193 DETROIT AUTO DEALERS ASSOC., INC., ET AL. 193 Complainl IN THE MATTER OF DETROIT AUTO DEALERS ASSOCIATION, INC., ET AL. CONSENT ORDER IN REGARD TO ALLEGED VIOLATION OF SEC. 5 OF THE FEDERAL TRADE COMMISSION ACT Docket 9189. Complaint,"' Dec. 20, 1984-Decision, Dec. 3, 1986 . This consent order prohibits, among other things, twenty six Detroit, Mich.-area Chevrolet associations, dealerships and dealers from conspiring to not advertise in the classified sections of newspapers or to not advertise vehicle prices a t all. Appearances For the Commission: Dennis F. Johnson, Robert C. Jones, Richard B. Smith, Richard A. Wolff, Timothy Suich a nd Morris Bloom. For the respondents: Lawrence F. Raniszeski and Robert Y. Weller, Colombo & Colombo, Birmingham, Mich. a nd James F. R ill, Jeffrey W. K ing and Christopher J. MacA voy, Collier, Shannon, Rill & Scott, Washington, D.C. COMPLAINT Pursuant to the provisions of the Federal Trade Commission Act, as amended, and by virtue of the authority vested in it by said Act, the Federal Trade Commission, having reason to believe that the respondent parties named in the caption hereof: and hereinafter more particularly described and designated as "respondents," have violated the provisions of said Act and it appearing to the Commission that a proceeding by it in respect thereof would be in the public interest, hereby issues its complaint stating its charges in that respect as follows: PARAGRAPH l. Each of the parties described below is hereby named as a respondent herein in the capacity set forth in the caption to this complaint. Each respondent named in his capacity as an officer of a corporate respondent formulates, directs and controls the acts and practices of said corporate respondent. • The complaint was issued against associations, dealerships and dealers for Ohryalcr-Plymouth and Cadillac. as well. For the decisions issued against these respondents aee 108 F.T.C. 243 and 249. \ 194 FEDERAL TRADE COMMISSION DECISIONS Compla int Respondent name Detroit Auto Dealers Association, Inc. James Daniel Hayes Tri-County Pontiac Dealers Association, Inc. *Greater Detroit Chevrolet Dealers Association, Inc. *Chrysler-Plymouth Dealers Association of Greater Detroit, Inc. Greater Detroit Dodge Dealers Association, Inc. Metro Detroit AMC Dealers Association, Inc. Metro Detroit Buick Dealers Association, Inc. ·Metro Detroit Cadillac Dealers Association, Inc. Metropolitan Detroit Ford Dealers, Inc. Metropolitan Detroit Oldsmobile Dealers Association, Inc. Metropolitan Lincoln-Mercury Dealers Association, Inc. Southeastern Michigan Volkswagen Dealers Association, Inc. •Metro Detroit Chevrolet Dealers Association, Inc.··· ·chrysler-Plymouth Advertising Association of Greater Detroit, Inc.··· Metro Detroit AMC Advertising Association, Inc. Metro Detroit Buick Dealers Advertising Association, Inc.·· Metro Detroit Ford Dealers Advertising Fund, Inc. Metropolitan Lincoln-Mercury Dealers Advertising Association, Inc. Tri-County Detroit Dodge Dealers Association, Inc. Barnett Pontiac-Datsun, Inc. Robert F. Barnett Jim Causley Pontiac-GMC Truck, Inc. James F. Causley, Sr. Jim Fresard Pontiac, Inc. F. James Fresard Red Holman Pontiac-Toyota-GMC Truck Co. Albert A. Holman Art Moran Pontiac-GMC, Inc. ArthurC. Moran Principal place of business 3290 W. Big Beaver Road, Troy, Ml 48084 3290 W. Big Beaver Road, Troy, Ml 48084 16000 W. Twelve Mile Road, Southfield, Ml 48076 100 Renaissance Center, Suite3100, Detroit, Ml 48243 32711 Van Dyke, Warren, Ml 480~3 '• 24211 Gratiot Avenue, East Detroit, Ml 48021 13600 Greenfield Road, Detroit, Ml 48227 100 Renaissance Center, Suite 3100, Detroit, Ml 48243 100 Renaissance Center, Suite 3100, Detroit, Ml 48243 24760 W. Seven Mile Road, Detroit, Ml 48219 100 Renaissance Center, Suite 3100, Detroit, Ml 48243 1950 W. Maple Road, Troy, Ml 48084 23615 Michigan Avenue, Dearborn, Ml 48124 100 Renaissance Center, Suite 3100, Detroit, Ml48243 32711 Van Dyke, Warren, Ml 48093 13600 Greenfield Road, Detroit, Ml 48227 I 00 Renaissance Center, Suite 3100, Detroit, Ml48243 24760 W. Seven Mile Road, Detroit, Ml 48219 1950 W. Maple Road, Troy, Ml 48084 24211 Gratiot Avenue, East Detroit, Ml 48021 14505 Michigan Avenue.Dearborn, Ml48126 14505 Michigan Avenue, Dearborn, Ml 48126 38111 Gratiot Avenue, Mt. Clemens, Ml 48043 38111 Gratiot Avenue, Mt. Clemens, Ml 48043 400 N. Main Street. Royal Oak, Ml 48067 400 N. Main Street, Royal Oak, Ml 48067 35300 Ford Road, Westland, Ml 48185 35300 Ford Road, Westland, Ml 48185 29300 Telegraph Road, Southfield, M 148034 29300 Telegraph Road, Southfield, Ml 48034 •Respondent& daaignated with ••• are charged unde r both Count I and Count U or the complalnL The other respondent.a 8N charged only under CounL l • •Respondent& dea1gnated with ..... have had the complaint dismisaed against Lhem by Commission order dsted 193 Complaint Respondent name Packer Pontiac Co. William M. Packer, Jr. Rinke Pontiac-GMC Co. Roland Rinke Bob Sellers Pontiac-GMC, Inc. Robert B. Sellers Shelton Pontiac-Buick, Inc. C.M. (Bud) Shelton YvonJ. Tessier.. Porterfield Wilson Pontiac-GMC Truck, Inc. Poterfield Wilson Woody Pontiac Sales, Inc. WoodrowW. Woody ·Jack Cauley Chevrolet, Inc. •John H . Cauley •Dexter Chevrolet Co. •Joseph B. Slatkin •Dick Genthe Chevrolet, Inc. *Richard E. Genthe Bernie Hout Chevrolet, Inc.