Obama assures `rock solid` commitment to PH
Obama assures `rock solid` commitment to PH
Obama assures ‘rock solid’ commitment to PH defense Pledges two more ships for use by PH Navy MANILA -- United States President Barack Obama on Wednesday said his country is solidly behind the Philippines and its defense. “ We h a v e a r o c k s o l i d commitment to the defense of the Philippines,” Obama said during a MRLQWSUHVVEULHÀQJZLWK3UHVLGHQW Benigno Aquino III. Obama said US and the Philippines are “great allies” and his visit to the Philippines for the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (Apec) Summit KHOSVVWUHQJWKHQDQGFRQÀUPKLV government’s “commitment to the security and defense of the Philippines.” He described Aquino as a “valuable and trusted friend of the US President Barack Obama talks to Russian President Vladimir Putin during a break of the G20 United States.” “ O u r r e b a l a n c e t o t h e summit working session in Antalya, Turkey, on Sunday. Asia Pacific is rooted in our treaty alliances including the Philippines,” Obama explained. Obama visited the Philippine 1DY\ÁDJVKLS%53*UHJRULRGHO Pilar. (Please turn to Page 6) RQLQÁLFWLQJYLROHQFHIDUEH\RQG Iraq and Syria. Obama said that “the skies have been darkened” by WKHDWWDFNWKDWNLOOHGDWOHDVW LQ3DULVZKLOH7XUNLVK3UHVLGHQW 5HFHS 7D\\LS (UGRJDQ GHHPHG LW D VWULNH ´DJDLQVW WKH ZKROH RI humanity.” “The killing of innocent people, EDVHGRQDWZLVWHGLGHRORJ\LVDQ attack not just on France, not just on Turkey, but it’s an attack on WKHFLYLOL]HGZRUOGµ2EDPDVDLG DIWHUPHHWLQJZLWK(UGRJDQDVKH RSHQHGWZRGD\VRIWDONVLQWKLV VHDVLGH FLW\ MXVW D IHZ KXQGUHG miles from the Syrian border. In addition to the Paris attacks, the Islamic State group is blamed IRU WZR GHDGO\ ERPELQJV LQ Poe hurdles SET case on d¶TualL¿catLon Turkey this year and one in Lebanon. The group has also claimed responsibility for the GRZQLQJ RI D 5XVVLDQ DLUOLQHU this month over Egypt. The White House said it believed IS has set its sights on Libya and hinted at more U.S. airstrikes like the one that targeted a top IS leader in Libya on Friday — coincidentally, MXVW DV WKH 3DULV DWWDFNV ZHUH XQGHUZD\ 7KH JOREDO ZDU DJDLQVW ,6 overtook all other planned topics IRU WKH * HFRQRPLF VXPPLW ZKLFKEULQJVWRJHWKHUOHDGLQJULFK and developing nations to discuss heady topics like global economic JURZWK,QVWHDGOHDGHUVYDFLOODWHG MANILA - With a vote of 5-4, the Senate Electoral Tribunal (SET) junked on Tuesday the SHWLWLRQWRGLVTXDOLI\6HQ*UDFH 3RH LQ WKH VHQDWRULDO UDFH over her citizenship. The SET, composed of six senators and three Supreme Court (SC) justices, upheld that Poe, a foundling, is a natural-born Filipino and eligible to keep her Senate seat. Except for Sen. Nancy Binay, five other senator-members of the SET voted to dismiss the SHWLWLRQÀOHGE\ORVLQJVHQDWRULDO FDQGLGDWH 5L]DOLWR 'DYLG LQ WKH PLGWHUPSROOV 7 K H \ Z H U H 6 H Q V 3 D R O R Benigno Aquino IV, Pia Cayetano, Loren Legarda, Vicente Sotto III and Cynthia Villar. SET chairman and Senior Associate Justice Antonio Carpio and Associate Justices Teresita Leonardo-de Castro and Arturo Brion voted to disqualify Poe, DORQJZLWK%LQD\ ,QXSKROGLQJ'DYLG·VSHWLWLRQ the SC justices said Poe is not a natural-born Filipino. They believed that as a foundling, Poe needed to establish the Filipino citizenship of either of her biological parents to be able to establish that she is a natural- (Please turn to Page 5) (Please turn to Page 8) World leaders pledge renewed ÀJKWYV,6DIWHU3DULVDWWDFNV ANTALYA, Turkey — Jolted to attention by a horrifying terror VSUHH LQ 3DULV ZRUOG OHDGHUV SOHGJHGDUHQHZHGÀJKW6XQGD\ against the Islamic State group, EXW RIIHUHG OLWWOH LQ WKH ZD\ RI a revamped counter-terrorism strategy. Instead, President Barack K O TA K I N A B A L U – Obama sought to encourage his 6DUDZDNLDQ %HUQDUG 7KHQ KHOG DOOLHVLQWKHÀJKWWRLQWHQVLI\WKH hostage by the Abu Sayyaf terror types of efforts that have thus far group, has been killed in the proven unsuccessful in routing the VRXWKHUQ 3KLOLSSLQHV +H ZDV extremist threat. Huddling in Turkey, a frontbeheaded by the gunmen at about OLQH VWDWH LQ WKH ZDU DJDLQVW ,6 4p.m. in the island of Jolo. Then is the first Malaysian OHDGHUV IURP WKH *URXS RI hostage to have been beheaded summit denounced the attacks ZLWK WRZHULQJ UKHWRULF WKDW by the Abu Sayyaf. % U L J D G L H U * H Q H U D O $ O D Q UHIOHFWHG JURZLQJ FRQFHUQ WKDW WKH H[WUHPLVW JURXS LV QRZ VHW (Please turn to Page 8) Abu Sayyaf beheads hostage Sen. Grace Poe 2 PHILIPPINE TRIBUNE www.thephilippinetribune.com November 19-25, 2015 3 PHILIPPINE TRIBUNE www.thephilippinetribune.com November 19-25, 2015 4 www.thephilippinetribune.com VIEWS & COMMENTARY November 19-25, 2015 The world has to ¿ght bacN PHILIPPINE TRIBUNE GUEST EDITORIAL LooNing good HOSTING a high-profile international event is always an opportunity to showcase the gains made in a country. It is a source of pride that a country would have the ability to spend for preparations for an event of such magnitude and importance. Imagine having heads of state or their deputies, housing them, feeding them, ensuring they are safe and comfortable and productive. In hosting this year’s Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation summit, the Philippines is asserting that it has come a long way and is now ready to embrace globalization and leadership on the international stage. Unfortunately, no less than the President is mangling all the sense of unity that the event should be inspiring in all Filipinos. At a meeting of top regional executives on Monday, Mr. Aquino referred to a lost decade during which his immediate predecessor ran the country. “It is quite sad,” he said. “ If 10 years ago my predecessor had done what we’re doing now, I can only imagine where the Philippines would be.” Sadder, however, is the fact that Mr. Aquino is on his last months LQRIÀFHEXWVWLOOKDVQRWVKDNHQRIIWKHKDELWRIEODPLQJHYHU\ERG\ else except himself for what goes wrong. But for all the things that had gone well, he is quick to take the credit, regardless if it is deserved. In Mr. Aquino’s eyes, all things are bright and rosy—a view QRWVKDUHGE\)LOLSLQRVZKRHQGXUHGRSSUHVVLYHWUDIÀFFRQGLWLRQV Monday morning just to get to their workplace. And it’s not just because the roads are closed this week. The WUDIÀFDQGWKHSRRUSXEOLFWUDQVSRUWDWLRQV\VWHPDUHMXVWVRPH of the daily realities the people have to deal with every day. Of course, one cannot expect Mr. Aquino to acknowledge his role in the deterioration of living conditions in Metro Manila and in the other issues faced by the country. All those are attributable to his good-for-nothing predecessor. In his insistence on looking good, Mr. Aquino also ordered the release of funds so that the homeless roaming the streets where the dignitaries would pass could temporarily rent a place to make themselves scarce this week. Does the President delight in making ordinary people suffer just so he could look good? What prevail are resentment and bitterness when this could have been a good time to show the world the best things about being Filipino. Talk about squandering an opportunity. – Manila 6WDQGDUG7RGD\ KNOWN as the City of Lights, Paris loves its nights. 2Q )ULGD\ WHQV RI WKRXVDQGV of Parisians were out to enjoy the night – watching a friendly soccer game between Germany DQG)UDQFHDWWKH6WDGHGH)UDQFH listening to an American band at the Bataclan concert hall, drinking their favorite cocktail at the La Belle Equipe Bar and Le Carillon Bar, having dinner at the LA Casa Nostra restaurant and Petit Cambodge, or simply strolling along Rue Albert. %XWLWZDV)ULGD\WKHth and something tragic was bound to happen. The bloodbath began soon after SP$JXQPDQRSHQHGÀUHRQ Le Carillon bar in the Rue Albert, near the Place de la République, before heading across the road to Le Petit Cambodge (Little Cambodia) restaurant, killing a total of 15 people. At the La Belle Équipe, at least 19 died in gun attacks. At the La Casa Nostra Restaurant, at least ÀYHZHUHVKRWGHDG At the 1,500-seat Bataclan concert hall, hundreds of people were waiting for the American rock band eagles of Death Metal to perform when attackers, wearing YHVWV VWUDSSHG ZLWK H[SORVLYHV shouted “ Allahu Akbar!” (God is JUHDWDQGWKHQRSHQHGÀUHNLOOLQJ at least 80 and seriously wounding many more in a matter of seconds. They later took 20 hostages and H[HFXWHG VHYHQ RI WKHP EHIRUH GHWRQDWLQJ WKHLU H[SORVLYHV DV policemen began their assault. The security forces that stormed the concert hall found four attackers dead. Three had blown themselves up and a fourth was shot dead by police. To the north, two suicide bombers blasted themselves QHDU WKH HQWUDQFH RI 6WDGH GH )UDQFH QDWLRQDO VWDGLXP ZKHUH WWII and the deadliest in Europe since the 2004 Madrid bombings. The attacks came ahead of three major international events ZKHUHVRPHRIWKHZRUOG·VOHDGHUV ZHUHH[SHFWHGWRDWWHQG²WKH* VXPPLWLQ7XUNH\WKH$VLD3DFLÀF Economic Cooperation (APEC) summit in Manila, and the 2015 Climate Change Conference in Paris. The attacks should give the ZRUOG·VOHDGHUVWKHPRWLYDWLRQWR ÀQDOO\ ZRUN WRJHWKHU WR DGGUHVV the problem of global terrorism and put an end to, if not minimize, WKH EDUEDULF DFWV RI H[WUHPLVWV around the globe, particularly in the Middle East and in Africa. Intelligence officials are known to be tracking down several jihadist cells operating in Europe, particularly in Belgium, )UDQFH DQG 7XUNH\ (XURSHDQV DUHQRZZRUULHGWKDWWKH,6,6KDG embedded some of its jihadists ZLWK WKH UHIXJHHV ZKR KDG ÁHG 6\ULDWRÀQGSHDFHDQGEHWWHUOLIH in Europe. While Al Qaeda, which was responsible for the 9-11 attacks, has been weakened by the death of its leader Osama bin Laden, WKH,VODPLF6WDWHLQ,UDTDQG6\ULD ,6,6ZKLFKKDVFDUYHGDWHUULWRU\ LQVWULIHWRUQ,UDTDQG6\ULDKDV HPHUJHG DV WKH ZRUOG·V QHZHVW and biggest threat. In Africa, the (Please turn to Page 6) Can PH defend her sovereignty" EVER since twelve nationalistic – and left-leaning -- members of the Philippine 6HQDWH YRWHG WR HYLFW WKH 86 bases in 1991, our national pride had immeasurably gone up the scale never seen before since the QHZQDWLRQDOÁDJZDVUDLVHGDQG independence was declared from 6SDLQ RQ WKH EDOFRQ\ RI *HQ (PLOLR$TXLQDOGR·V PDQVLRQ LQ Kawit, Cavite, on June 12, 1898. But “independence” was short-lived. Little did Aguinaldo NQRZ WKDW 6SDLQ KDG FHGHG WKH 3KLOLSSLQHV WR WKH 86 IRU million at the Treaty of Paris on December 10, 1898. And when the Americans came to claim the Philippine Islands, Aguinaldo resisted the occupation. On )HEUXDU\ZDUEURNHRXW %XW$JXLQDOGR·V ÁHGJOLQJ DUP\ was no match to the well-armed DQGH[SHULHQFHG$PHULFDQIRUFHV In November 1899, Aguinaldo Philippine Tribune 18012 Pioneer Blvd. #E, Artesia, CA 90701 7HO)D[ www.thephilippinetribune.com e-mail: thephilippinetribune@gmail.com VAL G. ABELGAS BOBBY CRISOSTOMO AILEEN GALON MEH GUEVARRA CERES VILLANUEVA some 80,000 gathered to watch DVRFFHUJDPHLQFOXGLQJ)UHQFK 3UHVLGHQW )UDQFRLV +ROODQGH who was quickly evacuated. 6XUSULVLQJO\RQO\WKHWKUHHVXLFLGH bombers were killed. On that tragic night, at least 129 people were killed and more WKDQZRXQGHGVRPHRIWKHP in critical condition. It was a dark night in the City of Lights. 