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construction division the weekly digital marketplace for construction auctions industrial division QUIPMENT AUCTIONS • EQUIPMENT FOR SALE • EQUIPMENT AUCTIONS • EQUIPMENT OR SALE • EQUIPMENT AUCTIONS • EQUIPMENT FOR SALE • EQUIPMENT AUCTIONS • QUIPMENT FOR SALE • EQUIPMENT AUCTIONS • EQUIPMENT FOR SALE • EQUIPMENT UCTIONS • EQUIPMENT FOR SALE • EQUIPMENT AUCTIONS • EQUIPMENT FOR SALE • QUIPMENT AUCTIONS • EQUIPMENT FOR SALE • EQUIPMENT AUCTIONS • EQUIPMENT OR SALE • EQUIPMENT AUCTIONS • EQUIPMENT FOR SALE • EQUIPMENT AUCTIONS • QUIPMENT FOR SALE • EQUIPMENT AUCTIONS • EQUIPMENT FOR SALE • EQUIPMENT UCTIONS • EQUIPMENT FOR SALE • EQUIPMENT AUCTIONS • EQUIPMENT FOR SALE • QUIPMENT AUCTIONS • EQUIPMENT FOR SALE • EQUIPMENT AUCTIONS • EQUIPMENT OR SALE • EQUIPMENT AUCTIONS • EQUIPMENT FOR SALE • EQUIPMENT AUCTIONS • QUIPMENT FOR SALE • EQUIPMENT AUCTIONS • EQUIPMENT FOR SALE • EQUIPMENT UCTIONS • EQUIPMENT FOR SALE • EQUIPMENT AUCTIONS • EQUIPMENT FOR SALE • QUIPMENT AUCTIONS • EQUIPMENT FOR SALE • EQUIPMENT AUCTIONS • EQUIPMENT OR SALE • EQUIPMENT AUCTIONS • EQUIPMENT FOR SALE • EQUIPMENT AUCTIONS • QUIPMENT FOR SALE • EQUIPMENT AUCTIONS • EQUIPMENT FOR SALE • EQUIPMENT UCTIONS • EQUIPMENT FOR SALE • EQUIPMENT AUCTIONS • EQUIPMENT FOR SALE • QUIPMENT AUCTIONS • EQUIPMENT FOR SALE • EQUIPMENT AUCTIONS • EQUIPMENT OR SALE • EQUIPMENT AUCTIONS • EQUIPMENT FOR SALE • EQUIPMENT AUCTIONS • QUIPMENT FOR SALE • EQUIPMENT AUCTIONS • EQUIPMENT FOR SALE • EQUIPMENT UCTIONS • EQUIPMENT FOR SALE • EQUIPMENT AUCTIONS • EQUIPMENT FOR SALE • QUIPMENT AUCTIONS • EQUIPMENT FOR SALE • EQUIPMENT AUCTIONS • EQUIPMENT OR SALE • EQUIPMENT AUCTIONS • EQUIPMENT FOR SALE • EQUIPMENT AUCTIONS • QUIPMENT FOR SALE • EQUIPMENT AUCTIONS • EQUIPMENT FOR SALE • EQUIPMENT UCTIONS • EQUIPMENT FOR SALE • EQUIPMENT AUCTIONS • EQUIPMENT FOR SALE • QUIPMENT AUCTIONS • EQUIPMENT FOR SALE • EQUIPMENT AUCTIONS • EQUIPMENT OR SALE • EQUIPMENT AUCTIONS • EQUIPMENT FOR SALE • EQUIPMENT AUCTIONS • QUIPMENT FOR SALE • EQUIPMENT AUCTIONS • EQUIPMENT FOR SALE • EQUIPMENT UCTIONS • EQUIPMENT FOR SALE • EQUIPMENT AUCTIONS • EQUIPMENT FOR SALE • CONSTRUCTION AUCTIONS 1 QUIPMENT AUCTIONS • EQUIPMENT FOR SALE • EQUIPMENT AUCTIONS • EQUIPMENT farming division construction division Bidspotter upcoming upcoming bidspotter bidspotter auctions auctions Auctioneer Event Information Event Information Auctioneer Event Information Auctioneer Event Information Date Auctioneer Date Date Date NRI Industrial Sales Heath Industrial Surplus Process Equipment Sale Pumps / Valves / Electrical Kings Point General Cement, Inc. 1,207 Delaware Ave., Ste. 101 Excavators, End Dump Trailers, Truck Tractors, Buffalo, NY Skid Steer Loaders, Vehicles 920 County Line Rd. Bensenville, IL 11/14/11 to 11/30/11 American Auction Associates, Inc. My Baps Construction / Vijay Construction Construction & Road Building 7,601 S. Kedzie Chicago, IL 11/30/11 Tri-State Auction & Realty Brunswick Box Company, Inc. 852 Planters Rd. Lawrenceville, VA 12/8/11 Ritchason Auctioneers, Inc. Construction Equip. & Truck Auction (2 Rings) 7,538 Linwood Rd. Lebanon, TN 12/17/11 Tri-State Auction & Realty 12/3/11 Graves CIF Auctions Heavy Equipment, Trailers, Trucks and More