Showtime! - HBC


Showtime! - HBC
ISSUE 2|2014
Customer Magazine
Discover great tradeshow innovations
by HBC-radiomatic.
New card concept
with additional
quadrix Ex now certified
according to NEC 500 / 505
Safe operation by
camera assistance
Dear customers,
Spring is an important time of year with respect to
industry fairs and trade shows. These fairs play an
essential role for HBC-radiomatic as well. Where else
can you experience the whole world of HBC radio
technology live and first-hand?
These new technological advancements will be
proudly on display in almost 40 different shows
across the world this year.
The CeMAT in Hannover is the outstanding event
in our tradeshow calendar for 2014. In the spirit of
this event, we have put together a great package of
innovations and renowned classics, all of which you
can test for yourself at our booth. We will have on
display our new live camera assistance radiomatic®
photon as well as our groundbreaking concept
radiomatic® report. In addition, you can experience
the world premiere of radiomatic® merlin first-hand.
This newly developed feature will offer you many
new possibilities and a maximum of flexibility for
working with HBC radio systems. A new generation
of HBC radio controls with large, configurable color
displays completes the package we will present at
the tradeshow.
We will be more than happy to offer you in-depth
personal consultations at our booth and will answer
any questions about our radio systems. So our
tradeshow booth is definitely worth a visit.
I am looking forward to your visit in Hannover!
Kind regards,
Wolfgang Brendel
Owner and CEO
HBC-radiomatic GmbH
Quality and service from
a renowned brand.
Sales and service partners in Korea and Russia rebrand to HBC.
For almost 70 years, HBC-radiomatic has been synonymous for highest quality and
first-class service in radio technology. From now on, our worldwide renowned brand is
perfectly represented in Russia and South Korea and can be immediately recognized
by customers.
Since January 1, 2014, our partner Ilchi has operated under the company name HBCradiomatic Korea and cares for all customers on the Korean peninsula. The company,
headed by CEO Byung-In Woo, has been working together with HBC-radiomatic for
well over 20 years and was able to accomplish many successful projects during this
time, ranging from standard radio controls for industrial cranes to highly spe­­cialized
and customized systems for the port technology sector. The experienced team offers
a competent consulting and fast service at the company site in Busan – and thus
valuable advantages for HBC customers in this region.
Since April 1, 2014, our previous partner company KEN Group has been active on
the Russian market as HBC-radiomatic Rus. CEO Sergey Nuzhdin and his team at the
company site in Moscow and subsidiaries in Samara and Saint Petersburg are glad
to assist with all questions concerning our wireless controls and guarantee quick and
personal customer service without expensive downtime for your applications.
“Russia and South Korea are two countries with great potential and have a large
number of interesting industries”, explains Karl-Heinz Guenther, Key Account Manager
at HBC-radiomatic. “This is why we are very happy that our brand is now perfectly
represented there.”
Receiver FSE 507
Rugged radio technology
for up to 6 hydraulic drives.
In daily industrial use, machines and control systems
are often subject to enormously difficult conditions –
even more if the application is used outside in harsh
environments, which is the case for many hydraulic
applications. Thanks to their enormous robustness,
HBC radio systems are perfectly prepared to withstand
such harsh conditions. The most recent example is
the new radio receiver FSE 507. This new product
scores with a virtually indestructible technical design
and is thus perfectly tailored to hydraulic applications.
The applications range from truck loading cranes to
transport vehicles with chain drives.
Comprehensive standard equipment
The FSE 507 features 6 PWM outputs for the precise
and accurate control of 6 stepless drives. 6 additional
digital outputs are available for activating switching
functions, such as Motor Start / Stop. One additional
output is provided for the control of a pilot valve.
The standard equipment is completed by 2 optocoupler inputs, which can for example
be used for the low-speed function or for using the transmitter with a working cage.
Useful HBC Smart Options available
Depending on the area of application, the FSE 507 is available with different HBC
Smart Options. Among those is an intelligent, fully automatic frequency management
via 2.4 GHz technology or DECT. The operator can thus work uninterrupted without
frequency conflicts, even in areas with many radio users. Other options are tandem
operation and catch-release as well as an integrated interface for cable control.
