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The official publication of the NACC & AAICC Chambers of Commerce. Visit
VOL. 2 NO.1
Health Fraud
Division Launched
Time-Barred Debts
... see page 5
Self Employed? Learn What the
Affordable Care Act Means
...see page 16
n 2000 I created a Public Assistance
Crimes Unit which prosecutes highend welfare cheats. Those cases
involve investigating, arresting and prosecuting those lying about their eligibility
to receive benefits—by lying about their
income, resources or residences. We also
prosecuted those who were using their
Medicaid cards to buy medications via
forged prescriptions or with prescriptions
written by unscrupulous doctors also
involved in fraudulent activities. That
bureau and the model upon which it was
built proved highly successful.
In February of this year I expanded that
bureau with the help of city and federal
resources in order to take a bigger bite out
of fraud. Both Commissioner Doar of
NYC HRA and NY State Senator
Schumer have collaborated with me
along with United States Attorney for the
Eastern District of New York, Loretta
Lynch, Kathleen Sebelius, the United
States Secretary of Health and Human
Services and Bridget Brennan, the New
York Special Narcotics Prosecutor.
Together we will share information and
intelligence and pool resources to go after
doctors, pharmacies, clinics, and all other
Medicaid and Medicare providers who
are found to be exploiting the programs
necessary for the health and wellbeing of
continued on page 4
Plus: Help for Fraud Victims... see page 10
A Forgotten Battleground:
Women’s Bodies &
the Civil Rights Movement
...see page 22
Five Questions to Ask Before
Tying the Knot
...see page 18
Free Consultations on
Bankruptcy Issues
...see page 5
Success Starts on June 20: Day of
Opportunities for Entrepreneurs
rooklyn, NY: The New American
Chamber of Commerce (NACC),
established in October 2005, is
having its Annual Multicultural
Business Expo on Thursday, June 20,
2013, at the New York Marriott at the
Brooklyn Bridge, 333 Adams Street,
downtown Brooklyn. All businesses,
chambers, entrepreneurs, budding and
current of all ages, professionals, nonprofit organizations and youth accompanied by their parents or an adult are
continued on page 17
The Dirty Dozen Tax Scams ... see page 15
For business
news, events
and more,
join our
list. Go to
A Preview of the
2013 Economic
Report of the
his year's Economic Report of the
President describes the progress
we have made recovering from the
worst economic crisis since the Great
Depression. After years of grueling recession, our businesses have created over six
million new jobs. As a nation, we now
buy more American cars than we have in
5 years, and less foreign oil than we have
in 20 years. Our housing market is healing, and homeowners and consumers
enjoy stronger protections than ever
before. But there are still millions of
Americans whose hard work and dedication have not yet been rewarded. Our
economy is adding jobs, but too many of
our fellow citizens still can't find fulltime employment. Corporate profits have
reached all-time highs, but for more than
a decade, wages and incomes for working
Americans have barely budged. As
President Obama has said, "A growing
economy that creates good, middle-class
continued on page 13
Know & Protect Your Rights
Become a member of
NACC! Visit today
and sign up!
In the News......................................................................................................................4
Time-Barred Debts & Debt Collectors............................................................................5
Protect Information during the Tax-Season Identity Theft Boom..................................7
Be Aware When It Comes to Oil Changes......................................................................8
Help for Fraud Victims..................................................................................................10
Protect Yourself from the Dirty Dozen Tax Scams.......................................................15
Money, Taxes & Business
Like us on
Educate Yourself before Starting a New Career Path ....................................................6
Five Steps to Help Improve Financial and Physical Health.........................................11
Donate to
7 Common Small Business Tax Misperceptions...........................................................14
Self-Employed? Learn What the Affordable Care Act Means for You .......................16
Health, Family & Relationships
Five Questions to Ask before You Tie the Knot...........................................................18
Are You Apologizing Right?.........................................................................................19
One Beautiful Date Night Look....................................................................................19
Brooklyn Residents Called to Contribute to
Historic Cancer Research Effort...................................................................................20
Buyer Beware: Anti-Aging Products............................................................................21
Immigration & Civil Rights
The Economic Case for Commonsense Immigration Reform......................................12
A Forgotten Battleground: Women’s Bodies
and the Civil Rights Movement....................................................................................22
102-Year-Old’s Voter’s Letter to Scalia on
‘Racial Entitlement’......................................................................................................23
Pearl Phillip
Hon. Charles J. Hynes
Alan B. Kreuger
Gene Sperling
Jenee Desmond-Harris
Vandell Park
Jamia Wilson
Meredith K. Olafson
Jennine Estes
Jenee Desmond-Harris
Legal Advisor
Brian Figeroux, Esq.
Graphic & Website Designers
Praim Samsoondar
Lana Delgadillo
Shaquana Folkes
Marketing Executives
Marilyn Silverman
Corporate Office
26 Court Street, Suite 701
Brooklyn, NY 11242
Tel: 718-771-0988
Fax: 718-222-3153
The Consumer Advocate is a publication
of the New American Chamber of
Commerce (NACC), a 501 (c)(6) organization established to promote, advance
and facilitate the success of New
American businesses. While every effort
has been made to ensure the accuracy of
this publication, it is not intended to provide legal advice as individual situations
will differ and should be discussed with
an expert and/or lawyer.
ext 112!
Health Fraud Division
Launched... continued from page 1
being of our communities.
The new division, the Healthcare Fraud
Division, will be the first in the nation
that combines federal and local resources
to investigate and prosecute Medicare
and Medicaid fraud, abuse and waste.
The new Division will be solely dedicated to that purpose and staffed with attorneys, detectives, forensic medical auditors, paralegal analysts and civil forfeiture attorneys.
Already this year we arrested 26 targets
involved in a fraud emanating from one
practitioner. Dr. Naveed Ahmad was
arrested for bilking Medicaid and
Medicare for services he did not render.
Not only did Dr. Ahmad bill for procedures he never performed, but also he
wrote prescriptions for HIV meds to those
who were not HIV positive. This was
done in exchange for them pretending to
be patients. Those who recruited these
patients to go to the doctor would pay
them $300.00 for the prescription they
were given. Those meds were then
bought and charged to Medicaid or
Medicare and resold on the black market.
This new collaborative effort enabled us
to move swiftly, gather evidence and put
these criminals out of business. We anticipate this new Division will not only be as
busy as the Recipient Fraud PAC Bureau
is but also just as successful if not more
due to the collaborative efforts of all
members involved.l
More than $1.1
Million to Victims
of Bogus Health
he Federal Trade Commission
(FTC) is mailing 50,395 refund
checks totaling more than $1.1 million to consumers who were victimized by
a telemarketing operation that allegedly
tricked them into buying worthless medical
discount plans.
In June 2012, the FTC announced that it
halted the scam. Under several settlement
Americans4Healthcare Inc., Elite Business
Solutions, Inc., Mile High Enterprise Inc.,
and their principals were barred from having any role in a healthcare-related enterprise and from selling healthcare-related
goods or services.
The checks are being mailed by an
administrator working for the FTC, and
will expire 60 days after they are issued.
Consumers with questions about the Health
Care One refund checks should call the
refund administrator at 1-877-690-7103.
For general questions about the FTC’s
Tax Relief Extended for Victims
of Hurricane Sandy
n the aftermath of Hurricane Sandy, the
Internal Revenue Service announced
additional tax relief to affected individuals and businesses, further extending tax
deadlines until April 1, 2013 for the following FEMA-designated counties:
1.In New Jersey (starting October 26,
2012): Monmouth and Ocean counties.
2. In New York (starting October 27,
2012): Nassau, Queens, Richmond and
Suffolk Counties.
In addition, the IRS will work with any
taxpayer who resides outside the disaster
area but whose books, records or tax pro-
fessionals are located in the areas affected
by Hurricane Sandy. All workers assisting
the relief activities in the covered disaster
areas who are affiliated with a recognized
government or philanthropic organization
are eligible for relief.
This tax relief postpones various tax filing and payment deadlines that occurred
starting in late October 2012. As a result,
affected individuals and businesses have
until April 1, 2013 to file these returns and
pay any taxes due. This includes the fourthquarter individual estimated tax payment,
normally due January 15, 2013. It also
includes payroll and excise tax returns and
accompanying payments for the third and
fourth quarters, normally due on October
31, 2012 and January 31, 2013 respectively, and calendar year corporate income tax
returns due March 15. Tax-exempt organizations required to file Form 990 series
returns with an original or extended deadline falling during this period also qualify
for this tax relief.
The IRS will abate any interest, late-payment or late-filing penalty that would otherwise apply to any taxpayer located in the
disaster area.
Contact us today if you're a taxpayer living outside of the impacted area and think
you may qualify for this relief. Call NetTax
Services at 718-596-3234.l
FTC Cracks Down on Senders of Spam Text
Messages Promoting "Free" Gift Cards
he Federal Trade Commission is
cracking down on affiliate marketers that allegedly bombarded
consumers with hundreds of millions of
unwanted spam text messages in an effort
to steer them towards deceptive websites
falsely promising “free” gift cards.
In eight different complaints filed in
courts around the United States, the FTC
charged 29 defendants with collectively
sending more than 180 million unwanted
text messages to consumers, many of
whom had to pay for receiving the texts.
The messages promised consumers free
gifts or prizes, including gift cards worth
$1,000 to major retailers such as Best Buy,
Walmart and Target. Consumers who
clicked on the links in the messages found
themselves caught in a confusing and elaborate process that required them to provide
sensitive personal information, apply for
credit or pay to subscribe to services to get
the supposedly “free” cards.
"This announcement says ‘game over’ to
the major league scam artists behind millions of spam texts," said Charles A.
