Association des Banques et Banquiers, Luxembourg The
Association des Banques et Banquiers, Luxembourg The
WHO WE ARE Association des Banques et Banquiers, Luxembourg The Luxembourg Bankers’ Association Luxemburger Bankenvereinigung CORPORATE “D’ABBL huet eiser Finanzplaz gudd gedoen” (The ABBL has been good for our financial centre) Jean-Claude Juncker, Former Luxembourg Prime Minister (11 March 2014) 2 Table of contents Who we are 2 Our structure 5 Clusters Forums Technical Committees 6 7 8 List of members and related members 9 Our background 12 75 Years in the service of the Luxembourg financial centre Former Chairmen of the ABBL 14 17 How to become a member 26 1 Who we are Who we are Represent Established in 1939, the Luxembourg Bankers’ Association (ABBL) is the oldest and largest professional association in the financial sector, representing the majority of financial institutions as well as regulated financial intermediaries and other professionals working in or for the financial sector established in Luxembourg, including lawyers, consultants and auditors. The ABBL represents its members’ interests and actively participates in over 50 different national and international bodies and committees, including the “Haut Comité de la Place Financière”, the Economic and Social Council, the Luxembourg financial centre regulator (CSSF), the Luxembourg Central Bank (BCL), the Luxembourg employers’ association (UEL), Luxembourg social security institutions, various EU expert groups, the European Banking Federation, the European Payments Council and XBRL Europe. Reflecting the diversity of the Luxembourg financial centre, the ABBL federates and fosters the interests of its members and acts as the voice of the entire sector at both national and international level. The ABBL is truly representative of the diversity of the Luxembourg financial centre. Besides banks, our members include consultants, lawyers, auditors, payment institutions, Electronic Money institutions as well as other financial sector professionals and financial professions. What we do The ABBL provides its members with the intelligence, resources and services they need in order to operate in a dynamic financial market and an increasingly complex regulatory environment. ABBL members thus have a long-established and influential association working in their interests and representing them at the highest levels both in Luxembourg, as well as in Europe. The ABBL is the voice of Luxembourg’s banking sector. We provide our members with a platform to discuss key industry issues and to define common strategies for the entire Luxembourg financial sector. 2 Given that the majority of financial sector regulation today originates at EU level, we have a Representative Office in Brussels, which actively supports our EU lobbying efforts and monitors EU regulatory developments. The ABBL is registered in the EU Transparency Register. Our European Affairs team closely follows regulatory developments, interacts with policy makers and standard setters and represents the interests of the ABBL’s members in Brussels. As a founding member of Luxembourg for Finance, we fully support the promotion and branding efforts for the Luxembourg financial centre and its many business lines. Through our proposals and initiatives we have been a driving force in the development of the financial centre over the last decades. And we are committed to continue doing so in the future. Analyse The ABBL monitors and keeps its members informed and up-to-date on the latest legal and regulatory developments as well as new technologies impacting their business. We anticipate political, economic, financial and social developments in Europe and in Luxembourg. In doing so, we formulate opinion papers and proposals on legislation, taxation and banking regulation at national, European and international levels. The ABBL, via its Clusters, Technical Committees, Forums and Working Groups, provides technical and strategic input for the benefit of its members and the Luxembourg financial industry as a whole. As such, we act as a think tank for the entire sector and as a platform where members can discuss industry issues and exchange best practices. Social and labour affairs As an employers’ association, we assist our members in all social and labour matters. We represent