealist ~
credo, "Revolution in Service of
the Marvelous.'; · ·- _, _·: :·
·As writers, _l:>o~h Franklin and
Penelope, strijggled to J:>ring
. an 'often"J·fragniented
. :.
' . .
<;punter culture: The two's. projects .in de~eloping radical unity
included the creation of SolidaritY Bo<;>ks!{op_, Jh~ ¢h.i£~gp .,S!Jr-. ,
re~(!st S$hq.Ol;·· antl' the 'fol.irnal~
R~bel Worker (for more, see Pen }~P~, R.-?~~gwnt;s,. _, w?i19e_r.ful
q_}W'f- E1fed'!ls 6!;' Everyday
Pf~}; ·,,.;;.~,~~~w··~""'~-"''
their~WI:\!i.,hg,. tJ1Ie ·~z~~q,:q;~~
w·orked to transcend the theoretical and em otional boundarLes that divide a~ti:vists .
cleaned up in the Alvin ~ite was caused by Hooray for the Pi~ipeg Ban!
tl~e· actual spill, so the cc,>sts would have been
In a bold move, the European Union (EU)
_ridm-nation -of Cote ·D;Ivoire shows that the excessiv~. officially banned the importation of prod~
chimpanzee . population, fell fro1p ·-around.'. In the sole dissenting opinion, Justice ucts ,made from _slain seals and other pin~.000-12,000 inUiY'!dtialsJnthe r~gion t9 800-_ · ~ttth ~ader yinsburg explained, "Relieving nipegs like walruses and sea lions. Although
1,400 over the -paSt 20'years._Tffe destruction Sh~ll of any obligation .~o pay for the clean- Cana4a insists it .deserves exemption since
. of habitat in the area· is ·sited as the primary up .... is surely at odds .with [the law's] ob- it .- "follqws *ict guidelines in place for hureason for t}J.e steep fallt.and Rriffiates are n_o t ·_ . je_~tive,"to ·pla~e the cost· <?f remeclia,tion on mane aii<:f sustainaole sealing practices" (e.g.
a1ohe',in this holocaust.·"" . . _ '!'', -,~ ~ . :-<._:e.
-_ p'ersons whose activities ·contributed to the .. not clubbing seals while they still have their
Iri~ the __60s__. 100,000 chimps .coexistect:wifh ;:- contamination· rathet than ·o n the taxpay- white coats), . tlie' EU insists that bludgeona mYriad b{ at)imals in' this:derise a'rid' lush . irtg public.'' . . .
. . . . ' .
ing· a livirig creature over the head with a
. : ·.;: ./~-' ecpsys.t_ejn.Sooay,. ~othing re.mains but the ·· Many say that this case wiU set a:pJeC- spiked dub is~'t humanitarian. Recent rev. - - tfappings of human civilizati<;m.-The case of ed~nt for corporate unaccountability. Oth- . elati9ns-showing that some seals at;e skinned
Cote--D'Ivoiie, which-has seen~ population . ~rs sa,y that the precedent was set h1tildreds ' . aliye did not help ·canada's case. ;However,
growt~ of_SO,.percerit in !he past 20 years, of years ago. .
,the seal clubbers' bloody trade will likely be
is repeated ,throughout West Africa.. Similar ·.
. . . -protected (or ·at least avenged) once-Canada
declines in animal population are likely.
Pubb~ -Notified That They Own the
sues. the EU for violating _World Trade Orga.· . · __ .· ·· ,. _.. . · . · . ·. . : · .
· · Allegheny National Forest
. · j. _ni~tioil (WTO) laws. _
~ ~.>=:'" l.WQ~Ne~ _\littQries in~ Alaska.
·· On April 12; a fedeial judge upheld a_
~ 'Al<isi<a just ~.09-, t\\fO ·.t;lew. k~y vict.ories for . prior ·,decisiQn forcing corporations to .get 'Indigenous Resi~tance Rocks Peru
. ' ·; .
- wil<le!_Ile~. After·a federal di~mct'cotirtruled pubH~ con.s ent before drilling 'in the halfSpeaking of the WTO, Peruvian indigenous
to <;!,_~~the noto~i9us SQ-mi~e,.., $374-mUli<;m 1 _ million-a<:r~ A_lleghany Nation~l -Fo~_est in· leaders declare~t-~ hunger st:tike in Congress
--JJ.IDeaii R<>aa-projeet,' ~aying that the Federal NQrthwestern-Pennsylvania: This decision . 'in early May to.protest the 'Free Trade Agree- . Highway Adniinistration refused to consider .
make-=- the Forest Service conduct en- ment '(FfA) recently signed witll the US. ·
- · _- _' . . less ecologically in:vasive alte~atives, 'con- viron~entaf~n-alyses on proposed oil and Peruvian PresideptAlap Gai:ci~ h,as exproprigt~S~ -d~ide~,to, hal~~~-$-~b~!~i)~ ~f..the.... ~as . <_i~t!lin_g_. J?I()jects, pos~oning the ex- ated huge tracts of lndigenOUS larids for the
. . -- so_-€all~cl"Tgn~ass Jm}ber,_PiJleh_!le;'~ For t~n , ploratlOil""ot,aJ?~o'-lt- ~40 od, apd gas wells FTA, which protects multinati~nal corpora~ ·
: . · ·,:rears__t~s :-piP.eli~e . ~- ~s r~~t~4Jh~ fo~s~s .·/ ip. \~e 1nter!fil~_·&tJl~, ·this. is - ~ -nrere drop i? tions like O~ydental and ConocoPhillips
. · ·
. of Tongass~ _thanks :~o - ~he_, ': soft .;m~r_k~V~ . lhe I?ucketof_theappiOxlmately 11,5QO _Oll while they loot of the natural resources of
-, - .
-- _·_ Meariwh.. ile, _actiVl'sts ~~n ac~s_ ~.a
_ _ g1iih. ~t. ~e . ..an4.g_as_wells a.lread.y iii produ_c_~i~n, ~one the Amazon. ,
ei. Flathe~d_NatlOnalForestin _the;NmthCucmt . of whif_h.' .have elicited. public ·consent or
Supported ·by -~igltt catQolic bishops and
c : c~~~f_App~aJ.s," ~orcihgt~~ ~P~~tectio~.~C\. - evetf ~e·n .officiany ·analyzed from an en- countless envi~oiunerit~ists, '-'the . hunger
Strike of indigenous leaders was followed
: maip!,ef!~C:e *of ·a~eas ;.ft:equeqt~ bJ:~y Vironmen,~~lpersp~ctiv~:.: , . ;· ".. _..
,~ bear~,Jf -lt~omefdOWlllO_ IQC!~S or-giizzlies, : .... ~ .~_,·" . ·· ... .
. •- . : : :. <,: ' . · .by _the mobilization of 3,0,000 peqple in ·65
.. •
• -~'-~e coUrt: says, th~-~ies :Win~
· . .., .. . le~latioli ~ticks Up for
. -trtbes blocking ·roads, waterways, and pipe~._ ·-·~
Migratocy Birds
· .. ·.. :
lines th!oughout ~~ Aniazon..After halting
-Po~ pears Win P~~~~~ Co.~t~~t, :· '; "~~·:Act-f~r,.§o:pg~i~ds .w~ ~ffictally_ signed - more than 41 . elie~gy 1~9u~ vess~ls, the,
,' p_rote,cti,o_n s,>;-·_- ~~. -,~c::·__. ~ ~-/:·.;,.. _ '.,,:fut~~st~~ceorl~~Y~?.~'Z~,:fnt~!fla~'?n~l indigenous resistance was ·metbythe · - · . · ~
_. ·In; a.-May ~ decis1on -~o . r:naf!l~li!.: J.i!nita- · ·Bird Day. Acc()rdingto'th~ report, ."t:J.S;~ State ·t;:, ytan army under a state of emergency, which
· - 7 ·~~
- ... ti9ns. ?~-"pol~ ~C(r ,p_rqtecti_o_n__ s; tl)e ·9bam:~ . .b f the -BirdS,"~ releaSed last ·year,,> s~spe'~d~ the:con~~~t_i_o~for ~pe EJ.~J?!E;S~
. d
. ;..:..:~:·-:K~ttati:o~ ·~ns_\it~:~th-~t~rge Bus~'s · 250.'American bird species are m. :decline or -purpo~s- of st~t~:1S_Rr~~lq!l~ Goi_?g -~l~as: .
:- -::"" ' ~ i:. •
··-- legaey · WUl · be .:_ seeure-i."' w~Jl!l4; 4 tuzzy m _-, f~clf!g' sev:~re, threats. ~uppo~ers of .t he bill
~enyingthe existence of various threatened
·· ·
~ th-e·w ot:eXtlitCttQl\ l~'hu ~maae. The rple/~; msist ~~a't,en~uring .the safety-9f-iJlijratocy . indigel}ous tribes, Garda has moved forwards
ChJmps Suffering Big Time· .
. ~- . K r~ent survey conducted 41 the :west Af-
·. W. 4l
--· -: --_·.. :. '- _,. .·.·
;/~~i~h -e#!I!lP.ts;; all::::!!<!~~S" a~~tie$. oe~. ·. ~ ih~~~~es:fJl,, ~preven~on ~f. ~els:io>< ._"'WI,~ a-~~- ~~~io~~f !h~:Anl~.~ ·~~!;
~. "" cumng.ou~side of the polar-~ars•,rangefroin . ·migfa_tion<lik~-powe~ ·lines."artd:_c-ommtinicaf:::: 1iii8 :dozens -of'"attiV:tsts - il~~~Y~ .!fi -~att~l!l_.Rts,.
·environmental review, hils been·criticized by tion towers as well as the increasing of food t() silence resistahce. Much more was: demor~ than 1,300 sde~tists, 5_0 pro~nen! le- _ S9l!rces, and expansion of habitats like mi- veloping as of press-time. For up-todate in- .
· '- ~•· dozem;of;.u Wmak•· 130 cQn- . grateiy.iSto~H>ff~points: , · .-· · - . .. __"' ., ~-' .._:-fo~~t,tpn, .vts~t www.upsic:t~d,owQ.worl~ .
.:servation organitatioris;·-' and ··hundiedS'"of . · : ~- -·- ·'>E r2 ;.. '' · ·. --~ :<:···· ·._, ,: ~-r, ::: · ·._ ·- --~~: , -~ : orgli!l~(ij./co:nfen~i:C;t~g!>.r~-~S~/~~~lf,ii~~;¥•.
.- "
·. -~ousimds of.concerned_citizens.
/. '
' . - . . .
. . .-., ~,·"'·· '--.. ,~·,. _ --~--~J'h~~~~iop~ ~ ~h-~~~'~-li~- a· ~~-"!.to;·,;: :W,olf--~~~~r H~ting ~~n . . · . . . .
· ·. ·- : . . _ . . -~big· o~ and industzy, .~p~se!~Ias.!LQf frien~; BeginS!'/=--"· ~- · ·.· · · . . -~' ·_... · . : ·
· .. : - ,. ·... ·.. · .,
:;: .ft"~ --i- ~~ :_. ,;~_; W~r~~ ;~u~. ~<:> "'the:-;to!~:,~~t-~~n -~mis-.~. · .::~~re~;:·wo~~es· ~~-: got~g --!q · ~a!e~-a)~pgli ,:~~-~i=:<;·:>; :, . .
::,y:-:-., .. ·-~··' ""· ,,._,/:siQ.J:?-$. -p}ay in the imma.nent:desquctio.,n ' o! ·-·year;: ·as~-til~ir~remov~ (tom-~hee~dan'gered :_.~: ·~,\;;:·: ._, _ ,_·f·tl,)e e_ntir_e wo!ld, noUo Ip~nti~n.(X?lCU. .be~ ' .. spect~s- list j~; the Nor:Ute~ :Roc~es· and_ the ·•. '/~ ., -'· · _
· -·. . ·
··.:--Ii~ttir~- habitat. . · ·..•. ,: · <
- ··.