Easy and quick installation
With its compact dimensions of 165 x 165 x 70 mm (6.5 x 6.5 x 2.8 inches), the
FSE 507 can be mounted quickly and without effort. A clever option for installation is
the Snap-in wall mount by HBC-radiomatic. The receiver is connected either with an
innovative multi-hole seal, metric cable glands or a Han 25D plug; the power supply
is 10 – 30 V DC. The FSE 507 can be combined with all HBC radio transmitters for
hydraulic applications.
We hereby
Your personal
contacts in
Competent consultations in a pleasant atmosphere: this
and much more awaits you at our CeMAT tradeshow
booth. We would like to briefly introduce our tradeshow
team so you can get to know your HBC contacts in Hannover.
We are looking forward
to your visit:
Steffen Mayer,
Michael Huettner,
Product Management
Peter Pfanz,
Sales Manager Germany
Thomas Stegmaier,
Product Management
Christian Kugler,
Key Account Management
Siegfried Kehl,
Key Account Management
Elena Fernandez-Barrio,
Sebastian Huettner,
Product Management
Karl-Heinz Guenther,
Key Account Management
Markus Niemietz,
radiomatic® report.
The intelligent concept for the organization
and evaluation of machine usage.
With radiomatic® report, HBC-radiomatic presents an innovative concept that allows you to reliably protect
your machines from unauthorized use, to efficiently organize access rights to your equipment and to collect and
evaluate detailed and useful operational data. radiomatic® report encompasses three key elements, which can
be used independently or in combination at your company: the user identification by HBC Smart Card, the HBC
data logger, and a self-contained unit for machines without the need for a radio system.
radiomatic® report: user identification with HBC Smart Card.
A clever key with additional value.
With the user identification, you can protect your machines safely from unauthorized use. In order to activate the
system, the operator has to hold a personalized login card (HBC Smart Card) to the transmitter. This makes the
card the key to your machines. In addition, the card can be configured individually, allowing for the identification of
the user on the radio system. At the same time, safety-relevant functions, such as driving into restricted areas, can
be unlocked for authorized operators exclusively.
User-specific data collection possible
If an HBC data logger is connected to the radio system,
the required operational data of the radio system is
collected and evaluated for each user by means of the
HBC Smart Card. This allows you to evaluate the use of
the machine for all operators.
radiomatic® report: HBC data logger.
Keep track of machine usage.
With the HBC data logger, you can collect and evaluate a wide range of operational
data on the radio control to the exact second. This includes, for example, the time
a drive command has been operated or the overall active time of the system. Thus,
you always have a variety of useful information at hand, which can be used for the
planning of service work. A load calculation for individual cranes is also possible.
This information is especially relevant for those companies who lease or rent out
industrial machines and equipment. They provide an exact overview of the time the
radio system has actually been used and allow to switch to a new, usage-dependant
charging system.
Evaluation software included
Data evaluation is very convenient: after the data is read via a Bluetooth® interface, the
new software provides a clear overview of the data. The HBC data logger is available
for all HBC radio controls with CAN interface and can also be integrated into existing
radio systems with a retrofitting kit. In combination with the user identification via HBC
Smart Card, the HBC data logger collects all information on a user-by-user basis. You
can thus easily keep track of individual machine usage at your company.
A special software generates informative
data evaluations.
radiomatic® report: self-contained unit.
Valuable HBC features now available
without radio system.
With the self-contained unit of radiomatic® report, you are now able to benefit from
our radiomatic® report functions even if there is no radio control installed on your
machine. The innovation is directly connected to the machine electronics with a plug.
In order to start the machine, the operator has to hold a suitable HBC Smart Card
in front of the activated device. This protects the machine from unauthorized use. In
addition, the individual configuration of the HBC Smart Cards allows you to organize
company-internal access rights to your machines with little effort. Optionally, the
self-contained unit is available with data logger functions,
allowing for a detailed, user-based collection of all login
times to the machine.
radiomatic® merlin
Maximum flexibility.