the financial sector at the level of the Tripartite, the Luxembourg Economic and Social Council, the Luxembourg social security institutions or the Luxembourg employers’ federation (UEL). On behalf of our members, we negotiate working and salary conditions in the financial sector with trade unions, via a collective bargaining agreement. Assist & Advise Training Recommendations and guidelines Through the IFBL, a non-for-profit foundation, we also provide dedicated and specialised professional education courses for employees in the financial sector. ABBL members have a privileged access to IFBL training courses. The ABBL assists and advises its members in the implementation of rules, regulations and standards. We develop professional recommendations and guidelines for our members, including a Code of Conduct and a Vademecum on anti-money laundering. Technical assistance We provide assistance to our members in technical matters. The ABBL, for instance, creates and manages SEPA Creditor Identifiers on behalf of banks, assigns IBAN bank codes in agreement with the regulator, develops various technical standards for payment initiation and payment reporting (XML 20022) and is actively involved in promoting the XBRL reporting standard. The ABBL also provides an environment of trust and confidence in the context of security of payment systems and instrument that encourage exchange of sensitive information between members in case of threats on IT infrastructures. Our service offer in a nutshell: •We represent our members’ interests at the highest levels in Luxembourg, the EU and beyond •We assist our members in implementing rules, regulations and standards •We keep our members up-to-date on the latest legal and regulatory developments as well as new technologies impacting their business •We help our members in all social and labour law matters •We provide our members with a platform to exchange views and best practices with their peers •We actively help promoting the Luxembourg financial centre •We provide education programs via our training institute 3 Health & Safety We were a founding member and still are the largest stakeholder of the financial sector health care service ASTF. Our members are entitled to rely on the services of the ASTF, which is very customer oriented and less expensive than the national health care service. Promotion & Communication We also help our members in their own promotional and development activities and in their positioning within their group. As part of our public relations and communication activities, we represent and act as the voice of the banking and finance sector in the national and international media. 4 Through our website we offer our members an additional communication channel to publish their press releases, announce their events and post job offers. Our members have access to our MemberNet, which features a daily press panorama as well as “Nouveautés de droit bancaire et financier” newsletters. Our network The ABBL is the bridge to decision makers in Luxembourg and beyond. Our structure General Meeting ELECTS NOMINATE Chairman & Vice-Chairman Board of Directors SET UP SET UP Management Board Technical Committees SET UP Clusters SET UP Working Groups Working Groups General Meeting Chairman The annual General Meeting is the ABBL’s highest body. It approves the annual accounts and budget and elects the Chairman, the Vice-Chairman and the Board of Directors. The ABBL Chairman is directly elected by the General Meeting. The Chairman is the official spokesperson of the association and personally monitors all strategic issues of relevance to the organisation. Board of Directors Management Board The Board of Directors determines the strategic and political priorities of the association. The Board is composed of the CEOs of the 6 largest contributors to the association’s budget, the representatives of the geographical groupings and the Heads of the business line clusters. The Management Board advises the Board of Directors and takes care of the follow-up of decisions taken by the General Meeting and the Board of Directors. The Management Board, chaired by the CEO of the association, is in charge of the day-to-day management of the association. 