Annual Report 2006
Annual Report 2006
ANNUAL REPORT 2006 EXCELLENCE IN TEACHING AND RESEARCH Rua Quatá, 300 - Vila Olímpia - 04546-042 - São Paulo - SP - Brazil Tel.: 55 11 4504-2400 - E-mail: Ibmec São Paulo in Numbers Annual Report 2006 Financial Indicators (in thousand reais)* 2004 2005 2006 Gross Revenue 38,131 47,828 62,601 Direct Expenses 18,360 21,259 24,625 Operational Margin 16,163 21,945 31,988 Indirect Expenses 5,763 7,594 10,580 General and Institutional Expenses 6,834 9,669 13,698 Administrative Surplus 4,896 7,666 9,795 Cash Position 5,328 12,305 17,656 (3) 2,138 2,178 1,115 10,768 15,028 Donations – Scholarship Fund - 2,089 314 Donations – Other - 8,725 1,740 Donations – Total - 10,814 2,054 Scholarship Fund Investments – Total * Administrative View, not considering accounting adjustments New group of accounts, adopted in 2006 Total Revenue per Business Unit, in R$ million Revenues in 2006 80,000 62,601 Graduate 35% Undergraduate 48% 60,000 47,828 40,000 Executive Education 1% Distance Learning 2% 38,131 20,000 Corporate Programs 14% 0 2004 2005 2006 Monitoring of Goals - 2006 Description Total Revenues (R$ 000) Managerial Surplus (R$ 000) Managerial Surplus / Total Revenues (%) New Students in Graduate Programs Goal Accomplished % Variation 62,100 62,601 1% 8,200 8,120 -1% 15% 14.3% -4% 1,080 1,168 8% Scholarship Fund 2004 2005 2006 Starting Balance (-) Scholarship Awarded (28) (1) 2,170 Scholarship Awarded (85) (217) (495) Refund 16 49 44 Investiments 95 2,307 502 Ending Balance (Remunerated) (1) 2,170 2,550 2004 2005 2006 17 27 49 Scholarship Program - Scholarship Awarded Scholarship Students Information adjusted in 2006 Scholarship Award in 2006 - Number of Students by type of Program 3,000 2,684 2,393 Financial Aid 20 Freeshmen 15 Second Academic Semester 6 2,114 1,862 1,597 2,000 1,387 Full-Time 8 1,000 0 904 796 727 2004 2005 Undergraduate 2006 Executive Graduate In December, 2006 Team 2004 2005 2006 Research Professors 15 18 21 Full-Time Professors 49 47 62 Teaching Assistants 0 27 8 Educational Professionals 131 114 201 Total Teaching Activities 195 206 292 Staff 115 142 170 Total Teaching and Administrative Activities 310 348 462 Total Table of Contents Message from the President 2 Friends of Ibmec São Paulo 4 Sponsored Areas Ibmec São Paulo 5 6 Instituto Veris – Board of Directors 6 Ibmec São Paulo – Council 6 Ibmec São Paulo – Senior Executives and Areas of Activity 6 Mission 7 Fundamental Principles and Values 7 Programs 8 Alumni Community 9 Important Developments in 2006 10 AACSB International 10 Excellence in Teaching 10 Scholarships 14 CEA - External Evaluation Comission 18 New Campus Operation 19 Executive Education - Corporate Programs 20 EAD - Distance Learning 21 Center for Excellence in Teaching and Research 22 Integrated Education Model 22 New Undergraduate Model 23 Ibmec Cultura 26 Ibmec Carreiras (Careers) 27 Graduate Programs 29 Awards and Recognition 33 Dissemination of Knowledge 34 Faculty - Undergraduate Program 36 Financial Highlights 42 Summarized Balance Sheet 44 Income Statement 45 Independent Auditor’s Opinion 46 Ibmec São Paulo Executives 47 Programs 47 Undergraduate and Masters Area 47 Executive and Corporate Programs Area 48 Organizational Development Area 48 Operations Area 48 Publications List of Publications by Research Faculty in 2006 49 49 1 Annual Report 2006 Message from the President The year 2006 was extremely rewarding for us. It Business, the most prestigious entity for the was the first year that Ibmec São Paulo operated accreditation of business schools in the world. out of our new campus. With new and modern The plan involved our entire team of associates facilities we were able to offer to our community and was concluded and presented in late working, learning and living conditions that are November 2006. The exercise of preparing this much more compatible with our educational plan allowed for a rigorous analysis of our mission and proposal. pedagogical and operational processes, which resulted in an extensive number of actions to be In our undergraduate program, for example, the taken over the next three years, with a view to new model adopted after our move, with an obtaining accreditation in 2009. More important entirely new and revised class schedule, enabled than the seal of recognition at the end of the students to effectively spend full time at the process are all of the measures to be School, taking advantage of the time between implemented to improve even further our classes to study at the Telles Library or operations and participate in extracurricular activities. The ample Successfully concluding space of the Steffi and Max Perlman Auditorium project is a priority goal for us. educational this programs. accreditation made it possible to hold a record number of more than 300 events, which ranged from theatrical Another noteworthy event of 2006 was the first presentations, lectures, and informal discussion meeting of our External Evaluation Commission - forums to formal seminars, both local and CEA, which was created to serve as an integral international, with simultaneous translation. The part of our Internal Evaluation Commission, new amphitheatre-style and fully equipped created in accordance with the guidelines of the classrooms made it possible for larger classes to National Higher Education Evaluation System learn without any negative impacts on their (SINAES). Executives, renowned academics and educational experience or academic benefit. The businesspeople and also Alumni were invited to greater availability of common and leisure areas become members of the CEA. It is a privilege for allowed for a much more intense level of us to have in our Commission such a select communication and socialization between the group of individuals with recognized competence members of our community. In short, although in the sectors in which we operate. This level of some adjustments are being made to further competence and commitment to the educational improve the quality of the educational experience project of Ibmec São Paulo was extensively at Ibmec São Paulo, the change fully achieved demonstrated at the first meeting of the CEA held the desired objectives, making possible a on July 13 and 14, when important points were significant jump in quality in all of our processes. raised that are already receiving the full attention of our faculty and administrators. In parallel to the changes involving our 2 adaptation to the new facilities, we also worked The fact that we are a non-profit institution does on various other fronts. One of the most not prevent us from always seeking the highest important of these was the plan to achieve possible level of efficiency in our operations. accreditation from the AACSB International - Ensuring that our resources – which are scarce Association to Advance Collegiate Schools of by nature – are employed in a way that generates the maximum return is essential for enabling us this transparency is fundamental not only for the to fulfill our mission. This is what we call community's involvement in and support for our "Business Like Management". Within this mission, but also for the sustainability of this objective, the effective administration of the mission over time. human resources of Ibmec São Paulo is absolutely fundamental. Towards this end, in The achievements of 2006 described in the main 2006 we launched a management process body of this report are, however, much too guided by competencies, for which the first step extensive to be addressed in this message. It is was defining those competencies that we important to state that these achievements would consider essential and evaluating all of the have not materialized were it not for the complete employees in our administrative areas. The dedication and commitment of our employees, evaluation process, which included the self faculty and support professionals, as well as of evaluation of all associates, sought to provide our students and Alumni community, which 180-degree coverage. This process will be always perfected over this year and aligned with an collaborated with suggestions and constructive incentive system, which we consider very criticism. We are extremely grateful to all. supported us when needed and important for attracting, developing and retaining talent. We also received from the members of our Advisory Council - and also from our CEA, from Note that last year we held the first meeting of Friends of Ibmec São Paulo and from various Friends of Ibmec São Paulo. We plan to repeat other members of our community - unconditional this event on an annual basis in order to provide support for our activities, which was the source an exclusive account to those that support us in of much pride and motivated us to continually our work at the School. In fact, this Report is improve our proposal and processes. I extend to another important element of our objective, all off them my profound gratitude. which is to provide total transparency to the general public about our activities. In our view, Claudio L. S. Haddad 3 Annual Report 2006 Friends of Ibmec São Paulo ABS Investment Management LLC Jorge Paulo Lemann Alex Haegler José Alexandre Scheinkman André Lara Resende José Antonio Mourão Andrew Shores José Ermírio Neto Antonio Carlos de Freitas Valle José Olympio Pereira Arminio Fraga Neto José Ricardo de Paulo Banco Itaú Lina Wurzmann Bolsa de Mercadorias & Futuros Luis Alberto Rodrigues BOVESPA Luis Norberto Pascoal Bruno Licht Marcel Herrmann Telles Bruno Rocha Marcelo Barbará Carlos Alberto Sicupira Marcelo Medeiros Carlos Castanho Marcelo Stallone Carlos Pinheiro Junior Mario Adler Claudio L. S. Haddad Mario Cezar de Andrade Clóvis Macedo Maurizio Mauro Diniz Ferreira Baptista Michael Perlman Eric Hime Paulo G. A. Cunha Fernando Moreira Salles Pedro Moreira Salles Fernando Prado Peter Graber Fernando Russo Ramiro Lopes de Oliveira Fred Packard Roberto Civita Fundação Brava Roberto Egydio Setubal Fundação Educar DPaschoal Roberto Thompson Motta Georg Ehrensperger Roger Wright Gerdau Rogerio Castro Maia Gilberto Romanato Saddi Advogados Associados Grupo Abril Suzano Holding Grupo Votorantim Suzano Papel e Celulose Guilherme Amaral Ferraz Suzano Petroquímica Jairo Saddi Walter Salles João Moreira Salles 4 Sponsored Areas Steffi and Max Perlman Auditorium Telles Library Siegfried Adler Student Wing Classrooms: • Alberto Bandeira de Queiroz • BM&F • BOVESPA • Eugênio Gudin • João Gerdau • Graber • José Ermírio de Moraes Filho • Jorge Paulo Lemann • Max Feffer • Octavio Gouvea de Bulhões • Olavo Setubal • Otto Lara Resende • Peter Drucker • Roberto Cochrane Simonsen • Vicente Falconi Campos • Victor Civita • Walther Moreira Salles Faculty Lounge: • Tufic Oadi Saddi “Seção Áurea” Sculpture • Lina Wurzmann “Seção Áurea” 5 Ibmec São Paulo Annual Report 2006 Instituto Veris – Board of Directors Claudio Luiz da Silva Haddad – Chairman Carlos Alberto da Veiga Sicupira Jorge Paulo Lemann Marcel Herrmann Telles Pedro Wagner Coelho Ibmec São Paulo – Council Jorge Paulo Lemann Luis Norberto Pascoal Michael Edgar Perlman Paulo Guilherme Aguiar Cunha Pedro Moreira Salles Peter Graber Ibmec São Paulo – Senior Executives and Areas of Activity Claudio Luiz da Silva Haddad – President Irineu Gustavo Nogueira Gianesi – Academic Dean for Executive and Corporate Programs José Antonio Pinto Capito – Director of Operations Marcelo Leite de Moura e Silva – Academic Dean for Undergraduate and Masters Programs (to September 2006) Sérgio Giovanetti Lazzarini – Academic Dean for Undergraduate and Masters Programs (as of October 2006) Marcia Maria Nizzo de Moura – Director of Organizational Development Irineu Gianesi, José Capito, Claudio Haddad, Sérgio Lazzarini, and Marcia Moura 6 Mission "To be a center of excellence in business and economics, by combining academic rigor with a pragmatic market approach, educating driven people to become successful leaders and working professionals with solid ethical principles.” Fundamental Principles and Values To fulfill its mission, it is essential for Ibmec São Paulo to foster an environment in which Honesty and Integrity are essential values to all of its members, resulting in ethical behavior both in and outside the school. The fundamental principles that should guide the day-to-day activities of the Ibmec São Paulo community include: Commitment To meeting the goals set. Mutual Trust Predicated on honesty and integrity in relationships. Responsibility In preserving and developing the institution's human, material and cultural capital. Valuing of Diversity Through encouraging respect for and acceptance of differences. These are the fundamental values and principles for the exercise of the mission of Ibmec São Paulo, and it is incumbent upon all of the community's members to observe and uphold them. Team Work Ibmec São Paulo 7 Annual Report 2006 Programs Undergraduate (Stricto Sensu) Bachelor in Business Graduate (Lato Sensu) EMBAs Administration Executive Education Open Enrollment Programs Medium- and Short-Term Programs Executive MBA Bachelor in Economics Executive MBA in Finance Graduate (Stricto Sensu) Masters Executive MBA in Healthcare Management Customized Programs for Business Organizations Certificates Professional Masters in Economics CBA - Certificate in Business Administration Professional Masters in Administration CFM - Certificate in Financial Management CMM - Certificate in Marketing Management LLM - Master of Laws LLM - Financial Market Law LLM - Corporate Law LLM - Tributary Law 8 Executive Education Corporate Programs Distance Learning Customized Courses for Business Organizations and Institutions Short-Term and Open Courses Alumni Community The Alumni community unites, fulfills and promotes the integration of students who have graduated at Ibmec São Paulo. Each passing year this community has increasingly benefited the individuals who make up the Institution's history. 