Fast service.
Valuable features.
radiomatic® merlin: this name stands for a newly developed HBC concept, which
offers considerably more possibilities for the use of your radio systems without technical effort. This new feature also ensures a quick and easy exchange of transmitters
in service cases. In addition, you will receive numerous HBC Smart Options without
incurring additional costs.
The idea:
Until now, transmitter and receiver come uniquely paired as a radio system by a
common address code when delivered to the customer. radiomatic® merlin unties
this fixed connection and thus offers entirely new perspectives.
The pairing of receiver and transmitter
is being done by the RMC.
The implementation:
radiomatic® merlin works with two cards that are included in the delivery. The Receiver
Master Card (RMC) is used to pair the radio receiver and radio transmitter. This procedure can be repeated as often as needed for identically constructed transmitters.
With the Transmitter User Card (TUC), the operator activates the radio system. Each
TUC can be configured individually.
The safety concept:
As always with HBC-radiomatic, safety comes first with our new concept. The clever
technical design of radiomatic® merlin ensures that a radio receiver can be controlled
by just one transmitter at the same time. In addition, it is designed to prevent the possibility that several radio receivers are activated accidentally by a radio transmitter.
The configurable TUC is required to activate
the radio system.
The advantages:
• In service cases, the RMC enables the quick and easy activation of a spare trans­
mitter. radiomatic® merlin thus offers the same functionality as the well-known
electronic key radiomatic® iLOG and saves both time and money. Since the card is
intended to be stored in a safe location at all times, it can still be used to activate
spare transmitters, even if the original transmitter is lost due to theft or completely
• With the RMC, the proven HBC Smart Option catch-release can be used without
technical effort. By means of the card, more than one radio transmitter can be
paired with one radio receiver. The crane can thus be used in turns by several
operators. When the work is done, the operator releases the crane for the next
operator, who catches the crane via radio with his transmitter. This cuts down on
walking distances and ensures the ideal utilization of the crane.
• The TUC offers many advantages of the HBC concept radiomatic® report (see the
article on page 6). This card is needed to activate the radio system and protects
the control from unauthorized use. Just as the HBC Smart Card, it can be configured individually. This enables the locking and unlocking of functions for specific
operators, as well as the easy implementation of different user levels.
With radiomatic® merlin, you benefit from a high degree of flexibility for crane
and machine operation, maximum safety and many proven and renowned
HBC Smart Options – all of that without much technical effort.
By means of the TUCs, each transmitter can be used by
numerous operators.
The function principle of
radiomatic® merlin at a glance:
Pairing of receiver and
transmitter by the RMC
Pairing of transmitter
and operator by the TUC
radiomatic® MAP
Use multiple machines with
just 1 single transmitter.
radiomatic® MAP is an innovative HBC feature, which allows an operator to work
with any machine of a machine group using just one single transmitter. This leads
to a reduction of necessary hardware – and thus cuts investment costs. At the
same time, the operation of machines becomes easier and more flexible. Another
advantage is the quick activation of spare transmitters or additional trans­mitters,
both made possible by the new procedure.
How it works:
MAP stands for Machine Access Point and employs the same basic idea as
radiomatic® merlin: the elimination of the fixed pairing of one receiver with one
transmitter. Each machine is equipped with a receiver and a radiomatic® MAP
module, which is uniquely identified with the receiver and is installed in an easily
accessible location. The operators work with as many transmitters as needed,
which are not paired to a specific radio receiver. If an operator wants to control
a machine, he simply holds the transmitter to the respective radiomatic® MAP
module and so logs on to this machine. When the work is done, the machine is
released with a switch or a button. For safety reasons, each machine can only
be controlled by one operator at any time and can only be taken over by another
user after it has been released deliberately.
Practical example SEAQX: 2 radio transmitters for 17 vehicles
A good example for the advantages of radiomatic® MAP is a recent project with
our customer SEAQX. The company from Belgium develops and manufactures radiocontrolled transport vehicles with a multi-directional chassis, which are used in
intralogistics. In this project, there is a “car pool” with 17 of these vehicles, where at
most, only 2 would be operated simultaneously. Until now, 17 complete radio systems
In the SEAQX project, 17 vehicles can be operated with
just 2 transmitters by means of radiomatic® MAP.