5 Clusters ABBL clusters represent major banking and financial business lines in Luxembourg. They are composed of committed and high-level representatives of our members who are able to discuss key strategic issues in their respective field of activity. Clusters can set up working groups to deal with specific topics in more detail. Banking Clusters The Retail Banking Cluster, Luxembourg (RBCL) Regroups member banks active in retail financial services Customers: private individuals, micro-enterprises and SMEs in Luxembourg and Greater Region The Commercial Banking Cluster, Luxembourg (CBCL) Gathers member banks active in commercial banking Customers: sovereigns and public entities, large corporates in Luxembourg and abroad, international SMEs The Private Banking GROUP, Luxembourg (PBGL) Pools member banks active in private banking and wealth management The Depositary Banking Cluster, Luxembourg Groups member banks active in the depositary and custodian business The Depositary Banking Cluster shall form part of the ABBL/ALFI Depositary Bank Forum. The cluster will represent the ABBL in the Forum 6 Non-banking Clusters The Law Firms Cluster Regroups members who are law firms and have a strong focus on legal activities in the areas of banking and capital markets The Consultants/ Auditors Cluster Regathers members who are consultants or auditors and have a strong focus on consulting or audit activities in the areas of banking and capital markets and European banking and financial law The Clearing & Posttrading Cluster Regroups members who are operators of post-trade infrastructures The Listing & Trading Cluster Regroups members who are operators of market infrastructure platforms active in the area of listing and trading of securities Forums The Management Board or the Board of Directors may set up forums with the objective to allow a more targeted dissemination of information to ABBL members as well as enhanced interaction between members and the Secretariat on specific issues. Financial IT Forum Legal Forum Diversity Forum Internal Capital Adequacy Assessment Process (ICAAP) on Capital Requirement Directive (CRD) Forum Business Finance Forum Innovation and New Technologies Forum Markets in Financial Instruments Directive (MiFID) Forum Automatic Exchange Of Information (AEOI) Forum Financial Education Forum 7 Technical Committees Technical committees discuss issues relevant to their respective areas of expertise and give advice to the Management Board and the Board of Directors. Technical committees are composed of highly qualified and experienced representatives of our members. Technical committees can set up working groups to deal with specific topics in more detail. Accounting National and international accounting standards Banking Supervision Prudential banking regulation, Banking Union, Risk management Financial Markets Financial markets regulation Fiscal Affairs Direct and indirect national taxation, International taxation Industrial Relations and Social Affairs European and national Labour legislation, European and national Social security legislation, Collective bargaining agreement, Issues of diversity and equal opportunities Legal Affairs Luxembourg and european banking and financial law Payments Payment accounts, Credit transfers / Direct debits, Card based payments, Cash and checks, E-money, Mobile payments, Alternative payments, Alternative and virtual currencies, Payment systems and infrastructures, Security of payment systems and payment instruments Professional Obligations Compliance, Deontology, Money-laundering issues Securities Securities regulation including financial services related to securities & custody services 8 LIST OF MEMBERS AND RELATED MEMBERS Category A: universal banks, covered bonds issuing banks, public banks ABLV Bank Luxembourg S.A. Banque J. Safra Sarasin (Luxembourg) S.A. ABN AMRO Bank (Luxembourg) S.A. Banque LBLux S.A. ABN AMRO Life S.A. BayernInvest Luxembourg S.A. Agricultural Bank of China (Luxembourg) S.A. Advanzia Bank S.A. Allfunds Bank International S.A. Andbank Luxembourg Banque Raiffeisen Banque Transatlantique Luxembourg S.A. BEMO Europe - Banque Privée BGL BNP Paribas S.A. Andbank Asset Management Luxembourg BGL BNP Paribas Factor S.A. BNP Paribas, Luxembourg Branch BNP Paribas Investment Partners Luxembourg S.A. BNP Paribas Lease Group Luxembourg S.A. BNP Paribas Leasing Solutions S.A. BNP Paribas S.B Ré