New York City Paid Sick
Days Legislation
he Federation of Protestant
Welfare Agencies fully supports
the creation of paid sick leave for
New York City workers. Paid sick days is
a worker and family
protection issue, as well as a significant
public health concern. For New Yorkers
working and living today without paid
sick time, taking time off from work to
recover or get needed medical care means
loss of pay, which often leads to falling
behind in rent or other bills. Some sick
workers may also face retaliation including the loss of a good shift, or even being
Approximately 23% of workers report
that they have lost a job or were told they
would lose a job due to taking time off for
personal or family illness. Lack of paid
sick time is an especially severe problem
for low-wage workers, among whom
women and people of color are over-represented. A sound public policy would
support workers when they or their families are ill so that they can quickly recover and be able to continue working. The
New York City Paid Sick Time Act
would ensure a modest minimum floor of
paid sick time for workers in the city.
Legislation that provides paid sick leave
for all New York City workers would be
consistent with the City and State's rich
history of supporting workers, as well as
the needy. The first Labor Day holiday
was celebrated in 1882 in New York City
and Article XVII of the New York
Constitution provides constitutional protections for the provision of care and aid
for the needy. Given this history, it is hard
to believe that there is not already a paid
sick time law in New York City. More
than one million workers in the city do
not have any paid sick time to care for
themselves or sick loved ones. By enacting this legislation, New York City would
set a standard for the rest of the nation
and live up to its proud history of supporting humane policies for low-income and
working people.
The Federation of Protestant Welfare
Agencies (FPWA) promotes the social
andeconomic well-being of greater New
York’s most vulnerable by strengthening
human service organizations and advocating for just public policies. FPWA
believes society should maintain a safety
net for vulnerable individuals and families who are unable to meet their basic
needs and that employed individuals
should be provided fair compensation and
the workers’ benefits needed to sustain
their employment – including paid sick
days which we view as an indispensable
component of economic security.l
Harwood, Acting Director of the FTC’s
Bureau of Consumer Protection. "The FTC
is committed to rooting out this deception
and stopping it. For consumers who find
spam texts on their phones, delete them,
immediately. The offers are, in a word,
According to the FTC complaints, the
defendants sent text messages to random
phone numbers, including to consumers
who do not have a text message subscription plan. As many as 12 percent of mobile
phone users fall into this category.l
Calls for Next
FCC Chair to
Advance Civil
Rights Agenda
ade Henderson, president and
Conference on Civil and Human
Rights, issued the following statement after
Communications Commission (FCC) Chair
Julius Genachowski will step down:
Genachowski’s departure from the FCC
marks an opportunity for the Commission to
place a greater emphasis on the needs of our
diverse nation.
As President Obama looks to find the next
FCC Chair, as well as a successor to
Commissioner McDowell, we hope that he
will take into account the important role that
the FCC plays in the advancement of equality in American society.
As our nation diversifies, it’s imperative
that we increase opportunities for minority
and female media ownership, that we expand
access to broadband for all Americans, and
that we ensure that the implementation of
spectrum auctions don’t come at the expense
of underserved communities.
We applaud Chairman Genachowski’s steps
toward enacting the National Broadband
Plan and regulating predatory phone rates
for families of prisoners, but that unfinished
business will need to be handled by an
incoming Chair who recognizes how communications policies impact the poorest and
most vulnerable communities in society.
We urge the administration to act with
expediency to nominate a new chair, so that
the FCC does not lose any time in moving
ahead on the civil rights communications
Time-Barred Debts and Debt Collectors
f you have old debts, collectors may not
be able to sue you to collect on them.
That's because debt collectors have a
limited number of years — known as the
statute of limitations — to sue you to collect. After that, your unpaid debts are considered "time-barred." According to the
law, a debt collector cannot sue you for not
paying a debt that's time-barred.
This gets tricky for consumers because
the statute of limitations varies from state
to state and for different kinds of debts. It
is also tricky because, under certain circumstances, the clock can be reset, and the
time period can be started fresh. That's why
the Federal Trade Commission (FTC), the
nation's consumer protection agency, says
it's important to understand your rights if a
debt collector contacts you about an old
Under the federal Fair Debt Collection
Practices Act (FDCPA), a debt collector is
someone who regularly collects debts
owed to others. This includes collection
agencies, lawyers who collect debts on a
regular basis, and companies that buy
unpaid debts and then try to collect them.
The term 'debt collector' doesn't include
original creditors who collect their own
When is an old debt too old for a collector to sue?
Typically, state law determines how long
the statute of limitations lasts. Usually, the
clock starts ticking when you fail to make
a payment; when it stops depends on two
things: the type of debt and the law that
applies either in the state where you live or
the state specified in your credit contract.
For example, the statute of limitations for
credit card debt in a few states may be as
long as 10 years, but most states impose a
period of three to six years. To determine
the statute of limitations on different kinds
of debts under each state's law, check with
a legal aid lawyer, another attorney, or your
State Attorney General's Office.
What should I do if a debt collector calls
about a time-barred debt?
Collectors are allowed to contact you about
time-barred debts. They might tell you that
the debt is time-barred and that they can't
sue you if you don't pay.
If a collector doesn't tell you that a particular debt is time-barred — but you think
that it might be — ask the collector if the
debt is beyond the statute of limitations. If
the collector answers your question, the
law requires that his answer be truthful.
Some collectors may decline to answer,
however. Another question to ask a collector if you think that a debt might be timebarred, is what their records show as the
date of your last payment. This is important
because it helps determine when the statute
of limitations clock starts ticking. If a collector doesn't give you this information,
send him a letter within 30 days of receiving a written notice of the debt. Explain
that you are 'disputing' the debt and that
you want to 'verify' it. The more information you give the collector about why you
are disputing the debt, the better. Collectors
must stop trying to collect until they give
you verification. Keep a copy of your letter
and the verification you receive.
Must I pay a debt that's considered timebarred?
The decision to pay a time-barred debt is
up to you. You have options, but each one
has consequences. For example, whether
you pay the debt and how much you pay
will affect your credit rating. Consider talking to a lawyer before you choose an
•Pay nothing on the debt. Although the collector may not sue you to collect the debt,
you still owe it. The collector can continue
to contact you to try to collect, unless you
send a letter to the collector demanding
that communication stop. Not paying a
debt may make it harder, or more expensive, to get credit, insurance, or other services because not paying may lower your
credit rating.
•Make a partial payment on the debt. In
some states, if you pay any amount on a
time-barred debt or even promise to pay,
the debt is 'revived.' This means the clock
resets and a new statute of limitations period begins. It also often means the collector
can sue you to collect the full amount of the
debt, which may include additional interest
and fees.
•Pay off the debt. Even though the collector may not be able to sue you, you may
decide to pay off the debt. Some collectors
may be willing to accept less than the
amount you owe to settle the debt, either in
one large payment or a series of small ones.
Make sure you get a signed form or letter
from the collector before you make any
continued on page 7
Get the legal help you need NOW! Call 718-834-0190!
Collection Harassment:
*Profane or Abusive Language
*Family or Neighbors Called?
Save Your:
*Peace of Mind/Health
Filing a Chapter 7, 11 or
13 bankruptcy may be
your only choice!
Documents Required:
*List of debts
*Your most recent tax returns
*Correspondence from creditors
*Lawsuit documents
*Social Security and ID
*List of assets
For a FREE CONSULTATION call the Law Offices of Figeroux & Associates
26 Court Street, Suite 701
Brooklyn, NY 11242
Tel: 718-834-0190
1105 Nostrand Avenue
Brooklyn, NY 11225
Tel: 718-363-7788
Educate Yourself Before Starting
the Path to a New Career
f you're looking to start a career —
whether it's because you're just beginning your journey as a working adult
or because you're ready for a change in
life — you should know that the process
is much larger than just getting a degree
and looking for a job.
A career involves knowing your interests in a particular industry or area, knowing what to expect as far as compensation
and responsibility and researching what
tools and knowledge you will need to be
an asset for companies in that industry.
It's wise to begin your pursuit by educating yourself on what careers are in
demand and what skills you need to enter
those careers.
"Job seekers and students seeking a
degree to build their skills need to take
control of their careers," says Abby
Kohut, a human resources executive,
recruiter and author of "Absolutely Abby's
101 Job Search Secrets." "They need to
understand the connection between their
education and a meaningful career by
becoming more informed about where
their interests lie, what jobs are in
demand and what education is needed to
gain the skills that today's employers
Here are a few simple steps that can
help get you started:
1. Understand your interests: Some
colleges and universities offer prospec-
of Phoenix students incorporate into their
academic journey so they are developing
the competencies that employers are
seeking in the workforce today. And
career preparation tools provide students
with resume, cover letter and interview
development services so they can put
their best foot forward while job searching.
tive and current students complimentary
self-assessment options to help determine
careers that fit their interests. For example, the University of Phoenix offers
Phoenix Career Services, a comprehensive suite of tools and services specifically designed to help prospective and current students make informed decisions
regarding their career paths and educational needs. And the Career Interest
Profiler helps students to identify professional interests in several areas, allowing
them to plan ahead for paths of study.
2. Understand employer needs:
Knowing what jobs will keep your interest going strong is a good start, but it's
also important to learn what employers
need from workers in that field so you can
take the right college courses and learn
the appropriate skills. You also should
learn what jobs are in demand in your
field of interest, so you can assess
whether your career of choice offers room
to enter and grow. University of Phoenix's
Job Market Research Tool helps potential
and existing students learn the demand
and typical salary information in the current market.
3. Understand educational needs:
Starting a new career often involves the
need to return to school for a new degree
so you can be more competitive when
entering the job market. My Career Plan
is a personalized roadmap that University
4. Understand your financial responsibilities: Schools will provide information
on financial obligations and options,
helping potential students determine if
starting or going back to school is a viable
option at the moment. Having a clear picture of the total cost and anticipated timing for paying off a college expense can
help you set a budget as you pursue your
new career goals. The University of
Phoenix, for instance, offers a complimentary Financial Plan designed to help
prospective students estimate tuition and
fees for their entire degree program and
build a personal plan for how they will
pay for it.
