afterschool academy - Urban League of Rochester
afterschool academy - Urban League of Rochester
AFTERSCHOOL ACADEMY 2015 - 2016 School Year Application Project Achieve Project Excel Project Ready PSS STEM Empowering Communities. Changing Lives. 265 North Clinton Avenue. Rochester, NY 14605 READY, EXCEL, ACHIEVE! Dear Applicant: Thank you for your interest in the Urban League of Rochester’s Afterschool Academy. The Afterschool Academy is an all-inclusive program for students in the 6h through 12th grades. The program offers academic and life support skills, exposure to the community’s cultural resources, and college preparation services. Please return your completed application and other requested documents to: Afterschool Academy Office Urban League of Rochester, NY, Inc. 265 North Clinton Avenue Rochester, New York 14605 Fax #: (585) 325-4864 Phone #: (585) 325-6530 Eligibility/Program Information Completed application form A copy of your most recent school transcript or report card Letter of recommendation from a teacher, pastor, advisor, or an adult who is not a relative Attend a school in Monroe County If accepted, parent/guardian must arrange transportation to and from the program Project Achieve and Project Excel will begin on Tuesday, September 8, 2015 and end June 2016; the programs run from 3:30pm until 6:30pm Mondays-Fridays Project Ready PSS STEM meets on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 3:30pm until 6:30pm Please be prompt in picking up your child(ren) No program session on national holidays and on Rochester City School District’s school cancellations/closings, unless notified differently by program staff All accepted applicants need to attend a mandatory orientation with his/her parent/guardian An application DOES NOT guarantee a spot in the program If you have any questions please contact Charisma Dupree, Program Interim Director, at 325-6530, ext. 3049 or via email at Sincerely, The Afterschool Academy Staff Page 2 PROGRAM DESCRIPTIONS The Afterschool Academy is comprised of three programs that aim to prepare youth for college, work, and life. Below are descriptions for Project Ready Post-Secondary Success STEM, Project Excel, and Project Achieve. PROJECT READY PSS STEM The Project Ready PostSecondary Success Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics program provides males and females in grades 8 - 12 with the support, guidance and encouragement needed to prepare them for a bright and promising future. Program participants engage in academic development, cultural awareness, college exploration, and service learning projects. Participants also focus on career exploration, with an emphasis in Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics. AFTERSCHOOL ACADEMY The Afterschool Academy is designed to prepare youth in grades 6, 7 and 8 with the skills needed to succeed in school and life. Staff provides academic support through homework help and tutoring, enrichment activities that strengthen leadership skills, and exposure to the community’s cultural resources. Participants also receive supplemental support in the areas of math, language, and technology. A A Page 3 Urban League of Rochester, NY, Inc. Mission To enable African Americans, Latinos, the poor and other disadvantaged to secure economic self-reliance, parity, power and civil rights. Three-pronged strategy: Ensuring that our children are well educated and equipped for economic self-reliance in the 21st century; Helping adults attain economic self-sufficiency through good jobs, homeownership, entrepreneurship and wealth accumulation; and Ensuring our civil rights by eradicating all barriers to equal participation in the economic and social mainstream FOR ADDITIONAL INFORMATION CONTACT: Afterschool Academy Office Urban League of Rochester Phone: 585-325-6530 Fax: 585-325-4864 Fred & Floy Willmott Foundation SIGNALING FOUNDATION Empowering Communities. Changing Lives. Page 4 2015-2016 ACADEMY APPLICATION To participate in the Afterschool Academy you will need: A completed application Your most recent report card A letter of recommendation (teacher, counselor, or community member; not applicable for current students with one on file) An interview accompanied by a parent or guardian Indicate which program you are applying for: Project Achieve (6th and 7th grade) Project Excel (8th grade ) Project Ready (8th - 12th grade) Indicate if you are currently enrolled in: YIP (Youth Intervention Program) Other Urban League programs (specify ______________) Other agency’s programs (specify ______________) Print Name: __________________________________________________ Last First RCSD School ID (only for students attending a RCS) ______________________________________ Middle Initial Permanent Home Address: ______________________________________________________________________________ City: __________________________________ County: ______________________ State: ________ Zip: ______________ Phone: (______)_________________ Date of Birth:____________ Age: ______ Race/Ethnicity: ______________________ School: ____________________________________ Guidance Counselor ________________________________________ Grade 2015-2016(circle one) 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 GPA(14-15 school year)_____ Sex: Female Male