S.A. BNP Paribas Securities Services, Luxembourg Branch Global General Partner S.A. GreenStars BNP Paribas S.A. Banca March, S.A., Luxembourg Branch Banca popolare dell’Emilia Romagna (Europe) International S.A. Banco Bradesco Europa S.A. Banco Popolare Luxembourg S.A. Bank Leumi (Luxembourg) S.A. Bank of China (Luxembourg) S.A. Bank of China Limited Luxembourg Branch BHF-BANK International S.A. Bankinter Luxembourg S.A. Banque BCP S.A. Banque Carnegie Luxembourg S.A. Brown Brothers Harriman (Luxembourg) S.C.A. BSI Luxembourg S.A. Caixa Geral de Depósitos, Succursale de Luxembourg Carnegie Fund Services S.A. Catella Bank S.A. Banque de Commerce et de Placements S.A., Luxembourg Branch Banque de Luxembourg China Construction Bank (Europe) S.A. China Construction Bank Corporation, Luxembourg Branch BLI - Banque de Luxembourg Investments S.A. Compagnie Financière de Gestion Luxembourg S.A. Conventum Asset Management EuroInformation International S.A. China Merchants Bank Co., Ltd., Luxembourg Branch Citco Bank Nederland N.V., Luxembourg Branch Citibank International Limited, Luxembourg Branch Banque de Patrimoines Privés Banque Degroof Luxembourg S.A. Citigroup Global Markets Luxembourg S.à r.l. Clearstream Banking Degroof Gestion Institutionnelle Luxembourg S.A. D.S. Lux S.A. Clearstream International S.A. Clearstream Services S.A. Banque et Caisse d’Epargne de l’Etat, Luxembourg Banque Hapoalim (Luxembourg) S.A. Banque Havilland S.A. Banque Internationale à Luxembourg S.A. Commerzbank International S.A. Commerzbank AG, Filiale Luxemburg Compagnie de Banque Privée Quilvest S.A. Belair House BIL Auto Lease S.A. BIL Manage Invest S.A. Experta Corporate and Trust Services S.A. Société Luxembourgeoise de Leasing BIL-Lease S.A. Cornèr Banque (Luxembourg) S.A. Credem International (Lux) S.A. 9 Crédit Agricole Luxembourg HSH Nordbank Securities S.A. Amundi Luxembourg S.A. CACEIS Bank Luxembourg Crédit Agricole Luxembourg Conseil S.A. Crédit Agricole Private Management Company Fund Channel S.A. Luxcellence Management Company S.A. HSH Nordbank AG, Luxembourg Branch Hypo Pfandbrief Bank International S.A. Industrial and Commercial Bank of China (Europe) S.A. ING Luxembourg S.A. ING Lease Luxembourg S.A. Credit Suisse (Luxembourg) S.A. Danske Bank International S.A. DekaBank Deutsche Girozentrale Luxembourg S.A. Dealis Fund Operations S.A. Deka International S.A. DekaBank Deutsche Girozentrale, Succursale de Luxembourg International Fund Management S.A. Roturo S.A. Delen Private Bank Luxembourg S.A. Deutsche Bank Luxembourg S.A. Deutsche Postbank International S.A. DNB Luxembourg S.A. DZ PRIVATBANK S.A. East-West United Bank S.A. Edmond de Rothschild (Europe) Edmond de Rothschild Asset Management (Luxembourg) EFG Bank (Luxembourg) S.A. EFG Investment (Luxembourg) S.A. European Financial Group EFG (Luxembourg) S.A. Erste Europäische Pfandbrief- und Kommunalkreditbank AG in Luxemburg Eurobank Private Bank Luxembourg S.A. Fideuram Bank (Luxembourg) S.A. Fortuna Banque s.c. Frankfurter Volksbank International S.A. Freie Internationale Sparkasse S.A. Garanti Bank Luxembourg Branch GPB International S.A. Hauck & Aufhäuser Privatbankiers KGaA, Niederlassung Luxemburg HSBC Bank Plc., Luxembourg Branch J.P. Morgan Bank Luxembourg S.A. John Deere Bank S.A. KBL European Private Bankers S.A. Banque Puilaetco Dewaay Luxembourg S.A. Kredietrust Luxembourg S.A. La Française Bank Landesbank Baden-Württemberg, Luxembourg Branch Lombard Odier (Europe) S.A. M.M.Warburg & CO Luxembourg S.A. Mediobanca International (Luxembourg) S.A. Mirabaud & Cie (Europe) S.A. Mitsubishi UFJ Global Custody S.A. Mizuho Trust & Banking (Luxembourg) S.A. Natixis Bank Nomura Bank (Luxembourg) S.A. Norddeutsche Landesbank Luxembourg S.A. NORD/LB Covered Finance Bank S.A. Nordea Bank S.A. Nordea Investment Funds S.A. Northern Trust Global Services Limited, Luxembourg Branch Novo Banco S.A., Succursale de Luxembourg PayPal (Europe) S.à r.l. et Cie, S.C.A. Pictet & Cie (Europe) S.A. POST Finance RBC Investor Services Bank S.A. RCB Bank Ltd, Luxembourg Branch Sal. Oppenheim jr. & Cie. Luxembourg S.A. Skandinaviska Enskilda Banken S.A. SEB Asset Management S.A. SEB Fund Services S.A. HSBC Fund Services (Luxembourg) S.A. HSBC Investment Funds (Luxembourg) S.A. HSBC Private Bank (Luxembourg) S.A. SMBC Nikko Bank (Luxembourg) S.A. Société Européenne de Banque S.A. Lux Gest Asset Management S.A. 10 Société Générale Bank & Trust LuxGlobal Trust Services S.A. Nord/LB Vermögensmangement Luxembourg S.A. Union Investment Luxembourg S.A. VP LUX S.