7KH ,VODPLF 6WDWH UHOHDVHG D VWDWHPHQW RQ 6DWXUGD\ VD\LQJ WKDWHLJKWEURWKHUVXVLQJH[SORVLYH EHOWVDQGYDU\LQJDVVDXOWULÁHVKDG carried out attacks on “carefully chosen” targets in response to )UDQFH·V LQYROYHPHQW LQ WKH DLU VWULNHV RQ ,6 PLOLWDQWV LQ 6\ULD and Iraq. The world grieved as it had LQWKHPRUQLQJRI6HSWHPEHU 2001, when three planes hijacked by terrorists slammed into the two towers of the World Trade Center in New York and at the Pentagon LQ9LUJLQLDNLOOLQJFORVHWR people. Europe was again gripped in fear as it had been when jihadists attacked the offices of Charlie +HEGR QHZVSDSHU DQG NLOOHG and wounded 11 in January, and when terrorists bombed a train in Madrid in 2004, killing 191 people. +ROODQGH LPSRVHG D VWDWH of emergency after the worst SHDFHWLPHDWWDFNLQ)UDQFHVLQFH Editor Chief Photographer Marketing Director Art Director Account Executive The Philippine Tribune is published by the PHILIPPINE TRIBUNE INC. Views and opinions H[SUHVVHGKHUHLQE\ZULWHUVDQGFROXPQLVWVGRQRWQHFHVVDULO\UHÀHFWWKRVHRIWKHSXEOLVKHU PDQDJHPHQWDQGVWDIIRI3KLOLSSLQH7ULEXQH went into hiding in Palanan, Isabela where he waged guerilla warfare against the Americans. Thus began the “Philippine Insurrection,” as the Americans called it. More than half a century ODWHU)LOLSLQRKLVWRULDQVFKDQJHG it to the “Philippine-American War,” which is what it was. 2 Q 0 D U F K D contingent of American soldiers ZLWKWKHKHOSRI0DFDEHEH6FRXWV JDLQHG DFFHVV WR $JXLQDOGR·V camp by pretending to surrender. Aguinaldo was captured and brought to Manila where he took the oath of allegiance to the American government. On April 19, 1901, he issued a proclamation recommending abandonment of resistance against the Americans. Thus ended the Philippine-American War and the American colonial era began. ,Q WKH 3KLOLSSLQHV ZDV granted commonwealth status and given limited autonomy of self-government. On July 4, 1946, 8QFOH6DPJUDQWHGLQGHSHQGHQFH to the Philippines. Philippine independence But a lot of historians believe WKDWWKH3KLOLSSLQHVZDVQ·WUHDG\ WR H[HUFLVH KHU IUHHGRP DIWHU suffering from the ravages of World War II and the brutality the )LOLSLQRVHQGXUHGDWWKHKDQGVRI the Japanese oppressors. Many EHOLHYHG WKDW WKH 3KLOLSSLQHV· status as a “commonwealth” of the 86 VKRXOG KDYH EHHQ UHWDLQHG And many more believed that Philippine statehood would serve the best interests of Americans DQG WKH )LOLSLQRV DOLNH 7KH\ VDLGWKDW)LOLSLQRVZRXOGSURVSHU peacefully and equally with the Americans. And ultimately, they were convinced that a XQLRQ EHWZHHQ WKH 86 DQG WKH 3KLOLSSLQHVZRXOGPDNHWKH86 WKH VWURQJHVW 3DFLÀF SRZHU DQG WKH )LOLSLQRV WKH PRVW DIIOXHQW among Asians. The union would have formed an amalgam of western and eastern cultures in DQH[SDQVHRIODQGDQGVHDZKHUH “the sun will never set.” And lest we forget, Philippine statehood would also protect Americans of )LOLSLQRGHVFHQWDQGWKHLUQHZO\ created state under the nuclear XPEUHOOD RI 8QFOH 6DP 7KDW·V peace, prosperity, and security all rolled into one. The question is: Why did this geopolitical alchemy not happen? Could it be because of the late Philippine commonwealth president Manuel /4XH]RQZLVKHV"+LVSURSKHWLF wish, “I prefer a government run like hell by Filipinos to a government run like heaven by Americans,” took hold long after his death on August 1, 1944 in (Please turn to Page 8) 5 PHILIPPINE TRIBUNE www.thephilippinetribune.com November 19-25, 2015 The believer’s security blanket It’s time to say ‘Thank You, Lord’ GRATITUDE is “a feeling or attitude in acknowledgment of a EHQHÀW WKDW RQH KDV UHFHLYHG RU ZLOOUHFHLYH” (Wikipedia). Most often we say “thank you” IRUWKHEHQHÀWVRUIDYRUVWKDWZH recently received. We forget that where we are right now is the UHVXOWRIEHQHÀWVDQGIDYRUVWKDW we received in the past. It is easy to take things that happened in the past for granted. Moses in Chapter 8 of the Book of Deuteronomy reminded the people as they were about to enter the Promised Land to remember the things that the Lord had done for them during that time that they were in the wilderness for forty years. The Lord gave them manna from the sky every day. The clothes and the shoes in their bodies did not wear out. Moses warned them not to forget these things lest they start thinking that they reached the Promised Land on their own efforts. Sometimes when we become successful we let our pride get above us. We start thinking and believing that we have “arrived” to our dreams and goals because of what we have done, thereby forgetting the Lord who had opened doors of opportunities to us and the people He had sent us along the way to help us attain our goals. Moses’ reminder in Deuteronomy 8, verses 17-8 still applies to us today: ´:KHQ \RX EHFRPHVXFFHVVIXOGRQ·WVD\´,·P ULFKDQG,·YHHDUQHGLWDOOP\VHOIµ ,QVWHDG UHPHPEHU WKDW WKH /RUG \RXU *RG JLYHV \RX WKH VWUHQJWK WRPDNHDOLYLQJµ As you gather with your family and friends this thanksgiving; and as you enjoy the abundant feast of food and drinks, think about the past and remember the people who have helped you along the way, people who loved you and gave their time to you, people who encouraged you and prayed for you. Thank and praise the Lord for them. Last, but not least, thank the Lord for everything that He had provided to you in the past, things He is doing at the present time, and favors that He will grant you in the future. Thanksgiving is timeless. It is not limited by time and space. As you remember the past and give thanks to the Lord, I pray that you will enjoy the blessings of peace and joy in the present time. Have a blessed Thanksgiving! We invite you to join us in our Sunday morning worship at 9:00. We are Silver Lake Foursquare Church, also known as, Open Door Christian Fellowship. We are located at 2808 W. Temple St. Los Angeles, CA 90026. See you there? World leaders pledge... (From Page 1) between discussions of how best to defeat IS and how to deal with the migrant crisis stemming from Syria’s civil war. Absent from the talks was French President Francois Hollande. He canceled his trip after the elaborately coordinated assault on a stadium, a concert hall and cafes in the French capital. Russian President Vladimir Putin, meanwhile, called on nations to pool their efforts to combat terrorism, adding that the ÀJKW PXVW UHVSHFW LQWHUQDWLRQDO law, the U.N. Charter and each nation’s sovereign rights and interests. “We understand very well that it’s only possible to deal with the terror threat and help millions of people who lost their homes by combining efforts of the entire global community,” Putin said. On the sidelines of the summit, Obama and Putin held a rare but informal sit-down spanning more than half an hour. The White House said they discussed a new proposal to end Syria’s civil war and Obama’s hope that Russia’s airstrikes in Syria will focus on ,6QRWRSSRVLWLRQJURXSVÀJKWLQJ Syrian President Bashar Assad. On video provided by host country Turkey, the two leaders could be spotted leaning in close to one another and chatting in casual fashion. Broaching another tense topic, Obama renewed his call for Russia to withdraw forces, weapons and support for pro-Russian rebels in Ukraine, the White House said. In addition to the terror threat, this year’s G-20 agenda also included efforts to hasten global economic growth, with a particular focus on addressing the effects of China’s economic slowdown. In a GUDIWRIWKHÀQDO*FRPPXQLTXH obtained by The Associated Press, leaders renewed their goal to grow their collective GDP by another 2 percent by 2018. Opening the G-20 meeting, Erdogan said incidents like the Paris massacre have “shown that the relationship between the economy and security cannot be ignored,” and he cited Syria as the clearest example. Likewise, European Union leader Donald Tusk called for a show of “full determination” against terrorism and urged cooperation to prevent terror financing — a step that nations have already been pursuing for more than a year. In a fresh reminder of the Islamic State’s expanding capacity to wreak havoc, five Turkish police officers were injured Sunday when a suicide bomber blew himself up during a police raid on a suspected IS hideout near the Syrian border. Turkish security forces also rounded up 20 suspected IS militants in and around Antalya in the run-up to the G-20. Ye t b e y o n d s w e e p i n g condemnations of IS, leaders have yet to float new, specific SURSRVDOVIRULQWHQVLI\LQJWKHÀJKW following the Paris attacks. The U.S. and coalition partners have been bombing IS in Iraq and Syria for more than a year with limited success, and Obama has been reluctant to get pulled deeper into WKHFRQÁLFW Asked whether he would consider additional action against IS, Obama wouldn’t tip his hand. SCRIPTURE: Psalm 91:1-4 (NLT) “Those who live in the shelter of the Most High will find rest in the shadow of the Almighty. This I declare about the Lord: He alone is my refuge, my place of safety; He is my God, and I trust Him. For He will secure you from every trap and protect you from deadly disease. He will cover you with His feathers. He will shelter you with His wings. His faithful promises are your armor and protection.” God is a shelter, a refuge when we are afraid. God almighty is our protector and he’ll carry us through the dangers and fears of life. By entrusting ourselves to His protection and pledging our daily devotion to Him, we will be kept safe. Sometimes when its winter time it caused us to come inside of our homes, and pick up a good book, sit up next to a roaring ÀUHLQWKHÀUHSODFHDQGFRYHUXS with a warm blanket. God Has Sovereign Purpose: God offers you a warm blanket of +LVVHFXULW\$QGWKHÀUVWVWHSWR having that security is to realize God’s sovereign purpose. God has a purpose in calling you to salvation. Did you know that your salvation did not begin with you? It began with God. If it began with you, you might lose it, but since it began with God, you can never lose it. Philippians 1:6 (NLT) says, “And I am certain that God, who began the good work within you, ALL FOR JESUS will continue His work until it is ÀQDOO\ÀQLVKHGRQWKHGD\ZKHQ Christ Jesus returns.” God Is At Work In You: Do you have dreams that have not yet come to pass? Are you standing on God’s promises for your health, ÀQDQFHVUHODWLRQVKLS".QRZWKLV of your faith. And that means He’s working behind the scenes on your behalf. Anything He begins, any dream He puts in your heart, +HLVZHOODEOHWRÀQLVKLW Stand strong on this promise. %HFRQÀGHQWHYHQZKHQLWORRNV like it’s not going to happen. No matter how long it takes, stay in faith and keep your hopes up God loves the lost because God has promised to but the save are His ÀQLVK WKH JRRG ZRUN +H VWDUWHG beloved. You are in His in your life. In John 6:37,39 powerful hands. Jesus (NASB), Jesus says, “All the Father gives Me shall come to protects His people Me; and the one who comes to Me from eternal harm. will certainly not cast out. And You’re safe and secure Ithis is the will of Him who sent Satan can’t harm you. Me, that of all that He has given Me I lose nothing, but raise it up God is a God of completion. He on the last day.” Jesus said He would not lose ZDQWVWRÀQLVKZKDW+H·VVWDUWHG in your life. No matter how long even one person whom the Father you’ve been praying, don’t let the had given Him. Therefore, anyone enemy tempt you into thinking who makes a sincere commitment that it’s never going to happen. Be to believe in Jesus Christ as Savior encouraged today because God is and Lord is secure in God’s (Please turn to Page 7) called the Author and the Finisher 6 PHILIPPINE TRIBUNE November 19-25, 2015 www.thephilippinetribune.com Russia wants military pact with PH US President Barack Obama speaks to reporters after touring the BRP Gregorio del Pilar in Manila, Philippines, Tuesday, Nov. 17, 2015. Obama assures... (From Page 1) It was during the said visit that Obama promised to hand over two ships—a US Coast Guard cutter and a research vessel—to help boost Philippine maritime security. Obama said the pair of ships – a US Coast Guard cutter and a research vessel to map out local territorial waters – were part of a broader American plan to scale up assistance to naval forces in Southeast Asia, where coastal nations feel threatened by China’s aggressive moves to assert control over the South China Sea. He said the transfer of the two vessels is part of his country’s larger plan to support its allies and partners across the region, including the Philippines. President Benigno Aquino III on Wednesday thanked the US for its military support. Communications Secretary Herminio Coloma Jr. told Palace reporters that Aquino expressed his gratitude to US President Barack Obama “for foreign PLOLWDU\ÀQDQFLQJDVVLVWDQFHDQG for supporting the