Solemnity: Pentecost


Solemnity: Pentecost
Solemnity: Pentecost
May 15, 2016
“If Christ is in you, although the body is dead because of sin, the spirit is alive because of
righteousness. If the Spitit of the one who raised Jesus from the dead dwells in you,
the one who raised Christ from the dead will give life to your mortal bodies,
through his Spirit that dwells in you.”
— Romans 8
St. Michael Parish — 14327 Highland, Orland Park, IL —708-349-0903
Fax: 708-964-1257
follow us on Facebook
Voice of Saint Michael
May 15, 2016
From Your Pastor
Rev. Paul C. Burak
This weekend we celebrate the feast of Pentecost. The apostles were not able to
follow the footsteps of Jesus on their own. They needed assistance. That is why
the Father and the Son sent the Holy Spirit.
The Spirit helps us live the way of Jesus. The Spirit helps us know the love of
the Father and bring that love to others. The Church exists because of the Holy
Spirit. It is the Spirit that helps us live in community and become the parish that
the Lord wants us to be.
One of the gifts that the Holy Spirit has given to us as a parish is Vincent, our
seminarian intern. His journey with us comes to an end this weekend. Vincent
is preaching at all the Masses to say his farewell.
Vincent, we are sad to see you leave us. You have such a kind and gentle
way, such a grand smile. You have made your way into our hearts.
There is no doubt in my mind that you are called to be a priest. Wherever
your journey leads you, you as a priest will be a great blessing to the
Please know that we as a parish will support you always with our prayer.
May Jesus keep you in the palm of his hand. May the Spirit keep you alive
with enthusiasm for the Church and her message. May you always know
the Father’s love and forever bring that love to all you meet.
Peace, dear friend, peace!
One last thing – I speak to all our parishioners – you can be a gift to the Spirit
this Pentecost by signing up to be an Adorer of the Blessed Sacrament. You can
sign up right after Mass today…………..
-Fr. Paul
Voice of Saint Michael
May 15, 2016
Jubilee Year of Mercy
May 15, 2016
Announcing the Jubilee Year of
Mercy, Pope Francis challenged us
to proclaim God’s mercy “to
everyone without exception . . .
again and again, with new
enthusiasm and renewed pastoral
action” (Misericordiae Vultus, 12). Pentecost proclaims
that the door locked for fifty days is thrown open at
last. No longer closed in on itself, the community
speaks to crowds from different backgrounds,
distant lands, exotic languages. Everyone hears their
native language. The Spirit does not restore Babel’s
uniformity, but forges unity-in-diversity of language,
race, nationality—embracing all without exception.
During this Jubilee Year of Mercy, Pentecost’s Spirit
summons us afresh from mediocrity and isolation to
share God’s mercy with the world. “This is our
mission!” Francis exclaims. We are “given the gift of
the ‘tongue’ of the Gospel and the ‘fire’ of the Holy
Spirit, so that while we proclaim Jesus risen, living
and present in our midst, we may warm . . . the heart
of the peoples, drawing near to Him, the way, the
truth, and the life” (Regina Coeli address, Pentecost
Sunday, May 24, 2015).
Young People’s Liturgy
of the Word will continue at the
10:30 am Sunday Mass
throughout the Summer,
from May 29th
through September 4th
—Peter Scagnelli, Copyright © J. S. Paluch Co., Inc.
Papal quotes Copyright © 2015, Libreria Editrice V aticana.
Used with permission.
Readings for the Week
May 15, 2016
Sunday: Acts 2: 1-11; Rom 8: 8-17; Jn 20: 19-23
Jas 3: 13-18; Mk 9: 14-29
Jas 4: 1-10; Mk 9: 30-37
Wednesday: Jas 4: 13-17; Mk 9: 38-40
Thursday: Jas 5: 1-6; Mk 9: 41-50
JAs 5: 9-12; Mk 10: 1-12
Saturday: Jas 5: 13-20; Mk 10: 13-16
Prv 8: 22-31; Rom 5: 1-15;
Jn 16: 12-15
We will resume YPLW at both the
9 and 10:30 Masses on September 11th.