· · Bernard C. Houthoofd .. James-Martin Chevrolet, Inc. James P. Large ·Jefferson Chevrolet Co. JamesP. Tellier Raymond A. Tessmer ·Lou La Riche Chevrolet-Subaru, Inc. •Louis H. LaRiche *Walt Lazar Chevrolet, Inc. Walter N. Lazar John W. Lazar.. Stephen A. Jasinski.. Jack Meyers.. Glen D. Cole.. ·Mark Chevrolet, Inc. *HarryC. Demorest · George Malick Chevrolet, Inc. George S. Malick, Jr. Matthew s-Hargreaves Chevrolet Co. 0 Prlnclpal place of b_usiness 500 s~ Oj:idyke Road, Pontiac, Ml 48057500 S. Opdyke Road, Pontiac, Ml 48057 27100 Van Dyke Avenue, Warren, Ml 48093 27100 Van Dyke Avenue, Warren, Ml 48093 38000 Grand River Avenue, Farmington Hills, Ml 48018 38000 Grand River Avenue, Farmington Hills, Ml48018 855 S. Rochester Road, Rochester, Ml 48063 855 S. Rochester Road, Rochester, Ml 48063 16100 Fort Street, Southgate, Ml 48195 18650 Livernois, Detroit, Ml 4822-1 18650 Livernois, Detroit, Ml 48221 12140 Joseph Campau, Hamtramck, Ml 48212 12140 Joseph Campau, Hamtramck, Ml 48212 7020 Orchard Lake Road, West Bloomfield, Ml48033 7020 Orchard Lake Road, West Bloomfield, Ml 48033 20811 W. Eight Mile Road, Detroit, Ml 48219 20811 W. Eight Mile Road, Detroit, Ml48219 15600 Eureka Road. Southgate, Ml 48195 15600 Eureka Road, Southgate, Ml 48195 35500 S. Gratiot Avenue, Mt. Clemens, Ml 48043 35500 S. Gratiot Avenue, Mt. Clemens, Ml 48043 6250 Woodward Avenue, Detroit, Ml 48202 6250 Woodward Avenue, Detroit, Ml 48202 2130 E. Jefferson Avenue, Detroit, Ml 48207 2 t 30 E. Jefferson Avenue, Detroit, Ml 48207 2130 E. Jefferson Avenue, Detroit, Ml 48207 40875 Plymouth Road, Plymouth, Ml 48170 40875 Plymouth Road, Plymouth, Ml48170 12000Telegraph Road, Taylor, Ml48180 12000 Telegraph Road, Taylor, Ml 48180 12000Telegraph Road, Taylor, Ml48180 12000Telegraph Road, Taylor, Ml48180 12000 Telegraph Road, Taylor, M l 48180 12000 Telegraph Road, Taylor, Ml 48180 33200 Michigan Avenue, Wayne, Ml 48184 33200 Michigan Avenue , Wayne, Ml 48184 14001 Telegraph Road, Redford, Ml48239 14001 Telegraph Road, Redford, Ml 48239 1616 S. Main Street, Royal Oak, Ml 48067 •Rcapondcnta designa ted with "*" are charged under both Count I and Count 11 or this complaint. The other reaponde nta &re charged only under Count I. ..Respondent& deaignated with •••" have had the complaint dismi!ISff against them by Commisaion order dated August 6. 1986 (unpublished). . ..Respondent& designated with . . ... have had Count II or the complaint dismissed against them by Commiaion order dated August 6, 1986 (unpublished). 196 FEDERAL TRADE COMMISSION DECISIONS Complairit • · 108 F:T:C. Respondent name Principal place of business W . RobertAllen •Merollis Chevrolet Sales & Service ·Norman A. Merollis ·Ed Rinke Chevrolet-GMC Co. Edgar Rinke, Sr.· · 'Mike Savoie Chevrolet, Inc. Myron P. Savoie 'Les Stanford Chevrolet, Inc. 1616 S. Main Street, Royal Oak, Ml 48067 21800 Gratiot Avenue, East Detroit, Ml 48021 21800 Gratiot Avenue, East Detroit, Ml 48021 26125 Van Dyke, Center Line, Ml48015 26125 Van Dyke, Center Line, Ml 48015 1900W. Maple Road, Troy, Ml48084 1900 W. Maple Road, Troy, Ml 48084 21711 Michigan Avenue, Dearborp, Ml 48123 21711 Michigan Avenue, Dearborn, Ml 48123 23755 Allen Road, Woodhaven, Ml 48183 23755 Allen Road, Woodhaven, Ml 48183 32570 Plymouth Road, Livonia, Ml 48150 32570 Plymouth Road, Livonia, Ml 48150 40445 Van Dyke, Sterling Heights, Ml 48078 40445 Van Dyke, Sterling Heights, Ml 48078 10700 Ford Road, Dearborn, Ml481 26 10700 Ford Road. Dearborn, Ml 48126 23951 Plymouth Road, Detroit, Ml 48239 13600 Greenfield Road, Detroit, Ml 48227 13600 Greenfield Road, Detroit, Ml 482.2 7 32899 Van Dyke Road, Warren, Ml 48093 666 S. Woodward Avenue, Birmingham, Ml48011 30500 Plymouth Road, Livonia, Ml 48150 30500 Plymouth Road, Livonia, Ml 48150 24231 Van Dyke, Center Line, Ml 48015 3939 S. Wayne Road. Wayne, Ml 48184 1790 Maplelawn, Troy, Ml 48084 1790 Maplelawn, Troy, Ml 48084 600 S. Main Street, Royal Oak, Ml 48067 600 S. Main Street, Royal Oak, Ml 48067 12801 Joseph Campau, Detroit, Ml 48212 12801 Joseph Campau, Detroit, Ml 48212 165 N. Gratiot Avenue , Mt. Clemens, Ml 48043 28585 Telegraph Road, Southfield, Ml 48034 28585 Telegraph Road. Southfield, Ml 48034 7100 Orchard lake Road, West Bloomfield, Ml48033 7100 Orchard Lake Road, West Bloomfield, Ml48033 7100 Orchard Lake Road, West Bloomfield, Ml48033 1350 N. Woodward Avenue, Birmingham, Ml 48011 6160 Cass Avenue, Detroit, Ml 48202 LeslieJ. Stanford Stewart Chevrolet, Inc. Gordon L. Stewart *Tennyson Chevrolet, Inc. ·Harry Tennyson 'Buff Whelan Chevrolet, Inc. •Robert F. Whelan" 'Bill Wink Chevrolet/GMC/lsuzu 'William J. Wink, Jr. Michael P. Chinavare· · Greenfield AMC/Jeep-Renault, Inc. Naill H. Kelel Zigmund F. Mielnicki Villiage AMC/Jeep, Inc. Armstrong Buick-Opel, Inc. Thomas Armstrong Jim Camey Buick Co. Harold Dietrich, Inc... Fischer Buick-Subaru. Inc. Carl E. Fischer" Bill Greig Buick-Opel, Inc. William R. Greig, Sr. Krajenke Buick Sales, Inc. Clarence Krajenke Mitchell Buick Sales, Inc.·· Tamaroff Buick-Honda, Inc. Marvin Tamaroff •Audette Cadillac, Inc. 'Charles Audette 'Frank Audette 'Crissman Cadillac. Inc. •Charles Dalgleish Cadillac-Peugeot, Inc. •Respondenu desipalA!d with • •• are char ged under both Count I and Count 11 of tbs complaint. The other respondent.I are charged only under Count I . .. Respondent.I doeipalA!d with ... . have had the complaint dismissed against them by Commi•ion order dalA!d Au2W1t 6. 1986 (unoublished). 193 Complaint Respo ndent name Prin cipal place of ~usiness *Charles Dalgleish, Jr. *Douglas Dalgleish ·Dreisbach & Sons Cadillac Co. 6160 ca;s Avenue, D~trolt; Ml 482026160 Cass Avenue, Detroit, M l 48202 24600 Grand River Avenue, Detroit, Ml 48219 24600 Grand River Avenue, Detroit, Ml 48219 675 S. Saginaw, Pontiac, Ml 48053 8333 Eleven Mile Road, Warren, Ml 48093 8333 Eleven Mile Road, Warren, Ml 48093 8333 Eleven Mile Road, Warren, Ml 48093 14100 W. Eight Mile Road, Oak t>ark, Ml 48237 14100 W. Eight Mile Road, Oak Park, Ml 48237 2100W. Maple Road, Troy, M148084 32711 Van Dyke Avenue, Warren, Ml 48093 32711 Van Dyke Avenue, Warren, Ml 48093 18165 Mack Avenue, Detroit, Ml 48224 18165MackAvenue, Detroit, Ml48224 29301 Grand River Avenue, Farmington, Ml 48024 12200 Telegraph Road, Taylor, Ml 48180 12200 Telegraph Road, Taylor, M l 48180 12200Telegraph Road, Taylor, Ml 48180 40755 Van Dyke Avenue, Sterling Heights, Ml48078 14100 W. Eight Mile Road, Oak Park, Ml 48237 14100W. Eight Mile Road, Oak Park, Ml 48237 25800 Gratiot Avenue, Roseville, Ml 48066 25800 Gratiot Avenue, Roseville, Ml 48066 16400 Woodward Avenue , Highland Park, Ml 4tl203 16400 Woodward Avenue, Highland Park, M l 48203 16225 Fort Street, Southgate, Ml 48195 16225 Fort Street, Southgate, Ml 48195 23300 Michigan Avenue, Dearborn, Ml 48124 lhomasS. Dreisbach ·Arnold Jerome, Inc. •Roger Rinke Cadillac Co. ·Roger J . Rinke ·Richard Rinke" *Mcinerney, Inc:·· ·Martin J. Mcinerney.. ' ' Birmingham Chrysler-Plymouth, Inc. ' Robert M. Brent Daniel Dwyer· · ' Lochmoor Chysler-Plymouth, Inc. Justin DeFrancis" Dick Green James A. Mcinerney'' Thomas M . Mcinerney, Jr." Thomas M. Mcinerney, Sr." 