(= 17 receivers and 17 transmitters) would have been
necessary for this entire application. Thanks to new
possibilities offered with radiomatic® MAP, all available
17 receivers (= 17 vehicles) can be operated with only
2 transmitters.
Customer saves time and money
radiomatic® MAP opens up a whole new set of per­
spec­tives when it comes to cost-effectiveness and
safety – and this makes for a happy customer: “With
only 2 transmitters, we can control all vehicles and thus
save both on hardware and money,” stresses Marijn
Jansen, CEO of SEAQX. “Handling the technology is
easy and safe. We are very satisfied with the cooperation and are looking forward to more projects with
quadrix Ex now certified
according to NEC 500 / 505.
The compact push-button device is ideal for diverse
applications in hazardous locations.
Our compact handheld transmitter quadrix Ex is now also certified according to
NEC 500 / 505. The push-button device offers Class I, Division 1, Groups C and D as
well as Class I, Zone 0, Group IIB approvals and is thus perfectly suitable for diverse
applications in hazardous locations for the North American market. Until now, quadrix
Ex has been already certified according to ATEX as a device of categories 2G / 3G
(Ex zones 1 and 2), 2D / 3D (Ex zones 21 and 22) as well as M2 (underground).
an impact, preventing the unintended activation of crane
or machine functions. Further useful functions are the
trolley pre-selection for cranes with two trolleys as well
as the tandem operation of two cranes. With these
functions, exceptionally long or bulky loads can be
safely and comfortably transported over long distances.
Powerful exchange battery
quadrix Ex fits the palm perfectly and opens up a wide range of possible applications
with its comprehensive technical equipment. As standard, this transmitter comes with
8 two-step push-buttons and 2 powerful rechargeable NiMH batteries, allowing for up
to 12 hours of continuous operation. radiomatic® iLOG also comes as a standard. When
the original transmitter is damaged, this electronic key can be easily removed from the
transmitter and can be plugged into a replacement transmitter. The operator can con­
tinue to work without expensive downtime. quadrix Ex is available with a whole range
of HBC Smart Options – such as radiomatic® report (see the article on page 6).
Many HBC Smart Options available
For additional operator safety in specific working situations, quadrix Ex is available
with radiomatic® shock-off and radiomatic® zero-g. These intelligent safety features
can automatically deactivate the system if the control is dropped, thrown, or takes
User identification with HBC Smart Card.
micron 7
Compact and powerful.
Safety, individually
tailored to you.
HBC-radiomatic presents new radio controls with
configurable color TFT displays.
Today, more and more operators of cranes and transportation applications ask for
radio controls with a display. The advantage of such systems is obvious: clearly
structured indication of status information, warning notifications and most recently
live camera images (see also the report on radiomatic® photon on page 14) provides
additional safety as the operator can effectively prevent dangerous situations even
before they arise.
25 years of experience with display technology.
HBC-radiomatic can look back at 25 years of experience with display technology as
it continues to set the technical standards of the industry. The most recent examples
are our new spectrum E and technos 2 transmitters as well as the new version of
our handheld transmitter micron 7. These innovations let you benefit from large,
comprehensive color TFT displays with many individual configuration options.
The new version of our micron 7 radio control comes
now with an innovative TFT color display. With this
display, the operator has access to diverse machine
information and warnings, e. g. in case of an impending
overload. The display layout can be completely customized. Colors as well as different graphics are easily
implemented individually. Display navigation is con­
veniently performed by a newly developed mini-joystick
with 2 axes and a selection button. In addition to this,
it is possible to activate software-based functions –
so-called softkeys – with the joystick. Toughness and
durability are provided by shock- and scratch-proof
glass, which stands up to the hardest conditions.
