PDF - Andy Lawrence Photography
PDF - Andy Lawrence Photography
beyond skate zine issue 1 spring 2005 perth skate culture, products, profiles 5 15 -p s -p 9 al nt y -p te p4 eci rit 1 u 3 p i on - p 7 C tro s - p 8 kfl p1 p1 sec 7 27 In tra rts - p ic l - g - th p1 -p 9 Ex shi s - k na in wi 16 7 2 d -p T- ood to tio spr al - p nte H ow r ne or de ws re un es f - e Pa 25 ro ori H e i t s - p erg ess In ick to rev ris K 24 ht nd cc K w s ’ o H om le - p rap - U d a fi s D k n T o Pr ean ic hec e a J us c ar M pot dw S ar H ail.com) ce (koostmedia@hotm Editor: Andy Lawren t.com) min bon car in@ (col ell Design: Colin Cornw ondskate.com) enshields (shane@bey Publisher: Shane Gre a@hotmail.com) edi stm (koo ce ren Photography: Andy Law Langridge, Clive Hutcheon, Tom Editorial Contributors: e Chris Yow, Kris Parent comes art, story and Contributions: BIZ wel ce at Contact Andy Lawren photo contributions. wing with creative rflo ove ’re you if om koostmedia@hotmail.c ideas! be directed to for future issues should Advertising enquiries om ail.c otm a@h edi stm Andy Lawrence at koo Colour Scanning by: Custom Press rd gua Printing by: Van Lawrence - Kickflip 50-50 - Photo: ge grid Lan COVER: Tom every day or another, in one way s, something as g in ow gr ill all n of new sk ional, we’re e acquisitio al and emot ial, physic school to th nt gh ta hi bs su om fr to graduating om simple Intro rts of life. Fr r ride of adolescence; amental pa a te nd as fu co t r os lle e’ve seen ro the m Beyond, w ion, to the . It’s one of lace promot ard. ard. Here at ore on Russel St in GROWTH kp rw or fo w g a in st ve ly mov . From your bo our original untry. We’ d constant of our lives w trick on s in the co . ginnings at ontiers an nailing a ne . e our friend humble be d the future G ring new fr ic lo an N rv om , simple as I xp se st Fr E . to pa W o. e ge ag ility an GRO s four years y ople from th ing our ab bracing ch a pe an ild m r E th fo bu . e lw t ns as or or a l m zo ing supp e scene ds, as wel your hori We’re cessories tralian skat nington and Whitfor well as show Expanding rdware, ac e West Aus t learning. an in Perth, as footwear, ha a space for us to g in rd It’s all abou H since arriving on th two more stores in C finest skateboarders oa skateb al iding WT the ude e finest in ell as prov some visu lot of GRO DED to incl d to sponsor some of ing you th ine. As w riders and ve EXPAN ou riving to br , the Beyond Skate Z s from our st ew ly vi nt Morley, we’ e streets and are pr re ta , cons techniques sue of BIZ D th t, and are EXPLORE t the first is and profiles, tips and you!) wan d to presen ers (that’s cs ou pi om pr h st e it cu ar w r e ed t ou ck that w RNED wha t issue is pa GROWTH We’ve LEA ng, our firs is spirit of es this spri l. It’s in th or re st pa r ap ou d an offer in . what’s on be a part of show you re stoked to . e that we’ on treats d an ia Austral in Western us. t of it’s kind ROW with It’s the firs ntinue to G co d an ay same w u’ll feel the We hope yo Enjoy. tor rence - Edi Andy Law Circa MA207 $99 Circa CX105 $79 Gallaz Origin $49 Gallaz Post $49 DC Arrow $69 DC Sairin $59 Globe Rhythm $59 Globe Lucid $79 chocolate 02. $99 including grip chocolate 01. $99 including grip $99 including grip flip girl 03. $99 including grip 04. ex tra special Ipath Kenny Reed Circa AL50 Adio Jeremy Wray DC Avatar ES Accelerate Ipath Karl Watson Etnies Bastien Emerica Reynolds 3 Vans TNT Globe Finale kicksforspring how to kickflip with Tom Langridge You want to roll at a comfortable pace, about two medium pushes. Have your back foot positioned like an ollie. I shuffle it a touch backwards so my two little toes hang over. Your front foot just below the bolts, turned slightly forward, and your heel hung over the edge. Align your shoulders down the board and use your head to aim your pop. When you crouch keep your back straight, your knees bent, and suck your toes up towards your knees. This will give you more room to flick your ankles. Pop like you would an ollie, but lift your back foot higher so it doesn’t stick to your board. Suck your board up with your front foot. Then instead of boning it, flick your front foot out and up, on the diagonal angle that your bolts make. Wait for the flip using your arms to guide you above the board. Catch it, and stomp lightly on your toes. Bend your knees or they will explode! Crouch with your back straight, drop your arms, and roll away. (Not into oncoming traffic) Interested in getting more tips on skateboarding? Tom does personal skate lessons all over