'Monicatti Chrysler-Plymouth Sales, Inc. Northland Chrysler-Plymouth, Inc. John J. Mcinerney•• ·Roseville Chrysler-Plymouth, Inc. ·James Riehl 'Bill Snethkamp, Inc. 'William Snethkamp *Thompson Chrysler-Plymouth, Inc. Joseph P. Thompson ·westborn Chrysler-Plymouth, Inc. •Respondent.I deaignated wilh ,... are charged under bolh Counl I and Counl 1J of Lhs complainL The olher respondent.I are charged only under Counl L "Reapondent.s designated wilh .... have had lhe complainl dismissed against lhem by Comm1•ion order daled August6, 1986 (unpublisbed). •HReapondent.s designated wilh ·•••"have had Count II of the complainl dismissed againal lhem by Commission order dated Augual 6, 1986 (unpublished). 198 FEDERAL TRADE COMMISSION DECISIONS Complaint Respondent name Colonial Dodge, Inc. Arthur J. Roshak Crestwood Dodge, Inc. Garrity Motor Sales, Inc. James A. Garrity Mt. Clemens Dodge, Inc. Northwestern Dodge, Inc. Oakland Dodge, Inc. Donald Thomson•• Pointe Dodge, Inc. Kenneth Meade Sterling Heights Dodge,.Inc. AnthonyJ. Viviano Town &Country Dodge, Inc.·· JohnCueter Van Dyke Dodge, Inc. Frank Galeana Avis Ford, Inc. Warren E. Avis Jerry Bielfield Co. Jerry M . Bielfield Bob Ford, Inc. John Ford Jack Demmer Ford, Inc. John E. Demmer Richard Flannery Gorno Brothers, Inc. Jerome-Duncan, Inc. Richard J. Duncan Al Long Ford, Inc. McDonald Ford Sales, Inc. Pat Milliken Ford, Inc. W .B. (Pat) Milliken 108 F7T:C. Principal place of business 24211 Gratiot Avenue, East Detroit, Ml 48021 24211 Gratiot Avenue, East Detriot, Ml 48021 32850 Ford Road, Garden City, Ml 48135 11500 Joseph Campau, Hamtramck, Ml 48212 11500JosephCampau, Hamtramck, Ml 48212 43774 N. Gratiot Avenue, Mt. Cle[lens, Ml 48043 10500 w. Eight Mile Road, Ferndale, MI 48220 101 W . Fourteen Mile Road, Madison Heights, Ml 48071 101 W. Fourteen Mile Road, Madison Heights, Ml48071 18001 Mack Avenue, Detroit, Ml 48224 18001 Mack Avenue, Detroit, Ml 48224 40111 Van Dyke, Sterling Heights, Ml 48087 40111 Van Dyke, Sterling Heights, Ml 48087 31015 Grand River Avenue, Farmington, Ml 48024 31015 Grand River Avenue, Farmington, Ml 48024 28400 Van Dyke, Warren Ml 48093 28400 Van Dyke, Warren, Ml 48093 29200Telegraph Road, Southfield, Ml 48034 29200Telegraph Road, Southfield, Ml 48034 8333 Michigan Avenue, Detroit, Ml 48210 8333 Michigan Avenue, Detroit, Ml 48210 14585 Michigan Avenue. Dearborn, Ml 48126 14585 Michigan Avenue, Dearborn, Ml 48126 37300 Michigan Avenue, Wayne, Ml 48184 37300 Michigan Avenue, Wayne, Ml 48184 5900 Highland Road, Pontiac, Ml 48054 22025 Allen Road, Woodhaven, Ml 48183 8000 Ford Country Lane, Sterling Heights, Ml 48077 8000 Ford Country Lane, Sterling Heights, Ml 48077 13711 E. Eight Mile Road, Warren, Ml48089 550 W . Seven Mile Road, Northville, Ml 48167 9600 Telegraph Road, Detroit, Ml 48239 9600 Telegraph Road, Detroit, Ml 48239 •Reapondenta designated with • .,. are charged under bot.h Counl I and Counl II or I.ha complainL The other rupondenta are charged only under Counl L .. Respondent.a designat.ed wit.h • • .,. have had the complainl dismiMed againal lhem by Commission order daled August 6, 1986 (unpublished) . ... Reapondenta designated with . ..... have had Counl II of the compla int dismill!ed against them by Commission order dated August 6, 1986 (unpublish.ed). 193 Respondent name Russ Milne Ford, Inc. Russell H. Milne North Brothers Ford, Inc. James B. North Roy O'Brien, Inc." Roy E. O'Brien" Ed Schmid Ford, Inc. Edward F. Schmid Star1< Hickey West, Inc. William Hickey Bob Thibodeau, Inc. Robert Thibodeau Ray Whitfield Ford Raymond J. Whitfield Arnold Lincoln-Mercury Co. Arnold Feuerman Avon Lincoln-Mercury, Inc. Bob Borst Lincoln-Mercury, Inc. Robert C. Borst Crest Lincoln-Mercury Sales, Inc. William Ritchie Paul Meier" Bob Dusseau, Inc. Robert Dusseau Stu Evans Lincoln-Mercury, Inc., of Garden City Stu Evans Lincoln-Mercury, Inc., of Southgate Stewart Evans Hines Park Lincoln-Mercury, Inc. Complaint Pri~ciP.aJ place of b.u slness 43870 N . GratiofAvenue ,"IVlt. Clemens, Ml 48043 43870 N. Gratiot Avenue, Mt. Clemens, Ml 48043 33300 Ford Road, Westland, Ml 48185 33300 Ford Road, Westland, Ml 48185 22201 E. Nine Mile Road, St. Clair Shores, Ml 48080 22201 E. Nine Mile Road, St. Clair Shores, Ml 48080 21600 Woodward Avenue, Ferndale, Ml 48220 21600 Woodward Avenue, Ferndale, Ml 48220 24760 W. Seven Mile Road, Detroit, Ml 48219 24760 W. Seven Mile Road, Detroit, Ml 48219 26333 Van Dyke Avenue, Center Line, Ml 48015 26333 Van Dyke Avenue, Center Line, Ml 48015 10725 S. Telegraph Road, Taylor, Ml 48180 10725 S. Telegraph Road, Taylor, Ml 48180 29000 Gratiot Avenue, Roseville, Ml 48066 29000 Gratiot Avenue, Roseville, Ml 48066 1185 S. Rochester Road, Rochester, Ml 48063 1950 W. Maple Road, Troy, Ml 48084 1950W. Maple Road, Troy, Ml 48084 36200 Van Dyke Avenue, Sterling Heights, Ml48077 36200 Van Dyke Avenue, Sterling Heights, Ml48077 36200 Van Dyke Avenue. Sterling Heights, M148077 31625 Grand River Avenue, Farmington, Ml 48024 31625 Grand River Avenue, Farmington, Ml 48024 32000 Ford Road, Garden City, Ml48135 16800 Fort Street, Southgate, Ml 48195 16800 Fort Street, Southgate, Ml 48195 40601 Ann Arbor Road, Plymouth, Ml 48170 •Responclen1$ designated with ~· are charred under both Count I and Count U or tho complaint.. The cc.her reepondentaarecharred only under Count I. ••Respondents designated with•••• have had the complaint dismissed against them by Commission order dated Augusts, 1986 (unpublished) . ... Respondenta designated with "••••have had Count 11 or the complaint dismissed against them by Commission order dated August6, 1986 (unpublished). 