Thank you to our YPLW Facilitators and
Young Lectors for your willingness to
continue throughout the summer!
God’s Word Calls Us to be Merciful
Voice of Saint Michael
May 15, 2016
The Pilgrim
Virgin Statue of
Our Lady
of Fatima
Coming to
St. Michael
May 23rd
The Blue Army of Our
Lady of Fatima* is
bringing her message to St. Michael Parish. It is a
call to conversion and a prayerful sanctification of
souls that will bring peace to our hearts and our
world. To underscore the importance of the message
of Fatima in today’s society, Pope Francis
consecrated his papacy to Our Lady of Fatima on her
feast, May 13, 2013. On October 13th of that same
year, he consecrated the World to the Immaculate
Heart of Mary.
On May 23rd the Archdiocesan Pilgrim Statue of
Our Lady of Fatima will arrive at St. Michael parish
at 8 AM, beginning a day of prayer and adoration.
The statue was blessed by Bishop Venancio of Leira,
Fatima, then the International President of the Blue
Army. It was also blessed by Cardinal Josef
Mindzenty. The statue was sent to Chicago in 1972
and devotion in its presence has proven to be the
catalyst for renewed interest in the message of
Fatima, while exposing new generations of
Catholics to the message and devotion to Our Lady.
God’s Blessings, Vincent!
O Jesus, eternal High Priest,
we ask your graces upon all seminarians,
especially our friend, Vincent Nguyen,
who has served St. Michael parish well
throughout his internship.
Give them humility, meekness, prudence,
and a burning zeal for souls.
Fill their hearts with the gifts of the Holy Spirit.
Teach them to know and love the Church,
that they may always and everywhere
speak, act, and think with her,
the glorious spouse of Christ.
Teach them generosity
and detachment from worldly goods;
but above all, teach them to know You
and to love the One and Only Eternal Priest.
Good Shepherd of Souls, hear this our prayer
for saintly priests. Amen.
The schedule for
May 23rd
in St. Michael Church:
* 8:00 AM Mass
* Eucharistic Adoration
throughout the Day
* Rosary recited every
hour of the Day
* 12:30-1:30—School
Children Prayers
* 3:00 PM - The Divine
Mercy Devotion
* 7:00 PM – Closing
Voice of Saint Michael
May 15, 2016
Jubilee of Mercy Monday—June 11-13, 2016
On the second Monday of each month of this Jubilee Year, the Orland and Tinley Park parishes host a Mercy
Monday event. Our next event will be collaborative among the parishes. To understand this next Mercy event,
we look at the biblical meaning of mercy. Mercy is described by three words in scripture;
 Rahamin, translated as compassion—the kind of compassion that a mother has for the children born of
her womb.
 Hanan, translated as grace—the kindness that God freely showers on all God’s children and all of
 Hesed, translated as the bond of loyalty between covenant partners—a kind of steadfast love that is
unconditional and continuous.
In keeping with this biblical understanding of mercy, we are reaching out with acts of mercy (kindness,
compassion, grace and love) to our earth, the less fortunate, and to those who assist those in immediate need.
as we engage our parishioners in tangible Acts of Mercy
Saturday, June 11—Join the group going to go to Hopkins Park, Illinois for COMMUNITY OUTREACH
to assist the needy with ________________________________ If you wish to join us call 708-873-4633 to sign up.
Saturday. June 11—Take part in an informal COMMUNITY CLEAN UP DAY. You can participate
wherever you may be on that Saturday (ball games at parks, in your neighborhood, at your church,
walking in the woods, etc.) to clean up the environment—an act of compassion to the creation with
which our God has blessed us. If you participate in this informal way, please place a card with your name
in the box in the narthex indicating your name, what you did and where you did it.
Sunday, June 12 —COOKIE SHARING. We are asking parishioners to bake or bring cookies to St. Julie,
St. Michael or St. Francis parish. Cookies will be packaged by volunteers into foil pans to bring to the first
responders of the fire and police departments in gratitude for their acts of mercy to the community. Notes
of gratitude will be attached to these pans. Extra cookies will be packaged for the lunches distributed at
The Port, a homeless shelter in Chicago. If you wish to volunteer at St. Michael to package cookies or to
distribute the cookies to the police or fire stations, sign up with Robbie Anderson, 708-873-4633.