construction of the National Coast Watch Center.” Aquino and Obama met at 6RÀWHO3KLOLSSLQH3OD]DLQ0DQLOD on Wednesday morning for a bilateral meeting. “[President Aquino] also welcomed the proposed Southeast Asia Maritime Security Initiative on assistance to help PH improve its maritime security capabilities,” Coloma said. “We intend to transfer two additional ships to the Philippine Navy – a research vessel to help man its territorial waters and another Coast Guard cutter to bolster the Navy’s ability to conduct long endurance patrols,” Obama said during his visit to the Philippine Navy ship BRP Gregorio del Pilar in Manila on Tuesday. “More capable navies and partnership with the United States are critical for the security of this region,” he added. Obama made the announcement amid the ongoing territorial dispute in the South China Sea. Reports said the US is scaling up assistance to naval forces in the region where there have been disputes due to overlapping claims in parts of South China Sea. China, specifically, has been criticized for constructing DUWLÀFLDOLVODQGVLQDUHDVFODLPHG by its neighboring countries. Obama said he and Aquino d i s c u s s e d C h i n a ’s l a n d reclamation. “We agreed on steps to lower tension including pledging to halt further reclamation and construction and militarization in disputed areas in South China Sea,” he said. The US President said he agreed with the Philippine government’s thrust to pursue arbitration to clarify issues pertaining to the West Philippine Sea. IT PAYS TO ADVERTISE Call (562) 865-5620 MANILA -- Russian Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev on Wednesday said his government wants to work closely with the Philippine military. “PM says Russia also seeks to open avenues for military and defense cooperation similar to their existing agreements with adjacent states,” Communications Secretary Herminio Coloma Jr. said in a text statement. President Benigno Aquino III and Medvedev held a bilateral meeting on the sidelines of the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (Apec) Summit in Manila. PH 11th in terrorism index MANILA - The Philippines ranked 11th out of 162 countries in terms of the impact of terrorism in the Global Terrorism Index 2015, a tool that analyzes the trends in terrorist activities worldwide. T h e c o u n t r y ’s r a n k i n g improved from 9th in 2014 as it saw a decrease in the number of deaths related to terrorism. The Philippines experienced 378 terrorism incidents last year that left 240 persons dead and 367 others injured. A total of 529 properties were damaged because of the atrocities. The number of terrorismrelated fatalities, nevertheless, went down by 18 percent to 240 in 2014 from 291 in 2013, according to the Global Peace Index 2015 report. “Terrorism in the Philippines is intrinsically tied with nationalist and separatist claims by people living in provinces in southern Philippines,” the report read. “The largest individual group was the New People’s Army (NPA), a communist organization, which claimed responsibility for 32 percent of deaths in 2014,” it added. The Philippines’ ranking was the second highest among Southeast Asian countries covered by the report. It was a notch lower than Thailand (10th) but higher than that of Indonesia (33rd), Myanmar (41st), Malaysia (49th), Cambodia (113th), Laos (121st), Singapore, Timor Leste and Vietnam (tied at 124th). The Philippines’ terrorism index score went down slightly to 7.27 from 7.29 previously. Coloma said Medvedev “wants to intensify bilateral ties at diplomatic, business and entrepreneurial fronts.” While the two countries have maintained diplomatic ties for almost 40 years, the Philippines is known as a close ally of the United States, which has strained relations with Russia over the Ukrainian crisis and the Syrian civil war. Nevertheless, Aquino invited Russia to expand its trade in the industries of information technology-business process outsourcing, processed and specialty food, energy and renewables, design-driven products and aerospace. “[President Aquino] cited great potential offered by large scale public and private sector contracts, such as AG&P’s participation in Yamal LNG project in Far East,” Coloma said. He said Medvedev also congratulated Aquino for the “impressive performance” of the Philippine economy and that Russia is interested in economic cooperation in energy, telecommunications and transport infrastructure. Aquino and Medvedev witnessed the signing of an agreement on the Establishment of a Philippines-Russia Joint Commission on Trade and Economic Cooperation, which will facilitate and promote trade between the Philippines and Russia. The two countries will identify measures to facilitate bilateral trade and investments. “The Agreement envisions the participation of the private sector and business community, as well DV H[SHUWV LQ WKH HFRQRPLF ÀHOG to complement governmental efforts to bolster PhilippinesRussia economic cooperation,” a Malacañang statement said. Also signed before the two leaders was a memorandum between the Philippine Drug Enforcement Agency and the Federal Service of the Russian )HGHUDWLRQ IRU 1DUFRWLFV 7UDIÀF Control on Cooperation in Combating New Psychoactive Substances. In line with a 2007 agreement against trafficking of narcotic drugs, the memorandum aims to strengthen the cooperation between the two countries in combatting the production, spread and abuse of psychoactive substances. Russian President Vladimir Putin was supposed to attend the Apec Summit but begged off as Medvedev was also attending meetings in the region. The world has to ¿ght... (From Page 4) Nigeria-based Boko Haram has killed more than 17,000 people since 2009, including 10,000 in 2014. It has also carried out mass abductions, including the kidnapping of 276 schoolgirls in April 2014. In April this year, another Islamic extremist group, the Somalia-based Al Shabaab militant group killed 147 people and wounded scores of others at a Kenyan university, the highest death toll on Kenyan soil since the US Embassy in Nairobi was bombed in 1998, resulting in the death of more than 200 people. There are more Islamic extremist groups that are sowing terror all over the world. These include the Haqqani Network and the Taliban in Afghanistan and Pakistan, the Kataib Hezzbolah in Iraq, the Jemaah Islamiyah which has cells in Indonesia, Malaysia, Singapore and the Philippines, and the Abu Sayyaf in Mindanao. The world’s leaders have three opportunities this month to pool their resources and come together with a coordinated action against the ISIS and other terror groups in their bases of operation, particularly in Syria and Iraq, and against terror cells operating throughout the world, particularly in the United States and in Europe. These barbaric extremists that President Obama called “the face of evil” have declared war against humanity and civilization. They don’t care about human lives and celebrate death and terror. 7KHZRUOGKDVWRÀJKWEDFNDQG remove this scourge from the face of the earth. (valabelgas@aol.com) 7 PHILIPPINE TRIBUNE www.thephilippinetribune.com November 19-25, 2015 Islamic State threatens attack on Washington, other countries Members of the Philippine National Police block protesters at Buendia Avenue in Pasay City on Monday. The group tried to break through the police barricade to protest the ongoing Asia 3DFL¿F(FRQRPLF&RRSHUDWLRQVXPPLWLQ0DQLOD Lumads, Catholic Church leaders slam APEC meet MANILA -- Members of the lumad and the Church lit up their candles on Wednesday evening at Redemptorist Church in Baclaran to express their “burning resistance” to the ongoing Asia Pacific Economic Cooperation summit. It was also to show solidarity with people who are victims of militarization and plunder, said Kerlan Fanagel, community leader of the Blaan tribe and chairperson of Pasaka (Lumad organization in Southern Mindanao). “Walang maidudulot ang Apec. Ito ay sistematikong patuloy na pang-aagaw ng lupain at yaman ng mga ninuno, he said. The policies in Apec are not for the Filipinos but for globalization and privatization of entities, he said. “Wala na tayong hawak or kontrol ’pag may de regulasyon,” he said. Some 50 leaders of the Church and Lumad leaders marched a few meters from Baclaran church and took part in climbing the bell tower to unveil streamers and tarpaulin bearing messages of protests against the Apec summit. Fanagel said that this resistance is not by the lumad alone, but with the broad population of the Filipino people. The lumad members who are part of the Manilakbayan 2015, a protest caravan, were moved to Baclaran Church after their permit to rally was cut off by the government. They are set to stage another rally against Apec on Thursday to assert their right to freedom of expression. Father Teody Holgado, head priest of Baclaran Church, condemned the killings of the lumads. Some lawmakers are questioning the Aquino administration’s decision to hold the world leaders’ meeting in Metro Manila. “It’s definitely a mistake. The whole metropolis will be practically shut down for nearly one week; flights canceled, affecting over a hundred thousand passengers; businesses forced to take on losses; workers deprived of nearly one week’s pay,” said Alliance of Concerned Teachers Rep. Antonio Tinio. Kabataan Rep. Terry Ridon said that showcasing Manila’s KHOOLVKWUDIÀFWR$SHFOHDGHUVZDV an embarrassment to the country. Bayan Muna Rep. Neri Colmenares said that no matter how much the government spent IRUSUHSDUDWLRQVWUDIÀFFRQWLQXHG to be horrible and the trains remained unreliable. CAIRO - Islamic State warned in a new video on Monday that countries taking part in air strikes against Syria would suffer the same fate as France, and threatened to attack in Washington. The video, which appeared on a site used by Islamic State to post its messages, begins with news footage of the aftermath of Friday’s Paris shootings in which at least 129 people were killed. The message to countries involved in what it called the “crusader campaign” was delivered by a man dressed in fatigues and a turban, and identified in subtitles as Al Ghareeb the Algerian. “We say to the states that take part in the crusader campaign that, by God, you will have a day, God willing, like France’s and by God, as we struck France in the center of its abode in Paris, then we swear that we will strike America at its center in Washington,” the man said. It was not immediately possible to verify the authenticity of the video, which purports to be the ZRUNRI,VODPLF6WDWHÀJKWHUVLQ the Iraqi province of Salahuddine, north of Baghdad. The French government has called the Paris attacks an act of war and said it would not end its air strikes against Islamic State in Syria and Iraq. )UHQFK ÀJKWHU MHWV ODXQFKHG their biggest raids in Syria to date on Sunday targeting the Islamic State’s stronghold in the city of Raqqa. The operation was carried out in coordination with U.S. forces. Police raided homes of suspected Islamist militants across France overnight following the Paris attacks. “Al Ghareeb the Algerian” also warned Europe in the video that more attacks were coming. “I say to the European countries that we are coming, coming with booby traps and explosives, coming with explosive belts and (gun) silencers and you will be unable to stop us because today we are much stronger than before,” he said. Apparently referring to international talks to end the 6\ULDQZDUDQRWKHUPDQLGHQWLÀHG in the video as Al Karrar the Iraqi tells French President Francois Hollande “we have decided to negotiate with you in the trenches and not in the hotels.” The believer’s security blanket (From Page 5) promise of eternal life. Christ will not let His people overcome by Satan and lose their salvation. God’s Special People: God loves the lost, but the saved are His beloved. You might say, “But what’s the difference?” You