Available with many HBC Smart Options
The standard equipment package make the handheld
transmitter micron 7 the ideal choice for industrial
applications with up to 5 two-step drives. Several
useful HBC Smart Options, e. g. radiomatic® report,
tandem operation, catch-release and a fully automatic
frequency management by the 2.4 GHz technology
allow for the perfect adaptation to the working area.
The new mini-joystick for
display navigation.
technos 2
spectrum E
Elegant design with
first-class performance.
Extra-large equipment
for demanding applications.
The new radio control technos 2 features an elegant
design, a large 3.5" TFT display and many valuable
features, such as the new live camera assistance
radiomatic® photon for the safe control of machines
in complex surroundings. The transmitter can be configured with a wide range of up to 3 HBC joysticks, up
to 8 linear levers and many other operating elements.
Even when the display is used permanently, a powerful
rechargeable Li-ion exchange battery offers up to 18
hours of continuous operating time.
spectrum E offers enough space for a considerable amount of operating elements
and features and is the perfect choice for applications with exceptionally large
function ranges, such as heavy load transporters or drilling machines. A configurable
3.5" TFT display shows important machine conditions, status information and warning
notifications. In addition, it can be used for the indication of live camera images
with the new radiomatic® photon feature. The necessary power is provided by a
rechargeable Li-ion exchange battery, which offers up to 18 hours of continuous
operating time.
Built-in LED flashlight
technos 2 is available with many HBC Smart Options, for
example an integrated LED flashlight. Further options
include radiomatic® report and various automatic
frequency management technologies. technos 2 is
thus customizable and versatile. Possible applications
include multi-functional magnet cranes, logistics vehicles and container transporters, among many others.
Considerably lighter than previous solutions
At 3.5 kg (7.7 lbs.), spectrum E is about 3 kg (6.6 lbs.) lighter than previous transmitter
models with a comparable range of commands and is much more comfortable to
carry, even for long operations. The transmitter can be expanded with many additional
features, such as the HBC innovation radiomatic® report (see also the article on
page 6). For long, interruption-free machine operations, radiomatic® CPS (Continuous
Power Supply) is the perfect choice. With this clever function, the operator can
replace the battery without interrupting power. A broad range of proven HBC features,
such as tandem operation and different fully automatic frequency management
systems leave nothing to be desired.
radiomatic® photon
More safety and efficiency
with camera assistance.
With radiomatic® photon, HBC-radiomatic offers an efficient assistant for the safe
and precise operation in situations with a limited view. The top innovation transmits
live color images to the display of the radio control in real time. Several video cameras
can be used simultaneously, which can be easily installed by magnets or fasteners.
The required camera can be selected with a switch on the transmitter. With these
options, the operator always has a good view of the working environment and can
look into hidden spots, even from a position with limited view. This means a considerable increase in working safety. As an alternative, radiomatic® photon can also
be used for the monitoring of machine conditions. For example, the operator can
check the filling level of a container or the processing status of a workpiece in a
machine with the camera, cutting down on long and unnecessary walking distances.
Weather-resistant design
radiomatic® photon can be employed without problems for ranges of up to 150 meters
(165 yards). The robust camera design guarantees optimum functionality even under
harsh environmental conditions. A special feature is the integrated day / night switching:
as soon as the light drops below a pre-defined value, the cameras automatically
activate several infrared LEDs. Therefore, the operator always has a perfect view on
the situation. And when the camera assistance is not needed, it is easy to switch
back to the standard display view and have access to useful feedback data.
Two versions available
radiomatic® photon is available in an analog and a digital
version. For camera assistance required for machine
operation, we recommend the analog version, for control
and monitoring tasks the digital version. High-performing
power adapters are included for the power supply of the
cameras. As an alternative, the digital version is available
with a Li-ion battery, which offers up to 15 hours of
operating time. Suitable transmitters for radiomatic®
photon are technos 2, spectrum D and spectrum E.
Railway logistics: ContainerMover scores with HBC radio control.
“Complete handling finished in 5 minutes”
Transporting goods on railway has a whole range of advantages: reliability, predictability and safety make rail transport an attractive option, both from the standpoint
of logistics and efficiency. In addition to that, emissions are minimal. However, only
locations connected to the railroad system are accessible with the train. This is
why a combination of train and truck freight traffic has proven to be an especially
cost-efficient solution.
