chairman and director statements
chairman and director statements
������������������� ������������������� Fire claim payment in Pontianak Social activity in visiting Dengue patients in hospital Payment claim to the victim’s family of Mandala Airlines accident � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � �� � � � � �� � � � � � � �� � � � � � Car Insurance claim payment to PT Multi Auto Intra Wahana Liquid Intravenous donation to RSUD Tarakan for Dengue patients Payment claim for Car Insurance Health Insurance Seminar to improve work productivity at Four Seasons Hotel Fire claim payment to PT DSN Gresik 2000 500 1500 400 1000 300 200 500 0 100 0 1,575 ��� Nationwide offices with 24 branch offices, 46 representative offices, 4 agency offices and 1 Syariah office in Jakarta. Resulting in high premium production with more than 700,000 policies issued in 2005. ��� ����� As the second largest insurance company in terms of gross written premium in 2004, PT Asuransi Sinar Mas has a strong brand-recognition in Indonesia. ��� �������������������������������� Network and Relationships Maintaining a good relationship and cooperation with more than 1,850 merchants and many other business partners is one of the important things to success. ���� ���� ���� ���� ���� ��������������������� ���������������������� Getting to know its customers better allows PT Asuransi Sinar Mas to give the best service for them. Employing 1,006 manpower nationwide. � ��� ���� ���� ���� ���� ���� ������������ 368 314 252 ���������������������� 199 Ability to utilize vast resources to promote greater operational efficiency with lower fixed cost. 168 Economies of Scale ��� ��� 929 Providing a wide range of insurance products for individual and corporate customers; Fire, Motor Vehicle, Marine Cargo, Marine Hull, Engineering, Health and Miscellaneous. ��� Wide Range ���� ���� ���� ���� ���� �������������������������� ���������������������� � � � �� � � � � � � �� � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � �� � � �������������������������������� Esteemed customers, agents, and business associates, on behalf of the Board of Commissioners it is our pleasure to present the Annual Report of PT Asuransi Sinar Mas for the year ended 31 December 2005. Doddy Susanto Commissioner Ivena Widjaja President Commissioner Henry C. Suryanaga Commissioner Kokarjadi Chandra Commissioner Gandhi Sulistiyanto S. Commissioner Hotbonar Sinaga Independent Commissioner The soaring world oil-price and the global monetary tightening policy led to the depreciation of Rupiah and sharp increase in inflation. At the end of the year, Rupiah closed at Rp 9.831 per US$ 1 and inflation was recorded at 17.11% year on year. In this challenging environment, The Company experienced a small decline in gross written premium of 6.64% to Rp 1,573.3 billion (2004 – Rp 1,687.3 billion). Yet, The Company was still able to register an increase of Net Premiums Earned by 36.76% to Rp 391.4 billion (2004 Rp 286.2 billion). The increase in Net Premium is due to the decrease of Reinsurance Premium of 16.94% to Rp 976 billion (2004 – Rp 1,175.0 billion) and Net Commission Expense by 15.22% to Rp 161.5 billion (2004 – Rp 45.9 billion). Furthermore, Investment has increased by 15.03% to Rp 52.8 billion (2004 - Rp 45.9 billion). As a result, The Company’s Total Assets increased by 29.54% to Rp 928.9 billion (2004 – Rp 717.1 billion). Fire business