Monday, June 13, 2-4 PM — 3 projects in St. Julie’s Parish Hall.
 Make and pack LUNCHES FOR THE PORT to distribute to their guests. We invite families (we
ask at least one adult to stay with children) to bring the items necessary to make the lunches.
Items needed include: lunch meat, sliced cheese, fruit, small bags of chips, snack items (such as
granola bars, etc.) and cookies (packed 2-3 per bag depending on size). St. Julie Parish is providing
the lunch bags, bread, gloves and crayons to decorate the bags.
 If the response is great, we will also MAKE CARDS for the homebound and nursing home
 SOLE HOPE PROJECT. You are asked to bring old jeans and scissors with you to make soles for
shoes essential for the poor of Uganda. Patterns will be provided to cut the soles from the old
jeans. The soles will then be shipped to Uganda where local people are trained and employed to
make the shoes. These shoes prevent parasite jiggers from attacking the feet and provide work for
the people.
Contact at St. Michael Church is Robbie Anderson in the Religious Education Office at or 708-873-4633.
Voice of Saint Michael
May 15, 2016
Marian Celebration
Thursday, May 21st at 7:00 pm in the Chapel
St. Michael’s Women’s Group invites you to join us
in honoring
Our Blessed Mother through prayer and song.
Please bring your rosaries.
Refreshments will be served in the Ministry Rooms
Do you have a family member or friend who
served in World War II or Korea and would
like an application or more information on
an “Honor Flight” for them?
Bob Grembler, from the Honor Flight
Organization, will be the guest speaker at
our next Men’s Club meeting on Tuesday,
May 17th at 6:30 pm at St. Michael’s.
All men of the parish are welcome to attend, but please contact Gene Infelise at or Bill Patterson at if you are not a
member, to guarantee accommodations for everyone.
Pizza and refreshments will be served.
St. Michael’s
Hooks and Needles
Hooks and Needles meets May 19 at 7:00pm in the chapel .
Beginners and experts with knitting and crochet needles are
welcome! If you or someone you know would like to have a
prayer shawl, please contact Donna McDonough at
Voice of Saint Michael
May 15, 2016
We Make Hospital Visits
happens for a
reason .
If you or a relative of yours is
admitted to the hospital it
would be so helpful if you
would call St. Michael to let us
know you are there. It is not a
bother for us! We try to visit the sick
on a regular basis and would love to
visit you if you are hospitalized. Please call: 3490903 and we will use our own list of people to visit.
Sick List
Whether it's the elderly
lady at the store who
needs help getting the
high stuff
from the shelf or the individuals who look distraught
and all you have to do is ask, 'Are you ok?'
It's up to us to 'see' the things that happen for a
Names for the bulletin sick list need to be called
into the Parish Office by Monday, at Noon in
order to be included in the following Sunday’s
Please put your anonymous notes of how you have
experienced God in your life in the bright yellow
box on the table in front of the office.
Also, please join St. Michael's Holy Spirit Prayer
Group. We meet every Tuesday at 7 pm in the cry
room in back of the Church. All are welcome to this
faith sharing group.
Please Pray For The Sick
We continue to remember the sick, the infirm, and
all those recommended to our prayers; and
especially, the following, that they may
experience the healing and power of Christ:
Linda Bruno, Paul Fiocca, Rita Foltyn, Elliot
Gonzalez, Sophie Jura, Ed Jurinek, Mary Kuhl,
Robert Lipowski, Debbie Marcus, Effie MidosCanup, Denise Oetinger, Lorraine Pasinski, Stanley
Pasinski, Anita Rudow, Jeanne Scanlan, Monica
Ashley Servin, Rachel Sweet, Judy Thomson, Pat
Tyrakowski, Karen Valentine, Karen Wojcik,
Anthony Zambuto, and all those injured in service to
their country.
Year To Date:
$ 33,378
Electronic Giving
Please Pray For . . .