2nd Annual Meeting Alumni Ibmec São Paulo In 2006, we celebrated the third anniversary of the Alumni Ibmec São Paulo community, which Over the course of 2006, 53 members of the Alumni already boasts 3,120 registered members, community returned to Ibmec São Paulo to representing 58% of the 5,407 students that have continue earned degrees from long-duration programs conditions for taking individual courses and/or since the launch of our operations in São Paulo. programs. The Alumni community has been actively their education, under favorable involved in initiatives promoted by the School, Important Alumni activities in 2006 include the holding in December of the 2 nd exceeding our expectations. Annual Meeting, which brought together the community's members Two former students tell of their experience: in an event hosted at the Museum of Modern Art "After accompanying the Alumni initiatives and visiting the of São Paulo (MAM), and the holding of the new campus of Ibmec São Paulo, where I am very proud to "Brazilian Global Alumni Forum", an event in have a daughter finishing her undergraduate program, I was partnership with the Alumni community of the thrilled to see the importance that the institution has gained". London Business School. Also launched in the Heraldo Botelho – Earned EMBA in Finance in 1990 and year was the "Ibmec São Paulo Connection", an member of the Alumni Ibmec São Paulo. online service created to connect all of the community's members within a large relationship "In addition to providing an excellent opportunity for seeing network, which registered a high number of visits again and maintaining contact with friends and other in less than one month after its launch. students in the program, the events sponsored by the Ibmec São Paulo Alumni Community are done in very good taste, covering very interesting and very diverse issues. I loved participating in the 2nd Annual Meeting held at the Museum of Modern Art, and I am already looking forward to next year's meeting!" Rosangela Ferro – Earned EMBA in Business Administration in 2002 and member of the Alumni Ibmec São Paulo In 2007, we will continue to foster actions increasingly aligned with the expectations of the members of the community, helping to further 2 Annual Meeting Alumni Ibmec São Paulo nd strengthen their relationship with this Institution. 9 Important Developments in 2006 AACSB International initiated the process for receiving accreditation from Annual Report 2006 the Association of MBAs (AMBA), an European To achieve international accreditation is an organization that accredits only MBA programs, essential prerequisite for a business school to be unlike the AACSB International, which covers the recognized abroad for the quality of its programs. School as a whole. The visit of the AMBA Accreditation opens doors for students seeking accreditation team is expected in early 2007. to further their education in a graduate program abroad, and serves as a parameter of quality for those students that opt to follow an international Excellence in Teaching career. The main initiative that sought to improve the The first international accreditation process that quality of education at Ibmec São Paulo in 2006 Ibmec São Paulo is undertaking is that of the was the intense effort by the Center for Teaching Association to Advance Collegiate Schools of and Learning. The center's objective is to promote Business (AACSB International), an institution and coordinate initiatives and processes, guided that for almost a century has been evaluating and by the educational vision of Ibmec São Paulo, that accrediting seek the development of the school's professors Business Administration and Accounting schools around the world. from a pedagogical point of view. Central to this vision is the principle of Participant-Centered The accreditation process began officially in Learning, in which the student is an active January 2005, and at the end of 2006 the protagonist in the classroom rather than merely a Accreditation Plan was finalized and sent to the spectator. These initiatives comprise the exchange AACSB International, concluding the first phase of experiences and best practices among of the process. Once approved by the AACSB professors, and the provision of detailed International, the Accreditation Plan must be information on their performance in the classroom. implemented within a three-year period. The implementation of the plan will mean intense The initiative that caused the greatest impact in efforts by practically all areas of Ibmec São Paulo 2006 in terms of the exchange of experiences on more than 70 proposed actions. among professors was the program peer observation and feed back, in which a professor The Accreditation Plan is the product of a self- sits in on the classes of colleagues, commenting evaluation process that focus on continuous on their performance in accordance with a set of improvement and the excellence of the School's pedagogical parameters and objectives. The actions and educational proposal. The plan was Center for Teaching and Learning is charged with formulated with the participation of more than 25 forming the groups of observing professors who collaborators in an integrated fashion with the monitor a professor at the start of the academic strategic planning of Ibmec São Paulo, and was year and with coordinating the entire process. established as the principal challenge for the next Both professors attending the classes and those years. having their classes assessed evaluate the experience as extremely enriching. In all 78 In addition to the AACSB International, in 2006 we 10 professors participated in this initiative in 2006, which corresponds to practically half of the administered to larger-sized classes. In the faculty second half of 2006, the same process was of professors and educational professionals at Ibmec São Paulo. repeated with the professors of the second academic semester, allowing them to further the Another initiative in this area in 2006 was the work achieved by their colleagues in the previous establishment of discussion forums addressing academic semester. best practices, which has the objective of the exchange of experiences among the professors Better prepared to deal with larger class sizes of the various programs at Ibmec São Paulo. and drawing on the support of faculty colleagues Some of the issues discussed were students' in the second semester, professors from the first motivation for studying and incentives for academic participation, and the development of their themselves competencies. competencies of newly admitted students. In the semester to the could also development dedicate of the second semester of 2006, this group of The implementation of the School's new model at professors was the focal point of a new project the new campus required greater alignment of coordinated by the Center for Teaching and practices among professors within the same Learning, called the “Cognitive Competencies academic semester, and this alignment is Development Laboratory” (critical thinking, considered fundamental for orienting students analytical newly admitted on the School's expectations systemic and dynamic vision, communication regarding their attitude both inside and outside of and expression abilities). The objective of this the classroom. In late 2005, the Center for project is to enhance the way in which classroom Teaching and Learning held discussions with the activities are able to foster and facilitate the objective of creating uniform actions among development of the cognitive competencies of professors of new classes starting at the School, newly admitted students, in a process that is which resulted in behaviors that contributed consolidated over the entire experience of these significantly to the effectiveness of the courses students at Ibmec São Paulo. and decision-making capacity, 11 Annual Report 2006 The area is also responsible for the process of For 2007, the targets of the Center for Teaching student evaluations of faculty. This evaluation is and Learning are to strengthen and enhance the conducted twice each academic year using a initiatives that were successful in 2006 and to special and confidential form, with professors foster the creation and institution of indicators able to access their evaluation directly on the that make it possible to accompany the degree of School's information system. In 2006, more than alignment of professor's practices with the 800 evaluations of professors were conducted, principle of Participant-Centered Learning, and for a total of approximately 40,000 forms read measuring its effectiveness. and processed electronically. The professor is evaluated on various items that make up the topics shown in the following chart. When filling out the forms, students report the frequency with which the professor presents each of the items in the classroom. These frequencies are converted into a scale from 1 to 4, and averages of greater than 3 are considered "within or above expectation". The charts below show the trajectory of professors from the undergraduate and executive programs over the past three years. Undergraduate program professors with evaluations within or above expectations 100% 80% 2004 60% 2005 40% 2006 20% 12 Average Motivation of students for studying Interaction with students Pragmatic vision Academic content and rigor Evaluation and grading Organization and clarity Communication ability 0% Executive Programs professors with evaluations within or above expectations 100% 80% 2004 60% 2005 40% 2006 20% Average Motivation of students for studying Interaction with students Pragmatic vision Academic content and rigor Evaluation and grading Organization and clarity Communication ability 0% Another important initiative seeking to value and foster the quality of education at Ibmec São Paulo was the creation of the Chafi Haddad Teaching Excellence Award. The award seeks to recognize the professors that stood out the most in both the undergraduate and graduate programs, based on the opinions of students. Like the George Stigler Award, which seeks to recognize the best research papers published by professors at Ibmec São Paulo, the Chafi Haddad Award involves not only the formal recognition of the professors nominated, but also a monetary sum in an amount equal to that of the research award. In this way, education and research are equally recognized as fundamental for the fulfillment of our mission. With the objective of fostering the continuous improvement of the programs and services, the School conducts on an annual basis a satisfaction survey that seeks to gauge students’ general evaluation of Ibmec São Paulo. For the third straight year, the evaluation registered even higher levels, as shown in the table below. Survey of Student Satisfaction Overall Evaluation 100 2 3 6 4.29 4.43 4.51 5 4.5 4 57 53 42 3.5 55 3 2.5 2 50 36 45 excellent good fair poor very poor don’t know average 1.5 1 0 2004 2005 2006 13 Annual Report 2006 Scholarships Scholarship Programs are essential in enabling Ibmec São Paulo offers four types of Ibmec São Paulo to fulfill its mission, given that academic scholarships: many students with academic capacity and disposition that identify with the educational proposal of the school do not have the financial • Scholarships for Freshmen, with discounts of up to 80% of the monthly tuition payment; means to cover the costs involved, which include not only the monthly tuition fee but also educational materials and the opportunity cost of • Second Academic Semester Scholarship also with a discount of up to 80%; not working, given the full-time nature of the undergraduate program. Accordingly, the school • Full Scholarship, aimed at candidates that offers various types of scholarships for students demonstrate gross household income equal to in undergraduate programs. We believe diversity or less than one and a half a minimum wage is a fundamental and essential value for the per household member, and that were enrolled development of our students, through interaction for their entire secondary education in public between people of different cultures, beliefs and schools or in private institutions paid for by social and economic realities. Our end objective is scholarships; and to have a Scholarship Fund capitalized with the funds required to finance every young adult with • Financial Aid, which covers students regularly academic talent and capacity who is approved by enrolled in an Undergraduate Program who our selection process and chooses to study at our demonstrate financial problems during the School. program. The Scholarship Fund is formed by donations The detailed conditions of each program are from individuals and legal entities and by financial described on our website. The following timeline resources from the Ibmec São Paulo School, and table of scholarships awarded show the main which allocates to the Fund 1% of its gross advances of the past few years. revenue from undergraduate programs. The Scholarship Programs seek the repayment of the funds previously disbursed (starting one year after the conclusion of the program, with no interest charged), which helps to foster a sense of commitment to and responsibility for the education of future generations. Through repayment, former students who received scholarships help to strengthen the Scholarship Fund and consequently extend to other students the same opportunity that they enjoyed. 