Sophisticated construction
In order for this combination to work together efficiently, a functioning interface
between train and truck is crucial. This is the starting point for the horizontal handling
system ContainerMover 3000® from the Swiss company InnovaTrain. The innovation
enables a fast transportation of many different standard swap containers from the
train to the truck. It is based on a lifting and horizontal shifting construction made
by the machine manufacturer Neuweiler AG from Kreuzlingen (Switzerland) and is
installed in a modular fashion onto the truck chassis. The counterpart on the container wagon is a wagon adapter. “This adapter is simply set onto the container wagon
and is fastened with the pins”, explains Pieter van den Bold, CEO of InnovaTrain.
“Changes to the wagon are not necessary.”
Reliable HBC radio system
A decisive advantage of the new handling system is the wireless control. The project
managers at Neuweiler and InnovaTrain decided on the renowned radio system
FST 727 eco by HBC-radiomatic. “In the special version for the ContainerMover, the
radio system has two rotary switches and a joystick,” says Alexander Hemming,
head of Product Management at HBC. “With the two
rotary switches, the operator selects the required
function and the movement direction. The joystick is
then used to control the machine precisely and safely
with the respective setting.”
The operator remains mobile
In this specific application for the handling of a container, the truck is first positioned exactly parallel to the
rail wagon with the help of a camera and two distance
lasers. The handling from the rail wagon to the truck is
then performed completely with the HBC radio system,
which means that the operator can move freely during
the entire operation. It is, therefore, possible to select a
position with an optimum view on the working situation
and move the container safely and precisely, without
losing time. “Thanks to the new technology and the
HBC radio control, the entire handling is finished in 5
minutes,” stresses Pieter van den Bold. “This will make
the combination of train and truck for freight transportation even more efficient and attractive in the future.”
2.4 GHz modules score with many advantages.
Frequency management,
worldwide approval,
easy handling.
Your opinion counts.
We look forward to your comments and suggestions
regarding our customer magazine and its topics.
Please contact us by mail, fax or e-mail with the
keyword “inControl.” You can find our contact
information below under “Masthead.”
Controlling cranes and machines via radio is commonplace nowadays. This is why it
happens more and more that in large working areas, many radio controls are in use
at the same time. A good example are large factory halls or construction sites with
many radio-controlled cranes and other machines. In order to avoid frequency conflicts, HBC-radiomatic offers several frequency management technologies for such
congested radio areas. An especially clever version is the 2.4 GHz technology: the
frequency management is built-in and works fully automatically. This saves both time
and money. In addition, our 2.4 GHz radio modules have approvals almost worldwide.
Spare parts service, order processing and the delivery to third countries become
much easier this way.
HBC-radiomatic “on tour”.
More than 5,000 radio systems with 2.4 GHz technology in use
Also when it comes to reliability, our 2.4 GHz radio modules leave nothing to
be desired. As of now, there are more than 5,000 HBC radio systems with this
technology in use around the globe and have proven themselves in the field.
WIN Metal Working
June 5 to 6, 2014
Istanbul / Turkey
2.4 GHz technology is standard for radiomatic® pilot and micron 7. It is optional
available for all other HBC radio controls (except cubix and patrol S).
Experience our radio control systems live
at these tradeshows:
Ugol Rossii & Mining
June 3 to 6, 2014
Nowokusnezk / Russia
June 3 to 7, 2014
Moscow / Russia
July 16 to 20, 2014
Munich / Germany
HBC-radiomatic GmbH
Haller Strasse 45 – 53 · 74564 Crailsheim · Germany
Phone +49 7951 393-0 · Fax +49 7951 393-50 ·
Responsible for content
Wolfgang Brendel
Photos and graphics
HBC-radiomatic GmbH
© 2014 HBC-radiomatic GmbH
Subject to technical changes. No part of this publication
may be reproduced in any manner whatsoever without
the expressed written consent of HBC-radiomatic GmbH.

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