may have many friends, but only one spouse. And that person is your beloved. You are in a covenant relationship with that person for the rest of your life. In the same way, we are in covenant relationship with God for all eternity when we are saved. If you are a child of God, there is nothing you can do to make God love you more. And there’s nothing you can do to make Him love you less. Jesus prayed to His Father, “That the world may know that You have sent Me, and have loved them as You have loved Me,” John 17:23b. And how does God love you? As He loves Jesus. You are in the Beloved and God loves you as He loves His only Son. God’s Strong Power: Jesus said, “And I give them eternal life; and they shall never perish, neither shall any man pluck them out of My hand,” John 10:28 (KJV). You are in His powerful hands. Just as a shepherd protects his sheep, Jesus protects His people from eternal harm. While believers can expect to suffer on earth, Satan cannot harm their souls or take away their eternal life with God. There are many reasons to be afraid here on earth because this is the devil’s domain. But if you choose to follow Jesus, He will give you everlasting safety. Jude 1:24 says that God is able to keep you from falling and to present you faultless when you appear before Him in glory. You are secure because you are called by God’s sovereign purpose, chosen in God’s special people, and covered by God’s strong power. Now, that’s a blanket of security to curl up in anytime – winter or summer. Finally… Guard Your Heart: “Keep and guard your heart with all YLJLODQFHIRURXWRILWÁRZVWKH springs of life,” Proverbs 4:23. God is constantly trying to plant new seeds of victory inside of you, and your heart is the soil for those seeds. If you harbor bitterness, jealousy, or pride in your heart, those seeds won’t be able to take root and develop in your life. Jesus told the story of how the enemy comes to steal the seed of God’s Word through temptations, cares, and anxieties. But you are good ground for the seed of the Word when you guard your heart by standing and believing that God’s promises will come to pass, even when the circumstances don’t agree. Don’t allow discouragement to affect your faith. Stand and guard your heart, knowing that through faith and patience, you will inherit all of God’s promises for your life! If you want to learn more, you’re cordially invited to join us in one of our meetings. In the meantime pray this prayer: “Dear God, I am a sinner and need forgiveness. I trust Jesus Christ alone as my Savior. Come into my heart Lord Jesus, and thank you for the forgiveness and everlasting life I now have. In your Name I pray, amen.” Call me when you’ve done this step. Come and visit us. WORSHIP AND BIBLE STUDY SCHEDULE: Sunday @ 9:00 a.m. & 6:00 p.m. Wednesday & Thursday @ 7:00 p.m. Call 562-896-0107 and let us know you’re coming. ALL FOR JESUS MINISTRIES 10356 Monterey 6WUHHW%HOOÁRZHU&$ 8 PHILIPPINE TRIBUNE November 19-25, 2015 www.thephilippinetribune.com APEC leaders to issue statement on terror attacks MANILA - Leaders of the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) forum plan to condemn the terrorist attacks in Paris in a joint statement to be issued at the end of their meeting this week. “We strongly condemn these atrocities that demand a united voice from the global community. :HWKHUHIRUHUHDIÀUPRXUVWURQJ collective resolve to counter terrorism,” the draft statement reads. Foreign Affairs Secretary Albert del Rosario said the APEC ministers expressed their condolences to the families of the victims of the multiple coordinated attacks in Paris. “There was a call for unity of nations and peoples and there was additionally a call for bringing to justice those who perpetuated the horrific developments in Paris,” del Rosario said in a press conference. “Each minister who spoke started with the commentary on the terrorist attacks in Paris. It’s contained in the minutes,” he said. A joint statement detailing new actions for advancing an Asia3DFLÀFHFRQRPLFJURZWKDJHQGD was issued by ministers from the 21 APEC member-economies following the conclusion of the 2015 APEC Ministerial Meeting yesterday in Manila. The 2015 APEC Ministerial Meeting was co-chaired by del Rosario and Trade and Industry Secretary Gregory Domingo. It will be followed by the continuation of the 2015 APEC CEO Summit today and the 2015 APEC Economic Leaders’ President Aquino III walks with 0HHWLQJRQ1RYDQG Chilean President Michelle Bachelet (C), China President Xi Jinping (front R), Hong Kong Chief Executive LeungC(From Page 1) hun-ying (back L) and Mexico elections. For her part, Binay she said she President Enrique Peña Nieto born Filipino as required by the sided with the three SC justices (back R). Constitution. Since Poe has not yet found her based on the Constitution and the real parents after conducting DNA evidence presented. She said her decision favoring tests on probable relatives, the SC justices said she remains to be a David’s petition had nothing to do (From Page 1) with politics. naturalized Filipino. David said he would question Arrojado, commander of the Joint Poe lauded the SET decision, 7DVN*URXS6XOXFRQÀUPHG7KHQ saying it is a victory for all the SET ruling before the high was beheaded. tribunal. foundlings in the Philippines. Sources from the military and “I will file a petition for She said it’s a good start for her social workers in the Philippines DPLGWKHSHQGLQJGLVTXDOLÀFDWLRQ certiorari before the SC next DUH LQGLFDWLQJ WKDW WKH \HDU cases filed against her before week,” he said. David said the camp of Poe old electrical engineer was killed the Commission on Elections by the Abu Sayyaf gunmen who (Comelec) to stop her from should not rejoice yet since three were being pursued by Philippine SC justices ruled in favor of his seeking the presidency in 2016. military in the Butaran Hill area She remains hopeful that petition. “The decision of the five around Indanan village in Jolo WKH RWKHU GLVTXDOLÀFDWLRQ FDVHV senators smacked of political Island. against her will be dismissed. According to Jolo-based social Poe thanked her colleagues accommodation,” he said. Poe’s lawyer George Garcia workers, the Abu Sayyaf plan for recognizing the votes of the to release a video of the alleged Filipino people who voted her into welcomed David’s decision to beheading soon. seek SC relief, saying the high RIÀFHLQ They said they received news Poe refused to comment on court would be in a better position of the beheading, but could not Senator Binay, whose father, to interpret the provisions of the FRQÀUPZKLFK$EX6D\\DIOHDGHU Vice President Jejomar Binay, is Constitution. carried out the killing. running against her in the 2016 The group holding Then was led by Indang Susukan. So far, Philippines officials KDYHQRWFRQÀUPHGWKHLQFLGHQW MANILA— At least 14 Riyadh has received a sketchy Sabah Police Commissioner Filipinos were killed and scores information about the accident. Datuk Jalaluddin Abdul Rahman He said that initial information said that they have yet to receive were wounded on Monday afternoon when a coaster van the Philippine embassy obtained any word about Then, who was they were riding in collided from the company where the grabbed along with restaurant with a delivery truck in Saudi victims worked for, the OFWs manager Thien Nyuk Fun, 50, Arabia, the Department of Foreign were in a coaster van on their from Ocean King Seafood $IIDLUV FRQÀUPHG LQ 0DQLOD RQ way to their accommodation in Restaurant in Sandakan on May Al-Ahsa, a province in the Eastern 15. Wednesday. Assistant Secretary Charles Region of Saudi Arabia, from Thien was released on Nov Jose, spokesperson for the DFA, their work site when the accident 8 by the gunmen and is back in said the Philippine embassy in happened. Sandakan. Poe wins SET case on... Abu... 14 OFWs dead in Saudi mishap Can PH defend her... (From Page 4) Saranac Lake, New York. He must have believed that given enough time, the Filipinos would eventually become adept at selfgovernment. That’s how much FRQÀGHQFHKHKDGRQWKHDELOLW\RI Filipinos to chart their own future. But he was wrong. Foreign aggression Seventy years after gaining her independence, the Philippines is still being ran like hell, and the Filipinos are still struggling in learning how to govern. Sad to say, the elected politicians today are more interested in enriching themselves than serving the people. Corruption has become the norm, and honesty the exception. And what is indeed very disheartening is that the Philippines doesn’t have the capability to defend her territory from foreign aggression. And the U.S. has not been willing to get involved, claiming neutrality, in the territorial disputes between the Philippines and China. It was only recently that the U.S. challenged China’s 12-mile territorial boundary around those Chinese man-made islands by sending a guided-missile destroyer to within 12 miles of the reclaimed reefs in what was called a “Freedom of Navigation Operation” (FONOP). However, it is not anticipated that the “innocent passage” conducted by the USS Lassen would result in China dismantling her man-made islands. On the contrary, China WKUHDWHQHGWREXLOGPRUHDUWLÀFLDO islands around reefs within the Philippines’ exclusive economic zone (EEZ). And this brings to fore the question: What does it take for China to intrude into the Philippines’ peripheral territories like the Batanes group of islands, Kalayaan Group of islands, and Tawi-Tawi archipelago? With a navy with no warships and an air force with no warplanes, there is no way the Philippines can defend her territories from Chinese invasion whose military forces are second only to the U.S. And should the Philippines invoke the U.S.-Philippines Mutual Defense Treaty (MDT), it is doubtful if the U.S. would automatically and immediately send an expeditionary force to defend the Philippines. The question is: Would the U.S. honor the MDT? When the Philippines rejected the renewal of the U.S. Bases Agreement, many constitutionalists were of the opinion that the eviction would result in the de facto rescission of the MDT. Besides, how can the U.S. defend Philippine territory when she has no basing rights in the Philippines, which is fundamental to any defense treaty? EDCA challenged On April 28, 2014, the U.S. and the Philippines executed an Enhanced Defense Cooperation Agreement (EDCA), which would allow the “U.S. forces access to and use of designated areas and facilities owned and controlled by the Armed Forces of the Philippines at the invitation of the Philippine Government. It contains clear provision that the U.S. will not establish a permanent military presence or base in the Philippines and a prohibition of entry to the Philippines of nuclear weapons. The EDCA has an initial term of ten years, and thereafter will continue in force until terminated by either party after having given a one-year notice of intention to terminate.” However, the EDCA would provide what the MDT would have provided. But no sooner had the EDCA been executed than QDWLRQDOLVWDQGOHIWLVWJURXSVÀOHG petitions with the Supreme Court challenging the constitutionality of EDCA. After lingering in the High Court for over a year, it was reported in the news that the court will soon rule to uphold the constitutionality of EDCA before President Barack Obama arrives in Manila for the APEC summit on November 18, 2015. That’s the good news. But the bad news is the Philippine Senate last November 10 passed Resolution 1414 or a “Resolution expressing the strong sense of the Senate that any treaty UDWLÀHG E\ WKH 3UHVLGHQW RI WKH Philippines should be concurred in by the Senate, otherwise the treaty becomes invalid and ineffective.” The resolution was sponsored by Sen. Miriam Defensor Santiago and co-sponsored by 12 other senators. She said that the EDCA is a prohibited treaty of “foreign military bases, troops