14 1999 2004 2005 2006 Awarding of some financial support or discounts Creation of Scholarship for Freshmen 1 scholarship 17 scholarship 27 scholarship student students students 2007 1 Semester: 1 Semester: Full Scholarship Creation of Full Creation of Second Academic begins to be Scholarship Semester Scholarship offered each semester 2 Semester: Holding of 1 Meeting of Scholarship Students 59% 49 scholarship students 81% Evolution of Scholarships 1999-2006 Number of Scholarships Granted by Year Type of Scholarship 1999-2002 2003* 2004* 2005* 2006 Full Scholarship 0 0 0 5 8 Scholarships for Freshmen 0 0 2 10 15 16 13 15 12 20 0 0 0 0 6 16 13 17 27 49 Financial Aid Second Academic Semester Total * Information adjusted in 2006 We would like to emphasize our special gratitude to São Paulo community. Given the rapid growth in all of those that contributed to the Scholarship Fund scholarships awarded and also the target in 2006. As important as the funds raised is the established for 2007, we expect the group, shown confidence that all donors have demonstrated on in the following photo, to experience rapid growth. the Ibmec São Paulo team. We are fully aware of our commitment to maximizing the value of the resources invested in the Scholarship Fund, employing meticulous analyses of awards and accompanying the young students. In November 2006, the 1st Annual Meeting of Scholarship Students was held, which was a source of great pride for all of the people who make up the Ibmec 1st Annual Meeting of Scholarship Students 15 Annual Report 2006 Donors in 2006 16 Alexandre Mathews Sturm Coutinho GMF Livraria e Papelaria Ltda Álvaro Antônio Cardoso Souza Gradiente Eletrônica S/A Américo Matiello Junior Guilherme do Amaral Ferraz André Rocha Molinari Gustavo Berg Ioschpe Angelo Pio Mendes Correa Junior Heloisa Wald Arnaldo José Ganc Igor Cornelsen Arnaldo Valdir Zumiotti Jack Sun Chu Huang Benjamin Joel Couri Jairo Sampaio Saddi Bernard C. P. Mencier José de Menezes Berenguer Neto Brigida Monica Kleine José Luiz Rego Glaser Bruno Licht José Roberto G. Meirelles Filho Candido Botelho Bracher Laila Ganme Cotait Carlos Alberto Suslik Luciano Almendary Carlos Eduardo Soares Castanho Luis Norberto Pascoal Carlos Mendes Pinheiro Junior Luiz Felipe da Silva Haddad Cecília Paula Machado Sicupira Luiz Roberto de Andrade Novaes Celia Franco de Campos Pinto Luiz Savio Viegas Barros Célio Sacramento Marcelo Benchimol Saad Charles Joseph Sieh Marcelo Leite de Moura e Silva David Jacques Elwing Marcelo Santos Barbosa Eduardo de Carvalho Andrade Marcia Maria Nizzo de Moura Eduardo Luiz Wurzmann Maria de Lourdes Egydio Villela Emilia Aun Ganme Mario Arthur Adler Eurilton Alves Araujo Junior Mario Cezar de Andrade Fabíola Rodrigues Maurizio Mauro Fátima Zorzato Maximo Pinheiro Lima Junior Fernando Almeida Melissa Pi Fernando Antônio P. Andrade Michael Perlman Fernando Barreira Sotelino Nahtan Shor Fernando Carramaschi Norberto Antonio Freddi Fernando Roberto Moreira Salles Norman Puginna Fernando Russo Paula Vasconcelos da Costa Fernando Xavier Ferreira Paulo Guilherme Aguiar Cunha Fersen Lamas Lambranho Paulo R. Vasconcellos Flávio Uchoa Teles de Menezes Paulo Sérgio Coutinho Galvão Filho Frederico Augusto Andrade Pena Paulo Veras Gerald Dinu Reiss Pedro Wagner Coelho Gilberto Nobre Phylis Clemensen Renato Grecco Wanderley Roger Ibrahim Karam Ricardo Dias de Oliveira Brito Ruy Kameyama Ricardo Oliver Mizne Sergio Alair Barroso Riccardo Arduini Sergio Ribeiro da Costa Werlang Roberto Civita Thomas Benes Felsberg Roberto Egydio Setubal Tony Kai Nen Yang Rodrigo Lisboa Bonafé Valdemir Chicarelli Rodrigo Osmo Vandyck Oliveira da Silveira Former scholarships students that are repaying or have already repaid their scholarships, helping to strengthen the Program Name Program Alexandre Rostworowski Economics Ameli Cervantes Piantino Economics Carolina de Lacerda Abreu Business Administration Carolina Ferreira de Camargo Business Administration Danilo Aleixo Caffaro Business Administration Guilherme Parente Martins Ferreira Economics João Paulo Burihan Faria Business Administration Leonardo Serrano Giunchetti Business Administration Lucas Rabechini Amaral Business Administration Lygia de Salles Freire Cesar Economics Maria Fernanda Poblacion da Fonseca Business Administration Maristella Pereira Azem Economics Rafael de Oliveira Ferraz Business Administration Rafael Kominich de Mattos Business Administration Roberto Pilnik Business Administration Theo Sabio Leopardi Business Administration Thiago Guarisi Rodrigues Economics Victor Pen Li Lo Business Administration 17 Annual Report 2006 CEA - External Evaluation Commission The SINAES - National Higher Education The agenda of the meeting sourght to address Evaluation System, which is administrated by five main topics: the Ministry of Education and regulated by the Brazilian Law 10,861 of April 14, 2004, requires • The School's educational mission institutions of higher education to create and • Economic and financial sustainability and maintain an Internal Evaluation Commission feasibility (CPA). The CPA must, in principle, also include • The faculty members from outside of the institution. Instituto • The student body Veris, the controller of Ibmec São Paulo, • The perpetuation of the Ibmec São Paulo project considered this an excellent opportunity to carry out a comprehensive analysis of the strategy, An open conversation with a group of five objectives and functioning of the School and undergraduate assembled an External Evaluation Commission complemented the efforts. students during lunch (CEA). The objective of the CEA is to support the CPA, contributing to the preparation of the The meeting of the CEA was received with legally mandated report. enthusiasm and commitment by all interested parties at Ibmec São Paulo. The discussions The members invited to become part of the CEA were frank, intense and comprehensive. Some are entrepreneurs, business leaders, academics, critical points raised at the meeting are being renowned professionals, heads of NGOs, analyzed by our faculty and administrators and a educators, and Ibmec São Paulo Alumni – all reply to the CEA regarding the progress on these with demonstrated interest in issues involving points will be given at the next meeting already higher education in Brazil. The list of CEA scheduled for July 2007. According to the CEA members follows below. The CEA meets on an report, a higher standard was established for the annual basis, and the first meeting was held on meeting, which is expected to be maintained or July 13 and 14, 2006. even exceeded at subsequent meetings. Members of the CEA Affonso Celso Pastore Fernando Kenji Muramoto* Marcos Lisboa Antonio Marcos Duarte Júnior Guilherme de Araújo Loureiro* Maria Helena G. de Castro Claudio de Moura e Castro Gustavo Herrero Marília Rocca Demosthenes Pinho Ilan Goldfajn Maurizio Mauro (CEA President) Eduardo Wurzmann Ilona Becskeházy Patricia da Silva H. Palomo* Eliana Cardoso José Alexandre Scheinkman Pedro Luiz Passos Fabio C. Barbosa José Ernesto Bologna Sula Vasconcellos Steiner Fabio Renato Fukuda* José Fernando Perez Vandyck da Silveira Fátima Zorzato Luiz Francisco Modenese Vieira * Alumni 18 New Campus Operation However, in the new survey conducted in 2006, after the move, we surpassed all of the targets related to administrative services and infrastructure that had been established at the start of the year. Our overall satisfaction indices were all higher than 4 on a scale from 1 to 5. As would be expected, the evaluation of the infrastructure of the new campus (physical and technological) improved significantly, rising to 4.60, up from 3.74 in 2005, showing that the new campus was very well received by our students. The survey also indicated areas in which we need The year 2006 was marked by a considerable amount of learning in the management and logistics of the operation of the new campus. With 70% more room than the previous campus, the main objective was to make the utilization of the new space as pleasant and efficient as possible within the shortest period of time for all members of the Ibmec São Paulo community. Accordingly, final adjustments to the systems and processes to improve, some of which were already adjusted at the end of the year, and others that will be duly addressed over the course of 2007. For this year the objective is to further increase the indicator of satisfaction and involvement of our community, expanding the school's common and leisure areas with a multi-purpose sports court and finalizing plans for a new physical expansion, scheduled for mid 2008. were made over the course of the first half of the year to make the campus 100% operational and functional, with the main focus on the classrooms and study areas. As mentioned above, with the move to the new campus the class schedule model for the undergraduate program was completely revised. A description of this new model is provided later on. With the new campus we enjoyed a significant increase in the size of the public visiting our facilities, which exceeded 2,100 people per day. This was due to the increase in the number of students, programs, extracurricular activities and the new undergraduate model described ahead in this report. The limitations of the previous facilities, which led to our move to the new campus, were the object of criticism in the student satisfaction surveys conducted in 2004 and 2005. 