A new career is an exciting opportunity,
and can provide a new look on life from
income to social connections and even
where you live. Just be sure to educate
yourself before you jump into schooling
so you can prepare yourself for the perfect career.l(BPT)
Protect Your Information during
the Tax-season Identity Theft Boom
ax season can be stressful, and each
year people scramble to send in their
tax returns, right down to the deadline. But for those who do a little preparation and avoid procrastinating, it can be significantly less tense. However, whether
you're a last-minute rusher or an ahead-ofthe-game planner, you need to take steps to
protect your identity during tax time, or you
could be facing the greatest stress of all.
With so much financial information crossing the wires and the mail routes, tax season
is ripe for exploitation by identity thieves.
Unfortunately for many, the thieves haven't
hesitated to take advantage. According to a
U.S. Government Accountability Office
(GAO) report (November 2012), the
Internal Revenue Service identified more
than 640,000 incidents of identity theft that
impacted tax administration in the first nine
months of 2012 alone, a large increase over
prior years.
Those numbers make it clear that tax-time
identity theft is a risk that everyone should
take seriously. You should take steps to protect your information — this year and every
year around tax time.
* Be cautious with your paperwork.
Don't leave mail with sensitive information
sitting in your mailbox, where it's vulnerable to theft. And whether you're sending or
receiving, avoid leaving items sitting in
your car or in your home where they are in
plain sight for someone looking in the windows.
* Check your credit report
One of the best ways to stay informed about
the state of your identity is by monitoring
your credit. Everyone is entitled to a free
yearly credit report, but if identity theft
happens after you view that report, it could
be months before you notice an instance of
fraud — and a lot can happen during that
time. Using a credit monitoring program
gives you better protection, thanks to
unlimited access to your credit report from
companies like Equifax and automated
alerts when key changes appear on your
accounts. In the event that the worst happens, some programs offer help through
24/7 access to identity theft resolution specialists.
* Learn to be scam-savvy
Identity thieves are no fools — but they will
try to fool you. Stay informed about scams
and never give out personal information
over the phone or on the Internet unless you
initiated the contact and you're absolutely
certain about whom you're dealing with.
Keep in mind that the IRS does not ever
request sensitive information via email —
almost all official IRS communication is
carried out by regular mail.
* Make sure you're using safe
Update your computer's anti-virus software
and security patches and check to ensure
that any site you're using is firewall-protected. Also, be aware that some photocopy
machines have hard drives that store digital
versions of anything they are used to copy.
Don't let tax time become more nervewracking than it needs to be. Prepare your
return in time, and prepare yourself to fight
identity theft, in order to ensure that you'll
be on time, secure and hassle-free.l(BPT)
Time-Barred Debts...
continued from page 5
payment. This document should state that
the entire debt is being settled and that the
amount to be paid will release you from
any further obligation. Without this document, the amount paid may be treated as a
partial payment on the debt, instead of a
complete payment. Keep a record of the
payments you make to pay off the debt.
What should I do if I'm sued for a timebarred debt?
Defend yourself in court. If you're sued to
collect on a time-barred debt, pay attention,
and respond. Consider talking to an attorney. You or your attorney should tell the
judge that the debt is time-barred and, as
proof, provide a copy of the verification
from the collector or any information you
have that shows the date of your last payment. The lawsuit will be dismissed if the
judge decides the debt is time-barred. In
any case, don't ignore the lawsuit. If you
do, the collector likely will get a court
judgment against you, and possibly take
money from your paycheck, bank account,
or tax refund.
Assert your FDCPA rights. It's against the
law for a collector to sue you or threaten to
sue you on a time-barred debt. If you think
a collector has broken the law, file a complaint with the FTC and your state attorney
general, and consider talking to an attorney
about bringing your own private action
against the collector for violating the
Source: Federal Trade Commission
Consumers, Be Aware: Know the Facts
When It Comes to Oil Changes
ith more than 300 million vehicles
on the road today, motor oil is the
lifeblood of any engine and can
help protect and prolong its life, whether
you're driving a compact car, pickup truck or
SUV. However, not just any motor oil will
ensure the healthy life of an engine and,
unfortunately, discounted deals for an oil
change may not be such a deal after all.
With consumers looking to reduce their
automotive maintenance costs, service locations can be quick to offer discounted services to capitalize on value seekers. How can a
consumer be sure he or she is getting a quality motor oil and filter as part of the deal? A
promise of "up to five quarts conventional
oil" doesn't really tell the consumer much
about the quality of the oil being installed.
"I can't stress how important it is to be 'in
the know' when it comes to motor oil changes
and to understand that there is a big difference between a value and just a cheaper
deal," says automotive expert Lauren Fix, or
the "Car Coach" as she's known around the
nation. "If drivers choose to have a professionally installed motor oil in their vehicle,
it's a must for them to confirm what that shop
is actually pouring into their car."
Motor Oil Matters (MOM), a new consumer education and industry watchdog program by the American Petroleum Institute,
has been established to stress the benefits of
quality licensed motor oils and call onto the
carpet those who engage in deceptive practices.
ommendations in the vehicle's owner's manual. Pay close attention to the oil life monitor
if a vehicle has it. When the monitor says it's
time for a change, it's time. Drivers need to
pay close attention to their vehicle usage
because vehicle manufacturers sometimes
recommend oil drain intervals based on driving habits.
Do you know what you're getting?
Your service provider should be happy to
supply you with the brand, viscosity grade
and performance level of the oil they use
before it is poured into your vehicle. It's also
important to ask for that information in writing or on the receipt. Drive away from locations that don't know or won't confirm in
writing what they're pouring into your vehicle.
MOM and Fix recommend consumers arm
themselves with a simple checklist of questions to help them make informed decisions
about motor oil:
Time for a change?
The bottom line: Follow the oil change rec-
Who can you trust?
The American Petroleum Institute certifies
oil change locations under the MOM program. Service providers that are MOM-certified have had their quality control procedures independently audited and have made
the commitment to always tell their customers exactly what oil is going into their
Does the oil meet the performance level
recommended for my car?
Motor oil matters. Any motor oil poured into
a vehicle should meet the level of perform-
ance recommended by the vehicle manufacturer in the owner's manual. For many vehicles, manufacturers recommend oils that
comply with the latest ILSAC (International
Committee) or American Petroleum Institute
standards. The American Petroleum Institute
independently audits and licenses motor oils
that meet its standards. Licensed oils carry
the American Petroleum Institute's Starburst
or Donut certification marks as a representation and warranty that these oils meet the
institute's standards.
Getting a full change?
Make sure the oil change includes a fresh filter. Your owner's manual likely recommends
a particular type of oil filter, so make sure the
right one is included with your oil change.
Not sure how to find an MOM-certified oil
change location in your area?
Consumers can find a MOM licensed location
visiting or looking for the
MOM mark. This website is a great resource
to find more information about quality motor
oil and how it helps protect your vehicle.
MOM is also watching out for the "bad guys"
and consumers are encouraged to confidentially report any oil marketer, distributor or
service location that they suspect is misrepresenting the quality of the oil being marketed, supplied or installed. l(BPT)
Help for Fraud Victims
iolent crime in our city is at historic
lows; the economy is supposedly
improving; yet the shelter system is
bursting as people struggle with joblessness, homelessness, or underemployment.
One constant in all economies is greed.
Thieves are always trying to steal—whether
the victims have a little or have a lot.
Common sense and self-protection must
always be the first defenses, so that fewer
people become crime victims in need of the
police and my office. This article talks
about some of the most common scams
seen in my office and gives tips on avoiding
becoming a victim.
Identity Theft: This does not make the
headlines much anymore, but it continues to
be a scourge. Identity theft is simply someone using your identity—your name, your
birthdate, your address, your social security
number, or a combination of these—to pretend to be you and to steal from others,
leaving you responsible for the bill.
Victims of identity theft often either lost
some important document, such as a pay
stub, or they carelessly gave out personal
information, such as at a video store or to a
telemarketer. Your identifying information
is your property—like your purse or your
wallet—guard it with the same care. Be
vigilant. State law allows you to get a free
credit report from each of the three national
credit bureaus once a year (so you can get
three reports a year). Order and review
them. Check out accounts you don’t recognize. Also, don’t answer e-mails from
banks claiming to be “verifying” your information. Banks don’t communicate with
their customers in that way.
Immigration Fraud: Getting permission
to work in the U.S. and getting citizenship
are complicated processes. Scammers are
all too willing to help with “shortcuts”
because they claim to know of a “special”
program or they have a “friend” at
Immigration. There are no shortcuts.
Beware of persons claiming to be lawyers.
Many are not. A licensed attorney is listed
with the state court system and their status
is easily checked on the web. Similarly,
“notaries” in this country just take signatures; they have no special legal status. It is
the policy of my office—and the law in
New York City—that immigration status of
crime victims WON’T be reported to any
immigration authorities. Victims of immigration scams should never hesitate to contact the police or my office.
Contractor Fraud: Keeping up your property is an investment in your most valuable
asset. Too often homeowners pay exorbitant fees and get substandard work that
sometimes can create a hazard or risk. The
New York City Department of Consumer
Affairs licenses home improvement contractors. Check if your contractor is
licensed; ask for references. Don’t hire a
handy “friend” unless he has the right credentials.
Rental Scams: With the drastic increase in
foreclosures my office is seeing a drastic
increase in rental scams. Many owners
have simply walked away, leaving their
properties “ripe for the taking.” Fake landlords have swooped in to steal from unsuspecting renters. It is easy to check on who
actually owns a building. If you are not
dealing with that person, you may be dealing with a scammer.