200 FEDERAL TRADE COMMISSION DECISIONS Complaint Respondent name George Kolb Krug Lincoln-Mercury, Inc. ·sigmund Krug· .. Bob Maxey Lincoln· Mercury Sales, Inc. Robert Maxey Park Motor Sales Co. Star Lincoln-Mercury, Inc. Stanley A. Wilk Charnock Oldsmobile, Inc. Dan Charnock"" J. Herbert Charnock Al Dittrich Drummy Oldsmobile, Inc. John L. Drummy, Sr. Gage Oldsmobile, Inc. Bill Rowan Oldsmobile, Inc. William H. Rowan Roy D. Dodson·· Suburban Oldsmobile-Datsun, Inc. Autobahn Motors, Inc. Paul Carrick McAlister Motors, Inc. W. Desmond McAlister Melton Motors, Inc. George Melton Sterling Motors, Inc. Robert Zank! Wood Motors, Inc. Donald Wood LaFontaine Toyota·· Michael T. LaFontaine·· Page Toyota, Inc:· Robert Page· · Al Foster·· Edward Lewis·· Gerald Malooly.. 108 F.T.C. Principal place of business 40601 Ann Arbor Road, Plymouth, Ml 48170 21531 Michigan Avenue, Dearborn, Ml 48124 21531 Michigan Avenue, Dearborn. Ml 48124 16901 Mack Avenue, Detroit, Ml 48224 16901 Mack Avenue, Detroit, Ml 48224 18100 Woodward Avenue, Detroit, Ml 48205 24350 w. Twelve Mile Road, Southfield, Ml 48034 24350 W. Twelve Mile Road, Southfield, Ml 48034 24555 Michigan Avenue, Dearborn, Ml 48124 24555 Michigan Avenue, Dearborn, Ml 48124 24555 Michigan Avenue, Dearborn, Ml 48124 1155 Oakland Avenue, Pontiac, Ml 48055 14925 E. Eight Mile Road, East Detroit, Ml 48021 14925 E. Eight Mile Road, East Detroit, Ml 48021 2171 OWoodward Avenue, Ferndale, Ml 48220 15800 Eureka Road, Southgate, Ml 48195 15800 Eureka Road, Southgate, Ml 48195 15800 Eureka Road, Southgate, Ml 48195 181 OMaplelawn, Troy, Ml 48099 1765 S. Telegraph Road, Bloomfield Hills, Ml 48013 1765 S. Telegraph Road, Bloomfield Hills, Ml 48013 44460 N. Gratiot Avenue, Mt. Clemens, Ml 48043 44460 N. Gratiot Avenue, Mt. Clemens, Ml 48043 15100 Eureka Road, Southgate, Ml 48195 15100 Eureka Road, Southgate, Ml 48195 7500 E. Fifteen Mile Road, Sterling Heights, Ml 48077 7500 E. Fifteen Mile Road, Sterling Heights, Ml48077 15351 Gratiot Avenue, Detroit, Ml 48205 15351 Gratiot Avenue, Detroit, Ml 48205 22805 Michigan Avenue, Dearborn, Ml 48124 22805 Michigan Avenue, Dearborn, Ml 48124 21262 Telegraph Road, Southfield, Ml 48075 21262 Telegraph Road, Southfield, Ml 48075 1951 S. Telegraph, Bloomfield Hills, Ml 48013 2100 Fort Street, Condo 6, Trenton, Ml 48183 17677 Mack Avenue, Detroit, Ml 48224 • Respondents duignottd with "•" ore charged under both Count I and Count II of ths complaint. Tho other respondenu are charatd only under Count I. ••Rnpondenu designated with •u · have had the complaint ditm1sstd against them by Commin1on order doud August 6, 1986 (unpublished I. "•Respondenu de11gnated with ••...., have had Count II of the complain t dismissed againn them by Comm1u1on order daud Augull 6, 1986 tunpubhshtdJ. 193 Respondent name Gerald Pollock.. Gerald Skokowski.. Theodore H. Soldeo.. William VanHecke·· Compla int Principal place of business 16600 Fort Street, Southgate, Ml 4819~ 17677 Mack Avenue, Detroit, Ml 48224 40130 Steel Drive, Sterling Heights, Ml 48078 50111 Van Dyke, Utica, Ml 48087 PAR. 2. For the purposes of this complaint, the following definitions shall apply: (a) Dealer is any natural person, corporate entity, partnership, association, joint venture, trust or any other organization,.;or entity which receives on consignment or purchases motor vehicles for sale or lease to the public. (b) Detroit area is the Detroit, Michigan metropolitan area, comprising Macomb County, Wayne County and Oakland County in the State of Michigan. (c) And and or have both conjunctive and disjunctive meanings. PAR. 3. (a) Respondents, other than r espondent associations and respondent James Daniel Hayes, are and have been dealers or dealer employees engaged in the business ofselling or leasing motor vehicles from their places of business located in the Detroit area, including selling or leasing motor vehicles for tra nsportat ion to other states, t ransporting motor vehicles to other states for sale or lease, receiving motor vehicles from other states, and selling or leasing motor vehicles financed by financial institutions located in other states and insured by insurance companies located in other states. At all relevant times hereto, in the course of their business, respondents, other than respondent associations and respondent James Daniel Hayes, and others in the Detroit area involved in the acts and practices described in this complaint have maintained a substantial course of business, including the acts and practices as hereinafter set forth, which are in or affect commerce, as "commerce" is defined in the Federal Trade Commission Act. (b) Respondent associations are member organizations whose memberships _consist entirely, or almost entirely, of Detroit area dealers. At all relevant times hereto, as a result of the activities of respondent associations' dealer members, including the acts and practices described in this complaint, respondent associations and res pondent James Daniel Hayes have engaged in activities which are in or affect commerce, as "commerce" is defined in the Federal Trade Commission Act. · •R.espondenta designated with ••• are charged under both Count I and Count II of Iha complainL The other reapondenta are charged only under Count I. ••Rapondenta designated with . . .. have had the complaint dismioud against them by Commission order dated August 6, 1986 (unpublished). . .. Respondents designated with . ,. •• hav~ had Count II of the complaint diamiued aaainst them by Commission order dated August 6, 1986 (unpublished). .. 