Unreserved Auction 5,401 Raytown Rd. Raytown (Kansas City), MO 12/7/11 Formerly Costal Lumber Company Walterboro, SC 12/17/11 Wheeler Auctions & Real Estate, L.L.C. Annual January Consignment Auction (2 Rings) Farm Machinery & Construction Equipment 23,101 Hwy. 24 Paris, MO 1/28/12 is real auctions as they happen; convenient, secure and just like being there. Did you know? You can bid in real time as the auctioneer calls the bids. Bidding is simple and it’s all on your screen. One click of your mouse is all it takes to bid. Can’t be in front of your computer at that time? No problem, you can leave bids any time before the lot is sold. BidSpotter also has many other kinds of sales including Industrial Machinery, Food Processing Equipment, Real Estate and Livestock. 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"##$ !#"#$$" $$! "##$$ $$,+)' *(',(#,)!(',, -AB<4@99B8:?BAB4A90B9;@9AB:=B@8!B?!3:=@34;7@9BA==:=<B:=B;8@775=@7;A<B;8B?4AB7:8?A8?B:B?4;<B@0B '4#444)-4"4""'44-4"4""4 farming division 6 construction division East Unreserved Public Auction THURSDAY, 9:00 AM DEC. 15TH, 2011 LOCATION: Brampton, ON ADDRESS: 55 Auction Lane Phone: (905) 584-7766 • Fax: (866) 746-8847 Ring 1 - Online Bidding Available - 9 AM Vehicles, Heavy Trucks, Heavy Construction Equip, Const. Fencing, Gen Sets, Compressors, Welders, Aerial & Lift Equip, Chippers, Recreational Vehicles,Trailers, Roll-Off Bins, Containers & Chassis 2008 JOHN DEERE 350D LC HYD EXCAVATOR 2009 COBRA TRI/A END DUMP TRAILER 2006 JOHN DEERE 700J XLT CRAWLER TRACTOR 2005 FONTAINE TRI/A 60 TON LOW BOY TRAILER 2004 FREIGHTLINER CLASSIC XL T/A FLOAT TRACTOR 2009 INTERNATIONAL S/A DUMP TRUCK More available online - Click here for details Ring 2 - Online Bidding Available - 10 AM Landscaping Equip, Concrete Tools, Pressure Washers, Small Generators, Small Engines, Small Welders, Pumps, Container Shelters, Salters, Plows, New Tires, Const Equip Attach, Farm Equip Attach Consign today for the upcoming Auction farming division 7 construction division East Live & Webcast Auction Construction Equipment, Liquid & Solid Waste Handling Trucks & Trailers Assets Formerly of Pure Earth Auction Site: Garton’s Rigging 3436 N. Mill Road, Vineland, NJ 08362 Thursday, December 15 at 11:00 AM CONSTRUCTION EQUIP: 03 POWERSCREEN Titan 1800 Crawler • ’00 KOMATSU Avance D41P-6 Dozer • ‘05 CAT 311C, ’01 VOLVO EC150LC & ‘94 CAT 307SSR Mini Excavators • ’04 VOLVO L120E • ‘98 L120C, ’98 DAEWOO MG-250 • ‘98 CASE 621B & ’97 JD 544H R.T. Loaders • ‘01 CASE 590 SM & ’97 CASE 580SL Backhoe Loaders • ‘05 JLG Gradall 543D-9 Tele. Fork Lift • ’92 CAT D300D Artic. End Dump • ‘091 HAMM 2410 SDH Dirt Compactor • ’92 BOBCAT 853 SKid Steer & Attmts. ROLL OFFS: ‘07 & ’04 VOLVO Tri-Ax w/AMERICAN 75,000 Lb. Cap Lifts VAC TRUCKS: ‘03 MACK CV713 & ’98 MACK & ‘87 FORD TRACTORS: ’07 & ‘04 VOLVO VNL TA Conv., ’95 & ‘94 INT’L 9200 Conv. TA. VAC TRAILERS: ‘92, ’91, ‘89, ’87 & ‘86 PREVAE SS Vacuum • (2) RUDCO Vacuum Roll-Off Units DUMP TRAILERS: (2) ’97 WHITE, ‘95 & ’87 EAST Tri-Ax. MISC: ‘07 GMC Stake Body Dump • ’96 MACK Rollback w/Knuckleboom • ‘98 FREIGHTLINER Water Truck INSPECTION: Wednesday, December 14, 9:00 3:00 & Morning of Sale TERMS: On-Line Bidding at 7% On-Line 5% Live Buyers Premium. Full Paymt at Conclusion in