Perth. Give him a call on 0409311871, or email him at datrees@hotmail.com Sequence: Lawrence www.beyondskate.com The beyondskate.com website has changed, so here is a brief rundown of what extra features you can expect. Firstly, the reason for the change is simply that I have been too busy to keep the site up to date. So I thought the site would be best run by those who use the site (over 350 registered users). So the new site is set up so the registered users can submit their own content. They can submit news, videos (from other sites), pics, links, request arcade games, join the forum and chat room. They can also select which theme they want to view the site in (“hesh”, “geek” or “fresh”). Users can also be automatically be notified via email or personal message of new content added to each section of the site. An extension of this is an RSS feed so you can receive updates via your Feedreader or RSS enabled email client. There is also a facility for registered users to search for other members and friends. So make sure you put lots of info about yourself in your “account”. You can do this after registration by selecting “edit account”. The new site is fully integrated so there is no need to login separately for the gallery or forum (and yes the forum does require login now ... it was getting out of control ... very harsh!). We are also adding team and staff info so you know who the hell we are. The only downside is that all existing users will have to re-register to use the new site. Send all feedback and comments to admin@beyondskate.com Why are these changes worth talking about? Well the new Beyond website is on the bleeding edge of internet communication. Gone are the days when people visited a website to be informed by some higher power. Now you are the higher power. The users contribute to the site the type of stuff they like. This means the site is truly owned by the users and contributers, not some company or group of people who tell you how to think and act. It is part anarchy and part evolutionary theory. Those site users that contribute the most rise to the top of the food chain. This interactivity makes the new Beyond website quite unique within skateboarding. To submit content to the new site, you must first register as a site user (for security reasons). Then when you go to a section of the site the menu will have the added option to submit new info. Once you have made your submission it comes through to me (borkbork) for approval before being published. So login to the new site and go for it. It’s the future now ... it’s the way forward :P The old site will be available for a short time at: http://www.beyondskate.com/old/ inter netional with Clive Hutcheon www.skateboard.com.au This site has been around for quite a while and gets quite a bit of support from sponsors, with regular giveaways and competitions. The news on the site is updated regularly but is mostly relevant to the Eastern states; that is, most events, comps, news is about Melbourne and Sydney. However, there is still heaps of good stuff to get into on skateboard.com. au. It always has fresh pics and vids added. One of the best facilities for the bored skater is the “parks” search engine. Search for skate parks anywhere in Australia and get pics and a review before you bother catching the bus out to it. Admittedly it is a bit out of date, but it is still very handy. Another good section is the forums. If you dig forums, these are some of the best in Australia. Sometimes funny, but often interesting stuff about skating in the eastern states. Pics of local events always find there way onto the forum within hours of the event taking place. The site is easy to navigate as well. Impressive! www.netdisaster.com This isn’t a skate site, but if you feel like destroying a website that you hate (ie. Microsoft, Whitehouse, Big Brother) then NetDisaster is for you. Just head there and put the URL of the site you hate into the box, then select how you want to destroy the site (eg. Mars Attacks!, Dinosaurs, Nukes, God Almighty, Dog Poop, Wasps etc.) and off you go. You can manually destroy the site by clicking on the parts you want to destroy, or you can leave it on auto-pilot and just sit back and enjoy the devastation. Kris Parente’s no internet nerd, but loves to learn. Here he is studying a JFHS handrail. Photo: Lawrence globe finale such board feel. And for comfort, style and strong It scores highly for g. It’s also pretty e. ttin sho mi rite com ou ilst fav my g wh This is currently it’s basic design, to prevent bruisin