continues to be the dominant class, with a share of 60.50% of the Total Gross Premium income. Motor Vehicle, Health, Marine Cargo, Miscellaneous, Marine Hull and Engineering accounts for 15.90%, 12.30%, 4.09%, 3.45%, 3.04% and 0.71% respectively. �� � � � �� � � � � � � �� � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � �� � �� Overall, the Indonesian economy in 2005 faced tough challenges stemming from the sharp rise in oil prices and the global monetary tightening policy. Investment was slow, due to escalating production costs and the delay in various reforms in investment and infrastructure development. Moreover, the weakening of public purchasing power and the rapid increase in interest rates caused public consumption to decline sharply. Although Indonesia realized lower exports due to global economic downturn, the Central Bureau of Statistics recorded an economic growth of 5.60% for the year. Fire business premium decreased by 7.95% to Rp 953.1 billion (2004 - Rp 1,035.4 billion), Motor Vehicle Premiums decreased by 30.60% to Rp 250.4 billion (2004 – Rp 360.8 billion) and Marine Cargo decrease by 5.29% to Rp 64.4 billion (2004 – Rp 68.0 billion). As for premiums in other lines of businesses; Health increased by 30.00% to Rp 194.1 billion (2004 - Rp149.3 billion); Marine Hull increased by 60.20% to Rp 47.9 billion (2004 - Rp 29.9 billion); Engineering increased by 40.51% to Rp 11.1 billion (2004 Rp 7.9 billion); and Miscellaneous increased by 50.83% to Rp 54.3 billion (2004 - Rp 36.0 billion). The Central Bank of Indonesia predicts that Indonesian economy in 2006 will grow from 5.00% to 5.70%. Up to the middle of 2006, consumption and investment are predicted to remain slow along with the decrease of public purchasing power caused by a sharp increase in fuel price. On account of the relatively high oil price, the economy will be shadowed by high inflation with tendency to decline after the third quarter of 2006. Alert should also be put on the risks that may shake economic stability due to global currency fluctuation and continuation of high fuel price from previous year. The Company is well aware of the challenges that lies ahead and the increase of competition. Therefore, The Company will continue to invest in the latest technology to further support its business as well as to improve its quality of services to its customers. To meet the diverse and the increasing expectations of our customers, We will continue to invest in human resources to develop our employees and agency force to their fullest potential in competency and management skills. In the year ahead, fixed income investments are expected to be the core portfolio asset. However, The Company will consistently review and revise its strategies to take advantage and accommodate changes in the economic and financial environment. Lastly, based on our financial strengths, leading market position and nation-wide network, We are optimist in achieving better results in the years ahead. In closing, on behalf of the Board of Commissioners and Board of Directors, We would like to thank the management team and staff for their continuous commitment, dedication and contribution to ensure the continuous growth and success of The Company. We would also like to take this opportunity to extend our appreciation to our valued customers, agents, and business associates for the valuable support and trust they have placed in us for the