202 FEDERAL TRADE COMMISSION DECISIONS Complain~ 108 F.T.C. COUNT I Alleging violation of Section 5 of the Federal Trade Commission Act, the allegations of Paragraphs 1, 2 and 3 are incorporated by reference herein as if fully set forth verbatim. PAR. 4. Respondents are now engaging and have engaged, in agreement, contract, combination or conspiracy with each other and with other persons, in the following acts and practices, among others, as shown by minutes of dealer association meetings, newspaper advertisements (see Appendix A), and other evidence: A. Adopting and adhering to a schedule limiting hours of operation for the sale or lease of motor vehicles in the Detroit area, including limiting weekday evening hours to Mondays and Thursdays and maintaining no hours on Saturdays, except for occasional special sales; and B. Attempting to persuade and taking action to persuade dealers in the Detroit area to adopt or adhere to a schedule limiting hours of operation for the sale or lease of motor vehicles, including limiting weekday evening hours to Mondays and Thursdays and maintaining no hours on Saturdays. PAR. 5. Respondents are now engaging and have engaged, in agreement, contract, combination or conspiracy with each other and with other persons, in various acts or practices in furtherance of the acts and practices referred to in Paragraph 4, including among other things: A. Threatening physical harm to owners, officers and employees, and families of owners; officers and employees, of dealers in the Detroit area that attempt to sell or lease motor vehicles on Saturdays or on weekday evenings other than Mondays and Thursdays; B. Threatening to damage and damaging the property of dealers in the Detroit area that attempt to sell or lease motor vehicles on Saturdays or on weekday evenings other than Mondays and Thursdays; and C. Obstructing or interfering with the lawful business of dealers in the Detroit area that attempt to sell or lease motor vehicles on Saturdays or on weekday evenings other than Mondays and Thursdays. COUNT II Alleging violation of Section 5 of' the Federal Trade Commission Act, the allegations of Paragraphs 1, 2 and 3 are incorporated by reference herein as if fully set forth verbatim, except that the allegations of this Count II are made only against respondents denoted with an "•" in the caption and Paragraph 1 hereof. PAR. 6. Respondents are now engaging and have engaged, in agree- 193 Complaint ment, contract, combination or conspiracy with ~ach other and with other persons, in one or botn of the ·ronowing acts ·and p:raetiees, among others: A. Restricting the advertising of motor vehicles in the classified section of newspapers in the Detroit area; and B. Restricting the advertising or publishing of the prices of motor vehicles in the Detroit area. Violations Charged PAR. 7. The acts and practices alleged herein have had aQd are now having the purpose and effect of foreclosing, reducing and restraining competition among dealers in the Detroit area in the sale or lease of motor vehicles, and, thus, are to the prejudice and injury of the public, and constitute unfair methods of competition in or affecting commerce or unfair acts and practices in or affecting commerce in violation of Section 5 of the Federal Trade Commission Act. The unfair methods of competition and unfair acts and practices of respondents, as alleged herein, are continuing and will continue in the absence of the relief herein requested. FEDERAL TRADE COMMISSION DECISIONS 204 108..F..T.C. Complaint •· ·· APPENDIX A DETROIT NEWS 7/7/65, p. llD ...·,-t·-I ··r-~· - ---·cHL·o0 sURS 1 N c. ·~ .~-:..--~. - ~-- ~-~ ; ~ e >; • Y. ! _ ••.& . p. ' -----1: ' . 4 , " " . .tnff ~ ....... a....Mtlee ............. • . . c&.i.. ...., tw ell ............i... WED., ...., & SAT. ,, ;;. . • i ·-----------------l ·11 .• :::.~:;m:~::.';;: 6llS u..a.1.-.. ......... MkL 41212 A-1 c. ~. Complaint 193 DETROIT HEWS 6/ 1 2/69, p. 17C PUBLI~ ·N 0 TICE A RECENT SURVEY AMONG INDIVIDUAL ·CHRYSLER-PLYMOUTH DEALERS REVEAi.$ A MAJORITY OF THE CHRYSLER-PLYMOUTH . DEALERS IN THE GREATER DETROIT AREA . PLAN TO CLOSE SATURDAYS DURING THE SUMMER MONTHS, TO ALLOW THEIR SALESMEN MORE TIME WITH THEIR FAMILIES. · . BUT WILL BE .OPEN Monday & Thursday Evenings For Your Convenience UNTIL 9 P.M. . . TUESDAY, Wl~HOUT WED~EsoAY . & . FRIDAY UNTIL 6 p.m. AN f1FOltT TO REMAIN ABREAST OF THE TIMES, SACRIFICE TO CUSTOMER ACCOMMODATION AND SERVICE. A-2 .· FEDERAL TRADE COMMISSION DECISIONS 206 Com_plain~ - -· ·· - . 108RT.C !>Enon JU:WS 6/ll/O, p. uc· Ellective Saturdar, May 31st PONTIAC_orDEALERS. The Greater Detroit Area Will Close Saturdays For Tlae Summer Mo11Uas Allowing Om Salesmen The Reeded Time With Their Famllles. I We \ViJJ Be Open llondar • Thursda7 Till I PJL T1esda7, lednesda7 • Frida7 Till I P.Jl llETt N1111t, ._ i...-. um llltlll• ._ . , , lllTlll saw ia IUll'S llTll P11T1K ............... -- -. ..... IW. nr C111C PllTllt 11ccrxs Nm&t a. • mu• PllllAC·lm .......-. . '°'""·._ .......-. ........... II m.111 Pll1llt Cl «DI '911U. • tlllUT ..-..... IUET NGK, llt -...-.- ............. IC. flmJ PllTW Cl ............. ·--- . tn PW1lAC Cl -- mPSll PlllW IWl. 11t ...,..__ 1A11T ftol PirTll: Cl1U IHI!: PWTl.K, IC. ....... -. 193 Complaint . .... . .. ... ....... -n- 11111n. • · nc: By popular demand, Saturday has been mov~ to Monday, Tuesday, and Thursday evenings at most of the Dodge Boys! ..., ___ .....,_ .,...,.c _ _ _ _ _ __.........,.. - . . -........,.......o;,o,, _ ,,..,; ......... ..,, . . . ." 