, · . Great_ ~es regions-we_ittinto~!f~:Q.~ ¥.ay_ - ~ .. , . · _ .. , . .·'- -.
·. ""
· · - >~ ~ _.~
. . . 4. -_Even ,.though only 2QQ--)>~_edirtg: JVolye~ ,'. -~ ""·"·
_ ~- _ - ~ / :-:~~~~~no~,GlQbaf_ S~~t on " _ ·- ~lli'Viv.e·J~ ··tl:t~· Northern R,oc.~~s;- 'h.uiiter5'· - .' · C .· <· ·
-r<-!~;) -·;-:· -:.~:~;G!ijn~~e Chang~.-< . : . __ ._ ,: -~. · · are ~irea4y ~alivatmgoy~r· theil: ·riewfir~arffi · -.•.,..;.e: -· .-.
~~ :·J:~#~~x·i-'.:~(·- \~:~eking ,pff-~ll_m~it~eason7~!h· a suby~~~ ' c~t~lo~~~~jis )tfi~:stai~ Qf idaho nas repeat- . ·'; " ''
~.;,_;·e)f/' _;:;, -· {;z-::;·'1i;ye-tp<ipu)ar vasse!llbly, :·:_~dig~n<).us ~;epre-". ,:ec,tly ·d¢c , --~-,jt~ ~.intention's _to fagl~tat~ the - . { ' · ., ::.
f::~;-"'·:''J·"~::.-~: "' ·sentatives front' all a~o~s- tneo.wolld ~me~:in 'kH}in( i·.... , _ ndr~ds:,.9J .~~~ves.}io~~ve!,_
'5:-::_,·_r..: . ; .• , _. ~cho~age; .~~ska! to ;~xpr~ss so~darizy apd : ; ~.e.-;vo
-~,J~<!~,9:t9~ar~~i~'a!i<t:~.~go't :':;(~~:.<'"'. ::
o-: 5-~-,,
-kt_;;.'~ : , ·:~qr~e~~co~mo:p -~e~?n-.?~· Ap~l ~0:24. ·1n. :-ernin_ . ,, _.- ·: p~pba~l~ gal~.<t~tlY."'~~_pt ,~?:;~:~~:~'"" !!; .
-;: ~.'" -~- ~;5~,--_,--- -~a- ~s~_a_tdi, ~ey:I?c~oc~apn~~~~W~-are .. expe- ··wo~v~~,:~~ :.and b~!~e~~~WP-e·,_~~'m -~om:."_~ ;;.~~~ -.-o- ...
::-"., :~ _ -·• _,.__ _ . -. rie,ncmg.:._: p~Qf,o~d ·- a~d, ·j\lsprQp~rtlonate · theu<cl'!\~;!OUS.ih~lu~opt~t-S-'"'l~;ortica!}y,;;.:Ql\~-, ~t;' tiPil.7:',-~-, _:.;,: :- ~ -, : ;,-~.. : ~dy~~s~ i~pacts;:?n' _o~~"·tlJl~'rc:s( l:t~ma.n ~~reaso!fi. . ~li~~g-~tbe ~o~ve~!r~~tli~ :le-~. ~-~-:(If:·:.
. • •"'.:.. ~"'. ;:-· ,:_:",~d ;.eJ.?,,VlJOn~~ntal~ h.~tl:J.;?ht,iman• dghts,. ', that -~
ley';'(ow~ds wol¥!i~ ,in: -Wyo- · . ::~~til- -~-;.: _--:-. ~:: ~·.::~ ~~~~-being, tra~i~onai <·Uve)!h~qds, food -.mlrtg'~·
~- :sts :in- spit~ of ~Xt!nt federal · -;,.. . ,
·- -· - ~.~~~i.,:;i..:f;~~Y§!e-~§ and·-·food_; ~oyereigntf,f-j oc.;al i~!_fra~ .-::_·protecti<?!lS:c:::Apparentlf,t Violati~g ·,federal~-· , -~ --·
· "" ~'?. ~:st_tucft;!re; ·econom_ic vial>ilfw and:our ~ery ·law W.oriS~Jimm.;-. · -··
,· · ·.• ?:<'<~.- '::~·:..__,·- ... .-.
!-· . ·, .c·.~ 4 :, :-::r' as rn'digeoous~'Pepples: ~·:._. ::-··-, ~~\~.. -- ,;r·~-M'eariwhile;:.eiWifonmentali~ts·:lilecl ~uifin - _: ~,. ..
-, The .-<resolu~-pn : t~~t~.tlle'e·-su~~ft ··:pro- Federal -Qq~(tin·~i'ssoula, ·{;.(Q'r.ith_e .: . '1
· ··.~:· :: . :. · ·
due~~ .calls .for;'_ ~~<?:rig~:other Jh~rig~; ,_:in~. r_es.t~t:a,ttoh)?.f. prot~~ie~s'~to \{~hT.(S?ih)v:fQil'-··. :,:;:-;-,. ;r'\1!'\ ·;
:!et:g,<:>y~rniP-_entai · suppprt;-'~e' f?h.!.lsing· out taha ahd:.:Id.~he, k~ep_ing _
tip th¢ir ~iqe·~f~t!J.~s -'--;~·.;.• ·;.~fir.:·"·;
· ;,~~ ~ ~ of' ,.fos$H:fu~l -·de.v_e,l oiun:en.t,, internation~L · ongo~g-~deti-atre :<. : ·>-· > · ;; ; _.-1-c?f.:f::, , >;.'~· 1.:-'
.. ~-_:.:----- recognition _of.the.iijlportanc~ . of ._indig- ·
. .:. . _!··r~·"t: ~~- _ .:.;~·.:~~,,·:.:-:-·~.-. .:; ~; ~ ,-"'~. ~.t.-eri~us_ tt:aaltiaris, ·c ultu.res and iriteUec~al -·.Cougan;·t~):i~-:E~terini.J!ate.di:l~y J.> ' \
,N '.C:, . ·_ .., :property;. and ·participator y representatiop •·.· Ass•BackWafds -PresetVationffis' ~- -- ~· ..
· ·
. , ~ ·• : _.. ~.. ~ _ i.~ tne-'Un}~ed N~tions Frat:?-ew<:>r~ ~opv¢h.. ~ ~~§. ~6~~~~s-'puin~·s, · m'Otiiltiif~ -~iq~~--' ·..;Q ~~-. .
_c _
~--non on q1mate :C!tange. · _· . .
an<;l, panthers, a branch of cougars. evolved _......... _..
·- -_ > :· _- :·- · -. . _ .' .- > , .,_ ··-~, -. • •
• ;
· il).. tlle'distinct;eitrirql}meht ...Qf:t:h~ Son'or,a~
l,-_ · _ <- _- S~_£lf~Qil ~et O{f:th~Jipolpp __ . · "··-:. Deseif,. becomiP,g-~· quc~'!l,parfof'tl!,~i
~ ~ ·:
( . - ' ":H istoric Case
'· ._._ -~-;A
system. In: a, move ~tha.t:inight b.est.ffe --de'- ' · ~ .-'!;~_ · ., ~.- ·<·:·_,-=.:.".-in: __im; _8-1 d~dsi?~: .iti~ }~prem~ _: S?-u~ · .a~ _ &,~nocjdaJ/Qf~}f~~lf iilJ:fliarge ' _~ " ~ / . :-:, ·.- ·
,_ ', ~ :. :_ agre_ed_ .n~ar~y un~u.nously ·thitt Shell~won't ;' of J he · 96:S;OQ.O lcr~~ K'of_ii Wil<l!ife·:R~fuge ,- -. ·: ::
· · ..
~-.: _· _' ;_:':"_ hav~ .to pay for the .cle<!n-upofit~ ~~xic chem; / in:southwes terri7 At.iioria:"have':.plo:tte'a ··fc>-· .-. · .~ . :.:. ~
;,}~als;~p!tlect:in th~ J<;>.:m of~'-?-n, CaUforn!a'; • wipe):neni:·o~t :~f: th~_:..llativ.'"(h'~b~!~t3]h~
- .~· . _,_, ~- _,
- - . .;;;;;"\~Jiil~~transit to.!lie.I).O}V:•ab<:lndQned Brown . p0wer~-c~lrat-be·:-,;iFthe;""c.t\ri~Qn<f, .Oaip.e:, an1} .
. .
' · _-· ·-~~.~cy~t ~Sriqilttiral:~he!ri~cal: d~strl,b~tion._ .··Fish ~{rp_i!lJ~-~ of".:f~t. t~e--slaugl?-~~r~t<¥Jpl~-~ .. • ·~
State-a_n~ fed~ra19ffi~_!.als_~ttem~teq t? charge ~ 1; ·!\pparently;-; '0\~y.:-are_ .waiti~~ ·fQr t~e1r_"" ~~-~ .-:.
~ ._ <Sl!ell ~a:t:tt! ~o _ra:lrg_ap;c;_o~p~~t;.s fo~ ~h~ ftill . name ~to·o~~~Jly· be ~ch3:~g~d~!q;~ofe(.W,~fd- _- -'~ · ·~· .. . _. ---~·-- _c~st,9f-!he ~l~p.~up,;&'\!!Jne ~!lJ?-r~me Cotil1;_-- ·life __ >'"''"' l - · -:_:,:"4_z<·~~-J;;_'· :,..~~ -~ ' ~"' , •.. 9..,~'\.
·.0 .
b:·. . . · .
.-#- _:·
'~ ~""=-·~... ~':n" i~~~nhat oplYJ~~~p~h:_~~t~~t:::th~::Pol~u~io~ < ...
.. : ·-,·',
-· ,.
, -;-
,--'-',\-'::.:-,;; o( •...,
.. ;..;" •• _.,.
z. .· "!44:-:...':"l»~ ~.- ~ -.
;:[.'~~-\:~ -.·.§~-~:;-~: ·.' ""';.'
-~ ~:" ~J',_,>;~~ c:~~;j;._:i,~"t,:,_; .- _;.~,:·" "-,:...- :.:.t.,;;"-"~-~~ '/ ·~
. '
co, and Asia." These quotations
BY S@sH@
are diffici.Ilt to inscribe . within
Amidst the criticisms that. a · this' )ournal-'--like ' t he .·Barth
younger generation of bad seeds First! Journal itself, Abbey's writ-=
are sewing their radical antago- · ing has done much to inspire
nism within the ranks of bushy the environmental · movement
:- tailed, naive activists, we· should to -direct action. We· should rec·: stop and appreciate· how- Earth ognize ~his contributions: ':fo·be
: First! (EF!) continues to subvert sure,. he was not alo-ne···iiJ: his : the dominant ,paradigm.
. oppressive beliefs; Jt ' w1~_:a~ dif-·
: One" quiCk · look at · Edward ·-tere:r;J.t time, and th~y. pervaded ·
: Abbey's Monkey· Wrench Ga11g arid_)i'a!J1pered 'the 5.Vhol~ . 'EFi
· ~ .exposes the racism a~d ·sex_tsm movement. · ~v'ioe:ric¢ ·o_t:thiS"·€!}ll"
,. that~ poisoned :the movemeo,t : e_ven .be seen 'in some _oftljs'~ues'.
throughout t.h e 1980s. Its trans- ' rot the Jourru1Z:as they:retlec·t: Abparently . patriarchal depictions 'bey's own writing·. . ,. ;. .. ·~ ' . _
· ·:-of gender stereotypes show up, · 'Remember, ' the ·reyo_H.ltion~
Desert Solitaire ·is · -Ed's mas- : · thr9ugbout · the book -and aie ar.y· presence_that drove, .1-bb'ey
~Y ]. AcEVES
terpiece of wilderness memoir ·: everl:iriore pervasive in Apbey;s ·. ·and. :his min16ns <away created .