Deed and Mortgage Frauds: Owning a
home is the American Dream. But if your
deed is on record with the City, it’s also on
the web. Filing a false deed is surprisingly
easy. (With some help from my office, a
reporter filed a false deed on the Empire
State Building!). You can sign up with the
Department of Finance to receive an e-mail
whenever any document is put on record
against your property.
If you are having trouble paying your
mortgage, scammers may contact you to
offer a loan modification, a payment plan
approved by your lender that reduces your
monthly mortgage payment. Don’t pay fees
in advance—it’s against the law. You only
have to pay for a loan modification AFTER
the modification has been approved. You
can also take advantage of any number of
government-funded, free services.
If someone tries to “rescue” you from
foreclosure, it’s usually a deed scam disguised as a refinance wherein the con artist
will require you to transfer title to your
home. Refinancing does not involve signing over your deed. Refinancing means
YOU working with the bank either to renegotiate the terms of the mortgage or to get a
new mortgage. If you sign a deed, you are,
in effect, selling your house and divesting
yourself of ownership of your home.
Getting Help and More Information: For
information on each of the items I’ve
described—and on many other frauds—or
to make a complaint if you have been a victim, contact my Action Center at (718)2502340. If the matter appears to be criminal,
the Center will refer it to the appropriate
bureau in my office for further investigation and possible prosecution.
My office has prosecuted numerous
cases of consumer frauds, but first and
foremost we work hard to prevent crime
in the first place. Be informed, be vigilant, and be safe. Don’t be a victim.l
New York City Family
Justice Center
350 Jay Street, 15th Floor
Brooklyn, New York 11201
The following is a list of services available at the New York City Family
Justice Center in Brooklyn (BKFJC). All information is kept confidential;
however, those services marked with an asterisk (*) are mandated
reporters of child abuse and/or neglect, and are required to report
suspected child abuse and/or neglect to the proper authorities. The BKFJC
is an initiative of the Mayor's Office to Combat Domestic Violence in
partnership with the King's County District Attorney's Office.
Case Managers*
Police *
Probation *
The District Attorney's Office (DA) *
Therapeutic Counseling *
Elder Abuse Services *
Legal Information on Family Matters,
Immigration & Divorce
Self-Sufficiency Services
Interfaith Spiritual Caregivers
Children's Services *
In an emergency call 911; for general questions about domestic
violence services, please call the NYC 24-hour domestic violence
hotline 1-800-621-HOPE or 311
Five Steps to Help
Improve Financial and
Physical Health
lans to improve health and finances
are among the most common resolutions Americans make each year.
Both are worthy goals, but did you know
that improving your financial health may
boost your physical health as well?
"Money problems are a well-known
cause of stress, and the negative impact
that stress has on one's physical health is
Demmissie, a managing director of
investment products and retirement. "It
makes sense that relieving stress through
better financial planning, among other
remedies, can help contribute to better
physical health."
In fact, a retirement survey indicated
that taking care of at least one important
financial task — retirement planning —
may help alleviate stress, both today and
in the future. Women who started saving
for retirement before their 30th birthday
and contributed regularly to retirement
savings reported feeling less anxious,
frustrated or regretful, and more positive
and satisfied about retirement compared
to those women who waited to begin saving for retirement or who didn't regularly
contribute to their retirement savings.
Fortunately, the steps for improving
your financial health and physical health
resemble each other. Whether your goal is
to increase your retirement savings or the
hours you spend exercising, these five
steps can set you on the right path:
1. Set a goal
It's important to define your objective. Be
as detailed as possible in painting a vision
for your future — one that includes the
accomplishment of your specific goal.
Remember to place direct needs first.
2. Create a budget
A budget is the foundation for any solid
financial goal. Track your monthly
income and expenses, both the "needs"
and "wants," and plan accordingly. You
need to understand how you are already
spending your money and how much you
need to save to help achieve your goal.
3. Establish a savings plan
Prioritize where you allocate your money.
First, it's a good idea to pay down highinterest debt such as credit cards. Next,
consider establishing an emergency sav-
ings fund with enough cash reserve to
cover at least six months of living
expenses. Third, if possible, maximize
your retirement savings by contributing
the maximum amount allowed by the
IRS. If you can't contribute the maximum, remember that no amount is too
small. If your employer offers a 401(k)
match, try to take advantage of it.
Remember to use easy "set it and forget
it" strategies like auto-investing into your
401(k) and IRA and saving regularly will
not be a burden.
4. Develop an investment plan
After you've established a budget and created a savings plan, it's important to make
smart investment decisions with your
remaining finances. Work with a professional to help evaluate important factors
like risk tolerance, tax status, time horizon, etc. Make sure your investment plan
aligns with both your short-term and
long-term needs. If you have five years or
less to reach your goal, you may need to
find more liquid investment opportunities. If you have 10 years or longer to
reach your goal, you may have more
investment flexibility. If you prefer to do
this last step independently there are
many easy-to-use tools that can help you
assess your risk tolerance and investment
5. Get educated about money
Money isn't the only thing you need to
invest in order to improve your financial
health. You'll also need to invest time to
fully understand your personal financial
situation and the options available to help
you achieve your financial goals. Take
advantage of free savings and planning
tools on financial websites which offers
investors access to free resources like
retirement calculators and portfolio planners, as well as information on how to
make financial decisions that can help
you pursue your financial goals.
"Just as it's never too late to take steps
to improve your physical well-being, it's
never too late to start saving for retirement," Demmissie says. "Taking steps to
improve your financial health can help
relieve stress now and help you feel more
confident about your plan for the
The Economic Case for Commonsense
Immigration Reform
merica’s immigration system is
broken. Too many employers game
the system by hiring undocumented workers and there are 11 million people
living in the shadows. Neither is good for
the economy or the country. We must come
together on a plan that requires responsibility from everyone —both from the workers
who came here illegally and those who hire
them—and guarantees that everyone is
playing by the same rules.
Together we can build a fair, effective
and commonsense immigration system that
strengthens our economy and the middle
class. As the President has made clear, any
effort must include continuing to strengthen border security, creating an earned path
to citizenship, holding employers accountable, and streamlining legal immigration.
Folks on both side of the aisle agree that
we need to work together to bring millions
of undocumented individuals out of the
shadow economy and provide U.S. businesses with a stronger, legal workforce so
we can better compete in the 21st century
global economy.
It’s clear commonsense immigration
reform is good for the economy as a whole.
Don’t take our word for it — study after
study has shown that commonsense immigration reform will strengthen the econo-
my, spur innovation and
increase U.S. trade and
Here are just a few
studies that make the
economic case for commonsense immigration
•Fixing our broken immigration system would
increase America’s GDP.
In 2006, the nonpartisan
Congressional Budget
Office found that immigration reform would
between 0.8 percent and
1.3 percent from 2012 to
2016. More small businesses means more
jobs, and we’ll also see a boost in demand
for local goods.
•Immigrants start small businesses.
According to the Partnership for a New
American Economy, immigrants are more
than twice as likely to start a business in the
United States as non-immigrants, and in
2011, immigrants started 28 percent of all
new businesses while only accounting for
13 percent of the U.S. population.
for American workers. According to the
Fiscal Policy Institute, small businesses
owned by immigrants employed an estimated 4.7 million people in 2007, and
these small businesses generated more than
$776 billion in revenue annually.
•Immigrants boost demand for local consumer goods. According to the 2010
American Community Survey, immigrants
earned a total of $1.1 trillion, and the
Immigration Policy Center estimates that
the purchasing power of Latinos and
Asians, many of whom are immigrants,
alone will reach $1.5 trillion and $775 bil-
lion, respectively, by 2015.
It’s also worth noting that more than 40
percent of Fortune 500 companies were
founded by immigrants or a child of immigrants. According to the Partnership for a
New American Economy, these companies
employ more than 10 million people
worldwide and generate annual revenue of
$4.2 trillion.
We also need to make sure we attract and
retain the best and brightest students from
around the world to help ensure the next
great breakthroughs in technology and
medicine are developed right here in the
United States.
• Immigrants innovate as scientists and
engineers. According to the National
Survey of College Graduates, immigrants
represent slightly under 14 percent of the
resident working population holding a
bachelor’s degree or higher, but among this
group they represent 29 percent of scientists. They also represent 50 percent of
PhDs working in math and computer science occupations and 57 percent of PhDs
working in engineering occupations.
•Immigrants develop cutting-edge technologies and companies. According to a
paper from the National Bureau of
Economic Research, immigration was
responsible for one third of the explosive
•Immigrant-owned businesses create jobs
continued on next page
uHealth Care (RN/OT/PT/TSHH/SLP’S
& IT Cases)
uExtension of Status & Visa Renewals
uWork Authorization
uH-IB Professional Workers
uF-1 Students
uJ-1 Exchange Visitor Trainees
uO-1 Extraordinary Ability
uR-1 Religious Workers
uU.S. Citizenship
uFamily-sponsored Permanent Residence
uGreen Cards/Labor Certification (RIR)
uImmigration Visa Petitions:Employment Based
uTemporary Work Visas
uNaturalization Derivative Petitions
uLabor Certifications
uApplication for Asylum
uPetitions for Writ of Habeas Corpus
uAppeals to the Board of Immigration Appeals
uLawsuits involving Eligibility and Processing for
CALL 718-834-0190
26 Court Street, Suite 701
Brooklyn, NY 11242
Visit our website at:
BROOKLYN: 26 Court Street, Suite 701. Tel: 718-834-0190
This institution is an equal opportunity provider
n 1105 Nostrand Avenue. Tel: 718-363-7788
The President’s Economic
Plan... continued from page 1
jobs–that must be the North Star that
guides our efforts."
Although economics has long been
called "the dismal science," it is more
appropriately viewed as a "hopeful science." The right mix of economic policies
and leadership can help a country to recover from a deep recession and point to the
investments and reforms that will build a
stronger, more stable, and more prosperous
economy that works for the middle class.