of ing se on cau shi Be cu ir. el pa he at next a light shoe has gre time to save for the d less frustration. ay before you have ppy skate time an and won’t wear aw ich means more ha d to bribe a pair out of me! wh to, t jus ad to easy ually trie the Finale is super No joke, a girl act th the ladies too! It rates highly wi r sioning a particula a quality time ses ht when suddenly ddies are having rig bu l r fee you to g and rtin You io: It’s just sta Picture this scenar k or a line all day. working on a tric spot. You’ve been . over a spot? – BOOM! – it’s all ting booted from frustrating than get p on in this world more munity with a chi ng com thi any the of re n the Is a citize s can be hard to security, or simply itie p hor -co t-a aut ren the , h ice ns wit Whether it’s the pol ade, confrontatio raining on your par his or her shoulder ter to use t, I reckon it’s bet handle. t for the most par ferent actions, bu dif for l cal can Different situations . p you act like a bad boy h a few ideas to hel your brains than we’ve come up wit few more sessions a e sav to ing try In the interest of and telling with ‘the man”. yelling expletives out when dealing best. ng to get anywhere and hope for the ally you’re not goi w, tic vie of alis nt Re e. poi r abl ng lain you Try to be reason ers who are just doi t bet is to try to exp oth bes r are re You the go. s, to per Mr Plod where minded power trip for being rational. ck row sla nar e be som can you ys cut Though some gu may be willing to for a at a job it is...) and you’re “shooting their job, (Oh, wh a great excuse. If guys kes ma it , era cam little time. Some eo a st vid lea or , at era you y cam ool to bu If you’ve got a ’re working on a sch project” it’s liable al we , loc a “oh , for old ng the mi ! Even magazine” or “fil ck out the action che to t jus d un will even hang aro asion. than rk on the odd occ and build bridges project” can still wo you’re better to try and day r the ano will most likely be In the end, there s by logging on to: burn them, right? ling with authoritie eriences about dea exp and hts ug tho Give us your rity com/forums/secu www.beyondskate. Photo: Lawrence s w e i v e r ’s m to ridge with Tom Lang folklore decks that to date, it seems gest and lightest do is look around pressive. The stron to im is ve ha cks de you re All . of Folklo ne wants The latest line-up r the board everyo at nothing to delive s one. ha Folklore will stop ne y. ryo eve ms nt. It see tech, hesh or trann n whether you be Perth at the mome d, and it’s not a rfect trick executio nte pe for cou dis ws ly allo avi pe ms he d sha Their concave an and a price that see chin’ new graphics turn. Add to that the bit you re he ryw eve s are wonder these board s u e k i l e l p o e p e it’s because of his be polished. Mayb s latest DVD it would Whatever it is thi . w’s WA Yo in ris g Ch din for oar teb word If I had to use one cing films about ska du pro d an ing to film endless dedication familiar best yet. n. There are many production is his ve fast forward butto ’ll barely use the comers that will ha d you an so t up e ten con som d le ab r, an be There’s no question their best form eve states crews will n in y ter usl eas vio you ob All ite . e too old, qu faces young and book out for this on t spo r you t Ge s! more. Perth ha you itching to see see the potential mn sexy. y ticket when you titles are pretty da saving for a one wa er subtly, and the oth h eac o int ak a blend ns bre tio or ke sec h; ma oot can is sm , music The composition pretty ion. In my opinion styles and does so is the music select h s’ ug ter tho ska rts the pa nt plime moments One of my favourite m chosen to com and random funny soundtrack is custo ing lifestyle shots production. This include breathtak es tur fea at gre r he much perfectly. Ot the skate character. ised for blessing to add a touch of film, should be pra o worked on this wh e els ne ryo eve d All in all, Yow, an ce of mastery. world with this pie PARENTE How long have you been skating? Who’s your favourite skater and why? I’ve been skating for around five and a half years. There’s way too many! The top three though (in no particular order) would have to be (Mark) Appleyard, Paul Rodriguez, and my mate Zac (Wilmore). The reasons for Apples would be his smooth effortless style. P-rod for style and the amount of switch tricks he can do. Zac because he is sooo natural and just kills everything in his way; rail, ledge, gap or vert ramp. Give us a bit of a rundown as to how skateboarding came to be a part of your