19 Annual Report 2006 Executive Education - Corporate Programs One of the highlights of 2006 was the sharp both individuals and their culture. growth in our corporate programs area. These are The table below shows some highlights from the programs especially designed and offered to corporate program operations in 2006 and a meet the specific needs of companies. The comparison with the two previous years. Note the strategic focus was maintained, which is to sharp growth, of roughly 60%, versus the expand partnerships with companies that value previous year in terms of hours offered, attesting the capability of Ibmec São Paulo in customizing to the excellent reception of the value proposal of corporate educational programs aimed mainly at Ibmec São Paulo in this market. middle and senior management. These are partnerships that seek to foster long-term The next table shows in which sectors the clients relationships with clients, enabling Ibmec São served in the corporate programs operate, Paulo to acquire in-depth knowledge of their providing data for the past three years. strategic needs in terms of the development of Highlights 20 2004 2005 2006 Number of Clients 32 49 49 Programs Delivered 43 106 113 Number of Students Served 1,307 1,566 2,659 Class Hours 3,925 4,545 7,291 Programs Completed by Sector 2004 2005 2006 Financial 26% 27% 41% Services 53% 44% 38% Manufacturing 21% 29% 21% EAD - Distance Learning The EAD - Distance Learning area of Ibmec São corporate market as yet another quality option for Paulo posted growth of 237% in 2006. In the year organizational training and development. In 2006, more than 4,700 students enrolled in distance a total of 18 partnerships were formed with learning courses, up from 1,412 in the previous leading companies in the market. The services year. More than half of the students came from offered range from the development of new our internal public, among which the Distance content and content customization to the Learning unit registered an increase of 220% in acquisition of licenses to access the distance- relation to 2005. More than 2,600 courses were learning courses. offered to students in the EMBA and Certificate programs, with the objective of homogenizing The general evaluation of the EAD courses students' level of knowledge in terms of the measured in the last satisfaction survey in 2006 quantitative content considered essential for was 4.19 on a scale from 1 to 5, with 92% of taking full advantage of our classroom-based students stating that they would recommend the programs. courses to other students. This result is consistent with the other indicators that also As for the external public, high-quality academic attest to the quality of the EAD programs, content, state-of-the-art technology and the including the low average failure rate in the forming of strategic partnerships were the main courses (3%), the dropout rate of only 1%, and factors that drove demand for the courses, with the high average performance of students (75%). distance learning gaining recognition in the Number of Students Enrolled in Distance-Learning Courses at Ibmec São Paulo Students Enrolled 5,000 4,761 4,000 3,000 2,000 1,412 913 1,000 317 0 2003 2004 2005 2006 21 Center for Excellence in Teaching and Research Annual Report 2006 Integrated Education Model The basic proposal guiding the educational One of our priorities in these past two years, programs of Ibmec São Paulo is for an integrated particularly last year, has been to integrate these educational model that stresses not only the three dimensions, complementing the class academic component, but also a humanistic one program and academic content with activities and comprising culture, citizenship and ethics, and a initiatives that seek to develop and enhance the third component involving the development of other professional competencies. professional competencies. Academic Development two components: humanistic and Theoretical content and its application Development of competencies Professional Humanistic Development Development Valuing of ethics and citizenship The move to the new campus produced an excellent opportunity to refine our educational model and further integrate these three components. The main initiatives to capitalize on this opportunity are described below. 22 New Undergraduate Model In this new model, issues related to the class the intuition or critical thinking of students schedule, the students and the professors were through addressed, seeking three objectives: to apply simulations. Learning centered on the participant the pedagogical model focused on participant- means making students responsible, both inside centered learning, to foster greater integration and outside of the classroom, for retaining the between students of different classes and knowledge presented by the professor, who between students and professors, and to should help the class to reach conclusions and expand form concepts in a group fashion. the model of complete student examples, questions, cases or dedication. These objectives were addressed as follows: The new physical facilities have rooms especially designed for applying the principle of a) Apply the pedagogical model focused on participant-centered learning. These classrooms participant-centered learning have an auditorium format and technology to support the professor. Each student receives an The principle of participant-centered learning identification card with his or her name printed seeks to create the conditions to enable on it already in the first week of classes. The use students to reach conclusions or form certain of the card has become mandatory in all concepts on their own. Before presenting a classrooms, and many professors have begun to theory or concept, professors should stimulate include a score for participation in their courses. 23 Annual Report 2006 b) Foster greater integration between students of c) Expand the model of complete student different classes and between students and dedication professors The orientation of Ibmec São Paulo is that Measures were taken to foster greater integration undergraduate students remain at the School on between classes. Starting in the first semester of a full-time basis. However, in the old campus the year, students from the first academic periods facilities, this was very hard to implement in were allocated into two classes, denominated practice. With the new campus, all students from "A" and "B", in accordance with their academic the first to sixth academic semesters began to achievement in the program to which they have classes in both the morning and afternoon, belong, seeking to equalize them similar in terms bolstering the profile of Ibmec São Paulo of of this criteria. Thus, each class began to complete dedication. The student is encouraged present, in the initial semesters, a mix of roughly to remain at the School not only during class time 50 Business Administration students and 25 but also during breaks to study, whether Economics students, with basically the same individually or as part of a group, taking average academic performance as measured by advantage of monitors and professors' time their ranking in the entrance examination. For allocated for assisting students, participating in using large classes, with 75 students or more, the lectures, seminars, cultural events and other new campus has especially designed classrooms extracurricular activities (such as administrating with high levels of technology and excellent student organizations and participating in acoustics, providing excellent infrastructure projects of a scientific nature). conditions for both students and professors. Number of applicants - Undergraduate entrance examination Number of applicants 3,000 694 2,000 616 364 463 616 1,063 1,162 1,153 1,718 2,226 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 1,000 1.078 0 Business Administration Economics Each year Ibmec São Paulo offers 200 openings in Business Administration and 100 openings in Economics. 24 Evolution of Applicants/Opening Ratio Applicants/Opening Ratio 20 15 5.57 3.55 4.03 6.60 10 5.72 5 0 10.97 10.59 12.28 6.23 10.10 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 Business Administration Economics % Retention in the Entrance Examination’s First Acceptance List* 60% 40% 20% 0% 2004 2005 Business Administration 2006 Economics Average * Students that remain at Ibmec São Paulo after first acceptance list. Information adjusted in 2006 Faculty Degrees – Undergraduate Program 2006 1% 38% Doctorate 61% Masters Specialization 25 Annual Report 2006 Ibmec Cultura 26 In 2006, Ibmec Cultura, which is charged with the Ibmec Cultura also initiatives under the humanistic component of our institutional events aimed at the entire Ibmec model of integrated education, reorganized its São Paulo community. The first edition of the activities. In conjunction with student organizations, "Ibmec Cultura Debates on Politics in Brazil" which enjoyed its continued support, Ibmec Cultura brought held various events in which students, professors sociologists and economists for a broad and guests participated. The Society Under Debate discussion on media and politics, the current group sponsored several cinema showings political conjuncture, the role of Brazil's accompanied by comments and lectures on issues Congress and the culture of politics in Brazil. on Brazil's current affairs. On the social action front, Some other activities that marked the year were Ibmec Cultura supported the Social Action Group the holding of a panel on diversity, the (GAS) in the development of the "Ibmec São Paulo presentation of films accompanied by debates, Challenge" (a competition of social projects monitored visits to art exhibits, the presentation executed by students) and in the organization of of theater pieces in the school auditorium and various social campaigns. Other events that marked the participation of professors and students in 2006 were related to activities seeking the the "Global Classroom". This latter activity is an integration of students, such as drama classes, initiative of the World Bank Institute, Wharton "philosophical cafés" (chats with professionals on School philosophy and current affairs) and "solidarity week" education, the objective of which is to debate (mobilizing student organizations and the School on topics involving business ethics, leadership and social issues). corporate social responsibility. together and other began politicians, institutions to develop journalists, of higher Ibmec Carreira (Careers) The initiatives of Ibmec Carreiras in the classroom activities but also courses such as Time undergraduate program seek the development Management, Effective Communication and and The Presentations, and Effective Business Writing. exposure of students to issues and projects Individual orientation is an essential part of the related to work and the corporate environment Program, given that it allows for helping students in seek to foster debate on the real world, and in reflecting on, reaffirming and reviewing their turn expand the understanding and level of choices in gathering information on the job market maturity of their professional choices. and in the development of their careers. Grounded in the model of integrated education, In 2006, the participation of students in the the objective of Ibmec Carreiras is for students, activities of Ibmec Carreiras was very significant, upon completing four years of the program, to with 755 students participating in at least one have an education that combines extensive training and development activity sponsored by theory with essential competencies developed Ibmec Carreiras and 155 students seeking over the course of their experience at the School. individual orientation. The participation was very With this aim we plan to contribute significantly to highly evaluated, with 96% of participants giving students becoming capable of adequately dealing scores of more than 4 (scale from 1 to 5) to the with an extremely wide range of situations once content and quality of the events. improvement of competencies. they launch their professional careers. Serving as a bridge between the academic and To this end, eight competencies were selected to be developed by the Business Administration and Economics students during their undergraduate program: corporate worlds, Ibmec Carreiras establishes relationships with companies, supporting their respective selection processes. In 2006, with growth of 95% in relation to the previous year, 533 new opportunities in various different 1. Analytical and Decision-Making Capacities companies and 2. Systemic and Dynamic Vision disseminated to students in the Undergraduate 3. Critical Thinking Program at Ibmec São Paulo. As a result, more 4. Leadership and Mobilization of Others than 250 different companies made use of the 5. Collaboration and Coordination services of Ibmec Carreiras to prospect young 6. Ability to Present and Communicate talent for internship and trainee positions. 