Conversely, government dysfunction or
misguided fiscal policy can cause selfinflicted wounds to the economy. This
year's Economic Report of the President
highlights the progress that has been made
in recovering from the deepest recession
since the Great Depression, together with
the policies that the Obama Administration
is advancing to address the fundamental
imbalances and threats that have built up
for decades and that have created severe
stress on the middle class and those striving to get into the middle class.
This Report reviews the progress of the
ongoing economic recovery during 2012
and highlights the main goals of the
President's economic agenda. These goals
include strengthening the foundations of
economic growth by investing in education, research, and infrastructure, and by
fixing a broken immigration system
reform; ensuring fairness for the middle
class by reforming the tax code and health
insurance system; and bolstering the econ-
The Economic Case...
continued from previous page
growth in patenting per capita in the 1990s,
and these innovations contributed to
increasing U.S GDP by 2.4 percent.
According to the National Venture Capital
Association, immigrants have started 25
percent of public U.S. companies that were
backed by venture capital investors. This
list includes Google, eBay, Yahoo!, Sun
Microsystems, and Intel.
omy's resilience to future challenges by
addressing the dangers of climate change,
moving toward energy independence, pursuing a balanced approach to deficit reduction, adding safeguards to the financial system, opening up new markets for U.S.
exports, and equipping American workers
to compete in the global economy.
Finally, given the importance of economic data in driving economic policy and in
helping households and businesses to make
sound decisions, this year's Economic
Report of the President continues the tradition of highlighting areas where economic
data have improved or could improve further.l
To read the entire
•Immigrant scientist and engineers positively impact wages. According to a study
at the University of California — Davis, a
1 percent increase in the share of foreign
scientist and engineers in the U.S. workforce would increase the wages of native
college-educated workers by 4 to 6 percent,
and have no significant effect on the wages
and employment of native non-collegeeducated workers.
We can also boost our exports to help
ensure America continues to build things
the rest of the world buys by improving
infrastructure and staffing at ports of entry
in order to facilitate more efficient and
secure trade.
•Fixing our broken immigration system is
critical to bilateral trade and U.S. exports.
Investments to strengthen the border and
facilitate more efficient trade with both
Mexico and Canada will strengthen the
U.S. economy. Canada and Mexico are our
first and third trading partners in the world,
respectively, together accounting for nearly
one-third of U.S. exports in 2012, and more
than $3 billion two-way trade per day in
2012. An increase in exports means more
jobs right here in the US.
We can also reform the tourist visa
process by strengthening international law
enforcement cooperation and facilitating
more efficient travel. That means more
tourists are renting cars, staying in hotels,
eating at restaurants, and spending money
in the U.S.
•Fixing our broken immigration system
will help increase international travel and
tourism to America. Travel and tourism
represent the largest service-export industry in the U.S., setting a record $168.1 billion in exports in 2012 and supporting 7.7
million jobs in the third quarter 2012. The
economic impact and importance of travel
and tourism will continue to grow in the
coming years as emerging economies
around the world experience an increase in
their vacationing middle classes. China,
Brazil, and India alone represent approximately 40 percent of the world’s population and by 2017 the number of travelers
from those countries is expected to
increase by 259 percent, 83 percent, and 47
percent, respectively.
As you can see there’s a strong economic case for commonsense immigration
reform. We’re pleased with the progress
being made on Capitol Hill — it’s time to
finish the job.l
For more immigration
7 Common Small Business Tax Misperceptions
ne of the biggest hurdles you'll face
in running your own business is
staying on top of your numerous
obligations to federal, state, and local tax
agencies. Tax codes seem to be in a constant
state of flux making the Internal Revenue
Code barely understandable to most people.
The old legal saying that "ignorance of the
law is no excuse" is perhaps most often
applied in tax settings and it is safe to
assume that a tax auditor presenting an
assessment of additional taxes, penalties,
and interest will not look kindly on an "I
didn't know I was required to do that"
claim. On the flip side, it is surprising how
many small businesses actually overpay
their taxes, neglecting to take deductions
they're legally entitled to that can help them
lower their tax bill.
Preparing your taxes and strategizing as to
how to keep more of your hard-earned dollars in your pocket becomes increasingly
difficult with each passing year. Your best
course of action to save time, frustration,
money, and an auditor knocking on your
door, is to have a professional accountant
handle your taxes.
Tax professionals have years of experience with tax preparation, religiously attend
tax seminars, read scores of journals, magazines, and monthly tax tips, among other
things, to correctly interpret the changing
tax code.
When it comes to tax planning for small
businesses, the complexity of tax law generates a lot of folklore and misinformation
that also leads to costly mistakes. With that
in mind, here is a look at some of the more
common small business tax misperceptions.
1. All Start-Up Costs Are Immediately
Business start-up costs refer to expenses
incurred before you actually begin operating your business. Business start-up costs
include both start up and organizational
costs and vary depending on the type of
business. Examples of these types of costs
include advertising, travel, surveys, and
training. These start up and organizational
costs are generally called capital expenditures.
Costs for a particular asset (such as
machinery or office equipment) are recovered through depreciation or Section 179
expensing. When you start a business, you
can elect to deduct or amortize certain business start-up costs.
For tax years beginning in 2010, you can
elect to deduct up to $10,000 of business
start-up costs paid or incurred after 2009.
The $10,000 deduction is reduced (but not
below zero) by the amount such start-up
costs exceed $60,000. Any remaining costs
must be amortized.
2. Overpaying The IRS Makes You
"Audit Proof"
The IRS doesn't care if you pay the right
amount of taxes or overpay your taxes.
They do care if you pay less than you owe
and you can't substantiate your deductions.
Even if you overpay in one area, the IRS
will still hit you with interest and penalties
if you underpay in another. It is never a
good idea to knowingly or unknowingly
overpay the IRS. The best way to "Audit
Proof" yourself is to properly document
your expenses and make sure you are getting good advice from your tax accountant.
3. Being incorporated enables you to take
more deductions
Self-employed individuals (sole proprietors
and S Corps) qualify for many of the same
deductions that incorporated businesses do,
and for many small businesses, being incorporated is an unnecessary expense and burden. Start-ups can spend thousands of dollars in legal and accounting fees to set up a
corporation, only to discover soon thereafter that they need to change their name or
move the company in a different direction.
In addition, plenty of small business owners
who incorporate don't make money for the
first few years and find themselves saddled
with minimum corporate tax payments and
no income.
4. The home office deduction is a red flag
for an audit
While it used to be a red flag, this is no
longer true--as long as you keep excellent
records that satisfy IRS requirements.
Because of the proliferation of home
offices, tax officials cannot possibly audit
all tax returns containing the home office
deduction. In other words, there is no need
to fear an audit just because you take the
home office deduction. A high deductionto-income ratio however, may raise a red
flag and lead to an audit.
5. If you don't take the home office
deduction, business expenses are not
You are still eligible to take deductions for
business supplies, business-related phone
bills, travel expenses, printing, wages paid
to employees or contract workers, depreciation of equipment used for your business,
and other expenses related to running a
home-based business, whether or not you
take the home office deduction.
6. Requesting an extension on your taxes
is an extension to pay taxes.
Extensions enable you to extend your filing
date only. Penalties and interest begin
accruing from the date your taxes are due.
7. Part-time business owners cannot set
up self-employed pensions
If you start up a company while you have a
salaried position complete with a 401K
plan, you can still set up a SEP-IRA for
your business and take the deduction.
A tax headache is only one mistake away,
be it a missed payment or filing deadline, an
improperly claimed deduction, or incomplete records and understanding how the tax
system works is beneficial to any business
owner, whether you run a small to medium
sized business or are a sole proprietor.
And, even if you delegate the tax preparation to someone else, you are still liable for
the accuracy of your tax returns. If you have
any questions, don't hesitate to give us a call
today. We're here to assist you.l
Protect Yourself from the Dirty Dozen Tax Scams
5. “Free Money” from the IRS & Tax
Scams Involving Social Security.
Beware of scammers who prey on people
with low income, the elderly and church
members around the country. Scammers
use flyers and ads with bogus promises of
refunds that don’t exist. The schemes target people who have little or no income
and normally don’t have to file a tax
return. In some cases, a victim may be
due a legitimate tax credit or refund but
scammers fraudulently inflate income or
use other false information to file a return
to obtain a larger refund. By the time people find out the IRS has rejected their
claim, the promoters are long gone.
he IRS’s annual ‘Dirty Dozen’ list
includes common tax scams that
often peak during the tax filing
season. The IRS recommends that taxpayers be aware so they can protect themselves against claims that sound too good
to be true. Taxpayers who buy into illegal
tax scams can end up facing significant
penalties and interest and even criminal
The tax scams that made the Dirty
Dozen list this filing season are:
1. Identity Theft. Tax fraud through the
use of identity theft tops this year’s Dirty
Dozen list. Combating identity theft and
refund fraud is a top priority for the IRS.
The IRS’s ID theft strategy focuses on
prevention, detection and victim assistance. During 2012, the IRS protected
$20 billion of fraudulent refunds, including those related to identity theft. This
compares to $14 billion in 2011.
Taxpayers who believe they are at risk of
identity theft due to lost or stolen personal information should immediately contact the IRS so the agency can take action
to secure their tax account. If you have
received a notice from the IRS, call the
phone number on the notice. You may
also call the IRS’s Identity Protection
Specialized Unit at 800-908-4490.
2. Phishing. Phishing typically involves
an unsolicited email or a fake website that
seems legitimate but lures victims into
providing personal and financial informa-
tion. Once scammers obtain that information, they can commit identity theft or
financial theft. The IRS does not initiate
contact with taxpayers by email to
request personal or financial information.