Cash or Bank Ck. NOTE: Please Confirm Date Prior to Travel 2-DAY PUBLIC AUCTION Online Bidding 221 Springfield Street • Agawam, MA 01001 Tuesday & Wednesday, December 13 & 14, 2011 at 10:00 AM Inspection: Mon., December 12, 2011 from 9:00 AM – 4:00 PM EQUIPMENT, TENT & PARTY RENTAL COMPANY HIGHLIGHTS Sell Your Surplus Municipal Equipment at Wisconsin at NO COST TO YOU! Check Our Website for CURRENT AUCTIONS!! OPEN TO ALL MUNICIPALITIES • Construction & Excavating Equip. • Masonry, Plumbing, Electrician & Carpenter’s Tools • Trucks and Trailers • Staging & Scaffolding • Professional Painting Equipment • Professional Landscaping Equip. • Floor Care & Professional Cleaning Equipment • 250+ Tents • Complete Event & Party Rental Dept. • And Much More! TERMS:To Be Sold In Accordance w/CRG Terms As Published On Web & Auction Catalog. MA Lic #232 BUYERS & SELLERS 1-800-383-SOLD P.O Box 113 • Mount Horeb, WI 53572 --Wisconsin’s Official Approved On Line Auction -Buy & Sell All Your Surplus From Its Current Location For Minimal Costs! farming division • (800) 300-6852 8 construction division South Construction Equipment Auction December 3rd, 2011 • 10:00 A.M • Ingleside, Texas Perry Construction Co, Inc. was Started in 1966 as a family business. They now feel that at age 72, it’s time they retire. The family thanks everyone for coming to the auction and the consideration everyone gives to the equipment. Picker 1983 Galion 150’ Cherry Picker (pending) Backhoes / excavators 2006 New Holland B95, 593 Hrs, Like New 2003 Link-Belt 240LSX, 3243.4 Hrs, Clean 2007 Link-Belt 240X-2, 670 Hrs, Like New, SEE HRS! 1989 JD 310C Backhoe w/front end loader bkt & rear hoe Case 580L, Excellent Cond. Loaders 2004 Komatsu WA200SC, 2965.1 Hrs, Good 2008 Komatsu WA200-6, 1342 Hrs, Like New Trench Safety Shoring Equipment 8x20 Shields 618 Trenching Shields Assorted Sheet Piling Assorted Spreader Pipes Concrete Bulkhead Forms 20-12’ Groove Forms 19-12’ Tongues 6-14’ Grooves 6-14’ Tongues Welding Machines Miller Welding Machine SRH444 Welder, Alum Sppl Gun Pro AEC 200 36 SN, Prolax Control Box Mod AEC-200-2-SN 2001 Beetle Welding Machine Trailers Loadcraft Lowboy 40 Ton, 3 Axle Aztex Platform Trailer 40’ Box Van Trailer 36’ Box Van Trailer Flat S/T Gooseneck Trailer, w/Dove Tail Trailking Detach Lowboy 3 Axle 1990 48’ Fotain, T/A Hi-Boy 40’ Mini Float 12’ Trailer w/Dove Tail & Ramps Spool Trailer Pole Trailer 53’ Car Hauler, 3 Axle 1987 Stonghton Box Van 1973 Dunham 22’ End Dump 30’ End Dump Cutters / Shredders 2006 Landgrade 6’ Shredder Rotary Cutter RCR 1872 JD 8’ Rotary Cutter SR 15 Batwing Cutter Boring Machines 2” x 18” Hyd Boring Machine 1989 Vibra King Hercules Rammer Land / Office Buildings WILL BE AUCTIONED OFF AT NOON! 27.03 Acres w/ 20’ x 80’ Shop, 32’ x 40’ Office, 40’ x 60’ Shed, 78’ x 14’ Mobile Home, 20’ x 40’ Garage & Gas/Dsl Fuel Facility. Pickups and Cars 2003 Chev Silverado 1500 1998 GMC 3500 Crew Cab, 4x4 2009 Chev 4x4, 3/4 Ton, Crew Cab 2006 GMC 3/4 crew, 4x4, Duramax Campers 1989 33’ 5th Wheel Hitchhiker, Champagne Edition 2006 Cavalier Travel Trailer 35’ Alumalite Trailer A-Frames 2-A Frames, Hoist w/Caster Wheels Tractors Ford 6610 Ford 4000, Die. w/6’ Mower Deck JD G100 Lawn Tractor w/54” Deck IH 1566 Mahindra 575, Die w/canopy