Twenty years. T~enty years · and human al(?st. It is his elegy : diSturbing diary; Confessions· b( space'' for tfie philosopfi;§al · ip.:i ·.
l:hat have. seen the tiansfoima- for the wild soqtpwest, for the : aBa~barian. Afl?:bng the,·lgast9f- .· 'tr~oudiqns·: .o.f- . ~to-fepJ.~n;ism; · '
l:ion.of the worlq: the collapse of .~wilderness that slips away like : ':fe:O:si\l:et~fliis notes ar~' the J«?r~-~ deep ··~~6logy~and~ l;>ioS:c~~tpsm.
l:he Soviet Union, the election of hot sand between our fingers. :·+owing tabulations: '! a~iflari <;a,n ~, yte? ~lio!JJd ne:ver'' r~turn fgr.1he ~··
.America's first president of color, The Monkey Wrench Gang. de-- :· no more gi:ve· up, his id.~~s l~~w · ;pe'tulant"'and puer!Je;:.?i~~IP:·9L;
1119/11. Two decades more of war, fined the terms, of eco-defense :· he can.give·up his soul~thei<tr~ , '·certain'old''tr~ditiops:. fate ,it"-' ·as-'...- · ·'-. ~: .
Efamine, pestilence-the usual (there were no _terms: no pris- : one and the sarrie;" and, , "Sef:.~~·r" .:,a·· m6~efu~lit,~'W~'V.~):l,ia&-~s6i,P.-e'·· ··
:miseries of life, as well as love, . · oners t~ken, n_o:: q~arter given)_. :. one of, the few ~outlets we _ ha~e · ·g~e-atsttrdes~' 'Ye·'Sh0~f.d h€ P.t9ud ": .:. ~·. ,
J1ope, fighting for o:he's· beliefs, Con(essio11:s 'of a:Ba:barian_surri: : these _days ~ for a ·man:r_ inher- _Qt,.eyer}ro~e _ii{ the . ~ote~n:f;__-·- \. _
:fighting for wilderness andes- · marized his arigry "get ~ff my~ entlust -fonidv~hture.~'< Abb~y's · _ an~r stop _blam!ng~_ttie:"yo~tli; __ :.;.,
:::Pecialiy the wide, wild desert. fucking pro~~z:ty" -~entalit:Y- · ~ · ~tr<ft?-g~y"h~ld po~i~iop ~hat iq'e: ""whos< cailti}jll~cJ~~s:..:-ii!I~~~€~:-~::,;. ~
l'wenty .y~ars since Cactus Ed -only all wilderness was .hiS .:- ology:-Innk:amate •m "man.~'· l~d to ,ant1-oppressiOno wou10;"li.av~ ·t.·: .·.- '•"}' "';;:.,~;,.~·
::rode off into the Sonotan sunset. beloved front garden. · ·- .· . ~ him to.·a:·lifeti:zh,e of patriarchy:5<impressedi 8-_l?bey,'l #ins.eH:-If@efi.: ,. .
: ;;;-:· :~ -'
Edward Paul Abbey (1927Ed Abbey wrote. more : t~an · r:1o#·n~: ·~ri<:~n~iS;f~~t :'W.!,~l! . ~a~~t[i-=·... .;-hi;!~l~'Y9ul'd~6tib~;~!:i>a~· of-~F!:·:2/. ~Y:\~~,{~'t-1989) was born in Pennsylv~- t~enty books, marned a:nd sued : liberation :~Hei-w'oul~ la1er~Hiifu~.'·;·::if~it'w~reliitt. f9r-t}1e sft9&g.fe~a~- .;.) · .~;.;'fl."i•r.,.:·:._:~ •
-nia and died sixty~t.wo · <?ffspring a · number of times, : that it ··even ·· catt~ed;.:hiS:ittagf~/ ''-b0dietl~ pef.s~s;tLn.O't . te:":<In~n:;.:·,,, .,;)
later i~ . the be'a utfnif yet "offen ·'·piss~d off.:gq:vernme:nts··and -coz:- : ·early passing; ,writirrgi ~ "my :ae:;. ·:-f10rt.:EG;BQTIT~fo}l<Si-rn~e Jnfe.':Wne··.· . ~.;·1 ·
inhospltable· landscape that ., potations alike with .fell swings:..;. -bau:ch~ry ..and ar-rogance ha"e ~:Atte'fi!t ' afrai(Lt0 : raistf:. thf$~6ite~·.:;?~
is · the~ ,. Americ~n southwest. of is mighty pen, , liv.ed-_,: hard"::~· ·firra.UyoveJtak~Ii ffie.;{>,;: ~ . .,.. :·-.; .<illit!' ~kpi:e5s-~~f.n;.se1V'es~~fof.i':SeW- •<;."._,..;:: _
E!i lov~eu "'-th'is:"a,tia lan d, tliis ·<;ana dt9've~.his .bright-'as~~u!!~ ,~u;t;~:.i ~~tfbeYf':S"~sid~Il:es·s:~ niS:$eJd.~;i;- G;esetibed.~!:i@I~~r ;geneiafieil::'~ t..,. ~:I·- :'~
mo-p~~<;e~lor-ma-n,_ ·:over-popu- : _strai~ht'"t:9"eugn -< ~e.. W!OJ8i.~~ ~ iW~"'J!~!'JN\9 ~; :--ip~~~..~at'S~"'. ~n<;>trr. all - ·.. : .
lat e a r'satfd'.!<frr'll'- roCif ~para'~HSe '•in g earth'.'"'TM story goes, 'h e is : a ·fani ·on fi'nm).grattbn in 198'8; '"tlie ·o:lder ·folks are · dowt{ or r
wh ere grump y misanthropists buried somewhere in his mag- : Abbey called on US ci_tizens·-to -·,the _f!yol{f.lger. folks;.!<.ianq,lots ..!Qf. ;:. •",;;:_.
go ,to wear down . the bett~r nificent d~sert, . but 1 will not:· "~iJitaJ,'i~~~ourbs>rd~rs. :'. <:;:allJqg·_.:._!>lder.~<.EF:Jers'·.mO:W.,.the}}ia:St~1!P.-du:··,;~ •.
half of · '!-ll' :otherwise w~sted se~k ·his .- g~.:_ave .. Bis.:? word~-~·t¢·&. JP-lmigtl{rlf$ :"~£1\n:l:t:H~ry/'!.fgnoicfn1:W~tpEtt:,pl,'e:sent;:;tam:l.::tlr€y_J;syf>Ec2~ · ·:r
existence. ~o' it ~~s..w~ :m~·."' "fh~~.~e?~~~·~Sf>.Y:!itl~~-~;1!~~~~ pJ~ec!_~ f :itps¥i1~t:d,(~nd.:~-~~;u~!l.~~~@_F:~t<!~~a~r~;J£.~~~~tlrer:p,\J! ~~lfJ; .hlfou~:.: ~~.\<t;_'­
world-weary 'Qefore my ·time, Witfi' n<?t:.s.<? 'geqtl!! •.Pl.~as.~ ~<;>:S·~ye ;:;....<Ly. ~ll!f>-c::tver'lsl}e_9C .. {f:le ~tradltlons- and -ru.<1ft!te"<0f E.Jt!t ·t·... .-~ ·
eyes squinting at th~ burning what is Ieft.of the. wil~. _:{\ngry :o~; -: . peppl~,'~::&b.b,ey. _ prov.~O.:raJ?, 'en~ ·. -buras- f:?r;·n~os~ ·wli~~~~yJijat~~ . · ··::
mir~ge _gf industrial civiliza- content, I can find, strength -and· : · emy ·tb:peet>Ie~of !OQlor, -insisting ..· you:qger ierler~:f~o.ti~·shQ.iild.:,~'be,. : ·.,'~
tion, raised on th!~·~oros. of courage and damnable con:vic- ·: ultimately, . "I certainly do not . ·good, {lild shut' l!P and'.lis.ten;;, . I~ · ·.,· .~
~ools for wi}dernes5;othe?prigi- tion in the enduring literature : .wi~h .to. liv~,in a society:. dam~- say, "No. deal, as~holes!'1 ~atriat- · _.
nal earth defendt:r:s;· T~o.rea11, . of Cactus ~d. And. !.miss him..So '~;. t:J.ated·<by> bl~oks,
di¥ !$<)fie traaitiotr.thatJ;·go:rft:.>:;·<.
should y0u too . . .<. · .· · .. , . · :
''~wan:t tb-:contiilue:- .:;."", :"::;;~\ .:}_.:...1:;{ ·'0,_
Mui.r and Ed Abb~y.- ~.: ._::.
. " >'·-··
' • . ·· ~ ·
• ·I 1 ·.
; ·.
:;.:·\\.'~f:~_c::._p:]' ·: ~::c::.'~~.:,l' .-<.
. pro~ess
.~~:ef;~~~~:;~:{~~~< ;::r ;~ :.~-~~~-~,"y
:..~~~xP:t!=>~tg:J~t.en ;\of~ .un'<:l.ede:itl-.:;;
. -·' _, · ·
· the .pre~inawre
~u~I~&t<J)l<;''"'u•u•.~'.' Jmd;· .cliw:O.~~ ;,;_ pack ''i'
wJilistl.::blo~~~'ffJV::ii:iii'ijn'-ijw;'~foir;~< '~d:O'Y.;rn intc:i'~~bnlinem~nt :to. fur- ·. . . in:g-.~lW~Lt~·:C::!J~~g~ ~,~.,i,iP'l"A!!-!1"'
dechai, ,for
plot~r: escap_i;!,-~ · :5;'" -; ~ ·,<'
steps·of Sartre
da:afFtbe,ma~·wolf" to -·~ .. ~~"'-' """"'"l£~"111e!J.~·P.<1J;i!~<n:!;r
· · · Coafiti.;n: ·..1
~ounty_,y.<:>teg ~to·;pe.tonly
served an 18
o dr(j>.p p_ed l}arine;r~ ·~ 'i
~" .. ·:· ~~q~~ ~;D~l~~j~€9iJIRa11y tQ.
·fdr ·exposing
. · . t~ ·P,~ w·ap_d.· :~·)p~~/ .
., ··,,~<,;~s-pese tP.~u gucJeax _wiiste\rt.
cn~ts, dmQ.ot
eff~JJ;r .!J.ydrp~l~c.~.. .:. . · _ ·. : -~-~~·~95~::!~!:!-l<F~ f//. ';<
; · ~"' tllJ.."tl,ts Y46Jn4Yi.bA ~,t~~nCf;,i.
police .
"-t•he. :Kla:rnat<l;t;<~-' \?~.;~thfl,-t4be./!'lil.~.JWil}f.,O.L ·
' .,·~- 'th~{iV~:t~~~ite~ a§'~~Jl);I\Q.e:...
a· dozeri~' ac> €tmi~sfons . comes . fFem ·
company,,. :W~ste ~~~mtrQl · ·.. },·:
'son foi his
three banners the co~uiQditi~~ :6~·-·tl:l~ ~ ·;'...r'.,,
,~.$p,iciq.)is.t_s, ~ rgettil1g: $7~.:·-~ .:.
:that.he could
from l$~~~iiY i?l .tq. se~d theit ~ ;-,f~r:k~fl'_al~ngA ~it~: tbe;· -t.i,.:·-~ ·,. ... ·.:~, ) ·, wil_lio,i ·tn.·fin~n~i~g_,.__fJ<p~ . ,. ~:c;-:; c ~ .
:laureates that
mess.age to 24 ·stakeholder gro}:lps .<:.·>,~Q~R~::th~Ir,l~~J-r~es:~ .. ~~··-~ .:>:-:-/;"' ....,. ;;'>:'t>.: ....:,,Ar;qre:ws Co1,1.n.ty, ·~.whiell ', ~hey -···'·'_ .
negotiatirlg}he settlemeritpf.,d~m:~ : · ld'ri!~~s . pa.ra_sa11s . ca~ ,tUrn CCU<\' , R!:Oiili'se·. to .pay 'Qacl<·~With .lpter.;_ ·. : -:.~
riem:esis; Simon
~astei: ~ip.ded-,. . .