life? Well it was early Year 7 and my mates Huma and Jeremy lived in this house with a downhill drive way and I started just rolling down the hill. It was pretty dope so I got mum to hook me up with a skateboard for my birthday. I’ve pretty much been skating ever since, apart from the worst 2 years of my life when I quit to do BMX. Then I realised BMX was rank and started skating again. (laughs) Do you remember the first trick you learned? Yeah. It would have been the backside boardslide. I got my dad to make me this little rail out of an old trampoline. It was a bit lower then knee height at one side and went into the floor on the other so you could pretty much roll out. What about the last trick you learned? It was either nollie tre or nollie nosegrinds. I learnt nollie tres with my mate Slash at the under cover car park at galleria and nollie nosegrinds at the ‘ville the other day. All time session you’ll never forget? The all time session I will never forget would have to be this day at Hillcrest. I went there to fifty the rail and ended up doing it second shot. Then my mate was yelling at me to smith it. I was just like yeah.... I rolled at it like twice and then just committed. It took me a couple of shots but I ended up doing it. Chances are you’ve probably seen Kris around, whether it’s been at one of the Beyond Skate stores hard at work, or taking on a handrail somewhere about the streets of Perth. He’s an easygoing chap with some serious skills, a love for skateboarding, and the movie Scarface. He’s also the subject of our first profile. “I think the best thing about Perth is that everyone is just down to skate. Everyone is sooo good! there’s lots and lots of young talent.” Want to know more? The other session I’ll never forget was at the Graylands double set. I didn’t skate but Harry (Clarke), Nick (Boserio) and Glenn (Palmer) committed. Some bangers went down that day. Influences, past and present? Mum and dad have always influenced me from when I was younger till now. My family, all my work mates, and Tony Montana. What do you think you would be doing if you weren’t skateboarding? Then read on my friends.... Takin it to the streets. KP stylish crooks on a freeway barrier. Photo: Lawrence I have no idea at all! Skateboarding is all I do! Ahhh, I would probably look for a girl. Just chill with her, chill with my mates. What are the best things skateboarder in Perth? about being a I think the best thing is that everyone is just down to skate. Everyone is soo good! There’s lots and lots of young talent. Yeah, dinkle and ipkis. All the skaters’ stick together and guys will just do anything to make a spot skateable! The weather’s pretty good and security are usually pretty cool. They don’t hassle us out too much. What’s your opinion of the current scene in Perth? Really good I reckon. There’s heaps of young talent like I said before. So many crews out there committing to big rails and trekking it out to some insane spots. There are some dope filmers in Perth too. Josh AKA Geldi, Matt, Jeza, Snaps and Yow. And of course Andy who’s always keen to shoot photos. What else interests you outside the sport? Fixing up skate spots with Rpz, Slash, Huma, Mykal, Adam and Jeza. Partying, chilling with mates. Oh, and watching Scarface and collecting Scarface merchandise! Yeah, it’s a pretty well known fact you’re a bit of a hard out Scarface fan? Give us a bit of an explanation? Yeah, I’m a big fan. Montana is the king! Starts from the bottom and works his way to the top, he ain’t scared of nothing. Favourite scene? I love the scene in Frank’s room when Montana is with Chi Chi and Manny and they do the set up to kill Frank. I also love the scene where the song “Push it to the limit” comes on and it shows Montana getting rich. Favourite quote? “Say hello to my lil’ friend” and “In this country you gotta make the money first. Then when you get the power then you get the women”. There’s so many more but I cant go on for ever! Give us a rundown of your average day? Wake up around 9:00am everyday and have a nice coffee. Chill for a bit on the couch and watch morning TV with Kerri-Anne. Finish getting ready and go to my lovely job at Beyond. I finish up there at around 5:30pm. Head home and watch a bit of a skate vid, go for a roll with my mates, or just chill at a mates’ house and watch a good movie. You’ve been working at Beyond for how long now? Tell us a little bit about the job? I’ve been working at Beyond for...... I don’t know how long! I quit Maccas and started full-time after I graduated year 