Int’l 986 JD 2940 Ford 4610, 48 HP Expecting More by Sale Time! Trucks 1990 Ford F600 Water Truck 1987 Ford L8000 6 Ton Dump Truck 2001 Freightliner 3 1/2 Ton 1974 Int’l 4300 1991 Ford F700 Dsl Flatbed 1993 GMC Topkick Van Truck, 24” Busses 2-1992 Int’l Busses, Low Mi Concrete Paver 1979 Lee Boy Concrete Vibratory / Rollers 2-1997 Concrete Vibrators Roscor Vibrastat Tandem Asphalt Roller Forklifts Genie GS 3246 Scissor Lift Snorkel 4x4 ATB50 Genie GS 2646 Scissor Lift Champ 5000# Case 586E JD 482C Small Forklift LP 2006 GMC 1/2 Ton 2007 Dodge 3/4 Ton Quad Cab, Die. 4x4 1998 Lexus ES300 2000 Chev Suburban LS 4x4 2008 GMC Pickup 2001 Mercury Cougar 1997 Chev Tahoe Shop Tools & Misc. AGL Laser Battery Chargers Generators Elec Fuel Pump Air Compressors 3” Trash Pump Craftsman Shop Vac Honda Pressure Washer Halsy Taylor Water Cooler Sand Blaster Tool Sand Blaster Cabinet Miter Saw Partner 12’ Cutoff Saw Promac 690 Cutoff Saw Super Sawzall VS Assorted Power Tools, Drills, Vise Shop Vans Chicago Drill Press HD, 5 Spd Ramco 30 Ton Shop Press Shop Tables Fuel Tanks Wrenches Tool Boxes Tulsa Winches Grinders Assorted Tires Assorted PVC Pipe Weedeaters, Chainsaws, HD Chains, AND MUCH MORE!! THIS IS A PARTIAL LIST ONLY - NO MINIMUMS / NO RESERVES FOJTIK AUCTION & EQUIPMENT CO. 361-510-7331 Felix Fojtik 361-765-2923 • Mathis Office 361-547-9400 Fax (361) 547-2561 • RAIN OR SHINE - SALE WILL NOT BE CALLED OFF! 9 TX. LICfarming # 11684 division construction division South TWO DAY PUBLIC CONSTRUCTION & FARM EQUIPMENT FRI. & SAT., DECEMBER 9 & 10 @ 10 AM CST f 2236 HIGHWAY 49 BROOKLYN, MS 39425 tured ea E T U L O S AB ms ite 2008 CAT D5K 400 hrs 2008 CAT 312C-LCR 200 hrss (2) 2008 CAT 140M 600 hrs 2008 CAT 315CL 2800 hrs 2008 CAT M313D 400 hrs DAY ONE DAY TWO CONSTRUCTION EQUIPMENT ATTACHMENTS TRUCKS & TRAILERS RELATED ITEMS FARM EQUIPMENT IMPLEMENTS VEHICLES & CAMPERS TOOLS, MISC & RELATED ITEMS Detailed info & photos of each item are available at or call 601.450.6200 JEFF MARTIN PATRICK VALKENBURG DENNY SUMRALL 864.940.9004 601.549.4002 601.297.8549 ADVANCE NOTICE WED & THURS, JAN. 18 & 19, 2012 ANNUAL WINTER CONTRACTORS AUCTION I-85 & SC HWY 8 (EXIT 32)PELZER, SC AUCTIONEERS OF MISSISSIPPI, INC. MISSISSIPPI Jeff Martin Lic. No. MS1255 2236 HIGHWAY YN, MS 39425 :::00$2)06&20 10 South Heavy Equipment NO RESERVE Timed Online Auction Closing December 1st, 2011 Fleet Maintained Caterpillar, John Deere, Case, New Holland Loaders, Skid Steers & Track Loaders, Backhoe Loaders, & Dozers. All lots offered Unreserved, to be sold to the highest bidder. ALL LOTS WILL OPEN FOR BIDDING ON MON, NOV 21. 2269 Indian Road, Building 5 • West Palm Beach, FL 33409 USA • Email: Toll Free (North America): 1.800.592.7042 • 561.290.0305 • Fax: 800.597.3155 • 2-DAY PUBLIC AUCTION Tues. & Wed., Dec. 13 & 14, 2011 at 10 AM See Page 8 For Details • (800) 300-6852 Serving the Southeast Striving for Excellence in Life and Business See Upcoming auctions on our website! 1894 Sylvester Hwy - Moultrie, GA 31768 (229) 985-4565 ~ Fax 229-985-0754 email: Auctioneer: Terry DeMott, Sr. FL ~ #AU1833 – AB1285 Visit for more information Money Is Tight These Days... Get the Biggest Bang for Your Buck at Contractors Hot Line . ® Call Today for Your Customized Advertising Package. 