or facilities,” which the Philippine Constitution allows only with the concurrence of the Senate under Article 18, Section 25. Déjà vu If Senate Resolution 1414 prevails with the failure of the Supreme Court to declare EDCA as constitutionally legal, then it’s déjà vu all over again. With EDCA gone and the MDT unenforceable, the only treaty that binds the U.S. and the Philippines would be the Visiting Forces Agreement (VFA), which is under siege by nationalist and leftist lawmakers. Interestingly, the Supreme Court had ruled that it is constitutional not once, but twice. But it is expected in due time that the VFA will go away, too; thus, ending the special relationship between the U.S. and the Philippines that lasted more than a century. With the Philippines feeling the heat of the Chinese dragon breathing down her neck, can she defend her sovereignty? (PerryDiaz@gmail.com) 9 PHILIPPINE TRIBUNE www.thephilippinetribune.com HOMELAND NEWS BRIEFS Aquino ally insists on probe into unused Yolanda funds PH top recipient of US naval aid among Asian countries MANILA -- The Philippines is the top recipient of maritime security assistance from the United States for its Asian allies, the White House revealed. “The Philippines remains the largest recipient of maritime security assistance, and will receive a record $79 million in bilateral assistance of the FY 2015 funds allocated for developing Southeast Asian maritime capabilities,” it said in a statement following US President Obama’s visit to a Philippine warship shortly after his arrival on Tuesday. In his speech after his short tour to BRP Gregorio del Pilar, a frigate which represents Philippine resistance to China after a standoff in the South China Sea in 2012 and a one-time US Coast Guard vessel, Obama said Aquino to attend Paris meet they are donating two more ships MANILA – The terrorist attacks in France notwithstanding, for the Philippine Navy. The White House said that the President Aquino said Monday he was all set to attend a crucial climate two ships are US Coast Guard change summit in Paris at the end of the month. Mr. Aquino mentioned his trip to Paris during a dialogue at the Asia- Cutter Boutwell, the same class 3DFLÀF(FRQRPLF&RQIHUHQFH$SHF&(26XPPLWDVKHDQVZHUHGD as Del Pilar, intended to bolster question from CNN’s Andrew Stevens if he still wanted to pursue his Philippine maritime presence and patrols in its waters; and advocacies after his presidency. “I have said I want to take vacations,” the President said, drawing R/V Melville, to support naval laughter from his audience of more than 1,000, comprised mainly of research and law enforcement capabilities. WKH$VLD3DFLÀF·VEXVLQHVVOHDGHUV “We will continue to support 7KHQKHHQXPHUDWHGKLVJUXHOLQJVFKHGXOHLQWKHÀQDOPRQWKVRI t h e N a t i o n a l C o a s t Wa t c h his presidency, which will end on June 30 next year. System and assist the Philippines He said that after hosting the Apec summit, he would be heading to the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (Asean) summit in Kuala Lumpur “and then COP21.” Mr. Aquino also said he would have two more state visits but did not mention the countries he would be visiting. MANILA - President Aquino The Islamic State group attacked Paris on the night of has signed into law a bill seeking Nov. 13, killing over 130 people in at least six sites in the city. French to prevent the proliferation of President François Hollande vowed that France would be “ruthless” weapons of mass destruction against the Islamic extremists. (WMD) in the Philippines. More than a 100 world leaders are expected to attend the meeting Republic Act 10697, the of the 21st Conference of Parties (COP21) where negotiations would Strategic Trade Management Act take place to reach a binding agreement to limit global warming (STMA), aims to stop the spread to 2 degrees Celsius (3.6 degrees Fahrenheit) above pre-Industrial of WMD through responsible Revolution levels. management of strategic goods and the provisions of related services in trade and investment. OFW in tanim bala mess rehired Strategic goods refer MANILA -- Gloria Ortinez, a victim of “tanim-bala” who lost her to products that, for security job in Hong Kong because of the incident, has been rehired. reasons or due to international Her employer reconsidered the decision to terminate Ortinez after an agreements, are considered to be emotional meeting between the nanny and her 13-year-old ward when of such military importance that she was at her employer’s apartment last Sunday, Susan Ople, president their export is either prohibited of the Blas F. Ople Policy Center, disclosed in a phone interview. DOWRJHWKHU RU VXEMHFW WR VSHFLÀF ´7KHHPSOR\HU·VVRQZHQWWRWKHJURXQGÁRRURIWKHEXLOGLQJZLWKRXW conditions. his mother’s knowledge to bid his ‘yaya’ goodbye,” Ople said. “Her The law was signed in son cried the whole night and refused to eat breakfast the next day,” she added. Moved by the incident, the employer met with Ortinez last Monday before she returned to the Philippines. ´,WZDVWKHÀUVWWLPHWKH\GLVFXVVHGWKHLQFLGHQWIDFHWRIDFHDQG the employer expressed sympathy over what the OFW went through,” Ople said. MANILA – Even a staunch ally wants the Aquino administration to explain why P1.6 billion in disaster funds had remained idle in banks for two years after Supertyphoon “Yolanda” (international name: Haiyan) struck the Visayas. 0XQWLQOXSD5HS5RGROIR%LD]RQKDVÀOHG+RXVH5HVROXWLRQ1R 2496 asking the appropriate committees to conduct an inquiry in aid of legislation into the unused funds meant for the relief and rehabilitation of Yolanda victims. “This huge amount if properly utilized could have and could still address the various needs of disaster victims and help in their recovery and in the reconstruction of their communities,” Biazon said in his explanatory note. Biazon said the agencies tasked to use these funds should be made to explain why their use had been delayed. According to Biazon, six agencies were found by the Commission of Audit to have kept their disaster funds in banks rather than use them for their intended purpose. Bayan Muna Rep. Neri Colmenares and Leyte Rep. Martin Romualdez had called on House leaders to conduct a probe into the unused Yolanda funds. Had House leaders heeded calls for a probe as early as last year, the funds would have been fully utilized by this time, Colmenares said. November 19-25, 2015 BRP Gregorio del Pilar through the Global Security Contingency Fund (GSCF), building capacity in Philippine maritime vessel maintenance, training, law enforcement support, and intelligence assistance to expand the country’s ability to detect, track, and interdict where necessary criminal and terrorist elements involved in the smuggling of sensitive items and illicit goods,” the White House also said. The Philippines should also expect “increased and more complex exercises and training” with the United States for better interoperability and professionalization. In his visit, Obama made no mention of China but touring a Philippine naval vessel as his ÀUVWVWRSLVDFOHDUPHVVDJHWKDW regional maritime security is a priority of the United States. China claims most parts of the South China Sea and has asserted its rights by building artificial islands in several reefs. The US is one of the countries against this aggressive moves and insists on freedom of navigation. The Philippines, meanwhile, filed an arbitration case in a United Nations-backed court in 2013. Recently, the same court ruled that it has jurisdiction over the case. Hearings will be set later this month. Aquino signs law vs. weapons of mass destruction compliance with the Philippines’ foreign policy and national security interests and to support efforts to counter terrorism, control crime and safeguard public safety. A Strategic Trade Management Committee under the National Security Council was created as a policy body that would regulate trade and management of strategic goods. The law covers any natural or juridical person operating within the country engaged or intends to engage in the export of strategic goods and the re-export of strategic goods that have been imported from the Philippines to a foreign country. A person caught engaging in such activity shall face imprisonment for a period from six years and one day to 12 years DQGDÀQHIURP3PLOOLRQWR3 million. The Senate passed the STMA on Aug. 17, which amended Bill No. 5822 of the House of Representatives. The Philippines has joined other Asian countries with STM laws, including South Korea, Hong Kong, Taiwan, Singapore, Malaysia, India, Pakistan, Australia, New Zealand and China. Aquino also signed into law RA 10698, the Naval Architecture Law to regulate and modernize the practice of naval architecture to develop and nurture globally competitive Filipino naval architects. 10 PHILIPPINE TRIBUNE (17(57$,10(17 Karen Davila’s interview with Alma Moreno sets Twitter abuzz 6DP0LOE\RSHQVXSRQ IHHOLQJVIRU0DMD DVNHGDERXWKHUIXWXUHSODQVLIVKH ZLQVWKHVHQDWRULDOUDFH ´$UH \RX IRU WKH 5HSURGXFWLYH +HDOWK/DZ"µ'DYLODDVNHG ´2R QDPDQµ 0RUHQR ODXJKLQJO\ UHSOLHG ´<HVLQDOOIRUPVRU\HVZLWKUHV HUYDWLRQV"µ'DYLODIXUWKHUDVNHG 0RUHQRODXJKHGEHIRUHDQVZHULQJ ´<HVZLWKUHVHUYDWLRQVµ ´7KHQZKDWDUH\RXUUHVHUYD WLRQV"µ'DYLODDVNHG ´.DLODQJDQ SD EDQJ VDJXWLQ"µ 0RUHQRDVNHG ´2IFRXUVH\RXDUHUXQQLQJ IRUWKH6HQDWHµ'DYLODUHSOLHG 7KH LQWHUYLHZ DLUHG RQ ´+HDG VWDUWµ 'DYLOD·V PRUQLQJ WDON VKRZLQ$1&ODVWZHHN 0RUHQRLVSDUWRI9LFH3UHVLGHQW -HMRPDU %LQD\·V VHQDWRULDO OLQHXS XQGHU WKH 8QLWHG 1DWLRQDOLVW$OOL DQFH81$ $OPD0RUHQRDQG.DUHQ'DYLOD $IWHUZDWFKLQJWKHLQWHUYLHZ )250(5VH[\VWDUDQGQRZVHQD YLHZZLWK$1&KRVW.DUHQ'DYLOD QHWL]HQV VKDUHG WKHLU UHDFWLRQV RQ WRULDOFDQGLGDWH$OPD0RUHQRÀQGV ZHQWYLUDORQVRFLDOPHGLD 7ZLWWHU ZLWK VRPH XUJLQJ KHU WR KHUVHOILQWKHKRWVHDWDIWHUKHULQWHU ,QWKHLQWHUYLHZ0RUHQRZDV ZLWKGUDZKHUVHQDWRULDOELG 6$0 0LOE\ ÀQDOO\ EURNH KLV VL OHQFHRQUHSRUWVURPDQWLFDOO\OLQN LQJ KLP WR 0DMD 6DOYDGRU GHVSLWH KLVUHFHQWDGPLVVLRQWKDWKHLVFXU UHQWO\LQWHUHVWHGLQVRPHRQHZKRLV QRWIURPVKRZEL] $SSHDULQJ RQ ´.ULV 79µ RQ 0RQGD\0LOE\UHYHDOHGWKHUHZDV LQGHHG D WLPH ZKHQ KH ZDV LQWHU HVWHGLQ6DOYDGRU ´:H·YHEHHQIULHQGVIRUWKHORQ JHVWWLPH,GRQ·WNQRZ>ZK\ZHDUH EHLQJOLQNHGQRZ@µKHVDLG´1DJ SDUDPGDP DNR VD NDQ\D , UHDOO\ GLG,PDGHKHUIHHOQD,ZDVLQWHU HVWHGDQG,GLGOLNHKHUµ $VNHG ZKHQ GLG WKLV KDSSHQ 0LOE\VDLG´0JDWKUHH\HDUVDJR ,WZDVEHIRUH*HUDOGµ November 19-25, 2015 $FFRUGLQJWR0LOE\KHOLNHVWKDW 6DOYDGRULVD´UHDOSHUVRQµZKRKH FDQWDONWRDERXWDQ\WKLQJ ´6L0DMDLVUHDOO\VRPHRQHWKDW ,UHDOO\UHDOO\DGPLUH<RXFDQWDON WRDQ\ERG\LQWKHEXVLQHVVEXWVKH·V MXVW D UHDO SHUVRQ 7KH ZD\ VKH LV ZLWK HYHU\RQH VKH UHDOO\ FDUHV DERXWWKHPµKHVDLG 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VDOPRQHOORVLV GHYHORS WRKRXUVDIWHUH[SRVXUHDQG LQFOXGH GLDUUKHD DEGRPLQDOFUDPSV IHYHU 7KHV\PSWRPVFDQODVWIRXUWR VHYHQ GD\V DQG UHVROYH RQ WKHLU RZQZLWKVXIÀFLHQWRUDOÁXLGEXW YHU\\RXQJRUYHU\ROGSHRSOHRU WKRVHZLWKZHDNHQHGLPPXQHV\V WHPVFDQGHYHORSVHULRXVLOOQHVV 6HYHUH GLDUUKHD FDQ UHTXLUH KRV SLWDOL]DWLRQ $FFRUGLQJ WR &'& WKLV W\SH RI EDFWHULD QDPHG DIWHU LWV GLVFRYHUHU 'U 'DQLHO (OPHU 6DOPRQ LV UHVSRQVLEOH IRU PLO OLRQ JDVWURLQWHVWLQDO LOOQHVVHV HDFK\HDULQWKH86ZLWK KRVSLWDOL]DWLRQV DQG DOPRVW GHDWKV0DQ\FDVHVPD\JRXQUH SRUWHG +RZFDQ\RXDYRLGEHFRPLQJ RQHRIWKHVHPLOOLRQ"+HUHDUH HVVHQWLDO IDFWV \RX QHHG WR NQRZ DERXW VDOPRQHOOD DQG DYRLGLQJ FRQWDPLQDWLRQ 8VH WKHUPRPHWHUV $FFRUGLQJ WR 'RXJ 3RZHOO 3K' D IRUPHU IRRG VFLHQFH SURIHVVRU DW .DQVDV 6WDWH 8QLYHUVLW\ ZKR PDLQWDLQV D EORJ WUDFNLQJ IRRG VDIHW\ LI FRQVXPHUV ZDQW WR SURWHFW WKHP VHOYHV WKH\ VKRXOG DOZD\V XVH D PHDW WKHUPRPHWHU ZKHQ FRRNLQJ PHDW 1RWLQJ WKDW WKH 86'$ UH TXLUHVUDZSURGXFWVWREHODEHOHG DVUDZDQGWROLVWWKHSURSHUFRRN 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JDUGHQ LQ P\ EDFN \DUGµ KH VD\V ´DQG , NQRZ WKDW ELUGVSRRSRQLWDQGWKDWWKH\·UH SRRSLQJ VDOPRQHOODµ ,QGHHG VRPHRXWEUHDNVDURXQGWKHZRUOG KDYHQRWLQYROYHGPHDWDWDOOEXW LQVWHDGKDYHEHHQDVVRFLDWHGZLWK SODQWV LQFOXGLQJ SHDQXWV VSLFHV DQG D IUXLWEDVHG FDQG\ 8QSDV