Household/Family Information Mother's/Legal Guardian’s Name: _______________________________________________________________________ Mother’s/Legal Guardian Email Address: _________________________________________________________________ Mother’s/Legal Guardian’s Cell Phone: _____________________________ Work Phone: _________________________ Place of Employment _________________________________________________________________________________ Father's/Legal Guardian's Name: ________________________________________________________________________ Father’s/Legal Guardian Email Address: __________________________________________________________________ Father’s/Legal Guardian’s Cell Phone: _____________________________ Work Phone: __________________________ Place of Employment _________________________________________________________________________________ Will you be the first in your immediate family to attend college? Yes No Does anyone in your household speak another language? Yes No Total family income: Please check the appropriate category. less than $14,999 $15,000-$24,999 $25,000-$44,999 $45,000-$74,999 $75,000 or greater Section to be completed by ASA staff: Date Received: _____/_____/_____ Approval Status: _____________ Staff Initials: _________ Intake Date: _____/_____/_____ Staff Initials: _________ Page 5 PARENT/LEGAL GUARDIAN FORM I consent to my child’s participation in the AFTERSCHOOL ACADEMY. I am willing to let my child participate in after-school and weekend academic, social, and personal development activities as part of the Academy Curriculum. I am willing to receive information about educational requirements and opportunities at the Urban League for my child as a part of the follow-up components of this program. I understand that my child’s violation of the program requirements can lead to his or her termination from the program. I give permission: to have my child’s grades (transcript) released to the Urban League of Rochester to document academic progress and program effectiveness. to use my child’s photograph, video, image or other likenesses of my child for publication purposes including, but not limited to, publicity, marketing, online instruction, research, and promotion of the Urban League of Rochester, NY, Inc. and its various programs. URBAN LEAGUE AFTERSCHOOL ACADEMY REQUIREMENTS FOR STUDENTS: Will follow the attendance policy as outlined by staff and programmatic requirements Will attend all scheduled events, activities, and classes on time 3. Will be respectful toward adults and fellow students 4. Will be responsible in terms of assignments and activities 5. Will be responsible in the use of the Internet 6. Will not engage in conduct that is harmful to others, the Urban League, or other property PARENTS/LEGAL GUARDIANS, PLEASE NOTE THAT THIS PROGRAM IS DESIGNED TO PROMOTE SCHOOL RETENTION, ACADEMIC ACCOMPLISHMENT, SOCIAL DEVELOPMENT, AND CULTURAL AWARENESS. To be signed by Parent/Guardian and Student: __________________________________________ Parent’s/Guardian’s Signature Date ___________________ _________________________________________ Student’s Signature Date ___________________ Empowering Communities. Changing Lives. Page 6 Urban League of Rochester, NY, Inc. Afterschool Academy/Project Ready PSS STEM Student Recommendation Form Name of Student _______________________________________________ Current grade level ________________ Name of Recommender __________________________________________________________________________ Recommender’s Title ____________________________________________________________________________ Purpose: We appreciate your cooperation in completing this form. Please be candid about this student’s academic ability and motivation. We understand the difficulty in evaluating a student and are fully aware that children are constantly growing, changing and developing. This form is only one piece of the student’s profile to be used in our assessment process. Thank you for your thoughtful attention to this request. Please mark accordingly: 5) Outstanding 4) Above Average 3) Average 2) Fair 1) Needs Improvement CHARCTER, PERSONALITY, & ACADEMIC TRAITS 5 4 3 2 1 No basis for judgment Academic achievement Academic potential Attendance Conduct Efforts/initiative Interaction with teachers/adults Leadership Level of engagement Maturity Personal integrity Respect for others Self-confidence Sense of responsibility Social relationship with peers Indicate strength of your overall endorsement by checking the appropriate box: [__] Highly Recommended [__] Recommended [__] Recommended with Reservation [__] Not Recommended Comments Urban League of Rochester, NY, Inc. Afterschool Academy/Project Ready Student Recommendation Form Below, please write additional comments that will aid in assessing the student’s qualifications. Use an additional sheet if needed. ______________________________________ Signature of Recommender ________________________________ Date ______________________________________ Address ________________________________ City/State/Zip ______________________________________ Phone ________________________________ Email Please return the completed form to: Afterschool Academy Office Urban League of Rochester 265 North Clinton Avenue Rochester, NY 14605 Fax: (585) 325 – 4864