Those who have died and their families
Carmela Franzone, mother of Susan Olsen
Jara Starr, grandmother of Sandra Molina
Lillian Kurzawski, mother of Susan Jones;
grandmother of Emma and Camille
Eileen Nelson, mother of Laura Radius
Donald Russell, father of Donald
Glenn Pomonis, husband of Maria; father of David
and daughter, Laura Dahl
Dominic F. Nicorata, father of Frances DuFreunne,
Dominic, Steven, and Gregory
Edward McGuiggan, son of Geraldine Pistello
$ 25,175
Sunday, May 1 :
Pentecost Sunday
“The Advocate, the Holy Spirit whom the Father
will send in my name, will teach you everything
and remind you of all that I told you.”
John 14:26
The materialism of our society lures us to
concentrate more on what we want than on what
God wants for us. The relativism of our world tells
us that we should be tolerant of all things, that
there is no absolute truth. Pray to the Holy Spirit
to put the right words in our mouths when
challenged about our faith.
Voice of Saint Michael
May 15, 2016
Voice of Saint Michael
May 15, 2016
St. Michael Coed High School
Softball Team
Incoming freshman and outgoing seniors are invited
to play softball this summer. We play parish teams
from the surrounding area. Invite your friends to join
with you. All skill levels are welcome. The fee is
$25.00. Sign up at the Parish Office or Youth Ministry
Office NOW!! Deadline for sign up is June 1st.
Call 708-873-4650 or e-mail
with any questions.
St. Michael Youth Ministry is
sponsoring a car wash on Saturday, May
21 from 9:00am to 1:00pm in the
parking lot. All proceeds from the car
wash will help offset the expenses of
the Youth Ministry Mission Trip to
Habitat for Humanity in Charleston,
West Virginia. The teens will be
ministering to the community by building
houses for those in need. If you have
any questions call 708-873-4650 or
We are in need of old bath towels for the car wash.
Please bring them to the Parish Office. THANK YOU!
Voice of Saint Michael
May 15, 2016
As Christians, we are proud of our devotion to
God and country, and believe in standing up for
Monday, June 6th Associate Pastor, Father Jack Jura will
speak at 7:00 pm at Saint Michael’s Church in Orland
Park on 143rd Street. Holy Hour will be from 7:30-8:30
pm in the church and hositality to follow until 9:00 pm.
SPONSORED BY The Knowledge and Prayer Series
Featuring the the Respect Life Ministries of
Annunciation Byzantine
St. Francis of Assisi
Our Lady of the Woods
St. Bernard’s
St. Michael
Voice of Saint Michael
May 15, 2016
This program is divided into a three-year cycle of Faith, Hope,
and Charity. Our school is now finishing the cycle of virtues
for Year One of Faith. During May the children will learn
about the virtue of ZEAL. Last month, when our students
studied the virtue of JUSTICE, they were excited to learn
about the contributions of St. Anthony of Padua, St.
Katharine Drexel, and St. Thomas More; all of whom made
great contributions in promoting justice in education, politics,
and the world in general.
Below is a summary of what our children will be doing during MAY to learn about and practice ZEAL as a
part of the Religion curriculum. ZEAL will conclude our VIRTUES program in our school for this
academic year. We look forward to sharing The Year of Hope with you next September.
The St. Michael school children are
studying a virtue of the month this year
from the VIRTUES program that was
created by the Nashville Dominican
Sisters of Saint Cecilia.
“Never be lacking in zeal,
But keep your spiritual fervor
Serving the Lord.”
…Romans 12:11
Think about who tells you about...and who you tell about God.
Using a map or globe in your classroom, pick a place where you would like to tell the people about God
and His love for them.
Read the story of St. Paul’s conversion in Acts 9:1-22
Using the dictionary, look up the meaning of persecution and discuss this word in regard to the life of St.
Remember that it is never too early or too late to share your love for God with can be done in
the simplest of ways. Name two of these ways.