last 20 years. The Company has adopted the use of advanced information technology, a crucial strategy to succeed. Ivena Widjaja (President Commissioner) Indra Widjaja (President Director) �� � � � �� � � � � � � �� � � � � � ������������������� � � � � � � � � � � � � � � �� � Beyond the financial numbers, The Company celebrated its twentieth-year anniversary in 2005. On this anniversary the Company reaffirmed its commitment in providing a wide range of quality insurance products and services; opened new branch offices and generated business expansion both in retail and corporate markets. The Company has implemented a Disaster Recovery Concept that runs twenty four hours, thus securing our data, maintaining our business continuity and supporting the operations of our branch offices all over Indonesia. Currently, we have utilized a webbased application to provide online services where policies can be issued at any of our branch offices. We have also implemented E-Claim to speed up the claim process from 30 days down to 15 days. Advance Information Technology is used in Business Intelligence to make decision taking easier and to run a B2B program with our business partners in order to improve our relationship. ������������������������������ �� The improvement of investment income by 15.03% was the result of stock and bond trading in 2005. ���������� ��������� �� Asuransi Sinar Mas Launched New Products and Services On 24th March 2005 at Grand Hyatt Hotel Jakarta, PT Asuransi Sinar Mas launched Simas Sehat Gold and Simas Mobil Eksklusif. The Company also introduced new services of M Simas and Simas Card. Simas Sehat Gold is a medicare insurance that caters to the individual customers, with advantages such as low premiums and with the option to pay in instalments. Simas Mobil Exclusive is a package of motor vehicle insurance which provides many coverages that make customers feel comfortable including Medical Expenses, Pick Up and Delivery Service, Simas Assistance, Authorized Service Station, etc. M Simas service provide customer with easy access to get policy information and claim status. Meanwhile, Simas Card can be used as an identity card and a discount card in more than 300 merchants in all over Indonesia. Blood Donation by PT Asuransi Sinar Mas Staffs On the day of its 20th anniversary on 27th May 2005, PT Asuransi Sinar Mas held a blood donation activity. This activity was held with cooperation with the Indonesian Red Cross as part of “20 Tahun Tumbuh dan Berkembang Bersama ASM”. In its twentieth year, PT Asuransi Sinar Mas commits to always give the best to all of its customers and to create new products to fulfil insurance need to all of Indonesian people. Corporate Agreement Between PT Asuransi Sinar Mas and PT Bhakti Finance On 8 June 2005, PT Asuransi Sinar Mas and PT Bhakti Finance signed a cooperation agreement at Millenium Hotel, Jakarta. The purpose of this cooperation is to provide motor vehicle insurance and electronic insurance for all of PT Bhakti Finance’s customers through a program named “Bang Kredit” from Bhakti Finance. � � � �� � � � � � � �� � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � �� � �� INDEPENDENT AUDITOR’S REPORT Report No. 351/06-B1A The Stockholders, Commissioners and Directors PT ASURANSI SINAR MAS We have audited the accompanying Consolidated Balance Sheets of PT Asuransi Sinar Mas and Subsidiary as of December 31, 2005 and 2004, and