7. Results-Based Orientation Furthermore, 277 students participated in the 8. Boldness and Initiative informal sessions market entitled segments "Talking were about Careers", which enjoyed the special participation The development of these competencies takes of nine executives representing different place through a set of actions executed by the segments and areas of activity, and 341 students faculty, the academic administration and Ibmec who participated in two meetings entitled Carreiras within the context of a Competency "Special Talk about Careers". The first of these Development Plan, and involves not only was the "Job Fair", in which senior executives 27 Annual Report 2006 from Accenture, Itaú, Procter & Gamble, "Meeting with Entrepreneurs", in which three Santander and Whirlpool gave presentations, entrepreneurs participated, one of which was a commenting on the activities of the administrator student who graduated from Ibmec São Paulo, or the economist in their work. The second was together with two "Endeavor Entrepreneurs". Evolution of Opportunities Announced Internships and Trainee Positions 600 533 500 400 300 273 200 100 0 2005 28 2006 Graduate Programs Executive Graduate Programs with three years of experience in the market, from diverse educational backgrounds, who seeks to In 2006, Ibmec São Paulo offered three get better prepared to start a managerial career. categories of executive programs: Executive Master of Business Administration (EMBA), In the area of Law, three LLM programs are Certificates and Master of Laws (LLM). offered: one with a focus on Law in the Financial Market, another on Corporate Law, and the third Three Executive MBA programs are offered: one on Tax Law. The average profile of a LLM student with a more general focus and two specialized is of a professional in the field of law with programs, one in the field of Finance, and the approximately other in Healthcare. The average profile of EMBA experience. four years of professional students is of a professional, from diverse educational backgrounds, roughly nine years of Demand professional experience and four years of managerial experience, and whose objective is preparing himself to hold senior executive The table below shows, for each of the three positions. categories of executive programs offered by Ibmec São Paulo, the number of applicants that In the case of Certificates, there are also three participated in the selection process, the number programs on offer: one aimed at managing of applicants accepted (with the percentage businesses, one with a focus on finance, and accepted out of the total) and the number of another focusing on marketing. The average students enrolled (with the percentage enrolled out profile of students in Certificate programs, in of the total number accepted), including a contrast to EMBA students, is of a professional comparison of 2006 with the previous year. LLM 2005 2006 No. of Applicants No. of Applicants Accepted Percentage Accepted No. of Students Enrolled Yield (Enrolled/Accepted) 256 84 466 Variation % 80% 188 121% 33% 40% 72 Certificates - 157 118% 86% 84% - 2005 2006 Variation % EMBA 2005 2006 Total Variation % 2005 2006 Variation % 991 1,182 17% 1,441 1,532 5% 2,688 3,180 17% 492 9% 1,144 1,422 24% 50% 410 83% 657 25% 56% - 532 30% 81% - 568 577 39% 38% - 458 477 4% 81% 77% - 43% 45% - 940 1,166 24% 82% 82% - 29 for students in the Executive MBA and Executive Highlights of 2006 Annual Report 2006 MBA in Finance programs. This optional program • The demand for executive graduate programs draws on a set of both live and distance activities, grew 17% in terms of the number of candidates and is structured to include group work sessions and 24% in the number of students enrolled. The and individual orientation sessions. The sessions sharpest growth was in the LLM and Certificates are conducted by specialists in career and programs. competency development and cover aspects such • Ibmec São Paulo, in partnership with five other as the responsibilities, consequences, advantages business schools in Brazil, with the support of the and disadvantages of the choices made over the Instituto Empreender Endeavor and under the course of a person's career. coordination of HBS - Harvard Business School, re-offered the program Building Ventures in Latin In 2006, a total of 358 students participated in America (BVLA) in July 2006. The program, this workshops, and 97% of these gave maximum time administered by professors from HBS and scores (9 and 10) in the reaction survey after the from five Brazilian schools, one of which was work sessions. Over the course of the year, 160 Ibmec São Paulo, prioritized the issues of business students from the EMBA, Certificates and LLM development and entrepreneurship during one programs requested individual orientation to week of immersion. More than 80 participants expand their reflections on their careers. This from small, medium and large-sized companies effort, attended the course. characterized by a differentiated approach in headed by Ibmec Carreiras and • A new satisfaction survey conducted in supporting the career development of executive September of our students in the executive students, was presented at the 2006 Annual programs involving 20% of the total showed a Conference of the Executive MBA Council, held in significant increase in the general average in October in the city of Baltimore, United States in relation which the leading international business schools to 2005 in various aspects surveyed for the EMBA and the Certificates that offer Executive MBA programs participated. programs, with no change for the LLM program. In this latest survey, 95% of EMBA students and For 2007, we have several actions planned to 97% of Certificate students would recommend support the professional development of the Ibmec the program, up from the levels registered in São Paulo student community, including the Career 2005. Although partial, all of these indicators Development Program for Certificate students. attest to the continued improvement in the quality This career orientation effort initiated in 2006 of the programs. comprises three meetings in a workshop format that are supported by individual orientation, in Activities of Ibmec Carreiras which we work on the four dimensions drafted by Unesco: learning to know, learning to do, learning 30 The objective of Ibmec Carreiras is to orient to live together and learning to be, as a metaphor students to help them move closer towards their for the development of competencies, which are so professional goals. In line with this objective, Ibmec important for both personal and professional Carreiras created a Career Development Program growth. Career Development Plan Focus on personal development and/or professional career Workshop 1 Career Management Workshop 3 Development Plan Workshop 2 Self-Knowledge Individual Assistance / Coaching Professional Masters in Economics Launched in 2004, the demand for this stricto the program in less than two years. The sensu graduate program continues to grow, as dissertations covered various topics, such as the shown in the following chart. Note that all of the pricing of energy assets, market risk, credit risk, students from the first class of the masters cooperative program completed their dissertations in 2006 currency exchange rates, asset allocation and within the deadlines established in the program, analysis of fund performance. finance, macroeconometrics, with one student from the second class finishing Masters Programs Trajectory of No. of Applicants, Admissions and Enrollments by admission process 250 234 209 200 150 112 100 50 104 93 85 50 50 50 28 24 20 0 2004 Applicants 2005 Admitted 2006 2007 Enrolled 31 Annual Report 2006 In 2006, Ibmec Carreiras supported the Director well as the preparation of the members of the of the Professional Masters in Economics admission program in the creation of a structured process of competency interviews. This initiative sought to admission interviews of new students. This standardize the candidate-selection process, and consisted of the establishment of a set of criteria ensure the proper alignment and quality of the and characteristics essential to admission, as evaluation. committee for the holding of Executive Education - Open Enrollment Programs In 2006, Ibmec São Paulo offered six medium- agreement signed between Ibmec São Paulo and duration Executive Education programs. Of these, the European Community. The first module, with a four management: duration of 30 hours, was sponsored by Valor Management of Teams and Individuals, Supply Econômico, FIESP – Federation of Manufacturing Chain Management, Personal Asset Management Companies in São Paulo State, Perdigão and and Rede de Hotéis Accor. were in Strategy the field Management of with Balanced Scorecard; and two in the area of Ibmec Law: Legal Risks in the Use of Information Technology, Due to the sharp growth in the area of executive and European Union – Legal and Economic education in open enrollment programs, shown in Aspects of Integration. This latter program was the following table, new programs will be launched part of the Jean Monnet Project, which is the in 2007. Executive Education - Open Enrollment 2005 2006 Variation % No. of Total Applicants 203 695 242% No. of Applicants Accepted 110 369 235% 54% 53% - No. of Students Enrolled 99 280 183% Yield (Enrolled/Accepted) 90% 76% - Percentage Accepted 32 Awards and Recognition In 2006, important awards were bestowed upon three best dissertations of undergraduate several members of our community, as described programs in Economics. The recipient of the below: award competed with the dissertation “The • The Haralambos Simeonidis Award, administrated by ANPEC – National Association of Centers for Graduate Studies in Economics, which seeks to foster reflection and research on Economics in Brazil, presented each year to the best works in the categories of papers, books and doctorate dissertations. In 2006, the award was presented to Full Professor Naercio Menezes Filho, for the work “Trade liberalization and the evolution of skill earning differentials in Brazil”, in conjunction with two coauthors. • Professor Gazi Islam received the award for best paper from the Critical Studies division of the Academy of Management, on the occasion of its annual meeting, for the work "The Sweetest Dreams that Labor Knows: Robert Frost and the Poetics of Work", in conjunction with his coauthor. Mechanism of Monetary Transmission in Brazil: An SVAR Model with Inflationary Expectations", oriented by professor Ana Beatriz Galvão. • Our new campus was awarded the 3rd Grand Prix of Corporate Architecture, one of the principle awards in the field in Latin America, which seeks to recognize the best projects in corporate architecture and their authors, investors and administrators. The award was given to the Ibmec São Paulo School and to the architectural firm Athié Wohnrath Associados. • In 2006, the Distance Learning area of Ibmec São Paulo won the title of Outstanding Business Model, conferred by the commission of the e-Learning Brasil Award, for using technological resources for promoting continuous learning. • Full Professor Pedro Valls, in conjunction with his thesis student Cícero Augusto Vieira Neto, received HonorableMention from the periodical Revista Brasileira de Finanças, for the work “Modeling the term structure of interest: dynamic and evaluation of derivative contracts”. • Paulo Eduardo Mateus, who earned a bachelor's degree in Economics in 2005, received the Corecon-SP Award of Excellence in Economics. The award, which is presented annually by the Regional Economics Council – São Paulo, seeks to recognize the authors of the 33 Annual Report 2006 Dissemination of Knowledge An integral part of our mission is to contribute to generating and disseminating knowledge in the fields in which we work. This is performed in several ways, as described below. Academic Research The production and dissemination of knowledge in our fields of activity are an important part of our mission. To achieve this we have a growing body of full-time professors with research responsibilities. In 2006, three new professors were hired for this team, increasing to our faculty so defined to 21. As the following charts show, there was an increase in the total number of points alloted according to the classification for academic research of the Ministry of Education (CAPES), and which is positive, since international journals have also a slight increase in the number of points per higher rates of rejection of papers and longer researcher. Fluctuations in points per researcher maturation periods. are normal given the considerable time lag that may exist between the conclusion of an academic A list of the academic production in 2006 can be work and its publication. The number of found at the end of this report. publications in international periodicals also rose, Total CAPES Points* 673 700 600 500 540 413 400 300 200 100 0 2004 2005 * Points adjusted in accordance with the redefinition of criteria 34 2006 CAPES Points per Researcher* 32 32.0 31.8 29.5 24 16 8 0 2004 2005 2006 * Points adjusted in accordance with the redefinition of criteria Research Production – Ibmec São Paulo 18 17 14 12 10 international papers 16 16 Brazilian papers 12 10 10 10 books 8 6 4 2 4 2 6 5 chapters 2 0 0 2004 2005 2006 35 Annual Report 2006 Faculty – Undergraduate Program Full-Time Research Faculty Title and Specialization Areas Full Professors Sérgio Giovanetti Lazzarini Associate Professor / Academic Dean Antonio Zoratto Sanvicente Ph.D., Business Administration – Washington Full Professor University, St. Louis Ph.D., Business Administration – Stanford Strategy. Organization of Companies University Finance Assistant Professors Eduardo Giannetti da Fonseca Andrea Maria Accioly Fonseca