KINDERGARTEN: Kimberly Rodriguez, Mackenzie Mutch, Ben Roessler, Kelly Carr
GRADE ONE: C.J. Nwizu, Mackenzie Motto, Olivia Nomikos
GRADE TWO: Joe Siegler, Cate Kelly, Keira Westphal, Ayk Krikorian, Mia Pagliero, Luke DeTampel
GRADE THREE: Cayla Main, Emmet McCarthy, Jack Urban, Joey Spano, Gianna Marciano
GRADE FOUR: Jake Wyroba, Daniel Studennikov, Maria Nomikos, Ava Friel, Anthony Pagliero,
John Walter, Jack Whittingham
GRADE FIVE: Katy Kupp, Paul Sekula, Angie Domagala, Paige Kohlstedt, Luke Allocco, Megan Flynn
GRADE SIX: Carlie Pirucki, Tyler O’Brochta, Haley Tadevich, Ryan McGee
GRADE SEVEN: Andrew Whelan, Ryan Casey
GRADE EIGHT: Anna Piacente, Connor McNamara, Amanda Tracy
Voice of Saint Michael
May 15, 2016
Following Jesus the Light of the World
June 20 to June 24
9:30am to Noon
St. Michael
4 years old to 4 Grade in the Fall
$40.00 per child
(due at time of registration)
Packet pick up Friday, June 17 9am to 11am in the Commons
Keep top portion for your information
Registrations will be taken on a first come basis until capacity is reached with no registration accepted
after June 1 . Drop off registrations at the Parish of Youth Ministry Offices or through school clearly
marked for Vacation Bible School attention Youth Ministry. (shir t sizes 6/8, 10/12 & 12/14)
Child’s Name______________ _____________________________ Age_____Grade in Fall_____Shirt size________
Child’s Name___________________________________________ Age_____Grade in Fall_____Shirt size________
Child’s Name___________________________________________ Age_____Grade in Fall_____Shirt size________
Parents’ Names_____________________________________ Address______________________________________
City/Zip Code______________________________________ Home Phone__________________________________
Cell Phone________________________________
Emergency Contact______________________________Phone__________________________________
Food allergies, medical problems, medications we need to be aware of___________________________
Family Doctor__________________________________Phone__________________________________
I hereby give permission for my child/ren ___________________________________________________
to participate in Vacation Bible School at St. Michael Parish form June 20 to June 24 . I hereby release and indemnify
the Archdiocese of Chicago & St. Michael Parish for this event, its staff and volunteers; and the Catholic Bishop, a
corporation sole, from any liability arising from claims of any kind or nature whatsoever from my child/ren’s
participation in the program. I further understand that I am giving permission to use photographs of my child/ren on the
parish website/bulletin for the purpose of showing their involvement in the program.
Parent/Guardian signature_______________________________________________________________
________I am available to help. (Adult)
We will contact you.
Questions? Call 708-873-4650 or email
Voice of Saint Michael
May 15, 2016
La Estatua de la Virgen
Peregrina de Nuestra Señora
de Fátima
Viene a St. Michael
El Lunes, 23 de Mayo
Knights of Columbus Council 15022 in Homer Glen
is hosting its third annual 5K Fun Run on Saturday
June 11 at Messenger Marsh on South Bell Road.
The race will start at 9:00 a.m. and will take place
within the Forest Preserve property. Prizes will be
awarded to top finishers in various age categories.
The registration fee is $25.00 and all proceeds will
go to support Shady Oaks Camp. You can register
for the Run on our website at or on our Facebook page
(“OMGC Knights of Columbus 5K Fun Run”).
Please contact John Fassola at 708-301-0830 for
additional information.
Para mantener la misión de la nueva
evangelización, La Armada Azul de Nuestra Señora
de Fátima nos trae su mensaje a la Parroquia de St.
Michael. Este es un llamado a la conversión y
santificación de las almas por medio de la oración
que traerá paz a nuestro Corazón y al mundo. Para
subrayar la importancia del mensaje de Fátima en la
sociedad de hoy día, el Papa Francisco consagró este
papado a Nuestra Señora de Fátima en su fiesta del
13 de Mayo del 2013 El 13 de octubre del mismo año,
él consagró al Mundo al Inmaculado Corazón de
El 23 de mayo, La Estatua Peregrina
Arquidiocesana de Nuestra Señora de Fátima llega a
la parroquia de St. Michael a las 8:00 a.m.,
empezando con un día de oración y adoración. La
estatua fue bendecida por el Obispo Venancio de
Leira, en Fátima, luego por el Presidente
Internacional de La Armada Azul. También fue
bendecida por El Cardenal Josef Minzenty. La
estatua se envió a Chicago en 1972 y la devoción en
su presencia ha comprobado ser el catalizador para
un nuevo interés en el mensaje de Fátima, mientras
se expone a nuevas generaciones de católicos el
mensaje y la devoción a Nuestra Señora.