This includes any type of electronic communication, such as text messages and
social media channels. If you receive an
unsolicited email that appears to be from
the IRS, send it to
3. Return Preparer Fraud. Although
most return preparers are reputable and
provide good service, you should choose
carefully when hiring someone to prepare
your tax return. Only use a preparer who
Strategies to
Accelerate Revenue Growth
Goldman Sachs 10,000 Small Businesses Workshop
Wednesday, April 17, 2013
Time: 5:00pm to 7:00pm
Location: NACC Conference Room,
26 Court Street, Suite 701, Brooklyn, NY 11242
Experience an actual class of the Goldman Sachs 10,000 Small
Businesses program. Learn impactful strategies to develop the
mindset, tools and resources to accelerate growth within your
business. This exciting program is designed to give local small
business owners across the NY metropolitan
area resources to grow.
Space at this introductory program will be limited to the first 50 that meet the
following criteria:
n Must be the owner of business
n Business must have been in operation at least two years
n Business revenues must be between $150,000 and $4 million
n Business must have at least 4 employees
Registration is approved upon meeting the above criteria.
Non-members: $25.00
Light refreshments will
be served.
Must RSVP:
Tel: 718-722-9217
signs the return they prepare for you and
enters their IRS Preparer Tax
Identification Number (PTIN).
4. Hiding Income Offshore. One form
of tax evasion is hiding income in offshore accounts. This includes using debit
cards, credit cards or wire transfers to
access those funds. While there are legitimate reasons for maintaining financial
accounts abroad, there are reporting
requirements taxpayers need to fulfill.
Failing to comply can lead to penalties or
criminal prosecution. Visit for
more information on the Voluntary
Disclosure Program.
6. Impersonation of Charitable
Organizations. Following major disasters, it’s common for scam artists to
impersonate charities to get money or
personal information from well-intentioned people. They may even directly
contact disaster victims and claim to be
working for or on behalf of the IRS to
help the victims file casualty loss claims
and get tax refunds. Taxpayers need to be
sure they donate to recognized charities.
7. False/Inflated Income and Expenses.
Falsely claiming income you did not earn
or expenses you did not pay in order to
get larger refundable tax credits is tax
fraud. This includes false claims for the
Earned Income Tax Credit. In many cases
$50 Fee Tax
continued on the page 17
Federal & State
For Income less than
Audit Representation on Any Year Taxes
Year-round Tax Services
Figeroux & Associates
Tax Practice
Tel: 718-363-7788
1105 Nostrand Avenue, Brooklyn, NY 11225
To schedule an appointment online
Self-Employed? Learn What the
Affordable Care Act Means for You
Find Insurance Options Today
To find an insurance plan that meets your
needs today, check out the U.S.
Department of Health and Human Services
(HHS) insurance finder tool. By answering
just a few simple questions, you’ll be able
to locate health insurance plans in your
state and explore whether there are local
facilities in your area that provide free or
reduced-cost health care.
To learn more about health insurance
available to self-employed individuals,
any of the provisions of the
Affordable Care Act affect small
businesses differently depending
on their size. For self-employed individuals in particular, there are new options for
health coverage and other changes under
the health care law that will directly affect
you in the coming months.
New Options for Health Coverage
through the Affordable Insurance
Under the Affordable Care Act, selfemployed business owners now have more
options than ever to find affordable health
coverage. Beginning in January 2014, selfemployed individuals and other consumers
will be able to purchase their insurance
Marketplaces (also referred to as
Health insurance plans offered in these
new insurance Marketplaces will offer a
core package of benefits, known as “essential health benefits.” The plans may vary
according to the percentage of costs the
health plan covers, or “metal levels”: 60
percent for a bronze plan, 70 percent for a
silver plan, 80 percent for a gold plan, and
90 percent coverage for a platinum plan.
Issuers may offer catastrophic-only coverage, which includes free prevention and
several primary care visits, to young adults
among others.
Self-employed individuals may qualify
for premium tax credits and cost-sharing
reductions on a sliding scale, based on
income, to purchase coverage in the
Marketplace. Increased access to quality,
affordable health care will make it easier
for potential entrepreneurs to go out on
their own instead of staying at larger firms
simply because of "job lock” or the lack of
access to affordable insurance outside of
For more information on individual tax
credits offered through the Marketplaces
and to stay connected with the latest information visit
New Insurance Coverage Requirements:
Individual Shared Responsibility
The Individual Shared Responsibility provisions of the Affordable Care Act call for
each individual, beginning in 2014, to
•Basic health insurance coverage (known
as minimum essential coverage) for each
•Qualify for an exemption, or
•Make an Individual Shared Responsibility
payment when filing a federal income tax
return starting in 2015.
Minimum essential coverage includes
employer-sponsored coverage, coverage
purchased in the individual market,
Medicare, Medicaid coverage, Children's
Health Insurance Program (CHIP) coverage, veteran’s health coverage, TRICARE,
and others as identified by the U.S.
Department of Health and Human
Individuals will not have to make a payment under the Individual Shared
Responsibility provisions if:
•Coverage is unaffordable
•They spend less than three consecutive
months without coverage
•They qualify for an exemption for several other reasons, including hardship and
religious beliefs.
To learn what Individual Shared
Responsibility requirements and exemptions may apply to you, refer to this Fact
Sheet from the U.S. Department of
Treasury, as well as these helpful Q&As
from the Internal Revenue Service, or
consult with your tax professional.
For more information about other provisions affecting self-employed business
owners under the Affordable Care Act, go
to l
Meredith K. Olafson is Senior Policy
Advisor for the U.S. Small Business
Administration where she oversees the
agency's education and outreach efforts
around health care and the Affordable Care
Protect Yourself from the Dirty Dozen Tax Scams
continued from page 15
Earned Income Tax Credit. In many cases
the taxpayer ends up repaying the refund,
including penalties and interest. In some
cases the taxpayer faces criminal prosecution. In one particular scam, taxpayers
file excessive claims for the fuel tax credit. Fraud involving the fuel tax credit is a
frivolous claim and can result in a penalty of $5,000.
8. False Form 1099 Refund Claims. In
this scam, the perpetrator files a fake
information return, such as a Form 1099OID, to justify a false refund claim.
9. Frivolous Arguments. Promoters of
frivolous schemes advise taxpayers to
make unreasonable and outlandish claims
to avoid paying the taxes they owe. These
are false arguments that the courts have
consistently thrown out. While taxpayers
have the right to contest their tax liabilities in court, no one has the right to disobey the law.
10. Falsely Claiming Zero Wages.
Filing a phony information return is an
illegal way to lower the amount of taxes
an individual owes. Typically, scammers
use a Form 4852 (Substitute Form W-2)
or a “corrected” Form 1099 to improperly reduce taxable income to zero. Filing
this type of return can result in a $5,000
11.Disguised Corporate Ownership.
Scammers improperly use third parties
form corporations that hide the true ownership of the business. They help dishonest individuals underreport income, claim
fake deductions and avoid filing tax
returns. They also facilitate money laundering and other financial crimes.
12. Misuse of Trusts. There are legitimate uses of trusts in tax and estate planning. But some questionable transactions
promise to reduce the amount of income
that is subject to tax, offer deductions for
personal expenses and reduced estate or
gift taxes. Such trusts rarely deliver the
promised tax benefits. They primarily
help avoid taxes and hide assets from
creditors, including the IRS. l
Source: IRS
June 20: Day of Opportunities for Entrepreneurs...
continued from page 1
invited to this one-day, business-to-business,
empowering and networking event.
Expo is produced in partnership with the
African-American Chamber of Commerce
The day starts off at 8:00am with a Welcome
VIP Breakfast where attendees can hear from,
meet and mingle with top business experts.
Space is limited and tickets cost $50.00.
June is Caribbean-American Heritage Month
as well as the Juneteenth commemoration
date, June 19, 1865. This Expo is a celebration
of multiculturalism, empowerment and
achievement which all minority communities
can be part of.
During the day, attendees will have the
opportunity to network with other businesses
and share information about their products
and services as well as attend FREE educational seminars and workshops. These include
a small business boot camp series, a full day
with top business authors and more. For registration and more information, please visit
We are making a special plea to youth to
attend. Parents, guardians and family members, please come with your daughter, son,
niece, nephew, granddaughter, grandson,
cousin, and neighbor’s kid(s). We need our
young people to plant the seed of entrepreneurship in our young people; to think as
employers, not employees. Too many of our
youth are unemployed, graduating from college with a degree and no hope for employment or gainful employment. There’s going to
be a special seminar, I’m Going to College to
Start a Business, Not Get a Job.
The day culminates with a Cocktail
Reception Awards. Tickets cost
$50.00 and can be purchased at
Success starts on Thursday, June
20, 2013. It’s one day, one location,
endless opportunities. What you will
learn is secrets and strategies for
success. You can and will realize
your entrepreneurial dreams, and
grow and take your business to new
heights. Don’t miss this opportunity.
Don’t miss out on this event.
at It’s FREE.
Sponsorship and exhibiting opportunities are still available. Call 718722-9217, ext 112.
Listen to the NACC Empowerment
Hour every Saturday at 2:00pm on for news
and updates.l
Five Questions to Ask Before You Tie the Knot
phrase you often hear in wedding
toasts: "I'm so lucky I'm marrying
my best friend." Now that you've
found the person you want to spend the
rest of your life with, make sure you protect each other by considering the bigger
financial picture.
According to Wedding Paper Divas, 47
percent of engaged couples spend
between one and nine hours per week
planning their weddings, but it's unlikely
that much of that time is spent planning
for life after the big day.
"Getting married is the perfect time to
take a fresh look at your entire financial
picture, including your insurance needs,"
says Doug Smith, a senior vice presidentoof an insurance company. "It's much
better to plan before the wedding so there
are no surprises later."
Have you thought about life after you
say "I do?"
When you get married, you may become
part of a dual-income household. When
this happens, you plan your future based
on a new budget created by two incomes,
which brings increased financial responsibility. Should something happen, surviving family members could struggle
without the right level of protection.