Minardi Full Professor Assistant Professor Ph.D., Economics – University of Cambridge Doctor, Business Administration – EAESP- Economic Thought. Philosophy FGV/SP Finance Naercio Aquino Menezes Filho Full Professor / Coordinator of Research Carlos Alberto Furtado de Melo Ph.D., Economics – University of London Assistant Professor Human Capital. Labor Market Doctor, Political Science – PUC/SP Brazilian Culture. Brazilian Politics Pedro Valls Full Professor / Professional Masters Degree Danny Pimentel Claro Program in Economics Director Assistant Professor Ph.D., Economics (Statistics) – London School Ph.D., Business Administration – Wageningen of Economics University Econometrics. Finance Marketing Associate Professors Eduardo Andrade Assistant Professor Mauricio Soares Bugarin Ph.D., Economics – University of Chicago Associate Professor / Undergraduate Program in Macroeconomics. Economic Growth Economics Director Ph.D., Economics – University of Illinois Eurilton Alves Araújo Júnior Game Theory Assistant Professor Ph.D., Economics – Northwestern University Macroeconomics. Econometrics 36 Fábio Augusto Reis Gomes Marcelo Leite de Moura e Silva Assistant Professor Assistant Professor Doctor in Economics – EPGE-FGV/RJ Ph.D., Economics – University of Chicago Consumption theory. Applied Econometrics. Macroeconomics. Finance Time Series Paulo Barelli (joint appointment - University of Fabio Ribas Chaddad Rochester) Assistant Professor / Undergraduate Program in Assistant Professor Business Administration Director Ph.D., Economics – Columbia University Ph.D., Agricultural Economics – University of Game Theory Missouri Strategy. Agribusiness Regina Carla Madalozzo Assistant Professor Gazi Islam Ph.D., Economics – University of Illinois Assistant Professor Labor Market. Microeconometrics Ph.D., Business Administration – Tulane University Ricardo Dias de Oliveira Brito Organizational Behavior. Leadership. Assistant Professor Organizational Culture Doctor in Economics – EPGE-FGV/RJ Finance. Monetary Economics Henrique Machado Barros Assistant Professor Rinaldo Artes Ph.D., Business Administration – Warwick Assistant Professor Business School Doctor in Statistics – USP Innovation Statistics José Luiz Rossi Júnior Rodrigo Menon Simões Moita Assistant Professor Assistant Professor Ph.D., Economics – Yale University Ph.D., Economics – University of Illinois International Economics. International Finance Industrial Organization Number of Full-Time Research Professors 25 21 20 18 15 15 11 12 10 5 0 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 37 Annual Report 2006 Part-Time Professors 38 Adriana Bruscato Leonardo Pagano Aloísio Bueno Buoro Leonidas Sandoval Junior Amyris Fernandez Luciana Yeung Ana Carla Abrão Costa Marcio Poletti Laurini Ana Maria Roux V. Coelho César Marco Antonio Leonel Caetano André Luís de Castro Moura Duarte Marcos Hashimoto Arthur Carbonare de Avila Marcus Vinicius L. Ramos Gonçalves Artur Rothstein Barreto Parente Maria Cecília Leonel Gomes dos Reis Claudia Maria Costin Patrícia da Cunha Tavares Daniel Keller de Almeida Paulo Beltrão Fraletti David Kallás Pedro Carvalho de Mello Edilene Santana Santos Priscila Borin de Oliveira Claro Eduardo Correia de Souza Ricardo Humberto Rocha da Silva Fabio Orfali Ricardo José de Almeida Fernando Barreira Sotelino Roberta Muramatsu Heleno Piazentini Vieira Roberto Anis Calfat Humberto Francisco Silva Spolador Robinson Guitarrari Irineu Gustavo Nogueira Gianesi Robson Ribeiro Gonçalves Jaqueline Giordano Rogério Monteiro João Luiz Mascolo Sergio Ricardo Martins José Carlos Tiomatsu Oyadomari Tadeu Aparecido Pereira da Ponte Juan Pedro Jensen Perdomo Vivian Iara Strehlau Lars Meyer Sanches Wilson Toshiro Nakamura Academic Seminars Strategy Research Center In 2006, a total of 26 academic seminars were The Strategy Research Center, now in its third year held various of existence, continued to form partnerships with institutions in Brazil and abroad, who presented companies, with the goal of generating research in cutting-edge research papers and discussed the the area of business strategy. One of these studies results of their work with the team of researchers sought to discuss the criteria employed for the from Ibmec São Paulo. Many of these seminars allocation of resources in corporations, in were also used for the purpose of evaluating particular assessing ways to measure the capital possible candidates for joining our team of full- employed in each business unit, for use in guiding time professors. investment decisions. Another study sought to involving researchers from develop methodologies to segment business In addition, support was provided for "brown clients, with the aim of improving the type of bag" seminars, bringing together the researchers relationship with and the retention of these clients. from Ibmec São Paulo for discussions to exchange ideas on research, with a view to The Center also coordinated the first effort made helping to enhance individual projects. by Ibmec São Paulo to produce a series of case studies with selection and evaluation criteria. In the first semester of the year, case studies were carried out of companies such as Gol Linhas International Seminars Aéreas, CESAR – Center for Advanced Research Four international seminars were held in 2006, and Systems of Recife (information technology which provided the Ibmec São Paulo community, research center), Bolsa de Mercadorias de São as well as their supporters and partners, the Paulo and SoluCia (a division of Basf). In the opportunity to enjoy direct contact and discuss second semester, case studies were developed current issues and issues of broad importance. with the companies Suzano, Mextra (an entrepreneurial company, based on a referral The seminars also served to strengthen Ibmec from Instituto Endeavor) and Cooxupé (a coffee São cooperative), in addition to a case study on a Paulo's partnerships with renowned to change in trading criteria in a trading session in consolidate our school's standing in the national the financial market. Building on the three other and international scenarios. They were: previously developed cases (Banco Garantia, institutions and professionals, helping McDonald’s and Ibmec São Paulo), these studies • Which Educational Policies actually work? are now part of the series of case studies used by • Economic Innovation and Growth the School. • New Technologies and the Performance of Companies in Brazil and India Lastly, the Center continued to organize • Brazilian Global Forum for Alumni: Managing discussion events. In partnership with the School yourself: making your commitments match of Business Administration and Economics of the your convictions University of São Paulo (FEA-USP) and the Getúlio Vargas Foundation (FGV), in July the 39 Annual Report 2006 Center's team organized the first "Workshop on stations, 17 group study rooms and a room for Institutions an showing videos. The Telles Library also has a interdisciplinary event hosted at Ibmec São multimedia station with 20 computers equipped Paulo, with Internet access, the Office suite of and which sought Organizations", to bring together researchers in the fields of economics, business programs, a database and statistical software. administration, sociology and political science. The objective of the event was to analyze the The library's archive grew 20% in 2006 in relation issue of how institutions and organizations to the previous year, and now has a total of 23,354 become established and evolve over time. The documents. A new database was also acquired, Strategy Center also organized a sector-specific with growth of 45% in relation to 2005, and more debate on agribusiness in the first half of the year. than 130 people, including students, professors and employees, were trained by specialists on its operation. The access to international electronic Telles Library periodicals was unified to facilitate connection with the various databases of periodicals made 40 The Telles Library specializes in Economics, available by the school, which facilitated Business Administration and other related fields. consultation and research by students and With the inauguration of the new campus the professors, in addition to providing support for the library gained much more room especially documental treatment of the 172 dissertations of designed for reading and study. The library now students from the Undergraduate, Executive and has 920 square meters of floor space, 317 study Masters programs. Center for Entrepreneurship an independent entity dedicated to fostering entrepreneurship. The fact that Endeavor also We consider as part of our mission to stimulate held a series of meetings, lectures and debates and develop the entrepreneurial spirit of our on the issue of the facilities of Ibmec São Paulo students, both in the undergraduate and provided a high degree of synergy to our Center. graduate programs. To strengthen and expand The school offers part of its space for the our activities in this area, in the middle of last year activities sponsored by Endeavor. we hired a full-time coordinator for our Center for Entrepreneurship. The results were already The first semester of activities carried out by the reflected in the second half of the year, with a Center for Entrepreneurship was very valuable. strong increase in the activities carried out. These Many volunteers have joined the Center to enable consisted of orientation for business plans, us to achieve even better results in 2007, and offering of elective courses, lectures, meetings, much work is expected this year. One of the individual orientation, participation in forums, Center's main objectives is to show our students competitions, research and the compilation of a that entrepreneurship can in fact be a career series of business case studies on the subject. option, and that Ibmec São Paulo offers the best Some of these activities were carried out in conditions to educate good entrepreneurs. This conjunction with Instituto Empreender Endeavor, is our challenge. Acknowledgement of the Faculty The evolution of the programs of Ibmec São Paulo and the growing recognition of the School's quality would not be possible without the extensive involvement of its professors. With solid dedication and professionalism, these professionals have helped to solidify the School's educational vision not only in the classroom, but in many cases also suggesting and executing projects that are essential to the continuous improvement of the programs and processes of Ibmec São Paulo. We extend our profound recognition and gratitude to all of our professors. 41 Annual Report 2006 Financial Highlights Ibmec São Paulo ended 2006 with gross revenue of the service, while the purchase of software use of R$ 62.6 million, exceeding the estimates made licenses began to be recorded as current at the start of the year, mainly due to the excellent expenditure. As a result, the differences in revenue demand for our executive and corporate and surplus between the managerial and the programs. As a result, the organization's end-of- accounting procedures, the latter reflected in our period final surplus, balance sheet - R$ 1.7 million and R$ 1.5 million rose to roughly R$ 9.8 million, exceeding by 31% the figure for 2005. more, respectively (see table below) - are explained by the difference in the criteria between 2005 and There had been some changes in the accounting 2006. criteria for 2006. For 2005, revenues received in advance were computed within the same Our yearend cash position rose to R$ 17.6 accounting period and the allocation of software million, up R$ 5.3 million or 43.5% from the use licenses were booked as investments. As of position at yearend 2005. 2006 we began to adopt the criteria used in our managerial statements, which consider revenues The table below presents the main financial and received in advance as services to be rendered managerial indicators of Ibmec São Paulo for and, thus, computed within the respective period 2006. Financial Indicators - in thousands of R$* 2004 2005 2006 Gross Revenue 38,131 47,828 62,601 Direct Expenses 18,360 21,259 24,625 Operational Margin 16,163 21,945 31,988 Indirect Expenses 5,763 7,594 10,580 General and Institutional Expenses 6,834 9,669 13,698 End-of-period Surplus 4,896 7,666 9,795 Cash Position 5,328 12,305 17,656 (3) 2,138 2,178 1,115 10,768 9,738 Scholarship Fund Investments Donations - Scholarship Fund - 2,089 314 Donations - Other - 8,725 1,740 Donations - Total - 10,814 2,054 *Administrative View, not considering accounting adjustments. 