à r.l. YAPITAL Financial AG Lyxor Asset Management Luxembourg S.A. SG Issuer Société Générale Capital Market Finance S.A. Société Générale Financing and Distribution Société Générale LDG S.A. Société Générale Life Insurance Broker S.A. Société Générale Private Wealth Management S.A. Standard Chartered Bank, Luxembourg Branch State Street Bank Luxembourg S.A. Sumitomo Mitsui Trust Bank (Luxembourg) S.A. Svenska Handelsbanken AB (Publ), Luxembourg Branch TD Bank International S.A. The Bank of New York Mellon (Luxembourg) S.A. The Bank of New York Mellon (International) Ltd., Luxembourg Branch The Bank of New York Mellon S.A./N.V., Luxembourg Branch The Royal Bank of Scotland Plc, Luxembourg Branch UBI Banca International S.A. UBI Management Company S.A. UBI Trustee S.A. Category C: activities ancillary to the financial sector Allen & Overy S.C.S. Arendt & Medernach, Avocats à la Cour Atoz S.A. Avaloq Luxembourg S.à r.l. avantage Reply (Luxembourg) S.à r.l. AxiomSL S.à r.l. Baker & McKenzie Luxembourg BDO FNG - BDO Bonn & Schmitt Bonn Steichen & Partners CASTEGNARO Clifford Chance S.C.S. Deloitte General Services S.à r.l. Elvinger, Hoss & Prussen, Avocats à la Cour EY Grant Thornton Weber & Bontemps UBS (Luxembourg) S.A. UniCredit International Bank (Luxembourg) S.A. UniCredit Luxembourg S.A. Union Bancaire Privée (Europe) S.A. VP Bank (Luxembourg) S.A. Category B: other financial sector professionals, financial professionals Grant Thornton ABAX Consulting Grant Thornton Abax Investment Services S.A. Grant Thornton Lux Audit S.A. KPMG Luxembourg, Société coopérative Kurt Salmon Luxembourg S.A. Linklaters LLP Loyens & Loeff Luxembourg S.à r.l., Avocats à la Cour NautaDutilh Avocats Luxembourg S.à r.l. OPF Partners Luxembourg PricewaterhouseCoopers, Société cooperative Stibbe Avocats zeb Aurea Finance Company Bourse de Luxembourg CapitalatWork Foyer Group S CapitalatWork Management Company S.A. CETREL S.A. Chambre de Commerce du Grand-Duché de Luxembourg Eurizon Capital S.A. iPay International S.A. Lombard Intermediation Services S.A. LuxCSD S.A. Last update: 1 April 2015 11 OUR BACKGROUND 5 June 1939 Creation of the ABBL by ten banks 1940 The ABBL suspends its activities under the Nazi occupation 1945 The ABBL resumes its activities 1947 The ABBL organises its first training courses in collaboration with the Chamber of Commerce 1960 The ABBL is a founding member of the European Banking Federation (EBF) 1968 The ABBL negotiates the first collective employment agreement for the banking sector with trade unions The ABBL introduces the check card 1969 The ABBL introduces savings and loan scheme (“épargne-crédit”) 1989 The ABBL launches the “Banklehre”, an on-the-job training contract Creation of the Luxembourg Deposit Guarantee scheme AGDL, administratively managed by the ABBL 1990 The ABBL founds the Bank Training Institute (IFBL) 1992 The ABBL launches the European Banking Academy (EBA), the precursor to the Luxembourg School of Finance 1994 The ABBL sets up the Association for Health and Safety at the Workplace in the Financial Sector (ASTF) 1999 The Financial Technology Transfer Agency (ATTF) is set up by the ABBL and other actors to take over the IFBL’s international programmes 12 2000 Launch of the Luxembourg Financial Industry Federation (PROFIL) to promote the financial centre The ABBL is a founding member 2001 The ABBL adapts its statutes in order to open up membership to professionals working in or for the financial sector other than banks 2003 Launch of the Luxembourg School of Finance (LSF), previously the ABBL’s Banking Academy, as the Finance Department of the University of Luxembourg 2006 2007 The ABBL sets up the LSF Foundation to encourage and support the development of the Luxembourg School of Finance The Luxembourg Microfinance Fund Labelling Agency (LuxFlag) is created by the ABBL and other financial centre stakeholders Launch of the first ABBL business line cluster: The Private Banking Group, Luxembourg (PBGL) Launch of the second ABBL business line cluster: The Retail and Commercial Banking Group, Luxembourg 2008 Creation of Luxembourg for