Leisure Plotters | Senior Fellowship
The next Senior Plotters gathering will be
Thursday, May 19th at 12:30PM. Join us at the
Orland Township building, 14807 W. Ravinia Lane,
for fellowship. We are a social group for seniors,
with various activities throughout the year,
including Bingo, luncheons, etc. For more
information, please contact Alice, at 708-614-9202.
Healthy Heart Screenings –
Comprehensive Lab Tests, drawn at 3
Little Company of Mary Hospital – Health
Education Center , Oak Lawn Care Station East
(5660 W. 95th ST Oak Lawn), and Palos Diagnostic
Center at 12432 S. Harlem Palos Heights, IL,
When: Monday through Thursdays from ~ 8:00 am
– 11:00 am. Due to the need to fast (if NOT
diabetic), we are very receptive to everyone needs,
so we are willing to make special arrangement to
accommodate those individuals
Call 708-423-5774 for Dates & Times
Fee $60.00
El horario para el 23 de
mayo en la Parroquia de
St. Michael:
Misa a las 8:00 AM
Adoración Eucarística
durante todo el día
Rezo del Rosario cada
hora durante el día
3:00 PM – La Devoción a
la Divina Misericordia
7:00 PM – Bendición
St. Laurence High School
50th Anniversary Reunion
A number of events will take place at the school and
outside the school the weekend of September 9-11,
2016. All graduates from the 1966 class are
encouraged to participate in as many activities as
they can. Please contact Mr. Tony Blasco at 630-258
-3592,, or Mr. Gerry Saternus at
773-418-3791 for additional information and to help
plan this special reunion.
Voice of Saint Michael
May 15, 2016
Mass of Thanksgiving
Our new Associate Pastor, Father Miguel Flores, will be ordained to the priesthood
by Archbishop Cupich on May 21st at Holy Name Cathedral.
Please come and welcome Father Miguel to St. Michael
as he celebrates a bilingual Mass of Thanksgiving with us.
Sunday, May 22 at 1:30pm
Light reception to follow in the Commons
Misa de Acción Gracias
Nuestro nuevo Párroco Asistente, el Padre Miguel Flores, se ordena sacerdote por el
Arzobispo Blase Cupich el 21 de mayo en la Catedral del Santo Nombre.
Favor de venir a darle la bienvenida a la parroquia St. Michael
en una misa bilingüe que él celebrará con nosotros.
Domingo, 22 de mayo a la 1:30pm
Recepción sigue en el commons
Voice of Saint Michael
May 15, 2016
The Hispanic Committee of St. Michael’s will be having a Tamale Sale
Tamale Order Form
Name (last, first): ___________________________________________
Delivery Dates:
< < < Circle Pickup time - After which Mass > > >
Saturday, May 21
Sunday, May 22
between 4 and 6 pm
7:30 am
Cost: $12.00 /dz
We will not
Telephone #___________________
9:00 am
10:30 am
$6.00 / ½ dz
(can mix by the 1/2 dozen only)
Chicken with Green sauce
Chicken with Red sauce
Pork with Green sauce
Pork with Red sauce
Cheese with Green Sauce
( Hot )
12:00 pm
1:30 pm
½ dz
for orders
that are
not picked
TOTAL $_________
Orders must be turned in by Sunday, May 15th
You can pay in advance or at the time of pickup. If you have any questions please call 708-2272867
Payments can be made by Cash or Check payable to: St. Michael Church