. r~movai. .;:i . . -. ....-=:;.
,· :. •--, :W<!t#f\1.1$ ~ i;g,t_q.,i.·-i.l!;J;~CbtP?- and · est. Tile com~~yi,daiJn.s ·th.a!, ra- .
weapon . programs .·
· As · tl}e {~tal<eho}de.r~ )i:av,elled .<,§PJil:t,~le ~ :Wes!~in <;~vi.IizaHon .dioactive..waste attraqs j ()b~ .-~and ·
countries. · - . · · ·:. _,.:.. ~.' by motoFp-Qatdq__wfi..the, ri~er tcf ·~, : ~!th. . hti.ry ~: c;, _it l,9p],<s -like . who ·doesp.~( waq.t t~H·verk 'o/ith,· __ ~ ?:
-~·A Iess-pretenti,o.·q."s"'#((i)i·~. the .meeting~'t~ey got s0:rrie ~eac:l" ·.,,t:·.w~.:~e,-~ s.t!ll~~P ~~it· cr,e~l<-i::parasai! _ .sluclge? . The.__county·; e~~.ed ; ~P · ,,~ . ­
.wil~wolf!oKart~;j!{(?·~~Il:'S';. iriglnateiial toana:lyze,'reading, ,,, ol'J?:R~P~i:<Js~~L- ,- .~ -~- r;;,'" ::·· . _p~_sstQg',Was~e· - con:troL :Spe_9ak -, ·
_utan, ~-ho b~ilt p~~ S'1~-'-!i~}iq~!'~ . '.' O:ren: t~e_1lver,. e10se-t!Ie .~I~~l! ,'(. , · ~? -~~!o.<S,~~id~i~-fo~-ze:r._Q~ _.,- J sts; age_p.da\ ~Y tht~~ &ot~s:', ,>~
shor~ <;.!rcuited~ soiP:~;:~el~~l'icaJ· . :"Undam ) 1J,e_ Klamatl_l Now.!," ; e:m~ss~~~s:c,poo,fJ.I¢· _tE_!:·ri~ber- .. :-;"'"" '_ ·...: · . · __ : : •. ~-"·~-~\;;::·~-" ... ·
wire~, · an.d then ~:~U~'bfd~- t~e.~ and -''Eng~gh ~s . En~ugli,_ Bring .. -~s 'Y:11.o:_,b~ve e~tolle~ Vle 2QJ O ~·- -:~.
fence that s~parfite.a·: het:}row ; th~ Salmo:r:l_-=·Home,".: the·.main, " Q_ly~piq . a~ ·/'tl:le· · flydrogen · _,, ..
freedorrL . Terrifice~~-~ z.o~~~t:i~fsi- bii.:r;J.Refs - wer< ·'!_cGoni'p~nied by . Qlyffipit~.!', A~id~t tl].~· supp_o rt ~ . t~e alar!!!) a.~~}~cf:~5~.\\f~:). activist~ cJt~11tt~?h '·~.Qi_Je:rrth.~ ;rjv~, ., . f~r :~n"~ ~_1~~ . ~!~11?.9- . 'pr;>.ject'-to' -"\
· 'o".,...·er,. close
. .:,_produce
.. hydrogen·
. Jar
; •..·. .responded. ..
. tf:le·deal!Letthe
- ""',.. .
..... ··..
.... . .:- .. :;-"
-·- -_engagii~g\ Kart~ iri '~~~ . ·< River -~~,aJ!~ f.?Q.Wn~~er, .activists . ~:t~a.~,~~t · ~ti.sEs! : a· H_J:: -~~s~j _~~~"- ., ~:'.-:
t})at· lasted_ f~r -~a1f ::~J[~'9;;.-l{~f~.'-#~•}toeq 'VIlli,· ~_no~h:r . stat~ ,e_Igpt'" uhl~ty trucks/ 1_gnorap~~ : ~ .· ··~· ·
.nally, t~e .mgenuo11~- orangtfta~- mg:'Da~s_ Kili:S~lmon,.:JoJ?s;· ~nd hngers- ove.r ~the byproducts' _cr~- -- ·
<·. . ::. -_-
.,:" ({(
- ~.,.
;·_· - -·.
·- -.~-
:,.-· ~~
x.~:!. .......
~-:'· •. :.
~· ·
\ '
' '<,.f
~J-.e4- . ·~ w#f
·- -o~••~p
.I" !' ..· .·r; /· . ·
. with the Consula~e General and present him. (EPA) office, ;t aking over ·a lane of traffic on
with the resolution. A few activists posted up th~ way. · Lots' of police and Homeland Secu·.I~ a ~ispiay of gr~~i: disrespect to human · in his office with the-ir banner, while the rest · rity cops were for them; along with
-· . and enyfro11:merit~ ..,~rigpt,s, the Mexican were met only by his secretary_along with two EPA officials who were presented with
. .
..·· . gover(lill.erit; . cilong with a <::ompa11y call~d .'other low-level can·s ulate repres~ntativ~s at- their de_mahd~. The group blocked traffic in
· ~--: .""' ·..... ,. _ ~cenfroc<:l~ Gestion -rntegrai de ~esiduos,- S~ · •tempting .to disrupt the action and call 911. front of.the office for a few minutes and ral.. .- -~~ > • ~- (!s to 1~!~ce a.- hai.~tdcn~s-c~~aste ·
lied in the street for a half hour. The .message
dump· ne~t- the Village q_n:tuttqvac, :~_on,~a;· .. ;_ ·
was sent that' this is only the be~inning if
in _Mexic0 : The proposal for tpe dump .has ' ·
our concerns are not met.
been,in.the_works{or four years. Previously' · ·
Tucson, Arizona, activists visited the lo.. • _..._ .•. c~ ~,
fJ:!:Q~itte<t'iJ.laP,s _,we_re halted due to lack of ·'
cal Mexican consulate on the first Friday of
~ ·. -··,· ~-. 7?' --~-::- · ·: )infopm~-iio~-' fr_P.% the Mexican government
April after the gatheri!lg at ·Quitovac. They
~- :
· · _ . an'! CEGI~ .. According . .to :the 19~3:La ~a.z
brought signs and creative chants. On the
- · : ' · . _ ~- - Agre'e.:r;ne.n f,:tb,e US and MexiCan gove):npJ.eilt
. May 6 day of solic;larity, Tucson returned, this
· ·. ; · · ·: -~ · · ' ·most
·time with zs·people, who were watched over
. ;;
:\· .,.:;.:.::: .. J:
..,.....-{': .,...
-~ :: · ?~zg_~~oli!s 1"a;tt:.,_!a.f~l}t'\~e~,~tRlnn_q.p ;~Ues
oy ~ l~n~ cop car. Infori?ational·tlyers were
. .. o~fl:i~ pexcter: Qu!toya<::.:IS a saq~9 s;te to t:qe
handed· -out to everyone who approached
~ · .traditionjiV'-ihQig~n9tis ·rohono O'odham
the gates to condl,lct business. Anyone who
· ~- of w_b,at i~·:n_qw :~aUe_<'J.-sputh~rri Ari~ona andarrived at the consulate had to be fe.t in with
__., ;, ~~Jnpttb.ern ,Sonora~.:· 0 .. .
a key, after the office was informed· of the
P':' ·:. . ·• -~ ,· ~ · '"Tite prciposec;l dump wou~d t_l,lin the sacred ·
events that occured that day ·in Phoenix.
: , <. · .
' 2~remonial~site of Qu~toY,a<:: and,expo~_e neatiJ;,yentually, two consulate officials came out
· . 'by.' §9mmu11itY m.emb-erS anQ theh:· children
al}a _were presented :With the resplution from
the March Quitovac gathering: ··
·- • -. to i:I~mgetoifs tQ)q.-11s :·tne~e· (o:ictns - wo~ld_be ·.
- r~e.§l.S¢.cfinto.J:)1~)and· ancphe'.air, and ¢ax
,~-J... ~... '._- ; .:...,
4 ~-~J•, '\r ·
.. -~ ?kl·. .J2.0S , _ ··~ ?I].!~Pl?at~.t~~ U.TL'!ergr?'!lll<;\ .'YelL
Votce Agamst the Wall and O'odham Rights
.:: · .- '- ·• ' :: :wat "that'tne c_oinniu'nity"depends~ on. ' . .
Cultural and Environmental Justice Coali- -~ .. ¥"'"';?*- ~'-~ ~{\~~?rq!' ttl~._ · · · ,, goyetnment
tion, ha.s been instrumental in building
·: _ ". ·: ~- :. ~·. -:···-.._1:\a~-"b~_e,Ii in~t .
oppqsi~ion to.the. dpll!p, a:r:d .ha,s _spoken at
--·t ·. ;;· ';.'Q}~tlie~,·various events aroun~ Tucson. ·These events
· ~~: 'J:rci,rdt!t~
.· . _ . v . ••
: ~
have included the· recent Earth First! Orga·Q:'o4h~m..
.. _
resolution was deni~d, · and .'nizers' Conference, shows 3;t the ' D~y River
... S9lii:larit)r; _on March 27 and/ 28, activists they were asked to leave. They were told to ·Raoical Resource Center; and a fundraiser for
.--~~ s_fiate~g!z~cf;., arid netlYqrked . w.i~h _ies~dents send _one. representf!H~eback in five min- .the Earth First!}ournal.
. of ttie "(h:>Clliam com-'nttfnjfX.'-A: 'n;)ad ~bleck:;, :.. utes: I:IO.w~':vet, _t]l:e~ c6-dsulqte-,_,.0fficials".lied,
In Qfelia's· words, "Our way of life is based
." ·aae at a:-ri:e~ltBYl h'ighway~elcr icFaffic fer 1l;>f';t attii~tNe'c't1illetftfve_was ·met:witft~e-PlideruX"'.:. (>n; the 'land·· and-. living in:._ harmony with
short. 'tik e ' ari<tn:~ : mcih1jn~ of.-· a:fclt 28, :. p;iit-e: t:aiis:-anti ~ne::!'ft5m~ta'itd~'Se~uii:tr~~ve~ . th:e.':l: an<i ::AiJJ .li>f- tni.s ·1lqs:W~e-Q: viol~re1l aria • .
·f ollowed by a ·p rayer wa1k that took place· . hide .'~Confulate security''g uards surrounded' . there is a tremendou~ ·imbalance.,; The 'fig-fit~-.
back into tpwn . Later, during the meeting the entrance, and Phoenix police informed to prevent further violence against and des.. ;... fi..d' qplila·t e, jt' · ' ··e -:was a:do.~te'd b~ . the . group th t if: anyone returned tp the ecration of O'odham land will continue to
.. ~a~ttiqn<ll'- 0' oall , . rem" t~~ - :tt:s :-Sid€-.}'>-~ ...C:.:onsljla~ ·gre . nds, t~ey·~~0.t!ldl~e ~J~it~ :- _ ~rc~n¥/•li~wev~r:i®'n, ~tin~ ~ ":jlrroth~ dayf 'd ..- the_border, international solidarity activists for trespassing. The action ended with tradi'- '~sofidaiicy was c>rgan'ized" outs1 the"Munici- . .
_aiid. O'odhatn, eld~rs _fiOJP. Qti;it9vac, A first _ tjona~ O'oqham songs arC?und 11 a.m.
pal Office of Sonyta, where about so. sup; day~_of~~t~c;m,~~s:'S~i':f01;':May'~: , ; :~-~ ,..._< ·_ · ~ Jlie) '4<!-Y6,_aetipn .ip ' S~m Francisco,~ Cali- .-, porters . shared speeches, held_banners and
'- ~~ ..-,
, _.-_;._~~Qn~iry_:q'; Ph~enj.x;-- Atfzona, .,sa~'~h:~n-::~~~forrtU~, drew a.diverse gioup . of )spuq~t SQ _ ·delivet;ed , the_ resolution , to the · mqyo! of .