Finance (LFF) This project was set up by the ABBL in 2004 in response to the increasing globalisation of international markets 2009 Creation of the ABBL & ALFI Depository Bank Forum 2011 Launch of the Union Bancaire Francophone by the ABBL and other banking associations from Frenchspeaking countries 2012 The ABBL is awarded with the “Institut National pour le Développement Durable et la Responsabilité Sociale des Entreprises” (INDR’s) CSR label for Social Responsible Companies 2014 The ABBL adopts a new governance to better represent the interests of the geographic origins and business lines of its members 13 75 Years in the service of the Luxembourg financial centre On 25 March 2014, the Luxembourg Bankers’ Association celebrated its 75th anniversary at the Luxembourg Philharmony in the presence of the Grand Duke and the Grand Duchess, the Representatives of the Government and over 600 guests. In his keynote speech, Prime Minister Xavier Bettel discussed, amongst current issues, the fact that the financial centre is entering a new era of international transparency. A global level playing field opens up a whole new range of opportunities for Luxembourg to attract clients from around the globe. The Prime Minister reminded the audience that Luxembourg is a global centre of excellence in financial services, both for private and corporate clients, whether we are talking about asset management, wealth management or the insurance industry. Xavier Bettel also insisted on the fact that our financial centre needs to reinvent itself by expanding its business activities and developing new products and services. Finally, the Prime Minister reminded the audience that his government has a responsibility to provide the industry with the right framework and a business friendly environment that allows an expansion of the financial sector. “My government will make sure that the key advantages will prevail. Luxembourg has always been a symbol for stability and for legal predictability. This won’t change. Planning security is of major importance for companies and corporations.” Xavier Bettel, Prime Minister 14 In his keynote speech, Ernst Wilhelm Contzen (ABBL Chairman from 2010 to 2014) briefly retraced the history of the ABBL to underline the association’s immersion in the socio-economic tissue of this country and the key role the ABBL has played in the development and internationalisation of the financial centre. 15 16 ForMer CHairMen oF tHe abbL former chairmEn of the ABBLoFtHe ForMer ForMer CHairMen CHairMen oF tHe abbL abbL The voice of Luxembourg banking since 1939 oF tHe abbL Max LaMbert MAX LAMBERT 1945-1948 1945-1948 Jean d’Huart JEAN D’HUART 1953-1959 / 1964-1969 1953-1959 / 1964-1969 CarLo CarLoturk turk Jean- JaCques WeLbes JEAN-JACQUES WELBES 1959-1964 / 1969-1973 1959-1964 / 1969-1973 Jean Jeand’Huart d’Huart JeanJeanJaCques JaCquesWeLbes WeLbes GeorGes arendt GEORGES ARENDT 1975-1977 / 1979 (acting) 1975-1977 / 1979 (acting) MarCeL MarCeLsCHLeder sCHLeder aLbert dondeLinG Max MaxLaMbert LaMbert CarLo turk CARLO TURK 1948-1953 1948-1953 1945-1948 1945-1948 1948-1953 1948-1953 1953-1959 1953-1959 / 1964-1969 / 1964-1969 1959-1964 1959-1964 / 1969-1973 / 1969-1973 1973-1975 1973-1975 / 1981-1984 / 1981-1984 1975-1977 1975-1977 / 1979 / 1979 (acting) (acting) pauL Meyers François Moes Jean Meyer 1995-2000 2000-2004 2005-2010 Constant Franssens reMy kreMer Jean krier CHarLes ruppert 1979-1981 1984-1988 1988-1992 1992-1995 te ede deConstitution Constitution Constant Constant Franssens Franssens reMy reMykreMer kreMer Jean Jeankrier krier rGes arendt aLbert dondeLinGer CONSTANT FRANSSENS REMY KREMER JEAN KRIER ALBERT DONDELINGER 1979-1981 1979-1981 1984-1988 1984-1988 1988-1992 1988-1992 977 / 1979 (acting) Jean- JaCques 1977-1979 WeLbes MarCeL sCHLeder GeorGes arendt aLbert dondeLinGer 1959-1964 / 1969-1973 1977-1979 nçois Moes Jean Meyer 004 2005-2010 CHarLes ruppert 1992-1995 1973-1975 / 1981-1984 pauL Meyers 1995-2000 1979-1981 1984-1988 1975-1977 / 1979 (acting) 1977-1979 François FRANÇOISMoes MOES Jean Meyer JEAN MEYER 2005-2010 2005-2010 2000-2004 2000-2004 1988-1992 MarCeL sCHLeder MARCEL SCHLEDER 1973-1975 / 1981-1984 1973-1975 / 1981-1984 CHarLes CHarLesruppert ruppert CHARLES RUPPERT pauL pauLMeyers Meyers PAUL MEYERS 1992-1995 1995-2000 1992-1995 1992-1995 ERNST