the related Consolidated Statements of Income, Changes in Stockholders’ Equity, and Cash Flows for the years then ended. These Consolidated Financial Statements are the responsibility of the Company’s management. Our responsibility is to express an opinion on these Consolidated Financial Statements based on our audits. We did not audit the Financial Statements of PT LG Insurance Indonesia, an associated company with 30 % ownership interest which investment is presented using the Equity method. The total investment in shares of stock of PT LG Insurance Indonesia represents 1.50 % and 1.90 % of the total consolidated assets as of December 31, 2005 and 2004, respectively. The Company’s equity in net earnings of such Associated Company represents 0.87 % and 2.05 % of the net consolidated income in 2005 and 2004, respectively. The Financial Statements of the associated company were audited by other independent auditor whose report expressed an unqualified opinion on such statements. The report of the other independent auditor has been furnished to us, and our opinion, insofar as it relates to the amounts of the investment in shares of stock in such Associated Company, is based solely on the report of the other independent auditor. ��������� ������ We conducted our audits in accordance with auditing standards established by the Indonesian Institute of Accountants. Those standards require that we plan and perform the audit to obtain reasonable assurance about whether the Consolidated Financial Statements are free of material misstatement. An audit includes examining, on a test basis, evidence supporting the amounts and disclosures in the Consolidated Financial Statements. An audit also includes assessing the accounting principles used and significant estimates made by management, as well as evaluating the overall Consolidated Financial Statement presentation. We believe that our audits and the report of the other independent auditor provide a reasonable basis for our opinion. PT Asuransi Sinar Mas and Subsidiary In our opinion, based on our audit and the report of the other independent auditor, the Consolidated Financial Statements referred to above present fairly, in all material respects, the Financial Position of PT Asuransi Sinar Mas and Subsidiary as of December 31, 2005 and 2004, and the Results of their Operations, Changes in their Stockholders’ Equity and their Cash Flows for the years then ended, in conformity with generally accepted accounting principles applied in Indonesia. JOHAN MALONDA ASTIKA & REKAN Licence No. KEP-055/KM.5/2005 Drs Putu Astika Public Accountant Licence No. 01.1.0763 March 15, 2006 Notice to Readers The accompanying Consolidated Financial Statements are not intended to present the Financial Position, Results of Operations, Changes in Stockholders’ Equity and Cash Flows in accordance with accounting principles and practices generally accepted in countries and jurisdictions other than Indonesia. The standards, procedures and practices utilized to audit such Consolidated Financial Statements may differ from those generally accepted in countries and jurisdictions other than Indonesia. Accordingly, the accompanying Consolidated Financial Statements and the auditor’s report thereon are not intended for use by those who are not informed about the Indonesian accounting principles and auditing standards, and their application in practice. �� � � � �� � � � � � � �� � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � �� � �� HEADQUARTER Wisma Asuransi Sinar Mas Jl. Fachrudin No. 18 Jakarta 10250, Indonesia 24 Hour Hotline (021) 392 0888 Office Hour Hotline (021) 625 7688 Telp. (021) 390 2141 (Hunting) Faks. (021) 390 2159-60 E-mail: BRANCH OFFICES Bandung Wisma Ekalife Jl. Abdul Rivai No. 2 Bandung 40171 Telp. (022) 420 7272, 420 1144 Faks. (022) 420 7211 E-mail: ������ ������������ �������������������� ������������������� Bandar Lampung Jl. Ahmad Yani No. 17C Bandar Lampung 35116 Telp. (0721) 242 875 (Hunting) Faks. (0721) 242 705 E-mail: ���� � �� ���������� Banjarmasin Jl. Jend. A. Yani Km. 3 No. 104 RT. 09 Banjarmasin 70234 Telp. (0511) 325 2852-4, (0511) 325 2973, 325 2972 Faks. (0511) 325 2882 E-mail: Batam Komp. Naga Sakti No. 2 Jl. Raden Patah, Batam 29444 Telp. (0778) 459 218 (Hunting) (0778) 459 214, 455 517/465/489 Faks. (0778) 459 213 E-mail: Bekasi Komp. Ruko Bekasi Mas Jl. Ahmad Yani Blok C No. 4-5 Bekasi 17144 Telp. (021) 889 3228/9 Faks. (021) 884 0343 E-mail: Bogor Jl. Raya Wangun No. 307, Tajur Ciawi, Bogor 16710 Telp. (0251) 249 251 Faks. (0251) 249 353 E-mail: Palembang Jl. Jend. Sudirman Km. 3,5; No. 2937 I-J Palembang 30129 Telp. (0711) 316 966 (Hunting) Faks. (0711) 313 559 E-mail: Denpasar Komp. Graha Renon Jl. Raya Puputan No. 20A-B Denpasar 80000 Telp. (0361) 231 752 (Hotline) /3 Faks. (0361) 229 542 E-mail: Pekanbaru Jl. Jend. Sudirman No. 97 Pekanbaru 28141 Telp. (0761) 322 82, 201 50 Faks. (0761) 336 05 E-mail: Jakarta Selatan Komp. Perkantoran Kebayoran Mall Jl. Kebayoran Baru No. 9-10, Mayestik Jakarta Selatan 12120 Telp. (021) 720 5027, 739 2951 Faks. (021) 720 5031 E-mail: Jakarta Utara Jl. Jembatan Dua Raya No. 11G Jakarta Utara 14450 Telp. (021) 662 2332 (Hunting) Faks. (021) 668 4746 E-mail: Kelapa Gading Ruko Gading Bukit Indah, Blok O No. 6 Jl. Gading Bukit Raya, Kelapa Gading, Jakarta Utara 14241 Telp. (021) 458 52348-51, (021) 458 52353 (Hunting) Faks. (021) 458 52352 E-mail: Makassar Jl. Gunung Bawakaraeng No. 67-69 Makassar 90145 Telp. (0411) 316 752 (Hunting) Faks. (0411) 326 556 E-mail: Malang Jl. Letjen S. Parman No. 102C Malang 65125 Telp. (0341) 417 778 (Hunting), 406 496/7 Faks. (0341) 417 702 E-mail: Mangga Dua/SPD Wisma Eka Jiwa Lt. 9 R. 903 & 903A Jl. Mangga Dua Raya Jakarta 10730 Telp. (021) 625 7687 (Hunting), 625 7688 Faks. (021) 625 7589 E-mail: Medan Jl. Mangkubumi No. 18 (Lt. 2 & 3) Medan 20151 Telp. (061) 453 1532/4700, 451 0707 Faks. (061) 453 7697 E-mail: Pontianak Jl. Imam Bonjol No. 1A Pontianak 78122 Telp. (0561) 738 521 (Hunting) Faks. (0561) 730 529 E-mail: Samarinda Jl. KH. Akhmad Dahlan RT. 3 No. 45 Samarinda 75117 Telp. (0541) 735 497, 738 405 Faks. (0541) 735 426 E-mail: Semarang Rukan Pemuda Mas Blok A Kav. A/8 Jl. Pemuda No. 150 Semarang 50132 Telp. (024) 356 8138 (Hunting), (024) 356 1245 Faks. (024) 356 8581, 356 1239 E-mail: Surabaya Bank Internasional Indonesia Jl. Argopuro No. 53A Surabaya 60256 Telp. (031) 532 0528 (Hunting), (031) 534 1138 Faks. (031) 532 0529 E-mail: Tangerang Komplek Ruko Bumi Mas Raya No. 15/P3 Jl. M.H. Thamrin, Cikokol Tangerang 15117 Telp. (021) 557 50808 (Hunting) Faks. (021) 557 52828 E-mail: Yogyakarta Jl. Balapan Kemakmuran No. 11 Yogyakarta 55222 Telp. (0274) 557 222 Faks. (0274) 557 224 E-mail: �� � � � �� � � � � � � �� � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � �� � �� Balikpapan Jl. M. T. Haryono No. 79 C (DAM) Balikpapan 