. -:-'' ·-./' -~. ,;-·~-~ "· ·: ---~ ¢~g~tfc 'c9H~etiy~ .ofl_l' people: o ;ms_isting' of _·: people
.~e:fp.-ffiainiy __ri4tworl(~d::1rc>:ffi·c·· sonyta: An ele-ction" is approaching ·and we
~ ~- ~-H: J: 0,,,,~' ~-~?"~d~am yo;tltr; il~a~chis_tst<~:~\?i~olJ~~l}.t~h ·,·:9:f~~n.acti~?n,~a.l19;·. · want .to make, .~ure.- ~he goveinll}~P~:9ft}ct'!is ·
, ~ ;_ ~.c' . .- -o_· . • . : .Ists :a!lC!,a l~g_~l "~b?~r~;:er . :-.'JW,9 ~~_tlVlS,tS' ran: ~ , s_lo~~lY -'!1.~.!_1 p1any mdtgeJ!p!ls commumtles
know where . tqt.' P~ople _stan_d , --~'? ..m:~tter ~,
~- · ~;;;'-;_.;.,_:.., ~ "-~: . : -:~ fj:v~~~~ile ~J?ir!tu:at~~ f~. t~e~~~it:_~~ cpP:~ul-.,f.,. f~r~en'3~·9flW~ift~Jy~tf~~~ .J:r~ . gro.~p,Aem-;,.~ho~_it ttirns 9~f~~tli~ugh!_ <?n~:>t~tng is _c!ear: .
-~, ':', :;:_,·,,, ,··. C , · ate;: ~'!f!Ying,t4e <;lmtgyac-~esqlutto~U£9f1.' ·: onstr~,te,~ m front ofth~_ 1jexrc_¥1 so-n~u!ate . ·efforttJo sto.p:.J_g e ·g:ump_WiU only contmue
,,_, -~ ,_ : · . ~ ; >. ,~. -:_ .:~- th~ir· ari~yr~l, _ th~ . ~nt!_I'~-~ _
¢qlfectiye j9ined.'l)p' _ f9r alpi<rs~ ,a!) h~l]f l?ef9:~eJnitiatin{J''fuarch' to -~tren'gth}~n~~l}rttii ·the.:"piaWs are·once agaih
~--- · ' ~, ~;., ctJ:!d stormed. the"cqhsiilat~ 1ft .orderto· sp~~l<·";-,t lh~ Q:S_EnY,irO:pin£rftal Prot.e ction Age11cy halted_:.this~timeJor:·gaod'.
~~·.,... .~·~
_. ..,__
'; .
~ ~~?~~~:~: .~~~:%_-·~---~~---
-~-- ·
~.;-~~ &~ ~~-~·; . ~ ~;:
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~~?$~:!~~~: e~:r~ 3~$';~~:r =: -~ ' ...~_-i_;"._; :,~~- '~~~~~~~·
:· ., _.
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. ~ ;-,~··<"
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:,Jl~-j-~r ,., .... ·.: ' ·r~;:
-~.--. -~:
~- ~- - ....-<~~~
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f;,.,:_;-. ··:.. conti!lu~{l frompag_e·J4 · ending·-~.J< :ta~rp.i:>):~ · ;~~if.~ns!?ri_;. ,/9th~f-~'~a~tie,t;are.-.-<:<?~Il:1i_!f!A"'to 'f"th.iPl!£.~ .,..;;
/ _
, hnkedmto the ';Vrder:gm~;Sf8£t,s, : . , a!J.d endmglslio:rt~haul _gfghtt . strap_R}ng,- ~~p~n~~Q.n pl~ns.: .
-&c'fielpg(J_;b g the country ta a ~tqnd
~S;o~Jti~~lce - ~qYeJ?en:rs spc;~ · a~-'::"-~:- _
So,, _why :-d~q -,}h.~Y: -,-~P:P,:rQY;~--o "<:· ~~~~ ~J~plW-ee:.;p~e:at;~af tln9er;: .; ) til] by:helping blockadie UK oil
:~ .~he -GJimqt~- Campj:}iat !lPP~ar ,.t:qe J;bir.q· .'f-!Jifw~y.'h ~Does:i,tbts~:__ _:rpiFi~d,~the:j;.gov~tni=neri(s ,' c;teu~·, <r.efiner_ie_s. Sin_c;Nfum. h(} has, w.orked
' ....
. . -~ _..
..- : ••:.- ~~;,.~'N
'"' ; ~;~..,· f~:tg:::J?.eo~r_o'Y',iiJ.g M.ya~ · Jo!:p,sJQgp_<r~,:_, ·IIIr<!-Il ~~~1;,.~~-!:'i::~-~~~Wj~t&~J{·;:. -~U:>ilif¥. ~rrd ,,ha-§.ni~ssivel! swelled tir_ele_ss_ly,_ t? ~use- di(e~t actio~,tp ~,
::"1...,:.:_; · . l5le~p-~cE;.; Tlt~ petwq:rk- -~e~ks;.tq: f~~_d?.: Fr.o~rfhe~li~g~~_t}J_pg;. ~e- :·!Q_t_ranks o(those publicly com::. stgpJ thJ}_.g~wern.t1J-~nt£~.n.d:.i!!.g ·l21!fl,.. _ , .
: . s:trg.r~-Ie~gubc·
es,. etcR~ri~:ric;~nd~ ·. "alway-s.••..,_~:x:peGt~d
'-.<J,p~~ l"re:fiarfi!¢~
. J:I].Ifting,
to _take direct- '!-Ction _ . nes~ frp_m-exp}Qiting'the'wor/sing
•- . ~
. _ , . , .. . . . .
, _ " " f.. , . , - _ ,
jtq:l~~,.t?-~-~~p:, ~qll~!i~e~r~o~;~_l~!_·t~ .~or_~~~_B!!st . h?pin~ f~!' (:lg_~i:r;sLit, Finally,~".!_-Ie~t~t.\?-~ ·i$ _':"· jie:Qr,le_,;cmd phln¢6i]1.the=·.11alfle.of . .
: sttu,c:;t,,I:t$:..-t.un..d'l-IJl~:P.t.?J : :tenets.f,;:tlle li!est.3 'he.thud :_runway w~s one of the world'SJilOSt (amQ_us · · money
. , · ;. _ ; .
J-:- • .
. . ··~ - bt,(in? tliat;qt~el.;a.f~mty?r~l.lJ>~,,~:.en;~e~t's_,avtatwn w~tte · pape~ .. _ -~1~~~ bt:t~s~de : of,:Lpndgi?,~h'e cap~- ,
~ .. can -'~9~P<t _WI_~J;lQll(:havm~ ,Jo, . oand I! ;:yas alwa}'s ._ go mg.~ ~9 . be , · t~l ~f~l~b'!l :f_i?.a:n~~' ang ;t~:e,p~~~ "
:· ~ / ·;.,._,' · ,:":- -J:>,e;_ a.~re_!!<iy mstde · tll,.e ~twt..q ~1 ~ .,il_R:R{Oved, t~o:w~ver,, ,tli.e;~qc:;c~~l'- ':' ~~I}tiaC~lobal -c_a,pt~aLqf carb<?P.1· : ~.-::'~-~~~:1ong;,;as g~~ups·;;~oqt:ni!t: t~ ; . ofthe ca:q:Ip_~ig~)ila.s meant-tl-ia:f ·:m~.Mess·~ ; -~ f_-the ~b-i!Si~ :ru.n:~~y"(s i
, ~-' f:!7 · .~- ·_- ~s1ng~ it·--,fo(jionviplent ·dh'e5:t.. jt ~~-s ·,~aJ_Jp~_6ved' t?_~~),d,espreacl~ ·;;iJ?~\o,r:o:gp,_~d, ,Jh~e c~m:paign'\)f~;'~
-~_1• . ·; ~-- ,·. ae_ti~n :, *e~ avi,atio_n· ip.~ - _an_
d : 9~ep ,- p~bgc ~i~~QP~OX!!lJ1'..~ofers <b gr~.a.t 6p_fjortt.I~ity_ toA~J;e: ·~
· -· .~._.
-~ ·. 4-tjst.!ijl::;}§ l:itts; ,different <>gJ:,9UJ?..S·;- ~"~:n\:ltl;l,~t caus~q--b-1,1-g~·rif,t_ it}~~~, ·(!.Je an j:r:itefnat~qnal;b~ae.on that .·
~ .
. :;,.:.~y"-1!,a've ~tjsep~iff~,r6},t~app'f(f~cl1€S· ;, '1ihtlie. ,~ahinet_;Q.ff;l~~e its'eit The _Gai)s forg}!)bai'clim(}fe resis:t ance .
:·~ '-::· ·..:; _":·.;..z ·- -·.that- - ~~!t~t~gi]l.;~e.;_ Stypltl;.,,· \a~p~jaJ.:wisi wy.6h~ ms:i~.e.!;lip;z:.: . moj~~_en.t§.~ arou;I}(:V th~ . -.worJd_. : -.- · :;;,._·, . : ·Seotl~u;1:<F~i!~~ ?om~ti!¥~ Jis~~t - itea;·_i:ri-,_p~t.pi.¢AP.4~;:f.r·gitJ ..r~a.SJ;_<t<?:. ~9-*.J..~ -so~i9ari~ wit}! _ea<::,h
· :_, ·:::r~~- t:-__ .~ . -~-~~r~_- :~ e;xpti:d~-~-aJlti~S<:tPi!.~li_st · , b~rng_~~.l<$d}9!,i~_nd~-~~~'Y-Qth'!!l "~ o.t?-;~·JF~f.\.U~,~~othing)~ss,_:than .
-: • :<:;:. _. _-· ;ll..,~~Q.r.[c ..,_~~c,;~~tl¥: ;~1.?-Q.~Stjlp,t~'. expin~wn ..:_rlans . ar8.v nd_. - n~~,:.:_-~~~s--wm gp. __ ,:-"'·: ~ -~.:: . _
:.· -; ·:.o•,: .. --., ~~S~m th,am pfc;>.JJ,-;tpom ted · out ?the · UK , lliJY~ ·:el th,e r_-Q_een ,;watere~l - "'-; . The :a!Jo,v~ rrf!Pre§pJ.tS • th_~ per-_· ~-·· ;~:~, ~- :{; ~- . _lit;!<~~!?:~t~?~n ~reat~9g _!)!IP~te .· . ~o~n~ sp~l~e:~ ~r '!f~lf~<f-~J~'i_.-:' ., {g_nak~!.~2~,ihts ~?[')~9';-Y - ,W{ltim c:. ·
-- ,.
. ',,;;•......
_ • -'
~ -
·. '75.........~.
- •-
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•. >,.
_,_ t - .. ~- -·:> '"_, :cn<!~&e:~J~n.9:;,.;; -i~fug.~_es . ..,-g.ethet;:_A.U; th~··&BV.~!'J}!J!e~.t _tJ.~s.q..,·aydmot ~~h_e..flq_n~ St;u_._p,itfnetw_ork <
.. _ > , : . _ ..., i~·;;T}J.e::J;I~:a1:h,'l;0_ -~ ~-f:'i:!TIPt~g~:: ~as < -_-de>n~ji§:t<,fgiy~ pe;ti;J.f~si.on tp !ll:~ .. g~-q~Whq.{e. ,-~-?:r- . • ,.-; ~:..,::- -:q·';;,· · ·. :-- :,:~
'4,· --.; • •·0c·~"p: ·?~ten·_~:f.~Wys~~4L?-~;.)h.~";~ay_ t!le :' a~rp~:rt ?Jief(!t~,If;:-~~~~\Q pr~';V:~·J 't:i~~-~WU~P1J i~;~·t!iffk. ci/ir,gtfor c~
:: · : . \ . ·.: - ·.. ~!flme'(;haJe _loc_af-t_.<;o~~u]}_thes . _~UP" ge.tall_:~-,PlilllS..:, fC'J~ tlie-k,th;j:rq ·~~ a._.,;~w4kfknowf'_.Off!;.~o ·c;fnp;sornpqny .z· :
< ..: -~
will .be.-bt!ll4bzed b.y_ exp~nsion . __rlmway;.'at ' ij~athrow: Ihedi:Qal ' jiJ tl)e J;J]C During·th_e 2.000.~UK_ ·/ ;;.