Place completed Forms & Payment in the box located under the TV Screen
Voice of Saint Michael
May 15, 2016
Masses for the Week — May 14th through 21st
4:30 PM
6:00 PM
7:30 AM
9:00 AM
10:30 AM
12:00 PM
(Spanish) --> 1:30 PM
5:30 PM
6:30 AM
8:00 AM
6:30 AM
8:00 AM
6:30 AM
8:00 AM
6:30 AM
8:00 AM
6:30 AM
8:00 AM
8:30 AM
Kathleen Varnagis
Gary Michael
Stanley and Stella Siwek
Eric James Goetzke
Dolores R. and Cresencio T. Javier
Special Intention of Dr. Arel Ondoy & Family
Mary Monty McGrath
Gerry Cassidy
John and Anne Skarbek
Edward and Evelyn Janik
Santo Carl Rizzo
Pat Cassidy
John Hennessy
Larry George
Becky Bartholomew
Anne Rubas
John Crosetto
Ruth Kuhl
Alica Ortiz
Joan Eckhardt
Maria Calle
Frances Campione
Kevin Hickey
Steve Vargo
Mary Vargo
Kathleen Varnagis
Linda Raftery
Mary V. O’Reilly
Bridget O’Connor
Intentions of the Blessed Mother
William Fenwick
Thomas Russell
Bernice Morin
Steve Larena
Intentions of the Blessed Mother
Chris Fricano
Tony Fricano
Don and Mary Ann Gale
Intentions of Judy and Bill Thomson Intentions of Loreta Larena
LaVerne Bria
Intentions of the Blessed Mother
John Swierenga
Family of Ocon-Carrillo
Intentions of Lorraine & Stanley Pasinski
Marsha Mulbarger
Intentions of the Blessed Mother
Special Intention for Evaline & Violet Ilic
Gino Carrasco
Special Intention of Barbara Haseltine
LaVerne Bria
Jim Kerrigan
Shirley Matysiak
May 22nd, 2016 - The Most Holy Trinity
Mass Intentions
Altar Servers
Eucharistic Ministers
4:30 PM
Fr. Paul
Kathleen Varnagis
Mary and Thomas J.
Don Lambert
Richard Vail
Rosemary Lambert
Morgan Laundrie
Samantha Laundrie
Hannah O’Connor
Tillie O’Connor
Carly Donovitch
Eileen Donovitch
Juliana Gorski
Deacon Jim Janicek
Carmel Kitchin
Peter Kitchin
Tess Magsombol
David Murray
Mary Jo Murray
John Radecky
Pam Stepansky
6:00 PM
Fr. Bill
Special Intention of Dr.
Hutnik and Family
Marie Burns
Ted Perkowski
Dave Lewandowski
Carol Gianoli
Matthew Martin
Paul Sekula
Michael Tortorici
Isabella Tortorici
Gerry Baker
Theresa Bongiorno
Ed Broniarczyk
Rose Broniarczyk
Mary Ann Damore
Deacon Jim Janicek
Joni Lewandowski
Tony Noska
Janet Tortorici
Lisa Veith
7:30 AM
Fr. Jack
Don Caddingan
LaVerne Bria
Christopher Conway
Denise Wilkin
Pat Janda
Michael Frangella
Joe Frangella
Zachary Marjan
Amanda Tracy
Deacon Tony Cocco
Pat Flynn
Mary Hamilton
Robert McGlynn
Jeff Minarcik
Dale Mize
Tom Oswald
Pat Phelan
Michael Ryan
Ed Tracy
Wayne Young
9:00 AM
Fr. Paul
Special Intention of Mary
Jo James
Marie Hortsman
Lucian Mierzynski
Augie Hauter
Jake McClain
Paige Kohlstedt
Kaylee McClain
Anna Piacente
Mary Piacente
Kathleen Calandriello
Rose Camillone
Deacon Tony Cocco
Carolyn Edison
Mary Jarosz
Sharon O’Donnell
Mark Pitcher
Julie Pitcher
Lynn Sutter
Bob Tenuta
Marietta Umlor
Jim Brudek
Diane Gneda
Catherine Kircher
Aidan McCarthy
Liam McCarthy
Dennis McCarthy
Heather McCurdy
Deacon Mike McDonough
Bob Palermo
Katie Pasquinelli
Kevin Scanlan
Young People’s Liturgy Presider — Patty Brucki
10:30 AM
Fr. Tom
Frances Halpin
Patricia Nebel
Jack Orlando
AJ Hull
Mike Alcordo