76114 Telp. (0542) 415 682, 744 326 Faks. (0542) 427 623 E-mail: Cirebon Jl. Tuparev No. 30 Cirebon 45153 Telp. (0231) 246 471 Faks. (0231) 248 514 E-mail: SYARIAH OFFICES Syariah Jl. Tebah III/36, Mayestik Jakarta Selatan 12120 Telp. (021) 270 2882-4 Faks. (021) 270 0120 E-mail: AGENCY OFFICES Agency Bogor Jl. Dadali No. 6 Tanah Sereal, Bogor 16161 Telp. (0251) 357 946, 357 878, (0251) 357 936 Faks. (0251) 357 963 E-mail: Agency Fachrudin Wisma Asuransi Sinar Mas Jl. Fachrudin 18, Jakarta Pusat 10250 Telp. (021) 390 2141 ext. 1400-4 Faks. (021) 390 2159/60 E-mail: Agency Mangga Dua Wisma Eka Jiwa Ruko No. 15 Jl. Mangga Dua Raya Jakarta 10730 Telp. (021) 625 7552 (Hunting)/3 Faks. (021) 625 7554 E-mail: REPRESENTATIVE OFFICES Bandarjaya Jl. Proklamator 20B Lampung Tengah 34163 Telp. (0725) 528 530 Faks. (0725) 528 948 E-mail: Bengkulu Gedung Eka Life Lt. 2 Jl. S. Parman No. 62E Bengkulu 38227 Telp. (0736) 348 881/880 Faks. (0736) 348 881 E-mail: Bintaro Ruko Sentra Menteng Blok MN 54 Bintaro Jaya Sektor 7 Tangerang 15224 Telp. (021) 748 61651, 748 63875 Faks. (021) 748 62013 E-mail: Garut Jl. Pembangunan No. 177 Garut 44151 Telp. (0262) 543 692/3 Faks. (0262) 543 692 E-mail: Bumi Serpong Damai Ruko BSD Golden Boulevard Blok G 6-7 Lt. 3 Jl. Pahlawan Seribu, Serpong, Tangerang 15322 Telp. (021) 538 4800 Faks. (021) 538 4900 E-mail: Gorontalo Jl. S. Parman No. 115A Gorontalo 96111 Telp. (0435) 831 776 Faks. (0435) 831 776 E-mail: Cibubur Kawasan Niaga Citra Grand Blok R3 No. 27 Jl. Raya Alternatif Cibubur Cileungsi, Jatikarya, Bekasi 13720 Telp. (021) 845 99595 Faks. (021) 845 99393 E-mail: Cikarang Ruko Plaza Menteng Jl. M.H. Thamrin Blok A3 Lippo Cikarang, Bekasi 17550 Telp. (021) 897 2020 Faks. (021) 897 4477 E-mail: Cilacap Komp. YKPP Blok. I Jl. M.T. Haryono No. 79/K Cilacap 53221 Telp. (0282) 533 241 Faks. (0282) 520 339 E-mail: Cilegon Ruko Cilegon Indah Jaya Blok A No. 5 Jl. Raya Serang, Kedaleman, Cibeber Cilegon 42422 Telp. (0254) 390 372 Faks. (0254) 390 376 E-mail: Cimahi Ruko Pasar Antri Baru No. 3 Jl. Sriwijaya, Cimahi 40524 Telp. (022) 665 3888/3938 Faks. (022) 665 4777 E-mail: Depok JL. Margonda Raya No. 304, RT. 01/011 Depok 16424 Telp. (021) 772 02343/11251/12912 Faks. (021) 772 02493 E-mail: Duri Jl. Jend.Sudirman No. 446C Duri, Riau 28884 Telp. (0765) 596 773 Faks. (0765) 596 086 E-mail: Jambi Jl. Hayam Wuruk No. 28D Jelutung, Jambi 36136 Telp. (0741) 321 416, (0741) 222 32 (Direct) Faks. (0741) 208 72 E-mail: Jatinegara Bank Internasional Indonesia Lt. 3 Jl. Jatinegara Timur No. 59 Jakarta Timur 13310 Telp. (021) 280 1375-77, 280 1379 Faks. (021) 280 1374 E-mail: Jayapura Komplek Pacific Permai, Blok C No. 34 Jayapura 99112 Telp. (0967) 521 227, 550 455 Faks. (0967) 521 227 E-mail: Jember Bank Internasional Indonesia Lt. 2 Jl. Gatot Subroto 48 Jember 68137 Telp. (0331) 427 222/10 Faks. (0331) 427 200 E-mail: Karawang Jl. A. Yani No. 88E & F Nagasari, Karawang 41312 Telp. (0267) 408 550 Faks. (0267) 408 565 E-mail: Kediri Ruko Hayam Wuruk Trade Centre Blok B No. 1 Kediri 64121 Telp. (0354) 671 833 Faks. (0354) 671 844 E-mail: Kendari Bank Internasional Indonesia Lt. 3 Jl. Drs. H. A. Silondae No. 82-84 Kendari 93111 Telp. (0401) 331 284 Faks. (0401) 331 285 E-mail: Kudus Jl. Jendral Sudirman No. 37G Kudus 59312 Telp. (0291) 435 145/436 155 Faks. (0291) 439 205 E-mail: Lubuk Linggau Jl. Yos Sudarso No. 901/71 RT 2 Kel. Taba Koji Kec. Lubuk Linggau Timur 31625 