800-247-2000 farming division 11 construction division Midwest Sat, December 3, 2011 10:00 AM 5620 B SE Adams St, Topeka, Kansas Truck 2000 Ford F450 Super Duty Service Body Truck, 7. 3 powerstroke, 2wd, auto trans, 136,278 miles showing, VIN:1FDXF46F7YEE27119. Heavy Equipment Tesmec TRS900 9’ rock saw, 4 cyl. Dsl 3304 CAT, 2’ wide trench. Takeuchi TB175 mini excavator, 3145 hours showing, SN: 17513893. Takeuchi Model TB045 mini excavator 3406 hours showing, SN:456671. 2001 Case 580 Super M Extend-a-hoe back hoe with front wheel assist, 3357 hours showing, SN: JJG0281052. Case 450 Series 3 skid loader with quick attach, “ride control”, 433.6 hours showing, SN: N8M484264. Case 550G Dozer Long Track with 6-way blade, new front idlers, less than 100 hours on new motor per seller, SN: JJG0215743. NH TC350 tractor w/NH 16CA loader, 1642 hrs, SN: YL357439. Ingersoll Rand Model 185 compressor with JD Dsl engine, SN: 260856ULG327. Dump Truck 1997 Int'l 4700 4X2 w/DT 466 Int. 190 HP Dsl eng, 7 spd trans, hyd brakes, 205,437 mi showing, VIN: 1HTSCAAM2VH445102. Trailers Landoll double drop lo boy trailer, ILH327TJ2N1005897. Custom built tandem axle pipe trailer with pintel hitch. JFW 20’ equipment trailer VIN: 7468. 24’ equip trailer w/dove tail & ramps, VIN: JF01625r102722. 5’ X 10’ bumper hitch trailer. 20,000 lb trailer with 18’ deck with 6’ dovetail, pintel hitch, VIN: ND68043. 2 wheel bumper hitch trailer 6.5’ X 10’. 48” quick attach forks. 2002 W-W 12’ x 6’ tandem axle enclosed trailer with double swing doors, VIN: 11WEC12213W271573. Titan 5’ X 10’ single axle enclosed trailer with single swing door. 1995 Whitley office trailer 28’ X 8’ VIN: 26440. Office trailer steps. Landscape Equipment Harper Grossen Straw Blower SB-1300 with 12 HP engine Great Plains slicer seeder PTO driven. King Kutter II 5’ tiller 3-point, SN: 90C027955. Quick attach 6’ 6-way blade for skid steer; Quick attach post hole digger for skid steer with 10” bit; Shop Equipment Ramco Industrial 50-ton press; Hotsy steam cleaning machine propane 220V; parts cleaner; work benches; vices; acetylene torch cart with hoses, gauges, valves, etc. (no tanks); Milwaukee magnetic drill; Hydraulic bumper jack; Craftsman roll-around tool chest; Knaack 2-door storage cabinet; Knaack storage box; lots & lots of misc sockets, ratchets, wrenches of all types & sizes; Homelite trash pump; Bomag tamper’ 16” concrete saw; engine hoist; Landa sand blaster pot; lots of misc bolts; 16” & 6” pipe grippers; Mueller tapper; hydraulic pipe breaker; (2) Dynatel 573A locators; Stihl 250 chain saw; other misc chain saws; 1” impact wrench; Test pump Honda 5.5 HP engine. Miscellaneous Approx. 1000’ of 6” Class 200 water line; 5 gallon buckets of transmission, hydraulic & engine oil; caution fencing, cones, signs, etc.; (2) 500 gallon fuel barrel with electric pump; (3+) 100 gallon truck bed fuel tanks with electric pumps (have had Dsl fuel in them.); & much more. ***Heavy equipment, trucks & trailers will have reserve prices.*** No sales tax will be charged. - 10% Buyers Premium on all items. - Payments made by credit card will have a 3% courtesy fee added to the purchase price. Auctioneer's Note: Final close out of Cronister & Company, Inc., a long time Topeka based contractor. This auction will be held indoors in the event of bad weather. Auctions by: Simnitt Bros Inc. Darrell E Simnitt, C.A.I.