12. Big thanks to Shane-o, the job is cool, it’s gets better everyday. It’s pretty cruisy. I just help customers out with shoes, clothing and hardware. Everyone there is cool. It’s kind of like a second home now. Any plans for the future? parente Ducking for cover with a varial heel down the Underground 7 Photo: Lawrence Big bs board down a steep 11 stair in Karrinyup. Photo: Lawrence Just keep skating really. I want to go to Melbourne for the World Cup next year. I haven’t really thought too much about the future, I just take each day as it comes. Keep chillin with all my friends and just have fun! Peace, werd em up to all my homies. Kris Parente stats Full name: Kristofor Parente Nickname: Baysie Age:17 D.O.B 24/9/1987 Sponsors: Beyond Skate Favourite spot: Hillcrest Favourite Trick: Fs Flip, Fs Board Favourite food: Pasta,Chicken Caeser Deli Choice Favourite drink: Schweppes Agrum, Coke Favourite booze: Beer, Tequilla Favourite movie: Scarface, The Godfather, The Untouchables All time skateboard video: Sorry/Really Sorry/ Menikmati/Yeah Right/Thats Life Life/In Bloom/Baker 2G/The End. All Time video part: Reynolds in The End. Favourite music: rap, hip hop Favourite skaters: Appleyard, P-rod, Bastien, Stanton and Reynolds. Mode of transport: My Ferrari, slash beamer, jeza jeep Desired mode of transport: pimpin Mercedes Nose or tail: tail Frontside or backside: frontside Rail or ledge: rail Far from feeble, Kris goes back to school in the northern suburbs Photo: Lawrence Gloves and all, committing to a front board on a North Perth rail. Photo: Lawrence “Say hello to my lil friend” Volcom 5 Down Jean $99.95 Zoo York Vintage Jean $109.95 FRONT SIDE 360 HEEL FLIP Element Bam Chromatic Jean $89.95 Go nuts at www.volcom .co m Mapstone Sequence Independant Vital Jean $99.95 Dickies Work Pant $109.95 jeansandpants Krew AR Jean $129.95 VOLCOM PRESENTS THE LATE ST ADDITION TO THE V.CO-OPE RATIVE SERIES JEANS drapht Who is Drapht? Drapht is a dirty see-through-looking albino from the western divide. He is a part of the Perth based notorious A.ll M.ighty syllabolix crew. He is not tall dark and handsome, has no money and a s@#t car, so when it comes to women, Drapht always seems to get the bottom of the barrel. That pretty much sums me up perfectly. ∑ When did you first get into hip hop? I was first introduced to hip-hop when I was about 10 or a 11. The older crew that my sisters knew would listen to N.W.A and other stuff like Public Enemy. I never really understood it I think I just got hooked on them yelling abuse! Then through high school I hung out with a few graff and hip hop heads that would listen to a lot of raw s@#t like Mobb Deep, Grave Diggers, Killer Army, Wu, and Nas. I was about 17 and I would go down to a local Perth hip hop night at the Hyde Park Hotel and watch my mate spin records. A heap of crew would jump up on the open mic and rhyme in an Aussie ascent. It was dope. I had never heard it before! Not long after that, optamus started SBX crew. I was already hanging and drinking with them but they would go do shows and record through out Perth and interstate. I just really wanted to be a part of it all so I picked up a pad and a pen and haven’t stopped talking s@#t since. ∑ Was there a turning point where it became more than just music for you? I think when I first started writing it became more than just music for me. It was more like my first love that I couldn’t get enough of! I didn’t write because I wanted to write; I was writing because I needed too. Being an angry teenager it was the only way I could vent and get s@#t off my chest. Also, earlier on, I started doing shows, getting known with in the scene. Selling my first release I found out that I might be able to just do my music and not work for all these w@#!ers any more. I’m still as broke as ever but I found something that I love doing so its worth the hunger. ∑ Who inspires you? Naked girls inspire me. They inspire me good! Critics that come up to me after a show, or on the street that don’t have a history in music, have never made any form of music. They seem to feel the need tell me how I can improve my work so they will enjoy it more! That’s great! Anger is definitely my Mecca of motivation. ∑ music The Oz hip hop scene really seems to have come of age in the past couple of years. Give us your point of view on how you’ve seen it grow, and where you think it’s headed? When I first became aware that the oz scene existed, hardly anyone was rapping, producing, or dj-ing and three quarters of the people that were wouldn’t