" :~::
plans~.~-~ ~-·l:w,~ i,tJligro;uP.s'c:cQm~> :approyq( sti1( lJa~tp Qe: ghr,~:n hy ·i.tu]t"Q'ffiis-.he~felt.ttuit tfz~ -i:liidk: :~-7<"··~~".
-- ··;.ro:f~£0
- '· ''.... .... . -,"'
" ....
~r - ·,
· }n%4s:·or~, ~ tbe}'tieit~:el~ct~d ~P;.PS;e~fm_leni":::-;r{:~eje~ifui;ii?i{;gaifist the;;;~."-., llfGt.0,n>g,{<Jck,:do1-vn,rnbesJhr.o_,ug11;tll'.e.1i~n~;;
· .. :;'
t~}~~~ J!~elY: tg l?~ i'!J!~~~:nt::~l~:~~ ~l~~Ez_ ~~olZ~~~n~ct~~~! af.s.~ re~lf~,la ,
~;- ::--; ' ' •. .; .:_;.; ~; ':_r".
-.., -o:i'. ~. ':#; t;:i-f·-..~: "'· ·-~ " ' ' .<.-: :.·'
National·Extreriiism -Tactical Coordinatibn . -Unit
Serious Organized cPme and PoH2e\~.&t . /
·FailUre . inthe- -~a~ -~--~~-c ...
. .,... _;;_
The Crown Prosecution Service glued, c;al's were trashed and ·u p . ~Oll<?.WS on :from the convictibF - 1ll0V~~~~t-~~ t~i-n~~-th<:>~'e ·
. (CPS) and the National Extrem- to $160,000 worth of damage of seven activists, alleged toP-ave "mvolved·mpubli¢ caffi.p~igps·'for " .·
ism Tactical Coordination Unit was allegedly caused. The owner been involved in the SHAC cam~ animal tights. :Sip.e~ 200'6, SOE:PA. '(NETCU). have suffered a major . of . the farm ' later said in court paign, for the same charge ih has Qiad~--jt2,{ll~ga1.t0 ·f;,{rijerfere -.
blow in a hard-fought attempt to that, . following the action, he December. They 'were seqtenced with the -£PhtraCt_ll~i,rel~ttdKs -of, ·'
throw the book at lour campaign- had. resolved to close down his to more than 50 years in piisen <~an a!limari:est'fr!iestatilishm~{ff.~ '·
ers facing charges-under the Seri- business. He sold his ~tocl:< of l:>etween -tpein. Police are e~ger Operation~:TQ_rUfldo, ~q~re "i:aids · rabbits to HLS -and wa~ in the to widen · the ~int·e:ipi:etatlon -oK . acio$?the:·West ~Mi'cUands l~ad~to ·
~us Organized Crime and Police
Act' (SOCPA). The prosecution, protess of winding up · opera- "tonspir~cy to blacl<mail" to ti~e 'th~~triai o'f.~~e:-V:e.ii pe(?pt~: fN"t!J.eii
involving numerous experts, tions. At. this point, the farmer · against campaigpers whq ca,ll for' ' roi~- ip_ 'ih~ fain:paigJJ_-agc,tin~t£Se- .
_• .. . .
several police forces and; accord- saiq, he was viSited-by the police the closure of a pusfness. ' One quani laboi:iitories, -was; ori :~tfle:- A4F rq_td~d>.;, '
ing to one· source, up to- a miland others" and was persuaded man has plead !':n?t .~ilty" .to P?lice's terms; .·a f~l';lre. ' s.~an .
ho~:~:te . ·_ _·.
all -charges a-!1-d•wlll be tned·later _ Kutley, who -allegedly 1,1pdated_a '
~ .'g - _ lion pounds in -legal costs, was to keep the business opert.
The closing down :of High- ~his yea:r. · ' -· ·
· website abol.!t tqe Sequa~i cam- --r.~f?b~t f9-rt}l _..
-part of NETCU's ongoing attack
paign, wa_s__se_nfence'd.! _() fqu~ a~d- 1iberafin'g
_;;·~:.. _
...:on the animal r-ights movement g~te would ·have been a , ·rna- •
and criminalizatioil of activ- jor victory for anti-vivisection __ ~o ~ese to Answer
.. · a hal~ 1_ea!t iDo-:.Rri~i:m an~t. .a·. on~ · _< =·· -.- .:-,., ,..: :
ists linked to the Stop Hunting- campaigners. Highgate is one . -r~ ·In "'April .2008, ~three of -the - yein~<-AS~O ..: !fhe ' reriiaining j~ 129_rapbJ.tS ~ .:
don Animal Cruelty. campaign of -only five ~own rem<Hnlrig . tout defei)~~~t~:~ t~~}:I~~hg~~~ s'--~~~~~~a)its:;R~te~~acquitt~d: It ~i~ . ~·:, · ~~~~~--~~;- ,.· (:,_
. -~~i
.<:·-. -(SHAC). During the prosecution, breeders of ammals for . labo.- · "trespass" 'tnal ;a~ L1pcolnsqu~. , quesbonable:" wheth_er -the Jmge, . .
it has become apparent that the ratories in the UK During the ·crown -Court pleaded gtiifcy-·on.- _ sum/ spenf'on tll.e:raids ~'rid tlie: .~- .. __ , . :-: .
police, terrified that the anti- 1990s, campaigners successfully the understanding that charges prbsectitions were justified h}_r'tfi~ ._
vivisection . movement might- closed Oxford University ·Park would be reduced to "conspir~ con\rictlorir of dilly one person.
·· '
claim a success, have intervened Farm, Regal Rabbits, Sky Coin- acy to interfere with an anin;tal -to prop up a rabbit breeder on mercial Rabbit Farm, Shariuock resear,c h organiiation.'' -Two of
farm, Consort Beagles, -Hylyne the 'three were ~em~ndedin cus;
the ve.rge of closing down.
·On October -13, four people Rabbits .and Hillgrove Cat Farm. · tody. Vikki · Watet hous-e-Taylor ·
were arrested after their car Darley Oaks guineapig farm was stuck-to nei "not _r.g itilty" pl~a
was ·s topped in Lincolnshire, also closed in 2006: -NETeU( arr(l, cui "- .Aprn:tz7~·was· pul -ot1
England. Closed Circuit Televi- dedicated -to demoralizing and · trial foi-SOCPA~14S'!>-;..', ~:--.
Proseeu'tor- ·Felicity· -XGefiy ·
sion footage later · SQOW~d .that cri)il!nalj_ziillf the ariinial rights
they hag be_e l\ o'il tfie:propett)f'of movement; could ::not_aUow tae epened her case by,irifo,iming the
the Highgate rabbit farm in Ndr- closure of another breeder and ·jury that many of them would
have , ;~relied" qn mediCines tJ.1~t
Lincolnshire .
:Hi .
- II
National Index
was essentially set up to proteet corporations from increasingly eff~cthre antiJ1~1 - rights
campaigns such . "as_·- SHAC.
to ' fire its ·iccobrit-s, to · oper~tF_; ti;cfns
without insurance; in1d has been · The CPS,-- ,.,-.-..n·nn:-t•
granted banking facilities with teari:t .ofplain clo~hespoli~e _ _ huge police resowce_s· exp~!W~d, ;\'~~--- • _ ·:-·
the _Bank of England. Legisl~- ficer~, wheeled outs()il analysts; _ ()f! ._the. trial)··: ~~:;_ p91ft~ - mjly-",P_~ ·Locl<s-~w;;e~~~~·
NETC~ _ mo~itors th~ ?olicin~g tion su.~~ as compail~es "house _tempute~ e_~perys~~n~d_p~~l1-~ ;,~~t>!~-~-t~g_t~e~r;;,t!~~Jpr"s'Q<;ft~thcU~:- lu d;~~:;-~;2{{\
of ·ammal nghts , act1v1s~s -and reg'!llati<;ms(l/(laws-~gamsthouse .- alysts, .making.o. tp..pch:0f•al).y~Gon~~~,; In~;:t,cQ:rhlJl~flt qh In_!;lxtrJ,erua·UK;- g _ ~ :' ' ,'!"-<'-'"':. : ~."'
_othe·( : -: poli:ii<;a-1~ ~in.~~ement-s1 - demens-trati0fis)-~w~~e, ~ql~n~~~ '· -:~ctioqs· 'fa· th~-~]f~qc:ampai@.:~i;Yi~ . sMa:~tlfe~!~a"s<{J,i}slle~pletrd_ cars:were.~ --_
follows prosecl}tJ0J'is·"tlfiio.ugh ._ to''-accorrimodate··'-th€ -neeos
f·lh¢y'Loulctfin~d._<The!r case, ·gow- . nofguilty apd·wenf through 'With 't . ~ i.. d.-, : ;I_ '
the;.cmirts -and -~ tittivates .fflfo.r-··'t.fif ·_pharma~~uti,Cai/ i~pus-trr · _everl~onap'sed~~n:eE-;,i:h~{:f~f~et.-' :' -i he. _!ria! ~yva~ -ljlfi:ostly' p_ebi.£fse· 1· r a.~~e ".. :,-:< ~ ·-:- ': -;
man ts ..Targeting animal r.ig:llts and,..:new, . t~pre_$siye :J~wCwere ' ga,ve' -eVidence~·Tec ID;ake: things ;., . wa;~arii~~.t06: 'stubborn: to ;lrste:n -~ ,
·i< -· ':'<. ·.
campaigiiers· with tnneasingly ·-perinectit6. silence'9!is~nters: · .;-: · rt1ere}~extitihi1t -Hi?·wii:~8iven~1:~t-:~tohnY.~fie--~,; ,q.hat~--stuf>borifnesi ._:· ~
repre·ssive 'new- legislation; 'in ·a - . _:-The · .police - inteivenhori :,'te" '' pi:ilke· e's oo~tcf~<;!l;{F.t~tiie~·tf'fi~1" paid'· oft: . - ._ R.'r;:i_::.~~$~"<':".~-~ ~. -... _' ;..
series,oh}io,W·t rial's 'against ·t-he · 'prop up the ' I::I1ghg~te fiurif had - ~- g<\1lery 'wa~ ct'€af'ea,"'a:B.'q :lie ~- _SOCP~fs Qiie ~qf:tbi -most) e-.
SHAG- ·c-amQ_aign- anti: St9 p -Se,· ·utile _· tch l9-iwJth::t}1e _f~rm - it~el~ . ~e'-fuaenc"e·_' fr<iirf,bef):iriii"a:scre~n: · pWss'fve ~e*'f~ws::.<o:rfth~~~t<lgite
· quani' Animal Torture ·(ss~J) :' :· «jf:;'rel'aft(elf~-siii:1.1(I?tisiriess""tfi:a(. His~eVidence/~h"o\V~ye'f,::.'ija~t! :· -oBf>l{fJand,\~;;~sif19li:s' ;i:l}<i;ilt>n·g~·,.
-The fain :people: *rr~sted-)ie~t--: .-m~"sfate -wouTd:noimally.,fgrrore_! · tie ',ec'Qnoillfc(dam~ge'-Ji'a~·,'~.e ~ " _~r<f;f:)u-t-: fFe&lqrt{-''i:cr~¥ofcEf 1~fit_~-'
the :iabb_it ·f~rm .. liad' ri.ot cacfi:ially' . The"~ofi~atibrf'~a~:~f0 ·pteve§t .- · c~\ls'eef"B;y)lf~~~~~ru(-tt¢~fe!r(lanfs'~ :~corpb~aie_-c:'<>ctisse~t.'.- Tne;"-?-mJ6·~
done ~anythirig,save for eQter-the . - th~e p]1arma€eutiC,_.a:I ~industt'y"1os- ·. visit;.~_;: The_<, .pic~)se~utor -. ·com:: · amendments ~to · -soCPA·'.~werg
iarm!s Qroperty::~'Yet,::.thiW· were·~ ' ip.g~--~:onfiaei1ce~:ilfits 'i~bihty
:~iJiain~d that:she·nact- iwt·got tli~ specrficany-:_d'e-s:ign~d ·_to .f>i8te:ct - _ .