• Auctioneer • 785-231-0374 • Auction Directory Check our web site for additional items and to leave bids online. DIRECTORY OF U.S. & CanAdian AUCTION COMPANIES AL..........J.M. Wood Auction Co.............................................3468 Ashley Rd., Montgomery, AL 36108, 800-447-7085, Fax 334-269-6990. ..............WorldNet Auctions Live...........................................174 S Main St, Greeleyville, SC, 29056, 843-372-0950, 843 426 4255, Fax 843-426-4256, AR.........Blackmon Auction Co..............................................P.O. Box 7464, Little Rock, AR 72217, 800-633-1485, 501-664-4526, CA.........Iron Planet.................................................................4695 Chabot Drive Ste 102, Pleasanton, CA 94588, 888-433-5426, Fax 888-433-3467, CT..........Petrowsky Auctioneers, Inc....................................275 Route 32, North Franklin, CT 06254, 860-642-4200, Fax 860-642-7900 FL..........Stampler Auctions....................................................1914 Tigertail Blvd, Dania, FL 33004, 800-333-2437, Fax 954-342-2080, GA.........Rebel Auction............................................................P.O. Box 549, Hazlehurst, GA, 31539, 912-375-3491, Fax 912-375-7384, ..............Adesa Atlanta............................................................5055 Oakley Industrial Blvd., Fairburn, GA 30213, 770-251-9881, Fax 770-357-2276, IA...........Hilpipre Auction Company.......................................P.O. Box 309, Cedar Falls, IA, 50613, 319-235-6007, Fax 319-234-1751, IL...........All States Auctioneers, Inc......................................P.O. Box 1144, Lake Villa, IL 60046, 847-395-4454, Fax 847-395-4464, ..............Powers Auction & Equipment.................................1017 Trakk Lane, Woodstock IL 60098, 815-338-9700, Fax 815-338-9766,, IN...........Don Smock Auction Co...........................................6531 S. State Rd. 13, Pendleton, IN 46064, 765-778-9277, Fax 765-778-9276, KY.........Bunch Brothers Auction..........................................P.O. Box 175, Wingo, KY, 42088, 270-376-2992, Fax 270-376-2997, KS..........ACT Auctions............................................................2200 State Line Rd, Kansas City, Ks, 66103-2188, 800-999-8538, ..............Purple Wave..............................................................825 Levee Drive, Manhattan, KS 66502, 888-608-9283,, MI..........Darell Dunkle & Associates.....................................P.O. Box 959, Harrison, MI 48625, 989-539-1704, Fax 989-539-5686, ..............Miedema Auctioneering Inc....................................P.O. Box 453, Grandville, MI 49418, 616-538-0367, 800-527-8243, Fax 616-538-5230, MN.........Wayne Pike Auction Co............................................P.O. Box 387, Princeton, MN 55371, 763-389-2700, Fax 763-389-1767, ..............Henslin Auctions, Inc...............................................P.O. Box 508, Bird Island, MN 55310, 320-365-4120, Fax 320-365-3753, ..............Hiller Auction.............................................................10785 261st Ave, Zimmerman, MN 55398, 763-856-2453, ..............I.R.A.Y. Auction