Ethan Highfill
Timothy Kircher
Olivia Skalitzky
Madeline Skalitzky
Young People’s Liturgy Presider — Lisa Castenada
12:00 PM
Fr. Tom
Florence Patterson
Jerome Septoski
Nina Harrington
Laura Hodge
Josh Hecht
William Dababneh
Gavyn Domico
Noah Domico
Ariana Wydajewski
Harriet Barabasz
Melody Fojas
Christian Hecht
Thomas Hudon
Chang Sun Kim
Deacon Mike McDonough
Ike Okla
John Paukstis
Marilyn Stanczak
Val Stoub
Carly Turcich
1:30 PM
Fr. Paul
Celia and Aqelio Flores
Epitacio Torres
Yolanda Medrano
Nadia Ghouleh
Juan Dominguez
Christian Nuñez
Ivan Nuñez
Sonia Torres
Patricia Tracy
Natalia Trujillo
Yolanda Trujillo
Elia Vazquez
Irma Almanza
Esmeralda Calderon
Obdulia Corral
Alexia Espino
Carmen Flores
5:30 PM
Fr. Jack
Lorabelle Flavin
Cindy Fairchild
Bernadette Cooke
Yvonne Scibor
Kary Beran
Anna Friel
Rachel Rein
Emma Shea
Laura Trippiedi
Deacon Tom
Aaron Magnan
Josh Moyar
Leslie Moyar
Eve Moyar
Maggie Nolan
Josh Nolan
Jennifer Trippiedi
Naty Velada
Saturday Evening:
4:30 p.m. & 6:00 p.m.
7:30, 9:00, 10:30, 12:00, 5:30 p.m.
Misa en Español, 1:30 p.m. en
6:30 & 8:00 a.m.
8:30 a.m.
ADDRESS CHANGES: Please stop by the
Parish Office to complete an updated registration
form or to advise you are leaving the parish.
Monday thru Friday
8:30 a.m. - 6:00 p.m.
9:00 a.m. - Noon
9:00 a.m. - Noon
Baptisms are celebrated several Sundays each
month at 3:00 p.m. Please call the Parish Office
to make arrangements.
3:00 to 4:00 p.m.
terceros Domingos de cada mes 12:30p—1:15p
Monday thru Friday 9:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m.
Additional hours during Class Sessions
Summer hours may vary.
Session Times:
Elementary RE (Grades 1-5)
Saturday: A Session 8:30 a.m. - 10:00 a.m.
B Session 10:30 a.m. - Noon
Junior High Program Nights (Grades 6-8)
Monday from 6:30 p.m. - 8:00 p.m.
Si usted desea que sus hijos reciban los
sacramentos de la confesión , Primera Comunión,
y Confirmación en español, debe registrar a sus
hijos en las clases de catecismo llamando a la
Oficina Parroquial al 708-873-4619. Estas clases
se ofrecen en español. Si prefiere las clases en
inglés, favor de llamar directamente al 708-3490769.
Bulletin deadline: Fr iday at 12 Noon.
Please e-mail articles, in Word or
Publisher for mat, to
14327 Highland Avenue 708-349-0903
Orland Park, IL 60462
Rev. Paul C. Burak, Pastor
Dee Pietrzak, Business Manager/
Administrative Assistant
Rev. Jack Jura, Associate Pastor
Rev. Thomas Byrne, Associate Pastor
Rev. William Finnegan, Resident Priest
Compassionate Ministry, RCIA
Pat Chuchla, Pastoral AssociateWorship Ministry
Roberta Anderson, Pastoral Associate
Director of Religious Education
Paul Smith, Principal
St. Michael School
Nancy Makowski, Assistant Principal
St. Michael School
Gary Patin, Director of Music Ministry
Rose Koch, Youth Minister
Julie Pericht, Athletic Director
DEACON COUPLES Tom Bartholomew
Tony and Eileen Cocco
Jim and Sharon Janicek
Michael and Donna McDonough
Abel and Yolanda Trujillo
Saul and Elia Vazquez
Para comunicarse con la oficina parroquial
en español, favor de llamar al
(708) 873-4619.