WHXUL]HG IRRGV LQFOXGLQJ XQSDV WHXUL]HGPLONDUHDOVRDULVN 3HWVFDQEHDULVN«DQGDWULVN %HFDXVHRIWKHULVNRIFRQWDPLQD WLRQ IURP H[SRVXUH WR IHFDO PDW WHUSHWVOLNHWXUWOHVRWKHUUHSWLOHV DQG EDE\ FKLFNV DUH SDUWLFXODUO\ SURQH WR EHLQJ VRXUFHV RI VDOPR QHOODLQIHFWLRQ6D\V3RZHOODERXW FRQWDFWZLWKFKLFNHQVZKLFKZHUH WKH VRXUFH RI DQRWKHU UHFHQW 86 RXWEUHDN ´<RX VHH D FXWH ELUG , VHH D VDOPRQHOOD YHFWRUµ 'RJV DQG FDWV FDQ DFWXDOO\ EH LQIHFWHG ZLWK VRPHWLPHVVHYHUH DQG ORQJ ODVWLQJ V\PSWRPV DQG FDQ SDVV LQIHFWLRQWRKXPDQV 2WKHU RXWEUHDNV KDYH DOVR LQ YROYHGUDZVWXIIHGFKLFNHQSURG XFWV$FFRUGLQJ WR 3RZHOO·V EORJ VHYHUDORWKHUVDOPRQHOODRXWEUHDNV KDYHEHHQWUDFHGWRFKLFNHQSURG XFWVOLNHWKRVHLQWKHFXUUHQWUHFDOO 3RZHOO WKLQNV WKDW SURGXFWV OLNH WKHVH VKRXOG EH FRRNHG IRU WKH 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VRWDKDVDSUREOHPZLWKRXWEUHDNV LQFOXGLQJ DQRWKHU FXUUHQW VDOPR QHOOD RXWEUHDN UHODWHG WR IUR]HQ UDZWXQDWKHUHDOUHDVRQWKHVWDWH DSSHDUV LQ VR PDQ\ RXWEUHDN VWR ULHVLVEHFDXVHRILWVVWURQJWUDFN LQJV\VWHPV +DQGZDVKLQJ LV DQ LPSRUWDQW SUHYHQWLYH PHDVXUH :DVK KDQGV EHIRUH DQG DIWHU KDQGOLQJ UDZ PHDW SHWV RU RXWGRRU SODQWV DI WHU VZLPPLQJ DQG EHIRUH HDWLQJ ´6DOPRQHOOD LV QDWXUDO DQG LW LV WKHUHµVD\V3RZHOO´%HDZDUHµ 16 PHILIPPINE TRIBUNE COMMUNITY www.thephilippinetribune.com www.thephilippinetribune.com November 19-25, 2015 SCALA 23RD ANNIVERSARY. The San Carlos Association of Los Angeles (SCALA) held its 23rd anniversary recently at San Columban Church in Los Angeles. The resident for 2015-2016 is Rosalie Caratao, a new board member of Kalayaan, Inc. Special guests were Becky Godinez, who rendered a very special and inspiring message, and Vice Consul Dyan Kristine Miranda-Pastrana of the Philippine Consulate General of Los Angeles. The youth band Back2Jupiter will dedicate their performance to the orphans of the slain journalists. FIL-AM MEDIA BAND & FRIENDS. From left, Ana Mendoza, Mat Relox, Mon Concepcion, Nikki Arriola, Christy Rosacia, Malou Toler, Joy Macainan, Joevel “Nukie” Santiago, Jr., Andy Tecson, Roy Cuchado and Abner Galino. (Photo by Benny Uy) Nov. 22 concert to honor memory of slain Maguindanao journalists PHILIPPINE NIGHT. The Filipino Community of St. Martin de Porres held its inaugural “Philippine Night” celebration and fund-raising event held at the St. Martin De Porres Catholic Church Hall, 19767 Yorba Linda Blvd, Yorba Linda, California on Saturday November 7. Some of the members are shown in their Barong Filipino attires. LOS ANGELES – FilipinoAmerican media groups here have banded together to honor the memory of the 32 journalists killed in the Ampatuan massacre, the worst single attack on the press. On Nov. 22, members of the media will hold a concert and photo exhibit at the Celebrity Centre International in Los Angeles. The event will feature Original Pilipino Music (OPM) icon Florante, local celebrity musicians and the newly formed Fil-Am Media Band. The concert, titled ABAKADA: Children Helping Children, will also highlight the youth band Back2Jupiter, whose members will dedicate their performance to the orphans of the slain journalists. “ABAKADA is the title of Florante’s popular song promoting the value of education,” said Benny Uy, public relations officer of the National Union of Journalists of the Philippines (NUJP)-US Chapter, producer of the show. ´,W·VDOVRDÀWWLQJWLWOHEHFDXVH this project will help us support the education of the orphans of slain journalists.” The concert date – Nov.22 – which is Nov. 23 in Philippine time zone, marks the sixth year after the attack that claimed the lives of 58 people, 32 of them journalists, in Ampatuan town, Maguindanao province in Southern Philippines. None of the suspects have been convicted of the crime. International media groups, i n c l u d i n g t h e N e w Yo r k - based watchdog Committee to Protect Journalists (CPJ) and the International Federation of Journalists (IFJ), have condemned the slow progress of the case and the continued killing of journalists in the Philippines. Earlier this month, radio broadcaster Jose Bernardo was shot dead by still unidentified assailants in Quezon City. He is the 5th journalist killed in 2015 and the 169th since 1986, according to NUJP. NUJP-US is producing the event, in partnership with the Filipino American Press Club of California, F7 Photographers, Frontliners, Philippine Press Photographers (PPP)-USA and Pen and Lens Press Club. The show is sponsored by Estela Cottle of Estela Skin Care Clinic and former journalist Nancy Ramos Esguerra of SANA (Please turn to Page 20) 17 PHILIPPINE TRIBUNE BUSINESS www.thephilippinetribune.com www.thephilippinetribune.com November 19-25, 2015 APEC ministers push free trade pact Get FHA 30-year ¿xed rate as low as 3.5% (APR 3.76%) with no points MAJORITY of the buyers now are going with FHA Loans, so I thought of answering and informing you of such questions and answers so you would fully understand how to go with this minimum down payment loan. Q: 580 + Fico, okay? A: With automated underwriting approval and no 30 day later payments on any accounts in the past 12 months and 3 compensating factors, strict 31/43 Debt to Income ratio. Q: Chapter 7 BK, what’s the time frame needed before they are eligible for FHA Mortgage? A: Chapter 13 Bankruptcy. There must be 12 consecutive months of on time payments on all accounts (including utilities, FHOOSKRQHVHWFIURPWKHÀOLQJRI the chapter 13 bankruptcy. Chapter 7 Bankruptcy. There must be 24 months of perfect credit from the disposition of a Chapter 7 bankruptcy. Foreclosure. There must be 3 years of perfect credit from the foreclosure. Q: Can you do a cash out UHÀQDQFHWRSD\RIIWKHUHPDLQLQJ balance of BK 13? A: Yes, you can cash out up to 85% of the appraised value assuming there has been no lates on the BK or the mortgage. Q: If you have an open tax lien and are currently in a payment plan with the IRS, do you have to pay it off at or prior to closing an FHA loan? A: No, the IRS can subordinate their lien to the new mortgage and they do routinely do so. ( Mostly on purchase loans) Q: What’s the maximum number of months left on an installment loan that allow the lender to not include this to your debt to income calculation? A: 10 months. Installment loans are car loans or student loans. However, this does not apply to leased vehicles. Q: Do you have to pay off collections and charged off accounts prior to closing? A: No, Fha does not require it. However, if it’s a Judgement it most probably will need to be paid prior to closing. Q: When do you need to build alternative credit? A: When the borrowers do not have 3 open active trades for 12 months in the report. Q: How is alternative credit built and evaluated? A: Document 12 months of good payment history on rents, utility bills, cell phone, furniture rental, car or insurances, etc. Q: How long does a student loan need to be deferred for you to leave it out of the debt to income ratio calculation? A: 12 months from the expected closing date. Q: Can you use Child Support income? A: Yes, As long as the borrower will be receiving this child support IRUWKHQH[WWKUHH\HDUVYHULÀHGE\ court papers. Q: What income documentation are required for a self-employed borrower? A: 2 years of 1040’s and a current YTD Profit and Loss statement. The P&L does not need to be audited unless required by the underwriter. If there is a declining income factor, the underwriter will only average out the recent 12 months of income. Q: If someone has recently returned to the work force after an extended absence (possibly even for a year… for example: a woman returning to work after having a child and have decided to stay home for a year) do they need to wait for 2 years to re-establish an employment history? A: No, if they are back to work for a minimum of 6 months and can document, prior to leaving the work force, that they had a complete 2 year full time history, the income will be used. Q: Does FHA allow Stated Income Documentation? A: No, there are only local Banks that will allow self (Please turn to Page 20) MANILA – Ministers from the 21 Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) member economies are jointly pushing for the implementation of a free DQGRSHQWUDGHLQWKH$VLD3DFLÀF along with the pursuit of quality growth in each member state following the conclusion of 2015 Ministerial Meeting yesterday. In a press conference, 2015 APEC Ministerial Meeting cochairs Alberto del Rosario and Gregory Domingo detailed the actions the ministers have come up ZLWK WR DGYDQFH WKH$VLD3DFLÀF economic growth agenda. Del Rosario and Domingo said among the top priorities seen needed for the region’s progress is the Free Trade Area for the Asia3DFLÀF)7$$3 “There were a lot of interventions about the FTAAP, basically that they like to see the work continue on study for FTAAP. There is a target that the submission of a comprehensive study and accompanying recommendations by the end of 2016. So that seems to be ongoing because there is a task force and a core drafting group that has been formed,” Domingo said. “There were some discussions by the ministers on how FTAAP relates to other trade agreements and there were a number of comments that all these other trade agreements that are proliferating are all building blocks that are actually good even to the multilateral trading system which is the World Trade Organization (WTO). Because by having more of these bilateral, regional and unilateral type of agreements, we actually advance the position of free trade regimes which make it easier to conclude at the bigger group such as the FTAAP and eventually, the WTO,” Domingo added. In a joint statement, the APEC ministers commended the progress in the implementation of the FTAAP and welcomed its progress. The ministers are now looking IRUZDUG WR WKH VHQLRU RIÀFLDOV· submission of a comprehensive study and accompanying recommendations by the end of next year. ´,QWKHUHJLRQZHUHDIÀUPRXU belief contained in the pathways to FTAAP that an FTAAP should be pursued as a comprehensive free trade agreement by developing and building on ongoing regional undertakings,” the joint statement said. Aside from addressing trade barriers in the region, Domingo said the APEC ministers have also come up with a strategy for strengthening the quality of growth for each member economies. Quality growth, according to Domingo, is progress that is is sustainable, environment friendly, resilient, puts particular emphasis on providing economic growth to the rural areas, provides opportunity to youth and equal opportunity to women, and opens doors for micro, small and medium enterprises to participate in the global trade. Homestead opens new vocational nursing classes in January 2016 HOMESTEAD Schools in Torrance, Calif. is planning to open new classes for its vocational nursing program in January 2016. It hopes to have a morning, evening and weekend schedule to accommodate the work hours of students. The school underwent an accreditation visit by ABHES, its accrediting agency, in the last few months and it hopes to have its full accreditation renewed for a term of four years. The school also hopes to have its approval by the Board of Vocational Nursing renewed before the end of the year for a full term of four years. The school has always maintained its status as a fully approved school since inception in 2007. To b e e f u p t h e c l i n i c a l experience of its vocational nursing students in the critical areas of maternity and pediatrics, the school secured clinical DIÀOLDWLRQV ZLWK VHYHUDO PHGLFDO clinics and a hospital. The people in the industry know how LPSRUWDQWDQGKRZGLIÀFXOWLWLV to get such clinical rotations and Homestead is fortunate in being able to provide the best clinical experience to its students. The school is striving hard to accomplish its mission of educating and preparing young people for the exacting and everyH[SDQGLQJ ÀHOG RI KHDOWK FDUH In the 3Q2015, seventy-three