Co....................................................11935 Hwy 95 NE, Foley, MN 56329, 877-968-7230, 320-968-7230, Fax 320-968-8075, MO........Yellow Iron Auctions.................................................1736 E. Sunshine St. Ste. LL7, Springfield, MO 65804, 417-866-6887, Fax 417-831-2899, MS.........Deanco Auction........................................................P.O. Box 1248, 1042 Holland Ave., Philadelphia, MS, 39350, 601-656-9768, Fax 601-656-0192, MT.........Smith Sales Co Auctioneers....................................42 Dent Addition RD, Miles City, MT 59301, 406-234-7355, NC.........King Auction..............................................................P.O. Box 800, Fletcher, NC, 28732, 800-359-5608, 828-684-6828, Fax 828-684-5217, NJ..........J.J Kane Auctioneers...............................................8008 US Hwy 130, Bldg 1 Ste 214, Delran, NJ 08075, 856-764-7163, Fax 856-764-4098, NY.........Alex Lyon & Son Auctioneers Inc............................RD#2, P.O. Box 610, Bridgeport, NY 13030, 315-633-2944, 315-633-2872, 315-633-9544, OH.........Cincinnati Industrial Auction ..................................2020 Dunlap St, Cincinnati, OH 45214, 513-241-9701 Fax 513-241-6760, ..............Frey & Sons, Professional Auctioneers..................Robert G. Frey, P.O. Box 7, Archbold, OH 43502, 419-445-0015, Fax 419-445-8888, ..............Yoder & Frey Auctioneers Inc. . ..............................1670 Commerce Rd, Holland, OH 43528, 800-842-6221, 419-865-3990, Fax 419-865-4595 , PA..........Comly Auctioneers...................................................1825 E Boston St, Philadelphia, PA 19125, 215-634-2500 Fax: 215-634-0496, SC.........Kissimmee Auction Co., Inc....................................218 Wingo Heights Rd, Spartanburg, SC 29303, 800-782-4506, Fax 864-583-9400, TN..........Ritchason Auctioneers, Inc.....................................7538 Linwood Rd., Lebanon, TN 37090, 800-806-3395, Fax 615-444-1057, TX..........Lemons Auctioneers ...............................................1011 Inwood St, Tomball, TX, 77375, 281-357-4977, Fax 281-357-4974, ..............Lone Star Auctioneers, Inc......................................4629 Mark IV Parkway, Fort Worth, TX 76106, (817) 740-9400, Fax (817) 740-9777, ..............Vaughan Auction Group, LLC..................................24280 Interstate 20, Wills Point TX, 75169, (903) 873-6777, Fax (903) 873-6201, WI..........Auction Specialists...................................................P. O. Box 100, Lomira, WI 53048 920-921-2901, Fax: 920-269-2902, ..............Auction Associates, Inc...........................................P.O. Box 418, Ripon, WI 54971, 920-748-3002, 800-242-0920, ..............Wisconsin Surplus Online Auction.........................P.O. Box 113, Mount Horeb, WI 53572, 800-383-SOLD, CAN.......LVG Auctions.............................................................13726 Airport Rd., Caledon East, On L0N 1E0, 800-340-7606, 905-584-7766, Fax 905-584-1218, Int'l.....Ritchie Bros. Auctioneers........................................4000 Pine Lake Road, Lincoln, NE 68516, 800-428-9264, Fax 402-421-1738, farming division 12 construction division Midwest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