Your strategy: Make sure your spouse is
protected if one income is lost. Universal
life insurance provides insurance for your
entire life and builds a cash value. Term
life insurance provides affordable coverage for a set number of years. Some websites offer online calculators to help you
determine how much insurance you need.
As you begin to build a nest egg, you
have more assets to protect. A personal
umbrella policy provides extra protection
for you and your family against lawsuits
arising from personal injury or property
damage claims.
Here are five key insurance questions to
discuss with your spouse-to-be before
taking a walk down the aisle:
Where's my bling?
Chances are you spent a lot of time and
money picking out rings you'll love and
wear every day. But according to, one in 36 homes in the United
States will be broken into this year, so it's
important to make sure you have the right
insurance to cover your rings if they're
lost or stolen.
Your strategy: Have your rings
appraised to establish their value. Keep
your store receipts and take a picture of
the rings. Having pictures and documentation helps speed up the claims process if
you have to file a claim. Also, keep your
rings in a safe deposit box when you're
not wearing them.
Baby, can you drive my car?
Once you're married, your spouse generally will be covered on your auto insurance policy and vice versa. This could
mean opportunities for savings.
Your strategy: Once you become a twocar home, you may be eligible for a multicar discount. You should also consider
bundling your car insurance with your
homeowners and/or life insurance which
can result in even more savings.
Additionally, some insurance companies
offer a lower rate for married couples, so
talk to your insurance agent to find out if
this applies to your policy.
Have you protected the things that
make your house a home?
Are you planning to move into a new
home after the honeymoon? Whether or
not your living situation changes, make
sure your home and belongings are protected.
Your strategy: Consider what new
pieces will be added to your abode. If you
purchase new furniture, art pieces or any
other new belongings, it's a good idea to
make sure those items are covered in case
of theft, fire, or natural disaster.
You'll also want to make sure your
home insurance covers 100 percent of the
cost to rebuild your home if needed. "Do
your research," says Smith. "Some insurance companies cap their coverage at a
certain amount. That means you could
find yourself substantially underinsured,
even if you thought you were paying for
so-called 'replacement cost' insurance."
What do you need to do before plunging into a remodeling project?
Even if you're not purchasing a new
home, two people in a house means you
need more space, so you may be adding
on to your existing home. This can mean
workers doing potentially dangerous jobs
in the home.
Your strategy: When you hire a contractor, request a certificate of insurance to
confirm their liability and workers' compensation coverages. Review the certificate and your homeowners policy.
While it's important to plan for rain on
your wedding day and to make sure
everyone has a place card, it's even more
important to plan for what comes after the
moment you say "I do." Making the proper insurance and financial arrangements
will be a load off your mind if something
should arise.l(BPT)
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Are You Apologizing Right?
aying that you’re sorry after you
know you’ve done something wrong
is often not an easy task. You may
have a hard time finding the right words, or
be worried that the other person will reject
your gesture. Even if you’re anxious, the
worst thing you can do is just say a generic “I’m sorry” without any feeling or sincerity. A real apology needs to acknowledge and show real emotion. If you want to
extend an olive branch, here are some tips
for how to apologize and truly improve
your relationship.
1. Connect with the other person’s
Even if you’re upset with the person that
you’re apologizing to because he has also
done something wrong, take time to really
think about where he is coming from and
what his emotions are. When you can get a
handle on what the other person is feeling
you can begin to open yourself and have an
honest conversation. If you aren’t bothering to think about the other person’s feelings, he will be able to sense that and it will
probably be difficult to accept your apology.
2. Show your own emotions and remorse
Open up about why you understand your
actions or words hurt the other person and
show that you’re sorry with not only your
statements, but also your body language
and tone of voice. If you tell someone
you’re sorry in an angry or sarcastic tone,
they are naturally likely to take it the wrong
way. Use a soft tone of voice and open
body language to show that you are not in
a defensive stance. Be vulnerable, and talk
about what it means to you that the relationship gets back on track.
3. Understand the consequences of your
You can’t always expect someone to immediately forget that their pain ever happened
and for things to just “go back to normal.”
Depending on what you did, such as belittle or cheat on your partner, it may take
time for the wound to heal and trust to be
rebuilt. Tell the person you’re apologizing
to, that you understand the consequences
and will do what it takes to rebuild your
dynamic. This will show him that you’re
not just offering an empty apology and are
willing to put in work to really make things
Jennine Estes is a licensed marriage and
family counselor living in San Diego, CA.
She has appeared in both local and national media and specializes in all areas of
relationships; singlehood, dating issues,
conflicting couples, affairs, communication
struggles, etc. Visit her website at
One Beautiful
Date Night Look
etting ready for a date night can be
fun, but finding the perfect look can
be overwhelming. Going out today
can mean so many things — it's not just dinner and movie anymore, there is a style for
everything. Whether it's a cozy evening at
home with your sweetie, a big date night or a
night out on the town with your girlfriends,
you want a look that will wow everyone you
meet, especially that special someone.
Romantic night in: This natural look is all
about flawless skin, a fresh glow and lots of
lashes; the goal is to look like yourself, but
extra irresistible.
First, prep your skin with a primer and
sweep on foundation and concealer using the
right tools in the set. Then set with a loose
powder (applied with a full powder brush)
for an airbrushed finish. Next, contour and
shape cheekbonesa brush dipped in bronzer.
For a little glow, use the flat side of the brush
to apply an illuminating powder. Top with a
light blush on the apples of the cheeks.
To make eyes pop, apply a neutral-colored
shadow on the eyelid and just under the brow
bone, a darker brown shadow to define the
crease of the eye and a taupe shadow just
above the crease. Define brows with a brow
pencil to tame fly-aways. Line the upper lash
line and outer lash line with a soft black pencil, smudging away any harsh edges, and
apply lengthening mascara for a flirty fringe.
Finish off the look with a sweep of coral lipstick, using a detailed lip brush for extra
staying power. Add a dab of clear gloss just
in the middle for the illusion of added volume.(BPT)l
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Brooklyn Residents Called to Contribute to
Historic Cancer Research Effort
rooklyn, NY: Residents of
Brooklyn have an unprecedented
opportunity to participate in a historic study that is seeking the answers to
cancer. Five hundred Brooklyn residents
between the ages of 30 and 65 who have
never been diagnosed with cancer are
needed to participate in the third installment of the American Cancer Society’s
Cancer Prevention Study, otherwise known
as CPS-3. CPS-3 is a 300,000 person
national volunteer study that aims to identify factors that cause cancer through longterm survey data collection.
“Knowledge is power. CPS-3 provides
researchers the knowledge they need to
ensure a cancer free future,” explained
Laurie Vokes, interim regional vice president for the American Cancer Society of
Brooklyn. “By completing just one survey
every two years, Brooklyn residents can
make a tangible difference in the fight to
end cancer.”
The goal is to recruit 75 Community
Champions who will support CPS-3 grassroots promotional efforts and 500 study
participants in Brooklyn between March 19
and May 8. While the American Cancer
Society has been conducting these types of
studies for decades, their world-class
research department can only study new
and emerging cancer risks if members of
the community are willing to become
involved. The Society is working in partnership with Union Temple of Brooklyn,
New York Methodist Hospital and Long
Island University to make this possible.
To enroll in the study, individuals will go to
a local enrollment location and will be
asked to read and sign an informed consent
form; complete a brief survey, have their
waist circumference measured; and give a
small blood sample. The in-person enrollment process takes approximately 20 to 30
minutes to complete. At home, individuals will complete a comprehensive survey
packet that asks for information on
lifestyle, behavioral, and other factors
related to their health. Upon completion of
this process, the Society will continue to
send periodic follow-up surveys to update
participant information and annual
newsletters with study updates and results.
The initial and follow-up surveys completed at home will take an hour or less of time
to complete and are expected to be sent
every few years.
“Many individuals diagnosed with cancer
struggle to answer the question, ‘What
caused my cancer?’ In many cases, we
don’t know the answer,” said Alpa V. Patel,
Ph.D., principal investigator of CPS-3.
“CPS-3 will help us better understand what
factors cause cancer, and once we know
that, we can be better equipped to prevent
cancer.” Dr. Patel added, “Our previous
cancer prevention studies have been instrumental in helping us identify some of the
major factors that can affect cancer risk.
CPS-3 holds the best hope of identifying
new and emerging cancer risks, and we can
only do this if members of the community
are willing to become involved.”
Researchers will use the data from CPS3 to build on evidence from a series of
American Cancer Society studies that
began in the 1950s that collectively have
involved millions of volunteer participants.
The Hammond-Horn Study and previous
Cancer Prevention Studies (CPS-I, and
CPS-II) have played a major role in understanding cancer prevention and risk, and
have contributed significantly to the scientific basis and development of public
health guidelines and recommendations.
Those studies confirmed the link between
cigarette smoking and lung cancer, demonstrated the link between larger waist size
and increased death rates from cancer and
other causes, and showed the considerable
impact of air pollution on heart and lung
conditions. The current study, CPS-II,
began in 1982 and is still ongoing. But
changes in lifestyle and in the understanding of cancer in the more than two decades
since its launch make it important to begin
a new study.
The voluntary, long-term commitment by
participants is what will produce benefits
for decades to come. “Taking an hour or so
every few years to fill out a survey – and
potentially save someone from being diagnosed with cancer in the future - is a commitment that thousands of volunteer participants have already made. We're looking
for more like-minded individuals in
Brooklyn to join this effort that we know
will save lives and improve the outlook for
future generations,” said Dr. Patel.