42 In 2006, the bulk of our investments (70.5%) Graduate and Undergraduate areas combined continued to involve the infrastructure and accounted for 83% of the overall revenue of operational projects related to the New Campus. Ibmec São Paulo. The highlight in 2006 was the In 2007, we plan to concentrate investment in Corporate Programs unit, with a contribution of maintenance and improving the day-to-day 14% to overall revenue, posting an increase of operations of the school. four percentage points versus the unit's contribution in 2005, and improving the balance The breakdown of the contribution of the various across our portfolio of programs. The Executive programs at Ibmec São Paulo - Graduate, Education and Distance Learning units combined Undergraduate, Corporate, Executive Education accounted for 3% of the school's overall and Distance Learning - to the school's overall revenue. revenue is shown in the chart below. The Revenue in 2006 Undergraduate 48% Graduate 35% Executive Education 1% Distance Learning 2% Corporate Programs 14% 43 Annual Report 2006 Summarized Balance Sheet Instituto Veris Balance Sheet as of December 31 in thousand reais 2006 2005 2004 April to December Assets Current Assets Cash 18,012 14,655 5,366 Accounts receivable 23,750 20,419 11,933 Provision for uncertain debts (1,452) (808) (589) Other accounts receivable 1,179 41,488 219 34,485 257 16,967 8,554 3,619 1,603 736 782 782 9,290 4,401 2,385 15,411 11,967 5,036 6,253 4,244 238 21,664 16,211 5,274 72,442 55,097 24,626 2,765 4,316 924 663 366 347 1,551 1,128 700 Services to be rendered 326 430 239 Services to be provided 25,906 31,211 19,899 26,139 15,036 17,908 5,234 3,305 2,209 662 662 662 5,896 3,967 2,871 27 27 27 Capital reserves 13,523 11,469 655 Accumulated surplus 21,785 13,495 3,827 35,335 24,991 4,509 72,442 55,097 24,626 Long Term Assets Long term receivables Legal deposits Permanent Assets Property, plant and equipment Deferred assets Total Assets Liabilities and Shareholders' Equity Current Liabilities Suppliers Payroll charges Tax liabilities Long Term Liabilities Long Term Services to be rendered Provision for contigencies Shareholders' Equity Capital shares Total Liabilities and Shareholders' 44 Income Statement Instituto Veris Income Statement, Period ended on December In thousand reais 2006 2005 2004 April to December Gross Revenues Revenues from services 60,878 50,369 30,024 Deductions from services rendered (2,776) (2,419) (1,135) 58,102 47,950 28,889 Labor (23,044) (22,721) (14,169) Professional and Third party services (12,185) (6,284) (3,672) (1,839) (1,977) (956) (13,457) (8,355) (5,714) - - (763) (282) (260) (145) (50,807) (39,595) (25,419) Operating Surplus 7,295 8,355 3,471 Net financial revenue/expenses 1,859 1,309 354 Net non-operating revenues/expenses (865) 6 2 8,289 9,670 3,827 Net Revenue from Services Operating Expenses Depreciation and Amortization Other expenses Extraordinary itens Taxes (2006 impacted significantly by the proceeds from the sale of the former facilities) Surplus for the Year 45 Annual Report 2006 Independent Auditor’s Opinion To the Directors and Executives INSTITUTO VERIS 1. We have examined the balance sheets for INSTITUTO VERIS as of December 31, 2006 and 2005, as well as the surplus, net worth changes and sources and uses of funds statements for the periods ending on those dates, as prepared by INSTITUTO VERIS managers. We are charged with the responsibility of issuing an opinion regarding those accounting statements. 2. Our examination was conducted according to the applicable auditing guidelines in Brazil, and involved: a) the planning of the auditing work on the basis of the relevance of account balances, transaction amounts, and the organization’s accounting and internal control systems; b) the identification, on the basis of tests, of evidence and records in support of the amounts and the accounting information reported; and c) the evaluation of the most representative practices and accounting estimates used by the organization’s management, as well as the disclosure of all accounting statements as a whole. 3. In our opinion, the accounting statements mentioned in paragraph 1 adequately represent, in all relevant aspects, the assets, liabilities and the financial condition of INSTITUTO VERIS, including its operating surplus, the changes in its net worth, and the sources and uses of funds for the periods ended on those dates, in accordance with accounting practices adopted in Brazil. São Paulo, March 7th, 2007. Eduardo Affonso de Vasconcelos CRC 1 SP 166.001/O-3 NEXIA AUDITORES INDEPENDENTES CRC 2 SP 019.098/O-1 Nexia International 46 Ibmec São Paulo Executives Programs Undergraduate Program in Business Administration Director Fabio Ribas Chaddad (as of January 2007) Distance Learning Camila de Souza Queiroz Du Plessis Sérgio Giovanetti Lazzarini (to December 2006) Márcia Maria Deotto Undergraduate Program in Economics Director Mauricio Soares Bugarin (as of January 2007) Undergraduate and Masters Area Ricardo Dias de Oliveira Brito (to December 2006) Academic Support Ana Helena Campos Professional Masters Degree Program in Economics Director Pedro Valls Library Silvia Novaes Associate Dean for Executive MBA Programs Fábio de Biazzi Strategy Research Center Danny Pimentel Claro Executive MBA in Healthcare Management Program Director Carlos Alberto Suslik Ibmec Cultura, Extracurricular Activities and Exchange Programs Andréa Tissenbaum Associate Dean for Certificates Marco Antônio Quége Associate Dean for Academic Research Naercio Aquino Menezes Filho Ibmec Law Director Jairo Saddi Community Relations Carlos Alberto Furtado de Melo Associate Dean for Corporate Programs Luca Borroni-Biancastelli Academic Administration Meiry Tregier and Executive Education 47 Annual Report 2006 Executive and Corporate Programs Area Center for Entrepreneurship Marcos Hashimoto Administrative-Financial Fabio Vagner Ribeiro Customer Service Silvia Regina Bassaglia Organizational Development Area Center for Teaching and Learning Tadeu Aparecido Pereira da Ponte Ibmec Carreiras (Careers) Jaqueline Giordano Ibmec Pessoas (Human Resources) Vilma Santos 48 Operations Area Marketing Martha Magalhães Planning and Control Milena Soares de Oliveira Information Technology and Infrastructure Christian Greiffo da Justa Menescal Publications List of Publications by Research Faculty in 2006 Papers Published in International Scientific Journals 1. AZEVEDO, P. F. de; CHADDAD, F. R. pathological Redesigning the Food Chain: Trade, Investment International Neuropsychological Society: JINS, and Strategic Alliances in the Orange Juice v. 12, n. 6, p. 1-6, 2006. gambling. Journal of the Industry. International Food and Agribusiness Management Review, Estados Unidos, v. 9, n. 1, 8. GALVÃO, A. B. Structural Break Threshold p. 18-32, 2006. VARs for Predicting US Recessions using the Spread. Journal Of Applied Econometrics, v. 21, 2. BURKE, M. J.; SARPY, S. A.; SMITH-CROWE, n. 4, p. 463-487, 2006. K.; CHAN, S.; SALVADOR, R.; ISLAM, G. The relative effectiveness of worker safety training 9. GORENSTEIN, C.; CARVALHO, S. C.; ARTES, methods. American Journal of Public Health, v. R.; MORENO, R. A.; MARCOURAKIS, T. Cognitive 96, p. 315-324, 2006. performance in depressed patients after chronic use of antidepressants. Psychopharmacology, v. 3. CARVALHO, F. A. de; BUGARIN, M. S. Inflation Expectations in Latin America. 185, n. 1, p. 84-92, 2006. Economía (Washington), v. 2006, p. 101-145, 2006. 10. HWANG, S.; VALLS PEREIRA, P. L. Small Sample Properties of GARCH Estimates and 4. CHADDAD, F. R.; JANK, M. S. The Evolution of Persistence. European Journal of Finance, Agricultural England, v. 12, p. 473-494, 2006. Policies and Agribusiness Development in Brazil. Choices, Estados Unidos, v. 21, n. 2, p. 85-90, 2006. 11. ISLAM, G.; ZYPHUR, M. Critical Industrial Psychology: What is it and where is it? 5. CLARO, D. P.; CLARO, P. B. O.; HAGELAAR, G. Psychology in Society, 2006. Coordinating collaborative joint efforts with suppliers: trust, transaction specific investment 12. ISLAM, G.; ZYPHUR, M. The sweetest and information network in the Dutch flower dreams that labor knows: Robert Frost and the industry. Supply Chain Management, v. 11, n. 3, poetics of work. Management Decision, v. 44, p. 216-224, 2006. p. 526-545, 2006. 6. CLARO, D. P. Demand driven chain and 13. MENEZES FILHO, N. A.; GONZAGA, G.; Networks. Production Planning & Control, v. TERRA, M. C. Trade liberalization and the 17, p. 637-638, 2006. evolution of skill earnings differentials in Brazil. Journal of International Economics, Estados 7. FUENTES, D.; TAVARES, H.; ARTES, R.; GORENSTEIN, C. Self-reported Unidos, v. 68, n. 2, p. 345-367, 2006. and neuropsychological measures of impulsivity in 14. MINARDI, A. M. A. F., SANVICENTE, A. Z., 49 Annual Report 2006 MONTEIRO, R. C. Bid-Ask Spreads in a Stock Research Journal of Problems & Perspectives Exchange without Market Specialists. Latin in Management, v.4, (4), p. 12-25, 2006. American Business Review (Binghamton), v.7, p.19 - 39, 2006. 16. TEIXEIRA, L.; BUGARIN, M. S.; DOURADO, M. C. M. D. Intermunicipal Health Care Consortia in Brazil: 15. NEVES, M. F.; CONSOLI, M.; CLARO, D. P.; Strategic Behavior, Incentives and Sustainability. ZYLBERSZTAJN, D. Building joint ventures in 6 The International Journal of Health Planning and steps: a South American Case. International Management, v. 21, p. 275-296, 2006. Papers Published in Brazilian Scientific Journals 1. ARAÚJO JÚNIOR, E. A.; FAJARDO, J.; 6. MADALOZZO, R. C. The Firm Size Wage TAVANI, L. C. Di. CAPM usando uma carteira Premium: A Quantile Analysis. RBEE. Revista sintética Brasileira de Economia de Empresas, v. 6, n. 1, do PIB Brasileiro. Estudos Econômicos (IPE/USP), São Paulo, v. 36, n. 3, p. 21-46, 2006. p. 465-505, 2006. 7. MENEZES FILHO, N. A.; CORBI, R. Os 2. ARAÚJO JÚNIOR, E. A. Estimating and Testing determinantes empíricos da felicidade no Brasil. Two Consumption-Based Asset Pricing Models Revista de Economia Política, v. 26, p. 120- for Brazil. BBR. Brazilian Business Review, v. 3, 140, 2006. p. 1-14, 2006. 8. MENEZES FILHO, N. A.; FERNANDES, R.; 3. BRITO, R. D. O.; PEETERS, E. Does credible PICCHETTI, P. Rising Human Capital but auditing add value? BBR. Brazilian Business Constant Inequality: The Education Composition Review, v. 3, n. 2, p. 200-222, 2006. Effect in Brazil. Revista Brasileira de Economia, v. 60, p. 200-250, 2006. 4. BUGARIN, M. S.; MENEGUIN, F. B. Pacto de 50 Estabilidade e Crescimento na União Européia: 9. MOREIRA, M. L.; BRITO, R. D. O. Fatores Há incentivos ao seu cumprimento? Revista de determinantes da duração da dívida corporativa Economia Aplicada, São Paulo, v. 10, n. 3, p. no 307-321, 2006. Administração, v. 5, n. 4, out.-dez. de 2006. 5. CURI, A.; MENEZES FILHO, N. A. O Mercado 10. SCORZAFAVE, L. G.; MENEZES FILHO, N. A. de Trabalho Brasileiro é Segmentado? Alterações Caracterização da participação feminina no no Perfil da Informalidade e nos Diferenciais de mercado Salários nas Décadas de 80 e 90. Estudos decomposição. Revista de Economia Aplicada, Econômicos (IPE/USP), v. 36, p. 160-19, 2006. v. 10, p. 41-55, 2006. Brasil. de Revista trabalho: de Economia uma análise e de Book Chapters 1. CHADDAD, F. R.; JANK, M. S. Policy 4. GIOVANETTI, B.; MENEZES FILHO, N. A. Coherence for Development: Issues for Brazil. In: Tecnologia e a Demanda por Qualificação na OECD. and Indústria Brasileira. In: João de Negri, Fernanda Development: Policies Working Together. de Negri, Danilho Coelho. (Org.). Tecnologia, Paris, Exportação e Emprego. 1 ed. Rio de Janeiro: (Org.). França: Trade, Agriculture Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development, 2006, p. 129-147. IPEA, 2006, v. 1, p. 315-340. 2. CHADDAD, F. R.; AGUILAR, P.; JANK, M. S. 5. LAZZARINI, S. G.; ARTES, R.; MOURA, M. L.; Agrifood Market Integration: Perspectives from FUKUDA, F. R. Inteligência Competitiva na Developing Countries. In: R. D. Knutson; R. F. Prática: Métodos para Estimar e Analisar Ochoa; K. D. Meilke; D. P. Ernstes. (Org.). North Reações de Competidores. In: Delane Botelho; American Integration: Deborah Moraes Zouain. (Org.). Pesquisa Regulatory and Policy Integration under Quantitativa em Administração. São Paulo: Stress. College Station, TX: Texas A&M Atlas, 2006, v. 1, p. 174-186. Agrifood Market University Press, 2006. 6. MENEZES FILHO, N. A.; VASCONCELLOS, L. 3. GALVÃO, A. B.; CLEMENTS, M. P. Combining Human Capital, Inequality and Pro-poor Growth predictions versus information in modelling: in Brazil. In: Tim Besley; Louise Cord. (Org.). Forecasting US recession probabilities and Delivering on the Promise of Pro-Poor Growth: output growth” In: MILAS, C., ROTHMAN, P.; Insights and Country Experiences. 