2 .. Donl°Arle . . . ..,.. .... .,.._ lillrl:llJ, T_,,..,..,_. •.,......,.{0-*... . , . . . , . . . . t!Cll_ . . . . ~ ~. . . Doollt.... _ , MCJTHDt PUBUC SEMCl flOll ------ '":':..~:::.::::.-:: ·The Detroit Area Dodge Boys. ·- - - - - . . _ o~ 208 FEDERAL TRADE COMMISSION DECISIONS . - .. Complaint - DE'nOIT 11!:WS 6/ 1 7/H, p . lSC ATTENTION OLDSMOBILE BUYERS EFFECTIVE JUNE 21st THE FOLLOWING OLDSMOBILE DEALERS WILL BE CLOSED SATURDAYS UNTIL SEPTEMBER 6th New W&elccloy Safe Hours Will Be As 'olfows: MONDAY 9 A.M. TO 9 P.M. WEDNESDAY9A.M.T06P.M. TUESDAY 9 A.M. TO 9 P.M. THURSDAY 9 A.M. TO 9 P.M. FRIDAY 9 A.M. TO 6 P.M. wt THANK YOU fOa YOUl PAnONAGI GAGE OLDSMOBILE 21710 Woodward "399"'3200 SUPERIOR OLDSMOBILE ROSEDALE MOTORS INC. 15000W. 7 Mile Rd. 342-7000 17411 Grand River A- 5 VE 5-4600 DETROIT AUTO DEALERS ASSOC., INC., ET AL. 193 Complaint l>ETJtOIT r'Jt!:E· PRESS 6/19/69, P• llD PUBLIC NOTICE YOUR METROPOLITAN DETROIT BUICK .DEALERS WISH TO ADVISE YOU OF THEIR NEW SUMMER HOURS WE WILL BE OPEN MO'HDA Y·TUESDAY AND THURSDAY UNTIL 9 P.M. WEDNESDAY AND FRIDAY UNTIL & P.M. WE WILL BE CLOSED ALL DAY SATURDAY AND SUNDAY DETROIT METROPOLITAN BUICK DEALERS ASSOC. A-6 209 210 FEDERAL TRADE COMMISSION DECISIONS Comptaint -. .. - DETROIT FREE PRESS 6/5/70, P• lOC NOTIC ·E CHITSUl· PlTMOUTM DlALHS OJ •ll• TU OITlOIT AflllflllOUNCI They wlll be closed SATURDAYS· during JUNE. JULY & AUGUST, +. allow their employeu 1nor1 time with their families. IUT ·w1LL 'IE OP~N Mondoy & Thurs~ Evenings 'tilt P.M. Tues., Wed & Fri. 'til 6 P.M. ,01 l'OUI CONYflflfNCf 108-F.!p;G. · 193 Complaint t>ETJtOIT nl:E PRESS 1/25/70, P • ta Public Notice 10 Out IMPLOYU C:A)I $PUc~MOll Tl. . WITH THiil PAWILIU IUlJNG THI SUMMH ••• -. PONTIAC DEALERS ·· WILL BE CLOSED -~ SATUR·D AYS ~ EFFECTIVE 'ULY 4th OUR SUM.MER HOURS ARE:· MoHDAYS AND THURSDAYS 'TJL 9 P.M. . TUES,. WEDS. & FRIDAYS 'TIL I P.M. an!Tll tWNC. & ...... ..... fllru July and ~u9usf &MST ""lit. -. •111 ""* •· a 9'11111 Ill& ..... . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . .. o.a._ .._.. J I -.r1 lllNC. • . IMf II.Ill ~ .......,, ...... .....__._....,. ID . . . . ltlTllC a • -• ..-.. ....... ..~. Wini ""... . . _, - ............... ..., """' .............. .... .... Ulll ..., A-8 .. ............. - llal1 ""1"- ._ • -. """· ......._...,_, ltllur lnlll . . . .................... lin"Nmti ~ . . . 9"Ti1C•• ..... '9ITUC Illa, llC. a ·• 212 FEDERAL TRADE COMMISSION DECISIONS Complaint --· · - •. . 108..F..X.C. ll!:TJIOI'l' llEMS '/ll/70, p. l5C NEVER ON SATURDAY (DURING JULY AND AUGUST) We·'d like to remind you that The Che,Tolet Dealers of Greater Detroit will be c~ed on Saturdav durin~ the months of July and Aug~l ·But all of us rrill be open until 9:00 trtrg Monday and Thursday throughout the summer. Come on ap and see as sometime. THE METROPOLITAN DETROIT CHEVROLET DEALERS A-9 :. 193 Complaint J l>t tROI,- MEWS . 5/ 14/711 p. U c · ATTENTION, · ALL WEEKEND CAR SHOPPERS! THERE ARE JUST 2 SATURDAYS LEFr · TO ·SHOP "FOR A DODGE DEAL (y•r 11't kM kfS D-4,. heltn) ..., . _ •ffin anth •al cl1U1h tt ..,.., _ , ..,. wfllll lhlr r...m" .ti ".,.,., e.111. n1r1 d} .,., D1tr..it4/'ff .,_.,. ..1" ,..,1., ,.,, .,.: D11l111 will h QOSI» SATVllHTS 4'rt11t It•, ltlJ .... A•I"'· a.t, aty11 .. .,., MOICAY ~,.. FllDA T "I" ti plttM p1 la l"'J. ..,t Colon~I I h4je Cmtwood DNp lostoW11t Do... CillritJ Meter Sela ftmroo4 Doclp lluntar w .. llvsn lrttMrs MtMa11 hd11 1 Motor City Dodft _ . ~ \ ~=.lo. .: 214 FEDERAL TRADE COMMISSION DECISIONS Complain_t t>~I'f •. • ~ 108 F.T.C. FllEE PltESS 5/22/71, p. l.l.B 't)·'PUBLIC NOTICE c . . TIUT .&LI. . . em a.u.&s l'DS0:!\;\'111. X.4.T D.leY . ;~ ..... R3llHDl ~ •"J'l'a ~ ·~ TllJl . . CHRYSLER-PLYMOUTH · ·· :i ·... ~ DEALERS .. . OF THE GB.EATER DETBOIT AB.EA ,jtt-. CLOSE ~;~_i:.\. l SATIJR;DAYS <~{~; ~URING THE S~BIER C01'Dffi~CING 1'L.\y 29, 197i .. . • na 'l·ora ceNTE.~TICN'CE 1lrE 1''1U. • • OPEN . : . :llO~"DAY A THCRSDAY ETE.'~GS "TIL 9 PM ~MY. WDJ\'"ESDAYA l'RIDAY E\'":&'\'"DGS. ~I I'll ; . .'1 ' . . . . THIS ADDITIO!\".U. LEJS'C'RE TIME IS VOLtJNTAIULY DO~ATED BY l:"OL"B PCllLIC SPIRITO CBJlYSLER-PL'l"MO'l'TB DE.U.-• IDlS IN A:N EFFORT TO PROMOTE BEi ID • - • · ~~ ~ ~~n"Y llELAnen_ A-11 Complaint 193 l>ETROIT Flll? PRESS 5/24/71, p. lOC _·, NEVER ON -. SAXURDAY .. ~· . . · :s ';I DURING JUNE,-JULY AND AUGUST.- ----- .: .,. AR. °'9vrolet O.alers of Greeter Detroit . . -- ~ .... wi11 be dosed Se~rdeys durin9 the months.of ·. June, July end Auql.iit, so our selesrnan ien , 9tljoy 1he suftiimer. Which meens we 'II eD be ·· ~-. :.. in better spirits to make flood Chevy ~els · tftrougho:.i1 the rest of the weet ••• end Mondey and Thursday everlings until 9:00. you then. Ar-.d we ho~ you'll enjoy - S.turdev.s es mud1 as . . will. ··---·see THE METROPOLITAN DETROIT CHEVROLET DEALERS ·.. ·. A-12 216 FEDERAL TRADE COMMISSION DECISIONS Comp1aint -- ··· - DETllOIT raEZ PJ!ESS S/27/71, p . lD -Public Notice· S O OUR JMHOHS CAN SPfNO MORf flM[ WITH THUR FAMILIES DURING THf SUMMUI .• . PONTIAC DEALERS w~~L CLOSED SATURDAY IFFECTl .V E MAY. 29th OUR SUMMER HOURS ARE: MONDAYS AND THURS. 'TIL 9 P.M. TUES., WEDS. & FRI. 'TIL 6 P.M. UNTIL SEPTEMBER ,.,llC.111:. •tt aars ""1lt ........ ...... ....CPl1........... 111m1 1 .., . ....... ......_... ....... ...." . .i.c • \ ,. uni• ....... ..... • 111t • •...... '"°''.... -.....•16t 9£ Q .,,..,.,, ,.lllC u ._....., ..... "'°"" fltUt ..... n ....... A-13 ._...... __ 911 ~ Cl. _._ NIT!ll'lll - NT. •S11J•Pt11• - ............... - ................. -.s ....c •'1. ........... ................. ..._ S-.