percent of its vocational nursing students passed the NCLEX. The school is able to maintain its pass rate within the board-mandated guidelines but the school also recognizes there’s ample room for improvement. The school constantly encourages its students to work hard toward achieving their goal and makes available to them all the tools to succeed. Meanwhile, Homestead’s RNto-BSN program is now in full swing. Most of these students have opted for classroom instruction although there are several who prefer the online option. All of them are looking forward to earning their bachelor’s degree next year and then advance toward master’s. Here too the school has gone one step further by offering general education credit courses to VWXGHQWVZKRQHHGWKHPWRIXOÀOO their prerequisites. If you need more information on any of its programs, contact the admissions department at (310) 791-9975. The school is located at 23800 Hawthorne Blvd., Ste 200, Torrance, CA 90505 Gov’t borrowings up 23% to P27.7B in Sept. MANILA – The national government borrowed P27.7 billion in September, up 23 percent year-on-year, mainly on increased local borrowing as a result of the debt swap conducted that month. The total borrowings last September surpassed the P22.5 billion recorded in the same month last year. Gross external borrowings sourced from multilateral lenders’ program and project loans amounted to P914 million in September, down from P5.3 billion a year ago. Gross domestic borrowings resulting from the domestic bonds exchange that month reached P26.8 billion, up from P17.2 billion last year. 18 PHILIPPINE TRIBUNE US & WORLD www.thephilippinetribune.com November 19-25, 2015 Sea rows still top US agenda Nohemi Gonzalez CSLB mourns student killed in Paris attacks LONG BEACH, California -- A 23-year-old California State University, Long Beach student was killed in the Paris terror attacks, the school announced Saturday. Nohemi Gonzalez, an El Monte resident, was a senior studying industrial design. She was in Paris attending the Strate College of Design as part of a semester abroad program. Her family struggles to cope with the loss of their only daughter. “I feel lost, sadness and she was my only daughter,” her mother, Beatriz Gonzalez, said. “She was a very strong young woman. She had big decisions, when she went to do something she committed to whatever she was doing.” Gonzalez was one of 17 CSULB students studying abroad, DFFRUGLQJWRDVFKRRORIÀFLDOZKR also said the other 16 students are safe. During a press conference, VFKRRORIÀFLDOVVDLGWKDW*RQ]DOH] was killed at one of the restaurant locations while she was out with other students. In the chaos during the attacks, one of the students noticed Gonzalez had been shot and was taken away on a stretcher. Her family said they could hardly believe the news when they received word that she had died. WASHINGTON—Territorial disputes will be a “central issue” when US President Barack Obama meets Asian leaders next week, the White House said on Thursday as the Pentagon disclosed that two 86%VWUDWHJLFERPEHUVÁHZ FORVHWRDUWLÀFLDOLVODQGVEXLOWE\ China in the heavily contested South China Sea. US National Security Adviser Susan Rice said territorial claims in the South China Sea, which have put the United States in direct dispute with China, would feature prominently during a trip to the Philippines and Malaysia, but played down hopes for a “code of conduct” to ease tensions. “This will be a central issue of discussion both at the East Asia summit as well as at the Asean-US summit (both in Kuala Lumpur) and the other engagements that we have throughout our visit to Asia,” Rice said. That seemed at odds with China’s insistence that the AsiaPacific Economic Cooperation (Apec) summit in Manila next week should not discuss rising tensions. China claims almost the whole South China Sea, an expansive claim that is challenged by Brunei, Malaysia, the Philippines, Vietnam and Taiwan. Indonesia could wade into the dispute, threatening to take China to the International Court of Justice should talks fail to clarify that Beijing’s expansive claim does not include the Natuna islands in the Indonesian province of Riau. China’s decision to reclaim DQGEXLOGDUWLÀFLDOLVODQGVRQUHHIV in the South China Sea recently prompted the US Navy to send in the guided missile destroyer USS Lassen to within 21 kilometers of at least one of the man-made islets in the Spratly archipelago. In the latest US challenge to China’s claim of sovereignty over nearly the entire sea, two US B-52 strategic bombers flew “in the area” of the Spratly islands but did not come within the 21-km zones that China claims as territory around the artificial islands it had built in the chain, Cmdr. Bill Urban, a spokesperson for the Pentagon, said on Thursday. “The B-52s were on a routine mission in the [South China Sea],” taking off from and returning to Guam, Urban said. Chinese ground controllers contacted the bombers but the aircraft continued their mission unabated, Urban said. “We conduct B-52 flights in international airspace in that part of the world all the time,” Peter Cook, another Pentagon VSRNHVSHUVRQWROGDQHZVEULHÀQJ on Thursday. In Beijing, asked about the ÁLJKWV&KLQHVHIRUHLJQPLQLVWU\ spokesperson Hong Lei said China respected all countries exercising freedom of navigation DQGRYHUÁLJKWLQWKH6RXWK&KLQD Sea in line with international law. B u t H o n g a d d e d : “ We resolutely oppose any country, in the name of freedom of navigation and overflight, harming and violating international law, harming China’s sovereignty and security interests.” Hong also said the South China Sea disputes should not be a subject for discussion at the East Asia summit. “The East Asia summit and relevant meetings focus on regional cooperation and development,” he said. “They are not an appropriate place for discussing the South China Sea issue.” During his trip to the Philippines for the Apec summit next week, Obama will tour a maritime facility, designed to underscore the US commitment to Philippine maritime security, amid talk of a fresh batch of US aid. 86RIÀFLDOVVDLG2EDPDZRXOG take part in what they described as “an event that showcases US maritime security assistance to WKH3KLOLSSLQHVµ7KHRIÀFLDOVGLG not elaborate. But in September, the US Navy’s Adm. Harry Harris, head of the US Pacific Command, visited the National Coast Watch Center, a facility at Philippine Coast Guard headquarters that Washington has helped Manila build to improve its ability to monitor developments in the South China Sea. 2 dead, 7 nabbed in raid targeting Paris attack brains SAINT-DENIS, France — Amid gunfire and explosions, police raided a suburban Paris apartment where the suspected mastermind of last week’s attacks was believed to be holed up Wednesday. The siege ended with two deaths and seven arrests but no clear information on the fugitive’s fate. The dead were a woman who blew herself up with an explosive vest and a man hit by projectiles and grenades, the Paris prosecutor said at the end of the seven-hour siege in the Paris suburb of SaintDenis. Prosecutor Francois Molins said the raid was launched after information from tapped telephone conversations, surveillance and witness accounts indicated that the suspected planner of the attacks, Abdelhamid Abaaoud, might be in a safe house in the district. Authorities could not immediately confirm whether Abaaoud, a Belgian Islamic State militant, was killed or arrested Wednesday morning. ,QYHVWLJDWRUV KDYH LGHQWLÀHG 27-year-old Abaaoud, a Belgian of Moroccan descent, as the chief architect of Friday’s attacks in Paris, which killed 129 people and injured 350 others. A U.S. official briefed on intelligence matters said Abaaoud ZDV D NH\ ÀJXUH LQ DQ ,VODPLF State external operations cell that U.S. intelligence agencies have been tracking for many months. Abaaoud was believed to be in Syria after a January police raid in Belgium, but bragged in Islamic State propaganda of his ability to move back and forth between Europe and Syria undetected. Speaking at the scene of Wednesday’s raid, Molins said the operation began with a predawn shootout and resulted in the capture of three people inside the apartment, the death of a woman who set off an explosive charge, and the death of “another terrorist ... who was hit by projectiles and grenades” in the initial assault. He said two people were detained while trying to hide in the rubble, and two others were also arrested, including the man who had provided the apartment and one of his acquaintances. Police at the scene were seen escorting away one man who was naked from the waist down, and another wrapped in a gold emergency blanket. Molins and Interior Minister Bernard Cazeneuve did not specify whether any suspects might still be at large. A police official said four SROLFHRIÀFHUVZHUHLQMXUHG 19 PHILIPPINE TRIBUNE US & WORLD www.thephilippinetribune.com US & WORLD NEWS BRIEFS 30 dead in Nigerian carnage KADUNA, Nigeria—More than 30 people were killed Tuesday when a bomb blast ripped through packed crowds in Yola, northeast Nigeria, just days after President Muhammadu Buhari visited declaring that Boko Haram were close to defeat. The explosion happened at about 8:20 p.m. (1920 GMT) in the Jambutu area of the Adamawa state capital, although it was not immediately clear whether it was caused by a suicide bomber or an improvised explosive device. “So far, we’ve recorded about 32 dead and about 80 injured,” said Sa’ad Bello, the Yola coordinator for the National Emergency Management Agency. The Red Cross and state police gave a slightly lower toll of 31 dead and 72 injured. The blast bore all the hallmarks of Boko Haram, which has previously attacked Yola with suicide bombers and improvised explosive devices in recent months. Buhari this month was in Yola to decorate soldiers for bravery in the counter-insurgency as well as visit a camp for people displaced by six years of violence that has left at least 17,000 people dead. He told troops he believed Boko Haram “are very close to defeat” and urged soldiers “to remain vigilant, alert and focused to prevent Boko Haram from sneaking into our communities to attack soft targets.” 