For more information or to learn how to
become involved with CPS-3, visit
Buyer Beware:
Anti-Aging Products
A Special
istory has it that centuries ago,
explorer Ponce DeLeon searched in
vain for a Fountain of Youth. Even
today, consumers explore store shelves, sail
through a tide of TV and radio ads, and navigate the internet for an elixir to help them
maintain a lean, strong body and wrinklefree skin. Some modern marketers of pills
and sprays claim to have found a Fountain
of Youth in a substance called HGH —
Human Growth Hormone. But the Federal
Trade Commission (FTC), the nation’s consumer protection agency, says a closer look
at these non-prescription products suggests
that they may be nothing more than hype.
Human Growth Hormone is a substance
released by the pituitary gland that spurs
growth in children and adolescents. Studies
published in the New England Journal of
Medicine suggested that when injected,
HGH may provide some benefits. But these
studies dealt with HGH that is available
only with a doctor’s prescription. And even
the prescription form of HGH has not been
approved by the Food and Drug
Administration (FDA) for anti-aging uses.
Nevertheless, some marketers are trying
to capitalize on the studies by selling
“imposter” pills and sprays, claiming that
they provide the same benefits as prescription HGH. Some products claim to contain
actual HGH; others are advertised as HGH
“boosters” or “releasers” that promise to
to all faith-based
leaders to empower their
congregation and membership
from the IJLEF, Inc.,
a 501(c)(3) approved
organization offering
increase the body’s ability to make its own
HGH. Either way, FTC staff has seen no
reliable evidence to support the claim that
these “wannabe” products have the same
effect as prescription HGH.
In fact, the New England Journal of
Medicine published a follow-up editorial
about “imposter” HGH products in 2003,
warning, “If people are induced to buy a
‘human growth hormone releaser’ on the
basis of research published in the Journal,
they are being misled.” And for its part, the
FDA says it is unaware of any reliable evidence to support anti-aging claims for overthe-counter pills and sprays that supposedly
contain HGH. The agency has not approved
any such products for anti-aging or any
other purpose.
In short, products that claim some connection to HGH that are available without a
prescription at the corner drug store, online,
or through a telemarketer are long on promises and short on proof when it comes to
turning back the hands of time.
The FTC says exercise doubt, and check
it out with your health care provider, if you
are tempted to buy any over-the-counter
product that:
•claims to contain HGH or to boost the
body’s production of it;
•promises easy weight loss, an effortless
increase in muscle mass, or other “toogood-to-be-true” benefits; or
•touts itself as an “anti-aging” shortcut to
health and vitality. l
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My people are destroyed
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Hosea 4:6
A Forgotten Battleground: Women’s
Bodies and the Civil Rights Movement
very few years, my consistently
intrepid mother would experience
terrifying nightmares. When I was 7,
I asked her to tell me what monster was
frightening her so much that she stirred and
let out petrifying screams in her sleep.
“Mom, it’s just pretend,” I said. “It’s only
a dream.” As her breathing decelerated, and
she realized she was safe in her bed, my
mother turned to me and said: “Baby, it was
real. I wish it were only a dream. One day
I’ll tell you about the men who kicked me in
my stomach.”
Soon after, my mother explained to me
what was keeping her from sleeping soundly. I learned that she had been beaten, jailed
more than a dozen times, chased by dogs,
and hosed down by South Carolina police
during the civil rights movement.
While I grew up with the knowledge that
my family held deep roots in civil rights
activism, my mother’s stories about the origins of her horrific dreams chilled my
Among many other accounts, she spoke
about being kicked repeatedly in the area
surrounding her reproductive organs by
white men for sitting at a lunch counter.
Mom recalled the trauma of surviving
1968’s Orangeburg Massacre in her South
Carolina college community. That February
day, police opened fire on a crowd of people
the movement’s progress
through harassment and
intimidation. Moreover, she
insisted that routine acts of
aggression were seldom met
with accountability, which
led to a cavalier perpetuation
of this form of terror.
Through my mother’s
accounts and the stories my
father shared about his
cousin Joan Little, who
bravely defended herself and
Women at the 1963 civil rights march on Washington. Routine acts
of aggression against women civil rights protesters were seldom met slayed a white jailer who
tried to rape her, I learned
with accountability.
about the prevalence of vioprotesting segregation, killing three and
lence against black women leading up to
injuring 28 people—one of whom was a
and during the civil rights movement.
pregnant woman who miscarried as a result
While my mother’s experiences and
of the brutality.
Little’s obviously differ due to the fact that
According to my mother, black women’s
my mother was not sexually assaulted, the
bodies were often battlegrounds for oppocommon threads are that they both were vicnents of civil rights. She specified that while
tims of police cruelty and unchecked sysall demonstrators were in danger of being
temic violence fueled by a virulently racist
attacked, women were often specifically tarand sexist culture.
geted. She explained that the thugs (civilThrough family stories and Danielle L.
ians and so-called law enforcement officers)
McGuire’s groundbreaking text, At the Dark
who battered her and her female counterEnd of the Street: Black Women, Rape and
parts often exacerbated their attacks to
Resistance—A New History of the Civil
threaten black women’s dignity, and to
Rights Movement from Rosa Parks to the
spark the patriarchal ire of male protesters.
Rise of Black Power, I strengthened my
She implied that these white men used
knowledge about the significance of bearing
violence against black women as a tool to
witness and documenting stories about viobuttress their notions of racial and gender
lence against African American women.
superiority, to flaunt control, and to disrupt
McGuire’s book details how the “ritualis-
tic rape and intimidation” of black women
including Recy Taylor, Betty Jean Owens,
and Joan Little helped spark the civil rights
movement by mobilizing black communities, giving much-needed context to how
African American anti-rape activists and
organizers such as Rosa Parks and Ida B.
Wells inspired their communities to stand
up for black women’s bodily integrity.
I discovered At The Dark End of the Street
when I learned that Gloria Steinem was
inspired to start WMC’s Women Under
Siege as a result of its findings and Sonja
Hedgepeth and Rochelle Saidel’s anthology
Sexual Violence Against Jewish Women
During the Holocaust.
WMC’s Women Under Siege was created
in order to document how sexualized violence is used in conflict with the understanding that recording and analyzing sexualized violence may enable us to build
greater awareness about the causes of gender violence in conflict and prevent further
In an interview with the project’s director,
Lauren Wolfe, Steinem spoke about the
intrinsic link between sexualized violence
during the civil rights movement and the
Holocaust, and present-day sexualized violence in conflict. She said: "Documenting
the problem allows individual victims to
know they’re not alone or at fault, and
allows the institutions of society to create
continued on the next page
102-Year-Old's Voter's Letter
to Scalia on 'Racial Entitlement'
esiline Victor — the 102-year-old
whose determination to vote in the
most recent presidential election
despite hours long lines at her Miami
polling place earned her an invitation to
the State of the Union address — hasn't
retired from the national stage just yet.
Recently, the Huffington Post reports,
she penned a letter to Supreme Court
Justice Antonin Scalia, letting him know
that she was "shocked" about his labeling
the Voting Rights Act a "racial entitlement" during the Supreme Court's oral
arguments on a key provision of the law
last month.
"I would like to tell you about the struggles I faced in the last election," Victor
writes. And she's quick to point out that
the delays she faced had everything to do
with the very types of cuts to early voting
that Section 5 of the Voting Rights Act is
designed to block when they disadvantage
minority voters. Here's an excerpt:
When I heard what you said about the
Voting Rights Act being a “racial entitlement,” I was shocked. I thought you must
not know what’s happening in this country. After learning more this year from the
civil rights group, Advancement Project, I
know that just as there were for me, there
are barriers to voting for many people —
especially people who are black or brown.
I also know that the Voting Rights Act is a
way to protect the votes of communities
that still face these problems. I would like
to tell you about the struggles I faced in
the last election.
During the early voting period in Florida
last October, I went to my polling place
early in the morning. The line was already
very long, and wait times were as high as
six hours. I stood for three hours before I
started to get shaky on my feet, but no one
could assist me unless I made it to the
front of the line. In addition, there were no
poll workers available who
could help me in my native
Kreyòl language, despite
North Miami’s large Haitian
community. I was told to
come back later. I left. But I
was determined to vote, so I
tried again. On my second
visit that night, I was happy
when I finally cast my ballot. But I was also upset. In
this great nation why should
anybody have to stand in
line for hours, and make
two trips, to vote?
Not everybody persevered
as I did. I learned later that
hundreds of thousands of
voters in Florida gave up and went home
without voting, and that Black and Latino
voters were more likely to face those
shamefully long lines and wait times. One
reason was a new law that cut the early
voting period. Around the country, other
new laws were passed that made voting
harder in 2012 —but Section 5 of the
Voting Rights Act blocked many of them
before the election. Section 5 also helps
voters in other ways. In the five counties
in Florida that are covered, voting help in
Spanish and Kreyòl is required because of
their large Latino and Haitian populations.l
A Forgotten Battleground...
continued from previous page
remedies, from laws to education. Naming
sexualized violence as a weapon of war
makes it visible and subject to prosecution.
… By making clear that sexualized violence
is political and public, it breaches that wall.
It admits that sexualized violence can be
Today, Steinem’s assertion about the significance of reporting, recording, and bearing witness to sexualized violence deeply
resonates as targeted attacks against women
and girls are being utilized to assert cultural, sexual, and political domination in conflict zones worldwide from Syria to the
Disturbingly, decades after the civil rights
era, violence against women prevails in the
United States as some politicians perpetuate
rape culture by undermining the prevalence
and severity of sexualized violence with
shaming and stigmatizing pseudo-distinctions like “legitimate” and “forcible” rape.
While we have made some progress since
the civil rights movement, it is clear that stories about women of color, sexualized violence, and organized resistance are still
largely absent from our collective consciousness. This is why it is imperative that
we unearth and report stories about sexualized violence to reverse the erasure that has
occurred as a result of media, policy makers, and law enforcement institutions leaving narratives about violence against
women largely ignored or shrouded in
No one should have to experience what
my mother did for the sake of justice.l