_ .
~at~r ch-arged· ·wit~ _'~coijsj:>ira·cy -d§y
Witi{~nima'fL-testfng; in '. · .a nswers _-sbe~W.a:qted; ._, and:i~·sfie . ·ope ini:lifS1:ty -frp1P <~~fq_e~p!e'iid _. •- - . ~ ·: .. :;..~ ~-. : -...,
.to _, to~mit .criminal'· daf11age:'_· ; tij~:!J~:-- :'· ~ ·..-: ~' :'}'~-, '·-;::: . , , : :-, ;-· WO~ld}i~~. tc}:fecatl h:im, l)i_ffthE ..Ptiblic· dfsife!1FqEct''';_ ,lfp:
and~s~ctHm 145 'of S_96,PA:,;;'~bn"·· ,~ .: 0 p,e, €an- ptrlY;:~gu~s§~ J::io~ the ·. jti<ilgi(f.e~s~d;' _t· ··: ___ , · · ,., · ::i.ih:;?u'.Qli'f'.c<lillPai'gners whoJiaJi _:. · <l. , _J.J?:..•.-~·fi':_' • _ ;
-spir&y·to i!1t~r~e-re·wu_J:l thi:son:·. •.- 'PciHc~~Mrsu'atl'eo;~t~fe1~rrher ~t6 -~ --;D'f:ti~ dererlse E-iaiifle~ttl:i&ttaiH~~ hQ't ·~!:lone <ar1Y'jil1thg ~_tl1~£> riiqst ·~$160,000 ,- ;c :. ,.,
tr~~tlif!! ! relation~ -'9~~ anranim<l! ., reinaih .in 'lJ'!~ine§s~an~ who 1J:l~: . Was' no ca~~ tp~~uiswtr 'cl'~a, a!f~ i p~o'pl~~ ~\h:iiJ~ ;4ohsidef·'ijfeg~r:s-:- WOJtth' of~·t'~ -, ''
: res~~-r~Ji o~~anizati~~i" ,Tli~--~PS ._)-ot?~rs'~ :were w~~ fielp~~ tl).e: a}?~.g!· gfY.p~~g~ . c<?-nji~~rii~i?rl~ ·,~ N!~~it?Vng;~·: ~nd~ •. c~~!.len~n:&· d - -,•.~_''"i 1, _., --- ·. ~,~]egeg_ -tfia~, th;.·::~_Qr:sp~r,~o/1::, _.p.,?1~ce~pers~,fd~--!IIPI. -~- ~ .. -· . : the JU~g_e_,a~eed but went_ o~: to _._,_.JJ.i~. ~~~ .o~·s.G q!KL~- ~s~~!,l,!1~L_If : a_rr.1~g~ ~as
ha~,,last_e~, .fro:tp.'.5Rr,Y:· ll;~~!J _9~>:. -~r~~
:c: ~
· _, • -- ..,. -.' i s~ggest _that. t~e . 9~~ - .~pply fo!
_we q:O_ not '~a~t~1tn·see :_~_e wa!IJ;~ alh:~ge'tH):( ~- ..
teber 200~:. The Cl~§ ;att~IJlpte,dc ___ @lo,s e . .
" ~. ""a~t: A!lti;So_CI~l . ~~b~i\IJE>r ·. Q:,*r· d~se:rn:oQ. .\l~~<lny fur:t-her. ~- ~~·" · :: . .,. d
. :_,_ .-:- . :-to·,,
t>!irig···rhe''• "_;;·
'hist<n'y ·f. ofv·-·_~{ASBG).·.1i"X~:
the': d~fendarits:"," tlespitet:Hfe;fad : -t hat,she,wa.s c~u.~~·. (· -.· -,.
t·~ --.;·__ _~: •
'·'--:.... • .......
~ .... ...:..;_'"...:"' --:; '·~~
:i: . .!·;-·;., .. -..:...:~ : :,. : -r-.._._c:~:._ . f._c<O. . ·."\::.f . . _ . ~ ...... .;+:~· - :.:: x:: :-..
-..:-.;...., p~9te~t and quect act10n
. _.
_ n0t say:tns- tp:1s
w~y_. \littecL It ·Is-- still _poSSiote
H bS':irrto"'thelease "':Waterhous¢-:Ta).Tlor
g~~~Jan :t\ssd~DThe ·
·to :
to:: ·:·::::' _
. _·
"Faiifur:and .
burglary charges-,after rescuing
an abused beagle· from a dangerous home and nine additional
months from a prior suspended·
sentence for rescuing more than
100· animals from a· pet breeder
'Y!i0.1 \ya_s_.. ·late! , .p;rqsecut~d -for
· · aninial·abuse :--Eet~ rnore · iilforina­
tion, visit
•Grant ·Barnes, #137563, San
Cailos Correctional Facility,
POB 3, Pueblo, CO 81002, USA.
Serving 12 years for the Earth
Liberation Front (EL.F) arson of
years in -connection with the
campaign against HLS.
st.~ mm~n-g . •Jon _Abl~whit~r T-B 488s ;. anq · -•Jqrd11:t:1Hal.!iday; #248~'6, 1225
.worl(--:with_SHAC For .Kerr-y _Whitburn,~·r:&~886;_ f.IMP ,'\kest-Nqllt:;y-Y!~w Hig}l.way; _Sl.!ite
·informati6n> vl.sit :WYVJV. _ f: L,o:wdharp. _,Grange,·---'Lew;dham,.- · 1Q9, ~ogan, Y:T.~4J4):,.;lJSb\ · Be:,
· mi·h~l~ )nJ..€~t_~pt J9r -res~st-
·,.../.. ;c,
.... •
. playin-g a gaq1e of ding dong ditch; . Ex- ~: Sq~ibb; : and~-~&oert-(P.el~ef,:· -~p~~_itl~fl't ;iui~F -" ·;':· :-~ ~;~ "-'
· Huntington Life Science (HLS) has been cept( it w~s,~done with an ·axe. In; - F~anc_e, ~ -~;Eb;ot1\lpv~pis:"'/ ~ -·_ ._7 ~.. -. _;,: :. : ~. -- _ . - . ·: - . -~:· ""-·~. getting beat over their head with the sho~ anpth~r thr~e ho~ses .wet~· ·vandaliz~d :in ·'_:- :~.PM~ly r~pr~~e.!)J~CL ;tor'Jh.e :at}lmal_s ~i~~.,.,~· _ - -~
end of the stick lately. Multiple businesses · one mght m actlpns ·agamst New Yo_r k multiple tours -of dell)os. thrc;>}lgl;l<?·l!t _the , '· _ , _, _ _.
have been selling their shares of HLS stock s.tock Exc}Ja_ilge Eu~onext 'pr~fiteers: At t_h e . w~~k{· The .fi~~t - ro~no. bf demos~~~s ~t ·._ ~-~~~~ --- ;
and withdrawing financial involvement fust house pf Roland Gaston from N:YSE the . GlaxoSmithKhhe_ wprld ~-heaqquar- ·- .::. · ~-":- - . ·
·with HLS. International action against them Euronext~ International · Board of -birec- ters. They next sh5ppec,l ~t~ a. Sta'p.le~ . iind -?f"':,< ~- >~ · ·
has_been non-stop ~nd holes in_pros_ecutions . tors, slo~ans ado,r_neq the h?~e ~;~th - r~d· ~Ini'sheSt offJ}le'·:t!eJ?fiistt:a,t,~O!J-·s 2 J;>y ~is'it" __
agamst Stop Hu:ntmgdpn Ammal Cruelty . paint. They also . went- the:. extra, distance;- ··-Ip.g ~~~k of New York Mellon, ::r!e~~9ays ,..;._.. , . _ . , _ .
(SHAC) have aris_en.
· :- _ - ~ _.
and cemented the gate ~hut. Next on flie · lifter, it was on.- to the hon1e of nsa- O:e<: - ::- = lll"'l,:t-111,
. A recent communication from SHAC list--w_a~ Xavier Jean-Pierre Pontac.q,:.Atos twile:f:,-:'a· .cQtpprate ·lair.y~r .. for ·ttu~·-- · ,, ' bore the .el).cqiiraging .news of Bardays Euronext Director;: Here, -sa,bote\J,rs·~soa•led?:.of N.ew''York~Meilo_n ; theri:]<}tnes · c~.cere·, 1MII~~
. Global Investors, Barclays PLC, Hartford. a spiked .fence- to~:pa'int str-i.p\-an~: ~la*~--a~s· ?lr ~_S:set:~W<!Wgef,· (f?!: ~antu~r~d,:~whfc_l1}'_s~:
Investmep.t Management Company, Rice tire on a ca!:f· tfi_eyip~i~fed),dc;><ff..: "t·~e~- s~_c?n~·l~_fgest::;:-iiif~stor 'Qf' 'f,ltS;:_@nq
Hall James and Associates LLC, BNY Mellon and · chaihed~':his i- only' gate' shut:·.~;rhe '·last .' ·finislj.ed iCO.f:f 'wft}l _y1~~it-s'
and Wells Fargo all selling· their shares il! . vi~it of the~ night to Tarak Achicl;le Euron~ . . }olin Amiri~f:a jghtqftfn '
- -.
HLS_. T~is came a{l:~: ~uch_serious, relent~ess ext Groyppbief I.nformation Officer w~s · a( Van.guarq,. arid :SJ~Gie Cal~'?,"'ilf_·s:C1e~tist· ::~
ded~cationto shgttmg down -,f-ILS.
the hottest. of -all! They rolled up on his for GlaxoSmil_hKhne . On t~,~I_r l;!_st_;;gay- of ;.:.~
.Taken from ,
posh car an<j. placed three incendiary -de-:_ : ''a~ti_O!.J. tl1at,}'v~eJ<_, mey.cp_ost~g~·a!'J)I!fOriUa- - :'_, i- _'", ~. . ' ·.;: ("
"HLS are now (once again) in breach of vices underriea~n it. While these-,ilcHons :'.:;tionaJ··b"ooth'iotits!de_::Qf StapJes7 1li~l-~ay.- , -. - - ~-: : ·_ ··
their Ust~ng standards on the New York Stock .ate -sep_a~a-~e ,fron_J. S'i-IAC as orgariizati:ons ·. wee_k Ofmag;_sQell,btbrotign(~tit SHJ}:C''efs ·- ·
. ·
Exehang~ ~RC~, as their_marketv~l~e ~'I).O:W, t!.I--<e,}(i:ar~p£1_~~· _gf._.the s~l!l-~ _; n~p,r· _a_gai~st. , all ~e.ross t,l_l~~~~'!l~~eJ:l~~: ~ga~il lori~~~-on:;:~ ~,f~ ..a-~
$10.9 million mstead of,_the req1:nr~d ·$\ S. : H}k~';;bJq_o_gy4~rgfi{~~ -- ~~\ ~3,4 ~' ~:b >~"'-',:..0_ · .;:,~~~ :,ag~I!l_SH;I-L~.Ip.v~stor~: JVIsit-~.stt~~·.net -. ~ _
11;1-S::- llli. ·:
million, so please _conta,ct Iiyselistings@ny~~.:.- ~.::,.::J'h"e::su«'f.s§ Of.cihti.;HLSili<:tion;J:a1Ile :Wit~~Jot:~et16n i:e.p0it~batk~, }::: · .\): :-&\. .,. +1::- _·_.- ~, ·-.•~ "-_- ..;---· : .·. ~com and urge tll.,etn to kickLSR off once~artd . the "international .week "6f '$lctio_ri:: ·~g~instJ:·:. . _:Afi"'ot.:Q.e:i'ji~~e.ri-F~ele.bratiQ_fi:,_:for· th!i>se in _.