5HG&URVVRIÀFLDO$OL\X0DLNDQRDQGUHVLGHQWVVDLGWKHDUHDWDUJHWHG was a lorry park which also houses a livestock market, an open-air restaurant and a mosque. Jindal drops out of pres’l race WASHINGTON —Republican Louisiana Governor Bobby Jindal announced Tuesday he was bowing out of the 2016 presidential race, saying “this is not my time.” “I’ve come here to announce that I’m suspending my campaign for president of the United States,” Jindal told Fox News. “It’s been an incredible honor to run for president of this great country,” he added in a post on Twitter. Jindal’s campaign failed to gain traction this year. He languished near the back of the big Republican pack seeking the GOP nomination, a group that included several politicians—and political neophytes— ZLWKKLJKHUSURÀOHV He often polled at under one percent support, and his campaign IDFHGÀQDQFLDOSUHVVXUHDVLWDSSURDFKHGWKHDOOLPSRUWDQWWZRPRQWK VWUHWFK EHIRUH WKH ÀUVW VWDWHZLGH YRWH LQ WKH QRPLQDWLRQ UDFH RQ February 1 in Iowa. Jindal, the 44-year-old son of immigrants from India, is the third Republican to drop out of the contest, after former Texas governor Rick Perry and Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker. His departure leaves 14 Republicans in the nomination hunt, including billionaire frontrunner Donald Trump, retired neurosurgeon Ben Carson, Senator Marco Rubio and former Florida governor Jeb Bush. FDA issues new food safety rules WASHINGTON -- In the wake of wide-ranging outbreaks of foodborne illness, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration on Friday ÀQDOL]HGQHZUXOHVWRKHOSNHHSFRQWDPLQDWHGIRRGRXWRI$PHULFDQ kitchens. These food safety regulations for fruit and vegetable farms and food importers were developed as a result of the Food Safety Modernization Act of 2011. “These rules, for the first time, establish enforceable safety standards of production and harvesting of produce, and make importers accountable for the safety of the food they bring into the United States,” Michael Taylor, FDA deputy commissioner for foods and veterinary medicine, said during a Friday morning news conference. “A recent outbreak of salmonella in imported cucumbers killed four Americans and sent more than 157 to the hospital,” he said. “These outbreaks are just the kind of food safety problems today’s rules are meant to prevent.” The establishment of regulations changes the FDA’s mission from reacting to outbreaks of foodborne illness to making the food industry responsible for preventing them, Taylor said. The new farm rule sets requirements for water quality; employee health and hygiene; wild and domesticated animals; compost and manure; and equipment, tools and buildings, the FDA said. November 19-25, 2015 France hunts 2nd attack suspect, launches new air strikes vs. ISIS PARIS — French police hunted Tuesday for a second terrorist believed to have escaped after the bomb and gun massacres in Paris, ZKLOHD86RIÀFLDOUHYHDOHGWKDW the suspected mastermind was part of an Islamic State cell that American intelligence agencies had been tracking for months. Meanwhile, France and Russia unleashed a new wave of airstrikes against IS targets in Syria, while fears of further terror attacks deepened in Paris and beyond. The Eiffel Tower closed to the public just a day after it had reopened and a soccer $QXQLGHQWL¿HGPDQOLJKWVDFDQGOHLQIURQWRIWKH)UHQFKFRQVXOmatch between Germany and the Netherlands was canceled due DWHLQ/RV$QJHOHVWRKRQRUWKHYLFWLPVRIWKH3DULVWHUURUDWWDFNV to a bomb threat just 90 minutes The video was among evidence external terrorist attacks, versus before kickoff. authorities used in concluding seeking to hold onto the territory Islamic State militants have that at least one other attacker it has seized in Iraq and Syria. A claimed responsibility for the ZDVDWODUJHWKH)UHQFKRIÀFLDOV consensus is now emerging that Friday the 13th attacks that indicated. the group is more focused on targeted France’s national soccer The brief clip shows two black- exporting terror than had been stadium, a packed concert hall clad gunmen with automatic widely understood. and popular restaurants and weapons calmly firing on the U.S. intelligence agencies have cafes in one of Paris’ trendiest bar then returning toward a some insights into who is involved neighborhoods, killing 129 people waiting car, whose driver was in that effort, said the official, and wounding more than 350. maneuvering behind them. who was not authorized to discuss F r e n c h a u t h o r i t i e s h a d Authorities believe the car is the the matter publicly and spoke on previously said that at least eight same black Spanish-made SEAT condition of anonymity. But their people were directly involved in vehicle that was found Saturday understanding is hampered by the bloodshed Friday: seven who with three Kalashnikovs inside. the many challenges of gathering died in the attacks and one who Previously officials had not intelligence in Syria, where the got away and slipped across the specified how many people CIA does not have a regular border to Belgium. However, were involved in the attack on a presence on the ground. WKHUHKDYHEHHQJDSVLQRIÀFLDOV· sidewalk bar on La Fontaine au The chairman of the Senate public statements, which have Roi street, as well as the other intelligence committee said never fully disclosed how many night spots in the same vicinity. Tuesday that it was likely attackers took part in the deadly ,QYHVWLJDWRUV KDYH LGHQWLÀHG militants plotting the attacks rampage. 2 7 - y e a r - o l d A b d e l h a m i d in Syria, Belgium and France 2Q7XHVGD\RIÀFLDOVWROG7KH Abaaoud, a Belgian of Moroccan used encryption to hide their Associated Press they now believe descent, as the chief architect of communications from authorities. at least one other attacker was the attacks. He is believed to be Sen. Richard Burr, R-North involved and they were working in Islamic State-held territory in Carolina, said there was no direct to identify and track down that Syria. evidence of encryption, but that VXVSHFW7KUHHRIÀFLDOVVSRNHRQ A U.S. official briefed on authorities had concluded it was condition of anonymity because intelligence matters said Abaaoud used because they have uncovered they were not authorized to ZDV D NH\ ÀJXUH LQ DQ ,VODPLF no evidence of conversations provide details about the ongoing State external operations cell that among the plotters. investigation. U.S. intelligence agencies have The statement acknowledges Surveillance video obtained been tracking for many months. the challenges intelligence by the AP also indicated that a Analysts have been debating agencies face in monitoring team of three attackers carried out to what extent the Islamic State records of international phone the shootings at one of the cafes. group was devoting resources to WUDIÀF 20 PHILIPPINE TRIBUNE SPORTS November 19-25, 2015 www.thephilippinetribune.com Pacquiao vs. Crawford? MANILA -- Hall of Fame trainer Freddie Roach expressed no problem if ever unbeaten WBO world junior welterweight champion Terence Crawford would be chosen as Manny Pacquiao’s farewell dance partner. Roach said he already received a call from American promoter Bob Arum who asked about the trainer’s thoughts on Crawford, an American who has not lost D ÀJKW LQ ERXWV D WZRWLPH division champion and won 19 bouts by knockout. Roach said that while Pacquiao has the last say for his swan song, the seven-time trainer of the year winner would not oppose the choice of Crawford. But the 55-year-old guru has reiterated his preferred choice as Terence Crawford Pacquiao’s next foe which is said to be the Filipino icon’s farewell ÀJKWVHWRQ$SULO “The next opponent may be Terence Crawford, but it could also be a rematch against Mayweather, if he comes out of retirement, which I think will happen and I think he will return to the ring. I’m sure Manny would PDNHDEHWWHUÀJKWWKDQZKDW>KH ZDVDEOHWRGR@LQWKHÀUVWÀJKWµ Roach told TV Azteca. Aside from Crawford, British superstar Amir Khan, current world welterweight ruler Tim Bradley and Mexican tormentor Juan Manuel Marquez are said to be on Pacquiao’s radar. Apart from being a stablemate of Pacquiao under Arum’s Top Rank banner, the 28-year-old Crawford is being seriously considered as Pacquiao’s next foe owing to his impressive resumé. De la Hoya says Floyd is boring Bobby Ray Parks Jr. (15) listens to his coach and former NBA guard Nick Van Exel during a timeout in the Texas Legends’ loss LOS ANGELES — Oscar De are a lot of boxing fans,’’ De La WKH EHVW GHIHQVLYH ÀJKWHU RI RXU to the Austin Spurs last Saturday. La Hoya has reignited his age- Hoya wrote. generation. But what good is old feud with Floyd Mayweather Mayweather called time on talent if you don’t test it?,’’ De in a scathing open letter, saying his career in September after a La Hoya said. boxing will be better off now the points victory over Andre Berto “Muhammad Ali did. Sugar undefeated welterweight world left him with a perfect 49-0 Ray Leonard did. You? Not a FKDPSLRQKDVÀQDOO\UHWLUHG record, emulating heavyweight chance. You spent 2000 to 2010 Writing in the December issue great Rocky Marciano’s famous facing forgettable opening acts B O B B Y R a y P a r k s J r. Oklahoma City Blue, 105-95, on of Playboy, boxing great turned undefeated benchmark. like Victoriano Sosa, Phillip remained scoreless but had a Monday (Manila time), bouncing promoter De La Hoya – who H o w e v e r, D e L a H o y a N’dou, DeMarcus Corley, Henry better outing in his second game back from a blowout loss at the was beaten by Mayweather in maintained that Mayweather Bruseles and Sharmba Mitchell. for the Texas Legends in the NBA hands of the Austin Spurs two 2007 – said he was happy that would never be ranked alongside “There were guys out there – tough D-League. days ago. 0D\ZHDWKHUKDGÀQDOO\KXQJXS the true greats of the sport because scary opponents like Antonio Parks, who was selected by the Parks, the first local-born the gloves. he had never taken on opponents Margarito and Paul Williams – but player to play in the D-League, Legends as the 25th overall pick “Truth be told, I’m not in their prime. you ran from them.’’ went 0-of-2 for the second in the D-League Draft early in the unhappy to see you retire. Neither ´<RX·UHDYHU\WDOHQWHGÀJKWHU straight game but this time, he month, didn’t have the kind of was able to make his presence felt debut he would’ve wanted against with two rebounds, one assist and the Spurs with a turnover, two a steal with zero turnovers in 11 fouls and a 0-of-2 shooting clip in 10 minutes. minutes of action. The Legends beat the Parks has better outing in Legends’ 1st v ictory Cabrera takes Singapore racing ciurcuit by storm MANILA - Fresh from his podium win two weeks ago as the WRS)LOLSLQRÀQLVKHULQWKH$VLDQ Karting Series in Thailand, Seaoil karter Gabriel Tayao Cabrera drew raves with his blazing feat recently at Singapore’s newest track – KF1 Circuit. Debuting as Energy Corse Asia Racing team’s newest driver, the Nov. 22... (From Page 16) Care Services. Other performers include Malou Toler, Jo Awayan, Mon Concepcion, Mat Relox, Matthew Parry-Jones, Bagyo & Mervin ML, Rhony Laigo, Andy Tecson and the Disciples Band, whose members are part of a choral group that recently broke the World Guinness Record for the largest gospel choir. Celebrity Centre International is located at 5930 Franklin Ave in Los Angeles. The show will start at 7 p.m. Tickets are $25 each. For more information, call NUJP-US Vice Chair Nikki Arriola at (310) 503-9310 or Secretary General Abner Galino at (661) 644-4953. 15-year-old karter became the ÀUVWHYHU)LOLSLQRWREDJDSRGLXP win at the X30 Challenge where he placed a respectable third runner-up. Though the only senior karter GULYLQJ IRU WKH ÀUVW WLPH LQ WKH X30 Challenge, his determination and strategy impressed the huge crowd and proved skeptics wrong. “Within two days, I had to muster a new track, adjust to driving a new brand of chassis and use new type of engine. Many doubted I would get a podium win, especially since I was also six kilos overweight. I could have had a shot at getting the top spot but unfortunately I was caught in between several karters at the start RIWKHÀQDOUDFHµVDLG&DEUHUD “Nevertheless, I’m glad I was able to prove skeptics wrong by consistently clocking times close to the pole sitter throughout the UDFHµKHDGGHG Backed by Gold’s Gym, DC, Media Magic and RS Design, Cabrera was initially regarded as an underdog since he was one of the three youngest drivers in the series’ most formidable grid of senior champions, some of whom are actively racing in Europe. Get FHA 30-year ¿xed... (From Page 17) employed borrowers to apply for a stated income program, minimum down payment should be around 40%. Q: Who will you be calling for your next FHA or Conventional loan scenario…. A: Ken Go at 562-508-7048 or write to kennethgo@verizon.net. I strongly believe that everything is so far going as planned; this is a buyers market and sellers should not be afraid to start to consider moving up by next year. As long as you have your jobs now and are able to pay your mortgages, hang in there. Keep your fingers crossed that there would be no more major bad news to come by year end. We should see a strong beginning for 2015. Call me for your next Real Estate Mortgage needs, Ken at 1st Innovative Finance at 562-6977028 or write to: kennethgo@ verizon.net. Like us at facebook: go to 1 st Innovative Finance. NMLS 238636 22 PHILIPPINE TRIBUNE www.thephilippinetribune.com November 19-25, 2015 23 PHILIPPINE TRIBUNE www.thephilippinetribune.com November 19-25, 2015 24 PHILIPPINE TRIBUNE www.thephilippinetribune.com November 19-25, 2015