WILHELM CONTZEN 2010-2014 1995-2000 1995-2000 1977-1979 GeorGes GeorGesarendt arendt François FrançoisMoes Moes 2000-2004 2000-2004 Chairmanship Carlo Thill Vice-Chairman since 2010 Yves Maas Chairman since 2014 19 Management Board Marc Hemmerling Member of the Management Board Catherine Bourin Member of the Management Board Serge de Cillia CEO Head of the Management Board EU Representative Office Antoine Kremer Adviser to the Management Board Head of European Affairs Aurélie Cassou European Affairs Adviser Missing Clément Luzeau European Affairs Assistant 20 TEAMS Catherine Bourin Member of the Management Board Rüdiger Jung General Counselor Cristelle Bretnacher Legal Affairs Officer Chantal Hoffman Reception Desk Ghislaine Mercatoris Reception Desk Patrick Gouden Legal Affairs Adviser Sabine Nickels Reception Desk Camille Seillès Legal & Tax Adviser Danielle Haustgen Employers’ Affairs Senior Adviser Fabienne Lang Employers’ Affairs Adviser Myriam Sibenaler Head of Human Resources Serge de Cillia CEO Head of the Management Board Carole Bertemes Human Resources Officer Philipp von Restorff Adviser to the Management Board Head of Communication Missing Chantal Petesch Administrative Assistant Diane Meunier Executive Coordinator Senior Officer Gilles Pierre Adviser to the Management Board Head of Banking Regulation Sarah Odru Communication Officer Louise Marcellin Banking Supervision Officer Stéphanie Haan Corporate Design & Publications Assistant Jessica Thyrion Communication Officer Benoît Cerfontaine International Affairs & Promotion Adviser 21 Carlo Fonseca Information Technologies Adviser Olivier Pemmers Head of Information Technologies Marc Hemmerling Member of the Management Board Benoît Sauvage Financial Market Regulation Senior Adviser Simone Kayser Retail Banking & Consumer Protection Adviser Missing Jean-Pierre Borsa Banking Technologies and Payments Senior Adviser Nadja Pfleger Secretariat Betty Pauly Membership Management Senior Officer Doris Cavallaro Head of Accounting Daniel Lehmeier General Counselor Alain Hondequin Secretary General Elisângela Furtado Accounting Assistant Piero Ruscitti Facility Management Supervisor Antonella Bocci Secretariat Natacha Brunelle Secretariat Jean Schmitz Technical Agent Facility Management Nathalie Bertemes Accounting Assistant Missing Sophie Poekes Secretariat Fabio Mandorino Economics, Commercial and Private Banking Adviser 22 Working together in the best interest of the Luxembourg financial centre Marc Hemmerling Member of the ABBL Management Board Catherine Bourin Member of the ABBL Management Board Serge de Cillia CEO Head of the ABBL Management Board Yves Maas ABBL Chairman Pierre Gramegna Minister of Finance Isabelle Goubin Director of the Treasury Yves Maas ABBL Chairman Pierre Gramegna Minister of Finance 23 2014: A YEAR OF CHANGES Yves Maas ABBL Chairman Ernst Wilhelm Contzen ABBL Chairman from 2010 to 2014 Jean-Jacques Rommes ABBL CEO from 2005 to 2014 Serge de Cillia CEO Head of the ABBL Management Board 24 PROMOTION ACTIVITIES Luxembourg for Finance Financial Seminar, Rio de Janeiro Handelsblatt Jahrestagung - Banken im Umbruch, Frankfurt 25 How to become a member Who can join the ABBL? Banks, regulated financial intermediaries as well as other professionals working in or for the financial sector established in Luxembourg, including lawyers, consultants and auditors. How to join the ABBL? Applications for membership to the ABBL are submitted in writing to the Chairperson and admission is decided by the ABBL Board of Directors. Together with your application you will need to submit a number of standard corporate documents. We would be pleased to assist you in applying for membership: just fill in the form on our website at and one of our membership consultants will get in touch with you. Be part of your community, join the ABBL! We would be pleased to meet you and talk to you about the benefits of being a member of the ABBL. If you are interested in joining the ABBL or simply want to know more about what we can offer, just email us at or call us at (+352) 46 36 60-1. 26 ABBL 12, rue Erasme | L-1468 Luxembourg P.O. Box 13 | L-2010 Luxembourg Tel.: (+352) 46 36 60-1 Fax: (+352) 46 09 21 Email: For more information, visit our website at: and follow the ABBL on:
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