Telp. (0733) 323 502 Faks. (0733) 323 502 E-mail: Madiun Jl. Cokroaminoto No. 114A Madiun 63132 Telp. (0351) 454 300 Faks. (0351) 483 755 E-mail: Magelang Ruko Prayudan Permai Blok A 22 Jl. Mayjend. Bambang Soegeng Mertoyudan Magelang 56172 Telp. (0293) 327 272 Faks. (0293) 327 308 E-mail: Manado Bank Internasional Indonesia Jl. Sam Ratulangi Komplek Wanea Plaza Blok.I No.1 Manado 95117 Telp. (0431) 844 365 Faks. (0431) 852 001 E-mail: Mataram Bank Internasional Indonesia Jl. AA Gde. Ngurah No. 48C-D, Cakranegara Mataram 83235 Telp. (0370) 630 814/15 Faks. (0370) 630 813 E-mail: Mojokerto Bank Internasional Indonesia Lt. 3 Jl. Jaksa Agung Suprapto No. 30 Mojokerto 61311 Telp. (0321) 329 990, 329 991 Faks. (0321) 329 990 E-mail: Muara Bungo Jl. Basarudin Ruko Efendi 4 Kampung Solok RT 016/06, Kel. Bungo Barat, Muara Bungo, Jambi 37212 Telp. (0747) 321 618 Faks. (0747) 321 497 E-mail: Padang Jl. S. Parman No. 172C, Bulak Karang Bulak Karang, Padang 25134 Telp. (0751) 447 900, 447 906, (0751) 447 907 Faks. (0751) 447 901 E-mail: Singkawang JL. Alianyang No. 73A RT 24 RW 08 Kel. Melayu, Singkawang Barat 79123 Telp. (0562) 635 598 Faks. (0562) 638 976 E-mail: Palu Bank Internasional Indonesia Jl. Danau Lindu No. 345 Palu 94112 Telp. (0451) 423 262 Faks. (0451) 421 919 E-mail: Solo Ruko Mesen Square No. 12 Jl. Urip Sumohardjo, Solo Solo 57129 Telp. (0271) 666 766 (Hotline)-768 Faks. (0271) 666 765 E-mail: Pangkal Pinang Jl. Jendral Sudirman No. 72/30, Lt. 2 Kelurahan Gedung Nasional Bangka Belitung 33125 Telp. (0717) 431 939 Faks. (0717) 432 809 E-mail: Sukabumi Jl. Perintis Kemerdekaan No. 17B Sukabumi 43111 Telp. (0266) 236 670 Faks. (0266) 236 670 E-mail: Pekalongan Ruko Gama Niaga No. 3 Jl. Gajahmada No. 90C Pekalongan 51119 Telp. (0285) 429 549, 431 731 Faks. (0285) 425 090 E-mail: Pematang Siantar Bank Internasional Indonesia Lt. 3 Jl. DR. Soetomo No. 245 Pematang Siantar 21117 Telp. (0622) 267 11 Faks. (0622) 431 655 E-mail: Prabumulih Jl. Jend. Sudirman No. 111 Prabumulih 31123 Telp. (0713) 325 967 Faks. (0713) 325 976 E-mail: Purwokerto Jl. S. Parman No. 77 Purwokerto 53141 Telp. (0281) 641 451 (Hunting) Faks. (0281) 640 573 E-mail: Rantau Prapat Jl. Imam Bonjol No. 10 Rantau Prapat 21417 Telp. (0624) 327 693 Faks. (0624) 225 37 E-mail: Sampit Jl. D I Panjaitan No. 39A RT. 03 RW. 01, Kelurahan Hulu - Sampit 74322 Telp. (0531) 315 68, 218 35 Faks. (0531) 319 51 E-mail: Sumedang Jl. P. Geusan Ulun 127 Sumedang 45312 Telp. (0261) 201 864 Faks. (0261) 201 864 E-mail: Tanjung Pinang Jalan Brigjen Katamso No. 92A Tanjung Pinang 29122 Telp. (0771) 282 57 Faks. (0771) 271 57 E-mail: Tasikmalaya Komp. Ruko Permata Regency No. 2 Jl. HZ. Mustofa, Tasikmalaya 46126 Telp. (0265) 311 027, 345 027, (0265) 345 023, 356 024 Faks. (0265) 311 137 Email: Tebet Royal Palace Jl. Prof. Dr. Soepomo, SH No. 178A/B5 Jakarta 12870 Telp. (021) 835 0099 (Hunting) Faks. (021) 830 9911 Email: Tegal Komp. Nirmala Estate Kav. 7A & 8A Jl. Yos Sudarso No. 19 Tegal 52121 Telp. (0283) 354 481, 324 239 Faks. (0283) 357 541 E-mail: �� � � � �� � � � � � � �� � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � �� � �� Agency Fatmawati Komp. Duta Mas Blok A2 No. 9-10 Jl. RS. Fatmawati Jakarta 12150 Telp. (021) 723 5222 Faks. (021) 723 4333 E-mail: Bukit Tinggi Jl. Kapas panji Km. 3 Banu Hampu, Bukittinggi 26123 Telp. (0752) 627 265 Faks. (0752) 627 264 E-mail:
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