-lioaxS.. fir In-·""'" • .... o...... . "'111C :UU 193 Complaint DETROIT FREE PRESS 5/27/71, p • . lOJI A-14 218 FEDERAL TRADE COMMISSION DECISIONS Complaint · 108· F:'l'.C. DCnDIT 'FN2 PUSS S/21/ll, P • U S1anm1: 1omorrow. we'll~ closed every S:iturJay 'iii Libor Dav so we c:1n enjoy more of the summer sc:ison with our iamilies. In the meantime. our Sales and Service foc.ilicics will ~ open __ Monday thru Frid:iy as· usu:il. Why don't you bui: uu1. too. Come on in :ind see us . . . except S:iturd:iys. . . . ..... ¥9.ltlill'..... .C. ""1W......... 4 - '9'..,." . .,... .at'OU. 9C. .... . ·..,,= - ..· . . . .. 111c.ot... rt> . . . .t • .....,.. .;;~ ~ ·~ ..,, IU~TOUl. ...... ,_ - •.,,...• ••.s--. ........ .. .o..-.~ _ A . . COOf'l.l . . . . . . . . . . ..C. ·"''~\~ !~! .... • ·•Jv.., . . . . . . . . . .. *<.. l'J.SI•;....-:• • - . . . . . . 6 ¥'0\ -c .C.. ... Cl•••""' · · ···· r-~ A-15 -- Complaint 193 DETROIT 1'JU:l: PllSS 5/ 23/ 72 , p . tB I 1 NEVER ON ~ SATURDAY ' BEGL\'11NG MAY 27, THROUGH AUGUST Vie'd h1e tD remind you that The Cherroltt Dean of 6ruttr Detroit will bt closed on Sattmhy ~ M!y %7, tlirtJagh ! ugurt. But all of us 1till bt optn until 9:()() tCUJ Mondag atul Thurulav throughout tht summtr. C.ome on IP and seem aomdimt. THE METROPOLITAN DETROIT. CHEVROLET DEALERS A-16 220 FEDERAL TRADE COMMISSION DECISIONS Complafot · ·- l>ZTJl.OIT llEWS 5/24/72, p. 21C ~ MOST OF US DETROIT ·AREA DODGE DEALERS Will BE CLOSED SATURDAYS .......DURING ___ __ ___ ...... _ - -..·-...... JUNE, JULY,.....& AUG • _.._.. ..,. . .... .... _ _,n... -..~-._.,. _. . . , W1'11tq 1p11 'ti/' '.M. MorHlor• & 1'11Nl1y1• ..... __ ,..........__......,. .... ,..,. ........__... ...... ----_.;._--. -~c;..,.· -. -~-~ _....,,ao, ... - - ._ . . "'9 . .-.. - ........... DllVI CAIEFUUT. INJOT TOUI WUKINDS. ~ ~ DEPEND ON THI DETROIT AREA rmiGOODGUYS. A-17 DETROIT AUTO DEALERS ASSOC., INC., ET AL. Complaint 193 .. .... W'rJtOIT - nEE PUSS 5/25/72, P• 17C Public Notice·· SO OUl IMP'LOTU CAN SP'IND MOU TlMl WITH THiii fAMILIU DUllNCi THI SUMMH • • . PONTIAC DEALERS WILL BE CLOSED SATURDAYS E F F E CT I V E ·MAY 2 7 TH OUR SUMMER HOURS ARE: MONDAYS AND THURSDAYS 'TIL 9 P.M. TUES., WEDS. I FRIDAYS 'TIL 6 ·r.M. UNTIL SEPTEMBER -US*'ML& Ml-9f&llln!IC --. ....... ..... .... .... ---· ...... ............. ...... _. -·.... ~.., ll•m - .& llWStle lllNC. ... •• CUI." fWlllL ~ --"""* / • . __ _,.......... -·-·-·- . -·---··•-11111& NlfllllNCa ..... .. -.,.....""* • Ill.Liii-. . . • - · l'lllllMIG A-18 ~. '"'1•fll11 •ILJll llflllt ~. .... c.a.--.. •'-".. _ , 1U1 ..................... lfWL 11111 221 222 FEDERAL TRADE COMMISSION DECISIONS 108""F'.T.C. DETROIT ~ PllSS 5/26/72, p. lOC Closed Saturdays for the summer at the sign of the cat! Ef!ectiva immedialely, all Oetroi1 area Lincoln-Memuy dealen •ill be dOMd S&tur cbys to five ttmploy- full -ke.ndt with 'their lamili•. '\'~ undentandinr'i.D 'iii~ Mo11d1y Oma Frid1y ( and Tbuncl1y Jliiht.a 'til 9 o'doclti ia 1ppr9Cia1ed. ~ A-19 Complaint 193 l>ETROIT ntEE PR!:SS 5/ 26/ 72, p. llC Detroit Area Oldsmobile Dealers Will Be Closed Saturday and Memorial Day. NEW SµMMH HOUIS : ,.....,..........,.... '"''"' ••of•r• 111 Uo.Utra. lpe1 '1'11 I , ... lpet '111 I P,M. - lllaul &atm111 · CllorHc:lr 24555 Midli9111 ,.,.,.,..,., O.erbom, ~ Dr11111111y 14925 E. I Mile Roecl, 0.tto<t, 772·2200 f4111Hd Motor Solos 12 101 Jo&epli C.111p.1.1, H.nrtr.rnd, 365.5500 Got• Old1111oi.n. 2 1710 \/t(oodwercl A•• nut, Femcl1le, ]f9.) 200 Glo11111011 Old11110i.n. 21000 Tele9reph Ro1d, Souihfi.ld, JS4.]300 Hor9rovo Ohh111oi.n. 33073 Michi9111 A• -•, W1.,..., 721·3'30 K•y Old1111oltllo 2446 E. 12 Mile, W1 rre11, 751-6100 lilt LH 0141111oblle . 295 So11tk Gr1tiot; Mt. 0.,,,.111, 46§.045' londole Moton 174 11 Grencl Ri•er, Detroit, 272-4212 ust lill lowOll Old11nbile 158~ E11t1u, So1.1th9at1, 282·3 IOI? lob Sob Oldslftobllo 15205 E. Jefferson, Grosse Poinft Perl, 121-5000 S11burbo1 Motors Co111po11y . 5•5 S. Woodwercl lir.Nn9h~111. 6+4-4440 S11perfor Olch111obDt 15000 W. 7 Milt _Rote!, O.troa, J.42·7000 A••-· Defroif Oldsmobile Dealers Association A-2 0 224 FEDERAL TRADE COMMISSION DECISIONS Complaint 108 F..'.l'.C. r>ETJtOIT JIEWS 6/1/72, p. ~D PUBLIC NOTICE OF TBE GREATER DETROIT AREA ll'IIJL CLOSE SATURDAYS DURING THE SUMMER l'OR l'Ot,;B CO:\"'\'E.~IE~CE 1H: WILL BE OP~ :MOl\.D-' YA TBlJRSDA Y E\.·1::i.·1~6S 'TIL 9 PJI ~41.0A Y, WED~ESDA Y A Fa IDA Y £ ...ENl~GS 'TIL I P" TBIS ..\DDITI0~4L LEISl"llE Tl'llE IS \'O~ l "!\TAIUL\' DO~ATED 8\" l "&l.. Pl"BLIC SPllUnD C•ll\'SLCll·PU~OlTB DLt~ l:RS L~ A.~ u-reaT Te PROMOTE •rrn:a UI PU YEE A ceJIUfl..'S rt'\' a.ELATl8~ A-21 -. DETROIT AUTO DEALEES ASSOC., INC., ET AL. 193 . Complaint lletroit 1'r98 Px'M& 5/24/73, p. l7c PUBLIC NOTICE CHRYSLER PLYMOUTH DEALERS DF GREATER DETROIT WILLIE CLOSED SATURDAYS MAy 26th THRU SEPT. 1st OPEN MONDAYS & THURSDAYS TIL 9..P.M. '1JESDAY, WEDNESDAY, FRIDAY TIL" 6 P.M. A - 22 225 226 FEDERAL TRADE COMMISSION DECISIONS - 108 F.T.C. Complaint Detroit Free Pr-. 5/26/73, p. lOc: .: Closed Saturdays for the Summer at the sign of the catl Elediw immDaiaft and through .August, all ~ troit a r.o Lincoln·Merc11ry d•al•rs will b• eloMd Saturdays to giw ~OyMJ M -unda with fleir fainTtet.. Your v•11andi119 in~;~ hv Friday (ond11cl119 MoNltrt cind C't'""-:-._:..J 1hvndcry ni;lits ~I 9 o'dcd) ;. appr.oat.d. A-23 Complaint 193 . ... . . Detroit ~ Prms Sl"J-0/73, p. 121: ~GREATER DETROIT~ CHEVROLET.DEALERS F~1 the tonvenience of out employees and their • families, the Greate{ Detroit Chevrolet Dealen, will be closed on Soturt:lays, outing the.months of . J'!ne,·July, an~ August. :·· ~; Saies ~~~~nt . will .be open during the ..following hdurs MONDAY AND THURSDAY 8:30 A_,,.. TO c.?:OQ P.M. . . TUESDAY, WtDNESDAY AND FRIDAY ~ · 8:_ 3 0 A.M. _to 6 P~ . . .aezr . "Jt~ VE A SAFE AND A-24 HAPPY SUMMH" 228 FEDERAL TRADE COMMISSION DECISIONS ·· Complaint Detroi t News S/30/73, p. 21.C .. Greater Detroit '11 ~:r!r~~f .wi11 be closed Saturday$ . :. June 2nd thrv .,..