1 ed. DIJK, V. Nonlinear Time Series Analysis of Washington: World Bank, 2006, v. 1, p. 250-287. Business Cycles. Elsevier, 2006, p. 55-74 Complete Works in Conference Proceedings 1. ARAÚJO JÚNIOR, E. A. Robust Monetary 3. ARAÚJO JÚNIOR, E. A. Robust Monetary Policy Policy with the Consumption Wealth Channel. In: with the Consumption Wealth Channel. In: VII XI Annual Meeting of the Latin American and Jornada Latino Americana de Teoria Econômica, Caribbean Economic Association, 2006, Mexico 2006, Rio de Janeiro-RJ. VII JOLATE, 2006. City. XI LACEA, 2006. 4. ARAÚJO JÚNIOR, E. A.; SANTOS, T. T. dos. A 2. ARAÚJO JÚNIOR, E. A. Taylor Rule and Fixed Dinâmica da Inflação Brasileira após o Plano Real. Exchange Rate Regime in a Small Open In: XXVIII Encontro Brasileiro de Econometria, Developing 2006, Salvador-BA. XXVIII SBE, 2006. Economy with Financially Constrained Households. In: XXII Latin American Meeting of the Econometric Society, 2006, 5. ARTES, R.; TOLOI, C. M. C. Estimação de um Mexico City. XXII LAMES, 2006. modelo de regressão auto-regressivo para dados 51 Annual Report 2006 circulares. In: XVII Simpósio Nacional de Macroeconomic Effects of Inflation Targeting in Probabilidade e Estatística, 2006, Caxambu. CD Latin America. In: XXVIII Encontro Brasileiro de do 17o SINAPE, 2006. Econometria, Salvador, 2006. 6. BARROS, H. M. The relevance of appropriability 12. BUGARIN, M. S.; CARVALHO, F. A. de. mechanisms for the importance of patents: Heterogeneity of Central Bankers and Inflationary empirical evidence from UK manufacturing. In: The Pressure. In: XXVIII Encontro Brasileiro de 15 International Conference on Management of Econometria, 2006, Salvador. CD do XXVIII EBE, Technology, 2006, Pequim. Proceedings of IAMOT 2006. th 2006, cd-rom, 2006. 13. BUGARIN, M. S.; CARVALHO, F. A. de. 7. BARROS, H. M. The Impact of the Importance Heterogeneity of Central Bankers and Inflationary of Firms Pressure. In: VII Latin-American Workshop in Patenting Behaviour. In: XXX Encontro da Economic Theory - JOLATE, 2006, Rio de Associação Nacional dos Programas de Pós- Janeiro. Site do Evento, 2006. Appropriability Mechanisms on Graduação em Administração, 2006, Salvador, BA. Anais do XXX EnANPAD, cd-rom, 2006. p. 14. BUGARIN, M. S.; CARVALHO, F. A. de. GCT-B 2870. Heterogeneity of Central Bankers and Inflationary Pressure. In: 2006 Meeting od the Latin American 8. BARROS, H. M. Firms’ perception of the way and Caribean Economic Association, 2006, their patent portfolios are built. In: XXIV Simpósio Mexico City. Site do Evento, 2006. de Gestão da Inovação Tecnológica, 2006, Gramado, RS. Anais do XXIV Simpósio de 15. BUGARIN, M. S.; FERREIRA, I. F. S. Political Gestão da Inovação Tecnológica, cd-rom, 2006. Budget Cycles in a Fiscal Federation: The Effect of Partisan Voluntary Transfers. In: 17th 9. BARROS, H. M.; CLARO, D. P.; CHADDAD, F. International Conference on Game Theory, 2006, R. Stony Brook, 2006. Políticas Públicas e Aprendizagem Tecnológica no Brasil: Os Casos dos Setores de Energia Elétrica e de Bens de Informática. In: 30o 16. Encontro Científico de Administração EnANPAD, Agronegócio do Leite: Tendências Internacionais. 2006, Salvador. 30o Encontro Científico de In: XLIV Congresso da Sociedade Brasileira de Administração EnANPAD, 2006. Economia e Sociologia Rural, 2006, Fortaleza, CHADDAD, F. R. Cooperativas no CE. Questões Agrárias, Educação no Campo e 10. BINELLI, C.; MEHIR, C.; MENEZES FILHO, N. Desenvolvimento, 2006. A. Education and Wages in Brazil. In: XXVIII Encontro Brasileiro de Econometria, 2006, 17. CHADDAD, F. R. Investment Constraints in Salvador. Anais do XXVIII Encontro Brasileiro de Agricultural Cooperatives: Theory, Evidence and Econometria. São Paulo: Sociedade Brasileira de Solutions. In: XLIV Congresso da Sociedade Econometria, 2006. v. 1. Brasileira de Economia e Sociologia Rural, 2006, Fortaleza, CE. Questões Agrárias, Educação no 11. BRITO, R. D. O.; BYSTEDT, B. The 52 Campo e Desenvolvimento, 2006. 18. CHADDAD, F. R. Performance Measurement 23. CURI, A.; MENEZES FILHO, N. A. Os efeitos of User-Owned Organizations: An Evaluative da pré-escola sobre os salários, a escolaridade e Survey of the Literature. In: XXX Encontro da a proficiência escolar. In: XXXIV Encontro EnANPAD, 2006, Salvador, BA. Anais do XXX Nacional de Economia, 2006, Salvador. Anais do Encontro da Associação Nacional de Pós- XXXIV Encontro Nacional de Economia. São Graduação e Pesquisa em Administração, 2006. Paulo: ANPEC, 2006. v. 1. 19. CHADDAD, F. R.; COOK, M. L. The Role of 24. FERREIRA, I. F. S.; BUGARIN, M. S. Political Cooperatives in Dairy Markets: Lessons Learned Budget Cycles in a Fiscal Federation: The Effect from US Dairy Cooperatives. In: 9º Congresso of Partisan Voluntary Transfers. In: 2006 LAMES, Pan-Americano do Leite, 2006, Porto Alegre, RS. 2006, Mexico City. 2006 LAMES WEBPAGE, Tendências e Avanços do Agronegócio do Leite 2006. nas Américas. Juiz de Fora, MG: EMBRAPA, 2006. p. 11-22. 25. ISLAM, G.; BARSKY, A. The sweetest dreams that labor knows: Robert Frost and the poetics of 20. CLARO, D. P.; CLARO, P. B. O. Do all network work. In: Academy of Management, 2006, ties support collaboration in business? In: 35th Atlanta. Academy of Management Best Paper European Marketing Academy, 2006, Athens. Proceedings, 2006. Sustainable Marketing Leadership - Proceedings of the 35th European Marketing Academy, 2006. 26. IWAMISU, P. S.; ARTES, R. Modelo bayesiano para Análise de Preferência Conjunta. In: xvii 21. CLARO, D. P.; FERREIRA, T. F.; MIZUMOTO, Simpósio Nacional de Probabilidade e Estatística, F. Developing a close relationship with your 2006, Caxambu. CD do 17o SINAPE, 2006. customer: a model of customer relationship management and empirical evidence of input 27. LEUSIN, L. M. C.; BRITO, R. D. Market Timing suppliers in the agribusiness. In: 7 International e Avaliação de Desempenho dos Fundos Conference on Management of Chain and Brasileiros. In: 6o Congresso Brasileiro de Network Finanças, 2006, Vitória. Anais do 6o Encontro th Conference, 2006, Wageningen. Proceedings of the 7th International Conference Brasileiro on Sociedade Brasileira de Finanças, 2006. Management of Chain and Network de Finanças. Rio de Janeiro: Conference, 2006. 28. MARÇAL, E.F.; VALLS PEREIRA, P. L. A 22. CLARO, P. B O.; ZYLBERSZTAJN, D.; estrutura a termo das taxas de juros: Testando a CLARO, D. P.; N. C. Hipótese de Expectativas no Brasil. In: VI of the Conferencia Internacional de Finanzas, 2006, Brazilian Market Pulp Chain. In: 7 International Santiago do Chile. Anais da VI Conferencia Conference on Management of Chain and Internacional de Finanzas, 2006. Competitiveness GONÇALVES, and R. Coordination th Network Conference, 2006, Wageningen. Proceedings of the 7th International Conference 29. MARÇAL, E.F.; VALLS PEREIRA, P. L.; on MARTIN, D.; NAKAMURA, W. Avaliação de Management Conference, 2006. of Chain and Network contágio ou interdependência nas crises 53 Annual Report 2006 financeiras da Ásia e América Latina, Análise da Série Histórica de Prêmios Pelo Risco considerando os fundamentos macroeconômicos. de In: VI Encontro Brasileiro de Finanças, 2006. Anais Dividendos Descontados. In: Sexto Encontro do VI Encontro Brasileiro de Finanças. Rio de Brasileiro de Finanças, 2006, Vitória. Sexto Janeiro: SBFin, 2006. Encontro Brasileiro de Finanças, 2006. v. 6. 30. MARÇAL, E.F.; VALLS PEREIRA, P. L.; 36. MINARDI, A. M. A. F.; SANVICENTE, A. Z.; MARTIN, D.; NAKAMURA, W. Contagion or ARTES, R. Determinação de Rating de Crédito de interdepemdence in the Financial Crises of Asia Unidades de Negócios Visando Estimar o Custo and de Capital de Terceiros. In: 30o Encontro da Latin America: Macroeocnomic considering Fundamentals. the In: Latin Mercado Estimados pelo Modelo de ANPAD, 2006, Salvador. EnANPAD, 2006, 2006. American Meeting of the Econometrics Society, 2006, Cidade do México. Anais do Latin American 37. MOITA, R. M. S. M. Entry and Externality: Meeting of the Econometrics Society, 2006. Hydroelectric Generators in Brazil. In: XXVIII Encontro Brasileiro de Econometria, Salvador, 31. MENEZES FILHO, N. A.; MARCONDES, R.; 2006. PAZELLO, E.; SCORZAFAVE, L. G. Instituições e Diferenças de Renda entre os Estados 38. MOITA, R. M. S. M.; PAIVA, C. The Political Brasileiros: Uma análise histórica. In: XXXIV Price Cycle in Regulated Industries: Theory and Encontro Nacional de Economia, 2006, Salvador. Evidence. In: XXXIV Encontro Nacional de Anais do XXXIV Encontro Nacional de Economia. Economia – ANPEC, 2006. São Paulo: ANPEC, 2006. v. 1. 39. MOREIRA, M. L. M.; BRITO, R. D. Fatores 32. MESQUITA, L.; LAZZARINI, S. G. Vertical and Determinantes da Duração da Dívida Corporativa horizontal relationships in clusters: implications no Brasil. In: EnANPAD, 2006, Salvador. Anais da for SMEs access to global markets. In: Academy EnANPAD, 2006. of Management Conference, 2006, Atlanta. Academy of Management Best Paper Proceedings, 2006. 40. MOURA, M. L.; LAURINI, M. P. Constrained Smoothing Splines for the Term Structure of Interest Rates. In: VI Encontro Brasileiro de 33. MINARDI, A. M. A. F. Using Option Theory to Finanças, 2006, Vitória. Anais do VI Encontro Estimate Default Probabilities of Brazilian Brasileiro de Finanças, 2006. Companies. In: BALAS, 2006, Lima. 2006 BALAS Anual Conference, 2006. 41. MOURA, M. L.; LAURINI, M. P. A Dinamic Non-Parametric Model For Term Structure of 34. MINARDI, A. M. A. F. Using Option Theory to Interest Rates. In: VI Conferencia Internacional de Estimate Default Probabilities of Brazilian Finanzas, Companies. In: CLADEA, 2006, Montpellier. Conferencia Internacional de Finanzas, 2006. 2006, Santiago de Chile. VI Cladea 2006, 2006. v. 41. 42. MOURA, M. L.; LAURINI, M. P. Constrained 35. MINARDI, A. M. A. F.; SANVICENTE, A. Z. 54 Smoothing Splines for the Term Structure of Interest Rates In: XXVIII Encontro Brasileiro de Evidence from Brazil. In: Global Finance Econometria, Salvador, 2006. Conference, 2006, Rio de Janeiro. Global Finance Conference, 2006. 43. MOURA, M. L.; LAURINI, M. P. Constrained Smoothing Splines for the Term Structure of 50. ROSSI JUNIOR, J. L. Corporate foreign Interest Rates In: LACEA-LAMES Conference, vulnerability, financial policies and the exchange Cidade do México, 2006. rate regime: evidence from Brazil. In: 6o Encontro Brasileiro de Finanças, 2006, Vitória. 6o Encontro 44. PIMENTEL, G. G.; BRITO, R. D. Sobre o Brasileiro de Finanças, 2006. Custo do Capital e o Retorno do Investimento Corporativo no Brasil. In: 6o Congresso Brasileiro 51. ROSSI JUNIOR, J. L. The Use of Currency Congresso Derivatives by Brazilian Companies: An Empirical de Finanças, 2006, Vitória. 6 Brasileiro de Finanças. Rio o de Janeiro: Sociedade Brasileira de Finanças, 2006. Investigation. In: 6th Global Conference on Business and economics, 2006, Cambridge. 6th Global Conference on Business and economics 45. PIMENTEL, G. G.; BRITO, R. D. Sobre o proceedings, 2006. Custo do Capital e o Retorno do Investimento Corporativo no Brasil. In: EnANPAD, 2006, 52. VENEZUELA, M. K.; BOTTER, D. A.; Salvador. Anais do EnANPAD, 2006. SANDOVAL, M. C.; ARTES, R. Técnicas de diagnóstico para modelos de regressão beta e 46. PORTUGAL, A. C.; BUGARIN, M. S. Electoral modelos de dispersão com medidas repetidas. Campaign Financing: The Role of Public In: xvii Simpósio Nacional de Probabilidade e Contributions and Party’s Ideology. In: 21st Estatística, 2006, Caxambu. CD do 17o SINAPE, Annual 2006. European Economic Association Congress, 2006, Viena. Site do 21st Congress of the EEA, 2006. 47. PORTUGAL, A. C.; BUGARIN, M. S. Electoral Campaign Financing: The Role of Public Contributions and Party's Ideology. In: XXVIII Encontro Brasileiro de Econometria, 2006, Salvador. CD do XXVIII EBE, 2006. 48. PRETTO, K.; ARTES, R.; BARROSO, L. P. Análise de preferência conjunta: um estudo sobre imputação de dados. In: XVII Simpósio Nacional de Probabilidade e Estatística, 2006, Caxambu. CD 17o SINAPE, 2006. 49. ROSSI JUNIOR, J. L. Corporate Foreign Vulnerability and the Exchange Rate Regime: 55 Annual Report 2006 Abstracts in Conference Proceedings 1. BARROS, H. M. Appropriability conditions and 3. ISLAM, G.; ZYPHUR, M.; BARSKY, A.; ROSE, R&D distribution: new survey evidence from UK J.; JOHNSON, E. Rituals Revisited: A New Look manufacturing. In: Academy of Management at Organizational Rituals. In: EnANPAD, 2006, Annual Salvador. Anais do ANPAD, 2006. Meeting, 2006, Atlanta, Georgia. Proceedings of the Academy of Management Conference, cd-rom, 2006. de crédito de clientes: Uma aplicação a dados 2. BARSKY, A.; ISLAM, G.; ZYPHUR, M.; JOHNSON, reais. In: XVII Simpósio Nacional de Probabilidade E. Investigating the Direct and Interactive Effects e Estatística, 2006, Caxambu, 2006. of Moral Disengagement and Participative GoalSetting on Unethical Work Behavior. In: EnANPAD, 2006, Salvador. Anais do ANPAD, 2006. 56 4. PEREIRA, G. H. A.; ARTES, R. Modelos de risco
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