: ;~Jr- .
.for all." _"- '" · · ·
animais in labs. SHACer's hit the streets ih solidaritf Wit1i.SHAG aiidt.he:ahima!:;s·~:c:am~~e;_ j·~~~-~~~-:
Since the onset of SHAC, the financial Chile, Finland, New York; and Philadelphia. , with the recent couJ{·~linti~-fa~(;)r .
.grounding of HLS has been pretty shoddy In Chile, they qeld Fauco~s
activist~Jhat"'w~:~;e ~=.a:ught _o_:gc video
.a ..
nocence. He is alleged to be the
author of the anarcho-autnomist
zine, "The Coming Insurrection,"
·: Two Earth· First! activists were and remains under for organizing
arie~ted at a Home Depot the terrorism-related destruction of
moming of May 27~ in Glendale, · property and sabotage.
Colorado. The arrests followed
In a written interview with the
~ banner drop from the roof of French publication, Le Monde,
th'e stote, reading, "Dam Home Coupat described his detention
.Oepot, ~NOT-Patagonia!"
as a "petty revenge, which is
- Jhe .baiiirer~drop action was quite understandable given the
intended .,to. 'Iemfud both. the means that were deployed and
¢c;>xt~lll¢i.l-;t..;t publi"c and the companY, "We've . the extent of the failure."fought · Home' Depot before' and · . Iri late April, a Tamac 9 supwon." Almost 10 ye~r~ ·ago, EF! porter wa_s.detained for 96 hours
groups around · the ·. qmritry, by ~aris police. ·
with Rainforest Adion Network
and others, forced Home DeR 1
h G. I 'h ld5
pot to :rem_ove oldgrowth from
uatt es in t
-oa - 1· ie
their shelves. Today their work
The past few months· have
;;:rslqq~ps_,fj;~'¥j\p~;->.1•IV;~~~~}!lPJ?~~J~~e;.,_~-· on ·· thi. HidroAysEm project in shown us that the battle against
·P.aiag:Q1iiaf <;::p!le>~hows :their coal is still only heating up.
c6~mitmel1ts· 'to :(igr~en·~ bus~- .
On April 20, 44 activists were
ne_ss practic~s" ate::on~y .'empty , ~r~.este~ in Ch~rlotte, North Ca~Public Relations. · '
. · .·· · ohn_a, prot~stmg· Duke Energy s
The Earth
Ro~d- plans to add massive additional
coal burning capability to t~e
company's Clif~side plant. ··
A month later, on May 23
th~ee separate anti-coal protests
saw seventeen arrested West
Virginia First, eight people
were arrested for hanging a
UNever Again" banner and lock. iltg·aown tb a -dump truck at a
~f.T.:·~, . 'R-.• ·u
_ _ to fL__,_._5 mountaintop removal mine on
I\ (1./ '• I ~ J.V10
~ °
Kayford Mountain. Next, two
. ~.r(~1ay .?J; in Ne~ York:Gity, ~weie- a£tested 7 for boating .0nt0
. th~ Ct;n~er· Jor Constitutional' : ttl~- Bni~liy Fori frnpot::inctm·e nt; '"_
Rights (CCR) and the Civil Lib- po nd and float ing a banner
ert ies Defens e Center (CLDC ) reading "No More Tox ic Sludge "
'-*'"~~!'"·"" the , oq .. it. ·'LastLy, ·seyen "P§'Ople ,..wer~- .;
)..;:-tJ.S,:g<:)~e_lrJ:!!:B~ll.i~~;~i!!~i<:tnl~l!,.:'j~f .. jureste~ fQr ,at-te.riipti~g o enmore, -go here: www.organizep. nghts
. ~n - ter \-fas sey E'nergy's Marshfork
der the Ammal Enterpnse ler- mining complex.
rorism Act (AETA) .
. On.the front lines of the legal
_".To clJ.'!racte~iz.e..p_r~t~st._.ap.d b.flttles, in Mingo County, .West .
. speeGh ~s terror~st ~ctiVIties 1s lu, · :· Virginia; 760 . .r.esid~ntS: filed a
qicrous," sai~ CCI\ c9qpe:r~ti~g · ·Class actiq~ . suit against Massey_
atto~ney Jyj,a::tth~~"'~ St~;.ugar.. It energy. arid it!s sub-sidiary Rawl
. :~ot.:-i.~st; ~nimaL rights ·activ- Sales & Processing. P_lainfiffi s.uf~ ·
Ists·who are m dapger here. The fering in va~ious _ways filed suit
· ~~TA i$ so :btoad and uncle<l;r it ~ltirlg 2 er~o!fai : infury, ·w;origful
.could be used to suppress lawful :·' d·eal:h: · property ·damage and_.
protests and bo~cot_!S by an,y,ac-t'.:. 'fmisance. The problems started
tivists acro,ss t_!le : ~pe·ctru:p, no with coal slurry contaminating matter.:w:h,a t t~e- Issue .-'The law drinking water..
must be·stt uck,@own."
.,~-:p·_ -., _,.,:·. ._
~;.-.:a€tlVists~' refetr~d to as · . R • · .•, ·s·- Jl.. ,. 'f.:X·I--D : . .
·- · {.Jo~eph)3~iddep.!J~%- ._' .1Ji3~r!c~-~ . !i "' ~~ IV~et_~ pwn ·~
Khajavi, ~ath,~;)?oj;>,e'~ ~~ ·. ~en,.o/-_ei~h_! pn;~testers w~re
Stull}po--we~e_:: a'C:-· O:~~~ed ~n. ~pr~l· .12 at Ba~nc~
cused of ~onspiracy t~;> comJ:llit Qold s_mi~e)I1 .J.a_k) ·F.~'Z'al, Ne~ ·
_· 1 o n
"at1im~~ eri~e~;prise .te!Jor1sm:~)-nn,-
·sou~~ 'Xale_s~/\.u?t~a~;a! · rep~rtetl~
der.allega~<;ms·.ofpr<itestingt;vrit- -§Yane~ .- I!J-~4~~~~~}';_-" ~~n~utt~,? .
ing--~th c.l)alk on the side~a~~, . t.<;>. en.t~r -~he.,. ~_!t~ ~J da_wn. o~·
·c_.hantU:g,_.leCJ.fletin&-an:d- ttie J,tS~ ...i~uad)}!!J. .~at!v,e _ tnbe, ~~~testers >
·..Of "the: Intern~Lto :find' iiifo;ma: · .dunbe~,.th.~J>.~P-9- ~~alit I~~<? t~-~·
tion on:bio=medical researGhersi' r <;>pefi:cU~ .pit . ~1J..i !~!r; vwr~djuti .
,_o r-·.;..:.-.:.r" _::,:c..· · ;!s~f -~~;rtiz ~ Fi;s_t( -Jo~maJ" -MJly~ . g~~forll}.~.d_Asfl.,!plq,n~-<;er~rpo~y :
"" .............,~ '"'"'
·Juqe- Z~O~D.'.l.The~e~ a~t·i'l.:'ities ,~t;g - :,_~n_d,·Pro.tester.s plo)I.<~~" ·.
l;>y tqe_,Fji~.t: Auienj!~. ~.~!ht,froq.t -~at~~- ~f th_e m~T:?-:-· . ·
. qf Rress-ti.:We, ~th~il' . t;. Lqter, . - ~!,?-~. AB~ll : ~-?-~. -~~Jt!Sk .
cgur(aJ'!pc~ara:!l.ce}is s~h.ed- otorc¥e~ ..honu~s: in ~Paj:>?a:~_N~.\V.
uledforjuly.13 .· --·. -·:... · ~ ·"'· . :;
. j-..
·.;- .-·
.· I'
- , - .......... "'""·=.,;.......,.
:- 1
· '·r
·Find th~ EI:! g~~~-P n~~-test y~u.-Ifyo~ don;t .see.o~e; start ~n~r
INDIANA · ·. ·. · .
.. ·BQ?(car :SookS & Comntu~ty Cen,t~~ -.
· . ··
310A ~ Washiji'gtpn St,:f:Uoolnil)lgton,.IN 47401 ~
. (812) 339-8710; boxcar@'Q'pxcarbook~, org
Roadblock EF! ··
.' · r~ ·
·, ·,
KANSAS '. · . . '
ARIZONA Anti-Lab Peace Squad .
C/o Branscam and Trish Scam ·
PO BOX 343; Cameron, AZ 86020
Catalyst Infoshop
109 N McCormick St, Prescott, AZ 86301
Chuk'shon EF! .
. ·- .
·. •
· Arkansas ·EF!
_arkansasearthfirst@gmail .~om
CALIFORNIA - . ' . /•>
Free Mirid Media
546 Pacific Ave, Santa Rosa, CA 95402
Healeth EF!
POB7 20327, Redqing, CA 96099 ·
. (530) 241-1007
. Humboldt EF!
· (707) 834-5170; ~:ontactefi}um@gmai_l.corh 'o ·:' .-.
· · :·
·Long Haul Infoshop
3124 Shattuck Ave, Berkeley, CA 94705 - (510) 540-0751;
North Co~st EF!
POB 4646; Arcata, CA 95518; (707) 822-1513
Santa (:ruz EF!
..::·.. ··
•Casc~dia EF!-Eugene · . _
POB_.10384,'Eugene; OR 97440 '
· ·cascadiaef@gmai[~Qm ·
Cascadia EF!-Portland ·
POB 11662, Portland, OR 972l7
- · cascaqia_ef@riseup.nt:t ·
'· ·
Gr~e_n-Anarc}ly . . ~....
. POB tl331, Eugene~ OR -97440
. colleCtive® .
-~ TENNEsSEE · _-.
• ·
_, - d'.
... ~ POB.•203q3, Khoxville,TN'37920
. !' ·
• •
• •
1 ....
. - .•_ -.IEXAS. ·:-- "..
,..• •
·· , Rice; B'eails & Reyoluiion
· ~ .
-402~N:(Maih,; MCAllen, TX 7850i
Wild Wasa:tcJ:i: EF! 8796·w 25800 N; Portage, UT'84331
.(43SJ;;866~2137 -··
~,-~ -;- : f.:
._'-.·VERMONT . -'
. :>;tJ::":- - ~~-Green Mountai.Ii EF! ·"'(' · • _
greenmtearJ:bmst@yal}o_?.com . - : · .- ·: ..
~av~ -~he Coiporatil:ms1Fr6ni The~e\ ~ .;
:i69Main St; Brattleboro, Vf 0530i
(802)-?~4-48.4 7; · corpsa"{ ·
Blu'¢ :Ri~ge
J;.}l! ·
· ~ .. Bluei:idgeef@y~!
. Eyergreen State College · ·
. .
, . Enviionmental Resource Center "
., .. :: '·:.. ·: --?7QQ~Eve'rgr~en PkWy NW,·Cab 320, .. .
.. ; •. · ;-olympia, WA98505 - · _' . . ·
' ~,
(3(,)05 ~6:Z-6784 . . :- ·. ,,_
." -
,;''J?"-, ,~ _ · ~-: "" •
"' -
.>rn:e. Lasuvizai.<IS
-~ • '/ - .
· _: ~- c. ·
.jami!s@lasl:'viiaras.s,:om .
·':Madison EF!~Q'shop
. -, · · ~'· -~ . . ·
10l9' Williamson St #B, Madison, WI 53703 ·
(6Q~) 26~-9036 ~ ,'' .. : .
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,1 , " lldlt",LII
mean$ your subscription has expired. Time to renew.
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P<DB 3023
TJ eson, A2 ~5702, USA
Dply Planet Publishing - Earth Fi'!t!
. fliT~
0 .
Stepping Up Prisoner Support · Treesits and Strategy · SHAC
is Winning .
'I ·