· ·. ·sept. 1st. .,._. ·. : ··· • •• . q.r f!Plar RCtilit ...,, ~ . .. ..... iif"lff.ct .... ..,.. . ·... . . A-25 Fri,. , : . lOS·F:T:C. 193 Complaint l Detroit Pr-. Press 6/2/73, p. k: - NOW-THRU SEPT 10th . ·DETROIT AREA . DODGE DEALERS · Will BE CLOSED SATURDAYS .. DURING JUNE. JULY & AUG. IA erder t• 1t.e •ur tales 9ftd Hrwlce 11171 '11 oala ~ ef __...UNI 11111, - .m ci- £lodge Dealenllipm1So~beailllling'.b.2._ fl-Ir U We'll slay open 'til 9 p.m. Mondays & Thursdays · · . DRIVE CAREFULLY .· ENJOY YOUR WEEKEND ~ DEPENDONilu - · DDDG~ DETROIT A~EA BOYS GOC?D GUYS A- 26 - ;. 230 FEDERAL TRADE COMMISSION DECISIONS Complaint 108 F:T.C. l:lf:m:)lT FREr PRESS ll/28/73, p. U B • DODGE BOYS ROOMSW\LL OUR Sl\0~ SAlURDAYS, BE CLOS DECEMBER 1sJ SlARl\NG . We etroitArea Good''Guys ~. ' ··. are doing our bit to ease the energy crisis. °"'' l'>f,., h!'t G•t nf h•• tmf '•tht\, oe'Of'I~ drt1;lf'l.I to•~ horn "'-" JQt)t-•t'ft • H fldd uo to f't4!fO flllH rt•t crvnch. AM '' ..,.i!ryf)nt ..11 ''"' add '"' "1t1Mt blr' to hfto 1111 lhe 1hort11,, wt'll alt ""lllit tC "''out"' t'hcH h£ht ,.,.,.,~ N•• .·•••1 •t'tt ~ oot" YonlSAt'- lt-roue" 'na"'' ,.,. 111v•l-•ftd fnff't of our MowfOO""\ ..n bt __ ........ °""Mondly l"G ThvrwS1y (0 CAllPfllTEll SAW »MO~-- ·---14 ...,................ Jod ....... IWft. ... ... {OLOlllAl DOOGL INC. .......,. llllldli . . 11 1 MUSAlt ..OTll(llS. llllC. ..., . ,.. ~ .... o...... ............... • 1110 . Moth. •UOt ClllSTWOOD DOO'L ftlC. '- L - SolOI & S.-. JJUO-t• 0..lf•ftC..t y Moth . ,,,, ..................... ,., nllNWOOO DOOGL IMC. MoottCitrDodtc. .... Jl000W-4w9'tl A " ,..,_,..,,. M.rh . .,,0 Co1nty Motoi Sola 19' ,,,00 ......... c........, ... _...-~ ewt\t"fS t0t 10U' COftY'tf'MeftU. We're "°inc our bit. Md we're de11e11din1 Oii ,our Mlp, t.o! Moth • .,,, I 117~if . UJ-'-' '9ft1.-.. Mtch, tlOS S Ml. a-s llodtt- lo<. •lfl• N Gte• .., •-· Mt °"~' Nwh •100 .................. •-w....,_ SMrtioit ....... Doife. ... OAaUllll DODGE. •t. l•H.... Doife.i.. - ·--'· _ .tot . .w. ., . .011 u_ _MM-14. l'Ollff( DODGL & 110011Mic:\ . . .. ..,... ....... ' ~. Mich 41214 -• 40t11 V.. ..... --. ............. 144UW. 11Milo --i..•eo•J ·-•C-..,Doife.loc. JIOIS Go-4.,_ ..._._ ..... ._o,. VAii O'IKf OODGL lac. ' 'OJC.........,\o,.. 0t1...1. Ml(h • ..,., ........ M4oh . . ., ........., SOUTH POINTf DOOGf . .llM VIN Cf OOOCl lllC. I UOOl~ r.,....-•.iaoeo ._ 2llt .... " '---------------------------------------~~- ~? Complaint 193 .. . .. . .. - .... . . . Ge!~AU. - . . . R DlilRO. ·· . - -· -~ - - -CUEVROLET DEAL""ER · · .until further notice . . . _____. v1ir1)e4ose"don. ·- _::.~ ~~-~· .- Saturdays star:fing Dec•. 1, 1973 .· For your ihopplng.conHnlanca we wlll remain o,.n · · · · · · . . . . · • MOH.' & THURS•.NIGHTS TIL 9 P~M. . . -- tu£s·.:wED~:fRl: 8£3D"i:M.=6':bO 'pJA.7 - ·- - ·: ·.~.. ·"= ·.. ~: · ~·--.,~~ ... · ..... · .~ - . : .' ..·..... ,• 1.-28 ·-· '" . .'· .~ .. 232 FEDERAL TRADE COMMISSION DECISIONS Complaint l08 F.T.C. SPEClAL ANNOUNCE~1Et~T _ YOU~ TR.J;.COUNIY .PONJIAC DEALERS ~ No:::::~ :.:s: :Nm:~~R::~"• our port to help. So, the 22 Tri-County Pontioc O.oltrs hove decided to do5e their iho_wrooms -..ry Saturday, beginning December ht. this ftllCl1IS wt11 be decreasing our pow~ conwmption by ,opproximotely 15% • _ AUD mt . . .. . 11&1... - -~--.., _ 'IUNm PONTIAC, IJlC • , ..... ........ ._,,..,•.• iHELTIIN PONTIAC-IUICK. -. •1 ,,,,,. r. "' ltss 111111 "'11. IELCASTRO PONTIAC. INC. azuw•.,..,, ............... "!~· -·· . . ·--. ·· dtlllJRlll - - . =---:a-=-cii -·"' ac. __..., . .. ........ 8-4 ~•·UI .ISM CAUSUY PONTIAC. INC. ---·--. ··....·-........ =-.....-. .llM fllWRD PONTllC. llC. PDNTlAC, fNC . uu ..... .... # llt 1ri111• "' Aln cirr llntrfr. == _.... ·····..p1c"KH PllllTIAC =~•C. =:.::·--- 1 SIMPSON PONTIAC SllU, INC. , . ......... , _ ..a m.n. OIJIN£"-F11UIN -AUTO SlllS. llC. -1.-IL ··-...... -·----.... -·--.u ·-=··....._. --- •m ---..... IRUCE ewe PONTIAC, INC. .,.......... -·~··" .IACIC W. ltAU'1 SAUS. INC. -. ...__, ""'···- - - - - - . . . . . . . . . .. __ - llUSS JOHNSON SALES. lllC. PONTIAC RETAIL STOii! · ........i. . . . . . . ~ lllWIC£ POmAC CO. .,, IUlllilo PONTIAC, __ llC. _ nLLT •INNICK. ....... I OI UUDS •C. PONTIAC, llllC. - llWZU M'MUUfN ~ POIITTRflELD WILSON · PONTllC. llC. GUI'""''"",,_. .,. ~ ... ~- ........ llZIJ IAIDTWOOD PONTIAC. •c. - .... a.-.. ...111. . ma - t al.1lN11t ....... WOODY POJITllt SAW, llC. m•""·'"- - 11. •11111 .. .,a m .,. " A-29 .. ~ 193 Complaint _METRO BIJ!CK-OP.EL DEALErtS . - UNTIL FURTHER NOTICE T.HE. · - -· METRO eu1cK~OPEL DEALERS . - Y/ILL ·sE-. CLO.SEO .~:- .- - . --SA-T-Q.RDAY....-::-BEGINNi~~G.. ~ DECEA1BER 1~ 1973. ~. . FOR -YOUR SHOPPJNG ··-- --.-CONVENIEt~CE, . .· WE WILL ; ii . MOt~DAY AND THURSDAY . 11!\:~oHoAr AND THU~SD~Y .:~ \UtJ 1:30 A.M. TO 9:00 P.M. \Sf!l) ·r.uESDA Y, WEDNESDAY & FRIDAY 8:30 · A- 30 • TO 6 P.M. \"· -\"\ \ . • \ I \ ... Complaint 193 ,, # .• -Now .• i . ~ . _Detroit Metropolita·n Ford Deal"ers will be closed ·On ·Saturdays Until further notice participating Detroit Metropolitan F~rd Dealers wil ~ be doled Saturday beginning Oec~mber 1, 1973. For your convenience we will be open u"nfil 9:00 P.M. Monday ond Thursday, ·-and until 6:00 P.M. Tuesday, WednHday end Friday. . '. ' Detroit Metropoliton-ford . i t .. \ ''\' i. ' ! ~- ~~ .J~ . - . .- .- -.. .- .- .- .- .•... . ... ~ - 0'~ ..... , . 111~1~~/ . . . ..-f~ . .. .~~-- - - .. ....:...... ---... ... 236 FEDERAL TRADE COMMISSION DECISIONS Compl~inf ·· 108 F:T:C:- .CL.OSED SATURDAYS-I . . of . . . The Ford Deqlers MatrO. · poll tan Detroit voted- over~ whelmlngly to- close their new and · used car sales rooin• on Saturdays•• · As a result.1 Avis Forcl wlll lte. closed Saturdays lmmadl· ately,· untll further notice. Avis · ford wlll •e open · MondQy and thur:sclay. ,.1ght1 Jll 9 p.m. for you~ c·onvenlence. A-33