do it in an Australian accent, or give the people that did any love. It was more of a joke! Now it seems every second person I meet is an mc or a dj that wants to jump on the wagon! I think back in the day it was harder for people to listen to it and catch on because a lot of crew would over emphasize the Australian accent/lifestyle and no one would take them seriously. However, over the last three years, the scene has definitely found its feet in regards to the quality and standards of recording and production being brought out. With a couple of more years under our belt we will be up to par with most American and UK hip hop with out a doubt. ∑ What’s your take on skate boarding, and it’s relation to hip hop culture? Skateboarding is dope! It’s harder than it looks on Tony Hawk, its expensive, and has a tendency to hurt people like me that aren’t very good at it! I used to bug off Kareem Campbell and Marcus McBrides sections on the old World Industry tapes. They would have hype tracks like Nas, Method Man or Busta Rhymes. It was crazy. It would be good if we could gel the two together a little more and have a mini ramp for skaters at hip hop shows and have hip hop crew playing at skate demos. ∑ What are the most important things in life for you right now? Family, friends, home studio, new air max 90’s and music. ∑ The inside cover of your first album, Pale Rider, was covered with photos of friends and family? Have they been a big influence for you thus far? Definitely! My dad’s a jazz producer/drummer/percussionist and I think just having that influence in the house growing up has helped me to catch on more than anything. My group of friends are very important and significant in my life, especially with my music, because their the only people I feel I need to impress. ∑ Your new album is due to drop any day now. Tell us a bit about how it’s all come together and what people can expect? Yeeeah. It’s probably been about a year and a half in the making. I worked mainly with my man Dazastah from Downsyde on the production side, but also got a few beats off Fdel. Pressure from the hoods, Pegz from Obese, and all the SBX crew are guest mcs on it. You can expect 15 tracks of pure Australian made goodness and a lot of bouncy, head nodding, sing along s@#t! ∑ Shout outs? AYEM, SBX!!! Holla at your boy! ∑ Claremont Underground 7 There is also a handrail that goes down the seven stair though it’s only a few centimetres away from the wall so it doesnt get hit up too often. About 5 years ago Brett Margaritis ground it to make the cover of Slam and a few guys have hit it up more recently. The set is high and short however the roof is low, so if you got Allie arms or Brophy pop then dont bother. It’s home to a 7 stair and a medium sized flat bar, both on smooth ground and under cover. Underground 7 is one of the better known spots in Perth. Its been skated for over ten years and has seen some pretty amazing sessions go down. Chris Yow gives us a brief rundown on the Claremont Underground 7. Rain can be a skateboarder’s worst enemy, turning a session from super to soggy within minutes. With this in mind, for this issue’s spot check, we thought we’d profile somewhere you can hit up any day of the year, rain, hail or shine. Power In this particular case, you can check out a few of the other spots along Stirling Highway, and if all else fails you’re not too far from Nedlands skate park. If you do get told to leave its always best to just move on without causing a scene, it reduces the chance of them hiring a more efficent security company. You can usually skate there on the weekends and week nights but be prepared to be kicked at any random time and day as there are often easily irritated, overworked people doing time there after hours. If you’ve got bit of snap on your flip tricks, then you could skate over the bar too. Theres always new tricks being flipped over it, but the most ridiculous trick I’ve witnessed (or heard of) is Bevo’s straight on nollie heel. The flat bar is a bit under knee high on one side and slightly under waist high on the other. It doesn’t have ends so you gotta be able to transfer and or pop out of your bar tricks to skate it. spotcheck the runup the stairs The night this picture was taken was as wet and rainy as any. Kris Parente, keeping high and dry with a frontside flip. Photo: Lawrence the rail BIZ is proudly bought to you by Beyond Skate Morley 154 Russel St Ph: 9371 0022 Cannington 1078 Albany Hwy Ph: 9358 1002 Whitfords Whitfords City SC Ph: 9307 1411 www.beyondskate.com